#generational bruja
lizsaints · 2 months
Mercury as a divination tool…
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marcelinesghost13 · 2 months
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bendiciones444 · 3 months
nobody talks about creating your family tree and finding some incredibly evil people in your lineage
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undiscoveredgyrl1999 · 4 months
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New beginning are coming 🦋
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neonshift · 2 years
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The Inheritor
Your Heroic Tradition used to be a symbol to the masses, good or bad, but now they’re all but forgotten. You alone carry the torch, you alone control how it will be remembered. Let it fall to legend, revive as it was or bring it to the modern era?
Another Icon finished for one of the Worst Generation Playbooks! Art is still in progress, but the book with full written content is available for purchase (or download if you backed) on the Five Points itch store!
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A curse's main power is that you believed you're cursed. If you ward and protect regularly, you'll be all set.
However, generational curses are stored in our DNA & need to be dealt with. Shadow work and heal your Ancestors.
Big Love! Rah
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honoring your ancestors is all good and well, but sometimes you’ve gotta curse them out. sometimes you gotta look them in the framed picture eyes and let them know how much they let you down. how betrayed and abandoned you feel because of them and ignorant cousins who perpetuate genocide and brown nose the white man (blood quantum is BULLSHIT) how much you fucking hate their guts JUST as much as you love them. what cowards, deserters and traitors a good handful of ancestors were JUST as goofy and integrity-less as a bunch of these absolute clowns out there. i love my heritage, i love my people, and i love my ancestors, but DAMN i hate my ancestors for this just as much as i have love for them. and no, i am NOT a disgrace for saying that, call me one and you will die.
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wolven-maw · 7 months
you know you worked at a weird job when you find yourself thinking "I really wish I could meet that witch that came into the shop one day again"
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cnidarian-tidalwave · 9 months
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r3v3rsid3 · 1 year
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[•] penúltima cena _
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lizsaints · 9 months
Saw a shooting star this morning.
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patovaleria1 · 2 years
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marcelinesghost13 · 2 months
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celestialprincesse · 5 months
whilst I'm hyperfixating on dolls, thinking about protective childhood best friend Gaz💕🎀
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His feelings had started off strictly platonic, protective over the quiet girl next door, who barely spoke up in class, and was generally an outcast due to her being perceived as 'weird' for enjoying picking flowers as to playing sports, and trawling antique shops instead of partying.
As you'd grown up alongside each other, that sentiment had only strengthened. He still so vividly remembers the day he came home to you sat on his porch step, a broken doll, a Blythe that you'd spent hours customising with such love, broken to bits. He'd obviously done the rational thing - spent weeks working in his dad's garage to fix her up, getting his mum to help him sew her teeny tiny dress back up, even asking around the pharmacy for if they sold 'those stick on eyelashes', to the amusement of most of the Boots staff.
To this day, he credits your prompting, and his mums patience for his emergency suturing skills. And Blythe, of course.
He's since made a habit of contributing to your collection, somehow acquiring originals from the seventies still in their boxes, or buying customs that you're sure sell for copious amounts of money. He wasn't there to protect you and your precious doll once, so he'll be sure to make up for it every day since. There's no weirdness about it either. To him, it's cute.
However, when you'd started dating...
Of course, he still had no problem with the collection of little you's on various shelves throughout the house. Save for the bedroom Blythe, lingering on the dresser like some freaky, big headed little guardian angel, who he's convinced is sending him bad juju every time he tries to get nasty with you. Her creator. Mary Shelley type shit.
It becomes second nature for him to turn her around as soon as the two of you go stumbling into the bedroom.
And he begs you to put her in the closet when you go to sleep.
Turns out your SAS boyfriend who's been supporting your collection for years is fucking scared of dolls.
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Kyle 'gaz' 'bad Blythe bruja' Garrick
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undiscoveredgyrl1999 · 2 months
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girls can love girls too as a friend or love! 💕
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iheartmapi · 1 month
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My Kink Is Karma
(Yes I shamelessly stole the tile from Chappell, anyways first time writing for Alexia!)
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Alexia Putellas x reader
Summary: You’re in Real Madrid, so it’s no surprise that you and Alexia despise each other. Your club is playing a match against Barça which ends in Real winning, afterwards you and Alexia have an exchange of nasty words…Alexia subtly insults you in an interwiew which infuriates you, not too soon later when you’re at a club with your teammates it just so happens that Alexia’s there too…
Enemies with benefits. (But not really)
TW: heavy making out, grinding (kind of), alcohol consumption, crude language.
Word summary: 2,924
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“Wishing you the best, in the worst way.”
Hundreds of laughters and cheering filled your ears…you and your teammates were all smiling ear to ear, the reason was simple, you just got done with a match against Barça, and won, you were bursting from happiness, but knowing how mad and disappointed your long time enemy must be right now also rubbed off on you positively.
In fact you were quick to look across the pitch, searching for Alexia. Seeing her mad or down on her luck in general was a massive treat for your ego, and there she was…”La Reina”, you scoffed inside your mind as you thought of the nickname, in your eyes that woman was far away from a queen. She was so far away from where you were, but you could feel the rage heating up inside her from your place already. You grinned, as you saw Alexia glance at you as well, she then turned back to her teammates, telling them something, from her body language it seemed like she was complaining, but who cares?
Well, this was finished, time to get back to your locker rooms. You walked alongside your teammates gleefully, chatting with each other about the match. You entered the locker room…chatters and loud voices filled the room, most refreshed themselves a bit, splashing some cold water, washing their hands and etc.
After talking with your teammates you went to your locker…you pulled out your phone having to check something, mostly messages from close friends and family members questioning how you were..you grabbed your duffel bag, phone in hand as you headed out with the rest of the girls, at that moment you felt buzzing, surely it was a call from your mother. You told the girls you’d catch up with them and that you just had to answer…
It was a typical casual conversation, just your mom congratulating you..the typical motherly worry about how you’re doing…that kind of stuff.
You finally hanged up, having said bye to her, the corridor was empty, just as you turned your head in the exits direction you suddenly heard a scoff behind you, you turned back, and as your brain took in who it was a scowl immediately befall your lips. It was Alexia, looking uptight as ever.
“What do you want?” You snarled at the blonde woman “Me? Oh I just wanted to congratulate you on your win” she chuckled bitterly, you shook your head in disdain, noticing how Alexia was inching closer to you. “Honestly Putellas, you can take your congratulations and shove it up your ass” you chided, she frowned at the remark “So considerate of you, are you really that pretentious that you can’t take a simple damn congrats?” You raised your eyebrow at how she was trying to play this off “Like you’d ever want to congratulate me out of the goodness of your heart…I know damn well you’re probably trying to curse me or something”
Alexia was now at an arm’s length, it seemed like she got even more mad at that “Are you calling me a witch?” She asked with an eerie mad calmness in her voice, “Perhaps, I think it’s fitting, I’d change it to ‘la bruja’ instead” Alexia’s brows furrowed, she crossed her arms “Why do you have to act like such a little bitch all the time?” You scoffed at the sudden intensity of her words “I’m not being a little bitch” you argued, “Yes you are, you’re a goddamn brat, a child, I have no idea how you even got into Real Madrid in the first place, I guess they just take the first buffoons they can find-“ you cut in “Don’t you dare call me that! I swear to God someday I’ll…” Alexia looked down at you “Someday you’ll? Can’t even finish your sentence? You’re pathetic” she retaliated, “Look in the mirror before you start calling me names! Do you have no self respect?” You snapped back, Alexia leaned against the corridors wall “I’m sure I know way more about self respect than you do…who knows just what you guys get up to” she scowled at you, now…was she trying to suggest what you think? “You sound very intrested, don’t you think that’s a bit weird?” For a second you swear you saw a light rosy colour dust Alexia’s cheeks, but soon that damned scowl came back onto her face “No.” She simply stated “Quit the remarks, Y/n” she then added, “You started it” you just raised your shoulders, clearly she couldn’t find anything to say anymore, the rosy colour came back onto her face, now staying there “You’re amusing, you know that? And I don’t mean it in a positive way” you rolled your eyes “Whatever you say, I don’t have time for this Alexia” and that’s how you ended the conversation abruptly before storming towards the exit, when Alexia was nowhere in sight anymore you started fuming, just who the hell did that women think she was? And what was it with that peculiar remark about what you “got up to”? Oh, who the hell cares…you weren’t going to let her plague your mind now.
That same evening, you and the girls from your team decided to go out to celebrate your victory at a club, your group was sitting in a car on your way to the club, you were feeling much better now, more at ease, now having forgotten about the accident with Alexia from earlier, that blonde pest wasn’t going to haunt you when you were trying to have some fun…and that’s the mindset you had at the moment, carefree and happy…but nothing lasts forever.
Your team friend had poked your arm, wanting to show you something important. “You haven’t seen this?” She said as she pulled out her phone and typed something in, she then brought it to you so that you could see…a video started playing, it looked like an interview, but with who? That question was quickly answered as no one else but Alexia fucking Putellas appeared on the screen, you frowned…why was your friend showing you this? After all EVERYONE knew you and Alexia were like a cat and a dog, you despised each other and didn’t care to hide it.
“So Alexia tell us…what happened between you and Y/n Y/l/n after the match? We heard people tell us that some heated words were exchanged between the two of you”
You saw Alexia smile and chuckle
“Oh me and Y/n? I can assure you all that nothing bad happened, we talked, yes…but I’m sure it’s just the adrenaline from a won match that spoke through her at that moment…we all know how young people are”
And with that your teammate pulled her phone back, turning it off. She looked at you, wanting to hear your opinion on this…inside you were RAGING after hearing that stupid subtle jab at you. “So she called you irrational basically” your teammate said “Yeah I got that” you answered, and then gulped trying to keep your emotions in place, “I think she’s just annoyed she didn’t win…and now she’s trying to get at me…it’ll pass” you added with a put on smile, you still couldn’t believe she had the sheer audacity, what a bitter woman that blonde was.
Some time later, you’ve made it to the club, now your mindset was kind of cranky from watching that interview…like your happiness was some fruit that was left untouched for too long and started rotting, but the cause for your rotting was the devil incarnate herself…You guessed you were just going to try to drink your problem away and have some fun FINALLY at last.
Your team kind of split, some girls going onto the dance floor, some to drink, some to talk at a completely different part of the club…you sat at one of the lounge couches alongside some of your teammates that stayed there..you excused yourself, wanting to get a drink for yourself.
The exact moment you stood up…you spotted something weird, was that…no it couldn’t be, but it was! Barça! Here at the SAME club your team went to…this had to be a joke, because you’ve never experienced fate playing with you SO much like right now..you shook your head, you definitely needed alcohol to ease yourself from this.
You quite literally stormed away towards the bar…you sat down at one of the velvet stool chairs, telling the bartender what you wanted and sighing as you held your head in your hands, you felt your happiness falling into pieces, becoming ruins of what used to be so great..
You got your drink and started drinking your sorrows away..you felt as if anything could go to shit at any moment knowing Alexia was here. And even though it was very touché, the worst happened.
“So you’re following me, eh?”
You blinked, once, twice, thrice- that cursed voice…you turned your head to look at the “stranger” who just spoke to you, and of course it couldn’t be anyone but Alexia…You laughed, laughed in pure pity for yourself “If I wanted to stalk someone, it surely wouldn’t be you” you retorted, Alexia smirked at your passive aggressive tone “So cruel as always”
The two of you sat there, you didn’t even feel uncomfortable, you kind of accepted the fact that she was here…”What are you even doing here?” Alexia began, weirdly this time her tone seemed to have no malice behind it, and so you answered truthfully “Well WE were going to celebrate this win tonight…and uh, you?” Alexia drummed her fingers alongside the bars counters, “It’s my birthday today”
You were almost tempted to wish her a happy birthday, but then you were reminded that “oh yeah this is my enemy” so you just answered with a simple “Oh”
“Tell me something, Y/n” you were prepared for some mean joke about you or something else of that nature “Are you perhaps loosened up from the alcohol enough for…” Alexia paused for dramatic effect “dancing?” You looked at her curiously “Dancing? I’m afraid there’s no one for me to dance with” you answered, “I want you to dance with me, then” she wanted…what? Your eyes widened “What? Haha funny…” she was probably only teasing you “Nope, I mean it” she confirmed her true intentions “let’s dance” dancing with your enemy? It was like something taken out of some cheap enemies to lovers romance book “Seriously?” You continued, being baffled by her “For Christ’s sake Y/n, I don’t have all the time in the world for you to constantly ask me that” the blond grabbed your arm, not too tightly thankfully, and pulling you after her.
Was this a dream? If it was then it made no sense at all…here you were, about to dance with her out of all people? Alexia moved gracefully through the crowd, it was almost enchanting to watch as she passed through the clubbers to get to the dance floor…
When she finally found a spot she thought of as good enough she turned around to face you again.
The look on Alexia’s face was one you’ve never seen before…she seemed almost determined to achieve something, but you didn’t know what. You felt as if time froze around the two of you, then Alexia started moving, this side of her was so…shocking to see (at least to you) she was like a beautiful siren singing it’s haunting song trying to lure in sailors, and in this case, you were the sailor for sure. She had this grace to her moves, she wasn’t trashy, not kitschy and her dancing almost seemed theatrical..
You knew you couldn’t stand there like a stick the entire time…so even though you moved a bit awkwardly due to her sudden outburst you did it anyway.
You felt Alexia’s hands creeping onto your shoulders, she wanted to connect this “performance” with you, honestly? You felt like a teenage boy seeing a playboy magazine for the first time ever. Your hands went to her waist after a short thought process, it felt as if each and every one of your grey cells dissolved though.
This wasn’t your first rodeo, sure you’ve been with women before, you’ve hugged women, kissed them, did a lot of other stuff with them…so what was diffrent about Alexia? Why did she make you feel this way even though you hated her guts?
So many questions, and so little time to answer them. Alexia suddenly twirled you around pressing your back to her chest, your heartbeats were as fast as a racing car when you felt her warm breath on your neck, people could see, for fucks sake your teammates could see- but for some reason you didn’t care at all…
You raised your hands to where Alexia was resting her own on your shoulders, lacing them together, Alexia must’ve received this gesture as some kind of agreement, as you felt her lips suddenly grazing your neck and shoulder…but key word; grazing. Did she want you to burn up from being flustered?
Alexia leaned in towards your ear, whispering in a low voice “follow me” with that her hand left you completely, Alexia stepped away, looking behind herself to make sure you were indeed following her, and you were…it’s like she hypnotised you. The same you from earlier this day when the two of you argued in that corridor would’ve scoffed at even thinking about you and Alexia in an intimate setting…yet here you were.
Surely it was made clear to you that she was making you follow her to the restroom, one could definitely imagine what two people
going together to a restroom in a club meant, you only hoped that it was empty right now…
When you two reached the door, Alexia grasped your hand firmly again, she pulled you in, it was almost as if she was getting impatient…it's easy to guess that once inside, Alexia pulled you into one of the stalls.
She locked the door, the plus of these stalls was that they were at least the kind which walls went down all the way, from the celling to the floor, no gaps.
the lightning was dim, but you could see the intensity burning in Alexia's eyes like two big campfires..
Her hands flew to your face, precise fingers gripping your jaw. She tilted it slightly…there was an exchange of glances, slowly you felt the heat of the moment overtaking you completely, Alexia’s eyes crashed onto yours, but when using the word “crashed” one shouldn’t thinking of cars colliding onto one another…it was rather like two swans instead of cars. Her lips moved against yours, she tasted sweet, you could taste the remnants of some fruity drink unknown to you, as her hands were busy with holding your jaw, yours went to her shoulders, as your kissed as if your lips were two dancers..your hands eventually ended up moving down to her waist, caressing wherever you could in the moment
You pulled Alexia even closer to you, your bodies now touching, the need to have her close to you was beyond of your comprehension…her touch, lips, body, hands…everything, was like a soothing balm to whatever pain was deep inside you.
The blonde groaned into the kiss, your bodies now following the movement of your lips and moving against each other as well, arousal was rising higher and higher, eventually Alexia pulled away for a moment…catching her breath, you could see her lips looking bruised from the kissing, they were like fresh strawberries…”I need you” you whispered desperately..and so the two of you got back to it again. The air in this fun-sized cabin was getting hotter and hotter, Alexia’s hands started moving freely, she was combing them through your hair, and you gripped her hips like a vice..it was crazy, like nothing you’ve ever experienced before…just as you thought you were going to explode you felt her hands moving down your abdomen, the woman you hated was doing all of this to you, and you loved it.
The stall’s lock moved, first, you came out then Alexia behind you, thankfully there was no one else but the two of you in the restroom right now, the two of you came up to the mirrors, you splashed some cold water on your face whilst Alexia took care of refreshing herself on her own, your hair was a bit disheveled. A weird calming silence hanged between the two of you, only the sound of rustling and water could be heard, outside of the pumping bass that reached even the bathroom of course…
You stood in front of the mirror, you turned your head looking at Alexia who was trying to make her hair look presentable. You took a breath
“Happy birthday Alexia” you said in a calm voice
She turned to you, a tiny bit surprised before the smallest of smiles graced her face “Thanks”
It was kind of weird to talk to her now after the whole stall thing…”Uh..I’m sorry for insulting you…many times at that” you started, Alexia shook her head “Don’t worry Y/n, I’m sorry..for being an asshole so many times” you smiled at her apology
“So we’re good?” One last time, you had to ask her this and end this conversation
“Yeah, we’re good” Alexia answered simply
And so the two of you left the bathroom, you said bye to each other before going off in diffrent directions of the club. After all…you had to get back to your clubs.
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(Big thanks to @kshvue099 again)
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