#koushiros biological relatives
hikari-m · 5 months
"Yesterday was Ohigan, so I went to visit the cemetary."
"Yes. Now I can calmly say {with certainty} that, the parents I have now are 'my parents'.
... But my parents 'in {"Heaven"}' {'Tengoku'} 天国 are also important." {"Taisetsu des!"}
"...What's wrong? ...Gennai-san?... {Gennai}'s making such a {somber} face--"
"Oh, it must be about 'that'..." - Koushiro, before ending email with a long dialogue about the "meaning of being a Chosen Child", among other discussion on the "number of Chosen Children" '{that's expanding}' frequently within numbers of years
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koushirouizumi · 5 months
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{Me, reading more With the Light, reaching this page}
{Me, Sitting Back}
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"Koushiro's bio-logical father was a professor at {Uni}, and Koushiro's bio-logical mother was an Assistant {Professor}."
"...{Koushiro's biological father} was a university lecturer and genius mathematician." {Novel}
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taichi-x-koushiro · 1 year
Just Koushiro Izumi Things
Concept, or, an A.U. I Haven't Written Yet: One day, Koushiro just isn't responding to any of the Chosen who try to get in touch - including the 02 Chosen, who were currently heading the group in the Adventure Chosen's various absences. They begin to panic a bit, because a Situation is happening, and they Can't Get In Touch With Koushiro, The Only One Who May Have A Semblance of Whats Even Going On (Technologically) Here. Taichi tries to get to the bottom of what's going on, by attempting to find out where Koushiro is, trying to get in touch more directly - but Koushiro isn't even answering Koushiro's personal cell number. It's only after Koushiro's left for a couple days - and after Taichi finally gets back in touch with the Izumi household (Mrs. Izumi had answered calls from Taichi before, so Mrs. Izuzmi knows Taichi enough) that they finally find out what's going on - Koushiro took a days+-long trip to visit the cemetary where Koushiro's biological relatives are buried. (Koushiro does this every year, after all. Notably for ohigan.) But now the Situation is getting out of hand - and Koushiro is somewhere with bad cell reception - so Taichi's the one who has to go help pick Koushiro back up (and FAST). There's just one other problem - Koushiro hasn't actually told the Chosen about BEING an Adoptee yet.
#taishiro headcanon#taishirou headcanon#taichi x koushiro#koushiro headcanon#izumi family#izumi koushirou#taishiro roadtrip au#(Im Not HosodaTM Voice ' The original concept {for 'Bokura no War Game' was a road-trip type story ')#(Yeah I Wonder How Such A Road-Trip Type A.U. Would Work Out Here)#(Hey Whoa There's A Scenario rIGHT THERE)#(A.K.A.: A.U. ideas that will never leave my mind until one day they force me to write them but today is Not That Day)#(Also A.K.A.: GIVE KOUSHIRO SOME LEGITIMATE DOWNTIME + *RECOGNITION* FROM THE OTHERS T O E I)#(In Which Koushiro Izumi Is A Human Being Too)#(MIYAKO IDEK ' But Izumi senpai HAS TO COME BACK we can tRY to get into {enemy territory} but we NEED Guidanc--- ')#(KOUSHIRO IN MIND IF KOUSHIRO KNEW 'Im Sorry . I Was Visiting My {Deceased Biological Relatives I Told You Nothing About}')#(YAMATO ' CANT YOU JUST COME BACK ')#(Koushiro ' Yamato san I am {OVER 5+ HOURS AWAY} And that is {ONE Way.....} ')#(JOU ' I know we ran into you between there before but youre BACK THERE????? ')#(KOUSHIRO ' Its A Very Long Story {I Am Not Sure I Can Tell Right Now} ')#(This is also before they figure out how to warp using the gates ok dont @ me so itd be before 2010 canon timeline wise)#(Anyway I One Hundred Percent Maintain This Happens At Least One Year of Koushiros Life BESIDES just 2012 The Beginning Timeline)#(AKA BESIDES just ' oh Koushiros busy with work again!!1!1! ')#(This is still something I plan to work with F.Y.I. it just may take me Many Years for it to Form into Something Written)
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ahiddenpath · 3 years
You should do a Koushiro event! What kind of prompts would you do?
Oh geez. Well, I am considering it, but I would want to have it far later in the year- I just held a big event, and I need to give other people space for their great events! Maybe October? Koushiro feels like an autumnal guy to me. Is it the red hair???
I'll be honest, I'm not a big prompts gal- I find them restrictive instead of inspiring. But, I suppose if there's anyone I could think of stuff for...
Do prompts have to be single word? I'd love to see stories about Koushiro telling his Chosen friends about his adoption- he's never spoken about it to anyone but his parents onscreen, correct? I'd also really love to see content about his life outside of Chosen stuff. What is his friend group like? Does he have a bajillion internet friends who would drop anything to help him? And as the guy funding Chosen activities through his business (in Kizuna), how beloved must he be among the global Chosen?!?! I've also always wanted to see a story where another tech genius shows up, and Koushiro is shaken- is his role in the group in danger? But of course, everyone reassures him that they love him for him, not for his skills alone.
So, I guess if I try to strip that back to phrases:
-adoption/family (telling his friends about the adoption, visiting the graves of his biological parents, meeting his first ever biological relative when he has his daughter, etc)
-friends/life outside of the Chosen
-confidence/the Chosen love you for you/everyone loves Koushiro
-confiding (is Koushiro... EVER seen to share his personal struggles/feelings outside of Plot Stuff? GIMME)
-Casual (Koushiro tries to speak more casually to his friends- this is inspired by an official post/release about the Chosen's new year resolutions, I can't remember from where)
-Koushiro as the head of Chosen information/Koushiro's company
These are the first things that come to mind! I'd have to have a good think on it, though.
Thanks for your interest! In the meantime, please check out the cool events everyone is hosting soon! Does anyone else have any ideas? I know we have Koushiro Stans in the house.
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amethyst-geek · 3 years
Who I think would take whose family name in Digimon pt 1
Since 1 of my first posts was me sharing my headcannon that Yamato would be the one adoption Sora’s name, I decided to list some of the Digimon parings I ship who would adopt whose surname upon getting married. For some context, married couples in Japan are required to have the same surname and while it is much more common for the wife to be the 1 to adopt the husband’s surname, it is not unheard of for the husband to adopt the wife’s surname. To determine who would be taking whose surname, I will be asking myself the following questions:
1. Does the wife come from a prestigious family?
2. Is either half of the couple the last in their family line?
3. Do either of them have a career that would warrant keeping their surname (scientist, actor, etc)? I may need to rely on a head-cannons a bit for this one.
These r only some of the pairings I ship and I plan to discuss the other pairings in a different post. 
Mimi and Koushiro- Figuring out this one is a bit tricky compared to the others. While the 2020 anime version of Mimi come from a prestigious family, that doesn't seem to be the case in original anime (at least not to the same extent). According to the epilogue, both have careers that would make it logical to keep their names, with Izzy being a researcher while Mimi is either a nutritionist or a celebrity chef (who also apparently dabbles in fashion design according to Kizuna). However there is one factor that makes me lean toward Mimi being the one to adopt Izzy’s name (at least legally, I can still see her using her maiden name professionally)- As revealed in episode 38 of Digimon Adventure, Izzy’s biological parents died when he was a baby and his adoptive father was his bio dad’s last living relative while his bio mom did not have any family at all, so Izzy is almost certainly the last in his family line. Thus I think Mimi will adopt the Izumi name while still going by Tachikawa professionally. Or maybe Izzy will adopt the Tachikawa name and they’ll name their daughter Izumi. 
Takeru and Hikari- The Yagami family doesn’t seem to be particularly prestigious, and since Taichi is still around, he’s probably got the “carrying on the Yagami name” thing handled. Thus, Hikari being the one to adopt Takeru’s surname seems more likely then the reverse.
Xros Wars 
Taiki and Akari- Based on the typical reasons a man might adopt his wife's surname, there doesn't seem to be any reason for Taiki to be the one to take the Hinomoto name. Akari has 2 brothers, so he Hinomoto name probably wouldn't die out if Akari adopted the Kudo name. Taiki and Akari also seem to be relatively equal interns of social class. I’m not really sure what Akari would do for a living. While I sometimes head-cannon her as growing up to become a physchatrist, I also consistently head-cannon Taiki and Akari as getting married shortly after the latter graduates from college or sometimes even right after she finishes high school (either way she'd probably begin her career using the Kudo name). 
Kiriha and Nene- While Hunters showed that Nene became an idol singer and actress (two careers where it is common for women in said professions to keep their maiden names), Kiriha is implied in the show to be the last of the Aonuma family (if his backstory of being alone after the death of the parents is anything to go by). Thus, similar to Mimi and Izzy, I believe that if Kiriha and Nene were to get married, Nene would legally change to Aonuma so the Aonuma name doesn't die out, but continue going by Amano professionally (partly to avoid confusion, also because they initially want to keep their relationship a secret from the public as some fans can get pretty crazy when it comes to the love lives of celebrates. Look up how fans reacted to Mamoru Miyano announcing that he and his wife were having twins if you don't believe me). 
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imaginedigimon · 3 years
Sora and Koushiro half siblings angsty au (same dad different mom) hcs ? A friend of mine is making a story about it and i wonder what others can make with this concept.
Now THIS. THIS is interesting. I am intrigued (and totally tell me about it if your friend posts it somewhere).
Sora and Izzy Half-Siblings
Same dad, different moms, huh? That kinda works as a mashup of their canon backgrounds, actually--
So let's say that Izzy's parents still passed away from that--I wanna say car accident--accident and his aunt and uncle raised him (THAT WAS THE CANON BACKSTORY, RIGHT? I FEEL LIKE I'M GETTING THIS WRONG) so he's aware of the birth parents' existence
Now let's say Sora still lives with her mom but her father is completely out of the picture, which honestly fits anyway since it's not like he appeared more than the one time out of sheer coincidence
Perfection (sad, but perfect)
Something tells me Sora's mom doesn't really like talking about it (since Izzy is a year younger or something, it's obvious there was either divorce or a just never-married thing going on there), so Sora goes to Izzy for help to find out more about her dad
It's kind of the human condition, isn't it? We like to know where we came from. (Not everybody has that, but I've seen it a lot in media over the years.)
So Izzy does his master hacker thing, but the name he finds that Sora gives him (she may have done some snooping in her mom's things) looks familiar
He goes to his mom (slash foster mom, but she is MOM and I love her) and asks him, and she just gets this look on her face
Dad walks in, and he has to admit to Izzy that that's Izzy's biological father
Izzy connects the dots immediately and nearly faints
SPRINTS back to Sora and is like "WE. ARE. HALF-SIBLINGS."
They just kinda stare at each other. And then they have this really awkward sibling hug that Dipper and Mabel would be proud of
I'm not sure if anything about their relationship really changes outwardly, but they sort of have this silent understanding after that
Matt and T.K. have their thing, Tai and Kari have their thing, and now Sora and Izzy have their thing
The others wish they had this swag---
No but really it's very sweet to watch
I'm a little invested in this now.
Also, I looked it up, Izzy's dad was a distant relative of his biological father. I just kinda assumed aunt and uncle since they're usually the first ones in these types of stories to be asked to raise the baby.
So I was... not wrong, but not right, either XD
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hikari-m · 4 months
Digimon Adventure tri. (Japanese version) ~ Kōshirō Izumi {& bonus Jō Kido} + (Direct if Vague) Mention of {Koushiro}'s Biological line/relatives
(Narrator) is meanwhile Still {implied same/similar as Epilogue!Takeru}
"The SUMMER of 2001." {Pre '02!!} "Koushiro was {ON THE WAY to} (via Shinkansen) {visiting} Koushiro's {biological parents}' ["Ryōshin" is the term/word used for 'parents'; implying 'BOTH' 'parent's, which we know is Confirmed, thanks to information from the 3rd Adventure novel] {the Izumi}'s family GRAVE{s}..."
Japanese note: "Ryōshin" as a term is used elsewhere in the main Adventure series too. An example is in Episode 33's Japanese version, the episode with Pump{kin}mon and Got{t}sumon. In the beginning of that episode, Tsunomon verbally uses "Ryōshin" when informing Patamon about the current relationship state of Yamato and Takeru's parents {divorced}, (indirectly implying 'both' involved). Thus, it is not unusual the term 'Ryōshin' would apply in standard Japanese usage when being used for Koushiro's biological relatives.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{Digimon Adventure Episode 29} (Japanese Version) ~ Koushiro[u] Izumi + TIMELINE Notes +  Reacting to Events
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(Note: This cap is near-exact same style-wise to entryway above. Even the placement of the stand, things on wall, umbrella holder, etc. are the same. Even the rug is)
Just before they had moved to Odaiba, Koushiro had woken up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. His parents’ voices could be heard through the thin crack of the open door.
- (Credit to Onkei of Digital Scratch); Novel version
{The Novel indicates Koushiro’s flashback should have been Hikarigaoka, when Koushiro learnt about it.} [It is also possible Izumis simply brought all the furniture with them?] (But in that case, it wouldn’t have changed very much over those years, from the looks of it...)
“He was a distant relative of mine...” - Masami,
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“...And a genius mathematician.”
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(Note: According to the Novel, Koushiro’s biological mother was an assistant professor.) {Going by those details, it can be presumed they likely met through their professions.}
Koushiro’s real father, who was a distant relative of Masami Izumi, was a university lecturer and genius mathematician. His wife, Koushiro’s real mother, was an assistant professor, but despite having such a promising future, they died in a car accident almost right after Koushiro was born. Around the same time, the boy that had been born to the Izumi couple had died young from illness. When asked if they could take Koushiro, it was Yoshie who had accepted first.
- (Credit to Digital Scratch)
{The Novel also indicates, as said above, Mrs. Izumi had accepted first, despite Koushiro’s biological father being Masami’s distant relative}
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