#genocide for ts
While Americans are distracted watching the Super Bowl, Israel has chosen to begin bombing over a million Palestinians.
It’s timed too conveniently to be a coincidence.
There’s nothing we can do to stop this but please don’t be silent. Even if you’re watching the game, please use your voice to condemn genocide in this moment and afterwards.
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
I'm sure it's only a coincidence that a few days after Putin says Biden "needs to be undermined from the left" to help Trump win, noted Russian agent Jill Stein, who the Kremlin already extensively promoted in 2016 in the successful effort to hurt HRC, and who already endorsed fellow pro-Russian tankie Cornel West, jumps back into the 2024 race as the "Green Party candidate" talking about how "the two-party system has failed us."
For the love of fuck, let's not do this again.
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itsbansheebitch · 2 months
at the height of her career, the silence is deafening, and i have questions
listen, my sister has been a Swiftie for over a decade, BUT we both find it insane that she's at the height of her career and she can't find the time to publicly denounce the genocide in Palestine.
i KNOW we shouldn't depend on celebrities to get a message across, but we literally protest by the MILLIONS and no one listens.
the best time to speak up was yesterday. the second best time to speak up is today.
although i refuse to put that kind of faith in her specifically, i appreciate the other big names that have come forwards to call out the despicable actions that have been committed against the Palestinian people for 75 years. Colonialism is a disease.
i have to ask, if in a few decades from now, we will look back and see how she spoke over people who were condemning these events? will we even remember that someone even mentioned Gaza the night she announced her new album?
i have questions and i want answers
she doesn't owe anyone anything, of course, but all humans have SOME sort of moral code. Usually hearing "+30,000 deaths, including +15,000 children, in less than a year" is enough to get people asking questions at the very least. She hasn't even vague posted about it :/
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This is beyond sickening. You've had seven months to speak up, Taylor.
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anonymouse5 · 3 months
Swifties for Palestine, I’m thinking of not streaming TTPD the day of release as a way of getting Taylor Swift to speak out about the genocide and call for ceasefire
Please also do so, and reblog and share the idea?
@taylorswift “I’ve never heard silence quite this loud”
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britishchurail · 3 days
Dear Taylor
I’d like to preface by saying this is not intended as a hate message at all, rather I urge you to see where I’m coming from as someone who really genuinely loves your music.
To put it bluntly, there is a genocide going on right now in Palestine and while I and every other Palestine supporter condemn the violence and the killings on both sides, it is clear which side is being oppressed and needs support. Despite the lies the media may spin (which I know you could testify to yourself) there is so much proof as to who is being wronged that there is no excuse for not speaking up.
Taylor you’ve written so many amazing songs, you’ve written about love and heartbreak and death. You’ve written about betrayals, vengeance and success. The power you hold, along with your army of dedicated fans is unbelievable and they are ready to go to the ends of the earth for you. That’s why you, of all people cannot be silent on such a crucial matter.
The torture, the violation, the horror the Palestinians are facing is unfathomable. They have no rights, no food, no shelter. Young girls are being raped and abused. So many of them are children. So many of them are innocent children who have done nothing wrong except being born and they have no hopes for a bright future, no chance of fulfilling their dreams. Instead they live through every day wondering if it will be their last.
As human beings, as people, we cannot afford to stand by in silence while the Palestinians are being wiped out in masses. We cannot. We have to do the right thing, regardless of the consequences.
Yes, people will hate. Yes you might lose fans. But not only will you seal your place in the hearts of many more, when all this is over, one way or another, you won’t just be remembered for being an incredible songwriter. You will be remembered for siding with justice and taking a stand against oppression, and, at the end of the day, isn’t that what’s more important?
We love your music, but we also love the person behind them, the person who loves her fans and has shown herself to be a good person, who stands up for others and we need that Taylor more than ever now. As they say, ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ and you have so much power. Your words are able to move people and stir their hearts.
We urge you to use that power, to use your voice for what’s right because it will have an impact. Silence is not an option. Palestine needs you. Please lend your support to these people, these men, women and babies who are suffering through some of the worst atrocities ever.
Yours sincerely,
Your fans
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theseerbetweenus · 7 days
I can hear it in the silence...
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Wallah if the Zionists write a song about killing them like they did for Bella Hadid and Gigi Hadid among others (also remember that song was #1 in Israel for a few weeks) every single White 14-34 year old woman will start supporting Palestine
It happened with Kanye, it happened with Trump, Israel is next
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wretchedraymond45 · 1 year
i just finished playing ts!underswap and i wanna show you some of my favorite bits.
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look at them shcleeping........ like father like child
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KAFHJASDH FAF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333333 theyre jsut adorable okay
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i love burgerpants in general so seeing him here made me really happy, there also was an 11 minute skit about him in the extras and it was very fun .
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UGHHHHHH AND OFCOURSE THESE GUYS!!!!!!!!! first encountering them i got so excited, idk how to put into words how much I love them. they're just so wacky !?!?!? especially aaxel :) (iirc he puts literal grease in his hair ..he really lives up to the name of ''greasers'')
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blehh,,,,,,,,,,, silly,,,,,,,,,,
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i think this was one of my favorite bits, there were a few other calls you could get from pressing random numbers (including a call from papyrus) but this one I was not expecting !!!! fun,
ANYWAY ....I think that's it, I don't normally make post like this but I just wanted to show my appreciation ^_^ this game is just so GOOD and I recommend it (it is on gamejolt) !!!!!!!!
(yes ,,, i will make fanart OFC)
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bucksangel · 4 months
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thereaderinsertlady · 4 months
Does Count Koffin-K have Tumblr sexy man material?
YES A MILLION TIMES YES- me and Cotton were doodling the other day & drew him-- he is such. A little guyyy. He's so silly. I adore him.
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Some opinions from Swifties
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sneakyboymerlin · 2 years
Remember when I got into that string of fights a while back because people were exposing their lack of ethics with incredible takes like:
Uther’s persecution of magic was totally justified because magic is dangerous! It corrupts people!
Merlin had no reason to be afraid of Arthur, he was just being irrational! It’s not like thousands of lives were at stake here! He owed Arthur his private information about how Arthur has unwittingly traumatized him!
Simultaneously, there���s no way Arthur could have known that magic isn’t inherently evil because he’d ~never~ seen magic used for good (despite events going as far back as 1x04 or even 1x03)
Merlin withholding personal information from the people who were a constant threat to his life for being “born wrong” was morally repugnant! He should’ve exposed himself with the information his oppressors would kill him for, to give them a chance to change their minds! There’s totally no other way they could form different opinions!
Arthur deserved to know about Merlin’s magic, despite his condemnation of all things magic which threatened Merlin’s safety, because Arthur was kind or merciful in so many things except, noticeably, magic! Merlin should’ve trusted him!
Uther and Arthur are the REAL victims of the people who they oppress, so they have no choice but to slaughter thousands, children included!
Those were certainly times.
I remember saying at one point that if I knew someone was homophobic, I simply wouldn’t come out to them as gay, because they haven’t earned my trust in that regard. Anything they’ve done for me, they did while believing me to be straight. They likely wouldn’t treat me the same if they knew. Likewise, if a gay person had abused them at one point, it still wouldn’t give them the right to stereotype all gay people as abusive, or to support anti-gay campaigns. Homophobia has no justification. It’s just bigotry.
I said this multiple times, but every response was: “Well that’s different! Magic is actually dangerous!”
Here is what I said (paraphrased):
“If the potential dangers of magic were really the problem—and not just Uther’s excuse to justify banning it—then Uther could always just ban certain spells instead of committing genocide. Same with Arthur, really. But these characters wrongly believe that magic is inherently corrupt, because that worldview is easier to swallow than the hard truth.
“Criminalizing magic is like blaming massacres on all tools when they’re only performed with particular weapons: should whisks be considered a danger because some people murder with military grade assault rifles? Clearly, banning whisks doesn’t solve the problem. Likewise, when a sorcerer gets executed for using magic in the kitchen, Uther has effectively equated this harmless act to malicious crimes like murder. Was there ever a problem with magic itself, or does Uther perhaps have ulterior motives for banning it?
“If murder is already illegal, then banning murder by means of magic is unnecessary—all forms of murder, magical or not, are illegal by default. Making magic illegal does not prevent crimes that are already illegal; it only criminalizes innocent magic use, which means that people are prosecuted and found guilty for anything from using magic for chores to simply being loosely associated with a magical person.
“Uther’s laws helped no one but himself, because they weren’t designed to serve any other purpose. Nothing was accomplished, except that dehumanizing crimes such as trafficking and murder became legal as long as the victim had magic.”
To this, I was told that I “wasn’t understanding.”
What wasn’t I understanding? That people genuinely believe the ban on magic was okay? That they don’t have the slightest inkling of how oppression works, or how their justifications for hypothetical scenarios show their gullibility to real world bigotry? Why even bother defending a fictional character’s fictional genocide?
The ban on magic is ultimately a metaphor for the persecution of a marginalized religion (it’s literally called “The Old Religion”). To support Uther’s (and Arthur’s) claims that magic is inherently dangerous—despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary—is worrying at the least, considering the real life ramifications of fiction.
If you’re forsaking your morals to defend the inexcusable actions of a fictional character or two, then you value your entertainment more than real human lives. Likewise, you shouldn’t excuse any form of bigotry just because you like the person who is perpetuating it. If you can’t even stand by your supposed morals when it comes to fictional characters, there is no chance you will stand by them with real people. Most Arthur stans like him because they believe in his capacity for change, but this acknowledges that he is wrong and needs to change. The less like Uther he is, the better! My Gwaine-stanning is also reliant on him changing his views and accepting responsibility for them. We don’t get to make excuses for their unfair biases!
Merlin and other magical peoples are the victims of their oppressors, not the other way around. It really is that simple, and it pains me to see the hoops people will jump through to dismiss this.
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likeanageoldclassic · 3 months
no but why am i seeing SO many people tuning in for the eras tour release watch party on disney+? did y’all forget they’re literally supporting and FUNDING A GENOCIDE or do you just draw the line when it comes to your favorite artist????
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eighthdoctor · 10 months
Back when Sylvanas was still Warchief she would tell a blood elf pc that she still considered herself silvermoon's protector. Do you think she was lying?
I think she was telling the absolute truth. I think one of the keys to Sylvanas is that she's never really stopped fighting the Fall of Silvermoon.
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h0neyfreak · 3 months
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