#geology textbook
nemfrog · 13 days
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"Diagram showing the Pre-Cambrian succession in the region of the Great Lakes." Problems of American geology. 1915.
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artemistorm · 5 months
Why is reading sooooo boring? Why is my brain so averse to it? I went on a walk yesterday to hopefully wear myself out so that I could focus on school today but it isn't working. Argh aahhh grr
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i know that whenever im like "im gonna commit crimes" i add "for legal reasons this is A Joke" but like.... my favourite book that i have is stolen :)
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match-your-steps · 2 years
"Some animals that evolved in the East African rift valleys spread from there and learned to live in all of the varied landscapes of the planet. This was their first home, but they have since walked on the Moon." idk idk bro I wasn't expecting poetry in my geology textbook
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dianayao · 3 months
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whats-in-a-sentence · 4 months
Four series occur naturally, and ²³⁸U is at the head of the one shown in figure 27.13. (...) In geological dating, a pair of isotopes is sought that are related as a 'parent' to a 'daughter' in a radioactive disintegration series, such as the ²³⁸92U series (figure 27.13).
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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cerbreus · 2 years
Got a textbook on fungi :-) very excited to read it!!! It's got some lovely diagrams and images as well
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absentmoon · 2 years
google how to start learning school subjects in fun and interesting ways
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thesecondface · 2 years
Found out the other day that I had not, in fact, read the bible of geology, otherwise known (rather elusively, to the unknowing) as 'DHZ'. Said book is called Rock Forming Minerals (eds. Deer Howie and Zussman) for reference – bloody useful, though I'm terribly upset to have been caught ignorant of it.
At present, given that I'm doing a PhD in geochemistry sans an actual background in it, I am impressing precisely no-one, though I'm in the difficult spot of not knowing what I don't know (and therefore, not knowing how to remedy not knowing what I don't know). And – given the depth I need to go into, for just one line of investigation in my PhD – not even the original DHZ is sufficient; I must then go on to read volume 2A, a whole book dedicated to single-chain silicates and their various technicalities.
Feel like I've been ambling along and I've only just realised that I need to be running! There's no time for anything! Weekends mean nothing but spare days to catch up on work from weekdays, and weekdays are peppered with training and trips and various other things that I have fallen behind on. No time to breathe!
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nemfrog · 1 year
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Volcano, above and below. Science Today and Tomorrow: Discovering with Science. 1954.
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zerobaselove · 5 months
a perfect fit | zhang hao
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pairing: campus crush! zhang hao x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 3409
warnings: minor swearing probably?  lowercase intended, not proofread
prompts: 4. "what do you want?" "you" 5. "i want to help you, so please, let me." 11. "is that my sweater?"
notes: combined a hao prompt request (i changed the phrasing of 4 a little bit IMSORRY) with a campus crush! hao request and came up with this,,, honestly longer than i was expecting and somehow shorter than i wanted it to be ?? idk.. anyways geology major! hao you are dear to me (i want him so bad i'm clawing at the walls of my enclosure) hope you all enjoy <3
college was stressful. you knew it would be, it had to be expected. but what you didn’t expect was that the hardest part wasn’t the coursework or the seemingly constant stack of homework sprawled across your desk; it was actually paying attention in your classes.
how were you supposed to focus on mantle convection when three rows down was arguably the prettiest boy you had ever seen in your whole life. zhang hao.
you only had a few classes together, but coincidentally, due to your wandering eyes those happened to be the classes you were falling behind in. and he was to blame. 
truth be told, it seemed everyone had some sort of campus crush on the boy; between the way he dressed and carried himself and the way he always managed to be at the top of every class, just about everyone either wanted to be him or be with him. and you couldn’t blame them in the slightest. 
zhang hao was someone to admire from afar; across the lecture hall or the path between buildings. so when he ended up in a study group you had joined in an attempt to graduate with a respectable grade, you were dumbfounded, what was someone like him doing in a study group for a class he was passing with flying colours? maybe it was charity work, you convinced yourself.
the study group was only so effective for you, with zhang hao in the group you couldn’t focus, yet again. it was too hard to not notice the way he fidgeted with the pen in his hand or the way he doodled small animals in the corners of the paper. or the way he leaned over a fellow classmate as he helped them with a particularly complicated question in the textbook. 
you were doomed.
after a few weeks of no progress, you were just about to give up. maybe i’ll just drop out and work at a department store or something. you told yourself as you crouched down outside the library you all studied in. 
sure, you were being a little dramatic. but you were one question away from bursting into tears as you walked out of the study group an hour early. the embarrassment of leaving paled in comparison to crying in front of the boy who had been your reason to showing up to class some days. 
“are you okay?” the question pulled you out of your pity party, looking up to see the tall male in front of you. he gave you a worried look at your curled up frame leaned against the brick. “i’m just feeling a little stupid,” you tried to laugh, a dry husk of humour pushing past your lips.
the boy didn’t respond right away, opting to crouch beside you as he sat down on the concrete right next to you. if you weren’t so stressed about your academics right now, you probably would’ve been a stuttering mess at the close proximity. maybe you would’ve even noticed the scent of his cologne. but all you could do in that moment was frantically wipe your eyes and attempt to not look as pathetic as you felt. 
his eyes softened as he watched your hands rest on top of your knees, “you’re not stupid,” he said, a sweet tone in his voice, comforting even, “it’s a difficult class, everyone has been struggling.” his kind words tugged at your heart more than you’d care to admit.
“but everyone else seems to be getting it eventually.” you sniffled, concentrated on the tears threatening to spill again, “and i just keep slipping further and further behind.” you let out a heavy sigh, “i’m never gonna catch up at this rate.” 
you almost forgot the boy was even sitting there, silently listening to your troubles. “shit sorry,” you let out a pitiful laugh, “i didn’t mean to drag you into being my therapist.” 
he shook his head, a smile spreading across his face, “it’s okay, i’m glad you told me.” he turned his head towards you, “how about we make a deal?”
you only tilted your head in curiosity, urging him to continue his train of thought.
“you let me tutor you from now until exams. if you pass, then we both win, and if you don’t, then at least you tried your best.” 
the offer was sweet, but you couldn’t help but wonder why zhang hao of all people would take time out of his days to tutor you.
“what’s in it for you?” you let a small smile break out across your face, the first in what felt like weeks. 
“well,” he pretended to ponder for a moment, “maybe i just want to pass my knowledge onto someone.” you couldn’t help but laugh at the reason as he continued.
“and maybe, this can double as a way to make a new friend, if you’d want.”
sure. “friend” had no real implications of anything beyond a good acquaintance. but you almost choked at the disbelief. the university’s sweetheart, zhang hao wanted to be your friend? the boy you had spent the better part of the last two months trying to tear your eyes off of while your professor droned on about chemical reactions and the composition of rocks.
“are you sure? i don’t wanna take up too much of your time and-“ he cut you off before you could finish. “i wouldn’t offer it if i wasn’t sure,” he smiled gently, “i want to help you, so please, let me.”
you pondered the offer for a moment again. maybe it was the prospect of spending more time with him, or maybe it was just the idea of finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel that was this class, but you had made up your mind.
“deal.” your smile widened as you stuck out a hand, his own coming out to shake yours as he mirrored your expression. 
this was going to be interesting.
your one on one study sessions had only been going on for a few weeks but you were already starting to grasp the concepts more with zhang hao’s help. “just call me hao.” you recall him insisting on multiple occasions, unaware of the way your brain would try and twist the intimacy behind it. just friends, you had to remind yourself, that was all you two would ever be, and that was honestly more than you ever could have expected. 
“hao,” the name rolling off your tongue, “it’s getting late, can’t we wrap this up?” you whined, pouting a little in hopes of getting sympathy from the boy. as smiley as he was, he was also quite the hard-ass when it came to studying.
“one more question and then we can be done for tonight, deal?” he smiled, gesturing to the last practice question from this page. you let out a huff as you mumbled an acceptance of the deal, grabbing your pencil once again as you wrote out the explanation, scouring your brain for the scientific phrases to communicate your thoughts. 
zhang hao looked over your final answer with a content hum, his hand coming over to ruffle your hair, “good job, you’re getting the hang of this.” 
you stiffened at the contact and praise, you had never really gotten validation like that, especially not from someone like him, and your brain was running with it. 
when you originally agreed to this arrangement you hoped that maybe it would be your way to get over your little campus crush on the boy sitting next to you, but it had only gotten worse, and you were slowly losing it. taking a moment to shake the thoughts from your mind, you started gathering your stuff up to leave, as was zhang hao. 
“don’t forget you’re stuck with me tomorrow too, y/n!” he chuckled lightly before saying his farewells and leaving first, rushing off to meet up with his friend; you were sure he mentioned his name once before, ricky maybe? something like that.
you only nodded as you waved, grabbing your jacket off the back of the chair and slinging your backpack over your shoulder, but then something caught your eye; a light blue hoodie draped across the back of the back of the chair next to you. zhang hao’s sweater. the boy was already long gone, and based on how often he was sporting the hoodie, you assumed it was one of this favourites, so you couldn’t just leave it here. “i’ll just give it back to him tomorrow.” you mumbled to yourself, picking up the sweater and resting it over your arm.
when you got back to your dorm you folded the sweater nicely on your desk, right in your view so you wouldn’t forget it tomorrow. as much as you tried to ignore it, that night you couldn’t help but notice the warm citrus scent of his cologne, and you swore you could smell it in your dreams that night.
the next day was a brisk spring day, the warm air having been replaced by a crisp, almost cold, breeze. to say you had not dressed properly was an understatement, you thought to yourself as you walked across the campus towards the library. in a moment of weakness as you called it, or rather a moment of strong winds, you took it upon yourself to throw the pale blue hoodie over your frame. he wouldn’t mind too much right?
sitting at your usual table in the library, you set up your many papers and textbooks, not paying attention as the boy you had grown close to approached the table, a little out of breath. 
“sorry i’m late,” he breathed out, catching his breath after seemingly running here. 
“it’s okay, i was early,” you laughed, finally looking up at the boy who’s cheeks were flushed light pink.
you watched as his gaze traced your figure, taking notice of the sweater you were wearing, “is that my sweater?”
now it was your turn to flush a shade of pink, trying to form a sentence as you stuttered through excuses, “oh, i’m sorry,” an awkward laugh escaped your lips, “it’s just you left it here yesterday and so i was bringing it to give back to you but it was colder outside than i thought it was and so i put it on on the way here without really thinking, i can give it back right now,” you barely stopped to take a breath, “or i can go wash it and then give it back if you’d prefer.” your train of thought was stopped by his hand on top of yours, your mind going from a million miles a minute to frozen solid in mere moments. 
“it’s okay y/n,” he chuckled at your flushed expression as he sat down next to you, “it looks cute on you anyways.” he said simply, moving his gaze to the textbooks in front of you as he flipped to the pages you were on the day before. 
this boy was going to be the death of you.
something in the air seemed to change after that day, and it wasn’t just the scent of the blooming cherry blossoms in the breeze. something had changed with you two, and perhaps that was how the two of you ended up in your dorm room rather than the library, and on a saturday of all days. 
“what homework have you got for me today teacher zhang hao?” you joked, leaning back on the arms as you sat on the end of your bed, looking at the boy who sat comfortably in your desk chair.
“aren’t i allowed to just hang out with my friend without talking about plate tectonics?” he said, a joking sarcasm lacing his tone. 
you only laughed in response as you tried to control your heart beating out of your chest at the simple, friendly, term. 
before you knew it, the day had faded into night in a blur of laughter and conversation; real conversation. it was a nice change of pace, and as much as you hated to admit it, the more you got to know him, the more your campus crush had changed into just a genuine crush. 
you tried to ignore it, but it was so hard to ignore the comfort you felt being around him, how easy it was to slip into conversations and how easy he made you laugh. how were you supposed to not think about that.
and much to the dismay of your heart, these weekend hangouts had become a sort of routine. on top of seeing him most weeknights at the library, your interactions had spilled into the weekends quite seamlessly. whether it was just having a movie night in your dorm room, wandering campus during sunset, or even just doing normal young adult things like going shopping. the two of you had even gotten into the habit of accompanying each other on errands just to keep the other company. 
it was nice, you couldn’t lie, but the domestic activities made it that much harder to separate your romantic and platonic feelings for the boy. 
and here you were, awaiting the arrival of the boy on a saturday night. every time your phone lit up you rushed to grab it, just in case it was from hao, the casual name becoming more natural over the weeks.
this time it actually was a message on your screen, you found yourself quickly unlocking your phone to see what it said. “i’m going to stop at the store on my way over,” the text read, “do you want anything?”
before the voice of reason in your head could object, you typed back a quick response, “you.” simple, straight forward, to the point. everything you weren’t. it was already too late to cover up your boldness as you watched the typing bubble appear, in sync with the wave of anxiety and near nausea that washed over you.
“you think you can afford me?” he joked back, rolling with the conversation more smoothly than you ever could have, evidently. you typed back a quick laugh, hoping he wouldn’t see the truth behind your original response, “probably not, maybe i’ll just take some gummy worms.” you replied before nearly throwing your phone across the cramped room. 
and to think, you were stuck with him all night.
you tried to focus on the movie, you really did, but the all too familiar feeling of wandering eyes and a racing heart took over your senses, and who could blame you? it wasn’t every day you found yourself sharing a blanket with the prettiest and kindest boy you’d ever known. you almost wondered if he could feel the heat radiating from you, or if he would just blame it on the fuzzy blanket covering your legs. you hoped it would be the latter.
soon enough the credits were rolling and you finally pulled yourself from the thoughts spinning around your mind, just in time for hao to turn to you with a smug smile. “you didn’t pay attention to any of that movie, did you?”  the question caught you so off guard you actually choked a little on the sharp intake of breath. was it that obvious? you wondered. you really had to work on your expressions it seems. 
“what’s on your mind y/n?” the smooth, almost teasing tone in his voice would’ve probably made your knees give out had you not already been sat down in your bed.
you managed to stutter out a response, rather reminiscent of the first real conversation you two had months prior. “oh it’s, uhm,” you quickly tried to come up with a believable excuse, settling on possibly the worst one, “it’s nothing.” the stiff laughter did nothing to help your case as he grinned at you knowingly, hopefully not too knowingly. 
“so i’m nothing now?” he feigned offense as his hand came up rather dramatically to his chest. “i thought i meant more to you than that, y/n.” he teased, obviously enjoying watching the gears turn in your brain as you attempted to process the conversation that was happening.
there was no coming back from it now and you knew it, and more importantly, he knew it. at some point he had picked up on your lingering gaze, your quick glances that you thought had gone unnoticed. all there was left for you to do was either admit your growing feelings, or play dumb about the whole thing. and somehow you decided the latter was the smartest option. 
“i, uh, don’t know what you’re talking about.” another forced laugh pushed past your lips, getting past your thumping heart on the way out. 
it seemed that your reaction filled zhang hao with a new sense of confidence, because he did the last thing you expected him to do; lean in. not close enough for your lips to graze each other, but close enough to feel his breath on you, to feel the heat radiating off of your faces. close enough to feel the thick tension in the air, but you were sure anyone could feel that if they were here, you could even cut it with a knife.
“i think you know exactly what i’m talking about,” he smiled, your eyes darting down to his lips that were only a couple inches from your own before looking back to his eyes; warm and inviting. 
you weren’t sure what to say anymore, and so you made the bold decision to close the gap; only briefly, but long enough to taste the cherry lip balm that coated his lips, to feel the way his lips fit against yours. like tectonic plates.
what started as one chaste kiss turned into 2, and then 3, and then a gentle kiss of yearning, of waiting, accompanied by his soft hands on your cheeks. you couldn’t help but lean into his touch, his soft hands feeling like silk against your burning skin. you could feel him smile into the kiss as your body eased, relaxing into a rhythm. time slowed and suddenly the two of you were the only people in the world, the boy in front of you filling all of your senses. zhang hao. zhang hao. zhang hao. your brain echoed as you pulled away, giddy smiles plastered across both of your faces.
“is that what you were on about?” you smiled, your voice barely above a whisper as your eyes flickered between his lips and his eyes once again.
he let out a small laugh, “what do you think?” he sat back against the wall once again, admiring the way the glow from the tv illuminated your skin, and the way you couldn’t wipe the grin off your face. “i thought you’d never do something about it.” he laughed again, this time grabbing your hand lazily.
“listen,” you started, “i didn’t think you noticed, and i was okay to keep it that way,” you looked down at your interlocked hands, your mind silently replaying the last 5 minutes on a loop, rendering yourself no better than a broken record. “you’re the zhang hao, everyone has at least a bit of a crush on you, so why would i assume i had any chance.”
he shook his head as a proud smile spread across his face, “everyone?” he asked, leaving you to lightly smack his arm, a small yelp coming from the boy. “okay okay, no need to smack me,” he laughed, “but really, you thought you didn’t have a chance? why would i have offered to tutor you if i didn’t have at least a bit of an interest in you?”
you let yourself ponder for a moment, looking back on the now distant memory. “i just thought you were being nice!” you stated matter-of-factly, earning another giggle from the boy, you could get used to that sound, or rather, being the reason behind it.
he merely smiled, pressing another kiss to your lips, “well i’m not nice like this to anyone else, if that helps make it more clear.”
“good,” you mirrored his smile, taking in the beauty that was the boy in front of you, the boy who seemed to fit with you like the tectonic plates.
“because i don’t think i could handle the idea of you spending your wednesday nights talking about rocks with anyone else.” 
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archaic-stranger · 3 months
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the environmental science students
understanding how everything is interconnected
analyzing how we impact the world around us
evenings in the lab, analyzing soil and water samples
pressing plant specimens between the pages of your textbooks
dirt marking the creases of your palms
a strong sense of justice
ice cold water from a glacial lake
looking for the past in tree rings and ice cores
science textbooks alongside Walden and Silent Spring
a garden filled with native plants
seeking a more sustainable way to live
long summer afternoons, warm and languid
the faint sound of birdsong, a backdrop for your thoughts
picnics with your friends after a long day of fieldwork
tracking change in an ecosystem over time
studying everything from geology to atmospheric chemistry
helping to shape how environmental policy is written
seeing firsthand how species adapt to changes in their environment
pointing out different types of clouds
a desert after rain, alive with brilliant color
memorizing biogeochemical cycles, the systems that keep us alive
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asoiafsworld · 2 years
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pairing; ellie williams x fem!reader
warnings and tags; dealer!ellie, reader being shy and anxious, and literally not knowing how to talk to someone lol, weird dude being kinda creepy but hes barely there, joel is alive in this and ellie's biological father, sarah is alive too, mentions of jealousy, very slight allusions to smut, overall mostly fluffy
author's note; i'm still so floored by the amount of love u guys have shown the first part, thank you so so much. i hope you have fun with this!! also don't mind any typos i need to beta read tomorrow i just wanted to get it out lol
You feel stupid.
It’s friday night and the hallways are filled with people leaving their rooms to leave for parties and gatherings. You make your way upstairs to your floor and know that you will feel much better when you’re in your room, either continuing to study or lay down in your bed and do nothing but sleep. Your roommate is out at a party so you have some time for yourself, not that she’s often in your room to begin with. When you reach your door and look into your bag, there’s a second where you freeze.
It was just a few hours earlier that you were packing your notebook from your desk into your bag and took out your keys to make room when your mind wandered off to the encounter you had just three days earlier. The way this strange girl had just talked to you like it was nothing, smiled at you so sweetly and looked so fucking pretty had your mind spinning nonstop. You couldn’t stop thinking of her, no matter what you were doing… It was the first time in such a long time that someone simply spoke to you as a friend and you were desperately clinging on to the idea of talking to her again. In all that daydreaming, you hadn’t put your keys back into your bag and left them on your desk.
Since your roommate isn’t there either, she had locked the door when she left so there was no chance of getting into your room until the early morning hours when she would come back. You sigh deeply at your own stupidity and somewhat feel like crying when you realize that you don’t have anywhere else to go. You take a deep breath to calm yourself down and simply choose to sit down on the ground next to the door for now. You let your bag fall to the ground next to you and lean your head against the wall, closing your eyes for a few seconds to drown out the noises you hear from the staircase. You want nothing more than to be in your bed and sulk at your loneliness and maybe dream more of the girl that plagues your thoughts. You see people coming down and up from the staircase and enter your hallway, most of them coming up to the door next to yours. You watch as a few of them knock on the door and are let in by someone you don’t see and leave again just a minute later with a little bag in their hands. You suddenly realize that the door they knock on and the room they enter is Ellie’s.
You know that Ellie is pretty popular around campus, mostly because people know her for selling weed. You don’t really know what to think of that, never having tried drugs or have the desire to do so. All you know is that despite the reputation that Ellie might have, you know that she’s a nice and kind person. To you, at least. In that one time you ever talked to her.
You shake your head at your naive thoughts and take one of your textbooks out and begin to read a section about the geology of oceans, not really reading but only thinking more and more of the conflict in your head. You feel so stupid for letting yourself get so invested in Ellie and the way she had talked to you, how easily she had talked to you and smiled at you. It was naive and stupid of you to get so invested into the one interaction you had with her but how couldn’t you? You’re desperate for affection and attention, just like every other human and you receive so little of it. Taking another deep breath to calm down, you try to concentrate on the book in your lap. From the corner of your eyes, you see a boy knock on Ellie’s door, looking like he’s headed to a party. You notice him staring at you but pointedly ignore his gaze, staring down at your book and at the words in front of you. The door opens and he’s let in and it takes every ounce of self restraint to look up and get a glimpse of Ellie. God, how could you let yourself be so entranced by this woman?
Ellie hands Jake his two packs of weed and takes the money offered to her in return. Friday nights are always some of her busiest times since most people come to get weed to smoke with their friends at parties on the weekend. He must be her last one however since it’s late and Dina and her other friends are already waiting for her. Jake thanks Ellie but before he opens the door, he turns around to her with a smug grin.
“That’s a cute ass neighbor you got, Williams.” He’s out of the door before Ellie can respond in any way and she frowns as he leaves the door open, not bothering to close it. Who the hell is he talking about? She walks up to the door to close it when she sees you sitting on the ground across your door, a book in your hand and looking up at her like a deer caught in headlights. She almost wants to run down the hall and strangle Jake for calling you cute. She doesn’t know why.
You’re not sure how to react when Ellie suddenly stands at the door and looks at you in surprise. She must think that you’re weird for sitting in front of your door and you almost wish that she hadn’t come to the door, that she would have pretended not to see you because this is pretty embarrassing for you. Her gaze goes from surprised to soft and… endeared? No, you’re reading into it, that’s definitely not how she’s looking at you.
“Hey. What are you doing here in the hallway?” Ellie leans on the doorframe and crosses her arms in front of her chest and the pose makes you feel… something. It’s as if she’s radiating this power, a natural dominance that she simply holds within herself. You feel totally normal about this.
“Uh, my… roommate is at a p-party. And I, uh… forgot my keys.” There’s a second where you feel like bashing your head against the wall behind you because of the way you speak. It just makes you so incredibly nervous because you’re so unused to interactions like this. Maybe the fact that it’s Ellie talking to you makes you nervous too… She’s so gorgeous and sweet and it makes your head dizzy to think that you’re talking to her.
“Oh, damn, that sucks.” She looks at you in empathy and then opens her mouth again to say something but no sound comes out. It’s as if she hasn’t come up with what she wants to say yet and it makes your heart clench because it makes her look so cute. “Do you… wanna come inside? You don’t need to sit out here the whole time and I doubt your roommate will come back soon. Besides, I wanted to show you my drawings.”
Your breath hitches and you stare up at her and try not to look like you want to bolt and run away. The idea of being in Ellie’s room and hanging out with her makes you feel excited and anxious all at once and the mixing of those two feelings is… definitely something. You try your best to put on a small smile and nod your head.
“Y-yeah, sure.” You’re scared that you will squeal like a schoolgirl if you say anything else. You put your book back into your bag and sling it over your shoulder as you stand up, giving Ellie another smile as she moves away for you to enter her room. Her scent hits you as you enter the room and you feel embarrassed about how you subtly smell as much as you can of her. She closes the door behind you and you look around the room, her beautiful drawings displayed all over it. There were many different ones of landscapes, people or animals, some of them colored and some not. They were hung all over the walls of her room and you admire how brave she is for letting her art be openly displayed. You step closer to a drawing of a man on a porch with a guitar in his hand. The drawing is one of the more simpler ones, not colored in and seemingly ripped from a journal page. You hear Ellie come up next to you and turn your head to her and smile at the way she looks at the drawing fondly.
“That’s my dad. I went easy on him, he looks ten years older than he is in the drawing.” You giggle at her comment, the sound coming out easier now that she’s heard it from you before. The way she had looked at the drawing had tugged at something in your chest… It’s similar to the feeling you got when you felt jealous over someone having a good relationship with their parents. You know it’s stupid to get jealous over something like that but you can’t help it, the squeeze of your heart is not something you wish for but it appears all the same. It feels different with Ellie, though… you don’t feel jealousy or envy, more like happiness. Happiness that she has a father in her life that seems to be good to her and that she loves. She deserves it, you think. She’s simply too cute to get jealous over.
“You… You’re very talented. Your drawings are all very pretty.” You take one last look at the drawing of her father and briefly wonder if he ever taught Ellie how to play the instrument. You’re sure she would be talented at that too. You continue to look at the other drawings and recognize her friend Dina from one of them.
“Thank you. It’s just something I do for fun and I enjoy it a lot.” You miss the way Ellie blushes over your compliment as you trace your eyes over a colored painting of a forest, the greenery of the trees and grass and blue of the lake so beautiful to look at. Your eyes wander down to her desk where she has a big collection of different comics sitting. You let your bag drop down to the ground as you reach down to take a closer look, curious about what Ellie likes to read.
She watches you with a small smile, her heart feeling like it will leap out of her chest at the way you pay attention to every detail of her drawings and comics. Ellie has never felt like this before, she barely knows you and yet feels so drawn to you in a way she never has before. She’s had a few relationships before but she’s never felt about any of her girlfriends the way she feels about you. You may be shy and reserved but the small smiles you would give her are enough to make her feel weak in the knees. She’s interrupted from staring when her phone buzzes in her pocket and she suppresses a annoyed huff as she pulls it out and checks the message Dina had sent her.
did u fall down the stairs or are u on your way to the party
Shit. The fucking party. She looks up from her phone to see you browse through the first volume of Savage Starlight and read it enthusiastically. You have a smile on your face as you read and your eyes are slightly squinted as you read and her heart does what feels like an acrobatic trick. She shakes her head and quickly texts back.
nope, not coming. got someone else to spend my time with who’s a thousand times cuter than sweaty drunk college girls
She quickly puts her phone on silent before sliding it back in her pocket. When she looks up, you have a bright smile on your face as you read the words and god, Ellie just feels like she needs to wrap you up in a blanket and keep you forever. You look up from the comic and at her, a sudden apologetic look on your face.
“I hope I’m not interrupting your night or something. I… I can leave if you have somewhere to be.” You try to hide the disappointment in your voice and suddenly feel so stupid for being here. She probably has a thousand better things to do than hang out with you in her room on a friday night.
“No, you’re not, got nothing planned. Besides, I invited you. I want you here.” The words leave Ellie’s mouth before she can stop them but for some reason, she doesn’t regret them. Yes, it might be embarrassing to say this when it’s only the second time you’re meeting her but she can’t really bring herself to care. You seem sweet but also very anxious so she would take on any embarrassment she might face in order for you to feel comfortable around her. Your eyes widen at her words and you feel dizzy at the words, from pain and from happiness. No one has ever said something like that to you or made you feel like they wanted you around. But she does. For whatever reason, this pretty, talented and funny girl wants you around and wants you here, in her room. It makes you feel so warm in your chest. You managed to nod and hide the incoming smile on your face.
“I… I want to be here too. With you.” You hope that you said the last two words so softly that she didn’t hear them. She smiles at your answer and looks down at the ground with blushy cheeks and oh my god, she’s so cute, I want to bite her cheeks. Your eyes widen a bit at your thoughts and you have to bite your lip to keep yourself from actually doing it. Ellie looks up again and gestures for you to sit down on the couch that she comes to sit down on. You sit down next to her, still putting some distance between you but you can’t help but crave her closeness. You remember the way she had touched your cheek, her caress so soft and gentle. You wonder briefly what you would have to do for her to do that again.
“So, now you can see why I’m doing fine arts. You have to tell me why you’re into marine biology now.” The way Ellie speaks has you transfixed, your eyes looking more at her lips than anything else. You like the way she speaks so much and her voice is soothing to your ears. You wonder if besides possibly playing guitar, she also knows how to sing. It wouldn’t surprise you since she really seems to be multi talented.
“Uh, well, I-I grew up close to the ocean and often spend my time at beaches and with animals there. Was just always something that I was interested in, I guess. I also didn’t know what else I should do… So I went with this.” You stutter slightly as you speak and nervously play with your fingers as you speak. You try to hold eye contact as much as possible but it doesn’t really work since you have to keep looking away from her. God, she probably thinks I’m a weirdo. Can’t even talk about something so normal without being nervous.
“That’s nice. Must be cool growing up by the beach. I wouldn’t know, having grown up in a desert.” She chuckles lowly and the sound makes your head slightly spin. You raise your brows questioningly and she smiles at you, making you feel weaker than ever before.
“I grew up in Texas with Dad and my sister, Sarah. We later moved to Wyoming and now I’m here. Been living in deserts all my life… You wouldn’t know the things I’ve seen.” She says the last part dramatically and it makes you giggle a little. It makes you wonder if she’s like this with everyone… Truthfully, you expected her to be a much different person due to her being a drug dealer but she has been nothing but kind and sweet to you. Shouldn’t judge people so quickly.
You try to hide it but there’s a small sound that leaves your mouth as you yawn. You had been up early for a specific class and it was close to midnight now. Mentally you curse your roommate for leaving you stranded even if she’s not responsible.
“Oh, you must be tired. Come on, you can sleep on my bed, sleepy head. Your roommate won’t be back until the morning anyway.” You watch as she stands up and walks over to her bed in the corner. You stand up as you watch her pull the blanket on top away.
“No, Ellie, that’s really not necessary. I… I can just sleep on the couch.” You try to sound convincing but Ellie doesn’t seem to listen to your words. She turns back to you when the bed is ready and her eyes are still fond but serious in a way you haven’t seen before.
“You will sleep on my bed and I’ll take the couch, pretty girl. Unterstood?" The hairs on your arms stand up at the sound of her authoritative voice and you swear, you feel something deeply exciting and daring. Her words make you feel like a docile pet and the nickname doesn’t make things any better. You can’t do anything else but nod as you look at her hazily. She nods in approval and in that moment, you would get on your knees to get her approval. You swallow heavily as she walks to the couch with a blanket and pillow, setting up her sleep space quickly. You quickly get under the covers and drag the blanket up to your chin, desperately hiding your blushy cheeks. Ellie turns the light down and lays down as well. She looks back up for a second and wishes you a goodnight before lying back down again, her back turned to you.
You only then notice the scent on the pillow you’re laying on and almost want to moan at how much you’re enveloped by her wonderful smell. Along with the way her voice had sounded just minutes ago, it really didn’t help in how plagued your mind is by her.
You fall asleep like that, her smell in your nose, her voice on your mind and your hand wedging itself between your thighs.
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Figure 7.22 is the phase diagram for silica (silicon dioxide, SiO2), an important geological substance.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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