#georgie fanfic
midnightstar-90 · 1 year
In Charge
Cooper Family x Fem!Reader | Georgie Copper x Fem!Reader Taglist | Requests | Wattpad Main Masterlist | Other Actors and Characters Masterlist Requested Anonymously: “hi honey! i have no idea if your still taking requests but if you are, could you do a georgie cooper x fem!reader (where they are already dating), and that missy some how convinces everyone to pretend to be a family (like georgie’s the dad, y/n is the mum, sheldon and missy are the kids) and at the end when y/n stays over georgie tells them how great of a mum she would be and how he wants to start a family with her? just pure fluff? love your work so so much <333” Summary: The reader’s in charge and all she wants is Peace, which leads to an interesting conversation between her and Georgie. Warnings: None, really. I mean, there's fluff, but other than that... nothing really A/N: My ADHD is allowing me to write today, so that is what I shall do. This will be based before Georgie drops out of school and has a kid. And because it was an anonymous request, I couldn’t ask, but instead of playing house, I made it as the reader babysitting. That’s kind of like playing house right? I just didn’t know how to make it about them playing house without it basically being Y/N and Georgie babysitting. If you requested this and didn’t like it, I will rewrite it as them all playing house, just privately DM me, if you’d like to remain anonymous. Words: 2.4K
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“Alright, everyone, I’m headed to the store,” Mary said as she exited her room. She made her way through the living room seeing Y/N and Georgie cuddled up on the couch, flipping through channels with no one else in sight.
Mary turned to Georgie and asked, “Where’s your father?”
Georgie’s eyes stayed glued to the TV screen as he gave his mother a shrug of the shoulders. Y/N saw this and slapped Georgie’s shoulder with a hard glare. “Georgie, it’s disrespectful to ignore your mother,” the teenage girl said sternly.
“Ow!” Georgie exclaimed, looking away from the TV to observe his arm for a bruise. When he realized he was okay, he looked up, looking between his girlfriend and his mother. “I didn’t ignore her. I said that I didn’t know.”
Y/N glared and rolled her eyes at the boy before looking over at her boyfriend’s mother. “I don’t know where he went, but he was grumbling about having a hard day,” She said, answering Mary for Georgie. Mary thanked the girl before continuing into the kitchen with a scoff. She mumbled her husband’s name, annoyed, and called out, “Y/N’s in charge.” Georgie’s eyes instantly went wide in shock as he stared wide-eyed at the kitchen entrance, unable to actually see his mother from his current position. Y/N sat next to him with a smirk as they heard the sound of keys jingling and a door closing.
As soon as the door closed, Sheldon stormed out of his room, looking as if he was about to blow his top. “Mom!” He loudly called out, not receiving an answer. 
Georgie paid no mind to the boy, instead bringing him back to the television as if nothing happened. Y/N looked over at the boy with caring eyes and said, “She just left. What’s up, bud.”
“Do you know when she’ll be back?” Sheldon asked frantically.
“No, I don’t. I’m sorry. Is it something I can help with?”
Sheldon hesitated, not knowing if he trusted Y/N enough to help him. He wasn’t used to going to people outside of his family for help. He huffed, “Missy took my Flash action figure, and she won’t give it back.”
Y/N stood from her spot on the couch. Georgie gave her a quick look and then turned back to the TV. “I’m sure Missy wasn’t trying to intentionally upset you, Sheldon,” The girl reassured him in a soft voice.
Sheldon gave Y/N a blank stare. “Have you met my sister?”
She chuckled and said, “Come on. Let’s see for ourselves.”
She followed Sheldon to his shared room, leaving Georgie alone on the couch. As they entered, the two spotted Missy sitting on her bed playing with a Barbie doll and Sheldon’s Flash action figure.”
“See!” Sheldon exclaimed, pointing directly at his twin.
Y/N let out a small “mhm” as she moved to sit on Missy’s bed, next to her. “Hi, Missy.”
“Hi,” She responded, continuing to play with the doll and action figure. (I know there are people who would ridicule me if I put the action figure in the “dolls” category, so I’ll leave it at that.)
“Whatcha doing?”
Y/N heard a frustrated groan behind her and quietly sighed.
“Missy?” Y/N spoke a bit more sternly than before.
“Hmm.” Missy looked up at the older girl.
“Did you take Sheldon’s to-”
“Action figure,” Sheldon cut the girl off to correct her.
“Did you take your brother’s Action Figure without asking?” Y/N asked. The younger girl gave the teenager an apologetic frown as she slowly placed the dolls on the bed. Sheldon swooped in behind the girl and snatched his Flash action figure from off of his twin’s bed.
“It’s not very nice to take people’s things without asking. What if Sheldon did it to you?”
“I’d punch him in the face,” Missy Responded. 
Y/N scolded Missy, causing her to shy away. “Apologise to your brother.”
“I said apologise.”
“This isn’t fair.”
“That doesn’t sound like an apology to me,” Y/N said, still scolding the child in front of her. She heard a snicker behind her and slowly turned to face Sheldon. Sheldon jumped. His smile was replaced with a look of fright. “Something funny?” Y/N asked the boy. She was now scolding him, but it was the frightening position the girl was in that really scared him. Her body was facing his sister, whilst her head faced him. He felt as if he were staring into the eyes of an owl that looked like his brother’s girlfriend.
He quickly shook his head. “No. No problem.”
“I don’t think laughing at someone who is trying to apologize is really respectful. I think you both should apologize to each other,” She ordered. The room went silent for a second before the two suddenly began to speak, simultaneously.
“I’m sorry for taking your stupid doll without asking.”
“I’m sorry for laughing at your terrible excuse for an apology.”
Y/N looked between the two in utter shock. How can they both be this bad at apologizing? She shrugged it off as she stood up from her sitting position. “Well, it wasn’t the best, but we’ll get there.  For now, I don’t want to hear any more about this Flash doll-”
“Action figure.”
“Whatever! I don’t want to hear about it anymore, okay? The two nodded and the girl took that as her cue to go. She went back into the living room to see Georgie still watching TV. She scoffed, rolling her eyes at her boyfriend.
As she approached her spot on the couch, Georgie looked up, finally noticing her. “Hey, you’re back,” Georgie said with a smile. “I kept your seat warm for you.” He patted the spot where she sat, earlier. 
Y/N looked down at the couch cushion in disgust. “Literally or figuratively, because I told you last time that that was gro-”
“Relax. It was figurative. Geez, you do one thing as a joke, and suddenly you’re labeled for life.”
Y/N laughed at her boyfriend's dramatics as she joined him on the couch. Georgie looked over at the girl, admiring everything about her. In his mind, he saw Y/N as the prettiest girl in the universe. No one compared to the girl when it came to looks, smarts, and her nurturing personality. 
He wrapped his arm around the girl and pulled her into his chest. “You know, I think you would make an amazing mother one day,” Georgie said, catching Y/N off guard. She lifted her head off of her boyfriend’s chest so that she could look at him.
“Wow! Where did that come from?”
“I’ve seen you with my family, and despite how messed up it is, you manage to wedge yourself into everyone’s heart one way or another. Not to mention the fact that I heard how you handled Sheldon and Missy, just now. That’s something I’ve only seen my mother do and succeed. But in my opinion, you did it best,” Georgie said. Y/N’s heart was racing as watched and listened to Georgie speak about her. Tears brimmed her eyes as she gave the boy a loving smile before giving him a quick kiss.
“Awe, Georgie. That’s the sweetest thing anyone has said to me.”
“Well, it’s true.”
“If it’s any consolation, I think you’ll be an amazing father.”
“Really,” Y/N chuckled. The two pulled each other in super close for a tight hug. Y/N’s head, once again rested on Georgie’s chest. She closed her eyes as she took in the aroma of her boyfriend’s cologne. Georgie placed a kiss on top of her head, wishing that this moment would never end.
When they pulled out of the hug, Y/N moved slightly away from the boy, so that she could get a better look at him. She wore a mischievous smirk as she asked, “When you thought of me as a mother, what did you envision?”
She chuckled as she watched Georgie think for a second. “I saw you… as my wife. And in your arms, we have a son, who you can never put down because he loves his momma so much that if you try to put him down, he screams. And don’t get me started on the sleeping situation.” Y/N laughed, making Georgie smile. She motioned for Georgie to continue. “Okay, well we also have 4 other kids.”
Y/N’s eyes went wide in astonishment. “5 kids? You think of us having 5 kids?” 
“And a dog. Anyways there’s little Joanne, but she goes by “Jo”. She’s a tomboy and a daddy’s girl at the same time. Then there is Tommy. He’s a year older than Jo, and he’s tough. If you mess with his siblings you are in a world of hurt.”
Y/N nodded her head, saying a small “okay,” as she continued to listen. “The oldest two are Fawn and Sam. Their completely different, but the two are always together, which sometimes leads to fighting. That’s where you, the mamma bear come in. You know all your kids, and you know how to easily tame them.”
“I like it,” Y/N chuckled. “Now I don’t know if I can handle 5 kids, but I love your idea of what our family would look like in about 20-30 years.”
“Hold on. You want to wait until we're in our 30’s and 40’s to have kids?”
“Sorta. I mean having all those kids is gonna take time. And how will we support them if we aren’t stable? You can take care of kids all day, but who is gonna provide? Kids are expensive, Georgie. You gotta feed them, clothe them, put them through school, take them to the doctor. You need money for all of those things.”
“And I can do that,” Georgie added. “I’m gonna be the moneymaker. I’ll have a job that pays well, and move us into a nice, big house.”
“What about me?”
“What about you?”
“I don’t want to be a housewife. I want to have my own job. And why do you get to be the main source of income?” 
“First off, I didn’t say you had to be a housewife. You can have a job, but I want to be the one who gives you everything you want. I want to take care of you and to do that, I work hard, maybe even owning my own company.”
“Businessman. I can somewhat see it.”
“Well, I will be. That’s how we can afford everything because my business is booming,” Georgie assured the girl. Her smile remained on her face, getting wider and wider as they went deeper into their hypothetical future together.
The two continue to talk for a few more minutes as the sound of feet walking across the floor gets closer and closer to them. The sound eventually stops behind Y/N. Georgie looks up and glares at the person who interrupted their moment together. “What now, Sheldon?” Georgie asked with a touch of irritation.
“I’m hungry,” Sheldon spoke. Y/N turned to look at the boy.
Georgie responded to Sheldon, “You’re smart, don’t you know how to make you a sandwich?” Y/N kicked Georgie’s leg, receiving a small “ow” from the older boy.
“Sheldon, your mom went to the store. I’m sure she’ll be back soon and she will start on dinner.”
“But I’m hungry now.”
“Sheldon, if you eat now, then you are gonna spoil your appetite. And you know more than anyone that it takes longer than an hour or two to digest your food, so why don’t you go back in your room, and wait.”
“Okay,” Sheldon sighed as he made his way back to his room.
“See! You just tamed a wild Sheldon, that’s almost impossible.” Y/N rolled her eyes at Georgie’s comment.
“Y/N!” Missy called out walking into the living room. Y/N watched the younger girl walk in with an arm full of dolls. “Y/N, will you play with me? I’m bored, and I have no one to play with.”
“Sure,” Y/N agreed, giving Missy a beaming smile. She moved off the couch. “What? Nooo! Where are you going?” Georgie asked, frowning up at his girlfriend as she moved farther and farther away from him. Missy quickly grabbed Y/N’s hand with her free hand and started pulling her toward her room. Y/N looked back at Georgie and whispered “Sorry,” whilst laughing at Georgie’s expression.
Georgie eventually left the couch and went to his room. He was jealous of the fact that Missy and Sheldon had basically hogged up all their time together. He aggressively flopped on his bed and opened up the magazine he was reading before Y/N came over.
His door was open, in case Y/N got bored of playing dolls with Missy and wanted to join him. So when Mary walked into the house and dropped her keys in the key bowl, Georgie heard it. Y/N must have heard also, because as soon as he heard his mother grunt, probably from bringing in groceries, Y/N rushed out of the room and graciously helped the woman.
Georgie stood from his bed and curiously entered the kitchen. He watched Mary and Y/N laugh as they walked back into the house with the groceries. “I must admit Y/N since Georgie has started seeing you, he’s been different.” Y/N looked up at the woman with a frown. “No! Not in a bad way. He’s kinder and a bit more respectful. And look at this house! Usually, I come home and there is something that needs cleaning up, and today, it’s just as I left it.”
“Well, thank you, Mrs. Cooper. We did have some issues, but it was quickly resolved and the peace was restored.”
“Oh, you don’t have to think of me. You did an excellent job. I hope one day I get to call you my daughter-in-law.”
“Awe. Stop Mrs. Copper. You’re gonna make me cry,” She said, fanning her bright red face. Georgie saw the tears lining her eyes from where he stood.
The front door opened, revealing George walking into the house in his work clothes. He saw Georgie standing in the kitchen watching his mother and girlfriend interact. “What are you doing?” He asked his son as he approached.
“Mom and Y/N are… bonding? I don’t actually know what’s happening,” Georgie said with a shrug of his shoulders.
George chuckled and clapped his hand against his son’s back. “From me to you, good luck. You’re gonna need it.” And with that, George was gone, leaving a confused Georgie alone with his thoughts.
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Taglist: @buckysmainhxe , @esposadomd , @natalia12700, @siriusstwelveyears , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @countrymusiclover , @bellarkeselection , @alexxavicry , @xivilivix, @idontknowwhat2type , @ietss
If your User is in orange, I could not find you. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to be re-added.
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whenlilyfallsinlove · 6 months
sheldon cooper x reader??? thanks 😍
my first request!!! hope you like it :)
girl from the train station
"WAIT!" sheldon's voice called at the train that had just driven off. oh he was so screwed. his mom would be so mad; this had definitely put him off breaking rules for life.
he sighed and looked round to see if there was anyone he could ask for help. then he realised he was in germany, of course there wouldn't be many people that could help him! his german was good, but it could only take him so far.
"hey, are you okay?" your voice interrupted him from his thoughts. he looked up to see you, standing in front of him, a sympathetic smile on your face.
"hallo-." sheldon begins in german but you cut him off.
"i speak english, i'm here visiting family." you chuckle. sheldon finds himself smiling slightly as well, but quickly stops.
"oh well.. i'm definitely not okay, i just missed my train in a foreign country and my mom's going to kill me because she thinks i'm at the library." sheldon says, in a panicked tone.
"calm down," you say comfortingly, "i think my mom can help you get home."
"really? that would be wonderful." sheldon breathes out a sigh of relief.
"yeah.. i'm y/n. by the way. nice to meet you." you hold out your hand for him to shake.
"sheldon." he looks at your outstretched hand, and reluctantly shakes it.
you give him a confused look.
"sorry i don't really like physical contact, no offence but i don't know what germs you have." he states, matter-of-factly.
surprisingly, you laugh. "fair enough."
sheldon smiles slightly back. you seemed a nice enough girl, he felt like he could trust you.
"right, you're in luck, we just dropped my dad and brother off here, so we'll be able to take you back to your mom." you say, and lead him to where he had just bought that damn strudel that made him miss his train in the first place.
"mom" you approach a woman that looked like an older version of you, "sheldon missed his train home and has no way of getting back!"
"now now honey calm down." your mom says then turns to look at sheldon, "do you know where you're staying?"
sheldon nods and tells her where he's staying.
"oh, that's right around the corner from my parents, that'll be easy then, you can come with us if you'd like." your mom smiles at him.
"i.. would like that." sheldon nods.
"great!" you cheer. sheldon looks at you. although you weren't his type of person (then again, who was?), he found you endearing.
"let's go then!" you say, and the three of you walk to your mom's car.
"would you like to sit up front sheldon? i'm feeling generous." you smile at him.
"no thank you, it's statistically safer in the back." he says, but then sees your face drop a little. "thank you though." he adds, and smiles at you.
"that's fine, i'll keep you company." you take a seat beside sheldon in the back.
your mom starts the car, and then you were on your way back to sheldon's hotel.
"so where are you from sheldon?" you ask, wanting to find some things out about him.
"medford, texas. what about you?" he nods.
"nice, i'm from (insert place here)." you respond.
"how come you're in germany anyway, sounds like a long way from home?" you chuckle.
"i'm here at grad school." sheldon responds.
"grad school?! wow you must be a genius." your eyes widen.
sheldon sees your reaction and chuckles.
"i am, i started college at 11." he subtly brags.
"11?? woah!" unlike many other kids his age, you seemed impressed and in awe of him. he liked that.
"yeah." sheldon says.
"i wish i was as smart as you." you look at him.
"it's just a natural gift." he responds. "i'm sure you're good at other things that i'm not. for example sports."
you giggle. "maybe i am. then."
for the rest of the car journey, you and sheldon talked about yourselves. sheldon learnt you came to germany quite a lot because your grandparents lived here, you had an older brother who annoyed the living hell out of you (he could relate) and you were a swimmer. he found himself quite enjoying talking to you, and was quite sorry when he arrived back to his hotel.
"here we are, it's been a pleasure driving you home sheldon." your mom speaks up from the front.
"thank you so much for driving me." he smiles politely.
"mom, please can i walk sheldon in!" you beg.
"alright, but don't be too long." she smiles fondly at you.
"come on." you say to sheldon who thanks your mom again and you walk up to his shared room.
you reach to a stop outside of his door and sigh.
"well.. it was nice meeting you sheldon." you smile sadly at him.
"and you. i had a great time talking to you in the car." he smiles back.
"yeah uhh.. maybe i could give you my number, in case you'd want to talk again..? you can tell me more about your string theory." you feel your face heat up and look down.
sheldon's eyes widen "uhh yeah okay." he surprises himself.
"here." you take hold of his hand and write your number on it, using a pen from you pocket.
"i'll call you." he nods. "well goodbye y/n.."
"bye sheldon." you reply and before he can stop you, you place a quick kiss on his cheek and walk off.
sheldon brought his hand to his cheek, open-mouthed. first, he lied to his mom, then he snuck out, and now he had just been kissed by a girl!
maybe today hadn't been so bad after all.
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loveharlow · 2 years
hii i was going to sleep and suddenly thought of this idea for ajax x f!reader where reader decides to moan someone else’s name (maybe xavier) while ajax and reader are doing it and he just goes full on dom on her. this is just an idea you don’t have to write it!
from anon 🧸 !!
trying to ease into writing smut so here's a little Ajax blurb. not too sure how I feel about this.
smut, 18+
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It was hard to focus on anything happening around me, my main focus zoned in on the way Ajax was making me feel. His hips thrusting into mine at a pleasurable pace, bringing me more than I needed but it still wasn’t enough.
I could see it in his face, the way he was straining as if he was holding himself back. I knew he was, no matter how much he tried to hide it in order not to hurt me. I could feel it in the way his hips stuttered every time they pulled back as he suppressed himself from snapping into me like a mad man, the way his biceps flexed above my head as they gripped the headboard, and in the way his jaw became immensely more defined as he clenched his teeth together.
I needed something to make the rope snap, to bring out the side of Ajax that I needed to reach my high, one that only he could bring me.
I probably should have thought my next move out better but with the way he was touching me and what he was doing to me, thinking wasn’t really an option. My body and mind were operating on autopilot to get whatever it needed to reach that finish line.
“Shit…” I sighed. His head dipped into my neck as my back arched into him when he hit just the right spot. “Don’t stop, Xavier, please…”. And just then, Ajax’s hips faltered and he pulled his head out of the crook of my neck where he was leaving hickeys that I would have to find a way to cover tomorrow.
But with the look in his eyes now, a fire behind them — the exact fire I had been pushing for, I knew I’d have a few more bruises to cover after he was done.
His pace was slow but his thrusts were deep and only growing deeper. His face was growing red, veins popping as he gave me a rough glare and a condescending head tilt. “What was that, sweetheart?” He asked in such a patronizing tone, an underlying element in his voice that told me this was a warning, most likely my only one.
“I didn’t mean to-” I started in a pant before his hips snapped into mine, hard and harsh and in a way that had me holding back a scream as my eyes nearly rolled to the back of my head.
There he is. I hazily smiled to myself without realizing, much to my boyfriends dismay.
“You find this amusing, don’t you? Calling me another guy’s name. Someone's growing bold...” He started in a low, grunting tone. His movements only grew more vigorous as the moments passed, my hands coming up to try and wrap around his back before one of his own was pinning them both above my head. The other wasting no time in making a home around the base of my neck and applying light pressure.
“Be a brat. That’s fine by me.” He droned on. His head came down to level with my ear, me still panting as his movements never stopped. His warm breath hit my neck in a way that sent a chill down my spine, the authoritative and threatening tone in which he spoke had me practically whimpering at his touch. “You just never know when to stop, do you?.”
“‘M sorry.” I muttered through my dazed state, the phrase so quiet that it was barely audible in my own ears. He chuckled darkly before pulling his head away from me again to stare into my eyes.
“I know you are.” He cooed with mock-pity before hardening his expression once again. “But it’s too late for apologies, love. You started this and you’re going to finish it.”
I couldn’t find it in myself to respond as that familiar tightening sensation formed in my abdomen, my legs starting to tremble in the slightest of ways and my hands that were still trapped underneath his trying to grasp at air. What would be my first orgasm or the night, but certainly not the last, was approaching fast.
“You’re going to leave this fucking room in tears.”
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dcartcorner · 7 months
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Commission for @sieveyourtea for the fic "Shadow in the Hunting Grounds". Thank you for the support!
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i-hope-we-both-die666 · 6 months
made a bingo sheet for my species of weird kid
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jadesaturn · 17 days
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sunspots in your eyes, craters in mine ☀️🌙
Pianist! Alex Albon x Painter! George Russell
“This isn’t a fairy tale, Alex.” He huffs. “What if I want it to be?” “Why does everything have to be a fairytale?” George asks. “What can I say? I like happy endings.” ***** George is diagnosed with ocular melanoma, and when he loses his sight, Alex shows him all the beauty the universe has to offer.
So excited to share pianist!Alex and painter!George angst + hurt/comfort with you guys. I love them with all my heart and wanted to write about the difficulties of navigating terminal illness, blindness, and the loss of a partner. For those who've lost someone close to them, this one's for you <33
Warning: major character death, mentions of cancer, and grieving.
Enjoy <333
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dreamy29 · 7 months
George Weasley as your boyfriend <3
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Hi<3 I hope you like the headcannons and I can already hint that there will be more parts of this format (I'm so sorry, but English is not my mother tongue, I hope you can still read and understand everything)
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Warnings: none, just fluff
Preview: Headcannons, how Georgie would be as a boyfriend he is such a good choice
I would say he would be a bit suspicious of you in the first week
but not so obvious
he would be just as loving and funny as after that week
but he always has an ulterior motive, it's actually much more of a fear
he thinks that maybe you don't really love him after all, but are just with him because you want to get to Fred
all his life he's always had to be content with being just one of the Wesley twins and that Fred was always the better known and more popular twin
it's a small detail, but everyone always says "Fred and George"
he first became aware of you when he heard you talking to your friends about him and his twin brother and you said "George and Fred"
but you keep convincing him that you love him and love him for being George Fabian Weasley and not for being able to bring you closer to his twin brother
after this is clarified and he really believes you he is so loving
likes to play pranks on you with his brother, but only gentle pranks that end in an apologetic kiss on the cheek
Pda wherever you are, but only certain pda after all, he is of course much more intimate in private
sweet pecks on the cheek, playing with your hands and putting an arm around you
sorry, but he just can't hold back
you're his comfort person
even the slightest touch triggers the feeling in him
the feeling of never being second choice again, and that voice… that voice that whispers to him that he is loved, appreciated and needed
and whenever, whenever he looks into her eyes… Then he sees this light… this light that warms him when he is almost freezing to death, this light that illuminates his path in the darkest moments, he loves this light and would like to be with this light forever, with your light. With you…
Napdates, where you simply go to a random place for half an hour and sleep there together
Bonus points if the place is comfortable, such as a bed or a sofa, but also works with a school desk
once when he asked you about it after a long back and forth, you said enthusiastically: "Yes of course, Georgie! "
It was wonderful
you slept on a sofa in the Gryffindor common room, snuggled up together, warm and overjoyed
of course Fred had to make fun of it again, in a respectful way of course
he would give anything to cuddle with you
sometimes you learn together
actually only you study and George looks at you dreamily when you are particularly absorbed in a book
has an ego boost when you're at a Quidditch match and you're carrying a flag that says "Georgie!" on it
he always looks into the crowd just to see you in one of his Wesley jumpers, in a fiery red with a G and your flag on it
he's never felt so supported
Cuddling him after an exhausting match
comforting him after a lost match
visit him in the hospital wing, hold his hand when he's injured and kiss his forehead
always end up hiding under the bed when Madame Pompfrey comes round and still be there all the time to watch over him even when he's asleep
Attention!: The characters and the gif do not belong to me. The credits go to the original owners. If you want something to be changed or removed, just write me and I will try to fulfil your request as soon as possible.
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americanoddysey · 2 months
"monsters are real and they ate my ass last night"
-Georgie Barker, 2016
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mice-and-moonbeams · 7 months
Set sometime in season three, Georgie's date falls through for a wedding and she's left needing a plus one. Luckily for her Jon is conveniently sitting on her couch just waiting for her to suggest he be her plus one, how can he say no?
It's fine Georgie can dress him up, he gets to spend some time with his friend and after dinner he can sit and people watch as she dances with some friends. He can just enjoy a small moment of normal. He can - wait who's that at the back of the room?
What is Martin doing here?
Would he even want to talk to Jon after everything that happened?
He looks very nice in a suit....
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irate-iguana · 5 months
I got to the episode where Jon’s asexuality first comes up and I am giddy with happiness. He’s the first canonically asexual character I’ve encountered and the representation means SO MUCH to me. I knew in advance, of course, it’s part of why I started TMA, but actually hearing it said in the podcast? I did not expect the feeling of finally seeing myself in media to hit so hard.
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nonbinarytoast · 2 months
I just wrote the paragraph
“Jon, I know that you’re scared.” She said, carefully. “But there’s always another option.” Jon looked at her, wondering if she finally saw his side of things. “You can run into the woods and become moth-man.”
How’s everyone else’s day?
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midnightstar-90 · 6 months
A Damsel In Distress
Georgie Cooper x Fem! Reader Taglist | Request | Wattpad Main Masterlist | Other Actors/Characters Masterlist Requested Anonymously: "Hi, i was wondering if you could do Georgie cooper x reader who has an abusive father or smt and he helps her, tries to get her to move in with him to his family house and after his begging for weeks she finally agrees? Thank you if you do." Summary: When Georgie finds you on his porch bleeding and bruised, he finds the need to avenge you. Warnings: Abuse, Slut Shaming, Angst, Protective! Georgie, Not Proofread Words: 2.4K
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Georgie Cooper may not be the smartest man alive, but when it came to the people he loved, he was protective of them. So when you showed up at the Cooper residence all beaten up, you were nervous.
About a year ago, your dad lost his job and ended up spending his days and nights drinking his life away. Since then, he'd found a new job, but the drinking never stopped.
As time went by, drinking led to harmless fits of rage to you and your mother hiding away in a room until your father fell asleep. Trying your best to get away from your father, you joined after-school clubs and helped tutor kids.
That's how you met Georgie.
Georgie was failing almost half of his classes, and if he wanted to stay on the football team, he had to get his F's to at least a C. So, he asked around, and everyone he talked to said that besides Sheldon, you were the one to go to. And he did.
Surprisingly enough, you and Georgie got along. The two of you worked hard, and as his grades got to where he needed them, you still kept in touch. You would have lunch with him and his friends, and sometimes join him at the movies. You two even became each other's wingman, with him giving you advice on boys and you vice versa.
All was good until the day you allowed Georgie to walk you home. Being the gentleman he was, Georgie walked you home every day, but the home he was walking you to was actually a few blocks down from your own. You told him that was your house because you didn't want to risk your father finding out that you were friends with a guy.
But today was different. You and Georgie had just left the movies and you both couldn't stop talking about it on your journey home.
"Did you see that alien?" Georgie laughed.
"Yes, oh my goodness. When it first came onto the screen I was so scared," You said, with a soft laugh.
Georgie looked over at you. Still holding the theater popcorn, he popped a handful into his mouth and began making weird creature sounds, which startled you a bit. You jumped and released a scream.
Georgie laughed harder than before and shook his head. "It's so easy," he said, talking about how easy it was to scare you. You teasingly punched him with a long grin before grabbing some popcorn.
Unknowingly, you and Georgie had passed up the house you had told him was your house and were quickly making your way to your actual home.
When you arrived at your house, your smile was gone as you quickly realized your mistake.
"Oh, dang it!" Georgie said, flinging his arms in the air in disappointment. "We passed your house."
You worriedly looked at the door to your house, ignoring the boy next to you. "You should go," you told Georgie as you noticed the living room curtains abruptly shut.
"What?" Georgie asked, confused.
Georgie looked over at you to see that the playful smile that you once wore was replaced with a sunken frown and a look of fear in your eyes. He followed your line of sight to see your home.
"Y/N, this isn't your home. I'm not leaving you to walk the streets alone at night."
Your lip quivered as you continued to stare at the window. "Georgie, go home," you muttered, but Georgie just shook his head.
"Y/N, what's going on. This-"
"This is my home, Georgie! Now please... leave."
Your fear overwhelmed you as you watched a dark figure walk past the window. Georgie looked back at you confused. He knew you wouldn't move until he left, so even though he didn't want to, he did as he was told and left.
He turned and left, only looking back when he got to the end of the street. He looked back and watched as you entered the dark house. An uneasy feeling washed over Georgie, but he continued home, waiting till tomorrow to ask his questions.
Georgie had only been home an hour when he heard the doorbell. He ignored the door and continued reading his magazine. He questioned who would be coming over at 10 o'clock at night. His door was cracked open as he heard his mother answer the door.
"Y/N?" he heard his mother ask, slightly worried, making his head poke up from behind his magazine. Georgie slowly stood from his bed as he wondered why you would be here after he left you at what was actually your home.
Georgie walked into the living room and froze.
You stood at the door with messed up hair, a black eye, and ripped-up clothes. Your eyes met his, and suddenly, he understood why you were so scared, earlier.
"Y/N?" Georgie called out your name as he walked over to you. You were shaking, which Mary had quickly noticed.
"Here... let's get you out of the cold and inside." Mary softly grabbed your arm and moved you into their home before closing the door. She led you to the couch and Georgie followed close behind you.
"George!" Mary called out for her husband.
A few seconds later a slightly annoyed George Cooper exited his room. "What," he said, a bit aggressively, causing Y/N to flinch.
"Oh dear," Mary said after seeing Y/N's reaction. "George, grab the first aid kit. I'm gonna put some soup on."
"Why?" George said, confused, stepping into the living room. His eyes shifted from his wife to the figure on the couch. He moved closer to get a better look at who was on the couch. When he saw it was Y/N, George was in shock. "Y/N? What happened?"
"I would like to know that as well," Georgie said, standing behind his parents with his arms crossed. He kept his gaze strictly on Y/N. Georgie was angry. Not at Y/N, but at whoever did this.
"Yes, I would like to know that as well, but can we at least stitch her up first," Mary said before leaving for the kitchen.
"Oh, right," George agreed, leaving to grab the first aid.
With his parents gone, Georgie took the opportunity to talk to you alone. He slowly stepped forward, joining you on the couch. Georgie opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, you laid your head on his shoulder as you silently cried.
"Who did this to you?" Georgie asked in a soft tone.
On the outside, Georgie was prepared to do whatever to help you feel better, but on the inside, Georgie was angry. He wanted to kill whoever did this to you. You were everything to Georgie. If he could, he'd give you the world.
You closed your eyes and sniffled before answering the boy. "My dad," you whispered. Your cries became louder, making Georgie tense up. Unsure what to do, he placed a loving kiss on your forehead and whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
He did this for a few minutes before George came back with the first aid kit and a wet cloth.
"Okay. It took me a second, but I finally found it," George said, kneeling down in front of you. "Mind telling us what happened?" George asked, as he grabbed her arm and started wiping off the blood.
You hesitated. Just thinking about what happened brought you into a spiral. But Georgie quickly calmed you down by calmly running his fingers through your hair, trying to fix what your dad messed up.
"My dad is an alcoholic," you started. "He has been for a year. And it wasn't until recently that he started getting... physical."
"Your dad did this?" George asked. You nodded, and George went back to cleaning you up.
Mary soon came into the room with a bowl of soup. "Here you go, darling?" She placed the bowl on the side table and stood next to her kneeling husband.
"Thank you, Mrs. Cooper," you gave her a small smile, before continuing. "Anyways, I started joining after-school activities to get away from all the chaos. That's how I met Georgie."
"Wait. So this has been going on since before you met Georgie," Mary asked with a frown. You nodded.
"I didn't want Georgie to get hurt. So, when he asked if he could walk me home, I told him a fake address, so my father wouldn't see him. But today, the night got ahead of us and we passed the house we were supposed to stop at."
Georgie was livid. You were so scared of your father that you lied to protect him. No one should have to avoid their own home.
"We stopped in front of my house, and my father saw."
You paused and suddenly, more tears started flooding your eyes. You tried to speak, but your throat felt tight. Georgie rubbed your back and calmly waited. It took you a minute, but you were finally able to talk again.
"I made sure Georgie left before going into the house, where I knew he was waiting for me. My dad can be unpredictable when he drinks and I didn't want him to attack Georgie."
You wiped your eyes as you kept your gaze down toward your lap.
"When I entered he was just sitting there in the dark... Waiting. When he started talking to me, I knew by his soft voice that I would be in trouble, so I did exactly as he said and answered all his questions truthfully."
You paused, taking a deep breath.
"He grabbed me by the throat and called me a "slut". But it didn't stop there..."
"Oh, lord," Mary muttered to herself.
"When he finally let go of me, he punched me so hard that I fell to the ground. Then he climbed on top of me and began to rip up my clothes. He said that if I was going to be a slut, then I needed to look the part. As he tore up my clothes, I could feel his nails ripping into my skin, hence the scratches."
You paused again, sobbing into your hand.
It took everything in Georgie not to go to your house and teach your father a lesson about treating girls, especially daughters, but he kept his composure.
"I tried to scream for help, but no one came. I saw my mom standing in the doorway, but she didn't do anything. She just stood there... watching. When my dad was done, he dragged me out of the house and locked me out. That's when I decided to come here."
"Oh, you poor thing," Mary frowned with a hand over her chest. She moved toward you and pulled you out of Georgie's arms and into hers. She held you tight as you sobbed loudly against her shirt.
"It's really terrible that you had to go through all that. You don't deserve that. No one does," George said, throwing in his two cents.
Georgie stood from his spot on the couch. "I wanna kill him!" Georgie said, making his way to the door, but he was quickly stopped by his father's grip on his arm. "We're not killing anybody," George said, but that didn't stop Georgie from wanting to go over to your house and beat the living daylights out of your father.
"I think it's been a long night for all of us, so we should all get some sleep. I'm gonna grab some blankets. Georgie, you want to help get the couch ready?" Mary asked, giving you a smile.
"Actually, can I sleep with Georgie? I don't feel comfortable being alone."
Mary was unsure if letting you sleep with Georgie was the right move. She looked over at George, who just shrugged, and then back at you. You looked so sad, and Mary just couldn't say no to someone who's been through all that.
She nodded and sent you another sad smile, which you thankfully returned. "Georgie, take Y/N to your room, and i'll be in their soon with some spare pajamas and blankets. I want to talk to your dad about something."
Georgie's eyes widened, "You aren't seriously thinking about sending her back there, are you?"
Mary was taken aback by her son's outburst. "No," she shook her head. "No, I would never say that. Just go help Y/N so your father and I can talk alone."
Georgie let out a huff, not in the mood to go back and forth with his mother. "Come on, Y/N," He beckoned you to follow him, and you did just that without any hesitation.
You entered Georgie's room and made a quick B-line to his bed. You carefully removed your shoes and lay down. It was safe to say that after the night you had, you were exhausted.
"I know it's a mess, but I wasn't exactly expecting company," Georgie said from across the room. He picked up some of his clothes from off the floor and threw them into an empty hamper. When he was done, he turned to see you knocked out on his bed.
Someone knocked at Georgie's door, making him flinch before turning to see who it was. Mary stood at the door, still wearing that same smile from earlier as she held onto a folded blanket and nightgown.
"I just came to drop these off," Mary spoke in a slightly hushed tone.
"I think you're a bit late for that," Georgie responded, pointing back at you as you slept soundly in his bed.
Mary nodded. "Okay, then I will just leave these right here," she placed the folded blanket and piece of clothing on the corner of the bed next to the bed.
"Thanks, Mom," Georgie smiled, making Mary's smile grow wider.
"No problem, honey," she said before making her way out of the room.
With his mom gone and you sleep, Georgie quickly got ready for bed and joined you. He lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling.
"I swear. Next time someone even thinks about hurting you, I won't hesitate to kill 'em." Georgie knew no one was listening, but he still continued express his feelings toward you.
"I love you," he said to you, leaning over to place a kiss on your forehead before turning off the lights and falling asleep.
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If your User is in orange, I could not find you. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like to be re-added. Taglist:@buckysmainhxe , @esposadomd , @natalia12700, @siriusstwelveyears , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @countrymusiclover , @bellarkeselection , @alexxavicry , @xivilivix, @idontknowwhat2type , @ietss
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chaoticgaywitch · 2 months
new ch of biatd <33 all of the chapters have already been written so i may just post em all, we’ll see
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loveharlow · 2 years
Hi!! Can I request Ajax x reader (gn or female whichever you prefer) where Ajax is upset with not winning the Poe cup and seeking comfort with us. Just general fluff and feel free to add and change anything!
Also I really like your work, and keep up the great work!
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PAIRING ‧₊˚ Ajax Petropolus x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS ‧₊˚ [1.4k] After losing to his girlfriend's team during the Poe Cup, Ajax isn't his usually oblivious, cheerful self. While the win may be a victory for Ophelia Hall, putting a smile on her boyfriends face is the only victory Y/N needs.
WARNING(S) ‧₊˚ swearing, fluff, sort of hurt/comfort, Xavier is a lil bit of a d!ck but it's all for plot I swear (we aren't Xavier haters here)
A/N ‧₊˚ I hope I did this justice and I hope you like it, anon.
˗ˏˋ ajax masterlist ˎˊ˗
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THE WHOOPS AND CHEERS COULD BE HEARD FROM THE CROWD AS MY TEAM AND I HUDDLED IN EACH OTHERS ARMS, THE TROPHY IN THE MIDDLE OF US. There was a bright smile on my face as we jumped up and down, even Wednesday had a small smirk. 
Basking in the afterglow of our win, my eyes scanned around for my boyfriend, wanting to playfully rub the victory in his face. We were competitive in nature, so we took no offense by the other’s gloating. I spotted him in what looked like a semi-heated exchange with Xavier from where I was standing. 
I pushed my way through my team and told them I’d be right back before heading over in their direction. However, before I could make it within hearing distance of their group, Ajax was shaking his head and walking off, not before giving Xavier the finger.
A frown etched its way onto my face as I watched Ajax disappear up the hill, back to the main Nevermore grounds. “Jax!” I tried once, but he was much too far away to hear me, especially over the noise.
Instead of turning around, I made my way over to Xavier instead. Pulling on his shoulder to get him to turn around. He swiftly knocked his shoulder back, brushing off my touch with a scowl on his face.
“Woah. It’s just me-”
“What do you want?” He groaned. The hell is his problem? I thought to myself. Pinching my eyebrows together, I gave him just as much attitude as he gave me. You get what you give, right?
“I want to know why my boyfriend just left.”
“Why would I know?” He shot back.
“Because he was talking to you before he went stomping off like a child.” I retorted, growing aggravated with the boy in front of me. Xavier and I were friends., but that didn’t exclude me, nor Ajax or any of his friends, from his occasional temper tantrums. He was very…moody, for lack of better phrase.
“Because he is. And I’m not his babysitter, alright? So, you wanna know what’s wrong with Ajax? Ask him your damn self.” Was all he said, more like barked, at me before he disappeared into the crowd. 
Leaving me alone, arms crossed and face scrunched in anger. I let out a puff of air and followed in Ajax’s trail up to Nevermore. “Asshole…” I mumbled.
REACHING THE BOY'S DORM, I SPOTTED EUGENE IN THE HALLS. “Eugene!” I called, the short, curly-haired boy turning to meet my eyes with a bright, kiddy smile. “Is Ajax in his dorm?” 
“Um, he should be. I think I saw him come in. Can’t be too sure, though.” I nodded at him with a tight-lipped smile. 
Continuing down the hall to where I remembered his room to be, I could hear music playing faintly and there were the shadows of footsteps pacing back and forth underneath the door frame. Standing directly in front of the door now, the music was much louder and I could hear the pacing, light thuds going from one side of the room to the other.
I knocked, moderately loud, waiting a few moments before knocking again — this time harder.
“I’m busy!” A voice called back. Ajax’s voice. I rolled my eyes and knocked again — longer this time, and much harder. “I said I’m busy!”
I let out a deep breath and groaned, throwing my head back. “Ajax, it’s me! Open the door!” I called as loud as I could, not worrying much to disturb the rest of the dorm considering most of them were outside still congratulating the winning team, my team.
Suddenly, the music was being turned down and the thudding footsteps were longer going side to side and instead, straight for the door. It was seconds before the knob was turning and the door was swinging open, quite aggressively might I add. No words were exchanged, just looks.
Ajax raised an impatient brow at me, a silent question of what I wanted or what I was doing here. I scoffed before rolling my eyes and dipping under his arm that was outstretched across the doorway to enter his room. I could hear him sigh behind me before the door shut.
I look around, as if I had never been in here, before turning back to face him and plopping on the bed — still adorned in my skin-tight catsuit and makeup that was still partially there. 
Ajax stood in his original place by the door, the music still playing but at a reasonable volume this time. His arms were crossed as he looked at me — joker make-up long gone off of his face but he still had on the rest of his ensemble. 
I simply crossed one leg over the other and smiled at him. “So…” I tried, putting on a playful tone to try and bring one out of him. 
He shrugged his shoulders quickly and drew his lips into a thin line. “So?”
I sighed and let my shoulders deflate in defeat. “Ajax, what’s wrong? You didn’t even stay to congratulate me. I would have stayed for you.”
Then he was running a hand down his face in frustration. “Y/n, my team lost. Why would I stay? If you came here for a congratulations, then here — congratulations.” He snarked, throwing his hands out to the sides.
I stood up from his bed and walked over to stand in front of him, maybe a ruler of space between us now. “Okay, seriously, what is wrong with you? It’s just a game.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, to you, maybe.” He started, leaning down slightly to eye-level with me. “I was the reason my team lost. Do you know how bad that sucks?”
My neck reeled back slightly at his statement. “Ajax, what are you talking about? Your team lost because my team fucked with your boat. Simple as that. You had an advantage and we took it from you. That’s it.”
“Yeah, well, tell Xavier that.” I tilted my head in confusion. The anger was gone from his voice, replaced by regret and disappointment. “He said it was my fault we lost. That I took too long to get our flag.” 
I couldn’t help but laugh. God, I love Xavier but he can be a real dick sometimes. “You know how he gets sometimes, Jax. Don’t listen to him.”
“It’s kind of hard not to when he’s fucking screaming in my ear.” 
My arms went around his neck as I pecked his forehead. “You’re friends with a loveable douchebag. You should know this by now.” His arms encircled my waist, pulling me into him for comfort as he buried his face in my neck.
“I was so close to taking my hat off and stoning him.” He mumbled into my shoulder. I couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped me, walking him backwards to his bed as carefully as I could without being able to see it. 
When the back of my knees hit the mattress, I let both of our bodies fall back into the cushioned surface. He was kind of heavy but it was nothing I wasn’t used to. I maneuvered us, with some of Ajax’s help, until I leaned against the headboard with him on top of me — head on my chest, arms around my hips as his legs spread around mine. 
I rubbed the back of his neck and let him find comfort in my presence. “If it makes you feel any better,” I started in a low-tone, not wanting to break the moment. “Even if we hadn’t messed with your boat, Xavier would have cost you guys the win anyway. He was too focused on Wednesday to even row his paddles correctly. I looked over and he was rowing backwards.”
This elicited a laugh, vibrating from his chest and onto my lap. His embrace around me got tighter, just by a little bit. “How’d you know I was in here?” He mumbled.
I shrugged. “I saw you take off after we got the trophy. Asked Xavier where you went and he was being all pissy. I just guessed. I mean, where else would you go?”
“I was gonna come to you but I didn’t want to upset you. You looked happy. You won and you were celebrating, I didn’t want to ruin that for you.”
Moving the hand that was stroking the back of his neck to hold his chin, I lifted his gaze to meet mine. I smiled sheepishly at him, making one equally as genuine appear on his own face. “Now, you’re happy too. That’s the only win I need.”
He laughed and buried his face into my stomach, tickling me. “Cheesy…” He said, muffled into my suit.
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feedback is appreciated! thanks for reading.
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vikilinda · 2 years
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pairing(s): Georgie farmer x fem!reader
Summary: Your roomie asks you for a favor that you charge him in a scene, and it ends up being the best favor of your life.
"Oh please"
"You just have to put on the wig and no one will notice"
Emma, ​​your co-star and friend, begs you to cover her in a scene, the two had become friends when they were both in the final casting test, it cannot be said that both had gotten the role.
"Come on, you don't have to say any dialogue"
Emma had been begging you to cover her in a scene tomorrow, of course you had been telling her no all this time. Something interesting about both of you was how much you two looked alike, not enough to be twins but you do share quite a few similar traits.
"And why isn't Jenna covering for you!"
Jenna, who has been watching you fight Emma, ​​peacefully shakes her head as she continues to eat popcorn.
"I have scenes tomorrow, even if I wanted to I can't"
"Oh come on y/n, you're my only hope, if the scene doesn't shoot tomorrow they'll have to push everything back to January"
You deny.
"It won't be that someone is like this, it's because of her scene partner"
You quickly give Jenna a dirty look. As much as you wanted to deny it, Jenna was only telling the truth, if you accepted your scene partner, it would be Georgie, of course that wasn't the problem, the real problem came with the scene, which was a kiss between Enid and Ajax.
¡You couldn't kiss Georgie!
You and Georgie were good friends, spending almost every day on set together, even seeing each other for off-set dialogue practice quite often. But you couldn't kiss him, not after you'd tried so hard to drown out every little hint of any feeling for him.
"Is this all about Georgie? But if you guys are good- OH. MY. GOOD"
Emma, ​​who seemed to have understood the situation, looks at you with flashing eyes and open mouth. Apparently your little secret had been discovered.
"All the more reason you have to cover me tomorrow"
"I can't"
"Y/n this may be your best chance to find out if he has feelings for you."
"And in the worst case you'll have kissed your crush and you'll have the whole spring break to forget about it" Interjects Jenna.
"Oh thanks"
"Oh come on Y/n, Jenna's right, this is a win/win for you. Please"
You sigh. You were definitely going to regret this.
"Fine…i do it."
Both girls jump on top of you to celebrate, the three of you end up on the ground laughing out loud.
"I'm going to regret this so much"
Your heart gallops when you see how Georgie finishes the short sentence of her character, your scene was the last one to shoot so when you turn around you see almost all your friends and setmates, that only makes you more nervous.
Georgie starts to get closer to you but you just freeze to the ground. Why can't you just be professional, kiss him and end this.
You don't wait for an answer and you just run to the closest place you can find, of course it ends up being one of the corridors of the school set. Why couldn't you kiss him? Why did you have to run away? God, what is wrong with you!
"Hey…are you alright?"
You don't know if you are exalted by the shock of not knowing that you had someone behind your back, or by the specific British accent of that someone.
"Yeah, I just needed to get some air"
"Are you sure?"
You nod. You still had your back to Georgie but it didn't take much of a look to know that Georgie was far away from you, you felt how close her body was to yours.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
Georgie, seeing that you wouldn't turn around, he does, you look at the ground but he bends down in search of it. Georgie knew something was wrong, he knew you perfectly, you never got like that for a scene, not even that time you had to jump out of a window; So seeing you in that state he can't help but worry.
"Is it because of the number of people? Because I can tell Percy to distract them while we record"
"It's not that"
Georgie was a very patient person, very few things managed to get on his nerves, this was one of the few things. You kept looking away while giving monosyllabic answers, was he the problem? Had you been angry with him and hadn't noticed? He hadn't brushed his teeth?
Georgie takes your face in his hands and gently lifts it up so you can look into his eyes.
"Is it me? Can't you record the scene for me?"
Your lack of response confirms it. The look in his eyes kills you and makes you feel like the worst person in the world, he had only cared about you and instead you just avoid because you can't admit that it makes you so nervous that all body heat runs out of you.
"I'm sorry, I never wanted you to feel uncomfortable. It's because of the breath, right? I never should have let Percy do the shopping."
You laugh and that makes Georgie feel better at least you're not mad at him.
"You don't make me uncomfortable and your breath is fine, I swear."
"And what is it? If you don't tell me I won't be able to fix it, y/n/n"
Here you were, if you were going to take out the bandage you were going to do it in one move.
"It's just… It's just that you make me nervous"
Georgio was a poem, you didn't know if he was confused, scared or surprised. Or if he at least had understood what you wanted to say.
"I can't kiss you because every time you got closer I felt like my heart was going to explode or run away. And I couldn't tell you anything because I didn't want to damage our friendship, although from your face you may not even understand what I'm trying to tell you…"
Georgie doesn't give you time to finish when he locks your body in his arms and his chest, making sure that this time you weren't going to run away anywhere. Join your lips with his.
You were kissing Georgie! After all they had ended up kissing and you had to admit that it was much better than you had imagined. When they separate, Georgie runs her gaze over your face, smiles.
"I was the one who asked Emma to switch scenes with you."
Your eyes widened at her confusion, a smile beginning to escape from the corner of your lips. Georgie had planned all this.
"I couldn't leave without at least trying something. Those two months would have eaten my head"
"So you convinced Emma that she'll help you?"
"It was more blackmail on her part, but let's say yes. Are you upset?"
Emotions did not fit in you, how could you be upset? Georgie had gone to all the trouble to come up with a plan and blackmail your roomie just so he could kiss you.
You don't answer, not with words at least. You take her face in your hands and kiss it. Georgie takes a few more seconds to react, but when he does, he encloses you more in his arms, letting herself be guided by the dance that guides your lips.
They both smile when they see each other.
"How about we finish filming the scene, and after what it takes to get all this blood off of us, we go on a date"
"I'm lovin 'it"
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Is there/can there be a fic where the reason Roy is so weird about Jamie’s mom in mom city is because he’s never really had a proper mom? In the whole show, his mom is never mentioned, so maybe his mom died in child birth (and his sister’s mom doesn’t much care about him). Then when he was sent to sunderland, instead of a host family he stays in a private room at a group home so none of the other kids had family’s either. And he was too busy being a football prodigy to make friends that would invite them to meet their family. So Roy just has never properly seen an affectionate mother. And he doesn’t know how to deal with Georgie and Jamie’s relationship. And that’s why he’s weird. And he’s so jealous he doesn’t even know how to articulate it. And when he attempts to explain to Jamie, Jamie tells Georgie, and Georgie comes down and spends the off season just spoiling the shit out of both of them (while Jamie and Roy figure their shit our and finally get together) and being an amazing mom.
Simon and Roy also make an incredible pair in the kitchen and Jamie and Georgie are secretly plotting their restaurant menu for when they both quit their current jobs.
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