#get a job for a residence permit
eebie · 6 months
thinking about the future . . . .
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desicosplay · 1 year
because apparently I need to “redirect my energy” into advocacy in order to help with the overwhelming feeling of loneliness, lack of community, and silence from my medical school, here’s the link to my resources for justice page, which has:
- Articles - Organizations - Shops - Toolkits - Self-Care - Books (oh lord are there books)
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malcriada · 6 days
Help two siblings reunite!
many of you might still remember Amal @sakurai96, who fundraised tirelessly for her family and managed to get them evacuated to Egypt before the border closed. i have shared many of Amal's posts here
unfortunately, Amal lost her main source of income and is now being forced to work three jobs just to keep herself afloat in Germany and also support her family. her fundraiser has been stagnating for a while now, the last donation was two days ago!
too many times support for Palestinians starts dwindling once evacuation happens or another goal is reached. it is incredibly telling and disheartening to see.
Eman, her sister, has the chance to move to Germany as well in search of a better future. for this to happen, she needs to take a German language exam and that is only achievable with a student resident permit for Egypt. Eman and Amal need to raise $5,000 to make this happen. Amal's campaign has been verified by @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi here (#24, line 28) so please don't hesitate to help!!
€61,230 / €65,000 as of 09/18/24
€3,770 left to reach their goal!!
tagging for reach under the cut
@oorevitcejda @yellowwperil @sandersgrey @ofide @rukafais
@officialpenisenvy @theonpilled @fleurrice @tetrafelino @think-queer
@timothylawrence @roakkaliha @lostacelonnie @huzni @laurajameskinney
@gamb0fficial @vincentspork @teabisexual @officialscud @evilponds
@dinodamage @yurischolar @lune-tic @lipid @newporters
@witticismz @dovv @capricornpropaganda @charlott2n @determinate-negation
@parsleyrosemarybotch @tadpoledyke @userpeggycarter @thedigitalbard @melon-colli
@demilypyro @lesbocrocker @kahin @chososhairbuns @economicinflationkink
@zamanassad @wayneradiotv @jihaad @evillesbianvillain @camgirlpanopticon
@stuckinapril @goldenspirits @scarletlich @rongzhi @marxistcomedy
@timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @dirhwangdaseul @mahoushojoe
@rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako
@irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @lonniemachin @dykesbat
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @amygdalae @mazzikah @themazziah
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currentfandomkick · 4 months
Took a bit to finish this as Work Hell and exhaustion (and editing for format ReasonsTM)
Enjoy, and let me know if there’s anything in particular you want explored next, and i’ll see if i can add it to the list for the drabbles (the characters hijack everything so no guarantees)
Masterpost Here
Contrary to popular belief, Skulker is good at his job.
He knows how to craft a perfect trap, how to hunt virtually every type of ghost, and has succeeded every time with enough persistence. The halfa was proving an excellent challenge and reminder that hunting took time and planning.
The issue was he also knew his prey was being hunted by another, and this one’s motives were unknown. This ectopus made it clear that it intends to drown the whelp in either form, and that. That annoyed Skulker.
He followed the rules of hunting. Do not go after pregnant entities, or those capable of during their respective spawning season(s). Only hunt what is permitted. Always release your prey if they are endangered, but you may take something to commemorate the event.
Skulker’s choice was the halfa’s first pelt. He’d grow a new one in a year or so, and it would give the halfa time to acclimate to the zone rather than guarding the portal and the whole of Amity so viciously.
But this Ectopus ignored the rules of engaging with the halfa—only treat Phantom and Fenton as the same person when the “ghost hunting”parents were not around. No need to put the child at risk long term.
Halfas were extinct in the realms far longer than most were certain of, a few reigns before Pariah at least. And Skulker was well aware most of the ghosts and Neverborn he interacted with were born well into the Age of Anarchy as Ghost Writer and the record keepers were so fond of calling it.
And it was only after Pariah’s ‘sleep’ began that the liminal population declined on the Living’s side. Apparently species like Sampson’s took quite the hit, most no longer existing. Sampson was one of two Purpler Back Gorillas alive.
Understandably, the liminal gorilla was frustrated. Non-liminals failed to comprehend ghost speak, their culture was almost dead due lack of population and they were treated more like a lab rat than a person.
That was before encountering the first liminal—admittedly halfas pushed the limits of liminality—she’d found existed besides herself. The whelp’s understanding of the language was basic, but he hasn’t had his first shedding yet nor did he seem to interact with other liminals often either.
Skulker was not idiotic enough to ignore the Whelp’s need for his ghost parent’s protection. It was the issue of getting Sampson around Amity to protect the whelp from this “Taco” ectopus that was an issue.
He made sure to bring a fruit basket from the Realms, and included a shedding from a birdlike entity.
Sampson snarled until he left the offering.
“I have news about your son. He is ill,” Skulker began.
Sampson growled ill???Howexplain
“Likely the overhunting from Taco the Ectopus, as the whelp calls them, but there may be other causes. He’s rather old now to not have undergone his first shedding—don’t look at me like that we both know he is—and is experiencing soul form regression. there are those in the Realms who can help.”
Sampson beat her chest. yesHelphow?
“We need to bring him to Realm’s doctors. He may need to reside in his haunt, or require treatment of a number of things. I am not certain, but this Taco may require independent capture and containment. The doctors will know better,” Skulker admitted.
“… yes we can go once we have the whelp—does his core have a particular sensation attached to it?”
“I’ll let the doctors know when we arrive. Do you want to bring him in his small form, or one of his usual two?”
“He should be headed to the aquarium tonight, shall I set up the blob ghost perimeter?” It was the easiest way to monitor one’s prey and lire away competition… and confirm whether or not this “Taco” is targeting the whelp personally or as an ecto source.
He’s hoping the latter, but has a sinking feeling it will be the former. And he will have to hide the stupid finned brat in his prosthetic…
He should see if his girlfriend or her friends don’t mind helping him distract the intruder from the whelp.
Johnny and Kitty are rather fond of their ex. And Ember is insistent on setting up more playdates between her frightmate Youngblood and the whelp. Something about them being ‘same font different hat’ that he didn’t quite get. Oh well, if it didn’t involve animals, weapons, tactics or hunting he rarely gave it much thought in life, let alone his afterlife.
With Sampson’s (terrifying) blessing, Skulker got to work.
Masterpost Here
Tags: @skulld3mort-1fan @theizzyof3malec3 @brattysleepyreader @sebas-nights @elidaweirdotaku0520 @bianca-hooks123 @the-autistic-spider @laurcad123 @just-lurking-here-dont-mind-meh @atinygracie @stars-obsession-pit @wanderwithwings @aibhilin-atibeka
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muffinsin · 9 days
I just had a thought 🔥🔥(should have been a ice emoji considering the request..) can you do a reader whos kind of serious most of the time but thats because they are a cryokinesis user an can manipulate ice an make things freeze so they are really careful to not use their powers near the daughters especially
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That sounds hella cool, hon!🙌 For funsies, imagine they themselves had that ability. Rip, little flies! Thankfully that’s not the case, though it’s an awesome idea for reader! :)
Let’s get into it
Ever since you started working at the castle, you heard rumors, here and there
Bits by bits, whispered theories of what to do and not to do to avoid punishment
Among being tidy and quiet, polite and friendly, there has always been one obvious task:
Be mindful around the windows
You’re not permitted to open one without permission in winter, and all those who do or accidentally break one are dragged to the basement
The residents of the castle, especially the three murderous sisters, screech in anger every time the window cracks open just a bit already
And each time it’s followed by punishment and the disappearance of yet another staff member
You, of course, notice all these
It doesn’t take you long to figure out their secret
It’s not entirely well hidden, after all
As such, it becomes your task to use your powers as little as possible
You know, even a little bit of ice would send you right to the basements
And, all in all, it goes very well
Sure, some tasks take painfully long and are awfully boring
You feel a little stressed, sometimes being startled and having to make sure your powers are never used
You try very hard to stay in the background, and only once nearly had a slip up
Then, you were startled and accidentally froze Lady Bela’s fork, who immediately dropped it
For the next couple of weeks the castle was locked tight, the staff and ladies trying to find whatever could have caused this
Thankfully, with summer around the corner the incident was quickly forgotten
You have little contact with the women as is, and have little problem containing your abilities at the few times you are around them
Then, this changes, when you get close to one of them
Bela Dimitrescu, the eldest of the three sisters, the heiress of their mother, the countess of castle Dimitrescu
Being close to her is something you want, badly
She’s smart, even cocky sometimes
As you get to know the cold, coolheaded woman, you find she can even be quite playful
You enjoy your time with her immensely
You enjoy getting to know her immensely
She’s quickly becoming more and more important to you
You confide in her when maidens bother you
In turn, she sometimes confides in you, whispers spoken between the two of you as she tells you of her burdens
And, you’re always there to comfort her
Only are you anxious
Now you must not only focus to hide your powers and stop yourself from freezing objects, but are fearing you may outright freeze her
Especially when she eventually feels more comfortable around you, and pretty much only you
Being selected to be a part of her private personal, Bela is pretty much your job
Her needs, her tasks, her desires
Due to the friendship and closeness the two of you have developed, these tasks shift a little
Such as when, after a particularly hard and long day, she asks you for a massage
Your breath hitched then
You knew you couldn’t- and didn’t want to- refuse
And still, your hands shook a little and you concentrated hard as your hands came in contact with her thin dress and the smooth, porcelain skin underneath
For long, you are scared to touch her
At the same time, you can’t tell her why. You have no way of gauging what her reaction will be
You’re more than capable of killing her, especially should you catch her off guard
Would she still be with you?
Or would she lock you away? Warn her sisters and wait until her mother disposes of you?
You decide not to risk it
As such, you’re on edge each time you massage her
At the same time, you offer her one more and more often, disliking to see her so tense and in pain
And in time, you become a little more comfortable
You never hurt her, thankfully
And you vow to yourself: you never will
Meeting Cassandra first in the village, she takes an interest in you almost immediately
After all, the other villagers seem somewhat wary of you
They respect you, but she senses fear and suspicion, too
She immediately wants to know why that is
Why are you so special?
Alas, your secret is well kept, and it frustrates her to no end
But, even as she visits the village often during summer, you gain a break from obsessively hiding your powers in winter
You think, you can hide your abilities from her
Only does she soon pick up on the fact you hunt for a living
And, as a predator and huntress herself, she soon realises you have no tools with you at all
Sadly, this only intrigues her more
You’re constantly stalked by her, curiosity getting the best of her
You know, Cassandra Dimitrescu is fully aware that you’re hiding something
And she’s very intent on finding out what it is
Even before you get close to her, before you find out about her weakness, you know to hide your abilities
The villagers are already wary of you
You’re sure if Cassandra was to find out, you’d soon be in row to be one of Mother Miranda’s infamous test subjects
At last, you’re granted to hunt normally in winter
But, even with your abilities allowing you to craft tools to hunt and sell your loot for good coin, money soon runs out
There’s less and less lei in the village, so that even should you return after a successful hunt, there’s hardly anyone to still sell your loot to
Even the Duke isn’t in constant need of meat and fur
And, of course, you aren’t oblivious to who does still have enough money…the lords
As such, the lack of money to keep yourself alive leads you to working at the castle, employed by Alcina Dimitrescu
It’s no surprise Cassandra is immediately on you again
And despite the head maiden’s advice not to make yourself known or pull any attention your way, you’re immediately spotted by the sadist
She bothers you as you work constantly, is always looking over your shoulder
You wear gloves as much as you can, praying they might just prevent you from accidentally freezing something
She brings you to the basements, as though it’s a fun trip, and shows you her favorite tools
In time, when this keeps happening and she shows you a new weapon each time she obtains one, it all clicks into place and you realise;
She likes you
She never threatens you, even down in the basement
Instead, she seems enthusiastic to show you the weapons
Not to intimidate you, not to scare you. To share something she’s passionate about
Maybe it’s because you don’t judge her. Maybe it’s because you’re different too, even if she can’t yet figure out why
But she likes you
And seeing her in this new light, you find: you like her too
You like her, and you like her confidence
You like how she shares her interests with you, all the things she’s so passionate about
In time, you come to care for her, too
You defend her against stupid maids bickering about her behind your back, knowing she could snap them in half herself
In turn, you quickly rise in the hierarchy of the castle, unofficially made Cassandra’s second in command, even
You’re hers, indirectly, under her protection
You’re even allowed outside, granted to hunt like you always have
Only is she still often hot on your trail, waiting for you to slip up and reveal your secret
Once, you’re close to revealing it
She’s still outside, even as temperatures drop dangerously
You know of her weakness, remember how she’d get cranky in winter and flinch when your unusually cold hands accidentally made contact with her fingertips upon handing her something
Without overthinking it, you rush out into the woods to find her
You’re hardly worried about the Lycans out, capable of defending yourself perfectly well
And unlike Cassandra, the cold has nothing on you
Soon you find her and, supporting her weight by letting her lean on you, begin to guide her back to the castle
She doesn’t seem surprised about your lack of surprise to her reaction to the cold. As if she knew you were aware of her secret
Or, maybe she’s just too cold to panic
Either way, you make good progress, yet tense when loud wind turns to an aggressive storm
She howls in pain as the wind hits her harshly, specks of snow hitting her in the face and bruising the beautiful skin
Immediately, you consider rising a giant wall of ice to stop the storm from reaching her
And just as fast, you stop yourself. You can’t risk revealing yourself, can’t risk her finding out and telling the cult’s leader. You can’t risk what this would mean
You can’t risk losing Cassandra
You wrap your clothing around her instead, yet you don’t get far before her eyes slip shut, her body dangerously fragile with the assault of the cold wind
Her closed eyes are all you need to rise a wall immediately, your hands working fast until you’re surrounded by thick walls of ice
While cold on the inside of these walls, Cassandra seems fragile, but stable
And when she awakens wrapped in your clothing and surrounded by ice, you act as clueless as her, claiming you found it and used the structure for shelter
She doesn’t fully believe you, but can’t explain it either, allowing you to get away with it
Briefly, you wonder what life would be if you told her then
Working at the castle, you know not to arouse suspicion
You know not to pull any attention to yourself, even if you were an ordinary staff member
After all, there are plenty dragged to the basement for simply making mistakes
You have no doubt you would await and even worse fate if you revealed your abilities
After all, most are dragged to the cellars for the simple mistake of leaving a window open or so and allowing the cold to intrude
You don’t doubt you would be dragged down the cellar if even a small burst of ice came from your fingertips
As such, you generally try to lay low
You wear gloves whenever possible, try to work in private as much as you can
You keep away from others, paranoid, but sure, that if one of the maids was to find you use your abilities, this would be reported to the mistresses of the castle immediately
Keeping to yourself works for a little bit, too
Until you eventually have one of the women’s eyes set on you
The golden eyes of the youngest sister, Daniela Dimitrescu, ever set on you
She’s friendly with you in no time
And still, you freeze when she holds your ungloved hand in hers for the first time
Cold as ice, she immediately drops it again, flinching back as if in pain
You feel bad immediately, pulling your hand and hiding it against your chest
Only does she reach for it again, and you realize her soft, porcelain-like skin crack ever so slightly in your hand
You wish you could be a little warmer for her
And still, if she suspects anything unusual at play to influence your body temperature, she doesn’t voice it
She finds you to be quite serious, nearly at all times
You’re tense, hardly playful
But, in time, the sadistic, sweet, rather deranged woman does break through the walls you so carefully put up
You find yourself caring for her
You find yourself enjoying her company
You find yourself liking her
You find yourself waiting for her to bug you when you work
You find you no longer mind when she’s around you, even enjoy it
And of course, Daniela picks up on this
While you’re still so very serious for some reason, you shoot her smiles occasionally
And, to your surprise, she doesn’t stop touching you despite the pain it causes her
It seems, she’s by far more touch starved than you assumed she was, going great lengths to feel one’s touch even if it causes her discomfort
You’re determined to give her comfort, though
As such, you keep a pair of thick gloves with you to slip on whenever she wants to hold onto your hand
It helps you feel more at ease too
You figure the gloves will prevent you from freezing her petite fingers off, if not her entire hand
And as such, you grow more and more comfortable around her
She doesn’t push, despite knowing you have a secret. Instead, she only enjoys your company
She tells you of her day, of her sisters and mother
In return, you share stories with her
She joins you as you work, usually sitting at a counter and reading out loud from her newest book
You find- you appreciate the company
Sometimes, you share your thoughts with her or tell her your theories on what will happen in the next few chapters
This excites her. No one ever indulges her the way you do!
At other times, you only hum along, working quietly but letting you know that you’re listening to her
You soon begin to care immensely for her
As such, when you realise how stressed and tense, sad and worried she is during winter, you decide to help her out
You help her keep warm by retrieving numerous blankets, bring her snacks and flowers you find in the gardens
But, most of all, you help her in the way only you can
Often, you’re asked to stay the night with her, especially when she doesn’t want to stay alone and can’t sleep
In such nights you use your abilities, manipulating the storm and ice to retreat from her windows
As such, her room and the fire has no difficulty keeping her warm all night long
She calls you her guardian angel soon, realizing that somehow, the storm and the cold is never as bad when you’re there
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Cute Spider Society Headcanons:
[a long post of random headcanons about the fun stuff at Spider Society HQ - all cool things for your Spidersona to do]
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There's absolutely regular talent shows and battles of the band every quarter or so.
Spider-people usually aren't the most popular back home on their Earth's, so Miguel permits having shows and activities like this so Spider-people can bond and relieve stress between Canon Events
Hobie has won multiple times - His and Gwen's band won last quarter, BUT they don't always win. MetroSpider is another past winner.
The rule is Spider-members only. But if your powers help your music, you can use them (ie, Hobie can play guitar without an amp-)
Training is a HUGE thing.
And it's mandatory even between missions. Time trails, Web strength testing, problem resolution training, weekly classes - It's a lot.
Your training schedule isn't always the same, and your classes are determined by your skill, specific powers, and universe
Money isn't used on campus. It's banned actually, and mostly useless when everyone is from a universe with a different exchange rate, political climate, tender etc.
Instead, The main currency is based on a points system connected to training/missions.
The more missions you do, or the more you train (therefore making you a better hero to your universe), the more points you earn
Things like the cafeteria and dorms are completely free. But points can be used to earn perks like suit upgrades, or things from the commissary
The Commissary is a store on campus where you can buy authorized items from other Earth's.
They have everything from training materials like mechanical webbing - with different properties/effects - to leisure things like cool video games from Margo's world or music from other time eras, vintage things from old universes, etc
Points can also be used for a number of other stuff such as:
Extra jumps on your watch. The more missions you do, the more jumps you can buy, allowing you to go to other universes on your off time (to hang with friends)
Suit Upgrades. Your suit is surveyed and upgraded for free at joining, and it gets upgraded with every class you gain (C Class -> B Class -> A Class -> etc.)
However, you can use points to upgrade or even just redesign your suit. There is a Suit Center where fashionable and genius Spider-people will help you design and adjust your suit based on your universe and villains
There's support groups, a lot centered around Canon Events.
For teens and young Spider-people there's an Educational Program
It can be done part-time with active mission work or full-time on campus
You train in multiversal research, Spider genetics, and other technology such as Doc Ock technology and Green Goblin biology
You can be offered a job on campus after completion - Margo is a graduate of this
If your participate in Educational Program, Lyla will be your mentor and you'll report to her
Educational students live in separate dorms, and the program is kinda intense, but VERY fun
There are different focuses in the program
Spider-Geneticists have a short residency after, they help take Spider vitals and oversee Training
You can also specialise in Spider-medicine - in which you work in the Infirmary
There are some CRAZY (secret) Parties all over the Spider-verse.
Disco-Spider loves a good party. Her and Pavi through insane ragers, a new one in a different universe everytime
Miguel has no idea
But partying on the walls and ceiling while Spider-people play super-human live shows in the world's craziest mosh-pit -
Spider-parties hit different.
It's one of the only time everyone is unmasked around each other
There's a really loose dress code
You DO NOT have to wear your suit 24/7. What is someone gonna do, rat you out in your universe?
Everyone is in their suit for ATSV cause Miguel asked them to be completely professional that day (as an intimidation tactic)
That's why Jess, Gwen, Peter, and Hobie are all fine showing their faces as soon as they get to campus.
If anything it's usually seen as weird to be wearing your mask all the time
Casual clothing is allowed. Skirts and dresses without anything underneath aren't allowed (you'll be upsidedown.)
You're expected to have two suits (one main, one spare - you get these at joining) for missions and a separate training outfit for your classes
There's super sports teams
Spidey Football (European not American) expands the rules to all four walls with a ball engineered to stick like Spidey-people do
Track & Swing Team - which Pavitr is a star member of
A small swim-and-dive team for the swimmers, and a small Roller Derby league for the skaters
Pavitr is also a star on the gymnastics team
There's also things like ballet groups, though Gwen doesn't take part
There's a REALLY GOOD Glee club. Spider-strength gives some crazy lung-capacity.
Disco is on the Glee club, and they take it very seriously
Living on campus doesn't threaten your home verse - you'll still be on call!
Lyla monitors all universes for anamolies - sending Anamoly Teams of 2-6
However if your universe experiences a non-anamoly, your watch will be pinged for a mandatory report, and you'll be sent to your universe to handle it
As such, your watch is like a doctor's pager. You can be called for anamolies or your universe at any time (If you're an active member in your universe, living on Society Campus, or have a contact negotiated for that. Class S members like Hobie can negotiate to be Selective Active members)
There's a little underground Spider-market
If you ask Hobie, he can definitely hack your watch for you.
If your Electro has been beating your ass, you can get your hands on electro-resistant webbing without spending points.
The Society has a small group of people willing to trade you for anything you've got, or even just help you out for the hell of it.
You just have to know where and who to ask
There's a couple Spideys that don't pay electric because someone hooked them up with a super clean Futuristic generator
MJ's, Black Cats, Osborns, and Deadpools are allowed on campus with clearance, a daypass, and a chaperone (their Spidey)
Only for short periods, or if they're super injured. An MJ might pop in when Peter forgets his lunch.
Aunt Mays are not.
It's considered very rude to call them by their 'base names' - ie. calling MJs 'Mary-Janes' or calling Black Cats 'Felicias'
Not all MJs are Mary-Janes
Though, using the term 'a Parker' is common on campus to refer to large Peter Parker population
Roughly 45-50% of the people on campus are named Peter.
There's other 'groups' - such as 'Not-Parkers' (Non-Peter iterations like Pavitr), and 'Duplicates' (Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, MJs, Felicia Hardy NightSpider etc)
Though calling them these things are way less common or accepted than calling someone a Parker ('Not-Parker'is neutral. 'Duplicate' is offensive)
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mariacallous · 2 months
so every time I post about building of more housing through HUD or whatever, people will always pop into the tags or the notes and say something like "we don't need to build any more housing!" "there's more than enough houses for people!" etc from the left
and I have an idea what the issue is, ie there's enough housing collectively across all of America, but not enough where people actually live/want to live, what good does an empty house in Montana do someone paying too much in rent in NYC?
but you're a lot smarter than me, what are they talking about? are they right? is my guess correct?
Finding an affordable place to live in the U.S. can feel pretty impossible whether you're a renter or a buyer.
To begin with, there's a massive shortage of homes — somewhere between 4 and 7 million. And those who are able to find homes are spending a much bigger chunk of their paycheck than in recent years.
All Things Considered host Mary Louise Kelly spoke with Alex Horowitz, the director of Pew's Housing Policy Initiative, to help understand why affordable housing feels like a pipe dream, and what can be done about it.
She began by asking about the shortage of 4 to 7 million homes in the U.S., and whether that was a shortage of all homes or affordable ones.
Alex Horowitz: We're short on all homes. Full stop. There just aren't enough of them. And that means that existing homes are getting bid up because we see high income households competing with low income households for the same residences since just not enough are getting built.
Mary Louise Kelly: And what's driving this? Why?
Horowitz: So restrictive zoning is the primary culprit. It's made it hard to build homes in the areas where there are jobs. And so that has created an immense housing shortage. And each home is getting bid up, whether it's a rental or whether it's a home to buy.
Kelly: I want to ask if there are any cities getting this right. Can you give me an example of one that has looked at it's zoning laws and said we could actually make this more affordable if we change things?
Horowitz: There are definitely cities that are getting this right. And we've seen a lot of changes in recent years to allow more homes, especially the kinds of homes that are in short supply, namely apartments, townhouses, duplexes and homes that don't cost as much as a detached single family house. Minneapolis is a great example. Minneapolis updated their zoning to make it much easier to build apartments near commerce and near transit, in part by eliminating parking minimums and also by making permitting easy. And it worked. They're producing housing at triple the rate of the U.S. and the rest of Minnesota, and that has meant that they've kept their rents flat for about seven years.
Kelly: Okay, so let's drill down first on the renters side of this. We heard from Natalie French, the renter who had to move out of her apartment when her rent went way up. How typical is that? Is that happening to people all over the country?
Horowitz: That is happening. And rents have been rising rapidly, up about 30% in the U.S. since 2017, with median rents now hitting about 1400 dollars a month. And we've never been at a time before where half of renters were spending 30% or more of income on rent. But that's happening for the first time.
Kelly: And then on the homebuying side, we hear a lot about mortgage rates. They keep climbing. They don't look like they're coming down anytime soon. Are there other factors that make this a tough time to buy?
Horowitz: A lack of starter homes is really keeping it difficult for first time homebuyers to crack the market. And that is because traditionally starter homes are small homes. That means a home on a small lot, maybe a townhouse. And we're seeing far fewer of those come onto the market. Many jurisdictions require large minimum lot sizes, and that means that land costs end up being a big part of the equation. Houston is the place that has had the most success in bringing starter homes into the market. And it was by reducing their minimum lot size. And then 80,000 townhouses followed.
Kelly: So does it boil down to the double whammy of: there aren't enough homes full stop, and even if there were a home, it's really hard to afford a mortgage in an era where mortgage rates are sky high.
Horowitz: Mortgage rates are a piece of the puzzle, but at a fundamental level, even when mortgage rates were low, it was hard to buy a home for the first time because there simply aren't enough of them. And a lot of the ones that we have are bigger than what people need. U.S. household size is at an all time low of 2.50 people per household. And so we see homes that are bigger than what a lot of residents are looking for.
Kelly: What about financing and lending? Setting aside what mortgage rates are, is it more difficult than in generations past just to get a loan to buy a house?
Horowitz: Oh, it's gotten much more difficult to get a mortgage. The availability of mortgage credit tightened dramatically during the Great Recession, and it never bounced back. So for someone who gets a mortgage today, they're likely to have a higher credit score than someone who's gotten a mortgage in the past. And that means simply fewer people are eligible for homes. And the cost to originate a mortgage has roughly tripled since 2009. And that has meant that lenders don't offer many small mortgages because they tend not to make money on them unless the mortgage is for over about $150,000.
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bekkathyst · 7 months
Updates and Offerings
Hello everyone! I just wanted to check in with you all and update you on the shop.
We've had a really rough beginning of the year, from a delayed inventory shipment that has now thrown us back 2 months off track to a random injury that's taking months to heal. On top of that, we have the biggest bills of the year that are due next month. I am trying to work everything out, and I will be shifting a lot of things in the shop to try to correct the major deficit we're in now. If big changes aren't made in the next month, our shop won't be able to continue to exist. This is especially stressful for us because my husband's residency permit for where we live is dependent on our income meeting a certain threshold, so if the shop can't turn enough profit we will both have to get different jobs and close the shop. I can talk more about what's happening with the shop and all the changes I plan to implement once we finally get this shipment of new inventory.
But if you'd like to support us in the meantime to help us get through this difficult time, there are some ways below.
I made a SPRINGCLEANING coupon code that will give you 30% off an order of $100 or more from our online store. This will apply to all crystals and the remaining handmade copper jewelry in the shop.
I still have quite a few slots available for custom wire wraps, and the ones that have already been claimed are still in the works and will be shipped on time!
Other than that, I am working hard on my next jewelry collection that should be ready in March, and I am also working on adding a whole new section to the shop for things with my photography (journals, prints, etc) but it won't be ready until I can get the reviews from the samples I sent out. So both of those things are coming soon.
I appreciate your support always! Even just your shares and reblogs mean so much to us and are a tremendous support.
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octuscle · 10 months
My boss has been giving me shit ever since I got this job. If I could just put him in his place for one day…
Your boss's day is off to a great start. Power cut. And the Tesla is not charged. The only way to get to the office is by bus and suburban train. He hates public transport. But what should he do? At the bus stop, he pulls out his cell phone to buy his ticket. All around him are schoolchildren and wetbacks on their way to work. Damn, did he pocket the cell phone of his cleaning lady from Colombia? All in Spanish. And the phone far from his own brand new show-off model. And already has a few scratches too... Maldita sea! Why can't he buy a ticket now? Tarjeta bloqueada. That's all he needs. His not-so-clean trousers hang low on his narrow hips. The waistband of his fake Calvin Klein briefs is clearly visible. When the bus arrives, he rummages in his deep trouser pockets for a few dollars. Just enough to buy a ticket.
When your boss changes trains, he realizes that his briefcase is gone. Where the hell did the hip bag come from instead? He looks inside. Tobacco, cigarette papers, a few crumpled dollar bills, some weed. And condoms. Lots and lots of condoms. His gaze falls on his reflection in the window pane. Mierda, soy un espalda mojada. ¡Un sucio y apestoso espalda mojada! Instead of his spotless white shirt, he wears a dirty wifebeater. And the jacket has become a sleeveless open plaid shirt. Not entirely clean either. His feet are in dirty biker boots. A couple of silver chains around his neck. Shit, something's not going well. When he arrives at the station, he walks towards the toilets. He needs a mirror. Sporty and dynamic, he jumps over the turnstile at the entrance. He has no more money to use the toilets. There are the mirrors. And that's no longer your boss. Okay, the other hustlers at the station all call Juan "jefe" because he has the biggest cock. But apart from that, he's nothing but a well-trained wetback hustler.
One of the other hustlers comes up to jefe and asks for a fag. Juan panics. Should he be nice to the scum? Juan will probably need help. On the other hand, the mere presence of this gay trash makes him nauseous. At least he speaks English. Juan decides to be friendly. And he tries to reply that they can share a fag. He replies in broken English with a heavy Spanish accent. The other hustler thanks him with a fist bump. He doesn't seem surprised by the language. Juan builds a cigarette, takes a first drag and passes the fag on. While they smoke in a corner of the train toilet, a punter wanders around them. Juan doesn't think much about it. He needs money. And it can't get much worse than this. His eyes and those of the punter meet. The rest happens without a word. A few minutes later, Juan kneels on the piss-strewn floor of the toilet and swallows the cum of a strange man. And he's a pro, he gets a hard-on even though the punter is rather disgusting.
It gets quieter from 10:00 onwards. The rush hour is over. There's nothing to do at the station until 16:00. Juan counts his takings. 120 dollars. Not bad. He joins the other hustlers at the kiosk in front of the station, smokes a cigarette and drinks a beer. He needs to get rid of that damn taste of cum from old fat white men. Then Juan has to go to the wholesale market and clean the market halls. He's definitely no longer the boss here. The job is also badly paid, but he has to prove he has a regular job so as not to lose his residence permit. And there are showers for the employees. If he goes back to the station sweaty and dirty, he can forget about good sales.
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Juan is just getting out of the shower when a regular customer contacts him via Facetime. He asks how his favorite slut is doing. Juan poses a little in front of the cell phone camera. He doesn't understand English very well, but he knows that his customer gets horny when he shows off his hairy armpits. And the customer pays well. Most of the time, Juan even gets a bit to eat. And if he's lucky, he can even spend the night with the client and doesn't have to go to the dirty dormitory where Juan has currently rented a bed. But if he's not lucky, at least he knows where his place is.
Pic of your jefe found @marechais 
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nyancrimew · 2 years
I'm an American who's been trying to move to switzerland but it's like I need a job to get a residence permit but need a residence to get a work permit 😫 super stressful, do you have any tips? If no spoons, that's ok, have a good day! Keep silly
i am ngl immigrating to switzerland is like hard as shit entirely for shitty right wing politics reasons, this country is so insanely xenophobic and racist and it makes me sad
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This is Elaf, a once passionate medical student and the oldest daughter of a single mom with no job and a responsibility of 5 children to raise, I was awaiting the moment to graduate and reward my mother for all her sacrifices, but the faith had another claim, my mother, 3 sisters, brother, and aunt were forced to leave our house by the RSF under all kinds of violence and terrorism, they have occupied our house and left us with nothing. Thankfully, they made it alive to escape to Al-Gizera where they thought it would be safe and in peace. A few months later the RSF entered Madani, bringing with them destruction, chaos, massacre and the threat of unspeakable horrors. My family got displaced for the second time and trapped in inhumane conditions, in a place without shelter, internet, or basic human needs, but with all the possibilities of attack, sexual abuse, and even merciless death. It's really beyond excruciation to be displaced and refugee inside a country that supposed to be your home, isn't it?
I am terrified about my mother who is a hypertensive and asthmatic patient and could develop any further cardiovascular/respiratory diseases due to the unimaginable stress and fear, lack of medications, and limited access to food. I am scared about my sisters who aren't safe among terrorists who use sexual abuse against girls and women to remark their false and illusory victory. I am afraid of the unknown future of my 12 years old sister who is deprived of her rights of education and forced to be homeless while other children are going to school, and I feel the pain for my young brother who is doing labor work to provide what merely could make them alive while he is supposed to study and build his future, without forgetting the race and color based discrimination against him that could identity him falsely as a terrorist and then get massacred.
Now I am reaching out to you to help us in our fight for survival, to give my family the chance to live the life they deserve. Your donation will re-birth a dream that has been deprived, a life that has been stolen, and a hope that never been felt by my family. I am humbly asking you to help me reunite with my family in a safer place and help them flee Sudan to unite with me in Rwanda.
Funds will be used to pay for traveling from Port Sudan to Rwanda through Uganda, as well as to meet entry requirements and basic living expenses when in Rwanda. A specific budget breakdown is included at the bottom.
Budget Breakdown:
250 USD per person to travel to Port Sudan = 1500 USD
850 USD flights ticket to Uganda from Port Sudan per person = 5100 USD
30 USD per person times six people to board a bus from Uganda to Rwanda = 180 USD
4000 USD for rental arrangements for the first three months
150 USD for residency permit per person = 900 USD
3000 USD minimum cash show to enter Rwanda
1500 USD is for emergency as we pay all the transportation in Sudan in local currency and the exchange rate is not fixed as well as the traveling ticket itself, it depends on the field progress of the army between cities. From September to December the air tickets have been increased twice from 550 USD to 650 USD to 850 USD now!
Total of 16,180 USD.
$12228 / $17000
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cerise-on-top · 6 days
Hiya! I was wondering if you could do TF141 with a S/O that is a clown who does ballon art? I think it would be silly and fun -🐍
Hey there! Sure I can!
TF141 with a Clown!S/O
Price: I think he’d be impressed with you. It’s not every day you find someone, whose purpose at his job is to entertain people like that. He’s a captain, he’s meant to be serious at all times, so there’s not much room to joke around for him. He probably would try to visit you here and there, provided you don’t work at birthday parties. But a circus? Or maybe just on stage? Yeah, he’d try to see you here and there, if he can. He’d probably be more than happy to accept a balloon animal from you. I think he’d be very happy to receive something along the lines of a turtle or tortoise. It seems very impressive to him. While I do believe he’d love to engage with you as part of the audience if your work permits it, he would leave you alone if you seem a little overworked. While he can appreciate a good joke or two from you, he won’t force you to be funny around him. If all you do after work is cuddle up to him and seek his comfort, he’s happy. He’s not the funniest person out there, but if you ask him his opinion he’ll try to come up with a nice routine for you.
Gaz: Oh, he loves it. Ever since he was little he loved clowns. He always thought them to be a nice source of entertainment. He’d totally support you being a clown and would also try to come to your shows, if possible. Although he’d hate to distract you during work, he’d probably make some jokes here and there to help get your audience laughing. He can be very funny since he’s so sassy, so there’s a good chance the two of your work well together. He’s in love with your balloon art. In fact, I do believe he’d ask you about how you do it and learn from the resident expert. Yes, that includes him blowing up his own balloons and trying to contort them into animals and whatnot. Though, be prepared, the first thing he makes for you is a balloon dick. He can be unserious too at times and will laugh if you roll your eyes at him. He probably would try to help mend your costume if it got torn somehow. And he would also try to keep it clean since he’s a big fan of it. I think that, at the end of the day, he’d love to try and make you laugh as well, whether it be by telling you a joke, making up his own routine, or otherwise.
Ghost: Not a big fan of clowns. At all. He thinks they’re super scary and untrustworthy to have around. What are they smiling about? The state of the world? Yeah, he’s not too happy about you being a clown. But then again, there’s a good chance you’re not happy with him being a military man either, so he sucks it up. He’d be hesitant to go to one of your shows since there’s a good chance there are other clowns there as well, who wish for him to participate in their tomfoolery. No thank you. You’d need to give him a good reason to go, such as paying for the ordered food or giving him free tickets to your show. But once you’re home? He’s gonna pretend to have come up with some good jokes for you to use. None of them are child friendly. You’ve heard his jokes in the “Alone” mission. And yes, he will insist on you using the most fucked up jokes you’ve heard in your life. “Why did the noodle kill itself? Because it was torte-lonely.” And yes, he does laugh at his own jokes from time to time as well. He’s a comedy genius in his eyes and he genuinely does not understand why you’re so disturbed by his humor.
Soap: He loves you, so he loves you being a clown as well. He adores your bright and colorful costume. In fact, if you’re somewhat of a similar size he’ll ask you if he can wear it as well. He can be a rather silly man, so he’d love to be silly alongside you. I think he’d try to impress you by making a few balloon animals of his own in secret and showing them to you when you least expect it. He wants you to look at him and go “Wow, Johnny, you’re so cool and epic and handsome and I love you!” It strokes his ego. Will go to your shows if he can and actively participate. He’s not the funniest person either, but he tries to go along with your slapstick humor. I think he’d probably leave after your show, just to come back a few minutes later and participate again. Yes, he will actively flirt with you and see if he can stun you into silence. Will also make a few dirty jokes, for which you have to silence him afterwards. It’s all in good fun until you hit him with the squeaky hammer. Will pretend that you hate him after you’ve hit him with it. But will still dote on you when you’re home.
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el-riegan · 5 months
Little ideas I had but I feel like Atsushi should have cuddle sessions with everyone from the Agency. Sometimes with everyone, others with a few or just one person.
With Kyoka, when he feels down and can't seem to get out of the closet, she just comes in and cuddles up to him, a silent presence so he knows he's not alone in a cage anymore.
With Kenji, after having completed a mission where they both got injured and ended up in the infirmary. Kenji sliding up to Atsushi to take a well-earned nap just because the weretiger is really warm and confortable to sleep against.
With Naomi and Junichiro, Naomi is usually the one starting a cuddle pile by jumping on her brother and if it just so happen that Atsushi was next to him? Well, they do love making sure their resident tiger gets as much love as needed.
With Ranpo, it's a bit different, he's not exactly into going up to someone and cuddling. But once in a while, he will pat Atsushi's head after a good job or mess with his hair.
With Yosano, she will scratch his hair or offer a quick but strong hug after an injury, making sure that he's alright.
With Kunikida, while he tries to stay professional at work, he could be seen gently guiding the younger one into a short embrace when he would see him going too far in his head. He would always make sure that Atsushi has everything he needs to be happy.
With Fukuzawa, it was rarer but when time permitted, they would both go to the park where some stray cats liked to take nice naps in the sun. They would feed them, play a bit and pet them. If at some point Atsushi would end up as part of a cat cuddle pile, Fukuzawa would be more than happy to be their cushion for a while. After all, Atsushi should get every comfort he wanted.
And with Dazai, it would be part of those soft moments where the older man would let himself relax for real. Longing on one of the Agency’s couch, in warm sunlight, he would gather the younger man in his arms, a perfectly comfortable fit. He would scratch lightly at the tiger's neck, feeling him burrow into him in happiness. They would stay like this for a long while, until the sun was no more, sometimes even longer. At first Kunikida would have protested, but seeing the two of them so relaxed after everything they went through, he could only let them be.
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meyousing · 1 year
𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠
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𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: when being thrust back into society and the public eye after being isolated for so long... there could be no way that you blow it, right? you, of all people, would never betray the love of your life. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: unnamed yandere x reader, i had chrollo in mind but it doesn't matter. sfw! just a short drabble to get back into the swing of things!
“Come on, now.” 
His hand was extended, fingers twitching slightly as he beckoned you to his side. You could see this in your periphery and almost feel his culminating impatience.
The cashier’s grin was so radiant; so full of life. Perhaps it was all just for show, the obligatory kindness, similar to her sugary, high-pitched tone of voice as she wished you a good day. Maybe she hated her job, though. How could you know what was really going on in her mind? Perhaps she despised working in a quaint grocery store that must have had more grumpy customers than kind on a regular basis; that tended to be the case in small towns like this. You wished that she knew what was really going on in your mind.
His tone was firm.
Her smile widened, eyes squinting a little as her cheeks pushed up against them; her expression was so warm.
Then her smile faltered for a moment, her irises becoming a little more visible now as she mirrored the face you had been making throughout this entire interaction. You had been so busy analyzing how cheerful she seemed, you hadn’t even noticed that her initial smile was also one she gave the first and only time she looked at you since walking through her register queue. 
Her eyes opened up large, her eyebrows furrowed inward until her now paling skin wrinkled in the middle; she had gone from upbeat to concerned and borderline terrified within seconds, maybe even less.
Just like you.
“Y/N, let’s go.”
You hadn’t actually spoken–your voice was gone. It wasn’t even really there to begin with, though. Your throat had gone dry as soon as you entered the public space, forced to stay hand in hand with your captor, so shocked that he had finally allowed you to reemerge into society so soon. Well, maybe not reemerge, but at least you were able to walk around somewhere other than the same little room that became your residence for the last few months. Or maybe… years? How long has it been now?
Please is what your expression would have said if it could, and how you wished it could. For now, all you were able to do was nearly push your eyes out of their sockets in a silent, desperate plea for rescue. Would the cashier understand? Had you stared at her in enough of an uncanny way to unnerve her soul, in the deepest pit of it; to communicate that you were not just some happy camper who was here with your boyfriend on a quick grocery stock-up, then maybe a cute little coffee run? 
She glanced between you and your captor–who you were too petrified to face since you knew now that you had been staring away from him for a little too long, too hyper-focused on communicating speechlessly with the once luminant woman who now looked as reduced by fear as you did. 
Cold fingers wrapped around your wrist.
Eyes shifted away.
“Have a good day!” she repeated her previous words that you had momentarily forgotten; momentarily, had they not been a complete repeat of the last thing you heard her say. As if her speech had been cut, copied, and pasted.
Her body turned away. You had been turned away.
Her figure grew smaller, more distant as you were pulled along then, the grip on your wrist slid up to clutch your forearm and keep you as close as possible while your torso brushed against his with every near-trip of a step that you were forced to take. 
“What a shame, I misread you Y/N. We’ll try another outing again in a few months.” 
The subtly condescending mention of such an extended range of time between now and the next occasion where you were permitted to breathe fresh air could have made you cry if your gaze wasn’t still fixed behind your back; cramping your neck and shoulder, your mind still utterly convinced that keeping another person in your viewpoint would surely get them to notice you and understand your situation just by looking. But as new twists and turns through the store’s exit and into the parking lot drew you further away from civilization; returned you to the vehicle that you knew would chauffeur you back to the makeshift prison you’d been forced to call home–that small flame of hope in your thoughts began to dim into nothing. 
The irritable slam of the car’s back door shutting you out managed to quell that flame instantaneously. 
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cator99 · 1 day
2 days ago: a new email from the landlord is dropped. I open it, and damn near toss my phone across the room.
The email can be summed up as such: "Hi everyone just a totally casual reminder that ONLY THOSE CURRENTLY ON THE LEASE are LEGALLY permitted to reside in the home. I've made this very clear. In the off chance that you missed the memo, allow me to reiterate this part on the lease for you. [insert that part in a fancier font here]. To be clear, anyone who is not on the lease as a tenant is not authorized to reside in the home. Anyways so yeah I'll be bringing some handymen over on the 26th to deal with the basement leak."
(Side note– yes, she does say both "I've made this very clear" and "to be clear".)
The house is engulfed by an eerie silence in the following days. Or maybe– in my paranoid state– I'm imagining it. I know for certain that no one wants to touch the damn thing. We all sit and wait for someone else to breach the topic. That "someone else" being the unemployed ftm who has been the primary correspondent with the landlord for at least as long as I've been here, despite all common sense pointing towards this being a task that would be better delegated to literally anyone else– although, seeing as he is now our only unemployed resident, I do consider bestowing this responsibility upon him to be an act of mercy. Something something "enclosure enrichment" etc. So. He finally returned today, and the expected happened. Total pandemonium in the house chat. Thankfully, no one seems to have– at least openly– begun to suspect the obvious, (that, of course, being that this is a sort of warning from a landlord who knows exactly what's going on) and then, from there, extrapolated that perhaps this is the result of a snitch. But who would do that? Couldnt possibly be the one person in the house who has openly expressed concern about the way things have been dealt with. Oh well. Thankfully, the most cogent thought that was expressed on the topic was this:
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New Girl remains totally silent as everyone chimps out and devises a plan to give legal aid a call tomorrow. Yknow. Regarding an issue that should more or less be new girl's responsibility to deal with. Hours pass before she finally responds to the questions regarding what she would like us to do. Does she even want to be on the lease? After all the fighting we did to get the landlord to agree to even consider doing so? All this hullabaloo just feels a little silly when she doesn't seem to give a shit either way. She's expressed very little consideration towards these matters at any point (in her defense, she is Cerifiably Slow in that incresingly-rare Not A Malingerer type of way so... I don't expect too much), but right about now, without Pins Girl here to make a stink about it all and whip people up into believing that suburbia-chan's tenancy here is of utmost importance and a real human rights issue, it has become even moreso apparent that she really doesn't care nor understand the implications of this situation. But I digress. Hours after the fact, she drops in with a few words, and leaves it at that.
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Imagine purple saying this through gritted teeth. She's one of the 2 relatively-normie-if-a-tad-reclusive (who can blame them) 30 y/o IT-job people who live upstairs. The one who has been volunteered to call legal aid in the morning... sooo valid.....
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Kara gets roped into the RenFaire scene one summer as a face painter because a) she's an art major, and b) she's an art major who needs money. Her friend Nia has worked concessions there since she was old enough to get her workers permit, and swears to Kara that its a great place to work if she doesn't mind the occasional heat wave.
Which, to Nia's credit, is true. Except what Nia forgets to mention is that the resident RenFaire fiddler will make Kara feel like she's living in a permanent heat wave.
The fiddler's name is Lena, and she's gorgeous. Long raven locks and skin like ivory, wearing frocks of green leaves and shimmering wings, she looks like something out of a fairytale.
There's an invisible threshold between the summerbounders and those who have made the Faire their home, marked only by how naturally they fit in their medieval, fantastical roles. Summerbounders, like Kara, throw themselves into it with all the good-hearted cheesey pomp they can muster. The others, well-- they simply are their roles.
Lena is of the latter group. She was raised in the Faire, after all, spending her summers flitting between booths while her mother sold charms to enchanted patrons. But even when her mother passed, Lena didn't want for love. The Faire is her family too.
For her part, Lena immediately takes a shine to Kara, quickly noting her kindness towards children while she paints whimsical designs on cheeks and foreheads. But when Kara seems to clam up and shut down any time Lena comes anywhere close, Lena learns to keep a relative distance. Kara isn't about to approach Lena herself, so they fall into a pattern of mutual admiration from afar.
Until Nia asks Kara how she likes Lena (bc Nia lowkey shipped them when she suggested the job to Kara), and is surprised to learn they have yet to have a single meaningful conversation.
All right. That's it.
Nia invites Kara to a sleepover at the faire grounds overnight, for those who camp there-- among which is Lena. Surely, with the glitter wiped away and the lack of wings Kara will be less blinded and more... personable.
Except that after getting some mead in her system, Kara is even more entranced by Lena. How could she not be, with a speck of overlooked glitter on Lena's neck, glinting merrily in the firelight, and her long dark hair let loose around her shoulders.
But now, mellowed by said mead, Kara can't bring herself to look away when Lena catches her staring. Their eyes lock, and Lena's surprise soon gives way to a blush, then a smile as warm as the fire between them.
Lena doesn't play her fiddle this night-- everyone is pleasantly tired, and content to lounge on their logs and stumps. But someone does pull out a lyre, and Kara does notice that Lena softly sings along to the tune most everyone seems to know.
When Nia and another of the folks seated next to Kara rises to fetch a refill of their tankards, Kara blinks to find a new figure filling their empty seats.
"Hi," Lena greets, her voice low in her throat. The sound is heady, buzzing deep in Kara's core.
"Hey," Kara returns. Thankfully, the drink has smoothed her tongue, eliminating the stammer that previously caught in her throat had Lena approached her at the face painting station.
"You've been avoiding me," she's told.
Kara grimaces. "Kinda... I'm sorry."
"Well, so long as it's not because I smell bad...."
Though of course now Kara breathes in, and her lungs fill with the scent of woodsmoke and pine, and something floral. The floral, she surmises, is Lena.
To be sure, Kara leans in and inhales once again, this time with her nose just brushing the side of Lena's neck. The floral is in fact Lena. Kara notes the jumping pulse point in before her eyes and the catch in Lena's breath.
"Nope," she pulls back languidly, letting a goofy grin spread across her features. "You don't stink."
They're still perilously close, and Kara watches how Lena's gaze jumps from her eyes to her lips and back again. How has she missed this, Kara marvels at herself. To have missed Lena's interest in her is... a travesty.
Lena's head is turned towards her like the rest of the group has fallen away, and perhaps they have-- Kara takes little note of them.
"You're very smooth for someone who's been scared to be within ten feet of me."
"What can I say?" Kara shrugs. "I know to be wary of the fair folk."
"Fair or faire?" Lena teases.
Kara smirks. "I'm sure both are equally dangerous."
"Then you're doomed, considering I already have your name."
Suddenly Kara's brain shortcircuits as Lena leans in, eyes slipping shut as their lips come near enough to brush as Lena speaks.
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