#getting them in her side just in case something happens .. she can always get rid of them when they’re not useful anymore 🤭
swordmaid · 5 months
act 1 shri’iia/astarion dynamic where she just walks away every time he tries to hit on her makes me cackle. love pressing the leave option anytime it’s available with her bc I imagine the moment she senses someone is abt to beg for her help (for free????) or someone is gonna clown on her she just straight up leaves 😭😭
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dawnchorus-if · 2 months
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ Your sister is dead, murdered and mutilated and left to rot in a brothel like a sickly dog. You finally know your purpose: revenge.
DAWN CHORUS is an 18+ interactive fiction about death, love, and the song of new morning. Demo TBA.
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You live in The Rocks, a decaying settlement in the shadowed outskirts of the kingdom, Cape Lyra. Once a cozy village, The Rocks has withered into a decrepit ruin since the assassination of King Cedric. Queen Lyra, for whom the kingdom was named, became consumed by grief and neglected the outer villages. Now, The Rocks is a place where even the birds come to die.
Desperate to earn money for the both of you, your sister ventured to Cape Lyra with her best friend, Jax. Only Jax returned, covered in your sister's blood, with a hazed description of her killer. Driven by the need for retribution, you and Jax set out for the kingdom, determined to find and punish the sick soul who took your sister's life. When revenge is your only remaining purpose, a life for a life only seems fair.
You hope.
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‣‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎Fully customise yourself, from your name and appearance to your sexuality to your greatest woes and wants. Choose your approach to grief, to anger, to revenge—drown in your sorrows or push them aside in favour of a... different kind of vice. Curate a story that revolves around who you are, and what you'll stand for.
‣‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ Explore relationships with six different romanceable characters, and a multitude of other characters to befriend (or behead). Interact with a diverse cast of characters, each with their own impact to leave on the story. Just... be careful who you trust, some people might not be who they say they are.
‣‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ Find out what really happened to your sister. Hunt down her killer, or killers, and determine your own ability to play executioner on her behalf. Open doors to dark rooms in the royal family history, find out that there's a lot more darkness in Cape Lyra than there is light.
‣‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ Get involved in the politics of Cape Lyra. The people can only be neglected for so long before they start to revolt, right? What side of history will you be on? Or will you be too blinded by grief to care who gets hurt?
‣‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ Exorcise a demon, maybe.
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DAWN, born amidst the morning birdsong, the cherished youngest child of King Cedric and Queen Lyra, and the heir apparent to the throne. They don't often get to see outside of Cape Lyra's walls, so don't fault them for being a little juvenile in their knowledge of the world, it's not born from a lack of desire. There's a youthful charm to Dawn, and a deep-seated eagerness to know more about the kingdom they'll one-day rule. [M/F, 22]
ASA KYNES, climbing the ranks as one of Cape Lyras most dedicated royal guards, Kynes is as formidable as they are resolute. You won't get past them very easily, they've got keen judgement skills, and you're up to something, they're sure of it. Kynes is loyal, and more than willing to lay their life down in servitude to the monarchy. Getting Kynes to open up is hard, but may be more than worth it. [M/F, 26]
JAX HANSLEY, your sisters best friend and now your accomplice in avenging her. Jax is royalty in The Rocks, charismatic beyond belief and has been teasing you since you were just starting to walk. Extravagant and always looking for something to do, you'll never find yourself bored around them. Plus, you couldn't get rid of Jax even if you wanted to, they're the closest thing to family that you have left. [M/F, 24]
CERYS SELINE, owner and face of The Rabbits Foot, Cape Lyra's busiest tavern. Cerys is a stern woman who works her ass off day and night, but there's a sweet undertone to the way she speaks: something nurturing. She's a pillar of the kingdom, well-connected and respected. There's more to her than meets the eye, sure, but for now she's more than willing to aid you in finding your sisters killer. [F, 26]
ARTHUR CASE, a priest who has been ousted from the kingdom for reasons he just won't speak aloud. Left with only one leg and crumbs of his faith, he's living in his late father's old church a short trek from the kingdoms gates. Pop in for a service one day, maybe confessionals don't always have to be one-sided. [M, 29]
??? — something cold in the shadows, and its eyes are on you.
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DAWN CHORUS contains some heavy topics, such as graphic depictions of death, violence, drug use, explicit language and skippable sexual content. Classism is also a present topic. Readers discretion is advised.
reblogs r so appreciated and asks are more than welcome ^^
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malum-forev · 1 year
jealousy, jealousy
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Summary: You're usually someone who preaches love but there's something about a new recruit that makes your blood boil.
Jealousy isn’t part of your vocabulary, it never has. So when you started dating Bucky you assumed it wouldn’t be a problem. Of course you noticed the widened eyes and hushed words people- men and women alike, Buck’s got game left and right- whenever the two of you would walk into restaurants. When you started pointing it out to him, he would always say: “It’s not cause they like my looks sweets, they’re afraid of me.”
Maybe at first that was the case but definitely not now, the public’s perception of Bucky turned positive. From terrifying Winter Soldier close all your doors to I’ll set my house on fire just to get a look at Daddy Sarge.
And there wasn’t anyone who loved teasing him about it more than you. Some nights, whenever he’s been especially annoying you would search his tag on twitter and read what people post about him. His cheeks would burst red and he would bring the comforter up to his face.
“Could you please stop with that!” He groaned but a smile tugged at his lips. “You know it gives me a weird feeling!”
“I would love to see the Eiffel Tower, they say Paris is beautiful this time of year. @BuckyBarnes @SamWilson.” You giggled as you brought your phone closer to your boyfriend.
Bucky rolled his eyes. “Do I even want to know what that means?”
“It’s-well- kind of when you-“ You pursed your lips and made a triangle shape with your hands. Maybe a visual aid would help?
Bucky grabbed both of your hands and brought them to his lips. “Can you please put me out of my misery?”
But today was very different, it had been for a few weeks now. There was something about the new brunette agent that rubbed you the wrong way. Maybe it was that she was currently rubbing Bucky’s bicep. 
Jealousy does not exist in my world. My happiness comes from within me. There is no jealousy in true love. 
You repeated this over and over in your head, raising the speed on the treadmill and focusing on the windows in front of you. You were not going to focus on the fact that there was a hot pink nail polish wearing agent openly flirting with your boyfriend. Definitely not focusing on that. 
Your heartbeat started to rush as you kept on running, seeing red. No mantra was enough, you wanted problems. You were going to go up to her and pin her down on the floor until she was patting on the mat, taking her last brea-
“You okay?” Natasha asked, placing her hand on your lower back to stabilize your body as she lowered the speed on the treadmill. “It looks like you’re trying to challenge the speed of light over here.”
You took a deep breath to calm your anger and looked at the redhead with a smile. “I’m trying to get rid of all my- you can call it extra energy.”
Natasha threw her head back with a laugh. “Bucky training the new recruits?”
“This hasn’t happened before, I’m usually very chill about everything. But there’s something about this one.” You said, forcing your eyes onto Natasha’s instead of behind you. Where they were now about to start sparring. 
Natasha’s eyes traveled from yours to behind you. “If that’s the problem then I strongly suggest you don’t look now.”
You turned your head just enough to see the young recruit asking for your boyfriends hand to stand up, putting her other hand on his shoulder as she came up. You heard her giggle as she draped her arm over his shoulder and started complimenting his new shorter haircut. But the thing that threw you over the edge was how she placed her palm against the back of his neck. 
“Excuse me.” You said to Natasha, ripping open the pocket on the left side of her tactical suit and taking out one of the small knives you knew she hid. “I just need to borrow this for a second.”
Before Natasha could even get a word out you planted both of your feet on the gym floor and sent the knife flying in between Bucky and the new agent’s face and landed on the wall behind them. Bucky leaned back a little as he felt the air rushing when the knife passed him, turning to face you with a stupid smug smile. The recruit on the other hand, fell to the floor and clutched her chest. 
Nat tried and failed to swallow her laugh.
You brushed past Bucky and the agent, who was still on the floor. “Sorry ‘bout that.”
“You should really work on your aim. Someone could have gotten hurt.” She shot you an annoyed look as you un-stabbed the wall. 
You turned on your heel and debated your answer. 
Actions speak louder than words. You thought. 
Without breaking eye contact with the woman, you sent the knife flying right to the spot next to her head. With no effort the blade stuck to the foam flooring. 
“I have perfect aim.” You smiled walking past Bucky who was biting the inside of his cheek to suppress his smile.
“Are we still on for dinner Sweets?” Bucky asked, the sides of his lips curving upwards. 
“7:30, don’t be late.” You said without turning to him. 
Part 2: jealousy, turning saints into the sea
Wanna read more like this? Here’s my latest post. 💖
Author's Note: Kinda short but I hope you guys liked it! As always my requests are always open!! Be sure to comment, like and reblog if you like!!💖💖🦾
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lasirenatarot · 10 months
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“ LOOKS-MAXXING ” pick-a-card reading.💝
Your next glow up.
What can you do in order to have a big glow up?
Pick a pink 90s magazine cover:
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—>Pile 1
Your next glow up will most likely be related to getting « in peace » with your s€xuality prior to glowing up both physically and mentally. What I mean by this is you will probably need to get rid of any self doubts about your looks, any shame around your $£xual side due to past traumas or for some the way you were raised, some may have been raised in a controlling or conservative family.
One of the ways you can make this glow up happen is if you really enjoy your life and what you do. Try to practice your hobbies more and work on bettering your natural talents, by doing that you may find your purpose in this world and this will lead to the biggest glow up ever.. for some it may lead them to their dream career.
Something which appears in the cards is that you may need to forgive your parents or parental figures for the way they treated you in order to reach peace within yourself and your physical body. Forgive yourself as well for not acting in the « right way » or not looking a certain way, this is the best you could do at that point of your life . It is all in the past.
As for a physical glow up: judging by the pictures shown on the cards that fell, maybe start focusing on a regular work out routine, focusing on legs, butt or whatever you feel like you need to improve. Updating your clothing style may benefit you a lot. Stop caring about what others would say and pick clothes which give you freedom of expression, be yourself shamelessly. Some of you who chose this pile may have some creative vision which they may have been scared to express - do it. Meditation may help with your « glow up » in some form as well. Try bolder makeup looks and outfit choices.
Moodboard/Vibes for pile 1:
The vibes I get from this pile is totally Julia Fox as a persona,not only style wise. She’s unapologetically herself, maybe for some she’s a bit weird. But the main point is, despite people’s opinions and perceptions of her, she has always followed her own rules and expressed herself. Before she got famous she was a dominatrix, did a photobook, an art exhibition aand starred in a famous movie in which her character was inspired by her real life . All this happened because she was authentic,lived her life the way she wanted and followed her heart, exactly what u should do as well,pile 1.
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Songs which remind me of this pile’s vibe:
—>Pile 2
Pile 2, you’re going through or will go through a huge transformation.. luck will definitely be on your side and you may find out answers for things which you’ve always wanted to know about. ( it can be pretty much about anything. If we are talkibg about a physical glow up exclusively, you may learn some very good beauty hacks soon. It can be about makeup, diet, exercise, skin care, personal development etc.. this is a general reading so I cannot be exact but whatever your case is it will lead to a HUGE glow up. Two of the cards are talking about some « secret knowledge » so whatever it is it will be significant for you.
This pile is very different from the first one as the glow up that appears here is not just about one or two things in your life or looks, it’s about everything. The things you can do in order to glow up faster, pile2, is maybe start watching makeup tutorials and pay attention to new techniques or products you haven’t heared before, ask people for where they shop they may tell you some secret thrift store with really cool clothes which can uplift your style.. anything which can help you get this « secret knowledge » which appeared in the cards. Another thing I can say for this pile is: focus on manifestation, envision the changes in your looks or life as a whole you would like to have and act accordingly in your 3D universe in order to get to where you want to be. Positive affirmations and subliminals (as in subliminals I mean not the crazy unrealistic ones, but those about self concept, confidence and beauty in general) may also be helpful in your case.
Moodboard/Vibes for pile 2:
The vibes I get here are Fran from “The Nanny” and Maddy from “Euphoria”. Fashionable, bold, colourful. Radiating confidence. Crystals, glitter, sparkle, feathers, bold and colourful makeup, everything of that sort. Do not dim your own light to make someone else feel better about themselves if they are insecure.
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Songs which remind me of this pile’s vibe:
—>Pile 3
Pile 3: I think you would definitely be bettering your financial situation sooner than you may have even expected, this may help you get a glow up. You would be able to afford nicer things, skincare, clothes, procedures etc.. If you’re not already on a path to improve your finances, then you would definitely be motivated to start working on this problem soon and be very committed on your mission of « glowing up » in every way possible. Physically, mentally, spiritually even. You will be finding yourself after a long period of feeling lost and unlike your true self.
You would become much more intuitive, confident and cut throat even, you won’t let energy vampires use you as they may have done in the past and this would lead to a more beautiful and healthy version of you, because you would not have to deal with others’ negativity anymore. When it comes to relationships you would not be satisfied with with mediocrity, you will be finally standing your ground and being true to your standards and what you deserve. You will be getting your justice if you’ve been mistreated in the past.
This pile has huuuge « femme fatale » « dark feminine » vibe. This may be the energy you will be channeling after you have your glow up. Doing classic makeup like red lipstick+ black eyeliner, black smokey eyes and nude lips combo might help you channel this energy that i am seeing here better. Wearing colours like: red, black, gold and nude might help you elevate your look. Also wearing jewelry, lace and high heels. Don’t be scared to embrace your « dark side » which you may have ignored in the past in order to fit in with the crowd.
May sound trivial, but follow your intuition and do what makes you happy, it will make you glow in ways which you have not expected..
Moodboard/Vibes for pile 3:
The vibes I’m getting here are as I said in previous paragraphes: femme fatale, dark feminine energy,monica bellucci core type of look/aesthetics..
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Songs which remind me of this pile’s vibe:
That was all from today’s PAC. It was a bit different from previous ones and I myself did not expect it to turn out the way it did, but sometimes completely different information pops up in readings because someone needs to hear a certain thing.. Hope you enjoyed it!!
Leave a comment/feedback if it resonated, share and follow for more.
Thank you for reading!
- La Sirena💋
Decks used: ‘$£xual magic’ oracle deck by Lo Scarabeo; ‘Manara’ €rotic tarot deck by Milo Manara/ Lo Scarabeo;
Photos are from pinterest; all credits to their respective owners.
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orpheuswasmine · 1 month
More Amnesia Bill AU
Amnesia Bill! I think it is a really bittersweet idea. I imagine they were going to do their ritual thing to get rid of him but after the ritual fails they opp on trying to kill him. Fortunately, no one can really bring themselves to kill him, since he’s so lost and confused about everything. Genieuly helpless and everyone just takes pity.
I said in my last post he would remember some things via dreams and shit, but I think the only thing he would remember in the start would be his parents. Can you imagine Ford mentally preparing himself to kill Bill, just to hear him talk about his parents so suddenly? I don’t think he would say a lot, but just like, “I was close with my mom. I don’t know where she is,” or something like that.
More about the whole regaining memories bit by bit, I swear up and down he would have a meltdown in the middle of the night because he regained the memory that HE DESTROYED HIS DIMENSION. Even though he keeps getting told it’s just a nightmare, it definitely wasn’t just a nightmare, he’s reliving the worst of the worst every night.
Slow a burn story. I fw the whole enemies to lovers but in this case, it’s a one-sided enemies shit. Ford (and everyone else as mentioned in the last post) hates Bill—Ford shows it, whether subtly or outright, he leans more into the subtleness of it all. After a while, he does realize Bill is genuinely powerless and not faking shit. He would be more sympathetic, but he definitely will still harbor the animosity for a while; however, Bill definitely fell in love during the time Ford was more sympathetic to him.
The start between them is like, Bill wanted to be friends with Ford because he seemed to know him like the back of his hand. Bill doesn’t have romantic feelings for Ford in the start, rather just this kind of desperation to cling to anything or anyone that can help him remember something, anything. Ford definitely didn’t like him, and any time Bill tried interacting with him, he either ignored him or walked away. Avoidance is key, but he can’t avoid the man forever. Eventually, they start to talk—more like Bill does the talking—Ford becomes a lot more invested whenever Bill talks about his memories. There were definitely times he got a bit worried Bill would remember their time together.
Bill's continuous nightmares would get so bad, Ford decided to stay with him for a night.
Last post, I said Mabel would be the only one to believe Bill, loosely. She shows her sympathy to him early on, but she’s still super weary of him. he helped him settle in a bit and when he needed to cry and tell someone about a new memory he regained, he’d always tell Mabel. Like his parents. A small conversation like this perchance?
“I wanted to show them the stars, that’s all I wanted. No one knew what I was talking about then. I wonder if they can see the stars now.”
“I’m sure they can now—hey, maybe they see you right now? I bet your parents would be happy to see where you are right now.”
“You reallY think they can see me?”
“Oh definitely. With your looks and personality, how can they miss you?”
While everyone is weary of Bill and lowkey trying to get rid of him, Bill is enjoying his time bonding with Mabel, even if she sometimes slips up and shows her suspicions towards him.
Bill's relationship with Stanley and Dipper is really rough. Like, genuinely, they don’t hide the fact they don’t like him, especially Dipper. Bill could be sweeping and then Dipper is in the back praying for his downfall. Dipper definitely shuns him and on some bad days, he does lash out at Bill. I don’t think their relationship would get super better over time, rather, I think it would become something like tolerance. As much as Dipper hates him, he doesn’t really have much of a say in what happens. He doesn’t show his hate toward him too much, occasionally they can have a decent conversation, but when push comes to shove, Dipper will definitely lash out at Bill again.
The same can be said about Stan, though I do think he would somewhat come around to like Bill. Not by much, just a bit. Just like Dipper, he would lash out, but he took a more teasing approach towards Bill, knowing it would definitely annoy the demon. Even if it went over Bill’s head, he definitely sensed him getting really agitated about it. He messes with Bill more so, his way of letting out his hate for him. Bill can tell Stan doesn’t like him, but he rather have to deal with stan’s antics than to be ignored all the time.
That's all for tonight gang BYEE
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carionto · 1 year
What Humans call the "Thousand Yard Stare"
As more and more Humans interact with and integrate within Coalition stations, reports, closer to hushed whispers really, began to circulate of some Humans being... discomforting... to be around.
Initially we thought it was just rudeness or passive aggressive behavior or any number of subtle actions or choice of words, no matter how advanced or civilized there will always be some assholes.
However, when some of these "offenders" were presented to us peacekeepers, we found them to be perfectly polite and reasonable. As our conversation continued and shifted topics, whenever there was a lull or the focus was on another speaker for a longer time, the Human's gaze drifted somewhat.
Sometimes she would look to the side and it was harder to tell what her exact expression was, but every so often she would be looking at one of us, but... not. It was as if she was staring at something behind us, through us even. Beyond the walls of the station, it even felt as though beyond space and time itself.
It was one of the most unnerving and chitin-chilling feelings we've ever felt, but then the Human seemed to notice our change and became that friendly and cheerful person once again:
"Sorry, my mind drifted there for a bit. What were you saying?"
And the conversation continued as if nothing was out of the ordinary for the Human.
Upon our return to our office, one of the Human peacekeepers heard about our impromptu assignment and offered this explanation after we told him what happened:
"Oh yeah, I think that person was a retired firefighter or rescue worker of some kind. Professions like that can be dangerous and you'll eventually encounter something horrible at a disaster site or crime scene. Probably saw someone die, or a person they rescued later didn't make it, or it was a kid... It's the toughest when you're the last one a child sees before..."
There it is again. That look, but with a tinge of sadness this time. We didn't know he was carrying such memories. The untimely death of anyone is a difficult time for those that survive, especially when it is the young whose life was still just starting. It seems Humans with their heightened senses and sensitivity to the feelings of others these kind of experiences imprint a far stronger memory than for most.
"Anyway, we've got a bunch of names for such things, but typically we call it the thousand yard stare. It's an old measurement unit, don't worry about it. I think the meaning may have changed a bit over the years, but basically some people go through traumatic stuff and they decide, consciously or not, to sort of... detach themselves from reality. It's a coping mechanism.
A few people thrive on horrible things, but they're the exception. Most of us would go crazy or depressed or any other infinite bad possibilities our brains can go in if we don't find a way to separate ourselves from certain realities. It can get real bad otherwise. It's rare, but a few go truly nuts and try to inflict their pain unto others. Most end up suffering alone for a long time. And some can't take it anymore and decide to end it themselves.
Thankfully therapists and support options are widely available, so those kind of scenarios are really rare, like... suicide accounts for about three out of a hundred thousand deaths last time I saw those charts. Plus drones and automation take care of most of the dangerous tasks, leaving the vast majority of cases to be caused by interpersonal relations actually. A broken heart is one of those traumas we'll never get rid of it seems. That's just life, I guess."
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essentiallyleaf · 11 months
day 20. cockwarming. with. jisoo.
1105 words.
kinktober ‘23, idol x male reader, cockwarming, angst, i don’t even know anymore, possibly the coldest cockwarming fic to ever exist, so much angst and for what.
short and a little rushed. sounds just like every day of my life. exhaustedly, leaf.
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You plop down on the bed, barely able to take your black dress pants off before the dizziness gets the best of you. Jisoo is there, laying still, facing away from you and towards the cloud-shielded moon outside of the open window, like she always is. You can’t really tell if she’s awake or not, and the alcohol certainly doesn’t help.
This must be what they mean when they talk about magnetic fields. We’re immersed in them all the time, but we can’t see it, something about a wavelength our eyes are not tuned to. It’s like even when it’s past your bedtime (which on a weekend night like tonight is at least three hours after your regular bedtime), the sky completely starless, when you zig-zag through the streets and keeping your balance requires a voluntary effort, when your white shirt has more than one almost fully dried Bordeaux stain on it, you don’t know why or how, but your red needle always points back home, back to her.
You always manage to find your way to your shared bed, well, shared right in this moment, but often, too often one could easily argue, the bed feels hollow and freezing as Jisoo’s in it alone. Maybe that’s why the first thing she does when you lie down on it, is take your strong arm and wrap it around her waist to hold her close and share some of your alcohol-boosted warmth, and keep her own arm over it as if to ask you to never let go, never leave her again. She’s awake. Your natural response is to use your other hand to brush her long, silky black hair and watch it flow through your fingers, but as she feels your breath caress her shoulders, she knows that you can’t promise much more than that.
This shouldn't work. Well, to be fair, it isn’t working. But throwing stuff away, whether it’s dropping old photos in the fireplace, or leaving an entire relationship behind you to possibly never see your special person again, that hurts. It’s not just about the value of it, no, if that was the case, if that thing you’re throwing away still brought value to you, then you wouldn't be getting rid of it, right? It’s about admitting that something went wrong along the road, that things didn’t work out, that a wrong turn was taken, and that maybe, you were the one who took it. So the only thing you can do is turn away, keep going down that road, and if you ever happen to look back in a moment of accidental lucidity, justify your own mistakes.
So Jisoo reaches back and starts rubbing the outer side of your naked thigh, slowly traveling up to your ass as you lay a trail of quick kisses on her shoulder. Once she starts fiddling with the hem of your boxers and pushing her own butt back towards you, you get the message. You take your underwear off and stroke your dick a couple times before her nightgown is hiked up and her cheeks fully envelop your length. Your pecks take a trip up to her neck while both of you start shifting your hips up and down, back and forth against one another’s, a couple of low moans leaving your mouth.
It was your fault, but what if it wasn’t? What if that girl, what was her name even, hadn’t asked you for a lighter? What if she hadn’t looked at you all night with those warm brown eyes, what if she hadn’t asked you for a ride home? Any of those would’ve fixed this. The nights of yelling at each other’s faces and the nights of dead silence, the feeling of unbridgeable distance even when holding hands, the cool air of beach days in the middle of August. Maybe invisible walls are the best solution in some cases, and fuck it if they break some people’s immersion, as long as you can see the sun rise in the distance, you can live with not being able to touch it.
Jisoo suddenly stops her motion just to raise her thigh a little, suggesting you to enter. You align yourself with her slit and penetrate her warmth, her slick coating easing you through her walls and quickly letting you bottom out inside her, but as soon as you try to retreat, she puts a hand on your hip, halting its movement. She just places her thigh back down and stays still for a few seconds. A few seconds that enclose some kind of understanding, or, a feeling of understanding, at the very least. Most of the times when you have a revelation, an epiphany, you have no idea what the fuck is being revealed to you, you only see the light bulb turn on. Your kisses get wetter and longer, traveling from her upper neck to her ear and to her jaw, your hand finds itself on her soft, perfectly sized mound. She starts contracting her abdominal muscles repeatedly and rhythmically, squeezing your shaft between her tight walls, your pelvis still fixed in its place. You see her skin glow more than usual under the faint moonlight, and you think you taste a little salt as your tongue brushes her cheek, which you can’t help but groan on every time Jisoo tenses around you.
Invisible walls are not meant to be broken. They’re meant to disengage, to discourage. What does it say about us when they manage to do what they’re meant to? Is it sad, disheartening? Does it speak about our sense of agency as a whole? What if you did something different, what if it was your fault? You can’t go back, so what can you do about it now? Another night of getting drunk, another night of having sex, in each other’s embrace but miles away.
Your hand feels up her thigh as hers reaches between your legs from the back and starts massaging your testicles. You can’t hold back anymore. Her abs contract once, twice. You stop counting, she feels too good. Your thigh wraps around hers as you cum inside, letting out multiple guttural moans right next to her ear. You drop load after load of white paint onto her walls and into her womb.
You think you hear a little sniffle. Again, the only response is to caress her hair and leave one long kiss on the back of her head. Not more. Sometimes we hurt people that love us, love people that hurt us. And if it’s true that opposites attract, then likes must also repel.
sorry if this is depressing. how can i help you get back to horny, the superior mood? lunatically, leaf.
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terry-perry · 2 months
This request will make sense if you've seen Friends so I hope you have (if not just delete).
So what if while they're broken up Alastor tries to win Y/N back by dedicating a love song to her during his radio show? But she calls during the song to explain the situation? I don't know how the scene will play into this imagine, maybe Charlie is hosting somehow?
Anyway thank you if you do it.
Taking Care Of Business
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You were in the library packing up a few books to help tide you over while you stayed at Zestial's for the time being. You paused to give the room a once-over. What used to be where you felt the most at home was now the setting for the betrayal you went through not too long ago. Betrayed by the two people who meant the most to you and all you were to them was just a pawn to push them further with their goals.
Your mother gave you the space that you required to think about things, accepting that you needed to leave home until you were ready to talk to her. Alastor, on the other hand, was giving you anything but space. Case in point, another giant bouquet of your favorite flowers was sent to the manor. Another gift that went straight to the trash before you went back to packing.
You truly thought he was different from what everyone said about him. You believed time with Princess Charlie, her thoughts on redemption, and how kind and fiercely protective he was of the hotel residents kept him from doing such low, hurtful things, at least to someone whose intentions were pure like yours. You were naive in thinking a powerful and influential demon like Alastor could love you without wanting something out of the relationship. He was a commanding force with a captivating voice and everywhere he went he oozed power. You were just someone who lived under the shadow of your Overlord mother.
He loved your connection, not you.
"This next one goes out to Y/N Carmine,"
The mention of your name brought you back to reality. The music you were listening to on the library stereo as you packed was interrupted by a familiar chirpy voice.
"A special dedication from our very own Radio Demon!" Charlie continued to announce in her cheerful, empathetic voice as a piano softly began to play in the background. "Y/N, Alastor wants you to know he's deeply sorry for what he did, and he hopes you can find it in your heart to forgive him."
After her words, you were greeted by Alastor's singing voice. Through the speakers, he delivered a beautiful serenade in French. It was none other than his rendition of La Vie en Rose, a song that was special to the two of you. It played at that jazz club you visited on the seedier side of the Pentagram. It was the first song you danced to and the one he used during a special broadcast where he proclaimed his love to you for the first time. Granted, he was tearing a soul apart at the same time, so tortured screams played in the background, but it was still the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for you.
You couldn't believe he was going this far to grab your attention.
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Alastor continued to sing the ballad and play his piano. You must've been hearing him. You could get rid of any flowers and shiny trinkets he sent your way, but you had no choice but to listen to his broadcast, especially if all of Hell knew it was all meant for you.
Alastor peered over to Charlie sitting by the controls. The station received a call and upon answering he saw how her elated grin disappeared and was replaced by furrowed brows and a disappointed frown. No doubt it was yet another wayward sinner trying her patience. He was always entertained watching her squirm as she tried dealing with loathsome beings.
This was different, however, seeing as how after the call she signaled for him to stop his performance before she went to the microphone to announce something that put a strain on his smile:
"Uh, we just got a call from Y/N and she told us what happened. Alastor, maybe now's not the time to play your song and it's better to give Y/N some space."
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queenpiranhadon · 3 months
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A/N: Bahaha guess what guys I lied, this is gonna be nine chapters total lollll- I promise last time 😭 BIGGEST SHOUT OUT EVER TO @cashmoneyyysstuff for beta reading and being a huge influence on the story - girl's literally my idol go follow her 🤍 Here's the masterlist!
Warning(s): Cursing, reader is the daughter of Aizawa, Shinso and Eri are biological siblings, reader is 20 years old, Reader uses "Cattus" as her alias, reader's nicknames are Cactus, Cattus and Cat, war, reader gets hurt and burned alive (a lot), reader almost dies again, gore and blood, bad war descriptions lol what do you expect from me, reader is AFAB and female, ANGST, someone breaks into reader's house, Eri sleeps with reader bc she's traumatized, PTSD,
Pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ: Warrior
How did the enemy know you were planning to ambush them? 
Your entire life, you always believed Fate would either provide you answers, or spur on more questions. 
Right now, you thought, it seemed to give you both. 
It was late at night when you woke up, heart pounding from some nightmare of which the details of seemed fuzzy now. It was silent, but instead of ambience, the lack of sound seemed eerie to you.  
You weren’t a stranger to this happening, random panic attacks and nightmares caused by underlying trauma that you refused to come to terms with.  
You tighten your arms around your younger sister, asleep, the girl insisted she sleep with you from now on in fear that you would leave again (though she didn’t want to admit that she just heavily missed your presence). You didn’t mind, and to be honest, your usual nightmares had been decreasing after the comfort of another human being by your side.  
Laying back down slowly, you brush off your paranoia, heart pounding and you feel the hairs along your skin rise along with a multitude of gooseflesh.  
Something wasn’t right.  
Siting up slowly, you rouse your sister to consciousness, sleepy red eyes blinking back at you in confusion. 
“Y/N...” Eri mumbled, disoriented, but you silence her.  
“Banana, go get Toshi and stay in Dad’s room.” You say, your tone low and firm.  
Her eyes widen in fear, but she nods, scurrying out of the room as quickly as she can.  
You sigh, your family would be safe if you could get rid of the nagging thought in the back of your mind.  
Creeping towards the door, you stop. You rub your abdomen, where the scar from your last battle resided. Tonight, you knew someone was about to get hurt. 
Suddenly, a loud crash reverberates through your home and the wooden door splinters from impact. 
Your eyes widen as a figure clad in black smashes into your home, two daggers unsheathed as he creeps towards you slowly and menacingly.  
The Inimicus insignia flashes in the moonlight and your heart sinks.  
They found you.
You curse under your breath, months to years of training now springing into action purely based on instinct, rolling out of the assailant’s attempt at stabbing you and using the opportunity to grab your sword that was hidden under the sofa. 
Just in case. 
Your family worried about you- saying that you were being too paranoid, your father the most worried of them all considering he felt the same pain you did. But he understood you needed an outlet for your anxieties- just as he released his, you learned, through training you when you were younger. 
He figured that if hiding weapons around the house would ease you a little bit, then it would be beneficial to have your worries about being attacked put at ease. 
Before - prior to any of this - you would’ve relished being right, the satisfaction of an ‘i told you so’
But oh, but you wished you were wrong right now.
You feel your body relax in the slightest when you hear the soft click the the back door closing- your family was at least out of the house. If there were even more assailants outside, your father could handle them alongside Hitoshi. 
But you couldn’t let your guard down, unsheathing your sword from its scabbard and adjusting your footing to maintain a low crouch. During your time training and fighting, you learned to develop your fighting style - yours in particular was more unorthodox compared to the usual ones your peers took on. Most soldiers preferred attacking the higher points of the body, maybe attempting decapitation or a fatal respiratory injury as a way to take down an opponent. 
You on the other hand, stuck closer to the ground, as to you, when it came to combat, balance was the most important. If you maintain yours, while depriving your opponent of their own, you would have a tremendous advantage as you have a clear opening to immobilize instead of eradicate. 
However, this was a different circumstance. 
This man had not only broken into your home, but posed a threat to your family. And for that, you knew your tactics would have you change up a little bit. 
You had most definitely improved after your tualia with Bakugou, and even after your first and upsettingly last battle as well having decided to train yourself under your father’s supervision the months after you came home. 
Your crouch turns from defensive to offensive, adjusting your stance and pushing off of the ground hooking your arm to the leg opposite of it and swinging it out to bring your elbow straight into his legs, forcing him to fall down as you pin them down with just your arm. 
Working quickly, your leg swings out to step on his abdomen, drawing your sword and placing the tip right next to his artery, under his ear. 
“How many of you are there?” you ask coldly, rage flowing through your veins as you press your sword deeper into his neck when he refuses to respond. 
Small beads of blood gather on the tip of your sword and your opponent panics, slowing bringing his hands up to show he means no harm, and removes his mask to reveal a shock of blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes.
You deadpan. What was it with blonde boys in your life?
“P-Please don’t kill me..!” he whimpers, tears pouring down his face (a very punchable face, for the record).
Already? You barely scratched him, you think to yourself, slightly disappointed that it was this easy.
“How. many. of. you. are. there.” you say, lowly, enunciating your words as if it could hammer the meaning into this idiot’s brain. 
“F-Forty s-seven.” he sobs, and your eyes widen.
Your heart sinks. Forty seven men?! Your village didn’t even have the numbers for that many soldiers… how were you going to get everyone out of this alive. 
“Look…” you trail off, realizing you didn’t know the man’s name. 
Then again did you really want to? Knowing his name made him seem more humane, more…like you. Suddenly, the man underneath your feet turning into the man you killed in the Chiara Forest, your heart rate spiking and overwhelming guilt clawing at your brain. 
 Your opponent doesn’t know your panic though, and shudders underneath you, starting to mumble out his name. 
“I’m Aoy-” he starts, but you cut him off, something snapping inside of you. 
“Just stop. Here’s what’s going to happen. I am going to tie you up and leave you in the well. You are going to call for help. I need you to scream.” You growl, the look in your eyes deadly, hinting as to what would happen if he didn’t follow your directions. 
However, the man nods vigorously, and you do exactly what you told him, using some tough rope you found in the shed to bind his wrists and feet together once positioning his limbs in a way that would be painful if he tried to adjust or move them, using a cloth to gag him temporarily for the journey to the well outside of the Kirishima’s home. 
How ironic is it, that this all started from that same well, and now it could all end there too?
You heft the man into your back, the size difference unconcerning to you given that you were strong, and he weighed absolutely nothing. How did this shrimp even manage to be eligible for the military in the first place?
 You hear a crash outside, flinching and realizing that you probably weren’t the only one fighting these Inimican spies. And you most definitely were the only one with enough fighting experience in this village. 
You had to work fast.
Deciding to leave your home through the backdoor, you slip out quietly, breathing in relief when you don’t see any black clad assailants there waiting to ambush you. 
Making your way to the Kirishima’s along a secluded path you knew by heart, you make your way to the well, wrapping your fingers around the rope and tugging it experimentally to see if it would support the blonde man’s weight. It seemed sturdy enough and so you hefted his figure onto the side of the well, making sure he held onto the rope tightly enough, and you removed the cloth covering his mouth. 
You don’t give him a chance to say anything, holding the front of his shirt with a relentless grip as you stare at him in his eyes, wide with fear. 
“If you don’t do what you’re told, I’ll end you here and now.” you whisper, no malice in your tone, and yet that makes the words even more chilling. 
The man nods frantically, releasing him and watching him descend down the well at a rapid pace, hearing a thud and a crunch one he makes it to the bottom, making you wince a little bi.t At least he wasn’t dead, the echoing cry he let out when he reached the floor was a dead giveaway. 
You hear him start screaming, his voice strained and raspy from the amount of sobbing he’d done, and the echoes of the well amplify the pitiful sound, the desperation definitely evident.
Doing all of this felt wrong, but honestly, you didn’t really care at the moment. Your village was in danger. 
You heard some footsteps approaching in the distance, putting your plan in action and slipping into the shadows of the Kirishima home. 
“Aoyama!” a deep male voice calls out. “Is that you?” 
From where you were, you could see a shock of white hair and electric blue eyes. And his face… it was mottled almost, littered with so many scars the lower half of his face looked purple.
“L-Lieutenant Dabi! D-Down here!” the man who you realize is called Aoyama croaks out, ruining your wish for the blonde to remain anonymous, but that didn’t deter you.
You had a mission.
Hearing three more pairs of footsteps, you see three figures to match, including a man with skin so oily it looked like verdant scales, a blonde man with haunted blue eyes, and a wild haired brunette with amber eyes. 
“Wait-  is he in the well?” the blonde snickers, only for his amused expression to be taken over by a stricken expression of grief. “Oh shit, is he okay?!”
It was an odd display of events, but you chose not to comment on it as the one called Dabi commanded his men.
“Shuichi, use your sword to cut the rope- then if we dangle it low enough we can pull him out.” the white haired man says, the oily skinned man nodding in assent and drawing his sword out of its sheath. 
You remembered during your time in the military about the weapons the Inimicans preferred, the most common being that of a katana. You, on the other hand, used something else. The Belloran army had a tendency to use weapons with more power, valuing strength over speed, something you picked up on once seeing the heavier swords in their arsenal, and of course, your fight with Bakugou.
But when you trained, you trained for speed, choosing to fight with dual swords instead. Dual swords, you learned, paired with your fighting style, allowed you to become the best of both worlds, both refined and strategic which aligned with Inimican fight styles which still being able to channel heavy amounts of strength and power into every strike, making you a formidable opponent for both Inimcans and Bellorans alike. 
The one called Shuichi approached the well, cutting the rope and making sure Aoyama was securely holding on before he started hoisting it. 
Now was your chance. Over the past few months of training, your father recommended carrying metal stars with sharp serrated edges. He said it would help practice your aim as well as your concentration as to where you enforced your strength. Ever since then you started to train with them, and they were always on your person or in a place easily accessed no matter where you were.
Thank the gods for that, you think, taking one of the stars from the folds of your clothes, and holding it in between your index and middle finger. 
You take a deep breath, angling the star ever so slightly and positioning it. And then…
The star slices through the air like it’s nothing, pure strength over powering wind resistance as it slices through the rope of the well in twine. 
You hear Aoyama’s agonized screams as he falls again, shallow breaths echoing and reverberating through the well, hauntingly.
But you can’t let the horror overtake you, knowing that in the midst of battle, feelings are to be processed later. Even so, you can’t help but wonder if this is what Katsuki meant- true strength of a warrior meant coming to terms with the conflicts outside of you but inside as well. 
Stop it, you chide yourself, taking advantage of the group’s momentary distraction and running quickly, tackling the closest man next to you, the one with amber eyes. 
Your dual swords each target vital areas of the man’s body, your forearm tightening around his neck as one sword is grazing his artery on his neck and the over ever so slightly hovers over his abdomen, ready to plunge into his torso. 
It’s a threat. And one that they know you’re capable of, given by the steely glint in your eye.
Two of the men spring to action, forgetting about Aoyama, the one called Shuichi drawing his blade and the blond getting into a fighting stance, as the brunette lays deathly still in your arms, one wrong move and he’s dead. 
However, the first man, Dabi, seems unfazed. He gives you a lazy smirk, and waves his hand nonchalantly. 
“At ease, you two. I don’t feel like killing her just yet…” he drawls, brimming with overconfidence. “She reminds me of a little poppy, no? A pretty flower of death. And yet so easily crushed the moment a boot iss brought down upon it.”
You feel rage boil up inside you. How pompous is this asshole to think he could defeat you so easily?!
Then again, you thought about your fight with Bakugou. You were by no means weak, and you reassured yourself that. But even so, Bakugou managed to win. Would you lose against Dabi too?
And this time…you wouldn’t be spared as you would in a tualia. This is war. 
“Let me strike you a deal, poppy.” he says, stepping closer. “Let’s battle it out, me against you. My men won’t interfere. If you win, I will escort my troops out of your village.”
“If I win,” his grin turns deadly. “Well let’s hope that doesn’t happen, huh poppy?”
You narrow your eyes, tightening your grip on your swords. You could almost smell the power radiating off of this man, but you knew that if you didn’t take his offer, your village wouldn't stand a chance.
You exhale slowly, glaring at the cocky man in front of you. 
Maybe, you realized, his overconfidence was earned. 
You weren’t a stranger to fighting losing battles. From your tualia with Bakugou to dumb arguments with your siblings, you always kept going, even though the outcome was going to be the same. 
In front of you, stood Dabi, the man in question had waved his men away to scout the village for more rope to rescue Aoyama with. 
And in the Lieutenants hand, there was a sphere. 
Magic, in your world, was a rare commodity - and even rarer was one who could manage to wield it. Common forms of magic called yose were sold in the richer markets, and if you could find them, they were used more like a collectors item, a mark of status if you had one, which showed just how rare it was in the first place. Most, when attempting to use magic, had their physical forms decay from the inside because their mortal forms couldn’t handle power used by celestial beings.
However, there was a gene that resided in a total of nine families in the world, (one for each god) who was blessed to be able to wield said power.
And you had the misfortune to encounter one of them.
The sphere in Dabi’s hand was bright blue, and yet it didn’t resemble that of water or ice, instead the sphere consisted solely of cerulean flames - you could feel the temperature drop as soon as it materialized. 
When you were young, Chiyo told you stories about each of the families, each of high status and a standing in any family was extremely coveted globally. 
Fire… Dabi was a Todoroki. 
You were, inadvertently, fucked. 
“This is what it’s like to play with fire, poppy.” he grins, a manic look taking over his face. 
You grimace, lowering yourself into a fighting stance.
This was going to hurt. 
With a yell, you charge at Dabi’s unmoving form, your feet moving you, faster, quicker, allowing you to flow with the wind. 
Horror washes over you as flames engulf his hand, and then his arms, blue flames licking his skin but he doesn’t show any sign of being in pain.
You desperately slash at his neck and chest, bringing your arms to form an X before slashing outwards. But your blades do nothing, as Dabi mimics the same X and thrusts his arms forwards, shooting flames out in every direction. 
“Ah fuck!” you grit, tears pricking your eyes as flames burn through your flame, creating scalding burns in their wake.
Your swords clatter to the ground, your hands in so much pain you couldn’t feel them. Where the fuck did he find magic so powerful?! No market sold enough yose to generate enough power like that…
“Aw, down already?” Dabi pouts, “I thought you’d burn a little slower.”
You muster up the iciest glare you could. “F-Fuck you, you damn sadist.” You spit, venom dripping from your tone. 
Dabi only smiles. “C’mon poppy, that’s no way to talk. We’re having so much fun, afterall.”
You wanted to kill him. 
Your whole body protested, screaming in pain, bloodied fingers, grasping the hilt of your nearby sword.
You run at him again, flames again searing your skin, but you keep running, pain now shooting up your leg as you lunge at Dabi, an amused expression on his face as you keep running, plunging your sword into his shoulder.
This clearly takes him by surprise, wondering where your spontaneous bout of strength came from as blood drips down his torso, a bright red that was accentuated from the coming sunrise, rosy rays peaking out of the horizon. 
Dabi’s smirk goes away, replaced with an impassive expression as he wraps his hand around your neck, squeezing slightly as he pulls the sword out of his shoulder with his other hand.
Suddenly, the world spins, lack of blood, oxygen, mixed with overwhelming pain and fatigue made it hard to keep your eyes open. 
The panic sets it, fuck were you going to die, actually die?!
The last thing you smell is the scent of melting flesh waft into the air as everything goes black.
The last this you see are those sickening electric blue eyes, and wide bloodied grin.
The last thing you hear is Ejiro’s voice yelling “Y/N?!”
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Taglist: @andysdrafts @starieq @nemisimp @missa-archdevilme @coquettefoxxy
@032loe @icedemon1314 @fta1ask4 @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory @cuppalevi
@touyasprettydoll @slayfics @yeehawgiddyup13 @notjustanotherextra @frvv
@meliibby @tomiokasecretlover @isentsworld @bkgpackets @moonnm
@bkgrl @satoruyes @eyesforbkg @juicyfingers @aejabba
@noodleryworld @yui-aya @ashiblossom @rv19 @wheezdostuff
@yannvi @liluvtojineteyam @ah-mya @surprisemodafakas
@kksmush @sagejin @cax-per @kit-katsukii @l-bozo-l
@m-0ona @hyori2 @k0zume @scarlet-swan @chuugarettes
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look-at-the-soul · 7 months
The Photoshoot - Part 48
Cillian Murphy x OC
Series Master list: 2014, 2015
A/N: nothing but some fluff and smut 🔥 it’s been a while, but these two continue their path to adopt.
Summary: Yael finds her husband rehearsing for his role as Tommy Shelby. What would you like to see?
Word count: 3,390
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Phone, camera, lights, mirror, emergency kit, rain jacket. Yael made a mental note to leave by the door everything she might need for the day, she’d be having an entire team for the project and as much as she preferred to work on her own, meeting people who moved in her same area was always a blessing because sometimes there’s one person who knows someone who might call her in the future.
Walking into the kitchen to grab a tumbler, she found the coffee was ready and some strawberries in a bowl and a granola bar next to a small note from her husband:
Have a beautiful day just like you.
C xo
A smile formed in her lips while happiness spread all over her, Cillian went for a run just as she was taking a shower and they wouldn’t see each other all day due to her photoshoot commitments and he’d be locked in the basement to focus on the Peaky Blinders script.
It was a subtle way to let her know she was in his mind, a small but thoughtful detail, and that’s what she loved the most about him.
There are two types of clients; those who follow suggestions and those who do whatever they want, the problem with photographs taken professionally is that the photographer knows what looks and works best for the camera and what doesn’t.
And then when she worked with other people as brands and stylists she had to deal with different mindset and ideas, plus the hairstylist stepping in to fix something or whatever. So for todays photoshoot, she’d be photographing flowers but would use a model to make the most out of each bouquet, that’s why she chose an ancient building in the heart of Dublin.
Holding her camera case as her most precious belonging, she started to carry her tripod and lights. As usual, she got there early, so she would have some time to set everything without a rush.
“Alright, can we please get into position?” Yael called, she wanted to make out the most out of the natural light to capture the flowers perfectly. They were already over an hour late because it took longer than they expected to install the flower background.
She took care of even the finest detail to ensure she’d get the shoots she envisioned.
Adjusting the tripod, she made sure to get the entire frame.
“My earrings,” the model called with a worried expression. “I forgot them.”
“It’s okay, you can go to the camper, I’ll start taking the other shoots.” Yael waved.
“No, I mean I forgot them at the hotel.”
Yael looked around, most of the crew were men and she didn’t want to waste anymore time to send someone looking for a jewelry shop.
“Would you mind wearing mine?” Yael proposed looking at her watch.
“Not at all.” The blonde replied.
As she let the camera hanging from her neck to get rid of her earrings, the flower shop owner approached them.
“What happened?” The ginger man asked.
“She forgot her earrings, so she’s borrowing mine.”
“Thank you.” The model smiled at her and moved back to take her place and hold the bouquet.
“I’ve only heard compliments from your work. I’m Miles.”
“Nice to meet you.” She focused on the first images and adjusted the flash. “Lina can you look down at the bouquet?” She walked to the side, and bumped into something. “Sorry, would you mind?”
Miles gave her a long look. She needed space to work freely and he was literally in the middle.
“Of course, I’m just admiring your work.” He admitted but moved back just a couple of steps, his gaze still fixed on her, she could feel it.
“Jacky one step forward please, chin up.” She instructed the other model.
“I’m in awe of the quality of your work.” He praised asking to see the last shoot.
Yael took a deep breath as she titled the camera screen towards him. She was used to work on her own, no interruptions, but he had been making suggestions, asking so many personal questions, invading her personal space.
She tried several times to move away from him, but when she least expected he was again close. Placing her left hand in front of him, so he could see her rings but he didn’t seem to get the hint.
“Thank you ladies, we’re done here.” She called.
“You’re joking right?” Miles asked opening his arms in confusion.
“No, I’ve enough material to work with.”
“I’d like you to get some more, if you need to charge me extra for the time it’s fine.”
“I got all the possible angles already, I need you to trust me.”
Yael didn’t like the smirk that he gave her. “I can totally do that.”
“Look I’ve to go, but you can be sure you’ll get an amazing catalog to choose from.”
“So when can I can see you to choose the photos?” Miles asked.
He filled all the check list as a womanizer, she tried to show off her rings once again.
“Oh I don’t do that, I’ll edit the photos and print the best shoots, you’ll get a copy of the entire session.”
Miles then decided it was time to flirt openly with Yael. “It’s actually just an excuse to see you again.”
“That’s not how I work though, and I really need to go my husband is waiting for me.” She made sure to pronounce that last part slowly and clear.
“Thank you again for letting me use your earrings.” Lina approached them with a smile.
“Glad you could use them, it might be a small detail but it’s important in the end. I’ll start carrying an extra pair for future shootings.” She didn’t want to deal with Miles on her own, so when Lina started a small conversation she answered happily.
“Can I give you a call later? I’d like to add some photos to my book.”
Nodding, Yael wrote her number in a piece of paper and gave it to the model. “Message me and I’ll save your contact.”
Picking up her equipment, she was glad Miles had turned his attention to the other model and they were already exchanging numbers. Rolling her eyes, she silently thanked for not having to deal with him anymore.
As she finished with her lights and camera, the florist asked if she wanted to take a few bouquets home. She couldn’t deny the flowers were beautiful, so she thought of making a couple for her friends and family in law.
The house was quiet when she arrived, only Scout came to give Yael a lick as a welcome and then pressed both front paws against her upper body.
“Where’s daddy?” She scratched his head. “I brought you flowers. You can’t eat those though.”
“Come on, let’s put these in some water.” She carried the bouquet to the kitchen, after adding some water to the vase and it instantly added a lovely pop of color. “Let’s see if daddy is downstairs.”
Before she could even knock on the basement door, Cillian’s voice caught her attention. Who was he talking to? And why was he shouting?
As she was about to ask what was the matter, she heard him clearly.
“Today it’s my fucking wedding day…”
She blocked Scout just in time as she realized her husband was rehearsing his lines. With his back at her and the script in his hand, arms stretched.
“No fucking fighting…” he then moved to the corner and pointed at the lamp. “No fighting…” then to a family portrait from their own wedding that was in one of the shelves. “No fighting.” Moving back to the center of the basement he took a pause and leaning forward, he stated; “No-fucking-fighting.”
Turning around, he stopped abruptly. Not expecting to see his wife standing by the door.
“I swear I’m not trying to start a fight, but did you get lunch?” Yael asked raising her eyebrows.
“Ah… nope.” Cillian gave her a guilty look.
“Since this morning? Why? It’s almost five.”
He shuddered. “Been busy with the script.”
“Okay that’s enough Mr. Shelby, Mr. Murphy needs to eat.” She opened the door and motioned for him to follow her upstairs.
“I wasn’t hungry.” He tried to excuse himself.
“I’m having none of that, you’re working out like a madman, need to eat properly or a snack at least…” She sighed opening the fridge. “I always have something you can just heat.”
“Honestly I got carried away…” He took seat at the other side of the table realizing how time passed and he didn’t seem to notice.
“Hmm.” Yael mumbled to herself as she waited the sandwich to toast.
Walking towards the pantry, she picked a basket and started to fill it with chips, bars, spicy sweets anything Cillian could easily grab as a snack.
“I thought I’d be late, there was a car accident but like in the opposite direction.” Yael chatted making sure the sandwich was ready.
“These flowers are gorgeous.”
She smiled. “Right? Thought of doing small bouquets.”
“So how was it?”
Yael paused for a second closing her eyes, with her back at him. Unsure of how to approach what had happened.
“Good,” she chuckled, “one of the models forgot her earrings, so I gave her mine.”
Cillian smiled. “Really?”
“I’ve been taking photographs for so long and this has never happened to me before.”
He stood and walked slowly towards the stove. Wrapping his arms around her waist, his lips fanning over her neck sending small shocks of electricity down her body.
Cillian turned his wife around, pressing her between his body and the stove. In a surprise movement, Cillian lifted her body to place Yael over the counter in a swift movement. Intensifying the kiss he settled between her legs.
Yael ran her hands from his soft curls to his shoulders, taking in the way his body felt, so strong. Pressing her heels to his bum, she tried to make Cillian stand impossibly closer as he deepened the kiss, making her let out a soft moan when his hand sneaked under her blouse.
The sound of cheese on the grill made her open her eyes abruptly. “Shit. The sandwich.”
“Fuck the sandwich.” He murmured following her as she leaned down to turn off the stove.
“You don’t want a burnt sandwich.” Yael giggled while her body melted in his arms. Her laugh increased when Scout got in the middle of them.
“He wants a sandwich too.” Cillian pointed stealing one more kiss from her.
Yael took a slice of ham and gave it to Scout, who immediately barked demanding more. A text interrupted Cillian’s lunch.
“It’s Mum, she’s already at the airport.” She smiled and texted her mother back, wishing her a good flight.
“Do you think she’ll overpack? Like the last time.” He chuckled.
“It’s more probable than not.” She answered just as she started tidying up.
“Last time Bryan asked me to not let you guys go shopping, the thing is this time around I won’t be here.” He laughed at his statement.
“Oh stop, I’m already missing you.” Yael went to him, passing an arm behind his neck as Cillian moved the chair back to make room for her to sit on his lap.
“I’m going to miss you too.” He whispered tightening the arm around her while his other hand caressed her thigh. “Come here.”
Turning to face him, Yael held his face between her hands, and kissed him tenderly. It would only be for a few days while Cillian went to do some fitting for his Tommy Shelby wardrobe, but it still felt like a long time.
Titling his head, Cillian passed a hand to the back of her neck to keep Yael in place. Soon the kiss became demanding, resuming to where they previously left. Holding her against his middle section, Cillian got up and encouraged her to wrap her legs around him.
“Oh my God.” She gasped in surprise.
Cillian rolled his eyes jokingly. “You’re just looking for any excuse.”
“Well I can’t let these go to waiste.” She gave him a smirk right before he gently placed her on the back of the couch.
His hands moving up and down her figure, he wanted his fingers to memorize every curve of her body. His lips traced her jaw and moved south, to stay focused at her neck. Yael closed her eyes, unable to focus on anything else as Cillian pressed her down against one of his legs adding some friction.
“Ah.” She moaned.
Cillian fumbled with his jeans, a frustrated groan escaped his lips. That made Yael pull back from her bliss to help him undress. As Cillian stood before her in just his Calvin Klein underwear, Yael took a moment that seemed like an eternity to admire his toned abs and chest. But it was his arms what took her breath away.
Cillian raised an eyebrow as she saw his wife bitting her lower lip, and that hungry stare full of desire.
Before he could ask what was crossing her mind, Yael pulled him in for a heated kiss. “I can’t believe this is all mine.” Her hand moved down from his chest to his abdomen and then to his broad back, enjoying how his muscles felt under her touch.
“You’re still wearing too much clothes if you ask me.” He let out a small grunt as he took her in his arms one more time, her legs instinctively around him as he walked around the couch to settle his wife. She rushed to get rid of her blouse as soon as she got the chance. And Cillian kneeled in front of her to help her with the rest. He then settled between her legs, his lips started moving south, finding one of her breasts midway as his hand found its way to her most intimate part, earning a loud moan as she welcomed his fingers in. “Hmm so wet.”
She was past anything coherent. Eyelids struggling to stay open as the pleasure increased.
Hooking one of his fingers up and Cillian brushed the magical button inside of her and it was enough to make her back arch from the couch.
“I need you.” She bit her lip, trying to resist the urge to explode.
“As you wish.” His fingers were soon replaced by his cock. “Better?” He asked bumping his nose against hers.
“Yes!” She nodded automatically feeling as if she was floating on a cloud already, her delicate hand sneaked between their bodies, feeling him withdrawing, she was ready and waiting for the hard thrust. Cillian adjusted her hips and the new angle was enough to send her over the edge.
“I’m gonna.. oh god!” With another thrust he felt her hand on his bum, her fingers tracing the contour of his cheeks, exploring… taunting him. Before he realized it, her hand had sneaked to an unknown territory and the next thing he knew it was his vision blacked out and his seed rushed out of his body like never before. He stayed still for an instant as she was still dealing with the aftershocks of his orgasm.
She held him in his arms while Cillian took a moment to recover.
“Fuck, I think you milked me completely.” He admitted breathlessly.
His arms struggled to hold him. Yael looked up at him admiring him like this, in her arms. Pulling him down, she kissed the corner of his mouth tentatively.
“For the days we’ll be apart.”
“I’ll start planning more trips if this is the farewell I’m going to get.”
After taking a quick shower, they embarked on a trip the airport to pick up Isla, Scout sitting in the back of the car.
“Oh that sounds nice.” Yael turned up the volume of the radio.
Cillian paid attention to the lyrics. “Yeah.”
I don't wanna go
But baby, we both know
This is not our time
It's time to say goodbye
“Want me to add it to your Tommy playlist?” She asked with a grin.
He nodded.
“Something happened at the photoshoot.” Yael confessed out after a moment in silence.
Cillian turned his head for a split second, noticing something in his wife’s voice. “Tell me.”
“I don’t want you to worry though.”
“Well, spill and let me decide if I need to worry or not.” He tried to encourage her again.
“The person who hired me to do the Photoshoot was at the location and tried several times to engage in conversation and such, making comments and I was like can’t you see my wedding rings?” She shook her head. “When that didn’t work, I started repeating, oh my husband this, my husband that you know?”
As he slowed the speed due to traffic, he turned to look at her.
“But he wouldn’t understand, it was so awkward and uncomfortable. Then by the end of the day, he started chatting to one of the models finally.”
She just couldn’t keep that to herself, she didn’t feel like hiding something like that from Cillian.
“People like that it’s so annoying.”
“Look, you’ll find people like that all the time,” Cillian moved one of his hands to her thigh, and Yael covered it with her own as the car started moving again. “Just make your boundaries clear and do your job. I know it’s uncomfortable but some people are just eejits. Plain and simple, there’s nothing you can do about it.”
Yael nodded, her eyes following an airplane that was just taking off.
“I mean, of course I’d go crazy to see anyone looking at my wife the wrong way.”
Yael chuckled. “This is crazy, why would you say that as if it’s Thomas Shelby speaking?”
Cillian scoffed. “That’s not- I’m serious.”
“That’s something he’d say.” She pressed, the smirk was now impossible to hide. “You’re acting more and more like him.”
He opened and closed his mouth, thinking of something coherent to say. “I can’t help it now, it comes involuntarily sometimes, but my point is…” he lost track as they entered the parking lot, “this is a crazy world, full of crazy people. Specially in this business, the line is so thin and easy to cross nowadays. But as long as we’re on the same side, nothing else matters, right?”
She seemed to think about it before nodding.
“I won’t be delivering those photos personally anyways, don’t want him to get a wrong impression.”
She shuddered on their walk to the airport. Lots of people coming in and out.
They’ve talked about it before, while Cillian filmed season two for Peaky Blinders, he came home oddly quiet and when she asked what had happened, Cillian confessed that they had scheduled an intimate scene between Tommy and Grace that day and it was just the two of them on set, the director, camera crew and intimate assistant. The instructions were clear but as they got on with filming the scene, the actress decided to go deeper with the kiss and included her tongue, something he made very clear he was against since the beginning. It wasn’t necessary but happened. He didn’t want to repeat the scene so decided to continue as if nothing happened. But it didn’t mean he had agreed.
They weren’t married back then but it surely sparkled a deeper conversation between them of boundaries on set.
Arriving at the gate walking hand in hand, they headed to one of the cafés to wait for Isla’s arrival. Luckily the flight was on time and Yael’s mother would arrive shortly.
“Look at this.” While they waited, Yael started working on some of her favorite photos from the shooting.
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“I like that.” Cillian stated resting his head on his hand and staring at the photograph she was showing him.
“Now watch how everything changes.”
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Cillian was in awe of her skills to see the magic in every still she got. His wife had a gift for this, she saw things no one else would notice.
“There’s people coming out.” Cillian pointed at the doors.
“I hope she’s in that group.” Yael revealed and her wish became true, as she saw her mother strolling through the crowd.
Melting into a tight embrace, Cillian witnessed the love between them. It was indescribable feeling, he knew first hand how much Yael loved her mother and sometimes how hard it was to live so far away. He’d cherish that for a long time.
“Thank you for picking me up. You’re the sweetest.” She then opened her arms to welcome him. Then her attention turned to Scout. “Hello you, have you been a good boy?”
Taking the suitcase from her hand, Cillian smiled at his mother in law.
“I’ve been looking for this the whole week.”
“We’re so glad to have you around Isla. How about we go to have dinner at that restaurant you like, with the view to the bay?”
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this part, as usual your words is highly appreciated and what keeps me going xxx
Credits photos: same team.photo on Instagram
Song: Tattoos by Loreen
Tag list: @lyarr24 @garrison-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @winchestergirl22 @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @strayrockette @forbidden-forest-witch @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @blondie-22 @thenattitude @moral-terpitude @babaohhhriley @queenshelby @ange-thoughts @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @cilliansangel (cant tag) @rangerelik @already-broken144 @alessioayla @paprikabadger @dolllol2405 @conversationpits @itsilvermorny @lafell @imichelle-l-rigby @yrli8 @cutecurly-hair @mrkdvidal1989 @cillspropertea @hyperfixationsonshuffle @sydneyyyya (can’t tag) @abbymcguire @shelundeadxxxx @elk96 @pono-pura-vida @lovemissyhoneybee @slimeantha (can’t tag) @kmc1989 @ironpen
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chaosduckies · 5 months
Restoration (Chapter 10)
I cut this one a bit short since I want the next one to be long. THAT’S where I’m deciding to put the TWO scenes I thought of. It will make you cry, and at the same time make your heart melt. Anyways, enjoy!
Word Count: 3.1k
CW: Witnessing a birth, mentions of death, That’s all for this one!
Everything was going downhill. 
There were warnings everywhere around the neighborhood I lived in. That humans living here should find a place to stay on the human side of the city. The riots were getting out of hand. Of course that was something to worry about, but I was really just worried about one other thing. Where would Lucky and Angela live? 
They can’t stay here. If those people come around and they find them, I don’t think I could ever forgive myself if something bad happens. It was better if I find someplace for them to stay. Away from the people that want to kill them. I was not about to let something bad happen to them because I kept them here. 
I had talked with Jasmine, and she said we should take down all of the elevators and hide the human room in case someone decides to barge into our house looking for harbored humans. It was smart, but it might take a while to get rid of all the elevators. There were a lot. I still didn’t have a place for Lucky and Angela to go. 
Nathan could always… no. That’s asking too much. Taking care of my own siblings? I couldn’t ask him to do that. I’m sure his mom doesn’t want two other people to look after either. I really didn’t know what to do. Maybe if I ask? No. Nonono. No asking. I’m sure Nathan already has his own problems to deal with. I can’t put more stress on him. The movie last night was great until I thought he would be fine if I just grabbed him. He absolutely freaked out and I didn’t know why I even did that. So could he really handle a four year old who absolutely loves hugs and a fifteen year old who is just so full of energy and loves playing sports. Is that a good combo with someone who was wary about being touched and hates the cold weather? No. I don’t think so. 
I groaned, leaning against the kitchen island and burying my head in my hands. What do I do? I can’t just give them to some random person! What if they hurt them or something worse? I guess I could always call Lucky, but what fi they take away his phone? 
There was small giggling from in front of me. I picked my head up, seeing Angela holding up a picture she drew. Of course I can barely see it when she’s standing so far away, but I just forged the best smile I could and scooped her up. She giggled even more, hugging the stuffed panda Nathan had given her. Speaking of… I need to find him a gift. 
“What is it, Angel?”  
“Lucky told me we have to leave. Is that true?” She pouted. Nothing goes unsaid in this house. Everyone finds out eventually. I would of had to tell Angela sooner or later. Or at least before she had to leave and go live with someone else for a while. It might actually be harder for me to watch them leave. 
“I’m sorry, Angel. I just want you to be safe.” I apologized, but she only hugged what little portion she could of my thumb. Like I said, she loved hugs. 
“I don’t wanna go thoughhhh.” She didn’t let go. I sighed, lightly pressing the back of my finger up against her back. I smiled softly, “You’ll miss me?” She nodded her head, finally letting go as I pulled my finger away. She was jut a kid, I can’t tell her that some people want to kill her just for being born. That would be bad. She wouldn’t understand yet either. 
I set Angela back down on the counter, watching her take the elevator back down probably to go see what Jasmine was up to. I still remember the day she was born. Everyone was shocked. Mostly my parents, but I remember being excited to have another baby sister.
We could barely hear the crying. The doctors stared in shock as they held the tiny human-sized baby in their palms. Mom was barely conscious while dad was telling her how beautiful she was. None of us could see her face. She was too small. Isabelle was asleep on the couch, Dylan and jasmine stood there shocked at the events that just took place, meanwhile, Lucky was smiling. He was going to have a human sized sister. 
The doctors told the news to our mother, who was even more shocked than us. They carefully handed her the tiny life that had immediately stopped crying after she was safely in my mother’s hand. Mom had started crying happy tears, cooing at the extremely tiny baby she was holding. 
“It’s rare, but happens. The baby is completely healthy and otherwise normal.” The doctor smiled, reading off the clipboard. I walked closer, the doctor moving out of my way so I could see. She was so tiny. Maybe the size of my fingertip. I smiled, letting out a sigh of relief. 
“Say hi to Angel, Ryker.” Mom laughed, a shaky hand reaching to the infant. Angel? I liked that name. 
Soon enough everyone was gathered around the hospital bed. Mom didn’t let the younger ones hold her, only Jasmine and I and Lucky since he was a human. When it was my turn, I swear I heard a tiny little giggle escape the baby’s mouth. I smiled, looking in awe at how tiny she really was. Adorable. 
Angel was passed back to my mother, who held her all throughout the night. We never once heard her cry at night. Not at all when she was a baby. We needed some help to get her baby clothes since none of us could fit in a human-sized store except for Lucky, who was barely eleven at the time. Dad asked a few work friends, who were happy to help. When they weren’t around, mom had to use a pipette to feed her. One tiny drop at a time. 
Mom loved her so much. She kept on saying that she was an angel, so that’s what her name would be. Angela. We call her Angel because that’s what mom called her. She really was an angel though. Mom never had a hard time getting her to sleep, feeding her, rocking her. Even if she was so much bigger than her own daughter. 
So, I was not about to let anyone just watch her. We were all so protective of her because of how she was brought into the world. Supposed to be a miscarriage, but here we are, with a happy little sister. I couldn’t let her see the bad part of life yet. It would make me a terrible older brother. 
As for Lucky, I didn’t want him to go back to a place where no one wanted him. Where he was afraid. The adoption center we found him in treated him badly as he was the only human there, so I was just glad I convince him to come with us. Now look at him. He was glued to Dylan and wasn’t scared of anything anymore. Could I let him go back to that terrible place? No. I will not be at any point in time. 
Nathan was my only choice. I didn’t trust anyone else, and I couldn’t let them stay here. Plus, Angel and Lucky like him. I doubt Nathan is able to physically hurt someone anyways. It was my best option. Now I just have to hope that he’s okay with it. 
I picked up my phone, and texted him. 
My phone went off. I was in my room finishing off one of the books the librarian recommended to me. I picked up my phone, stuffing my bookmark where I left off and checked my messages. 
Ryker: Sorry for bothering you so much lately, but I have a hugeeee favor to ask you 
I already knew what he was going to ask. After what we saw on the news last night, I’m sure he was looking for a place Lucky and Isabelle could be at. Assuming I was the only other human he knew besides his own siblings, I was probably his best bet. I don’t mind though. Lucky and Isabelle are both my friends so how could I say no? 
Nathan: You’re not bothering me :) 
Nathan: What’d you need?  
Ryker: Could you maybe watch Lucky and Isabelle? Just until this whole riot thing blows over 
Ryker: You don’t have though 
Nathan: It’s fine! 
Nathan: I kind of expected this after last night 
Nathan: Let me just make sure my mom was okay with it 
Ryker: TYSM you’re the best 
I laughed, placing my phone back on the desk by my bed and heading into the living room where my mom was finishing up some papers for work. She smiled when she saw me walk in. She took the day off to finish up her work and stay with me. School was cancelled until after Christmas break because of what happened last night. The riots were getting out of hand, and people nearly died. She just wanted to make sure I would be okay at the house alone. Apparently I wouldn’t be alone all that much this time. 
“H-hey mom,” I started, “Ryker asked if his human siblings could stay here. B-because of what happened last night. He doesn’t want them to get hurt and he just asked if they could stay here for a week or two?” 
She smiled softly, putting her pen down, “Of course! You sure it won’t be too much on you? You know I’m working all week.” I nodded my head. If I can take care of myself and my mom, then I’m sure two others won’t be too bad. Plus, I’m sure my mom has some tips for Angela. She absolutely loves kids. 
“Alright then, I can’t wait to meet them!” She cheered as I walked back to my room. I knew she would say yes, I just had to make sure. It’s nice to know I can start slowly repaying Ryker for everything he’s done for me. This was just one small, insignificant way to repay him. 
Nathan: Yeah they can come! When though?
Ryker: Ummm in about three hours? Bus stop? 
Ryker: I don’t want go at night and I want to get them as far away from here as possible
Nathan: Sure! 
Nathan: I’ll be waiting
Ryker: Thank you so much  
Nathan: Anytime :D
Three hours wasn’t that long. I could finish my book and get ready to head out. I don’t know if my mom would want to come. Probably not since she’d most likely have some kind of greeting for them. Maybe she’ll just summon a gift out of nowhere. She does that sometimes. I’ve learned to never underestimate her when it comes to gifts. 
I finished the book, ending with the main character presenting his portfolio while also reflecting on everything that’s happened to him. His brother died, his other brother was broken because of it, he had to be the one to fix his family, and he did it. I liked it. It was a sweet ending. I still had about an hour and a half left until I had to go pick up Lucky and Angela. What should I do in the meantime? Well the first thing that pops up in my head is to bake. Because of course it is. It’s my main coping mechanism and it’s easy to do when you’re pretty good at it. 
Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed everything I needed for just some basic cookies, measured everything up, mixed it, and put it in the oven. My mom had appeared out of nowhere and sat down at one of the stools. 
“Smells good.” She smiled. I smiled back, taking a seat in the stroll next to her. 
“Everything alright, Nate?” She asked. She knew when I bake it’s because something is wrong. Today though, I was just doing it for fun. Also because I didn’t want Lucky and Angela to come without me giving them something. I’m just trying to make a good impression. 
“Yeah. Just making them a little gift.” 
“You care a lot about Ryker, don’t you? I mean, you are taking care of his own siblings for him,” She started, placing a cold hand on my shoulder, “He sounds like a nice friend though.” 
I nodded my head, “He is… I’m just trying to pay him back. F-for everything.” I started playing with my hands. I’m no longer as scared as I was before I met Ryker, I’ve been able to have someone to talk to, I’ve had the experience of actually having a friend, and I feel bad that I can’t give him anything back. 
“Nate, buddy, a good friend doesn’t ever ask for something in return I hope you know. You don’t always have to pay him back.” She advised. I sighed. I knew that… but I wanted to do this. It was the right thing. Was I just about to abandon his siblings to be left in that neighborhood where people were practically trying to weed out any and all humans on their side. 
“I know. But it’s nice to know that I’m at least helpful in some way.” 
My mom patted me on the back lightly, making me sit straight up and offer a nervous smile. She muttered a sorry before heading back to the living room to finish her paperwork. Five more minutes until the cookies were done. I couldn’t do anything else for Ryker except do what he asks me to. I mean, that’s what it means being a human right? You can’t do anything for anyone if they’re not the same size as you, yet a giant can give so much to a human, and still give more to their own people. Wait… Why was I thinking so hard about this?I didn’t even expect Ryker to give me anything. Ah. I’m spiraling again. 
I took the pan out of the oven, seeing the perfectly golden-brown cookies. They smelled delicious as always.  
I waited by the bus stop, constantly checking the time and immediately stuffing my hands back into the warmth of my pocket. I can’t wait to get home, get under the blankets, and cuddle near the heater. Weird? Don’t care. I’m freakishly cold right now, and it was only getting closer as Christmas came around the corner. 
Ryker came into view, a sad look on his face. Right. Parting ways with his siblings he’s lived with his entire life. Why do I get the feeling Jasmine was going to threaten me again? I shuddered at the thought, but smiled and waved as soon as they had stopped in front of me. 
There was no way in heck that I was ready to see Ryker standing up to his full height from the ground, so I just focused on something else. The many cracks in the sidewalk, how many pieces of grass stuck in between the cracks. It helps. Only a little though. 
First up was the goodbyes for Angela. Jasmine was slightly crying, but she wiped those tears away. I knew they were close. Isabelle had hugged Angela up close, and then Ryker and Dylan all gave her a makeshift hug. Angela ran up to me, giving me a tight hug. I only slightly jumped, trying to seem comfortable around Ryker’ siblings. I admit, the ugly bothered me, but was I just supposed to deny a four-year old child a hug? I remember when I was little that was all I wanted. 
Dylan joked around with Lucky before letting him down on the ground. Lucky waved a goodbye to everyone. I was kind of surprised that was it. Then again, he was fifteen. I doubt he’d want his own siblings embarrassing him in front of me. I wouldn’t think anything of it. Not like I don’t do anything embarrassing all the time. 
“Thanks again. You didn’t have to.” Ryker thanked me, giving his best smile. I couldn’t help but catch the way the edges of his mouth twitched. This was hard for him to see them leave. It would be hard for me too if you only had your siblings left in the world and now they had to leave because it wasn’t safe for them. Maybe they don’t trust me all too much… If that’s the case then I was their only hope. 
They had all left, except for Jasmine, who crouched down and brought her face close to me, a mean and annoyed look on her face. I let out a quiet squeak, backing up. Lucky just stood in front of me, shaking his head. He doesn’t have to defend me- 
“If I find out that they even have the slightest little bruise, I’ll murder you.” She promised, standing up and now joining the rest of her siblings. A shiver ran down my spine. 
“Ah don’t take her seriously. She’s a real softie once you get to know her.” Lucky patted me on the back while Angela grabbed his hand. Yeah… Only joking he says. I think she means it when she gets that close to me. 
We walked back to my house where my mom handed them a plate full of my cookies, which they both gladly took and ate in the matter of seconds. My mom sat with Angela in the empty room playing, “tea party” with whatever stuffed animals Angela brought. Meanwhile, Lucky and I were watching a movie on the couch in the living room. 
“Thanks,” He started, I picked up my head, “Ryker told me about what happened last night. When he tried to grab you I mean.” 
I looked down at the floor. I still feel bad about it. Who wouldn’t? He wasn’t even trying to hurt me and I just… Agh. 
“You’re not afraid of him in general, right?” He asked. I quickly shook my head. He could never purposely scare me. It’s what he can do that scared me. Not to mention that I sometimes get those terrible nightmares which make everything a million times worse. So, no, it’s not Ryker I’m afraid of. 
“Well, all I can say is that you’ll feel better if you tell him about whatever happened to you. I know from experience. He’ll help in any way he can.” Lucky flashed me a smile, then continued to watch the movie. 
Would he really though? Anytime I’ve ever told someone and they tried to help, they just give up on me about two weeks in. What’s so different about this time? That it’s someone my age? I think that makes it worse. 
But, maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea… maybe I should? 
Ahhh oh how I love when it ends with a rhetorical question. Will he? Will he not? Hahaaa I can’t wait to post the next chapter. (I’m crushing my own soul with this one) :D
Thank you for reading!!!
(Also, WHATTTT two chapters in the span of 24 hours?? Impossible)
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qettleqorn · 1 year
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Aburame: Tattoo Shop AU | DLC This is basically an additional addon to @kankuroplease's own AU. So thank her for all the good content she brings!
The Family
Occupationally Speaking. Many within the Aburame Family have taken to working with the dead as morticians or as hitmen. Usually though they'll work in teams where one is the hitmen and the other the mortician.
Some within the family have even gone to use their knowledge of insects to help expedite the process of getting rid of the bodies. Though it does help that they collectively own quite a few crematories and some graveyards too.
Also. They run a few of the garbage disposal places. Basically they are where you go to when you need to get rid of something.
Since the family makes it's living off the dead. Many find it to be creepy. Since ya know- death.
They work with both the Uchiha and Hyuga, they are a neutral ground kind of family as no matter what happens. They ofc will always be there waiting to take the dead. By their own hands or gifted.
Sometimes if the pay is good enough they'll even help smuggle things- people to wherever they're needed to be.
There are different syndicates of the family. Approximately six, they try to confuse the law by doing this and if one needs to go down they can easily replace it with another branch head.
Amongst the clan these branches are known by. Bikōchū, Kidaichū, Kikaichū, Kochū, Rinkaichū, and Shōkaichū.
The Aburame numbers always seem to stay the same amongst the gang. It isn't really obvious how many people they may or may not have.
Public schooling for the kids. Most don't even know the Aburame are in charge since they have those syndicates and what not. Though some of the higher ups kids do go to private schools. But most of the time it's all public.
The Crew
Shibi Aburame
Another childhood friend of Mikoto's but she didn't need to kick his butt for them to become cool.
Use to be a hitter but after having Shino he decided he rather work with disposing of the bodies instead of making the hits himself. Keeps him closer to home and gives him a cover up.
Met his girl in school too. Makes the off handed joke to Fugaku that he didn't need his ass kicked to know he found the one he liked. He just needed a ear full.
His wife does know of the business, he tries to make sure she and their children stay out of it. But unluckily for him Shino has joined them after seeing his adoptive brother and his father tending to a work incident.
Shino Aburame
Is going to college to become an entomologist. But is also trying to partake in the family business because he hates to see father and brother suffer alone.
In addition the way the family uses insects to decompose of the bodies gives him the ability to study them much more closely. (Shibi breathes a sigh of relief that his son is just as weird about bugs as his mother is.)
Torune Aburame
As his father, Shikuro, is often locked up for one reason or another. Torune has taken to staying with Shino's family. Unofficially adopted by them basically.
His side job is being a tattoo tech for one of his cousins. But disposal is his primary source of income when he isn't sleeping on Shibi's couch- much like his father tries to do when he isn't locked away.
Shikuro Aburame
Is alive and well in this. But is locked up and keeps getting locked up. He's practically the family fall man after an incident with his adoptive brother having thrown him under the bus.
Muta Aburame
Far off distant cousin to Tatsuma and Torune. Muta is also Torune's hand in crime as the two often are partnered up.
When he isn't working with Torune, Muta is often tending to his silk worms. He often uses them for craft works.
Tatsuma Aburame
Personal guard to the current family head Takeo.
Chews a lot of bubble gum. Uses a cigar case to carry his gum packs.
Yōji Aburame
Best marksmen out of the main family.
Takeo Aburame | Oc
Has been in charge of the family since he was fifteen. Inherited the position from his Aunt.
Wishes to pass on the title to his son already but knows he would get bored if he didn't keep it. He's far too use to the excitement the job brings and as much as he enjoys making teapots in his spare time. He finds that life in charge more fulfilling.
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sgiandubh · 11 months
Do you think he does different types of promo to attract all the different crowds?
Dear Promo Anon,
Not only I think he does that, I also happen to think he (or anyone seriously hoping to sell anything other than snake oil) should do exactly that.
The problem is not the logical correlation between what you want to sell and the people to whom you want to sell it. The first problem is the lack of balance between your way of interacting with your different target groups, which could lead to a very fuzzy brand image. Both of your products and of yourself, who are their creator and main promoter.
Promoting a brand without a clear set of main ideas and values is very likely to have a negative impact on your sales. Show them biceps, sea, sex (?) and sun galore is all fine and dandy for the younger crowd (and the LGBT+ one, btw). But showing at the same time that you can be a gentleman (please, for the love of Saruman, get rid of those rings! that woman doesn't know what she's talking about!) should be at least on par with the Lustfest promise you ventilate to your other segment. Possible message being: working hard and playing hard - you can have the best of both worlds (or at least try).
The second problem is that S's brand is.. ehrm... way too personal. Too approachable (I already mentioned the Costco Hugfest) for a rabid fandom. That goes both ways, btw, because many (on both sides of the Great Divide) honestly feel they own a bit of S. At the same time, he is also JAMMF to many people in here, who imagine he has almost superhuman qualities (most probably not the case). That is exhilarating and empowering, until it's not. One or three or twenty faux-pas later, people will feel the savage urge to spit on the idol. A simple matter of collective instinct, but a very tricky situation for S.
The third problem are the side players. I am not talking about AN or CB or TMcG or the Fitness Harem. I am talking about the Trolls, who really don't do him any favor. Nothing worse for his brand potential than lascivious comments - let's suppose you are a major distributor's marketing expert and you land on That Blog, where the owner shares publicly her dream of licking her way from (how was it?) LHR to GLA to the Highlands to the ends of the known Universe, for a chance of God knows what. What would you write in that memo to the CEO? 'Yes, please: immediately place ALL his booze upfront near the cashier, because the man is an idol to a bunch of fifty-something women who dream the impossible dream?' You think I am exaggerating? Try googling for SRH tumblr and see the first results (😱). These people are visible and that visibility directly informs the interaction between SS and its potential business partners. Especially when your Partner Everyday thought blasting a sizeable chunk of OL's Tumblr fandom in Vanity Fair was a clever strategy for The Win - things like this invite (unwanted) attention.
I pleaded for diversification of the marketing strategy and for a more sophisticated approach and I welcome the change, Anon. The only thing I would like you to take home from this very long answer is simple:
Social Media is just Social Media. The glitz, the glam, the superficial stardust, the Truman Show where it never rains.
Real Life is Real Life. We only see glimpses, speculate on it, have a more or less educated guess and if we are lucky enough, some tidbits to chew on.
Progressively, the very unprofessional (bantering) Social Media strategy has been replaced with an account strategy based on product promotion. Convenient, when you do not (for reasons X, Y and Z) want to discuss what you feel is private and likely to remain so, for a while.
That's about it, Anon. If you still have questions, you can always pop in here. I promise I won't charge a retainer, out of my good heart.
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 year
Whumptober Day 10: Stranded
Thanks to @uncleskyrule for the idea for this fic!
Also check out @jewlist ‘s amazing art inspired by this fic
Read on Ao3
- Time & the Chain
- Summary: While pursing the Shadow Time becomes stranded in the Lost Woods
CW for mild body horror, blood and injury, and broken bones
Time tightens his hold on his sword and shield. His heartbeat thunders in his ears, mixing with the clank of armor and weapons and the pound of six pairs of feet. Just ahead of him a shadowy figure runs, cap swishing with the rapid movement. Time grits his teeth and pushes himself to go faster.
He likely should have brought Epona. But she is back at the inn with Twilight and Wild and Hyrule where he had left her in case they needed to make a quick escape. There hadn’t exactly been time to grab her, at any rate. And riding a galloping horse through a town is never an easy task. Still, an extra speed boost would give him a much-needed advantage.
He can’t rid himself of the creeping sensation that the Shadow is slipping through their fingers even as they chase him. 
“Where the hell is he going?” Warriors grits out from beside him. He glances wildly about, no doubt looking for a side street he can take to cut the monster off. But this town is unknown to them and the search does him little good.
“I don’t know,” Four says. “And honestly I’m not certain he does either.”
“I’m wondering why he doesn’t just portal away,” Wind pipes up. “That’s what he’s always done before.”
“Don’t give him any ideas, sailor!” Legend snaps.
Time can practically hear Wind’s frown. “If he’s gonna do it, he’s gonna do it. Doesn’t matter what I say.”
“We have to catch him, at any rate,” Sky interjects. “If he gets away now there’s no telling what he’ll do.” 
The fear underlying those words goes unspoken. But Time’s expression grows grim anyway. If the Shadow manages to circle back to the inn, if he goes after Twilight again…
He swallows. Sheathing his sword, he reaches for the familiar object hanging at his hip. 
“Prepare yourselves,” he calls to his companions. 
“For what?!” Legend snaps, worry potent in his voice.
“For attack.”
Eyes firmly on the Shadow, Time lifts the instrument to his lips. The tune is at his fingertips instantly, weaving its way through the air with a calm that belies his breathless desperation. Gently, he guides the song past the heroes, funneling it towards its target.
The notes die away. A second passes. Time itself slows around him.
“What the…” Legend says, but Time pays him no mind. He has no time for questions and explanations, they have no time. The Shadow’s steps are growing more sluggish. But it won’t be long before the monster realizes what’s happening and fights back.
“Go!” He orders. “Strike now!”
Warriors catches his gaze and holds it. There is something fond in his expression and almost proud, mixed with the steadfast determination.
“Box him in,” he says, motioning the others into motion. “And Sky…you know what to do.”
The Skyloftian nods. Out of the corner of his eye Time sees him raise the Master Sword. The blade begins to glow. 
The rest of the heroes rush forward, weapons at the ready. It takes them a moment, but soon they have gained on the Shadow. Legend activates his Pegasus boots and speeds ahead, cutting off the Shadow’s escape. Wind lifts his baton and the air itself curves and gathers beside the veteran. Another wave and a massive gust blows the monster back. The Shadow stumbles, just catching himself as he comes to a skidding halt.
“Now!” Warriors shouts and Sky brings his sword down in a sweeping arc. 
A beam flies free. Time leaps sideways as it zips forward, racing toward the Shadow. The monster turns, eyes widening in realization and then fear. But just as quickly as it has come, the emotion is gone. 
There’s a surge of dark magic and Time’s spell shatters. Time reorients nauseatingly, speeds up.
The Shadow grins.
“Nice try,” he hisses.
And in the next instant the ground disappears from beneath Time’s feet. 
He cries out as he plummets, grasping vainly in the sudden blackness for a hold. Someone screams his name and a hand stretches out to him. Vainly, he tries to reach for it. But then something dark and smothering drags him further downward. A shout goes up and the hand retracts. 
Seconds later his back connects with hard ground. 
Time grits his teeth, wincing as his joints protest the abrupt landing. Spots dance before his eye as it struggles to adjust. But the light here is dim and clouded and it only takes his vision a moment to clear. He barely restrains a gasp as his surroundings come into view.
Fog floats thick and lazy, obscuring everything with its gentle touch. Fairies sparkle within it like tiny stars. Already they have begun to drift toward him, murmuring interestedly. Green grass tickles his fingertips. Walls rise on each side of the clearing he sits within, huge logs set within them. Their openings are pitch black, gaping maws leading to Hylia only knows where.
Slowly, Time rises. His hands clench and unclench at his sides as he takes everything in. A strange numbness has settled in his chest, blanketing him like the fog that he stands in the midst of. He has imagined himself reentering this forest so many times since he left it. Never had he thought it would go like this, though. He isn’t certain what to feel. Or if he wants to feel anything at all.
It has been so long…so very long since he has been home.
Laughter erupts from behind him and he startles. In one swift motion he whirls around and unsheathes his sword. The Shadow leers down at him from his perch atop one of the logs. 
“You remember this place, don’t you, little fairy boy?” he purrs. “I wonder…does it remember you?”
Time steels himself. The battle of emotion and lack of is gone now, safely stowed away for later. 
“Whatever you’re playing at, Shadow, it ends now.” 
The Shadow’s expression turns murderous.
“You want me, Hero of Time? Come and get me.”
He leaps down in a blur of bent light and darkening shadows and ducks into the mouth of the nearest log. His laughter echoes behind him.  
Time doesn’t allow himself a moment to think, a moment to question. He breaks into a run, plunging through the opening after the Shadow. Darkness blankets him, then just as quickly turns to greenish light. He looks up just in time to catch a glimpse of the tip of the Shadow’s cap disappearing to his left. Gritting his teeth, he charges in that direction.
Another block of darkness, curving and transforming the very path beneath his feet. Another clearing that looks the same as all the others. Another fleeting glimpse of the Shadow’s hat or hair or tunic flying out behind him as he skips away. Always too fast, always out of reach.
Time runs without pause. A fearful sort of urgency has situated itself firmly in his gut, pushing him onward. He can’t stop now, not with Twilight still recovering a world away. His descendant had fallen before his eyes and he could do nothing except watch. Watch him crumple on the battlefield. Watch him fight for his life.
Now, however, in this moment he can do something. He can slay this monster that seeks their lives. He can protect those he loves. And isn’t that the entire point of any of this? To ensure those he cares for are safe?
So, he keeps going. Even as his sense of direction goes from vague to nonexistent. Even as that urgency becomes a kind of contained panic. Even as he begins to feel a change in the forest around him, benevolence turning to something more malignant. 
And then, all at once, he can’t go any more. 
Something curls around his foot mid-step, thick and constrictive and unyielding. He stumbles and pain shoots up his ankle. With a muffled grunt he hits the ground. 
Stubbornly, he drags himself up again, peering down at his foot to see what tripped him. It is a vine like the ones he climbed as a boy. It sticks out from the soil like a large snake to coil about his ankle. 
As he watches another erupts beside it. It latches on to his opposite foot and begins to climb higher, tightening as it goes. Fear spikes within him. Grasping his sword from where it has fallen, Time slices viciously at them. They retract and he scrambles to his feet, wincing as his ankle protests. 
He manages two steps.
The vines spring up again, this time wrapping around his wrists like manacles. More come from behind him, encircling his legs. Even as he struggles they drag him down to kneel upon the ground. 
Time struggles, desperately reaching for the sword that lies just out of reach. But the vines are strong and only growing more so by the moment. They circle ever higher, wrapping around his arms and legs and torso, stretching toward his face and neck.
With them comes pain. It burns at his fingertips and spreads from there, following the trail of vines.
He gasps, trying to tear at them with his bare hands now. One sword sits useless on his back, the other mere feet away. If he can just reach one of them…
But his efforts are in vain. The unnatural bonds are tough and plentiful. And more appear by the moment to encase his body like the wrappings of a gibdo. They constrict and his armor creaks threateningly. 
“Well, well, what have we here?”
There is a flickering of darkness and then the Shadow stands before him. He regards Time with a sinister grin. 
“Quite a pretty predicament you’ve gotten yourself into. Seems the forest has forgotten you.”
He reaches out a slim finger, tipping Time’s chin up to look him in the face. A vine takes the opportunity to twine upward, snaking around Time’s neck. He chokes on the air he can no longer drag in.
“I thought you would know that this would happen, but…oh of course not. You always thought you belonged to the forest. That it was your home. Am I wrong?”
Time’s only reply is a pained hiss as the vines tighten further. His armor begins to crumple inward, piercing his skin. Stars dance before his vision.
“Of course I’m not,” the Shadow answers for him. “You, on the other hand, you certainly were. You never belonged here any more than the sorry Hylian souls that haunt these woods.”
There is another streak of pain and suddenly the vines around his left arm are gone. The Shadow grips his forearm, forcing the limb upward. 
“Look, hero,” he hisses. “Behold your terrible fate.”
Time blinks and the haze clears just long enough for him to see his own hand, hovering before him. The sight is nearly enough to make him gag. Where there was once healthy, pink skin there is now only pearly white bone. 
The air has left his lungs now and it has nothing to do with the vines that seek his demise. Terror settles deep within him, cold and real and terrible.
The Shadow cackles. He releases Time’s arm to hang by his side once more. Instantly, the vines spring upward to encase it again. But Time hardly notices. 
He’s standing at the spot where Anju’s brother once sat, a potion in hand, something icy and horrible clutching his heart. He is hearing Fado’s giggling chant.
“Everybody will become a stalfos. Everybody, a stalfos. ...will you become a stalfos too?”
“Well, I had best be going,” the Shadow is saying now, his voice filtering through the dreadful ringing in Time’s ears. “I would love to stay and watch your body slowly disintegrate and your sanity along with it…but as it happens I have somewhere to be.”
A slow grin stretches across his face and Time’s heart stutters.
Frantically he begins to struggle again, even as the vines constrict further, sending white hot agony through his body. The telltale burn of disappearing flesh travels up his right arm. The knowledge of what is happening makes him ill.
But he hardly has time to dwell on it. The Shadow is waving a hand now, dark magic floating at his fingertips. A portal appears beside him. Time stares at it with longing and trepidation. If he could just get free he could reach it. He could be there when the monster arrived to protect Twilight and all the others. 
His heartbeat is erratic now. What little air he can drag in is inhaled sharp and fast. 
He has to break free, he has to. He won’t allow Twilight to die…
He manages to wrench one hand free and reaches out, tearing at soil and grass as he tries to grasp his sword. But quick as a flash his bonds grab his wrist, wrenching it back to his side so sharply that he feels his bones break. A scream rises in his throat and he bites his tongue to keep from letting it free.
“Go ahead,” the Shadow sneers. His crimson eyes glow, sharp teeth glint. “Scream. No one will hear you. Struggle. It will do you no good. The forest takes what it wants. I thought you would know that by now.”
He turns away toward the portal that awaits him. The panic in Time reaches a fever pitch.
“Don’t—” He grits out. “Don’t you dare touch him. Don’t dare touch any of them.”
The Shadow pauses mid-step. Turning on his heel he stalks back toward Time. He leans forward until he is mere inches from Time’s face, murderous intent evident in his gaze.
“And if I do touch them,” he hisses. “If I say use this sword” — In one swift motion he scoops Time’s sword off of the ground, holding it up so that the blade gleams — “to slit their necks what will you do? Will you don the Deity mask that sits in the pouch at your hip? Will you follow me across time? Hunt me down?”
He is trembling now, Time realizes dimly, though from pain or emotion he isn’t certain. Both, more than likely. 
“I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe,” he growls. 
But the Shadow only smirks. “Oh, I know. And I welcome you to try. Though, I believe it is rather difficult to do much of anything once the forest has claimed you.”
He leans even closer, fingertips brushing harshly against the side of Time’s face. It has begun to burn there too, a distant sort of pain that now fans itself into agony. Time flinches away, dragging in air between clenched teeth. 
The Shadow grips his chin, forcing him to remain still. For a moment more, he regards him, as though reveling in the sight of bone showing from beneath skin. 
“I wonder what he would think, your pup,” he says, slowly, every word measured with torturous precision, “if he saw you right now.”
The red hot anger churning inside of him erupts and Time tries to lunge forward. But the vines tighten sharply and drag him back and he chokes, vision bleeding white.
When his vision clears the Shadow has turned away. Time watches as he walks toward the portal. And with every step, desperation wedges itself more firmly in his throat. 
The monster pauses just before he enters the portal, head turned slightly so Time can make out the side of his face. 
“I suppose there is an upside to all of this.” His lips quirk upward in a wicked grin. “At least, now, at the very end, you truly belong to the forest.”
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Book 2 Part 3 Chapter 2.4
Chapter 2.4
Multiple people’s footsteps raced through the gloomy shadows. The sounds were irregular and out of sync, but their franticness conversely conveyed a sense of emergency. Overlapping with the footsteps were the sounds of irregular, gasping breaths. 
Several residents of the lower quarter were running desperately as if their lives depended on it. Leading them was Jiri. Following behind her were Yuri and Flynn, as well as other adults. 
In front of their eyes, the massive walls of the imperial capital loomed over them. Under the shadows cast by those walls, the group ran, heading towards a certain place — until they suddenly stopped. 
Jiri thrust her arm out to the side in a signal. The adults clutched at their knees, wheezing and gasping for air. Yuri and Flynn weren’t as winded, but their shoulders still heaved up and down with each breath they took. Jiri, on the other hand, hardly seemed out of breath in the slightest. 
It was quite impressive, considering her old age. Yuri was surprised, but he didn’t let it show on his face. Well, I guess that’s to be expected from the ‘Dark Wings’. 
Everyone turned their attention to the scene in front of them. Jiri’s expression turned grim. 
There, there was supposed to be a waterfall — a waterfall that gushed out from the top of the castle walls, that had long been the source of water for the lower quarter. 
But now it had stopped. If that was all, then it wasn’t like it hadn’t happened before. But in addition to that, in the pond where the waterfall’s water collected, some kind of scaffolding had been put up, with several workers working on something there. Piled up around the pond were several small mounds of black stuff. 
“So… As soon as we heard the news, we came running to take a look, but… what are they doing?” 
Still panting, one of the adults spoke up. 
“It looks like they’re doing something to the pond. From what I can tell, there doesn’t seem to be any government officials around, in which case it’d be faster to ask these guys directly. Give me a moment.” 
Faster than anyone could stop her, Jiri strode towards the workers. 
As she approached, she noticed that the black stuff around the pond was actually filthy sludge with all sorts of things mixed in. It looked like they were cleaning out the bottom of the pond, and thanks to that, the surrounding air was filled with a nauseating stench. Jiri spotted someone taking a break by the pond and approached them. 
The worker was covered in sludge and grime and looked extremely filthy. It was possible that he wasn’t from the ‘other side of the wall’, but a hire from some other part of the lower quarter. 
“Hey, I can see that you guys are cleaning out the junk from the pond, but what exactly are you all doing?” 
Her guess was correct — it didn’t seem like he was from the ‘other side of the wall’ after all. The man didn’t seem offended by Jiri’s bluntness, and answered her. 
“Well, it’s just like you said. Apparently this place connects to the old underground water system, but it’s also accumulated a ton of filth. We were told to clean out the whole place.” 
“If I remember correctly, there used to be water that flowed down here from above. Once the cleanup is done, will that water come back?” 
“Hm, I don’t think so. From what I’ve heard, this whole place is going to be torn down. We’re supposed to get rid of all the filth before that happens.” 
Jiri thanked the worker, and went back to the others and relayed what she’d heard to them. 
“So… does this mean the waterfall won’t be coming back?” 
Hearing Flynn’s gloomy words, the other adults exchanged glances at each other. 
“So what, are they telling us that since we have the fountain water, we don’t need the waterfall anymore? They didn’t even tell us anything… This is too one-sided!”
“Well, that’s how the officials have always done things. I’m more concerned about the whole ‘tearing down’ business.” 
Hearing everyone’s reactions, Jiri only shrugged her shoulders. 
“The workers are only doing as they’re told, and it doesn’t look like they were informed of the more important details. If we want to know more, we have no choice but to catch one of the officials and squeeze everything he knows out of him.” 
It was hard to tell if she was joking or serious. Everyone smiled hesitantly at her words. 
“But what are we going to do? Is it really okay to just leave this be?” 
At Yuri’s question, Jiri shrugged again. 
“There’s nothing we can do about it. Alright, we’re done here. Come on, everyone. Let’s go back.”
A few days passed. 
The pond area where the castle walls’ waterfall was — or at least what had once been a waterfall — had finished its cleaning, and those who had seen it had confirmed that the reclamation had begun. 
Aside from that, the days were — and thus eerily so — peaceful. There were no officials to be seen, and the fountain continued to supply them with water without any interruption. Hanks’s condition didn’t take a sudden turn for the worse, and so while the residents were fearful at first, they quickly relaxed their vigilance and began to use the water from the fountain. With the water being close by and easier to draw, it certainly was much more convenient. 
The ones who shattered this peace were once again the government officials. The — albeit low-ranking ones — nobles. 
Trumpets blared, demanding that the residents gather in the plaza, and a letter of proclamation was held up in front of the assembled people. 
Hanks, Jiri, and Yuri were among those who had gathered in the plaza. Flynn was there as well, but his expression was stiff. 
“This is an announcement for the residents of the Eastern Outer Ward, Fourteenth District. Henceforth, this district will be designated a comprehensive redevelopment area. Accordingly, buildings presently uninhabited by residents shall be demolished one by one. In order to streamline the redevelopment process, the current residents will also be required to cooperate voluntarily.” 
The residents looked at each other with scepticism on their faces. The words were one-sided and unfamiliar, and just like the previous announcement they couldn’t understand what the officials were saying at all. But even so, the words that were being used made them feel uneasy. Designated. Demolished. Required. 
“In other words, we will need all those who live in this district to relocate to other districts as soon as possible.” 
Upon hearing those words, the plaza was dissolved into chaos. But the official-slash-noble didn’t seem fazed in the slightest, and merely flicked his arm as if this were a mere troublesome matter. 
“Silence! In accordance with the census conducted prior to this, all current residents of this district are now legal citizens of Zaphias, with rights and obligations equal to that of the commoners in the inner district. Under current circumstances, forced eviction cannot occur, though it was previously possible. Those who agree to evict their homes shall receive sufficient compensation. This is a citizen’s legal right. For details, refer to this edict!” 
After saying that, the official paused, and, perhaps for maximum effect, waited a while before speaking his final words. 
“Furthermore, as conveyed earlier, the residents of this district are citizens of the Imperial Capital. As part of their obligations, from now on, the residents of this district are required to pay taxes on a regular basis. Those who cannot pay their taxes upon the arrival of tax collectors shall be subject to imprisonment and punishment according to the law. That is all!” 
The meeting room was in an uproar. Everyone was arguing and speculating about the proclamation and its intentions. 
“Those damn nobles! First they lower our guard with the fountain, then they destroy the waterfall, and now they’re even going to take our homes away from us?” 
“But did you see the amount of money stated in the edict? It’s enough to feed a household for a while.” 
“Either way, they’re going to destroy the houses that no one lives in, right? Once that’s done, what will they do to the houses that we’re living in right now…?” 
“Then wouldn’t it be better to comply now? Rather than being forced to do it later anyway.” 
“Aren’t we proper citizens of the capital? Just like those on the ‘other side of the wall’. Didn’t that official say that they couldn’t forcibly evict us?” 
“Like we can believe in that promise!” 
Anxiety only fanned the flames of tension between the residents, and they became more and more divided. No one knew what to do, and the atmosphere grew more and more tense. 
Flynn remained silent with a gloomy expression on his face, and that worried Yuri. We’re being cornered, Yuri thought. And so, he must be thinking that the decisive moment is drawing near.
But what could the ‘Dark Wings’ do in this situation? This concerned the entire lower quarter. Moreover, the source of the problem was a decree by the Empire. What could one mere thief do? 
But even so — Yuri thought. Even so, the ‘Dark Wings’ could still do something. Something that would violate the law. Flynn was afraid of that. But even if that were the case —
“Does anyone have specific plans to move?” 
Hanks suddenly asked. Everyone stopped their discussions and looked at each other, but no one answered him. In the first place, the lower quarter was a gathering place for those who had nowhere else to go. Hanks nodded. 
“It’s understandable that we’re all feeling anxious when faced with this sudden situation. But I’d like you all to remember; this was always how the officials did things, and also, how we always faced situations like these.” 
The old man walked slowly among the group of people he was long familiar with, looking each and every one of them in the eye as he continued. 
“From the perspective of our daily lives, the compensatory money may be a reasonable amount. If we can receive it while continuing our current way of living, it would be a great help. There’s also the issue of taxes. But the money would only be enough for us to relocate from here. Once we leave this place, we’ll become divided and alone. We’d have to build our new lives on our own, without any help from each other.”  
A man nodded at Hank’s words, and continued after him.
“Hanks is right. Us people of the lower quarter have always been able to get through the tough times by helping each other out. The compensatory money we’d receive would run out, and even after we move out, we’d still have to pay taxes, right? If, at that time, we’re all living in different places, we wouldn’t be able to help each other.” 
But someone quickly raised an objection. 
“But either way, the empty houses are going to be demolished. Even now, there are more empty houses than houses with people living in them. The same goes for the fields. Is it even possible to continue living here if everything but our own houses are destroyed?” 
“In that case…”
Suddenly, Jiri spoke up. 
“If everyone living in different places is the problem, then why don’t we all gather in one location and live there? How about the area around the plaza? That way, even if the other places are demolished, we’ll be able to live close to one another as one community. The taxes problem will follow us no matter where we go, so we can think about that afterwards.” 
Hanks stroked his beard with his hand as he listened thoughtfully to Jiri’s suggestion. 
“Hm, that might not be a bad idea. If everyone helps out, it shouldn’t be too hard to move. I’m worried about the fields and taxes, but if push comes to shove, we’ll just do something like having everyone work in the citizens’ quarter.” 
No one could say for sure that this would solve the fundamental problem, and there were those who were visibly reluctant to leave their homes, but in the end they all agreed to try it out anyway. What worried them the most was the complete demolition of the lower quarter. 
Even so, Jiri and Hanks’s expressions were grim, and Flynn remained gloomy. Not a single person was optimistic, nor did they think that they had found a way out. It felt like they were heading towards a dead end. Yuri felt frustrated. 
“Not only are they not leaving, they’re also trying to band together in one place?” 
Godonan halted the cup he had brought to his mouth and said. 
Seeing that the residents hadn’t reacted well to the initial proclamation, Godonan had even raised the amount of compensation money by a little. And yet, not only had the residents of the slums not complied, they were also resisting.  Just to be sure, he had checked the prescribed procedures for the relocation — it was not so much that it had been approved, but rather that they had failed to prohibit it — to see if the residents were going against it, but legally there was no problem. He didn’t expect the residents to be capable of pulling off such a thing like exploiting a loophole. But since it was all legal, it would be difficult to stop them immediately, and, first and foremost — it would be tedious to do so. 
“And around that fountain, too? Hmph, those lowly commoners really racked their brains, didn’t they? Well, whatever. If money doesn’t work on them, I’ll just have to find another way. And if they end up crying, well, you reap what you sow. Do you not agree?” 
The attendant standing next to him, holding a bottle of wine, bowed. 
As usual, Godonan paid no attention to his attendant, and instead gazed at another figure in the corner of the room, who was kneeling and shrinking in on himself. His gaze was like that of a young boy staring at an insect in a cage. As if he held the life of the other person in his hands, and was contemplating how best to bully them. 
“You did well, bringing this information to me.”
Godonan said, speaking to the person with a coaxing, toad-like voice. 
“Continue to inform me if anything else occurs. For this is in everyone’s best interest.” 
Godonan signalled with his chin, and another attendant stepped forward and handed a small bag to the person. The bag was heavier than it looked, and as the person took it, the sound of coins clinking inside the bag could be heard. 
“Stand down.” 
No longer looking in the person’s direction, Godonan signalled the end of their meeting. 
Prostrated before Godonan, his body stiff as if countless swords were being pointed at him, Jareth gave Godonan the friendliest smile he could muster. 
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Weather Warlock
Jay got banished scroll in possession
He fixed the mech and explored the Never Realm
fell into a similar "funk" as when he was stuck in the First Realm
Vex convinced Jay to join him, they became con buddies
They would sell lightning rods, Jay would make sure that people needed them
Jay held onto the staff and slowly his morals got corrupted by it
The emperor had Jay and Vex captured because of their crimes(theft, widespread panic, and eventually manslaughter) but Jay was having none of it, so he got rid of the emperor and Vex took the throne
No one dares to challenge Vex because he has what most believe to be the very spirit of the sky on his side
Jay electrified Vex with magic juiced up lightning That made him more or less imortal
Lady Phoenix
Nya got banished scroll in possession
She tried to fix the mech, but had no power source so she tried to look for help finding Vex
He tricked her into believing that the emperor was a wicked man, so that she would fight him
After she won Vex claimed that she should rule, she became the Lady Phoenix
The scroll corrupts her sense of self, making her extremely stubborn and unwilling to let others tell her what to do or who to be
She is actually a good ruler, the people's opinions on her are generally positive
She throws Vex in prison because he dared to tell her what to do
Water fills the castle, think wall waterfalls, and there is a moat that has rivers that break off and spread all over the land, the rivers never freeze or slow
Her water boosted by the scroll has healing abilities and people exposed to it don't age, there is water in the prison
Tapestries with phoenix imagery, red and blue are her empire's colors with gold
She wears something similar to her Samurai X armour
Red Shogun
Kai got banished scroll in possession
He tries to look for help while staying close to the mech, just in case the others can track it
Vex finds him barely surviving all alone
He tricked Kai into believing that the emperor of the realm was evil, so he fought him
Kai knowing that he has to win(Vex made certain to make the emperor sound like a horrible person), is able to unlock his powers
Although he thinks he is only able to use his powers with the scroll, so he keeps a hold on it
Kai becomes the Red Shogun because someone needs to prevent the empire falling into chaos
The staff makes him rather power hungry, which in turn makes him paranoid
Vex can easily trick Kai into attacking anyone he wants
He has guards with him at most all times and never leaves the palace
With him in charge the section on the Never Realm we see became a mostly burnt desert wasteland
His fire lights torches that fill the castle, his fire gives off comforting warmth and grants a sort of immortality when in its presence
He wears intricate gold coated armour that he made himself, he is good at making fancy things like when he remade the Golden Weapons
The Volcano
Cole got banished scroll in possession
He stays near the mech knowing that it has a tracker and is therefore more likely to be found than if he left
Vex finds him and lies about the emperor being a terrible person
Cole gave the scroll to Vex, to try and avoid getting corrupted
During the fight, of Cole vs. the emperor and his army, Vex throws the scroll to Cole because he wasn't winning without it
Cole "wins" by accidentally creating an earthquake bigger than he ever has, it wreaks the castle and splits open the ground causing Cole to fall
Cole is stuck and keeps trying to get out, but it's just making him panic, so he stays stuck
Due to his panicked attempts of escape, more earthquakes happened and a mountain formed where the castle once was, which then became a volcano(the lava doesn't hurt Cole)
Now trapped with the scroll in hand, he becomes more and more corrupted, just wallowing in misery and becomes barely even conscious for most of his time in the Never Realm
Vex, always the opportunist, learned that strange crystals appeared near the volcano that had certain properties(think of the promised properties of gemstones were real) and uses them to practically become immortal
The terrain changes a lot, Vex uses this to his advantage by becoming a leader because he has lived as a nomad for awhile and people who's homes were destroyed didn't know how to survive as nomads
The Great Dragon
Lloyd got banished scroll in possession
He tried to find help immediately and ran into Vex
Vex was able to convince him with almost no effort
When Lloyd fought the emperor he sent a shockwave that took out everyone there, including Vex
He became power hungry and full of rage real fast, all those years of unprocessed trauma catching up to him, and he loses his mind
He gains the title of "The Great Dragon" for being a powerful out of control monster
The scroll got caught in his monster hair after he couldn't just hold onto it normally
His more Dragon and Oni features come to light, he looks a bit like his dad in his warlord phase and devolves into a dragon/oni looking creature
Mainly black with green and purple accents
Feel free to ask questions or share ideas in the comments!
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