#she can trust these people or not… also she is so scared and paranoid out of her mind she can’t even trance properly
swordmaid · 5 months
act 1 shri’iia/astarion dynamic where she just walks away every time he tries to hit on her makes me cackle. love pressing the leave option anytime it’s available with her bc I imagine the moment she senses someone is abt to beg for her help (for free????) or someone is gonna clown on her she just straight up leaves 😭😭
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the-faceless-bride · 7 months
@xxshadowbabexx has inspired me! With this fic, I've decided to take it to the extreme. Because I love extreme and insane readers, it's my favorite. So this is gonna have a big warning for mean cheater 141 (most of them) and dark yandere like reader that will hurt people.
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Warnings: AN ACTUAL INSANE READER! READER IS A YANDERE! FULL ON UNHEALTHY AND DANGEROUS YANDERE PERSON! A VERY BAD INDIVIDUAL! Cheating, gaslighting, making your partner listen/watch you have sex with someone else, blood, needles, violence, kidnapping?, blackmail, stalking, forcing to take medications implications of Murder, implications of necrophilia, manipulation, dubcon-Noncon affection, kissing, reader putting marks on themselves, hugging, im serious if you are sensitive to dark content then don't read this. There's a lot of uproar about dark content and im telling you please don't read it if you don't like it. Both The guy and reader are NOT good people. reader is insane. You've been warned.
Also, I wrote this while listening to Emotion repeatedly as I thought it was fitting in a psychotic way.
Characters (in order) - Soap, Konig, Ghost, Gaz, Price, Alejandro (no Graves or Roach, sadly I don't know enough about roach to write for him and I must inform you I am not a Graves Girlie. Maybe if you have some good Graves fic I can get into him but as of now Graves just doesn't do it for me, sorry.)
Whether you like it or not.
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Soap - you were seeing signs everywhere. lipstick stains, perfume that wasn't yours, hickeys you didn't remember giving him. You were certain he was cheating, but with whom? You tried poking at him now and again but he would always say the same thing, "I don't know what you're talking about Bonnie.- Bonnie don't be so paranoid this cock is all yours. I promise.- Bonnie I don't know when you became a crazy jealous person but it hurts me you think I would do that."
All lies. You knew they were. You just never got any proof. At some point, you thought you were going crazy. but that was until you came home early one day after staying a night at your brother's new house. Johnny was home but there was another car... Your best friend. Johnny had her bent over as he sucked on her neck. You watched for a moment before hiding behind the wall, you had come just in time for them to finish and start re-dressing, you let the rage fester and infect you, feeling the anger and sorrow of the betrayal of not only the love of your life but your trusted friend.
When they both emerge from the bedroom and your friend locks eyes with you and her lips start trembling the rage finally boils over. Meanwhile, Johnny made his way to you. "Bonnie it's not what it-"
You shoved him from you storming your way to your once friend grabbing her by her hair and screaming in her face, you can barely remember what you said. You were in such a rage you had let spurs of names, insults, and threats all one after the other. Only stopping when you felt a strong hand pull you away. "Bonnie stop you're scaring her! It's not what you think!" you yank your arm from his grasp, "you're defending her?! You son of a bitch! You get her the fuck out of my house before I rip her fucking hair out!" you threaten and she scrambles out between the two of you. You follow her to the door, never reaching out to grab her but you yell at her the whole way out to her car, when she drives off you make your way back into the house to deal with Johnny.
"YOU ARE FUCKING CRAZY BONNIE!- you're acting crazy right now!"
"CRAZY?! You were cheating on me! WITH MY FRIEND! I saw you!"
" You don't even know what you saw."
He begins to turn away from you... He thinks he can fuck you the night before. Tell you he loves you. FUCK. Your best friend. Then tell you you're crazy. AND GO BACK TO RELAX IN YOUR BEDROOM?!?!
You let out a cry of anger, betrayal, and disbelief as you pick up the big decorative clay vase before giving it a big swing and smashing it to pieces over his head.
Johnny slowly turned around "Bonnie..." blood trailed down the side of his head, trying to take a step towards you but lost his footing, sliding down the wall and slumping to the floor.
Johnny woke up, his head pounding and his body chained to the cold hard ground. His head was wrapped and disinfected. He tried to get up but he was stuck. The chains were thick, whoever did this knew normal cuffs wouldn't hold him.
"Hey, baby." Johnny looked to his side, you sat at the top of the stairs to your basement. "Bonnie- wha- what happened? ... What did you do?"
You smiled and walked down the stairs before standing in front of him. "Johnny. You know I love you.", he stares at you. Maybe he'd pushed you too far.
"Bonnie. I- im sorry, let's jus talk bout this and we can-" he tried to reason with you, maybe if he could talk to you he could talk you down. Reverse a little bit of the damage he'd done.
"oh no, Johnny. I thought you liked my friend. So I thought I could give you one last hurrah! Before you don't get to see anyone again!"
You started walking up the stairs and Johnny began to slightly panic, "c'mon bonnie, I am sorry. Plus! You can't keep me here, the team would come looking for me!" he tried to reason.
"no! You are off due to injury remember? You are here for a good three years! And if it takes longer than you to break... Well, im sure I can give a convincing enough lie that you never made it home. Send them on a while chase looking for you!" you called from the top of the stairs, before grunting, and a large thud was heard as it banged on each step down the stairs.
Oh God. It was her.
It was her. Your friend. Her eyes were glassy and drained. Skin pale and bruised. Bloodied. Dead.
"well, Johnny. Have the last bit of your fun."
"wha- what..."
"do it. You don't want to feel what she did do you?."
"you don't want me to have to hurt you, Johnny. Don't you?" you threatened. And Johnny knew he didn't have a choice.
He took hold of her cold body, these three years would be hell for him... He prayed that he wouldn't break...
Konig - you couldn't believe him. You'd caught him in the middle of undressing another woman. She screamed when she saw you in the doorway which prompted Konig to turn around in horror as he made eye contact, he stood up and tried talking to you as the woman rushed out the door sloppily dressing herself.
The excuse he gave you made your eye twitch and your fingers itch to wrap around his neck and squeeze. The only thing stopping you was his size. You knew that if you tried he'd have you on the ground in a matter of seconds. "I just wanted to prove to myself I was good for you!" you took a long look into his eyes. Before laughing. You laughed at him. And you laugh good and hard for thirty seconds, of non-stop hysterical laughter. And every time you looked back at him and saw his hurt expression it made you laugh even harder.
After your laughing fit you went eerily calm, before telling him in a straight face, it's ok. I forgive you.
But Konig quickly got the idea that it wasn't true. One night when he came home from a mission, he heard strange noises coming from your bedroom. Konig tried to tell himself it wasn't what he thought. Maybe you were taking care of yourself? Maybe you were watching a video, or maybe... But Konig couldn't deny it for long as he heard the sound of a man grunting and you saying his name, Konig made his way to the room and there you were.
You were on your back the man was hunched over you his face in between your neck and shoulder, you Could see Konig standing behind the Man as the man continued to push his cock in and out of you, unaware of the danger he was in. You moaned louder to taunt the large dangerous man standing behind your lover for the night. "yes! Oh fuck! That's it~" Your moans were fake. Konig knew the difference as he'd heard your real moans many many times. "oh baby~ you're so much better than him! You know how to please with that cock~" you tried not to cringe at your fake words; this guy had no rhythm, no drive to please, and his cock didn't even brush against the spots Konig's cock bullied inside you. But you didn't care. You just wanted to hurt Konig. To bruise his heart and his ego. And it worked.
Konig grabbed the man by the hair and pulled him off and out of you, the man screamed in shock but you remained silent. Watching with a spiteful grin, Konig was just gonna toss the guy out. But then he noticed something... He wasn't wearing a condom... This random man had fucked you raw and came inside you... Dead. This man was dead. Konig didn't stop slamming his fist into the man, his jaw, his head, his neck, his ribs. Anywhere Konig could reach.
The man lay still on the cold floor. Barley breathing. He had some time before he succumbed to his injuries but Konig wasn't in a rush to help the man who fucked his love.
"how could you do this? Why would you hurt me in this way!? You- you-"
"I just wanted to be good enough." you said bluntly
"I just wanted to prove to myself I was good enough for you... That's just what you wanted too... Right, Konig?"
Ghost - he did it again. Lied again. Fucked someone else in your bed again. Again. And again. And again. You didn't get it. Had you not been perfect? Had you not helped him through night terrors? Through panic attacks? Through tearful nights when he had a particular dream about his family life? You were tired of it. Coming home and hearing moans that weren't yours. Finding used condoms that you know he didn't use with you. Clothes that weren't even close to your size were found under the bed or stuffed somewhere in his car. You hated it. You hated him. But God... You loved him. You knew he wasn't good for you, but you wanted to love him and he loved you in return.
He was out again, with his team... You hid in a seat in the far back of the pub. So out of sight Ghost still hasn't noticed you. But you noticed him, chatting up with a pretty blonde at the from of the bar. You hated her. You didn't even know her. But she had something that you didn't. You don't know what it is, but it must be something good. If Simon was out looking for it from her instead of you.
She giggled and batted her lashes at him, you don't take your eyes off them the whole time. You told Simon you'd be gone for the weekend. So when you noticed they were about to leave, you rushed to your car speeding to your house. Parking somewhere Simon wouldn't see, rushing inside and lit some candles, and pulled out some wine. And fix your hair to make it look like you had a romantic evening planned.
When Simon walked in he was sloppily making out with the woman his hands running up and down her curves.
"Simon?" you asked quietly playing dumb. As if you hadn't been watching him, you'd been watching him for a few months now. Just out of sight. Plotting how you could go about your revenge. Ghost would be hard to break. He's emotionally dead and doesn't let much get to him. But everyone has a breaking point.
This caught Simon off guard. You weren't meant to be home. This caused a reaction from the woman he brought home, apologizing to you over and over begging forgiveness as she didn't know. Then turning to Simon and giving an earful of disgust at what he had done and was going to do with her all while having a loving and caring lover at home.
You played it up by crying, just like you'd done the first twenty times he'd done this before. This time it was fake, asking what you had done to drive him away. Making the woman chastise him further. Before shaping him and walking out.
After she left you stopped crying, which also caught Simon off guard. Normally you would go one of two ways when catching him in a lie or with lipstick stains on his shirt. You blame yourself and Simon reassures you that you are overthinking and not thinking straight (a lie) or you blame him and he says it hurts him that you a person he trusts let down his walls for (lie) and would accuse him of things he would never do (another lie)
But this time you did.
"You're just like your father." **SLAM**
Simon had instantly slammed you into the wall, his hand around your throat.
"don't. Don't you EVER say that again. I'm nothing like him. I protect and serve. Nothing like him." he looks at you with a hatred you'd never seen before, it made you smile on the inside.
"oh- really? You hurt me." You choke and Simon tightens his grip, warning you.
"you lie to me. You cheat on me. You tell me you love me and don't mean it-" **squeeze**
"you hurt me. Just like he hurt your mother-"
"SHUT UP." He slams you again,
"You're hurting me right now. Just like him." Simon takes a moment before dropping his hand from you as if you'd just burned him.
He stumbles away from you. But you follow, "It's ok Simon. I promise to forgive you. If you promise not to hurt me again."
You were fucking with him. You sounded like his mother, promising to not leave or tell as long as he promised to stop hurting you. Just like his mother pleaded with his father. So so many times.
You smile at him. He rushes away reaching for the door and opening it a crack, "Simon. Don't go. Don't hurt me. Not again. Be good. Promise me."
Simon's head was spinning, trauma and pain in the front of his mind.
"promise me, Simon."
Simon shut the door.
"I promise," he whispered.
Gaz - you didn't want to believe it. He was different. You knew he was! He was the one who made this place a beautiful world. He wouldn't. He couldn't! Your heart wouldn't be able to take it. But your world came crashing down on you, you had found panties that weren't yours and you had begun to panic, no. No, he wouldn't. This is a misunderstanding. You're gonna call him. He's gonna answer and be with his mates and clear all this confusion up. Yeah... Yeah, that was it!
You called Kyle and after three rings he answered, that's a good sign! And you were relieved. But that was quickly taken from you. A woman moaned into the phone as Kyle praised her in the back, "That's a good girl, let her hear you. She her your mine baby." your mind turned to static only a few words and phrases were heard,
"mine... Good girl... My girl. .. Perfect... Sweet... Pussy made for me..." your heart racing, pounding in your ears. It cries. It aches... How can this be fair? You stayed on the phone, on speaker as you hurried around the house. You had to fix this. Who was she? How dare she try and take your place.
You were made for Kyle. Not her. He said it to you so many times. He had to be lying to her. She- she must have forced him. That's it! That's the only thing that makes sense. Why would he cheat and answer the phone while doing so? That doesn't make sense! It was her you know it.
It hurts now. Knowing your darling was being taken advantage of. Don't worry Kyle darling. She'll learn to keep her damn hands off...
Kyle came home around 11:50 PM, she truly kept him locked away. Your poor baby. Forced to do such disgusting things to her.
"Lovie? Are you in? I- I don't know what came over me I-" he gets interrupted. You're hugging him. Kyle stands still. Confused. He thought he was gonna have to convince you he was trashed, filled with alcohol, and didn't know what he was doing... But you're... Hugging him? "it's ok Kyle. I know it wasn't you. I know." Kyle for a moment, thinks things he's maybe gotten away with it. "don't worry, I won't let it happen again."
Kyle jumps feeling a pin in his neck, he jolts shoving you to the ground causing you to hit your cheek hard on the floor, you whine as you sit up holding your hand to your cheek. You forgive him, you expected him to fight. That's why you didn't tell him your plan to keep him safe in the first place.
Kyle reaches behind him, pulling out the syringe that stuck out from his neck. His eyes quickly become blurry and his body slow and off-balanced. He tries to say your name but he can't his tongue is heavy and his throat is tight.
He falls to the floor with you.
When Kyle comes too; his head is pounding, his throat is dry, and his right cheek hurts. He tries to get up but he can't. He's strapped down to the bed. Kyle starts to panic, what happened last night? Where-
"good morning darling." Kyle whips his head to you, causing it to pound loudly in his ears. "what- what happened, where?-" You smile and sign as you set a tray of water and medications on the bedside table. "you're at home with me darling." you turn to him placing a damp cloth on his head. "why am I strapped to the bed?"
"well I couldn't trust you would stay put, would I?"
"oh! Also, I made sure you won't ever be bothered again!"
"yup! That woman from last night she won't hurt you anymore!" Kyle stared at you confused, she didn't do anything. He approached her and went back to her place, telling her that you were a crazy ex and that's why she agreed to let him answer.
"but- she didn't do anything." you frown at him, "She must have messed your brain up bad. It's ok! I'm gonna help and fix you!" you say as you reach for the tray.
A syringe and glass bottle at one end of the tray next to some pills as well as a bottle of water. He stared with wide eyes, "don't worry the pills are just to help with the pain from hitting your head."
"and the needle..."
"just for safety, I don't want to use it but I can't have you straining yourself and leaving ugly wounds on your precious skin my love."
Kyle tried to remain calm, he didn't know how much of your words he could trust. You held the pill out to him waiting for him to open his mouth but he didn't... You sigh, you didn't want to have to do this. You pick up the needle dipping the end into the glass bottle, filling it with liquid.
Kyle began to struggle and you held him down trying to keep steady while injecting the clear liquid into his arm. Kyle felt his body weaken, not in a sleepy way but his body started to not respond right away. You opened his mouth and shoved the pill inside, your eyes getting teary. why was he making this so difficult?
After giving him some water after a struggle and him trying to spit the pill out, he finally gave in. He'd try and reason with you later, right now his head hurt and he was tired.
You climbed over him. Kissing his cheek and snuggling him, he'd see you love him. You're hear to help him. Protect him.
He'll come around. You know it.
Price - You'd been running around all day preparing for Price to come home, you'd been waiting for so so long to get your hands on him again. He's been gone for eight months, you were sure he'd be aching for you. Just as much as you were for him.
But when he came home he was... Off. He wouldn't tell you what, "later" he'd tell you over and over "later" you thought maybe something happened on the field. But all his mates were alive you know that. So what went wrong?
It's not until a month later that he breaks the news. "Darling. I'm so sorry, but- I just- a lady at the Bar..." and then everything went silent to you. Price... Your husband. Your John... Jonathan Price had cheated on you.
You hug him, mid-sentence. He starts crying, begging you for forgiveness. Crying to get you to stay. Crying to be given one last chance. And you give it...
"I'll stay. I love you. I need you. I will give you one last chance-"
"thank you- thank you, Darling, I- I promise-"
"but. I get to give you the same pain."
"im going to have sex with someone. But you won't know when. Where. Or who."
"it might be a stranger from a Bar. It might be one of your mates... You won't know, and I won't tell you. You'll have to figure it out."
It's been months now, and John has been paranoid. You go out of your way to stay late after work hours, to go out with your friends and not come home till late in the night, you hide your phone, and you grab yourself harshly to leave bruises.
John questions you about everything. Why did you stay late? Who was with your friends, and who did you meet? Why are you hiding your phone, who are you texting?... Where are the marks coming from?... He's attached to you any time he can be, and never leaves your side. And goes out of his way to please you.
Showing you that he will make up for his flaws, his mistakes. Showing you, that you don't need anyone else. Showing you he's sorry.
You never slept with anyone, you contemplated it. But you couldn't. You loved him too much. But he didn't need to know that, he's never been more attached to you than he was now. He even put work aside.
Maybe if you keep him on his toes, he'll become dependent on you. You know you can do it. Make him crave you and need you as much as you do him. It's just gonna take time, lying, and patience. You'd break him. You know you can. Nobody in the military could break this captain. Nobody. But...
They didn't know Johnathan Price like you did.
Alejandro - Alejandro was out at a bar, he had just gotten back from a mission. A long, tedious, and dangerous mission. You wanted to surprise him! You'd missed him so much, that you planned to 'Coincidentally' run into him at the bar. you knew when he came home, what time, and with whom. You had a few trackers and bugs planted on him, namely his phone and the bracelets he got back on his way home.
It was the way you got to know him so well in the first place, you were a friend and a trusted one at that. You knew if you planted a bug or two he wouldn't suspect a thing.
Now and again you would do this he would mention or mumble about in his own time, it would amaze him how you had done what he asked, "just a hunch" you would tell him. You didn't do it all the time to not make him suspicious but you did it when you knew he needed it. Which made him fall you you that much more.
You had dolled yourself up just a bit and made your way to the bar he was at with Rudy and you quickly became on edge.
"im flattered, ha," Alejandro laughed as the busty brunette pushed herself into his personal space, she brushed her nails against his arm. You feel an itch, an itch deep inside as your face turns red.
Why? You thought he was different, and yet here he was. You were ready to return to your car and wait for him... But then you saw him push her away.
"get off. I'm not interested, I already told you I'm in a loving relationship, now leave me alone." he put his foot down. And she pouted and huffed before walking away. You smiled and ran over to him, putting your plan back into play.
You laid in bed, skin-to-skin. Still a little sweaty from the rough session you and Ale had. You kiss him, "im gonna clean up," he hums in response. He's drifting off to sleep and you smile at how comfortable he is with you.
You turn the water on, letting it run warm before stepping in.
You let the hot water run down your body as you wash your hair, you think about earlier. Your heart flutters.
You were so thankful, thankful he rejected her. He honestly scared you for a moment.
You thought about what you would've done, you were silly. You then thought about the bag of rusted sharp tools that sat in the trunk of your car. You were so silly to think you were gonna have to get ugly with Him.
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unknownperson246 · 2 months
ok so 90s slash. (90s guns they are all vampires they keep it a secret) The members feast on their groupies to become more powerful and fulfil their needs. Slash however doesn't wanna kill the girl he bits. In fact, she decides to turn her without telling her to keep her all to himself. This could be done with smut and angst when reader realizes that she burns herself from the sun by accident. She gets really pissed off and nearly attacks him which the others overhears the commotion. is that too much?? i just have a big brain.
hiii no it’s not too much I absolutely loved this idea and went full out with writing it thank you for the suggestion 💛🩵❤️🖤
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
A Monster
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Words: 1,475
warnings: *smut* *angst* *slight cnc* *vampire slash* *ropes* *degradation* *being kidnapped* *p in v* *blood* *getting turned into a vampire*
Guns n Roses was a very popular band in the 80s and 90s. Their fans and groupies knew every single thing about each of the members. Little did they know that they were all vampires. Guns n Roses remain to keep their vampire secret to themselves.  All of them were brand-new vampires. They were all out one night at a bar and a female vampire lured them into her hotel room and she turned them all into vampires. They all had red eyes but everyone seemed to ignore it. All of the fans who have met them backstage say they feel cold and they all look scary. In an interview, A groupie even said that Axl tried to bite her wrist. No one was really surprised and they all ignored groupies because a lot of rock stars had a thing for biting people. People thought Groupies were also known to lie because they always seemed to be high and other people thought they were paranoid. Guns n Roses would drug their groupies beforehand if they decided to let them go so people would think they were delirious. 
It is the year 1991 and you were a groupie for many bands including Motley Crue, Ratt, Skid Row, and Guns n Roses. Many bands knew that you were a groupie and they would invite you to sleep with them whenever they were on tour. One day you were invited to stay in a hotel with all of the band members by Slash because he was interested in you. You immediately accept the offer and many people warn you that Guns n Roses was very dangerous. Little did anyone know that they caused death because they were supernatural creatures that loved human blood. You go to the hotel Slash invited you to. When you enter the room you see all of the GNR members and their groupies. All of the curtains are shut and they have empty jars everywhere. They all go to their hotel rooms and start to feed on their groupies. You can hear them all scream and cry. 
“What is that Slash” You ask scared.
“They are all fucking” Slash smirks.
“No, they sound like they're being killed, What is going on?.” You say gulping.
“Those are cries of pleasure. Please trust me” Slash says with pleading eyes.
“Just ignore those sounds and focus on me and my voice Y/N,” He says pulling off your panties.
You stop Slash.
“Let's do it after they stop,” You say, pulling Slash’s hands off of you.
“Okay,” Slash gives up sitting next to you.
You didn't know but they are all feeding on their groupies to become stronger. They suck most of their blood and then they drug them and let them wander off on the dark streets at night. You sigh in relief after hearing that they stopped screaming blood-curdling screams. 
“Let's do it slut” Slash rips your panties off and he holds your waist tight.
You feel a sharp bite on your neck. You don't say a word because you don't want to ruin the moment. You feel him gulping something out of your neck. You are scared because you know he is drinking your blood. You thought it was just a kink he had and you let him do it. He lays you down while keeping the same position of his mouth on your neck. His one hand travels down to rip his underwear off. He sticks his cock in you and you let out a small whimper.
“Mmm Slash” You whimper while holding onto his back.
“Mmmm, You taste so good,” Slash says as he takes a quick break from your neck.
He continues to thrust his cock inside of you hitting your soft spot over and over again. You were restless, especially since he drained you from your blood. Everything was getting blurry. Your toes curl and your legs start to shake. Your pussy tightens around Slash's cock. Slash’s legs start to shake and his head goes back. “Slash, I'm almost there.” You cry out. 
“Me too slut just stay still” Slash grunts as his hips collide with yours at the speed of light. 
Slash spills his wet load in you at the same time you squirt on his cock.
“Oh Slash” You moan while passing out. Slash pulls himself out realizing he took too much of your blood.
“Hmm, this is going to be fun” Slash smirks while injecting some of his venom in you. 
He wants to turn you into a vampire so he can have you all to himself forever. Axl and Izzy walk in while Slash is tying you up.
“Did you have fun with her?” Axl asks while chuckling.
Izzy comes to your side and moves his hands through your hair. 
“She looks so innocent.” Izzy smirks.
“Yeah, I did have fun. I turned her” Slash says to Axl. 
“She's one of us now?” Axl asks. “Yep,” Slash says.
Axl and Izzy go tell Duff and Steven that you're a vampire now.
After a couple of minutes, you wake up with an intense craving for blood. You found it extremely weird and uncomfortable. You have the strength to rip the ropes off.
“Holy shit!” You yell. “Fuck what's wrong with me? What happened, what did you do?!” You ask Slash frantically. 
“Shh,” He says, putting his finger to your lips. Slash opens the curtains and steps away to let you find out yourself. You step into the light not knowing you are a vampire you try to ask him what he did. You feel burning on your arm and it's very intense. You look down at your arm and it's on fire. You panic not knowing what is causing your arm to be on fire. You step out of the light and realize that you are a vampire.
“Fuck I’m burning what did you do?” You sob. 
Slash shows you his fangs.
“Fuck You bit me and turned me into a monster.” You sob.
“A monster? I wouldn't put it that way” Slash says while trying to help you to calm down.
He grabs you while you try to attack him. He tries to pin you to the bed but you yell, scream, and sob.
“Get the fuck away from me” You scream while grabbing a wooden stake. 
Slash pries the wooden stake out of your hand and he pins you to the bed.
“Shh, it's going to be fine. On the bright side you will get to be with me forever” He says while moving his hands up and down your hair.
“I didn't want this” You cry while trying to get him off of you. Steven Axl Duff and Izzy hear all of the commotion and walk in on you and Slash fighting. 
“You need blood,” Slash says while the guys watch you. You feel disgusted but you have an intense craving for it so you chug the whole bottle of blood in front of Slash. “Shh, you will feel better after this I promise,” Slash says. After you finish your blood you feel another intense wave of anger and you attack Slash even worse. You slap him and pull his hair. You spit in his face and you bite his arms hoping he would feel some pain.
“Ow” Slash yelps after you bite his arms.
He is fed up with you attacking him so he tries to calm you down again.
“I promise it's going to be okay,” He says while tying you up with steel ropes.
“Let me go,” You beg.
“I will but first you will have to calm down,” He says.
After a couple of hours, you seem to calm down and Slash unties you. “Do you feel better now?” He asks you while cupping your face.
“Yeah,” You say sniffling.
Slash unties the steel ropes. He is still on guard in case you try to hurt him. 
“Slash, why did you turn me? I had so many things to do. I wanted a family and I wanted to die one day. I wanted a husband.” You sniffle letting out your confessions.
“Vampires can be married. Also, you will have me forever and vampires can have kids. So we can still have a family.” Slash tells you.
“It still hurts,” You say, showing him your arm.
The band just smirks while watching you and Slash talking. They all look amused that you're in pain. They were all very sadistic. 
“It will heal soon,” He says while holding your arm. You fall asleep next to Slash for a while but you still resent him for making you a vampire. It takes some time but you start to feel safe and forgive Slash for turning you. You both get married after 2 months. You both soon find out that you're having a son.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
So, you know how there are a bunch of Fics where one of the Robins comes back as a ghost when they die? Most of the time it’s Jason, sometimes Tim, and Dick and Damian once in a blue moon
But has there ever been a Ghost Cass AU?
Cass dies while on Patrol, maybe is was a villainous plot, maybe it was a random goon getting a lucky shot, maybe she was killed by somebody she trusted...maybe...
Whatever way she died, Cass ends up as a Ghost.
I can see 2 different paths this could take, depending on where she reforms:
PATH 1: Cass Reforms where she died
Cass is reformed where she died, probably very soon afterwards or a few hours later. The Batfamily have not had time to get over their Grief, they only just retrieved her Body an hour ago and need to go back to the crime scene to investigate.
And once they get there, they see what looks like Cass’s Orphan costume but colored differently, just sitting there in a daze. She just became a ghost, only a few hours after her death due to her exposure to the Lazarus Pits, and it was Jarring. Not to mention the Pure Ectoplasm she is made of is reacting weirdly to the corrupted Ectoplasm that is in Jason, making her anxious.
Meanwhile [Insert Batfam member] and Jason are confused, scared, and paranoid. [Batfam member] remembers reading a few articles in passing while researching Lazarus Pits. They were about the Ectoplasmic Entities made from Lazarus Water called Ghosts, how they are imprints of a human consciousness after an emotional death. They are also completely malevolent and non-sentient.
[Batfam Member] doesn’t hope to believe that this is Cass, all the research says that this is a pile of goop pretending to be her. Of course this makes them mad, not only is this thing wearing their sisters face, it will also probably hurt people when it gets strong enough using said face. It feels like an insult. And Cass can’t even defend herself to them, since she lost whatever was left of her ability to speak when she became a Ghost, and she is too dazed and weak to do Sign Language.
[Batfam Member] explains what they know about Ghosts to Jason, how this isn’t Cass at all, just an imprint of her memories. They say this right in front of her, which scares her since they don’t seem to consider her a person anymore, just a thing using Cass’s face
Back when they first read up on Ectoplasmic Entities, he made sure to get a small Ecto-Infused Knife for everyone in the Family in case they ever encountered one.
They bring it out, but before they can do anything, the Ghost of Cass recognizes it and runs away. 
Jason is mad that [Batfam Member] instantly went for the knife, or didn’t think to look for any second opinions.
Cass runs to the Batcave, but she gets there as [Batfam Member] is explaining what Ghosts are on the big screen to everybody else. She also sees her own body, laying on a table in the center of the room. She starts to believe that [Batfam Member] is right, that she can’t be the real Cass, just a reflection. And she can’t stay here, the others are bound the believe [Batfam Member] over her now
She runs away, not even revealing herself to her family.
She runs and runs and runs for hours upon hours, non stop, across state lines, until she reaches a place where her instincts were telling her to go. It feels like the air is clear, like she has more energy. She has made it to Amity Park.
From there you can go in any direction you want.
PATH 2: Cass Reforms in the Zone
Cass reforms in a random place in the Zone, in a color swapped version of her Orphan costume. She wakes up to see a sky of green and ground of purple, completely alone, no one around her.
She wanders for a bit, but a run-in with a Monster forces her to run. As it chases her, she finds that she can fly, but so can it.
As she is running, a blast comes from above her and blasts the monster away. She looks up to see a guy with Green-Blue Skin, pointy ears, and white hair, in a Black Hazmat Suit, floating above her.
He introduces himself as Phantom, and explains that she must be a Ghost. She can’t respond because she lost the last of her ability to speak, but thankfully he knows Sign Language
She can’t remember how she died, but she remembers most of the rest of her life. She takes off her mask, and you can see that she looks like normal Cass with Green Skin, white Hair, and the pointy ears. Also small fangs cause I think those are cool.
Danny helps her around, teaches her about the Zone, introduces his living friends, all that. She even meets a cute clone named Ellie, but that’s besides the point. Eventually, after a few weeks of traveling the Zone and learning about her new abilities, she asks if she can go see her family. Danny agrees, but says that first he should teach her how to shapeshift so she can look human enough to go to the living world.
Which is how Danny and Cass learn that Cass is a Halfa (due to her exposure to the Lazarus Pits). While she is thinking of her human form, a ring of gold energy surrounds her and she suddenly has a heartbeat again. She’s also extremely hungry cause Ghosts don’t need to eat, but Halfa’s do (even if it is significantly less)
By the time she goes to see her Family, they are not as high strung or paranoid as they would have been directly after her death, so they are more willing to listen to reason. Also with Danny there (and maybe ellie), he can explain what she can’t.
But now they don’t know what to do, they still haven't figured out who killed Cass, all they know is that she was definitely killed, it wasn’t an accident.
What comes Next? I also don’t know, I need suggestions!
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rainbowchaox · 7 months
Qsmp! Missa and his Importance to Death Family
This essay I won’t lie primarily became a reality out of spite. People always forget about Missa when it comes to the dynamic of Death Family. Or act he doesn’t exist wanting to add new members. And this is a shame because Missa is so important to everyone that’s part of Death Family. And Missa storyline is about not feeling worthy enough to be with his family. It sucks to see people discredit his importance.
Missa always has and always will be integral to Death Family as a whole. In fact the name Death Family wouldn’t have been coined if not for Missa being part of it. In fact this is what Phil believes as well. They are death family because of Missa. Their family crest is literally a skull because of Missa.
Missa always even when he can’t be there is felt in the foundation of death family. He gets mentioned out of love. Everyone gets so excited when he does come online. And every character within the dynamic has trances of Missa.
People forget that when the egg event started that Missa and Phil were the pair everyone was jealous of. Fit numerous times have said he was jealous of their easy partnership. Missa and Phil had a couple of very good days. And Phil brain chemistry changed completely for his husband since. Phil adores Missa so much. Phil finds great comfort in Missa. Missa is his Sun. He lights up even the darkest days. And Phil always been loyal to a fault. Once you gain his trust it’s even harder for you to lose it. Once you are part of his flock nothing and I mean nothing can dissuade him. Phil is always so paranoid and so scared but Missa makes Phil feel like can just live. And not worry about every possibility.
Not to mention the children. People forget so many traits of Chayanne came straight from Missa. Missa taught Chayanne how to cook. He taught him lessons about being strong. He talked ages about what they are both scared of. Literally the first canon evidence that Chayanne is scared he won’t be able to save anyone. Or even the fact he wears a skull. People have forgotten the only reason he wears one is because of how much he loves Missa. And he does. He loves his papa. Recently it’s known that he goes to him when he is feeling vulnerable or sad. Missa brings him great comfort. He can finally feel like a kid with Missa. If Missa wasn’t Important this wouldn’t be a thing. And Chayanne is so protective over his papa. The most mad Chayanne has been is someone breaking up his dad’s marriage or someone making his papa Missa sad.
Tallulah also always knew how Missa important is to her family. Chayanne and Phil always only had good things to say about Missa. They never stopped considering Missa as part of the family (Despite Missa believing others lies easily that this wasn’t the case). Phil always saw Missa part of the family. So much he always considered Missa her father as well. And Missa because he is so GOOD. Such a great husband and great father. (There’s reasons why Death Family is called the Functional Family.)
And I have said this in my analysis about Tallulah. She NEEDED Missa. Missa loves her just for her. Chayanne gets to be the spoiled baby boy (which is always so cute and adorable, gives me cute aggression. He loves his papa so much.) and Tallulah gets to be the one protecting others. And Missa immediately calls her amazing and such a good protector. He draws the four of them as family. He draws his daughter. Not as the cute girl that loves flowers and nature. But as his warrior daughter that protects him. Tallulah always saw Missa as someone that is safe and someone that her family loves. And when Missa told her he always considered her his daughter. Tallulah heart was so full.
Missa in his family eyes is part of the family. No matter what. He is part of the family. Missa has trances on their house. He has trances on them as people. He is the soul of death family. He is their comfort. He is Missa. Their dad and Phil’s husband. Death Family wouldn’t exist without Missa. And people need to stop thinking Missa isn’t important. That he can be changed with anyone. HE IS DAD and THE HUSBAND. He is so important to Tallulah. To Chayanne. To Phil. He is the soul of death family. And he is so loved. Loved by his husband. By his children. They don’t want anyone else to be part of THEIR family.
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damagedcoda6669 · 4 months
Hey Lucifer, i'm sorry I am telling you this since ik you and Al are close, but that's exactly why i'm telling you this...
As you know, Al used to be in birdie drama spaces, and he still is, but just under an alt.
Remember the borderline 12 drama? Al made that happen to see how the public would react since he is planning bigger things. He wants to see how fast your "fans" will turn on you, and he wanted to see how many would defend you. He knew doing the borderline 12 thing would get you in trouble, he even was surprised with how well it went considering YOU posted it when he actually wanted to post it on his account and mention you drew it.
I know this since i'm also in birder drama servers, but I just think Al is taking it too far...
He is truly playing the long game and trying to solidify your trust within him so that those leaks that are happening cannot be traced back to him. Al has truly formed an attachment to you, but not in a good way.
That borderline 12 drama was also to test your loyalty to him and it worked since you believed that he meant no harm when all he truly did mean was to harm you. You may think Al is genuine and would never, but just try to analyze a few of his messages pertaining to birder drama.... that's all i'm going to allude to because I don't want him to know who i am. I don't want him to doxx me.
I will say, Al does share a lot of interests with you and he does find you fun to be around, but that's because he sees you as a toy instead of a person.
Just- please be careful with Al, he is betraying you behind closed doors and PLEASE don't listen to him when he says all the anon's are lying, they are just scared of him finding out because right now he is really favored in birdie drama spaces since he infiltrated you so well.
Ik you might not believe me since i said I was in birdie drama spaces and i will admit, i do talk bad about you.... However, I never leaked anything nor have I been involved in what Al has been doing. I am mainly a lurker and to gain trust in the birder servers I just regurgitate the hate everyone else has for you. I feel really guilty, which is why i'm writing you this.
Other's have spoken out in anon asks on your moraltonz account, and Al was really upset with them and tried doxxing them to get them out of the birdie servers he's in so his plans don't get foiled by them, since he knows you get paranoid easily. Al is really worried about you finding out about him, so I'm hoping you get to this ask.
You may believe it's people trying to ruin you Lucifer, but other asks that pretty much imply it's birdie haters was just a tactic used to try to get the people truly coming forward to be discreditable.
Also, read my username and think back to all the birdie drama and all the people involved. I won't say too much, but I hope you can get what I am alluding to. If not, it's ok.
It's disheartening what Al is doing to you, with all the leaks, with the ploys, with how he talks about you, and just with everything he is doing.
Al has not stopped interacting in birdie drama spaces, he lied to you.
I truly think Synni is your only friend, because even though she used to be in birdie spaces, I don't think she has an alt.
I'm sorry i'm telling you all of this considering how close you and Al are, I really am sorry he is doing this to you. /gen
the lengths u guys go 2 2 try 2 induce my paranoia/delusions n turn me against ppl u dont know is crazy. if this is true, if u actually cared abt me, use ur main. say it 2 my face. give me evidence. ALSO ADMITTING U SHITTALK ME AND ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE IN BIRDIE DRAMA SERVERS IS CRAAAZY. I AM NOT GOING 2 LISTEN 2 A WORD U SAY, U R JUST ADMITTING 2 BEING A BAD PERSON. if u feel sooooo guilty, why r u still there? if al was rlly leaking shit in these spaces, scs and evidence wouldve gotten back 2 me by now. itd have spread online and id be able 2 see artwork n images that i havent sent 2 anyone besides them. also??? stop misgendering them??? weird ass
anyway yeah, good lie, u fabricated an interesting story, but gimme some proof. gimme gimme i want those discord scs that dont exist *rubs my hands 2gether nefariously*
heh u dont know this but.. jotaro is leaking everything
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dev-mars · 5 months
Garroth’s Betrayal
Garroth was in a depressive episode but even then I can’t see him betraying Aphmau and Laurance (the two people he trusts most in this world.) Like clearly Garroth can be a jealous person but he also bottles his emotions till he absolutely can’t anymore (usually till outside forces make him tell the truth.) I feel like his jealousy would have more likely led him to close himself off again and his extreme self hatred would grow rather than him just deciding to betray them. Especially because Phoenix Drop itself is one of the most important things to Garroth. But, if Zane or Lillian did something to cause Garroth to spiral and back him in corner it would make way more sense for him to rely on the only person that can understand everything he’s facing, his little brother.
Lillian says she’s a herb specialist it would have been interesting if she had given Garroth a potion or item that worsened his mental state. Something that made him more paranoid and anxious. Like Garroth has an overwhelming feeling of doom. Zane’s plan could’ve had begun as soon as they got back from the Malachi arc. Possibly, Zane found in an item that causes Garroth intense nightmares or Lillian is able to control dreams sort of similar to Malachi’s magicks . So Garroth stops getting sleep because of his nightmares. The dreams could just be a million different scenarios but they all lead to Phoenix Drop’s destruction. So he doesn’t know what’s going to happen and the cause changes in every dream. One of the worst dreams involves Laurance giving into his shadow knight form. He kills the entire village including Aphmau and her sons. Once Laurance is himself again he begs Garroth for forgiveness and death. He pleads with Garroth to make him pay for what he’s done.
All these dreams cause Garroth to begin to isolate himself. Then from his lack of sleep he begins to impair his judgement and this is when Zane really begins his manipulation. Zane reaches out to Garroth, Garte is becoming dangerous to everyone (some kind of lie that makes it seem like Zane has no where to go) he somehow creates a lie that opens up communication again. Garroth can’t differentiate between his scared kid brother and the high priest Zane, after all he still is a protector through and through.
Garroth is barely keeping it together and he’s wearing his helmet again. Everyone is noticing this change but Garroth says he’s fine and he’s still managing to keep up his duties as head guard. Garroth feels like he’s going crazy but he can’t falter everyone is relying on him. Garroth is also talking to the enemy (Zane) and he can’t tell anyone because they wouldn’t understand. The final nail in the coffin is when he sees the illusion of Laurance and Aphmau.
They kiss in the clearing and break apart to have a quiet conversation seemingly to themselves. Garroth intently listens despite his heart aching. Aphmau confesses she’s been having terrible nightmares and she falls apart in Laurance’s arms. She sees Phoenix Drop burning to the ground and Garroth realizes she’s having the same nightmares as him. Then she finally says she can’t trust anyone but Laurance and she suspects Garroth is betraying them. He’s been pulling away from them and Aph can’t even recognize him anymore and Laurance agrees with her. Garroth sneaks away after this and decides that he’ll make sure everything is okay. He’ll fix everything at Phoenix Drop and leave for O’kasis so he won’t cause them anymore pain. So, he tells Zane of his dreams, the amulet, and he agrees to go to O’kasis as long as Zane never harms the Phoenix Drop and its people. He’s convinced himself that what he’s doing is for the greater good. He can handle it. He’ll make sure everything is alright, after all he’s a protector and he never deserved Aphmau and Laurance anyway.
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deathsbestgirl · 7 months
Tell me everything about how insane Scully is please!
how insane is scully????
you guys. i mad it through a lot of s1-3 and then started doing random episodes. this is LONG and incomplete. but you've been waiting so long already. so, under the cut:
my favorite crazy thing about scully is in the pilot, she's assigned to debunk mulder's work, and in the middle she's ready to run back to the fbi to tell them he's right because of dirt. she's known the man a few days and runs to his room to undress in front of him & run into his arms!! her face buried in his chest. she has him whipped on the first day, chasing after her. and she'll follow him anywhere.
in deep throat, mulder runs off on his own and next thing you know, scully takes another government agent hostage at gunpoint (with his own gun??) to get mulder back. she teases him, calls him crazy. he likes it so much she never stops. sucker.
in squeeze, scully just has to stick with mulder because he said she was right & played with her necklace. she has to know every thought in his head. she calls him to gossip about colton because now they're best friends.
in the jersey devil, scully whines when mulder sends her home alone, bails mulder out of jail, ditches her date the moment mulder pages her, turns down a second date & follows mulder...threatening to hurt him for teasing her. she's told her friends he's cute and tries to justify why he isn't an option. and it isn't because they work together. (as much as we say she's not getting into another relationship with a superior / colleague...she would, also insane behavior)
in ghost in the machine, scully meets jerry and dislikes him instantaneously just because he was mulder's partner (she's his partner). she knows mulder's profile without any doubt in her mind, but she still asks mulder to confirm. she tells mulder to go get a beer, as if she doesn't already know he can't stop (and even if he could, he wouldn't)
in ice, she very nearly attacks hodge for suggesting she's been infected because she was yelling at mulder. she pulls a gun on mulder and refuses to give up on him, she goes in to talk to him alone. she tackles a man twice her size with no hesitation.
in eve, she answers the phone in mulder's room!!! (this is silly but clearly, they never gave a second thought to being in each other's rooms lol)
in fire, she hates phoebe right off the bat. scully knew her game before mulder told her anything, but she asks him questions anyway. she single-handedly solves the case and gets that woman back out of his life...then scares him with a fake accent. she takes the sherlock joke and makes it hers & mulder's. phoebe who?
in e.b.e. she meets the lone gunmen, calls them the most paranoid people she's ever met, then proceeds to become the most paranoid person you've ever met, most paranoid person in the world.
in tooms, she lies to skinner to give mulder an alibi. she participated in an illegal stakeout so mulder wouldn't get himself killed. she calls him fox and tells him he's the only person she'd put herself on the line for. she is completely devoted.
in erlenmeyer flask, she teams up with a man she doesn't trust to get mulder back. she goes into a top security government facility to steal an alien fetus, and figures out the password deep throat didn't tell her about.
in little green men, she sets up a secret meeting with mulder using their little code. she talks about george hale, lets herself into mulder's apartment, hacks his computer, and tracks him down to puerto rico. where they end up running from the military. she can barely keep her hands off him.
when krycek shows up, scully snubs him because he's working with mulder. scully is his partner, she's his friend. she doesn't trust anyone else with him — and she's right.
in duane barry, she inserts herself into the hostage situation, to the point they let her talk to mulder to guide him...as the rest of them have failed. she finds the metal implant, scans it at the grocery check out, correctly surmises what it's for (at least one purpose), and screams for mulder. i also think she manages to get her necklace off so mulder will know he's on the right path when he finds it (someone else pointed this out, idr who i'm sorry!!) she remembers squeeze.
in end game, mulder knows he couldn't tell her about his sister because she would have sacrificed herself. while he's in martha's vineyard (?) she's running around d.c. on her own as she's being followed. doing all the things he taught her to evade them.
in dod kalm, she goes on his unsanctioned trip to the middle of the ocean and forces him to drink the little water they have, refusing to take it for herself. the entire time they're stuck there, she figures out what's happening and that's how the doctors save them & reverse the aging effects.
in anasazi/the blessing way, she's nearly shot and makes sure mulder doesn't go back to his apartment and instead comes to hers. she undresses him and puts him in her bed while she investigates to exonerate him. she shoots mulder and drives him across the country to albert hosteen. she tells teena mulder that mulder is okay, after walking to her mother's house with no shoes to tell maggie mulder is dead and argue with her sister. she attempts regression hypnosis but she can't do it because she doesn't have mulder.
in revelations, god is sending her signs and she believes she's supposed to protect kevin. she gets defensive at mulder's derisiveness toward religion and she doesn't hold it against him. in the end, she doesn't push and goes to confession instead, accepts his help with her coat. it's enough.
in war of the coprophages, she calls mulder all day on their day off. she rationalizes everything he finds. when he starts talking about bambi, she sleeps with the phone in her hand for when he calls again. she doesn't want to hear him talk about another woman but she does it anyway. "are you sure it wasn't a girly scream?" and then she just drives out to meet him because no one investigates with mulder except her. smart is sexy. after he asked her what she was wearing after she spouted off about darwin.
in syzygy, i don't even think i need to say anything here. she's just so insane and i love it. she's jealous & petty & mean, but also very honest about how she's feeling. in the end, they're still in sync but she is going to drive like a maniac because she's still mad.
in grotesque, scully is once again prepared to hate mulder's former boss. she doesn't need to know anything and she yells at this man for how he treats mulder. this is a woman who grew up with brothers for sure.
in pusher, scully doesn't believe mulder when he theorizes about modell's abilities. but the second he's the target, she believes. she doesn't hide her fear for him and she walks into that hospital room blind with only a bulletproof vest on. she doesn't run when he tells her too. she will never leave him.
in home, she's thinking about motherhood and having kids and asks mulder about his family. when he swings his head around to her at the question, she stares right back. i swear it's a challenge.
in the field where i died, she yells at mulder for not telling skinner the truth (she never rats on him). she still goes with him to his regression. she doesn't believe these are past lives, but she takes the information he shared and digs into the archives. she finds the american revolution era names. she tells him she wouldn't change a day.
tunguska/terma: she is held in contempt of congress to give mulder time. she trusts his instincts and not her own. she tells the court about the government conspiracy of men and continuously avoids their questions, pushing forward about the lawless men.
in never again, she likes ed because he's interested, because she can talk openly with him without consequences, because he's a sad man & a little dangerous. but then he's really dangerous. she only goes out with ed because she thinks mulder only cares about the work and not her. she gets a tattoo.
in memento mori, she only tells mulder about her cancer. she chooses to investigate instead of pursue treatment right away. she apologize to skinner. she rights letter after letter to mulder, begging forgiveness & asking him to go on. talking about how she feels him close. when she decides to start treatment, she asks mulder to bring her things & call her mother. in the end, she decides to abandon typical treatment and live with cancer.
in gethsemane/reduxes, she doesn't tell mulder he cancer has metastasized. she continues to work, getting injured on the job. she tells police the dead man in his apartment is mulder, she lies to skinner & the fbi. she runs herself ragged to the point she collapses. she begs mulder to blame her & save himself. she's adamant mulder can't trust skinner, even after skinner was shot because he tried to keep melissa's case open.
in chinga, she has no idea how to take a vacation anymore. she can't ignore the x file she stumbles into and she believes it's the doll. she microwaves a little girl's doll to save a woman.
in pine bluff variant, scully chases after mulder when they lose contact. some unknown pathogen just killed someone. she rewatches the tapes after she's sure she saw mulder let whatshisname get away, but stays silent in the meeting. he won't tell her anything but it doesn't stop her from investigating. she can't believe that he's betraying his country, and hiding anything so big from her. it gets to the point skinner has to tell her and she rails at him & that other guy for endangering mulder. she's his partner!! and she makes more headway in a few days than these other idiots did in weeks. she's relentless.
in tithonus, scully has to work a case without mulder and she hates it. she insists it isn't an x file but i think she knows. she's endeared toward fellig despite herself. she asks 'how can you have too much life?' she knows the pain of dying, of leaving people behind, of not being able to finish everything you started. she can't get enough despite all the pain & struggle. she has things to do, someone she wants to be with & they aren't there yet. and when she's got, and fellig tells her to close her eyes, don't look at him — she does it!! in this vulnerable moment, on the cusp of death, she believes. she believed him almost instantly.
in mulder & scully meet the weremonster, she approaches suspects ALONE. mulder scolds her for it both times. she tells him 'you forget, i'm immortal'
in home again, maggie dies and she loses it. she's sobbing, refusing to let them take maggie, mulder tries to get her to take time and she refuses. it's a stark contrast to her grief in beyond the sea. he can't stop her but he can be with her. we hear her call mulder 'fox' for the first time since tooms.
in the my struggles (idk which one lol) scully is desperate to save mulder. she knows what's coming and she can't lose him. "you need him, and i neee you." the truth is she needs william too, and he's so close now. she never tried to find him to keep him safe (supposedly) but for mulder, she'll take the risk. and maybe stop fighting herself for once. she's unbearably good, but her & mulder are the only ones who can save the world and she can't do it alone. (crazy, crazy, crazy)
other things: scully thinks mulder's porn habit is funny, endearing. she doesn't seem to have any (real) negative thoughts or feelings about it. she argues with him relentlessly about his theories/actions/decisions, but never in front of other people. in front of others, she backs him up, defends him, or stays silent (pine bluff variant). but she will good-naturedly make fun of him to strangers ('he chews the furniture' and something in humbug & quagmire). on friday nights, she stays home cleaning her gun, reading books, reading medical journals & writing for them. she loves jose chung. she believes in the possibility of time travel but not in science's current abilities to achieve it. she remembers every word mulder has ever said (dreams, ftf hallway speech). she literally hangs in his every word and incorporates it into her worldview, her behavior, who she is as a person. scully dedicated herself to mulder in the pilot, before she knew what it meant. and once she did know what it meant, she stayed and stayed and stayed. she believes in him so much, in what he can achieve that it drives her to do crazy things herself. something she always had in her, but now she can let it out. it has a purpose. and dana scully with a purpose is someone you don't mess with and can't be hidden in the shadows (despite the effort of a global conspiracy).
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
I call this the Highlander Au! >:Dc There can Be Only One! (Unless he REALLY enjoys the process and the world stops going to shit for like... FIVE god damned minutes!) (The second is sadly unlikely)
Tim? Fully Cis gendered male. Not terribly ATTACHED to this, physically, but certainly identifies as Male and has a male body.
Maybe it's been all the near misses. The "all my friends fuckin DIED on my and I mentally spiraled like you wouldn't believe". Could be him finally reclaiming his life. Or yet another horrible mental spiral. Who knows!
But he's decided.
He wants to be a Dad. *sound of various Bats choking and/or dropping things*
Is even seeing anybody? Nope. How the FUCK is he gonna get a baby?! Oh, normal, Bat Paranoid fashion. Cloning tube. Same way Damian happened. He just needs to figure out the maternal DNA and he's golden. Figure out where to hide his tech to stop Villainous Baby Snatching Plots.
Because that's a very real concern.
No you can't talk him out of this. Timmy want himself a baby. Is already designing a nursery and studying child development books. Parenting manuals, getting those little animal onsies, lazer death grids to ward of Ra's ninjas. The works.
Bruce is off to the side, quietly having an aneurysm and choking to death on his own spit. Baby boy? Fatherhood? OFFSPRING!? Alone and not going to LET HIM HELP!? But why would he help!? Bad idea! But. But he needs to BE THERE to TAKE CARE of TIM and the future BABY! Aaaaaaaaa-!!!!!
It's a... "Fun" time. Dick is nearing a nervous breakdown. Bruce not far behind. Damians having Feelings(tm).
Then! At a Wayne Charity Event(tm)? Small glowing child. Looks alien. Is getting upset. People backing away IN A HURRY because they just watched this child WARP REALITY to turn the nearest table into candy.
Tim is there as the face of the family. A hero. Already feeling generally Paternal. Upset baby is Bad. So he goes in, dispite clear protests. Gets low and talks soothing.
But the alien Wants Her MOMMY!
And? Oh. Well there goes the protective amulets JLA Dark made for him. Now he's in an alien dress and? Very much no longer Cis. Guess he would have and DID inherent from his dad's side of the family, no boobs. Tiny. At least he got his mom's killer legs.
And the kiddo isn't scared any more. Since he "looks like mommy".
Except not even remotely, because she warps into being an HOUR later, looking for her daughter and is made of pure light. Thanks him. Doesn't FIX anything. And just leaves. Gee, thanks lady.
There were REPORTERS there. Tim Drake has tits now. Front page news. Great. Ra's is GOING to know and get WEIRD about it.
Tim shrugs. Off to Leslie we go, though. Check up time!
Yep. Full lady bits action. And, hey! Shiny new spleen! So that's nice.
It DOES change his plan though. He didn't, you know, collect any "samples" yet. But? Does... does he NEED too? He COULD concoct a story of "rich person hires mystic to get penis back" after going and getting magiced back.... OR?
He could have someone put a baby in him! *simultaneous Bat Choking Noises*
MUCH easier to defend. THEN he could be changed back, after the baby is weaned. The problem is who to trust? Ra's is ABSOLUTELY going to do everything in his power to get his seed inside Tim new puss. So a seed bank is out. And-
*hands slam on the table*
Obviously! We can't trust anyone outside this house! Villian plots and Ra's specifically! Bat paranoia! W-we will just have to make this sacrifice for you!
.....Weirdly intense, but okay.
Objection! Says Tim's newly no longer Dead team mates. Tim tried to CLONE Kon! OBVIOUSLY it should be Kon! And Bart! Bro Threesome! Let nature decide! (Then kid number 2 is the other Bro, is only FAIR)
ALSO a good point. He did have that promise, if one of them ever got turned into a girl. And a Kon baby WOULD be nice...
Shit! Grayson pulls "last of my legacy and I have so much to make up for" cards!
Is betrayed by his OWN FATHER (Bruce! How COULD YOU!?) Who plays "you saved me from the time steam and nearly died for me, let me help(emotional)" to devastating effect!
Cheating! Howls the Speedster! You're CHEATING!!!
And Tim stands there... kinda confused but finding he's actually Really In To This as people argue over how much THEY want to be the one to put a baby in him? He's never felt this badly WANTED. Desired.
He may not want to go through the whole "actually carrying a baby for 9 months then pushing one out" thing more then once.... but the fighting over him thing? This might be awaking something.
And, well, Kon already made a good point. Why try to control it? Let nature decide~
Everyone can help.
The argument stops dead. For all of the seconds before "who goes first?" Occurs to everyone.
Sadly for THEM, Bruce is a bastard willing to play dirty to get what he wants. And his house his rules. He goes first. After all, he no doubt smirks, none of THEM have the... experience, to handle a virgin properly.
He refuses to allow Tim hurt on his watch.
Got it? Good talk. Tim, with him.
Which is what leads to Tim clawing at the bed and begging like his life depends on it, soaked in sweat, hours later. As Bruce STILL gently, teasingly, RUTHLESSLY eats him out. Puddles worth of lube ruining the sheets and easing his way, as he works calloused fingers DEEP to find spots Tim didn't know he had yet. As they rub and tease and fuck against those spots so relentlessly it feels like Tim's coming apart.
He didn't even know he could MAKE half these noises.
His hole is so wet and sloppy, it's like it's given up. Like his body can do nothing but quiver and twitch under Bruce's hands. Given how big he is? Probably the point. Because he crawls up to loom over Tim like a giant. Presses kisses to his whimpering, sweaty face. And rocks into his exhausted body, filling every inch of him.
It doesn't even hurt. Something that big probably SHOULD for his first time, but Bruce isn't a legendary playboy for nothing. And it just fills and Fills and FILLS. Rubs against everything in a way that makes his toes curl. Makes him want to gasp and cling, even though he's so exhausted.
Bruce just shooshes him. Pulls him close. He won't have to do a thing. He can just cling to Bruce and feel good. Bruce is here. He's got you.
And it's the best thing Tim's ever felt. Forget masturbation, sex is AMAZING. Bruce rocking then thrusting then pounding into his body. Holding tight like something precious. Hammering his good spots still he sees stars. Til he's nearly sobbing, hiccuping, from how good it feels to have his insides all messed up.
Bruce fills him up. All gooey and warm. Picks him up and carries him to a clean bed to get wiped down and tucked in. Cleans up then joins him. Fills him back up and tucks him close. He feels boneless and precious. Sleeps like the dead.
Discovers sex with a puss is AWESOME.
Next morning, he's barely out of Bruce's room before Dick is scooping him up and dragging him into his room. Almost franticly bending him in half as he presses him to the bed, kissing the air out of him. Holding his face as he whispers filthy praise into his lips. Hips relentless as they slam home, pounding at just the right angle.
Like he's trying to make for YEARS of mistakes by pouring it all into pleasure NOW. Clinging tight and trying to fry Tim's brain with how good he can make him feel. Dick buries his faces against Tim's neck and rutts like he's making up for lost time. Fucking Tim through orgasms, spilling again and again, like he's determined to drain his balls dry and wring every last bit of pleasure he CAN out of Tim's exhausted body.
Tim has to threaten to hit him with an alarm clock to let him up. Tim wants LUNCH damn it. They missed breakfast. By a LOT.
But then work calls. Damn it. So he has to get dressed. Double damn it. And he does it, but refuses to be pleased about it. Resolves things. Even gets ahead on work. Only for DAMIAN to walk stiffly into his office. Sus.
The gremlin hands him a frankly VERY well put together report on why he, Damian AL Ghul... should be allowed to fuck a baby into Tim. He has brought along a slide show and genealogical report.
Damian does. He REALIZED some things about himself. When Tim was discussing becoming a Father. Using the same method as he, himself, was created. Went through a whole "go to the Kent farm and have a life change adventure" character growth arc, as you do. And? Now realizing that he potentially COULD be DIRECTLY involved in the Hypothetical Child's life instead of as an uncle?
He wants in. They could be glorious, combined. AND he firmly believes Tim will be a magnificent Mother. Let him Father your child.
It's a bad idea. Tim knows this. He literally JUST slept with Bruce yesterday and nothing good comes from sleeping with AL Ghul's. They Obsess. But? Fuck it. Maybe THIS is the thing that finally stops the Tim-Gremlin cold war and bring peace to house Wayne once and for all. He unbuckles his belt. Walks over to his resting room.
And Tim KNOWS, even as he's being urgently fucked into the fold out bed, that this is an AWFUL idea. No way in HELL, from the desperate and sloppy thrusts, clinging, panting and whines, is this NOT Damian's first time. He's utterly undone.
Pounding load after load into Tim because it feels too good to stop. All enthusiasm and no skill. Half the pleasure Tim's even GETTING is his own hand, relentlessly teasing his own clit. But? Oh. The feeling of being wanted so BADLY. Of cum, gushing and gushing into him. Knowing it's HIS hole that's so good, it's driving Damian incoherent.
He feels... sexy. It DEFINITELY does something for him. He may not be able to go back. Could see himself enjoying being a milf.
But of course. Business hours end. And he PROMISED! Is swept up by Bart for their threesome. Which, after several rounds and untold loads of near-no-refractary-period speedster cum dumped inside him? Is kinda spotty, in his memory.
All he knows for certain is he wakes up to his sheepish best friends, "Sorry we fucked you unconscious repeatedly" bribes, no voice, and a warm bath. He's also plugged up and FULL full of that premium speedster/half-kryptonian blend cum, because apparently his friend intend to WIN and nothing says victory like overwhelming odds. He'd call them fuckers, but they ARE and hold no remorse. He can't move.
Carry him you bastards.
When he asks where Cassie is, he learns she's apparently trying to harrass the magic users into a making her a temporary "turn me into a dude" amulet. Both as a gift AND so she can join the race for Father Of Tim's Baby. Huh. Interesting new options.
Obviously, throughout ALL of this, ninjas. Because Ra's has never wanted to smash so hard in his LIFE.
Instead, Tim is out here, on Jason's shitty couch. Getting lifted up and slammed down onto his cock. Called baby girl. Princess. Jason's never been harder. Already planning their kids graduation dinner and baby number three.
Tim feeling precious and taken care of and DESIRED. Like the young adult with a first shitty apartment he never got to be. Something so close to normal. Put a baby in him. Fuck him like you love him, like they do this every Saturday night, then eat pizza and watch trash TV. Fill him up.
And if course~ it's a VICIOUS game of Fuck The Tim keep away, up until one day he starts to show. Then Everyone is loving and coddling and in a "No I Am The Father" cold war. The birth is a nightmare, because Tim is slender and more scar tissue then not. But?
Adorable quarter-Kryptonian! With the biggest blue eyes and Tim's porcelain doll face.
Tim is NOT doing that again. Ffffffuck giving birth. And being pregnant! Granted, the EARLY part? He loved. He glowed. Getting pregnant was AWESOME. But later stages? God awful. Clone tube babies from here on out.
Absolute Devastation in the Tom Fucking Community. Babe no! You can't MEAN IT!
Woah, hey! He never said he'd STOP. "Getting Pregnant" is very, VERY enjoyable. He's just refusing to carry SHIT. Birth control for HIM. Scooping that slurry of "leave it up to Nature" out and storing it. Now... Kon stop being smug and hold your son.
😭😭😭 tim getting everyone to come to dinner and they all think it was alfred and are like 'this was a great idea alfred! we should all get together like this more often' only for tim to cough and say well actually i called you all here, i figured you all deserved a heads up since i'm going to be undergoing some serious life changes. everyone's confused and then tim says he's going to have a baby.
immediate panic and some disappointment from bruce because he thinks this is a teen pregnancy and he expected better from tim only for tim to have to yell to interrupt everyone and say there is no 'girl', not yet anyway. he's just announcing that he's GOING to have a baby. they're not yet conceived and now the family is dealing with whiplash of how of course TIM would do something like this now they're sitting their listening to him talk about the ideal gene pool given tim's family has a history of mental issues and he's going into some very detailed things like nurseries and everyone just wants him to slow down because tim is still a kid!!! dick is older than him and even HE doesn't feel ready. so everyone is trying to talk tim out of it while tim insists he's ready, he's been going to a therapist for 11 months trying to deal with his issues so he COULD be ready to be a parent.
which of course baffles them even more because???? dick has been trying to get them all into therapist for years and tim just???? went??? on his own????
bruce is of course the least welcoming of tim's ideas of teen parenthood. because what about highschool, college? at least ONE of his kids has to go to college!
tim however says no, says his GED is more than enough.
bruce tries finding other angles, asking what if he just sets tim up with babysitting gigs? make him see kids aren't that great and tim just huffs and said he already did a bunch of babysitting and volunteering at the children's centers in gotham as part of his adoption application!
which ???? just stressed bruce out even more?! because tim had tried to adopt a baby first? but apparently got rejected because of his age, lack of partner, and lack of job which tim loudly says is unfair because bruce was in his 20s when he took in dick and HE hadn't had a partner or a job!
so the family is protesting, despertly trying to get tim to change his mind,,, then tim gets a womb and suddenly the protests die down VERY quick.
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twig-tea · 2 months
Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko Ep 6: The Politics of the Closet
There have been some good posts already about how forced outing is not actually excused by a character's crush or different values (@pigglepiephi here and @respectthepetty here as two examples) so I won't spend a lot of time retreading that ground. Risa should not have told Ayaka that Hiroko was a lesbian, and Mama should have known better than to spill more of Hiroko's secrets after already having been confronted on and apologizing for doing so last episode. And it would be one thing if this was a character choice that the show was clear was not the right decision, but it seems to be presenting these choices as positive because it is moving the main romance forward. @hyeoni-comb noted the parallels between this this and She Makes My Heart Flutter, specifically around how both shows have a character of a different generation explaining the mindset of an older lesbian to the younger generation, which at a theoretical level, like hyeon is talking about here, I do also like; But I think a significant difference, and why it's bothering me in this show when it didn't in SMMHF, is the very different circumstances of both characters. [For those who haven't seen SMMHF, the character in question in that case was concerned about marketing her lesbian bar on social media. Also, go watch it, it's fantastic!]
What's still sitting so poorly with me about episode 6 of Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko is the way the show seems to be saying that Hiroko is wrongly scared and irrationally continuing to be closeted at work while times have changed. Mama says her reason for telling Hiroko's secrets to Risa and Ayaka is so that they can help Hiroko with her situation. She says 'there was a time when society was much harsher and more prejudiced'. She calls Hiroko's thinking old-fashioned. This suggests that Hiroko is in the wrong for hiding her sexuality. [This also sets how this is going in AIILWH apart from how it was done in SMMHF, because in that show the characters came around to realizing the owner would need to be ready on her own time to take that risk, which is a much more compassionate place to land.]
It bothers me when queer media tells queer people that they are paranoid for being afraid of being outed, especially at school or work. Has Japanese society progressed since 2014 so much that people can comfortably be out as lesbians in office workplaces without fear of repercussion to their careers? Because Canadian society hasn't, certainly not in every office [I only started being out at work in the last year, because the VP of the office where I worked until then was homophobic, as one example]. And we know that at least some of the people from the flashbacks still work there, so Hiroko's fears seem super valid to me.
Also, it isn't actually any of her colleagues' business who Hiroko does or doesn't fuck on her own time. It is definitely also true that Hiroko feels isolated and lonely because nobody at work knows her fully--since being a lesbian is a huge part of who she is--and I get that. The closet is a horrible, isolating experience. But it's super important to me that Hiroko gets to make that decision for herself. I would have been so down for a story where Risa and Ayaka reached out to Hiroko and made space for her to be herself and comfortable with a trusted sub-set of colleagues (including Yuya, natch). I would have also been ok with Ayaka outing herself as a lesbian at work to model that things have actually changed and it is safer--with Hiroko about to step in to a manager's position, I could believe that it she'd be able to ensure there would be minimal blowback. That would put them in a good position to negotiate what a relationship might look like, and would have been a great way to have that generational gap conversation, and maybe giving Hiroko confidence to come out herself eventually.
But instead Ayaka is starting the gossip mill about her crush, and putting eyes on Hiroko, which will inevitably either out her or force her to be even more closeted to hide her sexuality from the increased scrutiny. Regardless of the genders involved, there's also the fact that office romances especially across power lines are potentially problematic and could lead to problems for both of them. It feels like we are not well set up to take the complications of an office romance between a junior and a senior (or a boss) seriously, and that has me nervous too.
I'm waiting to see what the next episode brings, but this is why the episode has left me feeling so uncomfortable, and worried about how this show is going to land it's last two episodes.
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xerith-42 · 7 months
Pookie i beg to be fed
Not sure how I feel about that name, but I'll allow it.
And uhh, I'm not sure exactly what you want to be fed. I have this single pink starbust wrapper with a little bit of blood on it. Or this haunted bee charm. Probably... Probably shouldn't eat that...
But based on the pattern of my blog, the people who interact with it, and the mcd fandom as a whole, I'm guessing you mean something like--
-Laurance developing shakes and tremors in his body because he can't stand the idea of it being still for too long. He's paranoid that if he lets his body be still for too long then he'll lose control of it again.
-Aphmau puts her hand on his to try and stop it from shaking, but he rips it away from her because he can't be still. He can't stop moving. Especially not around her.
-She's not the only one. Garroth, Dante, heck even Travis could all make the same assumption that Laurance's literally constant shaking and need to move is a bad thing. And it kind of is. They all try to stop it, yet Laurance keeps shaking.
-He's so tired all the time. Not only is he always trying to keep himself busy and moving, he struggles to sleep due to The Horrors ™, and if we go with a headcanon proposed by the lovely @cinnamontoastcroonch, Laurance might just wake up from his brain giving him random shocks sometimes. Insomnia 100.
-He really wants to get a good nights sleep. He tries a lot of things through out the course of season two to get it. Smoking different drugs, taking sleeping potions, trying a sleeping spell, he's trying so hard to actually get consistent sleep. But every method stops working eventually.
-Tragically, Laurance is pretty confident he knows what he needs, but he's too scared to ask for it. Partially out of fear of rejection but also... he... He can't ask her for something like that. He can't trust himself to be still around her. All he needs is just a night where he can rest easy with her in his arms.
-At a certain point he realizes that will never happen.
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
Hellooooo :D and can you please write Kate laswell and Nikolai with a reader who gets paranoid, I understand if not !
Hey! Sure!
Laswell and Nikolai with a Paranoid!Reader
Laswell: I feel like it’s going to be rather difficult with her. She doesn’t know what paranoia feels like, she’s never been paranoid herself. Besides, she’s CIA, so it’s not that unlikely to believe that she’d betray you and use you for her own gains. She’s well aware that you’re likely never going to be able to trust her completely, and she’s not really sure she can make peace with that fact. Sure, she won’t abandon you since your paranoia is already bad enough as it is, she doesn’t need to add to that, but I don’t think she’d know what to do with you. Will try to help you however she can, but she’s well aware it likely won’t do too much to ease you. Yes, she’ll cook you soup when you’re sick, she’ll reassure you that, no matter what happens, she won’t turn you in, she’ll also try to keep any and all business related to her job away from you, but there’s only so much she can do to help. I can see her trying to soothe you by ignoring some of her boundaries, within reason, to show you that she really does care about, like being a bit more touchy with you. She’s probably killed people so that you’d stay safe, but there’s likely no way you’d ever believe her. In your eyes, she’ll likely always be the enemy, no matter how much she tries to convince you she has your best interests in mind. It breaks her heart to see that, but I don’t think she’s going to give up on you just like that either. If there’s any way to help you, then she’d like to be there to try it out.
Nikolai: Oh, it’s not going to be easy with him either. However, he’s a bit more relaxed about it than Laswell. If you’re scared about the government being out to kill you, about him being part of said government, or anyone you’ve ever met, then he’ll probably take you to a timeout corner at home. If you want him to reassure you that he’s not going to kill you, he’ll gladly do so. If you want him to leave, then he’ll only kinda do so. He can’t really leave you alone when you’re actively isolating yourself socially. He’s probably going to be a bit more firm with you than Laswell. I don’t think he’d know how to help you either, but if you need him to, then he’ll build you a small cabin somewhere in the middle of nowhere where absolutely no one will be able to find you. He’s well aware you’ll still be distrustful of him, but that’s okay. You’ll get accustomed to him again eventually, he hopes. Has he ever actively harmed you? No, right? He’s not going to harm you either. He won’t have anyone else harm you. But he can see that that’s still hard to believe for you. Nikolai knows that you’re paranoid, but he doesn’t want to see you isolate yourself like that either. Especially not if you’re normally rather outgoing. Even if he has to force you to, you’ll likely be spending time with him, if no one else. You won’t be missing anything with him, I can assure you of that much, but he will do what he can to convince you that he’s no threat to you. No one would kill you, he’d make sure of that.
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paraliveimaginesblog · 11 months
“They’re your kid before five in the morning.” Reader @ Iori with a little girl kiddo? I don't know about you but I can picture Iori being such a doting father honestly, especially with a girl.
(i absolutely can bless you)
Iori Suiseki:
To be fair, these were Iori’s hours.
He had made it home a little earlier than normal, slipping into bed beside you and simply enjoying the feeling of being close to you. It wasn’t abnormal for the romance to start slipping away once a child was introduced into the picture, both of your attention normally focused on your daughter. He didn’t think it was a bad thing for you both to focus heavily on the child you brought into the world together but he wasn’t willing to give up on his relationship so easily. If it meant coming home from work early to curl up with you in the early hours of the morning, when the house was quiet and you both had a moment to be alone, then he’d do just that. Date night had also been properly reintroduced now that your daughter had reached an age where she enjoyed hanging out with her uncles, even begging to have them watch her at times, so Iori felt like things were finally evening out as he got more comfortable in his parental role.
The other part of having a child that he had come to terms with was accepting the unpredictability that came with them. While your daughter had been a well-behaved baby, even coming home from the hospital with a halo around her head and an angelic glow, she had grown into quite the mischievous little escape artist. From the moment she learned how to use her limbs to her advantage she had been climbing from her crib, and now that she was even older, she set out on tasks that didn’t end with ‘okay now I’m on the floor and I don’t know what to do, lets scream’. It had taken her some trial and error, with the loud thumps scaring the life out of you the first few months they happened, but eventually she learned to land on her feet, doing so silently when she mastered walking.
Iori can hear the sound of her door sliding as do you, eyes fluttering open as you glanced over at the alarm clock and sighed.
“She’s your kid before five in the morning,” You mumbled, rolling out of his arms and settling back into your side of the bed; Iori sighed at the loss of contact, but had long since accepted his duty as bouncer. “Go tell her to wait until the sun is up.”
“In the summer that means she will be wakin’ us up.”
“Mmm I’ll worry about it then.”
Iori feels his heart overflow with love for you, chuckling quietly to himself as he leaned down to press a kiss to your temple and tucked you in properly before entering the cold world outside his bedroom. He suspected he already knew where she was heading but he allowed her just a bit of fun before he ruined it, keeping his steps quiet as he navigated to the backyard area. He was right when he saw that the door was slightly ajar, wide enough for her tiny body to slip out; she was too paranoid to close the door fully in case she got locked out, which had happened once before though there were too many people in the house for them not to hear her crying immediately.
“What’re ya doin’ out here?”
She almost screamed which surely would’ve woken everyone in the house but Iori had seen it coming, hand covering her mouth which certainly didn’t help her inclination to scream. When here eyes adjusted and she recognized Iori she reached out for him, not used to seeing him home at such early hours of the morning. He released her as he trusted she knew to use her inside voice this early in the morning, ushering for her to sit down next to him. She flopped herself into his lap instead, settling in comfortably as she looked out at the tiny lights in the sky.
“I miss the fireflies, daddy,” She said rather wistfully, and if Iori could change the very laws of nature just to get the fireflies out here in the dead of winter, he would’ve. “But stars are kinda like them, right?”
“Mm, kinda.” He doesn’t quite agree but he wasn’t about to argue with a child, “Guess you can only see ‘em when you’re supposed to be sleepin’?”
“Yeah…” She points to the sky, wiggling her finger in the air and drawing tiny pictures that only she could see from her perspective. “How many stars are up there?”
“Count the stars and show me how high ya can get.” Iori grinned as he already knew he was winning this battle, your daughters head resting back against his chest as she droned on and on, her words getting quieter as the seconds passed until finally her counting stopped entirely. He had to double check she was actually asleep because he wasn’t sure how high she could actually count, and she had really gotten up there, but the scrunched up look on her face and the way her tiny fist gripped the front of his shirt let him know the recovery mission was a success.
He’s about to move but, despite the season, the air outside was cool and refreshing.
Maybe he’d sit here with her for just a minute longer, because who knew how long it’d be before she wasn’t small enough to sleep in his arms like this.
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laiosynth · 2 months
remembering i can just post about whatever i want whenever i want
(for context, an AU where kabru and tim have switched places in the multiverse at birth. i'll make tim's post soon)
- kabru was convinced dick was going to kill him when he first met him as nightwing and accidentally gave away that he knew their secret identities. ever since, dick has been unbelievably gentle with kabru while also being SO relentless in his teasing. kabru will always be known as "the crazy one" to dick and it confuses everyone else.
- kabru and bruce are literally exactly the same. kabru acts like a tiny version of bruce to everyone (in reality, he's just paranoid-- and also knows exactly how bruce's paranoia works, as well.)
- when kabru first arrives at wayne manor, dragged there LITERALLY carried by the scruff by dick, he still puts on his absolute best manners when greeting alfred at the door. alfred was ready to keep him right then and there.
- kabru freaks out, panics, and starts biting people whenever he accidentally acts like a real boy in front of the bats for the first month he knows them. real of him
- kabru has an entire complex view of the world and the people in it and himself-- he sees himself as a fox, wearing a mask to fit in with the world of hounds. a mask, to him, is a tool to survive.
- when kabru goes to save batman and nightwing from scarecrow, he doesn't take the robin suit. he just takes a domino. kabru doesn't take the title of robin like tim did.
- when jason attacks the titan tower, kabru survivors by using EXTENSIVE psychological warfare and then forcing the guy on a 5-day road trip from the west coast back to the east with him. this somehow works.
- jason hates kabru and also would kill and die for him. calls him "foxface" ever since kabru told him about the fox in a mask thing.
- kabru hates jason but also relies on him for literally all of his emotional needs and also would drop everything at any moment if jason asked
- jason has forced kabru to watch star wars and read the hobbit. kabru forced jason to read PJO
- when damian arrived, kabru was instructed "absolutely NO psychoanalysis". he did not listen
- damian, surprisingly, did not see kabru as that much of a threat. kabru took advantage of this big time
- they bonded surprisingly quickly. kabru showed damian how to use kohl, and they bonded over a shared interest in fashion and clothing as a tool
- kabru quickly became damian's favorite, to everyone's dismay
- when cass first arrived, she didn't like kabru that much. he had a lot to hide, and she didn't like that. she could sense the apprehension and careful precision in every movement of his, and she didn't trust it in the slightest.
- until she realized that he was just a weirdo, and resolved to fix his caution with Extreme Prejudice (lots and lots of love)
- kabru doesn't know what to think of cass at first, because she's... almost entirely unmasked. the only mask she wears is one that's entirely blank.
- she grows on him. aggressively.
- steph didn't like him very much for a long, long time. kabru could tell why- his mask was working too well. and she didn't like his mask at all. "mr perfect goody two-shoes" was her go-to nickname for him.
- the only thing that fixes the disconnect (because kabru's too scared to take OFF his mask, that's too far) is dick telling the story of the time kabru bit him. kabru is mortified. steph is delighted. and a bit disappointed she hadn't realized he was just a Freak earlier.
- duke figures out his act quickly and harshly. kabru is a bit worried, actually, until he realizes that people have just started chalking his entire mask and persona up to "bat weirdness"
- duke gives him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder when kabru realizes this crisis
- bruce is trying SO HARD at this point to bond with kabru any further than "batman and protege"-- pulls out all the stops! calls him chum, literally OFFERS TO ADOPT HIM. kabru is fucking oblivious to bruce's attempts.
- (he's in denial. everyone in the batfam has to get on their case to shake some sense into him)
uhhhh thatd all right now. yay
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dearest-painter · 1 year
I didn’t do anything wrong! PT.2
Summary: Y/N was just living their best life or as best as it can get as spider-man/women. Y/N misses their old friends but understands that they must be busy but once they go to a place that is filled with people wanting them as their child but also to write their story they get pissed off
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader is Miles morals,Reader is tired and trying their best,very out of character characters,this is a series,Reader needs therapy,Reader will be forced into the spider society,I fuck up the movie a lot just so I can make this a bit more sense,Reader is forced to visit Spider society and be away from their actual family,Reader is paranoid and worried all the time now,this doesn’t completely go with the plot as it’ll be a bit different,Reader is mentioned to have selfed harmed because I wanna represent that more as I wanna show that everyone has had tough times even in wrong ways as I’ve selfed harmed in the past so this does mean a lot to me,Reader is basically forced to be around people they don’t want to be around,lots of this comes from me and @ablobwhowrites conversation about this AU, like the blob Bird and a future romantic relationship, I added the fact Reader plays soccer and was 6 years old to make Miguel feel bad, I want ANGST, people might be out of character,tell me if I need to add more
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You and Jessica finally went to the cafeteria area, you held her hand breathing very anxiously…everyone is scaring you. You don’t even trust Jessica your just pretend you do for your own safety! “Mrs.Drew I’m not hungry anymore, we can go back” “Look Y/N I know your scared but you need to eat so let’s go” “Please Mrs.Drew! I can eat later! Please!” Jessica sighed, she knew you were on the verge of crying but you were hungry and her child so she can’t let you go hungry.
She kept walking while holding your hand, no amount of pleading stopped her. Luckily..no one was there which calmed you a bit but you were still scared. She quickly got you food then sent you off to Therapist Spider-Man to hide. Knocking on his door you carefully went in, he looked up and wasn’t surprised to see you. “Jessica told me you’d be here. You can hide anywhere..don’t worry I won’t tell the others.” You nodded your head as you hid in a spot. You were eating but you still had tears in your eyes…why won’t they let you go home!? Why can’t you see your parents!?
Soon you finished your food and decided to take a nap, therapist spider-man seemed like a chill guy…maybe he can help you. You closed your eyes to tired to notice you were crying again as you drifted off. Therapist Spider-man sighed as he walked over to you and covered you with a dark colored blanket but also wiped your tears, he felt bad for you and knew you wanted to go home…he knows that feeling all to well. He sighed as he went back to his desk mumbling. “I should help that kid…their parents is what they need…not this fucking place or people, they need their real family….” That’s what he finally decided, to help you.
Miguel was pissed as no one could find you or Jessica until now as she was pulling up. “Did you find them!?” “No, I looked everywhere” Miguel could tell she was hiding something from him, if she was hiding where you were out he was going to be extra pissed. How dare she hide HIS child! He didn’t mean to body you when he first met you and he wants to apologize! “Jessica, tell me the damn truth…DID. YOU. FIND. THEM!?” Jessica has never seen Miguel so pissed and he wants to know where her darling child is kinda pisses her off! “I didn’t!” “If I find out your lying I’m going to make your life a living hell!”
Miguel let a annoyed yell as he kept looking for you, he needed to apologize to you. He needed to show that he’s a good dad, he needed his family back together. He met you before…he accidentally time traveled to when you were 6 which was Gabriella’s age. You were the sweetest thing, even showed him your bird that was basically a blob that you found at the laundry place.
He was crouching to your height. “Here you go mister! Your my friend now so have this sticker!” You or 6 year old you placed a cartoon spider sticker on his suit giggling, he smiled a bit. He felt so bad for harming you now that he sees the true you…you were wearing soccer gear that matched Gabriella’s own soccer team so that must mean that her old team exists here. “You play soccer?” “Mhm! Mama and Papa say I’m the best! I like being the goalie because I get to kick the ball away!” “Yeah, goalie seems like the best spot. Do you go out and kick the ball or are you just a goalie?” “I go out and kick the ball sometimes! I’m not that good at protecting the ball but Mama says it’s okay!” He ruffled your hair making you giggle even more…it sounded so cute. “Your mama’s right, your still learning and it’s okay” “Y/N! COME ON! WE GOTTA GO!”
“OKAY MAMA! Bye mister! I have to go to my soccer game! Have a nice day!” Six year old you waved goodbye as you ran towards your mother, Miguel watched. He felt empty again…he needed you as his child. He was a better dad by far, it was obvious your parents didn’t teach you stranger danger if you were so willing to talk to him! Miguel shook his head out of the flashback…he remembers why he’s looking for guy again, to be the dad you need.
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ninyard · 2 months
whenever you have a moment for some oc yappery i'd love to hear more abt Paris
you asked for it here's paris (ilovehimilovehimilovehim)
-- paris antonis
-- 25
-- backliner on the same team as lilya, also hoping to get signed for the us court but keeps getting that disappointing phone call that says not this year
— transferred from edgar allan to usc after his first year
Paris. 6'2, he's got big arms and a bigger heart. his hair is buzzed, he has more tattoos than he can count, and always has something in his anxious hands. he’s a seriously empathetic person - if you’re upset, there’s a good chance he’ll end up crying with you. he’s sensitive, a little bit paranoid, and he probably doesn’t trust you.
Paris was scouted for the Ravens from his high school team - he played exy from pretty much the time he could walk. star player, captain of the team, with his recognisable smile and even more recognisable laugh, he was offered a position on the raven lineup, and of COURSE he was going to take it. his wardrobe got darker, more and more people clapping hands on his back saying congratulations, man. they’re the best of the best. you’ll fit right in.
he remembers clearly the last time he saw most people from his hometown - his best friend clare, who pulled at the collar of his black tshirt and asked if this was the new normal. his coach, who shook his hand and wished him luck, not after showing him the picture of him they were printing out to put in the halls of his high school. his little brother jonas, who made him promise to call. who made him promise to send letters and postcards. his older sister sasha, who promised him she’d watch every game. his mom who cried as she watched him leave. his dad who finally told him he was proud of him.
the last time paris smiled in edgar allan was in the minutes where he waited to be escorted to the nest by a raven. paris stood up to shake the girls hand, who only looked at his outstretched palm and told him to follow her.
the next few months were the worst months of his life. he met lilya, who seemed to fit in already, even though she arrived the day before he did. they were partners from the beginning. paris learned the rules of the nest very quickly, and very painfully.
he cried for his mom at the end of his first week. he stopped crying after a month.
there was not a part of him that didn’t change. he became a robot, a shell of himself, a machine that only cared about exy, that lived and breathed edgar allan. happy, smiley paris became this shadow of himself. he forgets what his own voice sounds like when he’s not scared, or tired. he wakes up afraid most of the time.
paris has a scar on his bicep that stretches from just below his arm pit to just above his elbow from some hazing ritual in his second month in EAU. he’s really self conscious about it, because it healed in a messy jagged line - every time he thought it had healed he’d be back on the court and it’d just split back open again. it was the first thing he covered up when he started getting tattoos the summer that he left the nest.
his story goes a little like this then, afterwards; he called his mom the night that he left. while he took a cab as far away as he could, she bought him a plane ticket home.
he didn’t last long back in his hometown.
he couldn’t speak to his family, their pleas for him to talk to them quietly ignored with a shake of his head. his dad noticed the scar across his cheek first, from Paris’ first fight, and his sister was the first to see the awful scar on the back of his calf from where a helmet had been thrown at him and broken skin so badly it needed stitches. his little brother touched the scar on his arm and asked what happened. Paris bought his ticket to California that night, when he’d only been home for a week.
he realised something about himself had well and truly fundamentally changed when he smiled a couple of months into training and adjusting to life at usc; he was having lunch with his teammates, and a joke was said, and he smiled. unintentional, but newly unnatural. a first year goalkeeper nudged him and said, “i think that’s the first time i’ve seen a real smile on your face you since you got here.”
popular, happy, sportsmanship awarding winning Paris, Paris with the pretty smile, Paris with the laugh that you’d recognise from a mile away. Paris who graduated high school as the most likely to become a comedian, most likely to make you laugh, his peers parents’ favourite friend. clare used to tell him off for making her smile when she was down - now? now his own smile no longer reached his eyes, the impulse to laugh buried beneath a single year worth of beatings and suppression. now his teammates were only noticing his first smile, three months into his time at USC.
Paris is paranoid, Paris has to read over documents a hundred times to make sure the terms are okay, Paris doesn’t trust people anymore. he used to be known for being that guy who would tell his friends to give someone the benefit of the doubt, to give someone a chance, to not judge a book by its cover. now he feels like he's skeptical of everyone he meets.
he’s afraid of someone knowing his secrets, he’s afraid of spilling secrets. he never got back into contact with his family once he left for california, except for the odd “im alive” text he sends to his sister once every couple of months. maybe sometime in the future, when he feels like himself again, he'd reach out and make amends, but he can’t let them see him like this. he can’t bear to have his mother look at him the way she did when he first came home. like she doesn’t recognise her own son anymore, like she’s raised this sweet boy and he’s turned himself into a soulless monster.
Paris doesn’t really label his sexuality, but he feels like queer fits him best.
things change for him eventually. he starts to feel like himself again. he smiles more, letting people in, and sometime by the end of his third year he’s heard his true laugh again. it takes him a long time to heal from that year in Edgar Allan, but it’s a slow and painful process, and a very lonely one. but he gets there eventually, with people by his side pushing him forward every step of the way.
there's some more stuff about paris here and here and under my ocs tag but if i dont stop i'll just keep talking about him forever <3
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