yeba · 9 months
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that's a man
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wheeeluv · 2 years
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ggomo being tortured
requested by wheeinsbian!
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livewireswift · 2 years
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fyeahwheein · 2 years
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22100 whee_inthemood
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ggomos-maribat · 6 months
ughhhh too many ideas in my head
Marinette settling in Gotham as a designer's assistant who gets her therapy from Jazz, and Jazz knows her hero ID. One day while walking through the streets, Mari sees her therapist and the Red Hood locked in an argument so she assumes Jazz is being harassed/hurt/threatened by the crime lord then suddenly attacks him with her purse screaming.
Jazz finally breaks them apart ("ow! why does this little girl hit so hard?!" yes, Marinette went feral) and then introduces Red Hood as another of her patients
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snowddeong · 1 year
The love I have for this lil mf Dallie I love you so much 😭😭😭😭
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snowdeong · 1 year
Catposting my fav's cat look at this boy
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tinybrie · 2 years
16. If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be?
23. If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
16. Timinette. I’ve no choice, I’m stuck in the cult. Looking at you @the-coffee-fandom
23. Probably one of the ones I posted when I first posted writing on Tumblr. I had unfinished felinette and daminette fics. I think some of them had elaborate lore (fantasy au) and had some plot points written out on an app I don’t use anymore
13. That I don’t have to overthink and justify every little detail. Like yes the alien skin can be blue just because. I don’t have to dive hours deep into what makes a fish blue. Or justify that they photosynthesize but in a ~special~ way. That people just accept it as plot. Quite freeing advice that was for a perfectionist
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fleursroses · 1 year
Of boys and boxes
Holy shit I reached 250 followers yesterday!! Genuinely I want to thank you so much. So, in honour of that here's finally the fic I said I'd write back in like October (whoops). It's inspired by this post by @ggomos-maribat​, so if you're wondering why you got tagged in this, it's because you asked to in case anyone wrote something for it. I hope it lives up to your expectations!!! I will also post this on AO3 and reblog with the link. But for now, enjoy <333
However Marinette thought it would be to be the Guardian of the Miracle Box, she couldn't exactly say it would even come close to reality. Sure, the whole thing surrounding Hawkmoth that got her in the situation in the first place generally sucked a lot, but in a way she knew what she could expect. Then Shadowmoth happened, and Monarch, who eventually all turned out to be Gabriel Agreste, the fucking dad of her longtime crush and partner Chat Noir. Yeah, talk about killing the mood. 
Okay, if she was being honest, at that point the feelings for either had been fading for a while, mainly due to all the stress being Guardian put on her life. Sometimes she couldn't help but resent Fu for all that he, although not necessarily on purpose, had forced her to go through, from losing her childhood so early without any guidance, to making her feel like she wasn't allowed to have feelings without putting the world that was laid upon her thin shoulders at risk. It never felt fair though, because she knew Fu had had to go through the same thing. At least she still had some sort of support network. 
Still, the whole thing left her too traumatised to really want to pursue Adrien any further, or anyone else for that matter. This was fine by her, and although he was a bit disappointed, Adrien understood and respected her feelings on this matter. She was glad she could still have him by her side, despite it not being the future they had both dreamed of. 
However, being left with a bit too much time on her hands, Marinette had decided to focus more on her duties as guardian, wanting to fully uncover its secrets without the threat of having all the kwamis being stolen from her again hanging over her head. And as much as she wished Fu had trained her more, she didn't think he had known about... certain connections the miracle box had to various organisations either. Wasn't that just her luck?
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It had been 3 years since Hawkmoth had been defeated, and Marinette had spent most of that time travelling all over the world. Every so often she would return to Paris again though, to meet up with her old friends. They would go out for drinks and Marinette would tell all about the classes she followed online to get a business degree, as well as tell about where she had been and what she had done as Guardian. She had to admit, it was nice to finally be able to talk about being Ladybug, even if the group who knew was still only really small. Or rather, it was nice to have the possibility. In reality, she was so used to being secretive, out of sheer habit she sometimes forgot to mention things other people would undoubtedly have told their friends. 
It would go like this: One of the times she was back after a particularly long 5 months away, Marinette invited Adrien, Alya, Nino, Kagami and Chloé to hang out at the bakery with her. Just as she was telling a story about the crazy commission she had gotten from one of Jagged's friends, something she occasionally did to help keep her afloat while she was abroad, she got a call from an, to her friends, unfamiliar name. Apologizing to the group, who assured her it was fine, she answered. Her and the guy on the other end held a short civil conversation, ending with Marinette promising she would drop something of his by his place at her earliest convenience and then ended it just as quickly. When asked about the other guy, she just said "Oh that's just Damian, I met him in Tunisia," and then immediately went back to her story again, as if nothing had really happened.
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Yet, this Damian continued to show up in conversations after that. Over time her friends gathered that although they had met in Tunisia, he was apparently American, had a big family and a preference for the same martial arts Marinette did. She didn't talk about him all that much, mostly just mentioned him every so often, like when Alya accompanied her to her favourite fabric store while she was still in the neighbourhood. 
"And so this creep comes up to me all macho like I didn't just pepperspray one of his friends right in front of him- Wait Mari check this green satin out, don't you think it would look nice on Adrien?"
Marinette came over and inspected the fabric, and while picking up the roll noted "I think it's a bit too dark for him, but I think it would look really good on Damian instead. He has this weird thing about green as a family colour or whatever, maybe I can make him something?"
Alya looked curiously as Marinette whipped out her sketchpad and sketched out a whole suit while lost in thought. She didn't take it personally, she knew this was just how the other girl could sometimes get when particularly inspired. Interested, she noted that it had been the thought of Damian that did it this time. But then again, Marinette's mind sometimes worked in the strangest ways, and Alya knew better than to pry or interrupt her. So, she just picked up the story where she had left it, knowing it would eventually find its way into Marinette's brain.
"Anyway, at the end the dude was totally crying and I hadn't even done much yet, you'd totally be proud of me girl-"
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In the end, Alya couldn't shake her curiosity. Trying to google the guy didn't help much when she didn't have a surname, and look, she just wanted to know the guy was alright. Not that she didn't trust Marinette's judgement, on the contrary, but it would be nice to have a bit more to go off on. Asking Marinette straight up didn't help much either, only getting her vague answers. But as she offhandedly mentioned it to her friends when Marinette was away again, she found they were also eager to bring up their curiosity. 
"We don't even know what he looks like! But she likes him enough that she makes him fancy clothes of her own volition!" Chloé lamented dramatically. Although she would never admit it, she was a bit miffed she couldn't find out anything about Damian either. Even her sources couldn't tell her anything, and they usually never failed her. 
"I think we should just be happy she is designing again, no matter the reason."
 They all fell silent at Kagami's words, remembering how bad the period after Hawkmoth's defeat had been. It was only then Marinete's cracks had visibly begun to show to all of them, partly through several months void of the usual creative outlets and other emotions in general. It had been... rough, to say at the least.
"Still though. I don't think she has designed this much for one person since, disregarding Jagged's commissions. And she doesn't even talk about him! I mean, when I'm alone with her she always talks about all of you like you hung up the moon. I don't think she has talked about one person she likes as little as... as Luka."
Nino looked at his girlfriend incredulously. "Are you seriously suggesting Marinette has a crush on Damian? She barely ever even sees him."  
Alya simply shrugs. "I mean, probably not, but it can't hurt to think of all bases, right? But okay, what do you think about this: he is a secret assassin and Marinette made him normal by the power of friendship and now she has to constantly like, check up on him to make sure he doesn't go back to the darkside. No, listen, hear me out-"
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Somehow, although they didn't know it, reality had been even stranger. Or well, if they had met years ago Alya could maybe even have been right, but as it was Damian hadn't been part of the "dark side" for a very long time, nor was he in danger of going back. Maybe that would have been sort of preferable to Marinette, but she still supposed her situation wasn't that bad, even though, yes, she was technically speaking kind of stuck. Trying to explain this to her friends was... a feat. 
This is all to say they had found out. It happened when she had invited all her friends over to New York to attend a fashion show she had been allowed to design a small piece for when accidentally gaining attention from yet another designer. When afterwards they were just taking a stroll through the city, all talking excitedly, a beautiful woman had come up to Marinette and taken her aside to talk without paying any heed to her friends. For some reason, they started talking in Mandarin. It wasn't a very long conversation, which ended by the woman patting Marinette on the head and walking away again. 
When she turned around, she found all her friends staring at her, dumbfounded. 
"How the hell do you know Talia Head?" Chloé demanded. 
Somehow, Marinette only looked at them blankly, like she had never heard that name in her life. Like she hadn't literally just been talking to the actual CEO of LexCorps. When Chloé told her this, recognition slowly dawned on the other girl.
"Right, Talia. I forgot she's doing that now. Hm. I wonder who she has designing for her, I should ask her..." 
This time, she pulled out a notebook the others hadn't ever seen before, filling it with the strangest characters. There seemed to be some structure to it, possibly making it a language, but it wasn't one any of them had ever seen before.
Later, Marinette would chalk it up to her unfortunately being distracted, but when Alya asked her how she knew Talia then, if it apparently wasn't for her currently being one of the most well known business persons in the world, she just replied "She's my mother-in-law?" like this was a known fact. 
As several voices shrieked "YOU'RE MARRIED??" Marinette suddenly remembered she had not, in fact, told her friends about her marriage yet. 
"I mean, yes, more or less? It happened when I went to China again, and I met this League of uh. League of Assassins. But their leader knew a lot about the Miracle Box and he told me he would share everything with me if I married his grandson. Also that I would probably die if I didn't, but honestly I had hit a dead end so I really needed his knowledge, you know? It's fine though, I don't even know if it's like, legally binding. Also we didn't have to do anything besides be married, so. Pretty good deal actually!"
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It took a lot of time for her friends to settle down, and to accept that she was fine and not under constant threat of being assassinated. It was a whole ordeal. Eventually though, it was Adrien who settled it by quietly asking her whether her husband at least treated her well. 
"I mean, sure, I guess? He's chill. Also, I am provided with so much more knowledge now, I feel like you're not properly considering that pa-." 
She was interrupted by a strange noise coming from her phone. She glanced down, fully prepared to ignore it for the more pressing matters at hand, but upon seeing who had texted her she decided to reply anyway. 
"Hang on, he's texting me, I need to answer this."
Random American dude???
My family just found out that I got married. They're being really annoying about it.
Snorting, she texted back, knowing her friends were still watching her every move.
Funny how that works, my friends did too just now
I blame your mother tho
She then showed her phone to her friends. "See? Damian and I are fine." 
It was Alya who made the connection first.
"Wait, if you've actually been married to Damian all along, and your mother in law is Talia Head…"
@nerd-nowandforever @prettykittytanjiro @toughluna @meira-3919 @taewinterbear95 @maanae @hammalammadamdam @swaggermcjagger @countessdragon @starscreamlover @snorlaxly-tired @illusionwolfwriter24r8 @kaitense1 @wildcardjoey @dramatic-squirrel @leftguard66 @mimblizzy @mikami1992 @tinybrie @theg0ddesspersephone @psychicdelusionwerewolf​ @folk-ever-lore​  
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ghostdoodlen · 2 years
Y'all go check out @ggomos-maribat 's Fox DCW Series
It's amazing. Super funny and will make you cry a little. I know I did.
Here's a spoiler from Chapter 38
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This is probably one of my favorite chapters
I'm a sucker for twins especially since I am one
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the-coffee-fandom · 2 years
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Gif by @the-coffee-fandom please do not repost or steal, tumblr kind of killed the quality with its file size max
❥ Timari :
Marigolds Pierce My Skin
Cat’s Don’t Always Chase Birds
A Duck And A Ladybug (Roommates Edition)
Coffee Is My Love Language
Into The Depths Of Our Minds
Death Came For Me
I Don’t Need To See Stars (I Saw You Instead)
Don’t Overwork Yourself (Trust Me Because I Love You)
A Date With Sleep
❥ Bio Dad :
Dreaming Of Anemone
My Identity Is By Your Side
My Heart Is Tied To Family
Argue With Me Sister
First Meetings Aren’t Always The Best, But Sometimes They Are
❥ Damianette :
Memories Filled With You
Hold Me Tight Till Mornings Light
Some Angel’s Die, Some Angels Fly
Sister!?! Preposterous!
❥ Jasonette :
The Cookie Problem
❥ Dickinette :
Did You Fall From Heaven? (No It Was The Chandelier)
❥ Cassette :
Death Bouquet
❥ Multi-ship :
Valentine’s Day Special 2021
❥ Collabs :
Leave (And Ignore The Pain Behind My Eyes) (Written with @miraculousmelodies ; Timari)
Alphabet Soup (Written with dragonbug, @jinx-jade, @legends-live-in-memories, @shamrockace, RayBell (Shard_Of_Stained_Glass), @tylindel, @wildbookcat ; multi-ship)
Friendships A Fine Line I Could Never See (Written with @miraculousmelodies and Ever_lore ; Timari)
From Your Favorite Chaos Gremlins (Written with @miraculousmelodies and Ever_lore ; found family)
Don’t Blame Me (Written with Ever_lore)
In Sickness And In Health (I’ll Love You) (Written with @coolkid-mcgee, Miarculas, @miraculousmelodies ; Timari)
And That’s The Tea (Written with @serenescribbles and @miraculousmelodies ; Jasonette)
Sunflower (Written with @izanae, @newdog14, @nitwitjustice ; Timari)
Pure Sugar (Written with @coolkid-mcgee, @izanae, @miraculousmelodies ; Timari)
Captive Hearts (Written with @boldlyanxious, @izanae, Ever_lore, @jumpingjoy82, @the-witches-you-couldnt-burn ; Jasonette)
Memories Of Family: A Pass Story (Written with @izanae, @jumpingjoy82, @serenescribbles, @the-witches-you-couldnt-burn ; Family)
If Baldness Was A Crime (We’d Solve It With Crayon) (Written with @jumpingjoy82, Ever_lore, @miraculousmelodies, @serenescribbles ; Timari)
If Your Girlfriend Gets Mad (We Fix It With Logic) (Written with @miraculousmelodies, Ever_lore, @nitwitjustice ; Timari)
If Your Nemesis Fights Back (We Kill Him With Glitter) (Written with @miraculousmelodies, Ever_Lore, @nitwitjustice ; Timari)
❥ Series :
Rim Drake (Timari Crack Fics)
Flowers Aren’t Always A Love Language (Unconnected Hanahaki au’s)
Team Issa’s Stolen A (Event Collection)
❥ Collections :
Admission Fee Fics (Co-ran with @velveteenshadow)
❥ Related Works :
No Stronger Bond Than Ours @serenescribbles (Inspired by Sister!?! Preposterous!)
❥ Gifts :
And They Were Roommates @jinx-jade (Damianette)
Hearts Entwined TheNumberFairy (Tim/Marinette/Stephanie)
Time’s TikToking sunshinyy_rose (Damianette)
Not Crazy, Creative sunshinyy_rose (Damianette)
Paying For A Strangers Coffee May Lead To Unexpected Results @peachieplanetssb (Timari)
Tim-Marry @izanae (Timari)
Mastermind! @peachieplanetssb (Timari)
Petals Of You @ggomos-maribat (Timari)
When All Is Too Much Lean On Me @tylindel (Timari)
Camellia Japonica @ggomos-maribat (Timari)
Smexy Chocolate (Or Coffee Overlords) QueenKitten101 (General Pairings)
Coffee Lovers @miraculousmelodies @tylindel Ever_lore (Timari)
“I’m the favorite!” “No you’re not you little-” @ellienettie (Dickinette)
Never Enough Time Butterflies_and_Ladybugs @jumpingjoy82 (General Pairings)
No Stronger Bond Than Ours @serenescribbles (Family)
What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been @izanae (Jasonette)
❥ Awards :
Tag Team Tournament 2022 ~
High score & Most submissions
Challenge Accepted
Java Junkies MVP
Maribat Awards 2021 ~
Runner up in Most Underrated Maribat Fic
Maribat Awards 2022 ~
Most Underrated Author
Best Historical/Fantasy AU (as well as runner up)
❥ My Art :
Damianette Soulmates for @tree-reads
Vee Owl House
King Owl House
Only Rocketships Timari Scene
Only Rocketships Sheep Costume
Only Rocketships Cover
❥ Check Out These Super Cool Authors :
Miracle-Sham (ShammrockTales)
Jinx-Jade (Trial_and_Error)
❥ Want to join me on discord?
Timari Coven
Holy Miraculous, Batman!!!!
Maribat Server
❥ Things I help run
Maribat Prompts Blog
❥ Inbox messages open for questions, suggestions, ideas, recommendations, and otherwise!
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Favourite Maribat Fic 2022 Nominees
The Crushed Bug by i_wish_you_knew
Save Myself by @izanae
In An Apron by dreamsof_moonlight
Coup de Foudre (Came With a Lightning Bug) by @newdog14
A Thousand Years by Undercover_fangirl @marauderundercover
The Tailor by @littleinkling64
Do you Like Girls? by @legends-live-in-memories
Fox DCW: The Birth of Inari by @ggomos-maribat
To be Worthy by @boldlyanxious
The Protector Recovered by @newdog14
After the Rain Comes Rainbows by @tylindel
Captive hearts by @boldlyanxious, @folk-ever-lore, @izanae, @jumpingjoy82, @the-coffee-fandom, @the-witches-you-couldnt-burn
Turbulence (Night Flight) by withluvsan (@lostlovelis)
Ready to vote? Click HERE!
Or check out the Nominations Masterlist HERE
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livewireswift · 2 years
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ending fairy ggomo
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wendyslegalwife · 5 months
i saw you write for mamamoo
could i request fluff with moonbyul 🥺🥺🥺 clingy moonbyul being super charismatic and cool until shes with reader
Sorry I've kept you waiting for so long here you go anonie😔🙏🩵
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Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
------------- Fic under the cut
★ You and byul met at a salon when she was getting her hair done for their latest comeback illela, she was busy texting with wheein on her phone not until you stepped in the salon her head turned automatically as she thought it was wheein since she was expecting her. But when she turned her head she saw a beautiful girl not to tall just average, long wavy golden brown hair, fair skin.. oh she was loving this.
You sat down to get a trim and she stared at you for a good while before she snapped out of it when wheein called her on the phone saying she couldn't come because ggomo was having stomach problems. Moonbyul texted back then stood up and there she approaches you and there it all began.
She's been courting you for over 9 months and after all that effort you finally gave her that sweet yes, you started having dates with her going anywhere you'd like. She'd always spoil you with the best of everything that you want, anything for her princess.
Moonbyul was a beast and a very cool idol onstage showing off her charisma and charms to her moomoo's (mamamoo's fandom name) but you can't help but find it cute whenever she came home and caught you watching one of those cool and charismatic compilations of her stage performances she gets all shy and too embarrassmed to even speak.
But you always reassured her that she was doing great and that she isn't supposed to be embarrassmed at all, after all she's your little hamster right? Of course she is.
One morning you woke up, trying to snuggle closer to your beloved but then blinked your eyes open seeing that you were hugging nothing but air. You immediately took your phone without hesitation seeing if moonbyul left a note or text on your phone on why she had left so early in the morning.
You unlock your phone with you thumb print scrolling immediately to your text messages, you see her text and opened.
"hey my pumpkin, sorry I left you so early I had to go to the conpany to practice for my upcoming tour, I'll be home by 5:30 okay? I love you! Don't forget to stay hydrated and eat breakfast. I prepared your favorite, and there's boba in the fridge, with pearls of course! Love you mwa mwa gtg🩵🩷"
You smiled feeling happy on how thoughtful your girlfriend is. You got up from your bed and fixed the sheets and pillows before walking out of the room entering the kitchen to eat breakfast. While eating breakfast you read a few articles online about moonbyul's upcoming tour in Asia and you had never felt so happy and proud for your lover.
After eating breakfast you rested on the couch by watching mamamoo's new music video and moonbyul's new song. You finished them both and immediately went into the bathroom to take a shower, after you took a shower a strawberry scent lingers, as the scent flows across the room which byul loved.
Lying down on the couch you can't help but feel bored doing nothing much but cleaning and preparing food for the both of you. Then a bright idea came in mind, you decided to go to byul's company to surprise her. You were never prohibited to go there you just didn't feel like going because of dispatch.
Everybody had already knew about your relationship with byul, moomoo's were extremely happy and some k-netz weren't since you knew how much of a homophobic country korea is. You just didn't give a fuck at this point and immediately went to her company building as you rode a taxi cab.
You paid the driver and immediately went inside the company, there you see purple kiss as they greet you with a smile waving to you happily, you waved back before you went inside the elevator. On the third floor your eyes meet a long hallway, you look for byul's room which had her name on it.
Your eyes rested upon seeing wheein, you greeted her with a hi and embraced the small woman, "hey wheein-ah where are you headed?" You ask, "Oh to byul's practice she said she would wanted the members see how she's doing. Hwasa and solar will follow along just them being late." Wheein scoffed feeling annoyed.
"alright let's go in then!" You both entered the room and there you saw your girlfriend doing well as she dances with power and cool moves. You sat down beside wheein and you both chatted for a bit, "How's being moonbyul's girlfriend hm?", "it's amazing, she's everything I've dreamt of" Wheein smiles. "I bet she teases you a lot!" You laugh softly, "oh no she won't she can't stand up against me!" You said jokingly.
After quite awhile byul had finally finished practicing and finally noticed you! She immediately went to hug you but you push her away, "oh get away stinky!" You say, byul pouts sadly and does aegyo out of nowhere. Wheein was flabbergasted as she had never seen this side of byul "gosh byul unnie that's very disgusting of you.." Wheein makes a disgusted face.
The two bicker for awhile and you just laughed the whole time not doing anything, what a sweet girlfriend you are. Then the other two members finally enter hwasa and solar. "What's going on with you two?" Solar asks her eyebrows raising, forehead furrowing. "Byul was doing aegyo and wheein got annoyed.." you said, "Correction y/n I'm disgusted." "You say that like you didn't just do aegyo infront of ggomo?? A cat??" Hwasa just laughs seeing the two bicker.
"whatever I'm just here to watch byul practice" Hwasa scoffs as she sat down beside wheein, solar followed along and sat down beside you. Byul stomps her feet feeling annoyed by her members, "I wanna go home!" Byul exclaims. "Okay let's go home then," you said. "It's just another hour byul come on!!" Solar spoke loudly.
And with that moonbyul continued to practice for another hour having fun with you and her group members. After an hour passed by everyone said their goodbyes to byul except for you because you will be taking her home with you, you both got out of the building and drove home.
Byul wouldn't stop stomping and pouting the whole ride because she was so annoyed by how her members teased her so much to you, she kept stomping her feet on the car floor till you noticed her. Your little hamster loves the attention, "baby stop stomping your feet okay?" Moonbyul lets out a whine which you found cute. "Byul-ah if you don't behave I won't spoon you later." Her eyes widens hearing that you won't spoon her, "But! I was just annoyed..." You roll your eyes at her childishness. "Okay looks like no spooning then."
You park your car and both hop out of it, as you were opening the door byul embraces you from behind, "please baby I'm sorry for misbehaving:<" Using her little puppy face just so you could forgive her. "Alright fine since your such a cutie, let's go eat dinner now okay?" She nods and you entered your home.
You both enjoyed eating together having fun, sharing laughters, secrets, funny moments, sad moments, exchanging I love you's to eachother. Just living the moment filled with love and happiness.
Playing with the bubbles while you both washed the dishes and laughed at how ridiculous you both looked, but no amount of ridiculousness could defeat your strong love for eachother.
After a long day of byul's practice you take care of her like your own child, preparing a bath for her, soothing any pain from her body, giving her lots of smooches and teasing her often.
"byul-ah are you done?" Byul shouts out yes and with that she gets out of the bath her body covered in towel cloth, she removes the towel wrapped around her body and lays down on the bed facing the pillow. You sat ontop of her thighs and began to massage her back, "where does it hurt baby? Here?" You knead her lower back and she lets out a small "yes".
You massage her for awhile before you freshen her up by brushing her long hair, applying skincare on her face and lotion allover her body. She loves being taken care by you, no wonder why she acts like such a big baby when it's just the two of you.
She comes out of the bathroom wearing her pyjamas as she jumps on the bed and immediately embraces you, you smiled as you spooned her. Despite byul being the taller and bigger in the relationship she likes being spooned more.
"goodnight baby, I love you byul." You placed a soft kiss on her forehead before you went to dreamland, she smiles and places a soft kiss onto your lips and says, "I love you more y/n-ah.. sleep well my beauty." And there you both fell into deep slumber, asleep in eachother's arms.
I hope you like it anonie^^ - wendyslegalwife🩵
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Wheein: motherhood is difficult
Solar: you're not?? a mom??
Wheein: [cradling ggomo in a blanket, feeding him a bottle of milk] what do you mean?
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ggomos-maribat · 1 year
Tim Drake didn't particularly like the occult.
But Constantine said the two were their best bet against the demon uprising. The magic-user, howeover, refused to contact them himself, claiming that it was a bad idea to involve them, that they were better off dealing with the problem on their own than . . . outsourcing. Unfortunately, Tim (and the rest of the Batfamily really) was stubborn. If they had potential allies to help them, wouldn't it be worth to take the risk?
This mission to contact those people then dragged him to a downtown bar to talk to famous designer Marinette Dupain-Cheng, who he was ninety-five percent sure was one of the two Constantine was talking about.
Tim told himself that perhaps a little bit of sweet-talking would do. His hand inched closer to hers on the tabletop, but she immediately pulled away. "This night has been fun, Monsieur Drake." She smiled sweetly. "But I don't think my husband will appreciate me staying out late."
She showed him a glowing band on her finger, which Tim completely missed when they met. He, too, pulled away, cheeks turning pink. "Uhh, yeah, sorry 'bout that. Don't let me keep you."
Although Marinette had slipped out, he still had a mission to do.
He decided to follow her.
He knew of her potential danger, signified by the fact that she was walking on a dark, deserted, Gotham street by herself. He held his breath when she stopped right below a flickering lamppost.
She turned around, plump red lips stretching into a sinister smile. "That's quite sneaky of you, Monsieur Drake. Why don't you be direct with what you want, hm?"
And he took a step out of the shadows, dropping his act. "We need your help."
"Who told you about me?"
". . . John Constantine."
Her nose wrinkled. "That soul-whore? Figures."
Tim definitely didn't show it, but the way she stood, her mere presence was unnerving like a beast waiting to pounce. But at the same time, she was so unfairly beautiful even in the darkness.
Marinette smoothed down her hair. "What makes you think we're willing to help?"
Tim's eyebrows raised. "'We'?"
A sudden chill arrived with the wind, summoning goosebumps all over his skin. The lamp switched off in a blink, and when it turned on again, a shadow had appeared beside Marinette, which morphed into a human. Or at least he thought it was a human.
"Yes, 'we'," a new voice said. "She and her husband."
Fuck. The man was dressed in elegant clothes, a perfect match with his wife. His hair was slicked back but with strands softly falling on top of his ethereal eyes. Tim swore those were fangs under his pale lips, sharp like the gaze he was shooting at him. Both his deep blue eyes and Marinette's seemed to shine under the moonlight.
Tim was officially scared. He never did like the occult, but goddamn, the occult was causing his bi-panic.
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