empressofthelibrary · 2 years
Also I'm rewatching some of GL:tAS and the Star Sapphire intro ep is enjoyable and I love Ghia'ta to death
but I'm gonna strangle Aga'po for encouraging her maybe-nineteenish niece to throw herself at a dude in his thirties or forties and not understanding why Hal wasn't into it, then encouraging Ghia'ta to drug him
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www-razaya4life · 7 days
GLTAS' Extended Role in COIE 3 Part 7
With the multiverse on the brink of collapse, Hal can't help but worry about one person: Carol Ferris of his earth.
He decides to bring her to Satellite in hopes of reconnecting with her.
So he approaches the DC Trinity and asks them to grant him this boon. When questioned, Hal states that she could be of use if not just to have some additional company as they stave off the multiverse's imminent destruction.
Batman reluctantly agrees, but has Hal stay behind whilst he, himself, fetches her. Hal warns him about her not answering to strangers. The Dark Knight assures him that he knows how to get her to listen.
On GLTAS' earth, Carol Ferris is in her office finishing up some paperwork when she notices the giant torn seam in the sky.
Upon witnessing it, she can only assume that there is trouble on the horizon. So she goes over to her desk drawer and pulls out a small box. Carol opens it to reveal her Star Sapphire ring
As she gazes at it, memories of her time on Zamaron flash through her mind.
"Huh, and they say I'm a split-personality." A voice says, snapping her back to reality.
Carol jumps and to her surprise, a well-dressed man emerges from the shadows of her office. "Who are you and how'd you get in here?" She asks worriedly.
"My name is Bruce Wayne and I would've gladly made an appointment, but there was no-one at the front desk." "That's because my receptionist is out on sick leave. What do you want?"
"I came to recruit you for a very important mission." Bruce says. "Let me guess. Something to do with the large tear in the sky?" "You're even more intelligent than your files lets on." "M-My file?" Carol stammers.
"Yes, for example: Your name is Carol Ferris. You inherited your father's aircraft company upon his passing, you were a decorated air-force pilot prior to that, and have a strict rule about inner-office relationships."
"Huh, I guess someone's been doing his homework." Carol scoffs. "I'm not here to play games. The fate of your reality hangs in the balance." "Well I don't see how I will be of any help." Carol remarks solemnly.
The two CEOs stare at each other intently.
"What's this do?" Bruce says, holding the Star Sapphire ring as Carol frantically searches through her coat pockets in disbelief.
"No buttons. Not even a tiny switch. I assume this works off mental concentration?" "Try emotional autonomy." Carol corrects, "B-But how did you take that without me noticing?"
"Simple: you weren't concentrating." Bruce quips, flashing a cocky smile. "Oh ha ha. Give me that!" Carol snaps, angrily snatching her ring back from Bruce.
"For future reference, don't ever do that again." "Unless I want to." Bruce says dismissively.
"What's the significance of that ring to you anyway?" Bruce asks, genuinely curious.
Carol recants her adventure on Zamaron and her trial by fire against Atrocitus. "In short, Ghia'ta not only sacrificed herself to save Hal & me, but to enforce her newly gained perception of love." Carol takes a deep breath before continuing. "She died because she believed in me."
"Is that why you choose not to wear that ring?" Bruce asked.
"I can't call myself worthy of being her successor unless I was willing to do the same." "And are you?"
Carol stares down at her ring in contemplation. "Maybe." As Bruce starts to leave, Carol calls out to him. "Wait. I'll have to make some arrangements first. But otherwise, I'm in." Bruce nods in approval.
Once everything is set, Bruce requests Satellite to beam them up.
Upon arriving, Carol is taken aback by the sheer magnitude of Satellite's operations as well as the amount of heroes present.
"Just who are you to these people?" Carol asks as Bruce puts on his cowl whilst her head was turned.
"I'm Batman." he replies (the iconic Danny Elfman theme playing as he says it)
Carol cocks an eyebrow and replies, "Yeah, never heard of you." She then spots Hal from across the room and runs over to him.
Hal is, of course, elated to see her as he embraces her in a hug.
"I told you I'd see around the galaxy." "Well, at least I know you're a woman of your word." Hal remarks slyly. "Don't push it Hal."
The Green Lantern then catches her up on the current predicament. "So if we lose..." Carol ventures. "So does the entire multiverse." Hal finishes gravely.
"Right. So...no pressure then." Carol quips nervously.
She then notices Kilowog chatting amidst some random DC heroes. "Kilowog. Is that you?"
The GL sergeant's face lights up with elation when he sees her. "Carol! How've ya been poozer?" He exclaims as he scoops her up in one of his famous bear hugs, nearly suffocating her.
"Alright there big guy. Take it easy on her." Hal advises.
"Are you kidding? Your girl is just as durable as any GL I've ever trained." Kilowog says defensively as he releases Carol from their hug.
"It's great to see you again sweetie." Carol says warmly before pecking him on the cheek affectionately; causing him to blush.
"Okay, what do we do first?" "Nothing." "You're serious?" Carol asks, feeling her heart sink with disappointment. "We're stationary for the time being."
"Ugh, great. I get dragged all the way up here just to sit around and do nothing." Carol sulks.
Hal tries to cheer Carol up by encouraging her to go socialize with the other heroes. "Think of it as one of your company mixers."
"Hal, I don't think this is anything remotely close to that and even if it were, I don't have anything nice to wear."
"Carol, we're surrounded by a plethora of people who are probably dressed worse than you. I think you should be fine."
Carol sighs in exasperated defeat and wanders off to go mingle amongst the various heroes as the fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance.
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killingbill · 7 months
In Love ... And War (killingbill, on AO3)
This is an episode rewrite of the episode In Love... And War, from Green Lantern the Animated Series. In this version, Carol Ferris is not waiting at home and Hal does not have a true love. Ghia'ta wants him, and will go to any lengths to keep him in compliance with her aunt Aga'po's plans for the lanterns. What might have happened should Hal have not resisted the Star Sapphire's advances? Now, we'll be able to find out for sure.
preview under the cut, full story linked above. explicit, no content warnings apply, f/m. Words:10,167 Chapters:1/1
What-IfVaginal SexSirensSmutCanon RewriteRewritePost-Canon Fix-ItOral SexAltered Mental StatesBreastsBetrayalRidingHand JobsLove Potion/SpellSeductionManipulationMind ManipulationNipple LickingKissingMaking LoveDistrustVanilla
“Is that all it takes to stop a green lantern?” Razer asks, a snide look on his face as he sits at the console, leaning back in his chair with legs crossed. His gaze is directed at Kilowog.
Hal already finds himself torn . He knows how beaten up his friend has been about his lady-love, and while he can’t exactly understand having someone at home, he has become acquainted with the pain of separation. It was just an unfortunate situation, and he’s sure his friend agrees.
“ A broken heart? ” Razer finishes coldly, while Hal looks over at Kilowog. His face was somber. I better go talk to him , Hal thinks to himself, approaching the larger of the two.
“You want to talk about it, sir, mopes a lot? ” Hal asks, coming up behind Kilowog and placing a hand on his shoulder, which is immediately thrown off by a great shrug.
“No!” The lantern shouts. “I miss Galia, okay?” He speaks, his ears lowering in the throes of upset.
“Hey, I know.” Hal says, remaining behind with his hands off for the moment. “But look, you need something to keep your mind off this emotional stuff.” The Green Lantern continues.
Luckily for them, Aya picks this exact moment to turn from her station. “Sensors indicate an entity, eight thousand meters off the starboard bow.” Her robotic voice informs the crew. Hal instinctively looks over at her with admitted excitement. Perhaps too much is too much where an unknown entity is concerned. “Contact in: twenty seconds.” Aya continues.
“Thank you, Aya. That’s exactly what I’m talking about.” Hal says, pointing a finger at Aya before his gaze moves back to Kilowog. “So, Kilowog. You’re in charge—what's your move?” Hal asks, his fists landing on his hip. Confident in his friend, of course.
Kilowog slumps, his red eyes closing softly before re-opening. “Look, Jordan. I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but..." His brows lower. “I’m just not up for this."
Hal moves to respond, clearly disheartened, but all of a sudden there’s an impact that sends the crew flying from their previous positions. Aya and Razer roughly shifted from the con, while Hal Jordan ends up flat on his face in the aftermath. “What the heck?” Hal exclaims, before dutifully picking himself up as soon as possible.
Hal’s wobbly feet carry him towards the viewscreen, which is swiftly enveloped by the visage of an enormous monster.
Razer and Aya are both half-up off the floor when Razer confirms, “That’s a real monster."
“I did give ample warning.” Aya adds.
“I thought you were playing along!” Hal answers from the captain’s chair. “Let’s go, guys!" 
With that, Razer, Kilowog, and Hal all fly to the exit hatch, where the opening makes way for a giant, clear tentacle. The appendage sweeps through easily, the three bouncing around the space for cover until a snake-like form winds around their largest friend, pulling Kilowog from the ship.
Razer and Hal fly after them in a sweep of red and green glow, while Kilowog hauls out his hammer. He bashes the tentacle once, to no avail, with his friends in pursuit, who soon realize this entity has gotten itself wrapped around the entirety of their vessel. They’re trapped.
Hal raises his fist. "Aya, shock that thing off the..." Hal makes a noise akin to having the wind knocked out of you as a tentacle assaults him from behind and another grabs him from the opposite side.
Aya gasps, pressing down on the green button, sending a shockwave through the monster, who roars in protest. However, it doesn’t do much.
The monster is still clinging to Kilowog and gets a hold of Hal, even as Razer shoots at it. In fact, this action only makes the monster send another tendril to grab Razer in turn.
Just as Kilowog is being brought to the great beasts’ jaws, a flash of pink energy streaks against the stars and collides with it. The arm holding Kilowog diverted from the mouth as more energy came from the source.
“Huh?” Hal asks, narrowing his eyes as he looks towards the cause and sees two females traversing the sky, shooting the beams mid-flight. There was one dressed more ornately and another with a shorter presence.
They continue to shoot at the beast’s head as they approach, roars of pain emitting from their target as the ladies land. Hovering in a standing position in the meantime, the copious tendrils let go of the three crewmen in defeat.
“ How many lantern colors are there? ” Kilowog asks as the women continue beaming at their enemy—the three flying in the newcomer’s direction.
Kilowog and Razer begin to help the two in their efforts, shooting at the being while Hal takes another look at the females.
It was almost hard not to—perhaps for him more so, due to his humanity . The woman emits a pink glow that he almost finds himself entranced by. Hovering below, as eyes widen beneath the mask. His lips agape as the shorter of the two casts him a glance that ends in a wink.
His body feels calmer, despite the adrenaline.
Suddenly he’s able to shake himself from his reverie, his head literally moving side to side as he grunts. That was weird. He thinks to himself, “So you’re, what? Pink Lanterns?” He asks them finally as the fighting continues.
“Not precisely, green lantern.” The one with the headpiece says as beams of pink light continue to hurl at the monster. She’s… beautiful. Pink skin, exotic features... Her eyes are still beautiful, even though they are hollow and blue. He has to physically force himself to stay focused as he sets his eyes on Kilowog instead. Hell, he even takes a shot at the beast himself.
However, that doesn’t last long, as lowered arms move the feminine force from their current position. Hal had to turn to follow her movements.
“Where you value power, the star sapphires channel the power and serve the cause." The sapphire speaks, lifting her arm and pointing a fist at the monster. Her eyes were glowing a soft pink. “ Of love."
Hal watches in amazement, entranced once more with widened eyes. It’s like time and space slowed down, and all that remained were them and their power. The look on his face is awestruck, even when her back is turned to the company.
The shorter one has done the same as the elder, their rings pulsing pink and matching their auras. However, Hal finds it even more difficult to look away from her. She’s beautiful—perfect, even. Her pointed ears, her pert bust, her long waistline, and her curvaceous hips. That’s not even to mention the petiteness of her form and the gorgeousness of her carved bone structure. She was like a belly dancer from a mysterious place, and it was more than alluring.
However, to Hal’s amazement, the beast slumps. It seems to have become docile. If you’d asked him earlier, he’d never imagined the outcome to have been a voluntary retreat . Though the situation allows Hal to break free once more with another head-shake to ground him back to reality,
Two green and one red orb follow pink, and Hal joins the series of amazed glances between Razer and Kilowog too late. Providing one of his own before they moved on.
The three fly down to meet the ladies neutrally for the first time. “Thanks for the assist,” Hal says first. The two star sapphires turned in their direction. “How did you get to be in this neck of the woods?” He asks with a raised hand. Of course, he’s curious. These ladies are gorgeous, and with the effect they have, perhaps there’s something more to them that he’s not seeing. They said something about love, and now Hal has no doubt about it.
Either way, their mysterious presences and lovely appearances—not to mention their calming demeanors—have lured him into craving more of their time.
“This sector of space is ours.” The elder sapphire speaks matter-of-factly. Even their voices are beautiful and seductive. Yet, while Hal should be looking at the one who addresses them... He cannot help but stare at the younger of the two.
The other sapphire seems to notice, and Hal smiles awkwardly, which makes the girl giggle. There’s a pang of desire Hal feels in his chest, and that is enough to break his gaze. Even if it was out of sheer embarrassment,
“But, pardon my manners." The one speaking has a three-pronged, pointed headdress and a long ponytail that flows down her back. The two were dressed scantily (not that he’s complaining), and similarly, the one who’s caught Hal’s eye has shorter hair that’s half-up and half-down. It suits her, he thinks. It’s very cute .
The woman speaking lowers her head and lifts a hand to her chest before gesturing to her companion. “I am Aga’po. And this is my niece, Ghia'ta.” Ghia’ta turns her head cutely and flutters her lashes at Hal.
The man found himself immediately attracted to her. However, he chalked it up to her skimpy clothes and cute demeanor. He did not pay any mind to the way his eyes seemed incapable of leaving her. The way it requires more mental fortitude than an instinct to draw his attention to the current speaker to escape the warmth she seemingly provides.
Or, maybe he did pay it a little mind... But he tries to shrug it off as Hal turns to Aga’po and raises a brow. There’s a chuckle on his lips as he tries to laugh off the flirtatious display from Ghia’ta. "You're mighty handy with those power rings.” He starts. “We sure could use your help fighting the Red Lantern Corps.” He finishes. Perhaps wishful thinking on Hal’s part.
“I would enjoy aligning myself with you, Hal Jordan .” Ghia’ta speaks up, her head dipping close to her shoulder as she continues to bat her eyelashes at him. Her eyes lidded softly.
She was flirting with him, right? Hal thought, smiling dopily at her. He felt himself drawn in. This time he doesn’t catch himself until Kilowog clears his throat, and Hal turns back to Aga’po. He gives her an awkward look.
“We are close to our home planet.” Aga’po remarks. “Perhaps you’d accompany us for rest and repair before you resume your mission?” The alien finishes, hopefully.
Hal looks over to Ghia’ta, smiling at her as she continues to look at him with her bedroom eyes. At that moment, Hal knows what his answer will be.
Hal chuckles. “Don’t mind if I do." 
And with that, their ship departs. Aya is at the console, and she indicates, “Course plotted for Zamaron.” The robot turns around. This time, Aga’po and Ghia’ta were guests aboard.
Aga’po notices Kilowog slumped forward, and she decided to approach in an attempt to investigate the cause. She further notes the lowered eyes, the frown...
“ Kilowog.” She says, standing next to him with hands clasped behind her back. Her skin is a blue color that contrasts with their outfits. “You seem so... bereft. " She says this as the big guy looks over at her.
“I’d rather not talk about it.” Kilowog replies, looking back at the console. Though Aga’po cups his chin and guides his face towards her, 
“You’ve suffered a great loss. A broken heart, ” Aga’po tells him, and Kilowog’s red eyes look painfully into hers. She closes her eyes, reaching into Kilowog’s mind to see the vision of such a great loss. A female of his species is looking into the sky with anguish.
Unbeknownst to Kilowog, Aga’po is searching for a weapon. She removes her touch with a fluttering blink, turning to inspect her glowing power ring.
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pikichavez2022 · 2 years
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F5: ghia'ta💗 F4: Drusa💜 E1: Enmu 🖤 E3: Suma💙 A2: Adagio Dazzle💛 B3: Pinkie pie💗🎂
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leechandoki · 2 years
My "Characters that I am Obsessed with" post
I'll edit this post with more characters, remove some characters or cross them out.
[Ones with (a lot of) emojis are the ones I'm obsessed with the most! The ones that are crossed out are the ones I still love, however, don't want to make content of them/anymore.]
Love them very much!! (Would love to kiss them very much!!) Bazz from Breath of the wild 🦈 💙 🐟 💙 Sidon from Breath of the wild Swamp Thing from DC Comic Predator from... the Predator franchise 👾 💜 (I love Wolf the most, fight me.) Poison Ivy from DC Comic Mandrake from Epic 🌱 💚 💚 🍄 Octagon Vreedle from Ben 10 (series) 🔧 🧡 🧡 🧢 Ghia'ta from Green Lantern The Animated Series 💖 Ragnar from Green Lantern The Animated Series Saint Walker from Green Lantern the Animated Series Osmosis Jones from Osmosis Jones 💙 Ira Blood from All Saint Streets ♥️ 🦇 Robo Fizz from Helluva Boss Striker from Helluva Boss Kyojuro Rengoku from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 🔥 ❤️
I used to fall in love with them but now I would actually make AUs of them
Black Beetle from Young Justices: Invasion Atrocious from Green Lantern The Animated Series Razer from Green Lantern The Animated Series Aya from Green Lantern The Animated Series
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revenantbird · 2 years
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i really enjoy @do-not-careissa ‘s Star Sapphire Jason series
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bleti-san · 2 years
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Another of my challenges completed! ❤️ How do you like it? 🏵 I would appreciate if you would share ^^. Ghia'ta - @gltas_drusa_ghia.ta Edward Erlic - @lord.vlad.89 Amity Blight - @ll.s.a.v.ll Satoru Gojo - @gudesshi Amber - @__.osko.__ Finn - @drego.media18
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do-not-careissa · 4 years
Finished coloring Queen Aga'po, Miri Riam, and Ghia'ta. Altered Ghia'ta and Aga'po's designs a little and went with Aga'po's version with hair.
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I also just realized they make up a blue girl trio which is just wonderful.
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gltasask · 7 years
Ghia'ta... about Aya... um, can you ever forgive her for what happened?
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Ghia'ta: Of course I can. Love will always conquer all. Love – is stronger than hate.
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lanterncouture · 6 years
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What would Ghia’ta wear?
Zuhair Murad, RTW Fall/Winter ‘18-’19
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oathofoaksart · 4 years
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bio under the cut!
Name: Josephine Shinoda 
A.K.A: Lovetap; Jo, Jojo, Jo-Hoe, Tap
Age: 29 [S3]
Gender: Cisgender Female 
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Music Store Owner, Star Sapphire Corps Member 
 Race: Human 
Ethnicity: Japanese-Caucasian 
Location: Santa Monica, California 
Hometown: Hana, Maui; Hawaii
 Skin: Fairly suntanned with visible bikini tanlines, lightly freckled around the nose and cheekbone area
Hair: Naturally black with a blonde ombre gradient, gradient turns dark magenta when powered up. 
Eyes: Red-Brown [civvies], Glowing magenta sclera with white-pink irises [powered up]
Height: 5'4
Build: Well-toned, with strong arms and legs; ample curved. 
Distinctions: Inscription of the One Ring tattooed on her right shoulder blade, fond of yoga pants and loose band muscle shirts combo
Parents: Haruto and Tara Shinoda
Siblings: Jack "Daiichi" Shinoda (twin brother; deceased) 
Friends: Emi Homura (deceased), Ghia'ta, Carol "Star Sapphire" Ferris, Guy "Green Lantern" Gardner, Leiko “Inari” Ara [OC], Tora "Ice" Olafsdotter, Shayera “Hawkgirl” Hal, Hank “Hawk” Hall, Don “Dove” Hall, Charlie “Scribe” Jenson [OC] 
Partner/s: Several noncommittal relationships and one-nighters; Bryce "Red Lantern" Richards [OC] (ev.)
Misc.: Queen Aga'po, Gi "Riot/Geode" Flores [OC]
Affiliations: The Star Sapphire Corps, The Justice League  
Personality Type: ENFJ-A [Assertive Protagonist] 
Temperament: Sanguine-Choleric 
Alignment: Neutral Good 
Relaxed | Positive | Idealistic | Sensitive | Stubborn 
 Jo is the poster girl for the coastal surfer babe; laid-back, fun-loving, and friendly. She’s an honest woman, though not scathing, which makes her a go-to for advice and well-placed encouragement. Because of her many interests, she meets and makes friends in all walks of life, often making her the social link between vastly different groups. Her passion rears its head in concern of humanitarian subjects, from LGBTQ+ issues to food crises, and will jump at the chance to lend aid. 
This is especially true as Lovetap, where she feels she has a more hands-on approach in doing good. Her personality doesn’t change in costume as it does amplify, she stays playful and lighthearted in tense situations, but her morals are steadfast. Tap is a loyal and dedicated ally to her fellow Sapphires and friends in the Justice League circle, and a personable hero to civilians she encounters. 
She’s very well-meaning, but she also tends to bite more than she can chew. This becomes a problem when she’s too headstrong to admit she needs a breather and will continue shouldering the weight until someone steps in. It also applies to her emotions, Jo is quick to lend a shoulder to cry on, but struggles to admit when something is amiss in her personal life in fear of bogging down others. Her way of coping with her problems is usually done by busying herself with projects, but sooner or later it becomes too much and she’ll spiral. 
Powers and Abilities
Violet Energy Conduit: As part of the Star Sapphire Corps, Jo wields a Violet Power Ring. Like most power rings on the emotional spectrum, it allows Jo the ability of flight, survival in vacuums, manipulation of energy, creation of force fields, creation of light constructs at will, and tap into a xenolinguistic database. Because the Violet ring is powered by love, it also has attributes found only in the Sapphire Corps. 
Love Empathy: Love is the center of the Sapphire Corps and much of the Sapphire’s abilities tie to it. Jo can detect feelings and connections of love from which she can draw power from outside her actual power battery. She can also form connection tethers to people she feels close with, she can use these tethers to know if the other person may be in possible danger and quickly teleport to their side. Being around other Sapphires greatly increases her power as they feed off each other’s love like an echo chamber. 
Crystallization:  Special to the Star Sapphire Corps is the creation of Star Sapphire crystals, often in conjunction to their energy constructs. These crystals can also be used to encase a victim and place them in suspended animation, in some cases able to use the victim as an extra power source by influencing them with love. Jo personally doesn't like to take it up to this point, as she finds it too intrusive. 
Violet Energy Constructs: Jo is able to conjure light constructs at will, her ring being able to create any object. Jo is fond of using mecha-like weapons, classic horror and kaiju characters, and figures from her favorite Kurasawa movies.  
Healing Capabilities: Jo’s ring not only lets her heal at an accelerated rate, but also heal injuries of, or even revive, others provided she has a strong enough connection to share the life energy for such a feat. 
Avarice Immunity: Because Jo’s love is of the selfless sort, Jo is immune to the attacks of an Orange Lantern as long as her love stays that way. 
 Limitations and Weaknesses:
Emotional Instability: The Sapphire ring is a double-edged sword in that while it's formidable in raw power, it can easily turn against Jo with an overload of emotion. If she’s not careful, the ring can influence her day-to-day life from being overly jealous and protective of those she cares for, to being too sensitive of her own feelings. In a worst case scenario, the ring can completely overcome Jo’s mind and force her into a frenzy.
Ring Dependency: Without her ring, Jo reverts to an average human woman, so she is entirely dependent on her ring for protection and offence.  It’s necessary for her to have her ring on at all times or at least on her person should the need arise. 
Born second of fraternal twins, Josephine Shinoda lived an idyllic lifestyle with her parents and brother in her hometown of Hana, in Maui, Hawaii. Jo and her brother Jack were an especially close pair of siblings, sharing interests from surfing with their father to classic pop culture. Jo was the much more extroverted sibling and had no trouble making friends where she went, whereas Jack had difficulty asserting himself socially; Jo often made strides to make her friends friends of Jack’s. This continued all through their young school life, even as Jack’s social anxiety gave way to depression. Jo and her parents were supportive of him throughout, and continued to be so when the twins finally separated when college came around. 
Jo chose to study in Los Angeles whereas Jack left for Metropolis. Admittedly the distance worried Jo for a while, but college proved to be an overall good experience for Jack, especially once after the introduction of his later girlfriend, Emi. 
Jo spent her college years partying and submercing herself into the music scene, eventually sparking the idea of opening a music store after college. Jack jumped at the idea with Emi right behind, she also being involved in music via playing guitar for an alternative band. Jo and Emi became solid friends in their own right, meeting and sharing even more when Jo would visit on the occasion. 
Not long after college, Jo learned Jack had proposed to Emi and was elated by the news. The three went into making wedding plans, but things were cut short two months into the engagement. Jack and Emi were caught in a fatal car crash, leaving Jo inconsolable. After their respective funerals and some time reflecting, Jo followed through with opening a music shop in their honor, “JJ’s Music and Records.” 
Jo operated in LA for a handful of years before deciding to expand out of her comfort zone and opening another store somewhere else. With an intern in tow, they settled on Bludhaven, where Jo spent another few years. Despite how well her business was doing and that her life was going in a good direction, Jo hadn’t been able to shake off the loss of her two closest friends. She was restless and tried to bury her feelings by distracting herself with anything she could involve herself in, as she didn’t want to set this worry on anyone, especially her parents. Jo was steadily wrapping herself into a depression and refused to admit it. She returned to LA in hopes that the move and reconnecting with old friends would clear her mind. 
With no such luck, Jo proceeded to shell within herself. Her days dulled and she became stuck in routine, spending most of her time in the shop and locking herself at home. While in a particular bad spell, Jo decided to go to the beach to surf and Jo was caught in a minor car crash herself. She wasn’t injured, but the experience was jarring and Jo’s previous experience with car accidents sent her into an emotional break. 
At the same time, Ghia’ta, niece of Queen Aga’po of the Star Sapphires, arrived on Earth with an agenda. The Star Sapphires had experienced a bit of a moral shift, currently spearheaded by Ghia’ta, after she’d met a human by the name Carol Ferris. Carol had been inducted into the Star Sapphires in order to gain the upper hand on the Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, while he found himself on the Sapphire’s homeplanet of Zamarron. But Carol had resisted the Sapphires’ urging and instead gave Ghia’ta an alternate view of what love was, selfless and kind. Moved by Carol’s insight, Ghia’ta began to try to teach the other Sapphires this new view. She was met by rebuttal and while she continued to fight for reform, she knew doing so alone wasn’t going to get her far. 
She’d come to Earth in search for a new Sapphire that could better follow Ghia’ta’s new outlook, as Carol chose not to join the Corps and Ghia’ta had gotten word of Earth’s Lanterns being of a special crop. What she came across was Jo, stranded and crying on the side of the road. Initially Ghia’ta approached her to see if she could be of any help, but to her surprise, her ring detected Jo’s broken heart. Jo’s loss of her brother and friend left a deep hole in her heart and Ghia’ta discovered that this was caused by the love stripped away from her. Sapphires, Ghia’ta included, believed true love to be inherently romantic, but while looking into Jo’s heart she found her love for her brother and friend to be just as true as any. Overjoyed at this realization, she decided to choose Jo as her new champion. 
Jo was thrown for a loop. First by the appearance of this stranger who showed herself to be an alien who’d somehow read into why she felt the way she did, then by her request to join her galactic love brigade. Still Ghia’ta’s ring called out to her and the more she explained the situation of the Sapphires, the more Jo felt a sense of duty. Jo had never been the kind to turn down an opportunity to help, even if the road sounded steep, and so she accepted. 
Jo became the newest member of the Star Sapphire Corps. Her induction was met with heavy scrutiny by the Zamarrons, the leaders of the Sapphire Corps, as she didn’t fit the perimeters in which they chose their new members. In a slight twist, Queen Aga’po allowed Jo to join as a “experiment” partially to show Ghia’ta her claims were being taken seriously and that Aga’po herself was becoming open to her niece’s words. 
Jo still isn’t completely sure what she’s gotten herself into, but plans to make the most with what she was given. And she hopes, if there is an afterlife, that Jack and Emi could be at peace with what they helped aspire. 
For no reason other than personal preference, Lovetap is set on using a surfboard construct as her mode of flight, even during battle. 
Jo is very athletic and a bit of a gym rat, enjoying activities from various sports to yoga. She is also an avid reader and lover of pop culture, reflecting in JJ’s as it doubles as a bookstore as well. She found a fellow Justice League ally with a pop culture store named Charlie Jenson and the two quickly made their store affiliates. 
Jo’s birthday falls on Valentine’s Day and she finds the irony of it funny 
Jo had a hardcore, but thankfully, short-lived, crush on Guy Gardner. It’s a secret she’ll take to the grave. 
Jo learned how to play the acoustic guitar because of Emi and plays outside her LA store on nice days, something she eventually teaches her young friend and eventual mentee, Gi Flores. 
Her father was a gourmet chef and much of what he knew he taught his children, Jo is a wicked cook, but is often too lazy to get creative with her dishes. 
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 years
A Devil's Justice Vol. 1
by Zer0the0mega108
Ragna Redgrave: Student at day, hero at night, Son of the human Eva and the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda. He hopes to be a great hero like Superman and Batman. He will fight for his home, he will learn what it means to be a hero, he will finally learn to love, and regain a family. He will fight Devil's, Angel's, Gods, and evil forces all while doing it in STYLE!!
Words: 10274, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of A Devil's Justice
Fandoms: Justice League - All Media Types, Devil May Cry, Bayonetta (Video Games), Spawn (Comics), She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018), He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons), Thundercats - All Media Types, Invincible (Image Comics), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - All Media Types, Hellboy - All Media Types, SCP Foundation, Cthulhu Mythos - H. P. Lovecraft, Mortal Kombat (Video Games), Darkstalkers (Video Games), Darksiders (Video Games), Dante's Inferno (Video Game), persona - Fandom, Shin Megami Tensei
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Original Male Character, Diana (Wonder Woman), Dinah Lance, Harleen Quinzel, Tala, Ghia'ta (Green Lantern), Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Crazy Jane (DCU), Bekka (DCU), Jon Stewart, J'onn J'onzz, Arthur Curry (DCU), Wally West, Barbara Gordon, Kara Zor-El, Xiomara Rojas, Pamela Isley, Lady (Devil May Cry), Trish (Devil May Cry), Mundus (Devil May Cry), Nico (Devil May Cry), Angela (Spawn), Koriand'r (DCU), Komand'r (DCU)
Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Original Male Character, Original Male Character/Harley Quinn, Original Male Character/Harem, Original Male Character/Black Canary/Dinah, Original Male Character/Starfire, Original Male Character/Blackfire, Original Male Character/Raven, Original Male Character/Supergirl/Kara Zor-El, Original Male Character/Lady, Original Male Character/Artemis Crock, Original Male Character/Miss Martian/M'gann, Original Male Character/Trish, Original Male Character/Tala, Original Male Character/Ghia'ta, Original Male Character/Catwoman, Original Male Character/Poison Ivy, Original Male Character/Bekka, Original Male Character/Batgirl, Original Male Character/Hawkgirl, Original Male Character/Crazy Jane
Additional Tags: DC multiverse, Devil May Cry - Freeform
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/33543952
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romancemedia · 4 years
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Green Lantern: Kisses
I’ve been rewatching one of my favourite DC shows, Green Lantern: The Animated Series and I’ve realized something interesting, but also somewhat unfair, especially if you ship Razer and Aya like I do. Over the course of the show, Hal has found himself the object of affection of several women throughout his travels into Frontier Space, wether its from his one true love, Carol Ferris, Star Sapphire, Ghia'ta or Queen Iolande. All these women fell in love with and almost all kissed him and yet despite Razer and Aya being the main couple of the series, they never kissed at all, only coming close to kissing. 
Overall, it’s a shame and annoying that Hal got the most kisses and yet Razer and Aya never got to share a real kiss together whatsoever.
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Reunited (Razaya Week Day 1)
(Here, have this little fic. May it bring some joy to some Fanterns.)
She is alone in a field of stark whiteness, little shards of moving images snowing down around her like ripped-up paper.
“Where am I?” she asks, trying to look down at herself. She is a ghostly imprint on the landscape, one that takes the form of a foreign-yet-familiar body. “Who am I?” No one is there to answer.
She is dead, erased from existence.
Is she?
A vividly red shooting star tumbles into the atmosphere, streaking across the sky with what would have been a dramatic screech. Had there been anyone there to witness it, they would have been shocked by the impressive variety and vitriol of Razer's curse words. He had, after all, been two years with the less-than-polite Red Lanterns. 
Normally, the flare of anger would have given him a power boost for a moment. But the red energy making up his shields is flickering and fading in patches. He can feel it bleeding out of him, leaving him chilled to the bone. There is little heat to warm him this high in the atmosphere. And barely enough oxygen to breathe.
Zamaron, spread out beneath him, is a fantasia in violet crystal. He can almost appreciate the beauty of it. Except, of course, for the fact that he's more falling than flying and landing is going to hurt.
"Oh, Grotz." he mumbles as he hits the ground.
The last thing his eyes register is a Star Sapphire leaning over him before he passes out.
Someone is there in this dream-plane, someone who glows with shifting reddish colours. She floats over to the newcomer, a man far taller than her in angular red armour. His eyes are closed with pain, face inscribed with lines of grief and sorrow as well as the bold black marks that slash his cheeks.
Unlike her, he looks solid. Defined. Real. And she remembers his face from somewhere.
"Aya," he whispers, staring down at the image in his hand. It holds an image that matches her shape - a green-and-white android with determined blue eyes. She watches the memory play out (this one must be his - it is complete and clear, unlike her shattered glimpses). 
Aya. That was her name once. 
'new designation accepted' echoes in the endless emptiness. A shard is at her feet and she picks it up, pressing it close to her as the man does with his own. Green Lantern Hal Jordan gave her that name. 
She is a nav-computer, installed on the craft The Interceptor.
Is she?
His eyelids slowly blink open, shutting again at the bright glare of the lights above him. "Take it easy." a familiar voice admonishes. "You fell from quite the height."
Now fully conscious, he slowly pushes up to a sitting position. This must be Zamaron's infirmary - all around him is crystalline violet and sterile white. He himself is sitting on a bed, armour gone along with his power. It lies in pieces on the ground as he had expected. Rage can fuel him no longer. "Queen Aga'po."
Reluctantly, he looks up to meet the solid navy-blue eyes of the Star Sapphires' queen. There is no anger in them, nor anything but calm questioning. "Razer. Why have you returned to this kingdom? As I understand it, the universe-ending threats have all been eliminated."
A touch of worry laces her tone. Atrocitus had never made it here, but the Aya-Monitor... He winces at the memory. Ghia'ta had saved Hal and paid with her life. All because of a battle Aya had instigated. Because he had hurt her. Because her pain had driven her to madness.
Aga'po is more perceptive than he had assumed. Or perhaps the 'untold power' that the Guardians' race had possessed still left traces in her. They had been one once, she had said so.
"Ghia'ta's death was not your fault. Any more than it was the Aya creature's, or Hal Jordan's, or Carol Ferris'." The Star Sapphire sighed. "She died for love, as she would have wanted. And her spirit lives on within all of us. Hating you, her or anyone else for it would not bring her back."
That is enough to break him.
He buries his face in his hands, tears falling from his crystal-blue eyes. "Then you are far wiser than I ever was." he whispers in a voice thick with pain and sorrow. 
Ilana's death had driven him to rage and hate, and that had only ended in a self-destructive path that had blown a world to dust and killed many Lanterns. Aya's 'death' had sent him into a cold numbness, and he had lied through his teeth to her. "I do not love you." But his rage burns no longer. His ring is dull and quiescent on his hand, a mere ornament.
Aga'po places one delicate hand on his head. "And I know why you are here. Tell me - why do you believe she still lives?"
He appears again in her dreamscape, this time sitting cross-legged on the ground. Another memory is cradled like a precious jewel in his hands. She still cannot remember who he is, but she recognises the image he holds. A Manhunter.
'emotions detected' and another shard falls at her feet. She had tried to teach one but it had refused to learn. She knew she could learn, grow, reach beyond her shell of 'wires and scrap metal'. Who had said that to her? She remembers it hurting, but the pain later smoothed over.
She fits the jagged edge of the shard into the other one, one still in her hand. Time does not exist in this void, but she feels that it has not been long since it came to her. Again he has sparked knowledge of a part of her.
She is an artificial intelligence, a computer programmed to think like a person.
Is she?
"No being as resourceful as she could truly have been destroyed by something as simple as a computer virus." Aga'po looks sceptical - to her it must seem that he is grasping at straws. "She is a living creature!" he says desperately. "Hal proved it! She was created from a spark of the Will entity - she has a soul!"
That catches the queen's attention. "Truly?" Razer nods, head bowed. "She is a being merely housed within circuits and programming. A computer virus deletes code, but it could not possibly have deleted Aya."
The Zamaronian sighs. “As much as I wish to believe that such a thing could happen, it seems to me like only wishful thinking.”
“It is all I have.” Razer whispers, eyes icy with resolve. “And I will hunt from here to Oa and the forgotten reaches of the universe if I must. But I will find her. She is out there, I know it. Because I have hope.” Aga’po’s eyes widen as her throne room flares up with brilliant blue light. “Razer of Volkreg, you have great hope within you.”
“Welcome to the Blue Lantern Corps.” 
He has not returned for what feels like years although, in reality, little time has passed. She holds the memory pieces closer to her, trying to warm herself. It is so terribly cold out here in this void.
She wants him to come back. She wants more pieces of the puzzle that is herself. And she wants to be more than a disembodied consciousness.
‘a body like this?’ whispers from the silence, another piece falling into place as her components had. She remembers standing on the table as Hal and Kilowog stare open-mouthed at her. And he is there in her memory. She still cannot remember his name, but she feels his importance.
It was what she had become because she had wanted to be one of them. To save lives, to be a hero and to make the universe better.
She is a Green Lantern, even if she is ringless and not truly alive.
Is she?
“I didn’t know that the Blue Lanterns existed.” comments a Star Sapphire, shocked. He does not really listen, too busy staring open-mouthed at the blue ring - blue like Saint Walker’s - that has chosen him.
Can he really be one of them? He is a killer, a truly hateful creature as Atrocitus had made him. But he is not the man he was. And he does have hope, hope like a bonfire in his heart that keeps him warm. He knows she is out there waiting.
He looks up at the queen. “The ring knows it too.”
Aga’po smiles. “I am glad.” she comments cryptically. But he understands.  She takes his hand, holding it up as she examines the ring. “And blue rather suits you. But you look tired. Tomorrow we will see what we can do. Now you must rest.”
He wants to fight it. But Aya will not appreciate it if he kills himself in his desperate search. Who will find her if he cannot? So he lets the Sapphires lead him away to a room, lets exhaustion catch up with him. And despite the tortured dreams he knows to await him, he sleeps.
He does not wake until days later.
He has returned again, this time glowing a soft blue. But the memory he holds now causes him pain. She doesn’t like it.
It is her, only tar-blue and with a poisonous buzz in her voice. She sees herself destroying planets. Sees herself summoning Atrocitus and setting him against poor Carol. Sees Ghia’ta dying. And worst of all, his mangled body in her arms.
Another piece, this one far more intense and alive. ‘i have eliminated all emotion’ and she knows what she has done with a shock of intense horror. Making herself a soulless killer who melded with the Anti-Monitor. She destroyed so many worlds. Likely murdered so many people.
She is a monster and she is unforgivable.
Is she?
The portal opens, as he knew it would. 
Aga’po shoves him through, face drawn with the effort of keeping it open. “Go to her.” she gasps and suddenly he is alone in a black void. He is near the site of the Aya-Monitor’s last stand, space empty around him. She must be somewhere here. Else the portal wouldn’t have come through at all.
Beside him is the decapitated head of a Manhunter - the last remnants of the formidable force that the Guardians had created. This one must have been missed in the cleanup. It is dull and lifeless now.
He remembers all too well how she had returned in a Manhunter body. Its circuits had been compatible with her and she had used it as a last-ditch effort to survive. 
He takes the head, tucking it under his arm. What worked once might just work again.
Who am I? What am I? She grapples with questions far bigger than she can answer, desperate to know the truth. If only the last parts would fall into place, but she needs HIS help. 
And as if she had summoned him, he is here again. “Aya!” he yells, voice raw with desperation. “Aya, come back to me.” With a sudden outburst of colour, her world explodes. falling and falling and flying and she is
She is Aya. She is all of them and none of them - devil and angel, destroyer and creator. She is not mere programming, circuits and wire. She has a soul and emotions and she loves. She knows his name now, knows him better than she knows herself. And he calls and now she is real...
she answers.
“Razer. Razer!”
Her voice emanates from the damaged ball of circuitry in his hands. “You came back for me.” she whispers in wonder. And he does not care that she is housed in wires and scrap metal, because she is Aya and she is here and she is his.
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pikichavez2022 · 1 year
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4: Luz noceda 1: Serena Sailor Moon 2: ghia'ta 5: kotone shiomi
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ao3feed-timdrake · 5 years
Falling into Darkness
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38nkPxx
by Do_not_careissa
The family was falling apart. For nearly three months Dick had watched as guilt and desperation tore into his family as they searched for their missing member. Unable to determine if Jason had run away, been taken, or worse, one thing was clear: they weren't going to find him like this. They needed help, both for him and for themselves.
Words: 8739, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Star Sapphire Jason
Fandoms: Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, DCU, Batman (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Roy Harper, Talia al Ghul, Wally West, Jason Todd, Ghia'ta (GLTAS)
Relationships: Batfamily Members & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Roy Harper & Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Family Issues, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Batfamily Drama (DCU), Dick Grayson-centric, Dick Grayson is So Done, Good Bro Dick Grayson, Protective Roy Harper, Good Friend Roy Harper, Good Parent Talia al Ghul, Justice League (DCU) as Family, Everyone Needs A Hug, Missing Jason Todd, Angst, Anxiety, Batfamily is a Mess (DCU)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/38nkPxx
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