#ghirahim x link
laniardraws · 2 months
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A redraw of a scene from Howl’s Moving Castle that’ll I never finish. But I decided to post the sketch anyway, because there’s not enough ghiralink art (on my blog and in general)
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viaviv124 · 9 months
I am in love with tumblr omg.
So due to me going back into "simping hard for Hilda" mode i found my way back to Link x Ravio. And then Link x Ghirahim. Now, before i had tumblr i only had normal google search and believe me when i say i cried when i saw there's not a lot of shipart etc. But tumblr has it. It has all of it. God i am in love.
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sinfulauthorwrites · 11 months
Kinktober 2023 Day 21: Hate Sex
GhiraLink isn’t even a ship of mine, but I listened to the song “Love Me Dead” and got inspired! I took a very kismesis-like approach to this one, and I hope you enjoy it!
💖 Many thanks to @flightlessangelwings for the prompt list! 💖
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Ship: GhiraLink
Word count: 109
Applicable Tags: Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Swordplay, Dirty Talk, Teasing, Dom/sub, Dom!Ghirahim, Sub!Link, Top!Link, Bottom!Ghirahim, Threats of Violence, Sadism, Pet Names, Ghirahim Being A Little Shit, Power Bottom!Ghirahim, Submissive Top!Link, POV Third Person Omniscient
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Ghirahim held his saber at the soft space on Link’s neck where his pulse beat, millimeters away from cutting him. He sat on the Hylian’s lap, his member thrusting into him. “You look so irresistible like this, sky child. It’d be so regrettable if I slit your throat right here.” He tilted the sword slightly, angling it closer. “Oh, to see your crimson-red blood soak the floor as I feel you oscillate inside me. How,” The Demon Lord leaned in, licking the shell of Link’s ear. “Tantalizing.” Link shuddered with disgust, and his eyes were stuck on the blade as it neared closer and closer to his Adam’s apple.
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Liked this and want more? Check the full Kinktober fic on my AO3 here!
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dreamjirou · 1 year
Lost in Echo
Update: I am not sure if I wrote it already, but Chapter 8 AND 9 are with Beta at the moment, so the long wait should come to an end before august (I hope so) and now I am writing on Chap 10. The End is near, my friends.
You want to read the previous story? Lost in Echo - Chapter 1 - DreamJirou - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword [Archive of Our Own] come and join me :3
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encreboueuse · 5 months
Sur une impulsion, je suis allée vérifier le côté francophone du fandom Zelda d'AO3.
Parmi les couples proposés par défaut, trois sont propulsés par mes soins : Link/Shad (mes 32 fics), Link/Link (sur les 7, une n'est pas de moi), Link/Ravio (les 6 sont de moi). Pour Ghirahim/Link, on va attendre un peu (¬‿¬)
Sur les 75 fics M/M, 15 ne sont pas de mon fait.
Je ne dis pas ça pour me vanter (enfin, trois petites secondes de satisfaction, quand même), mais pour vous inviter à suivre le pas. À vos stylos, les lecteurs n'attendent que vous ;)
Je refuse d'être le pionnier gay d'un fandom aussi fourni en personnages xD
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yandereunsolved · 5 months
Yandere Link(s) & Yandere Sword Spirit(s) text posts | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 | aged up Links
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weepingtalecowboy · 7 days
Four has game lol
Fanfic prompt: I just realized that from all of four's ships
His lover is usually
As dark and bitter as a black coffee laced in poison with psychological damage
So obviously he has a Type
Like shadow and Vaati
But it gets more hilarious if you remember that almost all the villains of Hyrule warriors meet the standards
Dark link
Like all the hyrule warriors had to do was drop the hero of the four swords on them and get rid off the biggest problems of the war
And watch him slay (without the s) all the villains
And four's harem of evil demon sorcerers would even get along with eachother
Like getting used by an evil overlord that never was satisfied by anything you do (Vaati and shadow would let Ghirahim and Dark join the club)
Shadow likes dragons
Cia and Vaati can speak about sorcery
And Cia and shadow can speak about how little they respect boundaries
Dark and shadow are both the “evil” side of a hero
Like it is a match made in hell
The fanfic potential and just how weirdly okay four is with this situation
Would make warriors look like a saint
Tune is cringing at this devastating development
Queen Zelda is both weirdly fine and very unsettled by four and his harem
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lamothla-art · 5 months
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My next con is in two weeks! I’m so excited to cosplay. It’s been almost a year since I’ve gotten to dress up. I’m cosplaying Adam from Sk8 and Illumi from HxH again! I wanted to share all my cosplays from over the years. I have more photos on my insta, ryanlabscosplay, if anyone is interested!
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blackstarchanx3new · 5 months
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"...Holy shit someone touched me back-"
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demiboydemon · 6 months
Ghirahim is like, the most annoying theater kid ever. Shut up edgelord, talk about how hot you are somewhere else and let me go find my girlfriend 😤🙄
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And Then There Were... Three? (1) (Skyward Sword)
My masterlist SUMMARY This story is inspired by a short, incomplete Ghirahim x reader series by katetheworm titled "Forgotten." (this story is not explicitly nor exclusively a Ghirahim x reader) Everyone knows the story of how the war between light and darkness began, with the battle of two beings. One being, a powerful demon, was after a grand power left behind by the three original gods. The other being was the goddess who still resided over the Earth. She was protecting the power and people her predecessors had departed from. In the end, the goddess successfully sealed the demon away, but the war lead to the creation of two spirits. One for the light, and one for the dark. Each spirit was given their own vessel, their own name, their own master. But what if there was more to the story? What if the vessels couldn't contain all of that energy?
This is the story of you, the third spirit.
The sun shone brightly on the territory of Faron, an area one might find spacious upon their first few visits. You, however, knew them well enough to find them quite restricting. No other beings such as yourself inhabited the area; only Bokoblins, birds, and Kikwi. At first, when you were new, you'd found the Bokoblins and Kikwi fascinating to observe, but the fascination wore off quickly. The Bokoblins were too simplistic to learn, so they only ever chased Kikwi, ate food, and slept. You'd tried approaching them several times, but no matter how slow or hidden you were they always screamed and fled.
The Kikwi were much more tolerant of you since the Bokoblins wouldn't come near you, but you'd quickly discovered that you couldn't understand them. You could identify them, the objects and food they'd interact with, but their language escaped your grasp. You felt as though it shouldn't. Something in you burned with familiarity hearing their speech patterns, and yet nothing in you could recall it. For awhile you'd tried to figure it out, but spending more time around them trying sent you into further frustration. You eventually distanced from the Kikwi too, only occasionally observing them from where they would not see you. Around that time was when you first began scouring the rest of the region. When you found the temple and the pillar.
The pillar, a small piece of stone that sat in the middle of a spiral the land created, was overlooked by a grand building you identified as a temple. You couldn't identify anything else about it. The pillar was even more of a mystery. Something drew you to it, like a calling that came from inside of yourself, at the same time a force just as strong told you to go hide in the temple. No, not to go hide in the temple - that you belonged in it. You decided to trust the latter feeling.
When you'd first arrived at the temple, the door had a seal on it. You could sense the magic coming off of it. It was familiar, in a way, yet when you rested your hand on it, it would not open for you. You would have to find some other way into the temple.
It took some time to come to the conclusion of floating over the roof. The journey between the pillar and the forest required you to, and you had noticed a gap in the roof you could slip through, and through it you went- only to freeze in your tracks once inside. Another being was here. Only this time, you recognized it- her. This was a human, a Hylian, created by the same being who created you, the goddess Hylia. This human in particular was a Sheikah, a guardian of Hylia. Having an instinctual understanding of this woman and her purpose, you knelt before her, having no doubt she noticed you.
A sound of surprise caused you to look up. Had you done something wrong?
"Oh my," the Sheikah woman said, "this will certainly change things for the unexpected." The language she spoke was that of the Kikwi, you now recognized it as Hylian. Though, as much as you tried, you could not form the sounds for yourself. The woman seemed to sense this. "Do not worry, you are not in any danger here. You do not need to speak." You nodded. When she didn't continue talking, you began taking in the inside of the temple.
The hall was immense, and featured a staircase leading opposite from the Sheikah woman. Following it led you to the rest of the hall, which was big, but not much was in it. Six pillars stood in two even, symmetrical rows, supporting the building's grand size from the inside out. The wall had a gap leading to another area, but you instead turned your attention to a bird-shaped statue sitting near it.
The statue was plain as ever, but something in you recognized a dormant energy within it. You wondered what it could do when activated, even touching it to see if you had any effect. It was no surprise when you didn't.
Looking back at where you had come in from, a large sun ray streamed in from the gap in the roof you'd used to enter. You could even see the shadow of a tree poking through. When you followed the ray of light with your eyes, you noticed it directly landed on the Sheikah woman.
"You do not belong to the sword, do you?" Her inquiry gently echoed across the temple's stone. You directed your gaze to her and shook your head. "I figured not." Once again, she did not continue to speak. You had so many questions you wished for the ability to form, yet at the same time you were uncertain if you had any desire to speak to this woman. She was the first being you'd ever been able to understand. It partially scared you despite the safety you felt around her. "Hmm, I can sense pulls from both ends of fate attached to you. Perhaps you will become more important than you are meant to be. You're in the process of awakening, that must mean they will arrive soon."
You didn't understand exactly what she meant by that, but her words stirred a sensation in you that felt more intense than anything you had ever felt before. A whirlwind you couldn't fully interpret but knew you weren't ready to face was set off, sending you into a state of disorientation and fear. You fled the temple that day and had not returned since, choosing to rekindle your attempts at spending time with the Kikwi now that you remembered Hylian.
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teaabexx · 7 months
It is I! The Wizard!
I was hoping to put in a request!
So, I'm really hyperfixating on LOZ rn and I was hoping you would write something for me.
Reader is an alchemist who works for either Vaati or Ghirahim (Vaati preferably but it's up to you) and summons/creates a monster they were told SPECIFICALLY not to do and just goes "Hey, remember that thing you told me not to do?"
If you don't that is totally fine!
I actually love the idea lol idk why.
safe for everyone!!
"Should I be mad ?" He mumbled while looking up at you, a mix between annoyance, amusement and exhaustion. He knew. He instantly knew. The knock on the door ? The dumb smile ? The small little bounce ? Yep. He knew. He sighed, he didn't even try to be angry, he just knew that would happen.
You're little smile dropped and you stared at him dead in the eyes. "I did it" you admitted in a whisper. "Did what…?"
"The thing you told me not to do"
"I called it Terrence !!"
The curtains were torn everywhere, there were bite marks on the tables, even a bit of...uhm...fur ? On the ceiling? Vaati frowned in confusion as he looked up at the ceiling. How did it get here? A big bulging eye, weird black/dark blue fur, a sticking tongue. So cute waw.
''You should've called him Terror not Terrence." He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. AGAIN. He was annoyed, pissed, mad anything you want. Vaati entered the room and rolled up his sleeves, he started whistling to the...creature...''Psst, psst Terrence come here...!'' Terrence stared at him, huffing like a puppy, his one big eye was blinking slowly and staring at him. Terrence jumped from the ceiling and started running all over the room, Vaati running behind him to catch him.
You, on the other hand, were leaning against the doorframe with your arms crossed, trying to hold back your laugh. He'd been trying to catch it for about twenty minutes. "Need help ?" You asked teasingly "Shut the f*ck up (Name)" he replied from across the room. You chuckled, amused to see him run and jump everywhere trying to reach the creature.
You shook your head and finally decided to help him. Too late, Vaati already caught Terrence. ...wait. OH SHIT-
"VAATI DON'T TOUCH THE TAIL—" you shouted.
"You could've tell me earlier" he grumbled while you were wrapping the bandage around his head. It was the first time you saw him without his cap. You giggled nervously and tried to avoid his glare. "I'm sorry, I forgot... I only remembered when I saw you trying to catch him by his tail." He looked up at you, you were focused and a bit embarrassed when wrapping the bandages. He was staring at you intensely. When you noticed his intense gaze on you, you release the bandages and stare back, a small blush creeping on your face.
"W-what ?" You mumbled shyly. He kept staring, he cupped your chin and leaned closer. Your eyes widened and you let him, you were expecting him to kiss you so you closed your eyes and waited. He kept leaning closer until Terrence barked. He stopped and you opened your eyes.
Vaati smirked and got up, grabbing his cap at the same time. He walked away but before leaving he said playfully y.
"You're fired !!"—
"WHAT ?"
Omg it's really short I'm sorry I hope you like it !!
Reblog and like <33 ♡
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sword-is-bored · 1 year
Ten Minutes
Link x Reader
(Y/n) watched as Link fell. Beaten, bloody and Zelda screaming for him to help. (Y/n) bit down on the cloth between their teeth, screaming from their place on the floor. Their hands were tied tightly behind their back, and Ghirahim laughed. “Look at that, the sky child finally falls. I look forward to watching you die.” (Y/n) struggled, finally spitting the gag from their mouth. “Father, please, let me talk to him. Please. Take the girl and go let me be with him.” Ghirahim looked over at (Y/n), the desperation in their eyes spoke to him. He snapped, the chains around their legs vanishing. They reappeared on Link’s legs, keeping him down on the ground.
Ghirahim walked over and scooped up Zelda, effectively using his magic to make her collapse. “You have ten minutes to say what you need. I’ll be back.” He walked through the gate of time, leaving Link on the floor. His breathing was labored and (Y/n) crawled over to him. They pulled him into his lap, beginning to cry. “I’m so sorry. This was all my fault.” They whispered, pushing his hair out of his face. He looked so young, so small like this. Barely breathing and dried blood from his nose to his neck. He had a few cuts on his cheek. “I’ll make it right. I promise.” Link’s eyes fluttered open, and met with (Y/n)’s.
“Hi. You’re back.” Link whispered. (Y/n) nodded, tears falling down their face onto Link. “I’m sorry. I really am. This is all my fault you’re like this. You’re hurt and you could die.” (Y/n) choked on a sob. “You’ll be okay. I just have to help. Then I’ll get you out of here and father will… he’ll deal with me.” Link groaned in pain, shaking his head back and forth. “Don’t do anything stupid (Y/n). Keep yourself safe. I can handle this.” (Y/n) dug in their pockets. “No, you can’t. You’re about to die and my father is going to come back in any second. I have to get you out of here.”
They pulled from their pocket a bottle. And inside a fairy was fluttering around, shining with hope. “I’m going to give you this. Then I’m going to break these chains. As soon as I do you’re going to run. You’re going to get away from me and you’re not going to look back.” (Y/n) said. Link grabbed their hand, holding on tight. “(Y/n) please, you’re my friend. I don’t want you to get hurt.” He whispered. “Link.” (Y/n) said quietly. “Link… I fell in love with you.”
Link’s face changed to panic. “What?” He asked. “You’re so hopeful and kind. I find it so amazing how you’ve sacrificed everything for Zelda. You allowed me to help you and be with you even when I almost killed you. You’re funny and understanding. I want to repay you the favor of keeping me alive.” They pulled the cork off of the bottle and shook it over Link. The fairy escaped and fluttered around him. It kissed his wounds and flew off. Link gasped, sitting upright and grabbing (Y/n). “You can’t leave, we have to go together.”
“I’ve told you before. It’s just me.” (Y/n) said, turning and taking a knife from their pocket. It was one of Ghirahim’s. They slashed away at the chains. Magic on magic made the two vanish from contact. (Y/n) scrambled to help Link up. “Alright, you go save Zelda and you forget about me.” Link made a worried face, holding onto (Y/n) as he stood on unsteady legs. “What? (Y/n) we’re going to do this together. Please, come with me and I’ll protect you. Like I promised.” (Y/n) shook their head and heard the familiar sound of Ghirahim approaching. “Please. Go. I’ll come and find you. I’ve done enough wrong for you and Zelda. Let me do something right.”
Link didn’t seem convinced, but he ran off to find Zelda anyway. He cast one last glance at (Y/n) before disappearing. Ghirahim had returned, he opened his mouth to say something but stopped. His eyes glanced at (Y/n), and then to where Link should’ve been. “You disobedient little bitch. I gave you one task and you couldn’t even do that right?” He snapped, screaming so loud the entire temple seemed to echo. (Y/n) stood silently. “Where is he?” Ghirahim asked, marching towards them. (Y/n) stared at the floor. Ghirahim grabbed their face, forcing them to look at him. “Where did he go?” He screamed in their face. (Y/n) remained unflinching, staring Ghirahim directly in the eyes. “He’s safe.”
Rage engulfed Ghirahim. His eyes seemed to turn a deeper shade of red. He pulled his hand back, (Y/n) readied themselves for a slap. Instead his sword was summoned. With one swift move, (Y/n) buckled to the ground. They cried out, the blade pulled out of their abdomen. “I need at least one person to die today. Pity that it had to be you.” (Y/n) curled in a ball, holding onto their wound silently. “I will win. Even if it costs me everything.” Ghirahim said, marching away from (Y/n).
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Hyrule Warriors Masterlist
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sleeping with link - headcanons
being link's travel companion - headcanons
link cooking with his clumsy s/o - headcanons
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zelda's s/o getting kidnapped - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with zelda and mipha - headcanons
being in a poly relationship with zelda and purah - headcanons
the world is (y)ours - oneshot
yandere sheik's darling rejecting her for zelda - headcanons
dating impa - headcanons
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lana teaching her s/o how to use magic - headcanons
first kiss with linkle - headcanons
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let me have a taste - oneshot
tetra teasing you - drabble
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dreamjirou · 1 year
Lost in Echo
preview and spoiler!!
Maybe, just maybe, this could work. There can be miracles when you believe.
You want to read the previous story? Lost in Echo - Chapter 1 - DreamJirou - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword [Archive of Our Own] come and join me :3
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manias-wordcount · 1 year
Could I possibly request Ghirahim or even Link with a female reader who acts similar to Fischl I've been playing her again recently and her voice lines are stuck in my head so this came to mind while playing skyward sword again
S/o who acts like Fischl HCs (Ghirahim, Link)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝘄𝗮𝗶𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘀 𝘀𝗼 𝗳𝘂𝗻𝗻𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗶𝗺 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗱𝘆 𝗮𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗮𝗱 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝗦 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗵𝗲
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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The two of you are like a match made in heaven
It’s actually annoying to everyone around you WHAHAHAH
You could say something that makes absolutely no sense at all or use the most overly extravagant language and Ghirahim would just be like 
“I know, right!!!”
Seriously though, the two of you have slightly different dramatic flairs but Ghirahim knows what it’s like to be the best person in a building full of commoners
It’s your confidence and mysterious nature that drew him in after all
You could seriously be a completely normal girl but Ghirahim is so smitten with your attitude, he’s more than ready to believe you’re a goddess reborn or that you’re more powerful than they ever could
In fact, he’ll be so involved with you that he’ll order everyone around you to show you the utmost respect to the point that they can only speak through HIM to get to you
So don’t worry about anyone giving you trouble- it won’t happen on his watch
 You know he’ll gladly cut out the tongue of anyone who dares do anything against you- even mispronounce your name
 He finds you amusing and the whole thing very cute
But bless his heart he has no idea what you’re saying half the time
It’s definitely been the cause of slight frustration between the two of you
But Link is a good boy
He’ll try his best to translate and to play along with you
And naturally, he knows that over half of what you said isn’t true
After all, it’s kind of hard to believe you’re from another world when he has known you since birth, knows your parents, and by a completely different name
Though that won’t stop him from playing along and even taking up the role of a humble knight
Especially because he knows it makes you happy
Now if he could just make a book or find one that translates all the formal and weird language you use…that would be great
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