#giant!mer dream
dingbatnix · 2 months
So! This is my thing for mermay! I read @baka-monarch 's little prompt thing (and I totally haven't been sitting on this partially-wtitten fic for several years, nope, not at all xD) and decided I needed to write it : D
So, enjoy!
Word count: 3,166
Warnings: small mention of blood, bare skin (cmon it's mermaids) ect.
Each individual muscle was at least three times as big as he was. George had long since lost his journal, but even if he still had it, he didn't think he would have been able to write anything down. He felt too…too in awe to properly note down data and theories as he traversed the alternating slopes of the frankly massive abs.
The mer's laugh, a deep, powerful thing, knocked George off balance. He wobbled, and when the giant began cackling harder at his predicament, finally fell down onto his chest. The brunette flushed, scowling deeply as he planted his hands on tanned flesh and pushed himself to his knees. The ground-shaking laughter of the mer had George's arms too unsteady to rise back upright, though, and he couldn't stop falling. His face burned in embarrassment.
Two massive fingers appeared and plucked up the tail of his brown leather coat, lifting the human into the air and re-settling him onto his feet nearer to the mer's head, on his sternum. The motions of each and every breath was more notable from George's new location, and he had to throw his arms out, again, to keep from tumbling back down to the gradually swelling ground.
George felt the displacement of air as the long, leviathan-like tail of the mer curled up from the roiling ocean waves and came roaring back down with a massive crash of the salty sea spray. He stumbled from the rush of movement that rippled throughout the colossal body underneath his feet, and, with a frown creasing his lips, George decided to settle down, cross legged, so he wouldn't have so many embarrassing moments of unbalance.
"So what's a little human like you got in the books for me today?" The mer's voice rumbled deep beneath George's crossed legs, and the volume of it had his head snapping up to try and meet the mer's eyes.
"Erm," George blanked as he caught the mer's deep, amber gaze. There were little flecks of brown and gold swimming in those pool-sized irises, and George could swear that he saw his own reflection in those dark, mirror-like slit pupils.
He was jolted out of the alluring sight when the mer blinked, eyes lidding halfway as he scrutinized the human in return. A small smile curled at the edges of his lips, wrinkling his short, flattish nose and crinkling up at the corners of the mer’s eyes.
George blinked rapidly, tearing his gaze away from the mer’s face to peer behind himself, at the supposedly bright green fishtail making up the lower half of the giant. Each scale was almost as big as his entire body, and the tail was at least sixty meters long. And, crazily enough, that estimation wasn’t even counting the length of the mer’s torso. All together, George thought the mer was about ninety meters long in total, or about three hundred feet, but he hadn’t found an instrument big enough to measure his full height. Either way, the mer was massive, truly one of the top predators residing in the ocean.
George cleared his throat, remembering that the mer had asked him a question. "Scale composition. But, Dream, I lost my journal. You made me drop it!" He jabbed an accusing finger up at the blond, turning back to glare up at those amused eyes. George wasn’t actually that upset about it, of course, it had been a new, blank journal, and he had dozens of them at home. It was more of the principle of the matter, that he had lost it while visiting the mer. He could not let that become a habit.
The mer let loose another small laugh, bringing a huge, clawed finger nearer to George to gently brush over the biologist's head. Dream's movements were too fast for George to dodge, so he settled for swatting at the pitted skin of the fingertip with a scowl.
"It would have probably helped," Dream murmured, a note of teasing delight coloring his tone. "If you hadn't been oogling me the whole time you were supposed to be 'researching.' You wouldn't have dropped it, then."
The mer was full on grinning, now, a lopsided, snarky thing that exposed his harpoon-sharp fangs to the coastal sunlight. The long, rugged scar bridging across his nose was warped with the expression, and briefly, the brunette wondered what kind of dangers resided under the ocean waves that could give a mer as enormous as Dream a scar.
He flushed again, scowl deepening as he turned his gaze away from the teasing, cheshire grin and instead inspected the distant sand dunes of the beach, far below his seat on the mer’s chest. “Well, it’s not my fault you’re a marvel of scientific discovery,” he murmured, trying to will away the heat he knew was decorating his cheeks.
The body underneath him tensed, and then fingers appeared behind George to pinch the edge of his coat again, plucking him up from his seat without any other warning. George yelped, scrambling for the rapidly receding ground before crossing his arms over his chest, afraid of slipping out of his jacket as he was lifted higher and higher into the air.
Dream moved suddenly, the behemoth rolling over from his back onto his chest, carefully keeping George high above his colossal movements. George held back a displeased whimper, curling his legs up closer to his body as he was dangled and swung dozens of feet above the ground. If he fell, it might not kill him, he’d be landing on sand, after all, but at the very least he would break something important.
He swallowed, trying to distract himself as the immense creature settled down to lay on his front. George’s eyes wandered to the rippling musculature underneath the mer's skin as he moved, and despite himself, a small grin slipped over his lips. It truly was amazing, how a creature as large as Dream was could survive in the ocean. He still wasn’t sure what Dream ate (he hadn’t quite worked up the nerve to ask, the stories of man-eating sirens and mermaids prevalent in his mind) but he was sure the mer had a carnivorous diet.
George was suddenly hurtling down towards the sandy ground at breakneck speeds, and he couldn't help the terrified shout that escaped from his throat. He slammed his eyes shut, a rush of nausea squirming through his gut and crawling up his spine.
The heavy motions surrounding him stopped, and the toes of his dangling converse bumped against something rough. George blinked his eyes open to find an expanse of tanned, leathery skin splayed out beneath his body. He glanced around, finding that it was Dream’s other hand, vast palm upturned against the sand.
Hesitantly, George stretched out his legs and planted his feet against the pliable skin. The fingers pinched around the back of his jacket released, freeing George to move on his own two legs. Around him, the mer's fingers curled inwards, almost closing George in on all sides by massive, column-esque fingers and long stretches of webbed flesh.
George glanced up at Dream’s looming figure, a questioning expression decorating his face. Long, sea-debris tangled blond hair tumbled down over the mer's shoulders and framed his fine cheekbones. A sharp smile decorated his lips, flashing pointed fangs against the midday light. The hand that had held the human had moved away to prop itself underneath the mer's chin, and the huge, webbed fins on the side of his head where ears would be on a human were twitching in unison.
In the distance behind the looming slope of the mer's shoulders, George could see the lemon yellow shine of Dream's colossal tail as it flicked up to what seemed like hundreds of feet into the air. The vast, sail-like fin tipping the end of the immense appendage flexed casually against the sky, blotting out the sun in the brief few moments it hung in the air. Then, it fell, and there was a far-off boom as it crashed back down into the ocean waves, one that George could feel in his very core.
It was always very humbling to be in the presence of a creature so massive that a wayward breath or an unthinking movement could have you dead, with very little thought or consequence to the behemoth before you. It was even more humbling when every ounce of said leviathan in question's attention was solely focused on you, and you alone, fully in-tune with each potentially devastating movement so as not to injure or even frighten you.
Dream’s grin widened, expression nearly glittering with the sheer amount of delight as he gazed down at him, the miniscule, insignificant human resting in the center of his enormous palm. His claw tipped fingers twitched, casting a brief shadow over George’s form.
“You think I’m a marvel, Goggy?” The mer asked, tilting his head ever-so-slightly to the side. His pupils, sharp slits against the amber of his irises, dilated, growing wide enough that George actually could see his own reflection. His cheeks were dark with a bright, fiery blush at the moment.
"What I think is that you're an idiot," the brunette griped, looking down as he adjusted the lapels of his leather jacket, attempting to hide the ever-deepening flush he knew was spreading. He was sure his ears were red, but he could probably just pass that off as a sunburn if he was asked.
A wheezy laugh escaped from the mer’s colossal lungs, reverberating all the way through the sand underneath them both as the warm, salty breath brushed over George, flattening his hair against his forehead. He wrinkled his nose at the sharp scent and shot a glare up at the blond, coughing meaningfully.
“I mean, I’m at least better than any of the other mers.” Dream rolled his eyes skywards, a frown twisting at his lips. “There’s so much drama nowadays, and some of those kids…” The mer let out a small, surly rumble, nose wrinkling as he grimaced.
The biologist perked up, interest immediately piqued. “There are other mers?"
Dream chuckled. "Yeah, there's a few here and there. You wouldn't want to meet them, though. They're not nearly as nice as I am.” George frowned at the implications of that statement, but decided not to pursue that train of conversation. Instead, he leaned to the side, trying to peer over Dream’s shoulder at the long, flicking tail that trailed for hundreds of feet behind him.
“Mhm. I want to examine your scales.” The human declared abruptly, planting a hand on his hip and pointing over the mer's shoulder. The blond frowned, shooting a quick glance behind himself, past the jagged sail that trailed from his lower back all the way down to about mid tail, to the glittering scales that decorated the appendage itself. They looked just fine, he didn’t know why George even wanted to inspect them. With a pout spanned across his face, he turned back to the little human, brows furrowed.
“But you don't even have your little writing book! C’mon, I just got comfortable,” he whined, ear frills flicking back against his huge skull.
“I don't care! Let me look at them anyway!” George demanded, crossing his arms and puffing his chest out. He cocked his hips, shooting his most petulant expression up at the massive mer. Dream’s pupils rounded out just a little bit more at the human’s actions, and he caved with an exasperated, drawn out sigh.
“Okay, okay, jeez, don't get your fins in a twist. Er. Legs? Hm. That expression doesn���t really work with humans, huh…” Dream trailed off, tilting his head at George for a long moment before his ear fins flickered out in a form of dismissal.
Heaving out a world-weary groan, the leviathan pushed himself upwards with his free hand. The platform of flesh underneath George’s feet moved, suddenly, and he had to drop down to his knees rather quickly unless he wanted to tumble down in an undignified heap. The hand was brought close to the mer’s chest as he rolled over and tried to settle comfortably onto his backside.
Once comfortable, Dream brought his hand down to about mid-tail length, folding over on himself and propping his free elbow on his own tail to lean his head against.
George scooted to the edge of the mer’s palm and hopped down with a small grunt. He nearly slipped when he made contact with the bright scutes and had to lunge back to grab onto the side of the mer’s hand. Dream’s scales, while crusted with beach sand, were still slick with a thin coating of seawater and a protective mucus. George was honestly surprised that Dream’s scales had as much of a slime coat as they did. He would have figured the mer to be more akin to a shark, or some other cartilaginous fish.
He crouched, after he had regained his balance, running a hand over one of the huge, curtain-sized scutes. “You have ctenoid scales,” George murmured, dropping to his knees to peer more closely at the overlapping plates.
“What does that mean?” Dream asked, hunching over just a little bit more to squint at George as the human ran his hands over the edge of one of the scales.
“It means that there are ridges along the edge of each scale. Like tiny teeth.” George paused for a moment, contemplating as he plucked his fingers against the prickly edge of the scale. If he wanted to, he could probably wedge his whole hand underneath the plate of what was probably some mix of collagen and dentine. He was tempted to try, to see how far his hand would go, but he wasn't going to risk it, on the off chance that something bad happened.
"What color did you say your scales were, again?" He inquired, glancing up at the looming shape of Dream’s head and torso. The mer’s eyebrows quirked, and one of his ear fins perked curiously.
“Like a yellowy-green. Can you really not tell? Is that a human thing?" He squinted, gaze searching as if he could see George’s eyes from the distance between them. Maybe he could, George wasn’t sure. He hadn’t gotten around to testing how good Dream’s eyesight was, and how well they worked above and below water.
Regardless, he shook his head. “No, I'm just colorblind. It’s a fairly common thing for people to have, but not all of us do.”
“Oh? Can you not….how does that work? Do colors not exist? How do you see?” A startled snort escaped from the brunette's lips at the mer’s question, and he grinned up at the blond.
“I can still see, you dumbass. I’m not blind. I just can't see red or green, and any colors that have them only look like the other color.” George rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to the plates beneath his legs. “For example, you say your scales are green, but they just look bright yellow to me.”
“Huh,” Dream hummed contemplatively as he readjusted the arm his chin was propped on. The position he was in looked uncomfortable, but George wasn’t going to question it. While the mer was still a vertebrate, he probably had to be very flexible for life in the ocean.
He should ask Dream how many bones most mers had, actually. He might know.
George dropped his eyes back down to the mer’s scales, vaguely wishing that he still had some sort of writing instrument on hand. “These really are fascinating…” The human murmured, poking at one of the overlapping ledges with inquisitive fingers. Did the mer shed, like some kinds of fish and most reptiles did? He’d have to ask sometime, preferably when he had a journal on his person.
“Here, do you want one?” The mer abruptly asked, raising a hand and pointing at one of the bright scales. George pulled a face and shook his head, but the mer was already in motion.
“No, wait–” But Dream already had a claw prying underneath one of his scales, pinching it between two massive fingertips and working it out of the overlap from the surrounding plates. George shot to his feet in an attempt to try and stop Dream, but it was already too late. The muscles underneath George’s feet twitched when the scale was yanked from its cradle, and he threw his arms out for what seemed to be the millionth time that day, unwilling to lose his footing again.
Dream suddenly pushed the scale against George's chest, shoving the human backwards more than a couple of steps. It was almost as tall and twice as wide as the human was, and he had to scramble to grab it before Dream bowled him over.
“Dream!” He snapped, scowling as the mer’s huge hand slid away. The mer laughed, grinning brightly down at George. The human’s scowl deepened, and he rolled his eyes, turning his attention to the large scale he now held in his hands. He was surprised to find that it wasn't as heavy as he thought it would be. It only weighed about as much as a small paddle board, about four or five kilograms.
“Dream, where am I going to put this? It's bigger than I am!” George exclaimed, holding it out as far as he could so that he could examine it. Large globs of blood dotted the anterior end of the scale, slowly beading down as the gravity took the weight of the ichor. George grimaced in disgust, holding the sizeable plate further away from himself for a different reason this time. He shot a look up towards Dream, face twisted.
“Didn’t that hurt?” From what he could see, the spot where Dream had plucked the scale from was also bleeding, dark liquid swelling up from the bed of skin underneath the scales. Was it like plucking a hair from your head? Or did it feel like ripping out a fingernail? George wanted to know, but the mer only laughed, avoiding the human’s question and insisting that George keep the scale, as a souvenir until his next visit to the beach.
They devolved into pointless bickering until the sky started to grow dark with heavy clouds, and the wind picked up. At that point, George decided he needed to head home, before the storm properly began. Dream had agreed, saying that it was unpleasant to be near dry land during particularly bad storms. They bid each other goodbye for the day, and each headed their separate ways, Dream sliding back under the crashing waves of the ocean, and George walking back towards the city.
George did end up carrying the scale home with him, even though he had to fight against the growing strength of the wind to keep a good hold on it. He still didn’t know where he was going to put it, though.
@brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @kayla-crazy-stuffs @local-squishmallow @skullsnbruises @munchkin1156 @gt-daboss
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mysterious-gizem · 5 months
ᴄᴜʀɪᴏᴜs ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ
Warning/s: (???)
Prompt given by: @kayla-crazy-stuffs
Taglist: @da3dm, @gt-mcyt
"Let's get this vacation going!" Sapnap whooped as he closed the car trunk, now looking at Karl. "You're just lucky I could bring a plus one into this trip," He chuckled, "The agency still expects me to take photos of the wildlife and landscape there." He implied.
Sapnap rolled his eyes as he and Karl hopped into the car. The shorter brunette turned on the engine and shortly after started driving. The entire car ride was filled with jokes and casual conversations between the two until they arrived at their beachfront hotel.
The two began to unload the trunk and settle themselves into the hotel.
"Yo Karl, there's this place down by the board walk we can go diving," Sapnap began while snickering. "Apparently, there's been sightings of sea monsters there~" He chuckled, Karl rolled his eyes at his friend's antics.
"There's a coral reef there, right? I can take some photographs there for work." The taller smiled as he grabbed his camera, "Alright then, let's go!" The shorter brunette cheered as he walked to leave the hotel room.
The duo were now standing on a boat in their diving gear with a worker, "Those oxygen tanks will last around forty-five minutes, so come back after you're done exploring. I'll be here on the boat waiting for you guys!" The man explained as he made sure the oxygen tanks were fine.
Sapnap was the first to fall into the ocean with Karl following shortly after, fish swam around minding their own business as the two human's gazed in awe at the reef in front of them. The taller was pulling out his camera and taking a few professional and goofy photos.
Sapnap was playing around watching the small sea creatures crawling and swimming around. Even mentally snickering to himself as he toyed around with the fishes.
Thirty minutes in Karl signalled for Sapnap to follow him to the surface which the other nodded to, once the two resurfaced the taller was the first to hop back onto the boat however Sapnap stayed in the water.
"Sap? Are you still staying in the water?" Karl asked as the worker listened quietly, "There's still a few minutes left. Can yall just come back for me?" Karl turned to look at the guy who gave him a nod. "Alright then." Karl said as he sat himself on the boat.
"Sir, just remember if, in any case, your oxygen tank is low and I'm not here yet, swim to the surface and wait for me." The worker informed the brunette. Sapnap nodded as he watched the boat drive away before he dived back down.
What surprised Sapnap was a cliff just at the edge of the coral reef that he didn't notice before. He curiously swam closer as he inspected the cliff. He was captivated by the beauty of the ocean life around him that he didn't notice time flying by.
He suddenly noticed a beeping red light and a timer on the side, two minutes, Sapnap panicked as he quickly tried swimming up, but he was quickly pulled back. He scrambled to look what was holding him back. Seaweed was wrapped around his leg with rocks, keeping him from moving.
The brunette rushed to pull his legs, yet it seemed to only tighten the hold. He started to breathe heavily, which only worsened his situation. He could feel his oxygen diminish as he vision fogged up. He was on the verge of passing out before hearing movement in the water. Sapnap gasped as he lost his strength and gave in to passing out.
Sapnap gasped as he coughed out water, the salty liquid burning his eyes. He blinked as he stared around, noticing the dark room(cave?). Only being illuminated with algae. A loud guttural humm caught his attention as he snapped his head to the side, seeing a huge silhouette.
"I've never seen a human up this close. You guys are small!" The creature announced as he brought an arm closer; which startled the brunette. "Oh- sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The other said.
Sapnap was quiet he was scanning the creature up and down—was this seriously a mermaid- or merman?—Sapnap trembled as he made eye contact with the man.
"Oh! I'm Dream, what about you?" The creature grinned, showing those sharp pearly white teeth. He was unsure whether or not he should answer, yet he stuttered a quick response, "Sapnap..." He mumbled. The creature excitedly grinned, still seemingly astonished at the human in front of him.
"Sap—nap? Seems like an odd name for a human, but it's cool!" The male answered, "Uhm- where—where are we?" Sapnap asked seemingly out of breath, "We're in an underwater cave! I saw you tangled up in some seaweed, and it looked like you needed help, so I plucked you off the seaweed and brought you here." He explained. Sapnap noticed the unusual wording when the creature said 'plucked' instead of untangle, yet when he looked down on his leg, he still saw part of the seaweed wrapped around his leg.
Sapnap nodded as he began to shift his seating to a more comfortable position, now more calm than he was formally. "C-Can you bring me up to the uhm- boardwalk?" The human was hesitant to ask, not wanting to anger the sea creature.
The look on the mermans face looked...disappointed? With a solemn sigh, the creature spoke, "Sure- I suppose I can't really keep you..." Suddenly, Sapnap got picked up with a hand, now having a clear reminder on their size differences. The creature seemed to still as the human scrambled to try to escape, his instincts to tell him to run, run, RUN.
"Woahh~ you fit on my palm!" He said with a grin once again, showing those bright sharp teeth, Sapnap watched the maw that seemed to get closer and closer...
"Oh uhm, yea, you're gonna have to hold your breath so I can bring you up." He told the brunette with a nod. Sapnap's breath shook as he took a deep breath and shut his eyes. He suddenly felt the water slap his face and the grip on himself getting tighter.
It's like earlier...
He chest felt strained, the oxygen in his lungs slowly diminishing, his anxiety was skyrocketing as he felt himself rushing around the water. He hoped he was close to the surface, but for now, his focus was on keeping his mouth and eyes shut.
Suddenly, he felt the world shift and no longer felt water beside his face. He gasped as he felt the tightness in his chest disappear, and he rolled onto the ground. He coughed and spat out water that managed to enter his mouth.
Sapnap turned to look at the creature, his full body almost submerged except for their head, "I have to go- human's aren't even supposed to see me, I hope we see each other again, Sapnap" Dream whispered as he quickly dissappeared under the water.
"Damn, that really just happened?"
Sapnap sighed as he brushed himself, picking himself up to return to the hotel. The sun was setting behind him as it began to hide itself.
"Sapnap!? Oh my god- where have you been!" Karl questioned as he ran to hug the shorter, "Multiple boat's and divers came looking for you!" The taller rambled but the words blurred together in Sapnap's mind as he collapsed onto his bed.
He mumbled a small reply, "...'m f'ne Karl..."
Yoo, I'm sorry if it's not what you expected. Honestly, I was thinking of making Sap the mer, but bricks short fic made me change my mind😭
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 month
I'm back doing dsmp g/t stuff :)
Have some Surfer Dream au Skephalo content for Mermay :]
If you're wondering why is Bad upset, it's because Skeppy got him soaked against his will :)
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baka-monarch · 2 years
tell me about the gay stuff for the florist au
my internet is being funky sorry if these take a minute to get in
Tis okie
The giant mers (George and Punz) all get crushes on Dream after he talks to them, then when the pirates take him into the island (Dream is tied up and has to lead them forward as Sam holds onto the end of the rope) and everyone is asleep for the night making camp in the woods (Dream is tied to a tree) Dream gets to talk to the giant creatures on the island (Sapnap and Karl) the giants also end up getting crushes on him and only don't free him immediately because he says he doesn't want anybody to get killed- but the giants plan to keep a close eye on the pirates and their little florist once everyone wakes up
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🦈 the boys are scheming
Ramble under cut!
Killer: based on the Black-tipped Reef Shark and a Thrasher Shark. His tail is long and whip like but you can’t appreciate it’s length bc it’s out of frame. He uses it to give his prey a concussion.
Horror: is a whale shark because he is a big softie, a gentle giant. I can only have so many octopi, and next to a shark of some kind that’s my second choice for him.
Dust: manta ray. My logic behind this choice works like this; hoodie = soft + covers you = blanket. Blanket + fish = stingray. Manta Rays don’t have stingers. But I gave Dust one anyway.
Dream/Molt: I was torn between a classic fish tail for him or something with tentacles. So I drew three forms for him. his designs are loosely inspired by cuttlefish and a specific killifish I’ve lost the name of.
Because Molt’s goop is tied to his role as a Guardian of Positivity of the multiverse, I was torn about whether not his mer-form should be goopy. I’m still indecisive about this.
If we went with his cuttlefish form, just like real cuttlefish he would be able change the color and texture of his body and tentacles. He can’t change the color of his bones or magic, of course.
This also one of the few AUs that you get to see the damage done to his ribcage. If only bc he doesn’t have three layers of fabric to hide it.
Regardless of the kind of mer-skele, Molt steers clear of deep open water. The scars across his ribs are a literal beacon in the dark, as his magic glows, and are just as likely to attract a predator as they are to attract curious small fish. As dusk falls, Molt hides himself away in caves and crevices in the reef or cliffs. He is a day time hunter by choice, but his brother still prefers to hunt at night.
Nightmare/Rem: i had two ideas for Rem, Octopus or Orca. Orca, because of the general importance that family plays in their social dynamic. And Octopus for classic fandom interpretation reasons.
If we are using the octopus type mer for Rem; like his brother, he can change the pattern and color of his body but not his bones or magic. Though he can change his color to almost any hue he wants, he prefers dark colors.
The dark markings on his bones may or may not be natural, and may or may not be caused by the same incident that nearly shattered his brother’s bones. :)
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shibaraki · 1 year
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synopsis: when your sailboat is caught in a vicious storm you are saved by a whale sized mer that cannot keep his curiosity—nor his affections—at bay.
tags: GN reader, suggestive, merfolk au, giant mer deku, storms + boating accidents, language barrier, a little angst, fluff, near drowning + mild injury (no detailed desc), courting behaviours, modern fantasy, macro/micro, manhandling (literally), hopeful ending
wc: 6.4K
↳ for the mermay collab hosted by the teahouse server! ↰
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There’s little you remember. A breeze carrying the taste of sea salt grew bitter and cutting. The gentle lull of the waves slowly grew treacherous. Freezing sheets of grey rain blurred visibility, ocean foaming at the mouth. You lurched as the boat tipped, taking a hit to the head on the main mast. Grappling with consciousness, you recall how your body had been flung into the depths, a sharp and endless cradle; cold enough, kind enough, that you quickly lost all sensation.
Then you’re gasping desperately. When your lungs fill with cool night air relief floods your system. An ache wracks your being, muscles seizing and bones rattling, but the only thing you can think is: I’m alive. I’m alive. I’m alive.
Everything comes back in small pieces. You slump back and clutch at your soaked shirt, wincing at the bruising around your lungs with each breath. Above is a wide open sky littered with stars and the moon hangs high. You notice that you’re floating then; not on the surface of the water but in a steep puddle that stops above your waist, clothes entirely soaked. Surrounding you are… walls?
Adjusted to the darkness, your eyes drag cautiously across them. They are curved like a bowl, and seem oddly shelved, quite similar to a cupped human hand except much bigger. As that thought crosses your mind the upper shelf moves, and the two walls turn inward, opening a small crevice underneath you to let the water spill back into the sea.
And then a soft lucid croon vibrates through the air. You feel it deep in your chest; the sound is soothing, like a mother’s hum, pressing on an old, innate need for comfort.
Gravity swoops through your belly as the structure moves. Down come the walls. They lay slightly flat, though still keeping you in a shallow divot. Your eyes squeeze shut and sting. The storm must have killed you because what is plain to see could only be conjured in a dream.
The size of a small blue whale— neither blue nor whale. A soft jaw and a pale face, cheeked covered in what appeared to be sunspots. Full lips parted to warble in quiet wonder, revealing a set of large sharp teeth. Either side of the creature's neck are diaphanous slits. Gills. Smatterings of luminescent green scales trail beautifully from the throat to the shoulders. You notice a glow on the ocean’s surface, the rest of his form hidden below.
Rocked off balance as their head dips, dark tendrils of hair clinging to skin, you are met with a pair of large pupil-less eyes. Vibrant green speckled with white, full of curiosity. A few clicks and a whistle echoes into the night. Your tongue feels like a slab of lead, cloven to the roof of your mouth, frozen by unadulterated fear.
It's a mer. It must be. Mer sightings are incredibly rare. You’re in the palm of a legend. A giant one at that.
What you now presume to be the mer’s thumb passes over you cautiously. You flinch despite his obvious attempt at telegraphing the movement. To someone your size it still happens a little too fast. The sinew in your neck hurts, wrung with tension as the thumb stops an inch short of your crown. Seconds elapse. There’s a light pressure, liquid streaming down your face, a back and forth motion, a low warbling.
The mer is petting you.
“Wha—?” your voice comes out rasped, painful as it scratches the inside of your throat. Dissolving into a violent coughing fit, you curl forward with arms crossed over your stomach as you vomit, crying out through the sharp stabs in your ribs. Overhead, the mer whines, and you’re prepared this time as his hands move.
“I’m… I’m okay, I think,” you croaked, mostly to yourself, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. The acrid taste of blood and salt lingers in your teeth. Suddenly, a warm gust of air knocks the wind out of you— the tremors too. The soft hair on your arms prickles at the sudden chill as the warmth retreats, but you’re grateful to be a little dryer.
When you glance up the mer is much closer. His face has gentled into sadness. He'd huffed a breath over you the same way one might do to keep their hands warm. You are struck by the thoughtfulness. Unlike the old stories this mer seemed intent on keeping you alive. So far he has treated you softly, albeit clumsily, and tried to comfort you. Understanding settles over you accompanied by a sense of helplessness. To this mer you are probably nothing more than an injured baby bird.
“Did…” you try to speak louder, the words strained. “Did you save me?”
The moonlight kisses him just right. His expression blooms when you speak, a reflexive trill building in his throat to verbalise happiness. Beneath the mass of curls on his head there are two fin shaped ears fluttering. Giant as he may be, the mer is… cute, as well as devastating.
You swallow and wince. It feels like sandpaper. “Can you understand me?” you ask, purposefully slow. Any local information gathered about merfolk was either a lie or rumour. Some say they can understand spoken word and others don’t. Perhaps this mer had migrated from far away where the human tongue is different. Or maybe it was his first time meeting a person. That would explain the enthusiasm.
You’re given a plaintive blink. Membranous lids first, outer lids after. The muted roll of the waves fills the silence as you gaze at one another, nearly forgetting your question all together as you’re pulled in— wading through sea glass depths. Two pulsing clicks ripple across the open water and you startle out of your reverie.
He tips to meet you halfway. You steel yourself, unsteady as you try to stand, and choke a laugh when the creature nudges his nose into your middle. He rumbles a purr, as though pleased by the proximity. You shudder when it resonates pleasantly through your body.
“Okay that’s—dangerous,” you strain a laugh, bracing against his nose. Fatigue threads its way into your muscles. The adrenaline is beginning to wear off and giving way to a harsh headache. Your eyes close, the only mercy being that it is dark out. The mer exhales another hot breath against your lap.
“Guess you won’t be talking anytime soon,” you continue aloud. A weak smile curls at your lips as you recline to look at him better, “Sorry if I don’t make good company”.
Seeing him cross eyed makes you laugh, even through the tenderness, and you stroke your hand against his cheek; so contrivedly real looking that it seems like it must be a trick. Licking the salt water from your lips, you drag your palms from freckle to freckle, forming patterns and constellations. His skin is deceptively soft. Smooth and slippery— like blubber, you can only assume.
“You’re so gorgeous,” you lean into the hum he is emitting, low and supple. You reach with fingertips stretched to skim along his lower lashes. Closer now you see the green hues in his hair where the light reflects. Though he might not be able to understand the language you hoped your reverence would carry through in your tone. You think perhaps it does; a faint red glow stains his fin tipped ears and happy whistles quake through your bones.
The saccharine moment is cut short by something splashing nearby. It sounds big. You startle with a yelp, cowering back into the safety of the mer’s hand. Glancing back over his shoulder, face crinkled and lips thin, you thought he looked almost petulant. How unsettlingly human it is.
Collapsing into a puddle of vertigo, you clutch your head as he suddenly turns. A sad trill reverberates in your skull and you’re sliding, the too-corporeal ground rising to meet you. You land with a thump on damp wood where he puts you down, forcing a pained wheeze from your throat.
Another splash. This time it is followed by a stern wailing call that forces a frantic urgency into the mer’s movements. From above he looks between you and the black horizon, eyes wide and beseeching, as though he wanted to impress his intentions with his gaze. You think you get it.
I’ll be back soon, he’s saying. “Go,” you try to smile and gesture to your surroundings. “It’s not like I can go anywhere anytime soon”.
Relief colours his features. Then he’s gone. Sinking into the ocean like a stone, frighteningly silent. The boat rolls over a passing wave and nausea churns in your stomach. You squint through the moonlight, dizzy, and make out the limp flapping material of the sail, now torn and strewn across the deck. Good enough.
You gather strength and stretch to pull it over your form. If drowning didn’t take you then hypothermia would. Dark spots gather in your vision, closing in as you curl into yourself. The ocean rocks you gently in her arms. You can only lie back—on what you now know to be remains of the boat—listen to the rasp in your breathing, watch the flickering stars blur together, and think of how small you really are.
When you wake the sky is bleeding into dawn with the quieting rays of light. Soft enough that you can look directly at the sun and see the blushing canvas it paints. Sitting up with a wounded groan, you stare at the far off horizon. You cannot discern where reality began and your dreams ended, only that at some point you walked between them.
Tugging the tarp close to your chest you survey the surroundings. Pinpricks of seawater spray up the hull. The mast has been snapped in half and the main sails are gone along with the helm. Below the cabin is flooded. Most of the resources you brought, along with the VHF radio, have seemingly gone overboard.
Your lips are unbearably dry. Skin splits, iron mixing with salt. You inhale deeply, lungs bloating with crisp air, and exhale raggedly through the soreness. First priority is water. Like a newborn calf you amble over to the hatch. There are coolers fixed to the floors under the cockpit that you hope survived—
One broken and empty. One mostly undamaged.
“C’mon… Please…” opening the lock is more strenuous than it should be. Your fingers tremble and slip, still numb. A sob wracks your body. Relief buckles you at the knees and you brace against the counter. Inside is an emergency flare gun and an assortment of non perishables, including biscuits and bottled water.
You fumble with the bottle cap, shaking as you bring it to your mouth. It immediately soothes your throat and you begin to gulp mouthfuls, pulling off only for breath. Tearing the biscuit packet open with your teeth you settle back in the spot you slept on. It crumbles, dry enough to stick to the roof of your mouth, but food is food.
Two things are certain. You’re stuck here, and you have no idea how far off course the storm threw you. You shoot the first flare, a bright red vein soaring into the sky, leaving you with nothing to do but wait. The gun had at least three more rounds. Would anybody see it out here?
Another streak of light flares as the sun rises and casts an orange shimmer across the ocean surface. The giant mer crosses your thoughts as your eyes drag over the large indent pressed into the side of the boat. Though unsure if he existed at all you miss the security of his hands.
You lose focus listening to the sea exhale. Barely cognisant of the formless blur spreading like ink in the distance, growing in size the closer it gets. It slows a few feet away and the momentum has waves jolting through the water. Scrambling to grab the side of the boat as it jerks, ice grips at your heart when you notice the huge shadow lingering nearby.
When it rises the blur sharpens and takes shape. Features distort, rippling under the tide, and you daren’t blink. Eyes of sea glass stare back with equal hesitance. Cool morning light reflects off dark green curls, strands laid to a pale forehead, flat and reminiscent of wet seaweed. The surface breaks dramatically, water rushing down his head and fizzling into foam.
You release a staggered breath, realising you’d been holding it. A mer really had saved you. In daylight you can appreciate the sheer size of him. Shoulders near the width of your boat, covered in opalescent scales and dark scars.
Emboldened by your silence a careful hum vibrates in his throat. His gills pulse and flutter as he comes in closer. The sun is eclipsed by his hand, shadows looming across the deck where his fingers come to rest. Careful, retreating quickly when the structure groans, and then returning again, gentler.
“You… came back,” you whisper. Disbelief bleeds into your voice. A needling sensation flows to your legs as you stand. You grasp his fingertip and the mer smiles— a trill behind his lips, stretched warmly across his face, enough to lift the swell of his freckled cheeks. Light undulates brightly in his eyes, swaying like patterns you see on the seafloor.
“It’s good to know I didn’t lose my mind,” a wave of uncertainty washes over you as the mer watches you expectantly. There’s a clear intelligence in his gaze, rapt inquisitiveness, but you can’t yet be sure he really understands. Equally, you know precisely nothing about mer social etiquette. “Does this make us friends? You’re friendly, right? I hope so. I probably taste like shit, you know”.
Ignoring his curious hum you brace against his hand and lean toward the edge of the deck. Illuminated by the sunlit hues, more of his upper body is visible to you. Waves lap placidly up a strong chest, smooth muscled pecs glistening. The scales spanning his flanks are notably larger and thicker.
You wonder the science behind his existence, if it was simply work of the Gods, or there was some reason for him to be so egregiously large. Merfolk have always been depicted as human sized or close enough to it. “...Guess I should give you a name. You’re pretty green. Midori? Too simple. How about Midoriya?”
His finger wiggles slightly with a playful whistle, happy about the name. It bends to curl around you. Even a slight shift causes the boat to dip. What must be an imperceptible movement for him nearly knocks you on your feet. “Ah—Steady!” your yelp scratches at the inside of your throat and nausea pulses hot in your stomach. “Oh, fuck. That sucked”.
Midoriya’s head tilts and he croons. It sounds apologetic. “Just go easy with me, alright? You could probably squash me like a bug,” you squint at the folds in his finger, and further at the gossamer webbing in the spaces between each knuckle as your stomach twists uncomfortably in hunger. Asking him to bring you fish would probably be futile.
Patting the firm heel you move away from his hand and dismiss his solemn whine. For a creature his size he sure was a bundle of nerves. “Don’t panic. I just need to eat something,” you pick the bottled water up once more and sip, keeping it held in your mouth for a few precious seconds. The sun flares as the giant creature moves silently, leaning in closer. He huffs through his nose at the food packets.
“Nu-uh, you can’t have these. They’re mine,” the biscuit falls apart, sodden between your damp fingers. Tasteless and yet not so insipid now that you’re with company. Swallowing thickly, you watch the large body bob and dither beside the boat, scrutinising your every move.
Hell, you’re not even doing anything particularly interesting. This must be how animals feel in zoos.
Dragging your gaze to the skies your thoughts turn toward getting home. There is nothing for miles. Laid out before you is a near seamless horizon, planes blurring together the longer you look. “Hey, Midoriya. Are you the only one out here, or are there more?” Whales were your first thought. They traveled in pods, to your knowledge. “Is that who called out to you last night?”
Midoriya’s answer comes in wide eyed blinks. A self deprecating smile thins across your lips. The lack of response is expected, though you are struck by the quick flash of emotion crossing his expression as you say, “Nevermind. As long as nothing comes around to eat me before I die on this stupid boat”.
Midoriya pouts. Shakes his head and makes it rain. He clicks firmly before descending into the depths again. You panic and scramble closer to the edge, wondering if you’d upset him, but find that he is lazily circling the area back and forth. His hair moves in soft tendrils around his face, dancing along the current. Your eyes widen, mouth open in awe as he dives lower and suddenly—
Opalescent hues of green and red. Breaching the surface Midoriya arcs his body into the air and twists his torso in your direction, arms splayed out in joy. There isn’t enough time to appreciate him all. His lower half is longer than his upper body, thicker at his waist bordered by wispy iridescent pelvic fins that flare in the breeze, another running the length of his spine. The tail tapers, narrowing toward a large fork ending with two broad fins.
He lands with a great splash. Exhilarated laughter shakes your shoulders as you cling to the nearest fixture, swaying clumsily over the oncoming waves. You squint through the thin spray. White sea foam ripples out in wide rings, sparkling softly under the sun and dissolving in the calm.
“Holy shit,” adrenaline numbs the tenderness throbbing in your gullet. Midoriya jumps again as he draws closer to you, this time with less height, and you cup your hands around your mouth to cheer for him. His beaming grin is all sharp teeth when he resurfaces, finned ears vibrating. He looks happy that you’re happy.
Part of you remains one foot in disbelief. You expect that anytime now you will wake up washed up on an old forgotten beach. Another cannot discount how real the mer feels under your palms as you reach for him, the vibration of his pleased hum shaking your bones and warming your belly. Midoriya rises up into the insignificant touch like a pampered feline and forces your arms wider to accept more of him.
A strong briney smell fills your senses. “That was incredible. Were you trying to cheer me up?” plastered to his cheek in some poor imitation of a hug, you press an exaggerated kiss to his cheek. A glow spreads across his skin like circuitry, crossing over his nose bridge, flushed red. It makes the air taste metallic. You feel another warm exhale billowing where his own mouth pouts, pushing against your lap. Tears prickle behind your eyes and you blink them away as the anxiety in your chest recedes, “Thanks, big guy”.
Midoriya keeps you company well into the day, never straying too far. You acclimate to his presence and feel at ease with him by your side. Hair half dry in the softening light of the afternoon sun he lets you coil his waves around your arm with eyes crinkled at the corners. He doesn’t appear to be bored in the slightest.
You’re kept under his watchful eyes as you amble around what remains of the boat for something, anything, that might help you get home. At one point you wade into the flooded cabin and search for the HF radio again only to be bombarded by a cornucopia of concerned wailing. Lesson learned: Midoriya does not like when you’re out of sight. You come up empty handed, vexed and dizzy.
There are a few instances you’re almost tipped over despite Midoriya’s determination to be careful. One by one, you are gifted with more current-smoothed stones and rusted trinkets than you know how to carry. His curious hand pokes at the broken equipment strewn around. You end up rambling for hours, explaining each gifted object to him to keep yourself conscious. It’s not as if the mer is an unwilling participant. You might be unable to understand him but the stuttered clicking and whistles he responds with are as close to conversation as you're going to get. Plus— it’s cute.
Noon elapses and no vessels in sight. Now laid beside the indent left in the hull, your vision rises and falls as the ocean shifts. Midoriya lies parallel to you, on his back, buoyed on the surface and sunning himself. He looks a lot more vibrant than before, as though he had really soaked up the daylight. A true picture of serenity. His eyes are closed for the first time; an opportunity to observe him candidly.
There are deep scars on his arms, and elsewhere too. Healed pink on skin and pallid white where his scales would be. Your gaze drags lower, over his bare front, appreciating the defined peaks of his abdomen. Down to a toned navel where scales climb over his hip bones, pale skin gradually blending into rich green. Further, to the powerful muscled tail elevated in the water. You absentmindedly lick your lips and wonder where his di—
You halt. Heat flashes through his body in a strange mix of shame and arousal and you violently shake your head as if to throw away the thought.
Midoriya hums. Snapping back you meet that drowsy half lidded stare, caught red handed. You gulp and offer a sheepish grin, “Sorry. I just wanted a closer look”.
At that the mer turns noiselessly and broad ripples fan out into the distance. Cautious, you push up onto your forearms as Midoriya proffered his hand, indicating that you jump onto his palm. Your spine straightens with a frisson of excitement.
“You’ll let me see?” you gestures to yourself and then to the others' languid repose. Midoriya’s eyelids blink. He tilts expectantly. “Fuck. Okay. Promise to catch me?”
Click, click, whistle. It’s as good a ‘yes’ as any.
Weak in the knees, you feel your thighs ache as you move. A rush of wind blows over, sharp and chilly. Your pulse throbs and knocks around your skull. It’s more strenuous than it should be to climb down, a deep instinct unwilling to part with the railings, fighting fear as you hang your lower body over the depths.
Midoriya scoops you up delicately. Your stomach rolls at the sudden change in direction, gravity bearing down on you. You land in the shallow of his palm on hands and knees. Head lifted, you lock eyes, and a sonorous trill thrums through your veins.
“What did I say about being caref—Hey!”
He brings you to his chest. Legs unfurl from under your hips as you slide down onto his collar and land feet first in the ankle deep water covering his body, soaking your pants through. Midoriya is safe, solid ground beneath you, buoyed on the ocean surface, yet still uniquely soft in the way relaxed muscle often is.
You keep tension in your abdomen for balance and give a cursory glance, first seeking permission before wading toward the cluster of green curling around his shoulders. A webwork glow blooms quietly across his skin and hems the edge of his scales red.
Midoriya’s pleased face takes up most of your peripheral vision. A plump mouth filled with pointed teeth that could swallow you whole juxtaposed by the wobbly smile playing on his lips. You crouch, knees wet, and brush your fingers against the hard plates decorating his skin. They’re slightly slimy and the smallest ones are the size of your hand.
“They’re beautiful, Midoriya,” you tell him earnestly, grinning. The kaleidoscopic patterns in his irises appear as though they’re dancing. Flecks of white and gold gleam amidst the green. Humming in dulcet tones, heavy streams of seawater rain down on you as his thumb comes to rest atop your head once again. There’s barely any pressure— seems you no longer need to worry that he might accidentally break your neck.
You squeezed your eyes shut, exhaling harshly as the thick rivulets trickled over your face and glaring the second you looked back at him. “You’re lucky you’re so cute,” your nose wrinkles, brine lingering unpleasantly in his nostrils. You think you can taste it in the back of your throat. Deku is busy preening, turned into the crook of his arm and creating waves, flustered by such a simple compliment.
A cherry blush follows the path of your thumb as it returns to smoothing over the tiny ridges impressed into each individual scale; retaining your heat for a few seconds before fading into green. They flash luridly at your words—specifically your praise. Knowing you had such an effect on a mer of his magnitude stokes something in you, possessive and fond, a feeling you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to replicate. But it also confirmed what you had been suspecting for most of the day.
“I knew it. You can understand me,” you accuse breathlessly. It isn’t a question. “You’ve been pretending this entire time”.
Midoriya’s expression wanes. His brows pinch into a doleful frown, eyes crossing to tentatively watch you stand and trudge toward his tucked chin, almost losing balance where his collarbones dip and the water suddenly deepens.
Fingers nudged under your thighs to act as a seat. You startle at the sudden elevation; it’s still surreal to feel the ground collapse beneath your feet, your knees collapsing against the pressure. Midoriya brings you up to his face, letting his tail sink into an upright position. Gasp caught in your throat you frantically hang onto the end of his nose. The large mer whistles quietly. Low and forlorn like an apology.
From up here you’re all too aware of up and down— endless in every direction, surrounded by a flat canvas of blue. He’s the only thing you can see for miles. Bottom low caught between your teeth you turn inward, squashing your cheek against him.
“You know I can’t stay here, right?” you tell him. Midoriya listens attentively. You’re close enough to hear the soft slide of lids drawing across his eyes, stained gills venting as he breathes, the waves crashing against his back. You point to the far horizon, “I need to go home, or close to it. Think you can help me one more time, hero?”
You aren’t prepared for the mer to sulk. The lower half of his face slips beneath the water and you’re face to face with a freckled forehead. Looking up at you now, eyes big and round like a puppy, he blows air out from his mouth to create a sad burst of bubbles. You had vastly underestimated his attachment to you; and your own fast-grown affection for him.
But he nods anyway, setting you back on the worn deck and righting his posture. Unfounded guilt squirms in your chest, tightening as you relays the plan in simple terms, knowing that these would probably be your final moments with him.
Get nearer to the shore and fire a flare. That was the plan. He pointed in a specific direction when you asked if he knew where the land was. Unable to understand his complex vocalisations you simply needed to trust he could do it. Easy— the day will darken so the flare will be more visible against the gloaming. You could play the fool and claim the tide brought you in. Most importantly there was no risk of Midoriya being seen and put in danger.
As the sky dims the sun begins to sheath itself below the horizon. The numbness spreading through your limbs at least meant you couldn’t feel the cold.
“We don’t need to get too close,” you kneel over the edge of the bow to speak to him. Hands that held you delicately are now wrapped around the hull, ready to push. “Your kind stays hidden for a reason, right? I don’t want people trying to come after you”.
You consider the gleam in his gaze. Appreciative and amused, as though he found it endearing that you would be worried about him. “That confident, huh?”
Receiving a toothy grin—eyes closing and smiling with him— you find you’re no longer nervous.
Consistently gentle, Midoriya guides the boat. The ocean parts around the oncoming obstruction and leaves behind a long trail of foam. That red network of veins returns, glowing across his upper body as the velocity increases, his powerfully muscled tail working to propel you forward and glinting in the warm evening light.
You call for him to stop when the distant skyline becomes uneven, the familiar bumps and divots of mountains near your port town and the islands surrounding it. The mer brakes abruptly, tall waves crashing up over the deck as your body is thrown backward, narrowly missing the broken mast. You can hear the various gifts he gave you rolling into one another over his frantic stuttered clicks as Midoriya tries to get a look in.
“I’m okay! I’m alive,” barely, you think. There’s a worrisome pain in your rib you can’t let yourself think about. The ground beneath you tips as his fingers come to rest on the boat's edge. You begin to slide on your ass, unceremoniously careening toward him, vertigo flooding your senses.
Midoriya catches you, murmuring at your spluttered curses. Abruptly, you cover his mouth and swallow the acrid bile crawling up your throat, mustering up a tired glare. Heart palpitating, it echoes harshly through your body. The muscles in your legs are heavy like wet sand and your vision doubles, overlaps, and then rights itself.
“Starting to think you like manhandling me,” you croaked teasingly. It’s a testament to Midoriya’s attentiveness that he hasn’t accidentally killed you yet. Though you wouldn’t be surprised if most of your organs had completely rearranged themselves given how you’ve been thrown around in the past few hours.
The playful air dwindles when reality rears it's head. “…I guess this is it, hero”.
There’s that sad sorry sound again. Melancholy bleeds into the atmosphere as silence befalls the two of you. Staring intently at one another, committing faces to memory; kiss curls tucked behind ears, faint sunspots, scales of green and honeydew, the luminescence that belies his true emotions. You wondered what Midoriya saw as he looked back at you. Just a silly lost human.
“Thank you, Midoriya,” your palm cups his cheek, thumb stroking beneath his eye, a touch that probably feels like an itch. He leans into it anyway. “You saved me twice now. I’ll never forget this”.
A mellifluous song thrummed in his throat. You feel the vibrations under your hand and it seeps honeyed and sweet into your bones. Outlined in soft evening light against a dusky sky, Midoriya nuzzles you one last time.
You’re anchored by unexpected grief when he sets you down. The hull rocks as the tide rolls. Water cascades down his scarred forearm as he lifts it up, fist unfurling to reveal a single scale. His scale.
You gape. “You’re giving me this…?”
He suddenly looks painfully bashful you scrambled to take it; a scale still wrought with luminescent colour, alive, still connected to him in ways he may never understand. Having it, holding him. Even after you were home Midoriya would be with you.
Emotion swells within you, struck by the trust you’ve been given. Merfolk remain a mystery for a reason. Human greed knows no bounds and money would be no object if you decided to sell him out.
“Thank you, I—I promise I’ll keep it safe. And you, Midoriya. I won't tell anyone,” you vowed, cradling the scale close.
Shadows widen across the bow as he then rises up ever so slightly. Midoriya dipped his chin. Your eyes reflexively clenched shut at the wet pillowy press of his lips taking up the entire left side of your face. A kiss. Seawater rivulets drop down to your collar, soaking into the fabric. Before you can speak he does it again, lower this time. Mouth pressed to your front, beginning at your chest and ending at your navel. A purr rumbles in his throat. You shudder, thighs clenching as the titillating vibrations reverberate between them.
When Midoriya pulls back his finned ears are vibrating earnestly and his scales flush red. The surface of the water is suddenly displaced and the waves are forced in every direction as he darts away from the boat with a trill, resurfacing a few feet away. “I see how it is. The type to hit and quit, eh?” your voice grows louder, lips twitching into a besotted smile. Egregiously lightheaded and giddy, you yell out, “I’ll miss you, Midoriya! Don’t forget about me!”
Midoriya responds in kind. He waves coyly—understanding more than he lets on—yet remains at a distance until the flare is lit. It arced far into the darkened sky with a quiet hiss, casting a spotlight over your stranded vessel, and only when lights blink in the distance does he disappear from view.
You tuck the scale into your waistband, concealed beneath your shirt. The rescue boat approaches at high speeds. Garish red with a v-shaped hull, cutting through the sea to reach you. There’s a five person squad sidling up at your side, immediately tending to any major injuries and tightly strapping a thick orange life jacket around your upper half.
“What happened?”
“Got caught in the storm last night. Was stranded until the tide brought me in”.
“Do you know your name?” You give it in full along with your birthday. “Are you dizzy? Nauseous?” More than they can imagine.
Concussion, they tell you. Fractures, probably.
“What’s all this?”
“Oh, that…” you turned to gaze at the collection of things Midoriya brought to you throughout the afternoon. “That was there when I woke up here”.
“Strange. Maybe a mer took a liking to ya,” the man, Oda, grins. His mouth is crooked, speaking in a tone meant to be playful.
“What makes you say that?”
He blinks, expression dimming. “Never heard the stories?” You shake your head. “Sailors used to say finding gifts an’ sea stones on board was an omen. Especially the shiny ones. Meant a mer wanted to seduce you”.
Another voice, their name escapes you, interrupts. “Eh? I thought they did that whole singing thing?”
Oda yanks a blanket around your shoulders with more force than necessary as he shoots his crew mate an exasperated glare. “That’s sirens, idiot”.
“What’s the difference?”
You tune out their bickering, acutely aware of all the polished stones in the pile. Of the scale hidden flat to your back. You look to the calm dark surface, throat swelling at the implication. Hand held to your left cheek you feel the plush impression of Midoriya’s lips like a phantom. Accepting his offerings— what had that meant? To him, to you?
The muffled voices come back into focus as Oda rounds on you once more, encouraging you onto the rescue vessel. “C’mon, let’s get’cha home. And don’t stress the big stuff, we’ll tow your boat in”.
You can’t take your eyes off the ocean, aching. The distinct feeling that you have misplaced something incredibly important sits poignantly in the recesses of your mind. It sees you to the dock, strong-armed into an ambulance because your legs have forgotten what solid earth is, and when the doors slam shut to obstruct the view your chest hollows out.
The hour is past midnight and the streets are empty. Miraculously you're mostly unharmed. You make it home with bruising, hairline fractures and a bad concussion. Your body looked a bit like a pollock painting if you squinted, blue and black converging on one another around your skin, vascular threads of purple hemming your ribcage. Painkillers dulled the pain enough that movement was tolerable.
Oda kept his word, decent enough to salvage your things. They are lumped together in a crate hidden in the doorway, an ever present reminder that what happened was real, not a figment of your concussed imagination. The scale remained awkwardly concealed under your shirt. You peel off your clothes, taking it between your hands. Vision adjusted to the darkness, you see a fleeting shimmer passing through the ridges, reflecting on your bedroom walls before dimming.
You climb into bed, plagued by thoughts of Midoriya. His plaintive farewell song, the reverent stars in his eyes whenever you spoke, the affectionate lean into your every touch. You should leave it alone. Let it be. A sane person would allow the memory age naturally and change into a story to recite over sake for years to come. After all, sometimes things just happened to you, like gravity or grief— or being the object of affection for a mer about the size of two school buses.
Scale cuddled to your front, the memory of his mouth laid itself against your sternum. It pins you to the mattress and begin to hum. The notes are almost tangible, echoing through skin, close-lipped and soothing. A final thought bleeds into your consciousness as it slips:
You hope you can find him again.
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twisted-lover-boys · 1 year
Hello! Can I request the Octotrio finding out that their boyfriend was secretly an ultra-rare leviathan merman? Like, his mer-form easily dwarfs Azul's and his tail goes on for miles
Octo Trio With A Leviathan Merman Boyfriend
{not proof-read}
My man, you have my eternal gratitude and respect imma make this long for you
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When Azul first heard about leviathan merpeople, he was immediately fascinated because, woah! Giant merpeople the size of gorges! He absolutely wanted to meet one
His dream was swiftly crushed when the teacher said that such creatures are exceptionally rare and most likely endangered or even extinct
Skip forward a few years and he’s finally made it to NRC with his closest comrades Jade and Floyd. Someone else also from the Coral Sea enrolled; you. Sure, you were pretty average when it came down to everything but Azul just couldn’t keep his eyes off you. Guess that’s why he ended up with you a few months later
Azul found out quickly that you didn’t like swimming and it wasn’t because you couldn’t, you absolutely could, it’s just that you didn’t want him to see your true form. Azul loves you so much that it hurts so of course he never forced you to show it
When you finally became comfortable to show Azul your true form, his face showed only a small smile with slightly pink cheeks to go with it but make no mistake he is screaming on the inside
He was not prepared for the sheer size of you. He knew leviathans were big but not this big. He felt so small compared to you…but he’d be a liar if he said he still didn’t love you
Please let him swim up to your face and pepper it with kisses. You may be big but that doesn’t mean he can’t show you his love
Whenever you’re both traveling through the Coral Sea, he likes hanging onto your shoulder, back, or anything he can generally keep his hands/tentacles on. The fast ocean currents running through his hair while you’re basically just slowly swimming to where you want to go always gives his heart little jumps
Even when you’re not swimming, he loves just resting on your shoulder or in your palm. It’s not only comfy for him but it makes him feel safe
Azul enjoys watching you do mass chaos both intentionally and unintentionally. Accidents are usually small like breaking coral bunches or smacking rocks but when they’re not accidents…let’s just say that you sunk an entire ship for Azul’s safety
Despite how protective you are of Azul, he can’t help but also be protective of you. Leviathans are extremely rare and are highly praised by hunters. There’s no way he’s allowing any hunter ever near you
Wether you’re the small, handsome mer-human boy at school or the giant leviathan beast in the ocean, he will always love you no matter what
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When Jade first heard about leviathans, his interest was immediately piqued and few things were able to do such a things. Just hearing about their sheer size and tendency to destruction amazed him
Too bad he soon learned that they were endangered and most likely extinct since it’s been a few years since anyone has officially seen one. Although he didn’t believe them, he knew better than to swim over to a gorge and look himself
Skip forward to NRC where he gets sorted into Octavinelle along with his brother and Azul. Alongside them, someone else from the Coral Sea enrolled; you. Jade thought you were an interesting person despite being seemingly average but he couldn’t quite explain it
He was curious as to why you’re not fond of swimming but never bothered to ask as it was never a problem for him. So what if you don’t want to show you’re true form? You’ll show it when you become more comfortable
When that time came, he was absolutely not prepared for the sheer size of you. He heard leviathans were big but you absolutely dwarfed him in size but he can’t say he wasn’t amazed
Please Jade will place kisses all over your huge face. Sure they tickle and sometimes he bites your cheeks or nose to tease but it doesn’t really hurt or bother you. The lovely smile he wears when he does it worth it
Jade is normally fast when swimming by himself, fast or slow, but when he rides on your back or shoulder while you swim, the ocean current pushing his hair back even though you’re just casually swimming really makes him think about the big differences between you…literally
Whether you’re swimming or not, he likes sitting on your shoulder or your palm. He wraps his tail around your fingers just to feel closer to you and can’t help but let his guard down while relaxing with you
On the other side of that, you causing mass destruction never ceases to make him smile. Even small accidents such as bumping into reefs or caves make him smile but the intentional destruction, especially when you deem Jade’s life in danger, really makes his heart swoon
Despite how protective you may seem for him, Jade is just as-if not worse-than you. Leviathans are highly hunted for which is why there’s so little left. He’d do anything to keep you safe even if he had to get his hands dirty
Jade is a very doting and loving partner and will only provide the best for his just as equally doting and loving boyfriend
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Oh boy…when Floyd first heard about leviathans, he immediately wanted to meet one. Large sea people as big as the deepest gorge and as dangerous as a natural disaster. He couldn’t help the toothy smile that spread across his face
However, the frown that happened afterwards made people flinch in fear. To learn that leviathans were most likely gone because of how rare they are was not the thing he wanted to hear
Once he made it to NRC with his brother and Azul, he had given up on meeting a leviathan, dawning on the sad fact that he might never meet one and it still ticked him off to no end. Luckily his interest was forwarded to another student from the Coral Sea; you. He doesn’t know why he suddenly became interested in you but he doesn’t care, you have his attention now so deal with it
He’s confused as to why you don’t like swimming. You’re from the Coral Sea so that doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t get better when you elaborate that you don’t want anyone to see your true form but he is insanely interested so expect to be asked that a lot
A very toothy grin formed on Floyd’s face when you said that you were ready to show him your true form that he literally couldn’t stand still
He just kind of…stared at your size until he broke out into a smile and started laughing. His boyfriend was a leviathan! The sheer size of you made him feel small but he didn’t mind it this time
Floyd is a very openly affectionate eel so he is absolutely smothering your huge face in kisses. He might even bite your cheeks or nose for the fun of it just to see your reaction but he just calls them love bites
Floyd considers himself a fast swimmer but there’s just something about sitting on your back or shoulder while you’re casually swimming, feeling the fast ocean current against his face, going faster than he’s ever gone before really gets to him
Just seeing you commit mass destruction makes him want to join in himself. He’ll laugh at your little accidents like smacking into structures or kicking up rocks or coral but he absolutely loves your purposefully destructive actions, especially since such destructive protectiveness has saved him in the past
No matter how protective you are, Floyd is just as worse. He knows that leviathans are rare and are often over hunted so he takes great care in making sure you stay safe and your true form hidden in any way he deems necessary
Floyd loves you no matter what you are. He’s very expressive when it comes to your relationship so there’s no shortage of affection for his boyfriend
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naffeclipse · 5 days
Hey, I have a question! What’s the difference between Crush Depth and Deep Dreams between the Waves?
Crush Depth is an Iron Lung AU with blood ocean mers and a psychological survival horror fic
In Deep Dreams between the Waves is a giant mer AU with a spiritual connection and shared dreams fic
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dingbatnix · 2 years
I got inspired by the mer post of shark Dream I made a while back, so now here’s this! Enjoy!
Dream, Sap, and Goggy designs
Karl design
Word Count: 4,180
Warnings: Mentions of death; blood; descriptions of injury
Sapnap was just minding his own business today, curiously prodding at some croppings of a startlingly bright orange coral when something came barreling into his chest with a solid whump that nearly knocked the breath from his gills! Sapnap yelped and jerked back, wanting to get away from the thing, but whatever it was seemed to cling to his skin like freaking glue! 
He hurriedly reached down to shove it away. His eyes widened when his hands met small shoulders, and he looked down more closely, finally catching a glimpse of the thing that seemed to be trying to curl itself around his torso. It was a mer! Albeit, the strangest mer Sapnap had ever seen, but a mer nonetheless. If the remora had to venture a guess, he’d say the mer was some kind of octopus. 
He was about the length of Sapnap’s arm, maybe a little bit shorter. Long, suckered tentacles took up about a third of his body-length, and what seemed to be wide, colorful sails billowed out around the little guy as he wrapped a few of his thin little octopus arms around Sapnap’s sides. Sapnap pulled a face and wriggled when the tiny suckers tickled his skin. The mer had wavy brown hair, and the most terrified expression he’d ever seen!
“Please,” the little mer gasped out, multicolored eyes heartbreakingly wide as he stared imploringly up at Sapnap. The remora’s brow furrowed as the guy seemed to choke on his words. The small mer finally managed to suck in a deep breath, and rushed on. “P-please, please, I-I–there’s something a-after me and I need, I need help–” He seemed to hear something behind him and froze, octopus arms stiffening around Sapnap’s body.
A look of resigned horror crashed over the other mer’s face, and he glanced backwards fearfully. “Oh no, oh n-nononnono no! I’m s-sorry, I’m so so so sorry, I-I’ve just killed us b-both, we-we need to go, w-we need to swim-!” He suddenly shoved against Sapnap’s chest, unsticking all of his arms at once, and tried to shoot away. 
Sapnap tightened his grip around the octopus’s small shoulders, raising his eyebrows with extreme concern. “Hold on, what’s after you? I can help you, just tell me what it is, dude.” The mer only whined, thrashing wildly against Sapnap’s stronger hands. 
With no answer seeming to be forthcoming from the panicked mer, the remora shifted his gaze and scanned around. He could see nothing but the reef around them and long, trailing swathes of green seagrass. There was nothing that he could see that would—Sapnap’s eyes ballooned out when he finally caught sight of the thing after the little mer. Charging straight towards them was a huge-ass fucking moray eel. How the hell had he not noticed the damn thing first!?
Sapnap’s hold on the other mer’s shoulders slackened in his surprise, and the little guy bolted off in a flash! The brush of the current as the octopus fled broke Sapnap from his shock, and he whirled around immediately, darting after the other mer.
He chased after the octopus as he twisted and wove through the reaching coral branches, only having to change course when the little mer dove through gaps smaller than what Sapnap could fit between.
Sapnap was much, much faster than the other mer, though, and quickly caught up to him and kept pace. He glanced back, and was very alarmed to see the eel rapidly gaining on the both of them despite all of the twists and turns it was being led through.
He looked down at the other mer, sucking deep, heaving breaths through his gills. If he didn't do something quick, the eel would catch up and make snacks out of the both of them!
Making a split-second decision, he quickly angled down and wrapped his arms around the smaller mer, trapping him in a hug. The mer screamed, immediately thrashing all of his limbs and trying to struggle free, but Sapnap held him tightly. He was faster, he could swim faster than the octopus mer, at least, maybe he could get them both away safely.
He glanced quickly back and nearly had a heart attack. The eel was closer than before! Sapnap could count each and every one of it’s gnashing, needle-like teeth. Every one of those thrashing incisors was the length of Sapnap’s hand. 
Spurred on by the horrifying sight, Sapnap pumped his tail harder, dodging through a twisted clump of reef as he desperately scanned the surrounding sea for anything he could use to aid in their escape from the monstrous eel. All he could see was coral and sea foliage! There was nothing!
The remora was starting to feel panicked, now. The octopus mer bunched up in his arms was quivering quietly, muttering small, breathless nothings that Sapnap couldn’t hear well enough to discern, but he could make an inference, could make a good guess about what he was saying.
They were both probably about to die to the mindless, greedy gullet of the moray eel.
Sapnap just barely managed to catch a glimpse of a huge flash of yellow-green through the twisting coral that quickly gave way to a flowing swathe of seagrass, and he suddenly felt hope. He knew that shade! He knew those scales! That was Dream! Dream, his huge, goofy friend who was a lemon shark mer. 
"DREAM!" Sapnap screamed out loudly, so loudly that his throat ached, but if he could get the shark’s attention, it would be worth it. Dream could fight anything! If he could just catch his larger friend’s attention, both he and the smaller mer in his arms would probably be safe. Dream could take care of the eel, no problem! It would be an easy task for his bigger friend.
Sapnap sped towards the distant shape of the large lemon shark mer peeking through the waving seagrass as fast as he could. He felt the push of the current against his tail as the eel caught up to them, could hear the rushing swoosh of the eel closing in from behind, as if the horrifying sound was being transmitted directly into his eardrums. Cold, creeping fear was spiking up through his spine. 
He wasn’t going to make it.
"DREAM, PLEASE!" He screamed once more. He was losing steam. His tail was becoming harder and harder to move. He could feel himself slowing down. He was heaving in deep breaths of water, to no avail. 
Hot, sharp pain suddenly flashed through his tail when dozens of needle-like teeth clamped down on his tailfin. Sapnap screeched at the sudden pain, twisting around and trying to writhe away as the eel yanked him closer. He tightened his arms around the shivering form against his chest when the little octopus mer let slip a quiet sob, all the while struggling to hold back his own agonized screaming as the moray seemed to chew his tail between it's jaws. His tailfin felt like it was being torn to shreds! Blazing agony spiked through his bones when he tried to thrash out of the moray’s hold, and he could only fight for a few seconds before the pain forced him to stop.
His tail was useless, Sapnap realized abruptly. He–he couldn’t move it without horrible pain striking through his whole body. 
He was going to die.
With his tail out of commission, there wasn't much Sapnap could do but twitch uselessly through the water. He squeezed his eyes shut, silently apologizing to the little octopus mer that had begged him for help.
Suddenly, a huge rush of a current surged over Sapnap, accompanied by a visceral-sounding snarl, and then the teeth chomping painfully down on his tail were suddenly torn away!
Sapnap flinched when large hands brushed against his back, gently guiding him underbelly-first onto a rough, warm surface. Instinctively, he latched onto it, flexing his ventral-suction fin and attaching himself to whatever it was. He protectively curled his arms further around the trembling octopus mer, shielding him with his body against whatever he was sticking to.
Heavy currents tugged at his back and ravaged tail as the apparent body he was clinging to rushed and twisted around, savage hissing and snarling echoing through the water as the two large creatures fought against each other.
Sapnap peeled his eyes open and saw light, creamy green scales in front of his face. He quickly peered up, and his heart soared at the uplifting sight that greeted him.
It was Dream! Dream was fighting the eel! 
Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a flash of blue-grey as his other friend George, a remora mer like himself, darted about, aiding Dream in his battle.
Sapnap's heart lurched up to his throat when the eel viciously snapped at George, but before it could do anything, Dream was in it's face, slashing webbed claws and flashing his huge, razor-sharp teeth at it's long, twisting body.
The water tugged and pulled at his body as the two huge vertebrates thrashed around each other in a deadly dance. He could taste the blood that had started drifting through the water when he breathed in, sparking worry in his chest. Was it his own blood, or George's, or maybe Dream's?
Sapnap continued to cling firmly to Dream’s belly while the shark fought, keeping his arms wrapped securely around the little octopus mer underneath his chest. He could feel the mer’s heart pounding, almost as if it were fighting to rip itself free from his ribcage. 
The little mer twisted in his hold and buried his face in Sapnap's chest with a whimper, curling some of his octopus arms around Sapnap's back and sides once more in a tight, quivering hug.
Sapnap ducked his head down, pressing his face against Dream's warm scales, managing to squeeze in a sharp, strangled breath. His own heart was thrumming viciously with adrenaline, while every movement around him yanked savagely at his injured tail-fin and sent white-hot spikes of agony panging up his body. Sapnap suppressed a whimper, wishing that the fighting would be over soon.
He heard George screech angrily, and then a louder, much more terrifying snarl ripped out from Dream, rumbling beneath Sapnap throughout Dream's chest. Hot worry flooded Sapnap’s mind at the sound of George’s cry. He couldn’t tell if the other remora was alright! The only things Sapnap could see through the blood-clouded water were Dream’s belly scales in front of him and the occasional whipping flash of grey eel skin.
The moray suddenly loomed into view, lunging for Dream’s throat. The shark just barely managed to throw his arm up before the needle-like teeth were clamped around his wrist in a deathly grip. A pained shout burst from Dream's throat, and he reached up with his other hand to grapple at the eel's lithe body.
Blood billowed through the water when Dream finally managed to sink his teeth and claws deep into the moray's long, ribbon-like body. With a gruesome sounding snap-tear, Dream ripped the eel into large, bloody halves that absolutely clouded the water, obscuring Sapnap’s vision and completely clogging his nose with the metallic scent.
Relief flooded the remora's system when Dream cried out triumphantly. The large shark twisted and moved from the blood cloud, easily drifting away from the spreading redness. Dream stared at it for a moment, before he seemed to remember what he was doing.
“Sapnap!” Dream quickly turned his attention down to the small remora clinging to his belly, dropping his hands down to run his claws worriedly along Sapnap’s back, carefully checking for any injuries other than his ragged tail. 
“Sap!” He heard George’s concerned screech right before the other remora crashed into Dream's side, right next to Sapnap. The other remora’s gaze immediately zeroed in on the shaking octopus pressed between Dream and Sapnap’s bodies. His eyes narrowed, but, regardless, he focused his attention on his injured friend.
"Can you swim?" Dream worriedly hovered a webbed hand next to Sapnap's tailfin, unsure of what to do.
The small mer in Sapnap's arms shied away from the sudden appearance of Dream's clawed hand with a whimper, cringing down as the shark whined in concern.
"N-no,"Sapnap hissed, pulling his gaze away from the wound. He felt green and queasy.
The shark hesitantly worried his large, sharp claws over Sapnap’s tattered fin, unwilling to touch anything in case he made it worse. The octopus mer seemed to notice the huge shark’s apprehensive concern, and hesitantly poked his head around Sapnap's arm to peer at the damage, seeming to push past his fear of Dream to look closer at the injured limb.
He sucked in a gasp when he got a full view of the wound. Sapnap's tailfin was riddled with small punctures and long, ragged tears, shredding through the delicate webbing. It looked really, really bad. There was no way the remora would be able to swim with it like that, not unless someone treated the injury.
George's eyes hovered cluelessly over the gruesome wound. "How do I…Dream, what do we do?"
The shark slowly shook his head, staring worriedly down at both remora. "I-I don't know…" Gently, he touched his webbed hands to Sapnap's back and carefully detached his friend from his belly, lifting him closer to his eye-level.
The shark's eyes briefly darted over the still-trembling octopus wrapped around Sapnap's chest, but disregarded him for now. Sapnap was the one who was more obviously hurt, and the one Dream was more worried about.
George flicked his tail, pushing off of Dream's side to rise up to Sapnap's level. The two started fussing over Sapnap's injuries, trying to figure out a possible way to help with the wounds.
The remora in question was determinedly ignoring the pain from his tail, as well as his two friends, and was instead gently nudging at the mer clinging to his body. He didn't think the little guy was injured, but it wouldn't hurt to check.
"Hey," he murmured, lightly moving his hands to the little guy's shoulders. The mer tensed. "Are you hurt?"
A small shake of the mer's head was the best answer he got.
"Do you want to move somewhere else, or something?" Sapnap faltered for a moment, holding back a whimper when George shifted a particularly painful part of his tail, then forced out another sentence. "I-it's fine if you don't, really, I just don't want you to be scared. O-or anything." He hissed again, scrunching his eyes shut for a moment to steady himself through the pain.
The smaller mer shivered at the question, hunching his shoulders underneath the remora's hands and shaking his head. He didn't want to leave the relative safety of the remora's arms. If he did, he would be in easier reach of the shark still hovering above them.
Weren't the two remora worried that the shark would taste the blood still lingering in the water and go on a murderous frenzy? Weren't they worried it would make them all into small, unfulfilling snacks?
"I don't know what else to do," George huffed, invariably drawing Sapnap's attention as he twisted to look up at Dream and the other remora. Dream gave a hopeless shrug, jostling Sapnap in his hands. "I-I don't know? I don't know. Neither do I…" 
"W-we need something to wrap it with," Sapnap muttered, putting more of his focus on the octopus clinging to him. He had glanced at his tail for just a second, but that was just long enough for an overwhelming crash of nausea to wash through him.
"I'll go get some seagrass," George offered quickly, hurriedly darting down to the swathing field of seaweed and hurriedly yanking up some of the long strands. He swam back up to Dream and Sapnap just as quickly, trailing handfuls of the billowy plant behind him.
Sapnap watched the other remora, vaguely noting that George was being oddly helpful in this situation as he and Dream attempted to wrap his tail-fin with the seagrass. Normally he would be complaining and sassing Sapnap out for being dumb enough to get bit, but right now…
It was understandable, though. For George to be worried. Sapnap, himself, was starting to feel a bit woozy. 
The little mer wrapped around his torso suddenly slid off of him and hesitantly drifted down to where Dream and George were struggling with binding his tail.
"H-here, I can help," the smaller mer faltered for a brief moment before moving towards Sapnap's shredded tailfin with an oddly single minded focus, warily keeping an eye on the two bigger mers, but more especially on Dream, the shark.
George gave him a suspicious side-eye but moved over regardless, letting the octopus take over wrapping the wounds.
With his smaller, less clumsy hands, the little octopus had Sapnap's tail secured and wrapped in a flash. It barely even hurt anymore, Sapnap thought. He curiously twitched the fin—Ah! A sharp bolt of fire rocketed up his spine, and he stiffened. No, it still hurt, definitely, yep, it did.
“You won’t be swimming for a long while, Sap,” George promptly informed Sapnap, tearing him from his thoughts as he helped the smaller mer tie off the last of the seagrass bandages. He turned suddenly, staring the other remora down with a stinging glare. “So that means, no swimming,” he hissed sharply, crossing his arms. Sapnap opened his mouth to retort, but was swiftly cut off by Dream.
“No buts, Sapnap,” Dream hummed firmly, drifting a bit closer to loom over his smaller friend. “Until your tail is completely healed, you’re staying on me, got it?”
Sapnap grumbled and griped for a moment before he gave in. “Fiiine,” he groaned, crossing his arms poutily. Dream and George shot each other a triumphant look, making Sapnap’s scowl deepen.
“Alright, c’mon then,” Dream hummed, reaching for Sapnap and curling his webbed hands behind his back and tail. “Where…?” He asked. Sapnap immediately knew what the shark was asking, huffing and rolling his eyes. “I think your shoulder would be good, for now at least.”
Dream nodded and gently lifted the remora to his shoulder, helping Sapnap maneuver around until he could latch onto Dream’s shoulder blade and comfortably rest his arms over his shoulder. The remora sighed, shaking his head and crossing his arms to lay his chin over them.
Dream finally turned back to George and the octopus mer, smiling warmly and reaching a webbed hand out towards the smallest mer.
"Hey, uh-"
The octopus shrieked, whipping around and ducking behind George at Dream's offered claws. Dream's grin faltered. "Oh," the shark pulled his hand back, curling his arms closer to his torso. "You're scared of me…" Dream turned his head away with a slow huff. "...Okay."
The shark mer breathed in quietly. "I was just going to thank you for helping with Sap's tail, but I guess not." He shook his head with another huff and turned to mutter something to Sapnap. George sent the octopus a disapproving glare and moved away, trailing up to get closer to Dream's shoulder to join in on the mumbled conversation.
The octopus mer felt a small pang of guilt at Dream's subdued response. He-he just reacted! He didn't mean to freak out, and he definitely didn't mean to make the shark feel bad! Especially after he went out of his way to save him! 
Nervously making a decision, the small mer moved to apologize.
He drifted forward hesitantly. "N-n-no, wait," he fidgeted with his hands, almost freezing when the three bigger mers turned their gazes on him. "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to-to run. You-you're just–just really b–big."
The three of them glanced at each other for a moment, before something in the shark's face seemed to change.
"No, it's okay," the shark grinned carefully, keeping his teeth concealed behind his lips, and slowly held his hand back out. "I'm Dream."
The octopus flinched slightly at the proffered claws, then shook himself. "I'm K-Karl." He gently set one of his hands on the first claw he could reach. With a wince, he realized that his entire hand could barely cover the shark's claw tip. Karl hesitantly patted the claw once, then drew his arm back.
He turned his gaze up to his savior, Sapnap, who was lazily tugging at Dream's hair while carefully watching Karl.
"I–I, um," Karl paused, biting at his lip before shaking his head. "Thank you for saving me. I-I'm sorry you got hurt with, with the eel."
Sapnap grimaced. "It will, uh, it'll probably be okay, dude. I'll heal." The remora waved him off with a half twisted grin and released Dream's hair.
Karl chewed his lip again and nodded weightily. Despite the reassurance, guilt still pooled down around the base of his throat. It was technically his fault, but at least there weren't any hard feelings. At least the remora didn’t seem to hate him. 
They all seemed pretty nice, actually. M-maybe…maybe they would let him….no, they wouldn’t, most likely. They’d be like everyone else he’d met, probably, and drive him away. Or they might try to eat him. But Sapnap had saved him. Why would he go through that sort of trouble…? 
Karl vigorously shook his head, dispelling his thoughts. It wouldn’t hurt to try, right…? The worst they would probably do was turn him away. They seemed nice enough. 
Karl took a deep breath and inched forward, lightly clearing his throat and sucking in another steadying breath. He hoped it wouldn’t hurt if he tried.
"Can I–can I stay with you guys?" He hesitantly asked, nervously twisting some of his tentacles together. He–he didn't want to seem ungrateful for their help and overstay his welcome, but–the trio seemed safe. Even the shark was starting to feel somewhat safe.
"I mean, I don't mind," Dream trailed, glancing at his two friends. Sapnap shot Karl a thumbs up with a grin. "I don't either, man. You can hang with us." Karl felt his heart rise.
"Wait," George held up a hand, black goggles gleaming coldly as he scanned Karl up and down. Karl's chest froze. "Why would we take him in? What good will he do us?"
Karl was petrified. He–he didn't have a good reason for them to let him stay! He–they–he didn't have anything to offer! The octopus opened his mouth to say as much, but was cut off by Sapnap.
"Geooorge come on, what's it gonna hurt?" Sapnap whined, waving his arms towards Karl. "He's small, it's not like he'll be a bother."
Karl winced at the remora's words. That was true, even the words seemed harsh. He was small. Even for an octopus mer, he was considered small.
"Hmmm…" George drawled, slowly circling around Karl's back while looking him up and down. Karl hunched his shoulders self-consciously.
"Fine, I guess." The remora finally hummed, floating to a stop by Karl's side. "But," he warned, fins flaring out. "Don't cause any problems, got it?"
Karl nodded fervently. He wouldn't. He would try not to, anyway.
George nodded once and turned back to Dream, obviously dismissing Karl. The other remora shot Karl a grin and a thumbs up, bolstering his spirits a little bit.
Slowly, he drifted after the trio, listening to their chatter. Karl sighed. At least he would be safe? Hopefully? He sucked in a slow breath, and paused. He could still taste blood in the water! 
Concern piqued, he followed the steady scent and tracked it back up to the shark mer. Karl's brow furrowed. The shark! He had been fighting the eel, and he was covered in steadily bleeding bite wounds! Neither of the remora mers seemed to notice, absorbed in idle chatter as they were. He should probably say something, right? He should. He would!
"H-hey," Karl piped quietly. Dream tilted his head suddenly towards the octopus, turning his full attention to him. Karl faltered under the shark's curious gaze, but managed to shake it off and continue.
"You're bleeding too, still," he gestured sharply at Dream's wrist, where the nastiest bite was, as well as the various other bite wounds along Dream's body.
"Dream!" George scolded, twisting up to drift in front of the shark's face. The shark cringed back, already seeming to know what was coming. "Why didn't you say anything?!
Sapnap cracked a grin, watching as George started scolding Dream for being an 'idiot.' Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the octopus mer, Karl, drift a little bit closer to his perch on Dream's shoulder blade. He waved casually at the small mer, letting him know that Sapnap had seen him. The mer's face immediately brightened, and he darted up to Sapnap's level to speak with him.
Sapnap could only grin. His tail still hurt, he still felt a little nauseous, and Dream was still getting chewed out by George, but, he had met a new mer! One who wasn't completely scared of Dream. If nothing else, that was a win for today in Sapnap's book!
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thebeingmerf · 1 month
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Beef [SL] - Giant Squid
Sharp [SL] - Green Swordtail
Dream [SL] - GlowSquid (MineCraft)
Genesis [SL] - Barracuda
Memory [TSS] - Orca / Killer Whale
Gerald [RQ] - Mer-Pig (idk lol)
Professor Red [RQ] - Sockeye Salmon
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 11 months
These aren't the best moments in his life (Surfer Dream pt 5)
I'm finally posting a fic again woooo :D
hero you go with a new part for surfer Dream au :)
Enjoy :]
TW: Safe/soft vore, unaware prey, fearplay, injury (mentioned)
It's been about 6 months since Dream went into a coma. Karl visited him three or four times a week, since he missed him very much and was very worried about him.
One of those days, Dream finally woke up from his coma, which pleased Karl and clearly Sapnap and Quackity. They were really relieved that he was able to wake up from the coma.
Due to health and safety reasons, Dream had to be hospitalized for another two months, which was fine with Karl as he was quite concerned about his roommate's condition.
During that time, Dream slowly began to be able to speak normally. It took him quite a while to do so, but with the effort, he was able to speak again without stuttering. In the end, he was allowed to leave the hospital, back home with Karl.
Dream walked out the door, heading towards the port. “Dream! Where are you going??" Karl asked as he quickly approached his friend. Dream let out a long breath, looking at him with a pout.
"Come on... I'm just going for a walk, you don't have to worry so much about me..." "Dream... You've been in a coma for six months, almost seven, plus two months of rehabilitation" He replied seriously while crossing his arms.
Dream let out another slightly annoyed sigh. “Karl, come on, I can't be locked up all the time. I'm just going to take a walk for three hours and come back, okay? Nothing bad will happen to me…”
Karl looked at Dream for a few seconds before sighing in defeat. "Okay, but if you haven't come back in three hours, I'm going to ask Sapnap and Quackity to find you and you won't come out for two weeks."
Dream thought about it for a moment before nodding. “Okay, deal. See you in three hours." he said before turning around and continuing on his way towards the port. Once there, he got on a small boat and headed out for a few miles into the ocean.
An hour passed and it seemed to Dream that he had gone far enough, so he stopped the boat. Not even five minutes passed when the sea began to move a little more violently.
‘Okay, maybe I should have listened to Karl…’ Dream stumbled backwards as a wave crashed into the boat. The sea was getting even more dangerous by seconds.
Much larger waves began to appear and crash against the boat. Dream tried to hold on to something but then, an unbelievably huge wave hit the boat, causing him to slip, hit his head on the ground and knock him unconscious.
Although before falling unconscious he could kinda see something light blue and gold, his sight eventually turning completely black.
Punz had only thought of taking a long swim by the sea, what he did not expect was to find a small boat being hit and pushed by the waves. With a sigh he approached the surface, sticking his head above the waves, watching the boat for a moment.
He narrowed his eyes, leaning a little closer, wanting to take a closer look. His eyes widened as they took in the only person in it.
The person was unconscious, which worried him a lot since the boy could die because of the state the sea was in.
Letting out another sigh, he picked up the boy in his hands and slowly introduced him into his mouth,swallowing him slowly and gently, since he didn't want to hurt him, or at least, less than what would have happened to him before he arrived.
Once he was sure the human was in his storage, he dove back in, swimming for the nearest shoreline.
Before he could move too far, a blue shark hybrid and a killer whale hybrid stopped him off, the shark grabbing him by the neck. “Where the fuck is Dream?! What the hell have you done to him!?” he said in a furious voice, baring his sharp teeth at her in a snarl.
Punz got nervous, who was Dream? Was he talking about the human he had found a few seconds ago? The shark grew impatient at his lack of response, tightening its grip on his neck a little more.
"Well?! Are you going to answer me!?" The other mer stepped in, trying to calm him down. "Sapnap please, calm down, you won't get anything like this..." Sapnap looked at his partner for a moment before letting out a sigh and letting go of Punz's neck. "Okay... Now, talk"
Punz looked at him a little bit nervous. “Uh.. That Dream.., has dirty blond hair and is wearing a green shirt...? Uh, if it's him... I found him unconscious so I decided to store him to keep him safe...”
Sapnap sighed at that. "Okay... I can tell you're not lying, but I don't trust you, understand?" he told him in a serious tone.
Punz nodded, flinching as a hand landed on his shoulder. “Calm down kid, he's just a little upset, it's alright, okay? Spend some time with us and you will see that he gets used to you.” Punz nodded again. "And what about you..?"
The orca gave a small giggle. "Me? don't worry about me, I do trust you, usually whale shark hybrids are really honest, besides you looked too nervous to lie, I think you're not good at that." "I guess..." The orca pulled him a little closer while drawing Sapnap's attention.
“Why don't we talk a bit on the way and get to know each other a bit?” He commented looking at both of them. Sapnap just shrugged, not really caring for the idea.
"Okay then, my name is Quackity and this is my fiancé, Sapnap." He says pointing at the shark. “My name is Punz…”
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
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@naffeclipse​ and also @amberluvsbugs​ (cause I lowkey borrowed your rendition of the boy but altered it a little cause it was mostly from memory XD;) BINGE READ In Deep Dreams Beneath the Waves last night/this morning and started this first thing and then DC dropped 13 and then- and then- and HHHHHRN Today has been Big Eclipse Energy so... BIG ECLIPSE I am so soft for giant mer boy, like holy hell, I jsut want to curl up against him while he purrs and drift on the water and feel that same peace Reader gets with him. good lord the bond, that connection, that LINK is a huge weakness, and he’s so adorable and ferocious and charming and beeg <3 Have glowy fish man <3
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gemwing1988 · 2 months
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It’s the May 1st and that time again: MerMay. To celebrate, I have officially done my very first MerMay outwork.
To start off, I have done one of the Devil from the Cuphead game a couple of days back in April just in time for it. Not only that, but it’s also my visual of what he would look like in a future Cuphead fanfic AU I’m doing with @akluthor1998 and @nataliepthatsme called “A Cupful of the Ocean”.
The Devil’s mer-form is basically based off from the giant devil ray or devilfish as it’s often called. It’s also inspired by the Evil Manta, a villain from The Little Mermaid TV series way back on the Disney Channel somewhere back in the late 90s. It’s on Disney+ if you all like to check it out. Did I forget to mention that the Evil Manta is also voiced by Tim Curry?
In the AU, the Devil is often referred as the “Sea Devil” but he will still be called as just Devil to keep some things sort. I’ve also done an old headcannon about him last year if you wanna check it out some time.
I’ll have to see if I can do another one for the TCS version someday.
Please enjoy, happy MerMay and may your dreams shine. ✨
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baka-monarch · 2 years
i don't know what to ask rn so just ramble to me about the giants
Each have some kind of power granted to them from the god that made them to protect the flower
George can manipulate water
Punz can freeze water and control ice
Sapnap can manipulate fire and lava
Karl can manipulate the flora and fauna around the island (all minus the magic flower)
Karl very much so enjoys growing little plants to watch Dream nerd out about, Sapnap likes keeping Dream warm at night, if the pirates forget to give Dream water Karl will tell George so he can make it rain over Dream, when they pass close to the volcano on the island and it gets hot Sapnap makes the lava lower in the volcano and Punz makes it snow over them
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kandidandi · 1 year
Had a dream where Y/N was sunbathing on the beach and giant mer moon comes out of the water. He ends up blocking the sun and complains about how y/n is gonna get themselves sunburnt
Y/N doesn't listen and pulls out a giant harpoon gun from who knows where because some giant random fish is yelling blub blub at them (y/n can not speak fish :[ )
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winter-leftovers · 9 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter eight: Return of the Trollhunter (8/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Alfred reveals a secret and Blinky cracks the code to fight Gunmar
Word count: 2503
Warnings: no
(Season 1 Episodes 14, 15)
Song?: Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier
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“What about this one? Did it help?” Al got up from his spot on the floor and lifted his tail in excitement. Maybe this exercise was the one that would help Y/n recover her memory.
Y/n opened her right eye “No” she sighed, sitting up.
“Ugh!” Al sat back down.
“This is stupid” Y/n got up and started pacing along her room “Maybe…Maybe my memories are gone forever. Some people never…”
“No! Do not say that!” Al jumped onto the bed.
“Maybe we should accept the fact that I’m not getting them back. I tried everything I could: meditations, memory exercises, I’m doing sudokus for crying out loud” Y/n turned to Alfred, wiping away a tear “I don’t think it’s working” she stopped her rant when she realized her friend was quiet. Al was standing on top of the bed, his eyes wide open and head turned to the side.
“What is it?” Y/n put her hands on her hips
Al’s golden eyes were shining, his mouth half opened as if he was about to say something. He slowly lifted his left paw in the air but fell back down quickly.
“Alfred, are you ok?” She crouched down in-front of him.
He blinked a few times “I think it is working!”
“What are you talking about?” She frowned.
“You looked just like you did back then!!!” He stood on his back paws and put his front ones on her shoulders “Maybe it's coming back slower than what we expected but it’s coming!!”
“I don’t know what you mean” she was confused. Y/n discovered that her cat could talk but sometimes he wouldn’t make any sense.
“You moved exactly like you would do back when we lived in Ca…” Al put his front paws on his mouth.
“What? When we lived where?” Y/n stood up.
Al muffled an answer under his paws but Y/n couldn’t understand.
“I can’t understand you” she pointed to his mouth.
“I’m sorry. I should not have said that” he sat back.
Y/n sighed.
“It’s not fair” she said quietly, tears burning her eyes. The anger rose fast like a tsunami destroying everything in his way “It’s not fair” she shouted kicking the wall next to her door making a giant hole.
Al crouched.
“I’m tired of trying, Alfred!” Y/n sighed “and I know, I know you can’t tell me anything but I’m getting tired” she hugged herself, tears starting to fall and said “There always has been a hole in my chest and…and I always assumed that’s what happened when your parent left you in a highway” she chuckled and rolled her eyes “but then I found out that maybe, maybe, it’s not that, that there's more I was hopeful but it quickly vanished because I just can’t remember, you know?” She stopped her pacing once again and dropped herself to the floor “and I finally found someone to talk to about this emptiness that I can not talk with anyone else and it is not helping” Y/n dropped her head between her knees and started sobbing .
“Y/n, I’m so sorry” Al left the bed and sat next to her “I understand you completely. I wish I could give you back your memories and your magic but I can’t do it without hurting you” he rubbed his cheeks on her arm.
“My what?” Y/n lifted her head and cleaned her tears with her hand.
“Oh no! I didn’t mean magic magic. I meant magic” he moved his paws in the air.
“Magic? As in wizards and Merlin and stuff?” Her sadness was completely overturned by confusion.
“Whaaat? No. Who said anything about Mer..lin?” He started walking backwards.
Y/n saw him eyeing the half shut door but she was faster. Y/n closed the door before he could escape. She lifted him up and she got close to him, almost nose to nose
“Talk, cat”
Al looked to both sides, maybe looking for an escape, maybe because he couldn’t maintain her dear friend's stare.
“Alfred?” Y/n raised a brow.
“You are a wizard” He sighed.His whole body was relaxed. He had given up “You have magic”
“What’d you mean? Wouldn’t I have noticed that?”
“You wouldn’t know about it”
“Yeah, I know that’s…”
“Hear me up!” Al was serious. He was never serious.
“Sorry” Y/n put him on the floor and sat in front of him.
“When you don’t know about magic you don’t realize you have it until it’s too much to handle or someone else sees it in you, or at least in most cases. Your case is different”
“Why?” She lifted her knees to her chin.
“You already master magic”
“I don’t remember my extracurricular magic classes” she joked.
“Exactly. You did it before you found the Lakes” Al looked at her carefully.
“What? A master wizard at five? C’mon” she laughed but Alfred didn’t react.
“I’m saying the next thing just because you seem well right now but I can not say more” he paused.
Y/n was nervous. Alfred was always silly and funny but now, he seemed serious. If she didn’t know better he seemed to be about to announce to her that someone had died.
“You had a life before this one. This is not your first time growing up”
Y/n went lip. If the door wasn’t behind her she would have fallen to the floor.
“How? I…I don’t get it” She took her right hand to her chest.
“Neither do I” he looked down “One moment I was with adult you and then you disappeared and I found child you on a park”
Y/n nodded and petted his head, Alfred gladly accepted it.
“Did I have a family? Shouldn’t someone be looking for me?” Y/n close her eyes. Her head was turning. The fog had become too dense. It was impossible to look for a way out of the maze. But amongst the fog, in the darkness of her mind, a little crimson string lighted “Wait. How old am I? How many years had passed since the day I was born? On one of Blinky’s books says that wizards are immortal”
Alfred avoided her stare.
“So, I’m older than I look” she stood up.
“You look happy about it” Alfred stared at her as she took different little notebooks from all over her room.
“What if my dreams aren’t just dreams?” In the bottom of the drawer from her nightstand was a black notebook with this year written in silver ink, this one was bigger than the others. Y/n opened the last notebook seeing all the dreams she was able to write down the last couple of months.
“What do you mean?” Al sat down with her on the bed.
“Some people with amnesia remember through dreams, right? What if some parts of my dreams are made of real memories? "She moved through the pages looking for a specific page. “Like this one” she stopped. The page was half turned and heavily tear stained. It was a miracle it was still legible “My last night at college I had this sad dream. Well, not sad but I woke up feeling sad. It felt so…real. I was in a small cave in the middle of this…dark forest. I was sad, I don’t know why, but I was crying, my nose was stuffed and I was grabbing this stone with all my might and then, I felt the darkness start to swallow me, like I was waking up, but someone, a man, called for me bringing me back into the dream. He’s screaming my name. And when he saw me, he dropped on his knees and held me in his arms. I couldn’t see his face, the forest was so bright now but I wasn’t…scared. He said ‘It’s okay, Little Bird. We’ll find something you’ll like’ and I thought it was my brain tricking me trying to console me on the decisions I had made but when I woke up my face was all wet from crying and I had this in my hand” Y/n finished reciting the dream from memory, the notebook long forgotten on her legs and opened the drawer from her nightstand and pulled out a small flat black pebble that had a hole in it.
Al looked at the stone and Y/n back and forth.
“I didn’t think too much of it at the time but maybe…It means something?”
“Why did you choose this dream to talk about?” Al caressed the pebble with his paw.
Y/n cheeks went red “I dream a lot about this man” she smiled and put the pebble back on the drawer “I don’t know who he is but my mind seems to think he is important”
Al leaned on her legs and started purring.
“I’ll take that as I can’t say anything” she smiled and scratched his head. “So…magic..uh? How does that work?” Y/n smiled.
Alfred looked up, eyes wide open “No, I’m not a teacher” the cat shaked his head side to side.
“Oh, come on. You must know something. A party trick at least” Y/n wiggled her fingers.
“No, no, no. Merlin would kill me” Al absently looked into the distance.
“Wait, wait. The Merlin? I knew the Merlin?” Y/n stood up and lifted Al up with her.
“No…yes…something like that?” Al swung his tail rapidly.
“Something like that?”
“Yes! And besides I’m pretty sure magic is like ridding a bike”
“What do you mean?” She furrowed her brows.
“You already have your staff which means you already are a master wizard”
“So you are saying that… if I wanted to do magic I could?”
He nodded and jumped to the desk.
“Close you eyes and try to move something small”
Y/n looked around the room and took the pebble from the open drawer and placed it on the floor and sat in front of it. She closed her eyes.
“Now take a deep breath and focus on the image of the stone moving” Al explained.
Y/n took a deep breath. For a moment, everything was quiet. Silent. She couldn’t hear the birds chirping anymore. She felt like she was under water.
“Focus” the voice of the man in her dreams echoed through her head. Her brows furrowed and her hands lifted from her lap. Y/n felt a lighting run through her body, burning at her fingertips. The feeling became unbearable making her open her eyes meeting with the stone at her eyesight.
“I can’t believe it worked” Y/n said.
“Me either” Al looked at the stone gracefully returning to her place.
Y/n wanted go keep trying, play with her new found ability but a text from Toby stopped her.
“Hey Tobes! What is it about Blinky going ‘cry-cry’?” Y/n walked down the small stairs in Blinky’s library at Trollmarket stopping at the last step before Blinky walked over her. He seemed consumed in his rambling, walking up and down the library, to notice her. Y/n chuckled thinking this is how Al must have seen her moments ago.
“He’s been like that for awhile” Toby was sitting on the floor, building a tower with some books, next to him was a girl with a PapaSkull shirt.
“How long he been like this?” Jim enter followed by Aaarrrgghh.
“Looong time” said Toby.
“Maybe you should switch to decaf” Jim suggested
“Yeah, I don’t…” before Y/n could finish Blinky started to talk loudly:
“According to legend, only one scholar, the Dishonourable Bodus, uncovered a method of wounding Gunmar”
“The trollhunters just told me there wasn’t any way. How do you do it?” Jim complained.
“No one knows. Gunmar had Bodus and his students hunted down and dispatched in a most unpleasant manner” Blinky got closer to the table by the fireplace.
“Lovely” Y/n said to herself.
“But here, this book, The final Testament of Bodus. This is the last surviving copy of his work! This is the key!” Everyone joined Blinky to the table “And I’m going to burn it”
Everyone gasped.
“Long time” said Aaarrrgghh.
Blinky grabbed two rocks and hit them against each other quickly starting a fire.
“Blinky, no! What are you doing that book might tell us the…”Jim ran to stop the fire but Blinky stopped him.
“Bodus was being hunted! He knew he had to keep it secret” with his other arm, Blinky stoped Toby from throwing water at the book.
Aaarrrgghh tried to blow on but it didn’t help.
“Stop” Y/n threw a blanket on top of the book suffocating the fire.
Ignoring everyone’s complaints, Blinky pushed Toby and Claire to the side
“You don’t understand. Bodus hid the secret within the book. Watch!” He blew on the ashes revealing a message. “I am so glad that worked” Blinky whispered.
“What does it say?” Jim asked.
“In the darkest tide, when Daylight darest wane, the Myrddin Wylt obscured a Shadow’s bane” Blinky translated.
“What’s a Myrddin Wench” Toby asked .
“It’s another name for Merlin” Claire and Y/n said at the same time. They smiled at each other.
“Shouldn’t someone be taking a picture of this or something?” Claire got close to the table where the ashes were laying and took a picture with her phone.
Y/n took a couple of steps back letting Claire get closer. She closed her eyes and extended her hand to grab Toby’s shoulder, she felt dizzy and didn’t want to fall. Was this knowledge from her past leaking through the wall of her amnesia? Why remembering felt like getting kicked in the stomach after a violent rollercoaster.
“Three forces elemental thou must seek. In marshland, caverns deep and mountain’s peak. Where worthy perish, ye prevail in night and eclipse all who quarry with thy might” Blinky continued.
“Anyone else freaked out a little bit by this evil perish poem?” Toby grabbed Y/n arm back.
“Me” whispered Y/n only to Toby.
“No. It said we can prevail! We can win! He hid a Shadow’s bane” Said Jim.
“Gunmar’s bane?” Asked Aaarrrgghh
“It’s referencing a weapon of insurmountable power, forced by three forces unhallowed” Blinky grabbed three books from his library “Pff course! It must be the Triumbric Stones. Three sards of legend tied to Gunmar’s lifeblood, lost to the ages. If we seek out these stones…”
“We can kill Gunmar! Blinky, you madman! You did it!” Jim grabbed Blinky by the shoulders.
“We make the weapon and wham! Gunmar is done-mar” Toby let go of Y/n and joined Blinky and Jim.
“Indeed! The Triumbric Stones have been hidden for centuries, but if I can decipher this text, Master Jim, then you shall”
“Eclipse all who quarry with thy might” finished Claire and turned to Y/n that was leaning against a table.
She smiled when noticed the younger girl looking at her.
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A/n: early post because why not?
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