#gidge blog
angel-gidget · 11 months
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Been watching Nosferatu (1922).
Twas fun!
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somethingautumnal · 7 years
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hotgirlinahotcar · 6 years
I’ma try the live blog thing... ish... spoilers under the cut
so i’ll watch and pause to make notes here...
Wentworth - 6.01 - Clean Slate
04:25 - new bitch 1... so she’s an observer... making mental notes on everything... conquerors... i’m guessing some sort of dykes on bikes thing...
06:14 - what’s happening? - d’oh, shit’s hitting the fan all over... but Vera seemed to have a handle on it -ish at the least... hoping to see her bamfing more! - And Boomer! Charging toward the gate! XD
07:11 - bamf!Vera again! Yay! Channing’s been fired! Woop woop! - So they’ve been locked into their units since the escape. Gotcha. Everybody’s going stir crazy and shit is happening all over. biker thing... half right so far... and throwing her in with Kaz... I predict Red Right Hand vs Conquerors...
07:52 - awwww and Vera covering for Gidge!!! <3
09:33 - new bitch 2 - sugar tits XD okay I’m digging this one so far... hells yeah, get on board Liz, can’t go wrong with more attitude! XD
10:57 - here comes the run, franky, run scene! They better not just make her run to Gidge’s place tho... cause then why didn’t she just cross the street at the end of 5.12?
11:49 - okay I expected a Franky on the run montage... oh well.
13:01 - Go, Vera, go! You keep kicking his slimy ass! - But I’m with Kaz, all that keeping everyone locked up is gonna give you is more shit you don’t need right now, come on, be smart babe...
16:23 - Top Dog found herself a new bone, huh? Yeah she’s not gonna let it go until she knows wtf was going on... and the new bitches know each other... yah, caught that earlier... are they gonna have them be related or something? Ugh please no... no soapy family relations drama
okay the pausing for commentary is starting to bug me... so maybe only every now and then from now on... (she says right before the fridget scene XD...)
17:31 fridget scene - omg wait what?! Yeah I’m gonna need a few run throughs here...
door’s just randomly open... sure okay... so straight to Gidget’s place it is... I mean I know it’s not the first morning after the night at the end of 5.12... but still... that’s a bit lame. Not that I’m not yaying over Fridget tho XD Also, they did some redocorating, right? Somewhere between S4 and 5... that’s not the same layout as before... and the door was different too... or it coulda been another door... but on the inside too... so either they moved or did some major renovations... that house confuses me... gah... anyway...
fridge poetry! I love those!!! XD omg I gotta stop pausing for shit like that, there’s time for that later... 
awww poor baby... I call surfing accident XD - you would’ve talked me out of it.... awwww XD - and she’s so worried about franky... awwwww ... of COURSE that’s when the cops show up... come on... okay and now those doors look familiar again... 
fuck fuck fuck.... okay Gidge, up to you now... come one use your sapphic psychologist superpowers
of corse she’s gone... but them cops were super easy to get rid of... eh... moving on... but now i’m really gonna slow it with the pausing
21:23 - nope, not buying it. she ain’t dead til I see a rotting corpse
28:21 - this with the noobs looks more and more like mother/daughter shit... come oooooon... but at least they’re finally not pretending anymore like there isn’t racial shit going on... not that I wouldn’t love to live in a world where it wasn’t an issue, but when you have a show that depicts all kinds of issues, that’s a pretty big one to ignore. So, yes, more cultural diversity! Always! 30:28 - so this is the beginning of Jake vs. Vera, huh? - UGh! NO! Biker dude...
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But I mean, that show is full of BAMF bitches and hey, no way the attitude one isn’t lez... XD So I can let that one slide... but still, woulda been awesome. 35:59 - d’oh and repetitions in case anyone forgot, check... and now Franky’s gonna find something that the moron cops overlooked... and apparently Franky can pick locks. That’s a nice new tidbit. But like I was once told ‘rehab is like prison... you learn things...’ and it’s true. If I ever go to prison, I’ll come out a criminal mastermind.
37:28 - fuck what? bitch used to be a cop? okay, did not see that one coming
37:43 - okay, I did not register the younger newbie as black until they started pointing it out... I mean I don’t classify people according to color or anything else in general, but Wentworth is starting to make me wonder about my own genetics... they have Franky as olive and this one as black... then I’m definitely not all that caucasian either! yay! I might just have some sort of heritage after all! Not that I’ll never know for sure (adopted), but up until now I just assumed there prolly just was nazi shit there cause Germany... so I never even wanted to know. I always felt like I don’t belong here but I never considered there might be something to the whole finding your roots thing... well, fuck... thank you Wentworth for making me realize even more about myself. But enough with the self-discoveries for now... I wanna keep watching!
38:29 - sisters! Ugh, but at least not mother/daughter... but close enough. So soapy bs coming up for those two, eh?
39:32 - ugh noooooo come on there still is a way out, isn’t there?
39:44 - lmao, seriously?!
42:43 - awwwww Vera! *hugs* You haven’t lost yet! Don’t go giving up! You can do this!
43:13 WHAT?! NOOOOOOO!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!! UGH!!!! Even more soapy bs?! COME THE FUCK ON!!!! Did you seriously have to resort to that one?! Gah :/
And that was that... but idk if the liveblogging thing is for me. Maybe not every week.. we shall see. All in all, nice beginning to the season, but ya know what I coulda done without and what I wish they had done differently... not sure what else to say. So yeah, overall opinion: okay but coulda been better. 
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Tagged by @the-orphan-jedi Thankye!
Rules: answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
Nickname: Jennybunny, Bird, Gidge (don’t ask, I don’t know)
Height: 5′6″ish
Time: 6:17pm
Favourite band/artist: twenty one pilots (by a slight margin)
Song stuck in my head: From Now On from The Greatest Showman
Last movie I saw: ...guess
Last thing I googled: Nendoroids
Other blogs: @dandyliger-arts
Do I get asks: once in a blue
Why did I chose this username: wordplay + lifelong recurring imagery
Following: 176
Average amount of sleep: Since I’m not on a work schedule atm I don’t even think about it
Lucky number: 7
What am I wearing: tshirt and pj shorts
Dream job: ...haven’t had one in years...
Dream trip: I wanna go back to Japan soooooo bad
Favourite food: I had a great bowl of udon last weekend that is still afflicting me with the above-mentioned need to go back to Japan...
Play any instruments: Piano, a little ocarina and tin whistle. Tried violin but...
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: glowing hands, stone stairways, woodsmoke, moonlight, soft fabric, black water
Languages you speak: English, elementary Spanish, smatterings of Japanese and French
Most iconic song: *sigh* this is hard... Goner by twenty one pilots, I’m feeling that mood 
Random fact: All the respect in the world for her, but I’ve never been able to read an entire Jane Austen book.
@spillywolf  @ragingsilver  @shenanigans-assemble  @thylovelylionheart 
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brojdin · 7 years
Gidge - Norrland | Album: Autumn Bells
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angel-gidget · 2 years
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fyeahjemtessa · 10 years
On your last post there was a gif of a girl (Tessa) taking pictures of a guy (Jem) while he was sleeping. Do you know what movie /show that's from?
Sadly, I don't know where the specific clips are from. But the actress was probably Astrid Berges-Frisby, so you could check her cinematotraphy to take your best guess. The regular fancast for Jem is Anthony Neely, and he's more singer than actor, so the footage of him is most likely from one of his music videos.
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angel-gidget · 2 years
While I did vote for the ewok dress, it was nearly a toss up between that and the gold bikini.
Now as an adult, I GET the revulsion over the objectification and slave connotations. But when I was a kid, one of the first SW comics I owned was an RotJ adaption with this cover:
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So it was hammered pretty firmly in my lil' Gidge brain that gold bikini = badass hutt slayer outfit.
Thus, the affection lingers.
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angel-gidget · 2 years
You can’t have fun with old media, unless you read it in good faith. I know very well that old Marvel stuff is composed by a couple of young dudes from the 60s dealing with some very stupid feedback…
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They are trying.
Their 60s boy brains are clearly trying. The results are going to be cringe sometimes.
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Yay! Better!
While it’s true that people don’t have to be fighters to be worthwhile characters, and roles of emotional support are underrated, Sue is a superhero. On a superhero team. Who has made superhero contributions with a genuinely cool power optimized for stealth.
You can (and probably should) lead with that, guys.
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angel-gidget · 7 months
hi, i edited my reblog but jsyk that’s not Mara, that’s my oc Andrie! she WAS inspired by Mara but they’re two different characters :3
Added tags to clarify, thanks! (Added instead of removed Mara tag bc Mara tag makes things easier to find on my own blog.) btw, Your OC is very pretty.
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angel-gidget · 5 years
New Ask Game
Stick a fanfic trope in my ask box. I will yay or nay.
(And if I can think of a relevant fic, I’ll rec it with a link.)
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angel-gidget · 7 years
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For @rose-wilson-worth who sent out the cry for Rocafort!Donna Troy.
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hotgirlinahotcar · 6 years
* headcanon free-for-all
tagged by: several of you for other things (that are started but still in my drafts...). And with all of y’all already tagged in those too... instead of re-tagging the same people for the same stuff... new thing... tagging: @conviictus / @melioriisms​ | @cunninglinguistx​ | @governingmouse | @governinglion | @nicophaught | and everybody else who wants to | non-rp-blogs: just replace ‘your muse’ with one of your fav chars to write about notes: the following answers are heavily influenced by headcanons {d’oh} and whatnots and are subject to change if we ever actually find out more about Gidge...
♥ is there an article of clothing that means the most to your muse? Yep, several. Nope, not her jackets. All the special shirts and other garments that weren’t initially hers but somehow ended up in her possession for some reason or other... (except for stuff that was just discarded or forgotten at her place that ends up in her closet without having any special meaning to her).
❀ what does your muse’s daily routine look like? Most days Gidge gets up at the asscrack of dawn to go surfing - unless the weather won’t permit it (in which case she either goes back to sleep, wakes up her woman for a different kind of workout or catches up on chores and whatnot instead). After a quick shower she then shows up for work barely on time and spends her day there being her glorious sapphic psychologisty self... then after work there really isn’t much of a routine anymore, it’s more of a day to day thing... either back to the beach, or when stuff is piling up, it’s time for chores/errands/paperwork etc and she does the adulting thing. The nights that are all about her girl and spending time together doing whatever they feel like really are her favs though (especially when those also happen to include beachy-surfy and/or lesbionic stuffs). If she’s single though, she might turn her axe-effect up to 11 and hit some lezzie nests for starters... Just hanging out with friends in general is never a bad idea either. And of course the more or less sporadic lazy and quiet nights in are good for the soul too. Naturally, with a lifestyle like that, there also are the days when she’s just beyond exhausted because all that lack of sleep for various reasons caught up with her and she just goes to bed early to recharge properly.
◎ does your muse plan for the long-term or short-term? Both. Realistic goals and all that. Of course she’s only human though, so while she may have the sapphic psychologist skills professional knowledge beneficial to maintaining a healthy balance in general, advice is always easier given than taken. In consideration of that, in most matters, she not only encourages clients and friends alike but also tries to live by it herself. On the flip side of that, nothing wrong with indulging in occasional crazyass notions either. Even the wildest dreams come true for some people after all... In advice-mode she’d also insist on cautioning against actually expecting the more unrealistic stuff to happen though. Cause that kind of thinking has the potential of providing the ideal environment to the birth of delusions.
◆ what is one secret your muse has? Her girlfriend Franky is probably the biggest one... and the canon one... other than that, in verses where she did the pro-surfing circuit thing, it’s not so much of a secret as a part of her life that she just doesn’t share with people at work... with the long lost kid trope, there’d be that... then I have plenty of ideas about the reasons why she got into psychology in the first place... like being forced to go to a mental institution/straight camp when she was a teenager... as in shit was done to her there by the people who were supposed to help her and it becomes her calling to provide therapy done the right way and save people from suffering the likes of what she had to endure... lotsa stuff along those lines. And then there’s the ever classic infinite roulette game of insanity: ‘paid for college (or whatever) by being/got rich by being/gets off on being/leads a double life as/is undercover as/used to be/is mistaken for/pretends to be/wants to be/is forced to be/is being lured into becoming/is basically the same person {cause you’re playing the same muse - a stripper/porn star/lingerie & nude model/hooker/high class escort/assassin for hire/notorious thief/criminal in general/heir to a famous crime family/rockstar/other type of celebrity/is married to/divorced from/related to (somebody rich and famous)/vampire/mermaid/witch/werewolf/alien/ghost/superhero/immortal/time traveler/pirate/ninja/dinosaur/rocket ship/shark toast/swirly whirly junglepants/several or all of the above/is basically the same person {cause you’re playing the same muse - and somebody knows/finds out/stumbles over the intel/gets dragged into it/starts investigating by looking into something unrelated/gets an (anonymous) tip/comes from that world too (and is either keeping the same secret or the complete opposite, is well known for it/comes from another but equal/similar/conflicting/antagonistic situation/is basically the same person {cause you’re playing the same muse}’ {you get the point, these could all go on forever and range from slightly canon-divergent to the crackyassest bloody shit you could ever imagine... Now, I’m not saying I could imagine Gidge in any and all kinds of scenarios, but I’m never not up for at least spitballing, no matter how cracky and insane it might seem.} {Back to the serious side though, I love the whole secret thing so much, so there’s gazillions of headcanons/ideas that I have, but not too many that I’d just ascribe to Gidget in general, so it really depends on the thread.}
ϟ who means the most to your muse? why? Her girl. She’s the love of her life and the world wouldn’t make sense without her in it. And while Bridget had a life before her, since she met Franky/Lorraine/*insert your muse’s name if you wish*, she can’t imagine ever going back to that because she doesn’t even remember what she was living for before she experienced the love they have for each other. 
☛ what is your muse’s biggest regret? {I’m gonna leave this basically open for now because I think that would heavily depend on plot and thread and whatnot.} For example, if she did have a kid that she lost somehow, obvi it’d be that... but ‘kids are gross’ versions of her never even would’ve had said child and thus would have entirely different biggest regrets... ex pro-surfer Gidge might forever mourn the loss of that career and might not ever stop resenting whatever ended it... {so yeah, options, options, options... with variations... and alternatives... so just scroll back up to that roulette wheel and we’ll leave it at that until something specific comes along.}
❥ is your muse cool? She thinks she is anyway... XD Nah, she’s chill, but she def has that adorkable side too. Especially when she’s actively trying to be cool... like that ‘I’m not a screw’ scene... {Sorry babe, but your inner Elsa had her gloves on there...}
✯ which three traits define your muse? {Actually... lemme change this one a bit... you can do either version, whatever you prefer.} to be answered at some point in the not so distant future {So I just realized this is just gonna make this post a lot longer and doesn’t even quite fit in with the headcanon thing anymore anyway and can easily be a whole other tag thing by itself...}
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♕ would your muse hug a monster? *smiles at @governinglion​ with wide open arms* {PS: Dude, we really should start talking about starting something... I even have a couple of ideas I’ve been meaning to shoot at ya but haven’t yet cause my ADD is playing fucking pinball with me atm...}
❣ is your muse a fighter or a lover? What’s with the ‘or’? It’s entirely possible to be both at the same time... Just sayin... So yeah, definitely both. Particularly so when the lover brings out the fighter. (That goes for kinkyass passion-motivated activities as well as the ‘my love for you will make me fight to the death and I ain’t letting nothing and no one get in my way’ thing.) 
✎ what does life mean to your muse? Biologically, she’s pro-choice. Philosophically... okay, yeah, nope... not gonna go there. To answer in some profound yet vague and still revealing way I’d have to write a fucking epos. So I’ll pass. Your call whether you wanna ponder the meaning of life or disregard this one too.
Disclaimer: Actually this was a meme before I misappropriated it for this. So all credit for the questions goes to whoever wrote them originally. @vhsmeme I think... I hope you don’t mind that I turned it into a tag thing instead. By the time I realized I should’ve fucking asked you first, I had already written most of the replies... so...
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But yeah, not cool to just assume it’d be okay, and I acknowledge that. Sorry!-ish. In my defense tho... there’s a hugeass ‘free-for-all’ right there in the title... I just realized that... XD
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hotgirlinahotcar · 6 years
yo followers!
Hi! Thanks for the follow!
So here’s the thing, I’m going through something, I haven’t set up my blog yet and I don’t even have my Wentworth DVDs yet... so basically I’ve really only binged the show once so far. Except for countless of rewatched scenes on yt, mainly Gidge stuff to just keep familiarizing myself with her.  Point is, all of that is why I haven’t hit you up to start plotting yet. Except for the two of you who I started talking to before I even made this blog. I definitely want to rp with all of you though, I’m just not there yet to officially go public. But feel free to send me prompts or if there are any of you itching to start something with Gidge, just hit me up. I’m a hopeless addict, I’ll be all over that so fast, you have no idea. Or just start talking to me for no reason whatsoever. I’m always up for that too. 
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