#gifted fire bee
jiiamp · 1 year
ʚ⬡ɞ Firebeeic & Giftedfirebeeic ʚ⬡ɞ
[ Firebeeic and Giftedfirebeeic ]
ʚ Firebeeic ɞ
[ Firebeeic ]
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⬡ A gender related to Fire bee from Roblox: Bee Swarm Simulator, whether it be the aesthetic, color scheme, or any way the user sees fit
Fire + bee + ic
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Made by me (as far as I know)
Please credit if you repost, it is greatly appreciated
ID in alt text
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ʚ Giftedfirebeeic ɞ
[ Giftedfirebeeic ]
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⬡ A gender related to gifted Fire bee from Roblox: Bee Swarm Simulator, whether it be the aesthetic, color scheme, or any way the user sees fit
Gifted + fire + bee + ic
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Made by me (as far as I know)
Please credit if you repost, it is greatly appreciated
ID in alt text
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
it's technically still groundhog's day again, isn't it?
in which we see only one instance of the many times in which joe hills lives the same four days, as prompted by a strange malfunction of reality.
i hope you all enjoy!
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sew-much-to-do · 2 years
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DIY Dipped Candles with Beeswax
Learn how to make dipped candles with beeswax, wicking and a couple of pots in your own home.
sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.
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echantedtoon · 2 months
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Kinda like my last post but more poly. Auish so barely anything's cannon. Kimetsu Gauken based. Artwork not mine both found on Pinterest. Will probably contain some headcannons from my Kagamane x Reader headcannons post too.
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-How did you catch the attention of these two couples? You literally had no idea.
-You only knew that you were Muzan's secretary before he hired Kokushibo to take over your job as he was 'better suited.' But unbeknownst to you, that was a way to just get closer to you by Muzan and his wife.
-You've been working for the couple for over two years having been hired by Two to help the both of them manage their companies. Muzan wasn't happy about his wife hiring someone without his say so but relented the because his wife was happy with you.
-You did a very good job honestly. Papers were always perfectly filed, and you were very organized and clean. You kept up with his own and Rei's Business deals separated unless needed to be combined. He couldn't remember how many times the last secretary mixed up their appointments and costed them time and money. You were also on time all the time everyday and had materials at the ready for whatever he needed.
-Rei was quite satisfied with your performance as well and he liked knowing his wife was happy so he didn't care about her inviting you to have small lunch breaks with her and their daughter.
-Their daughter was quite taken by you as well. Smiling and talking about how nice you were and how you had help her learn how to spell a big learn that won her spelling bee at school.
-Rei quite agreed you were quite a charming lady and she wouldn't mind having you around more often. He agrees.
-While you're professional and perficiant in what you do and your bubbly kind and positive personality added a bit of fresh air into the office and at the same time you weren't overly positive for him to find you annoying. If fact he quite looked forward to the way you treated him every morning with your bright smile and a cup of his favorite coffee. How you and Rei smile like old friends and get along so well. How his daughter is always excitedly bouncing around and showing off what cool new facts she learnt 'from the nice office lady'!
-Its inevitable they would find someone as cute as you unable to resist for long. It's not surprisingly Rei that brings up the subject first while at breakfast and he's reading a newspaper. "Dear, Y/n was so kind to teach our little darling how to easily spell arithmetic the other day." "Mmhm. Very nice." "You know I don't think we're really giving her a position she deserves. You've always said that I could use a personal assistant for my work." "Darling, you just read my mind."
-You are shocked when the happy couple announced that you were fired from your secretary job but they were moving you to be Rei's personal assistant. You gingerly try to reject the offer but they insist having already replaced you with Kokushibo who turns out if far more efficient.
-So begins your very awkward new job as Rei's personal assistant. Some of it isn't too different from your old job minus following her around during the day. You still file paperwork for her and handle calls if she's busy, but now you also did things for her such as getting her awkwardly massive food orders-
"I have your double shrimp salad bowls."
"Oh thank you. But I must've gotten too much. You eat the other one you've been working so hard and deserve some food."
And going shopping with her as she gifts you extra items she ..accidentally buys an item she didn't want.
"I have all your bags, Ma'am."
"Thank you. But it seems I accidentally bought the purple heels instead of black."
"Shall I call the store and request a refund for the shoes?"
"No need. You can keep them. They're your size anyways."
-You also start to help out Rei's husband by rearranging furniture in his office as he works and gauges your help in certain things.
"I want you to take this."
".... It's an address and..IS THIS THREE THOUSED DOLLARS?!"
"Yes. I'm thinking about buying a share at this new retreat but unfortunately I'm far too busy to go myself. Go check yourself in for a week and report back to me anything wrong with the place."
Even when you go, granted having a good time, and comeback with your positive feedback you don't see any shares listed for the retreat in the financial database. But he does use your help in other situations too-
"Is this a dinner reservation?"
"Yes. I'm interested in hosting a business dinner together with some investors next week. Go to the reservation and see if their food is up to my standards."
You are concerned when he sees no investors the next week.
-You start to get very awkward when Rei requests you start doing more personal things. Like tutoring their daughter and picking her up from school and playing with her when they're busy. And staying to have dinner with them multiple times a week even if you decline.
-You unexpectedly get a raise despite doing less work than your last position.
-You get invited on outings together to help watch their daughter but for some reason there's always a place set aside for you or the reservations always included a fourth person.
-You get random gifts with excuses-
"My daughter thinks it's your birthday and she'll be upset if I didn't at least gift you some flowers."
"Here. I never used this dress anyways and they got my size wrong."
"My wife misplaced her necklace so I ordered a new one for her. She just found the old one today so you may keep the extra."
-One day you pick up their daughter from elementary school and she's just happily chatting away in the back seat.
"I can't wait for Mother's Day. I'm gonna make you and Mommy the best cards ever!"
"Aw. You don't have to do that. I'm not even your mom."
"Not yet! You have to marry them first and I'm gonna be the flower girl!!"
"Haha! I'm not marrying your mommy and daddy."
"Huh? You're not?"
"Of course not. What made you think that?"
"Because Daddy says I can be the flower girl! Mommy even picked out matching dresses for all three of us in that fancy magazine!"
-Both are a mixed reaction when they receive your professional company email that very night explaining that the hours were starting to get bad for you so you were putting in your two weeks and using all your company vacation days for that entire week so they didn't have to trouble you for a final paycheck.
-Rei is absolutely shocked and very, very confused. Why did you suddenly quit? If the hours were getting to bad then they'd be happy to talk with you about it and rearrange things.
Muzan is pissed. How dare you just quit on such short notice?! After everything they did?! You didn't even have mind to tell them in person!
Both try calling you but get nothing but voicemail, their emails go unanswered as well. Their daughter is very upset. Why did you leave? Weren't you going to marry them?
-Unbeknownst to the couple you use the extra money from your sudden raise to move away to a new residence. Blocking both on your old email and phone before completely getting a brand new email address and number and being sure to block them again on those too before gathering up all the unwanted gifts up to mail them back being sure to include no return address.
-After laying low for about a month you decide to go back out to job hunt. Eventually finding a secretary position open at a local school after the old secretary retired! Perfect! You end up calling the number listed for the principal and she's nice enough to arrange an interview for you with her husband, the Chairman of Kimetsu Academy.
-The interview actually goes very well! Mr. Kagaya Ubuyashiki is a very kind man and his wife is also very kind and both of them were impressed with your resume. You got the job the day!
-You're a little out of your territory being in a a school setting but slowly things start turning. You start to really enjoy your job at the Academy. You've already made friends with a few teachers like Kyojuro and Gyomei.
-Students start to like coming to the office more because of how bubbly and friendly the new secretary is. The teachers start to talk to you more often and invite you to staff parties and outside work events. Events that you were free to DECLINE and no one was giving you an uncomfortable feeling.
-Was working your old job really that stressful? You couldn't remember the last time you actually felt appreciated or just had someone treat you normally.
-Kagaya thinks it's amusing watching you shyly peek into the doorway to his office with papers clutched into your hands and bashfully asking if you could come in. The way you so innocently look unsure of something or squeak out a question. It's adorable seeing your attempts.
Amane finds your sweet and bubbly personality is perfect for the job! Especially when she sees how much you love interacting with the students and always friendly towards her own children. When you shyly ask her for help with scheduling or ask where a certain file is, always puts a smile on her face.
-Speaking of the Ubuyashiki children, you adore the quintuplets! And don't mind watching them in the office for a little bit if Kagaya or Amane was running a little late or had to do last minute work. Because they always asked you if you'd be alright with it first and didn't expect you to do anything outside your job.
-Somewhere along the way they ask you politely if you'd like to have dinner with them without any expectations for you saying yes and you agree wholeheartedly. Making it a weekly thing where you all would all have dinner together Sunday night.
-Muzan and Rei really don't know where you went for the longest time until he just happens to mention you in front of Nakime who recognizes you instantly and reveals it to him.
-Muzan is absolutely RAGED to find out not only are you working for his cousin but seemed to be dating his cousin and his wife!! Rei has to hold him back and tell him to not do anything dumb before he goes to do anything actually dumb like storm into the academy and yell at everyone.
-Instead he furiously calls his cousin and DEMANDS to know what the hell he thought he was doing!! And DEMANDS to let him talk to you THAT INSTANT!!
"Oh yes. You're the really weird bosses she was talking about. How's your dating life going?"
"How do you both manage to get married but still pull no bitches combined?"
Rei later scolds him for cussing in front of their daughter at her cousins and for chucking his phone off their second story balcony.
-She tries to later apologize for his tantrums via calling Amane who firmly states that they were not to go near you but much more politely.
-Your're later very surprised to discover that Muzan and Kagaya are actually cousins but it doesn't change your opinion on the Ubuyashikis because of how well they have been treating you.
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
For Venus Day I wanted to do something special. My favorite girlies are the choices for this reading. Pick which one resonates with you the most, and take a look at each pile ! Have fun!
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PILE 1 - AALIYAH - 'The Loveable Child, Aura As Magical As The Clouds.'
You're aura has a mystical charm. Deep inside the inner self is a magical energy that puts people in awe. Your gentleness captivates people and your ability to see the beauty in all that is around you is what makes you much more magical. Your sensual energy is capable of proving a point, being a star is your mission if you have this placement. Because your divine essence is what attracts others to you and others are willing to help you in your mission, desires, dreams, goals, etc.
Message: Be quiet. Not everyone needs to know your mind. Be yourself but be quiet about the things you know. Take it easy, not everyone can be as high in the clouds as you. Heaven's Child.
Numbers & Colors : 333, 555, 777, 111, Pink, Yellow, Green Lavender
Animals : Skunks & Deers (Bambi)
Themes : Loveable, Kind, Sweetness, Adorable
PILE 2 - SELENA - 'A Dream Come True'
Whew. This one is magnetic and its BIG. Big in a way that you can feel it however you're not sure what it is. Your sensual grace forms a lesion of people to honor you no matter how you look. Your charm is essential to awakening the divine feminine in you and others. You have gifts in singing if you've pick this one, as your singing qualities is like a bee being attracted to honey, its calming, tasteful and filled with valuable energy.
Message: You are captivating, never allow jealous or envious beings bring you back to a place that kept you in depression. Leave now. Don't allow them to sink this ship, God sent you to them to heal.
Numbers & Colors : Rainbow , Green, Blue, Orange,
Animals : Gazelles, Lions, Cheetahs, Hamsters & Guinea Pigs
Themes: Bravery, Resilience, Determination, Power
PILE 3 - SALMA HAYEK - 'Witch; Powerful and Formidable Aura'
A Goddess. It is she who walks the darkest roads that comes out on top and flows like no other. Your charm and power holds so much weight. People stop and stare at you from a far. In a daze, no man or woman can stop looking at your psychique and the power you hold can make anyone be hypnotized by your spark. You have a gift in setting the room on fire, holding up the magic in the room and making it fold to your bidding. Powerful qualities in sensual abilities and manifestation abilities are stronger with this group. You have the gift of getting your desires through the power of your charm and ability to be seen in your raw nakedness, take that as you will.
Your flow intimidates people, but your charm is what keeps them running back ;)
Message: Know when to be seen or be heard. Appreciate the joy in being a 'bitch'. Allowing others in just because you said so. Boundaries are not a kept secret, tell them off. Let them know it.
Numbers & Colors : Pink, Red, Magenta & Purple, 1111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 111
Animals : Serpents & Octopus
Themes: Being who you are, Lilith, Oceans are connected to this group.
PILE 4 - BEYONCE - 'Look at me now'
This group is undergoing a big transformation! If not now it's on the way. No enemy shall prosper with this group. Now back to the reading, you guys have an immense power that is connected to a faerie like charm. Very pretty and magical. If you picked this group you may have a venusian energy that connects to a Goddess (this is for you to go within and seek). A high priestess energy from this group and a aura that is valuable no man and woman shouldn't dare come to you without a gift or even an honorable mention. Do what you will with that.
Message: Learn to appreciate the world as is, its just a minor reflection of whats inside of you. Speak highly to others as well as yourself. Be kind to you and to others and watch mountains open for you.
Numbers & Colors: Yellow & Pink, 3333, 444, 888, 1111
Themes: Goddess, Queenlike, Ochun, Pyramids, The world revolves around you, make it happen.
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zorosbeau33 · 5 months
Courting~ Natsu Dragneel Alpha Headcanon
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❖ Fairy Tail, Natsu Dragneel x gender neutral reader
❖ Headcanon, Possible future series, fluff
❖ Tw: none~
❖ wc: 1045
❖ @tojiseviltwin @kimnamshiks ❖ Masterlist ❖
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
This is a alpha beta omega au~ Reader is assumed omega in this but you are free to decide for yourself~
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
To begin, to make this easy let us establish this Dragon Slayer is an alpha. If you did not know you might suspect he was a beta with how he is so careless and goofy. Not your stereotypical stern tough guy alpha.
Natsu doesn’t care if you see him as an alpha or not, and he doesn’t care if someone doesn’t believe he’s an alpha. His status as a dragon slayer and member of Fairy Tail is his pride not something decided by birth or gender. Gender, who cares about that, are you strong or funny or nice? Thus goes his priorities.
So needless to say he’s not really into the whole, he has to court you by rules xyz due to his secondary gender. He’s going to court you how he believes a dragon slayer and guild member (because you will be adopted into Fairy Tale if you're not in it already) should be treated.
It might have taken him a long while to realize he wants to court you though. At first he just knew he liked being around you, and isn’t that enough? Spending life going on adventures and laughing together are most important to him. 
Once or twice he feels like frowning or growling when he sees someone get really close to you. Not just proximity wise because he too is a skinship with all the friends kind of person. But seeing someone attempt to get close to you romantically or emotionally and nudge him aside and out of frame? He doesn’t understand why but it burns him up inside.
I hate to say it but he tries to train it off, or just cling onto you and insist on starting a job right now. No he hasn’t picked one and yes it might be midnight but it's the perfect time to start a quest! No really-
He may go and confide in Master or Mira Jane. He knows he may get teased for it but he can’t figure these emotions out, and it's imperative to him to know because it's becoming stronger. His anger (its jealousy), his thoughts about you, why your scent is smelling sweeter and sweeter to him, all of it.
Bless this poor boy's soul because he really couldn’t figure out why he was “hungry” when he smelled your scent. He thought he needed to eat more food or fire because we don't eat friends. Thankfully they explained it's a physical and emotional longing to be closer with you.
This was not his first birds-and-bees talk but it was the one that made him realize he wanted you, and without them having to say more Natsu realized he wanted you as his mate.
Thankfully he does know from seeing others do it, although he thought it stupid at the time, the basics on how to court someone
His heart cannot take this he's so jittery and happy as he bounds up to you, if it's night time he may have broken in but that's okay! To hand you some hand picked flowers and a snack. He’s pretty forward about this, not subtle on starting the courting process. 
“Why? Because I want you to be my mate partner too of course!” Queue big happy grin
Lucy has helped him go shopping several times for you, blankets for your now shared nest. Food gifts galore.
No seriously everywhere you go, and you go to all places together now unless you ask for some space. He gets you food.
You looked away for two seconds and he disappeared. Don't worry he’ll be back in ten minutes with something scrumptious for you. 
If he has to go on a mission without you, or if you decide to take some time to yourself, expect a small little sweet or scone to be placed on your desk or in your hands. They are often a shade of pink, or dragon themed so you’d think of him.
Not huge on you wearing his clothes, with the exception of his scarf. He adores seeing you in it before he started courting you because he hadn’t realized yet, now he is obsessed wrapping it around you both as you cuddle. Or do anything for that matter.
Natsu did realize it's not practical while walking only after clotheslining you once…or twice…
He is super attentive to your needs, perhaps not romantically, but he knows you’re hungry before you do. 
Shivering? Not around him he knew to warm you before you knew you were chilled.
Tired, and he somehow has drafted you for a cuddle and nap session or has told the other guild members to go away so you can nest in a corner where he can keep an eye and make sure you are safe
Guild member pissed you off, he’s already squaring up to fight with you
You are feeling needy? He's right there giving you a hug
It all stems from his fighting experience funnily enough. He’s gotten really really good at reading body language because of it and he has yours down to an art form.
Natsu is strong and independent despite his love of skinship and kinship. However he will always be longing to be just a little bit closer to you and his gifts sometimes reflect as much.
Never in his life before would he have wanted to buy a massage, but here he is getting vouchers for couples massages. He heard about it from Elfman and it was a lightbulb moment.
Matching funny hats at the amusement park
Small little quirky dates to places to do things together, like making matching earrings. Or a food tour of a town together, quality time is his utmost number one gift and treasure. It's the best thing you can give him too, volunteer to spend time together and he is over the moon.
This goes without saying but Natsu is above all else, protective. You are strong or weak, it doesn't change this, he will fight god and anyone who looks down on you or tries to hurt you. Even if it's a guildmate in a pre ordained face off, someone will need to hold him back. You are too precious to him to risk losing, so please stay by his side forever.
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puzzled-pegasus · 8 months
back again with some more WoF tribe hcs
SkyWings commonly lack the ability to taste sweet things, part of the population lost the gene after the tribe became mainly carnivorous. This is inspired by real life cats, who lost the gene due to being obligate carnivores.
SandWings and MudWings commonly eat bugs. SandWings will snack on beetles when they find them, and MudWings will pick through a decomposing log like a bear to find tasty grubs. MudWings also commonly break into beehives and use their fire to smoke the bees before taking some honeycomb along with some comb that stores tasty bee larvae.
NightWings had very few bugs on the volcano for obvious reasons, besides like, some cockroaches, so it's very weird when they come into the rainforest and there's Things crawling everywhere.
RainWings and SandWings both have an innate fear of certain bugs, especially spiders. The only reason RainWings avoid eating bugs is because of the abundance of poisonous ones in the forest.
MudWings typically avoid eating alligators or crocodiles because of their similarity to dragons. Sometimes, though, they keep them as pets.
Anacondas found in the rainforest or mud kingdom will not pass up the chance to eat a dragon egg.
Some SeaWings are immune to anemone stings, like clownfish.
RainWings have to suppress their judgments about other tribes based on their coloration, reminding themselves that SkyWings aren't always angry even though they're red and orange, SeaWings aren't always sad or upset, NightWings aren't constantly seething with hatred, etc. It's hard for other tribes to really grasp the connotations that colors have for them; for RainWings, color is essentially their language. Even the color of a gift they are given can have meaning. It can result in misunderstanding with members of tribes without good color differentiation.
It's also difficult for other tribes to learn to read RainWing colors, as one color rarely ever means just one thing, and rarely is a RainWing ever just one color for long. Well, besides Jambu. But he's the weird one.
Most RainWings aren't used to being asked their favorite color. How do you answer that? Your favorite mood? Obviously, most dragons like it when they're happy. So they would usually just pick yellow or pink or light blue.
SandWings really like dark colors. You don't see a lot of those in the desert. Dark greens and purples and blues and reds. Those sort of colors are the ones that queens have their fabric dyed. Luxurious.
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orth82 · 5 months
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Michael Sheen=the greatest.
Despite how exhausted he was after Thursday's performance (he was on FIRE that night) he still took the time to see all of his adoring fans at the stage door and make loads of people's day.
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Friday's stage door was truly magical, and the energy in the crowd was off the charts. Loads of hardcore fans and talented fanartists were there and it became a spontaneous mini Ineffable Sheen Convention of sorts.
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Everyone was interacting and supporting each other like the fabulous family we are. One girl was so nervous she almost threw up. Another adorable fan had a full-on breakdown of the most joyous and beautiful kind after meeting their hero. Shy and trembling fans were gently encouraged and helped by the complete strangers next to them (as well as MS himself).
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An international delegation of Sheenie fans comprised of some of the loveliest and most talented people on earth, all brought together by our adoration of this beautiful man.
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So many hugs, happy tears, stories and wee handmade gifts were exchanged. I am so grateful to have been lucky enough to be a part of it all.
And yes, that's his handwritten bratty Bastille Azi quote on my collarbone, freshly tattooed this morning in Soho (he kindly wrote it on a post-it note for the specific purpose).
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Oh, and then this happened. Irene, you are a cinnamon roll and we all think you're just the bee's knees ☺️
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Toward the end of my third magical stage door encounter I finally had the wherewithal to ask for a photo. Still not brave enough to request a hug but my hand went straight for his glorious tummy of its own accord. My brain ceased to function at that point and I am now deceased 💀
There are no words to describe how grateful I am to Michael, the phenomenal cast and the best fandom on earth for this unforgettable experience. I genuinely hope MS knows how loved he is and how much we appreciate all he does. This world is a better place because of him 🖤
(btw that adorable Nye kewpie doll is the creation of the talented @buzzinglarrieee and the Nye watercolour was a gift to MS made by @dennissima)
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forever-rogue · 2 years
Hi Bee🐝 I hope you’re having a nice weekend❣️
I had a Joel fic idea I wanted to send you in case you are looking for inspo? If not just ignore this lmao.
I thought it would be kind of cute to have a fic where r likes to read even after the world went to hell and whenever she goes with Joel somewhere and he luckily finds a book he knows she hasn’t read he picks it up for her as a gift😭 and r reads out loud for them when they’re camping, oblivious to Joel’s feelings until one day he gives r a book she mentioned she loved when she was younger and she’s like oh, you feel the same way 😭
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AN | I love this, this is so soft and I love this concept! I hope you like it too 🥰
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | None
Word Count | 3k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Always buried in a book," his tease was accompanied by a warm chuckle as you looked up and found Joel strolling into the makeshift library. Your smile was beaming as you marked your page and set the book down to give him your full attention, "what are you readin' now?"
"Nothing terribly exciting," you confessed with a huff, nodding in the direction of your latest selection, "the Hobbit. I think I've read it a dozen times by now. As a matter of fact I think I've read all of these books at least twice."
"Hard to expand a library when people aren't writing anymore," Joel rubbed at his beard thoughtfully as you nodded sadly, "its a shame."
"I never thought I'd see the day when I couldn't go to the bookstore or library for a new book," you looked away, blinking back your tears. It wasn't just the book thing - it was everything, "but here we are. I like to write my own stories sometimes but it's not the same. I already know the beginning, middle, and end and all the plot twists when it's all in my head."
He hummed in understanding as you felt him study you intently. Your face warmed up under his intense gaze as tugged at a loose thread on the sleeve of your sweater, “is there a reason you read the same thing multiple times?”
“I’ve always read a lot,” you tucked your legs up and under yourself on the overstuffed chair. You focused on the fire that was crackling away merrily, knowing that you had his undivided attention, “it was always a good form of escapism when I was younger and turns out it also works these days with all of…this. I didn’t have a lot of friends growing up, I always had a hard time fitting in. When things got bad, there was always a book to turn to.”
“Did you have a favorite?” you huffed in amusement as you turned to him with a no duh expression. The look on your face made him laugh as well, and he reached over to give your shoulder a gentle squeeze, “what was it?”
“You’re going to laugh…”
“I promise I won’t,” he insisted, accompanied by a silent shake of his shoulders which led you to raise your eyebrows at him, “I’ll do my best not to.”
“A true man of honor,” you rested your chin in your hand as you looked over at him, “prideandprejudice.”
“Come again?” he was teasing you, the question filled with tender affection, “didn’t quite catch that, sweetheart.”
“You’re the worst,” you groaned softly, hiding your face in your hands, “you heard me loud and clear - Pride and Prejudice. I know it’s silly but I’ve just always loved it.”
“I don’t think that’s silly at all,” he promised as you relaxed slightly. It wasn’t that you needed his approval or hoped he felt the same way, but there was something about his response and how tenderly he watched you that it made your tummy explode with butterflies, “it’s nice to have something familiar to hang onto - it’s nice to have a friend.”
“I agree,” oh. He really had to stop looking at you like that before you melted into a puddle on the floor, “I haven’t read it in forever.”
“Haven’t found a copy or just haven’t had the desire to read it?”
“Haven’t found it,” you sighed dramatically, before smiling back at him, “maybe one day I will, and if I do, I’m going to make you read it as well - I’ll even read it out loud for you.”
“Is that a promise or a threat?”
“Umm…I dunno,” you mused as he shook his head fondly, “both? Which one is worse?”
“I don’t think I’d ever feel threatened by you,” he began as you gave him a mock-hurt little expression, “you’re very tough, but I’m sorry sweetheart, you’re too soft. Which isn’t a bad thing. So, tell you what, you ever get your hands on a copy of Pride and Prejudice, I’d love to have you read it out loud for me.”
“Yeah?” you looked at him with soft doe eyes that made his heart constrict.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Joel liked your smile; it was pretty, even if you shied away from it at times. It always worked to make his heart constrict with emotion, and he’d long formed his own little plan to make you smile as often as he could. You weren’t privy to that just yet, but that was okay. As long as you were happy that was all that mattered. 
His favorite way, as he’d found after that afternoon in the library, was surprising you with a new book. Realistically, it wasn’t much, but it was the meaning behind the gesture, and the fact that even though he was out in the big, bad outside, he was thinking about you. 
Book after book he found for you, some almost new, perfectly preserved in time, and some already aged and loved before everything fell apart. But it never mattered, it was all about the face that he did just for you. The old, rickety bookcase in your small apartment was soon filled with new titles, some you’d already and others you’d never even heard of, all lovingly placed and organized. One of the many reasons you didn’t mind these small tokens of affection from Joel was the fact that it gave you more reasons to spend time with him.
As the months passed, you got to know Joel more and more, learning about his life from before the Outbreak to present. You shared just as much with him and in a way it felt like the two of you had always been friends, like two wandering souls that had found their way back to each other. You never would have thought that someone like him would ever even want to spend time with you, but you fit together like perfect puzzle pieces. 
On this particular evening you found yourself in his backyard, along with Ellie and a few other friends that you’d made in Jackson. Some moonshine had been passed around, and lots of exciting stories had been exchanged. You were listening to everyone, mostly staying more on the quiet side when you realized you didn’t have much to contribute to the current conversation at hand. 
“What about you?” Joel was sitting on your side and leaned into your space, gently nudging your leg with his. You blinked a few times, tearing your attention away from the fire and turning it to him with a confused look on your face, “what’s your best camping story?”
“Oh,” you grinned sheepishly as you looked around the circle and found nothing but friendly faces looking back at you. Your cheeks warmed up as you shrugged innocently, “I’ve never actually been camping. So I wouldn’t know….unfortunately.”
“What?” Joel seemed surprised but quickly caught himself and slipped into the soft tone that he often adopted for you, “I knew there had to be something wrong with you - there had to be a flaw somewhere.”
“And never having been camping is my flaw?” you teased right back, unaware of the knowing smiles that were being exchanged all around.
“That’s right,” he insisted, leaning in even closer, causing your heart to skip a few beats, “but don’t worry, there will still be time to fix that.”
“What a gentleman,” you down the rest of your drink, shaking your head in amusement.
“Would you look at the time…” Ellie almost jumped out of her seat, pointedly looking around the circle and motioning with her head that it was time to leave, “it’s late and we’re all tired, so we’re gonna…go.”
“All of you at once?” Joel raised an eyebrow as he looked at the girl, knowing better than anything by this point. She nodded with narrowed eyes as everyone said their goodbyes, leaving just the two of you. Joel let out a long sigh as he leaned back in his chair and smiled at you, “very subtle.”
Your mind started to reel with possibilities as to what he meant. You knew what you wanted him to mean, but you also weren’t about to flatter yourself like that. Joel wouldn’t ever like you as more than a friend, right? Right. 
The way you looked at him with such wide, gentle eyes made him want to pull you into his lap and kiss you until there was no mistaking what he was saying. The two of you stared at each other for a few moments before you cleared your throat softly.
"I guess I should get going too," you whispered, still unmoving, "it's late."
As soon as you stood up but before you could go, you felt his fingers wrap around your wrist as he gently held you back.
You turned around to face him, neither of you speaking, just studying each other. He had lovely eyes, soft despite all the years of hardness, his lips pulled into a soft smile.
Before you could stop yourself with too much logic, you leaned in and kissed him. You wondered if it was all a huge mistake, but to your surprise, he kissed you right back. His hands found purchase on your waist and yours on his shoulders as you let him kiss you 
Until you came to your senses and realized what you were doing. You gasped in surprise and pulled back, looking at him worriedly as Joel dropped his hands from your waist. You blinked back the tears that had immediately threatened to well up, panicking that you had crossed any remaining boundaries that either of you had remaining.
"I-I am so sorry," you whispered, touching your lips without thinking about it, "I have to go. I'm sorry."
You were gone before Joel could even process what had just happened. 
When he did, he hung his head and sighed heavily. He hoped he hadn't just fucked everything up.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
In the following week, you weren’t actively trying to avoid Joel…but you were definitely making sure you weren’t around whenever he was. You just had no idea how to broach the subject or if it even needed to be discussed. The idea of going up to him and saying anything made you want to curl up and wither away - it might have been dramatic  but you were willing to allow yourself a little bit of theatrics. 
But…you realized later on, Joel hadn’t fought off your advances. He’d actively kissed you back, and taken control. Maybe he’d wanted it just as much as you had. Or, or, you’d taken advantage of him, because you’d both been drinking. That made it all worse, and made your stomach churn. 
Either way, your plan was to avoid him - if not forever - for as long as you could.
Unfortunately, Joel was a stubborn man and wasn’t about to let you go without any explanations. And you weren’t exactly particularly sneaky; he found you in your usual spot, perched on the window seat with a book open in your lap as you stared out the window. 
“Hey,” you startled at the sound of his voice, but turned to him with a shy smile. He approached you slowly, almost as if he was afraid that he was going to scare you off like some sort of wild animal, “figured you’d be here.”
“Well,” you waved your hands around dismally before tucked your book away, “I’m not exactly hard to find if you know me. I’m a creature of habit.”
“Ain’t nothing wrong with that,” he came over and leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his broad chest, “I have a surprise for you.”
“O-oh, Joel,” you swallowed thickly and wondered what on earth he could possibly be referring to, “I-I don’t need anything…seriously.”
“I didn’t get you anything technically,” ah. Joel and his little technicalities, “more of a ‘we’re doing this,’ type of thing.”
“And what is it that we’re doing?”
“Camping,” he stated with a grin as you just blinked at him in shock.
“We - you, Ellie, and I - are going camping,” he stated again as if that would clear everything up, “just a little something I’ve been planning since you’ve been avoiding me.”
“I-I have not been avoiding you,” a lie. You both knew that much, “just…busy.”
“Whatever the reason,” he insisted, “we’re goin’ camping. We’re leaving bright and early in the morning so make sure your things are packed.”
“We’ll be ‘round at eight,” he gave your leg a gentle pat before heading out, not letting you get a word in edgewise. This man.
You watched him go, feeling so alive and nervous at the same time, but more importantly, you were excited to go.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
As it turned out, camping was a lot more fun than you thought it would be. You were pretty sure a lot of it had to do with your present company. Ellie and Joel were always fun to be around and this was no exception.
Joel had scouted out a remote but safe location near a river where you made camp. There was something rewarding about putting up your own tent and making a fire to cook your dinner on. It was definitely a welcome change; it almost made it seem like the world had never fallen apart. 
One particular evening, Ellie had crashed early and was already in the tent sleeping. That felt you and Joel outside sitting next to the fire. When the conversation hit a natural lull, Joel stood up and walked over to his backpack. You watched him curiously, a smile dancing on your face.
"Close your eyes," he called back to you. You playfully closed your eyes and put your hands over him. He chuckled as he pulled something out of the pack before zipping it closed.
He made his way back over to you, gently placing something in your lap. You made a small sound of surprise but didn't dare to open your eyes. Instead, you waited for him to give you the go ahead.
He sat back down next to you, groaning slightly at his stiff bones. You felt him pull your hands away from your eyes, "alright, you can go ahead and open your eyes."
"Joel, you really didn't need to get me anything!" You gasped as you looked at the object in your lap, trying to hide back a squeal of delight, "Joel. This is amazing."
"You like it?" He asked, nervous as he watched you inspect the small object. 
"Pride and Prejudice," you opened the cover and flicked through some of the gold leafed pages. It was still in impeccable condition, "oh my god, I can't believe you found this - you remembered."
“‘course I did,” any nerves he had remaining quickly dissipated when he saw the look of pure joy on your face, “I remember a lot of things.”
“I mentioned it like one time,” you flipped through some of the pages, touching your fingers over the worn but love pages, “I can’t…this is wonderful, a-and so kind. Thank you so much, Joel.”
“You mentioned how much you used to like it,” oh no. He felt like he could melt into a puddle at how sweet you were, “and I wanted you to have it again. So I’ve been keeping my eye out for it.”
“You’ve been looking for it?” alright, you were about ready to cry at that point. He nodded, trying to make it seem like less of a big deal than it actually was, “you’re amazing. I can’t…this is one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me.”
“It’s not that big of a thing-”
“It’s everything,” you clutched the book to your chest, “this means everything to me.”
“You mean everything to me,” his voice was gentle. You gasp inwardly at the revelation, “I thought it was only fitting.”
You moved closer to him on the log, shifting your body so you could face him. Your eyes locked onto his; he could see the hesitation on your face and in your body language. He decided to answer your silent question by putting his hand on your face, brushing his thumb over your cheek. 
Joel leaned in and kissed you, so quickly and delicately that you were almost convinced you might have imagined it. Judging from the expression on his face, you knew that it had definitely happened. You hadn’t just dreamed it last time - he wanted this too. You leaned into him and pressed a few more kisses to his lips, the two of you lingered but neither of you pushing. 
“There’s something I have to ask you,” he tucked a few stray locks of hair behind your hair as you felt your face grow warm again. The effect he had on you was palpable. 
“Will you read to me?” the way the smile on your face was intoxicating and Joel was hooked, “I’ve never read Pride and Prejudice.”
“Shocker,” you teased softly, “are you sure though?”
“Positive,” he promised as he took your hand and led you over to the nest of warm blankets that were near the fire, “nothing would make me happier.”
“Okay,” you made yourself comfortable and pulled out the book, “get comfy and let’s get started.”
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uwmspeccoll · 2 months
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Manuscript Monday
Today we will be exploring our facsimile of an Exultet Roll, a southern Italian manuscript originally produced around 950 CE. This is a long scroll (24 feet long, unrolled) containing the text and chant notation for the Exultet, or Exsultet, which is a chant performed at the Easter Vigil mass, usually by a deacon before the congregation. It celebrates the night of the resurrection of Jesus, and is performed in praise of the Paschal candle, which is lit at every mass during the liturgical year. This candle slowly melts down until it is almost completely depleted, and then it is replaced at the Easter Vigil each year.
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Although today it is usually chanted in the vernacular language of the Church being attended, this chant is referred to as the Exultet due to the first Latin word of the chant, which begins 'Exultet iam angelica turba coelorum' ('Let the angelic host of heaven exult').
Personally, one of my favorite parts of the Exultet chant is the portion known as the 'Praise of the Bees', which is said to be a reference to Virgil's writings in the Aeneid. This portion of the chant praises the work of the bees done to create the wax with which the Paschal Candle is made:
On this, your night of grace, O holy Father, accept this candle, a solemn offering, the work of bees and of your servants' hands, an evening sacrifice of praise, this gift from your most holy Church. But now we know the praises of this pillar, which glowing fire ignites for God's honor, a fire into many flames divided, yet never dimmed by sharing of its light, for it is fed by melting wax, drawn out by mother bees to build a torch so precious.
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The codex -- books bound on one side as we know them today -- had long replaced the scroll by the time this manuscript was produced. So, why is this manuscript in the form of a scroll, rather than a codex? The reason is due to its ceremonial use at the Vigil mass. As the deacon chanted the Exultet, he would actually let the scroll unroll over the front of the ambo, so that members of the congregation could see the illuminations on the manuscript. Because of this use during the mass, these scrolls also have a peculiar feature: the text is written in an opposite orientation to the illuminations. This allowed the deacon to recite the chant accurately while the images were also oriented correctly for the attendees of the mass.
Use of Exultet scrolls during the Easter Vigil is unique to Southern Italian Catholic churches around Benevento and Montecassino and began being produced in the 10th century. All extant Exultet Rolls today were made between the 10th and 13th century.
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Our facsimile is a reproducton of the Vatican Library's Codex Vaticanus Latinus 9820 and was published in Graz by the Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt in 1975. There are currently no complete images of the Scroll online, but the Vatican Library does have a digitized document explaining the condition of the scroll when it arrived there around 1200 CE.
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View more manuscript posts.
View more Manuscript Monday posts.
– Sarah S., Former Special Collections Graduate Intern
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cryptidghostgirl · 6 months
Hello hello!! You're probably swamped with asks, but if you have the time and energy, you should do a slow burn Alastor x reader set in the 1920s where the reader is a performer at mimzys speakeasy and that's where Alastor goes to chose his victims. He sees the reader for the first time and immediately thinks that they are his next victim but he keeps getting thwarted by small incidents, such as the reader leaving early and him barely missing his chance. After a while he notices small things about them and their personality after sort of observing them, and then they meet and he loses his interest in killing them. Of course the slow burn happens, the drama ensues, he's still a killer but keeps it a secret and then after a while the reader finds out. You can choose if you want a happy ending or not, but I had that idea in my mind and your one of the only writers I see that could do it justice. Thanks for sharing your talents!!! Your amazing and gifted in ways that inspire everyone who interacts with your blog🫶🫶🫶
A/N You’re literally so sweet?? Wtf?? I love you?? Thank you??? I hope you like what I did with this fun and fluffy idea!!! ahhhhhh!!!! also, I am running with the ambiguity of the ending. I am such a little slut for ambiguity.
Burn (Human!Alastor x Human!Gn!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: SLOW BURN. SLOW. BURNING IMAGERY. A LITTLE OVER THE TOP ON THE BURNING IMAGERY THING. Dead bodies, blood, murder, killing, mentions of stalking. This one got away from me a bit.
Word Count: 4,197
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List 
Alastor Master List
Click here and leave a comment if you want to be added to any taglists or send me an ask about it.
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Ravenous, that was the word. Not in the way where everything dissolves, leaving only the object of your affection. Not in the way that someone is controlled by desire. Hungry in the way fire eats paper, in the way kindling catches light. Starved in the way that leads to a progressive repeated sense of the word, a starving. A constant state of being famished that turns into a well loved and cared for blaze. Alastor burned.
The box of matches pulled from the pocket had been Alastor going to the bar, all those months before. Nearly a year now, once he sat and really thought about it. He had been going to Mimzy's little speakeasy on the outskirts of town since it had been just that, a little speakeasy on the outskirts of town rather than the full fledged, illegal club she ran today.
Back when it was a speak easy, there had never been a problem. On that fateful day, though he hadn't known it then, the club had changed its form. It had become the kindling. Sitting down at the table had been pulling a match from the box and Y/n.... Y/n had been the rough hewn striker paper he lit it on. It was all so obvious now, looking back. The expression 'hindsight is 20/20' existed for a reason.
So, Alastor had entered the club (matchbox out of pocket). As soon as Mimzy had spotted him, she had run over with a bright smile and a glass of whiskey on the house as always. Alastor had always liked Mimzy. She was wild and positively hilarious when she wanted to be but, at the same time, she had a good head for business. Her morals were just wobbly enough that Alastor felt comfortable with her, a camaraderie he felt with no other.
The lights had gone down suddenly and Mimzy, cutting herself off mid sentence, had turned to the stage in excitement.
"Good show tonight?" Alastor had asked.
Alastor never came to Mimzy's club for the music. She knew he didn't care, not really. Still, he had the curtesy to ask and so, she whipped back towards him.
"You betcha." she grinned up at him, "I just got this new kid? Came from all the way up north, can you believe that? Anyway, they have a set of pipes like you wouldn't believe! Just the bees knees, I tell you."
Grabbing Alastor's arm, Mimzy dragged him to a table by the stage. Alastor sat down across from her (match from the box) with an air of mild reluctance. Mimzy tapped her hands on the table impatiently.
A spot light flickered on and a scrawny young kid stepped onto the stage. He couldn't be much younger than Alastor or Mimzy themselves but he was one of those people that always look younger than they are. He had been working for Mimzy for a while now but, Alastor had never bothered to learn his name. He was simply 'Mimz's Manager' in his view of the world. The kid cleared his throat, leaning in towards the microphone which had been placed at center stage.
"How are we feeling out there tonight?" he asked the room at large and there had been a miscellaneous cheer from the room at large, "Well that's good to hear! We've got a real treat for you tonight folks. All the way from the Big Apple, we bring you, Y/n!"
The kid left the stage and a new figure stepped out from the shadows (revelation of match striker paper). The minute Alastor saw them, in the well cut suit that shone dark in the light, he knew. They were perfect. Slim, but not too fit and shorter than he was. Morally ambiguous enough in their aims that they had come running from New York to work at a speakeasy. This 'Y/n,' if that was even their real name, was his ideal next victim. Alastor smiled in the dim light as somewhere off stage, a piano began to play.
"I'll be loving you, always" the person sang and Alastor was taken aback.
Mimzy had been right. He had never heard a voice like it before. They sang with an emotional depth that could be heard from few. Somehow, they still managed to keep it sounding like music.
"When the things you plan Need a helping hand I will understand, always, always"
Mimzy leaned across the table to Alastor, her eyes alight.
"What did I tell you?" she whispered.
Alastor nodded his head to the side in vague agreement.
"Not for just an hour Not for just a day"
When they finished their set a half hour later, it was to raucous applause. The house lights raised and with them, Mimzy stood from her chair.
"I'll be back in two shakes." she promised before disappearing off into the crowd.
Alastor leaned back in his chair, the wood creaking beneath his weight. Contemplatively, he took a sip from his drink. The time before a kill was nearly as an enjoyable as the act itself. It was ritualistic, it brought him closer to god.
Before he knew it, Mimzy was back, dragging the singer behind her. They looked slightly frazzled, their hair a bit messy and their brow furrowed.
"Mimzy!" they exclaimed as they struggled to keep up with the woman holding their wrist in her vice-like grip.
Their speaking voice was... different than Alastor had expected. From the way they had sung on stage, he had thought it would be sharp, loud, ebullient. Instead, it was rather soft. Alastor couldn't help but think of the creek out back of the house he had grown up in.
"Al, meet my new favorite!" Mimzy announced, coming to a stop beside Alastor.
The situation had been unexpected to say the least. Alastor had had a long day. He hadn't come here to socialize, he came here to drink. Now, he was at a loss for words, the haze of sleep and irritation clouding his mind.
Y/n looked at Mimzy before fixing their gaze back on him. The took a step forward, fixing a smile on their face, and held out their hand.
So it was their real name. The one they presented to the world, at least.
Alastor smiled, standing from his seat and taking their hand in his.
They had a firm handshake. There was something authoritative about it, something just a bit too confident.
"Pleasure to be meeting you." they said.
"Quite the pleasure." Alastor nodded.
They broke contact and Y/n turned to Mimzy, suddenly seeming very tired.
"I'm gonna head, Mimzy." they hummed, their voice nearly drowned out by the cacophony surrounding them.
Before Mimzy could say a word against their statement, they were gone. The crowd sheltered them from sight almost immediately. After that night, Alastor started coming to the club a lot more often.
He always sat in the same seat, the table near stage left. It was right next to the exit. Anyone getting off the stage had to go right past him. It was a calculated choice. Step one of his little projects, so to speak, had always been learning more about his victims, finding out their patterns.
The problem was, Y/n never seemed to do the same thing twice. Every time Alastor would think himself ready, would ready everything for the action, something different happen. The first time, it had been that Y/n had simply managed to slip out earlier than normal. Mimzy was always introducing them to someone or another after their shows, delaying their departure. That night, it seemed, they had somehow been able to avoid the mayhem.
Another time, the problem had been that Y/n had stayed at the club too long. Alastor was a working man and once the clock hit midnight, it was time to cut his losses and go home. A third time, Y/n had just happened to call out sick the very night he had gotten everything back in order.
A month in, and Alastor was ready for his fourth attempt. He sat at his usual table, drinking his usual drink. When Y/n left the stage, he kept his eyes trained on them as always. It went like clockwork - Mimzy pulled them away, they tried desperately to escape and eventually, they succeeded. That was when everything went south again.
One second, Y/n was by the bar and the next? Gone. Alastor got to his feet, tossing a bill or two to the bar tender and disappearing out through the door. He was determined. Tonight had to be the night. If tonight wasn't the night? He was done. Alastor was not a foolish man, he knew when he was beat.
Quietly, nothing but the sound of cicadas and the occasional echo of a car from elsewhere in the city accompanying him, Alastor slipped down the ally he knew the club's back door let out into.
"There you are."
Alastor spun around.
"I was beginning to think you wouldn't show."
Y/n leaned casually against the wall, the dark fabric of their dress blending softly with the night. When Alastor didn't reply, standing in their gaze like a deer in headlights, they stood themselves up and walked the step and a half it took for them to be face to face with him.
"I'd like it if you stopped following me. Or, trying to follow me. It's getting kind of old.'' (match struck paper, match remained unlit.)
Alastor resumed his composure. Sliding his hands into his pockets, he leaned forward, fixing a teasing grin onto his face.
"Oh, would you now?"
Y/n, much to his surprise, held their ground.
"Yeah, I would. Whats your interest in me anyways?"
Thinking on his feet had never been an issue for Alastor. Besides, he really did have some questions for the illusive singer. Or, he had one question for them. One that might lead to others.
"Oh, you know." he hummed, straightening back up, "All the way from the 'Big Apple.'"
Y/n scoffed at his parody of their nightly introduction to the stage. They crossed their arms, glancing off to the ally's entrance as a drunk couple stumbled by.
Turning to face him again, Y/n narrowed their eyes.
"Why do you wanna know?"
The hint of an accent. At least he knew they weren't lying about where they came from.
"I suppose you can call me a curious fan."
"I think being a bit less of both those things would suit you."
They fell into a brief, nearly uncomfortable silence. Letting out a sigh, Y/n was the one to break it.
"Look," they began, "I know you're friends with my boss and all but... I am going to go back into that dive and I am going to stay there until you are long gone. I'll stay the night if I have to, d'ya get it?"
Alastor's smile tightened.
"Loud and clear."
Y/n didn't see Alastor for another week. Slowly, the tension that had permeated their every waking moment since meeting Alastor that first night, the constant ache of his eyes on their back, began to fade. Just a little, but it was enough. When they saw him sitting at the bar almost two weeks after their little altercation, the amount it had faded was just enough to make them angry at his return.
Alastor hadn't really meant to come back. His plan was to give it a month, maybe even two. His plan was to come back and resume life like it had been before he had ever even known Y/n existed. His mind had other plans.
He had tried to find another target, occupy himself with a new victim. There was something unsatisfying about it, he couldn't quite get his head in the game. Every time he went to trail a potential victim, he heard their voice ringing out in the silence of his mind.
There you are.
Alastor had been killing for about three years now. He had a good number of victims under his belt and was in no ways a newbie. Even back when he had been one, no one had ever caught him out like that before. There had been a couple close calls, sure. There always were but waiting for him? Thwarting his plans repeatedly? Beating him at his own game?
"I thought I told you to leave me alone."
Alastor looked up from his glass of whiskey, smiling politely up at Y/n. He could feel the anger radiating off them in waves.
"Mimzy would be rather sad if I just up and disappeared like that, no explanation."
He caught sight of her across the open space and waved. With a bright smile, Mimzy waved back before returning to the conversation she had been embroiled in. Alastor turned back to Y/n.
"Oh, wouldn't you hear that? You're getting sober. Congratulations."
"Ah, but there is still the music and that wonderful new singer who came down from up north not too long ago."
Y/n took a deep breath, calming themselves.
"It's not that hard of a question to answer. Or at least, it shouldn't be for most people. What, are you on the run from the cops? I heard life is oh so dangerous in those big cities up there, after all. Maybe part of the reason was you."
"If I answer your question, will you leave me alone?"
Alastor was silent for a short moment before he replied.
"If I like the answer? Sure. I'll leave you alone."
In a single, sharp movement, Y/n dragged the stool beside him out and sat down. Tapping their fingers on the table, they got the bartender's attention and ordered themselves a drink.
"You want to know why I left New York?" they hummed thoughtfully, "It's because of guys like you."
A shock of sudden nerves fought through Alastor's system. Did they somehow know? After all this time, had someone figured it out? After just under two months?
"Guys like me? What ever on earth do you mean?"
"You know, pretty boys. Pretty boys who turn out to be creepy boys that don't know the meaning of the word 'no.'" (match struck paper, match remained unlit.)
It wasn't the first time Alastor had been called pretty or handsome or something of the like. In fact, he knew he was pretty. It was part of why the whole ruse worked. Normally, however, when people told him he was, it was accompanied by far too much blushing and looks to the side. Y/n held his gaze firmly the whole time.
"So, you're escaping an ex? A jaded lover?"
"A jaded 'someone-who-watched-me-perform-once-and-decided-it-meant-we-were-married'? Yeah."
The bartender placed the drink in front of Y/n. They picked up the glass, downing it in one go. They grimaced.
"You like my answer?"
"Hmmm... no." Alastor grinned, ear to ear, "I don't think I do."
Y/n sighed.
"What is it you want from me?"
Alastor's brow furrowed in confusion. He was very good at keeping the inside from showing on the outside. The question had just caught him so off guard, or maybe it was something about Y/n that had him on his toes, he couldn't help it. They kept seeming to make his head spin.
"Want from you?"
"Money? Sex? Fame? A fall guy? What."
"I don't want anything from you." (match struck paper, match remained unlit.)
Y/n eyed him suspiciously. The answer had been automatic. Alastor himself was struggling to comprehend the words that had left his mouth. He wanted to kill them, right? What he wanted from them was their life, right? That was what he had been working for over all these days, fighting for. He knew it was true so why did the statement not feel like a lie as it had traveled from his tongue?
"Yeah right." Y/n placed their hands on the bar, pulling themselves to stand, "I totally believe that."
"Just your time, Songbird. Just your time."
They turned to him.
"I don't understand you."
"You don't have to. I don't understand you either."
They paused.
"It frustrates me." Y/n admitted, "Who even are you? I don't know anything except your name."
Alastor gave their now empty chair a pointed look. Y/n stood in contemplation for a few seconds before they nodded their head once, seemingly to themselves, and took their seat once again. Confidently, they tapped two fingers on the lip of their empty glass.
(match strikes paper, match lights.)
Alastor was the match, Y/n was the paper. The club stopped being kindling the moment the pair took their conversation outside its boundaries for the first time, about a month or so later. For a while, there was no kindling, there was just match and paper. Alastor liked it that way.
It had been hard enough to come to terms with the fact that he really did have no interest in killing them anymore. That the moment such an idea occurred, he could see them in his minds eye, smiling or picking at the hem of their shirt the way they did when they were nervous.
The kindling reappeared when Alastor realized the match had been struck in the first place. That was a whole other thing. The friendship suddenly seemed easy, the loss of bloodlust directed toward them was like nothing in the face of a realization like that. Once he recognized the flame, Alastor stopped being a match and Y/n stopped being paper. The match became the little flutter of their stomachs when they caught sight of one another, the tension of the moments where they could make contact. Y/n and Alastor were kindling now and they were standing oh so very close to that dangerous flame.
It was Alastor's sleeve that caught fire first. It happened when they had gotten caught in the rain. Y/n had opened their umbrella and, seeing Alastor had none, insisted he join them in its cover. Alastor had, of course, refused. With a roll of their eyes, they had grabbed his hand and yanked him forcefully into place beside them. Alastor hadn't realized they had only touched once, when they first shook hands, until Y/n's skin made contact with his once again.
The worst part about it all, was that it made sense. It made so much sense. They were quiet, contemplative, and calculative. Before long, being with them felt like being with an extension of himself in an odd way. Alastor couldn't quite describe it, he didn't have the words.
Y/n always seemed to notice things no one else did. When Alastor had forgotten his umbrella the next three or four times it had rained, they had confronted him.
"Almost like you're doing this on purpose." they had hummed softly.
Though they didn't look at him, Y/n knew Alastor was blushing.
"Shut up."
The next thing to catch had been Y/n's collar. Y/n had been chatting with him, sharing a drink before their set and they had lost track of time. At the sound of the stage manager, Alastor still did not know his name, beginning their introduction to the stage, they had jumped up in fright, hurriedly tightening their tie which they had loosened in the casual atmosphere. Noticing that the action had caused part of their collar to fold awkwardly, Alastor had gotten to his feet as well. With a gentleness he had not made use of since his mother died, he had fixed Y/n's collar.
"Wh-" they had stopped mid question, having realized what he was doing.
His hand lingered on their collar. Y/n's eyes traveled up his arm, at last meeting his own.
"Thank you."
Those big wide eyes, full of curiosity and comfort. Alastor could get lost in those.
"Y/n!" the stage manager announced.
"Shit!" they exclaimed and the magic of the moment was broken as they pulled themselves away.
All it took was that. It wasn't much but, fire has a way of working with what it has. When a few days later Y/n had stepped out into the street without looking, being too caught up in the story they were telling Alastor, and he had pulled them back just as a car passed, it was too late. The house couldn't be saved, the flames had gone too far. A few blocks later, after thanking him, Y/n had realized they were still holding hands. They stopped, pulling Alastor to a halt beside them.
"What are we doing?"
"We're going for lunch. Are you quite alright? You were the one who sugge-"
"No, Alastor. I mean: what are we doing?"
Alastor followed the path of their eyes to their interlaced fingers.
There was a pause. The world turned around them.
"I don't... I don't know if I can do this anymore."
Alastor took a deep breath before braving the sight of their bewildered and slightly saddened face once again.
"I said all I wanted was your time."
"That's the problem."
Y/n let go of his hand, running their own through their loose hair.
"That's the problem, Alastor." they said again.
"What is?"
Y/n had a habit of telling him the most serious things eye to eye with a stoney demeanor. He was surprised to see them break from this confident custom of theirs as they looked away, their arms wrapping protectively around themself.
"I want more. I want you to want more."
Alastor was stunned, he was speechless.
"I... I'll see you tomorrow, Al."
Before they could make it more than a step away, Alastor grabbed their shoulder, spinning them to him. Y/n looked up at him, confusion painting their features with the most delicate brush.
Alastor struggled, he fought. Still, there were no words.
"Don't you get it?" he asked, "I want your time. Y/n, I want you."
Alastor kept finding himself in trickier and trickier situations. First there had been trying to kill them, then the hurdle of not wanting to kill them. Friendship had given way to its own bag of worms and now that they were more than friends?
He had thought that it all would stop. He had thought that if things ever worked out the way they had, everything would be okay. He had forgotten his nature.
At first, hiding the killings was just as easy as it had been before. It did not stay that way. Alastor was good at hiding things, always had been. That wasn't the issue. What was the issue was that he cared about Y/n, he didn't want to hurt them. Keeping secrets... well, his mother had always told him that no one ever fools anybody. His mother was a wise woman. His mother had been right.
Y/n had stopped by as a surprise. They had a home cooked meal in a basket and a bag over their shoulder full of records they thought he would like. When they stepped into the foyer of Alastor's large, garden district home, they had called their usual greeting.
Alastor's heart had stopped at the sound of their voice. He froze, his cleaver still firmly wedged between the shoulder and chest of the man he was chopping into pieces for easier disposal. Hoping it was his mind playing tricks on him, he waited. They called again.
"Al! I have a surprise for you! The surprise is me! And also? I made you dinner. Come out! I know you're home!"
Under any other circumstances, them showing up like this would have filled him with unbridled joy. However, it wasn't any other circumstances. It was these circumstances. Alastor was covered in another man's blood. There was a body just a few rooms from his beloved. Either way, they would find out the truth. They were a nosey thing, always so inquisitive.
"Alastor!" he heard them call again.
They were closer now, much closer. He watched in a mixture of horror, despair, and a twinge of excitement as the doorknob jiiggled.
How would Y/n react to such a sight? Would they cower in fear? Was their love alone enough to hold them here, to tie them to him in loyalty? Would they run to the cops? Would they cry? Would they ask to help? Would he have to kill them too?
It was sickeningly delightful, all the unknowns. His heart pounded violently in his ears. The door swung open.
"There you are!"
Ravenous, that was the word. Not in the way where everything dissolves, leaving only the object of your affection. Not in the way that someone is controlled by desire. Hungry in the way fire eats paper, in the way kindling catches light. Starved in the way that leads to a progressive repeated sense of the word, a starving. A constant state of being famished that turns into a well loved and cared for blaze. Alastor burned.
"My dear! How wonderful to see you."
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0 @kahlan170 @wendyphan01203-blog @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune @mcueveryday @luxky-aish @peterpankat @corvid007 @juskonutoh @simpingsohard @sethianaa @gabile18 @slytherin4ever @skyeliteratures @zombiesnips-blog
Sorry if the end made you angry,,, I just think the not knowing is so much more fun!
Also the song is "Always" by Irving Berlin.
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weirdmarioenemies · 6 months
We localized the names of all the Super Mario Land enemies, too!
Yeah! If you don't remember, a few years ago, we came up with localized names for all the Super Mario Land 2 enemies as a sort of Christmas gift from us to you! But did you know? There's a Super Mario Land 1 also, and very few of its enemies have localized names either...! With another holiday upon us, we're making this the gift that keeps on giving, with a whole new set of clever enemy names just for you! I hope you enjoy!
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Goombo -> Goombie the Shroom Fish
While "Goombo" has always been a fine name, it lacks a certain je ne sais quoi that other localized Goomba relatives like "Galoomba," "Goombrat," and "Goombud" have. With this new name, which is a clever homage to Hootie & the Blowfish, now it should fit right in!
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Bombshell Koopa -> Koopie the Boom Fish
Another enemy that technically has a localized name already, but once again, this fairly boring name lacks the ceci n'est pas une pipe that truly great localized names have. It might seem weird to call a turtle a fish, but when you think about it, all tetrapods are fish, so it's fine!
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Bullet Biff -> Shootie the Bullet Fish
You know the drill by now! A name that lacks Allouette, je te plumerai turned much more memorable by one simple yet effective reference! Bullets look kind of like fish, you know!
Since we've spruced up all the enemies with actual localized names, now it's time to Get Creative! The rest will be under the cut!
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Fly -> Fruity the Fly Fish
While not explicitly a fruit fly, we figured that for the sake of the homage, this name gets the job done. And don't worry, I checked. He's allowed to reclaim it.
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Bunbun -> Stabyoutie the Bee Fish
The Japanese name is an onomatopoeia for the sound a bee makes, but because we couldn't think of an English equivalent, we decided to name it after what it does instead. Watch out! It's gonna stab you!
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Gao -> Mewtie the Lion Fish
"Mew" is a common onomatopoeia for a cat, which fits Gao pretty nicely, given a lion is a type of Big Cat! Of course, to remind people this is a lion rather than your typical housecat, we've appended it with "the Lion Fish" for good measure.
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King Totomesu -> Roary the Zebra Turkeyfish
I'm pretty sure one of my siblings once had a plush lion named "Roary the Lion" so I've decided to rename King Totomesu in their honor. And see what we did with the descriptor, eh? Eh? Pretty clever, huh?
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Honen -> Hootie the Bone Fish again
Yeah, I know we used "Hootie the Bone Fish" for Honebon during our Super Mario Land 2 project, but can you blame us for the repeat? It's a good name! And since none of these names are official, either one can have it. I don't mind.
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Yurarin Boo -> Hottie the Blow Fish
Yurarin Boo is a seahorse that blows fire at you, and you may not know this, but fire is Hot! I know it's a seahorse and not a pufferfish, but since it's a fish that blows fire, I figured "Blow Fish" would be a good pun still.
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Mekabon -> Rebootie the Bot Fish
As an enemy in the Muda Kingdom (the game's signature water world!) with a fish-eyed stare and arms that look more like flippers than anything else, this enemy's fishy appearance was not lost on us, and we figured we should reflect that in its name.
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Torion -> The Blue Fish
I know I said some of the already localized names lacked omelette du fromage or whatever, but some enemies really do just deserve a name that's simple, straight, and to the point. Torion is one such enemy.
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Yurarin -> Nottie the No Fish
As a relative of Hottie the Blow Fish without the ability to blow fire, we decided to give it a similar name, but this time specify it can't really do anything special at all. Serves as a nice parallel to the Yurarin/Yurarin Boo naming convention, huh?
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Gunion -> Octootie the Blue-Ringed Fish
"Oh, those rings are clearly yellow!" I hear you say, but consider: Super Mario Land was in black and white. Or. Dark green and lighter green. Maybe the official art made a coloring mistake, huh? Huh??? Some people would object to me calling it a Fish also, but at this point it's been well-established that every sea creature is some kind of fish.
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Tamao -> Tammy the Jelly Fish
See what I mean? The English instruction manual called this thing a jellyfish, and I'm sticking by it!
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Dragonzamasu -> Haughty the Boss Fish
As the boss version of Hottie the Blow Fish, I figured to give it a name that parallel's Hottie's as well! As a boss, you'd expect it to be pretty haughty, huh?
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Bataon -> idk man give me a break the Flying Fish
this is really hard you guys
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Ganchan -> Cheeky the Stone Fish
What a Cheeky fellow we have here! I think it's fun they decided to give this rolling rock a personality with eyes and cheeks, and we've decided to emphasize that with the name we came up with for it!
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Tokotoko -> Scooty the Dude Fish
Tokotoko looks like it's running very fast, but it doesn't even have legs, so it kinda just. Scoots all over the place. And I'd be foolish not to call this guy a Dude, what with the Cool Cool Glasses! And since Batadon is a Fish, Scooty shall be too. Simple as that!
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Suu -> Suutie the Arachno-Fish
Decided to stay pretty faithful to the Japanese name with this one, but I figured a clever reference to Hootie & the Blowfish would make it more relatable to the American youth of today.
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Kumo -> Kumootie the Arachno-Fish
oh man do i really have to name two separate spiders in a row
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Hiyoihoi -> Brutie the Rude Fish
Hiyoihoi has always had sort of "cool delinquent" vibes to me, hence calling him rude, and as a boss, you gotta assume he's a bit of a brute. The name also rhymes with "Scooty the Dude Fish," which this is the boss version of!
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Pionpi -> Spooky the Boo Fish
This frightening fishy fiend is sure to give you the heebie-jeebies!
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Pompon Flower -> Rootie the Grow Fish
Plants are pretty well known for having roots and growing, and thanks to Hootie the Blue Fish helping us learn that plants can, indeed, be considered fish, that makes every part of this name legally Clever!
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Nyololin -> Spewtie the Blow Fish
Look, I know this is the second enemy that we've named "the Blow Fish," but it blows poison at you, and on that note, it is poison like a real blowfish! It all comes together flawlessly!
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Chicken -> Tweetie the Crow Fish
Yeah, I know we technically changing its species, but it looks nothing like a chicken! Can you blame us? And the Mario franchise has a long-running tradition of connecting birds and fish (see Cheep Cheep!) so calling it not just a "crow," but a "crow fish" makes it fit in better.
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Roketon -> Grutie the Banana Fish
minion joke
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Chikako -> Floatie the Glow Fish
Hi the Mod formerly known as Mod Chikako! I hope you like your new legal name going forwards...!
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Pipe Fist -> Punchyoutie the Pipe Fist
This one may seem like we're grasping at straws, but being a big hand, I think Punchyoutie the Pipe Fist can grasp straws very easily, thank you very much.
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Biokinton -> Cumulootie the Atmosphish
This one's self-explanatory.
And last, but certainly not least...
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Tatanga -> Evil Mario
That's it for Super Mario Land! "Like" and "Subscribe" and "Hit the Bell for Notifications" if you want to see us localize the names of every enemy in Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3!
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cozzzynook · 4 months
Listen, let's have Bumblebee doing his small king thing and knocking up Blitzwing. Please 🙏 🙏 🙏
Bee gets that huge mech sparked and just,
Down on one knee with his spark exposed and proposing with a courting gift he already planned to give him.
“Will you gift me by being my beautiful conjunx?”
And yeah Blitzwing says no because he wants something more and he’s got his own insecurities but he doesn’t question Bee leaving their sparkling.
So Bee just says, “bet.”
This little terror has connections and for a week Bee and Blitzwing disappear from their factions, Megatron already knows so long as Blitzwing doesn’t switch sides he’s not about to create a problem. Bee doesn’t even ask he just tells them its something important he needs to do and leaves.
This little spike of the walk mech takes Blitz on a ship and brings him to a gorgeous planet with beautiful scenery and crystals. Its a low light planet that looks like Earth and Cybertron in the cold months just the way Blitzwing likes it.
He pampers him.
Feeds him all the energon and baked treats Blitzwings spark desires by servo. He makes all the meals by scratch and seasons them to perfection. He gives the most delicate wing massages and chassis rubs.
He takes Blitzwing on any sight seeing he wants and even goes with him down to the locals to shop and buy things Blitzwing just wants.
Bee sets up his new proposal in a way he hopes Blitzwing will truly like.
He doesn’t do anything big or flashy.
He simply builds a fire under the stars, makes their energon from scratch and bakes a special cake all for Blitz himself. Picks a spot by the waters beneath the crystal trees that have the perfect cushion for Blitz’s wings and he serenades him with the hum of his spark and the cords of his vocals to the hum of his door wings he meticulously keeps hidden.
His nerves are jittery and he keeps messing up the words to ask his question and he accidentally buzzes quite a few times before he can actually get the question out.
He rambles of course.
Saying all the reasons he likes Blitzwing, the little things he notices about him and doesn’t even remember he’s proposing. Blitzwing just sits there and smiles while listening because this, this is what he wanted.
Nothing rushed or overly poetic because thats not who his little mech is.
Sure he could be if Blitwing asked that of him. But he doesn’t want that right now.
He just wants to feel at home with his hummel when he asks. He wants to feel the normal they’ve built together. The world Bee made sure he could give Blitz even if it wasn’t everything the mini wanted to gift him.
If Blitz let him Bee would get him the world.
But he doesn’t really want that.
All he wants is his hummel, their sparkling that rests safely in hushed chassis and the little home Bee thinks he’s so cleverly picked out as their new surprise abode while they await the arrival of their sparkling.
His idiot little hummel forget he was even asking and was so embarrassing fumbling to ask again as he blushed and beeped looking sheepish.
Call him a sucker but he said yes this time and his little mech jumped so high he was able to kiss Blitz’s dermas on the first leap before climbing him carefully and hugging him. Kissing each of his face plates.
Yeah, Blitzwing is glad he said no the first time.
And he’s so glad to have a sparkling with this little mini.
His dumb little buzzing husband.
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defrosted69 · 1 year
Is it alright to fall in love with you?
(New Jeans Hanni fanfic)
****Since you guys liked Hanni so much, I made another one so here you go Yohohoho****
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They say that a beautiful flower will emerge from it's beautiful stem once it fulfilled its cycle. The sun will welcome the blossom and let it shine where everyone can see the beauty of the flower. Bees and butterfly will come by to say hello to greet the flower. Everything will slow down as their eyes will land to its beautiful structure. Even the rain will pay homage to its Beauty by helping it add aesthetic to the petals that shows eternal beauty. Photographers would be at awe and would make the surroundings a photoshoot.
All glory would be given to the flower but there are those who got stuck in the middle of the process and froze on what to do next. Some wither away unable to withstand the harsh punishment of mother nature as they fall to the ground slowly getting buried and forgotten as they are not there to witness the blooming of their fellow peers who transcended to become a beautiful flower.
Just like in life, many people doesn't bloom to their full potential and they stagnate on their own state not knowing what to do to take that next step. And sadly, you ended up like them.
You have to wonder, how did life turn out like this for you. Everything was so optimistic and bright for you growing up as you have the vision and passion to reach your dreams but slowly, they began to crumble down. All that sunshine was Just your delusion thinking you can take care of it when in reality, life hit you hard like a bullet train. It didn't stop and it continued to torment your life every hour, every minute, every second and every breath you take. Everything had fallen apart from you.
That smile you once had held and showed off to was gone. Infront of your mirror was a tired and empty face that showed no enthusiasm about anything. That fire you once had that you hoped to keep burning was washed in an instant. Rekindling that fire felt so pitiful for you but nothing, nothing ever made that fire back on.
Recalling it now, you couldn't even remember the last time that you genuinely felt happy. Your days felt like a repetitive cycle that just doesn't end and it felt exhausting. But weirdly enough, you feel like keeping that cycle on repeat is your comfort area, like there was no point for you to add something in that cycle because it will just ruin everything that was schedule for you. Society and your personality made it hard for you to make friends entering college.
Gone where the days when you were making cool and enjoyable memories down town wit your bikes. There was no more time for you to mess around and have fun as the sunsets peak through the valley's. The word fun didn't exist anymore on your vocabulary and was replaced with work and money.
Your friends from high school was slowly becoming the person they dreamed off enjoying the labor of their hardship while for you? What's there to enjoy? You were working on a 7 to 8 hour work hour and sometime even have to go to overtime with less pay than what they promised. It was tiring.
So tiring.
You opened your apartment room and you were greeted by the familiar small space that you have been accustomed to. Today was the worst day for you. Job really felt like shit and your girlfriend just dumped you like it was nothing. The 4 years of loving each other, giving everything to her was all drained down the pipe for nothing. You gave all her what you can but it seems it wasn't enough.
You gave her chocolates, yet someone gave her 5 different boxes of imported sweets.
You gave her flowers, yet someone rented a whole flower shop for her on her birthday.
You skipped your days just to attend her needs, yet someone gave her what every person wanted.
You gave her a teddy bear, yet someone gifted her a whole toy store.
You spend a lot for her than yourself, yet someone offered the same but didn't even lost any penny.
You gave her your world, yet someone gifted her the universe.
You laid on your bed thinking of what you did to have this kind of life. Everything was just turning into shit day by day and nothing postive was coming out of your efforts to be better. It has come to the point that you found yourself thinking about going back to where you were truly happy.
"I just want to he happy!! What do I have to do to get my happiness back! What more can I do?!"
You thought to yourself as the alcohol has finally started to kick in your system. Your vision was turning blurry as the ceiling began dancing in perspective. The world was suddenly spinning around you yet you didn't have the energy to move up. You endure the dizziness and eventually the alcohol calmed down and so was your body.
"Anybody home?"
You woke up upon an unfamiliar voice. The sun was already peaking out of your room as your curtains danced slowly with the soft passing breeze that passed by. You yawned a little and stretched your arms out waking your whole body up. Your legs felt weak at the moment yet you were able to reel yourself to open the door as the sun's light blinded you for a few seconds.
"Who is it? Hmm?"
You blinked a couple times after your vision was finally back. You couldn't see anyone infront of you but your brain clarified you that there was indeed someone who called out to you-
"I'm down here Mister."
An irritated voice called out to you as you lowered your view and there you saw a highschool kid glaring at you. She looked at you as if you made the biggest crime known to mankind but you blinked a couple of times making sure you're awake.
"You're not a ghoul are you? Am I dead?"
This wasn't kindly received as the girl glared at you even more and harshly handed you a pot. You were caught off guard by her harsh action but you manage to catch the pot on your chest with your hands. The girl then began stomping her small feet away from you and mumbling the words
"Rude Ahjussi....."
You were left stunned not knowing what to do or say as you looked at the pot and there was a note attached to its cover.
"We're your new neighbors. And we made some Kinchi stew for you as our gift for you. Please treat us well"
You were honestly confused by their action because there was no way that people still do stuff like this especially in this new era of society. But if someone with a kind heart was offering you a gift then who are you to decline right?
Your day started off rather well with a free breakfast and you can even call it a hangover dish which helped you a lot since you were so DRUNK last night. You somehow ended up finishing the pot of food unconsciously because you were just taking and taking that you realized that the food was delicious. It somehow reminded you off home in sense but nonetheless, you had to return the favor for giving you such delicious food for breakfast.
You washed their pot and checked your wallet if you were still financially okay or on the brink of loaning. Luckily for you, you have enough money to pay the neighbors kindness but your mood suddenly took a dip seeing the picture of you and your girlfriend, or well, in this case, your Ex-girlfriend. You sighed and closed your wallet as you prepared yourself to buy some ingredients.
"Yow Pham Hanni, why do you look like your pissed or something?"
"Don't start with me Minji."
Hanni snarled at her best friend who raised her hands up in surrender. Kim Minji has been best friends with Hanni since elementary and up until now. The two shared a lot of things together, spend time together and even sleep at each other's home sometimes.
"Chill, you're the one who needs to apologize to me remember? You almost broke my heart thinking your going far away."
Hanni's stoic expression suddenly cracked as she began to smile slowly and show an amused expression.
"Heh, Did I broke your poor heart Minji?"
"Of course Dummy. I was Almost about to cry my heart out the day you moved but here you are. Still in this city."
Hanni finally let her happiness get to her as she laughed whole heartedly making Minji chuckle at her. Hanni's Father was a contract engineer and sometimes, he has to move from one place to another making it for her family to stay at an original place sometimes. But this time, Her father finally was able to land a permanent spot in this city but unfortunately, they could only afford an apartment for now as their finance was still a little shambles after moving from places to places.
Though it was kinda sad for Hanni, it was more sadder for Minji because her heart would litterally crack open everytime Hanni would move away. This has been the 4th time since the Pham's move to a new home and Minji still can't take losing her best friend again.
"Haha, My bad Minji. But I promise you, this time I'm staying here."
"Promise me?"
Minji hugged her which made Hanni sigh but she found it disgusting how Minji gave her the puppy eyes. This was one of the 3 things Hanni didn't like about Minji. First is that she's quite lazy, second is that she's so soft and pure that sometimes, her kindness would lead to misunderstandings, and lastly is her puppy eyes. She just find it so disgusting and annoying.
"Yah, your an 18 year old girl yet your doing this puppy eyes? Ewww. Stop it Minji."
"Promise me? ~~~"
Minji didn't listen and just blinked more showing off her puppy eyes. At this point, Hanni wanted to puke her breakfast out but she just groaned and nodded her head. Minji smiled happily and hugged her even more tightly.
"Can't... Breath... You... Monster strength...."
"Opps, My bad hehehe~"
Minji chuckled as she let Hanni go making the small girl breath heavily.
"Why the fuck are you so strong?"
"I don't know?"
"Anyway, Why did you looked annoyed earlier?"
Hanni sighed as she recalled the events from earlier. They just successfully moved last night and Hanni really wanted to skip classes today because not only she can rest, but she can finally see her childhood crush next to their house.
Yes, that's right. Hanni's childhood crush is you, your pathetic ass.
She was so excited seeing you last night enter your room but she also felt worried seeing you all wobbly and tired walking to your room. This kinda made her sad because time wasn't really that gentle with you. But then again, that was kinda true. So that night, she formulated a plan to finally see you face to face and it just so happen that her mother made the kimchi soup for you. Hearing about it, she immediately volunteered to give you the pot. Honestly, she was very nervous as every step she took towards your room made her heart race so fast.
She was afraid that she might slip up seeing you face to face but when she finally was infront of your door. She knocked 3 times and waited for you patiently. When the door opened, she finally saw you. She was a bit surprised seeing you so tall than what she last remembered but the thing that pissed her off was that, You were busy looking for her when she was standing infront of you. Hanni has a little ego when it comes to her height and this made her glare at you.
Without even thinking, she harshly gave you the pot and stared to walk away stomping her way out as her face show a bright red color. She was fuming with both embarrassment and anger not towards you but herself.
"FUXKK!! Why did I get pissed when he didn't look down on me!! Gosh, me and my temper! Arghh!"
She mumbled some words out of her frustration but she immediately covered her mouth hoping you didn't hear her and that's how her morning ended with you.
"So that's it huh? How old is he anyway?"
Minji asked Hanni as she wasn't really sure of what your age really was.
"Uhhhh, I first met her when I was 8 so it's been 10 years. He used to have a middle schooler uniform back then so maybe around 23 of 22? I'm not sure."
"Uhuh, So you like older guys huh?"
Minji smirked at her as she tried to make embarrassed but this only made Hanni giggle in delight and sway her body to the side. Minji was caught off guard by this as she didn't expect her best friend to be so deeply in love with someone older than their age.
"Woah Hanni, hide your blush girl. You're litterally telling me that you like older guys."
"I don't like older guys geez. I just like him Hehehehe~"
Hanni once again giggled like a madman in love and Minji could only chuckle. She was already aware of Hanni's first love but she didn't expect that her first love still stayed with her till now. She has to commend her best friend for her loyalty and perseverance to not let that love die.
"Is this why you rejected a lot of guys like even the popular ones like Sunoo, Sunghoon Oppa, and even Jay Oppa?"
"Yup, there nothing compared to Y/N Oppa. Heheheh~"
"Eh? What if he has a girlfriend?"
Hanni's smile dropped after realizing what her best friend said. She completely forgot about that possibility. 10 years of waiting and something like that wasn't out of the picture at all. Hanni sighed and pouted her lips indicating that she was now sad.
"Well if so, then I'll just be fine being friends with him then. I'm okay with just that."
Minji felt sad for her. She finally realized how much Hanni likes you to the point that she would throw away her happiness for yours. This somehow made her feel pity for her friend as a idea popped into her head.
"Hey, Listen to me Hanni."
"From here on out, I'll support you with your love journey with him."
Hanni smiled softly at her. It was nice for her to hear that Minji would support her whatever her decision maybe.
"Thank Minji. That means a lot."
"Heheh of course. That's what are best friends are for. Just don't turn into a Yandere though...."
"You bitch. We both know someone fits that category than us."
Minji chuckled and nodded her head.
"True, true. Well anyway, lunch is ending soon. Shall we walk Honey~"
"Shut up Minji. And yes, let's go back to class."
School finally ended and Hanni was glad that the teachers didn't give them any homework to do cause she was tired asf. She didn't want to study anymore and her first aim to do was to go to her room and sleep. The sun was setting already when she arrived at their apartment building and the memories of earlier made her cringe. She had hoped that the events earlier was nothing but a nightmare.
"Stupid Hanni, what were you even thinking doing that."
She sighed as she opened the door to her house.
"I'm home~"
Hanni said as she removed her shoes and placed them on the shoerack near their door. She heard laughter coming from the kitchen as this made her curious.
"Did Mom brought over her friends?"
It wasn't unusual for her Mother to bring over some of her friends at their place as Hanni has grown accustomed to it. Sometimes she would think of it as a norm especially when her mother introduces her to some of her Mother friends son who's the same age as her. Honestly speaking, she didn't care about any of the guys that was being introduced to her as she was set on you and nobody else.
She got closer and there her breath hitched. Her hearth began to beat faster and her whole body froze. She gripped the hem of her skirt as a warm and hot temperature arose through her cheeks. You stood there smiling and laughing along with her mother as you converse about her.
You wanted to repay the delicious favor they did for you earlier so you went out and brought out ingredients needed for the dishes you prepared. It wasn't grande kind of dishes as you didn't have much on you but like the saying goes "Kindness isn't paid but rather showed".
A simple tteokboki dish that goes with some kimbap that your mother used to make for you when you were in Highschool. Her ways of making the food still lingered on your memory and it has become a comfort food for you whenever you feel down. It's just your laziness kicking in everytime you thought making the dish. But this time, that laziness was gone as you tried your best to make the best Gimbap there is inorder to repay the kindness they gave you.
You were quiet anxious in all honestly because this was your first time entering a place which isn't your home or your work place. But that was immediately washed away when the woman happily helped you carry the food as you thanked her for the dish earlier. The woman just shrugged it off as she introduced herself as Mrs. Pham. She wasn't korean but she was very fluent in speaking the language. You also began to help her out in the kitchen as she told you stories about her daughter.
Just by hearing the stories that she was saying, it sounded like her daughter was very smart and outgoing person. Then a sudden realization hit you in the face. The girl from earlier must have been her daughter but remembering what happened earlier, you began to question yourself why she was mad at you in the first place.
"Ah, Hanni sweety, you're home. Meet Mr. Y/N Lee. He's the neighbor you gave the soup to earlier."
You looked behind you and you saw the girl from earlier but this time, instead of glaring at you, she seems to be in a state of shock and suprise. Both of you locked at each other's eyes as Hanni's thoughts were in shambles.
"Oh my gosh oh my goshohmygoshohmygosh!"
She didn't know what to do as You gave her a small smile and a simple wave as you felt embarrassed after the incident from earlier. You were in dire need to apologize to her because of some misunderstandings. Her parents seems really cool to be with and they also seem to be very wise as well.
"Hanni, Prepare the plates already and stop standing here."
Her mother's voice snapped her back to reality as she looked down embarrassed walking past you in a hurry. You were slightly suprised by her speed but you just thought that she must still have hated for earlier. You just let it bypass your thought and decides to leave the household because you already did what you originally want to do. But then, her father saw you slowly walking away and said
"Where you going young man?"
Even though you weren't looking at them, you felt pairs of eyes staring at your back with intensity which somehow made you nervous. You gulped silently and turned your back smiling at them awkwardly.
"Oh I uhh.. I'm going home now Sir. I just want to give back the food from earlier. Thank you by the way-"
"Hiyaaah, come and eat with us. Come on."
Mrs. Pham said as she brightly smiled at you. Her hand signalled you to come and eat with them but you just bowed and shook your head. The atmosphere around the household was something that you missed dearly on your own. The sense of family that you longed ago forgotten was slowly coming back at you because of them. It was quite joyful but at the same time sad for you.
"Come and eat with us Oppa, you deserve a little break"
Hearing the words of Hanni made you stiffen as you looked at her. The glare she gave you earlier was now gone and was replaced with a soft expression that you couldn't believe she was able to do. For some odd reason, her expression and words struck a chord in your heart as you held your emotion in tact. You didn't want to embarras yourself against them after all because you know they were good people.
"If Hanni says it’s okay then you should stay Y/N."
Her father said finally making you concede to their decision for you to stay. You walked back towards the kitchen and offered a seat for Hanni, you were after all a guest and it's the owners rights to sit first and you be the last. But for Hanni, her heart was ready to explode by your gesture. Sure, some may say that it's just an etiquette to show but for Hanni, this was something she will forever embed in her memory.
"Take a seat Hanni"
"T-Thank you O-Oppa..."
"No problem."
Dinner proceeded like normal as if you were part of their Family. It was weird because that old feeling of belonging came crashing down on you and you felt your emotion slowly cracking open. You held to your chopstick tightly and gripped it tight holding yourself in. But Mrs. Pham noticed this as she felt pity towards you. What she was seeing in you was not an adult man but rather, a tired and worn out soldier who's been keeping himself strong for a long time now.
"It's okay. It's okay."
Her warm and comforting words was the final nail to your coffin as you bit your lips as they quivered slowly. Tears began to slowly fall out of your eyes and Hanni felt so devastated seeing you crying.
"N-No, It's okay.. I-I'm fine... I'm fine really.."
Your words didn't match your action as tears was falling from your eyes as you try your best to hide them but to no vail. Everything about the household just broke you because seeing how they were all connected made you remember the past you used to have. The happiest moment you used to have before was gone and it was painful because you didn't ask anyone to remove that happiness from you. It was taken from you and seeing the Pham family act like how you used to, made you miss the old times. You covered your eyes preventing you to lose more tears but then suddenly, Mr. Pham stood up and patted your back.
"It's all right Kiddo, let it all out."
Their kindness towards you, a complete stranger was really getting you to break down your walls that you built so much. The protection towards not showing weakness was taken down immediately. Ironically, kindness was the reason it was taken down.
Hanni clenched her fist in sadness and worry because she didn't expect you to cry your heart out. The silent sniffles was all she needed to know that you went through a lot of hardship, alone.
"Oppa...I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."
Hanni blames herself for being not there whenever you needed help. This was preety obvious that you were fighting your own problems alone and as great as it sounds, it wasn't a healthy way of dealing a problem. This only gave Hanni more reason to be by your side. At this point, she wasn't even thinking to be your wife, just a friend is enough for her as for the moment.
You have expected that Dinner would be awkward after your embarrassing breakdown but no, it didn't. It become more livelier than earlier as her parents told you amazing stories about their life, their struggles, and many more. Her father has told you many inspiring words that you surely will live out. You were slowly admiring Hanni's father because of her wisdom and his wife for her comforting words. You felt like you were home again with them and that brought a small smile upon your face. You offered your services to wash the dishes but Mrs. Pham decline the offer and told you to rest up. You tried to push for your agenda but in the end, Mrs. Pham won.
You thanked them and apologized for the nuisance you cause but they just brushed it off and even told you that you were welcome in their home anytime. You weren't gonna lie, you actually had a great time there and it was one of the few positive moments you have so far since being an adult. Hanni was the one who had to walk you towards your room even though it was less than a minute walk but you didn't complain.
"Listen Hanni. About earlier, I'm sorr-"
"I should be the one apologizing Oppa. I was too insensitive towards you. Please forgive me"
Hanni bowed to you with her entire back bend forward as you were surprised by her action. You actually didn't mind her actions earlier because you felt like you were the one who caused it anyway.
"N-No, it's okay Hanni. I should be the one apologizing to you because I was the one who's insensitive towards you. I didn't know you were small.."
Hanni bit her lip controlling her rage because she hates it being called small.
"But you're cute. I-I mean you being small adds to your cute factor. Gosh what am I saying to a teenager? I'm so out of touch from reality."
You groaned and gave yourself a self palm to the head as the words that came out of your mouth was something inappropriate especially since Hanni was still a teenager and your a grown ass man. Saying stuff like that in the open would immediately send you to jail and your life will forever be fucked. But Hanni was the opposite, she loved every word that you said and her face right now was Red as a tomato. She took in deep breaths in order to calm herself down before fixing her posture and looking at you.
"Well I don't mind you calling me Cute Oppa cause that's true anyway."
That sentence made you chuckle at her and shook your head.
"Yah, you shouldn't be too proud of yourself. That can bite you in the ass."
"Hmph. Nope."
Hanni smiled brightly as you just chuckled at her. Even though you two were now talking comfortably, you still somehow feel bad for her with the incident earlier.
"Listen Hanni, is there anything you want? I kinda still feel bad for earlier. Let me make up for it."
"Please be my boyfriend...”
She wanted to say those words out loud but she still has a lot of things to do and this was a great baby steps for her in order to achieve that goal.
"Hmmm well, there's a movie I really want to watch so.... Maybe we can go watch it together in the weekends Oppa?"
This was her shot, well probably her best shot of her life and she just laid it out. In her defense, this was the best opportunity to have and she might not even get another chance like this again.
"Weekends huh? Sure, I can make time in Saturday."
Hanni wanted to die from happiness. One of her dreams on going on a date with you was finally happening as she she flashed you the best smile she ever has. You on the other hand found it adorable how Hanni smiled sweetly at you.
"Alright, here's my number Oppa. Contact me when your free. Hehehe~"
"Ah right, here's mine too."
Hanni gave you her number which you saved in your contacts as Hanni did the same.
"Well, see you around Oppa. Goodnight and also, Thanks for the food, they were delicious."
Hanni gave you a thumbs up as you just chuckled and shrugged your shoulders. The moonlight was quite bright tonight as the full moon showed itself in the black sky. You waved her goodbye as she walked away smiling and happily waving at you. You entered your room and you immediately noticed the atmosphere between Hanni's house and yours.
"They are such a sweet family. I wished my family stayed together like them..."
You could only sigh at that false wish as you did your nightly routine and headed to bed.
Hanni meanwhile was smiling ear to ear and dancing in her room listening to New Jeans as her day was complete. She finally got her ultimate crush number, converse with him, and finally set a date between the two of you. Hanni's luck was truly kind towards her today and she couldn't be more thankful towards the man above.
"Thank you God for today. Please, please let me be his Woman. If not then at least let me be his shoulder to cry on."
Although everything was going great for her, she still couldn't help but feel sad for you after all.
"Y/N went through a lot in the span of 10 years huh. He really deserves a happy life ahead of him. Hmm... What should I do to make that possible..."
Through out the night, Hanni thought off many possible ways to make your smile appear once again, and this time, a smile that wasn't sad or broken but rather, a smile that showed true happiness.
The days for Hanni was slow and she hated how time was moving so slow as if it was preventing her to get what she wanted. She has been restless lately thinking on what she would wear, how she would act, and how she should attract you. But even though she was quiet anxious and annoyed of the slow days, she was quiet glad of taking your number because the two of you have been in touch lately.
You find it very surprising that talking with Hanni on the phone was actually quite enjoyable and fun to be. You enjoyed listening to her afternoon rant and late night conspiracies because you found it amusing that someone like her is already running wild in imagination. It was something you lost before and it's probably the reason why your life has been dull. The lack of imagination and inspiration to create such imagination was long gone. There was no way for you to recreate those crazy and creative imagination of yours but hearing Hanni's crazy imagination, well you couldn't help but smile at that.
Hanni was what you were before, an energetic, creative, and adrenaline pump person. People like that are very rare to find nowadays and growing up, you lost your old self in order to adapt to society and act like the adult because you are now THE adult. Finding time to be foolish was already off your calendar as there was no time for that, everything needs to be serious in order to accomplish something.
Even though Hanni didn't like hearing advices, There was an exception towards you. Hanni would sometimes spill some days where she hated it and you would come up and tell her some advices and things she would work out on. Of course, she didn't like it at first but realizing that you went through tough times, this was the best way for her to at least Change some of her bad habits that she has grown out off. Although it was good for you that you were advising Hanni, she didn't like it completely because she felt like she was being treated like a kid by you.
She wishes that this kind of advices wouldn't just let you see her as a kid but she hoped that it would get past that. This is one of her fears especially when it comes to liking you now. You were the adult between each other so it was only natural for you to act like one but can you look past Hanni as a kid? That question was one thing that made Hanni anxious of what she will do next.
Nonetheless her questions would be answered on their Movie date.
Hanni woke up earlier than usual as her heart was pumping so fast. This was the day she finally can get on a date with you which she could only dream off. She had already prepared the clothes she was gonna wear for this day last night as she made sure that her outfit would literally captivate you. She had asked Minji about her opinion on what she would wear and the chaotic pair would end up emptying the closet of Hanni leaving her room a total mess. As if a tornado was able to enter her room, Minji was able to find the best outfit for her despite the carnage around her room.
Minji might be the best stylist Hanni has ever met in her life because Minji is that type of girl who can lead a new trend. The powers she holds if she was casted on a photoshoot, Hanni would bet that Minji would change the game in the fashion industry.
Hanni took a double shower and made sure the shampoo she was using would create a beautiful scent if passed by. She usually stay at the shower room for half an hour but today, she made sure nothing would be flaw in her body as she took longer than usual. Her father could raise his eyebrows because he would be in for a suprise seeing the water bill slightly increase.
You on the other hand was eating your ramen as you forgot to buy ingredients once again because of the tiring workload you did this week. As if last week wasn't hellish enough, this week was doubled than the last. Everyone was working overtime because they couldn't afford leaving their work in overdue. Everyone wanted a break so they all decided to do overtime which in turn causes them to lack sleep and proper rest. You were part of the suffering as you didn't even had a proper meal the entire week.
Instant food was your go to lunch, dinner and breakfast which wasn't very healthy to begin with. Even though the days were tiring, seeing the messages of Hanni every night was enough to leave a small smile on his face. Hanni was slowly becoming your happy pill because her energy is just so contagious that you couldn't help but feel a smile forming on your face every time you would see her in the apartment hallways or in her messages.
Today was the day to somehow thank her for being a reason that brings a smile on your face. You took a quick shower and checked some clothes for you in your closet. You wanted to slap yourself from embarrassment as all of your clothes were all too formal and a quick realization hit you.
"I guess I didn't even have time to buy clothes for myself huh.."
You sighed as you decided to wear your white polo and your usual formal pants. You decided to remove the suit jacket in order to look less formal because today was your off day. You hoped that Hanni wouldn't mind your attire at all considering you look like your usual uniform. Nonetheless, you got out of your apartment earlier than the supposed meet up because you didn't want to show up late.
You messaged Hanni saying your outside her apartment when a few seconds later, Hanni came out looking very preety. Your eyes landed front upon her beauty as you were star struck by her visuals. This was your first time seeing Hanni without her uniform and you immediately saw the difference between her Uniform attire and casual clothes. She wore a simple white shirt and light brown jacket that goes along well with her brown baggy pants.
You chuckled seeing how adorable she looked with her pants while Hanni blushed and pouted seeing and hearing you chuckle.
"Yah, What's so funny Oppa?"
"Ah no it's nothing."
"Nothing? You liar. You're laughing at my outfit huh?"
"No, no of course not. You actually look adorable with your attire."
Well that was enough to make Hanni flustered. She froze in place for a couple of seconds as the words that came out of your mouth replayed over and over her thoughts.
"So, what movie do you wanna watch Hanni?"
"H-Huh? Oh umm.. Let's just go to the cinema and see if it's still there."
"Sure. Let's go."
The two of you walked away from the apartment building as Hanni began to converse about you about her school life. It took you by suprise when you heard her say that she's actually quite smart. You decided to tease her making her whine at you and pout cutely which you didn't mind at all. But unknown to you, Hanni actually loved it and was blushing slowly. Through out the walk, Hanni couldn't help but glance at you whenever she has the chance too. Your simple formal attire just makes her heart weak and makes her heart flutter.
Upon arriving at the Cinema, you were suprised by how many people were there and your attention immediately landed on Hanni. Your instinct kicked in as you held her hand which made Hanni blush furiously. The way your hand made contact with hers made her loose her common sense as she stares at her hand holding yours.
"Hold on me tight Hanni, you might get lost."
Hanni didn't hear you as you pushed through the wave of people gently shielding Hanni from the tight crowd. It was quite a Challange but you managed to arrive at the ticket booth with no problem as Hanni was still ecstatic with her hand holding yours.
"What Movie are we watching Hanni?"
"I luv yu..."
"Hmm? I don't think there's a movie called like that though."
You looked over at the category of the words that Hanni said but for the girl, she was blushing madly because of embarrassment. Her mind just suddenly process her initial thought and it came out of her mouth. She was glad that you were slow to realize it or even better, you didn't realize it at all. Which in turn, saddened Hanni partially but she brushed that thought off anf held your hand even tighter as she pointed at the movie she wanted.
"I want to watch that Oppa."
"Hmm? John Wick?"
"It's rated SPG and I don't think your height is.."
"Do you wanna die Oppa?"
Hanni looked at you with a deadpan expression which you couldn't help but laugh a little and press her cheeks. Both of you widen your eyes after the action that you just did. Hanni blushed as she eyed you while you slowly pulled away your hand from her cheeks.
"Why... Why is my heart racing? God no.."
A slight blush appeared on your face as you eyed Hanni who was staring at you with a shock yet calm expression. You didn't even think of doing the act as you just instinctively touched her cheeks like it was the most natural thing to do. You gulped hard and looked away.
"Sorry Hanni..."
You were now completely ashamed of yourself. Once again, you fucked up a great friendship because of your usual self. For sure right now that Hanni hated you-
"I... Kinda like it Oppa.."
You quickly look back and saw Hanni smiling at you with the most brightest smile you have ever seen in your life. Hearing the assurance out of her voice and that sweet smile somewhat calmed your nerves down. Something about this girl was making you intrigue of your own self.
You bought two tickets for the movie and when you thought Hanni wouldn't supriseyou anymore, she surprised you again when she was so emerced on the movie even cursing out the bad guys. You couldn't help but laugh at her. This kind of behavior was once you had but had dissappeared so seeing Hanni act like you used to was a sight to see. But the thing that suprised you the most is that, this kind of behavior was what you hate the most especially when watching movies but for some odd reason. Seeing Hanni act like that somehow made you appriciate people like that.
"The movie was great! Isn't it Oppa? John wick is really badass! He went Woosh and then he picked up his gun and went Bang Bang to those losers."
Hanni was hyped up after seeing the movie as she mimicked the character on the movie and even did some impressions of him. You simply smiled at her cute antics as the two of you were walking at the mall hoping to find a restaurant to eat and luckily for you, your favorite restaurant was opened as you and Hanni took a seat and ordered your food.
"Say Oppa, what kind work do you do? A teacher?"
You chuckled and shook your head. Hanni had been so far the only person that has put a smile on your face. Your life has been boring yet in just a span of a week, Hanni has turned that frown into a smile that can't seem to be erased. Her presence alone made you smile unconsciously.
"No, I work at an office Hanni. You know the typical guy who works on his computer all day. Boring isn't?"
"Nope, that's sounds fun actually. Did you try folding a paper and making it into a paper plane? It's fun seeing them fly in the office. Or better yet, did you shoot a crumple paper on the trash bin and shot it saying Kobeee like that?"
Her eyes was sparkling upon saying her ideas and you couldn't even talk. It sounded like basic ideas yet when Hanni says it, it sounded like it was legit fun.
"Well, I didn't do any of that..."
"Well now you can try.. Hold on, I think I have an idea."
Hanni grabbed the tissues on the table and began to fold them in a particular manner as you sighed and saw the paper plane or tissue plane if you would call it.
"Alright Oppa, See the trash bin there?"
"If I shoot this and it landed on that thing. You need to double my order. Deal?"
"What? Why would I-"
"Hmm? Is Y/N-Oppa scared? Hmm??"
Hanni taunted you giving you a smug look which you just playfully scoffed and shook your head.
"Go ahead. Try it."
"Heh, Don't underestimate me. For my name is Pham Hanni, Watch."
Hanni closed her left eye as she focus her sight on the trash bin. Her face looked so focused and her hands felt relaxed. She was confident on herself and it was preety obvious for you that Hanni was a skilled person. You gulped silently as your wallet couldn't afford another order of the foods here. With a deep breath, her hand moved forwards as the tissue plane went floating in the air twirling in some degree. The plane was getting closer to the target and this made you nervous. Sweat began to form on your forehead as your heart began to beat louder.
But at the last minute, the plane instead entered the Restaurant kitchen making Hanni bit her lips in embarrassment and you slowly looking at her. When Hanni met your eyes, both erupted in laughter making everyone in the rest a look at you weirdly. You apologized for the sudden outburst but Hanni didn't, she didn't care about there stares unless it was a woman staring at you lovingly then it's a different story.
"See? It's fun isn't it Oppa?"
"Yeah, I guess your right."
Hanni, a highschooler was able to make a simple thing fun without doing anything extra at all. Her creative imagination gave life to such simple thing and you were already captivated by it.
Lunch was fun once again with the help of Hanni and this was one of the few times where you enjoyed lunch with a companion. You were used to having lunch alone at the company building that it has grown accustomed to you that eating alone was normal but Hanni, showed you that having someone to eat with is more fun. The sun was already setting and Hanni decided to head into the park to relax her feet.
"Ahh, Did you know Oppa that this place is my comfort zone?"
"Well I just know now."
"Whenever I feel down or really tired, I go here and unwind my mind because it just relaxes me."
"I see..."
A place where you can fully unwind and remove all the thoughts away and just relax. That was one place you hoped to find soon but as of the moment there was no place close to something like that.
"Do you have a comfort zone Oppa?"
You shook your head at her question but at the same time this question struck you. You have never thought this question before because your comfort zone has always been your home but that disappeared. Home wasn't longer a comfort zone but rather a toxic environment now. It was suffocating you whenever you thought of how much it changed for the worst.
"Honesty speaking Hanni, my comfort zone before turned to a toxic one."
"Oh, I'm sorry..."
Hanni felt ashamed for saying such question as she scolded herself but you could only shook your head.
"It's alright. The reason I teared up on your home was because I was reminded of how my life before was before all shit went down.."
You sighed as Hanni saw the distress on your face. Today has been a blast lately and seeing how you looked sadden by the past made her feel sad a little too. Today isn't just for her to have fun as well, this was also your day to relax so she immediately came up with an Idea. A simple yet effective way to get that heavy feeling off your chest. She was hesitant to grab your hand again but she slapped herself on her thoughts because you needed her right now.
"Man up... Err I mean Go grab her hand Hanni! This is your chance!"
She told herself as she took a deep breath and gently grabbed your hand surprising you in the process. There was a visble blush on her face as she drags you to a nearby bench. You just let her be as you noticed how small her hands are compared to yours.
"Cute... Wait. What am I saying? She's literally a kid! I need to touch grass..."
Both sat down and infront of them was the park fountain and they stayed quiet for a few seconds observing their sorroundings. Hanni didn't let her hand go as she only made it tighter.
"You know Oppa, sometimes you just need to let those go of your chest and talk to someone about it. I'm all ears and I won't judge you at all. Like what Mom said to me, she saw you being so strong for so long that she pitied you when you broke down crying."
You softly chuckled as this was an embarrassment for you.
"Is that so?"
"Yeah, I kinda feel bad though when I saw you crying. It...kinda made me sad seeing you cry."
You saw the sincerity on her eyes and you can tell that Hanni really cared for you. Even though it was just a few days ago that you two met, it felt like Hanni knew you for a long time now.
"Heh, well my family life was like yours. All smiles and laughter. I though that it would last like that until I grow old but it didn't. Dad was caught having an affair with another woman and they filed for divorce. Dad moved out along with his stuff and you thought it wouldn't get worse but it did...."
Hanni noticed how your hands began to quiver and your eyes began to look broken and empty. Hanni couldn't bear seeing you in such state but she has to keep herself under control or she might do something she could regret.
"Mom was diagnosed with brain tumor that she kept from us, from me ever since I was young and I had to take part time Jobs for moms recovery but guess what? She died on the day of my graduation and instead of me celebrating my degree, I cried alone and mourned my mother's death. Ever since then, the word comfort zone became nothing for me as shit just keeps getting worse for me since then. Heh, I'm pathetic aren't I? I live the worst life of them all but it is what it is. "
Hanni hated how you smiled after saying those words. She hated how you were saying to yourself that everything was okay when it's not. She hates that you have been lying to yourself to show how strong you are but in reality, your weak. She hates that you have been so much and nobody was there for you.
"Hanni, listen we should-"
She shut you up when she pulled you closer to her and hugged you tightly. She could hear your heartbeat which seems to relax her but the thing that surprised you, was how much you felt at ease with Hanni being this close to you. That warm and comforting embrace that you longed to have was now presented to you. You couldn't help but feel a little emotional with how Hanni hugs you.
"Oppa, everything will be okay from now on. You don't have to carry everything on your own. I'm here with you now."
You bit your lips not wanting to cry but Hanni's embrace was just too much for you. You ended up sobbing quietly with Hanni comforting you by your side.
Your date was finally over as both of you were now walking the hallways of your apartment. You stopped at her front door as Hanni smiled happily at you.
"I had fun with you today Oppa, I hope you did too."
"Honestly speaking Hanni, I did. It's been so long since I last had fun like this."
This sentence made Hanni giggle in delight as she achieved what she needed to achieve this day.
"So shall we go on a date again Oppa?"
You chuckled at her wording but nodded your head nonetheless.
"I wouldn't call it date Hanni, but sure. I don't mind going out with you again."
Hanni jumped in delight as she hugged you tightly again. You were surprised at first but patted her head in response. You didn't know that Hanni was such a clingy person after all but that only adds to her charms. Hanni was about to pull away when a wild idea came to her mind. A small smile appeared on her face when she looked up to you. You weren't gonna lie, seeing her look up to you was adorable and it slightly made you blush.
"Oppa, do you pack your lunch?"
"Ummm no, I usually eat at the cafeteria."
"Eww the cafeteria. No, that's disgusting."
"What do you mea-"
Hanni placed a finger on your mouth shutting you up as she smiled at you.
"From here on out, I'll make you lunch boxes so that you don't have to eat in that filthy piece of shit cafeteria. Bleh!"
You wanted to refuse but Hanni was quicker than you as she pulled away and said goodnight before entering her house. You were just stunned by how Hanni dictate her decisions towards you as you just chuckled and shook your head in amusement. Hanni was the first girl you met that was actually fun to be with.
"I'm sure she would eventually forget about the lunch box thing."
Like the famous quote "Teenagers scare the living shit out of me" says, Hanni did in fact kept her word and gave you lunch boxes everyday to work. Initially you wanted to refuse her offer but seeing the band-aids around her hand on that day, it made you realize that Hanni was very genuine in making you a lunch box. Of course this would worry you and checking her hand if it was okay and all that but Hanni would just blush and nod her head. She was quite the stubborn yet smart girl because she would ask you out for another hangout.
Even though Hanni insist it was a date, you keep the word Hang out to not mistaken their relationship. After all, You were a 22 year old adult and Hanni is an 18 year old high schooler. Society would immediately hound you to death knowing your dating a minor. Your so called Hang out ranges from Cinema dates, Dinner date, amusement park date, or sometimes, staying at your place blasting music and dancing together. But the more Hanni do this kind of stuff to you, the more you see Hanni in a different light.
The way she worries about you when you go to overtime, the way she messages you everytime you arrive home, the way she would invite herself to your apartment room when there's nothing to do, the way she took care of you when you got sick, and more importantly, the way she argued back with your boss when you were clearly unable to work. That memory will forever be stuck with you because instead of getting fired, you were instead given more time of rest as your effort at your job boar fruit. Hanni was extremely ashamed for herself that day but you instead hugged her and twirled her around thanking her.
That was the day Hanni finally saw the old handsome smile she fell in love with in the first place.
Everything she does towards you was bringing you that joy and fun that you solely lack in life. She was bringing back that light that you lost back then.
Hanni was slowly becoming your Miss Sunshine and it's quite concerning for you. Hanni was a good person both as a person and at heart. So for you to have such feelings for her was surely not appropriate. In fact, you are clearly seen as a big brother towards her more than anything. But this also seems to have cause a stir at your work place and that's the lunch boxes.
You see, everyone in your workplace have been seeing you eat alone and getting your food at the counter but ever since you brought Hanni's lunchbox, everyone has been curious on who's been giving you such food.
"Hey Y/N, nice lunch box."
"Ah, T-Thank you."
"So did you made it?"
"Ah no, Someone else did."
That immediately cause them to gasp in a surprising manner which confused the hell out of you.
"Y-You have a girlfriend?"
"Ah, No she's a friend of mine."
"But she makes you lunch boxes everyday?"
"Bro, You're so lucky because if a girl made lunch for you everyday then they are wife material. Marry her and don't let her go!"
Those words have been sitting on your thoughts for some time now and everytime you would see Hanni smiling and getting close to you, it made you realize that the girl that once glared at you and harshly gave you food, was making you fall for her.
It sounded so wrong for you to be having feelings on a girl who's so much younger than you and that's the confusing part. You suddenly began to act differently towards Hanni to which she noticed immediately. Everytime she would get close to you, you would move away. When she messages you, you just simply say a one liner and tell her good night. You were pushing her away from your life because deep down you know, you know that you don't deserve her.
Of course your actions pains Hanni because she felt like she might have pushed herself towards you too much. Her worst fear was slowly creeping up on her and she didn't like that one bit. She decided to take a step back on her plans and go back to her roots. Her first steps. Surely that would help her right?
Your alarm clock rang once again indicating your normal boring day to start. You got out of your bed and checked your phone but to your surprise, Hanni hasn't even read your message last night. You sighed and messaged her a simple Good morning and did you normal morning routine. You turned on the morning news hoping to hear something good happening at the economy as you wear your usual work outfit.
"Huh? So today's afternoon forecast is rain huh?"
You looked out your window and saw that the sun was already hiding and dark clouds were ruling over the sky.
"More like morning will rain."
You turned your TV off and wore your shoes before getting out of your apartment. Hanni hasn't still read your messages which slowly made you worried. This was the longest Hanni has left you on read and surprisingly, outside of your apartment was her Mother.
"Oh, Mrs. Pham good morning."
You bowed at her but you notice the sad and empty look she gave you. You sense something bad had happened and your heart was starting to beat faster as this could mean something related to Hanni.
"Y/N. Have you seen Hanni?"
There goes your bad feeling. Cold sweats began to form on your forehead as you tried to keep yourself calm.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Pham but I thought she went home last night"
"She didn't.. I tried calling her multiple times but she's not answering and... I feel like this is our fault as parents for her running away."
You wide your eyes. Your ears was not deceiving you at all because you heard it loud and clear. Hanni ran away from home and hasn't contacted anyone since. You were slowly on the verge of panicking but you remained calm as there could be a place for her to be in.
"Did you try to contact anyone from her friends Mrs. Pham?"
"I did. I called Minji and she has no idea that Hanni ran away. I... I don't know where my baby could be..."
Mrs. Pham suddenly began to sob her eyes out as you pulled out your handkerchief and gave it to her. You rubbed her back hoping to calm her down because you know how much a mother loves her children to their deaths. But there was something that still lingered on your mind.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Pham for asking but you said earlier about something about your fault as a parent for letting Hanni ran away? Hanni never once told me any problem she was facing but this is the first time I heard of this."
You might be nosy right now but you couldn't let anything happen to Hanni right now. Your sunshine was missing and it was your turn to return the favor she has done for you turning your life upside down for the better.
"Well you  see me and my husband-"
"Why is everything falling on me so hard? What did I do to deserve this?"
Hanni thought to herself as she hugged her knees close to her. For the past few days, everything has been shity for her. School hasn't been to kind with her as her marks was slowly falling behind because of her family issues. Her parents have been constantly getting into fights lately due to her father wanting to prioritize their financial status by moving away once again. But her mother didn't want any of that money if it means making Hanni sad.
Both didn't end up in a good deal and in their fight ended up in hot claims of divorce. Hanni couldn't take such possibility as she didn't want to lose any of her parents. She had loved them so much and for her to be the reason why they would be divorcing, it was stabbing her heart.
Add in the slow fall of her relationship with you as you were clearly trying to push her away. Her once sanctuary in you was slowly disappearing right infront of her eyes. Add all this and Hanni couldn't handle it anymore as she decided that it was better off to run away from her problems, to run away from all worries and just be free.
"Mom.. Dad, I'll miss you surely.."
A tear escaped her eyes as she was set to a new goal for herself and for the better of everyone. Surely she wasn't gonna be missed by anyone if she just dissappeared from everyone.
"Oppa, I'll miss you..."
This time, her emotions was slowly getting the best of her and it didn't help that rain was slowly falling down on her. Her walls began to show crack as she recalls the moments she felt so love whenever she was with you. The memories both of you shared flashed on her mind making her realize that she had so much fun being with you. The way her heart relaxes even now just by thinking of you shows how much you impacted her life positively.
The rain suddenly got harsher yet she stayed there, on the bench getting soaked not minding the rain at all. Her body began to shiver from the cold harsh rain and she could feel her feet and hands getting stiff from the rain.
"Maybe this is better.... Dying from the cold..."
She closed her eyes and accepted her faith. There was no hope for her to fix the problem because she is the problem after all.
"Goodbye Minji, I really appriciate you being my friend because I'm such a loser. Thank you so much for giving me such fun and memorable memories."
"Goodbye Mom, Dad. I know that Dad was just thinking about all of us but guess what? I'm a stubborn child after all and weak one too. I couldn't handle seeing you fight because of me and I hope the two of you will be happy after all this."
"Oppa, I'm sorry for being too clingy towards you. I must have been a creep towards you huh? I'm sorry for acting like a spoiled annoying bitch towards you. I'm sorry for bothering you all this time. I'm sorry for all the mistake I did for you, all the pain and confusion I did towards you. I'm sorry.…I truly am sorry because I.... Love you Oppa and…goodbye... "
You finally spotted her as you sprinted towards her faster than anyone as your adrenaline pumped to the max. You immediately covered Hanni from the rain and saw her shivering from the cold rain. She slowly opened her eyes and even though they were quite Blurry she will never forget the face of the person she loved.
"O.... Oppa..."
"Don't say anything. We're going to the hospital okay?"
You immediately removed your large jacket and coated Hanni with it. Her eyes was now slowly getting a good vision of you as notice how she looked so tired and broken. This made your heart crack as you held her cheeks warmly making Hanni love your touch. It was comforting and warm.
"Now hold on Hanni. I'm gonna carry you."
Her weak voice made you more inspired as you carried her in a princess like manner as you held the umbrella on one hand while carrying her as well. By some godly strength, you carried Hanni so fast to the hospital in less than 5 minutes as upon arriving there, you called out doctors and nurses immediately. You didn't care if everyone was looking at you. A doctor and some nurses then came to your aid as you gently placed Hanni on a hospital bed.
They proceeded to do their medical stuff as you anxiously wait for the result on the waiting room. Obviously, you were the only soaked person in there as you would attract some eyes but you didn't care. All your mind could process is that Hanni will be alright and nothing bad will happen. Upon hearing that Hanni ran away, a place immediately landed on your though as you hurriedly made your way to the park where Hanni told you was her comfort zone.
Not long afterwards, the doctor would come out as you stand up hoping for the best.
"How's she doc?"
"She's fine. She's in a stable condition now but if she was 5 minutes late, she could be in critical condition because of hypothermia."
You sighed out a breath of relief as you wanted to thank the man from above.
"We're moving the patient to a private room. We just need a signature from her parents or her legal Guardian."
"I'm that person Doc. I'm......"
You gulped as you were afraid to say this word but at a time like this, there was no other way.
"I'm her boyfriend Doc."
"Ugh where.... Where am I? Why is the ceiling so... White?"
Hanni spoke as she was looking around her new surroundings. This was very new to her as she tried to sit up but immediately noticed the tube injected to her left hand.
"I'm at a hospital? What happened? Hmm?"
Hanni noticed a hand holding her right hand tightly as the person was slowly waking up. Hanni widen her eyes seeing you look up at her. You immediately widen your eyes as you hugged her tightly surprising her. Her heart immediately began to face faster and her cheeks getting warmer.
"O-Oppa? Why.. Why are you here?"
"Thank God you're already awake Hanni. I was so worried sick you know."
This sentence only made Hanni blush even more as she could feel herself melting at your embrace. You finally pulled away from her as you checked her temperature on her neck and forehead. Your small gesture of checking up on her reminded her of when she took care of you when you were sick.
"O-Oppa I though.. I thought you hated me. But you saved me... Again. Just like last time.."
You softly gave her a warm smile and patted her head. You finally realize what those words meant as her mother finally told you the first time you met Hanni.
"Yeah, I finally remembered the 8 year old kid I saved from the pedestrian lane before. I didn't know she grew up so beautiful."
Hanni widen her eyes and gave you a look of shock. There was no way that you finally remembered her after all as her facial expression made you laugh whole heartedly.
"Yah, if you know then why did you kept quiet all this time?"
She pouted her cheeks at you cutely as you couldn't help but cup her cheeks on your hand making her blush furiously.
"I only figured out after your mother told me. Speaking off your mother, Your parents are kinda dissapointed at you."
Hanni lowered her head in shame as she knows that what she did was something she can't apologize for. It was an impulsive decision for her and she has nobody to blame but herself.
"But, I talked to your parents about their issues and told me that the whole divorce thing was just said because of the heat of the argument. There was really no reason for the two of them to separate."
This made the small girl smile happily as she was glad that the issue of her parents was solved. But there was still one problem that lingered on her mind.
"Oppa, I have to apologize to you."
This made you confused as you removed your hand on her cheeks. She played with her fingers as a blush was evident on her cheeks and she couldn't properly look at you in the eye.
"I.. I'm sorry for being too clingy towards you. It must have felt a little awkward with me, a high schooler getting all comfortable with an adult and-"
"Okay Hanni, Stop and listen to what I'm about to say."
You looked at Hanni in a serious expression as Hanni's heart beat was so loud and warm sweats began to form on her forehead. Your intense stare was making Hanni weak.
"I need to apologize for trying to push you away cause you see, I may have put myself in a pickled situation."
This time, Hanni notice a red stain appearing on your cheeks as her heart began to beat faster. Is her dream fantasy finally becoming a reality?
"Ever since you arrived to my life, everything has been so bright and positive with me. Like I feel like the traces of my old self dissappeared because of you. You ,Pham Hanni changed my life for the better in just a couple of months. Nobody has given me this much joy and fun in my life since I was a high schooler and because of that, I'm so forever thankful of you. "
Hanni could only nod at your words as you know the following words that will come out of your mouth is not from the brain but from the heart. With one deep breath you continued.
"Hanni, during those months of fun and enjoyment with you is something that will never be replaced and because of that I...might have caught something like.. Ummm you see I eventually-Argh! fuck it."
You couldn't properly say it but with one strong motivation, you said the words you wanted to say with your heart.
"I love you Hanni."
Now Hanni's mind blew out as she couldn't believe what she just heard. Eight letters and 3 words, it was finally said by her first love towards her as this took a while to process but when she finally realized what she heard. She couldn't hide the happiness that her heart was beating.
"So you see, I plan to tell your parents that I love you-"
You were silenced when Hanni pulled your collar closer to her face as your lips touches hers. Her small peach flavored lips gave you an euphoric sensation that elevated your body to the top. Her lips locking with yours felt like you finally found the missing piece to your puzzle. She pulled away giggling and smiling sweetly at you.
"Oppa-No, Y/N, I love you too. Your my first love hehehe~"
Now that was a surprise but nonetheless you smiled back and cupped her cheeks and kissing her forehead.
"So you have been in love with me for 10 years?"
"Yeah, I do. I sounded desperate huh?"
"No, no you're not. That just adds to your charm."
"Hehehe, Anything to make you love me~"
The two of you shared another kiss but this time, the two were now fully aware that they loved each other and their hearts belonged to each other.
Even though that failed flower fell to the ground, it can become a foundation to bloom a better, stronger tree for flowers to bloom themselves. There is no failure in life, there is only bumps that we need to overcome in order to proceed to the next step. And sometimes, we need our own miss sunshine to guide us.
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lisbeth-kk · 4 months
May Prompts (26) Manipulate
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 26)
Summary: Rosie finds an unmarked box in her wardrobe. When John scolds himself for lacking as a parent, Rosie sets things straight.
Twenty-Six Years Old
Six months after my return to London, I was moving out again. The internship at the ministry of justice paid surprisingly well. I couldn’t help but think that a certain uncle had been using his manipulation skills again… In addition to my wage, the generous inheritance from Nana and Timothy’s income from his published novel, were more than sufficient to buy a decent flat in Stockwell. 
Nana had clearly wanted that 221 Baker Street was well looked after, and gifted it to her two boys, and insisted in her will that if Deidre, or Dee, as she preferred to be called, needed a home, 221A should be hers. And for the last two years, 221A had been occupied by Dee. My parents got along with her like a house on fire.
“It’s like having a younger version of Hudders down there,” Papa stated.
“Agreed. The sassiness runs in the family, I presume. Dee’s skills in the kitchen are sadly things she did not inherit from her aunt, though,” Dad said.
“Definitely not! She almost sat the flat on fire when she was boiling eggs,” Papa filled in.
Moving out the first time, had been poles apart to this move. That time I was going on an adventure, and I knew it was for just a period. When I moved in with Timothy, it was forever, and that was more bittersweet than I’d anticipated.
Moving to Paris, I had only taken clothes, some books, my laptop and the like. Stripping my room bare, was something entirely different. There were so many memories, and I knew I had to get rid of some of them because the flat wasn’t exactly big, and there were Timothy’s things to consider as well.
Over the next weeks I felt that I lived inside a cardboard box. They were everywhere, even downstairs to let me have some room to move around upstairs and leave the bed free to sleep in.
On the floor inside my wardrobe, I found an old box that had remained hidden behind clothes, rucksacks, shoes and a bag with blankets. It wasn’t marked and I couldn’t remember having placed it there. I opened the flaps and gasped in surprise.
“How are you getting on?” Dad called from the stairs and seconds later he entered my room.
I looked up at him with a stunned expression. When he saw the box, his shoulders slumped, and he sighed heavily.
“Right. I’d forgotten all about that one,” he said sheepishly. “I’ve failed to keep her memory alive for you, haven’t I?”
“Dad,” I scolded him. “You had far more important things to cope with when she died. Raising me with Papa is the greatest gift you could’ve given me. Never be sorry for that. I don’t remember her at all. From what I’ve gathered she did some horrible things to you both. No, stop. She did. I may not know the full extent of it, but it doesn’t matter that she was my mother. Remember what Papa said about extended and chosen family. They can be way better than the biological one. Not that I would want to replace you, mind.”
We both looked down at the photo of my mother and Dad on their wedding day. I didn’t recall when it had been replaced with the wedding photo of Dad and Papa. It felt strange and a bit eerie to look at Dad embracing another person like that. I took it out and placed it in the box that was going to the bins.
“Rosie!” Dad exclaimed, more out of shock than anything else.
“It’s wrong, Dad. I don’t need that. To me she’s the one who gave me life, but she was never in it when it mattered, and I’ve never missed having a mother. I consider myself the luckiest girl in the world having you and Papa as parents. You’ve done a great job, and uncle Myc, Nana, Molly, Granny, Pops, and uncle Greg have been brilliant carers as well. Now, what else is in here?”
I found Ted, still stained with tomato sauce, a white baby blanket with a bee pattern, tiny boxes containing a curl of my hair, my first tooth, a book where my growth, my first real meal, my first words, my first steps, my first trip, (to Barts), my favourite toys and books were painstakingly written down in Papa’s handwriting. My eyes filled with tears when I realised how much love lay behind those notes.
“He didn’t let me near that book with my horrible handwriting,” Dad said in a choked voice, clearly as emotional as me.
Another book caught my eye. The one uncle Greg had mentioned. A book with children’s names. It was worn, and I didn’t know whether that was from Papa searching for male names starting with a G, or my mother’s search for names meant for me.
“Did you…”
“No,” Dad cut me off. “She’d already decided on a name once we got back together. After…”
He didn’t have to finish that sentence, and I’m glad he stopped himself. Just thinking about it made me nauseous. 
I hadn’t told Timothy about her yet, but I knew I needed to. He would eventually ask. The lack of photos of her would ensure that. I reminded myself to ask uncle Myc how much I could reveal. Not that I knew more than half of it myself.
After I’d put the box aside, I leant into Dad where he sat beside me and placed my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and pulled me in for a hug.
“I’m so glad you decided to move back here with me after she died,” I murmured. “We would’ve been miserable without him.”
“Yeah, two years was enough for a lifetime,” Dad said and drew me closer, kissing the top of my head.
“I bet Papa is relieved that he can walk around in just a sheet now that I’m moving out for good,” I quipped to brighten the mood.
Dad chuckled and he was unable to hide the glint in his eyes at this prospect.
Also available on AO3
All the love to the other magnificent participants <3 Thanks to everyone for the endless support and especially to those who normally don't read parent!lock, but despite that are walking the extra mile. I'm in awe!
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @raina-at @helloliriels
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Disgustingly In Love
This was based off of the amazing Wenclair fanart by pixels.on.a.screen on instagram. Please go check her out and enjoy her amazing art!
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair
Warnings: Wednesday having feelings?? Also Wednesday not knowing how to communicate
Summary: Over summer break Wednesday comes to a realization.... A realization that she is disgustingly in love with Enid Sinclair.
Words: 2,360
Wednesday Addams was not a girl for feelings. She detested them, considering them a hindrance; simply clouding ones judgment. And yet... Wednesday found herself in a dilemma.
Over the summer, after her adventures at Nevermore Academy Wednesday was trying to focus on her newest mystery. Who was her stalker that keeps sending her these threatening messages? As well as multiple surprisingly well animated gifs of her getting maimed in various ways.
This was her first priority, something she needed to apply her undivided attention too. And yet... There was this... feeling that was ever so distracting. A feeling akin to warm honey dripping through her chest cavity, sticking to everything it touched and warming Wednesday's cold heart. A feeling like bees buzzing inside her stomach whenever she so much as thought of...
Enid, Enid, Enid.
The damn werewolf permeated every thought Wednesday had. Every time she dedicated time to finding out who her stalker was, the blond would somehow worm her way to the forefront of her mind. Wednesday was irritated, and frankly a bit confused. She didn't even know she was capable of having feelings. She always prided herself on her aloof and detached nature, considering it one of her best strengths.
Yet this girl, who was the complete and polar opposite of Wednesday herself, refused to leave her mind. Wednesday despised everything Enid stood for. Her brightly colored attire, her bubbly personality, her love for obnoxiously loud pop music- everything! And yet... Oh how Wednesday adored her.
She adored Enid's bright smile, and the way her eyes glittered with excitement. She admired Enid's friendliness; her willingness to push past all of Wednesday's walls and get to know her beneath her cold exterior. She craved the way Enid so easily gave out affection. Words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch, gifts- every love language Enid had. She shared her love so openly and with such warmth that it was even enough to defrost Wednesday's resolve.
It made Wednesday sick.
How could this girl have done this to her? How could she elicit a physical and psychological reaction out of Wednesday when she wasn't even in the same room as her? Wednesday felt her heart race when Enid would text her, and her mouth would go dry whenever Enid requested to call. Every letter, every word, it was engraving these feelings deeper and deeper into Wednesday's very being.
She despised it.
But oh, how she adored her.
Wednesday was disgusted with herself when she finally came to the agonizing conclusion that she was in love with the werewolf. She had always sworn to never become like her father and yet here she was, sitting at her typewriter and trying to form a letter to accurately depict the feeling she had for the blond. Countless crumpled papers lay on the floor surrounding her. She would write half of a sentence and it would instantly be deemed unworthy. How could she even begin to put into words the fire she felt within her?
How could she possibly explain how every night as she laid down to sleep all she could think of was how warm Enid had felt in her arms that night? How could she explain that every moment of every day Wednesday wished Enid could be there beside her? She missed her.
She missed her in a way that ached down to her very bones. Sometimes she would sit outside in the rain just to think, to reminisce. She missed Enid's obnoxiously bright outfits, she missed the way Enid didn't have an 'inside voice'. She missed the way the werewolf would grind her teeth in her sleep, and she even missed the annoying pop music that Enid insisted on playing every single morning.
Most of all she missed the way Enid would look at her. Those blue eyes were so deep Wednesday dared not stare too long for fear of getting lost. Enid would look at her in a way nobody else had. Most people gazed at Wednesday with distrust and a vague look of fear. Enid however, always looked at her with such warmth and with such friendliness that it made her insides melt into a puddle.
So as Wednesday stepped back onto the steps of Nevermore, she couldn't help but feel a flicker of excitement. As she trudged up the stairs to the familiarity of their old shared dorm, Wednesday held her breath as she opened the door. The heavy oak wood swung out on it's hinges, silent as ever since Wednesday had oiled them last semester, detesting the creak they used to carry.
The dorm looked just as they had left it. Half of the large glass window still adorned in the brightly colored translucent stickers, while the other half lay barren. A line of tape on the floor separating both sides, though a bit faded, still remained. She even noticed the mark left in the beam from where Tyler had stabbed Thing. The memory left a bitter taste at the back of her tongue.
Wednesday stood there for a moment, taking in the sight as well as the nostalgia.
And then...
Her attention was drawn to Enid's side of the room. There she was! Wednesday felt her heart stutter in her chest. Enid stood up from where she had been knelt on the floor, unpacking her things. She rushed over to Wednesday and halted just short of her personal space. Wednesday's heart squeezed painfully at the gesture. Enid was such a hugger but even in her excitement she never pushed Wednesday's boundaries.
I love her. Wednesday thought as she took in her appearance. Enid seemed to have grown a bit taller over the break, Wednesday realized. She now had to angle her face upwards ever so slightly to look the werewolf properly in the eye. Enid's hair had also grown out slightly, leaving her roots darker as the ends of her hair were still a familiar (yet faded) blue and pink.
"I missed you so much over the break!" Enid exclaimed with a bright smile, a pink tint entering her face as she let out a giddy laugh. She rocked back and forth on her heels, her hands clenching and unclenching at her sides. She was obviously resisting the urge to touch Wednesday. If the ravenette was honest, she was as well. She missed Enid. She wanted nothing more to wrap her in her arms and never let go. She just didn't know how.
That was something Wednesday envied about Enid; how she treated affection so simply. She would watch as Enid hugged Yoko, and slung her arm over Divina's shoulders so casually during conversation. Jealousy would boil within her whenever she saw the blond with Ajax. She wanted Enid's affection. She just couldn't figure out how to ask for it.
"I mean- I know we texted and stuff but it's not the same as being able to see you. In person I mean. You look great by the way! Have you started wearing a lip stain? I swear your lips look a bit-" Enid was rambling now, seemingly nervous by Wednesday's prolonged silence. She mentally scolded herself for making Enid feel anxious. Couldn't she gather her thoughts long enough to at least grant the blond with a response?
"Anyways- how have you been?" Enid asked finally, clamping her jaw shut in an anxious smile, attempting to stop her own mindless blabbering. Wednesday spotted the tension around her mouth, and the way the smile didn't reach her eyes. The way her eyebrows ticked ever so slightly up was an obvious tell that Enid was nervous. Poor thing.
"I am afraid I am indubitably and disgustingly in love with you." The words fell from Wednesday's maroon stained lips before she could stop herself. She felt her cold heart stop in her chest. Enid's eyes widened ever so slightly and her lips parted in surprise.
"Eh-?" An awkward sound came from the back of Enid's throat as she floundered for words. Wednesday schooled her features, but inside was absolute carnage. Why on earth had she said it like that? Could she be any less romantic? God, Enid deserved a confession better than that. Perhaps a moonlit dinner with rose petals strewn across the floor. Wednesday always thought her fathers big romantic gestures were pointless and flashy, but now she understood.
"You're what?" Enid stammered, swallowing thickly as she stared down at Wednesday, searching her expression desperately. Wednesday sighed and dropped her gaze from the blond's for a moment. Oh she had really done it now, hadn't she?
"I am in love with you." She repeats, a bit quieter now as she stares down at Enid's hands where they anxiously toy with the bottom of her uniform blazer. She wants to take her hands, hold them in her own. She wants to kiss every knuckle and promise she will do this confession over in a much more romantic setting,
But she doesn't.
She doesn't know how.
"W-Willa..." Enid trails off, and Wednesday's heart squeezes at Enid's use of her old nickname. The ravenette despised the nickname at first, thinking it was stupid and childish. However, now as Enid says it to he in that tone of voice, she cherishes every syllable.
"I-I don't-" The werewolf says helplessly, dipping her head down slightly to try and catch Wednesday's gaze. The action causes Wednesday to swoon slightly, although she doesn't let it show. "I don't understand?" Enid offers in a confused tone, searching Wednesday's stoic face.
"Over the summer, my main focus was supposed to be my newest mystery; discovering who my stalker is. And yet, every time I sat down to try and concentrate I could only think of one thing." Wednesday paused, taking a deep breath and meeting Enid's gaze. "You." She said, her voice quivering uncharacteristically. She hoped her gaze conveyed every emotion she wished she knew how to put into words. Wednesday wished more than anything in this moment that she knew how to explain to Enid the sheer depth of her feelings. She had to know.
"You are like a plague to me. You are inescapable- and every memory we have shared together repeats in my mind every time I lay my head down to sleep. When I close my eyes I see your face, and when I am awake I hear your voice in the back of my mind." Wednesday continued, trying desperately to convey the things she had been feeling over the months they spent apart.
"I felt excitement for the first time since I was nine years old and my parents allowed me to perform my first evisceration independently this morning, and that excitement was to see you." Wednesday licked her lips nervously as Enid's eyes glimmered with unshed tears. Perhaps she needed more clarity?
"I missed you, Enid." She finishes her speech, staring up at the werewolf with wide eyes. She waits for a reaction, any type of response as Enid stares down at her, her bottom lip wobbling dangerously. She sniffles and wipes her eyes.
"Oh Wednesday-" The way Enid says her name causes goosbumps to rise on her skin. Enid can't seem to hold herself back anymore and before she knows it she is wrapped in a warm embrace. She instantly melts into the blond's arms. She presses her face into the side of Enid's neck and inhales. Enid smells like rose and vanilla, a comforting and sickeningly sweet scent. Wednesday wraps her arms around the werewolf, firmly pressing her closer. Every inch of the ravenette's skin is aflame, Enid's touch warming her down to her very soul.
"I love you too Willa." Enid murmurs as she sniffles, hugging Wednesday impossibly closer. To her surprise, Wednesday feels tears burning her eyes as well. She hadn't realized how much fear of rejection she had been holding until this very moment. The confirmation that Enid felt the same was such a relief that she couldn't help the single tear that fell from her eye.
All too soon, Enid pulls back and looks down at Wednesday with those soft eyes. She feels herself melt under the werewolf's gaze, staring back up at her in awe as the taller girl gently holds Wednesday's face in her hands, swiping away her tears with her thumbs. Enid opens her mouth to speak, but Wednesday beats her to it.
"May I kiss you?" She asks, her voice breathy and quiet. Enid doesn't respond, simply pulling Wednesday closer. Her eyes slide shut and her heart stops in her chest before resuming beating at double time. Enid's lips feel all too soft against hers, too plush and too perfect. She tasted like heaven, and Wednesday felt almost guilty at how good it felt to kiss her.
Wednesday's hands came to rest on Enid's waist, gripping her blazer tightly as she leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss her firmer. She never wanted to stop kissing her. She never wanted to stop touching her. She never wanted to be apart from Enid again, because Enid was everything to her.
"I love you." Wednesday confessed again, her mouth moving against Enid's as she pressed impossibly closer. Enid pulled back breathlessly, giving a giddy giggle as she grinned down at Wednesday.
"I love you too." She said, her face flushed as she gently ran her fingers along Wednesday's freckles. "And as much as I love kissing you... We do need to go to orientation or we'll get in trouble." She says in a reluctant tone. Wednesday scowls, causing Enid to chuckle and gently smooth the space between her eyebrows with her thumb.
"I know... But we can cuddle later." Enid says with a broad smile, and even though Wednesday's heart jumps at the prospect of holding Enid close, she rolls her eyes nearly playfully.
"Fine. Let us go then." She says with a deep sigh, grasping Enid's hand in her own as she leads the blond out of the dorm. She never once releases her grip on Enid, and she doesn't plan to for the rest of her life. Because Enid was hers, and most importantly, she was Enid's.
a/n not proofread so if it sucks that's why <3
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