#girls we need Enrichment In The Enclosure
trash-nerd · 1 year
ever been so bored u just wanna
rip you skin off with ur teeth???
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radioromantic-moved · 2 years
found another lesbian who self ships with live action men (more than i do) and even though we're not mutuals or anything it is surprising how much better this makes me feel about me doing it. the way i am so "i don't Care what other people think about my selfshipping >:)" but also take so many cues from other people. i will get normal...one of these days
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ivorydragoness44 · 8 months
Jurassic Park - Robert Muldoon S/O Dialogue Writing Prompts
• "I'm not staying on an island full of dinosaurs during a tropical storm."
• "This fence is supposed to keep that in?"
• "These aren't petting zoo animals, Robert... Does Hammond understand this?"
• "The raptors should be in a sealed room. Not an open Tupperware."
• "Foe, friend, or food."
• "Do we really trust future guests to keep the windows up while they pass the dilophosaurus enclosure? We need some sort of strong, reinforced glass or something."
• "Personally, I don't trust the safety of the paddocks. No offense intended." "Please don't tell me that." "The electric wire looks like spaghetti next to the tyrannosaur."
• "Just knowing that Nedry's workstation looks like that, makes me want to pull my hair out."
• "How many pairs of those shorts do you own? Not that I'm complaining. Just curious."
• "You have some...strong opinions on the raptors, yeah?" "Yeah. Why?" "What do you think about having an extra paddock around the pen that they already have? You know, for extra security."
• "Can I wear your hat?"
• "I prefer the more docile herbivores." "It's a wonder why you're with me."
• "Should we live in one of the emergency bunkers then?"
• "I understand the need for security cameras, but why not also implement security personnel?"
• "Is ten-thousand volts enough?"
• "Got your hat?" "Yep." "I.D.?" "Of course." "Your--" "And my vest, and my boots. Darling, I have everything."
• "Which do you prefer: Kenya or Isla Nublar?" "There's no dinosaurs in Kenya, you know."
• "If the raptors are dangerous and smart... What does that make us?"
• "The sounds they make give me nightmares."
• "Robert, I love you, but please take your boots off of my desk."
• "Do you think the raptors recognize faces?"
• "A park full of dinosaurs. Who in their right mind is going to believe that enough to fly all of the way out here to drop cash on someone's word?"
• "You're being very cautious." "I didn't want to alarm you, your back was turned." "I appreciate that."
• "How on Earth did you find me over here? Wait... Did you track me down?" "You are fearsome to behold." "Your flattery won't make me dismiss my question."
• "Day one-hundred of no one installing locks on the vehicle doors." "Don't remind me, love, please."
• "If anyone can keep the visitors safe when the park opens, it's you."
• "Tomorrow's another transport day?" "Yep. I'll be heading over to Isla Sorna shortly. I have to ensure that all preparations are in-place."
• "You're back late. What happened?" "We tranquilized the raptors for transport to the island, but they woke up. One of the raptors took Jophery...I tried to save him."
• "They still want to keep the raptors? Even after everything?"
• "Maybe if we were to provide enrichment to the velociraptors?" "Enrichment?" "Yeah, you said that they're smart. They solve puzzles and...are looking for a way out--but why not give them something to do?"
• "They're lethal at what age?"
• "Robert, love, may I tell you something about a paddock without you getting upset?" "Sure. As if I could ever get cross with you." "Okay, um... I don't like walking around outside--between the buildings--and having the raptor pen so close. And there's no additional fencing around it. They frighten me."
• "Could your shorts be any shorter?" "You never complained before."
• "With legs like yours, you could jump as high as a velociraptor."
• "Can I go with you next time to Isla Sorna? I've never been there."
• "Well, aren't you a clever boy/girl?"
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omg-snakes · 1 year
What would you say counts as "safe" supervised interactions between snakes for enrichment? I've let my corn snakes interact before and obviously I'm always watching for any outright signs of hostility but is there anything else (besides breeding behavior... I found this out the hard way but thankfully nothing R rated happened because of it and I don't think either snake was stressed about it?) I should keep an eye out for?
Hey friend!
While corn snakes aren't social animals, there have been studies to suggest that young snakes in particular benefit from brief interactions with others of their species. As long as both snakes are properly quarantined and proven healthy, well-fed but not too recently so, and around the same size, these can be a safe and fun way to provide some enrichment! Just make sure the interaction is on neutral ground and try not to put them face-to-face immediately. Sniffing a section of body first is less off-putting.
As you already mentioned, outright hostility is a sign that the interaction needs to stop immediately. Other stress signs to watch for are head flattening, body puffing, hissing or huffing, tail rattling, and tense s-shaped neck posture. One snake may try to bolt or flail. Hard shoving of the other snake with the body is another sign that they're not having a great visit.
You also mentioned courtship behavior, which for the uninitiated is a herk-a-jerk twitching dance of sorts where the snakes will make body contact and contract their muscles to show how strong and buff they are. This is not only limited to breeding, and can also be used to establish dominance between newly-introduced snakes as a sort of, "hey hi nice to meet you, check how fit I am! This is my territory and we can hang but don't try any funny business 'cause I'm swole. :)"
Both boys and girls, and even baby corn snakes might do it. I've seen the behavior in hatchlings when they are separated and reintroduced to sniblings. As long as one snake is not trying to get on top of the other, they're not actively wrestling, you're absolutely certain you're not introducing a male and a female, and it's not actively breeding season, it should be fine to let them dance a little.
A good visit is two snakes who have relaxed and curious body posture, they may be very curious and sniff each other a lot, who aren't trying to crawl all over each other but also aren't trying to escape. It might not look like they're really that interested in each other, but if they aren't stressed then they're probably deriving some sort of enrichment and mental stimulation.
If you're wanting to gauge how a corn snake might react to another before you try introductions, try giving them the other snake's shed, or put a tennis ball in one snake's enclosure for a few days and then move the ball to the other's cage so that they can sniff it. If their reaction is nervousness or fear, maybe skip an in-snerson* visit.
I hope this is helpful!
*snake person
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scoriarose · 3 days
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Hi @peptobismolultra! I'll be honest to say it isn't my first choice- my girls prefer bioactive 100% Due to unforseen life circumstances my snakes and I are living at a temp location and we'll be moving again soonish- so setting up bioactive and taking it down again might not be the best plan. (Epoxying it to make it waterproof makes disassembly to move difficult. I'm also trying to figure out how to reenforce the bottom of their Zen Habitat since bioactive can be HEAVY and I'm worried about it causing collapse. Perhaps someone else has a bioactive Zen with 5+ inches of substrate they've reenforced?) Once we are settled in our future home they'll have a sculpted foam backdrop and bioactive substrate. While we've tried aspen, I've read of someone else using Carefresh when they had health issues from aspen. I figured we could give Carefresh a try!
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It doesn't hold burrows super well, so I've hidden a bunch of tubes under the substrate which they use as tunnels, as well as hides with underground rooms (her castle has one door she can go in that is free of substrate, another that goes right into her substrate which she sometimes uses.) They've both learned how to move their bodies in such a way that the ground immediately swallows them up if they wish. It's a little odd to see, they're just slithering along and decide they're done with socializing and their entire body just is swallowed by the ground in under a second. This is a skill the introverts in my life envy. I think they are having fun with the novelty, and have the space they need now they are larger, and they have their former bioactive enclosure in the larger enclosure so they can still go burrow into dirt when they want too. But I do want better for them. It isn't the ideal situation, and for the moment instead of IMPRESSIVE SCENERY and 100% bioactive, they have their smaller enclosure in a snake playground with all their favorite toys and enrichment activities. I'm hoping until we can make our lives get back on plan they are still happy and having fun. At that point, I think I'll use carefresh under a blanket for a little bed (it isn't as incredibly difficult to remove from Sakura's blanket- she likes having a cloth draped over soft substrate for a bed and she'll lay on the blanket or slightly burrow into the substrate to go under her blanket. Perfect bed.) And then give them a box to burrow through it as an enrichment activity- or their container they go to the vet in. One nice thing is it absorb and clumps around their waste so it's incredibly easy to clean- but I know my girls will be much happier when their main home is 100% bioactive and stuff like this is just enrichment. (At the moment they think they have a home they can leave for enrichment any time they want. Scoria is a good girl and puts herself to bed every night. Sakura is the child that passes out wherever she wants. Sometimes her castle. Sometimes pressed between her door and substrate barrier. Sometimes butt up in the air on top of a toy and face buried in her substrate. This is the way of Sakura.
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They come in fun colors so here's some halloweeny ones if you want to put some in a box to give your snake a fun enrichment activity! If you are thinking of switching substrate, please let your snake choose. Put their current substrate in one tupperware bin, and this in another identical bin, and both next to each other so the snake can go from one to another effortlessly. See which one the snake enjoys being in and doesn't want to leave. This is how I know my girls like bioactive the best <3 The day I offered them this option Scoria did not want to go in her home and eventually fell asleep in the tupperware. I immediately gave her bioactive and she has been so happy since.
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goodnightmemes · 2 years
some of these are quotes from tiktok creators, and some are from various other forms of media that were popular audios/trends on tiktok  
❛ Guess who didn’t eat me out last night? ❜
❛ I don’t know if I’m on my period, if there’s a star out in the sky that moved too far to the left, or if my brain chemicals just went ‘uuggghhhh’, but I’m sensitive and violent right now ❜
❛ ‘Ugh, why are you girls always going to Target?’ Ta get stuff. Duh. ❜
❛ Don’t act like you’re above wearing a cowboy hat for a tiktok. Oh! Handsome cowboy! Handsome cowboy! ❜
❛ How fucking elaborate do we have to make this fight?? Get down here!! ❜
❛ It continues to redefine ‘family’ as meaning: ‘some dudes who ate at my house’, instead of people you share a bloodline with. ❜
❛ What’s more American in this nation of living paycheck to paycheck than living your life a quarter mile at a time? ❜
❛ You’re gonna fuck the bee?!?! ❜
❛ I need a trenta cup of heavy cream. ❜
❛ If there’s one thing about me, it’s that I’m gonna dilly dally. I am a dilly dally-er. ❜
❛ You’re taller! How fucking dare you. ❜
❛ Santa sent his deer to fuck your shit up cause you’re on the naughty list. ❜
❛ How many times do I have to tell you mind control doesn’t work on me? ❜
❛ I have never seen a creature look more like a rotisserie chicken, and I am including every rotisserie chicken I’ve ever seen. ❜
❛ You can actually have two loving and supportive parents and still end up weird and unstable. ❜
❛ Blaming it all on my father really takes away all the work that I put into making me the worst version of myself. ❜
❛ I want my mom to come home but if I call her and say “mom I convinced myself that the dog is a shapeshifter again.” she’s going to think I’m crazy. I’m not crazy! ❜
❛ Kill me or come cuddle with me, 'cause you’re freaking me the fuck out. ❜
❛ I mean these days I just be wondering like, will I ever feel fergalicious again or is it just over? ❜
❛ If I go missing please do two things: one - check near the parking lot of Sears, two - arrest Billy Ray Cyrus. ❜
❛ Daily affirmation, repeat after me: I am not the bigger person. I am the smaller person, who is prone to pyromania. ❜
❛ Why are they playing Shrek songs in church? ❜
❛ She gave me trauma beyond human comprehension. ❜
❛ Girl if you don’t get your coochie sticks out of the uranium bin… ❜
❛ The children yearn for the mines. ❜
❛ Alright here’s a lesson in physics… that’s not how physics works. What the fuck just happened?! ❜
❛ Run like you’re being chased by the love of your life but you’re not ready to love him yet, you still got some learning to do! You have to love yourself first! ❜
❛ Hate me or don’t hate me, but if you put holy water into a humidifier you won’t have a vampire problem. ❜
❛ Awwwww shit. You don’t know about doing whatever the fuck you want? Damn. I’m sorry. Hope you find that someday. ❜
❛ Shh! Don’t bother me, I’m having enrichment time in my enclosure. ❜
❛ Quite frankly, I don’t care where you taking us, cause anyone with an ass like that gotta be blessed and highly favored. So why wouldn’t I follow gods child? ❜
❛ What the fuck did Dora say? Where are we going? To follow that ass! ❜
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strongbrew-hamstery · 10 months
Nope, nothing to see here, nothing wrong with the way #DrPupper has decided to drink this morning 🤭😂. The boys clearly moved their drink tray in the night making a fun new way to access the watering hole. The #SodaPups turn 5wks tomorrow! Their take home bags are all ready thanks to #hammygodmother who helped me get all their blocks weighed out. We also got all my girls' bags packed for their vacations. They're taking mix, blocks, snacks, chews and enrichment items, potty litter and extra bedding for spot cleans as needed. Feeling good! That means this week is pedigree photos, creation and printing for the tiny toots, and enclosure cleaning for the adult hammos. Then I won't have any more hamster stuff to worry about I think! Whoop whoop! https://instagr.am/reel/C0HO0Uxgqfr/
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growling · 4 months
Odd and unusual, deeply unsettling creature dubbed by the locals as "tumblr user Growling" (pinned post)
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hello everypony this is growling's blog of tumble on which i post my yaoi (anything can be yaoi if you're open-minded enough)
-> it/its or he/him in general -> metaphysical/spiritual fictionkin + plural, which is why I switch between I/we pretty often when referring to myself (please do not use psychiatric or pathologizing terms for us such as DID, alter or introject. our system members do not have defined roles, either.) -> Collective/unclaimed names include: Seth, Mateusz, Andrzej, Jaspis, Karneol, Sylwester, Stefan, Kosma, Cezary/Czarek, Sójka and Mikołaj. We collect names like cool rocks -> evil loveless aplatonic aro narcissists with dangerous levels of autism they warned you about. now start barking
Rain Code side || Akuma Kun side || Yomi's blog || Spotify (if you like character playlists and think I got immaculate music taste....) || Twitter (18+ area)
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Attention keeps me alive and I love receiving asks heyhey hey you should send me asks I need enrichment in my enclosure haha..... That being said I'm usually bad at articulating myself and prone to get overexcited/anxious when I try to respond, so I may take way longer to answer. They had to nerf me somehow. Genders vary between parts but as a general rule none of us are comfortable with feminine terms even as joke/slang, "girl" isn't gender neutral guys what the huh.... I do not have a DNI as they're just objectively ineffective and dumb, stop expecting others to curate your own experiences and use the block button as it was intended, also the hell do you mean by "basic dni criteria" are you just virtue signaling or is this some sort of code.
Current fandoms & things I'm into: Winx Club, Rain Code, Bungou Stray Dogs, Akuma Kun, Danganronpa, The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, Gushing Over Magical Girls, Akudama Drive, Gravity Falls, Tribe Nine and occassionally posting about Warriors, but I've distanced myself from the community because it's rancid over there, same with Wings of Fire. Non-fandom specific, we really like violent whump (not the fever type. the, uh... other one) or just terrible things happening to fictional characters. Wanting them crying, terrified and in pain is an expression of adoration from us <3 though we're too shy to post/reblog any of that sort of stuff for now since not many people are as into it. Oh yeah and also cat genetics, these are cool.
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Bit of a wholesome story time if you need it today-
The flying predator habitat here has a bonded pair of mandibuzz that are sort of poly with Caw, a honchkrow with a nonfunctional wing. He’s accepted the girls as honorary flock members, and he tends to do his usual honchkrow affection things with the two during nesting seasons.
Well, one of those is approaching, so the hidden cameras of the habitat are being monitored so we know when to stop visitation and avoid stress. And of course, we got to witness Caw being his typical amorous self for the time of year.
Since we avoid interfering with the habitats during nesting aside from stocking prey in the predator habitats, we didn’t notice that one of the ratatta in the habitat managed to get strong enough to evolve. We found this out, because the staff on camera duty witnessed Caw trying to drag a raticate half his size up to the preferred perch of the two mandibuzz.
The two were very happy with the gigantic prey item, but it was very interesting seeing the dedication of Caw as he insisted on bringing the raticate up the special perch setup for flight inhibited Pokémon completely alone.
Very determined big fella he is haha
hm. i know you intended this as a heartwarming story, and caw sounds like a sweetie and a good mate, but honestly i'm very concerned that your sanctuary is using live prey to feed its predators. i don't even give live prey to my roaring moon for two reasons.
the first is that there is a legitimate danger to the predator pokemon. hunting has its risks, especially if the prey mons aren't eaten immediately- which is evident here by one of them evolving. a rattata can do quite a bit of damage to a honchkrow or mandibuzz, as their bite strength is powerful enough to bite through bone. captive pokemon have no need to hunt and can be fed humanely euthanized prey to reduce the potential of prey-inflicted injury. this is especially true for a pokemon that can't fly! honchkrow is already a pokemon that rarely hunts for itself, and caw is disabled and can't swoop down on prey. there are plenty of other ways to enrich these pokemon than to feed live prey, such as encouraging them to tear open boxes to get to their food, or giving them regular training sessions.
the second reason is that it's needlessly stressful for prey pokemon to be put into an enclosure with a predator just to be eaten. in pokemon that evolve through battling, evolution is triggered by sustained levels of adrenaline in their system. in a pokemon that's trained to battle, this is a perfectly healthy experience- think of it like the adrenaline rush an athlete gets. but in an untrained prey pokemon being exposed to a predator, this is literally caused by fear of death. that rattata evolved without battling because it stayed in fight-or-flight mode long enough to trigger evolution. needless to say, that's a cruel thing to do to a pokemon. there's no need for a prey pokemon to suffer like that when we have the option of giving it a quick, stress-free death.
i get that this seems like a cute behavior at first glance, but honestly i'm a little bit horrified hearing it. unless you're the owner or primary caretaker at this sanctuary, you probably don't make the decisions on what your pokemon eat, but i'd urge you to bring this up with whoever does- and if that does happen to be you, please transition your pokemon to vet-approved commercial food or frozen/thawed prey. it's not worth the potential danger to the pokemon at the sanctuary, and it's definitely not worth making a pokemon needlessly suffer.
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psiimaid · 1 year
okay so first time visiting on desk top and can i just say <3<3<3 ship cursor. anyway onto what icame to ask: do you think doc made mai do punitive academic work? what do you think her literacy level is? im imagining her having to write out words a bunch of times or lookup definitions and write them untill a 'perfect' replication. vicious spelling tests.
OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY buzzing and rubbing my hands together like a fly
under the cut bc while it’s not incredibly lengthy it might be annoying to scroll past
that’s something i think about a lot, and even more so in recent days so this is like. perfect. the ancestors fans hivemind is real
anyways little mai’s case is. strange. but the most analogous situations to a childhood spent growing up on the moon + not being around anyone Like Her + being locked in a room + abused and deprived of care do not typically yield. someone useful for what lord english/doc scratch need. however mai seems very intellectually developed! which means doc scratch is. doing something for her.
scratch said his lessons emphasized obedience, mastery of the clockwork majyyks, and (of course) being locked in a room. but these lessons (aside from the locked in the room part obvi) would have been the only socialization little mai ever got, and there is no world for her to explore and learn about through experience so literally almost everything about anything that she knew would’ve had to have been taught to her by scratch. so those lessons probably included a bunch of other stuff as well
okay sorry i think i started a little far off my b >.< but to answer your first question: yeah sure! it would be a good chance to stretch her brain muscles while also being unfun. seems very on brand
only communicating (or being talked at by, there doesn’t seem to be much real communication between the two) with doc scratch probably lends her a nicely well rounded vocabulary in that tongue, or at least a knack for deciphering meaning from context clues. i’ve most likely said this somewhere before but i tend to think mai had trouble learning to speak but that’s only tangentially related lol!!
as for literacy. i guess the question is what language? probably the one doc scratch speaks but what language IS that lol. like everyone in hs speaks english despite there apparently being an alternian language? urghh anyway considering mai’s job takes her everywhere and everywhen, realistically literacy probably. doesn’t help with her work. but neither does doc scratch’s language so. maybe she is literate and doc scratch sometimes lets her read any books that might be in the apartment?
homestuck logic probably says different and that’s fair tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i can’t say i have a real opinion on her literacy level. if she can read and write, it’s probably not her strong suit? if she can’t, cool. she’s jared, 1900, never learned how to read. literacy, while helpful, isn’t necessary for the aforementioned intellectual development. but it would be really, really helpful since, again, there’s no way for her to learn things through experience. but then again if there’s nothing/very little for her to read.. the spiral
re: work her role doesn’t require strategic manipulation or a delicate touch (that’s doc scratch) so how much would really benefit her jobwise beyond those obedience and majyyks lessons ?? that’s why they were emphasized ig..?
but mai did have an ENTIRE childhood so i’d say anything is fair game!! there’s a lot to think about when trying to reconcile an at least mostly normally developed girl with her being raised in a very small world that would grow stale quickly, especially without anything new/stimulating. there must have been SOME enrichment in her enclosure and your ideas are a fun way to go about that!! pls don’t let anything i’ve said here make you think otherwise lol bc the things you mentioned are the Worst in a very mundane way that fit extremely well into what we already know
cutting myself off here ✌️ tysm for sharing!!!!
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danthropologie · 2 years
Can feb 3 come already? I am dying to see Daniel back in Redbull gear. It’s been so long since AD I need it. Plus the content with max!
oh my god I KNOW. a girl can only watch 'welcome back to oracle red bull racing, daniel ricciardo!' on the official oracle red bull racing youtube channel so many times before she goes fully off the deep end!! we need new enrichment for the enclosure!!
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delusional-mishaps · 4 months
YEEEAAAHHH OMG ALL YOUR HEADCANNONS ARE REALLY GOOD! 🤩And I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT MOFO IS SMART ENOUGH TO POSSIBLE BE A LITERAL DOCTOR EITHER. Everyone at the hospital thinks he’s just here waiting for someone or to flirt with the nurse when reality he goes nerd mode and is really good at his job also. And writing stuff about Epic has to be the worst and best at the same time??? He is so funny but also cringe. AND ABSOLUTELY NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME THAT HE WOULD NOT GIVE THE DUMBEST NICKNAMES EVER-
With his s/o he would also probably compare there relationship to a fictional couple like ”we’re just like ___ and ____“🥰 depending on what show he is forcing you to watch (he def takes his partner to anime conventions also) AND he uses those cringe Japanese terms like yandere and tsundere and baka but mostly ironically, AUAUAGAH HE IS SO 😭😭💖💖💕🔥💥‼️‼️‼️
I could ramble about him all day but I think that’s enough simping, but it’s just he’s so auaghaugah. THE OLD COMICS YUGOGEER MADE ABOUT HIM ARE ALSO REALLY GOOD, FOUND ONE WHERE HE IS WEARING AN ANIME SCHOOL GIRL OUTFIT! Most of them are deleted and it makes me so angry like ggrrrrr. I had to scroll through the depths of an old tumblr account to find them all, I saw so much fontsecst… I saw the comics, but at what cost? 😔😔😔
OH AND BACK ON TOPIC, THE HEADACHE HEADCANNON FOR EPIC IS CHEFS KISS!!! Never even thought about how technically all his power is stored in that socket, and it must really hurt him. Mah poor boi 😖 AND SANSES WITH GLASSES ARE THE BEST! Error does have glasses canonically I can confirm. One sans that wears glasses could also be NIGHTMARE. I think this because he has all that goop in front of his one eye and also since he has been around for a loooong time, which could play a part in bad eye sight. And it’s also funny to see him all grandpa mode EHEHEHH!
I APPRECIATE THE EXTRA PICS OF THE CROCHET BOIS, TYSM! They are the DEFINITION of scrunkly 💕 AND CRAM AND JAM ARE AAAAHHH!!! Those names make me wanna go crazy. I want the LOOOORREEEE! I can be MatPat and you can be Scott Cawthon and this could be like fnaf if you get my super duper awesome metaphor! 😎😎😎
And are legiterally so cool fr fr. Kissing you platonically also 😙 MWAH! Love seeing your rants and headcannons omg, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon! 😈😈😈 sorry for very very long ask just realized I went kinda off the rails here lmao
anon don't apologize for the long ask im in love /p
BYT AUUUQGQGG DINT EVEN TALK ABOUT HIW EPIC USES THOSE ANIME TERMS.. youre mad at him for something and he calls you a tsundere AS IF THATLL MAKE ANYTHING BETTER.. BABE I WANNA BEAT YOU STOP TALKING LIKE THAT OMGG but we just like that anime couple he said we were like fr idk i zone out when he turns on anime
BAJSNKSNSK THE FONTCEST im so sorry.. the lengths youll go for epic 💔💔
nightmare deffo has glasses because he is literally a grandpa. he needs his spectacles to see. he can't tell his gang apart otherwise (we aren't talking about canon here ok i love murder time trio theyre soso silly and special to me :3 ) because they all look the same LMAOO
OMG FNAF REFERENCE ‼️‼️‼️‼️ OK OK OK CRAM AND JAM LORE!!! they had an old "owner" who was lowkey kinda neglectful.. bitties are sentient so OBVIOUSLY they can just take care of themself, right? pfft, yeah. so anyway one day they're taken out on the town with their owner and they're trying to come up with a PLAN on how to escape and find a better life (cram was, anyway) and jam just saw my sona (who has other bitties too btw.. i like to make a bitty anytime i get merch of a character like keychains/pins/plushies etc.. it's kinda cringe LMFAOO I LOVE BEING CRINGE‼️‼️) and he's just like "wow that person could take care of us" so they're STOW AWAYS!!! hence the names cram and jam because they crammed and jammed their way into my got damn pockets 😭
I AM GLAD YOU ARE HERE TO STAY !!!!!! answering asks is like enrichment time in my enclosure BAJSKDKCKF
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junthepanda · 1 year
I hate summer and it being hot outside. my body was made for it to be cold and to have people cuddle me for warmth. I am a massive heated mattress for girls to lay on in November when the first snow starts to fall on the brown leaves and in February when the frost on the windows creates a vignette where we can breathe on it and draw hearts on the cold glass.
my enclosure needs to be full of enrichment and places to perch and kept below 65F with a good steady air flow otherwise I start to get stressed and run the risk of overheating :(
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freetobeeyouandme · 2 years
how long did it take you to watch the van scene the first time? about how many times did you rewind? did you catch the lip glance right away? did you think it was heading in a byler positive direction when mike was talking? how about when will was talking? were you happy/disappointed by the painting? how did you feel by the end of it? how devastated were you by will's crying?
hi, Anon! Lots of good questions. It took me about how long the van scene is to watch it, because I tend to neither rewind nor pause when I'm watching stuff. I think I paused briefly afterwards to catch my breath and also to check the timestamp, because it surprised me how early the scene was happening because it was like THEE scene I was waiting for and the first time we go back to the cali gang Will just does THAT, but that was it. I was just really excited to watch it.
I did not catch the lip glance the first time, or when I later rewatched the scene on its own, partially because I have autism and I suck at reading facial expressions and partially because the lip glance is like at the very bottom of "byler proof" for me. Like yeah, their demeanor and facial expressions and lip glances and whatever are cool and they add to it all, but it's not a solid basis for anything but a fanon-ship. Like, if you were to create a Maslow's hierarchy of needs for canonization of a relationship that stuff would be at the top, you need good acting to make it believable, but you need a narrative set up and all that at the bottom, and that happens on a less granular level, and so that was what I was paying attention to -- and once I got that I didn't care for much else because that's all I needed to call it.
So, yeah, overall I thought it was a byler positive scene. Not quite from the beginning, because when Mike talked I was like "Girl, we've been over this, how many more times do you need Will to reassure you?" but then Will whipped out the painting and I was like "Oh, we're doing this? Now? Like this??" and was just really excited because this is what I've been waiting to see happen since Vol. 1 dropped. My first reaction to the painting was "So no swingset?" but I wasn't upset or anything and I actually quite like the actual painting. It's very fitting because it could have been played as platonic, but Will messes it up and now it's not anymore. Plus DnD is this symbol for their relationship so yeah, I cannot come up with anything that would have fit better actually.
And I was just super happy by the end of it. Will's crying was heartbreaking, the whole scene was heartbreaking, but it was so well done and sets up such a delicious pay off that I was bouncing in my seat. Because Will lies to Mike about the painting and covertly confesses his feelings, but now Mike thinks all these things about El, but if he just says one word about it to El he's gonna find out it was all a lie AND figure out Will loves him and I was soooo looking forward to that happening (Still am, but I expected it to happen in S4, which is why I was initially so disappointed by Vol. 2 as a whole). PLUS that scene made it like undeniably clear that Will is in love with Mike in a way that's not just subtext and I was just screaming internally about it because I've been saying that boy is gay since S2 and it feels so nice to be right about that stuff. So I guess I wasn't devastated by Will's crying at all because it was narratively so good and I was just happily chewing on the enrichment the story just threw into my enclosure because that scene catapulted byler from heavy-handed subtext to like canonically happening (because you do not set up this kind of constellation without rewarding the boy who just ripped his heart out of his chest by giving him the boy in the end)
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The salem witch trials are a wonderful example of why we need to constantly put new enrichment into the middle school girls' enclosures
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strongbrew-hamstery · 11 months
My little menaces to society doing a baby roundup in the carrier! This was a few days ago and only 15 #SodaPups emerged for their dinner so I panicked and went searching for #16. I eventually found him tucked under their box looking totally unphased (photo going in stories momentarily). The babies are absolutely growing like weeds and Gnome is being such a good momma. She's very patient with them. Understandably she's lost some weight raising 16 starving all the time bubbies, but we are giving her access to loads of snacks to keep her weight up. Initially I had planned to hold back Gnomers for a second litter but after seeing The Pile™️ I decided that wasn't the best option for her. I almost rarely breed females twice to begin with, but I knew she deserved to live out a life of luxury after this. Luck would have it that Jess from @poppybeehamstery sent a lovely human our way who has a massive 6'x2'x2' (I hope I got that right!) enclosure with tons of enrichment and bedding, specifically looking for a female retiree who needed all the love. I instantly knew this was a great fit for my Gnomeo. Gnome is such a love bug and regularly is the first or second (it's hard to beat Shy for attention vacuums) hamster out when she hears a human. She'll sit right at the mesh and wait for you to come with snacks or scritches. She's such a sweet girl, and I am super thrilled for her to be spoiled to bits in retirement. We are still playing our selection game, and adopters who were contacted on Friday have until tomorrow to reply to my emails. I think out of the 24 pups, I still have 7 or so awaiting adopters but luckily I still have quite a few humans lined up on the waitlist. I was expecting I might burn through the whole thing, but so far I've actually been doing pretty well. Anyways, this weekend has been busy too as #hammygodmother came over and helped my cut out 72!!! snuggle sacks (photo also going into our stories). While I doubt I'll be able to sew up all 72 it will absolutely help for adoption time so people have lots to choose from. So super thankful 🥰💗. https://instagr.am/reel/CzjKANhglaP/
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