#give me back my book and go read it online or as an audio book
caramelstupid · 9 months
Uuuuugh a buddy of mine wants to read the lord of the rings in english (i think he got the german Version. He also has never managed to sit through a Single movie. Fuck off) (I got him a spotify link and the substack link!!!! Options!!! Free even!!!) But he kinda invited himself over to go get MY personal Edition and i didnt know how to say no and. Now he has my edition of lotr and i want it BACK do i just buy him one as a late christmas present. Like no sir thats my book qwq u will take forever to read it cause like u dont read. Give it back thats my 50 years special Hardcover U WONT EVEN APPRECIATE IT AAAAAAH. I never lend out books because people have a terrible track record and now someone has my favourite book and i HATE it but also. How do i get it back. And when. In a year????? How do i get it back without sounding like a complete asshole or toddler. Sir please learn to read social cues i was visibly UNHAPPY dont do that qwq
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mossflower · 1 year
yeah you need hobbies outside of media consumption or you’ll go insane. however if i spent an entire day reading books i would not go insane i would feel happy and fulfilled <3
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whyse7vn · 7 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
tae: gave my gf an hour long whimpering audio for valentines day
namjoon: you make me sick
jimin: this definitely counts as harassment
jk: yoongi got me a plastic fork
yoongi: yw
y/n: the audio was 5 minutes long????
tae: ok but i sent it to you 20 times
do the math????
jin: you sat there and whimpered into ur phone for 5 minutes that’s crazy
don’t you feel any shame??
tae: why would i feel shame?
it’s called being in love jin
you should try it sometime
jimin: it’s called harassment
hobi: ew man
jk: free asmr :D
jin: it’s gonna be free tae from jail soon
tae: no it won’t
jimin: ur right when you get locked up no one’s gonna want you free
hobi: KEEP TAE IN JAIL 🗣️💯
jk: personally i would want tae free
jimin: personally ur not real so it doesn’t matter what you want
jk: :ᗡ
hobi: ew how the hell did you flip it
i hate that
jk: :ᗡ
jk: :ᗡ
namjoon: yoongi got jungkook a present this year?
yoongi: not by choice
y/n: it was by choice
hobi: it was a plastic fork
yoongi: a plastic fork not given by choice
y/n: yoongi
yoongi: no
y/n: please
yoongi: no
y/n: pretty please :3
yoongi: it was by choice
y/n: see told you!
yoongi: don’t understand why we have to buy each other shit on this holiday anyways
i like ONE of you not all of you
tae: am i the one you like be honest
yoongi: bye
y/n: it’s our silly little tradition don’t be a loser yoongi
yoongi: whatever
jin: ok anyways who ordered me a fucking marching band???
jk: idk but did you like it??
y/n: gonna take a wild guess and say it was jungkook
namjoon: i thought you have his card how did he order that??
y/n: he has apple pay now i can’t stop him 😕
hobi: wait no fair
jin did NOT deserve a marching band all he got me was his butter photocard???
jimin: he got me that too….
jk: OMG ME TOO >_<
tae: i don’t feel special anymore
namjoon: really jin?
y/n: mine was signed!!
yoongi: cheap
jin: you literally got kook a plastic fork?
yoongi: he loves it
jungkook tell him you love it
jk: i love it
yoongi: see
jin: whatever don’t care
jimin: namjoon got me a fucking book
jin: lol that’s crazy cuz you can’t read
jk: i’m sorry to hear you can’t read jimin hope you can soon :/
namjoon: i put a lot of thought into the book i got you
jin: that’s cute but he can’t read so
jk: i wish i was a book
tae: if you’re a book does that make you a tree?
jk: guys
y/n: no jungkook
jk: oh ok
jimin: i CAN read btw
yoongi: don’t care
jin: sounds like fake news
jk: omg wow ur a fast learner jimin you can read now!!!
jimin: ur talking way too much today
you should stop
jk: is he talking to me????
hobi: y/n got me a holiday to australia
i’m not gonna go cuz like bugs
but that was really nice
y/n: you’re welcome!!!!
tae: k but i got sex
y/n deleted this message!
tae: 😕
silencing me like they did MLK
jimin: what
jk: milk
hobi: did you just compare urself to mlk?
jin: yeah never say that again
tae: why not?? it’s true
yoongi: you are nothing like mlk
jk: tae ur not milk
namjoon: taehyung do not compare yourself to martin luther king ever again please and thank you
jk: or milk
y/n: and in black history month too…
tae: you don’t understand me or him
y/n: yeah ok
back to gifts
joon got me some really pretty flowers
jimin: boringggggggg he does that every year
jk: namjoon got me wood
hobi: ?
namjoon: statue
it’s a wooden statue thing
not just wood
tae: joon giving other boys wood for valentines ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️
u wanna know who i gave MY wood too
y/n deleted this message!
namjoon: tae shut up
jin: saw that
tae: i’m just like mlk i’m telling you man
y/n: stop
tae: sorry
jimin: hobi got me shoes
hobi: i did
jk: hobi got me cheese
hobi: expensive cheese
y/n: i took yoongi to those cute photo booth things
yoongi: they didn’t need to know that
y/n: yes they did
we are sharing what we got each other
read the room yoongi
jimin: yeah yoongi read the room
tae: how tf u read a room??!
a room not a book ☠️☠️
u guys dumb as hell
jin: you not knowing what reading a room means makes a lot of sense actually
jk: send photobooth pics ^0^
bet u looked so cute
not you yoongi
not yoongi
i’m talking to y/n NOT you yoongi btw
yoongi: shut up
and no
you’ll never see those photos
jk: ☹️
hobi: so what did yoongi get y/n??
yoongi: don’t worry
tae: personally i’m worried
jk: me 2 guys yoongi is really scary
what if he killed her
y/n: ?
jin: i want to blow jungkook up
jk: i’m no ballon 😭
jimin: probably fucked for valentines let’s be real
tae: well that’s obviously NOT true lmao 😜 ☠️
yoongi: why is that “obviously” not true
we could of
tae: you didn’t
yoongi: and you know how?
tae: cuz i just know
yoongi: yeah ok
we could of for all you know
on the actual day too
tae: you weren’t even with her on valentine’s day
yoongi: and you were?
y/n: he wasn’t
tae: ok
but i could of been
yoongi: but clearly you weren’t
tae: neither were you
namjoon: both of you stop
tae: idk why yoongi acts all high a mighty
especially when it comes to her
y/n: ok that’s crazy
how about you don’t talk about me like i’m not here!
yoongi: idk why taehyung acts like he has a chance lmao
jk: guys
tae: that’s actually crazy
you’d be fucking surprised yoongi!!!!
yoongi: what’s that supposed to mean?
tae: what do you think it means?
tell me yoongi
i’ll tell you if you’re right or not
yoongi: shut the fuck up
tae: or what?
hobi: why this kinda sexualllll
jimin: like 😭😭😭😭
jin: arguing over pussy that belongs to neither of them is crazy i’m just saying
jk: pussy \ ^0^ /
namjoon: how about we all stop arguing and move back to talking about the gifts we got eachother !!
hobi: jungkook got me a ballon
jk: yeah
do you love it
hobi: sure
jk: ^_^
jimin: personally i think hobi’s lying to you kook
jk: WHAT
jimin: i think he hates his ballon actually
jk: hobi pls say he’s lying
hobi: he’s lying
you see it may seem that way because on the outside im a very chill and nonchalant man
y/n: that is not true actually!
hobi: but on inside i am actually very chalant
EXTREMELY chalant no joke
so basically inside im going fucking crazy over the ballon jungkook gave me but it just doesn’t seem like that cuz im a chill guy
jk: but inside ur chalant
hobi: exactly
jk: jimin why would you lie to me
jimin: ur easy to lie to
jk: no im not
jimin: namjoon died in a car crash 24 hours ago
namjoon: i am not dead
jk: oh
y/n: how did you fall for that
namjoon cant even drive
jk: oh yeah
lol namjoon cant drive guys
namjoon: ok we all know
hobi: so what did you guys actually do on valentine’s day
jk: minecraft but then it got too scary so i played valorant instead
jimin: idk what any of that means but ok
i personally watched movies with joon
namjoon: yeah
i dropped by kook’s and y/n’s place first tho to give my gifts and stuff
hobi: where was my movie invite?????
jimin: we did call you
you were like high as hell
hobi: oh
how real of me
jin: i cooked steak
jimin: for urself?
jin: kys
for me and y/n actually
y/n: …
jin: my fault
yoongi: what
tae: oh
hobi: ????????????????????
namjoon: cool
jimin: jin???? out of everyone JIN??????
why would you fuck jin
jimin: on valentine’s day too…..
even fucking ME would make more sense than jin right now
jin: tf is that supposed to mean?
jimin: i said what i said lmao
tae: she cant of fucked jin
cuz she’s fucking me
yoongi: LMAOOOO
u really think your special dont you
thats crazy
hobi: i dont get it even if she was fucking tae why couldn’t she fucked jin too?
y/n: i am like right here you know
tae: because me and her are serious
yoongi: serious???
you are just a rebound
tae: yoongi i think you’re just upset she didn’t come to you first after the whole jaehyun thing
yoongi: i’m glad she didn’t actually because now i know for sure i’m not rebound
you are
tae: shut the fuck up
yoongi: why? you getting upset?
idk why you’re acting like the victim here when you’re using her for the same thing
hobi: woah??
jimin: cap taehyung bitchless
yoongi: it’s time you stop using y/n to get over jennie and grow some fucking balls
jin: hold on
jk: imgonnapassout
y/n: oh
namjoon: yoongi
tae: i am not using y/n to get over jennie and you know that
hobi: wait ur fr??? taejennie was fr??
yoongi: i know that? thats crazy how could i know that??
you didn’t even tell us about jennie
for over 3 months you were with her and you didn’t tell us
and then those photos of you and her were leaked and you were all depressed for ”no reason”
and now all of a sudden your obsession with y/n?
yeah you’re not using her you’re right i’m just fucking stupid aren’t i?
jimin: holy shit man
tae: i am not using her
yoongi: so why is yeontan with jennie right now?
y/n: tae you told me he was with you parents?
tae: yeah
i didn’t tell you that because im using you or anything i just said that because i didn’t want to cause any problems
y/n: you lied to me
for no reason
if you told me the truth it would of been fine
tae: i know
y/n: so when i came over
were you planing on sleeping with me anyways?
were you mad at yourself for calling jennie and leaving yeontan with her?
did you use me to help forget about it?
tae: did you use me to help get over jaehyun?
y/n: no
i can tell you that in full confidence no
now answer my question
tae: you know i would never do that to you
y/n: its a yes or no question taehyung
tae: i would never do that to you
yoongi: yes or no you asshole
tae: shut the fuck up
yoongi: answer her question
tae: leave me the fuck alone
tae left “SINGLE LADIES😁🔥”
jk: wow
y/n: didn’t sleep with jin btw
jk: ohthankgod
y/n: did sleep with tae once
we are NOT serious
jk: double ohthankgod
y/n: and now i am going to sleep
jungkook come cuddle
gn all
jimin: good night …
hobi: nite!!
yoongi: gn
jin: goodnight
namjoon: gn
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DOWNBAD😭🫵🏻 #2 (minus tae)
6 participants - 5 online
namjoon: yoongi that wasn’t fair
yoongi: i know
but she deserved to know
and he wasn’t gonna tell her any time soon
yoongi: i just found out
namjoon knew longer
namjoon: not that long
jimin: ok but how do you know tae is using her fr?
yoongi: it’s not hard to connect the dots
jin: still you could be wrong
yoongi: well he didn’t deny it did he?
jimin: to me it looked like he didn’t know if he was using her or not
yoongi: well he needs to figure that out soon it’s not fair to her
or him ig
but mainly her.
hate this don’t care about anything bring back yellow….
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @k4ngelz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @elissasimp @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks
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secret-subject · 1 year
Do You Ever Just Forget How To Do Hypnosis?
Not even joking. This isn't some sort of shit-post I promise, but sometimes with ADHD brain going brrrr I will get into my hypnosis thing whether it be a script or a live scene and my brian will just go:
"hey are you sure you actually remember how to do hypnosis?"
So the question is, how do we combat this feeling? Because let's be honest it's one that is not rational nor required when you are tisting on the regular and like me have a busy work schedule of giving people the hypnosis feels. (As a quick side note, in a scene with a trusted partner it would be hot af to have your ability to "fight back" with hypnosis taken away, especially if you were both switches with sticky fingers and brains, but I'm going to pocket that for another time...)
Step one: Take a break! I'm not even kidding. I know when my battery is dead energy wise I am more prone to this kind of thinking. Maybe you are tired or overworked as a dominant/top (the person doing the hypnosis doesn't always have to be dominant). I know people who can literally do scene after scene after scene, and that has never been me. I literally went three years without hypnotizing anyone outside of making audios and livestreaming, including my wife, because I was chronically ill and just worn down. You can't be a super tist if you aren't taking care of yourself. So, take a break. Look after yourself. If you aren't doing that it could be a sign that burnout is coming, or approaching and you need to protect yourself. Never be afraid to say "that's enough". Many times I've hit my limit not only long term but mid scene as a Domme. It's okay and it's very normal and I wish we spoke about it more.
Step two: Try something new! Sometimes, I get stuck in a rut of doing the same thing over and over. I love repetition and conditioning using it is fun but wow, it can get boring for everyone. So this feeling could be a sign it's time to read some smut, listen to some audios, read the blogs and try something new. It might not work, but it might also be the best thing you've ever done. Recently I also have been sending tiny audios to friends based on whims or ideas I've been thinking of. This is a great way to test something new, low stakes, and play around. I also recommend having people you can talk to. I love to befriend other hypnosis creators and community members because not only are they just "built different" and fun to be around but also I can hear them talk about their passions, which reignites mine and we can pool ideas.
Set three: Read some resources! Education is so important in this scene. Now that doesn't mean do what I did and go to a certifcation course, I don't think people outside of people wanting to be a professional hypnotist should do this. But it is important to refresh your knowledge and not be afraid to learn. Now I am an ex-teacher so I am biased as hell about the importance of education, but, it's not hard to upgrade your skills with a little education. Mind Play is a great book, I always recommend it for being simple to read. Go to a class at a convention or locally (they have them online too so you can access them even in places far away like New Zealand). Join a hypnosis discord with discussion rooms or groups. Talk to others about their experiences. Watch a YouTube video on hypnosis. Listen to podcasts about it. These are all educational tools for upgrading your skills and even if like me you've been doing this for an eternity (or what feels like it) you can still refresh your skills and maybe you might learn something that helps get you out of that funk.
So these are just some of the things that help when my brain decides to gaslight me into thinking I am terrible at this. I know this is never going to be one side fits all but I think it's important to talk about imposter syndrome from all sides of the watch.
Have you ever felt like this? And if so what did you do about it? I'd love to keep this conversation going!
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infiniteko · 10 months
There's not many youtubers or coaches who talks about the Truth. The "Gurus" like charging 200$/300$ after coaching just to tell you sit n affirm. Or the most they'll give you some tapes .
But why nobody or very very less "people" gets it is very amusing to me. I am in this community for last 2 yrs. Searched+ read + applied + persisted everything I know how does it feel.
DO NOT FOLLOW EVERY TECHNIQUE, I WAS SUCCESSFUL IN EVERYTHING I TRIED BECAUSE I WAS GOING BEYOND CONCEPTS IN ALL THOSE LOATT,LOASS DAYS. My crave to know more lends me to " " & I'm extremely grateful for myself. I love me. I persist in all the things I desire to know and therefore I'm here realising THAT ,the self.
There's no reason why you shouldn't know the BASE ,, ,, know it then apply it n watch what happens.
Will be Back with Millions of "Success Stories" for the HUMANS. For me I don't call it Success Stories it's Normal.
personally, i've always had an issue with """"coaches"""" charging outrageous prices like $300 for a few EMAILS because it felt to me like they are taking advatange of people who are in desperate situation. $300 is insane, i'm sorry😵‍💫
Before tumblr, we were asked a lot of times on Instagram why we don't charge anything and it's because 1. we are not coaches 2. we don't want to. We could charge something but what is the point of doing that if we received our pointers through free sources ourselves?🤔
We are not teaching you anything new, these are just reminders🤷🏻🧠
imo, i once said it and will say it again, if you ever see someone charging high as hell prices, run.. they will NOT teach you anything you don't already know deep down and that is not already online for FREE 😭 even $10 is too much to pay for something that is (again) AVAILABLE FOR FREE.
Charging $300 for a few emails and tapes that are sold to be "custom" to each customer but in reality aren't, is pure greed and insanity. Idk how any of those "coaches" can sleep good at night🤣
Yes, i know, there are "teachers" like Rupert Spira or Swami Sarvapriyananda who charge something for in-person lectures and in my humble opinion, even i would pay for it because 1. they have very comfortable voices 2. they take time to answer questions from the crowd 3. they put effort into what they are teaching 4. they sit there for HOURS to teach & answer questions + Rupert Spira's books / audio books that are so well written and spoken.
but who am i to talk, it's all ~seemingly~ happening👁️
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autisticempathydaemon · 2 months
Alas, I have sent in a very long anon so I apologize ahead of time. But I hope these help with the pairing lol *** What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? Sabrina Carpenter- Espresso. Such a good summer song.
What is your Enneagram type? I think type 6? I don't really understand them that much
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why? Not really? I used to be really into them but I haven't been watching much youtube lately. Attention span go brrr. Someone would have to sit with me for me to be able to concentrate.
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend. Didn't have one as far as I remember. But I attempted cause I thought it was the normal thing to do.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep? Shutting my eyes and maladaptive daydreaming to sleep.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?) I quite like my real name. I feel it suits me surprisingly well so I wouldn't change my name. Maybe add a middle name though.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why? Oh boy, hm. I think my favorite would have to be Hush at the moment, but I also really enjoy Elliott's videos.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.) I think they all have their merits honestly. If he were still present, I would say Marcus cause he always weirded me out a bit, but if I had to pick a current one? I'd say caller dude. I don't understand but I respect game lol
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to. The Untamed. I watched it so many times it's ridiculous. I also read Manhwas/Manga a lot so there are many of those I know like the back of my hand.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend? Hmmmm. I think I would love to be friends with David and Asher. They seem like a riot together. I only don't add Milo here because he makes me blush so I'd fold for him too easily.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
PFFFT. I do. Music and stories I want to write but can't find the right medium to get it done. Real-life people know I never speak about my creative stuff but don't know about my online life as far as I know, so it's comical to them to hear how many stories are up in my brain at once.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Pass, I don't drive and rarely go to gas stations. But I'd say if I had to, the places I go often have great slushies/slurpees
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
Random on my phone or spotify because I can't be bothered to find actual playlists 😅
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Romance novels/manhwa/mangas. God I love seeing people love each other, especially if it starts off bumpy. But if it ever happened in real life I'd be so confused and not know what to do lol. Also, I would probably turn as red as an apple if someone found out about it without me telling them.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
I indulge in a lot of creative stuff, but I am also slightly sickly so my patience with myself is less than I would give other people in the same position as me. I'm attempting to remedy that but it's difficult to give grace to yourself sometimes (ˉ▽ˉ;)...
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The way you describe yourself as easily flustered and blush-y makes me want to pair you with someone who’ll push those buttons, I’ve got to admit- Vincent, specifically.
I like his flirty, Edward Cullen-esque facade and the dorkier, tenderer interior for you, you know what I mean? Like, he’d flirt and poke fun and smolder as he does, but I think he’d have a good sense of when to stop, when you’ve had too much. I also like him for you as Type Six, the enneagram that desires security, reliability, someone steadfast. Vincent, that blessed simp of a man, is an emotionally dependable, loyal lover on top of being a sap and romantic which works well since you also strike me as a romantic.
Your life together is very fun- as fun as constant, light teasing from Vincent can be. He loves a lot of the same things you do, like manga and danmei. (My Vincent is Chinese, as is William, so he’s especially attached to danmei and historical dramas.) He loves peeking over your shoulders, reading the dialogue in a smooth, smoldering voice and then kissing your cheeks when he makes them glow. He’s a little stinker that way, but Vincent definitely knows to be more genuine and sincere when you share your creative work with him. He’s incredibly supportive, buying you whatever tools and/or instruments you might need until you find the medium you like best.
The hungry heart, the roving eye/ Have come to rest, do not apply/ The frantic chase, the crazy ride/ The thrill has gone, I step aside/ And I'd believe in anything were it not for you/ Showing me by just existing only this is true/ I love you, I love you without question, I love you
As an 80’s kid, Elton John (and the Road to El Dorado soundtrack as well) feel like a good pick for him, you know? Very classic, timely, nostalgic. I like it for y’all specifically because of the vibes, because it reminds me of this lover that lived this crazy existence, lived hard and fast without knowing what it was all for, until they met the person who it was all for, until Vincent met you.
In that same vein of thought, Gavin is a strong, cute contender though I don’t think he would have quite as much of a grasp on your comfort levels and moods like Vincent would. In the opposite vein, the other arm if you will, I like Morgan for you. He’d be a good match for a Type Six, and his vibes just suit you; it’s hard to explain why.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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ofliterarynature · 5 months
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[loved liked ok nope dnf (reread) bookclub*]
Supernova • The Last Unicorn • Cahokia Jazz • (Heartstopper Vol 1)* • The Hero of Ages • Godkiller • Humanly Possible • Traveller’s Joy • The Well of Ascension • Babel-17 • The Final Empire • Loot • The Death I Gave Him
Finished: 11 books (9 audio, 1 print, 1 ebook)
Not many books this month but by god I read THREE Brandson Sandersons, so -
I guess I may as well start with Sanderson while we're here. I promised a mutual years ago (who's sadly left tumblr) that I would read Mistborn and it's probably been at least half a decade but I did it Lourdes! I've read a few one-off Sandersons before, but nothing I fell in love with. The Final Empire definitely had some issues, some things felt a little off, but overall I think I liked it! Except those things did not then improve in the next two books, and by book 3 I was dragging and solidly decided that I wouldn't continue past the original trilogy. I was so mad at that ending y'all, and if the mixed vibes from the copy for the next books wasn't enough that definitely sealed the deal lmao. Happy for the people who like him but it's not really my vibe. (but god, did it remind me how much I love big, grand, epic fantasies. I really need to find a good one). 3 stars
Babel-17 (3 stars) - idk, I think I found this on a rec list for sci-fi about linguistics? Which it sort of was, maybe, ostensibly. It was weird in that old sci-fi way and I kind of wish I'd DNF'd it when I originally considered it.
Traveller's Joy (5 stars)- look I will never say no to more in the Greenwing & Dart series, especially if it's my good good boy Hal. Not to mention more info about the immediate post-college times, and an outside POV on Jemis (Jemis my dude I love you so much but you are not a reliable narrator). Victoria picked a great piece of canon to explore!
Humanly Possible: Seven Hundred Years of Humanist Freethinking, Inquiry, and Hope (4 stars) - I've been wanting to read this since I first heard about it (and Humanist thought in general), and while it was interesting and I'm glad I read it, I found my attention drifting a lot. It spent a lot of time in the early/distant periods of humanist thought, which ended up not really being what I wanted - I think I'm more interested in the modern Humanist movent, but at least I know I'm on the right track!
Godkiller (4.5 stars) - It was great! It was kind of idk, epic fantasy with fairy tale and D&D vibes sort of? My brain is throwing out T Kingfisher and Robin McKinley for comps, but I'm not sure if that's accurate. A great one for fans of less-than-benevolent voices in the back of your head that are nonetheless very concerned for your well being! A solid 4/4.5 stars from me, it switched pov a little to often and didn't stick well in my head as well afterward as I'd have liked. Can't wait to get the next book!
Heartstopper (5 stars) - so cute! at least half the people who have ever come to book club at some point have said they loved this, so since we're in our graphic novel era it just made sense! I read a good chunk of the comic online ages ago and it's still great (and much easier when not fighting my wifi to load pages lol)
Cahokia Jazz (5 stars) - y'all I lost my fucking MIND OVER THIS ONE. Absolutely going to be one of my top books of the year. I'm such such a sucker for books about an outsider trying to find themself, their place, and reconnect with their culture, and hnnnnnng it was so good! Not always easy, but I loved it. I sobbed over that ending so much, I had to get up at work and go hide in the restroom for a bit and couldn't stop tearing up for the next week. Warning that the opening is pretty gory/crime novel/these-cops-are-corrupt vibes that *did* almost make me dnf (GASP), but it gets so much better I promise. Give Joe a chance, he's got hidden depths.
The Last Unicorn (3.5 stars) - It was ok? I didn't really get into it and was glad it was short, but I'm sure if I'd gotten my hands on this as a kid I'd have read it 10x times. I've also never seen the movie. I'm debating if I want to keep my copy for future niblings, but probably not.
Supernova (3 stars) - finally, I am DONE with this series. I admit, the second book almost got me and had me reconsidering if I should keep my copies after all, but this one yanked me back to reality. The undercurrents of ethics/morals/philosophy? to this series are fascinating, but uh, I'm not sure the author is aware of them as much as I was? Because the ending was fine, but all of these questions it felt like the series was raising were just ignored or pushed past. Not a bad series, just don't think about anything too hard.
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Loot - I was here for the automaton tiger and clockmaking, but that wasn't really the focus? I'm not quite sure what was, actually, I dropped this pretty quick between that, not liking the writing style, or the narrator's voice.
The Death I Gave Him - I was SO sad to give this one up. It's told through excerpts and transcripts and all sorts of things pieced together that hint at events in the future, which is one of my favorite things!!!! Except I don't know shit about Hamlet, and it was giving more psychological-thriller vibes and less murder-mystery, and I wasn't really having fun. It made me want to reread Sarah Gailey's The Echo Wife.
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tunashei · 1 year
First impressions of Animorphs!
I'm listening to the Animorphs series while I work, through Animorphs Aloud - a fan made reading of the series. Here are my first impressions/random thoughts about them! Spoilers below if you haven't read them.
Book 2: The Visitor
Bird...WITH A GUN. Now that's a powerful combo.
I had to skim over the book (did you know the pdfs are available free online?) to make this post cause I didn't write down my thoughts immediately afterwards and I have a terrible memory. Reading them has made me realise a downside to the audio version; Marco is a comedic character, but comedy relies so much on tone it's a real tough thing to voice act. I'm finding him less annoying when reading rather than listening :/
It's funny how often the mall comes up. Showing the age of these books.
Rachel you are so goddamn stupid. Morphing right in front of someone just to scare them. You guys are terrible at being incognito.
I am really curious how Tobias is living right now. Is he eating rats? Where does he even live? What does he do all day?
I thought the disaster of the shrew plan would be in being literally hunted, but no apparently it's the terrified nature of the shrew. I really do like the descriptions of different animals instincts.
It would SUCK if there was a limit to morphs and Rachel is now stuck with one of them being shrew. If I could turn into a limited number of animals I'd go 1. Hawk or Crow 2. Cat 3. Orca
The scene with Visser Three is great, but what a pointless meeting man. 'Get those kids!' 'How?' 'JUST GET THEEEEMMM'
So Marco's mom supposedly drowned but they never found her body. Why do I feel like she's not dead.
Ok pro of the audio version! The bit where Melissa is watching her 'father' take 'Fluffer' away and crying after him asking him what he's doing is HEARTBREAKING to listen to. Great voice acting. I feel so bad for Melissa in all of this.
Could you not morph into the Shrew form and get out the bars that way Rachel?
So Chapman's wife joined the Yeerks voluntarily likely through the sharing. I wonder if it's pitched sort of as a solution to mental health. Imagine this organisation saying they could take over your life and improve it, make you successful, you get to be the backseat passenger and just watch while the Yeerks do the work. Maybe they say the Yeerks will give you control back once they've fixed your issues...
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i-am-the-oyster · 1 year
Accessing the Stowe School Recording
What is the Stowe School Recording?
On the 4th of April 1963 (two weeks after the release of Please Please Me) the Beatles played a gig at Stowe School in Buckinghamshire. One of the students present (John Bloomfield) recorded the gig, and recently rediscovered that recording. He donated it to the British Library, which means anyone can go and listen to it (see below for details).
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Is it worth it?
Obviously your mileage may vary, but for me that answer is definitely yes. I wasn't expecting the recording to be over an hour long, but I stayed and listened to the whole thing. I reckon I'll go back again if I can fit it in next time I'm in London.
Alright, how do I listen to it?
The recording is free to listen to, and is available in the Sound Archive at the British Library in London. The building is about 2 minutes walk from King's Cross St Pancras. (map)
You need a Reader Pass to access the room. If you're a UK citizen you can just get one on the day, but if you're not then I recommend starting the process online before you go.
You will need:
Photo ID
Proof of address
They give you an ID card that's valid for 3 years. The process was pretty straightforward and the staff are very helpful. They have very good cloakroom facilities and free secure lockers, so if you have carry-on sized luggage with you, you can store it there while you visit.
They're very strict about what's allowed into the reading rooms, so plan to use the lockers.
Once you have your card, go to the Rare Books and Music reading room on Floor 1. Marvel at the ancient tomes people are carefully examining. Find a computer with a set of headphones attached (towards the back right of the room) and set yourself up. If you have your own laptop you can use one of the empty spots in that area.
Search the catalogue for something like "Stowe Beatles". There are pages and pages of other recordings you might also like to listen to.
What's the playlist?
I Saw Her Standing There Too Much Monkey Business Love Me Do Some Other Guy Misery I Just Don’t Understand A Shot of Rhythm and Blues Boys! Matchbox From Me To You Thank You Girl Memphis Tennessee A Taste of Honey Twist and Shout Anna Please Please Me Hippy Hippy Shake I’m Talking About You Ask Me Why Till There Was You Money (there's a section here where the tape got recorded over with an incredibly annoying song) I Saw Her Standing There (reprise)
My highlights
Stowe School was an all-boys school at the time, but it's clear from the recording that there are girls at the gig.
Boys! gets a huge response, and I'm pretty sure it's Ringo singing Matchbox immediately after. Later (around 55m) the crowd starts chanting for Ringo to sing again.
There's a good amount of banter between John and Paul, not all of it very clear. I'd love a chance to sit and listen to those parts over and over again, and see what I can make out. Alas I didn't have time, and I only had the in-browser audio player, which made it basically impossible to hop around.
The crowd starts shouting out requests at some point, and some boys shout for A Taste of Honey. There's some laughter, and the timing of it sounds to me like John is mugging.
Towards the end someone shouts for How Do You Do It and one or John or Paul sings the opening phrase, with an audible smile, but they don't sing it.
Anything else?
If you can, I recommend bringing your own laptop and headphones. There are computers and headphones there, but the browser interface is not ideal for going to specific timestamps, you have limited control over volume, and I think you'd get more out of it with medium to high end headphones.
If you want to skip the truly awful song that got recorded over a section of the tape, the original comes back in around 1:01:25.
In the same building they have some of Hunter Davies's donation on display in the Treasures Gallery. This was a small selection on the day I went, and I was pretty disappointed, but they do rotate those displays every six months. It may also be possible to access the other items for research purposes, I haven't investigated that yet.
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the-unforgotten · 7 months
while it was not a part of my original reading list it did get added and boosted to the top of the queue as its timely
book 6 of the year is Dean Spade's Mutual Aid
currently about 40% through the book
how I found it
id heard of it before but a wonderful essayist I found via tiktok by the name of ismatu gwendolyn brought it to the forefront of my attention
heres their substack specifically about the book https://ismatu.substack.com/p/mutual-aid-is-mutual-recap-readings
but the whole substack is wonderful insightful and thought provoking
how I'm reading it
online ebook https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/dean-spade-mutual-aid
and audio via a text to speech extension :)
very informative has lots of examples of movements that I definitely have to look more into
like the young lords party or the oakland power projects
it bring up a lot of good points to consider in realtion to mutual aid as well as reactions to various crisis such as the way justice systems might over police people seeking aid as a way to catch suspected criminals
the writing is very easily digestible the text even provides charts to better explain and compare ideas and methods. I particularly like the chart on tendencies that harm groups. it addresses problems but also includes goals to be aiming for.
like I'm ecstatic that this book is solutions orinated.
its really invigorating and makes me want to read more theory because I feel this is giving me such a good base.
anywho back to reading i go :D
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childofcolors · 2 years
Ateez storyline
This is how I visualise the Ateez storyline using the MVs in a map-like drawing I created in order to hopefully help 🙃
Big disclaimer! Everything I’m typing here is theory or interpretation, but I am using the Diary entries from the Fever and The World albums as guide for the Ateez storyline. Everything else is pure theory/ speculation on my part.
I also feel the need to thank the team behing atiny.net for providing the diary entries online for everyone to access. And for the team @hala_loretiny on Twitter for providing a very detailed Masterdoc on Ateez lore.
With that being said, even tho I’ve read the Masterdoc a few times, there are things I don't really agree with. So I re-read the diary entries as if I have never seen a single Ateez theory before and came up with my own timeline.
So here we go:
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As seen in the guide above, we have 2 main storylines:
The Ateez storyline: the music videos where only Ateez make an appearance.
The Pirates storyline: the music videos where only the og Black Pirates appear (Disclaimer! This part is pure speculation/theory on my part).
There are also two secondary storylines:
The Ateez & Pirates: the music videos where both groups are present.
The Witness p.o.v: Halazia music video that encapsulates a very important part of the story (I will ellaborate when I get to it).
The Diary film
In this short film, we are introduced to each member’s story before forming the friendgroup known as Ateez. There were a few missunderstandings between them that made the friendship fall appart, but after Hongjoong has been visited in his dream by the man in the black fedora (The Black Pirate) and is given the Cromer and the information that another world exists, the 8 friends get back together and the journey begins.
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My interpretation of this MV is that Ateez are trying to understand how the Cromer works by trying to “fall asleep”.
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The first one who is succesfull is Hongjoong at the end of the MV, when he is running towards himself sleeping and “falls into his sleep”.
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After “falling asleep”, he ends up in a void-like room that can be also seen in Thanxx MV, but I will show it once we get to that part.
This is for the most part a rebellious song about teenagers not wanting their lives to be dictated by adults and that they will choose their own path (wich in their case is to go to this new dimension)
The part that stood out to me the most in the MV was when the sky turned from crear blue, to dark grey clouds:
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And then, we see the 8 members in the same dark void-like room (that we also saw in Inception MV), along with a few other elements like cars, a dancing crew, a stage, big baloon animals (i am just as lost as you) and the most important part, the pirate ship (that will help them get from their world to New World).
Inception (left)
Thanxx (right)
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The pirate ship:
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The music video does give me the vibe that they are singing while on the ship to their destination, and it is a bit ironic how the song is about celebrating individuality, and the next thing you know, they end up in Strictland, a place where self expression thru music and art is forbidden.
As for the visuals of the MV itself, there is a clear shift in color that indicates when they genuinely arrived in Strictlang. Also they are wearing the same clothes that they wear in the Fireworks (I’m the one) MV wich is the very next song on the list.
The shift in color in the Celebrate MV:
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The color and clothes similarity between Celebrate MV and Fireworks (I’m the one) MV:
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Fireworks (I’m the one)
In terms of lore written in the diary entries, a lot happen so I suggest you read them, or listem to the audio version on Youtube 💕
But for the MV itself, not alot happens other than them arriving in what it’s assumed to be the Strictland garbage dump and The Black Pirates hideout, but no sign of the 8 pirates. This is where (in the books) we are introduced to a character known as Left Eye, the director of the Strictland dump, and the number 1 helper of The Black Pirates.
Strictland garbage dump (left)
The hideout of The Black Pirates (right)
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This is the moment Ateez find out (in the books) that The Black Pirates are actually in prison, so Ateez need to go help them. They also learn that the prison (also known as the Android bunker) is on an island so they start saililng towards the island.
*More details are mentioned in the Fever ep. 3 diary entry at Mingi’s paragraph*
After arrival, they discover that the island it is an ex vacation resort, but due to the state the world is right now in New World, taking rest and vacations became meaningless.
*more in part 2*
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Hey Kat! I’ve been struggling with this for a long time now, and I thought you’d be good to talk to about it.
I seem to have very, very high empathy and compassion, to the point where I can barely sit through hearing the news on the radio or TV – I just care too much about everyone and everything, and those rapid-fire stories of how much unjust suffering is still going on easily breaks me.
(My parents listen to the news often, I can’t really tell them not to for various reasons)
Every time, I wish I could not hear any of it, but it feels so disrespectful to feel that way – what gives me the right to ignore someone else’s struggle, one infinitely worse than anything I experience, for my own comfort? Why do I think I’m allowed to shut out things that affect real people, that will someday affect me, because I can’t handle knowing what real life is like? Even if I can’t materially help everyone, as I hear everywhere, educating myself is the least I could do, and I can’t even do that.
I know individual humans were never equipped to process such a vast scale of suffering, but it feels like a moral duty to do so anyway, to listen to everyone less fortunate than I, because that’s real life and I have to know it, I have to handle it, I can’t just back out and shut myself in the privileged life I have.
I feel so inadequate, weak, and selfish for being like this, and I’m pretty sure it’s not rational, but something keeps telling me it is and I’m lying to myself to avoid confronting the fact that I am actually a bad person.
I’d really appreciate any advice or support you might have.
In order to be able to do your part in making this world a better place, you need to avoid burnout and compassion fatigue. It is helping absolutely no one that you're watching the news till you're crying from secondhand distress, and it's very unlikely to make you more capable of doing your part. I can't watch the news either, so to educate myself I instead read audio books about various struggles and political issues on my own terms when I'm in the right mindset. And that's just one option. There are many ways to contribute and help, and immersing yourself in every horror going on in the world 24/7 is far from the most helpful one. Instead, find one cause that matters to you and do something in that area. For me, that's currently the online advocacy and encouragement I try to provide here on tumblr for fellow disabled people. It's not much, but it's something. And it matters. Because you can't save the entire world and care about every issue and placing that expectation on yourself doesn't help anyone. What helps is finding something you CAN do without burning out and doing that. That's the key here.
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thecrenellations · 10 months
Is the lymond chronicles something I can get into if I know little of history and do not speak many romance languages?
Yes! I mean, it depends on your reading preferences and how you feel about being confused, but I certainly did!
That's my short answer! If you give them a try, I hope you find the series worth it, and I believe that what you like in a story will matter more than what you do or don't know going in.
My much longer answer, about my reading experience, is ....
In my case, I knew the names of monarchs and had a vague familiarity with the setting of the first book (Tudor/1540s Scotland and England). I speak a useful amount of French and a tiny bit of Spanish. Comparing experiences with friends, French was an especially helpful language to have, but I feel confident saying that I would have loved these books without it.
The thing about The Game of Kings (book 1) is that it’s just confusing. Dorothy Dunnett wastes no time in throwing political intrigue, multilingual references, and many characters at you. But even if you’re an expert in the history and in (modern and archaic) English, French, Latin, Spanish, Scots, and a little bit of Italian and German, you are faced with a protagonist who’s running back and forth across the border and interfering with that history … while guarding his goals and motives, explaining nothing about his past, and constantly quoting poetry from the personal library of a mind he doesn’t want to let anyone inside. Most of the people he meets don’t understand him, either.
For me, it was so rewarding when I finally started to learn what was happening and who he is, and after that the ride truly began…
I did not look up many references or translations and just kinda went with it. I was enjoying myself enough that I didn’t mind that so much was going over my head (especially if it was coming out of Lymond’s mouth), and within a few chapters I’d gotten invested in one of the characters (Christian!) and was entranced by a recurring joke/element. By the second section (let’s say … 175 pages in …), I was hooked, obsessed with a second character (Will!), interested in most of the rest, and having a great time.
There’s a character list in non-audio editions (the David Monteath audiobooks are very good, though), and companion books exist with translations/sources for many of the references. There are also various online recaps and chapter-by-chapter discussions. Looking things up yourself as you go along can reduce confusion, but be warned that many of the characters are versions of real people, so you may learn more than you want to know, such as when they die. 470-year-old spoilers, but still.
For me, the characters (complexity, parallels, relationships) and writing (playfulness, beauty, INCREDIBLE use of perspective and unreliable narration) are what make the books so good. They reward rereading, so, when/if you return, you’ll have another chance to go down some reference rabbit holes, and even if you don’t, you will understand much more.
The second book is generally agreed to be easier to understand! Also, there are elephants.
Perhaps more important than knowledge of history and languages is the reader's tolerance for …
angst. pain. agony. devastating reminders of prior angst and pain and agony
on the flipside, truly ridiculous antics, hijinks, and capers
many, many kinds of traumatic/potentially triggering content
bias/bigotry that shows up in characters’ perspectives and in general (not that newer media is free of this, but these books are from the 1960s and 70s, for context)
occasional elements that stretch the definition of historical fiction
revelations about your favorite authors’ influences (this was fun)
excessive reference to and description of Lymond’s beauty
half? a third? a large amount of the cast being in love with Lymond. This made for way more queer text than I knew to expect, which was great, but also … oh my god everyone is in love with him
the most bantering banter to ever banter, mostly, but certainly not entirely, courtesy of Lymond
Thanks for asking! If any of this raises more questions, ask again!
related: my lymond recs tag. There are mild and out-of-context spoilers, but these posts all sum up something about the series. :)
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alex-the-moss · 10 months
Two days ago I’ve posted my analysis of the children in need special and changes regarding Davros character.
Now I feel the need to talk about what’s going to happen next. Me, because there aren’t a lot of artists actively interested in the "Davros audio-s" and at least half of my blog relies on said prequels.
First of all, I’m not sure if there’s a point in writing a letter to the bosses of DW, but I’m considering it. Maybe a petition could also change something, but I have no experiences organising those. If you are concerned about what’s happened to the iconic villain of Doctor Who your suggestions are more than welcomed! If you know or follow any other people who are actively concerned about this please let me know pls help
Second, I want to focus on how we can deal with the changes emotionally and what’s going to happen to the blog. The best way to keep the character alive is for their fans to stick together. So I’m going to be active online and I encourage you to do the same and be chatty. It will at least be fun if we’re in this together. One of the few good things about this situation is that our fandom has the rule saying we can that choose our own canon and after "the timeless child" people have already started applying it not only to the audio dramas and books but also to the filmed series. And I suggest we just do the same for the Davros retcon. Additionally fiction is not a real life, so some self-induced neglect of reality or self-deceiving won’t harm anyone nor anything. We can convince ourselves those changes have never occurred. Davros doesn’t appear in the show that often but when the new "Davros" does we can use our imagination (and a bit of my drawing skills🌚👌) to perceive him like he is the Davros we know. Because, you know, our minds are only ours to operate. And I’ll continue posting pics of characters we love as usual.
Next I’d like to recommend an additional coping strategy, which is fanfiction. Note: I’m not a native speaker of English language, so I can’t review on the use of language in fanfiction. And I know very well how poor use of words and grammar ruins the experience. So if English is your first language - take my advice with caution)) I present you the one and only fanfiction at least of those I found dedicated to the kaled nation: Damnatio Memoriae series by Mary Pseud + some other works of the same author.
This series was written after the "Davros" audio drama have been released but before the "I, Davros" was. The Author has strange attitude to sex, but if you’re able to choose for yourself you can find nice stories that have nothing to do with it (also sex scenes I’ve read were good). The Author has some interesting ideas and from the very beginning you feel like they’re onto something. It’s also pretty obvious how much Author respects the original universe and how they cherish each character they get to work with. And they have some great non-au fanfiction!
I used to be too insecure to recommend it to you, but now, no matter how strange and cringy stories of the series may seem from time to time, they feel much more home-like than the "original universe”. And Davros’ trauma is treated there with much more respect than it is by official writers, even tho Davros eventually "gets his legs back". Also I’m planning to do fan-illustrations for some of those fanfics, so you might want to know what’s going on there)
I advise you to give it a try because it’s an au fanfiction, and thanks to some of its stories, viewing the mini episode through the lense of this au can be useful for easing the emotional damage!
Take care everyone🩵
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Hi Aubrey! I hope you're doing great.
I don't know if you've answered something like this before so you can just link me the old reply.
Ok so now I know to improve my writing I gotta read more. But problem: I don't really like reading anymore. I tried all my usual go to genres, tried new ones, old faves. Nothing grabs my attention and nothing interested me. These days I can only tolerate some games and short movies (but I still get only about halfway then I don't finish).
So I'm stuck with ideas from years ago including my childhood, that changed and grew over the years. I like writing them and I enjoy writing in general but I do want to get better at it. I just can't really stand to read anymore and it sucks because I used to love reading.
Hey anon! This is a great question (although a sucky situation to experience unfortunately ❤️)
Since you don't mention why you're only tolerating some games and shorter movies (are the stories feeling stale? are you having trouble in other areas of your life with a short attention span? what other things do you prefer to do with your time that ARE holding your attention?), my advice might be a little too generalized. But maybe something will stick out for you!
I would recommend:
Try something shorter and easier to read.
Try children's books (you'd be surprised how entertaining these can be!). I'm not talking YA. Try middle grade. I don't know how old you are??? So some of them might seem REALLY kiddie-oriented. But there are some fantastic authors out there who can really weave an entertaining tale in just a few short chapters in the middle grade department.
Try short stories (BIG recommendation there!)
Try novellas.
I don't know what you usually read (thrillers? adult? YA?) but keep trying different avenues. There are so many ways to access a good story these days that are specifically for people who might have a shorter attention span and/or short on time! :)
Try audiobooks.
This will depend on your learning style and how you process information, but audiobooks are HUGELY popular right now. You can listen to a book when you're doing other things so you don't have to FOCUS so dang hard all the time.
For me, it's not my preference for a variety of reasons (I have trouble grasping everything and I can't handle someone talking at me like that for long). So I'm listing this one with the caveat that it may - or may not - suit your attention span and/or learning style. Gotta test it out yourself and explore! :)
Read in short increments of time.
If your attention span is only holding out for a short period of time, run with it! You don't have to read for hours. Just read a few pages here and there.
Also, it's totally okay to read a bunch of books and never get beyond a few chapters. Your preferences change over time. Some writing styles will simply not hold your attention and that's perfectly normal. You might have to try many, many books before one strikes your fancy!
Give yourself some breathing room.
There can be a wide variety of reasons why you're struggling to read so it's important to give yourself the space to simply exist. Don't guilt yourself for not reading. Don't pressure yourself to get back to it if you're just not ready.
I still struggle to read ebooks because I had to read a ludicrous amount of online textbooks when I attended college. So when I see a block of text on a screen these days, my brain nopes right out of it. I can barely manage to read for about five minutes on a screen.
Whatever your reasons for not reading right now, give yourself space and time and you'll be okay. ❤️
Here are some places you can access short stories online for FREE. You can either read them online or in some places, listen to the audio.
Cast of Wonders - YA short fiction podcast (read and listen)
Pseudopod - horror fiction podcast (read and listen)
Escapepod - sci-fi fiction podcast (read and listen)
Clarkesworld - sci-fi/fantasy magazines (under Back Issues, you can read and sometimes listen to the stories)
Amazon Short Reads - categorized by the time spent to read the story, ranging from 15 minutes to 2 hours. Some of them are standalones, others are installments in a series. Can further narrow things down by genre.
Fictionpodcasts.com - though I haven't personally explored this one much (yet), it looks LOADED with fiction podcasts of all kinds so you can listen to all the stories you want!
I hope some of that helped a little bit! :) If writing still makes you happy, keep at it! You'll find your way back to reading when you're ready!
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gardenswell · 18 days
i think i should also develop an instagram for Garden's Well. the more i'm able to promote my series before i release the books the more people will get them when they're released. i'm planning, writing and completing all 6 simultaneously, then releasing one per month on the same day. like Dec 1st or Jan 1st etc. i'd like to have some kind of online following before i publish the first book. i think another way to do this will be to write and self-publish a non-fiction or fiction book beforehand. i want to learn how KDP works because i don't want to mess anything up with my main series. i'm going to be using a pen name for all my books, including Garden's Well. i don't like my surname and want to change it eventually anyways. i think Lucy Green works. in my youtube videos i'm going to be putting my email in the description for private tarot readings. that way i can send people readings via email and get paid via paypal without using 3rd party sites that drain money (like etsy, though i may eventually give it another go). i'm not going to make a TikTok because i think it would pollute my mind and i wouldn't benefit from it overall. i'm not going to be making tarot reading vids for youtube in the same way most other readers do, i'm going to make informational videos about tarot astrology etc and do ENERGY UPDATES FOR THE COLLECTIVE which will basically be me rambling about things i like to ramble about while reading tarot. as i've explained before tarot is just an instrument of cause and effect (which i'll make a video about so i can use it as an intro and disclaimer at the start of my "energy update for the collective" videos... everything in the external is a reflection of the internal, we are living in a 360 degree mirror hologram construct, as within so without, tarot isn't magical, or if tarot is magical then so is everything else, i'm not a psychic, etc).
i "need" money but i don't want me trying to make money become a main focus. i don't want to sacrifice myself or my ideals in order to try to make more money than i would if i were staying true to myself. this really bothers me because i can feel myself getting sucked into the "what would make me the most money the quickest?" bubble mindset a lot. i think everyone struggles with this to some degree. i don't want to cut any corners or try to pump anything out "for money". i want any money i make to be a byproduct of me expressing myself authentically. i don't want to cater to people or suppress myself. anyone who doesn't want to engage honestly with me will get banned from my platforms. i want to remain as anonymous as possible, no facebook or similar, and my pen name will help. i don't want my edgy views to land me back in custody or court. the more careful i am the better. at least until after i have my Garden's Well main series published. i'm also going to have a bitchute channel where i can be more intense than on youtube. anything i upload to youtube, bitchute, instagram, etc, i as a rule don't want to remove, i want to treat them with more stability than i do this blog and my audio journal. this blog and my audio journal are for personal rambles and i use them as like interactive black/whiteboards for my thoughts and emotions that i want to express and convey - first and foremost to you, little bitch. i hope you won't talk shit about me to anyone moving forwards pls. slaps you in the aether realm. then holds your hand in the aether realm.
Garden's Well is an allegory for how we can bring about vegan utopia. the main focus of my content is to talk about societal problems and solutions, underpinning that also philosophy, psychology, symbology, astrology, alchemy, etc. i know i need to learn more about philosophy. i will dw. i won't start debating without first, ahem, knowing how to debate :p i need to build up some kind of routine with putting things out. like i could start with having a goal to upload one audio recording per day or something to my audio journal. i have a free account so i can only upload 2 hours' worth of recordings at a time, so i'd need to replace them often, but that's fine, because again i'm using my audio journal like this blog. btw if anything bad happens to you isaac at any point i will abort this entire thing, go completely insane, and probably end up in prison or drowned in a river somewhere, so please make sure you stay safe, healthy and well. as i've said, everything i do is ultimately for you. there is no world for me, no vegan utopia that i've helped to bring about, unless i know i've done right by you, and you're with me on our journey there, and we can enjoy the fruits together. i really mean this to the core of my being. anything that i would've already put out would be out there, like my book series, so i would've done my part enough. there is no life for me without you being alive and well. i think you still underestimate how much i love you and my dedication to you and your wellbeing. don't. there is nothing i value more than your health, longevity, happiness, and success. i love you unconditionally forever 💜 there's no rush for us to communicate privately, i don't want to put any pressure on you, i know we'll speak in vc when the time is right.
i feel this real push and momentum now to stop pussying out and hiding in the shadows waiting for things to get better. if i want my life to improve i need to let my creativity flow rather than being scared of opposition from others, like edward and amanda and random people on the internet who might have issues with me.
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