#global slavery
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common sense should tell you that socialism will NEVER work or be for the people, they will only be for the global elite to control the workers.
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vegathesource · 1 year
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We do not live in a universe of scarcity. The earth is even more alive than you think. We have everything we need. Zero point free energy overunity technology exists, but if everyone had this, big oil would instantly become obsolete and crumble. If you have quadrillions of assets in big oil, your empire is gone, so of course you would do anything in your power to never let free energy tech see the light of day. That's why we have to come together, create it, and distribute it ourselves. There is hope.
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mos-twin-mattress · 8 months
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I'm not gonna be quiet no matter how badly people want their feeds to go back to "normal"
I'm here and Im gonna fight!
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hussyknee · 3 months
Whenever Brits are like "tea is our national drink, our culture, our personality, our mental health" I think of our hill country blanketed in a patchwork quilt of human suffering and ongoing violent colonialism and want to smash all their tea cups. Your genocidal leaf juice is nothing to be proud of. The present day tea pluckers are the descendants of the Indians you enslaved and they still live in unthinkable poverty in the line houses you built to house them like cattle. The families whose farmlands you robbed have been starving for generations. Every sip of your leaf juice is soaked in blood and you drink it like vampires.
Tea will never belong to you. It's our legacy of grief, and your shame.
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Drink your tea and shut the fuck up.
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reasoningdaily · 4 days
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History of the Slave Trade: The Origins of the Slave Trade and Its Impacts Throughout History and the Present Day
by Hareth Al Bustani, Josephine Hall, Edoardo Albert
Book Overview
The transatlantic slave trade is one of the most shameful chapters in human history. Between 1500 and 1900 it's estimated that around 12 million African men, women, and children were stolen from their homes by Europeans, before being forcefully transported thousands of miles across the Atlantic. Those who survived the horrific 'Middle Passage' would then be sold, often separated from their families, and put to work as enslaved labor on plantations throughout the New World. While this inhumane trade was eventually abolished in the 19th century, the scars still remain and the lasting impact is still being felt by communities around the world. In History of the Slave Trade, we seek to tell the story of the transatlantic slave trade - from its origins to its abolition. We discover the impact on Africa, the horrors of the Middle Passage, and what life was like for millions of enslaved people. We also look to explore the legacies of slavery and how the effects are still being felt in the modern world.
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diaryofaphilosopher · 19 days
It is not a coincidence that the legacy of five hundred years of settler colonialism, genocide, slavery, apartheid, and systemic racial discrimination is climate change, mass extinction, desertification, deforestation, and the increasing toxicity of the air, water, and land. They demonstrate a shared desire to control and eliminate that which is feared in the human and non-human world – the unknown and the unknowable – through either assimilation or extermination.
— Usha Natarajan, "Accepting the Unknown" in "Radical Imagining of ‘Just & Green’ Futures."
Follow Diary of a Philosopher for more quotes!
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nando161mando · 3 months
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beginning to see american "if you dont vote for the blue warmongerers then you are personally responsible for the red warmongerers getting into power"
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maggi-cube · 7 months
There’s just so much evil I’ve learned about today I don’t know how to hold it all
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kindwarrior · 4 months
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ausetkmt · 6 months
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We “must confront and can no longer ignore,” the issue of reparations for slavery, said Ghana’s president Nana Addo Akufo-Addo at a November reparations conference hosted by the African nation.
As calls for reparations across the United States continue to grow, the movement is also gaining traction in both African and Caribbean countries.
At the 2023 Accra Reparation Conference in Ghana, delegates “agreed…to establish a Global Reparation Fund to push for overdue compensation for millions of Africans” whose descendants were enslaved up until the late 1800s.
Nana Addo Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana, spoke the first day of the convening, stating “No amount of money can restore the damage caused by the transatlantic slave trade…But surely, this is a matter that the world must confront and can no longer ignore.”
“It is time for Africa — whose sons and daughters had their freedoms controlled and sold into slavery — to also receive reparations,” President Akufo-Addo added. “The entire period of slavery meant that our progress, economically, culturally, and psychologically, was stifled. There are legions of stories of families who were torn apart,” stated Akufo-Addo.
“You cannot quantify the effects of such tragedies, but they need to be recognized,” said Akufo-Addo. The president also specifically called out European nations like the British who profited immensely from slavery, wherein “enslaved Africans themselves did not receive a penny.”
As applause resounded from the audience, which consisted of individuals in high-level leadership from African and Caribbean countries, Afuko-Addo declared, “We in Africa must work together with them to advance the cause.”
The delegates did not determine the exact mechanics for operations of the reparations fund, but Ambassador Amr Aljowailey did say that compensation would be based upon “moral and legal rights and dignity of the people.”
In addition, Aljowailey, who is also “strategic adviser to the deputy chairman of the African Union Commission,” indicated the Fund would “be championed by a committee of experts set up by the A.U. Commission in collaboration with African nations, ‘a special envoy will engage in campaigns as well as litigation and judicial efforts.’”
These efforts are occurring following the release of a report from a special U.N. forum, supporting “reparations as ‘a cornerstone of justice in the 21st century.’”
Findings from the report concluded that the ramifications of slavery extended far beyond the conclusion of the slave trade and that descendants of Africans “around the world continue ‘to be victims of systemic racial discrimination and radicalized attacks.’”   
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daybreaksys · 11 months
How rich people will enslave the entire rest of the human population:
"They're destroying the planet"
No, sir, the planet will still exist, the planet literally doesn't care. They're changing the planet so that humans can't live on it without constant machinery of life support
Poor people can't pay for the machinery, poor people die.
Rich people already live every single individual second of their lives inside AC spaces, they'll just continue to do so
Only rich people live and don't have to compete for resources with poor people
But wait, they are not "competing for resources" with the poor, there's no competition, but poor people ARE resources for them
Will they continue to extract resources from the planet with their bare hands? Mantain thousands of heavy machinery by themselves?
No, sir, they need poor people to do it, so they will create the smallest-as-possible AC spaces where their workers can survive, their workers will live IN their work place.
They don't need 8 billion people, so everyone but their workers die.
They'll say the workers are only alive by the grace of rich people, and it's only morally right to repay it by working for the rich
Soon they don't need to pay salary for workers, you work or you're out to die.
Slavery. The end.
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gaasubap · 1 year
Eviction Causes Global Warming
We all want to do something about how bad things are getting.
But we can't.
We'll be thrown out of our homes if we stop working.
Thrown into deadly heat or cold.
Allowed to starve to death.
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There are already products with insects on the market. Please check the ingredients.
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nando161mando · 4 months
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Oh, by the way, the steelworkers are still on strike in Ahvaz.
That's >2 weeks now.
Pic from today.
Or one could start counting 1½ month ago when those workers kicked the boss out of the office and went on strike then too.
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TW: slavery, internalized misogynoir, antiblack caricatures and stereotypes, antiblackness, rape mention, word ‘lame’ used:
I don’t like TikTok at all. I think it’s very trash, very toxic, but this video talking about this topic is very important.
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