#global women
lastcurrencybazzman · 5 months
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cavalierzee · 4 months
A Palestinian David vs An Israeli Goliath
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A Palestinian David vs An Israeli Goliath
A Palestinian Child vs An Adult Israeli Trained To Kill
A Palestinian Rock vs An Israeli Assault Rifle
A Palestinian Original Land Owner vs A Zionist Invader
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taviamoth · 4 months
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she-is-ovarit · 15 days
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balkanradfem · 2 years
One of the points of Greta Thunberg's book about the Climate, was about female land ownership, and how we need an increase of it. That actually surprised me, not that I didn't think of it before, but because it was presented as one of the solutions.
Greta actually looked at what happens to the land when women reign over it, or when women even just have access to it and are allowed to work on it, and noticed that women almost always, naturally, regenerated the land. Women will go and plant trees on their land immediately, and feed their families with the produce it makes. Women will not even stop at planting trees on their land, they'll go and re-forest the surrounding areas too, sharing secrets of the trees with others who can benefit from the extra free food. Women will plant native species, bushes, flowers, gardens, revitalize the soil, add life to the dirt and the sand, and this is something that is recorded consistently and long term with the female land ownership, land is not only regenerated, but used for immediate benefit of all life on it. That includes humans, animals, bugs, bacteria, plants and the local environment in general.
Greta also points out that most of the land that women are working on, is currently not their own. They're most often lending their hands to the land owned by their husbands, brothers, uncles, relatives or landlords, and these m*n will sometimes decide to undo all that work, and build something environmentally destructive on it in order to make a personal profit.
This is why Greta implores that is important that women own more land, personally and with full power over what happens to it. Women having full control over land is nature's way of regeneration and prevention of climate change. Give land to the women to fight climate change.
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thiccanglosaxon · 2 months
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Get yourself a right wing gal
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poetessinthepit · 4 months
Some facts for those who want to purplewash Palestinian society and portray it as anti-women:
- Palestine has one of the highest percentages of educated women in both the MENA region and the world. Palestinian culture encourages women to get university degrees, and this is not a recent development but something that has become the norm over the last 50 years.
- Women across Palestine have had active involvement in resistance movements for over a 100 years, and during the first Intifada, the women's liberation movement played a vital leadership role with women fighting both for their rights as women and as Palestinians. Palestinian women during the first intifada invented some pretty ingenious organizing strategies, such as disguising their political meetings as homemaking groups and hiding their political pamphlets in loaves of bread.
- There is no mandatory hjiab anywhere in Palestine aside from some high school dress codes in Gaza.
None of this is to say that Palestinian society is not a patriarchal society deserving of feminist critique, but it is to say the picture of Palestinian women painted by Israeli propaganda is not accurate, and any assumption that it is accurate is easily impressed upon ignorant westerners who see muslim majority nations as a total monolith.
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blsci-nerd · 12 days
This is what a hero looks like
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Photo: REY Jérôme | Credit: PQR ET MAXPPP
I have never wanted to be part of a fandom more than when I read about this woman, Gisèle Pélicot. I want to send her letters, flowers, stuffed animals, and designer clothes. I want to sponsor food trucks and coffee carts plastered with "We love you, Gisele!!!" to line the street outside the courthouse. I want her to sign a million dollar book deal and write a best-seller, so that I can buy 50 copies and hand them out like candy on Halloween. If you don't know who she is, buckle up, because it's intense. She is strong and brave and badass, and is standing up for women everywhere. She is who I hope to be.
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taviamoth · 6 months
[The first video shows people marching at night. The second video shows a group of women praying.]
🚨 A mass march has erupted now headed towards the zionist embassy in the Jordanian capital of Amman in anger at the IOF's crimes in Gaza—including the rape and killing of women, the siege of Al-Shifa Hospital, and the violations of Al-Aqsa—and in support of the resistance.
Meanwhile, women staged a sit-in to denounce the occupation's crimes and support the women of Gaza.
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coochiequeens · 5 months
Is anyone really surprised?
Gender-neutral lavatories are more dirty than men's and women's toilets, a new study has claimed.
The study examined the levels of bacteria in various types of hospital toilets.  
Lavatories for women were found to carry far fewer microbes than those for men. For instance when staff toilets were compared, door handles for men were found to be around eight times as dirty as those for women.
Gender-neutral lavatories are more dirty than men's and women's toilets, a new study has claimed.
The study examined the levels of bacteria in various types of hospital toilets.  
Lavatories for women were found to carry far fewer microbes than those for men. For instance when staff toilets were compared, door handles for men were found to be around eight times as dirty as those for women.
Professor Stephanie Dancer, a consultant microbiologist and researcher at NHS Lanarkshire said: 'The move to convert traditional male and female facilities to unisex facilities in some hospitals raises concern that people might be exposed to higher risks of contamination.
'Single sex and disabled toilets should be retained; with additional facilities labelled unisex and available for anyone. But based on this study's findings, I don't believe we should be abandoning single sex toilets in favour of unisex toilets, since these toilets had the highest microbial burden overall. 
'Our results appear to confirm what is generally thought in society: women clean because their perception of dirt and disgust entices action whereas men either don't notice a dirty environment or don't care. It follows that women are more likely to leave a bathroom 'clean', while men assume someone will clean up after them.' 
The study involved swabbing 10 different surfaces in six types of toilets across three general hospitals in Lanarkshire, Scotland.
It has not yet been published in full, but it was presented at the ESCMID Global CongressESCMID Global Congress in Barcelona, Spain, which was held from April 27 to 30.
Heather Binning, of the feminist group Women's Rights Network, told The Telegraph the research confirmed 'what we have always known'.
She said: 'Men do not have the same hygiene standards as women and mixed-sex toilets are far dirtier than those which are used only by women and girls.' 
The research team found floors and high surfaces yielded higher levels of aerobic bacteria and fungi than hand-touch sites. They stated this was likely due to the fact that hand-touch sites are cleaned more thoroughly than other surfaces
Pathogens such as E.coli, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Klebsiella pneumoniae were as likely to be found on air vents, ceilings and the top of doors as on floors. 
Professor Dancer said: 'In contrast with hand-touch sites, floors are a major repository of dirt. Anything in the air eventually ends up on the floor, along with whatever is brought in on people's footwear or shed from skin and clothes when they use the toilet.'
'We think that the only logical explanation for this is that toilet flushing aerosolises whatever is in the toilet bowl, whereupon tiny water particles carrying these organisms fly up to the ceiling and contaminate high sites.' 
'Airborne microorganisms and contaminated surfaces carry a potential risk for infection. Hospital toilets should have lids, which should be closed before you flush, and patient toilets should be cleaned more frequently than other toilets.' 
However the researchers state that none of the toilets sampled in the study had a window, and they would be interested to see how the results would change with an abundant supply of fresh air.
Professor Dancer also advises for people to wash their hands and close the toilet lid before flushing at home. 
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she-is-ovarit · 3 months
It doesn't matter how many oppressor groups she belongs to. It does not matter how privileged she is on the axis of class, race, nationality, ability, etc. It doesn't matter what her politics are or how much of a horrible human being she is.
She still doesn't deserve rape. Rape is still not an act of liberation, justice, or self-defense. If you think any woman deserves rape, you are a rape apologist. If you think there are any exceptions to sexual violence towards any individual or group of female human beings, there's a disturbance with your core sense of morality and you are not safe to be around.
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thiccanglosaxon · 23 days
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Whites rule blacks drule
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anonfromtheflight · 7 months
Usually everyone agrees that Omar is an exceptionally beautiful human, but one time on I think reddit someone said there are a million Omars walking around Latin America and he is nothing special and I was like WHAT
They're lying and it's such a ridiculous thing to say OMG I get that not everyone can be into him but saying he's nothing special??? That's blasphemous!
Look, I live in like the 6th most populated city in Latin America and it's fairly diverse in terms of the amount of Latin American immigrants that live here. Coincidentally, a large part of those people are from Venezuela... I've lived here for two years full time, I ride the always full subway every day and have never ever seen someone as beautiful as Omar Rudberg. Like I wish!!
I also visited México City in November last year and no, sorry, no one compared to Omar's beauty either.
I'm from a smaller city in Chile and there, I know men that look like Pedro Pascal and Oscar Isaac lmao like your average looking Latino who's handsome if you like their style? Diego Luna too, who looks exactly as one of my old uni classmates. Funnily enough there's always a Pedro Pascal double contest going on somewhere here, with thousands of contestants lmao 😭
And like OKAY I know I'm biased AF but Omar isn't just handsome. He's beautiful. Even lesbians think he's beautiful, come on!
He's aesthetically pleasing, as my very lesbian sister says, and no, you just can't find anyone that looks like Omar here. Curly haired, brown men? Sure. But as GORGEOUS as him? Not at all.
If I ever find someone as beautifull as Omar, I'll let you all know!
For now, there's only one Omar Rudberg and he's more beautiful than all the other men out there!
Whoever said that is a lying liar who lies.
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With make up, without make up? GORGEOUS!
No Omar slander on my watch! 🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️
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web-novel-polls · 2 months
WN Women Bonus Polls #5: Other Danmei
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[Propaganda below] - Major Spoilers Warning!
Baili Qingmiao from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Submission: Her character arc is so good and im so proud of her 🥹 
Additional Propaganda: Baili Qingmiao's story is about breaking out of cycles that trap us in toxic situations. She is the last primordial goddess going through her tribulation, but some asshole thought he'd interfere making him her tribulation. She just wants to help people, but she can't escape her attachment until a bunch of demonic cultivators form a community around her and help her conquer the part of her is sabotaging her and the rest of the world.
DVAWTK Carrd Link 
Bai Rong from Thousand Autumns
Submission: She's funny, pretty, and goes through a great character arc. 
Chu Yue from Global Examination / GUEE / QQGK
Submission: She is the best friend anyone could ever have, and she is compassionate and kind despite the horrible things she's had to endure. She's a vital part in taking down The System (TM). 
Hua Xiangyi from Qiang Jin Jiu
Submission: Surprisingly skillful player in a complicated political arena. Her love interest is her stepdaughter (same age as her). 
Murong Mengze from Yuwu / Remnants of Filth
Okay, this is a tricky one. Major spoilers ahead. Murong Mengze was born biologically male but raised as a woman for her protection by her mother, who used medicine to make Mengze appear female. For most of the novel, Murong Mengze has a female identity and is referred to with female pronouns. At the end of the novel, it seems she is set to reveal herself as a man after taking control of Chonghua, and the narration refers to her with male pronouns at the very end. We don't actually see her unveil herself as a man, though. I'd say that she counts as a transgender woman, but it's okay to disqualify her. Anyway, the real propaganda is that she is an excellent puppeteer, pulling the strings behind the scenes without anyone realizing for a very long time. She controls the kingdom of Chonghua at the end of the novel. 
Wiki Link
Qiu Congxue from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Submission 1: I haven't finished reading this book yet but Qiu Congxue is just the funniest character to me. her immediate suggestion to any problem is horrific, traumatizing violence and is confused by how this might be inappropriate or undesirable for some people. ultimate problem causer without realizing she might be causing problems. a genius to herself and no one else. she let her body be eaten by hungry ghosts for her cultivation. head intact, body skeletal and she likes it that way. when asked what she should do to interfere with the enemy while undercover in their territory, her sect leader and our protagonist Wenren E replied that her mere presence is enough interference in itself. my stupid queen <3
Submission 2: Skeleton lady full of ghosts (literally). 
DVAWTK Carrd Link
Qi Zhuyin from Qiang Jin Jiu
Submission: Female general in love with her stepmother. Known as the Wind Guiding the Scorching Plains.
Wiki Link
Shu Yanyan from Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Submission: Aroallo queen <3 
Song Qiutong from The Husky and His White Cat Shizun / 2ha
Submission: I just think it would be funny to have her here.
Ye Wangxi from The Husky and His White Cat Shizun / 2ha
“Among the 72 glorious cities of Rufeng Sect, there is not even one man.” - Ye Wangxi, The Husky and His White Cat Shizun, Chapter 215 (Wiki)
Submission: Righteous, dignified, loyal, brave, etc.
Mod Propaganda: The “last gentleman” in Rufeng Sect, according to Taxian-jun, who she fought to the end in the first timeline when the Rufeng Sect leaders had already bailed 
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luxuriascloset · 13 days
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Sofia Wylie, Marsai Martin and Simone Biles look gorgeous while attending the kate spade new york Global Summit on Women's Mental Health.
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culthermag · 8 days
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Eve and Nelly on the set of a “ PSA: Stop Global AIDS” in 2001 featuring the iconic ‘ Husband/Boyfriend Beater ‘ Tank, a statement piece that called to bring awareness to domestic violence and role reversal in relationships. The original designer of the top is unknown but it’s definitely on my wishlist. — [ xxx ]
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