#go away i don't care if my mother let you in
phoward89 · 1 day
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Stepcest, Stepson!Coryo x Stepmother!Reader, Sub!Coriolanus, Switch!Reader, Crassus Snow x Younger!Reader
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. Crassus Snow is a cold hearted asshole, but he's a hot asshole... Stepcest, older man/younger woman, arranged marriage, cheating, affairs, secrets, cussing, secret love child, Coryo is a bit selfish and too ambitious, Crassus decides to try and be a better husband/father
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Part 4:
Dinner has just been served, so you're gathered around the dining room table with Grandma'am and Coriolanus. Crassus isn't home yet, but you're not worried about his absence. He'll be home any minute. He always walks in around the time dinner's served.
In fact, you're expecting to hear the door open and your husband's footsteps echo against the marble floor at any second. Like you've been hearing every single night around this time since you moved into the Snow penthouse; became a part of the Snow family.
You’re picking at your food with disinterest while listening to Coriolanus brag about the praise he received from Dr. Gaul during his internship earlier in the day.
“Dr. Gaul wants me to help her conduct an experiment on a new test subject.” Coriolanus smiled proudly, icy eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Oh, I hope it's nothing too ghastly. Some of those science experiments can be atrocious.” Grandma’am says while cutting her chicken with such grace. Truly, her manners were from a time once forgotten- a time of gentleman and cavaliers. “Why, I remember when I was a girl our science teacher made us dissect frogs. Can you believe that?”
And suddenly the sound of the phone ringing fills the air.
Ring, ring, ring…
“I'll get it.” You announce, removing your napkin from your lap before standing up.
Coriolanus just nods before telling Grandma'am, “Oh, Dr. Gaul won't be having me dissecting frogs. Her experiments are more complex than that.”
Yea, the mad scientist will probably be having him dissect the latest drugged and numbed body of a district test subject turned mutt.
Ring, ring, ring...
You quickly make your way into the sitting room, which was closer to the dining room and had a phone in it.
Ring, ring, ring…
“Hello, Snow residence. Mrs. Snow speaking.” You answer in the polite way you've been instructed to take phone calls for the family. Yes, the Snows are an old and highly regarded family so answering the phone has to be a polite and professional affair.
“Y/N, it's me. Crassus.” Your husband says over the phone. Of course, the phone in the sitting room isn't a video phone, but a simple standard phone, so you can't see his facial expressions.
The video phones are in the living room and in your husband's study. Why, who knows. You really don't care either. Not like you talk to a lot of people on the phone anyways.
Sadly, the few friends you had drifted away from you once you married Crassus shortly after graduating the Academy. Apparently, your ‘friends’ didn't want to associate with you anymore because your husband's a middle-aged man; a cold-hearted war hero. Yes, you suppose that your husband intimidated your ‘friends’ just by his presence and that's why they all drifted away.
Sometimes your brother calls you to check in, but, sadly, he's too busy with his life as an Officer in 12. And your mother rarely calls. You don't know why, but for some reason you being married and a mother doesn't quite sit well with her despite the fact that she signed off on your arranged marriage contract.
Your brow furrows at hearing your husband on the phone. Shouldn't he be on his way home right now?
And as if he could read your thoughts, Crassus tells you, “I’m calling because I'm going to be late for dinner.”
As if he heard your mental musing, he explains, “I let my secretary leave early. It's his anniversary and he's taking his wife out for dinner.”
Of course, your husband lets his secretary leave early to celebrate his anniversary while you've never celebrated an anniversary let alone a birthday with Crassus. Hell, the only reason you celebrate holidays with your husband's because they're federal and all of the government buildings are closed for them.
“So, I'm afraid I'm not quite sure what time-” Crassus began to say, only to cut himself off mid sentence when he heard you sniffling over the phone.
Crassus couldn't help, but feel as if he's the reason you're sniffling. He doesn't know why, but it sends a pang to his cold heart. He's sitting at his desk, clutching his phone; listening to your sniffles turn into soft sobs and he has no idea how to deal with it. Crassus isn't a man that's a natural comforter; in fact he's naturally stern and aloof.
“Petal?” Crassus asks, the new pet name slipping from his tongue before his mind could think better of it. Before he could utter your name.
Petal? Since when does your husband use pet names with you? Are you hallucinating? Is your baby blues making you hear things? Wiping your tears, due to your rollercoaster emotions brought on by the baby blues, you compose yourself and tell Crassus, “I'll have your plate placed in the oven for you. You can reheat it whenever you get home.”
You didn't even give Crassus a chance to respond, just told him, “I'll see you whenever you get home. Bye.”, before hanging up on him.
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Instead of returning to the dining room, you opted to spend some time with your son in his nursery. Since Cassian's sleeping, you decide to just sit in the corner rocking chair while watching him.
Cassian was such a precious baby. Over the last few days he's started to settle easier; sleep a bit longer. He's a good baby; doesn't cry too much- just when he's hungry or his diaper’s soiled. Little Cassian Xandros is also a very happy baby. Even tho he's barely a week old, you swear he smiles at you every time his icy eyes (Snow eyes) lands on you- his mom.
You're not sure how long you've been in the nursery for, but you know it's been a while because Coriolanus enters the room with a frown maring his prominent and flawless face.
“You never came back to the dining room after answering the phone, mommy.” Coryo tells you, closing the door behind him and striding over to you.
“I wasn't hungry.” Is your excuse. Well, it wasn't an excuse per say. You truly did lose your appetite considering you were picking at your plate before Crassus even called. You're blaming that on the baby blues since you're feeling a bit melancholy.
“You can't skip meals, Y/N. You're a nursing mother; you need all the strength you can get to properly feed our son.” He chastises while towering over you.
Sighing, you remind your lover, “As far as legality’s concerned, Coryo, Cassian's my son with Crassus; he's his father while you're the older brother.”
Coriolanus' handsome face contorts as his baritone echoes out darkly, “Don't throw that minor inconvenience into my face. Despite what legal papers say I'm the baby's father and as his father I want what's best for him, which includes you eating properly in order to nurse him.”
The University student's berating sounds harsh to you. Perhaps it's because of your baby blues or perhaps it's because he's making you feel like he's attacking your abilities as a mother. But whatever the reason, his lecture has tears springing to your eyes. Tears that you just can't control.
Coriolanus' face skews up in bafflement. He can't understand why you're breaking down in tears over nothing. He's just having a conversation with you. And he's noticed that this isn’t the first time you've been weepy and dismal for no good reason.
Yes, over the last few days while coming and going from the penthouse, Coriolanus has noticed that you've been a sniffling, melancholic mess. But he can't figure out why. You have him and the baby he decided to give you, you should be happy- no, not just happy, but grateful for those things; not boo-hooing when you think you're all alone.
Frankly, the golden- haired devil with a halo of curls is tired of your tears. They have no merit. At least not in his mind.
Taking long, quick steps over to the baby's crib, your lover picks up the newborn, causing him to wake up with a loud wail of a cry, and storms over to you. Literally shoving the baby into your arms, Coryo callously orders, “Stop your mindless weeping.” As you soothe your baby, you're hiccuping while tears still continue to stain your cheeks. “You have me, who loves you, and the baby I gave you; there's no reason for you to be so out of sorts, mommy.” The platinum blonde tells you, trying to get you to see how unwarranted your cries are.
But before you can even explain that it's not your fault, that according to Grandma'am you have the baby blues, Coryo sees himself out of the room with the excuse that he was homework to do to ensure he's still the top of his graduating class.
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When Crassus gets home, his mother's up and waiting for him. “Crassus, I'm appalled and ashamed that you never came home for dinner.” Grandma'am chastised her only living son as soon as he set foot in the main room of the penthouse, briefcase loosely clutched in his large hand.
“Mother-” The cold and stoic man begins, only for his mother to cut him off with a firm and motherly, “Don't mother me, Crassus Xanthos Snow. Not when you come home 2-hours later then you should; missing dinner and quality time with your family.”, while rising from her seat and marching over to her son with as much speed as her old arthritis filled bones will let her.
“I called Y/N and told her I'd be late. Didn't she relay my message?” Crassus asks- using the question as his defense against being late.
“She received the call while we were gathered in the dining room for dinner; she never returned after your call.”
Great…him coming home late made you so sad that you couldn't even rejoin the family for dinner. Were you crying so badly that you couldn't control it; that you felt the need to eat perhaps after everyone else was done as a way to hide your sadness from them? Oh, hell, did he screw up not coming home for dinner?
He's a horrible husband.
A horrible, shitty, cold-hearted husband that doesn't know how to treat his wife, who’s 2-decades younger than him. But, despite being a cold, indifferent husband towards you he doesn't want you crying at the drop of a hat and being sad.
His first wife seemed so happy to be Mrs. Snow; she even seemed to smile a bit brighter when she shoved him out the door for work- and that was back when he was stationed in District 12 as the Commander and only came home to his Corso penthouse in the Capitol on furloughs. How is it that his late wife, Demeter, was never saddened by his absence while you are? You both married him at similar ages, both knew what was expected of you- being a proper socialite housewife of the respected heir of an esteemed founding Capitolite family, so what was the difference between you and her? Why is it that you're a mess, crying your eyes out, because he's emotionally cold and unavailable while his first wife wasn't bothered by it; didn't seem to mind his cold-hearted and stern ways?
Were you more emotional because you took after your father, Javani, more than your mother, Helenium? Were you more of an introverted, kind-hearted, sunshine and roses type then he originally thought? He remembers that Javani Halvir, his late best friend and your father, was very introverted and only opened up around those he was truly comfortable with, that he truly didn't have a mean bone in his body- hence why he got along so easily with just about everyone he crossed paths with, and that he always looked on the sunny side of life.
Oh shit…
If you truly have a personality like your father's then your marriage to Crassus is probably slowly killing you since he's not doing anything to make you feel comfortable. Maybe he should've looked harder to find you a suitable match with somebody younger and less jaded? But, truthfully, Crassus jumped the gun and married you in fear of General Byzantine (the former Commander of 2 that was on the rebels' side of the war before siding with his friend Strabo Plinth and joining the Capitol against the rest of the rebellion and ending the siege around Capitol City) using Strabo Plinth’s money to seduce your mother's soul into allowing him to have your hand in marriage. He knew that Javani would roll over in his grave and haunt him from Elysian if Crassus let Byzantine get his grubby, lecherous hands on you.
Giving her son a motherly whack on the arm, the type all mothers use for scolding, Grandma'am gives Crassus a much needed lecture on his skills as a husband. “Crassus, I draw the line at you missing dinner tonight. You're not a very caring or attentive husband to Y/N and maybe before my new grandbaby came I could turn a blind eye to it, but I can't do it anymore. You need to be more understanding and considerate of your wife's feelings, Crassus. She's a new mother to Cassian; her entire life is now devoted to raising the child that you gifted her, she deserves a husband that at least pretends to care about her and his newborn then one that blatantly doesn't.”
“Mother-” Crassus tried to dig himself out of the hole that was his mother's scolding, but was cut off by her snapping, “Crassus, I'm ashamed at how you're treating your wife. Being a new mother's very taxing on her; she needs your support, even if it's just faux support.”
“My first wife wasn't like Y/N; she didn't need my attention and support so badly.” Crassus points out as a weak way of defending his shitty actions as a husband.
“Demeter, bless her heart and rest her soul, was nothing like Y/N.” Grandma'am told her son. Not waiting from him to make a reply, the elderly woman explained her remark with, “She was a youthful, vapid, vain girl that viewed joining our family by marrying you as a way to get out from under her parents thumb. According to Pluribus, she batted her eyes and powdered her nose at you while plopping herself down at your table while at his old nightclub. She wanted a marriage, but was too insipid to truly want anything past the successful husband and the perfect family that includes a male heir to coddle and spoil."
Grandma'am grew to care for her first daughter-in-law after living with her for so long, since Crassus didn't take her on base with him, but she never saw her as having what it took to be a true Snow. She always thought the young lady was lacking something since she always seemed a bit dull, despite being a gentle-soul.
“And Y/N’s like her father, Javani.” Crassus stated what he'd only just realized a few minutes earlier.
Grandma'am patted her son on the cheek, a small smile gracing her lips. “It took you long enough to see it, my boy.”
Now, in Grandma'am's opinion you have what it takes to be a Snow. You're a lovely girl, very well rounded. But she's afraid that if her son doesn't support you during your baby blues then you'll turn into a former shell of yourself.
Grandma'am, unlike you, had the support of her husband during her boughs of the baby blues. Hopefully she can get her son to be benevolent towards you.
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After Crassus placed his briefcase in his study, he went to your shared bedroom only to discover that you weren't there. He knew that the only other place you could be was the nursery. He made a mental note to go to the nursery to see you once he was finished showering and dressing in a pair of fine silk pajamas.
So, that's why when you're in the middle of singing your son to sleep with a pre-Panem song that you remember your father tucking you into bed with before the war: Cat’s in the Cradle, Crassus walks into the room.
Your husband quickly realizes that you're smiling at the baby cradled in your arms as you softly sing to him. That you seem genuinely happy. Crassus can't help, but to wonder if the only time you're happy and not sad is when you're spending time with Cassian.
“And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon. Little boy blue and the man in the moon.”, You softly sing, only to be interrupted by your husband's deep voice saying, “I think he's asleep and it's time for you to join me in bed, petal.”
Nodding, you stand while holding the baby close to your chest. The sight reminds your husband of a fierce lioness with her cubs. “Did you get your dinner from the oven?” You ask while bringing your baby over to his crib.
“No.” Crassus shakes his head. “I thought-” He began, only to be cut off by you flatly telling him, “You should eat before going to bed, Crassus.” Placing Cassian into his crib, you add in the rhetorical question of, “It wouldn't be good for the breadwinner of the house to get sick from malnutrition, now would it?”
Crassus assumes that you ate once Grandma'am and Coriolanus were done eating in the dining room, so he doesn't ask you to join him in the kitchen for his meal of leftovers. No, instead he just nods and tells you that he'll join you in bed once he's done eating.
And when he does join you in your shared bed, well, you're already fast asleep. So, he quietly joins you in bed- making sure not to disturb you. Like his mother said, you're a new mother whose world revolves around your son; you need as much rest as you can get.
But as he lays his platinum curls on his pillow, he realizes that you look peaceful in your sleep. He can't honestly say that he's even seen you look so content before.
And for some reason, unknown to him, he wanted to see that look of tranquility on your face during waking hours as well.
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Leo Davis stepped off the elevator and went over to his desk. He was 15 minutes late, but he did have a very passionate night celebrating his anniversary with his wife last night. A celebration that started at dinner and ended in the bedroom of their modest apartment that they're paying too much rent for. And as soon as he sat down at his desk, the door to his boss's office flew open.
Oh no, was he in trouble for being late? Crassus was always in the office way before the official start time of 9 o’clock, so did he know that Leo just arrived? The secretary was scared to death of being fired for being late as he watched his boss emerge from his office. The imposing man, who was well over 6 feet tall, walked over to his employee’s desk with his coffee mug in hand.
Coming to a stop at Leo's desk, Crassus took a sip of his coffee and asked, “So, Leo, how was your anniversary with your wife last night?”
Leo Davis nearly choked on his own spit. Since when does the General Crassus Snow want to know about his personal life? The man was always shutting down all attempts at conversation that even remotely seemed to steer towards personal things, such as family. If it wasn't about work, a coffee, or a good order then Crassus didn't talk about it.
“Well, did you have a nice time?” Crassus asked as Leo just looked at him wide-eyed, like a deer caught in headlights.
“Oh, yes, yes, we had a nice time.” Leo nods, nearly tripping over his tongue as he answers his boss. Holy hell, he still doesn't believe what's happening. That his boss is asking him about the details of his anniversary.
Deciding to not look a gift horse in the mouth, the secretary smiles and tells his boss the details of his night. Well, the details that are safe for work that is.
“You should bring your wife to Palace Arms for your anniversary. You'll have to make a reservation and it's located in the Denver Palace Hotel, but it's worth it for a special occasion.” Leo advised his boss, just to be friendly. Perhaps being friendly will get him a lesser workload. Eh, wishful thinking never hurt anyone.
Nodding, Crassus simply says, “I'll keep that in mind.” He knows that since he didn't do anything with you to celebrate your last anniversary that the he'll have to make up for his lack of interest with the upcoming one. So, he truly means it when he says he'll keep the prospect of taking you to the Palace Arms for your next anniversary in mind.
Before seeing you crying in the corner of your shared bedroom, Crassus would never ask for marital advice- and from a lowly employee as well, but now all he wants is to make you happy. He wants you to stop crying so much; wants you to stop being sad. He also wants to know what to do to change things, so that's why Crassus straight up asks his secretary, “Leo, how do you make your wife happy?”
“What?” Leo asks, wide-eyed and taken aback. Did his boss really just ask him that?
“My wife's been sad lately and since you seem to be on good terms with your wife, I was wondering, how do you make your wife happy?” Crassus asks, explaining his previous question in length, before taking another sip of his coffee.
“Um, I suppose I make my wife happy just by doing the little things for her.” Leo answers while wishing he didn't accidentally leave his travel mug of coffee at home on the kitchen counter. He could really use some right now.
“What are the little things you do for her?” Crassus asks, clearly oblivious to what ‘the little things' means. The man was cold, stern, and indifferent by nature. He wasn't one to make gestures out of care of love. So, yes, he really has no idea what his secretary's talking about.
And that was the moment that Leo Davis knew he was doomed to be General Crassus Snow’s personal marriage counselor/advisor. Oh, how the stars seemed to play a cosmic joke on him, huh?
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @princess-harvey @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress @nayveetbhh
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Hi! All of you do fantastic work! Do you have any fics with like magical curses and true loves kiss? I don’t really care about rating. Thank you again!!
Hello! You can fics along these kinds of lines on our #fantasy au tag. Here are some curse/true love's kiss specific fics...
The Fairy Prince, the Toad and the Snake by KannaOphelia (T)
Aziraphale supposed it was interesting that his flaming sword still managed to flame while underwater, but there were better ways to find out than dropping it down a well. He craned over the side and gazed down, seeing the glimmers of red and orange, far beyond his reach. "You've done it now," said the snake, watching him from the apple tree. "I suppose I have, yes." Aziraphale wondered if he could hook a rope around it or something, and draw it up. He wasn't quite sure how it would work. "Bound to happen," the snake said, not unkindly. "Don't want to go waving a big killing thing like that around. Sssssupposed to be a weapon." A Good Omens retelling of The Frog Prince, for Fairy Tale Inspired 2021
Fairest by lilliankayl (T)
(Snow White Retelling AU) Aziraphale has no memories of his father and very few of his mother. His father died when he was an infant and his mother remarried shortly afterwards. When his mother died just before his seventeenth birthday, his stepfather’s true colors were revealed. Now on the run and taking shelter from those who will help him, Aziraphale must never let the king find him, for it will surely mean his death if he is found.
The Dragon's Greatest Treasure by Sir_Bear (T)
Once upon a time, the kingdom of Eden was protected by the eternal knights. One of these ageless warriors, the healer Raphael, disappeared hundreds of years ago after saving Sir Aziraphale’s life. Now, while escorting prince Gabriel across the kingdom, Aziraphale is captured by the dragon Crowley. The two begin to fall in love, but can a relationship like their's work, when all Crowley sees himself as is a monster, and Aziraphale feels bound by his duty to the knights? *** He shrugged his scaly shoulders, his eyes looking about as if trying to find a change of topic. “Didn’t you have a magic sword?” “Uh…” “You did, you were waving it about and everything. What happened to it?” Aziraphale’s throat made a croaking noise, unwilling to answer. “Lost it already have you?” “Gave it away…” He muttered, despite himself. “You what?” Crowley’s golden eyes went wide, tilting his huge head to the side. “They’d be in danger without it!” He burst out. “There are dangerous creatures out there, not to mention you!”
A Demon's Guide to Love and Curses by cyankelpie (G)
(Crowley has been cursed by a witch, cut off from his powers, and trapped in serpent form. Only a True Love’s Kiss can restore him to his former self. There’s just one problem: demons can’t fall in love.) “So what’s your plan?” Crowley said at last, sounding resigned. “You want me to ssslither into town, find some random human, and see if I can fall in love with them? And get them to fall for me?” “Goodness, no. That would never work.” Aziraphale crossed the floor and pulled his cloak off the coat stand. “My plan is to take you into town, and then, together, we’ll find someone for you to court.”
(Someday I'll Be) Part of Your World by Pearl09 (T)
Aziraphale is a merman who likes human things a little too much. Crowley is a human who just wants to leave the awful place he’s at. A chance meeting, a surprising rescue, lead to more than the two of them ever imagined. Would they truly risk their own souls to be with each other? And, more importantly, will they meet the necessary requirements on time to keep them? A Little Mermaid au/fusion featuring two pining idiots.
hearts and thoughts fade away (I swear I recognize your breath) by Melime (M)
Due to a clerical error, Crowley is cursed by Hell, losing his memories of the past six thousand years. Now, Aziraphale has to regain his trust and find a way to cure him, but the only way to do this is by confronting his own prejudices regarding demons' capacity to love.
- Mod D
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TW: leprosy
Baldwin IV with his mommy 🥺
She tries to cheer up her precious boy by doing something sweet for him.
"No, my dear, those bandages don't make you any worse! Please stop putting yourself down for how you look...Look, I made a bow for you! You're cute. I love you, Baldwin."
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I don't know if you've ever had similar thoughts...I just felt like speaking up. Honestly, it's very hard to put my thoughts and convey what I'm feeling (I'm not a writer and also not a native English speaker), and to be completely honest, as I think about it, my heart hurts and my eyes water. So if you read this - thank you, and sorry for taking up your time. If not - well, I've eased my soul one way or another by speaking out.
My heart melts at the thought of a warm, understanding and trusting relationship between parents and children, and I also love the dynamics of family relationships. In this context, mother/son. I don't know, and no one knows anymore, about the relationship Baldwin had with his mother, whether they were close, but I'm not relying on historical reference, but on my interpretation and feelings.
For a good loving mother, her child is the best, the most precious, the most loved and desired. But life does not always turn to you and your child in a good way. Some people are unlucky - whether you are a king or a peasant, a sinner or a saint - fate does not care.
How does a mother feel when her son is mortally ill? Put yourself in her shoes. Just try it.
You hold your newborn baby in your arms. Here it is, your little bundle of joy, so tiny, so adorable... You want to give him all the best, now your whole world is him, your little angel!
Your son is growing up, taking his first steps, saying his first words. You dream about his future, you love him so much...
Time passes, you live in love and care for him. And you hope that it will always be like this - or as long as possible...
...Now forget about it.
Suddenly you are hit with devastating news - your son has leprosy. It knocks you off your feet, it chokes you, it tramples you into the ground, tears your heart to pieces. At that moment, as soon as you find out, you see nothing in front of you and hear nothing. Your mind is empty, and there is only one thought of your son, your treasure. Doomed, cursed. If there really is a God, why did he let this happen? Why your child? They say leprosy is a curse from God. Why curse an innocent child?!
Pain, despair, anguish. You want to weep, You want to grab your son, hold him close and never let go. You realise he's doomed. But he doesn't realise it yet.
As time goes on, his health gets worse. Your baby does not understand what is happening to him - he is scared, he is confused, he is waiting for your support and comfort. You smile at him, you give him everything you can - but inside your heart is pounding and tearing as if it were breaking your ribs. Every night you're choked with tears. Your son is your flesh and blood, you gave him life, you brought him into this world, you condemned him to this existence...
Time passes, you do your best, but it seems as if God himself has turned away from you. You pray to all the saints, you beg the Virgin Mary - she is a mother too, she must hear, she cannot fail to understand! But nothing changes.
Your son is growing up, and every year his condition gets worse. His skin is covered with leprosy spots. His eyesight is getting worse. He's always tired, he can't live without the help of doctors and medicines. He's rotting alive. People look askance. People judge. People see a monster. All you see is your angel. Every day you swear to love and care for him, swear you won't leave him...
A young 16 years old boy wins a battle. How proud you are of him! How weak his body is, but how strong his spirit. But he too has his moments of vulnerability...
...Especially when he fully realises he doesn't have long to live. He seems to accept it - or pretend to accept it...
How do you feel?
How a mother might feel when she realises that she may see her son die? Bury the one she brought into this world. To live to see that moment is something she doesn't want to do.
Thank you if you read to the end! I'm crying right now😭
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alicent-apologist · 22 hours
The lovely @alicentdeservesbetter wondered what would have happened if Helaena had gone to Aegon instead of Alicent. Here's how I think it could have gone!
The corridors aren’t familiar. She needs help. She doesn’t -
Please. Please. Please.
Aegon. Aegon will protect their daughter, Aegon loves Jaehaera, Aegon loves Jaehaerys -
Where is he? Where is he? Why wasn't he with her? Why didn't he understand?
Please. Please.
The throne room. He said -
The throne room. The throne room.
Please. Please. Please.
Are there guards? Are there maids? She doesn't know. She needs Aegon. She needs help. Please.
Jaehaera is crying. She's scaring her. She's scared, she's scared, she's so so scared.
The throne room. The throne room. The throne room.
Aegon is here. He's lounging on the throne like he lounges on the chaise next to the children.
Does he know? Can he see it in her face?
'Helaena, what the fuck?' He cries as he throws himself off the throne. The smell of alcohol is strong but his eyes are wide and fixed on her. 'What happened?!'
Her legs collapse underneath her. She can't feel the cold stone. Jaehaera is curled up against her chest and her daughter is safe.
Her son -
She can’t feel Jaehaerys. She can only hear the blood curdling sound of bone being sawed through. That’s not Jaehaerys. That’s not the son she carried within her for nine moons. The boy she loves, she loves, she loves. Please. Please. Please.
‘They killed the boy.’
Please. Please. Please.
'What?!' Aegon's voice is frantic. 'You - you have a -'
He turns away from her. No, please, please he needs to stay with Jaehaera.
'Get the Maester!' He roars at someone. Is there someone else in the room with them? She can't see, she can't see anything but the girl in her arms and the terrified face of the boy she -
Please. Please. Please.
'I don't care if you have to drag him by his bald fucking head, get him here!'
The boy. The boy. The boy.
She doesn't matter, she doesn't - Her hand, her hand pointed at him.
No no no no no no.
'Helaena,' there are hands on her cheeks and a pair of eyes she knows better than her own looking at her. Her son has those eyes. Her son - 'Tell me what happened.'
Did he not hear her? Is he going to make her say it again? She can't, she can't, please.
'They killed the boy.'
There's a disbelief in Aegon's eyes even as they fill with realisation.
'I have to find my son.'
There's a franticness in his voice she's never heard before. It sounds like the pounding of her heart.
Please. Please. Please.
'Please what Helaena, what?'
She's holding onto his doublet. Her hand is shaking from how tight her grip is. Or she's shaking so badly her whole body is moving with it.
She hates it. She hates the hand. It's the hand that - it's the hand that -
'Fuck. Fuck!' Aegon is shouting now. 'Get my brother! Send him to the twins room! Now!'
Please. Please. Please.
Jaehaera is whimpering into her chest, it sounds like - it sounds like -
Please please please please.
'My dearest love ...' Her mother's worried voice comes from next to her.
She can smell the incense from the sept, a smell that her mother carries everywhere.
'She won't listen to me, she won't let the Maester look at her neck!'
There are tears in Aegon's voice. There were tears in Jaehaery's -
Please. Please. Please.
She can't feel her neck. She can't feel her hands or her legs. The only thing she can feel is the puffs of breath on her chest from Jaehaera's breathing. If not for her daughter, she's not sure she knows she's a person at all.
Please. Please. Please.
Everything quiets.
Aemond is walking into the room, a bloody bundle in his arms. His face is pale. There's blood on his neck. There's blood, there's blood, there's so much blood.
The sound tears itself from Aegon's throat. He doubles over with the force of it. A shaking hand reaches up to his crown. Yanks it off his head. Throws it against the wall.
No. No, no no no no no.
A strangled sob comes from her mother.
No no no no no. Please.
No she needs to wake up. She needs to wake up. This can't be happening.
She needs to - she needs to - she can't. Please please please.
Jaehaera is swept out of her arms. She goes to scream, goes to claw her daughter back, her daughter, no, she protected her, she took her from the rats, the rats will never take one when they can take two, they can't have her, they can't have her too, please -
It's Aegon. Aegon has her. Aegon is frantically checking her over.
There's a bloody bundle in her little brother's arms.
No no no no no.
A hand, a hateful hand, her hand her hand she pointed to him she -
No no no no no. It's grabbing at the blood soaked fabric.
Please. Please. She can't look. Don't make her look please.
Her brother's voice is muffled, the only thing she can hear is the whimpers, the sawing, they were sawing through bone, through muscle, why, why would they do that, why -
Her brother's voice - a hand - her hand her hand - pulling the fabric back back.
Helaena screams.
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cheynovak · 2 days
When we were young - Part 2
Ben (Soldier Boy) Harrison x F/Reader Y/N            
Contains/warnings: 18+, Smut, angst, fluff, hurt, Childhood/ family trauma, puberty, losing virginity, time jump ...  
Side note: English isn’t my first language     
Words:   5500
Part 2 out of 3
*Does not follow the boys storyline – Set in a time period where Ben was not yet a supe. Since we don’t know his last name, I came up with Harrison for this story.*  
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Y/N is a young girl who works with her mother as a maid in the household of Mr. Harrison and his son Ben. Since Ben was mostly in boarding school and Y/N till this summer in a normal school, they didn’t know each other very well.  
This summer it all changed, Y/N had to help her mother financially and Mr. Harrison was so kind to let her work with her mom in his house. That’s when she met Ben, his son who was only a year older than her.   
Soon the kids became best friends... but is that all there is? Friendship?  
Ben got home yesterday, he got kicked out of boarding school and since he was almost an adult it was difficult for his father to find a school that was willing to take him in. He talked to me about Ben every night.  
Asking me what I thought about him being so disobedient, it was hard for me to answer that, since I saw only the pain and suffering. But I stayed polite like my mom thought me, said I can’t interfere in those matters or gave him a soft smile. 
This morning Ben walked in the kitchen while I was washing the dishes from breakfast, but the second he saw me, he turned around. I couldn’t stand this anymore and ran after him. ”Ben, Ben, Ben!”  
He stopped in his tracks. ”What?” he asked not looking at me.”What’s wrong?” I asked. I saw his foot tapping the floor. He was either nervous or furious. “Did I do something wrong?” I could feel the tears prickling behind my eyes. 
“No.” He answered sharp. “Then what is it?” I pushed. He didn’t answer and walked upstairs. Mr. Harrison saw how his son reacted. ”Benjamin! When a woman asks you something you answer!” He turned to me “See what I mean, I send that boy to the best schools and still he has no manners, don’t take it personally Y/N.”  
He placed his hand on my shoulder, it was weird, he never touched me before, and unlike the touch was supposed to feel, secure a token of care, it felt cold. I smiled politely but the second he walked in a room I ran upstairs.  
As I rushed upstairs, frustration and confusion bubbling within me, I found Ben in his room. Without hesitation, I demanded to know why he had been ignoring me this past year. His reaction was unexpected and defensive, his eyes avoiding mine as he refused to give me a straight answer.  
"Ben, why have you been avoiding me?" I pressed, my voice tinged with hurt. He shifted uncomfortably, his hands fidgeting with something on his desk. When I asked if it was because of a new girlfriend, his reaction was sudden and sharp.  
He snapped at me, his tone cutting through the air with an edge of anger. "Don't be so demanding of my attention, Y/N," he retorted, his voice tinged with frustration. "I have other things going on in my life than to write fucking letters!" 
"Beside it seems that my dad gives you all the attention you need!" His father? I had no idea what he meant by that. "Y-your dad? He has been kind since my mom died Ben, that's it."
"Good for you princess, I'm glad he at least gave a shit about one of us when their mother died!"
His words stung, leaving me speechless and wounded. The sudden change in his demeanour baffled me, and I struggled to comprehend why he was pushing me away like this. Had our friendship meant so little to him after all?  
Tears welled up in my eyes as I stood there, grappling with a mixture of emotions, hurt, confusion, and a growing sense of betrayal. I had always thought Ben and I could talk about anything, share our worries and joys without fear of judgment or rejection.  
But now, faced with his cold dismissal, I felt a rift forming between us. His unwillingness to explain himself left me with more questions than answers, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted irreparably in our friendship. 
"I-I refuse to believe that is the only reason why you are so hard on me. We barely talk when your home, you never write to me anymore, you don't even look me in the eyes."
As I stood there, hurt and bewildered by Ben's sudden distance and defensive reaction, I couldn't hold back the pain that was welling up inside me. "Ben, I miss my best friend," I pleaded, my voice wavering with emotion. "You used to tell me everything, and I would never judge you."  
His response was sharp, cutting through the air like a knife. "I can't tell you everything, Y/N," he snapped, his frustration palpable. "Not anymore." His words struck me like a blow. I couldn't understand why he was shutting me out, why he had suddenly become so guarded. 
The distance between us felt like a chasm widening with each passing moment, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing the closeness we had once shared. I left his room tears now streaming down my cheeks.  
After an hour I heard a soft knock on my door. The door opened slightly and I saw his perfect green eyes looking at me. “Can I come in?” " Only if you talk to me.” He did so I asked again. “What's going on?"  
He hesitated, his expression conflicted. For a moment, I thought he might relent, might open up to me like he used to. But then, with a bitter edge to his voice, he uttered words that shattered my heart.  
"I had sex..." he confessed, "With who? Do you have a new girl?" I asked clearly upset. “With a prostitute... multiple prostitutes... and eh girlfriends... over the last year.” his voice laced with a mixture of defiance and vulnerability.
He must have seen the shock on my face. "There, see I can't tell you everything. But now you know like you wanted, and you're disgusted with me. "  
I was stunned into silence, the weight of his confession sinking in. Shock, disbelief, and a sense of loss washed over me in waves. I struggled to find words, to make sense of the revelation and the rift it had created between us.  
Ben's words echoed in my mind, a painful reminder of how much had changed between us. His words hung in the air, heavy with finality and a bitter sense of resignation. As he voiced his belief that it was best not to be friends anymore, a wave of numbness washed over me. 
Masking the hurt and confusion that threatened to overwhelm. I tried to brush off his confession, to pretend like it was nothing,” What, why not? B-because you had intercourse. T-that's ok, that’s eh, fine I don’t care.”  
But Ben saw right through my facade. His gaze bore into mine, searching for a connection that felt increasingly elusive. "We've both grown up and changed," Ben continued, his voice tinged with sadness. "Maybe it's time to accept that things aren't the same anymore."  
The realization hit me like a punch to the gut, our friendship, once a cornerstone of my life, was slipping away. I wanted to argue, to plead with him to reconsider, but the words caught in my throat.  
The truth was painfully clear: we had drifted apart. The innocence of childhood had given way to the complexities of adolescence. With a heavy heart, I nodded slowly, unable to summon the strength to fight against the inevitable.  
"I understand," I managed to whisper, my voice barely audible. "I guess... maybe you're right." Ben's expression softened briefly, a flicker of regret passing through his eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/N," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.  
The next few days my teary eyes did not go unnoticed by Mr. Harrison. Concern etched his face as he approached me, his instincts urging him to rush to his son to teach him a lesson. But before he could, I stopped him gently, my voice wavering.
"It's not Ben's fault," I managed, trying to compose myself. Mr. Harrison, sensing my turmoil, pulled me in a comforting embrace. His arms provided a momentary refuge from the storm of emotions swirling inside me.  
Confusion mingled with gratitude as I accepted the unexpected gesture of solace. The warmth of his care offered a fleeting sense of security amidst the uncertainty of my friendship with Ben.  
But for the moment his tenderness towards me felt like a warm welcome to ease my pain, so I placed my head against his shoulder. When I closed my eyes I could pretend it was Ben who held me instead of this stone cold man.
Ben’s POV:  
As Ben stood at the top of the stairs, watching his father comfort her in a gesture that stirred a tumult of emotions within him, he felt a confusing mix of anger, upset, and an unexpected pang of jealousy.  
Seeing her in his father's embrace, seeking solace that Ben himself couldn't provide, knowing his father he never did anything without meaning.
Seeing how his hand caressed her back, how she melted away in his embrace, her head against his shoulder and her eyes closed.
Turning away abruptly, Ben retreated to the solitude of the night. The cool breeze of the garden offered clarity. Trying to understand why he gave her so much warmth.
And then it hit him, she is nice, sweet, caring, honest and beautiful. Just like his mother was. His father must have seen something in her that remembers him of her. Especially now since Y/N no longer looked like a young girl but morphed into a woman.
Under the soft glow of the moon, he wandered aimlessly, trying to make sense of the turmoil within him. He passed by Y/N's window, noticing her lights still on and the faint movements inside the room.  
Curiosity and a longing he couldn't quite define drew him closer, despite the inner conflict raging within him. Standing outside her window, hidden in the shadows of a tree, Ben observed Y/N. She appeared changing her clothes, her expression unreadable as she moved around in the room.  
Ben stood there, frozen, his imagination no longer able to hold back, he longed to be with her, wanting to see what was under those new clothes his father had bought her. Wanting to feel her skin underneath his fingertips, to explore the new curves she developed during this year.  
Curious if making love with Y/N would feel the same, no it had to be different, better. He’d make sure she felt satisfied. While his mind played tricks on him, while he watched the shadow of her move around.  
For a moment, he hesitated, unsure of whether to announce his presence or slip away unnoticed. The sight of Y/N, illuminated by the gentle glow of her lamp, tugged at Ben's heartstrings.  
A part of him yearned to reach out, yet, another part hesitated, weighed down by pride and unresolved emotions. In the quiet of the night, beneath the watchful stars, Ben wrestled with his conflicted feelings. He knew deep down that he couldn't let their friendship slip away without a fight.  
As Ben stood outside Y/N's door, his heart pounding with a mix of nerves and determination, he took a deep breath before knocking softly. Moments later, Y/N opened the door, a hint of surprise crossing her face as she hastily covered herself while wearing a new nightgown, the fabric rich and unfamiliar to Ben.  
His eyes widened in shock at the sight of her. The nightgown, another gift from his father, draped over Y/N's figure, transforming her from the familiar young girl he had known into a vision of maturity and elegance. Showing more of her skin of her than he had ever seen before.  
The realization hit him like a wave, Y/N was no longer the girl he once saw as his childhood friend; she had grown into a woman before his eyes. Y/N hesitated for a moment before stepping aside to let him in, a silent invitation that spoke volumes.  
Ben entered tentatively, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken words and the weight of recent events. "I... I'm sorry," Ben murmured, his voice tinged with regret as he struggled to find the right words. 
"For everything. For pushing you away, for not being there when you needed me. I mean, your mother died, a-and I turned into an asshole. Blaming you for my fathers mistakes. I should have been glad he at least tried to show compassion for you."
His apology hung in the air, filled with the sincerity of someone who had come to terms with his mistakes.  
He met my gaze, searching for forgiveness and hoping against hope that their friendship could be salvaged despite the rift that had formed between us. After a long moment, I finally nodded slowly, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. 
"I appreciate that, Ben," I replied softly, my voice carrying a mix of understanding and relief. "I missed you." Ben's heart soared at her words, a flicker of hope igniting within him. "I missed you too, Y/N," he admitted earnestly, the weight of their shared history flooding back. 
"Can we... can we try to fix things? Start over?" I hesitated briefly before nodding again, but I couldn’t hold back a smile. As I settled onto the bed, the familiar comfort of our shared space enveloped us, easing some of the tension that lingered between us.  
As Ben and I started to talk and laugh like we used to, the inner child came back up. Ben mocked his father’s sense of fashion, draping a satin robe with flowers over his shoulders, while he danced to the and talked about all the bars he had been at night, while I giggled and watch him from my bed.
After a short silence, I couldn’t help but to wonder, so I asked. 
“How was it... your first time?” my question hung in the air, delicate yet laden with curiosity and a desire for openness. Ben hesitated, his gaze shifting momentarily as he grappled with the vulnerability of the topic.  
He knew me well enough to sense my sincerity, my genuine interest in understanding his experiences, despite the awkwardness of the subject. He took a seat next to me on the bed. "It was..." Ben started slowly, his voice low and hesitant.  
"It was strange, honestly. I wasn't expecting it to happen, not like that." He glanced at me, gauging my reaction carefully. There was no judgment from me, only a quiet patience and acceptance that encouraged him to continue.  
"It wasn't what I thought it would be," he admitted, his words tinged with a mixture of embarrassment and relief at being able to share his thoughts with me. "I felt... I don't know, like I was just going through the motions. It didn't feel right but then again, it's a really, really addicted feeling."  
I nodded empathetically, listening to every word, my expression softening with understanding. "I'm sorry it wasn't what you hoped for," I murmured sincerely sighed, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders as he opened up to me. My compassion and non-judgmental demeanour offered him a sense of relief he hadn't realized he needed.  
As I listened to Ben describe his longing for a meaningful connection filled with love and passion, my heart raced with a mixture of emotions. His words echoed my own desires, resonating deeply within me, and for a moment, I dared to hope that perhaps we shared more than just friendship.  
"You wanted love and passion," I murmured softly, searching his eyes for confirmation. "Like... like something real." Ben nodded, his expression vulnerable as he spoke. "Yeah," he replied quietly. "I wanted it to be... special, you know? Not just a quick fuck in a bar with a hooker."  
But then, Ben's next words tempered my excitement, casting a shadow of doubt over our shared moment of connection. "But I don't think that is posibble," he continued, his voice tinged with resignation.  
"The girl I want... she probably doesn't want me, not after all my mistakes." Confusion and disappointment warred within me as I processed his confession. Was he talking about someone else, or could it be... me?  
I wanted to ask, to seek clarity in his words, but fear held me back. Fear of ruining the fragile balance we had just found, fear of discovering that I might not be the one he longed for after all. "Why do you say that?" I finally managed to ask, my voice barely above a whisper. 
Uncertainty coloured my words, a mix of hope and trepidation clouding my thoughts. Ben sighed, his gaze dropping momentarily before meeting mine again. "I don't know," he admitted softly.  
"I guess... I'm just not sure if she sees me the way I see her. "His vulnerability touched me deeply, and I struggled to find the right words to ease his doubts. "Maybe she does," I offered tentatively, my heart pounding with the weight of unspoken feelings.  
"Maybe she's just waiting for you to tell her how you feel." Ben's lips curved into a small, rueful smile. "Maybe," he murmured, his tone laced with uncertainty. "But what if she doesn't? What if I ruin everything?"  
I shook my head gently, reaching out to grasp his hand in mine. "You won't know unless you try," I replied earnestly, my voice steady despite the nervous flutter in my stomach. "And... and if she's worth it, she'll understand." 
He stayed quiet for a while, making it very clear to me he wasn’t talking about me, so to ease the awkward situation I ask him. 
"What is she like?" curiosity tinged with a growing sense of unease. Ben's expression softened, a small smile playing on his lips as he began to describe her. "Well," he started slowly, his voice gentle yet filled with conviction, "she's kind, caring, always there when I need her. She's smart, funny, and she has this way of making everything better just by being around."  
As Ben spoke, my heart skipped a beat. "She's beautiful," Ben continued softly, his gaze lingering on mine. "Not just on the outside, but inside too. She has this... this warmth about her that draws people in."  
I swallowed hard, my mind racing with conflicting emotions. Beautiful, of course... why did I even thought it was me. "Is that... how she makes you feel?" I ventured, my voice barely above a whisper, afraid yet desperate yet trying to be a good friend.  
Ben's eyes softened further, a fondness shining through as he met my gaze with sincerity. "She makes me feel alive," he confessed quietly. "Happy, understood, like I can be myself without fear of judgment. She's... she's everything to me."  
Silence hung between us, heavy with unspoken words and the raw intensity of our shared revelation. "She sounds... amazing." I smile shyly. Without a word, Ben moved closer, his gaze never leaving mine. “You are.”  
I felt my heart pounding, a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation coursing through me. He leaned in, and before I could fully process what was happening, his lips met mine in a gentle, tentative kiss.  
The world seemed to stand still in that moment. The warmth of his touch, the softness of his lips, and the electricity that passed between us all combined into a sensation that was both overwhelming and incredibly right.  
It was as if everything we had ever shared, every moment of our friendship, had been leading up to this. For a second, I was too stunned to react, but then I melted into the kiss, my arms wrapping around him instinctively, pulling him closer.  
Ben's hands gently cupped my face, holding me close as the kiss deepened, filled with emotions we had both kept hidden for so long. "I've wanted to do that for a long time," Ben whispered, his voice husky with emotion. 
I opened my eyes, staring into his perfect green ones. Instinctively I pulled him closed, asking for another kiss, but he held back."Y/N I need to tell you something." I looked confused. "I eh, enlisted in the army, I'm leaving tomorrow."
My heart dropped, just when he confessed his love for me, like I dreamed of since I was a kid, just when I had him back after a year of silence and heartbreaks and now I'm losing him again.
But all I could do was nod and pull him closer, no longer wanting to waste our time talking, but needing to feel him closer. Ben answers me with a heart stopping kiss filled with passion I didn’t even knew excited.  
As our lips were locked on each other’s, his hands started to wander over my nightgown. His hand wandered gently over my back, a shiver of excitement coursed through me. His touch was tentative, yet it sent waves of warmth and anticipation throughout my body.  
The intimacy of the moment was electric, charged with a mixture of newfound desire and the deep bond we shared. His fingers traced light patterns along my spine, and I felt myself leaning closer, drawn to him in a way that felt both thrilling and natural.  
Each brush of his hand seemed to ignite a spark, heightening the intensity of our connection. His lips moved to my neck. "Ben," I whispered breathless, my voice trembling with a mix of excitement and nervousness. I could feel his breath against my skin, his presence overwhelming in the most wonderful way. 
"Is this okay?" he asked softly, his eyes searching mine for reassurance. I nodded, a smile tugging at my lips. "Yes," I replied, my heart racing. With that simple affirmation, the barriers between us seemed to dissolve entirely.  
Ben's hand continued its gentle exploration, his touch growing bolder as our mutual desire became more evident. The sensation was exhilarating, a heady mix of anticipation and the deep emotional connection we had built over the years.  
As we held each other close, the world outside faded away, leaving just the two of us in this intimate, shared moment. His hands were gentle yet assured, exploring the curve of my back and the line of my waist. 
I found myself leaning into him, craving more of the sensations he was awakening within me. Our breathing became synchronized, heavy with unspoken emotions and a shared desire that had finally found its voice. 
The movements became more fluid, more natural, as we let ourselves get lost in the moment. I could feel Ben's heartbeat against my chest as he cover my body with his, his breath rapid and strong, mirroring my own. "Y/N," Ben whispered, his voice husky with emotion.  
"Tell me when to stop." His words hung in the air, a mix of desire and concern. My heart raced, the excitement of the moment making my pulse quicken. I looked into his eyes, seeing the depth of his feelings mirrored in his gaze.  
"I trust you, Ben," I whispered back, my voice trembling slightly. "But I'll tell you if I need to." Ben nodded, his expression softening with understanding and respect. He leaned in, capturing my lips in another kiss that was both tender and passionate.  
His hands continued their exploration, moving over my breasts, kneading over the very light fabric. a soft shaky breath left my lips. "Is this okay?" Ben asked softly, pulling back slightly to look into my eyes. "Yes," I replied, my voice filled with sincerity. "More than okay."  
As Ben's lips moved to my neck once more, a soft moan escaped my lips, unbidden and filled with the raw intensity of the moment. His kisses were gentle yet electrifying, each touch sending waves of sensation through my body.  
I tilted my head slightly, giving him better access, my fingers tangling in his hair. Wanting to pull him closer.
The warmth of his touch and the intoxicating feeling of his lips on my skin. I felt his hands trace a path along my sides, his touch both tender and filled with a growing sense of urgency.  
Each kiss, each caress, seemed to feed a fire. “Oh Ben," I moaned, my voice breathless and filled with a mix of desire and nervous anticipation. He paused, lifting his head to meet my gaze, his eyes dark with emotion.  
"Too much?" he murmured, his voice low and husky. I shook my head slightly, a small smile tugging at my lips. "No," I replied softly. "It's perfect. Don't stop." A smile playing at the corners of his mouth.  
As Ben’s hand travelled down my waist to my thighs, a mix of excitement and uncertainty washed over me. I instinctively held him back, my fingers gripping his wrist gently.  
Ben paused immediately, looking up at me with concern and respect in his eyes. "I'm sorry, it's ok. " I mumbled before letting go of his wrist. “Are you sure, I can stop if you want.” he asked again, very softly, his voice filled with genuine care and hesitation.  
I took a deep breath, my heart pounding in my chest. I could see the need and longing in his eyes, a reflection of my own desires. After a moment's contemplation, I nodded, giving him a small, reassuring smile.  
“I’m sure,” I whispered, letting go of his wrist and allowing his hand to continue its journey. Ben’s touch was gentle and patient, his fingers tracing a path down to my thighs. He moved slowly, his eyes never leaving mine, ensuring I was comfortable and at ease with every step. 
As Ben's hand moved between my legs, a surge of raw need coursed through me. His fingers brushed against me before he moved the fabric of my panties aside I gasped softly, the sensation both overwhelming and deeply intimate.  
I gripped his biceps as I felt him moving slowly inside me. Unable to understand the feeling that washed over me. I only knew I needed more of this. "Y/N," Ben whispered, his voice husky with desire. "Are you okay?"  
I nodded, unable to find the words to express the whirlwind of emotions I was experiencing. Instead, I reached out, pulling him closer, my fingers tangling in his hair. "Yes," I breathed, my voice trembling. "I need you like this." 
With that admission, something shifted between us. Ben's touch grew bolder, more assured, as he responded to my need with a fervour that matched my own. His fingers moved with a skilful precision, eliciting soft moans from my lips as he explored this new and intimate territory. 
As the sensations intensified, I felt myself reaching a feeling I had never experienced before. My body responded instinctively to Ben's touch, arching towards him, seeking more of the pleasure he was giving me.  
The intimacy of the moment was almost overwhelming, but it was also the most exhilarating experience of my life. "Ben," I gasped, my voice filled with a mix of urgency and gratitude. He looked at me, his eyes dark with emotion, and I knew he knew how I felt.  
"I'm here," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm to my heightened senses. "I've got you, let go, it's ok." As Ben continued to move between my legs, I surrendered to the sensations, allowing myself to be completely and utterly present in this shared experience.  
My first orgasm felt out of this world, not really understanding what happened to me, but loving the fact Ben shared it with me. 
Ben’s POV 
As I felt Y/N's body respond to my touch, her soft moans and whispered breaths filling the room, I was overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. Her need mirrored my own, a raw and unspoken desire that had been building for years.  
"Ben," she gasped, her voice filled with urgency and something deeper, an invitation, a plea for more. I looked into her eyes, searching for any sign of hesitation. Instead, I found a reflection of my own longing, her gaze filled with trust and a need that matched my own. 
"Are you sure?" I asked, my voice husky with emotion, my heart pounding in my chest. Her nod was small but resolute, her eyes never leaving mine. "Yes," she whispered, her voice trembling but firm.  
"I want all of you, tonight." The weight of her words hit me like a tidal wave, a mix of exhilaration and responsibility. I wanted nothing more than to give her everything she asked for, to make this moment as perfect as possible.  
I leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss that was both passionate and filled with the depth of my feelings for her. As our kiss deepened, my hands moved over her body, exploring every curve and contour.  
Her responses, the way she arched towards me, the soft sounds she made, only fuelled my desire. I wanted to memorize every detail, to etch this moment into my memory forever. Her eyes shone with emotion, and she pulled me closer, her fingers tangling in my hair. 
With a sense of reverence, I began to undress her, my movements slow and deliberate, wanting to save every moment. She did the same, her hands trembling slightly as she helped remove my clothes.
The vulnerability of the moment was palpable, but it was also incredibly beautiful. When we were finally skin to skin, I paused, taking in the sight of her, the way the soft light played over her body, highlighting every curve.  
She was breathtaking, and I felt a surge of gratitude and awe that this incredible person wanted me as much as I wanted her. "You're beautiful," I whispered, my voice filled with awe.  
She blushed, a shy smile playing at her lips, and in that moment, I knew there was no going back. As I deepened out, the sensation was overwhelming, a mix of pleasure and a deep, abiding connection that went beyond the physical.  
Every movement, every touch, was filled with love and a sense of unity that I had never experienced before. The world outside faded away, leaving only the two of us, she felt differently than my pervious experiences, better, softer, warmer.
And as we moved together, I could feel Y/N's body responding to every touch, every kiss, the tension building in her with each passing moment.  
Her breath came in quick, shallow gasps, and her fingers gripped my shoulders, her nails digging in just slightly as the intensity of the moment grew. "Ben," she moaned, her voice trembling with a mix of urgency and need. I could see the anticipation in her eyes, a beautiful blend of vulnerability and desire.  
I kissed her deeply, feeling the connection between us strengthen, our movements becoming more synchronized, more fluid. When she reached her peak again, it was like watching a wave crest and crash, her entire body tensing for a moment before releasing in a shuddering, blissful wave of pleasure.  
Her back arched, pressing her body against mine, and a soft, breathless moan escaped her lips, a sound filled with pure ecstasy. Her eyes closed, her lips parted as she rode the waves of her climax, her fingers tightening their grip on my shoulders.  
I could feel the tremors running through her, the way her body pulsed with each surge of pleasure, and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever witnessed. As the intensity of her orgasm began to subside, her body relaxed, melting into mine.  
Her breaths came in soft, uneven gasps, and she opened her eyes to look at me, a radiant smile playing at her lips. "That was..." she began, her voice trailing off, unable to find the words to describe the overwhelming sensation. "Good" I replied softly, brushing a strand of hair from her face, my heart swelling with love and admiration for her.  
"I felt it too." Ben rolled beside her, but she knew he wasn't satisfied like she was, not yet. His eyes didn't have the same spark she had, instinctively she straddled him. Ben saw her fully naked body on top of him, admiring her while she moved.  
Her hands pressed down on his chest while she moved. His hands helped her, guiding her. His heart pounded in his chest, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he surrendered to the intense sensations coursing through him. When he finally reached his peak, it was a release of pent-up passion and love.  
He felt a wave of euphoria wash over him, his body trembling with the intensity of his climax.
It wasn't just physical pleasure; it was a deep emotional connection with Y/N that heightened the experience to a profound level. He held her in his arms, He pressed kisses to her forehead. 
Many years later 
As Ben stood in the vault he had in his room at Vought, he was reading an old diary, with a handwriting he could recognise out of a thousand different ones.  
“I never felt more alive than that night. Ben and I made love, real love. He made me a woman that night. I will never stop loving him. I knew he would leave in the morning, but our connection was made, built to survive anything. Even the war.”  
His lips trembled moving to the last page of the journal.  
“Ben was supposed to come home today, home from war. I guess his plans got delayed. He believes this will make his dad proud, I wished he was satisfied with the idea of me being proud of him for who he is.  
But I accepted it, knowing he will return, and we can finally start our life together outside of the shadows of this cold house like we talked about that night while he held me in his arms. 
He hasn’t written as much as he used to, but I know he is working hard and I'm proud! I just hope he’ll be home soon, so I can hold him in my arms all night.”   
He could see how the rest of the journal was empty, ripped out. But he didn’t need to read to know what followed.
He never returned home to her. He failed her.
“What are you reading?” Ben rolled his eyes, sighing, hearing that woman’s voice. He turned to Countess. “None of your business.” He answered putting the diary back with the other artefacts he placed there. But Crimson Countess didn’t give up so easily.  
“Come on babe, show me?” When she wanted to reach for the journal, he grabbed her wrist hurtful tight. “What part of not your business don’t you understand?” Ben growled. “If you ever touch any of this stuff, I'll fucking kill you, understood?”  
All she could do was nod. “Now, why are you here?” She looked in his eyes seeing nothing but blank hatred, knowing this only made him more dangerous, “Edgar, he’s waiting for you to start the meeting.”
With a low growl he left the safe and walked with her to the conference room. While walking down the hall he couldn’t help but feel that part of him, part of his being, and his heart was locked away.
Locked away in that safe, together with what little he had left of Y/N.  
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james-is-here · 2 days
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Hybrid Chan, who use to belong to your parents, when you take him to go run in the open and you just stay on the dirt "Parking Lot", more of a dirt patch, and he looks at you worriedly with a head tilt.
"I am not following you. Go run." You both care and don't care about hybrids. You see them as humans and you see them as animals. Chan Whines and snaps his jaw at you with a small huff of what you think is a bark. "No." He trots up to you, gently taking your sleeve between his teeth and pulling. "Would you stop!" You snap and pull your arm away from him and he whimpers. "Just go on your stupid run before I leave you here." You wouldn't actually, you can't do that to your mom. You were only doing this for her since she's in the hospital and it's been a few days since he was able to run more than the backyard.
Chan whimpers, sniffing you hand when it falls back to your side before looking up at you with his sad wolf eyes then turning and running further out in the field.
You huff, sitting on the broken, dirty parking block that lines the start of the field as you watch him run around, stopping to smell the ground then returning back to running around. You pull out your phone after half an hour of watching the wolf when it rang.
"Ln Mn?" "Yes, this is him." "Hi, Mn, this is Josie, your mother's nurse." "O-Oh, Is everything okay?" "I'm sorry, Mn..." "W-What..." You didn't want to ask, you knew what she was going to say next, you just didn't want to hear it. "Um, She's gone, Dear. I'm really sorry. She coded and we tried everything possible but...She's gone..." You could hear that she was trying to hold back tears, She's been looking after your mother for years now. "No...No, Josie, p-please..." You were in denial, you knew that. "I'm really sorry, Mn...Um, your brother is on his way to her home and I'm gonna meet him there to discuss the next course of action. Will you be there?"
You were silent, staring at Chan who was standing a couple feet away from you, panting before he closes his mouth and tilts his head in the cute way you've secretly grew to find adorable. "I-I'm w-with her...M-My hybrid, at the moment I..." A choked sobs escapes you and before your eyes squeeze shut and your tears fall you see Chan immediately take off towards you. "Okay, Mn. Take your time, yeah? Your brother can probably handle everything so just...take care of yourself and Chan, yeah?" You let out a weak noise before she says goodbye and hangs up.
You sob, dropping your arm and your phone as you curl in on yourself. Chan whimpers and paws at your shoe before you hear the telltale sign that he's shifting. "Mnie?" You lift your arms, hands on your face as you crying into your palms. "Sh-She's gone, Ch-Chan...M-Mom, is g-go-" A heavy sob stops you from saying it again as you drop your hands.
Chan was sitting on his knees, arms folding onto each other on his thighs in front of his stomach, leaning forward to look at you with that precious head tilt, his left ear atop his head folding over and the right falling to it's natural shape. "Channie..." You reach for him and he immediately moves to lay his head on your lap so you can play with his hair and ears. Chan is ecstatic, trying to stop his tail from wagging cause you haven't asked to pet him or doing it willingly in years, not since you were younger.
You brush your hands through his hair before patting his head. "I-I need..." He sits up, waiting for you to finish. "I-I'm sorry that I-I haven't b-been th-the nicest to you as I got older." "It's okay." "Can...Can you hold me? L-Like mom use to have you do when I was a kid?" "Yeah- I-I mean yes, yes I can." A small smile graces you lips when you notice his excitement.
You move your legs over his, curling into him as he wraps his arms around you and buries his face in your shoulder. You hold back a small laugh when you can hear his tail brushing the dirt around behind him.
"So where will I go? I-I understand if you...leave me somewhere..." His tail stops and he seems to unknowingly hold you tighter, not wanting to hear you give him up. "You'll stay with me..." "Really?" "Yeah. I'm not gonna give you up. My mom found you and raised you. I know I wasn't the nicest to you as I grew older...but I'm gonna change."
You lean back slightly to look up at the hybrid. "Are you okay with staying with me?" "I am! I definitely am I just never got to ask your mom something." "What is it?" "Well...Her neighbors dog hybrid is being abused...He's always outside and I tend to jump the fence to lay with him and keep him warm...Can we take him in as well?" "Uh...sure. We could report the neighbors too. What's his name?" "Seungmin. He's an adorable retriever hybrid, he even told me he has a wild fox friend that comes to visit him in his backyard." "That's sweet. Only this puppy though, yeah? Mom said she was gonna give me the house and there's not a lot of room."
You lay back on his shoulder and look out to the field. "Yeah...Just Seungmin."
Five months later, you managed to be looking after Chan, Seungmin, his fox friend Jeongin, your old co-workers Ferret Hyunjin, the neighborhood stray cat Felix and his Squirrel friend Jisung, a bunny named Minho that Chan found on his run, and a stray "scary" Pitbull hybrid named Changbin who was the cutest sweetheart you've taken in once he learned that you really were nice and weren't gonna hurt him.
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mcuamerica · 8 hours
Welcome Home | Azriel x Fem!Reader
Featuring: Cassian x Reader (platonic)
Summary: After seeing how fun you have with Cassian, Azriel decides to test out a form of punishment... Requested by anon here.
Warnings: 18+ only, mean/possessive Azriel (because of a potion), scared by mate (?), alludes to SA, (I honestly don't know what to warn here, read the original request for context), not proofread
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
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While Azriel was on a mission, you decided to spend time with your best friend and the other deadly warrior of the Inner Circle, Cassian.
You were having a fun time with him, running around with some odd game he had created. Cassian, seemingly, kept changing the rules. You popped up behind a shrub of the garden, jumping on his back. "Mr. Illyrian Warrior, sir, you cannot keep changing the rules to make yourself win." You giggled.
"Foul! No jumping on the backs of winged faeries!" He called out, trying to shake you off. You giggled even more, dropping down onto the floor.
"Cass, seriously," you scorned, crossing your arms. "Tell me the actual rules of the game so we can properly play!"
You felt like a child pouting next to her older brother, but sometimes it was all you needed to let go a little bit. Forget the wars and politics that plagued the Inner Circle of the Night Court for just half an hour and play a stupid game, which involved you chasing Cassian around the garden. To what end? He still hadn't told you.
Cassian was the first one you met from the IC. He found you in the outskirts of Velaris, shivering at the end of a very small stream. In the middle of winter. You had been thrown out of your home by your father. You were trying to make it to Velaris when you encountered an incredibly vicious male who only wanted one thing from you.
Luckily, you fought him off and ran away, but not without falling down a rocky hill and cracking your ribs. That was when Cassian found you, patrolling the forest for a few run away soldiers. You were scared by him at first, not letting him anywhere near you.
But when he lowered and tucked in his wings, crouched down to be even lower than you, you knew he wasn't going to hurt you. The kindness in his eyes spoke enough.
So you let him take you in his arms and fly you into the city, settling with Madja to take care of you. For a week he sat by your side, wanting nothing other than to make sure you were okay, after he found the male that had hurt you... and sent Rhys to deal with your family.
After that, you showed your knowledge of spell cleaving, your mother a strong female from the Day Court, and became a quick member of the Inner Circle. After years of working and getting to know each member, you quickly fell in love and mated with Azriel. Your official acceptance of the bond was just about a year ago, meaning you were still learning a lot of new and exciting ways to make your lives even richer in love.
"Cassian!" You yelled as he picked you up and set you on top of a bench, peering down at him.
"You stay there for five seconds, eyes closed, and you have to catch me somewhere in the garden." He said.
"And what do I win if I do?" You asked, eyebrows raised.
"Extra dessert?" He teased and you narrowed your eyes.
"Deal." You said, closing your eyes and counting to five.
You opened your eyes and instead found your mate, peering up at you. With a look of lust and desire on his face, but something else tugged at the bond. Was that jealousy? You couldn't tell nor did you have time to decipher it because the next thing you knew, Azriel was carrying you up to your bedroom. He didn't even take the stairs, instead winnowing up to the room. Before you were even orientated, he was setting you on the bed and immediately pinning you down.
You quickly became overwhelmed by not only the change of scenery so quickly, but the scent that leaked from your mate. And the anger in his eyes. Did you do something wrong?
You let out a squeak when Azriel trailed his hand up your loose fitting shirt, grabbing hold before tearing it in half. "Azriel! What are you doing?" You managed to say, trying to scoot back from his grasp, your breath quickening. Azriel must have been so devoured by lust, or whatever it was, that he didn't hear you. Or.. didn't care?
"You are mine, understand? No one else's." He growled. Not a sensual one that drove you crazy most of a time, but more crazed. More desperate. "And I'm going to show you exactly how much you belong to me."
Your past, with the cruel male in the forest, flashed through your mind. You begged down the bond for him to stop. You shook your head again, eyes widened when he leaned back.
You took the opportunity and scrambled away, almost tripping over your feet as you ran from the bedroom. You ran down the stairs, hearing Azriel call your name. You whimpered, looking back to see him slowly stalking towards you. You made your way back to the garden, only to run into a hard wall. No, not a hard wall, Cassian.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" He asked, noticing your missing shirt, the silver lining your eyes, and your quick breathing.
"He- I don't know. Cass please make him stop." You said and wrapped your arms around his waist. He quickly looked up, noticing the stalking male now seething at the sight of his mate and his brother embracing.
Cassian soothed you, pulling you behind him. "Azriel... you need to stop." He said firmly, going into the protective warrior mode. Why was Azriel acting like this?
"Get away from my mate." He growled. There it was again. That crazed tone.
Then it his him. Cassian smelled the potion on him as he closed the gap between them, meaning to knock Cassian to the ground. "Azriel, this isn't you." He said, gripping his shoulders. Azriel's eyes darkened, moving to hit Cassian again. Cassian was faster, knocking him unconscious with a quick knock to the head. He stood for a moment, making sure that Azriel was indeed not waking up before he called for Rhys to get Madja here as soon as possible. Then he turned to you.
You were still shaking, arms wrapped around yourself as you cowered against the wall. You were never like this anymore. You were strong and independent and didn't need help from any of the warriors you called your family. Not after you learned to defend yourself.
But everyone was so overwhelming, you forgot all that training. You felt like the fragile female on that river bank again.
Cassian slowly approached you, again tucking in his eyes and bowing below your eye level. "Hey," his voice was barely above a whisper, "can I take you to your room?" He asked and you quickly shook your head, not wanting to go where Azriel had taken you. "My room?" He offered and you nodded, wrapping your arms around Cassian's neck as he picked you up carefully and took you to his room. He made sure you settled down, bringing you tea and your favorite comfort snack. Once you had eaten and stopped shaking, he lulled you to sleep with some very off key humming. Nothing like Azriel normally did when nightmares awoke you. Either way, by night fall, you were tucked into what was Cassian and Nesta's bed, sound asleep. No stutter of breath or shift in movement.
Cassian walked out of the room and crossed his arms when he found Madja and Azriel in the living room.
"I didn't even know it until I drank it... it smelled normal." Azriel finished saying, his eyes clear.
Cassian stalked over to him and grabbed him by the collar. "What in the Cauldron did you do to her?" He growled.
"Cassian! Get off of him." Madja said and swatted at his arm. Cassian quickly let go of his brother, but that didn't mean he wasn't pissed. "He had a jealousy potion in his system. One that, from the sounds of it, makes mates even more possessive of their partners. And will drive them to the brink of madness if anyone even looks at their mate."
"He hurt her." Cassian seethed.
Azriel's eyes flashed with hurt. He looked like he had been through hell. Good, Cassian thought, let him rot there a little longer.
"Cass, you know I would never hurt her intentionally." He said, frowning.
"You better talk to her in the morning.. but leave her alone tonight." Cassian demanded, not even wanting to talk with his brother right now. Rhys, who had been standing in the corner this whole time, decided not to chip in. While he was close to you, he wasn't nearly as must of a friend to you as Cassian was. He knew Cass would defend you no matter what, he saw you as a little sister. And if Cassian deemed that you needed space from Azriel, your mate, right now, he was probably right.
"I will..."
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You were groggy when you woke up the next morning, not recognizing the scent of your mate or the feeling of the sheets. The events from the past day came back to you and you frowned.
It was then that you realized Azriel sat next to the bed, sleeping in a chair tucked in the corner.
You tentatively sat up, knowing there had to be an explanation of what he did. He had never acted like that with you before. Even when you were trying new things in the bedroom, he was always slow and considerate.
"Azriel..." You whispered, your timid voice betraying the courage you worked up in your mind. You reached for the glass of water next to the bed, slowly drinking as Azriel shot up in the chair.
"(Y/N)... sweetheart, I am so sorry." He said, getting up to sit on the edge of the bed. You pulled back from his touch, tucking in the glass of water against your chest. "It's not an excuse, but I was under the influence of a potion. If I had known the effects, I would have gone as far away from you as possible. But it didn't kick in until I saw you with Cassian and I was so jealous of the two of you all of the sudden and-"
"Az. You're ranting." You said, a small smile coming to your lips. As soon as he mentioned the potion, you remembered the strange smell that coated his scent. It wasn't like anything you had scented on him before, and you were glad it was just a potion and you wouldn't again.
"I'm so sorry." He said again, eyes pleading you to understand him. You slowly set the glass down on the nightstand, resting your hand over one of his.
"Promise you will never do that again?" You asked quietly.
He let out a sigh of relief, his whole body relaxing. "Yes, I swear on my life I will never do what I did to you yesterday. Never again." He said and shook his head.
You brought your other hand up to cup his cheek. "Well then..." you trailed off, leaning forward. "Welcome home." You sealed the statement with a soft, sweet kiss.
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A/N: Okay, hope you enjoyed! I had a hard time thinking of any reason that Azriel would intentionally harm/force himself on his mate, so hopefully this makes sense!
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duchess-of-oldtown · 2 days
House of the Dragon Season 2, Episode 1 Thoughts
Just clarifying, these are my own thoughts, you don't like them, don't bother telling me so. Also, I'm not a book purist, I like adaptions taking putting their own spin on things - if it makes sense to do so. So, here were my thoughts. Obvs, this post is dark and full of spoilers.
I loved the opening, the whole callback to the White Walkers which cements the true arc of ASOIAF (and feels a fuck you to s8)
Rhaenys ate, she fucking ate, that's it girl you remind Daemon of your daughter and his place (you know that Daemon loved that shit)
And Daemon? The whole mother vs the Queen speech? What do you think YOUR mother would have done? Alyssa Targaryen would have done exactly the same if it were you torn apart and you goddamn know it.
Yes, Corlys mourning Luke. Everyone mourning Luke 😭😭😭
Alyn of Hull, slay.
Am I the only one who kinda thinks that the Hightower Sigil looks a little clip-arty? It's just not it 😬
I really wish they made the scorpions look better. I just always thought that the weapons would be more advanced because they actually know dragons.
Aegon and Helaena, you can sort of see that Aegon does care about her but he just doesn't know what to do with her.
Also Criston? Giving head? Yeah, I'd think the sharks are real before I believed that.
Where was the build up to... That?
I actually fucking shuddered. SHUDDERED.
Tyland don't fucking annoy that little boy.
Terms? You killed her little boy and you sent terms?
Yes, Aegon you humiliate that Lannister bitch.
Why is Jaehaerys so sweet? 😭😭😭😭
Dalton Greyjoy mention!!
Mine are Bigger - Actual Aegon II energy
Why is Aemond sitting there like 🥺🥺🥺? You fucked up my guy.
Emma is heartbreaking.
Syrax never grew? Why she so tiny?
Arrax was so beautiful.
The actual stab of grief I got watching Rhaenyra on the beach. That was her baby. That was her little boy.
Aegon the Magnamious?
Aegon being nice on the throne? Being kind to the shepherd?
Your goats? No, sheep even better. 🙂 Aegon, I am meant to hate you.
Otto get fucked, Aegon was doing his best.
Hugh? Hugh Hammer? Girl,get the fuck out of here, asking for money and shit.
I can see a lot of ppl going to whine about them humanising Aegon but it's necessary? Complex characters and our relationships with them is GRRM's greatest skill.
Larys get away from that boy.
This is a green heavy episode. I know why but still, give us some Joffrey maybe? Some House Baratheon shitting themselves? The Great Houses getting the news and going oh fuck?
Daemon is lowkey right, Mysaria did help place Aegon on the throne but she is also right, he's only that angry with her because nobody else around.
Matt's acting is top tier because you can really see the grief, the anger and the insecurity when he's snarking.
Rhaenyra's return. Her silence, it's fucking gold.
Jace and Rhaenyra 😭😭😭😭 His lil voice. 😭😭😭
Where was Jeyne Arryn? Why no Jeyne??
The funeral 😭 lil Joffrey is too lil. Jace holding him *raptor screams*
Alicent, the fit ate but what good are prayers? Go smack that son of yours.
Somebody hug Rhaenyra. Right now. Rhaenys? Elinda? Baela? Rhaena? Hold that woman.
The CRIME HOODIE is back.
I still hate the gold cloaks' cloaks. They look like piss rags. Does nobody on the staff know what gold is? Look at Sunfyre.
The actual book quotes 🙂🙂🙂🙂
The War of Quills and Ravens, yes, yes
Aemond don't sit with Ser Incelot, he hast done thy mother
Y'know what, Aemond is a lil right, he's getting the blame for starting the war but Alicent and Otto literally laid the foundations?
Why is Criston standing for Otto? He's not a member of the royal family.
Aemond, sitting in that chair is very Daemon of you
Otto, showing off his slutty lil wrist, your pour yourself a lil drinky girl
Blood and Cheese have a lil dog with them. Please don't let anything happen to the dog.
There's something always so eerie about all those tunnels under the Red Keep. It absolutely terrifies me.
Aegon and his buddies sitting on the throne gives off fuck boi vibes and the Strong joke was actually pretty funny.
That Viserys statue is not it.
Why is Blood so fucking massive?
Cheese, did you just fucking kick that dog? I will kill what you love you absolutely bastard.
Oh, those locks. The world building, oh the worldBuilding
The atmosphere is very well captured. The music is on point.
I love the detailing of the interiors of the Red Keep, it's so much better than the OG series.
Oh Helaena.
Helaena, my love. Why Helaena, why her.
Why didn't they just check themselves?
How the fuck did the writers make Blood and Cheese that lack lustre? How the actual fuck do you fumble that?
Alicent, my fucking eyes, MY FUCKING EYES
I'm giving this a 7.5/10. Everyone else was great but HOW DO YOU FUCK UP BLOOD AND CHEESE? HOW? HOW? I DEMAND A TRIAL BY COMBAT
Also I must say, the Biblically accurate Hand of the King chain in the trailer is very good.
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thedragonqueensblog · 17 hours
The Hope Of The Mikaelsons Family Part Five
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Summary: Hayley and Klaus are shocked to discover that Y/n Forbes is their daughter. Before they can even have a conversation , Klaus receive a call from Caroline informing him that Y/n has disappeared. Panicked, they rush to the hospital, but their worst fears are confirmed when Klaus receives a call from his two enemies claiming to have their daughter. The urgency and drama of the situation heighten as they must now save Y/n before it's too late.
Warnings: kidnapping, Violences, Emotional distress, Supernatural elements, Family dynamics, Mention of medical equipment, Suspense and tension
Caroline grinned as she made her way to your room, but she stopped when she realized you weren't in bed, which made her spill cup glass of water.
“Y/n??” Your sister called out as she knocked on the bathroom’s door but she didn’t hear a response back
“Y/n where are you?” She asked herself as she walked out of the room to find Dr. Shepherd and when she does. she glares at him “you said that this place was known for being the best hospital in town.”
He nods in confusion as he glances at her. “That's correct. Is there a problem?”
“Why don’t you not tell me? There is no sign of my sister. I searched all over and couldn't find her. Even though your hospital may be the best, your security is terrible.”
Dr. Shepherd gave her a startled look. “I truly apologize, Miss. I'll inform everyone in the hospital and contact the police right away. Don't worry, dear; we'll find your sister.”
She watched as he leaves in the rush to let everyone know about what happened and she pulled out her phone to call her friends so they could know about the situation
“To whom are you referring, Hayley?”
"Our daughter is Little Forbes." Everyone glances at Klaus in disbelief at his statement.
“What? Our niece is Caroline’s little sister?” Elijah asked in disbelief.
“Davina? Are you sure you checked right? I just don’t want us to get our hopes up.” Kol state.
"Of course I'm sure Kol, I have checked multiple times and it's obvious that Y/n is the daughter of your brother and Hayley," says Davina, grinning.
"She’s a true Mikaelson, and she is one," Klaus grinned. "Not to be disrespectful to the Forbes family, but she didn’t look like a Forbes.”
Rebekah rolls her eyes at one of her brothers “We know Nick but anyways Davina what is she? Is she a vampire or what?!”
She got up off the ground and grinned. "She's a tribrid, so you guys should be proud."
As Hayley turned to face Klaus, she burst into joyous tears. "Did you hear that? We have a tribrid daughter.”
Klaus nodded, a mixture of pride and disbelief in his eyes. "Our daughter truly is special and We have another strong Mikaelson in the family,"
Kol raised an eyebrow, impressed by the revelation. "A tribrid? That's certainly rare. I can't wait to see what kind of powers she possesses."
Davina nodded, her expression full of certainty. "I have no doubt that Y/n will be a force to be reckoned with. She's going to be the Mikaelson that she is."
“She may have been raised by Caroline, but make no mistake, Y/n is a Mikaelson. Her bloodline runs through her veins, and the power she possesses is undeniable." Klaus says
Rebekah let out a sigh “Yes, Brother, we all see that. But let's not forget the role that Caroline and Her mother have played in her life. Coraline mostly has raised Y/n as her own, and that cannot be discounted."
Elijah nods as he agrees with his sister “Precisely. Y/n is both a Mikaelson and a product of Caroline's upbringing. It is a unique blend that will undoubtedly shape her into a remarkable individual."
Klaus looks at his siblings as he gives them a smile. “You are right, of course. I am grateful to Caroline for the care she has given to Y/n. But now, it is time for our family to step up and guide Y/n as she navigates the complexities of her heritage and her power."
As they all processed the news, the Mikaelsons couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and wonder for the future, knowing that their family had just become even more extraordinary with the addition of their tribrid Hope
Klaus and his siblings were deep in conversation when the ringing of Klaus' phone pierced the air. Frowning, he excused himself and answered
Klaus smiled but it soon turned into a frowned. “Caroline? What's wrong?"
The sound of Caroline's crying echoed through the phone, causing Klaus and siblings to exchange concerned glances
Caroline's cheeks were wet with tears.“Klaus... It's Y/n. She's gone missing from the hospital. I can't find her anywhere!"
Klaus' blood ran cold as he heard Caroline's sobs through the phone. His worst fears had come to life again Y/n, his precious daughter, was missing again. His siblings watched him with growing concern, their conversation forgotten.
“Caroline, take a deep breath. We're going to find her, I promise." He tried to keep his voice steady, but his worry was palpable."Walk me through what happened. Every detail counts."
Caroline's words came out one after the other, driving a bigger stake of terror into Klaus's heart. “The doctor advised me to get some fresh air while Y/n was asleep. I first refused, but he reassured me that she would be okay being alone and that she had doctors and nurses on call in case she needed anything. I went to get a brief cup of water, and when I returned, she had disappeared. We are unable to locate her since the security footage was obscured by a blanket.”
Klaus closed his eyes, desperately trying to think. His daughter was out there somewhere, alone and potentially in danger. "We need to act fast.”
The moment Klaus hung up, his siblings sprang into action, their expressions a mix of worry and determination
“Klaus, what's going on? Who was that on the phone?" With a worried tone, Rebekah asked.
Elijah also inquired in a worried manner. "Is it Y/n? Is she alright?"
Klaus took a deep breath, trying to keep his voice steady. “That was Caroline. Y/n is missing. She vanished from the hospital, and we don't know where she is."
The news hit the siblings hard. Rebekah put a hand on Klaus' shoulder, her eyes filled with concern. "We'll find her, brother. I promise. What do we know so far?"
Klaus quickly relayed the details Caroline had shared, his mind racing as he tried to think of where Y/n might have gone.”
"We need to divide and conquer.” Elijah tells them
Hayley's world came crashing down as Klaus relayed the news of Y/n's disappearance. She staggered backwards, her face covered with tears. "No... No, no, no. Not my baby girl. Not again." Her voice was barely a whisper, choked with tears.
Klaus rushed to her side, pulling her into a tight embrace. "Hayley, we will find her. I swear it. We won't rest until she's safe in our arms again."
Hayley clung to Klaus, her body trembling with fear and grief. "We've already lost so much time with her... I can't lose her now. Not when we've just found her again."
Klaus gently stroked her hair, his own eyes filled with tears.”We won't. We'll bring her home, Hayley. Together."
Klaus and his family were racing towards the hospital when his phone rang again. Klaus, thinking it might be an update on his daughter whereabouts, answered without checking the caller ID.
Both Lucien and Tristan smirked "Hello, Klaus." a chill ran down his spine as he recognized the voices on the other end
Klaus' blood boiled as he realized who had taken Y/n. "You guys?”
Lucien smirked again "Yes, it was us. We've been watching your family for some time now, and when the opportunity presented itself..."
Tristan began laughing. “We couldn't resist. We have your daughter, Klaus. And if you want to see her alive again, you'll do exactly as we say."
Klaus clenched his fist, struggling to maintain his composure.”You'll pay for this, both of you. Where is she?"
"All in due time, Klaus.” Lucien hangs up with a laugh.
Hayley and his siblings were shocked to hear Lucien and Tristan's voices on the phone, given their supposed deaths.
Rebekah's eyes widened, her jaw dropping in disbelief "Lucien and Tristan?! But they're supposed to be dead!"
Elijah's face hardened, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the situation "Clearly, we were mistaken. They must have found a way to survive."
Kol, always the one to jump to action, stepped forward. "It doesn't matter how they did it. What matters is that they have our niece. We need to get her back, now."
Hayley, overcome with emotion, looked to Klaus. “Please, Klaus. We can't let them hurt her.”
Klaus' voice was cold as he addressed his siblings."We need a plan. Lucien and Tristan won't give her up easily. Rebekah, reach out to Marcel. We'll need his help if we're going to track them down."
Rebekah nodded, already pulling out her phone. “I'll call him now."
Elijah's brow furrowed as he thought. "We'll also need to secure the city. If Lucien and Tristan have returned, they'll likely have allies. Kol, Hayley, can you handle that?"
Kol grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Consider it done, brother. We'll make sure they don't have any friends left to call on."
Hayley angrily spoke up. “Count me in, they will regret messing with the Mikaelson mostly to the Princess of this City and I’ll show them why you don’t make a mama Bear angry.”
Elijah nodded, satisfied with their determination. "Good. We'll need to act quickly and decisively. We cannot afford any more surprises from our enemies."
He turned to Freya, who had been silent so far. "Freya, I need you to gather any information you can about Lucien and Tristan's whereabouts and their plans. We need to know everything we can before we make our move."
Freya nodded, her expression serious. "Consider it done, brother. I'll hit the streets and see what I can find out. They won't be able to hide from me for long."
Elijah looked around at his siblings, his determined gaze meeting each of their eyes. "We are the Mikaelsons, and together, we are unstoppable. Let's make sure Lucien and Tristan regret ever crossing us." With a shared nod of agreement, the siblings set off to prepare for the coming battle, united in their determination to protect their family and their city.
As the night fell over New Orleans, the city seemed to pulse with an undercurrent of tension and anticipation. The Mikaelsons had made their plans and were ready to face their enemies head-on. Elijah stood at the forefront, his posture exuding confidence and determination as he addressed his siblings.
"The time has come. Lucien and Tristan will soon regret the day they crossed us. Let us show them the full might of the Mikaelson family." His voice was steady and commanding, filled with a quiet strength that inspired his siblings to stand tall and ready for battle.
Klaus, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity, gripped his dagger tightly in his hand. "Let them come. I have been awaiting this moment for far too long. They will know the true power of the hybrid when I'm through with them."
Freya stood poised and ready, her gaze sharp and focused. "I have gathered all the information we need. Lucien and Tristan won't know what hit them. They will pay dearly for kidnapping our niece."
Kol crackled with energy, his eyes dancing with anticipation. "Let's make this a night they won't forget. I'll show them what happens when you mess with a Mikaelson."
And Hayley, her resolve unyielding, stood ready to defend her family and her city. "They want a fight? They've got one. Let's make them regret ever underestimating us."
With a shared nod of agreement, the Mikaelson siblings braced themselves for the battle that lay ahead. The night was dark, but their determination burned bright. For this night, they were a united front, bound by blood and loyalty, ready to face whatever came their way. The streets of New Orleans would soon bear witness to a clash of supernatural forces, and the Mikaelsons were prepared to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.
The moon cast an eerie glow over the city, illuminating the Mikaelsons as they moved with purpose through the darkened streets. In the distance, the sound of footsteps echoed, signaling the arrival of their enemies. Lucien and Tristan, cloaked in darkness and filled with arrogance, emerged from the shadows, ready to face off against their former allies.
Elijah's steady leadership held the family together, his focus unwavering as he led the charge. "My niece is one of our own. We will not rest until she is safe and sound. Lucien and Tristan, your actions will have grave consequences."
As the two groups stood facing each other, tensions crackled in the air like electricity. Klaus stepped forward, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with Lucien. "You thought you could try to threaten us by kidnapping my daughter, and get away with it? You severely underestimated the Mikaelsons."
Rebekah's voice rang out with icy determination. "Your treachery won't go unpunished. We will make sure you pay for what you've done."
Kol's usual jovial demeanor had evaporated, replaced by a deadly seriousness as he fought with reckless abandon. "You shouldn't have messed with us, especially when it comes to family. You've set a fire you won't be able to put out."
Hayley's heart pounded with fear and determination as she fought, her mind consumed with thoughts of rescuing her daughter "We will find my daughter, and we will make sure you never harm her again. The wolves will not rest until my daughter is safe."
And with those words, the battle began. Powers clashed, alliances were tested, and the fate of New Orleans hung in the balance. The Mikaelsons fought with a fierce determination, their unity and strength proving to be a force to be reckoned with. As the dust settled and the moon hung high in the sky, it was clear. The Mikaelsons had emerged victorious, their enemies vanquished, and their family standing stronger than ever before. For in the face of adversity, they remained unbreakable, bound by blood and loyalty, a force not to be trifled with in the streets of New Orleans.
Klaus grinned broadly and said, "Congrats, siblings. I'm proud of you today.”
Rebekah rolled her eyes. "Don't act like you did all the work, Niklaus. It was a team effort."
Kol laughed, clapping Elijah on the back.” That's right. And don't forget, big brother, it was Elijah's strategic planning that saved the day and Y/n.”
Hayley beamed, her arm wrapped protectively around you. "But the real hero here is Y/n. She was so brave."
After the intense battle with Lucien and Tristan, the Mikaelsons called for a nurse to come and check on You, who had been rescued from their clutches. As the nurse finished her examination, she ensured that you were stable and informed the Mikaelsons that you should wake up anytime soon. You were hooked up to machines, monitored closely by the medical equipment, your safety and well-being a top priority for the Mikaelson family.
Klaus, with a heavy heart and a determined resolve, dialed Caroline's number, knowing that she needed to be informed about the situation. When Caroline arrived at the Mikaelson compound, she was greeted by Klaus, Hayley, and the rest of the family, the air thick with unspoken words.
“Caroline, thank you for coming," Klaus began, his voice grave yet sincere. "There's something we need to tell you, something that concerns Y/n and it’s better if you take a seat.”
Her eyes widened in concern."What's going on? Is Y/n okay?”
Klaus, Hayley, and the rest of the family gathered in Mikaelson's living room. The tension was thick, but she remained calm.
She took a seat on the couch."So what do you guys need to tell me?”
Klaus looked at his siblings and Hayley nervously then at Caroline. "Like I was saying We've learned some... information that concerns Y/n. We need to talk."
Caroline questioned with a worried stare."Okay. What is it?"
Hayley stepped forward, her voice soft. “Caroline, we've discovered that Y/n is our daughter.”
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genderqueer-hippie · 5 months
This is why I don't interact with my neighbors. These people are so stupid it's embarrassing.
And yeah this dumbass is harmless, all things considered. He's just loud and dumb. Now get the fuck out of my house.
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edelorion · 1 month
#edel vents#disclaimer: really personal issues in the tags. also wishes of death upon others. this is PROBABLY too much information tbh...#so if you're not up for it scroll down fast!!!! the deluge is coming!!!#today was... eventful. bad. also very bad. grandma's birthday celebration was today#and while she... definitely has Old People Issues (racist) shes also very lonely since the death of my grandfather so i can't really not go#i'm the only one who really visits her regularly to begin with#aside from the... very serious racism issue... she's “alright”. i guess. but that's besides the point. there's family there#and among those... my parents. which i don't like to talk to#discovered they threw more of my old stuff away. typical. wanted to strangle them. as usual.#had to “talk” with my mother (read: spend approximately ten seconds reciting exactly why i *don't* talk to her anymore)#so that whole ordeal completely soured my mood.#went home tired. can't really do anything right now.#at least the food was good i guess. but i also really want to cry... which i can't. which sucks.#...i really like to think i've improved as a person. i used to be really hateful of everything and everyone#worst of all myself. still kinda do but i'm... getting better..?#i like to think i've grown past most of it but every time i see my parents i feel this gripping at my heart. as if i haven't really changed#as if instead i'm still the hateful person i “always was” deep down... bc there's this visceral joy that i feel whenever i'm mad at them.#when i looked at my mother and told her how much i despise her i felt a shiver of happiness. righteousness.#to be clear: i do NOT care for her. at all. she's the worst person on this earth#and the only person whom my philosophy of “nobody deserves to die” does NOT apply to. i'm not scared of hating her.#she genuinely deserves this. but...every time i see my parents - and thus her... i feel as if i'm slipping back into that mindset of hatred#i don't want that. not anymore. it consumed me whole. i was a horrible person back then and i've caused so much grief for so many#i can't let go of this hatred. i can't forgive them. they don't deserve my forgiveness anyway. but i'm tired of hating.#i'm tired of letting that hatred define me. i'm tired of letting that hatred direct me. i'm tired of letting it bring me to ruin.#i'm tired of being who i was. i'm no longer “that”. i'm edel now and i'm happy for people now. if i don't like something i just walk out.#i can just leave. “if it sucks hit the bricks” right?.. but i didn't. i had to say it. i had to tell them. her. and i liked it.#and... i'm scared of that. because it tells me i haven't improved.#i'm not sure what i'm expecting out of posting this i guess. maybe help. maybe i wanna be told that this is normal or something.#maybe i just want to get my thoughts in order. i don't know. i'm gonna stop writing now.#sorry for making you read all this. thanks for doing it anyway. tags were cut off on this one btw so it may look like a mess. but. yeah.
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crystalkleure · 2 years
Fastest way to piss me off is to treat me like a toddler
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sugume · 5 months
( TW ) f!Reader, Breeding kink, unprotected sex, cream pie, cum inflation, hair pulling, sex toys, overstimulation, stepdad!Toji, daddy kink, overstimulation
Featuring: Gojo Satoru, Toji Fushiguro, Geto Suguru & Choso Kamo
authors note: repost bc tumblr took it down for no reason...
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“Fuck Love, you’re sucking me so good.” Satoru groans, struggling to not crash the car. During dinner, you two kept passing each other such heated looks that even your friends commented on the tension. Earlier today, you got a notification from your health app that you were ovulating. Satoru jumped on you as soon you told him, he wanted to stay in all day and fuck, but your guys’ friends blew up his phone reminding him of the promises you both made to them. After dinner you couldn't keep your hands off each other, you were desperate for his cum and Satoru was desperate to breed you. “Don’t cum ‘Toru.” You warn before sticking his cock back in your mouth. “Can’t help it Love, mouth too fuckin’ good,” he says, sighing in relief when he pulls onto your street, clicking the button in his car that opens the garage. He barely has the chance to take the keys out of the ignition before you pull him out of the car. “Don’t have time to make it up to the bed, just fuck me right here.” You demand, leaning over the car and presenting Satoru with your ass. Satoru pulls your dress up and shoves his cock into your pussy. He reaches over your hip to stimulate your clit. “‘Toru, just cum in me, I don't care ‘bout gettin’ off.” You move your ass in perfect sync with his hips. “You sure Love–” “Breed me ‘Toru!” You moan, feeling his cum fill you up. You drop your head to the still-warm hood of the car, finally able to catch your breath now that his load was deep in your cunt. “C’mon Love, let's finish this in the bedroom.” 
You peak over the corner of the hallway, winking at Toji who was busy talking to your mother. ‘Come fuck me.’ Your mouth once you catch his attention before running back up the stairs, careful not to make any noises. You told your mom that you weren't feeling well, that during the drive back from college you must’ve caught something. In all honestly, you just wanted a chance to freely fuck your stepdad without your mother coming in and out of your room. Specifically, you wanted to be bred by him, and the best way to keep his cum in you was to use several pillows and put them under your ass so his cum didn’t spill out, hence why you didn't want your mom to barge into your room. Thank God she's a germaphobe. You strip out the Pj set you threw on and lay yourself face down, ass up. Your stepdad’s favorite position. As expected, you hear your stepdad softly shut the door a few minutes later. “Desperate now, are we?” He grips your hips. “Always desperate for you Daddy.” you mumble into the bed. “Huh,” he slaps your ass before pulling you up by the hair. “Didn’t hear you slut.” “Said ‘m always desperate for you Daddy, even prepared myself with the dildo you bought me.” You whimper. “Such a good girl,” He pulls his hard cock out of his slacks, gives it a few tugs before stuffing your cunt to the brim. “Now take this dick slut.” He pushes your head down into your lilac duvet. You try and fail to be silent when his dick hits that special spot every time he goes deep enough. “You okay in there, y/n?” You hear your mother's muffled voice through the door. You clench down on your daddy's dick in surprise, causing him to fuck you faster. “Y/n?” “Y-yes mom, I'm fine, just go away p-please.” You gasp out, throwing your head back into the bed in ecstasy when you hear her mumble and walk away. “Daddy, 'm cumming! Cum with me!” You whisper-yell. “Gonna fill this pussy, get you so full of my seed you can never leave this house again.” He grunts, slamming into you at a bruising pace. “Yes, please Daddy, fill me up!” You orgasm and Toji follows suit, filling you with so much cum it spills out.  
“I'm so full Sugu.” You mumble, dazed. You fight the urge to close your eyes and fall back into Suguru’s big, warm chest. “Wake up sweet girl. ‘M not done yet.” He mumbles into your sweaty neck. “B-but Sugu–” “Shush Lovebug, one more time.” Suguru looks over your shoulder to see where you two are connected. He plugged you up good, but after so many loads a trickle of his cum slowly travels down his almost empty balls. “O-one more.” You grab his chin and kiss him sweetly. He rubs your noses together before grabbing your hips and moving you down the shaft of his cock. He pays close attention to not pull you over the tip of his cock. You hold onto your stomach, feeling it protrude slightly more than normal, Sugu’s cock and cum inflating you. You feel like a cum filled, flesh light as Sugu moves you to his liking. It’s hard to believe he has more cum in him. “Fuck Lovebug, you feel so warm and tight.” He mummers, giving you a few more neck kisses. You lean closer into him. Right now, you want to live in his skin. “Love you Sugu, can’t wait ta have your baby.” “I Love you too, can’t wait to see you carryin’ my child.” He grips your hips tighter at the thought.  “‘bout to fuck another load into you sweet girl, you wan’ it?” “Yes please, more than anything.” You rest your head back into his shoulder. He shrugs at your head until your mouth is close enough to kiss. He slams your hips down and cums as you two make out and whisper sweet nothings. 
“Again, Baby.” Choso holds the vibrator to your clit. You arch your back and forget the fact that you have nipple clamps on. You scream when the clamps move. Your entire body is sensitive, Choso came up with the idea to simulate you to the max when you said you wanted to have his baby, that you wanted him to breed to and fill you to the brim with his cum. You readily agreed to his idea because you knew that the more orgasms you had the better chance you had to get pregnant, something about the virginal walls relaxing when women orgasm. Now though, you’re regretting it. Choso’s been holding the vibrator on your clit for the last hour and every time you think you’ve gone numb to the sensation; he finds a way to make you cum harder than the last. “N-no Choso, ‘m done down, I've cum as I can, wan’ you to fuckmenow!” You slur your words, the pleasure making you lightheaded. “One more Babygirl.” He soothes you, rubbing your stomach and imagining what you’d look like full of his cum. Beautiful, you’d look beautiful. “At least fuck me while you give me another orgasm!” You argue, staring at him with glossed-over puppy eyes. Choso gives in and situates himself between your legs, still holding the vibrator over your clit. You sigh happily when he sets the vibrator down and thrust his cock in you. You thought you were completely numb down there but the feeling of Choso thrusting into your hole that’s been contracting nothing felt godly. Adding that with the vibrator that he put back on your clit, you come immediately. “Choso!” You scream clenching around him so tight he can’t help cumming. “Fuck! ‘M filling you up so good baby!” 
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yawnderu · 4 months
Simon lets out a deep chuckle as he sees your daughter pick flowers from the light, clean grass, her tiny hands barely even managing to gather enough strength to get the stems out of the ground.
“C'mon, that's enough.” His voice is patient, calloused hands picking his daughter up as he brings her up to his chest, a small smile when he sees her holding onto the flowers for dear life, giggles leaving her lips as he starts bouncing her while they walk.
It became a routine, in a way, for Simon to bring his daughter whenever he visits his family. She's too young to understand, so pure, so untainted from the dangers of the world, always kept safe by Simon and you, yet he can't fight off the urge to make his family see her.
He walks for a few minutes, enjoying the chilly air while his daughter cuddles up to him, one of her tiny hands gripping his jacket, while the other one is still holding onto the flowers. He stops in front of a set of four graves, the familiar pit of dread setting deep within him starts to come out, shaky hands managing to gently put the little girl down on the cold ceramic.
Mrs. Riley.
If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.
Simon was hiding his hurt quite well, managing to sit down next to his little girl, one hand on her back as she started crawling around, finally setting the flowers down.
“Mum?” His voice is quiet, almost cracking, as if he was the scared little boy his mother defended with her life. His daughter looks up at him with curious brown eyes, sitting down and entertaining herself with her own onesie.
“I remember telling you I'd never settle down because I could never get as lucky as Tommy and Beth...” He dragged out, gaze going down to the ring on his finger, the physical representation of your union.
“You've met my wife before, and now I want you to see my kid too.” He's barely managing to speak, words coming out rough and choked up as his hand caresses his daughter's thin hair, making him pause just to examine her features. She's a tiny carbon copy of him, a lovely nose and a set of brown eyes that will never see the horrors he lived.
“She's a proper daddy's girl, but you would've loved each other.” He's sure of it. His mum was always so lovely, so nurturing. A true angel on earth with way too much forgiveness and patience for her own good.
He picks his daughter up, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. Simon thought he cried all his tears when he was a little boy, yet his nose is starting to sting, vision getting blurry for a few seconds until a choked sob manages to escape his lips. He's quick to wipe any tears away, simply trying to focus on the peace and quiet the cemetery offers, his hand running up and down his daughter's back, patting it softly just to hear that little giggle that seems to always repair his broken soul.
“All of you would've loved her, shy little thing she is.” He sniffles again before a quiet laugh leaves his lips, smiling despite the way his eyes are still filled with tears threatening to spill at any moment.
“I'm quittin' the SAS soon, don't want her to grow up without a father. The wife's happy about it, too.” Simon lets out a small sigh, looking down at the graves of his family, all buried next to each other. He shakes his head softly, his free hand quickly wiping off his tears before he goes back to holding his daughter, rocking her with care.
“I'll come back with her next time, jus' wanted to talk to you today. Let you meet this lovely girl.” Big brown eyes meet his gaze, instantly cheering him up despite everything. He pinches his cheek softly only for the little girl to smack his hand away with a giggle, only making his smile grow wider at how hot-heated she is. Just like her mother.
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valtiere · 1 month
Showed my work to family and the response was, well, let's just go with less than enthusiastic... Not unkind, but it left me feeling like a child seeking validation, which is stupid. I'm not, I'm just (apparently) really bad at reading people. I don't pick up on the subtleties so if someone says they like a thing, I share more of it, not realizing that maybe they were just being polite.
Take this blanket (pattern: cosmic cal by Helen Shrimpton), for example . A while back, I gifted it to my mother only for her to immediately give it away. If I'd realized she wouldn't value it, I'd have kept it for myself. And yet still, here I am, trying to share things with people who clearly are not interested. 😒 Am I a hopeful optimist, an idiot or just a slow learner?
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Rhetorical question, by the way. This really is just a long winded way of venting into the void and saying, sod it. From now on I'm going to do this stuff for myself. My art. My enjoyment. The way I should have approached it from the start.
Edit: thank you to everyone here who has commented, liked or reblogged my work. It warms my dark and brittle soul to see that people *do* like what I do. I know I'm just bitching here about how the people close to me don't seem to care about it, but I know there are many, many other people who do and that matters to me. I appreciate you all. 💕
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lemonlover1110 · 2 months
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Satoru Gojo
Summary: Satoru struggles with his two babies.
Warnings: Pure Fluff
Discord +18 - Twitter - Ko-Fi
*I used the two babies from baby steps for this, but you don't have to read to enjoy the fluffy oneshot🥹
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“C’mon, Seiji. Vegetables are so good. yummy.” Satoru is trying to bribe his almost-two-year-old into eating the rest of his food, alas, he doesn’t sound too convincing. He tasted the vegetables, they aren’t too good but you cooked them so he isn’t going to bash them. Seiji really doesn’t care about not hurting anybody’s feelings at this stage of his life, so even though his dearest mother made them, he refuses to eat them.
Satoru sighs defeatedly, putting the fork down. He guesses Seiji doesn’t have to eat vegetables every day to grow strong. He picks Seiji up from the high chair, putting him down on the ground to allow him to walk around and do whatever he likes to do. Lately Seiji loves to play with any piece of trash he finds, making Satoru realize that he’s wasted thousands of dollars on toys.
“Don’t be too loud! Don’t wake your sister up.” Satoru yells, knowing that Seiji really doesn’t care about that. The baby only has one thought in his mind and that’s to play with whatever he gets his hands on. 
Satoru really thought that handling two babies under two would be a breeze, he’s the strongest, he can accomplish just about anything… But his two kids tire him out. Saori cries so much that he anticipates in horror the moment that she wakes up. Seiji never stops moving, it’s nearly impossible to get him to stand still for a moment. He loves his babies more than anything, but he’s rightfully tired.
Satoru is being the best husband that he can be by taking care of his babies while you study and finish up your degree. But two tiny humans are slowly ending his life. Satoru follows Seiji around, deciding to just let him wander around the house because Seiji hates to be put in his playpen lately.
“Dada.” Seiji points up when he gets to the stairs, looking back at his father. Satoru shakes his head, picking up Seiji and taking him back to the living room so he can find something there that he can engross himself with. Seiji makes sure to let out a dramatic cry because he hates being carried and contradicted. He doesn’t want to go to the living room, he wants to go upstairs.
“Crying isn’t going to do anything, baby. You’re staying down here.” Satoru says as he carries Seiji away. Seiji makes sure to yell,
“Down! Down!” Which actually works on Satoru today because he doesn’t want Seiji to wake up the sleeping baby. When his tiny feet hit the ground, Seiji begins to run around which isn’t really an issue for Satoru since he only has to take two steps to catch up to Seiji.
It’s boring, really, but he prefers walking after his toddler better than trying to entertain both babies while they’re awake. Seiji doesn’t care for his parents' attention until Saori is awake; when she’s awake he wants to become the center of attention.
Satoru really thinks he’s safe, until he hears her cries from upstairs, and the loudest sigh leaves his lips. He picks Seiji up, making him kick his feet and cry, demanding that he’s put down. Luckily for him, his father listens to his wishes and puts him down. Unluckily for him, he’s put down in the playpen that lately feels like a prison. 
“No! Out!” Seiji demands, but Satoru doesn’t listen. He leaves Seiji there while he goes upstairs to pick up Saori from her crib.
When he gets there, he notices his baby girl is sitting up, waiting for him to finally pick her up. He coos, approaching the crib and picking her up, “Hi my sunshine. Did you sleep well?”
She doesn’t stop crying so easily though. He changes her diaper, and the crying gets worse. He tickles her tummy, laughing to himself, “Aren’t you a hungry girl? You ate one hour ago too.”
He guesses he can’t blame her, a bottle of milk wouldn’t be enough to hold him over either… But he guesses he’s four times her size and two decades older than her. He exits the room, getting more irritated by the second with the crying baby that’s in his arms. 
He begins to walk down the stairs, and that’s when he sees a little rascal holding to the railing and trying to walk upstairs. His eyes widen, his first thought being: how the hell did Seiji escape his playpen? Seiji finally looks up, seeing his father at the top of the stairs. He lets go of the railing, his hands going over his tiny mouth, his signature move for when he gets caught.
Satoru watches it happen in slow motion. Seiji’s tiny feet on the edge of the stair, he tips over and falls back from the stairs until he’s back on the first floor again. At least Seiji was only on the third stair up so it wasn’t a long fall– However, he cries his heart out as if he was at the very top.
“Seiji, how the hell did you even get out of the playpen?” Satoru is reasonably angry because he has two crying kids to soothe on his own. He doesn’t want to bother you while you study so it’s his problem, and only his. He doesn’t know which problem to tend to first. 
Satoru just knows one thing, and he hates thinking about it, but he wouldn’t be dealing with any of this if he had used a condom.
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