#go vote grillby
sunny6677 · 1 month
Okayyyy it's very obviously gonna be Kevin who ends up being shipped, and even if I have a feeling I know where this is going, I'm gonna give a choice anyway/lh
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Rushing things: Chapter one
(since the vast majority of you voted for it, here's the first + second episodes of my smut/domestic fluff papyton fanfic! the rest of it is on Ao3 if you wanna read ahead ^^)
The 3-part movie saga
A year... It has already been a year since Frisk freed the monsters from the underground.
It has been a year that Frisk has been going left and right (with the help of their friends), signing papers and going to meetings, so that a peace treaty could be put in place.
so that monsters could live with humans in harmony.
Of course, there's still some jackasses around that doesn't like the fact that times are changing, but a surprising amount of humans accepted monsters as their own.
Toriel and Undyne became teachers at the local elementary school, Toriel teaching science and Undyne being the PE coach. Meanwhile Grillby, Muffet, Temmie, and all the other merchants set up shop around the city, being more or less successful. Asgore and Alphys had time to reconnect and hang out. Sans, well, didn't changed much, still getting caught slacking all the time, but at least he's supposed to have a job at Grillby's. And Frisk, despite being the ambassador of monsters, still went to school, and was generally a normal kid.
So, here we are, in a warm beach city, in the middle of March, and a trying-to-be-silent hype was rumbling throughout the city: a three-part movie saga featuring loved human actors and the newest star from the underground, Mettaton, was rumoured to come out in a few weeks. Humans never heard of this man, but according to the few dozen monsters that had seen his movies, he was really good at it. And Papyrus, being his number 1 fan was stoked, having already pre-ordered tickets to all three movies and waiting impatiently for the release.
Well, the actor, meanwhile... WAS SHAKING IN HIS HIGH HEEL BOOTS. OMG, BEING A HUMAN STAR IS SO MUCH MORE STRESSFUL THAN HE HAD THOUGHT! Of course, he still had fun, y'know? He got to travel to wonderful places and meet renowned actors, but it wasn't done in an instant. He thought he was so shiny, but human stars shone 100 times as bright, so he had to fight for his career. And Well... it did pay off, with the whole 3-part saga and all that, but.... The part he was given was humiliating, the plot was based on an overused trope, and in the long run, said plot didn't even make sense anymore. And the "main character" was an asshole, who you were supposed to simply forgive because "TrAgIc BaCkStOrY". In the very few scenes where Mettaton actually showed up, it simply was the worst: because, of course, it happened in a fuCKING STRIP CLUB. THAT'S RIGHT, METTATON'S PART WAS BEING A ✨ROBOT STRIPPER✨ GREAT. AWESOME. AMAZING METTATON'S FIRST BIG ROLE IN A HUMAN MOVIE AND HE ALREADY RUINED HIS WHOLE IMAGE. So, here he was, watching the final cuts of the filming with the other actors before it was sent out to the editor, and he was on the verge of tears. THIS is how humans are gonna remember him: as the actor who played that stupid blocky robot exotic dancer that turns against the MC and gets killed off like nothing just to show how strong the MC was. At least, the good part of all this is that Napstablook worked on the soundtrack, and they fully agree with Mettaton: This whole saga is a trash heap.
He only stayed for filming for a few weeks but it felt like it was years since he last saw Alphys, so, as soon as he wasn't needed anymore, he immediately took the first train back to that little beach city on the western coast, to see his friend.
When Mettaton showed up to her door, Alphys nearly choked on her soda and apologised profusely for not wearing anything other that a loose t-shirt and pink boxers. When MTT came inside the apartment, she was now apologising for the mess, but he didn't mind in the slightest: after spending so much time cooped up in a 5 stars hotel on the other side of the country, Alphys and Undyne's place was a very welcome mess, and he knows she'll never judge him for unwinding.
So he did just that: he took off his heels and made himself comfy on the large couch in the main room. Seeing the robot sigh dramatically as he spread himself on the sofa, Alphys asked: 《- R-rough filming session, buddy? - It's not that, Alphys darling, it's just that I might as well quit the movie-making business right now after THAT FIASCO! - H-HUH? W-what happened?? - Oh I don't wanna bore you with it... (please insist on hearing it Alphy.) - *sigh* Mettaton, can you please tell me what happen- - IT WAS HORRIBLE, HONEY, HORRIBLE ! THAT MOVIE IS GARBAGE, AND I'M NOT EVEN ON THE COVER ART OR EVEN THE TRAILER ! yelled Mettaton while wildly shaking Alphys. - WhOoAAAH METTA CALM DOWN !! Pleaded the reptile as she felt the motion sickness kicking in. I'm sure it's not THAT bad!!》 All it needed was Mettaton showing her the early release version of the first movie (that the producer oh-so-kindly gifted him with a weird flirty wink) for Alphys to look at MTT with pity in her eyes. 《- damn. It IS that bad. - I KNOOOOW!!! He cried out, while dark oily tears were streaming down his midi-pad-shaped face. - I'm s-sorry man, i-i can't do anything about that, I don't have the power to just, delete a movie from existence (because if I did, I already would've done it the moment the main character stole that precious locket without feeling any kind of remorse, and not giving it back, and not having any kind of redemption for it.) - I know. Said Mettaton between two sobs. My career in the human has barely took off, and it's already going down in flames... - Metta, said Alphys, picking her words carefully, that movie may be absolute trash but not only is it your very first movie on the surface but just because you had one bad performance d-doesn't mean you're not gonna have more chances later.》 And she got up to fetch tissues for him.
While she was gone, Mettaton reflected on those words, but they didn't sooth his worries, because he KNOWS he will be disappointing his long-term fans AND painting a very ugly image of monsters for all humans to see.
Half an hour later, the floor was already littered in crumpled oily tissues as MTT was venting to Alphys. Seeing him like this, made Alphys think about the ghost inside the robot. A dissatisfied little ghost who's biggest dream was to be a star. "No, it WILL NOT end like that, Alphys thought to herself, I'll tell that producer to cancel that movie!.. or w-well ask someone to do it... it's so crazy it might just work!.. or it's just straight up crazy and it will end in a disaster- NO stop thinking like that Alphys!" 《-Metta! - hmm?! Yes? Asked MTT slightly startled by the sudden raise of volume. - I'll get that movie cancelled!! I-if you want it to be... - Alphys, darling, I appreciate the gesture but there's no way in hell that you have enough influence to pull this off. - Well, I'll try anyway! M-maybe if I show how bad this movie is to our friends, they would back us up! She added, trying her best to sound confident. - mmm... perhaps... Replied the robot. But I'm still sceptical about this plan, honey. - D-don't worry! I know exactly who to text! Your number 1 fan!》 And Alphys bolted to her room to get her phone.
"Huh, my number 1 fan? MTT said in the back of his mind. And Alphys knows them close enough to have their number? Who could that possibly be??" When Alphys came back, her phone texting app was open to a chat titled "Papyrus"
Papyrus... The name alone didn't mean anything to Mettaton. However, when he saw the profile picture of the person Alphys was texting ("pretty awkwardly and overly apologetic" he thought) it finally clicked: That wacky skeleton he saw a year prior, just before they exited the underground... He was his biggest fan..? Seriously?
《- Hey, Alphys dear, how do you know this guy? - O-oh, he's Undyne best friend. He sometimes comes here. They both like to "cook" together. And by "cook" I mean that they like to destroy ingredients with their fists and almost burn down the apartment complex. - Sounds like my kind of cooking~♡ - why do you think you've never been in the same room as them-
A-anyways, he's still a pretty cool dude, he has a heart of gold under all his goofiness... I actually think you two could be friends. - Yeah yeah yeah right, gimme that phone Alphys, you're taking ages. Stated Mettaton impatiently as he snatched the cute pink phone from her chubby clawed hands.》
Stood fully upright with his new legs, Mettaton was a good few feet taller than Alphys and he fully used that to keep the phone out of her reach as he texted Papyrus himself:
Mettaton here, hello darling, I have a problem with the upcoming movie saga, would you like to help me?
...Well, it's true that in a situation like that, where you're chatting with your friend and all of a second, your favourite celebrity texts you via the same chat, it's understandable to think they're messing with you, but Mettaton was too impatient to care, and instead went into face-time.
Papyrus's reaction to seeing him face to face surely was something: He was whisper-screaming as quiet as he could while wildly shaking and waving the hand he wasn't using to hold his phone. His excitement was barely contained, and, honestly, that was the cutest reaction Mettaton had ever seen.
As soon as Papyrus managed to calm down a bit, the robot started to explain the situation to him. The skeleton was eagerly listening to Mettaton, until his face fell when MTT told him how awful the upcoming saga was. 《- WAIT, IS IT REALLY THAT BAD? - Yes, darling, so if I were you, I'd ask for a refund on my ticket preorder. - BUT I WANTED TO SEE HOW GREAT YOUR NEXT MOVIE WAS GONNA BE... said Papyrus sadly. For some reason, seeing this man sad was unbearable for MTT, so he quickly added - W-well how about, you get a refund, and I'll simply come to see you in person to cheer you up? His face instantly lit up again at the suggestion. -REALLY?? Papyrus said, his voice rising a few octaves. Y-YOU'D DO THAT? FOR ME?? - Of course, honey, I'm very generous! (Meanwhile in his mind, Mettaton was screaming and melting over this cutie before him.) - OK, SO IS TOMORROW AROUND 11:00 AM ALRIGHT? I HAVE TO DROP OFF FRISK TO SCHOOL AT 8:30, BUT AFTER THAT I'M COMPLETELY FREE! AND IF YOU WANT YOU COULD ALSO STICK AROUND FOR LUNCH! Suggested Papyrus without catching his breath. - Oh uhhh... T-that sounds perfect! And, since I don't have anything else to do, I'll gladly stay for lunch! - GREAT! I'LL BE EXPECTING YOU AT 11:00! OH BOY I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU IN PERSON! SEE YOU, METTATON! - oh, see you too darling!》 And he hung up.
Chapter two:
The first hangout.
Whu- What just happened?
They called Mettaton's biggest fan to tell him to back him up to get the movie saga cancelled... and then... he managed to plan to hang out with a guy he met only once..?
Mettaton had completely forgotten about the plan when talking to Papyrus, and only remembered it when Alphys pointed it out.
Welp, at least they could ask other fans and friends to help them get the movies cancelled, and that's what they did: the two friends spent the rest of the evening calling and texting friends and family to tell them about the issue. Of course it still wasn't nearly enough, and Mettaton was aware of that, but... he had trouble focusing on the task at hand when he had that meeting with that skeleton tomorrow. And then, tomorrow came.
Mettaton woke up to the official poster of the saga literally EVERYWHERE: on billboards, as paper posters glued on the street, as side ads on every websites he checked... it was a nightmare. But thankfully his friends responded to the texts saying that will be backing him up 100%! What a relief- wait.
What time is it? 10:47 AM, motherfucker~ <3 F u c k
Mettaton ran to his wardrobe to take the outfit he prepared, flipped his switch in a hurry and dressed up as quickly as he could (while also trying to not wrinkle the pretty red suit he picked)
Mmm... should he take the prerelease movie CD with him?... Probably... since he still needs to get Papyrus on board with the plan, and showing just how God awful this movie is would be a great way to convince him (in theory).
As soon as he was fully dressed, MTT took the CD case and ran to his car, when it hit him that he didn't know where Papyrus lived, so he had to call Alphys to ask her, which took longer than he wanted because Alphys refused to pick up, so he had to TEXT her, which got an answer much quicker but now Mettaton only had 6 minutes to get there on time. (When I tell you that MTT's car FLEW over the highway-)
At least he wasn't TOO late, only a few minutes but he still got there around the time he was asked to come. After parking his car not too far from the building Papyrus lived in, Mettaton walked toward the front door before noticing that the skeleton was standing there, waiting. When their eyes met, Papyrus's whole face lit up and he ran up to Mettaton.
Before he knew it, the robot was tackled in a tight hug, so earnest and warm, as if they've known each other since childhood, then Papyrus pulled back his head and looked up at Mettaton with his eyes sparkling with excitement, before letting go. That passionate welcome was unexpected (and it wrinkled Mettaton's suit a bit) but he didn't mind, it made his cheeks and chest feel so warm... Why was he here again?.. Oh right, the plan! The plan to ask the director to cancel the movie! MTT was about to bring it up, when Papyrus spoke up: 《- SO, METTATON, DO YOU WANNA COME IN? - Oh yes, we should probably get inside to... do whatever to pass the time I guess... - WELL I PREPARED A LITTLE SOMETHING, I HOPE YOU'LL LIKE IT!》
Papyrus and Sans's apartment was pretty humble, but it had a certain coziness to it, and, unlike Undyne and Alphys's, it was tidy. As soon as they entered, Papyrus dashed to his room, telling Mettaton to make himself at home. So he sat down on the couch and waited for the homeowner to come back, while using that time to fix his suit.
But when Papyrus came back, that nice red suit was clearly overkill, as he was in a comfy bunny onesie, carrying a few fluffy blankets and pillows over his shoulder, and holding dvd cases in his free hand.
....a sleepover??...
This man had the unique opportunity to spend time with his favourite celebrity... and he planed a SLEEPOVER??? IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY??
...Mettaton had to admit to himself that it was a pretty ballsy move, and Papyrus was clearly fully confident doing it, so he had to appreciate his boldness.
Anyway, Papyrus was setting down the blankets and pillows on the couch (that he deployed in bed mode) while his guest was watching, feeling overdressed for this whole charade. However, the skeleton did not appear to mind in the slightest that Mettaton was dressed so formal for such a casual occasion, instead he asked him to choose what movie he wanted to watch while he went in the kitchen to grab some snacks.
The movie selection was... original: "Peekaboo with a fluffy bunny: the movie", "little kitty discovers the world", "Dr funkenstein", "the upside-down river"... Yup, all of these were children's movies.
In the end, Mettaton chose the last one, as it seemed to be the least childish, and as Papyrus came back with multiple bags of chips and a bottle of unnaturally purple soda, he confessed that "THAT MOVIE ALWAYS MAKES ME CRY..."
Curtains were drawn and blinds were closed, the skeleton made himself comfy on the couch, and finally pressed "play" on the remote. Actually, that movie was much more enticing than MTT had first thought, and soon enough, he understood why it made Papyrus cry every time, as he was tearing up himself. During a particularly heartbreaking scene, Mettaton swore he felt the skeleton, who was also crying heavily, getting closer to him and resting his head on his shoulder.
"Oh. Oh my..." He thought, as he felt the heat rising to his cheeks and his mechanical heart pounding in his chest.
At first, Mettaton was unsure about it, but right at that moment, it was... nice. Watching this bittersweet children's movie, gorging on chips and soda, while laying on a comfy couch filled with pillows and blankets... and with such good company too... And the end of the movie came, and the curtains and blinds were opened once more, letting the blinding midday light in. (Now that they could see eachothers faces, both of them had puffy, red eyes and humid cheeks from crying so much.)
Well it was now 13:30, guess Mettaton did stay until lunch.
《- HEY METTATON, DO YOU WANT TO HELP ME COOK? Asked Papyrus while cleaning up the chips packets. - Gladly! Answered the robot, chipper.》
After Papyrus went in his room to change back to his main outfit, the two started cooking spaghetti, the skeleton's self-proclaimed specialty, however it quickly dawned on MTT that he wasn't... that great of a chef. Lots of rookie mistakes that made him cringe inside. Every time the host made a mistake, Mettaton tried his best to gently tell him he was messing up, to Papyrus's surprise.
After an hour of trial and error (and wasted spaghetti, r.i.p) they managed to make the best spaghetti both of them ever made, and, much to Mettaton's shock, the only spaghetti that Papyrus ACTUALLY ATE IN HIS LIFE.
Afterwards, Mettaton realised he stayed for over 3 hours, and didn't even bring up the plan, so, he mentioned it -more awkwardly than he would've wanted- and added that he brought the first movie of the saga.
《- WOWIE,BUT I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T WANT ME TO WATCH IT? - W-well it is trash. But would you like to see just HOW TRASH that movie is? Asked Mettaton with a tone of challenge. - ...I'LL GO GET MY ONESIE. responded Papyrus with determined smirk.》
Back on the couch, back his bunny onesie, and this time, Mettaton also being in a onesie (a grey tabby cat one that Papyrus lended him), they started the film... and the skeleton immediately fell asleep once it was clear that Mettaton wouldn't appear in the rest of the movie, and, of course, he fell asleep on the robot himself, who's body temp rose like Jesus on the third day.
It was hard focusing on the movie when this lovable dork was snoozing so cutely in the crook of his armpit.
But Mettaton came to a realisation while watching this movie for the god-knows-what time: Maybe Alphys was right, this movie is pretty bad, and the other two are no better, but they are just that... bad, boring movies. Maybe Mettaton was overreacting...
He looked at his phone, and at all his friends, family and fans who are willing to back him up... And at the trailer ads for the saga on his socials...
Maybe he should just let this movie come out and let people see how bad it is... And before he knew it, he fell asleep as well, holding Papyrus close...
(what even is pacing lmao)
anyway, tell me if you want to see more, or simply if you liked it! seeing nice little things being said about my creations always makes me happy ^^
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seems there's a lot of grillby asks, and as an avid bird fan who shall not be swayed, i shall level the playing field!
look at the lil guy. the lil ducky. look at that adorable face. so kind, so pure. they lift you across a small gap, and guess what?
they don't even ask for money! it's a free service! they just carry you because it's what they love to do. and the song that plays gets you hyped! like yeah, go lil ducky, you've got this, carry frisk over the gap!!
grillby? just some fire guy. nothing interesting. what, he's on fire? yeah, and? look at heats flamesman, i don't see any love for that guy. and he's also on fire. plus, grillby's theme makes me wanna sleep. kinda meh, doesn't get me excited for food.
the duck is the perfect character. adorable, nice, selfless, and has an awesome theme. how could you not vote for that adorable lil ducky?
Finally, some love for the bird!
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tocofox · 2 years
LustTale Mettaton Will be next to draw-
Due to a request :3
The Most Voted will be draw first the Least Voted will not be drawn everything will go in order from Most Voted to Least Voted-
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hey, haven't seen you around grillby's before. heared there was a poll going on... me and my bf are in the running and have been doing decently well it seems. papyrus supports us.
hey, listen. i don't do this a lot, but vote for me and my bf or you're gonna have a bad time.
anyway, the poll is over here @kanai-ward-census if you were wondering
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hazes-art-doings · 1 year
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The humantale popularity poll has begun!
Go to the voting polls below to vote on your favorates within the next 24 hours (the bracket was randomized and because of the number, Grillby, Greta, Topaz, and Marcus will be moving on to the next round)
Bracket one Bracket two Bracket three Bracket four
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I made this for a friend who is joining but it works for everybody
Here is your friendly guid to the utdr poll runners discord server, now officially dubbed the Everything But Marvel server!
So! Let's start with channel names and purposes.
General: general. put whatever here.
Genderal: General part 2. put whatever here.
Complaining-about-shit: Complain about your life, about annoying undertale fans, about annoying ut/dr haters, anything.
Bepis: for le funny memes and spamming penis and bepis emojis. Also the home of ms. pipis.
Blacklist-slash-squick-channel: Where people put their triggers and/or squicks. You should read through this channel to know what not to post, and what to only post with a spoiler over the text and a trigger warning.
Court-case: I'm not sure what the name was originally referring to, but this is where we use the family tree bot.
gay-shit-and-also-trans-shit: For posting queer stuff.
ace-club-and-aro-club-too: For posting aspec stuff. You need the aspec role to be given to you by a mod to use this channel.
the-au-channel-imagine-that-in-all-caps: For AUs.
art-chanel-that-exists-now: For posting art.
g-a-h-c-a: For gacha stuff.
utdr-enthusiam: Exactly what it says. A good place to talk about undertale or deltarune, along with general and genderal.
promote-ur-damn-polls: where we'll be posting our polls, and other polls we want the people to vote in
theories-wooo: for undertale and deltarune theories.
ai-trauma-channel: for traumatizing AIs and talking about it
roelplay-chanele: No actual roleplay happens here but tupperbox bot works, so that's a plus.
pun-dertale: for undertale puns and general puns
vent-channel: for venting about your life. Most vents are spoilered with content warnings.
fanfic-channele-for-grillbys-aus-to-gush-about-bkdk: A channel for Grillby Aus to talk about BakuDeku.
fnaf-chanel-bc-this-is-basically-afnaf-and-ut-server-at-this-point: A FNAF channel. I've never been in it so I have no idea what the dealio is.
hand-gods-blorbo-and-headcanons-cganel: The Handyman's personal channel for various purposes. I've also never been in this one.
spooders: To talk about Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
the-finest-arts: One of our newest channels; "this channel will be for posting the absolute best things youve seen! dont go posting stuff thats just good, post stuff that is truly wonderful" -hatsune miku, creator of the channel
the-best-fabic-ever-written: For fanfiction.
EVERYONE LOVES NUBERT. MY MAN! <-organizer title
no-mic: I've never been in this channel and have no idea what it's for.
alpha-gaming: for chatting while streaming with Discord, I think.
🔊 sans-dont-put-the-ost-here: Sans used to put the ost here.
🔊 sans-put-the-ost-here: Sans used to put the ost here.
🔊 Unnamed voice Channel: For general voice chatting, I think.
🔊 welcome-to-hell: I have no idea what this channel is for.
funny-gifs-channel: For funny gifs
BOOTS<-organizer title; means bots.
fish-ing-not-dings: for the fishing bot.
yggdrasil: For the Yggdrasil bot.
undertable-rpgggg: For the Undertale rpg bot
fucked-up-shit: For messed up stuff that in any other channel would demand a spoiler and content warning
That's all! I'll update this as new channels are added, and hopefully reblog this with a guide to the people.
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undertale-data · 3 years
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[Image Description: an Undertale chat box that says “CANON UNIVERSE” at its center. Surrounding it is radar on its left, and CRIME measurers and a Friendship bar from the Dating Hub on its right. End I.D.]
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[Image Description: A bar graph titled “CANON CHARACTER SHIP PREFERENCES”. From left (greatest) to right (least): Alphyne, with 1641 who CONSUME it and 435 who CREATE it; Soriel, with 802 consumers and 188 creators; Papyton, with 725 consumers and 150 creators; Sansby, with 644 consumers and 140 creators; RG01/RG02, 555 consumers and 48 creators; Nicepants, 515 consumers and 61 creators; Kingdings, 445 consumers and 74 creators; Grillster, 438 consumers and 97 creators; Dogamy/Dogaressa, 427 consumers and 38 creators; Frans, 342 consumers and 107 creators; Fontcest, 310 consumers and 136 creators; Charisk, 289 consumers and 77 creators; Sanster, 271 consumers and 85 creators; Chasriel, with 212 consumers and 41 creators; Sansgoriel, 204 consumers and 32 creators; Mettaton/Sans, 127 consumers and 22 creators; Other Ships, 735 consumers and 459 creators; No Ships, 340 consumers and 1581 creators; there were 141 consumers and 117 creators who preferred not to answer. End I.D.]
Alphyne (Alphys/Undyne), as the only major canon ship confirmed in the game, understandably had the highest number of votes in the consumption category, with 61.9% of fans enjoying content about them. They also ranked highest among the specifically stated ships in the creation category, at 16.4%. (As a reminder, ship content created could be in the form of fics, art, comics, videos, or other forms of media.) The “other ships” option, while having only half the votes that Alphyne did in the consumption category, narrowly beat out Alphyne in the creation category (at 17.3%). These two questions in the survey came before the reader insert and AU ships. The “other ships” option in the survey was specifically labeled as “rarepair or ship not listed here,” without clarifying that it still only referred to canon character ships, so it is possible that content creators voted for that option in reference to reader insert or AU ships. Of course, it could also mean that the total of all rarepair ships surpasses the one major ship in the game. It is impossible to tell for sure without gathering more data.
Regardless, Alphyne is still very popular, and deservedly so. Alphyne is unique as one of the first wlw romances in popular media. In the free-response questions about favorite characters and favorite things about the game, many fans brought up the impact that Alphyne had on them. One responder said, “I think Alphys/Undyne helped me accept myself as a lesbian.” The true pacifist ending of the game cannot be reached without Undyne and Alphys confessing their feelings, and the player themself helps them to do so. All of these factors likely contribute to the interest that fans have in their relationship.
Of the ships that are not present in canon, Soriel (Sans/Toriel) ranked the highest in both the consumption and creation categories, followed by Papyton (Papyrus/Mettaton) and Sansby (Sans/Grillby).
[More analysis of these ships under the cut. Also contains mentions of Fontcest.]
Soriel’s popularity is unsurprising given their interactions in canon. Sans’s friendship with Toriel cannot be missed on any route, as he talks about her in the ending phone calls, even choosing to stay with her in the Exiled Queen ending. He also mentions her at the MTT resort if you choose to have dinner with him, which is a scene that many fans of the game love. And, of course, there is the unforgettable pacifist ending, where they meet in person for the first time while Asgore cries in the background. While none of these interactions are inherently romantic, they certainly have a deep friendship that fans can choose to make into something more.
Interestingly, Papyton is the only one of these top four ships that has not had a direct interaction in-game, though Papyrus’s admiration for Mettaton can be inferred from tidbits scattered throughout his battle (MTT brand anime powder, etc.), his date (action figures of various sexy robots), and his phone calls (“HE’S MY FAVORITE SEXY RECTANGLE!”). This ship also may have the appeal of giving both Papyrus and Mettaton a love interest, particularly if fans also ship Alphyne and Soriel at the same time. Papyrus and Mettaton both have bold, flamboyant personalities that have potential to go well together in fanworks where they have the opportunity to interact.
Sansby ranked number four, being the only popular canon ship to include a minor character. Grillby is interesting in that he only says one line in the game (“...good job.”), yet he has a large fan following in his own right. Sans jokes with him, and even if Grillby does not respond verbally, there is room for fans to headcanon a relationship between them.
The fifth ranking ship depends on whether you choose to sort by the ships fans choose to consume, or the ships fans choose to create. Royal Guard 01/Royal Guard 02 is the fifth most popular ship for consuming content, but they only have 48 responders (1.8%) who enjoy creating content about them. They are memorable and enjoyable side characters, but fans have not latched onto them and given them backstories like Grillby. In sorting by ships fans create content for, Fontcest (Sans/Papyrus) was the fifth most popular (at 5.1%). This did not come as a surprise, since discarding reader and AU ships, Fontcest has the second most tagged fics on AO3 (after Alphyne). Since Papyrus and Sans are the two most popular Undertale characters by far, is it inevitable that some fans will ship them regardless of their status as siblings.
The popularity of Sans, Papyrus, and ships involving the two becomes even more apparent in the next section: reader insert ships.
Shipping Analysis Navigation:
1. Introduction, limitations, and methods 2. Canon Character Ships (you are here) 3. Reader Insert Ships 4. AU Character Ships (to be posted) 5. Overall Shipping Comparisons (to be posted)
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cherryclouds-uwu · 2 years
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Sans: wanna make this interesting? Fell: sure why the hell not? you wanna bet or something? Sans: okay loser pays the winner's grillby's tab Fell: o fuck yah bet #FELLSWEEP #SANSSWEEP #PAYMYTAB More art! I love the OG but Fell will always have a place in my heart. Go Vote! #artist#undertale#undertaleau#sexiestsans https://www.instagram.com/p/Cihv5CMANs6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cintax3rror · 2 years
Hey uh so I did a thing
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The poll is up on Twitter rn:
Go vote for your fav Grillby oh and 2 days for each poll!
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sunny6677 · 1 month
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laptoparmageddon · 3 years
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So, Frisk and Chara trade places. This is probably the only thing that out right changes without a reason.
Frisk and Asriel come to the same plan as in Undertale. Frisk poisons themselves and dies, Asriel takes the soul, and the plan fails.
They both die and their remains are buried in the start of the ruins.
Asgore, instead of declaring war on humanity, takes Toriel's advice of getting 1 human soul and going to the surface.
They wait for the next human, who turns out to be unused human sprite. Seeing that they're only a child, Toriel and Asgore take care of them until they die of an unexpected illness they had before falling.
They requested to be buried in waterfall and their spirit can still be accessed there through the mysterious door.
Asgore, sad and disheartened from losing yet another child, absorbs the soul and heads to the surface to gather the rest of the souls.
The humans prove too powerful for the depressed and kind Asgore and he makes his way back to the underground.
Others, knowing he'd go do this, were awaiting his arrival with the souls but seeing him nearly dead, they rushed to save him.
Alphys ends up having to transfer what remains of him into a flower. Unfortunately, Asgore loses all his memories as a result.
Toriel, having lost her whole family in the span of only a few months, steps down from the throne and takes Asgore or now, Flowey, with her to the ruins where she can grieve in solitude.
She and Asgore find, through sheer determination, Frisk's corpse has reanimated itself but through the trauma, has become an angry and vengeful creature. Toriel and Asgore are tasked to keeping Frisk at bay in the ruins to protect the rest of the underground.
Before Toriel left, she held an election for the new ruler of the underground as she felt the people should decide. Muffet wins by having all her spider family vote for her. This outweighs the amount of monsters in the underground by thousands.
Undyne continues to serve in the royal guard but without the search for humans as mo war was declared. Shes there to protect the citizens. Unfortunately, due to an accident where she protects MK, she becomes brain damaged and can no longer serve. Though, she runs a training gym/shop in waterfall now.
MK saw the their idle fall protecting them. They begin to train in order to 'avenge' Undyne. They unlock their fire magic along the way and soon become the youngest to serve in the royal guard.
Alphys still makes Mettaton but the amalgamate experiments never happened, as again, the underground wasn't desperate to leave yet.
She continued to hang out with Bratty and Catty. They introduce her to Fuku who introduces her to Grillby. Alphys then finds an anime called Elemental idols and they watch it together.
Loving the anime so much, they both ditch their jobs to become idols. This dose upset Mettaton a bit but he soon finds comfort in cooking and since Alphys helped him so much, he shares the entertainment industry with them and mostly focuses on cooking media now.
Mad dummy sees Mettaton going for his dreams and thinks "Whoa, I wanna do that too!" So they find the Mew Mew body and try out cooking. It brings her so much joy that she fuses with her new body and decides to take over Grillby's in Snowdin.
Sans and Papyrus, free of trauma and science based backgrounds in this AU, live relatively chill lives in Snowdin. Sans learns that to see the surface, you need a human soul and he trains to get one. Though, he's not very talkative. So he appoints his lacking in confidence ghost friends Napstablook as his translator. Napstablook, not wanting to let a friend down, dose their best and slowly grows confidence from being Sans' voice.
Papyrus, though still has trouble making friends, is doing his best and since he's not focused on the guard, he wants to go into puzzle making. So he'll appear by random puzzles to make and test them.
Chara falls into the underground and is like "wtf is this." And goes on an adventure.
Gaster stands ominously in the files, waiting to be noticed one day.
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Here to throw support out for spoon bestie 🥺🥺
Grillby is the bartender who serves the hangover you're about to have in a fancy glass, Watchingman is the one tucking you into bed and gently patting your head while you're recovering, they are not the same.
Alternatively: if you get too close to Grillby you get burned, but you can go over to watchingman's house anytime and they have a comfortable bed, cool pillow, and warm blankets for you in your time of need 💙💙
Vote the Spoon!!!!!
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Some more propaganda coming in, this time for Watching Man! The competition is heating up!!
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theninjamouse · 4 years
Vote time! Shore is at the top of a mountain, snowboard all ready to go! Grillby is at her side, they’re ready to start down the mountain. Does Shore: 
A: Take off like a 90s teen movie protag with Simple Plan playing in the background as she smoothly picks up speed 
B: Instantly overcorrect and fall flat on her butt, causing Grillby to utterly lose his sh!t laughing 
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Horrortale : Rotten Apple - Chapter 6
Hello ! Huge chapter today ! It’s time to vote for a new Queen. For Toriel, send 1, for Undyne, send 2 ! Or… Maybe that’s not how it works.
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Chapter 6 : One throne for two
The information of the death of the King made quickly its way through the Underground, just as the holding of the extraordinary Council to decide who was going to succeed to Asgore. The judgement hall was crowded, and Sans and Toriel were struggling to cross the mass of monsters clumped in the tight room. Some were crying, others were screaming their anger. Without the old queen interference, Sans, already considered as the one who let the kid reach the throne, would have probably be dusted. Despite the fear, he tried to stay stolid. He was already disgusted by the rapidity which all services he rendered to the society had been forgotten in a finger snap, just because of some unfounded rumors. He hoped the situation would be more calm in Snowdin. The people’s town knew them for a long time now, but he was scared that Papyrus couldn’t get home safely. Discreetly, he send a text message to Grillby and asked him to go check on his brother.
By chance, however, for now, he was not the main attraction. The personality who was walking next to him attracted the attention more. Her name traveled the crowd and by the time they reached the castle doors, everyone knew who she was. Toriel stayed neutral and disconnected of what people were saying. Sans admired her calm, since he was on the contrary at his breaking point. He was slowly realising he was only a very small skeleton delivered to far more bigger monsters than him and his survival instinct kept yelling after him to find a hole, burry in it and wait for the storm to pass.
At the end of the corridor, some sentries and royal guards struggled to push many too curious monsters that were trying to enter the throne. Toriel gently push the ones who were blocking their way. The guards quickly noticed her and helped to free the way. Behind the soldiers’ hurdle, Gerson, who spotted them, waited for them to arrive.
“Eh, what a mess !” he exclaimed. “I didn’t witness such upheaval since we moved out of the Ruins ! You have a talent to make the youngsters prattle, your Highness.”
“Mister Gerson !” smiled Toriel. “I am so glad to see you. You seemed still well for you age, old pirate.”
“We make go, we make go. That’s very sad what happened to the big guy.” he clutched while walking towards the throne room with them. “I honestly thought he would be the one to spread my dust, not the contrary. Do you know what happened ?”
“We don’t know.” she answered. “But we are certain that Frisk didn’t do it.”
“Oh, I know that. The small rascal stopped in my shop not so long ago. They bought all my trinkets, I’m good for bankruptcy. We talked about the History of Humans and Monsters too. They’re a nice little guy. I made the war, you know, and small rascal like this doesn’t raise a hand on monarchs.”
“We have the same opinion.” Toriel answered, pointing Sans with the hand.
The old turtle adjusted his glasses to watch at the small skeleton better.
“Oh ! But I know who you are ! You are the brother of that loud skeleton who is always running after my little Undyne, are you not ? Did we met before ?”
“Yes, Gerson…” he answered in a sigh. “I’m the Judge for fifteen years now and you are saying that to me every time. I’m starting to feel a bit bonely by now.” he added dramatically.
Toriel chuckled, and Sans winked to her, so proud of himself. Gerson had these memory problems for years now, Sans was used to hear him rambling the same thing over and over again. If the old turtle seemed to know Papyrus well, Sans’ face still not entered his head, even if he was seeing him more often than his brother. He wasn’t upset about this, though. Gerson was one of the last soldiers still alive after the Great War. If someone could make the difference today, it was him. Even if he kinda raised Undyne, he knew Toriel when she was still ruling the Underground and was still very loyal to the royal family. Sans hoped he would take side for her once again.
They entered the royal garden in which the Council would take place. As usual, chairs had been positioned in circle around the golden flowers parterre. Undyne was already here, next to Alphys.
The Council reunited the most important figures of the Underground. There were first the Immortals, chosen by Asgore and not replaced until they die. There were four of them, each one representing a important side of the society : the Royal Guard, leading by Undyne, the science for Alphys, the justice and the social for Sans and the culture for Gerson. Secondly, there was the Royal Family, one chair for the King, the Queen and their children. Only one was usually occupied, since Toriel left and the children died.
The rest of the Council members changed regularly, since they were the ambassadors of the main parts of the Underground : Snowdin, Waterfall, Hotlands and New Home. Orso Grizzly, a brown huge bear were representing Sans’ town. He didn’t knew that much the others. Waterfall’s ambassador was always secretive and appeared only during the Councils. It was an old ghost, Napstablook’s father, and he was grumpy and not very friendly. However, he was extremely conservative, and that could help Toriel.  For the Hotlands, Muffet was the representative. Sans heard a lot about her, like everyone, but rumors said she was only living with her spiders in a remote part of the Underground. New Home’s control had changed recently. The monster that represented that part of the Underground dusted from old age a few weeks ago. Sans didn’t know who was replacing him now, and the seat was still empty. With Orso, they were the last ones missing to start the Council.
Sans and Toriel sat in front of Undyne and Alphys. The tension was still high between the two main candidates to the throne. Sans didn’t like the turn the events were taking. Undyne wouldn’t let Toriel crush her without fighting and Toriel would have to conquer the souls of her people once again, and this even if she was elected. There was no way things were going to go well after that.
He would have love to have Papyrus here to cheer him. Somewhere, he would be. All the Councils were live broadcast on TV. It was Asgore’s idea to prove that they had nothing to hide to their people. Sans knew his brother was probably watching him right now. His phone buzzed. He lowered the eyes to the screen.
Papyrus is home. I made him some tea. We are sheltering some monsters at your home. It’s the panic in Snowdin, lots of fighting in the streets for Undyne or for the old Queen. We’re following the debate of the TV. We’re with you, be brave, you can do it. - Grillbz.
Sans smiled, relieved. At least, he could still count on some old friends down here. He sighed. Papyrus was in good hand, but he couldn’t stop thinking he just dived into big troubles. He wanted to sleep so badly now. He jumped a little when Toriel put a hand on his shoulder.
“It’s ok, we are going to get out of here quickly, old friend. Everything will be alright, you see.”
He forced a smile, like usual, but the spirit was not here. That was way too much stress on his poor fragile soul in one day.
The sounds of heels hammering the ground made everyone looked towards the entry of the room as Mettaton passed the door in a pink shiny sparkling dress, the head high. He crossed the circle proudly under the bewildered eyes of the others Council members.
“M-Mettaton ? What are you doing here ?” asked Alphys, embarrassed. “Your b-batteries are n-not even entirely ch-charging yet !”
“Oh Alphys darling, that’s a long story. I’m the New Home’s ambassador now.”
“What ?” reacted Undyne. “Is this a joke ? You can’t even manage properly your stupid amusement park, how could you…”
“Yes, yes, I know, Darling. You are frightened by my amazing perfect shiny legs and my flirtatious smile, no wonder why you are feeling like trash right now. But don’t worry, I am not running after your girlfriend. I am not that kind of robot, I have standards.”
He sat on his seat and pose dramatically. Undyne scrutinized him for three long minutes, overwhelmed with murdery thoughts. Orso was the last one to entered the room, out of breath. He apologized for being so late and sat next to Mettaton. If Sans still had doubts, the message was more clear now : they were all sitting next to each others, in front of Toriel and him, circling by empty chairs.
Undyne got up and stepped in the middle of the assembly.
“Good evening everyone, I’m supposing you already know why we are here tonight. King Asgore Dreemur got murdered a few hours ago, while he was trying to harvest the seventh and last soul that could have been our key for freedom. In their cruel vengeance against us, the kid destroyed the other souls and crossed the Barrier, out of reach.”
“This is not what happened.” growled Sans.
“I think, of all of us, you should be the one to shut the hell up, Sans. Everyone here witnessed you following the human in the Underground, without doing nothing to stop them. Some people even said they saw you eating at Grillby’s with him. That makes you a traitor to our people and you should certainly not standing here. I’m being very nice if I’m saying the only place you should be right now is the public place for you execution.”
“Oh, come on, that’s ridiculous.” retorted Orso. “Everyone knows Sans, and he’s definitely not a criminal. You’re treating him like he murdered the King himself, is this not a bit excessive ? No one did the right thing to stop that child, and that’s really rich of you, Captain, to dispense morals lessons to him since Papyrus said to me that you cooked and made friend with that same human too. I’m not buying that murder bullshit. I mean, did someone even saw him hurt anyone all the time he was here ?”
Undyne turned her back to him and didn’t answer.
“Well, I must admit the kid is part of the good seeds.” sayed Gerson. “Undyne, my sweet girl, I think you are a bit overreacting. I know you really liked the big guy, but I think that your anger is blinding you.”
“I am not overreacting !” she yelled. “I am the only one here to realise the gravity of the situation ! Can’t you see that without the souls we are all doomed here ?!”
“Well, let at least a chance to the Judge to defend himself” Muffet whistled. “These high treason accusations are serious.”
All the heads turned towards the skeleton. Sans straightened on his chair. Toriel silently encouraged him.
“Well, I admit it. I protected the child from Snowdin to the castle’s doors. They made Papyrus happy, more than he had been in the past few months, and I knew they did good with other people too, like Alphys or Mettaton. Call me a traitor if you want, I did my job and judged them in the last corridor. They didn’t gain any L.O.V.E. They hurt no one and I know they are not the abomination described by Undyne. The kid let a letter.” he pulled out the paper out of his jacket and gave it to Orso, so he could pass it to the others. “In it, they said that a certain Flowey killed Asgore and that they only left the Underground to search for help. Call me an idealist, but after all that child had done for us, oh, I don’t know, maybe we could let him a chance ? And anyway, I was following orders from above. I made a promise to the Queen, so I couldn’t really do otherwise.”
“This is correct.” Toriel said. “I saw these six children fell in the Ruins, but I knew too that none of them had a chance to leave that cursing place before Frisk fell. I ask Sans to protect the next falling child to come, because I had a full trust in him. I couldn’t endure the loss of an other child one again. I am very glad Sans kept his words. But enough rambling now. We are not here to judge my skeleton friend here, but to talk about Asgore’s succession. If I am here today, it is because Sans warned me of what could happen if the kingdom ended in too angry hand. And I’m starting to understand why.”
Undyne ticked immediately.
“You ran away from your duty and your land for decades ! You have no rights on the throne.”
“This is not what the law is saying, dearie. If the King die, the throne cast back to his family who decide to keep it or not. First, the heirs, then his wife. My dear children are long gone, but I am still here and I am Asgore’s wife.”
“But you left Asgore !”
“But I am his children’s mother, and the last representant of the Dreemur’s family. I have nothing to prove, Captain. I fought in the Great War, just like Asgore, and I am sure I had been a good Queen to everyone down here until what happened to Asriel and Chara. Our roads and opinions had diverged because I never approved the murdering policy of my husband and didn’t have my word to say when he chose it. I protected these children as long as I could, and I think that, except for the sixth one as you all know, I did not make a judgemental mistake. They were all pacifist and there are no excuses for what Asgore did to them. They were only children. What Asgore did is barbarian, and I want this to end. We are not in war anymore and our science is far more developing that it was when we arrived here. If you let me, I promise to keep working with doctor Alphys to find a peaceful solution to break the Barrier, while waiting, of course, for Frisk to come back home.”
Several heads nodded in the assembly. Undyne was usually good to captivate the crowd, but Toriel was more calm and open to new ideas. The captain of the Royal Guard underestimated her opponent.
“The Judge said he was sure the child was innocent.” said Angstablook, the Waterfall’s ambassador. “The letter the human let behind is proving his word. I don’t think it is necessary to argue more than necessary. Our people are in need of a new stability and, with my respect, Captain, Toriel was a more than capable queen during the war while you were just in diapers. We heard almost everyone. Judge, Alphys, Mettaton ? Miss Muffet ?”
“I’m still not sure.” answered Muffet.
“Well, if it wasn’t clear enough, I am voting for Toriel.” Sans said. “She is reliable, benevolent and that’s all we need.” He slipped a false-sorry look towards Undyne. “And more, we all know that Undyne will continue Asgore’s policy and will declaring war on humanity the second we’ll be out of here. But I think it’s time to be more realist. We are a few hundreds and humans are several billions on the Surface. A war would only doomed us all once more, and I refuse to take part in it.”
“We fought years for this objective !” screamed Undyne, annoyed. “Everyone ! The royal science, the royal Guard, the Council… But of course, since you have sitting for years without doing anything, just waiting for time to pass by, you didn’t notice that ! We are talking of a skeleton who didn’t filled one report on six years of sentry’s duty ! How can his word even be important ? Sans don’t care about anything or anyone, and even about himself ! If his brother wasn’t taking care of him, he would have dust a long time ago !”
“Undyne, please.” tried to calm her down Gerson. “It’s a Council, it’s not the place for personal grieves.”
“Oh, don’t worry, Gerson.” Sans answered, sarcastic. “We’re talking about a fish lady that didn’t have the guts to assume her acts not thirty minutes ago. She almost killed my brother because she was angry. So tell me, Undyne. Is this your vision of justice ? Hitting everyone who doesn’t think like you ? No need to be a judge to know how it will end, right ? No one here wants a dictatorship that will turn into a bath blood. I recommend you to stay at your place now.”
Undyne grabbed Sans by the neckband of his hoodie and raised him out of his seat. A fireball stopped a few inches of the captain’s head.
“Put him down.” hissed Toriel.
“She is right.” said Orso. “Let’s get to the vote before we kill each other. That’s enough for today.”
“Finally some action !” Mettaton sighed dramatically.
As the oldest of the Council, Gerson got up and stepped in the middle.
“Let’s go then. Those who want Toriel to be our new Queen raise a hand… Or manifest themselves.” he added, looking at Angstablook who didn’t have any.
Except for Alphys and Mettaton, everyone hands went up. When Undyne turn came, only Alphys shyly lift her hand. Mettaton was more concerned by his manicure than by the voting and didn’t take side.
“Welp, this is it then. Queen Toriel Dreemur is taking back the Underground.” smiled Gerson. “An official statement will be spread everywhere tomorrow morning. For now, I think it’s best to rest and calm down for a bit. Let’s meet again tomorrow afternoon so we can start working all together. There is a lot to do.”
“Thank you, Gerson.” answered Toriel. “I’m not staying at the castle tonight, I’m getting home with Sans. I have still some thing to get back from the Ruins.”
He nodded. Undyne was the first one to leave the room, furious, Alphys running behind her. The others Council members congratulate the new Queen before going back to where they were belonging. Soon, there were only Toriel and Sans left in the throne room. The small skeleton was waiting on his seat, still a bit shaking.
“What a night, my friend.” said Toriel, sitting back next to him. “I’m so sorry that all this story fell on you. However, we both know what you did for Frisk and I won’t forget it. We should get home now, Papyrus must start to worry.”
“I’m relieved.” Sans confessed. “But I don’t think Undyne will let me go anytime soon…”
“Oh, but I am afraid she will have too sooner than you think. My first decision will be to disband the Royal Guard. There is no way tyranny rules on my lands anymore.”
“Oh… Well, can I ask for a favor ?”
“Of course !”
“Can you please keep one Royal Guard job ? That’s for my little brother. If you say to him he’ll never be a Royal Guard, he might faint.”
She laughed happily.
“Oh, of course ! I’ll make sure to find him some utility here. After all, he believed in Frisk just like you did and it’s perfectly normal to reward him too.”
“Thanks, your Highness.”
“Please, call me Toriel. After all, as first advisor, we are going to spend a lot of time together.”
“Wait… For real ? You chose me as your first advisor ?”
“Well, of course. If… If you want to. I don’t see anyone else to believe blindly in a crazy looking lady stranger’s voice behind a magic door. Let’s show Undyne how worthy you are.”
Sans didn’t answered and opened a shortcut to Snowdin. He raised the head towards Toriel and smiled, uncertain. She crossed the portal, leaving him a few seconds to realise what she just said. What the hell was he engaging into ? Oh well… At least, maybe this job was paying more than the ‘dogs.
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myownpersonaldemons · 5 years
I VOTE FOR UNDERFELL GRILLBY X READER BECAUSE I CANNNN I don’t know about prompts though. Maybe his silly S/O is playing pretend with some monster kids to make them feel happier and someone tries to fight them because they don’t like how individualistic the kids are becoming?? I know it’s random but just an idea I’ve had floating around in my head for the past couple days 😂 i know it’s not necessarily a “prompt” but hey-hi 🙈💀
SO! I actually ended up choosing another prompt for the selftober prompt thingie that I asked about. (because it was proposal and I’m a sucker for proposal prompts because love man, I love it) BUT! To be honest, I’m really feeling this prompt request thingie, so hell, I’mma do both! Though, this one won’t be considered like a selftober thing.
I adjusted the request a bit but I hope that it still fits what you were thinking!
“Very eloquent, Sans,” you teased, leaningyour head against your fist and grinning at the golden toothed skeleton. “What’sgot you groaning in such despair?”
“toriel wants me ta watch frisk, mk, n’theweed tomorrow,” Sans grumbled, rubbing his skull irritated as he acceptedanother bottle of mustard from Grillby. “don’t get me wrong, love frisk tadeath, salt of the earth n’all that crap, but babysittin’? that shit ain’t mystyle.”
“You don’t have style,” Grillby retorted,practically draping himself against the back of the purple velvet booth, hisarm shifting only to pull you against his side. You blushed a touch at the PDAbut focused on Sans’ smart ass comments and Grillby’s sharp teasing responsesinstead.
“What, you can’t look after two brats forone day?” Grillby asked finally, smirking his blinding smirk, “Or are you toomuch of a-“
“I can look after them,” you interrupted Grillby,“I don’t mind babysitting and I have tomorrow off.”
Sans’ brow bones rose, “heh…ya wanna lookafter the brats?”
“I mean, you’ll totally owe me, but yeahsure,” you shrugged a shoulder, “Frisk and Flowey are sweethearts.”
“ya do realizeif ya fuck up what-“
Grillby’s flames snapped in warning, “Mymate won’t fuck up, and on the off chance, she does? Nothing’s gonna happen toher. Or they’ll be answering to me.”
“Uh…” you frowned slightly, peering over atGrillby, “I agree with Grillby? Not in those words or anything though,” youshook your head, “Look I’ve babysat before, and I’ve even looked after Friskbefore. The kid likes me. It’ll be fine.”
“if ya say so,” Sans said with a shrug,fishing his phone out of his pocket, “i’ll see if tori’s cool wi’it.”
Flowey was curled around your arm as Friskand MK ran around the park chattering about everything and anything theirlittle minds could think of. A few times, MK spat out an insult to Frisk, who justgave them a look of intenseneutrality and MK grumbled and apologized before they were back to racingaround.
You knew by now Sans would probably benapping, and refusing to be anywhere near Flowey.
Frisk darted over to you, encouragingFlowey to transfer over to them before tugging at your arm. “Can you play withus?”
You smiled and nodded. Frisk told you thatthe two kids would be playing the ‘heroes’ and you being the ‘villain’, whichyou had to clarify with them what you were supposed to do. Frisk explained itvery simply. You were supposed to pretend to be trying to do some dastardlydeed and Frisk and MK needed to stop you without violence!
Which led to the current state of yourunning around the small field in the park trying to get away from Frisk whowas attempting to hug the badness out of you and MK who was trying to egg yourbadness on, completely contrary to the rules. Frisk caught you, laughing andyou swung them up pretending that you got them.
“Ahaha! My dastardly deed is almostcomplete! I’ve caught a hero!” you said dramatically, causing Frisk to snortout a laugh.
“I caught you!” they retorted, “Besides! MKwill save me!”
You turned to face MK and froze.
The little monster was standing rightbehind you, and if they had hackles they’d be raised in anger. A group of threemonsters were watching from a distance, and…none of them looked happy. You slowlyshifted Frisk to your hip and placed a hand on MK who jumped slightly.
“What’s wrong?” you asked quietly, keepinghalf an eye on the adult monsters.
Frisk curled closer to you, “not allmonsters are happy that Asgore has stated that monsters need to live pacifist-ly.”
MK bristled but shifted closer to you.
One of the monsters stalked closer,grinning wickedly. “Well…well…well, lookit what we got a-here. The big bad bratwho thinks they can waltz into the Underground and change everything. Trynamakes us monster what we ain’t.”
The group moved closer, and you felt yourheartbeat start to race.
“N’that little armless piece of shit whothinks they’re tough, when they couldn’t even harm a fuckin’ fly,” another teased cruelly, their wide mouth stretching evenfurther as MK snarled.
“Fuck off, you low levelled asshole!” MKbarked, their tiny tail curled around your ankle and you could feel themvibrating.
“Let’s go,” you said taking a step back andtugging MK closer to your side.
“They can’t do shit to us!” MK puffed up, “We’rein stripes, and your Grillby’s mate! They do anything to us and they’re DUST!”
The three paused, eyes flickering up toyou. Oh no. You tightened your grip on Frisk, and Flowey started to cry softlyinto Frisk’s hair. For a moment you prayed that it was enough but then thefirst one started laughing hollowly.
“That flaming asshole? A mate? Bullshit!”he laughed, “Besides, I don’t see no pretty collar marking her as his.”
You paled slightly. Could you get out yourphone before one of them attacked? Or would drawing it out make them react? Youglanced around quickly, hoping to see anyone that would intervene but there wasnobody. You took another step back.
“Look, w-we-we’ll just l-leave, n-no oneh-h-has to come to h-harm…” you stammered out, glancing to where your car was.
“L-Leave?” the second one parroted, mimicking your nervous stutter, “noharm? Where’s the fun in that? We can’t do shit ta the kids, but we’re pissedoff and there ain’t no one protectin’ you! Monsters ain’t ‘heroes’ and we don’t solve our problems with shitty littlehugs.”
Frisk wriggled down from you and stepped infront of MK. You pulled out your phone once their attention was on Frisk and quicklycalled Grillby’s number. Frisk attempted to talk the monsters down but then amagical pellet whizzed towards you knocking the phone from your hand. You letout a yelp in surprise.
“F-Frisk, g-get MK to the car,” you stammeredout, MK was spitting insults and Frisk was still trying to convince themonsters to back down. Flowey was crying louder and begging Frisk to just getout of there. One of the monsters went to shove Frisk away but you dartedforwards and pulled them behind your back. “Don’t touch them!” you said,protectiveness overriding your fear.
The monster merely laughed in your facebefore shoving you hard, sending you crashing into Frisk and taking the two ofyou to the ground. Frisk scrambled out from underneath you to standin front of you but one of the monsters grabbed them and tossed them at MK asif they were nothing but a sack of potatoes. You scrambled to your feet. There was asharp sting in the center of your chest. The colour in the world bled out andyour SOUL leapt from your chest.
“Let’s fight, ya bitch!” the monstercrowed, “It’s been too fucking long since I killed someone.”
You tried to run but you couldn’t move, andthere was a strange interface floating in front of you. Panic rooted deep inyour SOUL as you tried to look for MK or Frisk, to get them to run to your car but they were both gone. Youcould only see the black and white versions of the three monsters in front ofyou.
What were you supposed to do? This wasNOTHING like when Grillby had taken out your SOUL!
There were four options in front of you. Fight. (Which youweren’t going to touch). Act. Item. Mercy.
Your hand was shaking as it touched mercy,and you attempted to spare but a small word text popped up that said:
*You? Spare them?
Your chest seized in panic as the three monsterssent white attacks at your SOUL at the same time. Pain blossomed through yourbody and you watched as even though the attacks didn’t hit your skin, yourflesh reflected the damage your SOUL took. A few scrapes and bruises blossomedon your skin, and you let out a cry. The small health bar dropped down nearly to half from one joint attack. 
What were you supposed to do?
Warmth surrounded you and then two formsappeared at your side, both black and white. You craned your head and if youcould move your legs you were sure you would’ve collapsed in relief.
Sans stood on one side, and Grillby on theother.
The three monsters balked instantly.
“What are you two doing here?” one of the monsters barked in surprise.
Grillby grinned wickedly, “I must bemistaken, because I don’t think anyone is STUPID enough to hurt MY MATE.”
“Y-You d-d-d-didn’t. She’s not! S-Shedo-doesn’t ha-have a collar!” one squeaked out.
“tch, shitty excuses,” Sans drawled, “’sides,even if she wasn’t grillbz’s? ya idiots really shoulda realized that anyonetakin’ care of the queen and king’s brat would have their protection.”
“P-P-Pleas-Please!” one of the monstersbegged, looking at you, “For-Forgive u-u-us, we did-…we di-didn’t know,sp-spare us.”
“You want mercy?” Grillby taunted, “You must really be idiots.”
You blinked back your relieved tears as you noticed that you could choose the spare option andretried what you failed to do in the first round. You spared one, who took off immediately. Grillby, on the other hand, sent a firey attack at the two remaining monsters who shouted in pain. Sans spared another monster, and the remaining one took off. Your SOUL disappeared backinto your chest and coloured returned to the world. 
You immediately turnedtowards where the children were. “Frisk! Flowey!” you said hurrying over to them, “Areyou okay? Were you hurt?”
They shook their head, “just…a bit sore,”they said quietly, “Are you? I’m sorry…we should’ve left. I’m sorry.”
“I wanna go home!” Flowey sobbed against Frisk’s chest where they were cradling him protectively.
“It’s not your fault,” you assured them,pulling them into a hug. They clung to you. MK glared over your shoulder at the others.
“Ya let them go!” MK accused angrily, “Theywere gunna kill her! What kinda cowards are ya????”
“Sometimes giving people a sense ofsafety makes revenge that much sweeter,” Grillby snarled in response, “Sans,get the brats to their homes.”
“yup,” Sans stepped forward, gesturing forFrisk to step away from you. Frisk wiped at their tearstained face, apologizingagain even though it wasn’t their fault. You watched as Sans grabbed both oftheir shirts and disappeared from view.
Grillby picked up your phone, ending thecall, and handed it back to you. As you reached for it, you were reminded of your quivering hands. He stepped towards you and slid an arm around your shoulder while pocketing your phone. Neither of you said anything as he guided you to your car.
The silence stretched on even as he bundled you into the car and then drove it back to his penthouse. Once you were out of the car, his arm never left around your shoulders until the two of you were safely inside.
The first thing he did was rustle around in his kitchen before handing you a piece of candy, and then he disappeared into the depths of the penthouse.
The quiet was getting to you, but you ate the candy and then slowly shuffled over to his couches. Every muscle in your body was tense but at the same time, you felt light and jumpy, ready to dart away at the first sign of trouble.
Would they have really killed you...just because you were there? 
You were reminded of the world that Grillby had lived in. Kill or be killed.
It chilled you right to the core.
You didn’t even notice Grillby re-enter the room and stride over to you. He thumped a long jewellery box onto the table in front of you before sitting down beside you heavily. His mouth opened but you turned and threw your arms around his neck. Clinging to him with all the strength that you could muster. Tears erupted and you couldn’t stop them even if you wanted to.
A heartbeat passed where Grillby didn’t move, and then he was tugging you onto his lap and enveloping you in his arms. His head pressed against the side of your head, depositing tiny kisses against your skin.
“You’re safe,” he growled into your ear, “I’ve got you.”
You just cried, and cried, and cried, terrified of what could’ve happened to you if you hadn’t called Grillby.
After you had no more tears to shed and were just shaking in his arms, he tilted your head up and kissed you until you were breathless and panting. Then he reached over and plucked the jewellery box up and handed it to you. “Been waiting to give this to you at the right time, but those assholes have forced me to expedite this fucking process.”
You sniffled lightly before opening the box. Inside was a black lace choker necklace with an amethyst pendant in the shape of a small flame. Any other day you would’ve been stunned by how beautiful it was...but right now you felt kind of empty. Your fingers gently stroked the pendant and then the words of the monsters returned. You weren’t collared.
“Grillby?” you mumbled, “What does ‘collaring’ mean to monsters?”
His fingers gently brushed some hair away from your throat, “Depends on the style, but this one means that you’re my mate, my girlfriend, whatever you wanna call you, and that if anyone fucking lays a finger on you again? They won’t get any fucking mercy when I find them.”
You stare at it, and then up at him, “I...If I had been wearing this...before...?”
“Who knows, they might’ve fucked off and left you alone or they could’ve thought they were lucky to find my mate alone,” Grillby grumbled darkly, “but those assholes seemed as scared of me as they should be.”
He reached over and picked the necklace up. You hesitated before turning slightly and lifting your hair up. He slipped the choker around your throat and fastened it at the back of your neck. The amethyst rested in the hollow of your throat and felt warm and soothing in a way.
When you turned around, he pulled you in for another kiss, this one longer and more desperate than before. 
“I need to fuck or drink,” he grumbled pulling away from you slightly, “and I don’t think you’re up for a fuck.”
You shook your head, and he tilted your head up to look him in the eye. “I love you, and I don’t say that lightly. I’m going to find those monsters and I will make them pay for laying a finger on you.”
You nodded before curling into his side. 
Sure, he wanted to drink to take the violent edge off his SOUL...but he wasn’t about to abandon his mate when she was so vulnerable. He pulled you closer, adjusting his position on the couch, and vowed to very PUBLICLY make sure everyone knows that if they touch you? They’re dead.
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