#god I am so sick of Tumblr not putting my posts in the tags
its-your-mind · 4 months
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ORV as textposts 37/???
[Photo ID - ten images from the ORV manhwa with Tumblr posts or tweets pasted upon them. The first image has Yoo Joonghyuk and Kim Dokja fighting facing opposite directions with Yoo Joonghyuk facing the viewer. Yoo Joonghyuk has veins drawn on his face as he loudly yells. A post by Tumblr user gay arsonist is pasted on his speech bubble. It reads, "fuck you (confession of love)". Kim Dokja has three rounded lines drawn from his head and his unedited speech bubble reads, "Oh..
The second image is a zoomed-out side portrait of Kim Dokja as he glances up toward dots of light. The text post is by Tumblr user petrichorsuggestions and reads, "so full of love i could explode with it"
The third image are panels of Kim Dokja and Yoo Joongdok side-by-side. Kim Dokja is in the left panel and glancing toward Yoo Joongdok in the right panel. Yoo Joongdok is staring right and away from Kim Dokja. The first text post is an anonymous Tumblr ask at the top of the image that reads, "you are not nearly funny or attractive enough for this" The response by Tumblr user weirdwerewolf is near the bottom of the image and reads, "are we about to kiss?"
The fourth image shows Yoo Joongdok staring at the top right of the image with bags under his eyes. The text post is by Tumblr user ufocorpse and reads, "'are you a boy or a girl?" I am the physical embodiment of suffering"
The fifth image shows Han Sooyoung between Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk. She is pointing to Yoo Joonghyuk, who is standing to the viewer's right with his hands in his pocket and noticeably angry.
Han Sooyoung is glancing to the viewer's left at Kim Dokja. She has a speech bubble above her that reads, "Have you two decided to wear matching outfits?" Kim Dokja is wearing a white coat and is angrily walking toward Yoo Joonghyuk, who is wearing all-black. The text post is by Twitter user @/ chaiconsumer and reads, "Few understand the importance of having a sick ass jacket that everyone recognizes you by"
The sixth image shows Kim Dokja and and Yoo Joonghyk staring at a shining golden egg with golden leaves. Kim Dokja is closest to the egg with Yoo Joonghyuk behind him and to the viewer's left. The text post is by Tumblr user siflshonen and reads, “'I could fix him"; "I could make him worse!" Why??????? Why all this DIY???? I just wanna stand over his shoulder and see what he can possibly fuck up next"
The seventh image shows Kim Dokja with a black shadow over his eyes and a star symbol next to him while he smirks. He is wearing a wet white shirt that's been torn and damaged. A river and cityscape is behind him. The text post are Tumblr tags that read, "#i bet you thought im dead just because i fell eight stories onto my car #but you forgot: i got demons livin' in me!"
The eighth image shows Yoo Joonghyuk fighting against magic circles with lightning around them. The text post is by Twitter user @/botanise and has been edited to read, "God will see me and say put that beast in a situation"
The ninth image shows Lee Gilyoung happily holding and talking to a praying mantis-like creature around the size of a cat. The text post is by Tumblr user gayarsonist and reads, “I love megafauna because its just like what if an animal was really big wouldn't that rule. and it does."
The final image shows Kim Dokja laying face-first on the ground with a deep wound on his lower back and blood around him. The text post is by Tumblr user Donald Trum (Deseaced) (trem... @/timheidecker and reads, ' have died. Badly." /End ID]
ID by @incorrect-web-novels tysm!!!
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rrcenic · 6 months
if they had tumblr on the lotf island simulator bc silly :))
🐚 thechief Follow
God I love him so much. Every time we kiss I feel so alive.
🔥 csharpmf Follow
🐚 thechief Follow
…this is literally about us
🔥 csharpmf Follow
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🦎 helloitssimon Follow
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found a ton of these beautiful leaves and made a flower crown!!
🦎helloitssimon Follow
so. piggy has informed me that the rash on my arms and head is due to the posion ivy ive been wearing for a week.
#everything itches :,(
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🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
Greetings and salutations! This is my first official Tumblr post. My name is Peter. I use primarily he/him pronouns but do not mind they/them.
If you’re a supporter of J*ck or The H*nters DNI!!! I am a Ralph supporter!!! You choir boys make me sick!!!
I have asthma and I am gay. If you insult me, or call me fat, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!!!
If you are anti-Ralph, I’m not afraid to call you out as the CONCHPHOBE you are!
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
lmaoooo kys piggy
🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
#I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW #YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF #tw h*nters #tw conchphobia #tw j*cks tribe
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👬 sam-and-eric-the-twins-alt-account Follow
#we’re personally more ralph-leaning #but not picky
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🔳 mulberry-boy-deactivated
t hebeasty i know it’s there i lnow the hel p help theyre is a beastie pleas
😭 PercivalWemdeysMadison Follow
hey op are you ok
😭 PercivalWemdeysMadison Follow
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🤡 sillybillymaurice Follow
brooo my homies @xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx and @csharpmf were talking about their kill streaks and i said “do you play on an open server or a private world” and they just looked confused 😭😭😭 like bro did. were. were you not taking about minecraft????
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
🤡 sillybillymaurice Follow
girlie help?????
#ur so silly like wtf
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🔥 csharpmf Follow
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bro check out this fire art i whipped up this afternoon 💪💪💪 nothin much just a quick doodle 💪💪💪
🐷 number1ralphstan Follow
Hey OP. Maybe do some research on famous art before attempting to plagiarize the Mona fucking Lisa. You disgusting credit thief.
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
maybe you should learn what a joke is lmao
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🐚 thechief Follow
This is your daily reminder to take care of yourself! Drink water and eat some pig! AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT LET THE SIGNAL FIRE GO OUT!!!
🔥 csharpmf Follow
…i forgor
🐚 thechief Follow
#literally so pissed /srs
(2,176 notes)
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🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
i am #strong. i am #emo. i listen to #mychemicalromance. i am #dark
*lifts black hair off face, revealing black eyeshadow* i cannot feel love. i care about no one. because i am #EMO!!!! /srs
🦎 helloitssimon Follow
🐺 xX_RogerTheHunter_Xx Follow
no!!! don’t be sad- *bites black lipstick covered lip and glances away* i… i love you
🦎helloitssimon Follow
🐷 ralphsnumber1stan Follow
Oh my God. And you call ME cringe.
#no hate on Simon even though he’s a weirdo #but Roger is like a different breed of freaky #tw h*nters #tw j*cks tribe #tw conchphobia
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ladyluscinia · 6 months
I'm already so sick of how the fallout of ofmd season 2 has snowballed into people on here going "fandom these days just can't handle Bad Things happening in media-- newsflash, characters have to get hurt and die, grow up!" all condescending like. First of all, in the context of Izzy, most people I've seen discuss his death agree that they would've accepted and enjoyed his death if it had just been handled appropriately, and also. "You just can't handle bad things happening to your fave!" Bruh. We were all partying it up when Izzy lost his fucking leg and was suffering physically and mentally. It can be FUN to see your blorbo suffer!
And that is just one example of a larger trend on this site-- people are really gonna come onto the "we love putting our blorbos in the blender and watching them struggle and suffer" site and say "kids these days can't handle Bad Things happening to their blorbos." Sorry, but that's just nonsense. Fandom loves their fix-its, but they also love shattering their faves. The problem has never been Bad Things happening in general, but HOW those things are framed within the narrative and how that narrative is told. The problem is when something is out of place in its genre, or when it goes against a promise the show has made, or when suffering is used flippantly and uncaringly, or when a character suffers and suffers and then just when they've finally caught a break, they're kicked down again, just for a cheap tug at your heartstrings.
Both within the context of ofmd AND in a wider fandom context, fandoms LOVE when our blorbos are hurt, as long as our blorbos are hurt RIGHT.
... And I think it sure is Something that a fandom can have a rampant issue with fans of a character being harassed and sent death threats and that's just "normal fandom being fandom" but god forbid people feel Emotions. About a Character and a Show. And dare to react by... just Offering Criticism! No, death threats are "fandom culture that comes with the territory," but if you vent post or criticize a writing decision in media, THAT'S being "hysterical" and "overly emotional" and "truly frightening behavior!" I just LOVE (big sarcasm) how back when people were getting doxxed and threatened for liking a guy, the fandom was all *cricket noises,* but NOW suddenly everyone is "terrified and exhausted by fandom's volatility" and "concerned about the fragile mental health of fans" when you simply say "damn that episode sucked and I sure am sad about it."
The OFMD fandom was toxic as fuck for a year and a half and continued to be toxic as fuck for all the airing of S2, so hardly surprising that the aftermath of S2 appears to be... toxic as fuck.
Least surprising thing in the world is that the people who hated Izzy and passively or actively supported driving his fans out of the fandom for "ruining it for everyone else" now think his fans should leave the fandom if they are so upset and stop leveraging "baseless criticism" at the show that is "ruining it for everyone else." They have normal not-at-all-parasocial relationships leading them to directly @ David Jenkins and thank him for a season that somehow managed to be both flawless and have all its flaws blamed on MAX, but those wretched Izzy stans have horrible-evil-parasocial relationships making them harass the crew by *footage not found*
If Mr. Jenkins decides to go scroll the #ofmd s2 tag on tumblr and stumbles across me - a random blog and icon - outlining how I think he fucked his show up, that's pretty clearly on him? This is tumblr. I have no relationship with this man or obligation to tailor every word I say as if he's bound to see it and going to take it personally???
I'm actually a big proponent of "Don't @ the cast and crew about pretty much anything" because the same fandom mentality that makes you think you can randomly ask him about your headcanon like you're chatting is what all these people are melting down about if someone directly goes "hey you killed my favorite character and that makes me mad!" - same fucking people, same fucking parasocial relationship. The standard of "only @ them for good things" is the flimsiest fucking line, as any ao3 writer who has received unsolicited "constructive criticism" or "advice" can tell you.
If we want to snidely get into "what this is really about" well it's the same fucking thing it was before:
People substituting subjective opinion as objective fact with zero self-awareness of doing so. "I liked this so it's good." "I didn't like this so it's bad." "I got bad vibes from that character so he was clearly written to be horrendous and unlikable." "I sympathized with this character so anyone suggesting he has flaws is demonizing him."
Or the deepest circle of fandom hell: "I think [insert identity] rep is so important and this piece of media fits into however I personally define 'good rep', therefore it is flawless and/or morally significant enough to be above criticism."
...which, yeah, leads to temper tantrum levels of fandom infighting, especially since people online express, fairly frequently, "I didn't like it because it was bad" and then present evidence for their point. And also a lot of fandom likes bad TV. Or even just mediocre TV that's entertaining.
I personally was not going to be happy about any person beyond one-offs, blatant villains, and background randoms dying because "they had to" (for their own arc or someone else's) because I fundamentally think if you believe you've written yourself into that corner in a workplace comedy that's built around a main romance arc... you're kinda stupid. Yes, even if it's pirate themed. Enough injuries have been walked off and lampshaded to confirm that part is aesthetic.
The fandom wiki for The Office lists 11 deceased characters. Three of them are fictional characters who die in an action-movie episode. Two are one-offs that get named dropped seasons later as having died offscreen. One of them is an offscreen cat, who appears to have had a more significant death plotwise and emotionally than any of the humans, and another is a woman who literally exists as a picture someone makes up a personality for and then discovers the real woman died. The most significant character on the list is a temp boss that got a four episode story arc about being a useless idiot who died in the hospital after a basketball dunking accident.
That is a show that ran for 9 seasons and over 200 episodes. It's pretty universally regarded as good, and the cringe asshole boss getting genuinely moving emotional beats is a big part of that. I think we can maybe pretty confidently say that reflecting the random realities of death is not essential to every story.
If OFMD wants to be evaluated as a hard-hitting drama or a queer story about the struggle of piracy against the Evil Empire, I will compare it to Black Sails instead of The Office. I just don't think David Jenkins is going to enjoy that comparison.
I'm not going to lower my standards because [insert rep reason the show must absolutely be a wild success here].
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i-ideate · 2 months
IMPORTANT RANT! --------------------------------------------------------------
I've been thinkin a ton about Palestine and the atrocities happening there and around the world (The Congo, Yemen, Syria, etc. God, the fact that there's an 'etc' makes me sick). I have many palestinian friends, my neighbors are palestinian/jordanian, some really close friends of the family are palestinian/venezuelan. One of my best friends is palestinian/jordanian and she has been educating me so much. My Pinterest and tumblr are full of statistics, videos, news clips, pictures, and screenshots of posts about whats happening in Palestine.
And wow. Every day I just feel like curling up into a little ball and crying. Hiding away from the world.
I so desperately just want this all to be a horrible dream. I am genuinely hoping this is some kind of simulation and when we wake up we find out it was all just a test, zionists are gone, palestine and so many other places and people are free, and we can just live a normal life. But I know that ain't how it works.
But something that gives me hope is that our voices and our posts on here? they work. Slowly, but they're working. More and more people are being educated every day, and hopefully this will get close enough to the higher-ups that changes are made.
Im gonna put a shit ton of Palestine (and other conflict) related tags to help get 'em trending again. A small contrubtion from a microscopic blog, but a contribution nonetheless.
Remember everyone to keep boycotting and to never shut up about the injustice and gaslighting from western media! Do your research and encourage your friends to do the same!!!!!
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slimy-vore-bog · 11 months
WARNING: groomer in the SFW vore community (serious)
Content/Trigger warning: discussions of grooming, mention of incest, and sexual and fatal vore
I am posting to tags to try to keep people safe!
This specifically occured in the Owl House corner of this community, but everyone should be warned
I will put the rest of the post below keep reading, but for now the person I'm accussing is known as "les-the-mess" on here and "LesTheMessy" on DeviantArt (I do not remember the discord name) and she is 23/24 years of age
And lastly that a real minor has been contacted by said person and made very uncomfortable (url will not be stated for their safety)
Remember to check everything I say for yourself, if you don't believe me; I would not accuse this person publicly if I didn't consider them a real threat All except the minor's statement are available online
I am feeling sick to my stomach that this happened and I don't know how to handle this. I'm going to tell this a bit more like a story so I can get it out easier
I was on DA (DeviantArt) when I saw something odd pop up; a vore edit of Catra and Adora with Luz and Amity as prey. I looked at it, because I am always up to find more sfw safe vore creators, but it was neither safe or non-sexual
There were clearly comments engaging with the art in a sexual way and the creator didn't discourage or delete said comments and the description itself mentioned how the vore was going to end with both prey characters dying.
This person had an identical avatar and near identical username to their URL here on tumblr and I was horrified as I knew that this person had interacted with a minor despite having "minors DNI" and that already gave me a slight prickling suspicion something was wrong (later learned she has even DMed them on discord...)
They had both minors and NSFW in her DNI so I didn't have anything to go after, as they didn't have any post with suspicious stuff here or followed any weird blogs and I brushed it off initially
Her posts on DA however... Very fucking damning: almost all their edits are of minors and adults in vore or of the character The Collector (Which is a child who is also a god; he is immortal, but at the point we last see them is mentally an 8-10 year old)
Now I didn't pick the most damning thing to screenshot, as it was too gross (unbirth incest between Luz the main character, her girlfriend and Luz's mother Camila) but here is one example of one of their posts:
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Odalia/nickname Mamadalia is an antagonist of the show and an adult woman
Here is a screenshot of her account on tumblr:
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Very lousily taken, but I was too distraught to care
I contacted the minor (who I am already friendly with, since I wanted to support the growth of their blog) as soon as I deemed this person to be a threat and the minor has told me that she has indeed acted weird towards them, but it only clicked now after I shared what I did...
The minors own words when I asked for details:
"I can't remeber what we talked about exactly since I deleted my discord in a panic-
But it was first of with the collector, at first it seemed harmless, but I started getting uncomfortable when it entered into the vore Stuff, like, I dont why but it rubbed me the wrong way but I didnt say anything since it sorta felt…uneasy to say the least, and i feel stupid because i never said anything about it
She also talked a lot about digestion aswell, and when I brought up the no minors thing- she said it was because she managed and 18+ discord server and it was okay for us to talk, and I feel this is extremely important to mention- she reposted your art to me without credit, I cant remeber everything but i hope this is enough"
Now the last thing I will say I don't have much of an opinion on, because of how severe the situation is, but I wanted to include the full message (Split up into paragraphs for easier reading)
I might have forgotten some stuff, but this is all I can think of right now
Please just stay safe, stay away and block/report this person!
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semper-draca · 1 year
I figure probably no one is going to see this, so this is mostly a rant post, but I desperately wish I could prevent image posts from being rebloggable (tumblr apparently doesn't allow this, sort out your shit @staff)
I am so sick and fucking tired of art of mine from 5+ years ago being dug up and circulated. I've put pleas not to reblog in the notes, I've removed all tags that might show up in searches and still it keeps FUCKING happening every other week or so. Even for posts that I've deleted! Because deleting your posts doesnt prevent shit on this webbed site. At this point I'm seriously tempted to just start blocking whoever is scrolling through years and years of my art to find old stuff. For real, it seriously is getting tiring. Stuff of mine that is no longer a representation of what I make gets reblogged, while art that's newer and of a much higher skill level gets ignored to the point where I can't get commissions anymore because people just don't know what I do now. I know part of this is the weird prevalence of people not reblogging things anymore, but god do I hate it and god am I tired of it.
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meridianbarony · 1 year
I am thinking of drift being megatron’s baby from all the way back to his miner days. Deadlock choosing the name drift and becoming an autobot. Like quickswitch lol. But megatron would be so psychologically attached to him I think it’d be like living without your emotional crutch anymore.
ohhh my god okay. Nonny. I am sick as hell and blerged out on cold medicine and tumblr keeps trying to shit itself inside out when I try to answer this. so I'm just going for it LINK FREE.
As I have tried to say a few times (🙃) I dunno if you're new to my gargantuanly old ass blog or a regular, or have come from ao3 or what- but go ahead and put #Megamom into my blog search on tumblr's weird ass in-thing-blog thing. or go to the web version and put /tagged/Megamom in there after the dot com. or hit the tag on this answer. lol
those first posts are almost 8 years old and I think you will find some stuff you'll like from my buds and i from all that from wayyyy back then. :3c or you can go to the actual blog and put in /Mommytron! that was my attempt at a masterpost back in the day
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BUT- an abridged version of what i've been trying to say- there was a lot of non-posted conversation about the b-side of my megamom stuff because if it follows idw 1 canon then the pain megs feels from what would happen would be something else. It would be deep and grinding but that's all what Megamom aus are :3c Even in the a-side he tries and fails to disconnect those feelings.
I hope if you havent see those tags and pages that you get some good good brain chemicals.
and thanks for making me think about it, i love and have always loved this au
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coridallasmultipass · 3 months
Can I vent a minute about how fucking stupid Tumblr's censorship is????
If I don't tag my post with trigger warnings, it shows up in the tag just fine. Everyone is subject to seeing whatever is posted and untagged. But heaven forbid I try to think of the children when I put "adult only" on my tags, bc any other "NSFW" word replacement automatically purity bans your post. Even if the post itself is in full compliance, it was just a warning.
The fucking "selfie" tag is ripe with offenses and untagged nudity. (Somehow Tumblr recommends that tag for me in the "your tags" section of the mobile dashboard, even though I've never followed the selfie tag and I don't want to. I can't unselect the word selfie. So that part of my mobile dashboard is 90% nudity. It's so dumb.)
And yet, if I make a post that says a banned word, no one will ever see it lmao.
God I fucking hate this site. I hate censoring words. All it does is make that content be forced onto people who don't wanna see it.
Can I also vent about how Tumblr changed their policy while I was gone? Apparently nudity is fully allowed on here now. No more "female n1ppl3s" ban lmao. So people are posting nude selfies all over the place and yet, my one little post that had NOTHING explicit in it at all, is invisible. Not even flagged, so I can't contest it. It just doesn't show up because it has a banned word in it that I don't know about. Because I was tryna be a decent human being and represent what was on the other side of the link, so people who don't want to view it know to pass on my post.
I fucking hate this shit, man. Let me post my forbidden words so people who don't want to see it are able to filter it out. I don't want to show adult only posts to people who don't like that. It makes me feel horrible. And yet, I have like no where else to go. Lmao. Fuck this hell site. I haven't forgotten why I left in 2018. Fucking bullshit banning the adult only content. God damn, I'm still so mad about that. I used to love this site so much. Now it just makes me miserable still. But where else am I gonna find this flavour of queer fandom content. I never stopped hating Twitter even tho I still use it, Reddit is just annoying and boring because there's no way to make friends on there, Insta is pure garbage algorithm bullshit, Pillowfort isn't big and active enough, and not enough space to interact with people.
It's this site I want. I'm just sick of not being welcome anywhere I fucking go because I want to enjoy the content of adults. Fuck purity culture. Fuck censorship. Really beating me down and making me feel like a horrible person for being human.
Fuck, man, even Only Fans has completely arbitrary rules, like I can't post anything kin./ key there now. Some of my old posts got taken dowm because I put a candy cane... nevermind.
Just. Why can't I exist as an adult online. Why can't there be fandom friendly adult spaces in social media. I hate this so much.
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getosbunny · 5 months
jade, my love, hellow! <3 i am here to gift you the prettiest flowers💐🌹🪷 and wish you the most beautiful time of the day, hope your start to the week was lovely as u r ໒꒰ྀི ∩ ⸝⸝ ∩ ꒱ྀིა leaving my paw prints all over your pretty blog ⋆˚🐾˖°
i am still really nosy so here are some questions for you :3 do you and sugu like taking pictures? who is the photographer and who is the model in the relationship? and do have a favorite picture of the two of you? ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
luv luv luv u!
ANGIE BABY!!! i'm sososo sorry i totally fell off the face of tumblr dot com >_< BUT I'M BACK :D
before i answer i just wanna wish u happy belated bday my love!! i hope you had fun and felt so incredibly loved :3 do u have any plans this weekend to celebrate?
hehe me n sugu are quite private (even tho i rb the most heinous shit and tag it like "us <3" LMAO) so i think it's sooo sweet thank ur so curious abt us :p
he's so annoying (it's bec he's an aquarius) so he lies about "not liking his picture taken" and that "it has to be organic"...what he rly means is that he LOVES candids of himself and won't say it outright. and he's so effortless w it my GOD. my camera roll is so full of him just...existing. he makes me SICK!
i think we share the model/photographer roles pretty evenly. sometimes he'll whip out his phone and turn into an impromptu creative director LMAO. but whenever i do ask him to take pics for me, he puts his whole back into it! he's shooting diff angles, telling me where the light is, and lets me know if there's lipstick on my teeth :3 (i am very much a virgo and he just gets how particular i can be abt photos!)
(respectfully,,,i can't post my fav pic. it's quite...graphic)
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trashpoppaea · 1 year
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I posted 118 times in 2022
5 posts created (4%)
113 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 113 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#napoleon bonaparte - 21 posts
#napoleon - 21 posts
#frev - 16 posts
#french revolution - 14 posts
#art - 13 posts
#dandies and dandyzettes - 10 posts
#reblog - 9 posts
#illustration - 9 posts
#regency - 9 posts
#not my art - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 77 characters
#but i am writing a sexy yet very morally dubious roose bolton so there's that
My Top Posts in 2022:
My hot take of the day is that-- with the exception of Mozart-- late 18th and early 19th opera was awful. Paisiello did some awesome instrumentals, but his operas were soooo dull, just a lot of airy and tedious singing with no sense of story or unifying themes. The extremely popular Peter von Winter was even duller. I’m beginning to think that the period of time between The Magic Flute and The Barber of Seville was a black hole from which no opera could escape
2 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
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Thank God the Gilded Age was not that kind of show, I’m so sick of self-aware meta winking bullshit. And the trope of “modern pop songs played on period instruments” in costume dramas has been done to death since Reign came to an ignominious end. STOP IT ALREADY
4 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
Modern YA protagonists be like:
(I have this trope as a pet peeve too. Maybe this is why I don’t like to pick the cream of society as protagonists 😂)
And this is why I haven’t read many YA books as I used to. As a friend of mine recently said: “I'm so leery of YA at this point, even the summaries put me off. Super special ninja girl Chloe never thought she'd blah blah blah nope done"
same girl, same
8 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
Well. Queen Elizabeth II has died. My dad, if he were alive today, would have been very upset about this. I feel... ambivalent. My timeline here on Tumblr is torn between royalists grieving and neo-Jacobins celebrating and posting goofy memes. I’m going to do neither. I’m just going to sit here and think for a bit. 
15 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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@frevandrest, @tierseta, and @saint-jussy, I got into a loooong discussion, on Tumblr, of how to find a historical romance that is not rife with Thermidorian propaganda. You can see my rant, and the other Redditor’s response and questions. How do I respond sensibly? They have requested a lot of information, and I’m not sure how to respond in a way that’s sensible and compact.
75 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wrt last post lol
so i just had a Feeling tumblr would be evil to me personally and i screencapped my tags bc im just a fool in love so :|
no one asked but
i want to look back and see my own thoughts so ya kno
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cinderspots · 2 years
I didn't want to do this.
I didn't wanna be the person, who dragged an individual relentlessly, but circumstances change. And sometimes people, don’t know when to stop.
I do not take this lightly, concerns have been raised, and i have never once ever done this before because i have never had a reason to do so.
Now I do.
Dear @doomslayer81
This is for you.
First! I am going to put a series of tags of people who are alright with their identity being shared. Some stories have anon tellers simply because they don’t want to deal with the backlash. That is completely up to them of course.
Most people wished to remain anonymous.
Now, this is a callout post. Doomslayer81 has a infamous past of harassment, inappropriate interruptions of a variety of posts, a few suggestive comments, and a pattern of begging for forgiveness and repeating their mistakes.
Anonymous Quote
"Man's delusional, literally delusional. You could tell him to leave you alone and he'd still come crashing. He has no sense of boundaries, he doesn't know when he needs to stop, and he refuses to listen to anyone.
If you see this, motherfucker, let me make this clear. We want nothing, absolutely nothing to do with you. Get it through your fucking head. I am sick of seeing you harass everyone, and there are plenty of others who share my sentiment. As you are now, you are a thorn on everyone's right asscheek, one that refuses to let go.
I say this as politely as possible, just stop. We will not forgive you or give you a second chance, this is our verdict, kindly fuck off."
This anon has beared witness to multiple harassment fiasco's with doomslayer81, and has multiple friends who've been "targeted" by the blog
"I hate what hes doing. I'm not sure if I can say I hate him, but I certainly hate what he's doing. He has manipulative tendencies and attention-seeking. He's harassed people for me before I blocked him and now he's harassing people that I blocked him. If he doesn't change, I'm not going to stick around and be a problem for other people- I will leave. I'm tired of his actions, and this is a side blog I made for fun- not a job. This is a choice, and I will choose to leave if he continues this bullshit."
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They've blocked him and in response to that hes reached out to multiple blogs, harassing them to talk to donnabenevientosimpingzone about their decision and has repeatedly shown they cannot respect boundaries. Now this conversation alone isn't exactly damning. Which is why this is next.
CinderSpots [Me]
"Oh, I dont know if they remember, but ive been down this road with them before. It wasn't pleasant being repeatedly spammed/harassed about an ask they sent me, but i managed to block them quickly. Fuck off honestly, you've done enough damage."
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Oh my god i cannot express to you.
I explained, others have explained, they beg for forgiveness, repeat the mistake, beg for forgiveness again. I dont know what else to say about this, at that point i had more information regarding them as a tumblr user and soon. So will you.
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This is the...5th person(?) they've contacted to attempt to reach donnabenevientosimpingzone.
After they've previously harassed them.
After they've been told to stop, and leave them be. You'll notice (once again) theres a pattern of repeating mistakes and then desperately begging for forgiveness. Now if you haven't been in an abusive relationship before (first off good job, you're doing so great for a tumblr user ngl) this is a sign of manipulation and attention seeking behavior, add this on top of the mistakes themselves and the way they seem to display it, this makes me question their age as well, but that is something I cannot prove or entirely back up, simply a gut feeling I have along with a few others.
The way they are behaving is manipulative and toxic, which is why this post began. They scream, red flag
“Yeah, I’d like him to know that he needs to read the room, to stop harassing people. If he doesn’t understand, but people seem angry, he needs to figure it out.”
They’re hardly the first person to tell me that. The thing is, he simply doesn’t figure things out, he doesn’t attempt to figure them out either. It’s a different story when only one or two people have a problem with someone, it’s a different story when the person who’s causing problems is genuinely confused, it’s a different story when someone truly means what they say when they apologize. 
They don’t mean it, because they consistently make the same mistakes over and over again. Would you forgive someone who apologized for the same things repeatedly and never changed? 
So many people got their inboxes spammed, their dms blown up, their discords pinged over and over again. There is a line. And they crossed it, big time. A lot of my mutuals and their mutuals and other people i hadn’t really heard of yet, have had a problem. Some didn’t want to give a quote, some wanted their privacy kept. The total tally I have as a final number of when I decided to put this post together is 22. People that I know of.
Anonymous Quote
“Here’s what I would say: Stop being an asshole and get a life.”
Anonymous Quote
“I just want to say he has repeatedly interacted after being told to stop.”
Anonymous Quote
“Honestly I just want him to go away, he just...won’t stop no matter what? It’s really uncomfortable.”
Anonymous Quote
“Just stop.”
Anonymous Quote
“Please read the room, stop, leave the fandom alone, and especially stop pushing your way into conversations. Stop.”
Anonymous Quote
“I see him everywhere, a lot, he’s kinda like an infection y’know? A lot of us tries to tell him to leave us alone the nice way, but he just..wouldn’t. I needed him to stop, so I blocked him. I’m lucky that way I guess, he didn’t try to get to me through other people..”
It doesn’t make me happy to do this, but if I can get this many people to tell me a similar story, doesn’t that say something?
I’m not saying, go to his blog and be a dick or something, I’m saying be aware of this person. Because a lot of people weren’t and got them nothing but trouble. He shows manipulative traits, and multiple people can back me up on the fact that he feels insincere and uncomfortable. As I was writing this, I realized he’d sent me two more messages that I’d failed to notice before, and somehow they were both incredibly willfully ignorant of everything I’d told him. 
Trust me, and if not me, trust the people who’ve spoken to me and allowed me to take their quotes to this post. Block him.
Block him.
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Genshin: When you’re cold [V1]
Whenever I write these it’s always when I have a pile of requests on my desk that I said I was going to get to but never do. I even missed a day yesterday because I crashed and burned and slept the entire day haha. Might miss today too since I’m going out to see my mum. 
This is like 90% crack and 10% actual content. I’m gonna post this and proceed to have shock therapy and wipe it from my memory.
I just want to be happy and it’s cold af where I live. I’ve also learned from maagdalen that Russia is insane with snow.  
Today’s appreciation post goes to asoundofdrop. Ty for the love on the Childe HCs hehe. Honestly, just the fact you tag everything blows my mind because I hate tagging so just seeing you do it with my mess of tags (back when I screamed my feelings before tumblr dropped the ban hammer on me) is like wow. That’s some next level effort, wish I had that haha;; I’m just gonna say this in advance, I am so sorry for the mess of tags I’m about to drop on this. 
Genshin: Holding Hands [V1]
Genshin: University AU [V1]
Genshin: Roommate [V1]
Genshin: Royalty AU [V1]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@hanniejji  @mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz​
@youaskedfurret @snowy224 @mayumintsu​ @tigerpriestess
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Excuse me? What is this cold you speak of? He’s an adepti he doesn’t know what cold is. Is it a demon he’s not aware of? Should he go beat it into submission if that’ll make you feel better? He’s already gone with his spear and out to go slay this cold demon before you can explain what the hell temperature is. 
By the time he’s back, he seems so proud of himself for killing a dragonspine yeti that you don’t have the heart to tell him that was literally not what you wanted or expected him to do. Your fingers are about to break their finger kneecaps. pLEASE sir just hold my hand. 
Bad idea, he’s been outside in the cold and he’s not exactly wearing mittens so your fingers end up colder. But you’re finally holding his hand that you suck it up and cry when he does actually break your fingers because he doesn’t know what muscle control is. 
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Ruthless business woman one second and then you show up, tell her you’re cold, and she’s reduced to flustered mother hen. All she has on her are these long sleeves that all Qixing wear. Would you like some warm milk? She knows you like your milk heated to a simmer right at 187.7975 degrees Fahrenheit.
Okay, first off, who measures in fahrenheit anymore this is China Liyue. Second off, how the hell does she know that and why is it so precise? She’s already throwing whatever Liyue duties she had back at the poor worker that has no idea what possessed the normally confident and admirable Keqing into this...creature. Making new plans for a heating system in Liyue while also coddling you. 
Catch her outside at 3am pounding the snow ground, crying, as she curses Rex Lapis for making it so cold in Liyue when he’s not even the Cyro archon. Zhongli sneezed while looking over papers burning the 3am oil. Maybe he needs to go home before it gets too cold, he might be getting sick. 
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God you’re such an idiot. Didn’t you see how hard the snow was falling? I can’t believe I married someone with 2 braincells. Are you trying to give me a heart attack? What would father in the sky think if my partner died because of frost bite when I’m a goddamn pyro vision user? I can commit arson to make a make-shift fire place, I have the money for the damages. 
Your make shift fireplace is Kaeya’s “ugly” scarf. That’s it. That’s the post. 
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Oh you’re cold? It’s okay, here take her baron bunny to cuddle with while she lights a fire. She thinks she saw some boar’s in the forest, she can make her specialty and that should warm you right up! So sweet, so wholesome. Don’t worry this baron bunny won’t explode in your face, she tripled checked she wasn’t giving you a dancing bomb.
While you’re huddled around a summoning circle of baron bunny’s, nice and warm, is when she relaxes and joins you. She grins to herself and pats herself on the shoulder. See that haters, she can make her partner nice and happy without your #buffamberwhen. 
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You’re cold? Maybe you’ve just fallen so hard for him that whenever you think of him you get cold. He never knew you cared so much it’s so cut- okok you can stop hitting him now. He’ll offer his scarf if he had one but Diluc might have burned it but he does have his tit window. 
Basically impenetrable, you could bounce bullets off it so naturally the cold bounces off. You have to tell him up front that he sound borderline crazy and the fbi are already at his door. The fbi is Diluc. So instead he offers his overcoat and asks you if you would like to join him in some cozy tavern that hopefully has heating. 
It’s a nice and comforting experience until he drags you to Angel share and you know it’s just to 1v1 Diluc in the parking lot. 
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lol perish 
So naturally, you grab his ridiculous hat that he wears to compensate for his gremlin height and throw it like a frisbee. 
Go fetch 
God, why is there no official content of you scaramouche you bitch, you’re ruining the aesthetic. This is why I only give you one point of dialogue. This isn’t even funny. It’s a therapy session. This entire post was just for me to say tit window because I didn’t get to say it in my last Kaeya fic. 
Wow, I wonder which characters I like in genshin. Could it be “wow I hate everything and everyone don’t fucking touch me” male characters??? Could it be “Head strong but are secretly adorable” female characters?? Kaeya is only there because Diluc is there. 
I had to redo all my headers because everyone was taking up so much space in their 240p quality. Keqing is the only one that actually stepped forward when it was picture day. I don’t have enough energy to care about sizing I’m sorry. 
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shirozora-draws · 3 years
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Had a rather brutal work week and am making good on my promise to stop drawing so much in order to finish a fic, so no new sketch dumps posts. Instead I’m doing what I said I would a while back (and then promptly forgot bc undiagnosed AD[H]D brain is a helluva thing) and posting the JPG version of the GIF if anyone wants to see an HQ version.
Also posting a close up of the Darksaber animation because I’m so fucking proud of that sizzling Darksaber edge that makes me think about circuits in Tron/Tron Legacy and also why the fuck not.
Lastly, good god y’all, I’m nearly at 600 followers and the vast majority of you showed up when I started putting out some Star Wars doodles. It is incredible, humbling, and quite frankly terrifying to see so much of my art get put on blast for positive reasons (I was once put on blast in a fandom wank LJ comm bc someone got sick and tired of me spamming a fandom comm with my art lololol those sure were the fucking days). You guys have given me so much encouragement and confidence in how I draw (mainly, sketch a fuckton of nonsense messily with pencil and don’t bother trying to turn everything into a polished colored piece), and I am forever grateful. 
(also learned a former Pixar artist would use a bajillion lines to build up their forms [go check out concept art for Ratatouille and Brave] so, y’know, everyone has a process, the process can get you actual factual work, and I am not hopeless)
Meddling in a galaxy far, far away from the likes of Rian Johnson come on bro meet me in fucking pIT LET’S GO and seeing all of your tags/replies (this never happened to me before so I didn’t know you could reply to those replies? I’M SO SORRY I DID SEE ALL YOUR COMMENTS)/mentions/gif use (holy fuck is that how Tumblr gifs work???) and seeing your comments at AO3 and faffing around on the dinluke server has been pushing the bounds of what I can do and offer as an artist and writer, and that is incredibly precious to me. Suppose it’s a good thing I showed up here as a tired working Millennial and not years earlier when I was still stumbling around like a fucking fool and getting involved in Fandom messes I shouldn’t and hating my art style for never being Good Enough.
Sometimes Good Enough is fucking rad. Embrace that shit.
... okay I’m sorry I didn’t mean to word barf so much but I’ve been running on 4 hours of extremely frustrated sleep due to having OT and not being able to write/draw so enjoy the details, I’mma bounce.
472 notes · View notes
katsukavi · 3 years
I wanted to make this a full fanfiction on my wattpad, but I didn’t want to disappoint everyone with the super slow updates (like my scumlord lol) so.. here’s crap I pulled out of my notes called arise, undead (“pretty obsessed” sung jin-woo x male, zombie reader) I also really like the options I have in tumblr lol. I’m a little embarrassed to add tags because I’m not sure if people will like it and stuff.. But yeah! This is the book cover I made for it here too! :D
Im having too much fun with these new stuff~ (please excuse me. this is my first long post and i love everything here—)
The plot is that Jin-Woo finds an undead in the woods, tries to arise him and it does work. Now they fight together because the zombie has no memories and is literally immortal (yet dead). Near the end, they discover that MC was murdered and his body was buried in the woods yada yada. Then when Jin-Woo goes back, he has to save him. But, he has to save MC as a 15 year old while MC is a 27 year old..
(I planned that part out and I think it’s a little funny how suddenly a kid approaches you like “You’re going to die if you go somewhere. Come with me, I’m your lover from the future.”
“Ah, it’s a chuunibyou.. Sorry kid, but I need to go to work—“
‘Alive or not, MC still looks like a zombie.. Why are you so overworked?!’)
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IT WAS SUNG JIN-WOO’S FIRST TIME using his new job skills, so naturally he’d get excited in testing every single little thing about it. He just exited the purple hued portal behind him, feeling like he acquired an interesting new toy to play with. Even though he was tired from the lack of sleep, his joy kept him from passing out.
Either it was that, or the rain pouring over his head. All his excitement flushed into disappointment as his shoes got muddy from the damp forest foor and his clothes getting completely soaked in rainwater. It would be impossible to pass out with the loud thunder rumbling in the background.
He cursed with every step on his path, finding it hard to walk with the slippery and uneven soil, his vision blurry from water and dark skies and his body dragging itself against harsh rain. Unfortunately, he was also already very exhausted.
Out of all the times for a thunderstorm, why did it have to be right after the job change quest?
From behind the trees, he heard a low distorted roar—forcing him to dip his head towards it’s direction. He held a dagger in one hand, trying to make out its shape from behind the trees.
It was in a humanoid shape, making him relax just a little bit. “Is anyone there?” he questioned.
His voice seemed to reach the stranger as they left their hiding spot in the trees’ shade. The person looked to be a man wearing a formal suit, diluted blood marking over his chest and face. Even though he looked human, he didn’t seem to breathe, just limply staring at Jin-Woo with a blank and lifeless expression.
Strangely, the stranger’s (s/c) skin was pale, like blood hasn’t been pumping through his veins. But attacking a person because they looked really sick wasn’t a good thing, it’s like attacking an overworked person because they looked so dead. It was either it was too dark or the view was too blurry.
“Hello?” Jin-Woo called out one time, staying cautious from the stranger. It lunged at Jin-Woo with a raspy growl, nearly scratching his face. Jin-Woo ducked, a small scratch appearing on his face from the speed. It definitely wasn’t human.
Sung Jin-Woo was already fatigued, at a disadvantage with the location as well. He cursed, barely dodging every slash thrown at him. “Igris!” he called out, the shadow materialising from behind him. Igris grabbed the humanoid monster, a splash of mud splattering around as it was thrown.
Sung Jin-Woo stabbed it deep in the chest, not a single drop of blood spilling out as he stepped back to breathe. He put his hands on his knees, staring at the lifeless corpse as he sent Igris back. ‘It seems pretty strong.. Should I extract it?’
He took a deep breath, getting closer to the body as he raised his hand. His posture was elegant, holding a composed expression as droplets of rain streamed down his attractive face, adding to his charm. A deep and soothing voice left his mouth, sending chills to anyone who would hear it.
Though unfortunately, the Shadow Monarch was greeted with nothing but silence and the sound of ambient rain. That’s odd, if it was a failed extraction then a notification would pop up to let him know or something. Was the system suddenly broken? If that’s the case, he should try again.
“Arise.. arise. ARISE!” he shouted multiple times, but a shadow didn’t get extracted. He furrowed his brows, squatting down to find out the cause of his skill suddenly breaking. “Why isn’t it working..?” he mumbled under his breath, getting closer to the body with a puzzled look on his face.
“Arise. Arise. Arise arise arise. Wake up. Rise and shine. Arise. Awake. Good morning. Arise.”
“I’m not dead yet, dimwit.”
Did the body just.. talk back to him?
“You didn’t hear anything,” Jin-Woo blurted out, getting embarrassed from the montage of Arise and synonyms he was saying to something that was alive. He stabbed the body once again, trying to kill it as he attempted once more. “Arise.”
“You don’t have to try again. I’m not dead,” the man just sat up like it was just his average tuesday, sliding out the blade from his chest, handing it to Jin-Woo and dusting off his clothes. The undead just raised his head towards the sky, watching clouds part as he lifted his palm, no more droplets landing on top of it. “Oh, the rain is clearing up.”
“Excuse me. Didn’t you just try to attack me?”
“Did I? I don’t remember,” the stranger scratched the back of his neck, looking bored as he yawned. “My name is (L/n) (M/n), age 27. And you are?”
“Sung Jin-Woo, 24.”
“Nice meeting you. Now where in the hell am I?”
(L/N) (M/N) HAD A NASTY SCOWL on his face, plopping the sewing kit on Jin-Woo’s bed as he angrily tried to open it with one arm. Unfortunately, someone had cut off his right arm that he spent ages trying to sew back on.
“What next, my leg?” he cursed under his breath as Sung Jin-Woo opened it for him. “Wait a minute,” Jin-Woo said, sticking the end of his arm to his shoulder. “Hold this,” he said, making (M/n) keep his limb in one place as he put the thread in the needle.
“What?” The zombie still looked very angry, knitting his brows together as he held still. “I thought you needed a hand,” Jin-Woo lightly joked, trying to make (M/n)’s mood towards him a little better. The undead male gave him his signature dead stare, tightly holding his severed upper arm before speaking.
“Jin-Woo, I am dead serious here.”
He started to lightly chuckle, noticing that Sung Jin-Woo was almost finished with sewing his arm back on his body. “Hey, you’re pretty good at this.” His remark made Jin-Woo smile as he opened and closed his hand, almost as if it was brand new.
“My clothes kept getting ripped when I was E-Rank. I learned naturally.”
“The next time you rip off my limbs, please fix them too,” (M/n) said, flailing his right hand in the air with satisfaction.
“Well next time. I’m sure I’ll make you mine.”
“I doubt that.”
///////////////////////////// (now it’s just random dialogues i pulled out of my idea dump lol)
“OH HECK! There goes my leg!”
“Oh no... He’s dead! It’s not like I’m happy about it or anything~! ...Arise arise arise arise—“
“God damn it.. Jin-Woo, could you go fetch my torso, and my arms and my legs and uh.. my head. Yes, thank you.”
“You don’t have a heartbeat and your skin is ice cold. I stabbed you 32 times. How are you still moving?”
“Dunno, ask Jesus.”
“You don’t breathe, (M/n).”
“Oh yeah, you’re right.”
“Sometimes I wonder if you want me dead or if you want me alive. Which one is it?”
“Either way is fine as long as you’re mine.”
“Gross, necrophiliac.”
“Good night, (M/n).”
“Good night, Jin-Woo..”
“Alright.. arise arise arise arise arise arise arise—“
“Once again, I am not dead.”
“You’re not useless, (M/n). Because when you die, I WILL MAKE YOU MY SHADOW.”
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alirhi · 3 years
Loki ranting
Okay. I had this thought in my head of like just compiling links of all the Loki shit I've posted/reblogged so far so that when I get into a conversation about the show and how it fucking disgusted me, I can just be like "here. here's this masterlist post, go read all this shit. This is my entire argument, and not only mine, but a lot of stuff posted by people far more intelligent and level-headed and eloquent than I am, whom I happen to agree with." Because the alternative is constantly getting fired up all over again, and that is exhausting.
BUT! I'm stupid and don't know how tumblr works. Apparently I can't just be like "give me all the Loki-tagged shit I've got" I can only search all the Loki-tagged shit on all of tumblr. And I'm not scrolling back through all of my posts. I talk too fucking much for that shit 😂
So, I'll try to remember all of my grievances with how the MCU has treated Loki, and all of the excellent posts made by other, equally upset fans, and put it all together here under this nice, neat little cut for everyone else's sanity and scrolling convenience...
For people who actually read my shit fairly regularly - bless you, you crazy, patient people. I love you! - this is going to be a lot of repetition of shit you've already read. Probably at least twice. I'm passionate and I have a terrible memory lol. Sorry.
Anyway, first, for those who don't know me and haven't been following my explosions of rage for the past couple of months, some quick background: I do not read comic books, so Loki's Marvel comic canon means nothing to me. I know almost nothing about it. The reason I'm so in love with the character in the MCU is because I am an eclectic witch and the deity I've actively loved and worshiped the longest in my life (literally for as long as I can remember) is Loki. So when he was mentioned in The Mask, I squeed. When they named Matt Damon's character after him in Dogma, I cheered.
When Thor came out in 2011, I just about died from happiness. I was hungry for any representation of this underappreciated god, no matter what it was. I didn't even bitch about how underpowered he was, because at least he was there. But I'm getting slightly ahead of myself.
I can hear anyone reading this going "Why Loki? Isn't he, like, evil? Like basically the Norse version of The Devil?" Because I heard all this shit irl all the fucking time. And no. So let me give you a quick rundown of who Loki actually is.
Loki is a Trickster God. He's often referred to as the God of Mischief. He is not and never was evil, simply chaotic and hedonistic. Loki Laufeyjarson was the son of Laufey (that's mama; they changed her to a man for some reason in the movie) and Fárbauti. Right from the start, from his name, we get a sign of how Loki goes against traditional norms of the time, because in Norse culture, families were patrilineal, and surnames were "son/daughter of father" (which would have made him Loki Fárbautitason), not the mother. But Loki's surname is matrilineal. Feminist icon woo! lol
Though he's a Jotunn, Loki is counted among the Gods (Aesir) in Norse tradition. Depending on his mood, he is alternately helpful or disruptive to the other Gods. I'm not gonna sit and teach a whole text class on him lol but I'll use my favorite example of Misunderstood Loki - the conception of Sleipnir!
So, get this shit. This is also part of why I DO NOT follow Odin and never fucking will (a very small part, but still part of the reason). So, the other Norse Gods are petty motherfuckers, and they wanted some shit built but didn't want to pay the dude doing the building. So they were like "okay, if you can get it done in X amount of time, we'll pay you, but if you can't manage it NO MATTER WHAT, this whole thing is free." And they made sure he had NO help, nothing but him, his materials, and his Very Good Horsey. And this guy and his horse were fucking BAMFs. So it was looking like he was definitely gonna get it done in time, and Odin was like "nah, fuck that shit. I'm cheap." and so he sent Loki to distract the work horse. Loki transformed into a mare and lured the horse away, got fucked, got pregnant, gave birth to the 8-legged (for some reason) horse Sleipnir. Odin rides Loki's son into battle. Um. Kay.
So Loki helped Odin be a petty mf, and Odin got himself a new pet out of the deal.
Oh, also, because he's smart af and a shapeshifter and a master magician and genderfluid, Loki "fails" to fit the super fucking toxic and narrow Norse/Aesir view of "a real man". He prefers intelligence and manipulation to solve problems rather than violence, he's not afraid to behave like a clown if it gets shit done, and that grosses the Aesir out, so they constantly ridicule him for being "less than a man".
Loki is the God of the outcast and the misunderstood. The marginalized people from all walks of life. He is the God of the LGBT community. In modern terms, he's pansexual, polyamorous (married to Sigyn and they are deeply in love, but boy gets around and I've never seen any indication that Sigyn gives a shit) and genderfluid.
Okay. Focus, Ali. This is part of why I usually post multiple rants instead of one big long one XD The longer I ramble, the more I get sidetracked and forget the original point.
So. Loki's awesome, and being a Trickster, is powerful as all fucking hell. There's not much he can't do.
And now we come to Thor (the movie, not the deity). Loki's there! 24-year-old Ali is spazzing! All is right with the world!
Oh lord, they've actually done him justice?! Amazing! He's complex and nuanced and emotional, just like the real Loki! I loved this movie. Loved. It. The climactic thing with trying to blow up Jotunheim never really made much sense to me until someone made an excellent point the other day about Loki being raised in a racist society that was racist against his own race, he just didn't know it yet, poor child. Baby Thor was never corrected when he pledged to commit mass genocide, so Baby Loki probably absorbed the lesson then that Jotunns=evil and killing them all will win his father's love. Anyway, 2011 Loki was a beautiful, heartbreaking portrayal of the God I've loved all my life and spent 24 years longing to see depicted on the big screen.
Then The Avengers happened. And I saw another Loki very close to Norse mythology - mainly, how he's treated. In the beginning of the movie, he's sick, exhausted, and in pain. He can hardly stand, he stumbles and needs help when he walks. He was very obviously tortured, and the sickly blue light of the scepter's control is in his eyes. That gets less and less pronounced as the movie goes on, showing Loki working his way free of it, but in the beginning, he's a mess. Because he was tortured and used by Thanos. Marvel directly confirmed this, and that he was under the scepter's/Mind Stone's control. Loki's actions are not his own in The Avengers. He's under both threat and Thanos' direct control. The movie actually shows The Other directly threatening him to keep him on task, because this is not Loki's plan. It is not what he wants. He's being used and villainized... Just like in real life. It hurt to see this done to him, but the accuracy was too beautiful to ignore.
Thor: The Dark World comes out. I've heard people complain that this movie is the weak link in the Thor trilogy. I disagree. I think that's Ragnarok, for a bunch of reasons, but we'll get there. (And for the record, I loved Ragnarok, too. It was a funny movie. Infinity War and the Disney+ series are the only portrayals of Loki in the MCU that I truly fucking hated.) Anyway, good, fun movie. Had its faults, as all movies do, but it still followed Loki's real-life arc in a way. How? By having Loki dragged back to Asgard in chains and imprisoned underground. Again, not super happy that this happened to my love, and having to see it on screen was painful, but at least in the MCU he's not chained to a rock with venom dripping on his face for eternity, so there's that. (poor Sigyn. how tired do her arms get, holding up that bowl? best wife ever, amirite?)
In TDW, we're shown Loki's love for Frigga, who favored him and taught him magic as a child. We see his bravado; his attempts to mask his true feelings, especially grief. We see him slowly coming back to himself after the events of The Avengers, and slowly mending his relationship with his brother. He accepts that Odin will likely never love him, but Thor just might, because they were close when they were young. "I didn't do it for him." No, no my sweet, you did it for your brother, and a little out of guilt for what happened to your mother.
At the end, Loki fakes his death and escapes, taking the throne, and I have mixed feelings about this. Not the writer's choices here; I love that completely! A natural progression in Loki's story. But my joy is tainted by how closely they're following the Eddas now. Because Loki's escape from his prison heralds the beginning of Ragnarok. And Loki will die in Ragnarok. I don't want to see that play out in front of my face. I won't be able to handle the grief (spoiler alert! IW broke me. I almost walked out of the theater. Loki's death was legitimately fucking traumatic for me. I don't even care how pathetic that is. That grief was real, it was intense, and I still shake and cry when I think about it.)
Marvel announces that Thor 3 will be called Ragnarok. The internet treats this as a shocking revelation. I roll my eyes and mumble "duh" to myself and move on XD
Then they say Ragnarok will be a buddy comedy. I throw up a little in my mouth and no longer want to live on this planet. If they're going to make something called Ragnarok, could they at least treat it with even a fraction of the respect they've shown these characters thusfar? Jfc. I mean, I'll see it anyway, because I'm a whore for Tom Hiddleston lol. But come on, people!
I hated that they made Hel the long-lost older sister and Fenrir her fucking pet/attack dog. Those are my favorites of Loki's children! Hel is such an incredible badass that the early Christians named their dimension of eternal torture after her! They were terrified of her, to the point of naming the place that terrified them most after her. That's awesome! And Fenrir's just the best. I love wolves. Those two details, and Odin's retcon of "we're not Gods! ...lol, except your sister. she's totally a Goddess. and def gonna kill literally everything, so... good luck! byyyeeeee" pissed me off royally.
The rest was great. I genuinely liked this movie. Still do. And they finally used The Immigrant Song! That was pretty cool. If they'd thrown in Bring the Hammer Down and Thunderstruck, I might've called this movie perfect. XD
I wasn't totally in love with their portrayal of Loki in Ragnarok. Yes, the falling for 30 minutes line was funny, as was "I have to get off this planet" and "YES! That's how it feels!" And "Get Help" was funny as hell. But also, like... There is no way Loki would have been the dumb one in that first encounter with Hela. Also, he can teleport and project copies of himself and shit, so... He would not have been that desperate to go straight back to Asgard and bring her right along with them. Loki's not stupid. But whatever. Movie's gotta movie.
What I did love was seeing the slow mending of his relationship with Thor continuing, and the badass fighting on the bridge. I also loved that, like Real Loki, Movie Loki helped when help was needed, was quick and clever, and while he was carrying out the main plan, he was also planning ahead and grabbing the Tesseract. Yes, that drew Thanos right to them, but that's a whole other thing. Loki never would have left that thing on Asgard to be destroyed or lost.
And now Infinity War. Hooooly fucking shit. You know what? No. I'm not going into this. He was killed, years of character growth were erased forever, my heart fucking shattered. The end.
Endgame. IW hurt me so bad I didn't see Endgame until this year. I actually watched Civil War first (for context: I had actively avoided all Cap movies until this year because I fucking hate Steve Rogers. I find him insufferable. Did not realize what I was denying myself until I watched CW and finally saw the charms of Bucky. When he appeared in IW, I was so lost. XD I was like "...who dis? Murder Jesus?" also I just... didn't care. I was numb by then from crying through most of the movie over Loki)
So, anyway. Endgame. Loki picks up the Tesseract in alternate 2012, escapes, fans go "yay! he didn't actually die!" I go "yes he fucking did. Five years of his life, gone. Five years of growth and change, erased. Loki is dead. This will not be the same."
I was more right than I could have predicted. Now we come to the point of this rant. Sorry it took so long, but you were warned lol.
The Loki series makes me so angry I actually get sick to my stomach. It was fucking TRASH. When I praised Marvel for following Norse mythology so faithfully earlier? Yeah. I DID NOT MEAN TREAT HIM THE WAY THE OTHER GODS DID. I did not mean paint him as a pitiful clown, a joke, a caricature of who he truly was, with his pain and suffering played for LAUGHS.
This is supposed to be 2012 Loki, newly freed from Thanos' control. The Loki we saw in the beginning of TDW - snarky, exhausted, nihilistic. The Loki who rolled his eyes and said "get on with it" expecting to be killed.
The bumbling clown flipping on a dime from posturing to calling himself weak is not 2012 Loki. That is not ANY Loki. That is Tom Hiddleston in a black wig doing what he's told by a shitty writer who had no fucking idea what he was doing and was salty about his (bad) original script (for something totally fucking unrelated) getting killed.
In Episode 1, Loki is mocked, imprisoned, stripped against his will, tormented, belittled, and given a flippant summary of all the trauma Actual MCU Loki suffered that this one skipped out on, with no context, no acknowledgement of the trauma he's already lived quite fucking recently, and with the narrative twisted to not only erase all the abuse he's suffered, but to make it all his fault. And this is supposed to make him want to help these people?
Episode 2, he's a child. Mentally, this Loki is a fucking child. Now we've erased all the growth and development of his entire adult life. He's dopey, impatient, impulsive, desperate for a pat on the back and actually shows it. Yes, abused and neglected children crave the positive attention we never received, and we often grow up to be a bit emotionally stunted. But not all of us, and not Loki. Not as we've seen him EVER in the rest of the MCU. Playful and a bit callous at times? Absolutely! But not a big dumb fucking puppy.
Episode 3, a ray of hope, despite Sylvie! (I hate Sylvie) Loki casually admits he's pan/bi; labels never come up, but he admits to being with both men and women! He sings! Not really relevant to whether I approve of his portrayal or not lol but Tom has a beautiful voice, Norwegian ("Asgardian" lol) is a gorgeous, entrancing language, and I could watch that one bit on loop for eternity and never get bored. And then, finally, we see a glimpse - a glimpse - of Loki's power! He stops a falling building and pushes it right back up! Are we finally getting to see what he can really do? Will the next episode bring us Loki in all his glory?
Nope. 4 and 5 we see him mocked and pushed around and utterly irrelevant. Again. We see tiny reflections of what he could maybe theoretically do in other random Loki variants, but the "main" (lawl. main. it was the Sylvie and Mobius show. Loki was never the main anything.) Loki? Nothing. He wears his heart on his sleeve for no reason, bonds with the man who imprisoned, taunted, and gaslit him, is killed, and continues to be a moron and a joke. Always the clown. Always the dumb one. The one with the bad ideas. The inferior Loki.
Don't even get me started on that finale. I can't. This already took so much out of me. Fuck Marvel. Fuck this fucking show. I just... I'm done.
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