#god I am soft for these two
multicolour-ink · 8 months
Omgomgomgomgomg 16 and 17 for the otp asks!!!
OTP Relationship Asks
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Ah well you see, I don't really see either role being primarily assigned to one - but it does depend on where they are in the relationship 🙂
During the early stages of the relationship, and after Mia permanently moves in, the couple like to go to bed around the same time; but Pio will stay up just a little longer just to hold Mia close and continue to process the fact that she's really here. With him. She's his love, and he is hers, and they are together 💖
After they discover the other world, Mia becomes transfixed on one day seeing it again, and stays up late to stare out of their attic room window for hours on end, in the hopes that she will see it again. And when she discovers that she is pregnant, Mia becomes determined to stay up to show her babies the world that their mummy and daddy discovered 💕 In both of these scenarios, Pio either sits with her until she falls asleep on his shoulder, or gently coaxes her by lifting and carrying her to bed bridal style 🥰🤭
17. Who fell in love first?
Pio. He caught her eye and instantly fell in love 🤭😊
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scatterbrainedbot · 4 months
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ok but the ghibli vibes of @triona-tribblescore 's wandering guardian au???
like i could live in this world forever tbh
inspo boards/refs below ft trionas SPECTACULAR GORGEOUS AMAZING og works of the au bros
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koumeowkami · 4 months
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polycrews · 1 year
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ddcds. for u (hopefully ur day will b a bit better!)
had to take a second to respond to this because dear GOD this made me lose coherent thoughts. ahem
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saysflora · 3 months
you know how there’s that “black cat x golden retriever” trope that sprung up a while ago?
‘92!javid are both black cats and livesies!javey are both golden retrievers, and that is the fundamental difference between them
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aexvii · 1 year
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the learned friends learn they wanna snuggle for christmas 🎄🥂💞
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ganondoodle · 3 months
i really need to defeat the fear in my head that i am exactly the kind of villain fan that the vast majority seems to despise and that once it becomes clear im gonna get hunted down like i have been before
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islandoforder · 1 year
okay before the finale the dynamic i really want to get into is karna and colin.
bc initially you see colin and deli as potential foils, like they’re set up as a duo and deli wants to gain power and renown for the meat lands and you know colin was involved in a coup so you think he must have wanted that once too but now he’s on the other side of how a failed grab for power can treat you, and they seem to compliment each other so well and then you hit fracture point. they divorce.
colin explains that he was never trying to gain power and simultaneously karna steps into colin’s shoes and is literally granted his old position, and you realise the real foils are colin and karna.
they both are tools from a young age who expect to be disposable, who don’t trust the adult figures in their lives, who have lived on the streets in fear and refuse to do so again, and you realise that colin is old and experienced d enough to know that another grab for power isn’t going to get him the safety and security he craves, he saw his father burn for that, but karna is still young and devoted enough that she’s sure if she can just make herself invaluable enough then she’ll be safe and she’ll wanted on her own merit and not just for what she can do for others.
they’re not just foils because they’re both skalds but because they both know the value of their own loyalty and lives, and are consciously choosing what to do with that throughout, but karna is choosing to accumulate power for deli and colin has already decided to reject any leader that wants power for power’s sake. it’s also why they have good reason to not get along and yet actually treat each other with a level of gentleness and understanding that they don’t tend to show to the others, in the offer of water, in the promise to play chess, even in those tense discussions around magic. fundamentally they may not always agree but they understand each other. like recognises like.
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tracle0 · 3 months
Prophet WIP
Hundreds of years after the six gods' potential death, a single prophet is born. When his twin brother is possessed by a holy sickness, a race begins to preserve or destroy the last relics of dead divinity, and refuse or give forgiveness for errors of the past.
Theodore Novak (Theo): the prophet. Desperately does not want to be a prophet. A nervous wreck most of the time, becomes a little strange when he grows comfortable around you. Has not seen his brother for almost a year, and eager to apologise for previous cruelties.
Cain Kavon: The brother, and vessel to the Blight. Controlled by his anger, and by having his mind changed around him. Schizophrenic, and suffered from his brother unknowingly encouraging a delusion to dangerous levels in the past. Prideful and headstrong and terrified thrilled to now belong to the Blight.
The Blight: The divine sickness. Sourced from human anger and frustration at the gods. Recently escaped the trap the final god put it in, weakened and needing something to reside in as it gains power again. Exploits others anger and frustration to get what it wants.
Raya Glick: The student. Provided a place for Theo to go to when he was asked to leave home, and uses him as an assistant to her history PhD on exactly what happened to the gods. From an orthodox temple background. Drives around the country in a van, investigating the gods current forms. Straightforward and non-nonsense.
Featuring the complexities of brotherhood, the thin line between “prophet” and “schizophrenic”, a divine and glorious anger and a desperate attempt to reach someone who may already be lost to you.
Tagged under #prophet wip. Comic sans PowerPoint.
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capybaraonabicycle · 2 months
Martha Dunnstock and Ruth Fleming would worship each other send fic
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Break Him Down (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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First Shin Soukoku fic whoop whoop! Heyo everyone! I've been loving BSD as of late, and these two- THESE TWO. They have stolen my heart and soul and I felt a mighty need to write them! I hope you like it!
Summary: Atsushi discovers an interesting fact about his stubborn boyfriend. He doesn't exploit it though- not yet at least.
Akutagawa was- for lack of a better term, a pain in the ass.
Stoic, aloof, no mincing of his words whenever he felt the need to share an unsolicited opinion about Atsushi’s way of doing things- you’d think the weretiger would absolutely despise the other with his entire heart.
And for a brief moment when they first met- he did.
Of course, all things change overtime.
“Let me check.”
“I don’t need your help!”
Okay- maybe not all things. Atsushi pinched the bridge of his nose at his boyfriend’s stubborn refusal. They were paired off on a task Dazai “personally selected them for”- in other words was too lazy to do himself- which ended on a rough note. One unexpected enemy later and Akutagawa had been injured. 
Atsushi had gotten them away, knocking out their opponent with a solid chop to the skull, but the damage to Akutagawa- both to his body and his pride- was still there.
“Would you please let me take care of it? It’s a long walk back home- it’ll feel better if you let me clean it up first.” Atsushi reasoned with him, taking a step forward. “Plus if that wound gets infected, we’re gonna be in a lot more trouble then we are now.”
“I’ll be fine- this is nothing.” Akutagawa straightened, only to wince and shrink inward once more, gritting his teeth. “I-I’ll be fine until the-eehn!” Turning only hurt more as he sucked in a breath, hands shaking from the stinging pain.
Atsushi waited, crossing his arms over his chest. Just one more moment and…
“Fine.” Akutagawa turned back to him, grunting from the effort. “Please…take care of it, weretiger?”
“Thank you.” Atsushi smiled as he reached for the first aid kit. “Come here, Aku.”
“Good news, it’s not so bad.” Atsushi told him, sitting before Akutagawa’s bare back. Across his pale skin a purplish bruise bloomed- spreading like a blob of watercolor on a page. The actual wound was barely a scrape- a thin line of red cutting across the bruise. Considering how hard Akutagawa hit the wall, Atsushi was sure there’d be more damage. “Bad news is- this bruise is a ugly one.”
“Like I said, it’s nothing.” Akutagawa tsked softly, even when he winced from the gentle pressure applied.
“Acting tough even when it hurts.” Atsushi mused, flinching with him as he pressed the bandage over the scrape. They’d have to wait until they got back to ice it- at least now it’s clean. “There.”
“Mm.” Akutagawa reached for his overcoat. “Thank you-”
“Hang on.” Atsushi stopped him, hands moving to his sides. “I gotta make sure nothing’s broken.”
“I assure you, nothing is- ack! Watch your hands, they’re cold!”
“So sensitive.” Atsushi teased, earning a glare. Ignoring it, he went about, gently feeling the other’s ribs one by one. So far, so good. He moved upward to his shoulders-
“Eh!” Akutagawa flinced. Atsushi panicked.
“Sorry! Sorry- did that hurt?” Was it broken?
“It’s not- it’s fine.” Akutagawa cut in. “Don’t worry about it.”
“You keep telling me that, but you’re clearly not.” Atsushi growled, his frustration starting to touch his voice. “Tell me the truth- if you’re in pain there, I need to know!”
“I…” Akutagawa began before growing quiet in thought. When he looked away again, his voice sounded strained. “It didn’t hurt, it just felt…strange.”
“Strange?” Atsushi asked, confused. He got no reply, but Atsushi could see the beginnings of a blush creeping up the brunette’s neck the longer the silence drained on. Interesting. “Oh, you mean-”
“Don’t.” Akutagawa growled. “Don’t you dare say it.”
Atsushi squeezed his lips shut, trying not to smile. Ah, how could he forget about that? “There’s nothing wrong with being a little ti-”
“Weretiger.” Akutagawa's glare intensified, Rashomon starting to poke through his back. “I’m warning you.”
Atsushi held up his hands, reaching out and gathering up his clothes. “Okay, okay. Come on- let’s get you dressed.”
He’d have to remember this little tidbit of information for later.
~A few weeks later~
“I’m home!” Atsushi announced as he kicked off his shoes, entering his apartment. “I swear, Dazai finds the most creative ways to get out of doing paperwork- you know what he told me today?”
No response came. When Atsushi walked into the main sitting room, he found his boyfriend lying face down on the couch, headphones in and eyes closed. The sight made him pause with a smile. So he did like his little gift.
“Akuuuuuuu~” He whispered, creeping over before gently lying across the other man’s back. If Akutagawa noticed, he didn’t show it, still lost in the song. Atsushi could make out a few lyrics beyond the heavy metal music. “Pay attention to meeee~ I’m home!”
Nothing. Either he was too quiet or Akutagawa was intentionally ignoring him. “Aku!” He reached out, lightly pulling on a strand of hair.
One gray eye cracked open, meeting his gaze. A ghost of a smile touched his lips before he closed it again, getting comfy.
Oh. So he was ignoring him.
This motherfu-
“Oh, okay. So that’s how you wanna be, huh?” Atsushi felt his eye twitch as he glared down at the other. “Fine then.” He reached out, placing his hands on his boyfriend’s ribs. “Wanna ignore me? Ignore this!” He dug in and-
Nothing. Akutagawa barely reacted.
“No fair! You can’t go gargoyle on me like that!” The weretiger squawked in shock, starting to pout. Damn this stubborn ass and his ability to turn off his ticklishness! Below him, Akutagawa seemed smug; further fueling the gray haired man’s frustration.
And determination.
Sitting back, he tapped his hands against his boyfriend’s shoulders in thought. Where should he try to get a reaction? He supposed he could shove his hands into the freezer and press them into Aku’s ears? That certainly worked in the past. Or maybe-
Below him, Akutagawa tensed suddenly. His mouth seemed to thin, and his brows furrowed. Looking down, Atsushi realized his hand was on the same spot his boyfriend got hurt all those weeks ago.
“Oh, sorry-” Wait. The wound was gone. As was the bruise. All that was left was…
Atsushi started to smile. Keeping his attention on the other, he reached up and gently clawed at the spot between Akutagawa’s shoulder blades. 
“Eh! W-Weretiger!” The brunette all but yanked his headphones down, glaring at the other sharply.
“Hehe, can’t ignore me now, can ya?” Atsushi teased, lightly clawing at him again. Once again, the brunette yelped and jolted, straining against the touch. “Looks like I found another tickle spot~”
“I told you not to say tha-Aht!” Akutagawa sucked in a breath sharply at another gentle touch, arching some away from the hand. “Would you cut that ou-!” The second scratch shut him up, this one closer to the curve of his shoulder blade.
“What’s wrong? Does it tickle?” Atsushi asked, continuing to gently claw at his boyfriend’s back with slow, gentle traces. “Does it tickle when I trace here? What about this?” He pinched gently against the bony part of his back- the action making Akutagawa’s eyes widen momentarily before shoving his face into the couch. A blush started creeping up his neck, pink staining the pale skin. His body shook with each touch, all the way down to where his white knuckled-hands gripped the couch cushion. “My my- can’t handle it?”
“W-Weretiger!” Akutagawa hissed, twitching beneath the other. He reached back to swat at the hand tracing his back, but he could barely reach. Instead he went to grab Atsushi’s knee.
“Hehehy! Ah ah ah!” Atsushi squirmed his leg out of reach, wiggling a finger into Akutagawa’s armpit. “Don’t you dare! I’m tickling you!”
“Dohohon’t say thahahhat! Ahehahahha! Wheheheheretiger!” The dam broke- Akutagawa shoved his arm down in a vain attempt to block him out. Giggles bubbled over his wobbly lips, partially muffled by the couch cushion. “Gehehehhet ohohoohout!”
“Get out? But it’s my apartment!” Atsushi dropped his hands to Akutagawa's upper ribs, massaging the spot with enough pressure to get him laughing properly. “First you ignore me, and now you’re trying to kick me out of my own home? What are you trying to say, Aku? Don’t you love me?”
“Yohohohoohu knhoohohohow whahahhahat I meahahhahhan’t! Ahehahahhaa, Wehehehheretihihiihihiger stohoohohohhp ihihihihiihit!” Akutagawa was properly squirming now, twisting this way and that as Atsushi’s fingers danced along his skin. Breathy huffs of laughter slowly began to grow into proper guffaws as he tried grabbing his boyfriend’s hands, just barely missing his wrists every time. “I hahahahhhahte ihiihihiiihiht!”
“Sure you do.” The weretiger giggled, reaching completely around him so he could claw at the other’s belly. “That’s why you haven’t tried pushing me away or using Rashomon to stop me! If anything, I think you like this!” Atsushi buried his nose between his shoulder blades, grinning when he felt the other arch with a faint squeak. “Admit it, you love when I tickle you, Aku~”
“Wehehehehhehheheheretiihiiihihihihihiger, shuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhsh!” Akutagawa all but whined, feet kicking against the couch. His face felt like it was on fire, burning more everytime Atsushi said that dreadful word. “Dooohohohohohn’t sahahahhahay ihiiihihihihihit!”
“Hm, you know? I don’t think you’ve said my name in a while.” Atsushi mused as he brought his hands back to the other’s ribs, wiggling between them like one plays a piano. “It’s always ‘Weretiger’. I want you to say my name! Say Atsushi! If you do, I’ll stop tickling you.”
A way out! An easy one too. Anyone would take it.
But alas- Akutagawa had his pride.
“Nohohohohohoo wahhahahahhahay! Yohohoohoohu stohoohohohhop fihiihihiihrst!” He cackled, finally grasping his boyfriend’s wrists. “Thehhehehehheere!”
“That stubborn pride. I love it, but at the same time, it really drives me crazy.” Atsushi almost sounded sad, shaking his head loosely. “Whatever- at least I know how to drive you crazy too.” With that, he shoved his face into the other’s back, nuzzling him through the thin cloth.
“WHEHEHHRETIIHIHIIHGER!” Akutagawa all but shrieked, his squirms increasing and his laughter booming. “DOHOHOOHOHN’T! NOHOHOHOHOOHT THEHEHHEHEHERE!” His lungs were starting to hurt, and his vision was getting misty. Still- Atsushi was determined to make him break. He could resist! He was a Port Mafia member! This? A little ti-a little sensitivity? This was nothing! He’d been through far, far worse tortures in his life. He would be fine-
“Not gonna break? Okay!” Atsushi seemed to lift off. Then-
Oh dear god no-
“PFFFFFFT!” He released by far what felt like the biggest raspberry against his shoulder blades. Even with the fabric layer of protection, it tickled like crazy! Akutagawa’s laughter tittered into silence as more and more raspberries came down on his worst spot.
Finally, finally- he gave in.
“AHAHAHHAHAHTSUSHIHIHIHI PLEHAHAHAHAHSE!” He cried when he got his voice back, Rashomon shooting out to gather the other and lift him off. Atsushi squeaked in surprise, suspended mid air by the various red tentacles.
“Hehe, got you to say my name.” Atsushi laughed nervously, watching the other cough some as he turned onto his back, glaring daggers. Slowly, he was lowered back down, returning to his previous position on top of Akutagawa. “Hehe, you good?”
“Yohohou…suck.” Akutagawa huffed, earning a snort from boyfriend. Too tired to fight anymore, he reached up and flicked the other’s nose, smirking when Atsushi whined in response. “You're lucky I don’t get you back right here and now.”
“Oo, scary~” Atsushi mock shivered, laying down properly and tucking his head against the other’s chest. “Good luck on that. I know all your weaknesses now.”
“Tch, brat.” Akutagawa rolled his eyes, reaching up and running a hand through his hair. “Welcome home by the way.”
“Oh? Oh, thank you!” Atsushi sounded pleased. Sitting up, he scooted closer, pressing a gentle kiss to the other’s red cheek.
“Oi, you missed.” Akutagawa narrowed his eyes, fighting down a laugh when Atsushi looked away.
“Nope! You ignored me when I got home, so no proper kisses for you…” His voice trailed off when Akutagawa took his chin in his hands, guiding him back gently.
“Forgive me. I was enjoying that song you showed me.” He ran his thumb along Atsushi’s lip, feeling smug at the blossoming blush on his cheeks. “The Bad Things one.”
“Knew you’d like it.” Atsushi grinned. “Fine, I suppose you can have a real kiss then.” He leaned in, capturing his boyfriend’s lips on his own. Warmth spread throughout Akutagawa’s body, making his toes curl and sending pleasant tingles throughout his nerves. When they pulled away, they were equally flushed, slightly breathless.
“Ehehe! We’re such dorks.” Atsushi laughed, returning to his comfy position beneath Akutagawa’s chin. “I love us though.”
“As do I.” Akutagawa ran a hand over his back gently, his heart still racing a mile a minute. He was sure Atsushi’s heart was doing the same thing. “Tell me about your day.”
They spent the rest of the evening chatting about their respective days.
Thanks for reading!
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scattered-winter · 1 year
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pom0dorini · 2 years
thinking about romano, whose love language is making food for others. he puts so much effort into cooking and even if he tries not to show it he likes when people compliment him on it.
once spain finds out, he starts asking romano to cook for him and having lunch and dinner with him whenever he can. spain really enjoys seeing how proud romano looks when he gets to show him his typical dishes, and soon realizes just how much he loves making romano blush by praising him and his food
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fledermaus-art · 9 months
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'Cause someone loved me, someone fucking loved me Someone fucking loved me, I loved them too Goddamn it, I was worth something, I fuckin' earned something.
ᴵ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ᶦᵗ'ˢ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒˢᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ᵃ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏᵘᵖ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵗʰᶦˢ ˢᵖᵉᶜᶦᶠᶦᶜ ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᶦˢ ʲᵘˢᵗ. ᴮᶦᵍ ᵛᶦᵇᵉˢ 👌
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beskar33 · 2 months
Don't want kids & probably'd never make a fankid but those Tem pics...imagining Bo with a lil baby...oh god I'm fuckin ovulating over it, so sickeningly cute. He'd be such a good papa 😭oh oughughhyy am Taking so much psychic damage
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indelicateink · 3 months
i am just so earnestly curious. i read the books a long time ago, i am struggling to put myself in the shoes of someone who doesn't know what's coming. the latest promo that has the sinister projection of L: does this come across as menacing to people who are book-innocent? do those audience members have anxiety about him showing up in paris?
i know he was fucking excoriated by a lot of viewers for season 1 and ep 5 especially (no matter one's experience with the canon), and a lot of people now despise the character.
but does like. anyone actually have concern abt the guy showing up and making trouble? it seems to be the reaction they want people to have, I'm curious if it's working?
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