#god I fucking hate it here
fat-fuck-hairy-belly · 5 months
Bro, I have nothing against braces, I'm not a bigot! I just have some concerns. I just want the damn doctors to leave the kids alone. It's not right to mess with children's bodies! They don't really want to have their crocked teeth fixed, they are probably just autistic or depressed! They should live with their fucked up crooked teeth untill they are 21 and then they can decide if they reaaaally want to get braces. But they still should go to a therapist first to see if they actually have crooked teeth dysphoria or if they are just depressed. Also I don't think people should be allowed to wear braces in public were kids can see them. But I'm not bracephobic, I just have some concerns.
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mearchy · 5 months
genuinely painful to like kal skirata in an “i am fascinated by fucked up morally grey protagonists” way in a world of people who are kal skirata fans in an “american imperialists who hate women and gay people and want to ride george bush’s fat cock” way
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werewolf-cuddles · 4 months
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Oh boy. Can't wait to see full grown adults going on long, completely unhinged, definitely-not-racist rants about a Disney Jr cartoon for toddlers because it's based on the remake instead of the original.
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homo-taylorsversion · 11 months
Me: trying to go to bed.
My brain: so, about your sexuality... You might like men. But your not a man because you don't have men parts. And mostly everyone sees you as a woman, or thinks your just trying to excuse yourself being a lesbian. Hince- your a cis woman who's straight.
Me: wtf braaaain, what?! NOOOOOO!! THATS NOT HOW THAT WORKS!!!
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ladyinthebluebox · 3 months
yhhhh, i think the stars are not aligned for me to finish this playthrough.
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hislittleraincloud · 4 months
I suspected but never fully realized how much blind hatred I have for Episode 8 until I had to watch it repeatedly to get things straight/correct.
Like...full on, need to shake Burton about it. And send Millar & Gough out on a raft in the middle of the ocean for it.
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nancys-braids · 4 months
men stop being fucking weird challenge
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lolo-chi · 1 year
“Things can’t possibly get any worse!”
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Things just got so much worse, I never even considered the possibility of any of Ruby’s previous relatives showing up and god. Fuck. Fuck. They’ll have to meet.
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chaosinstigator · 10 months
wym his tyres are dying
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mouseoleum · 1 month
we had a nice patch of sunflowers growing in the back but the fucking leafman cut the whole thing down and removed it. sure man just fucking obliterate what little good this place has.
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peachyzephyr · 2 months
for legal reasons, I'm not condoning killing people, but can we start practicing our aim a little, guys? and can we start aiming for more than just one candidate? please?
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eggcats · 3 months
Last week I sent an email to my bosses about my schedule change with my second job, and was like "I need to cut my hours but I'm willing to stay and help until the lab officially moves."
I have not heard. A single thing back. I've been here for 5 years and am the sole reason this lab is still running, and that's the response I get. Not even a generic reply on my email. Not a text or phone call. Nothing.
I only worked at my old job for 2 years, and it was MUCH bigger and yet both the plant manager and assistant plant manager of that plant came and talked to me.
(my lab has never had more than like 10 people working, including me [and I was the one in charge who trained them], and currently there's only 3 of us, STILL INCLUDING ME) and they can't be assed to even acknowledge me.
The only response I got was my COWORKER talking to my boss to ask about it, and him telling her TO TELL ME to draft an email of my availability. I already fucking did that. In my previous email. Where I told you my new job's hours and my willingness to help for a bit surrounding those hours.
Like, technically Friday could be my last day. I gave them 2 weeks' notice. Literally, I'm the only one available to work the weekend, and what if I just. Fucking didn't.
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daisy-room · 3 months
Hi chat. Am in fact not doing okay 👍🏻
Someone hacked my Amazon and they can’t do anything about it because the packages are set to arrive today so guess who’s out almost $300
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ilottthepilot · 11 months
Wait callum is ACTUALLY out????? I was literally just reading this article about the rumours and was like "that is an absurd hypothetical". Genuinely so stunned right now
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worldsonlylevifan · 1 year
fuck the fourth of july like honestly. people dress in the Fools Colors (red white and blue) and cheer for their hatred and oppression of women and minorities, while showing hyper-sexualized porn images of skinny white women with blonde hair blue eyes (and wearing underwear/bikinis in the Fools Colors as well) and brandishing murder weapons that regularly are used against people of color and children. they tell people to “get out of their country”. and also make the loudest fucking noises in the goddamn world and you cant tell if the noises are fireworks (illegal) or gunshots (NOT illegal)
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invinciblecrow · 5 months
“Hey. Maybe next time, wait a few days before ya mourn my death. Cause…I think it’s time we both know. I love you too much to just lie down and not get up.”
Imagine it like this.
— is a hero, one of the best in their field. But today, it’s going terrible. There on their last leg, on the verge of passing out on the battlefield. The villain is nowhere near losing. And here comes there knight in shining amour, running in and willing to sacrifice themself. Just like — knew they would. The two had been fighting alongside for years, two super heroes who couldn’t be beat. And with their partner in heroism coming to save them, they can finally rush off to get the medical help they need. But — doesn’t make it off the field in time. The villain gets one last hit in, and it’s lights out for the hero.
The next time — wakes up, it’s in a hospital. There best friend, and partner in heroism is sitting next to there bed. They look like they haven’t slept in days, there eyes are wet with tears and they are holding —‘s prized possession, the necklace that — hasn’t taken off since the day that their best friend had given it to them. And — can’t help but feel ever so honored with the fact, they there stone cold best friend and person they trust most is..this worked up over the thought of them being gone. — Takes this as the perfect time to say what they have been thinking for years, the thing they think about every time they see the way their friend smiles, or the way that their friend always gets just a little less grumpy when — is around. And so before —‘s friend notices they’re finally awake, they speak. And In their tired and scratchy voice, they say the sweetest words that have ever left their lips.
“Hey. Maybe next time, wait a few days before ya mourn my death. Cause…I think it’s time we both know. I love you too much to just lie down and not get up.”
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