#god help me. i think she's accidentally becoming my main
making Saoirse a fully functional Vindicator was both the best and worst decision I've made because, on one hand, she's extremely strong with higher damage than any of my other characters... but on the other hand. she's extremely strong with higher damage than any of my other characters.
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mysterious-ocarina · 1 year
Let It Out
Scott Summers x reader
Main Masterlist Requests
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(2.3k words)
“God, what the hell is wrong with you?” you yelled. You just came back from a mission with the X-Men. The mission was successful but that didn’t stop you and Scott from arguing about anything the other one did. “Was it really necessary to cover me in dirt and dust?”
“Well maybe if you were paying attention, that wouldn’t have happened,” Scott egotistically replied.
During the mission, a piece of rubble was about to fall on you, but Scott used his lasers to break it and stop it from hitting you, incinerating the rubble on top of your head. This resulted in you getting covered in the dirty debris.
Admittedly, this argument was petty and stupid. He saved you, you know it, but you were never one to miss the chance to argue.
“I was paying attention,” you indignantly argued.
Scott rolled his eyes, “Sure you did. It’s okay, I don’t mind saving a damsel in distress.”
Angered, you got into Scott’s face, “Let’s go outside and we’ll see who’s a damsel.”
“That’s enough, you two. I will not have a fist fight among my students,” the Professor got between you. “Maybe you guys should put whatever it is you two have going behind you and get along.”
“It’s impossible to get along with an egotistical jerk who thinks he’s better than you,” you huffed. “Seriously, you don’t have to tell me everytime I do something wrong. I already agonize over it enough myself.”
You walked off, done with the conversation. Anytime you did anything wrong on missions, Scott was always the first to criticize you on it. It probably wouldn’t have bothered you so much if you weren’t already insecure about your place in the X-Men. You were the newest member of the team and you had less experience than everyone else did with your mutation.
About a year ago, you were walking home from a friend's house. A couple of guys from your school had cornered you. Before they could do whatever they had planned for you, you had pushed them away with your hands and accidentally launched them into the building behind them. 
Your mutation allows you to manipulate vibrations. The Professor found you after your family had disowned you and brought you to the mansion. Since, he’s helped you control your mutation and helped you become stronger.
“You know, she’s never going to be your friend if you do that all the time,” Jean softly offered advice.
“I don’t want to be her friend,” Scott snapped at her.
“Right because you want to be more,” Peter smirked.
“I don’t want to be her anything. Same as you guys, I just don’t want her to get hurt,” Scott sighed, annoyed.
“You’re cute, when you’re in denial. I’m a mind reader, you can lie to yourself but you can’t lie to me,” Jean pat his shoulder before leaving too.
Everyone except for you seemed to be privy to the way he felt about you, much to Scott’s chagrin. Eventually he made his way to his room to sulk for the rest of the night.
You on the other hand, made your way to the Danger Room to get some training in. The only way for your brain to shut up about all your insecurities was to train them away. After a few hours of training alone you felt better. All of your frustrations toward Scott washed away.
You were still in your training outfit, but didn’t care as you made your way to the kitchen for a snack before you showered. The sports bra and shorts you were wearing were more revealing than you would have liked to be seen in so you wanted to get your food and leave as quickly as possible.
You grabbed a packet of popcorn off the shelf and put it in the microwave. You turned around and was surprised to see Scott walking into the kitchen too. He was looking down so he most likely didn’t notice you.
“Ahem,” you cleared your throat, so Scott would look at you. “You almost bumped into me.”
“Shit, you scared the fuck out of me,” he jumped. He stared at you and you wished more than anything that you could see his eyes to know what he was staring at. You crossed your arms over yourself feeling insecure under his scrutinizing gaze.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, to break the silence.
Scott seemed to snap out of his thoughts and smirked at you, “Taking in the view.”
The microwave beeped behind you, thankfully. You turned around to get your popcorn and to hide the blush on your face. Scott Summers did not just make you blush.
“Pervert,” you muttered. You poured your popcorn into a bowl before turning around again. Scott was staring at the floor now, seemingly deep in thought. Of what, you did not care.
You tried to walk away but Scott grabbed your arm, preventing your escape.
“What the hell do you want, Summers?” you asked aggressively. Scott has never touched you before outside of training or mission, so you were wary of him now.
Frustrated, Scott ran his hand through his hair. You tried not to let your eyes linger on the motion.
“Why do you have to be such a bitch? I was g-going to,” Scott stuttered before he snapped his mouth shut.
Scott wanted to apologize to you. He realized that you might think his criticism was always said to put you down. That you might not know that he doesn’t want to see you get hurt and that he wouldn’t be able to handle the day you stop arguing with him.
“Going to, what?” you asked.
“Doesn’t matter. Nevermind.” Scott sighed, letting you go.
He’s acting weird, weirder than usual with you, and you didn’t know what to do. Concerned, you placed your hand on Scott’s arm, asking, “Are you alright?”
Scott harshly shook your arm off, tersely replying “I’m fine.”
“Well sorry for asking then,” you replied, a little offended. This whole conversation was confusing you, making you feel like you’re suffocating.
You flee from the kitchen, going back to your room for the night. Scott remains in the kitchen, cursing himself for his lack of social prowess and expressing his feelings.
For the next few days, Scott avoids you like the plague. When you join everyone on the couches, he’s the first to get up and leave. He sits as far away from you as he can during dinner. He’s even stopped criticizing you during training.
It was an odd feeling. The lack of Scott’s annoying voice should have offered you peace. It should have made you feel better that someone wasn’t analyzing your fighting technique, waiting to tell you everything wrong with it. The entire week, you waited for Scott to pay attention to anything you did, but his attention never came. It made you feel unsettled.
There was a knock at your door, Jean yelling, “Mission in 20.”
You put on your mission clothes and made your way to the jet. Taking your seat and buckling your seatbelt, you waited for the debriefing.
“It’s a fire and rescue. 12 story office building. . .” the professor rattled on. It was a simple mission. People trapped in a building that the X-Men were supposed to help rescue.
You were finishing your search of one of the floors of the building, when you heard Jean’s voice in your head, “Building is clear of civilians, everyone get out as fast as you can.”
You would have listened to her if you could, but there was concrete blocking your only exit. You tried to use your mutation to break it but you were weak and tired. The ash burned as it coated your throat and lungs, making you cough wildly.
You could feel the panic seep its way into your brain but you tried to keep a level head. Logically, at least one person from your team had to notice you didn’t make it out. You tried and failed one last time to push away the concrete blocking your way.
“Professor! Jean!” you screamed as loud as you could, hoping someone heard you, telepathically or not.
With your lungs gasping for clean air, you sunk to the floor. Before you, there was a flash of red before Scott’s face showed up in your vision.
“Y/N,” he screamed for you, the sound ripped from his throat. He looked uninjured which brought you a bit of comfort as he made his way over to you.
Before either of you could do anything, a support beam collapsed between the two of you, separating you.
You felt like you were suffocating, not enough clean air making its way to your brain. Your whole body was vibrating, “Scott, I don’t feel right.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m going to get you out of here,” he replied, panting.
Neither of you commented that this was the first time you ever called him Scott instead of Summers and the first time he gave you such an endearing nickname.
You felt like you may explode so you did the only thing you could think to do. Scream.
“Scott!” you screamed. You let your voice out, probably damaging your vocal cords with how visceral and loud you were screaming. Next thing you know, everything goes black.
Scott’s face was dirty, filled with scratches and scrapes. But he didn’t care to wash up or do anything until he knew you were okay. He explained to the professor what happened and thanked Jean for saving the both of them.
Sitting on the floor outside the clinic, this past week washed over Scott. How fucking stupid he was to ignore you all week. He wished more than anything that he just told you how he felt in the kitchen and wished he wasn’t so hard on you all the time.
The door next to him opened and closed, making Scott stand up. Hank stood in front of him, “She’s awake and okay. A little bruised and weak but that’s it. You can see her.”
“Thanks,” Scott muttered walking into the room.
You sat in a hospital bed, wincing anytime you moved. Hank filled you in on what happened. Scott had helped Jean find you and get you out of the building. It turns out your voice was a secret weapon you didn’t know you had. Manipulating vibrations with your hands was one thing, but your voice was an entirely other thing.
The door opened, stirring you from your deprecating thoughts, Scott standing in the doorway. His face is covered in scratches that he didn’t have the last time you saw him. Your bad thoughts come back in an instant, bringing silent tears to your eyes.
Scott sits on the edge of the bed next to you. Shyly he gives you a small, “Hi.”
“Did I do that?” you ask, your voice scratchy from overuse.  You bring your hands to his face but he softly takes your hand in his bringing it to his chest.
“It’s okay,” he replies instead of answering you.
Your chin wobbles as the tears in your eyes start to fall. You wipe them away with your free hand, before staring at the wall behind Scott, “Why are you here?”
“I had to make sure you were okay,” Scott replies.
“Why would you care if I’m okay? You’re probably here to tell me how stupid I am for getting trapped. Or yell at me for accidentally hurting you. You never fail to tell me what I do wrong every mission,” you let your thoughts slip past your mouth.
There was a small voice in your head that wanted Scott to be telling the truth, that he cared for you. But there was another insecure voice, asking you why would he care about you?
“God, I’m so stupid. Let me explain,” Scott begged. He continued after your silence. “I never wanted you to feel weak. The only reason I harp on you so much during training and missions is because I never want to see you get hurt. I know you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself, especially in a fight, but you mean so much to me that I always want to know if you’re safe.”
“But you’re always arguing with me,” you whispered. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Well, you are pretty hot when you get all angry at me,” Scott smirked.
You giggled and went to softly slap Scott but he caught your hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss.
“If you let me, I promise I will make up every single comment and argument. I’ll even let you practice your new-found powers on me,” Scott smiled at you.
His face was pleading for you to agree and how could you tell him no.
“I’ll forgive you. On one condition,” you teased. He excitedly nodded his head. “You have to say, ‘Y/n is the best X-Women to ever exist and could beat my ass if they wanted to.’”
Right away, Scott recited, “Y/n is the best X-Women to ever exist and could beat my ass if they wanted to. They also really really want to kiss Scott Summers because he is very handsome.”
You laughed again, “Who said you were handsome?” But who are you kidding, he was to die for.
“So you’re not denying that you want to kiss me,” he smirked again. God, this man was going to drive you crazy.
Instead of answering, you placed a sweet kiss on his lips. Before it could get too heated, you pulled away to speak. “You are very handsome, Scott Summers.”
He did a little triumphant fist bump in the air, smiling at you. And for a moment, you weren’t worried about the X-Men, or your new powers, or anything outside of you and Scott. You felt at peace.
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AITA for putting knob covers on the stove that my disabled dad couldn't open?
So I (26M) recently moved back in with my parents (60M and 58F) temporarily because I'm kind of between apartments right now. My dad has Parkinson's disease and has, over the years, become both clumsier and more absent-minded. An important symptom of Parkinson's that will become relevant in this story is that he also has partial anosmia (his sense of smell is impaired).
So anyway, about a year and a half ago, before I had moved out, one day I came home from work and smelled gas as soon as I entered the house. I discovered one of the burners on the stove had been left open, and gas had been seeping into the room. I turned off the main gas supply, opened all the windows, and waited outside while calling my mom about it frantically. It turns out Dad had been cleaning the oven earlier and must have bumped the burner with his head while leaning in to clean the door. Because of his anosmia, he had not smelled the gas. I kind of freaked out and threatened to remove all the knobs off the stove, because I felt my life was in danger, but my mom talked me down into believing that it was just a fluke and probably wouldn't happen again.
Anyway, fast forward to the day before yesterday. I woke up after sleeping in late (I work night shifts now) and went to go make myself some food, but for some reason the GFI circuit breaker to the stove outlet had tripped. After resetting it, I immediately noticed that the lower drawer oven was on, because the knob had been left on. That oven is a little broken because the drawer mechanism is bent, so it doesn't close fully - I'm speculating, but the only thing I can think of is that the breaker must have tripped because the drawer was open and the heating element couldn't keep it up to temperature without getting so hot it exceeded its current rating or something. There was no gas leak this time, thankfully, but I knew my dad must have left it that way since my mom never cooks in the morning, especially not with the oven, ESPECIALLY not with the broken drawer oven. The only logical conclusion was that he accidentally bumped the knob again and didn't notice again. This time, thank God it wasn't the gas again.
I basically just told my mom that I was getting knob covers for the stove, and she agreed. So I got some on Amazon with next day delivery and installed them as soon as they arrived. I then took an afternoon nap, and then spent a few hours in my room playing video games and talking with friends on Discord. I was home the entire day, though, and he has my phone number and is able to text if he thought it would be impolite to knock or something. He didn't say a word to me all day.
Apparently, though, he got furious with my mom because the knobs have safety covers on them now. He told her he can't open them (although I later walked down the stairs, and found one of them open, and I had not left it that way - he definitely can, I think he just had trouble figuring out how at first. They're child safety caps so unfortunately they're a bit tricky to get open) and that now he was unable to cook for himself. He did not ask me to help him get them open though, and I would have done so in a heartbeat. He has not said anything about this to me at all, not even anything subtle or passive-aggressive.
I discussed it with my mom, and we agreed to leave them mostly closed but unlatched - the latch is the difficult part to get open, but they stay closed enough for them to keep the knobs from being bumped even if they are not fully latched shut. My mom agreed to communicate with him better about stuff like this. But if he asks to have the caps removed completely, it's a hard, hard no - I don't want to die in a gas explosion.
AITA for doing this?
What are these acronyms?
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For added drama I like to imagine that in the ikran racing au Spider is helping both Neteyam and Lo'ak in secret and neither of them knows it. I think this would probably happen in a more platonic version of the au (unless someone wanted to try their hand at a vee) where Spider becomes the person who helps bring the two brothers closer together after getting both sides of the story and seeing how much both brothers miss one another, which may not be as exciting for some but I think it would put Spider in the most hilarious of scenarios and eventually lead to some much needed brother bonding.
Ooh, yeah no thank you for both of them I don't like the idea of them competing that makes me sad :(
But I think you're giving us a classic Spider Sully au!
-Kiri and Spider have been best friends from jump, and Kiri is constantly working with the ikran with Spider. She doesn't have an interest in racing, and she has no obligation to be there, she just loves the animals.
-Spider has been there longer than anyone else's obligatory year, just hoping that one day he can race, or even just ride an ikran on his own.
-I think everything plays out exactly how I described in the nocorro and the locorro versions, except instead of love they both just end up loving spending time with Spider.
Lo'ak was already friends with him, but he's been caught up in his stress over his iknimaya lately. He's been worried about living up to his dad and his brother, worried about not having the natural connection to the animals that Kiri does. Worried about failing his iknimaya.
-Neteyam has never been as close to Spider as his siblings, but now, he finds himself able to share worries he never has. Stuff about not being as perfect as everything thinks, not feeling the natural connection with his ikran.
-Spider is going to explode, they are both just having similar problems and it would be so much easier if they just talked oh my god. He's venting to Kiri while keeping both of their secrets lol. He's been running around like one of those episodes on Disney channel where the main character accidentally has two dates to the same dance.
-But eventually they both start learning shit about Spider, about how he regularly skips meals to tend to the ikran, how he wakes up earlier than anyone else in Hells Gate to get there and gets back later than anyone else. About how sometimes he falls asleep with them instead of going back, and no one notices as he's always the first gone anyway.
-Neteyam flips at that one, when he finds Spider there asleep one morning when he was hoping to make it there before him. What if his mask malfunctions??
-(What he doesn't know is the ikran are always watching Spider when he sleeps over lol. They fucking love him).
-BUT Spider doesn't know that either, so. 😬
-They end up colluding to get their parents to adopt him, and all of a sudden they have to share why they were both working with him daily.
-Little do they know, like I stated last time, Spider is the only person other than Neytiri herself she trusts with her ikran because she's noticed how good with them he is. She's fucking on board already.
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vibin-down-here · 1 year
Little Writeblr intro post!
Hi! I’m Arabella, transfem 18yo high school student (with no clue where to next) from Leipzig, Germany. Writing is my main hobby, I love spending hours in a coffee shop creating little stories at a table in the corner. Other than that, I love doing pencil sketches and dm’ing ttrpg’s with friends.
I mostly still post on twitter (@ vibe_but_tiny) until they let me into BlueSky, but this is where i go for writing / art stuff and fandom media.
Now, little intro to writing stuff i do, and all of my wip’s!
Angel of Small Death // Devil of Forgotten Things
My main wip! It started out as inspiration by a Hozier song (“angel of small death and the codeine scene”). The starting idea was a romance / opposing narratives between a security person and a thief in a Sci-fi / Cyper Punk dystopia. I don’t like writing the hard systems of Sci-fi and didn’t want to set this story with the elites, so the main conflict evolved into what it is now. Mars became the setting mostly because of how dismal life in a mars colony would actually be (and the current, frankly already dystopian plans for a corporate kingdom on mars that are driving private space ventures). I’m on 4 chapters, 5k words.
After a heist gone almost wrong in a facility way too secure for how unknown it is, Felix’s life is spared by an stranger on the security team he nicknames “Angel”. They keep encountering each other as Angel tries to prevent a major leak without killing Felix or alerting his teammates and Felix slowly uncovers the truth of how eldritch gods from the darkness beyond want to extinguish life and how the elites in space stations above made a deal with them for temporary fortune.
Like a Moth to the Stars
This started out as a self insert short story after I read a webtoon i really liked but thought had more potential (or, tbh, i was just getting impatient with waiting for updates). I’ve since written a proper framework, and mc2 is no longer just me.
Aimless high school graduate (yeah ok that part is still just me) Amelia suddenly changes her life when a temporary gig at a festival let’s her meet celebrity rock star Maria. (For complicated reasons) the two fall in love, and Amelia is lifted from her life to a turbulent maelstrom of celebrity drama and tours against both their wills (bc the label thinks it’ll boost Maria’s image mostly).
All that we Intend is Scrawled in Sand
Here I go again with the Hozier lyrics. This is just a writing exercise (start of a first chapter), but i think it has potential.
Gods don’t die, not really, but they crumple into basically humanoid beings with only small scale powers. That is as close as you can get to killing a god. A strained couple, a god of forests and one of the night, both killed by a new-fangled city god after one betrayed the other, must now set out to accomplish just that to save their god-children and, incidentally, the world.
Romance over Coffee
Despite what the *everything* about this might imply, this is actually not self-insert fic. It’s just inspired by a real series of events i actually experienced, where i started writing in a cafe, started dating the barista, applied for a job there and was rejected shortly after we broke up. It was just so fic-worthy, i had to. I’m one chapter in and have only the roughest of plans on where to go next.
No summary, i’m not an inch further than what actually happened to me.
Some others:
- Glimpses of a Venice Beyond the Veil (God apologises for past relationship misdeeds with scenic retreat to eldritch horror Venice to watch a world ending event like fireworks)
- Catching Fire on her Burning Heart (Girl accidentally becomes messenger from the beyond bc she can travel the path between and her new fae girlfriend asked for her help)
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mxanigel · 8 months
Incoming Pillars of Eternity rambles! (I tried to make my thoughts coherent. Emphasis on tried.) Now that I've reached Defiance Bay, I've been devouring the game this weekend to help me recuperate from recent life stuff, but this morning I had to pause to digest how much the events have affected Natsuki.
For context, Natsuki is a crime-solving moon godlike scientist ranger who initially leans clever, rational, stoic (except for certain things). Diplomatic tendencies partly arise from navigating her pursuit of science and clues and from being a moon godlike. Rational thinking because scientist and because that mindset helped her develop archery skills early on. Prefers honesty to lies but will bend the truth if it helps someone else. Yet becoming a Watcher and learning more than she ever wanted to know about Awakening and soul manipulation… well, that understandably changes a person. She never expected to be considered benevolent. But benevolence is understandable when you're able to read someone else's soul, isn't it?
Recent Caed Nua things:
Natsuki explored more levels in the Endless Paths and got gut punched by Kana's discovery of the truth of the Tanvii ora Toha (Book of Virtues, ooooof)
Was called to court over a dispute of ownership and ended up able to keep Caed Nua because said disputer is a pathetic person
Loves her Mechanics bonus from resting at the stronghold -> she's much less likely to trigger traps now! to her companions' relief
Recent events:
Natsuki imprisoned the impostor of a drug dealer (who later escaped…) and probably meddled too much in the relationship between the real drug dealer and his ex? fiancee
She helped a kid get a fancy dagger and totally burst his bubble by revealing she'd already discovered the secret stashing spot near the amphitheater
Wandered catacombs in search of the source of a long-dead voice and accidentally moved forward a main quest by stumbling into the temple of Woedica (a moon godlike trying to wear a hood doesn't go well, haha) -> ended up taking down creepy catacombs dude and then convincing the quest-giver to destroy the amulet
Spoke at length with a talking statue and has a growing concern with how souls are treated in this world (okay maybe that's more me than Natsuki) with a side effect of starting to wonder whether pursuit of science is worth the cost
Was a bit too giddy about offering Aloth as a "volunteer" to investigate his soul duality condition (she made the two of them talk to each other like adults and was adamantly against him destroying the data gathered in the process)
Retrieved a scroll and instead of returning it, she buried it because a god(?!) asked her to
Discovered Durance's involvement with the Godhammer
Later stumbled across a piece of the Godhammer bomb
Was wholly unprepared to enter the North Ward of the Sanitarium (what. the. fuck.) and ended up killing Azo
Found a ghost who didn't realize he was a ghost playing guide at the above-ground entrance(?) to the temple of Woedica
Drooled with Kana over the bookshelves in the Hall of Revealed Mysteries but came to her senses long enough to use Grimda's key to help an animancy researcher get a text useful in their studies
Figured going to Heritage Hill wouldn't be a big deal and then got wrecked
Also now they're getting attacked by assassins in Defiance Bay
But hey, at least those events boosted Natsuki's reputation enough for Edér to access the records he's been seeking…
Okay. So the Heritage Hill thing. It was bad enough to stumble across the plight of a terrified child surviving amidst the unliving. And then find that an undead soldier was luring her compatriots to their deaths. But that damned tower. Specifically, talking to Icantha about it. The pride of hers that Natsuki felt, the pride Natsuki had to chip away from to reach a rational conclusion, the pride that resonated with Natsuki's own sense of identity. The pride that casually manipulated countless souls… for what purpose? Knowledge? Power? Control? People aren't playthings, aren't resources, aren't materials. They are people. The living shouldn't be abused by the dead.
Yet what it takes for Natsuki to chip away at that pride… is talking like she once herself did about being a scientist. About pursuing knowledge and understanding and wisdom. She convinces Icantha to give up that pride under the hope that Natsuki will carry the knowledge forward on her behalf. And then Natsuki overloads the tower so that no one else can abuse those souls. Despite knowing the souls would be destroyed, it's better than them being abused. Isn't it?
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Now Natsuki has too many questions storming through her already overly-taxed mind: What does it mean to be "good"? What does it mean to pursue knowledge? Can knowledge be gained without harm or sacrifice? When is that knowledge worth the cost?
Her remaining tether is helping her companions. Who occasionally seem to notice when she's faltering. Thank the gods for Sagani and Edér and, well, everyone in her party.
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jerseymuppet · 1 year
i might be stupid but. is the gothamverse a muppets batman au? is that what the thing in ur bio means? (either way plz do tell me abt it)
That would definitely be infinitely cooler than my idea! Gothamverse is the beautiful result of me playing arkham knight while waiting for an mcr livestream to start up and thinking ‘damn bitches from jersey are fucking insane! ....wait a minute’
It’s basically a silly little idea I came up last March with where all the mcr guys are from Gotham and what their villain origin stories would be etc. I followed the main Batman villain archetypes: extremist, anti-hero, camp, and serial killer, and I had a fucking blast! It’s very silly and just something I did for fun. I guess I can go a lil bit into it here.
full disclosure, I am psychotic and disabled and I do not believe in the vilification of mental illness or disability in media, all of these characters will eventually get the help they need. Batman at its core is about a mentally ill man helping others who have been failed by society and I will never forgive dc for making him into an overpowered, glorified cop.
Frank’s character (Francis ‘Frankie’ Stein) is the extremist (duh). He’s the son of a mafia boss who is steadily ruining their town with crime and Frankie just kinda snaps and kills him to take his place as the head of the family and try to undo some of the damage done. He has great intentions, he’s just very unyielding and kind of insane 💕 his moniker is Frankenstein! And his whole schtick is that he’s very hard (if not impossible) to kill. He’s also chronically ill and Jewish, these are not important to his character but they are important to me !
Mikey’s character (Micheal Way) is the serial killer. He’s a ‘sociopath’ (theres nothing actually wrong with him, people just suck and made him feel lesser and out of place :/) trying to fit in with everyday society but he always feels like something is missing and becomes a neuroscientist to try to find what exactly it is. He invents a machine (the empathsizer) that allows him to experience other people’s memories and emotions as though they are his own. From there he accidentally gets addicted to the chemical responses his brain has to doing that. And keeps doing it. Even after the testing phase is no longer accepting applicants. It gets worse after he experiences someone’s near death experience and starts chasing the high it gave him. Idk what his moniker is? It’s sandman for right now but that’s honestly so boring and uninspired.
Ray’s character (Raymond Ortiz) is camp but very loosely. He’s an engineer by day and a rockstar by night! He’s really only an engineer to save up enough money to pursue music full time but it’s hard because he doesn’t get paid that much. Winter hits and with it, cuts to his hours! So he’s forced to choose between rent and electricity. When he gets really sick as a result, he can’t afford a doctor. And when he wakes up with his hearing gone as a result, theres nothing he can really do but spiral into a depression. Until he realizes he’s a literal biological engineer. If he can’t fix his problem he can at the very least prevent it from happening to someone else! Research does cost money, so it’s very fortunate that Gotham has so many banks. His moniker is Dr. Megahurtz! His weapon of choice is his guitar, which has been retrofitted with sonic emitters to amplify and weaponize the hertz. Not enough to hurt, but enough to incapacitate.
Gerard’s character (Jules Moss) is the anti hero! She’s (yes I made Gerard’s character a trans girl, they took too long to make a trans character so I did it for them) has the same backstory as Gerard actually! On her way home from work she witnesses a terrorist attack, but instead of starting a band she decides to fight crime instead. She does so bad. Literally her first night out patrolling she gets killed by some priest who’s been driven insane by what he claims is an angel that’s ‘chosen him to impart gods will’ but it’s just a fallen star looking for a vessel to possess and the first guy it came across wasn’t dead lol. The star turns into a sword of pure light and that’s what Jules gets stabbed with, but also it fuses itself to her dna so she wakes up a few days later, schrödingers girl, with some scary new abilities and a voice in her head that definitely wasn’t there before. Her whole arc is her trying to find the guy that killed her and get revenge. Her moniker is stigmata! Because when she gets impaled it also goes through the palms of her hands and the wounds don’t heal.
but yeah that’s the bare bones of it all! I’m planning on making this into a comic series but the script is still being written at the moment! Thank you for letting me ramble about it 💕🥰
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starzgaze · 1 month
Muahhaahahaha Im going to bother you! My current obsession right now is just Dragon monarch haein as always and, with a new fic where she is a traitor of some sort of scheme and it got me thinking, what about Reader!Y/N getting isekaid to the world of SL, their favorite novel but with some changes to the canon one, where Haein is the main villain and Jinwoo suffers more because of this (like his story is darker than in SL) and so Reader!Y/N wants for that to NOT happen, but accidentally made themselves a love triangle by being so nice to pre-reawakened Jinwoo and pre-full villain Haein.
:v thats it that my ramble
HELLO WHO ARE YOU WBERE DID YOU COME FROM COME BACK AND TALK MORE ABOUT THIS CONTINUE YOUR RAMBLE HELLO??? this is the best thing that arrived in my inbox now thag i just checked please anon come back and tell me where did you get this and do i have permission to make a fic or art related to this oh my god??
this whole concept is so cool especially when mc will try not to change anything in the story WHILE maybe nit making the whole horrible plot happen a biit like maybe trying to not make jinwoo go crazy via helping haein to avoid the whole turning into a dragon monarch scenario but turns into one but not for the reasons that was in the original novel and probably whats better that maybe later on in the fic that mc fucks up by not realizing that possibly theur supposed "lowkey" decisions ended with jinwoo becoming yhe villain of his own story and if u want to maybe mc fucks up BIG TIME and has two crazy really powerful figures after their npc ass that was supposed to have 1-3 dialogues MAX in the story
II LOOOOVE this concept okay thansk im gonna daydream about this later omg thank you anon come back lets talk more
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winksasleeplesseye · 2 years
File #001 - Conspiracy
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City of the Dead
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x OC
Word Count: 2k (getting back into the swing so cut a lady some slack)
Fandom: Resident Evil
Warnings: Slight mention of suicide and other injuries.
A/N: This chapter is more so an introduction to our main character and some setting and it's a tad short but don't worry, it's gonna get interesting and ofc, we'll have Leon soon enough.
Next Chapter
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August 25, 1998. 
Amara had thought nothing of the reduced number of S.T.A.R.S. members who were at their desks upon her return only a month prior. But now? Now she was more than a little curious. Irons wasn’t exactly as forthcoming as she would hope and it wasn’t exactly like Chris and Jill-whom she felt the closest with-were even around to ask, both of their absences weren’t clearly explained and Chris left a note about a supposed vacation in Europe that sounded way too enthusiastic. Okay, to backtrack a bit, Irons gave her some reasoning in that the team could now be disbanded with the city becoming safer. 
But that didn’t explain how quickly it all seemed to occur in her absence. Not to mention, today’s press conference seems to squash that reason. Considering that Mayor Harris today just announced that the city was hiring ten to twelve more recruits due to the suspension of duty for S.T.A.R.S. Would a safe city need to hire more officers?
He also didn’t hesitate to spit on the names of her colleagues (herself included), saying the remaining members of the team clearly didn’t care enough about this city and its people considering they skipped town or wouldn’t show their faces. Which Amara knows is a crock of shit, no one cared more about this city than this team.  
She still remembers the day she returned, July 26, refreshed and certainly more relaxed than when she left for her vacation. Rhonda, one of the desk sergeants happily greeted her, more than a little excited as she practically tackled Amara into a hug. Something that the sergeant never usually did prior. 
“I think I speak for everyone when I say we’re glad to have you back,” The woman gives Amara a look that she can’t decipher but she still gladly returns the warm welcome. 
Shortly after that, Irons sends for her and that’s when he breaks it to her. And that also meant she was out of a job.
Now? Now, she’s a private investigator. It’s not like she was present for the suspension of duty of the team but Amara still insisted on doing something, anything to help her colleagues in other areas. She still had value. Not in an official capacity, but this would suffice. 
The cases weren’t as exciting as they used to be, but someone had to look into these things and Amara decided it was better her than anyone else. 
It was in the middle of Amara’s long-standing game of “Trash Basketball”, that the phone began ringing.
“Moore Investigations,” Amara said, immediately leaning her head into her palm. She got so used to the calls either being accidental dials and said boring cases. But this time? This time was very different. The voice, clearly a woman, is a blubbering mess that Amara isn’t even sure if they were speaking coherently. It took a few minutes before she could get her to calm down. 
Amara couldn’t recall the last time she’d heard such an ugly display of emotion from anyone. The occasional ridiculous waterworks over a romantic comedy, sure, but this? 
“I…I saw this number in my boyfriend’s place. I didn’t want to c-call the police,” The woman, 
Roslynn stuttered and slightly hiccuped through her words. Her breathing probably hadn’t caught up with the rest of her calm demeanor. 
“It’s…God,..it’s awful. Please hurry.” 
“Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be there as soon as possible.” She pulls out a notepad. “Can you tell me where you are?” 
Just about everything about this made the alarms in Amara’s head go off. But, she couldn’t ignore her either. Badge or no badge, she still had an obligation to look into it and then proceed with the police from there. 
The address isn’t too far from where her current office is. The area certainly doesn’t set off any other indicators that something is off but Amara knew better. A lot of beautiful, pristine places hid the ugliest things. Roslynn sat cross-legged in the junction of the front door and the front hallway, an almost unresponsive look in her eyes. 
Blood coats her hands, it sticks out like a sore thumb against the untouched fabric of her jeans. Amara’s usual first instinct would’ve been wiping it off. Upon seeing Amara, Roslyn seems to crack once again, gesturing towards the inside. 
“Don’t move, I’m going to take a look inside.”
Venturing in further, the smell is the first thing that hits Amara's nose. It was absolutely putrid as if someone left out meat to rot and garbage to pile up. Upon further inspection, some of that smell is emanating from the kitchen. So, the guess wasn’t too far off. 
Not many things made her stomach turn, she had seen a lot in her short 21 years moving from place to place as an army brat, but when she found the direct source of what exactly was emanating the smell, her feet couldn’t take her back outside fast enough. All the contents of her breakfast now lay in the grass, Christ, that smell would never leave her now. 
Neither would the scene laid out before her. She’d been part of many an investigation outside of her S.T.A.R.S. missions, seen people nursing gunshot wounds and bones protruding and popping out from their skin in attempts to flee. But, seeing blood and brain matter paint the walls is enough to threaten more contents to empty from her stomach and a violent shudder to rack through her body. 
“Sorry,” Amara wipes her mouth roughly, “how long ago did you find him?”
“I just got back from a trip a day or two ago. I swear he was fine last we spoke.” Roslynn explained. 
“I’m going to take a wild guess and say that you don’t think this was a suicide?” It was a wild jump, considering Amara hadn’t quite got a full investigation over the scene. But, she considered herself to be someone who looked into the small details because they always came together to reveal the bigger picture. 
Roslynn shakes her head furiously back and forth, “No way, John was many, many things but suicidal wasn’t one of them.” 
“Are you absolutely sure about that?” 
“Then now, we have to get the police involved-” 
“Yes, I know it’s not ideal, but I have contacts with the RPD, and I can assure you they are more than trustworthy-” 
Roslynn interjects, “You don’t understand, I think someone within the RPD did it.” 
The once hysterical woman turned stoic within minutes and quietly led Amara to sit next to her on the steps. Better to talk outside quietly than to suffer through the stench inside. 
“Do you know the company Umbrella?” 
“The pharmaceutical company?” 
“That’s the one. John is…was a researcher.” Roslynn goes further into her explanation and mentions Bright Raccoon 21. Something Amara heard about often, considering the team she came from, came from efforts to modernize the city with the initiative. She could remember how different Racoon City looked compared to the brochure before her first day in such a short amount of time. No longer was it a small country city but a bustling metropolis. 
“Did he ever make you privy to what exactly he was researching?”
“Medicines, cosmetics, the like.” She said. “But, recently, he’d been on edge.” 
“I put it down to just nerves, at first. But then, there’d be nights he wouldn’t even speak to me, and then one evening…he just broke down and told me everything vaguely and we moved from our old place to here to hide. Some hiding that was.” Roslynn scoffs.
Amara followed, but that didn’t stop her from more questions. “Hiding from what? Umbrella?” 
“More or less, he didn’t go into details but whatever they did, it was bad, really bad.”
“And what makes you think someone within the RPD is part of this?” 
“Well, for one, your teams were disbanded. Two, Umbrella funds everything to do with expansion in this city. Whatever John had wasn’t going to paint them in a very good light.” 
She made very good points, whoever wouldn’t want this out would kill anyone to protect their cash cow. But, there’s still protocol even as a private investigator. “Roslynn, whether you like it or not, I have to call the police. Now.” 
An hour passes before the familiar red and blue lights illuminate the whole street. 
Officers and detectives alike cordon off the house now, the once-light sky is almost damn near dark. Amara checks her watch, it’s 5:25 pm. A part of her misses the summer, at least the light stayed a bit longer. Now, the chill in the air grew colder reminding her that fall wasn’t too far off. 
“Miss Moore?” A voice sounds behind her and her eyes follow. “A word, please?” 
“I’m Max, I’ll be heading up the investigation on this case. And I’m sure you’re already aware of who you’ll need to refer to in the chain of command, should you need any info.” He explained. The dread of letting the RPD handle this case already began creeping into Amara’s head. 
What if Roslynn is right? She would be putting her at severe risk and what if Umbrella wanted to finish the job? She chanced another glance over to the front steps as she shifted her weight from one side to another, where another detective stood over Roslynn with a notepad. 
A ball of anxiety began pressing itself against her sternum, one she’s always been familiar with and pushed down at any chance. It always arose in circumstances that Amara knew she should probably do more, the same one she felt the day she left home without a word after everything that occurred. She could’ve said anything, done anything, yet she stood by. 
Maybe a part of her knows that this can go south quickly, so she pipes up with no regard for the implication of getting involved. “Put me on the investigation, Max.” 
His head whips back as if he’d been slapped. “What?” 
“Look, if what Roslynn told me is true…you’re gonna need someone of my caliber on board and I’m just about the only one to who she entrusted that information. So, good luck with that idiot over there. And don’t say what I know you’re going to say, badge or no badge, S.T.A.R.S. or no S.T.A.R.S., I’m still a pretty damn good detective.” 
“Do you know what you’re getting yourself into?” 
Amara crossed her arms over her chest defiantly. “I have a pretty good idea. Now, are you going to let me back inside or not?” 
“There’s protocol…” Max doesn't finish his original sentence and instead rolls his eyes, “Five minutes, and that’s all I can give you right now.”
“Fair enough.”
Sidestepping Max, Amara heads back towards the house. The crime scene photographer was hard at work, taking meticulous shots of everything within range of John’s body. 
Amara has other plans instead and heads upstairs, where no one seems to have wandered off. If she didn’t know better, she’d assume she entered another house. The upstairs of the house is more refined, pristine, and certainly a researcher’s house. The walls were lined from ceiling to floor with books upon books, and the spines weren’t easily readable, but even from a distance, one could tell they were well used. 
This collection put Amara’s to shame, actually. 
When she wasn’t dealing with well,…this. Amara would more likely have her head in a book. Even her desk back at the precinct had a decent stack of books—one that Chris never hesitated to accidentally knock over—that practically buried her computer monitor. Reading certainly kept her brain cells more intact than Chris’ and it certainly broke up the occasional boredom between assignments.  
While she would love to put her grubby little hands on a few of the books, Amara knew she had business to attend to elsewhere. 
John’s office. 
Originally, that was where she wanted to start but the smell of decay certainly prevented her from getting further in until now. To no one’s surprise, John’s office looks like any other office of someone deep into their work. 
Papers were strewn about the workspace, and computer equipment took up every bit of space on the desk, Amara wasn’t even sure there was a desk underneath all that junk. The light of the moon cast the room in an almost unreal light. She is briefly awestruck by the simple beauty of the natural world to make the most mundane room of the house look so nice.
She needed to focus. 
In her search, she noticed the light cast on papers that read Alpha Team - July 24. “Well, hello there.” 
Amara gently grabs the papers off the desk, and her first instinct isn’t to immediately read their contents. She turns it over in her hands a few times, and it’s certainly no light reading, that’s for sure. 
Her mind froze on what to do next, especially with information such as this. It probably wasn’t that safe to go rifling through its contents on what is now an active crime scene, and if Roslynn told the truth, it didn’t make sense to Amara to give this to Max or anyone yet.
Who’s to say Max isn’t going to hand over to the very person who did this unknowingly? 
Stuffing the papers into her jacket's inner lining, she dashes the front door with no further words for Max or anyone else. 
The safest hands were still her own.
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accidentalmistress · 1 year
Accidental Mistress - Faith, Trust, and...
Here we gooo! It's time for another adventure in the world of Vibrahnem, and this time we're back with the stars of the show, Noelle and Oraion. Perhaps we shall even see some new faces...
(For more Accidental Mistress content, check out the Master Post.)
Title: Faith, Trust, and...
Word Count: 4,829
Content and Warnings: snz (male)
Oraion rubbed a finger beneath his still-tingling nose. Oftentimes the shift from dim to bright light would induce him to sneeze, so when he and Noelle stepped from the shade beneath the canopy of trees and into the clearing of a meadow, he felt the telltale prickle. Beside him, Noelle rubbed his arm. The gesture had become her way of blessing him without actually blessing him. As a Demon Lord, blessings didn’t so much hurt him as make him cringe, like a particularly obnoxious pun.
“Thanks. -snf-”
The young witch nodded and adjusted her round glasses. “It isn’t too much farther now. Once we hit the main road we can rest for a little while before we continue on. Then it’s a straight shot to Ateaux. We can spend the night there.”
“I still think it would be much faster if you’d let me carry you and fly there.”
His Mistress sighed. “And what if someone sees you?”
“People see monsters all the time.”
“Yes, like goblins or trolls or maybe a large, carnivorous plant. No one has seen a demon  around here in… ever. Not to mention if someone recognizes me with you, they’ll spread all sorts of rumors about me being a witch that communes with demons or something.”
“Mistress, you do commune with demons. This demon.”
“You know what I mean!”
She playfully slapped his arm and he laughed, raising his hands in a show of defending himself.
“Yes, but it’s more fun to tease you about it.”
“Ugh, you!”
Noelle tried to shove him while falling into a fit of giggles, but, being just over a foot shorter than he was and possessing all the strength of a wet kitten, she may as well have shoved a tree.
“Regardless, we are going to travel like normal people. We can get horses in Ateaux—”
Oraion groaned.
“Horses? You know I hate horses. They make me all itchy without the fun part!”
“Yes, I know, but if we try to walk all the way to Tigate it’s going to take weeks.”
“It wouldn't if I flew us there…” He muttered the words under his breath in a singsong voice.
“We could travel at night!”
A more serious note crept into her tone and expression. “I'm sorry, but I don't want to risk someone sending Adventurers after us, or gods forbid the Order or their Inquisition.”
The demon relented. “All right, all right. We can travel like 'normal people.’” As he said the phrase, he made quotes in the air with his fingers and rolled his eyes. “But I reserve the right to complain about the horses.”
Noelle dug into her satchel and came up with a small vial of milky liquid that she then handed to him. He held it up so the sunlight shone through it, illuminating the fluid in a pale green.
“Er. What's this?”
“Allergy medicine.”
He blinked, momentarily stupefied. “But… you like my allergies.”
A bit of a blush came into her freckled cheeks, and Oraion made a mental note to ensure he made that lovely color appear as many times as possible on this little trip.
“I mean, I-I do, but that doesn't mean I want you suffering all of the time. I came up with the formula for Quinns, so I made some extras and brought them along in case they proved useful.” She used her chin to gesture to the vial in his hand. “You can take it when we get the horses.”
“Huh.” He turned the vial over a few more times before pocketing it. “It never even occurred to me to try taking medicine… Thank you.”
He saw her fidget with her scarf. “Well, I… hope it helps.”
Oraion’s gaze went to the rest of the outfit his Mistress wore, a black ensemble meant for travel, and a smirk pulled the corner of his lips.
“You know, those clothes really suit you. I’m glad I convinced you to try something new, at long last.”
The color in Noelle’s cheeks deepened, and something in Oraion’s chest twitched.
“Oh, do you really think so? I must admit, the leggings are much easier to move in than skirts.” Her hands went to either side of her waist. “The vest is a bit tight, though.”
“That’s because you’re so used to wearing baggy clothes all the time. I’ve told you before, but you have a very nice figure. This look on you is awfully fetching, if I do say so.”
“S-stop, you’re making me blush.”
With a grin he stepped in front of her and took her into his arms, leaning down to plant kisses on the side of her neck, eliciting from her a little cry of surprise and delight.
“I know, and that too looks awfully fetching on you, my dear.”
“Mmm, what do you say? There’s no one around—we could take our break here. My, are those wildflowers I see in this meadow? My nose is itching just thinking about—”
He had about half a second to sense that something was amiss before he was struck upside the head by something small, flapping, and angry.
“Agh! What-?!”
Whatever it was grabbed a lock of his long, scarlet hair and pulled, attempting to drag him away from Noelle.
“Ow, ow, ow! What the Hell is going on?!”
His Mistress seemed just as perplexed. “I-I don’t—”
Another voice spoke up near his head, shrill and piping, as Oraion tried to swipe at whatever had his hair.
“Run, Miss! Don’t worry, I’ll hold the fiend off!”
“F-fiend?” Noelle only looked more confused and shook her head. “No, no! He’s my friend!”
“If he was your friend, he wouldn’t have attacked you!”
The witch balled her hands into fists. “He was not attacking me! Now let him go!”
The thing was a dodgy little blighter, so instead of continuing to grab for it Oraion took hold of his own hair and yanked it back.
There, dangling at the end of his hair, was a fairy. She was perhaps the size of his hand from heel to fingertips and possessed of a set of green butterfly wings with pink eye spots. Her own large eyes, also pink, were quite wide as she was dragged in front of Oraion’s face, wings flapping helplessly against his far greater strength.
“It would be wise to let go of me, pixie.”
The tiny creature clutched his hair even tighter to her chest with a scowl.
“NO! Not until you leave this nice young lady alone!”
“I am her companion!” He growled. “We are traveling together!”
“Liar! I saw you biting her neck! I’ll bet you’re some kind of vampire!”
The demon rolled his eyes. “Oh, for- I was kissing her! And I can’t be a vampire it’s day—”
A sudden and intense tickle seized his nose, so fast and violent that the sneeze decided to skip the accustomed hitchy buildup phase altogether and proceed straight to the action. His eyes snapped shut as his lungs drew in a deep breath before he could even finish saying the word “daylight.”
That, at least, got the pixie out of his hair. She shrieked and darted away, hiding behind Noelle’s back and peeking over the witch’s shoulder.
Pixie dust. He was so preoccupied with the fairy clinging to his hair that he didn’t notice those furiously flapping wings of hers were pumping pixie dust directly into his face. This wasn’t exactly how he had imagined his first exposure to the stuff. He had thought it likely that it would set him off, but he didn’t expect it to be this strong. He’d had intense tickles and violent sneezes before—he’d recently sneezed so hard he broke through the floor in Noelle’s workshop (although, to be fair, he had also been temporarily giant at the time, and he still felt awful about it)—but these were so strangely sudden. Each urge to sneeze no sooner prickled him than it was out, explosive single sneezes without so much as a hitch between them.
He lost count at around six or seven and was starting to wish he had already taken Noelle’s allergy medicine. Eventually he hit a pause long enough to summon his handkerchief and try to expel the cursed stuff from his sinuses.
“Ugh, oh gods… -snnff- D-don’t let that thing near me… HIIHT-SHIUH!”
Noelle fidgeted. “Um, I don’t think she wants to be.”
The fairy was still clinging to the witch’s shoulder, with only her tiny hands and the top of her head visible.
“S-so scary…”
“Well it’s not my fault! If she hadn’t butt in and gotten all up in my fa- HAHSHIEW! -schnf- … face, I wouldn’t be making a spectacle of myself!”
He blew his nose again, the mess in his handkerchief tinged with glimmering, golden flecks.
“Well. Certainly the prettiest thing that’s ever come out of my nose. Ugh, I’ll be sneezing glitter for days, I’m sure… ehSHIUH!”
“Um, little one…” Noelle turned to the pixie on her shoulder. “I understand that you were only trying to help, but this man really is my companion, and he really was only kissing me.”
The little fairy fluttered a bit higher. “Then he’s… not a vampire?”
With a slightly awkward chuckle, Noelle shook her head. “Ah, no. He’s not a vampire.”
“Then why does he smell bad?”
Oraion looked aghast. “I beg your pardon, I do not!”
“Yes, you do!” the pixie shot back, “Like lightning and burnt toast! No human smells like that! They mostly smell like salt and onions, but sometimes they smell like cheese. Miss, you smell very nice, like lavender.”
“Well, at least it’s not cheese. Listen, um, do you have a name?”
“Me? Oh, my name’s Butterfly!” She flew up to fully perch on Noelle’s shoulder and flapped her butterfly-like wings for emphasis.
“Well, Butterfly, I’m Noelle and this is my friend Oraion. Now, you’re right: Oraion isn’t human, but I assure you he’s not a bad person.”
“If he isn’t human, then what is he?”
“Uh…” Noelle looked helplessly at Oraion, unsure what to tell her.
He folded his arms and sighed, and as he did so his human disguise fell away, revealing his horns and long, lashing tail. The diminutive fae seemed unphased, however.
“Oh, so you’re some kind of demon? That would explain the burnt toast smell.”
“I am indeed a demon: an incubus. You know, for as upset as you were a minute ago, you’re surprisingly calm about this.”
“Well, not all demons are bad. I actually dated an imp for a little while… Oh, but I am a fae of the Spring Court! We are the stewards of life, nature, and balance!” Her words held the tone of a rehearsed speech or indoctrinated mantra, and she placed a tiny fist on her chest. “Creatures of the undead are unnatural mockeries of life, and therefore our sworn enemy! And uh…Well, when I thought you were a vampire I sort of panicked. So, I’m sorry I attacked you… and made you, uh, ‘make a spectacle’ of yourself.”
Oraion sighed and wiped his nose again. “Yes, well. I suppose there are worse ways to discover that one is allergic to pi- AESHHIEW! -snf- … Ahem, to pixie dust.”
“So what's a demon and a human doing traveling together?” Butterfly sat down on Noelle’s shoulder and crossed her legs. “Oh, and don’t mind me, we can talk while you walk.”
Clearly the fairy had no intention of leaving, looking between Noelle and Oraion with expectant eyes.
Unable to summon the resolve to send the fairy away, Noelle cleared her throat awkwardly and started walking again.
“Ah, well, for a couple of reasons. One, my house needs some repairs, and we couldn’t source the materials in town, so we’re heading to one of the nearby cities that has a bit more trade. While we’re there, there’s also a library I’d like to visit that has some rare arcane volumes in their collection.”
“Okaaay,” the little fae drawled, “but that doesn’t tell me why you two are together. Why are you traveling with an incubus?”
Noelle felt Oraion’s arm slip around her waist as he sidled up next to her on the side opposite Butterfly, resuming his mortal guise with a snap of his fingers.
“Didn’t we already tell you that I’m her companion? We’re madly in love, you see. Isn’t that right, dear?”
“Oh… yes, uh… Oraion… is my lover, that is true.”
Technically, she declined to add.
Butterfly regarded Oraion flatly. “Do you really expect me to believe that an incubus would fall in love with a human?”
The demon placed his free hand over his heart with a dramatic flourish. “Oh, you wound me, my fairy friend. Have I not a heart? If you cut me, do I not bleed? How is it so impossible to think that I could not also love?”
“Don’t you use people for sex?”
“I assure you, my dear Noelle is the only person I have been with since we met. I swear it upon my honor as a Demon Lord. She has me wrapped quite tightly around her little finger.”
He gave her an affectionate squeeze, and Noelle’s cheeks burned. This was getting very embarrassing, very fast. She sought a way to change the subject.
“W-well, I am also a witch, and Oraion assists me in my magical endeavors.”
That grabbed the pixie’s attention. Her large eyes got even wider. “Whoa, really? You're a real witch?”
“Er, yes? I’m certainly not a fake one.”
“Do you have a wand and everything?”
“Yes,” Noelle replied with a chuckle, “I do indeed have a wand.”
Butterfly leaned forward with great interest. “Can I see it?!”
“I don’t see why not.” She reached into her satchel and pulled the slim, wooden rod out of its pocket, holding it up for the fairy to see.
“Huh. I was expecting it to be… fancier. Can I touch it?”
“Sure. There’s nothing really special about the wand itself. It’s just a focus—a tool. This isn’t even the first one I’ve made. I’ve broken a number of them over the years.”
Butterfly grabbed the tip of the wand with her tiny hands and stared at it intently for a few moments.
“The tree that this came from… this branch was already dead when you got it. You didn’t ask it for a live one?”
Noelle regarded the fae with some confusion. Ask a tree for a live branch?
“Uh… no? I-I just collected it from where it had fallen on the ground. I didn’t know I was supposed to ask.”
“Oh. Well, I’m glad you didn’t just rip a live branch off some poor tree without asking, but dead wood doesn’t conduct magic as well as live wood does. Once it dies and falls off, the energy inside stops flowing, and it gets kind of… stopped up. But if you take a branch that’s still alive, you can keep that energy flowing indefinitely. As long as you take care of it, it’ll take care of you too!”
Noelle blinked. “Wow, I… I had no idea. Thank you.”
Even Oraion made a little impressed sound.
“Well, I suppose fairies are useful for something after all.”
“Hey! I’m useful for lots of things!”
“Oh? Like butting into people’s affairs? Ruining the mood? Pulling hair?”
The tiny fairy made a little irritated growl. “Don’t make fun of me! I know your weakness—I’ll get up in your face again!”
“Oh gods, please don’t.”
“Then you’d better be nice to me!” she snapped with a menacing flutter of her wings.
Butterfly continued to bombard them with questions and banter all the way to the main road while staying perched on Noelle’s shoulder. Oraion was losing patience with the pixie and her incessant chatter.
“Have you not yet satisfied your curiosity, fairy? I hope you don’t expect to continue traveling with us, because that is not happening.”
Butterfly crossed her little arms. “What? Why not?”
He pointed a finger at the tiny fae. “The only reason you’ve come this far with us is because you, rather rudely I might add, tagged along uninvited! Not to mention we have business to attend to in a human city—do you really want to get caught by humans?”
“There’s plenty of time before you get to the city! I could just leave when you get to the outskirts.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that you weren’t invited!”
“What did I say about being nice to me?”
Oraion scowled. “You know, it’s not very nice to threaten people to get them to do what you want, either. And besides—” He took out the vial that Noelle had given him and downed the contents. “I have allergy medicine.”
Demon and fae glared at each other, while Noelle looked down the road and shielded her eyes from the sun with a hand.
“Someone’s coming.”
“Eh?” Oraion followed her gaze and saw that, indeed, a figure on a horse was riding towards them at a brisk pace. “I see… Looks like they’re wearing some kind of uniform. Dark gray and teal.”
“Oh no.” Noelle took a step back and shot Oraion an anxious look, her face pale. “The Inquisition.”
“The what now?” Butterfly fluttered up off of Noelle’s shoulder to get a better look.
“No, don’t let them see you!” Noelle hissed, “They’re a branch of the Order, and they do not take kindly to supernatural creatures!”
The fairy just looked more confused.
“An order of what?”
The rider was growing close enough that Oraion was certain they would be able to see Butterfly at any moment.
“Sorry about this, but there isn’t time to explain.”
“Sorry about wha—?!”
Those wide pink eyes grew wider as Oraion’s hand closed around her and he unceremoniously shoved her under his coat.
“Just stay hidden and stay quiet until they leave.”
He saw Noelle fidget with her scarf as the rider drew nearer and nearer.
“M-maybe they’re in a hurry to get somewhere, and they’ll just pass us by…”
Somehow Oraion didn’t think they’d get that lucky, so he was unsurprised when the rider slowed and eventually brought his horse, a sleek black steed, to stop in front of them. He was a slim, young man with sharp features, his silver hair hanging just past his chin in a silky sheet. His almond-shaped eyes, a marginally darker gray than his hair, regarded them with suspicion behind narrow glasses. Across the bridge of his nose ran a thin, pale scar.
Time to turn up the charm, Oraion thought, and donned his most genial grin before sketching an elegant half-bow.
“Good day, Inquisitor. Is there something we might do for you? If you’re pursuing someone, I’m afraid we’ve only just arrived on the road and have not seen anyone come this way.”
The Inquisitor scoffed. “I am Inquisitor Jeong Hun Song, and I am pursuing no one. I happened to be traveling in this direction when I spotted two suspicious persons loitering about on the side of the road, and so it behooved me to investigate.”
Oraion cringed internally. So, this fellow was one of those stick-in-the-mud types, eh?
“Ah. Well, I assure you, Inquisitor Song, that we are but simple travelers making our way to Ateaux. I sincerely apologize if we have, quite unwittingly, done anything to draw your ire.”
He suppressed a shudder as he felt something squirming inside his coat, turning the motion into tossing his hair over his shoulder. Inquisitor Song looked between them with narrowed eyes before settling his gaze on Noelle.
“What is your business in Ateaux?”
“Ah, we—” Oraion began, but Inquisitor Song cut him off with a gesture.
“I was asking her.”
“M-me?” Noelle’s voice came out in a terrified squeak. “U-um, we’re just s-stopping there on our way to- to Tigate.”
“Hm. I see. You seem a bit nervous, Miss.”
“N-nervous? I-I mean- I don’t—”
Oraion put his arm around her shoulders, trying to ignore the crawling sensation moving towards his shoulder.
“Well, it’s not every day you get stopped by the Inquisition, is it? And she always gets a bit tongue-tied around handsome men. You’ve no idea how long it took me to get her to even talk to me when we first met, isn’t that right, my dear?”
An anxious titter escaped Noelle’s mouth as her face reddened, and she nodded.
“She’s frightfully shy, I’m afraid. Please don’t take it personally.”
Inquisitor Song took a deep breath through his nose before blowing it out again in a huff. His horse stamped and whinnied. Noelle’s allergy medicine must not have taken effect yet, as Oraion realized with a sinking feeling that an itch was blooming in his nose. He thumbed it with a sniffle and prayed Inquisitor Song would leave posthaste. Inside his coat, Butterfly was still wriggling about. What in blazes was she doing? She was nearing his collar now. Was she trying to get out?
“You claim to be simple travelers, and yet I detect the reek of illicit magic about you.”
Oh boy.
“Illicit magic?” Oraion echoed with a forced chuckle, “I, ah, -snf- I don’t know about ‘illicit,’ but it’s become rather commonplace for even normal folk like ourselves to carry an enchanted item or two, hasn’t it? Why, I believe my wife here has a few medicinal elixirs in her bag—perhaps that is what you are sensing?”
The man on the horse sneered, and Oraion dearly wished he could punch the fancy cap that sat upon his head right off.
“Oh, quit playing innocent. You two are no simple travelers. You’re clearly hiding something, and believe you me: I will get to the bottom of it.”
A bead of sweat dripped down Oraion’s neck, both from the rising tension and the tickle he was fighting in his sinuses.
“Hiding something? Sir, I beg your pardon, but y-you must be mistaken. Even we know better than to hide anything from a-heh n-noble Inquisitor such as yourself.”
He felt Butterfly poke her head out of his collar just below his ear.
“I could hardly breathe in there!” she whispered, “And I want to see this Inquisitor guy.”
No way could he respond to her. He couldn’t even afford to acknowledge her with Inquisitor Song watching them like a hawk. Oraion rubbed his nose again. He didn’t usually have this strong a reaction to horses, but it was taking nearly everything he had to keep his breathing steady.
“Don’t bother with flattery. Now, you can either start being honest with me, or I can arrest you on suspicion of heresy.”
“But we really are just traveling!” Noelle blurted out beside him. “W-we’re trying to get to Tigate to get some supplies that we, um, can’t get back home. That’s all, I swear!”
“Even if that is true, it does not explain the aura about you.”
“Sir, if I may—”
A furious buzz blossomed in Oraion’s sinuses, and as Butterfly squirmed about on his shoulder he realized it wasn’t just the horse making him itch. His chest heaved before he could even think to stop it.
The sneeze was so forceful it snapped him forward almost in half. Butterfly squealed and hurtled out of his coat like a shot before cowering behind Noelle once again. A scowl twisted the Inquisitor’s countenance.
“Ah. I see.”
Noelle tried futilely to hide the fairy behind her back. “B-Butterfly!”
Inquisitor Song shot an annoyed glare at her.
“Miss, you must think me a fool if you believe you can convince me that that pixie is a butterfly.”
“N-no, um, that’s her name…”
Slight color came to the Inquisitor’s cheeks as his mouth moved soundlessly for a few seconds. Oraion enjoyed seeing him taken down a peg probably a bit more than he should.
“Oh… I, ah, I see.” Song held a fist in front of his mouth and coughed. “Regardless, I knew you were hiding something. And all this fuss over a pixie. Had I known it was something so trivial, I would have saved myself the time. Why on earth did you have a pixie inside your coat?”
“Well we- HAESHIU! W-we were- HAESHIEW! Sorry- HEH-TCHUU!”
Noelle stepped in. “Um, we just… didn’t want her to get in trouble.”
Inquisitor Song sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, pushing his glasses up for a moment, but some of the stiffness went out of his shoulders. “Look, I know the Inquisition doesn’t exactly enjoy a sterling reputation, but, contrary to what you may think, we don’t go around hunting down every supernatural being we can find.”
“Right. Sorry…”
It seemed Noelle’s allergy medicine was having some effect, since being able to count the number of his sneezes on one hand during a fit was a rare feat for Oraion. He needed to summon his handkerchief but thrust his hand into a pocket before doing so. The last thing they needed now was to give Inquisitor Song a new reason to be suspicious of them.
“I’d advise you to keep your diminutive friend away from Tigate,” the man went on, “or she may end up on the Black Market. There’s been an uptick in poaching activity of late.”
Noelle nodded her head, looking like she’d just received a stay of execution. Which, on reflection, was likely true. “Oh, um, thank you.”
As Oraion finished wiping his nose, he noticed Inquisitor Song look at him askance. A cold prickling ran across his skin as a knot tightened in his gut. Perhaps they weren’t quite out of the woods yet…
“I am in this country on business, but I am from Onteburgh in Merseheim. Have you ever been there?”
Oraion raised an eyebrow. “I can’t say that I have.”
“No family there?”
“None that I know of.”
“Hm…” Inquisitor Song shook his head and waved a dismissive hand. “Never mind. You remind me of someone, is all. Well then. Good day.”
He prodded his horse with his heels and set off again down the road. Oraion wondered what that last bit had been about, but he supposed they should simply count themselves fortunate that the whole affair was over. It wasn’t until the horse and rider were out of sight around a bend in the road that he heard Noelle sigh beside him. Instinctively he put his arms around her, supporting her, and she leaned into him, trembling. He patted her hair with one hand.
“It’s all right now. It’s over.”
“Sorry. I was just so scared.” She sounded calmer than when the Inquisitor was present, at least. “I really thought we were going to get arrested.”
“Well, luckily we didn’t. And I suppose we have Butterfly to thank for that.”
The pixie, now hovering nearby, pointed to herself.
“Huh? Me?”
“Yes, you. The Inquisitor assumed you were the ‘illicit magic’ he was sensing, and not—oh, I don’t know—a witch and a Demon Lord? You’re the reason he ended up leaving us alone. So, thank you, and I owe you an apology. If you hadn’t come with us we would have likely been in much deeper trouble.”
The little fairy puffed out her chest and glowed—literally. An aura of golden light surrounded her as she flew in an excited little loop with a laugh that reminded him of tiny, jingling bells.
“Heehee! I told you I was useful for lots of things!” She did one final circle around them both before hovering above their heads. “You two sure are interesting! I’ll have to drop by for a visit sometime!”
Noelle adjusted her glasses. “Wait, I thought you wanted to come with us?”
“Eh, not so much anymore. Humans are kinda scary—I don’t wanna end up poached. Don’t you do that to eggs? Yeesh. Welp, I’ll be seeing you around!”
With that she sped off, back into the forest. They watched her for some time until they could no longer make out her glow among the trees.
“Well. That was… something.”
“Mm… I-I wonder what she meant by ‘drop by for a visit.’ She couldn’t possibly know where I live… could she?”
Oraion chuckled. “At this point, I wouldn’t put anything past her.”
With his arm around her shoulders, Oraion and Noelle continued along the road toward Ateaux.
“Mistress, that Inquisitor fellow mentioned that there’s a Black Market in Tigate. Doesn’t that make you the least bit curious about it?”
Noelle scoffed. “Not really. It sounds dangerous and unethical.”
“Maybe. But what do you think someone might be willing to pay for the hair of a Demon Lord?”
“You want to sell your hair?”
“Well, not all of it, of course! I was thinking maybe just a few hairs from my tail. Perhaps we could even barter it for something of equal value. Such as, hmm…” He made a big show of thinking it over before flashing her a sly grin. “Some pixie dust, perhaps?”
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vulturereyy · 2 years
Rey's OC Masterpost!! (as of 5/29/2023)
I realized I've never done one of these, like ever, anywhere, so. Maybe now is the time to change that! My OCs are from various fandoms and genres, and some are used more than others. General rules for them are as follows: Asks about them, questions, comments, all okay! If you do fanart I think I am legally obligated to marry you LOL, but really no pressure! Please do NOT use my art of them or their exact character for your own use. You are welcome to be inspired by them, and welcome to include them on references for commissions like 'I want hair like this character' etc so long as you credit me for the art! But please do not take their stories and images 1:1.
Please do not kin my characters. It makes me exceedingly uncomfortable and you will be blocked. Without further ado... Get ready to see some gay little bitches!!
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Sorbet Lemonbalm
My beloved. My wife. My husband. She's been divorced three times. She's left the altar twice. She's never been married. She's my weed smoking girlfriend. She's in a polycule with a kobold barbarian and the Moon God.
Sorbet is my most recent D&D character, played during a homebrew campaign that I cannot wait to get back to. She's a Firbolg, Oath of the Ancients Paladin/Lunar Magic Sorcerer multiclass. DEVOUT follower of Selune, the moon goddess, and currently her champion, even if she frequently feels like she is not up to the task and the responsibility is slowly crushing her. Accidentally became the Fey King of the Summer Court during one of our final battles with our phase 1 BBEG, when our bard used modify memory in a very cool (and very homebrew) way against the corrupted fey queen. (She does NOT want to be fey king and has tried to pass on the crown to almost every other fey they've met since). Most recently, she 'GET DOWN MR. PRESIDENT'D' her own goddess and tanked a rival god's magic bolt, destroying her tower shield in the process and giving her those necrotic scars down her side. But this bitch survived with 1 fucking hit point!! I'm trying to keep these short, but I could write an essay on Sorbet. She's the first D&D character I've really gotten into, even doing a REAL ACTUAL CHARACTER VOICE FOR HER (shout out dimension 20 a crown of candy for making me feel like I could), and everything!! I love playing her SO so much and I hope that she can wreck shit in Astora again soon. Our sessions are all recorded, maybe one time I'll get a clip together and be brave enough to share.
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May'la Sugarfoot
May'la is my sweetest khajiit Elder Scrolls Online OC. She's from a moonsugar farming family in Khenarthi's Roost, though she took on a path of becoming a chef in Mistral after she found she was unable to really help as much as her sisters in the sugar fields. May'la eventually worked her way all the way up to being one of the head chefs in an Alik'r merchant house, though her real passion will always lay in baking. May'la dreams to have her own bakery one day, though she also has a far larger dream of becoming a member of the Antiquarian's Circle.
May'la's mother, Dra'tarrina, is a senche-raht pit fighter and former member of the Undaunted, who toured in Dragonstar Arena for years. When May'la was just a nosy kitten, she found her mother's old armor and shrine to Boethiah -- still strangely well-tended. Unable to curb her youngest daughter's incessant curiosity, Dra'tarrina began telling May'la tales of her time in the arena, and her quiet worship of Boethra, the khajiiti aspect of Boethiah. Boethra worship was all but wiped out with the Riddle'thar epiphany, and as such, May'la has secretly made it her life's goal to find and preserve any scrap of Boethra worship and lore she can. She wants to eventually present to the Antiquarian's Circle so it can continue to be passed on.
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Devotion (Llewyllyn) and Gytha (Hollow Knight) (I reuse names)
Devotion is my current main Hollow Knight OC. She's a tall, toned dragonfly knightess with an extreme, well, devotion to the White Lady. She served in the Queen's Guard for years, but eventually succumbed to the infection. Terrified of hurting her fellow knights or her queen, Devotion threw down her shield and nail, and fled all the way to Kingdom's Edge. She sealed herself off in one of the many caves, and essentially... Rotted by herself in that horrible, blinding light until the Radiance was finally defeated 😭. The infection took most of her memories with it, but she had repeated her oaths to herself until her voice gave out. Everything is hazy for her post-infection, but she remembers a White Lady -- and remembers that she is dearly devoted to her service. Devotion is currently in the Colisseum of Fools, attempting to train herself in mind and body again, before she feels she can make the journey back to Hallownest. And besides, it's the only place that offers free room and board right now... So long as she puts on a good show. Gytha, The Thorned Bulwark, is the knight that trained Devotion as a squire. She's brash, boisterous, and unafraid to speak her mind, even if it is directly against her King or Queen. Gytha and Devotion were very close, though Gytha retired from knighthood long before the infection swept Hallownest. I'm not quite sure what I'll be having her doing, but I do think she traveled to the lands beyond the kingdom. She would be the type to try some grand adventure, even if it would be her last. You can learn more about Devotion and Gytha here, in the app I made for an RP server :) (including a way too long backstory lmao)
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Thimble is my Grimm Troupe OC, fitting in with @grollow's wonderful setting! Thimble is a skittish but good-hearted little butterfly from a kingdom in its death throes, and after said kingdom's total collapsed, he sailed for the Troupe on a whim in hopes that he could find a place among them. He certainly did, and more than a few friends to go along with!
Thimble starts out as general help, far too anxious for the limelight, but after watching Ashe's OC, Mist, perform aerial Cyr Wheel, he gets struck with an inspiration he's never quite experienced before. Thimble learns Cyr Wheel and eventually performs a couple nights a week in the troupe after years of practice with Mist, and encouragement from the other troupe members :)
Thimble is based on a long-tailed skipper butterfly, a frequent visitor to my backyard.
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Kindlepitch the Pardoner
Oh... Him.
"Do you not feel it? the burning, seething hatred that seems to permeate this wretched nest? Wouldn't it be best to have that feeling be done away with entirely? So much pain, so much death -- let this era rest. Let us rest, laid down upon a bed of sins inconceivable. Only in Her merciful light shall we find ourselves absolved, at last granted release from the torment the False-King inflicted upon us!" — Kindlepitch
Kindlepitch is. He's a whole lot. Scorned by the moth tribe after he refused to forget the Radiance, and boy is he deep in the orange juice. Kindlepitch believes that Hallownest's downfall was the shunning of his good lady, and that it is only her light that can finally bring peace to the atrocities of this world.
You can read more about Kindlepitch here!
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Amaashaa Phykiish
Amaashaa is my main Star Wars OC. Daughter of a senator and a senator later in her own right, this gal has had. Enough. I haven't played her recently so I don't have as much to say sob, but I do love her dearly. Amaashaa served as a field medic in the Clone Wars, and later a lead surgeon on the Ord Cestus Medical Station when an injury removed her from the field. Amaashaa's life can be defined by passion; enough to burn away injustice, but also herself. After the Clone Wars, she eventually went into politics alongside her father, and was often the cause of many a fight in the senate chambers.
A barely-failed assassination attempt is what finally drove Amaashaa away from the senate, at her father's behest. They planned to lay low and 'make quiet trouble' for the empire in the meantime. Amaashaa was placed upon an off-radar scrapper crew of the Spicer (created by @rabiezcore, if I draw her with other characters they are likely Rabiez') and has since learned that... Wow, she can actually exist as a living person and not just a vessel for service. There's a lot to unpack there, but she's had a lot of character development. Amaashaa does eventually rejoin the rebellion when it reforms, and serves as a medic among them for a while, before injury does finally force her into retirement for realsies. Then she gets to live out her dream of living with her mando definitely-not-boyfriend and having loth cats of her own at last.
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Lullaby Heartstrings
Lullaby Heartstrings was my sheep-flavored Minotaur Barbarian for a D&D 5e Lost Mines of Phandelver campaign.
Towering over her party at a grand 7'2" tall and nearing 500lbs of wool and muscle, it's not surprise that Lullaby is an intimidating figure, even despite her coloring and innocent sounding name. This journeyman member of the Emerald Enclave is a frequent sight in Neverwinter and the various northern Moonwoods, most often called upon by pilgrims looking to traverse the Lurkwood or caravans in need of mercenary guards. Despite her affiliation with the enclave, Lullaby's relationship with nature is far more akin to respect between warriors than the reverence a druid may possess. She believes nature to be a cruel, unyielding mistress who cannot be tamed, but also takes her challenges with silent honor, knowing they make her stronger in the long run.
Lullaby is generally quiet, softspoken, and has been called 'grumpy' by those who take her as a guard, but she is not unkind. Those under her protection will often find her aiding in setting up their tents, ensuring everyone has a decent amount of food and water, and always taking the first shift of watch. Her preferred method of communication is through gestures and actions rather than words.
Lullaby was originally born into a circus troupe, the Heartwood Heartstrings, but an incident involving her debilitating stage fright ended with her running away from home as a young teen. She's been with the enclave ever since.
Lullaby's greataxe is made out of two Axebeak beaks; one that she hunted herself, and the other that a mentor killed.
(WIP below)
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murielmierch · 2 years
Addition to my previous post with art.
An idea for some fan fiction in the style of "character × reader" appeared in my head, but I can't develop it into a complete work. I will be glad if someone implements this idea.
•The girl on the art is a human and met Loki as a child, while they were both walking in the woods (accidentally bumped into each other). She is a descendant of Okita Soji's sister and appreciates her family's history very much, hates lies and always stands for justice.
• Previously, she had to constantly lie to her little sister. Their father got into debt and often drank. While the younger sister was sleeping, the older one suffered beatings from her father when their mother was away for a long time for work.
• One day the baby did not wait for her sister and returned from school earlier. There she was met by a drunken father and almost beat his daughter to death. The elder sister was furious when she saw this and, grabbing a homemade wooden sword, began to beat her father. However, he was stronger and beat her badly, leaving her exhausted at the edge of the forest.
• Loki was watching the whole situation. He was even amused by this story, because he liked to watch how a girl, obsessed with morality and honesty, lets her rage out and lies to her sister.
• Loki offered the girl help: he kills their father, and in return she should become an ideal rival for him, and even manage to create a weapon capable of killing god (spoiler: she failed). The girl agrees and tries to fulfill the promise she made to Loki for the rest of her life.
• The heroine herself is a very creative person and appreciates any things left by her ancestors. Loki has repeatedly said that her main treasure is the educational sketchbook created by her grandfather, an artist, and Kondo Isami's notes (these are cook's notes).
"I've never even seen these people, and they taught me so much"
• The girl is very strict and straightforward by nature, but her sister is funny and cunning :)
• I think they are both very strong, but not enough to be on par with the participants of Ragnarok.
• During Ragnarok itself, the heroine walks in a depressed mood, because she could not keep her promise and because both Loki and Soji for her are exactly the people who forced her to move forward all this time. They are like the meaning of her life. You can even make a whole drama out of it
• I think you can also introduce an additional plot line with a younger sister, who is very cheerful and energetic, but ceases to be so when she meets their father during Ragnarok. This time, the girls' mother may still have time to come to the aid of her daughter and, like a true descendant of a samurai, put her wayward hubby in his place with a couple of sharp phrases🤣🤣🤣
If you read this and didn't die of shame, then you are my hero!
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goblinbugthing · 1 year
oopsie didnt notice this, allergies want me dead
allow me to talk about my girls, the absolutes, since i dont do that enough even though i love them
(in reference to this post)
AUGH, my girls!!!!!! The four lovely little non-ladies that i accidentally made a magical girl group <3
There is so much wild lore behind these kiddos, but unfortunately, I can’t talk about all that shit because SO MANY SPOILERS FOR SOUL JOURNEY.
Ahem. Lemme actually talk about them now.
These four — Inifya, Mirror Inifya (Mira/Shini), Pura, and Nycto Tolaris — are a group of teenage Astrals with great powers that they rarely use outside of training. Instead of specifically following their destiny to become the next Four Heroes of Yore, they decide to create a band they call The Absolutes, because Void and Gala always refer to them as The Absolute Heroes. Gala is a massive history geek, and he knows quite a bit about the original Four Heroes of Yore, and the girls remind him of them quite a bit. Void themself says that they are the originals reborn, which they very well may be, seeing Pura’s absolutely insane abilities as a Void-Born Astral. (That means she was created in the Void, AKA Nebulis’ homeland/realm/test area, not that she was created by Void. Those are Galactics.)
They’re still much too young to begin their duties as Star Warriors, Ini, Mira, and Pura being 15 and Nycto being 13, and the first few are still in their training stages (Nycto is a fast learner — striking reflection of her… father? Of Elfilis. I guess they’d be the dad, since Gen carried her, or something like that. Genetics are fucking weird, especially when it comes to Astrals), so they haven’t been officially titled as Holy Knights yet, but they will be eventually.
Now it’s time to talk about them as separate characters!
First of, Ini. She's the future daughter of Kirby, and her name is kind of obviously based on the word infinity, and the concept of naming her ‘infinity’ comes from— actually, I can’t say that, that’s afterstory stuff. Just know her name has some deeper connections past being based on the word ‘infinity’.
Anyway, they’re the future Warrior of Soul. When they come of age and are officially knighted, they’ll be titled Absolute Infinity Hero, Soul Knight Inifya. Here’s an excerpt from their section of a little “history book” about the Four Heroes i wrote a while back:
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(By the way, Lord Yk is Nebulis, aka the son-daughter-child of Galactica, who is THE God, but nobody in-multiverse really knows about Them and think Nebs is THE God. Which isn’t necessarily wrong, I guess)
As I said before, these girls have SO many K:SJ spoilers attached to them. That’s what makes them so fun to talk about though, I get to be mysterious and vague and tease things and put foreshadowing everywhere.
ANYWAY. The censored stuff is all regarding their Big Crazy Ability that I can’t mention bc they inherited it from Kirby, who uses it in the climax of the fic that I might not even finish. All you gotta know is it’s incredibly strong, and absolutely terrifying. Which makes it awesome. I wish I could talk about it, but it’s existence is a major plot point, so I can’t. Major L for me.
Next is Mira! She’s the future daughter of Shadow Kirby, and is younger than her main-universe counterpart by about 10 minutes, since Void helped with the creation of the two, building their bodies and Souls from scratch. Gotta love being a creator entity, being able to do shit like that.
She’s got the same name origins as Ini, and the same abilities as them, but she prefers using her Dream magic over her Soul magic, and she’s the future Warrior of Dreams. When they’re older and knighted, they’ll be titled Absolute Dreamscape Hero, Mare Knight Shini (or Mare Knight Mira). Here’s an excerpt from her section in the same “history book”:
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(The Eterna Hero is Galacta’s predecessor, as in he was supposed to be a recreation of her. She was also capable of using this Big Crazy Ability that I can’t name bc spoilers. She’s shown off more in two oneshots I made titled MERCY, which is about her death, and Once So Great, which is from her mourning friend’s point of view 17 million years later. Read them if you like!)
The censored stuff here is also regarding the Big Crazy Ability. I’ve just now decided that I’m going to make a google doc with everything about K:SJ like I’m doing with my hollow knight AUs so I can get all this information out of me and have a reference for if I ever keep working on the fic.
Ok Pura time!!!!! She’s the future Warrior of Heart, and she was created by Nebulis from excess positive emotions, and since she doesn’t have any biological parents, she was taken in by Elfilis and Fiktra and raised as their eldest daughter. Because she’s a Void-born Heart Matter Astral, she is incredibly powerful and very likely the only one of her kind, so she has nobody to properly train her to use her abilities. The only two Heart Matter Astrals around who can train her are Galacta and Kirby, but they’re both Heart-Soul hybrids, Kirby’s busy being the only active Star Warrior in Gamble Galaxy, and Gala is nowhere near as powerful as her, so she’s kinda stuck when it comes to abilities only she has.
When she’s knighted she’ll get the title of Absolute Heartbeat Hero, Halo Knight Pura. Because of her Heart-matter origins, she’s a very kind and compassionate person, and it takes a lot to piss her off. If you manage to make her mad, you’ve dun fucked up and I suggest you run. Aside from those very incredibly rare moments, she’s the sweetest kid in the universe. A very forgive-and-forget type person, with almost no exceptions.
As usual here’s an excerpt from the fake history book:
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Wow, nothing needed to be censored this time! Incredible!
I’m currently working on redesigning her, and the base design is almost done!! Yey :)
FINALLY. We have Nycto Tolaris, the youngest of the four. She’s the future biological daughter of Elfilis and Genesis Fiktra, and the future Warrior of Dark, and she’s the most well-trained out of all the girls. She already knows all known techniques of Dark Matter combat, and has begun doing her own stuff, combining her Dream magic with her Dark magic to create incredibly powerful and sometimes mind-breaking attacks. Trust me, you don’t want to get caught in one of her storms. You will die, or lose your mind in the best-case scenario. Her battle skills are insane.
Once she's grown and knighted, she'll gain the title Absolute Shadow Hero, Hollow Knight Nycto Tolaris. Yes, that is a hollow knight reference. Currently, with her quick learning and her already knowing what she’s doing, she’s the most combat efficient of the Absolutes, and also the most terrifying. Dark Matter and Dream Matter combined is fucking crazy when you know how to use the magic. Inducing night terrors, causing hallucinations, breaking your mind and essentially exploding your brain without even touching you — Dark-Dream Matter Astrals are incredibly powerful and are absolutely fucking horrifying to fight. I suggest avoiding negative confrontation with Nycto at all costs.
Something something history book excerpt:
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Aaand that’s all of them! Damn this took a while to write. I’m gonna return to my hollow knight insanity now, and eat my ice cream. French vanilla good. Yummy
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shadowiie · 2 years
For the ask game, Cream the rabbit? (^-^)
One aspect of Cream that I enjoy is how unique she is as a playable character. I just finished watching the Advance 2 cutscenes for this as I realize I didn't know enough about her to talk about her, and one thing that always stood out to me was how different she was from the main cast.
She chooses to fight against capital E Eggman in order to save her mother (a parent - something most characters don't have, especially one thats alive and actually a good parental figure). She's polite and well mannered, a stark contrast to most characters' rude attitude. Furthermore, she never fights head-on, Cheese is the one fighting for her. That's very different!
As a little baby man, Cream was my go-to character when playing Ultimate Flash Sonic. She was cute and she wasn't all pink and girly like Amy and she was easier to play with while not being boring ol Tails (and Shadow had to be unlocked to play. Otherwise baby me knew what's up).
It's interesting how much she stands out amongst the rest of the cast. She has her own little niche to her, which I appreciate.
One thing i wish more people understood about her.... Hm. Maybe it's because i don't know her as well as some of the other cast, but Cream isn't really a character that's easily misinterpreted. If I had to pick one thing, I'd say her bravery.
Whether it's for her mother or Chocola, Cream has always been willing to step into harms way to get them back. She's quite the ass-kicker, too - while Cheese does most of the work it's Cream herself who gives the orders.
She can seem like she's your standard "little girl" character, but like with most Sonic characters once you take the time to look at them you notice their character is much more complex than at first glance.
As for a headcanon..... I headcanon that like she does for most chao, she gets along well with Chaos :)
Whenever she's allowed up on Angel Island, she plays hide-and-seek and makes flower crowns for them, as well as with all the other little chao. Knuckles appreciates it, though he'd never admit it.
One relationship that I really appreciate is Cream and Sonic. Cream tends to bring out Sonic's kinder side, as he'll go out of his way to do things for her in his own Sonic-ey way. God help you if you make Cream cry, as Sonic will zip into action to make things right. In Sonic Advance 2, when Vanilla is kidnapped during final story and Cream starts to cry, the very next action Sonic takes is to use the 7 chaos emeralds and become Super Sonic to chase after Eggman and rescue Vanilla once and for all.
It's very cute how Sonic acts like an older brother to her.
I also really like Cream's relationship with Vanilla and Amy.
One relationship I wish I could see is Cream and Knuckles. Knuckles is stubbornly kind when it comes to other people, but his inexperience and hot headedness leads him prone to misinterpretation and awkwardness.
I think it'd be cute to see Knuckles awkwardly trying to babysit Cream. Bonus points if he's a terrible babysitter, and Sonic gets to tease him when he accidentally makes Cream cry with his poor skills. Even still, he won't hesitate to smash anything that tries to hurt or tease her, including especially Sonic.
As for a headcanon with one other person, I think Amy often brings Cream along for "girl talks." Cream tends to just go along with whatever Amy's doing, and so I could totally see Amy, needing another girl to talk to about love who isn't Rouge or Blaze (Blaze lives in the Sol Dimension, and Rouge just gets on Amy's nerves), would drag Cream over to her house and then vent/gush about her love for Sonic. Cream doesn't really get it but she's too polite to refuse.
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Mild spoilers for 'Kisses In The Dark' the spotify audioshow with Con O'niell. I'm on the start of 'chapter' 4 (Just finished 'Pursuits and Passions')
I just finished the scene where they first make out in the ballroom/under the lot.
It took the first 3 chapters for me to realize not just any lip-to-skin contact will cause death. I imagined a few years down the road he accidentally rolls over in bed and consumes her. Whoops! He was hungry; what can he say.
Our main character just needs to want to kill them. So why is he this angsty if he can control it? Why doesn't he just try to blend im and have a life? If he's essentially immortal, why is he staying in this tiny part of the world? We'll see!
He has also definitely kissed more men than women, which is interesting. I'm assuming the main two end up together or he just kills her. Cause no shit, she's not exactly helping herself here. (Not that she deserves it for turning him down, obviously)
Cause you know, she's actively cheating on her partner-
FUCKING TELL HIM YOU HAVE A FIANCE! Literally, how could this man show up at your door, all nice, grab wine and take you to a fucking ball room, and you don't think- Huh! Maybe I should tell him?
IF THIS BECOMES A LOVE TRIANGLE IM GOING TO FEEL THINGS! He clearly has money, is hot and you have weird monster fucker dreams about him. MY GOD.
I don't care that you're doubting your relationship. It's still cheating, and I hope Mr. Angst in a Hoodie figures out how hard he's getting played here. After he just opened up to a person for the first time too! We just had the whole 'I felt something new' feelings realization shit. I see where this is going! You can't fool me!
Cause I know that's going to be the big 2nd or 3rd act drama! She could have revealed this in their first few conversations but now they're necking in his underground home.
If he kills her cause he finally opened up, obviously, you don't deserve it, but god! Miscommunication is a weird plot point when he literally murders people to survive! The conflict could come more from that. We'll see, I'm about half way ish, so maybe it won't be super cliche.
@ivegotnonameidea thanks for the suggestion. I'm enjoying con so far! You were right about the mic situation, but my work is quiet enough for me to hear some mutterings!
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
Things to be Thankful for
I have so many things to be thankful for this year on Thanksgiving, not the least of which is that kiddo and I are finally in a new place - neighborhood, house, everything. (I wish I could say we've sold the old place, but that's become more complicated that it should have been, so fingers crossed by Christmas.)
It took three weeks plus to get everything moved from the old location to the new one, and during that time, each day I'd drive back over to the old place to work on it with my stepson, it was impossible to miss the differences between there and here (new place).
I think the biggest difference is sound. Or, to be more specific, the lack of it. No longer on a busy main street, sirens blaring constantly, truckers speeding and blaring their horns at cars that speed well over the 45 mph there. Second biggest thing - SPACE. I've had to purchase so much new furniture for this house, and I'm still trying to find a few things.
All that said, I can say for certain my stress levels have dropped considerably, too. No longer have to worry constantly that some vehicle is going to go sailing into the front of my home that's only 5 ft. from the busy street. I'm in a neighborhood where I can ask a neighbor for help and be relatively assured I'll receive it.
Case in point: I accidentally locked myself out of the house the other day. Kiddo and I had security installed, so all I needed to do was get him to unlock the front door for me...but I didn't have my keys and I didn't have my phone. Walked over to the neighbor's house, but she wasn't home though she could speak to me through her doorbell/security thing (god, technology can be a lifesaver!). She offered to call my kiddo at work and let him know. And a few minutes later...I was back inside. Embarrassed as all hell, but back inside. Thanks to the kindness of a neighbor who wasn't even home at the time. At the old place, we literally feared our neighbors were going to break into our house (again) and steal our stuff.
So, yeah...lots to be thankful for this year and every year moving forward. Wouldn't have happened if my father hadn't passed away last spring, but I like to think of it as his last opportunity to look out for me and kiddo and make sure we're in a place to take care of ourselves from here on out. (Thanks, Dad)
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