#god i haven't felt this seen and understood by a book
ilovetheriddler · 3 months
The Enigma of Love.
(Gotham) Edward Nygma x F!Reader.
Chapter One.
Word Count: 1,737.
Contents: A bit of backstory, you and Edward meet for the first time.
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You're in a dark room, the only source of light being the walls illuminated by green tinted question marks. There's a faint Cedar wood smell lingering in the air. Pieces of paper lay at your feet, riddles scrawled all over them. You reach down to pick one up and read it.
"I hurt the most when lost, yet also when not had at all. I'm sometimes the hardest to express, but the easiest to ignore. I can be given to many, or just one. What am i?"
You jolted awake with the sudden sound of your alarm. It was just another weird dream... You had been having that specific one though for a while now, and you often wondered what was causing it. Was it a result of stress? Perhaps because of your worries about your mother recently? She was sick after all. And what was with that bizarre riddle? Every time you had the dream, it was exactly the same. You ultimately decided that you couldn't waste any time today dwelling on it. Not right now, at least.
You rubbed the remnants of sleep from your eyes before you glanced over at your alarm clock. 8:00 am.... wait, 8:00 am?! You were supposed to be at work at 7:00, oh God, you could only hope that maybe your boss wouldn't be too harsh with you over this, after all you've never been late before now.
You quickly scrambled out of bed and made your way to the bathroom, turning on the sink and splashing some water on your face. You hopped in the shower and washed up as fast as you possibly could before getting dressed. You made sure you had everything and also grabbed something to eat quickly before you left to head to your place of employment. The Gotham City public library.
Not too many people frequented the library, which you didn't exactly mind. It made it a fairly quiet and peaceful place to work, which was rare in a place like Gotham. You first got this job a few months ago, mainly to help pay for your mother's hospital bills, which just seemed to increase every time you closed your eyes.
You felt like it was your responsibility to help her out in any way that you feasibly could. After all, it wasn't like your father would help. In fact, you weren't even sure if he was still living in Gotham. You haven't seen him since he walked out on you and your mother when you were six. You were twenty-three now, so it was close to almost two decades ago. You tried not to waste energy thinking of him over the years. You had your mother who was always there for you, and that was all the family you needed.
You always knew and understood how difficult it was for her to raise you as a single mother, but she truly always put every ounce of energy and time she had into making sure that you were happy, safe, and felt loved. Even if she wasn't always around since she worked two jobs just to support the two of you. Maybe that was why it weighed on you so heavily that she was now in the hospital. It wasn't fair. She spent all those years running herself into the ground for you. She deserved to be able to spend her time now relaxing, perhaps traveling even. But it seemed the universe and its cruel sense of humor had other plans, and that tore you apart every night.
You snapped out of your intense train of thought as you finally arrived at the library. You mentally prepared yourself to be chewed out by your boss but were surprised when you walked in only to realize that she wasn't there. You walked over to your coworker, who was organizing some of the books back onto the shelves.
"Morning Ashley, have you seen Mrs Jones around today?"
Ashley, who was only a few years older than you were, sighed, pushing some of her longer black hair out of her face. She turned to look at you before answering.
"No, she had to call in today. Apparently, she caught that flu that's been going around lately.... you're late though, let me guess, you overslept?"
"... Yeah... I um... apologize for being so late..."
"It's alright, I genuinely don't care that you're late. You still showed up, and this place is always practically a ghost town anyway, so don't worry about it."
Your nerves calmed down at this. You didn't really know Ashley too well since you hadn't worked here long, and you two didn't really speak much, but she genuinely always seemed like a pretty cool person. She was actually Mrs Jones's granddaughter, which you thought was kind of interesting. You breathed out a relieved sigh.
"..Thanks... i was honestly worrying myself half to death over it on the way here."
She chuckled to herself slightly at your relieved state. Before offering you a bit more of reassure.
"You honestly shouldn't worry about it. You've been working here for like... what? Six months now? And you've only ever been late once? That's not too bad! My grandma is a pretty laid-back woman. She's not going to hold it against you."
"...I know she is.... I guess I just got a bit worked up for some reason..."
With that, you made your way over to the front desk and began updating the system with what needed to be changed and added. It was actually a bit more than you usually had to input as a result of the library getting an entire new shipment of books in today, which wasn't exactly a pleasant day for anyone. Ashley would be stuck reorganizing and adding new books to the shelves all day. You'd be stuck inputing all the new information into the database for hours on end, and your other coworker, Kevin, wouldn't actually do anything. Because he didn't show up again! You honestly sometimes wondered how he hadn't been fired yet. You're so deeply focused on your current task that you're startled by a sudden voice speaking to you.
"I'm made from trees and can bring people either incredible joy or intense sorrow. I can be short or long, big or small. It can take people a long time to create me or very little, depending on the person. What am i?"
You glanced up to see a fairly tall man. He had neatly kept short brown hair and rich brown eyes, which were framed by his black glasses that he adjusted slightly as he stood there. He had a somewhat goofy grin on his face, and you couldn't deny that he was definitely kind of attractive. His words finally fully dawned on you, and you were confused... was... he asking you a riddle of all things?
"I... I don't know, what is it?"
He set down a stack of books that he had in his arms on the counter in front of you. Before giving you the answer.
"A book! I um... I'd actually like to check these out... You know if um... it's not too much trouble, that is...?"
"Not at all! That's why I'm here, I just need to see your library card, and if you don't have one, then I'll have to sign you up for one."
He handed you his library card. After fumbling around his pocket for it. You take a quick look at it and can't help the smile that crosses your face. Edward Nygma... His name was similar to the word Enigma, and you found that kind of amusing. You pulled him up in the system and started looking through the books he's picked up. 1000 Riddles to stump your friends and colleagues! The history of puzzles. And the entire Sherlock Holmes collection.
"Quite the um... selection you have here... I'm going to take a wild guess and assume you like riddles and puzzles?"
"O-oh! Yes, I do enjoy them quite a lot...."
You finished up getting everything sorted out for him and handing him back the books. You give him a soft and kind smile.
"Well, I hope that you have an enjoyable day, Mr Nygma. And that you also find those books to be to your liking."
He seemed to get slightly flustered as he attempted to quickly stammer out a response.
"O-oh.. um.. i..I will! T-thank you miss!"
He left with his books, and you resumed the process of adding to the database. Thankfully, it ended up not taking as long as you thought it would. You noticed the time and realized that it was almost your lunch break, so you make your way to a place to sit down for a bit and eat the sandwich that you brought with you, because the only place really close to your place of employment was a fancy Cafe that sold their sandwiches for like 32.99 a sandwich, and that was highway robbery as far as you were concerned! You weren't paying that much for a damn sandwich when you could just make one at home and bring it with you, which is what you always did. You sometimes wondered how a place like that could even stay open in Gotham. Who the hell was paying for those sandwiches!?
You ultimately decided not to think about it, instead just focusing on your lunch. However, something caught your eye. It was a wallet setting on the counter. You put your sandwich down and walked over to look at it. It was a fairly nice material and had a green question mark on the front. You looked inside to try and find any id and immediately found it.
Edward Nygma. It was Edward Nygma's wallet. You sighed, you knew that he definitely needed this and thought for a moment whether he'd realize that he lost it and come back, or it you should pull up his profile in the database and call him to inform him. You ultimately decided that you should absolutely do the latter, only to realize that he didn't have a number listed. Damn it, that made this more difficult. You checked his wallet again and noticed something mentioning his place of employment.
You asked Ashley to cover for you while you were gone and started to make your way down to the GCPD.
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minimickzy · 1 year
Pretty In Pink || Misty Quigley
For the lovely and talented @peach-and-bugs sometimes we all need a story to escape into.
-and guys I haven't written fanfic since like 2019- please be kind lol! I wanted to have this done tonight so I actually wrote this during a 4 hour car ride (Also Blane is the love interest from Pretty in Pink and Molly Ringwald is the actress)
Characters: Misty Quigley (pre-crash) x Reader,
Word count: 2118
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Sophomore year of high school you knew two things about Misty Quigley.
She was incredibly misunderstood and
She was in desperate need of a friend.
You knew it would be easy to at least start a friendship with Misty. She was talkative and was happy to get any type of attention. All you had to do was slide into one of the many empty seats at her lunch table and smile. From there it was never-ending conversation and hangouts.
To your surprise- and slight concern- Misty had walls built up pretty damn high and wasn’t easy to gain the trust of. She picked up more social cues than people gave her credit for. She had just been bullied to the point that the idea of you- let alone anyone- actually wanting to be her friend was unbelievable.
When you finally cracked her you could see her personality flip. Her eyes lit up, and smiles filled her whole face not just her lips, even her posture straightened up a bit. Who knew all it would take is saying that you liked The Phantom Of The Opera?
As soon as the walls fell she was an open book. Entrusting you with her deepest, darkest, secrets and in turn listening to yours. She would pick out tiny little things about you and gush about them to anyone who would listen. She even became the equipment manager after you joined the soccer team.
After two years of friendship, you couldn’t imagine life without her. And she seemed to feel the same.
Your friendship with Misty was different. No one outside of the two of you understood. She was just a little… quirky. She would put notes in your locker every day with complaints- sometimes coming off as tiny but stalkerish but you found it endearing. Sometimes if someone was even the tiniest bit rude to you, the next day their locker would randomly have rotten fruit in it. (one time a guy's car had its tires slashed after he called you a bitch).
People harassed her incessantly. You tried to stop it, even getting into a few fights over it but it was never ending and Misty had become a pro at brushing it off.
After all, as long as she had you it didn’t feel like it mattered what others said.
You weren’t sure when your feelings had changed from platonic toward your best friend. You had only realized when, as embarrassing as this is, you had walked in on Van and Tai in the locker room. They didn’t see you- thank god- but it was a push you needed to confront that seeing them felt right the way couples like Jackie and Jeff never had.
That event sent you into a spiral. You thought back to your so-called crushes. All boys from school- none of which you realized you had any urge to even hold a conversation with. You started to analyze movies. Seeing how the love interests interacted, looked at each other.
It started to click. There was only one person you felt that way towards.
A month or two into senior year was when everything came to a crashing halt. You and Misty were having your usual movie night like all other Saturdays. Slightly curled into each other on Misty’s bed. Her hair was pulled half up, p.j. top slowly slipping further down her shoulder. She had put her retainer in before the movie so all of her little quips had a slight lisp to them.
Adorable. She was simply adorable. This was a common thing for you to acknowledge now. What made tonight stand out from all the other movie nights for the past two years was a small conversation between the two of you.
Pretty in Pink played on the screen. It was one of the few VHSs that she owned, you two had probably seen it a good 20 times. You didn’t mind though. It was great background noise for your thoughts. Wandering from the last soccer match, to Misty’s bouncy curls, to the math quiz you should probably study for.
“Hey, do you want to know a secret?” You peered down to meet Misty’s eyes, her neck craning to look up at you from her position slightly further down the bed.
“Always.” You cracked a smile at how giddy she had become.
She pushed herself up to face you, kneeling- waiting for you to mirror her.
When you were sat facing her she took your hands, lifting and dropping them as she spoke. “You have to promise not to tell.”
“Of course.”
“Like never. Not a single soul.”
You took one of your hands from hers and stuck your pinkie in front of her face.
She took your pinky in hers and smiled, momentarily squeezing before wrapping her hand back around yours and setting them in her lap.
“Okay so-“ she whispered, looking around with wide eyes to check that no one was around, “you know when I said that I thought Blane was hot?”
You nodded, a little confused about where this was going.
“That wasn’t true- I just wanted to be him. Molly Ringwald is so pretty! I know it’s like totally wild but I want to kiss her so bad!”
Your brain stopped. Just for a second.
“Oh!” It came out as a yell, much more sudden and loud than you had meant. “I totally get that- yeah like- how could you not want to kiss her?” You could feel your hands becoming more clammy by the second.
“I know right!” Misty giggled and rolled her eyes happily as she turned to face the screen again.
With her gaze locked onto the TV, you took a deep breath- you felt like you needed to run away. Escape back into the safety of not having to confront your feelings. But you knew you had to stay. Firstly- did wanting to kiss a girl even mean that you’re gay? Or did girls do that to friends and people they admire? And if Misty had just come out to you- If you left now she’d probably think that you were disgusted by her.
So you stayed. Trying to act as normal as possible. Pretending to be asleep to avoid late-night conversations that normally lead to loose lips.
Come practice on Monday, the sleepover was still on your mind. Misty picked up on your funk. She always did. You brushed it off that you were up late the night before. It wasn’t a total lie. You spent half of the night replaying every moment in Misty and your relationship, trying to find any hints.
You earned a few glares from Tai and Jackie. You didn’t blame them. You were off your game.
At the end of the day, Misty was heading towards you at the team bench but Coach Martinez called her over to help with clean up before she could reach you.
You let out a sigh of relief, wanting to avoid any more awkwardness for the day.
“Woah, trouble in paradise?” You jumped a bit. You hadn’t realized Van was still on the bench behind you.
“Huh?” You asked stupidly.
“I just thought you and Misty were close. Are you good?”
Van was nothing if not perceptive. No one on the team understood- or even seemed to like Misty. Most of them refused to interact with you outside of practice too. Acting as if you’d pass on her “crazy” to them.
Van was never like that though. She seemed to have her own run-ins with bullying. She would sometimes make small comments and jokes but would still be kind to both of you.
You looked at her. Trying to gauge if she actually wanted to know if you were good. Her look wavered, becoming more serious. “Dude, are you okay?” She tried again.
You sat down next to her. Your eyes refused to meet hers as you looked out across the field towards the school.
It was just the two of you.
“Can I ask you something personal?” You knew that Van would say yes. It didn’t matter that the two of you weren’t close. She was always there for anyone on the team.
“Sure- I reserve the right to plead the fifth though.” Always one to try and keep it light.
“How did you figure out that you and Tai were gay?”
Van sucked in a breath next to you. “I uh- Tai isn’t-“
You finally turned to her. “I saw you guys. In the locker room.” The redheads face went pale. She seemed to brace for impact. “I won’t tell anyone. I just am confused. I don’t know who else to talk to.”
Van didn’t relax.
“Please”, the variability in your voice surprising even you.
She nodded and it was her turn to break the eye contact. “I don’t really know. To be honest I thought Tai was straight. Right up until the moment she kissed me. Fuck even after that I thought she was just a curious straight girl who pegged me for a dyke.” She let out a dry chuckle and winced towards the ground. “Do you think you’re gay? Or…”
You nodded. “Yeah, I figured that out a few months ago.”
Silence lingered between the two of you. Van kicked her feet, ripping up bits of dirt and grass with her cleats.
She spoke up gently, “Do you think Misty is gay?”
You dropped your head into your hands. “I don’t know. I think so.”
“Look- fuck- I don’t know Misty and I don’t really understand her but I do see a lot as a goalie. And Misty is obsessed with you. She looks at you like you hung the fucking moon.”
You chuckled, “Yeah- I know. But she’s always been like that. I think she’d treat anyone who was her friend that way.”
“Or she’s just always been into you.”
“Oh.” You furrowed your eyebrows, “I guess I didn’t think about that.”
Van barked out a laugh. The heaviness of the conversation gone. “Has she ever hinted at being into girls?”
“Well…” she looked at you expectingly, you debated on keeping Misty’s secret but decided that after Van had opened up and trusted you about her and Tai it's only fair you return the favor “On Saturday she told me that she was into Molly Ringwald.”
“Dude that’s totally dyke behavior!” She slaps your arm.
The two of you walked back to the locker room together. Misty was waiting for you, as she always did. As soon as her eyes landed on Van you could see the anger- jealousy?- immediately.
“Woah, Misty, I’m not trying to steal your lady- cool it” Van held her hands up in surrender and turned to wink at you so Misty couldn’t see.
Misty huffed and tapped her foot as Van quickly grabbed her stuff and saluted to you as she pushed open the locker room door.
When the door banged shut after her Misty pinned you to your spot with a worried look.
She opened her mouth and you saw her lip quiver. So naturally you blurted out, “I’m gay!”
Her mouth snapped shut and she looked at you confused. “Okay?”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “that’s it?”
“Well yeah- I mean I already knew that?”
“We’ve been together for like a few months.” You looked at her like she grew a second head, “Misty what the actual fuck are you talking about?”
“Do you not remember?” She let out a exacerbated sigh and laughed lightly, “This makes so much sense! I was wondering why you got so freaked out about the Molly Ringwald thing. I thought you were jelous and mad at me!” She laughed again and moved to take one of your hands in hers as you stood in shock. “When we were on the bus back from the game at West Side, and I told you that I loved you and you said I love you too. I meant like love love.”
You took your free hand and face plamed. “Oh my god. You’re joking.”
She laughed gleefully, “No! I was getting worried you were losing interest or someone else had got your attention.”
“I don’t think that’s even possible.”
Her eyes were sprakingly under the bright fluoresces of the locker room. “Does that mean that I can kiss you? Because believe me I’ve been holding back.” She squeezed your hand excitingly and shifted more into your space.
“Yeah- that sounds cool.” You were still smiling when she lunged towards you, bumping you back into the lockers with the force. You laughed into the kiss and she let out a tiny squeal of glee.
Send in yellowjackets requests!
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maaarshieee · 2 years
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⎯⎯ ୨ 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐌𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭 ୧ ⎯⎯
➢ Mᴀᴋɪᴍᴀ x Gɴ!Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
➢ 1.1k ᴡᴏʀᴅs ┊ Fʟᴜғғ
➢ Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
a/n - as much as i hate makima, the idea was too good to let go, so have this! thanks for reading! titled "fear me not". maybe ooc but hey, let her be whipped. have a good day/night!
↬ cw: spoilers if you haven't read the manga, slight obsession (makima)
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"Do you fear me?"
It was certainly out of the blue, and a very out-of-character question for a person like Makima to ask. You, who was sipping on a cup of coffee, sat across her inside her living room, had momentarily stopped reading the book you held, incredulously raising a brow at her.
Was it something she shouldn't have asked? It wasn't uncommon for her to ask questions out of nowhere, but out of all the questions she had asked, this one, in particular, had the most unique reaction. You looked at her funny, an expression you rarely wear when acknowledging her.
Then, you let out a sigh, placed a bookmark in between the pages you previously read in your book, and closed it. You crossed your legs and continued to take a long, leisurely sip of your coffee.
How odd. This is usually a pose you do when the two of you are about to have a serious discussion. Makima replicated your seating, ignoring the multiple huskies whining on her lap for her attention.
"Would you ever hurt me?" You simply asked, heaving a hot breath that smelt like ground coffee beans and milk.
Would she? Makima opened her mouth to answer you, but then closed it again, mulling over your question more. Could she even hurt you? You were different than the rest. She was a devil. The Control Devil, to be precise. One of the most powerful devils known to man, you should be afraid.
Even being granted by the government a high position in the Public Safety Devil Hunters, high enough to know who she truly was, there wasn't a single ounce of fear in your body. Neither an inch of worship. Perhaps respect as your higher-up, but nonetheless, you tolerated her at most.
A human, a mortal, at the mercy of the Control Devil, is having a normal day with her. In her own apartment. Talking to her on equal grounds.
Were you even human at this point? Makima often wondered. You smell human, but in the period you've known each other, she's never seen fear on your face lest it wasn't directed to her.
You screamed over a cockroach that crawled over your foot, for god's sake!
Oddly enough, she was relieved. Not annoyed, or angry. Her chest felt light whenever she was with you. Because she knew she wasn't talking to a puppet, but to you. You didn't force yourself to like her or made her feel like she was a much superior being to you. You made her feel as if she was just a simple human as you are. You glare at her, scoff, and sigh, but she never felt repulsed by it. She loved it.
Makima was the first to confess. Perhaps she was disillusioned by your fearlessness. Much to her amusement, you were definitely shocked. Confused and also quite perturbed. It was also the first time she felt a laugh bubble from her chest but stopped herself from doing so.
So cute.
As expected, you rejected her. Multiple times, but she was persistent. So she tried again, and again. You never gave in, rejecting her at each confession. But in between those confessions, you've gotten to know her more. From her interest in (crude) paintings, her favorite drink, movies, her multiple dogs, food, and many many more.
Makima could tell you'd grown fond of her.
She finally understood the feeling humans often described as "butterflies in your stomach", because she felt it when you first laughed and smiled in her presence. Her heart, a part of her she was sure was dead, pounded against her chest and heat crept up to the tips of her ears.
You finally said yes.
When Makima first confessed, she thought she would find happiness with you, all because you were different than the rest. For once, outside of work, you treated her similarly to everyone else.
And she did.
From offering your own blood when she's injured even though she could handle it herself, helping her take care of her dogs, cooking for her, cleaning for her, and formulating plans with her. You smiled more often, especially when she was around. You'd huff in annoyance when one of her colleagues makes a move on her even if she reassured you for the nth time that they were just under her control.
You were cute. You made her feel warm on the inside. You made her feel multiple emotions she's never felt before. You're always so eager to care for her, to give her hugs when she gives you a certain look, to kiss her oh so tenderly on her lips, to remove her coat for her when she goes home late, and many more.
You were her everything, even if she wasn't the best at showing it. Even if she was the fearsome Control Devil. You loved her, despite who or what she was.
So no, perhaps she would never hurt you. Because once you lose yourself from her control, or die from a devil's hand, perhaps she'd lose herself as well. Lose everything she cared for.
No, because it's you.
"That's my answer." You say after her prolonged silence. It was been approximately 5 minutes since you last spoke and she's been in a daze since then. Even if she hadn't spoken, she needn't either way. You could see it in her eyes, the way the corners of her lips twitched, arms that were once neatly folded on her chest now clutching the dog that rested on her lap. She didn't even notice it licking her cheek.
"Makima," You sighed, setting down your cup of coffee on the center table. Finally, her eyes focused on you, shoulders easing once she saw your face. "What's there to fear?"
With that, she found herself huffing in amusement. She pointed a finger to you, a finger gun. She could easily end your life at right this moment, with a single flick of her wrist. But all you did was scoff and roll your eyes, grabbing the forgotten book and opening it once more. "That wasn't a challenge, but go on with it."
Makima's smile widened, pulling her hand away and standing up from her seat, claiming the spot next to you instead.
Looks like you were right once more. You never fail to intrigue her. You never fail to impress her. You never fail to make her fall harder for you.
"I love you," Makima wrapped her arms around yours, laying her head against your shoulder. She had to hold back a smirk that threatened to creep up on her lips when you suddenly sputtered, face red at her confession.
Despite it all, you still get flustered at her unpredictableness. You are still human after all. Her human. Her lover.
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛❛ If you like this a lot, consider reblogging! I'll appreciate it very very much! Don't repost and/or translate my work anywhere. ❜❜ ┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
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tangledinredstring · 6 months
I struggle to get my head around the religious lore of Fantasy High, sometimes - I suspect I haven't studied the correct subjects at school, but I do my best! But I will put some of my thoughts here, to see if pinning them to the conspiracy board helps me connect the dots.
So, I had this thought during the last episode, and I've seen it mentioned in other people's posts, but it was a bit strange that the dead rage god could be named in the circle, but Cassandra's name had been updated to be Cassandra, even though that definitely was not her name at the time. And there's a couple of explanations, that might be at play here, or a combination of the two.
The first is that Adaine was translating from a Proto-Sylvan language, so it wasn't like she was reading the English/Common words where it said "Susan/Cassandra". My thought it was more like she saw the rune meaning the combined concept of Mystery/Night and understood that to mean the god she knows as Cassandra.
The other explanation that came to me is that although the end result was the same, and possibly the cause leading up to it, what actually happened to the two of them is not the same, or at least I don't think so.
As I understand it, Ankarna died due to a lack of worshippers. That doesn't necessarily mean that it was done maliciously, although the fact that this appears to be the only written record of the name, especially since they are part of a pantheon of gods that are still worshipped, certainly points to someone going through after the fact and removing the name from history books and religious texts does point to that. There is a difference between knowing the god exists and believing in that god, but if no-one cared, the name would have been left in documents as part of the Giant pantheon, and there would be a possibility of worship if someone (like Fig) felt that actually, a god of summer and rage did fit their personal beliefs. But that was removed as a possibility, by parties unknown, so that they would be completely forgotten.
What happened to Cassandra was different, in that immediately prior to the Nightmare King incident she did have worshippers. They had been swayed by the church of Gallicaea into believing they needed to ritually destroy her previous name, but they did exist, so she didn't just fade out of existence like Ankarna. And it was the ritual that makes the difference here; before her followers could ritually destroy the name, she ritually changed it to the Nightmare Kings crown to save herself. Since big ritual magic was involved, and again when she came back to being Cassandra, I don't think it would be out of the question that reality could just be remade to reflect the new names.
TL:DR - I think too much about this.
I had one last thought, only tangentially related. I've seen people saying they feel like Porter is urging Fig to worship Ankarna specifically; because he is Genasi, and because he has some religious backing as a paladin, and with his feelings about rage, it makes sense that he is a follower of this god. But - perhaps I have read Small Gods too many times - that just doesn't make sense to me. If Ankarna had even one believer, let alone if he worships because his ancestors did, Ankarna would not be dead.
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yggdraseed · 6 months
Unassorted Toga Thoughts
Because God knows I haven't emitted enough of those on Tumblr or at people in my social circle over the past few months.
I really like how Toga fills the role of a femme fatale character like you see in a ton of comic books and manga, but only the broad strokes. The female villain who's got sexual overtones, like with Toga needing to strip to use her Quirk.
But in Toga's case, Horikoshi really went out of his way to avoid making her the typical sex bomb, supermodal villainess. She's got a very average body, usually covers herself up quite a bit when she isn't using Transform, and her appearance can be legitimately unsettling.
Like when you go for the "misunderstood monster" archetype in a female character, it's easy to write other characters demonizing them right down to their appearance, but then make them conventionally attractive. I like how Toga is only going to be charming to some people. For others, her big, tooth grins and the shadows under and around her eyes will make it harder to see her that way.
Because the whole point is that a person's worth isn't in their appearance or how neatly they conform. Having aspects to her appearance that are unsettling doesn't justify how Toga was treated by her parents, just like the blood fixation that came with her Quirk did not, on its own, make her a bad person - and certainly not deserving of abuse. I think that to have made Toga too easy on the eyes would have damaged the message, that things she was born with and can't control are not her fault. Some of her actions are, but those actions were informed by people mistreating her and distancing themselves from her over things she couldn't control before she ever started to act out in any way.
I also feel like the exhibitionist aspect is an expression of how Toga wants to be seen, wants to be understood in her entirety, and wants to be wanted just for what she is. No masks, no disguises.
I know it's easy to see it as justification for a horny writing decision, and on one level it is just Horikoshi's horny side bleeding through the page, but I think there is still a creative thought process behind it. That being a sort of psychological outlet for how badly Toga wants people to see the genuine her, wants to form an intimate connection, and I think baring herself like that specifically and her overbearing, inappropriate shows of affection in general are the result of her needs for a deeper connection and to be desired not being met until she can't moderate them in a healthy way anymore.
I also just like the way Toga can be an allegory for so many different things without being locked into any one thing. The way her Quirk and the way it influences how she perceives and interacts with other people and the world in general can really resonate for a neurodivergent reader just as much as it can for a lesbian or bi reader.
Even though I don't think this is the strongest connection, I'm trans and felt a little of my own experiences reflected back at me through how Toga feels so unwanted and wants so much for someone to love her. Plus, you know... the transformation thing.
I've also got a much more organized little essay in mind for how Toga's parents and society in general have gaslit her into believing she's something she's not - i.e., a bad person. I'll get around to that one sometime soon.
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valhallakonbi · 7 months
Have you read Off Season, Monster Season, and Family Season? If so, how do you feel about them? Any expectations about the anime adaptations?
i read all of those! sodachi fiasco stood out the most to me in orokamono, i cannot wait for it to get animated. i'm so excited that it's going to be the first arc to get adapted. it's gonna be so different from what we're used to, it doesn't even take place at naoetsu, there's so many new characters SHAFT are going to have to actually design and animate. there's no going around it. and sodachi is just superb. i love her.
more thoughts under the cut for every book
the first arc i had read after the anime was suruga bonehead because i love ougi and kanbaru. i remember thinking it was too bad i was reading a translation. i'm sure it held up a lot better in japanese, i haven't read all of the novels that were already adapted into the anime but i can tell it's kind of ougi's gimmick that you have to solve it before they give the answer, the way you would with a detective novel. likewise i can't wait for that one to get animated, the wordplay eluded me (i think i understood at the time because it was translated well) but i think the anime will do a great job at conveying the creepiness of the arc. it felt more like a comedy centered around a morbid puzzle in the middle when i read it. also OUGI IN CASUAL CLOTHES and tooe full design reveal?!?!?
tsubasa sleeping was fun now that i think back on it. i loved that we got to see dramaturgy again. i had also been waiting for someone aside from koyomi to become a vampire so it was exciting when it happened, even if it was temporary.
i absolutely adore the princess beauty arc but i don't think that's a secret.
i don't particularily care for either karen ogre or tsukihi undo. tsukihi undo was pretty funny but i don't think it was very memorable aside from that.
nademonogatari was awesome. i was still at a point after watching the anime where i actually mildly disliked nadeko. from watching the anime adaptation i had thought she was not such a good character compared to the other heroines ; i liked when she snapped in otorimonogatari, but i'm especially averse to yandere stuff that happens right after, and i thought the twist about her being delusional and breaking into koyomi's house was not well-foreshadowed in the anime at all. no clue about the novel though. but well. it turns out that not only is nadeko fantastic as a narrator (she's my favorite narrator), but she also becomes a specialist. this was another one of those things i felt might happen to at least one of the kids and i was so excited about it, especially since i did not expect it to happen to nadeko of all people. this novel marked the biggest shift in her character so far and god knows she's already had a LOT of twists and turns. also, this book features many character interactions that we'd barely seen or even not seen at all before, and nadeko's relationships are always interesting (when they don't involve koyomi). as usual the core message was very uplifting, and this one felt very on the mark.
now onto musubimonogatari. this one was a bit odd. i thought the monster of the week gimmick was pretty fun, koyomi ending up as a cop was hilarious. unfortunately i did not find the characters he helps and investigates very interesting. but i really i enjoyed seeing what everyone grew up to be. so, a bit of a mixed bag, but i would say i rather liked it overall.
i really liked yoimonogatari. it started off super gruesome until you thought about it some more. the twist was predictable but even so i had fun looking forward to it. it was also very touching, i was moved by the little girl's monologue and description of her home life. as opposed to musubimonogatari, this novel got me to care about a character we won't see again. this one also has information about the specialists' curses, and more nadeko, which was exciting.
shinobumonogatari was whatever. it felt like a cheap rehashing of yoimonogatari (edit: i probably meant another one, since yoimonogatari came after). the puzzle-solving in this one felt off. there was no way a reader could've possibly reasoned that one out. even without the answer to the cryptogram it was still fairly obvious that the culprit was not DVS, it felt like the difficulty of the riddle completely mismatched the end result. i was glad we saw her again but i didn't like this one.
i enjoyed amarimonogatari. that shit was crazy. it took a different direction from what i thought it was gonna be about but i was still hooked by how insane that development was lol. also loved yotsugi in this.
i did not read shinomonogatari as there is currently no full translation since nobody likes it enough to pick it up lmao?? i screamed when i read that covid is canon though
did not enjoy ougimonogatari either but part of that i think is that the translation was to blame. polaris has released a translation of their own since then. i was not very interested in the subject matter/overall theme. it felt weird to be "hooked" by the mention of sexual violence (something that was already explored as early as in hitagi crab) only for it to turn out to be something along the lines of "oh no i didn't mind so i wasn't getting raped but the perpetrator keeps apologizing and saying he raped me". the entity itself was whatever. whatever!!! bonus points for ougi though, always a delight, but still not enough to make up for the overall score. i loved the second half about nadeko's new mission though but was left hanging (ok i was reading a digital version so maybe that's why i didn't see it coming).
ikusamonogatari was pretty boring in the first half. it picked up a little late for my taste. i still enjoyed reading it but most of it felt like fanservice fluff, this was intentional since this was the first release in a while by nisioisin standards. still, the ending was cute!
ok that's it for my detailed review of every novel lmao
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madarasgirl · 3 months
Yes, I read that comment asking if Millennium was going to be in the work, thank God they thought to ask because it turned out to be a very good fanfic.
and well it is understandable since as you said they are Nazis. Honestly, your way of writing the text makes it more interesting to read, I don't know how to explain it but it has a lot of detail and a wide vocabulary, so even though you describe grotesque scenarios it doesn't become boring or cringe... uhh... I don't know what I'm saying is difficult to explain, just your way of writing is very good and despite the scenario it makes me want to read it even more.
haha that "ignorance is bliss" very right... and also because I have read about Dracula, I mean, the comments that fans make about the book say that Dracula is very evil, well it's not that much of a surprise since It's supposed to be Vlad Tepes Haha but they say he did very horrible things
and that Mina issue, uh, I'm curious now, I'm not sure what happened to her but I do have a general idea, as I said I haven't read the novel yet, I feel like I have very idealized Dracula haha, like the evil vampire that in the truth is that he is not evil, he just lacks love, yes that type of idealization, so when I read the novel it may break my heart to know what he really is 😩, well it wouldn't surprise me that much, just study Vlad Tepes a little, Yes, that's enough to be afraid of...? or disgust, but even though he was an evil psychopath, he was also a victim and a "good ruler" during his reign there was no crime, I think that is worthy of admiration? I don't know, he also did very horrible things (the impaled forest😰) oh, I got off topic a lot, haha, but this man is scary!
wow really? I haven't seen Hellsing 2001 so I didn't know that, and you're right about that, I also felt that the entire army was only useful for dying, I felt that they could have gotten more out of it, in fact they can still get more out of Hellsing! It has so many interesting things and so many things that are mentioned but they only narrate and do not give us another season (hellsing the dawn ahem ahem) I would like to see another season but with van Hellsing or in 1939
and thank you for your words, I'm still not very good with English so I'm still studying it, I'm glad it's understood and I also live for these types of comments! It's fun, especially when you're sharing opinions with someone who is interested in the topic. I honestly don't know many people who know these things, so I'm happy that we can start a conversation.🥰
I also hope I have put the information correctly, sometimes I get confused or sometimes there are some names that are written differently in English😰
Haha and the story is getting that much longer because of Millennium's presence! This fic was supposed to end at Ch. 15 🤣.
I'm glad you enjoy my writing style! I know it isn't for everyone, especially with the detail in the latest chapter, but it is heartwarming to me that the reception continues to be overwhelmingly supportive. I'm constantly trying to improve, whether that is in vocabulary, metaphors, or just technique in conveying a feeling or describing a sequence in way that is more than simply stating it. Thank you for such kind words!
I haven't read "Dracula," so I'm no authority on the topic, but I think he's supposed to be a grey character -neither completely good nor evil. This is much like Alucard, who is based on Dracula, who was also supposed to be based on Vlad III Dracula. I think while he was certainly no saint, he was probably not quite as 'evil' as historical accounts make him out to be, since history is often written by the victors, and Vlad's enemies had reason to make him seem a monstrous tyrant. In my humble opinion, Vlad III was product of his vicious times. I love a compelling, grey character although I too romanticize Alucard and Dracula 😍.
Me too. I wish "Hellsing: The Dawn" was complete. It was so good! Except I'm reasonably confident that it never will be, since Hirano is infamously lazy with his works. I'm glad you bring up "The Dawn," since that prequel was not finished, my fic ANfH is actually my take on why the Major/Millennium knew of the tactic to empty Alucard of souls to lure him out. I don't want to spoil more than this little twist. This is why the fic is tagged as "canon-related" and not "canon-compliant." Sigh, there's so much more to explore in the world of Hellsing and I wish we got more material.
Thank you so much for chatting with me 🥰
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Ngl I was kinda asking what your thoughts were on the au in a sleep deprived frenzy but I do have my own thoughts so here they are. sorry for confusion lol
I like the idea I wrote into the fic that Mabel knit a sweater with a design that can be felt for Ford. like knitting buttons into it and using raised stitches, stuff like that. I haven't yet had him wear it but I swear I'll figure out when to make him put it on.
Just... I was thinking of adding a scene in the near future where Dipper or Mabel or even both maybe begin to feel sad that Ford can't see them and doesn't know what they look like, but Ford hugging them and letting them know that he loves them regardless of his blindness, that he cares about them as who they are and not what they look like. potentially maybe just playfully describing them by what he can feel, like Mabel's sweater or Dipper's hat. just... bonding stuff.
And then... angsty stuff like Ford being taunted by Bill with the triangle using his blindness against him in cruel ways. once Weirdmageddon happens, I keep thinking about Bill torturing him by making his attacks complete surprises and leaving Ford without his assistive devices in the fearmid so he's scared and lost. just aaaaaaarggghh....
but anyway, three thoughts for you I guess lol. hope you like and I'm still wondering about what you think about the au haha.
oh my god I misunderstood you I misunderstood you I missed understood you I am going to exil tumblr and never return I’m so ashamed if someone did that to me I won’t be able to live this down there are so many things I won’t be able to live down ohhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyggggooooooooOODDDDDD—
THOUGHTS?!?!? ourgh ourgh orugh I love reading bullet points….hmmmmmmm here’s a few of mine, I think.
- ford’s relationship with braille. he must know it, right? unless you came up with another way to do that but I think he’d like to read in braille regardless. I imagine that he’d hoard books like that because he came across it so little in the multiverse that when he’d find it it was a treasure to behold. bro hoards knowledge
- the photooooo ik you’ve definitely talked about this but he’d keep it. despite how long it’s been he can still remember what it looks like. can feel the rough edges. the thing that’s bad about it is that he doesn’t know if the image is still there or fucked up or faded or Whatever, because of course he wouldn’t be able to tell. he keeps faith that it is clear, though, and when stan or someone else tells him that the photo is indeed in its pristine condition, he really appreciates it. like a lot. gives him stability to the fact that at least Something didn’t change.
- his clothes. it doesn’t matter what colors someone gives him as long as they feel the same, but yes he’d definitely appreciate a sweater he could feel. before that option was offered up to him, tho, he was chill without knowing. mabel could knit any color or pattern sweater and he wouldn’t give a shit because at least it’s a sweater. like she could put ‘world’s worst uncle’ and HE’D STILL WEAR IT PROUDLY. no shits given he actually doesn’t want anyone telling him what they look like he’d rather live in bliss thanks <3
- ford identifying people by things he’s felt….oh that. that. can’t even say anything
- ford wouldn’t have ever seen what old stan looks like. he has a deathly similar voice tho, so he can’t help but imagine stan as a younger version of himself. this helps to both assist and worsen certain situations.
- ik atla wasn’t around during his time but I’d think he’d try and learn to see Toph-Style, keyword being TRY. he of course isn’t successful, but does learn the valuable lesson of touching things to find their shapes, like rocks. he’s gotta learn how to just brave it and Touch
- and during weirdmageddon, one thing I could see bill doing is sort of returning ford’s sight sometimes? just like, little frames here or there? taunting him? making him see terrible things, what bill is doing to him and the town, and Other Things? just. returning the ability only to use it in the worst fucking possible. how the last thing ford will technically see in his life is bill, in the physical plane, hurting his family. just taking away precious things you didn’t even know you ahem y’know?
so. There’s that! not much. idk if this conflicts with any canon u got or smth of it’s what off the top of my head :) Ty for the rambling!!!!
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macaroni-rascal · 10 months
Hey it is I, your fashionista nonny of yore, I'm still around and kicking, I just had some life stuff happen (my dad somehow fell down at the cottage, broke his hip and needed surgery, and he's not even an elegant pair girl with full turnout, so, like... the audacity!? Anyway, he's on the mend). It was probably for the best that I couldn't be on here after NHK because I swear to fucking god... I literally couldn't watch the other disciplines until quite a bit later, I was so angry. It was basically confirmation for me that P/C are coming back, because why else would MF be hustling so hard to get this team medals now? Because she knows it'll be impossible later, and P/C is literally the team that made her the political force she is today, so... My condolences to the Italians and whichever hapless Montreal teams suffer the wrath of vindictive panels at upcoming events. I can already tell the GPF placements are gonna be a shitshow.
I've been watching shit here and there, including this Bosphorus Cup aka the longest event of my life but hey - at least we got a free stream, and I felt the need to shout out that one team with the full frizzy hair and the jean jacket over the sparkly red dress on the girl for a Tina program and the guy in a Canadian tuxedo, A+ packaging while still presumably on a budget, I wish other teams would take a page out of their book, these kids understood the assignment! On the flip side, as much as I feel for them, I wish S/F would see the writing on the wall and spare themselves the heartache, they came all the way out here just to not get minimums and their new fed apparently doesn't even have the budget to send a coach out with them, so what's the point? Both Firus brothers married up, isn't that enough? So what if one of them doesn't make it to the Olympics? Judges from other small feds will kill them to prop up their own teams just because there are limited spots for Milan, this switch isn't the magic bullet they've been hoping for. (Also word on the street is Ted and Mama Firus can't stand each other, so that may have influenced their decision as well).
Also at the NRW Trophy there was a Hungarian team with a Depeche Mode FD that was an absolute mood and while the concept perhaps was not executed to its utmost potential, it had this cape-y dress that gave off such witchy vibes and the girl had a Glenn Close-ness about her that was just fabulous, highly recommend. I haven't watched the Challenge FDs yet but the persistent underscoring of Paul Mac's technically superior teams is infuriating. If Skate Canada knew what's good for them, they'd be pushing Korneva/MacDonald for the junior title now with Lewis/McMillan out, not Random Burnaby Team #154 that won't go anywhere, but they've been making some truly boneheaded decisions or none at all lately, so I've abandoned all hope. They're sleepwalking into an ice dance drought post-2030 and they'll depend on importing teams, it feels like, and it won't be just because of kids quitting because of the economy. Kieran has some of the crispest, most textbook turns out there, and it's so cute that he's being coached by his sister, she's done a phenomenal job. The best moment was when Ted and B/B realized the mics weren't on and then afterwards the auto-subs transcribed Nadiia as Daddy, 11/10 Skate Canada stream fail moment, no notes. Anyway, rant over, hope you're doing well and I'm glad you're being wooed by your boo so delightfully, they seem to be a gem! 💗
FASIONISTA NONNY! So good to hear from you!
I'm sorry to hear about your dad. (Wild he chose not to at least try for a triple throw...) I hope he's doing well. I'm sending you and your dad some warm fuzzies!
NHK was a time and a half, that's for sure. I've repressed some of it, so who really even knows what happened? P/C were also seen in a video training with the French ballet, so that's another good?bad? sign that they will be returning. Le sigh. I'm gonna repress this too. What were we talking about?
As for the Bosphorous Cup, love a commitment to a theme, and I'm biased, but also love a Canadian tuxedo. S/F is just...so....I actually just sat here with my hand over my face shaking my head for about 20 seconds. That's what they are. If they can make it to the Olympics and live their dream, all the power to them, and if they don't...woof.
I didn't even know there was another competition happening, Fashionista Nonny, you give me all the good deets! Glenn Close-skater girl sounds very iconic, love her already. I have no confidence in Skate Canada, and I never did. If I ever see Mike Slipchuck in a dark alley, he better run.
Also, thank you! My partner is a freaking sweetheart and I adore them a lot.
All the best to you and yours, Fashionista Nonny! Your message was a wonderful treat, as always.
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katierosefun · 2 years
do you just ever read a book and you realize that you want to write something like that. like, not necessarily that you want to write something with that kind of plot or those kinds of characters, but you want to write something like that, which is to say, something that moves a person so deeply that they burst into tears
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harlowhockeystick · 3 years
Hey! For the valentines prompts, maybe 11 with Freddie Andersen please? 😊
valentines blurb event
"it really sucks, being stood up on valentines day"
contains: angst, gn!reader, cuss words
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another long night in raleigh, north carolina for you and your employees. you either got lovesick couples, feeding each other spaghetti and breadsticks while getting tipsy on the most expensive wine you have, or you have the lonely people sitting at the bar, also eating breadsticks but getting tipsy on scotch and whiskey instead.
your upscale restaurant kept quiet while reservations went in and out since opening. while you usually manned the bar area along with one of your managers, ben, tonight you helped wait tables and take food where it needed to go. it was true, what they say about the restaurant business on valentines day. it's never empty, and it's quite sad. you could always count on every table being occupied at some point during the night, but you could also count on there being a sad, somber tone over the room.
"alright sir, what can i get started for you?" you asked, walking up to a table in the corner where there sat a man dressed in a dark colored suit, an expensive looking watch on his wrist, and his bright red hair combed neatly.
"i'll just start off with water, i'll wait until the other party arrives to order." he responded. shortly you came back with the water, noticing that his date had still yet to arrive. you could see where this was going.
they always say i'll wait til they arrive but they usually, nine times out of ten, never come. it's sad, honestly. you never understood why people stood their dates up. you made sure to keep an eye on him, as you went about, taking other people's orders and cleaning up tables, getting it ready for the next couple.
ten minutes went by, and he was still alone. he was playing on his phone, probably checking to see if his date had texted him. he set his phone down and you saw the somber look on his face, and you knew you had to do the right thing.
walking over to his table he looked up at you and gave you a thin lipped grin, one that you've seen too many times tonight. "is your other party arriving soon?" you asked, holding your ticket book in your hand. he shook his head and dipped his head, taking another sip of water before looking back up. you felt bad for him.
"no, probably not. i mean i haven't gotten a text or anything but, i'll bet on her not showing." he replied. his voice was low and grumbly, nearly sounding like he was sick to the stomach.
"i'll tell you what," you started, picking up the coasters and setting them in your back pocket, taking his glass of water in your hand. "whatever you want is on the house, you can have a seat at the bar."
he got up reluctantly, following you to have a seat at the bar. he sat at the very end, close to where the exit was. he prayed to God that nobody saw his pitiful spot over on the other side of the building and snapped a picture, putting it on social media for everyone to see and make fun of. that would be his luck.
"are you sure your manager, or owner wouldn't mind?" he asked you as you poured him another glass over water and handed him a menu. you smiled, standing in front of him from across the bar.
"i am the owner, and i don't mind at all. it sucks, being stood up on valentines day. it's the least i could do." both of you chuckled as he opened the menu, scanning over all of his options. "have you ever been here before...?" you asked, insuiting for him to give you his name.
"freddie, and i actually haven't. i'm kinda, new in town." he answered.
"well i am glad you're here. and i would recommend the sirloin steak, if you're a steak person. glen back there can grill a steak like nobody's business. do you want something besides water to drink?"
he grinned, handing you the menu and shaking his head. "no, i'll take the steak to-go. i actually have a long day ahead of me tomorrow, so i probably need to get home at a decent hour. as much as i'd love to continue to talk with you, though."
his words made your cheeks heat up and a light smile come to your lips. you turn around and show him your smile, "i'll go put your order in. what sides would you like, freddie?"
"surprise me."
you leave freddie at the bar for a while, as you go and tend to some other tables that need it. taking orders to where they need to go, giving tips to the employees who you think deserve them, and ushering people to where they need to go.
by the time his order is ready you pause before taking it to him. you tear out a piece of paper from your book and write down your name and number with a heart. a deep breath, you take the bag of food with some extra breadsticks to where he is sitting. "here you go, freddie. all for you, on the house."
he smiles, standing up and taking the sack of food from your hands. though he is nearly towering over you, he doesn't make you feel small or nervous. he actually calms you, strange.
"thank you, it means a lot." right before he walks out he turns back, "i didn't catch your name," you giggle- you feel like you're in a movie. and maybe you are, maybe somewhere someone has a hidden camera filming it all.
"it's in the bag, with my number." he chuckles, giving you a head nod before walking out the door.
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itsmadamehydra · 4 years
My Savior || Wayne McCullough
A/N: Just some teenage girl trying to write the story inside her head, hope u like it.
Pairing: Wayne McCullough x oc
Warnings: rape, intention of rape, harassment, blood mention, bullying, language (a little strong)
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I've always like to watch him by far, he just seems different from the rest (and oh boy, he is).
The first time I saw him I was in 7th grade. I was just one more girl of the many others that her tities just had started to show and my period started to visit me. I remember that day clearly, I was sitting at the hallway with my bestfriend at the time, eating infront of our lockers when I saw him.
"Am telling ya girl, the answer of number 5 was c." I said trying to reason with her about the science test answers "I told you that if u needed help to study, I could help ya." I smile at her and move my arm upward to touch her shoulder
"Yeah, yeah, I know...are you sure it was not D?" she said frowning her eyebrows once more. We stayed in silence for a sec before bursting into laughter and tears
Little by little our laughs started to fade, allowing ears to hear the background and aswell some loud voices, it sounded like an argument but by the hears of it a fight was going to start soon. "What you think is happening over there?" Cassie murmured, I stared at the end of the hallway where apparently was were the voices were coming from.
"I don't know..." my lips formed a thin line while I was thinking about what could have been happening in there, "You wanna, you know, go and see?" I looked back at my friend
"Freak yeah" she laughed grabbing my hand and running down the hallway to see the soon to be fight.
Once we got there, there was a mass of students surrounding what appeared to be the ones who where arguing. "Ugh, I can't see, I hate been so small." I said, "Hey, that smallness is beautiful and you know you can use that in your own benefit" Cassia said and winked at me.
"I mean, yeah but I can't-" my word stopped at the moment I heard a want sounded and I believe to be a punch in the face. "You saw that!?" Cassie said, "That was freaking awesome, please tell me you saw it!" "Um, nah Cassie, I cant see a crap" i said while trying to find a whole where to see through.
It was only a matter of seconds until more punches were heard. I started pushing people more frantically, I wanted to see what was happening. When I get pass a few amount of studens I almost slipped, looked sown to see what was it and it was stains of blood, only a few but still.
"Oh gosh, disgusting." When I look up only a few students are still in the cafeteria and a guy wearing a grey hoddie was just there, staring at the bloodie face of another guy. I stared back at the hoddie guy and noticed a little hammer in his hand, and the words just came out of my mouth without even noticing, "Why the hammer? Want to be a constructed or something?" He just stared at me and pass by me without saying a word and keeping a neutral face.
"Who the hell was that crazy ass weirdo?" I hear Cassie's voice behind me. "I don't know" I responded, "But I will know...one day."
"Ok,ok, am not going to get in between your little search thingi but am sure he is not good news." Cassie said, "You saw what he did, and he has a FREAKING hammer, y/n! Covered in blood y/n!" She grabbed my shoulders from behind, "I think we all understood the message, stay the fuck away from him, honey."
And I just smiled.
Months later I learned his name. Wayne, Wayne McCullough. Fits the ring if you ask me. Everyone was speaking about how violent, crazy and wierdo he was, about how he was going to show up at your house to beat the hell put of you.
I just observed him by far, well, I like to think that I noticed him. I noticed how he usually beats up those who are some assholes jerks that have only one brain cell as much. Noticed that he is not much of a talker and a shy boy. Noticed how he makes his lips thin when he gets lost in thoughts. How he closes his fist when he is about to do something. His strangely high pain tolerance. His pale skin and dark hair appeared to me to be very llamative and aswell his strength. He was and is skinny but somehow has a great strength, maybe do to the unincredible amounts of fights he gets in. Experience makes the master is what the say...right?
Years went by, we entered to highschool and the nervousness along with the fast beating, sweating and butterflies were still there every time i either tought about him or saw him walking around.
Cassie stayed with me for a while until she decided to join the group of nasty ass bitches with no brain cells who believed no one was better than them. While I...well, I stayed small for a big part I guess, always with good grades, teachers love me and try to be nice with every one I guess.
Everything was going great until Cassie along with some guys recorded me somehow while being drunk and them trying to overpass the boundaries, and let me tell ya.. that was just the start.
The had videos of me at the school bathroom, pictures of my underwear under my skirts and dresses, them trying to touch me. I had to learn to defend myself, stopped using skirts, dresses, shorts even do I loved wearing the. Replace my shoes with tennis and always had hair ties.
"Y/n, wake up! You're going to be late for school, don't think ama wait for you!" I mom yelled.
"Yes, mom! Dont worry, am up!" I run down the stairs with my backpack, went to the kitchen, grabbed an apple and went straight to the car.
"Oh for God sake, y/n" she said went she looked at me and noticed my new hair style.
"What? You don't like it? I just cut it a little." I satered at her innocently
"Your father is not gonna like it and you know it." She said and the stress lines appeared in her forehead, "You know this is his weekend and-"
She couldn't finish her sentence because I started taking, "Am not going to that dickheads house, mother." I said strainly, "Don't want to see his and face of that bitch he cheated you with..." i lowly said but loud enough to hear.
"I know, honey but you have to and besides you get to see your brother!" She patted my thigh, "Haven't seen him in a while right?" She said with a sad tone
"You should be the one seeing him...not me." I stared outside the window, there were just some trees and houses and garbage.
Mom and dad divorced a while back, he cheated on her. The house was a mess that day, screams and broken glass everywhere. Sammy was lucky, he was at grandma's but I was home...listening to every single word. That was also the first time a sneaked out and the first time I sort-of spoke to Wayne.
"What are you doing here?" I heard someone said behind me, I looked and it was fucking Wayne
"Just trying to have some quietness i guess..." I stared at my fingers and started playing with them because of my nervousness, "...What are you doing here?" I asked softly
And he stayed silent...the whole time after that. Either way, his company was nice and the side profile, ufff, amazing.
"Ok, we are here." I stared at the building for a sec before giving my mother a kiss in her cheek and entered to the building.
"Hey y/n! Nice ass!" That was the jerk of all jerks, Jonathan.
I turned around and stared at him, "Oh yeah?" He nodded, "Want to see me shop of your dick?" Changed my tone while saying that into a lower and more serious tone. He just stared at me with sealed lips and left.
I continued walking to my locker and I come to see tgat my freaking lock is broken, I search in all the spaces but nothing is missing.
"Come on! They had just changed me of locker!" I silently yelled. Started grabbing my books for the next few classes when I felt a hand in my shoulder, by instinct I grabbed the wrist, pushed the person against the locker and added pressure in the throat with my other arm.
"Hey y/n" Orlando smiled, "New move?" I chuckled and removed my arm, now, standing face to face I respond
"You know you shouldn't do that Orlando bunny." I laugh st the nickname I gave him a few time ago. Orlando was one of the few FEW people who talked to me, well, he talked to everyone but still.
"I know... I just forgot I guess man." He looked down, "Y/n...have your tities grown bigger?" His face looked confused.
I slapped his head and punched his shoulder, "Could you please stop looking and thinking 'bout tities when am around you?"
"I mean, yeah sure...and sorry about your lock." He points the locker, "Wayne thought it was still his but since-" I cut him off before he could continue
"Wayne?" I asked confused
"Yeah, Is tha-" i cut him off again
"Why did he tho?" I murmured staring at my lock in hand.
"It used to be his locker but oh well...he missed school for 3 weeks and yeah." He grabs his backpacks laces after explaining.
"Oh...ok, is he still here tho?" I looked at Orlando
"I guess..." he was about to say pther thing when the bell ring and we started to go toour classes, "See you later gorgeous!" He yells from the corner of the hallway.
I stayed there...just staring at my lock for a while, then order my things fast and left to class. What I didn't know was that someone was watching at me.
Three days later, i was walking back home and i heard s car going at full speed and nasty comments were started to be listend. I kept walking trying tk pretend they didn't exist when the car is suddenly over the sideway and infront of me.
"But...you are bot dead right, bitch?" Jonathan said getting out of the car. There were five, 2 guys and 3 girls. "Don't prefer to suck my dick and be my slut, promise I'll pay a good amount." He said infront of me,
"She is already a slut baby." Veronica said
"I bet she has sleeped with half school, wouldn't surprise me if you haven been org*e or something." You know, comments are comments, you are the one who decide what hurt you and whats does not, but being Cassie the one who said that...broke my freaking heart.
I couldn't stand it anymore, wanted to leave the place so i came up with a plan very fast. I walked closer to Jonathan trying to be the most seductive I could, touched his chest, abs and got closer to his ear and said, "You are going to regret everything" Punched him with all my strenght in this genitiles, stomp on his feet, punched his nose and ran the faster I could out of there.
"You bitch!" I heard from far but i continued running, I couldn't stop, i was scared, didn't know what could happen if the get me. I could hear the car engines behind me, but i didn't stop.
I was close a bridge, ran underneath it, passed some houses but i could still hear the voices and car. My legs hurt, i needed to catch my breath, i could hear my heart beat, my body felt on fire. When I less expected am suddenly trapped, there were some abandoned buildings and warehouses but no way to get put of there. This was it, my end.
"Couldn't escape from me you nasty little bitch!?" I heard his voice, i was never one to pray but believe when i say i begged to God to save me. "You ain't going anywhere...bitch" he was behind me, I could sense it.
My hair was pulled, he pulls me by my hair to his car and i notice that it's just him and another guy. Am not getting out of here.
"We are going to have so much fun!" He licks my cheek and i try to kick him wherever.
"HELP!" I yelled, "SOMEBODY PLEASE, HELP!" my voice sounded horrific, like if i hadn't drank a single drop of water in ages, "please" y murmure my last pledge before he finally puts me over the capo of his car.
"No one's gonna help you, you slut." He says, the other guy was just watching and standing still, doing nothing.
I gave up, didn't even notice I was crying until I tasted the salt in my lips. I felt him over me, unbucking my pants and then...i didnt felt his weight anymore, instead, i heard a cry of pain, and then another cry, and another and another.
I lifted my head and there he was, grey hoddie and little hammer in hand...my savior. I smiled.
My smile just grew bigger and bigger every second I saw that boy swing that motherfucker hammer, every second that Jonathan's blood was spilled. I lool around in search pf the pther guy scared that he might try to grab but I get calm when i see him unconscious on the floor.
A few minuts later th cries stop and i look up, Jonathan was missing 3 teeths and face covered with blood, i think he could even have a brocken rib or something.
Am sitting on top of the car's capo when a feel a slight, fragile touch.
"You ok?" Wayne askes pulling a string of my hair behind my ear.
"...now I am." I smile to him and he returns a little small tiny one with a grin. I was about to say something else when he suddenly speaks
"Want to be my girlfriend or whatever?" He says looking exhausted, I chuckle
"Try a little harder and I might be." I say soflty with a small thin smile and he avoids my eyes but I still get to notice a small blush.
Hey! So, yeah. This is my first ever published thing. Hope you enjoyed it and if you want a part two or to keep writing, am open to any suggestion! Am not very good with the warnings section so if you could help me with it, i would totally apreciate that!
Thank you for reading,
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goofyhoffy · 3 years
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Fanfiction : My First Kiss 'just a kiss'
Genre : best friend to enemies to lovers! Roommates au! Classmates au! Romcom.
Pairings : Taehyung × reader
Word limit : 2.06k
Warnings : fuckboi, bestie bad words, private talks, best friend sharing sex life, abusing, angst, misunderstanding, bullying, kissing, smut, fluff, explicit, student life, dirty talks, wet dreams, hitting on, making out, Dom,sub, yandere.
Summary : you shifted to a new city for your best friend Taehyung. He's your bestie since birth. You admitted to his school where you find life difficult. Taehyung being a fuckboi and you being is bestie he shares everything with you even his sex life and moves. But your character is far more different from him. You always looked for your comfort person. You dreamt of spending time with your future partners. Even you're in high school you haven't kissed anyone as you want to secure your first kiss for your special one. What happened when Taehyung seized the chance from you of your first romantic kiss!
Series: a drabble fanfiction of 3 sets.
Author note : this one is so emotional and romantic , so look forward to read it. I hope you'll love it. Finally, after reading give me your help full opinions. Love ya.
Chapter 1 ∆ CHAPTER 3
You walks up to him and straight up slap him in his golden cheeks.
Slapping your bestie feels so bad, you felt the worst person in this planet. Your anger and frustration towards him still didn't left from your heart.
Taehyung getting slapped with your bare soft hands. He got thrilled. You slapped and left the venue. But eventually you feel someone grabbed your hand so hard. As you expected it's Tae. He was standing with his hand grabbing yours and the other hand holding his delicate cheeks you just slapped. You frowned.
"What was that?" Tae arrogantly asked.
"A slap to remember you that you're nothing but a stranger to me from now." You screamed.
"How dare you?" Tae squeezed your hands.
"How dare you to kiss me?" You eyed.
"Seriously, for a kiss you would slap your bestie" Tae sighed.
"It's My First Kiss" you emotionally acknowledged.
"It's just a kiss". Tae sighed.
"You were my best friend." Your voice broke.
"I still am. Still your best friend." Tae said.
"No, Tae. That's not how things happen. I told you hundreds of time that, I'm not like you. I can't makeout with anyone like you do. I have higher expectations and hope for my First Kiss. But you ruined it." You screamed.
"But you kissed me back." He too screamed.
"I don't, I don't know. It's just happened."
"See, you kissed me back but still reacting like a fucking slut. Don't be emotional virgin,____"
"Shut up, you fuckboy. See yourself. A fucking boy who can sleep with any and every girl across the door. I'm not like you, Taehyung. Maybe your dick fits for everyone but not for me. I never thought that you'll do something like this to me. I was your bestie." You bashed for him.
"What? Think before you speak,____" Tae sighed.
"Why will I? When you never even think about smashing your worst lips on mine? Huh." You said.
"I can't. You're the meanest. Actually your lips taste the worst. You don't even now how to kiss. Huh, how would you even know. You're a emotional Virgin. If I didn't kissed you, nobody in your entire life will do. You should thank me. Poor Virgin." Tae chuckled devilishly.
Hearing those cruel words from Tae. You just broken up. Those tears can't resist to drop themselves from your small pearl eyes. You never thought that your best friend can think that about you. Each and every word he speaks you remember word by word. The known loved face of Tae looked devilish to you now. He was not the same anymore. People change so do he. He turn to devil, who even can hurt their own people. You remember why you even here. It was all because of Tae who needed you. You were always there for your best friend. But he was never there. And he was the one who hurt you the most.
You can't let a word fall out of your mouth. Your neck was feeling pain out of caught your tears back. You don't want to face him anymore. Just want to go away from his gaze. His presence even stinks. He feels like a complete stranger to you. Out of anything you want was someone to tell you what is wrong and right. But your own friend was a traitor.
You still can't processed how things got runied between you. It was only second day of your staying with Tae, and you both already at the verge to broke up. The fight turns into a rival. You never have such a big issue or fight with him. Back in the old days, he always supported, loved and cared about you. But now at the school, he totally treat you like a new nerd girl who's hitting on him. So much things are going on your mind. The presence of your first kiss, the betrayal and the acting a stranger all from your own best friend.
"Huh! Don't fucking cry like a monster. Speak up, my toxic friend." Tae frowned.
His words makes your heart ache more and more. You can't stand to him. You wanted to slap him untill death. He was like a enemy to your eyes.
Without any response you shed off your tears, took a deep breath. Took your books from the library table and left the place.
Taehyung is deeply affected by your presence. He had never seen you like this. He somewhere immaturely annoyed by your response. The slap still leaves a mark on his cheeks. He deep down know that it's all his fault but his ego stops from accepting that. He only knew that you were overreacting and nothing. A kiss never can be compared with a slap. Best friend do this shitty things but the fight turns to Rival. Now, onwards he only know one thing she was his enemy and nothing.
You took your bagpacks from your classroom. And left the school. You stroll down the unknown street. The school, roads, place and your best friend seems stranger. You don't know where to go. For a second you thought of leaving your school from Seoul to go back to Daegu. But you promised Taehyung's mother that you would not leave him in the half way. You decide to stick to him but he wasn't your best friend anymore. But he was, no he still is. Might be you were little too much to response harshly. But he need to apologize to you first. And you were not gonna talk to him anymore.
Taehyung when came to classroom and can't find you anywhere, he got that you skipped the school. He was worried about you, after all you knew no one there. It was completely unknown place to you. But he know his way of finding where are you. He checked your snap location and at his surprise you were already home. He got relieved but still want to realise you that you were wrong to slap him.
You gone home as no other option was left. Did your homework and some self study. And missed your old Tae a bucket. Cried for hours over the same boy. But your strong will power helps you to organise yourself more. Took a fresh shower and done your hair and skin care.
Lying on the bed you were checking your social media. At your surprise you see something that broke your heart again. Tae posted a photo with his school friends and captioned it "far from the toxic friendship. Best day to get to know about real colour of people." You were so annoyed. You deep down know that he posted it for you. Tae intentionally posted to mock you. You were like does he thinks that you were toxic, he want to end friendship so he should tell you early. Such a asshole he was.
You know you have to call him, to tell him that he don't deserve you. That he was wrong to take away your first kiss. You called him and as expected he didn't received. You called him again, he received.
"You asshole." You screamed.
"What? What do you want now?" Tae arrogantly said.
"You fucking don't deserve a bestie like me. Your sarcasm is not a joke. You think you would mock me and I'll ignore it. Huh." You frowned.
"I see... So, how was my post. You like it. I love the caption so much. It's best to ignore toxic people like you." Tae devilishly grinned.
"Just fuck off with your poor fake gang Kim Taehyung. I even don't give a fuck. I hate you." You declined the call.
You screamed across the lungs that you can't with this boy.
Thinking all those think you drifted into sleep. You woke up to some weird noises coming from living room. And it's of screaming some girls. Felt weird that who was gonna scream like a monster at that time. That was barely late evening. As you were moving closer to living room the noises turns to moans. And as expected it was none other than your fake bestie Taehyung.
"What the heck? " You screamed.
"Oh my god. Who's she?" The girl screamed violently.
Taehyung turns to you and let out a deep sigh.
"_____, you're here again. Get off your ass. We're in a moment." Taehyung continued.
"Why in the living room? Don't you have two big bed rooms of your. Don't stain my yellow couches with your c-" you were cut off in the middle by the girl who covered herself with Tae's shirt.
"Shut up. Just go. Babe, we should go to your bed room."
"We can have sex anywhere and everywhere in this house. It's my fucking house,_____. Understood. Now, go." Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"I'm here too. As a roommate, I don't like this. Now go to your bedroom." You sighed.
"You are a bitch,_____. And you know that. You just ruined my mood." Tae frowned
"Babe we can start again, let's make your mood. So, where were we-" the girl said.
"You, please shut up. Take your clothes and fuck off." Taehyung sighed.
"But babe we ca-"
"Get out, slut." Taehyung directed the girl and she wear her clothes finally leaving you two alone.
A deep silence surround you both. None of you were starting a conversation. You were standing at the living room's door and he was sitting at the couch with his hand on the side chin. His dark brown eyes pierced yours. It was like he gonna kill you straight with his staring. You try to hide from his gaze but can not. He got up and grabbed your hands.
"What do you want?" His firm slow voice cut through your ears.
"Huh! I was ... Just asking to be at your bedroom." You stumble.
"Why you slapped me? Is kissing is an offense?"
"For me it is. You have totally changed."
He grabbed your hands and pinned you across the wall leaving enough space to breathe.
"Leave me. You're embrassed of me! Aren't you?" You sighed.
"Embrassed of you? Why?" Tae asked .
"You call me a little nerd in front of your friends. Why? You're treating me like you never knew me. I'm shocked to see such changes. I know I'm not cool like you nor I'm good looking like you. But still you would not talk and even humiliate your best friend in front your school friends. I'm your child hood friend, Taehyung. Mind it." You speak your heart out.
"Are you okay?" Taehyung speaks with his most delicate voice. He never believe that you have think to much just within a day. This was not what he was expecting.
"No, I'm not. I'm here for you but still you are ignoring me. Calling me slut, humiliating me and doing everything a best friend shouldn't do." Tears rolled down from your eyes. You can't anymore hold that back. Your eyes got puffy with tears. Your heart sink because of Tae.
Without any response Taehyung hugged you. Pressed you in his huge warm body. His hands patted your small head and back. But still you were crying.
"Stop crying. You misunderstood me. I'm sorry." Taehyung sighed.
"Please, let me explain you everything. I'm not ignoring you. It's just if I tell everyone that you're my bestie then they would see you as a person like me. I don't want you to be like me. I just wanted that you would make your own image as you wanted in your new school. I want you to be the best in the class and not like me who's always known for having girls around. I... I'm sorry." Taehyung explained.
You hugged him back and even cried more that his shirt got all drenched.
"No. Don't talk to me." You murmured.
"I'm apologizing. I really like you." Taehyung sighed.
A moment of silence between all those words make you stumble. You were still hugged by your best friend who just confronted his feelings to you.
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apocalypticbadass · 4 years
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Sapphic Vampire Lovers (Smut)
A/N: Hey guysss it’s Alice smut time. Haven't been able to get the woman out of my head recently so here are my musings. You live with the Cullens and Alice is your girlfriend, but no one at school knows. You’re basically an adopted sibling so I might refer to the kiddos as your brother/sister. Also I’m not saying Alice can't see the future in this but like...lowkey...it’s hard as hell to write for her when she already knows everything lol.
Warnings: Smut, cursing, I think that’s it.
You sighed loudly as Mike Newton continued to prattle on about unimportant matters by your side. The bell signaled the beginning of class, and you feigned an apologetic look, which Mike believed wholeheartedly as he scurried to his seat. Poor boy. You turned to Emmett, your “brother” who sat next to you in Chem.
“He doesn’t give up, does he?” Emmett snickered.
You shook your head and sighed. “Oh shut it, Em.”
“You should just turn him away at this point. It’s going too far. Alice is starting to really notice.”
“Wait actually? She can’t possibly think I would ever pick Mike Newton over her.” You replied, getting quite nervous that Alice might be upset with you.
“I’m just sayin’. He’s always flirting with you, the last thing you want is for Alice to get the wrong idea.” “Yeah, you're right. Thanks Em.”
He smiled at you and ruffled your hair before you both turned towards the front to pay some attention to your teacher. You couldn’t sit still for the entirety of class, Emmett kept having to pull your hands out of your mouth to stop you from biting your nails or rest his hand on your knee to keep your leg from bouncing. The bell rang after a painfully long class, and all you wanted was to get out of there. It was the last period of the day, so you and Emmett grabbed your things and booked it out of class, he understood your desire to leave. What the both of you had missed while you were too busy worrying about your anxiety, was that Mike Newton had left class 10 minutes early with Eric Yorkie and Tyler Crowley. How Emmett’s incredible hearing and sight had missed that, you’ll never know. Or maybe he just thought it was unimportant. The rest of your family caught up with you, and Alice linked her arm in yours.
“Hi baby.” She said with a smile.
“Hi Ali.” You answered, nuzzling into her shoulder as you walked.
As you all got closer to the parking lot, Emmett gasped. “Oh my fucking God...”
“Oh Jesus, here we go.” Rosalie sighed.
Draped across the side of Mike’s minivan, made of canvas and paint, was a sign that read “(Y/N), will you go to prom with me?”
You stopped dead in your tracks.
This could not be happening.
No way was this happening.
You turned, horrified, to look at Alice’s face. She was staring straight ahead, jaw set, eyes unreadable. You softly disconnected your arms and rushed over to Mike, tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
He beamed as he saw your urgency. “So, what do you think?”
“Mike, take it down right now.” You pleaded. “I’m sorry but I won’t go to prom with you.”
His face fell as Eric and Tyler moved to take the sign down and save Mike a little bit of embarrassment.
“I’m sorry Mike, I have to go.”
“Yeah, no, it’s cool.” He said, rubbing the back of his head.
Your family was on your left and they were already getting into the car. Alice was at the back, and you grabbed her wrist while begging her to turn around and talk to you. “Alice, please, can we talk?”
“What is there to talk about?” She spat, venom in her voice. “Clearly you gave him a reason to think he should ask you. You’re very friendly, and I love that about you, but I think flirting with someone when you have a girlfriend is way too far.” “Alice you know I would never do that. You know how loyal I am to you, Mike could never hold a candle to you. I swear I’ve never flirted with him in my life, he’s just obsessed or something.” Your eyes shone with tears. “Please, baby. Trust me, not him. I swear on my life I only love you.”
You could see the slightest softening of her defensive exterior as your (y/e/c) eyes bore into her deep amber ones.
She stepped closer to you and sighed. “You’re right, I’m overreacting, I suppose. You haven’t given me any reason to believe that you’d flirt with him.” Alice placed her lips below your ear. “Unfortunately for you, you’ll have to pay for poor Mike’s mistake. I’ll have to remind you who you belong to, just incase you needed a refresher.”
Your breath caught in your throat, a blush creeping onto your cheeks since you knew that your family could hear you quite clearly from inside the car.
“I’ll meet you at home.” She said before turning on her heel to walk home, she’d be back before the rest of you.
You got in the car behind the passenger seat, head in your hands as Emmett laughed from the other side of the car. “What did I tell you?”
“Drop it, McCarty.” You glared at him.
“She’ll come around.” Jasper said, hand on your knee. “She’s not actually mad, just jealous that he can be so carefree with his feelings while you both have to hide yours.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Just sucks.” “At least you’ll get good sex out of it.” Rosalie said nonchalantly, looking at her nails, which she had painted last night.
“Get some!” Emmett cheered, which made you bust out laughing.
The car ride home was comfortably quiet, everyone else’s mind wandering to other things, Rosalie and Edward speaking to one another in a nearly inaudible tone.
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach when you pulled up to the Cullen house, met by Alice leaning against her Porsche, arms folded neatly across her chest. Jasper squeezed your shoulder in encouragement, feeling your nerves flow, and eased your anxiety as best as he could, one last time. Alice got in the car before you could get over to her, and just before she shut the door, she gave you a “come hither” motion. You opened the passenger door and sat carefully inside of the car, careful not to track in any mud.
“Hi.” You said softly as she began to drive.
You fell into silence, zoning out while looking out the window, wondering where the hell you were going. You tried very hard not to let her know how nervous you were, but the attempt was futile because she could hear your erratic heartbeat.
“Where exactly are we going?” You managed to say, in a calmer voice than you thought you could muster.
“You’ll see. It’ll be fun.” She said lightly, tossing you a wink.
20 minutes later, Alice pulled into a hotel parking lot, probably the fanciest building you had ever seen. You knew you were in Seattle, but had never been to this secluded area with these fancy buildings. You felt severely underdressed, the both of you casual, but her level of fashion much higher than yours, her walk far more graceful. She gave the keys to the valet as they pulled luggage out of the trunk. Alice took one bag for herself and handed one to you. She kept her hand on the small of your back and led you through the massive glass doors, which were opened for you of course. The gorgeous decor of the lobby kept your gaze until Alice had signed you both in.
“Come on now, love.” Her voice was like melted honey.
Your gaze flipped to her and you followed her to the elevator, where she pushed the button for the top floor. Your eyes went wide as you remembered peering up to the peak of the building and how high it was. As you stepped out, there was one single door in front of you. Alice swiftly unlocked it and ushered you inside, bolting the lock shut immediately. As you walked around in awe, you felt yourself being whisked away, vision blurring as Alice ran you both into the bedroom, where she tossed you onto the silk duvet. Her dainty, but incredibly strong hands pushed your shoulders back onto the bed. 
“What to do with you?” She pretended to think before pulling a pair of cuffs from behind her back. 
You bit your lip as you felt butterflies down below. Your wrists were in one of her hands in a second, cuffed to the headboard before you could even blink. “Are you going to be good for me, darling?”
“Yes baby, I will.”
“Good.” She muttered into your ear, tearing your shirt off to suck on the exposed skin of your breasts. All you wanted to do was tangle your fingers into her short hair as she marked your body. Your wrists audibly struggled against your confines and you groaned. Alice laughed. She tore your bra off in a fluid motion, gently worrying one of your nipples between her teeth.
You sucked in a breath. “Ali, please. Wanna touch you.”
She swiftly flipped you onto your stomach. “No ma’am. Not allowed.”
She then pulled your pants and underwear off in one go, leaving you completely exposed. Alice slid a finger towards your clit, circling it slowly. You whined and squirmed, so she ripped all contact away from you. You felt her cool breath at your ear and her disapproving tsk. “I thought you said you were going to be good for me.”
“I’m sorry, I’ll be good. I promise.”
“You better.” She replied, swiftly inserting one finger into your vagina. You took a sharp breath through your nose, trying to keep still. She curled her finger into your g-spot at an incredible pace, causing you to take a mouthful of the bedsheets to keep yourself quiet. She was pleasantly surprised at how good you were being, so she added another finger, scissoring you open. It took absolutely everything in you to just stay still and quiet.
Once you felt stretched enough, she placed a kiss at the base of your spine and retracted all contact, flashing across the room to grab a bag. You were unable to see this, but her clothes were off in an instant, and she had fastened one of her many straps around her hips. She’d chosen your favorite attachment, a hot pink dildo that measured around 7.5 inches. She leaned down to whisper in your ear while allowing the toy to nestle into the cleft of your butt.
“You’re not even gonna remember Mike Newton’s name after this.”
With that comment, she slid the tip of the toy into your entrance, slowly pushing into you, stretching you all the way out. “You can make noise now, love.” She purred.
Immediately, a string of profanities left your mouth. “Holy fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good inside me.”
After a few moments, you felt her icy hips hit your butt, felt her lips sucking marks onto your shoulder blades. “Move please, baby.” You whined, trying not to struggle against her. She pulled out of you slowly, and entered you once more. Taking her time, Alice picked up a pace that made your toes curl, she hit your g-spot every single time.
“Jesus fuck, Ali, God you’re so good. Feels so good, so fucking good, babygirl.” You babbled on as she drilled you into the bed at an inhuman pace, hands tangled into your hair.
“You just needed a little reminder, didn’t you, doll? Just needed to remember who you belong to. Mike Newton could never fuck you this good.” She growled, nipping at your earlobe. You wanted to make a sarcastic remark, but your words couldn't get past the way Alice was making you feel. Your clit gained some friction as each thrust pushed your body into the mattress a little further.
“Alice I’m so fucking close babes, please don’t fucking stop.” You cried out, the inferno in your stomach threatening release.
“Come for me, love.”
With her words, you came hard, squirting all over the duvet, leaving it soaked. Alice pushed all the way into you and stilled for a moment, relishing. “You were so good for me, babygirl. So beautiful.” She praised, pulling out of you and flipping you over.
“Wanna taste you.” You whined. “Sit on my face.”
Alice smirked at you and quickly unfastened the strap before positioning her dripping pussy over your mouth, settling softly with a moan. She had remained untouched until now, so the contact was quite welcome. “Christ, babe. Your mouth feels so good.”
Your tongue explored her walls, licking every surface, nose bumping her clit every so often. She leaned back and placed her hands on your thighs, squeezing them softly to get a grip. You moved to her clit, lips wrapping around it and drawing it into your mouth, eliciting a sharp gasp from your lover. You fervently continued, fully putting your mouth to work.
“Please, gonna come.” She rasped out, just before coating your face with her slick. “Oh my God, (y/n), so incredible.” Alice moaned while you continued to suck on her, drawing out her orgasm. You gazed at her with doe eyes from between her legs before she got off of you, reaching for the key to unlock your cuffs. She rubbed your wrists to soothe them before nuzzling into your neck and tangling her legs into yours.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get over the way you taste.” You said after a few moments of silence.
Alice giggled. “I can absolutely say the same for you. That was amazing.”
“Totally. I love you. Sorry Mike asked me to prom.”
She let out a belly laugh, pulling you on top of her. “No need to apologize. I’m sorry for overreacting, quite dumb of me to be honest.”
“It upsets you that we can’t express our emotions for each other as freely as Mike can express his emotions for me.” “I just wish people could understand our love, understand that our gender is totally irrelevant.” She sighed, stroking your hips as she spoke. “I just love you so much and I wish I was able to show it in public without fear of something happening to you. God forbid anyone got violent.” “I know, baby, it’s really scary sometimes.” You cupped her face, stroking her cheekbone with one hand, combing through her hair with the other.
“I don’t want to say it, but you know what I’m thinking.” Alice whispered, expression growing serious.
“I’ve been thinking about it recently as well, I think we have to do it. Sometime soon, I want to be with you forever. We’ll set a date.”
Alice gave you a lopsided grin. “Can’t wait to be sapphic vampire lovers until the end of time.” 
You laughed, leaning down to kiss her. “Oh hell yeah.”
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misspoetree · 2 years
@likeabook thank you for tagging me even though I'm truly horrible at reacting to mentions (or doing stuff like this on time). 😅 Likeabook's version is here. 😊
Sooo let's get on with it I guess -
Favourite colour: people keep telling me that black isn't a colour...so I guess not black (even though it clearly is. I heard one MCR song when I was 13 and my emo phase never went away. It only aged like fine wine 😌). Green is also very important. That kind of dark green you see deep in the woods on a rainy day. Do you smell it, that earthy, mossy scent? OH, and I'm obsessed with THAT shade of green - isn't it fantastic? Red and purple also need to be mentioned. That dark red you see in old theaters and cinemas, the colour of the curtains there, the velvet of the chairs. The blood stains on a white blouse, on the hands of the actor on stage. And purple, the light of a neon sign you see on your way home at night, the colour blueberries stain your fingers in. The shade of that cheap nail polish you bought at the drug store and fell in love with.
Currently reading: I saw that text post once that went "reading is like: I've read five books in 3 days; I have not read a single sentence in months" and I've never felt more understood. 😭 Anyways. I'm currently between books. The last one I've finished was Erin Morgenstern's "The Night Circus" and I really, really took my time with that one. Sometimes you need only one page to understand that you stumbled upon something truly special and you just...don't want it to end. Just like all the visitors at Le Cirque des Rêves. The next book I'm going to read is "The Dance Tree" by Kiran Millwood Hargrave. Can't wait to finally start it because Hargrave's "The Mercies" is one of the best books I've ever read. It's just so beautiful, sapphic, haunting and emotionally devastating. I've never stopped thinking (and hurting) about it.
Last song: I've got three songs I'm playing on loop 24/7 at the moment: "Cruel" by Jackson Wang (like Oh. My. God. that comeback was SO GOOD. Can't wait for the release of "Magic Man" in September); "Lift Off" by Labrinth (that man. All of his songs give me feelings I can't put into words) and "Revolution" by Bastille (I've been obsessed with them for 9 years now and I also can't wait for the new songs to drop <3).
Last series: "KinnPorsche". Because. I. Just. Can't. Move. On. 😭💀😭 (And I don't really have time to start a new series at the moment. But maybe I'm finally going back to "Tomorrow". I haven't finished that one yet because I myself was looking for a job at the time and everything just felt a bit too...close to home, you know. 💀)
Last movie: "Thor - Love and Thunder" because I'm still a Marvel Girl after all. BUT: the movie I still can't stop talking, thinking and be annoying about is "Everything Everywhere All at Once". That movie is just...perfection, the most insane, brilliant, silly, emotionally devastating cinematic masterpiece I've seen in a while. Or maybe even ever. I laughed and I cried and I did both at the same time and please, please, please watch that movie if you haven't seen it yet because it's film at its truest form. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Currently working on: I'm working a full-time job for the first time in my life now (I've been at uni before and only doing student jobs) and I'm still...trying to get used to it. It's a lot, ngl. 💀 How on earth do people have jobs, friends, hobbies AND a bearable sleeping schedule?! That's fucking insane to me. 🤯 But enough whining about that. I'm still having way too much fun with my KinnPorsche + Text Post Editions so there are a few more to come. And I really, really, really wanna get back to writing. Because I haven't done that in a really long time and my soul yearns for it.
And now to tagging people, the hardest part. 😅😂
Let's go with @hedgewyse, @ailig, @marshmallord, @a-cookie2121, @grimesdaughter, @mandezp, @luckydragon10, @hiskinndbodyguard and @beckisstuff in case you guys are in the mood to participate and share a bit about yourself. No pressure though. 😊
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demomonic-murmurs · 4 years
[K]inktober Day 2: Threesome [Kiyoko&Yachi]
Content: NSFW, Sexual Content, Threesome, Reader is Kiyoko's girlfriend and they teach Yachi about the beauty of gals being pals
Warning: Sexual Content, F/F/F
"We wouldn't have invited you here if we didn't want you to be part of this Hitoka. Please stop asking if we are certain."
Yachi shut her mouth and nodded. She was blushing, her entire face, ears and neck coated in a lovely red hue. The small girl felt as if she was about to pass out.
"If you feel uncomfortable with anything, tell us okay?", [Name] said while winking at her, though her usual easygoing demeanor had a more serious underlying tone to it. She was serious.
"Got it", Yachi stuttered out, "So uh... how do you usually... start?" She felt awkward. Being in the presence of the cool beauty Shimizu Kiyoko was embarrassing enough but the teasing flirt [Name] [Last Name] as well?
[Name] laughed.
"We usually start by kissing. The slobby sensual wet kind of kiss. Have you ever kissed anyone Hitoka?"
Hitoka felt another wave of heat spread over her face. She shyly shook her head.
"No... not really."
"Would you like to see a real kiss then? Come closer and watch."
Yachi did just that, shuffling closely to the spot where Kiyoko and [Name] were kneeling on [Name]'s bed, which was a lot bigger than Yachi ever thought a bed could be, fitting all three of them.
[Name] smirked and leaned forward, never breaking eye contact with Yachi as she pressed her lips to Kiyoko's, softly at first before getting rougher.
"Come Shimizu open your mouth, give cute lil Hitoka a show will you", [Name] breathed out against her girlfriend's lips.
Kiyoko huffed in annoyance but complied, opening her mouth. [Name] moved back and placed her thumb on her bottom lip before tracing the outline. The black haired beauty understood, her tongue darting out and giving the thumb a lick. Satisfied, [Name] moved back in, her hand trailing down to grab Kiyoko's face and holding it in place, her mouth still hanging ajar.
The wet sound of tongues moving against each other made Yachi whimper. She had never seen such a blatan display of sexual desire, much less expected, especially not from her upperclassman and her girlfriend.
Kiyoko let out a moan- even her moan was that of a Goddess, Yachi noted- and her thighs rubbed against each other. [Name] began kissing even harder than before, her passion completely dominating her girlfriend and nudged her leg in between hers, [Name]'s knee rubbing against her pussy which was obscured by nothing but her panties and skirt, which was riding up even further.
[Name]'s free hand sneaked under Kiyoko's shirt and she began palming her girlfriends chest over her bra.
Yachi let out a noise. This was unbearably hot. Was this what girls love meant? Seeing her upperclassman at the complete mercy of a pretty woman... did something to her.
[Name] pulled back, a pleased glint in her eyes as she watched her girlfriend gasp for air, a string of sailva connecting their lips.
"I think we are all way too overdressed for this", [Name] said as she began to strip, beckoning Yachi and Kiyoko to do the same.
"Keep your bra and panties on. I ought to show Yachi how to unpack the treat", Kiyoko's girlfriend murmured which earned her an eye roll from the girl herself.
Yachi began to shakingly unbutton her blouse. Was she really about to get naked with them?
She looked down on herself, disappointed at the fact that she was wearing embarrassingly innocent looking polka dot panties with a matching bra, but found comfort in [Name]'s mismatched pair of a sports bra and superman panties.
Kiyoko however looked like an Amazon pulled straight out of a comic book. She wore a pair of matching lace lingerie which complemented her curves. Her body was lean and slightly muscular from all the sport she did. In the center of her panties, a dark spot was forming.
[Name] whistled.
"You even got your lingerie out for this special occasion babe? All dolled up for cute little Hitoka? I would be hurt if you wouldn't be just so smoking hot."
That compliment earned her a little slap from Kiyoko on the back of her head, before directing her attention at Yachi.
"Do you want to kiss me Hitoka?"
Her voice was soft and quiet, an adorable blush forming on her cheeks. Yachi choked on air but nodded enthusiastically.
Kiyoko leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on Yachi's lips. One of her hands moved to her nipples and began circling around it while the other moved south, stopping just slightly above Yachi's golden pubic hair. Her pussy twitched in anticipation.
Kiyoko kissed her again, harder this time, mimicking the movements [Name] used earlier, her index finger brushing slightly over her clit, which made Yachi's jump in surprise, a jolt of pleasure running through her body. The hand paused momentarily as the other began to squeeze nipple. Yachi moaned into the kiss and arched her back, giving Kiyoko the advantage to deepen it.
Kiyoko rested her thumb on top of Yachi's sensitive clit while her index finger began moving along her hole, coating her pointer in Yachi's glistening juice. She pressed one finger into her softly, testing the waters and gave her a few moments to adjust. Yachi let out another whimper.
No one had ever touched her this way, she hadn't even touched herself this way. Whenever she had masturbated, she was too scared of the actual sticking part, so most of the time she had settled to humping against a pillow until she came.
Kiyoko picked up the pace, a second finger joining her first plunging in and out of Yachi's soft core. She broke the kiss and trailed kisses down her neck before taking her unoccupied nipple into her mouth, sucking on it. Yachi let out a loud moan, subconsciously pressing her body closer to Kiyoko, grinding her pussy against her hands.
Kiyoko twitched and moaned, driving her fingers even deeper into Yachi, the vibrations around her nipple almost enough to drive her over the edge.
[Name] had settled behind Kiyoko. Her bra was only hastily pulled down, granting [Name] access to her breasts. She was fondling them roughly, pinching her nipples between her thumb and index finger, while trailing down violent love bites down her neck, sucking on the skin to leave purple bruises.
"You two are so mean", [Name] pouted, pausing to lick over a particularly ruthless mark, "Especially you Shimu... I am your girlfriend you know yet...", one of her hands moved towards her panties, "You're so close to unraveling just from pleasing your cute little junior."
Kiyoko moaned in response as [Name] continued her ministrations, which was enough to send Yachi over the edge. With a loud yelp, she came, her nectar drenching Kiyoko's hand. The blonde fell back, exhausted, chest heaving as she attempted to catch her breath.
"How adorable. And fitting. You two came together. And here I am not even close. So incredibly mean you are Kiyoko. Come on, give me a taste of her", [Name] laughed and through teary eyes, Yachi could see her pulling Kiyoko closer to her and sucking on the digits that had been inside of her not too long ago.
Yachi felt her pussy twitch weakly from arousal. Kiyoko may had had her dominated, but in the hands of [Name] she remained beaten, looking weak at best.
[Name], still seated behind Kiyoko leaned her head over her shoulder, dropping her gaze down.
"God you're so hot Kiyoko these are completly drenched. You came so much even the mattress underneath has a dark spot."
Kiyoko let out a squeak when [Name] let her hands trail along her waist and lifted her ever so slightly, spreading her legs, making the mess apparent.
"I really don't get your obsession", Kiyoko huffed, obviously embarassed.
"Hitoka does though", [Name] replied, smirking, "besides you are in no position to protest. I've really been lenient on you haven't I? It seems like it since you've forgotten your manners."
[Name] made eye contact with Yachi who had recovered from her orgasm (her first, she thought, with another person that is) and gave her a sweet smile, which was unfitting given the circumstances.
"Hitoka sweetie do you mind pulling off her panties for me?"
Yachi shook her head dumbly, crawling forward on shaking knees between Kiyokos legs and slowly began pulling her panties off.
"Look at it. It's sticking to your pussy babe. That's how much you came", [Name] cooed as Kiyoko let out a whimper.
With trembling fingers, Yachi handed [Name] the panties who inspected them in satisfaction.
"Truly beyond drenched. You smell as good as always baby. Come on taste yourself, you will accept at least some punishment for neglecting your girlfriend right?"
Kiyoko nodded hastily against [Name]'s shoulder and Yachi could see her pussy twitch. Was she ... getting turned on by this again?
"Then you know what I want. Open your pretty mouth will you?"
Kiyoko complied, opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out. [Name] smirked and, ensuring that she could get a good taste of herself, stuffed the panties into her mouth. The black haired girl choked before moaning, her eyes rolling back in her head.
"I am not done with you yet. Lay back down and spread your legs, wanna eat you out and make you squirt."
Kiyoko nodded, leaning her back against the soft mattress and spreading her legs as much as she could, leaving her pussy bare.
[Name] kneeled in front of her, her eyes glistening like a predator that just caught its prey.
"She is cute when she gets like this, isn't she Hitoka? Our usually so composed and picture perfect manager coming into her panties untouched and then liking to have her pretty mouth stuffed with them? She likes the taste of herself but never admits to it", [Name] laughed, more to herself than anyone else, "Can you imagine that there is nothing she loves more than cumming again and again while being marked up? Maybe I should buy you a collar and make you my dog in heat officially, don't you think?"
Kiyoko nodded her head and tried to agree, though her words only came out as a muffled jumble. Tears were beginning to form at the corner of her eyes.
[Name] smirked and leaned over to Yachi.
"What do you think your precious little volleyball club would say to this? Poor little boys wouldn't be able to handle it now would they?"
Yachi shook her head. They wouldn't. She was barely able to. Seeing the usually reserved Kiyoko being reduced to a fumbling mess was a fascinating process to watch. She was convinced [Name] was some kind of sorceress.
"Hitoka", she spoke, louder than before, "do you think, if given some pointers, you could try to eat me out as well? Observe me with Kiyoko first and if you feel up for the task... I'd gladly spread my legs for you."
"Yes! I mean I can try! I will try", Yachi said, nodding eagerly. Was this the power of the embrace of two woman? Making her brain all fuzzy like that?
[Name] smiled and pressed an affectionate kiss towards her cheek. She sank down between Kiyoko's legs, pressing kisses against her thigh and occasionally biting down before stopping in front of her pussy. She grinned devilishly and blew air against it, relishing in how Kiyoko squirmed at the contact and throbbed. [Name] surged forward and buried her tongue between her folds, her finger searching for the sensitive bundle of nerves and began to pleasure her. She flicked her fingers against Kiyoko's clit which earned her a high pitched scream, only muffled by her lace panties.
Yachi could only watch in amazement, one of her fingers wandering between her own legs. Seeing Kiyoko writhe in pleasure like that only caused her arousal to spike up again, the familiar heat from earlier returning. This continued for a few moments and the room was quiet except for the wet noises and muffled moans and groans.
Without a warning, Kiyoko pressed her back against the mattress again and wrapped her legs around [Name]'s head, thighs squishing it and pulling her as close as possible, burying her nose in her short, well kept, black pubic hair. She trashed before her legs slacked and twitched as she came down from another high.
[Name] leaned back, dissatisfied, and rested her hands on her knees.
"That simply won't do. Though you now have a basic understanding of it, don't you Hitoka?", she asked while casually lapping Kiyoko's juice from her face.
"Another round it is then. Try it out yourself now, you can finger yourself Hitoka."
"Sure but... didn't she just... cum?", Yachi said, getting quieter as the sentences progressed.
[Name] laughed. "Oh you're precious. Good girls get a break. Shimizu hasn't been a good girl. I asked her to squirt for me and I will keep making her cum until she does. Its only reasonable, isn't it? Now come on, get that cute head between my legs will ya? Maybe if Shimizu takes too long and passes out from pleasure I will eat you out too", [Name] spoke, her head already between Kiyoko's legs again.
Ah, Yachi thought, so this was the beauty of girls love.
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