#god i usually hate intros so yeah if i can just. get them together soon. that would be nice
korattata · 9 months
i'm really really glad that i had done rat intros previously so the girls are like.... basically getting along completely already
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Dionysus
Hey y’all, sorry for going dark! I’m alright, almost completely recovered in fact! I just got so sleepy while my body was fighting stuff off and couldn’t really work up the energy to write... Still going to be spotty for a short time, but I’m glad to have gotten this done. See ya soon!
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus
Well, this mortal stumbled out of the portal covered in glitter, body paint, and carrying a red solo cup… which they proceeded to stare at like, "'ell sshhit… Thiz iz sum stron s'uff…"
First impressions were not on their side here.
He spent a depressingly long amount of time more or less assuming that the MC was a drunken f-up and spent the first few months trying to make them more… presentable.
But like… How do you stop someone from acting like a drunk fool when they can turn any drink they touch alcoholic???
For months they would show up to meetings buzzed or stumbling, all smiles and all giggles but HORRIBLY unprofessional, and he just couldn't stand it!
But then he found out their little secret…
Assassination threats befall the exchange students all the time. Most of them are dealt with quickly but some (through skill or dumb luck) manage to slip through...
He had been walking with the MC through their new vineyard in the House's courtyard, yet again trying to lecture them about their drunken behavior, when suddenly the two were ambushed!
Ten or so heavily armored demons dropped down from the sky to attack them! Lucifer was so preoccupied that he got cornered by three of them and it took him a hot minute to destroy them.
When he looked back at the mortal (who had been fighting a 1-on-7) he was certain they'd have been kidnapped or worse…
But he saw that they had already cut down two attackers with their weapon with ease. The other five were rolling in the dirt, babbling about inexplicable terrors and imaginary pain as their minds succumbed to madness…
Meanwhile, the MC just stood in the middle of it all with the icy glare of someone who’s just revealed how stone-cold sober they've always been under the surface...
When they turned back to him, they put their usual ditzy smile back on over the tormented wails of the demons around them...
MC: Whoopsie… Gotta little mad there. 🙂
He uh… took a big ol'step off their back after that. Surprisingly, they're more pleasant (and less dangerous) "drunk" than they are sober…
Oh HELL yeah!! Lucifer actually gave him a mortal that knows how to party!!
Admittedly, they looked like utter trash when they first met, like, "Hey, I've been at this party since DAWN" trash, but they gave him one good look and pulled together a surprisingly hot smile.
MC: "-ey yer cute… Ya like strip poker?"
Spoken like someone else who also makes shit decisions… They were going to get along just fine!
And they did. The MC to him was that one friend that's always down for anything. Just anything. Whenever. Wherever.
He wants to try sneaking into Lucifer's room to steal stuff? Sure, what time?
He wants to take a mattress and see if he can ride it down the grand staircase of the palace? Alright, we bringin' pillows too?
He needs to set up another scheme that's gotta involve live rats and box of tiny hats and monocles?? That's oddly specific but count them in!!
Sometimes he honestly can't tell if they're laid back or just crave chaos... but it works out fine for him either way so who cares? 🤷‍♀️
And if you think normal Mammon is a pain in the ass for Lucifer? Check out drunk Mammon. All the same urges but literally none of the (marginal) competence!!
At one point, the eldest ended up stringing both Mammon and the MC from the ceiling after they both barged into his office looking for Goldie… while he was still in there… watching them wander around aimlessly calling out for a piece of plastic like it was a missing puppy…
They end up together on the ceiling a lot come to think of it, but hey, at least now he has some company. 😌
Thinks they're the most normal normie to have ever normed on this normie planet!!!
No, seriously. They're a billion times worse than Asmo!! All they want to do is go to parties and drink all the time! What kind of use is he to someone like that??
… That being said they ARE pretty fun to be around… And their sake is WAY better than anything he could get off Akuzon!!
They also like karaoke too! So at least he has someone else to go with (even if they get so drunk they can’t remember any lyrics and just belt barely coherent discount Mariah Carey vocals behind him...)
Of course, the real fun between these two is everybody else getting to watch a couple of the Devildom's sloppiest drunks attempt to communicate with each other…
Levi: MMM-*hic*-MCCC…!!! *throws himself at them from across the bar*
MC: What Leviachan??? 😨 Did the chair kick you off?!
Levi: Nooo! *pokes their cheek* I wanna-I wanna tell you sometin'...! *tries pulling them closer*
MC: Whaa? Secrets?? *leans in eagerly*
Levi: Mammon used all ma money on’a pyramid scheme a thou-zand years ago… AND HE STILL WON'T PAY ME BAAA-!!! 😭😭 *starts shaking them violently*
MC: *getting flung around like a limp noodle* Waaaat?! Nooo!!! I'm so sowwy!! 😢
Mammon: *watching it all go down right next to him* 😑 Ya guys need some water… I'm cuttin' ya off, got it?
MC: 😱 Shut yer whore mouth, criminal!! *starts pelting him with pretzel bites*
Levi: 😤 Yah!! *joins in*
Good thing he's a shut-in, because the hangovers he gets after those escapades are unreal…
A little concerned for their liver, honestly… How much damage have they already done to the poor thing...?
But at the same time, he'll be damned if they don't make some utterly fantastic wine!
Alcokinesis wasn't a power he would have pegged a demigod to have but apparently the great art of making drinks comes from their godly DNA.
When they first met, he was trying to get the MC to act less slovenly but made the mistake of agreeing to a wager: he'd let them dress however they pleased if they could give him the BEST drink he'd ever tasted.
Now, Satan isn't a huge drinker (thank you terrible alcohol tolerance), but he's still a man of fine tastes. Plus, he's sampled Demonus from Diavolo royal stock before. They should not have won…
But on that day, he had to let them go to RAD in a pink blanket toga... 😑 Their wine is just THAT good.
He hates to admit it, but they've gotten him drunk more times than he could probably count too… He's not a huge fan of clubbing with them and the others, but if they bring over a bottle from their vineyard he just can't resist. They're a master of their craft, truly.
And it's a good thing he likes their drinks so much, because if they called him, "Kitty-boy," when he's sober, he may have just become a sour grape himself…
They also may or may not have copious amounts of blackmail material of him either meowing between sentences, sobbing over some fictional character he likes, pole dancing on dares….
Yeah, he's been trying to destroy their phone for months now. If Lucifer were to see ANY of that, he's done for… 😣
He has also been meaning to ask them about other aspects of their abilities, their father is also the God of Madness after all, but anytime he tries to bring it up they shove another glass in his hand and tell him not to kill the mood...
Eh. What's the harm in having another drink, right? 🤷‍♀️
Honey. He's MET Dionysus. He's been to a Dio-party or two and they're INSANE. He could not be more thrilled by this!!!
He practically scooped them up on the first night that they were in the House and it’s practically been a nonstop rave between these two ever since. They’re like the party twin he never knew he needed!!
He absolutely abuses their ability to turn pretty much any drink they touch into alcohol at clubs. It makes the nights so much easier on the wallet PLUS it makes an excellent little party trick to impress the succubi! Who doesn’t want a free drink? 😏
And can he just say that their drinks are better? Just flat out amazing! If it weren’t so unhealthy he’d consider drinking nothing but their booze and wine for the rest of his days, Satan’s certainly getting close to it.
But little does Satan know, he’s not even getting the GOOD stuff...
There’s the normal wine: grapes picked from the vineyard, hand squeezed, then magically helped through the fermenting process. But their real good stuff? They were given enchanted oak barrels from their father and anything that comes out of those is worth starting a WAR over. 😩
He knows, because he gifted an extra bottle to Diavolo once and Barbs came to him the very next day demanding to know what vineyard had produced it with the look of man willing to annex a small nation...
Asmo had to beg Lucifer to talk to Diavolo after the butler more or less kidnapped the MC back to the Castle… Devil knows even Barbs wouldn’t ever be able to reproduce their wine, so they could have been locked there for eternity!!
Thankfully, he got his party-buddy back and their debauchery continued! (Just now with Barbatos following them around sometimes like he’s trying to gather state secrets... It’s an impossible task but he hasn’t given up yet, bless his black heart.)
He isn't much bothered by their carefree nature, at least they seem to be having fun with his family which he appreciates. 🙂
To be honest, though, he nearly ate them when they first met because they smell like freshly peeled grapes… and for good reason.
By their third day at the House they had (somehow) planted and cultivated a full on vineyard in the courtyard. Hell, the wall growing to their bedroom balcony was covered in grapevines!! Always ripe and completely healthy in defiance of the lack of sun... Whatever magic they used was strong.
And, of course, their grapes were also delicious! Easily among the best fruits he's ever tasted! Every cluster is ridiculously plump, juicy, and sweet like little droplets of pure Heaven… 🤤
When their fruit first ripened, the MC came out with a basket to collect some only to find Beel had gouged himself on over half of their crop!!!
… which may have been why he got snared up on one of the courtyard walls by pissed off grapevines... Even with all his strength, he couldn't break through them and had to wait for Lucifer to cut him down… 😔 
From then on, Beel was pretty much the pesky rabbit to the MC's harvest. They had to set up traps and magical barriers to keep him from their precious grapes…!! Which inevitably meant one of his brothers had to come rescue him from their furious vines at least once a week... 🙄
SOMETIMES, the MC will bring him along to help harvest with them with the deal that he can have an extra basket for however many he helps them pick. But the second he takes a bite he shouldn't, it’s back on the wall!
Out of the vineyard, they're nice enough. But put some grapes between these two and they're mortal enemies… STOP messing with their plants, Beel!! 😤
So… this drunken fool is supposed to get him out of the attic? Never mind, this is never going to work…
He was SEVERELY underwhelmed when the "human" finally made it up the steps. This was who they decided to bring for their exchange program? They seemed like they could barely stand!
Naturally, he figured all the better for him. They probably wouldn't even last that long! 
Some poor, incompetent human falling victim to a demon out there? Diavolo's reputation would in tatters and he wouldn't even have to lift a finger! (His favorite way of doing things really 😌).
But… they just kept coming back? Like. Nothing was killing them….! How guarded were they keeping this moron?? 
Or… maybe it was something else?
Sure, the MC seemed like a drunken idiot but there were times when he'd swear that they were just… too aware to be sloshed…
MC: *suddenly stops smiling at him mid-conversation and looks him in the eye* You tilt your head when you lie. You know that?
How can someone so cheerful ALSO be so unnerving…?
So really, he should have seen their sudden heel-turn after they opened the door coming. There he was, fully intending to take them by surprise and choke them after a hug…
...and they knocked him down, climbed onto his back like a spider monkey, and rode him around like a bucking bull using his horns like handlebars!!
It wouldn’t have been AS humiliating if they didn’t also keep shouting things like "Giddiyap!" And "Yee-haw!!"
It took him a whole month to be sure that any and all footage of that nightmare was erased and he STILL hates the MC quite a bit for it…. But he's too scared to attack them now, so…
The lesson here? It's not a fair fight when one side’s crazy... 😔😒
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jacks-jester · 4 years
Dead Poet [Intro]
[Charlie Dalton x Reader]
Requested: No
Words: 1,830
A/N This is a new series I may potentially make. This is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I absolutely adore the character of Charlie. I’m trying to do passion projects to keep me motivated so I can get back into writing. I hate this is as short as it is, but to be fair its an intro. I’d like to continue this and make it a short series with a few installments, but who knows, maybe it will happen maybe it won’t. Anyways, this is unedited so apologies for any grammar mistakes.
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You could feel the cool evening breeze sink into your bones, your arms instinctively wrapping the large overcoat you wore tighter over your shoulders. You were weaving your way in between numerous trees in the woods near Welton Academy, your friend Neil leading the way. You weren’t entirely sure where you were going, only getting vague descriptions from Neil- who insisted the night was going to be the “most fun you’ve ever had”. 
You had met Neil at the local auditions for Midsummer Nights Dream, the two of you immediately hitting it off and rehearsing with together in the audition waiting room. You had been overjoyed when you found out he was cast as Puck, and you were cast as Titania. The two of you had quickly become close friends throughout rehearsals, Neil becoming your best friend in no time as the two of you bonded over your mutual passion for acting. It was a few weeks into Midsummer rehearsals when Neil had casually brought up the Dead Poets Society, you had heard about the boys before but he had never brought up this secret ‘society’ before. It wasn’t long after he had invited you to attend the meetings, insisting that you would love it and would get along great with his friends from Welton.
You were in no reason to turn him down, so you agreed. That is how you ended up where you were now- in the middle of the pitch black mangrove of trees, rushing behind Neil, with only a single flashlight to lead the way to your secret destination. You could feel the nerves rise within you, boiling upwards from your stomach into your throat as you saw the opening of a cave in the distant glow of Neil’s  flashlight. You could hear the faint chatter and laughter of boys reverberating out of the cave and into the crisp winter air, smoke rising into the sky out of what appeared to be a crevice in the caves roof. Soon enough you and Neil were both climbing down into the cave opening, greeted by the laughter and smiles from three teenage boys. They all welcomed Neil warmly, clearly seeing him as a leader of sort, though they froze up the moment you came into their line of view.
Neil let out a small laugh as he noticed the way Cameron's mouth seemed to drop open once he caught sight of you. You could feel yourself growing self conscious as all the attention now seemed focused on you, you hadn’t dressed up, seeing as Neil told you it was an easy going and relaxed meeting. You had worn a simple pair of black cigarette pants, a brown belts, black Maryjane's, a Ridgeway High School sweater, and had your hair down the way you usually did. Neil let out a small cough getting the boys attention before speaking up, “This is y/n l/n, a friend of mine from the theater, she’s playing the fairy queen." 
“Nice to meet you all, I’ve heard a lot about you from Neil. So this is the famous Dead Poets Society?”
Neil opened his arms wide as if to show off the small cave with a wide grin on his boyish features, “The one and only. Now take a seat, that’s Cameron, Meeks, Pitts, and Todd. Lets get this meeting under way gentlemen.” All the boys visibly relaxed, going about their usual routine as they all got comfortable, Meeks sitting to your right and Todd to your left. You watched as Neil pulled an old book out, opening instinctively to the title page to read whatever was written aloud, the other boys chanting it with him.
“ I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately... I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! To put to rout all that was not life...”
They were all cut off as rustling and giggles began sounding from the entrance of the cave, everyone glancing over as three figure entered one by one. You figured it must be one of the missing members, though you were shocked to see two other girls entering the cave alongside him. You couldn’t help the breathy laugh that escaped you lips as you heard Cameron who was sitting across from you, “Oh my god.”
The girls stood awkwardly next to the boy who had entered alongside them, a black beret sitting atop his head as a large grin was plastered to his face. After some readjusting everyone began getting settled in once more, the girls sitting down delicately, though their posture was slightly uncomfortable. You figured maybe sitting in a damp cave while it was freezing outside wasn’t the way they had hoped to spend their evening.
You watched closely as Charlies voice rang throughout the small cave, “Guys, I have an announcement to make. In keeping with the spirit of passionate experimentation of the Dead Poets, I’m giving up the name Charlie Dalton. From now on, call me Nuwanda.” You had to hold back a laugh as several of the poet society members let their own chuckles escape at the name, Neil's face even morphing into one of confusion and amusement. 
“We gonna have a meeting or what?”
Your eyes flicked over to Gloria as she spoke up, “Yeah. If you guys don’t have a meeting, how do we know if we wanna join?”
“Join?” Neil's eyes flicked to you for a moment before returning to the book, flipping through the book to find a poem, only to be cut off by Charlie- or rather Nuwanda. “Shall I compare thee to a summers day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate.”
“That's so sweet.”
“I made it up just for you.”
“You did?”
I let out a small chuckle of disbelief at the cluelessness of the blonde bimbo sitting near me. It was clear she had no idea who Shakespeare was, and definitely didn’t know his works- despite that recitation being from one of his most famous works. You watched amused as Gloria turned expectantly to Charlie, who was more than happy to woo her as well.
“I’ll write one for you too, Gloria. She walks in beauty like the night...” He paused for a moment, feigning though as though he truly was making it up on the spot. “She walks in beauty like the night. Of cloudless slimes and starry skies. All that’s best, dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes.” Her eyes widened as she let out a breath of flattery, “That’s beautiful.” You watched as Nuwanda’s grin grew wider, looking to the boys in a knowing manner before glancing back at Gloria. His eyes flitted across the cave for a moment, his eyes meeting your for what felt like forever but you knew was most likely only a fleeting second. His honey eyes were penetrating and passionate, holding your attention effortlessly, and more a moment you understood what caused the girls to believe every word he said without doubt.
You were only snapped out of your thought when he spoke up, “How about beautiful? Would you allow me the pleasure of coming up with a poem for you, a lot of things are coming to mind.” I was caught off guard for a moment before letting a coy smile play across my lips. “That depends, are they going to be original works? Because I’ve already read Lord Byron and Shakespeare, beautiful but not your words.” You watched as the two girls eyes flicked to you, annoyance coming across their faces, Tina speaking up. “I would recognize Shakespeare if I heard it, those words were meant for me. Nuwanda’s a poet, why else would he be in a poet society?” You watched a amused grin flicked across Charlies lips as his eyes remained on your figure. You let out a sigh and shrugged, “Suppose I was mistaken, I’m sure Nuwanda spoke from his heart.” That seemed to relieve the girls annoyances, though you sent a playful wink towards Charlie afterwards which he quickly reciprocated.
You couldn’t explain quite what it was about Charlie that caused him to be so devastatingly attractive, but whatever it was, it was drawing you in more than you cared to admit. Your eyes left Charlie and instead glanced at Neil who only chuckled and sent you a knowing smile. Neil had told you in the past about Charlie, always saying that he felt out of all of his friends, you and him would get along the best. Which you weren’t going to deny- Neil was spot on. Even with the other girls there, it seemed you and Charlie got on the most, sharing laughs as the meeting went on- the two of you having instant chemistry.
The night when on as you supposed their normal meetings would, smoking a few cigarettes, snacking on the pile of food the boys brought from the mess hall, drinking some alcohol, and reciting new and old poetry. Overall it was a fun and relaxed evening- a nice break from the seriousness of school and the long rehearsals for Midsummer. The night ended however with a bit of drama- Charlie revealing that he had published a article in the Welton Academy school paper in the name of the Dead Poets in order to protest that girls should be allowed to attend. 
This didn’t go over well with the other members- most notably Cameron who seemed exceedingly paranoid about getting found out as being involved. The issue was resolved as Nuwanda stated they would take the full blame if things got too heated and administration was looking for the Society. After the meeting concluded, the girls left together, Charlie and the other boys putting out the fire and cleaning up the mess within the cave. 
You watched in confusion as Neil stood up atop one of the rocks in the cave, his head nearly touching the highest part of the ceiling. “I want to nominate a new member of the Dead Poets Society, y/n l/n.” All the boys eyes flicked from Neil, to you, then back to Neil. “All members in agreement say aye, anyone in disagreement raise your hand.” Unanimously all the boys said aye, Charlies eyes catching yours, Neil flashing you a grin as you stood in shock. Neil cleared his throat to regain your attention, “Well y/n, everyone's in agreement except you. Wanna be a Dead Poet?”
Your eyes scanned the boys faces, all of which were grinning brightly at you, your eyes landing on Charlies. He nodded softly at you, a smirk on his lips as he urged you to accept the offer. You could feel a small smile appear on your lips as your eyes returned to Neil who was grinning hopefully at you.
“I accept.”
Charlies voice piped up, “Welcome to the DPS.”
You let out a small laugh at this and reconnected you e/c eyes with his deep brown ones, “Thanks Nuwanda.”
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Kombat Krew and Summer Headcanons: Part two.
Have some fluffy headcanons, before Smutty Saturday and Smuttier Sunday. I can hear you all, ‘But Smut Goblin, you’ve already written these’ Well, I have more ideas, and my thirst is now unrivaled. So, Summer with the Kombat Kast Part two: Electric fucking Boogaloo. Oh yeah, there’s also smut, I lied, they aren’t just fluffy.  
I know I said I’d have more characters. But this was ten pages. TEN FUCKING PAGES! So, like Part 2.5 is coming up! Enjoy. 
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Shitposts about Kano. 18+ under the cut. I fixed Sindel and her retcon. I hope.  GIFs do not belong to me. Either found on the Tumblr Gif finder thing, or google. 
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·       What fresh fucking hell is this? Short haired Fujin is because he’s sick of this shit. His hair is sticking to his fucking back, he can’t cope with the warmth. So, he cut it. And now he looks like sin incarnate. Fuck yes Fujin.
·       He’s an actual sweetheart when you both go for walks. If it’s too warm and he sees kids trying to fly their kites, he may, just may, summon a breeze. Because he’s actually a giant softie. When you ask him if that was him, he’ll tilt his head and look shocked. Him? Use his powers like that?! He wouldn’t dream… don’t tell Raiden.
·       He loves discovering new mortal customs and culture. Day drinking still confuses him. Why is everyone drinking at 2 in the afternoon? He jokes Bo Rai Cho is having an effect on everyone. He’s not opposed to have a sneaky drink with you as the suns setting though. He does like to have a good time, as we’ve all heard in his intros. You’ve never seen him drunk, you’re pretty sure he can’t get drunk. But he has joked that the Elder Gods must never know, that you’re both drinking wine at 2pm.
·       He’d love visiting winebars on an evening for nice relaxed drinks. Any bar with an outside area, bonus points if it’s got a balcony and a good view… he’d suggest Sky Temple, but relaxed drinks, turn into a bender with Bo Rai Cho. With Bo often suggesting skinny dipping. Raiden has consulted the Elder Gods, ‘Relaxed drinks’ are banned.
·       Long walks. This man has stamina for days. He loves getting out into the middle of bum fuck nowhere and walking. Nature seems to love him and flocks to him. Every. Fucking. Time. You. Sit. Down. You look away, and when you look back, there’s just a fucking rabbit sat near you both. Fujin is feeding it grass. He looks so happy and content.
·        If there’s any music/art/food festivals on, then you’re going, he wants to know more about mortals and their customs. So, any opportunities he’s going to want to take up. Nothing better than him playfully wrapping an arm around you and chuckling when you blush. He’s not that against PDA whilst you’re amongst mortals. He’s sure his brother wouldn’t tease. But Kung Lao would. And he doesn’t fancy a lecture from his brother. It’s not a lecture, but, it’s a lecture.
·       As much as he loves exploring. He’ll also love those lazy warm days. Either sat comfortably close, talking about anything and everything. Or lounging out in the garden or your balcony with him.
·       He’ll always make sure you’re hydrated. Like ‘Y/N, do you need some water? You look dehydrated. Please don’t get dehydrated.’ He’s a bit of a worried mother hen sometimes.
·       He’ll also love watching the sunset, whilst you’re both comfortably laid together. You’re always unsure if the cool evenings breeze is from him or not. You like to think it is.
·       Lots of cute photos. You take loads. He’s so photogenic. He’s always got such a happy genuine smile on his face. He’s got super long arms too, so he can always get the best angle.
·       He secretly loves you both walking together, and you holding onto/your arm linked with his. He loves the way you kind of fall forward when you laugh, placing a hand on his as you do so. He’ll always flash you a half smile.
·       The first time you had sex in the shower was when you were taking a cold shower the try and cool yourself down. He naturally wanted to join you, because this fucking heat can fuck off. Long story short, a bit of teasing, led to him fucking you against the wall of your shower. The shower didn’t cool you down at all. In fact, you were warmer in the shower than out of it.
·       Lazy sex on the sofa too. He loves watching you ride his cock. He loves running his hands up your side, as you slowly ride his cock and savour every moment.
·       Is the weather making everyone uncomfortable? He had no idea. He fucking did, because he’s living for the chaos. He’s also used to this weather. Chaosrealm is either baking hot or extremely cold. So, he’s literally chilled with this. Why is everyone panicking? He’s sat there in sunglasses and drinking a Pina Colada. Such a little shit.
·       He’s a hot mess all the time. But summer makes him an even hotter mess. You’ve never seen someone give less of a fuck till you met him. Great thing about Havik, he doesn’t give two fucks about anything. He’s so laidback. You don’t want to go out because it’s too warm? That’s fine. You want to go out and get wine drunk? He’s got two hands to carry two bottles. Whatever you want to do.
·       Relaxed drinks in your garden, he’s burning the food on the grill, your neighbours are telling him to put a shirt on, because you don’t have a fence. Everyone is having a great time.
·       He lives for terrible BBQs. He loves the disappointment more than the food. Your parents aren’t who this fucking behemoth in the most chaotic Hawaiian shirt is. No one is going to tell him his shirt is gawdy, because he’s so fucking tall.
·       He knows all the lyrics to ‘We didn’t start the fire’ which is a skill and slightly concerning.
·       Extremely good at limbo… too good. You’re watching as people’s faces switch from whimsical whimsy to fucking shocked. You’re sure someone was sick. Lives for the chaos.
·       He hates going outside for long periods of time. His face itches and it’s too warm to wear everything normally. Badly. Loves Halloween though, because people always compliment how great his ‘Costume’ and makeup is.
·       You’ve had a few comments on how handsome he is and laid back he is. He doesn’t get the ‘handsome’ thing, he prefers his face, when half of it’s you know, missing.
·       He loves Summer and how warm it is. When you ask why, he admits ‘It’s because Hotaru will be miserable’ And then he’ll smile. Summer is his Christmas. Because Hotaru is miserable.
·       When you can’t sleep, he’s awake, you’re not sure he needs to sleep. But he’s awake. You’ll have long chats, and, you both end up sat on your Livingroom floor, playing trivial pursuit. You’re sort of surprised by how much random knowledge he knows.
·       He’ll go on walks with you. This is where he met his first goose. He fucking loves them. What are these hate filled, angry creatures? Why does he want an army of them? When one hisses at him and falls in the river, he’s so happy. The circle of Chaos goes on.
·       Loves the beach. Because there’s loads of water. He fucking loves it. Ready to jump in as soon as he sees you. Pulls you in and you both swim for ages. He loves watching the waves crash against the shore with you, your head on his shoulder, whilst he draws circles… or squiggles on your leg.
·       Summer sex with him is so easy going. You’re sure you always end up fucking him in your car more than usual. You’re down to fuck on the way back from a day out? Fucking pull over, he’s good to go.
·       Don’t let him drive. He can’t drive.
·       Havik fucks hard and he once broke your headboard with his grip… and two fingers. But that’s fine, he just put them back together all good.
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Tomas Vrbada Smoke:
·       He’s not a fan of this shit. He’s not overly bothered about the heat, it’s his hair. It’s sticking to his back and he doesn’t like it. Has asked Bi-Han for a hug. He just wants to feel cold.
·       Queue the manbun. He’s not cutting his hair. He loves it too much. So, hair is up and tied back. Which only elevates his hipster status… and makes him look that little bit hotter. Burns hotter than the weather.
·       He’ll always put on sunscreen. He burns very easily. Way too easily. No tan. Just burns. He does get a slight dusting of freckles over the bridge of his nose. He’s not overly keen on them… but you think their cute. He starts to like them a little bit more when you remark how cute they are… and when you run your finger over them.
·       He’ll love doing something a little adventurous in summer. Which surprises you. He’s normally pretty introverted and wanting to relax and lounge. He’ll love doing something like hiking in the hills or taking long walks along a river. He just lives strolling, hand in hand, if it’s not too warm, and chatting genuine shit.
·       Imagine: Smoke, grey short-sleeved t-shirts, some cropped jeans, a good pair of hiking boots (Probably timberlands, the hipster) and a grey flannel jacket wrapped around his waist. Fucking hell. I need a fan!
·       Cute dates to cafes, where you both either talk about what you’re reading, or you both go to read. Said café dates can also be in the park with a takeaway ice coffee. Smoke is a hipster, fight me on this. You’re both looking up at the sky, laid arm on arm, head to head, whilst watching the clouds go by. You love moments like this and you both feel so content.
·       If you can ride a bike and are into that shit. He wouldn’t be opposed to having a bike ride, either along a canal or river. Somewhere that’s got a nice even off-road trail, with shade, nice scenery and is easy going. He’ll always make sure to pack lots of snacks, water and also sunscreen. Lots of sunscreen. He’ll plan a huge day out for you both, with lots of stops to see sights along the way. It’s all going great until he gets a bug in his mouth. Then he remembers why he hates the outdoors.
·       If gets too warm, you’re both going to the Lin Kuei temple. Smoke doesn’t care. You can live his room. He’s got a kettle and plenty of cup of noodles. Kuai thinks it’s nice that Smokes found someone. Bi-Han teases, because what kind of older brother would he be? Bi-Han totally views Smoke as a younger brother. He comes up with a cute ship name and he makes sure everyone refers to you both by it.
·       Loves the beach. Loves drinking iced tea at the beach. He’s under a big umbrella though. Sat in the shade, sipping his tea, reading his book, looking absolutely fine as fuck. People fall into ditches watching him lounge around. Bi-Han wanted to come with you both. Suns out guns out. He totally throws a bucket of water on him, saying he needs to cool the fuck down. And throws the bucket at him. Only to proceed to fall flat on his face.
·       Relaxed afternoon drinks at some hipster bar. He’s drinking an IPA. He doesn’t give a shit what you think… he really does. But it’s too warm for a hot chocolate.
·       He’s not overly fond of sex if it’s really warm. But saying that, on those cooler evenings, he’ll love just having you ride his cock. It’s soft, gentle, with a lot of touches and caresses. He loves you and loves spending time with you. He’ll also love the sight of your body in the moonlight. That slight summer breeze cooling you both down. The sound of the city below you, drowning out the moans.
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·       Pre-Burn Kabal is so hyped for summer. The moment that barometer or the weather says it’s slightly warm. That’s it. He’s wearing cropped shorts, showing off those finely tuned calves, and wearing a vest that may as well not be a vest, because side-boob.
·       He totally as a duck barometer on his desk, that turns yellow when it’s supposed to be warm. ‘Sorry Kano, can’t work, Mr Quack says it’s going to be sunny. You know what that means’ Queue everyone sighing, because they know their in for a month of awful outfits.  
·       You notice he slows down a lot in the summer. ‘Babe, papa is out of shape’ is the most uttered phrase for him. He’s used to the heat, but that doesn’t mean he wants to be speedy. He wants to savour every moment of his favourite season, with his favourite person.
·       He’s a mix of lazy and energised. He’ll want to go for long walks in the park, the woods, the river, the beach. But he’ll also want to lounge around in his underwear, AC on, whilst you both watch shit TV and binge watch bad films.
·       Drives at 2 am in the morning, because he wants a really cold drink, and he knows this place that does really good slurpees. Queue, some very bad summer music. If you have to listen to ‘Steal My Sunshine’ One more fucking time, you’re going to scream. The slurpee is pretty good.
·       He’ll also tease your thighs on the way back home. Which leads to you giving him a blowjob whilst he drives. Which leads to him having to pullover and fuck you in the backseat. Lord have mercy he can’t cope.
·        He’s really good at BBQ you’re so surprised. You both have two people BBQs, you’re both sipping on cocktails, having fun, listening to terrible music. Annoying your neighbours who don’t want to hear his shit music. He’ll love spinning you around and picking you up over his shoulder and carrying you back inside. Just so you can make out on the couch.
·       Prank calling Kano at 2 in the morning. With very unfunny jokes. But it’s funny, because it’s Kano and it’s winding him up.
·       Nothing better than walking into the living room and seeing a near fully naked Kabal on the sofa. Sprawled out, glistening skin, playing on his Playstation. Glasses on and a lazy smile. God.
·       If you wear shorts, he’s going to be very distracted. Loves your ass in them. And will always give it a discreet and cheeky squeeze. He’ll always lean in to whisper and tease you, about what he’s going to do when you both get back.
·       Going to the beach or swimming is always fun. He’ll totally drag you into the pool and splash you.
·       He’s so glad his hair is fairly short. Because who’s got the time in this heat.
·       Cute dates to diners and relaxed drinks on the kitchen floor. Because it’s cool, and you can both eat ice cream from the tub.
·       Post burns everything is different.
·       I still headcanon he’s not a massive fan of his body and his skin is hypersensitive to the heat.
·       He’ll love you rubbing sunscreen affectionately onto his skin, or maybe rubbing a balm to try and ease it. If you’re whispering sweet nothings, or how much you love his body, whilst doing this, it’ll make him so fucking happy. He wants to feel loved.
·       Sometimes, the gentle rubs, turn into teasing rubs, and then into needful grabs. Which leads to some pretty intimate and passionate sex. Lots of body worship and lots of caresses.
·       He will want to stay in more in Summer. His skin will feels like it’s on fire and it won’t be comfortable. He will not dress casually in the summer when out in public. But when that confidence returns, he’ll be back to wearing next to nothing on the sofa.
·        He can handle this better than Kuai. Or so he says. He hates it really. He fucking hates this warmth and this weather. He wants to be cold. You’ve caught him threatening to climb into the fridge or the chest freezer.
·        Endearing whines from him. He loves the excuse however, that gets to lounge around in next to nothing. Queue you coming back from work to see him on your couch, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. Complaining that he’s melting. He knew he was hot, but he didn’t think he was this hot! You hate and love that joke.
·        He’s eaten all your ice cubes, ice cream and ice lollies. He’s trying to cool down, but nothing is working. When you suggest maybe going to back to Arctika, he’s not down for that. He wants to stay here with you… that and going back, would confirm to Kuai that he was right and Bi-Han was wrong. He ain’t having that shit!
·        He’s constantly taking ice cold baths and showers. But nothing is helping. But on the bright side, you’ve got an unlimited supply of ice cubes. He sees yours are melting, boom, have some more.
·        He does manage to lower the temperature of your house, but he really has to focus, and he hates his concentration face. Kuai makes him look really majestic, Bi-Hans looks confused, sad and angry all rolled into one. He ain’t a fan of it.
·        He does love spending time with you though. He’ll love wrapping his arms around you out in public. Barely anyone knows he’s the Grandmaster of The Lin Kuei so why the fuck does it matter?
·        He’ll love going on cute bar dates, he looks pretty fucking FINE in a suit. All dressed up, looking like a whole three course meal. He’ll love sitting on a balcony, with some good food and a few glasses of wine.
·        Ultimate tease. His hands are cooler than any drink, and he’s an obsession with your legs in summer. He’ll love running a hand up and down your thighs, cheekily squeezing your ass in shorts. He’s very discreet, which makes you call him a Ninja, he’ll wrinkle his nose at that. He’s no ninja, he’s just good at been discreet.
·        He’s also a fan of sitting on the kitchen floor because it’s cool. You’re both listening to music in your kitchen, sat on the floor, eating ice cream and drinking frozen drinks.
·        Summer sex for Bi-Han involves a lot of him surprising you with some sweet kisses. Which get heated. Very heated. He’ll end up picking you up, placing you on your kitchen counter and helping you get rid of some layers. The counters cool against your skin, and he’s still pretty cool, so it’s all round refreshing.
·        He loves the beach. Not only because he loves showing off his physique, but you look cute and he likes the thought of the water been cool.
·        Water is saltier than he is. But he doesn’t give a shit. He can swim pretty well, and he’s soon out pretty far. It’s so good to finally be cold.
·        Low-key drags Smoke and Kuai with you both to the beach. Smoke is chilling, vibing with his book and the little sandcastle version of the temple he built. Kuai is fucking miserable.
·        Bi-Han will chuck you into the sea if you ask. If you want to be Yeeted, he will yeet you as far as you want to go. He’ll also playfully push you off the pier and jump in after you.
·        Small kisses in the water, his arms around your waist.
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Kuai Liang (Sub Zero):
·        He still hates this. Nothing has changed. Summer can go fuck itself. He handles the complaints better than Bi-Han but he doesn’t handle the heat better. The only upside, he gets to spend some quality time with you. With no Bi-Han interrupting. Because he’s the worst.
·        He still doesn’t let on how bad he’s feeling it. He’s there, stoic, teeth gritted, whilst you’re having lunch. You decide to surprise him with a cold bath, the AC on the lowest setting, and ice in the bath. You leave him a note saying ‘Surprise and enjoy’ he fucking loves you. His heart actually may do a backflip.
·        When you get back, he’s less teeth gritted and more relaxed. He’ll take your hands in his and bring you in for a very soft kiss. You’re in your apartment so no one can see. It’s all cool!
·        He still tries to dress in his Grandmaster gear. He’s trying to remain stoic and trying his hardest to be his usual self. You remind him, that no one but you can see him in your apartment.
·        He will bite the bullet eventually and will shed his upper half of clothes. He’s currently sat in the comfy pair of short joggers you bought him. He’s a Grandmaster but he’s going to melt unless he changes. This is no different than when he’s in his relaxing gear back at the temple.
·        Your neighbours are in for a treat. When he wakes up, does his morning meditation in front of the window… only to realise the curtains and door are open, your neighbours are watering their flowers, and they are just stood there. Staring. Wondering how one man can be so chiselled and fine looking. Que him, leaning over to close the curtains. ‘Y/N. Did you open the curtains whilst I was meditating?’ ‘Yeah, why?’ ‘I don’t think your neighbours appreciate seeing me’ Oh, if only he fucking knew.
·        His bonus for living through his own personal living hell, you’re dressed in your cute summer clothes, and you constantly want to be close to him in your apartment. He does love how close you are to him. He loves when you’re relaxing on the sofa, and your head is on his shoulder. He will watch you from the corner of his eye, a small smile tugging on his lips. Just as his arm snakes around you more.
·        He doesn’t drink a lot. He isn’t against it. But then you introduce him to a Long Island Iced Tea. He can’t taste the tea but it’s pretty nice. He’ll love lounging with you on your balcony, watching as the evenings sky bleeds into the nights sky.
·        He’ll tell you about the constellations as a refreshing breeze washes over you.
·        He’ll love going for walks with you. He loves been out and exploring more of Earth in a more relaxed way. He’s been to many places, but they’ve always been mission related.
·        He may not be able to last long with the heat, but he does love wandering around the Forests and woods. He’ll spout random facts about the wildlife and fauna you pass.
·        Sex with Kuai when it’s warm is often difficult. He’s feeling flustered by the warmth and struggling. You do offer to run him a cold shower. He’ll sit there, asking if you wish to join him. You’re not going to pass that up. It’ll start innocent, with him just holding your body. Musing how he’s missed your touch.
·        A few kisses later and you’ve got him all flustered again. He’s not entirely sure what’s going on, when you slowly sink to your knees and take his cock into your mouth. At first, he’s like ‘Y/N, we can’t do this in the shower’ But, even all of that stoic training can’t help him here. His moans betray him, hands hovering over your hair, before you tangle them for him. This leads to him showing you some of that strength of his and fucking you against the wall of the shower.
·        After, you’re both panting messes, and you hear him chuckle. He comments on how he guesses the weather has bonuses. That’s as horny of a comment you’ll ever get from him.
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Kung Lao:
·        He’s actually fine in this heat, why do you ask? Kung Lao can handle heat, who said he couldn’t? Their lying. Okay, they’re not lying. He hates it. He fucking hates it. He’s confused at how Raiden can be stood there, completely unphased, and Fujin can be there with long fucking hair. They are winding him, and he knows it.
·        Liu Kang is fine. But he’s fucking not. Of course, he’s fucking fine with the heat.
·        He does love spending the time with you though. I mean, you look pretty cute in those shorts, and he loves how you smile and your so giddy about going out places.
·        His arrogance will be the death of him. Death will be caused by melting. He won’t admit how much he’s not overly fond of the heat. But when you see him staring into the fridge, you know he’s too warm. You suggest going for a swim and going to the beach.
·        Best idea in the fucking world. He can swim pretty well, so he’s dragging you into the water, before you can even pull off your clothes. He’s like ‘Lets go Y/N. Lets go.’ He’ll splash you, like the dick he is, he can give but can’t take when you splash him back.
·        Will feign falling over, only to have you rush over to him. He’ll then pick you up and spin you around and launch you into the water. You both piss about far too much. Lord Fujin is smiling down, so happy and proud, Lord Raiden is face palming so hard. The Elder Gods couldn’t give a fuck, their too warm as well.
·        He’ll always insist you take photos, bonus if it’s a polaroid so he can take the photos back. He will continuously show Liu Kang, Raiden and Fujin. He acts like the heat wasn’t that bad… Fujin knows the truth but he’s not going to say shit.
·        He’ll love going for small evening walks with you, just as the suns starting to set, you’re both strolling beside a rive. A small breeze is blowing past you. When you’re not looking, he’s thanking Fujin for been a bro and having his back. ‘Thank you…’ ‘What was that Kung Lao?’ ‘Nothing Y/N. You look very pretty. How’s that breeze?’
·        He loves the sunshine though and will want to make the most of going out in it. Que you both spending as much time as possible outside. Whether you’re just lounging, walking or exploring.
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Sindel: (The Smut Goblin will do you right, since 11 just retconned you.)
·        Outworld is naturally warmer than Earthrealm. She knows this and understands that it may be hard to cope. She’s there, looking ethereal, not a single hair out of place, barely breaking a sweat. Whilst you’re boiling. She thinks it’s cute.
·        She’ll always shake her head when you deny how warm you are. She’ll make sure you’ve always got fresh water and are kept cool. If it’s warmer than usual, she’ll make sure you’ve got baggy clothes to keep you cool and make sure you’re okay.
·        She’s not mean by any standard, but she will tease you ever so slightly about it. If you’re slightly red from the heat, she will tease you about it. ‘Y/N, blushing to see me already.’ Will tease you discreetly. And she will always remark about how she didn’t know she had this effect on you.
·        She’s discreet. She can’t be embarrassing Kitana like that. She ain’t about that life. Kitana fully supports your relationship. She thinks it’s nice her mother has found someone to spend her life with. Shao Kahn who? Who’s that dick? Never heard of Shags Cars.
·        She’ll personally request you join her when she goes to try and cool down at the warmest part of the day. The pool is surrounded by blooms and lush scenery, scenery you didn’t know existed in Outworld. Because, it does look barren.
·        You’re not arguing that it’s a mirage, until she strips down and asks you to join her. Everything is pleasant and cool. She asks you all about Earthrealm whilst you’re chilling in the cool water.
·        She wants to know more about you and yourself. And what better place than whilst taking a leisurely dip.
·        She’ll love lounging around on one of the balconies in the evening. Wine in hand, whilst you’re leant against her. She’ll plant a gentle kiss on your head, before asking if you’re comfortable. Very caring, because you know, she’s actually a caring person. NetherRealm seemingly forgot this shit. Let me remind them.
·        Sex with Sindel is fucking WILD. She can go from a pillow princess (Queen?) to a fucking dom in seconds. One minute she’s sat on your face, trying to stifle a moan, less anyone hear. The next, she’s got you flipped over, pinned down, whilst she attacks your cunt with her very skilled tongue.
·        You forget about the heat of the day and focus on the heat that’s pooling in your stomach for a few moments. Once you’re spent and wasted, she’ll always remark ‘I told you I could make you forget the heat my dear’
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·        For a man that has lived an eternal life and has lived through the heats of many summers. He’s never got to experience them because of ‘Can I see the manager’ Kronika. Fuck her.
·        He can cope with the heat of the day and is pleasantly surprised when there is a refreshing breeze. He’s so happy to be able to enjoy the summer and the sunshine, without the Titan of complaints, bossing him about.
·        He’s blissfully unaware of how mortals struggle with heat.
·        When you go on nice walks, to show him more of Earthrealm, and so you can both take cute photos. He’s walking miles head, happy and curious about everything. ‘Isn’t this nice Y/N. What a refreshing breeze… Y/N?’ Turns around to see you in a puddle on the ground. Que him turning back and picking you back up.
·        He loves experiencing different cultures and will love you exploring different parts of your city and trying new things. Kronika was a bitch and didn’t give him any downtime.
·        He’s loving this new lease on life, the fact he doesn’t have to go on bullshit missions for the Elder God of bullshit and family problems.
·        He’ll love cuddling up with you, whilst you both chat, and he tells you all the stories of his life. You name a time period, and he has lived through and experienced it. Bonus if you’re doing a history degree.
·        ‘Actually, my boyfriend was there and that’s not what happened. Give me my 100% on my test’
·        He’ll be a little confused why you always take photos of him at first. Until you explain you’re creating memories. Then he’ll be constantly posing for your photos with you. He takes the cutest selfies. He’s got such a warm smile and some gorgeous eyes. You’re the envy of all of your friends.
·        When you suggest going to the beach, he’s all for it, he loves the sound of the waves and finds it soothing.
·        He makes the most impressive sandcastles. It puts everyone else’s to shame on the beach. He’s not even trying which is the best part.
·        Geras is a tall guy. So, when he wades out into the ocean, you’re stuck behind in a bit of a shallower end. He wants you to come with him, so you’re getting picked up, and he’s got you on his shoulders. Your toes skimming the waters edge. He loves hearing your laugh, and you swear you hear him chuckle when you fall in.
·        He often remarks how he’s no longer eternally alone. And it makes your heart skip a beat.
·        He loves life in the slow lane, time is no object to him, so why not take things slow?
·        He’ll prefer slow and passionate sex during the warmer months. He knows you’re warm and he wants to make sure you’re okay. So slower and softer sex is on the cards. But if you want him to fuck you rough, then he is down for that, and the man has skill.
·        Geras needs a hug and I think we need to give him one.
586 notes · View notes
futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Hearless - pt. 11
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A/N: I know I’m late to post this but I’ve been so exhausted from my morning shifts. I genuenly hate morning shifts because I am not a morning person and days pass so quickly. One minute I’m asleep, the next I’m awake at work. Anyways, this is a bit “normal” part- it’s like an intro to a good ass part. Hope you like it. 
*Legilimency is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings. A person who practises this art is known as a Legilimens. *
You couldn’t decide which shirt to put on for breakfast. If you came down in a T-shirt, then they will ask questions but wearing a sweater in summer isn’t the brightest cover up to come up with. 
“I can just say I’m cold... or something...” you mumbled to yourself as you tugged the sleeves down your hands and bit your lower lip. 
‘I just won’t tell them.’ you told yourself. ‘Just remember what he said to you. Mum and dad already know, so they won’t be a problem but James? He can be such a prick when it comes to my private things.’
You walked down the stairs and found Sirius chewing his sandwich toast as he kept reading on the newspapers. “Morning.” he said as he chewed, keeping his eyes on the paper. 
“Morning, Sirius.” you smiled, walking into the kitchen and grabbing yourself a cup to make some coffee. 
It was a simple process every morning; boil water, add sugar, add coffee, pour into the cup, add milk. - And when you have done all of those things, you smiled to yourself at the scent of the wonderful home-made coffee and sat behind the table.
You looked up and saw him staring with one of his eyebrows quirked up. “What?”
“Are you in a sweater?” 
“And here comes yet another marvelous observation, Sherlock Holmes.” you leaned forward, teasing as he rolled back his eyes far back to his head. “Oh yummy.” you reached for his other half of sandwich as he slapped your hand away.
“AH-OI!” he looked at you, all considering serious. “Excuse me, get your own sandwich, lady.”
“Lady?” you scoffed with a laugh. “You owe me, prick. You ate my donuts last time!” you reached again but he took a hold of your wrist and narrowed his eyes at you. “You. Owe. Me.” you narrowed your eyes as well, challenging him into a silent battle of the glares. 
He looked away and let go off your wrist. “Fine.” he threw your wrist away and you gave him a triumphant smirk as your hand reached for the sandwich. “I would have given it to you if you asked nicely, though.” he shrugged, taking another bite.
“Since when do we do nice, Sirius?” you smiled, taking in the bit as he laughed.
“That is awfully sad but true.” he said, letting his smile fade as he swallowed the last peace of food in his mouth. He brushed off his palms and leaned back- then back forward to lean on his elbows as he fumbled with his thumbs. He looked at you.... concern this time. “You should have used my sweater to hide the scars, (y/n). The one I gave you that night with the frog sock. It’s nicely thin, breathable for your skin.” he stood up and grabbed his plate to the sink, grabbing a sponge and opening the water. 
You sat there, stopped to chew and continue to eat. That last bite was hard to swallow when somebody like Sirius told you something like this. You turned your head over your shoulder and looked at him with wide eyes, almost wanting to scream what had happened to you. 
Odd.. this feeling of wanting to confide into somebody about all the things you told yourself you would never in life confide to anybody. 
You stood up and grabbed your coffee mug to the sink, leaning on the counter next to him. 
He stopped washing the dishes, his heartbeat raising as he slowly looked up at you. You crossed your arms over your chest and let your hand travel to his cheek. Your thumb brushed across his cheek as his eyes sent you a flash of desire. 
He blinked a few times, to bring himself back from your touch, shaking his head and scrubbing the plate. “Uh... your boyfriend came over a few nights ago. He gave James a letter to give it to you.” 
You let your hand fall back to your chest, hugging your arms. “Yeah.” you smiled, walking back to the table. “I got it.” you pulled your heels on the edge of your chair and hugged them both. “He was going back to France. Said he would be back after graduation- the last summer before he packs up his things and moves there.” you trailed off, staring at the morning sun. 
“Moves there?” Sirius came back to the table, wiping off his hands with his cloth. 
“Yeah. He decided to live in France, since he was in school most of his life.”
“And you?” he asked, leaning on the chair and staring  at you with intense blazing eyes. 
“What about me?” you gave him a soft smile.
“Will you move in with him?” 
“No.” you laughed. “He wanted me to but I told him we already broke up, so it was useless going back together and moving across the world to France. I don’t even know the language, though I do know some words.” you let out a soft giggle that made Sirius stiffen up. 
He shook himself off jealousy. “You two broke up?” he sat back down. 
“Yeah. That “first date”- was me telling him we kissed and he was so pissed at me from cheating on him that he broke up with me before storming away.” 
“Why would you tell him?” 
You shot your head to him in wonder. “Why wouldn’t I?” 
“I mean, the two of you would still be together. I wouldn’t tell.”
“I didn’t want to be together with somebody when I kissed you, Sirius.” you furrowed your eyebrows at him as he continued to stare with no expression. “Relationship is about trust and loyalty... and truth. I told him because he deserved to know.”
“But it was just a kiss.” 
You let out a soft laugh, standing up and walking to the sink. You grabbed a glass from the cabinet and turned on the pipe. “It wasn’t just a kiss to me.” you mumbled, knowing fair well he had heard you clearer than ever. 
Your whole chest was burning from the fire your heart caused. It was painfully quiet and it was that same pain that made your eyes focus on the cold water flowing from the pipe.
“I’M COMING IN SO IF YOU TWO ARE SNOGGING PLEASE STOP!” James shouted as he covered his eyes with his hands and walked blindly into the kitchen and peeping through his fingers to see if it was safely innocent for his eyes. “Oh, thank God. Morning.”
“Really, James.” you smiled, walking past him to sit back to the table. 
“Might as well make the two of you suffer for that.” he grabbed himself a cup and a teapot, bringing it to the table. “Why are you wearing a sweater? It’s boiling here.”
“Cuz I enjoy sweaters. It’s Britain, James. It’ll get cold sooner or later.” you hugged yourself and continued to watch him sit down and take a sip of his tea. “Plus, mum and dad went on some errands. Said they’d be back soon.” 
“Yeah, I know. Dad left me a note on the desk- oh that reminds me.” he turned to Sirius. “He also said we’d have to go get something into town tonight before five. Said it’s urgent and well, who else to trust with urgent things then his eldest son.” James puffed out his chest and winked. 
“Pompous brother?” you rolled your eyes as he continued to play his child-like smile on his lips.
“That I am not afraid to admit.”
“Good thing-”
“Blimey!” your father apparated into the room with a few bags in his hands and looked up at his three children.”Morning, you three.” he said as he trotted to the kitchen and placed down some of the bags. “Your dear old mother will never let me come home in less than two bags.” he started to unpack the groceries.
“Hey dad, you’re early.” you said as your father looked over his shoulder and smiled at you.
“I know. Got things done earlier. Your mother, however, ran into that- what’s her name again- Mina?” 
“Yes, her. Her mother and obviously they hopped their way into the tea land.”
“I bet they’re talking about sexy men from Cuba.” James started to tease, making both of you and Sirius laugh. “Nina’s mum is probably telling mum about the man who would be perfect for her.”
“Oh, James, my dear boy.” he walked back to him, tapping his shoulder. “If you ever want that new broom of yours, you’ll be smart enough to shut your mouth.” 
“Gee dad. It’s only jokes.” James lifted his hands in defeat and sent Sirius a wink. 
“This is for you, deary. Just like you said.” your father trotted to you and placed down two large books. “These two were the most recommended.”
“Thanks dad, you took the books and opened the first one.”
Sirius and James exchanged glances, both furrowing their eyebrows like two identical set of twins. “What is this?”
“Bravo, Sherlock.”  Sirius looked at you, giving you an amusing smile before you sent him a smile of your own. He reached for one book in your hands and tore it away as James grabbed the second one and started flipping through it. 
“Legilimency”” Sirius felt more confused then ever.
“Dreams interpretation?”  James was right behind him.
“Haven’t you told them yet?” your father said from the kitchen.
“Told us what?” James asked.
“I had the weirdest dreams last night.” you rubbed your eyes and looked at both of them. “Like there was Remus in them-”
“Oh, Pads, watch out-” James started to tease meanwhile both you and Sirius rolled your eyes in sync.
“Shut up, James.” you cut in. “It was so odd though- like I was a deer and I had a mouse on my head- like a massive fat mouse.” you started to show with your hands the size of your hands as Sirius and James started to process your words, growing more nervous than ever. “And then there was a big black dog in front of me- really ugly looking.”
“Excuse me?!” Sirius exclaimed, widening his eyes before feeling a slap of James’ hand on top of his mouth. He sent James a glare and James gave him back an apologetic look. 
You drew your eyebrows together and gave them a suspicious look. They were acting odder than usual. “Anyhow...” you trailed off, trying to go back to your dreams. “That dog turned into you-” you gestured to Sirius, giving him a teasing smile. “Which explains the ugliness.”
“And then I’m the rude one- really James? You call me the rudest out of here?” Sirius gave James another glare as James laughed nervously. 
“And you looked at me and said if we throw Worm into the lake and let him change in mid air so he can do a canon ball... or something???” you laughed, burying your head into your palms and looking back up at their crooked smiles. 
“Hahahaha!” James forced a laugh. “Worm... Why would- why would- uh, we- uh call a rat worm? Hahahha!” 
“I think... she said mouse, James.” Sirius corrected him.
“MOUSE! Yeah... mouse... that. Not rat... mouse on a stag...”
“I said deer.”
“Well they’re both the same thing..” James started to get a bit offended. 
“Then if I would be a deer, I’d be a doe, not a stag.”
James pursed his lips together and breathed hard through the nose. “Alright... doe then. It still doesn’t explain the books.”
“Doesn’t it though?” you stood up to get the books from both of their grasp, which was lot easier despite they were...well, James and Sirius.  “I’m looking for a meaning.”
“The dog might be an omen?” your father sat beside you, wiping his hands with a cloth. “Like a ghost, perhaps. I mean, don’t you call Sirius Padfoot, James?” he looked at James as James and Sirius looked at each other with wide eyes. “ In Lancashire they call the black dog many things. From Grim to Padfoot and since Sirius was the one who turned into-”
“WOW DAD!” James boomed throughout the room, clapping his hands and standing up. “That’s a great history lecture but me and Paddy here will go to get ourselves ready for that...uh.... urgent thing you gave us.” he sent both of you finger guns and pulled Sirius to his feet. “Let’s go... Sirius.” he pushed him forward, out of the room, up the stairs and into their room. He locked the door behind him.
James turned to Sirius, who was running his hands through his hair nervously. James waved his hands at him, as if he was screaming at Sirius but in reality only came out in loud whispers. “HOW DOES SHE-”
“You sure?!”
“Why would I tell her!?!”
“I don’t know, maybe because you fancy her!”
“Prongs, will you stop mentioning that! I didn’t tell her!”
“Then who did-”
“It’s your memory, Prongs! You told her!”
“...” James stood there quiet, like a linden statue, staring at his best friend as his brain tried to process it. His eyes went wide and his mouth fell open. “OH MY GOD-” he started to punch Sirius from the realiasation. “WHAT IF IT’S A TWIN THING! OH MY- DO YOU THINK WE’RE TELEPATHIC!”
“MATE! Mate.. mate..” James smiled broadly at his best friend. “How cool would it be if we are actually those twins that can telepathically communicate-”
James slapped his hand on his mouth. “Oh- what if she’s listening to me right now.”
“JAMES!” Sirius took James’ shoulders and shook him. “Calm down, for crying out loud. You’re not telepathic. I think she is- sort of.” he shrugged as James kept watching him. “I think she’s a Legilimen.”
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brelione · 4 years
Endgame(Kiara Carrera X Reader)
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Request:with kie with a like super rich kook SO and bringing them to meet the rest of the pogues and they all expect to hate them but then not
Kiara had never liked you.Well, she had never reallly met you.She kind of just assumed you were a bitch.You were what Sarah Cameron thought she was, you came from a ridiculously rich family.
Your mother was a brain surgeon and your father was a famous actor so that obviously meant that you were ridiculously rich.Kie had done a lot of research on you, finding your name on your fathers wikipedia page and from there finding your blog where you posted videos of him behind the scenes and personal interviews with him on your youtube channel.
She was up for 16 hours straight watching all of your videos, memorising your intro song.You had a good one million subscribers, posting a lot of blogs and videos showing things that you had found on the beach.She would blush and giggle at your little comments.
 “Hey, beautiful people!Its your bitch and today im gonna show you guys my new surf board because my old one got broke on an accident.I mean, my wrist also broke so if you were gonna comment on it, trust me.I definitely noticed.So before I get into this video I just want to talk about mental health really quickly.”You paused to take in a quick breath, speaking a bit too fast.
Theres a new suicide game and its getting across social media really quick so please do me a favor and stay safe.It doesnt matter what the problem is now, its only temporary and suicide is a permanent solution.I linked some suicide hotlines and free therapy sources in the description so please just keep yourselves healthy and happy for me, okay?Okay, cool.”You licked your lips, calming down from the quick rant.
“Also drink some fucking water!Its hot out and I almost passed out the other day and make sure you get a snack because this video is already fifteen minutes long and im probably gonna be ranting for another hour.”You grinned at the camera.
Kiara bit into a carrot stick, her knees on her chest as she sat in the recliner of her living room. “Watching another documentary?”Her mother asked, noticing that her daughter hadnt moved in hours.Kie shrugged, focusing on you as you dropped your surfboard. “This is exactly how I broke the first one-fuck!”You laughed, picking it back up.
Eventually the boys started to spam her phone, interrupting her binge watching.She left her house with a sigh, walking out to the dock and waiting for the pogues.Thats when she heard your voice.It was quiet as you walked, wearing white jeans and a light blue button up shirt.
 “So you guys always ask me to show you the beach that I find all of my seashells at so thats what we’re-”You paused, looking over to Kiara.She quickly looked away, pretending to be busy on your phone. “Sorry guys, I just saw a really pretty girl.”You whispered to your phone, continuing your walk.
From there she finally worked up the courage to talk to you.She couldnt simply message you on instagram, you had hundreds of thousands of followers so her dm would get lost with all the others.
So she found her prettiest outfit and walked to your house, knocking on the door.You looked at her through the camera of your doorbell, knowing that you had seen her before.You set down your lap top as you were editing, going to answer the door. 
“Hi...um...hi.”She laughed, not planning on getting this far. “Hi, um...what’s up?”You cringed at your words. “Nothing much.I just live a block away and I just thought id say hi...im sorry.”She laughed again, becoming more anxious.
 “Its fine!So um...I dont know, do you wanna maybe hang out sometime?”You asked, leaning against your doorway.She licked her lips, trying her best not to blush. “Yeah, yeah ok.Um...could I get your number?”She asked, holding her phone.
You nodded, giving her your phone number and telling her to text you whenever.Once the door was closed and she had left you were a squealing mess on your couch, recording. 
“So you guys know that pretty girl I was talking about that I saw?Yeah so I just got her number and im low key freaking out-oh god lets just hope she doesnt watch my channel!”You laughed before finishing the editing process, uploading it to youtube.
Kiara got the notification while she was washing her face, watching the video and absolutely losing her mind.She buried her face in her pillow, squealing before deciding to text you.
Unknown number:hey!Its Kiara.Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?
You smiled, letting out a sigh.You screenshotted it, knowing that it would be fun to look back at in the future.
You:Sounds good!Do you want to come over and we can get coffee or lunch or something?
You:Works for me :)
You were anxious the whole night, trying to figure out what to wear.You couldnt decide, posting a poll on your instagram.They decided that you’d be wearing a dark green romper and sandals.You went to bed early since you’d have to wake up before afternoon, heart pounding.
When you woke up it was eleven and you were already behind, hopping in the shower quickly, drying your hair and brushing it, trying to get it to a soft texture.You didnt want to look like you were trying too hard, deciding not to use all of the hair products you’d usually put in your hair before a meeting or a date.
You got into your outfit quickly, pinning your pin back with bobby pins so you could moisturize your face, grabbing your box of beads and parting your hair.You braided the two groups of hair that framed your face, intertwining the beads along the way, securing it with an elastic.
You sighed, twisting a golden flower ring onto your pinkie before going down stairs to sit in your large living room, waiting for Kiara.Your doorbell alerted you to motion outside, getting excited when you saw Kiara walking up to your front door.
She was wearing a pink tube top, light washed jeans with her hair half up and half down, bracelets hugging her wrists.You got up, answering the door the second she rung the bell. “Hi.”You smiled, phone in your pocket.
 “Hi.”She smiled back, looking up and down at you.The two of you got into your car, you driving as you started your drive to a cafe. “So how are you?”You asked, realising you knew nothing about her. “Im good, what about you?”She asked, hands in her lap. “I was up all night editing which obviously sucked but you know, it is what it is.”You replied, biting your lip.
She smiled, knowing she’d end up watching the video. “Editing what?Like an edits account on instagram?”She asked, cringing at how stupid it sounded.You shook your head, slowing down once you got to the main road, searching for a parking spot.
 “No, I have a youtube channel.I kind of just post random shit and hope for the best.”You answered, pulling up next to the cafe.She nodded, turning to look at you. “That’s cool, what kind of stuff do you post?”She asked, resting her chain against her palm.
You bit your lip, glancing over at the cafe. “I post a lot of interviews and random videos of my dad and sometimes he’ll take me to a set with him and i’ll take videos with the cast.I got to meet Scarlet Johannson so thats cool.”You replied, unbuckling your seatbelt.She grinned.
 “Thats fucking awesome-were they in a movie together?”She asked, wanting to hear you talk more. “A show thats coming to Netflix soon, its kind of like a murder mystery meets greek mythology and my dad plays Zeus.We should watch it together.”You answered.
The car was cool but you felt hot, probably because her eyes were focused on you.She nodded, liking the idea of hanging out with you more. “That’d be awesome.”The two of you went inside, the barista grinning at you.
She had always liked you and liked showing up in your vlogs when you came in to get your coffee with boba.She looked to the unknown girl beside you, a small pout on her face. “What can I get for you ladies?”She asked, already preparing your coffee. 
“What do you want, Kie?”You asked, moving aside so she could see the menu. “Uhhh….whats a green frappe?”She asked, squinting at the menu. “Oh-its like a blended matcha latte with like mint and vanilla.It's really good.”You explained.
The two of you sat with your drinks, Kiara laughing as you stabbed the boba bubbles at the bottom of your cup. “You know whats cool?These straws are made of hemp plastic so its-”She cut you off before you could finish.
 “Biodegradable?”She asked.You nodded, glad someone finally knew what you were talking about. “Yeah!And the company is awesome, they have like 10% of sales going to help the Amazon rain forests and another 10% going to help clean the ocean.”You smiled, taking a sip of coffee.
The afternoon had ended with the two of you on the beach, taking photos of eachother discretely while you finished your drinks, searching for sea glass and watching the sun set.Kiara was freaking out on the inside, knowing that she was pretty much dating a celebrity.
It didnt take long after that first day for her to start showing up in your videos.You held your camera as you two walked down the beach, her hand holding yours and twirling you every once in a while, flashing a smile to the camera. 
“So we’re currently on our way to a place that Kie will not tell me about because shes rude.”You spoke, turning the camera to face you.Kiara simply laughed, placing her chin on your shoulder. “Uh...no its because im good at planning surprises.”She answered, grinning when you gasped.
Two surfboards were on the sand along with a blanket and a basket full of fruits, veggies and sandwiches.You cut the camera, giggling and pulling her into a kiss. “Love you.”She grinned, giggling.
 “Love you too.”You replied, looking down at the boards.It didnt take long for the two of you to be in only your swimsuits, grabbing the boards and heading towards the water.You clipped the camera to your board, making sure it was secure before stating to film, catching a few good waves on camera before focusing more on Kie.
 “There she is, showing off for you guys.”You zoomed in on Kiara as she rode the wave, twisting her body to get a beautiful spin on the dark blue wave.She disappeared under the water, resurfacing with a smile and hair on her face, swimming towards you.
 “Did you see that?”She asked, a proud smirk tugging at her lips.You nodded. “How could I miss it?”You asked, earning an eye roll from your girlfriend. “Shut up.”She splashed you, letting out a loud laugh when you splashed back at her.
Turning off the camera, laying on your stomachs against your boards, holding hands so you wouldnt drift away from eachother.It was heaven. “So...ive been thinking lately.”She started, a nervous look on her face.
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. “And I think I want you to meet my friends.”She tapped her fingernails against your surfboard, waiting anxiously for your answer.She had told the boys all about you.
About how you had a huge following on youtube, how your dad was an actor and how you lived in the biggest house on figure eight.She had tried her best to tell them that you werent like the others, that you were fantastic and humble.
But of course they didnt believer her and ‘would believe it when they saw it’.She knew that if she didnt end up introducing you to them sooner or later that she’d lost the chance to introduce you at all.
You nodded, considering it. “Yeah, okay.When?”You asked, hoping you’d at least have time to think about this. “Tomorrow.”She replied, wincing when you let out a small shout. “Tomorrow?Shit-Kie, im not ready!”You exclaimed, covering your mouth when you realised how loud you had been. 
“Babe, chill.Let me pick out your outfit and it’ll be fine.”She insisted.You gave in, the two of you paddling back to the sand, wrapping up in your towels and sitting on the blanket, eating some cutie oranges.
She spent the night at your house, holding on tight to you even though the two of you were in a king sized bed and she had more than enough space to spread out like a starfish.
The morning came too fast, Kiara raiding your closet for something appropriate for the occasion, pleased when she came across a black bathing suit and a yellow shirt along with some jeans, tossing them at you. 
“Babe, you gotta get up.”She told you, already dressed and ready to go.You groaned, finally getting up a few minutes later, slowly changing and not even bothering to pick up your pajamas.You were still sore from last night, stretching your limbs as you pulled the jeans up your body.The boys were spamming her phone, making her annoyed.
Dumb Blonde:Where are you guys
God:Are you bringing them with you
Trash Rat:Dont bring them with you 
Trash Rat:The place is a mess
Trash Rat:Kie
Trash Rat:Kiara
Trash Rat:Kiara Madelyn Klark Carrera
God:Where are you guys
Dumb Blonde:Wait are they the one with the dad that was in that one movie
She ignored their texts, turning off her notifications and sending you a quick smile, promising to get you an iced coffee on the way.You were half asleep in the passengers seat until she handed you a french vanilla iced coffee, slowly becoming awake.
By the time you had finished your coffee she had pulled into John.B’s drive way, hand on your thigh in attempts to calm you down. “You’re gonna be fine, babe.Everyone likes you, they just havent met you yet.”She grinned, getting out of the car.
You squeezed her hand, following her into the house.The boys were all sitting on the couch, looking up once the two of you had entered.JJ immediately looked you up and down, raising an eyebrow.You felt a bit insecure, trying to figure out what he thought of you.
 “This is (Y/N).(Y/N), these are the boys.Thats John.B, thats JJ and thats Pope.”She pointed to each of the boys.The tension in the room was ridiculous until Kiara pulled you into her lap, the boys looking between eachother. “So whats it like having a movie star as a dad?”JJ asked, the first one to speak up.
You bit your bottom lip, pulling at the skin on your hands. “umm...its really cool sometimes.Chris Hemsworth is a family friend so thats cool but like...I cant go anywhere with him when he’s home without getting followed around and there was this one teenage girl stalking him once and she was climbing our house and was watching me sleep.”You answered, relieved when you heard Pope chuckle. 
“Wait, actually?Thats so scary.”He replied, the two of you beginning to calm down a bit.You, John.B and JJ were all conversating about Chris Hemsworth, all of them asking a lot of questions.
 “Wait-who else have you met from the Avengers?”John.B asked. “I met Scarlet Johanson and Chris Evans.”You replied.Kiara smacked your leg. “You met Christ Evans and never told me?”She asked, outraged.
You rolled your eyes, pulling out your phone to show them the vlog that Chris had made an appearance in.Kiara was just confused as to why she had never seen it before you informed her that it was private. 
“Ew-ignore my face.Just wait a few seconds.”You told them, the phone between the circle that had ended up forming. “Oh my god!Its Chris Evans!”JJ shouted, staring at the phone.Chris had leaned over your shoulder, saying a quick ‘hello’ to the camera before Scarlet stole it from you. 
“This is Scarlet Johannson and I have decided to take over my new role as (Y/N)’s mom.Im sorry (Y/M/N) but they’re mine now.”She smiled.Her hair had been dyed a light blonde, red lipstick and light eyeshadow.
You had been freaking out the whole time. “Wait-will you ever see her again?”JJ asked.You hummed, sure that she’d be making an appearance for a Christmas Party. “Can you tell her I love her, please?”He asked, face red. “She reaches my vlogs-do you guys want to be in one?”You offered, remembering that you had your camera in your bag.
They all agreed, excited as you took out your camera, Kiara holding onto you. “So Kiara introduced me to her friends today and JJ has a special message for Scarlet.”You grinned, pointing the camera towards him. “Marry me, please.”He winked, giggling.
Pope flashed a peace sign at the camera, John.B sticking out his tongue and doing finger guns. “This is John.B and this is Pope, and then we have Kie as always.”You pointed the camera at her.She bit her lip, winking at the camera and making you laugh.
 “Oh my god- what is this vlog.”You shook your head, turning off the camera.When you had posted the vlog that night you were spammed with comments demanding JJ’s instagram and of course you had to give the people what they wanted.
JJ was more than happy to have a ton of pretty girls hyping him up in his comments, Pope getting a lot of attention as well.Scarlet had made sure to let you know that she had watched it and to tell JJ that he was too young for her but she was flattered by the offer.But then your instagram was being spammed.You were being tagged in dozens of edits of you and Kie along with one of you and JJ.But the comments on that one were so funny.
Kieand(Y/N)4life:bruh no
(Y/N)officialfanpage:no <3
(Y/N)officialfanpage:Kiara and them are meant to be bb
Kiara(Y/L/N):Kiara and them are meant to be buddy
KIEANDYNAREENDGAME:uhhh isnt it confirmed that Kiara and (Y/N) are dating?
“They’re catching on.”You told Kie, sitting down on the bed and showing her all the things you were tagged in.She grinned, telling you to post and make it official. “You sure?”You asked.She nodded, fixing her hair as you got ready to take a photo, kissing her cheek. She bit her lip, watching you type.
We are endgame.
@poguestyleskye  @jjtheangel @lovelyelinor @messuhp  @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @i-love-scott-mccall​
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
Close My Eyes(2)
I close my eyes and I make believe You’re the one that’s holding me…
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Pairing: WillNE x Reader
Word Count: 3.1k+
Pronouns: She/Her
"You really want my honest opinion?“
Will and Y/n sat side by side in front of his desk as YouTube had been pulled up on his computer screen.
"Yup,” Y/n gave a small nod as her eyes watched the screen scroll down through Will’s homepage.
"I think you’re being a bit harsh on Gaby. She was just trying to look out for you,“ Will stopped scrolling and looked to Y/n.
"Was I just being bitchy?” Y/n let out a small sigh.
"Well, I wasn’t there so I can’t decide that for you. But from what I’ve heard, I’m just assuming you were just being a little bit sensitive,“ Will gave a small shrug, looking back to his computer screen.
"Maybe it was just the engagement butterflies,” y/n replied. Will didn’t say anything, all he could do was focus on refusing to allow himself to cringe.
After a few moments of looking for random videos to react to, Will and Y/n had decided to watch a couple of 90 Day Fiance videos. With a lineup of five videos, Will turned on his camera and began his usual intro.
"Right, Hello! How’s it going? Welcome back to the-“
Will had only just begun his intro when a soft tug came from the top of his head, pulling the black beanie off his head to show his messy bed head.
Will looked to Y/n, seeing the girl place the beanie on her own head. "Yeah, so I plan on wearing this for the entire video.”
"Oh, okay-“ Will had paused, his voice cracking. Y/n let out a small laugh. The butterflies in Will’s stomach had only increased from her laugh. ‘God, you’re gorgeous.’
Will cleared his throat before he began to speak again, "Alright then, but you’ve just exposed how lazy I actually am.” Will had motioned to his hair, which seemed to never have met a hairbrush in its life.
Y/n merely stood up and walked out of the room.
"N/n? Where you going?“ Will called after her, turning in his seat.
Y/n didn’t reply, only to walk back into the room moments later with a hairbrush in hand.
"Did you go into my bathroom to find a hairbrush?” Will let out a playful scoff.
"Yes, now shush,“ Y/n smiled, turned the brunette back around to face the camera. For what felt like forever, Y/n had brushed out Will’s hair, fixing it up. While y/n was busy with that, Will had opened up a new window, pulling up Instagram. Soon enough, Y/n had finished up and sat back down next to her dear friend.
Will looked into the screen of his camera, seeing himself. "Holy shit, Y/n… it looks great.”
"I know,“ Y/n gave a nod as she watched him.
"Anyways, today we have y/n here to watch some good ol’ 90-day fiance,” Will immediately went back into his intro as Y/n gave a small wave to the camera.
The pair had ended up watching the first two videos on big Ed.
"Big Ed honestly scares me quite the bit,“ Y/n had spoken up just as they had finished the third video.
"I can understand why,” Will chuckled. “You’re a gorgeous young lady, Ed here would probably come after you telling you to shave your legs.”
'Did I just call her gorgeous?'
Before Y/n could continue what she was saying, she had been stopped by the sound of her phone ringing. Everett was calling.
"Sorry for not turning off my ringer… do you mind if I take this?” Y/n let out a small sigh.
"It’s… it’s alright, go ahead,“ Will gave a small shrug, pulling out his own phone.
Y/n had left the room, only to walk into the hallway as she picked up the phone.
"Y/n, where are you?”
Y/n sucked in a breath as soon as she heard her fiance’s voice. He was clearly very upset. “I’m hanging out with… Will. We’re working on a video together.”
"Are you joking?“ Everett quickly shot back, "if he posts a video with you in it, how will that make me look? Like a fool. My fiance is hanging around other men and not even bothering to tell me of her whereabouts.”
"I’m sorry, Ev. Will’s just a friend, nothing more,“ Y/n let out a soft sigh as she leaned against the wall.
"I want you to come home right now. Just the thought of you hanging around him annoys me. You could be cheating on me at this very moment and I could never know,” venom was laced in Everett’s voice as he spoke.
"Well, if I could just finish the video with Will and he post-“
"Just come home, Y/n. Like I told you,” Y/n’s fiance had finally snapped, slightly raising his voice. Y/n flinched, pulling the phone away from her ear.
"Alright, alright… I’m on my way,“ Y/n had quickly hung up, walking back into Will’s bedroom.
Will turned in his seat to look back at Y/n, "You ready to film again?”
"I’m sorry, Will. I have to go… Everett needs me,“ Y/n bit her lip.
'I really don’t want to go. I just want to waste the day away filming with you.’
"Oh… okay then… Do you want me to walk you back to your car?” Will replied. There was some type of emotion on his face that Y/n couldn’t properly read.
'Please don’t go back to that jackass. Stay with me.’
"No, it’s alright,“ Y/n gave a small shrug. "You should get started on refilming… or just continuing the video we had already started filming."
'There’s nothing more I’d like than having you walk with me. But I don’t want there to be any chance someone spots us and Everett gets mad.’
"You sure?”
'I honestly don’t think I could be in the mood for filming once you leave.’
"Yeah… I’ll see you later.“
'God, I wish I could stay.’
"Yup, have fun with your fiance.”
'I fucking hate him.’
Y/n let out a small giggle, “I’ll try to.”
'Please make me stay.’
With that, Y/n headed out of the room still wearing Will’s beanie, her smile fading as soon as Will could no longer see her.
A week had passed by since when Y/n and Will had tried to film a video together. Anytime Will had tried to text or call Y/n, she’d only end up texting back something that wasn’t even a full sentence and she’d never bother to pick up. This had only made Will much more stressed than he had to be.
"Maybe she’s just been busy lately, Will,“ Alex had pulled Will out of his thoughts as soon as he mentioned 'she’.
Will was on a Discord call with the other Eboys, they had just been chatting about whatever came to mind and future plans for the Eboy channel.
"Yeah, busy fucking her fiance,” Will let out a dramatic scoff.
"Will, calm down. I told you that she’s probably just in love with the idea of love. She’ll get over Conway before the wedding even comes close to happening,“ George had commented.
"Wait, I’m actually confused here. Is there something going on between Will and Y/n?” James added on. James being James, he had never realized that Will had been crushing on his best friend, while both George and Alex had figured it out quicker than they should have.
"Will had been crushing on Y/n since forever,“ Alex summarized.
"Wait, and so you never told me Will, but you told both George and Alex?” James had asked his second question.
"No, they had just found out about it on their own,“ Will let out a deep sigh.
"I… I actually think you and Y/n would look cute together,” James had merely given a shrug even though the rest of the boys couldn’t see him.
"Same here,“ George had claimed after James had finished up talking.
"I honestly think all of us think that’s the pair of you would be a good couple, Will,” Alex had also pointed out.
At this point, Will had been listening to his friends while he stared at the iPhone he held in his lap. Y/n’s texts had been pulled up. He scrolled through, rereading their conversations.
"Honestly, I think you should just say fuck it and tell her how you’re feeling,“ James spoke.
Will looked up from his phone to his computer, "Are you kidding? She’s engaged, James. She’d reject me right away and everything would be awkward between us.”
"Well, at some point you’ll have your chance, Will,“ George let out a sigh.
Will only shook his head, looking back to his phone.
'Should I tell her?’
“Okay so, welcome back to the Eboys channel. Today I’m with-obviously the rest of the Eboys,” George had begun speaking to his camera. The boys had decided to film another video of the Eboys channel.  Will had let out his usual laugh of joy as George had done the intro. “Please say hello.” At the same time, James, Alex, and Will had ended up waving to their cameras, let out their ‘hellos’ in different tones. “And today, we’ve done a green screen challenge. Now, who wants to explain what a green screen challenge is?” George had quickly finished his intro, beginning to speak about the topic of today’s video. “Probably you because you’re doing the intro mate,” Will had responded. Just as he spoke, his phone buzzed. Y/n had texted him. N/N: Proud to say I still have your beanie. A small smile came across Will’s lips as he quickly typed back; 'Jokes on you, I have plenty more.’ “Yeah, I think you should do it,” James commented, pulling Will’s attention back to the video. Alex had let out a slight wheeze from James as Will continued his laughing. “Basically, what we’ve done is we’ve recorded ourselves in front of our green screens, sent the footage to each other and basically come up with whatever we can,” George had tried to be quick once more in explaining what was going to happen. “Good explanation, George,” James had smiled to his camera, dramatically clapping. “I’m not good at explaining things but-” “So like the screen is like green and you like get rid of it,” Alex had cut George of, mimicking him in a snottish tone. Soon enough the boys got into reacting to each other’s videos and of course, some of them they absolutely could not put into the actual video. The rotation of who’s videos they’d watch first had gone from Will, who had made his videos quite chaotic in the best ways possible. Alex had gone after Will, his videos had been much more low-quality editing compared to Will’s but they were still hilarious. It was now James’ turn, and of course, all his videos had been more much darker than what the others had expected… except for one video. Will was on screen with a giant smile, “Hi, I’m WillNE. And this turns me on.” Behind him was a photo of Y/n. Will had turned red as soon as the video had played. Each member of the Eboys beside him was laughing. George had even fallen out of his seat. “I don’t think we can even put that video-” “Of course we can!” Alex had cut Will off in between his wheezes, “the internet knows Y/n.” “I-” “If you want to keep the video in say 'I’,” James had cut off Will. All three of the boys had quickly said their 'I’s’ before Will had gotten the chance to intervene. “Alright, looks like this clip will be staying in the video,” George had finally ended up back in his seat, readjusting his glasses. “Fans are gonna be wild about this one,” James added on. Immediately, Alex and George had gone back to laughing hysterically. For what felt like forever they had known about Will’s crush, and to have a video like this online was gonna end up making the fans go even more wild about shipping Will and Y/n than they had already been. “Let’s just pray she doesn’t watch this video,” Will let out a long breath, glancing at his camera with a worried look in his eyes.
Y/n found herself laughing along with the boys as she had gotten to the video of Will saying that she turned him on. Soon enough the boys had ended up posted the Green Screen video and of course the boys had stayed with their word that the video of Will would go into the final cut. Y/n had scrolled to the comments as the video continued to play, seeing all the different comments. (Ship name) IS ENDGAME I guess we’re all going to hell for laughing at James’s edits If Will and Y/n don’t end up together I will literally kms George kinda hot doe Will not wanting the video of him saying Y/n’s hot is such a sub move Y/n giggled to herself as she read what the fans had to say. “Maybe I should just leave one comment…” She found herself typing away for a second or two before she had finally hit the 'comment’ button. WillNE being turned on by Y/n L/n? This is some real tea boys Y/n  had found herself replaying just the small bit of Will saying she turned him on. Why? Oh, she had no clue. Maybe she was just intrigued? But whatever it was, Y/n didn’t want to stop hearing Will say that about her, even if James was the one who had ended up editing it. “Darling, what are you looking at?” Y/n had flinched, shutting off her phone just as she had heard her dear fiance. He was standing behind her as she sat on the couch of their living room. “Just watching some YouTube,” Y/n had given a small smile. “Oh really?” Everett moved to sit next to her, “what exactly were you watching?” “Just a Memeulous video,” she gave a small shrug. “May I see your phone please?” Everett placed his hand out expectantly as his beady eyes stared at her. With a small sigh, Y/n had handed her phone over. Without hesitation, The raven-haired man had opened her phone. He had to know her password, she wasn’t allowed to keep her phone locked away from him. As soon as the phone unlocked, the video had begun playing again. 'Hello, I’m WillNE and this turns me on.’ Everett’s grip on the phone tightened. “This is the type of videos you enjoy watching?” His voice had deepened, “you enjoy watching your male friend say that he’s sexually attracted to you when you’re engaged to someone?” “Everett, it’s not like that-” “Then explain to me, Y/n!” Everett had snapped angrily, pushing the phone into Y/n’s face. “Because it looks like you’d prefer to have this fool over me!” At this point Everett had raised his voice, making Y/n flinch. “It’s just a joke-the boys are just playing around-” “Stop defending them,” Everett had yelled, keeping the phone pointed into Y/n’s face. “You’re supposed to be my wife soon, not Will’s!” “I know! I’m sorry-” “Oh shut up,” Everett stood up, still holding onto Y/n’s phone. “If you’re smart, you’ll behave. Until then, you’re not getting your phone back anytime soon.” At this point, Y/n had already started crying. She had ended up balling herself up, sitting on the edge of the couch. She felt like shit. Everett found himself walking into their room, slamming the door shut, causing the door frame to shake. He had quickly locked the door and sat at his desk, opening up his laptop. 'This jackass dares to try and take what’s mine,’ he had thought to himself as he began to google everything he could possibly find on his enemy. After around an hour or two, Everett had ended up collecting a handful of information. His name is Will Lenney and his birthday is March 11, 1996. He had known Y/n since forever and his fanbase had loved the thought of them being a couple together. He had played a charity game of football and he has over 3 million subscribers. The more Everett knew, the more he hated Will. Soon enough, he had found himself on YouTube with 'WillNE and Y/n’ in his search bar. There were tons of videos. But a certain video had caught his eye. ’Will and Y/n acting like a married couple for 6 minutes straight.’ Everett’s blood boiled as he clicked onto the video. The video began with a short clip of Will and Y/n dancing together from the time they had been invited to a party. They both were single at the time and had decided to go together. The dance had been sweet and gentle as Will’s hands had been placed on Y/n’s hips while Y/n leaned her head against his shoulder. The video had continued on to another scene where Alex, Will, and Y/n all sat in front of a MacBook on a white couch. Will had ended up laughing hard at something on Will’s computer, having him throw his head into Y/n’s lap. Y/n smiled down at him and had gently brushed her fingers through his hair. 'I think I’m just gonna stay like this for the rest of the video,’ Will had hummed, closing his eyes. 'I’m alright with that,’ Y/n giggled. The video had changed again. This time Will and Y/n sat in a room together at a desk, Y/n had been explaining something about 'stage kissing.’ Gently, Y/n brushed her fingers onto Will’s lips and leaned in. 'Wait so we’re not gonna actually kiss?’ Will had interrupted. 'Yeah, but you also get clickbait,’ Y/n hummed with a playful smile. Everett slammed his Macbook shut. He felt sick. All this time Will had been messing around with his girl, even before they had been together. 'I need to know what she has to say about this,’ Everett stood up, unlocking the door. As soon as he had stepped into the living room, his eyes glazed over the scene. She was gone. Everett was quick on his feet, continuing to look around for there to be any chance that she was still in the apartment. Nowhere. She was nowhere. With a loud sigh, Everett pulled out his phone and quickly dialed the one person who would know where she’d be. “What do you want, Conway?” Gaby’s irritated one could be heard. “Is she with you?” “No, she’s not. And 'she’ has a name,” Gaby could be heard scoffing loudly. “Whatever. Do you know where she is?” “I have a couple of guesses but I’m not gonna tell you.” “Tell me or I’ll revoke your wedding invitation,” Everett growled. That hit a nerve. Gaby and Y/n had been looking all over for a nice maid of honor dress for her to wear and Gaby had soon enough found a couple she actually liked. “She’s probably at Will’s home or something,” Gaby let out a long sigh. “Where is that?” “Why should I-” “I’ll gladly take you off the guest list.” Within minutes, Everett was in his car driving off to take back his bride.
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
Twitch Streamer AU???
(I planned on pushing out a FEW AU asks, but then realized I don’t even have so many. There’s going to be a FNAC event, but that will be an event, not a specific AU ask, so- I guess this is it! Very cursed AU, thank you very much Anon Small warning for mentions of blood, I think? Nothing too bad.)
Streamers, youtubers, content creators. Some people are all of these, some people are none, and some are just one- because each of them needed a very different talent. Those who could do seemingly everything were few and far between- And they ruled the entertainment scene! Thankfully though, the main three as most called them, were also always out for new content to watch. Thus they boosted those that they saw potential in. With some taking the boost and then going off to do their own thing- And some becoming good friends. It always started with a letter. Mike had the habit to do things on stream, as long as no personal details were not visible on them. He used a false email which he regularly changed, and he generally kept himself as safe as possible. Opening emails on stream could be rather fun, even if it was a risk. Sometimes it encouraged people to send bad things- So to prevent the worst, nothing would be downloaded and all emails containing images would be put into the spam bin. Better safe than sorry, the internet was full of terrible people. This day so far had been successful. And by successful it meant that Mike was SCREAMING. “I HATE SUPER MEAT BOY. I WILL COMMIT VIOLENCE AGAINST MEAT IN A MINUTE. I HAVE A BIG F-CKING STEAK IN THE KITCHEN, AND I WILL THROW IT AGAINST THE F_CKING WALL. I WILL GET A HAMMER.” The chat was going wild, cheering. The chat’s phrase of today was “tender Mikey” and it didn’t help at all. “I DID. NOT. HIT THAT! I DID NOT!” A donation popped up, with a robotic voice. ‘Oh hai Mark!’ “NOT FUNNY! NOT F-CKING FUNNY. I’M SUFFERING HERE AND ALL OF YOU SUPPORT IT. YOU’RE ALL F-CKING MONSTERS HERE, I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT. AND I’M NOT F-CKING TENDERIZING THE MEAT WHEN I SLAP IT AROUND, I’LL RIP IT INTO PIECES AND CONSUME IT RAW!” Standing up, he genuinely went to get it- And fifteen minute later he had slightly calmed down, his hands and room slightly bloody. The chat was still celebrating and donating- another thing that never failed to make Mike BEG them to stop and use the money for something GOOD and SENSIBLE, LIKE THEM-FUCKING-SELF- but he had gotten out most of the energy. “Alright. Alright everyone. ENOUGH. I gotta stop you HERE. It’s email time.”   A celebratory jingle played, as Mike booted up the website, opening the inbox. Memes, storytime, I’m-not-fucking-reading-that-and-you-know-it, and- One of the emails caught his- and the chat’s- attention, however. Sender: Fazbear Entertainment Topic: Challenge Needless to say- once again the chat was out of control and this time there was NOTHING Mike could do to stop them. After opening the email, Mike slowly took a deep breath and looked into the camera, between concerned and honored- But that wouldn’t be enough to rip him from his carefully maintained persona. So he audible scoffed- albeit him being unable to hide an excited grin. “Alright bitches and bastards in the audience- we’re firing SuperMeatBoy up again. You won’t be catching ME losing to a pink son of a bitch anytime soon!” After the letter- provided it was accepted and responded to, the production happened. The deal was that a teaser was dropped on the big channel- The entire video itself was put on the smaller one, attracting the viewers over and hopefully make them more likely to want to see the other works the creator had put out. It was a win-win overall, the big channel being able to vary their content, testing the water for new things- and the smaller channel getting a boost and a lot of tips from very experienced creators. Henry and Dave were very generous people. Jeremy was sitting there, taking deep breaths, trying to stay calm. So far, everyone seemed to be rather kind, even if Jeremy was basically a complete nobody. Hell, he never wanted to be anybody. He just wanted to stream himself baking, for those who never had someone baking with them. Because baking could feel stressful, especially when you were missing ingredients or- many reasons, actually. Not only baking, but cooking too- Sometimes playing games on request, but not much in terms of requests ever came in. And now he was here in an actual studio, soon to be seen by an insane amount of people. A cooking competition. Sounded silly- you couldn’t really FIGHT in something like that… But… Henry and Dave had promised it would be fun. And they were nice. With and without the cameras rolling. Speaking off- There they were, approaching, their assistant coming along. He wore a weird phone-head, to ensure his privacy. Or something. It was kinda weird, but he had just accepted the answer he got. “Why, there you are, Jeremy! Would you like to see the equipment we have prepared?” Henry warmly asked, reaching down with his hand to help his guest stand up. “We have gotten a few extra things, just in case.” As they entered the studio, Jeremy’s invisible eyes went WIDE. “Woah- that looks really nice! I love it here! This is high quality stuff-!” “Fantastic!” Pleased Henry opened his arms in his typical theatrical manner- Before being abruptly interrupted by Dave jumping in, halfway over Henry’s shoulder. “ARE YA READY TO GO!? CAMERAS ARE READY!” “Ah- I- I guess- but-“ “YOU HEARD HIM, BOYS! GET IT ROLLIN’!” “W-wait, I don’t even have-“ “Everyone! Welcome to NOTHIN’ AT ALL!” Henry swiftly fitted in, continuing on with the intro. “Todays challenger is the man, the legend, the baker and occasional chef- Jeremy from Baking With Jeremy!” “Wait, what- that’s seriously your channel name, pal?” A bit offended Jeremy looked into the eyes of the people behind the camera. “U-uh- you guys here- I mean- he has literally called his channel Henry Miller! I- uhm- I-“ Snickering Henry put a hand on his guest’s shoulder. “You are very right about that. Say, are you nervous about losing?” “… n-no. I mean- maybe a little. This place here is big and very professional and I’m not used to many people looking at me…” Taking a deep breath, he gave off a nervous smile for the audience. “… yet, I know- it’s a good thing! And as long as everyone has fun, everything will work out!” “Awwwww, look at him!” Dave said, pleased. “You’re so right! We’ll be havin’ fun!” “But also, I will win.” Henry pointed out. “That is when I have the most fun.” Slightly playful Jeremy smiled. “K-keep that attitude, that will make it even easier to blindside you!” Simon whistled, clearly bemused as he held the camera in place- And Henry smirked. “Sure. Anyhow, the stakes are-“ “Steaks? We’re makin’ steaks? I thought we planned on-“ “Dave. I swear to god.” Henry looked at him from the side, before shaking his head. “What is on the line is easy to see- we have roughly an hour to cook the best meal. If Jeremy wins, we will donate 5000 to a charity of his choice!” “And if the young pal loses, he’ll be joinin’ our channel!” Dave chirped. This was news to the brown-haired boy. “W-wait, we never agreed to that-“ “GET TO YOUR STATIONS!” Someone in the back announced. “WHO’S TODAYS FAVORITE?” Simon checked the stream. “The chat says Jeremy is a clear winner. Nobody trusts Henry to keep his two braincells together for long enough to not forget the salt or something.” “Excuse?!” Not only Henry was APPALLED by the chat, Dave joined right in. “Ya guys have NO taste. I’ll be clearly winnin’… but hey, maybe ya peeps don’t know that I plan to cheat!” Surprised Jerry looked over to Dave’s cooking station. “How… how can you cheat at cooking-“ Before he could finish his sentence, he shrieked as Dave pulled out a flamethrower. “HELL YEAH BABY, I AIN’T WAITING 30 MINUTES FOR SOMETHING TO COOK IN THE OVEN, I’LL BE DONE IN FIFTEEN MINUTES MAX!” “W-WAIT THAT DOESN’T SEEM SAVE-“ Henry just raised his hands, cheerful. “Ready… set…” The Phone Guy made eye- well, rotary- contact with Jeremy, slightly raising a fire extinguisher that was by his side. … alright, it seemed the people here were well-prepared for this scenario. So instead he focused on the ingredients in front of him. Almost manic, Henry’s voice rang. “GO!” And… … that was it! Some joined, with amazing results- Mike rubbed his face. “Who thought that was a great idea. I fucking hate this.” Dave next to him on the couch just grinned. “It’s amazin’ what these websites all offer to sell. You won’t be BELIEVIN’ what’s in this box!” “I’M NOT OPENING IT.” “YOU WILL. OTHERWISE IT’LL HUNT YOUR DREAMS. I’LL PUT THIS BOX NEXT TO YOUR BED. YOUR TOILET. ONTO YOUR DINNER TABLE. INTO THE FRIDGE. I’LL ORDER MORE OF THESE BOXES.” “Jesus CHRIST, calm DOWN-“ “I WILL FIGHT YA TO THE DEATH OLD PAL-“ - and some people just went back to the usual pattern, with the occasional raid from Fazbear Entertainment. They asked first, of course. Each of them fulfilled their own niche, each of them had caught Henry’s and Dave’s attention in one way or another. Henry and Dave however- Well, Dave was the varied creator. Henry liked his niche. He played horror, investigated ARGs, read stories about real and fictional crimes against humanity. The world was a terrible place, wasn’t it? Yet he reveled in it. Aside from that he showed extra effects, he built machines and thought everyone one or another thing about creating special effects at home. From dry ice to genuinely ridiculous chain-reactions, Henry showed them it all. Blood too, multiple forms of it, depending on how and where it would be used. Sometimes breaking it off with more light-hearted one-off games and listening to what his community wanted to see… but the most comfortable he was with horror and analysis. He was a youtuber, a streamer, a content creator… … and one thing more. It wasn’t easy to find the code. But his intended audience were a very small amount of people. A small number of strangers. There was no way to know if anyone ever made it to more than one show, but Henry did not care. It wasn’t for them that he did this. Him and William moved down, down below the set, into the lowest regions of the house. The workshop. Nobody really question why you added what to your home if you were a creative person. Even less so if you were a famous, eccentric creator. Yes, the free reign was what he REALLY loved about his job. Maybe he should build his studio somewhere else- But like this it was so much more thrilling! Wordlessly both of them put on their suits. It would hide their identity perfectly- especially the animal heads that contorted their voices a bit. Enough. Today’s participant wore a mask too- another phone head, differently made, different style, but to hide their identity too. However, the voice was in no way muffled. Panicked the person dragged on the chains keeping them attached to the chair. “H-HELLO!? HELLO!? S-SOMEONE- IS SOMEONE HERE!?” A noisy one! Delightful! Both Fredbear and Springbonnie stepped out of the shadows, one form each side. While Springbonnie put his hands gently on the shoulders of the whimpering person, Fredbear stepped in front of the camera, bowing. “Ladies and gentlemen-“ The low voice sounded more like the one of an animal than from a person. Yet it was smooth and comforting. “- I welcome you to yet another installment of our show. I am Fredbear, and over there is my wonderful assistant, Springbonnie. Today we have brought a simple stranger, a nobody who might not even be missed. Thusly I encourage you to truly be creative with your ideas. And while your votes roll in, maybe I point out that next time we will have another little game-show, with quite the effects. We might even get a real bull! You will not want to miss it.” The board above the camera blinked up, as a bitter fight of votes started, everyone wanting to see something else. Three tiers to vote on! Foreplay (light injuries), main course (heavy injury leading to death) and of course what to do with the body. Below it was a little measure for “face reveal”. Some of their viewers really enjoyed seeing the expressions during and after. It came with a risk to Fredbear and Springbonnie, as the victim being recognizable meant their general area of activity was more obvious- thus it was incredibly expensive. They knew there was every now and again law enforcement mixed up between the genuine watchers. It was thrilling too- Yet Fredbear wanted to keep this game alive as long as he could. Thus it was important to hide what they could. Fredbear was a creator first and foremost, an entertainer second- And there was nothing that attracted an HONEST, an UNRESTRAINED, a PURE audience quite like violence. Once blood spilled, humans degraded and it was wonderful. Behind him, the victim began rattling even more erratic. “WHAT- WHAT IS THIS?! LET ME OUT- PLEASE- LET ME OUT- PLEASE- I- DIDN’T DO ANYTHING-“ Burying his hands into the shoulders of Springbonnie downright cackled, enjoying the mania that always accumulated in these situation. “Be still, new friend! The audience HATES too much whining, y’know? And at least you could die with your tongue still intact, wouldn’t that be nicer than having to swallow the thing? Once it almost killed someone, boy, that sure was a bother!” His voice was changed to a cartoonish, upbeat pitch- “While the votes come in, how about we quiz today’s friend… maybe if you are smart enough, they will want you to live! It happened before… o n c e.” Fredbear took out a long scalpel, the face a morbid grimace. “Surprise us!”
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itsa-lie · 3 years
The Birth Of A Liar Part Four
||Part One||Part Two||Part Three||Part Four||Part Five||
I can’t believe I’ve written four of these already... but now is when things get a bit more interesting.
Trigger Warning: Kidnapping,ne*dles,and mentions of past Daganronpa executions.
It’s six years later, Kokichi and some of his orphan friends are in an orphanage. They had been found out. The building that they used to use, all the things that they stole and all their shared happy memories were now collecting dust in a damp abandoned brick structure. The men in the uniforms were very thorough in their orders. All the children wearing the clown masks and costumes that Halloween night were to be brought in. The Tokyo law enforcement building was now up to the brim with rowdy children calling for someone named “Kokichi Ouma”, the child who disappeared so many years ago. Who was to know he was housing orphans or children from bad homes. Even the father killer Maki Haruwaka was found. Kokichi refused to talk, afraid to trust adults after what he’s seen them do. They’ve murdered three people, two of which were his own parents. Who’s to say these people won’t hurt his new family?
Though all they did was gather them up, give them a big dinner to eat (even bigger than the meals that DICE usually gives), before taking them to the local orphanage, Kokichi included. One would think that he would be a bit happy, he and the other Co Leaders didn’t have the weighted responsibility of the lives of over a thousand children. Though Kokichi was not relieved. He was even more worried. Especially since one of his ten Co Leaders didn’t come back. A day didn’t go by where Kokichi didn’t worry about Maki. Where did she go? Why wasn’t she caught like the rest? Did she and Goro go back to their real home? And what about Hanako? So many thoughts preoccupied his head that he almost couldn’t get himself awake that morning. Luckily the younger kids were able to wake him up, placing his hand in cold water and pouring water on him to make it seem like he had wet himself. The cold water wakes him up instantly, his body jolting out of bed in the sitting position. “Wha-?” He pulls his covers noticing the wet spot. “Oh great...”
The eruption of laughter from the children woke him up even more. Grogginess made it hard for the leader to realize but after seeing the cup of water, the squirt bottle in one child’s hand, and the small evil Kokichi Ouma like grins behind poorly drawn clown masks he notices that his pranking skills have been passed on to the future faces of his club. “Nyhehehe, you got me good. I’ll be down for breakfast shortly.”
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Once he shoos the kiddos off, he puts on his boring school clothes and heads downstairs. Once he got there, a roar of laughter and chatting filled his ears. It was by the television set in the living quarters...what kind of event would warrant such a joyful response from the others? Perhaps a new anime show had aired? Curiously he approaches only to hear that God awful song in his ears. The wretched rock intro to one of his most despised shows on television. Danganronpa. The black and white bear character comes close to the camera, smiles evily, then cuts to scenes of...well...violence. Violence and death. And the kids were eating this up like candy.
“Hey! The next season of Daganronpa is heading to you this year, and we want YOU to be apart of it!” A cheesy announcer cheerfully gloats as the children watch with happy giggling. This made Kokichi feel sick. “We’re accepting audition tapes to find the next ULTIMATE. Do you think YOU can be the last one standing in the Killing Game? Then send a video to ———————- and tell us why you think you’re perfect for Daganronpa! You must be eighteen or older to register. Wearenotresponsibleforanymemoryortraumawhenyouapply.”
That last comment went a bit too fast and it was very hard to hear the announcer over the loud music, but all of this did sound fishy.
“If I was in the killing game, I’d kill everyone and no one would even know!” Exclaimed one boy, a boy from DICE given he has a drawn clown mask in his hands. Being the leader Kokichi had to step up.
“That’s MURDER. Killing is MURDER. You’re a member of DICE. You should know better.”
The boy rolls his eyes. “Relax, Koki. It’s all fake. Do you really think a talking robot teddy would kill anyone?”
“Or turn them into butter? Or deep fry them alive? No that would be too horrible to be real but on television they can work their magic~!” Chimes in a girl, another one of DICE’s orphans. How could they like this?! Each time he saw another “body discovery” or even the way they executed the killers just....it was horrible! Probably edited with special effects and music for the audience but if you were there the music wouldn’t be and you’d be hearing every bit of pain they were experiencing. Why watch that? WHY give money to that!?
“Eighteen huh...oh yeah! Koki is turning eighteen in a few months! Why doesn’t Koki apply?”
“Yeah! Kokichi is the kindest bestest leader of our group! If anyone could win it would be Kiki!”
All the eyes were on him now and he...froze up? Even if he was a leader and the founder of an organization, being the center of attention for such a large audience not of just his members made him fill with anxiety. Watching his every move, listening to his every word, it was enough pressure as it was to have all these kids look up to you. “Uhh...sorry. I don’t kill. And I don’t expect to be killed anytime soon thank you very much.” What sort of leader would go back on his own word? Death was horrible. Glorifying death, glorifying grief and pain...he didn’t want to have anything to do with that sort of philosophy.
“You don’t have to kill! You can just uncover the mastermind! And with the prize money for winning we could build back up the headquarters and leave this place!”
Wait...prize money? There was prize money for a game about killing people? Or is it for the one who survives? The children continue to root for him to apply not understanding the real consequences of him doing so. The purple haired boy put his hand to his head to massage the ever growing tension that was slowly rising. “I-I dunno...I-I’ll see.” That wasn’t a very satisfactory answer for the children as they cried out in disappointment. This was a big deal...he couldn’t just decide to do this right away. His quick to act intuition had failed him before, and he tries to take what Maki said to heart to not make the same mistake twice.
All the children gathered around the table to eat breakfast. Honestly Kokichi wasn’t hungry at that moment. He would only nibble a little on his eggs and toast before telling the workers he was full. The others wouldn’t stop begging him to join and it made his stomach feel sick. He quickly left for school.
Walking through the halls of his high school, he spots a peculiar poster hung outside one of the AV Room. It had that bear on it. That grinning bear that so gleefully sends those people to their deaths. What was his name? Mononucleosis? Monogram? Meh. Who cares. The poster however had the words “Daganronpa Audition Sign Up” in big letters above the smirking ursine. Blinking a few times, Kokichi weighs the situation. If he doesn’t do something about this, more stupid kids will be sent to their death in front of millions of people. However if he somehow RUINS the game, maybe he could stop it entirely!
There it was. His new goal! A purpose to save everyone before they’ve tricked into this horrific trap!
“Are you here for the audition? Hellooooo? Excuse me?”
He was pulled out of his thoughts by a girl with glasses, her uniform wasn’t the same the girl’s wore here however...maybe she worked for Daganronpa? No...she was definitely a high schooler. Even her bag mentioned an “anime club” which was featured right across it. There was definitely no anime club here but he knew other schools had them. Kokichi turns to the female, his words stuck in his throat.
“Umm y-yeah. Yes I am.”
“You’re really short for an upperclassman. Are you eighteen?”
“Yes, I-I mean close to it. My birthday is in two months...” Shit why was he being so shy now? Yeah the blue haired girl was pretty, but he wasn’t attracted to her! Maybe it was the fact she works for a big television company and that intimidated him?
“That’s fine, the next season won’t start for three months anyway so I think you’ll be fine...” The girl then holds out a clipboard with many forms on it and a pen to use. Kokichi stares at it confused. The girl gives him a reassuring smile and waved her arms in front of her. “Oh no need to be alarmed by that, it’s just tv speak. You know, that we’re able to use your name and face and everything.” The girl explains. Well...she didn’t say anything about risking their real life...so maybe it was okay.
He signs in every page that needed it, hardly reading the fine print. The girl smiles and places the forms in another folder to make everything neat. However from the corner of his eye he could see a familiar sign of someone on one of the forms. The name “Maki Haruwaka” written on one form in the folder. His eyes went wide. No...it couldn’t be the SAME Maki Haruwaka right? She hated death as much as he did! Still knowing that she was still out there gave him a small amount of relief. Maybe he really shouldn’t have done it, but Kokichi spoke up.
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“Maki Haruwaka signed up too?” The blue haired girl tilts her head looking curiously up at him. “Oh? You know her? Why yes! She goes to my school so I see her a few times in the halls. Oh that’s right! You two were running an orphanage together, right?” Kokichi nods hesitantly. He hasn’t seen her for a good six years, what could she be doing right now? Were her siblings safe as well? What about the other DICE members? “Aww that sounds like a good anime plot. I’ll have to look into if anyone has already done it.” she pushes up her glasses. “Anyway you want to use the AV room to record your video, right?”
“My what now?”
“Your audition tape!” She takes one video tape from a box to show as an example. “Don’t worry the tapes are private and the camera won’t start recording until you press the button on its control panel.”
Well that....was sort of comfortable he guesses. He nods and hesitantly made his way inside. The AV room looked a lot different then he thought it would. Most chairs were put up to the side, a square made of white tape stood on the wooden floor in front of a large television set and a camera mounted to the top of it. Gulping to himself, Kokichi gets closer to the camera. His shiny blueish purple hair illuminated the television screen as his pale face hides his features behind his bangs.
He reached up both hands and quickly slapped his face. Now wasn’t the time to be timid and scared. He had to do this. For his friends, for the children of the world, for Maki, for DICE.
Clearing his throat, Kokichi puts up the biggest smile he could.
Then moves the bangs out of his face a little, and finally presses the record button.
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“Hello adoring public, the name is Kokichi Ouma of Tokyo Japan! That’s right, the kid who hid away with a group of orphans for so long!” They should remember the story, after all it was worldwide news when it happened. Then he places his hands behind his head in an attempt to look more laid back. “I’ve led a whole raid on Tokyo, though we didn’t do anything illegal...yet.” He does his famous evil smile, his finger to his lips. “I’m an AVID fan of the Killing Games and who better to be in it than me~? I promise I will be the most interesting contestant you’ve ever had~!”
And with that he stopped the tape. That lie hurt to say, it felt gross even coming out of his mouth. But he had to. He had to for the sake of his family. Now it was done. He won’t even tell the kids back at the orphanage he did it. If he gets in he gets in.
Now all there was to do was to go back to his classes like normal. Though he could have sworn he saw the blue haired girl watching him closely as he leaves...
Days went by and there was nothing out of the ordinary. No announcements, no more audition try outs or blue haired glasses girl, just normal every day school day. Again the children woke him up by pranks, this time a bucket of cold ice water, making him scream high pitched before laughing and taking the joke. Then downstairs there were breakfast and the kids watching the Daganronpa rerun, and then it was off to school.
The day was normal. There was nothing odd.
Weeeelll...except for that black car following him. He could have sworn he heard someone ask if “that was the guy” and the other one affirming with a “yes”. Oh Lord legs don’t fail him now.
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He tries to leg it but was quickly swooped up by...grey people?! That’s as much as he could see before he was grabbed. As he struggled for freedom, he could feel something get shot into him, like the booster shots they get. It did hurt for a second, and Kokichi did twist and thrash for dear life, but suddenly his body felt...sleepy. He lets the exhaustion overcome him before he’s knocked out like a light.
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everydaymj · 4 years
Call You Mine - Peter Parker x Reader - Part 1
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After working out a schedule with Miles on Spider-man duties, Peter is going to give this professor thing a try. Of course that’s when he runs into you, the hard ass Shakespeare professor that has sworn off relationships after one heartbreak too many. But can you really keep telling yourself that all love ends in tragedy when you’ve got someone like Professor Parker smiling at you like that?
Closing the door to his office and leaning against it, Peter sighed. It had been a long first day of classes but he had loved every second of it. Smiling he looked around the little room that had his name on the door, it was small but not so small that it felt constricting. Several boxes were littered about the floor that he had yet to unpack, papers were scattered across the desk, and the whiteboard on the wall was already covered in a new formula he was working on for web fluid. 
It wasn’t much but it was his, Professor Parker, the newest faculty member at NYU. While he had never imagined having a job this normal, it felt right, something he knew he was good at and didn’t put anyone he cared about in danger. Stepping further in he shrugged off his blazer—throwing it on the small chair that lived in the corner—and rolled up the sleeves of his button-up before sitting on the edge of his desk to study the whiteboard.   
Peter hadn’t hung up the web-shooters, but now that Miles had a few years of being a hero under his belt he had insisted that Peter take the job when it was offered to him. And for once in his life, he let someone else step up and take some of the load, giving himself a chance at doing something he wanted. Teaching fresh-faced students physics wasn’t how he imagined his late 20’s to go but he could see himself sticking with it for a while. 
Just as he was about to start working on that formula again there was a knock at his door, opening before he could do so, he was met with the sight of a Y/H/C woman looking at him expectantly. 
“Parker, right?”
Blinking stupidly, he could only nod at the woman before him. He had absolutely no idea why she was here, and he certainly would have remembered piercing eyes like that at the faculty briefing. So she must work in a different department, or be a student, something he both doubted and hoped wasn’t true. 
Quickly glancing around the room, she let herself in without asking and started to dig through the messenger bag she had. Finding whatever she’d been looking for, she held a bundle of papers out to Peter and raised a brow as if to tell him not to waste her time. 
“You dropped these, I noticed on my way to the anthro department for my next class,” she said, turning to leave. 
Glancing at the papers Peter wanted to scream, it was a note from Aunt May from his first day of high school. She’d found it and given it to him today as it was an entirely new first day and was sentimental, but he didn’t think the line about being confident about his changing body applied as much now. 
God, I hope she didn’t read that, he thought, praying that that wasn’t going to be his first impression on this gorgeous woman. 
Finally finding his voice, Peter said, “Ah thanks, I’d have hated to have lost these. Ah, important formulas and all that.”
Pausing she glanced back at him, the wicked smirk on her face as she said, “Figured out the formula to navigating puberty with confidence have you, Parker? Might want to keep that to yourself or the students won’t let you hear the end of it.”
Oh, she definitely read it and Peter thanked all that was holy in the world that she didn’t look back as she left to see how red his face was. 
“Great, just great. Good one Peter, at least some things never change,” he muttered to himself as he put the papers safely in his desk drawer. 
Another knock at the door had him scrambling to look like he wasn’t embarrassed and flustered, as he wondered if it was possible to make a better second impression on her. 
Opening the door with as much grace as he could manage, Peter just kept his face from falling when he saw it was a student from one of his morning classes. 
Office hours, that’s right. Get it together Parker, he though. 
Sending the girl a smile he motioned her in, the back of his mind still stuck on the mystery of who the snarky Y/H/C was. 
Snickering to myself at the look on that poor idiot’s face, I didn’t notice someone come up alongside me. 
“Professor Y/L/N?”
Not stopping, but glancing at the voice, I saw that it was one of my students. I nodded, waiting for her to go on. 
“Were you just in the new professor’s office? Ah, I’m in his intro to physics class,” she said, the start of a smile on her face. 
Matching her stride so I wasn’t going too fast, I said, “I was, he dropped some of his papers and I figured since I was going that way I would return them.”
More like I had found them and found the contents hilarious and knew it would have been a nightmare for him if a student found them first. If I hadn’t been in such a good mood I probably would have left them there, but the look of mortification on his face had made it well worth the time. 
Putting my attention back to the girl at my side, I asked, “Rosa, isn’t it? You’re in my Shakespeare class arent you?”
I didn’t always remember names very well but hers was going to be easy as Rosalind was my favorite Shakespeare character and I was teaching As You Like It this semester. If I could associate names with characters then I usually had a better shot of remembering.   
Beaming at me, she nodded, “Yeah, I’m really excited about the class. Both of them I mean, he seems so nice you know? And I can’t wait to get to Titus, I’ve never read it before.”
I decided right then and there I liked her, unashamedly I always had favorites every single semester and this one would be no different.  
Giving her a smile as we reached the end of the hall I said, “Hmm I doubt I’ll be seeing much of Professor Parker, but I hope you’re right. I look forward to seeing you in class tomorrow, don’t be late.”
I watched her dash off with a wave and shook my head. I didn’t imagine I’d see Parker again anytime soon, by the look of his office he was a mess waiting to happen. 
Besides I had no reason to see him again anyway, even if a nagging in the back of my head said I was wrong.  
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Jar of Rebuke Episode 10 Unofficial Transcript
Season 1 Episode 10: Observations A
The following audio recording is classified documentation for Case [audio distortion] with the Enclosure. Unauthorized access to this information will lead to immediate intervention. Progress further if proper clearance has been given.
Hey Jared! Uh… guess I called in at a bad time, huh? I just wanted to give a quick call to chat? Nothing serious, everything’s okay, don’t worry, I just want to check in. We’ve both been really busy the last few days, but I thought I’d see if you wanted to… I don’t know, grab lunch here soon? I know work’s got your schedule pretty full so we can meet up during your lunch break? I know the Waytooth has $1 pie slices around lunchtime, and their strawberry rhubarb pie is to die for. I think you’ll like it. Also, there’s a part of your birthday present I never actually got to give you? I kinda wanted to give it to you when it was just you and me, but we didn’t actually have any time to ourselves on your birthday? It’s nothing big, I could even just, uh, send it to you if you prefer. Anyways, just give me a call when you got the chance. Or text, that’s cool too. We could meet up whenever, as long as my dads know and give them a heads up, it’s fine. Well, besides Saturday. We have some maintenance that’s gotta be done and I already promised to help. So, any day besides Saturday. Um, hope you’re having a good day? Talk to you later.
I am such an idiot! Does Darius really? Uh, I mean, how long has he? I’m, I’m so dense! I got this voicemail this morning when I was in the shower. I thought about just calling him back but it felt… weird. I was a little concerned and Very confused so, well, I called Jamie for advice. She’s quickly becoming my go-to for, well, things like this. Literally all she did was call me a dense bitch and broke down for me what apparently was obvious and I… well, now I don’t really know what to do. So, Darius likes me. I mean, I guess it kind of makes sense. He did put together a party for my birthday. It was small, cozy really, but he really put a lot of thought into it, which he really didn’t have to. But that’s not necessarily romantic, right? It was on the Chapman farm, and there were all sorts of decorations and things to eat. Everyone that came bought something and it was really nice! Some were homemade dishes, others were things that people brought in from places in town. And it was all delicious. It wasn’t too big, which I was really grateful for. But there were quite a few people that I’ve learned to call friends. Including Holly and some of the folks that I haven’t really seen since the snipe hunt! And Jamie said that he wouldn't have put all of that time into making me a cake if he didn't really… well, it was actually kind of cute. He got all flushed when he presented it because the icing was sort of falling apart and, oh, shit, he likes me.
[Grove walks to Jared] Hey buddy. I don’t really know how I am supposed to feel or how to respond. I haven't really been in this sort of situation, at least not that I can remember. Ugh, gods, what if I'm a bad partner? No one’s bothered to come looking or reach out, or… I have to really think about it. But I don't know what to say to him until I figure it out. I have to get back to him eventually.
Hmm. Anyway, in other news, I brought up the moving shadows I have been seeing to Dr. Daman. Apparently it’s rather common to have stress-induced hallucinations like those, especially with my trouble sleeping recently. She recommended that I try sleep aids, but I’m not really sure on how I feel about that either. There’s nothing wrong with people that need them to sleep, that’s all well and good. But something about chemically forcing me to sleep? I don't know, it just kind of rubs me the wrong way, I don’t... [sounds of Grove pawing at something] Hey, what are you getting into over there? (sighs) Grove has been sniffing around the house a lot lately. He did that when I first took him in, which is to be expected, but he’s just kept sniffing around. It’s like he’s searching for something, I don’t, whatever. Dogs do strange things, that doesn’t exclude hellhounds, I’m sure.
(sighs) Speaking of the whole Darius thing, we actually got to go sledding a few days before my birthday too. It was really nice. It was a lot colder than I expected. I know, I know, that yeah it’s snow, it’s cold, but it’s different when the cold is outside of your clothes than when it gets literally everywhere. But I don't know, it was exhilarating. But in a really good way, not a “running desperately for your life” kind of way. Holly ended up Beaming Darius with a snowball, their aim is brutal. He flew right off the sled and into a snowbank and he came up covered in snow, looking like a snowman. I don’t think I've ever heard him laugh like that before. It was just so refreshing to be able to just live, to just exist with my friends for a little while in a way that distracted me from my own thoughts. Because when I get to thinking too much, I don't like what comes to my head. I think too much, for one thing, about work, about my nightmares, about this upcoming career day that I agreed to. If I do a bad job, which I’m sure I will, I’m going to let Anika down. The thought of that basically gives me hives. All of this stress led to Dr. Daman suggesting that I try medication again. I was hesitant, of course, but she said that if I don’t wanna try sleep aids I could at least try mood stabilizers or something. Last time I tried meds for my mood it did jack diddly squat for me. She suggested that we try a different type of medication and at this point I am willing to try pretty much anything to help with these thoughts and the mood swings. I hate being so unstable, I hate having no real reason to feel sad or anxious and yet that is all I can feel.
So I've started up another medication. They say it will likely take a few weeks to kick in, so we’ll just have to wait and see. And I can’t tell if this is just general anxiety or if I am anxious about the medication itself, too. Not like it can make things much worse right? [knocks] Knock on wood at least. I really gotta stop saying things like that, I know it will just invite things to get worse. Like I still keep catching glimpses of that shadow around my house. Dr. Daman is sure that it’s just stress. Mr. Zimmer doesn’t even think that it’s there. I know it is, I’ve seen it in my peripheral. Sometimes I see it behind me, over my shoulder in the mirror. I never see it for long though, just glimpses. I know it’s there, it’s gotta be, right? Mr. Zimmer says that it’s all in my head, that I’m imagining things. At least Dr. Daman gives a reason as to Why I would be seeing it, but Mr. Zimmer is sure that there’s other things I should be focusing on. Like remembering. We’ve started something called accelerated resolution therapy, or ART. He said it’s typically usually used in treating things like trauma, which he’s pretty sure isn’t my issue, especially since I don't even remember anything, but it is rooted in memory, so we’re trying it out. He basically makes me move my eyes back and forth, walks me through a scene, and I sort of relive it in my head. It’s used to rewire emotional responses, I think? But we’re trying to see if it helps me remember anything. And so far… nothing. Mr. Zimmer is fairly certain that I’m just not trying hard enough, but I’m trying as hard as I can, I just can’t remember anything. I think he got a little huffy with me after our last session didn’t bring up anything too terribly substantial to the surface, which I hated. Both his frustration and the lack of progress. So I did tell him about that sweet smell back at the school that flew me into a panic after smelling it? Smell is the sense most closely linked to memory right, so it’s gotta be something. He seemed curious about it and had me describe the smell. The faintest sweetness, a mild smell. It smells good, almost too good. The word that he used was an ethereal smell, which, sure, I guess. But how ethereal can it be if it causes me to break into a sweat and feel the need to run? He dismissed that question, took some notes, and then carried on to the next topic as if I hadn’t even mentioned anything. Nothing.
I don't even want to bring it up with Dr. Daman at this point. Recently it seemed like she steeled her resolve to help me and has been more active in figuring out what’s going on. But we've been at this for years now. I'm not sure what we could do that we haven't tried before. Unless I'm just not trying hard enough… No. I am trying my hardest to remember, but it just feels like I’m slamming my head against a brick wall more than I’m actually remembering anything. I touched on my nightmares again, but they both just chalked it up to stress with work and fitting in with the community. Which, you know, Dr. Daman used to be so supportive of me going out and mingling with those in town? But now, just so flippant about it. Like she couldn’t care less either way about it anymore. Whatever.
(sighs) I guess I should give Darius a call back here soon. I just have no idea what to say. I don't wanna change what we have, i don't want to lose what we have, but… i don't know. I’m not opposed to the idea of dating I guess? I just… we’re good friends, I really like being around him and everything, but just because I’m a good friend doesn’t mean I will be a good partner. I’m always so busy with work, and I have no clue what it means to be in a romantic relationship. And if we Were to date, what kind of relationship is built on so many lies? Yeah, sure, I try to usually tell at least a half truth or whatever when I can, but it’s still kind of lying. He doesn't even know the real me! Would he like me if he did? All this baggage and whatever else that I’d bring into the relationship? What would he say when he realizes I only have two years of real life experience. That I rebound from death with nothing to show for it other than more scars and some bodily discomfort. He’s asked about my scars before, the little ones on my hands and arms, mostly. But I think I've caught him looking at the ones on my face. I don’t… I don’t like it when people stare at them. And he doesn’t stare, but still. He’s taken notice. He’s asked what happened and I told him, oh, you know, general hazards of life! He chuckled at it, but I don’t think he fully bought it. He still seems concerned from time to time, but I think he just tries to help me keep my mind busy and keep me trying new things when I’m not weighed down by work. He’s… a great guy. A good cook, a great teacher, a great friend. When I’m low energy, he’s always down to just sit with me and not do much. When I want someone to talk to he’s always there to listen, and to chat, as long as he’s not busy with his work or his own classes, which did wrap up last month, so we’ve been spending a bit more time together. I introduced him to Jamie, it was a bit in passing, but they seemed to get along well. I was just showing Jamie more around town after getting lunch, we’d actually been heading back to my car when we bumped into him outside Mrs. Weddington’s Bakery. They were like two peas in a pod pretty quickly. I’m going to try to have us all hang out here soon.
(sighs) But I… I gotta talk with Darius one on one first. Gods, it’s so much easier to interact with the creatures that I study, to be honest. People are just [Grove starts growling] more complicated? At least for me. I don’t- [Grove knocks over something] Hey, hey, woah, what- what’re you getting into? What did you- [Grove snarls] Is that… a camera? When, when did that get there? Shit, are there more? [audio distortion] Uh, no, you know what? No. Screw that. This is my house, I am not gonna have this shit in my own house! [static rises then cuts off]
Jar of Rebuke is created and produced by Casper Oliver, who is also the voice of Dr. Jared Hel. Darius Chapman is voiced by VynVox. The intro is read by Vanessa Rosengrant, and credits are read by Ashley Craft, who has created the podcast official graphics. Episode was edited by Chelsea Finley. Episode was written by Casper Oliver and Jenny O’ Sullivan. Music was created by Luke Menniss, spelled m-e-n-n-i-s-s, who you can find and support on Bandcamp, Spotify and Twitch. If you’ve been enjoying us, please consider leaving a rating, review or comment, wherever you tune in. You can also support us on Patreon or Podhero by following the links in our episode description. And special thanks to our patreon supporters, Tristan, Perry, Devin, Becky, Nico, Danny and Joyce.
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dianadragonfly · 5 years
Okay, hang on bitches, cause Imma bout ta rewatch “The Final Problem.” I’ve seen it once since 2017. And because there is no commentary on the disc I have, I will be providing the commentary.
[[MORE]] Since I started my “rewatch and comment” spree, I’ve been pleasantly surprised. Things that had previously stood out in my mind as being particularly not-good are really not that bad. Most were actually really short moments that stood out in retrospect because they seemed incongruous with how well-written and acted everything else was.
Up till season 2, the writers could do no wrong whatsoever. The exact moment I experienced a “well that was overdone” moment of questioning the writers was when Sherlock broadcast a picture of Mary on the outside of the facade in “His Last Vow.” From there, I had moments of doubt and questioning plot and directing choices that took away from the narrative. But, except for the moment John sees Mary die, I never ever questioned the acting choices. The actors are so amazing. And I’m not just saying that because Ben and Martin are hot.
As I prepare to watch the episode, there are several scenes that I dread. Opening with the girl on the airplane reminds me of how much I hated this trick. If the girl is Eurus messing with them, then why do we see it acted out? If we cannot trust that what we see is a reality, then all of the “Mind Palace” theories of TFP (i.e. that it actually took place in a dream or in the head of a character) have some authenticity to them. Ugh.
Damn. I’d forgotten the “Hello. My name is Jim Moriarty” part of the intro. No need for that if the girl is just something in Eurus’s imagination.
Oh shit. I hate hate hate hate everything about this scene of Mycroft.
First of all, there is security in Mycroft’s house.
Second of all, he would have skewered any of those actors with the umbrella sword or shot one of them with the gun.
Why are the paintings crying blood? John and Sherlock couldn’t accomplish that... once we add scary clown it’s just too much. Even for Sherlock.
Oh stop with the heavy-handed East Wind references. Dammit, I loved this show for its subtly. Killer clowns are not subtle, even in pranks.
Now with Mycroft here, in the client position, refusing to sit, with the Baker Street Boys in their chairs - this is what I came for. The light, the look on their faces, the composition of the shot.
Oohh Hudson throwing some shade. John’s half smile...
Is the skull portrait glowing? I can’t tell.
“That’s why he stays!” Fuck yeah. John’s half smile again...
“Middle child. Explains a lot.” As a middle child, I resent that remark. And sort of get it.
So the flashing back and forth in time, with the ashes of Musgrave Hall in the apartment, 5 year old Eurus answering grown-up Mycroft’s questions, the pebble: all of that would be okay, if not a tiny bit less than subtle, had we not just fought a goddamn clown in the scene before.
Oh goddamn. The stupid fucking patience gernade and that song.
Of course Mrs. Hudson vacuums to Iron Maiden.
It’s Sherlock’s turn to half-smile. Cute.
Beautifully shot here with the above view and all three of them at different points on a circle around it.
Ugh. I have to turn away at the “action shot” of them jumping out the window. This is not ���Die Hard.” It’s not a cop buddy movie. We just got a really well played, fun little scene where they talked a about Oscar Wilde to avoid talking about the fact that they might die. That’s what I watch Sherlock for.
There was a fan fic written around 2012 that mentions “The Importance of Being Ernest.” Coincidence? Creators reading fanfic? I know Wilde and ACD were contemporaries, but it’s interesting. I can’t think of any other literary works that are alluded to in canon. It’s funny it should be this one.
And now we’ve commandeered a boat. Seriously.
All of the other episodes, I had more patience with on this go-around where I get a chance to type out reactions and reflect on how they are put together. But I’m finding that isn’t the case with this one. I’m just pissed. Give me one or two unbelievable moments or plot twists in an episode and I can sustain it. But between the airplane, killer clowns at Mycroft’s, the patience gernade, and this, I’m already done and we’re 20 minutes in. Sherlock looks like a goddamn vampire bat. And seriously, why does Mycroft need to steal a boat? And write a message in the sand? What the hell? Why dress up?
Sherlock’s security guard act cracks me up.
Oh his face when he sees Eurus. His. Face. Curiosity. Heartbreak. Empathy. Pain. Doubt. Fear. THIS is my show. Not patience gernades, killer clowns, dressing up like a sea captain etc in one damn episode.
She “enslaves” people... magical Eurus who makes people kill their family. Really?!
Oh no. He ignores “Vatican cameos.” I forgot that. He chooses to ignore John’s warning.
His face.... Jesus Benedict can act.
Big bouncy red alert! Okay, what was with the spinning John face when he gets knocked out?
This constant shift between wondering what the hell is happening, wondering if the show has become a parody of itself, and then bouncing back to this heart wrenching narrative — is that the point of this episode? Like “The Empty Hearse” or “The Abominable Bride”? But those episodes explained themselves after they pulled the rug out. As soon as something got to the point of absurdity, it was explained. Sherlock didn’t swing in a window at Bart’s and kiss Molly but we briefly were led to believe he did. Moriarty and Sherlock aren’t really kissing on the roof. (By then we knew what was up though). Sherlock didn’t really attempt to dig up a dead Amelia Rocoletti. We understand it’s a drug-induced dream.
This rapid jumping back and forth with half-assed explainations — I’m coming to believe this off-balance feeling is the point of the episode but I don’t like it. I like it even less than I did before.
Oh Andrew Scott. I love you.
The bastards wait till 5 minutes into the Moriarty scene to tell us it’s 5 years ago. That constant pulling out the rug — I will at least excuse that because there is a plausible explaination given. But it’s a cheap trick. This episode is one cheap trick after another, with only a few moments, here and there, of characters actually interacting.
So it’s late and I don’t know if I have the heart to make it through this whole episode tonight. To be continued....
Starting at scene 5 on the DVD because that's when Sherlock sees Eurus for the sort of first time. I kind of just want to bask in Ben's performance here again.
After the last episode, clean-shaven Sherlock in a suit is a relief. He's back... at least a little.
His small smile when he asks her how she got out. . .
I'm realizing how much of this scene had to be Benedict looking directly into the camera and talking to Eurus. That had to be intimidating.
***I've skipped ahead to closer than where I was last night because the small people in my house will want food soon. Parentig gets in the way of fangirling. ****
I still love the Hungry Donkey story.
OH MY GOD! I forgot how much I love Andrew Scott here!!!
Are they making out through the glass?
And now the four of them wake up in a cell but this one has glass. Ugh. The plane again. I love how Sherlock changes his voice here to talk to the girl. He isn't incapable of reading people and reacting to them. He just usually can't be bothered. There’s a fan theory that says Sherlock is autistic. I was going to comment that this skill of his is evidence that he’s not but I stopped myself. He -knows- HOW one needs to act to get people to respond to him, but it’s a learned skill. Which actually might add evidence to the “autism” theory more than the sociopath theory.
Mark Gatiss - I forget what an incredible actor he can be. Whoa.
These scenes - these scenes where they have to apply themselves to a task that Eurus sets for them -- they are so fucking good. Tense and well-acted. I can see every emotion on every actor's face. The rest of the episode should have been better to make it worthy of these performances. It physically hurt watching John try to shoot the governor.
Someone said that Jim Moriarty went from a criminal mastermid to manical Thomas the Train Engine on this episode and I can't unthink that any time he flashes on the screen.
I had a moment, when Eurus was using such clinical language of behavioralism ("prompts") etc that I flashed back onto my life as an ABA instructor. Seriously. I know they are a million miles away but no one watching this would ever think, even for a second, that Eurus was morally right. Why, then, do we do a smiliar thing to autistic children? I had a moment of revulsion then. (Restirct physical liberty and autonomy, make them complete a command that's nonsensical for either reward or aversive. Give prompts. Follow through (deny reward) if one deviates from the prompt). She might as well been saying "Touch table, Sherlock." ("Touch table" is one of the first directives often given in ABA. It's easy to manually prompt (force) a kid to do and helps the kid realize the link between following the requests and obtaining rewards.)
Sorry. ABA rant is slightly off topic.
To be continued in comments ..
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch43: What’s In A Name?
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Intro: Katie progresses through her pregnancy and as her due date looms, they get down to the task of picking a name. Easier said than done...
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut! (NSFW) No under 18s. Teeth rotting fluff…seriously!
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist 
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October 2019
Katie was adamant that whoever said pregnancy was an enjoyable time was a lying fucker. Her morning sickness was horrendous, only it wasn’t just morning sickness. As Dr Kellet had warned, it was 24 hour fucking sickness. And to top it off, whilst she had already found out certain smells made her heave, both Steve’s aftershave and his shower gel were amongst two of them.
Steve took it upon himself, as with anything, to do as much research as he possibly could, reading articles galore on the internet. It was in one of these that he stumbled across a suggestion that lemon and ginger tea could help with queasiness. He had immediately headed to the store and come back with about 20 boxes off the stuff, much to Emmy’s amusement, and he tried not to hover or fuss too much over Katie, he really, really did. Katie knew he found this hard, as he was so excited and worried, both for her and the baby, not entirely certain how to navigate this new situation – and he wasn’t the only one. Every day Katie had to remember to herself that she couldn’t drink this, couldn’t eat that, shouldn’t do this. Pepper had told her it would be strange, that she would feel like her body wasn’t her own anymore. It was frustrating, and she found herself in a constant state of irritation, questioning to herself why either of them had thought getting pregnant would be a good idea. But then she would think back to how heartbroken and devastated the pair of them had been when they had been robbed of their chance to be parents almost 18 months prior and all that frustration vanished.
Fourteen weeks in and she was still felling like crap. She lay in bed, trying to go back to sleep but the horrible feeling spread into her throat and she clamped her hand over her mouth, pushing back the covers. Steve watched as she dashed into the en-suite, dropped to her knees and puked into the toilet, groaning. Steve climbed out of bed and followed her, crouching besides her as she heaved and heaved again, gently holding her hair back out of the way, rubbing her back. Eventually she let out a sigh and slumped to sit on the floor looking up at him as he smoothed her hair back behind her ears.
“I don’t think I like being pregnant” she mumbled and he chuckled slightly.
“Oh doll” he sighed, his hand still on her face “Can I get you anything?” “Some water, please.”
He dropped a kiss to her head and stood up, heading out of the bathroom. When Katie was sure she was done being sick for the time being she stood up, washed her face and cleaned her teeth, glancing at her reflection. Some pitiful woman with a bright red face looked back at her and she rolled her eyes. If this was glowing then fuck that.
Steve came back a minute or so later with a bottle of water which he held out. She took it off him with a thanks and then headed back into the bedroom. Draining half the bottle she set it down on the dresser and pulled out some fresh underwear, pulling off Steve’s T-shirt as she went. Steve watched her for a second, and then as she fastened her bra she turned to grab a top from the drawer and he felt his eyes widen as he noticed for the first time the slight swell in her stomach. Katie felt her eyes on him and she turned to look at him.
“Just boobs Steve.”she said, sniggering “They’re gonna get bigger.” “Sweetheart it’s not that, you’re…” he swallowed “You’re showing.”
Katie glanced down and was raised her eyebrows before she moved over to where the full length mirror. Up until then she’d simply been putting on a bit of weight, finally giving in the week before when she couldn’t fasten her jeans up anymore, but it was nothing of major note. But now, almost as if it had appeared overnight, there was a slight curve sticking out between her pelvis bones. Not huge, but still there.
“I err…” she looked at Steve, smiling softly “Yeah, guess I am.”
“Stay right there!“ he dived onto the bed and picked up his phone which was charging on his nightstand
“Steve!” she laughed as he took a snap, knowing full well that there would likely be a sketch in his book of the photo later in the day. “Did you get my face in that?”
“Maybe, but it doesn’t matter because one is ever going to see you like this besides me.” He grinned back as he tossed his phone onto the bed as he stood up, wrapping his arms around her from behind, his hands coming to rest on her small bump.
“I love you, more than you can ever know.” He nuzzled at her neck as she pressed her back to his bare chest. He rest his chin on her shoulder and looked at her in the mirror and then their moment was ruined as the feeling rose in Katie’s throat again and she shifted, pushing him out of the way before running and vomiting once more into the toilet. Steve followed her again, handing her the bottle of water. She took a large gulp and thankfully it seemed to quell the last lingering queasiness she was feeling for the time being and she let out a sigh as she looked at him.
“You did this.” she narrowed her eyes at him.
“I know, and I’d like to say I’m sorry, but I’m not.”  he said with a sheepish grin.
“Hmmmm” she shook her head as he helped her to her feet. “You will be in five months or so when he or she is giving you as much grief as they’re giving me now.” “Well then I give you full permission to say I told you so.” He smiled. “Do you want any breakfast?” “God no.” she shook her head.
“You have to eat.” he frowned
“I know but not at half seven am when I’ve just puked my guts up” she said, placating him  “I’ll eat in a little while, I promise, once we’ve sorted Emmy out for school.” “I’ll hold you to that.” He said, patting her ass.
The other downside to being pregnant was the tiredness. And she felt exhausted all the time. So, Steve wasn’t surprised to find her flaked out on the bed, Lucky by her side, when he returned later that afternoon after collecting Emmy. They’d detoured to the store on their way home as they’d run out of peanut butter- Katie’s craving- as she would sit there eating the stuff out of the jar with a spoon. Whilst in Target, Emmy’s new favourite place on the planet, the girl had gone wandering off nearly giving Steve a heart attack until he found her in the clothes section, grinning at a maternity t-shirt. It was light yellow with a digger on the front, and the words “Under Construction” over the top. They’d both laughed until tears were rolling down their faces and had thrown it in the trolley. 
He’d left Katie asleep for as long as he could, until it was almost six pm and he knew she’d have trouble sleeping later on so as Emmy headed down to the lab to meet Bruce about some science project she was working, with the promise that as it was Friday they could get take-out, he headed into their bedroom and gently lay down next to her, giving her a soft kiss.
“Baby.” he gently bumped his nose against hers “I’m sorry but it’s almost six…” She cracked open one eye with a groan and glanced at Steve, his face was inches from hers as he lay on the pillow. Over the last four weeks or so, the unfortunate implication of her being tired constantly was that their sex life wasn’t exactly thriving and Katie hated that. It had always been such an important part to their relationship, how they lost themselves with one another but frankly, on most occasions recently, it was the thing furthest from her mind. The first time she’d pushed Steve away a fortnight ago his face had literally looked like she’d slapped him until she’d tearfully explained she was tired and cranky and her boobs hurt and, well, just and. He’d simply sighed and pulled her to him, and since then hadn’t moaned or pestered or made any move on her whatsoever. He understood, even if he did feel a little inadequate so to speak, but had been nothing but the perfect gentleman, doting husband and she couldn’t love him more for that.
But now there was a familiar feeling spreading between her legs that she was fucking happy to welcome back and she squirmed slightly as he tucked her hair behind her ears as he was totally oblivious as usual.
“I said we’d sit with Nat tonight and get take-out. That ok?” he looked at her.
“Sounds good, but, there’s something else I want first.”
“What?” he frowned, before he realised what she was insinuating as her hand drifted to the waistband of his jeans. “Ohhh.” he grinned as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss onto his lips. “Are we finally at the point of pregnancy where you’re supposed to be insatiable?” he asked as she undid the buckle of his belt.
She shrugged as he rolled her onto her back gently, his mouth dropping to her neck as she let out a soft groan, his hand creeping crept up her top before he paused.
“How are the boobs today?” he gave a smirk and she laughed as he pulled her top off.
“Tender, be gentle.” she said as his eyes greedily drank her in before his lips returned back to hers, the contact breaking only when she grabbed at his dark blue henley, suddenly desperate to feel his skin on hers. He let her pull it over his head, lips back together as soon as it was off and his hand gently moved downwards and into the top of her leggings, finding her spot. Her hips bucked violently at his touch and he looked at her, arching an eyebrow at how responsive she was being.
“Shit.” she said, “Fuck that’s sensitive.”
“Easy, baby.” he chuckled, his mouth soft on her neck as she groaned, enjoying the feeling of his hand working at her. When she couldn’t take it anymore she sat up slightly, undoing the button on his jeans and pushing them down his thighs before he shrugged himself free of them, and his boxers as Katie shucked off the bottom half of her clothing, before she pushed on his shoulders gently and he obliged, laying back so she could straddle him. As she took him in they both groaned slightly, his hips flexing upwards as she pushed down. Katie found a slow, steady rhythm that felt good, riding him softly as he met her movements thrust for thrust, hands on either side of her hips.
Now, Steve wasn’t exactly a prude in bed. Years of being with Katie had put paid to that but if he was honest his favourite position was still missionary. He liked the way it felt, the fact that he was the one doing the work and unravelling her underneath him, but that wasn’t to say he didn’t enjoy it any other way. He did. A lot. And as he looked up at her seeing her slightly distended belly, her swollen breasts protruding over the top of her bra and the other changes in her body thanks to the fact she was growing his baby, it all lit a fire in his belly every single fucking time he looked at her, well, frankly her on top now, watching her, it felt incredible.
“God you’re beautiful.” he muttered as he sat up, pressing his lips to hers as she groaned at the change of angle, grinding down against him harder “I love you so fucking much.” “I love you too.”she panted, her nose rubbing against his as he pushed up harder, making her cry out. “Fuck Katie.” he whimpered a little as she continued to roll her hips groaning loudly once more as the heat began to rise in her belly. He read the signals right, as he always did, pulling her down onto him harder, again and again.
“Stevie, I’m gonna…” and then she let out a soft cry, throwing her head back as she came undone, her hands tightening on his shoulders as he held her close, guiding her through her orgasm as he thrust upwards a few more times before following her right over the edge as she collapsed forward, her head lolling against his shoulder. It hadn’t been long, little over ten minutes if that, but it had felt amazing and as she sat still on his lap, his hands gently tracing up her back, she realised she’d never felt so cherished and loved in her life.  
**** December 2019
As Katie’s bump grew bigger, so did Steve’s protectiveness. The urge to keep his unborn child and his wife safe was coursing through his veins like molten lava. They’d already discussed moving from the Compound, and as such had put an offer in on a house in Brooklyn, which they were waiting to hear back from the realtor about. Emmy and Natasha thought the whole thing was hilarious, watching the normally composed and stoic soldier running around like a small child, and Katie did to a point, but as the weeks went on she started to get a little frustrated.
Natasha had reminded her she should be grateful he was so interested, as a lot of women didn’t have the help she did. And Katie knew that, she really did, but that didn’t stop her feeling slightly suffocated at the way he didn’t want her to go out alone, or drive, or clean, or basically do anything, and it all came to a head after twenty four weeks on the evening before their second sexing scan. They’d had one a few weeks before and Baby Rogers was not playing ball and lying in the most awkward position possible, so they’d been unable to tell what they were having. As such, they’d booked another to see if this time the little monster would be more co-operative. Steve was like a kid on Christmas eve, restless, eager to find out whether he was getting a son or a daughter, which didn’t help the situation as his incessant need to be doing something was driving Katie insane so she’d retreated to the bedroom which was where Steve found her now, pulling the sheets off the bed when Steve found her. He crossed his arms and frowned.
“What are you doing?“
“Rowing the Atlantic.” she looked at him, as he rolled her eyes at her sarcasm “What does it look like?”
“I can do that.” “Steve!” she groaned exasperatedly “You’re driving me insane! I’m pregnant not injured, I’m perfectly capable of changing the fucking sheets on our fucking bed!”
Steve recoiled instantly and stood looking at her, not sure what to do. He’d pushed her too far, he could see that. He swallowed as she looked up at him, her eyes flashing dangerously.
“I just…” he stuttered, running his hands through his hair. “I want to make sure you’re okay, that’s all. I’m sorry.”
His face wore the expression of a puppy dog she’d just booted across the floor and she sighed, running her hand over her face and moved to give him a hug “I know and I shouldn’t have snapped, that was uncalled for.” “I’m going overboard aren’t I?” he asked, dropping a soft kiss to her head. “I know you mean well, I really do, but I’m capable of walking around and doing stuff on my own.” she leaned back to look at him. “And I adore the fact that you want to care for me I really do but-” she stopped dead as she felt something flutter inside her belly. She laid her hand on her bump and there it was again, like butterflies but stronger. She had never felt it before, Dr Kellet saying it wasn’t unusual for a first time pregnancy not to feel the baby quickening until nearer twenty-five weeks but she had definitely felt that.
“Oh my God.” She whispered, looking down and then back up at him.
“What is it?” he frowned, looking at her, concern across every line of his face.
“The baby, it’s moving.” she smiled at him.
Steve felt his eyes widen before he grinned and dropped to his knees, letting her position his eager hands on her body. For the longest moment he held his breath, waiting.
"Sweetheart, it was barely more than a flutter, I’ve never felt it before so I doubt you will be able to feel anything yet.” Katie looked down at him.
He looked crestfallen and began to move his hands away but she stopped him.
“Talk to them, he or she might be able to hear you now.”
Steve looked up at her “So soon?” “Yeah.” she nodded, encouragingly. “They say between twenty three and wenty seven weeks so give it a try.” Smiling he bent closer, Katie lacing the fingers of her hands through his hair gently as he addressed her stomach.
“Hey, kid” he spoke softly, and his hands shifted up to the side of her bump “How’s it going in there?”
Katie felt another faint stir, deep inside.
“They did it again.” she grinned, and he looked up at her, his eyes shining. “They know your voice, Daddy.”
Steve stayed on his knees, watching her for a second, the utter love he felt for this woman and the baby she was cooking scared him at times. It consumed him like nothing he had ever known before. He often wondered how he was going to fare as a father, never having known his own and Katie had softly confessed one night she was just as scared as she had never known her parents properly either. But Steve had known his mom, Katie had Tony to look up to and they’d both coped ok with Emmy for almost a year now so they’d figure it out together.
“You think it’s a boy or a girl?” he asked, looking up at Katie from where he was knelt, his hands sliding up the outside of her thighs.
She paused, considering. “Truthfully, I haven’t a clue. What about you?
Steve got up "No idea,” he admitted, “And I don’t particularly care” He ducked his head to give her a soft kiss.”
“I’m leaning towards a boy though.” Katie smiled.
“Yeah, why’s that then?” “Just a hunch.” she grinned, cheekily “Because it’s an awkward little shit just like its dad.” *****
A face swim into focus - streaked with static, but undeniably a face - a perfect little profile with a forehead and nose and chin. The little thing on the screen suddenly moved, turning its head and pulling one hand up beside its face.
Steve’s hand curled round Katie’s as the pair of them glanced at the screen, both of them immersed at their little world, right there, completely unaware of how much it was already loved. It had been four weeks since they had seen it last and it seemed so much more clear even as little as twenty eight days further on.  
“Everything is perfect!” Dr Kellet was talking. “And, I’m happy to say Baby is in a much more cooperative mood so I can tell you what it is this time.”
Steve looked at Katie, his eyes bright and they both nodded eagerly.
“Congratulations, Mom and Dad,” she announced, smiling. “It’s a boy”
“A boy.” Steve whispered, and Katie smiled as her raised her hand to press a kiss against her knuckles. She turned to look at him, his eyes were shining.
“This is real?” he suddenly demanded. “This - our baby - it is a he?”
Katie bit back the laugh at Steve’s astonished face. Dr Kellet smiled at Steve’s reaction and nodded reassuringly. “That’s your son.”
“You’re sure?” he asked for what felt like the thousandth time as they walked back to the car. “I mean, are those things accurate?”
Katie laughed, “Steve!”
“I know, I know.” he shook his head, still not quite able to believe it as he unlocked the car. Katie settled in the passenger seat as he climbed in next to her, and she glanced down at the image on the scan photo in her hands. “A son.” Steve smiled, looking out of the front window of the car. “We’re gonna have a boy.”
“Are you going to keep smiling like that all day?” she asked him.
“Probably.” Steve nodded, not an air of shame in his tone as he turned to face her. In all honestly he hadn’t cared what their baby was going to be, but as soon as they’d found out it was a boy he suddenly had visions of all the sorts of activities they could do together. Play fighting, baseball, football…not that he couldn’t do any of those with a girl but, well, it was his boy. A boy that would keep the Rogers name going once he was no longer there…
“Hey, now we can start thinking of names!” Katie grinned as he started the car up.
“Yeah.” He smiled, pulling out of the space “You had any ideas.” “Just one for a boy.”  Katie replied as he swung the car onto the main road.  She bit her lip, not sure how this was going to go down. “I thought about James.”
Steve’s shoulders tensed slightly. “After Bucky?” His voice was soft.
Katie nodded “That’s one person, yeah.”
Steve took a deep breath. If he was honest he’d had the same thought but he wasn’t completely sure about it. He didn’t want their kid named after Bucky because Katie simply thought it was what he wanted. He wanted it to be for the right reasons. Besides, it wasn’t like Bucky ever went by that name anyway. He shook his head and turned to look at Katie for a second.
“I’m not sure I could call a kid James. He went by Bucky after all.”
“I like it” Katie shrugged. “Plus, there are other nicknames for James, you know like Jim or Jamie.” "Jim?” he snorted, looking at her “He’s not an old man.” “No but his dad is.” she replied, playfully.
**** It was a week after Christmas when Steve finally got to feel his baby moving. They’d finally taken possession of the keys for the house in Brooklyn and after a long day of packing things into boxes, Katie had headed to the bedroom, jar of peanut butter and spoon in hand. Their son had been doing flips and kicking like a trooper all day, and she was exhausted.
Steve and Emmy stayed up to watch a film before calling it a night and after making sure Emmy was settled, Lucky assuming his place at the base of her bed, he climbed under the covers behind his wife, his hand straying to her bump as he hooked an arm round her, his thumb gently stroking to and fro when Katie rolled onto her back, looking up at him, biting her lip. Suddenly she wasn’t tired anymore and was craving the other thing she seemed to be constantly after which wasn’t peanut butter. And Steve was more than happy to comply.
“You are terrible.” he muttered with a grin, giving her a hard kiss and she squirmed as his hand touched her hip. She was extra sensitive to any touch he gave her at the moment, and he knew it. Grinning, he shuffled down slightly and she bit back a smile as he rest his forehead against her rounded abdomen.
“Hey son.” he cajoled. “Your mom says you’ve been pretty active all day today so how about a bit of something for your old man?”
And then Katie felt the jab, which was far stronger than anything she’d felt before, as their son really did give a kick or an elbow, whichever it was it had been harsh! Steve stilled as he thought he had felt something, but wasn’t sure. Quickly he looked up, holding the covers so that they were peaked around his head and he glanced up at Katie who nodded at him. He bowed his head once more against her stomach, hands resting either side as he felt their baby again. He took a shaky breath, simply staying there as Katie laced her fingers into his hair as their son continued to wriggle, Steve’s hand following every movement before they died down. It was incredible, and he couldn’t help but feel utterly in awe at the life growing inside his girl.
Fuck, she was incredible, being able to make that.
Eventually, after a moment or so of nothing Steve pressed a soft kiss to the side of her bump.
“I gotta help your mom out with something now so…” he looked up at Katie, grinning cheekily, before his head made its way further downwards and soon it was another feeling he was cherishing altogether.
"You know, betcha he’s gonna be super smart, like Tony or Banner smart” Steve said later that night as they lay together, her back pressed to his chest again. She couldn’t lie in her preferred position with her head on her chest anymore as her bump made it uncomfortable but if he was honest he preferred this way, he could simply rest his hand right over his son and stay there all night.
“Well he will be half Stark.” Katie mused as she lay her hand on top of Steve’s, her fingers skating over his wedding ring. “But I hope he looks just like you.”
Steve smiled and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, closing his eyes.
“You know, we really should try and make a bit more progress on the whole name front.” Katie sighed. "I still think we should call him James,”
Steve shook his head, eyes still closed.
“All right, then let’s name him after one of the other Commandos.” Katie said, turning her head to look at him.
Steve considered the matter for a second and then frowned. He cracked open an eye and gave his wife a dirty look as she started laughing. He had told her once that it had been a well-worn joke that all but three – him, Gabe, and Timothy - were named some variant of the name James.
“I assume you’re not suggesting we name him Gabriel,” he deadpanned, setting her off into another laugh.
“Emmy had a suggestion before.” Katie said, biting her lip. “Yeah?” “Horatio.” “What the...where the hell did she get that from?” Steve began as Katie threw her head back and laughed.
“I’ve no idea, but she couldn’t keep a straight face when she said it.” Katie said, before he pondered something “What about Joseph after your dad?”
“Joe...” Steve tried the name out before he grimaced and shook his head. “Joe DiMaggio played for the Yankees.“
“I’ll file that under the long list of no’s then.” Katie sighed, rolling her eyes.
February 2020
They moved into their house at the end of January. It wasn’t far from the place they had looked at a few years back, and was fairly similar. A large, L-shaped, red brick detached, in a quiet area with sprawling gardens, enough rooms to house an army and a pool area which sported bi-folding doors that completely retracted to reveal an enormous outside space complete with hot tub, dining area and a well-manicured garden.
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It was perfect and even Tony failed to find anything to pick fault with. Being in the position they were in, they decided to get everything ready before they moved in fully. To be fair there wasn’t much to do bar a bit of decorating. They had someone come and do most of it, hiring the interior designer that had done the compound, but Steve was adamant he wanted to do the baby’s room himself, and Katie wasn’t going to deny him of that.
Steve barred her from the room, allowing no one in but Emmy who was helping him with the painting. She’d helped him pick the colours and all Katie was allowed to do was select the furniture much to her grumblings.
“She’s gonna love it.” Emmy said, looking around at the finished room. Steve dropped an arm round the girl’s shoulder.
“I hope so kiddo.” he said.
“Can we show her now?” Steve smiled, excitement flooding his system “Yeah, let’s do it.”
The two of them wandered out onto the landing and Steve called his wife. She came out of their room where she had been arranging throw cushions on their bed for the 1000th time that day, her nesting instinct kicking in.
“What’s up?” she asked.
“We wanna show you the baby’s room!” Emmy grinned. Katie’s face split into a grin and Steve leaned down to give her a soft kiss when she hissed as their son gave her an almighty boot in the ribs.
“Shit!” she hissed, rubbing at her side. “He kicked me then, really hard. That hurt!”
“Language!” Steve said grinning as he placed his hand on her stomach, gently feeling before he grinned and went to kiss her again, and she received another boot
“You know, I don’t think he likes you kissing me…” she pushed Steve away. “Listen, buddy.” he leaned down so his head was level with her bump. “We need to lay down some ground rules because in a month or so, you’re gonna be here demanding all your mom’s attention, but until then, she’s 100% mine, you got that?”
Emmy cackled out a laugh “Yeah you tell him Steve-o.” “Let’s hope he pays more attention to me than you do!” he shot the 12 year old a look and she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah yeah, come on, I wanna show mom what we did.” The use of the word didn’t pass Katie by. Her eyes widened a little and she looked at Steve whose mouth had dropped open, but he hastily shut it, as Katie rearranged her face swiftly. They hadn’t even talked about what they would do if Emmy started calling them mom or dad, it hadn’t entered their minds. But it was too late, the young girl had spotted their faces and stood, frowning at them.
“What? Did I just say something that-” and then her eyes widened “Oh, I’m…sorry, it just, well, slipped out, I mean…”
Before she could say anything else Steve pulled her into a hug and shook his head “You know we love you like you’re our own.” “And if you feel the same then that’s fine by us, it’s more than fine.” Katie smiled.
Emmy sniffed a little and wiped away the tears that had sprung from her eyes and to save her any more embarrassment Steve nodded at the door to the room. “Do the honours then.” before he stood behind Katie gently placing his hands over her eyes. Emmy pushed the door open as Steve stepped forward, gently steering Katie into the room.
“Steve, I’m gonna fall.” she laughed, “My centre of gravity is way off on account of me being as big as a hippo.”
“I won’t let you fall, what you take me for?” he chuckled as the smell of fresh paint hit her nostrils.
“Ready?” Emmy asked, excitedly, looking at Steve who winked at him, his own exhilaration was radiating off him and Katie could feel it. She nodded and Steve moved his hands, so she could look round the room. It was a pale blue colour on all four walls, but on the third where the crib nestled it was slightly darker, and sported a quote painted in elegant darker blue letters that she recognised instantly as being from Peter Pan, one of Steve’s favourite childhood books: “Second star on the right and straight on ‘til morning.”  The same wall was also decorated with rows of silver and white stars. The gloss woodwork in the room was fresh and white, and the furniture was also assembled- a small wardrobe, dresser with drawers, crib, a changing unit and a rocking chair and she noticed Steve had stained the wood on the top of the changing unit a dark blue colour too, something she would never have thought to do. The entire room was an ode to the artist in him.
“Do you like it?” Steve asked after giving her enough time to take it all in. She turned to him and shook her head, and Steve felt his heart sink.
“No.” she whispered.
“You don’t?” Emmy asked, exchanging a look with Steve who’s face fell and Katie bit her lip and looked at him
“I love it.”
“Don’t do that!” he rolled his eyes as his hands locked behind her back whilst Emmy cackled.
“Honestly,” Katie said, looking round as she stood in his arms, “guys it’s amazing.”
“You’re amazing.” he said, glancing down at the bump which was now between them “Growing him in there.” “I’m also hungry.” she smiled, apologetically, and Steve laughed.
“Subs?” he asked.
His girls nodded and he looked at Emmy frowning “Chicken and bacon ranch…extra tomato” He knew she hated tomato but he couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease her.
She rolled her eyes, “You’re such a doofus dad…”
Steve felt his voice catch, thick with emotion as he coughed to clear his throat “Oh, yeah, its extra cucumber, and…” he looked at Katie “Same?”
She nodded. “With cheese. And extra pickle.”
He kissed the side of Katie’s head before he left the room.
“I did the stars.” Emmy smiled, as her arm slid round Katie’s waist as they both looked round the room again “Dad did the stencil and showed me how to do it.”
Katie dropped a kiss to the top of her head. “It’s fantastic.”
“I can’t believe he’s gonna be here in like seven weeks.” Emmy said, turning to look at Katie’s stomach when the pair of them jumped slightly as there was a rumble of thunder from outside. Katie glanced out of the window, frowning. It wasn’t the right time of year for storms but then again, since Thanos the entire weather front was still fucked up.
Downstairs, Steve was shrugging his jacket on, ready to head out to the sandwich shop. His head was still whirling from the fact Emmy had just called the pair of them mom and dad, but whirling in a good way. They’d come so far with the girl, it hadn’t been all plain sailing but she as a good kid and had settled well, even more so after they had assured her she was going nowhere when the baby was born. Smiling to himself, he pulled the heavy door open, the bottom catching slightly. He made a mental note to plane it down a little, and then he looked up colliding with something, the force of which bounced him back into the hall slightly. He looked up immediately, and felt his face drop into a look of shock as he saw the man standing in front of him.
“Thor.” he said, taking in his appearance. His hair was now shoulder length again, how it had been when they had first met him. His beard was back and slightly longer and Tony had been right, he was sporting the first signs of a beer belly. But he was clean and his eyes were bright, a great improvement on last time. “I err,” he looked nervously at Steve, “I came to see you and Little Stark…Natasha said you would be here so…” “Yeah, come in.” he said, stepping back. Thor stepped over the threshold and looked around appraisingly before he turned to Steve “I owe you an apology. I shouldn’t have spoken to you the way I did…” Steve took the God’s hand and shook it “Look, we all say stuff we don’t mean in the heat of an argument, and it’s good of you to come.”
He shut the door and walked a little further into the hallway, gesturing for Thor to follow him.
“Honey!” he called up the stairs “We have a visitor.”
Katie appeared at the top of the stairs, Emmy in tow and she stopped as she looked down at the two men.
“Little Stark.” Thor looked up at her, the fingers of his left hand playing with the ones on his right nervously. “You’re not so little I see. Nice err, bump.”
“Hey Thunder God.” Katie said softly, making her way down the stairs. She glanced at Steve who was tactful enough to understand what she was suggesting, this was going to be a moment the two once close friends shared on their own.
“I’m just off out to fetch lunch.” Steve clapped Thor on the shoulder, “Can I get you anything?” “Tuna melt, extra pickle and chipotle sauce?” Katie asked, looking at Thor and he smiled, nodding.
“You got it. Emmy?” Steve jerked his head towards the door “Wanna come with me?” Emmy frowned “No.” “Let me rephrase that, you’re coming with me.”
She rolled her eyes “But-“ “No buts.” Steve opened the door and gestured out of it with his hand “Mush”
“Fine.” she grumbled “But I want a big slice of cake now too.” Steve shut the door behind them, Katie could hear the vague sounds of their arguing as they walked towards the car and Thor turned to her, puzzled.
“Oh, erm, she’s our foster daughter.” she supplied “You remember Emmy from the Christmas Party you came to? That’s her.”
Thor smiled “Your compassion never ceases to amaze me Little Stark.” he sighed.
“Come on.” she smiled, heading to the kitchen as he followed. She opened the fridge and he selected a beer before he looked at her as she opened it using the bottle opener set into the counter. He took a large drain from the bottle and glanced over at Katie who watched him carefully.
“So, I owe you an apology.” Thor said, awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck in a way that Katie thought was very Steve like, “I should not have talked to you the way I did last year, it was unforgivable…” “Yeah, well, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have punched you.” she offered.
“it was a good punch.” He mused, his hand touching his nose
“Almost broke my hand.” she smiled at him “So, shall we call it quits?” “I would like that.” Thor grinned and she stepped into his arms, allowing him to hug her
“You’re positively blooming.” he looked down as he released her. “May I?”
“Go ahead.” she grinned as Thor lightly placed the hand that wasn’t holding his bottle on her belly. Obligingly, her unborn son gave an almighty boot and Thor beamed up at her.
“Wow.” “Yeah, he’s a kicker.” “He?” Thor asked
“Yeah, it’s a boy.” Katie smiled “Wanna come see his nursery?” “I would very much like that, yes!”
And just like that, it was as if the last seven months hadn’t happened. In the end Katie gave Thor a complete tour and he looked round our house eagerly before Steve and Emmy returned with their food. The four of them ate in the kitchen, Thor patiently answering all of Emmy’s questions whilst filling Katie and Steve in on what was happening in New Asgard. Both of them were pleased to learn that he had been at the chair of the Elders now for 6 months, and they were currently underway with building a school. It was nice to see him so focussed again.
Eventually he announced it was time for him to go but before he did he grabbed his Axe from by the door. “Please, before I leave, I have a gift.” he nodded before he muttered something. There was a loud crack, which made them all jump and Thor grinned as he placed the item he was holding down on the floor. It was a beautiful pale yellow and white blanket, made from soft wool. Steve and Katie exchanged a glance as Katie took it, running her hands over the soft fabric.
“Thor its beautiful.” she whispered, looking at him.
“It has been made by the seamstresses in New Asgard.” He smiled “And I have worked every line of protection I know into the fabric. Your son will be safe while he sleeps.” Katie looked up at the God tears in her eyes before she hugged him once more “Thank you.”
March 2020.
They were now into the last month of them being a family of three. And there was a huge elephant in the room, the fact that Baby Rogers still didn’t have a name.
Steve had been called away on business for a week again at the end of February, and had returned a few days ago, telling Rhodey he was done for the time being as the Doctors had said their baby was basically at full term size now and could arrive imminently, something that he knew was making his wife even more anxious that they hadn’t picked a name. But it was so damned hard, harder than anything he had thought about before. Every name each of them suggested the other had a reason not to use, and Katie kept coming back to the name James. Steve liked it too - he just thought it was unfair to Katie to name their child after his best friend.
But she wasn’t giving up so easily. She had one last card to play.
“You know, you were named after your Grandfather, weren’t you?” she asked one evening as she sat cross legged on the bed, eating from a jar of peanut butter.  “Let’s name him after mine, my mom’s dad. He was great.”
Steve aimed a doubtful eye at her as he walked out of the en-suite, "Please tell me his name wasn’t Horatio” he begged.
Katie laughed, biting her lip “No, it was Jim…”
Steve threw his hands up in exasperation, shaking his head as Katie continued to chuckle. He sighed, he was beat.
"You really like the name James?” he asked, dropping onto the bed and moved so he was led on his side behind her.
She nodded and suddenly felt a huge kick in her side.
“Ow!” she rubbed her palm across her large, rounded stomach, feeling her son’s strong kick.
Steve grinned, propped himself up on his right elbow and curled his left arm around his wife, hand resting on her bump, relishing the feel of their baby moving.
“I think he does too.” she smiled softly as she looked down at Steve. “Why are you so set against it?” “I’m not.” he sighed. “I just don’t want you naming him after Bucky just because of what he meant to me, and I’m still not sure I can call a baby James.”
“James is a nice, strong name for a little boy.” she shrugged, continuing before he could protest “Baby, let’s not forget Bucky saved my life, if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t be having this conversation. And, if it makes you feel any better I want his middle name to be after someone who means the world to me.” she smiled, looking at him “Anthony.”
He raised his eyebrows slightly at the middle name before he smiled as their baby gave another huge kick.
“See?” Katie grinned as he looked down at her belly, his hand resting gently against his son who was now kicking with all his might and she knew from the look on his face that even before he was born their son had won Steve over.
“James Anthony Rogers.” Steve said, softly. It was a great way to honour both their bothers, but he couldn’t help but feel there was someone else deserving of it too. He looked up at Katie, cocking his head slightly to the right. “Could he have a third name?”
Katie frowned slightly. Neither Tony, her, or Steve for that matter, had a third name, but if Steve wanted to, then…
“What you thinking?” she asked, although she was pretty sure she knew the answer. He looked away from her for a moment and then cast his eyes to the framed photo on the wall in their bedroom, a photo taken at their wedding, the faces of all their friends and family beaming back at him. He looked back up at her and gave a little smile. “Samuel.”
Even though she had known it was coming, her eyes filled with tears- damned pregnancy hormones- as she looked at him, the memory of their lost friends springing into my mind. “James Anthony Samuel Rogers.” she whispered. “Jamie for short?”
The last part was a question more than anything but she knew he was on board when he beamed at her, tears of his own forming in his eyes as he leaned up to kiss her. “Perfect.”
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marvelgbt-posts · 5 years
{Peter Parker x Male Reader}
Warnings: none… angst…? slight self hate ig but idk you’ll see…
Summary: a peter parker x male reader where peter gets insecure about mj and readers friendship since he sees how good they look together and knew MJ had a slight crush on reader. Reader fixes the problem by cuddling him, giving him slight kisses on his neck and just some fluffy shit. also cute bby boy peter being all flushed and cute
I really hate giving MJ this role, but ok :/ and also, what do you us think about MJ and Peter in FFH? Personally, i dont like it. I’ll make it it’s own post, it’s mostly a personal preference though.
(not edited)
“OMG, [M/N]. You’re too funny,” MJ said, a slightly happier tone to her voice than usual. You smiled, taking the small smack to your arm with a soft laugh as well. Peter watched across the lunch table while Ned was too occupied with the game on his phone. He pouted; you seemed to be having way more fun with MJ than with him. Lunch was almost over- oh no, wait, that was the bell…
You stood up from your seat as Peter gathered his stuff. He waited for you to walk him to his next class, as you usually did so. MJ also stood up, looking at Peter, “Hey, loser,” Peter had found himself being called ‘loser’ a lot by MJ- probably more than he found himself being called that by Flash- but he knew she was joking, “Aren’t you and I together for History?” Peter nodded, “Oh yeah, I forgot,” he usually had Math right after Lunch, but today was Thursday. Thursday schedule was always weird for him. You began dragging yourself behind and in between them. Ned had already disappeared; his next class was all the way across the hall from where their classes were, so he had to hurry. You spoke up, “I have Biology next anyway. It’s right down the hall from there.”
“Neeerd!” MJ laughed, yelling into your ear. You tried to move away from the noise, a smile playing to your lips, “Oi, idiot, that hurt!” MJ smirked, “Good.” Peter fumed- he felt like he was the third wheel when it was supposed to be MJ. He was dating you, not her. Though, to be fair, not that many people knew. Just the two of you, Ned, Aunt May, Mr. Stark, Happy, and the rest of the Avengers. MJ didn’t, and Peter felt like he should tell her- if not for it being for the reason of ‘she should know because she’s my friend’, then at least for ‘omg stop touching him he’s my boyfriend’. And there she goes, touching you again. Though, this time she used her own shoulder to bump into yours instead.
Peter heard a small murmur, “Doesn’t MJ look really cute next to [M/N]?”
“Yeah, she’s definitely happier around him.”
“She smiled a lot when with him.”
“Their both into the arts; she likes reading and drawing, he likes music and (insert an artistic talent/interest).”
Soon, Peter began hearing things other than just small murmurs and chattering around him. It felt as if he could hear everything everyone was saying. Wasn’t that a side effect of his spider-like abilities? Perhaps it was, Peter couldn’t remember at the moment.
“Yeah, they’re practically made for each other.”
“They make a good couple.”
“Did you hear that MJ and [M/N] got a full score on their project for Art?”
“Oh yeah, they were parters, right?”
“Yeah, MJ made the layout of the sketch and [M/N] finished it up. He did his own thing as well, and they ended up getting their art submitted into the contest happening at the art museum.”
Then, Peter felt as if he couldn’t breathe.
“So cute.”
“Wow, they make a good couple.”
“Peter looks like such a third wheel.”
His own thoughts mixed with the other small talk around him, and it surrounded him in a pit of black.
“He looks like such a loser.”
“Wow, no one would be interested in him anyway.”
“No one likes a nerd.”
“Peter is a loser.”
“Peter is a nerd”
“Peter is lame.”
“No one likes Peter.”
“Peter!” You shouted in his ear, and Peter jolted up. “O-Oh, yeah?”
“Isn’t this our class?” MJ asked, pointing to the door. Peter nodded sheepishly, looking over at you. You smiled, “Have fun learning about a bunch of dead guys. I’m off to math!” You pumped your fist up in mock excitement. MJ laughed and Peter gave a small chuckle, “H-Have fun.” You nodded, “Sure wont.”
3rd person P.o.V.
[M/N] met up with Ned, MJ, and Peter after school. “Hey guys!” He greeted, wrapping an arm around Peter’s shoulders. Peter resisted the urge to lay his head on the other male and just looked at him and smiled instead. [M/N] smiled back, but Peter felt like their was this other feeling in the other male’s eyes he couldn’t quite read. “Uh, hey,” [M/N] started, “Parker, you feeling up to a study session today?” Peter pretended to think, nodding soon after, “Sure, dont have any plans today anyway. Lemme text Aunt May, though, first.”
‘Study session’ was a code name for ‘miniature date at my house’. Peter had grown to love the words very much because then it was just them two, and it was normally [M/N] showering Peter in love and affection for the whole night- if he didn’t have Spidey-duty that day, that is. Peter pulled his phone out from his back pocket, pulling up Aunt May’s number. “Can I come too?” MJ asked, “Or is it just one of your gay things?” MJ huffed in amusement at her own joke, not realizing the irony of it. She tried sounding nonchalant about it, but not wanting to break her heart, [M/N] let her off easy, “Uhh, my house is really messy. I feel like Peter can handle it, but I dont wanna make you run off because you’re scared of my pigsty of a home.” He laughed. MJ chuckled, “Wow, gender equality, dude. Whatever happened to that?” [M/N] shook your head, “maybe next time. You don’t have anything and Peter usually spends the night, so it’d be weird, wouldn’t it?” MJ nodded, seemingly disappointed, “yeah, whatever. It’s cool.”
“Done!” Peter chirped, and MJ began walking off. Ned had also run off somewhere. “Good!” [M/N] smiled, “I have you all to myself for the rest of the evening!”
2nd person P.o.V.
Once the two of you made it home, Peter put his stuff down onto the floor in your room while you prepared some food. Since it was Thursday, you guys weren’t assigned that much homework, so you and Peter would probably finish it in the small intervals before classes. You prepared some snacks like popcorn and candy while Peter changed his clothes. He also took the time to pick out clothes for you- a loose white T-shirt with black basket ball shorts. He wore a white shirt- of course, a nerdy one with a scientific pun on it (the two atoms; one asking if the other is positive it lost a electron)- with one of your boxers. He walked out, socks protecting his feet from the cold floor. He scrunched his nose at the smell, smiling.
“You wanna pick out the movie?” Peter asked, wrapping his arms around your waist. You turned around, wrapping your arms around him as well. They made their way around both his arms, one hand holding the other to trap the smaller boy in an embrace. “No, you can pick,” you smiled, tilting your head to kiss Peters lips quickly, “so long as it isn’t Star Wars or Lord of the Rings again. Please. I can’t go through another marathon again.” Peter whined playfully, “But [M/N]!” You stuck your tongue out, “Too bad.”
Peter reciprocated the action, and you both let out a sigh of giggles. “Anyway,” you continued, “You want anything specific to eat?” Peter shook his head and you nodded. You let him go and he went over to the couch. He flipped though the many channels on the TV before settling on a Disney movie. “Is that Disney?” You asked, walking in with a bowl of popcorn, two sodas, and a plate of cookies. Peter watched in awe as you balanced everything. “Yeah,” he answered, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame.”
“Aw, sweet!” You fist-bumped the air, “love that movie.” Peter nodded, leaning to rest his head on your shoulder, he had been deprived of physical touch for a while. He just wanted to spend time with you, was what he thought as he wrapped his arms around you. Your arm wrapped around his waist while the other ate from the supported the bowl of popcorn on your lap. Peter stole some as well, and you watched as the movie began with its intro of the parents trying to save their defaced child from the protagonist.
“It’s kinda inappropriate, dont you think?” You asked Peter after a while, and Peter looked at you confused, eyes squinted Ashe seemingly judged you. “How? It’s a Disney movie?”
“Well, I mean, it talks about gypsies. Aren’t they visualized as prostitutes? And that seen where Esmeralda dances for that old dude, you can see he’s clearly turned on.” You shook your head, “never mind…”
When the movie was over, you cleaned up the remaining food and placed it down to be cleaned later. You carried a very, very tired Peter Parker up to your room. You laid him on the bed and dimmed the lights. He gripped onto you desperately, “Dont move, dont go anywhere…” he said, “Can we stay like this forever…?” He asked tiredly, and you laughed softly, “No, we have school tomorrow.” Peter whined childishly, “forget school. I can make us enough money by being Spider-Man, we dont need education.”
“Peter, my parents would kill me if they found out i dropped out of high school to piggy back on my superhero boyfriend for money.” Peter let out a huff, and the two of you let out quiet, breathy chuckles. He leaned close to you, noses touching. He then frowned, “Do you like MJ?” The question was sudden and it caught you off guard. “Well, i mean… yeah, we’re friends…”
“No, i mean… like like her…?”
You let out an ‘ohhh’, suddenly realizing Peter’s behavior earlier (the cause of your strange glint Peter noted earlier). “No, baby,” you smiled, “I’m not romantically interested in her, if that’s what you’re thinking.” “But,” he began, a slight pout on his lips. God, he was really tired, “she was all over you today, shamelessly flirting with you. You didn’t seem to mind it though…”
“Peter,” you began, stroking his hair a bit, “I dont like MJ. I like you. No, I love you. A lot. So dont think that.” You moved to lay Peter on top of you, taking his hands and intertwining them with yours as he made himself comfortable on your chest. “I know,” Peter started, playing with your fingers a bit, “its just… everybody says you two look good together. I guess i just didnt like the feeling of you with another person, even if it’s just the public appeal and not reality. Sorry…” You shook your head, “dont apologize, baby. It’s normal to feel jealous…”
Peter was quick to defend, lifting his head up to glare at you accusingly, “I wasn’t jealous!” You laughed, “yeah, and I’m not dating Spider-Man.” Peter sighed, resting in his previous position. He mumbled another, ‘I wasn’t jealous…’ and you just nodded. You began running your hands through his hair, to which he quickly responded by sighing and relaxing even further into your chest.
A few minutes of running your hands through his hair later, Peter got bored and slightly irritated of the position. He moved to sleep next to you, with you spooning him. You wrapped your arms around him and gently played it his stomach, felling up and down his abs. He whimpered lightly, curling a bit at the ticklish feeling. His body began to heat up; you could feel it. “Are you still upset?” You asked softly, and Peter nodded. You sighed, placing soft kisses to Peter’s neck. He leaned back, face flushed red as you continued up his neck to his jaw. He turned his head to face you, and gave you a soft kiss. You to didnt move, instead you stayed there and took in the presence of each other.
When you two pulled away, Peter had the brightest blush on his face. He huffed, eyes falling closed, “I wasn’t jealous.”
“Of course you weren’t,” you smiled, “who said you were?”
You turned off the light once Peter finally fell asleep. The two of you stayed like that for the rest of the night- and, to be honest, if you could, you would stay like that forever if you could.
Panicked gay moment; had no clue what to write for MJ, sry sry sry anon (._.”)
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donttellpeterparker · 5 years
Summary: Coming into Junior Year things were going to be different. With my handsome and sweet Senior boyfriend on my arm, I could do and be anything I wanted, nothing was going to stop me... except... of course... maybe him.
Requested: Yes xx You must be hating how long this is getting xo
Word Count: 3k+
Warning(s)?: god fiNALLY SOME FLUFF BUt like with a lil angst whoops (Italics in quotation are lyrics), Written in third and first person which is something different, Yes this is following the script from the show so please no comments about how it's exactly like it because... that's kinda the point :)
Taglist: Open
''Can I get you to move a little closer to each other?'' Mrs Jen smiled, directing both EJ and I closer as the other cast members looked on with questioning glances. I could tell what they where thinking. What's wrong with them? They're a couple, why is it so awkward? Aren't they together?
Answer, no we weren't anymore, not that it was anyone's business. I was so tried of being lied to and left with nothing, nothing but my own wild guesses. EJ tried explaining but I couldn't hear it, everything was lie. The play during the summer, the lead part I got, a lie. The last school musical part, also a lie. Even a present he gave me was a lie, a used lie by his ex-girlfriend. Annoyance didn't even cover what I was feeling towards him.
''Come on, guys, we are blocking this as a love story, not a SARS epidemic'' Mrs Jen tried to joke through the tension. I stepped closer towards him, EJ doing the same though trying to get my attention while doing so.
''Troy, once the intro begins, cross downstage and plant yourself at the piano. Gabriella, you slowly approach the piano, and rest an arm on it, naturally. Okie dokie! Now, Let's take it from 'Wow, now that's really nice''' Mrs Jen instructs. As per usual, Peter wasn't here so EJ filled in as his understudy. I was almost tempted to get Gina, my understudy who had been trying to steal my spot take this one.
''Wow, now that's really nice'' EJ states awkwardly, his enthusiasm stiff. I grimace as the piano softly began to play. This was going to be a long rehearsal.
''How do people like that live with themselves? How do they sleep at night?'' I babbled on, holding the cup of coffee in my cold hands. My best friend sat across from me, holding her own beverage inside our favorite little cafe.
''Like a shark. Eyes open'' If I wasn't so down I'd probably laugh.
''We've been dating for, like, three months and I don't even know this person'' I exclaimed, throwing my hands to the side before returning them back to my cup, taking a sip.
''Sweetie, it's called a blind spot. Everybody's got 'em. Why do you think I flunked my driving test?'' She folded her hands forward now, smiling a little which caused me to smile softly.
''If he's willing to do that to somebody, how long before he tries to poison me?'' Again, asking aloud but was very grateful for the ears my best friend was lending me in my time of need.
''I'm gonna get us some food'' She stood up, sighing to herself as I was lost deep in thought. A few moments later she came back, snapping me out of it.
''These are your choices, a very sad-looking bran muffin or some really shriveled-up carrots'' I scrunch my nose up, not liking either. I glanced down at them, picking up the muffin packet.
''Don't look now, but you're shark's cousin is here'' I glanced back up and then pivoted my head around, spotting Ashlyn. I smiled softly towards her. Hoping for a smile back, she gave me a timid look instead, quickly retreating. I hop up fast, chasing after her.
''Hey! Ashlyn! You don't have to avoid me'' I call out, noticing her pick up her helmet from her bike.
''No. I'm not avoiding, I just decided to make a half-caff mocha frappe at home'' She faked a smile.
''Look, Ashlyn, no matter what happens between me and EJ, there's no bad blood between us. I mean, you might have some because you're related to him, but that's not your fault'' I chuckled, getting off track.
''Y/N, I really don't want to be in the middle''
''Wait, you're not. It's not like you knew what he did'' She instantly frowned. My awkward smile fell a little, realising.
''Oh. You knew what he did, and you knew about the hot egg? His ex-girlfriend?'' I asked.
''Not till today'' She responded, frowning herself at her stupid cousin. I sighed in relief.
''But, I'm not totally surprised''
''Are you totally disgusted?'' I asked a little incredulously.
''A little, but he's EJ. He tends to do the wrong things for the right reasons''
''No, you cannot possibly defend him'' I began, growing slightly annoyed.
''No, I'm not. I'm not. Look, I know what he did sucks, but he loves you... and he's hurting right now and...'' Ashlyn tried reasoning, feeling a little silly for even backing up her cousin in the first place.
''Yeah, and what? What am I supposed to do with that?''
''Find some way to forgive him?'' As much as I hated to say it, she did have a point. But it was not going to be that easy, he did a lot of unforgivable things. Why does he deserve a second chance?
My thoughts consumed me again once I got home. I went straight up to my room and stayed in there, even missed dinner because I wasn't feeling very well. I felt sick to my stomach thinking about everything, I wish I could turn my brain off and stop. The only thing that usually calmed me down wasn't here anymore.
I didn't even bother checking my phone once I heard it go off.
''Hey hot stuff'' I answered with a smile. My best friend laughed through the phone, sending a greeting back.
''Just checking to make sure you're okay'' She was honestly the best.
''Yeah, I'm fine'' I lied smoothly, walking over towards my bed.
''You sure?'' She asked in a disbelieving tone.
''Uh, yeah. It happened, it's over, life goes on. Plus, I just blocked EJ's number, so... Problem solved!'' Sometimes she was the only person who could see through the mask.
''You know it's okay to be sad, too, right?'' I bit my lip, not wanting to cry.
''Yeah, I know''
''Y/N, it's okay to be sad'' I looked up towards my window, smiling sadly.
''Yeah. Okay, thanks hun''
''Call me anytime, okay?'' A genuine smile now coated my lips.
''I will. You're the best. Mwah bye-bye'' I sing-songed at the end before hanging up the phone. I soon found myself frowning again, my thoughts immediately rushing back in. My body fell backwards, landing on the soft pile of cushions underneath. I let my eyes wander the star-covered ceiling, humming to myself. A few seconds later I sat back up again, reaching out towards the end of my bed for my electronic keyboard.
My fingertips were already dancing across the keys, a melody softly beginning to form. It wasn't hard to find the lyrics to how I was feeling, using my heart as the words and my hands as the melody, everything fell into place.
''I found a boy, told me I was a star... Held the door, held my hand in the dark... And he's perfect on paper, but he's lying to my face... Does he think that I'm the kinda girl that needs to be saved?...'' I stopped myself once I heard the upstairs bathroom door open and close loudly, a voice echoing.
''Thanks Carol!'' I recognised the voice. My hands stilled. I quickly hopped off of my bed and walked over towards my closed bedroom door, opening it to leave the room. I closed it behind me and made my way down the stairs.
''Uh... hey mum?'' My words formed more of a question once I saw her prepping the sofa with pillows and a blanket.
''Hi, there'' She smiled, looking up to face me.
''Whose are those?'' I asked, gesturing down towards the boy-style sneaks near the bottom of the stairs. They looked like-
''Why are they here?'' Teeth were biting my bottom lip.
''Because the rest of him is in the bathroom changing into pajamas, or whatever else I gave him to wear''
''Mum'' A soft whine left my throat.
''Hold on, hold on. There's something going on at home. It has something to do with his Aunty... Her and Happy are back in town, engaged. I already called her to let them know he was spending the night here'' She finished.
''Spending the night?'' My eyes widen. We both hear the door open from upstairs, our heads turning for a moment.
''Mum, I can't deal with any more drama today. Please...'' I begged. My mum stepped forward.
''I have had the worst day ever'' The words tumbled out. I hadn't even wanted to tell them anything.
''Sweetie, I'm guessing not as bad as his'' I glanced down, biting my lip.
''Yeah'' Soft footsteps tracked down the stairs. I turned around once my mum glanced up behind me with a warm smile.
''Hey'' Peter greeted my, eyes a little wide. I scrunched my lips together and nodded back at him.
''Well, I gotta say, that looks better on you than it does on me'' Mum jokes, pointing towards the shirt he was wearing. Even I smiled a little.
''Uh, It's kinda comfy'' Peter responds, chuckling.
''Well, so are my birkenstocks, but let's draw the line here'' The both of them chuckle. My lips only pursed in response.
''Yeah. Well... sleep tight'' Mum said softly.
''Hey, thanks again for letting me stay. Thank you'' Peter stumbled over his words, a small blush on his cheeks due to slight embarrassment. Mum just shook her head.
''Anytime'' She said before walking up the stairs.
''I probably should've called you, and asked how you feel about me being here. I didn't...'' He began once mum was out of sight.
''It's okay. You wouldn't have reached me. I turned my phone off'' I stayed still, rocking slowly on my spot. My feet stopped once Peter walked past me, looking completely exhausted. He headed straight for the couch but stayed standing, his eye looking distant.
''So, what's going on at home?'' I asked cautiously.
''I don't...'' Peter stammered, turning around.
''Well, if things ever get really tense, you know you can always hang here'' I threw my hands to the side with a soft laugh, trying to ease him a little. He sat down, eyes still looking straight ahead.
''I'm really scared'' Peter smacked his lips.
''I'm really scared this time'' Peter knew that his Aunt and Happy were getting close, dating even. But he thought she'd never look into marriage ever again, not since Uncle Ben... He was even a little mad that she would consider it, marrying someone else. Her and Uncle Ben were perfect, they raised him perfectly and in a loving home. When he died, he watched his Aunt fall into depression, barely showing any emotions for at least a year afterwards. The funeral was the second hardest day of his life, the first being saying goodbye to his parents without even realising.
Uncle Ben was his entire support system, his role model in life. He grew into a father figure, someone irreplaceable. The thought of his Aunt May going through all of that again scared the hell out of him. Peter never felt like he was going to accept Happy into the family, the spot was already taken and he couldn't see why May would want to add another.
He couldn't see her lose another person she loved, a person Peter may even love himself one day. Losing three parental figures was enough for a lifetime.
''It feels different already'' And they weren't even married yet.
''Oh, But... I mean, that's all it is right? Different? Doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad'' I tried to soothe, walking over to sit next to him. He turns to face me, eyes and face slightly red and blotchy. He had been crying.
''It's really hard to talk about it, you know? N-not with you, but anyone else, it's like...'' He trails off, glancing at me then straight ahead again.
''Well, you can always talk to me about anything anytime, okay?'' My heart was breaking for him. I know how much it hurt him to lose Uncle Ben, I didn't know him at the time but he spoke about him a lot, especially when we first started dating.
''I know, things are kinda weird between us, but, um, we're friends, right?''
''Yep'' Peter nodded, his eyes still on me. It was hard not to get lost in them. Every second passing I could feel myself being pulled back in, the thumping in my chest growing and growing. A warmth had settled in my stomach.
''You know that'' My voice broke near the end, softening. My eyes fell to his lips before meeting his eyes again. A breath hitched in my throat, the softest gasp leaving my parted lips. My chest was growing warm, heart beginning to beat a little faster. I still couldn't look away. Not when he was looking at me with a soft expression, his own eyes darting towards my lips then my eyes.
''Uh, do you need a pillow?'' I bounced up, glancing behind me then back towards him, trying to shake the overwhelming feelings. Peter sniffled, snapping himself out of it as well.
''Or... yeah'' Peter had to force his eyes away from her lips.
''Or no. No that's great'' He failed miserably. The feelings he had been pushing down for months rushing to the surface, spilling over.
''Yeah, thank you'' He was stumbling over his words, growing nervous.
''Okay. No problem'' My words sounded stiff and awkward but I tried to smile anyway. We just stopped and stared at each other for a second, not knowing what to do.
''Good night, Peter'' I spoke up, breaking the silence first. Without thinking, I lent forwards and wrapped my arms around him. It was a huge mistake, and I immediately tried to lean away once I felt the rush of tingles and the warmth spreading around me, enveloping me like a blanket. His arms circled around me before I could move.
Peter's features softened again, thankful for the comfort he was so desperately seeking. I exhaled, letting myself lose a battle with my self control. I hugged him a little tighter, almost needing it for myself. It was uncanny, the way my body was still responding to his touch so easily, becoming putty in his hands. With my self control dwindling by the second, I needed to retreat soon before I ended up doing something I'd regret.
But he was so warm and inviting and... intoxicating. I couldn't get enough.
My brain soon switched back on, pulling my body away slowly. I could feel my heart beating loudly in my chest, ringing in my ears. My mind forced me to look down, my self control slowly coming back.
But I made the deadly mistake of looking up, meeting his chocolaty, brown eyes. I was already done for. Peter must have felt it too, looking down at me as if I was the most gorgeous and fragile thing he ever saw. He instinctively bought a hand up to cup my cheek, swooping down quickly to close the small gap between our parted lips.
My heart was wanting to burst out of my chest, warmth radiating from his soft lips to my own, trembling ones. He held my cheek still, his other hand still on my waist not letting me go. Peter could feel it too, his heart almost leaping out painfully. His emotions are terribly heightened by his spidey-senses.
My eyes drifted close on their own, my heart winning a losing battle for the tiniest of moments. Self control what?
I pulled away swiftly, my eyes quickly opening to gaze into his. The same aww expression mirroring my own.
''You can't do that'' The tone was a little hoarse, it was even breaking a little.
''I know... I'm sorry'' His hand was still cupping my face. I needed to remove myself from here before I pulled him back in for another swee-
''I'll grab you some more pillows, these ones are quite flat'' I lept away as if I was just burned, my eyes going glassy as I bounded up the stairs towards my bedroom. My hand shut the door so fast, my breathing becoming irregular and slightly strained.
A lone tear left my eye and fell down, another one soon followed, then another. Before I knew it I was crying, crying over how painfully fast my heart was beating. Crying over the tingling warmth still dancing across my lips. Crying over the boy just meters away who had somehow broken my heart all over again.
After 10 minutes I managed to calm myself down enough to stop crying, my heart going back to it's original rhythm. I gathered the pillows and slowly walked back down the stairs, leaving me bedroom door open.
The pillows, blanket and my mum's clothes were neatly folded on top of the lounge, Peter nowhere in sight. My eyes were tearing up again, a pillow falling from my grip.
Again, I returned to my bedroom, willing myself not to cry. The keyboard was still on my bed, my mouth humming the tune again as I sat down, playing as I let my heart sing the words.
''And there's one more boy, he's from my past... We fell in love but it didn't last... 'Cause the second I figured it out, he pushes me away... I won't fight for love if you won't meet me halfway... And I say that I'm through but this song is still for you... All I want is love that lasts.... Is all I want too much to ask?... Is it something wrong with me?... All I want is a good guy... Are my expectations far too high?... Try my best but what can I say?... All I have is myself at the end of the day... But shouldn't that be enough for me?......''
A/N: Wowzie up to 4! Here was an action-packed part! There was angst and softness and sweetness and tenderness and- you get the point xx Heart and comment what you think lovelies xx And please let me know if you guys are liking this, if not I'll stop writing parts xo
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sourwolfstories · 5 years
Do know any good age difference fics? Thank you & I love your blog ❤️
One life stand by Vendelin
Stiles is used to selling himself to make ends meet. But it’s getting harder to keep those ends meeting, and there’s only so much of Stiles to go around. Until a too-fancy car shows up in his neighborhood, and he meets Derek Hale.
All Derek wants is Stiles’s time, someone to stay on his arm for events and smile for the cameras. It’s the easiest job Stiles has ever had, the best-paying one he’s ever had, and he’s more than happy to sign up.
Derek is everything and nothing Stiles expects him to be, with his tailored suits, sharp mind and his quiet way of caring. But it’s just a job and Stiles never meant to fall in love.
I Just Wanna Be With You Every Day by Brego_Mellon_Nin
When his best friend’s son barrels into the kitchen only dressed in a pair of skintight jeans, lean but defined torso on display, Derek knows he’s truly and utterly fucked. Not only is the kid barely eighteen, but he also happens to be the Sheriff’s only son.
Derek makes a vow to himself that he will not seek Stiles out and he’ll get this thing under control.
Multidisciplinary Studies by DevilDoll
Stiles is a slightly-older-and-very-sexy librarian and Derek has a thirst for knowledge.
Salty Sweet by secondstar
Derek works at a porn store. One day, Stiles comes in asking all sorts of TMI questions about different toys. That’s where it all starts.
One Door Closes by KouriArashi
Derek knows that Stiles is too young for him, but Stiles doesn’t agree. Eight years after Derek rejects him due to the age gap, they meet again where Derek has settled in Wyoming as a ranch hand, and Stiles is the new deputy, and still pissed as hell about the way Derek turned him down. Things don’t go as either of them planned. (I’m sure a million fics have been written about older Stiles and Derek, but this one has cowboy Derek, does that help?)
Ruin Me (Take Me Down) by xLostDreamsx
Driving his teachers and his Dad crazy with his incessant trouble making, Stiles reluctantly accepts young college student Derek Hale as his ‘babysitter’, his Dad misguidedly believing he will be a positive role model to help guide him back to the straight and narrow.
Unfortunately for the Sheriff, he isn’t quite aware that Derek isn’t quite as up-standing as he appears and at the hands of his smart, young, manipulative son with a head full of ideas, his rather weak moral codes soon crumble.
Or put simply, Derek gives in to Stiles and things get hot and heavy pretty fast.
A Thousand and One Firsts, But Only One Forever. by TheLoyalFriend
When Stiles was eight, he had panic attacks. He would sleep walk, block by block going further until he finally reached the woods.
When Derek was eleven he found some brat in the woods, asleep on a rock.
They fall in love.
Be the Life of the Party by Mimiminaj
His father’s face suddenly turned serious again.
“He is twenty four though, son. I don’t care if his smile shits rainbows and his laugh births puppies. You are his employee. It would be bad to cross those lines during your first job. Or ever.”
Stiles’ face hit the table.
“I hate my life,” he moaned.
Scott laughed cheerfully. “Don’t worry sheriff! It sounds to me like the entire cinema staff feels the same. Stiles doesn’t stand a chance with Derek!”
“Scratch that,” Stiles mumbled into the wood. “I hate you two more.”
Or – Stiles starts working at the movie theater. His boss is Derek.
And We Only Saw Half the Ballet by meglimeg
Stiles is one of those, ‘love or hate’ kinds of students. The smart-ass, obnoxious, loud-mouthed sort of kid that a teacher will either love to teach, or hate to teach. He tends to be a hit with the older teachers and the younger teachers; the ones who are either young enough to relate to him or old enough to appreciate how different he is from the other students. It’s the ones in the middle, the ones who feel like they deserve his respect but never seem to be able to earn it, that hate him. Finstock and Harris could write sonnets about being pissed off with Stiles.
But basically, everyone has their side. Love or hate. No in-betweens.
Except for Derek. Derek’s in between. Predictably.
Put Down in Words by paintedrecs
“Oh,” Stiles said, his voice coming out low and breathy, “fuck me.”
“I don’t think that’s on the syllabus, but we can check to see if there’s a spot open in any of his classes,” Scott said, grinning.
“This isn’t an actual professor, though,” Stiles insisted, unable to resist brushing his thumb over the sharp line of the man’s bearded jaw. He was laughing at something off-camera, the shot taken in three-quarters view, his coat collar casually rumpled and opened to reveal a sliver of a simple grey t-shirt. The whole thing was deliberately calculated to lend him a more accessible feel, and god help him, Stiles was falling for it.
When Stiles signed up for Dr. Hale’s intro to history class, he had two goals: knock out the credits his advisor was bugging him to complete before he graduated, and spend a few hours a week daydreaming about his sexy professor’s salt and pepper beard.
Derek, a few months away from turning forty and not sure when his life had started feeling so damn lonely, had never encountered someone like Stiles before. Bright-eyed, sharp-tongued, determined to throw Derek’s carefully cultivated world into disarray…and absolutely the last person Derek should be falling in love with.
Later, mate! by Smowkie
Derek looked at the time and sighed. One more hour until he could go pick up Alex and go home. It was Friday, and Fridays were their nights, so they were going to eat Chinese food and watch Beauty and the Beast for the thousand time and probably play a game together, and he couldn’t wait.
Someone knocked on his open door and he startled a little as he was pulled out of his head. Stiles smiled at him from the doorway.
”Hey, professor Hale,” he said.
”Mr Stilinski,” Derek said and tried to keep his smile professionally polite.
Every time he talked to Stiles he had to remind himself that he was his student, that while he was 18, and legal in that aspect, he was still ten years younger than Derek, Sheriff Stilinski’s son, and again, his student.
Gym Rats by i_am_girlfriday
Stiles spots Derek at the smoothie shop across the street from the gym early on a crisp April morning, it’s not even 7 AM yet. For some reason, and Stiles will deny it has anything to do with Derek in joggers, he decides that maybe this is the perfect chance to introduce himself.
It’s Always For You by S_Horne
There in the drawer lay an envelope which suddenly caught Stiles’ attention with its capitalized text. As he brought it closer for a better look his brain shut down for a second. That was his name. His name and his husband’s… Reading the top form with utter disbelief, Stiles pulled out the other pieces of paper with shaking hands and a heart that threatened to beat straight out of his chest.
“I won’t sign. I promise you right now, I’m not going to sign them.” When he got no reply but a shake of the head, his voice broke with his heart. “Please, don’t do this.”
Flowerwolf & Beacon Roots by alisvolatpropiis
Derek tries not to show his surprise, curiously hopeful, but still suspicious of Laura’s involvement. “Oh. How do you know my coffee order then?”
He grins. “The cute baristo knows your order, dude. All I had to do was ask for Grumpy Flower Guy’s usual.”
Derek huffs. “I’m not grumpy.”
“He says grumpily,” Stiles smirks, winking.
The sound of his own laughter surprises Derek, so yeah, okay, maybe Stiles has a point.
“Laura said that you weren’t really into dating,” Stiles goes on, “but that uh, you uh, well you know.” Stiles’ cheeks flush a very pretty ruddy pink under the scatter of beauty marks that Derek aches to taste. Stiles turns away, towards the cooler of roses, muttering to himself under his breath, which of course Derek can hear perfectly well. “Great freakin’ advice, Lydia, ‘just bring up sex and tell him you’re cool with having a one night stand,’ okay, sure, that worked fucking beautifully.”
“Okay.” The word is out of his mouth before Derek can even think about the consequences of saying it, something unusual for him. He wants Stiles however he can get him, it seems.
“Okay?” Stiles eyes are wide when he spins back to look at him.
“Yeah, okay. Let’s have sex.”
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