#god i want ti call off work im quiting soon anyways
kartana · 4 months
I feel so sad this sucks i can't stop thinking about doing everything wrong with v I feel like im gonna cry I hate going to sleep early the day after I stay up it's just hours of laying down with stupid train of thoughts that come at night and I can't sleep I just want to sleep I don't want to feel so awful in the morning I don't want to feel awful right now I wish I could just get my thoughts in order get to the point and cry and be done with it. Nothing is going to change from yesterday to today to tomorrow I will just have been miserable and things won't change because of it I wish the world was kinder I wish the world wasn't so cruel I wish things were different I want to cry and now I can't even feel that anymore.
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hqwkeyes · 2 years
one other thing i have been absolutely dying to address: THE ROOKIE WINTER FINALE
if u haven't seen it and want to, don't look below the cut bc SPOILERS
hi. hello. fuck.
okay first a bit of backtracking: it really took ashley tim's back surgery to realize that they weren't gonna work? not the whole "my coworker knows my boyfriend better than i do" thing? or all of the other obvious things like how she's a lifeguard and he hates the beach?? no??
also super fucked of her to dump him literally as soon as he woke up after a potentially life-altering surgery but that was a given i guess...
so it's been super obvious for these first 7 episodes prior to the finale that tim and lucy's relationship has changed quite a bit since the whole undercover op thing but girl i did NOT expect this so soon
okay so in these last two episodes, what the hell made chris think he and lucy should buy a HOUSE together? like sure he was thinking about tamara too, which is sweet because it shows that he really cares about lucy and her relationship with tamara. but also he was super pushy about the whole house thing in the first place. like he kept calling her about it while she was at work after she asked if they could talk about it later that night?
and also, he surely saw the news where she literally witnessed a woman get blown up, so why did he think it was okay to call her to push the whole "buying a house together" thing on her AGAIN, and without mentioning the case at all? and how was he not noticing how cold and closed off she was being? if anyone i care about was acting like that toward me, i wouldn't just brush it off like that, but maybe that's just me??
then ofc there's the whole tim getting fucking whiplash from how fast he turned his head to ask about lucy moving in with chris. the communication between those two in those episodes was absolutely incredible, especially in episode 8 like god damn. he showed just how much he cares for her in the way he was trying so hard to be there for her. like was he probably going tf through it bc he had to ask her if she loved someone else? yeah.
and omg when she said "he's just not" and looked at tim like GIRL turn this car around and find chris so u can break this off immediately bc EVERYONE knows who you want 🤦🏻‍♀️
side note but sgt. grey and aaron were mvps in that episode, pushing those two together.
anyway, the communication was impeccable, and i CANNOT BELIEVE TIMOTHY FINALLY STARTED MAKING SOME DAMN MOVES OF HIS OWN like holy shittt mr. rule-follower wants to risk it all to be with her?? and she was the one who was like "idk if its worth the risk"??? role reversal fr. but no they're so cute, all confessing their feelings for each other
i do not condone cheating of any kind and emotional cheating is tricky and a slippery slope, but i do respect lucy for wanting to properly end things with chris before going out with tim (ofc)
my heart breaks for chris but like bestie how can you be so utterly blind?
the way tim was legit fake smiling at him icbbbbb
and the way lucy broke up with chris the way tim said to... like girl 🤦🏻‍♀️
but they were all sweet and smiley and cute and the writers and directors know exactly what they were doing ending the episode with that scene.
all i have to say is they better not fuck this up i stg.
anyway, super lengthy rant over im sorryyyy
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flappingdragon200 · 3 years
Noelle gets noticed by her big brother and his rival. Noelle gets caught and the two have to explain themselves (Sorta). But all in all, Noelle finally strikes a deal with her siblings.
"You know..." Her brother sighed before continuing, " I should have challenged you to a game of poker. I would have won. And I'd also have more money on my behalf." He looked up and smiled, and Fuegoleon dipped Nozel and... and...
MY BROTHER IS GAY?!?!?!?!?!?!
Noelle didn't know what to do. She stood there, eye's wide, as her brother's rival kissed him, on the lips, passionately, as his hands traveled up and down Nozel's leg heatedly. Noelle couldn't believe this...
Her brother moaned...
Never in her lifetime of living with her brother, never ever, had she heard him make that kind of sound before. But here she is, seeing what she couldn't believe was possible.
W-wait... What..?! I... I have to be seeing things...
Noelle blinked twice, she even rubbed her eyes to see if it was real. And in fact... It was.
Noelle backed up feeling very confused, but she didn't know that there was a table with a vase on it. And yes by now I think you know what's going to happe-
The vase fell and broke as she bumped her hip against the table.
She saw between the crack of the door, they looked at the crack and saw someone, but they didn't know who...
"See! I TOLD you! You idiotic oaf!" Nozel said as he slapped Fuegoleon in the face with an obvious blush on his face.
Noelle didn't know what to do as her brother came closer to the door. Her feet yet again deciding for her, she sprinted for her life as she ran down the hall.
As Nozel gotten to the doors and opened them to see who was out there. But as he looked from his right to his left, he saw just the outline of someone's feet running the corner of the hallway. Nozel walked back over to Fuegoleon.
"You... Will stay here and wait till I come back. You got that?" Nozel said as he pushed a finger to Fuegoleon's chest harshly as he backed up and put his hands in the air as a, "I surrender" Move.
After he did so, Nozel tried his best to run as fast as he could in heels, hoping to catch the culprit who dared to sneak a peek inside of the room, while he was doing something that he should have never been doing.
Damn it..! My reputation is ruined now..!
{Back With Noelle}
Noelle didn't stop running until she knew she was far away, where any of them couldn't find her.
Noelle put her hands on her knees and bet over, as she caught her breath. It took 5 minutes to regain her normal breathing. Her throat was dry after breathing so hard. Her legs didn't seem to be working anymore, so she sat down and regained her composer.
As she did so, she looked around at where she was at.
She didn't know where she was at. She didn't even know that this place existed. She never saw this place before. But. It looked like it hasn't been touched in years.
It didn't seem like anyone, not even a single soul has traveled through these halls, and you could tell by the many cobwebs and spiders, and the old paint on the broken tables, and the rickety doors that could break any moment someone touched them.
Despite Noelle's legs that ached with every move, she stood up to wander around to see where she was at.
Noelle traveled down hallways, opened up doors to old bedrooms, guest rooms, bathrooms, living rooms, lounge rooms, and many more.
Noelle opened the last door from the hallway she was in and took a quick look inside. Nothing was new, it was just another guest room.
All in all, there wasn't much to explore, there was just 4 guest rooms, 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 lounge room, and 2 living rooms, and an abandoned hot spring, with no controls as they were ripped out of the wall, and the pools where the hot water would be were empty and the paint was dried and cracked, and it also smelled horribly disgusting.
Noelle closed the door and continued to walk down the rest of the door-less hallway and turned another corner.
What she saw was, at the end of the hallway there was a pair of double doors, quite large, with gold, and silver designs on them.
Noelle got curious and walked toward the door. She got closer to the door. And soon enough, she was looking at the door handle wondering if she pulled that handle, what would be on the other side of the door.
But she was immediately stopped when she remembered why she was here.
Wait... I'm not here to be exploring! I'm here to fix things with my siblings..!
Noelle shook her head, and walked back down the empty hallway, back the way her siblings were at.
{Meanwhile With Nozel and Fuegoleon}
"This is all your fault..!" Nozel shouted at Fuegoleon as he stripped from his "Dress" and put on his regular attire for the day as Fuegoleon had his back to him, doing the same thing.
"How is this my fault? I had nothing to do with this." Fuegoleon replied while putting on his under white/tan T-shirt, and soon following it, his abnormally heavy cardigan.
"If you hadn't started that fight and struck that deal, then afterward suggested that we did whatever we did in that... Room... Then this would never have happened..! It's your god damn fault! My reputation is ruined because of you and your silly games!" Nozel finished as he put on his choker and went to get his sandals.
"Look. I didn't know that someone would sneak on us and take a look. I can't tell the future Nozel." Fuegoleon said as he tied his belt around his stomach and finished his look by putting on his boots.
In fact, Fuegoleon was right. He couldn't tell the future.
"Well, you better start trying," Nozel said as he put on his sandals and stormed out the door yet again.
Fuegoleon sighed as he picked up the suit he was wearing before this event started, and folded it nicely as he set it down on Nozel's bedside table.
"Well, that was a waste of time. So much for trying to get him to soften up a bit." Fuegoleon said as he rubbed the back of his head as he climbed out the balcony window and went back to the other side of the Silva Estate.
{Yet Again Back With Noelle}
Noelle walked the halls of the Silva Estate in search of someone, a maid, a butler, hell, even one of her siblings.
As Noelle was walking down one of the hallways about to turn the corner, something or someone, rushed by the hallway in front of her.
(If this is confusing I'll just- you know what... Here...)
Noelle fell to the ground as she wondered what the hell just happened. She blinked a few times before she stood up once again.
Noelle shook her head in disbelief.
No... That couldn't be him... That can't be-
Noelle poked her head up to see her big brother, in his normal attire look at her with a raised eyebrow and a light crimson blush on his face.
Noelle yet again rubbed her eyes to see what she was seeing was true. And yet again, in fact, it was, real.
Noelle's face turned bright red as she got in a stance to run.
And she did.
As Noelle did run her head only thought of one thing,
Soon she found herself being wrapped up in something cold, and smooth. Her legs kept swinging as if she was still running when she was actually being lifted up from the marble floor.
And in an instant, she was looking at her big brother's eyes in terror.
"I think we need to have a little talk..."
"Ooh~! H-Hey Nozel~! Didn't see you there! How is life going for you?~" Noelle was sweating underneath her clothing as she felt his cold gaze upon her as she looked anywhere but at him.
"Enough of the pep talk. Your coming with me." Nozel said as she lost all hope of trying to escape from his magic's grasp.
"I'm screwed..." Noelle said as a ghost-like figure came from her mouth as she looked while as a ghost.
[Mini-Time skip!]
Noelle was now, sitting on the couch, accompanied by Fuegoleon and her big brother Nozel.
It was dead silent. Noelle was shaking in her seat.
"Look. Noelle. I'm sure whatever you saw was a big misunderstand-" Fuegoleon was cut off by Nozel.
"She's not an idiot like you. She has eye's you know..." Nozel glared daggers at Fuegoleon and he just sighed.
"Then you take it from here. I have no idea why I was called here in the first pl-" Fuegoleon had gotten to stand up but was grabbed by the arm and pulled down by Nozel.
"You're staying right here, and you're not going anywhere until I say so." Nozel shot daggers at Fuegoleon's figure.
Fuegoleon just sighed and crossed his arms while sitting back in the seat, closing his eyes, waiting for them to continue what they were going to talk about.
"I have no idea who let you in the first place, and if that was you at the door, you have seen nothing. Do I make myself clear?" Nozel said glaring at his little sister as she was in a different dimension at the moment in this timeline.
Then an awkward silence fell between them, with Nozel waiting for an answer, clearly, he wasn't going to get any time soon, and Fuegoleon who was just laid back as usual, and Noelle... Going ape shit crazy as of the moment.
Noelle Couldn't focus. But it was only when Fuegoleon called out to her multiple times she awoke from her wonders.
"Uhh... Y-Yes?" Noelle spoke and Nozel sighed, thinking that would be the best answer he was going to get out from the younger one.
Nozel pressed on the bridge of his nose and asked her a question, "What are you even doing here anyway? I thought you didn't like it here..." he spoke not looking in the direction of the teenager.
"uhh... well... You see... uhh..." Noelle was sweating. No. beyond sweating. She felt like a burning volcano.
"Well?" Nozel looked at her in the eye with a questionable look on his face.
Brother Nozel is scary. I think even scarier than Captain Yami...
Noelle gulped, and took a deep breath then shouted, "THE TRUTH IS I WANT TO MAKE A DEAL WITH YOU!!!"
Nozel nearly fell off his seat, and Fuegoleon flinched heavily.
Who knew the girl could scream so loud?
After both of the older males' ears came back from the dead, Nozel asked her another question, "What kind of deal..?"
He was a bit scared. But he wouldn't admit it.
"Well..." Noelle looked around and saw servants looking their way, then responded, "I think it's better with privacy. I don't want rumors spreading..." She then looked back to the ground contemplating her existence.
Nozel shot a deathly glare at the servants signaling to stop whatever they are doing and go as far away as possible.
The servants were now on the other side of the estate.
Nozel looked back to Noelle, "Continue." He said while Fuegoleon sweatdropped.
Noelle looked up to meet her brother's gaze, she once again gulped, but this time, with fear, "The truth is, I don't want the bond we barely even have to break... I don't want to live in fear every time I have to see you or Solid and Nebra anymore. I want to have a normal family, like everyone else..."
Both males' eyes widened at her statement.
Nozel was beyond shock. Fuegoleon just smiled in disbelief.
Noelle looked at Fuegoleon and then her brother. She looked down to the floor. She didn't know what to do. How will they react? What will they think of her?
It was a long silence before someone spoke up. Guess who? It's secret. (Just read ahead)
Nozel cleared his throat before speaking, "I will notify Nebra and Solid about this matter. Until then you will have to wait for an answer. I will send you a letter to your squad's headquarters." Nozel sat up from his seat and pulled Fuegoleon by the ear.
"Ouch! Hey! What's the rush?!" Fuegoleon was dragged across the room, and up the stairs questioning Nozel.
"We, have more important matters to discuss..." Nozel growled as he pulled Fuegoleon, by the ear, even harder.
Noelle watched them bicker as they walked off into the distance. She sat there figuring out what had just happened.
Noelle blinked a few times before smiling and laughing.
Well... That's not what I had expected... But. it's a great start!
Noelle sat up with a smile on her face as she went to leave the estate. As Noelle did so, she passed by the portrait of her Mother. She stopped to look at it and smiled even brighter.
I hope your watching mother... I hope you're doing well. I know I am.
And Noelle continued to walk outside and to The Black Bulls hideout. She cant wait to tell them what had happened.
No. She really can't.
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chiwhorei · 4 years
hi im back on my bullshit but just thinking about sucking tsukishima's dick in exchange for him to write your essay for you <3 you got an A so you keep going to him for help but then his demands get more extreme and oh no suddenly you're tied up in his bed with vibrators taped to your sensitive nipples and tsukkis's in front of you with his big dick in his hand and a camera in the other. it's all a little overwhelming but anything for an easy A, right? (sincerely a fellow english major)
a/n: oh my god YOUR MIND IS SO DEPRAVED 😩 okay, so i happen to have a roommate tsukki headcannon that i live in that i will unleash onto this idea like hellfire.
Genre: college au, smut- there is nothing sweet or fluffy in this at all, this is all just nasty
Warnings: 18+, characters are aged up, coercion, dumbification, hard dom!tsukki, rough sex, toys, public sex, dacryphilia, forced orgasm, i think that’s it
Easy A
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you and tsukki are roommates and have some of the same classes bc your majors are similar
there’s always been hoards of sexual tension between the two of you, you’re always walking around the apartment without pants and moaning like a pornstar when you play with yourself at night just so that tsukki can hear you from the other side of the wall
it pisses him off to no end and never misses a chance to call you a little slut, further enraged at the fact that you seem to be enjoying his harsh words
it starts out small, begging and pouting for him to give you the answers to an assignment due, you’re blowing up his phone and offering him anything
tsukki: i’ll give you the answers if you send me a picture of your tits
he really was just trying to shut you up and get you to bother someone else but as he saw you typing back his breath hitched in his throat
you: that’s all? 😌
as soon as the image rolls in on his screen, his cheeks turn bright red, because it’s not just a tiddie pic, no no
you’re a go big or go home kinda gal (and a slut who happens to think about getting rawed by said roommate on the daily anyway)
so now he’s in a lecture hall staring at his dimmed screen, blouse pushed up and black, lacy bra pulled down with your perfect tits on full display (i am an extra whore so i also image him seeing a cute pair of nipple rings and losing his fucking mind)
he sends you the answers, trying to feel like he won but knowing that this little game has just begun
that night he can’t help but looking at that picture while palming at his painfully hard cock
you have a big essay due over King Lear and you and tsukki are working on it in a study room in the library, the topic at hand is boring (king lear is... okay but like really not that great, writing a whole essay on the family dynamics and what Cordelia’s characters means is pain™️) so you decide to give tsukki your sweetest smile
“kei, if you finish my paper i’ll suck your cock.”
your tone is nothing short of pornographic, clicking your tongue for emphasis and tracing the pen in your hand around your wet lips
he tries to keep his cool, but his mind is racing
“you wouldn’t actually do that.” he tries to brush off your proposition but you double down, you check to make sure the door is locked and slide down to your knees and crawling to sit in between his legs
you rest your cheek against his thigh and raise an eyebrow
“please kei” 🥺 you give him a look that’s so sweet the moment becomes even more salacious
his head rolls back onto the back of his chair as you start stroking him lightly over is jeans
“fine. but i don’t feel like being gentle with you.”
he reaches over the table to grab your computer as you pull his already rock hard cock out, and as soon as you administer the first kitten lick to his tip, he’s wrapping your hair around his fist and pushing your head down his length.
after that first time, he decides that head in the library isn’t enough to pay for his services, he also wants to regain control over the situation so his requests get crazier, he wants to see how far he can push you
that’s how you find yourself in your shared british lit class with a bluetooth controlled vibrator shoved in your cunt
“what a dumb little cockwhore you are, i’ll write your paper if you can get through class without cumming those little panties” he says, pushing the toy inside before your walk to class
“miss y/n, can you read the next part please” your professor says and you know exactly what’s about to happen. from the side of your eye you see tsukki opening an app on his phone, turning the little toy on as soon as you begin reading
tsukki should feel a little bad about edging you to orgasm, he should feel bad that your shaking and dripping wet in the middle of a relatively small class
but he can’t help the blood rushing to his cock when someone asks you if you’re feeling okay in response to your pained expression and slightly watery eyes
he’s not a monster though, he makes sure to give his dumb little cockslut what she’s desperate for as soon as you get back to the apartment 😌
with finals approaching and a big protect due, tsukki knows you’ll be running to him for help, so he’s really gotta think of something quite special to due to you
and that’s how you find yourself tied up to his headboard with vibrators against your peirced, pert nipples, face already covered in spit and salty tears
tsukki lines himself up to your drooling entrance and can’t help but laugh at how far he can push you, all for a little help in class
he coos at the expression on your face, too fucked stupid for words- just how he likes you
his voice is sickeningly sweet, tone matching his sadistic grin, as he raises up his phone and clicks record while pushing in to your tight little cunny
“say hi to the camera, doll face”
everyone go say 10 hail mary’s and grab a large glass of water,
Sinners Anonymous
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styleshollands · 4 years
KIWI | t.h.
Summary: Tom goes to a Harry Styles concert expecting a good time but instead is met with his girlfriend, Y/N, singing a much too intimate song with the star of the show.
Warnings: angst! platonic!best friend!harry 🥺 jealous!tom with a little heartbreak but da fluff! comes through at the end :)
Pairing: singer!female!reader x Tom Holland
A/N: this is super long and all over the place but i hope you like it! my requests are open!
"Man, I'm really excited to see Harry Styles tonight! Filming in London just got so much better." Zendaya spoke with a huge smile on her face. Tom, Harrison and Jacob all agreed with her in unison, feeling quite jittery themselves. "You know, I heard he's bringing out a guest for one song, I wonder who it'll be." Harry quizzed aloud, causing the group to spring into a debate about who it'd be. Tom stayed silent, feeling a little ache in his heart. He had been apart from his girlfriend, Y/N, for only a day due to her rehearsals and his filming which he usually would be able to deal with but tonight was different. Harry Styles was Y/N's best friend. The two were always attached at the hip, enough to the point where any third person around the pair would feel like the odd one out. Harry always made Tom think of you, which he didn't mind usually but tonight he did. He wanted you to be there with him singing along, having the time of your life. Tom himself was quite close with Harry and he admired the friendship you two shared so, not having you here tonight was really getting him down. But, he put on a smile, getting ready to enjoy the night and cheer Harry on for the both of you.
"Alright London, for this last song I'm gonna bring out a very special guest." The crew's ears heightened at this, Tom feeling especially excited to see the guest. "In fact, I actually wrote this song about her. She's been my best friend for ages now and we've had a lot of adventures together." Harry spoke with a chuckle and it seemed that the fans had gotten the hint as well as all of Tom's friends but he was still dazed. It couldn't be you, you would've told him. Before his thoughts could continue, Harry spoke up again, "So, London, put your hands together for the very special and beautiful, Y/N L/N!" and out you walked in all your glory. You sported red silk trousers with a flare at the bottom, a black lace tanktop, that fit your body perfectly and a red silk blazer to go overtop. To top the look off, a big red bow made of toule was tied around your neck. When you stood next to Harry, you two looked perfectly in sync. He sported the same style but in yellow and purple. "Hi London! Just F.Y.I, I made him say all that." You said with your signature smirk adorning your face. The crowd broke into an uproar of cheers and Harry laughed in the mic and said, "'Tis true, I really don't like her that much." At which you shoved him. You two continued your banter on the stage, interacting with fans while Tom sat starstuck. "Holy Shit! It's Y/N!" Harrison said causing the group to break out in cheers. "Aye, that's our girl!" Zendaya said, sporting a proud grin. "I can't believe it's her, she didn't tell me anything about this." Tom said, feeling dejected, an unkown and uncomfortable feeling of jealousy settling over his heart as he watched Harry pull you into his side, telling jokes to the crowd to which you fondly laughed. "I think it slipped her mind, mate, relax." Harrison piped up, sensing that his best friend felt excluded and forgotten. Tom only nodded, keeping his eyes trained on you, noticing the grin on your face and the way you had your arm slung around Harry's neck, staring up at him with the personification of heart eyes.
"She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes, hard liquor mixed with a little bit of intellect." Harry began the song, looking over at you as you shouted it out at the crowd. You brought your mic up to sing the next part. When the chorus rolled around and both you and Harry's voices were mixing perfectly, the lyrics stung Tom's heart. "I'm havin' your baby, it's none of your business." The moment those words left your mouth, Harry's introduction from earlier rang loud in Tom's mind. "I wrote this song about her". Tom listened to the rest of the song, his mind playing a game of tennis between each lyric and Harry's words.
"When she's alone, she goes home to a cactus, in a black dress, such an actress." - "I wrote this song about her."
"Driving me crazy, but I'm into it." - "I wrote this song about her"
"Hard candy dripping on me 'til my feet are wet." - "I wrote this song about her."
"Shes all over me it's like I paid for it." - "I wrote this song about her."
The song finally ended, Harry and you laced hands and bowed in front of the crowd, thanking them and then walking off. "That was so sick! They killed it!" Jacob said excitedly, no one picking up on Tom's discomfort. They all walked out of the stadium, talking to fans and taking a few pictures here and there. Just as they neared their cars, someone called out, "Guys! Wait for us!" followed by two pairs of footsteps running towards them. Harry and you ran across the street with your hands linked and as soon as you neared Tom, you leaped into his arms. "Hi baby, I missed you!" you said into his ear, to which he grumbled a "yeah me too", leaving you confused but you simply brushed it off, greeting and conversing with the others.
"Tom, why are you being so weird! You were quiet while we were talking to everyone and you were quiet the whole way back! What is up wi-" he cut you off before you could finish, "Why didn't you tell me you were performing tonight?" You looked at him, entirely confused, reaching for your phone. "I did, Tom." you replied while unlocking your phone and pulling up the texts. "Look I said it ri-, oh shit!" your eyes scanned over the texts, seeing what you had told him, "hey bub, im rehearsing tonight for the concert, sorry i didn't tell u earlier, it's a bit last minute! i'll see u soon, love u" "Tom I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to what I was typing, this text was meant to tell you about the concert. I'm sorry, that's on me." you said feeling guilty about not informing him, making him feel completely out of the loop, which he hated. "Yeah it's okay, I was overreacting anyway, let's just go to bed." Tom said, the lyrics of the song still ringing in his mind. Before he could walk away, you tugged on his arm, pulling you both down onto the couch. "Thomas, I know you better than this, I know somethings bothering you so please tell me what it is." He sucked in a deep breath and began, "That song you both performed together, he said he wrote it about you, the lyrics, t-they were so, so intimitate, it, uh, sounded like you guys have had more than just a platonic relationship and I-i guess that made me, uh, real uncomfortable." he finished with a blush adorning his cheeks and a few tears pooling in his eyes. "Oh, Tommy, I'm so sorry, it's not like that at all! Harry and I wrote this song together about 5 years ago and it's actually just this joke we have, even among the fans, about a night that never happened! All of the lyrics are pulled from imagination, I promise! I totally would've told you about it but to be honest, I completely forgot about it, it was so long ago and so unimportant. Still, that's no excuse and I'm so sorry it made you uncomfortable." You let out, grabbing his hand tightly, afraid to let him go. "Oh my God, that's such a relief." He sighed out, pulling you into a bone crushing hug. "Jesus, I almost died of heartbreak. I love you and thank you for clearing that up." "I'm so sorry baby, I love you so much." You pulled him into a soft kiss, caressing his arms, as if telling him how much you love him and only him.
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
Forever Is A Long Time (Akaashi x Reader)
A/N: I'm alive. And finally starting my soulmate one-shots. 😔 sorry if you've been waiting for these i wanted to get the angst ones done first. Also im almost at 100 followers which means ill be having a follower special soon! So be ready for that. Anyway have a good day!
Date: Tuesday, November 24th, 2020
Details: 6.3 pages 2,308 words
Theme: Red String- There is a red string tied around your ring finger that connects you to your soulmate. It becomes visible when you are close to each other. You can also tug on the string so your soulmate feels it. When far you only see it as a red ring around your finger.
Warnings: cursing. Barely implied sexual stuff its just one sentence and its nothing explicit.
Soulmate masterlist
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For as long as I could remember I had a pale red ring around my finger. I never asked questions about it since I knew what it was. My soulmate was out there somewhere but I was never curious about them.
I would have been but my mom stressed to me that I needed to be successful. Not worrying about some silly soulmate so I did. Every thought about my soulmate was pushed to the back of my mind and I slowly forgot about them. My friend Hinata always tried to get me to find them but I denied.
I ended up becoming the manager for the MSBY Black Jackals. I considered it the perfect job I wasn't as successful as my mom wanted me to be but I was happy with what I was doing.
I was always busy so my soulmate had never crossed my mind. My days were spent corraling Bokuto and Hinata while keeping Atsumu away from Sakusa's stuff. The rest of the team members like Meian and Barnes didn't need watching but they also never helped me.
Today was no different of course. Well unless you counted the fact that it was the Black Jackals versus the Schweiden Adlers. Hinata was bouncing around in excitement and Bokuto wasn't much better. Currently I was helping Sakusa fix his knee pads deciding to let Hinata be excited this once.
"Y/N!" I jumped throwing a hand over my heart as I stood up. I looked at Bokuto who was staring at me eyes wide. "Don't do that Bo!" I yelled smacking him on the back of the head. "Owww sorry it's just your hand!" I looked down at my hand and looked back up raising an eyebrow.
"What?" I asked in confusion Bokuto sighed reaching forward and raising my other hand. There around my ring finger was a thin red string. "Y/n's soulmate is here!?" Hinata yelled rushing over to see the string. "Oh cool I guess," I took my hand from Bokuto's grasp bringing it back down with a shrug.
"You're not excited about it?" Atsumu asked "Not really? Mom raised me to not worry about my soulmate so," I trailed off before I felt a strong tug on my hand. Looking down I noticed Hinata pulling on the string before someone pulled back.
I smacked his hand as he went to tug it again "quit doing that," I said moving to pick up my clipboard. "But thats how you find them! The stronger the tug the closer they are!" He shouted while I shook my head. "Hinata I'm not worried about my soulmate. The game is in 10 minutes so let's get you guys to the court," I stated looking at them.
"I don't get it how the hell are you Omi and Samu not interested in your soulmates!" Atsumu shouted as we left the changing room. "I'm just not big on the soulmate thing," I said with another shrug "I don’t really care if I find them or not," Sakusa added on with his own shrug.
"You guys are so boring! Y/n you're the first outta of the five of us to be close to your soulmate and you don't wanna meet them!?" Bokuto shouted in exasperation. "I dont see what the big idea is. I'm not interested in meeting my soulmate right now. Now go warm-up," I gently pushed the boys towards the court while I went to the bench. 
I shook my head as Hinata mouthed "Find them," at me. I sighed as I watched them feeling a gentle tug against my finger my eyes drifted to the red string before I cautiously tugged back. It brought an odd sense of comfort to feel every tug on the thread and it almost seemed like a habit for them to nervously tug the string.
My eyes shifted back to the court as the game started. My hand made notes that occasionally got messed up when a tug shook my hand. I quietly hummed when I realized they were trying to find me.
Halfway through the game the tugs had become annoying. They started hindering my writing the closer they got and the boys had most definitely noticed my annoyed state. They had come over for water and towel during a short timeout while I was finishing a note for Bokuto when my hand was suddenly tugged sharply to the side scratching a mark across the sentence id just written.
"Son of a bitch!" I quietly cursed though it was loud enough that the four boys heard me. "You alright Y/n?" Atsumu asked and I glared at him. The boys froze at the icy gaze.
"No I'm not okay. Everytime I try writing these damn notes my soulmate tugs on the fucking string and ruins it. I'm fed up with it and quite frankly I really don't want to meet them at this point," I stated angrily. "Come on Y/n its just notes-" my glare shifted to Hinata as he spoke causing him to shiver.
"Just notes? It is my job to write notes. If the notes are unreadable I have failed at my job and you know what these notes are?" I held up my clip board before slamming it back down on the bench. "Unreadable!"   I yelled before taking a breath. "Now finish your game boys and if you lose. Ill kill you," I sent them a threatening smile before they ran off to the court in fear.
"I just don't get it man! How is she not excited!" I paused as I entered the shop. Hearing Bokuto yell as soon as I walked in. "I mean I get it. If my soulmate kept me from making Onigiri correctly I'd be mad," Osamu supplied waving to me as I walked in.
"Whats going on?" I asked looking at the guys Kuroo rubbed his forehead while Bokuto looked at me. "Please don't get him started on his damn manager again," Kuroo mumbled while Bokuto spoke up. "Hey Akaashi what's your idea of a soulmate?" I blinked at the sudden question "Someone who will be with you forever I guess," I said after I thought about it. 
"Our manager doesn't care about meeting her soulmate!" Atsumu yelled out throwing his hands up while Kuroo groaned. I came over and sat down across from Bokuto. "You guys are making a huge deal out of it," Sakusa said rolling his eyes.
"Well she should care! I can't believe she went home instead of celebrating just to fix her notes," Hinata stated with a huff. "What happened?" I asked my eyes flickering to Osamu when he placed a tray of onigiri down in front of me.
"Y/n's soulmate was at today's game! They even kept tugging on the string but she said she didn't care!" I paused as I processed Bokuto's words. I had been at the game when my string appeared. I tugged on it whenever I got nervous during the game.
I had eventually followed it during break only to discover it led me to the doors on court and suddenly it all made sense. "Oh," I said when I realized. "What?" Hinata questioned and I shook my head. "Nothing just...my string also showed up during the game," I stated looking back at Hinata. "Oh," he said but then his face lit up "oh!" He stood up suddenly and Bokuto joined him.
"Oh my god! You think-?" Bokuto trailed off excitedly looking at me. "You guys saying he's her soulmate?" Atsumu also stood up in excitement. While Kuroo sent me a look that screamed 'What have you done?' "Guys there was a lot of people at the game," Osamu said rolling his eyes.
"Yeah doesn't mean Y/n is his soulmate," Sakusa also said with an agitated sigh. Bokuto snapped his head over to me with a wide excited smile. "Did you follow the string?" He asked bouncing in his spot. "A little bit during break yes," I said as I automatically started playing with my fingers.
"And?" Hinata drawled out leaning towards me. "...It lead me to the doors leading on court," there was a brief moment of silence before the three boys started screaming. "Someone get her over here right now!" Atsumu shouted while Hinata pulled out his phone.
It went dead silent as he called the boys seemed to freeze in place staring at the phone that was on speaker. "What the hell do you want?" All four boys flinched at the angry tone and Kuroo shivered at it. "We think we found him Y/n!" Hinata excitedly yelled.
"Found who?" She asked in confusion causing Atsumu to sigh in irritation. "Your soulmate Y/n!" He yelled in exasperation. "Fascinating. I don't care," She had responded back in annoyance. "Y/n come on! Just come to Onigiri Miya please!" Bokuto begged his eyes got big as he stared at the phone.
"No. And don't throw puppy eyes at the phone I know you're doing it," Bokuto sighed when it didn't work frowning as he tried to figure out what to do. "Please Y/n! Five minutes! I'll do anything you want!" Hinata joined in with a frown. 
"I already said no. Now leave me alone or I block you," She stated before hanging up the phone. The three boys turned their gazes to me after staring blankly at the phone. I looked back at them slowly "...what?" I asked nervously before Atsumu smirked at me. 'Oh boy' I thought worriedly.
'How the hell did I get here?' I thought as I stood infront of an apartment door. I assumed it was Y/n's since Bokuto had shoved me here and rang the bell. I was still getting my bearings when the door swung open revealing a girl with h/c hair and shiny e/c eyes.
She was wearing a black jackals hoodie and a pair of leggings. I noticed the red string trailed from her hand to mine confirming she was my soulmate. "Can I help you?" She asked with a sigh.
Her voice snapped me out of my reprieve and I gave her a shaky smile. "Hi um I think your my soulmate?" What I said came off as more of a question as she blinked at me. "Who are you?" She didn't check the string before she asked. Establishing that she wasn't lying on the phone she really didn't care. "Im Akaashi Keiji," I said holding out my hand.
She hummed as she took it shaking my hand as her eyes finally traced the string. "So. You're Bokuto's elusive friend and the one who made me ruin my notes," I flinched as she let go of my hand immediately going to play with my fingers.
"Sorry about that. I tugged on it whenever the game made me nervous," she was watching my hands before she suddenly reached out and took one. I froze at the unexpected move as she held my hand. "Sorry you were distracting me. Continue?" She asked as she laced her fingers with mine.
"I..um," I had lost my train of thought looking at the pale pink flush that had appeared on her cheeks. "A-anyway why are you against soulmates?" She shook her head at my question. "Im not it's just...my mom raised me to put finding my soulmate on the backburner and focus on my career so I did,"
She continued after a brief pause "She focused on her soulmate and ended up working as a waitress as her career. She wanted me to be successful and that meant no room for a soulmate," She shrugged like it was the most casual thing in the world to not care about a soulmate.
"So...Where does that leave me?" I questioned quietly while she hummed. "Depends...are you gonna ruin my notes again?" She asked with a small smile. I smiled back when I realized what she was implying. "Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on the day," She laughed as I spoke her eyes drifted to the side sparkling in mischief as she spotted something.
She leaned forward to whisper in my ear "Seems the three musketeers stayed to keep watch," She mumbled tilting her head as she pulled back. I turned my head slightly seeing Bokuto, Atsumu, and Hinata hiding around the corner. They were excitedly holding on to eachother and I shook my head looking back at her.
"Unfortunately," I supplied while she giggled. "Im sure you already know but my name is L/n Y/n," She said and I nodded confirming I did already know. Her eyes still held mischief as she leaned forward again. "I think we should give them something to watch," she whispered lowly.
My face flushed at the implication of what she said. "Y/n-," She cut me off with a kiss. They were soft and fit against mine perfectly much like her hand did. My eyes slipped closed as I kissed her back. I vaguely heard the screaming of the three guys.
She slid something into my free hand before pulling away. She smirked at me letting go of my other hand "Have fun with that," she threw a vague hand gesture to the boys before going inside and closing the door.
Looking down at my hand she had left a small white business card in my hand. Her number was stretched across the front and I pocketed it before walking away. As I got closer to the three guys I was suddenly tugged backwards and fell.
I looked at my hand to the string following it to see Y/n holding the string with a smile on her face. She winked at me before disappearing while I quietly chuckled.
'This was gonna be an adventure'
TAGLIST: @wonhomarshmallow
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f33itan · 4 years
💛⚜️Pᴀʀᴛ 1: Tᴏʀᴛᴜʀᴇ ɪs Gᴏʟᴅᴇɴ⚜️💛 (From my Wattpad)
A/N: Ok, this was something a mutual of mine said here on Tumblr, and I decided to write a oneshot about it. Might be very VERY slight angst, nothing bad enough to actually be put under that umbrella though, anyways, enjoy this, and ty for the reads! :)
B/N: Your Mother's boyfriend's name
M/N: Mother's name
"Oi, Y/N! Go get me another pack of beer from the store!"
"Yes father!" Damn that pig looking bitch. I'm just some fucking girl, trying to protect her mom from this demon of a person! Heck, he's not EVEN a person! He's the devil himself!! Man, I wish dad was here...
When you were in about 7th grade, your real father got killed in a massacre a couple cities over. He was not only a police officer, but a great father and husband as well. He treated you and your mother amazingly, and you thought life couldn't get anymore perfect, but soon that all went down hill. After his death, your mother's health depleted and she felt empty inside. She needed somebody else to make her complete. She decided to call an old friend from high school, and next thing you know he moved in. He seemed like a nice guy at first, but soon enough he was beating you guys mercilessly, enough to leave large bruises and scars whenever you didn't do exactly what he asked, in your eyes though, it was more of an order. You hated being ordered around, but you hated your mother getting beaten around even more. It seemed like a blessing that he hasn't tried to rape her, but god knows what he'll do, he's unpredictable
With all of this happening, you decided to tell him you were doing some "extra curricular" classes in college, but what you were actually doing was taking the Hunter's Exam and learning nen. Your biological father was kind-hearted and fun to be around, but he was also strict and sometimes a bit harsh, though he always meant well. Before his passing, all three of you would go out on the weekends to train, exercise, or do something that would enhance your body power and brain power. Because of this, all of you were exceptionally smart, and bodies all well toned. Sometimes your excursions would be going to a park and practicing a sport, driving to the snow and sledding, skiing, snowboarding, and every once in a while going to another state to zip line, try animal encounters, or take a family friendly class in that state's heritage and customs.
Since you were accustomed to hard core training and events, you thought the Hunter's Exam was quite fun, and was a test to your skills. After that, you were scouted out by a strong nen user by the name of Biscuit Krueger. You and her had lots of fun training, and with her pushing your limits to the utmost best, you turned out to be a specialist.
(Whenever I imagine myself in Hunter x Hunter, this is always my nen type and stuff LMAO)
Your power was called, Black shadow. You could have up to 10 weapons on hand, completely subjected to doing your bidding. These weapons were linked to you through blood, and they were surrounded with a substance that appeared to be black mist. The weapons you most preferred to practice with and use were your katana, blood string, and scythe. You could also make a weapon yours by cutting a fingertip and letting the blood drip onto the weapon, altering the appearance then gaining that black "mist", showing that it was now yours. The downside to this technique was that those "shadows and mist remnants" were your sleep. The darkness in your mind and the shadows all around you were taken and used for that power. In turn, you were always tired, yawning, and had bags under your eyes. Another plus side though was that you had a nen created chamber that had every weapon you owned. A girl can have some fun toys, can't she? You had tools for torture (whenever you took an opportunity to try it), many varieties of weapons, and of course, more snacks. But unlike B/N, you didn't have just fatty snacks. You had regeneration potions, healthy snacks, and special nen created "snacks" to help with different things, which all of these you had collected through pulling some strings. Your mother was worried, but you said it was all just college things. Yeah, just college things..
Ill make that pig bitch pay for what he has done to my mother!
Feitan POV -or whats going on with him- :
"What time, is it.."
"8 AM Fei!"
"Shut up, green eyes, too loud."
"Oh Fei don't be rude! It's mean!"
"That's, the point."
"Oh wait, Shalnark, what this?"
"What do you mean?"
"This... gold string?"
"Phinks, what, do you, want-" Phinks just ignored his question and pointed to the TV.
This is Channel 12, reporting live from York New City Town Square. People all over the city are claiming to be seeing a string tied to their left ring finger, leading them to some unknown destination! What is this string? Who put it there?-
I apologize for the interference, but this string appears t be leading people to.. partners? Soulmates? Find out tomorrow morning, this is Amy Starwick from Channel 12, signing out.
"What. The. FUCK."
"No❤️" Since Feitan was on his last nerve with Shalnark, he decided to stomp over towards Chrollo in the main room, but Chrollo just chuckled.
"Wanna go find your soulmate? See if that things real?" Feitan just stared at the ground, lightly shifting his feet.
"Go ahead, I don't mind."
"Just, doing it, out of, curiosity."
"Mhm, curiosity, go find them." And with that, he was dismissed. Feitan wanted to say it was curiosity, but deep down he had this feeling there was something else, but what was it? It made his stomach tingle and he didn't like it one bit. He tried to ignore all of this, and just shrugged it off...
꧁꧂꧁꧂TimeSkip to Next Day꧁꧂꧁꧂
Your POV + some Feitan POV:
"Alright, today's the day, he'll be at his work, and on his break, i'll set the plan in motion.." Both me and mom don't like him, and I don't know about her, but I sure hate him, every ounce of him. The plan is simple: 1. Capture mom's boyfriend, 2. Take him to an abandoned building, 3. Torture him and get all of the answers I need, and 4. Kill him. His break is at 12, and he usually goes to get takeout every other Friday, what a pig. I'll give him a taste of his own medicine.
Time: 11:30 AM
Ok, I have everything ready. Fully energized to the utmost extent, Elixirs to bring him back in case he passes out too early, and- what? He's leaving for lunch early? PERFECT! You ran behind some buildings and hid in a two-way alleyway, waiting for him to pass by...
Here we go..
You covered his head with a sack, and took his phone out of his back pocket. Before heading over to your post, you laced the inside of the sack with some sleeping powder and pressed it against his nose and mouth. Within moments he passed out, and you typed in what you hoped to be his password, which was correct. Around 12:30, you were going to text one of his coworkers that he would be "going to a restaurant across town, and ditching work for a day, not wanting to see his stupid good for nothing girlfriend or his dumb daughter." You knew he called you both this because of going through his text messages when he wasn't looking or when he was sleeping. Little did you know that somebody was watching you from afar.
"Hmm... So, she, my, what do people, call it.. soulmate? Seems, interesting..."
Time: 12:00 PM
"Jesus, I new he was a fat ass but I didn't know he weighed this much!" You were tugging him from his legs through the back ways of York New. You wanted to find a secluded area, where once you were done with him you could just toss him somewhere for the birds and maggots to eat. After walking for what seemed like hours, you came across a set of abandoned buildings, specifically the one you laid out some extra things. A couple extra weapons, some towels, a change of clothes, a chair and some rope, a couple of flashlights, and of course, some snacks. Lucky for you, the douchebag you've been dragging around like a rag doll was still out cold, so you picked him up and tossed him on the chair, tying his wrists, ankles and neck to the chair.
"Maaannn, this is boring!! When the hell are you gonna wake up?!" As if on queue, you saw his eyes start to flutter open, and you immediately grabbed your box cutter. It wasn't a weapon used by your nen, but it was quite effective.
"What.. who.. wait- Y/N!? WHAT THE FUCK?! UNTIE ME NOW BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS!!" you didn't notice it, but Feitan was watching from the building over.
What, the fuck? Why she kidnap him? That pig? Why? Confusing, gotta keep, watching.
You shoved the box cutter into his left cheek, and you bathed in the glory of hearing his screams of pain.
"How does this feel, you bitch? Everything you've done to my dear mother, everything you've done to me, and heck, YOU WERE PROBABLY BEHIND MY DAD'S MURDER DURING THAT FUCKING MASSACRE!!" B/N noticed the tears in your eyes, and took this to his advantage.
"So what if I was? Both of your parents were pathetic anyways."
You couldn't handle this anymore, tears were falling down your face rapidly as you grabbed the duct tape and closed his mouth shut.
"I don't give a fuck about what you say.. I'm going to kill you here. This is your grave. Someday, I'll join you in hell, and when I do, I'll torture you again, and the Devil will laugh. You just watch and ducking wait you, you.. PATHETIC WORTHLESS PIG ASS SLOPPY ASS NASTU FUCKING BITCH!" With that, you grabbed a couple super worms in each hand and shoved them into his ears. Even with the duct tape, you could hear his screams of agony as the worms dug deeper into his ears. You then got our your katana and slashed him across the stomach, and shoved even more worms into that open wound of his. Quickly, you poured a large bottle of the elixir you had brought over him to keep him from dying so quickly. Box cutter still in hand, you carved small lines all over his arms and legs, then ripped off the tape to hear his desperate cries. You imagined he wanted to be dead, but you didn't care. His pain and you pain mixed together and you just started laughing. You through your head back and let yourself laugh. all of the pain this man has caused you and your mom will be repayed today.
But the pressure and stress was too much to handle. Your laughing of victory soon turned into screams and more tears, as you let yourself fall to the ground, not even noticing you didn't hit it hard, something had caught you, or someone..
What the shit am I doing?
Am I really going to kill him?
What's wrong with me?
What will mother think?
What would dad do?
What am I doing with my life?
You soon snapped out of all of those negative thoughts though, as you noticed something caressing your face lightly.
"Rest, now. He, won't die, so quickly. I'm, Feitan." You were a sniffling and crying mess, so all you could do was rush into Feitan's chest and cry. Without thinking, he wrapped his arms around you and held you close. He had no idea what he was doing, for he had only seen this kind of skin on skin contact in movies. So, he did what those people in the movies did.
"Don't, worry... It's all, going to be.. okay."
Word Count (Including author notes, etc) : 2251
-Wrote February 3, 2021-
Unedited sorry about that lol-
Part 1...
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haikyuuscreaming · 5 years
hello!! can you write something fluff with kenma, please? some friends to lovers if possible. loving your blog 💕💕
OH SHIT SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG SDFSDFJKD this is. 3.5k words roughly and im so sorry idk why my fics always come out longer than 1k words :(((
The first time you meet Kozume Kenma, he’s hiding behind the wall that is Kuroo Tetsurou and you’re both in your first year.
“Oh?” The Nekoma volleyball captain stares you down in the Chem class you share with him. “You’re [Surname]-san, right?”
“Yeah,” You say, never breaking eye contact with him but secretly eyeing the quiet boy behind him. He’s your classmate in a few other of your periods, but not this one. This class is an advanced Chemistry class, placing you conveniently with the second-years and a handful of equally smart first-years. “I need help with the homework and you’re my best bet. Could you help out?”
Kuroo narrows his eyes at you, which you don’t exactly appreciate but you don’t say anything. “You sure you don’t want me to just give answers?”
“I kinda need to understand this to pass the class, so no thanks.”
He hums in approval, like you’ve passed some test, and nods. “Sure thing. I wanted to teach Kenma this anyway.”
Oh, that’s his name… you think to yourself, and you noticed the mentioned Kenma doesn’t look up from his Nintendo Switch, even at the mention of his name. You watch Kuroo turn around to his companion, coercing him, “Kenma, get up, we’re learning Chem.”
“Can’t we do it later?” Kenma’s voice doesn’t hold anything akin to bitterness or complaint- it’s kind of devoid, actually, in a soft and cute way- and you try to tune out the sound of Kuroo scolding him but he’s so loud when he’s right next to you.
“C’mon, we’re about to go home now, we can stay after school a little longer. Plus, we get to teach this lovely lady about nuclei.”
“I’m right here, you know,” you roll your eyes lightly but before you know it, you’re defending Kozume-san. “We can always work it out, um… I dunno, maybe over lunch on Sunday? I mean, it is Friday and this thing’s due Monday and… we can have more fun studying this if we have food.”
Stupid fucking Kuroo only grins. “Oh, so you’re asking me on a date? Kinda bold, if I don’t say so myself, kouhai-chan.”
“Kuro, stop.” Kenma speaks up and his quiet voice somehow speaks volumes. “We can meet with her on Sunday to do it.” And just like that, he retreats to his Switch without another word.
Kuroo turns to you and shrugs indifferently, contrasting his previously provocative and shitfaced attitude. “The man’s laid down the law. How’s boba on Sunday sound?”
The second time you meet Kenma is on that promised study session.
He has inconspicuous earbuds in, his face illuminated by the glowing light of his DS. He has a DS, too? He still looks cute.
And there’s Kuroo of course, but he’s irrelevant to your case unless it has to do with your god forsaken chem homework.
“You want me to go order some drinks next door?” Kuroo quirks an eyebrow. “My treat.”
“Just a brown sugar milk tea, thanks,” You tell him gratefully. Thank god for men and their dead sense of chivalry.
“No boba? You’re crazy.” Kuroo scrunches his nose at you and you wish Kenma would start talking so you could avoid this big, annoying cat. “What about you, Kenma? Your usual?”
“Yeah,” is all Kenma says.
“Alright, see you nerds later,” Kuroo practically sings out, patting both of your heads like an old man, and takes something from Kenma that you don’t quite catch, but it makes Kenma glare at him.
As soon as Kuroo’s out of sight, you find it a little awkward to keep conversation with Kenma especially with his whole gamer complex, but-
Kuroo took Kenna's DS.
“Kuroo-san’s pretty bothersome, huh,” you sigh out in an attempt to stir conversation. Lucky for you, Kenma goes along with the conversation without fight, his eyes peering over you like reflective pools of honey.
(They’re really pretty, you think.)
“Yeah,” Kenma slouches down a little bit more in his chair at the mention of his taller friend. “He’s kind of like my second mom… but not really. Always nagging me to do things.”
You laugh at his solemn, depressed answer. “It’s fun to have him around, though, right? He’s kind of funny sometimes-- the rest he’s annoying-- and he’s decently smart even though I’m pretty sure he’s got, what, three braincells.”
To your unprompted delight, Kenma laughs softly at you poking fun of Kuroo, and the conversation between you and him starts piling up into more, and more, and it all feels so short. You don’t even notice Kuroo coming back and hovering over the table.
“Eh? You and Kenma getting along without me? What a shame, you know. I really do get third-wheeled.” Kuroo lets out a wistful sigh akin to an old man and sits down, drinks in hand. “So, who’s ready to study?”
The third time you meet Kozume Kenma, it’s at your mall’s arcade.
You and your friends are playing one of those claw machines, trying to get that really cute Miku figurine and those adorable plushies, wasting all your coins on these sucker games like the dumb teenagers you are. But a glimpse of familiar, two-toned hair catches your eye.
“Hold on,” you tell your friends who’re still busy trying to get that stupidly gorgeous Sakura Miku figure. “I’m gonna be right back.”
You wander your way to the familiar head of hair, and gratefully, your instinct was right. “Kozume-san? What’re you doing here?”
Kenma practically jumps at the sound of your voice, turning around, eyes wide. “Oh. I just got lost from the team. You’re here too?”
“Mhm,” You smile, pointing at your screaming group of friends. “My friends and I are here just to chill out and have fun. You can hang with us if you want!”
He shakes his head, his hair gracefully framing his face. “Nah, I’m fine, thanks.. I’ll just hold out until Kuro sniffs me out or something.”
You furrow your brow- geez, this kid’s gonna get lost so fast-- and you gently clasp the phone he’s holding in his hand. “Can I give you my number? I’ll pick up immediately if you ever call, just give a ring.”
You fail to notice the surprise that flits over Kenma’s face, but he reluctantly hands you his phone and you tap in your number quickly. “See you around, Kozume-san. Don’t get into trouble.”
And Kenma smiles on his own accord, his face lighting up softly like a lamp under moonlight. “You too.”
The fourth time you meet Kozume Kenma, he’s at your house working on an Japanese Lit assignment.
“Oh? Kozume-kun!” You’re pleasantly surprised when your teacher pairs the two of you up. “Nice to talk with you again.”
“Yeah, “ Kenma blinks a little awkwardly and he shyly grins, which you find even more stunning than it already is because he’s usually held up such a calm, unaffected facade. “Uh. So do you want to meet up at… your house for this? So we can do the project.”
“Oh, yeah,” You wave dismissively, beaming at him because this is your chance to get closer with him. “My little brother’s a nuisance, though, so he might bother us. I hope you don’t mind?”
“No problem.. you can text me the address, because… yeah.” You find it cute how Kenma doesn’t want to mention that the two of you have been texting a lot more lately, and the slightest blush tints his cheeks.
“Of course!”
Flash to your house, the two of you are on the floor, slaving over a giant posterboard with paint and art supplies scattered about.
“I hate making movie posters, it’s so tiring…” You groan out, trying to paint Yukio Mishima’s face with the utmost care. “And this book’s so creepy… why would we wanna make a poster of it? He commits seppuku!”
Kenma grins a little bit and he looks really cute, with his hair tied up in the back and his gaze focused on the painting at hand. “You’re so easily grossed out.”
“But he made it so detailed! You're immune ‘cause you play all those gross horror games.”
He laughs quietly, and you think you're going to heaven. “You couldn't even handle Ao Oni, stop.”
You scowl at the mention of Kenma’s dumb horror games. “He’s this weird deformed grape, okay?? It was kinda scary!”
The two of you end up nowhere near finishing your poster, and you collectively decide to put it off for maybe another day. The rest of your day is spent-- c-cuddling? (no hetero, you reassured Kenma, although you were thinking otherwise)-- and playing more horror games, much to your chagrin.
(But it gave you a reason to hug Kenma tighter.)
You can’t even count the amount of times you’ve met up with Kenma now. You’re in your second-year of high school now and your bond with him as only strengthened.
He invited you eventually to walk to school with him, along with Kuroo, and you find out that it was Kuroo’s coaxing to do so. But you’re still delighted that Kenma agreed on, what, the second time Kuroo nagged him about it?
You and Kenma have gotten fairly close. You’ve vented to him, cried to him, he’s shown his emotional side, too. You’ve even gotten a little closer to Nekoma’s god, Kuroo Tetsurou (to which your friends always complain about- “you can’t take all the cute guys for yourself”). But, in your opinion, the most important part is that you’ve been getting closer to Kozume Kenma, who you once thought would always just be the quiet classmate to you. Who would always be your unattainable, close-guarded crush.
"Kenma!” You yell out, rushing over to him with your backpack practically bouncing off of you with each step. “Wait up, would you?! How do you get out of class so quick??”
 "I was waiting for you either way,” Kenma mumbles and hunches his shoulders together. “Do you wanna go to my house? I have new games and Kuroo won't be bothering us.”
“Can’t we get snacks first?” You know you sound a little bit whiny, but you’re hungry as fuck, and Kenma’s smiling either way.
“I guess.. you’re paying, though.”
“That isn’t fair at all!”
Eventually the two of you walk to your nearest 7/11 and get chips and snacks before leaving promptly, with you holding your chocolate milk and Kenma sipping apple juice. The walk to his house is full of conversation, Kenma equally engaged as you are. But as soon as you arrive at his front doorstep, the hollow noise of an empty apple juice box makes its appearance.
“You drink your juice too fast!” You tease Kenma lightly as he frowns, unlocking the door.
“You just drink too slow,” he replies and shoulders the door open. The two of you make your way inside and flop onto the couch, Kenma crouching near the TV to boot up his newest game. “Damn. I’m still thirsty, too.”
“Language, Kenma,” You chide him, throwing a pillow at him as soon as he sits down next to you on the couch. “And-” it takes every ounce of your willpower not to turn bright red. “-do you want some of my chocolate milk?”
The silence that follows is very short (probably only, what, a second or two?), but it feels like hours of painful quiet. Kenma blinks at you and the pink that dusts his ears becomes more and more prominent each second.
“Yeah… sure,” Kenma finally says and you beam so wide that you’re sure not even the sun could battle the brightness of your happiness right now. You hand him your nearly untouched chocolate milk and his fingers brush against yours as he takes it, sipping at it cautiously like he was afraid something would happen.
(Oh my god he’s so cute.. he looks so cute… he’s drinking my chocolate milk!! He’s so-)
“Oi, Kenma! My mom told me to pick up some tomatoes from y-” The door bursts open to reveal Kuroo Tetsurou.
You freeze, since Kuroo just witnessed you passing a chocolate milk box to Kenma and the latter sipping at the straw. Kenma kind of flushes, his mouth still wrapped around the plastic straw with chocolate milk halfway up.
“Eh? Sharing drinks now?” Kuroo tsks and shakes his head, a smirk gracing his stupidly arrogant face. “You know, you two could get mono. Or any other communicable diseases. Kinda risky, you know?”
“Kuroo, stop!” You’re wildly embarrassed to be caught in this not-so-platonic situation (in your opinion, at least), before Kuroo lets out a hearty laugh.
“You know, that’s an indirect kiss!”
“Didn’t I say stop?!”
“Ah, youth. Indirect kisses! You put your mouth on the straw, then he did. Romance at its finest!”
You know, deep inside, Kuroo just likes to rile you up, but you still bite the bait. “Kuroo, shut up, please??”
And Kenma speaks up for the first time during the whole banter. “Kuro, the tomatoes are on the kitchen table. Go.”
The Nekoma captain quirks an eyebrow before shrugging and heading towards the kitchen. “Thanks. Don’t do anything risky.”
You and Kenma awkwardly glance at each other-- you note he’s still sipping your chocolate milk-- and eventually he stands off to ward Kuroo off (who keeps chuckling for no goddamn reason).
You two are alone again, and his burnt-gold eyes stare into yours.
“Did Kuro bother you?” His ears are still pinkish, but you notice that he’s still comfortable, although you can see a sheen of sweat starting to form on his face.
“Nah... “ You force your voice to stay level. “Why does he keep doing this?? God, he’s so annyoing sometimes… it isn’t like- it isn’t like we’re dating or anything.” God fucking damn stuttering.
Kenma’s eyes widen for a fraction of a millisecond, and you almost miss it, before he clears his throat. “Yeah. Not like that at all.. let’s just go back to playing.”
The atmosphere morphs into the usual, playful one that is held between the two of you, and you’re becoming proud of how much better Kenma is at redefining conversations and shifting the mood whereas in the beginning he would struggle in topic changes.
You’re so proud of him.
(And you’re kind of in love with him.)
You have a group chat with Kuroo and Kenma, unsurprisingly.
It’s, what, midnight on a school day, and the three of you are texting. Kuroo offers a game of ‘truth or dare’, and you accept out of sheer boredom. Plus, dares are so much easier to do online because you can fake nearly anything.
kuroo >:/: kenma truth or dare
kenma :): i’m not playing
YOU: yea you are !! ur not getting out of this
kenma :): fine
  don’t say anything stupid though
kuroo >:/: so whats it gonna b???
Kenma takes a good ten seconds to respond.
kenma :): truth.
kuroo >:/: you got a crush on anyone?
YOU: oooh spicy
kenma :): kuro why
Your heart races a little bit at the comment.
YOU: oh? kenma i thought we were besties :(( why wouldnt u tell me
kenma :): it isn’t that….
  kuro you already know why are you asking me that here
kuroo >:/: for my favorite kouhai [name]-chan
YOU: fuck off kuroo we all know im ur fav bc i pay for ur boba
kuroo >:/: fair
You get impatient with Kuroo’s mindless banter, so you end up texting Kenma privately.
YOU: so who is ur crush????
kenma :): why do you assume i have one
YOU: i mean….u wouldve denied it if u didnt have one?
He leaves you on seen for two minutes and you’re about to text him and complain but his reply shoots back.
kenma :): it’s you
And your heart doesn’t skip a beat. No, it just beats even faster.
The blood is rushing to your face, you can feel it, and a smile tugs at your face subconsciously. Your brain’s running a mile a minute, and you’re so outrageously shocked and unprepared that the aftermath of it all hits you just about a minute later.
(What if he’s lying? What if someone made him say that? What if-)
YOU: fr?
YOU: kenma dont mess w me
kenma :): i’m not
kenma :): you wanted to know so yeah. it’s you
kenma :): i like you and idk kuro says it’s “more than just like” and maybe he’s right
kenma :): see u at school tmr
You cute little rat, you seeth internally, happiness still radiating off of you. Is this a dream? Oh my god. Kozume Kenma likes me.
… Kozume Kenma feels the same way I feel about him.
The next day, you anxiously wait for Kenma at your doorstep. You even woke up early and had gotten ready as soon as you could, just so you could catch Kenma ASAP.
You slept surprisingly well, despite your anxiety from Kenma, and your body was filled with energy. You check your phone every two minutes, glancing at his ‘good morning text’ and praying for another one.
kenma :))): gm i’m still walking to school with u if you want… i’ll pass by your house just in case
YOU: oh!!!! yea id love to walk to school w u :))
Silence fills your ears as you anxiously pace back and forth from your doorstep to the curb of your neighborhood. You can’t help but worry as your gaze flits across every house, begging for a sign of Kenma.
(What if you’re too late, you realize in panic. What if your efforts weren’t enough?)
But then the sound of quiet-paced footsteps snaps you out, and you look up to see Kenma, standing in front of your house, an adorably shy expression painted across his face.
“Kenma!” You hate how your voice comes out kind of squeaky and high-pitched but you don’t care right now. You practically launch off of your doorstep and bound toward him, settling by his side.
He gives you a shy, adoring look but you can see the anxiety in his eyes as he points forward in the direction of Nekoma. “We can talk while walking, right?”
You smile breathlessly and your fingers brush against his. He smiles at you, and you notice the same pink dusting his ears like when he was sharing chocolate milk with you.
Two hands intertwine and the conversation begins.
You’re in your third year of college now, out on a “boys (and girl) night out”, as Kuroo deemed it.
Kenma’s got it well-made for him, striking good on his company to which you supported him through the entire time, and Kuroo’s on his way to be the scientist he’s always dreamed of being even as a nerdy-jock kid. He claims he’s practically a professional volleyball player, too, just on the side, but both you and Kenma know better.
You and Kenma have been dating ever since your second-year in high school. Which makes it just about… four-ish years now that you’ve been dating.
(Kuroo claims that in your first-year, you and Kenma were basically dating each other spiritually, but you pay him no mind.)
The three of you are out on the beach on an autumn day. It’s pretty empty, despite the warm evening sun that casts a golden shine on the sand and ocean, so you’re all making epic sandcastles in peace.
“We should make a moat,” Kuroo says, already digging out a ring around the lopsided sandcastle.
“We haven’t even finished the castle itself!” You protest, pushing him lightly as you use your other hand to pat down the base of the castle.
Kenma packs sand into a small bucket and delicately places it on top of the half-finished sand “castle” to make a tower. You find it cute how he’s the only one putting in decent effort, so you help him out by packing in another bucket of sand. “Kuro would be a terrible architect,” Kenma comments.
“You right, you right,” You sigh out while Kuroo squawks in protest. Kenma leans on you, out of instinct you think, and you kiss the top of his head gently. Kuroo covers his eyes and complains about his youth and young love before Kenma haphazardly bumps into you. Which leads to the sand castle collapsing.
“Ah- Kenma!” you cry out in panic, sweeping the sand together in a half-hearted attempt to piece it back into a cohesive castle. “Be careful!”
“No, look,” he says quietly, a small smile gracing his face.
“You worked so hard on the base too, to make it big and flat- oh?” You sit up a little bit when you see a small velvet box in the middle of the sand pile.
Kuroo gasps very loudly and you stare at Kenma in shock.
Oh my god. What’s happening, what’s happening, oh my god-
You slowly reach out for the box in the middle of the mess and take it delicately, brushing off the sand clinging to it. Your fingers pry it open with shaking fingers and you feel Kenma place his hand on your arm gently, his gorgeous honey eyes staring at you. The same honey eyes you fell in love with.
You're also in love with the gorgeous, sparkling amber ring that sits in the middle of the cushioned box.
“[Name]. I want to be married. To you. Will you marry me?” Kenma’s voice is soft and sweet but you know with the convincing sureness in his voice that he’s been practicing this line for at least a month and he’s become confident in it.
You start crying immediately (god damn it, you think to yourself) your heart blooming with joy and your entire body feels like it’s about to explode of pure happiness.
You kiss him, full on the lips with tears streaming down your face and he kisses back, his arms wrapping around you and you realize he’s crying too. With the possibly happiest voice you’ve ever used in your life, you cry out, “Of course I will!” on the beach with Kuroo clapping in the background.
Two years later on that beach, you two become the happiest couple on Earth.
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
I Will be Your Tim Drake for Tonight (3) (Jason Todd/ Reader)
Summary:  Preferring to do anything but your physics project, you decide to accepts Tim’s proposal. It’s simple. He does your project, you try to figure out whether Jason Sionis is criminal. Easy, right?
A/n: This takes place in a world where Jason is adopted by Black Mask. Inspired by Building Interest by Zoeleo.The events and characterization in this story are very heavily based on Zoeleo's Long Term Investment series. It is fantastic and I really highly recommend all of her fics.
a/n: For clarification, Reader does have psychic powers but it only lets her sense people's emotions physically. No mind-reading. Her power is more like an overactive sense of empathy which may force her to dissociate into someone else.
There will be violence and mentions of alcoholism (used as coping mechanism for physical pain) and chronic pain.  
As for the additional warning, an animal is harmed but it is barely described. I could not bring myself to actual describe it but the aftermath is described.
I also just converted this from an OC so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
Without further a do:
Your stomach drops.
Of course, Damian just had to be the one to pick up.
"Hey baby bro, could you pass the phone to dad?"
"I'm sorry who is this?"
This little shit.
"You're such a kidder! Dami, it's me, Tim. "
“Ah yes, Drake-” You can hear Tim choke in the background. “What do you want?”
“Please Dami just pass the phone to dad, I- I really need to talk to him”
“Very well,”
“Tim?” The voice sounded like Bruce’s but the intonation was all wrong. The voice changer Tim and Babs were working on seems to have made progress.
“Hey dad, I- uh. I might have gotten kidnapped.”
Tim makes another choking noise. “Might have?”
“I was at the party. I think I had around 13 drinks. 13 ! Can you believe it? I felt like a right sailor after that, like the harbor workers, y’know? Anyway, I was taking a smoke-”
“Enough!” The large man roared, snatching the phone from you. “Send us $100 million by tomorrow or your kid’ll be shark bait!” Who says that anymore?
“Of course! Of course! I’ll have the money sometime this evening. Please don’t hurt him.”
Tim, God bless him, does not laugh. Tim’s acting needs some work but he sure does know how to act worried.
The line dies and they tie you back up to the post.
“What the hell?!”
“We have to make sure you don’t just runoff.” The large man says tightening your bonds. Truthfully, you’ve felt far worse. After all, corsets exist. However, this was still a close second.  
“Do I look like I could outrun a snail?”
“He’s got a point boss. He looks like he hasn’t even seen the sun in ages.”
This, you decide, is true for Tim. When was the last time he went out before dark? Maybe he got sunlight when he stayed over at Eddie’s place.
The large man grabs Jason by the collar and throws him to his men.
The 3 men kick and curse at him. They mock him and beat him down. They wail on him with their fists, their steel-toed shoes, and sometimes brick. Jason takes it all with a crooked grin and a sharp tongue. You watched in awe. Even on the floor, Jason looked sturdy, ferocious, and indomitable.
"They all break, sweet girl."
Jason is on a tiled floor. No, he should be on concrete. His blood is on the tile. They’re hitting him. They’re hitting him with a bat. No. They aren’t supposed to be holding a bat. They were kicking him but now they’re holding a bat. No, She’s holding a bat. There's supposed to be three of them, three men,  but their forms coalesce into her .  You can hear his ribs cracking. Next are his legs. His legs are always next. Then his arm. She'll break each bone in his arms and his hands.  He’s wheezing. His voice sounds hoarse. His voice is too hoarse. He sounds like he’s been starved and dehydrated for at least a day. They’ve only been here for an hour. That isn’t right. Oh God! Now she had a cleaver in her hands.
He doesn’t need to die. She can’t.
 The scene crescendos as the tall, dark, sinewy silhouette towering over Jason raises the butcher's knife above her head.
“Harder, daddy!”
The scene of the kitchen fades and the shit-eating grin on Jason melts into view which shifts from amusement to confusion then back to amusement.
You blink seeing his stupid grin far too clearly.
You let a bark of gut-busting laughter out as you strain against the rope. Your brow pinches with concern but based on the scowls you’re receiving they're more focused on the fact that you were laughing like a mad man.  
Jason looks like he’s about to laugh from the absurdity as well when the man in charge picks him up again tossing him into a chair. The other men tie him down binding his wrists and ankles.
"I've had worse." He spits out.
The phone rings again, the dial tone echoing. Jason looks like hell with his face swollen and bruises beginning to bloom on every surface but he still looked like he was 5 seconds from starting a fight.
The large man punches Jason hard in the gut knocking the air out of his lungs as the dial tone cuts off.  “Hear that, Sionis? Your little bitch is pretty soft.”
Oh God, are they serious?
“Who is this? Nevermind. You ok there, sweetheart?” Roman Sionis’ ‘concerned’ voice carries over the line.
They are.
“Nothing I can't handle, daddy.” Jason chuckles with the utmost casualness. You, on the other hand,  instantly want to disinfect your brain. Thankfully, before your mind could wander somewhere it can't return from,  the big man growls into the phone.
“Don't you recognize the voice of the man whose life you've ruined?!”
“You've gotta be more specific than that. I've ruined quite a few lives but I would like to know whose brain I need to put a bullet in.”
“Doesn't ring any bells.” Roman deadpans almost sounding completely disinterested. “Sweetheart, you remember anyone like that?”
“Nope,” Jason replies letting the p pop. It seemed like a strange sort of triumph before it all crashes down with another swift punch to the ribs.
You stare at the strange scene torn between amusement and horror.
“Take this seriously!” Bruno roars.
"I'm taking this about as seriously as it deserves."
A part of you thought 'yeah this is ridiculous enough to warrant nonchalance' while the other part wanted to scream.  On one hand, even you found his identity anticlimactic. Doesn’t he know just how many small-time businesses Roman has ruined? He’d be lucky to get into the top 50. It’s not like he was running a pretty ethical establishment either.  On the other hand, your freaking kid is getting the shit kicked out of him. Emote damn it.
“Jason. Don’t you worry. Daddy’s going to take care of this. Your Uncle D happens to be in town. He’s on his way to pick you up. Love you, baby. See you soon.”
The line dies. Your stomach sinks further somehow. You don’t know if the nausea is due to the fact that the line died, the threat, or the number of times the word ‘daddy’ came up. Who the hell is Uncle D? How is he supposed to help? Your gaze trails to Jason who is now lowering his head to the floor seemingly tired. Maybe that last punch finally drained the fight from him.
“You're all so fucked.” Jason barks out in a fit of laughter. The men around him, jumping from the volume of his voice.  
Bruno grabs Jason by the collar and begins to shake him as if the  “Shut the fuck up you little bitch! Whoever your Uncle D is he's-”
You feel like someone kicked you in the chest. First of all, Uncle D? Really? You guess that there are worse hills to die on. This was somehow weirder than hearing Faust and her siblings call him pops. Second of all, Fuck. You'd never gotten your asshanded to you by Deathstroke but based on how banged up the Titans looked after fighting him this wasn't gonna be pretty.  All you could hope for was that you wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. Although, the image of Deathstroke grudgingly letting a kid call him Uncle D lightens your mood a bit.  
Bruno throws Jason on the floor hard enough for his body to bounce. Like Jason earlier, Bruno is radiating murder.
Just run, you thick motherfucker.
You, being the ‘nice’ Wayne kid that you are,  try to tell him as much but sadly that was halted by shattering glass. A flurry of black, orange, and metal crash through the glass and cut through the crowd of men.  
They fire at him, panic making their faces even paler. They hit him, bullets sinking into his flesh, blood splatters but none of it fazes him. He skewers and cuts them down with ease. His swords and suit are liberally decorated with their blood when it’s all done.
He steps over Bruno’s body. From the grunt that comes out, Bruno is still alive. Dumb bastard doesn’t know how to play dead. He’ll die from blood loss anyway.
“Hey, kid-” Deathstroke greets tersely,  picking up Jason’s nearly limp body.  “We’re gonna get you home.” He slings Jason’s arm over his shoulder.
Deathstroke stops sounding slightly annoyed.
Jason turns to you, who’s still unhappily tied to a post.  “We gotta get him out.” He rasps.  
“Kid, you’re the only one I’m getting paid to rescue.”  Deathstroke helpfully informs as he carefully adjusts his hold on the struggling young man. You blow out a breath somehow more irritable than scared.  “Just cut me out. I can make my way back just fine.”
“Walk in Gotham, are you stupid?” Jason hisses. The concern bleeding through.
“Which one of us charged at their captors while they were armed?”
Jason scowls at you with a petulant twist in his lips. “Yanno what,  Leave ‘im.”
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry and yeah I’ll be fine. I know where to avoid. Just please don’t leave me with them” you plead, throwing away any pride you held as you glance at the most likely dead bodies. Deathstroke cuts you out. Your skin feels raw but you’re otherwise unharmed.
You walk out of the warehouse and Dick practically throws himself at you. “Oh thank god, they didn’t shoot you in the head.” He mumbles into your wig.  
"Why would you think they would shoot me in the head?"
Dick pulls back and frowns at you through the domino mask.  “You aren’t exactly the most pleasant-”
“ We were model hostages.” you squawk.
Jason snorts far too loudly to be helpful.
You glare at him but you weren’t about to say fuck off to him while he has one of the world’s deadliest assassins right next to him.
Deathstroke coughs.  “Well if you don’t mind we’ll be taking our leave.”
Dick holding you protectively, glares but says nothing. Maybe he does but you faint before you can hear it.
A/n: Thanks for reading!
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mikkock · 4 years
Hey hi your murder mystery art is super totally cool and amazing and I'd like to Extra! Extra! hear all about it *rattles bells*
haha wow i cant believe ud ask me THIS! unbelievable! now im gonna have to make a long post!
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all info under the cut cause im kind like that ♥
For reasons I felt like making a Fancy Ass murder mystery story, with you know, hella complex secret storylines and everyone having drama and shit, and one person died but the more the story goes the less people care about who did the murder and the more they want tHE JUICY DETAILs. X and Y had an afFAIR you say!!! well that’s thousands time more interesting than that murder that happened, who cares about the culprit its not like any of us are going anywhere anyway! tell me more about the marital issues!
The ultimate Vibes are Clue (the game, ya kno, it had a movie too, and that movie was shot with three different endings -fun fact- so that movie theatres could play one alternatively that way people wouldnt get spoiled or even if they did they would not get the ending they were spoiled or even if all three were spoiled you couldnt know which ending you were getting anyway, big dick move, cause its an old movie and film is expensive, also that movie stupid and campy, ALSO I ONLY LEARNED MAKING THIS AU THAT IN ENGLISH THE GAME’S CALLED “CLUE” wE CALL IT CLUEDO therefore my wip playlist is called cluedo. because. fuck it.)(i just have an emotional attachment to that game i even had a cd rom video game version and it was the spookiest shit for a 6 years old, trust me, i played it so much tho i didnt even understand the rULES i was just making scenarios like gathering the characters in rooms n making conversations outloud cause honestly the banter is the best part of a murder mystery) ANYWAY that sure is a whole paragraph of tangent. 
BUT YE the inspo from the Clue game. you can tell it from the Colours obviously, everyone’s colour codded.(even everyone’s name is colours as well you’ll see it’s real dang fancy! im just remaking that game but with 2932020 characters and more behind the scenes drama and also for gay people.)
Sir Belyy, the dude in white, is The Rich Powerful Respected Fancy Boss, and he throws a Fancy Reception Party with his closest friends and associates to celebrate the opening of a new branch of his business. All the lads gather in his wonderful little very isolated mansion in the middle of nowhere, like ok he got a death wish or something or he’s very trusting of his business partners, but not a good move, cause in the middle of the reception, as A Phat Storm Starts (for plot convenience, we going with a campy vibe if you couldnt tell), his body is found, it’s awful, there’s a killer on the loose! All the guests gather, and attempt to maybe contact the authorities, to not avail, since The Storm ya know, phone lines are Broken my dude. Its clear that the culprit is among them, since no one could have entered the house, or left it (cuz once again, ThE sTORm). And then it’s all about interrogating each other, distrust, alliances and betrayal, revealing one’s deepest secrets when they form an alibi and revealing someone else’s deepest secret for they could be a motive! Meanwhile there’s a dead body in the mansion just chillin there. 
So as I mentioned, I changed everyone’s name to be colour related (or ya know, food or flowers of that colour cause sometimes a colour in a language would not work as a name given the way names work in that culture all that jazz) which is the trippiest thing cause tHATS NOT YALLS USUAL NAMES but its fun (also changed so many ages hgfhs it was a trip)(still no one’s really old i guess i got boomerphobia). The “Cast” is clearly the most important part, and if ur a True “My OCs” Connaisseur (hdfghd the most useful skill to have, knowing *MY* Charactersdshgd) you may have recognised some faces and can already read some vibes and predict who will be progressing the plot and who will be yelling at people throwing accusations ghdfgd.
(god i wish i hadnt slacked off making the portraits of everyone in that AU i only have 3 tho that’s so sad so ill just make little sketches just cause <3 only text??? i got too many hoes with no attention span for that)
Sir BELYY (the one who dIEs lmao)
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(bust shot missing the fact that this man is the tallest beefiest lad around)
Intimidating, powerful, composed, wealthy, carries the name of a family who has generations of control to it’s reputation, he’s The Man that hoes who believe in the economy wishes they were. As in, the “self made” man who only just happened to benefit from having a wealthy background to uplift his plans. In his youth, he wanted to prove his worth, seperated himself from his father, started a business, that business became big, then got attached to the family’s business, bam back to square one but with Reputation now. There seemed to be VERY big tension between him and The Father, some speculate it had to do with his unknown mother, and some family drama there, and it never got resolved as old man Belyy died quite young (the jUICY speculations are that current sir Belyy mURDEREd old man sir Belyy, fucked up if true!). People love him though in general, as he has that reputation of “Cold Lad With a Gold Heart” aka he takes people under his wings, donates, doesnt treat his employees like the absolute worst garbage etc... you know, he’s rich and a half decent person, so obviously he’s an angel on earth. But does it matter though, he’s dead! that’s the concept of the story!  
Mr.GRAY (the grey guest)(who could have guessed from the name)
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He’s one of Sir Belyy’s oldest employees, and benefits from a high rank in the company. But, sadly for him, he’s been stagnating lately, as newer, youngest employees seem to have Belyy’s favours, and are his prefered associates for important tasks and positions. Therefore he has Some Bitterness, Some Salt, Some Distaste, some unbriddled but professionally muted hatred for Specific people in the company. He can be an antagonistic figure, but the amount of time he spent in Belyy’s circle grants him an immense quantity of information about the man, but mostly, about his business. Anything about the company’s history, dealings, operations, he’s aware of, either having been told of them, or having snooped around to obtain, immune to being questioned due to his legitimacy in the company.
Mr.LIM (the green guest)
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Remember when it was said that Gray had beef with some employees cause they were younger and rose to high ranks faster than him and became Belyy’s favourite over him? Yeah well here comes the one he hates the most for that (ofc he’s belyys fave cuz he’s Mine <3) Our lad caught Belyy’s attention for his Exploits in like, em fancy high school tournaments of smart people, it’s a thing its ridiculous, making kids compete on Smart stuff for the pride of their schools n shit, well homie Lim got clout when doing that, and Belyy was extremely interested cause that kid’s main thing was how “this young lad got mad strategic skills tf are u a war general or smth how fancy”, and that’s a coveted skill for ruthless business. So as soon as the kid is an adult, bam, join the company my dude. And because he’s just that Cool n Sexy ofc he met the expectations Belyy had, and old man Belyy got attached cuz it do be such a young lad, a kid, mentally i am adopting. That’s how you get a youngas employee becoming the right hand man of one the phatest CEO in a few years, and even make your way into being a Good Lad on top of a business partner. And that’s how you get Gray to hate your ass too. Now though, fine lad with mad strategic skills, rising to power that fast, and even infiltrating Belyy’s private life? If I were Gray I’d call suspicion there’s surely some shady stuff going no way we’re just dealing with a nice fella who just happens to work good and be friendly to the boss right?
Herra MUSTA (the black “guest”)
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Belyy’s newest butler, assistant, house keeper, he multitasks. His family has been tied to Belyy’s for generations, fullfilling roles of help, but also of confidents. He’s been the head butler since only a short time, after his mother passed, and as such is still “in training” you could say, despite having served the family his whole life. There are rumours going around that the contract tying his family to the Belyys may end on his generation and need to be resigned. He known the manor by heart, and carries all keys to any locked room (and mostly, The Master Key, cause in an old house, some doors may be locked beyond all still existing keys). He also knows secrets of the family that no one else knows, but good luck getting em out of him, he’s under contract not to divulge em bro.
Mr. HASSEL (the brown guest)
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Belyy’s childhood friend. They grew up together, pictured their dreams together, sworn to flourish together, worked together when starting the company, and then Hassel felt he should create his own thing instead of depending on his friend’s existing wealth, and while Belyy’s business went wild, his never took off. They still stayed very close, despite the massive difference in wealth. Belyy considers him his closest friend, the one person he can trust (fucked if hassel did the murder lemme tell u). So of course, he’s still always invited to the Prestigious meet ups where’s he’s free to feel uncomfortably out of place amongst all the rich and powerful people that he could have been a part of had he had a tiny bit of luck and a small loan from a wealthy relative...People LOVE saying he’s still hanging out with Belyy so much to leech off his wealth, cause of course they do! His bestie status means he has a whole different brand of information of Belyy than his butler does, the Most Intimate Stuff, the Childhood Stuff. The Juicy stuff ya kno...But Bro Code, its all secrets...
Sir RUZH (the red “guest”)
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Deep dive into Belyy’s personnal history, the man has many employees working at his house keeping it working, clean, ya know the vibe. They live on the premice, one has a kid who’s just a Joy to be around, all the employees just vibe with that lad, he’s just a born socialite you know? Belyy gets to meet the kid, and also hella vibes with him. And because human are influenced by their feelings, he gives the kid’s mum a bit of a preferencial treatment, in the tasks she fullfils and all, til he gives her an important-as mission, and then there’s an accident n mama dies, and now Belyy got guilt and there’s this kid who just Vibes. So naturally the move is to take the kid in, and play on how his vibes are just so clean, and raise him to be the Perfect Entertainer for guests, bam, its soft power propaganda, if everyone loves your now son’s vibes, they associate them with you too. And also that’s kind of a clean rep, the selfless man who adopted his employee’s son to not have him fall to the streets, how heartwarming. Not at all traumatising for the kid too I bet! But anyway now the lad is just the most charming young adult, mission accomplished. He’s always present at any reception, ready to work his people-pleasing magic, and then going back to a gigantic empty manor to wait for the next and curate the perfect vibes to meet the expectations of dad. On the plus side, he knows everyone, and those who don’t know him cannot wAIT to, he’s just got that aura ya know. People skills for miles, and the insider knowledge that comes with being the son of the CEO, all this hidden behind the personna of the fresh innocent bashful party lad. 
Dr.FEN (the pink guest)
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Do not get mistaken by the title, he’s no doc, he will not diagnose you with anything, he just studied long enough to get the sexy title. Study in what? Haha. Nothing shady. Just toxicology. He’s a world reknown poison expert basically, that’s his main thing. Oh but don’t worry, of course studying substances that may kill people is only for finding out how to cure them from it of course. What brings him in this circle? Simple, Belyy may or may not have started to suffer some weird illness that no doctor has been able to find the source, let alone cure, of. Him and Dr.Fen had met previously on some event, cause some rich man also love flexing how smart they are and attending sciencey shit, and he was contacted as sort of a shot in the dark. The lad does know how to treat some things, maybe he can treat The Mysterious Unwellness, since no traditional doctor was able to. He knows science, he’s trustworthy, bam, you’re hired to work on My Case Exclusively. Thanks to this, Dr.Fen has access to the whole health history of Belyy and his family, to many mANY dangerous substances, and also has The Respect of the hoes at the party. He HAS a doctorate after all. Epitome of knowledge. And he’s a kind to people and he wears pink like dang how can you nOT pour your wHOLE trust in him. 
Sir MOREVITCH (the blue guest)
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Youngest son of an affluent family, who used to be close the the Belyys. The two families fell slightly appart after the death of the previous head of the family on the Belyy side, as they do nOT vibe with the current one (well current, til the first night of the story ig). But, unbeknownst to all, one strong link had been kept, between the youngest of the Morevitch, who dislikes his family and wishes to emancipate himself from them while also assuring his depart will not throw him basically in the streets, and our beloved Sir Belyy, who also dislikes the Morevitches but loves to see the rebellious energy of the young one (and ya know, my enemy’s enemy’s my friend or however you say that). So Belyy’s basically offering tips and helping Morevitch plant himself safely out of his family’s grasp, but it’s all taking quite some time isn’t it, slow and steady is fine until your parents try to arrange a wedding to secure more political power, and suddenly it is all quite urgent that you escape that situation because No Thank You Parents I Do Not Want A Wife I’m Too Young And Also Huh <3 Stuff You Won’t Like Hearing For Sure <3. The people who know they’re working together also know that it’s a big point of argument between them, the difference in vision between “you have to go slow and steady to be safe” and “I have very limited time to get to that safety anyway so I gotta risk it” “hell no you cant i can’t follow through if we’re going that quick that’ll put me at risk and you’re family’s gonna send gunmen to take me down”. A mess, it’d be much quicker to just obtain a few million bucks out of nowhere and bolt for sure...
Mr.GANG (the orange guest)
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Morevitch’s trusted assistant. He hears the concerns, he helps the secret businesses, he lies to the parents about the whereabouts, and mostly, he’s basically a budget spy. The lad got that talent where people just don’t notice him popping behind them and catching all their dirty laundry as they confess it to someone they trust, and he always manages to break into places, get the intel he was looking for, and escape, putting everything back into place as if no one was ever there (wonder where he got all those skills from damn!). But what he’s even better at is being sneaky not only to benefit his boss, but himself as well <3. If he can catch all the info in the world, go any places, nothing’s stopping him from playing double agent and also going behind Morevitch’s back. After all the assistant life isn’t the most glamourous and rewarding, who can blame him from going and using his talents to build his own little exit route, right? Everybody sort of knows he cannot be trusted, but also no one managed to really incriminate or stop him, and as much as he has tea on many people, no has it on him, but bet once found that would be heeeella juicy.
M.MOUTARDE (the yellow guest)(this one is straight up the name of the yellow player in the french edition of clue too when i say its my main vibe)
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Moutarde was an influential celebrity. He had a big break acting in a movie that the whole country stanned so hard they basically turned the script into their national anthem (they would have if it was a true democracy where the people really decide), he was so handsome and elegant, everyone’s dream husband. And then the fame fiddled out because it’s how fame is, one moment you’re the sexiest dish on the table and the next someone brings in dessert and baam, its all about that fresh cake, and no one pays any mind to your delightful aroma anymore, you’ve gone cold, they had a bite, their interest is somewhere else. Belyy really admires his work though, and mostly finds his image fits with the brand of his company, therefore the two are working on a collaboration to make Moutarde a representative. This WOULD boost Moutarde’s reputation, for his ads would be displayed on every imaginable surface of the country, and it would also benefit the company cause being represented by thAT sexy motherfucker? clearly that’s a deal. The freshness of the partnership means Moutarde is a newcomer in the guests, a fresh face, with no reputation, no relationships, no unfair biases against him. He’s just the new handsome charismatic lad with a squeaky clean image. Emphasis on “image”. After all, no one really knows anything of his background, right?
Kun.LAWENDER (the purple guest)
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Private investigator, very useful to be around at a party it’s almost like it was expected there’d be a body to investigate, he’s a very close associate of Belyy, as there’s nothing more important to business than investigating the rivals and finding dirt on them to make them fall through infamy. He’s not exactly the PI who goes look for justice to be served, he’s just here for cash bro. He’s got intel on everyone, and will only let it out if offered the right thing in return (money, or sometimes other pieces of very secret intel, trade is good). Wouldn’t advise letting him and Gang team up tbh but they probably wouldnt, as Lawender is really more of a lone wolf player, going on his own for himself. The one thing that negates his usefulness as a PI on an accidental crime of scene is that even if he knew the whole truth of the event he would not spit it out unless he benefitted from saying it. He sure is a polarising lad, but at the same time, an untouchable one, he’s too knowledgeable to be taken down. Rather than sneaky, he’s extremely observant, noticing the tiniest details and engraving them in his memory, ready to be linked up to other details to deduct the big picture. He’s the upfront tea gathered basically (as opposed to Gang’s shadow tea gathering if you will, they are similar forces but using opposite methods)(also one of em got a licence n the other does not hAH).
Now the secrets, all of em have them. One of em at least got the secret of having KILLED Belyy that’s that. But that’s to be kept for later (for if i ever use this story for more than daydream material gfhjgh) bet you can imagine what some of em may be just out of Knowing what i do, from having seen the characters in other contexts, or just because you’re a genius and reading the character profiles immediatly lit up the bulbs in your head forming the perfect theory, props to you, mad genius.
Honestly my thoughts are just how lit of a game that would be, you get to pick one hoe (maybe sum are locked til u find their secrets for juicy purposes) and you do your invetigation using your character’s perks and disadvantages, and maybe there could even be Multiple scenarios and outcomes, to spice it up, give replay value, i just think it’d be a game id spend hours on. tryin to get the spicy details of everyone’s life. walking around n digging through a rich man’s stuff, witnessing the drAMA of people fighting cause they’re locked in with a murderer and that’s stressful ngl. That or a long ass show @ netflix wanna give me a show maybe? give me hella budget we’re making it animated cause im too cultured for live action. 
whatever i make of it though, i hope i can make this story Flourish, just so that i can lay down all those secret backstories i’ve written. i want the satisfaction of throwing out the craziest secret drama between character n seeing peeps loose their minds, it just is a tasty experience.
also i gotta say, i plug the hell out of Clue for an inspo but when i was building the basics of the story my mind immediatly went “oH MY GOD THE VIBES,, THE BACKSTABBING AND tEAMING UP and all,,, its The Genius, that one tv show where peeps have to do the wildest games that require strategy n they’re in that fancy set that looks like a rich ppl mansion oh god the vibes” so yeah, i rewatched the whole first two seasons cause they’re my faves and that had an impact if only minimal in the aesthetic.
Anyway hope that quick presentation gave you a lil taste of the story, and maybe,,,, got you curious,,, craving to learn more like you never did before (im exaggerating the only real question we all got is just “so who’s fuckin with whom then how many of yall secretly dating” this the real deal)
#doodlin every lad's face at one rly be like 'welcome to the cheekbone festival'#they got antti AND said at once like the cheekbonage is out of this world!#that's musta n gang btw#also every single time i draw cream (blue lad) im like 'i havent drawn u in ages' n it isnt#that i dont draw him much anymore#but that ive drawn only this bitch for months back in the days#him bein in this without his lover....criminal#cuz his boo wouldnt fit a murder mystery au like#hoes would find the corpse he'd just be like 'welp on that imma go to bed aight bye'#anyway u can tell which of my ocs i simp for v easely#like fr#they the ones i spend the longest drawfigfdj cuz i draw em n then go 'not hot enough do it again'#a struggle!#anyway the secret is that i prepares a motive AND an alibi for all of em#so that i can pick who murdered belyy at the last moment <3#its all abt the contextual clues on the scene of crime <3#none of the drama tells u anything its all for the treat of gossip <3#sad part of this project is how much ive planned n written yet i can barely tell anythin if i want to make it#n ive drawn nothingbhd#i hav a dari n a weiwei in their coloured clothes lookin handsome cuz ofc i do#im predictable i have faves#ask if they're in love in this one too take a fuckin guess#u rly think hoe going to his boss's house so much to see the ceo ???? HAH#the real question isnt if theyre smooshin we all kno that answer the question is if dad white suit knows thATs whats important#are yall secret lovers or is green boy climbing the ladder of the company cuz he's smashing the boss's son#who knows#i do i aint telling pay me
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six-of-woes · 4 years
The Clown and the Potato Sack ch 3
Chapter 3/?: The Reluctant Prisoner
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24533863
Previous Chapter:https://hi-im-a-salty-human-being.tumblr.com/post/620071535133278208/the-clown-and-the-potato-sack-aerin-x-mc-chapter
Tags: Tags: @what-do-you-mean-theyre-evil @theclowneryqueen@findmeafterlife @0oi-io0 @thatgirlbuhle @mirabelle-choices@souhmhey @king-erzsebet @vlastomilsworm @diamonds-and-decorum @xsweetnspookyx @ernest-harrington @walkerswhiskeygirl @gela-mndz  @piinkheart @jaxsmutsuo
Author’s Note: Heyy sorry this one’s a little shorter but like motivation’s been a little low lately. Promise it’ll pick up soon tho
“God, these potato sacks are really heav—SHIT!”
Cassia stifled a laugh as she watched Kade practically roll down the stairs, followed by many a loose potato. His journey to the bottom of the stairs ended with a resounding thud.
“FUCK!” Kade yelled. “I am in more PAIN than I’ve ever been in, and I was TORTURED for months by the SHADOW COURT!”
Before Cassia could retort, hearty laughter echoed throughout the dungeons. 
“Ha ha…HA! Oh gods! I haven’t laughed like that in a good long while!”
“My pain is funny you, Aerin? Wait…what am I saying, you called yourself the prince of darkness! Of course you find my pain funny!”
Cassia scampered down the stairs to find scene that only had her about 25% surprised. Kade was laying face down on the ground, surrounded by the potatoes that had fallen out of the sack during his tumble: Expected. She watched him fall. Aerin was laughing his ass of: Kind of expected. Obviously he would find the pain of other people funny, hells, even Cassia wanted to laugh—however, Aerin was showing emotion that wasn’t Brooding Bitch. 
There was one thing, though, that caught Cassia completely off guard…that being the lack of guards and magical barrier. There weren’t even any unconscious bodies laying on the ground in front of the cell. All that was there was Aerin, Kade, and potatoes.
Eventually, Aerin stopped laughing, and promptly shot Cassia a scowl.
“I see you’re still trying to “save” me,” he spat.
Cassia scoffed as she crouched down to help Kade back to his feet. “And I see that you’re still Prince Bitch.”
Kade dusted himself off. “She’s trying to save you because apparently, you’re a good kisser,” he mumbled.
“That is absolutely not the reason, Kade,” Cassia said, dropping the two sacks of potatoes on the ground, “I already told you, <em>I’m bored<em>!”
“…and horny.”
Cassia picked up a soft potato and chucked it at her brother’s head, only for him to duck out of the way, letting the potato splat against the wall.
“Gods,” Aerin groaned. “For once I agree with Cassia on the fact that neither of us want to acknowledge our ehm—<em>history<em>. It was a moment of weakness for both of us that we would both rather <em>forget<em>.”
“I—yes,” Cassia muttered, pulling her sword out of its hilt. “What happened between us is something to be forgotten.”
Of course it is, Cassia. He’s evil. EVIL! He only used you to gain an ally. He could care less about what happened between us. Why is this a surprise? It shouldn’t be…but…he actually believed us when we wanted to join him. It had to have meant something, right? Wait. Why does that even matter?
Cassia shook her head and inserted the tip of her sword into the keyhole. She fiddled with it for maybe a minute or so before giving up and shaking her head.
“Godsdammit,” she groaned, resting her head against one of the bars. “Where is the barrier, anyway?”
“Blackmailed a priestess,” Kade said, picking up a loose rock and throwing it at the wall.
Cassia did a double take. “Kade, you WHAT?”
“Are you deaf?” Aerin scoffed, crossing his arms. “He blackmailed a priestess! To help break out one of Morella’s worst criminals!”
“I wouldn’t give you that much credit,” Kade joked, earning a glare from Aerin. “You were more of a minor inconvenience than anything else.”
“But—but I killed the heir to this kingdom! That’s gotta be something, right?”
Cassia shrugged as she crouched down and fiddled with the cell’s lock. “I mean, I think you did us a favor more than anything else. Not saying that you murdering your brother in cold blood was good or anything, but he was really unlikable.”
The next few minutes were spent using various items to try to pick the lock. First, Cassia’s sword. Next, one of the spikes from her gauntlet. Finally, she tried one of her arrows. It slid into the lock seamlessly. Cassia worked the arrow back and forth, until the lock eventually clicked open and the door swung open.
“Yes!” Cassia whisper-shouted, sliding the arrow back into its quiver.
“Dammit!” Aerin whisper shouted, sliding to the very back of his cell.
Cassia stood up to her full height and dropped her arms to her sides. “Oh, come on, Aerin! I thought you’d want to get out of here! See the sun for the first time in weeks, breath air that doesn’t smell like moldy nesper puke, be around other people that aren’t guards!”
Aerin turned to face the wall and rested his head on his knees. “No.”
“No? Why not?”
“Because,” he started, hugging his knees. “There’s no point in it. Even if I get reformed, I still murdered the hair to the kingdom. They’re not just going to let me go free just because I wouldn’t be inclined to do so again.”
Cassia nodded her head to the side. “That could be true…but…I’m bored.” She took a rope out of her pack. “So get up. We’re going on a quest.”
“Could you guys either shut up or make out?”
Cassia turned a deep shade of red before silently entering Aerin’s cell and tying his wrists together with the rope. She wasn’t unaware of how close she was to him as she tied the knot, but tried to ignore the sensation of his unusually cool breath on her skin.
“You know,” he started, gazing at the intricate not Cassia was tying. “You say you want to help free me, yet here you are, tying me up so I can’t escape.”
A small smirk spread across Cassia’s face as she finished tying the knot. “Well, even if I’m breaking you out, you’re still a prisoner, and we can’t have you getting away and spreading corrupt
ion everywhere.”
“You know I could still walk away from you, right?”
Cassia winked and pulled a slightly longer rope out of her pack. Without saying anything, she wrapped it around Aerin’s waste and tied it into a knot.
“There. Now I literally have you on a leash.”
Kade snickered. “Shoulda tied it around is neck. I’m sure both of you’d be into it.”
Cassia scoffed and stood back up, holding the end of the rope. “You know what I’m into, Kade, and it isn’t rope.”
A beat of awkward silence passed by before Cassia took off her cloak and wrapped it around Aerin, pulling the hood over his head.
“Alright, if you keep your head down, no one should notice you.”
In retaliation, Aerin threw his head back as if he were a horse. The hood fell back and showed his sickening grin. “You’re not very good at planning things, are you?”
“She’s really not,” Kade answered. “She had no idea how she was gonna get past the guards or the barrier to get you out.”
Cassia shrugged. “He’s right. I’m more a woman of action than hindsight.”
“One time she started a bar fight just because some guy stepped on her foot during a dance,” Kade piped. He picked up the empty potato sack and tossed it to Cassia. “Cut some holes and put this over his head, that should do the trick.“Please don’t do that,” Aerin started, shrinking into himself as Cassia placed the sack over his head. “Those bags are scratchy and I can feel my own breath and quite frankly that’s just not the experience I’m looking for when I escape prison.”
Cassia smirked and out her cloak over the potato sack. She poked two holes with her index finger nails to create eye holes. “There,” she muttered, standing back up. “Now we just have to build a dummy, and we can get out of here!”
“HEY! What’s going on?”
Cassia’s blood ran cold. She turned around to see two armored guards standing over her and Aerin.
“Uh, it’s not what it looks like?”
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irishtowriteabook · 5 years
-Growing Pains- Part 1
🌸Summary; A throughly inebriated David blurts out some hidden feelings towards his best friend, turned carer, one faithful night. Nothing too major (not yet anyways) but it turns out seeing Natalie so openly affectionate with everyone who isn’t him has been getting him down!
Request; “Hey 👋💛 Can i have some more jealous Dave (or Natalie) please? *plot details and ideas that I won’t put in as this intro is lengthy as is*
I decided to change it up slightly as I know I love jealous fics but it can get too much! This is a two parter! Enjoy! Hope I did it justice
The blustering wind caused her (now loosely) curled hair to whip against her cheeks; a force to be reckoned with. Seriously, shit hurt. Natalie WOULD have rolled up the window. If the rolling up mechanism contraption thing worked, that is.
“Skype call with Ian, sponsored ad stories for boohoo, accountant meeting-“ A groan interrupted Natalie’s train of thought. “-And looking after a drunk David.”
Drunk as a skunk, Lorraine had said. I only had a Coke, David had said.
Natalie closed off her note-penning app with a swipe of her manicured finger and sighed. She looked down at a splayed out David. He took up most of the already cosy backseat with her lanky, wrangled limbs. His inebriated self held no hesitance in plopping his head down on her lap either.
David shuffled closer to her thighs, wanting to get closer to the radiating heat and bundling up her short black dress in the process.
“Quit it.” Natalie murmured. ‘I’d like to preserve what little dignity I have left after this night.’
“Natalieee..” David whined, his bleary eyes meeting hers. “I want to get off this rollercoaster. Like right now.” His words were punctuated with sighs as he voice wavered even more. The Uber driver seemed to no longer need to live vicariously through the Fast & Furious movies and instead made his dreams a reality. The car jostled harshly as he sped over speedbumps. At least Natalie THOUGHT they were speedbumps.
The neon green signage of an upcoming 711 loomed in the near distance amongst throngs of other partygoers. Natalie seriously considered asking Javi to stop for a few minutes tops for some painkillers but she was already in his bad books over making him wait.
“Fuck, my head.” David all but whispered tugging his denim jacket closer around him. Natalie froze, about as solid as Jeff’s abdomen, as David took hold of her hand and placed it upon his head. His dazed eyes couldn’t help but blink to a close as Natalie pressed the palm of her hand against his ‘throbbing’ forehead.
“This is what you get for being a dumbass around pineapple vodka floats!” Natalie quipped but her voice lacked edge in favour of a rarer softer tone. She settled her own head against the window.
Traffic lights, red ones that Javi drove through, green that Javi sped through and yellow that Javi cursed through, shone in through the tinted grass. It created various subdued hues that enveloped the pair- shit another pothole.
Natalie couldn’t help it. Her fingers mindlessly combed through David’s perspiration ridden but still majorly fluffy hair. His bottom lip jotted out. He smiled smalley up at her. She gazed down at him fondly but still kept a wary eye on the meter. She rarely Bought credit cards or much paper money with her on nights out. Nights out were usually regarded as “David needs blog content like right now” pseudos. Besides they only drank really, not gone rockclimbing. Except for that one ti-
“Why’d you stop?” Dave pouted and in his drunken stupor tried to again find her hand. He latched confidently onto her seatbelt.
The impatient stare from Javi in the mirror spurred Natalie on. She gathered her belongings at a faster rate.
“We’re home Dave” She explained quickly but his head wouldn’t budge a singular inch from her lap. Stubborn as always.
“Can’t we drive around- hey Mr Taxi Man can’t we drive around the block again? Just one more time, deadass.” David slurred out.
“Other clientele. Vamos.” Javi dismisses them courtly with a wave of his hand.
“You suck.” grunted David, matter of factly. Natalie mumbled hasty apologies under her breath and he wrenched the payment from her outstretched palm. No change? Alrighty then. Dickhead.
Lugging a floppy David into the house and onto the couch proved to be a hefty task. His eye foot coordination was 10x worse drunk than him sober.
“Whew! I used arm muscles I didn’t even know I had. I might just leave your ass and become a body builder one of these days.” Natalie glanced down at the sprawled out 23 year old.
David’s face suddenly morphed into the most downcast of expressions and Natalie felt compelled to kneel down beside him on the cool flooring. Her face embodied all that is confusion.
“No. Don’t ever leave me, please?” David frowned. Natalie damn near melted, she won’t lie, as he rested his hand on her forearm that was resting on the cushion. He looked up at her with his big brown eyes, waiting (im)patiently for her reply.
“Hey, hey, hey! It was only a joke, you dork!”
At her words David’s mood switched to the polar opposite, a complete 180°. His signature cheesy grin blossomed on his face once more albeit sleepily.
“Okay. Thanks!” He whooped softly. Natalie let out a breathy laugh before flopping down beside David on the couch, said David being totally entranced in his hands. She couldn’t blame him.
With a flick of the wrist (and the various remotes) the television and electric fireplace switched to life. Basking in the warmth and comfortable silence with the lack of interruptions or others surrounding them was different. A good different!
It was a welcome change to the usual deafening music and hard-to-keep-up-with conversations. Natalie was sure the neighbours agreed with her stance too. Hell even the sound of fake nails scratching down a blackboard was better than- Natalie shivered.
She half tuned into the news broadcasting stations as they relayed info on rallies and the like but David’s murmurs took her attention soon after.
“I wish I was Zane, man” He said drowsily. He clutched a nearby blanket to his chest as Natalie looked on.
“Hmm? Why’s that?” Natalie pondered as she riddled with the remote, twirling it around her fingers. “Because I dont! I can’t handle Zane usually, nevermind a Zane 2.0.” She laughed good-naturedly. However her hearty laughter soon dimmed as she heard David’s pathetic attempt at a fake chuckle. Something Liza could never do, but we shan’t get into right now.
“But you love Zane!” David sniffed and stared blankly at the plasma screen television. I love you too, Natalie felt inclined to say but couldn’t. Or maybe that’s more of a wouldn’t.
“True that but-“ The brunette let her high ponytail down and shook out her hair till it tumbled down her shoulders. “-It doesn’t mean I want another one of him!” She illustrated her words with arm gestures. David paid more attention to those than her words.
“Yeah. Makes sense.” He shrugged and blinked rapidly in order to stay awake.
Just as Natalie thought David had drifted off beside her he piped up again.
“I just think that Zane’s- Zane’s real lucky.” He slurred out. Natalie scoffed and shoved him gently.
“Says the multi-millionaire! Zane has got an ant infestation for the second time this week.”
“I don’t like it when my aunt visits either.” David sympathised. He raised his arms as Natalie tucked the blanket properly over him. She smiled. The opportunity to stroke his chest during the process for a moment, just a moment, was not passed up by her.
Her fingers trickled over a semi solid resting place and her thumb grazed his chest over his, you guessed it, black t-shirt.
“Zane gets Natalie hugs. They’re the best type of hugs! And- and Zane gets- Zane gets all the hugs.” David’s head lolled about as he struggled to sit up, his view still littered with the aftereffects of alcohol.
A lump grew in Natalie’s throat as his words sunk in. She had expected his usual tirade of drunken rambling and unrealistic vlog ideas but this? This seemed much more than that.
The brunette eyed him up, pensive.
“Do you like hugs Davey?” She questioned softly. Amidst his playing with the zipper of her open jacket he replied, “Nah. I just like your hugs.”
Guilt washed over her like waves tumbling ashore and she wasn’t sure exactly why. I mean it’s not like she rejected his hugs or affection per se, aside from that one time he was coated head to toe in slime. However the pair had lost that physical closeness they had as adolescents.
A flashback struck her, multiple ones really. Of Jason remarking on her ‘disgusted’ facial expressions during Datalie talk podcast segments. Of the incredibly awkward hug shared between the pair after her car surprise. Of her hugs with Zane. Cosied up pictures with Ilya and Jeff. Where did David come into things?
It’s not that she did something wrong to David, it’s just that she didn’t do the initiating. Not really anyways. It was always him.
Natalie’s attention fell on David as he prodded her thigh.
“You okay Nat?” His face was scrunched up slightly in worry. “Usually I cant get you to shut up!” He teased happily. Natalie’s mouth dropped open in mock offence and she punched him on the shoulder.
“Oi!” She let out a giggle. ‘Wait did that sound seriously just come from me?’
His cheekiness eased a smile on her face.
“C’mere.” With that she tugged his head down on her chest and collarbone area and sunk back with him resting on her against the soft cushions of the couch. Sober David would probably have frozen him and wouldn’t be sure whereabouts to place his hands. This David was a whole other story!
The fireplace sent an orange glow around the room, paired alongside with whatever visuals reflected from the television. They were both otherwise preoccupied to notice the broadcasts.
Meanwhile Smirnoff ridden David snuggled right in against her. God the biggest smile decorated her face to the point where her highlighted cheeks ached and she tried to contain it in case he looked upwards. She cautiously but warmly wrapped her arms around him. His mop of hair tickled her rosy cheek as she rested it on there but you’d hear no complaints from her and that’s for sure!
He smelt of laundry detergent and a sort of clean cottony scent. Yes she took a sneaky breath in. She hoped her perfume, a flowery concoction, wasn’t overly empowering or strong. Him burrowing even closer served her her answer.
David wound his arms beneath her jacked and around her waist and his grip didn’t loosen until he dozed off. Shy whispers of promised changes filled the air from Natalie.
To be continued! This is very superfluous (new word of the day!) but I’m a sucker for detail and as is the person who inspired this🌷 I’ve been awol for god knows how long because of the leaving cert prep but I’m back! I’m filtering through requests and it’s taking ages to write them out but do send more in! It may take a while but I’ll get to them 💕 Hope people enjoyed!
It takes a second or so to like or even comment (if you’re a fast typer) but that second makes me smile for like a trillion hours.
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rowbeana · 4 years
sometimes i have dreams and then remember them post #23
IT’S BEEN A YEAR??? lmao well that’s fair and this dream is wild enough to be worth the wait
so it started off stressful with my friend (and i?? idr) moving. now that i’m thinking about it, the friend was claire or maybe it was simply maya hawke but anyways. our other friend...lauren lapkus...akljskd was helping us move by driving the uhaul. SO, FOR SOME REASON, MY FRIEND WAS SITTING IN THE BACK OF THE UHAUL WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY NOT SAFE AND IDER HOW THIS WORKED BUT I WAS LIKE HOLDING ONTO SOMEONE TIED TO THE BACK FOR DEAR LIFE AND HOPING NOT TO DIE
sadly. when my friend got in, she fucked up so the uhaul was slightly open and lich rally her head was sticking out a little and she was stuck and lauren started driving and i was like??? THIS IS. SO DANGEROUS and my friend was like. mad but she said it was fine and i was like...IT’S NOT BUT OKAY.
eventually, we’re on the freeway and the uhaul like opens completely (and now i’m remembering lauren had stuff in it too, idk what was going on) and stuff falls on us so we both tumble off/out of the vehicle and lauren doesn’t notice and keeps driving.
i guess...i thought she would realize soon enough so i’m not THAT panicked?? i said something about feeling bad about all our stuff falling out skhdf. but i’m on my phone trying to figure something out and i think my friend wanders away? idr how we meet this priest guy and he offers to? help us? he ends up taking us to what looks like a hotel but his house is in the back idk lmao and he puts us in this underground cell things with his daughters and i don’t know! what he said we were supposed to do there, work? but i was like...um no LMAO?
so i’m like what the FUCK and i leave but my friend is like what’s the point and accepts her new life and i’m like. BITCH IT’S BEEN TWO SECONDS, YOU ALREADY QUIT? BYE IG. i sort of remember the priest guy chasing after me yelling but i was like fuck off!! god!!!
i end up back on the same stretch of highway bc this is a tiny town, fsr a mom and her daughter are there. i think this is where i learn about how the priest guy injects people with something that kills them unless they use an inhaler and no that doesn’t make sense. but basically his “church” is clearly a cult and i’m like...now why did we have to fall off the uhaul in this weird ass town!
i’m desperately trying to contact lauren but i message her through an app like wire but not bc wire does let you make phone calls and i couldn’t figure out how to call her and i did get in contact with her but she gave me a really confusing way to get her number and i was like!! my dumb friend is probs gonna die soon so why all this!! i tried but i kind of gave up bc fsr i went back to get my friend
somehow days had passed? maybe. don’t ask! she’s not looking great and she’s been working and she’s like part of their creepy family now and i’m like well stop i’m gonna save you! but again she is useless. some stuff happens -- there’s like? a college on their compound/in their giant hotel building ashkdjf? and i...end up being a professor, sure why not...omg this reminds me i had a pet dog and he could talk ASLJKDH YEAH SOMEHOW I FORGOT THAT BECAME A PART OF THE DREAM AT THIS POINT
i try setting up my classroom and another class is in session across the way and whatever why am i doing this lmao. then some time later idk me and my friend get injected by the priest bc it’s “time” to die (just cult tings) and he also injected himself and his whole fam but he injected them a bit before us so when they start dying we’re like...sHIT WHERE’S AN INHALER. BUT FSR MY FRIEND IS STILL DEFEATED AND NOT EVEN TRYING AND IM LIKE OKAY WELL I WANT TO LIVE SO CAN YOU HELP. and she does bc she finds an inhaler and i use it and i’m like hope that helped! and i make her use it and we’re vibing bc the priest is dead now so! swag!
i’m in my classroom, to get my dog bc fsr i guess he lives there, and there’s a college party and these cool girls come over and i’m like oh i’m actually a professor here and one of them kind of starts to be like that’s cool-- but i say and i’m quitting because get me the fuck out of this town and she’s like of course bc ig they have a high turnover rate at the school akhsd and they seem Liberal and Normal so i’m like. yeah i was almost killed by that cult leader so! and they’re like...blink...yes that sounds bad!
there’s literally a time jump and suddenly we’re playing a game at this party and my friend is my partner for the game and (she might be kali at this point lmao) suddenly everyone leaves but i was facing away from everyone and i gather that there’s a new cult guy and he’s there and as my friend is like “oh no...rowan you’ll never guess who it is” my eyes land on some writing on a wall or something about who it is and i’m like...unfortunately i know!
so i turn around and soren JKSHD IS WEARING THESE WHITE ROBES IDK AND HE LOOKS bad....and i’m like...now what the fuck....and i’m not scared he’s gonna hecking inject me so i like hit him and i said ARE YOU A MURDERER NOW? AND HE SAID SOMETHING LIKE...WHO CARES THESE PEOPLE ARE UNCLEAN OR WHATEVER AND I WAS LIKE. SIGH
then i woke up <3
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aaronhart93-archive · 4 years
discord II text Roman & Aaron
Discord thread featuring: Aaron and @romanbeckett​
Mentions: @davieslandon​ @malakhai-ozera​ @jayceelynd​ @alison-haynes​
Where: Aaron is at his house and Roman is at his house.
When: evening of May 26th-monrning of May 27th, 11:30p-2:30a
Description: Roman texts Aaron and they talk all night until they both fall asleep
Trigger Warnings: smut, what I would imagine harry’s peen to look like, really cute shit
Khai broke up with me, so. With us.
with Jay and I. And he left.
oh my god...im sorry Ro
Can’t say I didn’t see it coming.
what did he say? Like why...?
He told us that he loved us but needed time to work on himself or whatever.
I don’t know Khai that well but it does seem like he’s got a lot of shit to figure out
how are you doing with it?
and jayc? Should I reach out to her or....does she not know we’re talking
you can talk to her if you want. I think we both just don’t really know how to feel to be honest.
im sorry
i hope he's okay
and i hope you and Jayc are okay too
don’t be lol honestly Aaron, I set myself up for it the second I agreed to close myself off, knowing all of the issues I need to work through as well
contrary to popular belief, I’m far from having it all figured out.
that makes two of us
that was quick tbh
Yeah. I just feel like an idiot.
what no....thats not what i meant
how are you
okay....no please dont feel like an idiot. its his fault not yours
im....okay....getting better than i was last week
miss you though not gonna lie
I miss you, too. A lot.
im sorry
idk why i am i just feel like i need to apologize
you have nothing to be sorry for lol at all
if anything, I’m sorry.
for bringing you into all this drama
and making you eat at a Chinese buffet lol
making me eat at a Chinese buffet is the only thing you have to be sorry for
i inserted myself into this mess as well. and didn't pull out once i realized who you were to landon
does it make me immature if I laugh at you saying you didn’t pull out once?
I might just be high, but now I can’t stop laughing lol
im sober and laughing so
well not sober
i had a few drinks
everyone knows you’re a lightweight Aaron, stop tryin’ to be sly lol
who you callin a lightweight, lightweight?
only when I haven’t eaten anything LIGHTWEIGHT
michelle tanner voice
You miss me. Just a reminder.
you miss me
another reminder
I’m not the one calling you rude lol
you called me out for being a lightweight and i retaliated
forgive me
you’re in denial is what you are :fingerguns2:
but I’ll forgive you.
idk you'd think for how much i drink i'd have a higher tolerance
i need therapy
probably lol I’ll go with you
lol couples counseling?
I actually think it would be quite funny to see what they have to say about US
i need a therapist to tell it like it is
then again i do have ali
that woman calls me out on my shit literally daily
maybe shes just a free therapist
LMAO that’s...amazing. I like her already.
she do be driving me up a wall
shes family
Ah, family. I’ve been trying to get my sister here, but she’s being an ass lol
who wouldn’t want to move to New York
satans demons.
whats keeping her from coming?
she’s not as hellbent on big cities as I am lol
city life has always been for me
arent you from manchester? is that not a big city?
it’s not New York lol
she lives in the country now though.
no city is new york
exactly lol
what are you doing
besides getting high
I’m naked on the couch eating cherry gilato while watching good mythical morning on YouTube
i would very much like to be naked on a couch with you
I painted my nails and did a facial first lol i could do yours as well
ill take the facial
i couldn't pull off the nails though
you’d look so kickass with some black nails
you think?
hell yes. Even a sky blue, like those eyes
i blush
maybe we can try the toe nails first
in case I end up hating them
OH, I’m also trained in Swedish massage, head to toe. If you want a personal spa day
that would just give me a boner
well, it’s a FULL body massage after all.
dont tempt me
Aaron. I just.
is it bad that I don’t want to stay away from you anymore?
that’s a dumb question
I know it’s bad.
its not dumb
I don’t want to stay away from you either
but I promised Landon
I know. So did I.
You’re right, I’m sorry.
he’s my best friend
dont be sorry
im glad you’re being honest with me
I just don’t see Landon being okay with this anytime soon
I know! I know. He’s mine too, and I care about him more than I care to admit. I shouldn’t be like this.
damn this is fucked up
I shouldn’t have said anything
I wish this could be easier
im the one that started with the boner references
Not really. I offered you a massage
okay yes but
I told you I wanted to be naked with you
because I said I was naked
I just don’t want you blaming yourself that’s all
I know, but it is what it is. I made a mess of everything, and now everything I had is ruined lol I deserve it.
I’m sad you think so little of yourself
I don’t. It’s just consequences. I made bad decisions, and now I have to deal with the consequences. That’s all. It’ll all be okay.
I wish I could make you feel better
you already do. I promise.
I just smiled
show me?
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omg bad idea my heart
you’re so fucking jahshsbzjdndjendj
I’m mad at you
for looking like that
Well i can’t stop thinking about u
let me just
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yeah I kept drinking
and as we’ve established I’m a lightweight
okay I showed you a selfie now you should be a selfie
oh yeah? Trying to boss me around again are ya?
do what daddy says
Roman.BOTToday at 2:02 AM
yes daddy.
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brb gotta go jack off
not kidding
you don’t need a better picture than that to do the deed
??? Lolll
I mean....you could send me some
Roman.BOTToday at 2:09 AM
Does this help?
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holy fuck
ugh I wanna fuck you so bad
and put all of you in my mouth
I want it too. I shouldn’t, but I do. I want you to fuck me with my hands tied behind my back, and you pulling on my collar from behind.
fuck don’t put those thoughts in my head or I’ll act up
I wanna tie you up so bad
and punish you for being so naughty
I’d want to call out your name so loud, but you’d have to let me.
you can’t do anything without my permission
I’ll do my best daddy. You know I like to make you proud.
Ro I just came into a sock so hard
I want you so bad but the fact I can’t have you makes that even hotter to me
forbidden fruit, hm?
you’re my forbidden fruit for sure
wish I could have been there to help
you did enough helping trust me
are we terrible people lol
I know
we are
im trying though
so that’s gotta count for something
I hope it does, for both our sakes lol
if this doesn’t work out we can always be together in hell
that sounds like a rightful ending
at least I’ll be tan.
we’ll both be hot and tan chilling in hell together
and we can fuck all we want
sounds like the next big Netflix series.
could you imagine a Netflix series about us
no, I’m scared to lol it would be more insane than Tiger King
you think our lives are more insane than Tiger King?!?
scary, right??
thats definitely...quite the comparison
I would have loved to have seen your face watching it for the first time
watching that together would have been so fun
I can picture us watching that and freaking out together
maybe one night we’ll trip acid and watch it again
confession I’ve never tripped before
do it with me!
I mean yeah I used to do a lot of coke when I got drunk and sometimes still do but that been the extent of my drug use
hahaha I will trip with you, Roman Beckett
aces! Just tell me when and where, and it’s a plan!
but yeah let’s do it this weekend
I’m British you knob. Shut up lol
I know MATE I was making fun of you
sends long audio clip making fun of Aaron’s New York accent
I do say that though
I know, I’ve listened to you talk enough
it’s cute though
ready for bed?
just about
I was gonna go to bed a while ago but wanted to keep texting you
tuck me in lol
do u want me to tell you a bedtime story
yes, but make it snappy
and I want warm milk
so bossy
but okay
you know I’m spoiled.
that must’ve been my fault
okay Des like this one:
By the African river, know as the Nile The sun fell away and it rested a while The rhinos had braved all the smoldering heat They lay down to sleep as they wiped off their feet The elephants marched to their elephant beds And gently they rested their elephant heads Slowly the hippos sank into the river The water so cold that it gave them a shiver (Hippos can't swim, like the pelicans think They also can't float, they could easily sink) The hippos went bathing in cool, shallow pools Thinking the rhinos and elephants fools Underwater, they fell to the soft river bed On darkish green plants with a smidgen of red They strolled on the bottom, then bounced up for air They did it for hours, without any care The fish followed closely, and wove in an out Under their belly, and up to their snout Each of the hippos came up to the shore To feed on the grass by the river once more They dried off their bodies by shaking and stomping And took bites of grass, chewing and chomping With night fading fast, they were full from the feast The sun returned back, rising up form the east The hippos crept off to collapse for the day While rhinos and elephants got up to play Enjoying the warmth of the sun and its light Never knowing the story of hippos at night
just read it in my New York accent you’re so good at
goodnight Lois
that was perfect. Goodnight Clark.
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ohgoddard · 4 years
Fist of Fire.6.
Jade had been going to Reverse’s afterschool activities for around seven weeks now, and it has been hell. Especially after the first meeting. It was like a switch was flipped in Reverse’s head, and Jade had no idea why. But, all of a sudden, training had gotten infinitely harder. And I fucking hate it, Jade thought during one such practice. She had been subjected to miles of running, flights of stairs, and tonnes of weight. And that was just the general training, the specialized training was far more grueling. Reverse, in an act of surprising intelligence, had begun putting Jade into refrigerators and telling her to, “make yourself warm.” Usually this was said with a quick smirk, or a joking look. But ever since that first practice day, Reverse had been anything but cordial and happy.And, for some reason, just to her. He has been so much more serious and pushy to her in her training than to any of the others. So, as Jade sits in a freezing room, she thinks to herself.  I wonder what the hell happened to him.Why does he hate me all of a sudden?..I wonder if anyone else is getting it this bad.
Riley was currently being chased by someone whom she considered unable to do such a thing. Her arms were pumping in tandem with her legs and she was moving at peak speed. Yet..
“Not fast enough.” Riley looked to her right and saw Reverse there, running at what looked like a leisurely jog. Then he winded his left arm back and threw a jab for her head. She ducked instinctively and as a result tumbled forward onto the ground, stopping completely. Reverse stopped mere feet away from her, and started slowly walking towards her. “This is the farthest you’ve gone with me on your tail,” he said while taking out a phone,” and I dare say your best time yet. 200 miles in 7 minutes? Nowhere near Whirlwind’s, but you're making good time. However, your reactions are garbage and you slow down too easily. You have to be able to take as many hits than you can give, if not more.” Riley slowly got up and dusted herself off. They were miles away from the city of Atlanta, somewhere in the mountains surrounded by trees and forest for all the eye can see. She looked around at her arms, which had gotten decidedly bigger and more defined since Reverse’s training, and saw the many bruises on them.  “Riley, you are making great progress on your speed but running is only going to get you so far. You also have to practice attacking. I want you to do 150 reps of those distance punches we’ve done before.”
Riley hopped to her feet. “Sir, with all do respect, “ she said while taking huge breaths, “I could attack you right now. I was just confused about the drill we were doing. That's all.” Reverse’s face did not change at all at the challenge. Neither did Riley’s, keeping a stone cold gaze the entire time while staring into the face of her teacher. But…
Oh my god why did I say that?! Riley's head was now exploding with terror. He is going to work me even harder than before. Why didn’t I just take the original workout? I'd be done quicker oh no oh no no no - “Really?” Reverse’s singular word cut through RIley’s train of thought like a knife. Riley was keeping her complexion the same, but she had no doubt he looked right through her. He’s going to kick my ass. He’s going to do it right here, right now. Im dead. “Hm. Well then , I have a bet.” A BET??! AM I GONNA-  Riley slaps herself in the face. All thoughts are gone, all of a sudden. “Oh yeah? What's your bet?” Reverse started doing stretches, and started to explain. “We’re going to have a race. Back to the school. You win by getting there first, or punching me. Whichever is easier. I win by just getting there first. Sounds stacked in your favor, don’t it?” Riley was eying up the boxer,her arms now crossed and her eyes slit in suspicion. 
“What's the catch?” Reverse looks up, and a nasty grin crawls across his face. “You win, you go home for the day. I win? We box until you fall from exhaustion.” Riley’s whole body began to feel numb. The mere thought of going to toe-to-toe with one of the biggest hand to hand professional heroes was suicidal. Reverse has sent more than enough people to the hospital, and about an even amount to the grave. She was going to have to win this..or else. “ Ok, I take your deal.” And with that Riley instantly started running. Well, running isn’t the right word. More like skating on air. She was already 50 miles out from Reverse when he caught up to her. “Nasty trick you pulled, but it only gave you the head start. Not the victory.”
Riley pumped the brakes a small amount and got behind Reverse. He turned behind her in confusion. Why is she slowing down? What is she doing with that rock? Oh no! I'm about to be hit in the head by a rock!...That’s probably what he’s thinking at least. Riley’s thoughts tended to get in the way of things. She positioned herself a bit to the back right of him, and dropped a rock. When she did, her foot came around and kicked it straight at him. Reverse skidded for a bit, tripping over the rock. Riley sprinted farther ahead, only 100 miles left. She looked behind her and saw Reverse gone. Did I trip him?!  She turned her head to the front and-
“Peek-a-boo”. Reverse let loose a right hook right into her temple, and Riley almost tripped forward again. But.. this time she caught herself before she made the full fall. And in a moment of inspiration..
Reverse suddenly tripped over his feet and lay face first on the ground. When he looked around, he saw no sign of Riley. And when he looked at his feet. “That clever bastard!” His shoes were tied together. Reverse began laughing.
Back at the school, Riley stumbled into the classroom, exhausted. She walked to her desk and collapsed.”Need something?” Riley slowly lifted her head from her arms and looked in abject horror as Reverse was sitting at his desk, drinking a bottle of water. “How..how!? HOW!” was all Riley could say. “I have to admit, I did like your trick. You pulled one on me. Looks like those legs aren’t the only fast part about you. I’ll have to augment your training.” He stood up and walked over to her, and she noticed his beat up ...feet? “I took off my shoes. Actually makes me run faster. Ain't that something?” He set down a cold bottle of water on her desk and began walking back to his desk. “No boxing for us today, sadly. You did a good job today, and pulled one over on me. Hitting isn't just about pure strength, you know. Go home.” As Riley began to sit up and walk out the door, she turned around. “Was I the only one who showed up to practice today? You only really attended to me.” Reverse looked at her with a preposterous look. “Only you? During our training today I got to every single one of the team member’s training. I took breaks from running to go see them, then I would catch up to you, scare you a bit, then went to go check on another.” “Oh..I see.” Riley walked down the hallway, knowing that at any point today Reverse could have overtaken her, and only chose not to because he had other things to do.
Jade was still in the Refrigerator. And was covered in flames. Up to her collar in it. I did it! I could do it! I can create flame in extreme cold. I just needed motivation! Reverse walked back to the door, swinging a ring of keys in his hands. He peeked his head in the freezer. “Good job.” He then had to immediately duck back out as a blob of fire was thrown at his head.”YOU LEFT ME IN HERE FOR THREE HOURS!!!!!!” Jade screamed as she charged the door. It was closed, but it didn't matter as soon it melted away from her incessant pounding. “I did not expect you to make this much progress.” Reverse said from down the hall. He walked towards her with his hands clasped behind his back. Looking quite smug. “THREE HOURS.I ONLY SWEAT BECAUSE I'M MAD AT YOU!” Jade began to charge him again, but not before he whipped out a long red object and-
Jade was now covered in a towel. The Fire Extinguisher,now spent, rested in a corner. While Reverse was talking over the phone to the Dean, Jade shot daggers at him. He put me in a freezer for three hours today, left me in the south of Georgia for three hours another day. It's like he's trying to make me sweat anywhere. That's when it hit jade. Oh..He doesn't hate me. He is just finding the extremes I work at. He could have at least told me. “Jade there is something I have to tell you.”
Reverse stood up from his desk and started walking over, taking his wallet out. He pushed around receipts and other papers before he found the one he was looking for. He handed her a worn looking photo that had writing on the bottom. “Laurens SHS?” Jade read aloud. She looked at the photo and saw a bunch of people she kinda recognized. She remembered them as the people from Reverse’s ‘quirk assessment’ lesson. And a few other faces, like Huntsman and Meteor, young Reverse(“Wow you used to have a mullet?”), a scratched out face. And also..
“My dad? What's going on?” Why did you show me this?” Reverse took the photo and gently placed it back in his wallet. “Because something is going to happen to all the people in that photo. And, I'm afraid, all those related.” Reverse sat down on a desk next to her.
“Your father Victor, better known as the hero Helios, ran a private hero business called Laurens SuperHero Service. I'm not sure how much to already know so I'm just gonna say all of it, so bare with me. Anyways,” Reverse cleared his throat, “he ran this business. He started small, just himself, and quickly found out he was outmatched. So, he began to look for people to work for him. He could only pay for food and shelter, but for some that was enough. Including me. Before I met your father I was a street rat stealing to make up money for hospital bills. A lot of similar stories from the other people there. Remember Huntsman and Meteor? Your father saved them from a trafficking ring. Tapout was picked up from an orphanage, snowthrone an abusive house. Your father did a lot of good, just getting us out of there. We owed him a lot.”
Jade sat there, listening. She did not know much about her dad. Her mom never talked about him after the accident, not a word. So hearing all this, it was eye opening. My father was a saint.
“However,” Reverse continued, “the jobs we did were tough. We were bouncers at high-class parties,escorts for politicians, bodyguards at international conferences. We had our fair share of big fights, such as Nucleus at the START conference and Quantum at the WHO meeting. And we also had a fair share of fights among ourselves. Usual quarrels,nothing to get into really. Except one. Your dad and one other fought the most. His name was Quentin. You might know him as The Planeteer.” Jade was confused. “The Planeteer? That guy who could ‘talk to nature’?” Reverse chuckled. “Yes, the very same. He and your father would fight often over everything and anything. It got pretty ugly. But, the biggest fight was the one before the D.C. Job.”
Reverse took a deep breath, and took several gulps. Jade could see that talking about this was very uncomfortable for him. She would offer to stop, but she knew he would turn her down. She also had an interest in her own development though. “I remember it clearly. We were at the house, and Huntsman and I were cleaning up after dinner. I was cracking jokes, flirting(I didn’t know she was gay then), when I heard a huge crash. Huntsman and I took a look and saw Planeteer had thrown a chair out the window of the living room. He was pointing at your father and was yelling, ‘you could never take me seriously! You could never listen to me and my plans, my creations! I’ll show you what I can do! I’ll show you what i’ve built!’. After that, he stormed out the door.”
Reverse’s hands began to grip the desk, and Jade was afraid that it might break. “I think i know what happens next. My dad goes to D.C. and dies to the villain San Andreas after she creates a magma flow. You don’t have to explain it to me.” Reverse looked up at Jade, and she was taken aback. The most serious face she had ever seen was looking at her. “Your father would not have lost to San Andreas. Your father was killed and betrayed by Quentin Gaius. Otherwise known, as the Planeteer. And he recently killed Tapout, a member of the Laurens SHS, as well as his family. You are in danger. So, I hav-”
Jade interrupts him.”Tell me what happened. I hate being lied to, tell me right now.”
She stood up, towel falling off her. What she thought was angry sweat on her face was actually tears rolling down.”Tell me what really happened in D.C.”
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP.4
Last time on Beverly Hills 90210!
Hibiki begins to understand the true nature of the Sam Reimi Spiderman trilogy as she lives the life of a superhero by night and a normal student by day in the most miserable way possible. Constant cockblocking from the duties she explicitly chose to do distance her from her significant other Miku, as it drives wedges into their friendlationship. As Hibiki breaks off a plan prepped weeks in advance to see rocks fall from the sky, she takes out her frustration on the local Kamen Rider villian rejects before coming up to see Tsubasa, only to be greeted by a new face...
Let us continue!
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As the situation tenses between the three gi- hey! Hey, wait a minute! This is a flashback! That’s no fair. You’re just going to throw this to us while we’re trying to do this stuff? Get it together, show.
The show hauls our asses to a flashback, because God knows we needed one right now. It’s not just any flashback, though. It’s a flashback of our favorite redhead, Kanade!
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In a straightjacket.
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While everyone is staring.
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“i dont usually do this but you’ve got a bad case of catch-these-handsitis”
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“oh god, she’s so wild, and angry... i... why am i hoping she’s single...?”
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“aye. this is the fate of all rabiosexuals out there.”
Kanade is tied down because she’s the sole survivor of a Noise attack, and more importantly, she really, really wants to fight the Noise. What she doesn’t know is that she is potentially a new candidate for a Symphogear relic.
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“oh... we’d pair so well... our colors are diametrically opposed...”
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Genjuro, who suffers from Compulsive Child Adopting Syndrome (CCAS), immediately comes to the conclusion to adopt this tiny gremlin. It helps that her parents are, well, dead.
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Fatherly instincts vibrating intensely.
Genjuro talks to this small child, who is currently 99% anger and 1% chicken fluff, scanning their conviction towards working to the goal of fighting the Noise.
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In retrospect, his methods are a bit weird. Feeding into the extreme edginess of a 14 year old scorned isn’t exactly the best thing in the world. Unfortunately, as we established before, the only thing that can fight Noise are Symphogear, and the only reason he’s not in the front lines is because he can’t wield one.
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Kanade naturally obliges this deal, her braincells having long since perished alongside her parents. Then Perish indeed, Kanade.
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“buddy im being trained as a samurai in modern times and i still could not fathom going as hard as you”
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The pact is sealed. The child is adopted. Genjuro’s adoption addiction relapses, and he’s going to have quite a long talk at AA (Adopters Anonymous).
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The thing about Genjuro that makes him an interesting character is that he actually really, really, really hates the idea of having to pit children in fighting these horrible threats. Unlike a lot of male characters who have a strong sense of manliness but a poorly written way of expressing it, Genjuro manages to be a compassionate person in the face of all this terribleness. He’s the only person to think about throwing parties for these girls, and trying to give them any sort of sense of happiness and normalcy to their lives, now changed forever by machinations he has been put in charge of. He’s the Anti-Gendo. He doesn’t tell Shinji to get in the robot. He makes sure Shinji is well enough to be in the robot, and would never do so otherwise, knowing the mental toll.
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That’s why ultimately, he is The Dad.
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So, with that in mind, they prep Kanade to recieve the relic assigned to her. One of the major elements of using relics is compatibility. Kanade is not naturally compatible to Gungnir; they have to slowly ease her into it.
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“mumble mumble cant wait to kick their asses mumble mumble”
This is a process that takes years. The show doesn’t do well in showing this, but it takes many, many years for her to be compatible after endless medical examinations and controlled situations.
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The experiments, naturally, hurt like a bitch to boot.
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“genjuro she’ll be okay, right?”
“flip a coin on it, tsubasa”
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“oh shit yall see this news? pornhubs gonna buy tumblr! damn, i can make an all in one profile now.”
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When you’re forced to watch your newly adopted daughter torture herself to be compatible with an ancient, musty cursed relic.
After all that, Kanade still isn’t compatible. Of course, nothing is simple with Kanade. You may ask yourself, “Why did Genjuro have to tie up Kanade in a straitjacket? That seems pretty abusive.”
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Simply put, it’s because Kanade has never fucked around in any second of her life, having taken off all the devices on her, taken a direct syringe of the stuff she’s trying to synchronize with, and directly inject it into her, herself.
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Tsubasa, likely already going through puberty by this point, simultaneously understands both the concepts of fear and arousal witnessing this near suicidal display of absolute madness immediately.
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Holy shit, Kanade.
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You know shit’s bad when even Ryoko is afraid.
Turns out, however, that Kanade did the right move in becoming compatible with Gungnir, at a very physically demanding price.
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Really, physically demanding.
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“shouldnt have had that massive spaghetti carbonara before doing all this shit but fuck i really liked that fuckin’ spaghetti slorp slorp go the sauce ooooooooh god this is bad”
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The scientists, who have been easily staring at this entire situation for more than 5 minutes or more, have not stepped in to do a single damn thing, as if overpowering a 14 year old to stop her from injecting a dangerous thing that could directly kill her is completely out of their paygrade. Genjuro wakes them the fuck up and likely briefly contemplates firing some of these morons.
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“so this is what’s called... getting lost in the sauce...”
The scientists scramble to keep Kanade from vomiting more marinara sauce but Kanade exerts but a mere fraction of her now developing Symphogear abilities, knocking them all out with ease.
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“this is some shit right here, damn”
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Kanade pulls some Independence Day theatrics on everyone, as a 14 year old on the verge of death typically would if given the opportunity. Death may be certain but you at least get to go out in style. Will Smith would be proud.
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The half-life of Tsubasa’s fearousal reached completion as it has mostly decayed into fear at this point.
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However, the relic pendant begins glowing. This is likely the one thing that keeps Kanade from dying. An interesting comparison given Hibiki’s own survival and gear manifestation.
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Kanade achieves super saiyan.
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Tsubasa’s fear directly transmutes itself back into arousal per the first law of alchemy. Something to note is that Tsubasa was naturally receptive to her own gear; she didn’t need to go through the medical process Kanade went through. It’s because of this that Kanade earns Tsubasa’s admiration for life, even long after she dies.
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And so, the unambiguously gay duo known as Zwei Wing formed. Singers by day...
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Noise slayers by night.
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Saving the country, singing in the country, bonding together... in the country. Truly, there is no more iconic duo than these two.
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“yall sing pretty”
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“anyway bye”
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Kanade’s initial motivation for getting Gungnir was to kill the Noise indiscriminately with no hesitation. It slowly dawns on her, though, that helping people... is good?
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“the sauce lost me. i got lost in the sauce. i became the sauce. but... why don’t i... share, the sauce? because... people like sauce... and i like sauce... and we can bond together... liking sauce!”
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Kanade and Tsubasa have a Captain America moment running together as Kanade muses about how singing for other people feels way better than just pure murder funtimes.
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“hey, uh... tsubasa... it just hit me. i like sauce. and... you, you like sauce. do... do you want to share sauce together?”
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“kanade as your girlfriend ive literally heard you talk about sauce metaphors for the last several years and if you dont think i wont slurp your sauce down without hesitation you’ve got another thing coming”
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“hell yeah! ive still got some of my original leftover marinara to share!”
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No heterosexual explanation whatsoever.
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Not a damn one.
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Oh yeah...! Because by shedding tears, the reality you face is...
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Nehushtan? Weird end of a sentence, but okay.
We’re thrust back into the present time, present day, as we’re back in our three way throwdown.
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Genjuro is an extra large McFuckingPissed with Large Fries and a Shake, supersized.
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“you want some sauce with that? lmao, sorry, too soon”
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As the werewolves come out in full force, the tension strengthens while a battle brews nearby...
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“yall think you’re getting your hands on this goddamn armor without realizing im officiating this here gay pride parade. and guess what? you’re cancelled.”
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“didn’t know clowns were part of the acronym, let alone capable of managing it. either way, you’ve gotta be at least this tall to use the armor.” 
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“so why not make like a hobbit, drop the armor, and burrow back to whatever hidey hole you came from, bimbo baggins!”
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“guess you didnt read the books, moron. last i checked, bilbo doesn’t lose his traveling partners.”
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“that low blow only comes at the cost of outing yourself as a fucking nerd.”
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“im not ashambed. im gonna blow your mind with some math: my foot, plus your face, subtracting the teeth from your mouth, equals an ass kicking.”
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Hibiki gets in the way immediately, citing the ethical ramifications of fighting humans as opposed to talking to them, conveniently forgetting this was the same person ready to body her merely an episode or two ago.
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“hey first of all please don’t say bimbo thats really degrading, and second of all clowns aren’t actually in the acronym but im sure there are some gay clowns out there so please dont talk like that and thirdly im sorta short and that hurt my feelings and fourthly killing is fucking bad, tsubasa, let us not commit human on human murder”
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both of them, in unison, i shit you not:
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“yo, you like murder? shit. i like murder too!”
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“like oh my god! murder is my favorite hobby. i take it back, you’re chill. still gotta die, though.”
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Hibiki is casually tossed aside from this fight, given her very ideas are anti-thetical to fighting as a whole.
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A real sick battle ensues.
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Something to note is that our spunky opponent has another relic at her disposal which summons Noise. This relic is called Solomon’s cane. You’ll learn more about it later.
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Not a pretty sight.
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Tsubasa is losing. Not only is she losing, but the enemy cool kid reveals a very notable detail of her plan: She was distracted Tsubasa on purpose. The real plan...
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Was to kidnap Hibiki.
In an ironic twist, Tsubasa’s inability to work with her teammate not only put her teammate in danger, but explicitly allowed her opponent to fulfill her mission of trying to capture her.
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“i changed my mind kick her ass please oh god”
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Hibiki still has not learned her lesson.
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Tsubasa gets her ass kicked. Her opponent pulls every punch in the book, with some lowdown dirty fighting.
Unfortunately, Tsubasa, having learned from the Kanade Amou Private School Of No Brain Cell Combat, she pulls the last ace from her sleeve.
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“lmao bitch whatre you gonna do, sing?”
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“i didnt design my hair like a fucking 8th note for nothing, you cabbage patch kid”
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“then let’s hear it, motherfucker.”
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