#god its day 91...
homeofjonicles · 2 years
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The Jonicles - Entry 23 (image above lovingly drawn by yours truly)
It is currently the 18th of August, 2022 at 8:29 am and it's a nice Thursday. It is also officially day #91 of my Jon Arbuckle hyperfixation, waaaay more than I thought this would ever last Three whole months, jeez... I don't really have any overly analytical character analysis for today, but instead, I have this story that I'm surprised I haven't told yet until now...
Today's entry regards an experience I had while playing the shitty 3DS version of Garfield Kart that I non-chalantly, ahem, ""legally aqquired"" through conviniently untold means. This version of the original Garfield Kart is probably one of my favourites, as even though the PC version looks absolutely stunning compared to this version, the 3DS version is clunky and unpolished, allowing me to clip through many areas and completely skip some. I have quite a lot of fun doing this in "Play Misty For Me", as with a couple of springs, I can easily skip over corners and most of the entire first turn of the map. It's fun seeing everyone else struggle whilst Jon happily makes leaps and flies through the air, wind blowing through his lovely curly locks.
But I'm not here to talk about glitches and tricks you can pull in one of the funniest racing games I've ever played. No, I'm here to discuss mortal enemies.
Everyone has an enemy in a racing game. In Mario Kart 8, my mortal enemies are Roy and King Boo. In Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing, it was most likely Billy. And in Garfield Kart, my mortal enemy is Squeak the mouse, one of Garfield's friends.
Now, if you're familiar with Garfield Kart's playerbase or have played it yourself, you may be wondering, "Jeremy, why is your mortal enemy Squeak? Nermal's way worse", and I would say that you're right, if Squeak weren't astronomically worse than Nermal, that is.
Squeak is an asshole when it comes to Garfield Karting. I don't know how, but this stupid tiny rodent can somehow reach the gas pedal with his weird little mouse feet and push on it hard enough in order to always have the winning spot in first place all to himself. He's always there, and poor Jon (my main) can never seem to catch up to him. He taunts Jon, bullies him, always laughs at him whenever he drives past. The little rat always has win and never lets anyone fly ahead... at least, on the PC version, that is. Jon always has to suffer the burden of being in last place when Squeak is around in the PC version, but in the 3DS version, that's a much different story. Due to the AI in the 3DS version being literally the dumbest thing I have ever seen (seriously, they crash into the map like moths fly into lamps), Squeak is no different, allowing Jon to take advantage of his new power and send that frustrating rodent in 8th place and below, right where he belongs.
However, this all changed one fateful day as I was just sitting there on my bed, happily racing around the twists and turns of Pastacosi Factory on my second lap, having a baller of a time. And so was Jon, as he was zooming around in first place, exactly where he should be, being the good boy he is. You know how in some racing games where you can become so first place that you end up looping around to the person in 6th place? That's what was happening here as I was driving towards the finish line and I could see a little kart driving around in front of me, and it looked like they weren't having the best time. Not thinking much of it, I drove closer towards them, ready to prove my might as a Jon main and speed right through the upcoming finish line. However, I spotted the very small frame of the head of the driver in the kart in front of me, and I realised that it was Squeak, my mortal enemy! I would have thrown a pie at him to prove my dominance, but considering I didn't have any items on me, I simply drove past, mocking him for being in last place and giving him a firm bump with my kart. After so many lost races because of this little rodent, I felt alive, having put Squeak in his place once and for all and proving that Jon is superior among the crowd of the other Garfield Karters...
... That was, until I heard a very familiar sound from behind me. It sounded like a sort of woosh, and I thought that maybe Squeak had just thrown a pie at me, and I was about to retort with another shove, but I realised that Squeak was... im front of me? But I had already driven past him, how could he suddenly just be in front of me now? Confused and slightly disoriented, my eyes darted up to the place indicator thingy, and it displayed the number 6 instead of 1...
I then realised that the woosh sound I had heard was not a pie, but instead, it was the woosh sound the magic wand item makes when you hit someone with a spark of magic, and it all suddenly clicked. Squeak, in an act of apparent revenge, had hit me with a magic spark and swapped places with me, putting him in first place and leaving me deserted in 6th place once again, and it all happened within the matter of 3 seconds. I was dumbstruck, stupified, bamboozled. My jaw dropped I watched the little pixels belonging to Squeak speed away on the little screen. That little rodent, that little bitch, after so long of having to go through endless races full of pain, loss and homicidal urges, had just duped me and stolen my spot completely out of nowhere. Needless to say, I was offended. Incredibly offended. I was doing so well, I hit all the shots, I was king, and then this tiny little rat boy came and swiped that all away.
I paused the game, took a deep breath and uttered the words "man fuck you squeak" and started a new race, because I knew. What did I know? I knew that I had, absolutely HAD to deal with this in the most efficient way possible. I had to exterminate this foul animal, this foul beast, and I was going to do it right there, right that moment. The moment that solidified my hatred for Squeak.
So now, every time I see this little rat boy, I sneer at him, throw insults and generally taunt him at every opportunity. When I was reading one of the KaBOOM! Garfield comics, I made the horrifying discovery that Squeak was the lead narrator for the comic, so every time the annoying little rat reared his ugly head, I insultes his narration skills and made threats of homicide and general violence towards the little mouse. Every time I see him onscreen in The Garfield Show, a cartoon that he's apparently a pretty big character in, I heckle him and call him disgusting. I especially dislike his stupid little voice, every time he speaks, I clench my fists and go "shut up, Squeak, no one asked". I found this really nice wallpaper of all the main Garf characters smiling and I was about to set it as my phone background when suddenly, I noticed Squeak's stupid dumb little smile right on the corner and I immediately regretted my descisions, pissed that he had once again wormed his way into my life. He is the bane of my very existence, and needless to say, whenever Jon asks Garfield to catch the mice running rampant in his house, whenever he sets traps to finally catch the stupid little assholes, I empathise with him, and I wish him well in the hopes that maybe one day, Jon will finally catch Squeak and, I dunno, feed him to a beranda snake or something. Just get rid of him already, I'm sick of seeing him, let alone thinking about him!
So, with that said, I don't really have any deep insights to give, apart from the fact that I hate Squeak and he fucked my wife. Thank you for once again reading my insane ramblings about Garfield characters and I hope all of you stay safe from this tiny little tyrant, he needs to be stopped. Take care guys :)
Last edited at 4:06 pm. i ated a pop tarts and now my body feels funny
Day #91! Hoooly bejeebus! As the top of this entry says, I never thought I'd actually get this far... Anyway, please enjoy my very tired retelling of this short story. Maybe I should make a parody blog dedicated to hating Squeak, like the Jon hate blog...
Your Local Jonnoisseur
Posted on the 18th of August, 2022 at 4:43 pm.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
So reader is baking cookies for Penny to take in her lunch and she steps out and asks them to take them out for her. Big mistake. Reader comes back to find Eddie and Penny red handed and there are like two cookies left so now she has to make a whole new batch :/
loved writing this one and hope everyone likes the new addition to the fam ;) steve’s SO is implied to be another character from (CYM) but i also like the idea of inserting readers into the scenario with him which is why no name or description is provided. happy reading, and PLEASE let me know if you like it. as always, reblogs are appreciated!!! took a little inspiration from look who’s talking :)
Cookies ‘n Clean - Fall of ‘91 (young parents!Eddie Munson x fem!reader)
𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
summary: if anyone had told you you’d be having this type of conversation with a four year old while making cookies, you definitely wouldn’t have believed them. and eddie still can’t say no to your daughter.
warnings: fluff, talk of assigned sex and gender identity (keep in mind, this conversation is with a child so it may not be as in depth as some would like, it is also based on a conversation i had with my little nephew), mentions of colic, judgement free zone
word count: 2.4k+
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“Shit,” You mumbled, hurriedly wiping your hands of any dough on a kitchen towel before rushing over to where the phone rang on its holder.
“Hello?” You spoke into the receiver, shouldering the phone before you went back to mixing the chocolate chips with the dough in the large bowl over the counter.
“Hey!” Your best friend’s voice sounded a bit faraway, like she’d stepped away from the phone while she rang you and rushed back once you’d picked up. “Sorry if you’re busy—wait, are you busy?”
“Uhhh,” You glanced around at the kitchen counter, covered with baking materials and flour. The floor looked no better, the flour fall out on the floor had tiny little handprints pressed into it, baby Wayne had been working on a masterpiece before Eddie came to the rescue and hauled him off for a bath. Penny had gone with him, having given herself the title of Daddy’s Little Helper. Penny’s first day of preschool was tomorrow, and you had wanted to make her some cookies, what with how big of a fucking deal it was that your four year old was approaching her school days. It kind of scared you, actually. “No, not really. Why? What’s up?” “I’m pretty sure Winnie’s got colic, she’s down for a nap right now, but I was hoping I could borrow that book you had about it. I’m going crazy over here, I feel so bad when she’s screaming like that, and Steve starts crying whenever she cries.” Of course Harrington would, he was big softie for his newborn.
“Yeah, of course. Let me just put these cookies I’m making into the oven, and then I’ll bring it over.” You could hear the heavy sigh of relief she heaved.
“Thank you so much. I owe you one.”Once you’d hung up, you finished mixing everything together and began placing the cookie dough on the parchment covered baking sheet.
“Eddie?” You called out into the hall before returning to the kitchen to slide the cookies into the oven and setting the timer. He appeared at the hallway entrance, leaning against the wall and holding the baby coddled in a comically large towel with Penny in tow.
You snapped yourself out of your stare—God, seeing that man with kids, especially your own, would never fail to get you going—and Eddie gave you a knowing smirk.
“I’m gonna run a book over to casa de Harrington, I put the cookies in the oven already, can you just take them out when the timer goes off?”
“I think I can manage to do that. Not a hundred percent sure, but I’ll give it a go.” He teased, as you made your way over to give him a smooch, you could smell the baby shampoo he’d used on your son.
You turned your attention to your baby in his arms, just a little over a year old. Ever the grump, he didn’t appear too happy with the event he’d been recently subjected to. Though, he never looked like he enjoyed most things. He had his dad’s natural poker face. Always looked slightly intimidating until you started talking to him. “Mama will be right back, Waynie.” You cooed, pressing a kiss to his chubby cheek as your fingers danced gently against his little stomach rolls to tickle him. His grumpy face immediately split into a wide smile, you could see the four little teeth he had along with a new one that was starting to break through his gums.
He giggled and went to reach for you, face immediately dropping back into a scowl as if to say ‘why would you even tease me like that?’ when you forced yourself to step away. If you picked him up, you’d never leave.
Penny locked her arms around your legs in a quick farewell hug before she went back to asking her dad a stream of questions (her latest fad, she had to know the reason behind everything) related to why ‘Way’ got to pee in the bath and she couldn’t. The last thing you heard—and you made sure not to stick around too long after that—was, “Daddy, how come Way has a wom down thewe? I don’t go one of dose. Did I? Does it fa’ off?” Good luck, baby.
About an hour later, much longer than you had thought you’d be away, you finally made it back home.
Winnie had woken up a little into what was supposed to be your quick drop off, and boy did that baby like to scream and cry. You felt bad watching the new parents struggle so you’d attempted to help, trying to sooth her while Steve squeezed in a quick shower and your friend had disappeared to pump. Poor thing looked like her boobs were gonna pop any second, and not that there even was a good way, but it wasn’t in the good way.
They’d both returned at the same time, ready to take on their daughter as you coached them in how to position her and gave them some other new parent advice. Ironic, what with you having become a mother pretty young. You opened the front door, lips pursing at the immediate sight that greeted you, thanks to the position of the kitchen being directly in front of it.
“Seriously?” Penny beamed at you from her seat at the table, wiggling in her booster seat. “Hi, mama! Wook! Daddy and me and are eatin’ cookies!”
“I can see that,” You mused, eyeing the nearly empty baking sheet before them. Of course Eddie hadn’t bothered putting them on a plate.
Eddie at least had the decency to appear sheepish, as he finished off the cookie in his mouth. “Hi, baby, how’d it go?” An obvious attempt to distract you.
“Fine, Harrington’s got his handful over there. Remind me to ask him in a couple of months if he still wants five more of them. Hey, by the way, what the f—’’ You trailed off, eyeing your innocent four year old and the baby paying not even an ounce of attention in his highchair. “—udge, man. Where are the cookies??”
He rubbed the back of his neck, biting back a smile.
“Between me and Little bitty pretty one,” Penny giggled at the use of one of the nicknames her daddy had given her. It was her favorite, and Eddie could clearly tell, grinning over at her in response. “Gone, I’m so sorry babe. I took a bite of one, she asked for one, and then we just couldn’t stop.” Penny gave him a look that made him sigh. “Alright, fine. I couldn’t stop.” He’d cut her off after three, already not eager for how difficult it was going to be to put her to bed tonight. And the night before her first day of preschool—he knew full well he’d cry when they’d drop her off—she was just so hard to deny. Eddie blamed that on you, if she didn’t look so much like you, he’d have an easier time saying no.Obviously, you loved your husband and your family dearly. But you were incredibly annoyed, you didn’t like to use pre-made cookie dough often, yours was made out of scratch (and clearly why Eddie hadn’t been able to restrain himself or Penny) meaning you’d have to do it all over again so Penny would have them for tomorrow.
With a sigh, you grabbed your still dirty apron from the hook it was placed on and slipped it back on, tying the strings around your waist. “It’s fine, I’ll make some more.” The guilt must have been seeping in because Eddie immediately stood up and made his way to your side, “I’ll help! It’ll be faster that way, and I wouldn’t mind learning how to make them myself.”
“Me, too! I can help, too, mama!” Penny comically pushed her seat back from the table and Eddie went back over to help lower her down. “I can mix!”
He laughed as he picked her right back up and placed her back in her seat. “Then you need to be at the table to do that, sweetheart.”
“See, we got a whole little bakery going on—Hey!” Eddie managed to move aside, just barely avoiding the baby spoon flung at him. His eyes followed the direction it had come from, smirking in amusement at his son’s poker face. Wayne hadn’t appreciated seeing you upset, and being a mama’s boy, had stepped up to defend you.
Or maybe he just felt left out. He was still a mama’s boy nonetheless. You walked over, pulling him out of his high chair, “Aw, Waynie baby wants to help, too. So sweet. Can mama have a kiss?”
You raised him to your face and he immediately placed his little hands on the side of your face to give you a drooly kiss, or rather his version of a kiss. He kind of just tried to nom on your face.
“Not sure how throwing utensils at me is offering to help, but he’s cute so I’m gonna let him get away with it.” With one last kiss to his head, you ran your hands through his curls—he had fluff on the sides of his head, but most of his curly hair ran down the center of his head, giving him something of a curly mohawk which his dad adored—before handing him over to Eddie, while you raided the cabinets for more ingredients.
Eddie helped shift some of the bowls around before a realization dawned on him and he groaned. “They’re both gonna need a bath after this."
That seemed to catch Penny’s attention, she piped up from her spot at the table, “OH YEAH, DADDY! How comes I don’t have uh penis?”
You did a double take, blinking hard over at her before you turned to your husband who was already watching you with a smirk. “You still haven’t told her?”
“Oh no,” he laughed, and so did Wayne, though he only did it because he was amused with his dad laughing. “We agreed that if we had a boy I would explain it, and if we had a girl, you would explain it to her. There’s our girl, honey.”
You shoulders slumped in defeat. Damn, you did remember saying that. “I’ll remember this,” you threatened, all smiles despite the circumstances.
“She’s waiting, hon.” He kissed the top of your head, still chuckling as he moved to open the fridge and grab the butter with the arm that wasn’t holding Wayne. “You don’t have a penis, because you were born with different parts. See, mommy has the same thing as you. But daddy has a penis, just like Wayne.”
It looked like the wheels were turning in her head. “ ’S because Way is a boy and imma girl?” You could tell Eddie was trying to act like he wasn’t actively listening, but there was only so many times he could open and close the fridge when most of the ingredients are already out on the counter.
“In this case, yes. But not always, sometimes boys have penises, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes girls have vaginas—that’s what ours are called—and sometimes they don’t. What we have down there doesn’t always make us a boy or a girl. Sometimes it doesn’t make us either. It all depends on the person, and who we are.” You grabbed the little bowl containing a little bit of extra dough you had from earlier, and a bag of chocolate chips, setting them down in front of her with a wooden spoon. If anyone had told you you’d be having this type of conversation with a four year old while making cookies, you definitely wouldn’t have believed them.
Penny immediately picked up the spoon, waving it around in the air. “So I can be a boy?” “Of course, if that’s who you are, absolutely.” You poured a couple of chocolate chips into the bowl, and made a mental note to watch her while she mixed it when she began eyeing the chocolate chips with longing.
“O’ a girl?” “Yup. You can be a girl.”
“Whatuf I dunwana be a girl o’ boy?”
“Then you don’t have to.” “Whatuf I wanna be boff?” “Then you can be both.” “Okay! I few wike imma girl wight now. ’S dat okay?”
You loved her innocence so much, there wasn’t an ounce of judgment in her little body, she was so accepting. It scared you to be sending her into the real world like this, where you had no real way of keeping her away from the negativity, where she’d be exposed to it. But you and Eddie were determined to raise her to be a good person, regardless of who she turned out to be once she truly began to discover things for herself. “Yes, baby. You can be whoever you want. Just remember, no matter what, you’re always gonna be my baby.”
Penny seemed to be losing interest in the topic as she had started to mix the chocolate chips in with the spoon. “Wook, mama! Imma cook!”
“Yes, you are. And if you don’t steal out of the bowl, you can lick the spoon.” You could tell she wouldn’t be trying to eat the cookie dough with that promise having been made so you returned to your place by Eddie’s side. “Why are you looking at me like that?” He was staring at you in awe, a small smile on his face as he cradled Wayne to his chest. Apparently, he was daddy’s boy for the moment, snuggling right into Eddie.
“I just really lucked out with you. Really glad I knocked you up.” “You’re so romantic.” “I’m also stealing a lot of what you just said, by the way. It was really good and I wasn’t too sure of how I was gonna explain it when he starts asking questions. Thanks, honey. There’s a ton of butter in that, by the way, I got pretty distracted.” “That’s okay, I’m planning on getting distracted while you try to bathe the both of them later.” “That’s fair,” He grinned, leaning in for a kiss. Wayne babbled in protest as he was squished between your bodies.
Two hours later, the cookies were plated and cooling on the counter.
You and Eddie were both kneeling in front of the bath, shirts absolutely soaked due to some heavy splashing as you made sure Penny and Wayne were squeaky clean. “I knew you didn’t mean it.” His lips were curled up into a smug smirk.
“Shut up.” You laughed, squeezing your eyes shut when Wayne began to slap his hands on the surface of the water again. “God, I love you.”
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hotchaways · 2 years
pov: your instagram but you’re dating aaron hotchner (part 3)
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Liked by derekmorgan, e.prentiss and 84 others
its(Y/L/N): smile and fist bump if you’re in a secret relationship with each other! 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 #hossi
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e.prentiss: is this a way of saying that our ship is sailing?
↳ its(Y/L/N): yes it is, my lovely emily 👩🏻‍❤️‍👩🏻
↳ spencer.reid: hotch’s eyebrows just went deeper than the marianna’s trench.
↳ daverossi: i should have walked away if i knew you’d post about this.
↳ aaron_hotchner: i cannot understand why you always try to give me away to dave out of all people.
↳ spencer.reid: maybe because he’s closer to your age range
↳ daverossi: i will push the two of you out of the jet the next time we’re on it
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Liked by daverossi, itspennyg and 89 others
its(Y/L/N): suddenly this man, who ate way too much of the free taste at the festival, is not my boyfriend 😅
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e.prentiss: the woman looks….concerned
↳ derekmorgan: starved grumpy man must’ve scared her into giving him more food
↳ its(Y/L/N): yeah, you should’ve seen him scare the woman 😳
↳ aaron_hotchner: i…..did not eat that much. it was just a few bites.
↳ e.prentiss: psh hotch, you don’t have to lie to us. we won’t judge you
↳ jenniferjareau: we will admire your candor :)
↳ itspennyg: such bravery to be followed!! 🫡
↳ aaron_hotchner: i had a few plates….maybe 2 or 3.
↳ its(Y/L/N): you fucking liar, you had 5 plates
↳ spencer.reid: do you not feed your boyfriend?
↳ jenniferjareau: watch it spence, she just texted the group chat that she bought a baguette
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Liked by itspennyg, jenniferjareau and 91 others
its(Y/L/N): all smiles in the hotchner household :) just look at aaron’s dimple 🥺
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itspennyg: SO. MUCH. CUTENESS. 🥺💓 i love the two of you please get married :(
↳ e.prentiss: they’re so mushy in love with each other. for the love of god, you both are simps
↳ its(Y/L/N): how could i not 😩 he’s my dream man
↳ jenniferjareau: that you hit with a baguette?
↳ aaron_hotchner: she tells me she loves me afterwards.
↳ spencer.reid: why won’t you throw a loaf of bread back at her though?
↳ derekmorgan: jesus spencer, you’re really asking for her to smack you with one.
↳ aaron_hotchner: good luck on that, reid. my girl’s pretty good with the baguette 🙂
↳ daverossi: holy pasta man is not happy with the usage of bread in attacking each other.
↳ its(Y/L/N): keep an eye open when you sleep, you’re next
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Liked by daverossi, jenniferjareau and 87 others
its(Y/L/N): rainy weekends and stuck in traffic with this grumpy man 💓 wouldn’t have it any other way
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jenniferjareau: have a safe drive, you two!! and stay safe ;)
↳ itspennyg: JJ, WE GOTTA KEEP IT PG HERE. but also, sir hotch and lady (Y/N), have a great time up in california!!! 🥰
↳ its(YL/N): jennifer jareau, i will smack you when i get back. and penelope, i love you!! see you in a few days 💗
e.prentiss: is nobody going to notice how much sweeter (Y/N) has been to hotch lately?
↳ derekmorgan: …it’s been too peaceful lately, hasn’t it?
↳ spencer.reid: i miss their banter. and breads.
↳ aaron_hotchner: now im suspicious too. she might be breaking up with me.
↳ its(Y/L/N): HEY :( i would never :( and is it bad to show my boyfriend the love he deserves? 😤
↳ e.prentiss: so we’re the ones getting the baguettes now?
↳ daverossi: she’s definitely ordering one right now to hit all of you when she comes back.
↳ aaron_hotchner: yeah, she just placed the order. good luck, team
↳ derekmorgan: we are all fucked.
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Liked by e.prentiss, spencer.reid and 93 others
its(Y/L/N): throwback to the first photo of you in my phone– we weren’t together yet, but i had a crush on you when the team ate out. i found it funny to see you struggle with chopsticks, and you still do. thank you for loving me, i just love loving you. happy 2nd anniversary, aaron 💖
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aaron_hotchner: glad to have found you in this lifetime, sweetheart. here’s to eternity with you, happy anniversary, (Y/N) ❤️
itspennyg: currently not crying. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY LOVEBIRDS, PLEASE STAY IN LOVE 😭💗
↳ e.prentiss: happy anniversary you sappy little shits. will always defend the two of you when needed
↳ derekmorgan: hearing the wedding bells soon. happy anniversary you two! ❤️
↳ spencer.reid: this is wholesome. i think. anyways. happy anniversary to two of my good friends :)
↳ jenniferjareau: happy anniversary, hotch and (Y/N)! glad you two found home in each other 🥰
↳ daverossi: felice anniversario, aaron and (Y/N). for the love of the Lord, get married
↳ aaron_hotchner: thank you all for your wonderful wishes. i have to attend to my emotional girlfriend who is sobbing from your love
↳ spencer.reid: he just sent a picture of you with snot falling down in the group chat.
↳ jenniferjareau: spencer, we don’t want to be a homewrecker
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Liked by itspennyg, daverossi and 82 others
its(Y/L/N): some guy was bothering me at the coffee shop today? does anyone know him?
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e.prentiss: huh, no clue. have you reported it to the police?
↳ derekmorgan: pretty creepy he was smiling at the photo too. must think our friend here is pretty
↳ jenniferjareau: i heard grumpy men are out there for girls named (Y/N) 🤔
↳ spencer.reid: be careful, (Y/N). show them your baguette skills
↳ aaron_hotchner: you guys are unbelievably ridiculous. 🙂
↳ its(Y/L/N): hehehehe i love you aaron, come back
↳ jenniferjareau: i just love how (Y/N) is literally a child that hotch puts up with.
↳ aaron_hotchner: the things you do for love. 👍🏻
daverossi: ah, young love. so endearingly cute.
↳ spencer.reid: do you miss it from your age?
↳ daverossi: you’re an assclown, reid.
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Liked by jenniferjareau, derekmorgan and 99 others
its(Y/L/N): so i think it’s time to change my username now? 💍
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jessbrooks: FINALLY. congrats you two!!!! 😍
↳ derekmorgan: gotta calm baby girl down now. congrats boss man and tiny (Y/N)! so happy for you both.
e.prentiss: oh thank fuck, hotch had the ring in his pocket for ages. glad to know you got the balls. congratulations! 😉
jenniferjareau: so so happy for the two of you!!! congratulations 💗
spencer.reid: a baguette themed wedding. congratulations, hotch and (Y/N)! 😊
daverossi: will let you two use my house for the wedding. happy for you both, congratulations!
its(Y/L/N): thank you my lovely friends and family 🥺 to be fair, aaron was so nervous earlier, he started being emotional during his little speech
↳ aaron_hotchner: sweetheart, i thought that was gonna be between us……this is embarrassing
↳ e.prentiss: im betting he’s gonna cry when he tells (Y/N) his vows.
↳ jenniferjareau: of course he is, its (Y/N)
↳ spencer.reid: you know she’ll attack you with a baguette right?
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A/N: here’s my lovely little celebration treat for you all 💓 i hope to intensify your yearning for our favorite dilf :) because i am too. very bad. AND HEHEHE i made them get engaged now!!!! because i want some happy hormones released in my brain
click here if you wanna be a part of my taglist for future works!
hotch girl nation! let me know if you want me to remove you for this taglist in this series :) @ssamorganhotchner @14buddy22 @allthefandomstogether @alexxavicry @jareauswife @sprentiz @sbeno22 @1234-angelika @fandom-life-12 @themoontoyourshine @aaronhotchy @singinginacargettinglostupstate @gspenc @616wilsons @anlin2058 @wachendlichaufmaria @thenewnormalforensicator
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danwhobrowses · 2 months
Okay so we are doing a very rare third post about the events of Critical Role campaign 3 episode 91 so avoid if you still haven't watched it because there will be spoilers again
Right. So I'm not gonna talk more about the Reincarnate vs Stay Dead debate with FCG, I still prefer Reincarnate for reasons I put in my last post but now I'm gonna talk about the other route, if FCG stays dead, what becomes of his remains?
It is almost ironic that a PC death happened a few episodes after Matt created the Ruidian custom of making weapons from a loved one's remains, something Ashton and Fearne were quite intrigued by, so I wonder if the Hells would do the same - in a way carrying a little bit of FCG with them to continue the fight. Outside of his loot it's hard to tell what the Hells can use, if it were me I'd have each of the Hells have a bracelet from his hair at the least, but the rest would probably need to be left in the hands of tinkerers to create things that may enhance the Hells' combat; maybe a conductive whip for Imogen to use for her more lightning-based magic for instance, I can also see Ashton fixing FCG's head onto their outfit or hammer and Chetney and Laudna maybe making little FCG dolls for each of them too.
Loot-wise I had to look at the wiki to remind myself of all the stuff FCG had on them, as well as see what Otohan had but outside of the backpack and swords it wasn't quite descriptive at this point, and even then there's no guarantee it'll all be undamaged from the blast, but there were some notable things that could end up in the Hells' hands to use. I feel like we're all in agreement that if FCG doesn't come back that Ashton keeps the Coin of the Changebringer, perhaps even have it affixed to their hammer so to feel like FCG is still fighting with them. The full extent of its magical properties were not shown outside of the Yes/No question and 1 bout of Lucky per day, but on Ashton's hammer the daily reroll might end up being helpful, though they are not a fan of the gods a little FCG-aided divine buffing could go a long way. Other than that, Ashton probably should claim the two Potions of Possibility FCG had, my earlier post mentioned my belief that Otohan's backpack should go to them because Dunamancy (I didn't however mention how echoes can work as temporary meat shields for Ashton to better negate enemy attacks that'd otherwise be aimed at the party) and the logic is the same here, Matt would probably have to try and balance Ashton's Dunamancy and Titan buffs so to not take all four potions (or more, think Fearne and Orym have one too right? *checks* oh and Laudna so that's 7 potions!) at once but those seem to be key loot Ashton should keep a hold of.
Outside of combat FCG would be helpful in using Identify when the Hells came across new objects. While Chetney has Grim Psychometry to do something similar, the Goggles of Object Reading that FCG used could be taken by Imogen - which in turn may provide Laura and the fandom a means to canonize glasses on the character - along with the Staff of Dark Odyssey that she has used before.
Fearne is another who could hold the Staff, but I find it unlikely. She would probably take the rod used to plane-shift to the Fey Realm, in a way being a key to home if she needs it. I can see her taking the Ivory Branch as well, albeit temporarily until a new healer presents themselves, due to the +1 Spell attack and +1d4 Healing. She might keep the Ruidian mood ring but I feel like that wouldn't survive the blast, same with the recipes FCG collected, though it'd be nice if someone were able to carry on his memory that way; Fearne, Ashton or Orym would be likely candidates for that.
Laudna would perhaps be able to use most of the scrap remains of FCG for her constructs, perhaps a little buffing for Pate is in order plus she doesn't use Sashimi often. Chetney only really works in wood so he probably won't take the remains, stuff such as his saws and propeller could be used to empower Laudna's own creations, maybe even the fake legs too.
One weapon I think will not end in Laudna's hands however is the Grapple cannon, which could suit either Orym or Chetney. Orym is the better candidate to use it though, given the 20 Dexterity compared to Chetney's 14, additionally there is the +1 Mithril Half-Plate Armor, which could be an improvement for either.
If Orym were to get both I could see it being a trade for Chetney not getting anything, in turn granting Chetney both of Otohan's swords to use - since Orym may want nothing to do with her equipment given her role in killing their family. Otherwise I can see Chetney maybe grabbing the saws ahead of Laudna, maybe the goggles but he does already have the monocle, and any utensils he can repurpose for crafting. There is also the possibility of him getting the Aeoran Scrambling Devices that we know little about, maybe adding a little 'this wouldn't happen if it were wooden' catharsis for Chet if he used them on machines.
The only other thing that is left from FCG are the bolt thrower and the All-Minds-Burn drugs. The latter could go to anyone but Ashton, Fearne and Imogen are more likely (she still needs to plant that seed), the bolt thrower could go to Laudna, she never used Bor'dor's slingshot with the Draconic Rune that Prism added to it, or to Chetney to fire a chisel. His coat he designed like FRIDA's would probably be kept for her to be given too. Outside of that the only other specific loot we currently know from Otohan is the Fake Treshi Ring for Scrying (not its official name), which won't be of use to the Hells since the next time they get close to a major enemy they will be fighting, but perhaps it could be placed in the hands of Liliana Temult, either to keep track of her or to plant on Ludinus so the Hells can track his movements instead.
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rjmartin11 · 2 months
Earth Angel, Heavenly Boy
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Pairing: Angel!Elvis & OC!black!female
Summary: After a nearly fatal car accident, a mysterious man saved the life of a young woman who believes the young man is more than what he seems.
Word Count:???
Warnings: Car accident
Author's Notes: Okay, okay, maybe I'm officially off from retirement. I don't know. This story just hit me, no pun intended. I just felt I had to put it down.
If you enjoy this chapter and want more, like, repost, comment, and follow. If enough people like it, I'll make another chapter.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・🪽・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
"For He shall give his angels charge over you to keep you in all thy ways." Psalms 91:11 (Bible)
After a long day at the office, all Noel wanted to do was go home, prop her feet up, and drink some wine. She was supposed to leave at five o'clock, yet Noel finds herself leaving the desk at six thirty. By the time she gets home, there will be no cooking. She can get by on just a glass of wine and a snack.
The ground was saturated with the rain from the last hour, but Noel didn't care. She was ready for that shower. The glass of wine. Her recliner. Her mystery book or mystery show. Whatever came first, she'd take it.
Driving home in the dark is never ideal, but here she is. Noel decides to play the radio to lift her spirits. She doesn't like driving when it rains, and she despises driving in the dark.
As she turns up the radio, a car swerves into her lane. Panicked, Noel tries to move out of the way of the car. This causes the car to hydroplane on the wet road. Noel tries to regain control of her vehicle, but the other car hits the backside of her car, causing her to flip over. The other car spins out of control, running into a tree.
Noel screams as her car flips and lands on its top. She wore her seatbelt, but the top half of her body's positioned out of the driver's window. She has cuts on her hands, arms, and face. Her legs are concealed under wheel. She can barely breathe.
"God... please... help," she breathes into the air with tears coming down her face.
She believes she hears footsteps, but she goes completely limp from the pain.
At the moment, her silent prayer to God has been answered. Angels, unseen to human eyes, surround the scene. Real angels with magnificent wings and a heavenly glow.
One angel in particular goes to Noel's aid. Honestly, he's not supposed to help her out of the car. His job is to watch her to make sure no more harm comes to her as they wait for the paramedics to arrive. His other job is to whisper positive thoughts of encouragement in her ear as they wait, and if her body is too damaged from the collision where her soul can't remain, he's supposed to signal the angel of death. Yet, her angel can't.
Noel's body has internal bleeding, three different vertebrae are fractured, and her right wrist and left leg are broken. She's a candidate for a new life. A new life with wings or the ethics rest, the angel can't bring himself to report this.
Angels also have a gift to see the soul of each and every human being. He sees that kind, generous soul Noel has within her. She puts others in front of herself in her career and in everyday life. She was in an abusive relationship, which removed herself from a year and a half ago. It didn't change her soul and destroy her character. It only made her stronger. Noel was loved and respected. She'd be missed.
The angel gently pulled Noel's lifeless body out of the car with ease. Placing her gently in his arms, he wraps his wings around her. Her breathing is shallow. Her pulse is weak. As he hears her heartbeat fade in and out, he knows Noel won't make it to the hospital. He sees all laid out before him. The ambulance gets to her, places her on the gurney, and she dies on her way to the hospital.
"No," he says, looking at Noel's cut face. "This can't be how it ends for you."
"Elvis!" Calls out the angel in charge. How is she!"
"Yes, Gabriel!" Elvis shouts back. "She'll live."
A single teardrop trickles down his cheek at the sight of Noel. Elvis has been around the world and has seen many beautiful women. Yet something about Noel captures him. He can't stop what should be, but for Noel, he'll risk the wrath of the Lord.
In the distance, he hears the sirens wail. He looks upon once more.
"Noel Pierce. You are a light in this world. And you will live," Elvis says, as he places the kiss of life on her lips.
This kiss is so powerful that it heals each and every part of her body. It mends all her veins and blood vessels that caused the internal bleeding. Her bones snap safely and securely into their places. Her cuts vanish, and her heart beats stronger than before.
Elvis slow moves away from Noel, giving her air to breath once more. Her vision is weak, but she opens her eyes enough to see a blurred image of her rescuer. All she captures is the blue hue of his eyes.
Elvis places his fingers over her face and says, "Rest now until the medics come. You've seen enough for one night."
Noel obeys, and her eyes fall closed. Elvis rises from the ground to join the fleet of angels to fly off to the next mission.
"Miss? Miss? Can you hear me???"
Noel opens her eyes as the medic examines her eyes. She looks around and bewilderment.
"W-what? My car..." She says.
"Miss, what's your name?" He asks.
"I'm Noel. Noel Pierce."
"What happened?"
"I'm not too sure," Noel says. "It happened so fast. The other car came in my lane and swerved. I swear the car flipped over."
"The blue car?" The medic asked.
"Yes." Noel pauses and looks around. "Where is he?"
"The guy that pulled me out of the car?"
"No one was here when we arrived on the scene."
Noel looks up at the medic. Her face goes numb, and her heart sinks to the pit of her stomach. He was there. Someone was there. There's no way she could have imagined that.
Taglist: @missmaywemeetagain @beeandheroddobsessions @headfullofpresley @everythingpresley @epforeverohyes @vintagepresley @pianginferno @powerofelvis @ab4eva @foreverdolly @searchingforgravity @thatbanditqueen @daffieapple @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @epsgirl @richardslady121 @literally-just-elvis-fics @eptodaytommorowforever @vintageshanny @iloveelvis @dreamingofep @aliypop @littlehoneyposts @msamarican @sissylittlefeather
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To tide y’all over until the bracket is finished, here’s a list of every fandom in the tournament! Sorted by when each got its first submission.
It takes time to make the bracket cuz I gotta arrange all of these to be at least semi-equal in popularity to each other, and then make all the edited photos. I’ve been rather busy lately, but it should be up by tomorrow night :)
Minecraft Diaries
The Outsiders
God of War
Ace Attorney
Bungou Stray Dogs
Murdoch Mysteries
The Raven Cycle
Lego Star Wars
Sanders Sides
Kamen Rider
Castle Swimmer
The Magnus Archives
Lego Ninjago
Half Life VR But The AI Is Self-Aware
DC Comics
Critical Role
Romeo & Juliet
Witch Hat Atelier
Final Fantasy
One Piece
Warrior Cats
Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Trigun Stampede
The Owl House
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Fallout: New Vegas
Tokyo Ghoul
Total Drama Island
The Cable Guy
Marble Hornets
Marvel Comics
The Umbrella Academy
Life Series SMP
Fire Emblem
Julie and the Phantoms
Persona 5
Star Wars
Young Justice
Fullmetal Alchemist
The Shadowhunter Chronicles
The Young and the Restless
The Untamed // Mo Dao Zu Shi
Cooking Companions
Demon Slayer
John Wick
Pit People
Battleblock Theater
Star Trek
LittleBigPlanet 2
Midnight Museum
The Witcher
Teen Wolf
Beast Wars: Transformers
The Stormlight Archive
The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
The Arcana
Jujutsu Kaisen
Ultraman Nexus
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Edward Scissorhands
The Mechanisms
91 Days
Assassination Classroom
Death Note
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Battle for Dream Island
Twisted Wonderland
The Iliad
Call of Duty
Tangled: The Series
Team Fortress 2
The Goes Wrong Universe
Harry Potter
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Live A Live
Real Life
Stranger Things
Red Dead Redemption 2
Ib (2012)
Spies Are Forever
Madoka Magica
Magia Record
My Hero Academia
Ravenous (1999)
Lifesteal SMP S4
Outsiders SMP
Phineas and Ferb
Empires SMP
Ruse of the TMNT
Origins SMP
The Otterverse RP
Witch’s Heart
Project Sekai
The Silmarillion
The Lord of the Rings
Helluva Boss
Greek Myth
Percy Jackson
Limbus Company
Rain World
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Mob Psycho 100
Lord of the Flies
Good Omens
Word of Honor
Just Roll With It
Witchcraft SMP
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Realm of the Underlings
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
Rats SMP
Steven Universe
The Hunger Games
Fate Grand Order
Welcome to Dreamworld
The Dolls of New Albion
Pact Web Series
Brandon Rogers
Ghost Quartet
The Dragon Prince
Steam-Powered Giraffe
Six of Crows
Bojack Horseman
Epithet Erased
Tale of the Nine Tailed
Cookie Run
Purple Hyacinth
The Wicked + The Divine
Outer Wilds
Miraculous Ladybug
Transformers Comics
Legend of Zelda
Breaking Bad
Devil May Cry
Dragon Age
The Locked Tomb
Mystic Messenger
Black Butler
Interview With a Vampire
Death By Dying
Higurashi When They Cry
Transformers Animated
Pirates SMP
All The Bright Places
Ride the Cyclone
Grey’s Anatomy
Empire of Exiles
Octopath Traveler 2
Hello from the Hallowoods
The Burning Sands of Ma’ssob RP
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glorious-spoon · 6 months
9 and any Stranger Things ship for the wrapped meme
Thank you! Number 9 this year was Limelight, by Rush. Here's a bit of pre-relationship Steddie featuring Eddie's complicated feelings about his hometown - I hope you enjoy!
title: get on with the fascination [on AO3]
word count: ~1900
Fifteen years after the world doesn't end, Eddie Munson returns to Hawkins.
It's a dramatic phrasing, even in his own head; for one thing, this is far from the first time he's been back since the summer of 1986, although the last time was almost a decade ago. He doesn't call it going home. Home is New York, and sometimes Chicago these days, which is as close to Roane County as he usually wants to get. Home, as far as it ever existed for him in Hawkins, was a trailer that got dropped into an alternate dimension along with a good chunk of the town the same night Eddie almost died. Home is the little house over the Illinois border where Wayne has lived since '91. Home sure as shit isn't here.
"You planning on brooding this whole time, or what?" Steve asks from across the booth. The bar they're currently sitting in is no longer called The Hideout; at some point in the last fifteen years, it's been rebranded to On The Rocks Bar And Grill. There's a fresh coat of paint on the walls and a layer of new laminate flooring over the old asbestos tile. Draft taps and an honest-to-god raised stage instead of the grimy corner where the old band used to play. At the turn of the millennium, Hawkins is finally gentrifying.
"I'm not brooding."
"Yeah, man, you totally are. Could we get a couple of refills? Thanks so much," he adds to the waitress who pauses by their table to ask if they need anything. She doesn't seem to recognize Eddie. Too young to remember him from his illustrious youth here, and apparently not into the metal scene, thank fucking Christ. For the most part, he kind of likes it when strangers come up to him in public—two platinum records in and it still hasn't lost its novelty—but not here. Not in Hawkins. This place still feels fucking cursed.
"Are you buying me beer now, Harrington?"
"You're the big-shot rockstar," Steve points out with a shit-eating grin. "You're buying."
"Ugh," Eddie groans, and puts his head down on the table, which doesn't even have the decency to be sticky. "Remind me again why I agreed to this?"
"I don't know. Closure?"
"Next time I decide to do something this shit-stupid, can you do me a favor and just, like, duct tape me to a chair or something?"
"Kinky," Steve says dryly, but he's still smiling when Eddie lifts his head to glare at him. Eddie should probably be less of a dick about this, given that Steve is only here for moral support; he doesn't live in Hawkins either these days. He's up in Chicago with Robin, who would also probably be here if she weren't mired in stacks of midterm papers on film theory from her earnest little freshman ducklings. Steve makes his own hours, so it's not that much of a surprise that he closed up shop and drove down here and didn't bother to call until he'd already crossed the county line, at which point Eddie was winding himself up into a dangerous head of steam and was grateful for any distraction that offered itself.
And Steve is the best kind of distraction. Always has been. Even now, kicked back in a bar booth in all his yuppie glory, sipping the last of his beer and scanning the bar every now and then with a wariness that Eddie hasn't seen from him in a while. Because Eddie isn't the only one who left a headful of ghosts behind in Hawkins, Indiana. He forgets that sometimes.
"Thank you, by the way," he says. "Did I say that yet?"
"Nah. Mostly you've just been, like, bemoaning your life."
"Bemoaning," Eddie repeats, delighted. "We'll make a poet of you yet, Stevie."
"In your dreams," Steve says mildly.
"Oh, every night, baby."
That gets him a scoff, but it's a fond one. The waitress comes back with their drinks, and he leans back out of her way to let her set them down and clear away their empty glasses. Steve thanks her again, and this time Eddie does too, because there's only so much wallowing that Steve will let him get away with and he's probably closing in on that limit quickly. Still, all Steve actually says once she leaves is, "So what's the plan, then? You're meeting the interviewers at, what, three?"
"Yeah," Eddie sighs. "I don't fucking know. They wanted me to, like, walk them around and show them the old sights, which sounded like a great idea when Marleen pitched it, but now it's like, what old sights? Oh, here's where the basketball team tried to kick my skull in. Here's where the football team tried to kick my skull in. Here's the picnic table where I used to sell weed out of my lunch box. Here's where my trailer was before a girl died there and it got sucked into the shadow dimension, except—oops!—can't tell you shit about that because I signed a stack of confidentiality agreements almost as tall as me. But they're still gonna ask." He lets out a long sigh and presses the heels of his hands into his eyes. "They're gonna want me to talk about Chrissy."
"So you tell them to go to hell."
He barks a laugh. "Easy as that, huh?"
"You've never had trouble with it before," Steve says with a shrug.
That's true enough. Eddie sighs again and reaches for his beer. "This place is fucking me up. No, there is actually a plan. We're gonna stop by the high school after it's cleared out and do the interview there, it's all set up. You know they put up a plaque with my name on it outside the drama room?"
Steve laughs. "No shit?"
"Yeah, apparently there was a vicious battle about it on the school board. Real fire and brimstone shit, went on for months. Henderson's mom led the charge on my behalf, I got the whole story from him."
"Jesus," Steve says. And then, "Shit, we should go see her while we're in town."
"You're just hoping she'll feed you."
"Well, yeah," Steve says. "I've been living on my own cooking since…" he waves a hand and makes a face. "You know. Since everything went south with Jerry."
Jerry was the latest in a series of attractive people of varying genders that Steve has dated over the last ten years, since he moved to Chicago and figured his shit out. Eddie kind of hated the guy, but it wasn't personal. He was objectively probably a perfectly fine person, and it wasn't his fault that Eddie fell head over heels for a hot monster-slaying jock in the spring of 1986 and never entirely recovered. Though, as he's now reminded, it's been a long time since he and Steve were both single at the same time, and the last time that happened, he still thought Steve was straight.
He tries to swallow that thought down with a mouthful of beer, but it lingers like a strange spiky shape in the back of his throat. "So, how's all that going, anyway?"
Steve groans dramatically.
"An encouraging response."
"No, it's fine. I'm, like, totally over him at this point. I just… I don't know, I figured I'd be past all this shit by now, you know? Thought I'd settle down, get my life together, find somebody who…" he trails off.
"Who…?" Eddie repeats leadingly.
"I don't know. Somebody who gets it. Somebody I don't have to, like, lie to."
"That's a tall order, my friend."
"Yeah, I guess," Steve mutters. He's looking at his beer, rubbing a thumb against the wedge-shaped scar bisecting his lower lip. He's got a lot of scars, and Eddie knows the story to most of them, even the ones he wasn't personally present for. But he supposes that he can see how it would wear on Steve, inventing explanations for them that aren't about being tortured by Russian spies or eaten alive by interdimensional monsters. Steve's not much of a liar, when it comes down to it. Eddie doesn't mind spinning fantastical stories to obscure the ugly truth, but they're wired differently that way.
"Hey," Eddie says. He taps his fingernails against Steve's glass and waits for him to look up. "Listen, I'm sorry I brought it up."
Steve smiles a little. "It's fine. Seriously. Robin says I'm being a sad sack, and she's probably right."
"Mm. Probably, but I am not the sensible Professor Doctor Buckley, am I?"
"God, you know she hates it when you call her that."
"She's the one who decided to get a PhD. Masochism, in my strong opinion."
"Oh, we all know," Steve says. He glances over Eddie's shoulder at the clock, then says, "Probably ought to get going if you want to make your interview on time."
"And Marleen has promised to string me up by my metaphorical balls if I show up late for another one," Eddie sighs. He drains the last of his beer and stands, digging his wallet out.
After they pay and head outside, Steve lingers by the side of the brick building, facing the road. It's a sunny day, breezy and crisp, pale wisps of clouds moving fast across the blue sky, and something about it makes Eddie's chest pinch with a strange nostalgia. Something about the way Steve looks right now, in his stylish yet dorky windbreaker with his hair tossed by the breeze. It's shorter now than he used to wear it but he really doesn't look that different at thirty-four than he did at nineteen. Older, sure, but it suits him.
"After I'm done with all this shit," Eddie says. "You wanna go get high at the quarry? You know, for old times' sake?"
Steve laughs softly, eyes crinkling. "Does it really count if we're not smoking in the back of your van?"
"True. Pretty sure I wouldn't get the deposit back on my rental if I turn it in smelling like grass, either."
"We can take my car," Steve says.
"Yeah. If you want."
"You wanna crash with me after? So you don't have to drive all the way back home tonight, I mean? The room they booked me is, like, palatial. I didn't even know they had places that nice around here."
Steve glances at him again, rubbing his jaw. It wouldn't be the first time they've shared a hotel room, but there's a different context now. For one thing, they can both afford separate rooms these days. For another, Eddie's got that itch that means he's probably gonna do something reckless, and he's not even sure he wants to try to stop it.
If he and Steve go smoke up by the quarry where they spent the last summer of Eddie's teens, he's going to confess something, he's pretty sure of it. Lay it all on the line for Steve, after all this time. He's starting to think that might not even be the worst idea he's ever had. Steve is here, after all.
"Yeah, okay," Steve says, finally. He bumps his shoulder against Eddie's, and Eddie leans back into the solid warmth of him, and takes a deep breath of cool spring air, and watches the Hawkins traffic pass them by.
Tomorrow, he'll be gone. Maybe, if this doesn't all blow up in his face, he'll go back to Chicago with Steve. Hawkins is a place he's outgrown years ago, and whatever story comes out of this interview is never going to be anything other than a media-crafted shadow of the truth, but honestly, that's never been what mattered in the end.
"It's a date, then," he says, and when he glances over at Steve, he finds him already smiling back.
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especdreamy · 2 years
My personal favorite Daily c!Ranboos, in order of posting!
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Now that it's finally over, I feel like its appropriate to share all the daily c!Ranboos I'm the most proud of, and the reasons why I like them so much.
I'll probably redraw some of these in the future!
Under the readmore bc its long and has lots of pics!
Day 5 - Brain Fried
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Looking back to it, this one isn't all that great compared to other Daily c!Ranboos I have done, but it's the first one I did in which I tried to make an actual composition rather than just. Drawing c!Ranboo. So it's kind of an important one!
Day 13 - Allium
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Kind of similarly as Brain Fried, this one is kinda rough in the edges when looking back on it, but I loved the eerie vibe of it, and the effort of using a more limited palette!
Day 21 - Bouquet
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It's just cute. He looks so squishy! Not much more to add tbh :)
Day 22 - Under the Weather
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I personally love how I made the effect of them "disintegrating" due to contact with water look! I like how the particles flow :) I love how I made the effect of the water dripping, how it could kinda look like tears running down their face. I used "Under the Weather" in both a literal and metaphorical sense!
Day 28 - Tears
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I like the expression and colors :) tbh the tears could be better but otherwise I like it.
Day 32 - Awake
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It's soft, comforting, bright, warm, I love the way I did the colors SO MUCH! The expression is everything to me, I like how their hair looks. Also you might notice that I have 100% used the same colors for Revival and Freedom.
Day 34 - Arrival
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I just like their goofy expression and how much of a twig they look. Silly lad
Day 38 - Butcher Army
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I LOVE the expression and the limited color palette! While theres bits that could be improved upon this is one of my best compositions here.
Day 39 - Apprentice
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Day 41 - Memory Book
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I like how the anatomy looks here! Looks very sleek and natural I guess? I love how the tail lies on the ground. I just can feel the weight here a bit.
Day 44 - Doomsday
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The blue sky with the bright red flames, the lighting, c! Ranboo's silhouette, idk this is just very pleasing to look at!
Day 64 - Revival
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I can't even elaborate on how much I love this one, it's probably The Best drawing (drawings?) of Daily c!Ranboo! I used the same color palette as Awake bc I wanted to give it the same comforting and soft vibe, I love how fuzzy it all looks, how quiet it seems...Also its a comic too! I speedran that in 3 or so hours and im so damn happy with it.
Day 67 - Light
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The colors are very nice, I like the lighting!
Day 76 - Dance
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I like the poses! I tend to struggle to draw c!Tubbo but he looks very cute here. I think I made c!Ranboo a bit too short but tbh it was a challenge to make the pose work!
Day 82 - Windy
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I like the colors, the expression, AND THE HANDS!! Its fuckign wimdy!
Day 89 - Void
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HORROR VIBES! I wanted to do at least one creepy-looking drawing for this challenge that I liked and this is the one for sure!
Day 90 - Stars
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I like the colors a lot here! The way he looks up to the sky with the big ol' eyes and his pose feels so natural.
Day 91 - Birthday
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I may have speedran this in like an hour and a half but GOD I just LOVE the symbolism in this drawing! The balloon because birthday! But its black because death! Ghostboo is the one holding it because they're the one in the overworld after all. How c!Ranboo looks down while Ghostboo stares at them!
Day 92 - Freedom
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I used the same palette as Awake and Revival, it just felt right! I tried my best to do a piece that'd be forth of being the "sendoff" for the daily c!Ranboo series, and I do think it holds up!
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I've been cooking this one up for a while but early 90s (like set between 91 to 92) college au. Mai, Suki, and zuko are goths who does sokka's makeup every chance they get. they would chilling in sokka's dorm, and Mai would be like "someone hand me the white face paint".
the rest of the gaang + azula/ty lee is still in high school. they're doing a HS trip of the college. azula sees zuko and Mai eating lunch. she gets the attention of the tour guide, points at them, and says "I want THEM to tour us." also azula loves calling Mai and zuko, "Gomez and morticia".
she also does not hesitate to call zuko 'koko' in public and she will do it every time she sees him.
when toph is bored, she likes to fuck around with katara's answering machine at the ungodly hours of night. like when all the tv goes off (bc back in those days, the TV literally turned off. like It was just static), she'll call her, knowing she won't answer and just fuck around. katara would like wake up to fifteen messages on the answering message, all from toph. half of them are just her rambling about random ass shit, and the other half is jokes. Gran Gran would be like "your friend surely does talk a lot."
yue comes into town. she ends up going to the college and meets sokka, whom she becomes friends with. she's really heavily impacted katara's sense in fashion and makeup. yue's fashion & makeup is inspired by the 60s and 70s. she wears a lot of flowy dresses, skirts, and shirts. a lot of white, light blue, and other light colors in the blue family. yue teached katara some brown girl makeup hacks bc she knows how hard it is to find makeup for brown skin. she used to take katara shopping too like she was like the big sister she never had 😭
then zhao did some shit and yue & her family had to move.
SO SOKKA HAD A CAMCORDER WHICH WAS HIS DAD'S AND HE USES IT TO RECORD RANDOM SHIT AND DAY TO DAY LIFE 😭. one of the tapes was sokka and zuko trying to bring up their TV up the stairs since they just brought it. suki was recording. sokka's hand slips and the tv goes down the stairs and breaks. it just gasps and a beat of slience 😭.
ohhhhhhhh this gives me so many ideas. I could rave about every single one of these. Katara yue Bestiesm yes pls sharing makeup + fashion ideas would be so them. The 90s college vibes in fic are always immaculate and THIS. Sokka would absolutely use a camcorder ohhhhh I can see it. Nothing has ever been more canon than that. Him recording so many little fun aspects of their life and he gives it as a present to the friend group- like a lil memories vhs thingy. ALSO THE POLAROIDSSSS YES YES. omg that’s immediately reminding me of the wonderful @petricorah ‘s All Time art of modern au zukka in a Polaroid. I need more vibes like this I’ll invest actually.
Also thank u for truthing abt Zuko mai and suki gothism bc it’s so important to me. Also that toph and katara anecdote IM ROLLINGGG. SHE WOULD 💀. like she is such A Little Shit and would make Katara’s life hell (also god forbid in a modern modern au someone gives her discord. she’d abuse the /tts command to its full potential.)
Also omg Gomez and morticia so true bc mai is the hot unbothered kick ass goth lady and Zuko just. follows her around. adores n admires. as he should.
oh and I saw this addition and wanted it to be in the same post cuz. it’s just so amazing I’m LAUGHINGGGG
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THIS IS SO CANON SO TRUE THEY WOULD DESTROOOOYYY EACH OTHER FOR THOSE YEARBOOK PICTURES. and like. what’s funny is Zuko’s one is kinda canon. Iroh absolutely did his hair in hs bc that boy was an awkward mess and had no time to worry about his appearance.
this is literally giving me life omfg thank u for this
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auntiebogwitch · 2 years
The Heretic’s Psalms:
How to Use the Bible behind God’s Back
Hello, my little abominations! Hope this finds you well! I’ve been thinking as a witch who has her hand in many pots (i.e. devotee of Lucifer and Hekate, a huge love for Hellenism/Hellenismos, working with some folk saints, steeped in southern folk practices/traditions, having a complicated relationship with religion/Catholicism, etc.) It sometimes seems like my craft is (as my mother lovingly refers to me) “a menagerie of conundrums.”
I’ve used the psalms a lot in my practice. I love how effective they are, how beautifully they convey emotion, and also how ✨❤️‍🔥😫dramatic😫❤️‍🔥✨ they are. The fact that they’ve been used for thousands of years makes a lot of sense. However— as someone who is trans, queer, anti-capitalist, and vehemently against the church, it’s hypocrisy, and it’s numerous crimes against humanity that continues to this day—it’s hard not to feel like I’m going completely against what I’m preaching when I’m reciting psalm 91 and repeating “praise the Lord, He is my refuge…” or something to that effect. It’s been complex and awkward at times, but introspection is the Devil’s muse! (…just go with it)
Here are some of the ways I’ve shifted my thinking/praxis:
Using first person pronouns (I, me, my, etc.) in place of references to the Christian god. Very Luciferian, no? Hail thyself and all that good stuff. This can be tricky at times cause some prayers have sayings like “O God of my ancestors/of Abraham…” “Almighty Lord of Israel” and so on. It can feel kind of awkward if you’re declaring yourself the Almighty God of a country or of your ancestors (unless your ego is the size of the Hindenburg); so I omit those parts personally, but I don’t really use this method often anyway so *shrug*
Exchange the Christian god for another deity This has its problems for the above reasons as well; Hekate was not the goddess of Israel, Abraham, or who my ancestors prayed to, and to refer to her as such would be very historically inaccurate. You could use it like “O Almighty Goddess of Thessaly…” or whatever respective region your deity presided over. Again, I don’t use this method much personally cause it would be time consuming and feels awkward to me.
Change little to nothing, and shift your thinking to “I’m praying to my Holy Daemon instead of God” This is the method I use; it’s effective, simple, and requires very little to no revision of the original text. But this requires some context. The tldr of it is the Holy Daemon/Godself is the part of your soul that is the intermediary between the rest of you and the gods/holy dead. For more info read Etheric Anatomy by Victor Anderson (this can be extremely hard to find as it’s out of print) or any other book on the Feri tradition. When you pray to Godself/Holy Daemon, you are praying to the most divine aspects of yourself to intercess on your behalf. It’s much like praying to a Saint: you pray to them and they petition God for you; but in this context the Saint is “you.”
“Why not just use different prayers or make up your own?! Isn’t this complicated and takes more time and effort just to use this one book of the Bible?!?” —you ask as I plug my ears and make toddler noises, declaring that you are not my real dad. That’s not the point, you sweet little couillon, you. When you wanna work with both hands, shit can get complicated. In that sense, sometimes your methods do too!
Be well, y’all. Au revoir! Bon beni!
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moxxie-joestar-1950 · 7 months
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YOU HAVE UNO meme but it's Vinnie cannoli & Jax
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[Meanwhile at dry rock gulch before the war stars tomorrow & playing Ouija board with Joseph Joestar]
Loona: so young & warrior.
Striker: what happened to you Jacob seed #12?
Vortex: how many pickles that you can shove it up in your ass?
Jacob seed (real & not clone): wut da faq?
Jacob seed #12 (clone & ghost/sa'ahl) *moves the piece*
Millie: 9?!
Jacob seed #12: *moves it again*
Blitzø: 91!?!
Jacob seed #12: *moves the final one*
Moxxie: 9 & 10?!? *wheeze*
John seed (real & not clone): *laughing & crying* 9 & 10
Vinnie cannoli: you guys wanna play blackjack real quick? So I can draw it/record it & make that my post/upload today/tonight?
Jax: I don't have blackjack, so go fuck off.
Cannoli: *gets angry & walk to jax* EVERYONE has blackjack, dipshit. It came free with your fucking PlayStation.
Jax: I didn't get it. I have the oldest PlayStation known to man.
Cannoli: no you don't. I brought mine on day one, you fucking cunt/'tard!
Jax: well, mine didn't have it...
Cannoli: YOU HAVE BLACKJACK!!!! You fucking bitch/dick!
Jax: I don't have it you fuckin-
Cannoli: Ŷ̶̛̗͕̣̟̖͍̮̥͔͔͚̹̭̘̜͖͙͈͚̙̳͔͚̩̠̱̓̒̐̉͛͂̇̒͗̑̃̊̂͗͑͘͜ͅƠ̸̧̱̱͓͔̱̭͕͖̟͚̟̹̗͔̹̖̠̟̝͚̙̯̖͎̣͓̹̣͚͙̮̮͍̇̓͑͌̅̉̈́͑̆͆͑̊̅͆̉̅͠Ų̵̢̢̛̛̛̺̱̙̰͖̩͍̰͔̙̯͙̻̬̳͋͒͆̂̂̈̓̈́̍͛̄̔̎̔́͒̉̅̍͘̕͝͝ ̵̘̫͙͓̺̮̘̺̼̯̱͙̗̳̰͔̗̦̈́̆͒͛̍̅̎̂̂͜ͅḨ̵̛̥̰̺̊̓̓̂̑̏̆̔̉̇͊̎̒̽͊̈́̊̂̉͋̍͒͒̐́͑̓̎̚̕̕̕͝͝A̴̧̮̖̣̮͔̭̜̳̦̮̻̘͙̱͉̯͍̝̠̩̰̲͙̜̲̺̗̜̖̥̞͇̻̤̣͚̙̮͑́͗͗̓̀̌͐̂͑̇́͒̽̀̀͂̚͜͝͝ͅṾ̵̨̧̡̨̨̛̛̫͈̦͈̜̪̯̬̹̥͉͖̠̩͚̮͍̯̝͙̞̦̞̦͍̹͖̮̞̩̜̭̩͈̞̠̜͎͖͑̿̌̔͛͌́̑̓͗̔̋̈̓͘̚͜͠͝ͅȨ̴̡̧̢̣̝͇͉̘̜̣͍̯̜̪͍̘̞̜̱̣̅̑̋͐̊͘̚̕͜͝ ̶̧̨͇̫̠̥̦̜̯͉̯̞̥̙͙̫̻̘̺̦̾̽̍́̐̐̾̿̇̓̍̒̍̏̕̕͘B̷̢̨͎̠̗̜̹̰͓̮̮̜̯̲̘̪͈͓̱͎̱̬̊̈́͒͂̅͂̌̌͌̉̀͜͝ͅL̵̝͓̫̻̤̬̮̗̱̰̟͙̪͖̤͕̘̱̣̱̹̜̻͈̞͉͍̀̑̋̋̀̈́͛͌͌͊͌̎͒͒̑̀̈́̐͑́̅̓͆̀͌͋͂̕͘͝͠͠ͅÅ̶̛̟̩̫̭͕̹̘͓͎̱̫͇̽̈̄̎̐̄̽͐̈́̂͛̆́̔̅̋͒͛̿̎̐̏̀̽͘̕͠C̸̨͈̜͚̪̙̪͈̱̪̪̦̻̰̥̺̪̳̆͒̌͊̂̓̎̿̈́̈́̊͒̾́͛͊͊̊̂̐̑̅̉̀̈̆̚͘̕͠͝͝͝͝K̶̨̨̟̰̥͙̯̳̬̭̩̭̣̪̠͕̰̜̼̤̝̞͎̝͈̳̩̬̓̇̄̆͗̒̐͆̊̎̉̈́͒͌̀̀̄̓̀̋̌͂̏̇̃͆̚͘͘͝͝͝͝͝J̶̡̭͎̱̥̝͈̰̺̻͎͎̻͓̤̤̥͇̼̹͓͚͋̓͐͛͒̈́̀͆͗́̓̈́̐͋͘͝Å̸̧̳̦͍͉̗̟̰̎͐̓̽̃̋̉̅͂̎̀͘ͅC̶̢̧̧͙̟̞͓̜̤̺̭̘͉̭͉͖̼̗̟̞͙̟͖̱̻͓̰͈̤̹͍̪̞̤̩̩̣͎͉̞̙͚̖͑͂̌͗͂̏̃̀̿͗̀̽͌̇̉̑̏̽́̀̈́̾̕̚͜͝͝K̴̡̢̧̧̲̙͔̭̳̲͈̦̯̹̻͖͖̺̠̮͙̺͕̟̗͔͕̹̻͍̆̊͛̐͜͜!̸̧̢̛̱̰̞̠͔̭̮̖͈͙͙̲̫͎̤̮̠̝̜͇̦̩͇̠̙̺͈̮̣͎̿̎̈́̎̐͊͋̄̇̒͂͗͆͌̈́̀͊̋̽̈͘!̶̘͖͖͈̖͈̺̠̼̮͕̀̈́̋̌̉̂̿̄͛̔͗͗̌̑͆̿͊̊̇͌́̚̕̕͝ͅ!̴̧̡̢̻͔̹̯̖̻̲̻̫͖̻̟̹̪̺͚̬̯͔̜̳̟͈͔̜̣̠͇̫̻̦̙͒̋̋͒̃̔͆̽̂͒͒̔̃͆!̷̯̂͑̈́̉̉͒͑͊̈́̓̓͊̎̾̉̈́̐̎̆̿̀̎̾̽̌̾͐̕͘̚̕͘͘̚͝͝͝
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Moxxie, Blitzø, Millie, Loona, Vortex, Striker, Blaze, Rouge, Nicole, Rabbot, Whisper & Tikal: *wheeze & laughing*
Jax: *gets angry too* I don't fucking have blackjack motherfucker!
Cannoli: IT'S FREE & IT'S FUCK!!!! *stops talking & runs to the exit*
Joseph seed (real & not clone): ...is this going on Tumblr/YouTube?
[Original video name YOU HAVE UNO but its jojo]
Like & reblog this if you're a HB fan, STH fan, FC5 fan, TADC fan, GG&C fan or both
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hannahlovesluca · 7 months
So i heard about u doing nijisanji matchups so why not :DD
Nijisanji male matchup pretty plz w cherry on top
Gender:Gender is nothing but a social conCepttTttt(jk cis female but there were times ppl mistook me as a guy once LMAO)
Pronouns:I don't have any in particular,i don't mind any of them as long as its not they/them
Sexuality:....i..don't know actually.Like.Women.But Men.But women.i'll just say bisexual..
Appearance:Shoulder length black hair,i'm kiiinda tall?Im taller than most of my friends.Black fox-like(i think thats what they call them??) Eyes,and i wear literally anything.Like imagine someone in a black turtleneck and some random ass floral button up shirt with the most obnoxious pants ever(for clarification this isnt my attempt at getting in r/builtdifferentfromothergirls i just get cold easily).Oh and im as blind as a bat without my glasses,i only put them on when i wanna put myself in the attractiveness scale for shits and giggles sometimes i wear random jackets i find in my room like that one hot pink jacket i covered in the bee movie stickers for some reason
Idk my ennagram sorry :((
Personality:im pretty laid-back but based on sources(aka my mutuals) i am the embodiment of a living cockroach because of me almost dying like 5 times(vibe checked by god 5 times and he did NOT approve of me...like mf be frfr) i procastinate until like a day before the deadline cause i only work with pressure cause my brains just built like that(rushing calculus my beloved) I LOVE MATHS SO MUCH U CANT IMAGINE(and the cries of my discord besties cause the moment they go back on vc they see the discord whiteboard filled with god knows what) and im preeeeetty confident in myself unless someone genuinely compliments me,if that happens im just gonna disintegrate into dust
Likes:that one meme where the green guy from avengers goes "why is galora",yugioh,jumping into my friends random vc comedically 4 shits and giggles,resident evil,taking care of everyone(and not taking care of myself cause im a self aware hypocrite),DEBATES I LOVE THEM SM THEY GIVE ME SO MUCH ADRENALINE
Dislikes:when someone gets into my persona space toooooo much.oh and the fact that u can divide 91 by 7.literally unreal.and thunder??dunno it sets uncomfy in me i probably offended zeus in my past life or smth
Love language:
I dont know what that is....i mean like,id send whoever i get random memes i found at 3 am,shower thoughts??and hugs??and cuddles??and giving them reassuring words??does that count?
Extra:im bilingual(swedish,russian,korean,german) so i can make ppl say what seems like romantic words when its a deez nuts joke this is a flex btw.i pace around tasks pretty fast,sometimes im too lazy to get up sometimes i go around doing literally everything at once
Im sorry if this is confusing to u this is my first time doing this :((
i pair you with…
Ver Vermillion!
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hear me out…
• you guys will absolutely nerd out over yugioh and will probably end up playfully arguing and malding over the other (i dont know much ab yugioh im sorry 💔💔)
• if you let him nerd out to you and rant to you about the most random things he will immediately fall in love
•likewise if you nerd out/rant to him he will fall in love bc the fact that you confide in him???
• similar to shu yaminerd, he is a huge nerd but hes better at hiding it
• call him a dork. he says he hates it but he loves it.
• youll sit in discord vc, no sound except the little giggles erupting out while you read each others memes and random messages that you just keep on sending
• will randomly whip out the “why is galora” meme to make you laugh out loud in vc with others, on stream, etc even in public
• god, he loves your hair
• your cuddles up in his arms, half-asleep, and hes running his hands thru your hair AHHH
• will also send you hot-takes out of nowhere so you guys can debate on it solely because he knows how much you love it
• “banana pizza is good.”
• “soggy socks feel nice.”
• will also throw you random compliments because he knows its the only thing that will get you
• “are you a hot mom because damn mama you hot.”
• will assist you in sending deez nuts jokes to your friends in korean
• “내 불알을 빨아.”
RUNNERS UP: Shu Yamino, Doppio Dropscythe
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catboymoments · 1 year
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here’s my wip of the calendar for the olden town!! instead of twelve months they have four seasons with 91 days, but every four springs theres 92 days (leap day!) 
The Feast of Frost and New Years are really fancy celebrations with like big dances and celebrations... Yulehallow is like christmas, theres gift giving and hunting and decorating, and it marks the birth of Yeshua the prophet. Since theres a lottttt of Jewish influence and people in the inbetween, Hanukkah remains the same albeit much bigger of a holiday and with magical influence, and the star festival is soooo pretty and full of lights and dancing !! its like a romantic holiday too, so its like a mix between diwali and valentines day?
in Newbud Season theres the Flower Festival which celebrates new life and the beginning of the farming season, theres flowers and ribbons and goats- its like may day. and the feast of the sun is like. idk what to compare it to but it marks the end of the school year! God’s day is a day of religious significance for the gods and its more of a minor holiday, and the Harvest Festival is a big fun fall celebration filled with food!! its like thanksgiving without the colonization.
soulseve is like a combination of halloween and dia de los muertos where people remember those who have passed on with candles, flowers, offerings and songs, but it’s also a day of respect for the undead and all things spooky! and then the cycle begins anew!
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ultra-clashpects · 1 month
[ MAY 5th - MAY 11th ]
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Classpects: 160 / 168
Clash Aspects: 66 / 66
Clash Classes: 88 / 91
Weekly Schedule (approximate)
1. Muse of Rage [ FUR ]
2. Muse of Void [ FUR ]
3. Rogue of Void [ FUR ]
1. Rogue - Sylph [ FUR ]
2. Rogue - Thief [ FUR ]
3. Rogue - Witch [ FUR ]
1. Seer of Breath [ FUR ]
2. Seer of Mind [ FUR ]
3. Sylph of Hope [ FUR ]
1. Sylph of Time [ FUR ]
2. Thief of Life [ FUR ]
I'm so excited!!! Can you imagine that this day would come so soon?? Oh wow okay man. So anyways,,,, I'm gonna spend the rest of this week and fixing up old titles and definitions, just going over everything and adjusting it and then .... WE CAN START WITH THE REAL CLASHPECTS!!! WOOO BABYYY. I'll be releasing a list for next week with all of the claspects requests I've gotten over the course of this long process. Thank you everyone for all your love and appreciation and oh my god im so high right now man its may the 4th and thank uou everyone i love upu all
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Lost my fucking account
When i was new i made an alt, had no idea it wasnt allowed and then when i found out i eventually stopped using it, it sat there unused for like over a year or something, i didn't report it bc i knew my account would just get locked. Anyway, i have a big g1 lair and i played flight rising every day of my life, bought merch, bought gems, ect etc blah blah spent real money on the damn game (over 100 usd)... I actually rely a lot on FR to keep me occupied when im feeling like shit (which is often) and I did art for gems so that I could gene my dragons. Guess how many pieces of art I did? 91. Ninety one!!! And all that work is fucking gone because some staff member found some shitty alt i forgot existed that i dont even fucking use, i couldn't exactly delete it or anything!! I had like, 3k forum posts, i logged on every day kept all my dragons fed tried to interact with the community all the time i spent so many hours of my life on this game and they dont even give a fuck about how much i loved this fucking game its nothing to them. All they see is someone who made a mistake and kick their ass so fucking hard they never want to play the game again!!! They also misspelled my username in their emails to me, twice. Then after making a new account, when I tried to at least tell some people what happened, that hummingbird bitch staff member deleted all my posts and tells me to change my clan profile. No fucking sympathy whatsoever. Do they even care? Do they not know how much the game fucking meant to me? I put so many hours of work into making my dragons and art for them and it fucking sucks that two years of work have gone down the god damn fucking drain i feel like absolute fucking shit and im not playing this game anymore because the staff really could not give less of a shit about the players and they dont have a single ounce of forgiveness in their shitty corporate heads!!  flight rising was the one thing that i always had to fall back on when stuff went to shit or i had no interests or whatever literally ALL of my friends knew about this game because i was so damn obsessed i loved it i had ocs and lore and i just fucking hate this shit whatever i guess i fucked up by either not seeing that alts werent allowed or forgetting or something but its done now and i couldnt undo it when i realised and i dont fucking know what to do now because flight rising was my biggest interest and now its gone
sorry for rant i feel like shit i also tried telling people in the discord and then the admin deleted my messages there too
It was all a mistake
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twwpress · 3 months
Weekly Press Briefing #91: March 17th - March 23rd
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from March 17  - March 23, 2024. Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing! 
There are no open challenges or events on our radar this week. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote or know of one we’re missing? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
This Week in Canon:
Welcome back to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 1, Episode 17: The White House Pro Am aired on March 22, 2000.
Season 6, Episode 20: In God We Trust aired on March 23, 2005.
Season 7, Episode 14: Two Weeks Out aired on March 19, 2006.
Here’s what was posted from March 17 – March 23:
Allison Janney posted stills and video clips from Palm Royale, as well as video promo. The first three episodes are now streaming on Apple TV.
Elisabeth Moss posted a promo image for FX’s The Veil, premiering April 30 on Hulu.
Marlee Matlin posted a photo in memory of Herb Larson. 
Mary McCormack posted promo for her appearance on the game show 25 Words or Less. 
Peter James Smith posted a photo of his name card and script for A Doll’s House rehearsal. 
Rob Lowe posted a photo of himself on his 60th birthday, as well as a slideshow of photos from throughout his life.
Rob Lowe reposted photos of himself with his dog that Team Coco podcasts posted on his birthday.  
Donna Moss Daily: March 17 | March 18 | March 19 | March 20 | March 21 | March 22 | March 23
Daily Josh Lyman: March 17 | March 18 | March 19 | March 20 | March 21 | March 22 | March 23
No Context BWhit: March 18 | March 19 | March 20 | March 21 | March 22 | March 23
@twwarchive: March 17 | March 18 | March 19 | March 20 | March 21 | March 22 | March 23
@janneyupdates: March 19 | March 19 (2) | March 19 (3) | March 20 | March 21 | March 21 (2) | March 22 | March 22 (2) | March 23 | March 23 (2) | March 23 (3)
@twwgifs: March 17
Editors’ Choice: 
This week, we’re focusing on some of our favorite fics set in or referencing events from Season 4! Be sure to share your favorites as well.
dial the number who’s bound to love you by mikaylawrites | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | He’s halfway to drifting off when the show comes back on, announcing their next caller. “Welcome back listeners, we’ve got D on the line,” the radio host says. “D, why don’t you tell us what you’re calling about tonight?” “I think I’m in love with my boss.” Josh's eyes pop open. He would know that voice anywhere, hears it nearly every day, hears it in his dreams. It’s Donna. - After the night of the inauguration leaves him confused, Josh hears Donna call into a radio show for advice...about him.
often a sweetness by thefinestmuffins | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Josh and Donna cope with a series of increasingly intense and unsettling events in the only way they know how: by turning to each other. *Or; a fic to fill in the emotional gaps in late season 4*
Conspiracy by hufflepuffhermione | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | “What do you think all the conspiracy theorists out there will make of this?” Will asks. “I think they’ll be disappointed that the White House is wasting its time and energy on getting these two idiots together instead of executing, you know, actual conspiracies." - After witnessing the snowball incident, the whole White House staff decides that the Josh-and-Donna thing needs some outside interference. just wrong enough to make it feel right by Luppiters | Rated G | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | Complete | “Hey, CJ. I have a room reserved nearby. They might have more – come with me?” CJ swallows her surprise at the familiar voice – one she hasn’t heard since after Inauguration; one that both calmed and unnerved her. For TWW Press' Wheel of Destiny challenge: Only One Bed, S4 and the Bartlet Farm.
blue, 1971 by crossingdelancey |  | Rated T | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler | Complete | CJ, standing at thirty-something, has her feet in the now and her head stuck back in the warmer days, where she thought that maybe she’d marry that man. — toby is moving on, and she misses him terribly
Presenting your weekly roundup of fics posted in the tag for The West Wing on Archive of Our Own. 
Self-Evaluation by Telperien | Rated T | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Everything Has Changed by MatthewsMary | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete [Editor’s Note: While this fic is listed on AO3 as complete, it has continued to update and appears to be a WIP]
A Year In the Life by Proportional Response | Not Rated | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Other Pairings/Gen Fic
as every fairytale comes real by jeaniecregg | Rated G | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler | Complete
The Ethics Investigation by Hackney123 | Rated G | Ainsley Hayes, Oliver Babish (No Pairings Listed) | Complete
We had a deal by Labda | Not Rated | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet | In Progress
Multiple Pairings
You Never Gave a Warning Sign by make_easter_gay_again | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Sam Seaborn, Josh Lyman/Original Male Character | Complete
What Sons Do by kcat1971 | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss, Helen Santos/Matt Santos, Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet, Ainsley Hayes/Sam Seaborn, Zoey Bartlet/Charlie Young | In Progress
Twitter: @TWWPress
Feel free to let us know if we missed something, if you have an event you’d like us to promote, or if you have an item that you’d like included in the next briefing!
xx, What’s next?
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