#going back to the crunchy hair yep yep !!
wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 24
part 1 | part 23 | ao3
cw: alcohol, throwing up, brief reference to canonical character death
"Oh, my god!" Robin barks, nearly throwing herself off-balance again with the force of her laugh. "This is too good, man. You truly cannot escape your babysitting duties."
"Can I help you?" Max seethes.
Help him? Help him? "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"What does it look like I'm doing?" She gestures to the guy she's holding onto, some fluffy-haired kid with a cut-off vest covered in safety pins that Steve sort of vaguely recognizes as one of Eddie's friends. Oh, shit. Is Eddie here finally? Has he seen him?
"Wait, where's Lucas?" Steve asks.
"Who cares?" she bites back.
The guy gives a nervous chuckle and loosens his grip on her waist. "Uh-h. Did you say babysitter?"
"He's not actually, Jesus. I'm fourteen; I don't need a babysitter. And he was just leaving, anyway, right?"
Her glare feels like a slap. Girl's got daggers in her eyes, holy shit. It's like she's hoping some of El's powers magically transferred to her; like she's picturing him flying ten feet into the air and landing with a splat on the far side of the concrete, and he doesn't need this. He did not come out tonight to be bullied by a teenager. "Okay, that's it, I'm taking—"
"—me to the punch bowl!" Robin interrupts, putting her hands on Steve's chest to stop him from grabbing Max and hauling her back to the car.
"Robin, what—?"
"Yep!" She shoves him hard, pushing him to the edge of the dance floor. "Silly me, just dying of thirst, ha ha. Okay, cool, see you both later!"
"What the hell was that?" Steve demands when they're safely on the far side of the pavilion.
"An intervention."
Oh, my god. May he never hear the word 'intervention' again in his life.
"Un-ruffle your Mother Hen feathers for two seconds and think, would you? One: it would look really, really, seriously weird for you to be seen dragging a dead jock's kid sister kicking and screaming to your car."
A dead jock’s kid sister. Jesus, tipsy Robin has no tact.
"Two: you said we were going to go out and have fun and get, and I quote, 'very drunk.' Take your babysitter hat off for one night. She's a high schooler, and this is a high school party."
"Yeah, I know," he sulks. Doesn't need the reminder that he's technically past the age limit.
"Okay, so then let her have fun! It's not like you weren't out drinking and smoking by her age."
'I'm always so right about everything. I'm, like, cosmically correct.' Goddammit. Steve needs another drink. "I just don't want her to do anything dumb and get hurt."
"She won't. We can just, like, keep an eye on her from a distance, right? Let her come to us if she needs anything."
"So we should just act like your parents?" Steve snorts.
"My parents are amazing, thank you!"
"Your mom offered me mushroom tea once."
"Like I said: amazing."
Steve huffs a laugh, flips his hair out of his eyes and snags a handful of tortilla chips. "Okay," he says around a crunchy bite, "so what's the third thing?"
"Third thing?" Robin asks. She’s not even looking at him anymore, her eyes eager and distracted as she scans the crowd.
"You're biting your lip weird, there's clearly a third thing."
She turns to him, and the smile springs free from its containment, spreading all over her flushed, ecstatic face. "Vickie just showed up."
Steve’s hammered.
Didn’t mean to do it; feels a little bad about it as he tips his head up to the sky and all the stars go raining in bright streaks across his vision. Reminds him of the ceiling at Starcourt, nauseous and spinning under a swirl of bright fluorescence. He hopes Rob’s flirting is going well.
He meant to get politely drunk.
A socially appropriate amount.
But then Robin ran off to flirt with Vickie, and Steve was doing his best to just lay low, steer clear of Max and maybe find a way to casually run into Eddie if he could find him, when he spotted the girl he went on that disaster of a date with instead and realized his options were either: stay there by the beer coolers while she came over with her new date and subjected him to the most painful small talk of his life, or retreat to the dark edges of the party with as much booze as he could carry, so.
He's slumped on top of a picnic bench downwind of the bonfire, bad ear ringing, belly full to bursting, trying to remember when one beer became… more than one beer.
Six, maybe?
“‘M gonna puke,” he confesses to the splintered wood beneath his feet; to the pine bough overhead, the smoky fire at his back.
“Wow,” someone says, an amused lilt to their tone, and Steve knows that voice, he—
Oh, no.
Ohhhh, no.
Now? Really?
Steve whips his head around, opens his mouth to ask ‘Eddie?’ and barfs all over his shoes.
part 25
tag list part 1 below the cut, let me know if you want me to add you tomorrow (21+ only, please confirm your age if you're asking to be tagged)
@a-little-unsteddie @ahsokatanoss @aliea82 @alyelf @anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @awolfstudio @bambibiest @bananahoneycomb @bookbinderbitch @bronwenmarie @cheonsazu @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @courtjestermunson @cuips-not-cute @dauntlessdiva @dawners @dontwasteyourchances @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple @eriquin @estrellami-1 @fandomfix8 @gregre369 @griefabyss69 @grtwdsmwhr @hallucinatedjosten @hellion-child @hiimlevi @honoragreyskull @hotluncheddie @jackiemonroe5512 @kas-eddie-munson @kingelyx @lifeisacrisis @littlebluejane @marvel-ous-m @melonmochi @messrs-weasley @milklechee @mrsjellymunson @mugloversonly @munsonslure @nburkhardt @nerdyglassescheeseychick @notsopersonalcharlie @novelnovella @nuggies4life @phoenixtheone @questionablequeeries @runninriot
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wheels-of-despair · 9 months
The Best $7 Eddie Munson Ever Spent Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: In the fall of 1983, Eddie bought something he thought was cool… but he didn't realize how important it was until a year later. Contains: Uncle Wayne, shopping, time-jumping, snuggles, a little bit of Eddie and Evil Woman's early days. Words: 1.3k
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The best $7 Eddie Munson ever spent was at a thrift store just outside of Hawkins, Indiana, in the fall of 1983.
But he didn't know it until a year later.
The night before his Uncle Wayne disappeared for Thanksgiving - the man had worked overtime on every holiday he could, since he'd determined that Eddie could take care of himself - he slapped $40 on the kitchen table between their TV dinners.
"Wha'sis for?" Eddie asked through a mouthful of noodles.
"Don't talk with your mouth full."
Eddie swallowed and repeated, "What's this for?"
"Sales everywhere on Friday. Go get yourself a new coat, it's supposed to be a bad winter. And a pair of gloves that still has the damn fingers in them. Looks like I'm raisin' a hobo."
"Does not," Eddie mumbled as he swirled his fork around the pasta in his bowl. He liked his old coat… even though it was faded. And coming apart at the seams in a few places. And the cuffs were so frayed, every time he tried putting it on, his fingers got caught in the threads. And there was that hole from when he'd gotten caught on a chain-link fence during a high-speed getaway. But he'd patched it! And the gloves he'd cut the fingers out of were cool!
Wayne looked up from the piece of bread he was buttering to give his nephew a pointed stare.
"Fine," Eddie gave in. "Thanks, Uncle Wayne."
"Yeah, yeah." The old man's eyes twinkled as he waved off his nephew's thanks and took another bite.
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Being a practical and frugal-minded teen, Eddie started the search for a coat at his favorite thrift store.
"Hey, kid," greeted George, the store's owner, who barely looked up from the battered Tupperware he was sticking price tags on. "Just got a pile of 8-tracks, haven't even priced 'em yet, you interested?"
"Business before pleasure," Eddie grinned at the gray-haired man. "I come seeking winter-wear."
"Winter-wear, huh? Good call. Heard it's gonna be a rough one."
"Yeah, that's what my uncle said, too," Eddie nodded.
"Check the back wall, might be somethin' back there that'll fit ya."
"Thanks!" Eddie carefully treaded through the crowded aisles of discarded treasures and found the wall of outerwear. He flipped through cheap plastic hangers holding neon windbreakers, matted fake fur, and load of crunchy raincoats that reeked of cheaper cigarettes than his. And then… he found it.
It was long, and black, and it was way too big for him.
But when he put it on and turned around, it swished around his calves and made him feel like a vampire in a cloak.
Eddie walked to the grubby mirror leaned up against the wall and checked himself out. It was whole. Almost new, even. It was warm, and he could easily fit it on over the lighter leather jacket and battle vest he wore year-round. He lifted his arms out, and the fabric rippled to his sides. He reached for the edges and pulled them away from his body, holding them out to see just how big the coat was.
It made him look like a bat.
He lifted the paper price tag attached to a button-hole by a string.
$10? Sold.
He twirled in the mirror, watching the fabric rustle and sway around him like a creature of the night. He held up an arm to cover his mouth, like he was hiding his fangs. Yep. This is it. This is the one.
He took it off and draped it over his shoulder, deciding to see if any cool t-shirts had arrived since last he'd looked. He sorted through the rack quickly. Nothing new, but you can't win 'em all.
Eddie returned to the front with the coat, and George laughed when he spotted it. "Kid, I could fit five of you in that thing."
"I like it," Eddie grinned. "It's roomy. How 'bout those 8-tracks?"
George heaved the box full of newly acquired 8-tracks onto the counter so Eddie could dig through them. It was mostly show tunes and Christmas music, but he enjoyed the hunt nonetheless.
"Nothin'?" George asked when Eddie looked up.
Eddie shook his head. "A Partridge Family Christmas isn't really my style."
George laughed and scribbled ".50 each" on the flap of the cardboard box. "Will you find a spot for that in the front window?"
"Yessir." Eddie picked up the hefty box and walked it to the front of the store. He moved some creepy dolls and nudged a red tricycle aside to make room, placed the box down with the price facing the window, and returned to the counter.
"Just the coat, then?"
"$7?" Doesn't the tag say $10?
"That thing takes up too much room. I can fit four more in its place."
Eddie grinned and passed his cash to the man behind the counter.
"I'd ask if you want a bag, but I don't think I have any I could fit that monstrosity in," George teased as he handed Eddie his change.
"Thanks, George," Eddie laughed and collected his coat. "See ya soon."
"Stay warm, kid."
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The morning Wayne came home from his long and tiring holiday stretch, he found far more change than he'd expected on the table, two pairs of new gloves… and a hulking mass of black draped over the back of a chair.
Wayne picked up the coat and held it out in front of him, marveling at its size. Well, it was warm, didn't have any holes in it, and clearly hadn't cost an arm and a leg. He folded it and put it back where he found it, spotting a note underneath the cash.
"Coat was $7. It'll come in handy when I finally become a vampire."
Wayne snorted.
"Gloves were buy one, get one free. I can show you how to cut the fingers out of yours if you want to look as cool as me."
He rolled his eyes at the boy snoring down the hall, put down the note, and started getting ready for bed.
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"Why is it so fucking cold? I'm freezing my balls off."
Eddie raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend of three months in the Hawkins High parking lot. Most of the sensible students went on inside when it was this cold, but his girl - who hated this place as much as he did - decided to stick it out with him outside until the bell rang and forced them in.
"Shut up, you know what I mean." Her eyes rolled and her teeth chattered.
He checked his watch - seven minutes before the bell - and took one last drag off his cigarette. He exhaled as he dropped the butt on the ground and put it out with a twist of his boot.
"Wanna go in?"
She shook her head and wrapped her arms around herself. Stubborn.
"C'mere, then." Eddie unbuttoned the massive black coat he'd bought the year before - now decorated with band buttons on the lapels - and held it open to her. Now it was her turn to raise an eyebrow. "Come on," he urged.
She looked at him suspiciously. Shit, was this weird? Was inviting your girl into a coat cocoon more of a six-month thing? And then she walked into him. He wrapped his arms and his coat around them both and felt her relax against him almost instantly. She slowly slid her arms around his middle and rested her head in the crook of his neck. Oh god, oh god, did she just nuzzle her cheek into him?!?
Eddie was glad she couldn't see the grin on his face. He tilted his head down and let his hair fall around his face so no one else could see it either. He leaned his cheek against her head and inhaled the scent of her, closing his eyes and wishing the bell would never ring so they could stay just like this forever.
What had George said the day he bought this coat? That he could fit five people in there?
Eddie was quite happy with just two.
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
Okay ep4 time to roll my eyes
Okay I’m bored already. Sabine is saving grace of the show. This is boring
Awww she’s calling for her mom 🥺
God I like this planet but. Overall for this show I hate it. Because the LACK OF COLOUR IS BAD
You are NOT leaving ezra behind
You can explode thrawn if he gets back. BUT YOU WILL NOT FUCKING ABANDON EZRA.
I miss clone wars Huyang. When ahsoka rebooted him she took all his personality out and trashed it.
Shin Hati ur sooo cute.
Reeeeally hate shins hair tho. So 2020s.That won’t age. That’s going to stay 2020s and when people watch this in 20 years they will rightfully make fun of costuming.
Disney pay people to give a shit about this please
I’m so sick of Ahsoka’s shitty ass lekku and montrals
Jumpsca—yep. Knew it. Disney cares about nothing except shock value
okay bored again now.
“Stay together” lines sooo stupid. Rolling my eyes.
I could write better in my sleep.
Rip that guy he doesn’t get paid enough
He’s sitting where his brother used to sit where his father used to sit. I’m not okay. I’m truly not.
Where… is the ghosts colour.
Where’s the yellow.
Also why… is that guy around again. Do we NEED mando refs.
Bored again.
Baylon is interesting tho. I want to know more about him and Shin.
Kay stupid action scene. Bored. Zoning out.
I love cranberries tho I’m having a cranberri orange scone that I made from scratch. So tasty. Burned at the bottom bc my oven doesn’t work right (the airflow is very poor). But the orange glaze j made mostly covers it.
Ooo tree destruction
Okay all that twirly for nothing is so stupid
Oop so Marrok was just. Nightsister magic. I figured as much.
Buff Santa will protect the map
Oh this bitch knew anakin?
Ofc everyone knew anakin he was a bitch that never followed protocol
Buff Santa Baylon is very interesting
If they can’t do it right. DONT DO IT AT ALL.
This should have been animated. This should not have Filoni. This shouldnt be set so far back in the timeline.
Hhh when do we see ezra.
I don’t care about this I want exra
Spoke too soon
Sabine putcher helmet back on
Kanan and Fenn Rau taught her that 🥰
Oop buff Santa big mad
Don’t destroy take it
is shin really dead tho that would be bad and make the show boring
She’s not like Ahsoka. She’s like Hera. She’s like Kanan. She’s like Ezra. She’s like her family.
Oh no… clan wren…
Oh no…
Oh my god hera and Jacen and chopper and zeb are all she has left. All. No wonder she wants ezra back so so much. Even much more than before.
Stab his hand STAB HIS HAND
nooo sabine WOULDNT
No she would NOT
Oh butt
Sabine wouldn’t do that.
Where’s the yellow for the ghost?
Oh my god
Sabine wouldn’t have done that
Well now she’ll be inside the ship tho
She’ll go to ezra
Ezra I miss you so much. I hope we see you soon <3
Gonna run right thru em all except hera bc she’s in the middle
Interesting. But predictable. Did we all expect that? Yes we did!
Jacen baby you shouldn’t be here
Okay good good
“I’ve got a bad feeling” oh he’s like his brother he’s like his father I’m going to cry. I don’t… I can’t…
Wow great shot of Bad Lekku And Montrals
Sparkle water
Is she dead?!
..: she man save Kanan…
How is he full body tho he’s dead
Where’s his scar?
Wow and ofc they cut it off right as it gets interesting
Kay. Bored now.
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SCP: Standard Cooking Protocols
As part of the new Enrichment Protocols, I'm tasked with giving a cooking lesson to 053, Evie. Today's lesson: Papa Snow's Anomalously Delicious Chocolate Chunk Cookies. Since my favorite niece can barely see the counter, never mind work an oven, she's sitting on a stool handing the premeasured ingredients to me.
It's early afternoon, and the first activity in the new division is underway. Evie wanted to know how my dad taught me to bake her favorite cookies, so I'm showing her. We're in the staff breakroom kitchen, both in lemon print aprons. I tied Evie's hair back in pigtails, no one likes hair in their cookies, least of all our big cranky reptile buddy. Once I pin my hair into a messy bun, we get to work. I've measured out all the stuff from flour to vanilla, in the exact amounts, most of it in plastic bags except the eggs.
"Okay, first we need the sugar and the butter. Add a splash of vanilla, and I'll whip the whole thing up. That's step one."
"Why the sugar and butter first?" Evie asks as I add the sweet powder to the dairy component. As I blend it, I explain.
"By mixing the so-called wet stuff first, we can get it more evenly mixed. Pretty sure not everybody is into big hunks of butter in their cookie dough." Once I'm satisfied, I move to the next part. Evie passes the eggs and vanilla, and I pour the brown liquid in.
"The trick to not getting shell in the bowl is just crack them gently on a flat surface, then bend back the shell." I show her Dad's method. No shell, no problem! In they go, a-one, a-two, then more mixing.
"Can you eat eggshells?"
"You can, but I think they're a bit too crunchy to catch on as a snack." I check the recipe. Ah, the dry phase can begin.
"Flour, please." Evie hand over the largest sack, I snip off a corner with scissors and use the open tip to funnel the flour in. It's an advantage to premeasuring, even if doing it is a pain in the buns. Even so, there's still a bit of stray flour before I'm done. The rest of the powdery stuff goes in next, baking soda and a tiny bit of salt.
"Why add the salt?"
"It brings out the sweet in the cookie, makes it taste better. This stuff was once so valuable the Romans used it to pay the army. That was before refrigeration was a big thing, and there wasn't ice around. It preserves food too. Just don't go eating a lot of salted meat without water, it dries your mouth out a little too much." I turn to my eager assistant. "I've been doing all the work here, wanna dump in the chocolate chunks for me? Just pull the top open, and let them rip." Evie pours in the chunks, I start stirring again. As I do, I ask her a question.
"So, Most Trusted and Best Baker's Helper Ever, what do we do with all these cookies once they're baked and cool?"
"We eat some, silly!"
"We eat all these, we'll be sick. Maybe one or two for right now, then we box the rest up to share with Mr. Lizard later, during storytime? I'm sure the big guy likes a good cookie too."
"Well, there is a lot of them. Maybe someone else needs a cookie too. Ooh! 999! He loves cookies. Why don't we save him some?"
"Great idea, Evie. Wanna hear a secret? I heard one of our new hires, Dr. Miller hasn't had a cookie in a while. I'll take her some on my way to see some of the Keters. I do have to drop off a dozen to 682, after all." I look at the bowl, yep. We have achieved dough. Time to bake. This is the part Evie shouldn't be too involved with as a kid, that oven is hot. So, time for a visit to Nook's Cranny while Auntie Rabbit finishes the job and tidies up.
"Okay, break time, Evie. It's going to be a while before the final product, so why not check out your village? I have the game set, have fun. Say hi to Bob for me."
She starts playing my DS while I handle the rest. Before long, everything is done, including the dishes. Evie looks up.
"All done so soon?"
"Yep. I learned to clean up as I go, leaves more time for fun that way. The cookies are almost ready to be packed up. But... there's the final step. This is the most important part, okay? So, total honestly here. Are you ready for the final test?"
"What is it?"
"We each eat one, and say if it's tasty or not. This was the part Dad told me was both the best and hardest, judging what you made. Ready? Here comes phase one test. Evie, start your chompers!" She giggles as I hand her a fresh cookie. She takes her first bite, and that huge smile tells me we have succeeded. As she's devouring the test sample, a familiar orange gelatinous mound of glee wobbles in, lured by the scent of fresh cookies.
"Hey, 999? Mind running an unauthorized test for us?" I hand him a cookie, placing it on his top. It sinks in, he chirps in happiness. "Okay, test successful. We have made some very good cookies." We box up most of the rest to be shared, but we all take just one more cookie each.
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nicks-fairy-lights · 2 years
notes i took while rewatching heartstopper (it's a lot)
ep 1. meet
british boys playing rugby
oh this mf is all secretive (yr flashbacks, wille, why???)
no ben is kinda crunchy tho
ew why ben
nick is kinda. yeah
oh wow prince charming move there buddy
"thank you x" nice one, charlie spring
ep 2. crush
charlie spring is kinda sad tho
nick nelson: message delete count x2
charlie's lock screen :sob:
heart emoji
oh nick is blushing now
haha "i know he's straight" lol no u dont my guy
i love this art teacher :O
nellie <3
i love how elle walks in and girl in red cues
oh wow tori big brain moment right there
mario kart
"youre a proper little nerd"
nick nelson's turquoise hoodie
observant mother
nick has hardcore straight friends D:
charlie emergency
charlie helping nick play the drums gasp
nick just became charlie's lock screen
"you look so cuddly like that"
yep, tori, got to side with you on that one
i wish i had charlie's friend group
"am i gay?" yeah def take that buzzfeed quiz
ep 3. kiss
imogen likes him :/
ayo nick invited him
oh no film night is cancelled
why does everyone live in like mansions
tara jones needs to stop being the center of every convo in the straight club
tao is my favourite boy
tara my girl :D
charlie spring has disappeared
wow nick's straight friends suck so much its indescribable
ew ben is back
imogen is coming on pretty thick, like chill dude
tara and her gf kissed awwwhh my heart
charlie spring is found
mysterious mr. nelson
no why is the house so big.
"are they not a girl?"
"would you go out with someone thats not a girl?"
"would you kiss someone that wasnt a girl"
oh the little fireworks and the flowers
"would you kiss me?"
no nick go back >:(
nick nelson, the loo is not charlie spring
okay nick nelson went back
ep 4. secret
charlie and his curls and the mirror
yeah no way to shut out self deprication by kissing
they do say sorry a lot
"did i forget something?" yeah, charlie springs lips
tara jones and her girl !!!
oh em gee this art teacher 😭
harry is an idiot
"its hard to be confident when they see me as a stereotypical gay boy who can't do sports"
why are they so muddy
okay so isaac knows now
imogen. girl. why.
ep 5. friend
tao is going to crush them verbally
ooh birthday party
awwh poor doggo
"nothing" okay go away
they want to eat at nANDO's
so is nick coming or
imogen D:
yeahh you tell them nick
yeahh you too tao
okay nvm
"yeah, well, her dog died."
"the right girl will come along, just you wait"
no tao dont be sad
"murder's fine too"
awwh no that gift is so cute :(
ep 6. girls
okay so maybe nick nelson is bi
what but "girls" by girl in red played.
okay maybe elle is bi too??
tao is so overprotective but i love it
ooh the special room
…please god
anti-homophobia cheese
yeah they do say sorry a lot
oop- her name is darcy. i know that now
tori my beloved
insta bestie
imagine homework
literally the most awkward way to ask someone out
no they suck at asking each other out
and i love it
tao is lowkey oblivious
the other girls are so mean >:(
tara and darcy have disappeario
ahah they got locked in
thank you for good lesbian dynamic
ep 7. bully
tori :') ily so much
charlie spring and his hair again
crunchy ben >:(
charlie has an epic dad
golden retriever has entered the chat
"well you kind of are a gay nerd."
"shut up rugby lad."
ben u son of a
char :O
"i like it. it's cute."
oh no horror night flashbacks
literally piss off harry
oH oops i forGOT mAH raiNBOW
why harry gotta be like that thp
is ben jealous or something
oh my god shut up
there are no words
hearing songs i actually listen to in the soundtrack
tao ahh
harry really sucks
camera be goin' all shaky
awwh protective much <3
no charlie spring, stop self-deprecating
the 's' word :/
tao whyre you oblivious
no friendship drama is so bad
ahah deleting messages again charlie spring
tao's mum :D
tao and elle have such an adorable dynamic
ew harry
why is everyone beating up everyone. but its like
ep 8. boyfriend
yes charlie, drum out the feels
tori has my whole heart by now
like she knows so much D:
(ben is a piece of crap)
charlie spring is so sad
ofc pizza would help
issac reading "gender explorers"
ew sports day
tao rage writing
charlie looked like he was on the verge of tears right there :(
tao on his protective arc
no this is nice tho, theyre bonding
"secret guy you kiss sometime on the down-low"
heart emoji <3
no not this "typing.." again
elle looks pretty with yellow and blue
ahh gal pals :D
charlie spring just ran away from nick
why does it look like half of the school bunked
mr. ajayi's room is so cool
charlie said the 's' word D:
ben is so full of himself
yessss theyre not mad at each other anymore
oho elle and tao get some alone time
tao painted his friends :)))
ah yes finally
picking dandelions off in the corner
no he isn't fine. charlie spring hasn't been sighted
what is charlie standing on? a child?
charlie is spotted :O
holding hands <3
mr ajayi
ah em gee this is so cute i'm dying
they're so wholesome :sob:
"i like charlie spring!"
"in a romantic way, not just a friend way!"
you could see how scared charlie was for a second there
nick's smile just there :D
oh crap he's coming out
thank you alice oseman
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cljordan-imperium · 2 years
I was tagged by @saltysupercomputer who did an awesome job. Check his out.
My words are:
Guide, Incredible, Youth, Hate and Tone
I don't know who to tag cuz brain is not braining tonight so leaving it open to anyone with the words: audacity, terror, crunchy helpless, and embolden.
Now on to mine...
So far Abriella was three for three and feeling pretty good.  Now came another easy one that she was sure would be a win.  “Delilah, you were worried about coming and sticking out being the only human, well now formerly human.  As you can see, even those who were born immortal have their share of issues and problems that they’re needing help with.  Now you too are immortal and I can think of no one better to guide you through not only your introduction to Imperium but immortality than a dear friend of mine, Talon.”  Dez chuckled and so did Deacon.  Both nodded in agreement.  Talon had proven himself over the preceding months of navigating discovering that Thinius was his father, to handling all of the fallout from Talia’s insanity and ensuing drama.  
Tech nerd and weapons guru, how could Talon have asked for anyone better?  It was like Brie had given him the ultimate gift for not absolutely losing his shit since they’d been reunited.  It seemed his life had been one twist or turn after another, but he’d somehow kept his footing.  He was a mix between how his dad was dressed and Deacon, which fit him.  He was like a mix of the two.  Jeans and a button down shirt, sans tie.  Not too formal, not too relaxed.  All swagger as he crossed the room.  
“He’s my dad,” he pointed to Thinius, who looked more like he could have been his brother.  “And he”, he pointed to Deacon, “is my best friend.”  He chuckled.  “So you’ve been warned.  I can be a little crazy around those two especially, but I tend to be kinda down to earth.  And I slay at Fallout 3, so you better be ready, gamer girl.”  He saw Del’s eyes light up and he knew he’d already scored.  Oh yeah, he was going to like her.  That she was smokin was even better.  Hot gamer girls were his thing and now he got one that was on this side of the screen, not a bad deal if he had to say so.
(Apparently I don't use this word often, I had to go to some old writing for this one)
Dez and Talon looked incredulously back and forth between Abbadon and Thinius.  “Say WHAT?!”  Dez asked, shaking his head as if trying to clear it.
“Yep, ya heard right bro.  That was just before you two assholes showed up.”  
“Dad, I think you really need to consider taking her on a real date.  Forget about the whole wedding thing, how about you actually take her out and be romantic.”  Talon sighed and ran his hand through his hair before taking another sip of coffee.
“We’ll help.  You obviously have no clue what you’re doing.”  Dez added, shaking his head.
“How is he the one that ended up with the fucking sexy, baddass, scary as shit woman again?” Thinius asked, laughing.
Abbadon raised his head to give Thinius a droll stare.  “Because I’m the one that can fucking destroy the rest of you.  Now…I guess we need to talk about this whole date thing.”  He sighed.  Billions of years in existence and he was going to go on his first real date.  Incredible. How the fuck did this happen?  
“I know, Ash,” she was done poking him.  They’d known each other long enough for her to know that she’d reached a point where things were about to go bad and quickly.   “You’re my best friend and my protector.  I need you there.  I just need to make this deal, so father will stop thinking I need to marry some royalty from another realm to make alliances.”  Her eyes pleaded with him to understand as she moved forward a half step and laid her hand on his cheek.  “Don’t make me go to him alone, please, Ash.” 
For a minute, his teeth ground.  Go and watch her flirt and charm a Duke that she couldn’t stand, there wasn’t much he could think of that he would rather do less than that.  Having her go alone was out of the question though..  Kaylin was gorgeous and more than once he had been forced to intervene when a paramour had gotten over amorous.  “FINE.” Asher finally ground out, his eyes shifting more green as he stared hard at her.  He was not liking a single, solitary part of this and he wanted that clear. “But if you end up in his bed…” his word was cut off by her thumb on his lips, her hand having slid off of his cheek and more onto his jaw.
“I won’t.” Kaylin assured him.  She didn’t really know if he was jealous or if he had more of just an overprotective nature to him.  There were days she thought one way, then days she felt the other.  The older she had grown, the less she looked at him as just a friend, but she wouldn’t…no couldn’t…admit that.  Not when she wasn’t sure. She had found his egg when she was only six and they had spent their entire youth together.  Recently though, things had changed between them, or maybe she just wanted it to have.  “You are the only male who has ever, or will ever, share a bed with me, Asher.” Even if it was in the most platonic of ways with him curled up as a small dragon on her other pillow.
Del’s eyes searched his face and she felt like crying.  After what had just gone on between them and now there was bad news of some kind?  Had she done something?  Was there something about Talon that Brie hadn’t told her?  Did he hate her?  Was she just a pity fuck?
“Bad.”  She choked out and tried not to cry.
He really needed to get better at teasing her. She was going to break his heart if she kept crying when he was trying to to tease.
“If things go according to my plans, then she will be a permanent resident of the manner.  However, she will not require additional staff other than a permanent tailoress fae.  Find one needing long term employment and who can keep her mouth shut.  I want one with discretion.”  Horace was familiar with how lose lipped fae could be and he understood the concerns of Casperius.  He gave a curt nod in response to the request.  “She will be mine.” 
Horace’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, he knew he had heard Casperius right but the true meaning behind it he was unsure of.  “Yours?” He finally managed to get out in a tone and inflection that said it was a question of so much meaning.
“MINE.” Casperius stood erect and looked Horace straight in the face.  What about that declaration was so confusing to people?  Martenique had been confused by it as well.  That Horace did not seem to understand the stated and unstated implications of it displeased him and Casperius’ face reflected that.   Visalus stepped back some, unsure of what was going on, but not wanting to feel his master’s ire.  “She has agreed to court.”
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kaldorahm · 2 years
So... You know, I love wearing my locs ( it will be almost 1 year the next month I have made this decision). And today I decide to talk about "the treasures I found in locs" ( aka all theses things I can found in my hair, yup cause you know what I mean)
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*not mine, image from pinterest*
Well, there are so, so, so many pros for having dreadlocs.
For example: there are few hours ago, my mom asked my lil sis to detangle her hair, cause she needs to this and this before going to her hairstylist... And in my head I was like" OMG, oh yeah clearly one of the best decision I ever made in my life"
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So, yeah I can't wait to record videos and create more post about this for real. And I know, it's just the beginning of the journey, but what is good about da, is I am always learning. I mean even if I have growd up surrounded with people with locs (friend and/or family), reading and watching about the topic, the best still getting your own experiences.
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And now, it's winter. Not officially, but my sibbling are doing the decoration for the xmas tree, And I bet I will found some spines or leaf very soon in my hair, LOL
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And speaking about this, I use to find stuff in my hair. Yeah you listen to me, and read very well.
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*pictures are not mine, from pinterest*
[NB. This is approximatively, the way I look: the lengh, the size, the shape and the form of my hair. I lost my phone, I don't have all files in my cloud, -this is an other storytime- but in waiting for... bring back to the topic of the day "the treasures I found in locs"]
So, here a short list from the more "obvious" to the less:
1/ not the the most glamourious one but dust (most of the time,because I forgot to protect my hair *no pride of this one*)
2/ I use to forget my hair accessories in my hair ( like my crunchies, pins, or my hair ring) *yeah I am this kind of person, you can juge me for the previous one, not this one ;p*
3/ Because of the weather, I can find leaf or branch in my hair. Yep, I like being outside and I'd like to say this is Nature
... but it made terrible confusion with the others spacies. Cause, for real, I think bugs think I am tree, cause it's not such a wirdo thing for me to handle with bees or little spider around me, or in my hair
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*Look how much this confusion is really disturbing, this an other dimension, an other univers*
And now, thank the last one I am here.
There are few days, one my coach said me" you have something in your hair", and me "oh really". Then,...he found popcorn ( and know maybe it was on my beanie, or clothes maybe on my bed *lmfao* but I watched movie the last week end *i cant' stop laughing rn*)
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So, yes POPCORN is for real one theses treasures I Found until now. I wanna share this fact with you, I don't think I am the only one here, and because I don't really read/listen/watch funny side testimonials.
So don't be shy, let's share our stories ;p
You can also check the previous loc talk
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smellytownie · 3 years
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nadine patton.
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noface-phantom7 · 3 years
Possession: Kinda Victor-ious
A Case of SCP-1990: The Mediocre Wish Granter
(Part One)
“Got it, Mrs. Robinson.” I say over the phone, one hand covering my other ear to make out her words over the loud howling of snow on her background. “Yes, I can stay with him overnight. Don’t worry, I already called mom—yeah, won’t be a problem. Sure, stay safe out there!” Then there was a beep signaling the end of the call. I sighed, then slid the phone back in my pocket.
“What’d she say?” A small voice says to me from the couch, Richard, the eight-year old kid I was supposed to babysit. “Tell me she’s going home tomorrow.”
“Yep,” I nodded, walking back towards the couch where he sat watching a movie. Richard grins, sighing in relief as he returned to his show. “I’ll have to crash here for the night too. That okay with you, kiddo?” I ask him, plopping down beside him and looking out the window, where the snow was also picking up and starting to fall heavier.
“You cook better than her.” He deadpans while holding his stuffed tiger close, and I laugh while patting his head. I live a few houses over, though my mom knew Lydia, his mother, from the local garden club so I frequently came over to babysit Richard since he was four. They’re nice people, a single mother and her two sons—so I couldn’t really refuse. And anyway, I had another reason why I liked coming over.
“So, what do you want for dinner?” I ask Richard, glancing at the clock hanging on the wall. He just shrugs, ponders for a moment, then points over the box on the counter. “Mac and cheese? Again?”
“Mom’s not here anyway.” He just mutters, and I chuckled as I stood up to get ready. I should’ve guessed that ‘cooking better’ meant ‘cooking what I want’ to Richard. “Crunchy top please.” He adds, turning back to the movie.
“That’s going to take a little—” I respond, already on my way to the kitchen, when there was a loud knock on the door. I raised an eyebrow at this, even Richard looked over the couch curiously. “Coming!” I call out, intrigued as to who may be out in the snow at this time. It could just be someone asking directions, I thought, or a neighbor.
As soon as I turn the knob of the door open, the person pushes it open fully, then slips inside as he slams it close against the biting cold. I was going to yell for Richard to call the cops, but caught myself while the figure shook snow off his hair and coat.
This was the other reason I liked coming over.
“Sorry mom, I know it’s sudden but—” he starts to mumble quickly, but stops short at my sight. “Seth? What are you doing here?” He asks. This was Victor, Richard’s older brother. He’s about two years my senior, much taller, and already a sophomore in a university a couple of towns away. I wasn’t as close with him as I was with Richard, especially since Lydia and Victor weren’t on the bestest of terms. Still, I’ve long since felt something every time we cross paths in school or whenever I sit Richard.
Victor was a few inches taller than I am, and since I last saw him two years ago, he seems to be oozing more of his appeal now. He had eyes that I could swear people would get drawn to, youthful masculine face and sculpted features, great physique, and a smile that could get anyone. I liked coming over, not because I harbored feelings for him, but I always wanted to be just like him—especially physically.
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He was very athletic too, I recall he’d been part of the high school’s basketball team. Even when he started college, Lydia had mentioned a couple of times that he made it on their team as well, though I heard he quit the team beginning sophomore year because of a disagreement between him and a couple of teammates. Still, I’ve spent a couple of moments doing ‘business’ on a couple of his team’s photoshoots.
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“Your mom’s visiting a friend and then, y’know.” I told him, gesturing at the snow outside while also trying to catch my breath. His brows rise in understanding, then nods at me, making my heart jump a little and life stir in my pants. “She didn’t tell me you were coming though?”
“It’s more of an impulse thing…” He replies a little sheepishly, hanging his coat over the stair banister. He looked a little flushed too, maybe from the snow but even his eyes were a little red as if he were crying. “Listen, I just need the night over, maybe I can leave before mom comes home so don’t tell her.”
“Are you okay? I ask, catching him just before he ascends the stairs. He looked a little troubled as he turned back, the corners of his lips twitching a little before offering a curt nod.
“Yeah, I just need the night. I’ll get back to my dorm tomorrow.” Victor says softly, smiling slightly before making his way up to his old room and leaving me a little dumbfounded. At the same time, Richard steps out of the living room and into the hallway.
“Was that Vic again?” He asks, his plush tucked under his arm. I nod, looking back up the stairs then before turning back to Richard. I opened my mouth to ask him about it but he shrugs and beats me to it. “Oh yeah, he sneaks home when he fights with his boyfriend.” He tells me as-a-matter-of-factly.
“He has a boyfriend?” I start to ask Richard, and he just nods as he turns back towards the living room. “I didn’t know—”
“He doesn’t know that I know so don’t tell him.” He calls out over the sound of the TV, then adds. “Hurry up, I’m hungry!”
I was still a little stunned, and pleasantly surprised at the revelation but quickly went to prepare Richard’s food, contemplating whether or not I make enough for Victor too. I did end up making a little extra, though, and had Richard tell him about it. He said he wasn’t really hungry but thanked me nonetheless. It took most of my self-control and will to not peek into Victor’s room though.
It was soon late night, Victor really hadn’t gone down at all meanwhile Richard was already fighting to keep his eyes open so I had to tuck him in. I was originally supposed to sleep in Victor’s room, and since I didn’t want to sleep in Lydia’s room, that left me the couch. The guest room hadn’t been cleaned in years, and as tempting as it was, I’d rather get uncomfortable than sleep in dust.
Outside, the blizzard had only gotten stronger and I was thankful the Robinsons had heaters installed. I had turned the TV off once I had tucked Richard in, and waited for sleep to take me as I scrolled on my phone. It was around midnight when tendrils of drowsiness had started to take root in me when Richard appeared behind the couch.
“Whoa, buddy.” I told him, rising up from the couch. “You okay? Can’t sleep?”
“I just thought you’d be lonely down here, so have her.” He tells me then dumps his stuffed tiger on my lap before yawning and turning back. “Sarah helps you sleep.” And then he was gone.
I chuckled as I lied back down while I examined the toy. It looked old, and the name ‘SARAH’ was written in bold marker on the clean and care tag, it was cute and thoughtful. I had just tucked one of the pillows under my head when I heard footsteps, heavy, leading to the kitchen. I shifted on the couch a little, enough to see Victor in his pajamas taking something out of the fridge.
At that point, I could already feel exhaustion and sleep seeping into my bones. I gripped the toy close to me, my vision already fading all the while I thought in my head, “I wish I looked as great as Victor.”, with the sight of him sneaking back upstairs the last I see.
Some time in my sleep, I felt something in and around me shift. I couldn’t explain it, and I could be dreaming, but it felt as if I was floating freely in the air. My vision was a little foggy, but a sudden breeze seemingly blew me up and through what looked like the ceiling downstairs. It was surreal, like swimming in the ocean and getting carried by a strong current.
My eyes adjusted slightly in the dark, and beneath me I could see a familiar figure—it was Victor in a prone position. I looked at his sleeping facade, his features softening and giving way to a more innocent look. I was confused, I didn’t know what was happening and why I was seeing him like this. It was only until I felt the breeze again, when it started to pull me down towards Victor that I started to panic. All I could do as I got dragged down was shield my face, and brace for impact.
“Hey!” I felt small hands gripping my arm, shaking me awake from my sleep. It was a little faint, with my hearing slowly coming to me as I bolt up. “Hey, I can’t find Seth.” He tells me, and I blink around me in confusion.
“What?” I asked, my voice sounding a little groggy and deeper than I knew. Even the room looked a little too bright for me, the couch—or bed felt much softer than I remembered. I could feel a blanket tangled between my legs, though I distinctly remember not having one. “Did you guys bring me up here?” I ask, rubbing my eyes.
“Huh?” Richard asks, raising an eyebrow at me. “I can’t find Seth, did you see him?”
“What do you mean?” I ask back, my vision finally clearing. It was then that I realized I was in Victor’s room, evidenced by the countless posters all over the walls, a dozen questions running in my head, including Richard’s weird question, and I had to press my palms over my eyes. “I’m—”
I stopped, hearing my voice. I blinked once, then brought my hands down, staring at the veins that run along my arm. My hands were bigger, as well as my arms, and I wasn’t wearing the shirt I had yesterday—instead I was wearing Victor’s pajamas. I threw the blanket off my legs, making Richard jump back, as I stared at my legs, except they weren’t mine. I touched my face, ran a hand through my hair, and stifled a sound of both surprise and disbelief.
“Are you okay?” Richard asked, though he was now standing near the door and looked a little spooked. I didn’t know how to respond, but the first thing that came to mind was to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating or having delusions.
“Yeah,” I told him, slowly getting off the bed and then noting that the snowfall had stopped through the window. “Maybe he had to go early.” I say, both weirded out and aroused at hearing Victor’s voice come out of my mouth.
“Aww.” Richard groans, stepping out of the room. “Can you call him for me please? I can’t find Sarah anywhere.”
“Sarah?” I ask, before remembering his stuffed tiger. “Yeah sure, just give me a sec.” He disappeared into the hallway at this, and I dashed towards the door and closed it as soon as he was away. Immediately, the first thing I did was turn towards the mirror on the corner of the room and stripped my shirt off.
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“Holy shit,” I say under my breath, the corners of my mouth twitching up to a smile while I glide my hand over my broad chest, the other tracing my abs. I pinched myself for a moment, and once I was sure I wasn’t dreaming, continued to admire myself in the mirror. “It’s real.” I tell myself, letting my hand plunge inside my pants.
I couldn’t even recall much of what happened—all I remember was falling asleep as I watched Victor sneak back upstairs, the weird dream, and then this. Was it even really a dream, or was it what led to this? Did my wish somehow come true? I had no clue, and I didn’t really want to think much about it as I felt the strong urge to explore my new self, and mess around my new body, which I did.
It was the best feeling I’ve had, ever, and I found myself a little reluctant to pull myself off the bed once I was done and reeling from the afterglow. But when I did, I had to physically turn myself away from the mirror, or else I’d be playing with myself again. I decided to dress up, and since it was the weekend, maybe have some fun as Victor for a while.
I dashed down towards the kitchen, where I saw Richard preparing himself a bowl of cereal. “Well?” He asked, looking at me expectantly.
“Well what—” I start, then remembered earlier, when he was looking for me and his toy. “Oh. Yeah, Seth had to get home early, something was up. Didn’t mention Sarah.” I bluff, shrugging at him who eyes me suspiciously before sighing. “Look buddy, I have to go. Don’t tell mom, okay?”
“Yeah, whatever.” He replies, pouring milk on his bowl. I grin at him, then gave him a wink as I grabbed Victor’s coat hanging on the bannister. I patted the pockets down, and quickly found his car keys.
Because of Richard’s revelation last night, I had a vague idea of how to spend the day: back in Victor’s university. I don’t know what was up with him and his boyfriend, but I plan to take advantage of it. I checked his phone earlier, and he had a couple of messages and calls from who I assume was his boyfriend, Jude.
The road outside was fortunately already cleared, no more snow or sheets of frozen puddle so driving out wasn’t much of a problem. The streets and many turns leading to his university felt like I knew them all along, like muscle memory, so it wasn’t long until I was looking for a spot to park my car. I didn’t have all his memories, it seemed like the more I try to think about them, the more I can jog my memory back out.
Once I parked the car, I had to pause to ‘feel’ where Victor would usually go. The campus was sprawling, and despite the cold, there were still more than a handful of people up and about. I walked for a bit, glancing at the looming building that I was sure were the student dorms. I took the moment to gloat at my reflection, taking a picture of myself and wondering what had happened to the real Victor.
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I grinned, before pocketing my phone as I made my way towards the building. Well, I couldn’t care less where he was now. Sure, I had a slight twinge of guilt gripping my heart, but it wasn’t as if I did this intentionally.
I don’t even know how long this will last, what the reason behind this was, or what happened to my old self. It was all confusing, and the thought of my old self just disappearing after all this crept like a silent fear in my gut.
But to be honest, part of the entire ordeal filled me with a strange excitement—I’ve always looked up to Victor, and also envied him a little, and now the universe has given me all that he had with the bonus that he swung the same way I did. Heck, all I even wished for was to look as great as he does. I don’t know, it seems like it was rewarding me somehow in this way. Or was this some Freaky Friday scenario too?
I laughed the latter idea off, it sounded ridiculous, and it was much fun to think of the former. But if it was the latter, well, I can’t say I’m complaining. I shrugged it all off, suppressing both the anxiety and guilt inside me as I pushed the doors open.
Whatever this entire thing was, I’m going to have a hell of a time regardless. And that starts with whatever’s up with Victor and Jude. Though, I wonder, could I fix it if I walked in on him in their dorm room shirtless?
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tzuyuscloud · 3 years
Winter x Fem Reader where they obviously like eachother but the reader is too chicken to ask her out and at the end Winter just asks the reader herself
Just ask already winter x fem reader
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The crunchy orange leaves shook on the trees some falling in the process onto the dark green grass. Minjeong let out a deep sigh, white fog leaving her mouth in the process from the cold weather. The short haired girl stood beneath the large oak tree in her family's yard calling herself raking the leaves, but in all reality she wasn't getting anywhere. Her nose was a bright red same with her cheeks, her small frame was wrapped in a huge black coat, her black 'dead inside' beanie sat on top of her head doing everything she could to keep her warm while she battled the leaves.
After a while she successfully raked them in perfect pile before a gust of wind came blowing them all around. "Need help?" Minjeong turned around at the voice seeing y/n walk up to her.
"you don't have to" minjeong said. Y/n didn't take no for an answer opening the paper bag that laid against the tree and stated scooping leaves into her arms and throwing them in the bag.
"is this your chore or something?" Y/n asked. A blush immediately covered her face when Minjeong faced her. She noticed y/n blushing, but instead played it off like she didn't see it.
"yep I have to rake leaves or shovel snow. My father cuts the grass" Minjeong answered. "What brought you over here? Not saying you're not allowed to come over since we live next door from each other"
"I don't know I was just going to ask if you'd like to join me for lunch? ...Maybe? ...You don't have to because I see you are busy. Sorry for bothering you" y/n rambled, nervous sweat beads appeared on her forehead despite how cold it was.
Minjeong sensed the girl's nervous panic and in attempt to calm her down she placed her hand on y/n's shoulder gently, "of course I'll join you!" She smiled.
Y/n let out a breath of relief before throwing a shy smile at Minjeong. The bobbed hair girl dismissed herself from her chore, walking to y/n's house for lunch. "will your parents care?" Y/n asked.
"nah they probably saw on the camera that I'm at your house it's fine" Minjeong waved away with no care. They both sat down next to each other and snacked on the lunch that y/n's mom prepped beforehand.
Y/n struggled to keep a conversation going because she was internally fighting when to drop the question to Minjeong not wanting to sound ridiculous. Although Minjeong knew about y/n's crush and was giving y/n until the end of the day to tell her before she was gonna do it herself.
"what do you wanna do after lunch?" Y/n asked. "I kinda want to bake cookies" Minjeong suggested standing up to collect their dishes. Y/n stood up with her, "I can put my own dishes away you don't have to get them" y/n told the bob haired girl. "Its fine" Minjeong took the plates to the kitchen placing them in the sink before motioning for y/n.
"let's bake cookies!" Minjeong jumped up and down excitedly. Both girls rolled their sleeves up and washed their hands before gathering the ingredients it took to make the cookie dough.
"I also have pumpkin and leave shaped cookie cutters" y/n said as she opened the cabinet with all of the baking supplies pulling things out. Minjeong poured powders and mixtures into a giant bowl added her liquids and eggs before whisking it aggressively.
Y/n couldn't help but stare at Minjeong as her tongue poked out from concentration. "So pretty" she said out loud unintentionally. "Thank you" Minjeong responded causing y/n to blush out of embarrassment only after realizing what she did.
"place the dough on the flour that's on the surface and then we have to roll it out so we can shape them" y/n said. During the process Minjeong wasn't prepared for when y/n unexpectedly put a dot of flour on her nose. "Boop" she laughed.
"yahh!" Minjeong playfully shouted. She went to get the girl back only to be pinned against the wall. "No fair I have to get you back" the Korean girl tried wiggling out of y/n's grasp. Y/n let her go but Minjeong still didn't move looking y/n in the eyes studying her. Y/n went to lean in but chickened out and spun around and walking away at the sound of the oven beeping.
Minjeong poured ready to kiss y/n, but the girl chickened out again. Which sent her over the edge.
"do you like me?" Minjeong asked with no hesitation. The question cause y/n to drop the oven mitt on the ground and stare at the wall. "Y-yeah, but-" Minjeong didn't give y/n a chance to explain herself before pressing her lips against y/n's and pulling her close.
"wait wait...you like me too?" Y/n pulled away looking at Minjeong with soft eyes. "Yes silly" the other girl chuckled lightly. Y/n couldn't comprehend anything over the sound of her heart beating loudly and the constant beeping of the oven.
"will you be my girlfriend?" Y/n puffed out her chest. "Of course baby" Minjeong answered as she ran her hand through y/n's hair before playing with her ear.
They both finished baking the cookies enjoying them by cuddling together watching movies as they fed each other cookies.
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speakergame · 4 years
Speaker Solstice Special - Dec. 17
Baking holiday cookies
“What’re you making? It smells amazing!”
Your kitchen is, to put it gently, a mess. There’s a stack of bowls in the sink, plates on every available surface, and the distinct scent of flour, sugar, and butter in the air, mixed with the rich tang of molasses and ginger and warm cinnamon.
In the center of it stands Azalea, mostly spared from the destruction surrounding her except for a dusting of flour in her dark hair. Her white frilly apron has large black buttons down the front, making her resemble a snowman that has somehow wandered into the house.
“Just some cookies,” she says, her smile just as warm and sweet as the cookies she’s baking. “‘Tis the season, after all.”
You take a deep breath of the spiced air. “Gingerbread?”
“Yep! I was just about to start icing them.” She points to a plate on the counter behind her, full of blank, faceless cookie people. “Want to help?”
She directs you to the piping bags filled with various colors of frosting, as well as little chocolate and cinnamon candies to use as eyes or buttons or whatever you want. You grab a color at random and get to work.
You and Azalea both start out trying to make the gingerbread people look like people - hers, in fact, look startlingly like you and your friends - but they get sillier the farther you go, until you’re both making rainbow people who are made mostly of sprinkles.
Once the last one is iced, you give in to the temptation and pick up a cookie. It’s one of the rainbow people, freshly completed with purple candies for eyes and a coat made out of green frosting and orange sprinkles. It’s ghastly, really, but in a cheerful way.
It’s also possibly the best thing you’ve ever eaten. Sweet, but not too sweet, with the perfect amount of spice, and crunchy without being rock hard.
You tell Azalea as much, the best you can with a mouthful of gingerbread, and she lights up in a smile brighter than sunlight. She opens her mouth to say something, but then freezes.
The smile fades from her face and instead she bites her lip, suddenly nervous.
“Y-you have, um… here, let me just--” Azalea reaches out and swipes her thumb gently along your bottom lip. As she pulls it away, you can see a hint of bright green frosting left behind, but you don’t pay it any mind. 
Your attention is fully on the dryad right in front of you. Her eyes seem to still be locked on your lips. Without thinking about it, you take a half-step closer, drawn in by this sudden intensity from her.
At your motion, she blinks out of her daze and looks away quickly, cheeks going pink. “There. Good as new.” Distractedly, she sucks the icing off her thumb, face turning even redder as she does. “We-we should, uh--I’m just gonna--I’ll be right back.” She leaves the room before you can say anything else.
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kurosakikai · 3 years
. xx5. Poker and Ramen
Find me on AO3 Find me on Ko-Fi Also available to yell at on Twitter
“Hi Urahara-san,” Kai-kun greets him cheerfully, and Kisuke looks up from his magazine, raises a brow as he pops the lolly back into his mouth.
“You’re here early,” he remarks with a smile, and Kai-kun gives him a shy smile.
“I was hoping I could pet the pretty kitty again,” he says, and Kisuke chuckles.
“You like cats, then?” He asks, and Kai-kun beams brightly.
“They’re fluffy! And they kinda remind me of Papa,” the seven-year old informs him chipperly, Kai-kun looking around hopefully.
“Oh?” Kisuke puts his magazine down even as Yoruichi comes down from upstairs. “How so?”
“Papa looks really pretty but can also kill things lots,” the boy says, distracted by Yoruichi. Which Kisuke thinks is for the best, given he chokes on the mint in his mouth. “Hi pretty kitty,” he gushes, and Yoruichi purrs at him, jumps up into his arms. “Oooh! You’re so friendly, pretty kitty!” Kai-kun gushes, scratching her on the top of her head.
“So you came by early so you could pet a cat?” Kisuke says, once he’s recovered.
“Yep!” He says happily. “Plus, spies are never late,” the boy says frankly. Kisuke smiles, chuckling indulgently at the boy and surreptitiously dropping the lollipop in the trash so he won’t choke again. The boy spends a good ten minutes cooing over Yoruichi, who purrs happily at her appreciative human audience, the boy giggling and scratching her wherever she wanted, and even giving her several appreciative little nose kisses.
Yoruichi was most certainly in her glee, Kisuke thinks with amusement, watching the little boy gush happily.
“So you’re going to adopt a cat?” He says, chuckling when Kai-kun hums.
“Maybe. Of course, I have this pretty kitty to pamper, so I don’t have to be in a hurry to adopt when I’m old enough,” the boy says, giving Yoruichi one last smooch to her nose. “Thank you pretty kitty,” he tells her, before looking expectantly at Kisuke.
“All done?” He asks, chuckling, and the boy beams up at him.
“Yep!” he says happily, and Kisuke chuckles. “What’s today’s lesson Urahara-san?” He asks, and Kisuke smiles, amused.
“Well, I thought we could work some more on the dinner forks...” he teases. When Kai-kun shoots him a look that promises murder, he laughs aloud. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” he chuckles, and Kai-kun gives him such a disbelieving look he actually snorts. “My my Kai-kun, you have such an expressive face,” he teases again, tugs on a lock of dark hair until Kai-kun whines and smacks at his hand.
So much like Jinta, his cute little protege.
“Papa warned me about you.” He says, tone suspicious, and Kisuke laughs, amused.
“I’m offended, really.” He says, entertained by the boy’s sharp look, chuckling.
It reminded him of Kaien, actually -
Kisuke freezes a little, but recovers before Kai-kun can truly notice.
“Today we’re going to work on your expressions!” He manages to say with nary a shake in his voice. “You see, the reason you always get caught lying is because you have such easy tells! So we’re going to play poker.”
“Not shogi?” Kai-kun asks, distracted by his cheerfully flapping fan. Maaa, another thing to teach his little spy in training, he supposed. Some traitorous part of him shriveled inside at the realization that he was only furthering the divide between Kai and Kaien, but a greater part of him - the parent, the caretaker, the guardian - slaps his own traitorous heart.
Ichigo had incredible faith in him. He would not betray that. More importantly, Kai-kun was young, and looked towards him for guidance. It had been a long time since anyone had looked at him for anything resembling such a thing.
“Ah, Shogi’s more familiar to you,” Kisuke says, smiling. “I’m using an unfamiliar game so I can better see how much I need to teach you.” The boy blinks at him, before nodding.
“Okay Urahara-san. So you’ll teach me the rules and then I’ll learn how to play?” He asks innocently.
“Partly. The other part, of course, is to see how well you hide your expressions.” Kai-kun stares at him for a moment. Then sighs.
“We don’t have to bet anything, do we?” Kai-kun says hesitantly, and Kisuke grins.
“Am I that predictable?” He teases, and Kai-kun scowls at him. “How about this. If you win even one game against me, I’ll start early on more self defense. If you don’t, we have to finish the formal dinner lesson.”
Kai-kun looks appropriately horrified.
“You’re mean, Urahara-san,” the boy says, wilting. “You know I’m going to lose.”
“Maa, maa, I can’t say that,” he teases fondly. “You might be good at this, and you have to learn the formal rules of dinner eventually, Kai-kun.”
Kai-kun looks at his smile, looks at the deck of cards, and wilts further.
Maaa, this was fun.
Ichigo takes one look at Kai-kun, puddled on the floor and sulking, and laughs.
“I see you two wrapped up your lesson on the dinner forks,” Ichigo chuckles, picking the boy up and pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Hi there, cutie,” Ichigo says fondly. “How are you? Do you feel up to eating dinner?”
“I ate with Urahara-san. He bribed me into attending the lesson after I lost against him in poker,” the boy grumbles, even though he was obviously lapping up the attention like a pushy little kitten.
Goodness, the boy was bringing up all sorts of associations today.
“Poker? Why were you learning that?” He asks, looking amused.
“Urahara-san said that a good spy needs to be able to conceal his facial expressions, and that poker was an easy way to learn how,” Kai-kun grumbles, and Ichigo chuckles, bounces his son lightly as he regards Kisuke.
“Should I be worried?” The shopkeeper wonders, and Ichigo rolls his eyes.
“No, it’s fine.” Ichigo’s tone is light and casual.
Oh no.
“When are you working on self defense?” He asks his son, and the boy’s cheeks puff out.
“Next week. But only if I can show him that I learned how to fall safely.” Kai-kun pouts.
“We can work on that together then, cutie. Learning to fall safely is a really important step in martial arts. Do you know why?” Ichigo asks, and Kai-kun’s nose scrunches up, and he huffs a little.
“No...” He sounds disappointed with himself, and Ichigo gives his son a fond little smile.
“Don’t be. It took me two years before I learned why, cutie.” Ichigo says fondly, and Kai-kun looks up, eyes round.
“Really?” he asks, looking bemused.
Ah, children. The stage where they thought parents knew everything was always the cutest age for a child.
“Really really, cutie.” Ichigo shifts his son to his other hip as he says, “Learning to fall is important because your body can be very fragile, especially when you’re young. It keeps you from breaking important things like your wrists and your ribs, and helps keep unnecessary bruises from important parts of your body like your neck, or more importantly,” Ichigo hefts Kai-kun up to press a kiss against his head to the boy’s surprised squeal, “Your head.”
“Papa!” the boy giggles, and Ichigo grins down at his son, ruffles unruly black hair. “Mmh, okay, okay. Can you practice with me tomorrow?”
“Is that your day off?” He teases, and Kai-kun pouts.
“Paaaaaapa,” he whines, and Ichigo laughs again.
“I’ll let it slide this time cutie. Since you’re full from dinner, does that mean you can’t join Papa in having dessert?” He asks, picks up Kai-kun’s bag when Urahara offers it to him.
“But you haven’t eaten dinner yet Papa!” Kai-kun fusses, tiny hand pressing against his face, and Ichigo laughs fondly. “Papa! You said you wouldn’t eat desserts before dinner anymore if I didn’t either!”
“You can eat dessert, cutie. I’ll eat some actual food. Uncle Keigo opened a restaurant, and he promises that you’ll get the first dessert on the house.”
“He opened his ramen store?” the boy squeaks, and Kisuke flaps his fan, watching them indulgently. “Can Urahara-san join us?” The boy says, suddenly shy, and Kisuke blinks, openly thrown by Kai-kun’s request. Ichigo too, is surprised, but his eyes soften with warmth.
“I suppose he can join us, if he wants,” Ichigo says, ruffles Kai-kun’s hair. “What about it? Care to spend an extra hour with me and Kai?”
Kai-kun turns big, pleading eyes on Kisuke, and he stares down at the child.
He has things to do.
But those eyes are so round and cute -
No. No Kisuke, resist.
Oh shit, was he going to cry? No, please don’t -
A sniff, and Kisuke finds himself defeated.
“I guess I have free time...” he mumbles, scratching his cheek with a finger. Kai-kun beams brightly, and jumps up into the air, pumping a small fist up.
“Yay! Papa, did you hear?” he says, eagerly turning his gaze to an amused Ichigo, who is giving him a knowing look.
“I did, cutie,” he chuckles, hefts his son up to plant a kiss against his cheek. “C’mon. Let’s go eat.”
Urahara was never one for sweets, Ichigo thought in amusement. The man could dole out candy free as he pleased, but heaven forbid he eat too many of them himself. He’d ordered a small ramen instead of the water drop dessert, and was now under force of Kai’s big, round doe-eyes as he sniffled pitifully at Kisuke.
Ichigo takes a bite of ramen to hide his grin. Kai hadn’t pulled out the wet kitten eyes on Ichigo for nearly a year, but he’d clearly found a new subject to try it on, and Ichigo had no intentions of stopping his only son from having fun.
Oi. King. Zangetsu’s voice was a welcome distraction, and he gives a hum as he nibbles on his food thoughtfully. Kai’s getting trained to be a spy? Ichigo nods along, smiling a little at his baby boy as he pouts at his teacher.
He wanted to, Ichigo thinks quietly, and Zangetsu snorts in his head.
Yeah, because it’s not a job Kaien did, King. Ichigo sighs internally, takes another bite of crunchy bacon - Keigo’s experiment was pretty nice, he’d recommend Keigo keep this one.
Why do you think I’m not complaining? Ichigo asks, and Zangetsu sighs, unbearably fond and yet worried. Kisuke’s keeping it light, for now. Information gathering, a little bit of self-defense. Dinner forks, Ichigo adds cheekily, and Zangetsu laughs as Ichigo brings up the memory of Kai hiding under a blanket.
Our son is growing well, Zangetsu concedes fondly, cooing over the little boy in the memory. Strong and full of justice for those around him.
Ichigo smiles softly.
He is. And he will continue to, no matter what. Ichigo promises, smiling to himself.
Even if that means facing Rukia? Zangetsu asks, and Ichigo allows his smile to get a little sharp as Kai, having won his argument, cheerfully shares the sweet with Kisuke.
Rukia is not my child. I’m done holding my son back for her sake.
Zangetsu’s pleasure is a low, purring rumble.
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ancientstone · 4 years
any more BofA ideas? 😊
I have literally been unable to stop thinking about this au since it first appeared in my brain! 😂 Thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble 😊❤
Recently I’ve been thinking about Five and Sebastian in the apocalypse, and how tough it must have been for Five.
By the point he summons Sebastian and makes their deal, he’s been in the apocalypse for decades. He’s been isolated and completely alone (minus Dolores), surviving off canned food and cockroaches, navigating falling ash, fires, bodies, and ruins. Everything that has come his way he has been forced to face by himself, be it injury, sickness, natural disaster, or whatever else. 
It’s part of the reason why he’s able to just get on with things once he’s back, right? Five’s used to rolling up his sleeves. 
He’ll stitch up his own arm, no worries.
He’ll deal with the assassins the Commission sends, no issue.
It’s probably why it takes pretty much until season 2 for him to actively seek out someone to help him. 
Don’t think I didn’t notice the season 1 “I can do this by myself, you don’t need to know” vs ���I need your help to stop the apocalypse” shift...
But then we fling Sebastian into the mix.
Sebastian, a demon capable, as seen in the flashback during the Campania arc (spoilers?), of turning smoldering ruins into a functioning manor and making a table filled with food appear before his master’s eyes.
Like, sweet Jesus, that’s a one-eighty. 
Imagine Five taking Sebastian back to his crumbly little base at the library, for the first time realising how lonely and pathetic is it, and then Sebastian just tuts and goes, “This won’t do.” and BAM! Library is restored! Oh, and the Academy as well, because that his master’s home, right?
Do you....Do you think that when Sebastian rebuilds the academy, he includes Five’s portrait over the fireplace?
Oof, can you picture it? The proof of how your father felt about your disappearance (as a lesson to the other children never to defy him) right there, as you desperately struggle to claw your way back from your mistake. Yikes.
That’s probably why Sebastian leaves it up, the bastard.
Decades, though, most of Five’s lifetime, spent outside in the ashy remains of the apocalypse, and then suddenly he has running water, and electricity, and a bed with feather pillows and soft blankets and warmth!! All at a near flick of a demonic finger! That must mess with the head.
I watched a documentary about homelessness once, and I remember a man on there saying that after so long spent on the streets, he can no longer sleep inside because he finds it too claustrophobic. Five could easily feel the same way, like that first night he has a bath (a goddamn bath?!!) and gets settled in the bed, Dolores at his side and just...
Rests there. His eyes wide open. Acutely aware of how muffled the world suddenly sounds.
Yeah, he sleeps on the roof that night. Sebastian probably scolds him for that.
“You could get sick! Humans are weak and fragile creatures, any number of-”
“I’m literally the expert at this.” Five snips. “I built a fire, calm down.”
“A fire is no replacement for a bed-”
“Listen, asshole, I’ve spent over twenty years making a living in this shithole, I think I know a thing or two about this.”
Five then spends months just...naturally heading outside to do anything after that, much to Sebastian’s chagrin. It’s ingrained by this point, a force of habit that’s had years to develop. Unlike Ciel, who had a month of hell before returning, Five’s been scarred in a way that leaves so many behaviors that it’s honestly a wonder why Sebastian rebuilt the academy in the first place.
Need water? Go outside.
Need food? Outside.
The bathroom? Yep, outside.
The first time it rains once Sebastian is there, he finds Five having a makeshift shower in it, and has to remind him that there are showers and baths in the academy, sir!! Please use them!!
Oh boy, the showers.
Let’s face it, Five going to be one stinky man when Sebastian finds him. Much like with Ciel (again, Campania arc spoilers), Sebastian probably insists on helping him bathe the first night, because Five’s likely littered with scares and nicks and god knows what else. Whereas Ciel was somewhat able to put up with Sebastian washing him, Five?
Not an ounce of human contact in decades and then someone comes along and wants to wash your hair? No thank you, not today or any other.
It doesn’t help that, when you try and insist, your master has this unfortunate habit of disappearing, probably going outside and getting even more goddamn dirty.
I don’t think Sebastian would get his way here. Five’s a grown man, unlike Ciel, and is far more able to put his foot down. Dear old Sebby just has to put up with it and trust Five to get himself relatively clean.
He does give Five a haircut, though. And gives his beard a trim.
Dolores thinks he looks very handsome. 
Five thinks he’s going to get sunburn all over his face without his beard to protect it.
Then there’s the food.
hoo boy Five’’s palate is a mess. Literally, a mess. Sebastian is beside himself half the time. Whatever Five picks at (and he’s not eating nearly enough during meals) gets swallowed whole, no chewing, no tasting, just gulped down like it would vanish if he didn’t. Anything more elaborate than butter on toast is too much flavour at once, and texture beyond soft and squidgy or the crunchy outer shells of insects makes Five uncomfortable.
Again, Ciel only spend a month in hell, so he was able to recover quicker than Five. Here, Sebastian has to learn how to take things slowwww, realising that if they’re going to achieve time travel and stop the apocalypse, he’s going to need to gradually bring Five to better health first.
I wonder if Sebastian offers warm milk with honey, and when Five accepts it, snickers at his own private joke...
The first time Five tries a coffee, he ends up experiencing such a rush that Sebastian legitimately thinks that Five might teleport six countries to the left. After that, they take their time introducing things like sugar and caffeine back into his diet.
Also, picture the interaction:
“Sir, please don’t.”
“Huh?” Five glances over at Sebastian. “What?”
“You are not an animal, sir, you are a man of considerable power, and technically considerable wealth.”
“Right, and?”
“Just...Please put the bug down, sir. If you are hungry, you need only ask.”
idk I just think it’s funny how unnerved Sebastian might be with some of Five’s habits. Whenever Ciel talked about the lengths he would go to while achieving his goals, most of the time that was theoretical, or just talking about joining a contract with Sebastian.
Five however it literally showing the lengths he would go to, and they’re gross! He’d survive off insects for his family! He’d live surrounded by rotting corpses! He’d eat canned dog food if it came his way! 
Ciel would do those things, but Five actively does.
I’d better leave this here before it really turns into an essay, but lord above, these boys are giving me much to muse over!!
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lofitowns · 4 years
fireworks - mammon
in which a certain white-haired demon keeps pulling you away from his brothers (gn! reader)
         fandom ; obey me!
         word count ; 2085
         warnings ; n/a
         (y/n) - your name 
this is based on the recent summer festival event :) i love mammon with my whole heart
this isn’t the best thing i’ve ever written, considering i haven’t written in a while, but i hope you like it! it’s my first time writing for obey me, so i hope i did alright. i tried hard to find mistakes, but if i missed any, don’t hesitate to tell me!
     You couldn’t contain your excitement as your feet hit the pavement and lights danced in your vision. It had been a while since you had been to a proper festival. 
     You walked past countless booths, each one seeming more incredible than the last. The games didn’t look all that different from the ones you had in the human world, which surprised you. There was buttery popcorn and sickly sweet candy, the smells were intoxicating.
     Mammon, the ever spirited boy, was jumping around. The smile on his face was one of radiance, you wished it would stay like that forever. It nearly brought you to tears. 
     “I’m so psyched!” He exclaimed, tugging on your sleeve with a faint blush on his cheeks. You heard Beel’s deep laugh behind you, “We haven’t even started yet, and he’s already fired up!”
     Once your booth was set up, each of the boys was beaming at their handiwork. It was nice to see them all working together for a change.
     Lucifer explained the outline of the evening. You would all rotate between cooking and selling based on the lots you drew earlier. There would be two cooks and two salespeople while everyone else was free to wander the festival. 
     According to this system, you’d be selling first alongside Mammon. You felt a sort of tingling sensation in the pit of your stomach as your lips quirked up.
     Ever since you arrived at the House of Lamentations, you felt the closest to the white-haired demon. He made you feel safe and comfortable. He was your first after all, and he never failed to remind anyone and everyone. His brothers always teased him because of this, but you didn’t mind. You thought it was cute.
     “I guess you and me are up first for sellin’, (y/n). Think ya can manage?” Mammon questioned, moving so he stood behind the counter.
     “You can count on me!” You assured him, even if you were a bit nervous. You had never done anything like this up in the human world, but the only way to learn was to do.
     He let out a soft chuckle, “That’s what I like to hear!”
     It didn’t take long for a few customers to walk by, stopping to gaze at the bright pink sign Asmo had painted. You had suggested making it stand out, to which he wholeheartedly agreed. 
     “Welcome!” Mammon greeted, drawing out the second part of the word, “How about a deliciously sweet candy apple? The sugar coating’s crunchy, and we use only the freshest apples!” His words seemed to draw people in. He had always been charismatic, it seemed almost second nature to him.
     The couple nodded, placing an order for two apples. 
     “Way to go!” You complimented him with a smile after handing the two their orders. 
     “What, are you in awe of the Great Mammon’s sales skills?” A scoff left your lips, “I ain’t gonna lose to anyone when it comes to stuff like this!”
     It was mere moments before another demon stopped in front of your booth. Mammon shoved you forwards, “You’re up next, (y/n)!” 
     You took a deep breath and greeted him, leaning over the counter, “Hey, handsome!” That sure got his attention, “Come try out glossy candy apples!” You finished it off with a big smile.
     “That’s it! And here’s two for you, sir! Please come again!” Mammon handed over the apples before turning back to you, “You nailed it!”
     It went on like that for a while, you and Mammon would take turns trying to lure in customers. After a while, it seemed to come naturally and you were almost sold out.
     Lucifer came forwards to let the two of you off on a break, meaning your shift was halfway over.
     “Here, have a drink. You’ve earned it,” The white-haired demon’s hand outstretched to you, holding a small paper cup.
     Both of you took a drink, you using the opportunity to take in the figure in front of you. While you always thought he looked handsome, he looked especially so tonight. The lights cast by the red and white lanterns gave his smile a glow that felt, ironically, heavenly. The gold, white, and red colors of his yukata were vibrant against his tanned skin, making you almost drool.
     “You did pretty well,” He spoke, breaking you out of your trance.
     “Thanks to you, Mammon.”
     Your words brought a bright blush to his cheeks, you had to hold back your laughter. He was so easy to fluster, it was adorable.
     “Wh-What’s with the cute act? You lookin’ for a kiss?”
     It was your turn to turn red. You could feel your face heating up, flowing to the tips of your ears. Your eyes danced with mirth, taking a step closer to him.
     His eyes widened, it seemed like he thought you would have said no. “Fine! But only because ya want it so bad,” He tried to play it off, but his face had definitely gotten redder.
     It seemed like he was going agonizingly slow, waiting for you to back up if this was a joke. You reached your hand up, placing it softly on his face. He nuzzled his nose into it.
     Your lips pressed against each other’s soon after. They were a bit chapped and tasted like the candy coating of your apples. What were mere seconds felt like an eternity. You always felt like time stopped when you were this close to him.
     His eyes were still closed when you pulled back, the red still evident on his face. A soft sigh fell from his lips when he opened them and smiled. The two of you held each other’s gaze for a few moments before he broke the comfortable silence.
     “Okay, I’ve got my pep back! Rest up, then let’s go sell some more apples!”
     The pair of you worked in sync, one greeting and taking Grimm while the other handed apples out.
     “Mammon, (y/n), it’s almost time to switch,” Lucifer finally announced, causing you to turn your gaze over to him.
     “Finally! I’m exhausted,” The demon next to you let out a huff, reaching his arms up and arching his back as he stretched.
     You didn’t see much of Mammon until all the candy apples sold out. After that, you had to take your booth down, it felt like you had only just put it up. The night was going by so fast!
     With all the brothers finally free, you took the opportunity to walk around with them. It was a struggle to try and keep up with how energetic Mammon was. He would often take your hand, trying to lead you off somewhere else but the rest of them were always close behind. They weren’t about to leave you alone with him of all people.
     When music filled the air, you were all drawn to a small plaza filled with people dancing. You watched in awe at the couples twirling and laughing, it seemed like they were having a great time.
     You reached over, grabbing Mammon’s hand, “Come on!” You laughed, a smile gracing your lips. 
     He happily agreed, holding onto you tight so you wouldn’t slip away.
     Mammon switched between twirling you around and holding you close, but he never once let your hand go. As he looked down at you with those cobalt eyes, you felt like you two were the only people in the world.
     Every so often, his brothers would try to cut in, claiming it was their turn with the human! He was hogging them! Mammon would swiftly pull you away, shaking his head at them and sticking his tongue out. This caused you to laugh, setting your forehead on his shoulder.
     The two of you ended up gently swaying, his right hand rubbing up and down your back while his left held your hand in his. He opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it again, looking away while his face flushed red once more.
     “What is it?” You inquired, reaching your hand up to brush away the bangs that fell over his eyes.
     “I... I was just gonna say ya look really... Nice right now.”
     A genuine smile grew on your face, letting your hand drag down his cheek. “I think you look incredibly nice right now.” He finally gained the courage to look at you, a bright grin growing on his lips.
     “Of course ya think I do! I am the Great Mammon after all!”
     You laughed as he returned to his normal self. You leaned up, rubbing your nose into his cheek, placing a soft kiss on it.
     “H-Hey! What do you think you’re doin’?” He stuttered out but none the less, he brought you closer.
     “Ah, it’s almost time for the fireworks...” You heard Lucifer comment, causing you to pull from Mammon’s embrace. 
     “Oh, that’s right! Hey, (y/n)! Come with me. I know a great spot for watching the fireworks!” Mammon took your hand in his once more, starting to pull you off in a direction opposite his brothers.
     It wasn’t long before you heard your name being shouted behind you, but you were too giddy to care. Voicing your curiosity, you asked Mammon where he was taking you.
     He answered with a simple smile, quickening his pace.
     The scene in front of you was striking. He tugged you up a hill which overlooked the whole festival. The fireworks started soaring off into the sky as you took a seat next to your demon.
     Your eyes filled with wonder and amazement as you took in all the lights, colors, and smells in front of you. “Wow, Mammon.”
     “Yeah, pretty, ain’t it! I knew you’d like it, I am your first man after all!” He grinned, proud of himself.
     “Yeah, you are,” With that, you wrapped your arms around his waist, nudging his arm over your shoulders. 
     There was an undeniable heat radiating off of him, fueling the redness in both of your cheeks.
     The lights danced in the sky, letting off sparks of red and green and yellow. 
     Mammon turned his head, raising a hand to grab your chin. He tilted your head to the side so you were facing him.
     The look of utter admiration in his eyes was enough to give you butterflies. The tickling in your stomach increased every second he looked at you, you felt like your heart might beat out of your chest. You had never had anyone look at you quite like this before.
    “Can I... Can I kiss ya?” His voice was soft as velvet, searching your face for any kind of hesitation. You had never had anyone care this much about you either.
     Your words were stuck in your throat, so you simply nodded.
     His touch on your cheek was tender as you watched his eyes flutter shut. You were in the process of shutting yours when you heard loud voices and rushed footsteps. A soft growl left Mammon as he pulled back.
     “They’re up here, I know it!” Levi exclaimed, scrambling up the hill.
     “Mammon! You can’t just take the human off like that! You’ve had them enough today!” Asmo cried as the six demons came into view.
     You turned your head to look at the brothers and, suddenly, your quiet filled with the sound of raised voices.
     “Come now, Mammon. You know you can’t have them for yourself.”
     “That’s not fair!”
     “Hey! They wanted to be here with me!”
     "Yeah, right!"
     You sighed, shaking your head as you grew tired of their silly fight. It could be annoying, but it's not like you had seven cute guys fighting for your affection in the human world.
     “How about we all watch them together?” You suggested, looking from one brother to the next.
     It took a few moments for them to process what you said.
     Mammon was the first to speak, grumbling, but in agreement. “Alright, fine. If that’s what my human wants.”
     You weren’t sure how much of the firework show was left, but you were okay spending it with all of them. You’d have to get your kiss later.
     Seven bodies surrounded you, Mammon to your right, and Belphie snuggling up to you on the left. You took a look at all of them, smiling to yourself contentedly. 
     Mammon was sulking next to you, not at all happy that his time with you had been interrupted. You reached your hand over, lacing your fingers with his, giving his hand a light squeeze. He looked down at you, his eyes immediately softening.
     You leaned up, pressing your lips against his chin.
     “Hey! Wait! That’s not fair!”
thank you for reading :) have a good day!
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sw124 · 4 years
[Lamia-Birdy-Bitty Daily life!15]
Hello my lamia lovers how you doing, good I hope! I’m doing ok for the most part, as are my boys. We’ve been doing some cooking, writing, watching random stuff on the tv and basically just vegging out. My life with these sweeties. Chip, Dante, Tundra, Mozart and Nebula have just brought so much good to my life it’s hard to describe.
I highly recommended you pay a visit to the Vex-Bitty Shop and find yourself a companion.
Your probably gonna ask me.
“But how can these snake/bird like creatures possibly improve your life?”
Well my curious fans let me tell you how they’ve helped ‘me’ an how they improve my life. Now for the record these boys are more in tune with my personality, not everyone is going to act like me. Some may an some may not, every Lamia is unique, same goes for Bird Bitties.
With that said lets start!
The first thing thats improved is my sleep, sometimes I stay up way too late and my job requires me to wake up very early. Chip encourages me to sleep, Tundra reminds me to brush my teeth while Mozart and Nebula shower with me. Dante makes me a cup of warm tea [or milk if we’re out of tea, slightly warmed with a little bit of cinnamon] and all of them cuddle with me in bed.
I should also note I get panicked easily when it comes to some things, Chip and Dante know that what calms me down is basically holding me. They’ll wrap their bodies around me and hold me tight, Tundra joins in on this as well. Once calm we go about the situation with a more clear and stable view.
Another thing they do is get me out of toxic thinking, no I’m not saying I call myself worthless or anything. My toxicity comes from anger where I’m angry at something and want to hit something, this tends to come when something at work has gotten under my skin and I punch my own hand. My boys know the difference between me pretending to be angry and me when I’m not. When I pretend, I’m usually acting as another person.
[Its something that helps me with writing; when I want good dialogue I’ll talk and act out what my characters do or say. Its also kinda fun when you really get into it.]
But when I’m genuinely angry they get me out of it, Chip tells me jokes, Dante gives me a snack.
[veggies like raw carrots or celery, something crunchy. Weirdly it makes me feel better when I can bite into something like that.]
Tundra sometimes will keep his distance but will wave his flippers to distract me from my thoughts. Nebula actually will encourage my anger but mostly as a ‘get it out of your system’ idea while Mozart finds music for me to listen to on my phone.
But when I’m finally out of anger they give me time to collect myself and relax. Thats another thing they do is they make me feel relaxed, when I come home the first thing I wanna do is lay down on my couch with them. I first change into my ‘kick a round’ clothes and just lay down on our big couch and cuddle.
There is no better feeling then being cuddled by two lovely Lamia’s and a penguins.
[Nebula and Mozart are not the cuddling type so they settle for watching TV]
Another thing we do sometimes is we sit in the bathroom, I fill the tub up warm water and let Tundra and Chip relax. Dante keeps the temp by putting his tail in it but no more then that, Nebula and Mozart will either join or stick to the counters. I hang my feet over the side to soak while laying back watching vids on my phone.
Yep these boys made my life so peaceful and relaxing, not that there aren’t any problems but their dealt with in a calm, sensible manner.
When I’m doing my writing then things get funny, when Chip was still small he’d slither on to my keyboard and just lay there like the noodle he is, Dante would lay around my shoulders to see what I’m writing. But since their too big to do that they now just lean against me...Chip will sometimes poke my sides at random times. He stops after three...or if I reach out and start scratching his back.
Heh sometimes he’ll do it more if he wants a massage.
Yes I give my lamia’s massages, Chip can’t get enough of it sometimes. Usually he does sleep in odd positions or when sometimes we all feel stiff and just need a good rubdown to get our muscles up and running again, he’s no different.
Now get your minds out of the gutter I’m not talking about massages with ‘happy endings’ I know a lot of you are thinking that but no, this is something you’d get at a spa. What I’ll do is get some soft gloves on [aloe infused gloves, their soooooo soft and nice] its to prevent me from pulling on the scales. Anyone who’s rubbed their own legs knows how painful it is when your pulling hair on your own skin, its no different for lamias.
Speaking of which, Chip is bugging me for a shoulder rub now, I’ll write you guys more stuff later.
[If you want more info or matchups for Lamia’s talk to @vex-bittys and for bird bitties speak to @coalition-aviary-bitty-adoption ]
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gracelandwritestoo · 3 years
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introducing - Delilah Alexandra Connelly (mafia verse), details below the cut 
Name: Delilah Alexandra Connelly
Nickname: Lilah
Birthday: March 10, 1988
Age: 33
Gender: cis female  
Place of Birth: Richmond, Virginia
Places Lived Since: Charlottesville, VA; Cambridge, MA; Washington, DC
Current Residence: City name tbd, very large and fancy apartment with Clarke 
Nationality: American
Parents: Senator Scott Connelly (R-VA) & Eleanor Calhoun Connolly
Grandparents: John & Alice Connelly (deceased); Stuart & Elizabeth Calhoun
Aunts & Uncles: tbd
Number of Siblings: one older brother
Relationship With Family: Close to her brother, major daddy issues
Happiest Memory: graduating top of her class at Harvard Law (what like it’s hard?)
Childhood Trauma: Daddy issues from being used as a pawn for her father’s political career
Height: 5’7
Build: slim
Hair Color: blonde (dyed from red after a breakup lol)  
Usual Hair Style: polished & professional shoulder length
Eye Color: grey
Glasses? Contacts?: none  
Style of Dress/Typical Outfit(s): high fashion power suits, professional, she favors darker colors
Typical Style of Shoes: heels to step on people with
Jewellery? Tattoos? Piercings?: engagement ring & simple earrings, she has a tattoo of a scorpion on the back of her neck
Scars: scar on her shin from falling off a horse as a child (very rich bitch of her)
Unique Mannerisms/Physical Habits: southern gentility accent that deepens when she drinks or talks to her parents, she spins her engagement ring when she’s focusing
Athleticism: she’s very fit, runs regularly and plays tennis when she can
Health Problems/Illnesses: anxiety, probs a lot more unaddressed 
Level of Education: JD from Harvard Law School
Languages Spoken: english, spanish, turkish (sanem), portuguese, latin, working on korean 
Level of Self-Esteem: lol very very high
Gifts/Talents: photographic memory, charming
Mathematical?: more analytical
Makes Decisions Based Mostly On Emotions, or On Logic?: logic and ambition
Life Philosophy: to obtain influence and power in whatever way she can
Religious Stance: raised southern baptist, absolutely not practicing
Cautious or Daring?: cautious & calculating
Most Sensitive About/Vulnerable To: sanem, her daddy issues
Optimist or Pessimist?: realist
Extrovert or Introvert?: extrovert
Current Relationship Status: engaged to Clarke Maeng, sleeping with Erica Durmaz-Markovy
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Past Relationships: Sanem Durmaz, others tbd
Primary Reason For Being Broken Up With: bossman doesn’t like when the lawyer fucks his daughter
Primary Reasons For Breaking Up With People: they outlived their usefulness to her
Ever Cheated?: yep, currently is
Been Cheated On: not that she knows of
Level of Sexual Experience: high
A Social Person?: Yes
Most Comfortable Around: her brother, Clarke, Erica, Sanem
Oldest Friend: tbd
How Does She Think Others Perceive Her?: charming & wealthy, she thinks people tend to underestimate her intelligence due to the way she looks and her general demeanor but she doesn’t mind this. Those who know her better she thinks see her as ruthless and ambitious
How Do Others Actually Perceive Her?: ice cold and ruthless, ambitious, falsely sweet/soft, intelligent
Life Goals: achieve the most power & influence possible
Dreams: being happy and satisfied with what she has
Greatest Fears: losing control
Most Ashamed Of: hurting Sanem & lying to Clarke, doesn't mean she’s going to stop
Secret Hobbies: true crime books, cooking overly elaborate meals
Crimes Committed (Were they caught? Charged?): so many crimes too many to list, her job is to keep others & herself from being caught so nope
Night Owl or Early Bird?: night owl
Light or Heavy Sleeper?: heavy sleeper
Favorite Animal: foxes
Favorite Foods: whatever fancy cuisine she’s currently into, will always go for her grandmother’s apple pie & vanilla ice cream
Least Favorite Food: fast food - babes is a snob
Favorite Book: We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Least Favorite Book: torts textbook
Favorite Movie: Heathers, Legally Blonde, campy horror movies
Least Favorite Movie: cheesy Rom-coms & screwball comedies
Favorite Song: Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
Favorite Sport: tennis
Coffee or Tea?: coffee
Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter?: smooth
Type of Car She Drives: 2021 Land Rover
Lefty or Righty?: left
Favorite Color: blue
Cusser?: yep
Smoker? Drinker? Drug User?: only smokes when she’s very stressed or very drunk, yes to drinking, has dabbled in drugs in the past
Biggest Regret: hurting sanem & continuing to do so
Pets: a two year old german shorthaired pointer named Banana
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