#going straight to bed after this post. writing tags is too tiring. posting something here is a full-time job and i'm getting fired!
warped-paranoia · 2 years
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herofics · 18 days
No Longer Mine, part 2
A/N: Well, the first part of this fic, aka No Longer Mine, got very popular, at least compared to many of my other posts. I was planning on writing a second part anyway, but I also got a lot of comments asking for one so I’m happy to write this. I feel like I can’t get Nanami’s “voice” right, so the dialogue feels OOC, but I’m too tired to try to keep changing it. Hope you like this one too :D (Part 3 coming when I get around to it)
Some people asked to be tagged, so here’s that list: @labelt-san @username23345 @ourfinalisation
Word count: 1.9k
You didn’t know who else to call. You felt this horrible pit or dread growing in your stomach. Did you have anyone left? Were your friends from before your missing time even alive anymore? There was always a chance of dying suddenly because of the work you did. You didn’t have your phone and you didn’t remember anyone else’s number except for Gojo’s and maybe Nanami’s, you weren’t really sure. You decided to ask the nurse for a phone anyway and take your chances.
Nanami was in the middle of showering, so he couldn’t get to the phone when he heard it ring. No matter, he could just call whoever it was back. He had no idea that returning that phone call would turn his life upside down.
Six months had passed since your return, and a day hadn’t gone by that Gojo hadn’t thought of you. He felt guilty for not looking for you when you went missing, and on the other hand he felt guilty because all these thoughts were happening while he laid awake in bed, with his fiancée asleep next to him. He loved Ava, he really did, but he couldn’t get you out of his head.
For the first time since you were found on that side street in Tokyo six months ago, you woke up feeling content. It had certainly been an adjustment period after you got out of the hospital. All the nightmares, waking up in a cold sweat or just straight up screaming in your sleep. For the first month after you got released from the hospital, you stayed at Nanami’s place with the intention of looking for a place of your own. He let you take the bed while he slept on the couch. He woke you up from countless nightmares and held you as you cried about something you couldn’t even remember.
You were angry a lot of the time. Angry at whoever had taken four years of your life, angry at yourself, and angry at Gojo. It was the main emotion in your life for months. No matter how much you screamed and cried, no matter how many pillows and coffee cups you obliterated, Nanami stood by you through all of it.
It was very much like you were going through the five stages of grief. Denial happened at the hospital when you first found out that four years of your life had been stolen. Anger was with you for the whole process, and no matter how much you bargained, begged the universe that you would do anything to just go back, it didn’t happen. Life just doesn’t work that way. You don’t get second chances and you don’t get to go back in time to change things. The depression part wasn’t easy either. Sometimes you would pretty much go for days at a time without even getting out of bed. Nanami was still there, he made sure you ate something every day. He made sure you would get through it.
You were there to welcome him home from every mission, even during your worst days, you made sure to say “hi” to him when he came back. You were there to patch him up if he needed it. At some point he started actually looking forward to coming home, it wasn’t just a house anymore, it was a home, because you were there. He never wanted to pressure you into anything, the relationship just happened.
At some point during those six months, you and Nanami had become close. You had been friends before, but this was something different. At some point he didn’t leave the bed anymore after calming you down when you had a nightmare, at some point you just let it happen, you didn’t want him to go. At some point, you too, moved on. Finally, after six months, you found yourself waking up feeling content.
“Good morning sleepyhead” you whispered in his ear before pressing a kiss on his temple.
“Morning” he muttered sleepily.
“This is probably the first time I’ve seen you sleep past nine in the morning” you chuckled.
“I forgot to set an alarm, it seems” Nanami sighed, turning to face you.
“Do you have any missions for today?” you asked, tracing circles on his chest with your finger tips.
"No, today is all for you" he said softly, as he placed his hand on yours on his chest.
“That’s good to hear” you smiled. “I was wondering if we could go to Shinjuku? I need to get some shopping done. I still owe you some coffee cups…”
“Sounds good” he said.
The two of you got out of bed and before you knew it, you had eaten breakfast and were on your way to Shinjuku. Ijichi was kind enough to drive you, and you agreed he’d come pick you up later in the day.
You’d gone into a few shops, but nothing had struck your fancy, so you hadn’t bought anything yet. You were just enjoying your time out with Nanami. That’s when you noticed a familiar, tall, white haired figure in the crowd.
“Kento?” you squeaked.
“I think Gojo is here” ever since that day at the hospital, you hadn’t been able to call him by his first name. Not that you really needed to anyway, you weren’t together, nor were you even in contact at all anymore.
You’d been doing your best to avoid him and it seemed he had done the same, and now you just happened to run into each other. It was like the universe was giving you a giant middle finger. You tried to move so Nanami was between you and Gojo, so he wouldn’t see you.
Gojo didn’t notice you at first, he just saw Nanami, but he of course wanted to say hello to his colleague. It was quite crowded, so Gojo didn’t see you until his hand was already almost on Nanami’s shoulder. When he saw you, he froze, his hand just hovering a few centimeters above his colleague’s shoulder, before he pulled it back.
“Oh, hey” Gojo muttered.
“Satoru, I almost lost you in the crowd, you walk too fast” Ava said, as she appeared from behind him.
“Sorry baby, I just wanted to say “hey” to Nanami and… (Last Name)”
Ava’s eyes widened as she realized who you were. She’d heard about you from Gojo, she’d seen your grave, you were supposed to be dead. That’s what she’d been told, that’s what her fiancé had told her, but here you were.
“Oh. Nice to meet you (Last Name). I’m Ava, Satoru’s fiancée” she said with a beaming smile, while hanging onto Gojo’s arm, offering her hand for you to shake.
“Nice to meet you too” you said, shaking her hand, trying your best to smile back at her, but it felt awkward.
That’s when Gojo noticed it. You were holding Nanami’s hand. He felt an ember of anger flame up in his chest for just a second, but that was enough for you, Nanami and Ava to notice the spike in his cursed energy fluctuation. However, you were the only one who noticed what he was looking at when it happened. He quickly quelled his anger, but it was already too late.
“Oh screw you” you muttered under your breath, before turning away and rushing off.
“Haven’t you done enough damage?” Nanami questioned with an angry tone. “They’ve gone through enough”
Nanami took off after you, leaving Gojo just standing there, confused, with an annoyed Ava still hanging onto his arm. As Ava tightened her grip on Gojo’s arm, he could already basically hear the argument that was going to happen as soon as he got home with her. It was his own fault really, he hadn’t told her about you being back. He wasn’t even sure why he had even done that. It’s not like he had feelings for you anymore, right? His body just reacted, a spike in cursed energy meant absolutely nothing.
It didn’t take Nanami long to find you. He knew your favorite sweets shop was nearby, and that’s where he found you. You were just wandering amongst the shelves, muttering something to yourself.
“Are you alright?” Nanami asked, placing a hand on your shoulder.
You placed a hand on top of his and just sighed.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to run off. He just makes me so mad, especially when things like that happen”
“I know, beautiful, I know” Nanami sighed.
“You felt it too, right? How his cursed energy spiked when he saw us holding hands”
“Are you sure that was the reason? I know he’s immature and arrogant, but surely not to that extent” Nanami said.
“I told him he moved on like I was nothing, when he came to see me at the hospital. Now he must think I’m worse, because it’s only been six months since I came back and I’m already with you” you rambled.
“If he has a problem with us, he needs to come out and say it” Nanami stated sternly. “He’s not allowed to get angry about how you moved on and with who, he doesn’t have that right anymore”
“I know, but I still feel like shit about it” you sighed.
“How about we buy some of your favorite sweets and go back home?”
“Home huh… Sounds good to me” you smiled tiredly.
Even that little encounter with you had made Gojo feel like his head was going to explode. Now with Ava complaining at him, it was even worse.
“Why didn’t you tell me they were alive?!” she hissed loudly as she paced back and forth in front of him.
“How many times do I have to tell you: I don’t know!” Gojo groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he sat on the couch.
“How do you not know something like that!? You consciously decided to lie to me about this, so how do you not know?!”
“I-I just don’t! Okay?! Could you stop fucking talking, your voice is giving me a damn migraine…” Gojo yelled, regretting the words as soon as they left his mouth.
“Wow” Ava scoffed in disbelief. “You know what? You can go back to that bitch for all I care” she hissed venomously, before marching out of the room.
“Fuck” Gojo sighed, and laid down on the couch.
He could feel the migraine coming on and now he felt like shit about yelling at Ava too. Gojo didn’t understand why it was such a big deal, it’s not like he’d been seeing you behind her back. Hell, he hadn’t seen you a single time since that day at the hospital, so why did it matter? Why did you matter? Why did he still care? You had gotten so upset at him for moving on during the four years he thought you were dead, and now you had moved on with someone else in six months.
He just needed some sleep, right? He would just wake up from this nightmare the next morning and the past four and a half years would all turn out to have been a bad dream. You would be there next to him and he would never have to even think about you with someone else again. The thought made him feel guilty. He was with Ava, why was he still thinking about you? Why was he always thinking about you?
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spiritmadeofstars · 7 months
Something to live for, someone to die for (Lokixfem!Reader) CH 2 [on-going]
Summary: Birdie meets a kind soul.
NO use of Y/N, instead “you” and using a nickname
Warnings: violence, blood, torture, adult themes in later chapters, 18+ (warnings and tags to be added) Read at your own risk, eh?
Chapter 2 - There goes the kind looking doctor
Chapter 1 here chapter 3 already on my AO3
I was in urgent need to write this, so I am posting the chapters as I write. Just a warning that all is unedited, but it's from my heart, and that's all that matters.
The urge to vomit woke you up. You heaved for a while but all that came out was some bloody saliva. Your head throbbed and your vision was slightly blurry. You shut your eyes and took a deep breath. It was day time, probably, as the room was well lit. After blinking a few times, you started noticing the spacious room, the bed, the table and a few chairs, some cabinets and a big golden bird cage. And you were in it. Someone probably thought they were being very funny.
“Do you like it, Birdie?” Loki appeared to your left. His ability to appear out of thin air started to annoy you, your heart beat even louder, making your head throb violently.
“I love it.” You wanted to say but only whispered, the heaving left your throat tired and dry. At this point you wondered if Tony hadn’t installed a similar cage in your room, just for the shits and giggles. Loki must have listened to the intercom before disposing of it. Maybe they were coming for you...
“How is your little brain doing?” Loki started to pace in front of your cage, each step looking deliberate.
“Not good, actually.” You cleared your throat and he looked at you, his eyes boring into yours. “Looks like your presence makes my brain commit a suicide. I feel like it’s gonna burst my skull open and run away from you.” Loki’s lips twitched.
“Guards!” He shouted, and you wanted to slice his throat for being so loud. “Take her to the healer and then straight back here. No food. Don’t forget to lock the cage, no need to guard her. I’ll deal with her when I come back.” He finished and left through the door, you were surprised he did not just vanish into thin air.
“Get up, human.” One of the guards, the female, said. You realized you were no longer tied up, but your wrists bore the markings from the rope. You slowly pushed yourself up, taking a moment to catch your breath. “On your knees, head down, hands behind your back.”
“I’m weak.” You tried.
“Don’t care. I’m not stupid enough to underestimate you.” You had to give it to her, looks like the bad guys were starting to evolve. You did as she commanded, you were too weak to escape anyway. If you tried to fly, not only would your brain escape, but your insides, too.
On your knees, you put your hands behind your back. You could feel the warm hands of the guard as she secured the binds. Suddenly she grabbed you and pulled you to your feet. They were wobbly, so you leaned on her, but she didn’t seem to mind.
“I have to close my eyes, please don’t let me run into a wall.” You said, feeling like the world was spinning too quickly, and you were about to fall apart. You heard a chuckle, but felt the other guard, male, grab your other arm. You were grateful that they weren’t being dicks.
After a minute or two, you apparently arrived at your destination. Two knocks sounded and when you opened your eyes a young man stood in the doorway. He looked you over and raised an eyebrow.
“Put her on the table.” He said, his voice quiet and warm. The guards took you inside, swapped your bindings, so that your hands were in the front, making it easier for you to lie down on the examination table. “I won’t be long, wait outside.” The healer said and you could hear the door lock.
“You look rough, Midgardian.” He stated. You managed a grin and he seemed surprised. He seemed to work some magic, as little lights appeared above you, an image of your body of sorts. “How are you feeling?”
“Pretty rough.” You exhaled. “Where am I?” He seemed kind, so you wanted to try your luck.
“In a healer’s office, of course.” No luck, then. “There’s some bad wounds, nothing I can’t fix. Some trauma to your brain, hm. Your human brains are weak, I suppose a week should be enough for it to fully heal. But your mind…” He seemed to search your eyes, then grunted. “That’s a bit more complicated.” You felt relief.
Loki wanted something, and it seemed only you knew the location. Well, you did not, but you would remember. You had time. If the healer lets him know, Loki’ll let you heal before he starts torturing you, maybe. You’d convince him to take you back to Earth, call Tony and co. and be saved.
The healer started to laugh, his face crinkled in a genuine smile. You frowned.
“You Midgardians think you’re clever, but I can see your little plan in your face, your eyes. Loki is the God of Lies. You think he won’t notice such an obvious lie when I did just now?” You were dumbfounded. He laughed at your expression and helped you sit up.
You watched him mix something, his worktable similar to a witch’s potions cabinet. He turned to you with a potion of his own. You drank it without protest, it seemed it was no use to fight right now. Weak, nauseous, your poker face obviously on vacation. You needed to get yourself together before planning anything.
“Undress, I need to clean your wounds.” The healer looked you over. “And you.”
“Can’t you just magic the blood and vomit away?”
“And where’s the fun in that?” He looked at you with a serious expression and then grinned. Your brain must be beyond repair, because you felt as if you were in a bad comedy. “Should I call Dina? The one who brought you?” You were used to being treated, pulled apart and put back together, there was no space for being shy in a life or death situation, so you left the societal need for virtue in the lab where they helped make you.
“Doesn’t matter to me, but I need help with the binds.” You stretched out your hands, only now properly looking at them. The potion the healer gave you was quick working, your head no longer throbbing as violently and your sight clearer. There were no binds, only two thick manacle bands. You pulled your hands apart from each other a little and felt a pull.
“When you’re treating an enemy, you don’t want to release their handcuffs every time there’s a need to get dressed, to undressed.” Fuck, they were really getting smarter. You reacher for your zipper, pulling it down. The bands allowing your hands to be 10 centimeters apart, and no more. But you managed to get your suit off your shoulders and over the bands, as if there was nothing connecting them.
You were wearing your plain white underwear, so you weren’t left naked in front of the stranger, but he was not even looking at you. The healer was quick at work on more potions, probably for your wounds. He caught you struggling with the lower part of your suit and decided to help you.
“Can I at least know your name?” You asked, unable to let him undress you in silence.
“Silas.” He smiled as he told you his name and you could not see him as a villain. He looked more like an ally. He was surely here against his will. Silas would be the one to help you escape. “It’s probably evil of me to only tell you now, but your head injury must have caused you to speak your thoughts out loud. I’m sorry, it was funny to let you tell me everything.” Eyes wide, you stared at him, feeling betrayed.
“So you are here of your own free will, then?” Feeling defeated, you decided to just voice everything of your own accord.
“Very much, yes. You know, to me, you are the enemy. The villain who thinks they are doing what’s right. It’s two sides of the same coin, or how the saying of yours goes.” He put your boots and suit on a table and returned back to you, looking over your legs. “You are Birdie?” You rolled your eyes.
“Apparently.” You were never going to get rid of this. Silas grabbed you by the arm and helped you off the examination table, leading you to an adjacent room. It was a sterile and at the same time messy looking bathroom. A little circular tub to your right, a bench to your left, and a curtain in the far left corner of the room. “Is that a toilet?”
“Yes, it is. I can give you a second to relieve yourself and then help you with the bath.” Silas said, and left the room without waiting for your answer. You were grateful.
It took you a moment to make your way towards the alien looking toilet. You were grateful you did not piss yourself during the trip. No surprise, Silas felt comfortable leaving you here. There was no way of escaping, no window, nothing. Perhaps you could drown yourself.
When you were done, you knocked on the door, letting your healer know you were ready. He stayed silent as he filled the tub with water and added some more of his potions. He motioned for you to get in the bathtub and turned his back to you.
“How gallant, but I can’t get this bra off. It goes over the head.” He turned to face you, turned you around and helped you out of the bralette. Then he turned his back to you once again. You undressed the rest and lowered yourself into the water. “Are you the good cop? Is someone going to come in and try to drown me?” The water felt good, but your wounds stung.
“I believe the torture is scheduled to start next week, you’re safe until then.” Silas turned around when you were submerged, the water was murky from the stuff he put in it. “Will you need help?”
“Why are you being kind to me?” You asked, unable to comprehend.
“I am a healer, not a torturer. Do your healers treat your prisoners differently? Do they just keep stabbing and cutting after the battle ends?” His voice started to rise, his eyes filled with anger.
“No, I’m sorry. I just thought-”
“Don’t misunderstand. Just because I’m kind to you does not mean I am your friend. I was tasked to heal you. Until you are of use, you will stay alive. I don’t care if Loki cuts off your arm to get what he wants. If he brings you to me, I will heal you. Over and over again, until there is nothing left to heal.” You watched him in horror, realized your mistake too late. He seemed too human, too kind, too pretty with his golden hair and warm green eyes to be this brutal. “Don’t drown.” He said before he slammed the door as he left the bathroom.
You sat there frozen for a moment. What were you even thinking? Trusting the first kind looking person, you would not dare to do that even back on Earth. People were unpredictable and fake, people of all planets, it seems. You made a mental note to keep your guard up and to get it together.
After approximately 10 minutes you decided this was enough. You got out of the tub, used the toilet once more, just in case. Who knows when someone will be kind again. You put on your panties, but were unable to put the bra back on. There was a thin towel on the bench, that you managed to put around yourself, took the bra and left the bathroom.
“Silas?” You called, just in case.
“Here.” You heard from the examination room. You made your way back. “Sit on the table, I’ll just put on some salve on your wounds.” Without a word, you let him take the towel away and tend to your wounds. You did not even realize how many there were.
You did not remember the fight with Loki and his men, but they must have nicked you a few times. Your head was bleeding, of course, and Loki cut out your chip, but you did not realize there were wounds in your legs as well. Maybe you flew through one of those glass displays?
“I’m done, get dressed.”
“Can you help me with the bra-”
“No. Your suit was cut up in too many places. Dina brought you some spare clothes. You can ask her for help.” He said, and left through the main door. You caught a glimpse of your guards, and Dina entered a few seconds later.
“There goes the kind looking doctor.” You whispered to yourself. Dina helped you into black linen looking pants and a leather top. The sleeves covered your manacle bands, but the pull was still there. You were allowed to keep your boots.
Just a few minutes later you were back in your cage, locked. Like properly locked, the guards checked three times. It seemed the manacles were somehow connected to the cage, because when the lock was secured, the pull between your hands faded. You could move freely. As freely as you could in a cage where you could stand up and take three steps to cross the whole thing.
You sat down and leaned back, resting your head on the steel bars. You thought about what Silas said, about you being cut up over and over again, only to be healed. You realized you have felt too safe on Earth, with the Avengers… you quickly forgot about your family abandoning you, leaving you to a scientist that promised to cure you only to turned you into something else entirely.
You forgot you used to be a lonely kid, strapped to an examination table, too similar to the one you were laying on just moments ago. Full of needles and fear. How could you have forgotten? Was it because the Avengers were your family now? Because you felt like they would never leave you? Yet here you were, in a cage on a different planet, a prisoner of the person who wanted to rule Earth and in the process helped you escape the hellhole you called home all those years ago. What a cruel fate, to be unknowingly freed by the person who would catch you just a little while later.
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puppy-t337h · 10 months
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TAGS: drunk one night stand, reader has a military ex, johnny is a switch u can't convince me otherwise, mostly foreplay, smut obv, teasing, brief head (f! recieving)
A/N: gonna release chronological parts of each chapter here as I write, complete chapters will go up on ao3 as I finish them. also this chapter is all Johnny but Si will be in the next one, promise
You only remember fragments of the rest of the night.
There's a missing gap between leaving the frat and staggering up the steps to your shared apartment building. Then, a misplaced memory of a happy dog—a German Shepherd, maybe—that Soap trips over and curses at whenever he stops into his apartment. Something about an arm brace and some medication he forgot to take…you don't really care. Then, after that, the memories get clearer; more streamlined. Soap is sitting on your bed. You're biting the shoulder of his neck, whispering sweet, filthy things against his ear. You're lost in a haze, of course—it had been far too long since you had been this intimate with another human. Months, if you remember correctly, before you moved out of the house you shared with your last partner.
And even then, it had been a while since it felt so good. So new.
Soap is experienced. He knows what he wants, how to get it, how to ask for it—and how to know what you want. He playfully pushes you off of him so that you fall back against your pillows with a laugh. There's a glint in his dark eyes as he climbs over you, effectively pinning your wrists to the headboard with one careful hand. Something you said must've struck something in him, because he's already panting.
"Call me that again."
Confused and dazed, you chuckle, "what?"
"You know what," he rasps, lips near your ear. His breath smells of faint mint and shitty beer, mixed with the bourbon and wood of his cologne that fills your senses. "Say that again."
You wrack your memory. Your stomach dips in horror, for a moment, realizing you've slipped up somewhere along the line; called him the wrong name—but jesus, his face is flushed and his soft eyes are hooded as he looks down at you. A silver chain hangs from his neck, the end of which caught in his shirt. If you were sober, you may have put the pieces together; what his job was and why he reminded you so much of him. You could have put a stop to it and ushered him out upon realizing who you still had in your mind—but, alas, you're only thinking about how the bulge in his jeans feels against the warmth between your legs. About how if only you could just shift a little…
You grind up against his clothed cock, whispering near his ear. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Captain."
"Jesus fucking bloody hell," he groans, voice slured just a little. His hips shift; and his hands fall on your waist—tugging you flush against him, keeping you there; and the friction sends sweet pleasure rocketing up your stomach. His lips lock on your neck as he talks between bites and kisses. "You're gonna kill me."
The rest was a blur. You remember his voice, the sounds he made mixing with your own. The sweet, hot feeling of his tongue on your cunt and his breath between your legs. All of which blur with memories of a life with another serviceman. A life you left behind.
Suddenly, what you're doing comes to you in a surge of post-orgasm clarity. Panting, sweaty, tired—Soap lays on you, his face nuzzled in your shoulder and your arms around his waist. You stare at the ceiling, blinking, mentally palming your forehead.
Jesus, what am I doing?
You thought you were doing fine. For months, you were doing fine—going through the motions, moving things back into your hometown as they were shipped from his house in Camp Hansen. Trying not to think about it even as people's words, their soft whispers behind your back, sent another arrow straight through your heart every time.
You had it all, they'd say. And you threw it away for what? You had everything you had ever dreamed of at such a young age; you should've been happy. You hated yourself every day that you weren't.
It was unfair to him for you to leave, six months of marriage down the drain.
But it was even more unfair to force yourself to stay. Away from your family, your friends, the career you wanted but couldn't get moving from base to base…forced into the life of a housewife surrounded by his friends, his family, his work; but isolated from your own. You loved him---you're sure as hell you did—but you weren't happy. The house with him you longed for as a graduate fresh out of high school quickly grew suffocating.
Like a dream---Soap is gone when you awake, and you're snuggled up in bed, alone, with a slight headache that heightens with the light that streams in through the curtains. He left after you fell asleep, and you're infinitely grateful---because you're not sure you hold the emotional capacity to wake up next to someone without falling in love just a little. You're still moving on, still grieving, and a large part of you hates yourself for the night before. For letting loose, for drinking and carrying on, for sleeping through the class that you were supposed to be at twenty minutes ago.
But goddamn did it feel good.
Not to think—not to worry.
To start over in a town where nobody knew your name. To reinvent yourself and do all the things you missed out on in your early twenties.
That small tinge of regret is still there, still real, but you find yourself fumbling for your phone on your dresser, anyway.
Your fingers are dumb and useless with the hangover that drums faintly in your temples as you squint at the screen, finding the contact you had hastily typed his phone number into at some point the night before. Half-asleep still, you send him a text you're sure you're going to regret later.
Same time Wednesday?
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daddyy333 · 2 years
Sick | Robin Buckley x y/n
if you’d like you can reblog my original work, but please don’t post it without credit. if you take inspiration from my ideas please tag me, I’d like to see how someone else would write it
Word count: 0.9k
warnings: sick Robin, clingy Robin, ?
summary: taking care of sick Robin
“Babe, you have to get ready for work,” you said, smacking her butt gently whilst she laid on top of the blanket, almost in a starfish position. She groaned and got up, panting a little because she already couldn’t breathe to begin with and doing anything is too draining.
“Woah, why are you breathing hard? Are you sick or something?” You asked and Robin cleared her throat. She shook her head and said “no, no I’m fine” You could hear in her voice that she was sick. She stood up, instantly dizzy and practically leaning all of her weight on you.
“Rob, I can’t carry you, I’m sorry. What’s going on?” You asked and she whimpered. She leaned onto the dresser and said “I’m fine…just tired” “tired? Okay let’s see you walk in a straight line without leaning on anything or busting your ass” you said and she tried, and you barely caught her in time.
“Hon, you’re sick. You have to rest okay, you need to relax” you said and she groaned. You helped her sit on the bed and then left for a bit, you grabbed her some medicine, a thermometer, a hairbrush, clean clothes, a box of tissues, and ice packs to help keep her cool all in a little bag so you wouldn’t be making a thousand trips around the apartment.
“Okay, I gotta make you some breakfast. Do you wanna stay in here or come to the kitchen with me?” You asked and she mumbled “bed” Uou chuckled and said “okay, and I planned on making you a smoothie is that okay?” She nodded and you kissed her head, running your fingers through her hair for a moment.
You quickly made her a smoothie and she drank a little bit of it and then had her medicine, and some water too and you made sure the A.C was low and changed her into a thin white tank top and left her sleep shorts on, taking off the blankets and stuff so nothing was keeping her too hot. You brushed her hair and massaged her pounding head for a few minutes, trying to make her feel better.
“Wait, stop touching me you're gonna get sick” she said and you chuckled. You shook your head and said “let me take care of you bub. You need it” She groaned and you smiled, kissing her cheek.
She started feeling better after an hour or so, not wanting to turn the A.C up so instead she cuddled up to you which was nice. “Are you ready to eat some real food yet?” You asked and she shook her head. You chuckled and she said “slow down there, I just now started feeling less like a furnace and more like a human being. Let’s not rush it”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Sue me for trying to make sure you don’t wither away” you said and ran your hands through her hair again. She looked up at you and smiled, chuckling. “What?” You asked and she buried her head into your neck.
You laughed a little at the feeling of her hair and breath tickling your neck and she said “I just…love you” “I love you too” you said and she kissed your neck softly. You smiled, rubbing her back and letting her get more rest since she probably couldn’t sleep well last night.
Eventually she had moved in her sleep enough that you could sneak away and make her some soup, and you were hoping she would sleep a while because you were making a homemade soup your grandma used to make for you as a kid that Robin also really liked. She was obviously very grumpy when she woke up without you there but it was all better when she saw you dancing around in the kitchen whilst making some kind of food she wasn’t paying attention to.
She instantly smiled and walked over to you and wrapped her arms around you from behind. You smiled, moving your head back to look at her. “Hi, pretty girl. I see your feeling a lot better,” you said and she smiled even more and nodded.
You kissed her cheek and said “soups almost ready. It’s my grandma’s soup, the one you like” “oooh yayyy” she said and kissed your temple a few times. You looked back down at the soup and she nuzzled into your neck, indicating that the fever was already coming down since she was now clinging to your warm body.
A few minutes later you said “ok, I’m gonna let it cool down a little and then you can eat it” “so excited” she mumbled and you chuckled. You turned around and she pulled you into her chest, hugging you tight. You giggled and said “I’m supposed to be doing this to you”
“It’s okay, babe. You’re vertically challenged but I still love you” she said and you gasped, both of you giggling a little. She kissed your head and bounced a little, some of her energy coming back because she was feeling better.
“I love you too” you said and she smiled. You two cuddled up and ate the soup, watching Friday the 13th for the thousandth time. Robin liked that movie a lot for some reason, so you never said no because it made her happy.
“I feel so much better. You’re the best girlfriend ever” she said and you smiled, awwing a little. You kissed her temple and said “I’m glad you feel better, bubba” She wrapped his arms around you tighter and buried her head into your chest, murmuring sweet little nothings to you.
Taglist: @amberputh
As of now I’m writing for
Eddie Munson
Joseph Quinn
Jamie Bower
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Maya Hawke
So just comment the taglist you want to be added to and I’ll add you :)
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A little bit late to the WIP wednesday tagged by @mxanigel (thank you for the tag <3) but I didn't like what I was writing so I had to rummage around my endless WIP folders to find something I wanted to post.
Namely Andy being cute! Who would have thought?!
“You need some sleep”, Andy said when we came back from the talk with Copley. 
“Yup”, I yawned, walking next to her. Nicky and Joe were in the lead back to the hotel with Booker trailing behind. “Is it that obvious?”
Andy chuckled, “I know your tells.” 
I hummed, as per usual Andy’s presence relaxed me and in my state, over 24h without sleep it basically made me incoherent. 
We reached the hotel.
“How long have you been up?”
“Probably closing in on 40 hours?” I said with a grimace. 
Booker closed the door to the hotel room behind us. 
Andy frowned at me. “Come on then, let’s get you settled in, at least a few hours of sleep before we get on the road.”
“Andy”, I complained, “I’ll be dead after only a few hours of sleep.”
“Yes, but neither of us want to be shot in the head because you’re too tired to work properly”, she pulled me into the back room to the double bed. She turned to Booker, “can you set up the transport?”
Booker smirked. “Yeah, have fun you two.”
I rolled my eyes, but relished in the fact that Andy hadn’t let go of my hand. It was a thing of mine that someone had to cuddle me if I was supposed to get some restful sleep, though with the lack of sleep I could probably do without a cuddle buddy. My sleep had levelled out in africa after a month. After my system realised I could relax, but now with all the stress, I knew my insomnia would be back full force. 
Andy pulled me straight onto the bed and pulled me against her. 
“Don’t you have better things to do?” I said, but rested my head against her chest. Her heartbeat like the sound of my favourite song. 
“No”, Andy said and ran a hand over my new haircut. “Rest now, Jas. I’ll wake you early enough.”
I let out a long breath. My eyes fluttered shut. 
“I’m glad you’re here, Jas”, she muttered right before I was entirely gone to sleep.
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asimpforarmin · 3 years
Cuddling & Sleeping Headcanons with the AoT Characters 💛
Character(s): Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Bertholdt, Jean, Connie, & Sasha
Genre: Fluff, light-hearted.
Warnings: None
A/n: Did not mean for Bertholdt’s to be that long but oh well. It’s clear some of these are much longer than others, but I’m trying to get better at writing for a lot of people. A Modern AU is mentioned in Mikasa’s paragraph. Pretend this was posted Tuesday. I had a post I was going to edit so it said it was on Tuesday, but I already did all the tags here and because characters have multiple names I can’t be bothered.
💛 Eren:
Loves getting behind you and spooning you, arms around your waist and legs under your thighs. He’s good at it too, he’s very comfortable to snuggle with. You feel so special and lucky that you’ve got him this close to you.
Either that or him on his stomach with you halfway on his back.
He really can’t sleep and cuddle at the same time, so there’s going to have to be a point where he has to turn away from you.
He’s down to keep holding hands or something simple like that though if you still want to be touching him.
The blanket usually falls off him when he’s sleeping, meaning you usually have to drape it back over him before you fall asleep.
He’s one of those people who hangs his limbs off the side of the bed.
He also snores, not too loud, but it can get annoying sometimes.
Eren loves to rest a hand on your thigh or on your stomach while spooning you, nuzzling into the back of your neck.
He’s up for trying different positions, but only when he’s not tired. When he is tired, he just wants to hold you and go to bed as soon as he can.
💛 Armin:
Loves to lay on your chest or shoulder. He gets to look up at you and can talk to you as he falls asleep. Sure, your arm might go dead sometimes, but it’s worth it to see him lying on you, talking about his day and looking up at you admirably.
He likes to intertwine his legs with yours in this position, laying his head on you and sometimes holding one of your hands.
Oh, and if you use your other hand to rub his back or play with his hair, this boy will be in heaven.
He can fall asleep cuddling easily, he rarely has to roll away from you to sleep.
That being said, if you need to roll away, he’s fine with it, but he will try to see if he can cling onto you somehow. If you sleep on your side, he’ll wrap his arm around your waist and bury his face into your back. If you sleep on your stomach/back, he’ll get on your side and link arms with you or hold your hand.
He also like to be little spoon a lot. Especially if he’s had a bad day, all he wants to do is be held by you.
He will be big spoon sometimes but only if you ask him or if he’s clinging onto you after you’ve turned around.
If you still can’t sleep when he’s doing that, he’ll just turn around and snuggle up to one of his pillows. Not in a sad way, but he just likes to clutch onto something.
Speaking of pillows, he sleeps with like three just on his side.
He will also steal your blanket from you. He doesn’t do it on purpose of course, but you’ll wake up cold in the middle of the night and have to discreetly try to get some of your blanket back.
You’ll end up with 1/4 of it back at most, unless you want to wake Armin up, so be prepared with another blanket somewhere you can grab.
💛 Mikasa:
Any position that lets her see your face is the best. She loves to just lay in front of you as you go on about what happened that day.
Just imagine coming home after a long day and collapsing on the bed alongside Mikasa, facing each other on your sides as she brushes a stray hair out of your face.
As you get more tired, she’ll get closer to you and take you in her arms, chin on your head.
Or if you’re on the couch together, she’ll lay down and pull you onto her stomach, tangling her legs with yours. One hand will be on your head playing with your hair and the other will be getting popcorn or reaching for a remote.
She’ll glance down at you, before sitting up a little and gripping your chin with her finger and kissing you, then lay back down.
Whatever position is comfortable for you is the one she’ll cuddle you in. She’ll manage to fall asleep in whatever pose you want her to be in.
She’s good at not taking the blanket away, but if you do she will take her side back. Most of the time, she’ll be able to get it back without waking you up, but if she does, she’ll apologize and plant a kiss on your head, then resume cuddling.
She doesn’t toss or turn or snore much at all, she sleeps like a rock.
She secretly loves it when you play with her hair. Just rake your fingers through it or massage her scalp and she’ll nuzzle into your neck trying to hide a small smile.
Wrapping your legs around her is another thing she likes. You probably won’t be able to fall asleep like this, but just sitting in her lap, legs and arms wrapped around her as she rocks you side to side is bliss.
If she wakes up before you, she’ll try her best to stay still and let you wake up on your own, sometimes falling back asleep.
💛 Bertholdt:
So we all know Bert has some crazy weird sleeping positions, but that doesn’t stop him from cuddling you. Because of this, he will have to turn around at some point, but will still cuddle you until he’s tired enough to go to sleep.
He likes to be little spoon, but because of his height that can be hard, so any position where he can be the one cuddled is great for him.
He’s fine with being big spoon as long as he gets to hold your hand while doing it.
After he inevitably turns around, if you can somehow find a way to cling onto him, he’ll let you, but that’s almost impossible most nights.
He’s one of those people who sleeps with his leg up and crossed over the other, and can also get a stack of pillows under his head to prop it up at a 90˚ angle but still be comfortable.
A position he’d like is to just have you on his chest. He’ll kiss your forehead and play with your hair. After he does, kiss his cheek, it will make him blush like no tomorrow.
He loves it when you wrap your arms around his shoulders, then he wraps his around your waist. It’s a loving position that makes it easy to look into each other’s eyes.
He also likes to sleep in opposite directions but have your backs touching. Even if it’s not super close or face to face, it’s comfortable and still feels really nice.
Don’t be surprised if you get accidentally pushed to the side or off the bed. If you’re on the edge, it’ll be hard to get back, but he’s alright with being woken up if you need more room.
If he pushes you off the bed, he’ll probably know straight away from the loud thwump that comes from the other side. He’ll bolt up and apologize profusely and help you back up. Then, he’ll bring you close and kiss you all over. It’s not a big drop, but he’ll still act like he dropped you off a cliff. You’ll have to assure him you’re alright, but no matter what you do, he will be glued to one side of the bed the rest of the night. You only fall off on rare occasions though, so that’s good.
The only downside to sleeping with Bertholdt is that your presence makes it harder to predict the weather. ok ill stop with the jokes im sorry
💛 Jean:
LOVES face to face stuff. He’ll hug you close and tight, giving you lots of forehead kisses and just cherishing you.
He’ll hold you like there’s no tomorrow, just feeling so lucky to have you. He’ll never tell you any of this, but he’s so happy he got someone like you.
All night, he’ll make sure you have the blanket wrapped around you and that you’re comfortable.
He also likes to spoon you, rubbing your upper arm or back. He really likes to be little spoon too. Unless you begged him for like a week, he would never be little spoon. But once he tried it, oh lord he loved it.
He doesn’t let you spoon him too much because, y’know, ego, but when you do he loves when you wrap your arms around his waist and intertwine your legs with his.
He’d snore a lot, but it wouldn’t be too loud. It’s usually just a low rumble and you don’t hear it that much.
If you’re in a position to, put your hand on his chest, he adores it.
💛 Connie:
Be careful of his legs because he will kick you sometimes. Not purposefully of course, but he is a deadly weapon when he sleeps.
Which is why he normally sleeps in the opposite direction of you.
He adores being little spoon, plus his height makes it easy to do.
He will have no shame in being the little spoon, unless someone finds out he is and gives him crap for it. Then he’ll yell at them, getting all defensive and flustered. After that he’ll assume the little spoon position defiantly.
If you’re facing each other, putting your legs together is a must, just hope he doesn’t kick you in the shins.
If he does, he’ll apologize and laugh at what he did, before flipping over to make sure he doesn’t kick you again.
💛 Sasha:
She will steal the blanket from you 24/7. No doubt about it. Even if you manage to get it back, she will do it again.
She loves getting cuddly with you. She will be big spoon, little spoon, lay on you, whatever makes both of you comfortable.
She does snore on the louder side though, which annoys the crap out of anyone else in the room, whether that be just you or if she’s in the barracks.
She loves it when you sit up and hold each other, rocking left and right, she will melt in your arms.
She’ll love to cuddle and talk about her day with you. She’ll come up with a lot of different topics and it will never get boring.
There will be crumbs in your bed, that is the price of dating Sasha. She’ll try to clean them out sometimes, but there will always be that one that ruins your sleep.
She loves it if she’s laying on her back and she’s holding your shoulders as you lay on her chest. In that position you can hear her heartbeat and she can kiss your head.
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ack3rlady · 3 years
Oh hey there it's me again! I absolutely adored that steamy make out session with Erwin u wrotell.
May I request for something with Levi? I would really love to see how u write Levi. Here's the scenario: sub!Levi who becomes a total mess when u use some toys on him for the first time.
- 💦
A/N: Welcome back💦 Anon! Being creative with your asks again, I see! I only have experience with female-friendly toys. So, I had to put in some research into this 🤓 This is possibly the most experimental piece I've written so far and there isn't much of a plot because i wanted to get straight to action; which is why I'm gonna go hide in my cave once this publishes. Hope you like it!
Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Fem Bodied! Reader
CW: Sub Levi, Soft Dom Reader, Sex toy usage (cock ring & vibrator), Oral (M receiving), protected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), brief overstimulation.
Minors & Ageless blogs – DNI & block the tag #CalmDownMia. I won’t hesitate to block you. If you are an adult and don’t wanna be blocked, add your age to your bio/pinned post or DM me.
Masterlist | Thirst Masterlist
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“Hey, handsome!”, you chirped from the bed as the door opened to reveal a raven headed man.
Levi let out a loud huff in response.
He hung his tan jacket on the coat rack, meticulously undid the ODM belts and set them on their usual spot, and unbuttoned his shirt before trudging towards the bed. You opened your arms, welcoming your weary husband to lay his head on your chest, engulfing him into the solace of your embrace after a long day of work.
“Tired?”, you asked, raking your fingers through his midnight locks.
“Exhausted.”, he replied, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. “Eyebrows just chewed my ears off for three straight hours.”
You spent minutes in silence, lazing against each other, calm and warm. Moments like these were scarce amidst the chaos of your bustling routines as the ticks of the clock and an occasional sigh leaving his lips were the only audible sounds in the room.
He raised his head, bringing a hand to the back of yours to pull you closer. You smiled when your lips met, finally feeling the burnout from the day wear off at the familiar feeling. You were quick to let him in when his tongue prodded at your lips for access, meeting yours with fervor. His hand slowly slid from your neck to your chest, beginning to unbutton his shirt that you were wearing.
“Mmh? I thought you were exhausted?”, you spoke against his lips.
“I changed my mind.”, he smirked against yours.
You parted away to peel the pieces of clothing off each other. Like clockwork, they were all on the floor within seconds. Levi admired your body from head to toe, leaping towards you like a man starved for days. He tutted when you held him back with your arm against his chest, looking at you with knitted brows for being deprived of his meal.
“Umm... Levi... I’ve been thinking....”, your voice trailed off.
“Well, I've been thinking of trying something new.”, you contemplated, fishing out a rubbery black ring from under your pillow.
“You do know that’s too big for my finger?”, he deadpanned, albeit innocently.
“Oh.”, it dawned upon him when you lowered your gaze to his crotch.
Although a bit hesitant at the start, it didn’t take much to convince him to try it. As rigid as the captain seemed otherwise, he had always been quite open to experimenting in the bedroom; the main reason being that he trusted you wholeheartedly, and also because these experiments had only made things better as of now. He laid down on the bed, wide silver eyes curiously following your figure as you moved closer to him.
You positioned yourself in between his legs, admiring the view. Over the years of being with Levi, you had come to deduce that this was one of the best perspectives behold him from; one reserved only for you to see.
His glorious cock, sculpted Adonis ascending to the ripples of his abs, his strong chest abutted by deep collar bones, the prominent columns of his neck leading to the most important feature, his gorgeous face looking down at you, strands of midnight hair threatening to veil the striking eyes watching you intently.
He held his breath as you spat into the palm of your hand, gritting his teeth in an attempt to stay still just like you asked him to. You stroked his cock just enough to coat it with the slick, slathering the ring with the remnants. Levi sighed at the feeling of your cold fingers around him, sharply clutching a fistful of the bed sheets.
“Not yet.”, you said, meticulously sliding the rubbery ring down his partially hardened member till it sat snugly at the base.
He inhaled sharply, gaze pinned on your hands and the black coil.
“You okay?”, you asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“mmh... Feels different.”, he whispered, still eyeing it skeptically. “Good different.”
“Well, then let me make it better.”, you smiled, beginning to slowly stroke his cock. “You know you can tell me anytime you want me to stop, right?”
He nodded, gulping as he watched you move closer and closer to his member that was now rapidly hardening under your touch, hissing when you kissed the tip and gingerly ran your tongue over its slit with a quick swipe.
You smiled coyly at his reaction, remembering the readings from the intriguing book Hange lent you a few days ago. It said that the ring around his dick would make it hypersensitive. And from what you could see, it was all true.
Within a matter of seconds, Levi was a heaving mess under your touch; and you hadn't even really begun yet. Keeping a watchful eye on him, you wrapped your lips around his now throbbing erection, swirling your tongue around its head. The usually silent captain was miserably unsuccessful at stifling a moan, harshly gripping your hair as he bucked his hips.
You bobbed your head up and down, slowly increasing the pace. Your strawberry tongue drew the letters of your name on the swollen, pink head as if marking what was yours, and yours only.
“Fuck! Keep going.”, Levi growled, his head falling with a thud against the headboard.
You smiled into your ministrations, softly brushing his shaft with your teeth as you continued the rhythmic movements. Levi arduously raised his lank neck to watch you sinking just a little further, taking in his entire length inch by inch until it had entirely disappeared into the warm cavern of your mouth.
The soreness in between your legs was growing by the minute, as you reached down with your fingers to rub circles on your yearning clit. He outstretched his hands towards you, not even sure what for; his mouth agape, but unaccompanied by words.
How he loved this view. Your frazzled hair, pooling, hooded eyes, bare breasts brushing against his thighs. The fucked out expression on your face glowing with sweat as you pleasured him as well as yourself was sending him hurling towards the edge.
His brain was flooded with your image and how good your mouth felt on his cock, how you knew exactly what made him see stars inside the confinement of your room. The vice choke hold of the ring was enhancing every feeling by many folds, allowing him to feel the slightest of sensations; mind so clouded, he was aching for release.
“I - I need to cum.”, he panted, squeezing his eyes shut at the unbearable decadence. “Please.”
You briefly parted from him, eyes falling on the clock. There was still time. He whimpered at the feeling of sudden chill replacing the heat of your mouth, watching you as you reached for the nightstand to fish out a small silver packet from the drawer.
You tore it with your teeth, taking the condom out and sliding it down his length. Kneeling on your knees, you shifted forward till your core was perfectly aligned with his cock.
“What’s the rush, Heichou?”, you breathed, lowering down on him at a painfully slow pace until he bottomed out inside you.
Your pussy was soaking by now and took no time to devour the entirety of his length. You groaned in unison, staying still to allow him to catch his heightened breath and for you to acclimatize to the fullness. Levi’s hands had your thighs in a vice grip as you supported yourself by laying your palms flat against his chest, eventually beginning to move.
You both whined in ecstasy as his dick brushed against all the right spots of your velvety walls, the protruding veins only adding to the titillation. His brains were practically reduced to mush as he sheepishly watched you bounce up and down before him, sterling eyes pinned on your face, mouth open, huffs of air leaving your lips with each movement, lashes fluttered shut out of pure bliss.
They descended to your heaving breasts that bounced with you. He reached his hands out to kneed the buttery skin, watching you squirm when he pinched your taut nipples. His gaze cascaded lower, falling where your body met his, admiring how your hips beautifully swirled against his. He slid one of his hands underneath his pillow, pulling out a device that you remembered seeing in Hange’s book.
“What? You spoke to them too?”, you managed to speak through the haze whilst fervently grinding against him.
“More like they spoke to me.”, he grumbled.
He strenuously focused his eyes on the small, black object; pressing a button that caused it to buzz. Outstretching his hand, he pressed it against your swollen slit, making your neck go limp as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. The sounds of your whines were music to his ears. He felt your movements become increasingly sporadic as he brought your closer and closer to your impending orgasm.
“Fuck! Levi!”, you panted. “I’m cumming!”
Levi bit into his fist, the sting only adding to the rapture of feeling your walls pulsate around him, and the warmth of your release dribbling down his length. Exhausted, you rested your head against the headboard, your breasts dangling before his face as if grapes from a vine.
He clasped his mouth onto one, swirling his tongue around your perked nipple as he began to buck his hips up and down at an unforgiving pace. You were almost screaming from the over stimulation, the walls of your room reverberating your cries along with the creaks of your rickety old bed, the lewd squelching from slick and the slaps of his skin against yours.
Levi grunted with every thrust, nails digging into the skin of your butt as he relentlessly rutted in and out of your abused hole. It wasn’t long this he reached his oblivion, his orgasm hitting his body like lightning. It was unlike any other he had experienced before, somehow simultaneously cloaking his senses in darkness and also a blinding light.
He panted as you helped him ride out his release, your unyielding pussy milking him of all his worth. It was evident that he wasn’t even attempting to be quiet anymore as he blinked rapidly, trying to rid himself of the spots before his eyes.
You stayed on top of him for a little while before kissing him deeply one last time and sliding off. He peeled the condom off and discarded it into the bin by your bed, and you carefully slid the ring off his cock, making sure not to hurt him. He inhaled sharply at the feeling of blood rushing back through it again, eyes following you as you laid down by his side with a huff, still panting from the escapade.
He turned towards you, brushing the sweaty, matted hair off your face and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“So... Do you think they’ll let you borrow that book again?”
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Masterlist | Thirst Masterlist
P.S: Sorry about this going from Thirsty Thursday to Freaky Friday 🙃
*Disclaimer: Cock rings can and will cause damage if used incorrectly. Do your own research and don't rely entirely on fics if you plan to use them IRL. Don't lose a ding to the ring.
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ryosmne · 3 years
You're gonna fry your brain.
Hello everyone, since it's finals season and we're all probably really dead inside, I decided to self indulge in some tattoo artist! Sukuna writing, so here's this brainrot that won't let me focus on studying. You can read more of this au in the au masterlist.
I've been trying so hard to finish up a bartender! Dabi fic I have in the works for too long, hopefully I can get around to it too. After finals are done I'll be writing a lot more that's for sure.
Tattoo artist! Sukuna x f!reader
Warnings: language, suggestive tones, that's it.
Finals are by far the worst thing about college, y/n knows that the hard way. She's been stressing herself out for the past few days, maybe weeks, going over the same material again and again. She'd constantly argue that she really needs to pass with an high grade that's why she's so obsessive over it.
Sukuna had tried multiple times to help her ease her nerves, he's been there, although he was the type who never really stuck his nose in a book for too long, regardless, his best girl needed a break, no matter how hard she denied it.
Y/n had declined his invitations of going out, she dropped by the shop a few times, bringing Sukuna some food, but he could tell she was slowly burning herself up.
Today was no different, y/n had been writing everything down all day to help memorize it better. So many hours has passed since she started her study session but she didn't even notice that her clock read 8 pm already.
Sukuna did notice, y/n had been barely responding back to his texts and it was time he took matters into his own hands.
The earpiercing doorbell pulled y/n out of her trance like state, she quickly got up from her desk to go and get rid of whoever just rung it.
"Dollface, I was beginning to think you had died in there."
There was Sukuna, leaning in her doorframe, looking as good as he always did, in a plan white t shirt and a gray pair of sweatpants, holding a few bags and a huge basket.
"not quite, what's all this?"
Y/n motioned to the bags he had.
"Nothing much, just some things I picked up for you, will you let me in? this basket is fucking heavy."
No, the basket wasn't that heavy, Sukuna could carry it just fine, he just wanted to make sure that y/n didn't have a chance to deny him.
Y/n stepped aside to let Sukuna in, and he went straight to her kitchen, dropping his bags on the table.
"Thanks for dropping by babe, but I really need to finish the last three chapters I have left."
"Y/n, you're going to fry your brain at this rate, no more studying for today."
"No buts, you won't read another sentence today. We're destressing together."
Turns out, Sukuna had brought over many different things. He's not the type of guy to shy away from anything, so the first thing he did was to grab y/n and drag her into her bathroom.
Sukuna had taken mental notes the first time he looked through y/n's skincare products, he was able to determine her skin type and he went a bit crazy, buying her different things to try out.
"You are insane, that's drunk elephant, why did you get this many things?"
"Because you have the really terrible cheap stuff, now shut up you're going to eat the soap if you keep talking with cleanser all over your face."
Now, y/n's skincare wasn't bad, Sukuna had expensive taste and he's a bit of a brand snob
Sukuna gently poked her cheek with a smile as y/n's face distorted because she had in fact tasted the cleanser and Sukuna could only laugh at her before she flicked some into his mouth too.
"Don't kiss me with a face mask on you brat"
Y/n let out a soft laugh, Sukuna was doing his best to concentrate at the task at hand. Matching y/n's nail polish to his. Y/n had just finished painting his, matte black like he requested but y/n gave him some white polish on his ring finger. Sukuna had argued for a bit, saying it didn't look good and that he didn't like it, but gave in after y/n gave him a puppy face, can you blame him?
"But you look so cute like that."
Y/n complained, knowing that this little comment was going to feed Sukuna's ego more.
"I know doll, but artificial orange doesn't taste as good as it smells."
Y/n once again wasn't wrong, his cocky attitude always creeped in at times, not that she minded.
Time passed fast with watching trash reality shows on y/n's couch, after their very own self care day, Sukuna made sure to fix something they could both eat. Now they were engolved in each others arms, y/n's sleepy eyes staring up at him.
"How are you feeling, doll?"
Sukuna's hand found her hair, gently resting on top of her head.
"Much better, you're the best you know that?"
"I've heard it once or twice, I'll give you reasons to say it more often"
He gave her a gentle smile, leaning closer to steal a kiss, a little more intimate than the ones they shared earlier.
" 'Kuna, I'm sorry I was so stressed and distant this week, I probably worried you-"
"Don't be stupid, it's ok, I just want you to know I'm here for you, and it's just finals. You're a smart cookie, I'm sure you'll do great."
Y/n found his words reassuring and nuzzled closer to him, letting her lungs burn with his scent that never got less intoxicating.
"Thank you 'kuna, what would I do without you?"
The last few words came out slurred, but Sukuna understood everything, y/n's breathing got steadier against him.
"I don't know doll I'm just glad to have you here, I promised to take good care of you."
And just like that, y/n was fast asleep next to him, he didn't mind her uncomfortable couch one bit all he cared about was how at peace she looked. Maybe he would move her to her bed later, he couldn't bring himself to do it now.
The next morning, y/n found herself on her bed, Sukuna had almost woken her up getting ready before he left to go to work, but he managed to put her right back to sleep with a kiss on the forehead and a light "don't wake up yet doll".
Y/n made her way to the kitchen, Sukuna usually left a little letter for her on the nightstand by the bed, he must've been in a rush today.
Not quite the case.
Sukuna not only made her, her favourite breakfast, he also left post it notes in some places.
You suck at food shopping, thank me later.
Was written on her fridge.
So that's what all the bags were for, y/n didn't find out last night because of how tired she was, and how much fun she had being around sukuna.
He had filled up her fridge with everything she ever needed to make a meal for herself or have a snack. Let's be honest Sukuna just wanted to cook for her again.
Another post it was found in her bathroom cabinet.
You're probably gonna get mad at me for this but I'm not sorry, you deserve it.
The poor cabinet was stuffed to the brim with brand name skincare that made anyone's wallet scream in anguish and a lot of bathbombs. Upon closer look y/n almost cried at how attentive Sukuna was, he took extra care to look out for her skins needs.
Y/n found the last post it on her desk while she did her revision.
Don't overwork yourself doll, you've got me for that.
Y/n brought Sukuna cupcakes from seven different bakeries to try that day.
Bonus Domain shenanigans: "Sukuna left early again?"
Megumi asked, the day had been going pretty slow he wasn't surprised his friend dipped.
"Yeah, he left this behind though."
Geto held up a very nice looking white shop bag, a slight glimmer in his eye let the rest of his friends know he planned something.
"So? What's in it anyways?"
Gojo was resting his chin on his hand, blank expression on his face, completely unamused by Geto's discovery.
"Give me that"
Nanami swiftly snatched the bag, curious to see what was inside of it. He reached in and retrieved several wrapped round objects.
He questioned puzzled, but then his lips tugged upward.
Megumi, Nanami, Gojo and Geto, each got two bathbombs, and even though they would outright say it, they were pretty damn exited to drop them in their bathtubs. That's what Sukuna gets for avoiding clean up.
Sukuna entered the shop barely greeting anyone and begun looking around. Fuck he was looking for something, everyone tried to keep their composure.
"Have you seen a white bag?"
He finally looked at the group of men before him.
"like a backpack? No "
Megumi spoke, Sukuna begun thinking he was remembering everything wrong, that's untill he saw something sticking out of Geto's pocket. That's for sure a bathbomb he bought for y/n
"You motherfuckers, how low can you stoop to steal my girls bathbombs?"
Hey it's me again, though I'd add that here, if you have specific skin demands I tried to cover that in here so everyone can enjoy it, I have lots of allergies and skin concerns so I'm kinda sensitive to that stuff. Hope you had fun reading, remember to take it easy, untill next time :>
Tag list: (comment or message me and I’ll gladly add you)
@artist4theworld @skatercashew
@jjk-is-my-shit @ilovemarvel99
@thegaymadafakkasworld @readinghassavedmylife @ruler-of-the-skies
@jackysenpaii @rebenok-zimnayaya
@aam1na @sore-eyes@ryan249057 @goobygoobster @charlie-xo @kamisamaundercover
@stupid-simp33 @ciphersighs
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I turn and reach for you
Summary: Three months after Hankel, Spencer starts getting terrible nightmares that keep him up at night. He tries desperately to keep his secret until one day when it's all too much to bear anymore. Luckily, Derek Morgan is there to hold him together as he falls apart.
Tags: nightmares, hurt/comfort, ptsd, angst with a happy ending, fluff, literal sleeping together, getting together, post-revelations TW: past non-con drug use mentioned once in passing
Pairing: Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid
Word Count: 2.1k
Masterlist // Read on AO3 // Bad Things Happen Bingo
This feels the "Nightmares" square on my Bad Things Happen bingo card, and was written for this prompt by @i-write-whump. Title from a poem by Devon Strang.
After Spencer is kidnapped by Tobias Hankel, he stays with Derek. Nobody on the team wants him to be alone, and he’s always felt the most comfortable with him, so it makes sense. Besides, he’s got the space.
Spencer sometimes wonders whether the team pushed so hard for it because they genuinely believed that, logistically, Derek was the best option, or because they could also see the slow-burning romance simmering under the surface of their relationship. They’ve always had a special friendship, but Spencer can feel the growing tension: the deep and intense looks they share mid-case, the lingering touches on backs and arms, the affection leaking into each ‘pretty boy’ and every ‘Der’.
Perhaps if Hankel never came into the picture they’d already be together — it really had felt like they were on the precipice of something special — but it’s three months later and Spencer’s still sleeping in the spare room; there’s still just as much will they, won’t they lingering in the air between them.
He tries not to mind too much. After all, he’s never had so much free access to the man he’s pined after for years now, and they’re living in each other’s pockets. Almost every waking hour is spent in one another’s company: they cook together, eat together, watch films together, and neither of them are showing any sign of getting sick of it. But every time they’re cooking pasta and Derek says something ridiculous, Spencer wishes he was allowed to lean in and kiss the tip of his nose; every time they sit down to watch something together, he wishes he could burrow into his side and rest his head in the crook of his neck.
(Sometimes, Spencer wishes he could rewind to the weeks immediately after the Hankel incident when Derek would carry him around the flat to keep him off his broken feet; when he could press his face into his shoulder and inhale the scent of complete and utter safety.)
It’s almost torturous, being so close yet so far.
He isn’t quite sure why the nightmares start so late. The nights during the first couple of months are blissfully dreamless, so exhausted from the physical and emotional trauma that sleep was a tantalising escape, but once he’s back in the field, once normal life resumes, everything changes.
The first time he wakes up sweating and panting, heart pounding as he tries to convince himself that he’s no longer in Hankel’s clutches but is safe and sound in Derek’s apartment, he dismisses it as a one-off. He hasn’t had nightmares yet, so why should they start now? He doesn’t go back to sleep that night, too shaken to relax back into the comforting embrace of sleep, too afraid of deception: that he wouldn’t sleep dreamlessly but that the nightmare would be waiting for him once again.
The second time worries him. He gets up this time and gets a glass of water as quietly as possible, leaning with his back against the kitchen counter as he ponders what this could mean for him. The thing is, they’re so incredibly vivid. It really feels like he’s back at the mercy of a three-in-one torturer armed with drugs and belts and guns, genuinely unsure of whether he’ll ever see his family again. He doesn’t go back to sleep this time, either, instead pacing around the living room until Derek wakes up. He lies that he’s only been up for half an hour, and Derek believes him.
The third time solidifies for Spencer the fact that this is a problem. Three is a pattern, everybody knows that, and Spencer spends the rest of the night scouring the internet for studies conducted around delayed trauma responses and discovers the prevalence of delayed-onset PTSD. He’s tempted to contact a professor he met during his third PhD who specialised in the psychology of trauma, but he thinks better of it. Admitting these nightmares would be admitting defeat.
This is something he has to deal with alone.
(He ignores the truth that it’s more fear than anything else that keeps him from telling anyone: fear of being seen as weak, fear of nothing changing, fear of voicing his trauma out loud. It’s easier to pretend it’s about independent agency.)
It doesn’t affect him too much at first. Sure, he’s scared to go to sleep and he sweats so profusely that it soaks through his bedsheets almost every night, but he’s managing. He’s okay. He contributes just as much to their profiles and takes down unsubs without flinching. He dances around Derek like they have done for over a year, and he sits through Dr Who marathons with Penelope just fine. So what if he’s a bit tired? He’s stared down some of America’s Most Wanted and interviewed famous serial killers, he can cope with a little fatigue.
It doesn’t stay that easy for long.
Soon everybody’s asking about the bags under his eyes, his slower reaction times when they visit the gun range, his twitchiness around the team.
“Are you sleeping okay, Spencer?” Penelope asks him one day, brushing a curly lock of hair behind his ears as they sit side by side on the sofa next to a conked out Derek.
He can’t nod his head quick enough. “Yeah! Yes, uh. Yes, Penelope, I’m sleeping fine, I promise,” he says as convincingly as he can, flashing her a smile. He hates lying to her, but he can’t let anyone find out, he just can’t.
Slowly, he begins losing his grip on reality. He’s almost delusional from the sleep deprivation, and he starts seeing Hankel everywhere he goes. He’s stood behind the fridge door, in the foyer of the FBI Headquarters, in the toilets of a local police station, stood right behind the unsub they’re currently trying to talk down, goddamnit.
He’s beyond exhausted, but some nights he still refuses to sleep, too afraid of what awaits him in his dreams, too afraid of the fear he knows he’ll carry into the next day, too afraid of feeling weak again. Helpless. Completely and utterly without agency.
He sits up with his back against the headboard, the main light off but the lamp switched on, scrolling through as many scholarly articles as he can read in a night, drinking cup after cup of steaming black coffee. Most nights he makes it through till morning without sleeping a wink, but sometimes he can’t stop himself from drifting off The nightmares on those nights are the worst.
He isn’t okay and people are starting to notice. Everyone’s walking on eggshells around him right now, but he knows it won’t be long before Penelope organises an intervention that Hotch hosts and Derek directs. The worst part about it is that he feels like a trainwreck waiting to happen. He’s headed straight for complete and utter collapse, and the only possible way to stop the train in its tracks is to reach out and get help, the one thing he can’t get himself to do.
And he isn’t even really sure why.
It all comes to a head on a warm night in July. He’d fallen into bed that night deliberately, actually intending to sleep for once. The bone-deep tiredness had finally caught up to him and he didn’t even care that he was walking straight into the arms of Tobias Hankel, if it meant he got even an iota of refreshing sleep, then it would be worth it.
But he isn’t quite of the same mind when he wakes up at two in the morning like he does almost every night: soaked in sweat with his heart going a million beats per minute, with only one difference. Tonight, he’s crying.
Maybe it’s the emotional turmoil of the last few months catching up to him, or maybe it’s just the severity of this particular dream, but whatever it is, he can’t seem to stop even once he’s awake. Sobs wrack his shoulders as he cries miserably into the pillow, finally letting out the emotions he’s kept bottled up so tightly, and he’s almost wailing after a couple of minutes of anguish.
All he can think as he cries helplessly is how badly he wants Derek. He wants to be wrapped up in his strong and safe embrace, he wants to feel the movement of his soft goatee against his cheek, he wants to inhale the comforting scent of his sleep t-shirts, he wants the warmth and solace that only Derek Morgan can give him, and in that moment, emotionally distraught and so incredibly sleep-deprived, he decides to get it.
He stumbles out of his bedroom and down the hall, stopping once he reaches Derek’s door. He hesitates for only a second before he pushes it open slowly, allowing the light from the lamp they keep switched on in the hallway to gently illuminate the shadows of his bedroom.
“Spencer?” Derek asks groggily, immediately sitting up and wiping his eyes. “What’s wrong? Are you crying?”
At the acknowledgement of his tears, Spencer starts to cry harder, and as embarrassed as he feels, he can’t slow the steady stream of tears rolling down his face as he stands in the doorway like a child in their parents’ room.
“Spence,” Derek says again, gentle and sympathetic, “come here.” He lifts the duvet up and scooches over slightly as if to make room for him in his already spacious king-size bed.
He doesn’t need to be told twice, though, and he stumbles forward, collapsing into bed and wrapping himself around Derek instantly. His arms come up to circle Spencer’s waist, caressing him gently as he holds him close to his body, shushing him quietly.
“It’s okay, Spence,” he murmurs. “I’m here now, alright? We’re gonna fix whatever it is, I promise you. We’ll get through this. You’ll get through this.”
He lets himself cry and cry and cry until his tears are dried up and he’s hiccupping from the force of his sobs. He would feel terrible about the damp spot left on Derek’s t-shirt, but he simply doesn’t have the energy. Instead, he continues to lie there on Derek’s chest, listening to his softly spoken assurances and losing himself in the sensation of Derek’s fingertips caressing the skin of his waist.
After a couple of minutes of silence, interrupted only by the odd hiccup from Spencer’s tired lungs, Derek finally asks the question. “What was that all about, pretty boy?” he asks with a tenderness Spencer isn’t sure he’s ever heard before. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Been having nightmares,” Spencer whispers, keeping his eyes closed against Derek’s imploring gaze.
He feels Derek tense beneath him, his fingers briefly pausing before resuming their comforting patterns on his waist, and a heavy breath escapes his lips. “For how long?”
“Last couple of months,” he mumbles, and somehow another tear manages to escape Spencer’s screwed up eyes.
“Well,” Derek sighs, “I suppose that explains a lot. We’ve been so worried about you, Spencer. We had no idea what was going on but we could all see you withdrawing, and it wasn’t exactly a secret how exhausted you were.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Derek says sadly. “I should’ve pushed harder to figure out what was going on with you. I’m so sorry you’ve had to deal with this all alone.”
“I didn’t know how to tell anyone,” Spencer says, suddenly desperate to explain as he shifts slightly to look Derek in the eye. “I was so scared and I didn’t want anyone to think that I was weak or I couldn’t do my job anymore, and I just didn’t know what to do.”
“I know, Spence,” Derek says soothingly, “but you’ve told me now, haven’t you? And I’m going to do everything I can to get you some help. We’ll fix this, baby. I promise you, I’m going to make sure you’re happy and healthy again if it’s the last thing I do, okay?”
Spencer sniffs a little, wiping tiredly at his eyes as he blinks up at the sincerity on Derek’s face. For the first time in far too long he manages a smile. “Okay.”
Derek runs a hand through his hair before dropping a kiss to the top of his head. “Do you want to sleep here tonight?”
Spencer’s smile widens and he buries his face in Derek’s chest again as his cheeks flush red. “Please.”
Months later, they’ll realise they never officially asked one another to be in an actual, exclusive relationship. Months later, they’ll know instinctively and with absolute certainty that this night was the night that changed everything for them, and exactly one year later, they’ll celebrate their first anniversary on that date.
Tonight, though, they sleep curled up next to one another in Derek’s bed, and although Spencer doesn’t fall into the same dreamless sleep he grew used to immediately after Hankel, for once he isn’t haunted by nightmares, but dreams inflected with hope for what the future holds for them, and he’ll take that over dreamlessness any day.
taglist: @criminalmindsvibez @lesbiantodds @suburban--gothic @strippersenseii @takeyourleap-of-faith @negativefouriq @makaylajadewrites @iamrenstark @livrere-blue @hotchseyebrows @enbyspencer @reidology @transhanniballecter @spencerspecifics @bau-gremlin @hotchedyke @tobias-hankel @ @marsjareau @garcias-bitch @oliverbrnch @im-autistic @anxious-enby @kuolonsyoja @reidreids @ropoto @thosecriminalminds (add yourself to my taglist)
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deepdonutkid · 3 years
Put your head on my shoulder
Requested: yes, by @sighonahurricane​
Pair: Tommy Shelby x female reader
Request: I'm here to make a request based on a list you just posted. Would you please do a piece with 7 from fluff and 10 from the list just after that, with Tommy Shelby? Something like this below? (Tommy laying his head in her lap?🥺🥺)
7. “Your hair is so soft.”
10. “It’s funny, in that dark terrible way I mean.” “You wouldn’t believe me if I said I was fine, would you?”
Summary: After one dirty and dark night, Tommy comes home to his wife and can’t find sleep. Maybe his wife can help him.
Author’s note:
The story is with a reader, but not written with the you form, because the story focus on Tommy. Also... I have problems writing fluff for him, so this is bittersweet.
English is not my native language and this is not proof read.
Enjoy reading! Tagging: @bonniesgoldengirl​ @justalonelyslytherin​ @retromafia​ (because we already talked about this fic) @theshelbyclan​
Words: 1,4k
Warnings: canon typical violence
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It was business as usual for Tommy, but this day felt so much longer than just twenty-four hours. Somehow it was more tiring and more exhausting than his usual work day.
After he had left the office, he couldn’t even go straight home. No, instead he had more work to do, but not of the legal kind. The shady side of his business needed his undivided attention and this time he couldn’t outsource it. Tommy had to do it himself. It was the ugly part of his activities.
But he was used to it, as far as anybody could get used to that kind of work. He had done it many times before on his way to the top and now he had something like a routine with it. After all murder was just a business, a very cold and lonely one, but it was part of the reason why he became so successful.
His driveway to his mansion, symbol of his new status, was paved with blood and bones of enemies and friends. Sometimes the death was a collateral damage, like it was with Danny, but today it was the calculated outcome of his plans.
He already ruled half of England, but nevertheless he had to demonstrate his powers once again. Nobody could forget about it or question his position on the throne.
It was a bloody type of work and Tommy hated every minute of it. Besides the psychological damage, murdering someone was also very draining, as well as digging the shallow grave for that poor fella, who had crossed paths with the almighty Tommy Shelby.
A sign of relief left his lips, when he was finally done. He put the shovel in his car and cleaned up his face with his handkerchief. Somewhere along the process the pale skin of his sunken cheeks got stained with blood and dirt. He didn’t care about it anymore. The smell was omnipresent in his life and he couldn’t escape it. However, he was concerned about his wife, who was probably still waiting for him. The last thing Tommy wanted was to upset her. On top of that, he couldn’t stand when she asked him which blood it was. It was rarely his, but of course she would be worried about him anyway.
All on his own he drove through the dark, making his way home. His body was tired, when he climbed the stairs to the Arrow House, but his mind was still wide awake from all the things he did that day. Most present in his thoughts was the murder. The scene kept playing in his head over and over again.
Tommy forced a small smile on his lips, when he entered his bedroom and found his wife. “Why are you still awake?”, he asked: “You know, you don’t have to wait for me.” It was platitude, yes, but he said it anyway. Usually he wasn’t the type of person, who would say such a thing. Still he said it every time after he came home late at night, after a certain kind of work… It was part of his ritual.
“And hello to you too, Thomas”, she scolded him: “Also… you know very well, I can only sleep when you’re right by my side. Safe and sound.”  She turned out of bed and walked the few steps to greet him with a kiss. Nevertheless she was still very caring, even though he didn’t deserve it most of the time.
Of course, he tried to be a good husband for her. He started to undress himself and when he was just in his boxer shorts, he presented her his woundless body. “See? Safe and sound”, he grunted: “Now let’s go to bed again.”
She took his hand and pulled him to their marital bed. Her voice was as soft as her silken nightdress when she whispered: “Only if you come with me, love.”
Her husband sighed, but followed her lead and got between the blanks.
Just like usual he was the big spoon and she was the little spoon. He kissed the back of her head and inhaled the scent of her hair.
But even though he stuck to his routine, he couldn’t find sleep. Most of these days, he was so tired, the sleep caught him, before his thought of guilt did. And after all this time and all the bad things he did, there was still plenty of guilt left. Actually it was piling up, like a mountain of his sins.
Today the demons in his head were stronger than the desperate desire of sleep from his body. He laid there for a while, before he realized, he was still too mentally involved with all his scandalous deed.
What Tommy now needed, was distraction. So he approached his wife. “Y/N?” Maybe she was still awake like him. His voice was throaty, but also incredibly needy.  In the daylight and most of the time the Shelby acted like he didn’t need anyone, but in the comfort of his bed he was ready to show his vulnerable side.
A little sleepy and so quiet, he almost didn’t hear it, she said under her breath: “Yes, dear?”
“I can’t sleep”, he confessed and gave her hand a squeeze.  
She turned around to look him in his ocean eyes. The wheels in her head were turning, he could sense it and after a while she suggested: “Okay, how about you put your head on my lap and tell me about your day.”
The worried were visible in his face. There was no point in lying about it, “You wouldn’t believe me if I said I was fine, would you?”, Tommy asked and she shook her head silently. She was the only person who understood him even without words. Sometimes he didn’t need to say anything, she just sensed, when something was wrong.
But today he needed to make that clear. “I don’t want to talk about my day”, he objected and put his hand on her cheek. His thumb caressed her soft skin oh so gentle. The shire thought about his day made him grumpy. Plus, it was also the cause of his current problem.
With an intense gaze in her eyes she stared at him and then poked his nose with her index finger. “I’ll tell you about mine.”
Then she sat upright and leaned against the headboard. Demanding she patted her lap as a sign he should come over and rest his head on her warm thighs.
Again he did just like she ordered. Tommy had left his dominance at the doorstep. Now he wasn’t the dangerous and evil gangster boss, but just a simple, yet tired man.
There was something spiritual about the way she ran her fingers through his hair. She had just started, but Tommy already felt way calmer, than before.
“The kids were hilarious today. You should have seen them. Charlie asked if horses could smoke like humans did”, she explained: “And Rosa ate her first biscuit today. She had wet crumbs all over her face. It was so adorable.”
He laughed a little, but he was sad at the same time, because he had missed these moments with his children. Tommy really wished he had been there. But what did he do instead? Making business, getting more money, threat and eventually kill people.
Tommy was completely caught up in his thoughts, when his wife mumbled: “Your hair is so soft.” She sounded almost surprised, as if she wanted to know the secret behind his silken smooth hair.
“What?” was all he said in his confusion about the sudden change of subject.
Now she was giggling and shook her head. “I said you’re incredibly soft for a tough gangster boss.”
The Shelby rolled his eyes and grumbled: “Don’t say that” which caused his wife to laugh even harder.
She had to calm down, before throwing in a question: “Why?”
“Because that’s a secret! What would the people think?”, he explained to her and tried to look up, to see her face.
Again she laughed and vowed: “I will keep your secret then… but it’s funny, in that dark terrible way I mean… right here you’re my Tommy, my husband and my everything, but everybody else think you are a horrible person.”
“But you don’t think that, eh?”
His wife clucked her tongue and answered: “I could never.”
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
A oneshot where Kara was away on a mission for a week and when she comes home its early in the morning she crawls in bed and snuggles with her adopted human daughter. The two of them just spend the morning together
Home Early
Summary: Kara returns home from a faraway mission a day early and spends the day with her daughter.
Authors Note: Thank you for requesting!
Request to be on a Taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
DCEU Masterlist | Main Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
header c @/mundodeseriess
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It was safe to say that Kara Danvers was exhausted — if Kryptonians could even get exhausted. Per the DEO’s request she had to go to another planet for a mission for a few days, leaving behind her adopted, teenage human daughter in her sister Alex’s care.
She was on the ride back to Earth - day earlier than she had expected! - and texted her sister to let her know of her early arrival. However, she told Alex not to let her daughter Y/N know, Kara want to surprise her.
Now she was walking into her apartment, greeting Alex who told her that Y/N was still asleep. Kara thanked the brunette for taking care of her, hugged her, and bid her goodbye.
After Alex left, Kara went to Y/N’s room where sure enough, she was sleeping in. The blonde smiled and sat down, gently shaking Y/N’s shoulder.
The teenager stirred and when Kara shook her a little more, she mumbled something and rolled onto her back, slowly blinking her eyes open. “Mom?” She asked groggily and then, rising out of her sleepy state, sat straight up and wrapped her arms tightly around her mother. “Mom!”
“Hi, little star,” Kara greeted with a chuckle, a big smile gracing her face as she, too, wrapped her arms around her daughter, glad to be home.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asked as she leaned back, matching Kara’s smile.
Kara chuckled again. “I finished a day early and wanted to surprise you - are you surprised?” She asked.
Y/N giggled and nodded. “But I’m tired,” she added, leaning back against her mountain of pillows. “Auntie Alex let me stay up and it was great - don’t get mad at her, by the way - but yeah, I’m tired.”
Kara playfully rolled her eyes and got under the covers beside her, putting her arm around her. “Wanna snuggle?” She asked, and Y/N nodded, leaning her head against Kara’s shoulder.
The mother and daughter laid there, relaxing and occasionally talking, for the next thirty minutes until Y/N got hungry. Kara ran down and got them bagels and they ate them while binging Y/N’s favorite television show.
For the rest of the day they spent it at their apartment. Kara told Y/N about her mission and Y/N told Kara about her time with Alex. They played board games, watched movies and television shows, and all around had lots of fun.
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @marrymemcgrath @celestialbarnes @narcissasslytherin @snipyloulou
DCEU Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @basiclesbianbitch @hi-i-1 @mmmmokdok
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pthalomars · 3 years
Ninjago fanseason!
Here’s the first part of my synopsis post, I’ll make sure to reblog it and add more of my summary as I write it out. 
Trigger Warnings for this: blood/gore, hospitals+surgery, injury, there will probably be more and I will make sure to tag accordingly (if there’s anything else that I miss, please let me know so I can tag it!!)
Anyways, here’s how it starts...
Battle in Ninjago City
A group of assailants are on the rise in ninjago city. The ninja show up to thwart their latest attack and a battle ensues on the streets. The assailants are spread throughout the city, so the ninja are forced to split up into teams. Cole with Jay, Zane with Nya, and Lloyd with Kai.
Lloyd and Kai are fending off their attackers, but Kai notices something is wrong. His powers aren’t working. Pathetic flames are sputtering out of his palms and fizzling out into smoke. He’s losing his powers again. 
While Kai is distracted, one of the enemies has a laser gun trained on him, ready to strike and take him out. Lloyd jumps in front of Kai at the last minute, taking the laser beam straight through his left shoulder. Dangerously close to his heart. Kai and Lloyd are on the ground, and when Kai comes to his senses, he frantically gets him and Lloyd into an alleyway for cover. 
Lloyd is losing a lot of blood, and Kai is doing his best to tend to his wounds. He screams into the com that Lloyd is down and that they need medical help, now. Zane assures him that an ambulance is on the way, and to stay with Lloyd until paramedics show up. 
The attackers start to make their way into the alley, only to be strewn aside by Nya and Zane. Cole and Jay have showed up as well, and now Kai and Lloyd are at least safe from them. Kai has Lloyd propped up against a wall, keeping pressure on his wound and telling him that he’s gonna be alright. Lloyd is whimpering in pain and tears fall from his eyes and stain his red-painted gi. “It hurts..” Lloyd murmurs. Kai lets out a choked sob and holds him close. “I know, I know it does buddy. It’s gonna be okay, you’re gonna be okay I promise.”
Medics finally show up and get Lloyd out of there. Kai and Nya are able to ride in the ambulance, and so they make their way to the nearest hospital.
The Ambulance
The ambulance ride is tense. Paramedics are working to stabilize Lloyd enough so that he can survive until they arrive at the hospital. Kai and Nya are shoved in a corner, as to not get in the way of the medics. Kai doesn’t say anything, his eyes are empty and he’s a million miles away in his mind. Nya is beginning to process the events of that day too, and all she can do is look between her brothers and silently let her tears fall. 
She leans on Kai and goes to hold his hand to comfort him, but she stops short of his wrists. He still has so much of Lloyd’s blood on his hands. It’s on his gi, it’s in his hair, it’s underneath his fingernails. She figures it’s best to hold his arm, so she does. Thankfully, the ride is short, and they make it there in time for Lloyd to go into emergency surgery.
The Hospital
Lloyd is rushed into surgery and Kai and Nya are left in the lobby of the hospital. Kai wants to be near Lloyd, so he stays as close as staff will allow him to. Which means he ends up sitting on the ground in a hallway for a very long time. 
Nya sits with him for a while, before she gets up to get them snacks. Then to call the others and let them know where they are. Then to get some fresh air. She checks in on him periodically, but also figures he needs space to process what all happened that day. 
Eventually, the others show up. Cole, Jay, Zane, Wu, and Misako arrive and start asking a million questions. Nya looks exhaustedly at them, and tells them that she’ll fill in the rest later. Jay leads Nya to sit down and Cole asks where Kai is. Nya points to the hallway across the room, and says that he should be at the end of the corridor. 
Cole makes his way down the hall, and low and behold, Kai is still sitting in the same spot. The master of earth knees down, putting a comforting hand on Kai’s knee. Kai looks up for the first time in hours and Cole sees the dried tear streaks coming from his red and puffy eyes. 
“Hey buddy, how are you holding up?” he asks. Kai averts his gaze and curls further into himself. Cole’s eyebrows pinch upwards, and he goes to move some of Kai’s hair out of his eyes. He notices the blood in his hair and worriedly asks him if he’s gotten medical attention. Very quietly, Kai says, “ ‘s not my blood.” and then Cole looks down at Kai’s clothes, and his hands. It finally clicks. It’s Lloyd’s blood.
Cole sighs, moving to stand up. “Let’s get you cleaned up, huh?” Kai doesn’t respond, but allows Cole to help him get on his feet. They make their way to the nearest bathroom.
Once in the bathroom, Kai starts to wash his hands. He watches as the dried blood begins to run off of his hands and drain into the sink. He scrubs and scrubs and scrubs, but his hands are still red. The water is scalding hot and he’s started to rub his skin raw. Cole sees Kai become increasingly upset and then notices his hands again. Steam is rising from the sink and there’s no more blood. Cole turns off the sink and grabs paper towels. He dries off Kai’s hands as delicately as he can before looking at him. “Your hands are clean, Kai. They’re clean.” Cole brings Kai in for a hug and Kai shatters in his arms. Cole presses a kiss to the top of Kai’s head and wraps his arms tighter around him. They hold each other for a long time before they finally leave the bathroom. 
Cole brings Kai to the lobby, where everybody is sitting together, finding ways to pass the time. Zane and Jay go to stand up and greet Kai, but Cole gives them a soft, warning sort of look. A look that tells them that Kai isn’t ready for that quite yet. They sit back down. 
A nurse comes out and informs them all of Lloyd’s condition. He’s alive and he’s stable, but he’s going to need to stay at the hospital for a while until his condition improves. And unfortunately, they aren’t able to let the ninja stay with him through the night. They have to go home. Kai protests, stating that he needs to be there for Lloyd, that he can’t just leave him alone. Wu puts a hand on Kai’s shoulder and reassures him. “He’s in good hands, he will be okay for the night.” Wu says. After a moment, Kai sighs and reluctantly agrees to leave.
The First Night Home
The gang gets home and everyone is so exhausted from the events of the day. It’s about 1 in the morning and everyone heads to bed. Cole asks Kai if he wants to stay in his room. Kai nods and lets Cole lead him to his bed. They fall asleep in each other's arms, and Kai is too tired to cry anymore. Cole holds him and pets his hair. He could take a shower in the morning. 
The first week(s) home
Each day that passes, Kai begins to come to a realization. Lloyd was hurt because he was protecting him. If he had been able to use his powers, Lloyd wouldn’t have had to get hurt. It was his fault that Lloyd was in the hospital, that he had a hole blasted straight through his shoulder, that he wasn’t home. 
He still visits Lloyd every day. His little brother isn’t always awake, but he just needs to make sure he’s still alive. Usually one of the others will go with him, and sometimes everyone will tag along. Lloyd gets better with time and his recovery goes along smoothly.
Kai comes to another realization. Without his powers, he is useless. He can’t protect himself, let alone anyone else. The rest of the team has to compensate for him, and because of that, they get hurt. Kai has to leave. 
The others notice that something is off with Kai. Cole, in particular, sees that he’s acting very differently. He asks him if everything is okay, and every time Kai responds with “I’m fine” or “it’s nothing important.” Part of Cole feels bad, and wonders if he’s being too pushy. But his concern for his boyfriend overpowers that minor worry.
Kai spends the majority of his time thinking over his departure. Where is he going? What is he going to do? Why is he leaving? He doesn’t have all the answers right away, but to him, that didn’t really matter. All that mattered to him was that he was a danger to those around him, and to keep the others safe, he had to take himself out of the picture for a while. At least until he got his powers back and could carry his own weight.
But he couldn’t leave. Not yet. He was going to wait until Lloyd came back home. He had to make sure he was going to be okay before he left. He had already failed him once, he didn’t want to make it worse by leaving without ensuring that he was in hands he could trust.
Lloyd comes back
Lloyd is finally able to be released from the hospital. The ninja have worked hard to get the monastery clean and ready for him to come back home. After what felt like forever, they would finally get to have him back. 
The doctors gave strict orders that, even though Lloyd is stable enough to be released, that he must be given enough time to fully heal and recover from his injuries. No training, no fights, nothing. Just bed rest and lots of physical therapy sessions. 
The gang brings Lloyd home and they all share very careful side hugs with their boy. Kai is so relieved to have Lloyd back, but he also knows that it was time for him to go. 
They all sit down for dinner and the room is lighthearted. Everyone is laughing, cracking jokes, and enjoying each other's company. Except for Kai. He’s trying to fake it, but it’s painfully obvious that he just doesn’t have the energy. Nobody pushes him though, nor prods at him with questions. For once, Kai feels relieved that he isn’t being put under scrutiny.
Eventually, Kai excuses himself and heads to his room. He explains that it’s just a headache and that he was going to lay down for a bit. 
After a short period of time, Cole gets up to go check on Kai. He knows it wasn’t just a headache.
[[Cole: Hey babe, just wanted to check in on ya. Everything okay?
Kai: … jus’ not feeling well. 
Cole: Do you want some company?
Kai: I’d rather be alone right now.
Cole: That’s okay. Just know that I’m here for you when you’re ready. I love you, Kai.
Kai: .. I love you too, Cole. I really do.
Cole: I know. I hope you sleep well, good night honey.
Kai: g’night, rocky.]]
Kai’s Departure
Later that night, everyone has gone to bed except for Kai. He’s laying in his bed, staring holes through the ceiling. He knew that he would leave once Lloyd came home. He was alive, recovering, and safe with everyone else now.
He gets up and starts packing the essentials. He realizes he’s gonna need different clothes for when he’s gone. There are multiple reasons for this. He needs to be less recognizable, he doesn’t want people to see him and immediately know who he is. His signature color reminds him of his failures, how his fire has both failed him in his times of need and hurt those around him. And most importantly, it reminds him of Lloyd’s blood that remained on him for so long. The way the blood dried on the fabric and never seemed to wash out from underneath his fingernails. He doesn’t like the color red anymore.
(as a characterization for his outfit, the colors are dark grey and black to resemble charcoal and ash. This is meant to be symbolic that his “fire” has been put out and that he has to find a way to “reginite” himself)
As Kai is putting together his new outfit, Wu walks in and sees what he’s doing.
[[Wu: Kai, what are you doing?
Kai: I’m.. I’m leaving.
Wu: Leaving? Why? Where are you going?
Kai: Master Wu, I.. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t have my powers, and I’m dragging everybody else down. I can’t even protect myself, let alone those I love, or even all of Ninjago. Everybody else has to pick up the slack that apparently I can’t carry on my own. People are getting hurt. My friends are getting hurt, Wu, and it’s my fault.
Wu: Is this about Lloyd?
Kai: Yes, yes of course it’s about Lloyd! He got hurt trying to protect me because I panicked and wasn’t paying attention. He could’ve died, and it would’ve been my fault. 
Wu: Kai, you know he did that because he didn’t want you to get hurt. I’m sure you would have done the same.
Kai: Of course I would, but that doesn’t matter. There was- there was so much blood. He was crying and I had to keep pressure on the wound but it was hurting him and there wasn’t anything else I could do. There was so much blood, and it was everywhere. I was supposed to keep him safe. But I couldn’t because I don’t have my powers, again. You know how I reached my true potential because I realized I was supposed to protect the green ninja? Some fuckin’ protector I am, I couldn’t even keep him from getting shot and almost dying. AGAIN. It seems like every five minutes, I lose the only thing that makes me worth something!!
Wu: Kai-
Kai: You know, after all the years you’ve spent training us, training me, that I would be able to carry my own weight. But I can’t! I can’t and I don’t understand why! So- so I’m leaving. I can’t stand to see other people getting hurt, so I’m gonna go figure some things out. I’ll come back when I’m ready, but I just can’t do this right now. And don’t try to talk me out of this, I don’t wanna hear any-
Wu: I’m not going to try to talk you out of it. 
Kai: -what? 
Wu: Even if I tried to convince you otherwise, it is clear that your mind is made up. If this is what you have to do, and this is what you think is right, then go through with it. It is not my place to tell you what to do. You may be my student, but you are also a grown man and you are allowed to make your own decisions. 
Kai: I.. wow I wasn’t expecting that..
Wu: I know, but I hope that it was better than hearing me chastise you and tell you that you weren’t allowed to leave. 
Kai: Yeah, yeah it was better than that. 
Wu: However, you must understand how your absence will affect the others. Have you told them that you’re leaving?
Kai: .. No.
Wu: They will be searching for answers, and they will most likely be looking for you. 
Kai: I know. If they ask about me, you can tell them why I left. But don’t tell them where I’m going.
Wu: Why not?
Kai: Because even I don’t really know. 
Wu: I understand. Please be safe, Kai. The monastery will always be your home, and we will be here for you when you are ready.
Kai: Thank you, Master Wu. Thank you.]]
Kai makes his way out, but as he is leaving, Lloyd looks out of his window. He sees Kai walk out of the monastery and into the night. But Lloyd is still in a sleepy daze, and immediately falls back asleep. He assumes it was all just a dream.
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I Remember (Malcolm Bright x Reader)
Request: uM hi saw ur request post while i was scrolling through malcolm bright x reader tag lol so may i request an x reader w malcolm where reader's gil's niece or smth so she and mal know each other before he joined the team- and one day where mal was being a dumbass and reader was told to drive mal home and when she was securing his restraints he jokingly asked her to sing to him aNd she did sing and fell asleep on the bed by opposite mal aND he got a good amount of sleep like no night terrors and next day he accidentally slipped that reader ''slept'' w him and gils just like excuse me wtf?? Djkdkdlsjsjs idk i got this idea when i was staring at the ceiling at 4 am instead of doing my essays that were due in the morningxD sorry its p long. Thanks and have a good day/night (by @iwillboilyourteeth), [Prodigal Son-Masterlist]
Summary: Malcolm got hurt again. What a surprise. And, as always, you were right there to take care of him. Tonight, though, things took a turn. For the better or for the worse? Only the future would tell.
Words: 2,142
Warnings: language, love me some sarcasm, fluff, so much fluff, I love writing for Prodigal Son (keep the requests coming)
Song used: “I Remember” by Jason Manns
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
You were sitting in your apartment when your phone started ringing loudly, interrupting your movie marathon. Sighing exaggeratedly, you checked who decided to annoy you at this time. It was not too late but you liked your alone time a lot. Gil. Oh no. That could never be good.
“Uncle Gil. I hope whatever you’re about to tell me is more important than Harry Potter.” pausing the movie you were currently watching, you did not even give him enough time to greet you. A loud sigh could be heard over the phone. One, that made you laugh.
“(Y/N).” his voice was stern & you knew better than to mess with him. Yet, you could not help yourself.
“Yeah, that’s me. You called me, after all.” joking to ease the tension, your giggling was cut short by his next words.
“Malcolm is a dumbass.”
“What a revelation.”
“He’s hurt.” Gil stated. Throwing your head back in frustration, you knew he only called you if he knew it was not too bad. But bad enough to need your help. “I need you to come get him.” it was not even a question, more like an order. Immediately, you grabbed the stuff you needed & headed out of your apartment towards your car.
“Can I yell at him for being reckless?” opening the door, you got inside but before you started the engine, you waited for the call to end. Could not risk getting youself hurt. Malcolm was the stupid one, not you.
“I already did that but I’m sure he’ll appreciate to hear it again.”
“Drive safe.” Gil noted.
“See you in ten.” & with that you drove to the precinct where he would most likely wait for you.
Growing up, you spent a lot of time at Gil’s. Malcolm was there almost always, so you got to meet each other pretty early on. Deep down, you cared for him. More than you should care for a friend. And because of him being a profiler, you were sure he picked up on that as well. Malcolm was just nice enough to not comment on it. Besides, he would tell you that he was too broken anyway. The thing was that it never scared you away. It did the exact opposite, actually. It only made you want him more.
Did you ignore almost every speed limit? Possibly. Your knuckles were white because you had gripped the steering wheel so tightly. One of these days, you would kill Malcolm. He kept getting himself hurt & you were tired of being the one to drive him home afterwards. Of course, you knew Gil only called you because Malcolm trusted you enough but that did not change the fact that you were exhausted.
“What happened?” approaching Gil, your eyes looked around for a sign of Malcolm. “And where the hell is he?”
“Bathroom.” his finger pointed over. “He didn’t call backup & thought dealing with it alone would turn out fine.” Gil was, you could tell, almost as tired as you. Not only of Malcolm acting recklessly but also because of a long day at work.
“What a surprise.” your sarcasm got the best of you. But it helped you coping with your feelings sometimes. “Uncle Gil?” his head snapped up when you said his name.
“Go home & get some sleep. I got it from here, promise.” your sweet smile was convincing enough & with a nod, he turned around & walked away.
“(Y/N)?” Malcolm noticed you when he walked out of the bathroom. His face was covered in bruised & by the way he was limping, you were sure that his entire body had to be sore. “Where’s Gil?”
“I sent him home.” shrugging as if it were nothing, you gave Malcolm a look. He knew what it meant but apparently, he wanted to play dumb.
“What?” his head tilted slightly & if it were not for his damn puppy eyes & for the fact that he was hurt, you would be the cause of his bruises. Not quite literally but still. Rolling your eyes at him, you crossed your arms over your chest.
“You’re stupid, I hope you know that.”
“I do, but we caught the killer, so it was worth it.” he casually stated.
“Is it really worth risking your life, Mal?” shaking your head shortly, you were not in the mood to discuss this any further. A simple gesture of your hand was enough to show him that you wanted to get going. “Come on, I’m gonna bring you home.”
“You’re mad.” Malcolm noted when the both of you walked outside back to your car. Sighing loudly, you stopped for a brief moment.
“Yes. I’m mad because I can’t even count how many times we’ve been in this exact situation anymore. And it sucks. Because every single time Gil calls me, I think he’ll tell me that you didn’t make it out like you always do.” Malcolm’s eyes widened when you explained how you were feeling. Your body brushing past his made him turn around & follow you without another word. It was silent between you two until you arrived inside Malcolm’s apartment.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N).” he spoke up, his voice much softer now. When you saw him struggling to pull off his coat, you walked over to him to help him out.
“You don’t owe me an apology, Mal.” your back faced him when you went to put his jacket away.
“I do. You always take care of me when shit like that happens. And I wanted you to know that I don’t take that for granted. If I were you, I would’ve stopped caring a long time ago.”
“You know as much as I do that this won’t ever happen.” & it was true. Malcolm could mess up over & over again. Could get himself hurt & all that. But you would always be here to catch him, no matter what.
“I don’t deserve you.” his eyes bore into yours & by the look he gave you, you knew he was not talking about you taking care of him when he was hurt. He was referring to you as a person. Basically, he wanted to make you understand that he was not worthy of your love. Which was bullshit to you.
“You deserve so much & it hurts that you don’t see it.” the conversation dropped for the time being. Navigating your way through his apartment, you looked for something he could wear to bed. Soon enough, you found something suitable & when you walked back into the room ,you found Malcolm already sitting on his bed, head hanging low. He stopped you when he noticed your hands grabbing the shirt he was wearing. Sending him a confused look, your eyebrows raised in question.
“I think I can handle it from here on.” taking the clothes from you, he went to strip himself out of his workwear. Surprisingly, he could not move his body enough to achieve anything.
“Yeah, I can see that. Come on, don’t act like that, Malcolm.” it was not the first time you had helped him undressing. As mentioned earlier, the two of you had been in this situation too many times to count.
It did not take long & he was wearing comfortable clothes. After asking if he needed anything else, you went straight to his restraints & helped strapping him in. It amazed Malcolm how you were not weirded out by the fact that he had to be held down in order to have at least a few hours of sleep.
“(Y/N)?” his voice was barely above a whisper but your humming let him know that you heard him. “Can you sing something for me?” it was meant to be a joke, he simply wanted to ease the tension between you guys. Thinking about it for a second, you came to the conclusion that it would not hurt to do that. Maybe it would help him fall asleep? Malcolm eyes widened when you actually started singing quietly. It was soothing & he closed his eyes to focus solely on your voice.
Hey you, when I saw you walk in there
And I couldn’t help but stare
At the way you move your hands
‘Cause it’s the little things you do that drive me crazy
And now, let’s forget about the crowd
And just concentrate on us
So that you can know what I want you to know
 I remember how it started
You had everything I wanted
I was helpless to resist
But I didn’t want to
 Only if you would hold me tight
As we talked all through the night
About those things you won’t tell no one else
I know that we’ve got long ways to go
But I want you to know
That I’ll be there till the end, so don’t you worry
 I remember how it started
You had everything I wanted
I was helpless to resist
But I didn’t want to
‘Cause I fell in love with you-ou-ou
 After you finished, Malcolm still had his eyes closed, he just laid there for a while, recalling the words of the song. He knew what you were trying to tell him but if he had to be honest, he was scared. If the two of you were to try something, he thought you would leave him the moment you realized his demons were too much for someone to handle. Malcolm did not hear you leave his apartment, neither did he feel a movement. Opening his eyes slowly, he found you sound asleep right next to him. Your peaceful form made him smile brightly. Contemplating if he should wake you up, he decided against it in the end. Deep down, he knew you would not judge him he if he had a night terror next to you. And if he were honest, having you with him made him incredibly calm. That night, he fell asleep almost immediately, without any nightmares invading his dreams. The reason for it was you. Only you.
Malcolm woke up early the next morning. Work called. Okay, maybe Gild had told him to take a few days off but everyone who knew Malcolm, knew that he did not listen to such orders. Or any orders, in general. You were still asleep when he loosened his restraints. He left you a note behind before leaving his apartment for work.
“Didn’t I tell you to stay at home?” Gil questioned the second Malcolm entered the office where the rest of the team was already up & working.
“You did but I’m fine.” Gil rolled his eyes at his words. Usually, whenever Malcolm insisted on being fine, he was everything but. Examining his face closer, Gil was shocked to see him so…well rested?
“Wait. How much did you sleep last night? You look unusually awake.”
“Oh, yeah. That’s because I slept with (Y/N) last night.” Malcolm spoke casually & went to examine the pictures that were displayed on the table in the middle of the room. Gil’s eyebrows raised at that. Dani only sent him a weird look & JT almost choked on his coffee at Malcolm’s confession. There were some things he did not want to know & his love life was one of it.
“Excuse me, what now?” Gil was the first one to press the topic further. Everyone knew how protective he could get when it came to you, his niece. When Malcolm turned around, he found three pairs of eyes looking sternly at him. Wait, what did he say? Realization washed over his face & he only now noticed how wrong his words sounded without any given context.
“No, wait…That came out wrong.” closing his eyes briefly, he prepared an explanation for his confused co-workers. “(Y/N) drove me home yesterday & she helped me with my restraints & all. She fell asleep & I didn’t wanna wake her up.” Malcolm’s hands gestured wildly, not wanting to give them the wrong impression of last night’s events. JT pretended to understand what he explained even though he had no idea & frankly, he did not care too much. Malcolm had lost Dani’s interest a while ago, she continued working on the next case. Only Gil was left. He gave Malcolm a knowing look, went over to him & patted him on the shoulder.
“You better take care of her, Bright. Or you have to deal with me.” his threatening smile creeped Malcolm out but he knew Gil was only trying to keep you safe. Maybe you were the right one for him. Last night was proof enough. It was scary to take that next step but on the other hand, he wanted to take that risk. He wanted to give it a try. For the both of you.
Published (04/20/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @octopus5555 (thanks for your support <3)
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Because of you, idiot!
Summary: Victoria suddenly comes distance, and you try to find out why.
Pairing : Victoria De Angelis x Reader(neutral)
Genre: Angst(I guess), Romantic fluff
Warnings: My writing probably will kill you! Most of the Italian phrases are translated with Google Translate, so I am terribly sorry if I assaulted someone in Italian.
A/N: Laura and Paula convinced me to post it, so you know who to blame😂
Tagging — @oro-e-diamanti @mywritingonlyfans, @wannaabe-writer
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Lately, every time you hung out with the guys, Victoria seemed off. You had the impression that she was avoiding you. She did her best not to stay with you in the same room, and she answered you with one word every time you asked her something or maybe not at all, pretending that she did not hear what you said.
You could not understand what was happening or if you had done something that made her step away from you. She also pulled away every time you went to touch her, as if you were something toxic.
The whole situation had started to affect your mood, and you constantly seemed melancholic, and you did not talk as much as usual.
There were also, times when you did not even want to meet them, but you knew you could not avoid them constantly. You said to yourself that there is no problem between Victoria and you, and that her behaviour was simply due to tiredness or some other personal issue that has been bothering her lately.
One afternoon you sat on the grass a few feet away from the pool, lost in your thoughts, when you heard a voice talking to you. You looked up and saw Thomas standing above you with a glass of iced lemonade in his hand. He offered it to you, and you thanked him with a smile. You let a few minutes pass before you realized that he had spoken to you.
‘’Cosa hai detto?’’
‘’Is everything okay biscottino? You seem a bit down’’ he asked as he sat next to you on the ground.
‘’Yes, I am just a little tired.’’ But then you thought of asking Thomas discreetly if he knew what was going on with Victoria, since he knew her better than anyone. ‘’Can I ask you a question?’’
‘’Si certo’’ he said with a sweet smile.
‘’Is Vic okay?’’
‘’Yeah, why?’’ he asked, confused.
‘’I don’t know. She seems icy. It is as if she tolerates me by force. Have I done something I don’t know?’’
‘’No biscottino’’ he said sweetly.
‘’I do not know. Every time I try to touch her, she steps away as if I am holding a power cord or something’’
‘’That’s weird'' he said, surprised.
‘’I know, right?’’ you agreed.
‘’No, I mean-’’ he started, but he stopped.
‘’Yes?’’you asked impatiently.
‘’She is only like this when she has a crush'' said, bringing his hand to the back of his neck in embarrassment.‘’ Porca puttana’’ he exclaimed when he realized what was going on.
You stood up abruptly. Thunderstruck! That’s what you felt when you found out that there might be a possibility she- No, no, it could not be true. You have always been madly in love with her, but you had accepted the fact that you are never going to be together because you did not want to ruin your friendship, but at this moment you were about to.
You went up to her room in a flash, where she had been hiding since you arrived. But here and there you could see her shadow in the window looking at you.
Every reasonable person would be happy if they learned that their crush had the same feelings as them, but you were angry.
You felt mainly disappointed. After so long, you thought that she would tell you straight to your face what is happening and that she would not hide behind this behavior.
You really believed that you had done something wrong, and you spent nights wondering what happened. So yes, in your mind, you thought you had every right to be mad at her.
You kicked the door of her room open with such force that you thought you had broken it. But you were too upset to even care. ‘’What is your problem?’’ you shouted.
Victoria jumped in horror and almost fell out of bed, ‘’Che diavolo? What is my problem? You came in like the fucking FBI or something! I could be naked!’’
‘’Oh come on! It would not be something that I haven't seen before! So tell me, what is your problem?’’
‘’I don’t know what you mean’’ she said, and she returned to what she was doing before you came in like a caveman.
‘’Do not test my patience, Victoria!’’ you said, but she did not seem to care. ‘’You know what?Fanculo Vic! I am done!’’
"What do you mean?"she demanded to know.
"I mean, I don't care about you anymore. You can walk around acting like a brat with the guys tolerating you, but I can't anymore. The friendship or whatever the hell that was between us is over," you said, and you walked towards the door, only to be stopped by Victoria grabbing your arm.
"Aspetti! Per favore!"she whined.
You felt the fingers brushing over your arm as you stood there, refusing to look at her. "Mi dispiace davvero"
"Too late, Victoria!" you announced.
"You can't leave me, please"
"Watch me!" you said as you released your arm from her hold.
‘’Non posso vivere senza di te’’ her voice cracked.
‘’Oh trust me, you can’’ you said sarcastically.
‘’Ma non voglio!’’ she protested.
‘’Not my problem, Vic! Not anymore’’ you shouted, giving her a cold look.
"Io...- Ti prego. Rimani con me per favore." she whispered your name, "Sei tutto per me.Sono innamorata di te." her voice cracked again. "Per favore! Sei il grande amore della mia vita." she cried.*
You turned around and looked at her for a moment before you rushed towards her. "Infine!" you whispered.
‘’Che cosa!’’ was the only thing she managed to say before your hands grabbed her face, and you crushed her lips with yours. The kiss was sweet, and her lips were warm. Her hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer, but you broke the kiss.
"I already know you had feelings for me. Or at least I suspected it"
"How?" she asked.
"Thomas accidentally said something and I just connected the dots. Oh, by the way, the whole thing with the door and all, was just a show" you admitted.
"What do you mean?" she looked at you puzzled.
"I knew the only way to get you to admit your feelings for me was to make you believe you were losing me." you confessed while you refused to look at her.
''Figlio di puttana'' she shouted, but before you could say anything you heard someone scream in shook.
"Che diavolo! Cos'è successo qua?" said Damiano with pure shook in his eyes.
You stared at Victoria and you end up laughing at his reaction. "I will explain that to you later"
*I beg you. Stay with me, please. You're everything for me. I'm in love with you. Please! You are the love of my life.
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wannabemobwife · 3 years
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas - Chapter 13
Chapter 13: Revenge Never Felt So Good
Dad!Mob!Tom x Mom!Mob!Reader
-Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader, Rosie Holland x Henry Osterfield
-Warnings: Guns, bombing, language, murder, blood, hints to smut (none actual smut), typos, shitty writing, torture I guess
-Words: 4.9K
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A/n: Can we get back to mob stuff? Please. I want to apologize for this chapter, it is absolute shit and I could tell by writing it. Kind of a filler chapter. Sorry it is long.
Chapter 13: Revenge Never Felt So Good
Words: 4.9K
It had been a week, since you got your memories back and you declared your love for Tom once more. Right after that, you and Tom were on the first train to Paris, refusing to fly for awhile.
You and Tom returned last night, just in time to see Parker and Rosie off to school the next morning. While you and Tom had been enjoying a second honeymoon in the city of love, Nikki and Dom so graciously offered to watch the kids. Everything was falling back into full swing. Parker and Rosie were going to school regularly. Rosie spending all her time with Henry and Parker still living his secret double life.
Things going back to normal. Somewhat.
It was a typical morning, but anytime everyone every thinks that, something gets massively screwed up. You woke up early to make pancakes and bacon.
“So what is plan for everyone today?” You asked, sipping at your steaming cup of coffee.
“Well, Rosie and I have school,” Parker explained.
“I have plans with Henry,” Rosie chimed in.
“I have meetings all day, love.” Tom said, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek.
“Ok, so I’m all alone today,” you muttered, a little disappointed.
“I’m sorry darling, you could join me. You know much I love it when you sit in my lap during meetings. Really show them who’s boss,” Tom said, wrapping you in his embrace.
“No, it’s ok. I have some errands to run anyway.”
“Alright, angel. I love you. I’ll see you for dinner.”
“I love you too. Come on, kids. In the car we go.” You said, pushing everyone out the door.
“Why is Jared not driving?” Parker asked.
“Cause, I have errands to run and besides he’s driving your dad today.”
“Now let’s go.” You said as Parker and Rosie hopped into the car.
Tom was having a hard time returning to his mob personality. Some business was conducted in Paris, you tagged along and enjoyed every minute of it. Tom sometimes overcompensated for not being as dangerous and intimidating. He had grown soft taking care of you after the helicopter crash. Helping you get your memory took most of his time, he had to step away from the mob for awhile. But you were his top priority.
Tom couldn’t remember the last time he sat in his office doing business. He missed it. He missed the thrill of torturing someone, having them beg for their life in front of him. He missed the feeling of firing his gun.
“Tom, you’re late,” Haz said as Tom got out of the car.
“Sorry not sorry Haz, I enjoyed breakfast with Y/N and the kids this morning,” Tom responded.
“I have to tell you something.”
“What? It’s never good news if it’s right when I get here.”
“We’re down two more.” Harrison mumbled referring to then decreasing number of soldiers part of the Holland Empire.
“Are you fucking serious? Haz, I’m so fucking tired of this bullshit. My men are getting fucking killed. Everything has gone to shit,” Tom screamed, enraged.
“Tom, we’ll figure it out. Just need to keep your cool.” Haz said, trying to avoid Tom’s wrath.
“Easier said than done. Alright, who’s here,” Tom asked, trying to forget about everything else.
“William.” Haz said with a straight face.
“What? Why? He’s always been loyal,” Tom questioned. One of his most valuable men, working against him, the rat?
“I got word from the soldiers he has been taking bribes from Parker,” Harrison explained.
“What the fuck for? Well, I guess we’ll find out.” Tom said, walking into the main room of the warehouse.
“William, I’d never thought it would be you in this chair.” Tom said, walking up to one of his most trusted employees.
“Tom, you gotta believe me. I didn’t do anything. I’m not the rat,” William pleaded. He knew what had been happening to the mob.
“Did you or did you not take money from Parker?” Tom asked.
“Yes, he just wanted to get out of the manor at night. So, he paid me to turn a blind eye.”
“Where was he going?”
“I don’t know, I assumed to some girl’s house.” “William, I trust you. So I’m going to let you off with a warning, but you can’t let him sneak out anymore. I’m afraid we are being targeted. If he tries to leave, you have to tell me.”
“Yes, boss. I’m sorry.” William apologized.
“It’s ok, but you understand what needs to happen right? I can’t be looking like I’ve gone soft,” Tom asserted.
“Yeah, I can take it. It’s ok,” William said, gritting his teeth as he waited for the collision of Tom’s fist to his cheek. Tom winded up to deliver one swift punch to William’s left eye. Not breaking the skin but creating a dark purple blotch.
All of Tom’s frustrations have been channeled into his mob duties. Each punch riddled with anger and frustration. A release of catharsis combined with blood. Tom wears the smell of blood and death like a perfume.
The rest of the day was full of uneventful meetings. Meetings with business associates, actual business associates for the company.
When Tom came home, he planned to confront Parker about his whereabouts if he tried to sneak out again. Everyone retired, you went to sleep first and Rosie went to her room. Parker said, he was going to bed but Tom could see right through him.
Tom was sitting in the den, sipping a glass of watered down whiskey. Waiting for his son to disobey him. At 11:55 PM, Parker made his way downstairs ever so slightly. Only to be met with the dagger eyes of Tom.
“Where the fuck do you think you are going?” Tom asked as Parker tried to sneakily leave.
“I… I thought I heard noise outside and I’m going to go check on it,” Parker stammered. Getting caught by Tom was not part of the plan.
“Oh, ok. Parker the guards can do that. Go back to bed.” Tom said, turning back to the TV in the den, broadcasting Raiders of the Lost Ark.
“Ok. Night, dad,” Parker said, trudging himself back up the steps.
“Night…. I know, you’re lying,” Tom whispered loud enough for Parker to hear.
“What? I’m not lying.”
“Parker, I know you’ve sneaking out for weeks and bribing William.”
“Dad, I’m sorry,” Parker immediately started apologizing, no bother in trying to lie himself out of this one.
“Why have you been sneaking out?” Tom questioned, seething with anger but refusing to show it. Trying to have a mature adult conversation.
“I’ve been going to a girl’s house, her name is Jamie.”
“Oh, glad you find someone. You know after everything with Charlotte,” Tom replied.
“Well since I told you the truth, can I go? We made the plan a couple days ago and don’t want to cancel,” Parker lied.
“Alright, just be back before sunrise or your mother will have may head,” Tom informed him.
“Thanks dad, you should get some sleep,” Parker said, making his way out of the heavily guarded house.
Parker left as quickly as possible. He knew Wilson would be pissed for him being late. The talk with Tom was not how this was supposed to happen.
He couldn’t betray his family and himself anymore.
Parker hoped this was the last time he would have to talk to him. He planned to quit, after the conversation with Dom. Parker had become everything he hated, someone who kills for sport.
“Wilson, this is the last thing I’m doing then, I’m out,” Parker said, walking towards Wilson.
“We’ll talk about it later, my boy,” Wilson said, patting Parker’s shoulder.
“Alright who am I killing? You never gave me a target.” Parker shouted at Wilson walking.
“Oh, this isn’t a hit, it’s a robbery. Here’s your new firearm,” One of Wilson’s men explained, tossing a MP5K at him.
“You okay kid? You know if you’re too much of pussy the boss might understand,” jeered one of the men as Parker gulped at the size of the weapon.
“Fuck you, I’m fine. Let’s just get this over with,” Parker barked, trying to put his mind aside. He has never done anything like this. It wasn’t just one person he was killing, it was the possibility of having many causalities. Altering his persona from a hitman to a mass murderer.
A million thoughts flooded Parker’s mind. He wouldn’t be killing people who deserved it like before, contract killers or drug dealers, these were innocent people. Stupid people for gambling all their hard earned money away but nonetheless innocent.
Parker’s heart nearly stopped when he saw where the van pulled up to. A place he knew all too well, it was one of Tom’s casinos.
The company that Dom had built, but all the Holland boys sent thriving in the new century, was more than it seemed. Holland Exportation and Luxuries was much more than exporting goods.
It was casinos that ran all along the French Riviera, more specifically Monaco. It was hotels across the entire globe. It was a business but not the family one. More of a front for the mob but it paid the bills. Harry and Sam had been in charge of running and establishing the hotels and casinos across Europe.
“Y’know your way around, right? That’s why the boss put you on this.” One of men asked Parker as he fiddled with his new machine gun.
“I guess so.” Parker replied.
“Here’s a map. Where are the guards? Which posts?” Asked a soldier, pointing to the main entrance hallways, where security was sure to be.
“I don’t know.”
“So we’re going in there fucking blind? Fuck, thought you’d be good for something. Just stay out of our way,” yelled one of the capos.
“No. I’m taking point. If you have a problem, you can fucking talk to me about it along with my Glock,” Parker threatened.
“Alright. Don’t screw this up. The boss wants big bucks from this. Says “it’s step two in the fall of the empire.” Whatever the fuck that means.”
“On my count, 1, 2… 3,” Parker screamed.
They came storming in, barricading all the entrances and exits. Parker and Wilson’s men clad in all black and payday masks. All various colors and designs. They looked as they were trick or treating.
This was the last thing Parker wanted to be doing. He came today to quit and now he was robbing a casino.
Parker kept repeating a mantra in his head “Last one, then I’m done” as held his gun high. Pointing it directly at innocents, he could see them shaking in fear.
“EVERYONE ON THE GROUND NOW!” He shouted, aiming his machine gun high.
“Don’t you fucking touch that button. I know what it fucking does.” Parker barks at the person behind the token counter. “Open the vault.” Parker said, pointing the gun at him.
“Why should I?” remarked the worker.
“Cause I fucking said so and I’m threatening your life,” Parker explained
“Enough of this shit!” He screamed, firing a few rounds close to the worker but not hitting him.
“You don’t have to do this. You could walk out of here, all of you. And we could go on with our lives. No need for money or the cops.”
“I think we both know that’s not gonna happen. I’ll ask nicely, please open the vault,” Parker mocked. “Boss said “start killing hostages in 10 minutes.” One of the other men whispered in Parker’s ear.
“Did you fucking hear that? We’re gonna fucking kill you if you don’t cooperate. So I suggest you open… the fucking… vault.”
“Sir, we can’t.”
“See this gun. LOOK AT IT! It has the power to put a bullet through your skull. Open the fucking vault. I won’t ask a fifth time.”
“That’s it. Now, type in the code.” Parker directed towards them.
The vault door creaked open, revealing trappings of pure wealth. Money stacked on tables, almost reaching the ceiling. And gold bars, glistened as the light reflected off of them.
“Now was that so fucking hard. Take all of it. Everything, even the gold.” Parker said, directly towards his men.
“Thank you, you’ve served you purpose,” Parker said to the worker, shooting him dead not even 3 seconds later. The screams of the other hostages echoed through the vacated room.
“Now to everyone here, there’s already one dead. I don’t mind making it more,” Parker barked.
“What’s your name?” Parker asked the nice looking girl kneeling on the ground.
“It’s not nice to not answer when someone asks you question, especially someone with a 9 caliber MP5K in your face. I ask again. What’s your name?” Parker spoke.
“Jane,” she whispered, shaking with fear.
“Well Jane, I want to thank you for your cooperation. You are in charge of talking to the cops, ok? And let your boss know, that Wilson is always watching,” Parker said, as he turned to leave.
“I will but you won’t get as far as you hoped,” Jane asserted, trying not to irritate Parker.
“And why’s that?”
“I know you. I remember you. You’d come in here with your dad.”
“You don’t know fucking shit!” Parker screamed.
“I know your name and that puts me at a high position of power,” Jane expressed, growing less afraid by the second. Realizing he is just some scared boy. Maybe not afraid of his own shadow but broken down by the fear of the world.
“I’m the one pressing fucking gun to your head. I HAVE ALL THE POWER!” Parker vociferated loud enough to shake the chandelier hanging above.
“You wish. Men like you always wish.”
“Seems like you’re doing some wishing yourself sweetheart. Wishing to be escorted out of here in a body bag. Now shut your fucking trap.”
“Hey. Let’s go. Leave her.” One of the Wilson’s men said, pulling Parker towards the exit.
“He still loves you and he’ll forgive you for this,” Jane shouted as Parker left.
Refusing to turn back, he had taken enough lives from this ill attempt at revenge. Parker didn’t know who he was fighting against anymore. Who was the hero and who was the villain?
All the wrongdoings as vast as the sea. All his attempts to make someone pay were misconstrued. Who actually deserved it?
The words of the woman replayed in Parker’s head. She was like a broken record, forcing him to listen to a truth he hoped to forget. How could Tom forgive him? Parker knew what he done was unforgivable. It was a mistake, all of it.
Parker marched into Wilson’s office and said, “Ever since I started working for you, my family has been in danger. I thought my dad was the reason for my girlfriends death, but I was wrong. I guess I’ll never know. Here Wilson, my gun. I quit.”
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing? I own you. I could end you, boy. Just like I almost did your parents,” Wilson barked.
“What?” Parker questioned, a look of confusion are on his face.
“Oh, please. You really think it was just a malfunction,” Wilson scoffed.
“What are you talking about?” Parker asked.
“Their helicopter. Pretty brilliant work, if I do say so myself,” Wilson gloated.
“They almost died.”
“Yeah and so? Your dad is my enemy. That is the whole reason you came to me in the first place.”
“You promised you wouldn’t hurt them,” Parker screamed. “Promises are meant to be broken. They don’t call me the Merchant of Death for nothing.”
Wilson was ready for the fight and been the one pulling the strings the entire time. Tom warranted no quarrel. Never being the instigator in a fight with Wilson.
They had been divided for years to come, focusing on their separate mobs. Only acknowledging each other if they accidentally crossed paths. There was Wilson’s mob, then a few others scattered round London such as Graham’s which was almost non-existent and Shaw’s which was mostly the drug scene. But Wilson was Tom’s biggest competitor. Being a part of then game for years before didn’t matter, Tom eclipsed Wilson just like the sun does the moon.
Or the moon to the sun, that was exactly Wilson’s play from the start. Taking out the pillars of Tom’s life. First a reason to have his son turn on him, the death of a loved one. Next, removing you from Tom’s grasp. Eventually a play had to be made on Rosie. Leaving Tom utterly alone.
Only thoughts that would cross his mind be suicidal ones, having lost everything he ever cared about. It was a long play, one Wilson vowed to see through. Wilson saw all his work as justice and merciful. Almost biblical, they way everything was playing out.
“It was you. All along. The fucking puppet master,” Parker mumbled under his breath.
“If you are talking about your little girlfriend, that was strictly business, nothing personal. But yes, I have been the one behind the scenes driving your father mad. Remember the note?” Wilson exclaimed.
“She didn’t deserve to die,” Parker shouted.
“What? Are you really upset? That was ages ago. Plus, I had to get you on my side somehow,” Wilson teased.
“Wait, you knew I’d come here?”
“Parker, how stupid are you? When will you grow up and learn this rivalry is just the beginning of a war. What side are you going to be on? You have a choice. I’ve warmed to you and I want you on my side as I take your daddy down.”
“That’s your first fucking mistake don’t have any weaknesses,” Parker admitted, taking a lesson from Tom. He drew is gun, point blank at Wilson.
“Parker, what are you doing? Put the gun down,” Wilson pleaded for his life.
“No, you made me into a cold blooded killer. Not my dad. I quit.”
After a loud thud sounded, the room was silent. Only a faint smell of smoke from the gun was there as Parker fled as quickly as possible.
Parker made his way home that night a changed man. All his kills in the pass were strictly business. Never driven by emotion but this one was personal.
It wasn’t a job or a hit. He was no longer a contract killer. Killing for the sake of money or an obligation. He was cold blooded killer.
In some twisted way, Parker enjoyed Wilson and his company. Looking up to him. He was then one who saved him from the horrible life he thought he was leaving behind. The one full of deceit and betrayal. The one with Tom, you and Rosie.
The one that led him to be next leader of the Holland mob. The one that resulted in the death of his beloved girlfriend. The one that had almost taken you and Tom away from him. The one that almost took his life. The one that forced him to kill for sport.
But no, he was wrong Parker brought that on himself. Parker’s naivety was his greatest enemy. He was just a child not too long ago. Once afraid of his own shadow, then afraid of failing at life and school, especially the SATs. Now, he was an adult burdened by problems a 16 year old should ever face. He could sit there and blame Tom, but it would do him no good when all he had to do was look in the mirror.
Parker was his own worst enemy. Searching for justice, when none could be found in a world wear mobsters roamed. Causing shootouts, robbing banks, and killing innocent people. People deserved to be avenged and Parker sure as hell wasn’t doing anything to aide.
Parker drove home, took four showers and threw his clothes away. Anything to wash off this abhorrent day. The next morning, Parker went on like nothing had changed. As if he didn’t shoot his boss and Tom’s rival in cold blood. As if didn’t only see himself as a cold blooded killer. Everything that he is and everything he owns soiled with the scent of murder.
He played it as though it was any other morning. Eating his pancakes and bacon before starting the day. Telling you about his plans for the day. Trying to keep his cool. The lovely morning breakfast conversation was interrupted once Tom’s phone rang.
“Haz, why are you calling me? I’m having breakfast with my family,” Tom asked, annoyed his precious breakfast was interrupted. “Charlie is here, you need to get here. I have to tell you something,” Haz informed Tom. “Ok, I’m on my way,” Tom said, brushing off the request. Why would the
company’s electrical engineer for aeronautical transportation be there?
“Love, I’m so sorry but I’m needed at the warehouse. Thank you for this wonderful breakfast, wish I could enjoy it. Bye, kids. Have a good day at school,” Tom said, making his way out the door. Bidding you all goodbye.
“Haz, what’s was so urgent that I couldn’t finish my breakfast.” Tom barked, annoyed he was pulled away from you and the kids even on a Saturday.
“We were robbed last night. The casino.” Haz explained, his head hanging low.
“How the fuck? Did they catch them?” Tom seethed with anger.
“No, we do have eye witnesses though.”
“How much is missing?”
“About 11 million dollars, from cash to gold bars.” Haz said, waiting for Tom to explode.
“FUCK. We need to make them pay. I’m done playing fucking games.” Tom shouted, calming himself down for his meeting with Charlie.
“Now, you said Charlie was here, right?”
“Yeah, in your office.”
“Charlie? What are you doing here?” Tom asked, a little annoyed he was taken away from his morning with his family.
“Tom, I ran my report and did diagnostics tests and it’s not good,” Charlie started.
“What the fuck does that mean, Charlie?” Tom yelled.
“I think the helicopter was sabotaged.”
“What? You mean is that someone tried to take out my wife and I while we were on a helicopter,” Tom repeated, making all the connections necessary .
“Yes, it wasn’t just a normal malfunction. Did they ever find the pilot?” Charlie asked.
“No… Jesus fucking christ, if it’s true then…Fuck, I’m sorry I have to go,” Tom yelled, running out to the car.
“Jared, home now.”
“Mr. Holland is everything alright?” Jared asked, concerned by Tom’s frantic manner.
“No. I just found out the helicopter was sabotaged. I think someone might being trying to take out Y/N and I.”
“Come on baby, pick up,” Tom whispered, frantically dialing your number over and over.
“Y/N answer the god damm phone!” Tom shouted, when heard the same voice message over and over again, “Hi, this Y/N Holland please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”
“God fucking dammit. Fuck, voicemail. Jared do you know where my wife is?” Tom yelled, afraid what your silence meant.
“Last I heard she was at the store getting groceries,” Jared explained.
“Fuck, I have here location on my phone. Change course,” Tom barked, praying you were okay. With the information he just learned he didn’t want to leave you alone, not even for a second.
“Y/N! You’re okay.” Tom said, inhaling a breath of relief. You were coming out of the store pushing a cart of groceries.
“Tom! Of course, I’m okay. What are you doing here?” You asked.
“I’ll explain later. Get Parker and Rosie we need to go home now.”
“They’re already home. Henry’s there also. You’re scaring me.” You said, Tom never acts like this.
Being a part of a mob there is a constant fear of someone behind you. All throughout Tom’s life he only had to worry about himself until he met you.
Tom’s worst fear is him being the reason you no longer walk the earth. The last week he had glimpse of life without you and didn’t care for it one bit. You weren’t a weakness but at the same time, you were. For anyone with a dangerous job there’s always a target on your back.
“Come on, love. In the car,” Tom motioned towards the car.
“Tommy, my car is here. I’ll meet you there,” you said, kissing his cheek goodbye.
“Ok just be careful please.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Ok, Jared. Home now plea—“ Tom directed but was cut off by a loud BOOM.
“Jared, what the fuck was that?” Tom asked.
“Sir, it was Mrs. Holland’s car.”
“Y/N! Y/N?” Tom jumped out of the car. Nothing else mattered in that moment, only finding you.
Time stood still as thick black smoke bled through the air. Coating everything in its path with a faint ash. Screams echoed from the bystanders as the car went up in flames.
“Tom, I’m okay. It wasn’t mine.” You exasperated, coughing from the smoke. It wasn’t your car but it was close in proximity.
“Thank god. I can’t keep almost losing you,” Tom whispered, kissing you hairline.
“I’m here now.” The second you were in his arms you knew you were safe.
“Yes you are. It sure does look hell a lot like yours, though. Come on, I’m taking you home,” Tom said, wrapping his right arm around your shoulder.
Pulling up to the manor, everything looked different. There were more guards posted at every corner with heavier weaponry. Tom had the gate barricaded with another car in case some where to ram into the gate.
“Jesus, what took you so long?” Haz said
“They tried to bomb Y/N’s car. Thankfully the dumb fucks who planted it, picked the wrong car.”
“Tom you need to tell me what’s going on.”
“I will. Family meeting in the living room. Now.”
“Some of us have some secrets to share. I want to know everything that happened here while your mother and I were in Paris. Someone start talking,” Tom said, pacing in front of Parker and Rosie sitting on the couch.
Rosie and Parker were both hiding something. Rosie’s however was a rather monumental milestone. Rosie reminisced of her wonderful night with Henry while you and Tom were away. She loved Henry so much and was overjoyed to share that experience with him.
Rosie had told Henry at the wedding that she was ready to take that next step with him. Seeing you and Tom re-commit yourselves to one another affirmed that for Rosie. That she loved him more than anything.
“I’m sorry, dad. You don’t have to worry, we were safe,” Rosie blurted out.
“What?” Tom barked growing more anger by the second.
“Henry and I used a condom,” Rosie responded.
“Rosie?” You questioned, knowing what she was talking about.
“WHAT?” Tom screamed.
“That’s not what you were hinting at?” Rosie stammered.
“No, this is about Parker,” Tom reckoned.
“Fuck,” she mumbled under her breath.
“Where the fuck is he?” Tom yelled, bolting out of the living room. Looking for the boy who had stolen Rosie’s innocence. You and Rosie soon followed hoping Tom wouldn’t do anything rash.
“Henry, you bastard! You fucked my daughter!” Tom shouted charging at Henry.
“Oh shit,” Henry muttered, he knew Tom could kill him in an instant.
“You went in my daughter! What’s stopping me from killing you right now.” Tom asked with gritted teeth, hoping this dumbass wouldn’t answer.
“Tom, put him down,” you said, as Tom was gripping his collar and dangling him in the air.
“Tom, please,” you pleaded as Tom held a gun square to Henry’s head.
“The safety is on, I was never gonna shoot him. Just make him shit his pants a little. From now on, you two can’t be here alone. And if you are in your room the door needs to stay open,” Tom said, pointing fingers at Rosie and Henry.
“I believe we have more important business to get to. Now come on,” you said, pulling Tom away.
“Y/N, you know I was never going to actually hurt the boy right?”
“Yes, Tommy. Now please resume the family meeting.”
“Parker. Do you have something to tell us?” Tom asked, knowing his son will lie.
“I’ve been sneaking out at night and I’m sorry,” Parker started, you could hear the disappointment behind his voice.
“Why? I know it’s not because of a girl. I want to know everything,” Tom explained, fucking tired of all the lies.
Parker began by explaining how he felt by the loss of Charlotte and how he turned to Wilson. In Parker’s mind he was doing the right thing. Serving justice to those who wronged others. But in reality he was the one committing the wrongdoings.
Parker came clean that he was the one killing all of Tom’s men and that he killed Jazz. That he went Wilson before coming to Tom. Becoming Wilson’s secret hitman was never supposed to go this far. He only intended for it to be a big fuck you to Tom. Not destroy his livelihood and his family in the process.
Including all the details of Wilson’s secret agenda of taking you and Tom out. But Parker left out the fact that Wilson was no longer a threat. Having taken care of him the day before.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve never been this naive and stupid. I’m the one you��ve been searching for. I’m the rat,” Parker exclaimed. “Dad, say something,” he pleaded.
“Get out,” Tom said with an unchanging expression.
“I said get the fuck out!”
“Tom,” you tried to reason.
“You are no longer my son. Betraying me, betraying your family. Get out.” Tom screamed.
A/n: I’m sorry. I like the content in this chapter but not the writing.
Guns, Glamour and Goodfellas Masterlist
taglist: @thenoddingbunny-blog @dummiesshort @adriannauni @bi-lmg @allthisfortommy
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