#going through my drafts 😄
zivazivc · 5 months
What kind of nu metal music fits Les's band?
First of all I gotta clarify that I sent this ask myself because I accidentally lost the original through constant editing and drafting. I realize I could just make a regular text post but I'm quirky like that, and a question is a nice little attention grabber for those who are interested.
It's hard to point at one song and say this is their sound, because A: I'm picky, B: the band's style changes over time, and C: I don't know what I'm doing lmao
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This answer is very long uhh I don't seem to be able to form short responses, mi scusi 😅
Back at home the brothers' music and then also the first year on the road with Flea the band sounds like the albums Music and especially Grassroots by 311. (Grassroots is such a banger of an album, I listen to it all the time, really recommend.)
Hed's the main influence on the band's sound because he's the main vocalist, songwriter and overall the most invested in the band succeeding (Les's main concern is making ends meet, and Flea is just enjoying the ride lol). At the start Hed and Les have had basically no contact with Rock Trolls so even though they're both more metal/punk than regular rock, their "rock side" is softer at this point. Hed also grew up with hip hop because of his peers so there's a lot of rapping in his lyrics. And he also incorporates reggae into his style a lot because of his favorite uncle, Kymani (one of the guys who live with Ish) who is a Reggae Troll. Hed is pretty much a sponge when it comes to music, much like Floyd. The closest I can come to describing his genre is a fusion of Rap Metal and Reggae Rock which are both already fusion genres jskksdjsk
(The band 311 has two singers and oddly they both sound like Hed and Les to me. SA Martinez (the higher of the two voices) sounds 100%, exactly like how I've imagined Hed's voice in my head. For Les I have a different voice claim because Les's personal style of music is much different from the band, but Nick Hexum (the lead vocalist here) is still in the second place when it comes to voice alone. Imagine my enthusiastic surprise finding voices for both brothers in the same band 😄)
examples from the two albums:
While driving around and performing small gigs they come in contact with the alternative and nu metal scene and meet a lot of Rock Trolls (mostly various Metal Trolls) and other mixed trolls, and in the following couple of years their sound gradually becomes heavier (Hed rediscovers screamo lol) and they go from rock to metal.
A year into their "touring" is also around the time Hed meets and starts dating Liv and gets her to join the band. Liv's genre has the heaviest sound of all of them (Industrial/EBM), which influences Hed and the band too. And with Liv on the drums, Hed takes over DJ-ing and is also able to put more focus on the vocals, which also makes Les step down and only sing backing vocals with the rest of the band if needed.
The band in this era sounds like the album Revolution by Insolence and to some degree Introduction to Mayhem by Primer 55.
examples from the albums:
Two years into the bands existence is when Floyd runs into them. At first he's more just standing there, observing their practices and performances warily, because he's had bad experiences with Rock Trolls in his one year alone and metal music still kinda freaks him out at this point. But he soon starts joining in in melodic parts and then it progresses into him singing longer and longer segments because he has the strongest vocals of everyone. And once he saves enough of his earnings for a guitar he starts playing the rhythm guitar too. (The guitar he took with him when he left the Troll Tree got stolen before he met the band.)
I guess I should clarify: Flea is the lead guitarist, Les is the bassist, and Liv and Hed switch on the drums and DJ-ing depending on the track. At one point they also get a keyboard.
It's also not that long before Hed and Floyd start actively writing songs together, sharing each others notes, and they start to split the singing parts more evenly. Hed even teaches Floyd screamo techniques, because he thinks Floyd has a great voice for them (He is correct, Floyd has a mean scream 😁).
During this time the band still pretty much sounds like Revolution by Insolence but with more melodic singing parts from Floyd (and screaming/shouting lmao). I think Verge of Umbra is another good band to compare, it sounds more clean and Floydy but still Hedy. (Man, I should write scientific research papers skjdkjf)
↑↑↑ song with the lyrics from the drawing at the top
From here on out I'm a bit unsure how the band's sound develops, but I'm pretty sure Floyd would unintentionally infect them with a mild case of radio friendliness (Pop trolls can't help their in your face nature lmao 😞). So for now I'm stopping here...
This took me days of searching and writing so I would appreciate to hear any thoughts you have if you've come this far and given some of the songs a listen. :)
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dduane · 1 year
Ok so
1. I’ve only ever read one book you wrote (So You Want To Be a Wizard) but it was very good and I love it. Big fan.
2. Both out of curiosity and on behalf of my sister, as a writer of Barbie Fairytopia, did you invent Bibble. Because my sister has Bibble as her Home Screen and my whole family had a conversation about Bibble yesterday.
Thank you. Ur books are cool.
Thank you! Glad you liked SYW... . 😊
Now, about Bibble (and a nod here to @the-best-of-the-geeks, who also inquired about this):
The answer is... maybe. At this end of time, it's hard to tell.
I took a few moments off from today's* graphic arts work to go digging in my archived project files. What I can see from a quick glance at them is that Bibble (or the character who'd eventually be Bibble: there were a lot of name changes throughout the writing process) doesn't appear in any of the drafts of the worldbuilding bible I wrote, or in other associated background material. If it had, that would've been—not absolute, but at least fairly strong circumstantial evidence—that I was the character's creator.
The problem is that when you're working on a big-IP project like this, there are so many people involved in the creative process that it can become really difficult to accurately trace any one character's or story element's "lineage". It's possible Bibble originated in a note to me from one of the creative team, which would have been one of hundreds of archived emails. Or it might have been something suggested to me in a phone conversation... of which there were many. Without sifting through all those emails (and please forgive me, that's not something I've got time for at the moment) it's tough to say.
What I am sure of is that Bibble definitely turned up on my watch. I have a premise file dated 30 December 2003 which does not contain the character, and then a second-draft premise dated 10 January 2004... in which, with a slightly different name, Bibble first appears. Bibble (as Bobble) is also in my first draft screenplay, which was turned in in early February 2004.
So that much, at least, we can be sure of. Bibble's personality and speech style is clearly spelled out in the script (as is the suggestion that Bibble be voiced by Frank Welker. It's a shame that didn't happen: I'm a huge fan of his).
But this still doesn't constitute proof that I invented the character. Bibble could very well have been suggested to me by someone else—and suggestions and notes are so free-flowing in a project like this that it's possible we'll just never know. (sigh) Such is life.
What I do want to emphasize here was how extremely pleasant this whole project was, from beginning to end. There are screenwriting projects that will make you shudder decades after the fact just on hearing their name. But there are others that unfailingly make you smile when someone mentions them... and this, for me, was one of those.
The giveaway of how much fun I was having lies in some stuff that happens in the script and would, to those unfamiliar with tropes in animation writing, look like nothing in particular. But a recurring joke among animation writers back then (and maybe still) was designating a character's speech as a walla. In this case, it means not just a description of some kind of crowd noise—the usual definition—but of that particular character making speechlike noises. It's the kind of thing you don't bother doing if you're not feeling playful. (Or at least I don't.)
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...Anyway: hope this has helped, at least a little. :)
*This post was written at the very beginning of May 2023, around the time the WGA strike was starting. During the strike period I haven’t been comfortable with doing long posts about my screen work… but the strike’s over now. 😄 Thanks to @violet-yimlat and @the-best-of-the-geeks for being so patient.
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boosari · 1 year
hiii ! can i request anniversary date with minghao?? thank you 😄
have this dance — x.mh
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pairings: boyfriend!minghao x reader
genre: pure fluff
warnings: established relashionship
wk: 0.5k
summary: your boyfriend takes you to his home country for your anniversary.
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For your 4th year anniversary, your amazing boyfriend Minghao had a very particular yet elegant idea.
You actually never expected something like this as a date, since usually people would go to fancy restaurants, movie nights or picnics.
Here you are, in Hangzhou City, in China. Your boyfriend's home country. The city is futuristic, yet so traditional it actually impressed you.
"Hao this place is beautiful" you exclaim, turning towards him and flash him a wide grin. He looks at you, returning the smile.
"I knew you would've liked it my love, that's why I chose this city specifically". Your heart melts at his reply.
Not only he spent so much time in organising this trip, he also considered your likings. He knew you so well.
You look around and the buildings are huge, everything is made out of glass, you've also seen the big dome that stands at the side of the city.
After having a delicious lunch at a simple chinese restaurant, your boyfriend took your to Lingyin temple, then walked you through the botanical garden just to arrive at the Hefang Street, with its beautiful bridge.
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Night has finally arrived. Indeed to say, you had a beautiful time. Learning about your boyfriend's culture and home country made you happy, it was very intriguing. And your boyfriend was even more happy to know that.
"Where are we going, Hao?" You ask giggling while your boyfriend dragged you by your interlocked hands.
"You'll see" He replied, a smug smile on his face.
After walking for a while, you arrive at a beautiful lake.
You let out a small gasp at the beauty in front of you. The lake had a clean colour, the sunset made it even more beautiful. The gente sound of the water made you close your eyes and breathe deeply. You felt relaxed.
Minghao silently watches you, satisfied with your reaction. Meditate with you definitely had its effects.
"What do you think?" He lets out, voice barely coming out, sounding like a whisper.
You slowly open your eyes. "It's...beautiful indeed". You turn to him and smile.
He smiles back and takes your hand, leading you towards one of the causeways.
You arrive at a small, very small temple, that was empty in the centre.
You couldn't get the smile off your face. Minghao looks at you and gently grabs your hand.
"Have this dance with me, my pretty lady" He looks into your eyes, lovingly.
You giggle, your eyes also locked with his. "With pleasure".
Minghao has one hand holding yours and the other rests on your waist. While one of your hand rested on his shoulder.
You rock your bodies back and forth, he turns you around, spins you. Pushes you forward just to re-pull you closer to him. Both of you smiling the whole time.
After the final spin, your back is pressed against his chest. He kisses your cheek, resting his face against your head.
"我爱你" (i love you) he murmurs in your hair, kissing it.
"我也爱你" (i love you too). You reply, turning your body back to him, your forehead now resting against his. "非常". (so much).
He pulls away and looks at you, smiling. "You improved a lot".
You laugh, throwing your head back. "It's all thanks to my amazing teacher". You also look at him, smiling.
He keeps looking at you, your eyes and then his gaze falls to your lips. He leans in and kisses you sweetly, while the sun sets behind your connected bodies.
"Happy anniversary, my love".
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a/n: hi i'm on vacation rn but this was staying in my drafts for way too long (sorry for the wait heh). i don't really like it honestly but i hope you do! (i also hope my researches are correct cause i've never been to china nor i know places in there😭).
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 months
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The draft for a new PAC just got posted now. Sorry XD I had to delete that. But yes, a new standalone PAC is coming up this week😄
💫Current aenergy Check-In ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
This could be considered a part 2 of this PAC👇🏻but not really, actually😜
🌟Blessings to Expect throughout 2024
Anyway, I was planning on writing a Panda Update today, so I’m just gonna be brief here☺️
Roughly a month ago I started teaching English as a side hustle. I’ve got 6 students and 4 classes to manage so far, I’m still in the process of adjusting to this new work schedule, and honestly it’s done me so much good😄
I’m now sleeping and waking up like a normal person. It’s positively affected my health and the extra money has allowed me to buy healthier foods, too🍌I’m sooo glad things have turned up for the better~ My last Full Moon PAC did mention stability and security, right?!
Anyway, this adjustment is slowing down my posting frequency for now, but rest assured I’m getting my mental and physical strength back. In fact, thanks to this newfound sense of stability, my mind has calmed down a looooooot and now I’m writing my short stories for Wattpad!!!🎉🍾👏🏻
Ahh so many new things. Anyway, I hope you’re excited for the new PAC, and then I’ll be posting Astrology content (with Patreon bonuses) and short stories are also gonna be rolling out gradually🔖
To be honest, I’m also going through a lot spiritually but it feels more like a preparation for graduation, so it’s all good🍀I hope things are alright for you as well whenever you find this💝
Happy Full Buck Moon in Aquarius🌕
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vendetta-if · 11 months
Hello, I hope this isnt offensive, I just started this story again after a while, and I like it but the thing that put me off from reading it is the limit of the romance/flirt options for the ROs. It's difficult to act out a cold and stoic mc (who is soft and needs love but is scared of losing someone again) when the charcater blushes so much and gets flustered easily. Like I don't want to be bold, but I don't want to be shy and all "👉👈" ya know 😂. This, of course, doesn't mean I will stop playing it or anything like that. This story has me up till 3 AM reading it, lol. Anyways, I love you, and I hope you have a good day!
-xoxo Gossip Girl. ❤️
Yeah, I do plan on adding “milder” options for the bold and shy romance choices, but it won’t probably be added until I go through the book again to flesh out and fix some parts after the whole or most of the first draft is done 😄
If you notice, some flirt convos in the beginning with Ash and some with Rin have options for the milder versions of bold and shy choices, which is why there are some where you end up having almost 9 options for one convo, but I realized how long it took me to write them all out and I just ended up getting frustrated, especially since they just give slightly different flavours of romance.
So, for now, I drop them and only put the classic bold and shy options to save some time and effort (and sometimes, parts of my sanity 😂) to spend writing out more important things, like finishing the rest of the chapter or writing out more variations for crucial scenes/parts.
But yeah, I hope to be able to go back to those convos and scenes and add milder variations to bold and shy romance later on.
Thank you for the kind words and have a nice day as well! ❤️
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cowboy-robooty · 25 days
good evening. instead of writing 1000 words of futanari on male smut tonight to settle in, i shall add "homophobic gay man" to my laundry list of allegations (gaslighter, manipulator, thumb rhythm game player, the stealing candy from babies incident, etc).
guys imma be so ngl rn i #won because they took the bl tag off the summer hikaru died 😄
look the summer hikaru died is absolutely fucking fantastic it is incredible the story is gripping the characters are wunderbar the art is gorgeous i think that the yokai elements are wonderfully mixed in and you feel a genuine sense of fear and unease at times imagining yourself living in this town thats slowly unravelling at the seams. theres no debate about how fucking amazing the summer hikaru died is okay genuinely it rises above the rest but also i think that taking off the BL tag was such a win because yoshikis ongoing mourning of hikaru is literally the main plot focus and its so much more interesting when you can see it as more than just "doomed yaoi". yoshiki obviously regrets never being able to tell hikaru his romantic feelings and definately mourns the boy he loved but its so much more than that because more than missing his crush he misses his best friend. hikaru was yoshikis best buddy they were for real best friends and people tend to always act as though romantic feelings are superior in depth to platonic ones when thats not true at all. if anything i think yoshiki misses "hikaru my best friend" more than "hikaru my crush" because he had two sided best friendship and they were eachothers player one and two. Sometimes your crush will move away and its heart breaking but when its one sided you can endure, but a best friend? Your best friend is the shoulder you cry on. the guy you give the other half of your popsicle to. the guy who remembers you prefer extra ice in your drinks and dislike cola for the weird feeling it leaves on your teeth. Hikaru was yoshikis right hand man and now hes been replaced by someone who looks and walk and talks and has all the same facets of hikaru except his soul. In fact I think the only reason Yoshiki can't accept Hikaru *IS* because he was his best friend. Because despite the fact that this "Hikaru" is exactly the sams to Hikaru in practically every single way; yoshiki still can't accept him because his best friend can't be replaced. This manga has put Yoshiki is such an interesting and complex deliemma. Because yoshiki is stuck in this strange mix of convoluted feelings where he begins to love "Hikaru" as a seperate entity from Hikaru, but it feels as though this love is being pried out from a sticky sludge that is his original love for the real Hikaru. Yoshiki initially could only go through all of this out of his internal desire to cling to Hikaru, despite the fact he bears the knowledge everyday that he's just spending time with something that just reminds him of his best friend. And his care + empathy for the "Hikaru" next to him is something that originally was only a by product from his love for the original goods, but by now in the story he literally has admitted that he has grown to love "hikaru" seperately. When I started writing this post it was April lol and then this sat in my drafts forever, so now this got said out loud, but before it got said out loud you really could feel the jumbled and confused emotions Yoshiki was enduring regarding "Hikaru". It's something I don't even think I can put into words, but it was communicated so well through the author's story telling abilities. All these feelings can't be summed up in just Yoshiki having a crush on Hikaru. He feels so much more than that. To me at least, I think that this story is elevated by Yoshiki having a crush on Hikaru, but could still have happened if he didn't. While the vice versa could not be true. It makes me upset when this story gets boiled down to toxic yaoi and everyone ignores the fact that their best friendship is so deepy important (if not MORE important than the romantic intentions) when it comes to Yoshiki's emotional strife regarding the original Hikaru.
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soaringornithopter · 2 months
🎵 URL song game 🎵
Thanks for the tag, @medusapelagia!
Rules: Go to your playlist and find a song for each letter of your URL, then tag some friends to do the same.
To be honest, I don't currently subscribe to any music streaming services, so these picks will probably be fairly eclectic as I scroll through my randomly populated list of "likes" that I can still access with the free tier 😄 (Why is the ability to sort a list alphabetically considered premium?!)
Stalker's Tango by Autoheart One by Alanis Morissette Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths Repetto X Mosaert by Stromae I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters Night and Day by Cole Porter (sung by Ella Fitzgerald) Gone Daddy Gone by Violent Femmes
Only by Nine Inch Nails Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini by Sergei Rachmaninoff New Born by Muse I Feel Like I'm Drowning by Two Feet Trampoline by Shaed Hunter by Björk Oriental Uno by Beats Antique Plot a Little by Camu Tao Trip Switch by Nothing But Thieves Everlong by Foo Fighters Ruled by Secrecy by Muse
I'll skip tagging others for now since I have another version of this URL song game that's been sitting in my drafts for almost an entire year. This one reminded me of that draft's existence, so I'll be posting that one (hopefully) later and I don't want to give anyone tag game fatigue.
That said, if you see this in your dash and you want to make a list, consider yourself tagged!
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scarletlizzard · 8 months
If yall find any weird mistakes in my sentences or words, no you didn't! 😄 Every time I edit something, I go through hell rereading it because I'm severely ✨️dyslexic✨️
An example I just read in my drafts:
Ever since Wanda Maximoff stepped into your hell, it has been a living life.
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linskywords · 10 months
heyyyy I don't recall if you've ever mentioned using a beta for any of your fics, but can I ask you about your editing process? How you start it, how you do it, what sort of things are you are on high alert for, etc?
I'm 23k into my first hockeyrpf fic, which is kinda *out there* and I'm now grappling with "woah is this even intelligible to other fans" 😅
What a fun question!! First of all, congrats on being 23K in. That's so many Ks! It's such a fun fandom to write in, I'm glad you're joining the fun. 😄
I don't use a beta. I used to, but I'm too impatient for it -- I always want to edit my fics right away and get them out there. So I do my own editing. I don't know how useful this will be for you, since everyone's writing process is so different, but here's how mine works!
First, I write a complete draft. I'll sometimes backtrack if I realize I've taken a wrong turning, but otherwise, I try not to worry too much about quality in the draft. I write from start to finish because otherwise I can't hold onto where I am in the emotional arc. Getting to the end and having the tension resolve is a huge motivator for me.
Once I have a complete draft, I usually do a full editing pass. I save a copy and go back to the beginning and read through the whole thing, editing and rewriting as I go. It's actually impossible for me to read my own draft without editing, which is hugely inconvenient sometimes (e.g. if I step away for a bit and need to refresh myself on the story, it takes forever because I find myself editing as I reread).
A lot of what I edit for is rhythm. I can't quite accurately gauge the rhythm of a scene while I'm writing it, especially if the scene is a conversation; I need to give myself a little distance and then reread for that. I do a lot of adding lines and taking others away to make things flow the way I want them to. I especially watch for if a scene builds too fast and doesn't earn its level of intensity, or if a scene drags and can be trimmed.
Another big one is, am I overstating emotions? Sometimes this means I'm repeating myself, and sometimes it means I'm being too direct about angst etc. when it would be stronger to dial it back and let the reader extrapolate. A lot of times when I'm writing I put in lines that state very directly how the character is feeling, mostly as a way of figuring out what that is, but that's really for me and not the reader, so I take those parts out. Or sometimes I'll put in a line or a feeling and realize I want to use it later on, so it'll be in both places in the draft and I'll take out the earlier one in editing.
I guess the biggest question I'm asking myself when editing is, does this ring true? Anything that feels fake or forced or convoluted or disconnected or illogical gets edited out the best I can.
Other things I look for:
clunky sentences (so many)
using the same word more than once in close succession ("even" and "just" are big ones for me, as are "soft" and "warm" in any sex or romance scene)
using the same sentence structure too many times in a row (she typed a thing, her words wording <- my biggest offender)
having characters smile or grin or laugh too many times in close succession
places where it's not clear which "he" I'm talking about (down with epithets, just repeat the name or rephrase)
places where I use too many dialogue tags (confession, I use them way more often than I need to for intelligibility; I just like the rhythm, and "he says" is neutral enough to my ear that I don't mind the unnecessary usage)
continuity errors, often where I changed something in one place while writing and forgot to change it elsewhere
weird metaphors I thought would work but don't
Usually one pass is not enough, since I'll have rewritten so much that then needs to be edited again. Two editing passes is arguably not enough either, but it's usually the limit of what I'll do. Sometimes if a story is very tricky I'll do more, or if it's very straightforward I might stop at one. It's kind of a vicious cycle: if I reread my edits, I'll want to edit again, and there's no real stopping it without just deciding it's good enough and you can be done. This is one reason I often post in chapters, because it's easier to do this with a smaller chunk of story.
I think that's what I have off the top of my head. Happy to talk more about any aspect if you're curious. Good luck with your writing and editing!!
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oreo-creampie · 10 months
hey fey, I hope you're having a amazing day<3
I just saw your new theme and I wanna say that I'M OBSESSED WITH IT🥹🫶🏻🩵🤍 it's so ethereal and fits Satoru so well
Hi!!! I am its been wonderful still very early since I've been up since 5am. I'm wondering if I wanna write fluff or smut at the moment. Since I have plenty of smut planned but it's nice to take a fluff break due every now and then 🫶🏽😄
Thank you I was so hyper focused going through saving so many pictures then going in my draft and rearranging it till it scratched my brain just right
I knew I had to make it cute with a touch of sadness, the lovers dead end is so satosugu core to me it’s not even funny. Also I love the thought of him waking up putting on his glasses/wrap and sending you a Snapchat to bother you first thing!
I have some more pictures but I couldn’t use them, if I had some more skill I would made it to where each of the pictures changed into these but I’m too damn lazy for that
Though I might change out the pictures after some weeks but leave everything else the same
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙
Oooh, thanks for passing this to me, Lizzy! 😄 Let's see....100 fics, how to choose 5? 🤔 Well all know #1 already, don't we? 😂 So I'll take a leaf out of Lizzy's book and do a countdown to 1!
5.) A Matter of Time
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 3,686. Written for Snarry Adopt-a-Prompt 2022. Features reverse chronology and alternating POVs! Also: ambiguous/open ending (my love!) It feels like the Snarry of my youth, that angsty and spicy student/teacher, and some good old fashioned tragedy! I really feel like I pulled the thing off with this one! (What is said "thing"? Who knows.) Also, not to pat myself on the back but...that final line? Ouch.
4.) Cruel Summer
Harry/Sirius. Rated: E. Words: 5,445. Minor Harry/Severus. Written for HP Chan Fest 2022-2023. Features gorgeous art by @mrviran. It's a fic I've had floating around my noggin' for a few years but finally felt the call to write for Chan Fest! Our two beloved, troubled boys (Harry and Sirius) live together post PoA, and sees them through plenty of dysfunction, manipulation, and other problematic content 🤭 They have a very complicated (and angsty!) connection and I am so so pleased with how it came out! It's very bit as spicy, sad, and twisted as I'd hoped!
3.) The Curse of Anteros
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 52,566. Written for Snarry Bang 2023. Inspired by an episode of Charmed called "Magic Hour" (which itself was inspired by a movie called Ladyhawke). This is another idea I've long wanted to write, but never knew how to write it until now. Curses, fairytales, magical animals, true love!! Begins with student/teacher and carries on through time to old men Snarry!!!! This fic really grew way out of control and I'm so glad it did. It feels like...a "proper" story, if that makes sense? Actual plot! Novel length! Who am I even???? Anyway I'm stupidly proud of this one. Also: ART BY MRVILLAIN AGAIN, MY BELOVED TEAMMATE, I'M OBSESSED. Like...idk I'm blown away. Which sounds bad cuz this is my story, but I don't care. This is genuinely a story that not only was I so pumped to create, but one that I'd have LOVED to read as a reader! Had someone else written this I'd have lost my mind reading it. I hate saying that, it sounds so arrogant, but I don't care, I'm losing my mind over this one. I wrote it in like 2 weeks!!!! This fic POURED out of me! And I love it!
2.) Collateral Damage
Draco/Ron. Rated: E. Words: 16,071. Written for Ron-Draco Fest 2021. The first draft of this got to like 10k before I had to scrap it and start totally over. Somehow the original opening kept winding down the wrong path. So finally after fighting with it for way too long (and only 2 weeks to go until it was due), I gave it up and tried again. Decided: "hey, let's open with porn and see what happens." Well...That worked. That did it. All I needed was to open with a BJ for magic to happen, who knew? I ended up with a story I was super jazzed about, and to my great surprise (and pleasure!) others loved it, too!!
1.) Contempt | Devotion
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 20,400 | 25,843. Written for Snarry-a-Thon 2022 and 2023. This one's cheating a bit since it's technically 2 fics, but it's also the same story in different POVs so...it kinda counts, right? Also I know people have told me they liked Devotion more but I can't help but admit that Contempt itself still holds the top spot in my heart! And while I think say The Curse of Anteros is a better overall story, I don't think any fic ever will top Contempt. I mean, never say never, but Contempt is the story of dreams. It's my heart and soul. It's the Snarry I've always wanted to write. The story, the dynamic, the characterizations, everything. It's everything I've wanted in a Snarry since I first began reading Snarry 20 years ago. Like...I have no words to express just how meaningful this work is to me. This is literally the culmination of all of my Snarry feels. I dragged this story out of my gut. I pulled it out of my skin and wrote it in my blood. That's how connected I am to this work. (Wow that sounds really dramatic but also...true.)
Genuinely I was so cared people would hate it, but I wrote it anyway because I needed it and I loved it. I'm very glad to say that plenty of others love it with me! And this is another one @mrviran offered love to in the form of a podfic! (Plus cover art!) I'm fully obsessed with the podfic (AND ART!) and I get all teary eyed when I think about it, that my dear friend worked so hard to bring more life to my baby. 🥹
Kinda funny how my favorite works (and what i consider some of my best works) were all for fests. Fests really do inspire me, even if they make me want to pull my hair out. 😂
Also is it cheating to give honorary mentions to Lover Boy at Play, In My Veins (In My Blood), Orange Blossoms, Teardrop in Your Palm, and Black Skies? 👀
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squidsquadlove · 1 year
On whether he agrees with Ron Francis that he was playing his best hockey in the series against Hershey (which he really was, he was incandescent):
"I would agree... I was just playing hockey. I was having fun. I was looking forward to coming to the rink every day and enjoying playing in the playoffs and being in that atmosphere. Going that far, making a run like we did, that's fun hockey. You enjoy playing in those games and playing in those loud buildings and having those experiences. I was really happy with the way I was playing. I'm trying to build off that, how I was playing at the end of the season, build that into this development camp, and then through training camp as well."
On how different it feels being at this development camp vs. last year:
"Definitely feel older, that's for sure. 😄 Definitely feel a little more comfortable coming to this environment-- I've obviously been here, practiced in this arena, I've been around the coaches and been around all the staff... as much as I don't want to say it, I'm kind of one of the older guys now, here, I'd say 😆 I want to be a little bit of mentor, as much as I can, towards all these younger guys. But yeah, I definitely feel more comfortable, more at ease here. It's nice to be back. It's really fun being here. Good skate today, and great crowd as well, so it's always fun to be back."
"The Kraken offered you a chance to have a rest after your last playoff run in Coachella. [Shane played 24 of the record-breaking 26 games the Firebirds played in the playoffs; the team played every one of the five series to the maximum length except one. Ryker Evans and Tye Kartye were excused from dev camp due to playing about 100 games each this year!] What made you want to come out here and be a part of this?"
"Yeah! I mean, I wanted to be a part of this. First of all, just to be around the new draftees-- it's always cool seeing some other guys get drafted. I'm only a year older, but I feel like I have a lot of experience at the pro level. Being able to be a mentor and help teach and help those guys learn as much as I can-- be a role model, be a leader here is what I really want to do. Also, just love being here 😃, love skating 🥰. They kind of gave me the option to come, but no question, I definitely wanted to be here, definitely wanted to skate at dev camp."
"How long did it take the full [and EPIC] playoff beard to come in?"
"🤣 I mean, it just kept going and going and growing! 😄 By the time it was game 7 there, it was the longest it's ever been in my life! 😄 I've never really been able to grow it out that much, and 😂 the guys on the team were saying it was one of the best on the team 🥰 so I was definitely pretty proud of that 😁."
"You look like you've put on some muscle mass in the last year-- have you? Or am I imagining it?" [It sure looked like it by the end at CV!]
"Um... maybe a little bit, yeah! I think just playing at the pro level for the amount of playoffs that I did, just naturally you have to adapt and you naturally grow stronger playing against those bigger, stronger guys. I think... 😁 I don't know if I have or not, but if you think I have 😃 that's great news! Yeah! 😆"
(Not a complete transcript, just the smiliest happiest baby squid parts! SO SMILEY.)
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wanderers-archive · 2 years
Hello hello!!
You need request ideas- I’m here✨
Can I request Amane with a supernatural reader that’s an Angel like supernatural
Like the whole halo and wing things yk-
I been thinking about this for a while
Thank you!!!<33
@under-the-cherrytree order for amane(summary): reader who's an angel donut(fluff), honey(fics), water(gn!reader)
Warning(s):none(?) let me know if there are!
_______Amane Kusaba_______
3rd POV
it was now after school, there were no more students, the only ones in the school were the teacher's.
amane walked through the empty hallways as he looked left and right, looking for you.
he opened the classroom door open and he was shocked.
that was his reaction seeing you in an empty classroom with wings and a halo above your head,
[n-name!?] amane said yelped quietly as you calmly turned around and looked at amane dead in the eye,
''amane! what are you doing here?, aren't you supposed to go home already?'' you shrieked
''i-i was just looking for you since i wanted to walk home together'' amane stuttered as you pat the chair next to you ''sit here next to me amane and i'll try and answer all your questions since you look like you have so many questions dear'' you smiled at him as blushed while he sat next to you.
''so amane what's your question?'' you said while he looked quite nervous ''so u-um [name] how are you an angel?'' he questioned anxiously of course thats normal since you are an actual angel in front of him ''well....how can i say this'' you said confusingly ''don't worry [name] i'll try and understand anything you say'' he answered ''ok well...dear...im not alive'' you admitted while you looked away, you looked back at amane and he kind of looked calm yet still nervous '' well i kinda figured since you are an angel'' he commented, well atleast you got that out of the way ''dear i've been dead since 1943''(i don't know what year this is so i guess 1968?) .
After explaining(not because i'm lazy;)
3rd POV
After you explained, you sighed heavily,(gonna make tsucigomori to reveal himself to amane as a supernatural) as tsucigomori came inside the empty classroom and stood at the door, you looked at him as he spoke, "hmm i see that you have said your secret to amane" he said calmly as amane looked shocked "t-tsucigomori sensei your a supernatural too!?" amane says as his eyes were big as if he had just seen a ghost "yep, been for a long time, even when you were alive [name], i was a supernatural" he sighed as he put his cigarette in his mouth before exhaling the smoke "haha i remember before i passed that you called me tour daughter" you giggled softly "gosh dont make me remember that" tsucigomori grumbled under his breath, "yeah! You say you dont care for us but you keep bandeging me up, and accidentally called [name] your daughter" amane scoffed proudly as you giggled and tsucigomori rolling his eyes.
Will this happiness ever end?
"Extea" note: i finally finished this draft after months of not doing any😄 just a few more and my requests will be open again! Hope you enjoyed!
_sincerely mikus bakery
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vendetta-if · 2 years
hullo, hullo! i sent an ask the other day but i’m not sure it got through to you😔. i’ll type it again for you <33
i love, love, love your if. the characters are perfectly fleshed out and the lore and story are just- mwah. perfection. but. butt(see what i did there? ;3c). take care of yourself. i keep getting surprised at how quickly you keep posting updates (at least that’s what it feels like to me. i have school and stuff so homework is taking up a lot of my free time🙃). take breaks, get enough sleep, don’t skip meals, and look at cat memes (cats are superior). also take care of your hands. i write as a hobby so i know the pain of sore hands. with the amount of words you type/write, my hands are crying out for yours. take breaks when your hands start to hurt so nothing bad happens to them.
anyways (onto the actually ask part of this. sorry for the long lecture lol), i was wondering how would the ROs react to an MC that sang as a side hustle (i’m in my schools choir. our concert was tonight). would they go to MCs impromptu concerts (they may sing in bars or cafes, etc.) or wait for MC to get home and request a lullaby or something? (idk if i explained that well. i’m terrible at explaining things😭)
have a lovely day/night!❤️❤️
Oh, yes, I actually have your ask in my drafts as I was in the middle of answering it 😄 But it’s okay, I’ll move the answers to this one instead 🥰 First of all, thank you so much for the kind words and the concern 😊
Some days, I can be really busy with some irl stuff, but I spent most of my free time working on this project, including writing the main story, side stories and other exclusive contents. I tried to answer asks whenever I can, but as some of you can probably see, it’s getting harder to find enough slivers of my free time to answer a lot of asks everyday, unfortunately.
But if I happen to have extra time, I’ll try answering a bunch of asks—as many as I could—in one sitting 😄 I’m still sad tho because I have so many awesome asks that I couldn’t get to, especially the reactions one because those usually take some time to answer.
I’ve also heard about the hand pain before from writers and artists. Right now, I haven’t felt anything yet, but thank you so much for the concern and for reminding me. I’ll certainly be on a lookout for that 🥰 And, I hope the school choir concert went great ☺️
As for your question…
Oh, MC better let them know whenever they’re about to have a performance, because you bet your ass they’ll be there every time. Unless they have really important mission to do that nobody else can do or be trusted to do… Then they’ll be really grumpy the whole time until they get home. Maybe your MC can give them a private performance instead 🥰
They will try their best to be there in every single one, even if MC is performing in a less-than-fancy cafe 😆 They’ll love to listen to MC singing and they kinda regret not finishing their piano lesson with their mom years ago, because then, they would be able to accompany MC’s singing. If they miss any, they’ll most likely request MC to sing to them at home if they don’t mind, of course 🥹
Oh, they’ll be there—or try their very best to be there. As long as there’s no emergency for them to attend, they’ll even be willing to sneak out of the station to go watch MC 😂 Between mind-numbing paperwork and enjoying MC’s singing, there’s no doubt which one they will pick every time. Also, MC’s singing will be one of the most effective ways to get them to fall asleep and calm them down after a vivid nightmare 🥺
Will be one of MC’s biggest fans, rivalling Ash 🤣 Will try to attend every single one and you bet they’ll be that kind of fan who claps and whoops shamelessly after each song or try to sing along 💀 If MC doesn’t mind, they’ll love to record parts of MC singing and upload them to their Facegram story or TokTik account 😂 Soon, MC will be famous.
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amtrak12 · 3 months
Alrighty, let's go with "🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate" then, and also "🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?" because that was a really interesting ask! And, to round it out: 🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
YESSSSS these are good ones! Thank you so much!!
(from the Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game)
I have pictures for the good things about a character I hate, so I'm going to save the Show & Tell for the end. I don't want my other answers to get lost in the crowd :P
▪ On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? Why is that?
I LOVE EDITING!!! These days at least. I never really hated it in the past... but I also rarely got far enough in the writing process to reach the editing stage 😬
Because see, I used to try and combine the drafting and editing processes into one. It's taken me FAR TOO LONG to finally grasp that writing is done through layers. You can't write third draft content and quality the first time around. You just can't! And understanding the layers and having a full year (plus) under my belt of witnessing the editing process in motion has really made me fall in love with it.
And on the flip side, it's also made me love drafting more! Or at the very least made it less stressful for me because I don't have to worry about missing information or wording or capturing the emotions accurately. I can just dump the information from my brain and spend the next two weeks cleaning it up. It's great! 10/10 big fan of editing! 😄
▪ Share a headcanon for one of your favorite ships or pairings
Hmmmm......... I'm trying desperately to think of headcanons for my past ships that Tumblr cares about, but it's only Lucifer in my head right now.
My Warehouse 13 opinions and feelings haven't changed in the last decade which means my headcanons haven't either. This is a problem if I was ever going to go back and write canon fix-its like I did with Doctor Who because I still don't know how to solve the puzzle of Helena. What do we do with her after the S3 finale? What's the long-term plan for her? I can see Regent for her, like many have suggested, but that's never been my favorite option. A field agent again? Maybe, but can she ever really heal still working for the warehouse in that capacity? I'm not sure. But we can't remove her from the warehouse altogether (at least if you're a Bering and Wells shipper) because Myka's not leaving ever. She's going to take over as head agent one day when Artie (very reluctantly but also a little proudly) becomes the first agent -- possibly ever! -- to retire from the warehouse alive.
So then what do we do with Helena????
I still don't have an answer to that. The best one I have is the same one I thought of ten years ago which is to make HG the resident inventor eccentric who only goes out into the field when she's absolutely needed. Think Claudia in S1, except staying in is by choice and not mandated by Artie for being too young and inexperienced.
But I also really like HG mentoring kids. As much as Instinct otherwise sucks, I did really, really love her with Adelaide so idk what future fits her best ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
AND NOW FOR THE SHOW AND TELL!!!!!! Which is 100% about the TV show Lucifer and I won't apologize for that because no other show has a character I hate more.
▪ Three Good Things about Cain from Lucifer (TV) Despite Me Hating His Guts
First of all, who is Cain from Lucifer (TV)?
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IT'S THIS BITCH RIGHT HERE!!! And no I don't hate his guts because he's the villain of S3. I HATE HIM BECAUSE HE'S BORING AS THE VILLAIN! Like yeah yeah yeah, the guy invented murder. BUT HIS BIGGEST CRIME IS BEING BORING!!!!
He also canonically dated (and was even engaged to) Chloe for all of four episodes total (maybe?) and it was PURE TORTUROUS HELL, but I attribute that crime to the writers more than Cain. IDEK what the fuck they were trying to do with that storyline but I want to fight them in a Denny's parking lot over it. With knives.
And now that we've established why I hate him so much, here's some good things about Cain.
1. He has a rock collection
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I am not being snarky in the slightest when I say that I absolutely ADORE that he canonically has a giant ass rock collection. And when I say giant ass rock collection, I do not mean that piddly sample you can see in the screencap above. I mean, every flat surface in his house is covered in rocks. You walk into his kitchen? His counters are probably rocks. They're everywhere! But they're also nicely displayed??? He has stands for some of them to better show them off! He probably has a whole system surrounding which rocks get grouped together. And given how much he moves around since he's a cursed immortal being, he has to pack all of these fucking rocks up, move to the new place, and then re-set them all up again. THAT'S HYSTERICAL TO ME! What a fucking fixation to give him! They should've fully committed and leaned into this bit instead of just barely slipping it into this one episode.
Also 1000% fact, the rock he used to kill his brother is in that collection somewhere. I don't know which one it is or where he keeps it. But it is DEFINITELY there!
Anyway Cain's rock collection: 12/10 A++ no criticism from me XD
2. This Caincore tumblr post
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I just reblogged it yesterday too. LOOK! Does it have anything to do with the tv show Lucifer? Technically, no. Is it hilarious though? Absolutely yes! Also it says Cain's name so that makes it the second best thing about Cain 😜 😂
And finally....
3. He has the hottest mother in the history of humanity
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EVE!!!!!!! 😍 My beloved!! 😍 Definitely hands down one of the best things I can say about Cain? HIS MOTHER IS GORGEOUS!! *swoons*
Her son can't do anything right, but Eve? Oh Eve can do no wrong 💜💜💜 (Yes, that includes dating Lucifer and then accidentally-definitely-on-purpose starting a demon mutiny when he dumps her. LET MY GIRL HAVE FEELINGS OKAY! Geez!)
And that's all three good things I can say about Cain in the TV show Lucifer. The only other thing I could possibly say is he's dead, but I'm not sure that's in the spirit of the question LOL
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yankthoudong · 3 months
🕯️ 🦷 🥐
- kina 😄
->🕯️"on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?"
im gonna go with 0 on that scale. i always hated editing in school, when i had to turn in a rough draft i would just write the real paper and then go through and make some of the language worse etc and turn that in. for fanfic i typically either get a beta or just read through it once to make sure i don't change tense or anything. i almost always write my fics straight through in one sitting and sometimes without pausing or anything so if something doesn't make sense then i usually can't make it make sense. writing for me feels kind of like exorcising a demon i'm proud of, when it's written i want to get it out there for people to look at as quickly as possible
->🦷 "share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on"
cumin has completely saved my cooking. if i'm making any food that's meant to be savory i simply apply heaping great loads of cumin and it tastes soooo good. perfect spice
->🥐 "name one internet reference that will always make you laugh"
ah man there are so many classic memes that will do this. rickrolling, crave that mineral, furnitureporn.com... but i wanna shout out ilooklikebarackobama.com which featured a white man who looked absolutely nothing like obama and long rambling paragraphs about how they looked the same as a parody of racism. AND the guy changed it to call racists out and promote donating to the SPLC when the nazis came out of their closets circa 2016. you can still find screenshots and archived versions of what it used to look like out there
follow @kinaesthetiqueer and please read her pulse in my throat, their beacon-era vampire weiss x nora who understands what's going on with her fic! it goes off
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