#gonna get some fun obi stuff
kimikitti · 15 days
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Design round ups for the week!
Obi is getting a revamped magical girl phantom fusion form with Riddle's Phantom. I decided it needed to be more Obi so I mixed in more elements of a jester into the design. And of course the guy gets a big hammer to smash things with. I bet he says stuff like "It's time for you to lose your head!" and then bashes you with the hammer. (I likely wont make any finished pieces with the phantom fusion designs it's mainly for fun and for lore)
Obi can fuse with the phantoms depending on their relationships with him. Each one gives certain added abilities. However, these forms are unstable. The longer Obi maintains these fusions the greater risk he is at losing himself in them. (Imagine he's fighting an overblot and his face starts to melt) The phantoms all have different relationships with Obi and have differing perspectives on it.
OOf, I want to draw Obi fighting malleus so bad, switching between fusions to the point where he loses track of them. And starts mutating. (the body horror! the angst!!)
Next up is my very traumatized son Tenjin. He's getting a less goofy hairstyle now. And I'm thinking of making him more of a short king. He's still built like a brick shithouse that can fuck you up. But he might not be as tall as you would expect. (Nothing is set in stone yet, but I do enjoy characters who take up the room without needing to be physically the biggest)
In the interest of keeping my ideas in a place I'm gonna monologue some of Tenjin's lore here.
Early childhood: Tenjin grew up with a parent who was definitely not equipped to take care of a child. Due to his parent's narcissistic tendencies, Tenjin was often neglected and put down. His involvement in gangs led him to find a dangerous but sought after sense of community and safety.
He holds himself in very low esteem and has internalized very rigid power dynamics. Tenjin believes that there are only two kinds of people in the world: those who were meant to lead and those who are meant to follow. He believes himself to be a follower, the muscle for most people.
Tenjin initially did not want to go to NRC. But when his acceptance was discovered by his parent, they flipped out. Tenjin and his parent had a big fight that resulted in his facial scar. (I'm not going to go into too much detail on what went down here) After being practically kicked out and with nowhere else to go, Tenjin begrudgingly goes to NRC.
(hehehehe.... can you imagine how bad this is going to get before it gets better? Let me tell you, its only down hill from here for a bit.)
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I finally got around to watching the clone wars so here are some Ahsoka and Anakin headcanons that wont leave my brain
They both steal each other's stuff and complain when they catch the other one doing it 
As Anakin’s hair grows longer he finds himself looking for hair wraps or something to push it back 
And he stumbles on Ahsoka's stash he borrows them mostly when she’s off on a mission so she won’t complain 
But she suspects him of doing so cause they’re never in the correct spot he also steals some of her simpler hand wraps when he’s training 
Ahsoka's just as bad tho she’ll steal Anakin’s cloaks and shirts all the time cause for some reason the council failed to give her comfortable clothes  
It all comes to a head when Ahsoka is debriefing the council and Anakin and she stops and goes “Is that my head wrap?” 
The change of topic is so abrupt that no one reacts for a hot second 
And then Anakin goes into full-on defensive mode like “What? No your device must be defective cause this isn’t yours” 
Which Ahsoka calls him out because “Jedi’s don’t lie so just come clean sky guy I know that mine. And are those my kriffing hand wraps?! Take those off you’re gonna mess them up!” 
Anakin is still defending himself and Obi-Wan is stepping in scolding them for using this line for their petty and selfish arguments  
And then Anakin says “Wait snips is that my cloak” “Don’t change the subject just cause you got caught” “No no you can’t talk about getting caught you little hypocrite that’s my cloak!” 
Obi-Wan is still chiming in half-heartedly but he knows better than to stop a full-on argument between those two 
Especially when they’re throwing each other words back at them like “I thought you said I should keep warm” “And I thought you said I need a hair wrap with all this hair” 
The argument only ends cause Windu threatens to hang up the com 
After the debriefing ends Anakin calls Ahsoka back and the argument starts right back up again 
Ahsoka always gets ready with her music playing 
And Anakin in true big brother fashion doesn’t want Ahsoka to know he likes her music so instead he’ll just turn on their version of shazam and stands by the speaker in what he thinks is a normal fashion 
It always goes something like this “Master what are you doing?” “What do you mean snips I’m not doing anything” “Oh so you’re just standing in my doorway with your device on for no reason” “Yep” “Okay when well have fun”
And in bratty little sister fashion she turns off her music and lights and leaves him in the doorway 
Later on she makes a playlist of all his favorite songs and sends a link to it 
All she hears is a grumbled “thank you” from the other room 
Anakin also plays his music out loud sometimes and it took a small amount of time to realize the songs Ahsoka complains about the most are her favorites 
He adds them to their shared playlist and ignores her when she plays those songs more 
Over time they make a lot of joined playlists
Some to work out and train to, some to hype them up before a mission, some to wind down after a mission, some to play when they have nightmares 
It’s something that they both enjoy more than they probably should 
Obi-Wan jokes that some of those playlists will be the death of him 
Ahsoka runs abnormally hot to the point where she could wear shorts in winter and Anakin runs cold enough to be confused for a corpse  
Obi-Wan Padme and Ahsoka all agree that he needs to get checked out cause no way is it healthy to be that cold 
They're both fine in their rooms where Ahsoka can blast the AC and Anakin can turn the heater up as high as he needs 
But the common room is where the bickering happens such as “Jesus snips I didn’t realize we lived on Hoth” or “I’m so sorry master that every room can feel like Mustafar” 
I also know that they both get nightmares like Earth-shaking soul shattering nightmares 
Some where they get abandoned some when they can’t save each other in time and some where they have to kill each other  
Not a lot of words need to be said when Ahsoka wakes Anakin out of a dead sleep with tears in her eyes or when Ahsoka wakes up cause Anakin is checking in on her for the third time that night 
They both just grab as many pillows and blankets as they can carry so they can make the world's best pillow fort 
Obi-Wan has grown accustomed to finding them cuddled up on the floor while the credits of a shitty old movie roll in the background  
When they get older I feel like they unlock the childhood nickname status 
Don't get me wrong snips and sky guy are their normal nicknames and will never go away but those are mostly used when they’re out in public or on the battlefield 
When they’re around people they trust like Obi-Wan and Padme you’ll hear questions like “You good Ani?” or “Be safe Soka”
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
ONE person asked and so now i'm doing it again: more incorrect quotes, time heals edition (part 1 cause there's gonna be more)
Obi-Wan: Where’s Ahsoka? Anakin: Doing stuff. Obi-Wan: I don’t like the sound of that. Where’s Sabine? Anakin: Trying to stop Ahsoka from doing the stuff. Obi-Wan: And Jacen? Anakin: Trying to stop Sabine from stopping Ahsoka from doing the stuff. Obi-Wan: I see. And what are you doing here, Anakin? Anakin: I’m supposed to stop you from stopping Jacen from stopping Sabine from stopping Ahsoka from doing the stuff.
*Everyone is giving advice to Obi-Wan* Sabine: It's okay to ask for help. Ahsoka: You're not a burden. Anakin: Murder is okay. Jacen: Your feelings matter.
Zhaya: I don’t go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me first.
Store Worker: Would a “Sabine” please come to the front desk? Sabine, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker, pointing to Ahsoka and Jacen: I believe they belong to you? Ahsoka and Jacen, simultaneously: We got lost. Sabine: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me—
*At 79s* Sabine: Ladies do not start fights BUT THEY CAN FINISH THEM.
[Sabine, running from a rock monster] Anakin, through the comm: You're just going to have to kill it. Sabine: Kill it? Well, I'm open to any suggestions. Anakin: Go for the eyes! Sabine: He doesn't have any eyes, Anakin! Anakin: Go for the mouth, then, the throat, his vulnerable spots! Sabine: IT'S A ROCK! IT DOESN'T HAVE ANY VULNERABLE SPOTS! Zhaya, grabbing the comm from Anakin: I know! You construct a weapon. Look around, can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?
Sabine, trying to avoid explaining how she knows the future: Don't ask me what I'm talking about. I don't know, okay? I'm just the vessel. The message has been gifted. I've moved on.
Cody: What's wrong with you? Sabine: Off the top of my head, I'd say low self-esteem, a lack of maternal affection, and a genetic predisposition for anxiety and depression.
Satine: Guys, I have a question. Bo-Katan: kys <3 Satine, deadpan: I love you too. Sabine: Ah, yes. Siblings.
Mace: I hope you have an explanation for this. Jacen: We have three actually. Ahsoka: Pick your favorite.
Sabine: Am I too late for Obi-Wan’s panic attack? [Obi-Wan hides his face in despair] Sabine: Apparently not!
Sabine: Could you be any more annoying? Shipper: Yes.
Anakin: Small creatures are much more vicious because they have a smaller body to bottle up all their emotions. Jacen: Ridiculous. Give me some examples. Obi-Wan: Wasps? Sabine: Terriers? Anakin: Ahsoka.
Sabine: Why is there blood everywhere? Bo-Katan: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife. Sabine: You stabbed someone?! Bo-Katan: No, no. I aggressively poked someone with a knife.
Jacen: Here’s a fun Life Day idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it. Mace: Jacen... no. Ashoka: Mistlefoe! Mace: Please stop encouraging him. Jacen and Ahsoka, together: SOMEONE'S HALLS ARE GETTING DECKED!
Anakin: I'm not creepy. Anakin: I'm petty. Anakin: There's a difference, ya' know.
Kidnapper: I have one of your kids. Obi-Wan: Which one? I have four. Kidnapper: The loud, annoying, rowdy one who never shuts up. Obi-Wan: Which one? I have four. Anakin, distantly: HEY!!!
Sabine: What’s it like being tall? Sabine: Is it nice? Sabine: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? Anakin: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want. Ahsoka: It was one time!
Wyvern: Are you nuts? Shipper: Jury's out.
Jacen: I like to think of myself as a semi responsible teenager here. Sabine: Ahsoka is 70% of your impulse control and you know this Jacen. Ahsoka: I feel like Jacen is the more responsible one of us two though. Jacen: We are both 70% of each others' impulse control. Ahsoka: Just two lil beasts in pinwheel hats spinning on the merry-go-round at dangerous velocities, holding each other’s hands so the other doesn’t fall off.
and last but not least,
Ezra: What’s up? I’m back. Sabine: I literally saw you die. You died. You were dead Ezra: Death is a social construct.
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tumblingxelian · 2 months
For the Salty Ask, any fandom:
#1 What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
#6 Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
#11 Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
(Smashes a glass bottle on my face) Let's fucking do this!
#1 What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Gosh there are too many to list in a single post, and a few may get me targeted assassins XD
I'm quite lukewarm on Rei & Mina from Sailor Moon, maybe reflecting that I wasn't super into the manga & only watched some of the live action stuff but still.
Reylo, obviously. Other Star Wars would be Obi-Wan/anyone really, and also the fact people actually treat Anakin and Padme as romantic or like they could have a functional relationship scares me.
If we do a quick drive-by on ATLA, I really don't get why Azula & Aang became so popular, or Zuko & Katara. Or more, the best explanations I have for them still leave me going :/ at best. So there's that.
In Warcraft we have Thrall & Jaina, which is just 100% a case of, "Wow, they sure are standing next to each other" as far as ships go. Also for WOW is Jaina & Sylvanas, I only get it aesthetically, kinda.
Felix & Kagami from ML has me like ???? I didn't watch past S3 though so ??? Also that people treat Gabirel & Emile or Gabriel & Nathalie as like.. healthy is just... What!? I get the ships, I don't get the fanon spin on them.
In Dragon Ball, this one also draws targeting fire, but I never really got Vegeta & Bulma, which is canon I know, but still. A fling is one thing but an actual relationship just leaves me head-scratching. Also not sure if this is still the case, but I recall Gohan & Piccolo as being weirdly popular back in the olden days, and like, what!?
In DC, oh boy, gonna piss some people off with this one, but:
Bruce & any long term relationship, I don't care if its Selina, Talia, Clark, or Diana, or Harvey. This is not a man who can commit to another human being, because he's committed himself to staling the utterly uninterested Gotham City. Anything claiming otherwise is positively incomprehensible to me.
Also I don't grasp why Dick & Babs is so popular, or Tim & Steph, or Tim & Jason. The former has some history, but it so often feels like crow-barring two former high school crushes who have moved on together against their will. The latter is just like,... No, just no.
Within RWBY, if we are strictly going by popular pairs then I really don't get Weiss & Jaune, or Ruby & Jaune. I'm not even talking about like, V2 behavior or whatever, they've all grown, but I don't see how they've grown in a way that leads to these being popular ships. I had a similar stance on Blake & Sun when it was a major player; like attraction can be there without me thinking it works as a ship.
Also Ironwood & Glynda is just like... She could not be more utterly not into him if she tried, why are you people forcing it? Same with Winter & Qrow, their dynamic doesn't even have a fun rivals to lovers vibe to it.
Also as I believe you mentioned but Oscar & Ruby doesn't click with me. Again, I can sort of follow the logic, but I always end up at, "Why is this what you want?" Because to get to it, at least when it comes to the more intense advocates, it usually involved ripping out all the interesting stuff from their dynamic and characters for hurt comfort fic material.
You're gonna kill me.
But I have similar feelings about Ruby & Penny. I can see it more than Oscar & Ruby, but at the same time I just... It doesn't click with me and most stuff I see of it removes all the interesting character drama and dynamics so I get bored outside of a purely aesthetic appreciation level.
#6 Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?*
Sort of an interesting spin on this, I kind of tricked myself into enjoying a ship I previously didn't like through fandom.
Specifically when writing a Sailor Moon fanfic, I tweaked Usagi & Mamoru's dynamic to be a bit more like their mutual antagonism from the early anime, but cos both were on equal footing, I found their banter really enjoyable to write & started vibing with it.
There might be others but I am drawing a blank right now ><
#11 Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Always Yamcha, forever Yamcha, my poor sweet victim of character desolation, Yamcha!
He's introduced in the comedic part of the series with this premise being that he's a powerful and dangerous bandit, who is chronically shy around girls and is deeply romantic, wanting a family.
He's shown to be a skilled fighter who developed powerful techniques on his own with zero training. He knows tons of martial arts lore, was a nice mix of sensible but brave and basically Goku's big brother.
But he kept getting used as the WORF and then after being killed via kamakaze after stepping up to protect his younger friend from such a fate, he is memed to death by the fandom. & is later characterized as a cheater despite having been nothing but loyal to Bulma across the series. Has his desire for a married life & family surgically removed & given to Krillin, & basically gets treated like trash for the rest of time.
Outside of DB...
Pretty much every character, creature or faction I find interesting in Warcraft is hated or regarded with indifference so that's fun XD
As to specific characters from other series:
Chloe of ML, people hating on an already hated in universe 14 year old whose neglectful, corrupt father left her to be raised by he staff in a room that makes a dentist surgery look homey & who otherwise only taught her the worst lessons imaginable. Along with an emotionally and verbally abusive mother & who was actively groomed by the main villain of the series who has known her since she was a child are just... For fucks sake she's 14.
Lila of ML, she's a messy, confusing ass character cos it seems the writers don't have a solid idea for her. But like, within the first three seasons at least, she's still a 14 year old who has two adults with cameras plated in her room manipulating and controlling her.
Azula of ATLA, another 14 year old who was treat like shit by the adults in her family. She's a weapon to her father, a monster by birth to her mother, "Crazy" to an allegedly kind old uncle who has killed infinitely more people than her & only felt bad when it impacted him. Seriously, fuck all those doing Azula hate. She's a better villain than Ozia, a more merciful and skilled general than Iroh, and seems to have at least some actual loyalty to her family unlike Ursa who only cared about Zuko.
Mai of ATLA, People hate her for her dead pan affect and the fact she's not cradling Zuko's sof lil baby head, and or between him & the ship for him they like. Fuck off again, Mai's fun.
Cinder of RWBY, villains are meant to do bad things. Villains like Cinder do not appreciate being blackmailed. Villains like Cinder don't appreciate people who know their secrets, like using the Lamp, being around to hold it over her head later. She's not stupid, some people just lack media literacy.
Harriet of RWBY, while I get that she's not super popular, I tend to find the level of vitriol she gets uncomfortable at best. Like, it often feels less like people not getting the characters role & more like, some people running will with the chance to be unrelentingly hostile towards a fictional black woman. Elm gets some of this but is more often forgotten.
Talia of DC, there is so much racism both in canon and fanon and its heartbreaking.
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jedi-enthusiast · 9 months
for your ask me about WIP game
How did Obi-Wan and Cody meet in Deeper roots
And what are you most excited for readers to read in the great war? (You don't have to get to specific if you don't want to)
+ Anything else you'd like to share. Hope you have a great day!
Ask About My Fics Game
Ok, so in Deeper Roots Cody and Obi-Wan are actually high school sweethearts.
Cody was on the debate team, Obi-Wan was too busy working and taking care of his siblings to do any extracurriculars. One day Cody went to a diner, Dex's, to work on some debate stuff and Obi-Wan just happened to be his waiter---Obi-Wan offers some advice on it, he and Cody get to talking, and the rest is history!
For The Great War, I'm honestly really excited for readers to get to two things.
First is when the clones and the Jedi finally start getting closer and becoming friends, especially when they start getting so protective over each other! It's gonna be so much fun to write and to see everyone's reactions to the stuff I have planned!
Second is actually near the end of the series, when the fact that Anakin is basically a Darksider gets more overt---because I'll keep littering more and more pointed descriptions, as well as other things to point to it.
And honestly I just can't wait for people to see all the work I've put into the series and the thought I've put into each of the characters, like I have a 20+ page document that's dedicated to my character analysis on Obi-Wan, Anakin, Cody, Dooku, Padme, Ahsoka, Ventress, Palpatine, etc. and then also analysis on stuff like Jedi culture, Naboo culture, anti-Jedi sentiment, clone culture, etc.
As for anything else I want to share, I don't really have anything else. I just want to say that I appreciate you asking and I appreciate everyone that takes the time to read my fics, it really means a lot <3
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tennessoui · 1 year
next chapter of couples couseling au is gonna be domestic and end with horniness?? [spongebob fish voice] that’s what we’ve been waiting for!! man i may regret voting lslm just a tad… unless maybe if that chapter would also end with some horniness from them 🤔
confirming i started writing chapter 4 today!!!
it definitely is very domestic so far <3 it starts with obi-wan waking up and having a slow morning in bed where he just scratches his tummy and picks at their force bond and thinks about anakin and how much fun he's probably having with his wife right now and how content he must be with her because the bond is all soft and quiet.........only for him to finally get out of bed and go to the kitchen to see anakin cooking them breakfast
and he's all :D nvm on all that stuff i just thought about how anakin must be with his wife because he's so content because he's obviously not with his wife he's with me he must have just had a good night's sleep <3
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lightdragon789 · 2 months
Some Obiverse Headcannons!
I'm a bit bored, so before I head off to work. I'm gonna give some more head cannons for Obi's characters! This is in no particular order.
You can't convince me this man didn't have an emo phase, and he' still trying to get out of it.
This is an idea I've had for a while and that he likes listening to Jason Dureulo unironically. Like it's his music to chill too.
He takes at least an hour and a half with his skin care routine.
I also think he has a back or leg tattoo.
Thinks he's hot stuff but often falls flat. The owner of Midnight red and Natalia often have bets on if he could flirt successfully or not.
I feel he's the type to take forever deciding what to wear as well.
At first he was insecure about his face scar and hid it by wearing hoodies, even in warmer weather. Fearful of scaring other or being questioned.
A really good cook, loves making soups and stews. He also plates them really fancy.
The type to watch cheesy rom-coms and murder mysteries.
Loves to do crafts, and will probably makes his listener something. Like a painting or something cute.
He also photographs a lot. Many of sunsets, clouds, parks and many more.
Also would play horror games in the dark and jump so high when he gets scared.
Demon boy:
For the sake of this, I'm HC that is name is Cedric. Though I've also nicknamed him Dem for demon. So, I might alternate. ^^
Is up to date with stuff on earth and will scold (or hit you with his wrench) his summoner if they dare to make Mario impressions around him.
Dem's tail act like cat tails, is high up when happy, droopy when sad and swishes side to side in anger/annoyance.
Is the type to annoy you at every turn, might trip them accidentally with his tail, sitting on the countertops and just poking fun.
I also think he'd knock stuff over too, full cat mode.
He doesn't ask for payment in money, he'll just eat your food. Might have to shoo him away with a rolled up newspaper or spray bottle. XD
Can never get drunk, even though he might want to at times.
Is an absolute clean freak and will scold his summoner if they have a messy house.
That's all I got for now, hope you guys like these!
@rozeliyawashereyall Love ya and hope things are going good for you! Many hugs from me!
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voidartisan · 2 years
Clone Wars characters as things i've heard in class
you have no idea how long i've been saving these up
Fives: Stop licking my dryer sheet!
Ahsoka: Yeah, he transferred to the Senate guard, he doesn’t like it there. He says they smell like pencils.
Ahsoka:*Walking in* Barriss, what’s the average life span of a woman? Like 70-80 years, right? I need comfort. I need to know that I will die eventually.
Anakin: Just get a giant hammer, name it kindness, and then BAM.
Palpatine: Yes, taxing the peasants, very good!
Obi-Wan: I am begging you, stop spamming the cringey Twitter account I made in high school.
Anakin: How much Spanish do you you speak?
Kit Fisto: Enough to know all the cuss words.
Leia: Thus, philosophy’s flaming razor sword: It doesn’t matter.
Riyo Chuchi: I actually blew a couple of fuses in my room last year, so maintenance says I’m not supposed to plug in five waffle irons at a time any more.
Rex:*Swears upon knocking over something hot and heavy, looks up* In case you didn’t hear that — KRIFF.
Ahsoka: Just eat the frog already!
Ahsoka: You know what’s worse than freshmen? Freshman boys.
Obi-Wan: *As Korkie walks past in the hallway* Hello, mini-me.
Quinlan Vos: Anyone here watched the movie Jaws? Well, I’m writing a book, and it’ll be kind of like that, but with fantasy Puritans and a giant spider. I’m calling it “Puritan Spider Jaws”
Later: I haven’t decided who’s gonna die yet, but I’m thinking the spider’s gonna get set on fire.
Young Obi-Wan: Qui-gon’s a cool teacher, he’s so laid back. I think he might be high like half the time, but his class is really fun.
Mace Windu: Anyone else going to answer? Alright, then. Go ahead, Ben. You could probably teach this class better than me anyway.
Anakin: You know what would solve all of Coruscant’s population problems? Lab babies.
Han, to Luke: You were at that school for three years and didn’t memorize the camera locations?
Leia: Look at my other mask
Han: Why?
Leia: Because it’s black, like your soul.
Kix: I don’t like fighting. Sometimes Rex gets frustrated and yells “Hit him!” Then I hit him once and Rex’s like “Yeah!” and the other guy’s on the floor crying and I’m like “AUGHHHHHH!”
Padmé: Just because I have money doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings.
Ahsoka: Are you going to have any chocolate milk, Rex?
Anakin: Ahsoka, he’s lactose intolerant.
Ahsoka: Oh, sorry—
Rex: Nope. Only for you, Ahsoka.
Rex: *proceeds to pour and chug an entire glass of chocolate milk.*
Obi-Wan: *sarcastically* Didn’t you know? Gingers control the sun.
Korkie: *panicking* Well, no one told me!
Anakin: You know, Master Fisto. Really super buff. Looks like he would run a 5K at the drop of a hat.
Obi-Wan: Anakin, stop making pterodactyl noises.
Din Djarin: Sometimes people ask me about my pronouns. I say that I don’t care what they call me, but it’s not true. I just want to be pronounced “dead.”
Anakin: 4’11”!
Ahsoka: Hey, Master
Anakin: I’m so glad she responds to that. It’s the highlight of my day.
Fives: What are tootsie rolls, anyway? They’re not chocolate, they’re not taffy—
Jesse: It’s better not to ask
Waxer: I got—
Cody: Got expelled? Welp, get your stuff, see you never, nice knowing you.
Ahsoka: Madame Nu don’t care
Jocasta Nu: She don’t
Bail Organa: I have only ever had one person in my life who actually liked banana-flavored Laffy Taffy. And I no longer speak to them.
Obi-Wan: Be careful with these, they’re fragile and expensive—
Anakin: Like my heart
Barriss: The afterlife should be Communist
Hamsters: *frenzied squeaking*
Anakin: *pulling out a small pail* awww…you guys want some Nutella?
Obi-Wan: Stop offering them Nutella
Ahsoka: Is that WHOLE THING filled with Nutella?
Anakin: I mean, not anymore…
Luke: What does a kilogram weigh in American?
Luke: Legally, I can say whatever I want
Han: And I can legally fight you
Boba: Actually, I’m asexual. My son will look exactly like me.
Leia: Han’s got a rough life. Already colorblind, now he’s going deaf at seventeen.
Luke: How do I cite my brain in APA?
Din Djarin: Costco is a cult
Obi-Wan: Can anyone tell me what this is called?
Anakin: A diagram
Obi-Wan: It starts with a k
Anakin: A kdiagram
Ahsoka: *holding up energy drink* Look, Master! Third one today!
Obi-Wan: You are going to die.
Obi-Wan: *checks nutrition facts* 800 mg. Less than a cup of coffee, not too bad. Maybe you won’t die. But you probably will.
Anakin: Master, what if we each brought you a thousand dollars? Then would we still have to take the test?
Mace Windu: I mean, I guess would be better than bringing me… disappointment—
Fennec: It was overhyped
Boba: You just have no soul, that’s what it is
Luke: Eight! Y’know, the devil’s number.
Jango Fett: Why wouldn’t you clone yourself?
Ahsoka: So, when will the grades be in? Tomorrow, or… when should I expect to be depressed?
Padmè, during a mock senatorial campaign: Would you like some of The People’s™ lip balm? It has sparkles.
Luke: Are you okay?
Han, without looking up from his work: I’m straight.
Luke: Well, congratulations on coming out—
Ahsoka: The only one of these I can apply for is the poetry scholarship
Anakin: Roses are red, violets are blue…
Rex: …please give me money.
Ahsoka: Hey, what’s that? Are you planning how we’re all gonna die?
Cody: Yup
Luke: You should play Abba!
Han: You sound like my mother.
Cara: Who’s the main character in your life, Mando?
Din: Uh… my cat, probably
Fives, spinning across the room in a rolling chair: Bounty. The quicker picker upper.
Hondo: No scams for me please, I like money.
Anakin: I’m gonna do a patriotism
Waxer: What is it…
Boil: What’s what?
Waxer: That thing Commander says we’re not allowed to do to the shinies.
Boil: Initiation?
Waxer: There was another word for it.
Boil: Hazing?
Waxer: Yeah! That’s it.
Kix: Fives, if you drop those donuts I will drop YOU
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hanasnx · 2 years
Love how you portray Ani with your writing 👀 I was wondering about what your thoughts are on Anakin and Jealousy? I was thinking about how Ani might get insecure more easily but the reader wouldn’t really catch on cause they’re genuinely not interested in anyone but him… or I could imagine this in reverse too tbh but maybe him maybe being a lil but cocky about it yk (and I imagine that this could lead something a bit more steamy if you know what I mean)
hi you’re gorgeous i love jealous anakin i love toxic anakin i’m here for both concepts.
these were my thoughts on anakin’s jealousy, and a little bit about how reader handles it. some of it is a little bit “crack fic” material maybe, or maybe not who knows. i just had a lot of fun using some of my notes :) suggestive stuff and established (fwb?) relationship ahead—
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anakin has always had a warped relationship with jealousy, i imagine, and it would start of with things like getting jealous over obi wan patting the head of another child padawan instead of anakin’s when he was a young boy. obi wan would never have showed any favoritism, but to anakin he doesn’t quite grasp why obi wan doesn’t give him more attention that he already does.
of course he cant talk to obi wan about that.
as i’ve seen in TCW— which i felt like was pretty in character for hayden!anakin— was how anakin walked in on rush clovis trying to kiss his wife padme, and he beat the shit out of him without thinking another thought.
it’s always 0 to 100 with that kid.
i think that at first, you think it’s hot that anakin gets jealous. how adorably possessive. but when you have to get in the middle of a bar fight it’s exhausting. you’d quarrel with him about it, because all the guy did was touch you, but to anakin that means permission to step in. and when anakin steps in, it’s like when a bull sees red.
it’s not something we see him grow out of, because in episode 3 he’s yelling at the council for not making him a master, which i think stemmed from a place of jealousy. how his vast accomplishments and power should’ve earned him the seat, and that he deserves one as a master jedi. and then ofc the whole “i saw you with obi wan, padme i’m gonna choke you now” it escalated in seconds just from seeing them together and jumping to his own conclusions.
hes a real “you’re the most jealous man i know” “you know other men?” type (like that meme djksdj)
now that ive gotten my info in order, lets get to the good bits
☥ anakin and you would have a secret relationship. whether it was fwb, or more than that, it’s not an excuse you get to use often as a fail safe if a guy can’t take a hint or take the answer no. there are other times, where you lean into the conversation, let him flirt a little cos you think he’s cute (especially if you and anakin have labeled your relationship as an fwb). you wanna get out there more, and this guy seems nice enough.
now anakin, who can’t let you know he’s jealous (because youre either fwbs or just romantic partners, and he cant have his sense of urgency giving anything away to you or to bystanders), decides to make it your problem that youre flirting with someone in his vicinity. so he squeezes in. in between you and this guy. stands in between you, faces you entirely, to ask you a question. as innocent as ever.
“where’d you stash those power converters?”
“ani, i’m a little busy right now,”
“so tell me and i can get out of your hair.”
“ugh, um, i think in the storage in the west wing.”
it’s the fact he asserted his dominance that leaves him satisfied to leave. (didn’t acknowledge the guy you’re with, faced you entirely, and cut in between you two). however, as time goes on, and you get more bold with whoever you decide to flirt with (or let flirt with you), anakin does the same.
☥ if he sees you with someone new, especially if you’re smiling and hes around your age, anakin will talk to you about it after. “i don’t like the way he was looking at you.”
“he was cute,”
“he looked like a murderer.”
“stop making up reasons for me not to go out with somebody, i deserve happiness.”
“his eyes were too close together, that’s how you know he’s a murderer.”
it’s almost comical.
☥ you mention a new guy in passing and anakin’s first thought is “Is he trying to sleep with you?” and you tilt your head at him with a sort of :/
“ani, darling, just because you wanted to bed me the second we met doesn’t mean everybody does.”
“i want you to know, (y/n), my senses are fine tuned when it comes to you and anticipating the intentions of those around you.”
“you’re guessing,”
“i’m guessing.”
☥ if he saw you at a bar, and a guy managed to worm his way into your interest, anakin invites himself in. and whispers dirty things in your ear before you realize what he’s doing.
just loud enough for the stranger to hear, “i can’t stop thinking about last night. you’re so experienced, it was unlike anything i’ve had before.” and he straightens, “call me.” and grins at the guy you’re with before he leaves. the guy is now getting up to leave—
i wrote some notes about this particular subject ill just plop here hehehe:
☥ im absolutely here for anakin struggling against his jealous and possessive behavior bcos you and him arent “together”. having to stay unattached means he had a very hard time letting go of the fact you liked it when some other guy had his hands all over you trying to show you how to shoot a blaster
you were born with a blaster in your hand, your dad was a hunter and taught you how to use one to kill and then how to skin the animal, your whole life you’ve had one on your for emergency purposes in your criminal line of work, you know how to take any model apart and put it back together, modify it to fit your needs, use them in the war you fought in alongside anakin
and some guy is behind you, correcting your stance and wrapping his arms around yours, showing you where to aim and youre letting him. giggling at whatever he’s whispering in your ear
and anakin is watching from afar.
☥ “what’s she doing?” he asks rex
rex glances at you, “oh, it looks like she’s getting acquainted with our new bombs expert, sir.”
“and why would she be doing that?” anakin gestures to your scheme of pretending not to know how to aim
“he gives us better deals, sir. especially when he’s in a good mood.”
“i can put him in a better one.”
anakin strolls over and tells the bombs expert to show him how to use a blaster. when the guy starts moving his arms for him, anakin is like “no no. like you showed her,” and points to you. and the guy stands behind him (shorter than anakin btw so hes gotta lean over to see past anakin’s shoulder) and you’re behind them literally struggling to not laugh out loud.
you’re red in the face. hand covering your eyes which are tearing up from laughter. smile plastered on your lips bcos you can’t control it. you peek out at anakin letting this guy struggle to show him how he was showing you KSKSND
☥ you elbow him while you’re hiding your face but he can see how red you are. “what? what’d i do?” he asks, completely innocent
“why’d you do that?” you say through your snickers
“i wanted him to see how stupid he was being.”
“you’re lucky it was fucking funny. hopefully he’ll still call me.”
“oh, in that case,” anakin turns to go back and you gotta grab his arm
☥ “you know how to use a blaster.”
“i just liked how excited he was to show me.”
“you didn’t see him? he was tall, handsome—“
“i’ve heard enough.”
“why are you pissed off?”
“because i didn’t like it.”
☥ however you don’t mind the hard jealous sex you get from anakin after—
☥ “i like it when you’re jealous,” you say as you take off his clothes
anakin, through gritted teeth, “yeah. and i’m getting real tired of it.”
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i always love having somewhere to put some of my notes, hopefully this wasnt too ooc for anakin i get pretty anal about that sometimes cos im obsessed with him. feel free to ask me to explore this idea more!!! ty for the message!!
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charmwasjess · 8 months
workndeadline you say?
i say 11 & 14 for the ask game!
BOLI! Thank you, mine boss! I assure you I was actually working on this answer when I should have been working on my deadline, but this day went wide on me in weird ways. And please feel free to send some Ask Game my way if anyone else is interested.
That said:
11: Weirdest thing you’ve ever written/thought about writing/etc.?
Well, I do have some sex stuff. In fact, only just today I typed the upsetting words: "Dooku gonna break that seer in half (respectfully)" while chatting to my gal about this upcoming chapter of 12 months that I'll be posting … hopefully in the next week or so. (And then disappearing from this website forever into the deep woods, never to be seen again because of lingering religious guilt about writing sex.) But that isn't really that weird for Tumblr/Ao3 writing circles.
I think my weirdest writing project right now is The Thunder Answered Back. I slap a timer to give a defeated RotS-era Dooku like 10 minutes to grab up anything he wants to save at the Temple during Order 66, except the catch is that he has no hands. And then, it gets stranger.
It's an Escape the Empire salvage job, not a fix-it. It's part Jocasta/Dooku, but she might kill him, part Jedi family, but they might kill him, I'm wrangling a huge ensemble of obscure Jedi Legends characters and trying to save them all, there are younglings (I can't write kids!), Asajj is in the mix (she also wants to murder Dooku), Obi-Wan, Yoda, and even I don't know what's going on with Sifo-Dyas's ghost -- is he real? is he a figment of Dooku's imagination? is he part OF Dooku? and that's going to be a lot weirder when he takes over the plot and maybe tries to get them to all go save his Clones… ugh.
It's going to be really fun, and I'm behind on the chapter 4 update but actively working on it. Right now I have Winter Depression (tm) and my brain genuinely doesn't work well because of it, so I'm choosing stories that are more comfort food. But I'll be back after it soon!
14 Your favorite side pairings to put in?
Does Dooku/Makashi count, because… I think that's a side pairing in all of my Dooku fics. He loves his friends, I love tangling him up into various pairings with them, but at the end of the day, he really, really loves that lightsaber form. Probably because it's really Dooku/Dooku.
Another few pairings… I do love Quinobi, oldie but a goodie is Qui/Tahl, and I might do something with Sifo-Dyas/Arath soon. I kind of like the whole alternate subtext reading of Dooku: Jedi Lost that Arath is such a bully to Dooku early on because Dooku is inseparable with his crush, the cutest boy in the Hawkbat clan. *making finger guns and winking at Sifo-Dyas*
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We might finally know, ahead of D23, who is directing TOY STORY 5. Per a Japanese news article.
None other than... Andrew Stanton, but also... A second director in McKenna Harris...
So, Stanton... That's BIG...
Stanton, who did story and script on the original TOY STORY, is part of what I like to call "Team TOY STORY": Him, John Lasseter (director), current Pixar leader Pete Docter (story), and Lee Unkrich (editor). All members of the Brain Trust, too. And all of them returned for some kind of role on the sequels.
Docter and Stanton are pretty much the last of that core team that are still at Pixar, Unkrich intermittently consults on the post-TOY STORY 4 films, as he's been off doing other projects, namely editing recently-released books on THE SHINING. We all know what happened to John Lasseter. Stanton taking the helm, if he is indeed straight-up directing this movie and not just doing story/script, is a curious development... Because he's been doing a lot of live-action stuff lately, and trying to get films of his own off the ground. One of which, IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, was filmed in spring 2023 and will be released by Searchlight Pictures. Eventually.
The last animated feature film he directed was FINDING DORY, released in 2016. Since then, his directing work has mainly been in TV: STRANGER THINGS, BETTER CALL SAUL, FOR ALL MANKIND, 3 BODY PROBLEM, etc. He even directed for OBI-WAN KENOBI. Now that he has at least one other non-Pixar movie coming out, maybe he's game to direct a long-time endeavor again?
Fun fact: Stanton originally intended for FINDING DORY to be directed by someone else. Stanton had tried to get a live-action/CG-filled sci-fi epic going after the 2008 release of WALL-E, a film that could potentially launch a trilogy... That unfortunate 2012 film was JOHN CARTER. It's actually supposed to be called JOHN CARTER OF MARS, but Disney execs cut the "Mars" in response to how their mo-cap movie MARS NEEDS MOMS did at the box office. (Planet Mars, for whatever reason, had been considered box office poison... But it didn't affect THE MARTIAN in 2015). Disney then proceeded to saddle it with a terrible marketing campaign, and the $250m behemoth lost so much money at the box office...
So, Stanton re-routed, and decided to assume the director position on FINDING DORY shortly thereafter. So maybe he doesn't mind returning to his characters/worlds when the opportunities aren't always there? Maybe all that TV work and that one small movie gave him his fill for now?
Again, that is, if he's actually the director.
It's an interesting trajectory, though. John Lasseter directed TOY STORY and TOY STORY 2, the latter having co-directors in Lee Unkrich and Ash Brannon (the original director when it was a direct-to-video movie). Unkrich was promoted to director on TOY STORY 3, as John was too busy running 3 studios to do it (though not busy enough to take over CARS 2, apparently). John actually was aiming to direct TOY STORY 4 as well, but then handed the reins to his co-director Josh Cooley. And Cooley left Pixar, he directed this year's TRANSFORMERS ONE for Paramount.
So, if it's Stanton, that makes sense. If not, I'm gonna guess it's a co-director of a previous picture or someone involved with at least one of the films or shorts. Angus MacLane, who directed SMALL FRY, TOY STORY OF TERROR! and LIGHTYEAR, got let go recently. As did Steve Purcell, who directed TOY STORY THAT TIME FORGOT. A new perspective is always fun, but if it's a veteran, I'm curious either way.
McKenna Harris being the other director is very cool, almost like a veteran getting a first-time feature director off the ground with a classic favorite. Harris was a story artist on LUCA, and directed that film's short CIAO ALBERTO, in addition to being an associate exec producer on ELEMENTAL. She also did story work on Disney Animation films RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET and RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGON, and even did character design for Cartoon Network's WE BEAR BEARS... Whose creator Daniel Chong looks to be directing a picture at Pixar as well... A good get, if that article is true.
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guardian-angle22 · 9 months
2023 Character Wrapped
Thank you for the tag @welcometololaland & @heartstringsduet
From what I've gathered, the rules are just list your top 9 characters from the year? Right? I will put most of these under a cut to save the timeline.
#1. Paul Strickland
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If anyone is surprised by my number one, you must be new here. I am the self declared number one paul stan and he IS the moment. he IS the year. and he IS the number 1 in my heart. I can't wait to bless everyone in the tag with more Paul sets during our collective rewatch in january.
#2. Henry from RWRB
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Listen, I've left out the surnames cause who can keep track? especially since the book and movie have different ones lol. but I liked the book when I read it ages ago. I thought the film was a fun book to movie adaptation. and Nicholas Galitzine was the perfect Henry.
#3. The various tea dragons from the Tea Dragon Society series by K. O'Neill.
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I read the 2nd book in this series this year: The Tea Dragon Festival. This series is just so lovely and cozy. It has dragons that grow tea and they're fucking adorable. LOOK AT THEM! (pictures are from this post in which K. O'Neill pairs each zodiac sign with a dragon!)
#4. Chidi Anagonye
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2023 was the year I finally finished The Good Place. and Chidi... oh Chidi. I want to bundle him up and keep him and his anxiety safe in my pocket. but I also want to sit down and have a book club with him. and talk about how much better almond milk is. I bawled like a baby watching the finale episode.
#5. Mickey Milkovich
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2023 was also the year I did a rewatch of Mickey's storyline from Shameless from the beginning and then got caught up on the seasons I never watched. The character growth in Mickey was so wonderful to revisit and Noel Fisher was one of the best things to happen to that show, fight me on it.
#6. Josie from Bottoms
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If you haven't seen Bottoms yet... what are you doing with your life? it's a queer classic and it just came out. I don't make the rules its just true. and Ayo was fucking brilliant as Josie.
#7. TK Strand
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TK will probably forever be somewhere on this kinda list. he's my fave little blorbo or whatever weird internet term we're using these days. 2023 wasn't my fave year for TK or Tarlos plots, that's for sure... but he was still his adorable, brave, strong self throughout it all.
#8. Anakin Skywalker
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The return of my teen obsession: Hayden Christensen, everyone. He was great as Vader in the Obi-Wan show but this year coming back as Anakin... be still my heart. The flashback episode was some of my favorite star wars stuff in ages and wooo boy I loved getting to see live action clone wars Anakin.
#9. Garlic from the Garlic & the Vampire and Garlic & the Witch by Bree Paulson
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I mean… look at her! a cute little anthropomorphic clove of garlic with anxiety. What’s not to love about her?
Some honorable mentions:
Judd Ryder. But specifically Judd Ryder holding this tiny espresso:
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Paul’s pudding cups. May they find justice.
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TK’s comfort bicep. Legend has it, he’s still clinging on at this very moment.
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every other Nicholas Galitzine character that I binge watched after RWRB came out. particularly the one wearing this goofy outfit:
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I don't know which mutuals have done this yet so I'm just gonna tag my sister: @drivenstardust and then @reasonandfaithinharmony because I said she needed to suffer with me ✌😜
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banana-pancake5 · 27 days
For the character bingo:
SWWTRH: Obi, Zen, and Shirayuki
Haikyu: Tanaka, Tendō, Nishinoya, and Kenma
TMNT 2012: Leo, Splinter, and Donnie
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Hehehe OKAY!!! Under the cut bc it’s gonna be long!
The bingo card in question in case anyone wishes to play:
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Gravity Falls:
- Fiddleford -
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He was interesting in the show, definitely not a bad character, but I never really payed attention to him… AND THEN I START READING JOURNAL THREE. AND THEN I THINK ABOUT THE MEMORY GUN. AND THEN I LOOK AT THE WEBSITE. AND THEN— AGH BRO HIS LORE IS SO SO GOOD AND SAD I wish they explored it more in the show but I do love what we got in the show.
- Baron Draxum -
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Not really a fan of him… he is definitely good in a lot of fan fics I’ve read but in the show he’s kinda meh.
- Hun -
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He’s alright! I like some of the stuff they do with him but over all I don’t have many thoughts on him. I really like him talking to Raph and just that whole scene :D
Snow White with the Red Hair:
- Zen -
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This bingo card does not give the right impression… ZEN IS AWESOME. I love him very much, he is hilarious and such a sweetheart, yet I think he is much better as part of a dynamic. Him and Obi are HILARIOUS together, him and Mitsuhide are so sweet and funny (huge brother vibes that I love) and him and Shariyuki are SO SWEET AND ADORABLE!!!
- Shariyuki -
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I love her very much but I think she needs to show a litttle more emotion sometimes. I feel like she can be sort of bland? Idk but she is awesome and inspiring and sweet and lovable and caring and eidjncedijncedijn she’s great. Her dynamic are amazing as well, the two I love the most are her and Zen and her and Obi :D
- Obi -
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Obi is 100% in my top five characters EVER. he works insanely well in all dynamics (but I didn’t say he was better as part of one bc he is WONDERFUL on his own as well). If he was real I’d either be terrified or we’d get along great. He is SCARY when he wants to be. Oh and “He’s never done anything wrong in his life” is very incorrect but I don’t care because he is the best lil guy. Okay moving on before I ramble tooooo much!
- Tanaka -
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TANAKA IS ANOTHER OF THE BEST LIL GUYS EVER. JSDHCNUSDHNCDSUHN. He is a ball of chaos and older brother vibes. He is insane yet caring and sweet. HE IS THE MENTAL ACE AND I LOVE IT. His backstory gives me the FEELS. Ejfhcnuhcefnceudhn. He is such a good friend to everyone and is great in all the dynamics. I LOVE him being friends with Nishinoya it is so hype and amazing. I wish there was a lot more of him in the show but it’s plenty so wont complain.
- Nishinoya -
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Nishinoya is wonderful. He’s a lil ball of sunshine and he’s such a sturdy foundation of the team. I would LOVE to see more of him. I don’t have much to say outside of his relationships with the team and characters… OH HIS LIL JUMP WHEN HE CHEERS WITN HINATA IS SO FUN AND AWESOME. the shorties jumping up and down every win. Also he is so determined and just bah he is great.
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itsjaywalkers · 9 months
Somebody asked cass how sp jegulus we’re doing and I need to know How are oby jegulus are spending their new years??
it’s 5am and i was gonna go to sleep and leave this ask (and the others i have) for tomorrow but . i love talking about oby jeggy and it’s new year so i wanna answer it on the actual day u know!!! (also im assuming u meant syd and not cass considering u mentioned sp jeggy!!)
anyways . for oby jegulus new year is the time to go clubbing and hang out with friends, while christmas is for family gatherings. reg has this tradition with barty and the twins (and sometimes dorcas) to go out and dance and get drunk, and when he and james start dating, he brings him with him bc they can’t stand to be away from each other for long
reg gets quite drunk while james only has one glass or two bc he’s the designated driver + this is reg’s tradition with his friends and even tho he’s included in it now, he wants his bf to have fun. they’re always each other’s first kiss of the year, bc even tho reg doesn’t believe in that stuff, james is a bit of a sap and lowkey superstitious about it (reg is more than happy to indulge him). they dance and talk and laugh and enjoy their time until reg is a lil too drunk and james decides to bring him home OR until their dancing/making out turns a bit too indecent for public spaces and they choose to continue on a . more private place (they’ve fucked in club toilets more times than they can count . if they’re lucky they make it to the car, and sometimes they even manage to wait until they’re at james’ flat, but they’re usually too impatient)
once they’re back home, and sated, james undresses reg and takes his makeup off, forces him to eat something and drink lots of water and then they both go to bed (james makes sure to leave some painkillers on reg’s nightstand for the next morning)
they spend the next day i.e. the entirety of new year cuddling and fucking bc reg feels too tired and sick to leave the bed, and james loooves to take care of him <3 they wish each other a happy new year at some point, with james saying something quite cheesy about how he hopes they’ll be together for many more new years, and reg kisses him silly bc no matter what he says, deep down he’s as much of a romantic as james is
and then they fuck again <333 (and again and again and again)
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majorbaby · 1 year
Friend, "ask me about ot3s I'll never go away"? I'm asking about ot3s 👀
hi! lol we would literally be here all day if i listed every single ot3 of mine and i'm sure there's plenty that wouldn't interest you if they're from fandoms you don't follow, but i'm gonna speak generally with a few examples: ot3s are great because I'm a multishipper and I love threesomes (and the occasional foursome/moresome) lol what can I say. Unless something is a squick for me I can usually find some way to make it square in my head. And I like gay stuff, so an MF is usually further enhanced for me by making it MFF or MMF (although i also like MMM and FFF). Sometimes there's also the appeal of just... weird or inconvenient sex. It's funny, it's experimental, where else can you get this kind of content. i love the vibe between Inu/Kag/Miroku in the early days of Inuyasha before Sango is introduced. i like Miro/Sango too but like, those three clowns might've hooked up pre-Sango days. and i often genuinely can't choose between one ship and another, or i don't want to write out a ship so that i can include another one. i like Ed/Ling from fma but i also love Winry and it's not out of this world to me that she'd be down for a threesome lol. (Actually the problem would be Ed... but I think he could be convinced.) For the other het ships i listed... Bat/Wonder Woman... like why not complete the trifecta and have SuperWonderBat? They are iconic for a reason and they're fun together. Actually this just works really well in general for American comics that have been so long-running each character has a multitude of possible ships, and probably some homoerotic tension with someone at some point? Other times i'm literally not interested unless it's an ot3, like something is missing without it? Tbh this tends to happen with underdeveloped het ships, when there's a rival/bff/villain character right there with whom the hero has plenty of development, but the creator also hasn't totally neglected the canon love interest (usually a female character who has been somewhat sidelined lol). That's your Sasu/Naru/Saku (Naruto), Inu/Kag/Koga (they teased Kag/Koga and I was kinda into it, but I need Inuyasha to also be there for me to get on board) and most of the canonical ships from the Final Fantasy canon. In general, if I'm supposed to be into a couple for ~aesthetic reasons~ or there is a ton of ship tease but no canonical confirmation, as with many rpgs of the 90s and 2000s, then I'm piling on all the aesthetics that appealed to me. If I'm feeling in the mood for something a bit more fucked up, fraught and ultimately doomed threesome is great: Link/Zelda/Ganondorf and Link/Midna/Zelda (Legend of Zelda), Anakin/Obi-Wan/Padme (Star Wars), Jean/Scott/Logan (X-Men) and Shinji/Kaworu/Asuka... even throw Rei in there, whatever (NGE). Finally there are ships for whom it just Makes Sense. Finn/Rey/Poe (Star Wars), Haruka/Michiru/Setsuna (Sailor Moon), Watanuki/Doumeki/Himawari (xxxHolic) just to name a few. Or ships featuring two people who are super horny and flirty in general that I can easily see adding a third (or fourth or many), which describes almost all the horny situations I'm submitting my main fandom (MASH) darlings to inside my brain and sometimes on paper. ftr there are ships for whom I think it truly doesn't work and if it's me saying that then trust me, I've tried. there's a good amount of ships I enjoy without it too, but i think i'm probably in the minority in that whenever i get into a fandom i'm holding three or more swatches up at time trying to figure out what can work.
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marksman-ofthe-mist · 2 years
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something of an (player-)oc master-post?
info on them beneath the cut cos I HAVE THE CHANCE!!!!! hear about my BLORBOS, BOY.
listen to cassius by foals lol. lol . lol :-) lol. no relation
Jazz agent :-)
OBIE OBIEEEE OBIE my friend OBIE 's his companion ...
left-handed in more ways than one
he was originally just some guitarist guy until i decided i was gonna just like MAKE HIM in LOATHING. which was the best thing I could've done. it was either CASSIUS in MY LOATHING GAMES or err (checks notes) milo.....murphy.......... because i couldn't think of a better name. not related to the show i swear. it just came to me
he's british . dearly sorry or whatever i dont know . low-class, came to america 'for jobs' at age like 19. in 1922
HE'S NOT ACTUALLY SHADOW TAINTED (or at least in any substantial amount) WOULD YOU BELIEVE ME IF I SAID THE SHADOW STUFF IN HIS HAIR ACTUALLY CAME BEFORE I EVEN KNEW ABOUT SHADOW TAINT???? your honour i thought it would be cool . and it is . lol
fun fact about the stuff in his hair that was actually supposed to have been caused by terrence's accounting but now I have no idea. literally your honour it looks cool
Cheese wizard!
Barker (pre-taint)
Alphonse-gator (mid/post-taint)
average muscle, high mysticality, and like a 1 in moxie at all times ever
his last name is a portmanteau of achievement and hunter but i keep misspelling it as archivunter . maybe it could instead be archive and hunter but that doesn't make sense? anyway
hey alfie gullible's written on the ceili- hey yeah it does aw now i'm mad (in the shadow-tainted way . he's supposed to be my shadow-tainted guy except He Is Not Evil . He is just full of Madness . Knowledge of the unknowable or whatever you know? yeah)
he's worry. just look at him
fraternal twin
former bean-slinger, switched with Sylvester and became a snake-oiler
honourable :-)!
absolutely TERRIFIED of dying . more specifically of old age . that's why he found this clock of never-aging-ever*. it's pretty cool . does not look a day over 25 (or so)
more on this. if he played the sims i think he would pass out at the sight of the grim reaper (HALF SILLY?)
*ACTUALLY FUN FACT. it's more like never-changing-ever in the sense of he never gets sleepy nor hungry nor anything of that sort anymore. lol . if he got a cut he wouldn't bleed either
THOUGH despite all of that he'd quite literally turn to dust à la Maxwell Don't Starve if the clock got taken away somehow......
guess . is this man a twin ? i have no idea . absolutely no idea (FRATERNAL TWIN)
former snake-oiler, switched with Charlie and became a bean-slinger
Pardner is Doc Alice . half the reason why he swapped classes w Charlie probably
neither honourable nor ruthless . lol
TBH HE'S THE LESS COOL BROTHER IN SO MANY WAYS I DONT HAVE MUCH TO SAY ON HIM. he's like. the shy one the one who never smiles ever the cautious one . but he IS there I GUESS
Mon Frère is a funny little mix of Sylvester and Charlie . I'm mentioning this cos I feel sooooo smart for it . instead of forgetting one and misremembering the other Rufus misremembered them BOTH and MUSHED THEM TOGETHER I GUESS. though that's specific to myyyyyyyy little loathing thingy . yeah
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