#gonna go ahead and throw myself out a window now
tomatoo1 · 1 month
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I did it, I don’t know how to feel but I felt like doing a ghidzilla doodle
(im not doing a meme of how their dynamic would be like aha)
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wrongplacerighttime · 3 months
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fratboy!harry x you
hi hi! its been awhile. finally finished this after 3834273 weeks it feels like. its also my first reader fic so....hope you like it HAHAHA.... :)
the one where your friends introduce you to Harry, you go on a trip and things get interesting. featuring a lake house, hiking, and a cherry sucker.
wc: 5.8k
tw: smut 18+, spanking, choking, light dom!harry dynamic, brief clit slapping, brief face slapping, lil bit of cum play, size kink, breeding kink if you squint. idk if i missed anything but as always let me know if i did :)
cherry sucker
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Finding solace in the chirping birds and chattering on the street that could be heard from your open window, you stood in front of your closet, clad in a little white tank and baby blue undies, preparing your bag for a camping trip you and your friends had planned. Spring semester has concluded and this trip will commemorate the start of summer vacation. You daydream about the sun glistening off the ripples of the lake water, the smell of the grass wafting in the wind as the sun warms the earth while you pack your bag. 
While you were excited for summer, you wanted to get a head start on your reading for fall semester. You had a textbook or two in the bottom of your bag—poli sci books, because you had heard the professor was relentless with his lesson plan and you wanted to go in with no surprises. You hear the faintest footsteps down stairs, growing louder the closer they drew up the stairs. Your door swings open and Faye strides through, red hair flowing behind her at the pace she was walking. She comes up behind you, smacking your ass making you yelp. 
“Faye!” You squeal, clutching the cheek that was now turning red with your best friend's hand print. 
“I’m so envious of your ass, I just had to.” She falls backwards on your bed, arms sprawling beside her. “It’s just so tempting.” She giggles and you turn back to your closet.
“I’m so glad we actually have time to see each other now that classes are over. School’s been so busy I feel like all I’ve done is sleep and go to class.” 
“Is that why you have a fucking textbook in your bag?” Faye raises her eyebrow at your duffle and picks one up. “Russian socioeconomic structure? What even is this?” 
“It’s for Professor Sykes. I’ve heard he's brutal and I want to be prepared.” 
“You are not bringing this. You have a whole summer ahead of you to study.” Faye scoffs, pausing for a moment. “If you bring this book on this trip I’ll throw it in the lake myself.” 
“Then you’ll owe me $200. Besides, what if I get bored?” You cross your arms over your chest and Faye looks at you like you’ve grown another head. 
“There’s a lake! A lake!” She throws her hands up in the air, laughing at your determination. You bend down, opening your drawer and pulling out a skimpy yellow bikini to throw in your bag. “By the way, Josh is bringing a friend. His name’s Harry…Styles I think. Do you know him?” You shake your head. 
“Know of him, don’t know him though.” 
“Oh. Well he’s single…and kind of hot.” Faye giggles and you shake her head again.
“No thanks. I’m not really into the dating scene right now.” 
“No one said anything about dating. Just maybe for a little…fun.” This time, it’s your turn to look at Faye like she’s the one who’s grown another head. “Fine. If you don’t want to…maybe he’ll be our third.” She wiggles her eyebrows and you widen your eyes in horror at her suggestion of asking Harry to join her and her boyfriend in their sexual endeavors. 
Before you can get another thought in, heavy footsteps clamber up the stairs and it’s Josh, Harry in tow with a backpack slung over his shoulder and suddenly your room feels very small. Josh flicks his eyes to you, smiling and sitting next to Faye on your bed. 
“Pauly and Alex are on their way. We’re putting all the shit in their car and you guys are gonna ride with us.” He says, gesturing his finger between the two of you and you nod. The window open brings a warm breeze into the room, blowing your sketchbook pages until it lands on one with a drawing of a man. 
Not just any man…it was your ex. Your eyes flick to everyone and you rush over to shut it before anyone can catch it. It was an old drawing, and a hobby you hadn’t picked back up since things ended and you really didn’t feel like rehashing the breakup with Faye. Faye wasn’t the biggest fan of him, and for good reason after he cheated on you with the TA in one of his classes last semester. 
Harry stands in the doorway, chewing gum between his molars, his jaw flexing and glances around your room—the bedroom of a girl whom he’d never met, and it felt very personal…like he was getting a peak into who you were as a person. An overflowing bookshelf, handmade drawings stuck to a corkboard on the wall over the desk. Faye and Josh were talking in hushed whispers and he tilted his head to the side as he had the perfect view of your ass as you were turned around and facing your desk. He smirks at the red hand mark left there, and he could feel his cock twitching in his pants at the thoughts running through his head. He drops his gaze as you turn back around to walk towards your closet again. His eyes meet yours and you smile, a greeting showing you were just being nice, and he wonders if you always walk around half dressed in front of strangers. He clears his throat.
“Sykes next semester?” He asks, voice with a hint of an accent you weren’t expecting and you nod. 
“How’d you know?” He gestures his elbow towards your bag, the textbook on top of your clothes and your mouth forms and “O” and you nod.
“He teaches that entire fucking book every year. It’s such a snooze fest.” He pauses. “Do you like Russian literature?” You nod again, gesturing to your bookshelf filled with classics and fantasy and romance. You had a few authors on the shelf, but not as many as you would like. He brings his backpack around to his side, unzipping and reaching in. He pulls out a tattered book, crinkles in the cover and the corners turning up, all characteristics of a well loved piece and hands it to you. “Read this instead. A lot more interesting.” He smirks and your gaze drops to the words on the cover. A collection of poems by Anna Akhmatova. In the short conversation you were having you didn’t realize that you had been left alone with him. He smiles, a sly grin spreading on his lips almost like he knew he was about to be a menace. 
“By the way, blue looks good on you.” He flicks his gaze down before meeting your eyes again. You feel your cheeks burning instantly as he walks out the door laughing to himself as he stumbles his way down the stairs, leaving you to finish packing alone.
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The car ride to the cabin had everyone buzzing with anticipation. Faye had called shotgun, and you and Harry shared a look when she did. He smirked and you looked away and quickly climbed into the backseat. The entire ride you were consumed with a nervous energy that you couldn’t quite place. Harry had his hand splayed out on the seat beside you and when he leaned forward to talk to Josh, the tip of his pinky barely brushed your skin and you tried not to think about it too hard for the rest of the ride over.
It took no time for you to clamber out of the car and claim your room inside for the weekend. Tossing your bag onto the floor by the door, you flopped down on the fluffy mattress holding the book Harry lent you to your chest. You were fiddling with the cover when Faye waltzed in and leaned against the foot of the bed. 
“Get up. We’re going on a hike.” She said giddy with excitement and you cocked your eyebrow at her. 
“Think I’ll pass.” 
“Not an option. Everyone else is going.” She crosses her arms and leans on the doorframe. 
“I didn’t bring shoes for a hike.” You half laugh at her with a shake of your head and she narrows her eyes. 
“You can wear a pair of mine. Let’s go.” Faye gestures and you groan, tossing the book back onto the bed with a soft thud against the duvet. You pad down the hallway after her, slumped over feigning protest like a toddler and she hands you a pair of her sneakers once you reach her room. Slipping them on, you plait your hair behind your head quickly and messily as you find your way to the foyer where everyone is gathered and waiting to leave. None of them look thrilled either as they follow Faye out the door to the path behind the house.
The June sun was high in the sky and the only reprieve you were able to get from the heat was the occasional shade of the trees along the path. You and Harry had fallen behind, the rest of the group up ahead and through heavy breaths you would sneak glances from the corner of your eye as the sun glistened off the light sheen of sweat coating his shoulders and his chest. He had popped a cherry sucker in his mouth not long ago and you watched as he moved it from one cheek to the other with his tongue and caught your mind wandering to what his tongue might feel like running along the expanse of your skin. You walk in silence, hands brushing slightly from the uneven terrain and you want to apologize for repeatedly bumping him but you don’t. 
“Does she always make you do shit like this?” He huffs from behind you, stepping over a fallen limb.
“Unfortunately.” You grumble back, trying not to roll your ankle stepping over rocks bigger than the palm of your hand. 
Even though this hike was the last thing Harry wanted to be doing, he couldn’t deny that he enjoyed your company, though little conversation had been exchanged since the moment in your room. His eyes trailed over your body, noticing the bead of sweat rolling down your chest and his tongue darts out over his lips, wanting nothing more than to trail his tongue down the same path. He watched the way your thighs flexed as you stepped over limbs and branches and he thought about them wrapped around his waist, driving into you over and over while your fingers leave marks over his torso. He pulls his shirt over his head, unable to take the heat of the afternoon any longer and he tucks it into the waistband of his shorts. He’s noticed you watching him too, stealing glances out of the corner of your eye and biting your teeth into the pillowy flesh of your bottom lip. He’s convinced that he could do anything and you’d melt into the palm of his hand, so desperate to please him and be good for him. He smirks to himself as you divert your eyes ahead, away from his now bare torso and towards the ground. 
He looks at you briefly before his eyes flick ahead, and you don’t know that he’s judging how long it would take for your friends to notice if he pulled you out of sight for a moment.  He decides it’s worth the risk, lightly grabbing your arm and pulling you behind a nearby tree. You feel the bark against your back as he cages your head between his arms and you look up at him with wide eyes. All you can hear is the pounding of your heart against your ribcage at his close proximity. 
So close you can smell the cherry on his breath, hear the faint sound as the confection clatters against his teeth. Your eyes focus on the white stick poking from between his lips and he watches you. His hands dig into the roughness of the oak and his chest pressed against yours. Suddenly the heat of the afternoon feels suffocating. He brings his own hand to his mouth, plucking the stick from between his teeth and the sticky residue touches your lips. Upon instinct, your tongue darts out to collect, catching the sweetness and savoring it for a moment. 
“Open.” His voice is low and gravelly, and for some reason you find yourself obeying his command before you can even think too hard about it. Your lips part and you stick out your tongue in anticipation, a smirk playing on his lips as he watches you and he hums. “Can y’hold this for me, puppy?” 
A heat swirls in your core, and without noticing your thighs clench together and a whine escapes your throat as you nod. Harry places the sweet candy on your tongue and your lips wrap around the stick slick from his own salivation. “Good girl.” He mutters, stepping away and creating space between the two of you. You snap out of the trance you seemingly had fallen into and scurry away, catching up to your friends and leaving him laughing behind you. 
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Nightfall comes before you have a chance to think about it. You had taken a quick nap after you returned from the hike and it was much needed, considering your mind was going haywire and you just needed a break from your thoughts drifting to Harry. It was quiet out here, you and Harry the only ones left sitting next to the fire Josh and Pauly had started a couple of hours ago. You were huddled up under a blanket, the air blowing off the lake making it feel colder than it actually was. Frogs were humming by the water and the crickets were chirping in the grass, the sounds of nature around you made you feel calm. You had the book Harry had loaned you resting against your thigh as you read the prose on the weathered pages. Harry had his head leaned back, fingers weaved together on his chest with his eyes closed. Occasionally you would peek over at him and he seemed tranquil. You weren’t sure why he was still here with you, but maybe he was just enjoying the fire like you were. You had purposely avoided him after the incident on the hike, the memory still causing an arousal to pool beneath the denim of your shorts and you tried like hell to push it from your mind.
“Let’s swim.” He states, pulling you from your thoughts. You raised your brow at him, a quizzical look. 
“I’ll pass.” You blow out a laugh and he turns his head towards you then. 
“Why? Faye and Josh are off somewhere, probably fucking, and Pauly and Alex are doing bong rips inside. Not really a fan of that…they're incessantly annoying when they’re high. So let’s go swim.” He says nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders as if it was the most sound choice of activity for this time of night.
“It’s cold, and I’m actually enjoying this book of poems you lent me.” You tell him, and because you’re not looking at him at that second you don’t see the way the corner of his mouth twitches into a half smile. 
“Anna Akhmatova is interesting. But you have all weekend to read it.” He turns to face you then, you catch the movement out of your peripheral.
“I also have all weekend to swim.” You tease him. He’s silent for a moment and you turn the page to read the next poem. He shifts in his seat. 
“Alright. I didn’t want it to have to come to this…” He says, sighing. He stands, making his way over to you. Before you can process what he’s doing, he snatches the book and throws it onto a neighboring chair. In one swift movement, he picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder as he walks towards the dock. You thrash and kick but it’s no use, not when he’s stronger than you’ll ever be. 
“Harry! Put me down!” You exclaim, laughing in the process and you feel his chest against your thighs. He doesn’t respond. “Okay! I surrender. I’ll swim with you. Please just don’t throw me in.” You try to reason with him and he stops, pausing his movements and taking in your words. He plants your feet on the weathered wood, and you look up at him with narrowed eyes as he smiles down at you, a crooked grin that had your knees feeling weak. “That wasn’t funny. I don’t have a swim suit on either.” 
“I guess that gives us a perfect excuse to go skinny dipping then.” He states as if there’s nothing wrong with that scenario. 
“Respectfully, no. I’ll swim in my clothes.” You counter back.
“Sweet girl, it’s nothing you or I haven’t seen before. Be mature.” He teases and you want to laugh, but you cross your arms over your chest, instinctively making yourself smaller. He hooks his fingers in the waistband of his shorts before looking back at you, noticing your hesitation and he stops. “We really don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He puts his hands on your arms, and you shake your head, looking out at the ripples on the surface lit by the moon. 
“No it’s—I’m not—it’s fine. I want to. I just haven’t really taken my clothes off in front of a guy in—since…” You pause, collecting your thoughts before looking up at him. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t know why I’m being this way. I think I’m just nervous.” 
“You don’t have to feel that way around me. Promise.” He smiles and turns back around, pushing his shorts down so you have a view of his bare ass. Your cheeks redden as you avert your gaze elsewhere, and he jumps into the water with a splash. You can’t see him, not until he pokes his head back up and shakes the water from his hair. “It feels great.” He covers his eyes with his hands. “I won’t look if you don’t want me to. Not until you’re in the water.” He says and you nod, and then realizing he can’t see you clear your throat. 
“Okay.” Your voice feels small. Hesitantly you unbutton your shorts, sliding them down along with your underwear and pulling the sweatshirt over your head leaving you bare and exposed, and you hoped and prayed that Alex and Pauly weren’t watching out the window. You drop it to the dock, your clothes and his making separate piles, taking a step towards the edge and looking down into the water. Here goes nothing, you say to yourself and leap in. And he was right, it really did feel great. It envelopes around you as you swim upwards and breach the surface, wiping your eyes and opening them. He’s there in front of you, a smile plastered on his face. 
“See, s’not so bad, right?” He asks and you shake your head again as you tread the water. And you both stay like that for a while, swimming and floating. He floats on his back and you try a little too hard to not let your gaze travel south, focusing on his face and how content he looks with his eyes closed. You’re too busy staring at the tattoos littering his torso when he says something you don’t quite catch.  
“Hm?” Your gaze flits back to his face and he’s smiling. 
“I said,"Do you like what you see?” He laughs and you can feel your cheeks redden because he caught you staring at him. 
“I’m sorry.” You apologize sheepishly and he swims over to you, closing the distance and you bite back a grin at the close proximity. 
“Don’t need to apologize, sweet girl.” He says, his voice low and he brings his hand up to thumb over your lips, parting them before his thumb runs over your cheek. “Be lying if I said I haven’t been staring at you all night.” He confesses and you think if you were nervous before, then you’re not sure what you’re feeling right now. It feels like a stampede of elephants is running through your belly as he runs the backs of his fingers across your cheek. You decide to just rip the bandaid off and go for it. Your hands find his face and you crash your lips to his, and he’s taken off guard but the next second his hands dip under the water and he pulls you into him, the warmth of your bodies melding together underneath the surface. Upon instinct, your legs wrap around his waist as you push your chest into him, causing him to tighten his grip on your waist, dimpling the skin beneath his fingertips. 
It was almost like neither of you needed to speak, once the kiss had broken you both swam fervently towards the dock. He hoists you up by your waist, quickly dressing just to go inside and get undressed again. He pulls you by your hand towards the cabin, and you say a silent prayer that your friends who were in here made their way outside. 
By the grace of some higher power, the house was empty and the air inside was cold and smelled of the aftershocks of bong rips and a half smoked joint. Harry pulled you down the hall, into his room, and shut the door behind him with a click of the lock. 
He smirks and he pushes you down into the bed, hair wet and sticking to the skin of your neck. He crawls over you after pulling your shorts off and throwing them somewhere across the room, slotting a knee between your thighs and instinctively you grind against him, gripping onto his biceps. He hooks a finger in the waistband of your panties and slides them down your thighs in one swift move, and you kick them the rest of the way off in anticipation.
“Been thinking about taking those off since I saw you prancing around your room in them this morning.” His voice drops an octave as he ghosts the tip of his nose along your cheek , tracing the outline of your jaw as you desperately move your hips seeking for any friction it would give you.  He pulls back, looking over your features and you can see his pupils blown from his own pleasure. 
“Look at you.” He coos, clicking his tongue behind his teeth. “Taking before I can even give anything to you, so selfish.” He purrs, and somehow the tone of it makes you stop, halting the movement of your hips. 
“No. Go ahead, angel. Wanna watch you get yourself off just from riding my thigh. Need it so bad, can’t even help yourself.” He coos, but his tone is condescending and you almost question him. He raises a brow, running a thumb over your cheek delicately. The harsh tone of his voice and the softness of his touch playing mind games with you. “Do it. Be a good girl.” He encourages you, and you feel like it’s a trap. 
“N-no. Want whatever you wanna give me. I’m sorry. Won’t happen again.” You pout your lower lip out and he thumbs over it, pulling it down before it bounces back into place. You like that he takes initiative, being dominant over you like it comes so easily for him. He can see the wheels in your mind turning and he cocks his head to the side. 
“Nothing. Just never done this before. Never had someone be…” You trail off, but he nods like he already knew what you were going to say. 
“I see. Sweet girl’s never had someone take control over her?” You shake your head. He rolls his lip between his teeth, eyes flittering around your face. “But you crave it, don’t you? Just wanna be a cock-drunk little slut? Wanna have someone filling you, telling you what to do?” His words penetrate your brain and your eyes flutter closed. “Answer me. Is that what you want?” He demands and you nod, faster than you ever have and he flashes his pretty smile at you. 
“Yes. Please.” Finding your voice, begging him. He shifts, pressing his thigh into your center and a whimper falls from your lips, the heat growing between your thighs. 
“Go.” He leans down, pressing his lips to your pulse point and trailing kisses down your collar bone. Slowly, your hips begin to move and you’re almost embarrassed at your arousal coating his skin, glistening in the soft glow of the lamp. You push the thoughts away, focusing on your pleasure as you feel his hardening length against your thigh, pressing into you. You reach down, palming him through the material before he grabs your wrist and pins it above your head. “Didn’t tell you you could touch.” He mumbles against your skin and you whine in protest. Your hips move faster now, and you’re so close. Just as you’re about to tip over the edge, he pulls away and your lungs deflate, a breath being taken away from you. He stands over you, pushing his shorts down and your eyes widen at the sight of him. You want to reach out and grab him, pump his cock with your hand but you refrain. He leans over you again, planting kisses down your chest and dipping in the valley between your tits, his nose ghosting over your skin. 
“Want you to tell me red if you wanna stop, okay? Green if you wanna keep going. Got it?” He asks and you nod. He peeks up at you through his lashes and cocks his brow. “Words, puppy. Can’t hear a nod or a shake.”
“Yes. I’m—yes. Got it” You’re breathless with your answer. He peppers small kisses over your navel, gripping your hips between his fingers as his head dips lower, kissing the insides of both thighs, trailing his tongue over your skin and purposely skipping over your weeping hole just to make you squirm under his grip. He parts you open then, collecting your arousal on his tongue and the wicked sensation makes your back arch from the bed, pushing your core closer to him and he forces you back down. 
“Uh-uh. Stay still or I’ll stop.” He mumbles, and a whine bubbles in your throat. He laps lazily st your core, circling and flattening his tongue over your clit as you try your hardest to keep your hips still. His fingers dimple your skin, digging into the muscle underneath. He knew he was gripping hard enough to leave small bruises in the shape of his fingertips, and he wanted to. Wanted you to remember his head between your thighs as you shattered just from the flick of his tongue against your sensitive bud. You’re a mess of moans and panting his name over and over. He pulls your clit between his teeth and your hips jolt upwards and he pushes you back down to the mattress. He pulls away, and your chest heaves at the loss of contact but a cry escapes your throat when he lands a light smack to your center, and the pain morphes into pleasure as tears well up in your eyes at the sting.
“Told you to stay still. Can’t follow simple directions, angel?” 
“M’s—sorry.” You gasp and he glances up at you, noticing your wet lashes and he props himself up on his elbows. 
“What's your color, sweet girl?” His tone is gentle, planting a soft kiss to the top of your thigh and peeking up at you from under his lashes.
“Green.” You answer eagerly and he smiles against your skin, crawling back up to level with your eyes. His lips find yours and you open, allowing him to push his tongue into your mouth against your own, the room around you melting away. It’s slow, sensual and full of desire. He doesn’t pull away as he lines himself up with you, the tip of his cock teasing your aching hole and you move your hips trying like hell to get him further inside. 
“So needy.” He mumbles against your lips and pulls your bottom one between his teeth, nipping gently. He pushes into you slowly, your mouth dropping open as he lays his forehead against your collarbone. “So tight, sweet girl. I don’t think m’gonna fit.” He pushes into you further, teeth marking your skin as he groans against your skin and you whine at the sting of him stretching you. 
“Fuck, Harry.” You whimper, he cages your head between his hands, holding himself up as his biceps flex and extend, the sinewy tissue underneath his skin prominent. He looks down between your bodies, where he's halfway sheathed inside your pussy and he chuckles, a breathy laugh that morphs into a sigh. 
“Pretty little pussy looks so pitiful like this. Can’t do it, puppy.” He pants, and you know somewhere in the back of your mind that he’s just playing a part, but it doesn’t stop the cry that escape from your throat as you beg him to fuck you. 
“Please, Harry. Need you. Want you so much. Can take it, promise. Please.” You look up at him with wide eyes and he admires you for a moment, taking in the pout playing on your pretty mouth that he just wants to kiss away, the tears welling in your eyes that he’ll wipe away if they fall. The need in your voice letting him know you’d do anything he asks of you in this moment. 
“Alright, I’ll give it to you. Gonna go slow til you’re all stretched out f’me.” He palms your thighs, hiking them around his waist and continues to fill you, your head lulling to the side as your eyes flutter closed and your jaw falls slack when he reaches to the hilt, balls resting against your ass as his head falls back. “So fucking good, angel. Look at me, wanna see those pretty eyes.” 
So you listen, do the best you can to force your eyes open as he starts to rock his hips into you, pulling out to the tip before filling you up again and again. He hikes your leg over his shoulder, kissing down your calf as he sets his rhythm, going deeper from this angle. His eyes never leave yours as he groans and nibbles on your skin, peppering small bites and then soothing with his tongue. He hits the right spot every time, and when your eyes finally betray you and fall closed, you feel a smack land on your cheek. Not hard, but just enough to sting and you whimper. 
“Thought you were a good girl.” He says through gritted teeth and he drives into you harder. 
“I-I am. Want to be good for you.” He grunts at your response, he pulls out and flips you over before pulling your ass up in the air so you sit on your knees with your face down in the mattress. He palms your ass, landing a smack to your cheek. He rubs over the spot gently, soothing as you push closer into his touch and he's climbing behind you, lining up and pushing back in and it feels even better from this angle. Hitting every spot just right and you swear you see stars. He reaches around you, pushing on your tummy just under your navel and wraps his other hand around your throat lightly, pulling you up. 
Your back is flush with his chest, skin sticking together from the light sheen of sweat coating both your bodies. One hand squeezing the sides of your neck and the other pressing still on your belly and he nips at your ear.
“Can feel me all the way in your tummy, can’t you? This is what you like right? Nobody’s ever had you like this have they?” He whispers and you shake your head. His hand finds yours and he brings it back to the spot just below your belly button. “Feel that? Feel me so deep in this pretty pussy. Gonna get you all full of me, fill you with my babies.” He grits and squeezes your neck a little harder, the corners of your vision darkening before he lets go and you take in a full breath, feeling high on him…and he’s all you know. His words, his hands roaming your body and his cock stretching you. 
“Harry, I’m so close.” You breathe out and he grunts, lips ghosting over your shoulder blade. 
“I know…can feel you squeezing my cock so tight angel. C’mon. Cum for me.” He encourages you and you shatter around him, pussy pulsing around him bringing him to his own release as he paints inside you. He wastes no time pulling out and you topple over from your legs feeling weak and he dips down behind you. You feel him dripping out of your hole, and his fingers spread you open. Pushing one inside with no warning, he fucks his cum back inside of you with his fingers and you hum, unable to make any other noise and he chuckles behind you.
“Like being filled like this? Look so pretty full of me, dripping out of you. Never gonna forget it.” He mutters, planting a kiss on the small of your back before standing. Finding the energy to roll over, he offers his fingers to you and you take them between your lips and taste the mix of both of you on his fingers. He curses under his breath at the sight of you, feeling his cock twitching back to life and he pulls them away to stop himself thinking about fucking you again and again.
You slept in his bed that night.
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The weekend ended all too quickly, and you were half asleep in the back seat of Josh’s car with your head resting on the window, holding Harry’s book on your thighs and fiddling wither cover, something you had become accustomed to as you read the prose on the pages or when you closed in while engaging in conversation. Truthfully, you didn’t know if you’d see him in that capacity again after this weekend and didn’t know if you wanted to go back to being strangers that passed each other in the economics building on campus. 
Josh pulled up to the house you and Faye shared, and Harry follows you out of the car. He retrieves your bag from Pauly’s car for you, carrying it up to your room and putting it down on your bed. You almost felt like you were having deja vu, the scene similar to one from Thursday afternoon, except this time you weren’t half naked in front of him and he wasn’t just a stranger in your room anymore. You look around, then to the floor before meeting his eyes and he smirks as he leans against your doorframe. 
“Here.” You hand him the book but he puts his hands up, shaking his head.
“Keep it.” He says, and you almost refuse but accept it anyway. He bites the inside of his cheek, shifting his weight and shoving his hands in his pockets. He steps closer, brushing your hair behind your ear as you look up at him. “Don’t be a stranger, angel.” 
“I won’t be.”
He leaves you there, standing in the middle of the room with his book clutched to your chest with a cheesy grin plastered on your face.
And you knew it wouldn't be the last time you saw Harry Styles.
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fanficimagery · 2 years
You practically throw yourself at your best friend, only to be rejected.
Or were you?
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Words: 4.1K Author’s Note: I, uh, I have nothing. I wrote this while having covid. It was the only thing my brain let me complete.
Walking down the side of the empty road, you hug your jacket a little tighter to your body and pray no wild animal leaps from the surrounding woods to attack you in such a vulnerable state. Normally you'd get a ride from your best friend, but you'd just made an absolute fool of yourself and the last thing you want is to see him right now. Or for the rest of the week for that matter.
Tripping and stumbling over gravel and twigs, you curse your lowered inhibitions and wonder how you're going to move on from this. As you're walking, you see lights appear on the road from behind you. They get bright and brighter, and your heart beats faster and faster.
Grimacing, you quickly wipe away your tears. "Please don't be-" An all too familiar blue Camaro slows to a stop next to you and you heave a sigh of relief before grimacing for a whole different reason. "Hargrove, out for a late-night drive?"
Leaning over his seats, Billy glances through the passenger window. "YN YLN? What the hell are you doing out here?"
"Oh, you know, just thought I'd go out for a stroll."
"In the middle of fuckin' nowhere?" He scoffs. He then reaches for the handle and opens the door. "Get in."
"It's fine. I can walk."
"Get in the goddamn car, YN."
You briefly weigh your options before deciding that you don't actually want to walk home in the dark. So, bending at the waist, you peer in through the opened door. "No funny business?"
"Believe it or not, princess, I know that no means no. And to not take advantage of a girl when she's clearly been crying." You wince and then quickly drop into his passenger seat, shutting the door right after. Billy throws his car into drive and takes off, raising the volume to the radio to keep the atmosphere of the car from becoming too uncomfortable. After a couple of minutes, he asks, "Want to talk about it?"
"Not really," you mumble.
"Can't be that bad."
You scoff and keep your gaze straight ahead. "It's.. more embarrassing than anything."
"Well now you gotta tell me."
You sniffle some more and gulp down the forming lump in your throat. "Why? We're not exactly friends." You wince as you hear the words leave your mouth and see Billy's hands clench around the steering wheel. "Sorry, that sounded more bitchy out loud than it did in my head."
"Had this been any other day, you'd be right." He shrugs and then, "So come on. For one night only you can spill all the nitty gritty secrets and I'll never bring it up again."
"Yeah. Right."
He slowly smirks. "Fine. I won't use it as blackmail. I'll probably tease you with it, but not when others can hear."
You turn your head to look at him, slowly smiling and then chuckling. You hide your face behind your hands, groaning. "I know I'm gonna fuckin' regret this, but I need to say it out loud and talk about just how stupid I was."
"Come on, princess, lay it on me."
You groan again. "I, uh, I might have threw myself at my best friend."
Billy's quiet for a moment too long and you peek at him through your fingers. "That.. doesn't sound so bad."
"He rejected me."
He scoffs then. "I still don't see how you're the stupid one here. If it were me, I'd have been all over that."
You wrinkle your nose at his brief leer. "Yeah, well, Eddie's not like that. He said I was drunk and that I'd regret it."
"Eddie?" Billy frowns. You can see him wracking his brain for a face to pin to the name. You can practically see the lightbulb go off over his head when his eyes widen and his head whips in your direction. "Eddie Munson?!"
"You don't have to say his name like that." You pout and Billy cackles.
"Holy shit. Holy shit, princess! You threw yourself at Eddie fuckin' Munson and that freak rejected you?!"
"Don't call him that," you whine. "He's my best friend and-"
Billy laughs some more. "Is he getting into his own stash or something? Why the hell would he-"
"Because I'm not his type! I made an ass out of myself and now I've ruined everything with my best friend, and I can't even look at him anymore and.." You trail off, crying. "I just- I just wanna go home and crawl into bed and not resurface for the foreseeable future. So, if you can stop laughing at me, that'd be awesome."
Billy continues to chuckle as he drives. "Look, I'm sure it's not as bad as you're making it out to be." You scoff and wipe the tears from your face. "You said that he said you were drunk, and he thought you'd regret it?" You frown, hesitantly nodding. "Well then there you go. I'm not a fan of the guy, but he obviously did the right thing not taking advantage of you in this state."
"But I'm not that drunk!"
"Aren't you?" He muses, smirking as he glances at you yet again. "If you were sober or even a bit buzzed, would you be spilling all this girly shit to me? Me who's attempted to take you out multiple times only to be shot down?" You pout at him and sink further into the seat. "That's what I thought. Now pull it together and tell me where you live."
As you glance out the window to take in your surroundings, you say, "Keep driving until you hit Lawrence Street. I'm like the third house down on the right." Billy hums his acknowledgment and then all too soon he's turning down your street. But as you squint your eyes in the darkness, your eyes widen and you throw yourself down onto the floorboard. "Don't stop! Keep driving!"
"What the hell are you doing? Get off the floor."
"No, no, no. That's Eddie's van in front of my house. I don't want to see him."
"What the hell do you want me to do then?"
You watch as Billy glances out his window, smirking at something. "Just.. drop me off around the corner or something. I'll jump fences if I have to until I get to my backyard." Billy goes quiet and you watch as he turns, and then makes another turn. Slowly, you climb back into your seat. "Uh, where are you going?"
"My place."
"Hargrove," you groan.
"I'm still being a decent person," he muses. "Dad took his wife on a little getaway, so it's just me and Maxine. You're good."
"You promise?"
Billy glances at you then, his expression softening just a fraction as he takes in just how small you look in his passenger seat. "Sure, Princess. I promise."
The drive to Billy's house is a few minutes longer and then he's pulling into his driveway. You get out of his car on shaky legs, hugging your jacket tight around you once again. Following him inside, you wince as he shouts for his stepsister, only to get no response in return.
"Guess she's gonna be out for the night."
"Mhmm." Billy surprises you with a change of clothes- a crop top of his that fits you almost like a normal shirt and a pair of sleep pants. He tries to offer sharing his bed, but you wrinkle your nose at him. "Nope. The floor is fine. I'm not sleeping in jizz central."
He laughs, but shrugs. He wasn't going to manhandle you into his bed if you didn't want to be there. Instead, he grabs up all the spare blankets and pillows he can find and lets you make a nest on his floor. He disappears for a brief moment before coming back with tylenol and a glass of water. You eagerly drink it all down, setting the glass on his bedside table and then crawling underneath one of the blankets.
As soon as the lights are out, your eyes start to take longer and longer to reopen.
"Hey Billy?" You sleepily mumble.
"Thanks. This was actually pretty decent of you."
He huffs. "Go to sleep, YN."
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The following afternoon you're sitting at Hargrove's breakfast table, elbows on the tabletop and head resting in your hands. Your stomach's rolling, your head is pounding, and the embarrassment still lingers.
You remember everything from watching Eddie be his rambunctious self at Steve's impromptu party, to having a couple drinks for liquid courage and being talked up by Robin, to finally just grabbing your best friend by the back of his neck and kissing him. For a moment he seemed to be into it, but then he pushed away and your heart plummeted.
Tears of embarrassment had stung your eyes as Eddie explained that you were drunk and didn't know what you wanted. But you did- you knew exactly who and what you wanted, but he merely flashed you a sad smile and refused to believe you. So when he told you to stay put while he went to grab his jacket so he could drive you home, you disappeared out Steve's backyard gate even as Robin tried to call you back.
The front door to the house opens and your head shoots up, eyes wide with panic. The door shuts and then the person who'd just entered comes into view.
Max freezes, staring at you before she looks you up and down. Her shock quickly turns into disgust. "Please tell me you didn't."
"I-I didn't!" You quickly stand, clutching at the waistband of the sleep pants to keep them in place. "I slept on the floor."
She scoffs. "Yeah. Right." Her eyes roll and your chest aches with hurt. "I know Billy, and you weren't exactly sober last night, YN."
"I was sober enough to know exactly what I was doing, Max."
"Were you?" Her eyebrow arches at you. "Is that why you threw yourself at Munson and then Billy? I guess the second time was the charm, huh."
Her words sting and immediately you feel your eyes prickle with tears of frustration. Her expression softens as she realizes what she's just said, but you shake your head at her when she opens her mouth again. "Fuck this."
Turning around, you march back to Billy's room and strip out of his sleep pants in order to pull your jeans back on. As you're debating whether or not you want to slip back into your own shirt, you see Max lean into the doorway to peer into the room.
Keeping Billy's crop top, you pull on your leather jacket. The bathroom door opens, Max scrambles to the other side of the door, and then..
"What's going on?"
You glance up at Billy standing there in a pair of basketball shorts and towel draped around his neck as water droplets dribble down his bare chest. Max rolls her eyes at him and you hardly bat an eye at him as you scoop up your shirt and shoes. "I, uh, I'm gonna go. Thanks for the ride and place to crash. You're not a total neanderthal like I thought you were, Hargrove."
He scoffs. "Why are you crying?"
"I just remembered what an idiot I made of myself last night," you say, cutting off Max when she suddenly turns guilty looking. You meet her gaze and subtly shake your head before looking at Billy once more. "Thanks again. I'll, uh, I'll see you around."
You squeeze between the step-siblings, ignoring both their calls of your name as you flee their home. Outside, the tears come faster. With your shoes dangling from one hand and your shirt clutched in the other, you hurry in the direction of your home so you can hide away.
The weekend comes and goes, and you're grateful that your parents were off on a business trip so you could mope in peace. The doors remained locked, the curtains remained pulled tight, and you ignored every knock on the door or phone call that had your friends pleading on the answering machine to pick up.
But Monday comes around far too quickly for your liking and you find yourself dragging your feet into work at Family Video. Steve perks up from behind the front counter, but you merely let your gaze drag over him before heading straight to the staff room to clock in.
When you take your place behind the front counter, you immediately get to work sorting the returned tapes and sit on the floor where the small TV and VCR are hidden so you can mark down who didn't rewind their tapes.
"Well you're alive and well. That's nice to know."
"Mhm. Haven't kicked the bucket quite yet, Harrington, now get back to work."
"Fine. But we're talking about whatever the hell happened Friday night on break."
"Hmm. I would rather not."
"Steve." You sigh and look up over your shoulder at him. "Can you not do this? We're at work and I'd rather forget the most embarrassing night of my life. Thanks."
"Embarrassing because you threw yourself at Munson or embarrassing because you slept with Hargrove?"
Your eyes widen and then anger blazes across your features. "Fuck you." You get up from your place on the floor and march back towards the staff room.
"Shit. Shit, YN, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." Steve chases after you. "Max feels really bad about that misunderstanding, by the way."
"If she felt bad about it then why did she tell all of you? Clearly nothing happened," you spit at him in anger, "but you've all made up your mind already, haven't you?"
Steve watches you grab your timecard from the wall, followed by a pen. "W-What are you doing?"
You scribble two words on the timecard before tossing the pen aside, strip out of your Family Video vest, and then walk over to Steve while slapping the card against his chest. "I quit."
Steve gapes as you walk out the staff door, marching through the store as you exit out the front entrance.
When you get home, you kick off your shoes on your way upstairs and crawl into bed. The moment you're under the covers and your head hits the pillows, the tears come. You cry over the fact that two of your friends, maybe more, think you slept with Billy Hargrove and cry because you're now out of a job.
You cry and cry, not knowing when you fell asleep.
You don't know how long you've been asleep when you feel your mattress dip and you peel open your eyes with a quiet groan. When your gaze focuses, you see Robin sheepishly sitting on the edge of your bed.
"Hey." She faintly smiles at you. "Steve called a code red." At the mention of his name, your bottom lip wobbles and your eyes fill with tears yet again. "Aw crap. Please don't cry. I don't do good with crying people."
It takes you a few moments to get yourself under a semblance of control. "Does everyone else *sniffle* think I'm a slut too?" You cry.
"No one thinks you're a slut, YN."
"Steve and Max do," you say over a hiccup. "They think I slept with Billy, but Robin.. I wouldn't. You know I've been in love with Eddie since I was sixteen."
There's a sharp inhale of breath behind you, Robin's eyes widen before they dart in that direction and your heart lodges itself in your throat.
"You've been in love with me since we were sixteen?"
"I'm, uh, I'm gonna go," Robin blurts. She offers you a tight smile before quickly standing. "Have fun. Figure your shit out and be safe!"
As Robin flees your bedroom, you turn on your side and curl in on yourself. You can hear the jingle of the chain hanging from Eddie's belt loops and you turn your head so your face is hidden in the plushness of your pillow.
"Hey. Come on now. It's just me, sweetheart." Your mattress jostles and your breath hitches. "Will you please look at me?"
"I don't wanna."
A whine gets stuck at the back of your throat and you slowly turn your head so you can see Eddie. He smiles big from where he's crouched on the side of your bed. "There you are."
"I wasn't drunk," you mumble.
"I wasn't drunk," you say again. "Friday night," you then clarify. "I knew what I was doing when I kissed you and I'm really sorry I made you uncomfortable."
Eddie's smile falters. "What makes you think I was uncomfortable?"
"You rejected me, Eds! I'm pretty sure that-"
"Baby," he suddenly coos and your heart fuckin' aches at the term of endearment. He crosses his arms atop your bed, setting his chin atop them as he angles his head to get a better look at you. "I was nowhere near uncomfortable. I thought you were wasted and that you'd regret the kiss come morning," he clarifies for you. "I couldn't bear the thought of finally getting the girl of my dreams only to lose her when she realized what a mistake she'd made while under the influence."
His words hang in the air for a moment and it takes your brain a minute longer to process it all. Then when the silence is borderline awkward, you say, "I could never regret anything involving you. You're my best friend and I-"
"Have been in love with me since you were sixteen?" He lightly teases. Your heart beats faster and faster, and he smirks. "Will it make you feel any better if I admit I've been in love with you just as long?"
"S'true. Ask Wayne," he says. "He's called me a dumbass for years for not telling you." You giggle and Eddie practically beams. "So what do you say to a redo? Because I haven't stopped thinking about Friday night and I-"
You lurch forward, holding your weight on one elbow as you press your lips against Eddie's. He chuckles against your mouth before getting with the program, cupping the side of your head with one hand and molding his lips against yours.
For a first kiss it's very chaste, but absolutely perfect. Though you've been in love with Eddie for years, there's absolutely no rush whatsoever and you want to savor every milestone with him.
Eddie pecks your lips once and then twice as he slowly pulls back, resting his forehead against yours while swiping his thumb along your cheekbone. "I've been wanting to do that for years."
"Mhm. Same." You lean in and kiss his lips one last time. "And I'm all for exploring each other and all that to catch up on lost time, but all this stupid crying has exhausted me. So either get in bed or go beat up Steve for me for making me have to look for another job."
Eddie chuckles as he stands, slipping out of his leather jacket and jean vest, then slipping off his sneakers. "Nah. Don't worry about it, sweetheart. Steve covered for you at work and got you a new time card. You still have a job at Family Video."
"Oh. Okay then."
As he climbs into bed, under your covers, you wait until he's mostly settled before moving his arm so you could cuddle up to him. With your head resting in the crook of his arm where his arm meets his shoulder, you lay your arm across his abdomen and hike your knee over his thigh. Eddie chuckles. "Comfortable?"
"Getting there." You move around a bit more and then once you're finally settled, you exhale a little too loudly. Eddie squeezes you tighter against him, one arm around your back while your other hand rests on your knee. "Is this real?" You ask. "Like you're not just doing this because you're afraid to hurt my feelings?"
"I am one hundred and ten percent here for this, sweetheart," Eddie says. "Now that I know I can have this and more? Pft. You're never getting rid of me." You laugh softly and feel his lips against your forehead. "Now get some rest. We can pick up the fun stuff later."
You fall asleep with a smile on your lips and Eddie brushing his fingers along the skin of your arm.
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As it turns out, dating Eddie is a lot like just being friends with Eddie. The only difference now is that he's less careful with his touches and has no problem staking his claim out in public. You were never a fan of pda, but with Eddie? You like it. You like it a lot.
Especially if it grosses out Steve who you'd yet to fully forgive for his sleeping with Billy comment. Max you could forgive because she was used to seeing Billy sleeping with a new girl every weekend and she realized her mistake when she saw all the bedding on the floor where you had actually slept. But Steve? Steve heard the story and still had the audacity to throw it out there that you'd slept with his arch nemesis and that really hurt.
But it's already been a week so you figure you'll let up and put Harrington out of his misery within the next couple of days.
Walking out of the festival Hawkins had put on for the weekend, Eddie's arm is draped around your shoulders while you're laughing and trying to eat the rest of your cotton candy without him leaning down to bite it off the cone in your hands.
"Well isn't this a precious sight."
You've yet to run into anyone brave enough to speak out about you and Eddie, so the words catch you off guard with the tone they're used with. But when you see who had spoken, you relax with a soft exhale. "Hey Hargrove." You nod at him and his date for the evening- his date who's frowning as she glances between you and Billy. You roll your eyes, feeling a little catty. "Are you actually showing this one off to the public before adding another notch to the bedpost?"
The girl gasps, but Billy merely smirks at you. "Nice to know you're still a bitch even when you're getting laid on the regular." Eddie tenses at your side, but you merely laugh at the mean words. Your laughter makes Billy chuckle and you smile genuinely when you see the shift in his demeanor. He glances at Eddie, smirk dimming. "You ever make her cry again, Munson, and I'll knock your teeth in. Got it?"
Eddie isn't given a chance to respond as Billy takes his date's hand and practically drags her towards the festival. As you and Eddie turn to watch them walk off, he looks down at you and shakes his head. "Jesus Christ, sweetheart. One night with Hargrove and he's turned into a guard dog."
You grin sheepishly. "Look at this way. If I ever run into trouble, you got a real hardass in your corner to help you kick some ass."
"I thought that's what Steve was for?"
You snort. "Have you seen Steve's fight record? Steve's not the fighting type, babe."
"Eh. True." Eddie's arm ends up around your shoulders yet again and the two of you head off towards his van. "Where to now, sweetheart? My place or yours?"
"I don't care. As long as there's a shower and some comfortable clothes for me, I could go to either place. I'm in the mood for some cuddles."
"Mmm. I like the way you think." Eddie opens the passenger door for you, waiting until you've hopped in to press in closer and pull you down into a kiss. He hums against your mouth, tongue licking up the sugar from your lips. "I think we'll go back to mine. Your parents are home and they always ruin our fun."
Giggling, you agree and then pull the door closed as Eddie jogs around the front of his van.
As you watch him go, your heart swells with even more affection for the boy who'd stolen your heart long ago. And as he smiles at you through the windshield window, eyes crinkled at the corners, you have a feeling that this will be one person who will never intentionally make you cry.
And if he does, well you can always take Hargrove up on his offer to punch his teeth in.
But until that day, you're gonna spend your days catching up on lost time with the guy of your dreams.
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ohisms · 8 months
↪   ᵀᴴᴱ 𝑀𝐼𝐶𝐾 .    (  a  series  of  sentence  starters  from  season  1  of fox's sitcom ,  “ the mick ” .   adjust  phrasing  as  necessary . will be updated !  )
oh my god , why do you have gasoline ?!
we're fine , not that it's any of your concern .
stay out of trouble .
no , you're not coming in with me .
you're embarrassing . you embarrass me . i'm embarrassed of you .
can i bum a smoke , please ?
it's okay , i already have a dollar .
i get the sense that you're in need a lot .
i don't have a problem . you do , otherwise we wouldn't be having this conversation .
what do you mean ? you invited me .
i got into yale , that doesn't mean i'm going .
the scales of justice tip in favor of the wealthy .
if we throw enough money at this thing , i'm sure it'll go away .
let's catch up in ten years when you need another loan .
i feel like we got off on the wrong foot .
i want you to come to me with boy problems . or girl problems , i don't assume .
i know you think you're pretty clever with this plan to drink me under the table , but there's two problems ... you're not , .. & you can't .
she's not dead , i can see her breathing .
i cannot count the number of times i've been ripped off a barstool & thrown in a cage .
i should probably get out of the house , yesterday kinda got away from me .
i don't like these people . but i like you .
why are we at a poor person's restaurant ?
don't touch my stuff , psycho .
no , i don't believe you . you're lying .
uh , i don't know , maybe because you're a lying bitch .
okay , look , i understand this stuff is really hard to hear .
let's just keep our voices down , okay ?
you think i care about these idiots ?
what is wrong with you ? you're making a scene .
how's that for a scene ?! dinner & a show !
i know what you're up to , & you're not gonna get away with it .
i'm sorry , you think you're in charge ?
once all this is gone , all that's left is this . & nobody wants just this .
wait , wait , wait ! i'm coming with you !
i will only go if i have your blessing .
if you need anything at all , do not hesitate to call 911 .
[ name ] , my beautiful angel !
i heard about that little accident you had .
so , this is it ! home sweet home .
holy crap , you're alive ...
what are you doing here ? are you living at my place ?
okay , i'm sensing some major hostility here .
i thought you were dead !
don't pay attention to him , he's no one .
— i'm just kidding ! oh , i'm so sorry , your face ...
no ... you're joking — this is a joke , right ?
i'm gonna go freshen up , this'll be fun !
my legs are heavy , but my mind is light ...
wait , why is my window open ?
do i look like i'm playing games ?
we both burnt that bridge , it doesn't matter who lit the match .
i need you to do me a favor , i did you a favor .
oh , thank god you're here . you've gotta help us .
oh , i'm not going anywhere .
what do you want me to do about it ?
knock - knock ... can i come in ?
oh ... i get it . you're jealous .
enough with the guessing games , i'm freaking out over here .
fine . i'll fix this myself .
i thought we agreed i'm the boss ?!
if you saw my silence as agreeing with you , that's on you .
don't take it personally , his heart just isn't for sale .
not now , [ name ] , i'm gloating .
[ name ] ?! since when do you smoke ?
HEY .. !! [ name ] . just the person i wanted to see .
i haven't gone this long without a smoke in years .
either be part of the solution or get the hell out .
well , now i feel like you're lying .
regardless of how we got here , i'm having a really good time .
is it ? is it creepy to be ahead of everybody at all times ?
i want to squeeze you around your neck until you can't breathe .
i said that forever ago when i was young and dumb .
if i were you , i would take this opportunity to lay low .
that's the opposite of what i just suggested .
[ name ] , you've been overruled .
i don't mean to offend you , you don't fit the [ surname ] brand .
it's already happening , we're becoming socially radioactive .
i'm sorry , that night is a blur of bad pinot and intolerable conversation .
oh , so you're a liar too ?
i was sitting at home , and then i remembered you're not my boss .
what's the matter ? little plan didn't work ?
445 notes · View notes
dancewithdeath11 · 9 months
When Hangman Met Dolly
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, beefing, sexual themes (no sex tho), some angst but not really, happy ending! Why am doing this to myself, trying second person POV this time around, bit proof read-but also not really. 
Word Count: 10.5K
(sorry I wanted to get as many plot points as I could)
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Jeez… This blows. You huff, kicking at the pavement as you lean against the truck that you were planning on commuting to Pensacola in. It was a good fourteen hour drive from Annapolis where you attended the Naval Academy. And– unfortunately –where your junior-turning-senior roommate met her “future pilot”, Jake Seresin. They encountered each other at a bar and he swept her off her feet a few months ago. Unfortunately, you and Jake just graduated.
Which means that you are well on your way out of there to where you’ve coincidentally both been stationed in Pensacola, Florida. She swears up and down he is the love of her life. But you could tell. He’s cocky and self assured, like most of the men that graduate from the Naval Academy. He is gonna end up calling her within the next week and break her heart, telling her that long distance is too hard or something and that it’ll be for the best. 
Glancing up from your beaten shoes you find them eating eachothers faces, her face shining with tears. Murmuring soft promises to each other, an upside down smile on her naive features as he swears to call her all the time. Reaching into the driver's side window, you press the horn for a long moment. Effectively breaking them out of whatever trance, but you add one more for good measure with a smirk. “We’re behind schedule.” You call, making your roommate- well, ex-roommate, whine as she hugs Jake again.
Jake presses more kisses to her lips making you roll your eyes as you climb into the car and make sure to slam the drivers door harder than necessary. It takes a minute but Jake eventually joins you in the car. Your roommates head popping into Jake's window one last time. 
“I’m going to miss you so much…” She swoons, raising a manicured hand to wipe away her tears.
“Me too, baby. I’ll call you when we get down there.” He hums and you have to actively try not rolling your eyes. You reach up and shift the truck into drive, slowly starting to roll forward as she frantically spews out her feelings to Jake, endless I love you’s and call me every day’s. He returns them half-assedly…if that’s even a word? Either way he managed to deliver them that way.
Eventually you roll onto the main road, leaving her on the sidewalk. You hummed as you finally reached the high-way, speeding up to merge with the traffic. “So, what’s the plan, sweetheart?” Jake broke the silence first, reaching to fiddle with the old radio. 
You eyed him for a brief moment before focusing on the road again. “We will be driving through the night. I’ve set up a plan so that we get equal time’s driving and have also looked up stops along the high-way so that we can shift.” You explained proudly, always taking pride in your way to plan ahead of things. But he only scoffed and rolled his eyes at you. “What?”
“Driving schedules? Looking up stops on the high-way? I mean-” 
“It’s a fourteen hour drive, Seresin!” You cut him off with a scoff of your own. Was he really this dense? A single person driving for seven hours is dangerous, so pushing ten or fourteen is just plain stupid.
“That’s a given, honey.” He nods with a laugh. 
“Then surely as a fellow member of the Navy you can see the ethics in having a driving plan for such a long drive!” A pout sets on your lips, brows drawn so tightly together in frustration that there’s a distinguishable crease there even if you’re only in your early 20’s. 
He throws his hands up in surrender with a nod. Silently giving in, you’re both now basking in a semi-awkward silence. Shit… 
Reaching over you flick on the radio. Last thing you were listening to was Dolly Parton. An old cassette you got from your mom to go with your old truck. Taking a deep breath you listen for a moment before reaching up and rolling back the cassette to start from the beginning. After letting it go again, the beat of “9 to 5” filled in the silence of the truck cab. You only lasted a minute before you started singing along under your breath. Hitting every note with ease after listening to this cassette so many times throughout the years. Eventually, a few songs later, Jake opened up his big mouth again. 
You could see him shift his whole body to look at you from where he sat. “You sound beautiful. Almost as good as ol’ Dolly herself.” He drawled, and you could practically hear him smirking as he waited for your reaction. Instead of giving him the reaction he wanted, you just hummed before the chorus came on again and you sang along. A chuckle came from him before he shook his head and shifted back to where he was before. 
Shaking your head, Jake laughs in disbelief. “No way are you going for Victor over Rick! You’re choosing a passionless, sex-less relationship? You’re choosing that over the best sex of your life? Because he owns a bar in Casablanca and that’s all he does?” He pulls into the diner parking lot and puts the truck into park. The two of you stop to look at each other as you think it over for a moment. 
“Yeah. Yeah! It’s a matter of sensibility. Victor is the stable choice, and any other woman would say the same.” A smile crept its way onto your lips. Being with Jake was so easy, and he was genuinely a funny guy. Too bad he’s going with your girlfriend right now, you can see the charm she was talking about.
“Oh…I see! I get it now!” He nods, licking his lips as he pushes open his door. Hopping out and slamming it just as I’m getting out as well. 
“What? What are you saying?”
“No, just forget about it.” He shrugged as both of you walked up to the small roadside restaurant. It was cute, but clearly busy. You silently hope that you’ll get in smoothly and get back on the road as soon as possible. 
Frowning you follow him closely up the steps. “No, I wanna know!” He paused as he was pulling open the door. 
“If you’re picking the boring relationship over the best sex of your life. Then that just means that you haven't had good sex.” He shrugged and walked inside, “Two, please.” The waitress nods and directs us to a table. 
But you could not believe that he would say something like that so blatantly. “Excuse me, for the record, I have had plenty of good sex.” You scoff out, without thinking. The once bustling diner fell silent for a moment. Their eyes trained on you in confusion causing you to flush with embarrassment. Taking a deep breath you look down, avoiding their gazes as you go take a seat with Jake. 
“Okay, then who have you had all this–incredible–sex with?” His brows raise as he puts his hands on the table expectantly. 
Your mouth opens to respond without thinking only to shut again. Brows furrowing as you cross your arms and lean back, “I don’t have to tell you, that’s private.” He hums and nods. For some reason that response rubs you wrong. Like he’s telling you straight to your face that he doesn’t believe you. “Barry, Barry Stevenson.” You nod, thinking back to the last romp you had. Was it great, no…But it was still something. 
“Barry? No.” Jake stated as he leaned back in his seat. “No, you did not have great sex with a Barry.” 
What is with this guy?
“And why not? Who are you to say something like that?”
“It’s all in the name,” He rubs his chin, “Barry is not the name of a guy who is good at sex. Barry can help you with your finances. But he isn’t good at sex. I mean, come on! ‘Give it to me, Barry.’ ‘Ride me, Barry.’” With his brows raised, a smirk comes onto his thin lips. Cocky as ever as he shrugs his shoulders. Head tilted back, a sigh leaves your lips. I still have another eight hours with this guy…You think to yourself. Luckily the moment is saved as a waitress comes over asking for our order. “Yeah, I’ll have a number three, thanks.”
“Uhmm, can I have a cheeseburger? Everything on it. And can you please put the pickles on the side, and no tomatoes. Then I’d like a blackberry pie, heated up with ice cream on the side, not on top. And if you have chocolate can I have that instead of vanilla? Then whipped cream on top, but only if it's real. If it’s from the can, I don’t want it. Please and thank you…” You glanced up at the waitress again, she gave a slightly confused look before nodding and writing it down. 
A small chuckle left her as she got ready to leave. “Whatever you say,” She said to me as she pocketed her notepad. Then she spared a look to Jake, “You, mister, got yourself a handful.” She laughed, making him laugh along as she left. 
“Okay…” He laughed before turning serious again and looked back at you. “What the heck was that?” 
Your brows creased together, “What?” 
“The on the side and only ifs or whatever!” He shook his head as he vaguely gestured behind him. Towards where the waitress had disappeared. “You took a solid minute to order a burger and pie.” The blonde tapped at his watch with a disbelieving smile on his face. 
Shaking your head a smile forms on your lips. His natural charm and teasing getting to you after having driven for hours with him. Now on your designated break to get dinner. You roll your eyes and start up a different topic. You filled in the good fifteen minutes of waiting for our burgers with talk about places you’ve looked for in Pensacola due to the rumors of the current bunks being horrible and constantly in need of maintenance. Going into detail about your favorite place you’ve found on a new house listing website you stumbled upon. But eventually the food came and you ate it up as quickly as you could. Wanting to get back on the road as soon as possible. Jake just huffed as you encouraged him to eat a little faster than his single fry at a time without even touching his sandwich yet. 
You picked up the bill when it came around, and Jake munched on his sandwich. So you took the time to calculate what percent of the tip you owed alongside your meal. Humming in satisfaction as you grabbed the dollars from your purse and laid aside the tip. 
“Y’know, you’re actually very attractive.” 
“Oh…” You swallow, “Thank you?”
“Stella never told me how attractive you were.”
You what now?
“A-Are you flirting with me right now?” You scoffed as you looked up at him like he was nuts. 
“I’m just saying you’re extremely good looking.” He offered a sly smile that had a hidden meaning behind it, you didn’t want to look too far into. Rolling your eyes at him you stood up and collected your things. “Hey- what’d I say!” The man laughed as he quickly pulled out his assumed amount of cash and slapped it on the table before following you out to the truck. Half a sandwich clutched in his hand as he ate it while he walked.
Pausing at the end of the steps you turned and pointed to him, “You’re dating my friend! And now you’re coming on me!” A groan leaves you as you spin back around and go to the truck. 
“Listen-” He jogs up to the driver's side of the truck. Going around the back of the truck to avoid him, you end up on the passenger's side. “You can’t deny that you are very attractive-”
You cut him short again, “You’re dating Stella right now! You are in a relationship. Can’t we just be friends?” Pulling open the passenger’s door and tossing your purse in carelessly. 
“Friends?” He gets into the driver's seat. You follow suit and get into the truck.
“Yes. Just friends.”
Another scoff leaves you as he puts the truck into reverse, starting his shift behind the wheel. “What do you mean, nope? Men and women can be friends, y’know? It’s 2010, catch up with the times.” You gesture with your hand in exasperation. Men can be so complicated at times. 
“No, they can’t, Darlin’.” Pursing your lips you glare over at him. Leaving you hanging with no further elaboration. And he knows this pisses you off ever so slightly. He learned this early on in the trip. You can’t stand not knowing. 
In a monotone, sarcastic way you bite the bait. “Oh please, elaborate…” A deep sigh leaves you as you wait for whatever stupid guy excuse he’s gonna give.
He hums in appreciation as he spares a glance your way. “I mean this in the plainest way possible, and this is not me coming on you in any way, shape or form. But men and women can’t be friends because the sex part always gets in the way.” Jake finished, plain and simple, as if it was the most obvious thing in the whole goddamn world. 
“No, no! You’re wrong, I have plenty of male friends.” You state, as if proving him wrong with those words alone. A small smile on your features as you think you’ve gotten him beat. 
But he was quick to argue. “Okay. Maybe one or two are okay. But as I said before, you’re attractive. They may be your friend, but they will never be a real friend because they most likely want to have sex with you. The second you let your guard down- let’s see… you have a gnarly break up? After you tell them, do you ever notice how they’re always there?” He lets that linger for a moment. And you let it sink in. No…that can’t be right, right? This jackass can’t possibly be right. “Exactly.”
A thought comes to mind, “So if a guy thinks a girl is unattractive, then they can be friends. Because he doesn’t want to have sex with her then, right?” You counter. 
“Nope…pretty much want to nail them too.” Jake nods with his bottom lip jutted out in thought. A frustrated huff escapes your lips. Slouching in your seat as you mull this over. Thinking of all the times you thought a guy who was just your friend seemed a little too chummy. 
“So we can’t just be friends?” You ponder to him. This causes a brief silence to ensue as he now takes a moment to think about it. 
He shook his head, “Nope. Not really, anyways.” 
“That’s too bad,” You exclaim, taking in a deep breath before releasing it in a sigh. “You were gonna be the only person I knew in Pensacola.” Looking over you take in his side profile. He didn’t look half bad, only downside is that massive ego that is bigger than Texas. Makes sense, he’s a strong Texan man anyways. Coming right from the heart of Austin, Texas. A fact he has bragged about so many times when he came over to pick up Stella. 
“Yeah…That’s too bad. Because I am a delight to be around.” He smirks as he looks over at you. It was so cocky and on brand of him, you couldn’t help but suppress a grin before turning away to look out of the window. Watching the dark landscape zipping past.
“Well, this is it! See you around, and have a nice life if I don’t…” You smiled brightly as you stood on the curb out front of the barracks that Jake is meant to stay in. 
It was unfortunate, but you couldn’t help but find it a bit funny that a guy like Jake Seresin is being reduced to the confines of having a bunk buddy. However, you doubt that’ll stop him from bringing a girl back. Jake hummed as he swung his bag over his shoulder. Far less than what you’d brought to fill in your potential home off base. The chance of running into Jake dropping significantly from just living off base in a bungalow rather than having another roommate for who knows how long. You were itching to find the right place and live alone for once. “Yeah…Yeah, I’ll see around Dolly.” He gives a little finger salute before turning on his heels to walk into the bustling barracks. 
“Dolly?” You laughed as you covered the sun with your hand, trying to catch another glimpse at the future aviator as he walked further away still. 
He turned and continued a slow pace backwards. “Yeah! Cause you sound just like her.” He winked before spinning back around and giving a dramatic wave over his shoulder without looking. As if telling you not to say anything more. That he was going to have the last word. 
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The task was easy, relatively. Being freshly stationed in Oak Harbor, Washington was nice. It was a good base, and you needed a change of pace anyways. Especially from where you were stationed as a mechanical engineer on a next gen fighter jet. The job itself wasn’t half bad, it was just out of your element. 
But here, you were right where you belonged. Working on something familiar…
Only issue…it was like moving schools. You were the new kid. A feeling you always dreaded when coming around to a new base. So as you approach mess, you hope and pray you’ll recognize someone. Either a face from when you were showed around or-
“Hey! Are you that new engineer? For the EA-18G’s?” A woman called. Looking over, you’re met with a stunning woman, still clad in her flight suit. Her hair is a mess and she’s looking at you expectantly. 
Blinking a few times you nodded, a smile curling onto her lips making you smile in return. “Yeah! Yeah, that’s me.” You offer her your hand to shake. She quickly wipes off her palm on her pant leg before reciprocating the gesture. Giving a firm handshake before she nods towards the free seat beside her. “Thanks…”
Taking a seat, you pull out your home packed lunch. Having never grown out of living by yourself after getting that first taste of freedom.So you would regularly take advantage of the small kitchen, making lunch in whichever apartment you were renting out for the duration of being stationed wherever you were. “Lieutenant Natasha Trace, but my callsign is Phoenix.” The woman offered. So you smiled and gave her your name in return. But just as you finished you spotted a tall blonde you were not expecting to see. He looked away in such a suspicious way that he must’ve been looking at you before you spotted him. Natasha must’ve noticed the way your face filled with disbelief as she quickly glanced over her shoulder. Coming back to meet your gaze as she rose a brow in confusion. “What? Recognize someone?”
“You can’t be serious…” You muttered under your breath as Jake glanced your way, meeting your gaze. You quickly look back at Natasha. “Yeah, yeah. Something like that.” You squeak as you try to hide your face. Resting your thumb to your temple and leaning your elbow on the table. Your fingers shadowing your face from the bright lights. Doing relatively nothing to hide you since Jake had already locked on. 
Even if he’s fast in a jet, he is slow to recognize a face. On his end he was taking a minute. When he glanced back your way to get a second look and met your surprised gaze it clicked for him. A smirk creeped onto his thin lips as he turned to put down his things next to his friend Coyote. 
“Who is it?” She asked, genuine curiosity filling her face. 
Taking a deep breath, you leaned in closer, “Okay, so after graduating from the academy three or so years ago, I had to get my truck down to Pensacola. My roommate's boyfriend was also being stationed there, so my roommate begged me to give him a ride down. Worst fourteen hours of my life.” You groaned at the memory. 
“That’s horrible, why would your roommate do that to you?” Natasha chuckled and you shrugged in exasperation. 
“Yeah, and then he tried to flirt with me, but of course, he was still with my friend. So I told him off about it and offered that we can be friends instead. Because he was still a great guy: funny, charismatic, all that stuff. But he said that we can’t. So I asked him why. He said that men and women can’t be friends because the sex part always gets in the way. Or something like that…? Either way, I’ve never had a good male friend ever since.” You finish your hushed rant, looking up to try and find him but not finding him there. Great, you think, maybe he left? Just about to spill more about the man to your new friend, hoping that he won’t come over.
But the dream of him not coming over was crushed as he approached with purpose. Like he knew exactly what he was walking into. Like he knew it was him that was being talked about, and took it as an ego boost. “Dolly–I’ll be damned–it is you.” He hummed as he clicked his tongue, his hands falling on his slim hips. 
He’d definitely gotten broader over the years. His face is still stupidly perfect, other than the fine smile lines coming in. Why does such a handsome man have to have such a cocky, egotistical, arrogant, jackass attached to it? 
“Jake. Still alive?” You rebutted with a slight glare. 
He just laughed it off and crossed his arms over his chest, “Alive and better than ever.”
All while you and Jake were staring each other down, Natasha was watching this all unfold. “Hangman? This is who you got stuck with for fourteen hours? I’m so sorry.” The brunette said, ignoring the blonde standing there like it was her job. It was clear to you that she and Jake most likely know each other pretty well. Have probably flown together on a few dozen hops together depending on how long they’ve been stationed here together. “Also, why did you call her Dolly? That isn’t her name.” Natasha finally directed her attention to Jake. It was a form of confusion for her, but it also doubled as her defending you. Which was sweet since you literally just met her. 
“Because she sings a lot of Dolly Parton, sounds just like her in my opinion. She probably played that Dolly Parton cassette twice over during our little road trip.” The pilot smirked as he took a seat from another table and placed it almost between you and Natasha. “Figured the nickname suited her.” He nodded as you rolled your eyes, cheeks flushing at the memory of playing the whole cassette more than once. 
The blonde looks at you, but it isn’t in an expectant kind of way. It was like he was studying you. Trying to get a read on how much his comment affected you. But that wasn’t actually what he was doing. Jake was just taking you in. Seeing that you still had that line between your brows when you looked at him like he was crazy. That you still had worry lines on your forehead from being an overachieving worker, much like himself. He looked away from your face and towards the table where a nicely laid out home-packed meal was. Still the same, Jake thought to himself. Taking in how you separated certain things from your sandwich and had your little snacks bagged to keep them from getting condensation on them from your cold drink you probably put in the freezer last night to keep it cooler throughout the day. 
“But how’ve you been Dolly?” Jake asked, sincerely and with interest. 
You were slightly caught off guard with his sudden interest in how you were doing. “I’m good…Just got transferred here this past weekend.” A small smile creeping onto your lips as you fiddle with the hem of your pants. “How about you, Hangman?” You return the question with a small smirk, using his newly discovered callsign.
“Good…I’ve been good.” He hums before tapping his hand on the table, “Uhmm, how’s, uhhh…” The man hesitated. Clearly trying to remember someone. It clicked, making you almost laugh in his face. 
“Yeah! Stella Rogers.”
“Right, that’s what I said. How has she been?” Jake asked with a raised brow. 
You gazed right back at him, an unimpressed look settling on your features. Lifting your shoulders in a shrug, truthfully responding to him, “I wouldn’t know, I haven’t talked to her in a few years.”
Jake hummed again as he nodded. A common response for him. “You guys used to be really tight, what happened there?”
Another shrug from you. “Stuff happens. We just drifted apart.”
Poor Phoenix had to sit through the tension after your words. Neither of you know what to say next. Sparing a glance to the woman just past Jake, you try to communicate that you don’t know what to say. That you were a little lost and needed an out. She took in a deep breath and nodded, getting up with a screech of her chair. “C’mon, I’ll show you what was wrong with my jet.” She said, matter of factly. 
Quickly you pack up your lunch that remained untouched from when you unpacked it only ten minutes before, “Yeah! I’m sure I can get it fixed in no time.” You smile and get up, turning to Jake with a smile. “See you around, I guess.”
“That’s gonna be a hard one.” Your brows furrowed in confusion at his muttered words.
Pausing as you tilt your head, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, I’m getting transferred out this weekend.”
“Oh…” That’s only three days from now. This was a mere chance meeting. How ironic is that? 
“Maybe we could go out to dinner tonight? As friends.” He added quickly at the end. As if he recalled his whole men and women can’t be friends thing from three years ago. But you just shook your head. 
“No, uhm, I’m going out with my boyfriend, Ross, tonight…” You admit, and he hums with a smile. Muttering a small good for you. “Well, if I don’t see you around base…have a nice life.” 
“Yeah…You too, Dolly.”
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“Alright, and this is the head mechanic for the Dagger Squad. Callsign, Dolly. She’s the best, and I asked for her personally with what limited power I have over this mission.” You heard the familiar voice call. Smirking as you turned around and were faced with more than one familiar face. Sighing out as you lock eyes with a particular set of green eyes. 
“Dolly!” Phoenix called out with a smile, “You didn’t tell me you were Stateside!” The woman laughed as she jogged over to you. The rest of the squad follow suit in order to properly meet you.
With a bashful grin you hugged her when she made it over, the both of you managing to keep in contact after being stationed in Washington. “It’s good to see you too, Phe…” You hummed as the two of you swayed a little. Pulling back you moved onto the other familiar faces. “Rooster, good to see you again.” You pat the man's arm as you pass him up to go and hug Bob. One of your closest male friends that you’ve managed to keep in touch with. He’s always been respectful, but not straight out avoidant. “Bobby!” 
“Hi!” He chuckles as he takes you into his arms. Funny enough, you were just stationed in Lemoore with him, before you were transferred here. Only a few days before him, actually. He presses a soft peck to your hair as you squeeze his waist. “We only saw each other a few days ago, y’know?” He says matter-of-factly. 
Shaking your head again, you just chuckle. “Well, I thought I’d never see you again. Except for Christmas, because you promised. Actually, your mother promised.” You hummed as you patted his arm as you pulled away. It was quite a funny story that was kept between the two of you. Pulling away, you nod to Maverick with a smile. Having already had your bout of excitement with seeing him again when you first arrived in San Diego. 
You exchange some pleasantries with the other Dagger pilots before you’re met with Jake. Gazing up at him with a sigh as you approach him. “So, you’re still alive, Hangman?” You remember saying something along those lines last time you encountered him. 
Clearly, he remembers too. A small chuckle leaving him as he takes you in once again. Just like he did last time. To Jake, you looked better than ever. The same…but somehow better. Almost as if you haven’t aged a day since he last saw you. Only thing that’s really changed is your hair. But it’s hard to tell, your hair being in some kind of up-do you most likely did out of frustration of it being in your way while working. Your cheek has a smear of some kind of fluid, probably grease, that he also took note of on the back of your hand. He smirks, “Yeah, alive and better than ever, Dolly.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “I see the callsign stuck.”
You chuckled lightly, nodding to him as you put your hands on your hips. “Yeah…I made the mistake of going to Karaoke night.” 
He nods, about to open his mouth to talk about something else when the squad was being called to the next area. “Say, let’s catch a drink at the Hard Deck. You can bring your boyfriend, uhm, R-Ray…?” Jake stumbled over the name, causing me to chuckle lightly. 
“Right, that’s what I said. I just want to catch up…promise.” He offered again. Walking backwards to try and stay with his group. Coyote laughing at his friend. 
“Ross and I broke up a bit ago…But, sure. Drinks would be nice. My shift ends at eighteen hundred.” You said as you watched him continue to shuffle along slower than his group. 
“Great! Great, meet me there at twenty-one-hundred?” You nod to his words and he smirks. Waving to you before he takes off in a light jog to catch up with his group. 
“So basically, we broke up because we wanted two completely different things.” You frown into your drink, shaking your head as you recall your last conversation with your ex only a month ago. “We always used to say that we were so lucky we never moved as fast as our friends. Our friends that got married in a year, or our newer friends who had seven year olds. Because, you know what they say about kids…that it totally kills your sex life. At least, that's what all of my friends with kids tell me- well, my one friend. My friend Lucy…She said it so casually like it was such a widely known thing.” You sighed and shook your head. 
“Yeah, I think I can see that…” Jake said, making me nod along with his words. 
“But the main thing was that we always said to each other that we were so lucky. So lucky that we didn’t have kids to tie us down. To stop us from flying t-to Greece for a week on a whim, or having sex on the kitchen floor!” A soft laugh leaves the both of you, taking a long drink from your drink before you speak again. “The problem was that we never did that. No spontaneous trips…no kitchen sex. And when we talked it out and we established that we wanted different things, and called it off. A-and I’m not even sad about it. Four years of my life, gone, and I’m totally fine.” You nodded almost too much, as if trying to convince yourself that you were over your ex-boyfriend. 
“Yeah, you seem totally healthy right now.” Jake nods with a small smile on his face. The Hard Deck is bustling with life. Not as many khakis tonight as you’d expect for a Navy bar. But I knew that there were maybe one or two members of the Dagger squad here, besides Jake. Then some random Top Gun students, navy staff, and what you can only assume as usual locals. 
For some reason it hit you all at once that Jake has been the one asking questions all night. That he didn’t seem to mind listening to you rant about your ex-boyfriend. He was listening, like a good friend and never prompted himself. “God- Jake, I’m so sorry. I haven’t been asking you any questions! How’s the love life on your end?” You asked quickly, setting your drink down and situating yourself to be more alert. To make it look like you were actively listening to him. 
The pilot puffed his cheeks out and shook his head a little. “Man, I was in a relationship too until recently. She was apparently, uhm, cheating on me. Said she doesn’t think she ever loved me…It- It was rough.” He said with an awkward cough. As if trying to cover up the fact that he was in a relationship like that. One sided that ended in betrayal. 
“God- Jake, so sorry to hear about that. That must’ve been rough…” Reaching out, you place your hand over his in a comforting kind of way. Offering a soft smile when he looks up to meet my gaze. “If you ever need to talk, I’m willing to listen.”
His eyes narrowed at me, “Are we becoming friends right now?” Jake asked in a hesitant voice. 
That made you think for a moment. Recalling his words from before. But it was also sweet. He seemed genuine while asking. And you could feel it too. “Yeah, I think we are..” 
“What do you mean you’re just friends with Dolly?” Rooster inquired while he sat with Jake. The two of them have decided to go to the batting cages for the day for fun. 
It’d been a rough few weeks and now they were being offered a permanent position at Top Gun. After Jake saved Mav and Rooster the day of the Uranium Mission, the two pilots decided to let by-gones be by-gones and became friends. Both of them found out they played a little baseball in high school and decided to hit up the cages on a free weekend. 
Eventually, Dolly became a topic for the pair of aviators. “Yeah? What’s wrong with that? It’s…nice.” Jake shrugged while taking a sip of beer as they took a break from batting in the San Diego heat. 
“It’s nice? Are you shitting me!” Rooster scoffed a laugh, “You’ve got such a babe hanging off your arm on the daily at work. And you’re just shooting the shit? Having movie-takeout-nights at each other's places, and you’re not together or hooking up?” The mustached man took off his sunglasses as if to accentuate a point. But Jake just nodded along. 
Jake really saw nothing wrong with it. He knew what he said almost six years ago to Dolly. It became a laughing point now for the two of them. But other than that he saw not a single thing wrong with their relationship. “I’m not shitting you, this is probably the first female friend I’ve had in my whole life that I don’t want to have sex with. I feel like I’m growing as a person. I can talk to her about things and get another opinion on them that I normally wouldn’t hear.” Jake smirks to his friend. But he only gets a brow raise in response. As if it wasn’t as great a feat as he made it out to be. “Oh! Come off of it Rooster! Name one female friend you’ve had that you didn’t want to nail at some point!” The blonde barked out a laugh.
Rooster tried to sputter out a response, slightly embarrassed by Jake’s brashness in such a public setting. However, it occurred to Rooster that he always had that thought. Fleeting at best before finding out they were in a relationship or weren’t interested in him. At that, Rooster pouted and slouched in his seat. 
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July, 2017
Jake was lounging on the couch, watching a random program on his TV when he got the call. He let his phone ring for a moment on the coffee table before he caught the name on his screen. A small smile turned up his lips when he picked it up. “Hey Dolly, why are you calling so late?”
“I’m so-sorry for calling so late. C-Can you come over? Please?” Your voice came out hiccupped and weak. Clearly upset by something and in desperate need of comfort. It made Jake immediately more alert, but he played it off. 
“Yeah, I can come over.” He was already slipping on his shoes and grabbing his keys. 
A quick drive later and Jake was knocking on your door. Impatiently staring at the wood as he bounced on the balls of his feet. Some shuffling was heard on the other side of the door before it opened to reveal your blotchy face and tearful eyes. “Hey Dolly…” He muttered softly as he let himself inside. Closing the door softly as he looks down on you with a small smile. “What is it?” Jake asked as he placed a hand on your lower back and guided you to your kitchen. It was a simple move but it made you feel so much better. Distracting you until you remembered why you called Jake over. 
“He’s getting married- can you believe that!” You laughed wetly. A sob breaking past your wobbly lips as more tears spilled down your cheeks. “I need tissues…” Jake was currently moving around your kitchen collecting the makings for tea. In particular chamomile and ginger tea. Something you’d always have when you’re sick. 
Jake's brows furrowed in confusion. He grabbed a random box of tissues from the counter and set them in front of you. “Who’s getting married?”
You had the audacity to scoff as him, “Ross!”
That was a name Jake hadn’t heard in a minute. But after you raised your brows at him expectantly, awaiting his reaction, that’s when he remembered. “Oh-” That was good enough for you to talk again. 
“Can you believe that! H-He just called and said that he was getting married! To some secretary he met three months ago!” You blubbered, Jake quickly moving to comfort you. Setting down whatever he’d collected to take you into his strong arms. “He didn’t not want to get married- the truth was that he just didn’t want to marry me.. He didn’t love me.” 
“If you could take him back right now, would you?”
You shook your head as you took a tissue and wiped your face again. Frowning deeply as you stared blankly at the table. “No…it’s just-” Another hiccup, “Why didn't he want to marry me?” You replied shortly as you got up and walked towards your room. Your fluffy baby pink robe swaying along with you as you rushed to your sanctuary. Jake was quick to trail after you. Watching with a small smile as you threw yourself onto your bed dramatically. Curling up with all of your fluffy blankets and cushy pillows. “What’s wrong with me?” Jake crawled onto the bed and laid down facing you. Gently brush some hair from your forehead. 
“Nothing.” Jake murmured.
“I’m difficult.”
“You’re challenging.” He countered affectionately.
“I’m too structured and I’m completely closed off.” 
“In a good way.”
You sat up in a huff. He followed with a soft touch before you turned to him with a pout. “Can you hold me? Pl-please…?”
Without another word he pulls you into a soft hug that has you hiding your face in his neck. He smelled like peppermint and cinnamon. A smell you’d come to love and find comfort in while hanging out with Jake over the past year. Talking about everything and nothing on those quiet nights where you had nothing better to do. Or the nights when the Hard Deck was so crowded it forced you two closer together than friends would normally stand. On those nights his hand would find your waist to keep you from falling if a sailor vying to the bar accidentally knocked into you. 
He tried to pull back but you didn’t want him to leave just yet. You wanted to be with him a little longer. For him to pull you against him tighter. So, when he pulled back enough for you to see his face, you whined pitifully. Hands going to his shoulders to keep him from going too far. “Just a little longer?” You whispered hopefully. 
He hummed and pressed a soft peck to your lips before pulling you into his chest again. The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes before he pulled back again. “You feelin’ better?” Jake asked softly. You only murmured some response that you weren’t even really paying attention to as you kept stealing glances at his lips. Blinking rapidly as you realized what you were doing and looking back up to his soft green eyes. Only for him to look right back at you. No doubt as if to say that he saw you looking at him like that. 
That’s when he pressed another soft kiss to your lips. 
It was longer, not as fleeting as the one before that could’ve been passed off as friendly. This one had something behind it. Whether that was built up sexual tension or love was debatable for both parties. One kiss turned into two…then four, then…
“Mmmm…” You shifted in the bed, rolling over with a smile as you slowly woke up. Only to be startled out of that blissful morning state with the clank of a buckle and the rustling of clothes. Sitting up with your white sheets clutched to your chest you found Jake getting dressed. “Where are you going?” 
Jake looked up from where he was putting on his jacket. “I gotta go home, get changed, then go to work. And you have to get up and also go to work soon.” He grunted out as he slipped on his shoes. You pouted over so slightly as your brows drew up in a silent mix of frustration and confusion. Why did this piss you off? Why are you feeling pissed off? It’s a reasonable excuse to leave- “Let's go out to dinner tonight, seven work for you?”
Looking up you are met with Jake standing right next to the bed. Looking down on you expectantly. “Y-Yeah…Seven works.”
“Great..” He muttered as he leaned down and pressed a quick peck to your hair before turning to leave again. “I’ll text you the details later today.” And with that he was gone. The two of you were quick to call up one of the dagger squad members. Conveniently enough, those members happened to like their gym mornings. So what Hangman and Dolly did last night became the topic of the gym between Phoenix, Rooster, Bob, and Coyote. 
Your anxiety was through the roof as you tried to debate on what to do. Honestly, you didn’t know how you felt about Jake. He was nice and funny, and the last person I wanted to talk to at the end of the day. But you guys were friends. You couldn’t let one night ruin your friendship…
So you decided you would say it first. All while you were getting ready for dinner that night after work you kept rehearsing the words in your head. It was somehow worse that you didn’t see anyone throughout the day either. Being stuck in an office where you barely got any work done as all you could do was think about Jake. 
When you were safely at home and getting ready you kept saying the words to yourself. The words that you would say to Jake. 
It was a mistake.
As soon as the waitress left you practically blurted, “It was a mistake.” 
An uneasy smile on your red lips as you wring your hands in your lap anxiously. Hoping and praying that he would just let it lie. He nodded, “Thank god- Yeah, it was a mistake.” He chuckled wearily and took a sip of his wine. 
“Yeah, a complete mistake.” Just as you finished, you took another sip of wine. Soon enough silence fell over the table. People chattering besides and around you. However, the silence that fell over your table was almost uncomfortable. A feeling you haven’t felt for a while with Jake. The two of you are saved by the delivery of your appetizers salads. Quietly you eat, eventually catching eachothers eyes in small fleeting moments. 
“That’s what I like about us. It’s just so nice to have a meal and not talk.” Jake suddenly said before stuffing more salad in his face.
August, 2017
It was a beautiful ceremony and now an astonishing reception for Penny and Mavericks' wedding. Right now Penny and Mav were having their first dance. It was slow and to some older song they used to jam to when they were in their younger years. 
The ceremony took place on the beach out back of the Hard Deck, simple but so on brand. Then they moved half inside, half outside for the reception after. Everyone helped out when asked to help decorate the Navy bar for the reception. 
You were so happy for them. 
But you also couldn’t help but feel down in the dumps. Having felt so lonely lately. Actively avoiding Jake aside from work encounters that wouldn’t exactly count. After…that night you only hung out alone one other time and it killed you so much that you decided to either make an excuse to get out of the next ones or invite someone along. Apparently Jake had the same idea. Only having us together on group outings and sticking with Rooster or Coyote most of the time. All while you sidled up with Phoenix and Bob just the same. 
So imagine your surprise when Jake comes around. 
“Beautiful ceremony.” He said with a small smile. You only hum in response, making his smile fall as he steps in front of me. Not giving me the option to look away without being outright mean. Something you didn’t like doing. Something Jake knew and was now taking advantage of. So you met his piercing green eyes with a heated glare. “What’s up with you, I thought we agreed it was a mistake. You’re still acting like I kicked your puppy or something.” Jake asked with a little too much amusement than you would’ve appreciated. 
You scoffed and turned away from him. Not wanting to get into it in the middle of the reception. Turning back to look at him only to find him just where you left him. So you waved him along before spinning on your heels and weaving through the crowd towards the parking lot. Pushing your way outside, you ended up pacing for a moment before Jake came outside. “What are you insinuating, Jake?” 
He crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m saying that you’re avoiding me. What happened, we agreed it was a mistake, I don’t see why you’re dragging this out.” Jake shrugged. 
“What- It just happened!”
“Three weeks ago!” A low groan emanated from you as you tried to keep back your frustration with the subject. “You know how one year to humans is like seven years to a dog?” He asked, his hand coming up to his face. Forefinger and thumb rubbing along his chin in thought. 
Your brows pinched together at his words. “And who’s the dog in this situation?”
“Isn’t it obvious? You need me to paint a picture for you?” He threw back cockily. 
“Me? I’m- I’m the dog!”
“Yes! Why can’t you just get over it!”
Hot tears welled up in your eyes as you snapped right back at him, “You wanna act like what happened didn’t mean anything!”
“I’m not saying it didn’t mean anything. I’m saying, why does it have to mean everything?” 
“Because it does.” The build up of tears fell over. Streaking down your flushed cheeks as you stared up at him in disbelief. 
“What-” He puffed a soft laugh, “What was I supposed to do? You were looking up at me with those sad puppy eyes, asking me to hold you a little longer-”
“What! So it’s my fault, you had sex with me, because- what? You felt sorry for me!” You raised your voice at him. Flushed with anger as you put together what he was saying. 
Without thinking you slapped him. “Fuck you!” You stormed back inside to go say goodbye to the new couple and take your leave. What is up with him? You thought it was more than that. That what happened would mean more. But apparently to him, it was just a pity fuck. Wiping your tears as you walked you made your way over to your things. Grabbing your phone out of your purse, using the camera to fix yourself before you slung your bag over your shoulder. Ready to go say goodbye to Penny and Mav. 
“Dolly, please-” Jake appeared by your side again. 
“-And we’d like to thank Hangman for saving Rooster and I merely a year ago. Then of course our head engineer, Dolly. A vital part of our team from the ground. Both of which have been such a help over the past six months with the wedding. Going above and beyond to calm both Penny and I down whenever we got stressed over the wedding. Of course, so have the rest of the Dagger squad. But damn it. Hangman and Dolly as a team- downright unstoppable. So thanks to the both of you as well.” The two of you paused as heads turned your way. Smiles being flashed your way as you and Jake stood dumbfounded at the sudden thank you from Maverick. 
Sucking it up, you plant a smile on your face. Nodding and waving shyly before you glance up at Jake. Seeing him already doing the same. 
October, 2017
“-on the line. Call me, call me any, anytime! Call me, I’ll arrive. When you’re ready we can share-”
He’d been singing over the answering machine for a solid minute or so while you got ready. It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence now. He’s been ringing your phone off the line after he’d found out you silenced his calls and muted his messages. You couldn’t bring yourself to block his number, on your cell nor the landline. Just in case he really needed to get a hold of you. But right now it’s looking a lot like this. So you caved. “Jake.” 
There's a small fumbling on the other line. “Dolly?”
With a deep sigh you ran your fingers through your hair, leaning back against the counter as you held the phone to your ear. “What do you want, Hangman?” You used his callsign. Showing that you really weren’t in the mood. A habit you had before, and one you can’t seem to shake. 
“N-Nothing… Just,” He cleared his throat nervously. “Sorry I wasn’t expecting you to pick up…Just- H-How’ve you been?” The pilot managed to get out after a moment of stuttering. Something that is foreign to Jake. And something that’s foreign to you as well, he never seemed to stutter. 
“I’ve been okay.”
“Good…that’s good. Umm- so I was thinking that we could maybe go out to dinner…?” He asked with a slight waver in his voice. 
You missed him, but you still felt hurt. “Not tonight, I’m just about to head out.” 
“Oh- where are you going?” 
Shaking your head you sighed at him. “I’m late. Goodnight, Hangman.” You said blandly before hanging up on him. Quickly leaving your apartment to go meet up with Phoenix and Bob.
Hangman was currently taking his time. Taking too long to get ready for the Navy Ball he didn’t even want to attend right now. By the time he would get there it would only be an hour before they started to kick everyone out. 
He kept thinking about you. 
What went wrong? Why did he say what he said? He cared about you. He cared about you so much it hurt. It hurt that night when he slept with you because right after he felt like he betrayed your trust. He didn’t know if you wanted it right then because you were just hurt by the news of Ross’ wedding. It almost hurt more when he was already halfway out the door when you asked where he was going the morning after. You sounded so heartbroken over him leaving that he wanted to crawl right back into bed with you. 
He hurried up his motions to get ready. Knowing that you were at the ball was his only solace as he jammed his socked feet into his dress shoes.
You on the other hand were drained. Your dress felt too tight, the music wasn’t helping your headache. The man droning on in front of you doing nothing to help the headache. You honestly weren’t paying attention to him. Did that make you feel bad, yes. But you were too tired to care. 
Suddenly he was laughing and you took a moment to process this before you joined him. Throwing your head back in one of your more believable fake laughs. 
You quickly tried to think of an excuse to get away from this guy. Your eyes locked onto a Dagger squad member and you did your best to look surprised. “Sorry, I haven’t seen this person in forever! I’ll see ya later.” You rushed, brushing past the man with a roll of your eyes as you walked over to Fanboy. “Save me.” You whispered quickly. 
And that was how you ended up dancing with Fanboy for a while before you both retreated to the bar to complain about the choice of music that was blasting through the hall. “Y’know what, I might ditch. I’m so tired…” You drew out as you gave Fanboy a look that told him that you weren’t kidding. 
Apparently Penny was on the other side of you. “Oh, c’mon. Have another dance or two. I know Mav has been wanting to dance with you.” She piped up, making you feel bad. Looking back at her you offer an apologetic smile. 
“I don’t know, Pen…”
“Just wait, five more minutes. I’m sure he’ll be back around.” She pleaded softly, making your brows furrow as you really contemplated if you should or not. You’re head pounded, completely overwhelmed by the music and people around. If another admiral's wife asked where your husband was you’d lose your shit. Regretfully, you nod. Turning back to Fanboy to pass the time since the two of you were in a discussion about the Star Wars trilogies. 
Maverick did come around eventually, his smile brightening ten fold as he saw you. He passed by and greeted Penny with a peck. Tracking the man expectantly, you watched as Penny leaned in to whisper to him quickly. Without a doubt about how you were about to leave. 
“Dolly, c’mon. One last dance then I’ll give you a one way ticket out of here. What do you think?” Maverick said as he approached me. Offering me his arm with his ever so friendly grin. Giving the warm feeling a father would as you smiled back. A genuine smile for the first time all night. You let him sweep you into the crowd. A slower song playing allows you and Mav to just sway and talk softly to each other. “Are you okay, Kiddo? You seem down…” He asked. 
You sighed and shook your head slowly. “I-I don’t know…” You mumbled before you rested your cheek on his shoulder. 
He was silent for another beat before talking again, “Is it because something happened between you and Hangman?” You were quick to pull back and blink up at him in shock. He quietly laughed at my reaction. “There was some hot gossip a few months ago. After that…the two of you seemed distant. Then you seemed to not talk to each other at all after the wedding. Some people said you had a fight.”
Tears filled your eyes before you confirmed with a slow nod. “Yeah…Yeah- we fought.”
A small smile came onto his aged features before he pecked your forehead. “Do you miss him?” Another nod, “Then why didn’t you two try to talk it out?”
“That’s what we did at the wedding…That’s why we stopped talking.” You wiped away your tears as you smiled still. “I don’t know what to do Mav…” Your voice wavered, full of emotion as you looked to the older man for some guidance. Just like you always have since you first met him all those years ago. 
“Mind if I cut in?” 
Your head whips over to the ever haunting voice. Seeing Jake with red cheeks and his hair windswept. Suddenly Maverick lets you go. “Be my guest.”
“Dolly.” He responded, it was firm but also playful. A smirk on his lips as he looks to you before sending a slight glare to Hangman before he walks away. 
“Dolly…” Looking back up you watch as Hangman stands there. His hands clenching and unclenching at his sides, he was aching to touch you. “C-Can I have this dance with you?” He offered a trembling hand. You looked at how it shook before you looked back up to see Jake pleading silently with his eyes. “Please?”
Wordlessly, you took his hand. Stepping closer, but also keeping a fair distance as you placed your other hand on his shoulder. He cradled your hand in his, his other finding your waist. “Took so long, I thought you wouldn’t show.” You deadpanned as you danced to another slow song. Staring over his shoulder as you refused to meet his gaze. This song was somehow slower than the last. 
“I was doing some thinking, and the thing is I love you.” He said all in one breath. 
Now that got you to look at him. He didn’t stutter, he wasn’t nervous or lying.
“What?” You gaped in shock. 
“I love you.” Jake whispered. To you but almost to himself as well. 
Taking in a shaky breath as you licked your lips. Feeling your mouth go dry as you struggle to find the words. “How do you expect me to respond to this?”
“How about you love me too?” He gazed down at you in the most lovesick way you’d ever seen. Never have you seen this with any of his past girlfriends he’s had over the past year or so… 
Your heart rate picks up and you exhale sharply. Feeling an urge to run and try and process this all in the comfort of your plush bed. “How about I’m leaving.” You pull away from him and brush past him towards the exit. Brushing past people with small excuse me’s and sorry’s. 
“Doesn’t what I just said mean anything to you?” Jake was trailing after you as close as he could without stepping on your dress. You whipped around in the crowded floor to face him. 
“I’m sorry, Jake. I know you’re lonely, I’ve been just as lonely. But after everything that happened you can’t just show up here, say sorry, and expect everything to be okay. It doesn’t work that way.” You said in a raised voice. It was part out of desperation to get away, and because of the still bustling party going on around the two of you. 
“How does it work then?”
“I don’t know, but not like this.” You shook your head at him. Turning to leave again but he grabbed your wrist gently to prevent you from turning away. 
“How about like this? I love that you get cold when it's seventy one degrees out, I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich, I love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts, I love that after I spend a day with you I can still smell your perfume on my clothes and I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” He finished with a huff. Shaking his head as he offered a small smile. Waiting patiently for you as you stared at him like he was nuts, that signature little furrow in your brow making that crinkle appear.
Tears welled in your eyes as you scoffed a laugh, “God- That is just like you Hangman. You say things like that and you make it impossible for me to hate you…I hate you. I really hate you.” You let out a small sob as you reached up and wiped your tears again. He smiled slightly before taking your face softly in his large hands. 
You smiled as you grasped his wrists to keep him right where he was. “Love you too…” He whispered before pressing his lips to yours. It was a slow but sensual kiss. Filled with nothing but love. It felt like fireworks on New Years Eve. Your chest felt warm and fuzzy as your stomach flipped. Jake had similar feelings. To the both of you, everything was finally right in the world…
Kissing in a crowded room, but the two of you didn’t know any better. 
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Note: Sorry I’m so late with this, I literally drove six hrs home from college that weekend on a whim so I got loaded with homework early in the week. But here it is now. Plz have mercy on me, this is only a random thing I’ve been wanting to do. I didn’t stick to the plot of When Harry Met Sally too much, but it’s also blindingly obvious. First plotted story that isn’t just smut lol…
Apologies if it's ass
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sorrowsofsilence · 6 months
Burning Out • Teaser
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I was lost, but now I'm found Under the lights and in the sounds So let us sing and sing it loud That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are
Noah Sebastian is lost. His crime-filled lifestyle is anything but perfect; but everything changes once he meets you.
Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
General Warnings: explicit content, smut 18+, mentions of drugs, alcohol, murder, other forms of crime, violence.
Authors note: hiiii. This story was requested by an anon a while back and I have decided to try and give it a shot (Prompt given was: Noah and the boys have a tough life and steal to make it by, and live in a motel room together. Meets reader and ends up breaking into her house unknowing.) I hope this vibes with what you wanted! <3 I have no idea how many chapters this will be, im just kinda gonna go with the flow!
Here’s the beginning of the chapter, just to see if anyone’s interested :3
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The world was always in a state of grey, the life of the concrete jungle persistently sucking out the souls of its inhabitants with every passing second. Destruction. Crime. Greed. A shattering abyss of capitalism and corruption.
Yet, within this life time, I don’t think I was meant to be the good guy either.
Perhaps there was a chance for me, someday or somehow within another universe.
For now, the only thing I could think about was how my heart pounded as the gun sat between my fingers, threatening the innocent ahead. Destruction, Crime, Greed.
“Noah, let’s go,” Ruffilo pulled at my wrist in desperation. My arm remained still, resisting against his force.
The woman’s eyes watched me in horror, tears brimming as her back hit the brick wall behind her, arms wrapping protectively around her body in defeat.
My heart rapidly raced, but I remained still.
“I won’t say anything I swear,” She pleaded, lips trembling, saliva foaming from her mouth as she was too afraid to swallow.
I don’t want to do this, but I fucked up.
“Noah,” Ruffilo said through gritted teeth, “We need to go,” he placed a hand on top of my gloved one, in another attempt to have me lower the bad decision.
I closed my eyes, squeezing them shut in contemplation as my chest heaved, the voice of rationality fighting against the voice of destruction.
I’ll be even more of a fuck up if she rats on us.
You’ve never been able to kill anyone before you moron, why do you think this time will be any different?
My eyes snapped open, leatherd finger dancing along the trigger as I stared at her. My teeth barred through chapped lips, a snarl of frustration crawling from my throat. The woman's eyes turned away in fear as if watching her own demise would kill her. Ironic.
Seeing her in complete terror left me broken. Is who I am? I am nothing more.
The next thirty seconds passed as though I was walking through molasses, my thoughts battling contradictions before I audibly screamed in frustration, shoving the gun back into my pocket as Nicholas and I ran towards the van.
“Fuck!” I yelled, slamming the car door a forceful as possible. The tires squealed in place, burning out as Jolly’s foot pounded onto the gas pedal.
I ripped off my ski mask, throwing it angrily onto the floor of the vehicle.
“You should’ve just left her Noah. Now if they find us we could be charged with assault with a weapon.” The deep Swedish accent was the last thing I wanted to hear. He eyed me sternly in the rear view mirror. I lingered on his gaze for a moment before turning my head towards the window.
“Oh Fuck off Jolly,” I sighed angrily, closing my eyes as my breathing quickened, the anxiety beginning to set in. The pounding of my heart began to vibrate along my entire chest, and my leg bounced in anticipation, waiting for the panic to subside.
I kept justifying to myself that we’re all dead anyway, so what’s the difference between a God and a loaded gun?
I'll leave the prompt given below. Chapter one will be out later tn <3
“BUT what about a Noah fic where him and the boys grew up with a hard life, but they always stuck together. Growing up they got into a lot of trouble, and they are still struggling. So they all live in a little motel room together. Then one day Noah runs into reader, and she’s new to LA and she also grew up with a bad background but she got away from it and worked her ass off to get a nice little house in LA. So they talk for a bit and get along with each other, they swap numbers and stuff. Then one night it’s noah get money for him and the boys. So he decides to break into a house and just steal some stuff so he can sell it for money. BUT he ends up breaking into readers house by accident, and she catches him. She hurt and scared at first, but then she starts kind of sympathizing for him. He is apologizing profusely to her telling her he didn’t know it was her house, and basically they have a conversation about Noah’s life with the boys, and why he does what he does. And basically they end up falling for each other, and after a while reader realizes how lonely she is living in her house alone in LA with no friends. So she tells noah that him and the boys should move in with her, and she would help them find jobs and stuff. Eventually they agree, and then after they move in she notices how much they love music and that the two nicks both have old acoustic guitars that they occasionally play while Noah songs along. She works at a bar and then ends up getting them a gig at her work, and then after they play there a few times they start blowing up on the internet and getting popular, then eventually they get huge and go on tour. When they become famous they all convince reader to go on tour with them so they can start taking care of her like she did them when they needed it the most.”
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Nightlife 16
Warnings: dubcon, noncon, touching, coercion, manipulation, violence. Proceed with caution.
Note: I know what you’re thinking, why the fuck are you doing this? Well, you wanted bouncer Lee and I did too. Also, short!reader, not sorry.
Part of The Club AU
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You’re almost shaking as you watch through the car window. Lee approaches the facade of your dorm building and shifts into park. You look up at the dingy brick and pout. It’s over. You knew that already but this is acceptance.
“We’ll just pack up,” he says as he turns off the engine, “get all your stuff in the car, then we can go home and send in your lease cancellation, like ya said.”
“Are you sure?” You squeak.
“Now, darlin’, I should be askin’ you. Thought I did and ya said yes,” he harrumphs as he hovers his hand on the door.
“I… Lee, I did,” you whine, “please, I’m just… I’m nervous. I thought– I thought school would be the next four years and now…”
“I know. None of us end up where we expect,” he reaches over to squeeze your shoulder, “but that’s usually for the best. I never thought I’d find me a girl like you, blossom.”
He leans over and kisses your cheek. Your lip quivers and you quickly turn away. He lets go and gets out on his side as you once more peek through the window. It’s not real until you open that door.
He grabs a stack of empty boxes from the back seat and comes around. He opens the door from the outside and you sit back, hanging your head. You unbuckle the seatbelt as he offers his free hand. He helps you out and you step out of the way of the door as he knocks it shut with his elbow.
He gestures you ahead of him with a nod. You lead him across the pavement and up the walk. Before you can get your keys out, you hear another car door and an angry voice. You whip around as your father marches across the grass.
“I’ve been waiting on you,” he snarls.
“Dad, what–”
“Come to get my money’s worth,” he ignores Lee as he approaches, “or what little I can. If you can get a degree, you’re not staying–”
“Nah, she ain’t,” Lee steps into your dad’s path, “she got a new place.”
“Who is this?”
“Dad, sir, uh–”
“I’m the one gonna take care of her. Like no one has before,” Lee insists.
Your father scoffs, “you–” you can’t see his face but you can hear his disgust, “she’s my daughter and you’re an old man.”
“Pot and kettle,” Lee sneers, “she’s an adult. She can make her own decisions.”
“She can’t even pass her first year, she doesn’t know–”
“She knows you’re a mean man. That you don’t care about her. You only care what she can give you, huh?” Lee moves with your father as he tries to sidestep him, “she’s smart in her own way, but you can’t see that. You just throw money at her and think she gonna be what you want.”
“I don’t know who you are, but you better move away from me,” your father snaps.
“I won’t, I’m gonna walk this young lady inside so she can pack up her things. You’ll get your money for the winter lease and all that.”
“She’s coming home. With me,” your dad retorts.
“She ain’t,” Lee turns and shoos you towards the door, “keep goin’, flower. We don’t got time to was–”
The boxes fly from his arms and one hits your shoulder. You stumble back as Lee spins and catches your father’s fist. He holds his wrist above him and lands a punch of his own smack dab in the middle of his face. Your father cries out as Lee lets him go, his hands covering his nose.
“Lee!” You run forward. “You hurt him.”
“Honey, he grabbed me,” Lee puts his arm out to stop you, hooking it around your middle. “I’m just defending myself. Protecting you.” He clings to you as your father bends and spits out blood, “he’s gonna take you away from me, is that what you want, darlin’?”
“N-no, but…” you don’t know what to say as your father stands straight, glaring at you. He’s mad, really mad. Like that time he broke your dollhouse.
“You always were a spoiled little brat,” he barks, “fine, stay with the old pervert. See if I care. You’re even more stupid than I could ever believe.” He steps closer and Lee inserts himself between you again, “my own blood, a fucking moron.”
You wilt and shrink down behind Lee. You hide behind him, ashamed and scalded by your father’s anger. You wait, listening, until you hear his retreat. He grumbles as his shoes mulch the grass and scatter pebbles across the sidewalk.
Lee faces you but you refuse to look at him. You focus on gathering the boxes, putting one inside the other in a neat stack. He stops you as he grabs the last one.
“You ain’t stupid, sweet thing, you know that,” he holds the box out of your reach so you have to look at him, “he’s the stupid one. Can’t see how special y’are.”
You frown and shrug. Lee sees the best in you but it only makes you feel worse. You wish he would see everything else; that you’re useless and awkward. You’re everything your dad ever said you were.
“Aw, don’t you be mopin’,” he places the box with the rest and turns back to you, “now, I can’t have you doin’ none of that. This is a happy day.”
“Lee…” you murmur and stare at your feet.
“Come on, give me a smile, now, puddin’,” he surprises you as he tickles your ribs suddenly. You squirm and yowl, letting out a stream of guffaws as you try to swat him away. “There you are. Eh, you know, darlin’, you’re so pretty when you smile.”
You sway back and forth, bashful, hugging your ribs protectively, “Lee…”
“I mean in. Ain’t never seen anything better,” he comes close and places his hands on your shoulders, “so give me a kiss cause I need some cheerin’ too.”
You tilt your head up as he bends towards you. You give him a kiss on the cheek and he hums. You stand flat on your feet again and flicks his finger up under your chin.
“That’ll do for now,” he teases with a wink, turning to pick up the boxes, “but I’ma give ya lots of lovin’ later. You deserve it.”
“Lee,” you gasp.
“Just some kisses,” he chuckles, “you like kisses, don’t ya?”
You giggle. Sometimes he makes you think of a teddy bear. All he wants are cuddles.
“Alright, then, let’s get goin’,” he heads towards the door.
You follow him and skirt around him as he gets to the door. You unlock it and hold it for him, his arms full. You climb the stairs, a few steps ahead of him, and wait at the top. You’re worried about Raquel but she should be gone for the holidays.
You let him into your dorm and lead him down to your room. Inside, you stop short. This is the last time you’ll be there. It’s a solemn feeling. A goodbye come too soon.
Lee pokes you with the box and apologises. You move so he can pass. He looks around and lets out a cluck as he sets the boxes down. He spins and takes in the cramped space.
“Dang, I thought me place was a bit small,” he shakes his head.
“It’s just me,” you say.
“Small thing too,” he smirks, “cute.”
You grin and look away shyly.
“Well,” you throw your hands up, “we should get started then.”
“Uh, yeah, s’pose we should,” he turns and takes a box, carrying it over to the tall dresser. He puts it on top and opens the top drawer before you can stop him. You rush over as he reaches inside. He takes out a handful of your panties. “Ah,” he drops all but one, a pair with little strawberries all over. He looks at you devilishly, “now why you never wore these one for me?”
“Lee,” you hiss.
“Don’t be coy now,” he folds them up and slips them in his pocket, “wifey.”
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Hot Blooded
This is a continuation of a previous fanfic I wrote called Desire. 18 + content ahead, please do not interact if you're a minor. If you haven't read Desire yet I do recommend reading it first so some gaps are filled in.
Violet’s Pov:
Sun shines through the window as I wake, casting a warm glow to the room. Reaching across the bed I come up empty, cool sheets touch my flaming skin. Sweat forms all over my body as I let out a groan of frustration, the dampness between my legs has me aching with need. The sheet covering my body only adds to the overheating of my body so I kick them off.
 Pleasure sparks through me so fast it has my toes and fingers curling into Xaden’s sheets. I gasp a tagged breath as it dissipates as fast as it came. 
“Where are you?” I beg down the bond to Xaden, 
“I didn’t think you’d be awake yet, I stepped out to explain our absence for the next few days. Devera was a bit smug about it, she told me to tell you and I quote ‘Have fun, don’t add to the population’ “ He trails off with a chuckle and I groan, scraping my face with my hands as I roll over and shove my face into the pillow. 
“I’m gonna throw myself out the window,” I whine down the bond and he only responds with a laugh. 
“Please don’t,” Is the only response he gives as I lay there sweating and dizzy. His scent of mint and citrus wafts up from his pillow and into my nose. 
The door creaking open has me turning my head to look at Xaden who looks perfectly fine as he strides in with a tray. He’s wearing grey sweatpants that leave little to the imagination and a tight black t-shirt covers his chest. His muscles are fully on display as his onyx eyes look down at me, accessing my body as he sets down the tray on his nightstand. “How are you feeling?” He asks quietly, sitting on the edge of the bed as he looks down at me. 
A tender hand brushes my hair out of my face, his skin hot against my own. “Like I’m wearing winter clothes in the middle of summer.” I whimper as I lean into his touch, it’s not nearly enough to stop the aching but for the moment it will do. “That’ll go away soon enough,” He comments softly. 
“You need to eat,” He demands quietly, his eyes searching mine for any kind of protest. My stomach grumbles as I tear my gaze away from him to look over at the tray. There’s fruit, toast, two large clear cups filled with water, and a bowl that I can’t see into. 
“I could’ve gotten it myself, I’m not that delirious with need.” I look back at him as he rolls his eyes at me. “You could just say thank you, ya know?” It’s my turn to roll my eyes as he shifts away from me, turning himself to face the tray as I sit upright with my back against the headboard. “Thank you,” I grumble and shift to make room for him. He hands me a piece of toast and I take it from him, taking small bites as we eat in silence. 
I’m the first to break the silence once I finish my slice of toast. “So, dragons have heats?” I ask as he finishes his slice of toast. “To my understanding only mated pairs do.” He answers and I nod my head. “So this has happened to you before?” I ask and he sighs, running his hands through his devilish black hair. “Once, in my first year.” His answer is short as he looks down at me, even with both of us sitting he’s taller than me. Every fibre of my being is making me want to climb into his lap as he shifts his legs a bit wider as he stays seated on the edge of the bed. “Did you know what was happening?” I ask tentatively. 
“I pieced it together eventually, can we not talk about this?” He begs as a blush covers his cheeks and nose. “Fine, I’ll drop it for now.” I move quickly from my position to being in his lap, my legs on either side of his waist as his thick arms wrap around me. His warm hands rest on my ass cheeks as I loop my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me as I look at him.
There’s a thin sheen of sweat at the top of his forehead, his pupils are full-blown as his lips part in a gasp as I drag myself over his clothed cock. Pleasure sparks throughout my body and I mewl in his hold, my fingers curling into the hair at the nape of his neck. His chest heaves as he looks down at me, his hands tighten their hold on my ass as we both get hit full force with pleasure from our dragons. 
“Touch me, please,” I beg and he smirks as he drops a kiss to my forehead. 
“I’ll worship you thoroughly in a moment, just - let me hold you for a second.” He pants against me, his breath that smells like mint fans over my face. His touch sends sparks throughout my body as he holds me against him, he’s entirely too clothed for my liking.
 My hands trail from his neck, down his spine and to the bottom of his shirt where I drag the fabric up, exposing his toned torso. “Desperate to get me naked again Violence?” He pants as he pulls back, I wrap my legs around his waist as he lets go of my ass, quick to take over. 
Grabbing the back of his shirt he drags the dark fabric agonizingly slow over his tawny skin. My fingers trail over the dark hair that starts at the bottom of his abdomen and goes up the defined muscle that tones his stomach.
Tracing the newly exposed skin, he shucks his shirt off and throws it across the room. His body shudders under my touch as he looks down and grabs my hand as my fingers move to trace his collarbones. “I said I was worshipping you, Violet. Not the other way around.” His voice is stern and commanding, I shift in his lap creating delicious friction that has me gasping and throwing my head back.
“That’s it.” His gruff voice rings out and faster than I can comprehend I’m underneath him, the bed against my back as he hovers over me. He’s quick to get my hands and pin them above my head, the rest of my body unable to move as he pins me down with the weight of his own body. My legs dangle over the edge of the bed as we both take a handful of shuddering breaths. “If you try to move your hands I’ll tie them to the headboard.” He threatens, need pangs through my body as I feel wetness pool in between my legs. “Okay.” I squeak as he moves. 
He kneels on the floor as he spreads me wide, dragging my ass closer to the edge of the bed as he stares up at me hungrily. “Be a good girl and don’t move your hands.” He says huskily before moving down, his lips quickly attach to my clit and suck against it, his broad shoulders keep me spread out for him as my body arches against him. I whine loudly as he sucks on my clit, pleasure scorching through my body.
One of his arms move and I feel pressure at my entrance as he teases the outside of it, only slightly pressing in before backing away. His ministrations continue like that for a few moments before I’m begging and writhing against him. “Please, fuck, please I can’t. Stop teasing.” I beg and he chuckles the vibrations hit my clit and I shriek as he sinks a finger into me. The aching needy feeling comes back in full force as he slowly fucks his finger in and out, curling it up to hit the right spot.
My hands clench tightly into the tangled bed sheets as I fight the urge to lace them through his hair. The pressure changes from slight to fuller as he adds a second finger into the mix. Sucking more harshly against my clit and I cry out, it doesn’t take long to come undone. I let out a scream of pleasure as he takes his fingers out of me and replaced them with his tongue. Lapping up all of it as spots dance throughout my vision, his eyes gleaming with delight as I come down, his tongue slowing down as he pulls back. 
My cum glistens off of his chin and he’s quick to stick his tongue out to clean it up, using the back of his hand to wipe up what his tongue couldn’t reach. “Please, let me touch you,” I beg and he smirks at me. “No.” His hand moves back as his two fingers slide inside again, he looks down at me like a man starved as he slowly fucks his fingers in and out. “Can you take more? I don’t want to hurt you?” He asks breathly and I nod my head yes. “Please.” I whimper and he smiles at me, adding a third finger to the mix has me feeling delightfully full.
They curl up and I cry out as he watches my reactions intently. He palms himself over his joggers as he finger fucks me. “You’re doing so good for me, I’m so proud of you Violet. Being such a good girl.” I mewl under his praise, if it weren't for the current circumstances I’d say something snarky to retaliate.
His pace speeds up as my legs shake, the pressure building up quickly as he brings me close to another orgasm. His thumb touches my clit, applying enough pressure that I’m crying out again. My hands move from the sheets to his wrist as I gush around his fingers. My nails bite into his skin as I come undone with a scream. “Fuck please, fuck Xaden. It’s too much.” I whine and he stops. Looking from my face to my hand that’s wrapped around his wrist. 
“Do you need me to stop?” He asks as he takes his hands off of me completely. “No, fuck it’s just so much. God, I feel like I’m on fire.” I whine and he smirks “Good, if you need me to stop I will at any moment but right now I’m glad you want more.” He grounds out the last bit as he moves his hand to wrap around the wrist of the hand I grabbed him with. 
“Now I do believe I gave you a simple order Cadet.” He says menacingly, staring down at me like a predator that just caught their prey. “What did I tell you to do?” He questions lowly and I smirk down at him, “Not move my hands.” I respond “And what did you do?” His gaze flicks from my hand to my face. “Moved my hands,” I answer and he pounces, dragging my body to the top of the bed where he pins both wrists, he grabs something from his nightstand and quickly has my wrists pressed together and a soft tan rope is wrapped around them.
Tight enough that I probably can’t get my hands out but not tight enough to cut off circulation. My hands are above my head as he ties the other end to one of the planks underneath the mattress. He tugs a tug at it before letting go and smirking down at me. “Can’t follow simple orders.” He tuts as my thighs rub together. One of his shadows falls from his hands, ghosting over my stomach and breasts, the cool sensation causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. 
He backs up and moves off the bed as his shadows dance softly over my skin. His cock is tented up in his jogging pants and it has me salivating at the thought of him fucking me with it. He palms it and I feel my skin flush at being caught.
“You’re just a cock hungry slut aren’t you?” He questions as he leans against the desk on the other side of the bed. “Fuck you, no I’m not.” He laughs darkly as I feel a harsh pinch on my nipples, my back arches as I yelp. Pain and pleasure cursing through me as he watches. “Try again,” He comments lazily as he shucks off his pants, his thick veiny cock springing free. His hand pumps lazy strokes as he watches me intently.
The shadow dances down my abdomen and settles over my clit, adding pressure and coolness that has me writhing against the restraints. “Fuck you’re too full of yourself.” I bite out and a sharp tug on my clit has me crying out. “Fine, fuck yes, but only for you.” I groan and the sharp tug stops, going back to a deliriously good pressure that has my legs shaking.
Gasps leave my mouth as I feel the pressure build higher and higher, my toes curling into the bed as the shadows begin mimicking the sucking motion he was doing to me earlier. “I don’t even have to touch you to have you coming undone.” His voice is hoarse as his cock twitches in his hand. “Cum for me Violet, please.” I shatter as my vision darkens and my ears ring, my body convulsing as his shadows cease. 
He crosses the room in a couple of quick strides, undoing my restraints as he kisses me, warm lips meet mine as he nips at my bottom lip. My body tingles and feels floaty as I pull back from him. Taking a few gulps of air as he scooches me over, sitting on the bed and pulling me next to him. My head is on his chest as he holds me close to him, one hand circles around my waist and the other rubs soothingly up and down my back.
The room spins as I come to my senses and it takes me a moment to realize my body is vibrating with the aftershocks of my orgasm. “You did so well for me, good girl. Take all the time you need.” He says softly and after a few moments, my body calms down. One of my arms is under his head and my other rests on his stomach.
Need pangs through my exhausted body as my legs drape over his, I whine into his chest as the need builds up again. My heart goes alarmingly fast as I writhe. “Fuck, Xaden, make it stop.” I plead and he kisses my forehead reassuringly. “I can make it go away for a little but we’re not in the clear for the next day or so,” I whine at his words, my body over-stimulated and hypersensitive.
“Please, fuck I can’t. It’s so overwhelming.” I sob and he shushes me with a soft kiss, his lips move against mine as tears fall from my eyes. His hand moves from my back to my face, wiping away stray tears as he kisses me tenderly, my jaw cupped in his hand.
 I pull back as another pang hits me even harder, yelping at the pressure and need. Xaden’s worried eyes find mine, “I can make it stop Violet but I don’t know if you can take more.” He whispers and I whine in his hold, “Fuck, please don’t leave me like this.” I plead, more tears falling from my eyes, and for the first time this morning, I can hear the strikes of lighting and thunder pounding relentlessly outside. 
My skin feels like someone threw me into dragon fire as I writhe in Xaden’s hold. “Violet, I need you to calm down, you’re going to hit burnout if you keep going.” His voice is urgent as he forced me to look him in the eyes. “Please, fuck I can’t take this.” I’m breathless as he searches my face for any sign of hesitancy. “Violet, take a few deep breaths, you’re okay. Can my good girl do that? Take a couple of deep breaths and then I’ll keep going if you want me to.” His voice is deep and calm as I take stuttering breaths, he encourages me to take more as I feel my body become less tense. “That a girl, you’re doing so good for me.” He reassures me as my heart rate comes down, my body warm but no longer burning. “I can take it, please. I need you.” I mewl and he nods his head.
 “Hands on the headboard.” He demands and I’m quick to move, hands clenching against the headboard as he moves behind me. His cock trailing up and down my folds before sinking agonizingly slow into me. His hands are on my waist, helping hold me upright as he pushes his cock in. Inch by inch he stretches me out and I’m so deliriously full. His fingers are no match for his cock in how they stretch me.
We’re both breathing raggedly as he sinks himself fully into me. “Move,” I whine and he complies, snapping his hips in a way that has his cock dragging against my g-spot in every thrust, one of his hands snakes around to my breasts and tweaks my nipple as the other moves to my clit to rub it. Each thrust has me feeling him deeper and deeper, and there’s no doubt in my mind that I won’t be able to walk after this. “Such a good girl, take my cock so fucking well.” Xaden rasps and I moan, my hands clenching tightly onto the headboard as his shadows snake around my body.
Xaden’s hand falls from my breast and is quickly replaced by cool shadows that pinch and twist my nipples. I shudder around Xaden, my body tightening as I cum again. A harsh slap to my ass has me yelping and lurching forward, a hoarse moan falling from my parched lips as he fucks me. “Fuck go harder,” I beg and he stills for a moment.
“Are you sure?” He asks me softly, leaning over me and moving my hair from one side of my neck to the other, leaving small kisses as his cock throbs inside me. ‘“ I wouldn’t ask you to if I didn’t think I could take it.” I choke out and he presses small kisses from my neck to my back. 
He moves away with his cock still inside of me. “Remember, you asked for this.” He says gruffly before snapping his hips against mine hard and fast. My hands fall from the headboard as my back arches, my face in his pillow as he fucks into me relentlessly.
‘Fucks’ fall from my mouth as I feel him twitch inside me, his finger also moving at a pace that has my clit throbbing. Shadows cooling my heated body as I tumble closer to an orgasm. Xaden finally being rough with me has me tumbling over the edge as he fills me, fucking his cum deep inside of me as I lose my breath. 
My body feels weightless as it drops to the bed, Xaden gives a few light thrusts before sliding his cock out. I hiss at the sensitivity as he lets go of me and falls to the other side of the bed. Both of us panting from exhaustion. “You okay?” He asks, turning to face me as I weakly lift my head to look at him.
His usual put-together appearance is devilish with sweat gleaming on his face. My mind is hazy as I manage to nod. He pulls me into him, letting me be the little spoon as he wraps are sweaty cum coated bodies together. Silence covers the room, the only sound being our breathing as I drift. My eyes close as my breathing slows,
“Tell your dragon we’re having words once they're done.” Xaden comments and I sigh mumbling out a “Not worth the trouble. He’ll just threaten to incinerate you.” He grumbles before dropping a kiss to my head, my hair splayed out every as I drift back into unconsciousness.
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dirtywresling102 · 2 years
Senior Party - Seth Rollins (18+)
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Seth Rollins x Female!Reader
Summary: Agreeing to be your best friends DD to a party that your senior class is throwing, things take a wild turn when some people get a little too drunk.
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Minors DNI, Underage drinking, Seth Rollins is your friends dad, Cop!Seth Rollins, High School Graduate Female!Reader, Teens smoking pot, Unwanted touching from a drunk boy
Word Count: 4,988 
Follow my main blog!: @dirtywrestling
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“So, you’re not drinking then?” Brie asked for the third time throughout the ride as you guys drove down a gravel road. 
You looked at your friend in the passenger seat. “Yes, okay? I’m not drinking, not popping pills and I’m not smoking.” You weren’t really the party type. You’d rather just sit at home, watching netflix with your cat keeping you warm right on your lap or chest. But your friend begged you to come out. You couldn’t say no since you knew damn well that she was going to drink and being the good friend that you are you volunteered to be the designated driver for the night. Just so she could end up home safely after the party.
“Alright, I’m just making sure.” She threw her hands up, in defeat. 
You quickly slammed on your brakes making your chevy skid on the gravel road. You let out a relieved breath knowing you were inches away from the car in front of you with their tail lights on, stopped in the road. “It’s this turn!” You heard your male friend in the car ahead of you, that you nearly hit. That would’ve been bad, calling the cops to tell them you were in an accident headed to a party.
“Yeah, thanks! How about using a blinker sometime!” You shouted right back. You smirked when he threw his arm out the window with his middle finger straight up. You rolled your eyes at the gesture and followed him down another gravel long road until you saw a big house with a barn full of drunk teenagers out in the lawn and loud music blaring.
You looked around for a parking spot. “There’s one.” Brie pointed out, you turned onto the grass and placed the car into park. “Now if the cops come we can bolt out of here.” I said as we had a clear shot for the exit.
“I don’t think cops will be out this far out of town especially on gravel unless there's a complaint but the dude's neighbors are like three miles away and it’ll be hard getting your drunk ass into my car if the cops do come.” You smiled. “Speaking of your drunk ass in my car. When I take you home don’t you dare throw up.” I turned off the car, taking the key out of the ignition.
Brie rolled her eyes with a smile on her face, she climbed out of the car. “I mean it Brie, I’ll be cutting down on drinking before we leave so you won’t throw up.” You also got out of the car and locked it. You walked up the gravel driveway and towards the group of friends you knew best. 
“Ayee, Brie and Y/N made it!” Lexi said with a smile plastered on her face. She had a Mike’s Hard Lemonade in her hand while she slung both of her arms over yours and Brie’s shoulder. You could already tell she was hammered just by how she was swaying and her breath reeked of alcohol. 
“Nice to see you too, Lexi.” You told the drunk blonde. 
“I’m gonna get myself a drink.” Brie said, walking away from Lexi which made her lean into me. 
“Woah, okay.” You said as Lexi rested herself on you. “Hey, get me a soda please!” You shouted towards your best friend who was making their way to the cooler. You rubbed Danielle’s back and helped her up on her own two feet, making sure she was good to stand on her own.
A good hour passed and you were surrounded by drunk friends. Some started to spill secrets that weren’t supposed to be spoken of, some were drunk dancing and grinding up against one another since the loud music was blaring from the farm so you could hear it from outside. 
You looked around wondering where Brie went. “What the hell? She was just by my side.” You mumbled softly, you quickly went to the doorway of the barn trying to find her in the large groupd, she wasn’t in there. You quickly rushed outside looking around and saw a circle of the students you went to school with. As you walked closer towards them it started to smell like marijuana. You saw Brie with a guy named Dolph. “Here Brie, your turn.” He said passing you a joint. But before she could take it you grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the circle jerking stoners. 
“No, they are off limits. You can drink but not smoke.” You told her. 
“Fine, mom.” She groaned. 
“Hey, is anyone sober enough to drive?” You heard your friend Layla ask.
“I am, what do you need?” You asked as Brie leaned against you for support.
“There’s a few more people in town that want to come, we need someone to drive us to pick them up.” She stated a beer in her hand.
“Yeah, I can take you guys. Hmm…” You looked around to see a purple haired girl. “Sasha!” You shouted, walking over towards her with Brie basically over your shoulders. “Hey, I need you to watch her really fast, okay? I’ll be gone for like thirty minutes.” You told her, handing Brie off to Sasha. 
“But Y/N!” Brie whined not wanting you to go.
“No  buts, you will stay here. Don’t go around the stoners. Only be outside or in the barn understand?” You asked.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” She grumbled. “Let's get drunk!” She shouted, making a lot of other teenagers cheer.
As you walked down the driveway and towards the blue car where Sarah and two other males Cody and Randy were. “I call shotgun.” Sarah said, tossing you the keys. You walked to the car but couldn’t get to the driver seat since Cody was blocking it.
“Cody, get your ass into the back seat.” You said. “Do you need help?” You asked, wondering if he drank too much and needed to be assisted into the back.
“No, I’m driving. So, give me the keys.” He grumbled, trying to grab the keys out of your hands. You pulled them away and arched your eyebrow at his attitude. Obviously he was drunk but wanted to drive to town.
“Okay, no seriously Cody. You’re not driving, you had enough to drink that’s why I’m driving.” You sucked in a shaky breath as he grabbed your waist and pulled you close.
“Give me the keys.” His breath smelt of strong whisky, like Jack Daniels or Captain Morgan. You cried out softly as he dug his nails into your skin. You placed your two hands on his chest and roughly pushed him away, making the blonde haired boy stumble. “Don’t be a tease Y/N.” He tried to approach you again only for you to raise your fist, hitting him in the cheek. Cody stumbled again only to hit the car. You circled around the car, handing Sarah who was in the passenger seat, the keys. 
“I’m not driving, hope you come back safe.” You said, leaving and going up the driveway with the rest of your friends. You could hear Sasha arguing with Cody and asking him what he did.
As you walked towards the group of friends you hang out with you couldn’t help but to notice a male with long dark hair standing on the front porch, leaning against a post. “Guys, is that a cop?” You whispered softly. 
“Cop?” They all started to panic, looking around scared like they were chickens with their heads cut off. “Someone say cop!?” Another student yelled. 
“No! There’s no cop!” You shouted, embarrassed knowing that you had the older male attention as drunk teenagers were freaking out.
“Oh, wait, that guy? No, that's just Tyler’s dad.” Wade said, sipping on his drink in a red solo cup. You nodded, and quickly grabbed Brie’s hand. 
“Come on Brie, let’s go into the barn.” You quickly said, wanting to get out of Tyler's Dad’s sight. Once in the barn a few good songs played, you sat down on a lawn chair watching people dance. You couldn’t believe you grew up with most of them and college was just starting in the fall. Which would make everyone move out of the small town and most likely never come back so they could start their careers.
Career. The word made you cringe, not knowing what you wanted to do right after high school had scared you. You didn’t have college in mind and you weren’t too sure what to do once you walked across that stage with a diploma in hand.
Shaking your head, you started to think about something else. Like how you were counting how many drinks Brie has had. Seven, this was her seventh one and you were going to make it her last. “Come on, Y/N!” You heard Sasha yell, walking towards you and swaying her hips. “Dance with us! I love this song!” She pulled you up out of your chair but you kept refusing, she took you to the middle of the dance floor which was basically just a dirt floor and barn equipment around, where everyone was grinding up against one another. 
You stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. You didn’t dance, not even alone. “This is too awkward!” You yelled loudly over the music. As Colt 45 by Afroman blared through the speakers it was impossible for anyone to hear you. You smiled and laughed at how Sasha was actually a good dancer when she was drunk and so was Brie when she had a few drinks in her system. 
“I gotta go get some air.” You said, as if anyone had heard you. You walked out into the cool night. Your skin breaking out in goosebumps, shivering you rushed towards the same group from earlier. Wade, Zack, Summer and Alberto were drinking. You shivered, stuck in between Wade and Zack, trying to get warm. 
“Hey, does anyone have gum?” Summer slurred. 
“I think I have some in my car, hold on.” You took off down the driveway, the rocks under your shoes crunching as you took a step. You rubbed your cold arms and let out a breath. You unlocked your car, opening it but someone placed a hand on it, forcing it to shut. 
You quickly turned around to see a drunk Cody. “There you are, I was starting to worry if you left.” He growled. “You really did hurt me when you pushed me away.”
“Cody, you’re scaring me.” You confessed to him as he was close.
“Good. Maybe you’ll mind me next time when I want something.” He snarled, you were about to push him away from you but he roughly pushed you up against your black chevy driver door. “Where do you think you’re going?” 
“I’m going back to the party.” You informed him, anything to get away from him even if it was to hang out with a bunch of drunk teens.
“Why go back to the party when we can have a party of our own.” He chuckled darkly, his left hand pinning your waist and his right hand slowly dipping into your pants. Your eyes widen at his actions.
“Stop.” You hissed, grabbing his shoulder trying to push him off. He pushed up against you, forcing his body weight on you. “Please, Cody stop!” You cried out. His left hand went off of your waist and cupped your mouth.
“Shut the hell up.” He hissed. “Fuck, I’m so hard.” He grunted, pressing his hips against yours. You could feel his hard cock through your clothes and his. Tears streamed down your cheeks, you squirmed trying to get out of his grip. “Oh, I do love how you struggle.” He leaned down and kissed your neck. You closed your eyes tight, his hand muffling your cries.
“Let her go.” You opened your eyes to see a dark figure, you couldn’t tell who it was since there were barely any lights where the cars were parked. The only main source of light was coming from the barn. You didn’t recognize the voice since it was so deep, plus the male was so tall. You don’t even think he went to your school. 
“Go back to the party and mind your own fucking business.” Cody hissed, not even bothering to look who it was. 
“How about you back the fuck off before I arrest you.” The male snarled. Cody instantly pulled away from you.
“Oh- Oh I’m sorry Mr. Rollins, I didn’t-” 
“Cody, find yourself a ride home and get the fuck off my property.” The man named Rollins snapped. 
“Yes sir.” The underage drunk quickly rushed back to where the party was to look for a ridef. 
“Are you okay?” The man asked as he stepped towards you. You quickly wiped away the tears that were rolling down your cheeks, not wanting to show him that you were scared for a brief moment. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You said softly, brushing your pants and shirt off that were now covered in dust from your car due to your vehicle being on the dirt road. You looked at the man that Cody called Mr. Rollins. He must have been the same guy who was on the porch you saw, Tyler’s dad. Sure you’ve been going to school with Tyler since kindergarten but you didn’t really know about Tyler’s family but you sure knew Tyler was handsome. Now you knew where Tyler got it from. “Are you a cop or something?” You asked Mr. Rollins who was still standing in front of you. 
Mr. Rollins nodded, lifting up his shirt a little to show his badge that was hanging off his belt loop. You could see a little bit of his v-line when he lifted his black shirt. You nodded slowly, rubbing your shoulder. “Would you like to come inside, I have some pizza if you want some?” He said, trying to comfort you.
“Yeah, I’d like that. It’d be better than being around these drunks.” You said, walking towards him. The walk to the house was silent, he opened the door and turned on some lights so you could see where everything was. The house was spotless, a few pictures of Tyler when he was a baby hung on the wall and a few pictures of an older couple were on the table, it must have been Mr. Rollins parents. But what you realized was, there weren’t any wedding pictures of him and his wife. 
You followed Mr. Rollins into the kitchen, you sat down on a chair and watched him get you a slice of pizza. “Thanks, Mr. Rollins.” You said when he placed the plate in front of you.
He chuckled deeply. “Please, call me Seth.” He sat down across from you with a slice for himself. “And you are?” He pulled his plate close to him.
“I’m Y/N.” You introduced yourself only to ask a follow up question. “If you’re a cop then why are you letting Tyler throw a party with underage drinking and teenagers smoking marijuana? I don’t wanna be a nark or anything but there's a lot of illegal things going on in your backyard.”  You told him, taking a bite out of your pizza.
Seth just shrugged softly. “Tyler is old enough, he knows what he’s getting himself into and so are his friends. So, why are you here then?” He asked, arching an eyebrow. 
You swallowed your food before speaking, “I’m a designated driver for my friend. So, does your wife know you're basically throwing a frat party for teens?” You chuckled, Seth smiled softly and huffed out a laugh.
“Well, yes. She basically told Tyler it was okay to do so at my house. Tyler’s mother and I are divorce, been for a while.” It soon fell quiet. “You’re not friends with Tyler, are you?” Seth asked.
You couldn’t help but to blush and look away. “Tyler and I weren’t really close but we know each other. We’ve been going to school with each other since kindergarten.” You shrugged. “He was on the basketball team while I was at home reading or gaming. I don’t have many friends.” You stated and grabbed a napkin from the table, wiping your face. 
“I saw how Cody pulled you closer earlier today, are you okay?” Seth asked, his eyes darting towards your waist and back up to your face.
Nodding, you ran your fingers through your hair. “Yeah, he just scared me, that's all. That’s the first man who has ever touched me like that.” You frowned thinking how disgusting that was. That was supposed to be an intimate touch from someone you loved and now it was ruined.
“That’s no man honey, men don’t touch women like that. Especially beautiful ones.” 
Your face heated up when he said that. “Are you trying to flirt with me, Officer Rollins?” 
“Maybe.” He said, the room fell silent. Once you finished your slice of pizza he stood up and grabbed the plates and placed them in the sink. “Here, stand up.” 
You arched your eyebrow and slowly stood on your two feet. “Why?” 
“I saw Cody the first time he put his hands on you, I want to make sure you don’t have any marks so your boyfriend won’t get pissed. Turn around.” Seth mumbled. You did as you were told and felt him gently place his hand on your waist while his other hand raised your shirt. You could hear him growl in anger. “Should have arrested that little punk.”
“How bad is it?” You asked him, looking over your shoulder. 
“He left deep nail marks in your lower back.” You broke out in goosebumps when you felt Seth’s hand run over your lower back. “Sorry, did that hurt?” 
“N- No, just uh… No.” You swallowed, trying to control yourself.
You were about to pull down your shirt until you felt a pair of lips on your neck, making their way up your ear, his hands under your shirt and slowly going up your body, pausing on your ribcage. “Just tell me when to stop and I will.” He whispered, biting your earlobe. You whimpered softly when he cupped your breasts. 
“N- No, you’re fine.” You breathed out, his beard rubbed up against your sensitive skin whenever he planted kisses on your neck. 
He pressed his hips against your ass, grinding it slightly letting you feel his growing cock. Moaning softly, you pushed your ass back against him. “We should take this to my room.” He grumbled. He took his hands away from your body and grabbed your hand, making you follow him to his room. 
Once in his room he instantly locked the door and walked over towards you. “How could any man harm you?” He whispered, grabbing your shirt and slowly tugging it off. 
“I can handle myself.” You said, you mimicked the same action of him, grabbing his black shirt and slowly pulling it off over his head. Your eyes scanned his body, he had some chest hair that trailed down his stomach. Your eyes soon went to a scar on his side, you slowly raised your hand, looking into his eyes and touched it. “What happened?” 
“Bullet wound. I was in surgery for six hours before they got all of the pieces out of me.” Seth watched as you traced your fingers over it. 
“I like a man with scars.” You teased.
“And I like a woman that can handle herself.” He chuckled, pulling you close to him and kissing you. Your hands slowly went down his body and grabbed his belt, undoing it and pushing down his jeans so they were down his mid thigh. 
As Seth started to get your skinny jeans off around your waist, you bit his lip, tugging at it slightly. “Hmm, naughty girl.” He chuckled, he slowly licked your bottom lip, asking for an approval to be in your mouth. But of course, since he did call you naughty you denied him. He growled lowly, grabbed at your ass and gave it a rough squeeze. His actions made you gasp, which he gave as an opportunity to thrust his tongue into your mouth.  
The make out session went on for a while until you had to pull away for air, panting softly you quickly kicked off your shoes then the rest of your pants. You’ve never been this aroused before, your teenage hormones were driving you up the wall. Truth be told, you were still a virgin. You never touched yourself or let others touched you, sexually. You were just too busy, with school and work it just seemed like a lot of work just to go out and look for a boyfriend. 
“Lay on the bed, baby.” Seth demanded with a soft voice as he unlaced his shoes, kicking them off and pushing his jeans down. You walked towards his king size bed, which was pretty big just for one person to sleep on it and laid down on your back. Your heart was racing with adrenaline not to mention with lust too. He grabbed the hem of his boxers and pushed them down, pulling out his semi hard cock. Your eyes widened as he wrapped his hand around it, slowly stroking it to make it even harder. “Have you ever…” He trailed off, he didn’t want to think of you as a girl that got around but then again you didn’t look like the type.
“Have I ever had sex? No.” You swallowed hard, hoping he wouldn’t change his mind about taking your innocence away. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” He purred, slowly crawling onto the bed and on top of you. “You can touch it, if you’d like.” He whispered, leaning down and kissing your neck softly. You slowly ran your hands down his chest towards his stomach only to stop at his torso and slowly grabbed his stiff cock. He grunted lowly at the action, making you jump and pull away. “Fuck, sorry you’re okay. It just felt good.” He gave you a smile. You nodded and went back to grabbing his cock, slowly jerking it. You could feel how he started to become harder, his cock throbbed in your hand. You blushed when he pushed his hips forward into your touch, signaling for you to pump faster.
Seth nudged his face in the nape of your neck, moaning softly as you kept pumping his cock. His hips kept fucking into your touch, moaning. Your face was still heated, surprised by his low moaning you were getting out of him. “God damn, Y/N feels so good.” He breathed only to pull away. “But I can’t be coming undone in your hand.” You pouted as he pulled fully away from you, his cock leaving your hand. 
“We’re going to get this pretty pussy all ready for my cock.” Seth’s fingers trailed down my body as he positioned himself in between my legs.
“What- What are you doing- Oh fuck!” You sobbed out feeling his hot mouth latch onto your sensitive cunt. You squirm underneath his touch at the foreign feeling. Seth soothed your squirming body by rubbing your waist as his tongue dipped in and out of your tight channel. You cried out again feeling his wet tongue expand your virgin walls. The blush on your cheeks still stayed as you looked down, watching Seth become a hungry man, devouring your pussy in a soft manner. “Oh god, Seth.” You mewled, tossing your head back into his pillows, making his scent waff in the air. 
Seth’s chocolate eyes never left you as he lapped away at your cunt, he watched every facial expression you did, making sure he didn’t hurt you or see any sign of pain. He hummed against your dripping cunt, sending vibrations up your spine. 
“F- Fuck!” You sobbed, your fingers went in his hair, trying to pull away from him. The pleasure was becoming too much as your stomach tightened. “Wait- wait- stop.” You sobbed as an unfamiliar feeling started to rise.
Seth quickly pulled away, your juices coated his beard. “What’s wrong?” He heaved a breath. “Are you okay?”
“There was- there was this feeling.” You breathed heavily. “My stomach was tightening like a wind up toy.”
Seth couldn’t help but to laugh at your innocents. “That means you were about to come on my tongue.”
“O- Oh.” A blush spread across the bridge of your nose and down your neck. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll get that feeling back and you can cream on my cock.” Seth reached over at his dresser and pulled out a condom only to rip it open with his teeth. Pulling out the rubber from the foil wrapper he rolled it down his large shaft. Seth went back into position again, on top of you with his cock head nudging against your clit making you gasped loudly.
“Easy girl.” Seth whispered. You cried out softly as his cock slowly nudged between you, sinking inside of you he instantly kissed you to muffle your moans. The feeling of something in your virgin pussy wasn’t the best feeling. He pulled away slowly. “We can’t have you screaming now that there's drunk teens around the house.” 
“Oh my god.” You whimpered, pulling him closer. You hid your face into his neck, biting his shoulder as he slid into you deeper. 
“I know, baby. Ugh, fuck you’re so fucking tight around my cock.” He grunted. “I’m trying not to thrust into you all at once.” He sighed heavily. He stopped for a brief moment so you could adjust to his size.
“Okay, I- I think I’m good.” You panted, wrapping your arms around his neck. Seth waited a moment longer and slowly pulled out and pushed back in. You cried out loudly at the feeling of him stretching your walls when he pushed back in and stopped. “No, keep going please.” You begged him. Seth nodded, slowly pulling out and pushing back in. As he kept doing so it started to feel good. You let out a soft moan which made Seth’s cock twitch. He started to pump his hips faster than usual. 
“Fuck baby.” He grunted, you wrapped your legs around his waist and made him go deeper. You gripped the back of his shoulders and raked your nails down. 
As Seth started to thrust into you faster the bed started to squeak underneath the both of you. “Oh fuck, Seth.” You ran one hand into his hair, tugging it as he started to bring you to your climax. 
“Yeah, you like that baby?” He chuckled lowly, he didn’t have to ask to see your expression. 
“I- I think I’m going to come.” You whimpered out, your tight walls were wrapping around Seth’s cock like a vise and your lower stomach was starting to clench up. 
“Fuck, me too baby. You're gonna come for me, hmm?” Seth asked, leaning down and kissing your neck. He started to mark your skin while his right hand kept himself balanced so he wouldn’t put all of his weight on you and his left hand massaged your right breast, pinching and tugging at your nipple. You arched your back and threw your head back into his pillow. “Oh fuck, yes! Please, make me come.” You moaned soon he quickly clamped his left hand over your mouth.
“I’ll let you come.” He growled. “But, you have to be quiet.” He grunted, thrusting his cock in and out of you at a brutal pace. You screwed your eyes shut as you finally hit your orgasm, you accidentally bit his hand so you wouldn’t moan. You moaned loudly into his hand as you felt the condom extend in you, the rubber catching his seeds. Seth groaned loudly as he kept riding out his orgasm. 
As you two laid there, catching your breath the party was still going on, you could hear the music and everyone laughing in the distance. “Shit.” You quickly sat up when Seth rolled off of you. “I have to go.” You said, rushing to get your clothes. “Sorry, uh I promised my friend I would look after her… I uh, thanks?” You said a bit embarrassed, you didn’t know what to say after sex.
Seth laid there, the blankets covering his naked body as he watched you look for your clothes. Throwing on your attire in a messy manner you didn’t even look back at Seth.
“Hey, wait.” Seth called out as you rushed out of his bedroom, going back to the front door. Before you could even reach the door knob, something grabbed a hold of your wrist. Stopping in your tracks, you paused and looked to see what had grabbed you. It was Seth, looking down you blushed to see his bare cock was still out. 
“You can’t tell anyone about this.” Seth’s face was now giving you a stern look unlike before.
“I wasn’t.” You furrowed your eyebrows. 
“Well, I don’t need you to brag towards your friends that we fucked.”
You ripped your wrist out from his grip. “I’m not like that.” A slight hint of hurt tone in your voice. “I have to go.”
“Wait, Y/N. I didn’t mean it like that.” Seth spoke, trying to follow you but stopped at the front door due to him still being naked. Storming down the front steps of the porch you marched towards the barn where the loud music never stopped playing. 
“Hey, there you are!” You heard. You looked to see Brie still hammered with everyone else. “They’re playing my favorite song!” Soon a loud bass dropped and everyone started to sing the lyrics.
“Hump me, fuck me, daddy better make me come!” Everyone shouted, your face became bright red. This was going to be a long night.
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avada-imagines · 2 years
Hated Love
Cedric Diggory x Slytherin Reader Word Count: 2.7k
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Summary: Enemies to lovers Cedric Diggory fanfic. A/N: First fanfiction in over 5 years; I hope you enjoy x
It was a cloudy afternoon. Black cloaks glided as the wind carefully pushed the students' robes just slightly behind them. Sounds of laughter and footsteps echoed the dark-colored halls of Hogwarts as students roamed around going from class to class.
On the other hand, I was sitting by a window enjoying the deafening silence of people watching while journaling my thoughts on a piece of parchment paper. Life has been hectic lately as quidditch practice has started. My time is mainly spent studying or in practice. I barely had time for myself, so I started journaling to keep myself as sane as possible.
“y/n! Are you coming to practice today?” My friend Draco Malfoy yelled while walking toward me. “Oh, yeah, I am, just finishing something, and I’ll be there,” I said nonchalantly as I would do anything than go to practice right now. Sometimes I feel like I cannot catch a break. That my life will always be about my studies and quidditch. Sometimes I feel guilty for feeling this way, but sometimes I feel like I’m burning myself out.
Either way, I was not excited about practice. I knew I could not miss it, we have a huge game against Hufflepuff in a few days, and I am determined to score for Slytherin. I gathered my belongings and headed to the quidditch field with Draco. I sometimes wonder why I am friends with this bloke, we are literal opposites, but we’ve been friends since our first year.
I finally reach the girls' locker rooms and quickly change into my quidditch uniform. I am a chaser which allows me to release any anger, stress, and anxiety I have while throwing the quaffle into one of the hoops. I complain a lot about playing quidditch, but deep down, it probably benefits me more than I think despite getting bruises all over my body and constant injuries. – After quidditch practice, I slowly walk the now empty halls of Hogwarts. I can barely keep my eyes open as my body is sore from the tasking practice I just had. As I walked closer to the Slytherin common room, I noticed a tall, lanky figure ahead of me.
'Wait, I know that figure anywhere,’ I thought. It was my enemy, my nemesis, Cedric Diggory.
I don’t know why but that man just annoys me. I can’t tell if it’s his demeanor, voice, or his overall presence. ‘Fuck,’ I muttered as I slowly approached him. ‘Wonder what he has to say today.’ I thought in my head.
“Well don’t you look beautiful today, y/n,” Cedric said in the most sarcastic and snarky way. I would beat this guy up if I wasn't so tired, but I have literally no energy. “Don’t you have shit to do, or are you here to frustrate me, as usual?” I said with full attitude.
“Hmm, let me think. Oh wait, I can tell you’re just coming from practice. Gonna beat me this time, baby?” Cedric said while getting closer to me, taking small steps towards me as he talked.
“We all know you won out of pure luck so don’t brag. Okay, babe?” I said while inching my face to his. I could smell a hint of mint and cologne, which shocked me a bit.
I don’t want to admit that I enjoyed his scent because nothing about him will ever be attractive. I guess this one time, he smelled a little too good.
“Oh and just for the record, I will beat your ass Diggory. This game is mine, got it?” I said with the last ounce of sassiness I had left. “Whatever you say, my love. May the best person win.” Cedric said with a mocking chuckle. God, that guy will forever piss me off.
Finally, I left Cedric’s gaze and continued walking to the Slytherin common room. I could not wait to wash off and go to bed. – Today is game day. Slytherin vs. Hufflepuff. I woke up this morning feeling nervous, excited, anxious and stressed. So many feelings just for one morning. However, this is an important day. I need to redeem myself and lead Slytherin to victory. Mainly because I need to show Cedric to never mess with me again.
I got up. My feet slowly touched the cold, dark hardwood floors in the Slytherin dormitories. I quickly got ready. Putting on my quidditch uniform and brushing my long hair into a comfortable ponytail. I put on a little bit of mascara just to mask the fact I haven’t slept longer than 5-6 hours a night.
I rushed out of the common room as fast as possible to get breakfast at the Great Hall. While I was walking, I noticed someone approaching me from behind. I couldn’t determine who it was, so I started walking faster. My feet were moving more quickly than my body, and I tripped. Before I could hit the ground, I felt strong hands catch my body.
In shock, I slowly turned to see who had caught me. To my surprise, it was Cedric Diggory. My eyes were wide, and my mind was consumed with confusion. Him, out of all people, had to be the one to save me from my own clumsiness. “Be careful, y/n. Don’t you have a game to play?” Cedric said with a cheeky smile. I felt my face turn a bit red. Shit, I hope my cheeks aren’t noticeable. I can’t let Cedric know how embarrassed and flustered I am. “Were you following me?” That was the only thing I could say. “No, not on purpose. I just wanted to wish you good luck. Didn’t mean to scare you like that. Anyway, I’ll see you on the pitch.” Cedric said while helping me to my feet, slowly releasing his hands off my body.
I couldn’t say anything. I just looked at Cedric while he walked off. Our eyes were still locked on one another until he was too far. ‘What the fuck was that?’ I muttered lightly, trying to collect my composure. – “y/l/n scored 10 points for Slytherin!” Lee Jordan announced into the microphone. Cheers and clapping consumed the field as Slytherin was ahead 70-50 against Hufflepuff. Slytherin flags were all over the Slytherin side of the Quidditch stand. The Hufflepuff side was particularly quiet, more than usual, but they still got some pride going on.
My eyes were on the target, tunnel vision. I had to win for Slytherin. When waiting for the quaffle to be in reach, I would sometimes catch Cedric’s eyes. As if our eyes always meet at any chance we can get. To be fair, Cedric does have some enchanting brown/grey eyes. ‘No, I can’t think about this right now - I have a game to win,’ I quickly thought. Snapping myself back to reality.
Just within seconds, I noticed the quaffle was coming toward me. I charged on my broomstick to catch it. My arm grabbed the quaffle and flew to my opponent's nearest hoop. Within a flash, I threw the quaffle and scored another goal. “y/l/n scored another 10 points for Slytherin! At this rate y/n might secure a spot as captain next year!” Lee Jordan yelled. I’ve always been told I could be Slytherin's captain, but honestly, I have no interest. I have a love-hate relationship with Quidditch. It would be best if someone who really wants it should be captain.
I took a second to acknowledge my view. The crowd cheered with utter excitement, and celebratory yelling filled the pitch. You can hear the Slytherin flags moving from the wind and louder cheers from the people in the tall stands. I enjoy looking at my accomplishments. Moments like this make me feel grateful and proud of myself.
But before I could get back into the zone, a bludger came speeding toward me, which knocked and broke my broomstick, leading me to fall about 20 feet to the ground. As soon as my body hit the field, I was knocked out. – 1 week later My body felt fragile, weak, and in so much agonizing pain. My eyes were slowly opening, and my vision was blurred. My head was aching, almost like a migraine. I could feel bruises all over my upper body. Through my blurred vision, I noticed that my left arm and leg were in a cast.
It took a few minutes, but I was able to fully open my eyes using all of the strength I had. I was quickly aware of my surroundings. I’m in the hospital wing. I looked slightly down and saw how broken I was. Tears started filling my eyes and were quickly falling down my pale face. ‘What happened to me?’ I quietly asked myself while quivering. My voice was softly raspy as if it wasn’t used for a while.
“You took a hit from a bludger, I’ve always hated those things.” I heard a familiar voice say while approaching me. I slowly turned my head to meet the person who was speaking. My teary eyes widened when I saw it was Cedric. “C-Cedric…” I couldn’t say much before I started crying more. My head fell into my right hand, trying to cover my face from him.
I was too consumed with sadness that I didn’t fully acknowledge Cedric moving next to me. My head fell onto his chest when I felt his body brush over my side. I started to cry more while feeling his warmth against my cold and delicate figure.
While quietly sobbing in his chest, I felt his strong hands softly moving up and down my back. One of his hands circled my head, pushing it closer to his chest.
I couldn’t talk. I just fell into Cedric’s touch. As time passed, I could feel my eyes become heavier and heavier. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep on Cedric’s chest. His scent and presence felt safe, like a home away from home. – Cedric was still there when I woke up in the middle of the night. Right by my side. He never left. I looked at him in awe while admiring his soft snores.
‘But wait, isn’t this guy my enemy? Why am I all of a sudden feeling all these emotions?’ My head rests against the stiff hospital pillow while my mind is full of thoughts and feelings. Honestly, it is difficult to describe how I feel about Cedric.
It’s similar to the saying, ‘you want what you cannot have.’ Deep down, I love Cedric. I want to care for and understand him for who he honestly is. However, I know I can’t tell him how I feel.
My head turned to Cedric, looking at him in utter confusion. Out of all the people, why is he here with me? We dislike one another. This didn’t make sense… until it did.
‘No, there’s no way,’ I said to myself. ‘Maybe he just feels bad, and that’s why he is here.’ My gaze landed on the ceiling, and I could slowly feel my eyes closing. I passed out with Cedric by my side. At one point, I could feel his hand brush against my right hand, which I slowly held throughout the night.
The following day I woke up. Cedric was nowhere to be found. Disappointment took over my body as I knew everything was too good to be true. Well, as good as it can be right now.
Madame Pomfrey came towards me with a slight smile, “Glad to see you’re awake y/n. How are you feeling my dear?” “I’ve felt better.” I joked around, causing Madame Pomfrey to chuckle a bit. “Well, it’s reassuring to know your humor is still there.” Madame Pomfrey said while pouring me medicine. “Now drink this, it doesn’t taste very delightful but it will help heal your bones.”
I took the cup from Madame Pomfrey and chugged the medicine. She was right. That was absolute shit.
“Good thing no one ever said magic taste good,” I sarcastically said with a sour look on my face from the medicine. “I know dear, but you must take this every 10 hours. Hopefully in week you’ll be able to leave.” Madame Pomfrey reassured. I nodded. “Thank you, Madame Pomfrey,” I said with a kind grind.
“Wait Madame Pomfrey, I-I have a question.” I said in a hurry. “Yes, dear?” Madame Pomfrey replied with a curious yet concerned look on her face.
“I was wondering, do you happen to know why Cedric Diggory was with me last night?” I asked politely.
“Oh, yes. While you were out cold, Cedric stopped by every day for about a week. He would not leave your side,” Madame Pomfrey said. “I’m not one to pry into someone’s personal life, but I think he is quiet fond of you, Miss y/l/n.” Madame Pomfrey said with a slight smile.
‘I can’t believe it, Cedric was with me this whole time,’ I snap out of my thoughts when I see a familiar figure enter the room. Cedric Diggory. “Mr. Diggory,” Madame Pomfrey said with a hidden smile while exiting the room.
“How are you today?” Cedric said with a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. “I-I got these for you… glad to see you awake,” Cedric placed the flowers in a small vase on top of my hospital nightstand.
“I-I’m a bit better, just took some shit medicine,” I said while admiring the flowers. They are roses and chrysanthemums, my favorite. “W-what are you doing here?” I curiously asked.
“I’ve been worried about you since your accident. I started coming to visit every day. Some nights I would accidentally fall asleep, so Madame Pomfrey would let me stay the night. I guess I was waiting for you to wake up,” Cedric said while looking down. I could tell he was nervous by the way he was playing with his fingers.
Then, my eyes locked onto his like they usually do.
His beautiful brown/grey eyes are tired and slightly red from the lackluster sleep he has been having from staying with me most nights.
“Why would you do that?” I asked shyly and quietly.
“Because, y/n, I like you. I’ve always had. I didn’t want to say anything because I know you think the worse of me. I am sorry for causing that impression of me. It’s difficult for me to be vulnerable. I just end up being a dick. I have a tendency to not want to get close to people. But I’ve always cared for you,” Cedric said with the most sincere eyes.
I’ve never seen this side of him. Cedric is your typical handsome-popular guy that every girl wants. He is typically cold-hearted but humble when he needs to be. However, with me, he was always an asshole. Just continually trying to give me a difficult time by teasing or making immature jokes. He also never took me seriously, which irritated me.
This was different. As if Cedric’s whole demeanor had changed. He looked soft, approachable, kind, and genuine. Now, it’s apparent how naturally sympathetic and empathetic he is.
I was just staring at Cedric with soft, teary, doe eyes. I couldn’t speak. I was too thunderstruck to say anything. Cedric slowly sat down next to me, his eyes still locked onto mine. I could feel his hands caressing mine before delicately holding it.
“I really like you, y/n.” Cedric said while getting closer. “I really like you too, Cedric. I’ve always had feelings for you. I just couldn’t express it, and I never thought I would. I can’t begin to describe how thankful I am for you and everything you’ve done for me since my accident,” I said with slight tears.
Cedric didn’t say anything. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. His hand cupped my cheek while the other was carefully holding my hand. I melted into the kiss. I felt safe as a sense of security rushed through my body.
Cedric pulled away from the kiss, and our eyes met again.
“I love you, y/n.” ‘I love you too, Cedric.” The kiss continued, but this time tears were falling down my face. So many emotions are running through my mind, but I know I love this man. I always have. And I always will.
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tomatoo1 · 1 month
pov : ichi finds out that he got Godzilla eggnant
still working on that “am I pregant” meme
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myocsfanfictions · 6 months
The Road Ahead of Us - TWD (Season 2)
The Walking Dead Fanfiction
They had left Atlanta behind, trying to reach Fort Benning; but during an apocalypse nothing ever goes at it is planned. Sarah and Nicolette will have to face new challenges and dangers. How will they survive?
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Chapter 27
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They didn’t need that too. Not so soon.
The plan was perfect, he would have survived, why would he risk everything right now? If they’d found him, they would have killed him now. Shane would have without blinking and eye, he seemed eager to get rid of the guy and now no one would have opposed to that.
“It’s getting late,” Sarah said folding her own hands as she paced the house, “They should be back by now.”
Outside the sun had disappeared, the sky were now dark. And that sight that she had grew so used to had become gloomy and creepy, maybe remembering what had happened just the night before.
“I’m sure that they’ll be back soon,” Patricia said moving next to Sarah rubbing her arm.
“Maybe we should go find them,” Carl suggested, but Lori shook her head at his son.
“No, we are not moving,” she said, before pointing upstairs, “Go in Maggie’s room.”
“Mom, they could need our help!” Carl protested but the woman wasn’t having it.
“Go, Carl! Now!” She exclaimed and Nicki observed the boy’s lip tightening before walking upstairs.
“It’s dark,” Sarah said again nervously, “Daryl never follows traces in the dark, he said that!” Nicki stood up, as Andrea went to her sister trying to convince her that they were safe. But everyone believed it. Nicki looked up the stairs again, taking a breath before making her way upstairs. She looked around, then going towards Maggie’s room. And when she opened the door, she saw that Carl had opened the window and he was ready to climb out.
“You’re nothing if not predictable,” Nicki said closing the door behind her back.
Carl scoffed, “What?” He said, “Are you gonna tell my mom?”
Nicki crossed her arms, “That her son is playing Spider-Man to sneak out of the window?” the she tilted her head to a side, "I'm sure she'd love that."
“What do you want?” He asked after taking a breath.
Nicki shrugged her shoulders, “Preventing you from breaking your neck seems like a good start.”
But Carl shook his head, “I have to help my dad,” he said strongly. Nicki observed him. He had always been the kind of person that wanted to help the group, she knew. But there was something different.
“What if he’d rather have you here?” She asked, observing the boy reaction. He seemed nervous, jumpy.
“If I’m here and he dies,” he said finally, “I would never forgive myself.”
Even Rick would have never forgiven himself if his son'd die for him.
Nicki moved towards Carl, “And what's the plan?” She asked, “Throw rocks at Randall?”
“I don’t know yet,” Carl answered looking down.
“That doesn’t seem like a good plan,” she said with a frown, keep looking at him.
“You don’t get it,” he said shaking his head, “I have to.”
She observed him silently for a moment, his eyes at the ground, covered by the hat as he didn't want for her to see him.
“Why?” Nicki asked. And Carl took a breath.
“I can’t… let this happen again,” He muttered, and that made her only frown more, not quite catching what he was implying.
“What?” She asked.
Carl set down on Maggies bed, with a deep sigh.
“Dale,” he admitted finally, looking up at her. His lips quivering a little, “It’s my fault if Dale died.”
How could it be his fault? A walker had killed Dale.
“Yesterday I went outside,” he said, “I took Daryl’s gun and I’ve found a walker,” Nicki listened in silence as he kept talking, “I was going to shoot it, he was stuck. But… he got free and I… ran away,” he took a deep breath, “It was the walker that killed Dale,” Nicki looked down at what he had just said to her.
“It was my fault. Because I didn’t do anything,” he repeated, “I could have end it there, but I didn’t, and now Dale is dead…” he took a breath, “I won’t let this happen again. I want to know that I did everything I could.”
Whatever we do or not do will affect the group, Nicki had been repeated that to herself over and over, since that day on the highway. Everyday. She understood.
“Come on,” she said gesturing for him towards the door.
“What?” He looked up at her with a frown.
“Let’s be smarter,” she said taking a look at the corridor, making sure no one was there.
“Where are we going?” He asked from behind her, as she made her way to Hershel’s room.
“Out,” she said closing the door behind him, then she went to the window to open it, “But from a place we can’t kill ourselves,” from that window the roof was less sloping, and if they were lucky, since that room was at the other side of the house from the entrance, maybe no one would have noticed them.
"We?" he asked.
"Yeah," Nicki answered simply, "Come on."
Carl was looking at her, with wide eyes, and that made her frown.
"What's with that face?" she asked, pointing at the window, "Get your ass out."
Carl was quick to climb out of the window, making little noise as his feet hit the roof. Nicki looked at the door, before, handing Carl her bow. He took it in her hands and then she climbed out the window herself. Once her feet touched the roof, Nicki turned to close the window.
"Alright," she said, before the two of them started to run on the roof.
"We could climb down using the porch," Carl said, looking down, "I'll go first," Nicki nodded her head.
"Give me you hand," she said reaching out her hand to him.
"I can do it myself," he was about to turn, when she grabbed him by the hood of his shirt, stopping him.
"I ment it when I said I'm not gonna let you break your neck," Nicki said, "Now man up, and give me that hand."
Carl scoffed, but he took her hand, letting her help him to climb down the roof. When he seemed secure enough against the wood of the porch, she let him go. He managed to climb down. Once he was on the ground, Nicolette hang her bow around her shoulders, starting to climb down as well. She could see the light from inside the house. Sarah would have freaked out if they'd figure out they were gone. But maybe they would have found Rick before that.
"Alright," she whispered once on the ground, "Let's go."
They ran towards the woods, where Rick and the others had disappeared. As they were sorrounded by the trees, not even the moon was helping them seeing where they had to go.
"Why are you helping me?" he asked from next to her.
Nicki took a breath, taking her time to answer, "I understand," she said finally, "What you were talking about..."
"Sophia?" he asked and she nodded.
"She ran out of my sight," she said, "I didn't ran after her, and she died," she thought about that moment everyday since it happened, expecially after knowing that Sophia had turned.
"You were right, when you said I'm blaming myself," she kept saying, "I can't stop thinking about it."
"Me too," Carl muttered. Nicki looked over at him.
"I don't think it's your fault, what happened to Dale," she said as they walked in the woods, "But it's not a good place to be... the guilt," she took a nervous breath "It doesn't matter how many people say that it's not my fault, what happened to Sophia. I don't believe them."
"I know what you mean," Carl said, "Both Dad, and Shane said that it was not me, but... I feel like that," he looked up to meet her gaze. It was not the fault that was bothering her, but the uncertanty of what could have been if she had done something else. Maybe nothing would have been different, or maybe it would have been. Those thoughts were so noisy in her head.
She groaned, "I hate feeling confused."
That made Carl chuckle, "You're a control maniac, that's why," she glared at him with a smirk.
"And you are a constant pain in the ass," she fired back but that made him chuckle more.
"Thank you, for helping me," Carl said after a moment, "I appreciate it," Nicki felt her lips turn up in a smile, before nugging his arm.
"Don't be that nice," she said, "It creeps me out," Carl chuckled.
Suddenly though a gunshot echoed in the field. Nicki brought her right hand to take an arrow, as Carl pulled out his gun.
"Did they found a walker?" Carl asked.
"Or Randall..." she said, "Where was it from?"
"The fields," Carl said starting to run. Nicki coursed before starting to follow him. They ran out of the woods, towards the fields where Dale had lost his life. And the only thing she could pay attention to was the silence. Why it had been fired only a single gunshot? If Randall had attacked them, why the others weren't shooting. And if he had ambushed them, they were four people, why shot once? A walker? Could it be possible? But they had checked the perimeter that morning, searching for any gaps in the fence.
"Nicki, do you see that?" there was a person in the distance. He pacing back and forth, and the more they got closer, the more they noticed that there was someone else on the ground.
Only two peaple. But the one standing didn't seem a walker.
"That's my dad," Carl said as they ran.
Now Nicki could see better, and that man was in fact Rick, but why was he alone? And who was on the ground?
Nicki stopped when both her and Carl were few meters away from Rick, that now had knelt down next who now she realized it was Shane. Nicolette's eyes widened.
"Dad?" Carl exclaimed, his body stif, looking at the man on the ground. What the hell had happened? Was Shane wounded? Was he dead?
Rick turned to them, with wide eyes. He then slowly stood up to move in their direction. He called his son name, but a movement caught Nicki's attention. It was Shane. His hand twitched. That movement made her frown. It was strange. But what happened after froze the blood in her veins. Now Shane was slowly getting up, growling. That was Shane no more. It was a walker now.
Nicolette's body froze. Shane was a dead. Like it had happened to Sophia, he had turned into those things. And she knew. She knew he was not Shane anymore, she knew he was dangerous, but for some reason her body wouldn't move.
Carl aimed his gun though. He was crying, but he was still aiming at the man.
"Just... put the gun down," Rick was saying to his son, he had tears in his eyes.
"Rick," she found herself whispering.
"It's not what it seems, please," Nicki frowned at Rick's words, but Carl shot the gun hitting Shane at the center of his head. He immediately went limp, falling to the ground. Carl was breathing heavy, and she noticed tears in his eyes as he ran to hug his father. In the mean time, Nicki moved towards, Shane. Why didn't she took the arrow? He was no more Shane, she knew. But it had Shane's face, his body...
Why did she stop?
Poor bastard, she thought. He must have been bitten, while they were outside. But where was the walker? And Glenn and Daryl?
"Nicki, come here," Rick's voice made her turn, eyeing one last time Shane, before walking towards Rick and Carl, that had gotten closer. Rick passed by her, looking at the body of his best friend, laying on the ground. While Nicki went to Carl. His eyes were wide, tears were coming out. That was the first walker that he had put down, and it was the person that had had such care towards him. It must have been so shocking for him.
"I'm sorry, Shorty," she muttered, putting a hand on Carl's shoulder.
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Fanfic - Desynced: Chapter 10
(Ao3 here) (FF.net here)
Tucker shook his head. “No, no, no. I know you two are thinking something, and I’m telling you no!” He paced around the lab floor throwing his hands all over the place as he tried to get his thoughts in order. He placed his hands in front of his face and looked up to the ceiling. “Just… no.”
Danny folded his arms. “You want to have this argument in front of the portal to Hell?”
“I would very much like to ignore that thing’s existence, thank you very much.”
Sam rubbed her shoulders and turned toward the stairs. “I think we should keep talking about this upstairs.” She said, quickly leading the way up. Danny followed, and Tucker soon after, groaning and lamenting the whole way. Tucker and Sam walked into the living room, as Danny closed the door to the lab behind them. The door slammed shut with a thud that echoed throughout the house.
“Here’s what we’re gonna do,” Tucker said, “We’re going to go to my place, and we’re gonna order food. There’s a pizza place that has vegan pizza, okay Sam? We’ll get you a nice vegan pizza. I won’t even order any meat myself. We’ll just have the fake pizza, and sit down, and play video games, while-”
“They said she wasn’t trapped there,” Danny interrupted. “Johnny met me at the park the first time, and you guys were with me when we ran into him the second time.” Danny ran a hand down his face. “She could literally show up anywhere.”
“Well what the hell are we supposed to do?” Tucker shouted.
“I…” Sam began, she hesitated and ran her hands through her hair. “I have a theory.” Sam gulped and looked away from both Danny and Tucker. “It’s… they called her the Lunch Lady.”
“And?” Tucker groaned.
“The first day she attacked, that was the day the school changed the lunches. Wasn’t it?”
For a few moments, the only sound that could be heard was the thrum of the portal even through the closed door of the lab.
“I…” Tucker began taking a deep breath. “So… what? You want to go in and cook the school lunch or something?”
“Better idea than nothing, right?” Danny said, looking between the two. He rubbed the back of his head. “Like, it’s-”
Tucker pointed at Danny, “And wait, remember! You said you thought you felt a ghost before that! When Ms. Angelis’s planter came unscrewed! So this lunch lady was active before Sam got the menu changed!”
Danny opened his mouth to respond, but Sam beat him to it. “Didn’t Johnny say there was a Boxy? And you guys ran into him?” Tucker slowly turned toward Sam as she straightened. “That could have been him. Her window planters are box shaped, aren’t they?”
“Could,” Tucker emphasized. He ran a hand over his face. “Alright, you know what, call your parents! They deal with this on a regular basis apparently! Or the agents do. Make it their problem!”
Danny nodded. “That’s actually a good idea,” he said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone. He quickly dialed his mom. The phone rang and rang but she never picked up. He then dialed his dad, it rang twice before he was sent to voicemail. He rolled his eyes and then dialed his mom again.
This time she picked up immediately. “Sweetie, can this wait? I’m in a very-”
“The lunch lady isn’t trapped in Casper,” Danny cut off.
“What? What lunch lady?”
“Right, sorry, getting ahead of myself,” Danny muttered. “We found out that meat monster? That used to be a lunch lady. She’s not trapped in Casper, she just keeps going back to it.”
“Hold on a second,” Maddie said. There was a lot of movement on her side of the phone before she spoke again. This time she didn’t sound as clear. “Okay, Danny, you’re on speaker phone now. I’m here with the agents involved. Start from the beginning. How did you find out the original identity of the ghost?”
“Another ghost told me.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Maddie shouted.
At the same time, another voice Danny didn’t recognize said, “This has to be your son, Jack.”
Maddie continued, “But, Danny, weren’t the other ghost’s corrupted?”
“Well, yeah, but it wasn’t one of those-”
“There are more ghosts in Amity Park?”
Danny held up his fingers and started counting down. “There’s the Lunch Lady, Boxy, Johnny, he’s the one who told us this by the way, and now his girlfriend Kitty-”
“Ghosts can have girlfriends?” Jack muttered in the background.
“And I think Johnny might be two ghosts in one. He called a black smog Shadow and it listened to him.”
The phone line went silent. Danny checked his phone to make sure he hadn’t dropped the call. “Hello?”
“We’re here… we’re just… processing.” Maddie said, her voice sounding faint.
“You’ve managed to identify five ghosts in Amity Park,” the voice from earlier said, “From the descriptions, it sounds like there are now six?”
Danny hesitated to respond to that, considering he was the sixth.
“Danny?” Jack called out.
“Uhh… well…” Danny said, glancing at Tucker and Sam, “The one that saved Sam the other day? It’s not a ghost. Johnny said ghosts don’t have heartbeats.”
“They don’t…”
Danny could hear his mother suck in a breath. “Danny, what on earth is going on over there?”
“Okay, well, so good news is, your thermos thing worked, but I… kinda let Johnny out in the lab?
“Son,” the third unknown voice who was definitely not his dad spoke up, “what possessed you to do that?”
“Look, okay, so I was walking down the street, and Johnny started talking to me, and then I realized he was a ghost because he was talking about you how guys weren’t letting him see his girlfriend and when I realized that he started going all feral on my ass-”
“Language,” Maddie chided, though her heart wasn’t in it.
“And then… the uh… sixth one that’s not a ghost showed up and defended us. We got Johnny in the bottle, and then we were gonna drop him off. I realized that what Johnny wanted was to be by the portal so I let him out? When we did though, he didn’t attack, his shadow did, but he stopped it. Then his girlfriend came out of the portal to Hell, and they talked for a bit and they said that the Lunch Lady wasn’t actually in Casper High, but that she’s just going back to it.”
There was a thud on the other side of the line. “Are you sure?” The man demanded. “Are you sure that’s what he said?”
“Yeah, I even asked about it.”
“We got to remove the wards. Everyone, on the double! We’re not trapping her in her haunt, we’re keeping her from her release! Move!” There was a lot of scrambling on the other side as chairs slid about and doors slammed open.
“Danny, sweetie,” his Mom said, “The house should be protected, but I don’t know how strong our wards are. They kept one ghost out, but they could have been damaged. You should get Jazz and get out of town for the night.”
“Jazz left,” Danny said, “but there’s more.”
“How can there be more?”
“We have an idea of what might have set her off.”
The room on the other side went silent again.
The man spoke up, clearly saying, “Explain.”
“The day she attacked, it was the day the school lunches changed, we thought that might be related. She’s called the Lunch Lady apparently.”
The line went silent again. “Daniel Fenton, this is Agent Alpha. I’m the lead agent assigned to the case of researching the Elsewhere that your parents portal goes to. I’m also the lead agent for the entirety of Minnesota.
“If you went into the school,” he continued, slowly. There was an unease in his voice that Danny could hear clearly over the phone, “would the non-ghost entity defend you again?”
“Sir!” Maddie shouted, “That’s my son!”
“Ms. Fenton, we just found out that we didn’t seal that ghost, we instead are forcing it to stay away from its haunt!” Danny pulled the phone away from his ears as the man began to shout, “That is a literal magic time bomb waiting to go off! The only reason why that last attack wasn’t a massacre was because that entity showed up and held it off before our agents got there!” He huffed and began again, this time more calmly, “We don’t have many options here…”
Danny let out a breath. “I know it would. Don’t… don’t ask me how I know, but I know it’s going to keep us as safe as it can.”
“Fuck!” Tucker swore, walking out of the living room.
“Was that Tucker?” Maddie asked.
“Yeah, he told me to call because he wanted you guys to deal with this. Not us.”
“If we’re lucky, you won’t have to,” Agent Alpha said. “We have men scrambling, but they’re at least a couple hours out. We could mobilize the military, but until she’s an active threat, doing so is a risk to the secrecy.”
“So you’re sending my son?” Maddie shouted.
“Like finds like,” The agent stated. “You remember what happened to the last city that became aware of magic?”
“What happened?” Sam asked. “We don’t know.”
“Operation Silent Night,” the agent said. “The United States government nuked one of its own cities.”
Tucker came back into the room. “Alright, let’s do this. But you owe me so much Nasty Burger, dude!” Danny and Sam turned as he made his way to the front door. “Five! No ten!” Tucker shouted before either of them could say anything, “Ten triple threat nasty melts with extra bacon!” Tucker whirled on Sam pointing at her with thermos, “And don’t you say anything about me eating meat here! If I’m putting my life on the line here, I want to be rewarded God damn it!” Sam reared back at the accusation, but she didn’t get to say anything before Tucker turned and started walking toward the door again.
“Magic is supposed to be cool and instead I got meat monsters!” Tucker lamented as he laced up his shoes. “Meat! Meat is supposed to be my friend! Meat hasn’t hurt me! And now it’s going to!” Tucker opened the door and turned back, pointing at Sam and Danny. “Come on! Before I lose my nerve!” He shouted one final time before stepping out the door.
“I think we broke him…” Sam muttered after a moment.
“Well,” Agent Alpha said on the other side of the phone. Apparently, they could hear him on the other side of the phone. “Anger is a form of willpower, and magic listens to willpower. If he can keep that rage up, it’ll be beneficial.”
“Danny, your father and I will be getting on the first helicopter available. We’ll be there soon. Just keep safe, okay?”
“Will do, mom.”
“Love you, baby.”
“Love you too, mom.”
Honestly, Danny was impressed. Tucker did keep the anger up the whole way. The school was too far to walk to, so they had to take one of the city’s buses, which were fortunately on time for a change, and it was late enough that no one was getting on or off at the stops. That being said, it was still the American transportation system, and it took an hour to get over there.
“Why are they so goddamn far out anyways?” Tucker muttered as they made their way up to the school.
“They’re a government agency that my parents apparently work for and I didn’t know about it. I think secrecy is their whole thing,” Danny offered.
“Well, they should be less secret.”
“I don’t think you heard, but they nuked a city because it became aware of the secret.”
“Why the hell would they do that?”
“Probably ‘cause the alternative was worse? I’m guessing?”
Tucker didn’t say anything else, just continued to grumble. They made their way up to the doors of the school. Danny reached up and tried to pull on the door. His ghostly hand phased right through the door, but his human self couldn’t open it. “Locked.”
“Can’t you do a ghost thing and tear the door open?” Tucker asked.
Danny bit his lip and tried to focus on the ghostly version of his hand and tried to make it more real. His ghost form did seem to have super strength, but right now it just kept phasing through the door.
So instead of tearing the door off its hinges, he was just waving his hands in front of it like a lunatic.
“Stand back,” Sam said, “I’ve always wanted to do this.”
Danny and Tucker turned to see Sam walking up to the door, carrying a giant rock from the landscaping around the school. The two boys dove to the side as Sam smashed the window in. They covered their ears, but no alarms went off.
“Huh, no alarm?”
“No, it’s just a silent alarm. We probably got thirty minutes before the cops show,” Sam said, shoving her arm through the window and reaching through to unlock the door from the inside. “Come on, let's do this quickly. The faster we’re done, the faster we get out of here.”
Tucker followed Sam through the door, pushing it open for Danny to enter in after him. “You’ve always wanted to break into the school?”
“I mean, I’ve always wanted to break into the school so I could vandalize it, but this is good too.”
“We’re going into the haunted school, where giant eldritch monsters made out of meat attack. Nothing about this is good.”
“I mean, the agents said they warded the place, right? So hopefully that’ll keep the ghost away while we’re cooking.” Sam offered. The smile she sent his way looked less like a smile and more like a pained wince.
“I don’t think it’s cooking,” Tucker huffed. “I was thinking on the way over here. Both days were Mondays, and yeah, both days they were gonna do the vegan lunches.” He shot a glare over at Sam at that.
“Wait… are you saying this is my fault?”
“Not your fault per se, but it is because they changed to vegan,” Tucker said. Sam stopped and whirled on him, but Tucker walked past her. “The meals they swapped were gonna be the beef stroganoff and the spaghetti, and yeah, maybe it’s because they didn’t make either meal, but it was a Monday. You know what else the school serves on Mondays?”
Danny walked past Sam and grabbed her hand, gently tugging her along. Her eyes snapped off of Tucker down to his hand. She made a sound that was something between a sharp intake of breath and a squawk. Danny huffed and shook his head. “Dude, I think you’re the only one who knows the school lunch schedule.”
He looked back at Sam who was following again. Her hand felt like he was holding a warm coal in his hand, and it was impossible to ignore that they were holding hands in the middle of the school hallway. He gently squeezed her hand to make her look up at him, and he tried to give her a comforting smile.
“Mondays are the day that they serve the butter cookies,” Tucker continued, completely ignoring Danny and Sam. He continued marching forward a man on a mission. They made their way to the cafeteria, stepping over the rubble from the last ghost fight. “Those butter cookies have been served here for at least eight years. Tanya said that when she was a freshman, the seniors had talked about them being the best thing on the menu.”
“Who’s Tanya?” Danny asked.
“The super hot redhead who was the lead in the fall play this year.”
“You know, if you put this much effort into studying, you’d probably have straight As.” Sam pointed out.
“I do have straight As, thank you very much.”
Danny gasped suddenly. It felt like someone had stabbed him in the stomach and left a pit of ice there. His lungs filled up with air, and then the air in his chest felt like it compressed as it dropped to sub zero temperatures. When the air left his lungs, it left in a thin vapor trail.
“She’s here…” Danny whispered. His insides began to twist, and it felt like his rib cage was about to crack open as he thought about the Lunch Lady attacking Sam and Tucker.
“I thought it was warded!” Tucker hissed.
“If it was that simple to keep the ghosts away, they probably wouldn’t need so many teams with guns,” Danny hissed back. “You two go and start trying to cook or bake or whatever. I’ll try to hold her off.”
“Dude, we have the thermos!” Tucker whispered. The idea had merit, but there was just one problem. The idea of Tucker trying to fight the ghost made ice flood Danny’s veins.
So instead, Danny shook his head and he pushed both of them in the direction of the kitchen. The action immediately relieved some of the chill inside of Danny, and it felt like his ribs were settling back into place. “We won’t know if it’s working if she’s in the thermos!” Danny got out in a rush, as his jumbled thoughts snapped together.
“We can make that the agents’ problem!” Tucker argued back. The words made Danny’s teeth itch, Tucker and Sam weren’t supposed to be here. He wouldn’t let them be here.
Danny pushed Tucker harder. “Don’t argue! Go!” Danny said, whirling back towards the halls they had come from. The twisting feeling in his chest subsided as he heard the foot falls of his friends moving away.
Tucker had the thermos. If things did go wrong, he’d have back up. They were protected. They would be safe. Now all he had to do was turn into his ghost form and he could make sure of that.
The cafeteria suddenly smelled of grease, and rotting flesh. A limb came out of the door they had entered from and plastered itself to the wall above the door. Then another came out and slapped against the floor. There was a brief moment where Danny thought she wasn’t going to come in, but then she slowly pushed herself through the door, squeezing through before rising to her full height.
She was a lot taller than he remembered.
He also realized that he didn’t know how to turn into a ghost on command.
“Once again, I didn’t think this through.” Danny muttered to himself before putting his hands up to defend himself. He could feel his ghostly self hovering over him, but he couldn’t figure out how to make that shift again.
He hadn’t done it intentionally before, it just happened.
The Lunch Lady let out a scream. Unlike before it didn’t quite drop Danny on the ground where he was. This time he managed to stay upright as the sounds echoed within him. She ran forward and moved to bring her giant limb down on top of Danny.
Danny brought his arms up, and though he would have no way of stopping something of that size, it was halted in place by his ghost form. He could see the imprints of the bone capped limbs in her arms. He pushed her arms to the side and tried to circle around her, but as a mortal, he was way too slow. He had to throw himself to the ground as her other limb whipped around.
He ducked under one of the lunch room tables as she moved to smash where he was. When he wasn’t turned into paste under the first strike, she then broke the table into tiny pieces. Danny leapt over several tables trying to get distance between them so he could figure out how to transform again.
And she just walked through the tables like they weren’t even there.
“Come on, come on, Fenton, transform!” He told himself as he tried not to get cornered against the wall.
But with each smash of her giant limbs, Danny had his escape avenues slowly dwindle away. Each mighty blow destroyed tables, the floor of the cafeteria, and any hopes of Danny fighting this thing.
Then it happened. She slammed a fist right next to Danny, stopping much earlier than he expected. Then the other landed on the other side of him. He tried to put some distance between them, but instead he backed into the wall.
He looked up at the black glowing eyes looking down on him and realized Tucker was gonna have to use the thermos after all.
“Sorry, mom…” Danny panted.
Then there was another sound. Danny thought at first it was Sam and Tucker trying to get the ghost’s attention, but it wasn’t right. It was metallic in sound, but it wasn’t the sound of kitchen utensils crashing against the floor.
A light shined in the cafeteria, if the Lunch Lady hadn’t been blocking the light, Danny was sure he would have been temporarily blinded by it. She stopped bearing down on Danny and her entire body twisted to look at the light.
The sound of a motorcycle roared, and tires squealed. “Vroom, vroom, mother fucker!”
A hand grabbed Danny’s shirt and yanked him away, the sheer force of the pull made his neck crack, but it also gave him a view of Johnny running his motorcycle into the face of the Lunch Lady.
Danny blinked as her entire body burst into multiple large chunks that spread all over the cafeteria, before it crashed into the wall. Johnny stumbled away from the wreckage rubbing his head. “Johnny?” Danny called out, trying to confirm what he was seeing.
“Told you I owe ya one, kid!” Johnny cracked his neck, before shaking his head. When he turned to look at Danny, a head light was beginning to push out from behind his face. The skin began to tear and his eye fell out before he started facing forward again.
The various globs of meat began to move and slide along the ground, leaving a trail of fluid along the ground. There was a muffled roar of police sirens and pots and pans clattering to the floor, before a limb pulled itself out of the largest glob of meat.
“And I’m always up for a fight!” Johnny shouted, slamming his fists together before he started rolling his shoulders. Each rotation a chunk of flesh fell off his arm. “Let’s do this, Shadow!” The shadow underneath him rose up off the ground, before stretching and letting out a cry of shattered glass.
Danny felt something poke his cheek, and he turned to see Kitty standing next to him. “Hi there!” she said, way too chipper for the situation. Or for someone who was dead. “You’re not transforming.”
Danny looked up, and realized she wasn’t poking his human cheek. “Uh… no. I haven’t figured out how to do that yet.”
“Thought so,” Kitty pulled him down and sat him down on a table. “It seemed like you weren’t aware of your ghost form. When you used it, it seemed to catch you by surprise.”
“Uh… Yeah…” Danny said, trying to take his eyes off the fight that was beginning to start in earnest. “How did you know? Did Johnny tell you?”
“Nah, I just have the power to know what every man I kissed is doing.”
“What?” Danny said, turning to focus on her.
“I’m kidding. Of course Johnny told me. Plus you seemed to be struggling here-” She paused and looked back at the fight. She cupped her hands around her mouth. “The chair! Give her the chair!”
“On it, babe!” Johnny shouted back.
“Sorry about that.” Kitty said, not sounding sorry at all. “Anyways, you needed some help, and Johnny and I owe you one. So!” She clapped her hands together. “When you used your ghost form against Johnny, what were you thinking?
“I… I don’t know. That’s the problem. If I did well…”
“Well, what was he doing?”
“He… was grabbing Sam? No, Shadow was. Shadow was suffocating Sam, like he was all wrapped around her face and-”
“I see,” Kitty interrupted. She grabbed Danny’s head and looked him in the eye.
“Sam is going to die if you don’t use your ghost form right now.” Ice immediately spread through Danny’s body at Kitty’s words. “She’s gonna die, because if you and Johnny can’t stop the Lunch Lady right now, she’s going to hunt you three down eventually. You’re mortal, somehow, but us ghosts?”
Kitty squeezed his head, reminding him that just because she looked like a human, it didn’t mean she was. The strength in her fingers felt like she could crush his head like a grape, but that was nothing compared to the feeling of his bones tearing apart as she continued.
“We don’t get tired. We can’t rest. We can’t stop. Not until we have what we want. And right now, she wants to make everyone hurt.”
Kitty reached up and ruffled Danny’s hair, except that wasn’t quite right. It didn’t feel like she was running her hands through his hair, instead it felt more like she were rubbing sand against his skin. “So go out there, and stop her, loverboy. Your friends need you to.”
Danny looked down at his hands, and saw bone instead of flesh. He thought about telling Kitty that Sam wasn’t his girlfriend, but he had other problems at the moment.
Namely one Lunch Lady.
“Johnny! I got you a dance partner!”
“Babe, you shouldn’t have!”
“I know, aren’t I the sweetest!”
“No, really, you shouldn’t have! I was having a-” Danny jumped off the ground and impacted against the ceiling. He felt his spine twist and crack until his back was in front of his body and his legs were pressed against the ceiling. He then sprung off the ceiling, crashing into the Lunch Lady. “Whoa!”
Danny screamed, his throat felt like shattered glass was pouring along it. He recognized the sounds coming out his mouth, and he knew exactly when they were created. They were the sounds that were going on when his soul was being ripped out of his body.
Tucker screaming and calling for help. Sam crying and begging him to breath. The sound of his bones breaking as Sam tried her best to keep his heart going.
It was the moment of his death.
The Lunch Lady looked at him, and her mouth began to widen. Danny sprung forward and sunk his claws into her face. Johnny jumped up and brought down a bench from a lunch table that had been snapped and slammed it into her foot. “Hey now! Save some for me!”
The Lunch Lady smashed her fist into Danny’s side, sending him careening through the air. Danny impacted against the cement wall, and he could feel something in his back break as he smashed into it.
But like Kitty said, ghosts can’t stop. Even though he felt bone cutting and grinding in his body, even though he felt like he was going to throw up from the pain, he still got up.
Danny scrambled to his feet, and he could feel his tail whip about and break more of the wall, but he really didn’t care. He bounded forward as Johnny jabbed the Lunch Lady with the bones of his hand. He sunk his claws into her side and swept, trying to eviscerate her. His fingers slashed on through, but found nothing to actually cut.
She roared and picked up a table and smashed it into, and through, Johnny’s throat. Johnny’s body fell to the floor and somewhere behind Danny, he could hear Johnny shout, “Shit, babe! A little help getting my head back! I hate doing this puppet shit!”
“I gotchu’ babe!”
Shadow picked up the slack, circling around the Lunch Lady’s head and covering her eyes. Danny was not one to be out done and jumped up and bit into her shoulder to get purchase, and then started stabbing with his claws.
She roared and twisted, trying to find something to grab. Eventually her limb wrapped around Danny’s tail and she yanked him right off. She threw him against the wall with enough force to make him sink into it and Danny felt his whole world go dark even in his ghost form for a moment.
She then let out a scream that even sent Shadow flying through the air.
Danny tore himself out of the wall and moved to pounce on her from there but then something in the air shifted. The tension in the air just… stopped, like he had been walking in the woods and all the birds and crickets went silent. The Lunch Lady froze and turned toward the kitchen. “Oh…” the human sound from her was weird. “Someone made my cookies…”
She shifted, slowly, the meat began to compact. It took on a more human form with each step, until all that was left was a large portly old woman wearing a uniform with a kitchen apron.
Danny jumped down off the wall, landing next to her, but she didn’t even acknowledge his presence. Instead she slid into the kitchen. Tucker and Sam were sitting next to a fridge, Sam’s black clothes were splattered with flour.
Tucker jumped up and put himself between her and the Lunch Lady, holding up the thermos, but he didn’t activate it. The Lunch Lady walked over to the fridge and put her hand on it. “You made them… My mother’s cookies…”
Tucker opened and closed his mouth. “Uhh... yeah. We did,” he said, after glancing back at Sam to see her reaction.
The Lunch Lady opened the fridge and pulled out the tray. Several dozen cookies were laid out on trays and she gently reached out and touched them. “Just like my daughter, you rushed making them. They’re uneven.” She let out a sob and shoved the tray back into the fridge. She slammed the door with enough force that the giant metal box lurched. She leaned against it. “They’re perfect. They… My grandson hated store bought ones. He… he loved the weird shapes.” She took a step back and wiped a tear from her eyes. “He loved sorting them before eating them. I’d always tell him he could take only two, but he’d take three every time.”
The Lunch Lady smiled. “When they passed, I gave the recipe to the school… but they changed it. They got rid of it…” her voice dropped down into a growl, and the sound of sirens rang out for a split second, before she whirled around to face Tucker and Sam. “You’ll remember it, won’t you?”
“We will,” Sam said. She laughed slightly. “This is… this is going to be something that’s hard to forget.”
She walked over to the two of them. Both of them took a step back, but before they could get far, she enveloped them in a hug. “Thank you, children.” She started sobbing as she rubbed their backs and stroked their hair. “Thank you, thank you…”
Then suddenly, she was gone. She vanished into thin air.
“Man,” Johnny said, “I wish my mother would have disappeared like that.” Everyone turned to look at him, finding him to just be a head in Kitty’s arms. Kitty rolled her eyes and started giving him a noogie. “Ow, babe, quit it!”
“You’re ruining the moment! That was sweet!” Kitty complained before turning around. “Ugh, let’s just get your head attached again and we can get out of here.” She said leaving the mortals in the kitchen.
Or two mortals and some sort of ghost creature.
“We should get out of here too,” Sam said, “Who knows when the cops will show up.” Danny nodded before moving closer to the two of them. He reached over and scooped Sam up in one arm. “Whoa hey!” she shouted.
Danny then reached over and grabbed Tucker and threw him over his shoulder. “Whoa dude! I can waaaaaaaa-” Tucker’s complaints trailed off as Danny bounded through the school, each leap taking him ten or more feet.
So it was less than a minute before Danny made it outside with all them in tow. Right into a dozen cops standing around the front door with riot shields, and eight members of the Ghostly Investigation and Wards. Helicopters were circling around overhead, and the moment the trio stepped outside, spotlights were centered on them.
“Hold fire! Hold fire!” was called out and Danny squeezed his friends closer to him on instinct. One of the agents walked up to them. He took off his sunglasses and looked at Sam and Tucker. “You two, Samantha Manson, and Tucker Foley, correct? Where’s Daniel?”
Danny looked at Sam and Tucker, who had jumped off Danny the moment the agent had walked up. “Uh… funny story… that…” Tucker began nervously.
“I don’t like funny, I like facts.”
Danny pushed Sam behind him, and then Tucker. He looked the agent in the eyes, and told himself that even if something happened to him, Sam and Tucker would be okay.
The agent’s eyebrow quirked as Danny felt the ice that was in his veins get chased away. “I’m fine, sir.” Danny said defiantly. He kept a grasp on that ice, on the fact that if the agents did do something, the only thing between Tucker, Sam, and them was him. He kept himself ready to pull on that at a moment's notice.
The agent reached up, and pressed his fingers against Danny’s jugular. Two heart beats passed and the man let out a quiet, “Fascinating.” His hand dropped to his side. “The ghosts are gone?”
Danny shrugged. “The Lunch Lady wasn’t running around like a blob monster anymore, and the other three that helped were walking around like normal… I mean one was missing his body, but…”
“If they aren’t running around corrupted, we have much bigger fish to fry,” the agent turned around and raised his hand up in the air with two fingers pointed up and circled them around. “All clear!” he shouted, and a chorus repeating it sounded out across the line.
The agent took several steps forward before turning back. “Come on you three, let’s get you home.”
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girlypopken · 10 months
ᴛᴏ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏʏꜱ ɪ'ᴠᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ʙᴇꜰᴏʀᴇ ꜱᴍᴀᴜ
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1; they WHAT?
"A forbidden love with one heartbroken left bleeding on the floor. One step off the ledge, begging to be saved. But even now I'm looking up at him with love and adoration. A heart that cannot stop beating, my heart that cannot stop beating for him. The dagger stuck in my heart was his."
"E-Eros..? Why'd you sta―"
A pillow was thrown at you hitting you directly in the face. You turn to the doorway and the perpetrator is there with a smug look plastered across her face. "Hyein, the movie was just getting to the good part! I swear I'm gonna kill you-"
"Is that the one where he kills her in the end..?" She stared at the tv for a few seconds and then turned to you. "Yes and why are you in my room get out!" You're about to throw a pillow at her when Minji walks into the room.
"Can you guys stop arguing and come help me set the table for dinner? Please." Minji with her demanding aura and stern voice sends shivers down your and Hyein's spine. "Yes ma'am.." Hyein mumbles and then exits your room intently following Minji downstairs but not before she sticks her tongue out at you.
"You little bitch..!" Ignoring the movie that's still playing you jump out of bed intent on smacking Hyein on the back of her head, but before you can do anything you see the head of a familiar boy turning to greet Minji with a kiss on the cheek. Kim Sunoo your neighbor and your long time crush who also happens to be your sister’s boyfriend.
“Hey Y/n!” Sunoo greets you brightly with that familiar smile plastered on his face. “Ahh hey Sunoo..” You reply avoiding eye contact slightly trying to hide your discomfort, but before he can mention anything about it you guys are ushered into the dining room by Minji.
"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow Minji, Y/n can't even clean her room properly and Dad isn't coming back until next month. I'm gonna die here." Hyein grumbles turning to you with a scowl on her face.
"Hey..! I am very capable of taking care of both of us by myself and you always complain about the littlest things..what a brat." You mumble the last part to yourself but it's still audible to Hyein.
"As if and watch who you're talking to!" Hyein says rolling her eyes at you, but before you guys can start bickering again Sunoo chimes in. "Y'know Minji I could visit you when I finish my mid-term exams?" You all turn to look at him and Minji seems slightly uncomfortable. "I don't think that's necessary Sunoo and I've been meaning to tell you-"
"I already booked the ticket...I was thinking too much ahead sorry, but I can always reschedule it if you're too busy." Silence filled the room and the only sound that could be heard was Hyein coughing on her food. Minji and Sunoo stare at each other for a while before they both walk outside together.
"That was weird.." Hyein says looking at the door that was slowing closing. "I wonder what that was about." You give Hyein a confused look as you decide to go up to your room after the awkward interaction you witnessed.
You sit by your desk peering out the slightly cracked window and you can hear Minji and Sunoo arguing outside. Minji never liked arguing neither did Sunoo so this was strange. You were hoping this was just a tiny argument in their relationship, but deep down inside there was a nagging sensation of relief? You were so lost in your train of thoughts you didn't realize that Minji stormed up the stairs and into your room flopping onto your bed in the process. "Oh h-hey! what was that about?" You say gesturing towards the window where you heard the argument. "We broke up.." Minji mumbles covering her face with a nearby pillow. 'WHAT?!"
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sashred · 2 years
Tumblr went and made my ask disappear, but this ficlet is in response to an anon prompt for “You’ve always meant more to me.” Now that Tempest is done I’m gonna try and do a few more, sooo here we go! Pure fluff ahead 🥰
“You’ve always meant more to me.”
The soft, mumbled words were enough to drag Lucy from the welcoming arms of sleep, her eyes opening and searching in the darkness until they found Tim’s.
“Is that right?” she huffed, her words muffled by his shoulder as she placed a gentle kiss there. “Even back when I was just ‘Boot?’ Another rookie in your shop that couldn’t sit all nice and quiet?”
“Especially then,” she felt him nod, the press of his lips to her forehead. “You blew my world apart. I didn’t hardly know what to do with you. I can’t tell you the number of nights I stayed up trying to think of ways to throw you. Challenge you. Way more than with anyone I trained before.”
“Ooo, I kept you awake at night?” she teased, shimmying further against him, his warmth. “Please don’t tell me it was always just about work.”
“Of course it was,” he scoffed, pulling back slightly and glaring down at her. “What kind of TO do you think I was? I would never think about any of my rookies like that.”
“Uh huh, okay,” she placated, though the idea that he was protesting a bit too much still made her lips quirk. “But what about when I wasn’t your rookie anymore? When I graduated the program? You still stay awake at night thinking about me?”
“Come on, Chen. This is not where I wanted this conversation to go – ”
“Just answer the question, and it can continue on whichever way you want,” she smiled back up at him, batting her lashes as he sighed.
“Can I count right now?”
He sighed again, louder, but she fully appreciated the way he tugged her closer, his hand fanning out over her side as his thumb caressed the rise of her hip.
“Okay, fine. Yes. I thought about you. I’ve never…not thought about you. In some way.”
“And in what way specifically would that be at night?”
“Okay, that’s it,” he growled, abruptly flipping over until he was on top of her, gathering her under him as her laughter echoed in the moonlit room. Until he was all she could see…feel…hear.
Her entire world.
“I love you, Chen – Lucy. You get me?” he said as her laughter quieted. “That is where this conversation was supposed to go, and yes I dreamed and did other things while I thought about you because I couldn’t help myself. Happy now?”
Any retort she had planned, any further interrogation techniques that had come to mind – and all enjoyable ones at that – flew straight out the window as he spoke those words into the dwindling space between them. Her heart skipped three entire beats as she stared back at him, her eyes straining in the dark to see more of him, read every line in his face and memorize every last damn thing.
“I love you too,” she breathed, the words effortless. Easy. “So…yes. I guess I am happy now.”
“Alright then,” he said, voice soft despite the tension she still felt in his shoulders, his neck. Like he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like he wasn’t quite ready to accept what she said as true. As the only truth. She pressed her lips gently against his, smiling, massaging her fingers into his taught muscles until they finally relaxed.
Until he finally melted against her, and it was just them.
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eorziapple · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2023 Prompt 30: Amity
(Character: Pippena Pipp, Setting: WoL Pippena, Sprout safe)
Pippena went through another set, moving across the training mat with the precision that only came with experience. Experience, admittedly, that came from an excess of boredom as of late. Turned out saving the country a few times was rather stimulating work, and when there was nothing to save it from for a decent amount of time, one tended to go a little stir crazy.
So... she started teaching, only to be inundated with booooooring students. Rich kids who didn't even want to fight, just had parents wanting the clout of having a kid taught by the vaunted Warrior of Light.
Turned out said parents did not take kindly to their children dearest coming back with bloody knuckles because they didn't listen to an expert on how to throw a punch. She hadn't been so unpopular since the city thought she killed the Sultana.
Speaking of the Sultana, she caught an eye out the window, spying a few of the Sultansworn failing to blend in across the street. She sighed, hoping whataver was going on didn't involve her again, she wasn't really looking forward to fleeing her home city over some brat who whined because fighting, it turned out, was hard.
She heard a ringing as the door opened, sighing, expecting trouble, she turned, only to be met with... a lalafell, clad in pink... gods, she looked familiar. She wracked her brain trying to remember....
"Good evening, Miss Pipp." she introduced herself, sweet voice, probably wealthy, not much younger than she was, by all estimates. "It's nice to see you again, i'm Lady Lilira" she said with a chuckle, and a wink. Pipp was a bit confused, then nodded, finally it came to her. "Oh yeah, you were that lady that Thancred was working for way back when, right? Odd that I never really came across you again, given how often i'm working with that louse." she chuckled, remembering back to the start of her crazy journey. "You been keeping out of trouble? If I recall you were pretty good at getting into it."
The Lady looked a bit flummoxed, confused even, and then chuckled. "I.... aside from a rather unfortunate -dinner- I had, i've been mostly keeping ahead of trouble." Pipp thought the emphasis was a bit odd, then held up a finger beckoning her to wait, "I'm no alchemist, but I did make a little concoction for when I get the runs, it happens to all of us."
Lady Lilira now held a look of abject terror that broke into a fit of laughter. "Oh... dear I'm sorry I uhh.. well, I was hoping that you might be willing to take on a student, heard you were taking them on, and... I've been thinking on the necessity of knowing how to defend myself... without the need for arms or armor."
She sighed, frustrated at the song and dance "That's gonna depend, do you want to do the work?"
She gave a smile and looked down, "I want to learn what you have to teach me. I'll do what it takes. And I can compensate you very fairly."
Pipp smirked, shrugging her shoulders. She reached out her hand. "Can't exactly say no to that, Lilira."
She hesitated, and then offered her own hand, a bit taken aback by the firmness of the handshake. "Very well, i'll be around first thing in the morning."
Nanamo Ul Namo walked out the door, a bright, beeming smile on her face, unable to comprehend that her greatest champion had never figured it out.
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