#good thing I can't stream
togetherhearted · 1 year
My only issue with LoP is that there are no issue. It is my fault for being extra scared to leave the main hub because I am terrible at souls-like games 😅. I genuinely love this demo so far
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alchemicaladarna · 7 months
I'll never stop gushing about this because I don't think people realize just how cool it was to see Quackity, Roier, Bad, and Yangdding all hanging out last night (this morning?? Lol)
Being in the fandom for nearly a year, you get used to people speaking different languages and sometimes using the translator. And there are times when people just speak English when together instead because sometimes the translator doesn't pick up certain parts of the conversation, but last night, we just witnessed 4 people relying on the translator completely.
A Korean speaker, an English speaker, and two Spanish speakers having fluent conversations in their native languages. And these conversations just flow so naturally that my sleep deprived ass didn't even fully register that they were speaking different languages.
The QSMP is truly revolutionary. I've seen people say it's like reverse Tower of Babel, but in Minecraft; and that's not an overstatement at all.
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tuituipupu · 1 year
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cassandracain52 · 4 months
My BatFamily cooking headcanons
Good Cooks:
Alfred: is the only reason half of them eat anything at all. He is s a great cook but doesn’t tend to use much spices. Can’t make waffles to save his life but it is his only flaw
Jason: Genuinely enjoys cooking and is very good at it. Can make just about anything if given the recipe. Will often purposefully cook way too much food and claim it wasn't intentional. He then insists that everyone needs to have some because he refuses to "let it go to waste" so he doesn't have to admit he did something nice for them
Damian: First learned by occasionally helping Alfred in the kitchen. He initially didn't want to admit he liked it because he was taught it was "beneath him". His family eventually convinced him that cooking was a life skill and something everyone should know how to do and that he was allowed to enjoy it. Now he cooks whenever he can and likes experimenting with lots of different spices, occasionally to his family's dread
Decent Cooks:
Dick: He can't cook anything overly complicated but so long as he has the recipe he can usually get pretty close. Doesn't particularly enjoy cooking but he does like cooking with others. Though he usually ends up making something boxed or cereal anyways
Duke: Similarly to Dick he doesn't make anything too fancy but he's still decent in the kitchen. Doesn't cook very often but when he does he prefers to have the kitchen to himself so he has room to work
Barbara: Learned to cook out of necessity since her dad was often busy. Only cooks when there's no other option because she thinks it takes too much time. Usually will just order take out
I mean they probably won't burn the kitchen down:
Stephanie: Can cook waffles and pancakes and only those two things. Everything else either ends up burnt or raw. These are also the only things she is allowed to use the kitchen for and not without supervision
Tim: He is a rich kid who always either had someone that could cook for him or the money to buy something already made and it shows. It's lucky if he remembers to eat actual food instead of energy drinks and coffee let alone actually cook. Is banned from using the kitchen but will occasionally be allowed to stay provided he promises not to try and help
Cass: Was never taught how to cook due to her upbringing. Barbara did attempt to teach her the basics but it never really took. She usually just ends up making frozen food
Absolutely cannot ever be allowed in the kitchen:
Bruce: Has a lifelong ban. Should he attempt to so much as enter the kitchen call for Alfred immediately. He once managed to set fire to water when trying to make a child Dick Grayson Mac and Cheese and hasn't been let back in since. Anything he does manage to make is definitely not edible and probably poisonous. Do Not Eat It
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garvalhaminho · 13 days
i think the part i like the most about jem, tessa and will as characters is that they show love is what makes them human, what keeps them grounded. jem, throughout tid, has to live with the knowledge he will die soon, but the love he feels for the people around him, specifically tessa and will, is what keeps him sane. we see that even more with him as a silent brother, when silent brothers block their emotions and become almost robots, the thing that keeps jem human is remembering the people he once loved and still does. remembering tessa, will, their children, the people he cared for and the people that cared for him. it is what keeps him grounded, what makes him feel human again. and with tessa, tessa who is immortal and outlives everyone she loves, and has and will have to watch them die again and again, she continues to love. she chooses to do so. it is what makes her human, and it is rare for a warlock to continue being attached to and loving mortals. and will who believed himself to be cursed so that everyone who loves him back would die, he shut off a part of him to the rest of the world, the part that loved freely. but he didn't do it to jem. he allowed jem to love him, as much as will loved jem. their unconditional love for each other was what kept will sane. it was what kept him human, and not the emotionless farse he had around everyone else.
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
Continuing my Dr Jacob rants, I wanted to mention how... off I've been feeling with how the rest of the characters have been treating the whole situation regarding him dating Michelle. It's so far been exclusively framed as a marital issue that Ted has to work through, and it's being massively downplayed by the people around him and the narrative itself? I feel as if it's being equated to simply struggling with watching an ex move on, which is SO not what is happening here. This is a deeply unethical and damaging relationship to everybody else being pulled into Michelle and Dr. Jacob's absolute fucking nonsense, and I know I've brought this up before, but this is the type of shit you get your license taken away for. Having a relationship with a patient, former or not, is such a full stop unethical crossing of every boundary meant to exist between a patient and therapist that I couldn't explain just how much of a no it is if I had 15 hours uninterrupted and a megaphone.
At least where I live, the college of registered psychotherapy has a half a decade minimum legal time frame that must be elapsed to have a relationship with a patient, but honestly that's just technicalities. Therapists should, under NO CIRCUMSTANCE, have any kind of duel relationship with a current or former patient. Therapy is meant to make a connection to help you work through your problems, but it's not for making a friend and it's certainly not for meeting a partner. And for a therapist to abuse that power and, in this situation, maybe even coerce a patient out of their marriage so they can date them (because come on, that's exactly what fucking happened given the facts), is beyond deplorable. I don't give a fuck if Dr. Jacob gives nice guy energy, he's a professional (unprofessional as he may be) who knows exactly what he did, and he's a piece of shit for it.
I know this is TV, and the way therapists act in media is so sensationalized and dramatized, but considering Ted Lasso is "the show about having good mental health" and understanding and unpacking trauma and issues, the lacklustre reaction from characters regarding the relationship between Ted's ex wife and her (and Ted's!!) therapist are just bizzare. I need at least somebody in-universe to acknowledge how baffling the behaviour is, and I really can't deal with the idea of Ted being left out to dry in this situation. This isn't some simple "my ex is moving on and that's tough for me but I need to accept it" situation, this is a borderline traumatic betrayal of trust Ted is going through, and the thought of it being left unaddressed while Ted has to make nice with Dr. Jacob because "Well, I really need to not make a fuss because he makes Michelle happy and he's Henry's new father figure now!" is soooo fucking awful I honestly can't even think about it. Anyways don't date your therapist this has been my PSA
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I spent, like, a half hour looking for this clip because I think that you all need to see it.
"That's one of the cooler things. I saw a creator from Brazil, it seems, who actually claimed that they were getting people-someone who's not in the QSMP-they said they were getting people in their chat who doesn't-who don't speak Portuguese. It's a Brazilian creator who's not even on QSMP, and he was talking about the effects-possibly-of that crossing of communities with the QSMP. Which is amazing, and I find that so, so cool. And it makes me really happy because, at the end of the day, that's what-that's what the server is meant to do-is help communities from different parts of the world cross each other. And I find it amazing. What I find so beautiful about this chat specifically is that being the English streams, English is the more common language spoken, right? And what I find so amazing about this chat is when something funny happens I see people saying 'hahaha' in English, 'jajaja' in Spanish, and the 'kkkk', which is how, you know, Portuguese speaking people usually type to laugh. And that's amazing. That's three different languages in one chat and I think that kind of crossover is so incredibly important."
(ignore the odd title, not my video, but important anyhow)
When I give praise for Quackity, for the QSMP as a whole, this is why. Quackity is genuinely doing some groundbreaking stuff, and I think that, in a sense, he's paving the way for future creators.
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awidowgast · 26 days
ahh shit. i mean i knew it was coming, tbh. i dont trust netflix with anything. still grateful we got the one season we did. will cherish it a lot and keep creating for the fandom anyways.
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nostalgiamonster · 2 years
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“The night is still young and the fun’s just begun...”
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Y'all, archivists are so cool, they really are the backbone of our community. I regularly bust my butt til 3am updating the QSMP VOD Timestamp Archive, but admittedly, I got a bit frustrated last night wondering if it was a waste of time and if anyone even uses it, but then I see all the archival work done by other members of our community and I'm just SO amazed by their dedication. We're all doing this because we love QSMP, and we don't want any part of it to get lost, and that itself feels like a preservation of our love for it. It's nice to think about.
Anyways, I haven't talked about the VOD Timestamp Archive much lately because I renovated it from the ground up last month (and again last night), so I'd like to wait for it to look ~perfect~ before doing another announcement post, but if there's anything I can do to help make it more useful for people, feel free to reach out to me via DMs and let me know!
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
Could I take fem!Nightmare to the Barbie movie? 👉👈🥺(<- has no money)
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dw she'll pay for you<333
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curiouskaden · 1 year
Warning, Good Omens 2 Spoilers ahead!! I just really need to ramble about this because the last ten minutes of the new season really got me freaking out
So. EVERY was not at all what I expected and Aziraphale's reaction really got me thinking. Like I had to watch the show three times in full before I knew how to interpret it so here I am, giving you my perspective even though you didn't ask.
First of all, it threw me off how Aziraphale almost looked disgusted afterwards? I don't like using that word but it's just the only way I know how to describe the look on his face. I think we all know for a fact that Aziraphale should NOT be disgusted with kissing Crowley-- their love for each other is very much requited (I think we mostly all agree on that). PLUS there was that solid, full second where Aziraphale almost looked like he was about to hold Crowley back, and he never pulled away or pushed him away, so why did he have that look on his face? And why did he say he "forgave" Crowley after?
Basically how I see it is Aziraphale looked so put off and hesitant during and after the kiss because of how it happened. Despite Crowley's confession, Aziraphale saw that kiss as Crowley's goodbye, and even a last effort to get him to change his mind about heaven. And keep in mind this kiss was right after Crowley calls Zira an "idiot" and says "we could've been us".
So Aziraphale says he forgives him. He has a look of hurt as he hesitates and says "I..." and TRAILS OFF, before he settles on "I forgive you". He forgives Crowley for calling him an idiot, which is just like back in s1e5 when Crowley had said "you're so clever, how can somebody as clever as you be so stupid". Zira says he forgives him just like back then, and he forgives Crowley for the name calling, and he forgives Crowley for having their first-- and what Aziraphale might think to be their only ever-- kiss happen like that.
Of course it's also worth noting to me how Aziraphale looks after Crowley, tears in his eyes as he touches his lips afterwards, like he's still astounded it even happened. I don't think he was unaware of Crowley's love for him-- I think he's known for decades now at the very least-- but he didn't expect Crowley to tell him and to kiss him, and then to leave. He can't believe it happened and he can't believe he didn't kiss back.
Anyways, that's kind of how I see the whole EVERY scene. I just felt so conflicted when I saw it because it felt so forced and I feel like there's so much more to it. Anyways PLEASE let me know what you guys thought!
He can't believe things for them are going to end like this.
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iftitah · 10 months
she's talking on a call with her parents about how it was her luck and gods will what got her into this college who's gonna tell her of course no one because you know 🤡🤡
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thepandalion · 10 days
not to be annoying or anything but it's been 9 years since the release of indie game undertale
#It's. One of my special interests#Like I have identifying Mediterranean animals on sight and I have memorizing every line of dialog in undertale#Those are my things. And I did recognize a seagul once by the sound while jetlagged and not paying attention so#Tbh I should probably play the game sometime. But also it'd be very funny to not play it#And then one day just like. Idk. Live stream playing undertale for the first time. But doing it w a blindfold#Check how far my knowledge spans for a person who has never once played the game#Like. I know muffets attacks are a repeating pattern. I know some attacks have audio so I'd use that as a guide#I'd go easy route on toriel and papyrus bc I know you can skip those by being bad at game#And I'm pretty sure I could memorize mad dummy patterns bc I remember there being like. A trick in the code#For if you're bad at the fight#Also you get astro food right before so I'd have good healing#So. Yeah the undyne and asgore and omega flowey fights are really the only things I have to watch out for I think??#Esp since I'm gonna do a bunch of tricks to get out of certain fights#Like. The thing with doing armor switches rapidly on mettaton for fast ratings boosts#Or the lowering of hp on mad dummy after the first hit so the fight can't last beyond a set number of turns if you're shit at it#Tbh yeah undyne is the only one that's actually scary all the way until asgore. That said I also think you can like. Skip that bit entirely#Like by backtracking before new home to get the undyne letter and doing true lab first. I think#Because that's the bit that's the true pacifist thing to do. Which actually true lab also scary#Like ok snowys mom and endogeny are easy but lemon bread and the memory heads are actually hard esp if u cant see#Also reaper bird but only after the everyman gets ate by the whimsun attack flies so I'm not super duper scared#And. I plan on temmie armor after mettaton. And bandage until then for running away from encounters#Just straight up my first time playing the game will be with a blindfold on and livestreamed#(I'd flex especially in that one echo flower room where if you kill toriel flowey taunts you with it)#But until then! Happy 9 years of being extremely neurodivergent :D
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purityvalentine · 16 days
working with after effects and not managing to make a single thing look even remotely good is very demoralising and i will be going to bed about it even though i only woke up 6 hours ago.
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despertara · 8 months
Irene bro if you see this I want you to know I've been podcasting (talking loudly and emphatically to myself) abt that Grammy Gun post for Hours. I started ranting in the rb tags and then I got so mad I started a spreadsheet on my phone Yes I have the Excel app. No I did not finish my tags
#Pacing around my house ''IN LIEU OF A PERSONALITY TAYLOR HAS A MARKETING STRATEGY AND THAT'S WHY WHITE AMERICANS LOVE HER''#''BC SHE'S A WHITE GIRL NEPOBABY & THEREBY PERFECTLY EMBODIES WESTERN IDEALS: MARTYR COMPLEX + ARYAN PROFIT + QTY>QUALITY + CENTRIST + MID'#''AND IT'S PROBABLY TOO GENEROUS TO CALL HER A CENTRIST WHEN SHE'S NEVER REBUKED THE PPL WHO CLAIM HER AS THEIR ARYAN PRINCESS''#''THE VENN DIAGRAM OF PPL WHO ARE SICK OF HEARING ABT PALESTINE AND PPL WHO CAPE FOR TAYLOR IS ALMOST CERTAINLY A SINGLE PERFECT CIRCLE''#''IN WHAT WORLD IS SHE A TORTURED POET HER WRITING IS ON PAR WITH RUPI KAUR AND— WHO'S EMAILING ME FUCK OFF''#In the shower ''AND ANOTHER THING''#She's the physical manifestation of privileged ppl's desire to be oppressed bc they can't stand when the convo isn't abt them lmfaooooo#''it's hard for skinny white conventionally attractive cishet ppl whose fathers were bankers too!!! Don't erase my truth!!! 😭''#''Taylor is the number one most streamed/whatever artist in the world''#Popularity or notoriety? Bc the US is also well-known for Trump + Texas + public shootings + genocide + wasting money on football stadiums#But again! She's the Western/American Ideal Made Flesh! It's Punk To Have Money And Connections!#And Being White Is The Punkest Of ALL!#Oh my Christ I say this all the time but if university classes have to be offered on her they should be in Marketing and Ethics#She should be a business school case study and that is NOOOT a. Compliment#She couldn't even stick with country bc how truly country of an experience could she have had when her daddy was rich like#She doesn't have the range like idc if you like her just don't act like she's revolutionary when all her movements are calculated + LATERAL#It's not art it's business acumen please she is rewarded by the Grammies bc they respect her for upholding Capitalism I'm so tired#Remember when they gave AOTY to HARRY last year when Beyoncé and Benitito were RIGHT THERE#It's propaganda just like the news plzzzzzzzzzzzz you are all lemmings and she know it which is why she is so good at CONNING YOU#ME N BRO TAG#These are not the comments I wrote on that post you tagged me in btw I got out of the shower to write these FRESH#You know Kacey Musgraves is coming out w a new record too and even tho she got cut out of the CMAs last time she's still proudly country...#I am never drying my hair at this rate#Too busy explaining to you - in complete detail -..........
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