#got personally experience being an Emo on my space
pinksiames · 4 months
Me and pookie @clevenhq are on our usual grind with this Emo!Gale and Punk!John AU🔥
Slight trigger warning for this one with mentions of self harm so be warned!!
Gale is a 16 year old high schooler who is the most stereotypical emo you can imagine. The thick black liner under the eyes, hair constantly swept in front of his eyes. He’s got the eyebrow piercing and nose ring but refuses to dye his hair black! He runs a decently popular MySpace page, posting emotional quotes and shitty mirror selfies that still somehow go viral on the website.
His dad is a severe alcoholic and mom does nothing to help, which ends up with Gale earning himself a black eye from the empty glass bottle hitting him in the face. It’s mainly why he wears so much makeup to try and cover up the abuse, but sometimes on the especially bad nights he’s huddled in the bathtub nursing fresh wounds littering his arms, old and new scars on top of each other.
John is a 17 year old who also goes to the same high school!! He’s the local teenage dirtbag of the town, going around and constantly partying, drinking, doing any type of drug that someone was willing to lend to the boy. He was constantly getting into fights, mostly with the authorities in his life, earning him the prize title of rebel punk with his track record with the law!
He was raised in a single parent household, mom trying her best after his dad walked out on them after his sister was born. A lot of his resentment comes from his dad not being there for them, leaving his mom and them to fend for themselves. When he acts out it’s the only time he feels alive, the urge to cause chaos and havoc for their hometown usually ends with him behind bars for the night until his mom comes and gets him.
When they first met it was at the skatepark during the summer, Gale on his peddle bike and John on his skateboard. They were both going down two different ramps but ended up crashing into each other, Gale being the one to apologize profusely since he was the one who knocked John off of his board.
John was about to go off on the boy until he made eye contact with those pretty sky blue eyes, instead only giving him a short “it’s fine don’t worry about it.” Thinking that it would’ve been the last time he’d see the boy. Until he started noticing him coming around the park a lot more frequently, always looking like he wanted to talk to John but not having the courage to do so.
It’s not until a month of seeing each other that Gale finally went up and introduced himself, once again apologizing for their little accident weeks prior. And John can’t help but feel his heart racing at gales obvious social awkwardness. Since then John introduces him to his group of friends, and slowly they start hanging out outside of the park, going and seeing movies as a group, fucking around town and getting drunk. One night while their all wasted John gets the bright idea that Gale needs a lip piercing, both of them drunk off their asses laughing while John’s trying to push a safety pin though gales bottom lip. Somehow the damn thing doesn’t get infected later down the line. It’s the happiest gales been in months, the self harming becoming more and more infrequent until the day gales dad actually puts his hands on him and not just the occasional beer bottle.
he stops showing up to the park, stops hanging out with John and his group to the point most of them are spamming his phone, but he doesn’t talk to anyone until the school semester starts in the fall. And by the time John sees gale again he looks horrible, sickly pale skin, sunken in eyes, clothes falling off his already thin frame. It takes John all day to corner him, demanding to know what happened to him and why he stopped talking to them. And gale just lets it all out.
He spends a good 5 minutes just sobbing, John trying his best to comfort him. And when Gale tells him what’s been going on his blood runs cold, that someone could hurt such a beautiful soul, how someone could look at Gale and willingly lay their hands on him. He makes a vow to not let anyone even think of hurting Gale, convincing his mom to let Gale stay with them.
While gales staying with the Egans he grows even closer to John, lingering touches staying between them at night, sharing John’s bed on bad nights, John tracing and kissing the scars on gales arms. Young love flourishing between them as the school year goes on, sneaking kisses between classes and holding hands in the hallways. It didn’t help that gales dad didn’t even notice his son missing, let alone his son’s belongings slowly getting moved out the house but who are they to complain. John and Gale would trade the world if it meant seeing each other happy.
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sendmyresignation · 6 months
speaking of danger days, ive been reading a bunch of critical reviews/bad rym scores/blog posts about the response to dd (introducing a friend to it after we talked about bladerunner) and I find the just. complete inability to take the project as art engaged in meaning-building soooooo fascinating im not even mad. the second a synth is heard the entire effort is reduced to something lesser, only made with the intention of fun. even defenses of it refuse to take it seriously as like. a project which is using pop convention, form, sci-fi world-building, etc to commentate. or even that it is actually depressing lmao. but the narrative around an electronically minded followup to a magnum opus is basically "sell-out" catnip even if that makes literally zero sense/they scrapped an entire album before this project. people will simply create their own interpretation!
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jiraisupportgroup · 2 months
Hii I'm new to jirai kei n recently I joined a group where there's a lot o jirai / landmine ppl! I was asking some questions abt how to go for the fashion part of the subculture and one of my main questions was "is there any thrift store I can go to? Can I customize some clothing to make it look jirai?" And what I got as an answer was "No. Jirai ppl only use branded clothing, you can buy it second hand but you cannot customize in any way".
Tbh I'm not in a good place economically rn and I don't have a job either, so I'm not sure what I should do. Importing clothing costs 6 times more cause of where I live.
Is it really a rule that jirai / landmine can only wear branded clothes? (Liz liza, honey wardrobe, dear my love, etc)
I know I fit in the jirai lifestyle but I wanted to fit in the fashion too T--T
Thank you for your time♡♡ asking anon cause it's for me and a frien ^^"
I would once again like to preface this (as I preface all things) with the fact that I could entirely be talking out of my ass - this is just my opinion - and I am not a spokesperson for Jirai Kei or other mentioned subcultures / fashion styles as a whole.
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I wholeheartedly disagree with that but also I will caveat that with the fact that I spent most of my teenage years in menhera / goth / emo / grunge spaces and those are very DIY-heavy subcultures. I'm also super relaxed about how people choose to label themselves (to the point where I barely claim to be in any subculture because I just don't want to bother with labels so I'm probably not the best person to ask haha~)
To me personally, this feels like an argument that someone coming from Lolita would make? I kind of see a link here in the sense that the two main reasons I think people say these things about Lolita are because it is really hard to make Lolita clothing and buying lolita knock-offs is generally bad for a whole slew of reasons. Similar arguments for both subcultures I think.
Girly kei / dark girly clothing can be really hard to make or DIY. I think it is certainly very possible to do, but it might take some trial and error. Mostly because being a bit over the top is kind of the aesthetic; there are a lot of ruffles and bows and lace and ribbons and buttons and cute little accessories and cut-outs and the neckline is typically very specific with decorated collars. At its base, it is just a blouse, but it's got a LOT of aspects that go into it, and if it's "too basic" then you're not really hitting that girly kei style. The skirts too (I personally think the skirts would be a little easier to DIY but I also have experience sewing with lace / grommets & making corset ribbon designs which is mostly what stands out from them to me?) You also run into a lot of the actual hardware being specific with hearts being a really common theme for belt loops or buttons, and decorated suspenders.
I think it would be difficult to DIY girly kei or dark girly pieces but it's certainly doable. One issue is that depending on where you're getting the materials for that DIY, it might be about the same cost (or more) as just buying a blouse (although this depends on shipping cost).
The other aspect of it is the argument against fast fashion which is a little more nuanced in Jirai Kei but I see where they're coming from? I mean, to be frank, ryousangata is literally "massed produced" fashion (& to be fair the aesthetics that are labeled as “ryousangata” have varied a lot over the years - it’s not just frilly blouses & stuff that’s just kind of what it happens to be right now). It's pretty much just fast fashion. MA*RS, Liz Lisa, & DearMyLove from what I can tell are mostly produced in Japan, although they do source materials from China, like most companies do (not automatically or necessarily a bad thing imo - but I will spare you that side rant bc it’s kind of not related). I couldn't find a lot of information about their production practices? So I'm unsure about worker environments for them? Generally, the big-name brands are going to be more ethically sourced & produced than random AliExpress sellers but by how much is kind of questionable (or at least I could not find a lot of information about the production processes so I'm not sure by how much - if anyone has additional information on this I would love love love to hear).
Now am I saying "Go buy a bunch of fast fashion off of AliExpress because it's cheaper and no one cares"? No. (It's also honestly not much cheaper.) But the reality is that it generally is fast fashion, so it's a weird balancing game. I think one of the main reasons people say "only buy Liz Lisa / MA*RS / DearMyLove" is because they want to avoid fast fashion as much as possible while participating in a fashion with a LOT of fast fashion sellers, and since it can be difficult to find production information they go for the big names because they're easier to trust in that aspect. (I also have fallen into this trap & have sworn my life to DearMyLove because they're the only big-name brand that is even slightly 6-foot-tall-bitch friendly T-T)
All of that being said, if you want to attach some bows and lace to a frilly blouse and call it girly kei I am absolutely not going to stop you (or honestly even judge you, but again that's just me). The shipping costs are part of the reason why I say the clothes are secondary to the jirai kei subculture especially as a foreigner because once you consider that the clothing is significantly more expensive and difficult to obtain in foreign circles it becomes directly contradictory to some of the reasons why those same clothes are so popular in the Japanese subculture: I don't think the cultural context of the fashion translates over to foreign markets (economically or socially, but I'll spare you that entire rant lol).
ALSO! Jirai Kei Subcul is awesome and has a much more obtainable aesthetic for foreign markets. It leans more into punk and you can use a lot of different pieces for it that are more easily obtainable, so I highly recommend looking into it. It might be a good medium for being able to feel fully like you belong, but not breaking the bank for an outfit.
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geniusphilester · 11 months
rory’s guide to where the howlters might move
i was talking with @underthisweather about this because we both play sims 4 and/or watch simmers that aren’t dan and phil play. there are a lot of people more well-versed in the sims 4 game and the dapg series than i am, but as someone who deliberately bought sims packs to get all the playable worlds, i can at least give it a guess.
i briefly considered making this a tier-list video but i have WAY too much on my plate to wrangle making a template and editing video right now, so quick post it is. i use all the world names, so feel free to look around youtube and other places online if you want to actually see the worlds.
this is all residential worlds, so vacation worlds and secret worlds aren’t being ranked. sorry, batuu (/j).
obviously, willow creek has been their home for a million years, so that’s not in the running, but i’ll talk about it a little bit before we get into the other worlds.
even though i’m not making a tier list video, i am making tiers because it’s fun. they are:
-top contenders: my best guesses for where dil, tabitha, dalien, and nuki land -possible: not my guesses, but also i won’t be completely humiliated if they pick one of these -for the bit: not likely, but if they have a particular joke or personal attachment or storyline in mind, that could keep them in the running -nah: probably not happening
if you want to jump to the end and skip my blathering, that’s where the full tier list will be.
a quick primer as to what we’re talking about here:
-“worlds” are a group of neighborhoods sorted by a general theme or biome or both.
-“neighborhoods” are a group of buildings/spaces grouped into a loose theme. while sims 4 isn’t open world like sims 3, it has wandering spaces between lots that don’t require additional loading that form the connective tissue of the neighborhoods
-“lots” are where specific buildings/houses go. there are a variety of lots: residential, commercial, etc., and they can have specific traits to help or challenges to make things harder, much like you can give sims traits. residential is our main focus here
-each lot has a grid size. 64x64 is huge; 20x15 is a lot smaller.
here’s what they’ve told us about what’s going to happen, pulled directly from the transcript (timestamp):
Phil: We are gonna either build a house from scratch or buy a house, but we're moving. Dan: We're shaking things up. Phil: To a new neighborhood. Dan: The Howlters are getting out of here. Look, it's that time. They lived a whole life. They were ready to retire. They got this three-bedroom massive house. They don't need all of this stuff. Phil: They don't. Dan: They need to start a new life in a new neighborhood now that their gay kids are out of there and they've got an emo and a Shiba Inu to raise. Phil: Yeah. Think about it, though. We're gonna have new neighbors, new friendships, new experiences, new jobs.
generally what we know/can guess:
-prebuilt or custom-built residences are most likely, but they can also bulldoze and build on other kinds of lots without cheats. i summarize the amount of lots each neighborhood has to give you an idea of how many potential neighbors might be around.
-dan is implying they’re going to downsize, so a smaller lot seems likely
-it sounds like dil and tabitha will be getting new jobs? that probably won’t have a ton of impact on the world/lot because jobs are largely “go somewhere else to work and you either can watch or not” or “you work from home but the neighborhood doesn’t have much impact here”. still, good to know
Willow Creek
just wanna give a quick shoutout to willow creek, dil’s home world from the beginning. it’s a base game world, and it’s got a lot of goodies: excellent starter homes, three empty lots (the one they used is a 30x20, which is not as big as they get, but is also not the smallest), notable townies (pancakes family!), a nice park, and a little downtown area. the vibes are distinctly southern USA in biome and architecture
sage estates: mansions! two residential lots (one occupied by default, one prebuilt empty).
pendula view: historic section, featuring the goths. four lots (three prebuilt, one empty 30x20).
courtyard lane: current home of the howlters and pancakes! in their game, all five lots have houses (shout out to the owl slide).
foundry cove: starter homes. five lots (four prebuilt, one empty 30x20).
crawdad quarter: park, museum, nightclub, gym, library
Oasis Springs
another base game world! VERY deserty, specifically with a slightly palm springs (southern CA, USA) vibe? they have a lot of vague deserts in the sims 4 without actually considering biome too deeply, which i can say because i’m a high-desert queer. anyway.
acquisition butte: midcentury and kind of mission-style mansions. four residential lots (three prebuilt, one empty 40x30).
skyward palms: two residential lots with mansions.
bedrock strait: the description calls it “delightfully kitschy”. five residential lots (four prebuilt, one empty 30x20).
parched prospect: single-family homes similar to bedrock strait, maybe with less kitsch? five residential lots (four prebuilt, one empty 30x20)
mirage canyon: downtown area, with museum, lounge, park, gym, and bar.
i wouldn’t call dan and phil desert gays, but irl palm springs is pretty gay! there are a lot of options here to renovate that aren’t giant but aren’t tiny, either. the howlters could get invested in the landgraab drama, if they wanted. the weather is also a lot less rainy than most other words, which means fewer thunderstorms (a big plus for my gameplay, hard to say for them).
as previously stated, i don’t see dan and phil as desert gays. oasis springs isn’t their architectural style, and emo dalien would probably be miserable (this could be an upside for story reasons, but i’m leaning toward it not working specifically here). plus, oasis springs is an early sims world, and i feel like they’ll go newer for the fun of it.
tier ranking
i deliberated over this one for a second because it’s mostly a no, but i think it’s just possible enough to put in “Possible”. the very bottom, though.
honestly, i’m hesitant to call newcrest a world all its own because it’s basically willow creek without anything in it. there are no preset buildings here, just three neighborhoods with five empty lots.
bridgeview: lots are 2 20x15, 2 30x20, 1 40x30
llama lagoon: lots are 1 30x20, 1 30x30, 2 40x30, 1 50x40
ridgeline drive: lots are 3 30x20, 1 40x20, 1 40x30
one word: versatility. i play here all the time because it’s easy to make a tiny home (my favorite way to build my sims’ skills) on the smallest lots and build a full town around them, complete with all the houses, neighbors, and lot types you want. for youtubers who are into storytelling, it’s very appealing.
i honestly don’t see dan and phil as youtubers who want to make their own towns. they could pull from the gallery entirely without taking up too much time, but that feels too stale for their playstyle and personal aesthetics, and i think they want to shake things up more. it wouldn’t even make a good “we said we were moving but we didn’t say it would be different” bit.
tier ranking
Magnolia Promenade
technically possible, but i doubt it’s happening: it’s a similar style to willow creek with three retail lots and one empty 30x20 residential lot.
tier ranking
the world that came with get together, which we know dan and phil have. quality-wise, it’s one of the best worlds in the whole game: a bunch of lots, beautiful architecture, variety in neighborhoods. it has a real northwestern european vibe.
windslar: mix of large houses and smaller. six residential lots with one empty 40x30, and a chalet gardens lot, including hedge maze.
olde platz: old downtown of windenburg with a bunch of housing but no empty lots. four residential, bar, library, cafe, nightclub, and an ancient ruins lot.
lykke centre: new downtown of winderburg. park, cafe, gym, nightclub, and a giant pool.
the crumbling isle: rich people on an island! five residential lots with one empty 20x20.
versatility, but with structure. building a new house on that 20x20 island lot seems very possible to me, but they could take one of the empty prebuilts or evict someone easily. a lot of neighbors to mess with, and a lot of destinations to play in. i visit lykke center’s nightclub and pool in my games all the time.
not only would i say tudor is not dan and phil’s style (which is a lot of the non-mansion housing), i would say that, despite the slightly more germanic or nordic bent, it might be too familiar in some ways? but the bigger impediment i think is that it isn’t silly enough for their playstyle and doesn’t fit any of the characters. emo dalien probably won’t pub crawl, you know?
tier ranking
more “Possible” than oasis springs, but not the highest
San Myshuno
the world that came with city living, and dab and evan’s stomping grounds! big city and mostly apartment living.
spice market: listed as a “family neighborhood”. six apartment units in two buildings, one 30x30 single-family house prebuilt, one karaoke bar.
arts quarter: the “bohemian” neighborhood where the humor and hijinks festival happens. six apartment units, including a penthouse, and an art museum.
fashion district: the “young and trendy” neighborhood where the romance festival and geekcon happen. six apartment units, including a penthouse, and a karaoke bar.
uptown: the “luxurious” neighborhood, with four apartment units, a gym, and a rooftop lounge. the city park’s next to this one.
we know this is VERY dan and phil because dab and evan already live here (and their place looks like the dnp manchester flat)! it would be very funny if dab’s parents showed up and we saw dnp playing dab like he was constantly annoyed they were cramping his style. i would also enjoy if they demolished the standalone house and built a city-style house like forever home. not that i’m trying to get a house tour by any means possible or anything.
this isn’t different enough, and that’s why i mostly think it won’t happen. i think it would only happen if dab and evan went elsewhere.
tier ranking
For the bit. i think they’ll go a different direction but they also can’t resist being self-referential, so i can’t rule it out entirely
Forgotten Hollow
the world that came with vampires. if you’ve watched this sims series in full, you’ve seen it before. i play in it constantly, but most people aren’t into occult sims like i am or build cemetery lots to keep all their dead sims. for some reason.
lots (because there aren’t distinct neighborhoods)
garliclauter place: empty prebuilt, 30x20, vampire nexus lot trait
vatore house: prebuilt, 30x30
vlad’s house: prebuilt, 40x30
fledermaus bend: empty lot, 30x30
widowshild townhome: prebuilt, 30x20, registered vampire lair lot trait
there’s also some non-lot space that’s fun to hang out in, like the central park (that isn’t a park lot) and wilderness behind most of the lots
tier ranking
just skipping to this because it’s an easy “nah”: they’ve been here before and purely did it as an alternate-universe spooky week episode.
Brindleton Bay
the world that came with dogs and cats (and the first canon gay sim townies)! we know they have it because nuki exists. rainy seaside vibes.
sable square: listed as both the “cultural center” of the world, but as a “monument” to their pets. three residential lots with one empty 30x20, a park with the dog-friendly lot trait, and a vet clinic.
cavalier cove: seaside residential of varying sizes. five residential lots with two empty 30x20s.
whiskerman’s wharf: touristy downtown wharf. three residential lots with one empty 40x30, a bar, and a lounge.
deadgrass isle: island with a museum lot. also has a lighthouse i think you can run around in, but i haven’t tried it.
if they were doing nuki-focused story or were looking to fill a house entirely with cats and dogs, this would be the place to go. maybe the howlters could have gay friends and live next door to the heckings! dan and phil yelling about the feral/townie cats would be a delight.
honestly, i’m just not a huge fan of this world. it never runs well on my computer, it rains all the time (which i like in real life, but not the sims), and if i have pets, i’m always in the vet clinic getting that stuff to work. obviously this is a ymmv thing, but i think it’s too bland for dan and phil as well.
tier ranking
low in “Possible”. i think oasis springs makes more sense, honestly.
Del Sol Valley
the world from get famous, which is basically a giant los angeles clone.
mirage park: three residential lots, including one empty 50x40
starlight boulevard: the downtown area. two lounges, one museum, one nightclub, one park.
the pinnacles: mansion area. three prebuilt residential lots.
tier ranking
i’m gonna put this in “nah” quickly because dab is pursuing the actor career and might come here if he wants fame, but it’s more of a world to visit than live in. i don’t hate it or anything, but there’s few sims to interact with, and it wasn’t well-built. (one of the mansions has no bathrooms!) i think the only potential spoiler here is if dan and phil (mostly dan) wanted an outlet to rant about the entertainment industry, but they can do that without moving to del sol valley.
came with the pack of the same name! this is different than every other world because there’s a built-in narrative about the government and weird behavior, but it also has the neighborhood structure.
secret lab: this is part of the narrative and is a single lot, but it gets its own neighborhood mention because, if you look up the map, it takes up the entire upper left corner.
shady acres: rich part of strangerville. five residential lots with two empty 30x20s.
strangerville plaza: main part of strangerville. four prebuilt residential lots, one library, and one bar.
honestly, that i have any is going to probably set me apart from any sims player-dapg fan combo. i think the red desert look is nicely different from the willow creek look, the build items are sometime underrated, and dan’s area 51 reference in the latest video could have been a hint. dil has been super close to alien weirdness; might as well follow that to its logical conclusion!
i don’t actually think dan and phil will do strangerville’s story because they want something a little more different. the richer housing in this world isn’t super well-built, and i can’t imagine them building a trailer in a trailer park for fun (although they should; i enjoy those kinds of build videos a lot).
tier ranking
For the bit
the world that came with island living, probably most directly inspired in style by hawaii. this is a fun one because one of the neighborhoods is built on a volcano, multiple lots include sections of water, and you can turn into a mermaid! or, you know, just have a drink on the beach.
lani st. taz: four residential lots including one empty 50x50, and a beach lot
mua pel’am: the volcano neighborhood! three residential lots, including one empty 40x30, and a lot of fun exploratory territory.
ohan’ali town: main town area. four prebuilt residential lots, one beach lot, one bar
very different than willow creek, good if they want to pursue a “dil and tabitha are kind of retired and immortal, why not go to the beach” storyline, generally just a good world.
if “pale nerds move to the desert” is a bad idea, “pale nerds move to the beach” isn’t much better. the off-the-grid options seem VERY unlikely!
tier ranking
no offense to sulani, but “nah” seems most likely
realm of magic’s residential world! (there’s a portal to another world in this one, but you can’t live there without mods/cheats.) another world where i like it in theory, but the construction could be better, and it’s mostly centered around an occult type.
glimmerbrook watch: empty 30x20
charm family: residential 40x20
amicable acolytes: residential 30x20
brooks bridge borough: residential 30x20
elixirs and brews: bar
tier ranking
discover university’s world! most of the housing here is specifically for students, but not all of it.
foxbury university: the newer school! four university housing lots
gibbs hill: the town part of the college town. three prebuilt housing lots, one bar, and one library.
university of britechester: the older school. four university housing lots
tier ranking
i’m putting this in “Top contenders” with an asterisk: i don’t think it’ll happen yet, and if/when it does happen, it’ll be because dalien graduated high school and moved to university, which was implied in the latest video to be a likely path for dalien. my understanding is that university plays work better if the students live out of the world, but imagine dan and phil passing up a chance to talk about their uni experiences. i bet dalien will live his conflicted alien life in the dorms, at least to start with.
Evergreen Harbor
eco lifestyle’s world! it doesn’t have a strict narrative like strangerville does, but it’s built specifically for residents to vote on community initiatives and with mechanics that change the look depending on how environmentally conscious everyone’s being.
grims quarry: former quarry turned residential neighborhood. three prebuild single-family lots and one apartment lot.
port promise: former industrial port trying to be reclaimed by the community. three prebuilt residential lots, one bar, one community space.
conifer station: former train area turned residential. two prebuilt residential lots, one apartment space, one community space.
i honestly think this one has a lot of potential, both in regards to dan and phil’s tastes and storyline options. going from strict scientist toward environmentalist would be a great route for dil, and the household could live in an apartment without being in the city, if they felt like downsizing that much. dan specifically has a reformed nihilist vibe that would go really well here, and dumpster diving/woohooing is a LOT of fun.
maybe not glamorous enough? dalien would probably hate it, which is not a hard no for me lol. they might want a world with more neighbors to torment, too. i’m also not sure if dan and phil have eco lifestyle, are interested, or even really know about it.
tier ranking
Top contenders, even if dan and phil don’t know it
Mt. Komorebi
snowy escape’s world, which is definitely japanese in influence, but not tokyo: it’s specifically more rural mountain areas. it’s also unique in that it’s half residential world, half vacation world, and the mountain is snowy even if you don’t have the seasons pack.
yukimatsu: mountain peak with ski slopes! two rental lots, one onsen bathhouse, and one empty residential 50x50.
senbamachi: old part of town. three prebuilt residential lots, one bar, one park.
wakaba: new part of town. three residential lots, including one empty 20x15, one lounge, one rental.
look, it’s japan. dan and phil like japan (to put it mildly) and this pack melds older style with modern luxury real well. the builds are really solid as well; this was around the time when the sims team got simmers involved in making buildings, and it makes a big difference. the one time i played with dan and phil sims, they lived in mt. komorebi.
the combination of sports and vacation makes this a bit less likely as a moving destination, i think.
tier ranking
For the bit. it’s borderline imo, but if they go here, it will largely be because dan and phil love japan.
cottage living’s world, which is very deliberately rural england in style.
the bramblewood: mostly woods, with some buildings. three prebuilt residential lots, one park.
old new henford: the real farming neighborhood. four residential lots, including one empty 50x40.
finchwick: the village. two residential lots and one bar.
tier ranking
nah. if i think windenburg might be too familiar, henford-on-bagley definitely is, and i doubt they’ll do farming gameplay.
the world for the still-broken wedding stories pack! mediterranean in inspiration, mostly italy, i think.
terra amorosa: waterfall, bridge, and buildings. three residential lots, including one empty 30x30, and one wedding venue.
porto luminoso: seaside town. three residential lots, including one empty 40x20, one rental lot, and one lounge.
tier ranking
nah. if we go here, it’ll be for the devan wedding, but even then i don’t think it’s super their style. (tbf i haven’t played here a ton, but the lounge is fun to visit)
Moonwood Mill
the werewolf pack’s world! i think this is a bit more liveable for most people than the vampire world, if only because there’s some variety in building type, but it’s still an occult pack.
volkov house: occupied residential, 40x30
new moon shack: empty prebuilt residential, 20x15
the moonwood mill library: library
grimtooth bar and bunker: bar
prowler’s patch: empty residential lot, 30x30
tier ranking
nah. can i will another alternate universe episode like the vampire one into being, though?
the high school years world! mountain western united states vibe with a lake dividing the town in two. the map is beautiful, honestly.
rockridge heights: the high school gets its own two-part neighborhood, divided into a high school building for regular school gameplay and an auditorium for things like prom, graduation, and a job fair.
prescott square: downtowny area. three prebuilt residential lots, one library, one thrift and bubble tea store (random, but high school years comes with thrifting as a money-making opportunity for teens).
plumbite cove: waterside area. three residential lots, including one empty 20x20, one rental, and one park, but my favorite part is the rabbit hole amusement park (you don’t get to see anyone go on the rides, but it’s a common afterparty destination).
if you ask me, this is the most likely neighborhood for howlter relocation! they specifically referenced high school years as dalien’s next stop, there’s a small empty lot to build on, it’s one of the newer sims expansions, and it’s different enough from willow creek to make it interesting while not reinventing the wheel. the social opportunities for dalien will be big! even if they don’t move here, we’re definitely going to see it a lot.
i do think dan and phil’s tastes have gotten more upscale over the years, so they outgrew willow creek, and copperdale might be a little quaint/small for them, too. doesn’t change the fact that dil and tabitha still have a teen.
tier ranking
Top contenders
San Sequoia
the growing together world! seaside town grown up; probably san francisco bay area since lots have the quake zone trait, “sequoia” implies that biome, and the map has a big bridge on it.
anchorpoint wharf: downtown area. two residential lots, including an empty 30x20, one library, and one rental.
gilbert gardens: family recreation spot. three residential lots, including an empty 40x20, and one recreation center.
hopewell hills: more suburban. four residential lots, including an empty 30x20.
family space with a lot of options to build and annoy/clone neighbors, while not sacrificing a more urban feeling. plus, it’s the second most recent pack, which means it still feels fresh to a lot of people.
i’ll be honest, i thought san sequoia was a slam dunk when i was conceptualizing this post. but now that i’ve gone through all the other worlds, i think it’s honestly too young for the howlters. dalien is not splash pad age, for sure. i think it’s still a solid contender, but i would be a bit surprised if it gets picked.
tier ranking
Chestnut Ridge
horse ranch’s shiny new western US desert world! i’d say the red rock and hills makes i more utahish versus the southern california (oasis springs) and maybe arizona (strangerville) deserts. can i get one brushy high-desert landscape, please? anyway.
galloping gulch: hilly living. two residential lots and one rental.
new appaloosa: downtown in yeehaw style. two residential lots, one nightclub, one bar, and a notable rabbit-hole arena for horse training next to the park.
riders’ glen: ranch and vineyard spaces. five residential lots with one empty 64x64.
tier ranking
let’s just jump to it: unless dan and phil get a hankering for dil and tabitha to ride horses or crush grapes, i suspect chestnut ridge will only possibly be a destination for dab and evan as brokeback mountain jokes. “For the bit” with an asterisk, it is!
Top contenders
Copperdale, Evergreen Harbor, Britechester*
Windenburg, San Sequoia, Oasis Springs, Brindleton Bay
For the bit
Mt. Komorebi, San Myshuno, Strangerville, Chestnut Ridge*
Del Sol Valley, Sulani, Tartosa, Henford-on-Bagley, Newcrest, Glimmerbrook, Moonwood Mill, Forgotten Hollow, Magnolia Promenade * = not right away
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daggerfool · 1 year
Who do you give the Numidium to and how do you feel about the Dragon break?
I usually give the totem to Mannimarco because gameplay wise his reward is the best. Like yes, I want to be famous and have every noble in the Iliac Bay as my bestie. They are like walking trust funds.
When I role-play I give it back to Gothryd just because my character is chaotic and unpredictable. It’s like stealing candy from a toddler, then being paid for giving it back. I have a few thoughts on the dragon break and I have an own interpretation of it as most of us do. I mean, it’s Elder Scrolls and the canon is that nothing’s canon. I will specifically talk about the dragon break in Daggerfall, my opinions don’t really extend to the dragon breaks in general (why are they a thing anyway).
All of this confusing stuff under the cut.
The definition of dragon break is that it’s a temporal phenomenon that involves a splitting of the natural timeline which results in branching parallel realities where the same events occur differently or not at all.
The thing about parallel realities is that there is no worth in wondering about them. Like in Morrowind, where once you kill a main quest related npc you get the message which contains the words ’live in the doomed world you created’. For you, it’s only a doomed world because the message imply the existence of a better path, otherwise it’s reality, and you have nothing to compare it to but what ifs in your head.
Not the case in Daggerfall though. The reality of one is antithetical of other’s, yet they still exist at the same time and space. No matter what side the Agent picks, every other path will be part of the real world, making all of them meaningful in some way. It raises two questions for me.
1. Does it mean the Agent’s choice is actually meaningless? 2. Does it really matter what the Agent chooses in this case?
In my opinion, the answer is yes to both questions. The effect of the dragon break only really matters to those who can comprehend it. For the folk of the Iliac Bay the results only seem like an effect of a war: changed borders, swifts in power between kingdoms. Supernatural phenomenons like dragon breaks are too confusing for a basic farmer, they have no meaning to a swordsman.
I believe the Agent was one of the few who really knew what happened and the moment they touched the Mantella they have seen a glimpse of every choice they have taken in parallel realities. I think the Agent stops being a person that moment. They are like patchwork, a being made from every skill they gained, every knowledge they got. They effectively stop being themselves and yet become more of themselves they have previously been. All the experiences they have had thus far, all the answers they have found, are engraved in them. For the Agent it does matter who they give the totem to. They will remember their feelings and opinions that lead them to that moment, nothing is going to take that away from them (except if they die when the realities merge, but that raises another question I am not prepared mentally to think through). 
Anyway, if Daggerfall has been a modern game, the Agent would have become something god-like, something beyond mortal in the end.
Funny enough I think Nulfaga also understood the dragon break or at least I came to this conclusion based on her dialogues. Homegirl just didn’t give no shits about a world that doesn’t have her son in it. Btw imagine being Nulfaga and having Lysandus as a son and when he reproduces, his kid is a lame ass emo boy.
In conclusion, the Agent basically played all the routes of a dating simulator separately then ended up having a harem. Once again, my theory that every TES game is an otome game is proven and dragon breaks are just the secret poly route.
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starstrider · 1 year
10, 20, 28? the ganmachine
10. How do they feel about their relationship with Hydaelin? Midgarsormr?
Oh man you don't know what you're getting yourself into because there is. Heaps of heaps of lore that I just come up with genuinely sorry if it's too much
Like "5 google doc pages big" SPEAKING OF WHICH if reading this stuff in Google here's the LINK:
Ohhhghghghh both of my WoLs have an insanely complicated relationship with Hydaelyn that becomes way better in Endwalker.
But beginning is beginning and like.
Gan comes from a fucked up tribe of Black Mages and masters of Dark Arts where their khatun Lena is basically a Mhach mage that escaped the Void Ark tragedy by teleportation magic and time travel shenanigans (she attempted to travel between shards, but got stuck in a space in-between and when she came back to the Source a couple hundred years already passed and Void Ark was nowhere to be seen).
So she assimilated herself into a xaela woman and either coerced or forced talented mages to join her emo band newfounded tribe.
And she shaped the tribe to be extremely hostile to anything resembling magic of Light because of course she, the Mhachi mage, would. She was maintaining her immortal rule by possessing the bodies of children of her close Archmage circle and using advanced dark arts.
Then Lena, to her surprise, secretly and genuinely fell in love with Just A Guy and Gan was born.
Lena was arrogant and a little bit stupid, so she was pumping herself with Black Aether. The plan was to basically use her own child this time to prolong her immortality. And only because Hydaelyn gave Gan the blessing, Gan didn't turn into a voidsent and didn't do the 1979 Alien Chestburster on her mother.
So Lena got the baby, but the baby had a very high attunity to Light aether, which would make for a poor host.
So she decided to be world's first immortal deadbeat mother and just left Gan to her lover and left him on read.
That being said, rumors still spread that Gan was a potential bastard child and a Light-blessed idiot which made her ostracized in already pretty hostile clan.
So when Gan came to Eorzea and realized she's light-blessed and by someone else's God to boot she was PISSED (only the khatun and voidsent held status of deities in the Magan tribe). She used it because being a Warrior of Light gave her purpose and an easy way to be accepted in a land completely foreign to her + get more privileged position than she was in and not be shunned anymore (in Gan's head pretty much if you're Cream of the Crop then you're safe from harrassment because of harsh hierarchy of her tribe).
I think Gan accepted Light as also part of themselves long before they met Venat, but a lot of it was them unlearning self-hatred and learning to accept themselves. And meeting Venat didn't turn their world upside-down, but it pretty much cemented in the fact that “Yeah it's not bad that I'm like this. I am good as I am”.
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Have a bonus sketch of Gan’s parents, I guess. The guy on the right is way sweeter than he actually looks and he’s never treated Gan with anything but kindness, care and patience.
Regarding Midgarsormr... Well there's like a huge chunk of Gan Azem lore that Tumblr specifically missed and I have to preface it with whatever I'm about to say.
Gan and Alma's predecessors, Phobos and Anteros, were two halves of one planet-eating creature, Jörmungandr, initially, until Venat met them and made a sort of prototype sundering so Jormie could experience being human and forget the emotions of the planets it consumed: grief, pain, unfulfilled dreams and joy and so on and so forth. Jörmungandr wasn't a dragon, it was just some messed up snake creature that was floating in space until it stumbled upon Etheirys, attempted to eat it and Venat through conversation invoked personality that the creature was repressing this entire time because it had like no one else to show it to? So it never really mattered to it.
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WIP concept of Jormie that I did.
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Jörmungandr shapeshifting to be able to communicate with Venat (took them around a month to achieve this form).
And I think the fact that Gan immediately took a great liking to dragons and peepaw Midgarsormr  both stems from the fact that she was, for the longest time, just like they are, the outsider. Someone who people didn't want to do anything with and had reservations about.
But also I feel like apart from that it's very much the fact that parts of Jörmungandr 's experience still dwells within Gan and there's this subconscious feeling that Gan wouldn't know about for a LONG time until like post-Endwalker that's basically ”Oh. Hey. We're both space travelers and aliens to this place. We should stick together“ and so on and so forth. Like a magnetic pull sort of feel.
And honestly considering Gan's initially complicated stance on Hydaelyn they were kind of happy that Midgarsormr stripped them of their blessing for some time. They were more than eager to prove themselves worthy in spite of it, because their self-esteem hinged on it greatly.
Now they're chilling.
20. Of all the places they've been to, which is their favorite? Do they like to go back there?
ISHGARDDDD BABYYYYYY IT'S ALWAYS ZENITH IT'S ALWAYS FORTEMPS MANOR YOU KNOW IT those are the first places where Gan truly felt accepted and at home.
28. Were they suspicious or open to Emet-Selch's presence when he first appeared?
Oh you fucking bet they didn't like Emet but since Gan is very reserved they didn't say anything outright malicious to him while still holding the grip on their rapier. But I think hostilities escalated in-between them over the story and after Gan found out that Phobos, their Azem self, used to be his apprentice and used to be very much miserable. It was like. ”You miserable fucking asshole, it seems by some sort of twisted karma I'm stuck with people who don't know how to be normal parents“. It never truly becomes sunshine and rainbows between them for obvious reasons, but Gan does give him the satisfaction in Endwalker of forgiving him on behalf of Phobos.
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cruelestpoetryever · 3 months
Hello from a fellow Norcal person! looking through your blog I noticed you said you've criticized the goth and emo subcultures, and said you've got backlash from people in the punk subculture for your opinions. I don't really consider myself a part of any of those, my city has good music scenes but not a lot of those subcultures, but there's some good music in all three I enjoy. Just to give some background.
Looking through your posts, I couldn't really see any criticism of these subcultures except for some bad experiences you had with some specific goths. It genuinely really sucks that you've had those experiences, rude people are the fucking worst. If you could say what specific issues you have with the subcultures you've mentioned I'd really appreciate it!
And on a kinda unrelated note I did see some people nitpicking at your grammar. I think it's a pretty common phase for people to go to who want to be seen as smart to do that. Grammar correctness is a lot less of an issue in informal setting like Tumblr, and not being able to recognize that is a bit short-sighted of them imo. okok thats all :)
Mostly I don't like goths because a goth broke up me and my boyfriend which was the longest relationship I have ever had and it basically ruined my entire year, and plus everytime I'm in like alternative type spaces everyone is really condescending and argumentative with me and basically just treat everything I say like it's so hilarious to them and there so much better then me. Even my friends are like that with me because there assholes and there all alternative types too. I agree about the grammar though it's so stupid to expect everyone to spell check everything on social media
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wewontdieunbloomed · 1 year
this is part two of unlearning the bad things i unconsciously learnt from last year.
part one was the negative default pessimism i fall in to, which i keep calling it me being emo which means i dwell in my “misery” for far too long, instead of trying to think of something positive to get myself moving out of the bad zone i am in. as we are often told, sadness and negativity gets comforting, it feels like you are protecting yourself. but one cannot see beauty in life and find joy for oneself if one does not make oneself vulnerable.
and so making myself vulnerable is what ive been doing. trying to romanticise this state that im in, a liminal space, at crossroads. its not the most ideal, too many things are unknown and for the first time in my life im dealing with having barely any structure to my days, with nothing to do yet so much i should do.
it took me quite a while to stop lamenting this unknown and start returning to the foundations i built this blog and my entire philosophy off, the whole concept of “lest we die unbloomed” of making sure i dont realise one day ive wasted my time. and in small parts i like to think ive made progress on that
the focus now is the second part. i lost a lot of my attention span and impulse control, and today i reached a horrible point where i am sitting on the kitchen floor at 9 with no dinner, having ruined my microwave dinner out of a lack of common sense. i am not sure if all this recent muddling is because of covid brain fog or the horrifying amount of screen time i have had recently, but i was so sick of it. i have done a lot of things on impulse recently, and though today i had a really fulfilling day spending time with people i havent in a long time, when i got home and im back to reality of the things i havent done and been procrastinating for too long on, i felt horrible. this need to change, i realised.
so this is part two. it calls back to one of the values i set as something important to myself, being honest with myself. i know what im doing now is not working. i know that even though i use my planner im not sticking to it. i know my todo lists are not helping me. then why do i stubbornly stick to methods i know dont work? i told myself a year ago i would not change my system if it doesnt need to be changed. i have forgotten that i need to change it when it does. how silly! so im changing.
so in the last 2 hours in order to get myself up ive written todo lists on paper instead of in my journal. used a timer for every single step from shower to sweeping the floor to brushing my teeth. enough lazing around and letting simple things occupy too much time. its a parkinsons law thing.
enough doomscrolling and opening instagram when i have nothing to do. im setting a limit for a block of time in the day where i am not allowed to use social media, pwrhaps not any internet at all. i need to make drastic change, even if it seems inconsequential. it might not be academic but its personal. and my personal life and what i want to do with my time is worth taking big measures for, because it should be more important than all that revision for exams i used to do.
so the point f this ramble is to clear things out with myself. make some sense of whats goijg on. have a direction. tomorrow i have an interview. ill come home and do the chores i have to. prepare for my afternoon activity. go for lunch and my afternoon appointment. go for a run. buy dinner. write my applications. research on uni stuff. read a book. and all the other tint things i need to give more importance to even though they seem inconsequential. it sa new mantra ive gotten into ever since part one of this. that “this is the way” this is the new way. enough lazing. its time to go hard and be rurhless. take things up a notch because when else can i do it? go big from experiences to measures i have to take to discipline myself. this is the way.
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rabbit-or-rib · 4 months
HELLO!!!! I love your work, I was wondering if I could get a marble hornets/creepypasta matchup? Is it possible to get both platonic and romantic? If not just pick one or the other, I’m grateful either way :))
My style is very diverse, I love alt fashion (goth, scene, emo, grunge) but I can also dress on the completely opposite of that. I usually dye my hair (chunky highlights, usually hot pink or red). I don’t have many piercing and I have a curvier body. I am very much an introvert (possibly an ambivert with a heavy lean towards introvert), I can socialise but I run out of energy quickly and need alone time to recharge. On the outside I probably appear more shy and reserved (probably a little bit bitchy..), but when people get to know me I am the complete opposite; chaotic, sarcastic, thoughtful, empathetic, etc. I’m a very clingy person (my love language is physical touch) so if I am close to someone and trust them, I am very touchy. When it comes to partner needs, I would like someone who doesn’t hate my touchiness, is honest and has patience, can match my level of sarcasm (knows how to have a joke) and someone who is understanding and willing to talk about tough times and share experiences.
Thank you!
u got it !!! thank u, ur so sweet :,))
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Creepypasta ;
R: i think romantically you could work with Jeff. i think he'd be good for having some kind of social support for you- aka he'll be the main one to talk in conversations with other people if you want him to and if you feel like you need some time alone and away from people he has no problem leaving mid conversation to take you up to your room. he definitely wouldn't mind you being touchy as long as it doesn't stop him from doing whatever he's trying to do lolz, and he can most definitely match your sarcasm. i feel like while they wouldn't be the most common thing for you two, i can see both of you sitting on the front porch sharing a drink and talking about memories you have of things before this. slow, quiet talks where it's one of the only times he'll talk about being a kid; how he used to ride down the stairs with Liu, the restaurant he went to for every birthday, things he wouldn't uncover if it wasn't you.
P: BEN 🫵🫵🫵🫵 he can match your personality no matter your mood, including if you'd rather just share space instead of talk. he matches your humor and is totally down for those deep talks every once in a while. y'all would get along well :)
Marble Hornets ;
R: you and Brian would be so cute together :(( he loves you being touchy, and thinks it's cute when he notices its increase after you get to really know him. is absolutely willing to tell you about his life before Marble Hornets and doing the work he does- relishes in the opportunity to look back on some of the happiest moments in his life with something other than crippling nostalgia tbh. he understands the weak social battery and is completely willing to give you space- he has lots of practice with Tim. definitely matches your humor, he gets himself in a little trouble sometimes cus he's not clear enough with his tone sometimes though lolz.
P: Tim would be a pretty good fit for you, i think :) you have similar senses of humor, and he gets not wanting to be around people a whole lot- would listen to you talk about what's stressing you and give you straight forward advice on it. will jokingly tell you to let him know if Brian's giving you too much trouble so he can get a punch in
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takasgf · 1 year
thought just came into my mind after sending that last ask. ik I mentioned swap Morket but that was just swapping their circumstances. I kinda also wanna hear more abt a species swap 💭 where r.ocket is the silly porcelain-like alien and morgan is the... well.!!!! She doesn't have to be a raccoon cause I vaguely remember you drawing her as a deer but yk what I mean. Idk !!! I'm just curious about what you've got going on in ur noggin :3c
HI WISHI!!!! im answering this one first because I've got more ideas for it ;^; I've been thinking about your questions for weeks and I've been trying to get some actual lore bit by bit.
I present to you!!! Morgen Deer :3 (reindeer actually but i like how just deer sounds) in all honesty i've got more ideas for her than humanoid!Rocky, but I'll be sure to do a follow up post for him when I get some ideas. Until then, let's talk about her!! Her story makes more sense in a universe in which they are both animal-like people.
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If the outfit isnt too obvious already, she used to be a professional wrestler in this universe! A genetically modified reindeer with amplified strength - she isnt from the same lab as R.ocket's, so I suppose there were multiple space scientists experimenting on animals at the time😭 okay, hers were a bit more caring towards her but they still specifically made her for the entertainment industry. She is pretty feared by others, but not treated with enough respect due to her species. She first meets Rocky when he randomly attends one of her matches, out of curiosity - she was honestly pretty excited to see "someone like her" in the crowd of spectators, so she definitely tried to meet up with him after. Can't say they immediately formed a connection because Morgen was very socially awkward and Rocky's not exactly the most friendliest person either, but they had respect for one another and knew they could count on eachother if there was any need for that.
After some time, Morgen started to get really sick of being a wrestler and not being treated properly and she wanted to find an opportunity to run away!! There was one incident in which she stopped a fight between Rocky and some other person, getting her antler ripped apart in the process. That was her call to start a new life and she ran away with her raccoon friend, who promised he'll fix her antler as thanks for standing up for him. He wasn't very keen on the idea on having a companion (this was before he meet G.root) but he warmed up to her and they stuck together, as they met all of their other friends !! Once again, it took them until after IW to admit their feelings for eachother because they are dumb and scared. It's not like everyone already thought they were together because "hmm if this guy is a furry and this girl is also a furry then they must be a couple!!1!"
ok thats all i have because im burnt out on ideas. humanoid/zteamer person r.ocket is just an emo catboy(raccoon boy?) to be honest. and i think he's super silly and a cutie pie and he still bites people's arms and steps on their feet because he's a short king full of anger
here's an albino raccoon Morgen just for fun though :3 for a silly AU in which they are both raccoons (who kiss) (eachother)
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Hello! May I please request a star wars, the hobbit and the arcana match up? ^^
I'm 19, omnisexual and I go by they/them. I am a enfp, 3w4, saggitarious, so basically I'm impulsive, ambitious, fun loving, sensitive, expressive, understanding, always seems a lil high, blunt, out of pocket, creative, rebellious and live by the phrase Yolo. (I also have really bad anxiety, depression and adhd)
I'm like a mix of emo, metalhead, goth and punk in terms of music and style but I like mostly sticking with a cleaner look. I'm pale, 5'4, have shoulder length straight dyed black hair, brown eyes, skinny but has some muscle, lots of scars I am very proud of, and visible scoliosis but I like to pretend it's the emo hunch
I enjoy creating, dancing, music, trying new stuff, fashion, stuff that makes me feel sophisticated, comics, horror, zombies, learning, bugs, dark stuff, my pet bird, experimenting, running, space, writing in code, science, working out, reading, plants, red and black, collecting, info dumping, and I love taking care of things and people for some reason.
Lastly my ideal date is going and trying something new togethor or like a amusement park. What I look for in a person is passion and ambition extra points if there a little dorky lol. My love Language kinda differs from person to person I take there needs and wants into consideration but I am a little touch starved soo :)
And here you go good luck and keep up that good work fellow writer!! <3
Hi! Thanks for requesting a matchup! I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for the wait! <3333
Star Wars;
Luke Skywalker:
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✨ You were already a part of Han's crew when you met Luke, chilling on the Falcon as you fixing one of the monitors; you heard blasters shooting in the distance, watching out the main window to see Han and Chewie running with two other people, (some old guy and a pretty cute looking young guy)
✨ Immediately getting into flight mode, you didn't get the chance to say hello to the newcomers until after you escaped the planet, and that's when you finally met Luke; hubba hubba
✨ Skipping the year that you both were just friends, you and Luke finally got together after he got back from cutting off a Wampas's arm on Hoth, (and after he got out of that water tank), but to get to the point, Han liked to joke around with you both; you were almost polar opposites, looks-wise, Luke was a blondie and you had dyed black hair, and you wore dark colors and he didn't really
✨ But opposites attract, and you and Luke actually had similar personalities, you were both passionate, caring, understanding, fun-loving, and impulsive; you both had anxiety and he definitely had ADHD
✨ Luke really, truly love you, from your love for trying new things to stargazing at the million stars in the sky - you're perfect; and you adored Luke, his willingness to learn and grow, his quirky charm, his bashful smiles, his dorky attitude; he was perfect
The Hobbit;
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🌿 You met Ori when you joined the Company, Gandalf asked you to come along since you were pretty great at knowing what plants can help heal or ones that you could eat, and you were great at keeping things light; basically your job in the group was to make sure no one was upset, trying your best to joke around and get smiles on everyone's faces
🌿 But sometimes you needed someone to bring a smile to your face, and Ori was your guy! From little jokes here and there, or just being his little, dorky self made you smile; he was your little, dorky boi
🌿 There wasn't a lot to collect on the road, so you'd collect a rock wherever you could, and Ori would help, running up to you with a huge, sheepish smile on his face as he handed you a few rocks he had found for you; you're swooning
🌿 Near the end of the journey, Ori took his chance and asked if he could braid your hair; having learned and read about Dwarven culture, you felt your heart skip a beat and you joked a little before saying yes and allowing him to braid you hair
🌿 As said before, Ori's a dork, like the number one dork of all dorks, but he was your dork, and he understood you, he cared about you, and he loved you
The Arcana;
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🐱 You met Portia when you came to visit your friend Nadia, yes, ou were friends with royalty, lucky you; for some reason the other many times you visited Nadia, Portia was at her cottage, what a coinkydink
🐱 But it was love at first sight, you loved how sweet she was, how energetic, upbeat, and mischievous she was; and you absolutely loved her eyes, you could stare at them all day
🐱 You had both started talking, going on walks together, talking about everything and anything, and soon a romance blossoms; from secret kisses in the castle to dancing in the garden, you and Portia were in love
🐱 She loves your bird, and you are so glad that she does; she also loves looking at plants with you, reading with you, trying out new things together, (all when she has free time, that is)
🐱 You both are two sweet peas in a pod, always there for one another, and always bringing out the best in each other :)
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am3ya · 9 months
HI TOBSSSSS!!!!! May I ask that you share 5 (or more, or less) things that make you happy? Only if you want, of course. And, also only if you want, you can ask other people this too💗
Ty for the ask and ofc!!💜
I don't have a particular order for any of these, and honestly they can be a little weird but I don't really care atm, this is tumblr. anyway, I might rant a lot here so be prepared <3
The first, and I guess most obvious would be Endeavor from MHA. He's a really interesting character and one I can relate to on many aspects. I love how Horikoshi wrote him, he's extremely complex and honestly underrated. I get peoples dislike towards him but he is more than what many people portray him to be, in terms of his character. I love how he's developing, and I love seeing him in artwork, and offical media, and fan made media. I love seeing people talk about him and try to understand him as a character. I am extremely excited for his development and I love where Horikoshi has taken him, I love his atonement and his design and finding out more about his actions, why he does them, what things influince him as a person. Fiction, in all honesty. I love creating fictional stories, I love creating characters, and indulging in fictional media, I love watching shows and looking at what people create with it. I love inserting myself into the fictional media I adore, It's so fun and is just a really good way to get ideas for my own stories. I love fictional characters, especially those with complex stories and minds, I love finding out more about the characters I like and reading those little fun fact pages in manga that tells you a little bit more about who the characters are. All forms of art, I love looking at sculpters, reading poetry and writing, I love seeing what people paint or draw, I love seeing the diferences in peoples artwork, I love listening to music and making things myself, Honestly no matter how much I struggle with drawing or writing I always come back to it. It's something that I am extremely passionate in even if I'm just a novice at it. I love making my own stories and artwork, and I love art in general. I love the idea of being able to write and draw out what I want to and turn my emotions into something everyone can enjoy and relate to. Clothing, I love how much you can do with clothes, I love accessories and looking at the different styles of clothing, I love playng games that have some sort of focus on dressing up your character. I don't have many cute clothes yet but I do want to get some soon, I want to experiment with different sweaters and hats and maybe even jewelery if I can. I love how personalized you can be with clothes, and I adore looking at different fashion styles, things like punk, emo, goth, and seeing how other cultures and time periods dressed is all so interesting to me. I love seeing how people can break rules with fashion and twist it into something uniquely theirs. plushies, posters, figures, funko pops, really any sort of merch of shows and media I like. I love looking for plushies and figures in stores and seeing what I can find, I don't even care much about the quality a lot of the time as I know it wont be that good coming from places like walmart. But I like to get them anyway because I just like having physical items from media I love. I love having figures and plushies of characters like Endeavor or Gojo, and I love being able to personalize my own space with my interests. One of the first funko pops I ever got I think was an Endeavor one. I still adore it to this day tbh.
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corruptedplaylist · 11 months
act i behind the scenes
hi hello, welcome to a little bts for my voltron college au fanfic, looking out for you on ao3!
favorite scene: the ending of chapter 5, actually! i remember i was typing as fast as i fucking could to try and get it done and sent to my beta (i was also holding my family up for dinner lmao). the last few paragraphs where keith reflects on how far he's come and lance catching him in his own head— that just kinda poured out of me and after going back and rereading it, i don't think there was ever a different way to end the chapter.
favorite character: copout answer but i dont have a favorite character to write. i have a huge soft spot for canon lance and pidge but in the fic, i love the small moments where lance or keith are interacting one-on-one with each other or with other people. i feel like i can really dig into the characterization there. hunk and lance's dynamic has been really fun for me to write because i am so soft at the thought of childhood best friends who have seen each other in almost every version of themselves and know each other in and out. i think hunk and lance stabilize each other pretty well, and they just seem to exist as two sides of the same coin. i also really enjoy pidge's dynamic with lance because it reminds me of two of my friends who were essentially brother and sister and argued all the time and made fun of each other. but ultimately, they'd fight to the death for each other. shiro and keith's dynamic is fun because i like being able to get in keith's head and write a shit ton of his inner monologue but then what comes out is like three sentences while shiro just patiently waits for him to spit it out. i also have been hinting (which ill be deepning later on) that even though keith and shiro love each other and are close, there's some distance between them that's built over time. i think it's natural, especially when keith still hasn't fully come to terms that someone he perceives to be a hero would ever take a chance on him. when shiro, the gay depressed bitch that he is, goes to college and experiences the sanctity of forming your own community and meeting people who really truly get you, ofc he's going to constantly want to go back. i think that yearning definitely scares keith and thus leads him to distancing himself as a means of self preservation. and ofc, shiro sees keith pulling away but isn't sure what to do because keith won't talk to him so there's gonna be some underlying tension. can't wait to unpack all of that! i love u space dad i love u space emo.
least favorite scene: i fucking hate action oml. i don't mind reading it but i cannot stand writing it and that's mainly because i have such a rotten little brain that has a hard time processing shit and so the pacing is really difficult for me. (thank u to my beta for suffering through my constant questions). all the paintball scenes in act i weren't my favorite because i had to constantly map out where all 12 characters were on the field at all times and how they were moving and where they were moving. that being said, i do think the paintball scenes were valuable because i got to explore how each individual member would act separately and then as a group. i am v happy that there will be no more paintball after this, tho. (i have never played paintball before in my life). character's ethnic identities yeah so i made a note around chapter 2? i think? that i wanted to incorporate the lived experiences of 1.5, second, and third generation immigrants because this is a fanfic but also i wanted to ground it in reality a little. as a person of color, going to college i had the freedom to explore my identity and also reconcile notions of home and tradition with an entirely new group of people. im a huge sucker for language and it was important to me to incorporate various degrees of bilingualness because that's how i saw other people from multicultural households talk.
i couldn't really include keith being half-galra in a college au but i did see potential to have him go through an identity crisis about being half-korean (asians being forever foreigners, aliens, immigrants). since krolia wasn't there to see him grow up and help him connect with his korean heritage, i think that definitely contributed to keith's anger and trauma of not having the one person who could understand what he was feeling. as someone who grew up not knowing their biological family, i can understand keith's reluctance to even attempt to dive into his heritage and so he's just stuck in this liminal space where he's half-korean living with two japanese people. i created a somewhat elaborate backstory for him and i have big plans for his identity exploration further on so im very excited to project write more.
this has been a short but sweet bts of looking out for you! get excited for act ii! there will be more klance(!!!) and relationship development among the other characters (keith & allura, lance & allura, lance & adam!)
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horce-divorce · 2 years
I've been hesitant to speculate about how different the culture is at live music these days for a few reasons, notably bc I've been too ill to go to shows since about 2012. But it seems to me as an observer there's a lot more incidents where ppl are getting hurt at shows than what used to and it's not like the setup is different. Venue management is worse maybe?? But you have to wonder how much of these crowds are younger kids where a vast majority have never been to shows prior to the pandemic era. I wonder how that's changed the behavior of the crowds
Like I just saw one person claim they haven't been to a show since they "were like 9."
9???? 9. who is out here taking their 9 year olds to shows??? Who are these 9yos?????
my first concert was Cher when I was 12 and that was a big fucking deal to my friends. none of them got to see a concert before me (we lived in bumfuck nowhere so this was a huge ordeal to even go). we busted our asses doing odd jobs ALL SUMMER to buy tickets to MCR when we were 13. And frankly I think if I had been dropped into a concert venue any sooner than that I'd have died lmfao I would NOT have been able to handle it. I almost couldnt handle Warped and I'd been to at least 3 big shows and 2 other types of fests by then.
also lol bc some of the advice I'm seeing from ppl who are a lot younger than me but who are going to shows lately is. "Idk dance around! Bring some water! Have fun! Try not to bump into anyone!" I'm sorry, try not to bump into anyone? at live music?? at live EMO music??? That's a rule now?? lmao since WHEN 😭
Tbf that's better than the shit ppl my age used to say in the myspace age when asked for concert advice. Shit like "DONT wear the same bands Tshirt to their own show. You'l look like a poser." Rofl.
But also at least we'd give reasonable expectations about the pit... I'm sorry if you're going in the pit you're going to be touching people. You're getting people's sweat and beer and hair all over you and there's nothing you can do about it. The pit is not simply an area where you can observe music from. The pit is a living thing (and so is the crowd; the pit is part of the crowd but the crowd is not necessarily part of the pit) and you have to be prepared for it to get a little sweaty and wacky. It is a Beast and cannot be simply tamed
that's PRECISELY WHY I can't go to shows anymore, medically speaking?? like. cus I can't do general admission anymore. 10+ years ago part of the experience of going to shows was specifically to go get lost in the pit and get sweaty and accidentally punched and thrown around. that's what the pit was FOR.
I have to wonder if kids don't know that these days and they go in thinking the pit is just like any other event where your personal space gets respected, and are then unprepared to Get Out when things get wild???? I guess I have seen a shift in language there... I knew a lot of ppl who meant "the pit" to be the front of the general admission space where everyone is crammed in, regardless. But some people use it specifically as in "mosh pit" which is a certain scenario. Moshing doesn't happen at every show but any big show HAS a pit. That's my colloquial understanding, anyway.
Idk this doesn't like Matter so I'm not doing deep discourse about it or anything lol I'm just so curious about how and when this changed. Someone who's been actively going to shows the whole time would be able to make better observations than me anyway, this is total speculation based on the complaints I'm seeing come out of, like, MCR shows for example. It seems like a lot of folks go to these shows not knowing what to expect, and are surprised when people get hurt, but when I was a teen we kinda accepted maybe getting hurt as part of the package deal. I mean no perhaps it shouldn't be? (Again, questions of venue management?) But you should be aware of crowds being inherently dangerous in general before you join one, just like you should be aware of potential dangers in any large group. There's just a bit more to concertoging than "have fun and be yourself" specifically for this reason lol
It's just so funny to me that these days kids are like "omg mind your business at shows" specifically cus like. Last time I saw the Used Bert hooked a loogie into the pit and it landed on some guys face. And bert went 'oh haha. woops' and the guy went "YEHHFDHDHYWHAHAHH!!!!!!!! WOOOOOI!!!!!" so he did it again. that was the culture of shows when I was going and I mean, the whole pit was just Like That. it was like a silent agreement that if you weren't into sharing bodily fluids you simply stayed away from the stage lol
Again: not saying that's how it should be or that Kids These Days Have It Too Easy. everything should be accessible and obviously this was not a culture that fostered inclusion rofl. I'm interested in the changes just bc it's different now, and when, and why and how? And bc I'm curious if it'll lead to be better venue management actually! If anyone can make venues finally shape the fuck up I fully believe it'll be the youths. Maybe someday I can go to shows again bc the kids these days had better standards than we did in the aughties. But in the meantime I just don't think you can be surprised if you go in the pit and get beer on you lol it'd be WAY weirder if you came out clean.
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ambientbroth · 2 years
Self Diagnosed Autism Journal Entry 6:
Day 6, I’ve started to notice more and more traits that I just thought was a personality quirk but is actually just shared experiences of a community I never thought I’d consider myself apart of.
No internal clock. Always surprised on how time passes by. Also lengths of time; I’ll be looking at a jar we got last week and say it’s been in the fridge for 4 weeks???
Always hating bright lights; sunlight in my eyes [this goes into early childhood and current real life] “mommy the sun is blocking me!”, street lights, fluorescent lights (bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz), I think car lights are always high beams and will literally turn my high beams on “babe those are just Regular head lights” - boyfriend, hating over head light anywhere so I’ve always owned lamps and ambient Christmas lights, night lights are my only source in the bathroom
Enclosed spaces, hiding in the closet, being in the bathroom for a long time, hiding in the trunk of cars, hiding in other peoples closets, hiding in corners
Weird obsessions, fascinated by corners where the walls meet or the corners (favorite) of anything, living in a fantasy world where there were ‘other forces’ trying to get me, secret codes, magic and fantasy magic, assigning people to my fantasy games (I was literally the best at setting the standard for all imaginary play), maps maps maps I loved making maps, all sorts of pets I wanted and making power points to my mom to convince her of the care, cost, and long term of pets, animal obsessed, it goes on…
Having phases of personas, assigning them all names and embodied multiple traits for each type. I’m currently in regression and channeling scene/emo - I’m going to dye my hair green and pink and get extensions because that’s what I wanted when I was 8
Perception of seeing the world as new. I’m always looking at the pieces of what makes an object rather than the object itself. NT people will draw the concept of a dog, Autistic people will draw the dog. NT people will see a tree, Autistic will see a branch, the squirrel in the tree, a bug on the trunk, before seeing the whole thing as is.
Another perception thing is ants actually make land marks as they go about their route what they found in a study was that the ants actually look back at the landmark so they know what it looks like from the way in-AND-out, you know who else does that? Autistic people! Even if the building is identical on all sides, autistic people won’t really be able to recognize it but NT people can, their brains fill in the blank. ISNT THAT SO COOL
I have a lot more to say on this topic but I would actually like to have people engage and I know my stories are really long and I type a lot and the attention span is turned off by my excessive paragraphs, but please drop down some traits and experiences that you didn’t know where apart of autism!
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deertaz · 14 days
I'm Back
This account was something I made when I was 14 and in a very bleak time of my life. I have deleted most of my old posts, not only because I wish to forget that time, but also because as an adult, I now understand how venting towards a public space can validate and enable the self-harmful behaviours of other people.
Luckily this account got nothing more that a few notes, with a handful of people looking at what I posted. But, I would like to apologise to anybody who saw my posts and were triggered by it.
I never participated in any group chats or messages encouraging my or the EDs of others. Even then, I saw the danger of such things. However, through sharing my experiences and harmful thoughts in visceral detail, I may have contributed to the validation of others as mentally damaged as I was at the time. Again, I am lucky that next to nobody saw this account.
So, take this as a reintroduction of myself;
Hi, I'm 'Taz', I'm 19. I'm in Uni right now with a freelance job. I love dressing in alternative 'gothic' styles, listening to emo, metal, goth and alternative music. I've experienced a lot since I've been gone, and have been incredibly lucky over the past 3-4 years since my departure.
I have gained lifelong friends who truly value me for the person I am. I graduated high school at 16 and, since then, have found a confidence in myself that I never knew I had. I am capable, thriving and happy with myself and the things I have accomplished so far. I spoke in front of a crowd of 200 last year, and realised how the only thing holding me back is myself.
I no longer feel ashamed about my interests, nor my appearance. I don't hide my love for childish and nerdy things. I'm just a bit odd, but standing out both appearance-wise and personality-wise have turned out to be an asset. It has drawn the most remarkable and kind people to me. I met my platonic soulmate, who has been my best friend for 3 years.
And yes, I have not been friends with that girl I ranted about in 2019 for over 4 years (left the post up since I believe it isn't harmful). What she said and did to me wasn't okay, I'm proud of myself for finally being able to cut her out of my life. I was a very insecure lonely person, who didn't understand how friends should treat you. I never had friends as a child, since I was considered weird. So joining high school (I was 11, UK) made me try to change myself, I was quiet and agreeable. When she offered me friendship I was very happy, but did not have the self confidence nor the wisdom to realise that she was treating me horribly. I understand now, and am quite a lot better with setting boundaries.
I have had two partners, and one on and off situationship thing (lol). I'm not a lesbian, I'm Bi with a preference for women. My parents know. I have a 17 year old brother who I love to pieces, every day I am taken a-back by how much I get on with him. I value our closeness and am very grateful that he's in my life.
My relationship with my mother has been rocky at times, especially from 10-16. But I no longer live at home, so my interactions with her have improved a lot. I love her, she is a kind person, though very temperamental. She is also no longer bedridden!
I am now 19, I am older. I am much better at handling her outbursts. I stand up for myself without shouting back. I realised the best way to respond to her is either by removing myself, or by asking her questions, 'did you take your meds today?', 'why do you think you are angry?', 'Does this warrant shouting?'.
My favourite thing to say is, 'I love you mum, but I hate how you are acting right now.'
It shows to her that I love her, what I'm saying isn't an attack on her character, but on her current actions. It's a pretty good way of letting her know (I think).
Anyways, rant over (for now). For anybody still struggling with an ED, please seek comfort in others. Tell somebody. It's a slow recovery, and you might relapse a few times before it gets better. But it does get better. For anybody still in those awful teen years, it's a shitty waiting game but the end post is in sight, and it's a path to something far brighter.
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