#got that crouch and cower instinct
Car salesmen are avatars of the hunt
No I wont be buying any of the cars in this logiyfixuotidykd
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jesswriteswrongs · 1 year
Black and Blue
Fandom: Shameless (US)
Characters: Lip Gallagher x Female Reader, Veronica, Fiona, Ian, Carl, Steve
Summary: reader turns up at the Gallaghers house freezing and broken
Warnings: mentions physical abuse, mentions of sexual abuse, medical talk
Inspired by Bruised by @theapangea
Minors DNI
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You ran, no idea where you were going, no time to grab a jacket, just running through the snowy night in nothing but your tank and underwear. You could barely focus, running and stumbling and running more, trying not to slip on the ice underfoot. Your feet were numb by the time you found yourself outside the Gallagher house, and the adrenaline that had got you there worn off. You gave two knocks, hoping they were loud enough, before slumping against the doorframe and willing the cold to take you over.
Inside the Gallagher house, Ian was watching a movie with Carl when there was a knock at the door.
“Hey Carl, did you hear that?” Ian asked his younger brother. Carl just shrugged.
“Hear what?” Ian frowned.
“I’m just gonna check the door, make sure nobody’s out there.” He reasoned, pausing the movie. He got up and opened the door to the empty street.
“Must’ve been the wind…” he muttered, before stepping back to close the door. Ian paled at the sight of you, covered in cuts and bruises, freezing to death in your underwear on the porch. “FIONA!” He shouted back into the house. There was a thundering on the stairs.
“What the fuck, Ian? I’m trying to…” Fiona’s voice trailed off. “Bring her inside.” Ian didn’t move. “Now, Ian!” Fiona shouted at him. The middle Gallagher bent down to pick you up, and you instinctively cowered away from him.
“Fi…” Fiona has already seen, and grabbed the thick blanket from the couch. She crouched beside you.
“Hi…” She said softly “look, I don’t know what’s happened, but what I do know is that you showed up at my house and if we don’t bring you inside you’re going to freeze to death. So, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna wrap you in this blanket and Ian is going to bring you inside. He’s not going to touch you, just the blanket. Is that ok?” You nod slowly, barely hearing her as your brain was catching up with the events of the night. Fiona draped the blanket over you, and then there was an arm behind your back and another under your knees. Ian picked you up with ease and brought you inside the house, the warmth prickling against your skin.
“Carl, go next door and get V, tell her to bring her med kit.” Fiona barked, turning off the TV and clearing a spot on the sofa.
“Hey! I was watching that!” Carl protested.
“Bigger problems, Carl! You can watch the movie another time.” You barely registered this conversation as Ian gently put you down. Steve had appeared on the stairs to see what all the commotion was about.
“Ian, go and grab some of Lip’s clothes, sweats and a hoodie. Steve, I can see you on the stairs. Go put the kettle on the stove. Carl, V’s house, now. Everyone move!” The boys all went to do their respective jobs, Ian heading up the stairs, Carl grabbing his coat and Steve going to the kitchen. Fiona crouched down in front of you.
“It’s going to be ok, we’re gonna get you cleaned up and taken care of.” You nodded, still unable to process words to leave your mouth. Ian was the first back to the front room, clothes in hand. He put them on the arm of the couch so they were in easy reach, then went to the kitchen to “help” Steve. It was only another minute before Veronica entered the house.
“Ok, which Gallagher needs my help now, Fi?” Fiona stood up to greet her best friend.
“Not a Gallagher.” She sighed, leading V into the room. V saw you and immediately swore.
“Holy shit, Fiona! What the fuck happened here?”
“I don’t know,” Fiona said. “She’s a friend of Lip’s, showed up at the door a couple minutes ago and hasn’t said a word. She can hear and she’s reacting, fucking jumped out her skin when Ian tried to bring her inside, but I think she’s probably hypothermic.”
“Where d’she live?” Veronica asked, putting down her bag.
“117th.” Fiona supplied, running a hand through her hair.
“Fi, that’s a half hour walk from here.” V said.
“Yeah, I know.”
“In panties and a blanket?” Fiona bit her lip.
“Blanket’s ours.” Veronica swore again.
“That’s worse than I thought. I need a tub of warm water NOT HOT and some clean towels. Think you can get that for me?” Fiona nodded and went to get what was required. “Don’t you worry, Babygirl, we’re gonna get you all fixed up.” Veronica said to you. You didn’t respond.
Lip had been having a rough couple days, and had gone out for a few beers at the Alibi. He’d had a fight with his best friend about he didn’t even know what, but he knew it ended in her telling him to go fuck himself. He climbed the back stairs and opened the door into the kitchen, where he was greeted by Steve waiting for the kettle to whistle, Ian filling a plastic tub with water, and an air of intensity filling the house.
“What’s uh, what’s going on, guys?” Lip asked. Nobody responded. He moved further into the house and saw you sat on the sofa, Veronica in front of you, gently massaging your hands.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” Lip asked, his voice low.
“Lip…” Fiona warned.
“What the FUCK is she doing here?!” Lip shouted. You flinched, pulling away from Veronica and curling yourself protectively into a ball.
“Phillip Gallagher!” Lip stopped. Fiona only called him Phillip in court. It was only then that he actually looked around. You were balled up on the couch with Veronica and a medical bag in front of you, Fiona had her phone in her hand with 911 already typed in, just then Steve came in with a steaming mug of tea, Ian following behind with a tub of water. Then he looked at you properly. The skin that wasn’t bruised or bloody was pale, your lips practically blue, and you were in your underwear. As he put the pieces together he wordlessly removed his boots and jacket, no longer caring about your fight, and sat on the couch.
“Hey, Bug,” Lip said gently “let’s get you nice and warm.” He pulled you in front of him, pressing his chest to your back in order to share his body heat. He coaxed your legs out, to allow Veronica to pour warm water over them, when he noticed something.
“V, stop a second.” He said
“Lip, time is of the essence here.” She replied
“I get that but just stop and look. She’s had sex tonight.”
“Are you really thinking about your dick right now, Gallagher?” Veronica was getting annoyed.
“Veronica!” He watched as the realisation slowly dawned on her.
“Fiona!” Veronica shouted. Fiona came into the room, phone pressed against her ear
“…yeah, she just turned up at my door, not said a thing and she’s fucking black and blue, Tony.” She put the receiver to her shoulder. “What?”
“Who was it, Bug?” Lip was asking. “Your brothers? Guys from school? Guys from a club?” You shook your head no on each of those. “Your dad?” You stilled, breathing becoming shallow. “Motherfucker… I’m gonna fucking kill him!” Lip clenched his teeth. He turned to Fiona.
“Her dad.” He made a circle with his thumb and forefinger then put his other forefinger through. Fiona’s face immediately set into anger and she put the phone back to her ear.
“Tony, you gotta go now…. Assault, yeah… physical… and sexual… if you don’t, I think Lip will and he can’t go to juvie… yeah, 117th, we’ve got her, just get him.” She clicked the phone off. “Tony’s on his way to find her dad-“
“I’ll go with him.” Lip interrupted, sitting up away from you slightly.
“Lip, I’m not having you in juvie. None of my kids have gone to prison and you’re not being the first. Plus… you’re the only person she’ll willingly let touch her, she wouldn’t even let Ian and we all know he’s not exactly a threat.” Fiona sighed. “You gotta stay here.”
“No, I gotta go and kill the bastard-“ As Lip spoke he moved himself from behind you towards Fiona. There was a rush of cool air as you felt his body heat leave you, and it was all just too much. You suddenly felt everything at once, and started sobbing. The room stopped. It was the most noise you had made since you turned up.
“She needs you here, Lip.” Fiona stated. Lip nodded mutely and sat back down. He put his arms around you, his chest once again pressed to your back, his chin resting on your shoulder.
“Shhhh, it’s ok, Bug. Everything is going to be ok. I’m here, you’re safe.” He soothed. You were shivering violently as the warmth was finally penetrating your skin. “Fi, can you go grab some clothes from my room?”
“One step ahead of ya.” Fiona pointed to the clothes on the couch. Lip nodded his thanks, and held out his hand to Veronica. She handed him a damp washcloth.
“Veronica and I are gonna clean you up, if that’s ok? Then we can get you dressed and warm. You’re staying here for now, you’re not going home.” You nodded your consent and Lip slowly started rubbing the washcloth over your skin. “Can we get her in the bath?” Lip asked Veronica “Would that be better?”
“I barely got her in the house.” Ian chimed in “but you’re welcome to try and get her upstairs.”
“A bath would be better…” Veronica thought aloud “is there hot water?” She looked to Ian and he nodded. “Go run a bath, again, warm not hot.” Ian nodded and headed towards the bathroom.
“We can get her in the bath and clean this blood and… other stuff off while she warms up, see what the situation is, patch her up.” He didn’t want to think about what had happened, if he did he was going to prison, so he focused on helping you instead. After a few minutes, you had calmed to the point of sniffling and Ian came downstairs “Bath’s ready.” Lip nodded
“You ready?” He asked you. “Can you walk or shall I pick you up?” You turned towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Ok, I’ll take you.” He kissed your temple softly, then slid an arm under your knees.
Lip didn’t bother undressing you, not that he could have with the blood sticking to your tank, he just lowered you into the water. He pulled his own shirt off so as not to get it wet, and grabbed the plastic cup from the windowsill. He stayed quiet as he poured cupfuls of water over your shoulders, occasionally pulling at your shirt to loosen the fabric from your skin. The once clear water was a pale pink by the time Lip put the cup down. “Can I take your shirt off?” He asked. You hesitated. “I’m just gonna clean you up, check out your injuries.” You nodded, closing your eyes. He carefully lifted your shirt, pulling the back up over your head and then down your arms. He didn’t react to the gash across your back, or boot print on your kidney, he just picked up a washcloth and ran it gently over your skin.
“Can I wash the blood out of your hair?” He asked quietly. You nodded again, allowing Lip to wet and shampoo your hair, his strong fingers gently working the blood from your scalp. He tipped your head back to rinse the suds, the bath water tingeing a deeper shade of pink. Once your hair had been rinsed Lip stood up “I’ll just be a sec, ok?” He said gently “V, can you keep an eye?” Veronica nodded and headed into the bathroom, looking at the various injuries that he littering your torso. Lip headed downstairs and found Fiona in the kitchen, nursing a coffee.
“You want one?” She asked, holding up the pot “‘s gonna be a long night.” Lip shook his head and went over to hug her tightly. “Lip, you’re too strong to be crushing me like this!” She scolded, before she felt the damp spots on her shoulder. “Oh. Oh Lip…” Fiona hugged her little brother back, trying to remember the last time Lip had cried like that. She held him tightly for a few moments, one hand on his head and the other rubbing his back, while he cried over his best friend.
After a few minutes Lip pulled away, wiping his nose. “Sorry, I just…”
“You don’t need to apologise, Lip. We all have our moments.” Fiona said gently.
“I should, um… I should get back upstairs.” Fiona nodded and shooed him away, shoving the clothes at him. When Lip got back upstairs he found Veronica putting the last few stitches in your back, and grabbed a towel.
“Come on, let’s get you out.” He said gently, lifting you out of the water and on to the towel. He wrapped you up like you were as little as Liam. “You’re starting to warm up, Bug. Your lips aren’t blue anymore…” You noticed his eyes were rimmed red. “V, can you or someone go into my room, second drawer of the dresser at the back there’s a grey shirt. Can you grab it for me?” Veronica went and retrieved the item while Lip carefully dried the water off your skin.
“What so special about this shirt?” She asked
“Softest one I own.” He said, pulling it over your head. He continued to dress you in his clothes, before taking you to his room. Fiona had already left a brush and hairdryer on the bed, figuring Lip would need them. He started brushing your hair gently, blotting the water with a towel, before he turned the dryer on to a low setting. As he dried your hair you looked at the clock on his bedside table, telling you it was gone midnight. You had no idea what time you had left your own house, and immediately felt guilty about bothering the Gallaghers with your family problems. You should have just stayed, not made a fuss, gone to bed, hidden everything under your clothes at school tomorrow and pretended you fell if anyone asked. You and Lip were fighting, you just wanted him to try harder at school, get out of the shitty neighbourhood you both called home, but it had ended in you both screaming at each other, and you telling him to go fuck himself. The hairdryer switched off and Lip followed your eyes to the clock.
“Hey, Bug, no.” He crouched down in front of you. “I don’t care that it’s late, I don’t care that we had a fight. I care that you’re ok, I care that you came to me and you trusted me. Now, Fiona will be next door, you can sleep in here and I’m gonna take the couch.”
“Stay.” It was the first thing you had said all night, coming out quiet and raspy.
“O-ok. I can stay if you’re sure that’s what you want.” You nodded. “I just gotta grab some stuff from downstairs, then I’ll be back.”
Fiona was still drinking her coffee when Lip reentered the kitchen.
“How’s she doing?” Fiona asked. Lip leaned against the counter and lit a cigarette. He took a drag before handing it to Fiona.
“Well, she spoke, which is good. I told her I was sleeping on the couch and she asked me to stay, so I guess that’s what I’m doing. V had to sew up a cut across her back, she has a fucking boot print on one side, the other isn't even skin, it’s just a bruise, her shithead dad fucking raped her and she nearly killed herself getting here, so um… I’m just hoping she’s still in the house tomorrow morning.” Fiona squeezed his shoulder then handed back the cigarette.
“Take some tea up for her, it’ll help her warm up. It’s good you’re staying with her, cuz you gotta keep an eye on hypothermic afterdrop.”
“Hypothermic what?”
“I don’t know. V said something about core temperature dropping because of cold blood? Just… make sure she stays warm and breathing and has a heartbeat, and Lip?”
“Yeah?” He looked round at his big sister.
“Don’t sleep with her.” Lip opened his mouth to argue. “I know you won’t, but I’m just… reminding you, I guess. She might tell you she wants to, but she’s really vulnerable right now. Don’t take advantage of that.”
“I won’t.” Lip said quietly. “I couldn’t do that to her…” Fiona gave him a small smile and his shoulder another squeeze.
“Get some sleep. I’ll call school in the morning, tell them you’re sick.” Lip nodded tiredly and pulled out a mug, making a fresh cup of tea for you.
“Hey, Fi?” He called as she started to leave the kitchen.
“W’sup?” Fiona turned to look at him
“Thank you. For… everything.” Fiona went back over to Lip and kissed his cheek.
“I wasn’t gonna let her freeze.” She got to the door before calling out to him “Make sure you turn the lights off.”
“Will do.” Lip finished making your tea and took it upstairs, turning off lights and appliances as he went. You were sat against the headboard and he handed you the mug.
“It’s chamomile, it’ll help, promise.” You nodded, sipping at it as Lip put on sweats and a tshirt. He got into the bed next to you, pulling the comforter over you both and stroking your hair as you finished your tea. He took the mug from you and put it aside before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “You’re safe now. Night, Bug.”
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justblades · 1 year
⌕ AT WITS END, 18+
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⟢ CHARACTERS : jing yuan x afab! reader x luocha WC : 2.1k
⟢ WARNINGS : SMUT, MINORS DNI. dubcon, drugging, threesome, anal sex, double penetration, use of sex toys, porn with plot.
⟢ SUMMARY : the xianzhou general and a merchant doctor take notice that you were dr~gged by a suspicious syndicate. they are at your disposal to save you from the grave situation, but it could only be done when the drug's symptoms are quenched.
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being luocha's apprentice in the medical field alone takes up most of the space on your plate, especially now that you're assigned to jing yuan to be his personal physician— the jobs just keep on overflowing, too much for the feeble mind to handle.
in actuality, you weren't supposed to be stationed in the xianzhou luofu. it's just that luocha isn't fond of having much spotlight shone upon him that therefore lead to you being referred to be the general's doctor. as soon as you caught wind that you piqued the interest of one of the charioteers of the luofu, you were determined to perform at your best - to be chosen.
and the gods of luck only spat at you when you were employed by the general jing yuan. he never committed any grave sins nor did such heinous things, it was just his way of governing that left a bitter aftertaste in your mouth as soon as you got to know more of jing yuan. you harbor a strong dislike for anyone regardless of their position to be cowering in the shadows when particular problems arise, saying sham excuses like "i am forbidden to take action because of my rank."
seeing the gray headed general opens up old wounds; a scar you thought that has healed a long time ago. as someone who used to be in the bottom of society's hierarchy, it was until then you grew old you started to understand corrupt officials. those who live in their privileged bubbles, enjoying the comfort of their power and own homes.
as meticulous jing yuan is, it was natural for him to not mind your small banter and snarky remarks against the general. the way he reacts is exceptional, he doesn't bother defending his name amidst the comments he's been receiving since day one. jing yuan never loses his composure and pays no heed to trivial matters.
you grit your teeth as you recall those moments, swearing to yourself that you'll br able to crack him and spit in his face that he's a no good leader. mentally cussing him out as childish as it seems, you continue to do your job, which was preparing your equipments and kits containing vast range of medicines.
drawing a sloth sigh in the end, you carefully lift up the objects. pivoting your heel to take a swift turn, suddenly, your eyes lock a glance with the familiar golden hues, those that exude indolence and of mystery. shock rakes your spine and goosebumps break over your skin, making you fall down on your butt as you feel a tug from your upper clothing.
you were too occupied at piercing through the general's soul with your bitter expressions that you didn't notice the matter at hand in present. "to what do i owe you the pleasure?" your words hinted with sarcasm, you end the question with a cozen smile.
much to your surprise, he crouches down to your level and helps you pick up the strewn pieces of gadgets and equipments on the wooden, varnished floorings. you cock a brow at his actions and proceeded to watch him in confusion; but a sudden puff of glacial wind traces your skin, reaching parts of your body from within.
glancing down at what could be the cause, it was a little too late for you to realize your clothes were torn apart, exposing your treasures right in front of the man you hate so much. instinctively grabbing the largest piece of ripped fabric, you immediately cover the last part of your dignity with it, closing your eyes shut to recall what transpired in such a short moment of time exactly.
"your senses are way too off lately." his smoky voice cut off your rowdy train of thoughts meanwhile you spiral further into bewilderment on what he's hinting at. "you've fallen prey for their false marketing. however, worry not. i'll do what i can to take it from here."
your eyelids unexpectedly felt heavy, as if jing yuan's words are making you feel dizzy. you could only ask yourself 'what is he plotting', until the moment his large slender hands support your figure. "i'm certain you're puzzled; but the food you ingested two days ago had long term effects of a particular ingredient - similar to an aphrodisiac. fortunately, its symptoms erupted just now and not while you were on duty."
he drapes your arm on his shoulders and snakes his hand around your waist. jing yuan carefully lifts your body and leads you to a particular vicinity. you hoped to see where he was taking you at least, but your vision betrays you as you fall into a deep sleep.
you peel your eyes open to well-lit ceilings, etched with luofu's motifs. you scan your surroundings amidst the lethargic feeling weighing your body down, only to see the despised general welcome your vision once again. "unfortunately, there is only one way to rid you from its symptoms." you part your lips open, but your throat feels dry - no words follow suit of what you wanted to verbalize.
"this is a grave situation but i need to have your consent."
another static voice erupts in the vicinity, seemingly coming from a gadget jing yuan had in hand. "general, we're running out of time already." his brows knit in exchange, and mumble few words right after. "doctor, forgive me."
your body jolts awake from the intrusion you felt from your lower region, only to see a makeshift of lewd toys handled by the grizzle haired. as much as you wanted to protest, it all just started to make sense, as usual, a late epiphany after series of events unraveling. it was the ingredient preventing you from speaking.
he pumps the object in and out of your cunt at such an abrupt pace, catching you off guard with every thrust. pro tem, you grip the sheets of the clinic's bed, holding on for dear life as if you were about to die from immense pleasure. panting hard, jing yuan doesn't halt, he only quickens his movements, a sole goal occupying his mind.
the gods really frowned upon you, for the guy you harbor such hate is now having you softly mewl because of a predicament. you were uncertain of what and who should take the blame— as expected, no one is to be blamed but you. if only you weren't craving that particular food that has been circulating in the ship for quite a while, you wouldn't have ended in such position.
being before him bare, fragile fuels nothing but your fury; but your body language says otherwise. your toes curl as you could feel the toy send virations in your pussy, your g-spot making friction against its surface sends your mind afloat the abode of sanity.
your song of moans was interrupted when another figure makes his entrance this time. the tall carved wooden doors swing open, revealing a blonde male who was a little too recognizable for your eyes carrying his iconic, gigantic coffin. "general, i'm afraid that won't do."
with a short span of time, the two comes in an agreement, shifting of positions follow suit. you're apparently underneath the merchant while held up by the mentioned general, his dominant hand tightly clasped on the remaining scrap of fabric wrapped around your hips.
everything happened in a flash and a foreign sensation makes you wince. your two holes were being prepared for further accommodation of the two males' dicks, using up half a bottle of a lubricant to make sure everything will sail smoothly. a nod of approval is all that it took for your entrances to be prodded by large girthy cocks in unison as you grant them such abashed moans.
jing yuan controls your pelvis with his mere one hand, discering every detail of your body language to see if he's making progress of easing the mysterious ingredient's effects. his aureate hues fixate only at you, his usual carefree demeanor and a lively smile replaced with pursed lips; followed by a crease forming in between his eyebrows.
luocha was the same, even though you were far too tantalizing for a man's eyes, they had to focus at the matter in hand. his flaxen irises examine evey nook and cranny of your body, scrutinizing every beads of sweat trickling down your skin as mere indicators of the symptoms. the unfamiliar feeling welling from both sides of your walls seep in to your system— whilst the two males exert the best of their efforts to pleasure your yearning body.
the blonde head's breathing becomes ragged in rhythm, each of his pants deepen in each thrust. after all, he's not someone sexually active, nor someone who performs hard labor at the daily; it was anticipated for his stamina to thin out. however, the situation doesn't seem to improve, not one bit. it was then jing yuan starts to change his tempo, he slows down as he pulls out, and picks up the pace once he rams in.
jing yuan's flow grants him mewls slipping from your lips, his long, deep back strokes seem to do the job perfectly from how you were reacting. gushing noises blends with the squelching sounds from the sounds of two dicks pleasuring the both of your entrances at the same time. a warm stream of fluid spills into luocha's clothes, the white fabric darkens into several splotches.
as embarrassing as it was, they heeded no mind. if anything, it's a proof that their method is working - reinforcing their resolve to quench your lustful feelings. luocha's gloved hands cup your tits bouncing up and down, nestling your perked up nipples in between his fingertips. he attempts to catch his own breaths, exerting more force into his thrusts deep into your pussy.
he rocks his hips upwards and your walls coil around him from the tip down to his last inch. you could no longer stifle your moans, you were way past caring for your pride— jing yuan, as always to your rescue, his calloused hand presses your cheeks, making you close your mouth forcibly. even though your chin was smeared of your drools already, at least there wasn't a lot, looking at the bright side.
the grey head general gently holds your dampened face, making you face him. from a second, you catch a glimpse of his expression; one that can be practically assumed not seen by anybody. his brows tightly knitted, luminous golden eyes locking a short glance with yours that were clouded of ecstasy. a guttural moan bubbles from his throat, along with luocha's deep mewls of satisfaction rushing to his cock inside your velvet walls.
"y-you're so tight." jing yuan utters under his breath as he continues to piston into your asshole. it was a new occurrence to see him stammer for he always addresses everyone with exemplary choice of words and smooth dealings. getting to see the general like this from what your body had to offer felt intimate— but luocha's actions catches you by surprise more.
he nibbles on the soft plush of your right breast, the left one being toyed with rather harshly. the general accidentally lets go of your face and your vision was brought back to seeing luocha's guise once again. the doctor looks up to meet your tantalizing gaze, whereas there he felt the two of you shared a mutual understanding. you crash your lips into his, your wet cavern being invaded by his warm tongue. it was a deep, sloppy kiss, you swear you could feel a hint of fuming jealousy behind you.
even so, your pleasure - your life comes first before trivial matters. the general lets it pass, and there a furor of release brews from the three of your bodies, all in sync. with one last deep thrust from jing yuan's and luocha's throbbing dicks; the life threatening situation finally rests at peace.
after everything that transpired, the general greets you with his usual blithe smile, accompanied by the golden gleam of his irises and a kiss of an angel just below his right eye. you had to soften and warm up to him everytime you remember your life is indebted to him.
although you couldn't lie, a thought crosses your mind, "perhaps jing yuan planned all of this." a part of you agrees as he knows you wouldn't cozy to your employer unless put in a dire situation and another part doesn't since it believes he's a kind soul deep inside. you also started to realize the general's nature, his governance and how he managed to keep the xianzhou's peace for a long time.
admittedly, it was your shortcoming. you knew deep down you were better than what you showed him - and so you strived to improve and understand at the end of the day. as for the blonde doctor, luocha, he pretends it never happened. after all, the two of you share a past bond forbidden to speak of in the present time.
all's well that ends well.
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my masterlist !
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carabalism · 2 years
pairing daryl dixon x teen!reader platonic
synopsis y/n had toughened up very quickly. whether that was purely survival instincts, or the result of her brother’s abuse, she was much tougher since the start of everything.
warning(s) verbal abuse, physical abuse, reader is shane’s sister - aged around 16-18
shane audibly laughed at her weak attempt of standing up to him, a cruel smile flashing across his face, “really? that what you think?”
“she’s fine..” y/n muttered.
shane grabbed her by the jaw, squeezing her cheeks together more aggressively than he should, “you listen t’me and you listen good, whatever rick says you listen to me, you listen to just me, y’understand?”
y/n struggled in his hold, which visibly upset him. he pushed her down to the grown forcefully and struck her face with the back of his hand, “you think that hurts, just wait until you see what’s out there! you gotta wake up, y’hear me?!”
when y/n let out a sob instead of responding to him, he crouched down and grabbed her by the face again. his voice was quieter this time, but more intimidating, “i asked you a question, answer me.”
“y-yes, i understand,” her speech was muffled, but she got her words across.
“i don’t want to hurt ‘ya, okay? but you gotta listen to me, i’ll do whatever it takes to protect you.” y/n wanted to cower away from the intensity of his stare, but she nodded dumbly hoping it would placate him.
“good.” shane finally let her go, nodding to himself before rubbing the back of his shaven head, “good.”
y/n jumped up in bed, her heart pounding in her chest. it took her a few moments to realise where she was and to realise she wasn’t in any danger. a sigh of relief escaped her lips, her grip loosening on the knife under her pillow, but not completely letting go.
the loss of her brother had truly shaken y/n to her core as well as the revelation that rick was the one to do it. she could still remember a time when she called rick ‘uncle rick’ and times where the grimes family had shane and her over for dinners. it would never come out her mouth, but she almost felt relieved that he was dead. he wasn’t the same as he was before, the world changed for the worst as did he. they all knew it, y/n knew it too.
he haunts her dreams often.
the more time y/n spent in the world, the more the daunting realisation that shane was actually right came upon her. he may have been losing it, but he was right. she had to fight if she wanted to make it in the world, she couldn’t depend on anyone else to protect her. sophia had done it and that did her no favours.
“y’okay?” y/n’s vision snapped to the front of her cell, where daryl had leant on the doorway. her grip tightened on the knife, but only for a moment before she realised daryl was not a threat to her.
“fine.” y/n muttered, letting her grip finally loosen on the knife. she slipped it back under her pillow and rested her hands on her legs.
“heard ya get up… wanted to check if y’er a’right.” daryl’s eyes focused on the ground, but his words were genuine.
“i’m fine,” y/n nodded, “bad dream s’all.”
daryl grunted in response, nodding in understanding, “i get it.”
“thanks for checkin’.” y/n anxiously fidgeted with her hands. she knew daryl, along with the group were well aware of shane’s less than favourable treatment of her towards the end of his life.
“my brother.. he was the same..” daryl looked at y/n’s eyes briefly, “my dad too.. but i get how y’feel ‘bout shane… he’s blood, ain’t nothin’ that can change that.”
“he used to be great,” y/n sighed, allowing her mind to reach back into a time before walkers roamed around, “he’s always had his moments of being a total asshole, but he always cared… ‘bout me.. would’ve never laid a hand of me if it weren’t for trying to keep me alive.”
“it ain’t ‘bout keepin’ you alive,” daryl paused, unsure if he should speak on the subject, “he laid hands on ya, ‘cause he weren’t all there.”
y/n frowned, “i know.”
“most i’ve heard you talk in a while,” daryl decided to change the subject. he was no stranger to the uncomfortableness that came with the confrontation of abuse. he’d go through the worst times in his life all over again than open up to anyone about it.
“rich comin’ from you, ain’t it?” a small smile spread across y/n’s lips.
daryl scoffed, a grin on his face, “don’t have to be a smartass.”
y/n chuckled, it was quiet, but daryl could hear it. it had been a while since he saw the young girl smile, even laugh at something. it was refreshing to see that she still had it in her to be youthful.
“rick uh… he’s awful sorry ‘bout your brother,” daryl pursed his lips, figuring out the right words to say, “he ain’t send me here, don’t worry… but.. i can tell.”
y/n exhaled a long breath, “it wasn’t his fault, i knew it was going to happen sooner or later anyways… he was cracking, the fear was breakin’ him down.”
daryl grunted in acknowledgement. it was an undeniable fact that shane has cracked. daryl tried to pinpoint a time where it might have happened, but it was hard to say. he was almost always the way he was, but somehow at the end practically unrecognisable.
“he might’ve been an asshole, but he was family,” y/n’s voice shook, “now my family is gone.”
daryl shook his head, “no. y’er family is here. rick, carl, glenn, hershel… they’re family now.”
y/n flashed him a sad smile, he knew that was his way of saying the two were family, but being too introverted to dare to say it out loud, “you don’t think the others hate me?”
daryl’s face scrunched up in confusion, “why’d you even think that?”
y/n chewed on the inside of her cheek, “everyone hated shane… what if they’re lookin’ at me like i’ll end up like him.”
daryl scoffed, shaking his head, “don’ think like that, they ain’t even considered tha’.”
y/n frowned, “how can you be sure?”
“merle was a bigger prick than shane,” daryl rolled his eyes, colourful memories of merle flashing through his mind, “th’people here don’t care ‘bout who y’er related to, they care ‘bout who y’are.”
y/n smiled, trying to blink away the tears that came whenever she thought of her brother, “didn’t take you for a public speaker.”
“shut up,” daryl scoffed, but a small smile sat across his lips, “y’gonna be okay?”
“mhm,” y/n nodded, tucking herself under a sheet, “thank you, daryl.”
he nodded and uttered out a ‘you’re welcome’. he stood at the cell door for a few seconds before leaving back to his perch. she was a good kid, no matter if she saw it or not. the group knew she was, she had proved it to them several times. daryl and carol had always kept an eye out for her, especially whilst her brother was nearing his end.
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perfectsunlight · 1 year
(𝟒𝟕) - 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: mentions of harassment, bullying, death threats
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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“i can’t do it,” you repeated for the nth time that afternoon. you kept pacing back and forth, running a hand through your hair as your chest tightened from anxiety. ever since the harassment and death threats, you had been fearing this moment. 
the moment you would have to return to work with karina.
everyone was already accusing you of so much, and you tried to stay off the internet to avoid it, but then the in person harassment started. paparazzi being more invasive, strangers calling you all sorts of unkind names. 
it was all chipping away at you, piece by piece. and right now, you were about to crumble entirely.
“jimin, i can’t do it.” you whispered as the taller girl rushed into the room, eyes full of concern. 
the aespa leader immediately shut the door behind her and crouched next to you, putting a hand on your back.
“talk to me,” she whispered gently, eyes still focused on you. “what’s going on in that head of yours?”
your eyes brimmed with tears as you leaned against the wall, hunching over to try and catch your labored breath. everything was spinning, the room, your head, your stomach. it felt like you had been running a marathon with the way your chest rose and fell.
jimin’s heart broke at the sight. you were always so fearless, and yet here you were, absolutely crumbling in front of her.
your silence worried her, but when your head lifted up finally, tears were streaming down your face. it was a sight that karina had seen only once, and she never wanted to see it again. however, unfortunately, she had to. this time, she didn’t mind, though.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry, just go on stage without me.” you said in between shallow breaths. “i can’t do it, jimin i can’t.” the tears began flowing faster as you both heard in your ear pieces that you’d be on in 20 minutes.
your back slid down the wall as you struggled to breathe even more. the anxiety and pure fear were clawing at you. what if someone threw something at you? what if you got booed? what if people wanted to get violent with you?
every single worst case scenario kept replaying in your head, and you felt like the world around you was fading.
then you felt it. the all too familiar pair of arms that once held you every night, but for the first time in years, you were feeling them again.
jimin’s arms instinctively wrapped around your cowering figure as she sat next to you. her signature scent of lavender and vanilla filling your senses, distracting you for a split second from the raging war in your mind. 
“you’re okay, it’s okay…” she whispered softly, rubbing her hand up and down your back in a comforting manner. karina’s heart was aching because of how broken and scared you were, but it was also racing because this was the first time she had been this close to you in years.
you buried your face into her shoulder, and just let everything out. in that moment, you felt safe to do so. 
living in the dorms didn’t give you this safety. if anything it gave you privacy, but you could never let your members see you in this state. it would only break their hearts even worse. you felt terrible enough already for giving the group bad press, the last thing you wanted was to burden them with your feelings.
which was why you were able to just let the dam burst, and cry your heart out in the arms of karina.
“they all hate me, jimin.” sobs wracked your body as you continued to weep, which only resulted in the older girl pulling you closer to her so she could squeeze you tighter. 
“they have no idea what they’re talking about, y/n.” she replied firmly, adamant about the fact that you were being painted in the wrong light. “if they believe their own rumors over what me and your sister have said, then they are not people who deserve your love in the first place.”
you didn’t reply for a few minutes, simply letting your body weep and dwell in its sorrow that you had been keeping in for way too long. this was something no one else would ever be a witness to. no one other than karina and the four walls of the music bank dressing room in the back of the hallway would ever know about this moment.
your sudden quivering words brought jimin out of thoughts.
“i’m sorry, rina. i’m sorry for giving you and your relationship bad press, even if it is fake.” your sniffle was soft as you wiped your eyes with your hand, even though your eyes were still flowing with sadness.
karina couldn’t believe her ears. how could you blame yourself? none of this was your fault.
it was what you said next that made jimin’s heart shatter.
“maybe if you and i never dated, then none of this would have happened.” 
your tears started to flow again at the thought. but then you felt a dampness on your shoulder. confusion laced your features as you turned your head, only to see jimin’s eyes filled with tears.
“why…why would you say that?” she asked in disbelief, eyes full of concern and a few flashes of hurt. jimin saw your relationship as something sacred, something she would always cherish even though it ended. except, she thought you felt the same way.
you realized that what you said was a bold statement, but you clarified with a hoarse voice. “i meant that if i never would have confessed to you, we would not have dated, and we would not have to deal with this absolute mess right now. i wouldn’t be getting death threats, and maybe even you and minjeong would actually be together.”
silence fell between you two for a moment, but then karina finally spoke up.
“i would never trade what we had for anything, even now.”
you did for your debut. you wanted to answer, and karina could tell you were about to say it too, but she continued speaking before you could even get the chance. “to tell you the truth y/n? i was always interested in you.”
she took a deep breath and continued speaking softly, almost in a whisper. “when you and i first met, i was worried because you had no dance experience whatsoever. but despite all the bullshit they gave you, you kept going, and eventually you were outperforming even me and the other senior trainees.”
your mind was slowing down as jimin continued speaking.
“you have always been so resilient, so fearless. your group concept fits you so well, i can’t complain about not debuting with you anymore because of it. you are the most kind, compassionate, hard working person i know. they don’t know you well enough to judge you, especially since they don’t know what they’re talking about.”
she swallowed thicky before meeting your gaze once more. “i know you. i know the real you. 
“fearless, unstoppable, and someone who shines brighter than the sun. you are so unbelievably strong and i can’t imagine how scared you feel right now, but just know this.”
jimin cupped your face in her hands, a tint of red flushing her cheeks as she stared at you.
“you are the most fearless person i know. and i have always loved you for it.”
you opened your mouth to respond to her, but you were at a loss for words. karina always had a way with words, except this time you truly were reminded just how good she was. she always had a knack for this sort of thing, and it was nice to see she still was the same old jimin. in this aspect, at least.
“thank you, jimin.”
you whispered gratefully. for the first time that week, you felt peace in your heart and your mind. it felt as if everything was going to be okay. your cheeks heated up slightly when you realized that karina’s hands were still touching your face.
she seemed to notice and pulled them away, clearing her throat out of awkwardness. “sorry….” she chuckled timidly. 
you smiled and shook your head. “it’s alright…”
the stage managers told the both of you through your earpieces that you were needed onstage in 10 minutes, making you and jimin both smile at each other. 
you knew that jimin was the only person who could bring you back to earth like this. it was astonishing that she still could do that, even after all of these years. but as the aespa member stood up and stuck her hand out for you to take, you couldn’t help but smile softly as you took it.
you were fearless, and you would go out on that stage with a smile to face the raging storm ahead. but little did jimin know, that the only way you could be yourself, was not because of your own traits inherently.
rather, it was because of her. you were the sun, but jimin was the brightest star in your sky.
because even the sun doesn’t shine alone in the darkness.
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you and jimin met as trainees before she debuted, and you two never felt more in love. however, once she breaks up with you before her debut, you completely leave SM entertainment under the notion of needing a fresh start. you eventually debuted a few years later in le sserafim, where you met huh yunjin and have slowly started developing feelings for the idol. much to karina's dismay, she hates to see you have moved on, but deep in your own heart, you still can't help but feel as if maybe she has forgotten about you.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @captivq , @wonyoluvr , @yunalvrrr , @spritin , @babycubchae , @vnschldd , @sserafimez , @chaersly , @rosiehrs , @baldd , @bwljules , @jenaissantesworld , @jennasluma , @dream-chasers-things , @lcv3lies , @elyds , @archerheejin , @vnschldd , @skisk1 , @cfvgbhndun-new-blog , @silantryoo , @phamminji , @bzeus28 , @writingficsblog , @strangegirlcode , @uzumakioden , @noiacha , @sserabey , @archerheejin , @pindoris , @yourstrulytrissmerigold , @jisooftme , @yacii , @ddrummie , @justalittledissociation
[ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 ]
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asa-do-your-thing · 1 year
An Eye for an Eye - 01
“The Rescue” 
Osferth x F! OC - 18+ MINORS DNI
Word Count: 1,4k
Warnings: Blood, Injury, Unconsciousness, allusion to violence / rape / kidnapping, angst
Chapter Summary: Osferth's patrol around Uhtred's camp takes an unexpected turn when he discovers the injured and feverish Aemma in a roadside ditch. Concerned for her well-being, Osferth brings her back to camp, where Uhtred identifies her as the young daughter of Coccham's alehouse owner. Determined to help her recover, Osferth, Finan, Uhtred, and Sihtric rally together to provide care and support.
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Osferth had seen a lot of things in his days but nothing could have prepared him for the sight that lay before him. Peering down into the cold, muddy ditch he saw a young woman, not older than eight and ten years, cowering in the corner clutching her knees to her chest, all muddy and bloody. He couldn’t make out her face in the darkness but he could barely hear her whimpering from where he stood.
He scrambled down into the ditch and crouched beside her. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he could make out more details about her appearance; she was wearing a filthy dress with tattered edges and her waist long hair was knotted up atop her head. She was trembling as if someone had just shook her awake from a deep sleep and it looked like she hadn’t eaten in days. Osferth had no idea who this woman was or how she ended up here but there was something about her that made him stay put despite all the dangers outside their little camp.
She was barely conscious, her face filthy and her clothes travel-stained and tattered. Her body was frail and her breathing labored, indicating that she must have been feverish for a longer while. Under her breath, he heard fragments of sentences, "I... water... who? What was I doing here? What are you doing here?"
He gently leaned forward and touched her arm cautiously as if trying not to startle her. The woman flinched away at first then slowly raised her head to look at Osferth with huge, fearful eyes that brimmed with tears threatening to trickle down any moment now. Seeing this, Osferth felt pain twist inside of him like a thorny vine— something told him this poor soul had been through a lot of suffering in order for it to lead up to this very moment of desperation and despair. He brushed aside some stray strands of hair from eyes, so she could see properly.
"Who are you?", he asked. He got out a flask of water and brought it to her bloody, cracked lips. "Drink this, you must be parched from the heat and your fever. Where is your family? What happened?"
She greedily took long sips. It felt like it had been months since she last had something to drink. "I... I don't know... I can't remember... my back hurts a lot...," she mumbled though her fever. "Are... are you an angel? Since.. when.. are angels... so handsome?"
He chuckled, his voice full of worry. "As much as I'd love to be called an angel I'm just a mortal. You've been through a lot haven't you? Where did you come from? What do you last remember?", he asked, dabbing away the sweat on her face with the sleeve of his shirt.
With shaky, unsteady movements she nodded her head, trying to stand up but stumbling backward into the ditch. The impact sent a shockwave through her body, reverberating down every nerve ending until she was lost in a daze of pain. Her hand shot out instinctively, grasping for something to steady herself - anything- but it was too late as she fell backwards into the pool of her own blood.
 The sticky substance coated her skin and hair with an oily thickness that refused to be wiped away. With each movement she made, more blood flowed forth from the wounds on her back, staining the ground beneath her with a deep red hue.
"I... I can't remember a lot.. but... please help...", she managed to stutter out, between deep, pained gasps for air. She felt her skin burning up with the fever, trying her hardest to stay awake and conscious.
Osferth felt his heart sink as he saw the girl's limp body, almost lifeless against the ground. He quickly lifted her up, not caring that her blood had now spread to his hands and clothes. His voice was filled with desperation as he shouted for help, running back into the camp. "Don't do this to me! Don't you dare die on me!", he begged, squeezing her tightly in his arms as he ran.
As he reached the camp, he frantically ran up to Uhtred, who had been sharpening his dagger together with Finan and Sihtric. They all jumped up and readied themselves for attack, but relaxed when they saw that it was just Osferth. "Uhtred, please... I know not what to do, she's injured and burning up... I...," he stuttered and held her even tighter.
Uhtred's mouth drew into a tight line and his eyes narrowed as he glared down at the battered girl. "Aemma?! But that's the daughter of the alehouse owner in Coccham! What is she doing here?! Sihtric, get our herbs! Lay her on some furs Osferth, we need to stop her wounds from bleeding!" His voice was tinged with concern. "Just a child, barely reaching adulthood... so many things could have happened to her..."
Osferth tenderly laid her on the thick furs of his tent and nodded to Finan, who ground Sihtric's herbs into a fine powder and put them into a tiny pot of steaming water over the campfire. "Yes my Lord, I recall seeing her scrubbing the floors but I just stumbled upon her in a ditch - lost in an incoherent delirium and blazing with fever. She's been fading in and out of consciousness ever since...," he rambled, gripping Aemma's hand for dear life.
Uhtred exchanged a worried look with Finan and pressed his fingers onto his lips, silencing the Irishmen from saying anything. Osferth took out his flask and placed it gently to Aemma's lips. "Drink this, I want you to try and stay awake.. Please..."
Aemma weakly opened her eyes and took a few small sips, coughing in between. "I... I went to fetch herbs and berries... then... I can't remember...," She muttered and fliched, as she touched her back."I'm so sore..."
Sihtric stalked into the tent, his jaw clenched in determination as he ripped Aemma's dress away and slathered herbal paste onto her wounds with harsh strokes. He muttered a silent prayer of thanks to the gods as he saw that the injury did not appear to be infected. Her cries of agony filled the tent as Sihtric shushed her with a gentle yet firm tone. "She should recover in a few days if we can keep her hydrated and nourished," he declared with a steely voice.
Osferth's tears streamed down his cheeks, mingling with her own blood. He tenderly brushed away a clump of matted hair from her face, trying to ignore the deep gashes that crisscrossed her skin. "What kind of monster would do this to you? I wish I could take away your pain." His heart ached as he crouched before her, pressing a cold rag on her forehead in an effort to soothe her agony. 
Aemma opened her eyes and looked up into Osferth's worried gaze, feeling like she was spinning in a never ending circle of despair. "Yes... please.... just take away the pain," she murmured softly. She forced herself to focus on Osferth's ragged breaths and the chill of his touch against her skin, desperately needing the distraction from her misery.
"Don't fear. I will protect you with my life, so sleep now and forget the pain of your wounds. It's alright to close your eyes now, to rest. You'll get through this, and I will be here for you." When he told her that she would make it out alive, that courage filled his eyes. His voice was strong but sincere. As the men saw her slipping away into a deep slumber, they walked out of the tent and sat down by the fire; shocked by what had just happened.
The men started speculating what could have happened and remembered the times they had seen her in the ale house in Coccham. Uhtred spoke first, recalling a time when he'd seen her talking to a shady looking Mercian with an moon shaped scar on his face. Finan nodded solemnly, remembering another time she had mentioned something about a stranger coming to visit her. All of them pondered over these events, trying to figure out how it could tie into Aemma's current condition. 
Osferth felt overwhelmed with guilt for not being there to protect her; he only wished that he could make it up to her somehow.
They all agreed that this was no mere accident or misadventure, and that it was indeed possible that someone had deliberately done this to Aemma. Outrage filled their veins as they discussed who could be behind this heinous act and what their plan might be. They all made a silent vow at that very moment—to do whatever it took to bring justice for Aemma, even if it meant risking their own lives in the process.
Taglist: @valerie977
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soapy-soartp · 2 months
Day 27 of @whumperless-whump-event
Prompt: Concussion / Temporary Amnesia / "I don't remember what happened to me."
Fandom: TGCF
Characters: Xie Lian, Hong Hong er, (mentioned: Feng Xin, Qi Rong)
Xie Lian has not been having a good day. Not only has he had to stop Qi Rong’s rampage through the city market, doing so he found a very badly beaten (slightly familiar) child getting dragged by the carriage. When he confronted his parents he got Feng Xin injured, he insists it was fine but Xie Lian can't help but feel bad.
Though now Xie Lian finds himself much more concerned over that child, who won’t wake up. Despite being treated by the palace staff, the damage done to the poor child was extremely severe, they were concerned he wouldn’t wake up again.
After all, not only was the child badly beaten but he was also extremely malnourished and already had an array of past injuries. The palace healers said it was a miracle he’s survived this long without complications.
After meeting with his parents and deciding Qi Rong (and Feng Xin)’s punishments, Xie Lian rushed back to the healing ward. Entering the room, he’s met with the sight of the young child desperately covering half his face while some of the palace staff try to pry his hand away.
“What’s going on here?!” The prince asks in a panic, everyone in the room turns to him aside from the small child.
“Your Highness…” the head healer greets with a small bow, “He refuse to remove his hand, we can’t continue treating him like this”
It’s obvious through the healer tone and the tense atmosphere that the group has tried but the child remains stubborn. Though the prince thinks that the group must have no doubt been scaring the child, further proven by the little one curling into himself more. The prince strides toward the cowering child and crouches down to look at him.
“Are you alright? Did they scare you?” the prince asked kindly.
The child meekly looked at the prince, then at the healers. Xie Lian nods at him to go on and he watches as the injured one shakily bow his head yes. He grimaces and tenses, seeming to brace for something, but Xie Lian just sighs and waves off the healers.
“He seems alright with me… I’ll try to calm him down so you can treat him properly,” he commands, standing to properly dismiss the healers.
“But Your Highness-” the head healer starts but Xie Lian waves them off again.
“It’ll be fine, if my father says something about this I’ll handle him. This child needs our help,” he says sternly watching the staff leave, then he softens looking back at the boy.
“Ok, they're gone. Can you let me see the rest of your face please?”
Though as much as Xie Lian asks, the child stubbornly shook his head and kept his hand over his face. Xie Lian frowns but stops pushing, it’s obviously causing the little one stress so he drops it for now.
“Well… do you have an injury there? Does it hurt?”
The little one looks at him helplessly and shrugs.
“Ok… well I’m Xie Lian, what’s your name?”
The other looks at the prince for a moment before mumbling, “H-hong hong’er…”
“Hi Hong’er-“ just as the prince was about to ask another question the child peeps up.
"I don't remember what happened to me,” he says shakily, looking at the prince with a large, teary, dark eye.
“Oh! I’m sorry…” the prince instinctively said, at a loss for words.
“Um… ahem, well. What do you remember?”
“Mm…” the boy takes a moment to think, then he shrugs helplessly.
“You just remember your name?” the prince asks in concern.
Once again the boy takes a moment before shrugging, though noticeably more tense than before like he’s hiding something. Xie Lian bites back a groan, thinking it would be inappropriate and rude to do so in front of the already injured child.
It was going to be a long day, he’ll definitely need to talk to Qi Rong soon too, the damage he’d done was too severe to let slip.
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“Born from the Same Ink” Ch. 3 Sneak Peek
Warning: Bendy and the Dark Revival Spoilers below!!!  
Also trigger warnings: violence & graphic descriptions of lost ones dying
I was going to wait until tomorrow to post this but I got too excited.
She heard them before she saw them. 
“It’s the Stranger!”
“She’s in the office!”
“Get her!”
“Kill her!”
Audrey jumped, watching through the counter’s glass window as several lost ones swarmed down the stairs from the gallery and neighboring corridors, heading straight for the center office. Therefore, heading straight for her.
Lunging for the open door, Audrey slammed it closed just as a lost one smacked into it. Several hands pounded against the door, cracking its glass window. Holding the doorknob tight, she placed her full body weight against the door. 
Audrey glanced worriedly at the opposing wall. Despite their poor vision and lack of lucid thoughts, she knew it wouldn’t be long before the lost ones noticed the door on the other side of the office.
Somehow, she managed to capture the attention of every lost one in the Artist’s Rest. She doubted she would survive fighting all of them at once.
I’m sorry, Bendy. Audrey closed her eyes, praying the toon could find the way back to his hideout on his own. 
Suddenly, the world darkened. Black crept around the edges of her vision. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears and she instinctively began to hyperventilate.
Pulsing black lines crawled across the ground and walls. Ink dripped from the ceiling, staining the floors and countertop of the office as Audrey cowered inside.
Lost ones shrieked, abandoning the door and fleeing the area. 
At least, they tried to.
The Ink Demon leapt into view, catching a lost one by the arm and tearing it off. When the lost one fell to the ground he stomped on their head, reducing the body to an inky puddle.
A shadowy aura emanated from his powerful form, evidently the source of those pulsing black lines.
Crouching low, the demon pounced on another lost one, ripping their throat out with his teeth. Even through the closed doors and windows of the office, Audrey could hear the gurgling scream and crunching of bone as he finished off his victim.
Audrey watched in terrified horror as the Ink Demon massacred the remaining lost ones in a similar manner: ripping, slashing, tearing and stomping with manic glee. 
Finally, it was quiet. The dark aura receded, the ink dripping from the walls and ceiling disappearing with it. 
Standing among the inky viscera littering the floor and hanging from the staircase railings, the Ink Demon matched Audrey’s frightened gaze with pride. She couldn’t tell if he was grinning or if that was just the way his mouth always was. 
Then, he waved at her.
I was going to focus on just writing the canon Ink Demon interactions in the story but I couldn’t resist adding another scene here. Fun fact, this is based on my own experience in Artist’s Rest, except I DIED. I still don’t know why all the lost ones aggro/appear when you walk into the main office in Artist Alley but that’s fine. I’m not bitter at all. 
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dweepgwooves · 11 months
Survival Instincts and Other Ways to Love Yourself
So I wrote this fic, inspired by the amazing @leventart-den go check it out on AO3.
Here's the first chapter!!
The old geezer hadn’t changed, still sending Sanji on a supply run, like everytime they docked on an island. It was almost familiar, to lose himself on the market, flirt with the ladies and to buy more than necessary, haggling with the women and men that sold their stuff. 
Sanji couldn’t help but think of all the times he has done this run, struggling to get the stuff into the Baratie in one go. But now he was a grown man, not like he used to be, when Zeff and him would go down into the island, Sanji holding the crap geezer’s apron, as he cowered from behind. 
Sanji would never understand how or why Zeff took him in. Maybe he saw something in him, but that would be ridiculous, because as Sanji saw it, there was nothing in him noteworthy, less of all as a child. 
The only thing that there had been in him as a child, was survival. That flickering, untouchable and stupid thing that back then lived and still, till this day, when there is no danger beyond the kitchen fights, lives inside him.
Sanji turns left on to the next street, he hears the market sounds, the yells of the sellers, trying to get you to buy, the conversations from the mothers that came with their children. 
He feels warm, he thinks, because this is life, the nature of people mingling together, living life solitarily but also with so much company. 
It’s the same warmth, he thinks, as the one he feels inside the kitchen, from chopping onions that make him tear up, to the carrots for the soup. That increasing weight on his heart that pulls him down to earth, that keeps him from floating down in the air, from all those invisible thoughts. 
I was distracted, he would soon say to himself. I was stupid and foolish and this happens because I can’t do anything right. 
He stumbles upon someone, their shoulders crashing and sending the other person down while Sanji’s food and spices get thrown to the ground. For a second, Sanji feels the fear that came from seeing his father in front of his cell, down by the dungeons. But it’s stupid he feels, because it’s not his father, it’s just a random man. 
Sanji crouches down for the supplies, gathering the packets of spices that littered the street with so much color, to the fruit and vegetables that seem almost tarnished with how much force they dropped. 
The man beside him, stands up and helps him gather his stuff, the fear remaining on the bottom of his stomach, which Sanji crushes with unbearable weight, something he hasn’t done since he was a child, scared of life. 
When Sanji looks up, things in his arms, like he is holding life itself inside his elbows, he realizes how stupid he has been. To think that someone like him could ever live this life completely unharmed, at least since getting to Zeff. 
In front of him, a smirk on his face, his eyebrows curled and raised, like he’s expecting Sanji to break the silence. It’s like looking in a mirror, except it’s not. A distorted mirror, a fucked up one. 
“Brother” Sanji says, because the silence is killing him, because to stand to look at that face any longer would have actually killed him. 
“Sanji!” says Ichiji, a loud voice that makes some people stop and look at them. “Luck is really on our side today” he said, like those words could ever mean anything. 
Sanji did not believe in things like luck. Life had treated him and the people he loved cruelly, there had been no such thing as luck. Some people had it all, some people got nothing. And somehow Sanji had felt like he had gotten into the middle part, where things were not handed to him, but won, and still he had felt like that was more than enough. Like he could live like this the rest of his life. How naive of him. 
He remained silent, looking away from his so-called brother. He had not seen him in years, still it had been good, no matter how much family was supposed to mean, getting away had been good, the best choice he had ever made. 
“So good seeing you Sanji” Ichiji said, “Want something to drink, or eat? I want to catch up”  
“I’m good,” Sanji said, slowly. His legs were shaking, his whole body felt as brittle as a dried leaf on an autumn evening. He wanted to get away as soon and as far away as humanly possible. Because that was what he was, a human, normal, unlike his brothers. 
“Come on, don’t you want to know what we’re doing here?” asked Ichiji again, like there was a hint in between those words. But Sanji, air head Sanji, as Carne used to call him, could not catch up. The world, despite him being very present, felt as if it were in slow motion. 
“Not really,” he answered. He didn’t need to know, he didn’t want to know. He wanted to leave. Sanji turned, ruined vegetables in his arms and all, and started walking. 
“Good seeing you brother!” Ichiji yelled, as Sanji walked away. His feet felt wrong as he walked through the dirt, and then he felt it. A slight prickle on the back of his neck. He hurried, dropped the ingredients on the floor, in the middle of the street, and touched his nape. There, there was a syringe, when Sanji pulled it out, it was already too late. 
His knees which had been wobbly before, now felt different, a bad kind of different, like they didn’t belong to him. He tried to walk, but there was no use. His body was not his anymore, his thoughts were the only thing left, as he saw his brothers standing over him. 
I must have fallen, he realized, I was distracted, he thought. I was stupid and foolish and this happens because I can’t do anything right. 
Air head Sanji, he heard inside his head in Carne’s voice, Always up in his head. 
When he wakes up he’s far away, he can tell, because years in the sea make you very aware of the tides and waves, and these were not the waves he had been in. 
When he wakes up he’s in a cell, tied by his feet to a nearby stump, drilled to the ground. When he wakes up he feels fear clawing his way from his stomach to his heart. 
His heart, which had felt heavy and full just moments, hours, maybe days ago, now felt empty, replaced by that fear, the fear of a child against the monsters. He tried thinking back to the moments before sleep and unconsciousness took over, but there’s almost nothing. 
Just picture like memories clouding his mind. Ichiji, then nothing. His red hair, like a flame between the waves of his mind. And fear, that black dot that consumed everything in its wake, he could feel it, like a sixth sense, on the back of his mind.
He had lived with fear for so many years of his life, cowering behind Zeff, then backwards, scared to look his father in the eye, no matter how much he demanded he did so, backwards, his brother’s beating him.
Sanji used to be in that cell, now again. And for a moment, it felt as if he had never left. The walls and the darkness felt familiar, too familiar. In a second he realized but couldn’t fully comprehend what was happening. For a second he was still, captive not only by his family but by his thoughts.
He couldn’t move, not an inch. He couldn’t breath even when his lungs needed the air. And he couldn’t think, because if he did it would all be over. 
Reality was far more cruel than imagination. For years he had been in his bed, in the Baratie, daydreaming of seeing his family and getting revenge. Of looking his father in the eye and telling him everything that he had wanted to say. 
But those were dreams of freedom, now captive, the reality dawned on him like a bucket of cold water over his head.  He was not free, and probably, he thought, would never be again. 
He was in Germa, his father here, inside these very walls. His brothers and sister, his mother dead. It was like living the nightmare he had had for years, except this time there was no Zeff to calm him down, to bring him to reality, because now this was reality. 
Hours or maybe minutes go by, he couldn’t tell, time was a thing dictated by the sun, and down here there was nothing close to the brightness of that star. Time passes and suddenly a door opens to his left. 
The light is as captivating as it is blinding. Sanji, despite wanting to feel any resemblance of freedom, looks away, because it’s too painful. 
“You’re so stupid, Sanji,” said Reiju, shaking her head. “Why didn’t you run?” She looked defeated, like this was hurting her more than him. And maybe it was, freeing an animal into the wild is exhilarating, seeing it back again trapped, must be agonizing. 
He had no words. Why didn’t he run? Maybe life had become too easy, maybe free he could not fathom being caged again. When Sanji was ready to speak, the door slammed against the wall behind it. And under the threshold was his father. Vinsmoke Judge. 
Sanji shook, and unconsciously backed himself into the wall, in the corner, like a child. His brothers entered through the same door, his father saying no words to him, only looking as angry and disappointed as ever. 
Judge raised his hand in Sanji’s direction and rapidly the jail cell was being opened, his feet lighter without the shackles and his body dragged from his safe place, the corner, into the hallway. 
He tries to look up into his brother’s eyes as they hold his arms, but it's a futile attempt. He looks forward, as forward as he can, with his back hitting every rock and pebble in the ground, his arms hurting. 
He’s paralyzed he realizes, he could kick them all but his body is not as willing as his mind is. He could free himself and run, but his legs just don’t work. If Zeff were here he would beat his ass and push him into the fight. If Zeff were here he would fight his father himself. 
As he looks one more time, he sees Reiju, biting her lip, fear in her eyes. That’s why she was the one that he loved most. 
He is dragged towards the lab, and it dawns on him faster than he wants to the reality of his father’s wishes. He is here, not because he is wanted, not even as a prisoner, but as a lab rat. They will experiment on him. 
Tears form on his eyes but he refuses to let them spill. He’s weak, he notices, he’s weak and all the training with Zeff, all the nights with the geezer telling him how he’s a good fighter. The mornings doing some meal prep and Zeff telling him how good he was at chopping. All the affirmations, all the care, fly out the window. 
He’s weak, and falters with his own thoughts. Was he ever even good? 
They put him in the chair, strap him by the arms, though he knows he won’t fight. This is the end, he thinks, this is the end of me, no more cooking, no more dreams, never going to the All Blue. Never seeing Zeff again. 
The last thought breaks him, a part of him lived in the baratie, a part of his heart was in the crevice of Zeff’s, where the aorta meets the artery, like he was part of Zeff’s heart and Zeff his. Now, with his father over him, looming like he always has on the back of his mind, there is no more life. 
And it’s sort of suicide, sort of not. What’s the difference between being killed and letting yourself be killed? Two words, allowing it.  
His last thought before meeting the black space in his mind, the one reserved for sleep, is that there is no longer survival in him. It has all run out. 
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hellyeahcheer · 1 year
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Wherefore Art Thou Cunningham?
Chapter 6 posted!
Eddie’s back straightened to the sound of clip-clopping heels setting an angry pace outside the principal's office, a shrill voice echoing in the empty corridor.
“What was the point in me coming down here, if you were just going to change your mind? Silly girl. Did I mention I missed my aerobics class for you?” 
And Eddie’s survival instincts weren’t the best, granted, but he knew to duck out behind the water fountain before Chrissy and her mother rounded the corner, straining his neck to peek over the sink.
“I’m sorry, mom.”
“Well, it’s done now. You’ve made your decision I suppose. But Chrissy. Look at me. Christine. You will not embarrass this family again, do you understand what I’m saying to you?”
“I’ll try-”
“-not good enough. You won’t embarrass yourself, or the family again. I need you to promise me that, or I’m marching back in there and taking you out of the play for good.”
“I won’t... I promise.”
“Are you chewing gum?”
To Eddie’s abject horror, he watched the woman claw at the girl’s jaw to inspect it, like she was a three year old hiding a marble in her mouth. Satisfied that she hadn’t been lied to, she then began picking at the lint on her peter pan collar, inspecting the chipping nail varnish on one of her daughter’s fingernails, turning her around to ‘fix’ her ‘crooked’ ponytail. Eddie was now wide-eyed-blinking at the fucking audacity of the woman. If anyone, even Wayne, manhandled him like this, he’d cuff them. But Chrissy just looked resigned to being her mother’s doll. A defeated expression painted on that beautiful porcelain face.
When Laura turned around, Eddie became aware that he had risen to a full-on stand.
In full view.
Of them both.
And instead of, oh I don’t know, using the water fountain, he followed his less than stellar instinct of scrambling back to hide behind it.
The clip clopping sound got louder. He had multiple choices: a) apologize for eavesdropping and walk away b) pretend he’d dropped something on the floor c) do nothing
c probably wasn’t the right answer, but he’d always sucked at multiple choice questions.
Lucky for him, she obviously deemed him unworthy of even confronting, because apart from a look of pure disgust, she didn’t transform into a kruthik parasite and chew his head off. And honestly, he was surprised. When her heels clip-clopped to a stop beside his pathetic, crouched frame, all Eddie could do was cower and smile with closed teeth.
She sighed and uttered something about what a ‘mistake public school was’ under her breath. That felt rather pointed. When the door slammed shut behind her, his shoulders sagged in relief.
“Eddie?” Ah, Chrissy Cunningham. The angel, the nymph, the sun to his east. And he was covered in dust bunnies, holding his knees to his chest behind the water cooler.
“Cunningham.” He brushed himself off, casually. Leaning like the debonair rapscallion that he was, on the sink. The wet sink. His hand, of course, immediately slipped, and he staggered before righting himself. 
“What’s up?” 
“Good acoustics down there?” She asked with a wry smile.
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bookwormscififan · 1 year
The Scarlet Files, Chapter 7
Taglist: @brokentimewatch
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Chase and Jackie were frozen as they watched the scene play out. The silence of the night was broken by the bone-crushing crunch as Henrik fell to the ground. Four sets of eyes followed him down, then three pairs of eyes traced back up to watch Marvin crouched on the roof, hand still held out for Henrik.
Chase saw him first. His eyes caught the flicker of movement as Anti leapt across the roof toward Marvin, landing just inches from the magician. Chase jumped as he saw Marvin whip his head around, and Jackie grabbed his arm as the vampires watched Marvin scramble away from Anti.
“I’ve got you,” Anti sang as he crouched in front of the human, watching him cower away with fearful eyes, “You smell delicious. I’m sure your blood will be rich.”
Marvin glared, reaching behind him for anything to beat the living daylights out of the mad creature crouched before him. His hands landed on something cold, conical in shape and ending in a sharp point. The magician brought it forward, tossing it at the vampire and freezing as it bounced off him.
“You won’t drain me,” he managed, forcing his voice to keep steady, “There’s a body full of blood down there. And… and I’m too important to kill,” he finished, mentally kicking himself for even starting the suggestion of revealing his magic to the vampire.
“Oh?” Anti asked, tilting his head in curiosity as he sized up the human, “Why would you be important?” Marvin froze. The moment was there, and he still couldn’t decide if he wanted to continue revealing himself.
Robert stepped forward slowly, eyes still focused on the figures on the roof. His teeth ached, and he scratched at his wrist to distract from the feeling. Something was compelling him to move forward, some force was pulling him toward the broken body on the ground.
“Robert,” Jackie’s voice was stern, drawing Robert’s attention to him briefly, “Step away from the body. Don’t move any closer.” Robert paused, closing his eyes as he forced his feet to stop. He opened his eyes to look above him, seeing Anti and Marvin still talking on the roof, and slowly he moved forward again, ignoring Jackie’s commands to stop.
“What is he doing?” Chase whispered, leaning toward Jackie with his eyes still trained on Marvin, “Why is he moving to Henrik’s body?” He heard Jackie sigh, causing him to tear his eyes away from the scene on the roof, watching the vampire bite his lip worriedly.
“He’s drawn to the smell of fresh blood,” Jackie explained softly, refusing to look at Chase, “Most recently turned vampires are. You’re an exception because Jameson fed you non-human blood,” he continued as Chase opened his mouth to ask a question.
“Robert wants to drink that fresh blood,” Jackie concluded quietly, voice heavy with disappointment, “It’s in his instincts. He can’t help himself. Neither can you!” He finished as Chase raced across the courtyard to hold Robert back, arms wrapping around the vampire’s torso.
Jackie groaned with a roll of his eyes, moving forward to help Chase pull Robert away from the body, jerking back as Robert lashed out in anger. The two vampires fought back, pinning Robert’s arms behind him as Jackie swept a leg behind Robert’s knees, knocking him down with Chase above him to pin him down.
“Don’t fight, Robert,” Jackie commanded breathlessly, helping Chase to lift Robert up and beginning to walk with him back into the castle. A final glance upwards assured Jackie that Marvin would be alright for a short time, then Jackie and Chase stepped inside to find Jameson standing at the door with his hand to his heart.
“What happened?” Jameson asked, looking between the vampires with concern, “Why are you holding Robert?” His question ended with a huff as Jackie and Chase pushed Robert into his arms. A small glance at Robert told Jameson all he needed to know, as well as the whiff of fresh blood coming through the doors.
“Alright,” Jameson started, shaking his head to clear it, “I’ll deal with Robert, you two go back outside and make sure Anti hasn’t hurt anyone else.” With a sharp nod at Chase, Jameson led Robert away to the cells, preparing himself to chain another vampire.
Chase looked at Jackie, registering the fear in the other vampire’s eyes before turning and heading back outside, looking up to search for Anti or Marvin. He bit his lip when he couldn’t see either man, holding his breath when Jackie followed him outside.
“My brother is down there,” Marvin started, pointing to the ground where he saw Jackie watching him, “I doubt you want him to hurt you for hurting me.” The statement was weak, Marvin knew, but if he could buy enough time, he might be able to get out of the predicament.
“Jackie wouldn’t hurt me,” Anti sounded sure of himself, smiling at Marvin with crazed eyes, “No turned vampire would attempt to harm a born vampire. Try again,” he finished as he moved forward, running a finger along Marvin’s jaw to press at the pulse point on his neck. Marvin tilted his head back, leaning away from the vampire as he watched him with wide eyes.
“Um…” Marvin gulped, feeling the pressure from Anti’s finger deepen. He couldn’t think of another defence other than his magic, and he was certain he didn’t want to show this vampire his power. Sweat beaded on his brow, breathing growing shallower as it dawned on him that he may get bitten.
Desperation grew into a pit in his stomach, chest warming as dread morphed into instinct, and he lifted his hand slowly. His other hand lifted to grasp Anti’s wrist, carefully pulling his finger away from his neck and dropping the hand in front of him. His hand shifted, and as Marvin took a deep breath, he closed his eyes and snapped his fingers.
Anti blinked at the green smoke billowing around him, coughing and waving his hand to disperse the substance. When the smoke cleared, the human was nowhere to be found. Anti stood up, searching the roof, and growled when he saw nobody. He kicked at a stone on the roof, groaning when his foot slipped, propelling him off the roof.
Anti landed on the ground with a thud, knees bent to absorb the impact, and he dusted himself off before adjusting his shirt and hair. He glanced at the body beside him, making a note to have Adam clear it away, then headed down the courtyard to the green. He needed to think.
“Where are they?” Jackie’s voice was panicked as he searched the roof, looking back to Chase for answers. Chase shrugged, looking at the ground and noticing something.
“Look at this.” He knelt to the ground beside Henrik, avoiding looking at his body as he inspected the scuff marks in the stone. Jackie crouched beside him, reaching out to touch the mark with his head tilted.
“Someone jumped,” Jackie observed, looking back at the roof in confusion, “But who?”
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greatshell-rider · 2 years
Jerry battered away the soldier’s sword and whipped his sword back, knocking the hilt into their jaw and stunning them. He kicked them in the chest, sending them stumbling back into their fellows. In this close-quarters fighting, even that created a brief opening, a moment of respite, for Jerry to wipe the sweat trickling into his eyes and back up a few paces, give him some space—
His back hit Radio’s leg, and both jumped apart—Jerry nearly landing himself directly into the swing of another soldier. He barely got his sword up in time, yet the blow still jarred nastily up his arm. A second soldier joined the first, attacking him in tandem. Teeth gritted, Jerry gave ground slowly, all his attention focused on keeping them away from the dragon. If Jerry fell and they got their hands on him . . .
“Back!” he shouted to Radio, who still cowered uncertainly. “Move, dammit!”
The dragon scrambled away, clambering over rocks and squeezing between foliage. Jerry followed, managing to dispatch one of the soldiers only for another to take their place. At least the uneven footing hindered them as much as it did Jerry—for now. Soon, their numbers would overpower him, unless he could get that damned lizard to do something.
Radio hesitated as the trail narrowed into a tunnel carved through the rock. Jerry couldn’t tell if it was big enough for the dragon, but—he exchanged a fierce flurry of blows with one soldier and dodged a stab to his stomach by another—there wasn’t a choice.
“Go!” he bellowed, gesturing wildly, and Radio plunged into the tunnel with Jerry close on his tail, the soldiers following after with angry shouts—but jammed briefly at the entrance before forced into single-file.
The tunnel was short. Radio had to squeeze through a tight spot, then burst out into a wider area. Jerry crouched and scooped a rock off the ground, chucked it at the head of the nearest soldier, then hurried out, head swiveling as he took in their situation. Radio stood a short distance away, head craned up, forced to stop as the canyon trail came to a dead-end, sheer rock walls preventing further retreat.
“Fuck,” Radio panted, his breath coming short and panicky. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He whirled a circle, eyes darting wildly, and a growl rumbled from his chest. “There’s no way out!” He instinctively flared his wings. 
“Don’t!” Jerry yelled, but too late, the charm activated and magic crackled down Radio’s wings. Radio shrieked in pain, wings flopping uselessly down his sides, and he keened quietly, huddling against the wall.
Jerry cursed and started towards him, but checked himself, his training screaming at him not to turn his back on the soldiers racing down the tunnel. He jerked back around, scanning the tunnel exit, looking for anything he could do, could use, to slow their coming. On one side, a jumble of tight-packed dirt and rocks from a long-ago rockslide, with a crooked little tree growing sideways out of it, was his immediate best guess. But it was far too large for him to push over . . . for him.
“Radio, I’m sorry, but I need your help,” he yelled, running to the side of the rockslide and pressing his shoulder to the loosest-looking section. Radio staggered to his feet.
Pounding feet on stone.
“Radio!” The dragon threw himself over to Jerry’s side and roared, slamming his body against the rocks. His head snaked around and jaws opened to clamp down on the tree, ripping its roots free and throwing the whole of it down before the exit, bashing the head of the front soldier and forcing them to stumble back. A second later, the top half of the rockslide crumbled down, half-covering up the opening.
“Again!” Jerry threw his meager weight against the rest of the stones, Radio repositioned and did the same, and grunting and swearing, the two shoved more rocks and dirt over the opening, creating a shitty half-decent barrier that would give them a minute, two at best, before the soldiers managed to either climb over or dismantle it.
One minute to get out, or come up with another plan.
Jerry stumbled back, picking up his sword where he’d dropped it and wiping the blood and dust off it on the bottom of his tunic. He was jittery from nerves and excitement, and his head buzzed almost too much to think.
But he had to. “Okay,” he said aloud, forcing the words out, forcing the whirling thoughts in his head to assemble into something like order. “Okay. That was—that’s something.”
“It’s nothing,” Radio said. He sank slowly down on his haunches beside the remnants of the rockslide, staring at the barrier. “We’re stuck here.” He winced and clutched at his foreleg where it had gotten cut earlier, squeezing hard enough for blood to trickle down his green scales.
Jerry stepped forward. “Are you alright?”  
“I’m fine,” Radio said shortly. He was shaking. The strange beetle-like device stuck stubbornly to his shoulder sparked, and a twitch shuddered down his wing. “I just don’t see how we can survive this.”
“We’ll get it off you, somehow,” Jerry said, reaching a hand towards the device. As his hand neared, the pupils of Radio’s eyes thinned to slits and he snapped at Jerry’s hand, narrowly missing his fingers before Jerry snatched his hand away.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Radio snarled, and Jerry stepped back, eyes wide. Then Radio blinked and dipped his head, immediately contrite. “Sorry. I don’t know why I—why I did that—”
But Jerry hadn’t been scared. His heart was racing, sure, but adrenaline burned through his blood already. “No, I’m impressed,” he blurted.
The soldiers in the tunnel had paused at the roar, but now they resumed digging in earnest. Radio tipped his head at Jerry skeptically.
Jerry said hurriedly, “I am! Radio, I know you don’t know how to fight—”
“I don’t want to fight,” the dragon corrected. “I don’t like it.”
Jerry huffed. “Right. But, Radio, look at what you just did!” He gestured to the barrier. “Admit it or not, you can help in a fight! You can be scary.”
Radio scowled at the barrier. Two of the soldiers had begun poking their swords out over the top of the barrier, waving them in the hopes of hitting something, Jerry guessed. Moodily, Radio reached a forefoot over and plucked one blade, then the other, free of their owners and tossed them over his shoulder, metal plinking unpleasantly against stone. The soldiers shouted and shuffled backwards, though Radio did nothing more.
Jerry gestured with his sword. “See?”
Radio snorted, smoke puffing from his nostrils, but turned reluctantly towards Jerry. “Fine. I guess . . . there’s no other choice, is there?” He gave the stone walls a critical look-over, and looked longingly to the sky, so cruelly wide and opening.
“This is their fault,” Jerry said, nodding to the charmed device. “The wizard put that on you. They sent these soldiers. They’re here to drag you back. Put more charms on you.”
Radio growled, lip curling back just enough to expose some teeth, and for more smoke to trickle out.
“There is a choice,” Jerry pushed. “Either we let them do that, or we fight.”
“And kill them.”
“And fucking kill these bastards.”
Radio tapped his claws in a rhythmic pattern. “I can get behind that. Very well. What do you want me to do?” He grimaced as he said it, and admitted, “I don’t know what I can do.”
Jerry laughed. If he hadn’t been holding his sword, he might’ve started rubbing his hands together. He felt like Lani right now. “What can you do?” he marveled. “Radio, you’re a fucking dragon. What can’t you do?”
“Would you like a list,” Radio said acidly, “or . . .”
Jerry shook his head and pointed at the barricaded exit. “Here, try this. Use that fire and burn them to a crisp.”
Radio got to his feet and shuffled over to stand in front of the barrier, lifting his head to peer down the gap at the top. “There’s only three of them up here at the front,” he said doubtfully. “I can’t get them all in one blast, the others will move out of the way . . .”
“Trust me,” Jerry said. “I’ll tell you what to do next.”
“Right, trust the human,” Radio muttered, then took a wide stance and breathed in deeply. Jerry couldn’t help grinning as a warm glow brightened against the scales of Radio’s belly, then arched up his chest and neck, for a stream of orange flames to surge out of Radio’s maw and crash down onto the soldiers’ heads.
They screamed, and the fire faltered, but Jerry eagerly stepped up beside Radio. “Keep going,” he encouraged, watching greedily. “When it’s done, don’t wait. Break the wall down.”
Radio rumbled in acknowledgement and moved closer as the flames began to slow, pushing the tail-end of them into the tunnel. Once the last flame flickered out, he reared up and slammed his forefeet down on the barrier, crumbling the stones. A few more swipes of his claws, and a sizable hole emerged.
Radio stumbled back. “Now what?” he panted.
Jerry marched past him. “Anything gets past me—” No, nothing was getting past him. No one was touching Radio again. “Just keep breathing fire whenever you can. Stay safe. I’ll take care of the rest.” Jerry stepped into the passage.
“Just keep breathing fire . . . Jerry? Jerry! You’re in there too!”
“Trust me!” Jerry yelled without turning. He kicked aside an ashen corpse and sliced through the neck of a half-burnt soldier slumped against the wall, then stalked deeper inside, lifting his sword in greeting as the recuperating soldiers rushed him. In the tunnel, they were forced to come at him one at a time.
Where before Jerry had fought defensively, desperately, now he moved without fear. He smashed through the front soldier’s clumsy guard and jabbed up underneath their arm in a gap in their armor, then shoved them into their fellows. Listening to the growing hiss behind him, Jerry quickly backed away, passing the burned corpses from before. The soldier next in line swore and pushed past the one crying in pain, darting for Jerry right as—
Jerry ducked, pressing himself against a corner of the tunnel and ruined barrier a heartbeat before another blast of fire shot from Radio’s gullet, missing Jerry’s head by a hair and bathing the pursuing soldier in flames. This time, Jerry got a close-up view of the barbeque, and he sucked the stench of it down his throat and bared his teeth.
The screams ended before the fire-breath did, so there was that. Jerry was on his feet the moment it was clear again, and marching down the tunnel once again. Radio was right. He’d been lucky the same trick had worked even a second time, and only because that soldier had been too pissed off to think straight, but the rest would be cautious now. Even out of range of Radio’s fire-breath, his continued blasts would keep the enemy wary.
They were scared now.
Jerry sneered as he brought up his blade.
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EDMOND : This place is as beautiful as ever.
MINISTER : Yes, but if we continue deeper into the impoverished area, the condition will deteriorate greatly. 
EDMOND : Why is that?
MINISTER : The buildings are old and crumbling apart. No one has maintained them. It's not suitable for human life. 
EDMOND : Let me see the documentation of these buildings.
MINISTER : Yes, Sir. 
With a furrowed brow, Edmond carefully scanned over the documents. All the while, a crowd of onlookers were gathering and watching with curious eyes. 
(They look surprised he's here...Must be that Edmond rarely conducts these inspections...) 
I jumped and let out a startled yelp when the sound of a loud, screaming voice echoed through the streets. 
MAN : Do you think it's alright to do something like this!?
(What the heck is going on...?)
I turned to look in the direction the shouting was coming from and spotted a young boy cowering on the ground, surrounded by several large men. He looked terrified.
(That's the boy from before...)
BOY : Hey, it's the lady who gave me the cookies! 
EMMA : Excuse me, what is going on here?
Before thinking through my actions, I had stepped between the men and the boy in order to protect him. 
MAN : Mind your own damn business! This little rat stole our stuff!
EMMA : .......
BOY : ...I'm sorry....I'm so sorry....
The boy curled up in a ball on the ground was trembling as he apologized over and over again. Instinct had me crouching down to wrap him up in a protective hug.
EMMA : I apologize on his behalf. He's young and didn't know what he was doing. Won't you please forgive him?
BOY : ...Miss...
MAN : As if I'm gonna just forgive him 'cause you say so! How dare he steal our things! If you're siding with him, we're gonna have to beat your ass too!
The men held up their fists, prepared to hit me. 
TOWNSFOLK : Hey! Stop it! How dare you lay hands on a woman and a child! They already apologized and you got your things back, just move on! 
All the men and women in the poverty district had gathered around, verbally defending me and the boy. 
MAN : The fuck...!? 
After that, the men finally ran away. 
BOY : Thank you so much, Miss. 
After the men were out of sight, the boy finally ceased his trembling and weakly smiled up at me. 
EMMA : You're welcome. Just please, remember to never steal again, okay?
BOY : Y-Yeah. I promise. I'm so sorry...
Seeing that the boy appeared to be truly apologetic and set on changing his ways, I said my goodbyes before turning to head back to Edmond. However...
(That's weird...Where did Edmond go...?)
BOY : Are you lost, Miss?
EMMA : Seems so...
TOWNSFOLK : If you're looking for Prince Edmond, I saw him inspecting a building over there. 
The kind men and women from earlier pointed me in Edmond's direction.
EMMA : Thank you so much!
(These people are so nice...)
After thanking the townsfolk, I headed in the direction they had pointed in search of Edmond. As I walked a bit further...
EMMA : ....!?
The angry group of men from earlier suddenly jumped out of the shadows. Surrounding me like sharks hunting their prey. 
EMMA : Y-You're the guys from before...
MAN : You're a friend of Prince Edmond, right?
MAN : It's rare to run into such a fancy lady in a place like this. Why don't you come have some fun with us? 
The look in his eye sent a shiver down my spine. 
(Wh-What are they going to do to me!? This is so scary...!)
Just then...
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EDMOND : You, there! What are you doing to her?
Edmond accompanied by a group of armed soldiers approached me and the men. 
MAN : Damn it! Let's get outta here!
The men immediately fled the scene. Letting out a breath of relief, Edmond rushed to my side and firmly grasped at my shoulders. Looking me over with a concerned gaze.
EDMOND : ...Where did you run off to? I told you not to leave my side no matter what.
EMMA : ...I'm sorry...But it's okay...I-I'm fine...
EDMOND : You wouldn't have been fine if I hadn't arrived...And you're trembling...
Edmond reached out to gently caress my back in an attempt to calm and reassure me. His fingertips tracing patterns in my spine. 
EDMOND : I shouldn't have ever brought you here.
EMMA : ...Huh?
EDMOND : What if you'd been kidnapped by those despicable poverty district men...Or worse? The thought makes me sick.
EMMA : But, Edmond, there are also nice people in the poverty district.
EDMOND : .........
EMMA : Edmond...?
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Edmond fell silent, his gaze shifting to his boots.
EDMOND : This is no place for someone like you. We should head back to the city.
EMMA : Ah....
With that, Edmond grabbed at my hand, tangling our fingers and pulling me through the poverty district in the direction of the palace. It was strange, though he was typically a very gentle man, his grip on my hand was so tight. His knuckles white. As if he was terrified I would wiggle free.
0 notes
primofate · 3 years
Genshin x fem!reader [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] Manager reader gets hit on/harassed
Note: IM BACK FROM VACATION I recommend you read “How it’s like to be their manager” first before this one. Gives it a lot more perspective :)
Scenario: During an away game at another school, you catch the eye of a senior there. Little did he know that you’re the Genshin team’s manager and how much trouble he just caused for himself. 
Warnings: SEXUAL HARRASSMENT but still SFW, swearing, profanities, fighting. platonic relationships.
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Xiao, Tohma, reader as the team manager
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
It was like one of your traits. Getting lost easily. You sigh and look left and right to see if anyone was in the hallways to help you get back to the gym, or at least give you directions.
“Those guys...are gunna be worried if I don’t get back soon,” you sweatdrop a little and laugh nervously, picturing your childish team just losing it when you come back late. “I better hurry,” you mutter to yourself, pace quickening the slightest bit, just as a door to one of the classrooms slide open with a thud, revealing a spiky haired guy who stares and blinks at you. You take that opportunity to ask the guy where the gym is. 
Back at the gym where the team is doing warmups and practice receives, Tartaglia starts getting antsy and annoying. “Where’s Y/N-chan~~?” He sways back and forth. Zhongli sighs at his middle blocker, “She’ll be back soon, she just went to look for a vending machine,” They still had an hour to go before the practice match, so Zhongli wasn’t that worried. 
“Hmmm? It’s--HIT--been a while--HIT--since--HIT--she’s been back --HIT--though--HIT,” Kaeya states. Sentence cut off in pieces as he tries to keep the volleyball up in the air, his tied up blue hair starting to stick to his neck because of the sweat. Still, the team keeps practicing, up until 10 minutes later when even their captain starts to get antsy. 
“...Captain, don’t hide it, just admit you’re worried for her too,” Tohma states with a harmless laugh. Zhongli muses and finally sighs, “I have to stay here. Someone else go and look for her,” and immediately seven hands are in the air.
Tartaglia waves his hand “Me, me!”
Kaeya raises his hand “I’ll go!”
Diluc does too “I can do it...”
Albedo follows “I remember the layout of the school,”
Kazuha volunteers “I’ve got good instincts,”
Xiao gingerly picks his hand up “I’ll bring her back fast,”
and finally Tohma’s hand is high in the air, “I’ll find her!”
Of course everyone wanted to go... Zhongli decides he doesn’t want to deal with it and tells his team to go with rock paper scissors. Watching them battle it out really made him wonder how the hell he kept this team together. 
“YES!” Tartaglia pumps his fist in the air as he, Kazuha, Xiao and Tohma win the simple round of rock, paper, scissors. Kaeya, Diluc and Albedo are silently sulking, but continue their practice. “We’ll be back soon!!” Tohma waves at them as they exit the gym, starting their search on the ground floor classrooms.
Back where you were, you’d been following the guy for at least 2 minutes now. He said he’d lead you to the gym...but...it seemed as if there was less and less people to wherever he was taking you. It was the ground floor, at the end of the hallway where lockers lined both side of the walls. Suddenly the guy’s hand is wrapped around your wrist and he pulls you towards him. You instantly resist, pulling your wrist back and keeping away from him. “I-I just want to go back to the gym, my team is waiting for me,” 
You steel your gaze at the guy. If he thought you were just going to stand there and take his blatant disrespect for your personal space, he was wrong. But his next move leaves you feeling disgusted, your skirt hikes up and he grins. “Stop!” you screech and twist your wrist away.
Tartaglia halts in his tracks at your familiar voice. His head turns just as his other three companions does. 
The scene unfolding before him makes. him. see. red. 
Hell, he doesn’t even see anything except the image of him punching that grin off of that guy’s face. His vision zones in on the bastard’s features, he strides over, in less than 5 seconds reaching towards the guy’s collar and slamming him on the nearest locker. “The hell do you think you’re doing?!” You’ve never seen him so angry before, but the realization of what happened has you cowering away, feeling like some dirty thing that was played around with. 
“Tartaglia, ease up!” Tohma runs to try and restrain Tartaglia’s arms. He shoots a look at Xiao who immediately turns around to get the rest of the team, particularly his captain. Kazuha strides over to you, watching as you faced away and looked at the ground, ashamed. 
Kazuha was never one to resort to violence, nor was he particularly a resentful guy. But he feels it. He feels the hatred rush through his veins, but he focuses on you instead. “You’re alright, Y/N,” he places a hand on top of your head and smooths your hair down just as the others arrive. 
Tohma is barely holding on to Tartaglia, his strength matches his fury, but Diluc finally arrives and together with Tohma, successfully pulls Tartaglia away from the guy. 
“Calm down,” the red haired spiker insists, to which Tartaglia only shouts, eyes engulfed in fury and piercing the offender with his gaze. 
“This fucker touched Y/N!” 
Zhongli, Kaeya and Diluc freeze at the news. Their heads slowly turn towards the attacker. 
And now all set of 8 eyes on him are menacing, cold and unforgiving.
How dare he.
But Diluc holds his ground, restraining Tartaglia. 
Zhongli’s head turns towards your frame, seemingly meek and tiny and tears pooling around your eyes. 
Xiao hurries next to you as he arrives, the displeasure on his face was immense, specially when he starts wiping off the tears cascading down your cheeks. He grits his teeth “Don’t waste your tears on someone like him,” he knew well that you must have felt ashamed, and that your tears were not something you could control, but it was the best thing he could say. 
It was Kaeya, unrestrained and gurgling with hot anger that lifts his fist up.
But it was not his fist that connects with the offender’s jaw.
It was not his hands that pulled the offender up by his collar once again.
And it was not him who states “Do not come near her again. Don’t even look at her,” 
The whole team freezes. 
It was their captain.
The captain that was always calm and collected. Who always tried to stop fights and apologize for the inconveniences that his team caused. There’s a shiver that runs up the member’s spines at the feral look on their captain’s face. 
And then he drops the guy on the ground once again. The offender panicking and crouching backwards and away from them. “We should report it to someone,” Albedo, sensible and smart as ever, suggests. “...but throwing a few more punches in doesn’t seem so bad...” he adds and narrows his eyes at the guy.
“No, don’t. Let’s not waste our energies,” you firmly say and wipe the remaining tears away from your eyes. Kaeya moves over to your side and slides his jacket off of him and places it around your shoulders. “Okay, princess, whatever you want, we’ll just drop him off at the principal’s office and make a report,” when it really counted Kaeya’s flirtatious nicknames for you were quite reassuring. You smiled up at him a little.
Zhongli passes another glance at you, his fist is still tight next to him but he hoists the guy up and has Tartaglia come with him, since he was the one who saw everything. 
The rest of the team turns to you, with Tohma taking your hand and leading you back to the gym. “You’re okay, Y/N, we’re here,” and sure enough they keep close enough to you to fend off anyone else. Like wolves protecting their pack. You knew the chances of that happening again was slim, but seeing them so concerned and circled around you like a shield was really what you needed right now. 
“...Thank you,” you whisper to them as you arrive at the unfamiliar gym. They all turn back to you with a smile. 
“We’ll beat them to the ground at this game, Y/N, you’ll see,”
Taglist: @softlybeloved @bobaducky @normalisthenewnorm @how-simpy @atasi-luna @berryqueue @hallohun @milkypompon @fadinganchornight @coldstonecrematorium @probablybethere @hanachan_2481 @gultonluvv @batcatistruemaster @plumpkie @amigenshin @foxxtrot-116 @spirlimpo @hadesaedes @minyoustar @yunaholics
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rywritten · 2 years
dnb + trust
There's blood on the floor, staining the wood and Techno's favorite carpet in deep crimson.
Slowly, Techno trails his eyes further until they land on the trembling body hidden away at the very corner of the room.
"What are you doing here, Dream?"
The other man doesn't say a word, either unwilling to answer or too far out of it to hear Techno's question.
Techno studied him from afar, noting the way Dream was crouched on the floor, his bandaged arms protectively covering his face and head. He kept trembling and if Techno stepped a little closer, he could hear Dream's laboured panting, almost as if the other man couldn't breathe.
"Dream," Techno says again to catch Dream's attention, "I'm going to come over there."
When Dream made no indication to stop him, Techno began to step closer, deliberately making his footsteps a bit louder so he doesn't end up surprising the other man.
Once he was finally in front of Dream, Techno crouches down to inspect him once again. This close he's able to see the multitudes of scars and open wounds that littered the other man's face and what was exposed of his skin. There's a nasty purpling bruise right below Dream's collarbone that extended behind his torn prison garb and Techno fought the sudden urge to grab his trident and kill whoever did this to him.
The voices are angry, rightfully so. They demand for blood to be spilled and as their chant grew, the more Techno felt his anger rise at the image before him.
Dream never cowers. He shouldn't have to, especially not in front of him. This version of Dream who refuses to meet Techno's gaze, who hasn't stopped shaking like a leaf and has made himself look impossibly small– this Dream was all wrong.
"Dream." Techno says, carefully prying the other man's hands out of his face to finally get Dream to meet his gaze. "Look at me."
Clicking his tongue in annoyance when Dream still refused to do so, Techno grabs him by the cheek to force their eyes to meet.
"Tell me what happened." There's urgency and underlying anger in his words that surprised even himself.
"Techno?" Dream's voice sounded far too small and that does something to his chest.
The green of Dream's eyes are glassy, but he seems to finally be aware of his surroundings and slowly, he lifts one bandaged hand to hold onto the hand Techno has on his face.
"I'm right here." Techno reassured him.
"I don't remember how I got here, I just know I had to get out of there." Dream spoke, looking distressed. "They were planning to kill me again, and I don't think I can handle another slash to the neck."
Techno doesn't miss the way Dream's other hand instinctively came to hold his neck as if he was trying to make sure it was still attached to his body and from his movement, Techno got a short glimpse of a scar that covered the entirety of Dream's neck.
"Tell me who did this to you." The voices are shouting at this point and Techno winces from how loud they are, all of them were shouting one thing in unison.
All of them demanded for retribution. They wanted whoever it was that dared to hurt what was their's a fate worse than death. And for once, Techno wanted the same thing.
"Why do you want to know?"
"Because I'll find whoever they are and make sure they'll never touch you again." Techno promises, wiping the tear tracks on Dream's cheeks with his thumb, trying his best to keep his own voice from shaking.
He can deal with his own anger and the voices later, right now, Dream was injured and scared. Taking care of Dream was far more important because Dream needed him now, and Techno would do anything to make sure Dream never has to be scared of anything ever again.
"Let me clean your wounds," Techno ends up saying despite the voices demanding him to start taking names. "Do you think you can stand on your own?"
Dream nods his head slowly but makes no move to stand up and Techno wastes no time in picking him up.
It should worry him just how easy it was to carry Dream in his hands.
They've been starving him.
The realization only fueled his earlier anger, but Techno pushes the thought at the back of his mind. For now, he focuses on taking the other man to his bathroom to get him clean.
Dream was surprisingly quiet the entire walk, but before Techno could say anything to put some semblance of normalcy in their situation, Dream spoke up.
"Thanks, Techno." He says, voice still soft, but his hold on Techno's neck tightened for a moment to emphasize his gratitude. "I didn't know where else to go."
The admittance alone should have worried him, because Dream rarely showed any form of weakness to anyone, but then Techno started to feel Dream trembling in his hold once again and the soft sobbing that followed suit had Techno holding onto the other man even tighter.
"Always come to me." Techno tells him once he placed Dream on the empty bathroom stool, forcing Dream to meet his eyes to make sure the other man understood the seriousness of his statement. "Whatever happens, no matter what you did or whatever anyone says, you come to me, okay?"
Dream looks at him like he doesn't quite believe what Techno just said. For a long time, the other man just stared, searching Techno's face for something.
When it looked like he's finally found it, the small, grateful smile Dream gave him was enough to put Techno's raging mind at ease.
"Okay." Dream agreed, looking far too beautiful despite the current state he was in. "I trust you."
Three words and Techno's entire word stops for a single moment, processing the weight of Dream's statement. How much has he wanted to hear those three words? How long has he wanted to hear that from Dream's own lips?
"I'll keep you safe." Techno says, as he wrapped Dream in his arms, holding him close. "I promise."
I'll keep him safe. Techno repeated in his head. They're all afraid of me. No one would hurt him again, or I'd kill them. The voices cheered their agreement all the while.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
The Clans Progenitor
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Summary: as a polar bear shifter you were expected to hunt the rogues of your kind. But this particula rogue has also caught the eye of a certain witcher. Whats a female to do when the one her kind fears is her mate?
Warnings: swearing, raunchy?, implied mating, implied mating cycles, gore? Shifter au, swearing, heated Confrontation, fluff.
A/N: so this is 'technically' should have been the first of my shifter series as im going through the family tree (geralt, his son, grandson, great grandson ect ect) but i wrote walter first. I do hope you enjoy this one im excited for the rest! (Not sure when theh will be done though)
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You yelped cowering with a slight hiss as the huge male pinned you down, snarling and angry. A beast in full attack mode. He was confused and disorientated. Unsteady on his feet but even so this man had been a trained witcher, he wasnt going to let a little nausea and dizziness stop him from swinging his sword.
You laid flat and bared your neck, looking away from him showing your tummy and closed your eyes praying his instincts would override his panic. Because he was just like you now. Just as large and dangerous, you had no advantage anymore.
He paused growling before stumbling to his knees, dropping beside you tiredly. You could hear his breaths, deep drags through his flared nostrils scenting you, each breath deeper then the last. You flinched as his sword dropped in the snow beside you with a mighty thunk.
Then his fingers prodded your chin. You both gasped as the first contact was made. The little shock rolling over your skin as he tipped your head towards him. Your dark eyes locking with the amber molten irises of your mate. You locked gazes but he quickly saw it a challange and bared his teeth once more at you.
You shuddered and shrunk below him as he crouched over your slight form, his knees digging into the frozen snow either side of your fram e now fully straddljng you. You lowered your eyes knowing full well he was feeling himself for the first time, relishing in the nature that plagued your kind. It must be a terrible thing to endure, to experience monstrous instincts when youd gone your whole life hunting those that fell to the these basic needs. Kill, eat, fuck.
"What have you done to me?" You whined at the low growl, the timber of his voice was enough to make you want to present to him, to bend over and let your mate have you. It was the kind of voice that you could mistake for a cursed silver tongue.
"I...i saved you" you uttered quietly to him, trying to remain still and be as small and meek as you possibly could. Geralt wasnt convinced and looked the the trail of blood from the snow covered mound he knew was the dead bear that he'd been hunting. Then the tree around him was drenched in blood. His. He didnt know what had happened after he'd passed out from blood loss, but waking in a pool of his own blood next to a stunning ethereal looking woman who smelt like a divine meal seemed off. Not only that but he felt different, everything seemed more, colours brighter scents more intenes, hearing sharper. He felt big and powerful but also like he had less control.
"It doesnt feel like it. What are you? A siren? Vampire? Or some other deceitful little beast?" He growled inspecting the lithe woman below him, his mind trying to think over all the possible monsters he had learned in the bestiary. But none could make him feel the way he did. None could amplify his senses and make him want to fuck her brains out at the same time.
"Non-none of those please- please let me explain" you pleaded eyeing him carefully wanting to tell him everything now that he was alive and well. Healed and undergone the whole process of turning.
You'd agonized over him as he turned, frightened his mutations would hindder his transformation. And in a way it had, youd had to help him, breaking some of the bones for him when his shift got stuck, even going far as to bite him another three times as he almost awoke, your venom wasnt as effective on him as it would a regular human. But it had been worth it. Once finished his form was the same as yours. A huge pure white polar bear shifter.
"Go ahead" the words felt more like a threat, a dare. He was daring you to lie to him. He wanted you to spin him a great tale of heroism. And he wasnt far off, you sighed and looked to the dead polar ear next to you and looked back to your alpha with a sigh before beginning to retell the story of how you got here with him, and what youd done to him.
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It had started a few weeks agos for you. There was an enforcer gone rogue. The story was he'd found his mate- human mate and had been to slow to claim her she'd been killed for being a mage. She wasnt. But the traveling witch hunter had deemed her eyes to be an 'unnatural shade of green' and suddenly she was being dragged to the nearest tree for a rope around her neck.
The enforcer got their too late and had gone mad. He turned and began his hunt, not after taking his grief out on the village. Killing those that had conjured stories about the so called witch to save their own hides. But the village had got a witcher in, thinking it was a curse from the deceased witch. But the shifter had already begun tracking this witch hunter acoss the wilderness.
And so it became a race, both you and the witcher were hunting down this rogue, not that the white wolf noticed you were good at staying hidden. You had sped up needing to get their first and kill this rogue. Witchers didnt know of your kind, and they didnt need to. The last thing you needed was a mutated human poking their nose into your business.
But alas luck wasnt on your side and youd been to late. Geralt had got there first and had mistook the rogue shifter for an ordinary bear. A fight ensued and geralt was out matched by the fury and rage the beast had. Youd arrived just intime to see the bear knock the famed witcher off of his feet into the snow, bleeding from the claw marks.
You had felt it instantly. The rage and fear, the scent of the witchers blood made yours boil in your vains, yet your stomach dropped and your heart froze. All you could think was mate. Mate. My alpha was hurt! He could die!. With that thought you burst into your shift and lunged with a ferocious roar. The battled didnt last long. The threat of your mate bleeding out had made you viscious. You didnt care about delivering a good death. You only cared about protecting your mate, you bit and tore into your opponent savagely not playing around. The longer it took the less likely your mate would survive..
After dealing with the threat you rushed to your witchers side and crowded him, snuffing at him and pawing him gently. He'd drifted into unconsciousness which was good for you because it gave you the chance to take care of the rogue alone without prying eyes.
Youd laid with him in the snow, curling around him keeping him warm unsure what to do. He was a witcher, but you were unsure what potion he needed, each smelt vile and none were labled or had any hint to what they did. You had shifted and tried to tend his wounds but could do very little for him. He was a mutated human and you wasnt sure what to do. All you knew was that pain killers were bad for them, they can become reliant on them to the point of addiction. And he didnt have much in the way of bandages.
So you stayed and tried mothering him. Remaining shifted in your bear form to look after him. Carrying him to the trees for some shelter and lapped at his wounds trying to help him. And nurse him to health.
But his heart had grown weaker, he had lost too much blood and was growing weak. Finally you had made your choice. You will not loose him, you cant. So with a heavy sigh you made the decision to bite him now. You will ask for forgivness afterwards, but right in that moment you had to turn him and let him heal.
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"You turned me? Into what!?" The rage in his veins multiplied as he began to understand what had happened as you told your story. He wasnt human. Or a witcher. You'd made him into something else, somthing stronger but unstable. He could feel it.
"A-a shifter... it was the only way, alpha please- i wouldnt have but your my... my mate and you were dying! I had to!" You pleaded weeping below him frightened of the rage rolling off of him.
He paused for a moment and calmed, for some reason the scent of your fear was unpleasant. Like the scent of acidic unrine and and rotting meats, the scent that would linger in his npse for days as a warning. He took a deep breath and hushed you, one hand moving to pet your hair on instinct needing to sooth you as you began to panic. He wasnt sure why but it helped as you craned your head into his palm with a sigh, and then the dreadfull scent wafted away leaving him the a sweet honeyed fresh smell oozing from you.
"You may not be a witcher anymore, for that i am sorry but you are a ploar bear shifter the same as me. As the biggest and strongest of all shifters were are expected to become enforcers" you breathed out in what was a strange relief. You were happy that he'd shifted into the same bear as you. A polar bear, huge and powerful. The strongest of all shifters, barely anything could overcome one. The only reason you had been able to kill the other was because of your protective rage at seeing your mate injured.
"Enforcers?" The male asked unsure of what anything meant in that moment. He was to busy running his hands over you, fingers drifting over your long pale locks and knuckes skimming your cheeks and neck. He couldnt stop, there was something addictive and soothing about touching you. Like an easing of his soul.
"Yes, its... similar to a witcher but we hunt our own. Shifters can turn, go mad and loose control of their beasts. They go rogue, we are expected to hunt them and put them down. They are a threat to our survival." Yoh uttered moving a hand up to your alpha shakey fingers reachingmout for him needing to touch him yourself, to leave your scent on him.
"So that one who attacked me?" Geralt asked before dipping his face down letting your small hand rest on his jaw, his breath hitched as the stubble met your soft hand. You sighed exploring him running your fingers over his,face, drawing along the contorsmof his strong facial features and handsome lines.
"A rogue yes.I have been hunting him, he is the one who you were after to. Your contract" you explained wincing slightly as you shifted growing uncomfortable in the frozen snow, the harsh ground making your back ache.
Geralt growned and retreated rising to his huge height and offering a palm to you. With no sign of struggle he hoisted you to your feet and twisted his hand, curlingnhis fingers around your wrist locking aroundmit like a shackle almost as if he was worried you'd bolt and try to flee.
"You mean shifters? Not werewolves but shifters? As in humans that can shift at will with full control? I hate to break it to you, but shifters are wives tales. Stories told to children to stop them from talking to strangers." Geralt huffed rolling his eyes and smileing at you amused that you'd buy such ridiculous tales.
"So you dont belive me?" You grunted irritated by his laughter.
"Its impossible you have more chance to see pixies!" Geralt exclaimed baiting you further.
"Good, if thats what you think then we enforcers have done our job." Yoh scoffed a little annoyed yet proud, relieved youd managed to stay hidden from these well trained hunters.
"They arent real" geralt huffed shaling his head alll his anger now becoming amusement, there was a light feeling he hadnt had in a long time. Not only had he connected with you but he felt relaxed and safe. He could feel the bond between you. He didnt necessarily understand it yet all he knew was thatyou and him were a team.
"Want me to prove it?" You asked growling with a petulant anger a stubbornness over takingnyou. You bristled at the following laugh from your alpha.
"Go ahead" geralt snorted making a sweeping motion with his hand as ha stepped to the side givingnyou space whilst internally preparing his 'i told you so' speech. But his smirk quickly dropped when your form shuddered and contorted before you arched forward and stood proud before him your shoulder inline with his. Your head craned up staring him in the eye. He was speechless as he peered at you, for a second he flinched, fingers itching to his scabbard. It was only then he panicked for a moment as his hands missed, the scabbard was empty.
But he paused as you let out a strange low chuff at him and dipped your head. He blinked and looked at you, this time really looked. Geralt of rivia had looked jnto the eyes of many beasts over the years, he knew what evil looked like, he had seen their eyes go from a savage rage to still and lifeless and everythingm in between. But yours? your eyes held their humanity, a deep soulful look that was intelligent and much more then the monstrous. Maim. Kill. eat. Fuck. It was then he knew.
He raised a hand to you slowly pressing his palm into the thick white fur. Both soft and coarse, fluffy and prickly on his skin. Your head was the size of his chest and pressed into him before tipping up and snaking your tongue out quickly tasteing his skin making him grunt and arch away making you bellow a chuffing chuckle at him ont you growl as he flicked your nose making you sneeze comically.
You shifted back and peered up as he growled pawing at the spittle on his face but still smiled down at you. Things took a more serious turn as you began speaking again, your smile dropping as you tried explaining the obvious questions that will follow.
"We are not safe geralt. Shifters are misunderstood and we need to be forgotten to history otherwise we would be culled. Look at the mages. And the monsters you hunt? That would happen to us. So we disappear blend in, live quietly and deal with our own" your voice was low, quite asmif you were tryjng to hide the truth you spk,e, in a way you were. These secrects were sacred, the secrecy was what kept your race alive for so long. Every bone in your body was against telling him despite the witcher being your mate.
BuT still he was just that, a witcher. Ones you were taught to fear just asmuch as the humans did. Probably even more, yoh were supernatural, a shifter was a creaturw with monstrous urges and frightening instincts. A witcher could find cause to kill you, a precautionary culjng would always be justified for a beast.
"But its dangerous, you should atleast inform witchers of your existence." geralt tried to argue back. He was growing annoyed. There was definitely a pull, a bond between you. But that wasnt what irritated him the most. It was the unknown, the fact your kindnhad evaded the wotcher schools for so long. How? How could an entire race hide from his own kind for centuries? He prided himself on knowing all of the beastiary and yet here yoh were. The impossible standing right befoee him.
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Geralt paused an looked to his hands. His kind? He wasnt a witcher now. He wasnt a witcher. The thought shocked him a single tremor of terror rose up his spine. Thags all he knew. All he ever was, what he'd been t3rained for. A scared child how became a mutant. A trained witcher and now he was a... shifter?
"Why so you can kill us? So humans can blame us for things we dont do? We live peacefully in our packs and clans. We destroy the ones who go rogue. Its our business not yours" geralt was snapped out of his little epiphany as our words grew feirce and acidic, venom laced the words like a poisoned pblade, sharp and deadly. You were frustrated and axnious he could see your weremthinking a mile a minute probably tryingntomfigure out what to do from here.
"And still i was called to kill one" the former witcher huffed with a smug amusement trying to add some humour into the mix wanting to calm you.
"Yet i am the one who killed it. Geralt please try to understand we are frightened of your kind... well" you trailed off after trying to plead with him to see your predicament. You effectivly just outted an entire race because fate decided to mate you with a being you all feared.
"frightened?" Geralt paused, sure he knew many 'monsters' were scared pf witchers but it was strange hearing it from one so calm yet clearly powerfull. Those that dint hunt humans had no reason to fear witchers. Unlike what most believed witchers didnt just hunt monsters willy nilly. They werent bloodthirsty savages biting at the bit for a fight. They kept balance.
Kill those that threaten humans but not after trying to spook them off. Occasionally a witchers job was to usher the beasts away and sheild them from humans. Or atleast that was what geralt precived as his job. He'd rather avoid killing but only did so to protect himself and those weaker then these beats.
You stepped closer and eyed him worriedly. Shrugging your shoulders and peered at the dead shifter slowly disappearing iunder a fresh layer of snow.
"A witcher is terrifying even to us. Besides they are dying out, you cant make more of your kind so there no point in telling you now" you managed to avoid explaining further and made an ecxuse trailing off. Geralt eyed you for a few koments longer, standing taller posturing. You shrunk slightlymas your alpha held you in his stare. Honestly you were still waiting for him to reject you, to scream and try to attack you once more but he didnt.
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"Come, we are returning home" the male grunted as he turned leaning down to pluck up his pack and swords. You frowned unsure of what just happened but the words sunk in. Home... your alpha had a den? And he was inviting you to it- he was accepting you?!
"h-home? You mean you have a den? I didnt know witchers had dens?" You suttered sniffling slightly trying jot to cry as tears welled in your eyes. You never thought youd be accepted by a male. Polar bears were too strong, they frightened the others thats why they were used as the enforcers. Youd resigned yourself to never experiencing the bliss of being with your soul mate. You pawed at your eyes willing away the tears as you shuffled closer. You wanted nothing more then to be close to your mate, your alpha! Someone who you could depend on. Someone who you could turn to and let your gaurd down.
"Den? I? Yes i have a den, its in the mountains i return for winter" geralt paused at the term but quickly nodded smiling softly. He moved closer stepping beside you his arm just brushing your shoulder as you both fell into step. The former witcher chuckled as you let out a low mewl like pur and craned into him. Suddenly youd changed from the anxious timid and flighty woman into a needy pup... cub? It was clear you were just as desperate for a family and home as he was deep down.
"That witcher stronghold? You cant be serious we cant go there" you flinched yelping, trying to stop in your tracks but geralt wound an arm over your shoulders and kept you moving alongside him.
"Yes kaer morhen. And we will let the others know" he announced as he tugged you out of the shaded wood area.
"No! Geralt you dont know enough! You dont understand!" You argued fighting against him, but a slow rumble echoed in his chest and you froze before letting him pull you closer to his frame as you both stepped out into the open. You almost swooned as he looked around the open space at past the tree line. He was Serveying the area, making sure it was safe for you to follow. It was a strange feeling, having him guard you without even realising.
"I understand enough to know youll do as your told. Afterall you are my female, i felt you surrender to me. You called me your mate and alpha. Im betting that im in charge now as your alpha" he explained with a smirk, his eyes alight with a gentle mirth, teasing you. You flushed and looked away shyly falling into this strange little role, the natural hierarchy of your race. Geralt was your alpha male now. His job was to protect and provide it was intimidating yet soothing. You no longer had to fend for yourself or be alone.
"now come along female its time to return home, we can discuss things with vesemir and like you said witchers are a dying breed, it shouldnt matter now" The words were accompanied by a swift light patt on your rump as he whistled in a high pitch calling for roach, who came trotting out of the woods after a few still moments.
"But we cant! We will never make it in time for-" you began fretting speaking before actually thinking about the words. Luckily you amanged to stop yourself short.
"For what?" Geralt asked as he climbed on top of roach and dragged you up with him, sitting you on the saddle infront of him a little surprized at how much easier it was. His strength was definitely improved along with his senses.
"Nothing" you flushed mumblingnunder your breath now fixing your gaze onto roaches mane in your hand as geralt se t the hors into a slow walk heading north intent on out running the winter and returning to kear morhen a few weeks before the snow hit the mountains.
"No what were you going to say?" He hummed curiously but you just squirmed before releasing a high whistled tune calling your own horse from hiding. Geralt cast a glance behind himas your own horse trotted up along side roach clearly used to following you whatever the circumstances.
"Nothing it doesnt matter" you uttered shrinking in uis lap as his heavy forearm draped across your tummy and pulled yoh tighter.
"No tell me it sounded important" geralt persisted his breath fanning your neck causing you to shiver and shift again on his lap, tryin to beat away the feeling in your loins as his thighs rocked with the gait of the mare. You whined breathlessly not wanting to think about your almost slip up when sat astride the wide mare with your alphas cock nestled tightly on you ass.
"Female dont play these games, tell me. What will we be late for?" He chided at your silence and dipped his nose into the crook of your neck growling and puring with each deep breath scenting you. You whimpered as his scruff dragged abong your skin, tickling you with a tiny bristly five o'clock shadow.
"It-its just mating season is in a few months" you sighed giving in knowing he'd just continue his teasing untill ou told him whats on your mind.
"Mateing?" Geralt asked rearing back and leani g to the side encouraging you to face him. You blushed harder and shrugged nodding to him still trying to ignor the warmth from him, the way you both swayed rubbing against one another with the mares leisurely pace through the snow.
"Yeah... you know mating and cubs an'stuff" you spo,e trailing off not wanting to think about mateing this glorious male when your rocking on him. It wouldnt take much for him to scent your arousal. And you dodnt want to be mounted in the snow, your sure youd loose a toe or two to frostbite.
"Cubs? As in children? We can? I can have children?" Geralt frowned. That was absurd he couldnt have children her was a witcher; was a witcher but not anymore? You watched as his face lit up, eyes growing wide and his chest puffing up his entire being filling with hope. He pleaded with his eyes at you beggjng for you to answer the unspoken question, to confirm his suspicion.
"Well yeah... your a shifter now and my mate, so you can.. you know? get me pregnant and have a family" you nodded shyly smileing whislt nervpusly twiddling the horses thick mane in your fingers.
"My own child? I can have my very own child with you?" The question was breathless and haunting, like he was waiting for you to laugh and correct him. Tell him it was still impossible, that he was still infertile. But instead your cheeks glowed brighter and you huffed embarrassed nodding quickly avoiding his eyes.
"Yes geralt. Its what mates do! We bond and mate and have cubs!" You stuttered out yelping at him voice cracking under the embarrassment of talking about mating and such.
"And we have a month?" Geralt clarified suddenly very serious but theilled all the while. He seemed to have gained a new lease pf life at the prospect of cubs. But then again it was somthing he had long been denied and not by choice.
"Two months to reach kaer morhen? Thats doable. Do not look at me like that mate. Thats my den, im sure im supposed to mate you in my den" he scolded yoh lightly as you grimanced at him pouting and frowning at him clearly unimpressed about haveing cubs in the qotcher school.
"Lets make a den somewhere else" you offered trying to sway him out of going to the famed witcher school. But he just craned his head forward pressing a soft kiss to the curve of your neck instantly placating you,the affection stunned you into silence all argument dying on your tongue as his lips moulded to your skin branding it with his heated kiss.
"No. Now come on we have two months" he stated as hepulled away from your neck before ushering roach into a canter now having a deadline to be home by.
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"What is- Y/N! MERLOT! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Geralt broke out into a run,sprinting down the well travelled path into the remains of his old witcher school. His heart racing as he scent of another male permeated the air. It hadnt taken him long to realise other males were a threat to his mate and adoptive cub Merlot.
Just over three years ago Geralt had followed a scent of shifter crossing his territory and gone out to investigate. It hadn't been long before he came across the corpse of a female bear shifter. She'd been wounded badly. And the boy Merlot had been hiding frightened into his first shift, curled up into mothers side alone and hungry. At first geralt had thought him to be a normal bear cub mistaking this shifter for his mother. The alpha was going to put him out of his misery only to stop when the cub had scented him, and quickly raced around the deceased female rushing to geralts side then transformd into a knee height toddler before his eyes. Tiny hands reaching up at him pleading with his eyes not to abandon him there.
It had been the first time he'd seen a shifter cub and had instantly scooped up the child returning home with him. You later explained that cubs were much more instinctive then adults. As you grew you gained more awareness and more consciousness over your beast. Merlot had instinctively recognised geralt as a strong alpha and his best bet at safety and clung to him.
With no thought he barreled into his home eyes glowing snarling and posturing, back straight and chest puffed out smelling the unknown male. The scent was stronger in here. His nostrils flared and he froze ready to pounce as your heels clicked on the stone floor.
His heart seized as he took in the sight before him. You stood still by the door, hair pulled neatly into a half up half down style like those of the new westerners that were pouring into the continent. Your soft body encased in fine velvet, a stiff bodice pressing your full bosom up into two steep mounds and large full skirt swaying around your legs. Merlot stood beside you, one hand clutching your skirt the other tugging on his own new modern outfit, hair pulled back from his face in a low bun.
But it wasnt the new modern appearance that shook him to his core. Nor the growth spurt on his older cub- who was now a good four inches taller only just reaching your hip. No. It was the bundle you held in your arms. The tiny grunts and soft coos of a child coming from the wriggling blankets that hung down the front of your dress.
You smiled to him meekly and looked down repositioning the small cub. Twisting to cradle it sweetly letting geralts eyes see a tiny hand hover in the air, the profile of a small face peeking fron the swaddle.
"Charles. Look your papa is home" you hummed slowly aproaching geralt. The famed witcher met you half way eyes locked on the cup in you arms.
"Ch-charles? A boy- is it? Is he mine?" Geralt trembled, he couldnt help it he was over joyed but still dared not to dream. A child of his own flesh and blood had never been something he truly thought he'd have.
"Of course he is. Geralt this is charles, your son." With those words the dam broke and the usually strong stoic witcher was brought to tears as you handed him his miracle child. Charles. A strange name but it fit him somehow.
"He was a surprize. But a welcome one, he is two weeks old early and small but healthy. Merlot has been such a good boy, he has helped tremendously" yoh explained moving to stepp beside your step son pressing rubbing circles onto his back trying to calm the older cub who fretted over his place in the clan now that his father had a fullbloded cub.
"You have?" Geralt uttered looking to the boy letting a low rumble, calling his oldest to him. Merlot tiptoed closer to his father still unsure how things would be now there was a new cub. With one hand holding charles geralt held the other to merlot. Suddenly merlot was up on his fathers hip giggling as geralt scented him burrowing his nose into the boys hair and sniffing making merlot giggle out loud, all anxiety washed away as his father doted on him as normal.
"Yes papa, i play with him! And read to him when mama is sleepy an'hold him an'bounce him but-but he spits up on me... i dont mind though! Even if its icky" merlot spoke quickly now feeljng much better that his alpha was still accepting him.
"My good boy, i can alway countnon you to look after your mother and now charles... God he's tiny. So very tiny, is he-will he be a bear- a polar bear like us?" Geralt purred at him holding him tight letting merlot hok his arms around him snuggling deeper, the past few weeks of worry now melting and he could relax once more.
"He is small... and his colouring isnt like ours so maybe not? Only time will tell" you replied now coiljng arohnd your mate and arms holdjng his waist needingnto reacquaint yourself with him.
"Good, i dont want him hunting like us. Ever. He could be hurt. He deserves better" geralt hummed lookjng at the sleepjng newborn in his arm. Feeling a warm pride as he held his two sons.
"He does and so does Merlot they both deserve much better then here, i... i've been thinking i'd like to leave. As much as i love our den we need to intergrate. Its been two hundred years. These two deserves everything we can give them" you utterd slowly now wanting to ease geralt into your thoughts, the plans you'd made gfor your clan as your pregnancy became apparent.
"Where? I will take them anywhere. Give them anything" geralt said quickly not even needing to think about it. He would give his family the world, anytning they could possibly want or need.
"I think the west. England hasnt got a large shifter population. They are an island. Less shifters mean less rogues, it'll be safer. We can start our own clan make roots there" you said moving a hand to both of your sons blinoing up at geralt. He locked eyes with you and smiled nodding. Perhaps it was time to rejoin society and let his children thrive in the human world.
"Then we shall go to england" he agreed nodding to you before leaning in pressing a kiss to your lips, which made merlot whine and wriggle knowjng what was coming next and wanting to get out of the danger zone. But you and gerlat pulled back sharing a sly look before the both of you dived forward making the cub squeel as you both attacked him with kisses.
Geralt had never planned on this, never thought he'd meet a shifter and become a so called mpnster. But every day he was more and more greatfull because he now had a life he'd only dreamt of, he the white wolf-geralt of rivia the famed witcher was now a husband and father of two. And he wouldnt change it for the world.
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