#gotta cross post sorry folks
maxpaulll · 10 months
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Tank/Darlin my BELOVED, put down the beer, I can smell it from here /j
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badolmen · 10 months
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The lack of source checking in conservative circles is fucking horrific. They take everything at headline value and don’t actually think about implications. Like jfc guys it’s not that hard to actually click on the article and read the SECOND PARAGRAPH about how the protestors specifically rioted in regards to the attacker’s SPECULATED ethnicity and terrorism being ruled out as a motive. They don’t care about his actual motive or the people they hurt - they just want more political ammunition for their anti-immigration views and they’re mad it’s not being handed to them on a silver platter. They set a cop car and double decker bus on fire in their tantrum about border control. That’s why it’s far-right - they’re a bunch of anti-immigration racists, not reasonable people deeply concerned about kids getting stabbed. Actually read your fucking sources before bitching about being unfairly portrayed in media.
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calciumdeficientt · 7 days
i created the template for NPC quotes and i never posted lenora’s… whoops. anyway here they are now. i have also learned that there are SO MANY different kinds of quotes so i am going to try and make this post as accessible as humanly possible but it is going to be LOOOOOOOOOOOONG
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Sure, I can keep an eye on you Jim
Don’t worry, Lenora’s got you for sure
I can’t take any more of this, I’m audi!
Fight your own battles J-dog, I’m done
Hey, give me a hand!
I need some help! Fight hard!
Aw… dang it I really thought I was getting the hang of this
Man… I hope the ladies turned away
Hm, not terrible… now try doing that in the ocean
Radical trick! Just… not in front of the girls. I’m really getting somewhere with them
Hey what gives! That nerd I stole it from might’ve wanted it back!
Aw crap, too high to drive, bike got stolen… this is the pits
You should go get some training wheels or something, I’m worried about you
The Bolt from Bullworth strikes like lightning, yeah!
Hey, watch it trust fund!
Usually I’d be mad, but you just slid right off me!
Ewwwuh watch where you put those freaky little rat claws, you can get jail time for stuff like that
The folks you meet in prison won’t be this kind to you, freak
Can you even be out here? What’s the radius on that ankle monitor
Ope- I was lookin’ but I wasn’t seein’ my bad!
Sorry little man, I’ll be more careful next time
You go first, all my fault
Ugh! Watch it, dork
Next time, I pound you
Open your eyes when you walk, Jimmy
Listen here, pipsqueak. Munchinland is back the way you came
Stay outta my way Hopkins.
Stay the HELL in your lane, don’t cross me.
Got track practice… gotta run
This was fun, see ya!
Hmm yeah i’m leaving now… no dumb excuse, just the vibe I’m getting
If I’d stayed in California I’d probably be in one of those tents
I wonder if either of those girls are single… hell, I’m not above trying both!
That ride was pretty okay… I guess
Aw man that ride was so rickety! It would’ve been so awesome if it crashed
How much booze is too much to bring to a party? They never have enough!
I kissed Gord at a party a few weeks ago… Its totally not my fault.. He smells like a lady
Man that fall off the gym roof really hurt.. I wish I knew when enough was enough… I’ll get there
If you think about it sound is like… waves. So when you’re listening to something it’s like you’re surfing!
I let a townie pierce my bellybutton… I think it might be infected
Everyone’s so agitated all the time. It can’t be good for us
My Polish teacher is all up in my grill about my assignments… like I dont have enough homework already.. I mean I already speak it! Who cares if I can’t write it down
Those prefects are always coming at me about my uniform! I didn’t like, ask to be tall!
Get back here pipsqueak!
I’ll turn you inside you you little twerp!
Man… need to… focus on long distance
Maybe… I overestimated how fast I can run
Yeah and keep running!
Enjoy your head start, pipsqueak
Hey, come check this out!
Dudes, come look at this!
I don’t know why everyone’s so bothered about global warming… I’d kill for it to be summer forever
Aw man I remember my first wedgie, I never did see that kid again
Dan and Thad look so similar… I hope I don’t slip up again
I am so sure… yknow he threatened to make me run in my underwear the other day because my shorts were too long.. It was soo totally bogus
I saw Ted and that weird rich kid Justin making out under the bleachers yesterday… Mandy is going to be sooo crushed… Someone better go tell her
I like, don’t know how much more I can take! I mean he’s totally messing with my vibe
Yeah right on man, you rule!”l
Total masterclass baby, woo!
Oh yeah totally I- wait wha?
Uh huh- go on..
Yeah, so?
Did you hear all the stuff that Gary kid was saying about Jimmy? It’s total nonsense but… I could be persuaded
I heard that Hopkins put Russell in the hospital!
There’s some crazy stuff going around that Jimmy is actually a spy. I don’t buy it
Apparently his mom isn’t actually his mom
Did you hear that Hopkins has been to jail like three times?
Well I heard that he never buys his own clothes, he just takes them off of people he fights!
I heard Derby Harrington is secretly a vampire! Maybe that’s why he’s so pale and ugly
Did you know that Ricky’s been to see nurse McRae three times this week? If he wants pills he should just come to me
Apparently Earnest never drinks water, maybe that’s why his skin is like that
Dan thinks he’s gonna get to actually be on the team next year, I think Burton only told him that so he didn’t run back to the nerds
That Constantinos kid has been avoiding me. Apparently he doesn’t even work for the yearbook, he just likes taking creep shots of everyone
I hooked up with this really dope chick last week… but Kirby told me her boobs are totally fake! Like, I think I know more about boobs than you do, buddy
Seriously?! No way dude
That’s, like, next level bonkers!
Holy macaroni!
Damn!!!! There’s NO universe that’s true
Miss Peabody’s doing random spot checks of the dorms… I’m so totally screwed
Sometimes I wonder if I even wanna run anymore
I’m starting to think maybe girls don’t actually dig me!
The guys don’t really care about me… I’ll never live up to their expectations
The whole clique’s gonna fall apart when Ted leaves for college… man I need to make new friends
Yeah right, like that’s anything to cry over
Try being me for a day and see if that still bothers you
Too bad, that’s Bullworth, kiddo
Cmon man that’s nothin’ get over yourself
It’s like… no one cares about what’s going on at home!
I was never meant to be a jock. I’m just a nerd in denial!
Girls hate me, guys see me as a joke. Real sweet life
Times have really changed, we are SO the bottom of the food chain now
Catch you later dude
Hang loose bro
See you ‘round man
You coming to the meet on Friday? I’m set to get another medal
Having inter-clique friendships is pretty cool
I like to think the guys have accepted me as one of them
People always invite me to parties, it’s pretty rad
Oh yeah? that’s dope
Right on! Totally awesome!
I’m pickin’ up what you’re puttin’ down
Hey, ever parked and not paid?
You ever wonder if concrete has feelings?
Have you ever caught a big wave?
Ever put your arms up on a ride even when they tell you not to? You have haven’t you!
That’s a rad way of putting it.. man I feel stupid
Totally, I should do that more
Yeah… well I mean, I’ve thought about it, like… a LOT
Whaat? Nooo. You need to open your mind more man.
Do you think before you speak or do you just say it. of course not
No,that’s for losers
So this is what losing feels like… gross
How but- I- but..
Oh man… I should go pawn my medals
Who even ARE we?!
Okay seriously, what gives you guys?
They so totally cheated!
Oh my god…. I think I’m gonna hurl
Ouch! I’m not the person you’re supposed to hit
Hey I’m your buddy, don’t hit me dude!
Aw man, and this shirt was SO CLEAN!
Oh it’s SO over!
I’m gonna knock your ass over to the West coast!
Come here and take it!
Oh the gloves are OFF
Hhhhgh… nuuuuurse
Hey… I liked those teeth
I just hope… there were ladies watching
I’ll… be back for you later
Dude… everything’s spinning
I’m going to KEEP you on welfare!
Come on and try it Ponyboy
Which hospital do you wanna get sent to?
No one steps to Harker
Consider this karma, jackass
The force can’t save you now!
Get your surgeon on the phone!
Ow! I’m not even a dude and that was still so… emasculating
Euuugh… brush your teeth dude
Grapple! GRAPPLE!
Cmon man do something illegal, we aren’t cops!
Violence makes violence
This is NOT something you wanna get into
Every time I get my hopes up that it’s a real fire… and every time its just some loser messing with the alarm
I- eheheh
Totally! So like… what’s going on?
Hey, we can work this out right?
Dude! Stop throwing that! It’s all that I can eat!
I heard banana is good for your hair… I wonder if it’s good at high speeds
Sweet! The first of many, Hopkins
Same time tomorrow Jimmy?
My dealer wants cash… cough up
You’ve got something in there to keep me from swinging, don’t you?
You’re in with all those preps… you’ve got something to keep me away from you, surely
Sure, I can back you up. But you gotta pay up front
I can be mean if you gimme some green, Jimmy!
I knew you had a good brain in that noggin, Hopkins
Right on, you’re a good dude
I’ll be back soon as this runs dry
Here, I got you a little something
Dude, hey!
Good to see you man
Hey you
Hey sir
Sup uhh… ma’am
Fresh threads? You’re looking better than ever
Hey mama, you into arts and crafts? I’m real good with scissors
Sweet hat… I need it get me one of those
Radical shoes, man. Lookin’ swish
Rockin shirt dude!
Those are some kickass pants
Gnarly haircut
Sweet mane dude, radical
Now that’s hair that’ll get you a scholarship!
Sweet ink, I was thinking of getting something like that
Hey I know that style, we get our tats at the same place!
Oh Lenora Lenora Lenora you are such a stud.. man if I were a pretty girl I’d TOTALLY date you myself
Man my hair’s gettin’ pretty long… makes me miss home
It’s as simple as this
Listen dude, all you need to do is…
Heyyy, just the dude I’m lookin’ for
I’m totally getting the vibe you wanna help me right now
Enough! I’m minding my business!
Ow! Un-called for
‘Hey! What’s your damage man!
“Heyyyyyyy… uhhh bro
Nice, man. Get some. Oh wait- I mean noooo you cant be in here dude
hah hah hah… aaaah that was SOO LAAME
hahahaha dude, no more seriously! I’m cryin’ hehe
Uuuuugh the next time I see him I’m gonna make him swallow his own intestines!
Mr whiskers! I thought Dr Slawter dissected you!
I am NOT talking to you until you…. fix whatever’s going on with your energy
Hey back OFF, I am not your friend, and I’m friends with everyone so… you’re kinda a douche
Jimbo! What’s goin on little dude
Hey Jim, how’s it hangin?
Hopkins is innnnnn the building! And lookin fly
Come on you don’t wanna hit a girl, right? RIGHT?!?!
Jimmy come on man, we’re tight!
I- that was.. I didn’t know what I was sayin man I was fried!
Please dont hit me.. I have a meet this weekend
Hang tight little bro I’m comin for ya
Hey! Keep your hands to yourself!
Man what a hunk of junk, it so lame I don’t even wanna think about it
I really had high hopes for that…. such a shame it was a pile of bullcrap
What?! No dont touch that it’s my favourite thing!
Damn it damn it! So bogus, I loved that
Oh man that looks dangerous…. do it again
Wooohoooo! HEADS!!!
Euuugh smells like the gym after wresting practice
Ewww it’s like the visiting room in jail
No girl could resist me in these, it’d be a crime not to get em
Oof… how many people thought this was okay to sell?
Listen… I know a LOT of cheerleaders, Jim
We’re buddies Jimmy, aren’t we? ARENT WE?!
You’re a cool guy Hopkins… you respect women. I’m down with that.
If you’re gonna ruin the architecture… at least spell the insult right
I’m very anti authority but this is like… serious
A little birdie told me that you were looking for..
Come over and do something!
Yeah right, loser!
Come at me, bro
Go ahead, make my day
Little bitch!
I’m gonna break you down!
Open wide, I wanna play dentist!
Get ready the beating of a lifetime!
You shoulda read up on caskets!
Bad trip, my b, my b
Lesson learned, It’s cool
Okay kiddo, okay, I get it
This is kinda sad… at least fight back dude
Yeeeeah that’ll teach you
You’re my bitch now, ya dig?
Come onnnnnn you know you wanted this
Hey young blood, lemme welcome you the Bullworth way
You smell like a prep…gross
Hey who cut your hair? that hobo?
Oh my god, were you awake in the salon? I hope not
That hat is… brave
I always knew there was something crooked about you, Hopkins.
Did you pay for those pants or did you find them on a corpse?
How much did you pay for that shirt? whatever it was it was too much
Those shoes are… wow okay
You let a blind guy with parkinson’s tattoo you
All that time in the chair and you couldn’t ask for something a little cooler?
Those are some gnarly threads, shame they’re on a dork
I just- I (SOBBING) I have a lot of dreams… and most of them are about women (MORE SOBBING)
Oh… you were talking to me?
I wonder if that townie girl is busy right now
Is this supposed to be threatening?
Man, I need a toke
You got something to say, huh? HUH?
Stand by it, loser, say that again!
I’ve been itching for a chance to fix that bogus attitude
Come over here and do something about it!
Step up man. STEP UP.
Your ass is grass, Hopkins and NOT the fun kind
I buh- I-I was just playing around
Man cmon man knock it off
I can dish it but i can’t take it, okay! I’m a wimp!
Jimbo! This way man!
Did you hit your head or something? It’s this way!
You’re a good dude, thanks J.
Aw man… worst wave of my life
You could’ve done this in the girls bathroom…. they’re so much (SOB) CLEANER
Total party foul…. not cool
Noooo cmon cmon this isn’t good for either of us!
The guys’ll leave you alone! I swear! Please don’t do this!
Heyyyy lighten up, it’s character building!
I’ll send some flowers over for your casket
Cmon loser, it’s like a workout!
We’re jocks for a reason! Go home now!
I feel kinda bad for you guys.. comin’ in knowin’ you’re gonna like, lose
It’s cool we’re giving a chance to a less fortunate team.
Yooooo, thank you!
That’s how it’s DONE! Check it!
Another one bites the dust.
Ain’t nothin’ new here, ladies.
I’ve yet to meet an underdog we couldn’t smash
Oh please no! I’m so scared of you… hahah yeah right
Ohh…Get a life dude… such a buzzkill
hahahaha right on… I love playing rough!
You’re so funny! Do that scream thing again
If you struggle enough I might feel sorry for you…. probably not
Hopkins, wait up!
Slow down a little, I’m stiff!
This is like… literally like… like… like the worst day ever!
Heyyyy that looks like… hang on, what is that?
No it’s fine whatever. Not like I was, like watching it. or anything
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Cold Nights
Chapter One: Raph x reader story A/N: Hi hello! this is my first time ever posting this kind of story in here! pls be kind and lemme know of any thing that i can do better for the story. Raphael has been my favourite character for forever now so i wanted to show hims some love! This is in the Bayverse universe but some referencesto the other iterations might appear! Chapter 2/3 This was easy enough. Just a look around the club to see if any weird activities were going on, Jones was somewhere in there as well, much easier for him to walk around all these people and mingle. Meanwhile Raph was on a corner, hiding in the shadow, even if things were less tense for them on the surface it didn’t mean that some folks wouldn’t throw him and his brothers dirty looks here and there. So it was just easier to stay low, even if having to do it made his blood boil.
‘At least the music is nice.’ he thought, might not be what he listens to the most, but jazz was soothing, helped him concentrate, he might even tap his foot to it. The fact that the girl singing was fine as hell didn’t help either, the dress she was wearing didn’t leave much to the imagination and her eyes were piercing through the crowd, almost as if looking for anything in particular “huh… interesting .”
The night on and on, Jones came up to him a few times, said that nothing was going on, no one saw anything during the party  so the calls about the suspicious activity was probably just some drunk guy wanting attention. Ah well, at least he got to have some fun and nice drinks Raph thinks, making his way to the outside of the club, it was a bit cold so the area was empty, or so he thought because the smell of smoke brought him back from his thoughts. Lo and behold it was the singer, she was eyeing him curiously, an amused smile gracing her lips. He wasn’t going to lie, she was starting to make him a bit twitchy.
“What? Have ya never seen a mutant before?” It came out more aggressive than he intended but oh well, not like he is gonna see her again.
“Heh! If you count the times I’ve seen you in TV? I’ve seen them plenty of times.” She says with a chuckle throwing her cigarette away to walk closer to him “Relax big guy, I ain’t looking because to be rude, I was just taking you in. You’re taller than I thought, TV really doesn’t do it justice.” She laughs.
His shoulders relax, a sigh he didn’t know he was holding in leaves his mouth “Shit- sorry I’m just used to the other kind of the staring” leaning against the wall Raph takes a good look at her, she was still in her fancy dress but her hair was now up, held together by a fancy hairclip ‘Must be one of those rich girls’ he thinks already making a mental note to be wary.
“Oh I know. I noticed you were basically glued to the corner of the club, tense as all hell and looking everywhere like something was gonna jump atcha” She crosses her arms and looks up at him with a small smile.
‘So she WAS paying attention to her surroundings… REAL good attention’ Raph’s about to say something else when his phone vibrates, it’s Jones telling him that they can go, the party was over and nothing of importance happened so there was no need for them to be there anymore.
!Hockey Prick!
-Dude lets just go, this thing is over and nothing happened, the others are waiting back at the lair.
Raph rolls his eyes, he supposed his friend (ugh) was right, there was no need to stay any longer than need be… even if this very pretty girl WAS making up conversation with him there was no way that she would really want anything to do with him besides kill some curiosity she had from seeing him around on television. When he looks back at her she raises an eyebrow at him, clearly waiting for an answer.
He sighs “Well, as fun as  it was meeting ya, I gotta run, got a friend waiting for me at the entrance.” He nods at her, starting to peel himself from the wall slowly. She hums lowly.
“Hm, I was hoping we could chat some more. But alright, wouldn’t wanna keep your buddy waiting now do we?” she says, extending her hand at him “Name’s (Y/N) by the way.”
“Raphael, but you probably already knew that.” He shakes her hand carefully, her skin soft and cold against his.
“I prefer knowing names from the people themselves.” She tilts her head, friendly grin plastered on her face as they bid their goodbyes.
He chuckles and nods, finally walking to meet up with Casey, a warm feeling on his chest for the first time in the chilly night.
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anincompletelist · 5 months
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twenty questions for fic writers
thanks to @cricketnationrise @happiness-of-the-pursuit @kiwiana-writes
@ninzied @captainjunglegym for the tags friends! it's been a while since I've last done one of these so I figured I would participate again! xx
how many works do you have on ao3?
56! (technically 60 though… 😏🤫)
what's your total ao3 word count?
what fandoms do you write for?
RWRB (currently) [ 1D and teen wolf (past) ]
top five fics by kudos:
but if you could see us from a distance you'd know I've always been so close to you - the og sex curse one shot
Something Borrowed, Something Blue - enemies to lovers at june's wedding
I'll bet it all on me and you, I'll bet it all you're bulletproof - coworkers trivia fluff
praying our bridges don't make waves - soulmates with a twist
kiss me like you've got nowhere to be - roommates to lovers fluff
do you respond to comments?
nowhere near as much as I'd like to! my capacity for social interaction lately has been... lacking, to the say the least ksjhdkshd BUT I SEE AND READ THEM ALL AND I HOLD THEM SO CLOSE <3333
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ooh I can't usually do angsty endings so I'm carving my own loophole here -- the first two fics in the sex curse series are definitely my most angsty endings before they work their shit out in the third skjdhsjkhd
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of mine do, but I'd say that overall the most fluffy ones are in the firstprince first kisses series!
do you get hate on fics?
I most definitely did in my old fandom but people have been generally very kind and supportive to me here so far! :')
do you write smut?
craziest crossover:
my george x firstprince hurt/comfort is very special to me <3
(but I also have a Jeff from bottoms x Shane from minx au in the docs so ksjhdhfjh that too)
have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!
have you ever had a fic translated?
not in this fandom! but I have had some lovely folks record some podfics of my works! (here and here!)
have you ever co-written a fic before?
not for rwrb! (yet???? ksjhdkjhfkjh)
all time favorite ship?
I gotta go with fp! they got me like that niall horan ear crawling gif fr I'll never be the same
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh gosh I'm not sure. I HOPE I finish them all but I also have an obscene amount so ksjhdksjdhf not crossing anything off yet!
what are your writing strengths?
I think dialogue? it's always the part of my fics that I write first, and then I build the rest of the story around it. I hope it's a solid foundation!
what are your writing weaknesses?
there's a fine line between explaining and over-explaining and I think sometimes I fall into the second category skjdhkjhf. I love some introspection as much as the next guy but I'm working on only including details that feel most pertinent to the story.
thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I love it! I think it can be so special and can be another way to connect readers with the characters and the story. I took Spanish all four years of high school so I'm a little rusty now, and studied French for a while a few years ago and just picked it back up recently! my translations aren't always perfect but luckily I've had some very kind people to check or point these things out for me :)
first fandom you wrote in?
..... hollywood heights sjkhdjkhgdfh
favorite fic you've written?
oh no. I am so bad at perceiving myself ksjhdjkdjfhg. I think each of my fics definitely served a purpose for me while writing them, but lately I've found myself returning to these three (I'm breaking the rules yes sorry):
Something Borrowed, Something Blue
there were pages turned with the bridges burned (everything you lose is a step you take) - diabetic!Alex
treading water in the deep, just waiting for the tides to meet -(soulmates)
but also there's a wip I'm working now which..... might take first place when I post skjdhkjsdh WE'LL SEE!
PLEASE PLEASE CONSIDER THIS OPEN TAG IF YOU'D LIKE TO DO IT! with all of the tumblr nonsense and how behind I've been on here lately I'm all over the place with tags at the moment.
other tags (no pressure!): @firenati0n @nocoastposts @wordsofhoneydew @thedramasummer
@heysweetheart-writes @stellarm @suseagull04 @bigassbowlingballhead
@eusuntgratie @magicandarchery @read-and-write- @iboatedhere
@anchoredarchangel @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @alasse9 @itsmaybitheway
@getmehighonmagic @rmd-writes @sparklepocalypse
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stevethehairington · 11 months
sending this as a reply to my ask abt your tommy/stommy hc’s cause either there’s a character limit on replies or my app is glitching.
i love steddie sm and am a very monogamous person so i feel like it’s cheating whenever i read stommy stuff if they’re past a time when steve could be with eddie (no judgement to any poly folks!it’s just not my cup of tea) but i genuinely LOVE stommy hc’s where they’re into each other before steve meets eddie/eddie even shows up on steve’s radar. i’m literally eating up your take on stommy ~we’re just fooling around cause teen boys are horny and have needs~ but with secret feelings.
and don’t get me wrong, i’m a fan of lot of different takes on steve and his queer development. but in a lot of fics his first gay experiences are with eddie (whether he knew he liked men before eddie or not), so it’s fun to think about him messing around with tommy (maybe steve realizes he has feelings for tommy, maybe he thinks they’re just bros bein bros and everyone does this…until eddie’s like hold on i thought you were straight, why are u trying to offering to blow me??) <- sorry i got lost in that hc lmao
your characterization of tommy is so great! i’ve never thought too much on his background other than him and steve being confused baby bi/gays not understanding that their feelings for each other do not fall under the ‘normal heterosexual umbrella’. like your hc of him being a middle child out of five siblings in a divorced household and craving attention wherever he can get it feels so right
also i will 100% check your fics out as soon as i can get a grip on my school assignments. the end of the semester is creeping up and i’m not far off from flying a little too close to the sun when it comes to putting finals prep off. (hope u liked my icarus ref, i still need to read eddie’s book as well lol)
ah, yeah, there is a character limit in tumblr notes. i don't know what the actual number is, but it's definitely not long enough lol and it's SO annoying that if you've got a lot to say you gotta keep breaking it up.
anyways. i can totally understand that! seeing your faves with other people, whether it's individually or together with others isn't always what you wanna see! they are your favorite pairing for a reason, presumably, so it makes sense you wanna see the two of them happy together alone.
whiiiiiiiich is what makes stommy so fantastic, because tommy is really only in the picture before eddie. sure, they were all in school together at the same time, and surely have crossed each other's paths then, BUT in terms of like onscreen canon, by the time we are introduced to eddie, tommy is long gone.
tommy being The First for steve, whether he knows it or not, is literally my f a v o r i t e. like you see all these posts saying eddie was steve's bi awakening or that jonathan was - and those are great posts!! i love those posts!! those are both great concepts!! BUT i am firmly in the camp that there was someone BEFORE eddie, BEFORE jonathan, and that person was tommy.
and like the thing about tommy is there is SO much to work with!!! tommy (and carol too) is SUCH a bare bones character in the show that it is SO easy to take him and run with him. but at the same time, there is just enough little detail and nuance in his character's portrayal that there's SO much to build off of! and because of that you can literally take stommy in any direction you want to!! like, tommy has feelings for steve, but is so unwilling to acknowledge them that he keeps it to himself and suffers silently for the rest of his life only to finally face those feelings years and years later, when its too late, and have to live with the regret of never doing or saying anything about it back then? FANTASTIC! tommy has feelings for steve and makes a move and steve is receptive because he ALSO has a crush on tommy? EXCELLENT! tommy has feelings for steve and makes a move and steve ISNT receptive because he DOESNT share those feelings? DELICIOUS, WE LOVE UNREQUITED FEELINGS! and even MORE delicious - if years down the line steve thinks back on that moment and realizes, no, it wasn't that he didn't feel the same, it's just that he didn't know what those strange feelings were and interpreted them as nonreciprocation when in fact they were the exact opposite!! YES! tommy and steve fool around and never put a name to it because that makes it Real and Real is scary, so it's just a Thing they do that never gets acknowledged, despite the fact that it actually meant A Lot for both of them? GIVE ME A SPOON, I AM EATING IT UP!!! there are just so many flavors of stommy and all of them are SO good.
i'm glad you love the "we're just fooling around cause teen boys are horny and have needs - but with secret feelings" headcanon!! it's genuinely one of my favorites for them (and honestly i love reading that for steddie too! it's just a fun trope in general no matter who it is!!) i just love it when theyre totally OBLIVIOUS to the reality of the situation and to what it actually means to both of them - because it DOES mean something to both of them. they're both under the impression that it's totally casual for the other, but it is, in fact, not, and that kind of miscommunication is just deeeelicious. it's one of my favorite things to see in fics and hcs and stuff when steve has all these really gay experiences and grows up thinking that ALL guys have these experiences only to look back on it and realize oh. OH. that WAS really gay of me.
to your next point, yes!! exactly!! there are a lot of fics that have eddie be steve's first foray into any sort of homosexual activity or queer awakening, and i DO love those, i will ALSO eat those up with a spoon!! but you're so right, it's SO fun to see it where eddie ISN'T his first. like i fully believe that the seeds of steve's queer awakening were sown from VERY early on in his life (aka his relationship with tommy - whether the feelings get acknowledged or not). if steve doesn't realize it back then while it's happening, then he certainly does in the future when he finally looks back on it all and confronts that behavior/those feelings.
i also LOVE the hc that steve has had more queer experiences than eddie. like, i definitely think that eddie figured out that he liked boys way before steve ever did, BUT steve has still had more queer experiences because he never really saw them as that. he thought sometimes kissing your boy best friend was normal - you've got to get your practice somewhere right? or jerking off your boy best friend isn't weird, it's just a hand. it's just convenience. and eddie, of course, is a queer gay virign - the hill i will die on skjfls.
sooooo YEAH steve propositioning eddie and eddie being just absolutely shook by that because holy shit did steve harrington just say he wants to suck my dick? while steve is just sitting there all casual because it's just another friday night between bros for him. LOVEEEE THAT flkjgfd. that is an excellent hc 👏 love it when that kind of thing happens and eddie is like uhhhh dude. that's hella gay. to which steve is like no?? me and tommy used to do that all the time?? and eddies just like steve. my dude. my guy. you and tommy were hella gay with each other. and it's only in this moment that steve like takes a step back and reevaluates all the shit he and tommy got up to and realizes that, holy shit, yeah, eddie is RIGHT. that all WAS very fucking gay. and shit, maybe he DID actually have feelings for tommy back then, huh. that inexplicable feeling back then suddenly makes a whole lotta sense now. (and then ofc steve rolls with that so quickly and goes, so like can i suck your dick or not? to which eddie loses his fucking mind skfjsf.)
thank you so much!!! that means a lot to hear!! characterization is super important to me so that really makes me so happy you think that!! it is my Civic Duty on this good earth to spread the tommy hagan/stommy agenda and open as many people's eyes to it as i can sldjdsfs.
but yeah! like i said, i just love thinking about tommy. i have a degree in psychology so i LOVE thinking about like what goes on in people's brains and what makes them tick and behave the way they do and what their driving factors are and where those might have stemmed from. so applying all of that to my favorite blorbos is a definite favorite passtime of mine lol. i'm glad it could intrigue you too!!
and ahh thank you!! i hope you enjoy the fics when you do get around to reading them! good luck with your school assignments!! you've got this!! (and yess haha excellent icarus ref 👏)
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
umm could i ask what do you think about the famous "winchester codepency" ? really want to hear your answer since you have nice posts about supernatural, but it's fine if you don't want to answer.
Yeah, no problem! (And thank you for the kind words! It's been a rough couple of weeks --- months, really --- so it's nice to hear... thank you :) )
I will say: I'm not an expert in psychology, but I'm pretty sure that the term "codependency" is usually being used in a context that changes its meaning from its denotation. Most times I've seen it used, people mean it more as Person A and Person B are both unhealthily dependent on each other and less, as I understood it the term: a one-sided relationship in which Person A enables Person B's self-destructive behavior at their own detriment. Honestly, I think the latter definition is usually more applicable. However, there are elements of both --- and, honestly, they've got a fusion of the two going, so separating them isn't necessarily beneficial --- so I'll worry less about terms than about giving my thoughts as well as I can.
I don't think people who've looked at my blog will be at all surprised to hear that I think that the relationship is very one-sided in Sam's favor... but I also pride myself on tending towards objectivity, so I'll even say that it's unhealthy for both of them. Indeed, half of their conflict stems from the results of this; Dean was raised with the maxim of protect Sammy (and the slightly less important follow-up of protect everyone else too), so he did... and this means that he tends to base his self-worth around his success at those things. This also means that Sam's been very sheltered for a lot of his life --- as much as Dean could manage --- so he's repeatedly shown hating things that emphasize his age (visible in the flashbacks that show him eager to know secrets and go hunt, "Sammy is a chubby twelve-year-old; it's Sam.", so on and so forth) and is overall shown as being on a quest to prove that he doesn't need that level of protection. It also means --- since he's been raised as the protected one of the family --- that he has a tendency to act as though he's right in any given situation, even when he's not. And since John's rarely if ever present (or dead, depending on when in canon we're talking), and Dean's got his life based around Sam, that lesson isn't really unlearned most of the time. When it is, it only feeds into his desire to prove that he's capable/not the one who needs to be protected, and the cycle repeats.
This isn't healthy for either one --- albeit in different ways --- even when they're both intact. A lot of the time, these instincts are at cross-purposes. Dean's over-protectiveness rankles Sam's sense of independence; Sam's desire to leave in turn injures Dean. Or, at other times, one is forced to pick between what's best for them and what satisfies their instincts (e.g. Sam gives an ultimatum about Benny and Dean cuts off --- pun unintended; sorry folks --- one of the few healthy relationships he has; Sam can't lose Dean, so he goes through with trying to take off the Mark, and this means that Charlie dies and, subsequently, the Darkness is released; etc).
And that's just if the status quo is intact; when the other dies, this codependency can't be maintained. Dean's got his entire life built around the idea of protect Sammy, but he can't protect Sammy if Sammy is dead. (And, if Sammy is dead, he obviously had to screw up somehow, so clearly he's gotta fix it.) Thus, he sells his soul. Thus, he is probably willing to make a deal (though he doesn't have to since Michael already intervened). Thus, he gets Walt/Roy to kill him, too. Thus, he makes a bad decision and sticks by it. Thus, he kills himself to negotiate with a reaper. Because if he doesn't... Sam's gone. And Sam can't be gone. He's the certainty, the one who's gotta be protected. The sole exception to this is "Swan Song", when Sam has actively asked him to try and move past the tendency to sacrifice --- themselves and others --- for each other... and even then he's Very Unhappy (cue drinking, guilt, PTSD, so on and so forth).
Sam, meanwhile --- through his afore-described a) desire to not be treated like he's a child and b) tendency to assume he's right --- kinda flies off the handle. It's not a consistent flies off the handle --- by which I mean, how he goes a bit bonkers changes from time to time --- but he always does. Usually, it's in a violent way, though that isn't always true (see: Purgatory). In "Mystery Spot", he's desperate to bring back his brother; he spirals into borderline psychopathy in an effort to do so, and is shown to --- at least to some degree --- care less about potential collateral damage. When Dean went to Hell (and, thus, getting his brother himself back seems like an impossibility), he a) finds a figure from whom to seek approval (thus fulfilling the desire to be right and recognized as such) and b) starts drinking demon blood (thus fulfilling his desire to be powerful/not need protection). When Metatron kills Dean, it's not yet impossible for him to be brought back, so Sam immediately becomes willing to make a deal with Crowley; when Dean's already back but they're still separate, Sam snaps back into violent self-assuredness (e.g. being willing to get Lester to sell his soul, etc.) The sole exceptions are when Dean goes to Purgatory and the finale death... and these seem to largely be an exception from the rule, or due to an explanation I haven't yet devised. (Though it does bear mentioning that the latter has him still getting as close to his brother as he can by sitting in Baby.) I might have more to say about this whenever I get there, but for now they must remain in a sub-category.
(It occurred to me about halfway through this beast that you might have meant the term as a euphemism for W*ncest... if so, I, personally, don't ship it and never will --- frankly, their relationship is unhealthy enough as brothers, much less more --- but it's not something I ever really address in my posts.)
I hope that answers your question well! Those are just my thoughts --- and, while I hope they're coherent, I did just kinda word dump onto the page with what sprang to mind at the time... I might have forgotten to say something --- but I hope they seem accurate... Thanks for the ask!
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ilearhmajeste · 1 month
I can't speak your languages with a rib cage
Your afraid because choices you made didn't leave you a government phone.
Your hurt though because I left knd need were having hell yeah that's flat and he still have fart
There something in there heating the ground unevenly. Possibly Texan folk dancers
Yes I'll hold for night vision. Two went to pepsicollainduztrail vat 2 terms sounds like a good education to me. Mont gomerg and meacobra who taught you oboe
I just lie and say I did it in both
This has never happened are there any Mexicans exploding over there where are we going!
I get it your a girl and pretty much nine get that u know bugle or shh piano plays you off
You know which sides button by sleep
Sorry forgot picture it's useless without. Seen to be absorb piper
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If you wanted to hide behind woman, well some men don't understand then some understand nothing but I'll post it anywhere sim tray soccent U S airforce base or we'll kill you.
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Sorry I have so many on hold atm. Just like a palm pilat. Anyways so I usually use the palm of my hand fir grasping my balance as I dribble. If Joel came into the world like that I'd understand why he wants me to wrap him in love music but this . Is palm friendly wonderfloor
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Ok that's not an email.
Easy wrong sid3 off side hockey stick you should bot be visible me you died and pissed me off
-me watching Fqyci on the baseball diamond I know some people who knew some people that hide behind pelosi who broke into far left
And th3 crowds watching their phones
Why shouldn't you. Where do you rather we taste. We can do billy eilish q by 1 in a crown and my compactor like a typical fudd evening
Or we got shooters out the art den. Yes black lure Mexican artists.
Hey any ideas why they just fired on that chemistry teacher? RED Dawn's past. New Day new blue. New honk noise. More people to hide behind more ceilings thag
LeVe a mrk
At some point thersz accepting that it's just tied I. To tightly tk begin with and auto caracta clintonia
Catarphrachts are the mounted option of the byzantine und
There's lkle rhe fact nobody's ever crossed withhhe south of Italy to there left and reached Isreal
Yes, to the left
And options
I have teens of my own they happen to enjoy it
Whose ever ready for the 8 at once? Shares
Yeah exactly like sile.
But I have a drafter apartment and I have to worry about security guards or whatever
Keep falling into disrepair
Like spare a spade
But there's an issue at present with philemon or soft bone not sure e everyone sounds Styrofoam and air raid since they tried posting scout
I'm like you guys see thisbookm I thohvr Atticus is scouts dad but itsyre sounds like he's ceuming her into some luggage on this last few pages
But they don't think ug the eg
That's you people
They thought you'd think it was funny so they 'psyched' into you and you f whatever else you do is static registering . They practice all the time I hear them do it then I do
lol yeah puzo was 'warnjng you to mothman ends s.d dismantling your own bridges I know you make connections just do you have to charge each Too TheLimIt!! Or let some parts just stay fir stubbed toe catharticisn you gotta leave room for scarring tk effect some change it can't all he chi theh catch up yo that and poor look
She has it in chest pop position set
To be honest Raven did take off with the hydrazine bomb and didn't say anything
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That's astricks it's saying from the stars
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Is that building still falling
Sounds like it
Great, who gave sounds like it a damn permit!
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Ok my pipe is gone.
So either I have aids or you need me to sleep because otherwise I guess I do just black between and like not out at all
Just a pink have a day late my back to y'all we have our differences buddy
That does effect shoulder check hey I'm in pentium over hear
It said go back bur what's shirtless servent
Ok then at this point what the care bears did for sharing I can only assume. But somehow you gotta admit you can't fit someone in there without breaking bones up a bit yes noon.
But.... thd battery is dead in one of the phones turn back and I'll leave one baby blue says here closer it's fine ileopoldainter frkm ok hot shit back double back space is used in worms 2 Armageddon to do back flips ya I'm lookin at gheaster bunny
...he's shorter than I so he likes yo adjust still. It was like that's my shader and
Walking away
Sorry was I blocking
Hi hi u can't be at this spirit corner
I'll call bilabong
You got inside
0 notes
lightning-writes · 9 months
good heart (faulty machine of a man) - 20/30
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fic summary: bucky meets someone at therapy
chapter summary: Bucky visits Rue at work (alternatively: Bucky prepares for Rue to join him for Christmas)
word count: 1211
tags: post endgame, pre tfatws, slow burn, canon divergent, canon compliant, au
warnings: none
a/n: introducing a new side character! (also, get ready for part 2 very soon! happy new year folks!)
Rue: soooo 10:23 pm
Rue: I just found out Vick is going out of town w Frank for Christmas 10:25 pm
Rue: and mikey and giselle are going out of town too 10:26 pm
Rue: so ig i’m having a solo christmas this year 10:30 pm
Bucky: I’m sorry 10:33 pm
Bucky: I’m also having a solo christmas 10:35 pm
Bucky: you could come here for christmas 10:49 pm
At the time he’d gotten the text, Bucky had been at his kitchen table, cleaning his usual gun. Now, he’s in the lamp aisle of a nearly empty store on a Friday morning. Just the thought of Rue potentially being in his space forced him to finally furnish his apartment. He’d been really unprepared coming into the store, and now, he’s even more overwhelmed than he would admit.
(When she doesn't answer in the morning, he feels… both embarrassed and disappointed. An odd and unfamiliar combination brewing. Was he overstepping by inviting her?)
An employee approaches him with a casual, “Hi, is there anything I can help you with today?” which immediately launches into an incredulous, “Wait, you’re–!” when he bothers to look at Bucky.
(He’s still not used to being recognized in public. He’s used to people knowing about him, assuming things about him, but them recognizing his face? He suddenly feels naked without his mask. Panic seizes him for a moment, freezing his thoughts and his words)
“Uh,” Bucky scratches the back of his neck, trying for a smile. Raynor would be both proud and devastated. “Yeah, but I’m just, uh… trying to shop.”
“Right, right,” his eyes are wide and buggy as he tries to compose himself, “sorry for freaking out, but an Avenger–”
Bucky looks around, “Uh, yeah, let’s not–”
“Right, right,” the employee repeats, shaking his head and his hands - like he’s getting ready to run a marathon. “Okay, sorry, sorry.” After a deep breath, he hits Bucky with a slightly less crazed smile. “Okay, so did you need help finding anything?”
(His inner Russian voice says, You’ve been compromised, Soldier, get out of there.
Bucky buries the flight response.)
“Yeah, actually… I, uh, am trying to decorate my apartment.”
“Any specific pieces or styles you’re looking for?”
Bucky and the employee, Chris, walk around the store. Bucky has the duty of pushing the cart while Chris adds items in it. He determines Bucky likes both vintage and modern styles, “leaning on the side of rustic”, to which Bucky just nods and lets Chris navigate the shopping. Chris takes the selection process very seriously, crossing his arms and judging, humming and pondering aloud, confirming with Bucky what his “space looks like” and if it “matches his vibe”.
By the time they’ve finished, Chris has a full cart too.
He rings Bucky up with his employee discount, a veteran’s discount, and free delivery for the bigger items.
While Bucky is grateful for Chris, he knows he can never show his face again in the store. He has a feeling Chris is going to tell every person he knows and meets how he’s met an Avenger.
Rue: i’d love that 2:32 pm
The next day, Bucky is doing research in bed when he gets a text.
Rue: hey i have to do some christmas shopping, wanna go? 7:30 am
Bucky: sure 7:39 am
Rue: wow you’re up early lol 7:48 am
Rue: meet me at waterway after work, 5pm 7:49 am
Rue: gotta clock in, see you later 7:51 am
“Table for one or are we waiting for the rest of the party?”
(The hostess at Waterway Brewery, a young, green-haired woman, looks eager for him to say yes, he’s dining alone. He sees the way she’s looking at him - attracted to him and trying to place where she knows him. He hides a little under his cap, feeling his face settle into a disappointed frown.)
“Actually, I’m waiting for Rue.”
The woman nearly pouts. “She has two more tables she’s waiting on. You could have a seat at the bar until she’s done.”
The hostess unnecessarily walks him over to the bar and tells the bartender to put two drinks on her tab for him. Bucky gives a tight lipped smile when she leans into him, telling him to flag her down if he needs anything. Her perfume is too heavy.
He orders a vodka shot and a beer on tap as a chaser.
From his spot at the bar, he sees Rue. She’s chatting with a table of six customers, all young men. He sees the way she keeps her interactions clipped but warm. He almost looks away until he notices it. The closest person, eyeing her legs in her skirt, leering at her a little. Bucky keeps his grip on the beer glass in check… so he doesn’t crush it. As she’s leaving with their payment, the customer grabs her ass.
Bucky’s on his feet. 
The bartender notices, follows his gaze, and says, “Stand down. She’s got this,” with a knowing look on his face. 
(Bucky’s body reacted before his brain connected to his feelings. One thought is danger. Another is protect. Amongst the frenzy of his thoughts and the impossible restraint, a secret option stays in the background: mine.)
The defensive feeling in his chest is rising, blurring his vision, nearly makes him miss Rue’s quick reflexes. 
Rue catches the young man’s hand before he can snatch it back, and she has it bent back unnaturally, one swift move away from breaking. The customer yelps, and his friends at the table are stunned into silence. Rue leans in, saying something Bucky can tell is threatening, before releasing her grip, smiling, and pivoting her way out of the situation.
She comes over to the cash register behind the bar, her brow furrowed. Her eyes are focused on her work until the bartender nudges her and nods to Bucky.
Her face splits into a relieved smile.
“Hey!” She glances at the bartender, to see if he noticed her excitement, but he’s on the other side of the bar, serving someone. “I’ll be, maybe, fifteen more minutes?”
“I have a drink to finish,” he raises his glass. He nods over to the table she just left. “Do you need any help with that?”
“Nope, it’s handled,” she chirps in a strategically neutral voice. He remembers it well, from the earlier days of their friendship. She reaches for his untouched shot and throws it back. Her whole face scrunches, and he laughs. “I’ll be quick!”
When the party of six leaves, and the other table, a family of three with a toddler, Rue hip checks him as she passes, going through the kitchen double doors. She reappears with a long burgundy coat, a scarf, and combat boots. He notices her bare legs and frowns.
(He also notices her hair in a neater ponytail and the makeup she’d touched up.)
“It’s cold out there,” he comments as Rue links arms with him, quickly ushering-slash-rushing him out the door. She gives a curt wave to the green-haired hostess before they’re pushed into the city. She takes a deep, dramatic breath of air.
“They’re tights,” she finally says, pulling at what he now sees is nude fabric on her legs and not her skin. “They’re double lined, I’m fine.”
(Not many things shock Bucky - he’s been around for more than a century - but he stares at her legs for longer than appropriate and not for sinful reasons.
Sorcery, he thinks.)
0 notes
kariachi · 2 years
I am still on the critters on Mari’s farm so...
The pigs are easy. Originally she did berkshires on pasture and silvopasture, fresh out of college, then added tamworths, then Triath followed her home and now she does tamworths and berkshire/whatever-the-fuck-Triath-is crosses. At best he’s a feral hog (far removed from where they’re common...) and at worst he’s some sort’ve not-pig that’s decided he likes Mari. Normal numbers for the breeders are two boars with seven sows each, which doesn’t sound like much but at about 8 piglets a sow twice a year that’s about 220 piglets a year she’s breeding out. There’s a reason she eventually cracked and hired somebody on. Some piglets get sold as breeding stock, show stock, or feeder pigs (Triath’s get are in high demand as breeders, they grow well and somehow have good temperaments) but the vast majority go to the butcher and are sold as either basic cuts, sausage, or smoked meat- the latter two she does in-house with a portion of the meat she gets back. Most of the meat is sold- local farmers’ market, pre-ordered by local buyers, shipped to restaurants, shipped to non-local buyers (fun fact: in the ‘present’ Monette only buys pork products from this farm for Monette Reasons)- but in true country fashion some of it is traded for things, some goes in the freezer, some goes to charity. She also sells lard, fat for making lard and soap, soup bones, skin, cracklins, and offal- mostly in the form of dog food because that’s the local market and it does her well.
The goats are inherited, technically. Her grandmother kept goats and she’s attached to the whole ‘having goats around’ thing. Plus, she’s developed a taste for goat milk that grabbing cow from the store cannot satisfy. Keeps alpines, four does that she AIs once a year, averaging eight kids between them. The milk she doesn’t use in-house gets turned into butter and cheese which is also used in-house or sold, with the leftovers from that supplementing the pig feed. Lowers costs some. Most of the kids get sold, either post-slaughter or live animals, and whatever of them she can’t sell also go in the freezer.
And finally the chickens, which mostly free range. They’re not Marian’s, they’re Jadie’s, but they live on the farm because, fuck it there’s space and Jadie lives there too. Right now primarily they’re working off a neighbor’s old flock- decided to move nearer to the grandkids and sold the flock off cheap- about ten hens, a mix of orpingtons, rhode island reds, wyandottes, and a single easter egger. They also order in about two dozen delawares every year to raise up for meat. They sell most of the meat, with a chunk going to family- sort’ve a ‘I know you don’t know I’m working as a farmhand but sorry for quitting my job and becoming a farmhand’ (as far as their family knows these are all the chickens they raise and it’s a hobby the farmer they’re doing marketing for helps them with)- and the eggs that aren’t used in-house (they eat about a dozen a week, they get ~5.5 dozen while the hens are laying) are sold. Mostly as homemade mayonnaise, but also they’re gauging interest in prepared eggs (pickled, smoked, salted, etc). Only offering pickled right now (they tried for more ‘exotic’ fair straight off, but no dice, gotta ease these country folk into it) but they’re selling out of them so it’s a start. The things you do when the fresh egg market in your area is swamped. They sell their products at the farmers’ market, same booth as Marian’s shit. The plan is to expand the business over time, eventually get their own self-sustaining dual-purpose flock together.
All together they’re both making a profit. Not much of one on Jadie’s end just yet, but Marian is making enough to set aside some decent savings for the future- whether that bring emergencies, a family, or just having to retire- while being able to insure Jadie and pay them slightly above the average wage for a farmhand in their area. Thankfully Jadie doesn't have to worry too much about bills, they’re living on the farm free of charge and have no college debt, so they’re working on a pretty nice nest-egg themselves to be used either to start a family someday or handle emergency expenses or buy a farm of their own.
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whumptober · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 - Updated
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Welcome to Whumptober 2020! We’re doing things a little differently this year so please make sure to read the Event Info carefully. We are also excited to announce the addition of an AO3 Collection, which can be found here.
We hope you’re as excited as us to watch the Whump Community come together once again for a month of bone-crunching creativity and collaboration!
(All 31 Themes + Prompts, Event Information, and FAQs are posted below the cut!)
No 1. LET'S HANG OUT SOMETIME Waking Up Restrained | Shackled | Hanging
No 2. IN THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY  "Pick Who Dies" | Collars | Kidnapped
No 3. MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY Manhandled | Forced to their Knees | Held at Gunpoint
No 4. RUNNING OUT OF TIME Caged | Buried Alive | Collapsed Building
No 5. WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING? On the Run | Failed Escape | Rescue
No 6. PLEASE.... "Get it Out" | No More | "Stop, please"
No 7. I'VE GOT YOU Support | Carrying | Enemy to Caretaker
No 8. WHERE DID EVERYBODY GO? "Don't Say Goodbye" | Abandoned | Isolation
No 9. FOR THE GREATER GOOD "Take Me Instead" | "Run!” | Ritual Sacrifice
No 10. THEY LOOK SO PRETTY WHEN THEY BLEED Blood Loss | Internal Bleeding | Trail of Blood
No 11. PSYCH 101 Defiance | Struggling | Crying
No 12. I THINK I'VE BROKEN SOMETHING Broken Down | Broken Bones | Broken Trust
No 13. BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT Delayed Drowning | Chemical Pneumonia | Oxygen Mask
No 14. IS SOMETHING BURNING? Branding | Heat Exhaustion | Fire
No 15. INTO THE UNKNOWN Possession | Magical Healing | Science Gone Wrong
No 16. A TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY Forced to Beg | Hallucinations | Shoot the Hostage
No 17. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING Blackmail | Dirty Secret | Wrongfully Accused
No 18. PANIC! AT THE DISCO Panic Attacks | Phobias | Paranoia
No 19. BROKEN HEARTS Grief | Mourning Loved One | Survivor's Guilt
No 20. TOTO, I HAVE A FEELING WE'RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE Lost | Field Medicine | Medieval
No 21. I DON'T FEEL SO WELL Chronic Pain | Hypothermia | Infection
No 22. DO THESE TACOS TASTE FUNNY TO YOU? Poisoned | Drugged | Withdrawal
No 23. WHAT’S A WHUMPEE GOTTA DO TO GET SOME SLEEP AROUND HERE? Exhaustion | Narcolepsy | Sleep Deprivation
No 24. YOU’RE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE Forced Mutism | Blindfolded | Sensory Deprivation
No 25. I THINK I’LL JUST COLLAPSE RIGHT HERE, THANKS Disorientation | Blurred Vision | Ringing Ears
No 26. IF YOU THOUGHT THE HEAD TRAUMA WAS BAD... Migraine | Concussion | Blindness
No 27. OK, WHO HAD NATURAL DISASTERS ON THEIR 2020 BINGO CARD? Earthquake | Extreme Weather | Power Outage
No 28. SUCH WOW. MANY NORMAL. VERY OOPS. Accidents | Hunting Season | Mugged
No 29. I THINK I NEED A DOCTOR Intubation | Emergency Room | Reluctant Bedrest
No 30. NOW WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? Wound Reveal | Ignoring an Injury | Internal Organ Injury
No 31. TODAY’S SPECIAL: TORTURE Experiment | Whipped | Left for Dead
Alternate Prompt List
Alt 1. Punctured
Alt 2. Falling
Alt 3. Comfort
Alt 4. Stitches
Alt 5. Stoic Whumpees
Alt 6. Altered States
Alt 7. Found Family
Alt 8. Adverse Reactions
Alt 9. Memory Loss
Alt 10. Nightmares
Alt 11. Presumed Dead
Alt. 12. Water
Alt. 13 Accidents
Alt. 14 Shot
Alt. 15 Carry/Support
Event Info
WHUMPTOBER is a month-long, prompt-based creation challenge (think: Inktober, but whumpier). There are 31 Official themes this year - one for each day of the month - which can be used, skipped, or combined in any way you’d like. They are meant to serve as inspiration without being taken literally (e.g. you don't have to include the exact wording into your work). Additionally, there are 3 prompts for each theme.  These are optional suggestions and can be used in conjunction with the theme, or as options/alternatives.  We want to give everyone as much creative freedom as possible, as well as increase event accessibility for folks with triggers and squicks.
Creators can PRODUCE work in any media they choose, including but not limited to: writing, visual artwork, and photo/video/audio edits. Creators can PARTICIPATE as much or as little as they want (i.e. you don’t have to do ALL the prompts if you don’t want to) and prompts can be used in any order. They are also free to use even after the event ends.
When uploading Whumptober content to your blog, be sure to tag the with:
#whumptober2020 …..(the event tag)
#no.1, #no.2, #no.3, …..(theme number)
#bruised, #stabbed,  …..(the theme or specific prompt you chose)
#fandom or #OC
#medium …..(gifs, fic, podcast, art, etc.)
#teeth, #etc …..(trigger warnings & any additional tags. Keep in mind not to add “tw” in front but only use the word/trigger itself, because tumblr sucks)
#nsfw, #nsfwhump …..(only for nsfw content)
PLEASE BE DILIGENT WITH YOUR TAGGING. Only properly tagged posts are considered for archiving on the official @whumptober2020​ blog. They must be tagged in the order above.
Unfortunately, due to the sheer number of participants in recent years, we cannot guarantee your work will be archived. A random selection of properly tagged posts from all genres will be reblogged each day.
Whumpers who produce content for 31 total theme days are considered event completionists and will be tagged in a masterpost at the end of the month.
Questions not addressed below can be directed to this blog as well.
Thanks for reading, and happy whumping!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What kind of content can I make? Can it be NSFW?
This is a MIXED MEDIA event! You can write fic, post meta, doodle or paint, create a gif set or photo edit, link a song, or get crafty with video - anything goes. As for NSFW, make what you like, we just hope that you’ll tag your work accordingly so that others participating in the event can stay safe :)
Q. Do I have to do all 31 Days? Can I post early/late?
Participate as much or little as you like, and post whenever! Just be sure to tag your posts properly (ex. #no.11, #psych101). Combining prompts into one piece of work is okay, and posting late is as well so as long as it’s in October.
Q. What if I don’t understand a theme?
Send us an ask! We’re happy to help clarify. That said, the themes are entirely up for interpretation :)
Q. Can I combine Whumptober with other creation challenges?
Absolutely! That’s like shooting two whumpees with one bullet :)
Q. Can I upload/repost my whumptober content to other social media platforms?
Of course! We’ve created an AO3 Collection to archive any fics posted there. The archive can be accessed here. The blog is the official archive, so please respect the boundaries of any closeted whumpers in your social circle :)
Q. Can I use prompts to write a new chapter for an existing fic?
Q. An existing fic I am currently writing contains many of the Whumptober prompts, can I use it?
If you are actively writing this fic at the moment with the whumptober prompts in mind, yes. If it just conveniently checks the boxes, then please don’t. You can, however, add new chapters answering one or more of the prompts.
Q. What kind of characters can I write for?
Fandom characters, OC characters, human, furry, alien, cyborg, whoever you like.
Q. Can I use a prompt multiple times?
Yes,  but it only counts once
Q. If I’m not comfortable with one day's prompts can I use a prompt of a different day as a substitute and still be a completionist?
Yes, but please do not use a specific prompt twice. We have also created an alternate prompts list that you can draw from [here].
Q. Where can I post my work?
Post where and how you want. You don’t even have to (cross)post it to Tumblr. Just keep in mind if it’s not on Tumblr we will not be able to add it to the blog archive.
Q. Can I start posting early?
You can, but this is an October event and wouldn’t it be more fun with everyone doing it at the same time? That being said, you can post early, but we won’t be reblogging any work predating October 1st.
Q. Do I have to finish a fic I started/can I post WIP’s.?
Yes you can post WIPs. And you’re not obligated to finish it in October for it to count towards being a completionist.  
Q. Is co-writing allowed?
Yes, absolutely, and it would count towards being a completionist for both/all of you :)
Q. Do I have to create 31 standalone pieces to be considered a completionist or can I write one continuous story?
One continuous story is fine.  The challenge is to write something for 31 prompts. If that’s spread over 31 fics or just one, you are still considered a completionist. (The same goes for every other media you choose.)
Q. Is there a min/max limit on word count?
There is no limit
Q. Can I combine prompts? Is there a limit on how many?
No limit and combine as many as you’d like.
Q. Is a hc/angst focus ok?
Of course!
Q. What’s considered nsfw?
See this post
Q. What's whump?
See this post
Q. My interpretation of the prompt isn't whumpy at all, does that count?
No, sorry, but keep in mind that whump [see definition] is something very nuanced and different for everyone and emotional whump/angst is just as much part of it, as is physical whump and torture. So before you dismiss your idea, think about this.
Q. Can I start working on the prompts before October?
Absolutely! That’s why we posted the prompts a month in advance. We recognise how difficult it can be creating for 31 days in “real time”.
Q. How do I tag triggers?
tw at the end of the word, ex. emeto tw
Q. Do I have to use your tags?
Yes, if you want your work archived on the blog. If not, feel free to use whatever tags you want.  
Q. Does combining prompts count towards completion?
Q. Can we @ you?
Yes but we mostly rely on the whumptober2020 tag
Q. Is there anything we are absolutely not allowed to write?
There are no rules, just be sure to properly tag your trigger warnings. And keep in mind Tumblr’s policies if you are posting it here (or the policies of whatever site you use).
Q. Where can I go for brainstorming help?
Here on Discord
Q. My characters are minors, is that ok?
Yes, but as with everything else, tags are your best friend.
Q. Can I cross post on other blogs?
Yes, multiple platforms and blogs are perfectly acceptable. You can also post different works to different accounts under different names, without posting them everywhere at once.
Note: This is a creation challenge, please don’t repost your old work under our tags (unless it’s been changed or edited for the event).
10K notes · View notes
maxpaulll · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Sona sleepover for the bitches and the hoes (affectionate) ft. @agentplutonium
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Just curious, how many shower thought (response) blogs are there? I just dived into this side of tumblr (not gonna make any posts its fun to read though) and I'm already losing my mind
Well there is
The. Literal. Sun.
S p a c e
The void. It shall consume ALL.
A typewriter incase anyone wants to write their will before they die
Also some ink, not related to the typewriter
Also some words, I wonder who'll use them
A hat with no maker and a maker with no hat
The pen is mightier than the sword. It just so happens that this one is evil. Luckily I can summon multiple
Anyone order some coffee?
Ooo, an author
The literal embodiment if of fanart
A fork, nom noms
B҉ r҉ o҉ k҉ e҉ n҉ 
Soap(for hair)
Bath mat
One (1) bath boi
Some M͓̽o͓̽l͓̽d͓̽ (anybody got some strong disinfectant?)
Nvm, the mold has already caused a plague (gettit?) (although user misspelled it)
Nevermind, there's already a parasite here
Some curtains
A denim jacket
✨ Magic ✨
*Tree poses to assert dominance*
(obviously me)
I think popeye dropped a tin of spinch and it became sentient?
Hummus. dip tost?
Criss Cross applesauce
Wibbly wobbly Wibbly wobbly jellyo
Mmmm océan s o u p
Some poison, a great addition for my soup
Smol bean
Shower magpie who I haven't seen in a while
Bird (brain)
Frog(×2:Electric Boogaloo)
An axolotl!
*looks at smudged writing on hand. Squints. * a raccoon
Stinky bastard man (I just had to put the two next to each other)
Becometh crab 🦀 (x2: Electric Boogaloo)
Edgy Nya~
Tripod of dog
Nina i found one of your neurons (if you understand this reference, good job you)
A rotted brain, keep it away before it infects us all, I only have 2 braincells left
Did... Did someone drop their spinal cord?
The almighty binch
The titanic
Water based introspection
Existential crisis
Also a pacifier (get it because they're also called dummies and their name is dummy)
A foolish thought to say a sorry sight join the shower community (as you can tell we did Shakespeare in English so many times i pretty much can recite everything lady macbeth said)
Anxious 🥺👉👈
Some edgy bastard
A person of culture I see (although obsessed with tweed for some reason)
1 Dapper boi
All smiles and sunshine
HAPPY! (why isn't there yellow 😔)
Affection (Derogatory) (I'm sorry I just felt like it)
Chaos and Order
Op is on drugs
All the F s
And F-general
Get out of the shower
Shower responses
The horny and the simp
Shower sins
Thower shoughts
I take quick showers
Shower thots
Last responder *countdown music*
You have shower thoughts?
Your shower thoughts are stupid
Wtf shower thoughts
Another shower responder
Just shower responses... responses
Response shower
NO SHOWER! only thought (×3)
Mmm, showery
Penny for your thoughts?
Hello darkness my old friend...
furry OwO
A Pigeon got in through the door, who left it open?
I'm feeling devious
You're looking glamorous, let's get mischievous, and polyamorous
Gay is stored in the ass
*opens door and walks through with you exaggeratedly* Fellas we got the whole LGBTQIA+ community right here
Hahaha gender go brrr
Someone who thinks it funny to clown around
Joker (derogatory)
Haha straight
Dead inside
Some supervillain idk
News. Literally a shower news style responses
I cannot believe that I forgot Her Greatest Majesty, the Queen. All Hail Royal
Isaac newton?
M megamind?
Some Phoenix Wright kinnie
What is a Dean Winchester and why does he have a tentacle fetish?
Well well well, if it ain't a homestuckian
Did someone kill/rob The Doctor or something, their TARDIS was left behind and its blocking my pretzels that I left in the shower
Mined crafts uwu
Well well well, if it ain't- *accidentally makes eye contact and is then killed by some unknown shadowy creature holding what seems to be some sort of cube of dirt*
Gen Z and ready to throw hands with OP
Not puki
Nom noms
Dip dap
B͓̽u͓̽n͓̽g͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ ..........
Someone broke their space bar or something
It's time to d-d-d-d-d-dshower
The magical deity of sleepovers
The muffin man genuinely left drury Lane for this
Moonlit nights on a winters day, stars glimmering gently
A child?
The fae. Just all of them. Every single one.
Crocus? (What on earth does that mean)
*sings* baba blacksheep have you any wool? Because if not you will be killed (this fits the tune perfectly. If not I have failed in everything)
The theatre itself is here... Somehow
REEEE- *epic geometry dash gameplay to DanTDM's old intro music*
Yardale, not to be mistaken for riverdale and differs to lawn ale or front porch ale or even meter ale
I'll finish this list later
It's gonna be a long one folks
I'm including a ones that haven't spoken since ages ago because
Boy howdy there's new ones tell me who I'm missing now
Please stop thank you very much this is too many i keep having to add to this any new responder must kill a responder to continue the purge shall claim y'all as I will win i recently started watching Danganronpa
Seriously though everyone after mirror must have a battle royale it's too much i doubt all of you will even last longer than today also happy birthday me -dated:28th- do you even realise what sort of commitment you've made to sell pieces of your soul for entertainment and ability to make such epic retorts each and every post?! I sacrifice many souls DAILY to be throwing such bangers into this stuff y'know?
We have a tap guys we can finally wash our hands of all the blood of our enemies
Seriously though who left the door open I don't want a Pigeon pecking at me (the mishapocalypse got them lol)
So many responders so little time before the end of the world
If I'm missing someone please tell me very thank
There are not enough colours for me to assign a different one to each person 😔 also, wtf is on there twice on purpose
WorldHealthOrganisation IS MISSING (note: you may have a joke in place of name or under a category of names)
So there's lore without me?
ALL HAIL THE LIGHT *moth noises*
Okay now there's alternate timeline versions of responders for the benefit of myself they ain't going on the list bud
There is an incorrect role play blog quotes blog and I am crying. Not of laughter. Just wiuwhdhsjhshjxjabjsjdhdjsj
If any new people join I will go back to causing shower wars for the sake of killing you all I'm done I have snapped my laptop is updating 3 times in a row
I will commit crimes.
Does being a shower responder or role-playing seem encouraging to people to join this "community"? Because I'm pretty sure it's the latter
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saiyuki · 3 years
Paradox Live Voice Drama - Double Trouble (ENG TL)
from the Shuffle Team Show Vol.2 album.
please do NOT repost/rework. sharing the permalink to this post or reblogging is OK.
a head's up: this is not a literal/1:1 TL. i wanted to keep the nuance/tone of speech intact, so i had to adjust the wording of some parts. feel free to PM me to discuss or to let me know if i interpreted some lines incorrectly! i have also included some endnotes, please be sure to read them!
listen to the drama track on spotify.
Timestamp 00:00
Iori: Ah... there we go. That's one decent song done. ...wait, huh.
Yohei: Mm? What's up?
Iori: Damn, I forgot my cigarettes.
Yohei: Mm.
Iori: Oh, thanks. Lend me a lighter too, won't you?
Yohei: Fine. Here you go.
Iori: Thought I'd take the time to chat, planned to bring the paper-rolled cigs, but I left them at the front door back home.
Timestamp 00:53
Iori: You smoke strong, 'keep[1].
Yohei: Don't want a regular smoker telling me that.
Iori: Oh, and make me something high-spirited[2], won't you?
Yohei: What a brazen guy.
Iori: It's no big deal, is it? I've come all the way here to your shop. Yeah? Master!
Yohei: You've got quite the nerve.
Iori: Says you, but you still make it for me anyway. Typical you, barkeep.
Yohei: Oh, shut up.
Timestamp 01:38
Yohei: Here you go. Gimlet's fine for you, right?
Iori: Just as I expected from you. What're you drinking yourself?
Yohei: Scotch for me.
Iori: 's nice. Now... cheers.
Yohei: Yeah.
Iori: Kuuuh~ yeah, this is it. You really know me well, barkeep!
Yohei: Heh. Back then I thought we'd never understand each other though.
Iori: Aah, that was, you know, back then when we just teamed up and messed up this and that.
Timestamp 02:25
Yohei: Goddamnit! That was your fault that we only narrowly got away from paying the settlement money! ...Oi, you listening!?
Iori: Shut it.
Yohei: Feel sorry a little! All that after the old man's trusted us with debt collection! Going that far towards a fellow folk[3], is that normal!?
Iori: Would've gone just fine if you didn't keep racketing around.
Yohei: What'd you say?! You've got guts saying that after bumping off your own folk.
Iori: Those who take advantage of their family's money ain't 'folk', they're nothing more than petty thieves. Guys who break family rules, you catch them and teach them a lesson. What's wrong with that?
Yohei: That's not something you get to decide! The old man's said you've crossed the line, have you forgotten already!?
Iori: Don't rile me up. No complaints if that kind of guy gets offed, right?
Yohei: Huh? You bastard, you want to go against the old man's words?
Iori: Don't misunderstand. I'm giving my all for him.
Yohei: Thenー!
Iori: That's why I'm not letting him off. Those who cause harm for the old man, they gotta make up for it with their lives.
Yohei: 'Their lives', you say...!
Iori: What about it? You're not ready for that? Heh. Coward.
Yohei: Don't fuck with me!
Iori: Let go of me.
Yohei: Don't you act all conceited and smug.
Iori: Huh?
Yohei: Underlings who act on their own against the boss' orders are just a pain in the ass.
Iori: What do you know? You're just a new brat who can't move unless ordered, don't say shit.
Yohei: You ass, you're my age!
Iori: I'm not on your level. I've come this far on my own... unlike you. Yohei: Aah? Like I care, you can't even properly do a little brat's errand! Which one of us is the brat now!?
Iori: Who do you think you're talking to? Don't get cocky.
Yohei: Guh... what are youー!?
Iori: Nothing else to do but teach the brat who doesn't listen a lesson to his body.
Yohei: ...fine. First time I feel like taking you up on your offer! What was the old man thinking teaming me up with this kind of gー
Iori: Good for you, huh? If it werent for his orders I would've finished you off a long while ago!
Yohei: Go ahead and try, then.
Iori: I'll make you regret saying that to death!
Timestamp 05:35
Iori: ...then we got busted having fought by our beat-up face and got beaten up again by the old man, didnt we?
Yohei: Heh. We did, yeah.
Iori: All's but a fond memory now. And, barkeep, to think you've all mellowed out like this!
Yohei: You're in no place to talk. You too, you've changed quite a bit since back then, you know? Iori.
Iori: ...heh. Just saying that... something like that happened.
Yohei: ...yeah.
Iori: Well! Now that we've crossed paths again, we can take our time tonight talking about the old days, can't we?
Yohei: You're right. Your glass' empty - still drinking more, right?
Iori: Then I'll accept your kind offer... let's drink the night away, then? With the tales of our bravery as a snack.
Yohei: Heh, you're kidding.
[1] I translated 旦那 danna as 'barkeep' in this TL. It is also possible go with 'mister' or 'boss', for example, but all things considered, I personally think 'barkeep' suits better.
[2] High-spirited, originally ご機嫌 Gokigen, a pun on Iori's MC Twitter username. (My bad, just realized I forgot to edit this part before posting orz)
[3] 身内 miuchi, referring to people who are part of the same organization/gang - both Iori and Yohei speak in a rough manner, so I think 'folk' would fit better than, say 'family member' or 'group member'.
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heretherebedork · 3 years
The Battle Royale is back!! This time: Uke edtion 2.0: the comeback!! (This time: the battle is randomized and shuffled!)
Now who among here excretes the most uke energy? A gaybie? A soft uke? A perfect Uke? And the contestants are:
Taekyung vs. Adachi
Sky (GB) vs. Tae Joo (Eyes Linger)
Pi vs. Gene
Tian vs. Pharm
ShuYi vs. Shi Lei
Zhao Zi vs. Si Qi
Meen vs. Tine
Jin vs. Arthit
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Wad (SOTUS S)
Karl vs. Gavreel
Tutor vs. Knock
Mico vs. Jaime
Reb vs. Jim
Tong vs. Folk
Paii vs. Wayo (2moons2)
Beam vs. Kit (Both 2moons2)
Mon vs. Shi Gu
Chon vs. Mes
Masuk vs. Nuea
King vs. Third
Puth vs. Boss (My Engineer)
Kao (DBK) vs. Kao (Oxygen)
Chol vs. Xingsi
Mu Ren vs. Yu Hao (Crossing the Line)
Pete (LBC) vs. Fiat
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Ki Wan (Ryu's Wedding)
Hin (Chance to Love) vs. Hin (Lovely Writer)
Aey vs. Yi Chen (Obsessed)
Pao vs. Ake
Phai (Gen Y) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Day (Sotus S) vs. Zon (WhyRU)
Typhoon vs. Mekhin (Close Friend)
Team vs. In
Guitar vs. Ray (Close Friend)
Type (2gether) vs. Sang Ha (Mr. Heart)
Sheng Zhe (Right or Wrong) vs. Shao Fei
Frong vs. Duen
King vs. Sky (My Day)
Ou Wen vs. Minh Hoang
Can vs. Techno
Yu Zhen vs. Bunn
Bonus: (Ga On vs. Da On)
This time, anyone can play! Feel free to play this game! It's open to all!
I'd also like to dare @absolutebl and @raiko101 to try this one! Hehehe
and also: thank you @absolutebl for your posts! I also learned a lot from you! prolly half of these characters came from you so, yay thanks!
Ahaha, wow, my anons are pulling in my mutuals? Again? My life is wild here, y'all. Yay Battle Royale Anon! How did you know I have time to kill before Golden Blood?
Also, this one is fascinating because how does one define uke? Because some of these characters might be bottoms but I wouldn't define them as ukes because ukes are typically the ones being pursued. So I've sort of been trying to figure that out and so some of these get some odd answers depending on the character. Is an uke defined as what most straight girls think of a bottom? Is an uke the character being pursued or who needs to be taken care of?
... Look, uke is an ever-evolving word, especially from when I first joined fandom. So it's very interesting!
Taekyung vs. Adachi
Adachi has to win this. I love Taekyung to death and he's my tiny gaybie but Adachi just... he's darling and small and he needs to be protected and pursued and he just... fits more of what I think of as an uke. Now, this is probably because this is a Japan (creator of the uke/seme dynamic as we know it) versus Korea (who really don't do strong seme/uke dynamics) thing rather than a character thing. Since uke really is in the relationship and not just the character...
Sky (GB) vs. Tae Joo (Eyes Linger)
It's Sky. Sky is a baby. Sky is absolutely baby. He's in need of so much love and care and protection. Although Tae Joo is close and he definitely needs it, it's in a different way. Plus, Sun is gonna take a bullet for Sky and I am an absolute sucker for that. But they're such good characters to contrast.
Pi vs. Gene
I gotta admit that I'm giving this to Gene. Now, this is because of the show. I want Gene to be taken care of by his love. I want Nubsib to love and care for Gene. I don't want Pi to be take care of. I want Pi to go be independent and pissy somewhere else without ever thinking about Mork again.
Tian vs. Pharm
Pharm had to win this. I love Tian, don't get me wrong. But Tian and Phupha have a different dynamics than Dean and Pharm. Dean and Pharm definitely lean more towards what I would consider a seme/uke relationship and, thus, Pharm wins. Also, tiny gaybie Pharm almost always wins.
ShuYi vs. Shi Lei
This is so interesting because it's Taiwan vs Taiwan and they don't do the really strong seme/uke... but yeah, it's Shu Yi. Shu Yi 100%. Shi Lei is an uke but he's not as much of one as Shu Yi. Shu Yi is such a darling who just needs so much love.
Zhao Zi vs. Si Qi
It's Zhao Zi. Look, I adore Si Qi. He's a darling. But Zhao Zi is just gaybie energy x100 alongside abandonment issues and that sunshine over sadness energy is just A+.
Meen vs. Tine
This one is hard. They're both such ukes, such little gaybies... But I like Meen more, so I'm going with him. He was the bright spot in the show where Tine was, ironically, one of my least favorite characters in his show.
Jin vs. Arthit
I had to give this to Jin. He just loved being pursued so much and all the attention and the little gifts from Bbomb just made him so happy. He couldn't help himself. Arthit just didn't quite have that with Kongpob, as much as I love them together. Different vibes.
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Wad (SOTUS S)
Kit is basically the perfect example of a tsundere uke. Like, he is the platonic (lol) ideal. And I love him for that so much. He's definitely one of my favorite characters just in general and such a little tsundere uke he has to win.
Karl vs. Gavreel
This one is a bit harder. Ugh. Like, you could claim it for either one and also argue that neither one is exactly an uke... but I'm gonna give it to Gavreel. Mostly for levels of realism. Karl is just so realistic it's hard to call him an uke.
Tutor vs. Knock
Yeah, it's Tutor. He was tough as nails but he melted so nicely under Fighter's hands and just falls apart and gets sick without him and that's just... such an uke thing, okay? SUCH an uke thing.
Mico vs. Jaime
I had to go with Mico. I love Mico. He's such a darling and absolutely radiates gaybie in need of love energy at all times and I still desperately wish that Hello Stranger the movie had given him more of a chance at the end rather than a rush.
Reb vs. Jim
... It's Reb because Jim just annoyed me mostly. Also, Reb is tiny and adorable and has that super innocent gaybie energy that makes him a bit more real but also a bit more uke. I dunno, this is what I mean about the definition of uke. It's hard to pin down for me!
Tong vs. Folk
Look, I get it, I'm the only person who preferred IttPai to PureFolk. I GET IT. But that just means I'm gonna pick Tong because PokTong was the best pairing beside MarkKit and also holy shit sex and holy shit the love they share that they damaged and hurt so much together... ugh, uke energy be damned, I'm choosing my favorite.
Paii vs. Wayo (2moons2)
Yo is ultimate uke. He's such an uke is almost hurts. Like, he always wins this. Every time. No question or hesitation.
Beam vs. Kit (Both 2moons2)
Kit wins again. Because Kit is a tsundere uke and, frankly, 2moons2 Kit is even MORE of the perfect tsundere uke because he also melts. He melts so hard and so fast and it's adorable beyond belief.
Mon vs. Shi Gu
Sorry, Shi Gu, but Mon is such an uke. Like holy sheesh this boy. This most darling boy. He's tiny and gaybie and adorable and PORTABLE and yeah, he's super uke.
Chon vs. Mes
I'm gonna give it to Chon because he's just... a bit more? To me. He's more of an uke and I love him for it. Tough as nails uke boy with a lot of of darlingness. Yeah, just gotta go with my heart.
Masuk vs. Nuea
I might like Nuea more but I think Masuk has more uke vibes. They're still weak but they're there and I just gotta give it to my darling Masuk. He's so soft and needs so much love and a lot of care.
King vs. Third
Third is ultimate uke. Crying in a shower? Weeping over everything? Very protective friends? Yeah. YEAH. He wins this.
Puth vs. Boss (My Engineer)
Puth just isn't an uke to me. He's got different vibes. But Boss? Boss is an uke and adorable and he just wants to finally love Mek openly and honestly and just be held and goofy and ride on his back. And seriously, love the boy.
Kao (DBK) vs. Kao (Oxygen)
Ugh, this is hard because I'm not 100% on how much an uke Kao (Oxygen) is and I don't really think about DBK ever... I'll give it to Oxygen. I love Oxygen and I miss Kao.
Chol vs. Xingsi
Xingsi wings this by being the most take over uke ever, the one who definitely wants to be spoiled but also knows exactly how he wants to be spoiled and isn't afraid to show it. Gotta love him.
Mu Ren vs. Yu Hao (Crossing the Line)
I gotta give this to MuRen. CTL had almost no seme/uke energy but they definitely went harder in CTY. So... MuRen wins by virtue
Pete (LBC) vs. Fiat
Screw you, they're both ultimate ukes. Everybody wins!
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Ki Wan (Ryu's Wedding)
I had to go with Yeon Woo. Like, I had to. What a darling little uke who needed to be chased and needed to be convinced and needed to be saved from himself and the other people who love him.
Hin (Chance to Love) vs. Hin (Lovely Writer)
Lol, I had to go with Chance to Love because, like, look at that boy. He gave up everything in the hopes that his seme would be happy and just... what a tiny darling. Sadly, Hin didn't get any romance. So... outta luck, child.
Aey vs. Yi Chen (Obsessed)
Obsessed is just all about the seme/uke dynamic. I had to give it to Yi Chen. Like, had to. Absolutely had to.
Pao vs. Ake
Neither are my favorites but I have to give the uke energy to Pao. Ake is adorable and all but Pao just radiates that 'I'm a baby take care of me' energy, especially as a ghost.
Phai (Gen Y) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Yu is the most uke uke to ever uke. Seriously. What a baby. And he's such an uke he has two semes fighting over him! You can't get much more uke than that, let's be honest.
Day (Sotus S) vs. Zon (WhyRU)
Look, I gotta be honest, I mostly just watch the Kongpob and Arthit scenes of SOTUS S. But also... Zon. Zon is puppy uke. He is tiny, tiny puppy uke and I cannot deny him that title. He deserves it.
Typhoon vs. Mekhin (Close Friend)
I gotta give it to Typhoon. I still don't like that part very much and I just want to protect him from his boyfriend ignoring him and I think part of that is what makes him such an uke. I just want to protect him so badly.
Team vs. In
In's not an uke to me. But Team? I'm good with that. I can handle it. And he needs that care and that love. Also, as I say every time... Between Us must exist!
Guitar vs. Ray (Close Friend)
Gui beats Ray by a hair. BARELY at all. But I just love Gui and his darling softness and just his everything... Ugh, Gui definitely has uke energy.
Type (2gether) vs. Sang Ha (Mr. Heart)
I gotta go with SangHa. What a darling boy. Type is great and all but their relationship is much more equal than anything else. And SangHa is just... this boy who needs to be loved and cared for and then to run alongside his boyfriend.
Sheng Zhe (Right or Wrong) vs. Shao Fei
I gotta give it to Sheng Zhe. I love Shao Fei deeply but Sheng Zhe wins in terms of uke. Like, he's darling and family and sweet and full of love and I love him so much I cannot even.
Frong vs. Duen
Duen gets it, even if I view him as entire asexual and, frankly, more than a bit aromantic. I genuinely think he dislikes being in a committed relationship. But... uke energy? Yeah, he gives out more than Frong.
King vs. Sky (My Day)
King is way more uke than Sky because Sky isn't uke at all. My Day was amazing for having such no seme/uke dynamic, yo. But King? Yeah, he's got that energy with Ram.
Ou Wen vs. Minh Hoang
I'm gonna give this to Minh Hoang. Because Ou Wen isn't uke energy for me. But Minh Hoang has some. Neither of these shows really does the seme/uke energy, honestly. But I can lean a bit more towards Minh Hoang.
Can vs. Techno
I'm giving it to Can despite the unconventional nature of his relationship with Tin and the maturity they show through the show. But I love Can and the want to care for him and I want to protect him. And the more I want to protect a character, the more I go with uke. (Not that I'm a seme, I'm just a sunshine puppy disguised as a person.)
Yu Zhen vs. Bunn
I feel weird but I'm definitely giving it to Yu Zhen. I gotta. I can't help myself. He's such a darling young man who just needs to be taken care of by Shi Lei on every possible level. I mean, boy still doesn't know not to eat gummies. Seriously.
Bonus: (Ga On vs. Da On)
I have to give this to DaOn. I can't help myself. I get the same energy from Ga On but DaOn just sends me away with the need to protect him, seriously.
Holy shit that took me the entire length of The Boy Foretold by the Stars, fyi. BUT I DID IT.
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ramp-it-up · 4 years
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Pairing: Rafael Casal x Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Minors DNI, Some pictures, Angst, Pining, drinking, explicit language, oral sex (female/male receiving), love fluff. All errors my own.
A/N: This an ask from @honeysucklechocolatedrippin​ from the 100 smut prompts ask list. I got caught up with this one because I went back to the Show Runner AU.  I kinda love these two.  Hope you enjoy. Read Show Runner.
This press tour was going to be all work. No play. 
Those were the strict rules that you were given.
This was the premiere film and television festival and January in Park City could be a fun, wild place and time, but you were on the clock. 
There would be no open flirting, touching, or even covert fucking while the cast was there. 
You listened to the lecture and smiled and nodded when appropriate.
Truth be told, you really weren’t paying attention, just waiting on your knees, naked and wet, to suck the shit out of his dick. 
When he gave you permission to of course.
You were determined to suck all those stupid ideas out of his brain along with all his cum when he gave you the chance. 
And Rafael was, indeed, without much coherent thought when you were done.
That conversation was of no consequence to you four days later when you landed in Park City. 
Daveed and Rafa had been there for two days and the rest of the cast was trickling in. 
You gathered your bag while answering a few questions from the paps and headed to your hotel alone, following the driver who held your name up outside baggage claim to a luxury suv.
You texted Rafael that you had landed, to which he just replied, “Good.”
No, ‘how was your flight,’ nothing. 
You sighed, assuming he was busy. 
He had been texting you nonstop for the past three days and now he wanted to play you. 
That was cool.
You relaxed as you took in the snowy scenery of snowy Park City. 
You were taken to a stunning tiny little chalet at the edge of the city and halfway up the mountain. 
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The views were spectacular, the cute cozy kitchen fully stocked, and the fireplace was bomb.
As you took in all the antler decor, you texted Rafa again, hyped at the accommodations.
This is dope!
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You made sure your cleavage was right in your v-neck sweater and took a selfie of you from above in the bedroom. 
I can’t wait to be on my knees for you later.
You saw the thought bubbles, but no response.
Cool cool cool. 
If that’s what he wanted. That’s what he would get. Ice.
You shook your head and looked in the refrigerator for water. You also found your favorite snacks. 
Production thought of everything. You’d thank Gwen later.
You relaxed on the couch until it was time to get ready for the mixer. 
The car was ready to go at 6:45, in time to get you fashionably late to the Television mixer at the Waldorf Astoria at 7.
Because of all the traffic, you didn’t arrive until 7:30, but you were chilling. You spotted your crew immediately, partly because they were the loudest. 
You loved this new family you made.
“Ayyyy! What’s cracking! We thought you’d never make it. Late flight? You want a drink?”
You laughed at Daveed, seeing that he was on his way to getting lit.
“I’ll have what you’re having.” 
He raised his cute ass eyebrow at you. “This grown folks shit. You sure?”
“Yes. I’m grown. I need to catch up to you! I misjudged the time to leave my chalet. What time did you all leave yours?”
“Ummmm. I walked downstairs like 20 minutes ago. The whole cast is staying here. You’re the only one staying on the other side of town.”
You didn’t know what to say as Daveed turned to go get your drink.
You looked around and saw a lot of actors you’d love to work with, some you already had, and some you knew to stay away from.
You spotted Rafa’s golden hair on the other side of the room. 
You weren’t going to go after him, and you didn’t need to, because some of your cast mates enveloped you and Daveed brought you a drink.
You were having too good a time to worry about Mr. Artistic Integrity.
You two circled the room, never really ending up in the same place. You finally saw him with Gwen and got a chance to talk. Rafa saw you approach. He nodded.
“Hey, Long time no see. You make it in ok ?”
You looked at Rafael for an extra beat. He’d seen you up close and personal three days ago when you’d ridden his face. 
But you were an actor. You could play this game.
“Hey Casal. Yeah, I got a few hours ago.” 
You turned to the logistics producer. 
“Gwen! My chalet is so dope!”
She raised her eyebrow at you. 
“That’s great! So, you wanted peace and quiet and away from the rest of us, ay?” Gwen laughed as you and Rafa smiled politely. You were seething. 
“Trying to avoid all the parties. I get it now, although I thought it was weird that you declined accommodations.”
“You know our girl, always a loner.”
Rafael took a sip of his drink, looking at you over it. Your blood boiled but you turned and smiled at Gwen.
“Yeah. On my INFJ shit. What’s the lineup for tomorrow?”  
You made small talk to avoid cussing Rafael the fuck out. He stood there for a minute, listening and being an adorable muthafukin asshole. 
Other people came up and you didn’t even notice Rafa step away. But you spotted him, in a corner with that little twat Ava with the tight little body. Just his type.
He saw you stalking out of the mixer as he chatted her up.
Two hours later, you were cozy in the hot tub, smoking some kush to relax, scrolling your phone. 
A TMZ post from your explore page caught your eye. 
There was a picture of Daveed, next to Rafa and Ava, who looked pretty close and fucking beautiful together. 
The gossip site gushed over the picture of the Bay Boys, noting the ‘adorable couple’ and their mingling at the mixer and somehow sneaking in a not so subtle hint that they were staying at the same hotel.
That was the final straw. You saw it all. Rafa wanted you far away from him while he fucked this little miniature Bratz doll. Bet.
It was only midnight. You were going to get your own plastic action figure for the night.
The next morning, you met up with the crew at the suite which was set up for the series press day. 
You went straight to Chelsea who was set up in the bedroom of the suite.
You gave her a hug and took off your sunglasses. Your eyes were puffy.
“Damn girl. You did have fun last night. I got just the thing for those circles.”
You breathed a sigh of relief and let her work her magic.
You emerged ten minutes later and went and got something to eat and a bottle of water from the catering station set up in the kitchen. You watched D and Rafa charm the interviewer. 
You took a deep breath. You could do this.
Ten minutes after that, you find yourself sitting in a chair with the cast lined up, somehow seated next to Rafael.
As the first interviewer was setting up, you got comfortable in your chair. Being a professional.
“I see you had fun last night.”
You looked over at Rafael as if surprised to see him there.
“I’m sorry?”
He smirked at you.
“I said it looks like you had fun with Michael last night.”
He held up his phone and you squinted at a post of you and your new friend, a highly sought after actor who had been in one of Rafa’s favorite movies. 
The pic was from after you went back out to the club last night. You were hugged up close.
You looked in his eyes and saw that he felt some kinda way. He had some fucking nerve.
You smirked. 
“Yeah. He’s really truly a dope person. Not just beauty, but brains too. I love an intelligent man. We… talked all night.” 
Rafa’s smile slipped. You sat back and put on a megawatt smile for the reporter.
The entire day was filled with your secret shots and animosity toward Rafa. 
You couldn’t wait to talk to him in private and tell him not to call your cell phone ever again.
Reporter: “This show has many complex relationships, and you are at the center of two of them that are just developing as the series begins. What do you do to ease into a new relationship?”
You leaned back and crossed your legs.
“That is a great question. Let’s just take an example of, say, meeting someone at... a club?”
Daveed leaned in front of Rafa and said, “This is not a true story from last night by the way.”
“Of course not,” you quickly replied and winked. Everyone laughed, everyone but Rafa.
“What I’ve found recently that works wonders is: ‘Oh my god you’re so much better than the last person I was with.’”
Everyone was dying laughing.
Rafa choked on his water. You leaned over and patted him on the back. “You good?”
He just glared at you. You shrugged and kept it moving.
“No, but really. You should start off in a relationship where you can be open and honest. There’s really no relationship if you can’t have that.”
Rafael cleared his throat, but you refused to look at him.
The press day continued.
After eight hours of interviews, you were ready to get out of there, so while Rafa and D were playing host, you managed to get out and to the car. 
You were exhausted of the tension.
On your way to the chalet, Rafa texted you.
‘We need to talk.’
You huffed. Now he wanted to talk. 
Well, tough shit. 
You blocked his number. 
You couldn’t function like this right now. You and him could break it off next week in LA. He was right, you were on the clock.
That night at the Midnight showing, you sat with Michael. 
Might as well try to have some fun. The paparazzi were snapping lots of pictures with you two.
While Mike took a quick interview, you made your way to the bar alone.
“You’ve not answered any of my texts. Or my calls.” 
You rolled your eyes at Rafael.
“You’ve texted and called?” 
You shrugged and took a drink.
“Look. We can do all that back in Cali next week. Gotta keep it professional here, isn’t that the deal?”
You downed your drink and walked back over to Michael, Rafael boring a hole in your back. 
He left you alone after that.
The next day and night were much the same, a cast interview and screening of two episodes during the day and another industry party at night. 
Rafa being so busy made it easy to stay away from each other.
You got back to your place with a bottle of tequila about midnight. 
You were flying out the next day and you should have some fun, even if it was not what you’d envisioned before you arrived in Park City. 
You hated Rafael Casal. 
But you refused to cry. Again.
An hour later, you looked up from your drunken haze to see Rafa standing over you. 
He looked so damn good in this dream.
“You shouldn’t drink a whole bottle of tequila in a hot tub, especially alone.”
“What the fuck do you care? You’re probably fucking Ava ten ways from Sunday right now.”
Dream Rafa raised his eyebrow at you and shook his head.
“Why would I want to fuck Ava?”
“Right? Especially when you could have all this.”
You stood up, almost falling and showing off your wet, naked body.  You giggled as he appreciated you, his eyes sweeping down your body.
Dream Rafa moved closer to you and grabbed your hand as you wobbled. 
“Let’s get out and get you some water.”
He helped you out and wrapped you in one of the huge white fluffy robes that you’d found in the closet.
He led you to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator.
You drank, your head clearing, but just a bit.
You kept staring at Dream Rafa, who was regarding you steadily, a weird look on his face.
When you finished, he walked you to the bedroom and watched as you lay down. You looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was 1:30 am.
You opened your robe and turned to see Dream Rafa in bed with you.
“How convenient. I’m so so horny Dream Boy. Haven’t had any dick since last week.” 
You untied the robe and grabbed your breasts, squeezing them and rolling your nipples, arching your back.
Rafael watched you hungrily.  
“Help me to get off. Fuck me, Dream lover. The real Rafa doesn’t want me anymore…”
You moved your hand down to your core and started playing in it, moaning and watching Rafa watch you.
As he licked his lips, you brought your hand up and let him taste the wetness on your fingers. He hummed, then took your hand in his.
“Not like this. I want you. Fully present and clear headed. But I want you. And we need to talk.”
He kissed the palm of your hand and covered you with the robe again.
You groaned and turned away from him.
“Even the Rafael of my dreams reject me? I can’t believe I’m in love with such a jackass.”
You didn’t feel Rafa pull you close as you started shoring.
You woke up alone, mad at the sunlight. Your head was pounding. 
Your mouth was parched, but you found a bottle of water on the bedside table. 
You grabbed it, grateful that you got it on the way to the bedroom last night. 
As you sat up and drank, you groaned as you thought back to your dream. 
You had to get him out of your system.
You got up and went to the kitchen, halfway expecting to see him there. 
You sighed with something that must have been relief when he wasn’t there. 
You took your water and some grapes to the little kitchen bar and sat there, eating and drinking slowly with your head in your hand.
You jumped when you heard a key in the front door and stared when Rafa let himself in. 
“Look who’s up. Bet you’ve got a doozy of a headache.” 
You just continued to gape as he put his bags down on the counter. He handed you a bottle of aspirin.
“You’ll need these.” He put some pedialyte in front of you. “And this.”
“Wait. Did you just let yourself in? With a key?”
“Yeah. This is my chalet. I own it.”
Your mouth dropped open. 
“I thought you had a hotel room.”
“I do. This is business so production put the cast up there. D and I decided to join.”
Your heart clenched at the fact he did not want you there too. What was this reality? Then you thought about the dream.
“Wait. Were you really here last night?” 
You were confusion.
Rafa smiled at you. 
“You want something to eat? Gotta get something in your stomach besides tequila and grapes.” 
You groaned and held your head at the realization that last night was not a dream.
“Fuck. Did I say all that? Did I do all that? Out loud?” 
You peeked at him through your fingers.
That smile. “Yeah.” 
You were mad. He looked to fucking happy. 
“Well, don’t take it personal. I was zooted. When I’m sober, I hate you Rafael.”
He frowned. “Are you sober now?”
You opened the bottle of aspirin and drank some pedialyte. 
“Unfortunately, yes. Very sober.”
Rafa moved next to you.
“I’m going to come closer so I don’t have to yell.”
He tipped your chin up with two fingers.
“I can’t believe I’m in love with a fucking brat.”
You were ready to fight.
“I’m a brat? I’m a BRAT?” 
You leaned back, your hands on the counter behind you to get some space from the electricity bouncing between you.
“You ignore me as soon as I land in the same city as you, and then you put me out here in this secret hideaway so you can fuck with that Ava chick.” 
You closed your eyes because you’d be damned if you cried right now. 
“I thought we agreed that we’d talk to each other before we tired of each other and got with other people?”
Rafa leaned close to you, caging you in with his arms on the counter beside yours. 
You could barely breathe, the emotions were getting the better of you. You just wanted to kiss him.
“Who told you that I fucked Ava?” 
This time you raised your chin on your own.
“No one had to tell me. I saw the pictures of you two together. I can read, Rafa.”
“Not very well in this situation, I’m afraid.”
Rafa shook his head and looked down. Then looked back up at you with those damn eyes.
“You also don’t listen. Did you even hear what I said? I just said I love you.”
You just stared at him.
“Wait… what?”
Rafa brought his hips closer to yours, standing up tall. You wanted them on you.
“I love you, you fucking brat. Why would I want Ava when the woman I love has all this.”
And he reached for you, opening the tie on your robe. He sighed as he moved his hands on your brown skin. He was home.
“I want you to listen. Listen before you jump ahead and try to argue.”
You were about to say something and clamped your mouth shut at his warning glance.
“I told you, this was work. And we agreed not to go public with our relationship yet.”  
He saw you wanting to protest.
“We agreed.” 
His hands spread against your stomach, thumbs on your warm nipples.
“I wasn’t ignoring you, I was controlling myself. I wanted to meet you at the airport, but the paps are swarming.”
Rafael's blue eyes were now dark.
“And I didn’t stash you away because I wanted to fuck Ava, but because this is my home and I wanted you in it.” 
Rafa finally kissed you, and you took his tongue in your mouth, wanting to own a part of him.  Your moan while you kissed was getting him even harder.
“And when you sent me that picture of you in the bedroom, I wanted to run over here and take you in every room,  but I couldn’t. Still working. Just had to jack off when I could. To that picture.”
You moaned as his words made you drip down your thigh.
He pressed his pelvis to you and you could feel how hard he was. You took a ragged breath and forced your hands to remain on the counter. 
But you looked up into those burning blue eyes. You were wet and ready.
“It was killing me knowing that you were so close, sleeping in my bed without me, naked in my hot tub without me, and that I couldn’t touch you, hold you. Fuck the shit out of you. Hear you scream my name.”
“Tire of you? God, I wish I could get tired of you. I want you all the time, I can hardly function when you’re not around.”
He kissed across your collarbone to the other side of your neck. You were definitely weak.
“I was coming over that first night, but I saw you going out. To the club. Where it seems you hooked up with Mike.” 
Rafa bit down on your pulse point.
“Rafa, I…”
Rafa licked the spot he just bit. 
“Shhh. I know you didn’t get with him, but you were a bit of a bitch at the Q and A day. And then you took him to the midnight screening.”
Rafa was appraising your body possessively now.
“You tried to make me think that you were with him; that he was touching you like this.”
Rafa grabbed your breasts and squeezed your nipples between your fingers. You arched into his hands.
“It was like you were teasing me.” 
His hands moved down your torso and around to your ass, squeezing and pulling your cheeks apart and ghosting your intimate parts with his fingers.
“You know I don’t like to be teased.”
He released you and took two steps back, leaving you feeling bereft.
You were panting in the middle of his kitchen. You felt what it was like to be teased.
“Rafa, I’m sorry. Please…”
Rafa was two steps ahead of you. He was pulling his Oaklandish hoodie over his head. Then he shook his head at you.
He bent his head to your breast as he lifted it roughly to meet his lips. He drew your hard bud between his lips and grazed it with his teeth. 
Rafa nipped and sucked your flesh roughly as he licked the fingers in his other hand and reached between your legs.
“Did you want Mike to touch your cunt like this?”
“No...only you Cash…”
He traced his fingers between your wet lips, causing you to shudder and moan. Then he started to tease your clit.
“Tell me what I want to hear. Tell me you love me.”
“I..I…” You didn’t know when it happened, but it did. “Fuck it. I love you Rafael.” 
You sigh in relief and with desire as he pushed his fingers deeper into you.
He moaned softly in your ear as he pressed you back against the island.
“Good girl. Now tell me more. Tell me you love what I’m doing to you right now. Tell me you love this shit.”
“I love it so fucking much,” you squeaked, holding on to his shoulders for dear life, your nails digging in.
As he pumped his fingers, you wriggled and started to grind against his hand. As you wriggled more, he cursed under his breath.
“Fuck! Stay still.”  
His tongue licked up and down your neck as his hand went faster and faster, playing you like an instrument.
You were getting so close, and Rafa could feel it. So he stopped and stepped back again, panting while he tasted his fingers and leaving you quivering and emotional.
You refused to beg, but he knew what you needed.
“I want to punish you for not listening to me and your heart, but I can't because I’d be punishing myself.”
He walked toward you again, put his hands on you and slid down your body as he knelt before you.
Rafa looking up at you like that made you fall in love all over again. 
He leaned forward and kissed your lower lips oh so tenderly. Then, he licked them, and you had to hold on to the counter again. Then he started talking.
“I’ve been hard for you ever since you texted me that you touched down.” 
He kissed each of your thighs and lifted one up and rested it on his shoulder. You were not ready.
“I was so pissed off all day. Until I saw you that night.”
Rafa lightly licked a long stripe between your legs.
He pulled back and looked at your pussy, as if entranced.
“But, I stayed away from you at the mixer because I knew I would drag you to a bathroom and bend you over the sink…”
Rafa slowly rolled his tongue over your slit. You held your hand over your mouth as you watched him.
He looked up at you and chuckled. 
“No close neighbors. Let me hear you.” 
He sighed as he looked at you again. 
“I wanted to take you in the bedroom at the suite during the press day and put your ankles around your ears to dig out that attitude.”  
Rafa licked you again, making you tremble and moan loudly.
“I decided to come and give you an ultimatum last night, but I get here and you were so cute and drunk and said that you loved me.”  
He graced you with a smile. You smile back and brush his hair out of his eyes.
“I know you said that I don’t own you. But you own me. Body and soul. I’m starving for you.”
And then he dove in, making you gasp as he eagerly parted your lips with his tongue and started to flick it back and forth over your clit, grasping your ass and your leg to support you and keep you in place.
This time he didn’t stop. He licked and sucked and swiped, his head moving back and forth as he ate. He did it until your eyes rolled back into your head and you were screaming his name. He increased his pace and intensity until you were a quivering, moaning mess. 
You come on Rafa’s face in the middle of a ski chalet in Park City, Utah.
You were still quivering as you watched him stand up, take off his shirt and wipe his face with it.
“So, you can take your flight back to LA in a couple of hours, or you can stay until Monday and we can be seen together tonight. In public.”
Your face lit up as he led you to the bathroom. You were catching on.
“And we will be ‘good friends’ for a few weeks until we let on.”
“Now, you’re listening.” Rafa was smiling wide now.
“Wait, does Diggs know about us?” Rafa started taking off his pants. You needed what was inside.
“Nevermind. I know the answer, Jackass.”  
You ignored Rafa’s laugh as you began to make up for lost time.
Read the next part, Scene Stealer Tagging: 
@theatrenerd86 @lonelydance @sillyteecup @ohsoverykeri  @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @ivycomet @lonelydance @jbrizzywrites @curtainremote @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin @peaches-and-mangoes​​​ @delaber @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @einfachniemand​
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