#goulash in the winter
color-of-magic · 2 years
Sometimes I feel a bit bad that you will never get to eat some of your favorite foods again 
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vegan-nom-noms · 5 months
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Vegan Yeast Dumplings With Szegedin Goulash (Hungarian Stew)
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Yes, I know that love is like ghosts Oh, and what ain't living can never really die
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finally found and ordered a copy of the czech cookbook my mum has so that I’ll be able to try out more recipes
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foodforthebrain0007 · 8 months
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
Marillenfleck in Winter
König x FemReader
Fluffy Fluff Fluff!
Feed me Seymore Feed me!! <<< 🍖
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"We can do this-"
You muttered to yourself and then down at your swollen stomach. Feeling the fluttering kicks of the child locked inside of you- assuming that was them agreeing.
"Hell yeah-"
Stepping forward with all the confidence you could muster as you carefully lowered the breaded pork cutlet into the hot oil and watching it carefully bubble as you let it settle.
Stepping back as the oil reacted for a moment before settling-
Two months ago before your husband left for his mission was lying in bed with you, his hand on your stomach as he reminisced-
'It is moments like this I almost wish to return to my Village just to show you off.. and share in some food with you' He mused, you looking at him in surprise.
'Wait we don't live near your home?' You say surprised, Having always assumed that König had chosen the secluded cabin 40 minutes from the closest village cause he was familiar with it. He chuckled at this and shook his head-
'No, I'm from near Dürnstein-'
Which was on the otherside of the country from were the two of you lived- You silently vowed to bring at least a taste of his home to him-
So for two months you'd been gathering ingredients and experimenting to make some folds from his home-town.
Did you have any real idea what you were doing?- No.
Did you know if these were ment to be eaten together?- Hell No.
Were you trying your best? Absolutely.
Speaking of trying your best- it was dead winter, 7inches of snow a day easy and what doesn't grow in winter?
So many Apricots in most of these recipes from near his home. Apricots cakes, wines, pastries, even in sauces with pork!
So you finding apricots was the most important thing. You tried the internet but didn't trust the quality from most places or they were dried which wouldn't have worked-
That's when you ventured out being forced to touch grass- Well snow in this case.
Market after market, looking in their freezer section to produce you couldnt find shit for the first 2 weeks of this adventure.
You were honestly thankful you were pregnant since when you went to the village closest to you asking for apricots in dead of winter- people assumed it was a desperate cry for a craving and a older women gave you a bag of them from her deep freeze she had saved. You of course paid her handsomely for the kind gift
This thrn started your dark road of trying to figure out these fucking recipes-
You tried every recipe and varient you could, pulling up photos of restaurants near your husband's origin and trying to match them-
Another blessing of being pregnant was being able to eat any failed attempts or trying recipes that wasn't going to be fed to König.
However the time had finally come! König was going to be home within the next hour, having called you the night before from his train station to tell you his arrival and you'd fluttered to make sure everything looked perfect.
"Alexa! Set a timer for 20 minutes!" You called out, flipping the cutlet seeing the even golden crust.
Reaching over you check the goulash stewing in the pot and saw it was almost done. Stirring it once before you checked on the bread dumplings and pulled them from the boiling water- You hadn't made these before in your experimental 2 months so you were excited!
Bacon Bread dumplings- Time to taste!
Taking a big bite you paused- truthfully confused over what the fuck you'd just put into your mouth. Chewing for a while as you tried to figure out if you'd done something wrong or if your taste was more off then you thought due to the baby- after the second bite you knew it was the baby and not the food especially whem you spooned some of the goulash ontop.
"...You know what, I'm just gonna blame you for this-" You said pointing at your stomach which earned another fluttering feeling as you finished the dumpling and stew sample.
Pulling the cutlets you let them sit on a wire rack as you plate the potatos and salad Konig liked- However your eyes landed on the centerpiece of this meal and what you were so focused one. The Marillenfleck Cake.
Still cooling as the beautiful Fluffy pastry showed off its shivered almost and the delicate apricots baked into its Fluffy self.
A summer apricot staple you'd manage to drag into winter!
You suddently heard the sound of the truck pulling up to your home, jumping in excitement you set the finished goulash down on the table and rushed around for the final touches.
Setting the plates down you mentally high-five yourself and rush to the front room as you hear König walk in. Grumbling about the snow outside as he kicked off his boots-
"Welcome Home Honey" You say cheerfully, wadling yourself over to your man- He had his mask off, most likely shoved away in his pockets in desperate need of a wash and he seemed to have showered at base since the black paint wasnt around his eyes-
Soft gray eyes greeted you and König gave a wide smile, reaching out and scooping you quickly in his arms and kissing your lips.
"I have missed you Liebling, You and the baby are well?" He asked softly as his gloved hand touched the swell of your stomach.
"Yes, We are fine. I'm so glad your home" You say cheerfully, feeling your eyes get misty already just by having him home.
"I have a surprise for you" You say cheerfully and jump, making the man chuckle at your physical excitement or attempt since the belly seemed to keep your feet planted.
"Oh?" He chimed amused, peeling off his coat and gloves as you pulled him to the kitchen and waiting set dining table.
When König saw all the food, his heart fluttered. He saw how much time this took, slowly stepping forward as he gazed over your heard work in total shock.
"(Y/N)- You did so much.. You should be resting not slaving in the kitchen" He said softly, looking at you in worry for your effort in the fantastic meal set on the table.
"I wanted to give you a nice surprise, You hungry?" You saw with a smile- Konig chuckling at this as he nodded, pulling out your chair so you could sit first before sitting himself.
Severing plates König couldn't help but laugh at the wide variety you'd made, from pork schnitzel and potato salad and the goulash and dumplings. Eating happily he hummed delight.
"I'm impressed! Very Gud Mein Liebling!" Demolishing the plates infront of him as the two of you sported casual conversation and König feeling your baby bump-
"And for dessert" You say cheerfully as you cut him a slice of the cake and set it before him. His face twisting in confusion.
"Liebling were did you get marillen {apricots} in winter?-" He asked genuinely confused as he cut into the pastry clearly doing a lot of mental math in trying to figure out how you manages this.
"It's a long story, but I got them!" You said cheerfully cutting open your own and taking a massive bite- Giving a laugh at how delicious it tasted and how you'd managed to not fuck anything up.
Raising a brow of this he hesitated ever so slightly before taking a bit of the dessert and paused, his eyes softening as an almost sad smile hit his lips.
"Konig?.." You say softly as he looked to you- His own eyes misty.
"I haven't had this cake since my Mutti made it for me before she passed-" He said softly, taking another bite of the dessert and smiling. Your heart Sinking at his words-
"I was always so scared to try it again since I knew it wouldn't taste the same" He smiled fondly as he reached out and pulled your seat close to him, love in his gaze.
"I don't know how- But youve made it taste just like the one she made" He said softly, wrapping his arm around you as he kissed your hair and you could feel the waves of emotion off of him.
"Danke my love" He said softly, lips still pressed to your hair as he held you tighter. Of course hormones not helping as tears rolled down your cheeks.
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soup-mother · 29 days
I'm encountering the problem that as soon as it gets into autumn and winter i immediately start wanting to make big pots of goulash and stamppot and stuff. it's soup and stew weather (stamppot is not either of those but roll with me here) and I'm not going to let people escape this fact.
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palettepainter · 1 year
First off, thanks for the shoutout :3
Secondly…..headcanons about Uncle Deadly? 👀👀👀👀👀
No problem! That hc of Penny and Ted being that one overly sappy loving couple off camera is literally scratching at the walls of my brain it is SUCH a cute Headcannon!! 
And good old Deadly! Haven’t thought about him in a while, shame on me tbh so here you go!
-Deadly being a dragon/lizard I like to imagine is likely cold blooded, so he largely relies on his environment to keep warm 90% of the time. While most of his wardrobe is dedicated to fancy suits, it’s also full of lavish winter wear that the rest of the muppets can only dream of owning. It’s worth the dent in his wallet if he can stay warm in colder weather 
-Gloria Estefans adopted dad don’t @ me he literally carried them in a baby harness in the 2015 this man is a father
-He has a particular fondness for fish, likely linked to him being some dragon/lizard/general goulash type creature 
-The whole fancy act he puts up is more of a styx he picked up in his early days in the world of fashion. Alas turns out no matter how charming he makes himself appear there will always be people that find him unsettling. In private he’s actually a lot more laid back then people think. The only real person that’s gotten a hint of this more relaxed, natural self is Piggy 
-Him and Piggy are genuinely close and he genuinely cares for her. Piggy is Gloria’s unofficial “Auntie” and Piggy loves em so much. Always teases Deadly whenever she catches him being soft with his lil penguin chick child 
(Piggy, to Deadly: So you are not at all bothered by having to care for them?
Deadly, holding a sleeping Gloria swaddled in a newly brought poncho: No 
Piggy: You’re only caring for them because you have to?
Deadly: Yes 
Piggy:…*smirks* So you’d be happy for me to take them back?
Deadly: Shush)
-Since I think Deadly is a dragon/lizard like ghoul creature I like to think he has scales, so he doesn’t exactly feel things on his skin the same way others do. For one, itchy materials like wool don’t bother him in the slightest. He’s also much more likely to accidentally get sunburnt because he doesn’t realise. In his childhood he got burnt a lot by the sun accidentally so now he’s always careful 
-He doesn’t shed his skin, and he gets very offended when people ask, especially if it’s in a teasing manner 
-The only person on the muppets crew who is 110% unaffected by his ominous threats and dramatics is Janice, which shocked Deadly at first. Janice is just…totally non judging, and Deadly finds that very welcoming. Since Janice and Piggy are also close friends he sees her a lot and he’s always polite with her (Floyd not so much-) 
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eorzeashan · 6 months
Echani Wintertide: "Trul's Tide"
Winter is a vital time in Echani culture, given their connection to the cold and the frost of their home planets. While it is a time of life and celebration much like the rest of the galaxy, it is also one of war and tribulations for the Echani. This period bears witness to some of the most important rites of passage for a people said to be born from the fallen snow, as cold and majestic as the season they revere the most.
To understand the naming convention of such an auspicious event, one must revisit the Echani religion. Trul is a main deity of the Echani pantheon, the mother wolf and the god of the Echa'olm, ancestor to all Echani and Eshan wolves whom the Echani owe their descent to. She is a multi-legged, massive Echa'olm who rules over the night sky, and it is said the light of the largest stars seen from Eshan are her eyes--with the rest of the constellations being that of her many children.
The season of winter is named after her not only because of ancient Echani reverence of the cold, but because legend states that freshly fallen snow is the shed fur of Trul, whose pelt is whiter than bone, softer than feather down and colder than the sea. Every winter, Trul and her pups do battle in the sky with the giant armored nerf-deer named Ne'Yool to kick off the annual hunts, and the ferocity of their battle is said to be the cause of earthquakes and massive snowfall in the region. This is true in part, as Ne'Yool's own species are not actually nerf-deer as the name suggests, but a mammalian semi-aquatic fish who migrate to land every winter in search of warmer climates. The nerf-deer tunnel through Eshan's glaciers, causing earthquakes and such, and bringing with them a dark tide as they ascend the ice beaches. This is why winter is named "Trul'stide".
The nerf-deer are hunted every winter in preparation for the celebratory feasts, as tributes to Trul and the primary source of meat in a time of little sustenance. Due to their natural outer bone formations, nerf-deer are considered formidable foes, and great honor is given to warriors who slay any number of them. Nerf-deer goulash, cooked right within the shell, is a regional specialty that varies from planet to planet, province to province, yet each Echani settlement claims theirs is the original recipe. Such is the importance of Ne'Yool and Trul's bounty; adults partake of the meat, and children are given the bones and tendons to chew and play with. The children of the chief hunter are given the marrow, seasoned with spices, as a reward.
Winter is not just for the hunt; it is a time of reflection, observation, survival...and the extension of the family. Seekers, or single Echani searching for the children of other families to adopt, take this time to adorn themselves with a pup-pouch--an elaborate outer carrying bag lined with decor that speaks of the life they've lived thus far as a warrior, with the inside containing soft blanket material made from their own fur. As explained before, Echani often raise children unrelated to them by blood, and it is common for children to choose different parents to live different life experiences with before moving on to the next, and rarer for them to only stay with the parents of their birth. The pup-pouch is scented with the bearer's pheromones on Trul'stide, and if successful, will attract a new child who will climb into the pouch to signify that they accept their new parent. Seeker meetups often happen at the Trul'stide feasts where most Echani gather, hence marking Winter as a time of family.
Recent adaptations of Life Day from the wider galaxy to Trul'stide have seen the adoption of the cultural precedent of gifts in Eshan, especially those to children, but it is not seen as a requirement. Young adults are more likely to celebrate the modern way, given their fascination with the outer worlds (and partying). While Eshan sees much jubilation in this time like many other cultures, it is not always peaceful: in late winter the government exams are held. It is a time when Echani warriors vye for the highest position on the Seat of Sisters, Eshan's main governing body.
However, the government exams are not written. Rather, mass combative tournaments are held where warriors challenge each other to single combat with a judging panel overseeing the duel, who keep note of the character of the fighter and their methods, as well as the eventual victor. Echani body-language reading abilities allow the panel to judge the fitness of an individual for a particular government seat by measuring their strength in both physicality and mentality, and if the panel is in unanimous favor, they are allowed to move on to the next battle until only one individual remains to be elected for their new position. Warriors seeking to rise politically train all year for the exams, and current seat-holders strengthen their defenses in case of declared war outside of the tourneys. Ancient times saw much bloodshed in wintertime as warriors fought one another for seats and privileges, leading to the creation of the exams.
In more recent times, in an attempt to appeal to tourism and the spirit of the season, Eshan has seen fit to hold the tourneys over holovid, and for the first time in many centuries, allow offworlders to spectate the tournaments in person--resulting in a multi-billion credit sport where fans flock to the stadiums to witness Echani martial arts in this time. Echani Exam tickets are a popular Life Day gift, and signed paraphernalia has become part of the exams itself for those who treat the tourneys as a special occasion. The mascots representing the government games, Echi and Thrys who are white and brown echa'olms, are especially loved by children and given exclusively as Life Day plushies.
Eshan has seen much modernization when it comes to Trul'stide, even adapting to the galaxy-wide cultural phenomenon of Life Day, yet retains its own traditions when it comes to winter. This, and its importance to the culture, will never change.
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petermorwood · 1 year
I used the sausage goulash recipe you recently posted for dinner tonight (alas no photos, as it was consumed with alacrity) and the household is in concurrence that it should be added to the regular rotation of hearty winter meals; thanks for taking the time to write it up!
Thanks for the feedback (heh) and I'm delighted that you and your household enjoyed it. :-D
@dduane suggested I make it for us tomorrow (36th anniversary) as a cosy homey sort of thing. *
I might, and if so, I'm thinking of adding some sausages we bought from our local butcher at the weekend, and which featured in the Ulster Fry photoshoot.
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They're a version of Cumberland style, with black and white pepper rather than traditional sage and parsley, and should add a nice additional layer to the paprika / caraway spice of the goulash, while contrasting with the smokiness of the Continental sausages.
Hint: most Irish-British sausages are made with finely-minced meat and are a bit "squishy" in their raw state; a few minutes of frying or grilling makes them firm enough for slicing.
The problem with really good ones like these is having enough restraint that they survive to become an ingredient.
Hint 2: cook a couple of extra sausages for nibbling, so the rest are (hopefully) left alone...
* On the other hand, we might just go to a restaurant and let someone else do all the work - including the washing-up.
Originally we'd intended to get married on St Valentine's Day, but Boskone had programmed DD to teach a writer's workshop.
This has turned out for the best on many occasions - a snap decision to go restauranting (if it wasn't a word before, it is now) without a reservation on St Val's is likely to end in disappointment, while the day after...? No problems!
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squadrah · 2 years
la squadra's favourite soups >:)
I was asked by a good friend to really give this one my all and then some, so prepare for a lot of flavor text, ehehe.
Risotto: From Sicily he brings his love of traditional Peperonata, brewed rather thick and served with some crusty bread for mopping, as well as the conviction that soup, whether simple or complex, should be a complete meal onto itself. You won't see him serving anything on the clear or thin side because it might as well be a drink then; Ribollita and French Onion Soup are his idea of good vegetarian home cooking, and if he makes soup with meat, he will buy up the cheap cuts, bone in, and load the pot to the brim.
Formaggio: He will always take what he can get of course, but you won't catch him ordering soup anywhere, because the ones he truly cares for are either the sort of home cooking restaurants often scoff at like the humble Stracciatella, or something restaurants often get wrong such as authentic Goulash. The latter especially is his darling and he wants it home cooked with carrots, potatoes and egg noodles, but Risotto's best efforts still do not compare to how he remembers it from his mother's table.
Prosciutto: He will only touch soup if it's strong enough in itself - he would never order any with the idea of fixing it in post by adding chili. From mildest to hottest, he would appreciate a concentrated Beef Bouillon with or without the trimmings, might also like Frutta Di Mare All'acqua Pazza if the water is "crazy" enough, and would love a good Tom Yum, but his prime favorite would be a bone marrow soup like Bulalo, where there's plenty of richness and flavorful meat to go around. He must have all the marrow, of course.
Pesci: He's on the opposite end of the spectrum from Prosciutto due to his acid reflux and prefers his soups on the mild side while also eschewing those with a tomato base or onions if he can help it. You cannot go wrong with a classic Chicken Noodle, but he especially likes smooth vegetable soups like butternut squash with toasted croutons on top, and he would be first in line for anything that uses cream or other dairy, like Seafood Chowder (any type of chowder would be a big hit with him) or Yayla Çorbası.
Ghiaccio: He is at odds with soup because to his mind it's not a proper meal, and there are textures and flavors he finds repulsive, so it's a struggle. When he has any, it's usually small portions he can quickly drink or eat: clear bone broth is as close as he can venture to bouillon because the meaty flavor is negligible, and he appreciates your standard Miso for the tofu and the crunch of green onions and beansprouts, as long as the bean paste is mild. If he had the means or access, he would love the concept of Nabemono in general.
Melone: In his sickly childhood he ate a lot of Acquacotta, which he still craves sometimes despite having developed a gluten allergy, and unfortunately for him, the list of forbidden delights does not stop there. He loves a good Zuppa Imperiale, but again, the semolina in the dough cubes is a menace, and anything made with cream will avenge itself unless he takes his Lactaid. Of the soups he can safely have, he has most taken to Borscht for the excellent taste as well as its vibrant color, and has proclaimed it a health food.
Illuso: This one, in spite of his upbringing, is a soup purist who believes that soup is strictly a first course, and therefore it should be something simple and light that is easy on the stomach and whets your appetite for the rest of the meal. He loves Gazpacho and could drink it like a smoothie, and is fond of Caldo Verde with its single slice of chorizo (it's like finding the prize in your Galette de Rois), but in winter he will branch out and have Minestra di Noci as often as they can get walnuts, perhaps with some chestnuts added in.
Sorbet: Here we have someone who appreciates a wider range, but having grown up on odds-and-ends type soups often poorly made, his standards are now much higher even for something as simple as plain Caraway Soup, and he has been working on improving them all. His favorite by far is any type of lentil soup such as Minestra di Lenticchie or Masoor Dal, for the taste as well as lentils symbolizing abundance, and when he craves something sweet, any Fruit Soup will be welcome before savory main courses, hot or chilled.
Gelato: Cannot live without soup and never met one he did not like; in fact he regularly cooks a variety of them including Fruit Soup, though to him that is in the dessert category. His greatest favorites are made with sausage or entrails: think Fabada for the chorizo or Menudo for the tripe, as well as any type of meatball soup. He's not big on pasta in soup (he prefers egg noodles), but if the ravioli is filled with ground offal (mostly liver or heart, as kidney and lungs are much harder to come by nowadays), he will gladly have it.
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otthonzulles · 1 year
rules tag 10 people you want to get to know better
@fenudel is responsible for this post. thx :)
relationship status - a trainwreck.
favourite colour - audi's riviera blue i guess
song stuck in my head - nothing now
last song i listened to - 3DMG — «Ruffneck Ting» MiX / [S03E02]
three favourite foods - i have a very conservative hungarian stomach. chicken goulash (made my me), pancakes, a good sausage at a flea market's food stand, lángos (filled lángos called "Hunter" at this place :D )
last thing i googled - female trouble movie (no thats really not chloe sevigny in that tumblr post)
dream trip - any trip if i would have any free time :((( i like small roadtrips, just driving around here in the country, finding restaurants or very-very low category bars, stop at interesting abandoned castles... i would love to revisit my favoruite places around here and there, the last autumn-winter-and seems to spring too were horrific.
i would like to revisit switzerland maybe one time... or watch some football matches in germany anything from erste to regionalliga.
anything i want right now - FREE TIME, and some fucking success @ my new workplace in austria :(
not tagging anybody i'm tired.
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enbysiriusblack · 7 months
Your favourite winter food/drink and your favourite character's favourite winter food/drink?
my fav: sausage casserole or my neighbour's goulash. drink wise, def irish coffee
dorcas meadowes' fav: beef stew and apple cider
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tuiyla · 1 year
A while ago, I wrote what foods I associate with the Glee characters. I never published it on Reddit, but I thought it was too funny to go to waste. So your blog was the natural pick. Please enjoy/I'm very sorry:
Rachel Berry- Gefilte fish. Truly the most controversial dish the Jewish cuisine has to offer. It's a grey blob of slightly sweet fish topped with an ugly carrot as a garnish. Yet it's still one of the most popular Jewish dishes. Go figure.
Finn Hudson- Supermarket frozen pizza. Doesn't tatse half as good as you remembered.
Will Shuester- Nothing screams more 'I'm a manchild and I form friendships with teenagers exclusively' than a man who's favorite meal is peanut butter and jelly. He doesn't even eat it on bread, just with a spoon with butter on the side. Ugh I hate him.
Sue Sylvester- Sand.
Santna Lopez- recado negro, it's mindblowingly good. It's paste made out of burnt chilis over an open flame. This make the surrounding air so spicey explicitly warns you to prepare to respiratory agony. So much so it became illegal to make in some places. Tell me that's not the most Santana-motherfuckin'-lopez thing you ever heard.
Brittany s Pierce- I bet she has an affinity for sweet and sour food. Not in a lemon pie way, but in a cereal with canned olives sort of way.
Quinn Fabary- Matcha. I wish it tasted better, I really do. Because the aesthetic is immaculate but the taste is underwhelming.
Mercedes- A hearty winter stew, maybe a Goulash. It takes efforts to make a good Goulash. But when you do, it comes out rich, fatty, and flavourful. Done right it's a dish that warms your soul on harsh winter evening.
Mike Chang- a nice Chinese steak. Beefy and underrated.
Artie Abram- P'tcha.
Kurt Hummel- Madeleine. It's a shell shaped French sponge cake. A little twinkish (treat) but in a good way.
Rory the Irish Pervert- one raw potato.
Blaine Wabler- one of those awful jelly salad recipes from the 50s. He probably collects vintage cookbooks too.
Emma Pisberrydough- Omakase (sushi tasting menu) first comes to mind because it's so refined and meticulous. But I have a feeling she doesn't eat raw fish, so she'll ask the chef to cook it until it has a chalk-like consistency. She's banned from many sushi places.
Amazing. What an honour to be picked 😂
Just a couple of notes:
Sue's perfect
Rory had me HOWLING
Mercedes being guyás somehow fits despite me having such a distaste for the thing and such a love for Mercedes. it's a struggle
so true about matcha
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naughtystiel · 7 months
3 things for the ask game!
your favourite song atm
which dish reminds you the most of home, and why
if you were in ikea right now which plushie would you get
1. Phantom limb by the messenger birds. Im obsessed with the low intro and parts of the lyrics are literally scattered all over my blog
2. Hmm, probably goulash, but a very simple one. It's just fried pieces of chicken, onion and beef stock with some flour to thicken it up. That plus potatoes and beetroot, chefs kiss. Its one of dishes that my mom makes quite often and i remember coming back from school in the winter, cold and exhausted, this meal really boosted me up
3. I would get another djungelskog!
ask me 3 things u would like to know about me
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marxismdadism · 2 years
I made some delicious Hungarian goulash tonight and forgot to post the process and results on Tumblr. This comes after I made the same mistake of not sharing my leftover thanksgiving turkey and sausage gumbo. I'm very sorry to all of my followers. Know that the next time I make a soup or stew this winter you will see every step.
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