#griffon you’re so right
fairwellersmustache · 2 years
I stand here on the second day of 2023 having finally finished Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the City (2016) and finally able to listen to the 2016 Rose Buddies episode about it, which I started in 2019.
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thefailedabortioon · 4 months
|| Carlos de Vil & a crush • X F!Reader
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warnings: n/a
authors note: it isnt mentioned who your parent is its up to you for that! mb if its messy i havent written an x reader in like an eon LMAO.
summary: carlos de vil tries to deal with a crush and has his first interaction since first seeing her. (alternate title: jay is an amazing wingman.)
word count: roughly 900 words
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A red ball bounced off the wall of Carlos’ and Jay’s shared dorm. Dude chased after it, tongue sticking out as he panted. When Carlos received the ball back, it’d been completely soaked in dog slobber, earning a disgusted groan from him.
“Ugh, Dude.”
“What? I don’t have hands for paws!” The Brussels Griffon retorted.
Carlos rolled his eyes and turned over to Jay, who’d recently set up a little punching bag for training. It’s all he ever came to the room to do besides sleeping.
“What am I gonna do, man? Do you think she even likes me?” Carlos had recently taken a sudden interest in a girl that’d passed by him in the Great Hall… flowing dark hair, elegant clothes (she actually managed to make the uniform look good), and her face. God, her face. Carlos could stare at her for days. She’s seriously all he’d been thinking about.
“Chillax, she probably doesn’t even know your name.” Jay realized what he’d said and stopped hitting the punching bag for a second to look at his woeful friend, “Or… she does! And she’s curious about you too!” He tried to keep his spirits high and uplifting, surprising behavior for the guy if Carlos was being honest.
“I’m doomed.”
“Just talk to her, you coward!” Dude yipped, beady black eyes piercing into Carlos’ own. “You need to get to know her name first before you start thinking way ahead, you know?!”
Jay cut in, “Wait, you don’t even know her name?!” He cackled, running his both hands through his hair in amusement.
“Shut up! Oh my, God!” Carlos threw a pillow towards Jay, hiding his face behind his hands.
“It’s pathetic. Really!” Dude barked out, making biscuits on the pillow Carlos threw at Jay.
Carlos turned to his side, facing the wall. He hugged himself tightly, crossing his arms over his chest for comfort. He brought his knees down, letting his legs hang from the foot of the bed.
It didn’t take a while for Jay to finally take pity on him. He sat beside Carlos on his bed, muscular arms resting behind his back. “Sounds to me you really… like her.” If it wasn’t any more obvious. Jay snickered to himself. “What if I lend you a hand?”
At that, Carlos immediately shot up. “What?! What’re you going to do?! Talk to her?!”
“No, you idiot! You’re talking to her.” Jay said with a smug smile. Carlos wasn’t too fond of the idea, what if he messed up? What if the wrong words slipped out? Everything and anything could go wrong!
“No. No! I can’t! She’ll hate me!”
“Carlos.” Jay pulled Carlos to face him, hands gripping his shoulders, his eyes dug deep into Carlos’ own, staring back intensely at two circles of brown. “Man. The hell. Up.”
The other let out an exasperated groan, pulling away from Jay’s grip to let himself fall back flat on the bed.
It shouldn’t have been that hard, right? Jay had already given Carlos a set of questions he can start off with, scribbled messily on the palm of his hand. So the conversation can go smoothly from there.
He turned to look at Jay who hid in a potted plant not too far behind, an earpiece tucked under his long hair. Carlos also wore an earpiece, a lot more visible than Jay’s but it shouldn’t matter.
Jay gave Carlos an assuring thumbs up signal as he ducked down in the leaves.
Carlos took a deep breath, raising a fist to knock against a dorm room, when suddenly it swung open violently, revealing you. The De Vil boy had nothing to say, words getting stuck in his throat.
You both continued to stare at each other before you finally broke the awkward silence. “Uh, can I… help you?” You asked tentatively, fixing your hair at the sight of a visitor.
“Ah- Y-Yes! Uhh…” Carlos swallowed a large lump in his throat, eyes darting back and forth towards a large potted plant and the girl that stood before him. Her. “I’ve… I’m sure I’ve seen you around before, I never c-caught your name though.” He finally spoke, peaking not-so-discretely at his palm.
You gave him your name uncertainly, “And you are…”
You cut him off abruptly with a snap of your fingers, “Carlos De Vil! Yeah, I’ve heard of you.”
Carlos winced, “What have you heard about me exactly?”
“Oh, uh…” You hesitated in answering, fidgeting with your fingers, “Not much. You play Tourney right? You’re on the team?” Carlos lit up at the mention of the sport.
“Yeah, yeah! I play! Do- Do you?”
“Um, they don’t allow girls on the team.” You smiled sheepishly and god, did Carlos almost faint on the spot.
“Is that it?”
Carlos paused, dusting his clothes off and straightening up. “Yeah- That’s- That’s all.”
You tilted your head to the side in curiosity, as if waiting for Carlos to say more, but you shrugged and closed the door behind you, excusing yourself. “It was nice talking to you. Bye.”
You shot him a grin, and you could swear his cheeks started turning pink. A giggle only left your lips as you walked past the boy and a mysterious potted plant that suspiciously had a familiar beanie thrown over it. But you paid no mind and strolled away. Cute.
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daitranscripts · 1 month
Cullen Conversation: What Pride Had Wrought
Cullen Masterpost Related Quest: What Pride Had Wrought
Cullen: I do not like having that mirror—eluvian—in Skyhold. Corypheus may not be able to travel through it, but what if something else can?
Dialogue options:
General: I trust Morrigan with it. [1]
General: It doesn’t have to be bad. [2]
General: Ask Morrigan about it. [3]
1 - General: I trust Morrigan with it. PC: I don’t think Morrigan would keep it here if that were true. Cullen: Yes—Morrigan said as much when I asked her. PC: Oh? [4]
2 - General: It doesn’t have to be bad. PC: What if it’s something good? Cullen: Morrigan claims that if I close my eyes and wish hard enough, a fleet of griffons will appear under my command. PC: See? That’s… probably not true. But it would be fun. Cullen: It… well, yes, but that wasn’t my point. (Sighs.) I’ll stop worrying about it. So long as someone’s watching it. Even if that someone is Morrigan. Scene ends.
3 - General: Ask Morrigan about it. PC: Morrigan’s our expert on the eluvian. If you’re worried, why don’t you ask her? Cullen: I did. PC: And? [4]
4 - Scene continues.
Cullen: She said I was unreasonable, then offered to explain how the eluvian works using words with less than four syllables.
PC: Ah.
Cullen: The Circle had a library. I’m fairly well read.
PC: Right.
Cullen: I’m not unreasonable…
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skellseerwriting · 21 days
Death and Rebirth Part 2
Hades x Phoenix!GN!Reader
Part 1
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Word Count: 2,184
Warnings: Descriptions of fire, descriptions of peril, mention of burns, non-descriptive mention of heights, gender neutral pronouns used here and there for reader, Hades feels guilt about the feather you gave him
Summary: Uliana tries to do something with the phoenix feather. Hades gets to talk to you and ask you about how you obtained it. You’re very willing to share, and Hades finds himself growing to like you more and more…
“Pass me that griffon claw.” Uliana dictated, authority in her voice.
“Here you go.” Morgie said, passing her the item.
“James.” Uli snapped her fingers. “Feather. Now.”
“Of course.” He responded, bringing it gently to her while cradling it in his palm.
Without a second to spare, Uli plucked the fluffy piece and flicked it into a bubbling pot. The once-blue color of its contents quickly turned a fiery color.
“Now,” Uliana stated, stirring the potion with the claw. “Behold as I create something few people have ever made in your lifetime.”
“What is it?” Hades asked, wondering what his feather was being used for. Uliana had insisted he let her have it. At first he was adverse, because you giving it to him made it special, but he knew there was no fighting her on it. She would have gotten it one way or another. Maybe he could ask you for another one?
Who was he kidding, asking you for a phoenix feather? Of course not.
Uli let out a laugh.
“It’s a-“ she didn’t get to finish her sentence, as the boiling brew exploded.
Flames shot out of cauldron and grasped at the walls of the alchemy room (which so happened to be Merlin’s office). Scarlet fire engulfed nearby desks as golden tips licked at the bookshelves. It roared with hunger and a desire to destroy.
Before it had a chance to consume them, Hades jumped in front of the pot to take the blow. He was immune to his own flames and really fire resistant, but ouch this one really packed a punch.
As the extreme heat pummeled his front, he could only hope his friends got away.
Focus, he thought as he started to sweat; or would have if the water didn’t instantaneously evaporate. The room must have been completely engulfed by now, as the snapping and crackling screamed in his ears.
Calling upon his own magic, he snapped his finger to spark a flame to his hair. Bringing his arms forward against the intense force, Hades tried to will the flames -now merging with his- to retreat back into the cauldron.
Slowly, slowly it receded, sucking back into the dark piece of iron until the room was left with a cold air.
The scent of smoke was pungent, and everything became silent. The walls and many desks were now charred and blackened, but the damage wasn’t as bad as he had feared.
Looking backwards for his friends, Hades saw them right through the doors. They started tending to what appeared to be some really bad burns with the help of Uliana’s wet tentacles.
Letting out a sigh of relief with what could have been a disaster, he let himself think for a moment.
What was that?
Trying to forget about what happened earlier that day, Hades wandered the academy hallways. He had his hands in his pockets, half-looking for something interesting to grab his attention and half-not-caring. He’d seen this furniture before. The decorum on them. That wallpaper.
But he couldn’t stop forgetting about what happened with that potion. How could one tiny feather be that powerful? With some magic, him and his friends were all patched up, so at least their very own bodies wouldn’t be evidence against them to the incident. And surely Merlin knew some magic to fix the place up. Everything was fine.
Turning a corner and shaking his head, something new caught his eye in a flash. You were standing there, facing the wall. Instantly, he wanted to go and talk to you; to listen to your coy statements and be endeared by your aura.
Trying not to feel guilt about the feather he thought you had given him, he glanced back around the corner to make sure none of his friends were nearby, he turned back.
You were gone.
Rushing over to where you had stood, he came to realize you had been standing right in front of a window. It was open, and he placed his hands on the sill. Sticking his head out, he looked down at the stone squares of the academy’s grounds. You hadn’t fallen, had you?
Craning his neck painfully, Hades managed to look up above him.
And you were there.
Staring at him with owlish eyes.
Your hands let go of the tiled edge as you were moving out of view, eyes on him until you were out of sight.
How did you get up there? There was nothing but bare wall between the window and the roof. It wasn’t impossible, but the amount of time it had taken you to do that was astonishing. Maybe you were just used to it?
It wasn’t even a question to him; that he would get up there to see you. And he did, after a hot minute of struggling to keep his grip without falling. I sure hope nobody can see me from here, he begged silently.
Finally hauling himself up, he was instantly looking for you. Luckily, you were easy to find as you sat nearby, facing away from where he was.
Hades dusted himself off as he made his way over to you. As he greeted you and took a seat on the diagonal surface, he was a little disappointed at your lack of surprise to see him.
“Did you follow me up here, Hades?” You asked, still staring at the view in front of you. There was something in the cheerful way you said it that made him think you already knew that.
He made a cough. “Well, not really.” Play it cool. “Just wanted to see why you were on the roof.” He added, hoping his voice still came off as stoic and uninterested. “You could’ve fallen.”
Yeah, that’ll make you think he was worried, but not too worried. You still didn’t look at him, however.
Now, for the second main reason he wanted to see you again:
“Did you give me a phoenix feather?”
You finally turned you face to him, intrigue written all over you.
“So what if I did?”
So it was you.
“It’s just,” he began, voice dry. “I was told they’re extremely rare. Why would you give me one.”
Your eyes trailed off; thinking.
“Because I found you interesting.”
Really? Hades couldn’t believe it. How would this effect the both of you? Would you become friends, potentially?
“Okay,” he began again. “But since they’re so rare, shouldn’t it be in a museum or something? Why me?”
Your gaze went back to him again, and he was enjoying the attention.
“Because I have so many.” Your eyes twinkled.
“Really? How many?” He was tempted to ask you for another one. But no, then he’d have to admit he lost it or something. You’d probably be disappointed in him. No way you’d give him another.
“Too many to count.” You sighed, leaning back to lay on the roof. After a moment of hesitation, he did the same. It was quite uncomfortable.
“Then why not put them someplace important?” He asked, still facing you. Letting a huff out, you turned to him and propped yourself up on your elbow.
“Because that’d be a death wish.”
Wait. You didn’t mean-
“People would try and kidnap me and raid my house and dorm. I’d be tortured for information on how I got them. I’m not stupid; I know how rare they are. That’s why I only give them away sparingly.”
“But how did you get them?” Hades questioned, wondering if that might be too personal a question; one you might not answer. But, you just smiled, rolling onto your back.
“From a phoenix.”
“A live one? Not a dead one?”
You gave him a bemused look.
“You can’t get them from a dead one. You can’t even take them directly.”
Upon hearing your words, Hades recalled Uliana saying something like that. Something about not being able to get one unless a phoenix lets you pluck it. He voiced the question to you.
“Correct!” You told him with a little smile and your pointer finger up. “A phoenix has to consent to someone to take a feather. Otherwise, the feather will dissipate. Poof. Gone. Nothing.” You mimed that last part.
“But Uli said they went extinct.”
An unreadable expression crossed your face; one he thought might be sorrow.
“They did.” You said slowly. “I think this one was the last. They’d been reviving all those years; growing old only to be born again. They were lonely.”
“What happened to them?” Hades said quietly.
“It’s complicated.” You whispered, eyes shining too much. “But sometimes I hope they weren’t the only one. That others made it and were in hiding like them. I keep trying to convince myself that,” you clutch your arms to your chest. “But I’m just not sure.”
“Hey.” Hades reached out to you. “I’m sure you’re right. If one could make it, than there’s definitely more out there. We just gotta make sure they’re protected when they’re found.”
As a tear suddenly made its way down your cheek, Hades wiped it away, and you smiled.
“Thank you.”
“No problem.”
You sat up suddenly.
“Want to hear the story?”
“Yeah!” You nodded, turning more giddy. “‘The tale of the Phoenix’” as I like to call it.”
And then you proceeded to tell him a tale.
“Once upon a time there was a phoenix, who was in a flame of phoenixes. They were some of the last of their kind as humans continued to hunt them down for their feathers.”
“But I thought they couldn’t take the feathers.” Hades interrupted.
“Yes, but if they manage to capture one, it’s possible to force them to.”
“Anyways,” you continued. “This phoenix was like all the other ones. They looked the same, acted the same, and did everything the other phoenixes did. But something happened.” Your voice took on a low, ominous tone. “As a pack of hunters attempted to shoot the birds, one got hit, and plummeted to the earth. The rest saw it happen and flew away, but the hunters never found the corpse. That’s when the phoenix realized they were different. Their body pieced itself back together; whole and complete.”
“But I thought that only worked if they die of old age.” Hades interrupted again. He hoped you didn’t mind his questions too much. You just seemed amused, luckily.
“Yes, that’s what made this phoenix different. They couldn’t die to injury; unlike the rest. When they made their way back to the flame, the others were frightful. As they saw their dead friend living, they turned into a frenzy. In their fear, they tore off the phoenixes wings and sent them plummeting to earth once again; this time as an outcast.”
“What happened?”
“A kind soul found them, and so they allowed that man to keep and preserve the wings that once belonged to them.”
You both were silent after that. Hades mulled what you said around in his head. So this was the phoenix you knew, but you weren’t the kind soul, that was years ago, before they had gone extinct. You must have cared for this flightless bird, who would have been left permanently grounded after the injury.
“When did you find the phoenix?” He asked.
“A complicated question.” You told him. What was that supposed to mean?
“How is it complicated?”
You smirked.
“It’s complicated.”
Of course, you just loved saying that.
“Do you come up here often?” He hoped you might at least answer one of his questions.
“Yes.” You replied. “Every day; to see the view.”
Hades looked outwards, and he understood what you meant. The forest and lakes were completely visible from here. They were beautiful.
And dare he say it- you were beautiful.
Not inherently because of your appearance, but by your nature. The way you behaved, and the way you would keep him on his toes. He never knew what to expect from you, and his interest in you never dwindled, only grew. He liked it. He liked it a lot.
Of course, there’s a down side to everything. And this, he would soon come to realize, would come with very bad things indeed. Things he would have never seen coming.
“Are you sure?”
Morgie nodded.
“Yes, he was on the roof with another student. Before they left, I saw Hades be handed an orange feather.”
Uliana’s face turned into a grimace.
“He lied to me.”
She turned to try and find some poor unfortunate soul to scream at.
“He lied to me!”
“Want to exact some revenge?” Maleficent asked coolly, filing her nails. Her and Hades were best friends, but even she knew he wasn’t going to get out of this unscathed. She didn’t want to test Uliana’s patience.
“No.” Uli breathed out, nostrils flaring. “Not yet. First, we learn more about this mysterious person; use Hades to get to them.”
“And then?” Hook asked, curious where she was going with this.
“And then,” she smiled coyly, plots churning in her brain. “We discover just where these phoenix feathers are coming from, and take them.”
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bookclubforme · 9 months
I’ve decided Sliseag and Aotrom are besties. I have no evidence but i’m choosing to believe that they wanted to take their riders at the same time. It makes the story more enjoyable to me.
Mated dragons choose riders in the same year to avoid being seperated, and if they’re besties and didn’t want to get seperated, why wouldn’t they chose riders in the same year? In the same squad?
It would explain why Sawyer wasn’t chosen his first year. Maybe Aotrom didn’t like any of the cadets, so Sliseag agreed to wait a year to bond with Sawyer so Aotrom could find a cadet he liked. Sawyer was obviously upset and a little embarrased when he wasn’t chosen, since he didn’t even tell his family about it. Sliseag was so bonded to Sawyer he wouldn’t save himself if it meant losing Sawyer, so i like the idea that not being chosen the first time around had nothing to do with Sawyer himself
From what very little we see of Aotrom, he seems to have a sense of humor. I mean, he litterally blew snot on the fliers during their first rune class, in response to a griffon snapping it’s beak at Ridoc who was taunting them. Tairn or Andarna would have threatened to eat them for snapping at Violet like that but Aotrom? Snot rocket attack. He and Ridoc are a match made in Heaven. If you’re going to be stuck hearing every thought that passes through someone’s head for the rest of their (or your) life, why not someone who’s going to make it entertaining? And Ridoc is widely known in the quadrant for his class clown ways, as seen by Devera singling him out when she’s reminding the cadets to dress appropriately for the reunification day party.
Aotrom and Sliseag adhere to the ‘don’t tell them if they don’t already know’ rule, but they both pick riders who are immidiatly on board with fighting to defend innocent civilians, regardless of citizenship. It keep them on the same side of the war, to have riders who have such similar values.
When Violet tells the iron squad about the Venin and Wyvern and the cover up, Sawyer is immidiatly on board, and when Ridocsays he’s a little pissed Violet didn’t tell them earlier, Sawyer gives him some side eye like ‘get over it’. When Violet figures out that Basgiath is the target of the Venin attack, Ridoc is the first person to say they should go even before Xaden and Violet finish discussing it. Ridoc and Sawyer both have moments where they get to show that their willing to fight for what’s right.
Sliseag and Aotrom are besties and I will not be persuaded otherwise.
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Hey adventures! I am so excited to announce two upcoming TTRPGs: Fathomfarer and Skellies! Oh, and before I bury the lede: You can read and playtest these systems *right now* at saddleb.ag/ttrpgs, or check my highlighted story! In brief, Fathomfarer (FF) is a TTRPG for players and GMs that want to try something other than Fifth Edition, but don’t want to learn an even more advanced set of rules or throw rules out altogether. Fathomfarer aims to keep a similar level of mechanical nuance while removing wasted rolls, turns, and levels. It also sets out to rebuild the missing pillars in Fifth Edition, making Exploration and Social Encounters as interesting and satisfying to take part in as Combat. Players can determine their own successes and failures, work together to overcome group challenges, and always feel like they’re making an impact based on their contributions. If you like Fifth Edition but don’t want to forget everything you’ve ever learned to go adventuring again, Fathomfarer may be a fun and quick alternative to try! Skellies, on the other hand, is a rules-lite approach with a focus on hijinks and a Scooby Doo level of seriousness. In it, you play a reanimated skeleton, or skelly, whose greatest purpose in life—err, undeath—is to impress and serve the lich that raised it. Skellies is designed to be a pick-up-and-play game for sessions where you’re down a player, or just as an in-between break for intense moments in your main game’s storyline. Of course, you can absolutely play a longer form campaign of Skellies just as easily! Your skelly will collect treasures from invading adventurers to pay tribute to your lich, who will in turn grant you additional bones to fortify yourself with, or coveted dark blessings to alter your very being! Rolls are simple (using entirely d6s), with very minimal things to track. Relax and have fun: you’re already dead! I hope you decide to check out these ongoing projects of mine, and try them for yourself, at saddleb.ag/ttrpgs! Keep on adventuring! -g ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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morerandombullshit · 6 months
The DMC Boys with an Insomniac for an SO
Based off my own sleep issues (kinda), but here you guys go more DMC boys headcanons
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Man’s tried everything non-medical in the book: make you give up caffeine, give you chamomile tea, helped you through breathing exercises and more before helping you take melatonin
The melatonin didn’t work, so now he resorts to cuddling you instead (not a bad deal though)
Strokes your hair and whispers sweet nothings to coax your insomniac ass to sleep
“Close your eyes, angel. Let your worries go away—let yourself sleep. I love you.”
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As a fellow insomniac, he sympathizes with your plight, and like his twin tries everything in the book before begrudgingly resigning to melatonin
He’ll get a little frustrated that the melatonin didn’t work for a moment, but will cuddle you because he’s touch-starved and will never fucking admit it
“Go to sleep, darling. I’ll be right here when you wake up, promise.”
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If you’re insomnia gets bad enough, he’ll panic—like, full-on panic—and try to get you to sleep on melatonin right off the bat
He’ll call Kyrie and/or Nico and ask what to do for insomnia when the melatonin doesn’t work, bt they’ll hang up on him after 20ish seconds because it’s like 2am
Which leaves him to do the only thing he knows how to do in this type of situation—pull you into his arms and rock you to sleep as he whispers romantic shit in your ear
“Nothing’s gonna hurt you, baby. Go to sleep and rest.”
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Let’s face it, V’s only 2 or so months old in canon—there’s a chance he won’t even know what melatonin is 
He’ll get Griffon, cursing and grumbling, to fetch you some chamomile tea as he pulls you to his chest with one hand and he holds his book in the other
“To see a world in a grain of sand and Heaven in a wild flower, hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and gain Eternity in an hour…how’s that, my muse?”
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ariseur · 6 months
I saw the Dante with an assassin reader...
Vergil or V next plz? :)
And if feeling charitable... Nero?
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you rolled your eyes, a groan leaving your lips as you saw a pair of death scissors headed straight for you, the desolate hallway filled with their soft cries. you placed a hand on your hip as you unsheathed your weapon, looking upwards as they swirled around the vicinity.
sighing, you looked out of the nearest window, now open as the shattered glass laid below it from when they had entered the building. the sun glimmered in the horizon as it illuminated the desolate streets of redgrave, qlipoth pollen floating around in the air as it radiated off of stiff deteriorating bodies.
your thoughts were interrupted as you ducked, evading the pair of blades headed for your neck with a gut churning screech. clouds of black flew over your head as you swung your sword at the demon, blade blocked by the sharp shears held in front of what would be its chest.
“do i ever get a—break?” you gritted your teeth at the last word, feet placed stiffly above you so as to not slip while you clashed with the creature. its hollow eyes, or more so eye holes of its mask, was a dark contrast to white of its mask as the whispering came from the pit of its mouth.
you swung your blade, managing to get at least one hit. the only reason you knew your sword pierced the demon was the shriek that followed after, blocking the other creature’s attack as it came from behind. you backed up, watching as the death scissor twins spun around the room in dark, inky swirls.
before you knew it, you were on your back, your own blade pressed up against your neck as you resisted the demon— that is, until a certain jaguar attacks the spirits from behind.
your brows furrowed as the distraction helped you take the upper hand, breaking the pair of blades with a sharp clang as you watched griffon soar above you, his obnoxious cackles drowning out the screeches of the other demons.
and as if on cue, you heard a familiar soft voice echo through the hallway— accompanied by the faint tapping off a cane, “tyger, tyger— burning bright,
“in the forests of the night.”
you looked at shadow, sheathing your weapon as you held your hand out in front of her for familiarity, “what immortal hand or eye,”
when v finally came into view, his dark hair coming into frame first, you watched as he walked into the hallway with a book in hand. jade eyes came to meet yours, lips twitching in a half smile before they moved with his next words,
“could frame thy fearful symmetry?”
“always the dramatic entrance, huh?” you gave him a small breathless laugh.
v chuckled in amusement, almost as if saying this was child play. considering you were an assassin, he was somewhat right. you brushed your pants off, watching as v’s familiars retreated back to him. “i apologize, i was—“
“catching up on some reading, i know—i know.”
walking through the next door, you walked side by side. after that encounter with those death scissors, you thought it wouldn’t be so bad to take your time so you could recover a bit. “thank you,” was all you said.
turning to look at v, he kept his head pointed downwards, smirk still evident on his face as he said, “is that an accolade, i hear?”
“amusing how the mercenary is the one who seems to be threatened, this time.”
“okay, now you’re just bragging.”
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valen-dreth · 7 months
I am enticed by your fallout 3 headcanons and would like to hear them if you’re willing to share
come closer. you will see my vision
(a lot of this goes off of my old hcs from YEARS ago please bear with me)
underworld is at its smallest population since its founding. it used to be a much busier establishment so far as trade and scavenging went; several people owned pack brahmin (outside of course) and traveled to other settlements till the enclave and brotherhood got their footholds and pushed the ghouls back into the museum. since being stuck inside the population has slowly been dwindling even despite new people showing up (gob, snowflake, and crowley were the newest arrivals)
EXPANDING on that, barrows and carol were among 2 of the first to arrive to underworld. it was more of an area then of refugees with little structure or amenities until ahzrukhal showed up with a Host of followers. prior to arriving in dc, he had been involved in arms trade immediately following the great war and had amassed a following of a raider-like group. he was overthrown eventually and he and those loyal to him were forcibly ghoulified, after which point he stumbled upon underworld and started making it Comfortable.
there is a lot more to the structure of the settlement than is seen. i think a floor or two below the Concourse we can access in game there could be employee access halls, since reclaimed and openly accessible. theres employee showers down there and long abandoned lockers (no one really uses them and theres no locks but its a Place to stash things, no one really goes thru them)
FURTHERMORE theres a lot more beds and living areas thjan just what we get to see. beds and mattresses were recovered from nearby apartments using aforementioned pack brahmin
was thinking again of tulip knowing and teaching others ASL.... i think that likely most ghouls do know at least some! barrows was especially interested in learning and pushing tulip to teach others, he wonders if it could be a viable way to communicate with someone after they have become feral but he's not yet had a chance to test it (thank god.)
griffon has never actually been Into the underworld exhibit where everyone lives. he stays across the mall at his own place so he's never really had a Need to
WANT to give winthrop a glass eye.... when he was human it matched perfectly but now that he's ghoulified his eyes have changed color completely and its a bit jarring
most of the ghouls have never seen a super mutant, but they've heard of them. it was a Bit frightening when Fawkes showed up right outside but most everyone is cool with him now
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yzeltia · 3 days
FFXIVwrite2024 20. Duel
Featuring: Weird West AU by @scrollsfromarebornrealm Characters: Rrahnald Chai (U'rahn Nuhn) Fordola Lupis, Arenvald Lentis, Zellita (Y'zel Tia), Claudien, Themis Expansion: Endwalker(Context) Rating: M Summary: Rrahn tries to be gallant and does something very stupid. Themis's past comes to light. Notes: Me "I'm gonna right vignettes" Also me: One longer fic CW Gun CW Injury
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Rrahn’s heart hastened as he pressed his back squarely up against one of the Griffon’s henchmen. His nose twitched, trying not to snarl in anger as the man laughed wickedly behind him. “I hope your false gods were worth your death,” the man said to him as his partner started counting down from twelve.
Rrahn started his paces, hand twitching by his revolver. He was the fastest shot he knew, but not the most accurate. He winced, wishing to his friends’ gods that they’d help him out a little. On two, his ears flitted, hearing the pivoting of boots in the dirt and the click of a hammer.
“Your dirt son of a-” Fordola called out before silenced by two shots, Rrahn turning in time to raise his pistol and fire as the other tried to cheat him of an honorable duel.
Both men screamed out, Rrahn more so as he felt a bite at his shoulder then a searing heat that felt as if someone had taken a branding iron to him. He stumbled back, holding his shoulder as Fordola collided into him and carefully dropped with him to the ground, putting pressure on the wound. 
“MY EAR. YOU LITTLE PIECE OF RRONEEK SHITE,” the man screamed out, holding the side of his face, stomping forward with his gun raising.
Rrahn’s eyes widened as he stared at the barrel only to flinch as a searing white light  struck the man through the chest while the sound of a loud dog growling and barking echoed with sounds of the henchman’s friend screaming in terror. Shock hitting him, he curled into Fordola’s arms and felt himself slip into a deep slumber.
Rrahn whimpered as his shoulder throbbed in pain. He hazily opened his eyes, finding Arenvald with his head back and snoring while Fordola laid slumped over against his shins. He smiled weakly before shifting up to put his pillows behind his back, eyes watering as pain spread through him. As he laid back, a pale hand swung out and smacked.
“YEOWCH! Hey Hey! What was that for!?” Rrahn whimpered, looking to find Zellita standing by his bed, the other’s stirring.
“You absolute child! Do you have any idea how close you were to death out there playing cowboy!? What if we hadn’t gotten to you in time? What about your parents!? You’re uncle did not train you to go out and die in the stupidest of manners thought up by mortalkind” Zellita scolded as Fordola and Arenvald stirred awake from the shouting.
Rrahn sank back, ears folding as the other leaned over him then was carefully pulled back by Claudien. He swallowed, the latter looking at him in the way he’d look at a steak. “You uh…have something to say too Claudien?”
“I’m not responsible for you. It’s Themis you have to answer to,” Claudien said cooly, holding an arm around Zellita, trying to pacify his rage.
“Rrahn was just trying to defend the church. Those men were plotting to rob the place and then torch it, “Fordola protested.
“Then you should have gotten Kemekka or Klynt involved. Between them they could have run them out of town. Even myself or Themis? Did you not even think to go to him? Literally. Any. Adult,” Zelltia continued, squirming in Claudien’s arms. “How would I have explained this to Dulai? To your parents too?”
Rrahn shrank as Fordola and Arenvald looked at one another and then down. Silence hung in the room for a moment before Zellita let out a long sigh. “Look. Your hearts were in the right place but Unolohh told all of you never to take stupid risks. A fifty-fifty gamble on your life is at the top of that list.”
“May I have a moment with Rrahnald?” Themis’s voice cut in.
Zellita turned, looking around Claudien as the priest hung in the doorway, hair wet and out of his vestments. “I’ve said my piece. You two should return to your folks. I’ll tell Dulai-Chai I’ve sent Rrahnald on an errand to Tuliyollal. Until then, Rrahn will stay here to heal…If that’s not too much of an imposition.”
Themis shook his head as Arenvald started to wheel out, patting Rrahn’s foot affectionately as he passed by. Fordola stood, stooping over Rrahn to kiss him on the forehead before storming out after Arenvald after, face slightly flushed. Zellita huffed, avoiding looking at his nephew as he followed, leaving Themis and Claudien with Rrahn.
“You need to tell him everything,” Claudien said furrowing his brow at Themis before collapsing his large hand on his friend’s shoulder. “You won’t be at peace until you do.”
With that, Claudien exited. The room fell into a grim silence with the exception of Rrahn’s whimpering as he shifted in an attempt to get comfortable again. Themis quietly pulled his chair to the side of the bed. “What’s he going on about? I feel like I have more to tell you than you do me,” Rrahn said, craning his head back in an attempt to look at the bandages.
“Then I’ll let you go first and say what I have to say after,” Themis said, lifting his hand to gently pull Rrahn’s into his before he could try to peek under the bandages. “Do leave those alone. I do not believe Healer Mathye would take kindly to how you got injured and would treat you in a manner that will ensure you’d never think to do it again.”
Rrahn audibly swallowed, then laid back and closed his eyes. 
“Okay. So it was like this. These guys in blue uniforms were skulking around here and we caught them and asked them what they were up to. They made up some story about this being a cover for some dude, Elder Bush or something like that, and that they were here to settle a score. 
It's like Dola said, they were going to rob and torch this place hoping to draw their dude out. We told him then we didn't know the guy and to get lost and he started on about how ‘only inbred yokels believe in the old gods’ and stuff. I guess my temper got the better of me. Should have just drawn on him when he threatened the church,” Rrahn explained, ears flitting back in frustration.
“No. Rrahn…please. Only Rrahn, especially when it's just us,” he corrected sternly.
Themis sighed. “Rrahn. I'm deeply warmed that you came to the church’s defense; however, this place is just boards and nails. Candles and cloth. It's not worth losing your life over as this isn't the home of the Mother and Father. Our hearts are. Not to mention you're far from a true believer. I'm so happy to see you in attendance and your attempts to humor and flatter me, but if I were not here you wouldn't come.”
Rrahn furrowed his brow, looking sharply away from Themis. “That's not completely true. Lots of townsfolk have come here for generations. I wasn't brought up to believe this stuff but Dola was. Her father was devout and she is too. After her pa died it was the only thing she had left of him. She'd probably have gotten really angry and lost her way if she didn't have this page to turn to.
And then the church has long funded the orphanage. I wouldn't have a home and neither would Arenvald if it wasn't for those who came here. I mean, yeah, I don't get it…but I get that it's important to the people I love. And that's why it's worth protecting.”
Themis sat back, eyes wide upon Rrahn at his revelation. “It is always a bit shocking when you show your thoughtful side,” he said before crossing his arms around himself, hanging his head. “Though I appeared to have angered you, and now I must continue to do so.”
“Huh? Whu? Hey hey. I could never be mad at you,” Rrahn cooed before hissing as he turned his attention back to Themis, moving too fast and upsetting his shoulder.”
“I want you to listen and not interrupt. I know you cannot help yourself sometimes but to interject, especially if you think it will improve the mood of a bad situation. Can you contain yourself for me? Until I get to the end of my story?” Themis asked.
Rrahn nodded, feeling his heart sink as the other stood up. He opened his mouth, already feeling the need to reassure the other. He closed it instead though, not wishing to disobey.
“The man they were searching for was Elidibus. It was a title bestowed to one in an organization that performed terrible acts to shape the world in a way that suited them. Men drunk on nostalgia for a world long gone. He was young when he started, your age. His friend's father had seen something in him to be nurtured and thus he was groomed to kill and scheme unflinchingly all for a vainglorious cause. Or perhaps he saw a weakness that could be exploited. Excuses aside, he did terrible things. Unforgivable things.
“Eventually his friends found out his connection to their father and what he’d done and they’d shunned him in disappointment. He found himself alone and in that solitude faced with all the things he’d done and the monster he’d become. And so, he abandoned that life and followed his friends west, pledging himself to helping others and doing the work of his gods so that he might make small strides toward forgiveness. While he earned forgiveness from his friends, there are some things one cannot escape.”
Themis averted his gaze from Rrahn as he stood up and turned away. “I was that man.”
Rrahn sat quietly as the other retold his story, slowly connecting the dots. Bade to not speak, he just waited in silence before grunting in extreme pain as he forced his arm out to retake Themis’s hand, nearly falling out of the bed in the process.  “Can I talk now?” Rrahn asked, gritting his teeth.
“Yes. Thank you for letting me speak.”
Rrahn nodded, closing his eyes for a moment to let the pain dull before opening them back up and staring at the ceiling. “The way I see it…Elidibus is dead. We have Themis here who does his best for the community and keeps those who worship the old gods in good spirits and cared for. And I love him…”
Themis bit his lip, struggling to hold back tears for a moment before hearing the rustling of Rrahn’s sheets behind him. He found himself being pulled backward into the other’s good arm, his head coming down to rest atop his own. 
“I love you,” Rrhan said again.
Themis turned, careful not to bump the other’s injury too much before taking the Rrahn’s cheeks between his hands and lifting up on his toes to kiss him, letting the tears fall. Rrahn pulled him close, holding him tight as they kissed softly. “I love you too,” Themis whispered back before walking the other carefully backward to sit him back in bed.
Rrahn huffed, looking down at his smalls finding himself starting to swell. “Themis…,” he breathed out, eyes shyly trailing back upward.
Themis stared briefly at the growing situation between them before shaking his head and helping the other back into bed. He moved around to the opposite side, losing his pants and removing his shirt along the way. Getting into bed beside Rrahn, he leaned against his good side then leaned in to kiss him again as his lower back was pawed at. “You’re injured, we can’t.”
“We shouldn’t,” Rrahn corrected with a sheepish grin before jumping as Themis gave him a squeeze through his smallclothes. A purr escaped his throat as he bowed his legs a bit, making a grab for Themis’s rear only for him to lay down against him and out of reach.
“Not tonight. When you’ve had time to heal and perhaps time to process what I said. Our emotions are running high, at very least mine are beyond where I’d like them to be before taking that step forward,” he said before running his hand upward to Rrahn’s chest, running his palm over his budding chest hair on the unbandaged side of his chest.
“That’s not fair. I’m injured and it aches now down there,” Rrrahn whined pathetically, trying to lean to kiss on Themis’s forehead, stopped by the pain in his arm.
“Another time. You’ll be staying here until your arm is better. On the day you’re well enough to go home, if you still feel the way you do we'll explore our next steps,” Themis said softly.
“Ah. Is it cause we’re in the chapel?” Rrhan asked, not quite ready to let it go.
“Chapel? This is my home,” Themis said, blinking and sitting up. “Did you think I live in the chapel?”
“Well, sorta. I just assumed this bed was put in here for me” Rrhan said as he blinked, looking around the room, finding it as dark and drab as the churchouse. On further inspection he noticed there was a lived in quality to it, some clothes strewn on the floor and a half open dresser. “So..I am in your bed. In your house…we’re living together.”
“No, this is temporary,” Themis sighed.
“We’re shacked up.”
“Temporary, Rrahn.”
“I think there’s rules about this sort of thing. It’s uh…multiplication,” Rrahn continued to tease.
“...Fornication. Rest or I will sleep in the other room,” Themis warned him before closing his eyes, holding lightly onto him.
Rrahn chuckled lightly, closing his eyes to rest for a while, trying to rest himself. As he closed his eyes and tried to reflect a little on what was said, listening to Themis’s slowed breathing beside him before letting his eyes flit open again. “...How old did you say you were?”
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I had to post this 1916 beauty, b/c I can’t resist a home w/Griffons outside. Plus, look at that magnificent wraparound porch. It’s located in Jacksonville, Florida, has 3bd., 3ba., and is listed for $625K. 
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The double front doors open right into a beautiful fireplace and spacious sitting room. Can’t say I like the flooring they chose. Notice that family name is in stained glass over the door. 
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Nice family room. They painted the fireplace bricks white and put a library table in front of it, but what the hell, it has griffons. 
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Very large dining room w/fireplace. Not sure if I like the mural on the ceiling.
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Nice bath. Not sure about the border.
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Kitchen remodel looks like it’s missing something. Maybe b/c it’s so spread out.
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Stairs to the upstairs bds. is at the back of the main entrance hall.
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This is cool- it’s an elevator, but it’s not scary. It’s see-thru, so you’re not stuck in a box, and it’s air-driven, so if it should malfunction, it doesn’t get stuck, it just floats back down to the ground floor.
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Main bd. has a new, free-standing fireplace to match the furniture, so I don’t know if it’ll convey.
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Look at this bath- what an adorable little antique tub. 
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The yard is taken up by a pool w/a surrounding patio.
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It’s located in the ‘burbs w/a major highway nearby.
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roguelioness · 18 days
fables from the field
[written for ffxivwrite2024]
Day 5: Stamp
Rating: G Words: 1101 Pairing: none
Alyzen and her chocobo were currently at an impasse.
She sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. “I didn't leave you behind, Circe, I was taken!”
Circe stamps her foot and ruffles her feathers, letting out an indignant squawk. 
“I’m being serious! I was essentially kidnapped to a different world and I had no means of coming back! If I could have, don't you think I'd have come to see you?”
The chocobo snorts.
“Besides, when have I ever deliberately left you behind?”
Circe squalls and stamps her feet again, first the left, then the right, before leaning in to peck the top of Alyzen’s head – not ungently, but with enough force to be a reprimand.
“Well, yes, there was the time I was in Ishgard, but you know I was a fugitive and in hiding! You can't blame me for that-”
Circe screeches, flapping her wings rapidly.
Alyzen winces. “Yes, I'm well aware that I got another chocobo during my time there but Espoir was a gift, Circe, and you know Haurchefant gave him to me, and I know the two of you are, for all intents and purposes, good friends, so you can't quite blame me for that-”
The chocobos huffs and turns her head away. Alyzen takes a step to the side and has to suck her head to catch the bird's gaze. “Besides, you're the one I travel with all the time, so you can't possibly be jealous- stop that!” she exclaims as she's given another chastising peck. “I’m not lying! Do you want me to bring Tataru over to corroborate my story?”
Circe clucks, tossing her head haughtily. Alyzen exhales. “Nymeia grant me patience. Circe, I did not abandon you, and I certainly did not deliberately leave you behind. There was only one other time that I was away, and that was also not my fault, and you know it!”
The chocobo kicks up a cloud of dust that settles onto Alyzen’s freshly-polished boots. “Rude,” she says, glaring at the bird.
Circe does it again.
“What was that for?!”
The bird snorts in the direction of the dozing griffon, and then nips at Alyzen’s hair.
“Arkadas? You have a problem with Arkadas? She’s the sweetest – ow, Circe, that hurt! – fine, fine, you’re the sweetest bird around-”
Arkadas lazily opens an eye and lets out a disapproving caw.
Alyzen throws her hands up. “I’m sorry Arkadas, it is not my intention to put you down, but someone does not seem particularly inclined to listen to me; mayhaps you will have better luck?”
The griffon shakes her feathers out before returning to her slumber.
“You cannot tell me you’re angry that I befriended Espoir and Arkadas?”
“Some help you are,” she grumbles before turning her attention back to Circe. “I don’t know what you want from me, I’ve already apologized. Several times, might I add. For an offense that I did not even commit!”
The bird clucks.
Circe makes a most disdainful squall and raises a wing in what Alyzen is certain is the avian equivalent of a rude gesture in the direction of the other two birds. Espoir lets out a sad little squawk and shuffles about in his stable, head hanging towards the ground, the very picture of despondency. Arkadas meanwhile merely raises a wing back, the tips of her feathers brushing – somewhat deliberately, it seems like – across Circe’s face.
The chocobo clucks most indignantly, turning to Alyzen as if to say Did you see that behavior? I don’t understand why you keep her around.
“Don’t give me that,” she shakes her head, “You know you started it.”
Circe’s eyes narrow. She stamps her feet several times, fluffing her feathers out and squawking loud enough for Riol to poke his head out of the door. When he sees Alyzen trying frantically to calm the bird down, he grins and shakes his head before heading back into the Rising Stones.
She waves her hands about, trying to touch her chocobo, but the bird won’t let her. “Come now, Circe,” Alyzen coaxes, “you are better than this. There’s no need to throw a tantrum-”
Circe huffs and turns her back on Alyzen.
“Oh, don’t be that way,” she cajoles. “I know you’re upset that you were not around to protect me, but you have to believe me when I say that were it possible for me to have taken you along, I would have. If you do need someone to blame, you should blame G’raha. He was the one who dragged me across the void to the First.”
The chocobo turns her head just enough to give Alyzen a sideways look.
It’s her turn to be indignant “I’m not lying,” she grumbles. “You should be thankful that his spell transported my body in its entirety, or else I’d be sleeping like the others, and I would not be having this conversation with you… which, now that I think about it, does not seem all that bad- Circe that was a joke, I was only joking, ow, stop pecking me!” She rubs the top of her head, which is now quite sore. “I thought you’d be happy to see me, not accuse me of abandoning you!”
Circe gives her head another tap with her beak, albeit far more gently this time.
“Well, I’m glad to know that, because I missed you too.” She takes a cautious step forward, sighing in relief as the chocobo allows it. She hugs the bird, nuzzling her face into the soft down feathers. “You know you’re my best girl, don’t you?”
Circe makes a low, rumbly chirp of agreement, resting the bottom of her beak on Alyzen’s head. From a stall away comes another sad little squawk; Espoir is still upset by whatever it was that Circe had said. Circe replies with a caw that sounds fairly apologetic; Espoir lets out a happy little cheep before he settles down for a nap.
“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” she asks.
Circe caws agreeably, shaking her feathers out.
Footsteps crunch on the gravel before the warmth of a familiar body is pressed up against her back. “Thought I’d find you here,” Estinien remarks, amusement ripe in his tone. “I see the two of you reached a truce. I’m surprised, I thought you said she’d be furious if you told her you went to Ishgard first-”
Circe lets out a loud, loud, loud shriek, flapping her feathers with enough violence to push both Alyzen and Estinien back.
“By the Twelve, ‘Stin, why did you have to say that? Circe, please, give me just a moment and I can explain-!!”
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This isn't a request, I'm just tossing it out there for you to use if you want:
Getting stuck hiding with V, maybe in a small space smooshed up against one another, and V sends Shadow out to enclose both of them in a protective cocoon of Shadow's "skin"/essance. V or Reader using a chunk of Luminite (presumably from inside the Qliphoth's structure- there are sections of the Qliphoth that glow like Luminite, anyway, and it could be you could find some Lumitite in the Qliphoth or near it) for illumination.
Other idea:
V getting his foot or feet hurt from wearing his (albeit pretty, but utterly impractical for a demon apocalypse) sandals around Red Grave city, and Reader having to either help him walk on his one good foot or just straight up carrying him, because NO, SERIOUSLY, V, YOU SHOULD NOT BE ON YOUR FEET RIGHT NOW, it'll make the injury worse, PLEASE let your friend help you. Or V just straight up almost passes out/collapses from the pain of the injury, and Griffon and Reader are like, "Alright, you need to take it easy for a bit". I love how earnest V is in trying to make amends for what he did, but it'd be nice to see him get some help sometimes, y'know?
I know that you didn’t say these were requests but I need a quick warm-up for today so I used these as that; since longer fics. involving V is hard for me to write lmao
(Ooo I love love love close space prompts/situations-- They are always so good for like any type of style; angsty, fluff, smut, etc.) V x G/N reader Unproferead. Fluff + Suggestive stuff
     “V..?” You grimaced slightly as you came too, “What’s going on?”
     “Good you’re finally awake,” his voice was shaky as you felt his arms tighten around your middle, “I was worried that you weren’t going to return to me…”
     Your brow furrowed as you oriented yourself. V and you were tightly pressed together, laying down, in a dark cocoon of sorts. There was just barely enough wiggle room to turn over to face the lithe man.
     “What’s that supposed to mean?” Your voice was steady however your face was beyond hot, having only a few inches between your face and his. 
     “You were quite injured and I wasn’t sure what to do…” 
     “V,” your gaze thinned, “Where are we?”
     “At this current moment, we are within Shadow and waiting for Griffon to return with Nero.”
     His arms wrapped around your hips and pulled you tightly against him. Neither of you spoke for some time, you resting your head against his shoulder and neck while he gently thumbed over your skin; enjoying the oddly peaceful moment. 
     After a few minutes, you shifted your hips feeling a certain heat starting to spread to your limbs from his touch. The gothic man seemed to notice your “discomfort” and let out a low laugh.
     You leaned back, “What are you laughing at?”
     V moved his hand slowly up your side, sending a shiver up your spine, and settled on your jawline. His thumb gently glided along your skin as he stared into your eyes for a few moments. Although his mouth was closed, you could see him playing with his teeth using his tongue; clearly in thought. 
     Bit by bit, V closed the gap between your lips and his. The raven-haired man was nervous as he coyly pushed against you; to which you pushed back, doing your best to encourage him without words. 
     Once he broke the kiss he opened his mouth to speak before turning his head. 
     A small smirk pulled at his lips as he turned back to you, “Sorry Wanderer, it seems the cavalry has arrived,” he placed a slow sweet kiss against your lips, tugging on your lower lip as he pulled back, “We’ll have to continue this later; I want to taste you more, if you will so allow.”
     Before you answered, the cocoon broke apart and V stood up, going off to join Nero. Leaving a very flustered and embarrassed you to sit with Shadow, reeling at what he’d just said. 
V x G/N reader Unproferead. Fluff..?
     V limped along, using his cane to hold almost his entire body weight. A sigh left your lips at the stubborn man. The poet had hurt himself nearly an hour ago and refused to stop and rest; much to your frustration. 
     Another small group of demons appeared and V sent out Griffon and Shadow. The familiars and you made quick work of this; however, each time V tried to finish a demon off, he nearly collapsed. You took it upon yourself to do the lithe man’s work for him and began to finish off the demons that the familiars had gotten ready. 
     Griffon let out a laugh and made a few playful comments about the situation; much to V’s vexation. Once the fight was over, V walked towards you with an irritated huff; however, he didn’t get very far. The poet tripped over the ground once again, to which Shadow thankfully caught him last minute--making sure he didn’t face plant into the concrete. 
     “Damn it-” V grimaced as he tried to stand back upright, only to have you extend a hand to help him. 
     “Alright,” you picked up his cane from the ground, “Come on, we are going to sit somewhere for a minute.”
     “I am fine, do not worry about--!”
     You grabbed him from around the waist and picked him up, “Either wrap your legs or I am throwing you over my shoulder; your choice.”
     “Put me down--!”
     “Fine, have it your way, princess,” you slung him over your shoulder.
     V tried to protest and struggle against your grip but your hands were much too strong for him to break the hold of. As you went onwards, he stopped struggling.
     “Can I at least have my cane back?” V turned to you, although he was staring at your back. 
     “Once we get to a room, sure.”
     He clicked his tongue in irritation. Admittedly V’s stubbornness was just as bad as Vergil’s when it came to being taken care of. If it had been Nero that had picked him up, he would have definitely sicked Shadow or Griffon on his kidnapper; however, he could deny that it was nice being so close to you--even if it was by force. 
     Eventually, you found one of the countless still viable bedrooms within Red Grave. You shut the door behind you and went over to the bed, gently setting the injured tattooed man down. 
     “Here,” you handed him his cane, “If you try and leave, I will tackle you.”
     A husky laugh left V’s lips as he looked over to you, who had sat beside him on the bed, “How tempting.”
     You playfully punched his shoulder, “Pervert.”
     “Am I? Or is it you for assuming that was my intent?”
     A small blush found its way to your face as you made a small sputtered noise in surprise. 
     He laughed and leaned his head on your shoulder, “How long am I to be your captive?”
     “Until you can walk more than five steps without falling your face.”
     He sighed, obviously irritated at the situation. 
     “You know V, people get hurt all the time in this line of work; it’s not anything to be ashamed of.”
     “Each second we sit here, Urizen is getting stronger; this is a setback that we cannot afford to have.”
     “V, going into a fight without being healthy and strong is just as dumb as bringing a knife to a gunfight; it doesn’t end well. Besides,” you grabbed his hand tightly, “We have all the time in the world, it’s not like Red Grave isn’t already destroyed.”
     V let out a soft sullen laugh as he stared at your hand intertwined with his, giving it a tight squeeze, “I suppose you are right.”
     He couldn’t bring himself to tell you how wrong you are. That there isn’t much time until V becomes nothing more than a faded memory; win or lose. 
Won’t lie I kind of forgot to answer this lmfao I’m sorry
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daitranscripts · 2 months
Blackwall Cutscene: High Approval
Who You Follow
Blackwall Masterpost
The PC approaches Blackwall at the stables, where he’s working on a small rocking horse/griffon.
Blackwall: This? This is just… it’s something to keep the hands busy.
Race dependent dialogue:
Dwarf PC [1]
Non-dwarf PC [2]
1 - Dwarf PC Blackwall: You were quite the outlaw, I hear. The Carta. You must have some past.
3 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: How do you know? [4]
General: I didn’t have a choice. [5]
General: It wasn’t my fault. [6]
General: My past isn’t your concern. [7]
General (after investigate): Yes I have a past. [7]
Flirt: Don’t think less of me. [8]
4 - Investigate: How do you know? PC: Who told you that? Blackwall: No one had to tell me. It’s amazing the things you learn, waiting for someone to crack a keg. Or while sparring. Or just walking past the barracks. The men do enjoy their idle talk. [13]
5 - General: I didn’t have a choice. PC: It was the only way to survive for someone like me. Blackwall: I’m not judging. I know what it’s like to be so desperate. I don’t care who you were. I know who you are now, and that’s the person I signed on for. [13]
6 - General: It wasn’t my fault. PC: Whatever you heard, I didn’t do it. Blackwall: So you didn’t kill an Antivan count with a wheel of cheese Shame. I was hoping that rumor was true. I don’t care who you were. I know who you are now, and that’s the person I signed on for. [13]
7 - General: My past isn’t your concern. PC: So I have a past. I don’t see how it’s your business. Blackwall: You’re right. I was prying. I don’t care who you were. I know who you are now, and that’s the person I signed on for. [13]
8 - Flirt: Don’t think less of me. PC: Tell me you don’t think less of me for it. Blackwall: I don’t. Whoever you were doesn’t matter to me, and it shouldn’t matter to you. The woman I see now is a remarkable person. I’m honored to be here. [13]
2 - Non-dwarf PC Blackwall: I’m grateful you tracked me down when you did. As exciting as wandering the woodlands was, this is better. It’s good to be part of something so important, something that could change things.
Dialogue options:
Flirt: It’s only about the work? [9]
General: I’m glad. [10] +Blackwall slightly approves
General: What about the Wardens? [11]
General: So we have your loyalty? [12]
9 - Flirt: It’s only about the work? PC: I hope there’s more than just the work keeping you here. Blackwall: Well, there’s you, of course. The Inquisition is nothing without its Herald. [13]
10 - General: I’m glad. PC: I’m pleased that you feel that way. Blackwall: Makes me sound like a Chantry sister, doesn’t it? Some giddy new initiate. But so be it. I suppose you’ve earned my loyalty… and girlish enthusiasm. [13]
11 - General: What about the Wardens? PC: The Grey Wardens are huge and important. You’re part of that. Blackwall: True. But without a Blight on the horizon, everything the Wardens do feels like… waiting. This, the Inquisition, is what matters now. And I’m grateful to be a part of it. [13]
12 - General: So we have your loyalty? PC: Does this mean we have your full support? Blackwall: If that’s what’s important to you, then yes. You’ve earned my loyalty. [13]
13 - Scene continues.
Blackwall drops his tools and walks to the fire.
Blackwall: “You are who you choose to follow.” Someone told me that once. Took me years to understand what he meant.
Dialogue options:
General: Wise words. [14] +Blackwall slightly approves
General: Isn’t it obvious? [15] -Blackwall slightly disapproves
General: Why follow at all? [16] -Blackwall slightly disapproves
14 - General: Wise words. PC: There’s wisdom in that.
15 - General: Isn’t it obvious? PC: Certainly, who you follow defines who you are. It’s not that complicated. Blackwall: We’re not all blessed with your quick wit. Personally, I’m glad I have any wit at all.
16 - General: Why follow at all? PC: And some of us choose not to follow at all. Blackwall: We can’t all be born leaders.
17 - Scene continues.
Blackwall: It was a chevalier who said those words to me. A powerful man, but never without honor. A true knight. We met as competitors in the Grand Tourney. He left me with that advice before we parted. Put aside his own ambitions to help me win the melee. I don’t think I ever thanked him.
18 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Grand Tourney? [19]
Investigate: What happened? [20]
General: A generous act. [21]
General: Why’d he help you? [22]
General: You couldn’t win on your own? [23] -Blackwall slightly disapproves
19 - Investigate: Grand Tourney? PC: What is this Grand Tourney? Blackwall: You’ve never heard of it? The Grand Tourney of the Free Marches? It’s a spectacle. Song, dance, wine. Every amusement you can imagine. But the greatest part is the contest of arms. Prove yourself in the Grand Tourney, and you can make your fortune. [back to 18]
20 - Investigate: What happened? PC: How did he help you? Blackwall: There were a hundred men on the field. Each one fighting for himself. The knight and I had forged an alliance. It was just the two of us, and we took all comers. The goal? Down as many opponents as possible. He always let me deliver the final blow. [back to 18]
21 - General: A generous act. PC: That was generous of him. Blackwall: He said I stood to gain everything… while he’d lose nothing. [24]
22 - General: Why’d he help you? PC: He must have wanted something from you to help like that. Blackwall: A pupil. A squire. Someone to teach and to mold. He saw my potential. [24]
23 - General: You couldn’t win on your own? PC: So without his help, you would’ve lost. Blackwall: Without a doubt. I was young, I had strength and enthusiasm but no experience. [24]
24 - Scene continues.
Blackwall: When it was over, he offered to mentor me, to teach me to become a chevalier like him. And I, young and stupid, turned him down flat. I’d just won the melee at the Grand Tourney. I didn’t need him.
He walks back towards the PC.
Choice dependent dialogue:
Romanced [25]
Not Romanced [26]
25 - Romanced Blackwall: My life would’ve been very different if I’d followed him. I regret that. But now I believe I made the right decision after all.
Dialogue options:
General: What changed? [27] +Blackwall slightly approves
Flirt: Because of me? [28] +Blackwall slightly approves
General: Self-doubt is dangerous. [29] +Blackwall slightly approves
27 - General: What changed? PC: What changed your mind? Blackwall: You did. [30]
28 - Flirt: Because of me? PC: If your life had been different, we wouldn’t have met? Blackwall: Nothing escapes your notice. [30]
29 - General: Self-doubt is dangerous. PC: It’s best not to second-guess yourself. Blackwall: No. It’s this Inquisition. It’s you. [30]
30 - Scene continues.
Blackwall: Our paths may never have crossed if I’d gone with the old chevalier. I could never regret this life, not with you in it.
Scene ends.
26 - Not Romanced Blackwall: I should’ve gone with him. Perhaps things could’ve been different.
Dialogue options:
General: It all turned out. [31]
General: Not necessarily better. [32]
General: Regret is useless. [33] -Blackwall slightly disapproves
31 - General: It all turned out. PC: You’re here now. A Grey Warden. It worked out. Blackwall: I suppose it did, didn’t it? [34]
32 - General: Not necessarily better. PC: Different doesn’t always mean better. Blackwall: (Chuckles.) In this case, I think it would’ve been better. [34]
33 - General: Regret is useless. PC: Don’t waste your time on regret. Blackwall: Regret has its uses. It comes from reflection, and stops you from making the same mistakes twice. [34]
34 - Scene continues.
Blackwall: But I’m older, hopefully wiser, and I think I’ve chosen the right person to walk with.
Scene ends.
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kittynannygaming · 7 months
[The Sandman] Bound - Chapter 1
Title: Bound
Word count: 506
Fandom: The Sandman
Pairing: Dreamling, Desunity, Despoe, Hob/Eleanor, Corinthiel, Dream/Past relationships
Rated: T
Warning: NOTHING GRAPHIC BUT Mention of child’s death and adults’ death, mention of suicide, Desire’s scheming
Summary: When you’re 10 (for a human) or the equivalent (for not-human), you’re given (during your sleep) a pet, representation of your soulmate. Thing is, both soulmates need to be born for them to appear. Dream of the Endless thought he didn’t have a soulmate, until a puppy appear near to him while meditating. On Earth, at the same moment, it is the year 1356 and Robert ‘Hob’ Gadling is just born. When he’s 10, he got the poshest, biggest black kitten with a very mean streak. Of course, neither Dream nor Hob see themselves in the other’s pet.
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Chapter 01: The (many) attempts of Dream of the Endless (to have a companion).
Dream wants companionship.
Killala of the Glow was his first romance. She had a companion in a form of an orb of colour. The orb could change shapes and colours, could explode like a firework. He was the Shaper of Forms ‘fitting’ he thought. It was obvious in hindsight that Sto-Oa was her soulmate (his companion as the form of a thin, almost translucent veil with a vibrant greenish hue. The veil moved like a liquid and could transform, too).
Alianora was second. Dream was surrounded by enemies coming from faraway and he was losing. Desire was the only one who send help. Alianora was created as an adult. After the tragedy that happened, she was forced to stay in the Dreaming, in a location made just for her. Her companion wouldn’t appear until she was the equivalent of a 10 years old human. She never had one.
Nada was the third attempt. She was beautiful. A queen. A perfect fit according to Dream. She was surrounded by a bee hive, with the Queen safely nested in her hair. One night changed everything. When her city was destroyed, the hive died too. Except for the Queen Bee. Nada killed herself. One answer condemned her to Hell.
Calliope was the closest. As a Muse, she was familiar with the process of Creation and all that entailed. And she had a raven as companion. So, she could be his one? Right? None of the Endless, not even their parents, had a companion. Maybe it was just how they were. The birth of Orpheus was the most joyful day of his long existence. For Morpheus, everything was right in the world. When Orpheus died and Calliope left him, he was certain that he didn’t have a soulmate. That’s he couldn’t have one.
He didn’t even expect anything with Titania. She was Oberon’s and he was hers. But he thought that he could, maybe, understand why he didn’t have a soulmate and a companion. The fairies were very sharing, when you knew how to sweet-talk them. Titania laughed at him. He was endless, if he had a soulmate (and according to her, they would be an exceptional being to put up with him), they were probably not even born yet.
“The Universe needs to take its sweet time to make your soulmate, they will need to be extraordinary good and kind to support your temper.” said the Fairy Queen.
“For an Endless like you, waiting is nothing, isn’t it?” added the Fairy King.
He wouldn’t have his hope up, Titania was right that he was very difficult to love.
Then, one day, while he was meditating on the shores of the Dreaming, a puppy appeared next to him.
“Hello, little one. What are you doing here?” The puppy sniffed him and licked his hand.
“You’re mine and I’m yours.” Dream got his companion, meaning his soulmate was just born.
On Earth, on Summer Solstice of the year 1356, when the sun was the highest in the sky, young Robert ‘Hob’ Gadling was born.
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Puppy (Griffon fauve de Bretagne)
Beta: In progress
For @the-centennial-husbands-bigbang
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draw-you-coward · 7 months
memory of a lover
The Grove is vast in its bareness, the arching boughs of the Pale Tree the only established structures in the open space. Trahearne considers this now as a brother presses him, concern in his wringing hands.
“I do not wish to harm her,” he entreats. “Say I can shape my Dream, Eldest Brother, and I shall at least have your word’s security behind my sculpting hands.”
Truth be told, Trahearne has no idea what will harm their dear Mother and what will not. “Do what you will, but start small,” he advises. “Come to me if you have any hesitations at all, and I will speak with her to guide your path.”
Kahedins clutches his arm with both hands, squeezing in thanks. Trahearne watches him leave, uncertainty nibbling at his vines. But he dismisses himself with a brusque shake of his head—even with all their emptiness, there is no space in Mother’s branches for his doubt. He must lead his fellow sylvari in their endeavors, staying strong and flexible as a young tree no matter the winds that batter it.
“Another crisis averted by your leading hand,” a voice murmurs into his ear. He barely represses a shiver, turning his head to the side.
“Riannoc,” he greets as a hand cups the back of his neck. It is an easy to thing to give in, to taste the warm mouth pressing to his. It still feels new, this, despite them being joined for many months now.
“Eldest amongst us,” his lover returns, just scraping low enough to be teasing. “Have our siblings worn you out yet today?”
The casual regard for his wellbeing makes his heart swell. “Kahedins seeks only a path forward,” Trahearne defends regardless, not entirely knowing why. “If I can assist him, why shouldn’t I?”
Riannoc holds his face, worry in his brilliant eyes. “I do not wish for you to stretch yourself too thinly, dearheart,” he says. “Kahedins—or any of them—can wait until the morrow.”
Trahearne leans into the touch, although he is caught on how to feel about the words. Yes, they can all wait, but they do not have to, if he can help them. Then again, why does his soul yearn so for the rest and care his beloved provides?
“I suppose you’re right,” he acknowledges, perhaps a bit too easily. Riannoc smiles, radiant as the sun.
“Perfect,” he says. “Make no mistake—I harbour no desire to discourage our brother from his pursuits. He has even said he will shape us a house, though the Grove is already our home. Imagine that—privacy. We can do much out of sight from seeking eyes.”
This time his tone is certainly teasing. Trahearne feels himself flush. It is ludicrous how easily this man can summon such a response in him, when his role amongst them all is to retain his composure. Ludicrous, embarrassing, and a little dangerous. Riannoc probably delights in his mysterious ability.
A strong hand winds around his waist and he yelps at it, caught by its grip and surprise. Riannoc grins, his daring spiking the Dream—he has too much, more than enough for both of them and then some—and pulls him close.
“But nothing that cannot be done beneath a shadowed enough canopy,” he says.
“Rian—noc!” Trahearne pushes at him, though his indignation is spiking to something warmer. Riannoc is—he is a lot, sometimes, and he wants… things, other times, perhaps more than Trahearne would want them, but that are nonetheless thrilling. And he has a way of getting what he wants, just as he had gotten Trahearne, and speaking of having Trahearne—
Roza surfaces from the Scrying Pool with a cooling inhale, shaking the water from his head. Well. Never should anyone say that history is boring. Trahearne, seated on the pool’s lip, reaches down to help him out.
“Did all go well? You emerged rather abruptly,” he asks in concern as Roza swings his legs out of the water.
“You were about to start fucking. Thought it might be best to make my exit.”
Trahearne makes a face like he has just stepped in a mountain of griffon shit he somehow hadn’t seen directly underfoot. Roza grins at him, wringing out his braid.
“Not that the show wouldn’t have been entertaining,” he says, “But I have better things to do with my two minutes.”
Trahearne doesn’t even argue that. “Thank you for—by the Tree. There should really be some sort of censor.”
“I could feel everything you were feeling—woo!” Roza fans himself. “You definitely have a type, by the way.”
Trahearne gives him a long-suffering look. Roza chuckles and bends down to his diary on the ground to note his observations. Strong build, slightly above average height, strong grip. Woo. And a twinkle in his eye that he does not think a commemorative statue can capture.
“It is a kind thing you are doing,” he says when he has written all he can remember. “The newborn need guidance now more than ever, in this new chapter of society. Your home will give them a connection to the past that is ever more elusive.”
Trahearne shifts, always uncomfortable in the face of sincere praise. “It was not just my home,” he replies. He looks down. “Is not. He… would not have wanted it to stay empty and purposeless as it has been all these years. To turn it into a place of learning is a connection to our younger generations he never had the chance to form. I think I just did not want to share.”
Roza lays a hand on his arm. “He was very special to you,” he says in a lower voice. “I could tell. The respite he offered to someone in your position must have been so very rare and precious.”
Trahearne looks sad. “It was,” he acknowledges. “We had our disagreements, but… in the moment you just saw, he was mine alone. Then he died and became everyone else’s.”
Roza squeezes his arm. “I am sorry,” he says softly.
Trahearne swallows his sudden grief. What is it, to attack him here? Not just for Riannoc himself, but for every circumstance they were in in those early days. How could they have known how much they would lose? They barely knew how to live, and then they knew how to die.
“Thank you for agreeing to do this in my stead,” he says. “I do not know if I could have… well, you are aware.”
“Of course, darling.” Roza tips his head to the side, a gleam in his eye emerging not unlike one from thirty years past. “Do you want to stop at the Diving Pelican? The Priory?”
“As a consolation prize for knowing you nearly experienced getting skewered by my old lover firsthand?” Trahearne grumbles good-naturedly.
“As a consolation prize for perhaps never getting to do the skewering yourself, hm?” Roza bats his eyelashes. “Although you did not seem to have any issue with that.”
This is what he gets for opening the gates to the wilderness. “Let us away to the Priory,” Trahearne chooses, getting up. “I am taking advantage of your pass to the restricted section.”
“Didn’t seem terribly restricted,” Roza shoots in right before the gates close. Trahearne taps him on the tip of his pointy nose as admonishment.
“Get it out of your system before we get there,” he sighs, resigned. They wave to the gate guards as they near. They salute smartly.
Roza salutes back. “We are heading straight for the erotica,” he bargains without moving his mouth.
“Deal. But no stealing,” Trahearne returns similarly.  
“We’ll see what you say when we get there.”
Which is fair. Trahearne takes his hand, and they step through the gate.
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