#grilled chicken meal prep
itzabouthealth · 2 years
Chicken Meal Prep
#chickenmealprep #chicken #healthyeating #mealprepideas #mealprep #healthymeals #healthyfood #chickenrecipes #mealprepsunday #healthymealprep #makananmalaysia #fooddeliverysungaipetani #makanansedap #masreviewmakan #masmasakfeedback #foodie #masmasakmasak #dietfood #foodlover #fooddeliveryservice #sungaipetanikedah #fitness #fitnessgirl #fitnessmotivation #kerabumaggieseafood #sungaipetani #chickengrill #kerabumaggieayam #codsungaipetanikedah #kerabumaggiethai #healthychickenrecipes #healthychickenrecipesforweightloss #weightlossrecipes #bestrecipes #healthychickenmeal #bestchickenrecipes
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daily-deliciousness · 2 years
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Grilled chili lime chicken
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Meal prep for the week. Pesto Pasta with Grilled Chicken.
-Chickpea Pasta
-Grilled Chicken
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doggomedic · 2 years
Very easy meal prep (for people who don't like meal prep).
Recipe 1 (top left image) : shishito steak stir fry
- 1 yellow onion
- vegetable oil of choice
- 15-20 shishito peppers
- 5 mushrooms
- 2 cups sliced rare steak
- "everything but elote" powder
- crushed red pepper flakes
- chile powder
- Rice
Cut the onion in half and slice into thin strips. Halve the shishito peppers and remove the seeds. Slice the mushrooms. Sautée the onions and mushrooms in oil until the onions start to carmelize and add the shishito peppers. Season the mixture to taste with elote powder, a pinch of MSG, chile powder, and crushed red pepper. Add the sliced steak and sautée until the steak is medium well. Serve over cooked rice. Make 3 servings.
For the next recipes you can a rotisserie chicken. Shred the rotisserie chicken and store it in the fridge.
Recipe 2 (top right image): chicken and mushrooms in Tikka sauce
- 2 cups rotisserie chicken
- 1/2 cup premade Tikka simmer sauce
- 5 mushrooms
- 2 tomatoes
- Vegetable oil of choice
- 1 cup rice
Dice the tomatoes. Sautée the mushrooms and chicken until the mushrooms are soft and the chicken is hot. Pour the sauce over the mushrooms and chicken and add the diced tomatoes. Simmer for 7-10 minutes. Makes 3 servings.
Recipe 3: chicken broccoli lentil bowls
- 1 cup lentils
- 1.5 heads broccoli
- Oil of your choice
- 2 cups rotisserie chicken
- salt
Cook the lentils on the stove or in a rice maker (2.5 cups salted water per one cup lentils for 40 mins for a rice maker). Chop the heads of broccoli into florets , toss in oil and seasonings to taste. Bake the broccoli at 425 for 20-30 minutes (check while it cooks for your preferred doneness) . Once the lentils are done, divide into bowls and top with chicken and broccoli. The bowls are unseasoned so you can season and top with whatever you like. I like curry powder and olive oil or elote seasoning and avocado.
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chrishangry · 9 days
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This week’s meal prep: chicken fajitas and arroz con gandules! the rice kinda turned out undercooked, but I think that can be remedied upon reheat by adding a little water when microwaving, and then allowing it to sit to absorb the moisture. Sometimes we make mistakes, but there’s always a way to correct it! We move forward every day!
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techdriveplay · 3 months
A Traeger Special: Loaded Grilled Chicken Tacos
Perfect for any gathering, these tacos are sure to win hearts, combining the rich, grilled taste of chicken with fresh ingredients.
Embark on a culinary journey with “Loaded Grilled Chicken Tacos,” where the smoky essence of grilled chicken meets the vivacity of fresh, homemade toppings. This recipe goes beyond just making a meal; it’s an adventure into the delightful world of grilling, especially when using a Traeger grill. Known for imparting a distinctive smoky flavor, a Traeger grill elevates these tacos to a new level of…
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wall-eblog · 1 year
The top 5 healthy and delicious meal prep ideas for the week
The top 5 healthy and delicious meal prep ideas for the week
Eating healthy and delicious meals throughout the week can be a challenge, especially if you’re busy with work or other commitments. One way to make it easier is to meal prep in advance. By taking the time to plan and prepare your meals on the weekend, you can save time and effort during the week, and ensure that you have healthy and delicious meals ready to go. Here are the top 5 healthy and…
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byeolgirl · 3 months
Can you make a guide inspired by Jang Wonyoung ??
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Confidence, like that exemplified by Jang Wonyoung, is cultivated through a combination of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and proactive mindset. Firstly honey, it's crucial to understand and embrace your unique qualities, recognizing that what sets you apart is what makes you special. This self-acceptance forms the foundation upon which confidence can flourish. Secondly, practicing self-love and focusing on your strengths and accomplishments helps to build a positive self-image. Setting clear goals and working towards them provides a sense of purpose and direction, boosting confidence with each milestone achieved. Additionally, paying attention to body language—standing tall, making eye contact, and using open gestures—projects confidence to others and reinforces it within yourself. It's also essential to cultivate assertiveness, expressing your opinions and needs confidently while respecting others. Stepping out of your comfort zone regularly and embracing new challenges fosters growth and resilience, further enhancing confidence. Surrounding yourself with supportive people and maintaining a positive outlook on life can also contribute to confidence. Finally, learning from setbacks and viewing failures as opportunities for growth rather than personal shortcomings helps to maintain a resilient and confident mindset. Overall, confidence, like any skill, is developed through consistent practice and a willingness to embrace both successes and failures along the journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
To love yourself, start by practicing self-care and self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness, respect, and understanding, just as you would a dear friend. Don't be harsh on yourself Focus on your strengths, accomplishments, and unique qualities, and embrace your imperfections as part of what makes you beautifully human. Set boundaries to protect your well-being and prioritize activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Practice positive affirmations, gratitude, and mindfulness to cultivate a healthy self-image and inner peace
self care program idea !
self-care program inspired by Jang Wonyoung's approach:
1. Morning Skincare Routine (10-15 minutes):
- Cleanse your face with a gentle facial cleanser to remove impurities.
- Apply toner to balance your skin's pH levels and prep it for hydration.
- Moisturize your face with a lightweight moisturizer suitable for your skin type.
- Finish with sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays.
2. Healthy Breakfast (20-30 minutes):
- Prepare a nutritious breakfast with whole grains, fruits, and proteins, such as oatmeal topped with berries and nuts or scrambled eggs with vegetables.
3. Exercise Session (30-45 minutes):
- Engage in a physical activity that you enjoy, such as dancing, jogging, or practicing yoga, to get your body moving and boost your mood.
4. Midday Relaxation Break (15-30 minutes):
- Take a break from your daily activities to practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or stretching, to reduce stress and promote mental well-being.
5. Healthy Lunch (20-30 minutes):
- Prepare a balanced meal with lean proteins, vegetables, and whole grains, such as grilled chicken salad or quinoa bowl with roasted vegetables.
6. Afternoon Self-Care Ritual (30-60 minutes):
- Treat yourself to a pampering session with skincare treatments, such as a face mask or face yoga, followed by a relaxing bath
7. Quality Time with Loved Ones (1-2 hours):
- Spend time with supportive friends or family members, whether it's going for a walk in nature, enjoying a meal together, or simply having a heartfelt conversation.
8. Evening Wind-Down Routine (30-60 minutes):
- Unplug from screens and indulge in calming activities, such as reading a book, listening to soothing music, or journaling about your day.
9. Bedtime Skincare Routine (10-15 minutes):
- Repeat your skincare routine from the morning, cleansing your face to remove makeup and impurities, followed by toner, moisturizer, and eye cream. ( U don't need to use expansive shīt, look for what is good for ur skin !)
10. Quality Sleep (7-9 hours):
- Ensure you get enough restful sleep to allow your body and mind to recharge for the next day, aiming for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.
Studying effectively requires a combination of strategic planning, focused concentration. Start by setting clear goals and breaking down your study material into manageable chunks. Create a study schedule that allocates specific time slots for different subjects or topics, ensuring consistency and accountability. Find a quiet and comfortable study environment free from distractions where you can fully concentrate on your tasks. Use active learning techniques such as summarizing, teaching others, and practicing retrieval to reinforce your understanding and retention of the material. Take regular breaks to rest your mind and recharge, incorporating activities that promote relaxation and mental clarity. Prioritize self-care by getting enough sleep, eating nutritious meals, and staying physically active to support your overall well-being and cognitive function. Finally, stay organized, stay positive, and stay motivated by celebrating your progress and accomplishments along the way. By implementing these strategies and nurturing a healthy study mindset, you can optimize your learning experience and study more effectively.
To workout like Jang Wonyoung, it's essential to incorporate a combination of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises to support her active lifestyle as a performer. Wonyoung likely engages in cardio exercises such as dancing, jogging, or cycling to improve her cardiovascular endurance and stamina, crucial for keeping up with intense dance routines and performances. Additionally, she may include strength training exercises such as bodyweight exercises, resistance band workouts, or weightlifting to build and tone her muscles, enhancing her physical strength and stage presence. To maintain flexibility and agility, Wonyoung may incorporate stretching, yoga, or Pilates into her routine, which can also help prevent injuries and improve overall body awareness. It's important for her to listen to her body, rest when needed, and stay hydrated to support her recovery and performance. By adopting a well-rounded workout routine that combines cardio, strength, and flexibility training, Wonyoung can stay fit, healthy, and ready to dazzle audiences with her performances.
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Nutrient-dense meal prep recipes that can help promote healthy eyesight:
1. Salmon and Quinoa Salad:
- Cook quinoa according to package instructions and let cool.
- Season salmon fillets with olive oil, lemon juice, and herbs, then bake until cooked through.
- Combine quinoa, mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and avocado in a bowl.
- Top with flaked salmon and a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette.
2. Roasted Vegetable and Chickpea Buddha Bowl:
- Toss chopped sweet potatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, and red onion with olive oil and seasonings.
- Roast in the oven until vegetables are tender and slightly crispy.
- Serve over cooked quinoa or brown rice, along with roasted chickpeas and a dollop of hummus.
3. Spinach and Feta Stuffed Bell Peppers:
- Cut bell peppers in half lengthwise and remove seeds and membranes.
- Saute spinach, diced tomatoes, garlic, and feta cheese in a skillet until wilted.
- Stuff the bell peppers with the spinach mixture and bake until peppers are tender.
4. Lentil and Vegetable Soup:
- Saute onions, carrots, celery, and garlic in a large pot until softened.
- Add lentils, diced tomatoes, vegetable broth, and seasonings.
- Simmer until lentils are cooked through, then stir in chopped kale or spinach before serving.
5. Greek Chicken Bowls:
- Marinate chicken breasts in olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and oregano.
- Grill or bake chicken until cooked through, then slice into strips.
- Serve over a bed of cooked quinoa or brown rice, along with cucumber, cherry tomatoes, red onion, feta cheese, and a drizzle of tzatziki sauce.
These meal prep recipes are packed with nutrients that are beneficial for eye health, including vitamins A, C, E, and zinc, as well as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants.
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lengthofropes · 5 days
this is why, while Large Men are nice to look at, I know I am unable to support their dietary needs long term and recommend them for a better permanent home. Love and light to bucktommy I am so glad they found someone to meal prep brown rice and grilled chicken with for their rest of their lives <3
Yaaaass!! Food is an ultimate love language ❤️ So yeah, apron Buck arranging the whole set of food containers for Tommy before his shift, smiling with his whole face, cause he knows exactly than his man needs for his big tits and how he likes it 😌- please gimme that season 8!
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randomprose · 7 months
“What the fuck are you eating?”
“Uhh,” He Tian looks up from his spread of instant noodles, an unpeeled boiled egg, a half pack of Hot Cheetos, a banana, and two Monster drinks all bought from the convenience store a block away from their apartment. “Girl dinner?”
“A what?” Mo Guan Shan looks at He Tian like he just spoke another language as he puts down the bag of groceries on the kitchen counter.
“You know,” He Tian makes a vague waving motion with his hand that’s not submerge inside the Cheeto packet. “Girl dinner.”
Mo Guan Shan continues to stare at him like he’s gone crazy—which, to be fair, is a look he gives He Tian at least once a day since they’ve known each other.
“Girl dinner! From TikTok! How can you not know what girl dinner is?!”
“You keep saying that like it actually means something.” The condescending look Mo Guan Shan shoots He Tian is enough to put a lesser man to shame. 
But! He Tian is not, and therefore, undeterred. Besides, he gets that look from Mo Guan Shan often enough that he’s built up an immunity. So, he just puts down his chopsticks, licks his hands clean of Cheeto dust, and pulls out his phone to open TikTok.
“Wait. Lemme show you. I can’t believe you’ve never heard of girl dinner. It’s all over TikTok.”
“And what the hell is a TikTok?”
“Ah, sorry. I meant, Douyin. TikTok is just what they call it in the states.”
“If it’s the same then just fucking say Douyin.”
“Whatever. Come here and watch this.”
Mo Guan Shan walks to where He Tian is seated on the couch. He’s pulled up a video and in it, the person is eating…a macaroni and cheese in a wine glass. What the hell. The audio is in English but Mo Guan Shan has taken enough lessons to understand what it says. And then it’s followed by a ridiculous tune singing 'girl dinner' over and over.
He Tian scrolls to more videos and all of them are just food combinations that get more and more appalling to Mo Guan Shan.
A half-eaten sandwich and a glass of chocolate milk, coleslaw and beer, chicken nugget dinosaurs and a couple of cheese cubes. He even saw one that was just a slice of cold pizza and her…anti-depressants.
“What the fuck.”
“See, the idea is it’s not a full meal,” He Tian explains. “Just whatever you have that you can eat because it’s just dinner anyway.”
“Yeah, I got that,” Mo Guan Shan says. “What the fuck.”
“You have to admit though. Infainess to me, I’m eating way better than these people,” He Tian says as he scrolls through his feed, shovelling more Cheetos into his mouth. “I mean, now that I think about it, this isn’t actually girl dinner at all! I’ve got carbs, protein, sugars—hell, I even have a fruit. This is basically a full course meal, yeah?
Mo Guan Shan’s eyes look between He Tian and the spread he has on the coffee table before once again leveling him with a stare that implies he’s gone insane. He’s not sure if he’s being serious or messing with him because He Tian’s relationship with food has always been weird in Mo Guan Shan’s opinion.
“He Tian, you—” He sighs before standing back to return to the kitchen. “Swear to god you went overseas for a couple of years and you got whitewashed.”
“Wha—” He Tian stops mid-chew of his noodles. “Whitewashed? This was how I ate before I met you!”
The pitying look Mo Guan Shan shoots him this time offends him, He Tian’s not gonna lie. 
Mo Guan Shan honestly has no idea how He Tian kept himself alive before he started making him cook for him. He packs away the groceries before starting on dinner prep. A proper dinner. And not that idiotic girl dinner bullshit He Tian is stuffing himself up with. Fucking idiot.
He starts cutting up some vegetables for a quick stir fry after putting on the rice cooker and seasoning some chicken cutlets he plans to grill. He rolls his eyes when he looks up and sees He Tian is still eating his stupid girl dinner meal but at least he’s eating the banana now.
“If you’ve still got an appetite after that junk you just ate you’re welcome to join me for a real dinner.”
“I always have room for your cooking. You know that.”
“You need help or anything?”
“Nah. It’s fine. This’ll be done quick. Just set the table when I tell you to.”
“Copy that.”
It’s silent then save for He Tian scrolling through his phone and watching videos. Every now and then, something will make him chuckle and Mo Guan Shan will feel his phone vibrate in his pocket which means He Tian has sent those videos to him. Later, they’ll lay in bed and He Tian will watch those videos again with him and laugh all over.
The rice cooker timer goes off just as Mo Guan Shan turns off the stove. He Tian throws his trash and tucks his phone away to set the table.
“Why are you eating that shit anyway?” Mo Guan Shan asks as he scoops rice onto their bowls.
“There wasn’t anything in the fridge I can make. I wasn’t sure what time you’ll be back and you weren’t answering your phone”
“I was in line at the cashier. Couldn’t pick up.”
“Well, you weren’t home and I was hungry. So.”
“Well, I’m here now so quit eating shit like you’re a broke college student. You’re not eating girl meal—”
“Girl dinner.”
“—or whatever the fuck you called that garbage. Not in my fucking kitchen you're not. 
“Alright, alright. Geez. So strict, Little Mo.”
“Tch. For such a picky eater you eat absolute trash. I thought I trained that out of you by now.”
“What am I a dog?”
“Nah. I’ve seen dogs who eat better than you.”
“Oh, like that one lady who has two huskies? Yeah, I’ve seen her videos. Those dogs eat like kings. I mean, prime cut steaks every day? Fuck.”
“Shit. I know, right? And she even cooks them too like—”
The rest of dinner is spent is spent idly chatting. Mo Guan Shan puts more vegetables in He Tian’s bowl which he eats without complaints because he knows it makes him happy. After dinner, He Tian washes the dishes while Mo Guan Shan makes them tea and thinks about dishes he can stock the fridge with that He Tian can just heat up whenever he gets hungry.
They fall asleep scrolling through the videos He Tian has sent Mo Guan Shan throughout the day. 
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rhoorl · 7 months
Since it's holiday week . Made me think about our delta boys. Who would do what. Think Will would be the master chef. Frankie would help out. Benny ? He tried to help bless his heart. he would get in the way. Santi would make a few desserts. something from his childhood. Then the traditional pies.
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Ok, so I received a submission (my first one!) asking how the boys would celebrate Thanksgiving. I love thinking of headcanons for them, especially around holidays or special occasions. For this, I’m answering in the context of my Delta Landscaping world. 
In DL, it’s established that Frankie grew up with Benny and Will. Frankie also had to assume a caretaker role early on for his sister. I think a lot have a headcanon that Frankie enjoys cooking and I do too. Whenever the boys have a BBQ at the Millers’ house, Frankie is at the grill or prepping other dishes. Since he’s a bit more on the reserved side, this was a way for him to still be involved but be able to focus on something that wasn’t just socializing, if that makes sense. It harkens back to when he was younger and he would sit in the kitchen with his Tias or with one of the Miller mommas and watch them and help out. 
So, needless to say, Frankie enjoys cooking and preparing a meal; it’s a way he shows love. When it comes to Thanksgiving, he has to take the lead in making a turkey or ham. Benny convinced him to deep fry a turkey a few years ago and it ended in a bit of a disaster, so from now on it’s an oven-roasted turkey, which he takes great pride in seasoning and basting (I swear I do not mean that in a dirty way, get your mind out of the gutter). While the turkey is cooking, he prepares a bunch of the sides. He's got it all down to a system.
Will is the organized, practical one so his duties include setting the table. A few years back, when he was engaged and planning a wedding, his mom gave him and his then-fiance some of the plates, glasses, napkins, and other assorted items she used to decorate for their big Thanksgiving dinners. He thought about giving it back to her after his fiance left, but he likes the memories these items bring of growing up and enjoying Thanksgiving with his brother, cousins, and extended family. He’ll try and help in the kitchen if Frankie needs it but otherwise, he tries to steer clear and watch football.
Benny is all about the snacks and apps. When it comes to cooking, bless his heart, Benny tries he really does, but he’s just not super good at it. He’s a bit of a bull in a china shop and ends up making a mess which annoys Frankie to no end. They bicker in the kitchen as they try and jostle for some space to prepare what they need. Benny loves a good dip and he’s perfected a great buffalo chicken dip. I know, not a traditional Thanksgiving food perhaps but it’s a crowd pleaser. The guys end up snacking on whatever he brings or makes while they watch football and wait for the meal to be ready.
Santiago brings some great wine to the dinner. I think I may have mentioned somewhere before that my headcanon for him is that he’s really into wine. He has a wine subscription box that comes every month and enjoys going to wineries and wine tastings. It started off as a way to impress a date but he’s actually quite enjoyed it, especially as he’s traveled the world. He also has a big sweet tooth and is the one to always bring dessert. He has a few staples he sticks to, but isn’t afraid to venture out and bring something new.
So what are the boys' favorite Thanksgiving food? I thought you’d never ask:
Although Frankie takes great pride in his turkey, he actually likes mac and cheese the best. He also prefers Thanksgiving leftovers to the actual meal itself. Will’s favorite is turkey, or ham if Frankie decides to cook it that year (once Frankie realized how much Will liked it, he started making it every year). Benny loves stuffing (or dressing depending on where you’re from). But, in a move that surprises everyone - mainly his mom - he loves green bean casserole too. Santiago is all about the dessert (hence why he always is in charge of it). He loves pumpkin pie and pecan pie, but he won’t turn down a sweet potato or cherry pie either. 
If you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed my little Thanksgiving prep with the boys. If you are celebrating, I hope you have a good Thanksgiving, if you’re not, then I hope you have a great week!
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Meal Prep complete!
Grilled Chicken with Spicy Green Sauce with Jasmine rice, Brussel Sprouts, broccoli, and red bell peppers.
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osteohack · 7 months
Part 2 for the favorite food ask with different slashers?
Slashers’ Favourite Foods, Pt. 2
(Part 1 here)
Bo Sinclair: He seems like the type of person to enjoy meals with a lot of meat. Steaks, rib eye, bacon, chicken, you name it. For steaks, I think he’d like them medium or medium rare, a little juicy you know. I think he’d also really like chicken skewers.
Bubba Sawyer: I see him as someone who enjoys comfort foods when he can manage to get his hands on them. Similar to Thomas Hewitt, he would also like stews with meat. I think he’d also like cakes or tarts if he were able to get any.
Stu Macher: Fast food king. It’s quick, easy, requires no work from him, and it’s normally pretty good. It’s the late 90s so McDonald’s is likely his restaurant of choice. He definitely counts the lettuce and potatoes as part of his 5 a day. Pizza would be another option for him if he doesn’t really feel like going out anywhere.
Billy Loomis: As Stu’s best friend, he’d likely eat fast food often as well, but I don’t think they would be his favourite. I think he would prefer convenience foods though since they’re quick and he doesn’t really want to be spending his time prepping meals while enacting his revenge. I think he might like grilled cheese, or grilled ham and cheese sandwiches, maybe with tomato soup as well.
Billy Lenz: Billy probably doesn’t care too much about the food he eats, considering he’s made a home in the attic and probably doesn’t get the opportunity to be picky. If he was asked directly I’m sure he would say something disgusting just for the reaction. In his commentary notes he mentions pudding a lot so, I don’t know, maybe he likes pudding? He also mentions pastrami sandwiches and strawberries. I’m not sure whether they’re related to his favourite foods or not, but they could be foods he’s particular about.
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beingdreeyore · 4 months
I read an article the other day on how cooking for one is an act of self-love for us single folk and I have to agree.
I have this routine these days. Through the first half of the week I scroll through recipes, typically on the Recipe Tin Eats site. I search for things I've never heard of that are common in faraway places and I tag them. One-by-one I add items to my online shopping cart. By Thursday I place the order for home delivery and then first thing on Saturday morning as the sun is just rising (a decision I regret every week), the groceries get delivered.
In the last six months I've tried new ingredients, new recipes, new cooking methods. There are spices I'd never even heard of before that I'm now comfortable using and recipes for foods from places I didn't know existed that are slowly creeping into my weekly repertoire. My tiny kitchen is now too small for the appliances and utensils that I own. Food has become too big in my life.
It's a weekly routine that I look forward to. There's something soothing about it that I can't quite put my finger on, but I know that it works. Meal prep for work lunches is no longer grilled or shredded chicken with a garden salad.
I mention it today because I woke to a wave of grief and emotion over the men that have come and gone from my life over the years, and I was shocked to find myself feeling that way. But then it clocked what feminine things were occurring in my body at this time of the month and I shook it off. I shook it off because the feeling is mostly foreign these days and I'm so confident it will pass as this stage of the monthly cycle passes. The loneliness and lack of love doesn't drown me as frequently or quite severely as it used to. My life has become this solitary little routine that seems to feed my soul and keep it nourished. The cooking and the preparation seems to be a big part of that and I'm not really sure why or how. I just know that every weekend I prep for the week ahead and the learning, exploration, and then the reward at the end really is such an act of self-love that it has a grounding quality to it. It settles me.
The level of acceptance I have for myself and who I am is so high these days. I still see my flaws and I still work at them, but I also am unapologetically who I am. When I'm not at work, even though I'm mostly alone, I now routinely do all these little things that make me content in my solo little bubble. I wonder at times how a man would ever fit into my life now. What man would be worth disrupting my peace when it took so long (and so much money on therapy...) to create?
So it's a simple thing, this cooking routine, but it is an act of self-love. In the madness that is this new year and the world right now, it's a practice in mindfulness that doesn't involve sitting on a yoga mat with my eyes closed and it gets me better results. It turns out that keeping your body nourished can also be a way to keep your soul nourished.
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threadbaresweater · 3 months
plz share ur recipes if u can🙏 I'm 23 and just learing how to pack lunches because I'm substitute teaching everyday and painfully learning that I really can't work 8 hours on just celsius😭
oh, my darling..
if you have a rice cooker, rice is one of the easiest things to prep and have on hand. I recently upgraded ours and it says it will make oatmeal, too, but I haven't tried yet. This weekend, I made honey Sriracha chicken. you'll need:
2-3 pounds of boneless skinless chicken cuts of your choice- breasts or thighs work well
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup honey
2 tablespoons tomato paste
2 tablespoons Sriracha sauce
4 cloves of garlic, minced (you can also use what I lovingly refer to as "jarlic"- it's minced garlic in a jar, usually found in the produce section at the grocery store. it doesn't taste as good as fresh garlic, but it's easy and quick)
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
2 tablespoons corn starch
Mix all of this together and pour over chicken in a slow cooker. cook on low for 7-8 hours or on high for 4. shred the chicken when it's fork tender. if you're packing lunches with it, let it cook completely (along with the rice) and divide it up into containers. I really like the glass storage containers (these are the ones I have). honestly, if you make enough rice, this will get you through a week of lunches!
I also make a big bowl of fruit salad. any kind of fruit you like! just wash, cut, and store in an airtight container or divide into your meal prep containers and it's a good snack on the go. Adult lunchables are fun too. Get yourself some fancy crackers and some kind of meat (salami, turkey breast, ham..), a brick of cheese that you can slice up, and trail mix or nuts. some of the meal prep containers have dividers if you shop around and are good for storing these.
Those bagged salad kits are really nice. You get all the stuff you need and only have to mix it. You can add protein if you like, but they're also great on their own! I also always keep simple things on hand for snacks- string cheese, protein bars, good old pb+j, carrot sticks, celery, and cucumbers are favorites around here.
Casseroles are always nice, and they keep well for a few days. You can throw just about anything you like in a baking dish and have a meal for a few days. This Chicken Bacon Ranch pasta is one that even my picky eater loves. Another easy idea is sandwiches. You can be as creative or simple as you like! Grilled or baked, any kind of bread or veggies you want. The possibilities are literally endless.
Honestly, if you do a little Google searching for what you like, there are millions of recipes out there- ranging from super simple to complicated (but ultimately rewarding!). I'm happy to point you in the direction of what my family loves, but I'm sure you have your own taste and preferences, too.
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