#growing old together trope
indestinatus · 4 years
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totally random question: how many people do you know who are still with a romantic partner they met in like high school? how common IS this?
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pollyna · 3 years
"I want to grow old with someone, one day" Julian announces, sitting in front of him, two years after they met. "I want to grow old and white with someone, Garak" remarks, before taking a bite from his pie. Garak shares the same wish but he is surely not going to voice it.
"I think I could like to grow old with Leeta. Maybe on Bajor" he comments offhand, a year later. Garak's heart breaks a little.
(Leeta takes Julian to Risa and make them participate to the Rite of Separation. Julian doesn't talk about getting old with someone anymore, doesn't matter who is dating. Garak is almost relieved. Almost.)
"If you had the possibility to stay on Cardassia what would have you done after your retirement?" Julian asks while they're heading back from the internment camp.
"My dear, I very much doubt I would have made to my retirement" but Garak can see, as if they were in front of them, two figures sitting in front of their garden, sipping cold tea and discussing the last book they read. A cardassian and a human.
Julian puts an hand on his shoulder and doesn't let go until the pass the wormhole.
"After the war... i'd like to come to Cardassia with you" I would like to grow old with you it's what he wants to say but it doesn't seem the right moment.
"I would be honored, Doctor. Cardassia will be to." I want the same.
"Would you like to grow old with me, Elim?" he murmured, half asleep, six month after arriving in Cardassia. Julian doesn't ear the answer because he's already asleep but Garak says it anyway: "I'm going to love growing old with you, e'zIra"
"I'm going to grow old with you, Elim Garak, nothing is going to stop me now!" everyone is laughing, someone is crying and even Mila is, discreetly, whipping.
"I'm going to fight everyone is going to try to stop us from growing old together" he answers and completely miss captain Sisko proclaiming them husband and husband because they're already kissing.
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kk-dirge · 3 years
-thinks about unova trio growing old together-
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absentlyabbie · 4 years
as i get close to finishing was it love i get more and more frustrated
if there was any justice in this damn kdrama ae jeong would fall for the guy who isn’t a massive asshole and who quietly and ardently supports and appreciates her and doesn’t push or harrass her with his feelings
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doctorjohcoy · 5 years
do you understand that im here because i crave kooky old divine gays having lunch together and going on walks and bickering amicably about nothing at all and just doing all the boring domestic stuff together?
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randomoranges · 5 years
advent calendar part 19
Day 14
Word: Comfort
Object: A magnet from a local pizza place
 “I know we were supposed to go out tonight, but I’m so exhausted. D’you mind if we postpone and stay in?”
               Message sent: Friday 3:40pm from Curly <3
 “Tough day?”
               Message sent: Friday 3:42pm from Eddy
 “Tough week. It feels like it’s lasted 19 years.”
               Message sent: Friday 3:45pm from Curly <3
 “Omg. Same. I thought I was going to pass out at work. I’m relieved haha. I’m dead too. Staying in sounds perf tbh. The thought of changing into anything other than sweatpants sounds exhausting.”
               Message sent: Friday 3:47pm from Eddy
 “B l e s s . Also, when the hell did we get so old that we couldn’t even go out on Fridays :(“
               Message sent: Friday 3:49pm from Curly <3
 “Please. Speak for yourself. You’re the old one.”
               Message sent: Friday 3:52pm from Eddy
 “Excuse! I’m only 2 years older than you. I’m hurt </3”
               Message sent: Friday 3:54pm from Curly <3
 “I’m not the one who was complaining about a bad back Wednesday morning :p”
               Message sent: Friday 3:58pm from Eddy
 “:( You’re mean :(“
               Message sent: Friday 4:02pm from Curly <3
 “Haha, love you too, see you in a bit.”
               Message sent: Friday 4:03pm from Eddy
 “See you soon! <3”
               Message sent: Friday 4:04pm from Curly <3
 Étienne arrived home a few hours later and had, quite frankly, never been so happy to see his front door or to know that he wouldn’t have to leave the comforts of his apartment for the next two days if he so desired; he was exhausted, the commute back home had been hell and the thought of crashing face first on his bed and not moving for the next several weeks sounded like the best plan; Étienne dropped his bag to the floor, shucked his boots and removed his coat, scarf, hat and mittens, before he stepped further inside – it seemed Edward was already home, for the light in the kitchen and living room were on and he nearly cried when he saw a pizza box on the table, “You got pizza? From our favourite cheap pizza place? This is why I love you,” Étienne peered inside the pizza box and inhaled deeply, while Edward walked over to him and greeted him with a kiss to his cheek, “Yeah, the thought of cooking anything seemed exhausting and I couldn’t bring myself to pick up from the nice pizza joint we usually go to – the detour seemed like too much hassle, I hope this is okay,” Étienne’s answer was to give him a tight hug, “This is perfect.”
 “I figured we could eat this in the living room and maybe catch up on a few things on the PVR?” Edward asked as he took the pizza box and headed for the living room, Étienne following, “Yeah, that sounds good, just nothing too elaborate or that requires any thinking – I don’t think I have the brain capacity for that,” Edward nodded and they took a moment to settle themselves on the couch, Étienne going so far as to place one of the afghans his grandmother had made him a few years ago over their bodies, while Edward platted the pizza, “Paper plates even? We must be really out of it,” He laughed and Edward shrugged, “They came with the pizza – I wasn’t going to let them to waste, and if it means we don’t have to wash two dishes, that’s an added bonus,” They settled in after that, eating, enjoying the moment of calmness and the mindless TV show they liked to indulge in; it was peaceful, and after the exhausting week they both had, it was nice to have this.
 Étienne snuggled up to Edward once he was done eating and gave a content sigh; he was relaxed, felt safe and warm, nestled by his boyfriend’s side, with Edward’s arm wrapped around him; if he could have a lifetime of this, he would be the happiest man alive – he never thought he would fall into this domestic life so easily, but he now craved the easy going nature of his relationship with Edward and if he got to have this until he was old and grey, he would call it a successful life, “Thanks for this,” Étienne murmured and placed a soft kiss to Edward’s chin; his boyfriend squeezed his shoulder in response, “Don’t mention it, I think we both needed this,” And Étienne supposed Edward had a point – it wasn’t just the past week that had dragged on, but the past month and if he really thought about it, it felt as though he had been running a marathon ever since the New Year and there had never been a moment to catch his breath; to make matters even worse, both their schedules had been completely incompatible and there had been little to no time for them to unwind like this, which was why they had jumped at the idea of going out when they had both realised that they were free tonight.
 “You know, I remember a time when “staying in” was code for making out and kinky sex – I don’t even think I have the energy for a hand job,” Étienne bemoaned, making Edward chuckle, “I don’t think I have the energy to even get it up,” They looked at each other for a moment and then burst out laughing – it was liberating, it was ridiculous, and the more they laughed, the harder their laughter was and Étienne had to clutch Edward’s arm as he wheezed, while Edward wiped tears from the corner of his eyes; they tried to get their laughing under control, because really, it wasn’t even that funny, but one look at each other sent them reeling all over again; this went on for quite some time, the television show long forgotten and by the time they stifled their giggles to a minimum, they had missed a good part of the show.
 “Hey – this is okay though, yeah? I mean… you don’t mind us being boring, right?” Edward asked a little later, as the episode ended – Étienne turned to look at him and noticed a point of worry in his eyes, “This is more than okay; this is perfect,” He was quick to reassure and added a kiss to Edward’s cheek, “I just wanted to spend time with you and this is nice,” Edward seemed convinced and Étienne settled back into Edward’s embrace; they could be “boring” together, even if Étienne didn’t think they were – he loved the life he was building with Edward and always thought of it as exciting and fulfilling, even if they were spending Friday night eating pizza and watching TV; he loved the fact that they had their regular date spots and that there was such a thing as “cheap favourite pizza place” and “nicer pizza place”, or that sometimes, all they needed was a walk around the neighbourhood and that Edward would pull him into one of their favourite cafés where the staff recognised them and knew their orders by heart – he loved that he had this and that he was so lucky to share it with his best friend.
 Edward started another episode and Étienne did his best to stay awake, but he soon found his eyes drooping and his mind drifting and somewhere between one commercial break and the next, he was snoring lightly, tucked safely by Edward’s side; Edward made it to the end of the episode and only noticed his boyfriend was asleep when he asked him if he wanted to watch another episode and got no reply; he shut off the TV and settled in, not bothering to fight off sleep any longer – the leftover pizza could wait until the morning.
 (The following morning, Étienne woke up complaining his back hurt and Edward called him an old man, teasing. Étienne huffed and retaliated by pointing out the fact that Edward was already starting to grey. Edward tried to pretend he wasn’t bothered by it, but Étienne assured him that he didn’t care and that he loved it. That he loved him. Greys and all.)
 Étienne was welcomed at the door by Edward who helped him in. Étienne dropped his bag to the floor, shucked his boots and removed his coat, scarf, hat and mittens, before he stepped further inside – Edward lead him towards the kitchen - Étienne paused when he saw a familiar pizza box on the table.
 “I figured we could stay in and have pizza tonight, for old time’s sake.”
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griffincastle · 6 years
Ever thought of drawing RiDe, TaNi, or Poly Primis as an elderly couple? You know, when they're in their eighties and their just cuddling with their eyes closed or something?
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taeghi · 2 years
lee heeseung - the brother's best friend trope
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"what if he comes home early?" "then we're fucked, but at least we'll be fucked together."
summary : keeping your crush on heeseung a secret from heeseung was hard, but keeping it a secret from sunghoon was even harder. what do you do when you accidentally fall in love with your older brothers best friend?
you sneak around behind his back of course.
word count : 29,000 (how did i do that lol)
includes : severe angst, fluff and smut
read the other volumes?
🤎 minors do NOT interact
taglist : @srirachibi @ryu-naa @blank-velvet @hoonstrology @person-standing @yuakagi @moasworld @rein-deer-stuffs @ily-cuz-i @lix-freckle3 @leeis @turnipsandflowerss @hoewithnojams @liliansun @melaninjhs @sunshine-skz @andromedawillburryyou (sorry if i forgot anyone, please reblog!!!)
being park sunghoon's little sister was difficult.
it was difficult already to have an older brother that annoys you every five seconds, but it was even more difficult because he just had to have hot friends.
hot friends that sunghoon made sure knew that you were completely off-limits.
when sunghoon entered high school, he was immediately somehow made popular and quickly made a small friend group with the other popular boys in his grade; jay park and jake shim. another boy, who was a year older than sunghoon also hung out with them quite frequently; lee heeseung.
though you were only a year younger than sunghoon, he treated you like you were five years old. your friends thought that it was sweet that sunghoon was so protective of you- but you thought the complete opposite about it. since he treated you like a baby- that meant his friends treated you like a baby.
sunghoon's friends knew that if he ever caught them even glancing at you for more than a mere second, they would get reprimanded by sunghoon in an instant. sometimes they even thought that sunghoon was a little too protective of you, but then again sunghoon knows how his friends think and how they treat girls. he doesn't want you to get heartbroken like the thousand other girls they have played.
the first time you ever saw lee heeseung was when you were just starting year 8 at your school. sunghoon had brought home heeseung one day after school so they could play some video games together. heeseung was in year 10 at the time, and he was just starting to grow into his features. that didn't stop you from almost physically drooling over him when he first stepped foot into your kitchen.
you remember your mother introducing herself to heeseung, smiling at him and welcoming them into your home, but what she said exactly is all a blur because you were so in shock about how and why this hot guy was friends with your brother.
"that's y/n, but you don't have to talk to her she's pretty annoying." sunghoon's voice got you out of your drooling session. sunghoon pointed his thumb over his shoulder at you before going into the fridge to get him and heeseung a drink before they head up to his room.
"hi, y/n." heeseung said softly with a smile as he stood at the table beside you, waiting for your brother.
"hi." you forced yourself to say, surprising yourself when it came out in a normal tone.
"okay, my room's this way, i'll show you my games and we can play whatever one you want." sunghoon shrugged, leading heeseung up the stairs. "oh and y/n," sunghoon stopped and called to you from the middle of the staircase, making heeseung turn back around to look at you, "don't bug us, seriously, i mean it."
"wha- i won't!" your jaw dropped out of embarrassment and ridicule, "why would i wanna go into your musty room anyways." you rolled your eyes, turning your body away so they wouldn't see the flash of pink on your cheeks from the humiliation.
"shut up, it is not musty." sunghoon grumbled, turning again to head upstairs, you heard a soft chuckle from heeseung as he also turned around and followed your brother up the stairs.
after that day, you saw heeseung at your house a couple of times per month, along with jay and jake. they quickly turned into regular guests at your house, walking into your residence without even knocking by the end of the school year. your parents had started acting like they had just randomly gained three extra sons.
at first, whenever you were around jay or jake, you could sense that they were a bit reluctant to talk to you. you figured that it was just because you were younger than them. there would be times when jay and you would be cracking jokes in the living room whilst he waited for your brother to finish getting ready, and as soon as he heard sunghoon come down the stairs, jay would back away from you and act as if he didn't know anything about you.
jake didn't really care if sunghoon saw him smile at you, or even just acknowledge your presence. though, you could tell sunghoon got a bit annoyed when he saw jake interacting with you. still, jake would never be caught dead being alone in a room with you, just in case, sunghoon decided to end their friendship then and there because of it.
heeseung, on the other hand, the one that was the most introverted out of all of them, did not care about sunghoon's stupid over-protectiveness of you. heeseung always made sure to say hi to you, to open the door for you when you all started walking to high school together. he didn't care about what sunghoon said or thought because heeseung knew how much sunghoon trusted and adored him. sure, it was annoying seeing his best friend talking to his little sister, but not as annoying as seeing jay or jake talk to her.
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sunghoon and his friends loved to party.
usually, the party would happen at your house since your parents frequently liked to go away on weekends- whether it was work-related or if they just needed a little getaway.
during your first year in high school, sunghoon and his friends were having another notorious party at your house. sunghoon had forbidden you to come downstairs and join the party.
you argued with him for hours, but eventually gave up when he didn't seem to be budging.
for hours that night, you heard the music blasting downstairs, along with other teenagers laughing and seemingly having the time of their lives. you so badly wanted to go downstairs and join them.
you lay awake in your dark bedroom, the only light in the room from the moon that shone through your white curtains. every now and then you would hear someone in the hallway, either laughing or whispering until they eventually found a room to crash in.
you mentally apologized to your parents for leaving their bedroom door unlocked.
you think you were just about to fall asleep to the heavy bass downstairs until your phone vibrated on your bedside table beside you.
heeseung 🤎 : are you awake?
you immediately sat up in your bed, sleep leaving you and now being replaced with adrenaline.
why was lee heeseung wondering if you were awake at this late hour?
you scoffed at the thought, probably checking to see if you were up past your bedtime.
you : yeah i am
there was a quick reply from him.
heeseung 🤎 : can i come see you?
you : sure
you started brushing down your hair, hoping that it didn't look too crazy from your head grazing your pillow. your blanket is wrapped around your chest as you wait for him. unsure of what to expect from him.
when ten minutes go by with no sign of him, you sigh and lay back down again, thinking that he's forgotten about you, wouldn't be the first time, you mentally deadpanned, cringing at the memory.
a few months ago, heeseung was staying the night at your house like he usually does. only this time, sunghoon was away with your parents at your aunt's house for her birthday. you had stayed behind because you weren't feeling well and didn't want to get the rest of your family sick. your parents thought that it would be okay to leave you there for the weekend, as heeseung could help watch over you.
it was late at night, probably around the same time that it is now, and you hear heeseung laughing downstairs. you figured that maybe he was watching a tv show or scrolling on his phone.
until you heard a girl's voice.
you remember feeling like all the hairs on your body stood up at once as you took in what was probably happening downstairs. you weren't sure what to do.
you heard heeseung and the girl come upstairs and walk past your bedroom, into his- into the guest- bedroom. you remember closing your eyes and trying to imagine that this wasn't happening. the guy that you liked wasn't about to have sex with a girl in the room beside yours! no, of course not!
that thought worked for maybe five minutes until you heard the soft rocking of the bed against the wall across the room from you.
"shit," you whispered to yourself, your hands coming up to cover your face as you tried to accept your reality.
low grunts and high moans were being heard in the house now. every now and then you could hear the girl whimper out heeseung's name. you tried to not pay attention to it, but the more you listened the more insight you got on what heeseung was like in bed.
your thighs clamped together as you continued to listen. you felt so dirty but your panties were getting soaked at the thought of sweaty heeseung leaning over you and pounding into you just as hard as he was pounding into the girl in the other room.
her moans were getting louder and louder and you figured she was getting close to her climax- the climax that heeseung was giving her.
if you tried really hard, you could tune out her moans and hear heeseung's grunts, you could tell that he was whispering something to her every now and then, with the way his grunts would stop and her loud whines would answer him.
the bed stopped rocking, and their moans and grunts came to a stop. and your house returned to the silence that it once was. you strained your ears to try to hear something, but there was nothing. you figured that they had passed out right after they finished.
you tried to stop, but your fingers danced their way down to your panties, needing to get off because of lee heeseung once again. you had only ever imagined him in a sexual way, but now you had some fuel for your fantasies.
the next morning, you woke up to the sound of the front door opening and closing. quickly remembering the events of the night before, you ran to your window and sneakily looked outside to see who had left.
heeseung was standing outside on the front step in only grey sweatpants as he hugged the girl goodbye.
you didn't know exactly who the girl was, but you knew that she was in your grade. she was really pretty, you had heard some other boys in your classes talk about her before. she was slim and popular and you knew that she was on the dance team at school. there was no wonder as to why heeseung would want to have sex with her. she was borderline perfect.
they pulled away from their hug and she started walking down the street to leave, heeseung came back inside.
you quietly ran into the bathroom before heeseung came back upstairs. you left your bedroom door opened to indicate that you were no longer in there.
you took a long sigh as you looked at yourself in the mirror. you looked exhausted and stressed, something so much different than the way the pretty girl looked in the morning. you felt your pounding headache come back at all the thoughts that occurred the night before.
when you reopened the bathroom door, heeseung was standing at the top of the stairs, a look of surprise and shock on his face as he looked at you. at least he was wearing a sweater now, you didn't know how you were supposed to talk to him while he was shirtless.
"oh! y/n! hi!" heeseung greeted, scratching the back of his neck, "sorry, i, uh, forgot you were home this weekend too, how are you feeling?" he smiled at you, taking in your appearance.
suddenly feeling self-conscious and awkward, you wrapped your sweater closed around you, "I'm feeling a bit better." you shrugged at him, trying to keep cool as if you didn't just hear him fuck the living shit out of a girl last night - and then got off on it after!
"that's good!" heeseung nodded, and a beat of silence passes through you two, "sorry, if i was loud last night, i didn't mean to keep you up if i did."
"no you weren't!" you let out quickly, heeseung put a small smile on your face, "i mean uh, i didn't hear anything, i took some cold medicine and passed out until this morning."
"oh, okay. that's probably why you feel better now."
"yeah! exactly! so uh, I'm just, gonna go back to bed for a little while longer, i guess." you pointed at your bedroom door behind him.
"oh, you don't wanna watch a movie or anything? i was thinking we could watch one of sunghoon's movies that he forbids you to watch, don't worry, i wouldn't tell him." heeseung smiled at you.
"uh, maybe not today. i just want to sleep the rest of this cold off." you nodded, looking down at the carpet.
"aw, okay. i hope you feel better, y/n!" heeseung patted you on the back sincerely.
"Thanks." you got out quickly, making a dart for your bedroom, wanting to get away from his touch even if it was something so platonic. you sighed out of relief as you closed your bedroom door, thank god he didn't hear you that night.
but now, as the party downstairs continued and your heart was racing with anxiety while your mind was racing with thoughts of heeseung, you couldn't help but feel hurt with the fact that he had forgotten you again. why would he even text you in the first place?
suddenly your bedroom door slowly opened, the music getting louder for a second as a figure slipped quietly before shutting it again. you sat up as heeseung turned to look at you.
"'m sorry, were you sleeping?" heeseung whispered out to you as he approached your bed. you were sure if he got closer to you, he would be able to hear how fast and loud your heart was beating. you tried to speak out but all you could think was lee heeseung is in my bedroom, so you shook your head no.
heeseung bent over your bed, allowing a small scent of alcohol to wash around your room. he was drunk.
"i wish sunghoon would let you join our parties." heeseung slurred, his hands holding his upper body up on your bed.
"why?" you asked, amused at heeseung's drunk confession.
"because i wanna hang out with you."
your heart raced faster, trying to piece words together to reply to him.
"sunghoon treats you like a little girl just because you're his little sister but i know you're not so little. you're a grown teenager now."
your heart swelled now, happy that finally, finally, someone didn't see you as a baby. you were glad that that person was heeseung.
"thank you," you whispered back quietly, trying to hold your giant smile in from his words. you heard him deeply chuckle in response. "why'd you wanna come to talk to me anyway?"
"because i wanted to see you, i always have fun with you."
"mm," you nodded, playing with your blanket out of nervousness, "i have fun with you, too." heeseung smiled at that.
"you look pretty in the moonlight."
your eyes widened at his compliment, unsure of what to say. heeseung's deep chuckle broke the silence between you, "fuck, i think i drank too much, sunghoon would kill me if he knew i was in here."
"no, it's okay." you shook your head, gaining some confidence to look at him as he stood up straight again.
heeseung scoffed, "sunghoon would most definitely not think it was okay."
"who cares what hoon thinks? you said so yourself, i'm not a little girl. i can talk to whoever i want."
you see heeseung bite his lip in your dark room, he stares at you intently as if he's contemplating what to do before he snaps out of it. he turns his head away from you and brushes his bangs out of his face.
"fuck, i should go. i'll see you tomorrow, or at school now, i guess." heeseung smiled, "it's cool seeing you in the hallways now." you smiled down at your blanket again, not wanting heeseung to see your blush.
"see you at school, hee."
heeseung smiled once he was back in the hallway, happy to hear his nickname slip off of your tongue so easily.
heeseung never came into your bedroom ever again after then, and never mentioned the incident. you wondered if he even remembered talking to you that night since he was so intoxicated. if your little interaction affected him you'd never know, but it did increase your attraction to him.
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summer breaks at your house were always fun since your family had a pool. the parties were more fun in the summer than you'd know since you never got to go to them, but you heard around school that everyone liked your pool.
you liked when just the regular boys would come over; jake, jay, and of course heeseung, when sunghoon would let you hang out with him and his friends for once.
you were sitting on one of the chairs by the pool, reading a book that you weren't really interested in but you were so bored. the four boys were splashing around in the pool, having fun. you were in your own world until cold, wet hands came and picked you up from your chair, making you drop your book at the action.
"sunghoon! no!" you cried out while laughing, your older brother picking you up over his shoulder and making a straight bee-line to the pool. "no!" you laughed mid-air as he threw you into the pool.
when you resurfaced you put a teasing scowl on your face as you looked up at your brother who still stood at the edge of the pool, bent over from laughing. "sunghoon, no!" he mocked your voice.
"shut up!" you whined, pushing your now wet hair back away from your face so it looked a bit cleaner.
"now you're gonna play chicken fight with us, right y/n?" jake smiled at you from across the pool.
"hell no!" you shook your head, you've seen them play chicken fight before and they were ruthless.
"just play one game y/n! we'll put you up against jake so you can win!" jay laughed, shoving jake beside him.
"what the hell is that supposed to mean? jake gasped looking offended.
"come man, you know you suck at chicken fight." sunghoon said, getting back into the pool.
"come on y/n, you can be on my team." heeseung said from beside you, you weren't sure how he got there, but his perfect smile and sun-tanned skin easily persuaded you to cave in and play one game with them.
"okay." you agreed, and next thing you know you're being lifted out of the water and onto heeseung's shoulders. you laugh as you try to balance yourself on top of him. his warm hands wrapping around your thighs to help you.
"you good?" heeseung asked you, trying to look up at you above him.
"yeah! we better win!" you cheered out.
"as if," jake responded, him now sitting on top of jay's shoulders, "we're gonna win so don't even try y/n!"
heeseung and jay started moving closer to each other with you and jake on their shoulders. your hands were pushed out in front of you, ready to defend yourself against jake.
"come here, jakey." you teased out to him, showing him that you're ready.
"you're gonna get it, y/n, i mean it!" jake called out, his hands pushing against yours already.
it took a few pushes and pulls, but luckily, heeseung is really good at balancing you and himself against jay and jake's efforts.
with one final push to jake's forearms, he goes falling back into the water, taking jay with him.
"god, jake! did you have to trap my head in between your legs?" jay sputtered as he came out from the water.
"Sorry! i was stressed!" jake replied sheepishly.
"woohoo! good game y/n!" heeseung cheered, setting. you down into the water and high fiving you.
"i told you we'd win!" you pointed your finger at jake who only pouted in response, making everyone else laugh at him. you felt immense pride in your and heeseung's teamwork, wishing that you could be on heeseung's team all the time now.
later on, when you got out of the pool, ready to go back inside, you could feel someone's eyes on you. sunghoon had gone inside to get a drink, leaving only you and his three friends.
out of the corner of your eye, you could see that it was jay staring at you. his lip tucked in between his teeth as he stared at your legs. feeling suddenly naked under his and probably the other two's eyes, you went to grab your towel to find that it was already gone. fucking sunghoon. he probably didn't realize that he took your towel, but god what a wrong time to mistake it.
"here, y/n." heeseung said from beside you suddenly, "you can use mine." you look down and see that he's giving you his towel to wrap around your body.
"uh, thanks hee, i'll get sunghoon to bring out another one for you." you smiled, trying to quickly wrap it around your body so it was out of view for others to see. it's not like you cared if anyone looked, but you were so socially anxious around hot boys that it made you want to cover up before they could stare at you further.
"no problem." heeseung smiled, moving aside so you could go inside. you stayed by the screen door for a second once you were in, letting go of the breath you were apparently holding in.
"c'mon, man, sunghoon could've been right there!" you heard heeseung's voice grunt out suddenly.
"i know i know! i can't help it! did you see her?' jay's voice carried out, desperation evident in his voice.
"fuck, jay, we can't be talking about this, you know she's off-limits." heeseung replied with frustration.
it rang through your head over and over again and you hated it. you hated sunghoon for treating you like a baby. you hated him for having such hot friends. you hated him for ruining your chances with lee heeseung. if you ever had any. it seemed like you could get any one of their attention besides heeseungs.
and that was something you would make sure would change.
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when heeseung graduated high school the next year, it was a sad day for everyone, including your parents. you tried to hide your sadness at the thought of not seeing heeseung around as much since he was to go to college in the capital city, a few hours away from your hometown.
heeseung would no longer be caught raiding your fridge for food at 3am, no longer seen sitting on the bottom step waiting for sunghoon to finish getting ready, and no longer heard laughing about something stupid in the living room.
but of course, you couldn't tell anyone about how upset you were about heeseung leaving. sunghoon would absolutely kill you if he heard that you had a crush on his best friend. plus, you knew that all heeseung ever saw you as was his best friend's annoying little sister.
since your parents were basically losing their non-biological son to college, they decided to have a huge dinner on the night after graduation. the night before, sunghoon, jay, jake, and heeseung had all gone to a graduation party and returned back to your house completely wasted at 5am. when your parents and you woke up the next day, you weren't even sure where the boys were until they all wandered down the stairs at dinner time. they all looked absolutely hungover that it made you chuckle when sunghoon sat down beside you.
"shut it, y/n." sunghoon grumbled to you, shoving your shoulder as he waited or your parents to start bringing the dinner to the table.
"i didn't say anything, hoon." you teased, playing with your fork as you avoided eye contact with your older brother.
"you didn't have to, i can see what you're thinking on that stupid face of yours." sunghoon rolled his eyes.
"god, you're so-" you started but was cut off by your mother bringing in the large chicken she had spent the past two days on making.
"okay!" she interrupted with a smile, obviously trying to avoid the both of you fighting. "here's the chicken! everyone starts to dig in!"
immediately all the boys began taking pieces of chicken and other side foods and putting them on their plates. your mother looked pleased with everyone hungrily taking the food and enjoying themselves with the taste. your father was even eating with a smile on his face.
"so y/n," jay smirked at you from across the table, "how's intak?" he tried to hide his smirk by taking a bite of his food.
"who the damn hell is, intak?" sunghoon grumbled, looking at you with a face of disgust.
"hwang intak." jay responded with a quirk of his eyebrows.
"sunghoon, do you have to use such language?" your mother tsked at your brother before turning to you, "i'm sure he's a nice boy, right y/n?"
"first of all, none of your business sunghoon, and how do you know about intak? NOT like there's much to know anyway." you pointed your fork at jay.
"jungwon." jay shrugged at you casually, "he told me he heard that intak has a crush on youu." jay teased you.
fucking jungwon. jungwon was a year younger than you and somehow became friends with your brother and his friends. jungwon was known for starting or spreading drama. and you hated him. he was always spying on you and trying to suck up to your brother.
"ouuuu." jake added to your teasing.
"and so what if he does?" you tried to fight back during your teasing, feeling embarrassed in front of them. your eyes glanced towards heeseung quickly, expecting to see him with the same teasing smile that jay and jake adorned.
though instead, he wore a deep frown, and a look of worry was spread across his eyes, his fork loosely dragging around his food on the plate.
"if he has a crush on you, he's dead," sunghoon stated from beside you, stabbing his chicken with his fork harshly before plopping the piece in his mouth.
"my goodness, sunghoon! don't speak like that!" your mother tsked your brother again with a gasp at his words, "i think it's sweet that he has a crush on y/n." your mother smiled at you.
"it's whatever." you shrugged, turning your head away from everyone at the table, suddenly feeling self conscious at heeseung's reaction.
"do you not like him back, sweetie?" your mother asked you, watching your demeanor change.
the truth is that you thought intak was cute, and he was sweet and kind to you. you tried to like him back at first, but you just couldn't find yourself liking him more than a friend. your friends thought that you were insane to not like a boy like intak back, but you couldn't help it- your heart was already in the depths with someone else even if you couldn't act upon it.
"not really," you mumbled back as an answer.
"good." sunghoon exaggertaly nodded at you.
"shut up, hoon." you rolled your eyes at him with a small smile, your eyes glancing at heeseung once again, this time his shoulders seemed perkier as his eyes met yours. a smirk on his pretty lips at you before digging into his food once again.
the last satuday night before heeseung had to leave for college in early september, the boys had all decided to throw a party at your house as one final goodbye to their highschool days with heeseung. your parents went to your grandparents house for the weekend for a visit, leaving you, sunghoon and the rest of his friends alone in the house with enough time to party. sunghoon had begged his parents to force you to go with them to your grandparents house, but your parents said that it would be fine if you stayed, just so you could see heeseung for the last time, too.
sunghoon had even tried to get you to sleepover at one of your friends house for the night, "seriously y/n just go anywhere! i don't care where just somewhere far from here!" he groaned as he followed you to your bedroom, leaning on your door frame as he watched you sit down at your desk.
"i said no! i want to stay here! why can't i stay in my own house?" you responded, sitting back in your chair to look at your annoyed brother.
"because! its a senior welcome and goodbye party! no one wants your junior ass hanging around!"
"well i won't be the only junior there!"
"what do you mean?"
"i invited sunoo over for a sleepover." you smiled, crossing your arms over your chest.
"oh god!" sunghoon groaned, "fine you can stay! but you can't come downstairs!"
"hm, do you know what? i think i should tell mom about the party, i'm sure she'd want to be here to greet everyone."
"you wouldn't dare."
"you wanna bet?"
"god, you're the worst." sunghoon shook his head, grabbing the handle of your door and closing it after himself, leaving you alone with the feeling of success growing in your chest.
sunoo rang your home's doorbell at 8pm sharp, an hour before the party was set to officially begin. excitement filled you as you thought about the fun night ahead of you for your best friend and you.
"i'll get it!" you yelled from upstairs, rushing down the hall from your bedroom, down the stairs to the front door. you swung the door open and revealed sunoo smiling to show that he was just as excited as you were. his pink hair was styled neatly you noticed as he wrapped you up in a hug.
"hi!" he exclaimed, excitedly rocking you back and forth in the embrace. "tonight's gonna be so much fun!"
"i know!" you responded, pulling away from him so he could enter your home, closing the door after him.
"what. the fuck. are you wearing." you heard sunghoon state from behind you, you sighed and turned around to face your older brother. the look of disappointment and annoyance on his face made you want to curl up in a ball from embarrassment and punch him in the face at the same time.
behind sunghoon you heard a surprised "oop" from jake as he saw your outfit and immediately turned him and jay around to avoid sunghoon getting angry at them for looking at his sister.
though, beside sunghoon stood heeseung looking as attractive as ever with his eyes wide open in shock as he scanned your body. you noticed him gulp hard as his eyes seemed to not be able to leave your bare thighs. heeseung finally snapped out of his daze when you spoke back to sunghoon.
"what does it look like i'm wearing? it's a dress." you rolled your eyes, your arms coming across your chest, pushing your breasts together, making heeseung bite his lip at the sight in front of him.
"THAT'S a DRESS?" sunghoon exclaimed, pointing at your outfit before walking up to you and shaking his head, "no. no. no. you are not wearing that. go upstairs and change or you're not allowed to leave your room all night and i mean it." his words made sunoo pout from beside you, making sunghoon glance at him briefly with annoyance.
"what are you? my fucking dad? i can wear what i want, sunghoon." you argued, standing up to your brother.
"y/n i don't care what you want, just go fucking change." sunghoon's voice dropped to show that he was more serious than ever. your shoulders drooped in a sign of defeat to once again, your brother.
"you're the worst," you mumbled to him, turning away from him to go back to your bedroom, sunoo smiling awkwardly at him before he followed you.
at the top of the stairs, you glanced back down and met heeseung's eyes, quickly smiling at him with a knowing smile before you were out of each other's sight. it took heeseung a moment to realize you were smiling at him, shaking his head softly with a smirk as he turned away from the stairs and followed the rest of the boys to the kitchen again. he hoped to god no one noticed the effect you had on him.
"did you see heeseung eye fucking you!" sunoo practically yelled once you two were in your bedroom.
"shh!" you hurriedly shushed him, both of you straining to listen for any yelling but all seemed quiet downstairs, "imagine what sunghoon would've done if he heard you!" you laughed, "and yes i saw him!"
"oh my god, y/n! he was so close to just taking you right then and there i was about to just leave the room to make it easier for him!"
"shut up!" you hit sunoo's shoulder, "you're crazy!"
"i am not!" sunoo fell back onto your bed with a final laugh. "what are you gonna do about it?"
"what do you mean?" you asked him, going through your closet to find another outfit that would be deemed "sunghoon approved".
"i mean, now that we know that lee heeseung has the hots for you, what's the plan for getting him into bed with you?" sunoo shrugged casually as if he was pointing out the obvious.
"ohhh riight," you replied sarcastically, "cause as if that is ever gonna happen." you pulled out a long-sleeved, dark blue dress and held it up to your body, looking at yourself in the mirror quickly before turning around to show sunoo it.
"why wouldn't it happen?" sunoo whined, "who cares about your brother, i'm sure heeseung doesn't since he couldn't force himself to look away from you! and yes! wear that dress." you laughed at sunoo before turning back to the mirror to examine yourself.
"don't let me get my hopes up sunoo," you sighed, "he's my brother's best friend, not in a million years would we get to be together."
by 10pm, your house was filled with intoxicated teenagers, all trying to fulfill their final senior in high school moments, or hang out with their now college freshmen friends for a final time.
you had lost sight of sunghoon or any of his friends an hour ago, all of them getting lost in the moment of the party with their other friends. though, you still knew that everyone at the party knew who you were- park sunghoon's sister- and that you were totally and strictly off-limits. you rationalized that that was why no one was talking to you or sunoo, but it was also probably because you two were the youngest ones there and were deemed as 'losers' at school.
there was always a different thought that came to mind when someone thought of park sunghoon and then park y/n.
park sunghoon : popular, talented, hot- a guy that uses girls for sex just like all his friends.
and then park y/n : park sunghoon's geeky little sister that wasn't allowed to leave her house after 6pm.
"hey, cheer up," sunoo tried to reassure you, "don't let your asshole brother ruin tonight for you."
you smiled at your friend, greatful for him, "i know, i know. he just pisses me off so much."
"then drink," sunoo said, pushing your hand that held your cup towards your mouth, "and let it go so we can have fun!"
"fine," you stated, tipping your cup all the way back, finishing the full cup. you winced at the strong taste of liquor, making you and sunoo laugh before going and getting another.
it wasn't long before the alcohol started helping you relax a b it and forget about your reputation, wanting to just let go and have fun. you had lost sunoo in the crowd in your house a while ago, both of you getting sucked into different dancing crowds. you couldn't force yourself to care, too focused on dancing and listening to the loud music.
everyone around you was too focused on having their own fun time to pay attention to you and others. you didn't recognize anyone around you. it felt great to let go for once and not worry about others. it felt you fit in normally for once and weren't marginalized from the kids in your generation.
"you look like you're having fun." a male's voice said into your ear from behind you. you quietly gasped at the sudden voice, thanking the music for being loud enough for the boy behind you to hear it. you turn your head so you could glance at who it was.
you immediately recognized him as choi beomgyu, one of the boys that had just graduated with heeseung. you've seen him around a bunch of times at school, he was friends with your brother and they hung out a lot.
choi beomgyu was known for being an extremely good guitar player, he made a lot of girls fall for him it. when you were in year 9, a couple of girls in your year made a list of all the attractive 2001's in your school, and you remember beomgyu being second on the list- right after heeseung.
beomgyu was also known for having a thing for girls younger than him. of course he'd never go for a freshman while he was a senior, but tons of girls in your grade were played by him this year. you'd always hear about it in passing in the halls or in class. all the girls he'd talk to were pretty and outgoing, always on the cheer team or the dance team where they could show their extravertedness.
so you were shocked that the choi beomgyu would pay attention to you at a party. the shy, introverted, and babied y/n.
"i am." you replied to beomgyu, looking him in the eyes without turning your body towards him. leaving his crotch to grind on your ass. his hands held onto your waist as he urged you to keep dancing like you were before without him.
"i see," beomgyu nodded before leaning further into your ear, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear, "do you think you could have fun with me, too?" the closeness and warmth of beomgyu were suddenly so vivid that you felt like you were drunk and high at the same time. your head becomes cloudy with thoughts of what will happen tonight and how much fun you could have especially if choi beomgyu was around.
"dance with me a little longer and you'll find out," you whispered back to him with a tone of teasing in your voice. beomgyu obviously liked your answer by the deep chuckle that escaped his lips and the grip on your waist tightened as if to say you're his for the night now.
dancing with beomgyu gave you so much confidence that it made you wish everyone could see you now- park sunghoon's baby sister is grinding with choi beomgyu. you wonder what they would all think if they saw it. you wonder what heeseung would think.
at the thought of heeseung you opened your eyes and were visibly shocked when they were met with heeseungs from across the living room. the world no longer felt like it was just you and beomgyu, but as if it was you and heeseung and beomgyu was just a major side character that ruined things for the mains.
heeseung was sitting in the armchair that faced you. the armchair where he'd sit with sunghoon and play video games with him, the arm chair where you'd do your homework and ask sunghoon for help but ultimately get helped by heeseung- the arm chair where heeseung had sat so many times before that always made you think how easy it would be to just sit on his lap and make out until you could no longer breathe.
heeseung's legs were stretched out manspreading and covered in his black ripped jeans. in his hand, he held a red solo cup as he tried to stay in the conversation with his friend on one side and a girl on his other side. the girl was very obviously trying to get the attention of heeseung- and maybe she was actually getting it before he saw you dancing with his friend across the room.
at first, heeseung told himself that he's watching you swivel your hips so fucking beautifully against beomgyu to make sure neither of the two of you went any further. he was looking out for you! he was making sure beomgyu wasn't going to be pummeled to death by sunghoon after tonight and that you wouldn't be ejected from society because sunghoon wouldn't trust you after.
but the more and more heeseung watched, the more and more he couldn't help the jealousy growing in his chest as he watched the way beomgyu would whisper into your ear, the way you would put your hand over beomgyu's hand on your waist- the fucking way you were making yourself and beomgyu feel so good by the grinding of your hips that makes him wish that it was him behind you and not the stupid bastard choi beomgyu.
heeseung knew that the pretty girl beside him, minjeong, wanted his dick. he knew that as soon as he said the word she would follow him up to the guest bedroom that more like his bedroom since he's been at this house practically every day since he was 15. he had planned to hold off on her until the end of the night, but you had put a fat hold on those plans the second he saw you.
every part in heeseung knew that he shouldn't be thinking about you this way. he knew that if sunghoon ever found out that he'd be dead in a millisecond. he tried to avoid those thoughts of you by listening to jeongin talk beside him- he tried to keep up the conversation with jeongin- he tried to keep minjeong interested in him but all that would come up in his head was that you were grinding against beomgyu when it should be him there instead.
when you opened your eyes and were met with heeseung. he could sense the worry rush through your body from across the room. he could see how blown out your pupils were from a mix of shock and all the alcohol you had been drinking tonight.
when heeseung just continued to watch you with beomgyu, you decided to put on a show not only for beomgyu, but for heeseung as well. and quickly, the excitement for tonight with beomgyu turned into the excitement for tonight with heeseung.
you tilted your head back to lay on beomgyu's shoulder, pushing your chest out and ass more into beomgyu's crotch. you could feel beomgyu get harder every minute you've been dancing together.
"oh fuck." beomgyu groaned out quietly, his eyes directed right at your tits that were in his view now. your soft skin visible to anyone that would see.
heeseung smirked at you once he realized what you were up to. you didn't break eye contact with him as you gritted your hips against beomgyu harder, your panties becoming soaked now that you were imagining what heeseung would do to you. you imagined that heeseung was behind you instead of beomgyu.
the moment between you and heeseung was ruined when beomgyu offered for you to go to the bathroom with him to "continue our fun in a more private area.". it was like you were brought back to reality and not some future imagination that you once thought you were in. you still your dancing on beomgyuy and turned away from your brother's best friend. "hm?" beomgyu urged you for an answer, putting his forehead to yours as you stared into each other's eyes, pure lust was set in his as he scanned your face.
"i-, um," you tried to answer, but your words all meshed into one, unaware of how you should answer him.
"i think it's time for you to leave, y/n." a voice answered for you, causing you and beomgyu to pull apart.
heeseung stood right in front of you two with an expression you weren't able to read but made you try to sober up quickly.
"oh, hey heeseung!" beomgyu smiled once he saw who it was, "how are you, my man?" beomgyu and heeseung dapped each other up warmly.
"eh, i'm good," heeseung shrugged, "it was nice to see you, but i gotta get y/n to bed." you scoffed beside beomgyu at heeseung's words not believing what you were hearing.
"oh? for real?" beomgyu asked confusedly, looking between you and heeseung. you couldn't bear to look up at any of them because you could feel the heat go to your cheeks from embarrassment yet again- only this time it wasn't because of your brother- it was because of his best friend.
"yeah, man, sunghoon's looking for her." you physically cringed at your brother's name.
"oh?" beomgyu said with a confused tone, "OH!" he said again a second later, obviously realizing who you were, "oh shit." beomgyu stepped away from you. "look, - i didn't-"
"hey, it's okay, it'll stay between you and me and i'm sure y/n won't tell sunghoonie, right?" heeseung patted beomgyu's shoulder as he looked at you.
all you could do was shake your head no, still not being able to look at the two older boys from humiliation.
"great! well uh, see you around, i guess," beomgyu said to no one in particular before walking back and getting lost in the crowd.
"c'mon." heeseung stated suddenly, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and guiding you through the crowd of people towards the stairs to the second floor.
heeseung's so familiar scent put your mind in a haze, a different haze than the drunk one it was previously in. the music downstairs was somewhat quieter upstairs, quiet enough for heeseung to hear how loud your heart was pounding in your chest.
when you got to your bedroom in the hall heeseung backed away from you slightly and stared at you, the same unreadable expression plastered on his face. the atmosphere between you two felt awkward to the point where you felt like you couldn't breathe.
"why were you with beomgyu?" heeseung broke the silence with a disgusted and disappointed face.
you scoffed, feeling as if you were talking to your father yet again, "who cares who i was talking to? i can do what i want."
"i care!" heeseung said, walking closer to you so your back was up against the wall. "what would've happened if sunghoon saw the two of you like that?"
"i don't care about what sunghoon would've done! i'm my own person i can make my own decisions!"
heeseung sighed at your statement, his eyebrows coming together as his fingers pressed against the crease in his forehead, "fuck y/n," he shook his head before looking at you, "i know that. just- did it have to be beomgyu?"
"jesus, then who do you deem acceptable for me?" you stood up straight, looking heeseung in his eyes now, both of you carrying serious expressions. please say you, please say you, you mentally begged heeseung.
heeseung slowly leaned his face towards yours, his scent intoxicating you more. his face was so close to yours that you could see all his freckles and blemishes. you could hear his quiet, heavy breathing that indicated he was just as nervous as you were. you stared in the eyes of each other, neither one of you moving as if the other was daring the other one to move first.
heeseung's hand came up and you thought he was going to rest it on your cheek, but it rested on the wall behind your head, trapping you in. and just when you thought you were going to get all your senses filled by heeseung, he pushed off the wall so he was farther away from you now. you felt cold when he stood a meter in front of you, not even glancing at you as he put his hand on his waist and the other wiped his jaw to show that he was stressed.
"we can't, y/n." heeseung whispered, barely audible over the music and the cheers from downstairs.
"and why not?" you asked, pushing yourself off of your closed, bedroom door and taking a few steps ahead, your body only a centimeter away from heeseung's.
"you know why." heeseung glanced at you as you stood in front of him now.
you rolled your eyes in frustration now at his response, a huff coming out of your mouth, "no. i don't. so why don't you say it."
a beat of silence went between you two again before he said outloud, "because you're my best friend's little sister. that's so-..."
"so what?" you urged him to finish his sentence.
"so... ugh, there just shouldn't be an attraction here!" you could see heeseung was getting just as frustrated as you were, though his words dug into your heart a little. heeseung and you knew how sensitive you were, you could both feel the drop in the atmosphere because of the hurt that was now playing on your heart strings.
you back away from heeseung while looking down at the ground, digging your shoe into your carpeted floor, "so then, what now?"
heeseung looked up at you with a melancholic look on his face that told you what he was going to say next wouldn't be good, "we- you have a good night. everyone will be leaving soon anyway and i'll find sunoo and send him up here, too."
both of you could barely look at one another; there were too many emotions in the air to control at the moment; anger, frustration, lust. heeseung was caught up in his mind until he heard a soft sniffle coming from you. he shot his head up and he felt a rush of guilt wash over him at your weakened figure.
"y/n-" he started, reaching out towards you.
"you have a good night, heeseung." you cut him off, turning and walking into your bedroom, closing the door quickly behind you. all of your emotions hit you at once and you felt so weak. you were frustrated with sunghoon, upset that your night didn't go as planned, and sad that you were rejected by heeseung and wouldn't see him for a long time. you felt like your whole life changed drastically in a span of one night and it became overwhelming.
heeseung slowly went back downstairs, upset and confused about what he had done tonight. he gathered up jake and jay and told them to kick everyone out. he asked them where sunghoon had gone but they hadn't seen him for a while.
when people started leaving, it made it easier for heeseung to find sunoo.
"hey, y/n's in her room already." heeseung reached out and tapped sunoo on the shoulder so he would turn around.
"already?" sunoo slurred his short question. it was so obvious that sunoo was wasted which made heeseung chuckle a bit.
"yeah, do you need help getting to her room or are you okay?"
"i'll be okay, heeseungie." sunoo smiled his usual eye smile, pinched heeseung's cheek, and walked towards the stairs, holding tightly onto the railing. heeseung felt his cheeks blush at sunoo's sudden nickname for him, but brushed it off and went to look for sunghoon.
five minutes later and he found him on the floor of the upstairs bathroom.
"sunghoon, what the hell?" heeseung exclaimed loudly, rushing to his friend's side. sunghoon only grumbled in response. "did you throw up?" sunghoon nodded with his eyes barely opened. "how many times?" sunghoon held up three fingers. "jesus."
heeseung got his best friend all cleaned up and then tucked him into bed with the help of jake and jay. he heard giggling coming from your bedroom and figured that sunoo had made you feel better from the last time he had seen you.
jake and jay fell asleep on the couches downstairs, too drunk and exhausted to make their way back to their houses. and then finally heeseung lay down in his second bedroom. the one that was referred to as the guest bedroom, but the guest that occupied it was not even a guest of this house anymore.
as soon as heeseung's head hit the guest's pillow, his phone went off from a notification on instagram.
[hee.heesung] k.minjexng : sent an image.
heeseung sighed when he opened the dm from the girl he was talking with earlier, realizing that she was definitely upset he disappeared from her.
the image was a picture of her pale legs and a man's head of hair in between them.
k.minjexng : this is what you missed out on 😘
heeseung rolled his eyes and exited instagram, instead he opened his messages app, his thumb circling around his previous messages with you.
when you woke up in the morning, sunoo was snoring beside you softly. his pink hair was sprawled out on your white pillowcase and a soft smile was stuck on his face while he slept. it was evident that he had a fun night last night.
unlike you.
your phone held a bunch of notifications from the night, but not one of them was from heeseung. disappointment sunk into your chest farther, making it feel heavy.
sunoo had made you feel better before you went to bed, but it was still upsetting that your crush of three years had flat out rejected you.
when sunoo had finally woken up about an hour later, his headache was killing him. you went downstairs to get him some advil, and was surprised to see that the house was ordinarily clean.
"good morning, sweetie!" your mom called out to you from the island. you were shocked that your parents were home this early, as well as that sunghoon, jake, and jay was awake as well. "you just missed heeseung." your mom pouted, the statement making your chest feel heavier.
"what?" you asked her, hoping that you misunderstood her.
"yeah, he leaves for college in an hour." sunghoon mumbled, it was obvious that your brother was upset that he was losing his best friend because of the way life goes.
"Oh." you said, trying to hide the sadness you were feeling, wishing you had woken up earlier.
"it's okay, kids, he'll be back for winter break." your dad spoke, feeling the tense atmosphere in the kitchen now. even jake and jay were upset that heeseung was leaving them.
"yeah, you're right, it's just weird to think that there's only going to be three of us now." jay nodded, taking a bite of his cereal.
they all continued to converse but you couldn't even hear what they were saying. your thoughts took over so much room in your head now that you could barely be focused. you managed to get sunoo some medicine and make your way back up to your room without another word from you or your family.
you felt like you were just about to accept the fact that you and heeseung are 1000% never being together when your phone got a text.
from : heeseung 🤎
i'm sorry for last night. i hope you have a good year at school though
and btw i liked the first dress more
a smile crept onto your face at his last text, and the butterfly of hope flew around your stomach once again.
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the fall season quickly came and left, and your junior year of high school was already halfway over when christmas break began.
you hadn't heard from heeseung directly since you had last seen him at the end of the summer party that your brother threw. you never texted him, in fear of making it awkward between you two.
though you haven't spoken to heeseung, sunghoon has. they are still best friends even though they live hours apart in different parts of the country. sunghoon was definitely looking forward to heeseung's return during their winter break, and secretly you were too.
the only person who knew about your little crush and interaction with heeseung was sunoo, who constantly tried to persuade you to text heeseung. of course, you never did.
"so are you excited?" sunoo asked, his scarf muffling his voice as you walked home from school with him.
"for what?" you asked, shoving your hands deep into your pockets to try to keep them warm from the winter breeze. the snow crunched under your feet with each step the two of you took. your large jackets rustled with each step.
"for heeseung to come home, you idiot!" sunoo yelled out, hopefully, no one else had turned onto the street with you that you knew.
"well i mean, yes but no," you responded in a normal tone.
"maybe he forgot about the last time you saw him!" sunoo tried to make you feel better about the rejected and crying moment you last had with heeseung, "the last thing he texted you about was your dress! maybe all he remembers is how hot you looked!"
"yeah, before sunghoon made me change!" you shoved sunoo, trying to force yourself to feel a bit happier that heeseung was returning.
"you looked hot in the other outfit, too!" sunoo shoved you back, "but seriously y/n, it's gonna fun! he'll probably just act around you like he usually does."
"like i'm sunghoon's baby sister and that i barely exist?" you deadpanned rolling your eyes at the thought of your older brother again.
walking into your home alone after sunoo turned down his own street was walking into a different atmosphere than you expected. sunghoon was sitting on the couch with an annoyed look on his face, while your mother was beside him rubbing his back and your father was standing by the tv trying to support his son from afar.
"uh, hey guys?" you announced yourself awkwardly, not sure of what you had just walked into.
"hi, sweetie." your mom forced a smile.
"is everything okay?" you asked the three of them.
"yeah! heeseung's not coming." sunghoon mumbled a response without looking away from the wall in front of him.
"what? why?" you asked, your heart racing with disappointment and fear. was he not coming because of you? did he think it would be too uncomfortable to be in the same room with you again?
"because he thinks it'd be too stressful on his grades, so he wants to stay to study more." sunghoon grunted before standing up, "i'm going to my room." your parents and you watched your older brother storm up the stairs into his bedroom. he was obviously upset that he still wouldn't be seeing his best friend after months.
"are you okay about it?" your mother asked, worried for you as well.
"what? yeah, i'm fine. why would i care if heeseung came home or not?" you asked quickly, hoping that they weren't onto you about having a crush on heeseung.
"oh, i thought you were close with him too, no? he was over all the time before he went to college." your mother replied with a look of confusion on her face about the speed of your response.
"eh, well, i still have jake and jay and my real brother, right?" you forced a laugh out, hoping that it wasn't obvious you were trying to hide something.
"yeah, right." your parents nodded, shrugging before heading to the kitchen together to prepare dinner.
you let out a sigh of relief once they left the room with no further questions, but that didn't relieve the anxiety of heeseung not returning. as you head back to your room you do figure that it would be weird without having heeseung around for winter break. it was almost tradition to have him and the other boys sleeping over for two weeks straight. you wonder what they would do this break? would it just be the three of them?
before you push open your door something inside of you stops and glances over at sunghoon's closed door. you ponder about what he's feeling inside. he's never been good with showing his emotions, not even to your parents. when he got hurt as a little boy he would hide it until your parents would notice blood seeping through his pants from falling off his bike and scraping his entire leg right open. he still insisted he was fine when they took him to the doctors and said he needed stitches.
you sighed and walked over to his bedroom, hesitating once before knocking on his door.
"what?" you heard him grunt out.
"can i come in?" you called out to him.
a beat of silence passed and you thought he was just ignoring you at this point, "sure."
you pushed open his door to find him sitting on his bed in the dark, only the screen of his tv was on and it was on mute. "what is it? i'm tired." you fought the urge to roll your eyes at him blaming his sadness on fatigue. you walked over to his bed and sat down beside him.
"you know i think you're a good older brother, right? you've always looked out for me, and made sure i was safe. you spent your christmas allowance on me when we were younger so you could buy me a present."
sunghoon left his window open a crack, making his room a bit chilly as the sound of someone's car starting outside ruins the silence between you two. you knew that sunghoon always wanted to take care of you, and now you feel like it's your turn to take care of him. though, you feel nothing like your older brother.
in his senior year, you never thought that you would have to take care of your older brother in a way that he takes care of his little sister. but you never know what sunghoon is going through. he keeps things to himself when he gets to the point where he feels like breaking down he stays silent. the only person he's ever trusted was heeseung.
"you always seem so happy when you're with your friends, truly, and i swear i've never seen so many people stop what they were doing just to listen to someone speak- but you do that to people."
you use to be jealous of sunghoon about it. how did he get to be so popular while you were just the school's runt? how did he get to have girls falling at his feet and guys begging to be his friend? you loved sunoo, but sometimes you wished that you had a friend group to hang out with other than sunoo and sunghoon's friends that weren't allowed to even look at you.
"and you know i worry about you at the same time. i know how introverted you are and how hard you try to be so outgoing at school so people will still like you. that's so much stress on a person mentally. and still, at home, i try to be a good sister for you but i feel like i'm no good at that, so i'm glad you've found a brother within heeseung. so i'm sorry that heeseung isn't coming back for winter break, that must really fucking hurt, hoon. but i love you, and i'm trying to be a good sister now, and i want to change our sibling relationship for the better."
you don't realize that you've started crying until sunghoon wraps his arm around you and pulls you into his side. that's when you notice he's started crying too. you think at that moment that you've never seen your brother cry before. you've never shared this much of a brother-sister moment before. it feels like the two of you are just little kids again, trying to figure out this world before the world figures it out for you instead. an expression of relief washes over sunghoon's face as you both take in the peaceful silence between you too.
when sunghoon speaks it's quiet, but you know he means it with his whole body and soul, "i wouldn't trade having you as a little sister for the world. heeseung's my friend, never my sibling."
after winter break, your relationship with sunghoon seemed to change drastically, and for the better. he no longer had this over-protectiveness of you. it was like you had aged from 5 years old to 17 years old in a week.
this winter break was definitely the weirdest one, but the best one. sunghoon invited you to hang out with jay, jake, and him, even allowing for sunoo to join, too. you all played video games, made gingerbread houses, and freaked out your parents by how strangely you two were getting along.
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you heard sunghoon running around your house at 7am on the first day of summer break- the morning after sunghoon had graduated from high school. you groaned and threw your pillow over your head, mentally punching your brother for waking you up so early for no reason.
you were just about to drift off to sleep again when your bedroom door slammed open, "y/n!" sunghoon yelled excitedly.
you groaned in response, sleep still fogging up your mind and body.
"y/n! wake up!" sunghoon jumped on your bed, shaking your body awake.
"what?" you sat up finally, looking at your brother with anger. "what is it?"
"heeseung's coming home today!" sunghoon grabbed onto your shoulders, shaking you with excitement.
"oh my god!" you yelled back, a smile on your face.
"we're picking him up in an hour, wake up!"
'i'm awake now, okay!?"
sunghoon shook you once last time and jumped off your bed with a ginormous smile on his face, "wooooo!" sunghoon cheered as he ran out of your room.
the excitement you felt about heeseung's return quickly faded when you started to actually realize what it would mean to see heeseung again. it's been 10 months since you had seen him in person. 10 months since you had almost (maybe?) kissed in your hallway, meters away from your drunk brother.
you felt a sudden feeling of stress begin to bubble up in your chest at the fact that standing in front of heeseung again. a lot can change in 10 months, and you wonder if that included his feelings towards you...
throughout the school year, you had noticed that over time, there would be a day or two that would go by that you wouldn't think about heeseung, your heart would ache at the sudden realization that you had forgotten about him for a second. but when sunghoon would mention his name later, or show you a picture that heeseung had sent him of himself, the familiar feeling of the attraction you had for heeseung would come swirling back at you.
there were days when your finger would hover over heeseung's contact name on your phone, contemplating whether or not you should text him or not. what would you say though? what would he think? "oh god, my best friend's little sister is obsessed with me?". at that thought, you would instantly put your phone away, trying to distract yourself from the thoughts of heeseung again.
you basically spent the whole early morning getting your appearance to look as best as it could for heeseung's return. you wanted to look good for heeseung. you think it's the longest time you've spent on your appearance all school year.
when you heard the familiar tires of your car pull up in the front of your house, your heart froze. you weren't mentally prepared to see heeseung.
"y/n! they're here!" your mother called you from downstairs.
on shaky legs you made your way downstairs, standing on the last stair as you watched your mother swing up the front door to reveal your dad and sunghoon laughing, carrying a bag in each hand.
"heeseung! honey!" your mother yelled excitedly, you could see her hands fly up and around someone's shoulders, but your vision was blocked by your family. "god, how was the flight? how are you?"
"i'm good! it was good!" a light chuckle spoke, it had been a while since you had heard heeseung's voice- it sounded the same yet different at the same time.
your family finally moved out of the way for heeseung to enter your house once again. you took in a breath as you locked eyes with him standing in your front doorway.
he was still the heeseung that you remembered him as, but he seemed broader and stronger, and his black hair was dyed a blueish green colour that fell so prettily against his skin. his rosy lips held the smirk that you've always known as he takes in your appearance as well.
you look more mature now, more confident in your own skin and he wonders what happened to you in the past 10 months that finally allowed for you to come out of your shell. you look more pretty than heeseung remembers and it's making him weak in the knees as he continues to stare at you until he speaks, "hi, y/n."
"hi." you force yourself to reply. the scene being so coincidentally like the first time you two had met, but this time you're older and you're both aware of your forbidden feelings towards one another.
"are you hungry? come you should sit and eat!" your mother put her hand on his back, ushering him into your house.
"yeah, i'm a bbit hungry!" heeseung laughed, "but i can't stay for too long today! i need to visit my mom later on today."
"oh of course heeseungie! she must've missed you terribly!"
"yeah, something like that." heeseung replied, sitting down at his usual chair at the table, sunghoon and you following him and sitting in your spots: sunghoon sat across from you with heeseung on his left while heeseung was on your right at the very end of the table, across from your father.
"bro, it's been too long." sunghoon sat back in his chair, smiling at heeseung. this has been the most that you've seen your brother smile since heeseung left the last august. it made you happy that sunghoon seemed to be out of the little slump that he's been in.
"i know! i'm glad that you're coming with me this year!" heeseung shoved sunghoon's shoulder.
sunghoon had gotten accepted into the same university as heeseung along with jake. jay had chosen to go to a university abroad in the united states so he could live with his father again.
"it's gonna be so much fun!" heeseung laughed.
"so i guess you're liking university then, son." your father spoke from across the table.
"yeah, it's been great!" heeseung smiled. suddenly, you felt a foot graze across your own. you figured one of the boys had done it by accident, but the foot came back and started to slowly drag its way up your calve and down. you gulped and looked over a heeseung, who only spared you a sneaky glance as he continued to talk to your dad, "i got pretty good grades this year so i'm happy."
"that's great, honey!" your mother chimed in, bringing in a plate of sandwiches for you all to eat.
your mother placed a plate in front of you, you forced a smile at her in return, trying to not focus on heeseung's foot playing with your leg.
"are you okay, y/n?" your mother asked you as she sat down beside your dad.
"hm? yeah! of course!" you replied, grabbing a sandwich quickly and placing it on your plate. almost dropping it when heeseung's hand plopped down on your thigh underneath the table. you looked up at him in shock, he placed his body so it looked like he was leaning his hand on his chair underneath him, and took a bite of his sandwich with his other.
you felt the eyes of everyone on you turn away at your response, opting to be more interested in the freshly-back-in-town-heeseung.
"so do you like your roommate?" your mother continued the conversation with heeseung. his fingers slowly started to move up and down your thigh, dangerously close to your core. you tried to focus on eating your sandwich but he was making it so difficult to focus on anything other than his warm fingers.
"yeah, he was cool, but i'm hoping to move in with hoon and jake next year." heeseung shrugged, managing to keep his cool so perfectly.
"do you have a girlfriend, yet?" your mother continued to ask, making sunghoon snort and look at his friend. the question also made your ears perk up, ready for his answer as his fingers continued to do small circles on the inside of your thigh.
"nah, not yet." heeseung shook his head with a sheep smile. a sigh of relief almost escaped your lips, but you covered it by taking a bite of your sandwich.
"hey, do you know who's also back in town for the summer?" sunghoon asked heeseung.
"minjeong." sunghoon spoke, quirking his eyebrows up as he said her name.
you hadn't thought about kim minjeong since the goodbye party last year. you remembered then that she was practically climbing on top of heeseung before he pulled you away from beomgyu. you felt a cold shrill go down your spine at the memory.
"ah, who's this minjeong?" your father asked heeseung with a teasing grin.
"ah, nobody." heeseung shook his head, his fingers coming to halt on your thigh as he glanced at your unreadable expression at the mention of another girl's name.
"what do you mean 'nobody'?" sunghoon laughed out, "she's some girl that's had the hots for heeseung since his sophomore year! you literally called her hot like last month!"
at that you pushed away heesueng's hand under the table, feeling disgusted by his touch suddenly. you tried to go back to casually eating your sandwich, but it felt like your stomach was doing twirls and spins. the cold shiver down your spine turned into embarrassment that you'd let yourself be so easy towards heeseung- just like every other girl he usually gets with. you don't know why you thought that you'd be someone different too lee heeseung.
you saw heeseung glance at you from the corner of your eye, but you didn't dare look at him.
"bro, she's whatever, i'm not into her like that." heeseung shrugged, but you knew that he was just trying to downplay it so you weren't mad at him.
"hm, i see." your mother gave a knowing look and stood up from her spot, taking hers and your father's empty plate, "anyways, me and your dad need to go visit your aunt this weekend since she's trying to sell the house, so it'll just be you guys, i'm sorry hee, but we'll be around more next week!"
"Ah that's okay, don't worry!" heeseung replied calmly, seemingly not phased by you being upset with him. when your parents left the room, sunghoon and heeseung gave each other a look. a look that you've seen multiple times throughout the years : party time.
they were obviously planning to throw a big 'start of summer' party this weekend while your parents are away. and this time- you knew that sunghoon wouldn't make a big deal out of you being there as well. though you weren't even sure if you wanted to go- as you knew heeseung would be there. as of right now, you wanted nothing to do with him.
you knew that you and heeseung weren't together, but the idea of him talking about another girl he's obviously attracted to while touching you under the table made you sick. you didn't want to be just some other girl to him.
"are you gonna invite minjeong, heeseungie?" sunghoon smiled teasingly, her name making you almost throw up. the thought of her being in your house- the thought of her and heeseung fucking in the room right next door to yours. god- you couldn't bear it.
"hey, are you okay?" sunghoon asked you, making you snap your eyes open to look at him. "you've barely even eaten your sandwich." you glanced at heeseung again, before nodding your head.
"yeah, i'm just not that hungry right now," you stood up, taking your plate with you, "i'm just gonna go back to bed, see you guys."
"okay." sunghoon nodded, pulling out his phone to most likely start sending invitations to the party this weekend. as you started to return back to your bedroom, you felt heeseung's eyes at the back of your head as you went up the stairs, but you forced yourself not to look at him. disgust still filling your mind.
you've been pretty good at avoiding heeseung all week.
telling your parents that you weren't feeling good so you wouldn't have to join the rest of your family and heeseung at the dinner table to eat. basically just camping out in your bedroom for four days until friday night, after your parents had left for the weekend and sunghoon and heeseung's party had started up.
you guess you've also been pretty good at making heeseung mad all week by the way he was glaring at you from across the living room right now.
the red dress you wore matched the anger that boiling u inside of him as he watched you scamper around the party with hwang intak. heeseung usually wouldn't mind seeing you wearing something so sexy, but the fact that he wasn't allowed to touch you meanwhile intak seemed to have no problem doing so.
heeseung knew that things between you and your brother had calmed down- sunghoon had let go of his protective-brother facade and you had grown into a girl that was so confident it made all the other girls in the place look something close to nothing. but he didn't think that would mean you would be wearing a tight dress wrapped under some guy's arm right in front of him. it made him almost want over protective sunghoon to make a return.
"oh my god, heeseungie!" a high pitch shrill pulled heeseung out of his thoughts about you and back into the harsh reality. "how have you been, i missed you so much!" minjeong was wrapping her arms tight around his neck as he pulled him down into a hug. instinctively, his free hand that wasn't holding his cup wrapped loosely around her tiny waist.
"hey! i've been good," heeseung replied, trying to force a smile on his face as he looked at minjeong. it was hard to say that she wasn't a pretty girl- because she certainly was- but her beauty was no match to yours. there was hardly any resemblance between the two of you and maybe that's why heeseung would never find himself in a bed with minjeong.
heeseung glanced towards the direction where he last saw you, and smirked to himself when he saw you staring at the scene going on between him and minjeong. you had been ignoring him and advoiding him all week, but this is what got your attention finally. he was just about to think that you were truly over him, but now with the way he could see the jealousy growing so green in your eyes he knew that his feelings were still atleast somewhat requited.
"ah! i'm so glad you're here! i've been wanting to see you!" minjeong pulled away from him, but still wrapping her tiny hand around his upper arm.
heeseung smirked down at her, "yeah?" he used a teasing tone with her, hoping that you would be trying to listen in. knowing you though, you most definetly were.
anyone could hear minjeong's obnoxious shrill so it was hard not to notice when she came running up to heeseung. you felt your blood run cold as you watched the two embrace each other.
"hey, are you okay?" intak whispered to you, feeling your change in aura suddenly beside him.
"hm? yeah i'm fine." you responded, looking at the black haired boy for a second before glancing back at heeseung and minjeong.
"are you sure? do you want another drink?"
"yeah! okay!" you responded, handing him your red cup.
"okay, i'll be right back!" intak smiled, shoulder shoving you gently before he left you alone.
you tried to not make it obvious that you were staring at heeseung and minjeong but it was so hard not to. it was unfair that the two of them could be affectionate towards one another in public meanwhile you and heeseung couldn't be together, period.
the way minjeong was clinging onto him to protectively, as if she was telling every other girl at the party that heeseung was hers- at least for tonight he was- was something that you'd only ever dreamt of doing with him. you wanted to show him off at a party, show everyone that you were together and that you were his and he was yours.
heeseung was paying so much attention to minjeong, focusing only on her as he answered her questions, making her laugh her annoying laugh. hurt and anger was growing inside of you, you wanted to scream.
"here you go." a red cup came into your view again. you looked up at intak, his easy going smile calmed you.
"thanks." you replied, taking the full cup from him and leaning back against the wall again.
"are you sure you're okay, y/n?" intak asked you once again, leaning his shoulder on the wall beside you.
"yeah, i'm good, just needed another drink!" you reassured him.
the past year, you and intak have gotten quite close. though you shot him down last summer, you still turned out to be great friends. but you still got the feeling that intak had some feelings towards you. his constant staring, and overly-kind gestures were a dead give away but you never did any actions towards him that would give him hope. you were friends- and that was it. until you got the idea to make heeseung just as mad as you were.
if you had to watch him get climbed on by the girl who defintely wanted to fuck him- and who he apparently thought was so hot, then he could watch you have somre fun with your friend.
you turned so your shoulder was against the wall, your front facing intak's, "are you having fun?" you asked him, titling your head to the side as you looked up at him.
"yeah, i am," intak took a sip of his drink, "are you?"
"mm, i am, but only because you're here." you smiled, biting your lip. you noticed the way intak gulped, before trying to laugh your statement off casually. you glanced over at heeseung and minjeong, who had moved over to sit on the lawson chair your family had in the living room. you almost threw up when you saw that she was sitting on his lap. when you glanced up heeseung, you didn't expect to meet his eyes.
there was a tone of amusmant and arrogance in his eyes as he looked at you, as if he was saying, "how's that?" you internally huffed at him, which was probably evident on your face as a smile spread across his lips.
minjeong put her hand on his shoulder, grabbing his attention away from you as she spoke to him.
"y/n?" intak asked, you forgot that he was standing there.
"i asked if you wanted to go outside."
"oh, uh, i-"
"look, what's wrong? you seem distant and you're acting weird." intak sighed, standing up straight in front of you.
"nothing's wrong! i'm fine!" you urged him to believe you. his hand suddenly came up and was placed on your forehead, checking to see if you had a fever. you glanced at heeseung, who had an eyebrow raised at you.
you put your hand on top of intak's, looking up at him through your eyelashes, "do i feel okay?"
"y-yeah, i think so." intak stuttered, shocked at your tone of voice, he pulled his hand away from you, trying to ignore the warmth that is sent through his body.
part of you felt bad because you were obviously just playing intak, but it would only be for tonight. you cared about him as a friend and you wouldn't go any further than a little flurting with him.
you moved closer to intak, so that your bodies were only a mere centimere apart, you could still see heeseung and minjeong's bodies over intak's shoulder. "i think i just want to stay in here, i like listening to the music." you nodded to intak.
"oh, okay." intak whispered out, not being able to take his eyes off of you. he's trying to rememeber if he's even been this close to you before. your perfume that he's become so familiar with is literally surrounding him because you're so close to one another. your pretty eyes seem so clear as you look up at him. he's trying so hard to keep his cool around you.
heeseung can hear minjeong speaking, but he doesn't know or to be honest, care, about what exactly she is saying. you're basically standing ontop of intak and he can most likely see right down your dress from his angle. minjeong brings heeseung back to her when she wraps her arm around his neck behind him, leaning closer to him now. heeseung smiles at her, and wraps his free arm around her back, basically cuddling her into his side as he looks at you.
you tsk lowly, watching the two of them pretend to be a couple while you know heeseung is only thinking about you right now. it hurts that he's touching another girl right in front of you, it seems to be pushing you farther and farther away from him, but the both of you can't give up so easily. both too stubborn to let the other one win. you don't know where this sudden 'game' of jealousy came from but you were determined to win.
you grab intak's free arm and put it on your waist, letting his fingers grab a hold of your side. through the thin layer of your dress you can feel his warmth. intak stumbles a second before gripping onto you tighter, shocked at how bold you are being with him. his inner monologue is fighting between either you're just really drunk or you're finally realizing that you have feelings for him.
heeseung takes a deep breath out of anger as he watches intak enjoy holding on to you, any guy in their right mind would kill to be intak right now.
throughout your high school days, it was so obvious that every guy in your school thought you were hot, but of course, sunghoon would kill anyone that tried to hit on you. heeseung always wondered if you knew just how attractive you were. there had been so many conversations that he's overheard about what the guys in your school would do to you if they ever got the chance. if they ever got permission from sunghoon.
why did sunghoon have to let go of his protective stance when he went to college? he couldn't have done it sooner so maybe he would get a chance himself?
heeseung almost laughs at the thought, as if sunghoon would let you date his best friend.
"are you tired, heeseungie?" minjeong purrs into his ear.
"you seem tired, do you want to go lay down?" he turns to look at the girl who's basically crawling on top of him and forces a smile.
"maybe in a bit, yeah?"
"Okay." she whispers into his ear. he feels her breath against his skin. on any other occasion he's sure he would've taken her up to his room by now, but he had no desire to pull anyone else except for you upstairs with him.
with minjeong leaning against his neck so closely, heeseung makes perfect eye contact with you. you tilt your head as a sign of confusion as you watch minjeong pucker her lips, leaning her face into heeseung's neck now.
and all at once, she's kissing slowly onto his skin, wanting to mark him as hers.
you and heeseung take a deep breath at once.
now, you weren't feeling well.
heeseung's eyes never left yours as minjeong made her way down his neck. you felt a heat wave go down your body as you pushed away from intak suddenly.
"do you know what?" you said, passing your cup to intak who was greatly confused, "i really am not feeling good, i'm just going to go to bed, i'll text you tomorrow, tak."
"oh? do you want me to walk you to your room or-" intak asked, concern painted on his face.
"no!" you got out quickly, "just, can you make sure sunoo gets home okay? if you ever see him around."
"yeah for sure." intak nodded, moving so that you could leave, "i hope you feel better, y/n."
"thanks." you mumbled, putting your head down as you made an escape to your bedroom. you felt tears prickle at your eyes. you were so hurt and embarrassed you just wanted to get away from everyone before anyone saw you cry- especially if sunghoon found out you were crying.
you didn't even glance at heeseung as you walked past the sitting area and towards the stairs. you couldn't bear to see him and minjeong anymore- it was all too much. you didn't think he'd actually fuck another girl in your house with you there.
so now, you're alone in your bedroom with thoughts of heeseung replaying in your mind, while he's in the room beside you, legs tangled with another girl.
you didn't leave your room all saturday.
sunghoon knocked around noon hour, and you told him you were hungover, making him leave you alone to sleep all day.
you were far from hungover.
you were heartbroken.
you and heeseung weren't a couple, so you shouldn't be this upset. but you couldn't help but feel disappointed. all your hopes were just crushed within the span of 20 minutes last night right in front of you with a girl that was obviously perfect for heeseung.
any girl that wasn't sunghoon's sister seemed to be perfect for him.
when your parents came home sunday night, you were forced out of your room so you could all eat dinner together.
you weren't sure if everyone else could tell how awkward it was between you and heeseung, but the tension was so thick you felt like you were being smothered.
"so, did you guys do anything fun this weekend?" your mother asked the three of you.
"nah, not really, just watched movies and played video games." sunghoon shrugged, smirking at heeseung.
"oh i see, y/n? did you do anything?"
"i hung out with sunoo and intak, that's about it." you saw heeseung tense at the mention of intak, forcing yourself to not roll your eyes at him.
"ah, so just the usual stuff happened around here, then i see." your father joked, eating his meal.
"yeah, pretty much." heeseung nodded at him from across the table.
you felt like dinner was going on much longer than it usually does. you were waiting for the right time to excuse yourself back to your room but the time seemed to never come. your parents were explaining how their weekend went at your aunt's. sunghoon and heeseung were talking about university. you kept quiet the entire time until they were all finished and tired.
your parents went to bed early that night, tired from the weekend's long work. you heard sunghoon and heeseung watching a movie downstairs in the living while you sat awake in your bedroom, scrolling through social media aimlessly.
over time you heard less and less of heeseung and sunghoon's voices being carried up the stairs and wondered if they had gone to bed. you open your bedroom door and head to the bathroom, seeing the flashing lights of the tv on downstairs still, and the quiet voices coming from it.
heeseung hears someone in the bathroom from his guest bedroom as he starts to change for bed. he figures maybe sunghoon woke up and is going to his bed after falling asleep on the couch.
when you walk out of the bathroom you don't really expect to see heeseung standing there, staring at you solemnly. you see him open his mouth to speak but you start to make a beeline straight to your bedroom.
"no, y/n!" heeseung whisper shouts, putting his hand out to stop you. you sigh but stop and look at him, "i'm sorry."
you scoff and start to walk again, this time his hand meets your upper arm, stopping you in place.
"y/n, seriously i'm sorry. i- i didn't know she'd do that- that she'd kiss me." heeseung keeps his voice low, afraid that sunghoon or your parents would wake up and hear your conversation.
"you don't need to be sorry, hee. it's not like we're together or anything." you forcefully smiled, trying to end the conversation before you burst out in tears in front of him. "you can fuck who you want."
"i didn't fuck her y/n."
your breath hitched at his statement, "w-well i'm sorry to hear that." you tried to turn away from him.
"y/n, would you stop acting like this?" heeseung grunted lowly, "i didn't want to fuck her anyways. i- i don't like her like that."
"acting like what? i'm being myself." you defended yourself, trying to make him believe the false facade you were putting on. you didn't want him to know just how much he had hurt you.
"no, you're not," heeseung shook his head in frustration, "i-i'm sorry y/n, it was the only way i could get your attention, you were ignoring me!"
you scoffed at his explanation, "i think i simple fucking text would've sufficed."
"a text?" heeseung laughed dryly, "what was i supposed to say to you over text? hey stop ignoring me and get away from the stupid asshole intak?"
"he is not a stupid asshole, are you kidding me? and you could've texted me at least once throughout the school year!" you pushed a hand through your hair out of frustration, "look we can't talk right now, i don't want to wake anyone up."
a beat of silence went through the air as heeseung took in your words, "well why didn't you text me?" he spoke softer, barely audible in the quiet hallway.
"because you're away in the capital city in university. you're busy and i didn't want to bother you like all the other girls you use."
heeseung's eyes softened at your statement.
"you could've fucking texted me y/n. i'd never think of you like any of the other girls i've screwed around with because you are nothing like them." heeseung took a step closer to you, "you are so much more."
you shook your head and looked down at your clammy hands.
"what is it, y/n?"
"it's just- last time i saw you you were pushing me away and saying we can't be together and- and now you're like saying the opposite."
heeseung moved closer to you now, making you look up at him in the dark, "god," he said almost out of breath, "why did you have to be related to sunghoon?"
a small smile cracked onto your face, "why did you have to be sunghoon's best friend?"
you can see heeseung smile down at you, his face slowly getting closer to yours. you see his tongue dart across his bottom lip as he scans your entire face. his hand comes up and brushes your nestled hair out of your face. it's so quiet as your faces inch closer and closer, both of you forgetting about the consequences of your being together.
it's so quiet that when the faint sound of the tv turns off you pull apart immediately in shock. rustling from downstairs getting closer to the stairs makes you both freak out and stumble away from each other in the hall.
a tired-looking sunghoon appears at the top of the stairwell. his black hair all tangled up, indicating that he had just woken up. he looks at the two of you in confusion. "hey, guys? what's going on?"
"uh, nothing. i'm just going to bed now, saying bye to y/n, you know." heeseung shrugged casually. sunghoon looked over at you, and you just nodded, unable to speak with the amount of adrenaline and fear rushing through your body.
"uh, ok, i'm going to bed up here now, that couch fucken killed my neck." sunghoon lazily chuckled, "night," he spoke and turned to go to his bedroom.
"night." heeseung and you replied to your brother, a sigh of relief coming from the both of you as his door closed after him.
you looked at heeseung, standing in front of his bedroom with an unreadable expression on his. "have a good sleep, y/n."
"yeah, you too."
heeseung and you both went into your separate bedrooms, wishing that there wasn't a wall in between you as your thoughts raced about each other.
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
the next week started with heeseung and you creating some sort of tension with one another- it was awkward but full of need and lust that neither one of you could act out on.
the amount of lust that had built up between you two was no joke.
there were so many times when heeseung just wanted to wrap his arms around your waist and whisper all the dirty things he wanted to do to you in your ear.
and if it wasn't for sunghoon being around all the time you would've jumped heeseung's bones by now.
your parents were both at work, while sunghoon and heeseung had gone over to jake's house for the day. the house would finally be silent and you could be alone with your thoughts for a minute. of course, all your thoughts went straight to heeseung- and how his body would look on top of you- how he would fuck you.
you tried to put it off as much as you could, but when your hand started to trail its way down your core and slip so easily into your shorts and panties there was no way you could pull it back out.
you slowly started to rub your clit in small, slow circles. imagining that heeseung was doing it instead. it felt so good, but you knew that heeseung could make it feel even better.
you imagined heeseung whispering dirty things in your ear like the way he's been whispering all week to you when sunghoon was just around the corner. you imagine his warmth on top of you as he tries to get you to climax all over his fingers. he would tell you just how much of a good girl you were being for him.
your other hand slid up and started to massage your breast through your tight tank top. your thumb and forefinger squeezed your nipple in between them, adding pleasure to your core. your fingers started going at a faster pace, chasing after the climax that you so desired.
heeseung had left jake's house early, wanting to go to bed early tonight because he planned on spending time with his actual family tomorrow, needing him to wake up early.
he didn't think he was necessarily being quiet when he walked into your house, not even aware that you were even still home.
"heeseung." he heard your voice from down the hall, you sounded whiny and out of breath, concern retching onto his face at the thought that you were possibly hurt.
your bedroom door was open by the smallest amount, just enough for heeseung to look in and see you layed out on top of your bed. your hair was flayed out against your pillow, your eyes were closed and your mouth was slightly open in a blissed-out way.
heeseung's own mouth dropped open once he scanned down your body and saw what you were doing under your little shorts.
heeseung was having an internal conflict with himself : you're sunghoon's little fucking sister! but you're y/n and my god you're hot. he was about to turn and leave until his name left your mouth again, signaling that he wasn't hearing things beforehand.
your fingers were rubbing your little clit at the thought of him.
"fuck." heeseung let out, in awe of how cute and sexy you looked at the same time with the strap of your tank top slipping off of your shoulder.
you immediately sat up, ripping your hand out of your pants at the sound of someone outside your door. you had thought had closed it all the way!
your cheeks flushed red once you met eyes with heeseung. internal dread took over you as you grabbed a pillow from behind you and tried to cover your body more from his eyesight.
heeseung's mouth opened and closed as he tried to find some words to say.
"heeseung~!" sunghoon singsonged as he entered his house.
fear-filled both you and heeseung more as heerseung's hand scrambled out and pulled the doorknob of your bedroom closed before rushing down the stairs, fixing his jeans so sunghoon wouldn't see his (hopefully not) obvious boner.
"hey, man!" heeseung greeted his younger friend at the bottom stair, "thought you'd stay at jake's for a bit longer, no?"
"nah, i wanted to eat dinner here tonight." sunghoon replied, taking off his shoes, "is y/n home?"
"uh, i'm not sure, if she is i haven't seen her, i kinda just got here."
"ah, ok." sunghoon nodded, "do you wanna play some fifa until my parents get home?"
'"yeah for sure! i just have to get in the shower first, okay?" heeseung replied, pointing his thumb over his shoulder.
"okay, but hurry! i want at least one game before they're home!"
"okay okay!" heeseung laughed, turning around and quickly running into the bathroom. he shut the door and locked it before anyone else could come in.
"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." heeseung mumbled to himself, looking down at his crotch. thank god sunghoon wasn't looking at him while he was downstairs.
heeseung quickly turned on the shower and got undressed. his pale body uncovering itself and releasing his boner. he cursed his past self for putting on jeans this morning. the tightness of them was suffocating and he basically ripped them off.
god, heeseung felt so guilty for masturbating in the shower. he felt like he was fourteen years old again and just starting puberty. but he felt even more guilty that he was masturbating to the thought of his best friend's little sister.
he had tried so hard to get rid of his feelings for you- because there was just o way that the two of you could work anything out between you two without ruining things with sunghoon for the both of you.
but after 10 months of not seeing you or talking to you, it had just seemed to make his feelings for you stronger. you were so much more mature now, you had finally finished growing into your body, and your voice had toned down a pitch that made him almost melt every time you spoke.
your breasts were perkier, and your clothes were tighter, god he wonders what the guys at your school must think of you now.
he'd be so quick to brag to any of them that he was the one that you thought of when you got yourself off. lee heeseung was the one that park sunghoon's little sister thought of.
though, to heeseung, you were so much more to him than sunghoon's little sister, though, in reality, he knew that you'd have to stay that way. no matter how many times he's thought about- or almost kissed you, you were off-limits. and sunghoon has made that very clear.
still, he couldn't get his mind away from your little whines and your fingers rubbing your clit. his hand got faster and faster as he got himself off in the shower- in your shower.
heeseung thought of fucking you so that you would whine his name out loud so breathlessly again. he thought about how tight your pussy must be- how he'd be the first one to fuck you properly. he wanted to get you to come undone on his cock- for you to scream out his name then as you cling onto him for dear life as your climax hit you.
"god." heeseung whined out quietly, thanking the shower for sounding out his volume. he couldn't hold it any longer, letting his release go, squirting his cum all over his hand and shower wall. his red tip pulsating as he put his forehead on the shower wall beside him.
"fuck." he let out a frustrated sigh, what has he done to himself?
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it had been two weeks into your summer vacation with heeseung back to living in your house. it would be the last summer where sunghoon would be living with you for good since he was leaving with heeseung in late august.
you hadn't spoken or even seen heeseung since he caught you masturbating the other day. sunghoon and he had been out with their other friends.
that's good for you though. you didn't know how you could face heeseung after the scene of you that he had seen. you prayed that maybe he'd hit his head and forget about it, but you knew that the chances of that were very slim.
since it was summer break, your sleeping schedule was out of control. you'd stay up until the early hours of the morning and not wake up until dinner time.
your stomach growled as you lay in bed, watching a tv series that you had found online. you glanced up at the time; 3:28 am. you groaned but decided that you should get up and get a little night snack.
at this hour, your house was either blasting with music or as quiet as mouse- depending on whether or not your parents were home. tonight, it was quiet. you could see the flash of the tv on downstairs, but it was obviously muted with no sound coming out of it. you checked and saw that all bedroom doors were closed in the hall- making you wonder who was downstairs at this hour. though, they were probably passed out on the couch.
you quietly made your way down the stairs, walking past the living room and seeing an empty room, thanking the gods that heeseung wasn't there.
the cold kitchen tiles made you thankful that you had socks on as you opened the fridge door, preparing to get some leftovers from the dinner that your mother had made hours ago. you were trying so hard to be quiet, not wanting to wake up anyone upstairs.
"can i have some?" a voice said from behind you, making you jump and cover your mouth with your hand, preventing you from screaming out loud.
heeseung stood in the doorway of the kitchen, wearing a white shirt and his usual grey sweatpants that he normally slept in.
"uh. yeah sure," you replied, turning away from him to avoid eye contact. how was he able to act so normal around you?
"great." heeseung said, you could hear him behind you shuffle to sit down at the small island in your kitchen. "what're you doing awake at this hour?"
"i slept all day today, so i'm wide awake now," you spoke softly, trying not to die out of embarrassment right on the spot. you focused on putting some of your mother's food on a plate for you and heeseung.
"ah, i see." heeseung acknowledged, his fist holding his head up as he looked at you. all you could feel were his eyes on your back. you wished you could have worn something other than your shorts and a tank top. "i like your shorts." you felt the hairs on your body go up at heeseung's compliment as if he was reading your mind. these were the exact shorts you were wearing the other day when he caught you getting off to him.
you cleared your throat as you turned to him with your plates in hand, "uh, thanks." you practically whispered, too afraid to use your voice fully.
heeseung took his plate from you, "thank you for the food." he smiled up at you, his hand covering your own as you transferred the plate from one another. instantly you felt your fingers weaken as his fingers covered your own. they were so long and dainty, so much prettier than your own. "and i'm sorry about the other day, i thought you would've heard me come in."
your eyes widened at his 'apology', humiliation filled you as you turned and looked at him again, a cocky smirk was evident on his face.
"i-i," you started but you had no idea what to say, you wanted to run and hide upstairs in your bedroom for the next month and a half and never come out.
"do you always think of me when you do that?" you could hear small laughter in his tone with his question.
"heeseung." you stated, no hint of laughter in your own, only pure seriousness and humiliation. "i don't think of you, like that. ever." you lied, you can't remember the last time you didn't think about him when your fingers were playing with your pussy.
"c'mon y/n. i heard you moan my name." heeseung shook his head with a knowing look. "at first i thought i was hearing things, but with the way that you couldn't just stop staring at my fingers just now, i don't think i was just hearing things." you cursed yourself for moaning his name so idiotically loud last time you got off.
heeseung took a step towards you again, so now you're bodies were almost touching as he looked down at you. he towered over you when he stood. "plus, you're such a bad liar y/n, you only ever call me 'heeseung' when you're hiding something." suddenly you were thrown back into all the memories that you were hiding something when he spoke to you. did you really only use his full name when you were trying to keep something hidden? how did he know you so well?
"so? do you always think of me when you get yourself off, y/n?" heeseung repeated himself, a cocky smirk on his face as he watched you try to avoid eye contact. when you could only offer a meek nod and a shy smile, a big smile spread across heeseung's pretty lips. "how about i give you something to think about next time you need to cum?" you looked up at him in shock at his words, not expecting him to speak to you like this. this was something that you only ever imagined he say to you. "can i touch you y/n?" he bent his head down so he could look right into your eyes. you nodded in response. "yeah?" he wanted to confirm.
"yes. hee, please touch me." heeseung's body pushed you up against the kitchen wall behind you suddenly. his warm-core meeting your own as his scent filled your senses. you turned your head to the side and could see directly out of the kitchen doorway the stairs and part of the living room. if anyone came down they could totally see you and heeseung,.
"relax, y/n, sunghoonie passed out hours ago and you know how heavy your parents sleep, we'll be fine." heeseung whispered into your ear, sensing your worry.
"okay." you whispered out to him, relaxing into his touch. you thought he was going to kiss you when his face got close to yours, but he turned down and started to kiss down your neck. you moved your head to the side so he could have better access to finding your sweet spot. you bucked your hips into him when he found it. making him smile against your neck as he continued to kiss there. "you can't leave marks, hee." you reminded him, making him grunt out at the realization.
"you're sure i can touch you, y/n?" heeseung pulled away once more, hoping to not ruin things between the two of you and your brother.
"please, hee, i wanna feel you." heeseung smiled at your response kissing your forehead before running his hands down your sides and began playing with the hem of your shorts. your faces were close together as you both looked down at his dainty fingers slipping into your shorts. it surprised him when he realized you weren't wearing any panties.
his fingers were instantly met with your wetness, spreading your juices around and coating your fingers. if it was anyone else besides heeseung you were sure that you'd be embarrassed, but you couldn't help it now. this was something that you had thought about for years, and now it was finally happening.
heeseung slipped one finger into your core, making you close your eyes at the impact at first, ready to feel more of him. he kissed your shoulder as he slowly worked his one finger in and out of you, warming you up.
his thumb started to circle your engorged clit, making you buck your hips up at the tension. you could feel him smile against your skin at your actions. no matter what situation you were in, heeseung would always find you cute.
when heeseung adds another finger inside of you, he slowly starts to curl his fingers inside, trying to find your sensitive spot. you have to bite back your moan when he finds it, your grip tightening on his shoulder, letting him know. heeseung's pace slowly starts to speed up as he watches your face curl up in pleasure.
"god princess, you don't understand how long i've wanted to feel you like this," he whispers out to you, your shampoo filling his senses as he leans his face into your head, pressing soft kisses against you, an action that was so different compared to the speed he was going at on your core.
his confession sent butterflies to your stomach and your heart, you could only shake your head as a response to him, looking him in the eyes.
"do you not know how many guys would fucking kill to see you like this, y/n? why do you think sunghoon is so protective of you? do you know how many times he's had to deal with sleazy guys talking about what they'd do to you if they had the chance? and god it pisses me off when i have to hear it, too."
"w-why does it piss you off, hee?" you whimper out to him, the pressure on your clit growing as his actions continue. heeseung swears his cock grows harder at the way you say his nickname.
"because no guy deserves to see you like this, to feel you like this, to get you to come undone on their fingers like this. except for me right y/n? you're just for me, yeah?"
"yes, hee, o-only for you."
heeseung bends his head into your neck again, kissing everyone as a sign of appreciation for being such a good girl for him. you're always such a good girl.
he feels your hole clench around his fingers as he speeds up his actions. "are you gonna come for me y/n?" you nodded weakly as a response, your lower stomach becoming tight as you feel heeseung all around you, wishing that it wouldn't stop ever.
"come on, y/n. i wanna feel you come all over my fingers." heeseung whispers into your ear, biting gently on the tip of it.
"i'm- i, coming." you moaned out, wrapping your hand around heeseung's wrist as he speeds up even faster.
at once, your climax hits you hard, your eyes shutting close at the pleasure heeseung gave you. heeseung slowed down his pace when you were calming down, kissing your forehead gently before he pulled out, not wanting to overstimulate you.
he put his fingers in between you two so you could see. his fingers were wet and glistening from your juices. he slipped his fingers into his mouth, humming around them.
"hee." you meekly whispered out, your hand coming onto hold his wrist, embarrassed that he was tasting you so feverishly.
"what?" heeseung put his fingers away from you with a laugh, "you taste good."
"hee," you whine, a smile of your own coming onto your face through humiliation.
"you're so cute." heeseung confessed yet again, backing away from you so you could straighten out against the wall.
the kitchen fell into the same silence that filled the rest of the house. you were still basking in the fact that lee heeseung just fingered you into the kitchen. it was seriously a dream come true.
"so, i guess i'll you go eat now." heeseung said casually, looking at your untouched plate of food on the island.
"yeah, okay. i'll see you tomorrow, right?"
"yeah if you don't sleep all day again." heeseung teased you, passing you your plate of food.
"whatever." you rolled your eyes with a smile, backing out of the kitchen and heading back to your bedroom up the stairs. at the top you turned around and saw heeseung leaning onto the kitchen doorway, his arms crossed across his chest, a smirk on his face as he watched you smile back at him and disappear out of sight.
you left a feeling in his chest that he couldn't explain, but he didn't want to get rid of it.
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
the morning, you woke up with tiredness still filling your body. you definitely should sleep more, but you wanted to see what heeseung and your brother were doing.
opening your bedroom door, you heard your family's chatter downstairs. you hurriedly skipped downstairs and into the kitchen where they were all sat. your eyes fell immediately onto heeseung, who definitely looked like he needed more sleep as well.
"we'll only be gone three days!" sunghoon said, patting your mom on the shoulder as she raised an eyebrow at him.
"okay, you boys better have fun and be safe ok?" your mother responded, rolling her eyes when heeseung and sunghoon high-fived each other across the table.
"what's going on?" you asked from the doorway, glancing at the spot where heeseung had fingered just mere hours before. your family and heeseung turned and looked at you.
"the boys and we are going to jay's cabin for the weekend." sunghoon teasingly smiled, "and NO you cannot come." you saw heeseung smile down at the table behind sunghoon.
"i wouldn't want to be trapped in the middle of the woods with you guys anyways." you rolled your eyes, grabbing some water from the fridge.
"yeah right, i knew you were gonna ask as soon as i finished the sentence, y/n." sunghoon nudged you teasingly.
"whatever hoonie, i hope you guys have fun." you leaned back against the counter.
"god i hope you guys stay safe, seriously." your mother desperate, your father wrapping his arm around her while winking at the boys.
you were a little upset that you wouldn't be able to see heeseung for a couple of days, after just being so intimate with him. but it's not like you guys were together! no, he just fingered you, that's all. and called you cute. and told you that he gets pissed when other guys talk about you. okay fuck, maybe you were gonna miss him a lot for the next three days.
"let's go pack, hee." sunghoon grabbed heeseung's shoulder, taking him away from the table and back upstairs. heeseung barely looked at you as he left, making your chest feel empty. of course, he probably just didn't want sunghoon to think there was anything going on between you two.
you sat down at the island in your kitchen and started scrolling through social media while your mother prepared breakfast for everyone. you almost dropped your phone in your water when you just so happened to press minjeong's snapchat story.
it was a selfie of her and her friends in their bikini tops : so excited for this weekend! see you guys soon! @ heeseung @ sunghoon @ jay @ jake.
the sinking feeling returned to your stomach as you stared at the four girls that would be going on the trip with them. you already knew what minjeong looked like very well, but in this picture, she looked extra pretty. she was the complete opposite of what you looked like, and she was heeseung's age, making her more mature than you.
heeseung would definitely be into more mature girls. they were sexy and experienced and knew what they wanted. you were younger and cute. that's what he called you. cute. the once compliment now added to the sinking feeling in your stomach. maybe that's why heeseung wasn't looking at you this morning. you were sunghoon's baby sister, so cute and easy to forget. now he gets to spend three days with sexy minjeong, who's already tried to get into heeseung's pants before. maybe she succeeded when they were away at university, who knows?
fuck. now you really didn't want heeseung to go.
you stayed put in your bedroom for the rest of the morning, even when you heard sunghoon and heeseung leaving. you watched them jump into jake's jeep when he and jay pulled up to pick them up. their bags were thrown into the truck before jumping into the backseat. when they drove away you thought for sure your stomach had gone with them it felt so low and empty.
heeseung 🤎 : i'll see you sunday :)
your phone buzzed when he texted you.
you stared at his message for a while, not sure if you should answer or not. by the time you stopped contemplating if you should reply or not, it had been hours and you decided to just leave it. it's not his fault that there are so many sexy girls that would kill to have him on top of them, but still, you wanted him to just be yours.
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you avoided going onto snapchat for the first day while they were away. you couldn't deal with seeing them all have fun without. and god forbid you to see any of the girls and heeseung being a little too close.
you had to deal with heeseung bringing girls to your house, making out with them in front of you, or talking about fucking some girl from your school for years. so now, when you've finally had your chance with heeseung, you didn't know how you could ever go back to pretending that what he was saying wasn't bothering you.
sunoo came over saturday night, hoping to cheer you up a little.
"heeseung did what to you in your kitchen?" sunoo gasped loudly, making you cover his mouth in fear that your parents would hear and put two and two together about what he was talking about.
"shh god! do you always have to be so loud! you tsked at your best friend.
"i'm sorry! but i mean, this is something that we've only ever joked about for years!"
"that's what im saying!" you nodded to him, glad that it wasn't just you that was shocked.
"god, was it good?"
"really good." you raised your eyebrows, making the both of you laugh.
"so now what? are you guys finally gonna date?"
"of course not! are you kidding me?" you lay back on your bed, thinking about how that could never happen in a million years. not when heeseung is so important to sunghoon.
"why not? i'm sure sunghoon wouldn't kill his best friend?" sunoo lay down beside you on his stomach so he could face you.
"i'm sure he would." you nodded sarcastically, "heeseung is the only person that sunghoon's ever 100 percent trusted. how would he feel if that person went and started dating me?! his little sister?!" you exclaimed, your hands shaking out in the air.
"god, you need a drink." sunoo laughed.
"fuck, yeah i do."
sunoo and you drank quietly in your room until it was approaching 10pm. you were both upset, and drunk and you couldn't stop thinking about heeseung.
"i cannot believe he's with that minjeong girl right now!" you slurred, trying to apply some lip gloss in your mirror as sunoo lay on your bed.
"i heard that she slept with that yeonjun guy before he graduated." sunoo nodded, looking at you through your mirror's reflection.
"choi yeonjun?!" you gasped in shock. he was only the school's hottest it boy for years. even when you were in elementary school you heard about his beauty. "my god, this minjeong is living the dream." you continued to stare at yourself in the mirror with a frown. "i wish i was as sexy as her. guys seem to only like the sexy girls, i swear."
"you're sexy, y/n!" sunoo cheered, coming up behind you and squeezing your cheeks.
"god, sunoo." you pushed his hands off of your face, "i am definitely not sexy when you squeeze my face like that." making both of you laugh.
"i say, you get all dressed up and send a sexy pic to heeseung, i'm sure that'll make him realize just how sexy you are, he'll want to come home right away!" sunoo planted the idea in your head, allowing for you to contemplate it. if you hadn't been drinking for five hours already, you're sure that you would've been totally against the idea. but you were so intoxicated, and jealous of minjeong and missing heeseung that you agreed to the idea immediately.
sunoo and you tore through your closet for a while, trying to figure out what to wear for the picture.
"what about this?" sunoo pulled out a black-lined, mesh bralette from the back of your closet. "i think this is sexy."
"that is too sexy and i think i'll be too weird if i wear that." you gasped. you had only worn it once underneath your clothes and you felt uncomfortable all day. but maybe that was a good thing. you should get out of your cute comfortableness and into something more sexy and mature.
"what? no! heeseung will love this, y/n. when has he ever seen you in something like this?" sunoo asked, which made you think about it. all he ever really saw you in was your school uniform and your pajamas. you never really tried to go all out when you were in your own home.
"fine, give me the thing i'll go put it on." you snatched the mesh fabric out of sunoo's hand, a devilish grin on sunoo's face as he cheered you on.
pulling the bralette over your head and down your body seemed to be the only easy part of this 'mission'. staring at yourself in the mirror while wearing it was hard to get used to. you had never worn such a thing so carelessly before.
sunoo gasped when you walked back into your bedroom with the bralette on.
"my god y/n, you really are sexy!" he jumped up, shaking your shoulders, making you feel a little better about your appearance.
trying to take a sexy selfie was definitely the hardest thing you've had to do in your life up to this point. sunoo was trying to teach you tips on how to find a good selfie angle that would broadcast to heeseung that you are done being cute- you're sexy now.
"now, put the camera higher up!" sunoo instructed, following right after. "yeah like that! now only put one side of your face in it! - and make sure your chest is in it still!"
"well, let's see it." sunoo said, pushing so he sat beside you as you pressed the picture. both of you gasping as it appeared on the screen.
"sexy," you said in unison, high-fiving each other.
you stood up and put your sweater back on over your body, wanting to cover up as soon as possible again, "god and now i'm scared to send it to him." you told sunoo nervously.
"what? why? it's a good picture!"
"yeah, it's a good picture but it's heeseung and it's me," you explained to your pink haired friend.
"i don't understand. don't you want to do this? i thought you liked him."
"i do! but i don't know. what if he doesn't like it?"
"y/n, trust me, he'll love it. here come sit, let's press send together."
you sat close to sunoo, opening up heeseung's and your messages, his unanswered text from the day before still there.
"okay, ready?" sunoo asked you, holding your phone with you.
"three, two, one." you both press send at the same time with your thumbs.
"ahhhh! what did we just do?" you stood up, fear coursing through you.
"i don't know! you just sent lee heeseung a sexy picture!" sunoo stood up after you, feared for you.
"why did we do that?!"
"i don't know!"
"i need a drink!" you gasped, searching around your room for the liquor bottle that sunoo had brought over.
heeseung wanted to go home as soon as they got to the cabin yesterday.
he didn't know what was wrong with him.
usually, this was his type of scene: a party, four hot chicks, and his three best friends. what else could he ask for? he laughed at himself as he thought this.
y/n. that's what else he could ask for.
he'd trade all the hot chicks in the world if it meant that he could have you all to himself.
heeseung remembers the first time he saw park sunghoon. it was the first day of his year 10 and he saw a short year 9 wandering lost around the hallways. heeseung remembers thinking, 'hey give that kid some height and a good fashion sense and he wouldn't be that embarrassing to hang around with.". heeseung laughs at the memory.
heeseung and sunghoon clicked almost instantly when heeseung introduced himself in the hallway. they were both driven and had goals, and they really liked to fucking party. sunghoon introduced heeseung to jay and jake later that day at lunch, and that's how their little friend group had started. the 02z and their 'grandpa'.
"i told you not to call me that, jake!" heeseung shoved jake's shoulder in the cafeteria.
"i know i know! i'm sorry, grandpa- i mean heeseung! heeseung!!" jake screeched in shock, making the jay and sunghoon laugh at jake's slip up. "i really didn't mean to call you it that time!"
"yeah, whatever." heeseung rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smile as he continued to eat his ramen for lunch.
he remembers when park sunghoon first invited him to his house. he was so honored that someone was giving him a chance to get out of his own house.
heeseung never really got along with the rest of his family. he loved them, and they loved him, but they all had the same morals and values in life that were opposite of heeseungs. it was difficult to get through a conversation with them about anything. that's why he was so happy when sunghoon invited him over- it meant that he could stay somewhere away from his family.
he remembers the first time that he saw you. you were sitting at the island in your kitchen. sunghoon was introducing him to his mother, but heeseung could barely take his eyes off of you.
he knew that sunghoon had a little sister, but he didn't know that she'd be so cute. you were sitting there eating the dinner that your mom had made you, your black hair that matched sunghoon's was thrown up in a messy ponytail and your knee was pressed against the counter from the position you sat in the chair.
heeseung remembers the way that you tried to avoid eye contact with him as you blushed when you two made eye contact. the mole on your nose bridge matched sunghoon's, but it looked so much more appealing on you than it did your brother. he remembers your quiet little 'hi' that you spoke out, making heeseung smile at the memory.
when sunghoon pulled him away from his family, he remembers wishing for an excuse to go back downstairs so that he could see you again, but no ideas really came to his head.
the next day at school, heeseung asked jay and jake about you.
"god, don't even mention her when sunghoon's around." jay shook his head, taking a bite out of his food.
"what? why?" heeseung asked curiously.
"has sunghoon not had the 'stay away from my sister or i'll rip your balls off personally' convo with you?" jake asked him from across the table.
"no? what the hell is that?" heeseung asked, surprised when jay and jake made a knowing look at each other.
"trust me, you'll get it some day." jay poionted his fork at heeseung.
"basically, sunghoon is just really protective over y/n. he tells everyone that if they even stare at her for longer than five seconds he'll kill them. so yeah, don't even try to mess around with park y/n." jake explained to the older boy, who could only nod in response. heeseung mentally kicked you out of his brain that day, wishing to never think of you again while he was friends with sunghoon.
but it was so hard not to think about you when he saw you every day. and every day you seemed to get more and more attractive to him. the sarcasm that you used with your brother, the care that used with your friends and parents, the natural beauty that you gave off in the morning when you just woke up. it was all too much for heeseung to be able to ignore.
so heeseung waited, and waited, and waited for the day that sunghoon would have the 'stay away from my sister or i'll rip your balls off personally' convo with him.
but the day never came.
heeseung had heard sunghoon have the conversation with practically everyone that he had ever interacted with- except for heeseung. it made heeseung nervous. so nervous.
he waiting for the day that he'd let it slip that he thinks sunghoon's little sister is the hottest fucking thing he's ever seen and would mess up his years-long friendship with his best friend- but it never happened. sunghoon had so much trust in heeseung that anything about you and heeseung together never really bothered sunghoon.
heeseung wondered if it was maybe because he was older than sunghoon. he was more mature and responsible. but that didn't explain why sunghoon had held lee jeno by the collar when he heard that jeno wanted to 'fuck park y/n from behind' since jeno was a year older than heeseung himself.
he didn't know exactly what it was with himself that sunghoon had trusted so much. sunghoon has personally seen how heeseung has treated some of the girls in the school. he has heard heeseung explain all the dirty things he wants to do to certain girls that they all find hot. but still, he's the only boy that sunghoon trusts around his 'baby' sister.
when he graduated last year and almost kissed you in the hall, he knew that he was in some dangerous territory. he wished then that sunghoon would have had the 'stay away from my sister or i'll rip your balls off personally' convo with him because there was nothing stopping him from taking you right then and there. it pained him to come to his senses and pull away from you. how could he be such a terrible friend to his best friend?
heeseung thought that his feelings would go away over his first year at university. there were so many new, hot girls around! new hot girls that he wouldn't have time to think about you he'd be so busy with them. but that only worked for the first month.
no girls could compare to you, not even the ones he knew had some good pussy; like minjeong. he had heard so many stories about kim minjeong (choi yeonjun even fucked her!) but he couldn't bear to hook up with her when all he could see was your face and hear your laughter.
when he returned home three weeks ago, he didn't expect you to have matured too much. sure you were still cute but he couldn't even look at you without thinking of all the nasty things he would do to you. 'thank god sunghoon can't read minds' he remembers thinking when he stepped into the door and saw you standing there on the steps.
ever since he's been back he's had a hard time holding himself back from you. before all he had to do was think of his friendship with your brother, but now, he felt like that meant almost nothing to him if it meant that he could be with you.
heeseung felt guilty after fingering you in your kitchen. the home where a family welcomes him with big arms when his own family doesn't. under the same roof where his best friend lies asleep, trusting him with his life. just for what? for him to use you like all the other girls he's used before? it's not like you could ever be together. it was a one-time thing and that's it and now he's probably hurt you since you didn't even answer his text yesterday.
his mind was just full of park y/n that it was pooling out the sides of his ears.
his phone vibrating shook him out of his thoughts of you for a millisecond, before bringing him right back in.
park y/n &lt;3 : Slide to view image.
heeseung instantly opened his phone to see what you had sent him. thinking that it was probably some stupid meme, or had some sort of inside joke that would be between the two of you.
god was he wrong.
he abruptly put his phone to his chest, in fear that any of the seven other people (including your brother!!!!!) would see. they all seemed to be in their own worlds as he sat in front of the small campfire they had built. sunghoon had one of minjeong's friends on his lap, so he totally wasn't interested in anything that anyone else was doing.
heeseung put his phone's brightness on low as he pressed the picture you had sent him. never in his life did he think you'd send him such a picture or wear such a revealing top.
the more he looked at your picture, the more he could feel his cock grow hard in his pants. your tits were basically on full display for him as the black mesh bralette you were wearing hid almost nothing. the way you were biting your red-tinted lip drove him crazy. your pretty hair swiveled down your exposed shoulder- the shoulder where he had kissed you so soft before that it had made you whine out so needily for him.
"fuck." heeseung mumbled out, trying to hide his boner.
"what's wrong heeseungie, are you okay?" minjeong suddenly appeared beside him, making him lock his phone immediately.
"what? yeah! i'm fine!" heeseung said with a forced cheery voice.
"hm," minjeong pouted, sitting on the chair's handle beside him, "you haven't been yourself since we've gotten here, are you sure you're okay?"
yeah! i'm fine! i have a boner bc of sunghoon's little sister and SUNGHOON IS SITTING RIGHT OVER THERE! heeseung mentally screamed at the clueless girl beside him.
"yeah, i'm good." heeseung nodded, pulling his sweater done more to cover his bulge.
"how about you come up to my room with me? maybe i could make you feel great!" minjeong winked at him.
and if heeseung was his past self. the self that didn't know what your pussy tasted like, that didn't know you liked to be called princess when you're getting off, that didn't know just how much you liked him back- then sure, he'd follow kim minjeong up to her temporary room and fuck her. he'd fuck her so that he'd forget about not being able to ever be with his best friend's sister. but he was just not that heeseung anymore.
uh, i don'-" heeseung was about to decline when someone from across their small little outdoor kickback had answered practically for him.
"yeah, heeseung, why don't you go have fun upstairs? you really haven't been yourself." sunghoon spoke to him, the girl on his lips smiling at minjeong with a knowing look that made heeseung want to scream.
but of course, sunghoon could see that heeseung hadn't been himself this weekend. sunghoon could see that heeseung was anything other than practically in love with his little sister.
"come on heeseungie~!" minjeong whined out, grabbing a hold of his hand.
"okay." heeseung had to force out, smiling at the girl. he remembers thinking about how pretty minjeong was last year. he remembers how all the guys in the school used to drool over her. he'd kill to get inside minjeong just based on how pretty she was. but now, as he's looking up at her from his seat, and the campfire is lighting up her small face, he can't help but think about how average-looking she is. she is no longer the girl that belonged in magazines, or the girl that looks like she could be a princess- she's just okay.
and heeseung thinks that every girl from now will just be 'okay' looking since he's seen how beautiful you are.
minjeong drags him up to her room in the cabin, a small but cozy room and pushes him onto her bed. fuck, i still have a boner and it's NOT from this girl fuck, is all that heeseung can think.
"look, minjeong-" heeseung starts, but is interrupted by her sitting on his lap. her lips start kissing up to his neck, glad to finally have lee heeseung underneath her.
"minjeong." heeseung states, his hands resting on her skin so she can't move closer.
"hm?" she whimpers out to him, too entranced with trying to make him feel good.
"i can't do this... with you." heeseung finishes, and the once pretty girl pulls away from him and looks at him with confusion.
"well what do you mean, heeseungie?" she asks, her nickname for him rolls off her tongue so easily and he hates it. heeseung gently pushes her off of him so that she sits beside him on the bed. "what are you doing?"
"we can't have sex, minjeong."
minjeong scoffs at heeseung, "are you being serious?" she asks, her once the cute tone of her voice drops drastically. "we've been screwing around for how long now? and you're just telling me now that you're uninterested?"
"yeah, pretty much. and i'm sorry."
"oh shut the fuck up." minjeong stands up now, fixing her shirt so it's back in place. her outburst takes heeseung aback as he looks up at her. "i've wanted you since we were in year 10, lee heeseung. and now that i've almost finally got you, i just can't? what is it? seriously? why can't you just want me back?"
heeseung stares at minjeong with an unreadable expression. he has no idea how to respond to such a confession from a girl who's never thought anything about it besides that maybe at one time she was hot.
"hm?" minjeong urges him when he doesn't answer.
"i just... don't like you, like that- i'm sorry! i am! but-"
"you're so pathetic, heeseung. and i mean it. you go around fucking every other girl around here, so many girls that you can't even remember if you've fucked them already or not, and you just can't settle down for one girl? why can't you just be with me? are you really that much of a douchebag?"
heeseung starts to smile at how wrong her statement is about him.
"you think it's funny do you? that you can break so many girls' hearts?" minjeong scoffs at him, crossing her arms across her chest.
"no, that's not the funny part." heeseung shakes his head and looks straight into minjeong's eyes, "the funny part is that i can settle down for one girl. i already have the girl that i can settle down with- but we can't be together. and that's why we can't have sex minjeong, because i love her and it's too painful now to be with anyone but her."
minjeong's eyes soften at his explanation, her arms becoming loose and hanging at her sides as she stares at heeseung. she feels tears well up in her eyes as she realizes that the boy she truly wants has fallen in love with someone else right in front of her.
"well, whoever the girl is, she's one lucky son of a bitch." minjeong states and then takes a deep breath, backing up and opening her bedroom door for heeseung to leave, now counting down the seconds for when she can leave this cabin tomorrow.
"fuck sunoo, he read it and hasn't responded." you groan, sitting down on the edge of your bed, your heart beating out of your chest at the word read, "i really fucked it up didn't i?"
"no! you didn't! he's probably just masturbating to it because he couldn't handle your sexiness." sunoo reassured you, coming to rest his head on your stressed shoulder.
"or sunghoon saw it and he's not shoving heeseung's dead body into the lake."
"right, or that." sunoo pointed out sarcastically, making you smile a little bit. "he's probably just drunk and fell asleep. they're coming back tomorrow so you can talk about it then, right?"
"yeah, i guess." you shrugged, laying down in frustration, "ugh, what have i done?"
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
you dreaded the sound of your brother's voice echoing through the house on the late sunday afternoon, the day after you sent lee heeseung a 'sexy selfie'.
"we're home~!" sunghoon called out, cheers from your parents downstairs were heard then. you made your way out of your bedroom and down the stairs to greet your brother and his best friend. your heart was pounding as you saw heeseung's dark green hair in the front hall.
"how was it you guys?" your mother asked, hugging them as they came through the door, your dad was helping move their bags to the side.
"it was fun! jay got so sunburnt he can hardly move!" sunghoon laughed out loud, making heeseung smile.
"oh no," your mother frowned, obviously not finding it as funny as they did. "you guys must be hungry! dinner is ready now so come and eat, you can put away your stuff later! you come down now too, y/n!" your mother pointed you out in your 'hiding' spot in the middle of the staircase. sunghoon and heeseung turned at the mention of your name. sunghoon is backing up to the staircase with his knees bent for you to get on his back.
you climbed on and pulled his hair as a joke, "hey! watch it!" sunghoon grunted out at you, a teasing smile on his face. "one of us has got to have some good hair and it's obviously not gonna be you so you have to protect this one."
"shut up! oh my god!" you laughed out, holding onto his shoulders as he carried you through the house to the table. you rested your cheek on his back and glanced at heeseung, who held a soft smile on his face as he watched you and your brother interact somewhat lovingly.
"so, what did you do at the cabin?" your father asked once you were all sat down in your usual spots.
"eh, just swam and hung around, listened to some music, the usual stuff i guess but in a different location." sunghoon shrugged, winking at heeseung. the wink sent a heavy feeling into your stomach again- a feeling that you're starting to get used to at this point since it happens so much. "i am really tired though." sunghoon suddenly yawned into his plate.
"well that's because it was the first fresh air you've gotten in the past five years- all you do is play video games inside." you teased your brother. "ow!" you yelped, feeling the harsh jab of his foot in your calf.
"Seriously, you guys? will you ever get along properly?" your mother asked, exhaustion showed on her face, "how do you deal with it, heeseung?"
heeseung smiled awkwardly now that all the attention was on him, "i have no idea." he deadpanned, making you all laugh around the table.
since sunghoon was so tired from this weekend, he went to bed early, along with your parents who had to prepare for a week full of work starting tomorrow.
so basically your house was silent by 10pm as you lay awake in your bed once again.
heeseung 🤎 : are you awake?
you got flashbacks from when he had texted you this before years ago, you wondered if he was having the same memory as he sent it.
you : yes
heeseung 🤎 : can i come to ur room?
you : my door's open
you sat up in your bed waiting for him, unlike the last time he asked to come into your room late at night, it only took him a minute for him to quietly slip into your bedroom.
"hi," he spoke out softly to you as he stood beside your bed, he seemed to be shy as he stood in front of you now.
"do you wanna lay down?" you asked him, figuring that he was just as tired as sunghoon was from being away all weekend.
"if you don't mind." heeseung agreed to it, you removed the corner of your blanket so he could lay down underneath it as an answer.
so now you and lee heeseung were laying together in your bed. both of your hearts were racing as you thought about what to say.
"i uh," heeseung spoke finally, "i liked the picture you sent."
"you did?"
heeseung turned his head to look at you, you were just as pretty in the moonlight as he remembered, "of course i did." his answer made you smile so big, that you felt like you had to hide it. "why wouldn't i have liked it?"
"i don't know," you shrugged, embarrassed at the real reason. heeseung turned so that he was on his side now, his head on your pillow, smelling your shampoo.
"you must know, so just tell me." he urged you gently.
"i'm not- i'm not very sexy, so i wanted to be sexy for you," you confessed with a blush on your pale cheeks.
"y/n," heeseung called you after a minute of silence, his fingers wrapping around your chin so you could look at him, "i think you're sexy all the time. no matter what you do. you don't have to try to be sexy for me when you already are."
"you think i'm sexy?"
"mhm," heeseung nodded against your sheets, you wondered if when he left would his own shampoo be mixed in with yours now, "i think you're cute too, a beautiful, funny, sarcastic, smart, caring. i mean the list could go on about how many great things i find you."
your heart immediately swelled at heeseung's words, this is all that you ever wanted to hear from him and now it's happening. instead of answering, you pushed your lips against his. so you were finally kissing.
instantly, as if it was a habit that's been built up over years, heeseung tangles his fingers into your hair, pulling you closer to him to deepen the kiss. it was a sloppy but meaningful kiss, filled with words that neither of you could speak out loud to each other.
heeseung pulled away when both of you were out of breath, "Fuck, y/n." he stared at you with such adoration on his face. you brushed against his grey sweatpants as you tried to pull the blanket over him more, feeling the soft stir of his dick twitch at your movement.
"are you?-" you didn't know how to exactly say what you were thinking but heeseung got it and nodded, a shy smile on his face.
"i'm sorry, i told you that you were sexy."
you grabbed his face in your hands and pressed his lips to yours again in a more feverish way. a way that both of you have been thinking about since you first saw each other.
"i want you heeseung." you whispered to him - to only him.
"yeah?" heeseung asked, pulling your lips onto his again.
"yeah, i want you to be my first." heeseung pulled away far from you then in shock.
"you're first?" heeseung repeated, "you mean, last time- that was the first time you've ever been, you know, finger-?"
"no! that wasn't the first, i mean it was the first time i guy's made me cum, but i now i mean, first as in, sex. full-on sex," you mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed.
"oh my god okay, you scared me for a second, jesus." heeseung put a hand over his heart to calm it down. "being fingered really sloppily in a kitchen does not sound like a good first fingering my god."
"yeah, well at least you made me cum." you smiled at him, kissing his cute lips once again.
"i don't want to hurt you though, princess." heeseung pulled away, ;"it always hurts the first time, no?"
"i know you'll be gentle, hee, i trust you." his heart thumped at his chest at your words- now both park siblings trusted him too much,.
"okay, okay." heeseung nodded, kissing you deeply again. you felt his hands sneak over your body going underneath your tank top and pulling it up over your head. even in the dark moonlight, he could see how pretty your breasts were.
"shit, even prettier than how i imagined." heeseung spoke out, his hands coming up to squeeze your hardened nipples, making you whine out.
"sensitive still," you spoke softly, no one's touched like this before, especially no one that you've wanted this long to before.
heeseung felt his cock twitch in his sweatpants again at your words. you were going to kill him. you were going to fucking kill him with how hot you are.
"fuck." heeseung shook his head, wrapping his hands around your waist now and moving so that you sat on top of him, right on his bulge that was aching for you.
"i want your top off, too." you whined, your hands roaming over his chest, tugging his shirt off of his head, making him laugh at how cute you're being. you flung his shirt onto the floor once it was over his head. his tan skin still glowing in the moonlight. you had seen heeseung shirtless countless times around your house, in pictures, or in your pool, but never in a situation like this. he was always pretty, but he was beautiful while laying underneath you. all his pretty freckles and scars, free for your eyes only in a time like this.
"beautiful," you spoke your mind, bending down and kissing down his chest until you were above his sweatpant waistband.
"y/n," heeseung moaned out once your hand brushed over his cock.
"i wanna suck you off, hee." heeseung eyes rolled to the back of his head at your words. he's been sucked off so many times before, but he knows that none of them will ever live up to how you will do it.
"next time, princess, okay? i just wanna focus on you now."
you pouted, but let him slip off those fucking shorts he loves seeing you in so much. your bare core open for him to see. "so cute." he admired as his soft hands grazed around your bare body for him to see. his cock was dripping at the thought that he's the only one and will always be the only one to see you like this.
your hands slipped underneath heeseung's sweatpants, your hands encircling his hard cock and pulling it out for you to see. your thighs twitched as it came into eye contact, your pussy leaking onto his sweatpants at how pretty it looked. it matched the rest of him perfectly. Its red tip look painful for how hard it was, and precum was flowing out everywhere for how turned on he was.
your hands jerked him off gently, spreading his precum around so it would fit in your tiny hole. you stood up on your knees, ready for him to finally enter you when he grabbed your wrist.
"wait!" heeseung whispered and shouted at you, "Are you wet enough?" he asked, suddenly his hand slipped between your legs, making you almost cry out from the sudden pleasure. his fingers easily slipped inside of your hole, finding your sensitive spot effortlessly now. when he figured that you were ready for him, he lets you carry on, holding onto his dick and ready to enter you.
slowly but surely you pushed his cock inside of you, his hands ran up and down your sides, encouraging you that you were doing well. you tried to keep your walls unclenched as he eased more inside of you. when you couldn't take any more of him, you put your hands on his chest and sat still for a moment, trying to calm all your nerves and the pain that shot through your core.
heeseung had to physically hold himself back from bucking up into you or moving at all. he was pushing his hips away from you, toward the bed so he wouldn't make you hurt further.
"you're doing so well, princess, feel so good around me already." heeseung moaned out to you, his finger slipping towards your clit and circling it, making you have to bite down on his shoulder to keep you quiet.
"fuck, hee, i really don't know if i can be quiet with you inside of me." you admitted, the feeling of his cock so much.
"i know baby, me neither, but we're gonna have to be unless you want your family to find us." heeseung replied, his fingers still playing with your clit as he waited for you to move. at his words he felt you clench around his cock tightly, making him bite his lip from pleasure, "do you like the thought of people walking in on us? at least then people would know how much we care about each other, yeah?"
you nodded as you started to your hips up and down on his cock, it was already hitting all the perfect spots inside of you.
"god, hee i might cum." you moaned out quietly into his ear.
"already?" heeseung mocked but was also pretty shocked. his fingers sped up around your clit, wanted to feel how tight your walls would clench around him when you came.
your orgasm hit you hard as you continued to move your hips on his cock, rocking your clit into his fingers. your mouth formed a quiet 'O' as your orgasm hit its peak before fading away. "so pretty, my princess." heeseung kissed your forehead, "so pretty when you come undone on my cock."
"you just feel so good." you groaned, grinding your clit down on his pelvis now, feeling his cock twitch inside of you as he watched you get yourself off on him.
heeseung was still holding back from coming as he watched you work yourself up again, using him as a toy. you were seriously the hottest thing he's ever seen and the only thing that was preventing him from coming right then and there was the idea of getting you to come again before him.
your pussy was so wet that if anyone walked past your door they could hear it squelch from the impact of you bouncing up and down on heeseung's cock.
"fuck hee!" you moaned out, leaning down to bite on his shoulder to keep yourself quiet. another orgasm came from you as heeseung played with your clit once again, sending you over the edge.
"shit y/n, you feel so tight around me. i can fucking feel you come on me." heeseung groaned, his eyes rolling back to his head again as he held himself back from coming inside of you. you stopped your movements as your second orgasm subsided, needing a breather for coming so hard twice so quick.
"are you good, princess?" heeseung whispered to you, kissing your head as you calmed down.
"yeah, so good." you slurred back to him, feeling drunk off the pleasure that his cock was giving you, you've never felt so good in your entire life.
"can you come again for me? just once more, i'm so close." heeseung asked you, his hips grinding in slow circles underneath you.
"y-yeah, only if you fuck me now."
"i got you, princess." heeseung nodded, before gently flipping you over so that he was on top of you, his cock not slipping out of you once.
the two of you were silent as heeseung slowly pounded into you, taking his time with you as if this would be the first and last time he's gotten you like this.
he;'s taken his time to remember how you feel, how you look, and how you sound when you're so fucked out for him. it's surely only what dreams are made out of.
heeseung gives you a few more hard thrusts until his cum was filling you up, a moan of your own escaping at the feeling, a smaller orgasm taking over your body as you both still against each other, taking in the moment of pleasure between you two.
you feel heeseung's cum gush out of you as he pulls his limp dick out of you now, careful not to touch your sensitive clit.
"mm, heeseung." you called his full name, catching his full attention now, "i wanna taste you this time."
"you're gonna get me hard again, fuck." heeseung shook his head at you, gently pushing his fingers between your slit, making your hips buck up at the sensation. his cum was on his two fingers as he brought them to your mouth.
you happily sucked them into your mouth, tasting his sweet cum as if it was the last thing you'd ever taste. "y/n." he moaned out as he watched you slurp every drop from his fingers. "i really am gonna need a blowjob from you." he admitted, feeling his cock twitch at the sight of you.
"next time." you smiled up at him, an innocent smile during something that is the complete opposite.
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to say that you and heeseung felt guilty for hiding your relationship from sunghoon and your parents was an understatement- you were both practically ripping your hair out from the stress and anxiety of them finding out and sunghoon killing his best friend and your boyfriend.
you : what the fuck am i gonna do sunoo? i can't keep hiding it for much longer, they leave next week for uni.
sunoo ❤️ : you're gonna have to tell your brother, y/n! heeseung's his best friend! he trusts him! im sure he won't be that mad!! maybe, hopefully, haha
you : fuck, we're gonna have too. ugh!! im fucking scared.
sunoo❤️: you can do it!!!! i love you!!!!
"hey sunoo, get off you're phone and come play a game with us!" riki called out to his older friend, who distracted him from texting you about your problem.
"give me a second!" sunoo called back to him.
"who're you texting, sunoo?" jungwon teased him, his eyebrows raising up and down.
"as if you'd like to know." sunoo rolled his eyes at his younger friend who always seemed to be in everyone's business except for his own.
"sunoo! come on~!" riki whined, wanting so badly for someone to play ping pong with him.
"fine, i'm coming," sunoo huffed, standing up and tossing his phone on the couch. sunoo had thought that he was turned off his phone, but was too distracted by riki to really pay attention.
as jungwon still sat on the couch, he couldn't help but glance over at sunoo's opened messages, his eyes going wide by reading the latest ones with you.
"holy shit." jungwon whispered, throwing sunoo's phone back onto the couch before he came back.
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as the final weekend of sunghoon living with you before he went to university came, it was almost tradition that he throws a party in honor of going away. your town's infamous party boy and his friends would be leaving to party somewhere else. what would your town do without them?
almost everyone in sunghoon's grade and your own was filling in your house. it was the biggest party that they've ever thrown in all four years of high school. even the '01 liners that graduated last year had come to see heeseung and send sunghoon off for university.
unlike last year's going away party, you were actually allowed to come to this once thanks to sunghoon's less strict protectiveness of you.
of course, heeseung and you couldn't be seen beside each other, but you were both planning on telling sunghoon the big news tomorrow. you both weren't sure of how he would react. hopefully, he'd be happy though since he and heeseung have already put a down payment on the apartment that they're going to be sharing for the year.
as midnight approached, a loud clinking sound captured everyone's attention and the loud music turned off.
"excuse me everyone!" a loud voice boomed, getting everyone to be quiet. there stood hwang intak on your coffee table in the living room. you haven't heard from intak since the beginning of the summer, you figured that he was just busy or that he found a new friendgroup to hang around with. he was holding a fork up to a beer bottle, "as i'm sure everyone is so sad to see the '02's leave this year, i have some happy news that i'm sure. everyone would love to hear!" intak started, everyone in your house nodded and made sounds of agreement, "i'm sure the one and only park sunghoon will love to hear this one especially,"
you stopped smiling at the mention of your brother's name, glancing at him and then heeseung from across the room. heeseung was looking uncertain as well.
"it has been brought to my attention, that park y/n is fucking her brother's best friend!" intak smiled, a gasp going through the room and your blood ran cold as you made eye contact with your very furious brother from across the room. "isn't that right, heeseung?" everyone in the room turned and looked at heeseung who was standing right beside sunghoon like he normally does. heeseung immediately put his hands up in defense as your brother pushed his chest against his, a betrayed look on his face. you couldn't hear what exactly was being said from all the whispering going around you, but it ended up with sunghoon pushing heeseung onto the chair behind him and then pushing everyone else out of the way to storm up to his room.
"okay! i think that's about it for tonight. everyone has a good school year and get the fuck out!" jay stood up on your coffee table now, pushing intak out of the way.
a pleased-looking intak came up to you right after.
"intak, why would you do that?" you asked him, tears welling up in your eyes from humiliation and fear of what's going to happen to you and heeseung and your brother.
"you know i've liked you since the day i met you park y/n. and what do you do? you turn me down, treat me like just a friend in front of everyone and then go and use me at some party- never to speak to me again?" intak explained to you, you shook your head no, trying to find some words to speak, "no! don't y/n. i thought it was weird when you were suddenly all up on me at the first party of the summer, and i knew you were acting weird all night! i saw you looking at heeseung too! i just never put two and two together until jungwon told me that you've been fucking him behind everyone's back!"
"intak! it's not like that! i'm sorry! what i did was wrong and i'm truly sorry! but you didn't have to go and do that! you just ruined my own relationship with my brother!" you cried out to him, your hands shaking at your sides.
"yeah? well maybe you should've thought about that before you went whoring around with your brother's best friend." intak spat in your face.
"would you shut the fuck up?" a voice came from behind him, making both of you jump. there stood an even more angry sunghoon as he listened to what intak had to say about you. "you are some little fucking pathetic rat. you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about do you? you just say whatever comes to mind and don't care about the coincidences, don't you?" sunghoon pushed intak up against the wall beside you.
"sunghoon!" you tried to reach out to him, only to have your hand pulled away from behind you, jake was holding you back. "no jake! let go of me." you struggled.
"bro, what? i'm trying to do you a favor? your best friend is the rat! he went behind your back and fucked your sister!" intak managed to get out through fear.
sunghoon faked a laugh, "if you talk about my sister fucking someone one more time, i'm going to rip your balls off personally." sunghoon threatened the younger boy.
"there it is." jay pointed out from beside you.
"yep." jake quickly agreed, glancing at him briefly before returning back to sunghoon and itak.
"bro i'm sorry." intak started but was cut off.
"don't call me bro, okay bro?" sunghoon mocked intak, pulling the collar of his shirt up as he stared right into his eyes, "if you talk about my sister, or any of my friends again, i will make sure to come back to town and hurt you, really bad. got it?"
"yes, i got it. i'm sorry." intak shook his head quickly, wanting to get away from your brother as soon as he could. sunghoon backed away from the wall, letting intak run out of your house, slamming the door after him. jake let you go once it seemed like sunghoon wasn't in fighting mode anymore.
"sunghoon." you cried out softly.
"don't y/n." he replied, sitting down on the living chair with his head in his hands.
"sunghoonie, i'm sorry." heeseung stated, still standing on the other side of the living room from you all.
you heard sunghoon sigh as he listened to his best friend, "i mean like, for how long has it been happening?" sunghoon looked up at you two, his head turning from the left to the right.
"not long." heeseung said quickly.
"we were planning on telling you, we swear!" you added on, "we were waiting for a good time!"
"did you guys know?" sunghoon glanced at jake and jay behind you.
"nope!" jake said quickly.
"no idea, man!" jay agreed.
"sunghoonie," heeseung took a step closer to his best friend, "they had no idea, it was just me and y/n." sunghoon nodded, sitting back in the chair, trying to take it all in. "i love her, hoon. i mean it." sunghoon looked up at his best friend in shock. jay and jake gasped from behind you. jake nudged you, a look of shock on his face, making you shrug in response.
"do you love him?" sunghoon asked you suddenly.
"yes, a lot." you smiled at heeseung softly, love only fills your mind when you think of him.
sunghoon scoffs, "i mean, how blind am i? my own best friend and my sister fall in love and i don't even notice?"
"we're sorry sunghoon, we didn't want to make you upset. but i've loved her for a long time now, i've just always tried to push the feeling away because i care so much about you, you're my best friend sunghoon, i don't want to lose you. i can't stand to lose you and her." heeseung confessed, holding onto sunghoon's shoulder now.
sunghoon sighed before glancing up at you, "and you're happy?"
"so happy, hoon." you nodded, your hands coming together to show how happy you are.
"Okay." sunghoon nodded.
"okay?" you all said in unison out of confusion.
"yes okay, it's something i can get used to if you're both happy. and it's not something i can stop if you both love each other, right?" sunghoon said, a small smile on his face when he spoke now.
"oh my god! thank you sunghoon! thank you!" you cried out, jumping up and down before running to heeseung who hugged you so tight. squeals left your mouth as the dreading feeling in your stomach finally surpassed after weeks of it being there. heeseung pulled you into a kiss, showing how happy he was as well.
"okay!" sunghoon yelled, "it's gonna take some time to get used to that." sunghoon said, looking away from you guys, "but i'm sure i'll be okay."
"i love you sunghoon, so much! really!" you pulled away from heeseung and pulled your brother up from his chair, pulling him into his own hug.
"i love you too, y./n, you're always gonna be my little sister, right?" he teased, pushing your hair around.
"of course!" you smiled and pulled away from him.
"you're always gonna be my best friend, right?" heeseung spoke from behind you, a soft smile of hopefulness on his face.
"c'mon man, of course, i will be!" sunghoon smiled, opening his arms for heeseung to hug him as well.
"awww!" jay and jake gushed from behind you all, rushing and hugging their friends into one big group hug.
when they all pulled apart, it felt like everything was right between everyone. every friendship and relationship in the room seemed healed over with love.
"bro, i can't believe you're dating park sunghoon's little sister." jake said to heeseung, shock still settling in.
"shut it, jake!" you all said in unison again, laughing before hugging everyone again.
"you guys are so mean!" jake cried out, still hugging you guys tightly as if it would be the last time.
heeseung winked at you from over sunghoon's shoulder, making you smile up at him, unafraid of what everyone would think now knowing that you and heeseung are in love.
"what do you think your parents are gonna say?" heeseung asked you all.
"god heeseung, you know that they love you." sunghoon rolled his eyes at his best friend, making you and heeseung smile at each other, knowing that finally you could be together after all.
it's truly all that you ever wanted, and now you have it.
you couldn't be happier with your older brother's best friend.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
@ taeghi, 2022. do not repost or reuse in anyway.
stay safe everyone :)
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poohsources · 2 years
🐝  *  ―  𝑭𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑫 𝑭𝑨𝑴𝑰𝑳𝒀 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺.  (  found family is one of my all time favorite tropes so i’ve decided to make these starters, including both fluff and angst.  feel free to adjust to better fit your muses.  )
❛  you’re like the family i wish i had.  ❜ ❛  i trust you with my life.  ❜ ❛  please don’t ever leave me.  ❜ ❛  you’re the only person i have left!  ❜ ❛  you’re more than just a friend to me. you’re family.  ❜ ❛  i don’t want to be alone anymore.  ❜ ❛  you’re the closest thing to a brother / sister i have.  ❜ ❛  come on, give me a hug.  ❜ ❛  i love you, [name].  ❜ ❛  you’re my favorite person in the whole world.  ❜ ❛  thank you for always being there for me.  ❜ ❛  this means more to me than you can imagine.  ❜ ❛  i care about you and i will always care about you.  ❜ ❛  you’re acting like my mom.  ❜ ❛  shut up and let me comfort you.  ❜ ❛  i’ve never been part of a group before.  ❜ ❛  you have no idea just how important you are to me.  ❜ ❛  i seriously regret letting you move in with me.  ❜ ❛  can you just hold me for a while?  ❜ ❛  i couldn’t ask for a better friend.  ❜ ❛  is this what family is supposed to be like?  ❜ ❛  i wish we had grown up together.  ❜ ❛  it feels like you’ve always been part of my life.  ❜ ❛  you know me better than anyone.  ❜ ❛  just leave me alone, okay?  ❜ ❛  this place is the closest thing to home i have.  ❜ ❛  i’m so lucky i got to meet you.  ❜ ❛  if you ask me, this whole ‘blood is thicker than water’ thing is nonsense.  ❜ ❛  you’re making me feel a little less lonely.  ❜ ❛  just face it, you’re stuck with me now ― whether you want to or not.  ❜ ❛  i want to grow old with you.  ❜ ❛  you’re the first person who has accepted me for who i am.  ❜ ❛  i’ve finally found my people.  ❜ ❛  will you still love me even if i tell you my secret?  ❜ ❛  no matter what you do or say, i’m not leaving you.  ❜ ❛  you don’t have to deal with this on you’re own.  ❜ ❛  i want to help you, but you have to let me in.  ❜ ❛  this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.  ❜ ❛  i’m here fore you. today. tomorrow. every day for the rest of your life.  ❜ ❛  if you need me, i’m just one call away.  ❜
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
─── ❝ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 1 ❞ ───
navigation || masterlist 2 || series m.list
*mature content is considered SFW but may have dark or suggestive themes
True love's kiss // drabble // Kaeya, Diluc, Zhongli // You've been cursed to sleep for eternity!
How they guard your drink // mature hcs // Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Thoma, Xiao, Childe
Family Roots 1 // Part 2 // fic // Diluc, Kaeya // reader looks for their "sibling"
Whispering "I can't do this anymore" in a fight // drabble // Childe, Zhongli, Thoma
The stupidly domestic things you do with him // shorts // Childe, Diluc, Zhongli, Kaeya
You have bewitched me // shorts // Childe, Kazuha, Zhongli, Diluc
They have bewitched you // shorts // Thoma, Diluc, Zhongli, Gorou
Last Resort // SAGAU fic // in a desperate act to save yourself, you reveal their secrets
Trapped together // fic // Diluc, Zhongli // Kaeya, Thoma, Gorou
Competition // drabble // Ayato & Childe
You're his guardian angel // old fic // Diluc, Albedo, Gorou
The kiss cam lands on you two // shorts // Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Zhongli, Thoma
You make a suspicious dish // shorts // Diluc, Childe, Zhongli, Kaeya, Thoma
Made with Love Dish // shorts // Diluc, Thoma, Childe
You're a zombie-like Qiqi // shorts // Diluc, Kaeya, Thoma
"I'm leaving you" text // smau // Childe, Diluc, Zhongli, Aether, Thoma, Scara
Everything feels new // Elemental Reactions // SAGAU fic // the creator takes on a physical form for the first time
On Screen 1// SAGAU brainrot // conversations beyond the screen
Xiao & Zhongli | 1 Aftermath // SAGAU fic // imposter AU where Xiao helps you
Looking for your favorites // SAGAU shorts // (Thoma, Xiao, Zhongli) | (Kazuha, Diluc) | (Wanderer, Scaramouche, Chongyun, Aether, Razor)
A simp in SAGAU // short // you're a simp
I love you so // two // three // four // extra // extra // angst fic // neglected, sickly wife trope and a man who doesn't know how to show his love
Secret Valentines // SAGAU imposter AU fic // he hides you
Family Agenda 01 // 02 // fic // read more on the series masterlist // having 9 kids with him
Sly Villain // old fic // you're a harbinger and the darknight hero caught your interest
With a blind s/o // old hcs // He's super rich and overprotective // hcs
You're the "girl best friend" // old hcs // did he lose his chance or was there ever a chance at all?
Torture // mature fic // he gets tortured and comes home to you
Friends don't do the things we do // fic // you patch up the darknight hero
Drunk Creator SAGAU
Housewife (SAGAU)
Beloved sickly wife
Triplets // Triplets (2)
Call me by my name // SAGAU fic // creator!reader is lonely, surely a god must understand?
Age Gap // drabble // you confess but there's a problem
Star crossed lovers // fic // right person, wrong time until it's finally right // god!reader
Arrival // SAGAU brainrot // Zhongli doesn't know you're the creator
Faint memories // fic // Zombie!Reader
Aging // growing old with you
Sneeze // chat short
My Alatus // SAGAU fic // to spoil and comfort him
You and me against the world but the world won // mature fic // my take on his tragic backstory
I'd rather die with you than live a life without you // fic // you're too in love to let him go alone
Alatus // short concept
Lap naps // SAGAU drabble
First Crush // (ft. ayato's big brother energy) // brainrot on little Kamisato reader
Nobleman's Fiancée // (ft. Diluc) brainrot
First Crush // (ft. Traveler) // Kamisato sibling brainrot
To Rest // brainrot on meeting ayato early + lap naps
Mean // Cat!Reader // main inspo for all my gorou works
Cats & Dogs // (ft. Kazuha) the meeting and dynamic
Heats & Distractions // distracting you from your heat
Young Kaeya // drabble for Kaeya Ragnvindr
Serenitea Pot Club // Geo, Pyro, Hydro // Electro, Cryo HCs
Execution (SAGAU)
Modern Acting AU HCs // part two // Diluc solo HCs
Dawn winery chef MC
Vision Discrimination (Pyro & Anemo Edition)
Friendship Level (SAGAU) 🤍
Archons + Dainsleif Reverse SAGAU
Adelinde & Elzer (Diluc & Kaeya fallout)
Diluc prompts // old work
Typhoon Season
Genshin Orphanage Adoption List
Rural Beach Life
School HCs - Liyue Edition // old work
Found Family - Zhongli &Xiao // old work
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arthursknight · 2 years
the common variation of the "arthur comes back" trope is that he emerges from avalon, fog headed and confused, and countless time has passed, and the only thing that makes sense is merlin.
imagine an awake arthur. arthur, who enters the realm of avalon with a hand clamped tight over his eyes, refusing to watch as his friends mourn. arthur, who bangs against the walls of the veil, who slams his shoulder into invisible barriers, who reaches for his sword that won't pierce through. "i have to go back," he says. it's like no one hears him, in this liminal space, where nothing is familiar and all he can see is a technicolour hellscape that is life without him.
arthur, who watches the years pass, and his friends grow old, and die, but never forget. who watches his kingdom grow and diminish, suffer and sing.
but then there's merlin, who only grows old when he wants to. there's merlin, who doesn't die, even when it's well past the time he should. and as the familiar faces of his loves fade away, he clings to that. and watches.
watches as merlin grows his magic, and learns, and reaches into the core of the universe to pull out more beauty than arthur has ever known. watches as merlin tells his story, over and over and over and over, and watches as the light never fades from his eyes when he tells it.
and there are parts arthur has trouble watching. those years where merlin pleads at the lake's edge. give him back to me. take me to him. make me forget. each iteration hurts in different ways, and arthur finds himself slamming his shoulder against the veil again, gasping for breath he doesn't need.
and worse yet, somehow. merlin falling in love, doomed from the start. merlin watching as everyone he believes in and seeks comfort in grows old and dies. he slowly stops telling the stories, and arthur screams his voice hoarse-- or imagine he does-- trying to get him to hear, i'm still here, i'm still here.
but centuries pass and he comes to learn that merlin never forgets him. faces fade and he changes towns, villages, cities, but he keeps waiting, hoping.
and arthur watches the world fall apart and stitch itself back together again, often at the behest of his sorcerer. and his magic grows more and more subtle, but it's still there, never leaving him.
arthur never leaves him, either.
somewhere in the liminal, he realizes what he's known all along, the steady thrum of love beneath his chest. and it drives him mad for a while, and there's the sword through the veil again.
but he's doomed to wait, and finally, finally, finally--
he's spitting up vile, murky water, his legs a newborn stag's, and he's looking up into the blue eyes he's been watching for so many aching centuries.
"well," merlin laughs. "took you long enough."
"you," he'll reply, whether his voice is ready or not, "have no idea."
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kiwi-astrology · 2 years
(observations i have made based on composite charts. i use many charts from friends/family members/celebrities to gather create composite charts, so keep in mind these are my observations based off of patterns i see! i also only used 2 people for composite charts, while they work for 2+ people. enjoy!)
✿ Venus in the 12th house composite reminds me of secret admirers. The one that got away. A couple that unconditionally feels tied to each other, but it’s unseen to the world. The couple that runs off into the woods to share secrets only they know. But even the couple is unaware of their feelings. They love each other, but are blind to it. Could also lead to secret enemies. Lovers to enemies trope ;)…or enemies to lovers. Neither one wants to admit how enamored or hurt the other may make them feel.
✿ Moon in 11th house composite is the mom/dad pair that makes all their friends feel welcome. The type of couple to host parties for their community. Viewed as the sensitive couple that care about everyone, including each other. They both care deeply about bringing softness to the world around them. Sharing feelings in crowds of people because they’re not scared of their environment when together. Pretty placement <3
✿ Capricorn stellium in the composite chart is creating for building a life together. Building a business, family, group project, etc. The two will know how to motivate each other and accomplish their end goal. However, there’s so much energy drawing to shared goals with Capricorn stellium composite charts. In tarot, Capricorn is revealed in The Devil card. Capricorn energy in the composite may pull people away from their individual goals to hyper-focus on relationship goals. I’ve witnessed multiple connections (friends, families/spouses, work partners) end up disappointed once reading this group goal if they neglected their own life in the process. Be careful of temptation to put all your energy into one shared goal with Capricorn stellium composite connections!
✿ Capricorn moons in the composite are very good for inspiration, though! In particular, I’ve witnessed the beauty of this placement. Friends that encourage each other to stand up for their feelings. Family members that recognize when the other is hurt. Very mature relationships where the people are able to dissect their feelings together and work through them (like a therapy session, haha). Compared to natal Capricorn moon placements, composite cap moons bring security and stability in knowing feelings associated with a a connection. You guys also hold each other accountable for sharing your feelings!
✿ Earth moons in the composite, in general, I love to see! Taurus moon composite placement are very homey. The friends that are always at each other’s houses. Virgo moon composite placement is ordinary astonishment. The friends that are always chatting and laughing at each other’s corny jokes so they don’t feel left out. Cap moons are very supportive of each other’s emotions. Earth moons in the composite just create such a caring relationship where individuals want to nurture the nature of the relationship!
✿ Venus in the 4th house is a very sweet placement. Loving each other’s darkest parts and core. I’ve noticed how Venus in 4th house composite connections will grow apart for awhile if the individuals feel the need to overcome personal past trauma? Like I’ve seen friendships where the two part distance for awhile as they heal childhood wounds. They always come back together once they feel capable of being loved for their past again. Def a loving placement for composite charts. There becomes of shakiness if individuals become triggered by old wounds that Venus of the 4th house composite cannot withhold the depth of.
✿ Composite mercury in Libra is the couple that loves to talk. They know exactly how to sweet talk each other and give words of affirmation. The placement where the two write love letters to each other. They can’t bear to say something negative about the other. It’s sometimes difficult to understand what the other really wants to say since this placement sugarcoats communication in the connection.
✿ Aquarius stellium in the composite could indicate a long-distance relationship where most communication/interaction is online.
✿ I love Sagittarius mercury in the composite. The friends that are always laughing and causing attention because of their constant laughing. Never be together when you guys have to maintain a serious stance, because one shared glance and you two will start bursting out laughing. The pair to also go on a bunch of mini adventures together. Taking walks together, sharing books, going on mini car rides, trying new foods together. Very lighthearted and joyous placement!
✿ Composite mercury in the 5th house is the pair that outrageously flirts with each other. Think Penelope and Derek from criminal minds. I’ve yet to see an actual couple with this placement, but I know so many friends that share this composite placement and call each other pet names. The friends that call each other “baby girl” and “sweet cakes” in a group of people, shamelessly.
✿ Taurus mars in the composite creates a very stable and relaxing energy in a connection. The two feel comfortable doing things together and putting energy into each other. The connection where you guys prioritize taking care of each other. Think of Taurus’s association with self care. With Taurus mars in the composite, individuals will use the energy to pamper and care for each other. Driving each other places, making meals for each other, very much an acts of service placement in the composite chart.
✿ Mars in the first house of composite points to an energetic connection. You guys get together to work out or do activities together. Not the type of placement to feel comfortable just sitting around together. There needs to be some sort of energetic activation when together. Depending on the mars placement, it could vary.
✿ Mars in the 7th house is the couple that does everything together. They don’t get tired of each other’s energy in any area of life. This is the placement where the two can sit around together doing their own thing, but enjoy being in each other’s presence.
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trulylino · 2 years
=> The One Who... - SKZ
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Pairing: stray kids x gn!reader
Genre: mostly fluff and a hint of suggestive in lee know's but it's only if you squint
Summary: boyfriend trope post inspired by the tiktok trend where you describe them as lovers
Warnings: slight suggestive for lee know, mentions of death, kissing, food
A/N: I kept adding things to this every time I thought I was done I would be like WAIT lemme add that to the Changbin one or smth like that like this happened for like half an hour
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Chan - the one you're going to marry
Ever since you met Chan there was just something about him which made you know instantly you were going to grow old with him. He knows how to make you laugh and how to comfort you when you cry. After a bad day he'll run you a bath and you'll find a basket of your favourite scented bath bombs and a mug of tea or hot chocolate on the side. When you get out the bath, fingers all pruney from the water you find that he's cooked dinner and changed the bed sheets so they're crisp and fresh and all you can do is crawl into his arms. Then you just know that you're going to marry him. He's the one. You're sure he's the one when you're an hour into a late night drive with him and he pulls over so he can rest his head in your lap. He doesn't need to tell you that he's in love with you because his eyes say a thousand words with how hopelessly and intently he's looking at you.
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Minho - the one who knows you're his
He's really subtly flirty. Like you'll just be out with friends and he'll grab your hand and make you blush. Then he's all possessive too like 'these are my hands now'. He doesn't give you a second to get your thoughts straight it's just completely 100% him when he wants it to be like that. He can do a complete 180 with his personality too like one moment he's calling you Jagi in a sweet voice the next he's telling you to be good and he'll be nice to you when you get home. Your mind just cannot comprehend him. He's still secretly the cutest person ever though and loves taking you on little cafe dates where you'll be practically cuddling with your chairs so close together you may as well be sharing one. He'll pick up your hand from where it dangles at the side of your torso and place it on the table just so he can play with your fingers, weaving them with his and letting the pads of them brush over his own palms until you're whining and telling him to stop because it tickles.
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Changbin - the one who makes you a better person
If there's one thing Changbin wants for you is for you to be the best version of you. He wants you to be healthy and he wants you to be happy. He'll remind you to eat if you've been distracted all day and when you're stressed he's there to help you relax with a face mask and a hair band. He likes going on dates with you to treat you, even if it's just going to the park for a picnic or the beach so the two of you can breathe the fresh sea air and jump over waves together like you're still five. He makes you feel like a kid again and you think that that's maybe what's so freeing about being with him. When you need to escape he'll be there for you. For your birthday every year he always, no matter what gives you photos of his favourite memories with you from the past year, each with little handwritten notes on the back with the dates and with little reminders about why they mean so much to him. Whenever you miss him or you're feeling sad you can get them out and just remember how loved you are.
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Hyunjin - the one who would die for you
You cannot convince me that he wouldn't give the world for you. If you were in some dystopia YA book and he had to choose between saving the world and saving you he would choose you every single time. He is scared of how much he loves you but isn't afraid to let you know that. He needs you to know that he loves you more than anything else in the world and will take you out to do anything you want. You want him to buy you flowers? He has your favourites in a bouquet by the time you're back home. He likes visiting the aquarium with you too. It feels comforting just sitting hand in hand on a bench watching the fish so carefree and when you find the area where you can touch the starfish he can't help but splash you with water, forcing him to have to spoil you and treat you to a whole new outfit since yours is now wet. He draws you too. He brings his little sketchbook everywhere so when you're pouting at the fact that your latte art got ruined when you accidentally dipped your nose in it its cemented in history forever by his pencil.
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Jisung - the one that knows you better than you know yourself
When you've known someone for as long as you've known Han it's not often you find out something that shocks you. He was your best friend before he was your boyfriend and it adds another level to your bond. He's still the same person you knew when you were fourteen except now you kiss and hold hands and cuddle. He never saw any of your flaws and when you would talk about all your failed relationships in the past it would feel like a dagger in his heart, twisting slowly, excruciatingly until he couldn't take it anymore and kissed you himself. So when you need a best friend, he's there and when you need a boyfriend you know that he's first in line. You can rant to him about the smallest thing and know that he's listening to you, know that he cares about you have to say and the same goes for the other way. It's because you've always wanted to know Jisung better than he does and you're sure that he knows you better than you know you.
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Felix - the one who's never letting you go
He sometimes feels physically ill when he's away from you for too long. Like his energy drains and he gets a headache and as soon as your around it fades and he's all smiley and bubbly again. Sometimes when you get back from class or work and he's in this state all that you can do is just snuggle up under the blanket with him and stroke his hair and massage his shoulders through his shirt for him. He'll just relax into your touch and half way through your second movie you'll find he's completely asleep in your arms, grabbing you like a koala, forcing you to go to sleep as well since there's no way you're freeing yourself from his grasp. Not that you would want to move away from him anyway, he feels like home.
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Seungmin - the one who hides you from the world
He gives a secret romance vibe. He reminds me of that Taylor Swift lyric like 'You kept me like a secret but I kept you like an oath'. It's always stolen kisses when you sneak away from the rest of your friends at a festival and counting the number of people in front of you so you happen to be paired together to go on the ferris wheel alone. Like he loves you so much but he's scared to tell other people that because he thinks it makes him vulnerable. He's told his family and a couple close friends but that's maybe it at least until you've been dating for about a year. It does lead to really aesthetically pleasing midnight walks together under the stars where you end up in a random field or park somewhere talking until you can see the sun start to come up on the horizon and you have to rush home. At some point he breaks down and tells you he can't keep it a secret anymore because all he wants to do is shout from the rooftops with a megaphone that he's yours.
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Jeongin - the one that's crazy about you
There isn't a moment where isn't thinking about you. He texts you at 3am because he can't sleep and he misses you. He walks to where ever you are if you're about to go home because he doesn't want you to be by yourself and he knows you'll feel safer if he's there. He'll hold your hand as you walk together back to your place and he'll ask you about your day and what you got up to. You'll tell him and when you ask him in return he'll reply with some corny line about how all he did was miss you. The only thing is he's not joking because you literally consume his every waking thought. And sleeping thought, but that's not the point. It's not his fault you haunt his dreams with your pretty face that he just wants to grab and stroke your cheek until his skin wears away from friction.
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Taglist: @dreamescapeswriting @sparkyprotectionsquad @bang-me-chan
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dashythroughthesnow · 2 years
f/o tag game!
(from a post by @/shaylistic that has been sitting in my likes list for a few months now.)
directions: highlight/bold the tropes that apply to you and your romantic f/o
my f/o: edgar bright!
height difference • mutual pining • first kiss • first love • wedding • in-jokes • lgbt+ • family disapproves • friends disapproves • would die for each other • fake relationship • arranged wedding • cuddlers • pda friendly • and they were roommates • secret relationship • opposing world views • opposing personalities • opposing goals • getting a pet • have kids • grow old together • relationship failures • rest head on shoulder • share a bed • token dummies • relationship doubts • they have a song • first date • share a jacket • sharing a blanket • mutual interests • study buddies • bathing together • crash into hello • accidental nudity • laundry • same hobbies • cooking for each other • big fancy gala • sibling rivalry • hair stroking • dancing • laying in the grass • watching stars together • watching the other sleep • shared values • friends to lovers • enemies to lovers • lovers to enemies • childhood friends • slow burn • love triangle • toxic relationship • sitting on each other’s lap • can’t be together • hugs • forehead touches • neck kisses • car/motorbike rides • compliments • nicknames • falling asleep together • late night talks • gifts
@sips-tea-cutely, @herr-aka-somecutenerd, @mentally-ell, @legendarytreasurerhighway, @cupid22, @th0tpimusprime, @queen-of-wires, @lovelii-ann, @alizachan
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voiddrop · 2 years
❝  don’t be ridiculous,  there’s enough room on this bed for both of us. ❞  for the Stay scenario. Adrian Chase. 😊
In A Shitty Motel Room...
Pairing: Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
Tags: Only one bed trope, fluff, kissing, sharing a bed, Adrian being Adrian, cursing, nothing there's just fluff - like this is all fluff.
Summary: When the 11th Street Kids stop at a motel on the way back from a mission, you find yourself sharing a room with Adrian. That would be all fine, if it weren't for the fact there's only one bed.
Word Count: 1.3k
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Gif belongs to dcmultiverse
Notes: A big thank you to Shan (@bvcksmurdock) for proofreading this for me when I just couldn't be assed to look at it any longer, this fic got rewritten twice because for some reason it just wouldn't play nice, but here it is! I hope you all enjoy.
You really hadn’t expected much from the shitty motel your team had managed to find, and you were right not to. When you managed to shoulder open the door, Adrian talking your ear off, you were met with a very dismal sight. The carpet was a mix of orange and blues, crossing in geometric patterns, stained from years of god-knows-what; and the walls were no better off, beige wallpaper that was peeling in several places, though calling the wallpaper beige was being generous, it had been yellowed from years of cigarette smoke and neglect. There was a door that hung open, showing a dismally small bathroom with just enough space for a sink, toilet, and shower. An ancient TV sat atop an even older stand against a wall, with a lumpy couch across from it. The defining feature of the room was the bed. The bed.
“Oh, fuck me,” You mutter, glaring at the offending piece of furniture. The smug look on Leota’s face as she handed you the key made so much sense now. No doubt she and Emilia had schemed together to get you and Adrian in the only room with a single bed - because you found it incredibly un-fucking-likely that John and Chris were spooning right now. Those two had been teasing you about your growing crush on Adrian for the past few weeks.
“I mean, we can, if you want to?” Adrian said, breaking you from your train of thought. He’d already set his bag down on the single bed - you still weren’t over that - and had turned to give you an eager look. “I’d like to- I’d really like to actually, I mean you’re hot, really hot, incredibly hot, so it won’t be the first time I’ve thought about-”
“Adrian!” You bark, cutting him off and trying to stop your poor face from growing any warmer, “I wasn’t being- it was an expression, I was being sarcastic.” His face fell, his previous eager look replaced by what looked like disappointment as he stared at you.
“Oh, well you should tell people before you’re going to be sarcastic so there’s no confusion.”
You nod slowly, turning to walk towards the bathroom. “I’m gonna go shower,” You mutter quickly, desperate to get out of the situation and avoid dealing with this for a few extra minutes. Really, you were just putting off the inevitable.
The motel didn’t have the budget for hot water - no surprise there - so the shower was cold, it did its job regardless and you were able to wash off the blood, grime, and dirt clinging to your skin. You finished your shower quickly, drying off and changing into the spare clothes you’d brought in your bag.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed open the door and walked back out into the bedroom, passing Adrian as he slipped past to get cleaned up himself. His bag was still on the bed, so you decided to claim the couch for the night. It wasn’t comfy at all, but you’ve slept in worse conditions. Sprawling out on the couch, you can feel old springs digging into your back but you shift around until you’re comfortable and listen. The sound of the shower stops and in the silence of the room you can hear as Adrian steps out, humming to himself.
Several minutes later, the door opens once more and Adrian comes back in, only to pause several steps into the room. “Uh, what are you doing?” You crane your head at his question, catching sight of him stood there in a loose white top and grey sweatpants.
“Trying to go to sleep?”
“On the couch? Why?” Adrian asked, moving over to the bed to grab his bag and dump it on the floor.
You stare at him. He stares right back. “Because… you’ve claimed the bed?” You respond slowly, trying to figure out what Adrian could possibly be implying. Surely he didn’t want to share the bed with you, did he? No, that was just the ridiculous, childish crush you had on him speaking. That was all.
Yet, despite your attempts to tell yourself that, Adrian laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous, there’s enough room on this bed for both of us,” He said, pulling back the covers and claiming in. You could feel your heart racing in your chest, beating so hard it was at risk of jumping right out and running away. You swallowed thickly as you pushed yourself up, stiffly making your way over to the bed.
Slowly, you crawled into the space next to Adrian on the bed. There was barely any room between you. Despite the cold shower he had just taken, warmth still rolled off of Adrian’s skin, and you were close enough to feel it as you lay there. “See, I told you there was enough room,” Adria chirped, sounding very happy.
“Yeah, guess there is,” You murmured, turning over to lay with your back to him and try to calm your racing heart. This was no big deal, you’d slept in close proximity to Adrian before, and you trusted him not to be a creep. It was fine. Totally fine. ”Good night, Adrian.”
“Night,” Adrian replied, wriggling around to get comfortable behind you. The room fell silent and for a moment you thought you might actually get some sleep, only to pause as Adrian brushed closer. He whispered your name and asked, “Are you cold?”
“You’re shivering.” Huh, so you were. You hadn’t noticed until that point, so focused on trying not to combust at the fact you were sharing a bed with Adrian, but the bedsheets were pitifully thin, paired with your cold shower, well… You were left shivering slightly, goosebumps covering your arms and legs.
You sighed, trying to curl up into yourself and press deeper into the bed. “Guess I am, sorry,” You murmured, only to squeak as Adrian shifted closer. His warm body pressing against your back, the weight of his arm curling around your waist.
“Don’t apologise, here, I’m warm,” He hummed, pulling you back against him and suddenly he was everywhere. Smelling like the sandalwood deodorant he used excessively, and the green apple shampoo he’d been using since he was a teenager. “They always cuddle for warmth in movies right? I watched one just the other day, it was about this man and woman who got stranded in the wilderness, and-” You turned around in his arms, cutting off his ramble as you tilted your head to look up at him, “-oh, hi!” He chirped, smiling down at you.
You stared at him, at his dimples, his bright smile, that curly hair; and finally, you felt something in you shift, urging you to reach up and place a hand against his cheek. “Hey, Adrian.” Your voice hung softly in the air between you. “Can I kiss you?” You weren’t sure where this confidence had come from, and it vanished as soon as it arrived. Just saying the words made you want to throw up from nervousness.
Adrian’s eyes widened. “Is this more sarcasm?” He asked.
“No, no sarcasm.”
“Oh,” Adrian gaped, “then fuck yes, absolutely, you can kiss me whenever you want. I would love it if you kissed me all the time, actually, because I think about kissing you all the time, but Chris says that’s weird. Is that weird?” You don’t answer him, just surge up to press your mouth over his. Adrian makes a sound in the back of his throat, his arm around you tightening, pulling you closer. You sigh and he takes the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth. He still tasted like the mint gum he’d been chewing in John’s van earlier.
As you push him onto his back and nibble on his bottom lip, adoring the way he whines, you make a mental note to thank Leota and Emilia tomorrow.
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