#guess my gender is a gay deer
ollie-z-opossums · 16 days
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!! Intro thingy !!
Hi!! I don't go online very often but you gotta start somewhere so, hello! I'm Ollie! I am also a we. System/plural, whatever you want to call it, but collectively we go by Ollie! He/Him or They pronouns! If you decide to interact, please be patient, understanding and respectful :3
☆ System stuff first I guess
We're currently aware of 9 little guys in the brain! (But there's more of us somewhere ;^;)
Ollie/Oxcy - He/One/Non/It/Fluff
Lance - He/They/One
Marbles - He/Zey/Fuzz
Puppie - He/Non/Fluff/Fuzz
Hades - He/Non/One
Mama bear - They/He/One/She
Sherlock - He/They
Maybe we'll give individual introductions too at some point :p
Jess - It/They
King - He/King/>:p
None of us really talk much about our plurality, for many reasons but mostly because it's difficult for us to put into words. I don't think we'll talk much about it here either but who knows
Extra: We haven't settled on a system name and use I/me and we/us very loosely and randomly
☆ Nonhuman identity
We collectively identify as the concept of nothing, nonhuman/polytherian, Canine, Ursus and opossum kin! Mostly spirituality and psychologically I identify as a grizzly/polar bear, wolf and/or dog, opossum as well as a deer/stag a king cheetah and crow. I'm raccoon hearted, shark hearted, otter hearted, pigeon and crow hearted and lion hearted. But We've always loved animals in general :3
Gender: Trans guy, Demigender, Xenogender (horde on Pinterest >:3)
Attraction: Aroace / Asexual+ Abro/Gay/Omniromantic (romantic and platonic attention it difficult to differentiate)
Open to polyamory and queer platonic relationships!! Currently in a QPR with @ancientspaceraccoon <33
☆ Other stuff
I regularly go to therapy, I have social anxiety, ASD, ADHD, MaDD (among other things) and age regress!! (some of us). I'm interested in space, philosophy and psychology and cartoons (especially Voltron). My music taste is "yes"/"I'm a music slut" I will literally listen to anything. Recommend me stuff if you'd like! We're also an artist! I'd like to think we have a consistent art style but what do I know. I guess I'm also a bit of a writer? :v
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Anyway, thanks for reading my intro! Hope this'll get me to interact with more people. Maybe we can be friends! :3
- Ollie out!
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objectosexual · 4 months
This is a very personal story/reflection but I'm feeling very sentimental today and the main story here is something I don't believe I've ever told anyone before
Content warnings: suicide/suicidal ideation, sexual content
So the year is 2011, I am 15 and a half, and it's time for me to learn to drive. I am given my first car: a silvery-beige 2005 Honda Civic. He's got a few scuffs on him, had over 100k miles, and he slightly smells of cigarette smoke but he was free, and he's mine.
Concurrently, I am discovering some things about myself, mainly connecting some dots that "huh, it's a bit weird that I have crushes on car characters a lot"
Fast forward a few years, skipping over the couple years it took me to get my license due to moving across the country, and skipping the (official) onset of my gender dysphoria... It's now 2015. I know I'm objectum now but it's limited to a couple of fictional characters at this point. No biggy. A friend sends me a video of someone playing the game "Stick Shift" and everything about my sexuality finally clicks: I am gay for cars. Like. Very gay.
This spirals into me making a bunch of car OCs and realizing my type is old boxy red sedans. My car isn't one of those, but that's fine. I am still fond of him! Eventually I get a job at a pizza joint delivering pizzas, so we spend a lot of time together. I don't know exactly when it happened but I did fall in love with him. We were as inseparable as a human and car could be, I guess.
On weekends when my parents were out of town, and I could park my car in the garage, I would experiment with him. The very first time I got brave enough to have sex with him, it genuinely felt so right. Every once in a while we would go on little dates and park out in dark parking lots in the middle of nowhere, using the privacy so I could make out with his steering wheel or try (and fail) to rub one out in the driver's seat.
Despite all this though, I was struggling with suicidal ideation, which manifested itself in me just. Not giving a shit about a lot of things, primarily my safety and well being. I was denied HRT treatment in early 2016. My dysphoria was becoming too much to deal with. Every day I went without starting T was a day I was losing (or at least this was my mindset).
This was around the time a majority of Honda models were getting recalled for airbag malfunctions. If memory serves, I got a recall notice for airbags exploding when deployed. I scheduled an appointment for like a month or two out and that was that. In the mean time though, I was still driving like a total jackass.
One night though, I was trying to fly down one of the back roads on the way home. I usually would go 60 here (bad. dangerous. I should not have been doing this), but for some reason, my car was struggling to go above 45 on the hill. This was never an issue before this night, and it was never an issue afterward. I didn't think much on it until we crested the hill, where I could suddenly see a deer running across the road. Instinct kicked in and I hit the brakes a bit, but had I been going any faster prior to that, I absolutely would have hit it, likely causing my airbags to go off. I kinda just drove home, stunned.
I always say I have mixed views/beliefs on animism and POSIC stuff but I do, 100%, believe that my car saved my life that night. Intentional or not, I will truly never know, but I know if he let me go 60 up that hill, I wouldn't be here.
A couple months later I made a plan to kill myself, just by idling two cars in the garage and letting myself fall asleep in my car, but when I went out to the garage to do that, I saw my car's silly little smiling face and was immediately felt so much guilt that I went back into the house. I wound up emailing a doctor about HRT during a mental breakdown that same day and the rest is kinda history.
It's been about 8 years since all that transpired. I've definitely mellowed out. I'm still alive. 2/3rds of my physical transition are done... What sucks is my car didn't get to see all of this with me. I lost him at the end of 2019 after some bad engine misfires/failing gaskets. At the time it made more sense to get a new car. It's been one of my biggest regrets in life, but unfortunately, I can't change what happened in the past.
I've kinda always felt Ehh about my current car: he is sexy as fuck, and I've done things with him a couple of times but it never felt nearly as good. We never seemingly got along. It's weird. Losing him has been... strange. But I do think I will miss him, he was pretty reliable and we did have a close calls with a couple of drivers/objects on road here in California that he was fortunately good enough handling-wise to get us out of.
This all to say: I wouldn't be who I am or where I am if it wasn't for my objectumsexuality toward cars. Like even my NAME was picked out because of how much I love cars. Cars are why I realized I like other objects. It bums me out that the two cars I've had have met untimely ends, and it reminds me how fragile objectum relationships can be.
I miss my beloved 2005 Civic and I guess I miss my 2019 Civic.
Miles (2005 - 2019) and Lawrence (2019 - 2024)
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nightcolorz · 1 year
Tell me about the vampire living rent free in your head
Oooo I’d be happy to! *drops ancient heavy book in front of me titled “oc lore” and blows a thick covering of dust off of it* wooooo ok. His name is Lucian, but to me he is Lucy 🫶. Lucy I came up with when I was a preteen maybe, very long ago, before I was very familiar with vampires or had read any of tvc. So any similarities with canon characters r just edgy tween me and Anne Rice having similar taste lol. 
Lucy was turned into a vampire in medieval Europe, he was a peasant and son of a priest growing up. He was turned by his secret gay lover who was subsequently burned at the stake Salem witch style, and Lucy fucked off and ate deer and shit in the forest for a couple centuries until he was roused into the real world by a child in the 1970s. He’s v gentle and loving, just has a very nurturing personality. He likes planting + gardening and caring for animals to prove to himself that he’s capable of being good and caring u know as a vampire. He’s got some v bad ocd and has had his entire life severe compulsions about being a good person and not harming others. Not the best mental health issue for a vampire to have. I strongly associate him with fire, bcus fire destroys vampires, so he identifies with fire and utilizes it a lot bcus representation of how he rejects vampirism and also is v self destructive and ?? Religious trauma ?? Hell?? Yeah he’s got a lot going on uh. His dead bf called him Lily bcus lilies symbolize purity/innocence and his bf had this philosophy that Lucy was one of the few “pure” ppl out there bcus despite his technical sins his priority was kindness and empathy which isn’t a priority for many religious ppl who shame others for being impure. Yeah but then he died whoops.
As you can probably guess Lucian also has a funky relationship with gender, since I’ve been calling him Lucy this entire time lol. Yeah he’s not trans or Transfem, I don’t think he’d identify with or understand the lgbtq community or labels or anything. He considers himself a man but also admires and loves the soft and gentle aspects of femininity and identifies with those more than any traditional forms of masculinity. He also has autism and v big autism creature eyes, strawberry blonde hair and cute lil freckles, and a tendency to slip into old English occasionally if he’s not paying attention. He’s my special lil guy but idk what to do with him lol. Thank you for asking lol I haven’t talked about Lucy in so long!
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zranzax · 9 months
Hi there, this is Zranzax - welcome to our Tumblr!
We're a 25yr old autstic, dorky, poly, plural, twenty-something girlthing living in wisconsin with amazing fiancé and our stupid cat 💜
This blog has been used on and off for over a decade now, and has a unique, highly curated blend of content ranging from incredible stupid memes to incredibly horny art, ancient cringe to modern moods. Good luck, Hope you enjoy, and no we will not apologize for being a disorganized mess. It's Tumblr
System Members, tags and more beneath the cut
Lilia (aka Lily)
"The Mask"
Switchy Catgirl
Public-Facing 'mask', closest of all of us to a 'functional adult', handles most of the not-dying tasks, capable of getting things done
"The dork"
Bunny, maybe deer
Mute - can't talk on her own, usually co-fronts w/ another member to communicate. Extroverted and very social despite this, just can't be alone
The 'Center' of our system - shares traits w/ other headmates
"The overthinker"
Perpetually tired, Timid, Sleepy, and very often sad. If we're really depressed, she's usually fronting, but just cuz she's fronting doesn't necessarily mean we're depressed
Hyper-critical of herself, overly self-concious about everything she says or does. Can be difficult to differentiate from seth, who tends to be her biggest critic
Esther (aka Est, Jess)
"The Jester"
Any/All (anythin for the bit)
Clowngender Hyena
Lover of stupid puns, constantly trying to find em. Laughter is my favorite thing in the world.
Outgoing, laid back and fun - doesn't tend to overthink or worry about things.
"The Gamer" (pokemon?)
Aro/Ace, barely any gender
I really really really like games (Osrs, Smash, Pokemon, Minecraft, TFT). Just love gaming, as a concept or art form
Acts as a middlespace - often comes out as a coping mechanism for Julia/Sonia when they get overwhelmed.
"The ubny"
Very primal (therian?) and sexual, head empty creecher.
Quite possible there's multiple, but bun doesn't come out enough for us to know for sure.
Tags - We tried to make a coherent system, but failed (guess we take after our parents). Better than not tagging anything ig, here's some we use a lot. We reblog a lot of stuff on the reblog
Other, more self-explanatory tags include: Cute (Wholesome), Cute (Lewd), Art, Furry, Reference, osrs, gender, mastahpiece, terato
Funny Content: Sillyposting/Fun Knee/Funny
Horny Content: Hornyposting/Whore Knee/Please...
Relatable Content: Real/So true
if u made it this far ur gay lol
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jakeetored · 1 year
For the Multigender asks
Kinda in order: 10, 12, 13, 11/8
Personal context, I'm exploring GNC presentation and what I like, which is fun. Have currently taken the Bugs Bunny route of chaotic 'yes and..'-ing. But that's been more of a presentation aspect, less of a pronouns aspect for myself.
If you don't mind I'd like to send you a message with further context, this is the first time for me hearing more about multigender.
Hi! Love to hear that you're exploring your presentation, that's awesome. And totally feel free to send another message!
10) Do you have any analogies you use to describe your genders?
"Y'know Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon?? It's like that ✨"
12) Does your gender influence your sexual orientation?
Yeah! I'm bisexual, but being a boy *and* a girl *and* nonbinary and trans means that when I like anyone it basically always feels gay. I know of some other bigender folks whose gender makes their sexualities feel straight no matter what, and I love that for them, but for me it always feels gay X)
13) Does your sexual orientation influence your gender(s)?
I don't thiiiiiiiink so?? My gender feels much more intentional and deliberate, where my sexuality is basically just "I think these people are cute and they happen to be from a wide variety of genders and presentations so I guess bisexual works best"
11) Describe your ideal gender presentation, or physical form.
I'm happy with my presentation and body rn honestly! But to get more in depth, I do have a folder of art that makes me go "ooh gender 👀" and it's a lot of androgynous, butch, feminine, goth, punk, and pastel fashion, a lot of angels, demons, knights, robots, slimes, fire elementals, undead ghoulies, and lizard, deer, bunny, goat, and shark boys n girls X)
8) Are your genders more separate or blended together?
Blended together, I think. Like, I'm def 100% of each, but when you separate them and treat me like just one or the other, it feels incomplete. Like when a stranger guesses he/him or she/her for me, like, yes, they technically are using my correct pronouns, but without their expressed understanding that I'm both, I don't actually feel seen or understood, just assumed about, y'know?
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bisolationist · 1 year
isnt it weird how a lot of bisexuals were the "weird kid" growing up? like not even being gnc or anything just being that one odd kid and still are a little bit odd as adults. Ive just seen a lot of bi ppl say that they were the "weirdo" who didnt know how to act properly. i myself wasnt THE weird kid but i was definitely considered weird by most of the kids in my school. how about you? were you one of the "weird kids"? who knows, maybe this is the bisexual culture weve all been looking for
I'll say that elementary/middle school was definitely not easy for me, because I guess I didn't understand the rules of how to be gender conforming. The expectations seemed arcane and inscrutable to me then, and they still do some degree. "Yeah thanks" is okay and manly, but "Yes, please!" was weird and effeminate? Drawing some animals like snakes or bears might get me compliments, but if I drew flowers, wolves, deer, horses - that was all "feminine"? It felt like everyone else had some manual I didn't.
I think a lot of gay, lesbian, bi boys, and bi girls all grow up feeling slightly to severely ostracized. I think even if they don't know why or it's not the gender-conformity thing, they and their peers still know they're different somehow.
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elmaxlys · 10 months
Weird dream, set in a place I've been in dreams before (sort of weirdass university). Nico di Angelo was there (dressed in pink) as well as irl ppl I know and like Dark Stuff.
There was a marathon plot ? We had five hours, I refused to run.
I wasn't supposed to have been to that university before but I knew it like the back of my hand, including the secret paths and rooms (where I found Nico btw), even the one near the train tracks. In fact, I wasn't supposed to be there at all. I walked fast, assured. No one stopped me.
There was a dear. It was dead. (still upright and on four legs but not moving) But it looked up, sucked the life out of [?] and now we had two undeads, one human, one deer. The Dark Person/Thing that posed as a professor caught me looking at the deer and made me help put the life back in [?] and the deer back to death. I didn't want to help because I work alone and I certainly do not work with their kind.
There's a lot of stuff here. Including running from people trying to catch me (the Fake Prof, students that knew me and knew I shouldn't have been there, other Dark Stuff). This is when I met Pink Nico in one of my planques. He wzs looking outside through the window. We stared at each other for a bit like wtf are you doing here that's my space, and then I pushed him aside, opened the window and climbed up from there. There's a sort of??? Échafaudage there. Not really one but yeah I used it before and I knew it was there, and I knew that up would be safe (I didn't have fear of heights in the dream)
Idk idk idk
I ended up plotting with the Fake Prof and it was super gross and creepy and we put the deer back to death and now the Fake Professor was supposed to Take Care of me (because just like the deer I was an anomaly and I wasn't supposed to be there), but also the Fake Professor liked me for some reason so instead he took care of the people the other Dark Stuff had sent after me and then lead me to one of the secret paths.
Then I was with Nico again, this time dressed in black, in another of my planques, and we had to climb the échafaudage but I somehow failed the first time despite his much I'm used to it in dreams with that place and Nico laughed at me, but in a kind way, and somehow once we were in the planque I initiated a kiss??? He kissed me back??? And I guess my gender in the dream must have been Girl because I had the thought "?? Wasn't he gay" but at the same time I thought "if you knew that why would you initiate a kiss??" and anyway I was dating Nico?? Half feeling that I ended the dream bigender, too??? Idk there was some more stuff after that but I can't recall.
For the stats: name unknown, but I'm sure they called me something. Gender... first was woman, then I think it moved to bigender?
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softichill · 2 years
my uber set speed to no. He was a nice guy though. So yeah.. Rimworld. It's been a while since I played it. I made tsp characters and the Curator keeps, over multiple games, consistently mauled by wildlife. She got attacked by a rabbit, a cassowary, a cougar. New headcanon dropped. She is not good at wildlife. Also The Narrator is flirting with Stanley very in character. Talking about his punctual nature, his loyalty, making fun of his voice, talking about aliens(?) So far it's been good. He likes plants too. Don't you love sim games? I like mine with exploding deer and rats where monkeys keep going mad and trying to kill me. When in doubt, combine hyperfix. I had to reset so much to get all of them gay though. I wish there was a better way to do that. Good news is that asexuals and bisexuality are prepackaged as well. Nothing else yet though. Human sexuality and gender may be a bit too broad to accurately depict in a game where you can eat people I guess. Music is A Cruel Angel's Thesis from Evangelion.
Oh dang, sounds fun fjdbfj! Super big sim games are fun, but I also like to just go to websites and enter in names before letting the ai do the rest. It has some pretty funny results fndbgndbg
Today I recommend Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience! The chorus has a tendency to get stuck in my head vjsbfksng
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gascon-en-exil · 2 years
I remember your FE queer subtext analysis video (which was amazing BTW), as well as your Dimidue video (equally amazing). You've mentioned several times about your poly Blue Lions OT5 etc. My question relates to this topic a bit. I agree with you that the Golden Deer are the most straight house. It's really just Marianne/Hilda and those who happen to like Claude/Lorenz (despite Claude lacking romantic chemistry with most male characters in his support). But here is something that bothers me (1)
Fandom jumped on the concept of the Black Eagles as the LGBTQ house, and they ignore that the Blue Lions have an equal or greater amount of LGBTQ ships. In the Black Eagles, as you've mentioned in videos too, it's really only ever the same exact ships over and over again (Edelgard/Byleth, Ferdibert, DoroPetra, Linspar) maybe with some Edelthea throw in too. But with the Lions, it's so many more characters with multiple same sex ships. Fans ship Dimitri with so many male characters + M!Byleth (2)
Dimidue, Dimilix, Dimiclaude, even Dimivain! Then we have Sylvix, Ashedue, Yuri/Ashe, Annette/Mercedes. Even Dorothea/Ingrid is popular for those characters. I guess my question is: why is Black Eagles the fandom quote on quote gay house when most of the Black Eagles come across as bisexual for one single person only? Take Ferdibert for example. They're gay for each other but for nobody else. Not very bisexual tbh; more like "I'm gay 4 u only." I dislike how Blue Lions LGBTQ gets forgotten (3)
I've thought about this topic off and on. It's not something I'd want to make a video about because that seems overly petty and negative (and also because I actually ship Ferdibert), but I think I can identify a handful of overlapping factors:
Edeleth is the only house leader same-sex S rank. People really like Avatars in FE and really care about who they can sleep with, and gaming journalism tends to magnify this by writing about same-sex S ranks as if they're landmarks in gay representation in video games.
The Eagles have gender parity and the popular gay ships are evenly split between F/F and M/M, in contrast to the male-dominated Lions which have only one notable F/F pairing that still isn't that popular. In some fandom circles there's the perception, born of many years of M/M dominating fic and art in transformative fandom, that it's more progressive to have F/F ships and that anyone who ships primarily/only M/M is a gross yaoi fangirl who might be fetishizing us poor helpless gay men.
Broader fandom discourse likes to attack almost all of the Lions and their ships for perceived problematic elements. Dimidue is a white savior ship, Dimitri is a conservative upholder of the status quo, Dimitri is abusive toward his friends OR Felix is abusive toward Dimitri, Felix and Ingrid are racists, Sylvain is a misogynist, if you ship Annette and Mercedes you're a pedophile because of the age gap, Ingrid is a homophobe for acting like she does toward Dorothea, etc. The members of the other houses have never been subject to this much collective scrutiny from all these corners, and that's impacted how the Lions are viewed by some fans.
Poly dynamics don't usually play well in discourse circles, because they're messier than the tidy sets of pairings neatly set off from one another like in the Eagles but also tend to suppress the ever-popular ship wars. It's noteworthy that the most infamous M/M ship war I can think of in Three Houses fandom was that of two fanon ships with Claude as the common character. The material for ship wars is there with the Lions boys, but it's not usually acted upon because they do all pile together so well.
Related, that tidiness allows for people to write fics about just one Eagles pairing where all the others can be off in the background only showing up when they're relevant (although the fics will still be tagged with all of them). Background ships are still possible, albeit more complicated, in a polycule. I've actually seen Doropetra and Caspardt shippers complaining about this practice as there are fewer fics that focus on those pairings compared to ones where they're in the background of Edeleth and/or Ferdibert fics.
Finally, we have to remember that one of the largest and most visible ships in the entire fandom is M/F Dimileth, which cuts into the number of Lions fans who ship M/M pairings (and who generally ignore Byleth entirely, bar a minority of M/M Dimileth fans) and also affects the perception of the Lions as a het-focused house.
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mandareeboo · 3 years
ok now im curious what your most petty thing is (regarding the dp post)
Oooh boy, here we go! Buckle up fuckers this is gonna be a longer one.
My senior year of high school, I took a creative writing class. Partially because I needed to fill the slot, mostly because I wanted to improve my writing (spoiler: I did not). Now, my high school was a three floor building- first was mostly gym, second was general, and the third was senior lockers and art classes. I spent a good chunk of my schedule senior year on the second and third floor, going between an art class to my earth science (I took that one entirely as filler, but also bc I like science) to my locker and so on.
Creative writing? Creative writing was in the fucking basement. Go to the first floor, go to a corner generally used for health and development classes, to another corner, follow a ramp and some stairs, and boom there it is kind of basement. (Side note but this teacher was REALLY into attendance and would get you in trouble if you were late which was really annoying since basically no other class was in that part of the building).
My creative writing teacher wasn't bad, per se. I've had worse teachers. I had an algebra teacher who delighted in making freshman girls cry and mocking them for it. I had a journalism teacher who would use her class time reporting how Hilary was secretly ill during the election. I had a history teacher say trans people weren't real to an openly gender nonconforming student (I didn't know them well enough to ask for specifics on their alignment, but they were using they/them at that point) and set up assignments just to mock students on the take they were told to make. It was more that she was uncreative and took it out on the kids doing creative writing.
She gave us two books to read. Basically “how I write” by published authors. I don’t remember the first one well enough and I donated it ages ago, but the second was Stephen King’s “On Writing”. It was 3/4′s personal stories about his life and 1/4′s “also write a bit every day”.  I mostly remember the first author bc she had those fake dreadlocks white people do when they destroy their hair and she gleefully told a story about making her son have a meltdown at a party or wedding or something bc he got overwhelmed and she wanted him to learn that “sometimes you don’t get what you want”. So. You know. Not much there.
She also instructed us to write in a journal every day, which she would check every few months or so. It had to be at least half a page. She would leave little comments in every one else’s journals when she checked them, but not mine- I realized pretty quickly she was a bit uncomfortable with LGBT+ content, so I made it my mission to make every journal drabble as gay as possible bc I was bored and she couldn’t mark them WRONG when she just stated we needed to write.
But it doesn’t end there! Through the entire class, we got exactly five writing projects. Stories that follow very specific guidelines that we would then read in front of the class, group proofread, and then have the teacher give final grades for. These things were approximately like a thousand words a piece, and I was writing out my 10,000 word “It Starts off Small” story in class when I got bored, so it wasn’t difficult. 
Our first project was a character going through a difficult decision. Or... something? I honestly forget the criteria. Anyway, I was HYPE. I’d had this idea for a long time now a human choosing between peaceful death or reincarnation, and this gave me the push to write it! I had a whole thing planned with death being a deer and reincarnation being a wolpertinger (bc reincarnation leads to many possibilities, ed boy, so a Frankenstein bunny made sense to me). Anyway I poured my heart and soul into this bastard and, bright eyed and bushy tailed, handed it in. My classmates all thought it was pretty good. Not to toot m’own horn, but there was some pretty bad ones going in, so I thought I’d get a solid B or something.
I got a D. I guess the struggle was too metaphorical, or it didn’t perfectly fit her criteria. I was devastated. Then I was mad. Bc I was a bored senior who thought they’d made something pretty decent for this completely optional class and her refusal to see that really hurt me at sixteen (I was always a year younger than my other classmates, so despite being a senior I didn’t turn eighteen until almost a year after graduation)
Well, fuck it, I decided. I’m going to parody the shit out of this class.
Our next project was a fantasy story. I was bitter and grumpy. The other fantasy stories read aloud were stuff like “yeah this dude fought a wizard and got a girl, then they went home and banged” (this was not hyperbole, he would’ve written and read the smut if allowed, I knew him personally) and “this girl that NO ONE UNDERSTOOD was called CRAZY but this S@!$ cheerleader who Stole Her Boyfriend so she killed them all” (fun fact: the girl who wrote that was my age and a sort of half-friend from middle school. She was a yaoi fangirl who didn’t mind lesbians as long as they, you know, didn’t FLIRT with her or something.) 
So I get up there. It’s the last day of presentations. And I present with a polite cheer. My story is about two magical shepherd type figures who are called Sister Brighten and Brother Dick as they chase down a werewolf who was drunk off his ass and accidentally bit someone else. They then revealed they were basically supernatural designated drivers for the whole town. I made Brighten mention that Dick’s name wasn’t even Richard. I titled it “His Favorite Brand is Grayhound”. It fit every single criteria. I got an A. I could tell she didn’t want to, because there was no comments or anything like everyone else’s, but she had to follow her own criteria.
Our third was a conjoined effort thing so I didn’t pull any fuckery there, but the fourth one was about common myths and spinning them into real or fake. One girl did the hook-handed door handle thing and the boyfriend ended up above his truck hanging (somehow???). I think someone did the age-old adage of a haunted wedding dress? I kind of read through those presentations. 
Now, I’m salty-salty at this point. I wasn’t expecting His Favorite Brand is Grayhound to get me a good grade. I half-assed a lot of it. I am in full Not Happy Teenager at this point. I grab a daddy long leg and settle in.
My fourth story of the year is “Paperskin.”
Paperskin is about a boy named Billy with the thinnest skin membrane ever. Just full on body horror. You could see his teeth behind his lips. Billy gets bored one day and wanders out of his house, tries to kick a soccer ball, and breaks a leg. As he’s laying in the grass a daddy long leg bites him- and his skin is so flimsy the fangs sink in and he dies. I’m actually still pretty proud of Paperskin. It’s a horrifying, Edgar Allen Poe of a monstrosity, but it made people squirm, which was the point. The teacher is clearly a bit unnerved at this point, but she gives me another A. 
I wrote a more “normal” story after that of a contentious objector forced to house kids going to see if any confirmed soldier deaths were any of their parents as my final one and I could feel her spite as she gave me a B.
So, yeah. That’s the story of when I tormented my creative writing teacher with The Gays and my weird ass sense of humor after she called one of my best works at that age a piece of shit.
 Here’s a google drive of these bad boys, because yes I do still have these things. I turned these fuckers in for grades, people.
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lochnessies · 3 years
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I guess my discomfort with the AM route could actually be summed up as
“I went straight from playing The Gayest House to the Most Heteronormative and Patriarchal House and even though it makes sense from a worldbuilding and storytelling standpoint, it still made for a very uncomfortable experience for me, the player.”
i’m not here to say what can and cannot make a person uncomfortable since that’s so heavily subjective and i personally also don’t like patriarchal undertones as well so i completely get it. however, i have always found it weird when people refer to the black eagles as the ‘gay house’ and act like that makes it superior to the others. i mean… i like edel, dorothea, and linhardt but their sexualities don’t make or break them for me as characters. and the ‘gayness’ of these characters only happen if you happen to s-rank them as the same sex and has no impact on the story. plus you can recruit 2/3 of them out of house and marry them there so it’s kinda irrelevant. the only house that doesn’t have canonically lgbt characters is golden deer and i’ve never seen people use that as a reason as to why they don’t like them. hell, i’ve seen people call them the ‘gayest house’ before. also blue lions does have a canon bisexual… mercedes. plus a lot of endings for the characters have a lot of homoerotic subtext… mercedes/annie, dedue/dimitri, dimitri/felix, sylvain/felix, dedue/ashe. opening an inn together, living together, being buried together, dying on the same day, loving a man more than his wife…. last i checked these are not very heteronormative things. quite the opposite actually lol
as for patriarchal…. are you sure you wanna say that about the kingdom rather than the empire? what makes the kingdom more patriarchal than the place that has a man drill into his daughter how to be the perfect wife, the emperor has lots of concubines, daughters are thrown to the streets, women are desperate for husbands bc it’s the only ways to gain stability, a woman used as a broodmare till it kills her, a noble woman with a crest can’t inherit her house and her daughter is almost forcibly married and raped to have children by her step father.
is it because a lot of the main characters for the plot are male rather than female? that’s not patriarchal it’s just slightly lazy bc patriarchy is systemic not a a problem of plot structure. once again, the golden deer only has judith as a female general/essential npc and the rest are men but i don’t see people get upset about that.
Imagine if I only played AM and I came away thinking this was a typical medieval fantasy where the men are all in leadership roles,
not all the men are leaders and some women are too. such as cornelia and edelgard and they hold a lot of it.
the women are all relegated to support roles and struggling against forced marriages,
no they are not. once again, edel and cornelia are major characters and definitely not supporting roles. also, nobody is being forced into marriage in the blue lions. ingrid’s father suggests suitors but she has complete control over saying yes or no. and in her endings she gets to be a knight. however, we do know forced marriages are a thing in the empire.
men act out their feelings with violence,
yeah, dimitri does get violent but it’s seen as extremely negative and as a sign of his poor mental health and lack of ability to rule at the moment. if this was a typical fantasy game then his violence would be praised and a sign of a warrior and king. dimitri has to let go of his violent impulses in order to become a good kings and as shown in ss/vw he will die if he continues down his self destructive path.
in azure moon byleth and everybody else is constantly telling dimitri to get his shit together where as cf everybody just vapidity nods along to edelgard’s violent impulses.
women in power are inherently suspect,
women are not inherently suspect due to their sex. they are suspect bc the main female characters are suspicious and they do shitty things that hurt the other characters and they are rightfully angry. hell, even male characters are suspect. for example thales and even dimitri himself is seen as suspicious during the academy arc.
hints of flirtation between women are aggressively shot down,
i assume this is about ingrid? i hate to tell you but rejecting somebody’s romantic advances isn’t homophobic and if you don’t respect people’s boundaries then i don’t want to be around you. all other female relationships are treated very well and the female characters admire and respect each other.
hints of feelings between men are treated awkwardly and uncomfortably.
once again, with feeling this time, opening an inn together, living together, being buried together, dying on the same day, loving a man more than his wife are not examples of feelings between men being treated awkwardly. hell, most of the deep and loving relationships are between men. some are strictly platonic (rodrigue/dimitri & gilbert/dimitri) and other are much more 👀. dimitri was even critiqued by some straight men bc he was so open about his feelings with bylad and many people read him as bisexual (my sister even hcs him as completely gay). he literally calls another man ‘irreplaceable’ and ‘cherished’ while he’s apparently shirtless.
Not knowing there’s a whole other route where multiple women are in charge,
just because a woman is in charge doesn’t mean she’s good at it and we know edelgard isn’t a good leader and is willing to stoop to the lowest of the lows. just bc she’s a lady doesn’t make her horrific actions suddenly #girlboss and #feminism
men pay women respect and never degrade them,
women are not above critique. and men don’t violent degrade women for no reason on blue lions (you could say felix and his ingrid supports but he’s a dick to everyone and sylvain whos a rampant misogynist regardless of route and the same could be said for lorenz on golden deer). also hubert does degrade petra and that’s a cf exclusive.
nobody ever suggests that there are inappropriate roles for any gender,
and i have good news! neither do blue lions! ingrid is wholeheartedly supported by her male peers and dimitri (by op’s definition a violent man) even wants her to be his knight and serve in his guard.
men are allowed to be soft,
dimitri, dedue, and ashe??? hello?!??
women are allowed to be aggressive,
ingrid and catherine??? hello????
everybody has at least one potential gay ending and it’s not treated as a shameful secret. 
i hate to be the one to tell you but none of the characters from any routes have explicate gay endings outside of the few with byleth. you can read into something all you want and make headcanons but that doesn’t change what is provided in canon. i find all the same sex endings in azure moon to have romantic undertones (outside of gilbert of course go home to your wife dude). and NONE of the endings are treated as a shameful secret. homosexuality is never talked about as being shameful in the game and that sounds like you projecting.
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katrinawritesthings · 3 years
jongho/ ontaekey/ also kind of onjongtae; make a wish; pg
jonghyun decides to visit the wish farm on the side of the road for the first of the time, alternatively, happy pride here is some absolutely incomprehensible weird queer bullshit : )
"I just? Pick it?" He asks Jinki, wanting to make sure he does it right. Jinki nods, smile reassuring. Jonghyun bends down and grabs the dandelion, plucking it from the earth. "And then," he says. "Do I make the wish before I blow, or during?" He never knows which way is the right way.
"Whichever way you believe, that's the way it works," Jinki shrugs. "Wishes work on the magic of your own imagination."
If Jonghyun thinks about it, it probably takes him longer to go home along the coastline then it does to sit in traffic on the highway. But even if he does think about it, he doesn't care, because anything is better than just sitting there and doing nothing for over 20 minutes straight everyday. He'd rather spend 40 minutes alone on the road driving into the sunset with his window down and the forest on his right and the ocean on his left and the road steadily rolling along underneath him than just sitting in a grid of cars going two miles an hour.
And besides. He likes taking the scenic route. There's his favorite boulder next to his second favorite tree, the tide pools glistening in the sunlight, all the photographers setting up at the curve in the road that wave back to him every day. There's birds, and ships out in the ocean, and deer sometimes. There's the wish farm, 2 miles turn right, new merch –
Hmm. New merch. Jonghyun didn't even know that they had merch in the first place. He's never stopped by. Maybe he will today; Minho is away all this week doing spring break school camp counselor stuff. It's not like he's waiting up at home for Jonghyun.
The road splits off on Jonghyun's right and he makes the turn.
It's another mile or two over a gravely dirt road after that, but eventually, the trees clear out and he comes up on a quaint little scene. Ahead and on the right is a cute little house decorated all over with hanging plants, nestled up close to the fence separating the area from the forest, and then, expanding all out to the left, a wide meadow made up of yellow, green, and white.
Well, not all out to the left. Coming up quickly, so soon that Jonghyun almost misses it and has to hit the brakes a little harder than normal, is a tiny little stall. It's made out of wood and it has a green roof and hangings in front, so if it weren't for all of the colorful writing on the front and sides, Jonghyun would have mistaken it for one of the trees. When he pulls his car up to a stop in front of it, the person inside glances up from their phone, does a double-take, and then perks up, smiling wide.
"Hi!" they say brightly. "Welcome to the farm!" Their face is soft, pretty, especially for how deep is their voice is. Their smile is round teeth between thick lips and a boxy cupid's bow. Their black hair is long – no, short? Short hair, but they have, if Jonghyun looks close enough, some absolutely awful extensions clipped in that fade into a bluish-white at the bottoms and tangle in with their long dangly earrings. Awful in an affectionate queer way, of course. Jonghyun likes it. The nametag pinned to their bright yellow shirt says, "Taemin, he / they / worm / 🧀." Jonghyun smiles at it, and then up at worm. He definitely likes them.
"Hey," he says. "I've never, um. I've always seen the sign for this place, but this is the first time I've come down here?" He doesn't really know what the deal is, or even what he's trying to ask. "What's, like. What do you. What's a wish farm?"
"Oh!" Taemin says. Their smile gets, if possible, even wider, and his eyes light up even more than they were before. He pats their hands eagerly on the counter. "It's really simple. You can park and get out and go hang out in our dandelion meadow." 🧀 points behind themself, through the back wall of the stall in the direction of the meadow. "And you can pick and make wishes on as many as you want! We also have some fountains with wishing stones and coins and bottle caps and stuff there for you to take. Um, feel free to make any wishes with feathers or falling leaves or acorns that you catch, too. Oh, and, if you have the time, the first star of the night is going to come out in like half an hour, I think, and we were going to group wish on that."
Taemin gestures at someone sitting next to worm that Jonghyun didn't even notice until just now. They are, somehow, at the same time, both softer and sharper than Taemin, both prettier and more handsome than him. The set of their mouth is serious, but when they smile at Jonghyun, it is so powerful that it takes his breath away for a second. It carves deep smile lines around their mouth and crow's feet at the corners of their eyes, and at the same time, it has such a youthful quality to it that reminds Jonghyun of a child. They're wearing a dark beanie, but their sideburns and soft fluffed up bangs underneath that are golden blond. Between their eyes, pierced through the top of the bridge of their nose, are two silver spikes, and around their eyes they've smudged smokey black makeup with darker black polka dots lining their bottom eyelid. They don't say anything, but their name tag says, "Jinki, void / vortex."
Taemin is still talking, Jonghyun realizes with a start. Looking at Jinki was like getting sucked into voids aura. It takes a lot of effort for Jonghyun to rip his eyes back to Taemin.
"But, like, vortexes gender is gay, and I'm dating vortex, so it's like, gayfriend, like datefriend but gay, one word, not two words, though, I mean, I guess vortex is also. A gay friend of mine. Anyway, Jinki will take you on a tour of the farm if you want."
"Uh," Jonghyun says. He fights down his blush, trying not to make it obvious that he missed what was probably a substantial amount of information. He plays off of what he has instead, ignoring with difficulty the smirk on Jinki’s lips that he can see out of the corner of his eye. "I don't know about a full tour," he says. "I'm not super superstitious for faithful or anything. But I'll come back with my babefriend sometime soon. A tour would be right up his alley." He licks his lips, not entirely surprised but entirely amused at himself for making that decision that quickly. Once he takes a second to think about it, that does sound like a fun and nice date that Minho would like. "That’s," he adds, smiling at Taemin, "babefriend, one word."
"Hell yeah," Taemin smiles back. "Do you want Jinki to show you to the meadow, at least?" he asks.
"Yeah, sure," Jonghyun says. Why not. He likes company. "Do I just –?" He gestures out of his window at the space between here and their house. "Park–?"
"Yeah, wherever, just go ahead," Taemin says. 🧀 waves Jonghyun ahead, then leans back in worms chair and goes right back to their phone.
Okie dokie then. Jonghyun eases himself forward until he can park a little bit on the side of the road. He rolls his window up, checks his black hair in the mirror, and gets out of the car, fixing his jacket to be more cozy warm around him. He makes sure that his collar is still popped, too. He refuses to be caught looking anything other than as gay as possible.
Jinki is waiting for him when he turns around, hands in voids jeans pockets. Voids jacket is big and puffy and absolutely conceals anything about what void looks like underneath it. Void pulls out a little pamphlet and hands it over.
"In case Taemin forgot to tell you anything," void says in a tone that adds, "or in case you missed anything." Voids voice is warm, smooth, pleasant and cute. Jonghyun takes the pamphlet and uses it to hide his sheepish smile. "Also," Jinki says, and now void is smiling warm and genuine again, "holding my hand is included for free." Void offers it out, a little small and pudgy, a little sturdy and wide.
"Oh, don't mind if I do," Jonghyun chirps, taking it without hesitation. Wouldn't want to get lost. It's very soft and warm in his hand and the way Jinki's eyes crinkle into little crescents is very soft and warm in his heart. At the same time, Jonghyun gets the feeling that the gentleness of voids grip is a choice that void is consciously making.
Jonghyun puts it from his mind before he gets sucked into their presence again. Instead, he looks at the pamphlet. It's a simple dark blue thing, "wish farm" in big letters on the front with dandelions and stars patterned all around it. Opening it up, Jonghyun reads over all of the things that Taemin already told him. Dandelion meadow, fountains, wishing stones, first star of the night. They also have a wishing well somewhere, and there are explanations for what Jonghyun is supposed to do with feathers and falling leaves and acorns as well as other methods of wishing that he'd also never heard of before.
Flipping the pamphlet over, Jonghyun finds all of the new merch their sign was talking about. It's not what Jonghyun was expecting; no hats or hoodies, no coasters or pens. It's handmade dandelion charm necklaces along with an explanation for how necklace wishes work, handmade wishing jars and suggestions for what to fill them with, notebooks for pressing fallen leaves, journals for keeping track of what kind of wishes you make and when. On the next page, there's a list of events that they do: wish bracelet making classes, 11:11 group wishes, and if you call in a week ahead of your birthday they'll make you a cute little cake with custom birthday candles.
There's an addition at the end telling him that wishes are free but donations are always welcome, and a QR code that Jonghyun scans curiously. It takes him, unsurprisingly, to a donation page, where he reads more about how they're saving up to buy a nice solar powered sign for the road so they can display what time every night the first stars should be appearing. They're about 40% of the way there. Since he's here, and he doesn't want to forget, Jonghyun drops $100 into it.
They're far into the dandelion meadow when Jonghyun looks up, pocketing both his phone and the pamphlet. Fresh yellow and old white flowers sway around their knees, a sea of unmade wishes. In the distance, Jonghyun can hear what must be one of their fountains. He doesn't mind being taken so far in; he was going to look for a flower in the middle of the meadow anyway. Jinki stops when he stops, and void squeezes Jonghyun's hand encouragingly, gesturing for him to take his pick.
Jonghyun takes his time, looking for a good one in the golden sunset. It takes him a minute, but eventually he finds one that speaks to him. It's a little short, but it has big leaves, and it looks a little fluffier than the rest of the ones surrounding it.
"I just? Pick it?" he asks Jinki, wanting to make sure he does it right. Jinki nods, smile reassuring. Jonghyun bends down and grabs it, plucking it from the earth. "And then," he says. "Do I make the wish before I blow, or during?" He never knows which way is the right way.
"Whichever way you believe, that's the way it works," Jinki shrugs. "Wishes work on the magic of your own imagination."
"Ah," Jonghyun says wisely. "One of those, if you believe hard enough, it becomes – "
"It becomes a little bit less fake, yeah," Jinki finishes for him. Void smiles again, full power, and Jonghyun squeezes voids hand a little harder so his knees don't give out. He focuses very intently back on his flower.
And then he gets a little stuck. What should he wish for? He casts his mind around, and it lands, unsurprisingly, on one of his favorite things to think about. Minho. He bites his lip, smiling just at the thought. He likes that tall asshole. Jonghyun entertains the thought for a moment of wishing for him to bump his head on a door frame or something, but decides against it. He might not be very superstitious, but he still doesn't want to waste any magic on being mean.
Instead, he thinks back to a text that he got from Minho earlier that day. One of the kids at his camp was coming down with a cold, and it's only the second day of spring break. Jonghyun takes a big breath, brings the dandelion to his mouth, and, as he blows out, wishes that whoever that kid is will recover quickly without actually getting sick. He keeps his breath even and steady, making sure to get every last seed off of the flower in one blow to make sure it works. Then, since it's officially his own personal brand of magic, he ties the empty stem around his finger so the wish will follow him home and stay fresh.
Jinki applauds the completion of his wish. Gently, just tapping voids free hand against voids wrist instead of letting go of Jonghyun. "You can make another," void says. "You can make as many as you want."
Jonghyun could, and he considers it, looking around at the meadow. Dandelion seeds float all around it, twirling, dancing on the wind, each one of them a tiny fragment of a wish. But he decides against it. Wishes are, he thinks, heavy things. He doesn't like making too many at once. Instead, he asks, "what's a group wish?" It was on the pamphlet a couple of times, and Taemin mentioned it, and he's curious.
"Oh, it's just, when a group of people hold hands and make the same wish. It increases the power. A lot of people show up at the 11:11s to make group wishes with their friends. And since there's only one first star of the night, the three of us like to group wish on it together."
"The three of you?" Jonghyun asks. The last time he counted, it was just Jinki and Taemin in the stall. He tugs on Jinki so they can start walking back.
"Yeah, our queerfriend, Key," Jinki says as they walk. That heart-stopping smile covers voids face again. "Key designed the pamphlet, and Key does the baking and the finger knitting classes. Key’s usually out here with us, but Key’s sick today. That's actually what me and Taemin were going to wish on. For Key to get better."
"Oh, neat," Jonghyun says. Sucks about Key being sick, though. He thinks for a moment about whether or not he can ask, and then goes for it anyway. "Can I join you two? Would that help?"
"Really?" Void asks. Voids eyebrows disappear behind voids bangs. "You don't want to make your own wish?"
Jonghyun is quiet for a moment, trying to figure out how to explain how he feels about star wishes. For some reason, he feels a little defensive, a little embarrassed. Looking forward, he watches Taemin hop out of the stall and jog across the dirt road. 🧀 clambers enthusiastically onto the wooden fence so they can sit on top, facing the meadow with the forest behind worm. A little too enthusiastically; he almost falls backwards, and worms laugh when they catch himself is loud and echoey in the wide-open area. Their shirt is a bright yellow against the browns and greens of the forest and their smile is even brighter. Next to Jonghyun, Jinki shakes voids head, smile bigger than voids face.
Jonghyun doesn't know what he's nervous about.
"I've always felt like," he says, "star wishes hold the most power. I don't like wasting their magic on something off of the top of my head." The Stars are so big and so powerful and so wonderful. They're busy and they have a lot to take care of. He doesn't like bothering them unless it's important. "I'm," he adds, wanting to give a little further explanation. He smiles, rubbing his finger underneath his nose, sheepishly proud. "I'm a space gay."
"Nice," Jinki says. "You could say I'm space gay adjacent."
Jonghyun has no idea what that means. It's just as enigmatic as the rest of Jinki, though, so he files it away as void just being like that. He likes it. He smiles, nodding, and Jinki nods back and says, "we'd be delighted for you to join us in our group wish, then." The permission comes just in time for them to reach Taemin at the fence, and for for Taemin to overhear and say, "oh, really? Hell yeah!" with worms fists thrust up into the air. Their feet kick against the bottom slats of the fence so the entire thing jiggles and 🧀 pats the space next to them. "Have a seat," they offer.
Jonghyun takes a seat, and as he hoists himself up onto the fence, he hears Jinki say, "I'm going to go check on Key and see if Key feels up to wishing with us. I'll be back." Jonghyun also hears a little smooch, the smek of lips on a cheek, and when he finally gets himself settled sitting on top of the fence, Jinki is halfway to the house. And Taemin is smiling at him, wide and pretty, hair tucked behind their ear on one side but still somehow tangled in worms long earring.
"Hey," 🧀 says. They point up at the sky. "Check that out."
Jonghyun checks it out; he follows the trajectory of Taemin's finger to a bright, shining dot in the pale pink sky.
"Venus," he says at the same time that Taemin says, "Jupiter."
And then the pair of them look at each other again, Taemin frowning, Jonghyun smiling, confident and a little smug. He looks back to the sky, points at Venus, and then draws his finger in a line all the way to another point in the sky and says, "that one's Jupiter."
"I thought Jupiter was bigger?" Taemin says, still pointing at Venus. "That's why she’s brighter."
"Jupiter is bigger, Venus is brighter," Jonghyun corrects. "Venus is always the brightest planet. And then Jupiter and Mars are tied for second." He drags his finger down to point at Mars even though they can't see it right now. He still knows where it is.
"Hmm." Taemin says. 🧀 Looks down at worms hands, pouting. Clearly they were trying to impress Jonghyun with their cool planet knowledge and now he's grumpy. "Well," they say, and then they shrug, smiling again. "What do I know. I’m an ocean gay anyway. I just like space a little bit too because it's like the ocean but bigger and with more sexy fucked up stuff out there. And also if you go to the aquarium, and you go to the jellyfish exhibit, and you look at all of the little ones, and if you dissociate enough, they look kind of like stars, like, in the night sky. That's what me and Jinki do, sometimes. We go to the aquarium together. Vortex bought me a puffer fish plushie there on our first date. You know the Sanrio characters? Hello Kitty and all of them? I think there should be a puffer fish character. I've written them letters but they've never gotten back to me. Oh, c'mere, little buddy."
And for as many words as Taemin was just pouring out of his mouth, worm suddenly just stops. He holds out his hands together, palms up, under a floating dandelion seed. They don't speak, but they do make a little noise, aaaaahhhh, as it sinks down to worms hands, and then the smallest, cutest, wah! as 🧀 curls his fingers to his palm, bringing the dandelion seed with them.
Taemin smiles at the little seed in their hands, smiling down at it with all of the affection in the world. "I wish you’ll come true," he says to it, and then gently blows it back into the breeze.
Jonghyun could say a lot, he thinks, about any of the topics that Taemin just steamrolled through in the last two minutes. Instead, he just asks, "how do you know that one was even a wish?" And then, when Taemin looks at him, eyebrows raised, continues, "what if it was just the wind?"
"Do you not think that the wind has her own wishes?" Taemin asks. Jonghyun blinks, taken aback. "Or the earth?" Taemin says. "Do you not think that the coyote that walks through the meadow and takes seeds along with her coat wishes for anything? Don't you think that the bird that lands and then takes off again, blowing dandelions into the wind with her wings, don't you think that she has wishes also? Or the rain, dropping the seeds off and pressing them into the ground? Or the dandelions themselves?"
Taemin looks out across the meadow. They're holding onto the fence on either side of worms hips, and the two of them are close enough together that his hand is touching Jonghyun’s. They continue, "wishes aren't things that need to be said out loud with words, or even internally with words. A wish is a feeling. In the heart. A wish is a need or a want turned into hope and set free. If I have the chance, I'll keep hope alive for anyone that sends it in my direction. That's why I started the farm in the first place."
The truly astounding thing about this entire speech is that Taemin is speaking it out just like the last rambling monologue 🧀 blurted out. The exact same way. Just as casual, just as easy. With the same flow and cadence, the same high speed, the same warmth around the edges of each word. Like Taemin is still just saying whatever comes to the front of his brain without a filter.
Taemin is looking at him again, Jonghyun realizes suddenly. They're quiet now, just smiling, long hair blowing in the wind, dark brown eyes speckled with little flecks of gold. Jonghyun knows that the skip of his heart isn't from being startled.
Oh no, he thinks to himself. I'm falling in love already.
Pushing that thought away, shoving it down for another time before it makes him start to panic, he hard pivots the conversation into something he can deal with and says, "my name is Jonghyun, by the way."
"Yeah?" Taemin asks, smiling. Worm holds out his hand, small and cute. "Nice to meet you, Jonghyun," they say as Jonghyun shakes it.
"Yeah," he says, trying not to sound breathless. "And, um." he rubs the back of his neck, a little shy for different reasons than his sudden new crush. He tries to figure out a way to explain his weird and complex relationship with gender and why it's not as weird and complex as it could be, and then gives up. "If I didn't have such a shitty job," he compromises, "I would use space pronouns." And then, to clarify even as Taemin's eyes light up, "like, any space pronouns. Like. You know, star, or sky, or cosmos."
"Moon?" Jinki's voice. Void is back, hands in voids jacket pockets, smile comfortable and familiar on voids face. "I always liked moon pronouns."
"Gosh, I love the fff. The fucking moon," Jonghyun hisses, banging his clenched fists on his thighs. "I love the moon so fucking much." He loves the moon so much that a tear comes to his eye just thinking about it. He loves that big round lesbian in the sky with his whole entire heart. Jinki and Taemin both chuckle, softly, Taemin patting his back and Jinki reaching forward to thumb away his tear.
"Hey, I'm sure she loves you back," Taemin says.
Of course, that makes Jonghyun cry a little bit more, which is utterly embarrassing, except how it's not. There's something about the two of them. Something is just so easy for him to be comfortable around. He can't really be embarrassed because he doesn't think that they're judging him about it.
"Anyway," he says, because he still doesn't want to think about it for much longer. "Are we wishing, or what? Is the star out?" He looks up; it's not. The only star out there is the sun, slowly melting down below the horizon, just barely tinging the sky around it orange against the light navy blue of night.
"Shouldn't be long," Jinki says. Jonghyun nods. Void’s right. Especially this far from the city, the stars probably don't even have to wait for the sun to finish setting all the way to start twinkling in.
Taemin fills up the time with more words, more rambling tangents. It's fascinating, Jonghyun thinks, how free he is with his thoughts, how unrestrained. Well, not really fascinating, exactly, but heartwarming. Both in his confidence and in the way Jinki just smiles and listens to 🧀, clearly enamoured with every word out of their mouth.
Jonghyun is a little jealous. He gets to feel this way every time he comes home to Minho and it's just the two of them, but neither of them have ever come close to having the confidence to be like this with strangers. To be themselves, eagerly and unapologetically. He's definitely jealous. And he's also definitely happy for them.
Jonghyun gets so lost in his thoughts that he is a little out of it when the star does appear and each of them take one of his hands. Jinki closes voids eyes; Taemin looks up at the star. Jonghyun goes with the second option, looking at the tiny dot way up there and making the wish quietly to himself: I wish their queerfriend Key will get well soon, it's okay if you can't, thank you for listening, I love you. He pulls himself together enough to put his whole heart into it, turning his want into a hope and setting it free.
After, though, he's still a little zoned-out. It's what happens to him; once he loses focus he has a hard time bringing it back. Jinki and Taemin notice, but in a gentle way, a friendly way, and they offer him coffee or something else to drink, ask if he'll be fine driving the rest of the way home.
"No, yeah, I'm okay, I promise," Jonghyun says, waving off their concern with a quiet chuckle. "I was just. Hmm." He doesn't want to tell them that he was ravenously jealous of their ability to authentically exist, so instead he says, "thinking." And then, to change the subject, asks, "can I buy one of those little necklaces?" Minho likes necklaces. And Minho believes in the spontaneous power of an unpredictable wish. And it'll give Jonghyun plenty of opportunities to touch his collarbones and neck whenever he fixes the clasp all the way back around behind him.
"Yeah, hell yeah," Taemin says. Worm practically launches themself off of the fence, landing hard and with way too much of a tilt so he almost falls flat on his face for a few steps before picking up a controlled jog back into the stall. Behind 🧀, noticed only by Jonghyun, Jinki starts forward, arms outstretched, and then breathes a sigh of relief.
Chuckling, Jonghyun hops off of the fence himself. He can already tell that Taemin is a bit of a handful. Jinki offers him his hand again for the way back, smiling that overpowering smile, and as Jonghyun takes it, he rubs his free hand over his cheek. Both of them. Both of them are handfuls. He can't wait for Minho to absolutely roast him about his instantaneous crushes when they go on their date.
Buying the necklace goes smoothly enough. It's a cute little metal dandelion seed on a silver chain, tiny and handcrafted by Jinki voidself. Jonghyun gets one and then also in a ceramic wishing jar for himself, also handmade by Jinki. He thinks maybe he'll start putting all of the torn off edges from his songwriting notebook papers in there along with the wish that he'll get published one day.
And after, just like that, he's back in his car and heading back to the road. Both of them wave at him as he leaves, Taemin enthusiastically, Jinki with just one flick of voids hand. Jonghyun finds himself watching them in his rearview mirror before they get too far away.
A wish farm. Somehow that was exactly what he expected and also so much more at the same time. Jonghyun turns back onto the road, driving into the dusty blue of a just finished sunset. To his right, the forest rushes by, to his left the ocean rolls and crashes. Above him, more and more stars fade into existence.
Jonghyun wrapped the necklace on his wrist so he wouldn't forget about it and the metal twinkles at him as he drives, a little miniature star of its own. Jonghyun smiles to himself, biting his lip. A farm and three very devoted caretakers.
He wishes them well.
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matchasprouts · 3 years
Ashes - Chapter 2
[ hiiiii besties <3 gonna start gay Mark fic next ]
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Brahms woke up to something crashing outside of his room and, when he sat up, he saw the doll sitting directly next to his bed. Brahms flinched at the sight, before jumping up and running outside to see what fell.
It was a vase, laying shattered on the floor. Next to where it once sat was a list of rules pinned to the wall. It took him a second, but Brahms realized that either the doll had done this, or he wasn’t alone in the house.
He wasn’t going to investigate now. Clearly whatever had done this wanted him to follow the rules, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to get himself hurt by ignoring it.
So, he pulled the paper off the wall and returned to his room to get dressed. He read over it as he got dressed into his day clothes, a little confused by some of them (“Always put leftovers in the freezer”, “Only Malcolm brings deliveries”) but completely understanding others as child things (“Never leave Bella alone”, “Kiss goodnight”).
When he was clothed, he picked up the doll and took her back to her room to get her dressed as well. He was surprised by the lack of dresses in her closet, having assumed that people like her fathers would follow more… strict gender roles. Apparently not though, as her wardrobe was full of button up shirts and dress pants.
He didn’t question it though, simply picking an outfit for her and putting it on here. First chore of the day done- now it was time to really get to work.
The doll came downstairs with him, resting comfortable on his hip. He set her down any time he needed to do something, but never left her “sight” and made sure to stay within the room.
One of the rules was that music needed to be played loudly, and that all of Bella’s lessons needed to be spoken just as loud. He vaguely wondered why that was, especially because it was loud enough to hurt his ears, but he wasn’t about to deny the rules.
He also wondered why he was giving lessons to a fucking doll, but he guessed they just wanted it to feel as human as possible.
Eventually, Greta came into the house, covered in dirt. He wasn’t expecting to see her when he walked into the kitchen to make lunch, and flinched at the sight of her. He knew damn well that she was holding back a snicker, but it slipped out of her anyway.
“Sorry, sorry,” she apologized quickly, sidestepping to allow Brahms access to the counters. “It’s just time for my break. How’s it going so far? Has the thing in the walls made itself known yet?”
“Wait, what?” Brahms quickly cut in, having no knowledge of a “thing in the wall”. Then he remembered the broken vase from that morning. “Oh my god, there’s something in the fucking walls. It broke a vase this morning.”
Greta let out a sharp laugh at that. “Yeah, it’s stealing your stuff too. It does that to everyone, you’ll probably get it back. Just be careful, it’s very attached to the rules and gets angry when they aren’t followed- more so than Bella does.”
So there was a thing in the walls AND Bella was haunted? What kind of hell building was this house?
“Great, that’s great,” he muttered to himself, moving on to start making lunch before Bella got rowdy. “Is that why I can’t leave her alone?”
Greta seemed confused by that, tilting her head to the side. “No? You can’t leave Bella alone because the thing will move her around and break shit.”
Ah. What?
Did that mean the two were attached? Who the fuck was the thing in the walls?
He decided not to think too much about it, instead turning his focus to the task at hand.
Soon enough, he was setting a plate down in front of Bella, a little uncomfortable with giving a haunted doll a whole plate of food. Then he sat down with his own food, surprised when Greta joined them at the table. He’d made a plate for her with the intent of being eaten, but he wasn’t expecting her to sit down with them.
“You have to tell me more about this… wall thing,” he told her, almost laughing at the deer in headlights look on her face at that, clearly having expected the conversation about it to be over.
“Well, it’s been here since before I got the job six years ago,” Greta started, taking a bite of her food before continuing, “and the Shaws know it’s there. They actually talk to it pretty often, so I guess it’s been here since they moved it. I have no idea if it’s human or not, but it acts like it.”
The idea that it wasn’t human was actually more comforting than the idea that it was, because if it was human he’d have to wonder how it got into the walls. Unless the Shaws let them in, but that seemed incredibly unlikely.
So he settled for believing it wasn’t human. “It watches the doll right?” Brahms asked, gaining a nod of confirmation from Greta. “Why? It has no reason to be attached to her.”
“That’s not entirely true,” Greta replied. “It interacts with the people in the house through her, usually by moving her or literally speaking through her. It has this weird… little girl voice it uses. It’s really creepy, and I guarantee you’ll hear it at some point.”
Well, that wasn’t comforting. “That’s fucking horrifying,” Brahms admitted, “but I’m going to assume it’s within my best interests to be nice to it.”
Greta let out a sharp laugh before getting up and cleaning up, heading back outside when she was done. Brahms took that as his cue to get on with the chores.
He didn’t see Greta again for the rest of the day, assuming she’d gone down to the cabin she lived in for dinner, which left Brahms alone to eat in front of the motionless doll.
Now that it was quiet, he could hear the thing in the walls. He could practically feel it watching him from whatever peephole it could find, seemingly just as curious about him as he was about it.
He wanted to talk to it, so he turned to the wall where it had most recently stopped, but as soon as he came close to meeting its gaze, he could hear it take off. He let out a soft sigh, turning back to his food.
Maybe it was just shy, and not planning how to murder him in his sleep.
He might be overreacting with that second idea- Greta had been living here for six years now and she’d never been attacked by it, so why would it suddenly attack him?
…. Maybe if he broke the rules it would.
He didn’t want to think about it, so he simply started cleaning up, placing the leftovers in the freezer.
It was Bella’s bedtime now, so he took her upstairs. He could hear the thing follow him, and come to a stop in the child’s bedroom, probably to make sure he followed the rules to a T.
He undressed the doll, replacing her day clothes with pajamas, before laying her on the bed and tucking her in. He glanced at the wall before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the doll’s forehead, for the “goodnight kiss”.
When nothing terrible and death related happened, he turned off the light, left the room, and closed the door, going into his own room to get ready for the night as well.
Luckily for him, he fell asleep quickly, and didn’t hear the thing follow him into his room. He didn’t hear it leave the closet either, soon standing over him, its head slightly tilted to the side. It brushed a shaky hand over his hair, letting out a soft sigh at the softness.
It was glad it chose him. He was pretty, and kind, and followed the rules. It slowly leaned down and pressed a porcelain kiss to his forehead, just like he’d done to the doll, before retreating back into the walls.
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rome5683 · 3 years
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My Secret Mate - Chapter Three
My body was warm all over. I squeezed them tighter to me, savoring the feeling it gave me to feel them against me. It was peaceful, and exciting at the same time. I groggily opened my eyes as I smelled something too delectable that caused a stir in my loins. My breath hitched, seeing his neck right against my lips. His scent was so amazing to me. I could feel my inner wolf stir, Mate. Mark him. He's ready, he's here. Just for us.
Mate or not, he's not our property. He should choose when to be marked, and when to take the next step in being mated. Calm down, Sirius. I took a deep breath, trying to soothe myself back into sleep. But I was suddenly aware of everything about Seth's body pressed into mine, so I got up. I regretted it the minute I got up, because the cold replacing him was blunt.
I ran a hand through my hair, and suddenly winced at the small headache that I felt in the back of my head. It wasn't that bad. As a werewolf, I had supernatural healing and it would go away very soon, which was also why I wasn't that drunk last night. But when Seth woke up, it would probably hurt him a lot more. I could feel Sirius frown at the idea of him in pain.
Protect him, help him. Help mate. I agreed, and walked downstairs. I was surprised to see the house wasn't that much of a mess. I walked into the living room to see Monsè picking up some cups here and there, and I could hear Lance cleaning in the kitchen.
"Hey, what happened after I went to bed?"
She gave me a hesitant face, almost as if contemplating what to say. "Well, Trent got super drunk and came onto Lindsay, which got him a painful shove. Then Bella got super sad and tried to get me to help her look for you, but then I saw you with... that guy."
My eyes widened, "Oh. Yeah, um, he's... wait, what exactly did you see?"
Her face reddened, looking away. "Well, I saw you guys kissing, and I immediately closed the door."
I blushed, feeling embarrassed about her seeing me that way. "Um, well. Did Bella see-"
"Are you gay?" Her question knocked me off balance, and I considered it for a second. Was I? I certainly wasn't attracted to anyone else anymore, but I still could appreciate women's bodies, as well as appreciate men's.
I shrugged, looking forwards the floor, "I think I'm bisexual. I don't know, everyone always assumes straight is the default. I guess, I assumed that too. But when I think about it... men can be attractive to me too."
I looked up to her nodding and going back to cleaning, and raised an eyebrow. "You don't care?"
She rolled her eyes, "Why should I? I only asked because I was curious why you'd make out with some random guy instead of Bella. And even though we're supposed to be super social as werewolves or whatever, you're not always one to go out of your comfort zone-"
"He's my mate."
She looked at me like a deer caught in headlights, showing how the new information was shocking. But then her face went back to its neutral expression, "Oh. That makes sense." Then her eyes widened, "Wait. Your mate's human?"
I nodded, "Yeah."
She winced, "Oof. I wouldn't wanna be you."
I frowned, a growl building up in my throat. "My mate is perfect for me, human or not."
She shook her head, "That's not what I meant. You're gonna have to mark him, and then that'll turn him, and make him go into heat if he hasn’t already. That's a lot of pain to go through for the both of you, especially the turning part."
This piece of information hit me like a ton of bricks. I remembered the first time I heard about it from the other wolves' gossip, about how one of the human mates had been going through the change and was in so much pain. I guess I was too confident about having a werewolf mate, that I forgot about what it meant to have a human mate.
I tried not to think about it as I went to the kitchen to get two cups of water. Lance raised an eyebrow at me as I entered, "So, your mate's a human guy?"
I hesitated, wondering where this was going. "Yeah, last time I checked."
"That's cool. So, he likes you back and everything. I mean, you guys kissed so that must mean he likes you."
I nodded, feeling a little sheepish. "Well, I hope so. We did talk a lot too so..."
He huffed, "Okay. Well, I have a friend..."
I tried to restrain my grin, and he rolled his eyes at me. "It's not me."
I withheld my laugh, feigning that I believed him as I nodded for him to continue.
"And this friend... he kissed his friend, a guy. But now his friend has been ignoring him... and my friend doesn't know why. I think it's cause my friend usually plays around a lot with girls, but maybe his friend doesn't like him the same way?"
I thought for a second, thinking how complicated it must be for him and Keith. "Sounds complicated. Maybe they should have a deep talk? Get everything off their chests."
Lance nodded, going back to washing the dishes while lost in thought. I filled two glasses with water before going back upstairs. I walked back into my room to see Seth on the phone, and I handed him his glass of water.
He looked up, his face still looking amazing with exhaustion tracing his features. His blush was entertaining to see, and I grinned.
"Mornin', beautiful."
He shook his head slightly as he drank his water, groaning. "That alcohol hit me hard."
I shrugged, "You weren't exactly super drunk, though."
"I don't get crazy, or anything. But the hangover is regrettable..."
"Oh." I went over to my bathroom, getting him some Tylenol from my mirror's cabinet. I walked over, feeling glad to be able to help his headache. "Here. It'll help."
Seth nodded, drinking the tablet down with water. I went over to my bedside table, grabbing my phone and checking the time. It was already ten in the morning, which was pretty late considering I woke up extra early everyday for school. "Any plans for today?"
He shook his head, "Not really, it is a Saturday. I was planning to stay at home and watch Netflix for the majority of it. Luckily, my mom's away on business, so she can't freak out about me being away last night."
"But your curfew-"
"I was just supposed to call her when I got home.”
"That's good, I guess. Wanna stay for breakfast?" I went to my closet, taking off my clothes from last night.
"Ye-Yeah. I don't really have much else to do..."
I pulled on some black joggers and a white tee. I pulled off my earrings, necklaces, and rings on my small jewelry stand. I glanced in the mirror, hoping my appearance was okay. I suddenly heard a loud heartbeat, and I looked over to see Seth's reddened face and wide eyes that were scanning me up and down.
I couldn't help the pride that came over myself when I saw the effect I had on him, "You okay?
He nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah. Um, I just couldn't help but notice you have a lot of defined... structure in your body."
I shrugged with a coy smile, sitting on the bed next to him, "I guess it's the genes."
"Mm." He bit his lip, and shook his head. "So, about last night-"
Monsè burst through the door, "MOM'S ALMOST HOME!" She ran over to me and Seth, dragging us by the hand to the living room. "YOU GUYS ARE HELPING!"
I nodded with a small gulp, suddenly remembering how much Monsè could be as scary as Mom sometimes. Seth got a broom out as I picked up the bigger pieces of trash on the floor, and when we were done with that, we cleaned the furniture for stains and crumbs of food. Monsè tidied up and re-arranged everything back to how it was, like the decor in the living room and the kitchen, as well as the photos in the hallway. Lance and I placed the audio and lights system in the garage, deciding it'd go there until Lindsay would come pick it up. I fell on the couch, sighing in exhaustion after an hour of cleaning. I could hear Seth and Monsè in the kitchen, making small talk as they both cooked breakfast. Lance sat beside me, "So does sex with a guy feel better than when it's with a girl?"
I sighed, feeling a sliver of offense and amusement at my brother's stupidity. "Have you even had sex with a girl?"
"Nope. You haven't. Because if you did, you wouldn't ask such a stupid question, Lance."
"Why is it stupid? It's a legitimate question-"
I felt exasperated, "Dude, I don't know. I haven't had sex with either gender, and I don't plan to have sex in general unless my mate says he'd like to."
"But, didn't he spend the night-"
"Which meant nothing. He stayed the night, and we slept. Literally. He's a human, remember? Most humans don't just sleep with someone right after meeting them, mates or not."
"Uh, I feel like that's not entirely true-"
"Lance." I gave him a deadpanned stare, "I really can't talk about this right now."
He gave me a knowing smile, "Sirius acting up?"
I cursed, hearing my wolf howl at the idea of mating Seth. "Like no tomorrow."
If you really cared about our mate, Sirius, you'd wait until he was ready.
I'm just excited. Leave me be.
You first.
"Yeah, I get you. Landon just loses his shit every birthday that gets closer to finding our mate."
I huffed, "You'll find them soon. Just, don't get too caught up in other people, it could just complicate stuff.
"Like you and Bella?"
I frowned, thinking how she might feel now. I did give her false hope, but hopefully she would take it well. "Yeah. I mean, I don't have feelings, but I know she does. I don't wanna hurt her."
"Seems a little late for that."
The smell of bacon drifted in the air, and my stomach growled. Lance sniffed the air with a groan, "Damn. That smells amazing."
I nodded in agreement as we both got up and walked towards the kitchen. I saw Seth slightly swaying back and forth on the stool as he ate a plate of egg, hash browns, pancakes, and bacon. There were two other plates awaiting on the island, Lance and I sat eagerly as Monsè served herself some milk in a cup.
Seth poured syrup on his pancakes, "Thanks for having me for breakfast, guys."
We all nodded, Monsè poured us cups of milk as she spoke. "What are mates for?"
I glared at her as Seth raised an eyebrow, "Mate?"
Monsè and Lance shared a smirk as she continued, "Yeah, you know. Friends, pals, buddies..."
I seethed, and interrupted quickly, "So what does your mom work in?"
He looked to me, "Oh. She's a social worker. Sometimes she goes to different counties which makes me have the house to myself."
Lance grinned, "Must be fun. You ever throw parties?"
He shook his head with an amused smile, "Not really, I just like to watch Netflix and read books.”
I took another bite of my bacon strip, "I don't usually throw parties but, I figured it'd be cool to have one big one for the special eighteen, you know?"
He nodded, I continued, "When's your birthday, Seth?"
He sipped at his milk, "May."
I was stumped for a second, "Wait. Doesn't that mean you should be-"
"I should've graduated, yeah. I was..." His cheeks reddened, "Held back. Unfairly, might I add."
I chuckled, "What happened?"
My siblings gave him an expectant look, and Seth sighed. "Okay, but you can't laugh."
"So, I was in fifth grade, and on the day of the state test, I got super sick and had an urge to vomit all the time. But it was, like, state tests so I had to go, and when I finished the test, I vomited all over the tests. It was the holes you fill in with bubbles so..."
Monsè gasped, "No."
Lance and I groaned in unison at the embarrassment of it.
"Then, the school and my mom decided I should redo the year over so I can take the test again- which sucked- but it's whatever."
"At least we got to meet."
He looked up, a blush rising to his cheeks. "Yeah, I guess. Listen, I need to talk to you-"
The lock clicked, and everyone but Seth turned to the front door from the kitchen. We could hear them muttering, and I laughed at one of their comments that I could make out.
"It smells like teen desperation in here."
Seth looked at me confused, and I shook my head.
Monsè whacked the back of my head and I winced, pointedly glaring at her. Her loud and scolding voice rang in my head, ‘Could you be any more obvious?’
"Ooh, it smells delicious-" My mom stared with wide eyes at Seth, she hadn't been able to smell him due to the other smells lingering in the house from the party no doubt, and was certainly surprised. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "It's okay I'm confused, right? Who is this? You didn't tell me someone was sleeping over."
My father followed in right after, looking at all of us with a confused gaze. "Um, what's going on?"
I scratched the back of my neck, "Mom. Dad, this is my ma-"
Seth interrupted, standing up and extending his hand. "Friend. Seth Truman." His nervous chuckle rang in my mind as I gave him a questioning glance, and even Monsè and Lance looked at me confused. What did he think I would say? Why did it matter? I wondered how much longer I would have to court him in a human way... "Sorry to barge in. I kind of crashed after the party last night."
My mom practically gushed, and looked at me while questioning me through the mind link. ‘Is this your mate?’
I nodded, scratching my neck in slight embarrassment. It wasn't that I was embarrassed of him, hell no. It's just that my mom was very sweet and open, that she was obviously adored with my mate as well, and that she might embarrass me. Who wouldn't be?
"Oh, it's no trouble at all. We're happy to accommodate you." My dad smirked at him from behind my mom as he spoke, and I shook my head in annoyance. My dad gave me a raised brow and I rolled my eyes at his smug expression.
"Ah." Seth chuckled nervously, "Thanks. Your daughter is really good at cooking."
Monsè smirked, and my mom smiled.
"Yeah, she's really big on cooking." I gave him my most charming grin, and he avoided my eyes with a small blush forming on his cheeks. "How about you?"
He looked at Monsè, "So do you always make pancakes from scratch?"
I scowled, and I could hear Sirius whimper in the back of my head. My jaw clenched, and I didn't know whether to be angry or sad. He was sending me mixed signals, and I didn't want that: just tell me everything clearly for fuck's sake. I didn't want to let my anger cloud my judgement, but I also wanted to give him the cold shoulder if he was going to do the same to me.
My mom's hands massaged my shoulders, and I couldn't help but feel calm and relaxed at the notion. I placed my hand over hers and squeezed it, thanking her for the help. My dad was next to us too, hugging her from behind and resting his head on her shoulder. I looked up and smiled softly, talking with them through the mind link, ‘Thanks.’
‘Of course, darling.’
Seth stood up from the barstool, "It was nice for you guys to have me, but I really should be heading home now."
"I'll drive you." I say as I stand up abruptly, and he was about to protest until my sister just patted his shoulder and shook her head. She knew damn well I was too stubborn. He nodded, understanding what she meant.
I took another bite of my plate and told Monsè to save it for me before going upstairs to get a hoodie and my shoes. I came back down in a hurry, and grabbed the keys beside the door, "Seth!"
He came from the hallway after I heard him say his goodbyes to my family, and I opened the door for him chivalrously.
We got in the truck, and I sighed as I sat down. I tried not to glance at him while I made sure the mirrors were okay, and I put on my seatbelt after starting the car. I was hoping to make conversation, so I left the radio off as I pulled out of the driveway. Seth looked out of the window and rested his chin on his hand, and I laughed mentally when I remembered that he'd have to give me his address. I could just drive around until he decided to speak up, and it'd be hilarious. I turned left, and went towards my favorite burger joint.
I glanced at him before speaking up, "So, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?"
I pulled into the burger joint's drive-thru line, awaiting for my turn, and he sighed. "Okay. So about last night, what we did-"
"Was amazing." I smirked at him as I remembered the feeling of his body against mine while we slept. His lips were really nice too.
"It was a mistake." Seth twiddled his thumbs, and I felt a breath escape me. What was he saying? "Look, you're really nice and everything. But I know you and a girl named Bella have something going on, and... I don't want to be caught in the middle."
I cursed inwardly. I couldn't believe I would mess something up like this, and I wondered why I messed with Bella in the first place. Oh, because I didn't want a mate. Well, I changed my mind. I liked him, the feeling of him with me was amazing. I was keeping him, end of story.
"Bella and I were never even together." I pulled up in line, almost close to the order section. "So we messed around a couple times, it meant nothing."
"Maybe to you, but it means a lot to her." He scoffed, and I suddenly realized something.
"Wait, how do you even know this?"
He looked away before cursing under his breath.
"Did my sister-"
"No. Last night, I could see the way she looked at you." I narrowed my eyes, knowing he was keeping something from me. "Fine. I overheard you and Lance talking."
"Oh." I tensed up, then relaxed when predicting it was probably the last part of the conversation since he wasn't concerned about the other parts. "What I said still stands."
"But it didn't mean anything! It was just a drunken kiss-" I interrupted his exasperated rant.
"Not for me." I gave him a hardened stare, clenching my jaw in determination. "I like you, okay? And I want to get to know you."
He looked shocked, and sat back in his seat as he thought to himself. I awkwardly pulled up to the order section of the drive-thru, and asked for two milkshakes.
"I'd like strawberry, please."
I nodded, changing Seth's to strawberry, and made mine Oreo. It was only seven bucks, and was well worth it. I parked in the lot outside and Seth raised a curious brow, "Why aren't you driving me home?"
"I don't really feel like it." I grinned, feeling amused now. Had he noticed yet?
"What are you talking about? You said you would." He furrowed his brows, starting to look angry. I shrugged, nonchalant.
"I changed my mind." He was about to protest when I chuckled, "I'm kidding. You never gave me your address."
"Ohhh." He blushed, embarrassed and I chuckled again.
"It's okay." I tossed him my phone, "Just type it in."
He sipped noisily while typing it in, blushing as I gazed at him while sipping my own drink. It was tasty, but all I could think of was how I woke up next to him in bliss. He handed the phone back to me, and I memorized the route there before placing it in the middle. It wasn't that far, and I parked in his driveway no later than ten minutes.
He ran his hand through his hair with a sigh as I shifted the gear into park. He silently got out of the car, and I wondered for a moment if I should let him go like this. I could hear Sirius whimpering, and I decided I couldn't just leave it like this.
I got out of the car in a hurry, and he looked at me in surprise in front of his door. I scratched the back of my neck in anxiousness, "So about earlier..."
"I can't." Seth held the bridge of his nose, seemingly frustrated. I looked at him, feeling confused.
"Well, why not?"
He groaned, "What part of it being meaningless don't you understand?"
"What part of this," I grabbed his hand and placed it on my chest, feeling the same sparks from last night, from every time I've ever touched him, all over again, "do you not understand? I know you feel it too."
He looked conflicted, his eyes shutting as if in concentration as his body reacted to my subtle touch. My thumb rubbed across the back of his palm, and he huffed at me with a glare. I knew I looked desperate, but I couldn't help it. At first, I thought having a mate would be disastrous and painful. Being forced to be with someone, like some Neanderthal from the 1800s, or something. But then I saw that it wasn't really forced, and that it was a real connection.
"We have something. Don't deny it." His hand slowly became a fist against my chest, but I still held it there as I gazed at him. I silently whispered, "Please."
Seth's eyes met mine, searching for what, I have no idea. He was about to speak when a voice interrupted, somewhat smooth and high-pitched.
"Babe!" His hand quickly retracted from mine, and we both looked towards the sidewalk in front of his house. "Hey, I left you tons of messages. We were supposed to hang out this morning, remember?"
My wolf growled as I observed her, suddenly seeing an obstacle to his mate. She was a little shorter than Seth, with long black and wavy hair. She was slim, with average sized assets. Her face was heart shaped, with pretty red lips that complimented her pale skin and her eyes were big with brown doe-like eyes. She was pretty.
As she embraced him, he gave me a guilty expression while he hugged her back from the waist. My eyes widened as I realized what must've been obvious by now. Seth had a girlfriend.
"Oh fuck."
She looked up at me in confusion, and Seth visibly paled. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me, my emotions becoming numb as one ruled above the others; anger.
"I can't believe this..." I shook my head, murmuring to myself as I was almost seething at this point. "Motherfucker..."
"Can't believe what?" Her question had an edge, and I felt like a deer caught in headlights. I immediately turned on my charm, chuckling as I pretended to be bashful.
"How pretty you are. I mean, who thought Seth would have such a hot friend?"
Her eyes widened, and I laughed again before speaking up again.
"Oh, wow. How rude of me," I grinned mischievously as I extended my hand out to her, "My name's Xavier, with an X."
She smiled, her eyes still somewhat confused as she placed her hand in mine. I brought it up to my mouth, placing a ginger kiss on the back of her palm while she blushed. I could feel Seth's glare, but I kept my gaze trained on her as I let go of her hand. This is what I get for actually liking my mate. I should've rejected him from the start. God, I want to forget ever meeting this bastard. This hot bastard...
She chuckled, nervous, "My name is Cassie. It's nice to meet you."
"I assume you're single." I bit my lip with a smile, coyly crossing my arms to flex my muscles. Yes, I was being a douche on purpose.
"Oh." She laughed again at my flattery, "No. Seth here is actually my boyfriend."
I laughed back, still focused on her while I could see Seth's jaw clench from my peripheral view. "Oh. Yeah, I was hoping not."
I narrowed my eyes at Seth with a scowl. Cassie raised an eyebrow, and I shrugged as I grew a grin again.
"You know, because you're pretty."
"How do you know my boyfriend again?" She shook her head with a scoff, but still smirked.
"He went to my party last night. I had to let him crash at my place because he got a little rowdy, to say the least." I smirked back, and she looked at him with a questioning expression. He guiltily smiled, and she chuckled. "Then I drove him home after a nice breakfast. So, yeah."
She smiled again, "Well, thanks for that. I really appreciate you taking care of him."
"Yeah." I scoffed at the unknown innuendo she just made, and I laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, I took care of him. He was practically all over me too."
She gasped and Seth cursed under his breath.
"Seth, I didn't know you got that drunk." She pressed her hand up to his forehead, "Do you have a headache?"
He shook his head, smiling the fakest smile I've ever seen, and glanced at me nervously. I nodded while scolding myself, practically wanting to die right then and there.
"Well," I clapped my hands together, "I gotta get going. It was nice meeting you, Cassie," I extended my hand out and shook hers gently, then patted Seth on the shoulder roughly. "And it was good hanging out with you last night, Seth."
He nodded, his smile more like a grimace. I turned, feeling defeated before I came up with an idea suddenly.
"Hey, Seth!" Both he and his girlfriend turned around, Cassie curious and Seth panicking. I smirked, "Don't forget about our study session this Monday!"
She looked up at him, no doubt wondering what I meant, and he raised an eyebrow at me. I smiled, "You said you'd help me with History at my house after school this Monday, remember?"
I didn't have history.
Seth made a surprised expression before quickly giving me a thumbs-up. He then took his girlfriend by the waist, and turned her towards the front door while he discreetly gave me the finger. I laughed sarcastically to myself before opening my car door and sitting down in my seat. I turned the radio to my favorite station, and drove home.
The minute my bedroom door closed behind me, I exhaled heavily. The weight in my chest was so heavy. I felt like I couldn't breathe, and I wondered if my family would ask me what was wrong if I cried. Luckily, I'd managed to avoid them as I stomped up to my room, but no doubt they already knew something was up.
I went into the bathroom, turning on the shower on it's heaviest. I took a deep breath as I looked myself in the mirror, trying to calm down, but I could feel the familiar sensation of my eyes tearing up. I clenched my fists as I choked up, and the sob broke out before I could stop it. I grit my teeth to try to stop it, sniffling while my hot tears were flowing now, but it didn't work.
This whole situation brought up things I'd rather forget. But I couldn't, no matter what I did, they stayed with me.
I had walked up to him during recess, smiling, 'Hey, why didn't you come over the other day?'
His eyes were hardened, and his mouth turned upwards in a scowl before he spat out the words I remembered all too well.
'Why do you care so much?'
I was about to respond, but he had already said the worst part.
'What are you? Gay?'
I shivered now as I did back then, exhaling deep as to not induce another sobbing fit. But right now, it was already too late, I was crying and I couldn't stop it.
I shivered now as I did back then, exhaling deep as to not induce another sobbing fit. But right now, it was already too late, I was crying and I couldn't stop it.
He was another closeted male, except this time it was worse. He was my mate, my soulmate, and he had a girlfriend. I cursed the moon goddess, hoping I'd get smite down to avoid the pain of this. Unfortunately, the pain never went away.
It had already been an hour, and I heard my cellphone ring in my back pocket. It was Bella. I debated what to do, and Sirius practically screamed at the notion. I shook my head as I answered it.
The full story below:
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trixicangel · 4 years
welcome to the about me for my main blog!!!
hey!!! my name is deer :) original posts on this blog will be tagged “its deer,” but also there are some under “its julian/moose,” names i used to use.
my pronouns are he/him/his!! but im working on finding ones i like better >:)
words i use to describe my gender: nonbinary, genderfluid, genderflux, bigender, demiboy, genderqueer. generally, i identify with womanhood and being nonbinary
words i use to describe my sexuality: lesbian, gay, sapphic, wlw, nln/nblnb, trixic, enbian. i’m not attracted to men or men-aligned folx as a rule
exlusionists, transmeds, truscum, etc...... you can talk to me i guess i’d like to hear ur points but know off the bat that i dont agree with you and if you’re not polite i’ll block you
i’m a fantasy and sci-fi buff so never be afraid to come talk to me about non gender/sexuality stuff. i’m so excited to hear about it!!
my star trek sideblog is @ashs-tylers and over there i talk about trek!! although it is mostly discovery content, i do also cover the original series, deep space nine, and enterprise
my star wars sideblog is @idens-versios and over there i talk about how gay star wars really is and ahsoka tano. also copious mandalorian content, and my ocs
my supernatural (i know, i know) sideblog is @samwitchs and i talk about plenty of things aside from samwitch, like deancas, and the extent to which i was hatecrimed by the finale and all fifteen other seasons as well
my cobra kai sideblog is @karate-hell and over there i talk about....... 80s nostalgia lol
thanks for stopping by!! check those out if youre into that stuff or chill here if its not your thing. ily girls gays and theys <3
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tizravenkatthing · 5 years
A/N: So.... I’ve put this off long enough I think and I guess I should’ve been writing but oh well. This round it’s time for some Prinxiety! As per usual, please enjoy and I encourage constructive criticism if you have any for me.
Trigger Warnings: NIL
Pairings: Prinxiety (Again, just for this chapter)
Taglist: @peach-cake-slice, @peachflavoredcupcake, @no-i-dont-have-a-gender
Spellbucks Cafe
Chapter 2: Storm’s a’brewin
A tinkle of the bell signaled a new customer had arrived to the little cafe. Patton was as bouncy as he always did, and he was delighted to receive the man who stepped through his doors.
“Roman, right? I’m glad you came back!” the bubbly manager exclaimed.
As Roman smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck, Virgil turned his head to look at Patton and the man he was addressing, his attention drawn away from his homework at Patton’s loud, bubbly voice. As the two spoke, Virgil studied the man who Patton was talking to. They seemed quite friendly, though, Virgil was quite sure he didn’t recognize the man, nor seem him around before.
The man had deep emerald eyes, tan skin and his chocolate brown hair was half dyed to gold. And strangely enough, the man had looked to the side, at him, while talking to Patton and immediately turned his gaze away with a blush when he noticed Virgil looking back. That was definitely odd, did he catch a cold or something?
Meanwhile, Roman was freaking out. Not just normal freaking out but ‘extremely-gay-and-I-saw-my-crush-looking-at-me’ freaking out. Alarm bells were ringing in his mind as he faked his best smile as he talked to the cheerful Patton. He hoped he didn’t look weird. Was his smile crooked?? His hair our of place??? Why was his emo crush staring at him?!!?!?? Despite all his worries, he manages to sit himself, at the same spot he sat at last time, and picked up the menu. He couldn’t stop his turmoil of emotions as he chanced a glance sideways to the emo. By the time he had sat, the emo had got back to work on his papers. Using that chance, he feigned reading the menu as he took in the sight of the skinnier man. 
His hair was dyed purple and he wore a jacket that looked a patchwork of black and checkered purple which was halfheartedly stitched together. The eye shadow the emo sported was extremely dark, matching the color of his ripped jeans. The whole look was what he would usually call edgy or dull but for the person he was looking at, it all came together perfectly. He didn’t notice Patton approaching him as he observed the emo’s sharp jawline, his soft-looking hair, his delicate fingers....
“AAH!!” Roman shrieked and then quickly covered his mouth a second later, drawing the attention of every patron in the cafe.
Roman’s face flushed red as mutters ensued and he got strange looks. Turning to Patton, he barely remembered to compose himself. 
“P-patton, I’m sorry, I was just... L-lost in thought.” Roman stuttered and gave Patton a sheepish grin. 
Patton raised a brow a him and looked at him in concern, “You sure you’re alright, Roman?”
“Y-yes. Absolutely. Perfectly fine, why wouldn’t I be??” He sputtered and rambled on, oooh, dear lord he was doomed.
Patton kept his expression of concern but pushed past it, “Right.... So, are you ready to order?”
Oh, shoot. He was so busy admiring his crush that he forgot to look at the menu! Roman quickly flipped through the menu in front of him and randomly pointed out a drink and a snack.
“U-uh, could I have these please?” He asked, trying his best to play off his panic.
Patton looked at him weird and he knew he must’ve pointed out something wrong. 
“Uhm... Sure. One Chill Pill and one Super Sugar Cake, coming up.” Patton repeated the order and Roman nodded. 
What was with the look, the order sounded totally normal. He looked down and observed his choices, only then did he see what was wrong. The Super Sugar Cake was filled with an extreme amount of sugar and sweet treats that even Roman couldn’t handle. It was stated that it induced hyper-activeness due to the high levels of sugar and was recommended for either extreme sweet tooths or those needed a large energy boost. And Roman didn’t look like he needed either. He had a healthy glow like he had slept like a baby and didn’t look the type to be extremely sweet toothed.
He cursed a little and scratched his head, gosh darn it, how was he going to survive that sugar bomb of a snack?! Beside him, Virgil had observed Roman and snickered softly at his panicked look. It was clear how the man hadn’t thought it through. He wondered though, what caused the guy to be so distracted to even forget to look at the menu?
Roman had heard the snicker, and without a second thought, whipped around and looked at Virgil, firing off an annoyed retort.
“What’re you laughing at, Hot Topic?”
They both froze, Virgil from the shock of being called hot and Roman from the realization that he had just got annoyed at his crush. Roman panicked, scrambling for something to say, his mind a mess of words of things to say and not to say, but Virgil beat him to it.
“So.... You’re telling me I’m attractive?” Virgil asked, surprising Roman.
“Huh? Uhm........” Roman looked like a deer caught in headlights, not sure what to do but slowly processing his words to form a reply. “......... Yes?”
Virgil’s cheeks flared with heat, going red as he now felt flustered and Roman was just in awe at how cute his crush was. Roman was known as a hopeless romantic among his friends, often times he didn’t think before he acted and for the better or worse, he did just that.
“Speaking of you, Hot Topic, I don’t think I caught your name?”
What started as a pursuit became a playful game of cat and mouse after a week of seeing each other at the cafe and talking, Virgil wasn’t so sure about dating Roman just yet though he loved to tease him. A lot. Roman had blurted out that he wanted to date him on the first day they spoke and that was a little weird for Virgil. No one had confessed to him before. Of course, he didn’t tell Roman his name even if he knew Roman’s (Well, the man told him without hesitation so could you blame him?). He had then dared Roman to try to get him to love him back. Just to see how far he’d go, and oh, try he did.
The second second was filled with roses and flirting, with Virgil deflecting and even putting down his attempts to get his number or his name. The third day, Roman had tried serenading Virgil with a song he had written and even more attempts at flirting. Obviously, Virgil deflected but decided that he would tease Roman, to try to get him to stop. The fourth, till seventh day, it was like a game between them. Roman would try to woo him and then he would then deflect it with teasing to try to make brunet blush or stutter, effectively halting the flirting and embarrassing comments for a time.
And by the seventh day, somehow he had quietly admitted to himself that, alright. Roman was adorable and also undeniably handsome. Like, did you see those dimples? And this gorgeous hair? His smile was somehow so cute?? And than his expressions, he loved it when he managed to make Roman blush, or annoyed. He didn’t want to admit defeat yet though, he wanted to keep playing their little game, buy himself time to think it through.
A tinkle of the bell and Virgil looked up to see who it was, the sight of the man he was thinking walking through the door making him smile. When Roman got close enough he leaned on his palm to look at him.
“So, Princey, what will it be today? A dramatic stage play? A poem? Oh, maybe a ring?” he teased.
Oddly, Roman didn’t react and just seemed..... Distant. He laughed at the joke but it was so much different from before... Like he had.... Given up?
“Oh.... Well, sorry to disappoint but I’ve got nothing today.” he said, looking away.
What was going on?? Did he hit his head or something? Virgil was almost scared to ask, scared he did something wrong to upset Roman. He leaned forward and looked Roman in the eye.
“Ro.. You alright? You’re not usually.... Like this.”
Roman just smiled and shrugged, quietly sitting in his seat and calling on Patton to order. They didn’t talk much, and it bothered Virgil. More than it should have. He spoke and tried to get Roman to talk but Roman only gave him short, almost curt, answers. He felt...... Weird. It hurt to see Roman like this. So..... Unlike the man he knew before. It was so strange, it was so odd, he didn’t know why but he felt deeply bothered. While Roman was looking off somewhere, distantly, he gripped his rippled purple shirt, near his heart. Something clenched at his heart but he didn’t know what feeling that was.
When Roman stood, Virgil was quick to catch him by the hand, somehow scared. “W-where.... Uh.... Where are you going...?” he asked, hesitant and at the same time confused. Why would he ask him that??!?!?
Roman just looked at him with the weirdest look, “To meet my partner...?” he said.
And Virgil was shaken, he flinched back and Roman just gave him one last look before walking towards the door. Virgil stared at the spot where Roman was sitting, a tight feeling in his chest. 
He had a... Partner?
What did that mean? A co-worker? A lover? A boyfriend? A girlfriend? Then what about him?? Was he just leading him on?!!?? He was consumed by rage and pushed his chair back, storming out of the cafe and ignoring the worried look Patton had. He slammed the door open and his eyes searched the street, quickly catching sight of his target across the street. He was walking, walking towards another man. A man. He saw red.
He dashed across the street, uncaring for all the stupid cars and trucks and traffic in his way. he paid no attention to the horns, he just dashed across the road like a mad bull. The man Roman was talking too looked terrified, pointing behind him and Roman turned his head to look. Virgil saw the fear in his eyes but it didn’t matter. He grabbed Roman by the collar and slammed him against the wall.
“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?!?? AM I SOME KIND OF PLAY THING TO YOU???? SOME BOY TOY?!?? YOU LEAD ME ON AND NOW YOU ACT LIKE I’M SOME PEBBLE ON THE ROAD SIDE?!!?!??? HOW DARE YOU YOU SON OF A B-” He was cut off by a sudden wave of sadness that hit him like a tidal wave. 
Choking back a sob didn’t work for as long as he thought he could manage. He didn’t care, it hurt. It hurt so much...... Was this what it was like to love someone? The thought struck him and he quietly mulled it over as he cried. That.... That was it, wasn’t it? He didn’t want to admit that he fell so soon, he didn’t want to be some easy target. Hell, he rejected Roman’s dinner requests a hundred times by now because he didn’t know how he felt.......
So. This was love, huh.
He slid down and fell to his knees, his jacket having had slide down his shoulders and exposing how much he trembled. He was angry, and now he was sad... Sad and disappointed in Roman for not trying longer. But more than that, disappointed and upset in himself for denying his emotions and not grabbing the chance sooner. He felt warm arms wrap around him and he was surprised to find Roman hugging him tightly. He felt so safe in his arms that he cried more, hiccuping and gripping onto Roman’s shirt tightly as he did. Was it wrong to do this right in front of his boyfriend? It probably was but Virgil couldn’t stop himself.
Roman slowly petted and stroked his head, comforting Virgil with hushed whispers and coos. It felt so nice and calming that Virgil just poured his eyes out, taking in every feeling he could in that moment. It took a while but he managed to recompose himself, destroyed eye shadow and red nose aside. He looked up at Roman and he found it odd that Roman was smiling from ear to ear.
“..... Why are you smiling like that?” he asked hesitantly.
Roman seemed to just realize how much he was smiling and blushed as he covered it up. “Well.... I mean, this is the first time I’ve seen you chase after me than I after you, storm cloud.”
He blinks. So it was. “But it still doesn’t explain your dumb look, you big dork.” he retorted and Roman just grinned. A twinkle in his eye.
“Well, considering you were mad enough that you came after me.... Could I assume you feel the same way that I feel about you?”
He blinked. Once. Twice. Then once it registered he just flushed from head to toe and quickly covered his face with his hoodie, pulling the strings tight so the hoodie closed. “Y-you... Jerk!”
Roman just laughed as he shook his head, trying to coax him out from his jacket as he lifted him up, drawing a squeak of surprise from the emo.
“That wasn’t a no.” He said cheekily.
And Virgil was quiet for a few seconds, before responding. “It wasn’t. But.. What about your ‘partner’?”
Roman blinked and looked over to the intellect, the man next to him who had been silently observing the entire time just raising a brow. Looking back at Virgil, Roman grinned. 
“Yeah, he’s my partner. Partner in crime that is.” Roman said with a smile of triumph.
“.... Say what now?” 
Virgil was dumbfounded, but his expression turned into one of a mix of annoyance and embarrassment as he found himself carried back to the cafe by none other than Roman as he explained how he had confided in Logan, the intellect who Roman had walked up to, who also happened to be his friend by chance and another one of the cafe’s regulars, and had then hatched a plan to uncover Virgil’s feelings with Logan’s advice.
Virgil found himself utterly and undeniably exposed and defeated, pouting and sulking while Roman tried his best to comfort and get him to stop. Arriving back at his seat, Roman put Virgil down and grinned as the emo looked at him in annoyance. That, to Roman at least, was the most adorable thing. Alas, he needed to leave as he needed to attend to other matters for the day.
“So... I guess I’ll see you around next time?” Roman asked, a bit afraid his crush would go back to treating him how he used to. 
There was silence for a while as Virgil stared at him with his beautiful black eyes. His lovely voice then snapped Roman out of his daze and confused him. 
The emo sighed, “My name is Virgil. Virgil Tempest. And you owe me dinner.”
Prologue, Ch 1 - [Next]
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