#guides are fun but take forever
lightleckrereins · 1 year
Six the musical crowns guide
This is a long overdue post that was requested again recently so here is the crown breakdown. While I tried to include everything there are probably some things I missed and some that appeared only tmporarily so I ended up omiting them. Also whenever I mention spike numbers it is very likely that I am off in some of them as it is hard to get photos of some where the full crown is visible and clear enough to count. And whoever is in the photo is not necessarily the first to wear a style, it is the best picture I have of it at the moment.
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Aragon: It would seem that there are only two versions of this crown (original single band and new double one) but it actually has a few very distinct styles.
The very first one was a double tiered halo looking crown that never made it past very earyl first UK tour press.
1: After that and until the redesign Aragon wore a single headband shaped crown that went down to right above the ear with eight long gold spikes evenly distributed. It was commonly styled with hair strands weaved between the lower spikes.
2-3: The first redesign appeared only on 2020 Broadway previews and features two bands connected at the ends that lay on top of the head and goes slightly down (doesnt reach the ears). This crown had ten short gold spikes in the front band with the final one on the union of the bands and six long gold spikes alternated with five short on the back. The shape and number of spikes has changed a lot since but in general the shorter spikes in front and long and short alternated on the back format remains. The current US crowns have the same format as the original Broadway one but with 13 short spikes on the front band and eight long and seven short spikes on the back. Cruises started with a different style but have now switched to this one.
4-5: There are two versions of the crown in use in the UK. The most common one is the same format as the US crowns with short spikes in the front (16) and alternating size in the back but changes the short spikes on the back band to medium sized ones in the center and small on the sides (9 total and 8 long). The second version has the same format but is narrower (12 small in the front, 6 long and 7 medium/short in the back). This version seems to be used by queens with hairstyles that pull the hair back higher so the gap for the crown is narrower.
6-7: The original cruise crowns have the same format as the original Broadway one but change all the small spikes for medium sized ones. This crowns were worn backwards (long spikes in front) for Breakaway 2.0 and this appears sometimes in other productions. I am pretty sure this style was originated for Bliss 2.0 which had an early version of the costume redesign and made in advance for the cancelled original Breakaway 2.0. Crowns were worn for a few cruises since reopening but now seem to be retired in favor of the usual US style.
8-9: Since the Aragon crowns are gold to match the costume, the alternate crowns are silver. There are three alternate crown versions mirroring principal styles. The original headband one worn in the UK until lockdown, in the pre broadway US tour and in Australia for the whole run. This style of crown was sometimes worn by alternates for Cleves or Parr. Currently the UK productions are the only ones to use the alternate costumes and have both wider and narrower Aragon crowns in silver.
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Boleyn: This crown has had the least variations across time. It consists of two circular bands worn around the spacebuns with spikes on the sides. Sizing and spike number vary but in general it is 10 spikes for UK crowns and 8 for US; AUS had 10 and cruises follow the style of the costume maker they have at the moment. The only notable difference was Hazel Karooma-Brooker who wore two flat bands on the sides of an updoo in a style that was later made the standard for Cleves.
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Seymour: This one is simmilar to Aragon in that there are only a few base styles that have many distinct variations.
There are photos of Natalie May Paris wearing a few different crowns early on but none of those seem to have made it past early first UK tour press
1: the original Seymour crown was a small white band that laid on top of the head with six small spikes.
2-3: the second version was a long band shaped like a headband with 11 short spikes. There were both black and white band versions of this one; in general it was black for dark haired actors and alternates and white for light haired actors. Sometimes it was styled with hair covering the ends so the spikes showed between strands.
4-5: There have been two versions of the Seymour crown. The first is a double white band that lays on top of the head with five short spikes on each band and two more on the edge where the bands meet. When the Boleyn tour opened the crown was updated. It is the same format but now the three middle spikes on the back band are taller than the rest.
6: The UK crown has the same shape as the US crown but in black; and has seven medium sized spikes on each band and none on the union. A white crown was made for the 2023 UKT cast change presumably to match Erin Caldwell's blonde hair but she ended up wearing a black one.
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Cleves: Just like there are a million Cleves hairstyles there are a million Cleves crowns.
The very first version of this crown looked like a hat with spikes around the brim but was cut in early tour press.
1: The first crown to appear onstagewas a headband in the same shape and size as Seymour, but with spikes starting slightly higher on the sides. It had three short spikes on each side and in the middle three long with two more short in between. This crown was the main style until shortly before lockdown when the mohawk style started to be introduced.
2: Vicki Manser wore one of her Boleyn cuffs for multiple queens including Cleves. This style was worn by some alternate Cleves early on with ponytails and side braid styles.
3: Brittney Mack wore a few different crowns, the first being a single cuff simmilar to the Howard crowns but with more spikes.
4-5: The first version of the side crowns was two single bands with eight short spikes on each. This was worn in the pre broadway tour, the UKT between 2019 and 2022 and by Jessica Niles in Breakaway 1.0. The later versions of this crown started shifting from straight bands to a slight curve.
6: Kiana Danielle got a slight variation of the previous one with alternating short and medium spikes
7-9: At reopening West End introduced a few different styles. The first was a headband with 15 spikes alternating between short and medium only worn by Lexi McIntosh. Second was the same but alternating between medium and long, this was worn by Zara Macintosh and Cherelle Jay. Third was simmilar to the Aragon crowns with two bands; 12 short spikes on the front and five medium and six shorts alternating on the back. This series feels like an experimental era where the costume team was trying to figure out different crown styles for different hairstyles before settling on everyone having a take of the double crown.
10-11: The US crowns are made by two slightly curved bands connected only on the back, has nine short spikes on the lower band. The top band alternates six medium spikes in two slightly different lenghts and two short spikes on the back. In the Aragon tour the crowns are worn backwards with the union on the front.
12: The UK crowns are two curved bands joined in the back. They have ten long spikes on the top band and eight spikes in the bottom alternating between two medium sizes.
There have also been Seymour crowns (the full headband shaped ones), Howard crowns and Parr crowns worn for Cleves by alternates or in cruises.
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Howard: the Howard crowns can be separated into two groups. Open band and closed cuff. But that doesn't mean there are not a million variations on shape and size.
1: The very first version of the crown was a round cuff with three tiers of six spikes. This was narrower than later ones as originally principal Howards wore only half their hair up in the ponytail.
2: the pre broadway tour crown was also round but shorter and wider than the UK one and had only two tiers of spikes.
3: Vicki Manser wore one of her single tier cuffs for multiple queens including Howard. This style was worn by some early alternate howards.
4-6: The crown was standarized in late 2019 to a shorter, wider cuff with the same amount of spikes. Depending on the specific crown the shape shifted between being round, oval and slightly triangular shapes. This version appeared on UK productions until lockdown, AUS for the entire run and early cruises.
7-8: At reopening a new shape was introduced. Consisting of an open band that covers only the front of the ponytail and is left open on the back. This version has become standard for all productions in different shapes and sizes. The current UK crown is a wide band. It has four spikes on the top and bottom tiers and three in the middle. Since the crowns are made to be stiff this change shape between a wide curve and a narrower C shape. Height and width vary I think depending on the size of the ponytail.
9: the US crown is a narrow open band. It has four spikes on the top and bottom rows and three in the middle one. This are the narrowest crowns and the size allows the ponytail to cover the sides instead of staying in the back like with UK crowns.
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Parr: this one looks like a million variations but is more of a million different ways to wear a few versions.
1: The original crown was a wide band shaped simmilarly to a fabric headband with three rowns of 10 spikes going around it. This was worn by the original WE cast, Athena Collins in the UKT Hana Stewart inWE, and Nicole Lambert in the pre Broadway tour.
2: For the pre broadway tour a headband simmilar to the Seymour crown with a wider band was introduced. This was worn by Ana Uzele before switching to the side crown, Bliss 1.0, Elizabeth Walker on Breakaway 1.0, the UKT alternates until lockdown, and the AUS alternates for the entire run.
3: For Breakaway 1.0 Amelia Walker wore a double headband.
4-5: For the AUS opening a new crown was introduced made of two bands on each side (simmilar to the Cleves crowns) with six spikes on each band worn on the back of the head and weaved through the hairstyle. This version with longer bands and more spikes was worn by Courtney Mack on Broadway and (I think) Megan Leung and Sophie-Rose Middleton in Bliss 2.0. A variation of this crown with spikes alternating between short and medium on the top bands is still worn in the UK by all Parrs with straight hair and In South Korea.
6: The first version of the side crown was introduced in late 2019. It is a single band with nine long spikes that goes from the side of the ponytail on the right side of the head beside the ponytail and reaching the center in the back. This was worn by Anna Uzele in the final stops of the pre Broadway tour, Danielle Steers until lockdown and Athena Collins for a public performance before the postponed UKT reopening.
7: At reopening WE and UKT introduced a new version of the side crown. Consisting of two bands connected in the backsimmilar to the Cleves crowns. With 11 short spikes on the bottom one and 12 spikes alternating between short and medium on the top one. This was worn by Danielle Steers and Athena Collins.
8: For the Broadway reopening a variation of the previous crown was introduced in the same shape and number of spikes only switching the spikes on the top band to three long alternating with three medium in the front and six slightly smallermedium on the back. This crown has become the standard version and is the only to be pretty much identical in both the US and UK.
9: Keirsten Hodgens wore a variation of the double crown specifically made to be worn on the left side to accomodate her locs naturally falling to the right.
10: In the Aragon tour both Gabriela Carrillo and Erin Palmer Ramirez wear the crown backwards with the bands connecting in the front.
11: Again in the Aragon tour Kelsee Kimmel wears another unique version. The top band has two short spikes in the front and back and then in the middle there are five spikes that go from medium to tall and back again.
12: For her first cruise run (Breakaway 2.0) Ellie Sharpe wore yet another unique crown. This seems to be a take on the double crown. The two bands are connected at the front and have medium spikes on the bottom band and alternating medium and long on the top one. I think this is another case of NCS changing all the short spikes for longer ones like they did with the Aragon crown and might have been intended to wear further back or it is two crowns worn as one. But no way to confirm this as there are only three photos of Ellie wearing it, none show the crown in full and she wore a standard side crown for her second run.
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araneitela · 5 months
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Cherry. (Man, this is going to need some tag rambling; because while it's what I suspected and it's very fitting in many ways, I need to address one element).
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In popular culture, cherries have come to represent sensuality, sex, and seduction. In the cult classic, Twin Peaks, Audrey Horne expresses her sexual expertise by tying a cherry stem with her tongue. "Cherry" is also used to refer to the concept of virginity: why? I don't know to be honest, but here we are. Much like the cherry, you're a sensual person who enjoys all the creature comforts the world offers. You enjoy delicious food, dynamic relationships, passionate lovemaking and stimulating conversation; however, you may also come across a touch vapid or shallow, due to your quickly fading attention when something has served its usefulness to you. To quote some man on tinder: "you're here for a good time, not a long time". You can come across, at times, slightly tart, carrying a bit of a bite to you that not everyone can handle. That’s okay: you’re an acquired taste!
Tagged: @basbousah (Thank you 🩷) Tagging: I don't tend to tag for quizzes easily but this one was actually fun, so let's harass. @immobiliter (how about Furina?) @kushtibokt @genus83 @genius81 @spiderwarden @delusionaid (Wriothesley, or Zhongli— porque no los dos? 🤭) @apocryphis (Topaz) @aventvrina @resolutepath (Elio) @daybreakrising (Blade) @astrxlfinale @kahakera @cygnor @chasersglow @scrtilegii (Jing Yuan)... and anyone else who'd like to do it, say I tagged you because I'd love to see the results!
#[ games. ] the game only works when we follow the rules; though i'll be none the wiser if they're broken. let morality be your guide.#[ this has been open in a tab since yesterday. ]#[ okay but i actually /love/ this result. BUT LET ME SPECIFY-- to those who haven't read my other post. ]#[ please read 'sex' and 'seduction' through a very old fashioned lens. very old fashioned. ]#[ and then i think it's a lot more fitting. think film noir/1940s femme fatale /instead/ of the modern femme fatale and you got it. ]#[ seductive in the way that a woman can be inherently alluring. ]#[ sex in the way that it /is/ something she engages in. but in the way that one does without overindulging at all. no promiscuity. ]#[ i'm not saying religious-type 'it means everything'. but i'll forever live by that line by blade. ]#[ “she must have sought something extraordinary. everything she does comes at a great cost.” ]#[ the thing is-- he knows she lacks fear. so i don't see 'at a great cost' being a value tied to anything because of personal risk. ]#[ or fear of chasing after it. it also means something that it comes from blade. who likely also has an interesting tie to 'fear'. ]#[ but any way that means 'at a great cost' means investment/engagement (time. effort. sacrifice?) ]#[ which shows a deep rooted dedication to something. which speaks to me of a certain passion that needs to propel something like that. ]#[ and if we take passion into the equation-- then i think that fits for how she speaks and handles everything blade and tb-related. ]#[ then i also can see 'sex' very fitting. she would; when engaging in it; be incredibly all-encompassing but not in a 'dominatrix' way. ]#[ nor a traditional 'dominant' way. but simply incredibly present. engaged. passionate. ]#[ those two things can fit incredibly next to sensuality if you simply look at it from a specific lens that isn't casual and/or modern. ]#[ outside of that... dynamic relationships? ☑️ stimulating conversation? ☑️ which PLAYS INTO THE NEXT PART. ]#[ which is /yes/ she is bored. she gets bored. you /need/ to be able to stimulate her by having something of your own to interest her. ]#[ she also wouldn't/doesn't like people who serve her every whim. no. have your own interests. ]#[ as to elaborate on an acquired taste: she isn't everyone's cup of tea. if you don't have something that interests her-- you won't... ]#[ enjoy being around her. if she doesn't /like/ you. you won't think she's fun. in /that/ she's an acquired taste. ]#[ and has a bit of a bite. ]
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malusokay · 11 months
becoming a better student ₊˚⊹♡
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Prepare for your classes ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Wake up on time. We don't want to be stressed first thing in the morning, right?
Eat breakfast. So you will be able to better focus in class.
Assigned reading and homework. Make sure you are prepared for your classes!! :)
Review your notes. Going through some of your flashcards before class is really helpful.
Check your bag and charge your devices. Ensure you have everything you need: Books, homework, chargers, pens, water...
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In Class ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Listen and pay attention. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by simply paying attention, trust me.
Take notes. My favourite note-taking method is the Cornell method; I can make a separate post on that!! <3
"Quick notes." If you struggle with note-taking, try taking quick and messy notes. You can clean them up once you get home!!
Engage. If you have any questions or don't understand something, make sure to ask!! Most teachers really appreciate students who speak up. :)
No distractions. Turn off your phone, no chatting, you'll be glad...
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After class ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Finish your assignments as soon as you can. Go home, put on a cosy outfit, have a snack, and get working!! <3
Prepare flash cards. A great way of reviewing your notes, too... :)
Update your Study schedule. Write down any assignment and due dates, reading you must do, upcoming tests, etc...
Clean up your notes. Review them, highlight the important parts, and maybe even make them look cute!! :)
Don't avoid topics/Subjects you dislike. I know it is tempting, but you can't avoid them forever, so you might as well get them done
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Structure and routine ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Goals and Priorities. Keep them realistic and manageable.
Time management. Having a set schedule makes studying less overwhelming; it takes some discipline but is so worth it!! <3
Develop a routine. Figure out what works best for you; I prefer studying in the morning or at night.
No "zero days". Even if you can only do a bit, do it!! NO. ZERO. DAYS.
Remember your goals. Dreams will keep you motivated; remind yourself of what you're working for!! <3
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Self-care and balance ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Don't forget about your hobbies. You need to do things that make you happy, so make time for those things!!
Maintain a balanced diet. I know chocolates and junk are tempting, especially when you are busy studying all day, but you're not doing yourself any favours.
Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. 8 Hours. Non-negotiable.
Exercise regularly. Even if it's just a walk, put on some headphones, listen to music, and give yourself a break. <3
Care for your social life. Reach out to your friends, make plans, and keep in touch; a good work-life balance is critical!!
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Romanticising ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
Study dates. Meet up with your friends at a cosy cafe, discuss your work, and have some fun!! Studying doesn't have to be all serious all the time ;)
Silly Pinterest boards. Visualising your goals will help you find motivation!!
Music to set the mood. I have a bunch of playlists on my Spotify that might help!! <3
Cosy sweater and candles. The cosy Rory Gilmore vibes haha...
Getting a coffee before class. A little treat before things get serious... Simple pleasures, you know? :)
Babes, The hiatus is OVER, and I'm finally back!! I got a lot of asks on studying, burnout, and school in general, so I thought, why not start off with a little student guide?? I Hope October has been kind to you, and school hasn't been too overwhelming (though I know it, unfortunately, has been for many of you), and I'm glad to finally be back!! <33
As always, Please feel free to add your own suggestions and tips in the comments!!
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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myspacebrat · 1 month
★ 𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐨.
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𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐛𝐬𝐟 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝓍 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: your brothers best friend asks you out to a movie, as a last resort when your brother isn’t home. Although you weren’t his first option, how could you say no when you’ve been in love with him forever?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut, 18+ mdni, public sex, fingering, unprotected p in v, cream pie, dirty talk, a tiny mention of gore and death, fluff.
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The door bell rings out in your quiet house, it’s late and you were just about to slip into something comfortable before the unknown guest interrupted. You’re also home alone, so as your socked feet carry you down your stairs and up to your front door, you yell out a quick. “Who is it?” Before you even think about touching the lock.
“It’s eddie.” The voice on the other side shouts through the thick wood.
Your pulse thumps, as it always does in close proximity to the metalhead. God, you were hopeless! This crush was not supposed to follow you into adulthood, but here you are still crushing on your brother’s best friend.
You twist the lock and open the door, before popping your head out to tell him your brothers not home, but when you see his face with that adorable smile and those puppy dog eyes, all train of thought leaves you. God, did he have to look so good? His black band tee hugged his muscular torso, deliciously. His jeans as tight and sexy as always and the cherry of the cigarette illuminating his face and the craziness that was his mop of hair.
“Hey, what’s up? is Matt here?” His hopeful eyes bore into yours, and you cant help the gulp you take before you try to find your words.
“He’s at Crystals.” Is all you can string into a coherent sentence.
“Ah shit, that’s too bad. I got two tickets to a midnight showing of nightmare on elm street.” He shoves his hands into his pockets and bounces on the balls of his feet, in his beat to death reeboks.
“Oh, I’ve been wanting to see that one!” You beam enthusiastically. “I’m sorry, he said he’s gonna be gone until tomorrow. I can call him and let him know you’re here.” Now that you’ve found your words, they begin to leave your mouth a mile a minute.
“Nah, that’s alright don’t bug him.” He says as his eyes begin to rake over your body, as little by little you’ve exposed more of yourself from behind the door. “What about you? Are you busy right now?” He asks, catching you completely off guard.
“Me? Oh um, well no, not really.” You murmur, as your belly swoops at the thought of him asking you to go. You and eddie haven’t hung out one on one since you were both kids, and it was never intentional. It was always the result of your brother doing something stupid and getting called downstairs so your parents could reprimand him as you and eddie carried on with whatever it was you were doing, which usually included video games.
“Yes you, c’mon it’ll be fun. I really don’t want to waste this ticket.” He says with a pout to his pink plump lips, his eyes shine in desperation and before you can even analyze over the answer in your head, you’re agreeing, because how could you not?
“Fine, just give me a couple minutes.” You usher him inside, then run upstairs to put yourself together as fast as humanly possible.
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The theater is empty when you both stroll in, eddie guides you by the small of your back up the steps, to a dark little corner in the very back. You try not to be hopeful that he’s picked such a hidden corner for devious reasons, but butterflies still flutter around in your stomach at the thought.
He lets you sit closer to the wall, while he gets the aisle seat. You’re willing to bet if anyone else was in this theater, you’d be completely hidden from wondering eyes.
“This okay?” He asks, as he grabs a handful of buttery popcorn before offering you the bag.
“It’s perfect.” You respond back taking your own handful of the greasy kernels.
Once the previews pass and the lights dim, you begin regretting the mini skirt you threw on. Luckily you paired it with leg warmers, but they didn’t help much when the vents kicked on for the main future.
“You cold?” Eddie asks, leaning over the arm rest to whisper in your ear, as if you two aren’t the only ones in the theater. Apparently no one else in Hawkins was up for horror at midnight.
“Yeah, but it’s okay.” You respond back, meek as ever.
“It’s alright pretty girl, I got you.” He begins removing his leather jacket before draping it over your goosebump riddled legs.
Pretty girl? Since when has he ever referred to you as that? Fuck, you couldn’t help but squeeze your thighs together, not only was that phrase the most effortlessly sexy thing you’d ever heard leave his mouth but the gesture of him warming you up with his jacket had your brain reeling with thoughts, the ones you had late at night that you wouldn’t dare share with another soul.
As the movie went on, and the popcorn and sodas were empty; you couldn’t stop squirming in your seat everything just too much of an aphrodisiac for you. The way eddie would laugh at every gory scene, the smell of his amber cologne that would waft up to your nose every time you wiggled your hips, not to mention just the simple fact that horror movies and the sex scenes in them made you hot.
“Aw, you scared over there, princess?” The metalhead mocks with a playful pout, before he slips his hand under his leather jacket and onto your exposed thigh. “You’re okay, I’m right here.” He whispers, his warm breath hitting the skin of your neck, just below your ear. The shiver that racks your body is intense and has you feeling needy for those plump pink lips to kiss and suck on that same area of skin.
It doesn’t help when his warm hand begins rubbing along your thigh, up and down in slow, gentle motions.
You know Eddie’s always been a touchy dude, but this seems like more. He’s never called you pretty girl or princess and certainly never rubbed your damn thigh. He could totally be fucking with you, and that thought makes your stomach sink a bit, like this whole thing is just some big joke because he was bored and had no one else to hang out with tonight. You pray it’s anything but that, you don’t think you’d be able to survive that heart break.
But there’s that second option, the one that has you rubbing your thighs together, again. Jesus, being around him like this has you acting like a bitch in heat, unable to control that constant need for friction. The thought of Eddie flirting with you, intentionally touching you because he wants you, has you wiggling your hips in an effort to rub your clit against the rough seats. His fingers tighten, digging into the skin of your thigh and bringing your wanton need to a halt.
“Is there a reason you’re wiggling your hips like that over there?” He questions, in a low but demanding tone. One you’ve never heard from him before, one that could make you come with just one more brush against your throbbing bud.
You squeak in embarrassment, realizing he felt the movement and has caught onto what it was you were doing.
“I asked you a question, pretty girl.”
Theres no way words were leaving your mouth, not when his face is mere inches away from yours, breathing on such a sensitive part of skin, the callouses on the tips of his fingers digging into your plush thigh, the metal from his rings no doubt making imprints you wish would last forever. Words simply didn’t exist in this moment, none that made sense to you, anyway.
“C’mon, come sit on my lap since you’re such a scaredy cat.” He taunts, giving your thigh one last squeeze before his ringed hand slips out from underneath the leather.
He puts the arm rest that was snug between you, up and out of the way before giving his right leg a pat, silently telling you to move it.
Your face heats as you continue to stare at the spot, if he thinks you’re going to be able to sit on his lap without squirming he’s got another thing coming.
Sliding your hands underneath your bottom to be sure your skirt doesn’t bunch up and show off the little lacy panties you have on underneath. You stand taking a few steps, before turning back towards the big screen and slowly sitting down onto his boney thigh. It’s definitely not as comfortable as the seat you just left, you wiggle to find the right spot, making his hands shoot out to grip your hips tight, halting your movement.
“You gotta stop moving, kitten.” He groans into your ear. What is with these pet names? He seems to have an abundance of them tonight.
“Sorry, just trying to get comfy.” You whisper back.
“Here, just lay back. Put your head on my shoulder.” He murmurs, helping you settle your back onto his chest, leaving your head to rest on the space between his shoulder and neck. “Perfect, good girl.” He says into the shell of your ear, he really is trying to kill you tonight.
You’re so in your head while gazing at the movie, that you don’t even see the telltale signs of a jump scare before it’s too late. Your whole body jerks, your ass landing on something hard and whatever it is, is poking you between your thighs. Eddie lets out a strangled gasp, instantly revealing exactly what it is you’ve accidentally made your seat. You freeze, not ready to acknowledge your embarrassing mistake. But also, the friction feels fucking good.
His hands fall to your thighs before covering you back up with his heavy, leather jacket. They slip back under, grabbing a hold of your doughy flesh.
While another helpless teen gets murdered on screen, you feel eddie rock up into you pushing his clothed cock deeper between your thighs.
“Fuck.” He exhales into the side of your face before pushing you down into his lap as he searches for more friction between your bodies.
“Eddie.” His name slips from your lips in a moan, but you don’t care to preserve yourself any longer, you’ve wanted this man for so long, if a single night in a movie theater is all you get, then so be it.
“What is it baby? What do you need, hm?”
“Need you eddie.” You whine in desperation as you both continue to rock your hips into each other, the movie now just muffled background noise, as you get lost in the pleasure together.
“You gotta say it, tell me what you really want.”
“I w-want you to f-fuck me.” You stutter, trying your best to gain some type of coherence over your thoughts. You hate that he’s urging you to put into words what you really want, but at the same time you’re turned on because he wants to hear those vulgar words leave your lips, that’s gotta count for something, right?
“Try that again, sweet girl. C’mon, say it like you really want it. You can do it.” His words are demanding but there’s a gentleness to them, you still can’t help the fact that in your mind they read as condescending and for some reason that turns you on too.
“Need you to fuck me eds, please?”
“That’s my good girl, that wasn’t so hard was it?” His fingers trail your thigh, before landing over your clothed mound making you gasp from the tiny shred of relief it gives you, making you so much bolder than you were just seconds ago. Your hips rock against his erection.
“No, but this is very hard.” You giggle as you continue to rock your hips down onto him. You look back and see the smirk on his face, it’s cocky and so very Eddie, it makes your heart skip. It’s surreal to be in this position with him after the love you’ve harbored for him all these years.
“Yeah, hard for you. I have the girl of my dreams grinding her ass on my dick, of course I’m hard.” He says before moving the fabric of your sodden panties to the side. Your head spins at his words, did you hear him right? The girl of his dreams, since when?
When his fingers glide through your slit, and begin rubbing on your little bundle of nerves, your mind goes blank and now all you want is that white hot, relief.
“Look at you, so fucking wet for me. You’ve been wanting this too, haven’t you? Been wanting your brother’s best friend’s cock. Naughty girl.” After smooth circles over your bud, a finger plunges inside you, and fuck if the intrusion isn’t just what you needed. After a few pumps he’s slipping in another finger alongside the first. Your wetness so loud it can almost be heard over the movie still playing in the background.
“Oh fuck, listen to that tight wet cunt. Can’t wait to stick my cock inside you, baby. Jesus, I don’t even think I’ll last long. You feel so fucking good, so tight.” He babbles, as he continues fucking you with his fingers.
“Please, your cock Eddie. I need your cock.” You whine, not recognizing yourself at all but you’re too turned on to be embarrassed or ashamed.
Eddie reaches for his jeans, unbuckling his belt before practically tearing the rest off in a haste to get to his dick. You feel it as he slaps his hard cock against your ass, then he’s lifting you up and slipping it between your bodies. He glides the tip against your folds and you wish so badly you could see what he looks like. Another time.
His cock breaches your hole, meeting a bit of resistance even though he tried his best to stretch you out with his fingers.
Eddie was so right about not lasting long, there’s no fucking way he was lasting more than a couple minutes in your tight, wet heat.
You rock your hips against his, doing your best to sink down onto him. There was a slight burn but you welcomed the pain, mixed with the pleasure it was mind blowing. If you weren’t careful you’d become addicted to that feeling.
Finally, once your ass is snug against his lower stomach and he’s seated deep inside you, you begin to bounce on him. Taking over the control as you use him for your pleasure.
“Oh fuck.” Eddie groans, his hands grip the sides of your ass as he helps you bounce on his dick. “That’s it baby, take what you fucking need.” His ringed hand comes down hard on your ass cheek, the loud slap ringing out into the empty theater.
You sit up, hands gripping the seats in front of you as you use them as leverage to bounce your ass. The slapping of skin and moans and groans are fucking obscene, and if someone came walking in right now, there’d be no doubt what you were up to. That made it all so much hotter.
You move Eddie’s leather jacket to the seat in front, before spreading your legs and using every bit of muscle in them to drive your hips down harder. It felt so fucking good, you didn’t want it to end, but you could feel that familiar sensation of your orgasm coming on.
“Lay back on me.” Eddie demands, and you follow without hesitation, getting reacquainted with his chest, but the angle is wrong and you can’t really move your hips like you want. The metalhead surprises you when he grabs the backs of your knees, hiking them up in the air, before lifting you and bringing you back down onto his throbbing cock. He was so fucking close.
He began bouncing you like his own personal pocket pussy, it was so dirty and hot and the angle had him hitting that sweet spot deep inside you. Your moans grew louder as your legs trembled.
“That’s it, you gonna come for me kitten? You gonna soak my fucking cock? Oh, I can feel how close you are, c’mon milk my cock baby, take every last fucking drop.” His words spur you on, and your vision becomes hazy as your pussy clamps down around him, your clit throbs as the fire travels throughout your lower belly. Your toes curl and your head falls back onto Eddie’s shoulder as he begins to bounce you for his own pleasure. It’s hard and fast and you could totally come again, but instead Eddie buries himself deep inside you one last time before he’s coming, the warmth of it making you shiver, as he groans and whimpers behind you.
“Fuck, you’re amazing.” He says through ragged breathes. He lowers your legs back onto the floor but makes no moves to slip out of you as his cock softens between your walls.
“Just stay here with me for a little longer, don’t wanna leave our little bubble yet.” He whispers as his hands gently rub over every inch of skin he can reach.
It’s now that you both realize the movies over and the credits are rolling, while the music masques over your shared, heavy breathing.
“Cmon, let’s get you cleaned up and then we can talk about how we’re gonna tell your brother, you’re my girl.” His presumptuous words would turn you off if they were coming from anyone else, but coming from him, they were music to your lovesick ears.
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ozzgin · 10 months
I love your reader insert stuff!! The yandere yazuka series was vvvv entertaining, I wish I had a big scary gangster to scare away my stalker lol
If you are open to requests, how about Idol!Reader x Yandere!Bodyguard. I love the trope so much, and I'm interested and what you'd do with the idea. No worries if you're not interested tho!
Best wishes
I just finished writing it and you've got me punching the air with your prompt. It wasn't really my thing but I'm now sold. Thank you for the trope idea. :’)
Yandere!Bodyguard x Idol!Reader (I)
Short scenario featuring your bodyguard that takes his duty a little too seriously. Not that you’d mind…
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
TW: violence
(Cover from the manga “A girl and her guard dog”)
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"Fantastic show tonight!"
The older man guides you in and closes the door behind him. You smile warmly and seat yourself on the sofa. He quickly follows, although at a terribly uncomfortable proximity. His legs are pressed against yours and he extends an arm behind you, pretending to stretch. You shuffle awkwardly and lock your hands in your lap. You can already tell where this is going.
"With your talent, I'm confident we could triple the number of attendants. We just need a bigger venue." He nods at you and taps your thigh with his other free hand as encouragement. You notice the wedding band digging into his skin. 
"Alas, let us not waste the evening with business talk. I'm sure a stunning lady like you has better things to do." He laughs at his own compliment and ponders for a minute. "In fact, why don't we have dinner together? I know a great restaurant in the area."
You open your mouth to speak, but are distracted by the sudden, mild pressure on your leg. Somehow, his greasy fingers have wandered further up in the time you listened to his shameless offer. You've been in this career for long enough to guess what such proposals entail. If you say no, best case scenario he presses further, calling you a stuck up bitch and reminding you who has the power in this partnership. Worst case scenario, he leaves the room and the calls and invitations to perform will gradually drop. 
Yet your situation is special, benefitting from an additional possibility. A loophole, if you may.
Should you scream? Oh, he always gets so angry when you act scared. It's an immediate trigger. He really has a soft spot for your glistening, frightened eyes. You glance up one final time at the perverted smirk silently disregarding you. If you are to be honest with yourself, you'd very much enjoy seeing it wiped off forever. Why not? You're feeling particularly mean today.
So without hesitation, you release a high pitched yell of help. The door bursts open and the hinges creak. A tall, toned man walks in, and without a word he lunges at the manager, pulling him by the collar of his cheap dress jacket. You hold your cheeks dramatically, and bat your eyelashes at your bodyguard.
"H-he tried to molest me..." you mumble between sobs.
That's all he needs to proceed. Now the real fun begins. You can hear the muffled screams of protest. The bones crack and the flesh bends under his iron fists. Standing before your bodyguard, they all end up looking like ragdolls. Comically limp and weak, folding and breaking with no resistance. It amuses you greatly.
When did it all begin? You can't remember anymore. You were in your early years and this scary looking stranger entered your little backstage room. His explanation was brief and to the point: as your fame increases, so will the threats to your safety. He was appointed as your bodyguard. You couldn't care less, so you just shrugged. 
You've always been on the playful side. Not necessarily rude, just some innocent tease and banter wherever it's well received. Seeing him so quiet and stoic, you couldn't help but try to push his buttons: changing in front of him and requiring his assistance, occasionally asking him to pick you up and carry you because you could no longer walk. Naturally you would've stopped at the first complaint, but that's the strange part: no reaction ever came. He went along with everything. You assumed it's part of the job. Celebrities aren't known for their good manners, so hiring someone that loses their temper easily would be a fast ticket to termination.
Then you had your first encounter with one of the unpleasant fans you've been warned about. You could only stare in terror at your bodyguard's feral, unhinged reaction. The unfortunate fan's face was so disfigured, you wondered if anyone could ever manage to fix it back into shape. The bodyguard was panting and you could see the sweat coating his face and chest. You were rather confident there were many other ways to deal with it and this wasn't on the recommended list. Thus you felt compelled to ask the million dollar question:
"You act like a jealous spouse. Do you have a crush on me or something?"
You kind of regretted your audacity towards a man that had just nearly killed someone. But his features softened instantly and he turned to you, wiping his forehead and straightening his collar. 
"I suppose so. Is that an issue?"
As you stared ahead, processing his unbothered act, you sensed your cheeks feverishly burning. Uh oh. You hadn't anticipated such a nonchalant confession. You thought back to all the times you stood before him, bare and flirty. Was he merely holding back his urges the entire time? Or was he finally paying you back for all the teasing? Then again, his face didn't betray any hint of humor.
"I've never heard you joke before", you decided to test the waters.
"I'm not. Why would I joke about something like this?" He gazed at you incredulously. 
As somber and honest as ever. Well, that would indeed explain why he'd let you get away with the cheeky behavior. The more you considered it, the more entranced you became with the idea of indulging in such a relationship. As a famous idol, you couldn't be seen dating anyone. One rumor of you having a boyfriend and the agency would've had your ass suspended. But no one said anything about messing around with your bodyguard. He has to be with you all the time, so no one would suspect a thing. And you could definitely expand his list of responsibilities. You'd been terribly stressed lately, after all, and an outlet to release your frustrations would be most welcomed. Your bodyguard would never refuse pleasing his beloved.
You chuckled and pulled him towards your dressing room, giddy with excitement. Something about his imposing presence, like a wild animal that had just escaped from the leash, aroused you to no end. You've had your share of crazy fans, but this was the cherry on top. 
"Should we leave?"
You're jolted out of your daydreams by his low, rough voice. Ah, you missed the grand finale. Too bad. The bodyguard approaches you, with the shirt wrinkled and the top buttons popped open under the shuffle of his vicious attack. You can feel the knot forming in your stomach.
"Not yet. You know how I get when you act like this..." You pout and look away. "You need to take care of me first."
He grins at your last statement.
"Of course. Is the sofa okay?"
You nod.
"Then let's get you undressed, miss."
Is this what they call a scary dog privilege? 
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chososrightnipple · 2 months
mdni; thigh fucking w/ gojo
satoru would stay here in this moment forever, if he could. he’d never pull his cock out from between your thighs, not if it meant he could keep hearing the pretty little whines that are falling from your lips right now.
“please, ‘toru, it’s-” you plead, “n-not enough!”
the man coos, his hands tightening their grip on your skin. his hips are languidly thrusting between your soft thighs. pushing in, pulling out, tantalizingly slow. he plays with the expanse of your flesh- guiding your thighs up and down in tandem with his strokes.
despite neglecting your poor cunt, you're still soaked. enough so that the slickness has spread down in between your inner thighs- which, in satoru’s opinion, is infinitely better than any lube or lotion he could ever use.
“but baby,” satoru pouts condescendingly, “your thighs feel so good.”
and they do feel good. they feel fucking great. he thinks it again- he would stay here all day, as long as he possibly could.
and he knows he’s being so mean to you right now. getting you all worked up and sitting all pretty on his lap, just for him to use you selfishly for his own pleasure. your poor body left aching and wanting- stuck watching the tip of his cock bully its way between the fat of your thighs, rather that inside your weeping pussy.
satoru can’t help it. you’re just so warm.
his fingers massage at your skin, watching the waves they make across the expanse of your thighs. so pretty. the man lazily thrusts upward again. he really could keep his dick nestled here all day.
“can barely feel you,” you whine again. satoru chuckles in amusement above you. the most friction you’re getting right now is probably from your own thighs pathetically rubbing together. he juts his bottom lip out, humming apologetically.
“how sad, you poor thing,” he leisurely grinds his hips upward, “personally, i’m feelin’ pretty good right now.”
the muscles in your thighs tense at his mock pity. satoru shakily exhales. the sudden increase of pressure has his hips stuttering in place, head lolling forward to rest against your love-bitten shoulder. he presses open mouth kisses on the skin as a wave of pleasure ripples through him.
“now that really felt good,” he mumbles into your shoulder. to mock the feeling, he uses his grip on your thighs to squeeze you around his aching dick. satoru lets out a long, low groan.
“let’s make a deal, yeah?” he hums thoughtfully, voice strained with desire. “you keep making use of your pretty thighs and i’ll touch you. sound good, pretty girl?”
you’re agreeing with little hesitation and satoru can’t help but chuckle. he can admit when he’s being a tease- and he’s been one all day. but you can forgive him for being a bit mean, can’t you? he can’t help how good your thighs feel.
“well, get to work then, baby,” satoru gives one last squeeze to the plush of your thighs before his hands begin to travel upward.
and you do as your told. he feels the slight shift on his lap as you’re hips swivel. you rub your thighs up and down his cock, squeezing and tensing your muscles at the base before relaxing at his tip.
it’s heavenly. satoru practically drools over your shaky thigh job. “hah- good job, doll. jus’ like that,”
he, of course, is a man of his word as well. his hands find themselves drawn to your soaked pussy, fingers easily slipping against your messy clit. you, worked up beyond belief, snap your hips up at the sudden stimulation.
in a right state of mind, satoru would take the chance to pick fun at how sensitive you are. but in that moment, he can barely breathe, let alone tease you- your thighs enveloping his dick perfectly, taunt muscles squeezing him so beautifully that his vision is going white.
“ah- hnngh- careful, careful. don’t wanna cum, yet.” he chokes out. forcefully, the hand not currently busying itself with your clit slams your hips back down to his. he wraps his arm around your waist, hoping to keep you in place.
satoru resumes his ministrations against your clit. making patterns and indiscernible shapes, varying his speed and pressure and angle. you’re a melted puddle in his lap in no time- something he always has the ability to reduce you to. eventually, satoru can no longer tell whether your trying to rub your thighs up and down his cock or just grind against his fingers.
either way, it feels delicious.
“shit, love, you’ve been holdin’ out on me. your thighs are- hah, fuck- gonna drive me crazy.” satoru babbles, alternating between biting at your shoulder and licking apologies over the imprint.
you can tell he’s drunk off the pleasure from the slur of his words, the sudden desperation in his movements, the pulse of his cock between your thighs. “gonna make me cum all over, make a mess of your pretty thighs, yeah?”
satoru chases after that intensifying pleasure building within him. his hips jerk and his dick twitches like he’s a man possessed, practically rutting into you. into your plush thighs, focusing on the feeling of their addicting warmth surrounding him. eyes watching his tip disappear into your thigh fat as you coninue stroking up and down. so pretty.
his orgasm hits him with such strength that he has to sink his teeth into your skin- just to stop the onslaught of utter filth that is about to pour from his lips. you tense your thigh muscles around him, feeling that familiar twitch of his cock. “ah, f-fuck, baby-!”
he cums in spurts, thick white ropes coating the skin of your thighs. painting your skin with his release and dirtying the bed sheets. though, satoru can’t find it in himself to care, not as he rides out one of the most intense highs he’s had in awhile.
when he comes back to, there’s a new laziness to the air surrounding him. he hums, the sound low in the back of his throat. “oh, i’m about to eat you out so fucking good for that.”
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garagesesh · 3 months
HOTD Headcanons
i can hear the bells // p.1 & p.2
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⤷ pairing(s): aegon ii targaryen x reader & cregan stark x reader ⤷ warning(s): mentions of sex, alcohol, general rudeness ⤷ a/n: please forgive me for Aegon 😖 part two with jace and aemond will be up soon…hopefully i acquired a hand injury today soooo… whoops lol
―✧˖° ♛ °˖✧―
★ cregan stark
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The betrothal came with Jace after his security of the north and the Stark’s oath. You were to fly in a fortnight to Winterfell and become Lady Stark. You find yourself in tears at night but Baela spends all night with you, making you feel better about your new northern life.
You struggle but understand that you will be alone at your binding to Lord Stark. Your family is at the precipice of war and they need the alliance
The North is cold and sparse but it’s expansive desolation is half the charm. The cold will get taking used to
There is no reception and few words at your arrival other than Lord Stark, Sara Snow, and a half dozen of his men. It’s cordial and quick, as there is war to attend to
On the morning of, Cregan’s half-sister is warm and lovely, braiding your hair in the Targaryen way but dressing you in the Stark. It is foreign but quickly becoming familiar
As you walk towards the weirwood under the swirling, quiet snow, you mourn the absence of your mother and siblings. Your father, who has long since perished within the scarred halls of Harrenhal and Luke whose death still makes you shed tears.
Cregan is handsome, ruggedly so. He’s not the man you envisioned yourself with but he will more than do. You like his frost bitten cheeks and his long brown hair. You like the furs that surround his body that make him seem warm and inviting. He’s also almost a head taller than you, you can’t help the blush that creeps up your cheeks. You hope he chalks it up to the cold.
Cregan did not imagine marrying a Targaryen princess. But he can hardly look at you, for you are far more beautiful than he had imagined
He surprises you with a feast, not with any flowers or the grandeur of the weddings you attended in childhood but there is music, food, and people dancing. You learn quickly that the Northerner's like to have fun and enjoy a good party.
Your and Cregan’s first dance is nothing short of awkward but it’s full of laughter as he spins you around and as you step on his toes. His large hands encases your own as he guides you through the dance floor.
You forget about what’s brewing in the south and relish in the feast, while simultaneously falling in love with your husband
The bedding ceremony comes around and Cregan’s timid at first. He’s unwilling to hurt you. Sweet and kind, Cregan is not rough for now
You think forever could be lovely with him
★ aegon ii targaryen
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The two of you have been betrothed since your fifth name day and doomed from the beginning
It isn’t love at first sight, not at all. In fact, he gives you the look of disgust when you first meet at his sixteenth name day tourney. Aegon makes it a point to make fun of your clothing and insults your intellect, of which he is lacking you muse.
There’s not many more meetings between the two of you before the queen suggests you acquire a room at the keep. You’re not thrilled but you cannot refuse.
It’s not until a month has passed since your arrival to the Red Keep that he decides to acknowledge your presence. There are moments in the months leading up to your union that he’s almost sweet, almost affectionate with you. In the ways that he touches your wrist, brings you things you might enjoy, or spends most of his time with you
Over time you start to believe that maybe there is love there. That you and Aegon can come to be companions and lovers. At least you can say that you are falling in love with him
On your wedding day, he takes the white and silver cloak adorned with twin Direwolves and crimson red Weirwood leaves and practically throws it to the side.
His kiss is sloppy, uncouth, and embarrassing. You don’t reciprocate instead choosing to wait out the shameless display.
Aegon gets drunk at the reception.
Far into his bottle of wine, he calls you the wolf whore. The northern barbarian, he whispers in your ear. That’s when you decide you have had enough
You’re sure that if your brother was able to join the festivities away from the castle, he would have killed Aegon
You go to bed alone on your wedding night, tears stain your sheets and serious thoughts of running away plague your mind
It’s almost dawn when there’s a knock at the door and the creak of it’s hinges stirring you from slumber, he’s quiet and tentative something you hadn’t experienced with Aegon. He crawls into the bed, but doesn’t approach your form.
He’s nervous Aegon confesses, stranger to the unknown feeling of love and respect from anyone. That there has been no teaching of what love could be or is. He admits that he could see himself learning with you
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amysubmits · 10 months
Owning Me Is Complicated
Occasionally I come across content that makes it seem like being a Dom is easy.
Order her around, make her do the things you don't want to do, do whatever you want, "win" all the disagreements because you're the dom - or even silence her from disagreeing with you to begin with. Get sex exactly how you want it, exactly when you want it. She's just a living, breathing object that can and will do whatever you want. She has no needs other than to make your life easier. She's your own personal robot, but with a body you want to fuck. Being a dom is like a regular relationship but without the emotional labor. I'm sure there are other gender versions out there too, but I see the M/f version most often. It's so funny to me how absurd that all is compared to real life.
Owning me is complicated. Owning me means doing way more emotional labor than a vanilla relationship would require, not less.
Yes, I do what he says - but he's responsible for making the best decisions he can. He's in charge, so keeping me physically and emotionally safe is his responsibility. It's a huge part of how he earns my submission. It's no small thing to make decisions when making them well is part of how he keeps me safe and keeps me open and trusting towards him. Yes, I'll try to push my sexual limits for him - but I have complex emotional needs that accompany physical intimacy. Use my body without having respect for my physical and mental health and it'll fall apart real quick. And once again, making a reckless decision here that would leave me damaged and could forever damage our dynamic. Sure, he can take his cock out anytime and instruct me to suck and I will, but that doesn't mean it's all fun and games. He has the burden of double and triple checking that he isn't pushing me too far, or taking too much as to leave me empty. Yes, he gets the final say in disagreements, but he earns that by hearing me out. He couldn't keep me submissive if he didn't respect my feelings. I can't feel respected if I'm not heard. So he has to hear me out and really listen. And then his job is to attempt to get the best outcome for both of us. He has to try to balance our needs, because if either of us gets neglected, we individually suffer and then the relationship suffers. So he sometimes deals with the weight of threading the needle between his needs and mine, his wants and mine. His shoulders carry the weight of those choices. Yes, he can deny my wishes - and even my needs for a time, if he chose. But I am human. How long can he deny me things that bring me pleasure before I start to feel unwanted, unloved, disrespected, thrown out? Resentment would set in eventually. Self-protection would kick in eventually...and it might be too late by then, the damage may be done by the time I would wake up to look around and decide I didn't want to live like this anymore. Why would he want to even find out, given that he loves me? He wouldn't. He has a sadistic streak, so he likes to deny me things I like so that I long for them even more for a while. He likes to see me eager, desperate to get it when he decides to give it. He likes to watch me tolerate discomfort for him. Playing with these ideas require a deep understanding of my needs and limits. He has to know where "desperate for you 🥺 " starts to fade and "That goblin in the back of my head is starting to worry I'm not valued" starts to enter my thoughts. Yes, I look to him to guide and lead, and he has a lot of power and control - but that comes with the ability to destroy and damage. There's nothing easy about ownership if you feel the weight of the responsibility you're carrying.
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nadvs · 2 months
In sleeping with the enemy,
What if people know that they’re just fucking and the jealous girls give shit to reader about how she’s just a lay making her cry and then rafe hearing about it
based on this fic
she and rafe keep hooking up with no strings attached and actually develop a good friendship. they both like how the other is direct. they don’t bullshit each other. it’s easy because he’s never really cared to mince his words and she’s so jaded about love and men that she doesn’t worry about hurting his feelings.
she gives him shit about how he has no emotions and he says she’s the exactly the same way. it’s what makes their dynamic so good. they don’t have to worry about feelings getting in the way. they’re friends with benefits in the purest form.
their time together almost always revolves around sex, but sometimes they hang out as friends, and one night, rafe invites her to a frat party on his college campus.
she recognizes a few cheerleaders from rafe’s team at the party and they’re immediately shooting her dirty looks. one of them says “i don’t know why he invited her” loudly and she can tell right away that one of the girls in the group must have a history with rafe because her friends look to be comforting her.
“she’s just a piece of ass to him,” another says, clearly projecting her voice. at this point, she knows she shouldn’t care, but the harsh truth that she hasn’t found a guy who wants to be serious with her yet stings.
she’d stand up for herself, but she’s had a rough day and she hates that she’s alone at that moment, so she rushes out of the party, upset that they succeeded in making her cry.
rafe notices her leaving in a rush, wedging out of the crowd. she hears him calling her name when she steps out of the house into the night air.
“are you crying?” he asks. he’s only ever seen her having fun, pissed off, or horny. this is new.
“don’t give me shit about it, alright?” she says, stopping in her tracks and wiping her tears away. “i’m not in the mood.”
“did something happen?” he asks, albeit awkwardly. he’s never been good at dealing with other people’s feelings. and he’s never seen her vulnerable like this.
“people are just assholes,” she responds.
“who?” he’s pissed off. who the fuck felt like they had the right to mess with her?
“some girls on your cheer squad,” she replies. “they were saying i’m just a piece of ass to you. and don’t worry, i don’t care about that. i know we’re just messing around. but they were so mean about it.”
rafe scoffs. he knows which girls she’s talking about immediately. he steps closer, tense but determined when he squeezes her hand.
“what are you doing?” she says, cracking a smile. he never acts like this. affectionate. like he cares.
“it’s not about you,” he tells her. “i hooked up with one of them forever ago. i told her i didn’t want to date but she’s obsessed with me. don’t let them get in your head.”
she looks at rafe quizzically.
“you’re just being nice so i don’t stop hooking up with you,” she says, admittedly feeling better.
“is it working?” rafe asks, smirking. she laughs and rolls her eyes and pushes him away.
he doesn’t know when he started actually giving a shit about someone else’s happiness, but it happened with her. seeing her cry made him feel a hard, twisted way he’s never felt before.
“get fucked,” she laughs. he can tell he really did console her. she’s smiling again.
“promise?” rafe says with a grin. he takes her hand again, pulling her towards the house. “you’re not leaving. i didn’t bring you so you’d go home a minute later. i’ll set them straight if they fuck with you again, alright? let’s have fun.”
“fun?” she repeats. “i’m not hooking up with you in a closet, just so you know.”
“i know,” rafe says, hand at the small of her back as they enter the party again. “we can find a bed around here, i bet.”
she shoves his shoulder, mirroring his smile as he guides her through the crowd.
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littleprinces · 4 months
A Tale of Forbidden Desires
Belle x M!Reader
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I couldn't believe my luck when I found out my stepsister, Belle, was coming to visit for the summer. She was a half Korean and American girl, barely 19 years old, with an attitude that matched her blonde hair. Little did I know, that summer break would change our relationship forever.
Belle and I had always been close, but there was an undeniable tension between us, growing stronger every day she was in town. One day, she asked to use my bathroom before we went out for dinner. I couldn't help but notice her shapely ass as she walked away, and I felt my cock stir in my pants.
I heard her giggle from behind the closed bathroom door, and I knew she caught me staring. "You like what you see, oppa?" she teased. I was taken aback by her boldness but couldn't deny the attraction I felt.
"Maybe I do," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "But I don't think it's appropriate for a stepsister and brother to act on their desires."
"Who says we can't?" Belle challenged, opening the door and stepping out, her eyes locked with mine. "We're both adults, aren't we? And it's not like anyone has to know."
My heart pounded in my chest as she walked over to me, her hips swaying seductively. She placed her hand on my chest, and I could feel the warmth of her touch through my shirt. "What do you say, oppa? Let's have a little fun."
Without saying a word, I leaned in and pressed my lips against hers, kissing her passionately. Our tongues danced together in a French kiss that left us both breathless.
Belle pulled away and looked at me with a mischievous grin. "I knew you wanted me. Now it's time to show you what I've been hiding under these clothes." She reached for the hem of her shirt and slowly lifted it up, revealing her perky breasts and flat stomach.
I couldn't take my eyes off her as she undressed, and soon we were both naked, our bodies pressed together. I couldn't resist burying my face in her neck, licking and nibbling her soft skin while she moaned softly.
She pushed me onto my back on the bed and climbed on top of me, straddling my waist. Her pussy was already wet and ready for me, but she had other plans. She reached behind her and guided my cock to her tight asshole, slowly sliding it inside.
"Oh, fuck," I groaned as she began to ride me in the in doggystyle position. Her ass felt incredible, and I couldn't help but grab onto her hips, guiding her up and down as she fucked me.
"Harder, oppa," she panted, her voice breathy and needy. "Fuck my ass like you mean it."
'Yes belle, you are mine, i love you my sister' i moaned hardly and still pounding her ass so bad
I did as she asked, pounding into her with all my might. She screamed my name, her orgasm building until she finally let go, her body shaking with pleasure.
I pulled out just in time, my cock throbbing as I watched her cum drip down her thighs. I knew what I wanted to do next, and Belle didn't object. I positioned myself between her legs, my cock still rock hard.
"You want to breed me, oppa?" she asked, a smirk on her face.
"Fuck yes, I do," I growled, slipping my cock back inside her soaking wet pussy. I thrust into her hard and fast, my balls slapping against her ass with each stroke.
"Give it to me, oppa," she moaned, her fingers digging into my back. "I want to feel you cum inside me."
I couldn't hold back any longer. With one final thrust, I filled her pussy with my seed, breeding her like she asked. We lay there, tangled in each other's arms, our bodies slick with sweat and cum.
As we caught our breath, I knew that our relationship would never be the same. But at that moment, all I could think about was how good it felt to have my stepsister's body wrapped around mine.
Sorry for late post, i'm so busy
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drabblesandsnippets · 3 months
Confidence, Part 1
Hot Bucky Summer 2024 - Week 2
Pairing: Sex Worker!Bucky Barnes x Plus-size female character (unnamed)
Prompt: “What should I call you?” | [Master | Alpha | Pet] @buckybarnesevents
Summary: (7k) AU Bucky is a full-service sex worker who enjoys helping women become more confident in their sexuality.
Warnings: 18+ Only. Mention of an ex-boyfriend. Mention of insecurities/body image. Pet names (sweetheart, baby). Lots of asking for consent. Teasing. Dirty talk. Praise. Issues climaxing. Oral & fingering (f receiving).
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The end of a long-term relationship had led her here. Years of unhappiness. Years of feeling unsatisfied by her ex. Years of wishing things would change. 
After she finally found the courage to end things, the breath of relief she thought would come never did. Instead, she was left feeling lost, insecure, and unsure about what she wanted or who she even was.
That’s when a friend referred her to Bucky. 
A full-service sex worker who came highly recommended. A man who believes that there’s something inherently beautiful about everyone.
“I’ve worked with all types of women,” he assured her, “and I’ve found every single one of them attractive.”
It sounded like a line, but all the evidence pointed to the contrary. 
Bucky’s not just doing this to make money. He truly enjoys what he does. The physical part of it, sure - he wouldn’t be doing it if he didn’t - but, it’s the emotional aspect that keeps bringing him back.
There’s nothing like the rush he gets from watching a woman find her confidence and blossom under his guidance. That moment when they finally feel comfortable enough to let go of their inhibitions and learn to trust themselves.
It’s a heady feeling, knowing he’s changing their lives forever, and it’s not something he takes lightly.
Over the last few weeks of emails, texts, and phone calls, she found it easy to talk to Bucky about what she wanted out of this experience. Sex is supposed to be fun, and she wants to be able to enjoy herself without worrying about how she looks or if she’s doing the wrong thing.
Even during the more personal topics, like when they discussed what her sex life was like with her ex, Bucky never made her feel ashamed or judged. Her lack of experience and seemingly lack of enthusiasm for certain acts, due to her ex, didn’t make him blink an eye.
If anything, it made Bucky more intrigued to work with her. She was a puzzle he was going to enjoy help figuring out.
Despite his intimidating appearance - his well-defined muscles and the abundance of tattoos, his entire left arm covered in intricate designs - his charismatic personality keeps her relaxed.
His easy-going nature helps her open up as they sit on the couch in the beautifully decorated hotel room, giving her the courage to blurt out a question, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks when she does.
“What should I call you?”
During their last conversation, Bucky had asked her something similar, curious if she would enjoy being called something other than her name. She settled on a few things, but they never discussed what - if anything - she should call him.
With a tilt of his head, and a warm smile, he tells her, “You can call me whatever you’d like.” 
The hand that’s been resting on the back of the couch finally moves closer to her, his fingers just inches from her shoulder, making her breath hitch.
“Try not to overthink it,” he continues, his hand drifting closer as his smile turns playful. “Let the throes of passion guide you. I’m good with anything, really. ‘Bucky’. ‘Baby’. ‘Sir’. ‘Daddy’, if that’s your kink.”
She immediately laughs, the pink on her cheeks darkening as she shakes her head at him. She’s just starting to figure out what she might like with a partner, she’s not ready to even consider the last two options. 
Bucky’s grin grows and he nods his head in understanding, happy to see that his teasing tone is helping to relax her a bit more. It encourages him to shift a bit closer, his knee just barely brushing against her thigh. 
Their layers of clothing do nothing to dampen the rush of arousal she suddenly feels, and she waits with baited breath as his hand hovers over her shoulder, his fingertips almost close enough to touch her shirt.
“Can I touch you?”
It’s such a simple question, but it’s in this moment that she finally understands the phrase ‘consent is sexy.’
There’s something so incredibly intimate and arousing about Bucky asking for permission, despite the obvious reason he’s here. 
He accepts the slight nod of her head and the soft whisper of ‘yes’ for now. Eventually, he’ll help her find her voice and figure out how to ask for what she wants.
Until then, he needs to find a balance between her obvious desire for more and showing her that it’s okay to go slow.
She deserves to have someone take their time with her, to learn her body, to help her figure out what brings her pleasure. 
She knows what she likes when she’s by herself - that’s never been the problem - it’s allowing herself to be vulnerable with someone that’s the issue. She’s always struggled with being able to fully enjoy the moment, and she’s trusting Bucky to help her learn how to do that.
Goosebumps spread across her skin at the first brush of his thumb along the soft curve where her shoulder meets her neck. A soft exhale and a flutter of her eyelashes tells him all he needs to know, but he still asks, his voice a low murmur.
“Is this okay?”
She’s quick with her answer. A slight nod before she tilts her head, wanting him to keep going. He’s more than happy to, his eyes roaming along her body as he caresses her neck, taking in all the subtle ways her body responds to her touch.
“Does that feel good?”
It shouldn’t make her laugh, but it does. Bucky doesn’t take offense though, just watches her with a grin on his face, his hand never leaving her. 
“Why does it turn me on when you ask questions like that?” She’s surprised she manages to get the words out, but any nerves that threaten to consume her are immediately alleviated when Bucky’s smile grows.
She can practically feel how proud he is of her for asking.
He was already excited about working with her, but this just solidifies it. He can’t wait to watch her come out of her shell even more. 
As his thumb dips down to trace over her collarbone, he tells her, “I think it’s because it shows you that I care about what you want. That your pleasure is important to me.”
After an audible swallow, and a steadying breath, she admits, “I think I just also like hearing your voice.”
Her confession makes Bucky laugh, the smile reaching his eyes, and he nods his head, “Good to know.” He shifts just a bit closer on the couch, his leg resting against hers, his thumb slowly following a path up to her chin. “Does that mean you wanna try some dirty talk?”
She immediately blushes again, but with his thumb caressing the curve of her throat, she’s forced to keep her head held high. 
It manages to give her a boost of confidence, and she lets out a soft laugh, confessing, “Oh god, I’d be terrible at it.”
Bucky chuckles along with her but shakes his head. “Oh don’t worry, you wouldn’t have to say a thing.” His thumb brushes over her chin, almost close enough to touch her lip. “I’d enjoy just watching your reactions.”
He always seems to know just what to say to ease her worries before they can even start. The moment his eyes glance at her mouth, her lips part, and she leans in, just a fraction of an itch. 
The smile on Bucky’s face brightens, and he shifts again, mirroring her movements, but he’s not going to kiss her just yet, wanting the anticipation to build a little more. Instead, he repeats his question, softly asking her, “Do you want me to talk dirty to you?”
The slight shudder that rolls through her would make her feel embarrassed if it wasn’t for the hungry look he’s giving her. Her reactions are turning him on, and it helps her find her voice again.
With a tender touch, Bucky tucks her hair behind her ear, and all her senses are suddenly flooded by him - the smell of him, the heat of him, the sound of his voice whispering in her ear.
“Do you want me to praise you?” The question catches her off guard, but she’s suddenly aware of the way her nipples tighten, especially when he asks, “Can I tell you how good you’re doing?”
She wants his attention. She wants to be comfortable with someone complimenting her and praising her. So, with a slow nod of her head, she whispers another soft, “yes.”
But, Bucky hears the difference this time. The word just a bit louder, a bit more confident. She’s trying her hardest to allow herself to face her fears, and he wants her to know that he sees her. That he’s proud of how far she’s already come.
After getting her permission to touch more of her, he takes her hand in his, stroking his thumb across her palm, listening to the change in her breath. Without ever pulling away, he keeps talking, his mouth almost close enough to touch her ear.
“You’re doing so good for me.” 
The praise makes warmth pool in her belly and the softest noise of pleasure escapes her. 
“Oh,” he murmurs, his touch sliding higher, the pad of his thumb tracing the inside of her wrist. “I like that sound.”
She feels like she’s dreaming. Bucky’s barely started touching her, and she can already feel the wetness between her thighs, the ache for more.
“Let’s see what other kind of noises you can make for me,” he says, his soft beard brushing against her jaw. With one hand stroking up her forearm, his other hand slides into her hair to support her head, giving him better access.
She’s sure her heart is beating loud enough for him to hear, but she makes no move to pull away, not wanting to give him any reason to stop. Her head is flooded with thoughts of what he’s going to do, how he’s going to touch her, but he still takes her by surprise.
Just the softest brush of Bucky’s lips against her cheek before he’s asking, “is this okay?” and she’s a mess. 
She doesn’t even recognize the sound that comes out of her, and without thinking, she reaches for him, her fingers trailing over the front of his shirt.
Bucky rewards her confidence with another soft kiss along her jaw, and she suddenly decides to jump in with both feet, asking him, “Will you kiss me?” 
The question’s been building all evening, trying to work its way out of her, and his reaction to it makes her wonder why she was hesitant to start with.
“Absolutely.” The way he says it, like he’s just been waiting for her, makes her laugh softly, and he grins as he pulls back just enough to meet her gaze. “I would love to kiss you.” 
And the way he kisses her makes her believe him. His mouth soon coaxing hers open, his tongue seeking permission to deepen the kiss, a soft groan rumbling deep in his chest in response to the taste of her. 
It’s all so new and exciting, but somehow Bucky’s able to make it feel familiar and comfortable. And for the first time in what feels like forever, she’s not in her head about what’s happening or what she’s supposed to be doing. 
She’s just living in the moment, making out with an incredibly hot guy, welcoming his weight on top of her. 
If there was ever any doubt that he was enjoying himself, it’s erased when he settles between her thighs, letting her feel how turned on he is.
The moan she makes in return just makes him harder, and he leans up, meeting her gaze, a soft smile on his lips. As much as Bucky's enjoying kissing her, he wants to hear her, watch her as the pleasure takes over. 
She’s not sure who moves first, but with a slight tilt of her hips, the hard length of him is suddenly pressed right against her clit, eliciting a soft gasp from her. 
It shouldn’t feel as good as it does, the two of them still completely dressed, but the moment he starts to move against her, her back is already arching, her body seeking out more.
Bucky doesn’t take his eyes off of her, watching her closely. She doesn’t even realize it, but she’s the one setting the pace here. He’s just following her lead, matching her movements with his own, wanting her to show him what feels good to her.
When he can see the attention he’s giving her is starting to overwhelm her, he closes the distance, placing soft kisses along her jaw, giving her time to relax all over again. 
With a soft moan right against her ear, he tells her, “You feel so good like this.” His fingers tighten in her hair at her reaction, her tense thighs and lift of her hips causing his cock to throb between them. “Can you feel how hard I am for you?”
“Oh god,” she breathes, grinding harder against him, his words sending a burst of pleasure straight to her clit. With her hands pressed against his back, fisting his shirt, she quickly nods her head, whispering, “Yes. Please.”
That’s the word he’s been waiting for. 
Bucky’s free hand travels down to her thigh, guiding her to lift her leg just a bit higher. The new position makes her gasp and he groans against her neck, asking her, “Please, what?” 
Her body shudders as he starts moving again, the increased pressure between her thighs making her breath catch. She doesn’t even know what she’s asking for. She just holds onto him, her hips moving a bit faster, the pleasure building inside of her.
Bucky still wants an answer, but he doesn’t pressure her for one. He follows her lead, listening to her gasps and moans get louder with each thrust of his hips against hers. He’s pretty sure this might be enough to make her come.
The same thought is running through her head, but it’s not long before the moment starts to catch up with her. 
The way she’s starting to sweat underneath her clothes, the way her heavy breathing has caused her throat to go dry, the way her foot keeps slipping off the edge of the couch as she tries to find purchase.
This time it doesn’t surprise her when his voice interrupts her thoughts, asking her, “Can you tell me what you need?” All he wants is for her to be comfortable, and if she’s not feeling this anymore, he’s more than happy to find something that works for her.
She knows what she needs. The only problem is that it’s the one thing that’s been giving her the most anxiety about this night. 
Being naked with him. Being vulnerable. Having to trust him to prove to her that she deserves to have someone bring her pleasure.
Bucky is more than up for the challenge though. His entire goal for the night is to show her how good it can be to have someone take care of her. To show her how much pleasure someone can bring her, if she just allows herself to connect with them.
Soon, he’s leading them to stand at the foot of the bed, taking his time to get her to relax against him, drawing her into a kiss that leaves them both breathless. 
And with just a bit of encouragement, she’s makes the first move, slowly lifting his shirt over his head. While her hands start exploring his newly exposed skin, tracing the lines of the tattoos that cover his shoulder and left arm, he pulls her into another kiss, groaning against her mouth. 
She doesn’t know what’s come over her. She’s never felt this confident before, refusing to overthink how she’s touching him, letting her desire for him guide her. It’s opening her up to so many possibilities, the memory of their conversations about boundaries and kinks suddenly flashing through her mind.
As she encourages him to help her out of her shirt, she softly asks him, “What if I change my mind about something we’ve already discussed?”
It’s clear to Bucky that she’s not asking about things she’s already said she wants, and he takes a moment to consider her question, appreciating the way her nipples strain against her bra.
It’s not lost on him that she makes no move to try to cover up or hide herself from him.
After he gives her another kiss, he meets her gaze, watching her as his finger traces along her bra strap, the back of his fingers brushing across the swell of her breast. 
He smiles when her lips part, her breath quickening, and he whispers, “Then you tell me. Tonight’s about learning to ask for what you want.”
She nods her head slowly, but her voice leaves her for a moment. Her entire focus is on his touch, his fingers teasing along the edge of her bra, the occasional brush of his skin against hers making her dizzy with need. She’s not sure she’s ever been this turned on before, especially not during foreplay.
“What is it you think you might want?” 
Bucky remembers everything she said no to - everything she knew she wouldn’t like, or didn’t want to try - and he can’t ignore the rush of excitement at the thought that he’s made her comfortable enough to try something she wasn’t sure about before.
It’s not until she’s helped him out of his jeans, leaving him in just his boxer briefs, that she finally figures out how to voice her desires. It helps that he chooses the same moment to kneel in front of her to undo her jeans, the soft brush of his fingers against her stomach bringing her nothing but pleasure.
“I did what you suggested,” she begins, her hand resting on his shoulder as he starts to lower her jeans, his eyes briefly looking up at her, a pleased smirk on his face as he reveals the matching panties to her bra. “The other night,” she whispers, watching as he slowly undresses her, helping her step out of her jeans. “I tasted myself.”
Bucky doesn’t know what he was expecting, but it’s not that. 
His hands immediately reach up to hold her hips, his thumbs dipping underneath the waistband of her panties as he lets out a soft groan. The image of her alone in her own bed, touching herself, tasting herself for the first time has him silently praying that this is going where he thinks it is.
He somehow manages to keep his composure and looks up at her, his eyes dark with desire, but his voice steady. “What did you think?”
She’s the one that brought this up, but her skin still grows warm and a soft laugh comes out of her. She’s trying so hard not to overthink all of this - to not let her insecurities start to overwhelm her.
Bucky helps her through this moment, like he’s done all evening. Still kneeling in front of her, he slides his hands down her thick thighs and gently asks, “Do you like the way you taste?” 
Her first reaction is to give him a slight shrug, her eyes looking past him. But he quickly gets her attention, finding a sensitive spot along the back of her thigh, the graze of his fingers causing her breath to shudder out of her. 
It has the desired effect, and she nods her head, whispering, “Yes.”
Bucky continues watching her as he caresses the back of her thighs, marveling at the way it causes obvious pleasure to ripple through her, her eyes fluttering closed.
“Do you think I’d like the way you taste?”
There’s no doubt in his mind that he will, but this isn’t really about him. Bucky needs her to get there on her own, to believe that someone wants all of her. 
She wants to shrug again. To brush off his question and keep her eyes closed, pretending that he’s not watching her right now. But, she can’t. That’s not why she’s here. That’s not why Bucky is here. 
After she forces herself to take a slow, deep breath, she finally opens her eyes and looks down at him. The confidence she wishes for isn’t there yet, but she’s able to answer him honestly. 
A soft whisper of, “I’m not sure.” And then, a barely audible utterance of, “Maybe.”
Without hesitation, his hands slide up the outside of her thighs, returning to her hips, his fingers tracing along the edge of her panties. “Do you want me to taste you?” 
She forgets how to breathe, air getting trapped in her lungs as she tries not to look away. She just needs to ask for what she wants. It should be easy by now. She’s already standing in front of him in just her bra and underwear, letting him see the bits of her that she’s uncomfortable with.
But, for a moment, the words still don’t come. Her hands remain on his shoulders, her nails lightly scratching along his tattooed skin as she tries to refocus. This time, Bucky remains quiet. He just continues to look up at her, giving her as much time as she needs to show him she’s ready for this.
This is something her ex never volunteered to do, and she was always too shy to ask, but she doesn’t want to be shy anymore. 
She wants to own her sexuality. She wants to be able to ask for what she wants in her next relationship, even new things she might not even know she wants yet.
With a slight nod of her head, and another trembling breath, she tells him, “Yes. I want… I want that.” 
Bucky doesn’t move yet. The look he gives her conveys how proud he is of her, but he wants to hear her say the actual words. Instead of just expecting her to know what to say, he asks her, “What do you want, sweetheart?”
She swallows the nervous laughter that threatens to spill out and takes a moment to close her eyes, trying to compose herself. How can such a simple term of endearment cause her so much pleasure? 
That’s not what she says though. When her mouth opens, the words come before she can overthink them. “I want you to taste me.”
“Oh, good girl.” Bucky’s growl of praise almost has her collapsing into a puddle, but his hands on her hips keep her steady. Not wanting to lose the momentum she’s building, he slides his hands up her back to her bra, asking her, “Can I take this off?”
She’s already made it this far, the intensity of her insecurities starting to lessen each time she reveals more of herself to him. With a nod of her head, she gives him permission, unable to look away as he slowly unhooks her bra, his fingers immediately rubbing along the indentations left behind.
The soft moan of relief she makes has him grinning up at her, and he slowly slides the straps down her arms, giving her a moment to adjust to this new level of vulnerability.
With his gaze still on her face, he tosses her bra aside to join the rest of their clothes and softly asks her, “Can I touch you?”
“Yes, please.” The words come easily this time, despite her nerves trying to get the better of her. She’s insecure about her breasts, gravity having caught up to her before she thought it would, and she finds herself wanting his approval.
In reality, it doesn’t matter what he thinks of her body, but he’s more than happy to help her see what he sees.
Matching his pace of the entire evening, his fingers brush along the sides of her breasts, the feather-light touch causing her nipples to pebble.
“You’re gorgeous,” he tells her, unable to tear his gaze away from the way her body immediately arches towards his touch.
Bucky’s given her no reason to doubt his words, and the moment he cups her breast in his hand, her fingers slide into his hair as if to guide him closer.
He doesn’t make her ask for it this time, and she barely registers his breath on her skin before his tongue flicks out to lick her nipple.
The sound she makes causes his cock to twitch and he wastes no time trying to bring more of those noises out of her.
With his heavily-tattooed arm wrapped around her to support her, he immediately closes his lips around the erect bud, his free hand moving to her other nipple. 
It’s like he’s on a mission to see just how loud he can make her get before she demands more from him.
It doesn’t take long, her body trembling against him, both her hands in his hair, tugging at the strands.
“Bucky,” she moans, meeting his gaze as he switches sides, his fingers now playing with her saliva-slick nipple. 
All he does is grin at her in return, the gentle scrape of his teeth giving her the last push she needs. He can practically see the last of her walls starting to crumble, and as he sucks her nipple into his mouth, she manages to surprise him yet again.
“Please,” she pleads, unable to hide how breathless he’s already made her. “I want you to taste me.”
“Oh fuck,” Bucky groans against her breast. He immediately pulls back and slides his hand up to wrap his fingers around her throat, his tender touch adding to her pleasure. “Is that what you need, baby? You want me to lick your pussy?”
All it takes is a quick confirmation from her and he’s guiding her onto the bed, more than ready to show her what she’s been missing out on. 
Within just a few moments, he has her naked and writhing underneath him, his mouth starting at her neck, taking his time to kiss down her soft curves.
By the time he’s placing kisses along her inner thighs, she’s forgotten about all the reasons why she almost didn’t ask for this. All thoughts about her ex-boyfriend are gone, as are her insecurities, and she runs her fingers through his hair, whining softly, “Please.”
Bucky will never tire of hearing that word. And with one last glance up at her, he helps her push her thighs back a bit more, giving him the perfect view of her pussy. 
“Mmm.” The groan that leaves him makes her pulse, her hips shifting underneath his hold, and he lets out a soft chuckle. “Eager, are we?” he teases, taking a moment to give her thigh another soft kiss, his beard tickling her pussy.
The question should make her blush - and any other time it would - but Bucky’s good at what he does. He’s somehow made her comfortable enough that not only does she not blush, she actually laughs. With a grin on her face, she quickly nods her head and tells him, “Yes. I am.”
Bucky’s so proud of her. She’s already come so far, and he quickly praises her with a soft rumble of, “Good girl.” 
And then he’s rewarding her, the slow swipe of his tongue along her slit immediately reducing her to a low whine of, “Oh my god.” He repeats the action, licking her from her dripping entrance up to her clit, teasing the bud with just the tip of his tongue.
“Oh my god.” She’s not sure she knows how to say anything else right now. She’s barely breathing at this point anyway, her entire body tense with anticipation.
And then he has the nerve to pull away, giving her another grin to tell her, “You were right.” 
She blinks, her hands fisting the sheets, her legs already shaking. All she can think about is having his mouth back on her pussy. She has no clue what he’s talking about.
“You taste so fucking good.”
She’s not sure she even says anything, but it doesn’t matter because he dips his head back down and gets back to work, tasting her again.
Bucky alternates between long, slow licks and sliding his tongue deep inside of her, wiggling the muscle along her walls. He’s paying attention to all the ways she reacts to what he’s doing, repeating every action that makes her moan or shudder.
She gets lost in the moment, unsure of what to do with her hands, one gripping the sheets while the other holds her ankle, keeping herself spread for him. 
She can feel her pleasure building, but the longer he’s between her thighs, the more her insecurities start to resurface. Maybe this isn’t going to happen. No one’s been able to make her come before.
She’s always been responsible for her own orgasm, and while Bucky seems confident in his abilities, her doubt is starting to creep back up. 
When he returns his attention back to her clit, Bucky dragging the flat of his tongue over the bundle of nerves, she whispers his name. She feels compelled to apologize, like she’s wasting his time, but the only thing she can get out is, “I can’t.”
He pauses, but doesn’t pull his hands away, his fingers slick with her arousal as he looks up at her. Recognizing the confusion and embarrassment on her face, he realizes one crucial mistake he’s made. 
Bucky indulges himself with one more lick before he sets her at ease, explaining, “I’m not trying to make you come yet, baby. I just wanted to taste you, see what you like first.” His thumb teases over her clit as he kisses the soft skin of her inner thigh and asks her, “Is that okay?”
Just like that, he manages to get her back into the right headspace.
After a slow nod of her head, he’s bringing her pleasure again, exploring every inch of her pussy. He's enjoying taking his time, finding all the ways she likes to be touched, learning her body so he can give her what she needs. 
He’s also teasing her. Using his knowledge to make her more desperate. He hopes to get her to the point where she can ask for everything she wants without having to get this overwhelmed.
After his mouth moves away from her clit to lick across her entrance, he hears the change in her breathing. His quick glance shows him that her hands have moved to her tits, her fingers tugging at her nipples, and it tells him everything he needs to know.
Bucky returns his tongue to her clit, slowly circling the swollen bud before closing his lips around it, the soft suction causing her back to arch and she quickly nods her head, whispering, “oh god, please.”
But he pulls away again, her soft gasping whine proving he’s on the right track. She’s almost there. Just another quick tease of his tongue sliding inside of her, then back to suckling on her clit. That’s all it takes.
Her hand comes down to his head, fingers gripping his hair, as she breathlessly begs him, “Yes. Please. Just like that.”
This time, Bucky doesn’t move or pull away. He groans against her, unable to stop his hips from grinding against the mattress, her words sending pleasure straight to his cock. 
With each flick of his tongue, her noises get louder, the coil in her belly growing tighter.
She might actually come from this. Bucky might actually be able to make her come. 
That’s all she can think about. 
One hand in his hair, the other back to white-knuckling the sheet, using it for leverage to grind herself against his mouth. She can feel the pressure building, her muscles growing taut, her legs shaking uncontrollably. 
She’s going to come.
“Oh my god,” she whispers, seemingly unable to say anything else again. But Bucky still doesn’t change anything he’s doing, staying exactly where he is, his tongue never stopping. “Oh my god,” she repeats, nodding her head, desperate for this to happen.
It’s her downfall.
Just when she thinks it’s finally going to happen for her, the feeling suddenly starts to fade. The whine that leaves her, coupled with the frustrated, “No” has her quickly covering her flushed face.
The last thing Bucky wants is for her to think she’s done anything wrong. Or, even worse, that there’s something wrong with her. Because, there isn’t.
“Shhh,” he soothes her, peppering kisses along her thighs. His thumb returns to her clit, Bucky wanting to keep her pleasure building towards that peak again, and he tells her, “It’s okay. Sometimes we can get in our head. And sometimes... it’s just because we need more.”
She’s able to lower her hands away from her face to look down at him. It’s obvious he’s still enjoying himself, and all he wants is for her to be right there with him. It still takes her a moment of slow breathing for her to finally nod her head at him.
“Can you tell me what you think you need right now?” His slick thumb glides over her clit again before dipping down between her folds, teasing across her entrance. 
Her body immediately responds, her hips seeking out more, wanting him inside of her. 
Bucky tilts his head and raises an eyebrow at her, the smile on his face growing. “Tell me what you need, sweetheart.” 
It does the trick. With another shift of her hips, and more teasing pressure from his thumb, she nods her head. She doesn’t know how, but the words spill out of her without a second thought. “Fuck me, please.”
It takes every once of his control not to immediately let his thumb sink inside of her. She’s so wet, just begging to be filled, but it’s the perfect time to get her to verbalize her needs.
Bucky sits up on his knees just a bit, circling his thumb against her entrance before sliding it back up to her clit. He interrupts her needy whine with, “How do you want me to fuck you?”
She knows what he’s doing. And she’s incredibly grateful for it. Between quick and shallow breaths, she tells him, “With your fingers. Please.”
He tests her resolve, watching her closely as he starts to rub his thumb against her again, almost pushing inside of her. She immediately shakes her head and he pauses, a grin lighting up his face.
Bucky doesn’t even have to ask, she’s more than willing to tell him exactly what she wants. Her words coming quickly. “Please. Fuck me with your fingers. Two of them.”
His growl of praise immediately floods her brain, causing pleasure to radiate from her core. “Oh good girl,” he tells her, more than ready to give her what she wants,  “I’m so proud of you.” 
The cry that comes out of her as he fills her is unlike anything she’s ever made before. Her back arches and she reaches for him, grabbing his tattooed hand as his two thick fingers immediately find the spot that always seemed to allude others.
Bucky has every intention of tasting her again, planning to make her come with his mouth on her clit while he fucks her with his fingers.
He just wants to take a moment to watch her, enjoying the way the curl of his fingers causes her to gasp. His own body throbbing with pleasure as he strokes along her front wall, drawing more noises from her.
“You are so fucking hot,” he moans, interlocking their fingers as his gaze travels along her body from her thighs to her face, his cock leaking pre-cum at the sight of her.
When she’s able to accept his compliment without looking away, he increases the pressure, listening to the sounds of her wetness fill the air. 
She’s finally at that point that he promised she’d get to. Where she feels nothing but pleasure, able to bask in the connection they’re sharing.
“I wanna come for you.” There’s nothing quiet about her request, even as she struggles to get the words out between her soft gasps and moans.
“You really are incredible,” he tells her, eagerly returning to his earlier position, his head between her thighs. 
With his fingers still deep inside of her, he presses his tattooed arm against her thigh and places his palm flat against her lower stomach, using his fingers to spread her, exposing her clit.
She welcomes his touch, not a care in the world about how exposed she feels or how his hand digs into her soft belly. In fact, she doesn’t care how she looks at all. All she cares about his how close his mouth is to her pussy again, the feel of his warm breath making her whisper, “Please.”
Bucky glances up at her, a serious look on his face, quieting her pleading for the moment. 
“There’s no rush here, do you understand?” He accepts the slight nod of her head before continuing, a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. “If I need a break, I’ll tell you. Until then,” his raises his eyebrows in excitement, “let’s just enjoy ourselves, yeah?”
She’s quick to agree, forcing herself to relax, resting her head against the pillow. She doesn’t even try to keep her eyes open anymore, the return of his tongue to her clit practically making her forget her name. 
With the pressure of his fingers inside of her, rubbing against her g-spot, there’s suddenly not a doubt in her mind that Bucky’s going to make her come.
It still rushes up on her quickly, her senses completely overloaded - the obscene noises his mouth makes against her clit, the slight scratch of his beard on her pussy, the smell of sex lingering in the air.
“I’m gonna come,” she gasps, one hand on her breast, the other on his head, gripping his hair. “Please don’t stop.”
He actually has the audacity to laugh against her, but he has no intentions of stopping. The rhythm of his tongue never changes, Bucky already knowing exactly how to lick her to get her there. 
She allows herself to be consumed by the pleasure he’s giving her, and the moment her hips start to move faster against him, her thighs threatening to close, the groan he makes causes her to fall over the edge.
Bucky keeps her held down, even as her body bucks against him, using his strength to keep his mouth on her clit and his fingers buried inside of her. 
She’s so tight, barely allowing fingers to move at all, but it doesn’t matter, he just keeps stroking her g-spot, prolonging her pleasure as long as she’ll let him. 
It feels like it lasts forever, her body riding out the waves until she’s left a wrecked, trembling mess, incoherent words escaping her lips.
Once Bucky’s sure she’s had as much as she can take, he quickly kisses up her body to pull her into his arms. She wraps herself around him, clinging to him, burying her face against him as he soothes her with soft words of praise.
“You did so good for me.”
“Such a good girl.”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you for trusting me.”
As her body starts to relax, she welcomes his mouth on hers, moaning at the taste of her arousal on his lips. It makes her want more and it’s not long before her hips move underneath him, grinding herself against his covered erection.
Bucky rests his forehead against hers and lets out his own moan of pleasure, his neglected cock wanting nothing more than to fuck her and feel her come. He won’t do anything unless she asks for it though.
The look she’s giving him tells him she knows exactly what’s going through his mind. But, she doesn’t ask him to fuck her. Not yet.
First, she asks for something else - something she thought she wouldn’t want to do, her request catching Bucky off guard, causing his hips to thrust against her.
“Can I suck your cock?”
Next Part
Hot Bucky Summer Masterlist
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gumiluver · 10 months
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synopsis: jjk men as the seven deadly sins <3
cover pic credit: chaeeunn2 on pintrest
lovers <3: afab!reader, gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, fushiguro/zen’in toji, ryomen sukuna, okkotsu yuta, kamo choso
byr/byi: the content in this fic is not suitable for individuals under the age of 18, minors please do not interact
cw: nsfw, rough sex (all lovers <3), manhandling (satoru, sukuna, choso), squirting (suguru, toji, choso), choking (sukuna), dacryphilia (suguru), breeding kink (suguru, kento), cunnilingus (toji, yuta, choso), daddy kink (toji), pussy slapping (sukuna ofc), thigh slapping (yuta), overstimulation (suguru, toji, choso), light bondage (yuta)
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Gojo Satoru, better known as ‘the worlds strongest,’ is not a very humble man, to say the least. His ego can get the best of him at times, but that’s part of his charm—being a prideful bastard, that is.
To be fair, it is well earned—you don’t get that type of recognition just for fun after all. His natural aptitude towards cursed energy along with his enhanced physical prowess make him an unstoppable force, and he makes sure to own up to his title of ‘being the best’ by proving it to you nightly, even if you already acknowledge him as such.
But what he truly yearns for is to hear your little cockdrunk praises, to see you become enamored with the way he’s making you feel. He loves hearing those little thoughtless babbles of praise and those helpless begs that fall from your salacious mouth. It all just feeds into his pride and makes him ache for more.
“o-ohh my—fuck,” you moan, arching your lower back as satoru presses his tip against your soaked pussy. He guides it along your folds, gathering your essence and coating his cock with your slick. He snickers, already loving how much of an effect he has on you, “this wet for me already, princess? haven’t even started playin’ with ya yet.”
He really can’t help himself when given the opportunity to tease you, loving the way you get all red and embarrassed when he points out just how much you obviously want him. You’ll try and deny it too, but how could you deny something—someone—that makes your princess pussy gush like fucking crazy? You shake your head, flushing at his accusation while averting his piercing gaze.
“Ah ah ah, pretty girl. Eyes on me. Want you to watch my cock sink into this pussy,” he tsks, pinning your hips down with his one hand to ensure you won’t squirm away from him as he brings his other to grip the back of your neck. He angles your neck downward, making sure that you have the perfect view of him taking what’s his, and the cry that escapes your mouth once he bottoms out makes his tip leak ridiculously inside you.
But Satoru knows better, he knows when his pretty pillow princess is holding out on him—and he is not pleased by your restraint.
“I know for a fact you can be a hell of a lot louder than that, princess. What’s got ya all shy now, huh?” he taunts, starting up a moderately fast pace that invades your warm, plush walls. He releases the grip he has on the nape of your neck and the side of your hip to travel down towards your pussy, quickly positioning his thumb above your sensitive clit while his other hand presses against your lower tummy, effectively making you squeeze around his cock as he starts to rearrange your guts with a newfound, vigorous pace.
“AAHH!!” you cry, completely surprised by the sudden burst of pleasure that courses through your body. You feel your mind short-circuit from the sharp intrusion of his cock fucking up into your cervix, all the while he ruthlessly rubs against your small clit. The way he massages your womb with his hand as he meets each of his thrust makes you constrict around his cock with a vice-like grip. He can feel you squeeze him for all his worth, and he can’t help but fuck into you harder and faster—hoping to mold the shape of his cock forever into your beautiful pussy.
“ohfuckohfuckohfuckkkk—toruuuu!! ‘s so goooood!!” you cry loudly. All prior thoughts having left your mind as you become reduced to nothing but a needy little cockdrunk slut that would do anything for him—the only man who’s been able to make you lose your morals for the sake of pleasure.
“Thaaaat’s it—squeeze my cock juuust like that, princess. Take it all in and make me proud,”
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Everything about Suguru makes him a dangerous man. His technique, his intelligence, his energy, his charisma—it all aids in his natural greed that makes him want to take, take, take.
His hunger to have and own everything and anything makes him an insatiable lover. He wants to see you writhe away from him, overwhelmed by his greedy little appetite—but what truly makes him dangerous is just how turned on he gets from slutting your pussy out to his cock. He just can’t seem to get enough of the way your pussy fucking milks his cock like none other.
Just the thought of expending all of your energy—and then some—makes his dick ache with pain. He’ll even overstimulate himself by continuously pumping into you even after cumming inside you, just to make sure he’s got you completely fucked out for him.
“More,” suguru demands, “need you to cum more fr’ me baby, need you to fucking make a mess,” he says as he rubs your clit faster and thrust his fingers up into your core deeper. A pained squeal leaves your lips as your hand shoots down to try and stop suguru from overstimulating you further, too fucked out to give him another orgasm.
“s-sugu’ baby pleaseee, m’ so sensitive!! n-no more, can’t take no more baby plea-mphh!!” your cries suddenly being interrupted by his tongue shoving itself into your mouth. You groan loudly in the kiss, making suguru smirk at how easy it is to get you to fold for him.
But still, he’s not completely satisfied—yet.
He needs to make sure that you’re his; undoubtably and irrevocably, his. He’s greedy enough to mark your skin up, to attack your neck with an onslaught of bites and licks that leave hickeys across your décolletage.
But now he needs to take what’s his. He needs to breed his pussy and claim it as his.
And what’s even more twisted is how easy it would be to take you as his, to simply stuff his fat dick in your tiny hole and to paint your walls white with his thick cum. Just the thought of having you wherever or whenever he wanted makes him quickly remove his fingers from your tight pussy and mindlessly shove his massive length inside of you with one. harsh. thrust.
And the scream you let out is like music to his ears.
He coos at you, hushing your whimpers with gentle kisses along your face. He licks the tears that fall down the fat of your cheeks and groans at the taste. He knows he’s big, but he loves how much you struggle to take him—the little tears are just an added ego boost for him.
But despite his attempt to ground you back to him you can’t help the white flash of pure ecstasy that overwhelms your body and takes over your brain, forcing you to squirt out an early orgasm all over his thick shaft.
And this is when he truly realizes that you will forever remain as his, and his alone. The way your pussy squirts as if she were cryin’ for him, how she grips his shaft ridiculously tight as if she were begging him to stay inside, and how she fucking sings to him as he pounds his fat cock into her, the loud *squelch squelch squelch* overtaking your moans, making geto lose his sanity for good.
“You’re mine, and no one else can have you, understand me, pretty girl?”
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Interestingly, Nanami only exemplifies his envy when he fucks you. It’s not like he means to let his envy of others get the best of him, all he wants to do is give you the most perfect life.
The second he laid his eyes on you he could tell that his need for you would be unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. He just had to claim you as his before anyone else could.
He would never admit this to you, but his envy is what made him decide that he wanted you to be his pretty little housewife. He noticed how his fellow colleagues were already fathers of their own, and saw how content their lives were and wanted to replicate that same feeling with you. What better way to do so than actually having you be his housewife?
“Look at what you do to me, look at how much control you have over me baby,” kento grunts, aggressively palming his angry cock in front of you. You whine and squeeze your thighs together, trying to alleviate the ache that settles in your cunt, but failing helplessly.
You really weren’t sure as to what exactly got him so worked up—all you did was cook him his favorite dinner! You knew he was having a hard day at work, and since you had the day off you thought he’d enjoy coming home to a comfy home and yummy meal.
But, it just so happens that today—of all days—half of the staff decided to take off early for the upcoming holidays, no doubt to be with their little spouses and children, which meant that he had to pick up three times the amount of sorcery work than normal.
And you knew how much he despised working overtime.
So when he comes home to see your cute form bent in front of the kitchen table, ass beautifully on display for him to ogle at while you carefully arrange the dinner plates—he fucking loses it.
And now, he’s got you right where he wants you—pressed in a mean mating press that makes your thighs burn and cunt drip with excitement. He lines his red tip up to your sweet pussy and slowly inches his cock inside you, savoring the pleasure-filled whimpers and cries that fall from your lips.
“mmmm, fuck baby—take me so good,” he praises, pushing your calves up and onto his shoulders so he can fully bottom out in you.
And in this position, all that you can do is just take it, and he doesn’t want to hear a single complaint fall from your lips. You’ll be his good girl for the night, won’t you?
“Think it’s time you gave me a little one—what do you say, love? Ready to be a mommy?”
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Toji can never get enough of anything—money, alcohol, gambling, sex— there’s never been such a thing as “too much” in his dictionary.
He has a particularly ravenous appetite, especially when it deals with you and your sweet little cries of pleasure—he just can’t get enough of ‘em. The way your cries feed his hunger and how your pussy expertly milks his cock makes him loose his mind and indulge in his gluttonous tendencies.
Will never let you have just one orgasm. He has to rip multiple orgasms out of you, or else he won’t be satisfied. Even if you’re overstimulated and begging for him to stop—telling him that it’s too much or that you’re too sensitive, he’ll purposefully pump his hips harder and faster to get you to squeeze around him even more.
“How many times was that now doll, five?” he questioned, barely even breaking a sweat from the rigorous pounding he’s been giving you. His thick cock is pressed deeply inside your womb, pushing up to that soft gummy spot that he knows makes you a whiny mess.
And you? You can barely even feel yourself, let alone think about how good his thick shaft feels inside you. You swear it’s been eons since he’s given you a break, and your cunt is about to explode from all the stimulation if you don’t get one soon.
“D-daddy please! ‘s too much fr’ me!” you plea, but your cries fall on deaf ears as he wraps his hand around your neck, applying light pressure to the sides to further stimulate your sense of touch, forcing you to only focus on the pleasure he’s making you feel.
“Too much? Sorry, don’t know what that means doll,” he mocks, laughing deviously as he quickens his thrusts and assaults your pussy with demon-like strength. Your voice is bouncing off the walls, getting higher and higher in pitch as you reach your sixth orgasm of the night.
But it was all too much! You couldn’t control the orgasm that rips out of you and the absolute mess you’re making from squirting all over him. A loud groan emits from Toji as he watches your poor pussy spray all over his toned pelvis and thighs. Your cunt involuntarily constricts around his fat cock so tightly that it pushes his cock out, and he’s quick to replace it with his filthy mouth.
He’s relentless, truly relentless. He starts to suck on your already sensitive clit, pinning your hips down to the bed so you can’t squirm away from him. He won’t even let you take a sip of water if it meant leaving your sweet pussy; so he makes sure to take his time with your cunt, eating up every single ounce of your essence that he becomes hypnotized by your sweet ambrosia.
“Mmmm—ya taste like fuckin’ candy, doll. And ya not goin’ anywhere ‘till I get my fill,”
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Wrath itself is a complex emotion that often gets a bad rap, but Sukuna’s wrath ignites a warmth throughout your body that makes you feel alive and him passionate.
And when that same wrath bleeds into the most intimate of moments, he just can’t help but mix a bit of pain with pleasure.
Sex is where he can be his true self, take all his rage and anger and change it into a passion that makes you succumb to him without much thought. It’s almost like he holds all his rage in just to take it out on your pussy—and to be fair, you’re not complaining one bit.
“Too deep for ya? Is that why you’re crying so much, little one? Awww—too bad,” he coos at you, feigning sympathy as he continues to piston his hips against the fat of your ass, forcing his thick cock inside of your plush walls at an unreasonable speed and depth that makes you see start.
“ah! ah! ah! ‘k-kuna!!” you cry, each moan punctuated by a single thrust of his hips, the force of him rocking his cock inside you takes your breath away and leaves you aching for more. He has you bent over in front of him, plump ass on display while he pushes your back into a wicked arch. Cute little dimples adorn your lower back that he can’t help but press his thumbs into, further pushing you down and making you take every inch of his thick shaft. You feel your pussy latch onto his cock as if it were it’s life source, your knuckles turning white as you grip the pillow in front of you and shove your face in it to quiet your whorish screams of pleasure.
He growls, displeased at your attempts at hiding just how good he was making you feel. How dare you try to conceal how good your king makes you feel? He’s quick to grasp your hair, gripping at the base and lifting you upwards. You belt out a cry of pain, the sudden jolt of being pulled upward by your hair while he holds you tightly across your tummy makes you feel so disoriented, he has to give your pussy a few smacks to get your attention back to him, “if I have to stop what I’m doing again to make sure you don’t hide your pathetic pleas, you won’t be able to walk for a whole fucking week,”
He stills inside of you, impaling his monstrous cock deeper and deeper until it feels like he’s in your fucking throat. You know he’s waiting for you to respond, but he’s way too deep in your guts to even let the gasp of air out that you’ve been holding in your lungs. You start to shake around him helplessly, and he can’t help but laugh at how pitifully small you are to him—how easy it is to make you a submissive little whore, “awww what is it little one, cat got your tongue?”
His laugh bellows throughout his kingdom as he continues his attack on your pussy, gripping your throat now as he angles his hips upwards to piston his cock so deep inside you that it inadvertently silences your pretty moans.
And he does not appreciate that one bit.
“I told you not to hide your moans from your king. Now, you’re gonna take your punishment like a good slut—or else,”
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Yuta’s always been dedicated to your pleasure—so much so that he refuses to acknowledge his own needs until you fall apart on his mouth and fingers.
He’ll take his sweet time with foreplay too, the longest time ever being an hour of him between your legs, making out with your pussy and fingering you to oblivion.
Absolutely despises it when you try and push him away—how could you deprive him of you, his most prized possession? If he even suspects that you’ll try and push him away from your pretty pussy, he’ll make sure to take some…preventative measures.
“Mmmm—what a pretty sight,” Yuta moans, palming himself through his jeans as he watches you try and wiggle out of the restraints. He’s got your wrists handcuffed above you, woven between the headboard to ensure you don’t squirm away while he has his fun.
You couldn’t help the pathetic whine that escapes your lips, wanting to break free from the cuffs so you could just touch him already, “yuta pleaseee! just wanna touch youuu~”
He coos at you, sympathetic towards your needs; after all, he’d beg too if he were in your position,“Not yet baby, need you to stay nice and still for me alright? Can you do that for me, lovey?”
He watches you nod your head, melting at the little pout that you give him when he starts to strip. Wide, eager eyes follow his movement, and you take note of his thick cock straining heavily against his boxers—just begging to be touched. You clench your thighs together as he walks towards you, settling himself between your thighs to face your vulnerable form. He’s grinning wickedly, gripping a thigh in each hand as he hoists your thighs over his shoulders—granting perfect access to your slick pussy.
“Already so wet fr’ me baby, gotta have a taste first,” he mumbles, trailing gentle kisses from your inner thigh up to where your cute little clit is hiding. His warm breath over your cunt makes you squirm in his arms, earning yourself a smack towards your inner thigh.
“That’s the only warning you get, so behave,” he scolds, wanting to enjoy the moment shared between him and your angelic pussy. You yelp at the harsh sting of his palm, and the sight of your pussy quivering makes Yuta indulge in his lust, tenfold.
“Keep your eyes on me love, want you to watch how wet this pussy gets fr’ me,”
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Choso is sloppy. Not in a way that makes him annoying or an inconvenience; oh no—he’s sloppy because of how obsessed he gets, especially when dealing with your pussy and with how messy you get.
He always takes his time with you, giving languid and lazy licks that make your cunt flutter ridiculously from the pressure his tongue provides. He doesn’t even tell you to sit on his face anymore, opting to simply hoist your naked hips above his face and plops you straight onto his awaiting tongue—loving how easy it is to access your slick and maneuver your hips.
Makes you cum super quick. Like, unreasonably quick. He’ll just keep going and going and going until you soak the sheets, reveling at the way your sweet cunny gushes for him.
“aahh- m’ g-gonna make a mess, chosoooo!!!” You cry loudly, unable to control the slick that squirts out from your pussy. He quickens his thrusts up into your pussy while rubbing your clit at the same, consistent pace but with much more pressure, much more vigor, and much more persistence. The black spots that start to sneak up in your vision a clear indication of your body losing its battle between pleasure and pain, slowly draining you of air as you start to pant heavily.
“Ughhhh fuckkk yessss love, that’s ittt!! Love when ya fuckin squirt on me like that, such a messy little slut fr’ me,” he groans loudly, fucking up into your pussy even harder by slamming your hips down with his other hand as you swivel your hips in circles. His tip rubs up into that spongy spot that makes intense pleasure shoot down from your head to your toes and inadvertently makes you squelch out even more jets of your essence as he keeps giving you powerfully sharp thrusts.
At this point—you’re long gone, you’ve ascended to heavens beyond this reality as choso continues to guide you through another soaking orgasm. Your breathing is unsteady, and you feel your head start to get dizzy over his persistent thrusts and his gentle rubs on your pulsating cunt. You’re shaking and shivering, whining and crying for him to ‘ease up’, to let you take a breather from all this pleasure.
Thankfully, choso is known to be a generous man that would do anything for his beloved. You feel him slow his thrusts down to a slower pace, lifting his upper body up to kiss your as he trails a hand to the nape of your neck. He holds your waist steady with his other hand and rubs it gently up and down your side, effectively grounding yourself back to him from almost losing consciousness.
But this time, choso had…other plans.
Once he feels you relax around his cock, he starts gyrating his hips up against yours again. A whimper escapes your lips as you try to squirm away from him. He chuckles, planting both his hands firmly on your waist and pushes you further down onto his cock. Your eyes shoot open and your back arches at just how deep his cock is reaching you, it felt like he was trying to fuck up into your cervix—the pleasure just too much for your poor pussy to handle.
And suddenly, he lifts your hips up and completely moves you off of his cock. The abrupt removal of his cock from your warmth makes you whimper from the lack of contact, feeling completely empty.
“Don’t look so sad baby, you’ll love this part,” he says, a tinge of playfulness laced in his words as he positions himself to lay flat on the bed. Before you can even question his intent, he picks you back up by your hips and places you smack down on his chest—princess pussy on perfect display for him.
In this position, choso can have as much fun as he wanted without having to overstimulate himself or overwork your body—to an extent, that is.
Your protests fall on deaf ears as he pushes you closer up to his face, and from the way he looks at you it makes you fall silent from sheer submission. He’s completely fixated on you, a vicious darkness clouded his eyes, daring you to question his authority in this very moment—right as he’s about to have his fill of you.
“Don’t try and run now, love. Come and ride my fuckin’ face,”
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a/n: ahhhh I hope you guys liked this one!! I’m not really too sure how I did on this haha, I’d love to know what y’all think!! I also tried to format my blog a bit so now it should be easier to access some of my other works! 🥰
Likes, comments, follows, reblogs, and any other form of interaction is greatly appreciated <3 #supportcreators
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daaawnnn · 10 months
ice skating
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skz scenario: going ice skating together for the first time
pairing: bf!skz x gn!reader
warnings: none
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he'd be an absolute sweetheart if you didn't know how to skate. he'd hold your hand whilst you're skating together and give you tips on how to skate more smoothly so you're not tumbling every 5 seconds. once he sees that you're doing well, he'd let go of your hand and observes if you can manage by yourself. he'd stay close by, ready to catch you, if you were on the verge of slipping. his eyes would light up once he sees that you can do well on your own. your reward from chan would consist of a tight hug and a chaste kiss to your lips.
i’d like to think that minho is decent at ice skating. he’d attempt to teach you the basics on how to ice skate. emphasis on attempt. he would try to skate alongside you but make the mistake of slipping every now and then. he would purposely drag you down with him, although he’d cushion your landing, as he didn’t want to be the only one falling over. if you could balance and skate for a few seconds, he’d praise you. if you fell, the first thing he’d do is laugh then he would help you up. he’d probably take a picture of you on the floor and put it as his lock screen to reminisce about it later on. if the landing was harsh though, he’d check up on you instantly and make sure you’re not injured.
changbin is just happy to be there even though he doesn't know how to ice skate. he had initially planned to watch you from the sidelines but you persuaded him to join you on the rink. this man would be clinging onto you for dear life since he didn't want to fall and make a fool of himself in front you. his arms are fully engulfing you, he's not even skating anymore, you're just carrying him around the rink. swears he's never going to ice skate ever again (but he would still do it for you.)
since both of you are good at ice skating, you two would try to make it into a competition. objective: skate around the rink the quickest. whoever loses, has to pay for the meal after. since hyunjin doesn’t really mind paying, he would try to purposely lose. but, once you catch on, you’d slow down and move about even slower than he does as you also don’t mind paying. now, it turned into who could skate more slower. you’re both complaining to each other to move faster, but not doing anything about it. once you’re both tired of this back and forth, you collectively agree to skate around the rink together, holding hands. hyunjin and you decided to settle who pays for the meal with a classic game of rock, paper, scissors. turns pouty once he realises you’d be paying, but doesn’t argue about the decision.
going ice skating with han is like a recipe for disaster. he swears he’s an expert at it, BUT as soon as he gets on the rink, he’ll slip right then and there. both of you will be tumbling down together A LOT. literally as soon as you try to get up, han would accidentally knock you back down because he lost his balance. overall, the session would be filled with laughter and you guys arguing about who the better ice skater is (even though you’re both equally bad.)
he'd say he's bad but would be pulling up all types of tricks once he's on that rink. you swear you've never seen anything as beautiful as your boyfriend in that moment. the way he manoeuvred around the rink with grace would forever be engraved in your mind. he'd be your personal guide on how to ice skate. he's holding your hands whilst skating with you. he doesn't even need to look behind him to see if he's going to bump into someone. he'd be all giggly when you nearly fall over onto him and he'd kiss your forehead, telling you it's okay before helping you again.
he’s out here catching all your worst moments on the rink, ready to make fun of you for them later. karma got him though. you were trying to take a video of the view of the rink, when you accidentally recorded him tripping over a kid which caused him to land on his butt. as soon as he spotted the camera, his cheeks turned red. he’d be rushing over to you and smothering your face in kisses with a smile on his face, bribing you to delete that video of him. but you knew better than to do that. it was a cute little video of him and you were planning on treasuring it.
jeongin had always wanted to go ice skating with you. so, when you surprised him for a date by taking him to an ice skating rink, he was over the moon. he’d kiss you the second he realised where he was. he was so smiley the entire time. his excitement was contagious. he’d drag you around the entire rink and gush over how much he loves you for this. your heart swells with love at his enthusiasm. a literal necessity to take pictures of him here for him to post on social media. and a few candid photos of him to keep for yourself.
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reblogs are appreciated!
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stararch4ngelqueen · 11 months
(Part 2)
Time Written- 10:23 p.m.
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I wrote this 3 times and gave up. Severely gave up
“Wakey Wakey, sweetheart.” His lightly exhausted tone nearly roused your eyes open.
A faint click of a bedside lamp invades the silence shortly before Jason shuffles out of bed, displaying a warm glow to your light sensitive vision.
A small groan falls from your mouth, your eyes shutting closed in irritation from the distraction of your comfort. His arms left their sanctuary around your waist, a kiss of warmth remaining along your tummy before he readjusted a soft, thin blanket over your tired body.
Jason was considerate enough to turn off his alarm nearly three minutes before it goes off, saving his special girl a few minutes of precious sleep. As the midsummer sun dies down behind fluffy clouds, golden rays of light reflecting off skyscraper glass into the dead of the night, Gotham’s wild crowds creep out from their crooked caverns to play.
“Hey mama. Sorry to ruin the fun, but I think my arm ran out of blood flow.”
“Do you need it?” Your faint, croaked rumble spews from your barely moving lips.
“I mean, I suppose I’ll need it to fight an’ aim guns at unlucky bastards. Guess that means you gotta lose the pillow.”
Another groan leaves your lips before reluctantly raising your head, setting his arm free from its prison. You spent a minute of quiet suffering before Jason’s fingers cupped your head, guiding you to raise it just enough to slip a fluffy pillow to settle your pretty brain on.
The A/C was on full blast, the blank noise lulling your tired minds to sleep around seven. While it was counterintuitive to be snuggling together in this hot summer heat, you wanted nothing more than to be in his company, comfortable in his safety.
Bare feet shuffling along hard foot floor shifts to heavy rubber soles as Jason gets dressed. Soft cotton and polyester drops to the ground, replaced with tactical fabrics and scrunching leather. A short sonnet of clicks and snaps follow as he adjusts his belt and holsters, getting everything comfortably situated on his person.
“You’re not angry with me, are ya?” He clicks his tongue, fighting off a smile at your lack of response.
“Earth to Goddess.” His calm voice invades your ears as the floor creaks, the dressed vigilante shuffling to his knees beside the bed, settling close to your face.
“Princess.” Jason lightly chimes, brushing your cheek with the back of his pointer finger.
He then proceeds his ever loving assault via planting various kisses along your face, ranging from your cheek up towards your forehead, back down to your nose.
“Babygirl.” He cooes against your sweet smelling hair.
“Do you have to go now?” Came your eventual, irritated whine.
He leans forward, mattress gently creaking as he pressed his lips just under your ear for a quick kiss. “Not yet. You got me for five more minutes.”
Jason settles his head on your collarbone, your nose slightly tickled from locks of soft, dark hair. His eyes are closed, but for once, they’re content with peacefulness. That, and the events that would come within the next month, changing their lives forever.
Jason’s smile widens as your fingers mindlessly trails random shapes along his open palm, your hands always lingering somewhere along his body.
“Y’know I’d give just about anything to get back in bed with you,” his armored chest rumbles with his lowly spoken words. “But, I’m a little big in this get up to be this close to you at the moment. Don’t wanna crush you.”
Those sudden words couldn’t help but make you smile, scoffing just a bit. Ever the doting, overly concerned, slightly overdramatized, loving man he is.
“I don’t know who’s bigger right now,” your exhaustion let you speak in ghostly whispers. “You, or me.”
“Well, you’re the pregnant one,” he says, fighting off a strong, snarky remark with an amused smirk. “So, you definitely take the win with that.”
The look you gave him the second your eyes snapped open made him chuckle, as if he willfully insulted you. The irony of it, considering he was around 6’4 and 250 pounds, a large percent being complete muscle mass while you carried a seven pound baby.
“Kidding, babe. Kidding,” he soothes, trailing a few fingers along your swollen tummy just over the blanket. “Just trying to joke off the nerves. Doesn’t help that it’s my first time…”
“It better be your first time,” you mutter under your breath.
“Yeah yeah, It is. Don’t worry.” Jason’s voice is soft, his cheeks turning a light shade of red at that, and he can’t help but smile as the two of them laugh quietly at her joke.
The weight of their child is a constant pressure on your body to create an incredible miracle. It’s certainly something new, he always wants to make sure his little mama is happy and healthy. Mostly happy.
He trails a finger down your stomach, pausing when he feels a faint thud near the round lower edge of his palm. For eight months teetering on the edge of nine, the baby was definitely getting active.
“Think your boy’s getting ready to fight those unlucky bastards with you.” You lightly chide with a small grin.
“Language, mama,” Jason retorts, flicking some wisps of hair away from your head. “Don’t want ‘em to hear those foul words. An’ I’m not in the market for sidekicks.”
You frown again, scoffing at his hypocrisy.
The surrealism was intense, affecting him from the center of his brain towards the tips of his hands and toes.
Your boy, his boy. His son.
“You two keep the bed warm for me.” Jason murmurs before pressing a few goodbye kisses along your cheek. “I’ll come back with breakfast when you wake up, okay?”
“Okay,” you whisper, consciousness struggling to remain afloat. It’s a silly mental image; the reaction of the owners of an early bird, go-to diner frantically scrambling out of shock and awe when Red Hood himself enters their establishment.
He stands from the floor, lovingly glancing down at his beautiful, pregnant woman cradled in bed, nestled with his pillow, perfectly content.
“Be safe,” you whisper to him, watching him reach towards the lamp to shut it off. The warmth of the vanished lap changing his eyes from a strong emerald green back towards a crisp, steel-cut teal.
“I love you.”
Your voice always sweetened the deal, a perfect lullaby once it was his turn to sleep.
The perfect motivation for him to look forward to every morning.
“Love you too, mama.”
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falloffrost · 7 months
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pairing: Dina x Ellie x Reader
tags: smut, fingering, MY LOVES
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Life seemed average, a repeated cycle you could never seem to get out of. Bland, overused and average.
“YN, you need to get out more! All you do is work and sleep!” Jesse complains. But how could you “get out more” if the whole world was under attack by human beings infected by fungus?
“Jesse, m’not going out tonight. I gotta patrol early tomorrow, I don’t have time f’drinking.” You scoff, closing the book you were reading and placing it in the nearby nightstand. “You’re so boring, you never do anything fun.” He rolls his eyes and exits the room.
You never enjoyed parties anyways. You always felt like an outcast to this whole group of people, you were surprised they even let you stay this damn long. You had showed up out of no where and yet they let you in after a check for infection.
The day continued like usual. Eat, Work, Sleep, Repeat, and obviously the necessities. You groan as you awake, your hair bed head a lot messier than usual. You rub your temples as you exit the hard bed that was seemingly put together from sheets and scattered pillows found around.
You somehow found yourself assigned to early patrol with Ellie and Dina. It wasn’t that you disliked them, it was that you liked them a little too much. Somehow, they distracted you from your daily routine, always pulling you somewhere you didn’t need to be, forcing you to explore things you’d never explored. But today it seemed there was a lot of tension in the area. The snow not making it any better as the freezing air made the freeze of the silence grow thicker.
Silence engulfed the whole ride, until they approached an abandoned warehouse that had a harsh smell of weed. Inside a whole farm of it, just growing like nothing. “Hey hey, I haven’t seen this shit in forever.” Ellie says picking up a jar. “Does weed expire?” She asks turning to Dina, having finally spoken a word to each other. “I guess we’ll have to find out?”
A loud bang was heard, causing you to flinch as you turned to see that the snow had trapped all three of you inside the weed smelling warehouse. “God, I did not want this.” You roll your eyes, removing the gloves you wore. “Fuck…!” You kick something nearby. “Whoa there, it’s not that big of a deal, we can just stay here until it dies down. Then we can try moving the snow.” Ellie suggests, removing her coat and settling in a nearby couch.
You watch as Dina does the same, grabbing a lighter that seemingly still worked to light the joint they’d found in the jar. “This still hits.” Dina says with a small smile, passing the joint over to Ellie. You sigh, removing your jacket and looking around to search for another exit. “Hey, why are you so quick to leave? Live a little and come smoke this with us.” Ellie says, looking at you with her low eyes as the weed seemed to already be taking effect.
“I’m good, I don’t smoke. I didn’t smoke before either.” You roll your eyes, looking around once more, seeing that there were no other ways out. “Just come and sit down. It’s like you have a stick up your ass or somethin’.” Dina says, tilting her head to look at you. You groan, stomping over to them both and settling on the couch. “Here, I think ya need it.” Ellie giggles, egging Dina to do the same.
“I said I’m good.” Dina takes the joint, “Just one time, it won’t kill ya?” She takes a drag from the joint, blowing it into your face, causing you to retract. “Fine.” You finally give in, inhaling the smoke. You cough quickly, the biting sensation in the back of your throat lingering. “Okay what the hell?” You ask, hunching over to cough. “It’s fine, happens when it’s your first time. Try again.” Ellie helps you sit up, guiding the joint to your lips.
“When you inhale, inhale it slowly. So, it doesn’t hurt as bad.” Dina says softly, placing her hand on your thigh unconsciously. You flinch slightly, inhaling the smoke, letting it drape into your lungs slowly. Blowing the smoke into the air, you feel yourself becoming a lot more relaxed. “That was better yeah?” Ellie asks, watching you as she inhaled the joint and blows the smoke into your face.
“I guess so.” You say quietly, everyone feeling the effects of the weed. It hits you harder, your head spinning softly, your eyes getting heavier, and the stir between your legs becoming a lot more prominent. “Should we have another Dina? I’m not sure she can handle two.” Ellie says, looking at your slouched appearance.
You shake your head. “I’m good, I think.” You chuckle. Ellie nods lighting another, placing it between her thin yet plump lips. You watch her, your eyes entranced by the way her lips wrap around the joint. Dina slides her hand further up your leg, catching your attention. You turn to her, a smirk dawning her lips as she tilts her head to get a better look at you.
Ellie hands the joint over once more, this time leaning over you a bit more than usual. The feeling of her skin warming you up a lot more then you already were, her perky and uncovered breasts swaying in your face. You blush softly, your face tinted slightly. The thoughts that run through your head becoming unholy, but you blame it on the weed. Dina takes a drag, inhaling slowly. Suddenly she leans into you, your lips parting as she connects her lips to yours and exhales the smoke back into your lungs.
It was random, causing you to flinch softly. “Did ya like that? Or should I stop?” She slides her hand up your thigh further, her thumb gliding over your clothed cunt softly. Ellie watches, her eyes lingering over your figure. You look at Dina, the sinful thoughts running through your head starting to take over. “I-I don’t do this. I’ve never-“ Ellie silences you, putting the bud of the joint into the couch to let it burn out.
“We got you.”
Like usual, with Ellie and Dina you were doing something you didn’t usually do. Your legs spread open as Dina licked up the slit of your wet and dripping cunt. Ellie grips her hair, guiding her to eat you out just right. Your hands gripping the side of the couch as you whine and groan Dina’s name out into existence. Her arms wrapped around your thighs to keep your legs open as you shake, throwing your head back as she hits the spot that makes you tingle just right.
“Fuhh-ck!” Your head falls back off the couch, Dina’s fingers mingling with the hardened buds underneath your shirt. “Feel good pretty?” Ellie asks softly, looking down at you. You nod, droll pooling at your lips. Dina slides her finger into your core, your back arching into her as you fuck yourself with her fingers. “Fuc- Dina! Oh good-“ You grip the couch harder, the knot in your stomach growing tighter.
She eats you like it was her last meal, her eyes never leaving yours as she penetrates you with another finger. Ellie continues to guide her, hitting all the spots inside you just right. Her hands come down to your chest, running her thumb over the nipple as if she was admiring the way they bounced as you used Dina. “Yesyes.. right there!”
You grind against her face, feeling yourself become a lot needier. The high you felt earlier could never compare to this one. Her hands spreading you open just right, your eyes shut tightly. “Look at me hun.” She says softly, diving back into you as you open your eyes to look down at her. Ellie watches in awe at the way you open up to Dina’s fingers. “Oh shi- I’m gonna cum Din-“ Ellie suddenly moves Dina’s hand away.
You catch your breath, confused as to why she was depriving you. “I wanna turn too.” Dina rolls her eyes. “You could’ve at least let her cum first. I’m sure she can handle two orgasms.” You watch as they talk about you like you're not even there. “Okay then, think you can handle two pretty?” Your eyes pan to Ellie, nodding slowly as you lean back once more. “Good girl, see I told ya.” Dina says, sliding her digits back inside of you.
She decides not to start slow this time, her fingers using you quickly. “I wanna taste you c’mon.” You feel the high you were on coming back, your hands gripping her hair softly. Your eyes don’t leave her as Ellie leans back, watching the both of you as she waits patiently for her turn with you.
“C’mon hun, wanna taste your cum.” Dina speaks sinfully, causing you to fall over the edge. “Oh- cumming! Please!” You release on her fingers, back arching over the edge of the couch. Your legs shake as you orgasm like you never have before. She sucks softly on your sensitive bud, you whine softly. “Gotta take one more for Ellie, she wants a taste too hun.” Dina slaps your cunt softly.
You nod, spreading your legs once more. The adrenaline running through your body causing you to work against how sensitive you were. “Go in then you needy fuck, go get your fill of her before she changes her mind.” Dina slaps Ellie’s arm softly, wiping her face of your essence. Ellie leans in, kissing your stomach, kissing the inside of your thigh, then kissing your fold softly. “I can’t wait anymore.”
She suddenly licks, causing you to close your legs. “Ah Ah C’mon now. You keep ‘em open f’me do the same for El.” Dina spread your legs back open, leaning against Ellie. You whine, feeling sensitive as Ellie continues with her endeavor. She spreads your folds, sliding her finger inside to replace Dina’s. The length of her finger hitting a spot inside you that Dina didn’t hit before.
“Ah, wait! You- god!” You try to close your legs once more, but Dina slaps your inner thigh, holding them open. “Hey, stop it. You said you could take it so take it like a big girl.” Dina giggles, rubbing your inner thigh softly. You chant Ellie’s name, her fingers curling slighting inside you. You grip her hair, riding her face as if she were a dildo and you were a pornstar.
Dina feels her arousal pooling in her pants, sliding her hand down into her jeans as she touches herself at the sight of you. Your bottom lip I’m between your teeth as you groan, Ellie’s hair gripped in between your fingers. She enjoys the sight of it all. Ellie kissing your stomach again as she adds another finger, speeding up just enough to make you scream. “I’m- oh shit! Ellie please…!” You hold onto her wrist to keep her from moving away, riding her fingers and clenching around them.
“Gonna cum pretty, I wanna taste you as bad. S’not fair Dina got to try it first.” You whine, unable to speak. Dina throws her head back as she feels herself about to release around her own fingers. “Gonna cum together yeah? Cum with me YN.” She says breathlessly as she rides her own fingers. Ellie snickers, “ya just couldn’t wait could ya?” Diving back down to devour the essence about to release from you.
Your head spinning softly, your back arching, you ride her fingers until suddenly. You burst, cumming and squeezing around her fingers, your head falling back and your legs shaking like never before. “E-El oh Fuck! Yesyesyes!” You spread your legs more as she licks it all up, not leaving one drop of you behind. “Taste so good pretty.” She says quietly into your cunt.
Dina cums as well, her legs shaking as she slows down, circling her bud slowly. “Oh yes..” she leans back, pulling her hand out of her jeans. “Wanna taste?” She asks, leaning forward and placing her fingers into your mouth, allowing you to suck them clean. Your eyes low, the high still rippling through you.
“Let’s do this again sometime.”
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I want them both so bad...
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0097linersb · 1 month
Little White Lies (m)
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Pairings: Satoru Gojo x Reader
Genre: Smut, basically pwp, kind of fluff for a bit
Word count: 5k~
Summary: Satoru gets too excited at the thought of being your husband.
Follow me on twitter: marmitasatosugu <3 I´ll proofread this some other day
You thanked God every day that Satoru had the attention span of a 2-year-old considering that you often got away with stuff solely because he was walking around pointing at random clouds or rambling about what movie to watch later. Shoko joked once that you should just leash him after he rushed excitedly to feed some pigeons on the street, but you just laughed it off – you loved the way he was, fully and completely.
Now to quote an example: after a few years of dating, sometimes you found yourself telling a little white lie around, simply because it was so much easier to just call Satoru your husband rather than your boyfriend, especially since it made people take you so much more seriously. It started small, workers had been referring to the man as your spouse for so long that at some point, you just stopped correcting them. It was great, it was practical; people would treat you with more respect and you would have fun inside your little fantasy world.
“My husband will pay for it, the one with the white hair over there.”
“Good afternoon, I´m looking for a gift for my husband.”
“My husband will pick it up later, thank you.”
“Put it on my husband´s tab, please.”
Satoru never caught on to it and you´d much rather that he never did – but once again, the probabilities of it happening were low: if you weren´t holding his hand, he was probably far from you, exploring the big world around him and all its wonders. But oh well, your luck couldn´t last forever.
“Good afternoon, Ms. Y/N,” The receptionist with the Hawaiian shirt smiled once you and Satoru walked inside the resort hand-in-hand. “This must be your husband, welcome to Crystal Waves, Mr. Gojo. Congratulations on the wedding!”
Frozen in place for a second, you couldn´t for the life of you look at your boyfriend. It´s not that you were ashamed, it was a silly little thing that you knew Satoru wouldn´t mind or judge you for, it´s just that… He would tease you so much, you´d never hear the end of it.
You had forgotten all about how when making the reservations, after a long conversation with the lady on the phone, somehow you ended up with free upgrades because apparently it was your honeymoon – Technically, all you said was that the reservation was for you and your husband, she was the one who, probably trying to be nice, commented that she was surprised because you sounded so young, therefore asking if you were newlyweds, so naturally you agreed because the little lie you told was now too far along to take back.
That was almost two months ago, of course you´d forgotten about it. If you hadn´t, you could have just filled Satoru in on the little story, he would love to play pretend, and this was right up his alley. But you didn´t, so before he could say anything, you swallowed down the embarrassment and pretended normality, “Good afternoon, Martha. Yes, this is he.”
You still didn´t look at Satoru, but you heard him thanking her amusedly.
“We´re so glad to have you here,” She smiled as another worker brought you welcome orange cocktails with a beautiful pink flower decorating the glass before guiding you towards the front desk for check-in.
“Did you have a chance to look at all the activities we offer?” Martha asked after you finished signing the paperwork. “For some of the schedules, we ask for the reservations to be made in advance.”
“Yes, that´s understandable. I´m interested in the SPA treatments; we can book it for tomorrow if you have any spots available.”
“Yes, of course. Are we going for the complete package, back massage, facial, scalp treatment, hot stones, body rub…?”
“I think the back ma-”
“Complete package,” Satoru interrupted, tightening the hold on your hand.
“Ok, perfect. 9 AM, 2 PM or 5PM?” Martha asked, clicking away on the computer, smiling up at Satoru for his romantic gesture.
“9 sound goods.”
“Any other plans?”
You waited for Satoru to answer, since he was the one who spent days rambling about some of the stuff he wanted to do, but since he stayed silent, you cleaned your throat and took it upon yourself, “The parasailing one, what days do you have it available?”
“Will it be just your husband or you´ll be going as well?”
“Both of us.”
“Looks like we have an opening two days from now at 3 PM, does that sound good?”
“Perfect, and what about the White Stones Trail?”
“It happens every Monday at 8 AM, should I book it for the two of you?”
“Oh God no, just for my husband, please.”
You didn´t even notice you got carried away in the role until Satoru dropped your hand, snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you slightly closed, his thumb rubbing the skin on your side. You still refused to look at him.
“Booked. Anything else?”
“We´d like to go scuba diving on Tuesday.”
“We have a boat leaving at 10 AM.”
“Sounds good. I guess that´s all for now.”
“All set then, these are the keys to your room. The elevator is at the end of the hall to your left, press 10. Your bags are already waiting for you inside. Hope you have an incredible stay and please find me if you need anything.”
You both thanked Martha before you spun in your heels and tried to make a run for it, your escape plan being quickly ruined by Satoru´s hand finding yours once again, holding you close. Taking a deep breath, you accepted defeat and prepared yourself mentally for the next days of hell.
“So…” Satoru started once you were out of earshot from the main desk. You didn´t look at him but you could tell just by the tone of his voice that he was smiling as you walked down the hall.
“Don´t start,” You warned.
“Too late. Husband, huh?”
“Listen, don´t get your panties in a twist-”
“Oh, I´m absolutely getting my panties in a twist.”
“There´s a logical explanation for all of this,” You informed as he pressed the elevator button.
“Which is?”
“I don´t want to talk about it.”
“But you will.”
You sighed, “When I made the reservations, I told them it was our honeymoon so we´d get upgraded and get like, some free stuff.”
The elevator doors dinged open and you walked in, not even being able to appreciate the paradisiacal panoramic beach view inside. Satoru dropped your hand now that you had nowhere to run, leaning against the glass window and crossing his arms to look at you attentively – At least that´s what you guessed since your eyes were glued to the ceiling.
“Y/N, I´m rich,” He stated as a matter of fact, because well, it was true. “You don´t need to lie to get stuff.”
He caught you on your semi-lie - and he knew it too by the way there was a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
You shouldn´t have looked at him.
“Fuck, ok,” You rolled your eyes, annoyed that he wouldn´t just accept your answer and move on. Taking another deep breath, you carefully measured your words: “Sometimes, for practical reasons, I just tell people we´re married.”
“For practical reasons?”
“Yes, it makes my life easier in certain situations.”
“And how long have you been doing this for?”
Would this damn elevator never reach your floor?
“A few months.”
“And what are you telling people I am?”
“Are you stupid? If we´re married, you´re my husband.”
“Which makes you, my wife.”
The doors finally opened and Satoru reached for your hand, practically dragging you along with his abnormally long legs as you stared at his back.
“Yes Satoru, that´s the correct term.”
“So, you're telling people that you´re my wife?”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, struggling to keep up with his pace and confused at his reaction. You expected insufferable teasing for the next few days and not… Whatever this was.
“Yes Sato – Are you ok? Did you hit your head or something?”
“No,” He finally stopped in front of your room, turning around to look at you with a huge smile on his face as you caught your breath. “I´m just so hard right now.”
“You- You´re what now?” You choked out as he searched his pockets for the magnetic card that opened the door. Your eyes automatically trailed down his pants and he was indeed not lying about his current state. “Do you have a thing for elevators?”
Satoru celebrated when he found the key, positioning it against the lock and smiling when he heard the engines turning, eyes back on you as he opened the door eagerly, “No, but I do have a thing for you calling me your husband.”
He didn´t wait for an answer, pulling you into the room and practically banging the door closed before pressing you against it. Satoru ripped his black glasses off, throwing them somewhere on the floor before bending down to your height so your faces were only inches apart.
“Say it again.”
“Satoru, let´s look around the room first, enjoy the view -”
“That can wait, I´d rather enjoy this view for now.”
“´Twas expensive,” You tried again.
“I´d spend all my money on you. Now say it again.”
“Call me your husband.”
You were still so confused, was this a trap? For some reason, Satoru seemed to be enjoying it, a bit too much even. You let your walls crumble down slightly, wrapping your arms around Satoru´s neck so you´d be more comfortable.
“My husband?” You tentatively obeyed.
He instantly groaned, crashing his lips against yours with so much need that you felt like this was your first time all over again. He started by holding your face, his hands so big that he could hold your jaw with his palms while his fingers dug at the roots of your hair on your nape. He just held you like you were absolutely everything in the world to him and that got your legs weak. His tongue massaged yours and you were whining against his mouth in no time, hands clawing at his black shirt harsher every time he grinded against you. Satoru was equally as worked up, his chest heaving up and down as his hands left your face to grab at the back of your thighs, pulling you up so you could wrap your legs around his hips.
It was so much easier kissing him like this, since you were actually able to reach him. Unfortunately though, this new position got your boyfriend´s throbbing cock right against your core which you know, did nothing to calm you down. You grabbed at his hair in pure need, making a mess out of it as he left your swollen and wet lips alone to attack your neck.
“You´re so beautiful,” He groaned against your neck after he sucked at your jugular, his hips subconsciously bucking against yours. “Can´t believe you´re mine.”
“Satoru,” You moaned as he bit into the junction of your shoulder and neck.
His lips caught yours once again in another messy and aggressive kiss, his right hand leaving your thigh to start bunching up the bottom of your dress until he could see your panties.
“I could just take you right now,” He groaned against your lips.
“Then do it.”
The corner of his lips tugged up in amusement, “Now that´s no way to treat my wife, is it?”
His own words seemed to light another fire inside him, before you could even react, he was kissing you roughly once again, spinning the two of you around and carrying you towards the bed, where he threw you unceremoniously. You yelped at the impact and once more when he grabbed at your calves, pulling you to the edge of the bed. You supported yourself up on your elbows, so you could see when he went down to his knees in between your legs.
He stayed there on the floor for a few seconds, simply admiring the wet spot on your panties, your legs folded up so they wouldn´t be dangling from the edge of the bed. As you were about to complain, he pressed his thumb right on your clit over the fabric, before slowly rubbing circles with the pad of his finger, staring at what he was doing like he was hypnotized. A gasp left your lips at the surprise feeling and his eyes, which were so focused, snapped out of the trance to look up at you.
As your eyes met, he smiled, “My wife.”
“What´s up with you?” You shakily asked as he gently slid your panties down your legs, throwing them away somewhere.
“I just like the sound of it,” Satoru answered as he grabbed at your thighs once again, positioning them on his shoulders, placing a wet kiss on your inner tight.
Your head fell back in pleasure when he bent down, slowly licking your slit from bottom to top before giving your clit a light suck. He then pulled away slightly and you could already see his lips glistening, his arms wrapped around your tights firmly.
“Tell me you´ll marry me.”
You raised an eyebrow at him, not familiar with this type of foreplay and not sure if this was the right setting for this type of discussion. In response to your silence, he dove back in, his tongue eagerly working on your clit – Why did your boyfriend, besides being rich and extremely hot, also have to be good at just fucking everything?
As soon as you left a moan out and he felt your body start twitching at his ministrations, he leaned back once again, “Tell me.”
He looked at you so hungrily that you heard yourself answering before even realizing, “I´ll marry you, Satoru.”
“And that we will have a big, beautiful family.”
And suddenly, it all made sense: Gojo Satoru, the single most powerful sorcerer in the whole world, unraveled at the thought of marrying you, of you being his, of being loved and having a happy family. Your chest filled with so much love suddenly; your boyfriend was such a loser.
“I´ll give you all that,” You agreed.
Even if it was a fantasy, for this moment it didn´t have to be.
You gave him the answer he wanted, and he excitedly went back to his job after hearing your words. His tongue expertly lapping at you in between kisses and sucks, one of your hands flying to grab at his hair to try and ground yourself. Even after years with this man, you´d never be able to get used to just how good he was at fucking you - and today especially, after a long time of not being touched because either you or him were always away for work, you were feeling extra sensitive.
Satoru knew exactly what to do to get you squirming in record time, flatting his tongue to draw circles against your clit, flicking his tongue from side to side, up and down, fucking it into you and it just drove you absolutely crazy. Even his groans of pleasure as he ate you out with so much hunger, vibrating against you, got your head spinning.
“I´m close,” You moaned, as if he didn´t already know.
“Not yet, hang in there,” He stopped, breathing hard and turning his head to the side, vehemently kissing the inner part of your thigh twice more before sitting up on his knees. “I´m having fun.”
He completely ignored your whines of protest, sitting you up so his face was now right in front of your boobs. Satoru smiled in victory at the view, softly sliding the two straps of your dress down your shoulder until all the fabric fell to your waist. Your boyfriend wasted no time, kissing all over the skin of your chest and leaving what soon would be many deep purple marks, his thumb teasing your nipples.
“Have I told you how much I love your boobs?”
“A few times,” You joked in between gasps, you both knew he would tell you that like, at least once a day.
“If I could just hold them all day I´d be the happiest man on earth,” Was the last thing he said before his mouth latched around your nipple, your back arching into the touch.
Once Satoru was satisfied with his work, he gently pushed you back into bed and climbed on top of you, supporting his weight on his two arms. At this point, you were just praying that he would fuck you already, you were dripping, walls clenching around nothing so desperately it hurt – and your boyfriend wasn´t much better, in this position you could feel very clearly how much his cock was throbbing.
You whined in need as he stared at you with his pretty blue eyes and laughed at your desperation – as if you couldn´t see he was about to cum in his pants too.
“What does my baby want?” He smirked condescendingly, amused at your need.
“To be fucked,” You groaned.
“Ah, anything for my wife,” He agreed, now only supporting his weight on his left arm as he snaked his other hand in between your bodies. “Just let me open you up first.”
You would complain you didn´t need to be prepped, but before you could say anything, his middle finger was already inside you and you forgot what you were going to say. He gently and languidly pumped his finger in and out a few times, adding another when he considered you were good to go.
You were a whiny mess, especially when he curled his fingers and found spots no one ever could before.
“Will you take my family name?” Satoru asked suddenly, his face right in front of yours, attentively watching your expression, his hair tickling your forehead. You were too out of it to even process the words coming out of his mouth. “You know the Gojo Clan is one of the most important and powerful clans in the country. It would sound nice, Gojo Y/N.”
He smiled kind of sadistically at your dazed expression before continuing, his fingers not stopping even once, “Or I could take your last name, I don´t mind. Who gives a fuck about the Gojo Clan anyways? I just suggested it ´cause I´d love everyone to know you´re mine.”
Satoru sped up his fingers and you grabbed his arm, your whole body shaking as your high approached, “But if you accept, you´ll be the heiress of everything, everything will be yours, including me. You can do anything you want, order whoever you want, and spend whatever you want, I´ll let you rule over it all, one snap of your fingers and it´s yours. My wife, the head of the Gojo clan.”
A dragged-out moan left your lips not only because of his restless fingers inside of you, but also because of the whole scenario he was painting, he wanted you to have it all, he wanted to be the one to give you everything. He felt the way your walls were squeezing around him and smiled, slowing down his fingers, “But for now, I´ll be a good husband and fuck my beautiful wife until she´s crying.”
At that, your eyes lit up, quickly sitting up to unbutton his shirt as he unzipped his pants. Once he was done with his trousers, he started helping you with the buttons and you abandoned your task, deciding to litter the already exposed parts of his chest and abdomen with kisses, an “I love you” leaving your mouth in between each touch of your lips on his skin – Because you did, you loved him so much.
The show of affection drove Satoru crazy, harshly throwing his shirt away. You were equally insane at the sight of your boyfriend in just his boxers, practically salivating as if this wasn´t the thousandth time you´d seen him like this. He caught you looking at him in pure awe and smiled, leaning over you for a quick sweet kiss before getting rid of his boxers.
“I´ll get you a ring so big it´ll weigh on your finger,” He informed as he climbed on top of you. “Everyone will be able to spot it from miles away.”
“Don´t want it, just want you.”
“You already have me,” He held your face, his eyes so intense you froze for a second. “Always had, always will.”
“What a simp,” You teased as if you weren´t right about to cry.
“Only for my wife,” He smiled, admiring your face.
“And now will my husband finally please fuck me?”
You said it kind of jokingly, but the title appeared to do the trick anyways; you felt his cock twitching against your thigh before he grabbed at one of your legs, pushing your knee slightly up and groaning as he grabbed his member to position it against you.
After all this lovey-dovey talk, you kind of expected Satoru to want to make slow gentle sappy love to you, and you wouldn´t exactly mind since that was amazing as well, but oh you were so wrong. You had miscalculated how horny the thought of being your husband got your boyfriend, because as he entered you, a loud groan left his lips and while normally he would wait for you to adjust to his size, this time he just kept going. At least he was slow with it, slow enough that you could feel every vein, every inch of his skin against your walls, every ridge, every bump.
You dug your nails into his back to distract yourself from the discomfort as he bottomed out, his lips open in a silent moan, and you caught yourself thinking about how lucky you were; out of everyone in the world, you were the only one who got to see the Honored one like this, so vulnerable and beautiful and yours.
“You feel so good,” He breathed out, beginning to drag his cock out. “Every fucking time.”
You didn´t care if it hurt, you wanted him to destroy you, “Satoru?”
“Yes, beautiful?”
As he started fucking into you again, you lost your words, but the pleading look you gave him and the drag of your nails down his back sent him the message loud and clear.
“Oh,” He smirked. “How am I so lucky?”
You felt his lips on yours as he began to speed up his hips, his right hand wrapping around your thigh so he could pull you flush against his cock. You cursed, feeling like you were being impaled, “Fuck.”
“To have a beautiful sweet loving wife who wants to be fucked like a slut.”
His hips were so smooth yet so fast, knowing all the right angles to get you biting at his shoulder and squeezing your walls around him.
“And you know what´s the best? All these men wanting you will have to know you´re only mine.”
It came as a surprise to you after a few months of dating that Satoru Gojo was a jealous boyfriend. It made absolutely no sense to you, considering that he was… well, Satoru Gojo. Like, what do you mean the strongest and most powerful man in the world, who could end all civilization with a flick of his finger if he wanted to, got bothered when you and Nanami took a cooking class together?
However, you kind of liked his possessiveness over you, especially when it made him thrust harder into you, got his tongue in your mouth in public, or his hand around your neck at a bar.
He felt the way you clenched at his words, breaking apart from you with a groan and flipping you around before you could even process what was happening. The way he could just throw you around so easily got you moaning into the sheets as you arched your back waiting for him.
Satoru didn´t leave you waiting for long, a second later he was already bottoming out inside you once again, and the hotel sheets were proven to be good quality when they didn´t rip under your fingers as he fucked you like his life depended on it.
You were completely lost, brain scrambled as you communicated through moans and gasps, especially when he pulled you up by the neck so your back stood against his chest. His hand stayed there, holding you in place and choking you as his other hand teasingly found its way down your abdomen, finding your clit as its destination.
Your whole body was shaking, Satoru´s arms were probably almost bleeding with how harshly your nails dug into it so you wouldn´t scream.
“You were made for me. Your pussy was made for me,” His moan was raspy against your ear. “Mine. Only for me. Your husband.”
Satoru was close and you were doing your best to buck your hips back to meet his thrusts, already at the edge too with the way his finger kept rubbing number eights against your clit. You stretched your hand back to grab at his hair, stupid at the feeling of being fucked open. He groaned at you pulling his hair, biting your shoulder to warn you he was about to cum.
“Inside,” You rasped.
He literally shivered at your words, a loud moan leaving his mouth as he thrust into you deeper than anyone had ever been before, including himself. Your vision went blank, your orgasm hitting you without warning and no time for you to prepare yourself, your body twitched violently as gasps left your lips, knowing you would have fallen like a doll if Satoru hadn´t been holding your neck.
“Oh, fuck. Fuck,” He cursed, losing control at the way your walls were crazily clenching around him.
His wet and warm mouth was soon on your shoulders, desperately kissing the bite marks he was leaving. You barely felt as he came inside you, or how his cock twitched against your walls, or how you could barely breathe with how tight he held your neck once his orgasm hit, too lost in your own pleasure. You did hear the beautiful noises coming out from his lips, prolonging your orgasm.
Once the two of you came back to reality, breathing hard, Satoru gently let go of your neck, softly rubbing his thumb over the red marks. As expected, your legs failed to hold you and your chest met the bed a second later, your eyes closed to try and come down from your high.
Satoru stayed on his knees, eyes glued to the way you were dripping out because of your walls´ spasms. He just couldn´t help himself, gathering all his cum that spilled with his fingers, ignoring your whines of protest, and pushing it all back in.
“Just a second baby,” He answered dazedly, his fingers still working.
He was obsessed, addicted to the view. No matter how much your body twitched because of the overstimulation, he couldn´t stop pumping his fingers into you, feeling how wet and slick you were around him. He groaned at the way your lips were swollen because of him, thumb gently rubbing your clit. He continued until your whines turned into moans, until your hips stopped trying to run away and instead bucked back against his fingers, until he felt himself getting hard again.
You didn´t complain when you felt his cock entering you once again, his lips worshiping your back as your eyes remained closed, slightly arching your hips to give him better access as he slowly and gently fucked you. Satoru caressed your hair and kissed your temples, your nape, your eyes, all while calling you beautiful and telling you how much he loved you.
“Gojo Satoru.”
Sensing your tone, he didn´t answer in pure fear.
The silence made you leave the bathroom, staring at your boyfriend who was in bed looking at you with wide eyes, “What´s wrong, baby?”
“We´re at a beach resort,” You said in between gritted teeth. “How the fuck am I supposed to go to the beach when it looks like I have been mauled by a bear after being dragged around town by a car?”
“I´m sorry, I got carried away.”
“Oh my god, call Martha and cancel the SPA day tomorrow.”
“I can give you a massage-”
“You´re never touching me again, Satoru.”
He smirked at that, “Yeah, give me a few hours and we´ll see.”
You hated that he was right.
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