#guyssssss i can't
inoankin · 8 months
i had at some point figured out the primary path for every single option in the game (as in, which option seemed to have been considered "canon", or at least before its counterpart, by the developers, based on how the game fits around it) and then i fucking forgot all of it
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ambusterpm · 3 months
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Gandalf as requested by @brethilach (thank youu)
You know not how difficult a task you've set me,,, I've always struggled so much with finding a way I like to draw Gandalf. I am mostly content with this. I was thinking he'd keep all sorts of bits and bobbles that he can wear on his person as he travels to remember the friends he's made. Saruman looks down on him for it, sees it as trashy and frivolous.
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I’ve passed 52% (yay!) and I have so many thoughts written down (yes, I take notes while reading (mostly keyboard smashes, though)). But I’m just gonna appreciate all of the relationships being portrayed here between the characters. And the level of complexity their personalities and worldviews and arcs are allowed. And also the fact that they’re allowed to show deep, deep emotion as much as they hide/deny it...and that their changes are so brutally shown to us readers and the people around them.
Just how? I don’t know how this book managed to show such character development, such a progression and changing of relationships, such nuance between characters (not just Dokja @ everyone, but also between the sides themselves), such belief in each other and the person they’ve become (312′s “I believe in the story they had built” - I��m dead), such lightheartedness but also such depth between everyone...
*suddenly throws the book into the wall* And how does it keep one devastating me with all these random exchanges!?!? It’s happening so close to each other and yet it seems so well built-up and paced?! I cannot....
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anothermonikan · 7 days
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girlboylintjrwi · 2 months
hey guyssssss
i'm so insane over these 2.........
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ngl kinda curious what happens if mc gets shipped with one of the nobles more often than the kings instead?
You know the AO3 ship popularity chart? Let's say they did one of those for the "child of Solomon" fandom.
Mod Jjok: The most popular ship with Mc for this month is... Mc x Sitri! With over 20k words in the longest running fanfiction on the ship reaching peak popularity in the middle of the month!
Dantalian: Sitri? Isn't that his majesty Satan's blood bag?
Glasylabolas: It turns out he has a name.
Paimon: I think this must be mistakeeeeen. I just recently wrote in collaboration with Astaroth a 25k words fanfic about Mc x Satan
Eligos: Oh, I mass-reported that one. I would apologise about that, but demons can't lie
Paimon: You're so sillyyyyy
Paimon: You just lost cuteness session priveledgessss
Eligos: :'(
Eligos: It was for the greater good of Tartaros
Bimet: Very noble of you, Eligos
Dantalian: Bimet! You fucking bitch, where's my MC body pillow????
Eligos: @Dantalian please take this in private we don't vibe with this negative energy here
Dantalian: Speak for yourself, I vibe with it!
Gamigin: Guys, what happened????? I was asleep, it's like 5 AM in here.
Gamigin: HOLY FUCK
Gamigin: How did Sitri of all people win????
Paimon: I mean, he's not that baaaaaaad
Gamigin: 20k words isn't even that long! How?!
Gamigin: I think we all have to come together to break the two up
Gamigin: Sitri is a common enemy and we shall stop him!
Dantalian: I'm sharpening my knife as we speak.
Gamigin: His Majesty Lucifer said I'm not allowed to leave Paradise Lost :'(
Dantalian: And?
Gamigin: And ... what?
Dantalian: He's not your dad! Even if he was, you don't have to listen to him. Do you think I listen to everything his majesty Asmodeus tells me to do? No. He may be my dad and my king, but I am in control of my own future.
Glasylabolas: Preach brother, preach
Gamigin: But I don't want to go against Lucifer's orders
Dantalian: Pussy
Glasylabolas: Pussy
Dantalian: First! Suck it old man!
Gamigin: Wait, doesn't Paimon live in the same country as Sitri?????
Gamigin: @Paimon, dearest, could you please kill Sitri for us? At least tranquillise him or something. Make sure he doesn't move anymore.
Paimon: I'm not murdering Sitri over thisssss
Paimon: I'll just ask him if it's true he's dating Mccccc
Dantalian: I think we should vote on Sitri's fate
Glasylabolas: Absolutely. I am for democracy.
Dantalian: Knife or gun death?
Glasylabolas: I prefere knife. Gun's make everything messier. How am I supposed to get arroused by a pile of guts?
Dantalian: Ask Ronové or Phenix and they'll tell you
Dantalian: I once saw Ronové remove an angel's intenstines and fucking them
Eligos: That's why nobody wants to visit Abaddon.
Dantalian: In his defence, it was kind of hot
Glasylabolas: I can imagine
Glasylabolas: I should call Ronové again...
Dantalian: He charges for one night stands now cause Abaddon lost its health care recently
Gamigin: Yeah, Morax told me about how you started getting curious about his eye hole.
Dantalian: I don't even blame Ronové for that one. I'm also curious what happens if you cum down someone's eye socket.
Paimon: Ok guyssssss
Paimon: I talked with himmmm
Paimon: It turns out that he just had a lot of black tea recently and wrote 20k words in a dayyyyy
Paimon: And a lot of people read it because Asteroth recomended it on his bloggggg
Dantalian: ah, yeah, shipping
Dantalian: Asmodeus x Mc for the win
Eligos: In your dreams
Dantalian: Yes. I do dream about that often.
Dantalian: I don't even know why y'all care so much for Mc's sex life
Dantalian: Having sex with only one partner is boring
Gamigin: Keep your shitty opinions to yourself.
Dantalian: Only if you make me
Eligos: I'm going to mass report it
Gamigin: I already did <3
Sitri: All of you are so mean
[Mod Jjok stopped comments on this post]
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Jegulus Raising Harry (1/1)
Every year James would turn into his deer self and Regulus would put a red nose on him. So then James would go to the forest and wait. Regulus would dress up Harry (making sure his ears are warm) and they would go out to see if they could find a reindeer.
Every year, Rudolph would be in the forest.
Prongs: *drinking water in a pond*
Regulus, with a little smile: Oh my, Harry dear do you see him?
Harry, gasps and his eyes sparkle: Papa, it's Rudolph!
Regulus: Go say hi to your friend, darling.
Harry skips joyfully to his friend, closes his arms around his snout, and the deer snuggles ingto him. They play for hours.
Regulus puts him on top of Rudolph, Harry swings from his antlers, Harry pets his friend thoroughly while giving him sugar cubes and carrots, and they roll oround in the grass.
Regulus: Sweetheart, it's getting late. We have to go home to make daddy hot coca with marshmallows or he'll get pissy. Oh don't look at me like that. I'll give you extra cream.
Harry, gloomily dragging his feet: Bye, Ruddie. I have to go back home- my daddy is waiting for us. I love him so much... I wish you could meet him. *whispers* But he doesn't know about you- it's mine and Papa's little secret.
Harry hugs his friend's chest because he knows it'll be long until they see eachother again.
When Harry and Regulus get to the door, Regulus kneels down: Remember Harry love, Rudoph is our secret.
Harry makes the motion of locking his lips.
When Reggie opens the door, Harry goes running to the couch where he sees James.
Harry: Daddy! Papa and I had so much fun today!
James, smirking and sweaty: Did you? Whatever did you do?
Harry, grining goofily: We went to the forest and played for hours!
Regulus: Harry, why don't you go get the cream while I talk to daddy?
Harry: Ok!
Harry runs as fast as his little feet can take him without falling.
Regulus, kissing James: Hello, lover.
James: Hi, my deer. *kiss* My life. *kiss* My star. *kiss*
Regulus, blushing and going around to move James to his lap whispers: He's so happy. You did great, mon soleil.
James, snuggling into Reg and kissing his neck: Thank you, my love. I think this was my best performance.
Regulus: I think all your preformances are spectacular *winks*
James, through laughter: Fuck yeah they are
Harry stumbles into the living room with a face full of whipped cream.
Harry: Guyssssss, c'monnnn. I need marshmallows!
James is in tears from laughing and Reg is clutching his stomach. Reggie runs to Harry, picks him up, and throws them both into James.
His family, his beautfiul family.
James and Regulus smother Harry in kisses and then when he thinks he can't laugh anymore, James carries them both to the kitchen.
And that's how the Potter-Black house always felt like. Full of joy, full of hope, dreams... and always full of love.
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byler4vida · 5 months
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GUYSSSSSS I CAN'T SEE THEM THAT MUCH THOUGH, can somebody help me out?
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shifting-with-august · 8 months
guys, guyssssss I think I did it...
I haven't been able to have lucid dreams lately and I honestly have been stressing about it for the past few days. During the day, I'd affirm that I will go lucid when I dream, or that I will shift.
Last night, I ended up having a dream. You know, just random scenarios and stuff. It was just another dream that I can't even recall now because they're hazy. But in the middle of the dream, I eventually started becoming more conscious and finally, I went lucid.
Upon realizing that I was already in that state, I immediately started to affirm that I will shift. I kept saying that I will shift. I didn't want to let it slip away. I remember asking myself, "is there even a final push? What the heck do I need to do to finally do this?" I was just so desperate because I know I'm getting there. I was already lucid, I couldn't let the chance slip away. And that's when I realized and started to affirm this: "I know that I am capable of shifting, I can shift." As soon as I said that, I felt like I was falling and spinning at the same time. It was all happening too fast. Then I woke up.
I was in a dark room, though it wasn't totally dark because there was a faint light coming from a night lamp or something. I looked around and started to realize that I was in my CR room. It looked similar but different at the same time. It was the exact same room but with different decorations and all. I don't even use a night lamp in my CR room. It felt like I really just woke up.
I decided to touch the mattress, and it was so real. I felt how soft it was, and I also felt the stitches on its hem. However, it did not last long as I started to feel my awareness of being in that room slip away. I remember trying hard to not slip away from that state. I started affirming and I felt the sensation of spinning again. Only this time, when the spinning stopped, it was like I'm back to a dream state.
I don't even know how to process this. I don't even know how to distinguish if it truly is a shift or just another dream. But I know what I felt. It also wasn't my dr. Probably a parallel reality, another version of this CR. Still, regardless if this was an actual shift or not, I think I was able to get a very important lesson; something I will use the next time I try this again. It just clicked. BELIEVE. Believe in your ability to shift.
The moment I started to affirm and believe that I can, it gave me this experience.
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nikosamaki · 2 years
Hi guyssssss, I'm BACK 💃
Sorry I had something to deal and it took a lot timmmmme 😔😅
I promise I'll post a lot stories and HELLO to new followers ☺️❤️ Thank for following 🥰
When you touch their horns:
He's shocked -he doesn't show it, of course-, but looks at you with narrowed eyes which tells you: "You're too young for death, Idiot " (Don't worry, he'll not kill you AT LEAST🤐 -because of Dia- ). In spite of you're freaking scared and near to ruin your pants, you figure out that how soft is his horns areeeeeee!!! They're as soft as silk and not to mention that you thought demon's horns must have been REALLY rough, but SOFT... No fucking way!!
As you're in your thoughts, he's blushing -I should've said it sooner, demon's horns are their most SENSITIVE part of body (Naughty 😏... Except that BEAUTIFUL part :)- and he thinks he's doing well in hiding it -but he SUCKS 😔😂.
When you saw his face -FINALLY-, his eyes are just like wolf's eyes and JUST wants to do it (you know I'm still a bit shy about saying it, so...😅), wants to make you say his name to stop, wants to hear your moans and so many things... -Your fault, because you badly turned him ON.
His reaction cannot be worse than Levi (I guess you've figured it out), but his face is as red as tomatoe due to blushing! (Sooooo CUTE 🥺). Though he tries really hard to control himself -not doing or saying anything silly-, he suddenly took a step closer to you -maybe just wanted to give you a good view of his horns-; and unfortunately -or FORTUNATELY!- something catches his heel and falls down on you!!! (How ROMANTIC!). In his mind, he's fucked, but doesn't know that you're dying inside -you're red, mess, REALLY confused and of course you have lots of SWEET thoughts in your mind that could happen any minute NOW.
When you look at him, he's not the same Mammon that he used to be; is he kinda cursed? -His eyes are narrowed and his face is serious. When he speaks, he's too much Daddy!! (I didn't know how to explain it 😂). :"You're MINE, ONLY mine... You didn't forget it, right? 'Cause I get the feelin' that I should make myself clear THIS time." You're amazed and scared, because you don't know what the Hell is happening?! Do you deserve it? What does it look like to be punished by Mammon?? Soon you'll find your answer, in BED!!
Already D.E.A.D!! In shock! -he had a convulsion 😔, Poor. He canNot analyze what's the point? Why is he bowing and letting you TOUCH his HORNS?!?!? Error 404...
2 hours later...
He keeps his eyes closed because he can't handle the feeling he gets -you're FUCKING close to him- Again errors...
He tries to get calm by taking deep breath. When he becomes calm -you wish that he never gets calm-; his inner beast woke up and now you're in DANGER (Never underestimate calm Levi... NEVER!!) . You cann’t believe what you're seeing, Levi's cool?? He's not freaking out? W-who's that guy???
He's a hungry beast that wants food, wants to test every part of your body... Wants to eat you up!
You want to run, but you can’t; his tail tightly held your feet which means that there is NO way back.
He's behavior is like Luci but has more control on it! -to be honest, he has tried this situation hundred times as if it happens someday???? (Now it's getting WEIRD 🫥). When you ask him to let you touch his horns, he takes a sit and lead you on his lengths -he gives you a good view of his horns. Well you didn't know that it's a trap 😏. Like you don't even know HIM :/ - ;When he led you on his lengths, you figured it out very suspicious but somehow you ignored your warning though and sat (A stupid move🤦). While you were touching his horns -he's blushed-; he pulled you on bed ! (Very CLEAN move😔👌). NOW you've understood that you're FUCKED UP. He grins at you and says:" Kitty, let's play GAME , but not the usual one... The SPECIAL one."
No need to ask!! He just grabs your hand and put it on his head -means “Go ahead, TOUCH MY HORNS”. Since you’re naive (Too MUCH naive); again you’re tricked –just like Satan’s situation- and started to rub his horns. They’re very soft!! –even softer than the rest of the brothers 😲. He doesn’t let you to think or do anything else, in the blank of an eye, you’re tied up on his BED! (You canNOT guess how that happened… You better not to try to figure it out; it’s for your own sake😊).
Erotic eyes which shows he’s turned on badly, a smirk on his face that want to do VERY very bad and UNHOLY things with you… Bent down and said in your ears:“ Now I got YOU… Just YOU & ME🤭❤️” (You’ve got the right to scare😶… He’s the avatar of LUSTttttt, so don’t think that you can handle any shitty things that’s going to happen!)
Doesn’t care :/ (That’s not new… because we’re talking about BEEL). He changed into his demon form and bent that you can touch the horns. At least you’re a hundred percent sure that he WILL NOT do any BAD things –or maybe he’ll but you don’t know? Who knows??. Just when you touch his horns, his stomach starts groaning 😑 (Well, you’re LUCKY… Be optimist !). He asks you for food and you said you’ll give him some food. BUT, but when he said “FOOD” he didn’t mean chips or burgers or else; HE meant YOU!!! (You idiot, how can someone be that much silly?????). As the way he’s misunderstood your meaning -or you were the one who didn’t understand his question-, he grins and stand straight, Looks down on you and lick his lips :“ You look DELICIOUS 😋. I want to start from your lips”. Here’s when you find out the situation BAD (Mostly like you’re FUCKED). He bite your lips and lick them hard…
You want to set yourself free, but you’re very weak against him. There is no way BACK, accept your destiny that you’re going to BE FUCKED by Beel😅🤗.
Veryyyyyyyyyyy FUNNY question… NOPE😥. (No wonder that no one can imagine how you’ll be fuck by him :/ I CAN’T!!)
And of coursee.... Happy Valentine's Day 💘
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were--ralph · 1 year
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dilflover-4ever · 2 months
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Someone older 2
Josh Kiska x f!reader
wc: 2.2k
Summary: Having a crush on your best friend's older brother is normal. It is just something about an older, “cool” teenager that appealed to you in your preteen years. Almost everyone experiences this, but is it still normal when he is 8 years older? Yes, your best friend, Sam, was older than you but he was like a brother and something about Josh was so intoxicating. The crush didn’t leave when he left for college, he stayed in the back of your mind throughout all of those years. Hell he plagued your mind through your last years of highschool and first of college. So what are you supposed to do when he moves in with Sam near the college you and he attended.
Minors DNI!!!
Warnings: female masturbation, that’s about it I think
For more info go to master post!
a/n: guyssssss I was hoping to get some good old sexual tension and spice into this chapter but it just got too long I had to cut it off. Sorry!!!!!
A couple days had passed since you found out Josh was moving in with Sam. You completed your regular schedule while also aiding Sam in prepping the apartment for Josh’s arrival. Two days. You had two days until Josh arrived, you could barely contain your excitement. Sam picked up on this and was feeling quite the opposite. “I don’t understand why you're so excited for this.” Sam said grumpily. Trying to play it off you just responded with a quick statement. “I just miss them so much and now I don't have to wait until Thanksgiving.” You gave a quick shrug and made work with the freshly washed sheets. “Well you're not the one that has to live with him.” He remarked. You rolled your eyes and finished up the guest bed. You could only imagine him resting here after a long day, his scent filling the room. You almost let a small whine slip from your lips at the thought of his welcoming cologne. After checking with Sam that he didn’t need your additional help, you promised to go grocery shopping with him tomorrow.
Heading back to your apartment you figured dinner could just be the leftover meal from yesterday. Watching it spin around in the microwave, you texted Josh.
Heard you're moving in with Sam, can’t wait to see you!
You’d hoped that wasn’t weird and he would just see it as a welcoming sentence. He soon replied and all thoughts of doubt washed away from you.
Can't wait to see you either sweetheart! Counting down the days.
Sweetheart. Josh had always called you that and it managed to weaken your knees just a little every time. The microwave beeping caught your attention and you pulled the food out with flushed cheeks. You have to get a hold of yourself before he gets here.
After dinner you took a quick shower and laid down in bed for the night. You were on your phone for a little before noticing the time and deciding you didn’t wanna feel like shit in the morning. Plugging your phone in and readjusting your shirt to sit more comfortably. Laying in the dark you shut your eyes and tried to allow sleep to take you. Your thoughts shifted around, from upcoming classes, dinner recipes, these past couple days with Sam and they halted when you got to Josh. It was inevitable, you thought about him most nights and they started innocent but you couldn't stop them from venturing. Soon you were thinking about his face buried between your legs, lapping at your clit with his tongue while his fingers worked inside of your pussy. You thought about the names he would call you and the noises he would make.
You then realized how worked up you were and you didn't notice your hand that had subconsciously drifted past the waistband of your sleep shorts. You opened your eyes and swiftly leaned over to your nightstand, finding the small object in the dark. You brought the vibrator over to yourself and yanked your shorts to your ankles. Pressing the button, it buzzed to life and as it teased between your lips you let out a deep exhale. A whine left your lips when you brought it higher, adding pressure where you needed it. Your thoughts swarming with Josh. Your hips ground up into the toy, adding to the sensation. You felt your eyes squeeze shut and brought your open hand up to play with your hardened nipples, giving both equal attention. Quiet moans left your lips and short sighs of his name followed. The burning sensation building up in your lower abdomen. Chasing the feeling you start to drag it up and down your clit with quick motions. You felt it nearing and with a ‘oh fuck Josh’ you came around the toy, legs slightly shaking and hips pressing down into the bed.
You slept peacefully that night, only slight regret with the noise you were making.
The next morning you got up out of bed and completed your normal routine, trying not to think about the extensive classes you had for the day. On the way to class you and Sam communicated what time would be best for groceries. “Well my last class ends around four. Oh and I'm staying after for a while to study in the library, so you don’t have to bring me home today.” He told you, looking out the front windshield. “Ok so when will you be done with that? I just don’t want to go too late.” You responded, looking over to glance at him. “Well me and her-” You cut him off before he could finish. “Her?! Sammy, do you have a girlfriend I don’t know about?” You questioned, not even caring for coming off as nosy. “No y/n! What the hell? We are just study buddies for a project.” He answered, but you didn’t miss his rosy cheeks as he looked down at his hands in his lap. “I’m just messing with you Sammy, I'm sure she's nice. So should we go around 5:15?” You asked, turning into the parking lot. “Sure that sounds good.” He gave you a quick hug goodbye as you parted ways.
After a few long hours you could go home and rest before grocery shopping. On your way out someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around to be met with a boy from your class, Brady. “Hey Brady, what do you need?” You said, concerned about what he could want. “Well I was just gonna ask for your number? If that’s okay, I think you're really pretty and would like to get to know you more.” His question caught you off guard, sure he is really charming but you had barely interacted with him before this. “Um sure here hand me your phone I can put it in.” You offered with a small smile. After typing in the digits you looked back up at him with a smile. He smiled back and waved goodbye with a ‘thanks’ and ‘see you later’.
In the car ride home you couldn’t stop thinking about what had just happened. You couldn’t stop yourself as you compared him to Josh. It was something that occurred often when you had previous boyfriends in highschool, even with your ex that you had dated for two and half years. You were in love with him and everything he did but always found yourself thinking things like, ‘Josh wouldn't say that’ or ‘I wonder what Josh would do right now’. That boy was your first love (besides Josh….) and he was the boy you lost your virginity to. You were heartbroken when you both decided being apart for college was the best thing to do. And it didn’t help how josh was there to pick up the pieces of your heart and work to put them back together. Of course the others helped you through it too but Josh put in extra effort, like texting you everyday after and allowing you to rant to him about your feelings. You don’t think Josh liked the guy very much, almost being passive aggressive when they would be in the same room together. In fact he was like that with every guy you had dated, you always put it off as he was just protecting you like an older brother would.
Once you got home you jumped on your bed and opened your phone to instagram, deciding that was the best use of your time, which it probably isn’t but what else could you do. It wasn’t like you had homework for both of tomorrow's classes sitting on your desk, which you did. After going through some stories you came across Sam’s, it was a picture of the table he and his ‘study buddy’ were sitting at. The papers and laptops scattered in almost an unnatural way, perfect for a photo. You tapped through and came across Josh’s. It had the text reading ‘Moving day!’ with a photo of the moving truck packed up. You almost tapped past it until you noticed two people on either side of the truck, recognizing Jake immediately your eyes moved to the other person. It was a short cute brunette girl with a chunky sweater and jean skirt on. She was beautiful, you could see the rosiness of her cheeks and the cute bow tied in the back of her half-up, half-down hairstyle. A pit of jealousy opened in your body, you instantly started questioning, ‘is she with josh?’, ‘could she just be a friend?’ and ‘maybe with jake.’ You decided instagram could be closed for now, not wanting to give yourself even more anxiety about your feelings towards him.
You heard a knock and sat up to go answer. Opening the door you saw Sam, guess he forgot about his key. But how could you forget you had to go get groceries? “Oh sorry I totally forgot, let me go get my shoes!” You said frantically moving back into the house to get your sneakers. “Oh I actually came to tell you something else, but yeah we got to go do that.” He said nonchalantly. You looked up at him in curiosity as you tied the laces. “Well what is the other thing you were gonna tell me?” He met your eyes with a defeated look, “Well seems like Josh is getting in a little early, he should be here at about 8 tonight.” He said. You were sure there was a physical sparkle in your eyes once you processed this information. “Oh that’s great Sammy! We better go get food now then.” You finished, standing up to get your purse from the back of the dining room chair.
In the car Sam continued, “I don’t know why he couldn’t just stay one more night! He wasn’t supposed to be fully packed until tomorrow.” He rubbed between his eyes as he said this. “Hey you know you can stay at mine if at any point you get overwhelmed or annoyed.” You reassured him. He looked up with a smile and nodded in thanks.
Once done with groceries, you checked out and loaded them into the car. Noticing you still had about two hours until Josh arrived you made the offer of going out to eat tonight. Sam agreed and that’s how you ended up in Flower Child, a place you both liked. Cutting into your grilled salmon you continued the Josh conversation, big surprise. “Not to be rude but why does him moving in with you bother you so much? I Mean you basically did it your whole life.” You added. “That’s exactly my point y/n, I did it my whole life and I love him but I appreciate living on my own.” He responded, allowing you to realize where he is coming from, you didn’t know when you would be ready to live with another person. “I'm here with you Sam, all of the way, mi casa su casa.” You try to throw in a joke to try and cheer him up and are glad when it does. He let out a small giggle and moved to throw away your trash.
Back at the apartment you hugged Sam goodbye and gave him some more words of support. You decided it would be best to leave Josh to move in and you would talk to him in the morning since you had no classes. You knew you needed to head to bed early since you had a semi-late night yesterday…..
After getting ready for bed you laid and went to turn on your show to help you to bed. You watched for a little and a text came through your phone. It was sam.
He’s here y/n, if you want to come say hi
You barely had control of your body as you sprung out of bed and grabbed your keys. Opening the door you saw him and Sam talking in the hallway with a box at their feet. You couldn't stop yourself as you ran towards him. “Josh!” you yelled not caring for the neighbors at this moment. You ran and jumped into his arms, legs wrapping around his waist and arms around his shoulders as his strong arms held around your back. “Hey peach! How are you? I’ve missed you like crazy.” His admission made your heart thump widely in your chest. You pulled your face from his neck to look at his eyes, “I’ve been good. I missed you too!” You said with a grin. One of his hands drifted to your ass to push you back up as you started slipping. You dropped your legs from around him and the areas he touched you burned as you turned to look at Sam. His expression is much less excited than yours.
You had spent the night catching up with Josh and just asking for stories about his life. The conversation continued until Sam’s phone made the bedtime noise and you three realized it was now 11. Cleaning up whatever mess you guys had made, you made your way out the door and gave both boys a tight hug, but not forgetting a kiss on Josh’s cheek as it was something you guys shared at and departure. In your own bed you couldn’t contain your excitement for what the next few months would hold.
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dangenderenvy · 4 months
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i'm gonna be working all day so i can't make it :(( hope all of u who can make it have fun (and keep me updated on anything big)
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awritersstuff · 3 months
GUYSSSSSS 😭😭😭😭😭 I am sooooo worried about fujio , like what job is bro gonna do after graduation. Todoroki and tsukasa are the smart ones so they will probably find a well off job , tsuji shiba make music but what about fujio he-he is so.......dumb (affectionately) , now that I think about it what about yasukiyo, like they just can't keep fighting there whole life , right . Right?
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altocat · 1 year
Ever Crisis: The First Soldier CHAPTER 5 Recap
Now that Sephiroth has joined the game, expect a lot more rambling/inane bias.
We open back up in the cave. The trio is resting when Sephiroth whistles to them to round them up. Glenn is pissy at the idea of them taking orders from a kid.
We meet up with Seph, where he tells us we'll be cutting through Cawpine Caverns. He said he spotted the Rhadorans there, so he thinks there's probably a base. He's got a mind to go run in there and kill shit.
Glenn keeps calling him a "cyborg", though he said he'll accept Seph's leadership since Seph is a big hero. He also threatens to kick Seph's ass if he whistles for them again. Seph pouts and trails unhappily behind them.
The group walks along a long trail thick with Mako. Seph holds them up and APOLOGIZES about whistling before, saying it was rude. He didn't realize. He admits he hasn't really had many opportunities to actually interact with people. This is his first real field assignment. Sheltered lab rat Seph confirmed??
Seph says him being a hero is a LIE. He said Shinra made him the face of the program and manufactured all of his "achievements". It was all one big recruitment ploy. He doesn't think he's a hero and he doesn't WANT to be one.
Glenn warms to this slightly and tells him now's his chance to prove himself to be a REAL hero. After all, he's freakishly strong in combat.
Seph doesn't want to be a hero. He says he just wants to live a normal life. But he mumbles it so the others can't hear. He said it's "never going to happen anyway". My heart is actually breaking??? OW.
They move to a waterfall. Natural materia has formed here. We have a very familiar Nibelheim-esque callback scene. Matt infodumps some familiar dialogue and Seph practically winks at the camera all "HUH NEAT".
Glenn reveals he got into trouble a lot as a kid, acting out how often he had to apologize for screwing around. Seph...doesn't understand him acting goofy. But it actually makes him laugh a little. AWWWW.
Oh god here we go. Sephiroth very awkwardly shows them a PICTURE of HOLY FUCKING SHIT LUCRECIA IT'S LUCRECIA OMFG. He calls her "Jenova". Seph asks if they've ever met or seen her before. It's a really detailed Remake Trilogy-esque pic of Lucrecia.
He said HOJO gave him the picture, but wouldn't tell him anything about her. That's surprising. Now Seph goes around asking everyone he meets if they've seen her.
Anyway, monster time. I finally get to fight as Seph! Little baby boy is so weak and pathetic compared to my way over-leveled FS trio lmao. His model is also very smol in comparison to them. Runty Seph!!! I'm gonna have to max this boi out.
After the fight, Glenn asks if Seph showed them the photo because he figured they'd die before he got to ask. Seph says no, but giggles about it. Precious angel baby boy.
Seph says that talking to the three of them must be what "having fun" is like. And that he enjoys it. Guys, I'm gonna die. I'm fucking crying. AND LUCIA PATS HIM ON THE HEAD GUYSSSSSS.
They enter the base. Seph tells them they are to eliminate all monsters and Rhadorans. He said this includes kids and old folks, rationalizing for both--SEPH'S also a kid, and the old folks could be veterans. YIKES Seph. He spouts some propaganda about this island belonging to Shinra. The boy is brainwashed.
With that said, they're keeping him pretty balanced so far. He goes between being genuinely sweet and endearing to ruthless war weapon. As he should be. I like morally gray Seph.
I attempt to navigate the base with a severely under-leveled Seph. Thanks, Square. Lots of Rhadorans and filler monsters slain. Many sections have annoying gates you have to unlock.
This caps off with a fucking STEAMPUNK MECH weapon thing. And of course it's a somewhat hard fight so it's grinding time with Seph.
After the fight, Sephiroth runs ahead in pursuit of the Rhadorans. He tells the group they should split up in different directions. When Glenn protests Seph going off by himself, Sephiroth says it's his "cyborg instinct". So he's still sore about that brief bit of bullying. Aww.
While the trio is tangling with the Rhadorans, who shows up but fish-goblin STAMP! He keeps following the trio and tears into the fray.
The whole place starts to fall apart thanks to explosives. Our trio books it, where they find Sephiroth outside, a huge pile of Rhadoran bodies all around him.
Here we go. The emotional climax of the chapter. Sephiroth says they were trying to evacuate everyone who couldn't fight, which Seph evidently took care of. Glenn asks if this violence was necessary and Matt equally says that they could have been used as bargaining chips.
Seph says they have to kill. SURPRISINGLY, Seph managed to get hurt! The so called "kids" Glenn mentioned earlier apparently had some combat training and backstabbed Seph.
Seph says that people make assumptions about himself as well, so he tries extra hard to prove them wrong. He says that his training proved to him that he needs to be strong, smart, and ruthless in battle, a hardened heart. It's kill them before they kill you. Obviously Shinra brainwashing. But also, Sephiroth has obviously seen a LOT of trauma at this point.
To which Glenn steps towards him and gives him The Hug. It's life or death out here. But Sephiroth has nothing to prove. He only needs to show compassion.
Sephiroth sadly shakes his head and is either crying or having something close to a mini-breakdown. To which he whispers the heartbreaking finisher of all finishers: "...I'm not a cyborg."
Glenn gives him another hug while Sephiroth stands there and cries. FuCK. I'm dead. Like, absolutely gutted. Jesus christ.
Sephiroth murmurs "I never wanted to be." A cyborg, obviously. GAME CALM DOWN I CAN'T KEEP CRYING LIKE THIS.
A bit later, the trio and Seph spot the other island in the distance. Glenn says there's someone who lives there who is "kind of like" Sephiroth. There's those parallels.
We cut to a brief scene of Rosen and his dog, lighting the chimney. White smoke. Lucia points out that when all the Rhadorans are gone, it will just be Rosen by himself.
This chapter was agony. Pure, undiluted agony. Almost up there with Zack's death. Almost. It's somewhere in the top 10 FF7 tearjerkers. FUCK.
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noa-nightingale · 4 months
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Travel Season Hype Train! <3
In anticipation of Travel Season I rewatched Steven Eats Through Korea for 24 Hours Straight. I love this video a lot.
He is accompanied by Brittney, Annie and Lizzie. The episode starts with him going to a convenient store. You get to see many different dishes. He learns a little bit of Korean. They meet Brittney's aunt.
They visit the Blue House. They spend time in a park. They visit Hikr Art Museum and the Nation Museum of Korea. They walk along the Cheonggyecheon Stream and learn a little bit about history. They visit a traditional tea house. They walk up Seoul Tower.
Mispronouncing the word foliage. Comments on his blue hair. Learning things about food and culture. "Water Fact: I'm thirsty." Meeting people. Learning about Korean history. Tammy is there! (And Steven calls her "the father of my two pets" lmao.) Doing karaoke (where Annie falls asleep). And of course Steven absolutely dying at the end of the day lol.
It all has so much s(e)oul in it.
It's super cozy, comfy, informative and funny. It has exactly the vibes I hope Travel Season will have. It has 2,3 million clicks so you can't really call the video underrated - but I am still calling it underrated. It is a fantastic video with a great concept, lovely people, wonderful editing (the editing, you guyssssss - it is just so well done and high quality!) and so much heart.
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