#h*use of flying daggers
lux-astrorum · 2 years
so I watched Where the Crawdads Sing the other night and man I am soooooooooooo sick of stories that sort of dance around rape for the intrigue without really reckoning with it. like are there sexual encounters that fall in sort of a gray area of consent in real life? yes and we can have that conversation, but I am so tired of using it as a trope - these little narrative gymnastics of "she never said no (even though she didn't really know what sex entailed and/or in all other ways has clearly no power or control in the situation) - it wasn't nonconsensual" or "he didn't actually get inside her so it doesn't really count, it's just attempted rape" or "they're together romantically so they're having sex anyway".......stop with this please. how are any of these "not as bad" or supposed to be easier to stomach. stop acting like rape can be watered down for consumption.
I should also mention there ARE stories where men are the victims as well (Wedding Crashers, anyone?). sorry but sexual assault doesn't suddenly become funny just because it's happening to a dude. fuck off.
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b00kdiary · 8 months
Stay With Me | Rhysand
Rhysand x Reader
Rhysand reappears at the cabin four hours after he had gone on a mission- wounded and bleeding. Y/N has no choice but to help him, even if it means yanking out every ash arrow embedded in his wings by hand. But something Cassian once told her makes her re-think the line between pleasure and pain, and she will do anything to make it better for her High Lord.
‘Cassian said that the talon holds the most nerve endings, does that make it the most delicate to touch?’
Warnings: Mature themes (18+), swearing, body-image thoughts, blood and gore, and smut (Hint: Wing play)
MASTERLIST - 1 and 2
I couldn't stop pacing.
That's what I did when I was nervous, and on edge- I paced. Back and forth, back and forth, again and again, until I wore through the carpet and my entire body was thrumming with dread.
It had been four hours.
Four hours since Rhysand left to track those Hybern soldiers through the forest, hoping to be led back to their camp. For several weeks we've been dealing with Hybern forces infiltrating our land and yet we had no idea what they were planning.
It was the unknown that had made Rhysand go out tonight.
I had insisted I come, to help, to watch his back, something- but with the heavy snow and rain, he had been adamant that it would be easier to fly alone. Though I knew it was an excuse to keep me here, safe, and unharmed, while he was out there risking his life.
And now he was missing.
Four hours of silence and I was starting to feel violently sick with worry. I contemplated leaving the cabin, trekking on foot through the forest in search of him, but with the weather so furious and the fact he had been flying not walking, I knew it would be futile.
And Rhysand would kill me if he knew I had gone after him, especially when he had specifically instructed me to stay here.
"Stupid, arrogant High Lord," I cursed under my breath and despite the log fire crackling before me and the layers I wore, I still shivered from the brutal cut of the cold wind. My heart seized at the thought of Rhys out there in the brunt of it.
Hybern soldiers were ruthless and their hatred of the Night Court, of Rhysand was known. They could do anything to him; ash arrows, Faebane, dark magic, and Mother only knows what other weapons they have we don't know about.
"If he thinks I'm going to sit here like some kind of damsel," I scowl, my hands shaking as I yank on my discarded sword belt and daggers, "Then he is a bigger idiot than I thought possible."
I try and let my anger bubble over and overtake my fear as I make my way toward the heavy wood door, the sound of the whistling wind and perilous skies getting louder the closer I get to it. I'm trembling as I grip the handle, yanking it open with effort, the hinges stiff with the cold.
I stumble back a step at the sight of a tall male slumped against the door pane- blood pooled around his feet, stark against the white snow.
All thoughts eddy from my head at the sight of him- his skin pale and dull, his midnight hair in disarray, his armour torn and filthy, and an agonised grimace lining his lips. A groan slips from him when my hands come to his chest, and my stomach turns at the warm blood that coats my palms.
"Cauldron, Rhys," I gasp, my throat closing as I stumble back into the cabin, his body weight half-leaning on me and every step he takes is slow and staggered, his face twisting as I guided him back with me. "What happened?"
"Hybern soldiers are assholes," Rhys grits out, a rough laugh slipping past his lips, but the sweet sound soon melts into a pained hiss when I turn so I can slam the door shut behind us- and I see why he's bleeding so goddamn much.
"Rhy- Rhys," I stutter, my fingers tightening into his suit, his muscles rippling under my touch, every breath he takes deeper and faster than the last. "The arrows, holy shit, there's so many-"
He had five arrows embedded into his back and wings.
"Really? I didn't notice," He grins, his heavy head lifting and those violet eyes meeting mine- though upon seeing the ire and worry on my face, that grin falters, "Hey, c'mon don't look at me like that, I'm alright-"
He sucks in a sharp breath of air, his eyes screwing shut when I begin to move back toward the sofa and I try not to let my body lock up when his hands fall to my waist and hips, long, ringed fingers digging into my flesh for leverage.
"Huh, I knew you wouldn't listen to me," He scoffs out a laugh, half-amused, half-breathless and my face burns with heat when he runs his hands idly down my sides, grazing pointedly over my sword belt and daggers. "You know it's an offence to disobey your High Lord, right?"
"Well since you're wounded and I'm the only one here to help," I grit out sardonically, ignoring how close his face is to mine as I guide his front down onto the sofa, careful not to touch his wings as I move behind him, "I'm sure you'll find a way to forgive me."
I frown at the amount of blood seeping out from his wounds, and I can feel how rigid his body is under my palms- he always was good at hiding his true emotions, masking his pain with an arrogant smile, or teasing words.
My breathing is shallow as I climb onto the sofa behind him, my soft thighs brushing his strong ones and my heart racing as I settle on my knees. His wings are limp on either side of him, one drooping down to the floor and the other sprawled over the cushions.
"You need to rip them out, darling," Rhys muses gently from under me and as if sensing my worry, his voice has lost all sense of humour. "No need to be gentle, I'm a big boy, I can take it."
"We both know you're a big Illyrian baby, Rhys," I tease, though my voice is strained and when he shifts his head sideways, looking over his wide shoulders at me, I see the small smile tilting his lips too.
I swallow the lump in my throat, shifting forward and placing a trembling hand on his back. To the arrow embedded at the junction of his wing and spine.
His hand slips back and curls around my thigh, fingers sprawling around the flesh and digging in as if he were bracing himself. The touch is distracting but I focus on my fingers wrapping around the arrow, a few inches from the entry point- and I hate how Rhysand's body flinches at the soft touch.
"Come on, darling," Rhysand sighs, his grip tightening around my thigh as I release a long breath, "Amren's going to kill me if I get any more blood on these cushions-"
I rip it out mid-sentence- and Rhysand's whole body jolts as I tear the arrow free from his flesh, a grunt of pain muffling into the leather beneath him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I whimper, my hand clamping down and applying pressure on the wound, the arrow discarded on the floor beside us. Rhysand trembles under me, his jaw locked so tight I can hear his teeth gritting together, "Shit Rhys, I'm sorry."
"It's- it's okay, it's okay," He pants, and I watch his face from the side, seeing him get paler and paler. He squeezes against my thigh, once, twice, and his eyes blink open, those violet eyes dark. "Keep going darling, you're doing so good, keep-keep going for me."
I feel the familiar burn of tears in my eyes as I lean forward, my fingers slippery with blood and gore as I curl my hold around the second arrow, this one just barely stuck near the very bottom of the left wing.
Ash arrows were notoriously dangerous, known for splintering within the flesh, one wrong move and Rhys would have pieces of the wood stuck in his wings and those would be near impossible for me to remove on my own.
I grit my teeth and pull, swift and brazen, not giving him or me a second to think about it. Again, Rhysand grunts, body viscerally jumping but he seems to bear the pain better the second time, his thighs clenching around mine for support.
"Forget what I said, I was wrong," I clear my throat, trying to force some ease and comfort into my tone as I run my hand up the muscles of Rhysand's back and I feel relief when he sighs, his body melting into my touch. "You're not a big Illyrian baby, you're a tough, strong male."
"What finally convinced you? The very manly way my body is shaking right now?" He released a long exhale, his mouth tugging into a smile and I can't help but laugh when his eyes glance back to meet mine. "Or the groans that keep slipping out no matter how hard I try to contain them?"
I laugh softly, my blood-stained hands running across the planes of Rhysand’s shoulders and back, the pad of my thumbs and forefingers circling around the stiff muscles, trying to get him to relax. He sighs, and his hand pulls against my thigh coaxing me higher up his body, closer than before.
"Nothing wrong with being vocal, Rhys, I would have thought five hundred years of existence would have taught you that," I run my finger across the membrane of his wing, feeling the soft, leathery texture as I move to the next arrow. "Females love to hear how you feel."
"Cruel, wicked thing," Rhysand mumbled, his breath hitching at the tender touch I grazed over his wings, and it was a very different sound to before. "You're enjoying this, aren't you? Having me at your mercy."
I wrap my hand around the arrow stuck in the middle of his wing and his body tenses- knowing what was waiting. I frown, hating that he is in pain and unconsciously, my left hand moves to his other wing, and he gasps, eyes widening when I run the pad of my thumb over the talon at the tip- a spot I knew was sensitive.
I tear the arrow out of the right wing with one hand, while my other rakes down the curve of his left wing, my nails scratching softly against the tender flesh there. Rhysand groans, louder this time, and it's a sound that I feel through my body.
"Are you- are you trying to make it feel better, darling?" He asks quietly, his breaths loud in the silent room and his hand at my thigh caressing, his thumb swiping soothingly back and forth.
"Yes," I reply, equally as soft, and my heart is racing as I edge closer, my core and ass settling over one of his burning hot thighs. "Is it working?"
"Yes," He swallows, an audible sound and I see his Adam's apple bobble, his tongue flicking out to wet his lips as I reach for the fourth arrow. "Yes, it is, don't- don't stop." There's a slight tremor in his voice, a neediness that makes my head spin.
His body vibrates under me, but for a completely different reason now and it seems the more my idle hands wander curiously over the dancing veins and soft membranes of his wings, the less control he has over himself.
"Cassian said that the talon holds the most nerve endings, does that make it the most delicate to touch?" My voice is hoarse, and I ignore the sweat coating my skin and heat burning through me as I grab around the arrow, my shoulders bracing for the strength needed for this pull.
"Why are you and Cassian talking about the most sensitive parts of a male's wings?" He grits out, his thigh muscle tensing, and I feel it brush against my centre- wet and aching with need. A smile tugs at my lips at the darkness in his tone, that smile broadening when his wing twitches violently against my fingers.
"He also said that males can like having their wings touched during sex and that a brush against the right spot can make you climax, is that true?" His nails dig into my thigh at my whispered words, a moan slipping past his lips when I grip around the talon with a firm hold.
This time when I rip the arrow free, he doesn't feel the pain- too consumed and dizzy with pleasure.
"You're killing me, Y/N," Rhys chuckles, his body shaking with the laugh, a sound that travels through the air and over my skin like a phantom touch. I circle the heel of my palms into his shoulder blades, massaging out the tension and Rhys moans appreciatively, a low rumbling sound from deep in his chest.
"Only one left, Rhys," I say encouragingly, and he mutters incoherently in agreement as I lean forward, the last arrow embedded in his upper back- much deeper than the rest. I frown, rising onto my knees, already missing the strength and heat of his thigh between my legs. "This one's gone all the way through, I'm going to have to dig it out the other side."
"Just when I thought this couldn't get any more fun," Rhys jeers, his hand grazing along my thigh as I sit up as if needing my touch as reassurance.
My eyes narrow at his remark and suddenly the blood and the arrows and his pained face hold no bearing with me, the sympathy vanishes- replaced by the anger that had me ready to march out into a storm to look for him.
"That's what happens when you go chasing the enemy with no backup," I mutter stiffly, and this time when I grab the arrow, I don't give Rhys any satisfaction or comfort- no, I break the arrow in two with an easy snap of the wrist, dropping the fragmented piece to the floor with a clink.
He winces, and when I hover above him, his head turns to look at me, a sheepish smile on his handsome face.
"I take it you're still upset with me then, darling," Rhys muses and the ting of humour in his words makes me scowl, my touch no longer soft or soothing, my body no longer enjoying the hard, perfect feel of him.
“Turn around,” I order, dismissing him as I rise from him and onto my feet. His hand reaches for me, trying to grab me, a yearning in his touch, but I move away from him stiffly. “I need to dig out the arrow from the front.”
He purses his lips at my cold words, and I almost feel bad for him when he hisses in pain, his muscular, lean body so frail as he rolls onto his back, his sore wings moving slow and deliberately, barely able to lift higher than his shoulders before sagging back down again.
“Y/N,” Rhys sighs, a deep frown tugging at his lips as he drops his head against the armrest. I stare at him in silence, seeing him splayed out before me, chest rising and falling in harsh waves and those violet constellations unwavering upon me.
"You could have been killed, Rhysand," I grit out, and I hate the tears I feel prickling my eyes as I stare at him, at the blood coating my hands, and the sofa and the floor, the wound puncturing through his left pectoral. "If you don't trust me to have your back-"
"Don't say that, never say that" He rises faster than I can protest, and my hands shoot up to stop him, but he doesn't relent, his face harsh with discomfort but his eyes burn with determination as he sits up. "I trust you more than anyone, more than myself, don't ever think that Y/N."
"Alright, okay Rhys," I sigh, shaking my head and my hands are weak as I place them on his solid shoulders, trying to guide him to lay back down. His eyes never once leave mine and I can see the hurt in them- that I would even think such a thing. "I'm sorry, just lay down, you're still hurt."
His face tightens severely, and he looks so at odds with the male known for his easy smiles and bright stary eyes- but he obliges me as I guide him back down. His hands curve up my thighs and rest on my hips, and he doesn’t speak as he yanks me down, dragging me so that I straddle his waist.
“Rhys-“ I suck in a sharp breath when he settles me, forcing my weight to sit atop him, my thighs clamped around his hips, my core settled just under his belly button and his calloused hands kneading the flesh at my sides.
"I told you to stay here because I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to you," He whispers, eyes unbearably soft, and his touch igniting something hot in me, "If they did something to you if you got hurt... I don't know what I would do, Y/N."
I swallow the lump in my throat, my heart hammering in my chest as I bring my hands forward to the front of his leathers, my fingers stumbling as I unbuckle the belts and slip off the buttons one by one, revealing the acres of tan skin and the dark whorls painted across his chest.
I gnaw on my cheek as I tug back the shirt, Rhysand silently watching every action, every breath I take, and my face falls at the wound leaking blood above his left pectoral, the arrowhead peeking through the gore.
“And what if something worse than this happened to you?" I whisper, my voice hoarse with emotion and when my eyes meet Rhysand’s again, his face tightens at the tears in my eyes, “What do you think I would do? How would I be able to live with it?"
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Rhysand swallows thickly and I watch as he grits his teeth, his body pulsing when I run my fingers over the wound, gauging how deep I have to feel, how best to remove the arrow in one piece.
“I need to dig it out with my fingers to get it to the surface first,” I clear my throat, ignoring the thick prolonged silence and taut tension between us, “It’s going to hurt, badly.”
“I know,” He locks his jaw, the strong angle sharp and I see the grim anticipation on his face when I move my index finger and thumb into position over the exit point. But without speaking, I move my body, lower, until my core settles over the front of his breeches- over his long, hard length.
“Y/N, you don’t have to-“ His breath hitches at the contact, his violet eyes widening and latching onto mine in surprise.
“I want to,” I whisper, need spreading through me at the feel of him under me, the smell of his arousal and mine wafting through the air, making me dizzy. “I’m trying to make it feel better, remember?”
I roll my hips, ever so slightly, and the electricity that shocks through my clit at the contact makes me gasp. Rhysand grunts, a low, heady sound, and the way he lifts his hips up to dig his cock into me is almost desperate.
“Cauldron,” He curses as I dig my fingers into his wound, the metal sharp and hot against my fingertips as I try and get leverage around it. His face twists but when I rock my hips again, dragging down his length, his pain dissolves into something carnal. “Cauldron, Y/N-“
“There we go,” I whisper, my fingers gripping around the arrowhead firmly, twisting it a few inches higher so that it protrudes out of his chest. I bite my lip to contain any sounds as I rut against him, my underwear and trousers soaked through, seeping into Rhysand’s slacks, making it easier to rub over his twitching length. “I’ve got it!”
He moans- the most erotic, lewd sound rumbles from him, low and loud, echoing through the room. I pant as he runs his hands over my body, over my thighs and hips and waist, kneading my stomach and love handles, before settling over my ass.
His nails carve crescent moons into the flesh as he palms me, the control he was so used to wielding in the bedroom not dwindling as he guided me back and forth faster and harder against him.
"This is the best pain I've ever felt, darling," Rhysand purrs, his voice like melted chocolate against my senses and the fire burning between my legs fans at his words. I lean forward, my breasts brushing his chest and my stomach settling against his- and I run my free hand over his sprawled wings.
"I'm going to pull it out now, yeah?" I mumble against his cheek, and I know his head is spinning, the pain and pleasure so at odds, so damning that his canines flash at me, his fingers bruising against my ass and his hips jolting up violently to meet mine.
“Do it, daring,” He commands, the role of the High Lord imprinted into him no matter the situation and almost as if it were programmed in me to obey, I kiss his cheek tenderly- and yank the arrowhead free in one go. “Shit, shit-“
I drag my centre over the tip of his cock, rolling my hips in fast, sharp strokes and Rhysand crumbles at the action- his eyes screw shut, his body stills like stone, and the filthiest, rawest cry tears from his lips, louder and fragmented when I rub at the tip of his talon with my palm.
I whimper at the feel of every hard inch of him cemented against me, the warmth of his hot seed leaking out and soaking his slacks, mixing our arousals, getting messier the more I rub against him.
“Y/N,” He moans my name into the crook of my neck, his teeth scraping against my pule point and his hands curling around my ass, forcing my hips to stop. Instead, he clamps my body flush to his, my tits pressed to his chest, my face buried in his soft hair, and I feel his cock pulsing and tremoring hard against me as he rides out his orgasm.
I feel Rhysand laugh roughly against my neck, the sound of his ragged breathing and the erratic rise and fall of his muscular chest against me making me sigh. His hands don’t loosen, in fact, they get tighter, guiding me until I’m laying flat, his arms wrapping over me and keeping me to his chest.
He was holding me like he didn’t want to let go.
There’s a long silence as I lay with him, our bodies melting together and his touch unrelenting upon me, holding onto my flesh for dear life, feeling me against him and sighing at the comfort. His breathing starts to deepen, turning heavy and I blink, shifting to move my weight off him.
“Don’t,” He grumbles, his arms drawing me back to his chest, a deep groan escaping him as he shifts so that my body slips between the gap of the sofa and his side. His eyes flutter closed again, and I watch his face ease into serenity as I lay my cheek against his shoulder.
“Stay with me.”
@mis-lil-red @hyemishii @assaultsofthought @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @satellitesunshine @queenofangrymoths @highlady-ofillyria @ladespedidas @magical-mischief-makers @lyracarvahall @ummmmmwat @eerievixen @bitchyinternetinfluencer @meritxellao @rachelnicolee @fanfictioniseverything @queen-of-arda @magdalenka @bunnymallowo @azzydaddy @fanboyluvr @maddithefangirl @jeannineee @fakelust @whatthefuckshappeningrn @honeycriess @cheneyq @brujitafantomatico
Comment to be added to the tag-list >3
Should I make a part two??? part two here
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wynnyfryd · 10 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 24
part 1 | part 23 | ao3
cw: alcohol, throwing up, brief reference to canonical character death
"Oh, my god!" Robin barks, nearly throwing herself off-balance again with the force of her laugh. "This is too good, man. You truly cannot escape your babysitting duties."
"Can I help you?" Max seethes.
Help him? Help him? "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"What does it look like I'm doing?" She gestures to the guy she's holding onto, some fluffy-haired kid with a cut-off vest covered in safety pins that Steve sort of vaguely recognizes as one of Eddie's friends. Oh, shit. Is Eddie here finally? Has he seen him?
"Wait, where's Lucas?" Steve asks.
"Who cares?" she bites back.
The guy gives a nervous chuckle and loosens his grip on her waist. "Uh-h. Did you say babysitter?"
"He's not actually, Jesus. I'm fourteen; I don't need a babysitter. And he was just leaving, anyway, right?"
Her glare feels like a slap. Girl's got daggers in her eyes, holy shit. It's like she's hoping some of El's powers magically transferred to her; like she's picturing him flying ten feet into the air and landing with a splat on the far side of the concrete, and he doesn't need this. He did not come out tonight to be bullied by a teenager. "Okay, that's it, I'm taking—"
"—me to the punch bowl!" Robin interrupts, putting her hands on Steve's chest to stop him from grabbing Max and hauling her back to the car.
"Robin, what—?"
"Yep!" She shoves him hard, pushing him to the edge of the dance floor. "Silly me, just dying of thirst, ha ha. Okay, cool, see you both later!"
"What the hell was that?" Steve demands when they're safely on the far side of the pavilion.
"An intervention."
Oh, my god. May he never hear the word 'intervention' again in his life.
"Un-ruffle your Mother Hen feathers for two seconds and think, would you? One: it would look really, really, seriously weird for you to be seen dragging a dead jock's kid sister kicking and screaming to your car."
A dead jock’s kid sister. Jesus, tipsy Robin has no tact.
"Two: you said we were going to go out and have fun and get, and I quote, 'very drunk.' Take your babysitter hat off for one night. She's a high schooler, and this is a high school party."
"Yeah, I know," he sulks. Doesn't need the reminder that he's technically past the age limit.
"Okay, so then let her have fun! It's not like you weren't out drinking and smoking by her age."
'I'm always so right about everything. I'm, like, cosmically correct.' Goddammit. Steve needs another drink. "I just don't want her to do anything dumb and get hurt."
"She won't. We can just, like, keep an eye on her from a distance, right? Let her come to us if she needs anything."
"So we should just act like your parents?" Steve snorts.
"My parents are amazing, thank you!"
"Your mom offered me mushroom tea once."
"Like I said: amazing."
Steve huffs a laugh, flips his hair out of his eyes and snags a handful of tortilla chips. "Okay," he says around a crunchy bite, "so what's the third thing?"
"Third thing?" Robin asks. She’s not even looking at him anymore, her eyes eager and distracted as she scans the crowd.
"You're biting your lip weird, there's clearly a third thing."
She turns to him, and the smile springs free from its containment, spreading all over her flushed, ecstatic face. "Vickie just showed up."
Steve’s hammered.
Didn’t mean to do it; feels a little bad about it as he tips his head up to the sky and all the stars go raining in bright streaks across his vision. Reminds him of the ceiling at Starcourt, nauseous and spinning under a swirl of bright fluorescence. He hopes Rob’s flirting is going well.
He meant to get politely drunk.
A socially appropriate amount.
But then Robin ran off to flirt with Vickie, and Steve was doing his best to just lay low, steer clear of Max and maybe find a way to casually run into Eddie if he could find him, when he spotted the girl he went on that disaster of a date with instead and realized his options were either: stay there by the beer coolers while she came over with her new date and subjected him to the most painful small talk of his life, or retreat to the dark edges of the party with as much booze as he could carry, so.
He's slumped on top of a picnic bench downwind of the bonfire, bad ear ringing, belly full to bursting, trying to remember when one beer became… more than one beer.
Six, maybe?
“‘M gonna puke,” he confesses to the splintered wood beneath his feet; to the pine bough overhead, the smoky fire at his back.
“Wow,” someone says, an amused lilt to their tone, and Steve knows that voice, he—
Oh, no.
Ohhhh, no.
Now? Really?
Steve whips his head around, opens his mouth to ask ‘Eddie?’ and barfs all over his shoes.
part 25
tag list part 1 below the cut, let me know if you want me to add you tomorrow (21+ only, please confirm your age if you're asking to be tagged)
@a-little-unsteddie @ahsokatanoss @aliea82 @alyelf @anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @awolfstudio @bambibiest @bananahoneycomb @bookbinderbitch @bronwenmarie @cheonsazu @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @courtjestermunson @cuips-not-cute @dauntlessdiva @dawners @dontwasteyourchances @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple @eriquin @estrellami-1 @fandomfix8 @gregre369 @griefabyss69 @grtwdsmwhr @hallucinatedjosten @hellion-child @hiimlevi @honoragreyskull @hotluncheddie @jackiemonroe5512 @kas-eddie-munson @kingelyx @lifeisacrisis @littlebluejane @marvel-ous-m @melonmochi @messrs-weasley @milklechee @mrsjellymunson @mugloversonly @munsonslure @nburkhardt @nerdyglassescheeseychick @notsopersonalcharlie @novelnovella @nuggies4life @phoenixtheone @questionablequeeries @runninriot
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dreadsuitsamus · 5 months
jealous choso... but not just any type of jealousy. post breakup jealousy
things didn't work out for one reason or another, but for the sake of his little brother yuji, who you've helped him raise, you've remained friends! things work out okay enough this way, and for a long time there weren't any issues. you're there for each other when needed, and sometimes it feels like you never split up to begin with.
but you are apart, and that much becomes absolutely crystal clear as you prepare for your first date after the breakup of your six year relationship with choso.
"you... have a date?" choso frowns softly, adjusting the phone between his shoulder and ear as he dries off the dinner dishes. he'd called to see if you'd come over to watch the new hour long special of yuji's favorite cartoon, only to be shot down rather shyly.
"well... yeah." you murmur.
choso's eye twitches. he'd bet any amount of money you're wearing that little black dress, the one that hugs your curves and shows off those delicious thighs, and you've no doubt paired it with those sexy stilettos that give your ass a bit more of a pop... "with who?"
"a guy i met at work." you fiddle with the hem of your dress. "it's nothing serious... just some dinner."
my ass!
still, choso does his best to swallow down the bitter flavor in his mouth. he should be happy for you! "hm. have fun. you need a ride?"
"no, he's picking me up."
oh fuck that
"okay. send me your location anyway."
sighing, though with fondness, you concede and hang up the phone. and as soon as choso's phone pings with the information, he's tying his hair up and making another call.
"sukuna, i need you to watch yuji for a couple hours."
and it takes some haggling, but soon enough the eldest itadori brother is over and choso is gone, flying out of the apartment parking lot like a bat out of hell and to the restaurant. spotting you and your "date" across the room, choso grabs a menu and settles at a table he can still see you at. the glower on his face is murderous as he takes in just how gorgeous you are, and just how much you're no longer his.
it's been a while since the breakup, but he still isn't prepared for this. it's just not right, seeing you with another man. he doesn't know you like choso does! he doesn't know how you like your grilled cheese, what side of the bed you like to sleep on, how you like to be held in strong arms...
he never should've let you go.
the vein at his temple threatens to burst just as much as his biceps do through the sleeves of his t-shirt. you're laughing. he's charming you and it's working. his girl, his baby is at dinner with a man that's doing all he can to get under the skirt of that dress.
admittedly, choso would love to be under that skirt too. it's been... a while.
flicking his amber eyes over the top of the menu, choso smirks as you decline the dessert menu and slips out of the restaurant. he'll catch you before you can leave with the schmuck, and then you're all his. he waits at his car, watching until you're stepping out of the restaurant—
his phone ringing is a bit unexpected.
slowly raising it to his ear, you're speaking before he has a chance.
"you know, you're really bad at hiding in plain sight with all of that brooding."
clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth, choso bounces his leg a bit. "yeah, whatever... had to make sure you were okay."
"mhmmm." you laugh softly, and choso rolls his eyes.
"well if you're calling me, clearly your date is a bust."
"how couldn't it be?! there was a big, sulking man shooting daggers from the corner at us!"
"not my fault he's a coward." choso shrugs, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. "come on now, i'll take you home."
"you'd better! you scared off my ride."
"my ride's better."
in the car, choso drives right past your apartment complex, and you tug at the hem of his shirt. "you missed the turn, cho."
"did i?" he hums and gently takes your hand, tugging you across the bench and into his side, driving one-handed while his other arm slings over your shoulders.
"mhmmm." leaning into choso is still so easy for you. "and where's yuji?"
"'kuna's watching him."
"oh, i know that one cost you."
"'nother week with yuji." choso shrugs; it's not much of a loss for him, truly. he never quite relaxes when sukuna has their little brother for his week.
"so not all that much in the long-run."
"i actually gain more time with no gray hairs this way."
you hide a laugh into his neck and choso presses a soft kiss to your temple. "cho... why'd you come out tonight?"
"guys don't like their lady goin' on dates with other men." choso mumbles, a blush spreading along his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
your lips linger against his neck, lipstick marking his fair skin through your mumble. "we broke up a year ago, choso."
your ex pulls over, parking the car before scooping you into his arms and laying you down on the bench with plenty of hot kisses to follow. "mm... i changed my mind."
"oh really? well, you'll still have to change mine."
choso just grins, and his methods of convincing you make dealing with sukuna's attitude a walk in the park.
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sanjisboyfie · 3 months
๑ four hundred years is not too late (30)
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one piece x male reader
every day i spend my time
drinking wine, feeling fine 
waiting here to find the sign 
that i can understand 
『 prev 』
enel grit his teeth, clutching his abdomen with one hand and using his other to shoot out a stream of lightening, “die!”
[name] shivered where he stood, but remembered his counter. without hesitating, he shifted the bag that was resting on his shoulder to move in front of him and act as a shield. the cloth held pieces of wood that was the remnants of the doors and walls he destroyed earlier.
the collection of wood successfully blocked the attack and took the lightening head on, in the place of [name].
“hah?! such a foolish means of trying to save yoursel-”
enel’s boisterous voice was cut off when a familiar stinging pain invaded his senses. but this time, it was a thousand times more painful. how did [name] manage to get behind him that fast?! he grit his teeth, about to swat [name] away and attack him, but the assailant proved to be faster.
the h/c haired man dragged the dagger through enel’s flesh, making a yell rip through the god’s chest. [name] had stabbed enel in his shoulder and was dragging the knife down his back in a diagonal direction. starting from his right shoulder until his bottom left hip bone, there was a deep, jagged cut running through enel’s flesh. blood began coating [name]’s features immediately and all he did was lick his lips in pleasure.
“god’s blood tastes good,” he taunts, shoving enel away and dodging the reflexive attack that was sent his way. he flipped out of the way before the lightening could strike him, tumbling once more when enel sent another blast in his direction.
“you annoying scum!” enel shouted, wincing under his breath. every motion that he moved in now hurt and he was bleeding profusely. perhaps he underestimated his opponent too much…
“[name]!” nami shouted in disbelief, unable to believe her eyes.
“nami, grab usopp and get out of here!” [name] shouted, breaking her out of her stupor, “this is your only shot of getting away!”
“what about you-”
“just go! don’t think, just go!”
nami bit her lip in frustration, not a fan of [name]’s sacrificial attitude. but she focused on usopp’s weak and frightened body that was a couple feet in front of her. she ran towards him with her arms outstretched.
“don’t even think for a moment, i’ll let any of you escape!” enel shouted in fury, redirecting his attention away from [name] for a moment and sending a strike of lightening towards usopp and nami.
[name] grit his teeth, about to use soru to save the two, but he was beat to it by a certain blonde. sanji emerged, from seemingly nowhere, and pushed nami and usopp ahead so that they crashed into their waver.
“go,” he calmly commanded, making nami shriek in fear for what would happen to him, who took their place. the h/c haired man watched in disbelief as sanji took the lightening strike head on. a cigarette hanging from the man’s smirking lips.
”nami, don’t waste the opportunity, escape! go!” [name] shouted, kicking nami’s fight or flight into high gear. and she started the engine for the waver up, screwing her eyes shut so she wouldn’t be tempted to look back, and sent her and usopp flying off the side of the ship.
“i was just about to ask…for a light…” sanji said through gritted teeth, calmly standing in front of enel with a lax expression. “yeah, you’ll pay for that…”
[name] reacted quickly, moving to catch sanji’s falling body and cradling him in his arms. first, he checked his heart, breathing a sigh of relief when he felt it was still beating. enel didn’t look pleased with the sight of his most annoying assailants, raising his hand upward and preparing to discharge another attack.
“you two-”
“fuck off,” [name] snarled, throwing the dagger forward and not waiting to watch where it landed. he took sanji into his arms, careful and minding his head and neck, before jumping off the side of the railing.
he used his finger nail to rip into his already sensitive skin of his arm and let the blood flow freely. he screwed his eyes shut at the feeling and at how lightheaded he began feeling, forcing himself to focus on anything but that.
“sanji, i’m sorry,” he said under his breath, letting the blood from his cut form into an impromptu glider for them to use to reach the cloudy ground below. it was messy work, barely functioning, but it did make their landing less harsh than what it would’ve been if he didn’t do anything at all.
“[name]! sanji! are you alright?!”
the revving of the waver’s engine was all he heard, next to nami’s shouts. he sat upright, still holding sanji in his arms with utmost care, before waving his bleeding arm to flag her down.
“over here, nami, usopp!” he shouted, making the duo drive in his direction.
“oh thank goodness you’re alright!” nami shouted, jumping off of the waver and sending it, and usopp, crashing into some bushes. she took sanji and [name] into her arms, breathing a sigh of relief.
“thank you for acting fast, nami,” [name] said, pulling away from the hug and ruffling her hair, “saved both of your lives,”
“obviously, when my life is at stake, i don’t mess around!” she said, as if it were obvious, making [name] laugh. “but still, i wish it didn’t have to end with you guys injured like this,”
[name] waved his hand, fixing his grip on sanji as he spoke, “don’t worry. sanji’s a tough guy and i’m feeling fine,” his words would have been reassuring had it not been for the way his eyes were beginning to become more and more heavy, “the cut isn’t even that deep, that’s the only injury i sustained,”
“liar,” nami said, watching with panicked eyes as he began swaying where he sat, “oi, oi, oi, no passing out!” she shouted. but her wails fell on deaf ears as [name] passed out in front of her, his head crashing onto her lap.
“shit, is he okay?”
“it must have been from the blood loss,” nami said, noting the way his cut was still bleeding, “usopp, take off your bandages and wrap them around him,”
“hey, that’s pretty nasty-”
“i don’t care, treat him to stop the bleeding or else it might get worse!” she shouted, making the usopp duck his head down and follow her instructions.
“he must have also been suffering in that fight with enel…” nami said, voice trailing off.
usopp was going to lift [name]’s arm up, but he dropped it the moment they came in contact with each other, “ouch, that’s really hot!”
“just do it already,” nami sighed, rubbing her forehead, “just as i thought, he really was suffering more than he let on. it’s just like before…”
“like before?” usopp echoed, biting his lip as he worked with the boiling touch that was [name]’s arm and forcing himself to go through with wrapping his injuries.
“yeah, when you and sanji were knocked out, [name] was the next target. he was in really bad condition when he was face to face with enel — burning hot like he is right now and bloodied everywhere. it’ll be really bad if we don’t get him to chopper soon. the treatment we gave him was just first aid. and now, he has to go and fight enel head on and reopened all of his previous wounds,” nami explained quickly, standing up and lugging sanji’s deflated body onto the waver. she didn’t realize it, but tears were falling from her eyes. “now, help me with [name],”
“nami…” usopp softly called out, hand reaching up and wiping her tears aside, “he’s gonna be fine. c’mon, this is [name] we’re talking about! he’ll walk this off no problem, like he does all his other injuries! what does he always say? he’s the strongest! there’s no doubt about it. he’s the most durable crewmate, he’ll be fine!” he tried cheering her up, speaking boisterously of [name]’s strong spirit.
nami sighed, feeling silly for beginning to cry. she dried her face with the back of her hand and nodding in agreement. the two worked on lifting his deadweight body and dropping him on the waver.
finally, they were able to move forward. both of their minds were clouded with worry; for the situation they were going to be in and also for their two injured crewmates. after some time of riding the waver, they were able to join back with the crew. they were all at the bottom of the giant bean stalk, most unconscious.
“navigator! long-nose! cook! [name]!” robin called out when she was able to properly see who was approaching.
“robin?! you’re here!?” usopp cried out, lugging [name]’s body from the waver and gently setting him down onto the cloudy flooring.
“aisa! thank goodness! are you all right?!” nami shouted, reuniting with the young girl she had met only hours before. she welcomed the girl jumping into her arms, hugging her and sighing in relief.
“zoro! chopper! weird old man! yikes, a guerilla!” usopp listed off all the people waiting, grunting as he had dropped sanji’s heavy body onto the ground.
”where’s luffy? did he meet up with you guys yet?” nami asked, gently holding aisa’s hand.
“luffy just went up the vine to rescue you from enel!” aisa announced, making nami gasp in shock.
“talk about bad timing! there’s no time left to escape now!”
nami shook her head, pushing aisa forward and going back to the waver, “you guys just get going to the merry somehow! i’ll follow him up there on the waver!”
just as nami was going to kickstart it once again, the ground beneath them began shaking. and soon all they could hear were repeated booms of lightening, going off almost every second.
“[name]!” nami shouted in worry, noticing the way his body was convulsing on the floor, “this is bad! this is really bad,”
“what’s wrong with him, nami?” aisa asked in concern and fear, watching as the body looked as if it were a mangled, bloody mummy.
“i don’t know, it’s just whenever those lightening strikes go off, he reacts badly to them. worse than just you and me, i don’t know why!” nami shouted, worriedly trying to stop [name] from moving, “shit this is really bad!”
“well, we don’t have to worry about the lightning hitting us directly,” robin added in, using her devil fruit to restrain [name]’s movement. it wouldn’t do much for his current condition, but it at least prevented him from accidentally injuring himself further, “with our location, the lightning will probably strike the trees and surrounding buildings first. but once those are all gone, well…”
her voice trailed off, letting the others piece it all together.
”then we need to hurry to merry as fast as possible!” usopp shrieked, already going to pick up sanji.
“hurry up everyone! i’ll get luffy and bring him back!” nami shouted, setting off before anyone else could get a word in.
with all the ruckus going on around them, some of the unconscious members woke up. gan fall, wyper the guerilla, and zoro all sat upright and took in their surroundings.
“what’s wrong with mummy boy over there?” zoro gruffly asked, eyes lingering on [name]’s figure with his eyebrows furrowed, “he looks stupid,”
“that’s what a man on the brink of death looks like, zoro, don’t be so rude!” usopp cried out, fighting for [name]’s honor. “he saved us up there, y’know?! made enel bleed and everything! he was so awesome! i won’t let you say he looks stupid when he risked his life to save us-”
“alright, alright i get it,” zoro said in a bored tone, covering his ear with one hand and glaring at usopp.
“don’t cut me off!!”
it felt like everyone was just playing the waiting game, for how in shock they were of everything going on around them. enel had seemingly destroyed the entirety of angel island and was reeking even more havoc on any other surrounding land.
soon after the destruction of the nearby land, there was a giant leaf that had fallen to their location. nami had written them a message: cut the vine in the west direction. they all looked at each other in stupor, wondering if they were really going to do it.
but when the skies cleared and the charge up spherical ball of electricity and lightning revealed itself, it proved that there was no other choice. in order to stop enel and stop the destruction of the sky islands, they had to cut the vine. or zoro did to be more specific.
he picked up [name]’s body with ease and threw him in the direction of wyper, who was probably the only one capable of handling the weight of his limp body. then he threw chopper towards robin and sanji towards usopp.
“go ahead and reach solid land, that’s the safest place right now! i’ll meet you there when i’m done!”
everyone obeyed easily, running ahead and watching from a safe distance as zoro prepared his attack. from that point onward, it was as if time was passing slowly and fast at the same time.
they were able to knock the vine over, sending nami and luffy upward. but with how far down they were, they weren’t able to see the exact details of what was happening. they did see how the skies cleared up, that impending black spherical ball had dispersed and back were the clear skies of sky island.
and then out of nowhere, the ringing of a bell could be heard. it was so loud that [name] jumped awake. he coughed up blood, being turned to his side by robin’s sprouted hands. and once he was finished, he looked up at the sky with a grin. his bloodied teeth and lips on display, smiling in such a carefree manner.
“luffy did it,” he breathed out in both disbelief and confidence, “of course, he would, that maniac,”
as the chaos and anxiety of luffy and enel’s fight died down, the uplifting mood of their victory began coming over the people of the sky island in waves. it was obvious the moment the bell had been rung who was the victor, but seeing that ship enel was flying fall from the sky and sink into the white sea had only confirmed their suspicions.
and with everyone waking up, chopper was finally able to gain his consciousness back.
“chopper, treat [name]! he’ll die!” usopp cried out, alligator tears falling from his eyes.
“i won’t die, chopper,” [name] said quickly, reassuringly smiling at chopper.
“if the man says he won’t die, he won’t die. treat that guy instead, he’s really gonna die,” zoro chimes in, pointing a finger in wyper, the guerilla’s direction.
“nonsense, the both of you can be treated at the same time! i won’t take any risks! come!” chopper said, bringing [name] over to where wyper was laying down and forcing the h/c haired man to lay down as well.
[name] looked to his side, eyes widening in realization, “ha! you’re the guerilla that tried attacking us when we first arrived!”
the little girl from earlier, aisa, ran over and kneeled at the guerilla’s side, sobbing out a quiet, but hopefuly, “wyper,” as she held onto his arm.
chopper blinked before recognizing the man as well. that didn’t deter him, though, only making him work faster in treating both of his incredibly cirtical patients.
wyper, on the other hand, was barely holding on to his consciousness. he turned his head to the side and squinted to be able to see [name] properly. and when he saw a s/c man beaming at him with a wide, carefree smile and a blinding presence, he almost shut his eyes on instinct.
too bright…
“i’m the one who beat your ass, i’m [name]! really nice to meet you, wyper! ha, isn’t it funny? we’re both in really bad condition, we really might die!” [name] laughed, looking at his “bedside” companion and laughing even harder.
wyper could only screw his eyes shut and hope that he would be able to receive treatment in peace. blue sea people and their shenanigans, he thought to himself.
after chopper diligently worked on both of their injuries, nami made her way over and looked down at [name]’s bandaged, sleeping body and smiled to herself. carefully, she pet his head with her soft hand and felt her grin grow wider when he had instinctively moved towards her.
“this idiot…” she said under her breath, thinking about just how much stress he had put her under. then her mind wandered to how he had very bravely put his life on the line for her, multiple times, “i guess i might owe you an apology when you wake up,”
“owe who an apology?” luffy curiously asked, looking at nami’s sullen figure, “come on, join in on the fun already!!”
the bonfire was lit so bright that it almost mimicked the heat of a warm sunny day. nami looked up from gazing at [name], nodding and leaving him be.
“he’d be knocked out for the rest of the night, maybe a couple of days even,” chopper informed them. from the look on his face, he wasn’t worried about him at all. “he’s lucky his body works fast in reproducing blood cells or else he’d be in a really bad condition. plus the fact he wouldn’t be able to get a blood transfusion…”
“but he’ll be fine?” luffy asked, poking [name]’s cheek with a pout. when he had caught word of how injured [name] was, he felt nothing but worry. but after hearing chopper’s reassurance, his worry eased up a little bit.
he had refused to leave [name]’s side for a long time, though. not until they had brought out the massive feast for them to eat.
it had been four days since the battle with enel. the shandians and skypieans were finally getting along, not quite living in harmony, but at least not being at each others necks for every little thing.
when [name] woke up, he stretched his arms out, unwrapping the bandages that were carefully put around him and taking in a deep breath. he had been passed out for the past two days, waking up on the third day and enjoying the festivities with the rest of his crew.
thinking about the night of celebration, he suddenly smiled at the thought of a familiar face.
quickly, he shook his head to rid himself of his flusterment, and stood upright. presently, he was tasked with waiting on the ship with nami for the rest of the crew since the navigator and doctor insisted  he not do any heavy lifting or a lot of work considering his injuries. after all, the “mission” of the day did require a lot of heavy lifting and running. the moment their party from yesterday wrapped up, they shooed him off to sleep on merry.
he got to sleep and wake up on his own bed, though, but that was the only plus.
after a couple of hours of waiting, the rest of the crew was finally in his line of sight, “oh, nami! they’re here!!”
she sighed in relief, looking at the heavy bags of gold that they were carrying on their backs, “it’s about time, i was starting to get worried that the plan failed…luffy would’ve definitely been the one to ruin it all,”
[name] laughed, waving his hand in the air to the rest of them. nami sighed, leaning her back against the railing and looking at [name]’s carefree figure.
“say, why were you so sensitive to enel’s powers?” she asked suddenly, remembering that her raging curiousity was never quenched after the  battle. they went straight into festivities, plus he was passed out for most of the days.
but seeing as they were alone, maybe she’d get some answers.
“i’m really sensitive to only five things, really,” [name] answered easily, still looking onward at the rest of the crew, “sweets, hot weather, cold weather, electricity, and-” he paused, pursing his lips and shaking his head, “the last thing we won’t have to worry about…we won’t encounter it any time soon,”
nami blinked in confusion before pouting, “that doesn’t really answer my question,”
[name] stopped waving his hand, grinning ear to ear, “sorry, but that’s all i can say. don’t worry, nami,” he draped his arm over her shoulder, pulling her in close to his chest and speaking with a carefree tone, “there won’t be anything to weaken me anymore, i’ll be your perfect protector from now on!”
“idiot!” she shouted, slapping his chest and forcing him away, “i’m not worried — just curious, as any other human being would be!”
”right, right.”
“it’s the truth!”
“get your hands off of nami-san!!” sanji shouted, kicking himself onto the deck and swinging his foot in [name]’s direction. the h/c haired man dodged with ease, jumping back a couple of feet and welcoming the rest of the crew with a smile.
“let’s get going?”
“yeah! hurry, hurry, before they catch up!!” luffy grinned, dropping the heavy bag of gold onto the deck and running into [name]’s arms, “[name]! you should’ve seen it, they had a canon pointed at us and everything! they’re so funny!”
“how’s that funny?!” nami shouts, jaw dropped at the new information.
“whatever, doesn’t matter, get merry going now or else they’ll really kill us!!” usopp cried out desperately, making nami agree and set the merry in motion. conis and her fatehr were riding alongside them, giving them directions on where to go to find the exit.
[name] walked to the edge of the railing, carrying luffy on his back piggy back style and fighting back the bittersweet feeling from creeping up on his emotions.
he’d definitely come back to the sky island some time. he had the matching tattooed wings on his back to prove as his entry fee next time, too. he grinned at the idea of visiting again in the future, squeezing luffy’s calf that was in his hold.
the captain looked at him with wonderment, trying to read his facial expression.
“the journey is just getting started,” [name] breathed out after a couple seconds of silence. the grip he had on luffy’s calf tightening, the slightest amount, “isn’t it all just so exciting, captain?”
[BONUS: the one night [name] was able to party]
the strawhats, skypieans, and shandians have been throwing a feast celebration for the past three days. for the most part, the strawhats were slipping in and out of the partying. [name] was passed out for the first two days of it, but when he woke up on the third day — he was quick to jump into the feast too.
he smelt food and ran over to the mass array of food that was laid out before he even realized it. being passed out for the last 48 hours made his appetite grow over tenfold, even when he was unconscious.
a particular shandian caught sight of his antics and scoffed at his behavior. then he began to wonder if all blue sea people were like this group. their captain was already a rambunctious individual, then the one who had just awoken from deep sleep is up and partying…he wonders if they really are human. or just stupid.
“whatcha scoffing about mr. grumpypants?”
he flinches at the sudden booming voice near his ear. the one who he was just thinking about (mentally making fun of) had magically spawned near him and nearly gave him a heart attack.
“none of your business,” wyper said in a rushed tone, wanting to escape the man and his curious expression. but before he could stand upright from his seat, a heavy arm was thrown over his shoulder and the entire weight of the taller man made him sit back down.
“urgh-” wyper grunted, almost toppling over at the imbalance of weight.
“y’know, i really love your homeland, it’s beautiful,” [name] said, stars in his eyes as he fondly looked at the warrior, “it’s a shame it’s now only become properly yours after such a long time, but four hundred years can’t be too late, huh?”
while [name] giggled to himself at the poor joke, wyper was sitting there wishing he was at his full potential in strength to make this guy get off of him.
“i think of all the places i’ve been, i’ll miss this island the most,” [name] continued on, in his dream-like trance. “i mean, it was super fun here despite almost dying to a so-called god. but i think it was plenty worth it.”
wyper gave the man a chance, hearing how sincere he was and also seeing as he really was one of the main persons involved in saving his home and people. so he shuffled where he sat, aggressively shrugging off the arm on his shoulder, and shot [name] a side glance.
he almost flinched when he saw [name] already staring at him.
“you’re real lucky,” he said out of nowhere, making wyper blink in confusion, “you get to be so close to the sun. i really like the sun, y’know? i really, really wish i could be as close to it as you guys are. i bet it feels amazing. not to mention the beautiful scenery and yummy food — but i bet, sanji could make this stuff even better if you gave him a shot!” his rumbling laughter erupted from his chest, making wyper avert his gaze.
“don’t be such a grump and worry wart, is what i’m really trying to say,”
now this, this intrigued wyper.
“what would you know about worrying? you were rather carefree and reckless before all the fighting occured, from what i heard,”
“we live different lives, though. you’re a leader and i’m a simple crewmate. but as someone who’s life used to solely revolve around worrying about others, i’m telling you, there’s nothing i regret more than letting that feeling consume me. there’s a lot of things i would have done differently if i’d had known.”
“known what?”
“hm, nothing relevant to what i’m telling you. just, try to live life in the moment, not thinking too much ahead. time flies fast, next thing you know you’re gonna be bald and incapable of anything,” a rather unserious remark for such a tense subject topic, but [name] slipped it into conversation rather easily.
“well, like you said, i think we are too different for either of us to impose advice on the other.”
“that may be true, but i never said you had to actually listen to me,” [name] said, roughly slapping the center of wyper’s back. “i don’t know about you but i like to think that the wings on my back show a fond memory of mine and my freedom. you actually have wings, wyper, why not spread them and relax?”
and with that, [name] had stood up to get more food and left wyper with his thoughts. as he walked away, wyper squinted at the inked skin of his exposed back.
freedom and a memory.
wyper blinked, looking at the white pair of wings on his own back and grit his teeth. for how obnoxiously loud of an individual he was when partying and how carefree and reckless he was when fighting, to the point of it being worrisome, it seems, [name] seemed to make a fair argument.
at the end of the night, when wyper was sure that the straw hat crew was properly sleeping, he had tucked a secret letter away into the bag he recognized as [name]’s.
his gaze lingered on [name] for a moment longer, feeling his ears get warmer before walking away and leaving the crew be to rest.
“i don’t know why i’ve taken the effort to write this to you, but what you had said to me earlier had irked me. throw away my worries? if you truly understood my position, you��d understand that that is impossible. if you understand what weight i carry you’d never had said that to begin with.
that leaves me with the impression you have no sense of responsibility. with a leader as reckless as yours, someone has got to keep him in check, or who knows what else he may do in the future — something you’d end up regretting for not taking initiative. we share the same wings, the same responsibility and duty, so take it as a souvenir and a reminder. it weighs a fraction of the burden we have, but i trust you’ll feel it as heavily as i do.
in return, i’ll try to uplift a new sense of self by taking a piece of your wings. that feeling you seem to reflect in everything you do: freedom. a contractual agreement and next time we meet we can ensure the other was living up to their deal.
do not forget the shandians as we won’t forget you.
when the letter opened, a singular feather floated down to the floor and rested near [name]’s feet. he grinned in amusement, picking it up and looking at it with fondness. silently, he tucked it back into the paper letter and stowed it away in his private drawers.
a comfortable smile was on his face as he walked back onto the deck. looking at the crew, he crossed his arms over his chest and relaxed his posture. thinking about their newfound “deal”, he was determined to not disappoint.
[ .ᐟ ] i know it has been more than two months since my last update but if you're still here thank u so much for your patience. im currently stuck on writing the 666 special (<- on quotev) (i know,….that was supposed to be don4e a lonnnggg time ago omg) but hopefully i can get back into the swing of things !!! sorry if this chapter was poorly written, im still trying to get used to doing this again LOL either way: thank u if u waited for me all this time, obvs i understand if there is lower interest now because of the rlly inconsistent update schedule, but if u are still here: i really do appreciate and love u sm thank u sosososo much and i hope i can update more frequently <3
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@skullr0se, @strawberrii-tea @triangulartriangles @anotherlovefool @violentlynerdy @sinmp , @3v37773, @taru-nami @disc0dild0s @boredwithlifeatthispoint , @kaulitzer , @notplutos, @cheetosins @whotdefak @lcst-at5ea, @zforgottensniper , @lunarapple , @softi-911 , @softhanyu @coca-cola-fiend @chibiduck
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giggly-squiggily · 11 days
Midnight Thoughts (Jojo's Bizarre Adventures)
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*Walks out with folded hands* Ehem...I had a vision. And I went with that vision- and after so many months I finally finished it :D I love these dorks so much, your honor! Please enjoy some good ol' stardust crusaders antics!
CW: Swearing!
Summary: Polnareff and Kakyoin can't sleep. Antics ensue when they decide to make it Jotaro's problem aswell.
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@gladdygirl18 @t-wordiiish
“Superman is only super on earth, yeah? Do you think he’s just an average joe on Planet Krypton?”
“Please, have you seen him? He’d be an absolute hit with the ladies back home.” “Polnareff-”
“Yeah but what if that’s just the norm there? What if in Planet Krypton he’s considered boring or even ugly?”
“You really think someone like Superman could be considered average?”
“I’m just saying- Superman to earthlings is like someone revisiting an early level in a game after making it the final few levels.”
“Would you shut the hell up!” Jotaro sat up with a glare, his eyes shooting daggers at the pair across the way. “It’s one in the fucking morning!”
“Technically it’s only 12:20 AM.” Kakyoin pointed at the clock on the wall, the face glowing softly in the dark room.
“Did we wake you? Apologies, Jojo.” Polnareff grinned from his spot across from the redhead, unfazed at the death stare he received. “All this traveling and stand fighting- it makes it hard for one to relax their mind.”
“Good Grief. Find some booze and drink until you pass out. Or go find somewhere else and play sleepover.” Jotaro grumbled as he laid back down, closing his eyes. He could understand the restlessness- there were many nights he would lay there and stare at the sky for hours- waiting to pass out from exhaustion or for morning to come.
That said- he spent those nights in silence. A simple courtesy he wished the two idiots would share.
“Wow, someone’s grumpy. It’s those moody teenage hormones, huh?” Polnareff teased, sharing a look with a smiling Kakyoin as he stood, walking over to the opposite bed. “Or is it that you’re feeling left out?”
“Neither- I want to sleep. Get out.” Jotaro glared before pulling the blanket over himself, the silent equivalent to slamming a door in someone’s face.
“Aww, don’t be like that, Jojo.” Kakyoin came over as well- crawling into the bed and flopping against the mound of blankets. “Here’s a question- do you think Star Platinum could win in a fight against Superman?”
Silence. Polnareff and Kakoyin shared an amused look.
“I know you're not asleep, Jojo. I can feel you brooding.” Kakyoin teased, tugging at the blanket gently. He received a low growl in return.
“Jojo~ Don’t be mad at us!” Polnareff climbed in on Jotaro’s opposite side, shaking the mound. “We’re your friends!”
Still nothing. Jotaro was stubborn as ever.
“He’s like a little kid- all pouty and such.” Kakyoin cooed.
“You know how we handle those kinds of guys, right Kak?” Polnareff teased with a wink.
The threat was there. Jotaro dared to peek over the blankets, making his look as scary as possible. “Touch me and you fucking die.”
“Bet?” Kakyoin grinned.
“Bet.” Polnareff agreed. Jotaro exhaled deeply.
Then there was chaos.
“You’re not getting away!” Kakyoin yelled in glee, charging the bound of limps and blanket blindly. Jotaro was like a bull in the pit, all flailing limbs and sharp swears as he swung in every direction. “Come here, Jojo!”
“Give in! Just let it happen!” Polnareff was a mess of giggles, putting his muscular mass to use as he threw himself on top of the teen. Once there, he wrestled his wrists down until he they were pinned, straining. “I got him! I got him! Get him, Kakyoin!”
“On it!”
“Get the hell of-HMMPH!” Jotaro’s shout of anger was quickly muffled as Kakyoin dug into him through the blanket, raking his fingers up and down his sides. His squirms increased in frequency, leading to him nearly sending Polnareff flying once more. “Cut the shit! K-Kakyoin!”
“Oo, he’s feeling it now! Get him good, Kakyoin!” The knight giggled in delight as he readjusted his seat, putting maximum weight onto Jotaro and worming his fingers against his neck. “Here I come, you damn brat!”
“Not you too- get! Gehehehhahhaat!” Jotaro’s defenses melted when fingers dug into the middle set of his ribs. Not even the blanket could protect him from the ticklish feeling shooting up his nerves. “Dahahahahahm yohohohohou! Aheahhahahahaha!”
“Aww, don’t be like that, Jojo! You love us too much to say that!” Kakyoin tugged at the blanket with one hand while his other carried on tickling. Despite his current state, Jotaro was adamant on hanging on to the damn thing. “Fine then- you won’t give up the ghost, I’ll just come and take it!”
With that, he dived beneath the nearest corner of the blankets, squeezing his way towards Jotaro like an inchworm. Polnareff scooted some to give more room, preparing.
In a matter of seconds, the room was booming.
“AH! AHEHAHAHHAA YOU FUHUHUHUCKER!” Jotaro howled when his sides were grabbed once more- no blanket or shirt for that matter to protect him against Kakyoin’s claws. “GEHEHEHEHT THE HEHEHELL OHOHOHOFF! AH! NOHOHOT YOU THOOHOHOHO!” Polnareff had begun to double his efforts, worming a hand into any tickle spot within reach. “SCREHHEHEHW YOOHOHU TWOOOHOHO!”
“So mean! To your dear friends too, Jotaro!” The frenchman chided, drilling a finger into the birthmark and making him scrunch with an undignified squeal. “Take this! And that! And this and that!”
“You can’t get rid of me, Jojo!” Kakyoin laughed through his teases, clinging to the bigger boy with all his might as he scribbled into his ribs and stomach. “I’m stuck to you! Forever and ever- AH!”
Jotaro put his strength into use; twisting hard enough to send Polnareff flying. He crashed into the bundle of Kakyoin, rolling off the bed and inadvertently bringing Jotaro with them. They landed in a crash of blankets and sore limbs upon landing.
“Ow! Oohohoho my god, that hurt! Jota-ROOHOOHO!” The frenchman was about to check in with the boys when hands suddenly grabbed his waist, kneading his sides rapidly. “AHEHAHHAH WHOOHOHOHO?”
“Hehehe, tickle tickle tickle, Polnareff!” Kakyoin was truly a gremlin. “Gonna getcha good! Jojo, help me!”
“Nohohohohohohoho! Pleahahahahse, Aihihihihiites Pihiihihihiteehehehehehe!”
Get off me, you ass!” Jotaro yelled through the chaos, wiggling free from the bodies pressing him down. Despite this, he was grinning- a new light of playfulness in his expression. “Good grief- you two are annoying. All right- I’ll help.”
“Nohoohoho! Johohootaro! Johohoohtaro EPARGI MOOHOHOHI!” Bodies crashed once more as Jotaro threw himself at the pair, tickling with all his might. Alongside Polnareff’s squeals in french, Kakyoin’s own hysterics joined the fray as he pulled and shoved at Jotaro’s hand.
“DOOHOHON’T GEHEHEHT ME, GEHEHHET POHOHOHOLNAREFF!” The redhead squealed at the top of his lungs, writhing like a worm beneath the hand squeezing the life out of his thigh. “JOHOHOHOJOHOHOHO!”
“JEHEHEHEHE DOOHOHOHNE! JEEHHEHEHE DoHOOHOHNE!” Polnareff squealed as his upper ribs were dug into, swatting and kicking through giggly hiccups. Jotaro didn’t know much French, but he could tell Polnareff was at his limit with how red he was.
Releasing them, he sat back with a crossed arm glare, watching them groan and gasp for breath. “You two done?”
“Ehehehe..hehhehe yeahhahah, whehehe’re gohoohod.” Kakyoin wheezed out, Polnareff nodding through another round of hiccups. “Dahahahng, and yohoohu didn’t eheehven use your sthahahnd!”
“Didn’t need it.” Jotaro got up, tugging his blanket out from under the redhead before climbing back into bed. “Not with how ticklish you two are. Go to bed.”
“Pardon? What does that mean, exactly Jotaro?” Polnareff leaped into the bed once more, resuming their previous position. “I’d say we gave you quite the fight tonight, non?”
“Yeah! You were squealing and everything!” Kakyoin was on his open side once more, smiling brightly at Jotaro’s heated glare. “I’d say out of all of us…”
They paused, considering.
“Yeah, okay. Fine. I’m the most ticklish.” Kakyoin finished with an eye roll. Polnareff giggled and Jotaro smirked beneath his blanket. “But your reaction is super cute, Jojo!”
“Shut up.” The brunette waved him off before pulling the blanket overhead, hiding away from their devious grins. He waited for them to move, or to attack once more. Instead, the bed shifted as they got comfortable, taking up the minimal surface space. “Don’t you two have your own beds? Sleep in them!”
“No way, yours is suddenly so comfy!” Kakyoin snuggled close, pressing his face into Jotaro’s shoulder. “I told you already, you’re stuck with me.”
“Same here, Jotaro! Get used to it!” Polnareff laughed as he dragged over extra blankets and pillows, making a sort of fort for them. “Bonne nuit.”
Kakyoin let out a sleepy “Oyasumi” in response. Before long, the pair were fast asleep- tucking Jotaro between them. The brunette sat there frozen for a few moments before rolling his eyes, a rare but genuine smile on his lips.
“Goodnight, knuckleheads.” He let himself relax for the first time this entire trip, the sounds of his friends breathing on either side of him.
Thanks for reading!
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thatmadshifter11 · 5 months
The Shadowsinger and The Mistress of Love and Lust
I could feel the nightmare in me growl at the word but the dreamer in me smiled softly and shed tears of genuine happiness. I felt like I was drowning in an ocean of glass.
Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate.
Then all I felt was pain.
My wings- the pain- my wings.
My wings are gone.
I wince. How can I feel pain in my wings? Suddenly I’m being swarmed by shadows-his shadows-Azriel! They circle me whispering softly, touching me lightly.
He needs you. He's in pain. Help him.
They call to me, the pain in m-his wings keeps growing stronger. I don't question how they found me or how they spoke to me, all I can think is save Az.
I vacate my post at the healing tent and leave my assistant Lily in charge. I set out to find Azr-my mate. I see my brother and Cassian, they both seem tense and it worries me. I have been cooped up in the healing tent and haven't heard about anything pertaining to the war other than healing the soldiers and warriors injuries. I walk towards the two illyrians trying to tap into the power to summon my wings.
Hot searing pain floods the bond and I drop to my knees unable to summon my wings or my battle fan. I sink lower as I feel the shooting pain in my ankle and the sharp stabbing pains still in m-his wings. I am going to murder whoever hurt Azriel- My Azriel.
Cassian rushes towards me spitting curses as he grabs my arm trying to help me up.  I give him a vulgar gesture and I call him things a High Lady shouldn’t even be able to think of. I yank my arm away and stand up slightly dizzy and nauseous. I catch myself on Cassian as I hear the faint sound of my brother laughing.
“Oh shut it Rhys” I say one hand on my hip the other leaning on Cass to stay balanced. “I was looking for Az but this fucking oaf got in the way,” I jab a finger in Cass’ chest. Cass looks at me with a snarl. I laugh as does Rhysand. “Well sister if your looking for him he should be flying back soon I have been awaiting his and Feyre’s return from rescuing Elain.” I smile knowing he should return, but then I remember the pain and the bond. “H-he's hurt brother like big time,” Rhys looks alarmed. “How do you know? And what happened” he asked, dragging me toward a group of chairs, Cassian following behind us.
"I felt it through our bond, a mating bond," I reply, wincing at the fresh wave of pain that surges through me. "His wings, they're damaged, and I think his ankle too. I need to find him, now."
Without waiting for their response, I push myself off the chair and start heading towards the direction the shadows came from. Every step feels like a dagger in my heart as I can sense Azriel's agony echoing down our bond. I almost stumble, but I steel myself and keep moving. I can't afford to falter now. My vision blurs, but I blink away the tears, focusing only on the path ahead./As I reach the spot where I had found the two stubborn Illyrians I see a shadowy figure in the distance. He drops quickly landing harshly groaning in pain. His wings, his glorious beautiful wings all torn and bloody filled with arrows I can only assume are ash arrows.
"Azriel," I call out, my voice breaking. I rush towards him, dread pooling in my stomach. He looks up, his eyes filled with pain but also relief at seeing me. I reach out to touch him but he winces, pulling away slightly. "I'm here, Az," I whisper, trying to assure him that he's safe now.
“Mate,” he growls at me in a sadder tone then his usual mocking raspy voice. “Yes, yes Mate, but for now lets get you healed alright?” He huffs which I can only assume is an answer to my question so I take it as one.
His eyes, usually so lively and watchful catching every slight move, are dulled by pain. Seeing him like this breaks my heart into a million pieces, but I swallow down the lump in my throat. I need to be strong for him.
Pt.2 link: https://www.tumblr.com/thatmadshifter11/748248818969198592/the-shadowsinger-and-the-mistress-of-love-and-lust?source=share
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cosmerelists · 9 months
Cosmere Secret Santa
[Some Stormlight spoilers in this!]
In Secret Santa, you're assigned a random person to give a gift to. So in the spirit of that, I have randomly assigned Cosmere characters to give gifts to each other. Let's see what happens! And upon my honor, this is indeed all random...other than not letting Lift get chosen twice (greedy, Lift. Greedy!).
1. Zane gives the Stormfather...a glass dagger
Zane: And with this dagger, I will KILL this WOULD-BE GOD and then the VOICES will STOP and Vin will LOVE ME probably! Stormfather: ... Stormfather: I am not sure you understand how this holiday works.
2. The Stormfather gives Sarene...a vision of flying over the continent
Stormfather: I do not really possess material things. Stormfather: But pretty much all of the people I know enjoy the whole "flying over the continent vision" experience. Sarene: It is admittedly...breathtaking, aside from watching all of the people being, you know, maimed by flying boulders. Stormfather: ...Maybe I do not understand this holiday either.
3. Sarene gives Breeze...a bottle of wine
Sarene: This is a vintage recommended by my uncle Kiin. Breeze: My dear, you are one of the few people I've ever met with proper taste. Sarene: More of a compliment to my uncle, but thanks I guess.
4. Breeze gives Gavilar...a signed portrait of Kelsier
Gavilar: I don't get it. Breeze (sipping the wine from Sarene): And that is what makes it funny.
5. Gavilar gives Eshonai...a sphere filled with Voidlight
Eshonai: Gah! Why do you keep trying to give me that terrible thing??? Gavilar: You Parshendi are so strange--your gratitude and excitement look remarkably similar to horror and disgust. Eshonai: I am horrified and disgusted! Gavilar: You're so welcome.
6. Eshonai gives Taravangian...a little shalebark plant
Eshonai: My mother is old, and she likes plants, so... Taravangian: Well, thank you--that is very kind of you. Taravangian: But, uh, do you think all old people like the same things? Eshonai: Pretty much, yeah.
7. Taravangian gives Ulaam...a human liver
Tarvangian: As someone who runs a hospital, I have...an unfortunate access to such items, and I heard it would make you happy. Ulaam: So cool! I think I'll attach this to my wrist and use it as functional jewelry! Taravangian: H-Horrifying. Ulaam: Tee-hee.
8. Ulaam gives the Stick...nothing
Ulaam: There is nothing to give to the one who has everything. Stick: I am a Stick! Ulaam: You are indeed, my friend.
9. The Stick gives Lift...nothing (it is just a stick, you know?)
Lift: Aww, you get me! Lift: Things given really are never as satisfying as things I take--it's sweet and all, but lacks the stormin' challeng! Lift: No one has ever understood me like you do, Stick. Wyndle: A-Am I missing something here??
10. Lift gives Hammond...a slightly squashed chouta
Lift: I sat on it a little, but I think it's okay. Hammond: It smells great and I'm not fussy--thanks a lot! Lift: If anyone asks, you didn't get it from me. Hammond: I hang out with Kelsier; this does not bother me in the slightest.
11. Hammond gives Szeth...a sparkly vest
Szeth: Thank you? Hammond: I know you military guys gotta wear uniforms, but I also know that uniforms suck. Hammond: Wear the vest! Live a little! Szeth: I suppose...if Dalinar thinks it's okay... Hammond: That's more or less the spirit!
12. Szeth gives Zane...a pillow
Zane: Uh... Szeth: I can see in your eyes that you are a man much like me. Szeth: Tormented by nightmares, the voices of the dead, the guilt of what you've done. Szeth: Anyway, try screaming into a pillow. Szeth: It helps.
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kathanglangit · 1 year
The First Blade: Balaraw - Winged Dagger
I realize I haven't been explicit about it on here yet (mostly because I'm not the best at keeping all my social media profiles up to date), but I am involved in the development of a Tabletop Roleplaying Game It's called Gubat Banwa- a TTRPG based around tactical grid combat, contemplative war drama, and high-flying martial arts, all of which taking place in an unapologetically Southeast Asian-inspired fantasy setting, developed by @makapatag with art direction by @villain-returns. Initially I developed the script that is used in the gamebook and diegetically in the setting- called Kasuratan- but I'll talk about that elsewhere.
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With the Kickstarter launch imminent, I thought I'd do a bunch of Twitter X threads on a bunch of weapons I've drawn for the game counting down the final week before the launch. Then I thought: "Why aren't I posting these on tumblr also, at least I wouldn't lose my mind over character counts over here"- so here we are. These were supposed to be posted as Swordtember drawings, but then the KS launch got moved to October. Most of these blades are of Philippine make, since that is where my knowledge-base is and what I'm comfortable enough to share knowledge about. I thought it'd be nice to share a bit of blade knowledge from some of the cultures that inspired the setting. Without further ado, let us begin with the BALARAW.
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Also known as a "winged dagger", it is characterized by its unique shape, consisting of a short leaf-shaped blade driven with the tang out into a hilt with two distinct protrusions, creating three prongs on the back with the tang included.
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(Photos from an exhibit at The Met)
They may be held at the hilt like a regular knife, or they may be held in a manner not too dissimilar from how our neighbors in Southeast Asia hold keris. One may imagine it like a "push dagger" for lack of other reference points. It might be likened to the katar as well, in some sense.
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(Sketches by the Gubat Banwa Art Director himself) Nowadays, the blade is frequently attributed to the People of the Upstream- the Mandaya group of peoples- though they would have seen much wider use in their day, likely also spanning across what is now the Visayas region of the Philippines.
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(Modern rendition by Panday Keiven Tolentino of Itak Mindoro, Photo by Ramon H. Bathan) Something I've noticed from looking at Philippine blades all the time is that symmetrical, double-edged blades like these are rare, here. Blades that lend themselves more to stabbing than anything else aren't very prevalent either, and blades that do not- at first glance- appear to be made with tool use/foliage clearing/farmwork in mind don't make up the majority of specimens. The balaraw is unique in several different respects, and any self-respecting warrior Kadungganan of Gubat Banwa's Sword Isles would do well to mind its bite. The weapon makes an appearance in Gubat Banwa in the hands of the Beast Hunter- one of the many Disciplines ("character classes") whose techniques your character can learn in-game.
The Gubat Banwa Kickstarter launches in 7 days! Check it out here:
We'd appreciate any and all help in getting the word out. Support an independent TTRPG made by a team from the global south, looking to make waves through a fantasy setting where the Southeast Asian inspirations takes center stage!
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sageteapost · 1 year
May I request that you do a cloud strife x reader where the reader uses duel blades? These blades actually have short range and long range attacks and ( with enough force) can propel the reader forward? I would like them to meet in the scene where Jessie is seeing Biggs and wedge on bikes, but they see an extra bike and that’s the readers? The whole scene plays out and the reader is super badass, pulling enemy’s back with their duel blades and throwing them into a wall. Then after, they talk a bit and find out that they are a SOLDIER aswell..? IDK if this could be written so I’m sorry I’m advance if it can’t so feel free to tell me if you can’t!
| Cloud Strife & A Dual Blade User Reader |
[ Cloud Strife x GN! Reader ]
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TW & CW + Tags: Violence (not super detailed). Mentions of firearms and blades. Reader is a SOLDIER as well. [No relationship mentioned. GN! Reader.]
Summary: A small fic of Cloud Strife meeting the reader who uses duel blades and eventually finds out that they are also a SOLDIER as well.
[(A/N): Hey there anon! My apologies for the late reply to your request. Not gonna lie, the reader gives off a bit of Ignis Scientia from Final Fantasy XV! I was in a mood to write a small fic for this one. I'm not sure if you wanted a fic request, if not let me know! As always, enjoy!]
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"Looks like we got more company!" cries Jessie, Shinra infantrymen catching up close behind the others. The smell of rubber creating friction on the road was strong, and the roar of the motorcycle echos throughout the tunnel. "Quit moving around, or you'll fall off the bike," Cloud says while maintaining full attention on the lit road ahead of him.
"Hey Cloud! Take care of them, will ya?!" Biggs yells as Wedge holds onto Biggs for dear life. "We cannot let them ruin the mission!" Cloud hums in acknowledgement, making a cue for Jessie to take over driving the bike. She responds swiftly, and Cloud makes a leap onto onto one of the infantry's bikes and quickly taking him out.
"You!! Avalanche scum!" shouts an infantrymen, moving his bike closer towards Cloud so he can strike.
"Not so fast!"
A sharp object swiftly flys into the back of the man, earning a shout of pain from him and losing control of his bike.
Cloud makes a face of confusion for a moment, but before he could do anything he hears a motorbike pull up from behind, breaking him from his thoughts. "You guys abandoned me back at the meeting place! I was looking for y'all everywhere!"
Cloud turns to his left, and he sees you. As you're fighting one last infantrymen with your blades, your (H/C) hair lights up from the bright overhead lights in the tunnel, your mako green eyes are as sharp as a hawk, and he notices the daggers on your side as you slam the infantrymen hard into the wall.
The biggest thing he notices instantly however, is your outfit. A SOLDIER uniform, actually.
"Sorry (Y/N)! I thought you were right behind us the whole time," Jessie says with a sheepish laugh. "Glad you caught up with us! You would have missed out on our SOLDIER boy there! He's badass, don't you think?"
You turn your head slightly towards Cloud, making eye contact with his mako green eyes. Cracking a small smile, you reply, "Oh no, I saw. He's pretty good!"
Cloud quickly shifts his eyes back to the road. "C'mon. We're almost at the end of the tunnel."
"Right. Let's get a move on!" Jessie shouts out with pure energy.
Mission success! Now it was time to get the hell out of there and go home. Before you could drive off on your bike, Cloud stops you.
"Nice job back there."
You look at him in confusion, before replying with a smile. "Thanks, just what I do. I could say the same thing about you too." Cloud hums quietly, before asking, "...You're a SOLDIER, aren't you?"
Your smile drops just a tad bit and your eyes drift away from his. "That obvious, huh?"
"It's the uniform. And the trademark mako eyes."
"Right. Figured you should have known, since you are one too."
"Ex-SOLDIER. I'm just a mercenary now. I quit a long time ago."
You chuckle lightly, the cool night breeze of Midgar brushes away a strand of your hair. You look up towards a mako reactor, its bright light beaming up into the night sky. "It's getting late. We should go home," you say.
"Right," Cloud adds moving away from your bike and hopping on to his own and starting the engine.
"Wait," hearing your voice and looks up. "I never got your name. Who knows? We might meet again someday."
Cloud stays quiet for a moment. Only the sound of the humming engine fills the brief silence between the two of you. And with that, he finally replies.
"...Cloud. Cloud Strife."
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You'll Have to Go Through Me Pt 3
Part 3 of You'll Have to Go Through Me, the next arc of Doc's Misadventures! If you're new, start at the beginning with Touch Starved!
Hmm... I don't think I've managed 3 chapters in 3 days since I initially started Febuwhump... Is it skill, or it is unmediated adhd? The world may never know
Warnings: It dark. Ye be warned. Torture. Blood. Broken/dislocated bones. Disassociation. Stabbing. Big profanity warning. Murder.
WC: 3,427
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He didn’t waste energy trying to hit me, knowing my armor would only result in him doing more harm to himself. Instead, he strove to lock me in a grapple, repeatedly vying to unbalance me enough to get me on the ground, but he was far slower than Hunter and his reach far shorter than Tech’s. Still, every second was a desperate race. When I risked extending an arm to strike, he proved more than willing to let me land the hit in favor of utilizing the brief opening it granted, looping his own arm beneath mine and nearly trapping me against him, but I managed to slam my other fist into the base of his ribs hard enough to weaken his hold so I could slip away. He was on me again before my back foot even touched the ground.
In an attempt to turn his oppressive offensive around on him, I threw myself forward, hoping to confuse his apparent assumption that I’d yield beneath his advance, but there was no hesitation in his response and, before I could reach him, he locked me in a breath-taking bearhug. I just managed to ram my hands against his hips hard enough to force some whisper of space between us before he could heave me into the air, and used that space to cram my knee into his stomach, wrenching a cough from him, but his hold didn’t slacken. Nearly panicked, I hit him again and again in rapid succession.
The instant he caved, hold failing as he began to stagger back, I clasped my wrist in my hand to brace my arm, body again craning forward to drive my elbow into his throat. He ducked his chin against his chest quickly enough to protect the vital opening with his helmet, but the strike knocked him off-balance for a few precious seconds. I didn’t waste them. Snatching his hand in both of mine, I pinned the back of his elbow to my chest as my feet kicked off the ground. From his sharp gasp, I didn’t doubt he knew that he’d been caught before my leg even managed to wrap around his shoulder.
I barely noted the thud as we crashed heavily to the floor, spine arching sharply forward. He cried out, and I could feel the joint grinding beneath my abuse, ligaments and tendons strained on the very edge of snapping, but, from that angle, I couldn’t see his other hand. Even if I had, there simply wasn’t time to escape. I heard the scream tear from my throat but found myself unable to actually feel the pain even after seeing the short, diamond-shaped punch knife gleaming crimson between his middle and ring fingers. He landed a second blow to the thin gap between my thigh plate and cod piece, striving for my femoral and only just missing. I tried to lash out with one hand in an effort to block a third attack, but I couldn’t reach without abandoning my hold on his arm, so I did the only thing I could: muscles throughout my body tensing, I thrust my hips up violently.
The sensation of his joint shattering, the sickening pops of ligaments snapping off bone and tendons tearing from muscle made my stomach churn, but I didn’t let go. The T-shaped handle of his dagger clattered against plastoid as he clawed uselessly at my leg, choked, keening gasps wheezing through clenched teeth. I’d just managed to grab the blade when the sound of blaster fire screeched through the room, and even the wealth of adrenaline flooding my veins couldn’t fully numb the agony of those bolts searing into my side and shoulder, or the dizzying percussion as a third blast nicked my helmet just enough to send it flying across the room.
Curse fluttering over my tongue, I rolled away from the squirming man, cringing at how the movement folded the ruined limb beneath me, but I couldn’t focus on his screams. I couldn’t focus on the blood soaking into my blacks or the deafening ringing in my ears. If I wanted to survive, if I want to save Echo, I couldn’t risk pausing for even a moment’s thought as I threw myself across the room to where my first pistol had fallen, narrowly dodging a second wave of crimson bolts.
Without the targeting guidance of my armor, my first two shots went wide, and I could practically hear Crosshair’s judgmental scoff. Three B1s stood in formation just inside the room, barely a handful of meters away from me, arms following my every motion with frustrating ease. I managed to hit one as I dove behind a console similar to what Echo was folded over.
“Kill her, you worthless rust-buckets!” The man roared, voice breaking as he continued to clutch his arm to his chest, legs just beginning to search for traction beneath him. I didn’t bother straining for efficiency. When I risked leaning around my cover, I carelessly sent a half dozen shots toward the droids, finger nearly vibrating against the trigger, but they were close enough that even such a wild flurry was enough to finish them off.
Don’t stop. It was only a matter of time before more came. Shoving the pistol into its holster, I raced back to Echo, instantly straining to free him from the interface port, but his scomp wouldn’t come free. Movements growing panicked once more, I tried to carefully turn his arm, searching for some hint as to why he was stuck.
The demented laughter from behind instantly made my blood run cold. The Separatist had pushed himself back enough to sit up against a wall, pale green eyes watching me with sick delight.
“What did you do?!” I demanded, turning fully toward him even as I strained to listen for the telltale thuds of marching feet.
“I was right… feisty.” He said on huffed gasps.
“Dammit, how do I free him?!” I shouted, stalking toward him.
“Nah… Afraid that’s jus’ not gonna work.” My lips twisted into a scowl as he mockingly threw my own words back at me, voice thin and wavering. I stormed across the room, and crouched onto a knee before him, fist locking around the lip of his chest plate to slam him back against the wall while my other hand wrenched the bucket from his head. That haughty smirk never faltered.
“You seem to be mistaken. I wasn’t asking.” I growled. He tsked, wincing slightly as his shoulder shifted in a weak shrug. “Tell me!” The rage in my cry only fueled his humor.
“Or what?” He asked, and my blood boiled at his utter disregard for the unspoken threat of my rage. “Yuh can’t kill me. Can’t do shit. Just ‘cause the mission’s blown, don’t mean I’m about to turn colors and bleed all my secrets to yuh.” My fist slammed into him before I’d even realized I’d moved. The surprised grunt lasted only a moment before he again let out that unhinged laughter, so I hit him again. And again.
“Tell me how to get him out!” Blood ran from his nose, cheeks and jaw already distorted from swelling. This isn’t what my hands were trained for. This isn’t what I’d devoted my life to. I couldn’t remember the blessed relief my touch once granted the men I served with as tissue split and bones caved beneath my attack. I couldn’t remember the gentleness with which I eased their pains away in favor of quiet relaxation as I shouted at him between every blow.
His torso bucked in a wet cough, sending a rush of crimson splattering over his chin, and I froze. It wasn’t the horror of what I’d done that stopped me; it was the realization that, if I kept going, he wouldn’t be able to tell me how to save Echo. My chest felt cold, lungs seizing to draw in sharp gasps of air as I watched my body move, grabbing the hand of his uninjured arm between mine to hold between us.
“Tell me how to free him!” I yelled. A brief note of confusion flared through those striking eyes. I didn’t allow him time to think before clasping his pinky and wrenching it sideways. Loud, sobbing cries tore from his already raw throat, spine arching, jaw craning open as he struggled to make sense of what happened as I grabbed his ring finger.
“How do I free him?!” My body was trembling almost as violently as his, teeth ground to fight back the heaves. There wasn’t time for that. Another patrol would arrive any second.
“Ask me nicely.” He sneered, but the scream that followed was no less agonizing as I dislocated another finger, nearly gagging at the feel of the joint snapping beneath my grasp.
“How do I free him?!” There was a desperation in my voice, begging him to let it stop, to yield so that I wouldn’t have to keep hurting him, but he merely spat in my face. I barely noticed the tears trailing down my cheeks as I ruined his middle finger, hands shaking almost too violently to use.
“You know what the ones who hired me are gonna do when they get him?” He asked, voice dropping into a crazed whisper that sent gooseflesh prickling across my skin. “They’re gonna throw ‘im in some dark tank, an’ he ain’t never gonna see the sun again.” I couldn’t breathe, and the way he laughed broke something in me. Movements sharp, disjointed, I slammed his hand above his head and wrenched the pistol from my waist, pinning the crocked digit of his pinky between it and the rough concrete behind him.
“Tell me.” I growled, but he only stared me down, face twisted into a snarl. When I pulled the trigger, he lost whatever slivers of rage he’d been clinging to.
“Tell me.” I wasn’t yelling anymore as I pressed the barrel to another finger.
“Fuck you!” He shrieked, body thrashing desperately against me. I didn’t flinch as I fired again, expression falling into something frightfully detached from the torrent of emotions I’d been trembling with mere seconds prior.
“Tell me.” My voice was unnaturally even. Whimpers caught on his broken gasps when I moved the gun once more, but he offered neither sharp retort nor answer, so I fired. I didn’t wait before moving to another finger.
“Tell me.”
“You psycho bitch! I’ll kill your whole damn-” I didn’t let him finish, his maddened rant shattering into another blood-curdling scream, and I pressed the barrel to his thumb.
“Wait-wait-wait!” He cried, begged as his body convulsed with shock and pain. I waited in silence, eyes burring passively into his. “My-m-my po-pocket.” He stammered. Gun still pressed to his hand, I reached into the pouch at his waist, glancing down only briefly to note the pair of datachips. “One u-unlocks… unlocks th-the cuffs… the-the other, it… it over-r-rides the-the-th…” I didn’t need him to finish, and steadily got to my feet.
I released the restraints first, unwilling to risk plugging the wrong key into the terminal for fear of there being some failsafe. Once his arm and legs were free, I plugged the other chip into a port near his scomp. The computer chimed twice, and whatever mechanism had trapped him clicked open.
It didn’t feel like I was moving. It felt like I was watching the memory of something that had already happened as I carefully pulled Echo’s limp body over my shoulder. In silence, I retrieved my medbag before treading across the room to where my singed helmet lay abandoned in the far corner and thoughtlessly slipped it on. Most of the systems were dead, while others flickered wildly across the overlay. I almost left it but couldn’t bring myself to expend even what meager effort it would take to pull it back off.
When I paused halfway to the door, it wasn’t with conscious knowledge of what I planned to do. The Separatist was still huddled against the wall, tears diluting the blood staining his cheeks. Only after seeing the horror on his face as he looked up at me, after seeing the broken resignation enter those eyes as his lips parted in a plea he didn’t have the strength to voice that I realized I had my pistol trained on him.
“Ple-” The shot struck his chest before he could finish, and I turned back toward the hall, strides unnaturally steady despite the agony some part of me knew should have torn through my hip with each movement, but that didn’t matter. I needed to get Echo to the Marauder. I needed to look over Tech, and vaguely remembered the certainty that Hunter was hurt, too… There had been pain in his voice the last time I’d heard him speak.
There was no relief from successfully getting him out, no dread over what damage may have been done when he was knocked unconscious nor fear for whatever battles still lay between us and our escape. There was nothing. My arm remained stretched out before me, grip firm around the gun as I retraced my steps through the building.
Something caught my attention behind me, some noise or voice, I couldn’t tell which, and my body spun sharply around, pistol raised. There seemed no reason that my finger stilled, but I felt myself hesitate. When had my head begun tilting forward, muscles seizing beneath the weight? It was hard to make out the figure that stood before me, already blurring vision further strained by the added darkness of my dead visor. They were big… A B2? No… the proportions were wrong…
Already, I could hear the approaching clang of metal footsteps, and when the trio of droids turned the corner, I didn’t stop shooting until they lay in a heap of smoldering parts. I don’t know how many I fought, nor if they were machine or sentient as I pressed forward, vaguely noting how quickly my finger fluttered against the trigger at the faintest hint of movement even after an abandoned alley replaced the maze of dark hallways.
They began to move, hands slowly reaching toward their head. My arm tensed, willing myself to fire yet still unable to pull the trigger. It wasn’t until after he removed his helmet, after seeing the concern in those mismatched eyes and hearing the broken wisp of my own voice calling him that I realized who stood before me.
“Wr… Wreck?” I nearly sobbed his name, arm falling limp to my side as I merely stared at him.
“Easy, Doc… Jus’… how ‘bout you let me take that?” He said softly, and I barely noticed him reach for my gun, nor the way he hissed slightly in pain from that first touch before managing to free it from my grasp. Only then did I note how the air around it wavered from heat, distantly aware of the strange tingling in my palm even after it was gone.
“I found her.” He called into his coms. I hadn’t even seen him put his bucket back on. “Yeah, she’s got Echo.” There was a brief pause before he added quietly, “No… no, I don’t…” The words trailed off.
“Hey, Doc.” He called, carefully lowering himself onto a knee before me. “Mind if I carry him?” I looked to Echo as though I’d forgotten I still held him over my shoulder and gave a small nod, stepping closer to let Wrecker take him.
“Where are the others?” I asked, voice quiet but even. Again, he paused for a moment.
“Hunter has Tech – he’s gonna meet us where the wall blew up. Cross is still up there.” He pointed toward the towering plateau above us. Nodding, I turned and continued toward the outer edge of the outpost.
“Are… are you okay?” He asked, voice almost timid as he belatedly fell in step behind me.
“Fine.” I answered with a calm I was later certain only proved I was anything but. Still, he said nothing more as we moved quickly between the buildings. Occasional bursts of blue flew overhead as Crosshair picked off whatever forces threatened either us or Hunter and Tech, and Wrecker held his repeater ready, easily taking out any stragglers that entered his line of sight.
Part of me expected that deranged serenity to begin fading the further we walked from the evidence of what I’d done, but even after we reached the desolated remains of the outer wall, still I found myself blessedly numb. Hunter was waiting for us, laying down cover fire as we darted across that last expanse of open space to finally escape the concrete maze. He’d set Tech down against the wall, and I quickly approached him, hand automatically reaching out to feel his pulse if only to reassure myself that his heart was still beating before turning to find the Sergeant staring at me. He let out a deep sigh before speaking.
“Can you walk?” Despite knowing he couldn’t see the frown pulling at my face, I didn’t respond at first.
“I’m fine.” His head shifted slightly, and I could imagine the way his lips tensed into a fine line.
“Crosshair’s keeping them back. I want you all to wait for me on the other side of this ridge. I’ll carry Tech there, then head back to get the Marauder. Wrecker, blow the charges on my mark.”
“I can carry Tech.” I stated, already shifting to pull him against me.
“Doc-” He started, voice tense, but I didn’t wait for him to finish.
“They need to be checked for cardiac and respiratory damage as quickly as possible. Wrecker can’t carry them both and shoot if things go wrong, and you’re the fastest runner.” I barely grunted as I stood with Tech carefully balanced over my shoulder, words falling emotionlessly from my lips. His mic only just picked up the tense breath that so nearly sounded like a growl before sharing a quick look with Wrecker and darting off across the sea of ivory dust.
“Cross is asking is you’re okay.” Wrecker murmured after a few minutes of walking in silence.
“I’m fine.” I said again, the words more a reflex than anything, but, if it was a lie, I couldn’t begin to guess how. Not yet.
“But you’re bleeding.” He argued softly. I glanced down, but the halfmoon had long since set, and the sliver that remained wasn’t enough to make out any hint of crimson against the dark fabric. Still, I didn’t need to see it to know the wounds were there, that both lay too near the crest of my hip to warrant any fear of lethal damage.
“They missed the artery.” I answered simply.
“And your helmet?” I’d barely glanced at the deep ridge burned into the plastoid by the droid’s blaster but didn’t doubt how nearly fatal it surely appeared.
“It only grazed me,” I assured him, “but it took out my coms and most of the guidance overlay.” In the brief silence that followed, I wondered if he was relaying what I’d said to the others.
“Cross says this is good.” There was an artificial cheerfulness to his voice that I couldn’t let myself think too deeply on as he carefully eased Echo down before quickly moving to help me with Tech. He started to say something else, but the words died on his tongue as I pulled the scanner from my bag to begin checking his brothers for any initial signs of worry. As he turned away, gaze shifting attentively around us, I couldn’t help but notice the numerous scorch marks burned into his armor, jaw tensing at the realization that he must have been hit at least a half-dozen times before he found me. After I knew Tech and Echo were safe, I’d have to tend his injuries as well, and I’d forgotten to look over Hunter during the brief time I’d seen him…
Something about itemizing the coming tasks made them seem less daunting. Tech’s scan was already finished, showing no initial signs of damage to his heart or lungs, and Echo’s was nearly complete. Then I could see to Wrecker. Then Hunter. Then repeat the scans. I just needed to focus on getting them well again. Then I could remember how to breathe.
Just as the scanner finished, the ground shook violently beneath us. I turned to see Wrecker with the detonator in his hand, and just beyond him, I could see the Marauder racing toward us.
Next Chapter
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skolworthy · 1 year
Hey I love your work and would love to read something along the lines of the reader having burn marks on their shoulder blades running down and Ragnar thinks they are a Valkyrie because of things? Thank you!
Sure thing, lovely! This was quite fun to write, I must say! I hope you enjoy it as well!
Word Count: 1677
Summary: Ragnar comes across an unexpected stranger in a familiar place.
These cryptic dreams were about to drive him mad, the Seer not even being able to help him come to understand them. The only thing that was said by the speaker of the gods was that the dreams seemed to be telling him of something that was to come. Very helpful. Ragnar thought as he made his way through the woods, swatting at foliage with a stick as he did. The man clearly was a fool if he couldn’t decipher a couple random dreams, why he had even bothered to go to him in the first place, he wasn’t sure, Ragnar never received decent help from him. Sighing, he gave one bush a particularly hard swing of the stick in his hand and watched as the stick flew out of his grip and off into the woods somewhere. He pursed his lips and let his head fall back a little with a groan as he headed in the direction of the stick, it was a rather decent walking stick and he had planned on carving it into something when he returned home. As he walked he then heard the familiar sound of the nearby waterfall and once he found the stick he headed in that direction, always enjoying the serenity that the little lagoon gave off. It was a wonderful place to sit and think, as he so often did.
Ragnar this time used the stick for its intended purpose of walking, instead of smacking things in annoyance as he thought more about his dreams. Soon enough he came to a slight clearing which led to the little lagoon and waterfall, he stood there admiring it a moment when his eyes caught movement in the water, just beneath the falls. From what he could tell it was a person, and their back was to him as they were apparently bathing themself and as he took a step forward, he noted that it was a woman. Of course, being a man, he couldn’t help himself from gazing at her bare back, but it wasn’t the naked flesh that was the reason for him to stare. It was because of markings upon her back that to him, reminded of something he had seen in his dreams. They reminded him of the wings of a Valkyrie.
The woman had no idea of his presence, so he dared to take a few steps closer, not to get a look at her body, but to try and further inspect the markings on her back. Was this woman really a Valkyrie? From the glimpses of her face that he saw when she would turn her head this way and that while adjusting her wet hair, she very well could be. Valkyries were said to be unearthly stunning when it came to their beauty and this woman, from what he was able to see of her, was beyond anything he had ever seen before. The woman began to turn and while normally Ragnar would have kept staring, he turned himself to the side and looked elsewhere, bracing himself for when she…shrieked. Her shriek’s pitch sent some birds that were in the trees above him crying out and flying off, along with it echoing around them a moment before dissipating. The woman immediately dunked herself under the water to where her body was no longer visible, yet still folding her arms over her chest for good measure. Ragnar kept his eyes looking off into the forest, his hands clasped in front of him, though still holding onto the stick. “If it makes you feel any better, I saw nothing but your back.” “And yet even that is too much.” she said as she then moved through the water, under the falls and disappeared behind them into the little cavern hidden behind. He had often used that cave as a means to escape from reality; to just sit and think; to simply exist. 
Curiosity quickly got the better of him, and he moved around the lagoon quickly, stepping behind the falls only to quickly duck as a dagger came flying at him and he turned his head and watched as it disappeared through the waterfall and plopped into the water. He turned back and looked at her with a raised eyebrow and smirk upon his lips before he held up his hands a bit to the side, showing that he was unarmed, well, besides the stick, which he set down against the side of the cave. “I mean you no harm.” She pulled out another knife from her pack that was set down against the rocks, a belt and boots against the rock as well. She had on a long and worn dress, showing that she was most likely from a neighboring fishing town and not of any sort of higher class or nobility. “Then what is it that you want?” she asked, her knife brandished in her hand as she stared at him hard. Ragnar gave a smirk and moved over to the side of the cave, leaning back against the wall and propping the back of his foot against it as he stood there, his arms moving to cross over his chest as he gazed at her. “I merely wish to ask a question.” She narrowed her eyes, the knife still in her hand as she stared at him, then she moved it slightly as a way to tell him to go on with the question. “Are you a Valkyrie?” he asked. She stared at him silently for a few moments and then shook her head. “Of course not, what would cause you to think such a thing?”
He gave a lift of his chin, his eyes focusing on her back while he stood there. “Those markings on your back. They look like Valkyrie wings, or at least…how I picture them.” The woman stared at him silently and then finally, no longer feeling threatened apparently, lowered the knife and placed it on top of the bag, albeit close enough for her to grab. He then pushed himself from the wall, but kept his arms folded over his chest. “Not a Valkyrie. So…who are you then?” The woman picked up her belt and wrapped it around her waist, fastening it and then she looked at him. “A maiden from a fishing village on the coast, nothing more.” Ragnar then moved closer to her and before she could react, he moved behind her and gently brushed his fingers against the back of her neck as he slightly lowered the fabric of her dress. “Then how do you explain these?” He felt her body tense slightly but she stood still and looked at him over her shoulder. “Burn marks. When I was a child, our cottage caught fire and I was trapped. I was close to burning alive, when I…” she stopped and looked away, as if embarrassed to say anything more. “Go on.” he said, his fingers now brushing lightly against the marks, goosebumps forming where his touch would lift away from. “I thought that I saw Valkyries. They came down from the ceiling and surrounded me, shielding me from the flames until the entire house burnt down. I should have died, but they protected me, though at one point I had felt the burn of the flames against my back, but with how they are shaped, perhaps it was just their protective touch.” She glanced at him once again over her shoulder and turned so that she was facing him. “No one believes my story, but I swear that is what I remember, what I saw.”
Ragnar stared down at her silently and then smirked and nodded. “I believe you.” He said as he moved away from her and over back to the falls, where he picked up his walking stick and twirled it around in his hand. “You do?” “Yes. I have been having strange dreams lately, ones that the seer cannot decipher. In it, I am chasing after…a Valkyrie that apparently had fallen from Valhalla.” He said as she sat down upon the rock and listened. “Try as I might to get to her, just to speak with her, she grows farther from my reach. Last night, I came the closest I had ever been to catching her and then today…I meet you. I believe it is no coincidence.” he said as he smirked at her. Then he moved toward her and reached down for her hand, bringing it up to his lips and giving it a soft kiss. “I hope that our paths will cross again…?” he raised an eyebrow at her, while his lips were still hovering over the top of her hand. “Y/n.” she answered, he noted that her cheeks were slightly flushed which only made him smile more. “Y/n.” he said as he then stood up straight again. “I like that.”
He then leaned down and picked up her bag, along with the knife and held them out to her. “I must be heading back to my village, will you be alright getting back home?” She gave a nod and a smile and he nodded as well. “Do you often visit this waterfall?” Ragnar asked. “Yes, I come here to just get away sometimes. Seeing as how you are here too, I take it that this is somewhere special for you as well?” Ragnar nodded his head. “Indeed, I come here to reflect, think, to get away such as you. Perhaps we can do that together soon.” he said with a smirk as he then began to back toward the cavern entrance, alongside the waterfall, bringing his free hand to his chest and bowing his head slightly. “Until then.” He said with a smirk and then disappeared outside the cave, heading around the lagoon and beginning his trek back home. All the while, unable to get Y/n out of his head and grinning ear to ear as he hoped that the day would come quickly that they met again. That he would happen to come upon his little Valkyrie again.
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floatingnebulas · 2 months
Rangers Apprentice Space AU
Ok, listen. I thought of a cyberpunk RA outer space AU earlier today. It was only a matter of time before I came up with a space au for RA since space aus tend to consume my thoughts.
Anyway, Araluen is an empire that spans a decent amount of interstellar territory. Not huge, but also not tiny, fairly average overall. All the other countries are other territories in the universe.
And, as always of course, Araluen is divided in a series of 50 sectors that are ruled over by the nobility. Each sector has one of the empire's 50 rangers assigned to it.
Rangers are essentially like they are in the series. The kingdom's special ops force that's really really good at what they do, and very good at sneaking around. They just have a bit more tech. The citizens of Araluen usually don't believe they're human, instead thinking they must be some kind of highly experimental android created by the crown to spy for them. It's the only way to really explain how good they are at fighting, vanishing, spying, hacking, everything. They're too good to be human, so they must be robots!
Of course, they're all humans (there are no aliens in this au). Rangers here use energy blasters instead of bows, and are crack shots no matter if they're using their close range pistols or long range sniper rifles. They also all carry small daggers made of experimental nanotechnology that can change form on a whim, letting them use daggers, saxe knives, and their strikers. Gilan has an even more experimental nanotech sword, and is one of the only people in the universe currently allowed to use it (he's helping test it out). His blade can shift between a few different types of swords so that he can use whatever he wants at that moment. Rangers also have a cloak woven with electronic fibers that allow them to disappear (not turn invisible but essentially an even better version of their mottled cloaks, one that can shift slightly to match how shadows change a little bit). They also all learn how to use technology and become fairly skilled, not the best in the universe but still pretty good, hackers so that if they're infiltrating somewhere they can always grab data. Each Ranger has their own custom ship with extremely fast warp drives and learns how to fly it even better than many competitive racers.
Morgarath used to be a member of the nobility and leader of his own sector, until he staged a rebellion a decade and a half ago. He used cybernetically enhanced forces (probably made up of some of his own people, some hired hands, and some abducted people. they would have a lot of the typical cyber enhancements that you see in cyberpunk media, such as weapons embedded into robot arms, eyes that can project things, enhanced ranges of motion, and increased strength/speed), and tried to fight against the king and his forces. The primary instrument of his defeat was the Ranger Halt, who managed to sneak behind enemy lines and implant a virus that infected the cybernetics the fighters had been implanted with. Morgarath was defeated and ended up being exiled to a planet in a very dangerous sector (haven't decided how it's dangerous yet), and no one is quite sure if he's still alive.
At one point in the war, Halt was cornered and nearly killed by some of Morgarath's soldiers, typically referred to as Wargals due to that being the model name of their implants. He is saved by a common soldier in Oswald's army, who dies defending him. Halt tracks down the man's wife and newborn son and fails to save the mother from death. So, Halt takes the child to the ward in Redmont Castle, the capital of the sector he's stationed in, and hands him over to Arald.
And the rest is history.
(I feel compelled to mention that in my mind, Halt lives on a planet that is pretty much uninhabited save for him, his cottage, his shipyard, and eventually his son apprentice. Also Gilan visits every chance he can and likes pulling stunts in his ship whenever he's with them to piss of Halt and show off to Will like the big bro he is)
(And when I say cyberpunk, I mean cyberpunk. Like, Halt leads Will on a recon mission in a futuristic glowing city with neon lights, they're driving around in spaceships (Halt has a mini copilot chair in his for Will until Will starts taking his own ship places), and Castle Redmont looks incredibly punk while Castle Araluen is very futuristic with a lot of curvy lines and such)
There is a very good chance I'll end up turning this into a oneshot series. Not a full AU because I don't have the time to do that, but some oneshots I could do! Probably.
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callsigndragon · 2 years
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Seeing Red | Ch. 48 : We're soldiers ✍️
Warning: mentions of stalker, ICEMAN (should be a warning), poor baby Liam is scared, someone leaves the dagger squad :), and... there's a surprise at the end ❤️
A/N: I can hear you all screaming at me when you finish reading this. :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
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Jake walks to the elevator, looking for Mav’s number in his phone. He had managed to find three seats on a plane that leaves early in the morning. He and his family won’t have to stay in Hawaii much longer. 
Pressing the button and watching the doors close, Jake sighs, clenching his fist and hitting the closed door with it. How has he been so reckless? Why did he think that three years away from you could fix everything? As if his father would magically have forgotten about him, and allowed Jake to be happy for once in his lifetime. Yeah, that would never happen. 
Jake wasn’t allowed to be happy. 
“Jake? I read the group chat. Look, I’m trying to call Ice so he can help me fix this but-” 
“He found us.” Jake mutters, cutting off Mav’s words. 
“Fuck, Jake. You need to come back immediately.” Jake can hear Mav walking around the house, he can recognize Theo and Milo’s barks in the background. 
“I got plane tickets already. Mav, that contact you had in the NCIS… he needs to work faster.” 
Mav sighs, sitting down. “I haven't heard from him in a while, I’m actually worried. I’ll go to his house this afternoon.” 
“Thanks, pop.” Jake walks out of the elevator once the doors open, having arrived at his destination. “This isn’t like the last time, Mav. We were only two back then. But my son is in danger now. I’ll kill that son of a bitch if he tries to touch Liam.” 
“Go with Red. She needs you, and you need her, too. I’ll go to the airport to get you two tomorrow.” 
“See you tomorrow.” 
Jake walks down the corridor, checking behind him every two steps to see if anyone is following him. It wouldn’t surprise him that one of his father’s men had a room on the same floor. Once he gets to the door, he calls you, and you pick up right away. 
“Are you outside?” 
“Yeah, sweets. It’s me.” 
You unlock the door with a scared expression on your face. Liam is behind you, gripping your hand with such force that his tiny knuckles are white. Liam is smart, he must have sensed your fear, and he’s now scared, too. 
Jake has to take a deep breath to stop himself from kicking every door in this damned hotel until he finds the man who has been taking pictures of his family. 
“You got tickets?” You ask him, closing the door once he’s inside. 
“Yeah, we’re leaving early in the morning. Mav will be waiting for us at the airport, probably he’ll bring Rooster and Javy with him, just in case.” 
You kneel down, kissing Liam’s forehead. "Hey, pretty boy, why don’t you go play with that turtle plushie Dada bought you yesterday?” 
“I want to stay with Mama and Dada.” He pouts, grabbing the fabric of your skirt. 
“Mama and Dada aren’t going anywhere, okay? Now go play for a bit.” You insist, caressing his cheeks. Liam nods softly, sitting down in front of the TV and hugging his new plushie. 
“I hate seeing him like that, fuck.” Jake mutters, walking to the main bedroom. You follow behind him, eyes locked on his neck, fearing that the moment you stop looking at him, he might disappear, just like he did three years ago. 
He must have noticed the fear in your eyes, because when he turns, he holds your face between his hands while leaning closer, his forehead pressing against yours. “I’m not going anywhere this time, Red.” 
“Promise?” You whisper, your hands flying to his wrists. You can feel his pulse under your fingertips, accelerated and erratic. 
“I promise you.” 
Your phone rings, startling both of you. You look at it—an unknown number appears on the screen. “I don’t recognize this number.” 
Jake swallows, closing the door so Liam doesn’t hear anything. “Pick it up.” 
You take the call, putting it on speaker, so Jake can hear it too. “Hello?” 
“Lieutenant Commander Seresin?” You hear a hoarse voice at the other end of the line, not recognizing it either. 
“Yeah, it’s me. Who’s this?” 
“Iceman?” Jake asks, relaxing completely next to you. 
“Yeah. I heard that Cyclone found out about you two.” 
You look at the floor, feeling ashamed that you’re receiving a call from the Admiral itself. “Admiral Kazansky, I know that I’m the one to blame here. We knew that it was risky…”
“Please, call me Ice. And don’t worry about it. Love is love, kid. We can’t stop that. I’m calling you to offer a solution.”
Jake’s face lits up. He needs you two to stay at the base now more than ever. It’s the only place he knows you two will be safe. 
“Please, we’re desperate.” You mutter, grabbing Jake’s hand. 
“Red, would you like to be a full-time instructor at Top Gun? You won’t be taking unnecessary risks, and you won’t be related to the Dagger Squad in any way, but that’ll make possible that yours and Jake’s relationship can be considered legal.” 
“Yes! Absolutely. It’s a perfect position for me.” You reply immediately, Jake’s lips finding your temple. 
“It’s a pity that such an amazing leader has to be kicked out of the team, but we’ll think of something so you can come back. For now, this is the best option I could find.” 
“Thank you so much, Ice. Maverick called you, right?” 
“He practically begged me to keep you two at the same station. Anyway, is there anything else I can help you with?” 
You look at Jake, not knowing what to do. He swallows and takes a breath before speaking. “If the NCIS is investigating my case, I’m sure you know by now who I am.” 
“Yeah, I know. I honestly don’t care about your surname, Jake. I just care about the pilot, and you’re probably the best pilot of your generation.” 
“Thank you, sir.” Jake clenches his jaw, preparing himself for his next words. “My family is in danger, Ice. I can’t let them leave the station under any circumstances.” 
“You’re safe at base. Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you soon.” 
Ice hangs up, and you look at Jake with half a smile on your face. “Well, at least we solved that part of the problem.” 
Jake snorts, tilting his head to look at you. “Always look at the bright side, Mrs. Seresin.” 
“Someone has to. You’re the negative one here. I have to be positive.” 
Jake sits on the bed, taking off his shoes. “I cant see anything positive about you being followed by my father’s men for three years.” 
You sit next to him, your hand looking for his. “The worst part is that you had to leave me, and for what? It amounted to nothing.” 
“Don’t remind me that. I could have stayed with you during the whole pregnancy, dammit.” 
You kiss his shoulder before placing your chin on it. “Let’s not worry about that. We’re gonna go back to the base, and we’ll be safe. Nobody can hurt us there.” 
“I’m not even sure he’s trying to hurt me. He just wants to scare me. Torture me psychologically until I give up and go back to him.” 
“Well, that’s not going to happen. Because you have me, and you have your family. We’re fighting with you. We're soldiers, Jake. We fight.”
Jake’s face softens, his lips pressing together in a thin line. “I don’t know what I would do without you.” 
“You won’t have to find out.” You say before kissing him softly. 
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It’s been a month since Gregory decided to make his presence known, but nothing has happened since then. Not a call or a message. Not a single indication that he’s still around. It’s like he’s gone. 
But you and Jake can’t stop worrying that somehow Gregory’s next move will be worse than anything he has ever done before. 
Turns out that Mav’s friend, the one who had been trying to prove all the crimes that Jake’s father has committed, has disappeared. Maybe he got too close to the truth, and somehow the St. James patriarch got rid of him. You just hope he's okay, but a little voice inside your head tells you that the man is probably dead.
After the team found out that you had been followed for the past three years, they made a schedule so they could take care of Liam. Penny, Doc, Sarge, Ames, and Mav take turns so that Liam doesn’t have to go to daycare. It’s not a safe place if Cyclone can walk in and take your kid without authorization, just like he did in the past. 
Speaking of the devil. You told Ice how Cyclone had admitted to being in possession of a picture that was sent to him in an anonymous email, and instead of reporting it to the authorities, he decided to use that picture to expose yours and Jake’s relationship. He’s being investigated, but you don’t think he has anything to do with this. He called you back to the academy out of sheer chance, and somehow he let himself be carried away by his own feelings, whatever they were. Once he saw the picture, he found the perfect excuse to get rid of Jake once and for all. 
He had been trying to do that for the past three years, and you gave it to him on a silver plate.
Other than that, the month has been pretty calm. Ash was deployed, and she had to go back to her base, so it was impossible for you to talk to her. Rooster was pretty down after you told him that the wizzo had some important matters that took up all of her free time and she couldn't start anything with him. Javy and Nat’s relationship is still pretty new, but the way he looks at her tells you that these two will last. Maybe you should start looking for a dress for her wedding, because you know that these two will get married sooner or later. 
Doc is in her fifth month of pregnancy, and Bob has been trying to convince her to ask for maternity leave, but she’s determined to work until she can’t walk anymore. Poor Bob calls twice a day to check on her. 
Your mom has been trying to come see you now that her favorite person on the planet, and when she says that, she means Jake, is now ‘married’ to her daughter again. But things are already too dangerous for the three of you, and you don’t want to add more people to this game Jake and his father are playing. 
You’re now sitting at the Hard Deck after a long day at work, with Jake sitting next to you, his arm around your shoulders as he sips his beer. Rooster is looking out the window, his melancholic aura accompanying him wherever he goes. He can’t stop thinking about Ash, and he still thinks that he knows her from somewhere. You hope that Ash’s life becomes easier soon, because both of them deserve to be happy, even if you don’t know if Ash thinks about Rooster in the same way he does about her. 
“Do you guys have plans for the weekend?” Mickey asks, offering you a beer. 
“Stay home. I still haven’t recovered from the Fourth of July.” You reply, making Jake chuckle. 
“That was three weeks ago.” 
“We ate so much I couldn’t eat properly for the next week.” You complain, remembering the amount of meat that Mav and Mickey cooked on the barbeque. 
“It wasn’t even that much! You should see my abuelita’s kitchen on Cinco de Mayo.” Mickey looks for a picture on his phone when you see Nat and Ames at the back of the bar, moving their arms to catch your attention. 
“I’m going to the bathroom.” You whisper in Jake’s ear, his hand squeezing your thigh before you get up. 
You follow the two girls into the bathroom and close the door behind you. “You got it?” 
Nat takes the two pregnancy tests from the box and hands them to you. “You know what to do, mama.” 
You nod, taking them and getting in one of the stalls, taking a deep breath. 
“When I said I wanted a new nephew, I didn’t mean that you had to get pregnant the first night you had sex with my brother.” Ames says, unlocking her phone to prepare the timer. 
“We don’t know if she’s pregnant, Ames. That’s why she’s taking the tests.” Nat comments, reading the instructions. “You weren't drinking that beer I saw in front of you, right?” 
You flush the toilet and get out, leaving the two tests on the counter and washing your hands. “Of course I wasn’t”
The three of you stare at the tests, silence surrounding you. “What are you gonna do if it’s positive?” Ames questions, hugging your arm. 
“Take maternity leave.” 
“Are you gonna tell Jake?” 
“I’ll go to the ob-gyn first, make sure everything is okay. It might be Jake’s first pregnancy.” You lean against the wall, closing your eyes. “How am I supposed to bring another baby into this world when their big brother has to be constantly guarded in case someone tries to take him away from his parents?” 
Nat hugs you tightly, caressing your hair. “You’re not alone. You have this big, crazy family that will help you every step of the way.” 
You wipe your tears away, chuckling at the idea of being pregnant again. “He’s getting a vasectomy after the third baby.” 
“Third?” Ames' eyes widened in excitement. 
“Yeah, we want three kids. We talked about this a few weeks ago, but I literally didn’t think that we had one bun in the oven already.” 
“His aiming skills aren’t legendary only on the air.”
You and Nat both look at Ames, the young girl biting her lower lip so she doesn't laugh. “You’re lucky I love you.”
Amelia’s phone starts beeping, signaling that the three minutes are over. 
“It’s time to look, Red.” 
You take a deep breath and walk slowly to the counter, looking at the two tests. 
Two lines. 
You’re pregnant.
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Tag list: @purplevortexx @shrimping-for-all @caitsymichelle13 @callmemana @abaker74 @starkleila @topgunmenbefinebruh @blue-aconite @tayrae515 @alexxavicry @xoxabs88xox @mercurio23 @smells-like-perfect-senses @dempy @djs8891 @indynerdgirl @countryclubswifey @lauenderhaze @avaleineandafryingpan @poppyalice2001 @emorychase @wildxwidow @agentrose17 @khaylin27 @fudosl @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @ducks118 @teacupsandtopgun @marissat1998 @phoenix1388 @potato-girl99981 @sarahjoestewy-blog @phantomxoxo @milestellerwife @dumb-fawkin-bitch @twsssmlmaa @teti-menchon0604 @yanna-banana @multiversalwh0re @hollandorks @averyhotchner @callsign-sunshine @fandom-life-12 @caatheeriinee07 @ravenhood2792 @luvrrish
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piko-power · 1 year
What Big Brothers Fear The Most
I've seen a good handful of nightmare fics so I thought I could write my own. Lots of angst, I mean LOTS of angst, but it gets better I promise.
JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR THERE IS A BIG TW FOR SOME BLOOD AND DEATH. If that makes you feel uncomfortable you don't have to read it. Otherwise, good luck reading.
"Woo! Swing and a miss! One more strike, and you're OUT, scrap metal!"
Sonic taunts the robotic clone, dodging every attack from them. With a quick twirl, his foot made hard impact to Metal's face. The robot felt dizzy afterwards.
"You're makin' this WAAAAAY too easy, pal. Come on, step it up!" He boasted, punching his fists in the air, preparing to kick some more robot butt.
Then, a ding sound goes off from his communicator beneath his glove's cuff. "Hello?"
"Sonic! Are you there?" A younger voice calls out from the other end. It's his little buddy. "Tails! Glad you made it to the party!" He exclaimed, running off from Metal Sonic's blasts.
"How are you doing down there?" Tails, high in the sky in his biplane, watched down below to witness two blue blurs fighting against each other.
"Eh, it's a snooze fest from over here, gonna be honest." He replied, blocking out the robot's punches no problem. "The moment I wrap this up, we can go for some chili dogs! I've been meaning to get some for a while-"
"Sonic, hang on." The fox interrupted. "Something's not right."
"Hmm? Whaddya mean?"
"I'm picking up some strange energy from Metal Sonic. I think..."
Tails was reading carefully while trying to watch Metal's moves. Then, for a moment, his eyes widen with concern.
"Yo! Are you still there?" Sonic, while trying to talk to Tails, barely dodged Metal's claws.
Tails double checked the screen and his ocean blue eyes shrunk. This isn't right at all. No wonder his readings were going crazy. The energy from Metal Sonic wasn't even Chaos energy.
In fact, that's not Metal Sonic at all.
"Sonic. You need to leave. NOW."
The hedgehog was slightly alarmed hearing the fox's tone change quickly. He was stern. Worried.
"Tails, what's going on-"
Suddenly, a huge blast of familiar flashing red and pink explode out of Metal, pushing Sonic car from the battle field with a cry. Tails from above was the blue figure to flying and crashed into the ground, roughly damaged.
"Sonic!" He shrieked. He needed to make a quick emergency landing and reach to him before he does.
Coughing up the dirt, he slowly got up, using his arm to support himself. At that moment, the smoke cleared to reveal a completely different figure walking out of the smoke.
Sonic blinked. That's not Metal Sonic.
His emerald eyes grew with shock.
He chuckled quietly, calm yet cold. "Greetings, hedgehog." He spoke, revealing himself out of the smoke finally.
The black jackal with white hair spiraling out of the back of his head approached the hedgehog slowly. The glowing ruby, that ruby, appeared bright on his chest, showing off it's disturbing aura.
Sonic was sitting up, trying to catch his breath. "I-Infinite...?"
"I hate to cut our reunion short..." His hand then grew out glitched out spikes, colors representing the Phantom Ruby, all well known for it's other worldly horrific images.
Sonic tried to get back up on his feet, but was then stopped by Infinite violently grabbing him by the neck. He gasped for air, and try to kick Infinite off.
His eyes grew in horror as the phantom claws grew bigger and sharper, looking like daggers preparing to cut open his body.
He may not see it behind his mask, but he knew he is showing off such a sick, twisted smile. "...But it's the doctor's orders."
"N-No! Wait!!" The struggling hedgehog cried out as Infinite raises his hand up at him. His life flashing before his eyes the exact moment the claws spread out.
"S-Sonic...?" Tails jumped off his plane and looked around for his brother. All he could see is dirt spreading in the air. He coughed for a while, not wanting to breathe it in. "SONIC!" He yelled.
"SONIC, WHERE ARE YOU?" He asked out loud. He hoped he landed at the right time to save Sonic from-
"... ...!"
Stopping dead at his tracks is the one person he was searching for. But he hoped he wouldn't find him in this condition.
His eyes look like there were about to pop off his scull. He could feel his heart dropping straight down to his now turning stomach. His ears flopped down to his head.
"S..." He couldn't say his name. His limbs began to tremble. He covered his mouth, feeling like barfing out his meal from the sight he wished he never see.
"No...!" He squeaked, barely a whisper.
Sonic, failing to get up, with his hand clutching his neck, which was spilling out blood like a small fountain. He choked non stop, trying to breath.
He slowly turned his head to face the small, shaking fox. His eyes were nearly soulless, emerald green almost completely gone. Nearly half of his body was going limp, as he tried harder to get up.
His arms finally gave themselves up as Sonic fell face first onto the ground in his own pool of blood. Tails screamed and immediately ran to Sonic, grabbing his waist and pulling him close.
"No no no nononononono!!!" Tails panicked loudly as he placed his hand on Sonic's chest, feeling his heart slowing down. Gaia, there is so much red.
"Are you okay?!?!" He was beginning to break into sobs, feeling helpless. He wished he brought a first aid. He didn't expect any of this to happen.
"T-T-Tails..." Sonic spoke, breathlessly. He was looking up at the crying kit, with a broken, defeated smile on his pals muzzle. Tails gasped. He knows what's happening next.
"No! No, please! Don't do this! I-I can find a way to nurse you back to health! Don't even think about leaving me like this! SONIC?!" Tails continuously yelled out for Sonic, whose life is fading away in seconds. "SONIC, DON'T YOU DARE!!"
"Li-Little buddy..." A small tear escaped from his colorless eye. He took one last, long, struggling breath.
"Sonic, please no...!!" Waterfalls of tears began to stream down Tails' face, he held tighter on Sonic's sides, refusing to let him go.
"T-Take care of th-the world for me... O-Okay...? ...I-I... L-Love y..."
Then, his head dropped into Tails' arm. His eyes were motionless. No sign of heartbeat.
The worst had happened.
"...No. No! NO, NO, NO!"
He pushed his hand against the hedgehog's chest, checking for even one beat. But there was nothing. "SONIC, NO!!!" He sobbed loudly for even the heavens to hear.
"SONIC, DON'T LEAVE ME!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, begging that his cries will bring Sonic right back, but he knew it wouldn't work.
He continued to bawl his eyes out and roaring out any more anguish he had left in him, hugging tightly against his brother's corpse. "YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME, SONIC!! I CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN!! I SHOULD'VE GOTTEN HERE SOONER!! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!!"
Sinister laughter could be heard in the smoke, along with an eerie red glow getting brighter.
"I CAN'T BE ALONE!! I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE!! NOT AGAIN!! PLEASE, SONIC!!" Tails hugged the body tighter, wanting to sadly to have his brother back.
His family back.
The one person he called home.
He can't lose his home. He can't stand solitude anymore.
He just can't.
With a violent start and a sharp gasp, Sonic quickly grab a hold on a cushion like surface as his legs briefly flail around.
His heart was pounding at such a rapid pace, as if it's about to burst out his chest. He was hyperventilating non stop, all he could see is darkness, and the only thing he could hear was his panicked gasping and his loud heart.
Completely drenched in cold sweat, he immediately took off the sheets to cool off, still having shaken breathes.
Wait... Sheets?
His shaking hand held onto his blanket, which is nearly falling off the bed. Everything was still dark, but his eyes were beginning to adjust to the dark room.
He can feel the soft surface that is his bed and he quickly recognize his bedroom. His breathing calmed, but he could still feel his heart racing. He took a few deep breathes.
What had happened didn't actually happened. He tried to tell himself that in his head, trying to calm down his heart. He closed his eyes, trying to shake off those images.
There was no Metal Sonic. There was no Infinite. There was no blood.
It was just a dream. A really, messed up, scary dream.
It was all just a dream...
Everything is okay...
After what it felt like hours, the shaken up hedgehog has finally calmed down. He still felt sweaty and his hands were still trembling, but he felt better.
At least a little bit better.
He signed in relief once more, opening his eyes to see that, yep, he's back in his room. He face palmed and groaned out loud, lumping back onto his bed and pillows.
"What were in those chili dogs..." He mumbled to himself. All he could do was stare at the ceiling, trying not to put the nightmare in his head on loop.
But what did came to his mind was that little two tailed fox, holding onto him for dear life, screaming and crying out his name.
The moment he thought back to those screams, all feeling of relief instantly left him.
Those cries. They were so terrifying.
He slowly sat back up, wanting so badly to shake off those young, heartbreaking cries. But he just... Couldn't.
The feeling of fear of loneliness drifting back to the poor kid seeking into his voice as he held on tight to his brother's dying body. He refuse to let him go. He refuse to move on without him.
He couldn't live without him.
He felt cold again. Replaying those words over and over again kept making Sonic shudder. He hated that. He hated hearing his own little brother saying that.
He's just a kid. He wouldn't say that. He didn't say that. It was just a dream. None of that stuff happened.
Then... Why won't he stop thinking about it?
Sonic hugged himself and sniffled, beginning to cry. He really hated hearing that.
"Snap out of it, dude." He argued with himself. "It was just a nightmare. Why are you still freaking out over this?"
He definitely knew why.
Hearing that kid shriek was probably one of, if not, the most horrifying thing he has ever heard. Which was strange because it didn't happen.
Tails never said that.
So there's nothing to worry about, right?
Wanting to get this over with, Sonic got off the bed and went off to go check on his little buddy.
When Sonic got to Tails' room, he can see that, once again, Tails is tinkering in the middle of the night when he should be in bed. But right now, that's not important.
He opened the door and stepped into his room. "Tails?" He spoke, almost sounding hoarse.
Tails jumped and quickly out all his gadget stuff away and began chuckling nervously. "Hey, buddy! What are you doing up? Don't ask why I'm up! I was just putting away my things before going to bed! Heheh." He lied.
Tails pushed aside his blueprints and takes off his goggles. "Oh, my. Where did these come from? Hahaha!" He then threw the goggles aside and was about to approach his bed. "Well, I'm going to bed now! Goodnight, So-!"
Suddenly, Tails was caught off guard by Sonic hugging him. He blinked a couple of times. "Sonic? Are you alright?" He carefully placed his gloved hand on his spines, not understanding what's going on but gives him comfort nonetheless.
"No matter how far or close I am to you, or if I'm not part of this world, I will always be in your heart, and you will never, ever be alone, Miles 'Tails' Prower." He said in a whisper, almost on the verge of tears. "Don't ever forget that, little bro..."
Tails had no clue why Sonic brought this up in the first place. It came out of no where. Yet...
Tails smiled softly and hugged him back. No matter how random that was, he needed to hear that.
"Don't ever forget that I love you."
"I won't, Sonic. I love you too."
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yumiyue07 · 2 days
Through Fire and Blood
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚��★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★ POV: K-idol x reader
H/N = His name Y/N = Your name
Trigger warning: swearing, violence, abuse 。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆。・:*:・゚’★
You had dozed off from exhaustion when voices outside your door woke you up. You were immediately on alert, straining to listen to their words. You lay motionless, pretending to be still asleep.
"Come on, don't be such a wimp. We're just having a bit of fun with her. The boss won't notice a thing. He isn’t even here at the moment. We'll stuff her mouth so she can't scream," his voice filled with a sickening sense of amusement.
Fear gripped you at the realization that none of these degenerate men would come to your aid. It felt like that night in the subway… only this time, H/N wouldn't be here to save you. Your arms and ankles were tied together, leaving you completely helpless.
Your pulse raced as the door slowly creaked open. Instinctively, you wanted to scream for help, but the sight of the machete silenced you.
"Shh, not a peep out of you. We just want to keep you company so that you don't feel so lonely," one of them sneered, his yellow teeth glinting in the dim light. His voice was thick with a sickening mixture of menace and lust.
"And maybe you can give us something back in return," the other one grinned meaningfully at you, his eyes burning with a predatory gleam. As he closed the door, a wave of dread washed over you. You were trapped, at their mercy, and you knew what they wanted.
You clutched the blanket, your only defense, tightly around you as the other man reached for it, and your heart pounded against your ribs.
"Look, Mamba, she’s acting all shy. You little bitch. It’s just the three of us, he taunted, his words were a dagger, striking deep into your fear. "Don’t pretend like you’ve never sucked…"
"Hurry up, Naga," Mamba, the machete man, cut him off. "We don't have time for long speeches. Get to the point, or to her pants, I should say," he said, grinning. Naga's hand moved toward his belt, his fingers hovering over the zipper. "Don't stress me now. There’s no one here to disturb us anyway. You know, they all went for a meeting with the boss or here on patrol. So it’s just the three of us."
The cold was seeping into your bones, a numbing chill that mirrored your despair. Even if you screamed, no one would rush to your aid. Your mind raced, desperately searching for a way out of this nightmare.
"If you do anything to me, I'll tell the boss," you choked out, your voice barely a whisper.
Their smirks faltered, but only for a fleeting moment.
"You won't," Mamba snarled, his eyes narrowing. "You'll keep your mouth shut."
"And if you say a word to anyone," Naga added menacingly, "we'll take every opportunity to have fun with you." He paused, his gaze shifting to your face, a cruel glint in his eye. "Oh, and we'll hurt your beloved moron, H/N, and his troupe badly. How about a fire in his headquarters? So, it's up to you."
The words hung heavy in the air. You had to swallow hard, the realization sinking in that your fate, and the fate of those you cared about, was in their merciless hands.
"Well, there you go. Now let's see what you're hiding under your blanket." With a brutal yank, he tore the blanket away, sending it flying across the room.
"We don't need that," Naga sneered, his eyes gleaming with a predatory hunger. He loomed over you, kneeling beside your mattress.
You refused to surrender without a fight. With a desperate
effort, you slid back against the wall, creating as much distance as possible. Then, with every ounce of strength, you lashed out with your feet, landing a few lucky blows.
"Hold fucking still!" he roared his voice, a thunderclap that echoed in your ears. "Mamba do something."
"If you don't hold still right now, I'll slice your legs open," his threat hung like a dark cloud of violence that loomed over your head.
But you didn't care. You fought back with renewed fury, thrashing and kicking wildly.
Naga grunted, his grip tightening on your legs. With a savage effort, he pinned your lower body, his weight crushing you. Your arms were held down, your body a helpless prisoner.
"So now that the wildcat is tamed," Naga taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. His free hand tore at your top,
"Oh, Mamba, look at that," he jeered. "She likes to wear lace. I like that, too."
Tears streamed down your face, blurring your vision. You felt nauseous, your body revolting against the horror being inflicted upon you. Your mind was a desperate plea for help, a silent scream for H/N.
"Help me, please," you whispered, your voice barely audible above the pounding of your heart.
"What are you two doing?" Just as he was about to pull down your pants, a familiar voice cut through the tension.
A wave of relief washed over you at the sound. You never thought you'd be so grateful to hear that voice. Your eyes widened in disbelief as you turned to see Jun Ho standing in the doorway, his expression stern as he glared at the two men.
"Hyung...well...the thing is, she heard us talking out here and then shouted for us to come in. She said she feels so lonely and needs some male company," Naga stammered, scrambling to his feet and hastily buttoning his pants. His voice was a pathetic attempt to justify his actions.
Jun Ho's eyes narrowed as he turned to you. You lay there, exposed and vulnerable, your tear-streaked face a testament to the horror you had endured. His gaze was a cold, piercing laser, cutting through Naga's feeble lies.
"You're lying! That's obvious," he roared, his tone dripping with disdain. With swift retribution, he kicked Naga in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain. You winced at the sight, your own suffering momentarily forgotten in the face of Naga's punishment.
"I'm sorry, Hyung," Naga whimpered, his voice filled with fear and regret.
"It's too late for that. Our boss won't be pleased when he finds out what you tried to do to his bride-to-be," the chauffeur growled, his voice laced with anger.
The other man, Mamba, attempted to deflect blame, pleading, "I...I didn't want to. He made me do it. Please don’t tell our boss." But his excuses fell on deaf ears as Jun Ho delivered a punishing blow to his face with his fist.
"You bastards! Get out of here. I'll deal with you later," he commanded, his voice seething with fury. Without hesitation, the two men fled, leaving you alone with the chauffeur, shaken but grateful for his intervention.
He took the blanket, kneeling down beside you. With a gentle movement, he wrapped it around your shivering body, offering a small measure of comfort. "Are you alright, princess?" This time, his voice was devoid of mockery, filled instead with a genuine concern that surprised you. His eyes scanned your body for any signs of injury, his gaze lingering on your tear-streaked face.
You nodded in response, your hair falling into your face. Without hesitation, he reached out and brushed it back, his fingers tracing a gentle path across your cheek. Startled by his own actions, he quickly withdrew his hand and cleared his throat as he averted his gaze. The warmth of his touch lingered on your skin, a contrast to the cold cruelty you had endured.
"Here, have a drink. I'll make sure no one bothers you anymore," he said, offering you a bottle of water. Despite your reservations about him, you were genuinely grateful for his intervention.
"Jun Ho, thank you for helping me," you acknowledged, feeling a sense of relief wash over you as tears filled your eyes.
As if struck by lightning, he looked at you with a mixture of surprise and something else you couldn't quite decipher. He hastily stood up and moved toward the door. "Don't get used to it," he said, his voice a harsh contrast to the kindness he had just shown.
"Sure thing," you replied, a hint of sarcasm in your tone.
"I'm one of the bad guys," he said, turning to face you one last time. "But I can't stand it when women are treated like that." With those words, he closed the door, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Back then, H/N had said something similar. You couldn't help but wonder if there was more to him than met the eye. Perhaps beneath his tough exterior, there was a spark of compassion that could potentially make him an ally.
Shortly afterwards, another young man entered the room, carrying a proper blanket and pillow.
"Hyung told me to bring you this," he explained before quickly disappearing.
"Thank you once again!" you called out, knowing that Jun Ho was nearby.
As you settled in, you couldn't shake the feeling that there might be a way to escape this ordeal, and you resolved to keep searching for it, no matter how small the chance might seem.
Jun Ho's anger pulsed through his veins, a raging inferno that threatened to consume him. He would not let those bastards get away with what they had done. His blood boiled as he recalled the horrifying scene in your room, your vulnerability and fear etched into his memory.
Their boss would undoubtedly be displeased when he found out, but that was secondary. For Jun Ho, it was a matter of personal honor. It was about his own deep-seated need to protect you from harm. A compulsion that had taken root in his heart the moment he had seen you in such a vulnerable state in the car.
As if he had sensed the impending danger, he had returned just a few minutes after leaving for the meeting with their boss. He had used the excuse of forgetting something to look after you, unable to bear the thought of leaving you alone in that dangerous place.
For now, he would sit outside your room, a silent guardian watching over you. No one would enter without his permission.
To be continued...
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It wasn't easy to write this rape scene. Unfortunately, it is very often a way of humiliating and torturing women.
I feel terribly sorry for everyone who has to go through something like that.
Sending lots of love 💕
Stay tuned for part 9!
Love, YumiYue 🌙
Follow me on: 📸 Instagram: @yumiyue07 🎵 TikTok: @yumiyue07 📝 Wattpad: @LunaVerse_YumiYue
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fan fiction inspired by Stray Kids’ song “Freeze”. All characters and events are fictional and are not intended to represent real people or events.
All rights reserved. Please do not repost or reproduce this story without permission.
© 2024 LunaVerse - YumiYue07. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.
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