#h-x-h is also the first time in a literal YEAR that i have completely and utterly fixated over an entirely new source
pawphin · 1 year
i admire everyone that has been mentally ill over a source for over a year because my brain is absolutely incapable of staying on a source for more than 7 months
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emisloves · 14 days
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PAIRING. fox hybrid!sunoo x bunny hybrid!reader
GENRE. MDNI, explicit content (smut), hybrid x hybrid au
SYNOPSIS. in a shelter for hybrids, you are the first ever bunny hybrid to step foot in there. having no other other hybrids of your species in the shelter, a fox hybrid by the name of sunoo quickly tries to befriend you. despite meeting a lot of resistance from you initially, he soon succeeds. years later, when your first ever heat approaches, you have no other bunny hybrid to spend it with — but that's not a problem, since your best friend always has a solution.
WARNINGS. bullying, reader is considered an outcast, sexual harrasment, attempted sexual assault, reader suffers from extreme anxiety, mentions of past trauma, graphic descriptions of assault, one one-sided physical fight, smut, dubcon, unprotected sex (a big no), overstimulation, clit pinching, clit slapping, nipple pinching, tit slapping, lmk if I missed something!
A/N. GIRLLLL I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR THIS REQ literally love hybrid fics so much — and to write one of my own?!?! dream come true 🙂‍↕️ couldn't really incorporate corruption in this tho, sorry — hope you enjoy it nonetheless! p.s, had to take a ss of the req instead of directly answering it cuz tumblr literally put a content label on the damn draft 💀 also the smut is shorter than what I normally write, so please excuse that (along with the fact that I couldn't incorporate corruption and dumbification into this) — I'm trying to get used to the concept of 'going into heat' which is why the smut is short–
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You were only fifteen years old when the shelter rescued you, having found you curled up in a corner under the bridge, freezing in the cold. They took you in almost immediately, giving you the care you required.
It took them almost two weeks to nurse you back to health, given how close you were to completely freeze over and die from the cold. It was one of the best two weeks of your life, having never received proper care before.
You never knew of your mother or your father, having been in a foster family for as long as you could remember — before they decided you were too much of a burden, taking you out for a ‘walk’, before abandoning you under the bridge, in the snowy weather, leaving you to freeze to death. If it weren't for your rescuers, you probably wouldn't have been alive right now.
While you were immensely thankful to the rescuers, it was weird for you at the shelter — once you were back to full health, that is.
‘And why is that?’, you may ask.
The answer is pretty simple. You were their first ever bunny hybrid.
Why exactly is that a problem? For that, you need to understand how the shelter works.
You see, just because the people rescued you and basically saved your life, doesn't necessarily mean they are good people.
The shelter was near the woods, at a place completely isolated from the rest of the world. The enclosure was huge, divided into several sections, each section having its own purpose.
The first section was for the younger hybrids, aka the hybrids who have yet to go into heat. Here, all the young ones stayed, hybrids of innumerable species mingling around together. This section contained several dorms, each one for a different species of hybrid. It also contained a large swimming pool and playground for the kids to enjoy.
The second section is the heat chamber, or rather, the breeding chamber. Here, hybrids were brought in whenever they went into heat. If two hybrids of the same species but different genders went into heat at the same time, they were locked inside one room for them to breed during the time of their heat. If only one hybrid of a certain species went into heat with no opposite gender hybrid of the same species going through the same, the rescuers randomly picked off a hybrid of the same species from the adult section to breed with the one going in heat.
The third section is the adult section. Here, the hybrids who have already had their first heat are brought, keeping them away from the younger ones.
The last section is the least important one. The servants’ quarter. Here, all the staff in the shelter resided.
The most peculiar thing about the shelter was that the hybrids weren't allowed to go into a section that wasn't their own. For example, an adult hybrid couldn't go into the younger section, and vice versa. Why did this rule exist, you had no idea.
Every section had different sections for different species to stay in, only during the time when they were supposed to take rest/sleep. Since you were the first ever bunny hybrid, you were completely alone in your section, which gave you great privacy during the first two weeks of your stay at the shelter, when the rescuers were trying to nurse you back to health.
It was only after you had completely recovered was when you realized the gravity of the situation.
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After much coaxing, you had cautiously stepped out of your room, holding onto the hand of one of your kind rescuers tightly, eyes nervously darting around. This was the first time you had stepped out of your room, feeling extremely anxious at having to step out of your comfort zone — which was why your sweet rescuer was assisting you.
She didn't let go of your hand at all while you guys walked, whispering sweet words of encouragement to you along the way — something which your fifteen year old self appreciated a lot.
You both stopped in front of a door, causing you to look at her, fear evident in your eyes. She simply gave you a comforting smile, squeezing your hand slightly as a form of encouragement, before pushing the door open.
The door led to a huge open area, enclosed with walls. Hybrids of all types were in the open space, the oldest ones being teenagers. Most of them were playing around, some of the older ones sitting around and talking, laughing with each other. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves with each other.
The staff had already informed you about how you were their first ever bunny hybrid — a fact that had only heightened your anxiousness. There really weren't anymore bunny hybrids, causing you to look around nervously.
No one had seemed to notice your presence yet, something which you were fine with — before your rescuer cleared her throat loudly, making everyone stop their activities and look at you both with a curiosity that they didn't bother hiding.
You watched all of their expressions morph into confusion, your own anxiety hiking, your palms starting to become sweaty. You could see them whispering amongst themselves, their confusion evident in their voices — they had never come across a bunny hybrid before, so seeing you in front of them was a bit of a shock.
Your rescuer let go of your hand, causing you to snap your head towards her. She gave you an encouraging smile, beckoning you to go towards them with a tilt of her head. You shook your head, not feeling too encouraged from their reactions.
Yet, after a few seconds of debating with yourself, you slowly turned towards them again — a big mistake on your part. Everyone had a frown on their face, their whispering having intensified. The message they were trying to give you was as clear as day — you weren't welcome here.
Most of them had been here for a while, the older ones having been rescued a long time ago — just like you were — the younger ones having been bred. Most of them already knew each other for a long time, so to see a newcomer hybrid among them? That too of a species that they had never seen before? Why on earth would they welcome you?
You hated the glances they were giving in your direction, their whispers making your skin crawl. It was all so overwhelming to you — especially given the past cruelty that you had faced from your previous owners.
You could feel your eyes start to sting slightly, tears gathering on your eyelashes like transparent pearls. You were about to turn around and run right back through the door, to go to your room and lock yourself inside, never to come out again — before a sudden movement caught your eye.
A young boy — or rather, a fox hybrid — got off the swing that he was sitting on, before taking off in a run — with a jolt, you realized that he was running towards you.
He stopped almost right in front of you, his hands on his knees, panting, as he tried to catch his breath. He didn't look much older than you, his fox ears twitching, tail swishing in between his legs. He shook his head slightly, dusting the invisible dust on his clothes, before standing up straight, sending a radiant smile towards you. His smile was almost bright enough to blind you, his facial features — even the human part — greatly resembled that of a fox’s. His bangs fell on his eyes like a curtain, doing nothing to deter his natural beauty. He extended his hand towards you, his eyes almost turning into crescents from his radiant smile. “Hi! I'm Sunoo! You're the first ever bunny hybrid here, so that's why everyone is a little iffy towards you — but that's alright! They will warm up to you in no time. Would you like to be friends?”
Having noticed other people's reactions towards you, you were skeptical to accept his proposal of being friends — not to mention he was a fox hybrid — a predator. Would it really be ideal to be friends with someone like him?
Your anxiety and fear mixed together, causing you to take a step back, your eyes shaking slightly. Your reaction caused a small pout to form on his face, but it didn't deter him. He took a step forward, his hand still extended towards you. “Come on, let's be friends — I promise I don't bite–”
His last sentence caused your anxiety to spike, causing you to step backwards again. The rescuer that came with you watched the scene unfold with amusement, knowing how Sunoo’s nature was. The rest of the hybrids rolled their eyes at him, wondering why he was trying so hard to befriend you when you were nothing like the rest of them — a ‘strange creature’, that's what they called you.
You couldn't take it anymore. Sunoo’s insistence to befriend you was causing the whispering to increase, the whispers gradually becoming more hostile, all sorts of nonsense directed towards you. You balled up your fists, before turning on your heel, taking off in a run.
You tried to get to the door, your efforts in vain as the door was closed. Reaching it, you realized it was locked. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you turned, your heart almost jumping out of your chest when you realized that Sunoo was right behind you. Once again, there was a pout on his face. “I know I look a little scary but I promise I’m harmless! C’mon, let’s be friends — I won’t leave you alone until you say yes!"
You were frankly starting to get annoyed by him. You had never met a boy — or rather, a hybrid — around your age, and you wished it stayed that way. Why must he be so persistent? Besides, the idea of a predator and prey being friends was simply — weird. Surely he was smart enough to know that?
Sunoo either didn’t realize that, or he didn’t care. Either way, he wasn’t leaving you alone, following you around the entire space — playground — not caring about your efforts of trying to avoid him at all costs. He ran after you, calling out to you, yelling ‘slow down!’ behind you. You paid no heed, only running faster, trying to escape him. The other hybrids had lost interest in you by now, leaving both of you in your own little world.
At one point, you saw your rescuer open the door to leave, causing you to speed up. Before she could close the door, you slipped outside. You did a mental dance for how fast you were, before turning around, your heart dropping.
There was Sunoo, right behind you, panting again, his hands on his knees. He slowly straightened up, before speaking. “Wow, you’re super fast — I usually outrun everyone but you’re even faster than me! We should definitely be friends now, don’t you think so?”
You blinked at him, both annoyed and impressed by how persistent he was. You quickly turned on your heel, running away to your room. Just as you were about to close the door to your room, he stuck his foot inside the crack, causing you to jump back from shock. He opened the door by himself, before letting himself in, closing the door behind him.
He looked around your room in awe, before turning to you. “Your room is so different from ours — we don’t have such huge windows!”
You stared at him, your lips parted in shock. You had greatly underestimated exactly how persistent he was. For the first time since you met the other hybrids, you spoke. “Why are you inside my room? Why won’t you leave me alone? The others don’t like me, so why are you so insistent on being friends?”
Sunoo blinked rapidly, before speaking. “Woah there, slow down — one question at a time please. You keep running away, so I followed you here. As for why I won’t leave you alone, I already told you — I won’t leave you alone until you agree to be friends with you. I can be very persuasive — perks of being a fox hybrid. As for ‘why’ — I love making friends, and since you don’t want to be my friend, it just makes me want to befriend you even more.”
You crossed your arms, glaring at him through furrowed brows, your bunny ears twitching in annoyance. “When will you give up?”
He grinned, leaning on the wall on the shelf on his side. “As soon as you agree to be friends with me. You definitely look like you need friends, especially here — everyone needs a companion here, don't you think?”
With a sigh of resignation, you gave up. He had already made it quite clear that he wasn't going to leave you alone — no matter how hard you try to escape him. It was better to just accept his proposal, wasn't it? Besides, he was the only one here who showed a positive reaction to your arrival, he could be a good friend. “Fine! Let's be friends then.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, he stopped leaning on the shelf, looking at you with an even brighter smile than before, his eyes sparkling. “Really?! See, I told you I am very persuasive — come on, let's go back to the playground, I'll give you a tour!”
Sunoo excitedly grabbed your hand, dragging you back to the playground. The entire way he kept talking about the shelter, its different sections, the various restrictions and what not.
“–and then there is the heat chamber, or for lack of a better word, the breeding chamber. Whenever one of us goes into heat, we are made to stay there, in the company of another hybrid of the same species as us.”
You tilted your head, gazing at him with curiosity sparkling in your eyes. “Heat?”
He momentarily stopped his tangent, turning to look at you. “Yea…? Do you not know what that means?”
When you shook your head, he continued, slight disbelief mixed in his voice. “Well — when we are between the age of eighteen and twenty one, we experience our first ever heat. During our heat, we feel extremely feverish and an overwhelming urge to — well, mate. Unless and until our body thinks that we have mated, we are going to be — absolutely feral. It would be dangerous for a hybrid in heat to be around people — unless it's their mating partner.”
Once he was done explaining, his gaze had turned a lot more sheepish, trying to avoid making eye contact with you. His tail swished nervously, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he gulped, trying to gulp down his sudden flusteredness.
His flustered state affected you as well, your ears twitching nervously, your face and neck flushed, burning hot with embarrassment. You cleared your throat. “T–Thank you–”
He nodded, the redness starting to slowly disappear from his cheeks. “You’re welcome — oh did you know about–” Just like that, he went back to talking about random stuff. As you listened to him go on and on about even the most mundane of things, you started to zone out, thinking deeply.
Sunoo was an extremely bright person, almost as bright as the sun. He had a smile so radiant that it could light up an entire room. He was extremely intelligent and had really good intuition. He was good at observing people too, and could be very persuasive when he wanted to be. He was friends with literally everyone in the shelter, which also allowed him to have extensive knowledge about what happens in the shelter; which explained why he knew so much about the shelter and its ways.
He showed no signs of shutting up anytime soon. Just as you were about to snap at him, a loud bell rang, cutting him off. He looked at you with a pout. “That’s the bell — it’s telling us to retreat to our rooms.”
You were relieved at finally getting a chance to get away from him and his non stop babbling — but of course you weren’t going to tell him that. “Right — I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
He flashed his blindingly bright smile at you. “Definitely! You can’t get rid of me anytime soon–”
He got cut off by a staff yelling at the two of you to cut it out and go back to your rooms, causing his pout to return. He reluctantly waved you goodbye, before the two of you parted ways.
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As days passed by, you and Sunoo grew closer, your bond unbreakable. At times you felt a little guilty for hogging up all of his time, since you weren’t his only friend — but whenever you voiced this out to him, he always shot you down.
“You’re my best friend. It doesn’t matter if I have other friends — you’re always going to be my first priority.”
You would feel your fluffy tail twitch from slight embarrassment at his words, your face flushing. All you would do was nod and give him a grateful smile.
Other times you would feel pissed. What did he mean by ‘first priority’? Did he think that you wouldn’t survive without him? That you were a pitiful person with only one friend — that friend being him?
You would quickly shake your head to get rid of those thoughts. How stupid and ungrateful of you — to think so lowly of the only person that willingly became friends with you? The only person in this dreadful shelter that shows you a bit of care?
It was weird — your thoughts, that is. You definitely were more anxious than any other hybrid in the shelter — a trait that was probably passed down from your human parent. You absolutely hated it, but you had to bear with it. After all, you couldn’t possibly do anything about it anymore — especially given the situation.
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It was around a month or two after your twentieth birthday, Sunoo’s own birthday having passed a little over six months or so. The two of you were sitting in the sun, on top of a blanket, joking and laughing around with each other. Suddenly, Sunoo’s laugh died down, his forehead creasing. “What the fuck — why do I suddenly feel sick?”
And sick he was. His entire body was suddenly covered in a sheen of sweat, beads of it falling down his temple. His face and neck was flushed. He let out a low groan, clutching his head, screwing his eyes shut. You quickly reached over to place a hand on his forehead, checking his temperature — only to jerk your hand back immediately. He was burning up.
He held his head with both hands, low groans of discomfort leaving him, his ears twitching, tail swishing about. Feeling helpless, you looked around, not finding a single staff in the huge playground.
You looked back at him, biting your lip at how terribly he seemed to be suffering out of nowhere. You made up your mind, before trying to pull him up to his feet. “Cooperate with me here Sunoo, we need to get you to a staff so that you can be taken care of.”
WIth difficulty, you managed to haul him up to his feet, the two of you almost stumbling. You managed to drag him to the door, opening it. Once you were inside again, you began yelling. “Hello? Is anyone there? He is sick and in need of immediate medical attention–”
No sooner did you finish yelling, did two staff members appear. The both rushed to you, quickly taking him off your hands. With haste, they pulled him to the medical area, quickly assisting him onto a bed. As you watched from outside, you saw some of the staff inside whispering amongst themselves, pointing to your best friend.
After a while of examining him, you saw the staff inside break out into smiles, before quickly replacing it with their usual stoic expressions. One of the staff members came out. “He is alright, he just needs to rest for a while.”
You frowned. “How long is ‘a while’?”
The staff subtly rolled her eyes. “As long as it takes. Off you go now.”
Before you could say another word, she was gone, already going back inside. Once inside, she noticed you still looking inside through the glass. She quickly walked over to the area, before shutting the blinds, not before you caught another glimpse of Sunoo, passed out on the bed, drenched in his own sweat.
If you had looked a little harder, you would have noticed the tent slowly forming in his pants.
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Two weeks. Fourteen days. Three hundred, thirty six hours. Twenty thousand, one hundred, sixty minutes. One million, two hundred nine thousand, six hundred seconds.
That's how long it had been since you last saw Sunoo.
You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this lonely. It almost hurt your pride to admit, but you cried a few times to sleep over the past few days.
If this wasn’t already enough, the other hybrids finally got an opening to bully you, without having to worry about your best friend coming to defend you. Every time you went to the playground, you were cornered by hybrids of various species, all of them having the same aim — to make your life miserable.
They usually poked fun at your long ears and tiny tail, sometimes going as far as to grab them, pulling on them — you still being the shelter’s only bunny hybrid did not help deter the bullies.
They would call you a spineless coward and laugh at you when they would notice the tears start to gather at your waterline — only leaving you alone when a staff would interfere, which, nine-out-of-ten times, did not happen.
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You were in the playground again, the only reason for you going there was in hopes of seeing Sunoo — a hope that got shattered pretty soon.
As soon as you stepped foot in the playground, you felt a harsh push to your back, causing you to fall down, face first. You somehow managed to not fall on your face and potentially break your nose, by balancing yourself on your hands. As you peered over your shoulder, your ears drooped from fear.
Two of the most notorious hybrids were right behind you, identical grins on their faces, grins that screamed ‘evil!’. They were two bull hybrids, fraternal twins. Their sole purpose in life was to annoy the fuck out of people. The worst thing about them was that they had no idea where to draw the line.
One of them, the bigger one out of the two, sneered down at you. “What a pathetic little bunny — can’t even defend herself. What, you need your cute little fox hybrid to defend you all the time? Is that why you’re always around him? Pathetic.”
By now, you had fully turned around, your entire weight resting on your palms. Your eyes flicked between the two of them nervously, not knowing what they might do to you.
The second one leaned down to your height, before lifting a hand and rubbing at the fur of your ear, causing you to flinch. He paid no attention to your flinching, continuing to fondle your ear. He then turned to his twin and spoke. “Do you see how soft her fur is? If we had more than one of her, a boy, we could have made such pretty babies — each one would be sold at a higher rate than the previous one — all because of their fur.”
You froze at their words, your eyes growing wide with fear. What the fuck?–
You tried to subtly crawl backwards, something which they immediately caught on to. The one touching your ear grabbed it tightly, pulling it with enough force to make a strangled cry leave your throat. “Where the fuck do you think you're going? We haven't even done anything yet.”
To your utmost horror, he grabbed the front of your top, before trying to pull on it. You immediately stopped him with your hands, refusing to be taken advantage of in such a manner. The two of them laughed at you, before the one pulling at your clothes doubled his efforts. “Come on dumb bunny, just let me do this — you bunnies are supposed to be in heat almost all the time anyway, along with a very high libido — why are you pretending like you don't want this? Like you aren't a fucking slut under that ‘holier–than–thou’ guise of yours?”
You were beyond disgusted by their words, trying your best to stop the guy from attempting to defile you. In the process of your struggles, a button from your top popped off, causing your breath to hitch. Taking advantage of your momentary distraction, he pulled harder, effectively managing to tear it open.
You let out a loud gasp, both of fear and embarrassment, quickly lifting your hands to cover yourself. You were suddenly aware of how the three of you weren't the only ones in the playground, also how none of the others had come to your rescue.
They tried to push your hands away from where they were covering yourself. “Stop fucking acting like you aren't a whore — this can be over so much faster if you just fucking cooperate–”
You wrapped your arms around your chest tighter, tears starting to gather in your eyes. You felt disgusted by them, but even more disgusted by the rest of the hybrids who were simply watching the spectacle, enjoying it even–
His twin grew impatient, coming down behind you grabbing at your arms and assisting him in trying to pull them away from your chest. He managed to pry off a finger, causing them to redouble their efforts. It paid off, and they were able to almost pull off one of your hands–
“What the fuck do you think you're doing?!”
The two of them froze at the sudden interruption, before turning to look at the source. You peeked around them too, to look at your savior, your eyes greeting a sight that caused them to widen, almost comically so.
The person who yelled was none other than your best friend, Sunoo, who you hadn’t seen in an entire fortnight. He looked — different.
His fists were clenched tightly, his knuckles almost turning white from the pressure. There was an angry crease in his forehead, his eyebrows scrunched from barely contained anger. His jaw was clenched, a singular vein being prominent in his neck, pulsing wildly. His ears stood erect on his head, his tail swinging wildly. He looked like he was seconds away from pouncing them and ripping them into shreds.
It seemed like the twins had the same thought about him, both of them quickly getting up and running away. You hugged yourself tighter, remembering that your top was still torn.
Your best friend noticed your action, his demeanor immediately softening. He quickly rushed to you, shielding your body with his, before slowly ushering you up. He made sure to cover you, to save what little dignity you had left, dragging you to the door. Opening it, he stepped inside, quickly pulling you in the direction of your room. Once inside, he quickly shut the door, turning the other way, giving you the much needed privacy to change.
Once you were done changing, you let him know. “I’m decent now — you can turn around.”
He slowly turned around looking at you. The two of you held eye-contact for a bit, before breaking it, checking out each other’s appearance. He had certainly had two rough weeks, his hair seeming one shade darker than its natural color, face looking haggard. He also had enormous dark circles — yet none of it deterred his natural beauty. Judging by his concerned eyes, you could only assume that you too looked different from how he last saw you, although you had it a lot worse.
He stepped forward, reaching his hand out to tentatively cup your face. “Did they try to do something like this before as well? I swear I’ll kill them–”
You quickly cut him off. “No no — they didn’t try anything as — as physical as this before. This was the first time…”
His eyes darkened at your words. “‘As physical’? They did other things to you?”
Your breath hitched at the dark edge in his voice. “T-They did — but it wasn't anything serious! It was just — a bit of teasing, that is all.”
He pursed his lips, his eyes still taking all over you in concern. “If you say so…”
You looked at his own state, an overwhelming urge to hug him coming over you — so you did.
You wrapped your arms around his neck tightly, your chest colliding with his, almost knocking the breath out of him from the force of the impact. He looked at you in shock, since you had never hugged him before. He quickly hugged you back, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you impossibly closer, rubbing your back in a soothing manner.
You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, letting out a small sigh of contentment. You hadn't realized what a big part of your life he had become, only realizing it after the torturous two weeks that you had to endure without him.
You almost couldn't believe how much you missed him, how badly you craved his presence. You were grateful for having him in your life, and you truly wished you could say all of it to him — but that's hard to do, given your reserved nature. But you still try.
And you did try. “I missed you — so fucking much. Every day was practically torture without you…”
He somehow hugged you tighter, nuzzling himself into you. “I missed you a lot too — you have no idea how badly it was killing me to not be able to talk to you.”
You broke the hug, staring into his eyes. “What happened to you though? They told me you’ll be alright, and didn't even let me see you. When I went to visit you in the medical room, you weren't even there — I asked the staff, and they told me you needed better medical attention and were getting treated elsewhere. I tried pressing for more details, but they refused to say anything. How sick were you that they couldn't even let me visit?”
He grimaced slightly. “I — wasn't exactly sick.”
You frowned, tilting your head slightly. “You weren't sick? How is that possible? You were burning up when I got you to the medical area, and they moved you to another place–”
He sucked in a deep breath, cutting you off. “I wasn't sick — I was in heat.”
You froze, blinking aggressively to process the information. “You were in heat?” You echoed.
“In heat.” He echoed back.
You opened your mouth to say something, before closing it again. So your best friend went into heat two weeks ago — which means his heat probably ended today. Which also means that he is basically classified as an ‘adult’ now, like all the other hybrids that have gone into heat at least once. So how on earth did he come inside the so-called ‘younger’ section? Weren't hybrids of different sections not allowed to go into the other sections?
When you voiced out your concerns to him, he gave you a wry smile. “Technically speaking, I'm not allowed to be here — but being friends with even the staff had its perks, I suppose. They allow me to go anywhere I want, unless it results in a life-threatening situation.”
You nodded skeptically. “Right — so I'll still see you everyday? Like how I did before — before you went into heat?”
“Yep. You will.” He confirmed.
You sighed. “That's great–”
The sound of the bell ringing cut you off. You hadn't even realized how much time had passed. He ran a hand through his hair. “See you tomorrow then?”
“Yep — see you tomorrow.”
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It was around 4 weeks later, the time when Sunoo’s heat was supposed to hit him again. The two of you had somehow grown even closer than before, stuck to the hip at all times. Your best friend seemed to have become a lot more protective too, having an arm around you at all times, glaring at anyone who seemed to look your way. He had changed a lot personality wise as well, becoming a lot colder than before — although he was still friendly to most people.
The two of you were walking around aimlessly in the halls, silently. Both of you were anxiously counting down to when his heat was going to hit him, even if it wasn’t fixed — for all you both knew, it could be the tomorrow, yet that thought didn’t remove the anxiousness that had enveloped the two of you.
Suddenly you stopped, an indescribable feeling taking over you. It was almost as if someone wrapped you in a blanket filled with heating pads.
You felt hot, hotter than you ever felt before. It was a searing heat that was tearing at your insides, crawling through your skin, begging to be let out. It was tickling everywhere, spreading inside your body like a wildfire, licking at everything in it’s way–
It was only when your bestfriend shook you did you realize that you had fallen in his arms, the heat having caused you to faint momentarily. “Are you alright? You just fainted out of nowhere and are sweating a lot–”
You tuned his voice out, too focused on his concerned face. There was a crease between his eyebrows, a concerned frown on his face. Your ears twitched as you realized how pretty his eyes looked from this close, his lips looking like a pair of soft velvety cushions. You concentrated on the way they were moving. You wondered if his lips would move against yours like that if he kissed you. How would his lips even feel against yours? Soft? Aggressive? Or would it–
You snapped yourself out of your thoughts. What were you even thinking? That was your best friend of almost five years now, how could you think of him in such a crude manner?
With a burning shame, you realized that your tail was twitching violently, panties were soaked — the immense heat in your body not making it any better. You had no idea what was happening, so you looked at Sunoo for help.
He looked at your pleading eyes and sweaty body in his arms, before the realization dawned on him. You were going in heat.
He quickly placed his hand that was under your waist more securely, before bending down to place his other hand under your knees, carrying you in bridal style. He ran in the direction of the heat chamber, calling out for staff on the way.
Once he was in front of the chamber, he kicked the door open, quickly running to the bunny section, having now been joined by two staff members, running by his side, shouting directions to him. He rushed you inside one of the rooms in that section, placing you down on the bed gently.
Your eyes screwed shut, eyebrows furrowed, a low groan leaving you. You started to squirm on the bed, causing the two staff members to quickly rush forward and tie your hands and legs to the bed, shocking Sunoo. He couldn’t say anything, simply watching it all unfold in disbelief.
Once the staff were done tying you down, they stepped back, watching you squirm in the bed, the heat radiating off your body, the sweat having drenched your clothes making them stick to your body. Your best friend immediately turned to them, speaking to them with a clenched jaw and barely contained anger. “Why the fuck did you tie her down? Aren’t you supposed to put another bunny hybrid with her to help her with her heat?”
The female staff turned to him. “We don’t have any other bunny hybrids, I’m sure you already know that. She needs to spend her heat alone.”
He looked at her, appalled. “Alone?! You know that’s not safe! She could die from the immense heat!”
Both the staff members rolled their eyes at him, ushering him out and walking out of the room themselves. “She will be fine, she’ll just have a terribly high fever. She’ll live.”
He stared at them in disbelief, the male staff pulling him outside by grabbing his arm. He looked behind him at your writhing figure, little whines of discomfort leaving you. The scene was quickly replaced by the door, as the staff shut it. They locked the door, before turning to him. “It will be better if you leave now. You won’t be able to hear her either, the walls are soundproof.”
They turned to leave immediately, causing his anger to spike. How could they be so cruel? How could they leave you to potentially die?
But you weren’t going to die. Not on his watch.
In a split second’s decision, he ran towards both the staff, grabbing the back of the head of the guy and pulling him backwards, slamming him down on the ground. The other staff gasped, quickly opening her mouth to scream — only to be grabbed by the throat. He lifted her by the throat, pushing her on the wall, restricting her air supply. Her face soon turned purple, before she fainted. He slammed her head on the wall behind her for good measure, before throwing her on the ground.
He turned behind him, looking at the guy on the ground. There was some blood on the back of his head, staining the ground, as he tried to crawl away. Your best friend quickly marched to the guy, before bending down. He grabbed the back of his head, before slamming it down on the ground again, knocking him out cold.
He fished for the keys to your room in the staffs’ pockets, before grabbing them and quickly going to your room. He unlocked the door, opening it, his ears filled with the sounds of your pitiful whimpers. He stepped inside, shutting the door and locking it from the inside. The way the doors were built, no one would be able to open a door in the heat chambers if they are locked from the inside, since hybrids go absolutely feral when they are in heat — a fact that he used to his advantage.
He turned to you, approaching you slowly. He had no idea why exactly he was doing this — all he knew was that he wanted — needed you to live, no matter what it would take.
He stopped right in front of you. His eyes raked over your figure, your entire body completely drenched — making you look like you were dunked in a pool with your clothes on. Your ears were twitching uncontrollably, your lips having formed a pout that kept trembling.
He lifted his hand, cupping your face, causing your eyes to shoot open. You took in a sharp intake of breath, panting heavily, staring at him with wide eyes. “Sunoo I — it’s so unbearably hot, I can’t–”
He was quick to silence you. “I know princess, I know. Just let me take care of you, I promise I’ll make it better.”
He didn’t wait for a reply, climbing over you on the bed, planting his legs on either side of you. He was quick to undo all the restraints on your body, giving you the freedom to move as you pleased. You didn’t move, simply staring up at him with parted lips and pleading eyes, breathing heavily. He was shocked at your self restraint — usually hybrids would be all over literally anyone near them when they are in heat — but a bunny hybrid?
Bunnies are supposed to be the most feral animals out there when they are in heat — hell, there was a literal phrase because of this exact fact, the phrase being ‘fucking like a rabbit in heat’. But somehow, you had a lot of self control — either that, or you hadn't yet registered what was exactly happening to you.
He cupped your face with one hand again, swiping his thumb over your bottom lip, pulling it down with just his thumb. Your eyes had glazed over, allowing him to do whatever he wanted — of course he was going to take advantage of that.
He grabbed the ends of your skirt, starting to slowly lift it up. Your body was drenched in sweat, the heat emancipating from you turning your head into mush. But your heat had not yet hit you fully, allowing a little portion of the rational part of your brain to protest against his actions.
As soon as he had lifted your skirt up enough to reveal the drenched cotton material of your panties for him to feast upon with his eyes, something in your brain snapped, allowing you to be aware of your surroundings once again.
Your eyes widened as you realized the position you were in — or rather, the position in which you and your best friend were in. “S–Sunoo what are you–”
He immediately silenced you with a finger to your lips. “Hush, pretty. This is all for your own good.”
You squirm underneath him. “M–My own good? But — we are friends — friends don't — don't do anything like this–”
He knitted his eyebrows, growing slightly impatient. “Do what? Save your life? I'm trying to make sure that nothing happens to you, and instead of being grateful you decide to be a brat? You realize I could easily leave you here to deal with your heat on your own, just like the staff were planning? But instead, I decided to go against them and help you with your heat, since there are no bunny hybrids in this shelter — other than you, of course — who can help you out. So just be quiet, yea? Stay put like a good girl and take what I'm giving you — it's all for your own good, after all.”
You went to protest again, but he quickly slapped a hand over your mouth to silence any further protests from you. He suddenly cupped you through your utterly soaked panties, causing your breath to hitch, your eyes rolling into the back of your head from the feeling. A muffle moan left you, making him let go of his hold on your mouth, wanting to hear more of your pretty sounds.
He traced his finger on your panties, right above your slit, causing more slick to gush out of you and stain the bed below. He pushed the panties inside your slit with one poke of his finger, your bare pussy coming into his view. Your cunt was entirely covered in your slick, your pussy lips swollen, begging for attention. He groaned at the sight, his mouth salivating from the sight itself. “Look at you princess — look so fucking pretty like this. Are you sure you didn’t want this?”
You could say nothing, only a whimper leaving you at his words, the insatiable need to get fucked slowly clouding up your brain. You bucked your hips against his hand, needing him to do something, anything.
He finally decided to stop torturing you, pulling your panties down and throwing them on the floor. As soon as the cold air hit your bare cunt, your heat hit you fully.
The lower part of your body felt like it was on fire, excessive slick pouring out of you in obnoxiously large amounts. Your whines increased to a fever pitch, your hips bucking up wildly in the air. You grabbed your best friend’s shoulders tightly, pulling him into a rough kiss. Your hips bucked against his in a desperate manner, his groans only increasing your need to be filled.
You were finally acting exactly how a bunny in heat was supposed to act, turning him on a lot more than you should have. His own pants grew tighter and tighter, stained by your slick. The kiss grew messier, saliva smearing all over your chins.
He finally had enough, grabbing both of your hands in one of his own, before breaking the kiss, your whines immediately filling the air. They quickly died down once he tore your skirt, discarding the ruined material by throwing it somewhere in the room. He did the same to the rest of your clothes. In normal circumstances, you would have definitely minded, but right now your brain was too lust-driven to care.
He let go of your hands once he was done completely undressing you — big mistake on his part, since you immediately grabbed his shirt and tore the buttons open. You fiddled with the button on his jeans, him having to assist you, before he was revealed to you in all his naked glory.
His cock stood tall and proud against his stomach, his tip an angry red, leaking a generous amount of precum. Under normal circumstances, he would have taken his time — eat you out; make you sit on his face, suck him off — but right now you were too desperate for any kind of foreplay. He knew nothing would satisfy your heat until you were properly bred — which was exactly what he was going to do.
He grabbed both your hands again and pinned them above your head in one of his own, before you became impatient again. He slowly pumped his cock in the other, smearing his precum all over it — not that he needed to, since your slick was enough to use as a lube.
Your impatient whining started once again, hips bucking up in the air, causing him to chuckle. “Such an impatient little brat, can't even wait to get filled up. It's all you need anyway, isn't it? Such a cock hungry whore”
Before you could say anything — even if you did it would probably be some pathetic pleading on your side — he aligned his tip with your entrance, coating it with some of your slick, before sliding in with ease, bottoming out. He reveled in the high pitched whimper that left you at the intrusion, one hand pressing down on the bulge on your stomach. The added pressure caused your eyes to roll up, cute breathy ‘please’s’ falling from your pretty lips, which were swollen from the intensity of the kiss earlier.
He pulled himself almost completely out, before plunging inside again. He set up a brutal pace, the slick pouring out of you making it easier for him. He held your hips tightly, snapping his own into yours, your slick making loud squelching sounds at the impacts.
He reached one of his hands up, pinching and twisting your nipple between his fingers, rubbing it harshly. He delivered a rough slap to your tits, your moans simply increasing in volume.
His hand traveled downwards, going to your clit, pinching it. He rubbed hardened nub harshly, the added sensation making your breath uneven, whimpers of his name falling from your lips. He cursed, before increasing the pace of his hips, slamming into you at such a fast pace that it almost felt like he was trying to tear apart your insides.
It was almost as if he felt like it wasn't enough, causing him to put his hands under your thighs and lift your legs up, pushing them against your chest. He rammed his hips against yours once again, the new angle allowing him to hit deeper, right into your cervix. As soon as his tip touched the spongy part of your walls, you let out a loud gasp, a shiver running through you. He smirked at your reaction. “Found it.”
He pounded into you at an even faster pace, your hands desperately holding onto the headboard, your ears flopping wildly with every thrust of his. His mushroom tip hit your cervix every time, whimpers falling from your lips in a beautiful melody.
His jaw was clenched, his hair sticking to his forehead because of the sweat. Even if he could reach deeper and feel your walls clenching around him tighter, the position wasn't enough — no, he needed to breed you like a proper mate would, otherwise this would be of no use.
As soon as he tried to slide out of you, you somehow managed to wrap your arms around his neck — albeit with some difficulty due to the position he had you in — and held him tightly, not allowing him to move. He was caught off-guard for a moment, before he allowed a smirk to break through. “What happened princess? Is this not enough for you?”
You whined slightly. “D-Don’t go — ‘m close–”
As soon as the words left your mouth, his eyes darkened, causing him to grab your thighs again, pressing them harder against your chest, nearly folding your body in half. He slammed his hips into yours at a brutal pace, barely giving you time to breathe. Every thrust of his had you screaming his name, the band in your stomach tightening almost painfully.
He brought one hand down to your clit, rubbing it painfully, the added stimulation making you choke on your screams. He flicked your clit, before pinching it harshly, causing you to reach your breaking point.
Your body spasmed around him, your creamy release coating his cock. He fucked you through your orgasm, a white ring forming on the base of his cock, making him groan at the sight. Once you stopped spasming, he pulled out — even though he hadn't cum yet.
His cock was pulsing, the tip an angry red. His entire length was covered with your sticky release, causing him to suck in a breath. His eyes went to your face.
You were still coming down from your high — which was hard, since you could only do so once you had been bred — which you clearly haven't. Even if you did, it still wouldn't be enough, since you would be hit with another wave in twenty minutes — the process would continue for two weeks, before your heat finally gets over.
Neither your problem was solved, nor was his, which only led to one logical solution — to fuck you again. He had to breed you, even if the two of you technically couldn't have kids because of the difference in species — but that wouldn't stop him from trying.
He grabbed your waist, before quite easily flipping you onto your back, pushing your ass up the air — making you properly present yourself the way you would for your mate. You let out a loud gasp — even if your heat hadn't calmed down, you were still very sensitive at the moment, the aftershocks of your orgasm still evident.
Even if he realized it, he didn't care. He aligned his throbbing length to your pussy once again, before slamming himself inside. His mushroom tip immediately pushed into your g-spot, making you see stars. Noticing your body's reaction, he pulled out almost completely, leaving only the tip inside, before slamming himself back in. You choked on your gasp, but he showed no mercy. He pounded into you at a rough pace, the mating position making the whole situation a lot more intimate.
He tried to not give it much thought, focusing on the way he kept disappearing inside you, the primal urge to mark and breed you taking over the rational part of his brain — even if breeding you was physically not possible.
He pushed his hand under your stomach, pulling you up, your back colliding with his chest. His hand then reached up to grab your neck, a small whimper escaping you. He squeezed your throat slightly, continuing to ram his hips into yours. The sounds of both of your skins slapping against each other filled up the room, along with your moans. His other hand reached down to your clit, rubbing it harshly, trying to force another orgasm out of you.
It wasn't too hard, given that you were in heat and hadn't been bred yet. Your moans increased substantially, alerting him of how close you were. With one last slap to your clit, your cunt clenched around him tightly, your walls spasming around him. Your creamy release dripped past his length, staining the bed under you.
Your orgasm triggered his own, causing his hips to still, his head thrown back with a groan. He shot out hot ropes of cum into you, painting your walls white. His hips moved shallowly inside you, his dick twitching, until he was spent. He pulled out his softening length, your exhausted body flopping down on the bed.
He flopped down beside you, his own chest rising up and down from the exertion, trying to catch his breath. He turned to you, pulling you in a hug. He stroked your hair softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “How do you feel?”
You nuzzled your face against his chest. “Like I'm on cloud nine.”
He let out an amused smirk, which quickly vanished. His body was somehow starting to fill up with an unexplainable heat, blood once again rushing to his cock. He frowned, unable to tell why he was suddenly turned on even after having practically fucked you to oblivion — before it hit him.
His heat was due.
As the realization hit him, his body began to be covered by a sheen of sweat, beads of precum forming at his tip. He whispered a small ‘sorry’ before climbing on top of you again.
At least the two of you were going to be together.
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mentally-gone002 · 3 months
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kisses at the arcade
summary: reader and steve drive dustin to the arcade… and have some of their own fun.
a part 2 to the previous title-less fic that yall loved sm with henderson!reader x steve harrington 
you can find part 1 here, and part 3 here
a/n: so i sent the first part of this to my bestie and she was like “so when do i get a part 2??” and now here we are with a part 2! rlly it is all thanks to her, because not only did she help me make up my mind to make a part 2, but she also helped me completely construct every bit of this!!!! (did i mention she’s never watched ST???) she’s literally amazing so big thank you to my queeeeen!!!!
dustin charged into the living room slightly out of breath, his ‘thinking cap’ baseball hat smushed over his unruly hair. “mom! can steve drive me to the arcade? mike, will, max and lucas are going.” he panted. 
his sister looked at him from her book while she sat on the couch at the mention of steve. she swallowed back a smile that he’d go out of his way to take her brother to the arcade. 
their mom cleared her throat before she answered. “you can go if your sister does, just to keep and eye on you.” 
dustin looked at his sister with pleading eyes. “please go, we’re gonna try and beat max’s records.” he said. 
“while max is there?” she asked, closing the book and placing it onto the coffee table gently. dustin nodded. “sure, i don’t wanna miss the look on your guys’ faces when she stays with her top score.” her words made dustin scoff while she walked off to her bedroom to grab a sweater and her bag. 
when steve’s red bmw made its appearance onto their driveway, dustin raced out the front door and his sister followed behind him slowly. she shivered from the early december air that nipped at her cheeks and nose, so she picked up her pace. 
“your sisters got the front tonight, henderson!” she heard steve tell dustin, to which he replied with a groan that sounded like betrayal. she looked at dustin with a smile and stuck out her tongue. 
“real mature.” dustin rolled his eyes while he climbed into the backseat. 
she slipped into the passenger seat and flashed a bright smile at steve before he put the car into gear and began the drive to the arcade across town. 
it was a short drive but after some light conversation and a fair amount of bickering between dustin and steve it felt a bit longer. by the time steve pulled into the parking lot dustin was out of the car and racing towards the arcade. 
“wait until the car is in park next time!” his sister called from out the window before rolling it back up. she turned her face towards steve. “hi.” she smiled. 
“hey.” he smiled back at her, the corners of his eyes creasing in a way that made her heart beat faster. she didn’t know why. 
he reached a hand across the gap between them to connect his palm with the side of her face. she leans into the touch, shifting in her seat to get closer, reaching her own hand to connect with the side of his neck. 
he tried to contain his smile but what was the use if she’s there to create it? steve’s hand slowly drifts down her arm, leaving goosebumps in his wake, which she’d blame on the time of year if he asked, until his palm rested on her knee. the honey color in his irises were almost chased away from how his pupils were blown out. 
his gaze shifted between both of her eyes as he whispered, “you look beautiful tonight, you know that, right?”
she felt her face heat up at the compliment and her eyes shifted away from his for a brief second. “thank you.” her voice was a volume just above a whisper.
steve lifts his hand from her knee to hook his fingers beneath her chin, directing her face towards his. his tongue darts between his barely parted lips prior to leaning over the center console, gently connecting his lips with hers. the taste of her strawberry lipgloss made him smile. 
the sound of her heartbeat was in her ears, making it hard to think of anything other than him and the way his soft lips slowly danced against hers rhythmically. her fingers tangled in his soft chestnut hair while she pulled away to breathe, eyes still closed and her forehead to his. “we should go inside. the kids are probably wondering where we are.” she didn’t want to say this but she knew that keeping an eye on the kids was the best idea, considering that they’d still be paranoid due to the events from a month ago.
steve knew she was right but he was feeling greedy, only wanting her all to himself right now. “they’ll be okay without us, won’t they?” he wondered quietly as he reached for her hip, smoothing his thumb over the fabric of her clothes covering it. steve pulled her closer to him, being mindful of the console separating them. 
with labored breaths and a butterfly filled stomach she nodded, giving in to him. “what if they come out and see us?” she asked with a quick pull away from their proximity. her eyebrows were pinched together, creating a tiny wrinkle between them that steve wanted to smooth away with his thumb.
steve brings her back in and tilted his head to the side. “they won’t, baby, i promise.” he gave her a reassuring grin, making sure she mirrored it before once again connecting their lips together. 
dustin angrily shifted the joystick and pressed the buttons of the arcade machine, trying to make more progress and wrack up the most points so that he’d finally beat max’s score on dig-dug. as he played, lucas, mike, will and max huddled around his back to watch the screen with nervous anticipation. 
“look out!” lucas exclaimed, pointing at an enemy just before it killed dustin’s character. 
the game made the animated sound signifying that he lost and dustin kicked the machine. “son of a bitch.” he sighed, shoving a hand into his coat pocket to try and pull more coins for another round; his pocket was empty. “anyone have any quarters i can barrow?” he asked the group. they all shook their heads, wanting to keep theirs for themselves. 
“ask your sister for some, i’m sure she’d have some.” will suggested with a smile. everyone else nodded in agreement, finding the idea a good one. 
dustin turned around, staring at the bench beside the front doors where both his sister and steve should have been. “hey, has anyone seen my sister or steve?” he looked back at the group. everyone turned their heads towards the bench at once. “they aren’t there, dumbasses, that’s why i’m asking.” he clarified. 
mike shrugged. “maybe they’re still outside?” he sounded bored at the fact they were trying to solve the mystery of dustin’s missing sister and steve harrington. 
dustin nodded. “probably.” he said before running towards the doors, dodging away from other kids. everyone followed on his heels all the way outside into the cold until they all stopped outside the red bmw which was still running. 
dustin reached for the passenger door handle without even looking inside, his only concern at that moment was quarters. “hey, do you have any- what the hell are you doing?” he exclaimed, stepping back with the door still ajar.
his sister and steve pulled away from each other’s lips in surprise, both staring at dustin’s wide eyes and disgusted expression first before noticing all his friends staring as well. steve shot dustin a nervous smile while she wiped the mixture of their saliva and her lipgloss away from her mouth.
“giving mouth to mouth.” max mumbled and caused the group snicker with laughter. 
dustin harshly nudged lucas, the closest to him, as a sign for him to shut up; lucas did after a small protest of how the shove hurt. “do you have any quarters? i spent mine already.” dustin reached for and snatched away his sisters bag off the floor beside her feet.
she stole it back from him. “hey! don’t dig through my things.” she said firmly, going for her wallet. “how many do you need?” her question made the group smile. 
dustin shrugged. “twenty for what i just witnessed.” he muttered. she shot him a glare. “i mean- just three dollars worth.” he reiterated with an innocent smile. 
she dug around for quarters and handed them all to dustin when she found the amount he wanted. the group took that as a sign to go back inside since they began to grumble about the cold. dustin tried to follow but his sister called him back.
“please don’t tell mom, okay?” she asked with pleading eyes. dustin nodded which made her sigh in relief. 
“you owe me though. and you,” he pointed at steve. “you owe me as well.” steve nodded in understanding which made dustin walk back towards the arcade, slamming the car door before he left. 
she looked back at him, bottom lip held between her teeth anxiously. steve frowned at her expression and leaned towards her. “hey, it’s okay.” his hand smoothed over her hair slowly, the curls bouncing back once his hand brushed them over. “maybe it is time to y’know… tell people?” he shrugged. his hand settled lightly on her shoulder. 
her teeth let go of her lip so she could speak. “yeah… i just wish he didn’t have to find out like that.” her concern had steve nodding with adamant agreement. she looked away from him in thought. 
he dropped his head to the side as his hand guided her face and eyes back to his. “it’s all gonna work out for us, okay? you don’t have to worry.” the kindness in his eyes made her feel more sure about the situation so she nodded in advance to leaning forward to press her lips against his again. she just wanted to be extra sure, and he kissed back with a gentle assurance.
it was going to work out for them. 
to anyone wondering… yes there will be a part 3 and i’m working on it rtn!!! coming very soon yall
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paradlselost · 2 months
Everybody 𝓛oves Somebody
earving x gn!reader
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⎨ 𝐀𝐍 ⎬ this was supposed to be fluff when i started writing but it sorta turned to hurt/comfort 💀. write an actual happy scene challenge (impossible) for me i guess. anyways this is the first fic I’ve posted on here with no smut so you know i have to make a part two with it 🙏
⎨ 𝐂𝐖 ⎬ light breaking and entering 🤷 , hurt/comfort , Earving being a bit insecure , DEAN MARTIN ON THE TRACK WOOO , Earving being completely smitten with the reader , also being kinda a dork about old music , literally like 3 lines of dialog , no beta reading we die like Noir . 1.6k words
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He doesn’t need to talk for you to understand him; the way desire laps at his every movement like cleansing flames. It’s what drove him here at this hour, to your little apartment in the city. And, if he had a bigger ego, to give you the opportunity to bask in the presence of one of the Seven.
His silence is unnerving in your quiet home. Somewhere in the distance cars go by and horns blare but it is muffled and seemingly unimportant in this room you stand in. There is a monster of a man in front of you, flakes of dried blood still marred the matte black armor that had become a second skin long before you two ever got acquainted.
You are acutely aware of his gaze from behind his soulless mask and every fiber of your being knows that, in this moment, you are his.
It feels strange sitting on his tongue; unable to escape his lips and be formed into words, how long has it been since he craved speech? How long since he had something for him and him only? He doesn’t know if he can answer that question, Vought takes everything sacred and turns it green. But he won’t let that happen, not this time, not with you.
If you weren’t pressed up against the counter by now, you would have been when he took a step forward. Measured and calculated; not too close as to push any boundaries or make you feel trapped, but to allow him to have a better view of you and your entirety. How beautiful you were, you are, to a being like him - who walks the line between monster and man so gracefully you might think he takes pride in it.
His breathing is audible and labored; like an overexcited dog, he pants against the balaclava that covers his lips and nose. A pitiful noise escapes his lips; choked and raw as though he hadn’t attempted to use it in years. He had learned to stop trying, to become the silent and deadly machine Vought had wanted him to be all along. But with you he suddenly found himself feeling inadequate.
Under the roof of your apartment and the stars in the night sky above; he is nothing but Earving, and that may be the scariest thing he’s ever had to face. Being entirely himself, entirely yours.
“It’s late, I didn’t think you would show up.” Your voice is soft as it breaks the quiet atmosphere, a hand gently reaching to caress his face through the thin black fabric. You’d never tire of the way he leaned into your touch.
A soft noise is all you get in response, something between a grumble and a murmur that lets you know how sorry he is to have kept you up so late, to have scared you with his entrance. It is never his intention to make you afraid; his heart simply yearns for the comfort of normalcy in a life with you.
It’s just him; no monster hiding in the shadows or figure at the end of the hall, he buries those for you - forces himself to push aside his machine like conditioning and display his heart and soul for your eyes only. How lucky you are, how lucky he is.
He wishes he would’ve met you sooner; that you could see him without his mask in the back of some room after a Payback meeting. That you could’ve kissed away the bruises left by Soldier Boy or the hot tears that stained his skin after not making his dream audition. What he wouldn’t give to have you then, to be able to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and feel the giddiness of a teenage boy falling in love for the first time.
But he has to be content with the here and now; and while the feelings still drum in the back of his mind and fill his heart he can never be complete again. Never leave Vought to be yours, never take you to his grandmother's ranch upstate, never get married or give you children. He is broken and flawed, pieces of his past self flaked off and buried in time.
And you love him all the same; you look at him and his mask like he was crafted by the gods to answer any prayers you whispered to yourself in the dead of night. He hates it, in a way, because you give him all of you and he knows he can never return that. He knows in sixty years you will be dying and he will only just be feeling the effects of aging.
How cruel is the world that he only thinks these things around you? That when he sees your smiling face and feels the warmth of your touch he is reminded of how fleeting it all is; of how in a second it can be stripped from him like his speech, like half his brain.
You only watch as he steps away for a moment, he shys away once again and leaves you standing there, fingertips lingering with the warmth of his mask. He is careful as he makes his way over to a shelf in your living area, like he’s worried about breaking the floorboards under him or waking up your neighbors with his boots. It’s practiced, you’ve picked up on by now, how he is acutely aware of every sound he makes and how to minimize them.
Though, the quiet doesn’t seem to matter for long. A record is set on its player; Dean Martin’s “Everybody Loves Somebody” crooning through the room. He seems stagnant over it for a moment, fingers grazing the speakers to feel the vibrations that leave it. He’s always been enamored with vinyls but he especially loves yours, loves using the music as an excuse to see you.
For tonight he can bury the insecurities that bubble in his chest and remind him how human he truly is; he can turn and take your hand in his and invite you to dance with him. And God, can he relish in the blush that coats your cheeks as you wrap your arms loosely around the back of his neck. He is lucky, he doesn’t need to remind himself of this fact.
His gloved hands rest on your hips, feeling the sway between the two of you. How he always wished to have someone to think of like the men in older songs sang about. The kind of pining and love one could only feel from someone truly special; he knew it was you, every moment away from your presence only meant you were the first thing on his mind constantly. Meetings, missions, his mind would wander back to his love he would be able to see again.
His heart yearned for nights like these, when your chest was flush with his and you rested your head against his breastplate. You don’t mind the blood that is still caked to him, a contrast between the black and dark silver accents of his armor. An arm moves from draping over his shoulders to tracing lazily around the now deep crimson.
The song was near complete by the time his gloved hand traveled up to grasp your chin gently, to tilt your head up and meet the eyes of his mask. He wants to be complete for you, to give you everything he has even if he’s a broken mess. He wants to show you the scars that mar his skin and let you be privy to the pain he has gone through, to the dull ache on his burns and the milky white of his eye.
He wants to lift his mask and kiss you for the first time; to let you feel his rough lips against your own.
But his prayers aren’t answered, wishes aren’t granted as a sudden knock on your door drives you two apart. It’s late, far too much so for uninvited visitors, you’re tentative as you step over to the door and peer through the hole. A sigh gracing your lips at the sight of your neighbor on the other side.
“Hey, could you turn the music down? It’s late and I have work in the morning.”
“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry.” Grumbles are the only thing you’re met with as they walk off, back down the hall to their own door. Soft crackles sound through the room now, the song over and leaving you with nothing but the end of the vinyl.
The living room is empty when you return, he’s gone, having taken his leave sometime during your two second conversation with the neighbor down the hall. It’s not a surprise, though it leaves you with an empty feeling in your chest. How close you had been to getting to see the man behind the mask, to feeling his lips against yours. You know he can’t stay, that he won’t jeopardize his job for you. Or, better yet, jeopardize you with his job, but the feeling still isn’t one you like.
The record player is turned off after a moment, leaving you back in the silence you had just left, but this time without him standing in front of you. Maybe he won’t ever show you his face, let you be privy to his life before his silence, but you hold the knowledge that the machine of the Seven will always flock to you like a lamb to its shepherd, walls up and all.
And for now; that is enough.
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141 + Graves x Male reader general relationship H/C’s
(Sergeant reader)
Warnings: Probably ooc, internalized homophobia
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Also sorry if the writing is weird, I wrote most of this a while ago and just finished it
(Also the writing gets a bit lazy near the end)
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John Price
- He knew your strength when he accepted you into the 141, you were highly liked by all of your past captains, but he wanted to check himself if you were a good fit
- Price watched you train your first few weeks in the team and damn was he impressed
- Even after he knew you were good enough to be in the team, he didn't stop watching you
- He was immersed in how you trained, your smooth body movements, the way you could take someone down within a few seconds during sparring
- You caught him staring a few times, and he immediately turned away, his cheeks flushing red from embarrassment
- After a while he figured out he probably had feelings for you but he dismissed them, after all he's your captain and he's atleast a few years older than you
- He tried to distance himself from you, only talking when necessary for a mission
- When you brought it up to him, he would just simply reply that he's busy with work or he's stressed or literally any other excuse he could come up with on the spot
- After a while it would become decently obvious that he likes you
- He would continue watching you train, but this time try to be more secretive, it was still very obvious
- He would probably wait for you to make the first move
- Once you talk to him about it, he would immediately tell you that there's better people out there than him, that he's probably too old for you, ext.
- You continue to insist that you like him, and he would eventually accept, since he does like you back
- He would not want to tell anyone that you're dating, atleast not for a bit while you're getting used to it, after a while he might be more open to telling the rest of the 141
- You would sneak into his office during times where he was working alone and just hang out with him, talking about your day and anything that your able to talk about
- During a mission, the two of you had to share a bed in a safe house, suffice to say that after the mission was completed Price could not fall asleep without you by him
- He would ask, embarrassed, if the two of you could share a bed and you would quickly agree
- He would be fine being big or little spoon, though he would enjoy little spoon more since after a whole day of leading he would just want someone to lean on
- He would enjoy any moment of time the two of you could spend together since he's very busy
- Whenever he could he would make breakfast for you and leave it out on the counter with a sticky note with your name on it
- Everyone was trying to figure out who left the food for you while you just enjoy it quietly, knowing it was your boyfriend
- Price wouldn't be a big movie fan but he would be fine with watching a movie if it made you happy
- He would end up getting really into it though, pointing out any mistakes, cheering on the characters
- Especially if it was a war movie, he would talk and talk about any strategies the characters could use and explain what they did wrong and how they could have fixed it
- He would also love listen you you read out loud, his head laying on your thighs as he drifts off to sleep
- He would tell the others that he doesn't have favorites but they would quickly see how he always chose you to go with him or how he gave you the easier punishments when you messed up
- I feel like the rest of the 141 would pick up on you guys relationship very quickly, but they wouldn't really say anything about it, just watching how everything goes and waiting for you guys to tell them yourselves
- Except for Soap, he would constantly be making comments
- He wouldn't be a big pet name guy but he would definitely be calling you love constantly
- He would also give the best massages, they would leave you walking away feeling like a new man
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John 'Soap' Mactavish
- When he first saw you he would immediately know he likes you
- He loves everything about your looks, how your uniform fits on you, your facial expressions, ext.
- imborredandwanttolookatthings
- And when he begins to talk to you he would love your personality too
- He would use every excuse possible to talk to you
- When your on base he would come up to you constantly and start making crappy jokes just to get a reaction out of you
- When on a mission he would talk to you on coms while things are going slow
- Though his dumb banter though, he would try to find out things about you like your past or even your favorite food
- And he would remember every bit of information you give him
- He would confess to you while you were out drinking with the 141
- It would just be some off handed remark about how hot he thinks you are and that he likes you and then he would just move on to the next thing he wants to say
- It would leave you and the rest of the 141 shocked
- You would tell him about it the next morning, him having completely forgotten about it, but he wouldn't try to deny anything, he would just agree with what he said the previous night, albeit a bit embarrassed that he just let it slip
- imborredandwanttolookatthings
- And once you tell him that you like him back he would be so happy
- Like picking you up and spinning you around happy, no matter how tall you are or how much you weigh
- He would immediately begin to brag to everyone about how the two of you are dating
- He would immediately shut up if you don't like it though
- Soap would try to spend even more time with you now that you're officially dating
- The guy would be following you around constantly like a lost puppy
- Unless he has something to do, if so he would be whining and complaining the whole time until he can see you again
- When on missions he would beg for Price to let the two of you go together anywhere
- He would be decently protective of you on missions, like he knows you can 100% defend yourself and kill anyone in your way but he's just worried
- If you got hurt during a mission he would immediately take you to get patched up after you finish all the important stuff
- He would then cling to you somehow even more
- until you fully recover
- He would loveee to cuddle, like Price he would be fine with being either the big or little spoon but prefer little
- In the end it's whatever you want though
- He would do anything for you
- If anyone tried to flirt with you he would simply just glare at them until they leave
- Either that or he would purposefully come over and hug you, calling you all sorts of cute nicknames hoping for the person to get the fact that the two of you are dating
- Would love pet names
- Sugar, Sweetheart, Love, Punpkin, you name it, he will call you by it
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
- Would just view you as another member of the team at first
- He wouldn't really notice anything special about you until the two of you begin to talk
- You two go on a mission together, at some point you just have to wait for who knows how long for people to arrive
- The two of you begin to talk and get to know each other
- This is when he starts liking you
- After the mission ends, he begins to hang out with you more
- Whenever he sees you on base he's come up to you and start a conversation
- He enjoys watching you train the new recruits
- He'll be standing off to the side of the field watching you, when you notice him he'll just wave to you cans continue shamelessly watching
- He's a very easy person to get along with, since he's very calm and chill most of the time
- He'd confess to you by getting you flowers and asking you out on some sort of romantic date
- When vou accent. he'll be ecstatic but try his best to
- When you accept, he'll be ecstatic but try his best to seem calm about the answer, though his insane happiness is very obvious
- He'll dress his best for the date, wanting it to turn out good
- When he sees you, in your fancy clothes, he immediately gets flustered but tries his best to hide it
- He will treat you like a king the whole time you guys are out on the date, opening doors for you, pulling out your chair, ext. Even if you tell him he doesn't have to, he enjoys treating you well
- He will listen to you talk patiently, not speaking up unless you tell him to or to let you know he's listening, he just enjoys hearing you talk
- But if you don't like talking very much, he'll take complete lead of the conversation, but still ask you thinks to get to know you better
- For the next few days after the date, he'll immediately start blushing whenever he sees you
- He would warm up to physical affection quickly, giving you hugs randomly
- He would also be fine with big or little spoon but prefer being the big spoon
- He'll run his fingers through your hair when the two of you are hugging or lying together
- If you have long hair he would loosely braid it, finding the repeated motions calming
- Overall a very calming presence
- Usually
- Sometimes he can get out of hand, if he ever does just kiss him and he'll shut up immediately
- When on missions he wouldn't really protect you, he would look out for you definitely but he trusts you to protect yourself
- If you ever tell him you need help though he'll do anything he can to help you
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley
- When you're first introduced to the team, Ghost doesn't really care about you
- He'll make no effort to talk to you unless needed, it takes a while for him to warm up to new people
- He will only really get close to you after a few months of you being on the team and a few missions together
- Then he'll begin to talk to you once in a while
- He'd admire your work and how well you are able to get the enemy down and taken care of
- He wouldn't know that he's developed a crush on you until someone points it out to him
- Like he'll be talking to Soap about how good you are at your job and stuff and Soap will literally have to yell at him that he has a crush on you and even then he'll deny it
- But he'll be thinking about what Soap said and after a week or two he'll realize that he does actually have a crush on you
- But he won't act on it, atleast not for a while
- Like Price, I think he would wait for you to tell him you like him
- When you do he would seem very calm, but under the mask he's a blushing mess, very happy
- When the wrong of you start dating, he doesn't outwardly tell people but at the same time doesn't mind if people find out
- He isn't a big physical touch person but if you like it he'll learn to be okay with it
- He would be the big spoon, hugging you with a firm grasp
- It would take a while for him to feel comfortable enough to take his balaclava off in front of you, but when he does it means he truly trusts you
- If you compliment his face or even say something remotely positive about it he will melt
- He loves putting his face into your hair while the two of you are snuggled up together
- Not really a pet name guy
-But he would make a nickname for you from your name
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Phillip Graves
- At first Graves didn’t really notice you, you were just another rookie in the shadows
- But as you moved up the ranks, becoming a Sargent, he began to recognize you
- He watches you train often, but plays it off as just him watching the team as a whole practice
- But everyone knows he’s just there for you
- You know that he liked you when he begins to banter with you over comms (playfully)
- He’ll make jokes and play fight back and forth
- And he’ll also try to hang out with you more at base
- But he refuses to acknowledge or admit to himself that he likes you
- I mean he’s a guy, and he would like another guy that’s gay, and he’s not gay
- Or atleast he refuses to believe it
- He was raised religious so he doesn’t have a good view of the lgbtq+ community
- He finally confesses when he’s drunk as hell at a party after a successful mission
- You accept the confession, also being drunk, and it leads to the two of you sharing a bed for the night
- When he wakes up in the morning he’s completely mortified
- You have to try and calm him down or he will freak out
- He tries to run for the door but you stop him
- After a while of talking, he finally admits to you, and to himself, that he likes you
- After that he feels like a weight has been lifted off of his shoulder
- He’s much more relaxed and focused on his work
- He often calls you to his office just to have you there
- He’s very touchy and physically affectionate
- Says he hates being the little spoon but that’s a complete lie
- He loves it
- He loves being able to relax in your arms, not having to be big or having to be the one in charge
- After you two get together he would probably trust you even more on the field
- Though he would like having you near him
- He likes taking baths with you, it calms him down
-LOVES pet names
-He calls you any and every pet name imaginable
-Mostly like foods and stuff like pumpkin, sugar, etc.
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kiddbegins · 3 months
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College Days - A. H.
Aaron Hotchner x fem!reader Word count: 10.7k Summary: when you met Aaron back in college, he was not the serious bureaucrat he is in modern days. also kinda sunshine x grumpy but not in the expected way :) A/n: this was going to be one whole thing but... I think i'm going to do two parts so... enjoy !
You didn’t go to college to mess around. You were there to get your points. Get your degree. Get the job of your dreams. Well… your family's dreams but that was besides the point. 
Not a day went by where your family wasn’t talking about you becoming a lawyer. It became such a usual conversation topic you nearly forgot it wasn’t your idea. 
But you pretended it was. Besides, going down the coast for your law degree couldn’t be that horrible. George Washington University was far enough from family that you wouldn’t feel pressured into doing anything you didn’t truly want. 
Which included the fact your parents wanted you to live on campus. Which you wouldn’t mind if you didn’t see that another first year was looking for a roommate about five minutes off grounds. 
All your life you’d shared a room with your siblings. Literally from the day they were born up until graduation. Your sister and you shared a room, sometimes forced to share with your brother. So of course you leaped at a chance for your own space, own area. 
And your now roommate, Louise Davis, was just the entry you needed. She was a biology major, you were there for political science and a minor for criminal justice. 
A good duo. 
There were rarely any classes together. You planned to take the necessary art class together though, a chance to have some time together where you’re not just mutually studying. 
And you’d now been roommates for two, going on three years. Like sisters practically. Told each other everything, and really… everything. You knew WAY too much about her love and sex life with her boyfriend, Jared. 
They’d been a whole ‘will they/won't they’ since freshman year but apparently sometimes over the summer he asked her out and they’d been together since. 
Which was swell and all but you were… not a fan of his roommate. Aaron Hotchner. You were there for the same major but he was always acting like he had all the time in the world for everything. 
You weren’t entirely sure you saw a time where he wasn’t grinning like a goof or laughing at something either he or Jared had said. 
In classes you shared, sure, he took notes. But at the same time he was drawing stupid little figures into the margins of his lined paper. 
Not that you took notice of them that much. Just those days he sat close enough that you caught a glimpse. You hated those days. 
The way he seemed to care less and less made you so… mad? Like he shouldn’t even be in these classes. This school even. Why you cared about his studies or lack thereof was completely questionable to you. 
But regardless, the nights where Louise begged you to go out with her and Jared were hard. You wanted to study, she told you there was still two weeks until the paper was due and practically dragged you out of the apartment. 
And each time it of course wasn’t just you two. Nope. Aaron was there. And sure, you should have been less stiff. Been able to let go, drink a few drinks, dance even. But all you could think of was that you weren’t home studying. 
Which was apparently noticeable by everyone around you. “Seriously, y/n, you need to take a break. I don’t think I have ever seen you just… be.” Louise had a large smile on her face, cheeks tinted red from the warmth and alcohol in her system. And her words were lighthearted. 
She wanted you to have a good time. To not be bound down because of your studies. Louise knew you were only this hard on yourself because you were the oldest of three, an oldest daughter at that and you knew you had to succeed. 
She knew. 
But she also knew that you needed to breathe. Find a way to be yourself in ways you wouldn’t let yourself. Which was evident with the shake of your head, “Lou, really, it’s bad enough I’m out right now instead of starting my essay for Korofsky’s class. The last thing I need is to get distracted.”
He was your harshest teacher and you were constantly terrified he’d write off your work and down play what you got. 
It wouldn’t surprise you. He always half offed the girls grades in class. How the hell did Aaron fucking Hotchner get a near perfect score on his probably half assed paper but you got a near ten points less?
You slept a total of five hours in the three nights it took you to write that. But he got a better score. Maybe that’s what ticked you off about the boy. 
He didn’t try. And apparently didn’t have to try like you did. And it got right up under your skin. Especially now, you needed to be home, writing and you knew that’s where you’d rather be. 
But he was out in the middle of the dance floor, probably three beers deep with Jared who was half dancing, half waiting for his girlfriend to join him. 
“Oh come on y/n/n. It’s one night.”
“A lot of stuff happens in one night. Seriously, you go dance. I’m good right here.” You said glancing around for any chance you could get to run off. Any chance. 
There didn’t seem to be one for a while after Louise ran off, her eyes going over to you too much to make a smooth getaway. 
And that dwindled when the Bain of your existence came up next to you, “why aren’t you out there?” Aaron questioned, out of breath with bright red cheeks. He leaned on the table, hoping it would give enough leverage that he could catch his breath. 
You gave him the cold shoulder, not responding. Not unusual. He noted the way you ignored his existence quickly. Did he have any idea why you hated him? Nope. Not a clue. But he wouldn’t lie and say it didn’t make him want to bother you more. 
He liked annoying you, hoping at some point you’d crack and decide that he wasn’t a horrible person. Because he wasn’t. He was just following his fathers footsteps. Which you didn’t know but that didn’t matter to either of you. 
“Oh come on, you’re gonna ignore me now too? This isn’t karofsky’s class where I’m asking for your notes.” He sighed, looking over at you, giving you an expectant smile when you looked back. 
Slightly you sighed, sipping the virgin Shirley temple you had in front of you, “I don’t want to be out there.” You gave in a monotone voice. Clearly wanting both him to go away and not talk to you. 
“Why not? They have some pretty good music-“
“I just don’t.” Your voice came out snappier than intended but the constant harassment of why you didn’t want to be out was just added to the annoyance of said instance. 
Somehow Aaron seemed to understand that, nodding, “Alright. If you want help sneaking out, I can help.” His offer genuinely surprised you. 
You looked him over, he was a college boy so you felt like you should be weary, but he was also friends with Jared who was nice enough for you to trust who he kept company with. 
Even with the slight hesitation you nodded, “Would you?” He nodded instantly. Unbeknownst to you he was all for secrets and assisting in them. 
“Course, come on. I’ll tell them you felt sick, walked you home.” He held his arm out to you which you took, shockingly, before walking out with him. 
Whether Louise and/or Jared noticed didn’t even matter, you seemed perfectly okay walking out of the small bar with the kid you swore up and down you hated and it wasn’t that horrible. 
That’s when things shifted. You had formed some sort of alliance with him. He acted like he wanted nothing to do with you so Jared would have a reason to tell Louise not to invite you out more. Which she hated and did anyway but when you said the same thing back to her she bit her cheek and dropped it. 
It was like a magical form of detestment. Except now you wanted to be around him. You didn’t put those thoughts over your work. Never ever. But when you went to class you didn’t mind if you ‘had’ to sit next to him. 
He didn’t seem to mind either. Especially not when you were the quiet one that had all your note taking stuff ready in front of you before class started and he got to just go off about some stupid shit Jared did that morning. 
A lot of the time you wanted to tell him to shut up, but truthfully you did happen to half smile at his words sometimes. And it was like he was chasing that. Like he wanted to see it. 
And maybe he did. 
But he’d never admit that. Not even on his death bed. Because he was nearly sure you were still indifferent to him. Which you weren’t. 
Lots of miscommunication and misunderstanding going on but neither of you were brave enough to confront it and set things straight. 
It wasn’t like you had given up on school, that was still your focus and 9/10 you were truly nose deep in your work or a text book for whatever class it was that kept you away from everyone. 
Near the end of the year it was worse. The last couple of months were hell. Your eyes burned more easily. Words blurred together on the paper and the library was practically your first home. Not even second. First. 
You’d leave there later than anyone, which was admittedly creepy (you were convinced it was haunted), but you still did it anyway. Getting there after your last class of the day and just pouring every remaining brain cell into the papers and homework that were due. 
It was tiring. Exhausting. The amount of times your hand cramped up from the fast paced cursive you wrote out couldn’t be counted on your fingers and your knee bounced with every second you had to reread a line. 
Because that didn’t say that did it? Oh it did… no it didn’t. 
You really couldn’t make out this last chapter for the semester, none of the words making any goddamn sense and it was making you so frustrated you wanted to cry. 
There was a throbbing in your temple that was working its way across your forehead and it really felt like your brain was going to explode. Could that happen? Who cares, that’s what it felt like. 
Honestly, your presence at the library was very noticed. If not by the librarians then the other students that also frequented. Can you guess who one of those students would be?
Aaron. He noticed because everyday he’d sit at least an hour to catch up on notes he’d missed in class thanks to whoever was kind enough to give him the in between stuff and each time he managed to find you. 
It helped that you had a designated spot. Honorary of course. You liked being in the corner, against the far wall. Sure you used one of the bigger tables but it was never clear. Always covered with something. A text book. Notebooks. Loose papers. Everything or a mix of it. 
Regardless it made it rather easy to spot you. The highlighter colored jacket you wore quite often brought his eyes over to you easily, plenty of times. 
A part of him thought he should stay where he was at but he just couldn’t ignore you. “Do you ever go home?” He asked as he sat across from you. 
No wait for an invitation, just… sat. You looked up at him without lifting your head. 
“Do you ever study?” Your voice tight. “Yes, now leave me alone.” You sighed, stressed enough as is, that you couldn’t focus on the words on the paper. Of course he didn’t listen, because why would he?
Instead he just stayed across, crossing his arms on the table and looking over at what exactly you were reading. “What class is that for?” He tried to question, a groan of annoyance leaving your mouth. 
“Do you know what leave me alone means?” You asked, finally looking at him. He scrunched his nose up, his eye doing the same as he hummed. 
“Mmm, not entirely. Come on, you never take a break… that’s gotta get tiring,” He continued, eyes on you fully.
It slightly burned that he was just staring, trying to ignore the way it made you slightly self conscious. “I don’t want to take a break. Can you just-“
“Leave you alone, yeah yeah, heard that before.” He said, “How about instead of interrogating you, I ask how your studying is going?” He shifted, you biting your cheek. 
“Admittedly not great.” You confessed for some reason, subconsciously craving some sort of buffer before returning to work as you sighed, “I’m trying to focus and it isn’t happening. You’re really not helping either.”
Aaron smiled, “Well if it already wasn’t going great then how much worse would I be making it?” He offered with a chuckle, tilting his head. 
You wanted to argue his words but, he sadly had somewhat of a point. “Oh shut up. I’m serious.” You ended up spilling how and why you had truthfully hit a block that was practically killing you. 
“Would it help if someone read it to you? Take notes from that?” He asked and for a second you thought it was a stupid question. But honestly, it could help. 
You shrugged, “Maybe? But it’s not like there’s an audio version of this just laying around.” You muttered, trying to focus on again as Aaron laughed lightly. 
“Well I was going to offer to read it myself but you seem to be very well off on your own so I’ll leave you to it.”
“Wait.” You cut him off, grabbing his hand as he went to stand and leave. “It’s worth a try. I really need to go over this tonight.” You felt crazy asking, even crazier for the fact that you’re hand stayed where it was the entirety of the time you spoke and as he sat back down in the chair. 
Quickly you pulled it back, turning the text book to him. “I’m here but honestly, I don’t know what the hell the first couple pages were so…”
You trailed off but he nodded, flipping to the opening page. “No worries, I’ll start from the beginning.” He replied casually, like he genuinely didn’t mind that he was here, helping. 
His voice was all you focused on as he read word for word, line by line through every last page. It truthfully was helping immensely that you could tell him to stop and he would, elaborating when needed. 
It was nice. 
But you’d never admit that. You kept the straight line of your lips on your face and no other emotion behind your eyes. You were in school for a serious degree that you were serious about getting. 
There was no need to mess around and get comfortable with a boy. At all. (But you wanted to.)
Instead of acting on anything you just let him read, unaware of how his eyes went over every once in a while, adoring the way your hair slipped over your shoulder. A chuckle leaving his lips when you told him to pause so you could tie back said hair. 
By the end you had a pretty solid few pages of notes and a satisfied Aaron. 
“Honestly, I think I understood more by reading that out loud than I ever have by reading it to myself.” He admitted, closing the book and slipping it over to your pile that was admittedly messy. 
You started putting away everything, glancing at him, “Yeah?”
“Yeah. Maybe we can make this a thing. I read, you write, I… copy the notes you take so I have a more digestible version?” He offered and you wanted to say no. 
Being with him as is was enough. But it helped a lot. And it helped him. God why did you care that it helped him too? You sighed, tightening the ponytail that had been made an hour ago, nodding. 
“How do you do it?” You asked, his look of confusion making you take in a breath. “You’re always laughing. Or goofing off. I hardly ever even see you take notes in class. This is a serious job we’re going into and you’re just… not. How do you do it?”
Aaron hesitated before shrugging faintly, “I don’t know, it’s just how I am I guess..” He trailed off, watching for your reaction and for an inevitable answer to his offer.
“Alright, we can do this again.” Your voice tight. Hiding… something behind it that he took note of, too tired to try and go into it today, well, tonight. It was technically tomorrow now since it was 1am. 
Aaron smiled, standing, “I’ll walk you to your apartment.”
“Your apartment is on the opposite side of campus. I’ll be fine.” You brushed off his statement, his dark brown eyes immediately darkening. 
“Y/n, it’s almost 1:30 in the morning and from here your apartment is on the opposite side of campus and then some. I’m walking you.” His words left no room for disagreement and truthfully you’d never seen him sound as serious as he just did. 
There was always some sort of goofiness or joke behind his tone. But this? You simply nodded at him, deciding to not argue and just go with it. He’d be the one walking back and forth. Not your problem. 
“Fine.” You muttered, finally zipping the backpack you brought with you up and lugging it onto your back. The weight of it did nothing but make your body ache but you had to carry it all so you learned to ignore it. 
Aaron glanced at you, “you want me to carry that?” His voice back to being lighthearted as he gestured to the bag. 
“I got it.” You said with a shake of your head, immediately feeling a bit guilty at how harsh that had come out so you glanced back at him, “thank you though.” A shift in your tone. 
Maybe you were starting to not hate him as much as you thought you did. 
“Y/n, are you listening to me?” Louise looked over at you, your nose in a book that was shockingly, not actually school related. It instead was just a pleasure read and you were trying to be content with that.
She wasn’t of course, “Oh come on. That’s not even for school and you’re still focused more on that than the fact I’m trying to plan you a birthday party?” Her weight was next to you in your bed in seconds, no sense of personal space known to her.
You sighed, tucking the small bookmark into the book and putting it on the bedside table. “Lou, I have told you like, a million and one times. I don’t want a birthday party. It’s not like it’s a milestone-”
“25 most definitely is a milestone. You have one year left at this school before you’re officially off, being whatever lawyer you’re going to be. This is my last year here. So therefore. Milestone. Now. I’m thinking we just do something at that bar we went to across town.” Louise rambled off, her legs crossing.
You pursed your lips, deciding to just give into her vision. “Okay, okay. So are you like, wanting ideas? Or?” You questioned, leaning back on your bed a bit to finally stretch some from where you were.
“Yes! Yes please. I know you like The Addams family and Halloween and it’s very out of season to do but would you want to do a costume party?” Her question made your eyebrows raise. How she even knew that you had no idea. 
It wasn’t like you were loud and proud about your likeness of the spooky season or the movie, aside from the fact you went and saw it three times when it came out. “That… would actually be really, really, cool.” You admitted,
“And before you ask, you can be Morticia, I know you’ve been dying to be her for halloween.” You didn’t even have to think as you spoke, you did love the movie but if you were going to dress up as anything it was going to be something completely different than what she would be thinking.
Louise’s eyes widened, “Oh I love you so much, okay, I’m gonna start planning everything, don’t worry.” She leaned forward to hug you tightly, practically snapping your back before she hopped up, already having a thousand ideas in her mind about the party.
On the same hand, you were thinking over what to be. There were two main options, pull out the Dorothy from the wizard of Oz dress from a couple years ago or look for a Princess Leia outfit. Considering you were recently back into Star Wars the latter won and you were hoping to god you could find something to wear.
The weekend of the party got here quickly. Quicker than you’d like but truthfully it didn’t matter much since you had already gotten all the pieces necessary for your costume, now just sitting in front of your mirror attempting to perfect the hairstyle Leia wore with it.
Different than the usual side buns since you opted for the more conservative outfit from Return of the Jedi. Meaning a nice braided crown was all you needed and was majorly simple in comparison to keeping the two buns even or stopping them from drooping. All would’ve been roadblockers. 
“Are you ready?” Louise’s voice called out, poking her head through the door. “Oh god, you are such a dork.” A small smile on her face. She’d already seen both Jared and Aaron’s costumes and was ready to leave.
You stood, turning, “Yeah, yeah, but does it look okay?” You questioned, worryful that it would look weird on you. Louise had seen the movies but she wasn’t as into them as you were. She came in, stepping around you.
“Amazing, come on. The boys are waiting.” She pulled your arm, taking you from the room and the two boys were in the living room. 
Jared of course was matching with Louise, a nice suit that looked like Gomez’ and his hair slicked back. It was fitting. Very nice.
You froze as you looked at Aaron, “Oh you’re kidding..” You muttered, looking over his brown pants, beige long sleeved shirt and dark blue vest down to the leg harness and fake gun that mirrored yours in it. “Han Solo?”
“Princess Leia.” He copied your questionable tone as you sighed, your eyes closing momentarily before you nodded. “Nice.” He didn’t mind (accidentally) matching the birthday girl, but the other two took note of the way your face went pink.
People would think it was on purpose. Everyone around was aware of that and apparently you were the only one that cared. “I’m going to change, I still have my Dorothy costume-”
“No! Y/n/n we are already late for your own party. You look amazing, who cares if you match Aaron? It’s cute. Now let's go.” She didn’t even give you time to head back into your room before she gripped your wrist and pulled you out the door.
The boys were right behind you and you couldn’t deny that you were aware of Aaron’s eyes on you. Because of course they were. The costumes were making his confidence grow, aside from the same degree, he wasn’t sure you had anything in common really aside from the friends you both kept.
But now? You liked Star Wars, he loved Star Wars. You knew enough of the movies to pick the least popular outfit from the trilogy and it honestly made his heart race. Just the thought of bringing the conversation up. 
He never knew what to talk about around you. All he could muster was laws and some criminology he learned from the criminal justice class he took. By the time you made it to the bar together, he had about three different topics he wanted to go on and on about.
A small chorus of cheers, mainly from Louise’s friends rather than people you actually knew greeted you and the party was on. You allowed yourself two drinks. Two. That was it. Alcohol wise anyway.
“Hey,” Aaron’s voice should have caught you off guard but considering he was one of maybe four people you actually knew here, two of which were already off sucking face somewhere, it didn’t. And you could tell at some point he’d show up.
How could he not? “Hi.” You were used to being around him now, the coldness you usually put off to him had dwindled to just a slight breeze if anything at all. Especially since he’d become your official book reader.
A smile was already on his lips but it grew when he realized you were past the ‘hating his guts’ phase, “Nice costume,” He of course started, your eyes lifting to his. There was a layer of teasing to his words. Aaron was well aware that you didn’t like the implications that an accidental matching costume had. Especially not a stereotypical couples costume.
“Maybe we should have discussed what we were going to wear more, huh,” He chuckled, sipping the beer he’d already gotten. You couldn’t judge that choice, you already had a dirty shirley in front of you as well.
A small hint of a smile attempting to grace your face but you pushed it away as you nodded, “Yeah, maybe.” You muttered, picking a cherry from your drink and eating it. Absent-mindedly you put the stem in your mouth, twisting it with your tongue into a knot and putting it on the napkin in front of you.
Aaron gaped at you, his eyes glancing from your face down to the stem before he nodded, “Next time…” He trailed off before clearing his throat and forcing himself to walk away from you. That was unusual. He never was the first one to stop the conversation, he always bothered you until you told him to go away.
Your eyes traveled to the stem, eyes widening. Oh. That… that made sense. The whole bar trick thing. You hadn’t even thought about that when you did it but now your face was probably the color of said cherry and you wanted to hide in the corner.
Eventually though, the instance fell to the back of your mind as you let yourself have a good time. The two drink rule also fell off, now having had about four, only the first had actually been picked by you, the others from various guests that were there.
And being the people pleaser that you were, you drank them.
Louise had found her way back out to the dance floor, happy to be singing along to the songs on the speakers with you, everything was going perfect. The night was perfect. As it hit midnight, the actual day you were born, you decided to start sobering up, you didn’t want to be a mess the next morning, day off or not.
Your friend of course gave you a pout, her own self completely wasted, Jared less so, meaning he had a good eye on her as they moved throughout the place. Your only other friend was a girl from your art class, Kendall, that was as introverted as you were.
Granted her was from anxiety, yours was from needing to be good in school, which… could be labeled as anxiety as well but you refused to see it as that. “Hey, y/n! Happy birthday!” She immediately perked up at seeing you, in her Orange Blossom costume from strawberry shortcake.
“Hey! Thanks, Kendall, I love this costume. Did you hand stitch this?” Your eyes widening at the level of detail that was in the yellow and orange dress that hung on her body. Sheepishly she nodded, a tad bit embarrassed.
“I did..”
“It looks amazing, I’m truthfully jealous of your talent. I can barely fold my clothes correctly, nevermind customize them. This is insane.” You complimented thoroughly, once again taking a look at the stitched in white flowers.
Kendall grinned, “Thank you, I honestly made this a couple years ago for a party that never ended up happening so I’m very glad that you and Louise ended up making this a costume party.” She smiled, looking over your costume. “I hope I don’t sound silly but, what’s your costume meant to be?”
She’d never seen Star Wars so the question was expected. “Princess Leia, in one of the other movies.” Kendall made an ‘oh’ face as she nodded, her eyebrows furrowing.
“Wait, isn’t there someone here as Han Solo? Was that planned?” Kendall asked the cursed question, making you sigh heavily.
You shook your head, “No, that’s Lou’s boyfriend’s roommate, a pain in my ass but no, not planned. Just… small coincidence.” You slightly trailed off as you spoke. Kendall nodded, noting the way you shifted on your feet.
“Well, I’m probably going to head out. I have to be up early tomorrow. Have a good birthday y/n.” She smiled before leaving you standing there as a slow song came over the speakers. You of course moved out of everyone’s way as they split into couples, swaying to the song on the dancefloor.
Your heart practically dropped when you saw Aaron coming in your direction. Was he going to do what you thought he was going to do? God you hoped not… sort of. Part of you wanted him to, your thoughts about this man were everywhere and then some. 
All of you wanted to still dislike him but he’d weaseled in and now you had to fake your distaste to hide the fact you actually liked having him around. Liked that he was smiling as he came up to you and held his hand out.
You liked that he gently clasped his hand around yours when you took his and pulled you out with him. You liked all of it and you hated that you did. Hated that you were melting at the smell of his cologne and aftershave.
Absolutely hated that his hands just resting on your hips and your arms over his shoulders was making your head dizzy even though you were just barely swaying. The worst part? It didn’t feel awkward. Not for you at least.
No, it felt like you were supposed to be doing exactly what you were doing, no words needed. It was natural. Absentmindedly you slid your fingers through the hair just at the base of his neck, the hair framing his face a bit messy but still attractive. 
Did you just think he was attractive? God this was getting bad, even for you. To tear your eyes away from him you leaned your head against his shoulder, whether that made things better or worse was undetermined but you stayed like that the rest of the song, his thumb slightly rubbing circles into your hip as he stayed near you.
The song switched to a more upbeat one and you almost didn’t want to pull away. Almost. Instead you did, letting out a tight breath as you looked up at him. “That was nice.” You mumbled, still standing in front of him, trying to keep your eyes on his eyes, or hair, or anything that wasn’t his lips.
Something had festered in between the two of you in that moment and you felt suffocated. Like you should do something but you weren’t sure what. “It was.” He said in return, his tone the same as he tried to keep his eyes up too.
To solve both of your problems you turned heel and walked away, no goodbye just a rushed, near jog towards the door. You were panicking. Boys were not supposed to be on the table. This was one of the most important years of your life. You couldn’t waste it on a boy. Waste any time on something that wasn’t your work.
Aaron seemed to notice how tense you seemed, following behind you. If you had just disappeared into the crowd he would have left you. But running outside? Alone? He was protective, always had been. Even when you hated him.
So he jogged after you, “Y/n! Hey wait,” He caught up with you quickly. Curse his long legs and your short ones. “Please,” He gripped your elbow, stopping you in your place as you turned to him.
Correction, turned into him, your body hit his chest gently, his other hand lightly holding your side as he stabilized you, his eyes darting across yours. “Are you okay?” He asked, his voice low, soft even as he spoke.
You felt like he could hear the sound of your heart picking up in your chest. You were. But you weren’t. You’d be better if you weren’t fighting every urge known to man to not lift up and kiss him. To not look at him with your y/e/c eyes until he kisses you.
And you sure as hell didn’t trust your voice right now. It could waver, stutter, multitudes of other things. So you just nodded, clearing your throat to let out a quiet, “Yeah.” In response that he didn’t believe. 
“People that are okay don’t run out of their own birthday parties.” He countered, your eyes falling shut in defeat. He wasn’t wrong. But you wished he was. You stepped back, his hands hesitantly sliding off of you, your bottom lip pulled between your teeth. 
Aaron watched you, waiting for a sign that you were going to continue or that he should make some sort of first move. “I can’t do this.”
“What exactly is ‘this’?”
“This. I can see how you’re looking at me. I can feel how much I want to do what we’re both thinking but I can’t. Not now. I need- I need to focus on school. My parents are expecting me to graduate next year. I can’t… be distracted-”
Aaron had to comment, “So you are distracted by me.” He spoke, the glare you sent him making him shut up. “Why can’t you have both? Am I really that distracting to you?” This time his voice was more genuine.
As if he couldn’t fathom that you could really think about him more than you thought about your school work. Which you didn’t and wouldn’t but in the last three-ish months he was on your mind a tad bit more than you’d like to admit.
“Yes. Yes you are and god Aaron I hate it. I hate this, you, what I’m feeling. They… they weren’t supposed to happen. They can’t.” It was like you were trying to convince yourself more than him. Every part of you wanted to try, to see if you could do it.
The way he stepped forward, cupping your cheeks in both of his hands didn’t help. Neither did the way he lifted your face to meet his. “We can try.” He said softly, trying to get you on board as his thumb slid over the smooth skin of your cheek.
You slightly shook your head, his nodding in return as he leaned down, putting his forehead against yours. “If Han and Leia can have a thing amidst a war, we can in college.” He offered, a lopsided grin growing on his face.
“You know we’re not actually Han and Leia, right?” You said, an actual tone of a joke in your voice that Aaron was still getting used to hearing from you. He nodded, of course he knew. But he also knew that he wanted to kiss you anyway.
So he did. Slowly he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours. Because at least if you shoved him off and decided you never wanted to see him again, at least he’d know what it felt like. What you felt like. Except that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
You immediately relaxed into his touch, your hands coming up to rest over his as your lips moved with one another's. It was like a ball of energy was forming between you that was stealing every bit of space left. 
His chest pressed against yours, his hands still on your face as your hands slid up his arms and over his shoulders. 
You stepped back with him, leaning against the brick wall of whatever building was behind you, arms locking over his shoulders. If you’d been at one or the other’s place, you were sure it would have gone further but since you were practically ten feet from a bar of all your friends, you pulled back, eyes darting across his face.
“We can’t.” You forced out, knowing it was tearing you apart to say that, knowing the way his shoulders and hands fell that you’d just tore him apart. And you hated it, but it had to be done. You couldn’t do this.
You wouldn’t.
Summer was supposed to be downtime. Your family loved going out to Newport and being out on the beach everyday. out on the beach everyday. Swimming. All that cool New England fun. 
You were never the type. You hated the ocean. Ironic considering the fact that Rhode Island is the ocean state but you just never had fun. 
Sand got into every small crevice of your body, the waves literally tried to drown you. Not to mention the way no matter how much sunscreen you put on, your cheeks and shoulders burnt. 
It wasn’t fun. 
But you went for your siblings. Because they liked it and you liked that they did. Your parents wouldn’t go into the water with them. Half the time they wouldn’t even acknowledge that the three of you existed. 
So you took that spot. Watching your younger sister (now 21) do her backflips while your brother (now 19) held his breath until he couldn’t. It was your own type of fun. 
Fun because you were with your family, not fun because you were at the beach. 
Your favorite part wasn’t being out. It was the aftermath. After you showered and ate and were just sitting in your living room with whatever movie was picked that day on the VCR. 
Your sister chose Casablanca and you didn’t put up any argument, knowing you’d be passed out and unconscious not even twenty minutes into the film.
Which is exactly what happened. You tucked yourself into the corner of the couch and were passed out before the clock even hit 10. There was always a sense of calm and comfort when it was the three of you.
Something that you rarely ever got when you were away. It made you kind of guilty that sometimes you thought of not coming back. Of staying down in DC and focusing on yourself rather than the lingering words and expectations of your parents.
But you couldn’t do that to them. Leave them with the lingering and watchful eyes of your mom and dad. It wouldn’t be fair. Not when you were walking in your parent’s dreams so they didn’t have to. So your sister could go off and be an author. So your brother could become a mechanic. So they didn’t have to bear the weight.
So you visited on holidays, on vacations, birthdays if you could. All of it, so your parents would have something, someone to be so overly proud of that they didn’t have to force their views anywhere else.
They had it all right there.
Even if the drive back down to the campus was 50% tears, it was worth it. Everything you did for them was worth it.
The three and a half months off of school had distracted you from everything of the last months on campus. From Aaron in general but also the way he’d kissed you. Nevermind the fact that the second you walked away from him you wanted to go back and kiss him again.
But no. This was your last year. You were focused. Or at least you planned to be. And it went well. Louise still lived in the apartment you two shared, even if she wasn’t in school anymore but she worked… a lot so she was never there. Which meant the place was yours to study and hermit in.
It made hitting the books way easier, and the fact that so far you hadn’t even caught a glimpse of Aaron Hotchner was another sign that maybe this year was going to be better. Way better. No seriously, the first four months of being back were perfect, you got near perfect scores and grades, no distractions, nothing.
Until you did see him. And everything came back. Seeing him walking across campus made you nearly drop the book in your hands. It didn’t help that your eyes followed his arm down to his hand that was clasped into that of another girl.
It shouldn’t bother you. There was nothing there. You made sure of that. That was your doing so you couldn’t be mad. Or jealous. Or anything. So you went the other way, as always avoiding any problems you might possibly end up having.
Unbeknownst to you, he saw you too, instantly feeling guilt build in his stomach at the feeling of the red head’s hand in his when he didn’t want it to be her. He wanted it to be you. But he respected you too much to push you.
Aaron was aware that he was your last priority and that he was going to have to get over it and step back. Nothing but respect for you. He also decided that he would try and stick to his own guns. 
Your words last year had stuck with him. He was passing sure but he wanted to do better. To be better so he did what you would do. Locked in, focused, but he of course wouldn’t go without talking to girls.
He couldn’t do that, to the girl he walked with that day, whose name had slipped his mind the second he saw you was his emotional distraction. Which should be good for the both of you. Hopefully.
It was late. Like, later than late and you couldn’t sleep. Whether it was stress. It being a Friday night meaning you were alone or what. You could not fall asleep. So you got up, pulled shoes and a sweater on before heading out.
There was practically nobody around, most students either in for the night, or downtown getting sloshed. Louise and Jared were the latter, probably with Aaron. You sighed, of course there would be a way for him to come up in your mind. And like he could read your thoughts, he practically appeared next to you.
In reality he came out of the library, his eyes immediately finding you and jogging to catch up with you. “Y/n? Why are you out so late? It’s a Friday, shouldn't you be sacrificing an animal to the law degree gods or something?”
Even with his ‘I’m going to be more serious’ mentality, he couldn’t help but relax when it came to you, the admittedly half assed joke making him grin. In turn a small one formed on your face, something you still weren’t used to.
How could he bring that look to your face when nobody else could? Louise tried but it took a lot. But with Aaron just him being him did it. “Couldn’t sleep.” You shrugged, continuing on. You knew telling him to go home was no use, if it was dark and you were alone, he’d find a way to stay with you.
“Right, so, going for a walk around campus was your idea of what? Getting tired?” He questioned, chuckling when you gently elbowed him.
“Don’t make fun of my ideas, I think they’re very swell.” You countered, him humming in response. The way you two bounced off of one another was so disgustingly natural you hated it. All you had to do was look at him to feel your cheeks burn, he was already watching you.
The slight and quick eye contact made your stomach flip as Aaron nudged you, “Not poking fun, just trying to understand.” He corrected. “If you’re going to walk around, at least be somewhere cool. C’mon.” 
He held his hand out and you wanted to ignore it. Wanted to laugh in his face at the thought of walking with him hand in hand but you took it instead. His hand enveloping yours in difference as you silently walked off campus and down one of the roads that led from it.
“Where are you taking me?” Your voice soft, no malice or accusatory tone to it.
“You’ll see.” Aaron replied, lightly squeezing your hand. And for a minute you forgot this isn’t what this was supposed to be. Forgot that you had sworn yourself off of him, of boys in general. That you weren’t meant to be holding his hand and walking the streets of DC.
But he just made it so easy, he was so welcoming. So casual. Like he had no ulterior motive to anything but he was savoring the moments you’d let him have. The fact that you let him walk next to you. You let him grab your hand. You let him feel what he felt even if he knew that you weren’t going to give in.
Aaron held out hope that you would. Eventually.
The park just down the road came up only fifteen minutes later. The longest fifteen minutes of your life, trying to keep your breathing even, both from the close proximity and the walking itself.
“You alright?” He asked quietly, the two of you entering the park and walking along one of the paths that lead to the water. 
You nodded, glancing over at him, “Yeah, I’m alright,” you replied in the same tone, lingering on him before you forced your eyes away. 
There honestly should have been something in you that reminded you that he was just with that other girl a few weeks ago, but his presence now was just so strong that it didn’t even cross your mind. 
All that mattered now was his hand in yours and how he was walking perfectly in step with you regardless of the height difference. The way he had a faint smile on his face without even looking at you. 
That was all you focused on. 
“Wanna sit here?” His voice cut into your thoughts, gesturing next to a tree right on the edge of the water. There was a perfect patch of flat ground where you two could sit so you nodded, following him right into the dirt. 
Both of you faced the river, backs hunched in terrible posture but neither of you really cared. “I’m sorry I ran off.” You spoke up after a few minutes, Aaron glancing over at you. “It was… childish. You didn’t deserve that.”
His hand was still in yours, his thumb beginning to stroke over the top of yours. “It’s okay. Hurt. But it’s okay.” Aaron replied, giving you the softest brown eyed gaze you’d ever seen. 
If you weren’t already head over heels for him, this would have made all of those feelings show up magically. “I still don’t know what I want.”
“That’s okay too.”
The quickness in his response, the sense of security it gave you, it made you sigh softly, “Is it?” You muttered, pulling your hand from his in fear he’d do it first. 
Aaron went to speak but you shook your head, “I don’t like feeling like this. I don’t like… you waiting around for me to finally be ‘ready’. What if I never am?” Slight panic layering into your voice. 
“Y/n, listen to me.” He leaned forward to catch your eyes, giving a small smile, “I’ll wait for you. Always. I want to.” And that should have been enough. 
That should have made you feel better but it didn’t. Though in an attempt to avoid the rest of the conversation, you laid back in the dirt, looking up into the leaves above you. 
He mimicked you, lying just to your left in silence. It also didn’t feel weird, forced even. Still it just felt natural. His hand going back to yours felt natural. All of it did. Because why wouldn’t it…
“Why’d you choose law?” Aaron asked after a bit of silence, turning his head to you. 
A light scoff at the way it was worded was what he got in response, “Choose is a bit of a stretch.” You murmured, rolling your tongue across your cheek. “That would equate to there being a second option.” You added. 
His eyebrows furrowed as he turned his head more, “You didn’t want to come here?”
“Well, I did. But not at the same time?” Your words confusing not only him but you yourself. “I knew it’s what my parents wanted. So it became what I wanted. You know?”
Aaron nodded slightly, “In a way. I mean I’m here because it’s a family thing. But I know it’s what’s right. I wanted it.”
“A family thing?”
“Yeah, my dad was a lawyer. And my grandfather. My little brother is probably going to be too… family thing.” He sighed, looking back up. 
You slightly lifted onto your elbow, “Is that why you weren’t as serious the last couple years?” You asked, Aaron shrugging in response. 
There wasn’t really a solid reason that he was so lighthearted. It was just how he was. “I guess. But, I’m past that.”
“Yeah I can tell,” you said sarcastically, gesturing to where you two were right now. Aaron laughed fully, nodding. 
“Okay, point taken. But I’m serious, I’m focusing on school more this year, my last year and I want to just… get it done.” He explained, watching as you lifted onto your elbow to look at him. 
His eyes traveled across your face, his lips pursing as you looked down at him, “don’t look at me like that.” He muttered, eyes on yours. 
“Like what?” Your eyebrows pulled together, there wasn’t anything specific about how you were looking at him. You just … were looking. 
Aaron slightly shook his head, “Like that,” he gestured at you, “like you understand and that you get it because, it’s making it really hard to respect the fact you don’t want to kiss me again.” He sighed out softly. 
You immediately bit back a smile, laying back down, “apologies.” You said softly, inching your hand closer to his, your pinky outstretched. 
His looped around yours in response and you allowed yourself to smile this time, shivering slightly. “Are you cold?” He immediately asked, already taking the hoodie he had on, off and putting it around you before you even replied. 
“I didn’t even answer you.”
“You didn’t have to.”
You looked over at him, shifting slightly closer to rest your head against his shoulder, “what if you get cold?” You muttered, hand officially slipping into his. 
“I’ll be just fine.” He replied, his head leaning against yours and you just about melted. Feeling the slight vibration of his voice as he spoke made your brain all foggy and you started to wonder if ignoring these feelings would be more distracting than just giving into them. 
But you tucked that back away for the night, the two of you ending up falling asleep right there, his hoodie the only source of warmth until he pulled you to him, your bodies making up for the lack of heat around you. 
That morning you were gone before he even woke up, the sun rising having stirred you from your sleep and shining directly on what was wrong with what you were doing out there. 
His hoodie was still over your shoulders as you practically ran back to your apartment. Truthfully you didn’t even notice until you caught sight of it in the mirror by the entrance and it made your heart pound. Now you had to see him again. 
Not that you didn’t want to. He was literally eating away at your brain. If you weren’t thinking about school, it was about him. 
If he wasn’t thinking about school, he was thinking about you. It was a very balanced experience. And you could live with it.
Until you failed a test because you were sitting two seats away from him and the smell of his cologne was wafting right to your nose. 
That was when you decided you had to do something about this. Anything. 
Which apparently meant actively avoiding him at every turn and step. He came out of a building, you took the long way around to go in. 
He was sitting in the back of class, suddenly you were okay with sitting in the front row. You stopped asking him to meet up at the library, not wanting to hear his voice any more than you already did. 
It worked tremendously. Eventually you could find yourself actually focusing on classes again. Your grade sailing. 
It was short lived though. 
“Y/n, someone’s here for youuu,” Louise sing-songed as she passed your bedroom door, trotting into her own to change for the night out she had ahead of her. 
You furrowed your brows, heading out to the living room and seeing Aaron standing there. You wanted to tell him to go away but something in his eyes made you stay. He didn’t look great. 
“Aaron?” You asked softly, looking over his face. As soon as you said his name his lip began to quiver, fighting off a frown. 
Immediately you stepped up to him, pulling him down into a tight hug, “hey… hey… it’s okay… I got you…” you said softly, arms over his shoulder as you kept him to you, his face burying into your neck. 
“I’m sorry for coming here I just- I didn’t know where else to go and Jared’s going out-“
“Aaron, breathe. It’s okay… what happened?” You pulled back slightly, cupping his face in your hand, the other rubbing across his shoulder with your thumb. 
He sucked in a breath, shaking faintly as he did, “My dad..” he muttered, unable to even phrase the truth, your heart dropping. 
“Oh Aaron…” you whispered, pulling him into another tight hug as Louise came out of her room, her eyes widening slightly at the sight in front of her. 
She silently gave you a faint smile, not interrupting as she left, her own date taking precedence over all of this. 
Your fingers laced through his hair as he let a soft sob out, tears now freely streaming down his face. All you could do was stand there, being someone that could comfort him. 
“Why don’t you come sit down?” You offered, hesitantly pulling back in case he wasn’t ready to move. 
He nodded faintly, you just now able to take in the disheveled look of him. His pajamas were wrinkled and his shirt was inside out as if he had pulled it on in a hurry to get over to you. 
And maybe he had. You didn’t mind. “I’m gonna make you some tea, okay?” You offered quietly as he sat on the couch, your hand still on his arm as you spoke. 
“You don’t have to-“
“I know exactly what you’re going through. I’m making you a damn tea.” You said more firmly, no room for argument as you turned to the kitchen. 
The fact he came here over any of his friends made little sense to you but if it made him feel better the least you could do was help him. 
In five minutes you’d made two cups of tea and brought them out. “I made a green and a chamomile. I don’t know which you want so you can choose.” You offered as you sat next to him, both mugs placed on coasters. 
Aaron grabbed the chamomile, immediately sipping it. “Thank you.” His voice stuffy from the crying he’d done, a weight pulling at your chest. 
“Of course.” You gave him a reassuring smile, knowing there wasn’t really much else you could do for him. 
He was silent and you followed suit, letting him manage how he wanted this all to go. “Can I ask you something?”
You nod. 
“You said you know what I’m going through,” he started, seeing you nod, “but Jared said you go up to your parents house in Rhode Island for vacation?” 
You sipped the other tea, “Yeah, they’re uh, my adoptive parents. They adopted me when I was 15.” You clarified, Aaron nodding faintly in response. 
“Oh.” He paused, “Sorry if that was-“
“Don’t you dare apologize right now, really,” your voice gentle. “I get it.” He faintly shifted, putting the mug back down as he looked at you. 
“Sorry, I mean- okay..” he stuttered slightly, a chuckle coming from you. 
“You should stay.” You suddenly said, the thought coming to your mind and immediately being said, no filter between the instances. 
Aaron looked over quickly, “I couldn’t ask you to do that.” He sighed out, his eyes red around the brim, your heart aching at the sight.
“You didn’t ask. I offered. And I mean it. Stay. Plus I’m pretty sure Louise and Jared are going to go back to your place so really, you’re better off here anyway.” The small smile you gave him was all it took for him to agree, glancing around at the couch.
It wasn’t that outlandish of an offer, your parents had raised you to be caring and empathetic, meaning you instantly turned down the fact he thought you’d make him sleep out on the couch. “You can take my bed, I probably won’t sleep anyway. Studying and all that.” You shrugged as if the offer came as second nature.
Not that that was that far off of a statement.
“I’m not taking your bed.” Aaron muttered, you looking up at him. It felt like you were suffocating, the way your eyes met and all the feelings, emotions tight between you two.
“Fine. We’ll share then.” Knowing you weren’t kicking him out at all. Not when your instinct right now was to pull him into a tight hug and hold him there forever. Not when you wanted to card your fingers through his hair and whisper that things would be okay.
That it would hurt for a while but eventually you’d feel better. All the things you wanted to do to help the man next to you, took precedence over everything in that moment. And that was scary. But you ignored the fear and took his hand in yours.
Aaron smiled weakly, locking his fingers into yours as you stood, “Come on.” You spoke so softly, like some sort of angel singing down to him. He’d follow anything you said to him then. Anything at all. Which was a bit terrifying but you simply led him to your room, motioning to the bed.
“Get comfortable, I’m gonna put some pajamas on.” You gave him a light smile before grabbing said clothes and heading into the bathroom to change and coming out not even ten minutes later to Aaron still sitting at the end of your bed.
You slightly raised your eyebrows, looking at him, “I couldn’t lay down. Don’t make fun of me.” He said quietly, you taking the spot just to his right, one leg tucked up under you as you reached your hand out.
“Can you now?” You asked softly.
“Yes.” Aaron looked over you, in shock still that you were this open to him, that you had offered not only your apartment but your bed to him. 
You nodded faintly, shifting to the top of the bed, pushing the blanket down and officially inviting him to the comfort of your mattress. It smelled like you, the entire room did. Strawberries and vanilla, the scent you’ve favored since middle school lingered on every surface and Aaron loved it.
He laid next to you, keeping space, still not knowing exactly what was allowed and what wasn’t. Was this a sign you guys were in the clear? Was it just a formality? He had no idea, so for the first time he let you lead things.
As if you could tell that was what he was waiting for, you rolled to face him, thinking over your next actions. Without much extra thought, you grabbed his hand, pulling his arm up and around your shoulder to keep him closer, your other arm slinking over his waist.
“Is this okay?” You asked quietly, Aaron nodding almost instantly, “Cause if you want to lay differently…” You trailed off as he looked down at you, only shifting to lean his forehead against the top of your head.
“This, is perfect.” He let out a sigh, his mind racing. Everything from the news of his father’s death to the way you’d finally let him in. It was a double edged sword that this is what it took. That the loss was what got him here.
The next morning was completely different to the last time you’d woken next to him. Last time you took off before the sun even cleared the sky, this time, you shifted slightly to look up at the man next to you. 
The window in your room let a decent amount of sunlight in, the curtain covering it parting in just a way that a streak of sunlight hit right over his face. 
He was gorgeous. If that was even a word you’d like to use for him. Regardless it’s exactly what you thought of him. Aaron Hotchner was beautiful and you were tired of acting like he wasn’t. 
As if he could feel your stare, he stirred, stretching his legs as he blinked himself awake. There was still a layer of sleep in his eyes as he glanced down at you, no attempt to look away being made by you. 
“Morning…” you said softly, twisting a small bit of his shirt between your thumb and index finger. 
“Morning,” his voice even more attractive as he woke up, immediately making your face heat up at the thoughts that darted across your mind. 
You lifted onto your elbow, looking down at him, “How’d you sleep?” You asked softly, moving your hand off of him as you did. 
Aaron hummed, letting out a breath, “Better than I expected.” He said, grabbing your hand in his, wanting some form of physical connection between the two of you. 
“Good, that’s good.” You said quietly, eyes trailing down your arm to where your hands were connected. “We should probably get up?”
“I’m not ready to.” Aaron said so freely, the fact he didn’t even try to hide how he was feeling made you almost giddy. 
A smile came to your face, one you didn’t bother smothering. “That’s okay, right here is good too.” You replied, pulling your lip between your teeth sheepishly. 
Being near him made your brain go haywire and you hated it so damn much. 
But you were okay with getting used to it. 
“Aaron?” You asked softly, still leaning up, over him slightly. He practically read your mind, using the clasped hands to pull you down, lifting his chin to catch your lips on his.
You couldn’t even be surprised, the look on his face before gave his intentions away as you let him pull you close, his other hand cupping the side of your face. 
His finger slid into your hair, holding you closer than you ever had before. 
Maybe it wasn’t the right time to do this. But he would rather be kissing you than thinking about his home life, so he acted on it. 
Moving his lips with yours until you wanted to stop. Which you didn’t. So he shifted up, rolling the two of you over so he was hovering over you, pulling away slightly. 
You blinked a couple times, letting out a slightly shaky breath, “is this really a good time to do all of… this?” You asked, wanting to do nothing less than all of it. 
“The perfect time actually,” he murmured before kissing you again, deeper than before.
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TAGS: nobody yet technically but these people whoop whooped so.. @pastelpinkflowerlife @p0pscenealright and @thestarrynightslover for saying they'd read it... thank you for your service
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nonstoplover · 1 year
flashes of silver ~ lewis hamilton (lh44)
my masterlist | my f1 masterlist
pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!reader
summary: with the annual fia gala coming up, lewis decides to do something as a kind of thank you to his hard-working team, and invites one of the girls working for mercedes as his plus one.
words: 3.4K
warnings: cheesy fluffy stuff; a possible age gap if you squint your eyes but nothing actually mentioned; probably not accurately written shop scene (if you can't tell, i've never been in any fancy shop lol)
a/n: i had a dream. one simple dream that pulled me out of the past few months' writer's block. it was a bit of a struggle though to kinda get back into writing rhythm but whatever. i needed to get this out of my system before i go mad. first lh44 fic also!
please, don't be a ghost reader, leave a comment or rb!
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"I don't have any dress that's good enough for a gala," she shakes her head ferociously, her eyes not leaving the man standing before her. She still can't fight the small voice in her head telling her that it's just a joke. A prank, probably for the team's social media pages. Why else would he approach her with something so ridiculous?
Under her curious, cautious gaze, Lewis just reaches into his pocket, and without breaking eye contact for a single second, pulls his card out and places it on the desk in front of her. "Go buy yourself something then. You deserve it anyway."
All words leave her mind, it's like her vocabulary has been completely erased. The only thing she can do is allow her eyes to widen in sync with her lips, as she tries to comprehend what she's just heard.
"Come on, take it," he encourages with a small smile.
When she still doesn't move an inch, the man playfully sighs, extending his arm to grab the card once more. With his other hand, he reaches even further, under the desktop to take hold of her hand resting on her lap. A gentle but still dynamic movement later he's pried her fingers open and placed the card in her palm. His own fingers stay there, flesh to flesh, for a second longer, before closing her fist around the plastic and retreating his touch.
As the air-conditioned, cool air hits the back of her hand again, (y/n) wakes from her trance. Her eyes flash up and down a couple times, from the driver to the card and back again. "I can't spend your money. I won't spend your money."
"I have more than enough, it's okay."
"That doesn't change what I said."
"(y/n), please. I already told the entire media team that I'm taking you. I told even Toto." Lewis presses his hands against the wooden surface and leans against it for support as he continues to stand at her desk.
The way he keeps on insisting this for the past five minutes makes her start to wonder that maybe, just maybe, he actually means it, and this is not a joke.
He can still hear the disbelief in her voice, and has to control himself not to roll his eyes as he giggles. "I already told you like twice since I came here."
"But it doesn't make sense. I mean, I get it, you wanna give something back to the team for their hard work or whatever, but why don't you take literally anyone else than me?"
"You're next in line," he shrugs.
Why do his eyes always have to be so kind and so lovely and so heartwarming and so–, she stops herself before she spirals down that rabbit hole again.
"You've been working here for years, having my back all the time, and so I figured it would be a nice thank you, from me to you."
"You know, an actual thank you would be sufficient," she smiles lightly up at him after a second of silent ponder – the first crack in her indevout façade, and the first tiny wave of relief in his body.
"Okay, you know what?" Lewis pauses, waiting until her eyes flash with pure curiosity, all caution forgotten. "We're going dress shopping together. Right now."
(y/n) lets out a chuckle that comes to an abrupt stop when she sees him hold his hand out, palm up and open, obviously waiting. For her. He means it.
"I'm working," her mind says the first response it can come up with – earning an imaginary slap when she actually realises what she's just said.
(y/f/n) would kill me if she heard this, she thinks with certain memories of her avid LH44 fan best friend appearing in her mind. Who in her right mind would find an excuse to say no to an offer like this from Lewis Hamilton himself?
"I'm sure your boss will understand if you tell him who you were with and why," he chuckles, the sound making the tips of her fingers tingle and her heart flutter.
"Oh, right," (y/n) lets out a laugh, cheeks turning red in slight embarrassment as her eyes flicker down to the keyboard sitting in front of her. Her boss, Toto Wolff definitely wouldn't mind if he already agreed to this crazy plan previously.
"So, you coming?" Lewis wiggles his fingers, gathering the girl's attention. She slowly raises her head, mentally preparing herself for what she's about to do, then as if the world has abruptly changed to slow motion, (y/n) watches her free hand move up and a long second later arrive into his still waiting palm.
Just in time with his fingers tightening momentarily around hers, she can hear her own laughter jingle loud. Is this a dream?
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"You're beautiful," Lewis greets her as the chauffeur closes the car door behind her, his smile creating wrinkles in the corners of his eyes – something she's always found absolutely adorable.
"Thanks," she mumbles in response, struggling to keep eye contact when she notices the intense look in his gaze.
"Maybe you could give me your stylist's number."
Upon hearing this, (y/n) can't help but glance at the driver sitting next to her, lips curling into a wide grin, exactly how he wanted. "I don't know, I'd have to ask him first to see if he agreed," she answers and they let out a giggle at the same time, both of them remembering that one afternoon a few days back.
"We really shouldn't go in here," (y/n) stops short on the pavement, her heels pressing down on the asphalt.
"We really should, though," Lewis grabs her hand without even glancing her way, pulling the girl behind him right into the shop.
"Lewis!" she hisses, stumbling in her steps as she rushes to keep up with his relentless pace. "One dress here costs more money than all I've ever earned."
"Then it's good that I already told you I'm paying," comes his immediate, somewhat deadpan reply.
He doesn't stop and doesn't let go of her hand, not until she's in the spacious changing room in the back of the extremely fancy dress shop, along with a mountain of colourful, unambiguously expensive materials. "I'll be out here waiting," he announces, then leaves her with the shop assistant, drawing the heavy, thick curtain closed behind him.
What feels like a million dresses later, the young woman helping her dress lets out an approving gasp, loud enough that even Lewis can hear it from the other side, as he's scrolling on social media sitting in the almost overly comfortable armchair, the sound piquing his interest. With one firm push to her shoulder, the woman twirls (y/n) around until she comes face to face with the huge mirror.
The silver silk is still rippling around her legs from the sudden movement, reflecting the light and thereby making her practically shine. It's modest, with thin straps on her shoulders and the neckline not too revealing, a monochrome, bright silver dress  – and (y/n) has to admit to herself that the material tightly hugging her torso is the most magical thing her skin has ever touched. She feels almost royal in it.
For the first time since they've arrived in the shop, she doesn't feel like a clown and all ridiculous when the curtain gets pulled back and Lewis raises his head to catch a glance at her. Her skin tingles and heart flutters as his eyes move down and then up again on her body just like they did several times in the past hour or so – but the nervous feeling finally gets replaced with something new, something exciting.
One simple, consenting inclination of the man's head in an upright motion, and time speeds up. The next couple minutes go by in a blur, and by the time she at last emerges from the changing room for the final time, now in her original clothes – that feel almost painfully too ordinary after the magnificent dress – Lewis has already arranged everything, and is simply waiting for her at the counter.
(y/n) thinks about the excitement she felt when she woke up in the morning, knowing that in a few hours, her dress will be delivered and she can feel the smooth, cool silk wrap around her body once more.
Now she allows her eyes to truly take in the man next to her, curiosity getting the best of her as she shamelessly checks him out. He refused to let her know what he's going to wear, only making her a promise that they're going to match. Now his body is wrapped in a suit, one that's seemingly made from the same silver silk that she has on, with something white peaking out from under it – but (y/n)'s just unable to look away from the suit itself, not even for a second. She can't help but think about how regal he looks, how he's so easily going to outshine anyone in the room. How the two of them are going to shine together. Silver, like the team they both work for. Like the Silver Arrows.
"Like it?" His voice breaks her out of her trance, and she blinks the thoughts away, hoping the makeup the girl Lewis was kind enough to arrange for her applied some time earlier effectively hides the flushed colour of her cheeks.
She nods. "You look amazing. As always," she adds, almost as an afterthought, eliciting the famous giggle from his lips, and thereby sending the flutters in her whole body into overdrive.
"We look amazing, love," he smiles, momentarily reaching over to squeeze her hand that's laying on top of her thigh, and she has to focus with all she has not to reveal in any way the effect him calling her that has had on her.
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How on Earth did I get into this situation?, she wonders, eyes frantically searching for the familiar sight of Lewis in the crowd of people.
As soon as he's left her side, people flocked her like predacious birds. Not just some people, no. People who've been waiting to catch her alone ever since they arrived. People whose work includes creating drama with made up stories and rumours all too often. Journalists.
(y/n) sees no way out as they keep trying to make conversation with her, their questions whizzingly filling her ears and mind.
"Are you his girlfriend?"
"How long have you been dating?"
"It must be serious if he took you to a gala like this, with matching outfits, is it really?"
"How can someone like Sir Lewis Hamilton, dream of millions of women, who could have anyone he wanted, choose someone like you, plain, and really, a nobody?"
This is the question the driver hears when he gets back from the counter offering drinks, a glass each in his hands. His eyes widen, realising his mistake of leaving her alone even for only such a short time. He should've known better. He should've expected journalists here, who would come up with their theories, just because his plus one to this event is a woman they've never seen, at least definitely not with him before. He just assumed – mistakenly, as he can now see – that to a high prestige event like this, such vultures won't get invited.
This is the question that makes his mind cloud with anger. How could any person in their right mind say this to someone, anyone, but especially to such a gorgeous young woman that she is. Without a second thought, he pushes care out the window and behaves on instinct. With a softly spoken pardon, he pushes his way through the group of journalists, stepping up to her side. Even in his slightly foggy state of mind he can see – or more likely feel – the way her shoulders drop a little, relief obviously coursing through her veins finally as she moves just an inch closer to his body. Seeking for protection.
His arm moves next, on its own accord really, as he hands her one of the drinks he's brought, then uses his now free hand to snake it around her waist, pulling her tight into his side. All this happens in one short second, and in the next one, he's turning his head to press a soft but lingering kiss on her temple.
Then, as if he's just remembered the gathering of people around them, looks away from her once more, searching non-stop with his eyes until he finds that one journalist who said the final question before his arrival, his stare turning cold and almost deadly. He can faintly hear the girl next to him stutter to get an answer out, but precedes her with one simple sentence aimed mainly at that person his eyes are still trained on.
"You mean, how could someone like me get a woman so breathtaking as her, right?"
A beat passes when no one speaks, when no one seems to dare even to breathe, then he continues, his stare finally moving back to (y/n), gaze softening. "Because to be honest, even I don't know, still looking for an answer."
Lewis smiles, sweet as ever, as if nothing like that death stare has just happened, before lifting the glass in his hand to take a sip. As the alcohol swirls around his tongue, a sudden thought pops in his mind, and within a second, he's reaching out, and with the backs of his fingers he touches her jaw, to make her turn her head towards him gently. Then, like nothing is more natural than this, he leans in and presses a kiss on her lips. To try and make what he's said even more believable.
The prior couple seconds have already left (y/n) completely bemused and speechless, but this one action of his tops them all. Her heart nearly jumps out of her chest, and she can feel her eyes being extremely wide from the surprise she's feeling, his words being on constant replay in her ears. As her mind slowly catches up to her and realises what he's most probably playing at, she pulls herself together to play her part, not wanting to ruin the act and thereby making a fool out of him – meaning simply melting into his kiss, which is really not that hard, to be frank.
As he pulls away, Lewis gazes at her a little longer than he necessarily needed to, then with a simple, murmured excuse us to the journalists and with his hand leaving her waist only to intertwine their fingers, he pulls her away from the spot. He keeps on moving until he's pulled her into an empty corridor, not stopping until he makes sure they are fully alone – leaving that one journalist to stand in shame, while the others can't help but think slyly about what the reason behind his hurried exit with his girlfriend could be.
In line with his abrupt stop, he drops her hand immediately, turning towards her in one swift motion with an unexpected shy, apologising look in his eyes. Before she can gather her thoughts and say anything, his voice already rings out in-between the walls of the corridor. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable – and I truly hope I didn't – and I definitely did not just use this situation for my own gains, to get some juicy stories of me in the papers or whatever, and I will never step over these boundaries again, I just wanted to stop that bullshit that journalist has started."
He would probably keep on talking if it wasn't for her hand gently being placed on his forearm. (y/n) smiles up at him as echoes of his last, firmly stated sentence still faintly ring out. "Lewis, it's okay." The driver stops and takes a breath. "You didn't have to do it though, it's not your job to... protect me from anything, especially not from what random people say."
Thoughts finally start to make sense in her head again, but before she can get a word out, he rambles on. "And I want you to know that what they spoke was completely wrong. I meant it, what I said back there, word for word. Well, except the part about me getting you since obviously we're nothing like that, but I just wanted you to know that it's the truth."
"I know, but I wanted to. Couldn't bear the thought of you living on with these words in your head about yourself," Lewis replies with a small smile finally gracing his face once more.
Her eyes break the eye contact as they move down to inspect her shoes, her cheeks suddenly feeling quite hot. "Thank you. It was very lovely of you."
Those heavy brown eyes of his don't leave her face, following her every movement, and the same thoughts come back to his mind that he was thinking right after that very kiss. As if she could read his mind, she continues speaking, now a little louder, braver. "Especially the kiss," she says, though with an even darker red shade colouring her cheeks. "You definitely didn't have to do that, it was believable enough without it."
When he doesn't say anything, she takes a deep breath, and with that, looks back up again only to find him wordlessly watching her. Her glance flickers to his lips, noticing some residue of her lipstick smeared around his skin there. With eyes widening, she's fast to reach up and wipe it off, mumbling under her breath something about the deep red colour.
Lewis thinks for a second, eyes focused on her lips for a moment longer – something that she just catches when she finishes wiping the residue off –, then his glance moves further up her face to stare into her eyes, with an abrupt seriousness and determination gleaming on his face.
"And what if I say that it wasn't a part of that whole play pretend? Not really."
Her breath catches in her throat as her mind scrambles to comprehend his words and what he could possibly imply with them. "What do you mean?" she mumbles in the end, the tips of her fingers starting to itch in their sudden shaky state.
"What if I say I wanted to kiss you in that moment?"
Lewis takes a long second to pause, in which he examines her reaction carefully to know if he should continue or not. He looks all around her face, searching for clues – and easily finding them. In how her eyes sparkle in a way he's never seen them shine before, how her cheeks are flushed bright pink, how her lips slightly open in shock but their corners are curling up into the beginnings of a smile.
He decides he can safely continue.
"What if I say I want to kiss you in this moment?"
Her fingers twitch, her heart skips a beat. In that same second, his fingers reach out to grab hers, pulling them to his chest, only to press them down right there immediately. Through the cold-to-the-touch silk, she can clearly feel his heart beating in a rapid rhythm, almost equalling hers.
(y/n) lets her eyes follow their hands, momentarily mesmerised by how beautifully their skins blend into the other, through the cracks in-between his fingers that are nearly covering all of hers. Then her glance moves higher, right to his lips, before slowly, eventually arriving to his eyes. She doesn't find it in herself to speak, doesn't trust her lips and her voice to be able to say what she truly feels and means, and so only moves her head in the tiniest of nods, careful not to break eye contact.
Lewis has been attentively waiting for her response for several long seconds now, being ready for whatever it might be. When it comes, he jumps on the opportunity like there's no tomorrow, like he's scared she might change her mind if he waits a second longer, and catches her lips with his own in a single movement, once more in the past five minutes, but this time with much more meaning to it.
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notes: oh god the way i pictured this so vividly in my head following nothing but a damn dream my mind came up with... ever since then i couldn't get it out of my head. i know i didn't do it justice with how i've written it, but honestly? i just needed to write it down before i go crazy. (and to think that i'm not even that crazy of a lewis fan... what this could've been if i was?!)
my masterlist | my f1 masterlist
taglist: formulapierre
if anyone wanted an idea about the dress i had in mind while writing:
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Back in Time P.1 ⏳| Agent K/MIB Imagine
An AU of MiB—takes place during MIB3
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Part 2 | my masterlists
Characters & Pairings: Agent K x MiB agent!reader (romantic)
Content warnings: fluff, profanity, angst, mentions of death, violence, age gape (read the note below), cannon divergence, suggestive themes, shitty realities women & queer had to go through in the 60s, friends/strangers-to-lovers | female!reader (she/her) | wc 9.3k
Premise: The universe was full of secrets. Y/I learned that in 1997 when she signed her name on the dotted line, swearing her life to MiB with the promise to protect all life: humans and visitors alike. But her world flips upside down in 2012, when the secrets her longtime partner K come knocking at their door. Leading Agent Y/I to go on a wild goose chase to 1969 and employ a young K to stop a madman from killing him...but he doesn't know that just yet.
Note: disclaimer I do not own MiB or the characters mentioned, This is fanfic for fun and while most of the scenes are from the MiB movies I did change most of the dialogue for Y/I. ALSO here is the whole age-gap thing: K was born in 1940, reader born in 1964--24 yr age gap (I know I said I’d never do large age gaps more than 10+ years but this is one exception.) In 1997 K is 57, reader is 33. In 2002 K is 62, reader is 38. In 2012 K is 72, reader is 48. In 1969 K is 29, reader is 48, young reader is 5. Your Initial = Y/I, Y/h/c = your hair color, y/e/c = your eye color. In the movie Boris killed on July 15th, 1969, changed this to July 11th 1969.
Y/I = Your First Initial. Y/h/c = Your Hair Color
The last thing Y/I expected when she woke up that morning and headed into HQ was she’d be the only one to remember her grumpy, always serious, and sometimes melodramatic partner, Agent K. The man who showed her there was more than what meets the eyes in the stars of the night sky. A shooting star? More like the source of a new arrival. As humans were not the only ones to call Earth their home.
Aliens walked among them.
Y/I remembered it like it was yesterday. One minute she’s chasing a culprit in New York as Detective Y/n L/n of the NYPD, the next she’s being fitted in a black suit, identity wiped across all government systems, donning only her initial, Y/I. From there her life turned a complete 180.
Over the course of their 15-year partnership there was never a dull moment. Well 10 years actually when you count the fact the first five years of Y/I career was without K. They’d safely captured the galaxy and disposed of the bug in 1997, her first job after K recruited her. Then he goes saying he wants to retire and orders Y/I to nueralize him. The next five years Y/I went through partners like clockwork. Unable to connect to one like K and neuralzing them left and right.
It just wasn’t the right fit. Which confused the woman greatly because they had literally been partners for a week. Surely anyone else could fit the role. But for some reason Y/I butted heads with everyone Zed set her up with.
Then in 2002 all leads at finding the Light of Zartha points back to K, causing Y/I to recruit him back to MIB and remind him of the life he once had. Of course the task was better said than done. K was as stubborn and cynical even without his MIB persona, believing to have been in a coma for 35 years.
Y/I wanted to strangle him the second he got his memory back. Furious to discover the bastard had neuralized himself so he’d forget where he put the Light of Zartha. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
Of course K had a plan. He always did. Which was annoying for the young agent since he hardly ran his ideas past her before going through with them. Honestly Y/I believed K was betting on luck half the time.
But who was she to complain when it always worked in their favor.
The most downright awkward moment between the two happened during their high speed chase trying to get Serleena off their trail. K, forgetting he’d been away from MIB for five years and that the cars were newly modeled, pressed the red button causing them to go into hypersonic mode. And Laura, who Y/I had been casually seeing over the course of the investigation and had grown rather affectionate of the beautiful woman, got to witness it all from the backseat.
“Okay here we go automatic pilot,” K fiddled with the controller resembling one that belonged to a playstation before pressing a button, prompting a decoy to pop out in front of K. Unfortunately, a decoy was all it was. Not taking control of the ship at all causing K to lean over with annoyance plastered on his face. “It is not automatic pilot.”
“He doesn’t operate at hyperspeed,” Y/n’s gave an ‘I told you so,’ face.
“I could really use a steering wheel!”
“Tough luck we don’t have a steering wheel! This is what we got,” her hand gestured to control, reaching over to press the button removing the decoy. K threw his hands up in defeat. Y/I huffed, “didn’t your mother ever get you a GameBoy?”
“What is a GameBoy?!”
Sweet Jesus she couldn’t believe it. What’s a GameBoy? Did this man live under a rock? She was going to have to change that. Bringing her finger up in a stern point, Y/I ordered the man, “You know what, move.” K’s jaw dropped in a ‘O’. “Move!”
And before either had the time to process, Y/I lifted herself off the seat, swung her leg over and straddled K. His eyes practically bulged out of his head, hands going to her hips. The action made her jolt forward, yelping as her thighs pressed against his and feeling something brush against her groin. They both froze, eyes locking as Y/I heard K gulp.
Oh. Fire ignited in the agent. Migrating all the way to her face she prayed didn’t show. K was packing.
Instantly she leaned against the door, pushing the man to get the hint and he quickly ushered himself over the middle console. Face red like a tomato. When they both got situated the car was completely silent. K adjusting his tie while Y/I took hold of the joystick and cleared her throat.
“Alright then.”
Luckily, for her sanity, everything worked out. Serleena indisposed, New York saved once again from a homicidal maniac, and Y/I got her partner back. Only downside was having to say goodbye to Laura, who’d been revealed to be the long lost princess and, quite literally, the Light of Zartha. K was kind enough to give Y/I and Laura a moment to say goodbye. And when a lone tear fell from Y/I’s eyes watching the spaceship ascend to the skies, K was there with a tissue and comforting hand.
They never talked about that moment in the car. And frankly Y/I wanted to erase the memory of her mounting K while at Hyperspeed from her mind. Even half tempted to neuralize herself. But as much as it mortified her, Y/I felt a bit giddy. A bit of her ego boosted at making K speechless….and a bit more.
Her mind quickly shot that down. Remembering this man was her partner--who she went to extreme lengths for to get back--her superior once K got settled back at MIB, and the tiny fact he was a whole generation older than her. Literally. When she did the math it was almost 25 years between them.
Now Y/I had nothing against older men. She loved a silver fox as much as any other, and honestly preferred them to guys younger than her. At the bars she drew them in like wildfire. Never having to pay for her drinks. Then when she was 25 still a detective Y/I had a two year relationship with a man 12 years her senior.
But this was K. They’d really only known each other for maybe a week during that whole bug debacle before the shit with Serleena. It would be highly unprofessional.
Though she can’t lie. The man looked good in his 60s.
Ten years later the two were MIB’s best duo when it came to handling extraterrestrial business and keeping the world safe from unwanted visitors. Y/I with her charm and K with his quick wit, they were unstoppable.
“Don’t worry, K, you can sit this one out,” she’d tease, adjusting the cuffs of her suit with a confident smile. “I got this.”
He’d match her grin, “sure you do, slick.” Then he’d start walking and get right to work leaving her behind.
“Are you ever going to let me drive?”
“Maybe next year.”
“You said that last year, K.”
“I did?” his feigned confusion with a shrug, “Hmm don’t recall.” Like always, he was met with her groan, hearing her head fall back against the seat in defeat.
“I’ll have you know I’m an excellent driver, K.”
He chuckled under his breath, casting a brief glance, “Don’t doubt it, sweetheart, now call Zed and let him know we’re on the way back.”
What could go wrong? Apparently everything.
They’d been on a job the previous night. Investigating Wu’s following suspicious activity and K wasn’t acting like his usual self. On edge, behaving in ways Y/I kept wondering what had crawled up his ass.Then all hell broke loose causing them to lose each other at one point. When Y/I finally made it to the roof, out of breath and in desperate need of a drink, she discovered K wasn’t alone. Greeted with an alien named Boris the Animal.
And he was not the happy camper. In fact, he broke out of prison just to hunt K down.
Later on K vaguely explained the history between him and Boris. “I should’ve killed him,” were his exact words, surprising the agent. She’d always known K to be the man to see all life as precious. He’d take the risk in apprehending a suspect rather than putting them down. Boris, however, did not fall under that.
The night ended with K pulling a play out of left field by suspending Y/I for four weeks when she refused to let go of not pursuing Boris. Who’s arrival shook K to his core. Quite literally. And when he called her that night to say, “you know what the most destructive force in the universe is?”
“Sugar,” Y/I sarcastically replied, not really in the mood.
She went silent for a moment, “You don’t have to wait. Just talk.”
“I promised you the secrets of the universe nothing more,” K reminded her, making the woman roll her eyes in frustration.
“So what, K? There’s secrets out there the universe doesn’t know about? How can we be partners if you can’t even trust me?” When he didn’t answer, Y/I had enough and hung up. Unaware the man on the other end was holding himself together. So desperately wishing he could tell her the truth. The whole truth.
Falling asleep not long later, Y/n woke the next morning like any other day. Completed her morning routine, whipped up some breakfast and nursed a cup of chocolate milk. Something she hadn’t had since grade school but got the sudden crave for. Slicked back her mix match hair into a tidy bun, gave one last look in the mirror to make sure her suit was nice and tidy before heading out the door.
The entire journey to headquarters felt weird. Unexplainable really. A dreaded feeling in Y/I’s chest on the verge of making her physically sick. But what was it?
When she arrived at HQ Y/I was greeted in the elevator by a man she didn’t recognize, but somehow knew her. Saying he was Agent AA and they’d been partners for a while sending Y/I into a frenzy, “I have no idea who you are, and we are certainly not partners. Where’s K?”
“Who’s K?”
“Who’s K?” she repeated, making him flinch by her sudden shout. “You know who I’m talking about. K! Agent K--the best MIB has ever seen. He’s my partner--My K!” Y/I pushed based AA to frantically search for K. Anxiety rose each time she asked a passing agent where he was and they said they had no clue who she was talking about. “K!” she kept calling for him, saying how it wasn’t funny to be playing a prank on her after their argument last night. But with each second Y/I was becoming scared. Circling in the middle of HQ until she finally broke with a pained scream that echoed through the building, “Kaaayy!!!”
It was then O dragged Y/I to her office, stating she was in charge of MIB….and that Agent K had been dead since 1969.
“Okay, you’ve got it all wrong,” Y/I chuckled to avoid having a mental breakdown right there. She was beginning to hyperventilate, struggling to process the buffoonery. There’s no way in hell K was dead. And that he had been for 40+ years. “K is not---what-whatever joke this is needs to stop--.”
“This isn’t a joke, Agent Y/I--.”
“K can’t be dead! That is impossible--I-I just did a job with him last night. We were on the phone before I went to bed. This is insane!! I am not crazy!!” Y/I leaned back in her chair, apologizing for the outburst when she saw how O was staring at her. “I’m sorry, O. That was out of line. But, O please,” she stood up, pleading with her eyes. “You have to understand that this--.” she gestured to the vicinity, “was not my reality yesterday. Something happened to K in the last twelve hours and we need to get to the bottom of it.”
There were a lot of things Y/I accepted in life. Her father left when she was five. Her family kicked her out at 18 when they caught her with a girl. Ex boyfriend cheating on her because her detective job had her working long night shifts. Blockbuster closing down. The Mets losing the World Series year after year. Pepsi replacing Coca-Cola in the MIB vending machines.
But a world without K? Y/I refused to accept it.
So that’s how she found herself at the top of a skyscraper about to make a time jump into 1969. Jeffrey, the store clerk she tracked down who gave Boris the means to travel back in time, followed behind her.
“Okay, you know the rules of time jumps, right?”
Y/I wobbled on her heels, doing her best to not look down. The wind blew in her face, “give me the short version.”
“Okay. You want to save your partner, word of advice: stay away from him.”
“Yeah got it,” Y/I nodded, making a motion with her hand. “Stay away from K just kill Boris.”
“Now,” Jeffrey handed her a pair of goggles. “Take these because it gets pretty windy on the way down.” Y/I spluttered a sound.
“The way down?!”
Jeffrey either doesn’t register the dumbfounded expression plastered on her or chooses to ignore it. “With your eyes tearing up it’s hard to read the time dial plus,” he offers a smile, “it helps you look like a real time traveler. Which is cool.” Her face never changed.
“There’s no way in hell I am jumping off of this building!”
“Time. Jump,” his face reads, ‘what did you think it meant?’ Y/I just gulps, peering out into the distance. Contemplating her life choices. Meanwhile Jeffrey pulls out the time dial, “Okay now I gotta set this thing to the 11th. Uhhh,” his fingers work over the device. Setting it to July 11th, 1969. “That seems right….ish.”
Y/I lifted her head to stare at him, “I’m gonna need that to be on the money, Jeffrey. Time is at stake here. Literally.”
“Now, all you gotta do…is jump,” passing the dial, he gives her a light push on the back, making her stumble and go, “hey-hey, stop. I don’t need to fall to my death before you finish telling me what I’m supposed to be doing.” Slowly itching herself to the edge, Jeffrey explained the final steps.
“Now as soon as you’re moving fast enough that circle is going to fill up with some sort of green time travel liquid or some such and it’s going to glow really bright--” Y/I cursed when she nearly slipped, catching her hand on the smooth surface. ‘God, I shouldn't have chosen today to wear my heels.’
“As soon as that happens you need to break that blue laser line with your thumb to complete the circuit,” Jeffrey scans their view. “At this height that should be uhhh…let’s see massive Earth and 30 something feet per minute uh--.”
The fear of jumping off a building combined with the stress of failing to save K, Y/I felt the pressure break. “It’s 32 feet per second per second.”
“That sounds right--ish,” Y/I mentally groaned at his lack of confidence. “So that would be, I guess uh, about two feet off the ground.”
“Then I break the laser line?”
“No, don't break it!”
“I mean when I’m fast enough,” Y/I reiterates and receives a thumbs up.
“Sounds good.” Well that didn't help her at all.
“So do I break the laser line or do I not break the laser line?”
“Do not lose that time device,” Jeffrey warns, making the woman sigh and accept she’s going to have to wing it and pray she lives to tell. “Or you will be stuck in 1969.” He didn’t have to say anything else for Y/I to understand. She was going to be a fish out of water.
Was it too late to change her clothes and dye her hair?
“How will I know if it works?” She asked, stomach dropping at the sight of spaceships entering the atmosphere. The Boglodite invasion had begun.
“You’ll either know…or you won’t.”
“Fucking A,” Y/I pulled the goggles over her head. They were tight against her skin, but she was able to at least breathe.
Before he left, Jeffrey had one last thing to say. And it really put into perspective how important K was to Y/I. “You must really love this guy to do this.”
“Yeah,” she muttered under her breath, tightness in her chest while heat flooded her veins. “I guess I do.” She brushed the intense feeling as platonic love for K. Their partnership had lasted 10 years. He was more than just a colleague, he was her best friend. Turning back to Jeffrey before he could leave, she yelled, “Wait! How come I remember K but nobody else does?”
“Woah!” Jeffrey exclaimed, looking as if she just unlocked the key to immortality. “Woah! That means you were there.”
“I was where?” She didn’t understand. Yeah she was alive in 1969, five years old in fact. But what the hell does he mean by she was there?
“If you survive you gotta come back and tell me everything, okay!”
“What are you talking about? Where was I?!” she was interrupted by a ship attacking a nearby building. Jeffrey ushering her off.
“You gotta go! Go! Go! Go!,” he fled to safety, leaving Y/I alone on the rooftop. More ships attacked, sending an alarm across the city for residents to seek shelter. Below Y/I made out their screams.
Time dial in hand, Y/I said a mental prayer, “I’m coming for ya, K,” and leaped to her destiny.
Once Y/I settled her heart rate and mentally cheered in victory she didn’t die, her feet carried her off the rooftop and down the elevator. Had her mind not been preoccupied, she would’ve found humor in the man who looked rather scared out of his wits when she entered the elevator. Clutching the paper close to his chest while giving her an odd once over.
“What’s today?” Y/I picked up on his adversary, not meeting her eye at all.
“Tuesday,” he said shortly.
“The date,” she corrected with a sigh.
“The 11th.”
“My man, what’s the year?”
“Nine-nineteen sixty-nine.”
“Thank you,” she threw a hand up, startling him more. “God, and I thought people sucked at answering simple questions where I’m from.” She left the elevator in a haste once it hit the lobby floor, rushing out the doors to a 60s New York.
After stealing a rich man’s car, neuralizing two cops and knicking a bottle of coca-cola from a vendor to quench her time travel thirst, Y/I finally made it to Coney Island. Approaching any and everyone to see if they’d seen Boris.
“He’s about six foot, gnarly beard and looks like he could use some screen,” the young couple hippy kept eyeing her up and down, expressions mixed with weariness and awe. It’s not everyday a woman in a dressy suit approaches to ask you questions. Y/I huffed, pinching the bridge of her nose, “I take that as a no?”
It was like this all morning and Y/I was starting to lose hope. But she had to stay. It said in the records Boris murders an alien on July 11th at Coney Island. Maybe if she could find him she’d save another life.
A scream filled her ears, Y/I running in the direction of the ferris wheel. Breaking through a curtain with her gun raised where she found a body laying on the ground. “Shit,” she muttered, head raising a second later to thumping.
There, leaping across the panels of the ferris wheel, was Boris. Y/I trained her blaster up, eyes following Boris’ until she could get a clear shot. She predicted he’d jump to the large billboard, so she focused her aim to await him.
But fate had other plans.
As soon as she lined up the shot Y/I felt cold pressure against her temple. Blood rushed as she mentally cursed herself. Then a familiar southern drawl filled her ears.
“We’ll take it from here.”
“K?” she gasped, eyes wide as saucers. Smiling as she turned to see him, young and alive, “K!”. ‘Damn K was a stud.’ However the happy reunion was cut short when the agent remembered this was a young K. His face visibly surprised at the mention of his name. Y/I once again cursed at herself.
He didn’t know who the fuck she was.
His defensive demeanor showed that. “I’m afraid I’m going to need you to lower your weapon and come with me, ma’am.” Had this been her K she would’ve teased the fact that even so young authority seeped off him. Carrying himself in a way Y/I was sure he had gals falling to his feet left and right.
But she couldn’t tease him. This wasn’t her K. And this K looked like he was about five seconds from losing his patience.
“Sorry, pretty boy,” she found her voice, his face shifting at the nickname. “Can’t let that happen.” Before K could blink, Y/I shot her arm up to push his blaster away, kneeing his stomach causing K to grunt and bend over, before kicking his legs. She made a mental note to apologize to future K once she returns home.
If she manages to pull this off.
Once K was down, Y/I took her chance to run. Unfortunately she didn’t get far. Heading in the direction Boris fled, Y/I got caught in a maze of tents, unable to find her way out. She stomped her foot, “Dammit.” It was there K found her, tackling the agent from behind, “Ooof--!” They rolled on the harsh ground, scuffling their suits and shoes before coming to a stop. K kicked Y/I’s blaster away, annoying her greatly, “Rude.”
They engaged in a small brawl. Which was pretty much Y/n doing all she could to escape and K attempting to get the upper hand but falling short. It was a new thing for K. Having an opponent on his level. He’d never had his work cut out for him until now. This woman was something else. She intrigued him.
After two whole minutes of fighting, they were becoming tired and frustrated. K took a blow to his rib, Y/I’s hair now loose from the hair tie snapping. It came to a climatic end when they fell back onto a curtain and tumbled onto a table full of orange crates. Moaning as they made impact with the ground. Y/I pushed herself up only to yelp in pain and fall back as electricity filled her veins.
The bastard tased her.
Breathing heavily, K wiped the sweat from his forehead. Leaning back on his knees as he observed the unconscious woman in front of him. Now that he got a better look, K assessed her to be in her mid to late 30s. Striking features with signs of aging, some wrinkles by her eyes and smile lines, but breathtakingly beautiful. Hair styled in an unusual fashion. Two toned in a way K couldn’t tell if it was natural on the sides framing her face or if they were purposely dyed a stunning white/gray. The top of her head was layered in y/h/c. Her makeup relatively simple with the exception of bold red painting her lips.
The most interesting detail of the gorgeous woman was she adored a black suit just like him. She stuck out like a sore thumb when all the women wore dresses and skirts. Yes, some wore pants, but a woman in a sleek black suit and tie? Unheard of. Not to mention her suit was made in a different fashion than his own. More tight on her figure, thinner tie, not as boxy on the shoulders.
K’s suspicion rose when he found fancy gadgets in the pockets of her blazer. He’d made sure to disarm her in the event she woke before they arrived at HQ. Besides her gun, he discovered a pen-like tool, and a circular device reading the current date. ‘What the hell?’ he thought to himself, examining the tools closely before pocketing them. Brows raised to his hairline when he found her badge, the MIB logo in bold printed above her identity.
Agent Y/I.
“Huh,” K hummed in wonder, “Well I’ll be damned.” He glanced down at the fallen agent, lingering on her features, “Now that’s something you don’t see everyday.” Badge in hand, K gently lifting the woman in his arms to take to his car. But not before neuralizing the crowd that had gathered around them.
Whoever she was, K was going to find out.
Y/I awoke with a groan. Feeling tension in her neck and back and throat dry as a desert. Bright lights filled her vision, causing her to blink rapidly until the blurriness became clear. Making her brows furrow at the sight of a very different MIB headquarters she was used to. For starters this one had color. Burnt orange furniture and bulky furniture to fit the times. It was buzzing with MIB agents and travelers from other worlds. Y/I heard one alien on the phone with his dad begging to bail him out.
Good luck with that buddy.
Still feeling the numbness from the voltage, Y/I massaged her jaw with her hand, groaning lightly as she turned her head to scan the rest of HQ. A sudden gasp leaving her as she found K staring at her, making her jolt in her seat.
“Christ, K,” a groan left her throat, eyes narrowed at the man--who again observed her with skepticism. “Would it kill a girl to ask you to turn the electricity down on that thing? I can barely feel my tongue.” He cut right to the chase.
“How do you know my name?”
‘Fuck,’ Y/I gritted her teeth. Pissed at herself for making a simple mistake. Now she had to improvise. Something K always clowned her for. “What? Cause I called you ‘K’?” She could tell he wanted to smirk at her nervous chuckle. “No, I call everybody K. It’s my thing really--What up, K?” the person passing the two gave a look, and the agent continued the ruse much to K’s displeasure. “Kaaaaayyyyy, pasa. Yeah, you know how it is.”
God this was embarrassing. But she was too deep now.
K turned in his chair around to grab something off the desk, “Now that I know what you look like when you’re lying.” Placing the items in front of Y/I, she mentally cursed. It was her neuralizer, gun, badge and time travel device. “Won’t you show me what you look like when you’re telling the truth?”
Oh boy. She hadn’t thought of him confiscating the stuff she had. Super important stuff. How was she going to get out of this? K was the smartest man alive. He’ll know she’s lying no matter how much she tries to deceive him. Time was running out and she needed to get away fast.
Putting on a convincing smile, Y/I leans her elbow on the corner of K’s desk. “I won those at Coney Island on the ring toss,” the lie was met with a gesture of her hand, like she actually was tossing a ring.
“I won a stuffed bear once, but never one of these,” he shakes his head, giving that damn smile where he knows she’s lying. Of course he fucking knew. “Must be good, slick.” God there was the nickname. The one that in the beginning Y/I hated but learned to love as it was only reserved for her. Hearing the younger K say it brought comfort to the agent, reminding her why she was in 1969 in the first place.
“All right, sir,” she pulled herself together, becoming serious which surprised him a bit. “I was minding my own business. I was out there waiting for my girl, who, by the way, is probably worried sick looking for me right now. So I-I just need my things and I need to get back to her.”
“What’s ya gal’s name?”
“Your gal,” K repeated with a smirk, “what’s her name?” The question threw her off, but then Y/I she did, in fact, say she was waiting for a girl and not a guy. Forgetting she was in 1969 where lgbtq+ unfortunately dealt with prominent homophobia and persecution. ‘Fuck’ she thought again, hoping young K was just as accepting as his older self. Who, when Y/I told him she was bisexual his reply was, “I know, slick.”
By some God awful reason, Y/I’s brain melted at having to come up with a fake girlfriend name, “Schtaron” saying it aloud even made her cringe.
K even looked surprised, eyebrows raising as though he misheard her. “Schtaron?” Well she couldn’t take it back now. So Y/I did the only thing she could do: nod, accepting her fate. K’s mouth opened slightly, processing the information. “I bet Schtaron likes that suit of yours. Hm?”
Y/I peered down at her outfit where K was looking. Crisp black suit matching his only a tad different in style. She raised a brow in defiance, “What, it’s a crime to wear a black suit?”
K shrugged, finger brushing his bottom lip, “Not a crime, but it makes you stick out compared to the other pretty ladies wearing pencil dresses and skirts.”
“Yeah well,” Y/I scoffed with a roll of the eyes. “You men haven’t realized yet that women can rock a three-piece suit and tie better than y’all.” As though confirming her words, Y/I heats up when K gives another glance over her suit. From the tie around her neck to the red bottom heels on her feet.
Obviously he didn’t recognize the shoes since Louboutins didn’t release until the 90s, but K was still impressed nonetheless she’d be brave to wear such footwear in that line of work.
He leaned back in his chair, turning away when he was caught staring, red creeping up his neck and hand raising to adjust his tie. Y/I smirked, pleased with his reaction, while battling the warmth feeling in her chest. Part of her wanted to poke fun at him like she usually did, but there was a job to do.
“All right, listen, pretty boy,” she gets his attention back, visibly reacting to the nickname, “I haven’t done anything wrong except be in the wrong place at the wrong time. And I need to get out of here,” she slaps a hand down on the stack of files in front of her, “I cannot be here with you.” They’re suddenly interrupted by the arrival of a beautiful blonde.
“Terribly sorry,” she apologizes to Y/I before turning to K. “X is frightfully upset about the whole Coney Island incident.” K moves to grab his cup of coffee, meanwhile Y/I could not contain herself and was openly checking the blonde out. Which K caught and had to do a double take.
“Alright thanks for the heads up,” he takes a sip, wincing at the bitter taste, “Oh, man, this coffee tastes like dirt.” Y/I snapped her head to him in shock before turning back to the woman, ‘no fucking way,’ her suspicions were confirmed seconds later.
“What do you expect? It was--.”
“Just ground this morning,” Y/I finishes the saying, eyes wide and grin threatening to expand. “O?” ‘Damn O has always been fine.’
Both faced her, expressions of bewilderment. Especially O who had yet to know who Y/I was. It was further proof to younger K Y/I was hiding something big.
Realizing her mistake Y/I attempted to do damage control. “No, I call ladies ‘O’,” her hand waves. Feeling small under K’s hard stare. “To me, O is feminine, K is masculine.” What the actual hell was coming out of her mouth? She didn’t know and couldn’t stop, “You know, I see a couple, I’m like, “O-K.” Before anyone had the chance to react to the utter bullshit she spewed, X was rounding the corner. K dropping a large booklet on top of Y/I’s stuff.
“What a mess,” X exclaimed, standing beside O. “Any casualties?”
“Yes, Roman the Fabulist.”
O appeared devastated by this news. Almost like she could cry whereas X just rephrased the question to specify, “Any human casualties.” Y/I narrowed her brows slightly, offended by the audacity of X which didn’t go unnoticed by K. He matched her expression. To him, all life was precious. Humans and aliens alike.
“No, sir,” Y/I picked up on his strained tone. It was then X turned his attention to the woman seated in front of him with a piercing glare, “Who the hell is this?” He was put off not just by her scowl, but the fact she wore a suit and had mixed-match hair.
“Look, I was…” K interrupted before she could make a fool of herself.
“Stray human caught in the net.”
“Code 43 her and throw her back,” X ordered. O, sensing there was more to the story, diverted X away from the desk, “Sir, you’re gonna be late for a meeting with the Viagrans. They have a revolutionary new pill.” Y/I tilted her head at O’s words, ‘What the hell? Viagrans? New Pill? Oh my….’ She wanted to laugh at the irony, but K was back in front of her, serious as ever.
“Okay, slick,” he leaned on his elbows, waiting for the woman to come clean. Y/I kept her guard up, shaking her head furiously and sticking with the stupid story, “I was waiting for my girl.”
“Yes,” Y/I wanted to crawl under the desk and hide, “she’s….Greek. It’s a family name--very unique.”
A moment of silence passes and K finally gives up. Accepting he was going to have to use unorthodox methods to get answers. “Okay. Just one last thing…..an eye exam.”
Oh no.
Any attempt Y/I made to escape was to no avail. They caught and strapped her to a stretcher like contraption, after she put down three men and managed to disarm K again, making his jaw drop. They wheeled her to a room, her eyes landing on a large machine resembling a device she was all too familiar with. “That’s not an eye exam, K,” she shouted appalled, “That’s a big ass neuralizer!”
“You sure have a lot of information for a gal who doesn’t know anything,” he approached the control machine.
“I see what you’re saying. Woah--!” They spun upside down. “You know what, K, we need to hold up a second. K!” Her y/h/c and white hair fell over her face, Y/I blowing air to get it out of the way. Necklaces smacking her cheek.
A man in a lab coat and white suit approached her. Leaning down with an object in his hand. “Let’s just get this bite guard in here.” Y/I clacked her teeth in an attempt to bite him.
“Hey. Back up,” she did it again, causing him to draw back. “Back the fuck up. I’m not afraid to bite you.” The stretcher jolted up, making it to where she was level with the machine. “K, listen,” she pleaded with a chuckle, “I think we got off on the wrong foot, all right? So let’s stop this show and talk for a second. Don’t put me in this thing, K!”
K thought about it for a moment before replying, “Too late, lass,” and pressed a button. Y/I groaned, stretcher moving to enter the vessel.
“K, no, you have to listen to me. I can help you with this case!” her pleas went ignored, K focusing on the dial. “K!” She makes a face, “I’m doing the truth face--you’re missing it!”
“Ah, I’ll just use my imagination.”
Buzzing filled the room. The neuralizer was closed and locked, beginning to spin in a circle as it lit up. Y/I started feeling nauseous, struggling against the holds. “K, I’m after the same killer you’re looking for. He’s a Boglodite named Boris.”
“Ship has sailed, amiga.”
The dizziness was becoming intense, Y/I blinked her eyes, “K, if we don’t get him now we’ll have to deal with two of them. Two!” K adjusts his headset.
“You had my undivided attention.”
“One will have one arm, and one will have two,” she informs, neuralizer speeding up. Now her heart was about to burst from her chest, desperation consuming her. “K! Listen to me, please!” the stretcher set in place as it locked in. “If you erase me you’ll be erasing the whole world!”
“Fifteen seconds to neuralyzation. Fourteen.”
“Fuck-fuck-fuck,” Y/I mumbled, the fear now setting in. The last time she felt terrified--besides that morning--was after getting poisoned by an alien stinger while on a job in 2003. Never had she seen K so scared. Cursing at everyone and breaking every traffic law to get back to HQ. So frighteningly angry he nearly threw hands with Zed while O had to step in to calm him down.
“Thirteen. Twelve. Eleven.” her thoughts became fuzzy. Neurons pulling apart and pushing together. The area of the brain dedicated to memory being targeted causing her mind to spin. “Ten. Nine. Eight.” The least she could do before her brain was scrambled was warn K one last time. “When you see Boris tomorrow, K, kill him. Do not arrest him, you have to kill him!”
“Six. Five. Four.”
Y/I’s eyes closed, steadying her breathing to calm herself and not allow the fear to take over. Memories started to play like a film. From her childhood, to adolescence. High school and police academy. Her time as a detective to the moment she met K. Discovering the world beyond Earth. Every mission, every job. Every precious moment she took for granted.
Outside, K kept replaying her words. Warnings. Whoever she was, she knew too much. Between the technology, the suit, knowing his name as well as O’s, this woman had a past. A past with the same man he needed to find.
For God’s sake she had an MIB badge. She was one of them.
‘Fucking hell.’ “Three. Two. On--.” K stood abruptly and smacked his hand down on the button to shut it down before it could reach one.
Y/I let out a breath of relief, feeling the contraption slow down until it came to a stop. Lights shutting off. “Is this thing off, K? Hey, I don’t think it’s off all the way--can you check real quick?” Cranking her neck as best she could, Y/I desperately needed an Advil. “It’s still whirring and buzzing. I don’t know if I don’t know nothing.” Now she was being dramatic. But who could really blame her after nearly getting her memory erased.
The stretcher exited the machine, pulling Y/I upright causing her hair to become a wild mess. K approached, headset off, and watched her carefully. “I knew Roman. His wife cooked me dinner once and while it was not pleasant, he was my friend.” The men unlatched the metal straps holding Y/I in place, K stepping forward to extend a hand so she’d safely step off while saying, “Last chance, who are you and what do you know?” She took his hand, both flinching at the tiny shock that occurred and Y/I stumbled back once on her feet so they had a bit of distance, but still close. Inhaling, Y/I spilled all K needed to know in one breath.
“I’m an agent at Men in Black, but I’m from the future--we’re partners, ok? Twenty-five years from now you’re going to recruit me in New York, and fourteen years after that, the guy you didn’t let me kill today at Coney Island, he escapes from prison, and jumps back into the past and unleashes a full scale invasion of Earth,” Y/I checks her watch briefly, “we’ve got approximately four days and ten hours to catch him and kill him. So really, we need to go right now because he can be anywhere!” She let out a small groan, letting the air catch up. Nerves arose at K’s blank stare. Y/I unable to tell what he was thinking and that brought great annoyance.
They stayed like that for a moment. Staring at each other in silence. Y/I allowed her shoulders to drop, sighing in the process.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, K turned on his heel toward the door, “Alright.” Puzzled, Y/I blinked rapidly in question, but followed after the man.
“So that’s the story you believe.”
“That one was the truth,” K pointed out. “Wasn’t the whole truth, but I guess it’ll do for now.” Y/I looked at him offended.
“What the hell do you mean? Of course it’s the whole truth!” Liar. “I told you everything.” ‘No I didn’t, but what you don’t know won’t hurt ya.’ They entered the elevator, “The problem with a lie, K, is once you start lying you put yourself….” she trails off when he turns to her with a look of, ‘Don’t even try,’ Sighing again, Y/I licked her lips while placing her hands in her pockets, staring ahead rather than at K.
“Agent K,” a voice called from below as the elevator rose. They turned to find X and O. “What’s she still doing here?”
“Oh I might have cooked her for too long. Thought I’d better walk her out.” Catching on, Y/I said the first thing that came to her mind.
“I put my pants on.” K rolled his eyes, lifting his hand as if to say, ‘See what I mean?’ Once X looked satisfied and took his leave, K gently placed a hand on her shoulder to turn her back around. His touch sent another wave of heat. She straightened her posture, looking ahead.
Y/I jaw hurt from how hard she was holding her laugh. Squeezing her eyes shut, but she still felt K’s gaze, damn well knowing she’d break if she made eye contact. “Please stop looking at me before I lose it.”
“How’d you know--.”
The elevator jolted a stop, Y/I exiting first before K took the lead. She quickened her pace so they were next to each other. Outside K led her to his car, Y/I’s unable to contain her reaction at the sight of his car. A 1964 Ford Galaxy 500. She whistled as got into the car, missing how K was biting back a smirk.
The driver’s door slammed shut behind him, “Okay future-gal, where to?” Y/I’s brow raised, hands making a motion. She didn't have a damn clue at what to do next. Now that her original plan blew to shit.
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” K parroted, just as confused and she made a face.
“I don’t know. Uh…go wherever you went last time.”
Did she forget she traveled back in time? “I haven’t been here last time. I didn’t tell you where I went?” She had to choose her next words carefully to not let anything slip. Nonetheless she let out a light chuckle.
“No, we don’t really talk.”
K huffed, adjusting himself in the seat, “What kind of partners sit in a car all day every day for 14 years and don’t talk?”
“Exactly,” her smile is tight, proving her point. She points a finger between the both of them, “and this is the type of problem it causes. It’s dysfunctional and annoying if I’m being quite honest. And technically we’ve been partners for ten years but that’s a long story and one for another day.” She didn’t miss the curious look that came over him, but it was quickly replaced with frustration.
“Alright, sweetheart,” he put one hand on the wheel while his arm laid across the headrest of the seats, face serious. “You better get useful real quick, or you’re going back to room 43.”
Y/I muttered something he couldn’t hear, turning away to gaze out the windshield. Brows furrowed deep in thought as she picked through her brain for any information.
“Okay, uh,” she bit her lip, “the file--the file I read about Boris before coming here said something about a factory,” she looked back at K, “something happened at a factory on the 13th.” She heard him sigh, and Y/I held back her own. “Look, pretty boy, I’m giving you all I got. You can stare at me with your jedi knight--,” she forgot Star Wars had yet to be released for another seven years. “Looking eyes, but that’s all--we’ve got two days to find out where he’s going.”
To her surprise, K started the car. She tilted her head, “oh, did that spark something for you, cowboy?”
“Roman had this on his person when he was murdered,” In his hand was a matchbook, Y/I reached to take it. On both sides read ‘Cosmo Lanes,’ the letters encased in bowling pins.
“It’s a matchbox.”
“No, it’s a clue,” K corrected, making her look at him puzzled. Then he answered her unspoken question, “He didn’t smoke.” They were off with the roar of the engine trailing behind. Off to Cosmo Lanes with their lead.
The entire drive Y/I kept stealing glances at K. Not hiding her intrigue at all or how she admired his features. Jet black hair, shiny and sleek. Smile lines--which she always found adorable. Brown eyes that twinkled whenever he smirked or gave a genuine smile.
She must’ve been staring because K snapped her out of it as he said, “You lose something over here, darlin’?”
Instead of becoming embarrassed and flinging herself out of the car, Y/I held her chin high, feeding off the confidence she usually carried herself with. Lip curling, as she tipped a brow up, “Say, K, I’m curious. How old are you?”
It took a moment for him to answer, “twenty-nine.”
“Wow,” Y/I hummed, making K give her a, ‘What is that supposed to mean?’ Her grin widened, tone taking a teasing nature, “Just that you got some city miles on ya.”
Now it was K’s turn to smirk, “You know I’m starting to understand why we don’t talk.” Y/I chuckled, facing forward in the seat. K turned down the music lightly, “Exactly what year in the future are you from?”
“Twenty-Twelve,” she heard him make a sound, like he was calculating his age in 2012. “Don’t worry, you're still a stud even in your old age. Silver hair suits you.”
“Glad to hear,” Y/I heard his smile, matching her own. “What you said earlier, about us being partners for ten years, what’d you mean by that?” She hadn’t expected that question, tightening her lips as she debated on opening that can of worms.
“Like I said, it's a long and complicated story.”
K’s eyes flickered to her, “we got time.”
She snorted, “Should I really be telling you? I’m not an expert in time travel, but what if telling you about what happens in the future inevitably dooms it?” All she received was a shrug, making her head fall back against the seat.
“Well,” she breathed through her nose, clicking her teeth. “As I mentioned--after you nearly fried my brain--you recruited me in ‘97, but after the first job you decided to retire and had me neuarlize you,” She briefly glanced to find K raising his brows, visibly surprised. “Then five years later in ‘02, you held the key to stopping a homicidal maniac so I had to drag you back to MiB. Once that was over, you just stayed,” leaning her head to look at K, Y/I smirked, “And we’ve been going now ten years strong. My longest relationship really--you should be honored.” She couldn’t help but tease, watching the man flush red.
Even as a young stallion K was easy to fluster.
“I love that,” she giggled lightly, looking away when he turned his head.
“Oh nothing,” she jutted, but then came clean, unable to contain her laugh. “Just that you’re still easy to tickle.” Y/I didn’t see it, but K’s gaze lingered on her. Fondness peaking through as a million questions racked his brain but he refused to ask--the leading being just who was she to him? Yeah they were work partners, but call it intuition, K felt there was something more to Y/I and what she meant to him.
Whatever it was now was not the time to drown himself in theories. Gathering his priorities, K kept only two things in mind: 1) they had a job to do and 2) this woman was from his future. They needed to find Boris, stop him from changing the future, and get her back home.
They pulled up to the bowling alley, K shutting off the engine after putting the car in park. Y/I leaned forward to get a better look. “How well do you know this place?”
“I know its reputation.”
“I don’t like it,” she shook her head, finding it sketchy. “I hate going in blind. I’m gonna need my gun back.”
“Sure thing, slick,” a handcuff clasped on Y/I wrist, a gasp leaving her as he cuffed her to the steering wheel while she gaped at him like he lost his damn mind.
“K! What the hell?!” she fought against his grip, “I need to go in there with you!”
“You just sit tight. I’ll be fine.” K was out the door and entering the establishment. Leaving Y/I shouting after him, “Stop--K! You can’t go in by yourself. When I get back to the future I’m going to have serious words for you!” She puffed out a breath as his suit clad figure disappeared. Her hands searched around the car, ‘I wonder…’ reaching for the ashtray, Y/I made a ‘ah-ha!’ sound as she found the spare key underneath.
“Same old K,” the smirk stayed on her lips, freeing herself from the cuffs and racing out the car. Going quiet as she accessed the center to take in the scene. K had his gun on a man, who in turn had four guns pointed at him. Grabbing the first thing, a bowling pin, Y/I inched her way until she was bringing down the pin on the alien’s head. Promptly knocking him out.
“See you still keep the key under the ashtray,” she saw the flicker of what looked like astonishment.
“Lucky guess,” he played it off, facing the man who was not passed out on the floor. “Now, where were we?”
After landing a spare on the lanes, finding the owner’s dead body, and a call to O for information, the two tracked down where Boris was heading next. From what K said, it was the factory.
Now they had two days to spare until then. And frankly, Y/I was beat like a tennis ball after Wimbledon. She needed a hot shower, food, and at least ten hours of sleep. It was pushing close to 6pm and Y/I was about two seconds away from making a bed out of K's backseat.
“Where are we?” a yawn escaped her when the car came to a halt. Squinting at the unknown building they were in front of.
“My place,” K casually replied, exiting the car as if it were nothing while Y/I choked on her saliva.
“Your what?” The wind hit her as she climbed out, gawking at the man. People passing by gave them looks which they ignored. “Why are we at your place, K?”
His brow tipped up, “You’re exhausted. So we’ll pick things back up tomorrow.”
“Okay….” she agreed, but her tone was still confused. “That still doesn’t explain why we’re at your place.” Then it hit Y/I, heat filling her veins and she began to splutter. “K, If you’re insinuating what I think you are, I can go get a hotel.”
“Oh really and how are you gonna do that?” K countered, hands going in his pockets. “You don’t have any money on ya, sweetheart.” Y/I tilted her head in surprise.
“And just how do you know that?” She could’ve sworn she had her credit cards on her. Learning not to carry cash on her at times now that most places were switching to cards only or never had change in the registers.
Fuck K didn’t think about how that would sound. Face redding as he adjusted his jacked, “Um,” his throat cleared, “I confiscated everything on ya at HQ and there was no wallet. Just assumed you weren’t carrying any.”
Instantly Y/I fished for her MiB badge, where she hid her Capital One credit card. Flashing it to him, “I have this.”
“What is it?” He snatched it to get a better look. Reading the print of a name he assumed was her alias, several numbers in a line and expiration date. Not recognizing the company labeled at the top.
“My credit card,” she said as if it were obvious, forgetting where she was. K’s face was questioning, making Y/I go, “What?”
“This won’t work at a hotel, slick,” he passed the card back, but not before reading it one more time. Before she could ask why K gave the answer. “For starters Capital One doesn’t exist yet. And the expiration date will have everyone turning heads,” his face turned serious, “but the main thing, if you attempt to pay with that, the authorities are going to have a field day wondering how you managed to forge a credit account.”
Y/I’s jaw dropped, absolutely floored. Forge an account? Yeah the name on the card wasn’t her real name but it was the MiB issued credit card and worked perfectly fine. And she was certain she hadn’t maxed it out yet. It’d just been used on her daily bodega order that morning.
“This isn’t fake! I get it’s not my real name, but thanks to MiB it hasn’t let me down yet. How will it--,” she cut herself on as it crossed her mind. What he was trying to tell her without really saying it. Y/I brought a hand to her nose, scrunching it. Feeling stupid she hadn’t realized it sooner as a sigh left her, “I’m not supposed to have a credit card.”
In fact, no woman was supposed to have one. They wouldn’t get the right to open their own credit accounts until 1974. Where they’d be free without having a husband, father, or brother cosign on one.
Gotta love the 60s…..
“What’s it gonna be, slick?” K voice brought her back to reality. Lifting her eyes from the pavement to meet his. Air caught in her throat suddenly, ‘Wow K has beautiful eyes.’
“I’m taking the bed,” Y/I gave in, lighting a cigarette she stole from a pack in K’s car before heading into the building with one thing on her mind: sleep. “I deserve it after jumping off a damn building and almost having my brain cooked.”
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divinityandfanfics · 3 months
“ Love is the Most Twisted Curse ”
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a/n: megumi’s turn ehehehehehe
blurb: “reader is dating megumi fushiguro, who is close friends with itadori yuji. fushiguro and yuji get assigned on a mission, where everything goes downhill.”
WARNINGS: love potion used , permanent love potion , angst , mentions of murder
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ MEGUMI FUSHIGURO X YUJI ITADORI (not really)
☆ early season 1 timeline
☆ angst
☆ established relationship
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»»————- ♡ ————-««
you and megumi fushiguro; a silent, calm, and strong male are dating.
you both put immense effort into the relationship, for example, where the next date will be, spending time with each other while not being a bother to his missions,
all of those.
his father figure─ the one who technically raised him─ satoru gojo, is very supportive of you two.
you aren’t really a jujutsu sorcerer, but you can see curses!
after each mission, megumi always excuses himself to go over to your house.
he just loves spending time with you, and he will never forget a single date you assigned.
whenever he’s on a small mission to kill like- for example, a grade 3 cursed spirit or low-grade cursed spirits in general, he summons the divine dogs to guard your house.
since, he isn’t going to be wasting that much cursed energy on this mission anyway.
he’s quite literally the perfect boyfriend.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
and you found out about his friends, yuji itadori and nobara kugisaki!
you and the two airheads get along well. especially nobara because of the fact that you both love shopping.
they’re apparently the first-year trio.
nobara’s the oldest, and yuji’s the youngest.
you wave goodbye to the three, since they all just got called for a big mission to deal with a grade 1 cursed spirit.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
during the fight, megumi uses nue, the owl, to stun the curse, and, because the cursed spirit didn’t use its weapon yet, megumi is on high alert.
same as for the other two, who were trying their best to exorcise it.
megumi summons the divine dogs to slash an arm so kugisaki can use her strawdoll technique to stun it for a second so yuji can take a hit.
however, before the dogs can even come out, megumi was hit with a glass jar, and the little bits of glass broke everywhere, releasing pinkish gas.
“fushiguro! you alright?” he heard the pink-haired male yell.
kugisaki takes care of the cursed spirit, exorcising it before rushing over to megumi.
yuji was already on megumi’s side, while kugisaki was still running over to them.
megumi opens his heavy eyes, gazing around, and eventually locking eyes with yuji.
yuji realizes that megumi has hearts in his eyes.
and so, yuji looks at kugisaki with a terrified look, and she also looks at yuji, to megumi.
she also seems surprised, looking down.
“fushiguro.. we gotta get you to miss ieiri! i-i’m sure it’s just a temporary love potion, right, kugisaki!?” yuji says desperately.
“i hope..” kugisaki answers.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
kugisaki and yuji were outside of the room megumi was in, hoping shoko can somehow undo the cursed technique of that cursed spirit.
soon enough, the door opens and yuji jumps up in anticipation.
“h-how is he, miss ieiri!?” yuji asks, and kugisaki stands up abruptly as well.
“well..” she starts, before stopping.
“it’s.. a permanent love potion. it was a gas-like figure in which he inhaled, meaning.. the effects are in his veins, atoms even. it’s like inhaling oxygen.” shoko announces.
the two are in shock, eyes widened.
“he’d have to die in order for that cursed technique to go away.” she says with a frown.
“b-but.. m-miss ieiri! what about his girlfriend!? ( y/n )!” kugisaki yells.
shoko shakes her head, “i’m sorry. i can’t do anything about it. otherwise we’d have to kill him for it.”
the two fell silent, just nodding their head.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
tomorrow morning, you wonder why megumi didn’t come home yet, and so you jump out of bed, walking downstairs.
as you were preparing coffee, the doorbell rang.
“oh, it must be megumi.” you mutter tiredly.
you open the door, met with yuji and kugisaki.
“oh, hello. where’s megumi?” you ask.
“well..” yuji sighs.
“he got hit with a love potion that made him fall inlove with itadori, and.. it is now in his cells. we can’t get it out unless he’s killed.” kugisaki explains.
your eyes widen, the sleep was shredded and forced out of you as you look at them, dumbfounded.
your eyes start to tear up, looking down at the ground.
“we- we know this is a lot for you.. but we’re sorry..” kugisaki pats your back, and you shake your head.
“no, no. i- i understand.. being a jujutsu sorcerer means that.. things like this happen normally..” you cry out.
“i atleast enjoyed the time i had with- megumi..”
the two looked at you with visible pity in their eyes.
kugisaki hugged you, thanking you for understanding.
“atleast he was- sob, willing to be in a relationship with me, even if he knew the consequences..” you said again, pulling away from kugisaki.
“say ‘thank you’ to him for me, will you..? i’ll send a letter to him afterwards..” you smile.
they nodded, thanking you for understanding.
soon they left, and you closed your door.
maybe if curses didn’t exist, maybe if he wasn’t a jujutsu sorcerer, you two would’ve been at home, chuckling at cheesy jokes or watching a movie.
maybe in your next life, you’ll travel the world to find him again and actually have a chance to marry him.
“this was rushed so i’m sorry if it’s not that good!” - divinity
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ambrosialdesire · 11 months
pairing: s4 reiner x fem!reader word count: 12.7k warnings + tags: general yandere and obsessive themes, explicit sexual content, unhealthy relationships, kidnapping mention, gore/violence, minor character death mention, usage of the word "dog" in a derogatory/offensive/mocking sense, chasing (hide-and-seek kinda), misogyny, physical assault, suicidal ideations (reader talks about dying a lot), stockholm syndrome, heavy manipulation/guilt-tripping, p*rn w/ plot, noncon/dubcon, hatefucking, mean dom reiner at first, praise & degradation, hair-pulling, slapping, forced f & m oral sex, vaginal sex, sorta missionary, slight belly-bulge mention, doggy-style, breeding (mating press), choking (sexual and nonsexual), marking, virginity loss (both of you), overstimulation (both of you), edging, dacryphilia kinda, mind-break (reader is implied to kinda lose her mind), size kink, brief tit-sucking/breast play, reiner has a short refractory period bc i said so >:), kinda aot spoilers if you haven't watched it before, all characters are 18+ synopsis: everything has fallen apart by the seams even more. reiner knows everything and you have nothing else to lose. taking your chances, you escape his clutches by slipping through liberio's alleyways but there's only a handful of buildings that can hide you before he catches you. terrified isn't the only word to describe what you were feeling and you can't imagine what he'd do to you if he gets his hands on you. a/n: finally the whorish activities begin! thank you all sm for the support for this series and my other fics! i've also reached over 1k likes in this blog and wow, i literally can't believe that my writing got this much attention in roughly 6-8 months! ik i said that i would be doing a konig fic before posting this and a hell of a lot of kinktober prompts but a bunch of shit came up irl that made it nearly impossible to have time to myself and this blog. really sorry about that but life happens unfortunately. anyways, i really ended this series off with a bang (literally) and i hope the ending is somewhat good enough. i would like to thank my friend for getting me back into aot bc without them, i wouldn't have seen the final episode nor would have made this blog. i think 6th/7th grade me would've been so surprised but feel so complete knowing that aot reached its end in the anime. thank you all again for investing and reading the cacoëthes series!! note: please keep in mind of the tags above and do not proceed if triggering or uncomfortable, especially if you are a minor!! do not read my or any other writers' dark content if you are underaged. this is a fictional work and does not reflect irl morals, do not believe this is how a real romance works or functions.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
It's over.
Three years of meticulous and dedicated planning were all torn away by a single bullet. What were the chances of this happening? Why did you never consider that he would kill the old man like this? He was supposed to be completely knocked out. The dosage was supposed to be enough for you to escape.
Everything was supposed to go your way.
"H-how are you even... Wh... Why did y-you..." You gripped the jacket in the middle of your chest, the air weighing heavy with every frightened breath you took. A man was dead because of you. No... because of him.
Where did he even get a gun?!
Reiner stopped aiming the rifle towards you, standing up straight while letting the gun fall to his side. There was no hint of any exhaustion from the drugs except the fact that he was heaving slowly, most likely from running. His appearance was definitely disheveled, the rain pulling down at his clothes and short hair. In the twisted crevices in your mind, you would've found it just a tiny bit attractive.
Regardless of that, you should've never underestimated him in the first place. How could you forget that he graduated second overall in the 104th Training Corps right behind Mikasa, the most terrifyingly strongest woman that matched up right to Annie’s level. You barely even reached the top twenty when you graduated, let alone the top ten.
He said nothing but raised his hand, beckoning for you to come to him as if you were some kind of lost pet. Was he joking? You shook your head and stood your ground, strands of wet hair sticking onto your skin. There was no telling whether it was the rain that caused that or the blood. He murdered an old man — he was a Marleyan traitor sure, but he was still a human — just to keep you here.
"No!" You finally snapped, the wind carrying the words that you've held back for so long. "I'm not coming home with you! I'm never going back, I'd rather die than carrying your fucking spawn!"
"You don't mean that."
How delusional can he be? Can nothing get through that stupidly thick skull of his?
"I meant Every! Single! Word! I hate you Reiner. I've always hated you! For three years, I had to put up with all of your shit! Not because I was beginning to fall for you or that you made me realize that maybe something… something in Marley was worth staying for, but because I was trying to survive. I did everything in order to live through this torment that you forced me into. So no matter what you do, no matter what you say, no matter who you kill," Your fists were balled up so tightly, you were sure that it had cut through the skin of your palms.
"I'll never love you."
It felt like the largest weights of the world had finally lifted off your shoulders and it took all your might to finally look him in the eyes after your confession. He bore a face of devastation, his mouth parted open and eyes wide in a state of complete shock.
You grinned, partially because you were happy to finally say something that bruised his spirit. Now that he was frozen in place and his eyes were slightly glazed over, you had to hastily figure out the controls for the boat.
As you turned away to try and get into the control room, the sound of the rifle went off once more. What the hell did he shoot at? The whistle of the bullet neared and suddenly, a sharp pain ripped through your arm. You cried out in pain, almost stumbling onto the corpse below you. In an instant, you placed your hand over the fresh wound, your undivided attention now back onto him. The rifle was back up and full aimed, faint amounts of steam coming out of the end.
Reiner shot you.
Though you were quite a distance away, you could tell that something changed in him. This was not the same man that you've just screamed all the vile profanities at. You had to get away, now. There was no time to figure out the controls, not when he's now trudging towards you at an alarming rate. You got off, nearly colliding to the ground from the rock of the boat and the slickness of the rained docks.
"Y/N!" He screamed your name out and you could hear the rage laced behind it. If he caught you, you were a dead woman. You started running, as fast as your legs could carry you. In an endless blur, you went from the docks into the empty streets of Liberio.
You dashed left into an alleyway, almost stumbling and slipping on the smoothly cobbled streets, turning towards the farthest right that you were able to reach. Ducking down into a pile of soggy old boxes, you continue to grasp at your injured arm. You couldn't see the damage that was done but you could feel it, clenching your teeth as you ran your fingers across the wound.
You winced and cringed wordlessly as you tried to figure out how big it was and how deep the bullet went, feeling a good amount of your blood trickle down your fingers. There was no entry hole so he must've grazed you, but it was barely a miss in your opinion as it continued to gush out liquid at an alarming rate. You quickly glanced up at the storming sky, watching the lightning zip through the inky clouds before ripping a heaping chunk out of the end of your dress, timing it with the clashing clap of the thunder.
You bit down on the other part of the cloth as you tightly secured it around your wound. The effects of fatigue were finally starting to overtake you now that you had the chance to relax, the adrenaline within your veins weaning off bit by bit. With every breath you took, your lungs ached and burned unwillingly. Not to mention, your feet were definitely all cut up from scurrying around barefoot. You couldn't get tired here, not when you were running from a literal madman.
The wet stomps of boots neared and you stiffened up once more, hyper-focused on which direction it was going. It was unsettlingly still, the air suddenly feeling stuffy and murky as you held your hands against your mouth and nose. The situation felt exactly like the elevator in Trost, where groups of Titans were slowly closing in and all you could do was wait.
You tried to take in slow and steady breaths, but it was more difficult than you realized. There was a growing pressure on your chest that was making it completely strenuous in order to breathe properly, and to make matters worse, your heart was beating at an alarming rate. It had to be absurdly loud from the way you could hear it thump away at your eardrums.
"Where are you?" He trailed his voice off in a taunting manner, his breathing hard yet erratic. You could only imagine his eyes darting about in the dark, trying to pinpoint your exact location.
"I'm going to fucking find you and when I do—" The sound of a crate being kicked and smashed against the brick wall nearby made you flinch, your hands gripping onto your mouth harder as you began to shake in fear.
"Y/N, baby. I'm not gonna hurt you, honest. I'm just... losing my temper. It's your fault y'know but I didn't mean to shoot you — well, I did, what else would stop you from running too far?" The more he spoke, the more nauseous you felt. Reiner really lost his goddamn mind.
The minutes felt like hours the more he stood there trying to figure out where you've wandered off to. You closed your eyes and started to pray, as if some God would be listening to someone like you. The sounds of shuffling and a frustrated growl slowly started to fade away from your proximity, and you let out a silent shaky exhale of relief.
You felt absolutely filthy. Your clothes were torn up, you were sitting in a dirty alleyway, and blood was all over you. It's a miracle that you were even still alive right now.
If you didn't move now, he'd double back to check the areas he originally skipped over. Peeking over the boxes, you slowly got up, trying to change your position along to the sound of the thunder and wind. You peered around the corners of the alleyway, not being able to see a few feet in front of you from the sudden appearance of fog. You could use it to your advantage. Reiner didn't know where you specifically were either; there was your second advantage.
In the same alleyway you were currently in, there were other various passageways. Despite being here for so long, you haven't really memorized the layout of the internment zone. Ugh, you should have done so in the first place but you didn't really create a plan B to your escape plan. It was all going swimmingly up until that moment.
Maybe there was a way that you could retrace your steps back to the boat but you ran mindlessly, just thinking about how to get as far away from him as possible. You couldn't really think, not when he had continuous months of training and you barely had any brush up of any of your skills.
You exhaled and started walking with your body snug against the wall at a brisk pace, taking a few look backs just in case. In your mind, you had to have hope. The kind of hope that you were able to get back to the fishing docks before he could find you. Liberio was a pretty large area so it could take him a while to locate you, unless he transforms and wrecks every building in sight. That was unlikely since this was his home, but him waking up from the drugs was also unlikely and yet it still happened.
Fate was against you and so was time. When morning comes, you'll have nowhere to hide and there was the possibility that Reiner would alert the militia that a threatening "rogue" Eldian was wandering the streets. All you could rely on was yourself and hopefully that could be all you needed.
‘•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’
You were lost.
You thought that if you just kept wandering around, then you'd end up in a street that you'd recognize and use it to get to the docks, but there was jack shit. Everything looked the same: the windows, the walls, the streets. The fog was starting to get on your nerves as well, the rain was able to loosen up but the haze was still blocking most of your vision.
Were you stuck in hell?
The good thing was that you hadn't heard any boots anywhere nearby so you definitely had to be a safe distance away from Reiner. A warm dribble ran down your arm, causing you to halt. The laceration was still bleeding, the cloth now a darker shade of red than before. It was to the point where it was steadily dripping down your fingertips and onto the stones. If you died from blood loss before getting on the boat, it would be better than nothing.
"C'mon me. You've been through worse," You mumbled quietly to yourself as you tore another piece off from the dress, tying it over the soaked one. "You're almost there."
It had to be past midnight by now, time felt like it was working differently once you became lost. Like clockwork, you began moving once more. You had no other choice in the matter, any more hesitation and you'd get caught. Everything felt like it was at its complete limit than before but you had to push through, for your sake.
If you got out of here, you swore to be a better person. You'd be more hesitant, more calloused towards others. Back in Paradis, your kindness was the literal death of you. You held too much trust in others and look where it got you, married to an insane man who's been fucking up your life since day one when the breach occurred in Wall Maria. You were merely a puppet in the hands of Reiner and it wasn't fair.
When the Armored Titan ran through the Shiganshina District, the rubble that came from it pulverized your family. That marked the very moment where you became an orphan. A child to no one.
There were no final goodbyes, there was nothing. You didn't even get to see them brutally pass either. When you dashed home after the Colossal Titan kicked the wall in, you came upon the discovery that your house was completely crushed, fresh crimson splattered everywhere. Would that have made you feel better? Seeing them lose their lives right in front of you?
You don't even remember how you got on one of the escape boats, everything was a faded blur. As the boat sailed out of Shiganshina, you knew deep in your heart that if you had gotten home sooner from the market right before the Colossal Titan came, you would've died with them and that would be it.
You wouldn't have the unwavering decision to join the training corps the moment you became of age. You wouldn't have been matched up and sparring with Reiner for the first time just because Instructor Shadis wanted you to have a challenge. You wouldn't have been saved from him during the Trost disaster. You wouldn't have befriended both him and Bertolt afterwards, acting like the three of you were the bestest of friends. You wouldn't have been shipped off to Marley like a piece of precious stone that he had caught sight of. You wouldn't be in this complicated and hectic situation in the first place.
Placing a hand on your face, you realized that tears had started to wet your cheeks. When did you start crying? How long has it been since the last time you've cried this much? It was back when you had that fight with Porco, wasn’t it? He’d call you a crybaby if he saw you right now. Besides that, how long has it been since you've contemplated your past to the point where you started crying about it again? A soft hiccup left your lips and you sniffed, wiping the tears away with your hands.
You wondered if your parents would be proud of you for trying to escape the very person that took away their lives. Your older sister and brother could be cheering you on and that's why you're still standing despite the many things that happened to you. Afterall, they've always wanted the best for you. Your little brother would be telling you that if you gave up now, he'd take all of your favorite candies and toys and play without you. You wrapped your arms around you and sobbed, heavy tears dripping down your nose and jaw.
Reiner took all that pure love from you without even knowing and tried to replace it with a festering rot, something that he thinks is love. He betrayed you over and over again, misconstruing everything that you've done for him as the desires and pursuits of romance. Nothing in the world can redeem what he has done to you, he created too many shattered pieces.
As you finally looked up through your tear-blurred vision, the fog began to part to the point where you were able to see through it. You wiped your eyes, in disbelief in what you saw. It couldn't be, could it? Piled up boats. Ocean. The dock.
You… did it? You did it. You did it!
The soreness in your body felt suddenly a million times better as you ran forwards, the air in your lungs feeling even more fresher than before. Your eyes ran through the various ships, trying to find Mr. Kraus' as fast as you could. Adrenaline pumped through you when you spotted the lantern at the edge, almost cheering loudly in the night. You stepped slowly aboard, trying to ignore the fact that the captain was still lying dead on the deck.
Crouching down, you placed two fingers over his eyelids and shut them close. His body had long gone cold but you felt absolutely awful. At least he was with his son again.
Should you... bring him along for the ride? You'd probably dump the body once you were more at sea but it was only fair. He was able to give you this chance of escape and the most you could do for him now was to take him to a place where no one would bother him anymore.
You rummaged carefully through his pockets, finding a key located in his chest. There was a photo of his son and him connected to it, so you decided to remove it and tuck the picture back into his jacket pocket. "Thank you Mr. Kraus. For everything."
Entering the control room, you felt like a completely new woman. Under the darkness of the night, you struggled to locate where the key was supposed to be inserted. You've never operated machinery this complicated before or rather, any machinery. ODM gear and the kitchen appliances were the closest you’ve ever learned about that was a machine. Reiner never bought a car, he was probably worried that you'd use it to escape or because a woman wasn't able to drive one. They were pricey too, his warrior salary was pretty good but not good enough to buy one of them.
Fumbling around for a bit, you finally inserted it into something that felt like it was fit for a key and twisted, the instrument panel lighting up and the boat roaring to life. Letting out a light laugh of relief, your focus was now on how to make it go forwards. There were a bunch of levers and buttons, most of them not labeled or containing numbers that made your head spin. Well, there was this big red lever so it must be indicating that it was the forward���
A large arm wrapped around your throat behind you, utter horror and anguish shooting through your body as your thoughts were completely interrupted. They squeezed hard around your neck and pulled you back roughly, making you gag and involuntarily fall backwards towards the violator. You could only assume the worst on who it was.
Your nails dug deeply into his rigid muscle as you desperately tried to escape, your vision beginning to form dark spots from the lack of oxygen. No... no! This can't end here! You've gotten so fucking far, you're not about to lose now.
You reared your foot back into his knee, hearing him cry out in pain and loosen up around your neck. Dropping one arm from clawing apart the skin, you elbowed as hard as you could into his stomach. He didn't let go and you kept hitting, letting out a flurry of choked out curses at him until he finally released you. Falling to the ground, you grasped at your throat, sharply coughing up and heaving as you tried to breathe properly again.
"FUCK! You... You still got it." He coughed a few times, a grin forming on his face.
"It took me a whi... a while to find where you went, but then I saw the blood trail you left behind and saw... that you were heading back to the dock. Terrible decision to be honest." Reiner was out of breath too, probably because you beat the shit out of his stomach and chest trying to free yourself. Steam was rising off of him though so he'd be fine in a matter of minutes while you still struggled to get a good word in.
"But it's the end of the line, no more running. We're going home."
"I'm... I-I'm not going." You managed to blurt out before coughing again but you knew you couldn't move any longer, everything was starting to hurt again.
"Don't you get it? There's nothing for you in Paradis, you only have me." Reiner crouched to your level, resting his hand on your shoulder just like he did back when you were still soldiers. Why was he acting like he was still this merciful and kind knight? He was far from it.
"I'll carry you and clean you up, don't worry."
You spat on his face, watching the liquid dribble down his face as you scowled. "I'm not going anywhere with you, you fucking dog."
It was an abrupt pain.
He raised a hand and struck you, hard. Hard enough to almost make you black out from the sheer force. Hard enough to have the dark spots in your vision make its reappearance.
The side where he hit you made your ear ring and every inch of your cheek had a lingering sting. You could taste the hint of iron on your tongue as you turned your head back to look at him. He was infuriated, more so than when you tried poisoning him. Oh, so that's what pisses him off.
"Don't you fucking dare call me that."
You spat the blood out of your mouth, beginning to giggle like a fool.
"Why? Isn't that what you exactly are? Cause your dear Marleyan daddy didn't love your poor devil mommy enough to stay for either of you."
Reiner struck you again with the same amount of force and you started laughing aloud, feeling more blood trickle down and into your mouth. Maybe the blood loss was making you spiral out of control. Who cares? Everything was starting to fade and go all static-like so who cares what's coming out of your mouth right now.
You started to slump down to the ground unwillingly, the world feeling woozy and cold. Your burning limbs were on the brink of snapping off from moving too much this past evening that you could no longer support yourself. He stopped you from collapsing any further however, holding you against him as if he hadn't previously slapped the literal soul out of you.
If you died here, you'd die not being held by him. Weakly, you tried pushing yourself out of his arms but didn't budge an inch. He leaned close to your ear, bushing strands away from it. You weren't able to hear what he said, losing consciousness the minute he began to speak.
‘•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’
You wished everything was still a dream. To no surprise, you awoke back at home on the bed, completely cleaned and patched up. You were no longer wearing the filthy dress and jacket, rather you were in a nightgown; not in your most provocative one luckily. It absolutely ached — even to just hardly shift around — so you didn't bother punishing yourself that much, only barely moving your head here and there.
The first thing you noticed after your eyes adjusted was the coverings of your injuries. Your arm gun wound was wrapped up in bandages and there were smaller dressings around your feet; damn, he really took care of you while you were still passed out. The next thing you noticed was how Reiner wasn't in the room, probably preoccupied with something. Right, he had to leave for another battle.... today? What time was it? What day was it?
You turned your head towards the closet, seeing that it was pried completely open, the hinges nearly torn off the wall. He probably hid the rifle in there for years and you've never noticed it, even when you were hiding something in there too. Everything was knocked over as if he was in a panic trying to find it and you weakly sat up to see the casualties of the items in there, your heart sinking down in your stomach as you saw the shoebox knocked over and the contents inside being completely empty. He knows, he had to.
At that moment, the door swung open and you winced trying to fall back down on the bed to pretend that you were still sleeping. It was pointless however, he already entered before you could close your eyes.
"You're awake. Morning— er... Good evening actually." From what you can barely see from the hallway light, Reiner had a bowl of soup in one hand and the journal — your journal — in the other. Can this get any worse?
"It's been four days—"
"Four?!" You shot up, wincing as your muscles pulled themselves taut. He settled the soup bowl down on the nightstand, turned on the lamp, and pushed you back down on the bed, hushing you like you were some kid. "Why are you still here then? Aren't you supposed to fight in another stupid self-war?"
"I told my superiors that you severely injured yourself to the point where you weren't able to move. I didn't tell them that you were trying to escape because they would've taken you away from me, luck is once again on your side." He lightly laughed as if it was some funny joke.
"Anyways, since you didn't have family here and my family refused to take care of you, I told them that I wanted to stay until you got better. After that, I'll do whatever they want me to do. You can call this an extended vacation." He explained and you wanted to throw yourself off of the building right now.
"Can't you just kill me already?" You groaned in anguish and he chuckled, shaking his head.
"No can do, I love you too much to do that."
"Well I don't love you."
"I know. I've been reading this little book of yours when I woke up from that trick of yours and stumbled across it," He shook it in his hands and opened it to a random page, your face contorting to panic. "Nearly three years of extensively written details about how much you hate me."
"Here's a passage from last year on July 5th: Reiner's downstairs right now so I'll make this quick. He asked me again about children, well not really asked, alluded to the fact that he wants them. There was some kids playing outside, kicking around a ball, and he said that he wished that we had a child to join them. I didn't say anything in reply. But I can't take it anymore, I have to get out of here. A child between us would be detrimental to my sanity, I couldn't bring myself to love it. Not when it's a part of him." His voice was cold as he read and you couldn't bring yourself to look at him.
He went on to read more pages, paragraphs of you talking about wanting to kill him, the failed methods you had planned, the whole plan between Mr. Kraus and you. Did you feel embarrassed that he finally found out that you were acting or humiliated that everything went wrong? You heard the noise of flipping pages and he cleared his throat.
"This was the final thing you wrote in this. I'll skip the beginning since it's not the main point I want you to hear." Your eyes widened and shot up, your hand darting painfully to grab the journal from him. He can read anything, anything but that excerpt. He stepped back and you fell off the bed with a heavy thump, a strangled out cry coming out of you. Your arms shook as you attempted to push yourself up, but he kicked you back down to the floor and placed a sturdy boot down on the middle of your back. You yelled out to him to stop — to stop reading the very secrets you kept from him — your voice starting to go hoarse.
"...If you, Reiner, find this when I'm long gone, know that I've always hated you. I've always been sickened by your touch and your kisses, I never meant any of those I love yous, and I've always wished you died horribly during the times you went off to those battles. I wanted to receive a letter or be told personally that you were killed in action, shot down by the cannons that were able to pierce through your armor." Reiner dug his heel into you, an agonizing shriek being pulled out of your beaten body.
"I'd weep, not of sadness but of joy because I would be finally be free from your clutches. Whatever you thought you taught me in order to be your perfect spouse, I was playing a role in order to survive this insanity of yours. I never loved you and I never will. Don't try to go back to Paradis to find me. You would have to bring back my dead body in order to bring me back to Marley." This was a complete and utter nightmare.
"I treated you to a life of safety, I took care of you when you were sick and injured. I didn't have sex with you because I wanted to respect your space. I fed you, clothed you, I did everything. I put you on a pedestal all because I love you." He dug deeper into your spine, your nails scraping into the wood.
"And this is what I get in return? An ungrateful little bitch who'd rather be ripped apart by Pure Titans than love me. A fucking whore that bats her eyes at a different man while calling the man she's married to a dog."
You gritted your teeth as hot tears poured down your face. "Yeah, that's right. I'd rather die horribly against a Titan if it meant that I'd never be with you. I'd fuck Porco if I could, I would do it behind your back if I wanted to too. Out of everyone you chose in Paradis, you married the one that was too much trouble. That's what Hoover said about me, right?"
His foot finally came off your back, letting you finally breathe, until he crouched down and pushed you up against the side of the bed, holding you there. Reiner was pissed beyond belief, teeth bared at you. "He did. He did and even if he was right, I didn't care because I thought I could change you."
"But you never were able to, you failed. Nothing you can do can change how I feel about you. But what can I expect—" Your narrowed eyes met with his, seeing the conflicted anger bubble in his brown irises. A small smug smirk grew on your face, your head tilting off to the side tauntingly.
"A dog will always be a dog."
A singular hand wrapped around your neck in a flash, the sheer force making you gag as he cut off your air flow once more. You fought back, trying to pull off his arm with both of your hands around his forearm. Small little sparks flickered off of him, fear melting into your expression. If you weren't imagining it, that would've meant that he was ready to turn. If you so much as put the smallest scratch on him, he'd transform. He'd kill everyone in the vicinity because of you.
" 'M s... s-sorry." You strangled out and he finally let you go, watching you fall back onto the ground. Your neck had to be bruised from getting violently choked all the damn time.
"If that's how you see me, fine. I'll just fuck you like one since that's all you see me as."
What?! Did you hear him right? That was literally the last thing you wanted! And maybe that's why he's resorting to it, the sick fucker.
The sound of a belt unbuckling caught your attention and you panicked, quickly pushing him away and attempted to retreat by crawling. Everything in your body still sorely burned but it was better than getting your virginity taken. He grabbed you by the ankle and pulled you back, making you shriek in surprise. Before standing up, he placed you back in your original position, making you sit on the ground right in front of him with your head against the side of the mattress.
"I should've done this right from the start." Reiner sneered, pulling out his partially-hard dick from the confines of the dark uniform pants he wore. Your eyes widened at the sight of it, thighs and mouth clenching tightly as if they were suddenly glued together. On numerous awkward occasions and the night of the Porco incident, you've felt it up against you but never seen it like this; the only time you ever seen a dick was diagrams of it in class during the training corps.
But this monster!? No fucking way that thing of his would fit anywhere inside your body. It was stupidly thick, his hand loosely wrapped around the veiny shaft as he slowly stroked himself hard directly in front of you. The tip towards the midpart of his cock was slightly flushed a soft pink and when he tugged back the skin for you to see, the tip was actually a rosy color. You couldn't even bring yourself to describe how hefty his balls were as they rested on the outside of his pants.
Reiner's heart was thumping hard as he jerked himself right in front of your face, his cheeks burning up as your owlish eyes stared at it. Was it that fascinating? This was terribly embarrassing for him — he was still a virgin too and this was technically the first time he's done anything sexual in your conscious presence — but you've led him on for years, this was punishment for the cruel lies you've fed.
He let out a quiet, shaky breath when he showed you the tip, your curious eyes still observing him. God, the two of you should've done this way back in the honeymoon. Maybe this wasn't the way he wanted each other's first times to be, but he would be lying if your stubbornness wasn't completely making him hard right now.
Once it was completely at full mast, you were pretty sure it was bigger than the length of your face. This was a threat, a danger to your body.
"Open." You glared at him and shook your head in refusal, even going so far to put your hands over your mouth. Who the hell does he think he is? He scoffed, his free hand grabbing the hair at the back of your head and jerking it back roughly. Asshole.
"Open. Or else."
You rolled your eyes at him, removing one hand as if you were complying. Instead, you put your middle finger up and smugly smiled under your other hand. He frustratingly growled under his breath and pulled at your hair again, holding onto it this time around until your scalp began to sting. You started slapping and hitting at his thigh to make him stop, carefully trying to avoid touching it. If this went any longer, he'd probably sever your scalp from your skull. But he refused to let go, waiting until you took off your hand and replaced it with him.
"Alright! I'll fucking do it! Just stop!" Screaming into your hand, you finally unwillingly gave in after the pain got too much for you but hesitated to even lay a finger on it. He loosened his grip but still held onto your hair, lightly caressing it between his fingers.
He was still holding it in one hand so you put your hands on his thighs and nervously leaned in. Closing your eyes shut, you shakily placed the tip in between your lips. It was warmer than you thought, a sticky substance staining your lips as you began to pull away. Was that satisfying enough for him? Absolutely not. Unbeknownst to you, he had other plans, unexpectedly shoving his cock through and bottoming out completely.
Your eyes shot open as you gagged badly, trying to wiggle out of his grip and recoiling your head backwards against the mattress. Panic ran through your body as he refused to let go, only pushing in impossibly deeper down your throat. This wasn't meant to be in your mouth, much less shoved completely down your throat without care. You resorted to try and settle down, breathing through your nose in panicked bursts. If you threw up on him, he'd probably pull out but if he didn't, you'd choke on your own vomit.
An audible groan came out of him once everything was in and he clenched at your hair. Reiner partially felt sorry for doing this to you but he couldn't resist when he watched you basically give a cute little kiss on his tip. He tilted his head to the side, experimentally thrusting in short bursts and watching your reaction. The inside of your mouth was insanely hot and you kept vocally protesting, sending vibrations down and against his dick. You kept constantly moving, almost bobbing your head back and forth along with his light prodding, persistently trying to get him out. He felt your tongue stroking against the bottom of his shaft, a shiver going down his spine.
Your tear-stricken gaze looked up at him, inadvertently begging him to free you from this but he only felt himself become even more stiff. Shit, he could cum right there and now. It felt too good for him to take it out just because you were suffocating, you deserved all of this after all.
Tears began to fall down your cheeks as he kept his cock locked in, your jaw already aching from being pried open for so long. You tried biting down but the sheer thickness made it quite literally impossible. You didn't want to die suffocating on his dick, what a humiliating headstone that would be. Here lies Y/N Braun: Beloved daughter and wife, died being forced to appease her husband sexually since she wasn't able to escape Marley fast enough.
Reiner suddenly started to let out soft grunts and forcibly pushed you closer from the back of your head with both hands, your face flushed against his lower half. Something viscously warm went down your throat in inconsistent spurts, eyes widening in shock as you were forced to swallow the liquid. What the fuck, did he just—!?
Copious amounts of drool and still-warm cum spilled out as he finally pulled out, the fluids dribbling down your chin as you started coughing up a lung. The taste was unlike anything you had before, meshing from a dull salty to a bearable bittersweet flavor. To your horror, he was still hard, twitching right in front of you as pearl-like beads of white ran down his length. Weren't men supposed to go soft afterwards?
Reiner didn't say anything, only panting before crouching down to your level. You shot a glare at him as you rubbed your throat, heaving slowly. Unlike you, his large pupils were blown out with lustful possession and he dove in to kiss you, ignoring the fact that he was consuming his own fluids intermingled with your saliva.
You fought back, teeth hitting teeth. It only egged him on however, pushing you against the bedside as he continued to ravage your mouth, biting down on your bottom lip. An involuntary gasp slipped out and he pushed his tongue in, the muscle brushing against yours. You could barely breathe, completely overwhelmed with everything that was happening to you.
Large hands grabbed at your hips and pulled you closer to his lower half, your body twitching at the sudden movement. You went to shove him off while he was distracted sucking your face off, but he barely pulled away to let the two of you breathe. He rested his forehead against yours, eyes locked on each other as the two of you drew in intense, erratic breaths.
"Can Porco kiss you like that?"
You were rendered speechless, Reiner suddenly picking you up from the ground. You didn't fight him when he did, already exhausted and still shellshocked from what he had asked. He laid you down on your back but your legs still dangled off the bed, confusion forming in your expression. His figure shadowed over you, the lamp barely illuminating his features.
He thought you were still so pretty despite becoming a mess that he caused, your eyes still glimmering in uncertainty. Since you've graciously let him accidentally ejaculate in your mouth, he had to return the favor to you, even if he was still angry at you. Tonight was the night to do absolutely everything, even if you still hated him at the end. He'll change your feelings towards him no matter what, even if he reached the end of his Titan's inheritance.
He dropped down in front of you, lifting up one of your legs and started placing short kisses down your calf to your inner thigh. It was sorta ticklish, partially because of his stubble, until he started needily sucking and licking the skin. You bit down on your tongue, tired of giving any satisfaction of whether something he did was pleasurable to you. He won't win, not this time around.
He reached for your other leg as he dropped the other on his shoulder, and repeated his actions, biting down when he was close to your womanhood. You winced at the pain, trying to push his face away with your hand. But before you could, Reiner pulled away and you swore you saw your blood stained on his teeth before he licked it away.
"What are you—" You inhaled sharply as a finger tentatively prodded against your covered hole, face immediately erupting in heat.
"You're wet." Reiner bluntly stated as he withdrew it, a string of your fluids still attached. He was just as surprised as you were. He didn't even do anything to you yet, unless you liked getting your throat stuffed with every inch of him. His cock twitched impatiently underneath him, no longer drenched with your saliva and his cum.
"W-wait that can't be, I-I..." You fumbled around your words, utterly lost on what was happening to your body. You tried to sit up but he started to tug your nightgown upwards, alarms setting off in your ears. You couldn't be attracted to this, to him.
"Hold on. R-Reiner st... stop—" You were cut short when he pressed two of his fingers back onto the dampened cloth, slowly beginning to rub up and down. One hand shot up to your mouth, swallowing down any little moans that tried to escape. The pleasurable shivers from the last time he fondled you were back, a shudder going down your spine.
Reiner wanted more, almost ripping the fabric off. But he restrained himself, no matter how much his dick was begging to be touched or be inside of you. He pulled them off, weaving it through your legs before you could protest and enveloped his mouth in-between your slickened folds. He groaned heavily against you, eyes almost rolling to the back of his head. You tasted so sweet, better than he had ever imagined in his mind. He began to lap up the liquids that continued to gush out with every stir of his tongue, your thighs squishing his head.
He could die a happy man now that he finally had a taste of you.
You shivered as his tongue teased around your hole, greedily licking up your arousal that continued to spill out. The hand against your mouth clenched into a fist and your fingers ached as they gripped the sheets underneath you tightly, head throwing back as he began to attentively suck on your hardened clit. Why the hell was he so good? It was impossible to think that he learned this from someone else.
Unconsciously, you pushed your hips more towards his face and bucked when he laid his tongue flat against you. Soft moans started to slip out along with your panting, the fuzzy pleasure getting to your head. His hands grabbed the meat of your thighs and forced you to stay open, his grip tightening if you tried to close them. This shouldn't feel so good, betrayal whispering in every cell of your brain.
"Reiner," A pathetic whimper of his name came out of your mouth before you could stop it. He looked up at you, still dragging his tongue from your entrance to the hardened nub. "Please, please stop, s-something doesn't feel right."
He ignored you per usual, as if anything you say now would change anything, but his eyes never left yours. There was a sort of pressure building up around your lower half and it was terrifying, you didn't know what was going to transpire. As if he knew what was happening, the pacing of his tongue quickened, your hand shooting up and grabbing his hair. The sensation was too much for you to handle. As you tried to tug him away from your pussy, he moaned against you, a shot of pleasure running through you.
You were close, he could tell from how much you desperately started to ride against his tongue, his nose nudging against your clit with every little flinch. The influx of juices that were leaking out started to even become more apparent. You couldn't hide it, you loved him pleasuring you. He would've been willing to do this for you whenever you asked, all you had to do was let him into your heart. As much as he wanted you to suffer, he's a kind man, he'll let you release in his mouth. Without hesitation, Reiner started to rub your clit with his fingers as he tongue-fucked your entrance, feeling your walls clench around the muscle.
Your involuntary moans became louder until your orgasm hit you fast and hard, your back arching as blinding white stars filled your vision. Your body shuddered and rode against his face, your hand accidentally gripping his hair too hard and pulling him close to your pussy. It felt like you were knocked dizzy as if he had struck you once more, panting heavily as you came down from that giddy high bit by bit. He finally pulled away but still was lazily rubbing your clit, your body quivering with every teasing rotation.
"You did so good baby, you're so good." Reiner quietly praised, placing a wet kiss on your thigh. You couldn't say anything in reply, still completely drained out of everything. He removed his fingers away and got up, your body lightly twitching from the loss of contact.
You had to watch him remove his shirt, heart skipping as you saw the ripples of muscle you've avoided to look at for years. God, you missed out on a lot. His chest was beefier than you expected, only feeling it against you through his hugs and the occasional times that you've accidentally touched them.
He pushed down his pants further, almost completely bare from what you were able to see. There was a trail of slightly dark blonde hair above the base of his dick, the wisps of it stopping below his belly button. The sound of thuds from his boots followed suit and were shoved aside with his foot. Terror began to claw out through the warm haze as he pulled you more to the edge by your hips and started to line his cock up to your entrance, the fat tip nearing your hole as he held onto one of your thighs to keep you open.
"W-Wait Reiner, it's not going to fit!" You begged, the realization finally hitting. You were going to get destroyed by him. If you finally got fucked, there was no going back. There was a chance that you were never going to be the same person ever again afterwards.
"I don't care, I'm fucking you whether or not it fits." He lowly growled, his personality doing a complete turnaround suddenly. You tried struggling, hands shooting up to his chest and pushing, digging your nails into his stupidly meaty pecs as he ignored you. Your legs were wildly kicking around in protest from a sudden shot of adrenaline, but the hand on your thigh had squeezed you to the point where you thought he would rip your flesh right off if you kept fighting him. There was no way out of this anymore, complete and utter hopelessness settling in the pit of your stomach as you finally gave into his desire.
He pushed the uncut tip in through your folds, a pained whine coming out of you as he continued to stretch you out. It burned as he slowly and completely sheathed himself in you, hot tears falling down your cheeks. He was simply too big for your poor body to handle, unused to anything being inside. You uncontrollably tightened around him, almost hyperventilating from the pain.
"Reiner it hurts, take it out please!" You cried out and tried to move off of it, only meeting with painful throbs in your gaped cunt. The hand that held you open went to your hip and kept you steady, still speared around his cock.
Reiner used his free hand and wiped your tears away, licking his thumb afterwards. Was that supposed to be some form of dull comfort? What a jerk, punishing you like this. A few more agonizing seconds went by and he experimentally rolled his hips against you, a gasp shooting out of you as you felt the tip briefly press against your cervix.
You started pleading with a mantra of his name, teary eyes inspecting his, searching for some sort of penitence. There was nothing, nothing but a burning fire of anger. It was your fault that it had gotten this far, the rage blinding him to go through this sort of tortuous action.
Maybe if you let him do you once before, he would've been satiated from the start.
He was holding himself back, feverish gummy walls clenching onto his cock like a vise. You were babbling like an idiot from the slightest movement, saying his name as if it was the only thing that was keeping you from going mad. He thought that it was cute how you started shortening his name to only Rei, he'd never heard that before.
"Did you forget how much you hate my guts? How much you'd rather die than get fucked by me, a dog?" Reiner finally spoke, taunting as he began to rub your clit, watching how your head rolled back into the messed up sheets in complete submission.
"Fuck. I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You whimpered out a quick apology, the same build-up of pressure forming in the pit of your stomach. Why were you apologizing? You never felt the slightest bit of pity for this man before, but you'd do anything for him to get this thing out of you as soon as possible.
"Rei, I'm sorry. I really am. You're not — ah — you're not a dog. Y-you're not. T-take it out please, you're too big."
"Sorry doesn't fix what you said." He felt you clench up, pulling him in deeper. He started to pick up his pace, embarrassing squelching sounds of your sopping pussy becoming louder as he started to steadily pound into you. Reiner watched with every heavy thrust he made, your stomach would slightly bulge out. He almost laughed at the sight, he really is too big for you.
"Sorry doesn't fix what you wrote." You couldn't stop yourself from crying out as he ceaselessly bobbed back and forth, the stretch becoming less and less painful the more he fucked you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he hit a particular spot within you, core squeezing. He took notice from how your muscles tightened around him, beginning to angle himself to only hit that specific area, a towering pleasure enveloping your insides. This cursed man and his godforsaken attentiveness.
You couldn't hold back your moans any longer, the constant stimulation on your clit and within your pussy was undeniably too good for your body to ignore.
"Sorry doesn't fix three years of lies." Reiner pushed himself in roughly, his lower half flushed against yours and you immediately fell apart, wanton moans following as you came on his cock in short spasms. His hand gripped your hip in an achingly rigid fashion as your walls fluttered, trying to milk him for all he's worth.
Disgust began to crawl in and you turned your head away from him as the euphoria fogged up your thoughts once more. He didn't stop despite you already finishing, short little whimpers escaping you as you felt his veiny shaft continuously bully your oversensitive walls. He leaned in and forced you to face him once more, kissing you hard but slow. Your arms wrapped around him suddenly, your hands clawing down into his back. He winced against your mouth and bit down on your lip in return, a painful cry slipping out as you pulled away for air.
Reiner dove back to kiss you, barely giving you any second to recuperate. Your moans muffled against his mouth as you came again without warning, wrapping your legs around his waist at the same time as you unintentionally pulled his torso closer to yours with your arms. He let out a soft groan against your lips and you felt a burning warmth fill your insides up, devastation immediately filling your mind.
This was it. Everything that you've worked so hard for in order to prevent this scenario had crumbled to pieces. Was it really worth it to even try in the first place? You despised him, you hated his entire being so much.
You then realized that he hadn't pulled out, vaguely feeling that he was still hard but his pace going back to a slow rock. You were so exhausted and so sensitive, what more did he want out of you?
He could see that you were already getting weaker, slow and heavy breaths against his chest. Your pussy was still so warm and tight that his mouth nearly watered as he leisurely fucked you at a snail's pace. He needed more, needed more of you.
While still sheathed inside, Reiner lifted you up further into the middle of the bed and slowly turned you around, making you hold yourself up on your hands and knees. As much as your limbs burned and ached, every light movement he made within you had you twitch and gasp, grasping at the sheets beneath your palms. He carefully removed your nightgown, weaving it through your arms and head with little resistance and threw it somewhere in the room. You didn't try to hide your bare body from him anymore, flinching as you felt him lean over and lovingly kiss down from your nape to your back. For some reason, that pained you even more.
"You wanted a dog," Reiner's voice gruffly whispered into your ear, your eyes widening as his hips began to move away from yours. "So I'll give you a dog."
He completely pulled himself out of your pussy and sheathed it back in all at once, the thickness filling up your insides. You cried out in shock, almost barely noticing the fact that his inhumanely stiff cock was no longer hurting you but instead flooding your body with an undeniable pleasure. His hands gripped the side of your hips once more, setting a brutal pace that nearly had you start drooling.
With this new position that Reiner put you in, it felt like his cock was pushing impossibly deeper with every aggressive stroke and the oversensitivity had caused your gummy walls to keep squeezing along with his thrusts. Your arms were shaking even more, barely able to keep yourself up on your hands.
"Fuck baby, you're squeezing me so much." He groaned and from his tone, you knew he had the smuggest grin on his stupid face.
"Almost makes me think that you like getting fucked in this position." Reiner's warm body leaned against your back and one of his hands left your hip, wrapping itself around your throat and forcing you to make eye contact with him.
You were right — he was smiling like an idiot — a faint sheen of sweat laid on the skin of his face, small beads rolling down. From the lamp's light, you could see that he was flushed pink, similar to when he began to get alcohol into his system. Little did you know that he was pussy-drunk, obsessed in the way you squeezed down on his shaft with every thrust he did, trying so desperately to look like you weren't enjoying this when your body was saying otherwise.
"For someone that says that she hates me, you sure are taking me so well." He cooed, his teeth biting down on the corner of his lip.
"F-fuck you." You barely managed to say those words with his hand choking you but he finally let go, strands of hair falling into your face. Reiner chuckled to himself while placing his hand on the midst of your back, pushing you down until your chest was pressed against the bedding and your ass facing up.
"What do you think I'm doing?" Both of his hands resumed back onto the peaks of your hips and he started plunging his cock into you at an alarming rate. The unwavering pattern of wet slaps of skin-on-skin contact paired with the sounds of his heavy breathing and your short gasps started to make your head spin. Reiner's hands were squeezing your hips so tightly as he continued to ravage your drenched and dribbling hole, you were sure that his handprints left their mark behind.
It was animalistic and you could feel yourself slowly losing to the carnality of it all. In a matter of minutes without realizing it, you began to rock yourself back and forth to match up to his thrusts. Does it really matter anymore? Might as well enjoy it as much as you can.
"Hah— You wanna cum?" His hand slipped around, his fingers dawdling around your swollen clit, not quite putting pressure on it but enough to where it made you desperate.
You nodded quickly against the mattress and a sharp strike on your ass was given, your body jolting from the suddenness of it.
"Use your words." He teased and you swallowed your pride, tilting your head to the side.
"I wanna — ngh — I wanna c-cum." You mumbled quietly only to retrieve another strike to your ass, the flesh jiggling under his palm. His pace slowed back down, the pressure within you slowly fading away. No, no, no. You were almost there. You attempted to buck back on his cock in an urgent fashion but he held you still, frustration bubbling in your mind.
"Louder." His fingers traced over the welts and bruises on your skin, a shiver going down your spine. "Louder and I'll give you what you want."
You forgot that he was torturing you. This whole thing that he started was a punishment but the way his words and his light touches immediately went down to your cunt, you couldn't help but feel your body betray your mind. It felt too embarrassing to repeat until the fingers on your clit pressed down with more pressure and started to rapidly circle around the nub.
Why was he doing this? Part of you could care less, not when you could feel yourself getting close again. You moaned, grinding against his movements as if any apprehension that you once had before never existed in the first place. Close, you were getting so close once more and then he abruptly stopped, the pads of his fingertips slipping out from in-between your puffy lips.
You looked back at him with almost glassy eyes, a crushing disappointment bubbling in your throat. "W-what?! Why'd you stop?"
Reiner only smiled, as if he had done no harm. "What do you want again baby? I'm sorry, it slipped my mind."
Is... is he serious? No, he had to be joking. The cruel bastard was building you up, only to make you dissatisfied. Dissatisfied and wanting more. You bit the side of your tongue.
"I want you to make me cum." The familiar feeling of his hand hitting your ass again had your skin begin to throb, a pained cry escaping you. "P-Please."
"So polite are we?" You could feel the pads of his fingertips near your clit once more but his cock started to slip out of you, every slow inch of his veiny shaft sliding out of your walls left you breathless. He barely left the tip in you, mixed essences from the both of you beginning to slowly spill out and down your inner thighs. "But I didn't quite catch that."
From there, over and over, Reiner built you up towards your impending climax, only to pause when you were right about to burst. It was like he knew you were almost about to get there, as if he was some kind of prophet. His fingers were wet with slick and cum, and you were acutely aware of his cockhead tormentingly moving in and out of your hole with little to no movement.
Your body was trembling, not from the exhaustion anymore, and a complete haze of lust and desire sunk its claws deep into the crevices of your mind. How much longer would he play this game of his? You knew he was holding himself back, tormenting himself from the satisfaction he was seeking for the entire night. As his fingers slipped away from your swollen cunt for the umpteenth time in a row, all of a sudden, something inside you cracked.
"Reiner, please please I wanna cum. I-I need to cum. God, just fuck me already!" You cried out, grinding your lower half against his for any sort of stimulation in absolute delirium. Reiner felt your hand try to slip him back into you, but only resulting in his cock messily slipping through and clumsily bumping against your clit. You whined in mute anger but still rubbed yourself against the stiff shaft, making do with what you were given.
He was thrown off from how quickly you folded to his request, almost freezing at the sight. To see you in such an achingly frantic state was everything that he didn't know he needed. His poor, poor wife, maddened by the desire and pleasure. You missed out for years due to your pathetic vows to abstain from any sexual contact from him and now that you've gotten a taste, you became immediately addicted to the feeling. To him. How cruel it was for him to keep you away from his cock, his heart aching as tears begin to fall down your beautiful face. Oh how can he stay mad at you?
After all, he can never say no to his beloved wife.
As promised, he started putting more pressure as he rubbed your clit, sheathing his dick quickly inside of your hole. You've never felt such relief in your life, walls squeezing and welcoming his thickness in with every greedy plunge.
"Fuck, fuck, fuckkkk..." You mindlessly drawled out curses into the wrinkled sheets and he muttered jokingly about something about you being so foul-mouthed but who the hell cares? A smile grew on your face until you saw white stars, searingly coming undone once more around his shaft. You could feel his tip press against your cervix, your figure stiffening and jerking against him with every quick spasm. His heavy body leaned over against your back, mouth enveloping the crook of your neck and biting down as he came with you, hot spurts of cum filling up your womb even more.
Unlike the other three times you came this evening, this orgasm ripped through your body. You might as well have blacked out from the blinding ecstasy.
You could barely feel yourself be turned back around, eyes tiredly flickering over and looking at his face. You stared at him absently, mind slowly going back in time. There were times throughout your life from when you've known Reiner that you've thought that he was irrevocably handsome. Yes, you've once and had begun to always considered him as family as a soldier, but you couldn't fault yourself for looking at your friend — husband — as more than something from time to time when the two of you were younger.
He's always been there for you, had seen you at your worst moments and yet, yet... he was the one that stayed. When you've made numerous attempts at his life, when you've nearly died from a Titan and blood loss, when the two of you would get in trouble with the superiors in Paradis; over and over, Reiner would be there. No matter what, he's the constant in your life, be it by choice or not.
He was kissing down your neck, nipping at your skin, and leaving purple marks with every light kiss. His calloused hand brushed against one of your tits, palming and squeezing at the flesh before he dove in and began sucking at the hardened bud. Your breath hitched as you watched and felt him roll his tongue around your nipple, kneading the other one with his free hand.
Sucking your breasts seemed to leave him entranced, a heavy sigh leaving him as he started to grind himself against the area underneath you. In the weirdest way possible, it was almost memorizing watching him, softly moaning when he switched over to the other breast. This whole experience was making you crazy, maybe as insane as he is.
Reiner muttered something against your chest about milk coming in and how good the taste would be, quietly assessing your expression afterwards. There was a hint of indifference within your eyes but you couldn't muster up any more words to snap back to him, complete exhaustion weighing heavy on your slackened limbs. You could say the same about him, it seemed that he was barely running on anything as well but that damned determination in his eyes said otherwise.
You knew his goal. You knew that this wasn't the last time the two of you were going to do this until he reached it. Maybe even then, he wouldn't even stop there either. That's just who Reiner is, the stubborn man.
He reached over to brush the strands out of your sweaty face, the burning warmth of your cheeks connecting against his palms.
"I love you."
You didn't even realize that he had pulled out from before, but regardless of that, he still positioned himself above you to push his dick back in your dripping sore cunt again. His thighs had rested on top of yours and he began to push your legs back towards your chest, holding you open by his muscled arms. Though he towered over you, he positioned himself to face you, his hazel eyes lovingly staring down into yours.
"Say it back." He let out a quiet whimper as he pushed his sensitive cock back into you, your brain melting at the overstuffed feeling that it gave you once more. "Please."
The gentleness of the way he said it, even within your dazed mind, had your heart pounding.
"I love you." He stated again as he began to rut his thick cock into your used core. You could only breathlessly moan in response, feeling him even deeper than before. You've never realized how much burningly warm Reiner was when he's this close on top of you, his body almost swallowing yours. You watched as his face contorted in complete focus as he methodically rutted into you, his hefty balls slapping against your ass with every given thrust.
This was different, not like the other times in this long night. It was tender, cautious. It was as if he was afraid of breaking you, as if you were suddenly the most fragile thing in the world. For some unknown reason, this realization made your stomach flutter like nothing else before. Slowly, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to your face.
The two of you stared at each other quietly, lips parted and steadily heaving. Without the fuel of your hatred, all you could think of was how lovely he looked like this, as if he belonged in this position above you.
You moved and pushed yourself upwards, willingly kissing him for the first time in years. You lost yourself to the feeling of his lips on yours, all the while as his cock continued to spear your hole. Unlike him for most of the night, he stiffened and stilled, hesitantly kissing you back in return. The confirmation that he desperately sought for years, this was more than enough for him. His thrusts picked back up and became more steadier in pace, taking his time in pleasing the two of you.
He pulled away from your swollen lips for air, his breath shuddering as your aching walls quivered around him. Your hands cupped his face, quietly begging him to give you one more orgasm. One more but you’re so spent and sensitive, unsure if you had another one in you. You had to, for him.
"C-cumming, 'm cum—!"
You wordlessly cried out from another body-wracking orgasm, legs wrapping around his waist tightly and pulling him in even deeper than humanly possible. Your body became so pliable underneath him and without skipping a beat, he began to slam himself harder into you, the squelch of his cock jutting into you becoming louder by the second. To impregnate you with his child, that would be his final parting gift to you when he gives up his Titan. He had to reach his goal, hell, he might've already from the first time he got into your pussy.
There was always a however. Even then when he unfortunately leaves you alone with his kid, what Reiner wanted the most in the entire world was to hear you say that you loved him. Not in the fake way that you did for the past three years, but as your true self. The one that he had completely exposed tonight and the one he fell in love with ever since that fateful sparring day.
"Please Y/N, say it back." He panted and you tiredly shook your head, biting at your bottom lip. "I need you to say it out loud."
"I... I-I can't. Reiner, I just ca— HMPH!" He quickly silenced you with another kiss, rejecting the notion.
Why? Why? Why? Why can't you? It didn't make sense nor did it settle well in his stomach. Of course there were things that you could never forgive him for, he was dangerously flawed for the most part but somehow, in some way, he wanted you to see him as redeeming. If you can't, then how can he live with the burden of everything he's done?
Reiner suddenly removed his lips from yours again, pressing his forehead against yours, his eyes closed tightly shut as he worked towards his final orgasm. His movements were becoming more erratic until his lower half stilled and once more, you could feel his hot cum spill into your womb, occasionally rutting to push the liquid impossibly deeper. His grunts were broken and airy, as if he had been finally emptied of everything in him.
The two of you were quiet despite the heavy breathing that was unevenly shared. A few minutes later, he slowly started to slide his softened cock out of your achingly raw pussy.
You laid there, used and tired. Reiner didn't move from on top of you and you almost knocked out before small, warm splatters made contact against your chest. You reopened your eyes to see him crying over your body, his lip quivering and his body shaking.
"Why are you...?" You began with a hoarse voice, attempting to sit up.
"Five years."
"I have five years left," For some reason, your blood ran cold and your heart sank down to your stomach. "It's a Titan inheritor thing. Whoever receives any of the Nine Titans has thirteen years to live."
Reiner looked at you, trying to wipe away his tears with a short laugh. "I know you won't forgive me, I wouldn't either. I'm just another devil that couldn't keep his hands or eyes to himself, and I'm a shameless traitor for bringing you here but Y/N..."
His hand reached over and caressed your cheek slowly, just like he did when he brought you over to Marley. "I really do love you. No matter what, my very heart and soul belongs to you. Do what you want to me but nothing — nothing — about how I feel towards you will ever change."
Tears of your own started to trail down your cheeks, your head shaking slowly. Why were you crying? Isn't that what you wanted? It's strange, feeling this new moderation towards him. No matter how much you pushed him away or attempted to kill him, he took the pain. Was it because he knew how little time he had left? Yet on the same side of the coin, was he lying in order for you to feel bad about his situation?
You don't know. For the first time, you've never felt so unsure of yourself. It should be final, you should've only felt complete hate for this man but...
"Say something, anything." Reiner put his hands on your shoulders, his grip tightening as he shakily spoke.
"Hit me, choke me, spit at me. I'm a selfish monster, I ruined everything for you."
Fear. You've seen such an expression on his face before, when you knocked him out with the pills and when he almost lost you to that Titan. Yet something about this face of his made you feel indifferent, guilty even. You realize now that it wasn't a suitable look for him.
"Yeah, you did ruin everything." You quietly replied, completely sitting yourself up and moving towards him cautiously.
"My home, my family, my dreams of becoming a proud soldier in the Survey Corps. All of those things, you took them away from me." Taking his head into your hands, you started to wipe the tears away from his face. He looked stunned as you began to slowly climb on top of him, your dripping pussy rubbing steadily against his partially-hard cock, belly half swollen with his cum.
"Maybe I still hate you for that Reiner and I'll spit on your grave when it comes to it, but there's one thing I can't deny." You airily giggled as you lined yourself up once his cock hardened.
"I love the way you fuck me."
His knuckles turned white as you lowered yourself down, completely sheathing him inside you. His face softened in pleasure as you began to ride him; ah yes, this is what you liked to see. Your legs were shaking like no other but the pleased smile you had on your face was unwavering.
"If you make me cum enough times, I might just say that I love you too."
Reiner's hands immediately latched onto your bruised hips, a similar grin growing on his face. He's got you right where he wanted you. You may think you had always had the upper hand till now, but he's not stupid. Getting you addicted to the feeling of his cock was the first step, next was you getting comfortable with the idea of having his kids. Well, you could already be halfway there from the way you were slamming your hips down into his.
He buried his face into your neck, his canines dragging against the marked skin as you bounced yourself on his length. Though what he said about his short lifespan was true, he'll spend it fucking you stupid, until you can really mean your 'I love you's'.
The devil he couldn't resist from the land of hell. You were his and he was yours.
Forever and more, till the end of time.
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qaxqxd · 11 months
Kinktober 6
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♡: Spider-noir x Spider!f!reader
Genre: smut
Warning: Bondage kink, what usually is in smut, oral, has some plot, 90's slang, unprotected sex (wrap it before tapping it irl 🙏) some praising
Word count: 1.3k
A/n: it's been so long since I wrote abt this man 😫 (late post)
Summary: Noir has been stressed, you lend a hand (or a mouth) to help him relieve the stress.
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The spider-verse or the Arachno- Whatever it was called. You liked the name spider-verse better.
You've been spider-women for about a year now. You were invited to the Spider Society, by Miguel O'Hara.
6 feet tall grumpy rainstorm. He was the guy who ran the thing, surprisingly.
Forget him, you were sent on missions with other spider-people.
I mean talk about how many spider-man and women there were.
There was one spider-man you got along with the most. You two clicked on the first meet. 
And maybe you develop a tiny crush on him, on the way.
But who wouldn't?!
He was outgoing, cute, funny, and such a gentleman. Basically irresistible.
Spider-noir. A spider-man from the 30's. With his fancy hat and coat. Not to mention the silly goggles he uses.
You two just finished a mission, swiftly capturing the anomaly.
Noir wanted you to swing by the bar with him. (Literally) He loved spending his time with you. 
So imagine how happy he was when you agreed to join him. He opened the door for you and you walked into the bar.
He ordered himself an egg cream. While you order yourself carbonated beverages. You both sat in the corner to draw less attention to yourselves.
As your drinks were handed you took a sip of yours. You looked at Noir, he's pulled up half of his mask.
You could see his lips. His kissable lips.** You smiled slightly.
"So, how's your week?" You asked him, trying to conjure small talk.
"It's gotten better." He smiled. 
"Rough week, hm?" You questioned. "Yeah, you could say that." He hummed. He placed down his drink.
"Wanna talk about it?" You tilted your head.
"I don't want to bore you to death, doll." He muttered.
"It's fine, I won't mind."  You softly smiled at him.
"Well, it's been sort of stressful. With the missions and everything. " He sighed.
"Miguel hasn't given you a day off?" You frowned. His head shook. You tried to process what he just told you.
"Well, I could help you…" You hid your face with your drink.
"With the sick day?" He responded. "No with the stress, of course." You grin. He flinch upon hearing you say that, choking on his drink.
"H-How so?" He stuttered, obviously turning red by the second. He was thinking of something, something messy.
You chuckled slightly at his flustered state. He knew what you were thinking about.
"Only if you're up to it." You smiled. He pulled his mask down and got up. He was too flustered to even think.
He went over to pay the bartender, and went back over to you. He picked you up bride style.
You two headed out.
He swung back to his apartment. Placing you down on the balcony.
"You‐ okay?" He asked, checking to see if he didn't harm you in any way. "I'm good, you know I could have swung with you."
"Right! Goodness, It must have scrambled from my mind." He blushed under his mask, embarrassed.
He was so focused on being close to you, he completely forgot you were also a spider-man. He felt like he was everywhere, when he was close to you.
"Sit," You stated.
You pointed over to his couch. He complied and sat down. You sat below him, on your knees.
You slid off his pants. His length flung out, as it was already hard. He covers his face with a hand.
Nervous, his grit throbbed. You pulled off your mask, showed your face.
Noir had seen your face before, he was just always in awe seeing your beautiful face.
Goodness gracious, you were so perfect. He couldn't help thinking.
You held his cock in your hands. You kissed his tip, the pre-cum all over your lips.
You devour his cock into your mouth, balls deep. It touched deep in your throat. You gag on his cock.
Noir felt the vibration of your gaging, small whimpers left him.
You went down on him, which got Noir to make a lot more sounds. His hips buckled, his hand gripping the couch.
You looked at him, big pleady eyes, enjoying his noises. He can't bear to lay a finger on you. You were too pretty for his own pleasure.
You bobbed your head up and down at a pace he was satisfied at. His groans and whimpering were leaking.
Your cunt felt like it was throbbing, on how much he was making you aroused.
You knew he was close by his breathing, one final deep throating, and you felt all his warmth slick in your throat.
You swallow all of it. Every last drop of it. Noir got red noticing upon this.
You got up and sat beside him. He pushed you onto your back.
He was now on top of you. He now had his mask off. He raises both of your arms up, webbing them together.
He kissed your neck. "I want you to feel good now, Doll." He mumbled in your ear. You couldn't help but blushed at his words.
"May I?" He tugged at your suit. You nodded and allowed him to undress you. He gently took off your suit.
Noir was nervous, wanting to please and pleasure you. He wanted to do a good job of it.
He loved you so much.
He saw your underwear, and it made his cock get tighter. He saw the wetness seeping through your panties.
He pulled it off you, revealing your puffed cunt. He lined his cock with your entrance. The head of his tip enters you.
You let out a moan, as he started to stretch you. You tighten around him. He grunted, at your squeezing.
"Goodness gracious, you are so tight…" He praised you.
He laid out small kisses on you. You felt yourself go breathless from his kissing. You were also nervous too.
He got his full length to fit inside you, so perfectly, like you were made for him. He huffed and started moving in and out.
His pace was sloppy, but good enough for you to build up your orgasm.
You moan every time he deepens his thrust. He was quite good for being inexperienced, you thought.
Was he though?
No clue.
He continues his pace, making you feel amazing. You whine, longing to grab something,
Your arms were webbed, making it a lot harder to resist orgasming.
You moaned, when you reached your climax. A cum ring around Noir's cock. You didn't want to stop here and neither did Noir.
So he continues to fuck you a lot quicker, but still at a gentle touch.
"Ah mn- ha, shit-" You moaned at every thrust. Your thighs were shaking at the tense feeling.
"N-noir, ah" More wet noises filled the room. You felt so helpless without your hands and arms.
I mean you could've probably broken out of those webs by now, but…
What's the fun in that?
"Al' most there, sweetheart." He kissed your stomach.
Noir's been holding your legs up for a steady thrust. You could feel him getting close because the pace quickened.
You rubbed your clit trying to increase the pleasure. As you came, Noir pulled out his seed spilling all over your stomach.
He hid his face in embarrassment. He broke you out of your bondage.
You got up quickly to kiss his lips, just what you wanted to do earlier.
Your hands wrapped around his neck, lifting the mask off his face. He took glasses out of his pocket to wear.
You giggled, "Still pretty cute with glasses, hm?" 
"You too, you're pretty delightful too." He confessed.
You both bathe in each other's warmth the rest of the night.
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First date jitters
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PAIRING | Chris Evans x Female!Reader
SUMMARY | During your first date with Chris, you notice he is very nervous. He keeps accidentally knocking things over and spilling things, but he doesn't want to admit it's because this is his first date in many years.
WARNING(S) | None.
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Chris Evans Masterlist
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''Hi, I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you!'' you say when you are approached by your blind date. ''H-hey, I'm Chris, it's nice to meet you too,'' he says, giving you a little bit of a trembling handshake, he isn't exactly used to going on blind dates. He figured that now that he has passed the age of 40, he wanted someone to settle down with. Even though there were more than enough men and women to choose from, he hadn't found the perfect match yet, and he was starting to be afraid he would never find that person. ''How are you today?'' you ask him, giving him a soft reassuring smile. ''Uh, g-good,'' he stutters and it earns a small chuckle from you, he's adorable like this.
''You?'' he asks, he tries to keep his answers short so you won't notice how nervous he is. ''I'm good, but a little nervous to be completely honest with you. Haven't been on a date for a long time, so it's a bit of an adjustment,'' you explain, and you think back to your ex-husband, or more what he has done to you to make you feel like you didn't deserve to be loved again. ''I do think it's nice to have a fresh start though, after my divorce I haven't been out of the house all that much, so after many demanding texts from Scott I decided to finally take him up on his offer to set me up on a blind date,'' you ramble, but you suddenly feel like you're talking way too much. ''Sorry, I talk a lot when I'm nervous...'' you say and a blush forms on your face, making Chris chuckle a little in return.
''It's okay, I think it's cute,'' he says and your cheeks turn from a slight pink flush to a deep crimson red at the compliment, you haven't heard someone call you cute in literal years, you can't even recall the last time you had one to begin with. ''Oh, uh, thank you...'' you say and you look down to your menu, trying to pick yourself back together and not act like a teenage girl. ''You're welcome,'' Chris says and he was reaching out for your hand, but in his clumsiness and nerves, he knocked over the big carafe of water, which went flying over your side of the table and all over your blue sundress. ''Oh fuck!'' Chris said and he quickly got up, grabbing some napkins and helping you dry off your side of the table. When you want to get up you knock your head against his jaw, making you wince in pain.
''Oh god, I-, I'm really sorry!'' Chris quickly mutters before a waitress comes over to help and takes over the cleaning before a real accident happens. ''It's okay guys, I got it. If you want you can go to the bathroom and clean up,'' she offers and you agree. ''I'm sorry Chris, I'll be right back,'' you say as you get up and grab your purse, realizing it is also filled with water now. ''Oh god...'' you mutter as you fish your phone out of your purse, completely soaked and broken now. You make a face at it that is a combination of sadness and disgust, realizing you now have to buy a new phone. ''Chris, is it okay if I maybe use your phone? I would like to call my roommate so they can bring by a dry set of clothes,'' and he agrees handing you his phone after unlocking it.
It's a good thing you have Sebastian's phone number memorized, otherwise, you would be in a lot of trouble. You call him after going into the bathroom and after the third ring he picks up. ''Hello?'' he says. ''Hey Seb, it's me. I need your help, can you maybe bring by some dry clothes and a dry purse too?'' and he bursts out in laughter. ''Oh god Y/N, what happened?!'' he asked while he went to collect some clothes. He picked out a simple outfit that could still work with the heels you're wearing and got ready to go to the restaurant. ''Well, Chris knocked over the big carafe of water on the table and it went all over me...'' you said, softly chuckling. ''Oh god, did you finally find someone even clumsier than you?!'' Sebastian asked and you laughed, admitting that you probably did. ''I'll be there in 10,'' he said before hanging up.
You walked out of the bathroom where you've managed to clean and dry yourself a little bit and back to Chris, giving him back his phone. ''Thanks, my roommate will be here in 10 minutes, so if it's okay I'd prefer to wait in the bathroom,'' you said, and he agreed. ''It's okay, and I'm sorry again, I don't know why this is happening...'' he said. You put your hand on his shoulder and gave a small reassuring squeeze. ''It's okay Chris, it happens to the best of us,'' you told him and went back to the bathroom, he couldn't help but look at you as you walked back in there to wait for your roommate. He lets out a little sigh of relief, he was pretty sure you'd be running away by now, but he's glad you didn't, and for once he's glad Scott set him up on a date.
Just like promised, Sebastian walked into the restaurant ten minutes later with your clothes, and a bag to put your wet clothes in for him to take back. ''Excuse me, I'm here to drop off some clothing for my roommate, her date spilled water over hers. And since I can't go into the bathroom, could you hand this to her?'' he asked a waitress and she agreed. Chris heard and looked over to see Sebastian. You didn't mention you had a male roommate, and he couldn't help but feel jealous now. A few minutes later you walked out in your other outfit, still looking stunning. ''Thanks, Seb, it means a lot that you came by. I'll talk to you later,'' you said before handing him the bag and hugging him. ''No problem doll, see you later,'' he said and with a last smile, he walked back out the door.
''I'm so sorry Chris, I promise I won't be gone so long anymore after this!'' you said laughing, and Chris couldn't help but let out his jealousy. ''You didn't mention your roommate was a guy...'' he said, his jaw slightly clenched, he didn't look you in the eye, instead looking somewhere next to your head in the distance. ''Oh, it honestly didn't occur to me to tell you, he's been my roommate for the last few years, guess I'm just so used to him being around. But if it makes you feel any better, he isn't into women, so you won't have to be worried about him,'' you said with a wink, making Chris sigh with relief once again. ''Oh, well that honestly does make me feel better,'' he said with a shy smile.
''Let's order now, shall we? I'm pretty hungry now!'' you say and Chris agrees, looking over the menu but he already knew what he wanted to do. He would wait for you to order and then get the same thing as you because he wasn't the best at making choices in these situations. ''Hm, I think I'm going for the pasta with salmon, it sounds delicious,'' you tell him and you rub your belly, already looking forward and feeling hungry. ''I think I'll get the same,'' Chris said, giving you a little smile again. ''So, how do you know Scott?'' he asked and you went on a ramble talking about how the both of you met during a party once and became friends after that. You occasionally see each other and he has been wanting to set you up on a blind date for a while. ''And how do you know him?'' you ask, right before your food arrives.
The waiter also brings you both a glass of white wine which you ordered, and you cheer before eating. ''On a nice evening with an amazing lady,'' Chris said, softly cheering his glass against yours. When he said that you turned bright red and you put your glass down a little too hard, almost spilling some of the wine out of your glass. ''Oh goodness, we really should be careful!'' you say and laugh wholeheartedly, and Chris can't help but laugh too, enjoying being with you right now. ''So, how do you know Scott?'' you asked again after taking a bite of your pasta. ''Actually, he's my brother and he tried to set me up for the longest time too, something tells me this was his whole plan all along,'' he said and it makes sense, they share a lot of similarities.
The rest of the meal goes on without too many problems, which is something both of you are very thankful for. ''Shall we get some ice cream? I know a great place nearby,'' Chris offers and you gladly accept. ''I love ice cream, so I will never say no to that!'' you say with a grin on your face. Chris goes to pay and gives an extra big tip to the waitress who helped both of you after your earlier mishap. When you walk out the door he extends his arm and you hook your arm through his. Sebastian didn't bring you a jacket earlier so you're a little cold now. ''Here, you can use my jacket,'' Chris said and he took his off, hanging it over your shoulders and softly brushing your hair out of your neck so it isn't stuck underneath. His fingers softly brush your neck, leaving goosebumps in their path.
''Thank you,'' you say with a soft voice, and hook your arm in his again. Whilst doing that, you miss a loose stone in the pavement and you trip, but before you can completely face plant into the stones, Chris caught you in his strong arms. ''Careful now, I wasn't planning to spend my evening in the ER!'' he said laughing, and you couldn't help but laugh either. ''Well, at least we're both clumsy...'' you say as you continue your way to the ice cream parlor. ''What flavor are you getting?'' you ask Chris, but he isn't sure. ''What about you? Maybe I'll just take the same as yours again,'' he said. ''We could share if you want. I don't mind sharing ice cream with a lovely gentleman,'' you say, giving him a soft smile when you look at him. He couldn't resist and put a soft kiss on your cheekbone. ''You're lovely too,'' he said, and then it was your turn.
The both of you decide to share 3 scoops of watermelon ice cream, which is your favorite. Chris wants to pay for it, but you didn't let him, ''You paid for dinner, so it's only fair I get dessert!'' and this is the exact moment Chris knew he found the woman of his dreams. ''I love you...'' he murmured and you didn't quite hear it. ''What did you say?'' you ask him, and he's embarrassed so instead he said ''I love this flavor!'' to not embarrass himself even further. The two of you find a bench outside to sit and you sit down nice and close to Chris, and he wraps his arm around your waist pulling you even closer. You put your head on his shoulder and let out a sigh of contentment, feeling like you finally found the place where you belong. Chris scoops up a bite of ice cream and raises it to your lips.
You open your mouth and gladly accept the ice cream, letting out a soft moan when the taste hits your tongue. ''Hmm, amazing as always,'' you say and Chris turns bright red when he hears your moan. Next up you try to feed him a bit as well but it doesn't go according to plan and it lands on his shirt instead of in his mouth. ''Oh my god! Why can't I even feed someone ice cream?!'' you say frantically before getting a napkin and cleaning his shirt. ''It's okay, it's only payback for the water I spilled on your dress earlier!'' Chris said and you both burst out in a fit of laughter. After that, you manage to finish the ice cream without any accidents and some light conversation, and it is time to go home. He walks you back to your apartment like a true gentleman.
You go and take off his coat, giving it back to him. ''Oh no, you can give it back at our next date,'' he said, feeling a little bold now that the most nerves were gone. ''So there will be a next date?'' you asked with a shy voice, you didn't want to assume, but you hoped. ''If you'd have me,'' he said with a smirk and you agreed. ''I'd love to go on another date with you, Chris,''. You looked into his eyes and your eyes flicked down to his lips, softly leaning in. Just when your lips brush past each other you hear your front door open and Sebastian stands there so you quickly pull back. ''Oh shit, I heard some noises out here so I thought I'd check-'' is all he could manage to say before you pushed him back inside and closed the door.
As soon as the door closed Chris put his hand on your cheek and leans in for the kiss again, this time putting a soft, slow kiss on your lips with all the promises for the future he can portray with it. ''I can't wait to see you again,'' he said as he put his forehead against yours. ''Neither can I,'' you say and you give him one more kiss on his cheek before he turns around. ''Wait, how can I reach you now? My phone is broken and-'' ''Look inside the pocket,'' he said and he walked away, giving you one last glance. You reached into the right pocket and found a piece of paper with his number on it. ''Please call me if you want to know more about how clumsy I am,'' it said in his handwriting, and a little heart next to it. You let out a little chuckle and you hear the door open again, Sebastian pulling you into the apartment by your arm. ''So? How was it!?'' he asked. ''It was perfect,'' you said with a smile full of love.
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fuzizeze · 8 months
…you Are literally legally obligated to tell me some Edna x stiesel headcanons because my god it‘s my e&h OTP since I was 14 and everytime I meet someone who ships it too I jump out of my skin with joy. So yeah- TELL MEEEEE-
There will most likely be something that concerns both of them at once, and not separately
. I'm headcanoning both of them as asexuals so it's OBVIOUS?? they almost never have any sexual activities, and if they do, it’s rarely, out of boredom, or just for fun, BUT, AGAIN, THIS IS A VERY NOT COMMON EVENT
. Edna is more active/initiative in their relationship, respectively, Stiesel is more passive (+ headcanon for unsuccessful relationships in the past, hence the passivity). The initiator of most kisses, hugs, etc. is, AGAIN, Edna, because Stiesel is more awkward in this regard, AND NO MATTER HOW MUCH HE PRAISE OF HIMSELF, I'M SURE THAT HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO TREAT GIRLS, AND AT FIRST TIME HE WAS STUPID JUST BECAUSE OF HIM BEING HUGED, ABOUT THE REST I WILL BE SILENT AT ALL
Although later he himself will begin to take the initiative! And, speaking of some tactility, I like the idea that he could kiss Edna's palms, putting them to his face........ NEVER MIND, I'm ashamed of it--
. They are both tactile, they both need some kind of touch, but Edna needs it MUCH MORE. She spent 10 years in a mental hospital, she probably missed people and interacting with them, so now she’s having a blast on Stiesel. It’s clear that she talks a lot, but it seems to me that she TOUCHES even more. TOUCHES STIESEL. Slaps him on the back of the head, pokes him, pinches him, BITES him. Well, in the end he just leans against him. This behavior of hers is unusual, first of all, for Stiesel, because... he probably lived alone for a long time and wasn’t used to THIS, in general he wasn’t used to being touched, and touched so often; secondly, this is unusual for Edna herself. In a psychiatric hospital you can’t calmly touch people, you can’t talk (except perhaps with the same Stiesel (BUT THAT'S NOT SAME)), you can’t hug them, and there is complete freedom of action, and Stiesel isn’t particularly indignant. In addition, I think that what is unusual for Edna is a CALM reaction to her actions, because, again, taking her childhood as an example, I don’t think she hugged much with her father, Alfred immediately screamed as soon as she approached. And here they react to her much calmer, yes, he may be a little indignant, but he doesn’t drive her away at all, still allowing himself to be touched
. Headcanon regarding everyday matters. PHEW
WELL, I think it's worth starting from afar. I thought that, probably, Mattis was not the best father, a little irresponsible, because of which Edna HAD to grow up early, and already from childhood she could cook for herself scrambled eggs if her father forgot to do this, she could put things in the laundry, wash dishes, and stuff like that. Despite the fact that in childhood this was rather an unpleasant moment, I think after the hospital, she would only be glad to have something to do with her hands. She's already been idle for 10 years, that's enough for her. AND IT SEEMES TO ME that in her life together with Stiesel, she would also take on some household chores (although maybe only at first), ALTHOUGH I AM SURE THAT STIESEL WOULD TRY TO DO EVERYTHING BY HIMSELF. Reason number one - he is used to doing everything on his own, living alone, and extra hands would rather get in the way, reason number two - HE IS AFRAID THAT EDNA WILL SPOIL SOMETHING, break it, spill it, tear it, IT DOESN’T MATTER, he will have to fix it.
But no matter how much he wanted Edna to be calmer, he was unlikely to be able to stop her
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higanbanaki · 5 months
Hazbin Hotel x Demon Slayer AU- *gets shot*
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Image credit/full image: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/g2EoWe
The masses consisting of the two/three fandoms I'm about to mention might be going to parade around with their pitchforks and torches around the place while leading me, my hands chained up behind my back and legs where I have barely space to even walk properly, towards a pillory where they will soon insert me into the post as they pelt me with tomatoes with a desire to hit the bullseye which in a literal sense refers to my head, all for the crossover I'm going to mention in this singular post.
(Just kidding on the above part I'm just being melodramatic don't come at me for this)
All jokes aside I was thinking of an Hazbin Hotel x Demon Slayer AU (with that I specifically mean HH characters in a DS universe but I might follow up with a DS character in an HH universe post) because wow demons and wow slayers who kill the demons so why not combine them into one dumpster fire (affectionately)
It in fact became more of an HH & HB x DS universe because I mentioned the other ranks too, so the explanation of other HH characters might come in a follow up post.
I don't have the complete ground settings for this yet but I have some ideas/concepts:
Hell (also known as the demon side)
Like in hell, hellborns (Demon-born) and sinners (Human-turned-demons) are divided into 2 classes.
Much like the original, demon-borns are practically the lowest class of demons. Most of them are harmless, but you'd need to have an extended knowledge of demons to actually pick out the ones who are bloodthirsty. This is a thing all the examinees should know for the final selection before actually becoming slayers themselves. They don't need to necessarily consume human flesh either, probably being just okay with eating normal food.
On the other hand, human-turned-demons are mostly, if not always violent (given that they're in hell for a reason). These demons will be the ones that appear at night the most, since they need to eat humans to gain more power/energy. Most are beatable for an average Slayer, although there are certain exceptions that they should look out for. They're not very distinguishable from an average demon, but a certain aura will definitely give it away.
Heads up: Although it'll follow the DS universe and it's rules, not everything will be the same to accommodate to the Vivzieverse too.
Moving on to the ranks of hell translated into this AU:
Morningstar Family: - With Lucifer as the Demon King himself for obvious reasons. The very first demon. I'm not sure how this would work since he's a fallen angel, but I'm presuming he was just a really important person amongst the angels (in this case the founders of the Demon Slayer Corps). A person who might have disagreed with the rest about the effects of the blue spider lily, and therefore had been cast out. But not before being forced to take the medicine that soon turned him into a demon. - Lilith is even more of a difficult one for me. I'd assume she was just a normal civilian that was married to Adam until she gradually fell in love with Lucifer instead, and gave him the consent to eventually turn her into a demon to escape Adam. - Charlie is obviously the daughter of Lucifer and Lilith and therefore the princess of the demons. Like most demon-borns, she isn't the biggest fan of slaughtering demon slayers, let alone humans. She has tried to make amends with the corps multiple times but was denied and chased away. Believing finding the blue spider lily is the only way to bring both parties together, she went to seek after it, hoping to find the cure that the doctors and Lucifer couldn't years ago.
Seven Deadly Sins:
I do believe the Kizuki exists in this universe too. But only the upper moons remain the same number of 6, these would be the Seven Deadly Sins. Who's 1-6 depends on who's the strongest, weakest, yadda yadda.
Lucifer might've been the original Upper Moon 1 before he became the Demon King once more demons started to emerge.
They probably don't actively seek to kill people unless it's absolutely necessary (when a slayer attacks them, ...) given that some of the sins are pretty chill like Beelzebub.
Ars Goetia:
I was thinking that they'd be EITHER a rank between the upper and lower moon (central/middle moon???), a lower moon, OR a completely separate rank themselves. They're some kind of royalty in hell, so definitely some kind of demons that are close to Lucifer in a way. Consultants? Dukes? Princes? Up to interpretation because I don't have a lot of ideas for Goetias.
Finally, the human-turned-demons (outside of Lilith). As aforementioned, they're the demons who need to eat human flesh to keep strong and therefore more commonly dwell around when the time comes.
I don't think overlords COMPLETELY rely on devouring human flesh, especially since in HH Carmilla confirms that overlords rely on collecting souls to increase their power. Yes, they probably consume more than an average demon to keep their strength and also probably ate more as their time as an average demon to build up their power.
So I eventually came up with this (no I didn't fell asleep with a loose concept and dreamt of it): Human-turned-demons can give their own blood to other demons or humans which immediately put them into a contract-like deal. This can happen on any occasion, though with humans it mostly happens when they're on the brink of death like in the original manga.
This doesn't mean they don't have to work for anything. They'd still have to actively seek for food and stuff themselves. I think it's pretty much a Spider Family case where more powerful demons can share their powers with their subordinates although not enough to weaken themselves completely/let them fight back.
Also as mentioned before, I think they'd be Lower Moon if Ars Goetia isn't already, not being limited to 6 though. Because since they're weaker than the Upper Moons, they ought to be with more to make up for it (even though the Upper Moons could still squash them like bugs).
I think I pretty much explained the entire thing with human-turned-demons by the overlords so this is just mostly repetition.
They consume humans to stay strong and are stronger than demon-borns. They can choose to not do it, but then they'll just be easy pickings for the ones who do choose to eat humans with a big chance that they're going to starve to death despite their newfound endurance, but then again they can also choose to eat corpses of animals/humans who were already dead. They're pretty much comparable to a normal demon in the DS universe. Previously human -> can get turned into a demon at any random occasion (which would render the demon transformation as their death date too) -> then having to live on human flesh to survive. And in that time they could be owned by other demons too.
Hellborns/Hellhounds & Imps:
Again, as mentioned before they are pretty harmless most of the time, some even being quite useful to humans. Only a small percentage actively kills but then again they're beatable with some effort from demon slayers. They're also the only ones who could probably just live on blood.
Moving to Heaven, otherwise named the Demon Slayer/Human side.
Humans stay humans, but angels in this AU I would believe are all part of the Demon Slayer corp. That or the angels all live in a separate big district.
If it wasn't obvious by now, exterminators are demon slayers in this. A good majority of them are average demon slayers. I'm not sure what the hierarchy within the extermination army is except for the fact that Adam is the leader and Lute the lieutenant, so let's just say the Hashira rank is really hard to obtain.
Adam and Lute are currently the only Hashiras, with Adam being the strongest (or more experienced based on how you want to see it). Although their goal isn't exactly to kill demons because they're dangerous, like in the original show they most likely do it because it's entertaining. They don't actively search for the blue spider lily either.
Since Sera and Emily are seraphim angels and Sera knows about the exterminations, I'd think they'd be doctors(?) for this AU (basically the Butterfly Mansion). Helping around the people who need it & patching wounded ones up, but Sera is the only one who knows about the blue spider lily thing and knows its location, but she doesn't believe finding it would help, even though it ends up killing a lot of demons/people in the process.
Emily is very positive about the idea of turning demons back into humans, but isn't so sure about whether they can find an antidote to it. Hence why she also feels betrayed at the reveal. (Queue You Didn't Know in the background)
Any other angels above those rankings I would assume to be the founders of the Demon Slayer Corp or the doctors who found the blue spider lily medicine.
Sorry for this it's js basically me rambling for absolutely no reason bc this idea popped up in me and I had the jolly idea to share it with the world even when I probably would never write a fanfic or draw something for it el oh el
If you somewhat like it at least tell me whether you want to hear the other HH main cast characters in this AU or not so it'll give me the motivation to write‼️‼️
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Unit Teambuilding - Halloween Roxanne
Masters has been kinda tame this year.  Granted, I am absolutely spoiled by the early months playing this, going from Anni Lillie, H!Caitlin, SC Jamine, SS Lusamine, and Renegade Cynthia, in rapid succession. I think I have it in my head things should go that well all the time, but they don't. And this year has been...extremely bad about hitting the targets I wanted. I mean for god's sake, how was there no Lusamine alt in the Alola VA? I'm been kinda pissy. The biggest wins have been Emma and Anabel to round out Looker fam, Adaman and Irida because I love Hisui, and the Summer Twins, which was really exciting because it was unexpected rather than it being a big favorite. There just hasn't been much at since, like, before the third anniversary.
But this?  This is what I've been waiting for.  Roxanne's my third favorite character, and the last of my Big Three that needed an alt.  And they went with the witch aesthetic, which is the best aesthetic for Halloween.  Even went Runerigus, which is an odd choice that I wouldn't normally love, but is perfectly in line with her conceptually.  This was the big win.  We're so back.
General Overview Looking at Roxanne's base kit before grid showed up gave me heart palpitations.  Sand Tomb is a fairly poor move, offering trap, but having pathetic accuracy.  We couldn't see the amount she boosted stats at the time, but X Atk All separate from trainer move meant slow self-setup.  Her Buddy move is AoE with penalty, and isn't particularly strong on its own either, so her Tech nuke had to pull a lot of weight.  But more concerning, her Buddy move debuffed speed (and defense).  Which put me on high alert, worrying about Cakewalk.  Roxanne felt like she was being set up to be really bad, unable to stand up to the Ground meta despite how limited the competition was.
And friends, I am thrilled to announce: Roxanne don't miss.  Trainer Move gets +3 crit in one, and +2 accuracy to the entire team.  Her trap spreads to all foes on first hit.  Her Buddy move doesn't just debuff Def/Spd, it boosts team Def/Spd, which is an absolute godsend for Ground-type High Score given the slow pace of the type.  While her buddy move lacks for damage, its debuffing potential and its literal zero gauge cost with team speed boosting completely make up for it.  She even has the option for debuffing attack, which is huge for team survival. And of course, her Tech nuke got Sync Power Flux, which is super reliable given her speed boosting, and Slo-ponnent 5, which is divine, since it can be set up in one use of Buddy move. And for no reason other than pure shenanigans, Roxanne inverts all buffs into debuffs on the entire enemy field when she syncs. And as if that all wasn't enough, as if having the most powerful Ground nuke in the game and all this debuffing and team buffing wasn't sufficient...Strike role.
Obviously, Roxanne is not without her flaws.  With buffing or debuffing, she's slow to get to max multipliers for allies. Her inversion of buffs only happens on sync, which takes a while for CS, limiting the potential of Five Stats +3.  She lacks for any serious healing potential, so despite Vigilance on grid and defense buffs, she's not exactly a soloist for Gauntlet.  Activating Slo-ponnent is also incredibly hard in CS if you're aiming for the buff inversion, and a single use of X Spd All from an enemy means there goes that multiplier.  And Ground has some serious powerhouses.  Cynthia's 5/5 grid is nutty, the Giovannis are quite adept at 3v3s, and Maxie's still particularly strong.  So while competition is limited, it is pretty significant, hurting Roxanne's ability to seriously stand out without the Role cake.
EX, Role, and Move Level? You should max invest immediately.  5/5, EX, with role.  Show them Roxanne is actually super popular so they make another.  Do this for me.
But if you want to be serious, Roxanne has a couple approaches.  As a supplemental pair, 1/5 gets the job done.  Trap effect, boosting team damage and speed, debuffing team Defense, she carries a lot on her back, and does so reasonably well.  3/5 is for sync damage, which is good for when she operates more independently.  And this is when role becomes a serious consideration.  EX obviously good for sync, but the Role.  Tech/Strike is incredibly strong, and very worth considering given how her DPS operates.  Effectively, how you plan to use Roxanne changes what you'll want.  For supportive effects as a Tech, 1/5 non-EX non-role is fine, she'll support her type well.  For a sync nuker with supplemental DPS pair, you'll want to maximize sync, but can avoid the role.  Strike role is for Roxanne becoming the center of attention.
Team 1: H!Roxanne, H!Caitlin, Colress/Courtney ROXANNE CAPS CRIT YOU SAY?  You have no idea how happy I am that she and Caitlin are both Halloween alts that synergize.  Get me a good Jasmine pair next year and we're golden.  For now though, Colress can assist the debuffing effort as needed, though frankly, Courtney may be better for the Zone.
Team 2: H!Roxanne, SC Lyra, Cynthia/Maxie/SS Giovanni Roxanne's single biggest claim to fame within her type is the gauge management.  Zero gauge use on buddy move, and boosts team speed each use.  It's amazing.  This is the component that salvages SC Lyra.  Now you can have the gauge to make her effective with these slow ground types.  Cynthia enjoys the boosts to attack that either Roxanne or Lyra can provide, and her 5/5 will be fine on Sandstorm.  Maxie is tremendous, hitting high AoE DPS on the sides while Roxanne nukes center, just mind the Sun duration.  SS Giovanni is especially noteworthy, because the man sucks and needs a billion gauges, and now he finally has a friend.  Or at least, he thinks they're friends.  We're not friends, Giovanni. Get out of the lodge.
Team 3: H!Roxanne, Piers, Steven Since he's rerunning, may as well discuss this.  Roxanne's ability to boost attack is very nice as a complement to supports that mostly handle crit and little else.  She's also able to boost speed, which is a godsend for slower supports, like Piers.  Taken together, while it puts quite a bit on her, she's able to facilitate boosting up a damage dealer like base Steven, who further supports with a high flinch rate attack that stalls turns for this setup. And because they're Rock Pals, it's thematic.
Team 4: H!Roxanne, Bertha, Cynthia Bertha has potential as a sync nuke, but her trap effect is hard to get on something.  Enter Roxanne, who insta-traps everyone, and provides +2 accuracy for the entire team, allowing Bertha to consistently hit.  Or you can use both, skip a proper support, let Bertha tank, and build up a striker like Cynthia.  You have everything you need here.
Team 5: H!Roxanne, Arianna, S!Hilda Arianna is a known Tech nuking monster, whose conditions are relatively challenging to set up alone.  She needs trap, which she only hits half the time single-target, and she needs Relentless, which she's a little slow to get to.  Roxanne supplements everything she needs perfectly.  Last +2 attack to cap, debuffs defenses, applies trap in one shot to all foes.  With Summer Hilda, you can make the team bulky, invert buffs in CS to really mess with things, and even offload some of Roxanne's tasks by letting hits boost attack and debuff defense.
Team 6: H!Roxanne, Gordie, Sonia Gordie is another big winner of Roxanne, thanks to her ability to facilitate both Cakewalk and Inertia sync nukes.  Because he has both, Roxanne is particularly useful for him.  But his self-setup is a little shaky, so bring a good support like Sonia and you'll be fine.
Team 7: H!Roxanne, SS Acerola, Mallow Alright, here's a fun one: Roxanne can debuff attack with grid, and even supplies Def debuffing and Spd buffing. Which is really good for a partner like Mallow, who effectively wants all of that. SS Acerola can supply the needed Terrain and Sun, and the needed offensive buffs. Mallow can get straight to DPS, while Roxanne does her job with debuffs.
Team 8: Argenta, H!Roxanne, SS N This is one I feel real confident in, because I effectively used it with the Argenta breakdown. H!Roxanne, if she takes the attack debuffs, functions like BT Leon, only instead of one extra -1 on a random stat, she gives the team boosts to speed and defense. Beside her, we have SS N, whose Freeze Shock is absurdly strong, and goes absolutely apeshit on that +2 PMUN bullshit Argenta feeds him. N is easily able to one-shot sides, and Roxanne should be more than capable of nuking center as needed. Because of the attack debuffs, she even sets up N's sync, for whatever good that does anyone. Maybe your opponent otherwise has damage reduction or something, I don't know.
Final Thoughts Roxanne is one of those sync pairs where I can absolutely see the flaws, but I don't care. Realistically, this Buddy move is just a gauge-friendly version of BT Leon, and I barely use him. I shouldn't be so excited about her kit. But it's Roxanne, and I love her. I will be using her constantly from now on.
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bisexualcacti · 2 years
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Summary: your life in Hawkins has been pretty normal so far, but things get a little complicated when one of your friends, Chrissy Cunningham, is found dead (if by little you mean literally entering another dimension to save the town from a murderous monster with freaky powers)
Pairings: Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader, Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 2540
A/N: Hey!!! This is my first time writing a fic and also, English is not my first language, so apologies for any sort of grammatical mistakes or if anything sounds weird. I finished s4 and had the urge to write something for these two dorks so I hope you guys like it. The fic will probably go through the span of the season so the last chapters will probably come out by the time s4 is over. Happy pride month!!!
Edit: if someone would like to be added to a taglist for the next part, dm me ;)
It’s funny when you think about how a group of people can come together just to get the worst out of everyone. Steve Harrington, Tommy H., Carol Perkins, Nancy Wheeler, and you. “Friends” you’d call yourselves. As if.
Out of the bunch, you only ever really knew Nancy and Steve, mostly since you never felt like they belonged there with you, and you meant that in the most flattering way. Tommy H. was an asshole, simple as that, and Carol was basically a trash can with a mouth, just full of garbage. Steve was more of a special case. You didn’t like him, but you knew that wasn’t really his fault. It’s just that looking at him felt like looking at you, and every time you saw him you saw the same fucking image that haunted you daily when you’d wake up and look at yourself in the mirror. A loser who’s so fucking scared of being cast out that she’d rather be a miserable idiot with no opinions or thoughts of her own than to be herself.
Most likely ‘cause who you were scared the shit out of you.
Lastly, there was Nancy. Sweet, smart, good ol’ Nancy Wheeler. She wasn’t like you. You could tell from a mile away that she had a soul, unlike the bunch of you. Maybe that’s why you treated her the shittiest, hoping that at some point she’d have enough of your vicious digs against her and would tell you all to go fuck yourselves. Turns out, you didn’t even need to try that hard. The moment she left Steve for Jonathan everything started to crumble. It was soon after that that Steve got tired of Tommy’s shitty attitude and sent you all packing too, which you admit made you a bit jealous, but also happy for him if you were being quite honest.
Your happiness didn’t last though, since as soon as he left came Billy. He would flirt with you relentlessly, but you would shut it down every time. It didn’t discourage him, though. Quite the opposite if you were being honest, as it just made him try harder. Only after the mall fire did he finally stop. Since he was, y’know, dead. That year, Tommy and Carol graduated and that marked the definitive end to your little gang, but you wouldn’t let yourself be a nobody after all the hard work you put in to fit.
So, you made new friends, joined the Hawkins High cheerleading squad and started to hang out with the basketball team. Chrissy Cunningham became your new bestie, and you were once again at the top of Hawkins High food chain, officially untouchable.
None of them compared to her though.
Not thinking about her was hard. Being honest with yourself, there hasn’t been a day you haven’t thought about her since you both went separate ways. Robin had that effect on people. It was especially hard now, though, since you saw her every single fucking time the team had a game. Her and that stupid little red head she kept smiling to.
The both of you used to be thick as thieves once, in middle school, when you were still a huge fucking nerd and Robin was the outcast that completed your little duo. But then, by the end of middle school, you started to feel... different. Your feelings towards Robin started to change in ways that shouldn’t be possible, ways that weren’t natural. Girls didn’t feel this way about other girls. There was something wrong with you, you... you were broken. So, you freaked out, shut yourself off to her, and the moment the both of you started high school, you became a totally different person.
Yet, Robin had another version of the story.
“Hey,” someone waved their hand across your face. “earth to Y/N. What are you staring at?” Chrissy followed your gaze towards Robin, who made awkward conversation with Vickie Whatever-the-fuck-her-name-is, and you turned to look at her, realizing you were staring.
Clearing your throat, you responded. “Oh, um, it’s nothing.”
Now, one thing you knew is, Chrissy Cunningham, contrary to popular belief, isn’t stupid, so the moment she looked at you with a cocked brow you knew you were about to be called out unless you redirected the conversation right at that moment.
“So, um, are you coming to the party after the game?”
Apparently, that put her on edge, since she tensed beside you and avoided your gaze. “No, I–um, have to go home, y’know, get changed first,”
You thought about asking, but it truly was none of your business, lest it be she start questioning you about why the hell you were looking at Robin.
“God, I sure do hope they win something for once. It gets kinda embarrassing always cheering for the losing team,” you sigh rubbing your neck. 
Chrissy laughs in that all too charming way that reminds you of why half the basketball team trip over themselves to even get a word in with her. Big shiny smile and a cute tiny nose all scrunched up. Man, if you weren’t so hopelessly in love with someone else you’re sure you would’ve gotten a thing for her right away. “Don’t be mean, they’re… trying. I think.”
Nudging her elbow and wagling your brows, you reply, “You just say that ‘cause your loverboy is there,” a smirk on your lips.
The intention was to make her laugh, but at the mention of Jason, all she seemed to do was tense, a forced chuckle falling from her mouth. Once again you got the urge to ask, to see if she was okay. You noticed something seemed amiss a few weeks ago, but decided to brush it off. Now you’re kinda wondering if you should say something, but even if you did, you doubt Chrissy would actually tell you anything.
This was the nature of your relationship with her. To everyone else, you were best friends. You’d have sleepovers, go shopping together, gossip about guys, and whatever else girlfriends would do, but in reality, you probably knew about Chrissy just as much as everyone else did. There was no place between you for deep conversations or actual intimate talks. Not that anyone knew though. That was you, your life a carefully arranged act.
The game was thrilling, or that’s what you would say if you actually cared about sports, although you do have to admit it was more exciting than the previous one, with freshman Lucas Sinclair scoring and bringing the victory to the team, not a single second left to spare. The moment the game was over, you walked as quickly as possible to where you agreed to meet your supplier, but to no one’s surprise, he was late, so there you stood in a deserted hallway waiting for him to show up.
Man, Hawkings High was kinda creepy when there was no one around.
A few minutes later, you heard your supplier's annoying voice announce his presence.
“Aww, if it isn’t my favorite prissy princess,” Eddie Munson greeted teasingly, a big smile on his face as he saw you.
“Yeah, yeah, you got my stuff?”
“I missed you too, honey,” he said sarcastically. You raised your eyebrow and stuck your hand out, and at seeing your deadpan expression, he rolled his eyes and put his arms up. “Alright, alright. Yeah, I got your weed. Gee, I might get diabetes if you keep being this sweet,” he muttered.
Now, maybe calling him just your supplier was kinda mean. Against your better judgment, you couldn’t help but like the weirdo. You don’t really know how he went from being your dealer to your… friend, but you couldn’t be more glad it happened. You and him started to hang out occasionally since you lived in the same trailer park, and by the time you realized, occasionally turned into once a month, then once a week, then twice a week, to the point you’d always hang out if he wasn’t busy with his band or his D&D club. Hell, you would even go to his concerts sometimes, and help him plan his campaigns. Of course, you would never be publicly seen hanging out, and less of all dream of actually admitting that you care about him, but he– the way he was so unapologetically himself and didn’t give a fuck about what anyone thought… you admired it. It reminded you of her.
Everything seems to remind you of her nowadays.
“So, how did the campaign end?”
As he looks for your weed in his little metal box, his brown eyes seem to light up. “Ah, so you do care!”
His enthusiasm was adorable, but you tried to play off your interest anyway. “Pfft, you wish. I’m just interested in what you did with the amazing world I built,”
The look he gives you is skeptical as he hands you your weed. “Sure,” he draws out, “As much as I’d love to tell you, my fair maiden, I gotta meet another client so I’m in a bit of a rush,”
“Someone’s busy,” you remark handing him his money.
“All in the day of a devil’s work,” he says, arms open theatrically as he walks away from you. Before turning around completely, he shouts. “Ey, if you get shit-faced tonight save some for me, alright angel?”
“First of all, I won’t. Second of all, don’t call me angel if you want to keep your dick, Munson,” you shouted after him with a small smile on your face. He laughed and once again, you were alone.
Shaking your head, an amused chuckle left your lips. He acted all tough but at the end of the day he was just a nerd. A cute nerd, even, if you said so yourself. You were about to exit the building when a strong pain in your head made you dizzy, and you had to lean against the lockers in order not to lose your balance. Feeling a warm liquid drip down your nose, you lifted your hand up only to find blood
“Hey, you alright there?”
Fuck. Oh fuck. Shit. You knew that fucking voice, of course you knew that fucking voice, you’ve been hearing it in your dreams since middle school, fuck! Having a mild crisis, you questioned what to do, but before you could decide on anything she spoke again.
“Can you, like, speak up, please? Unless you’re like mute, in which case like I totally understand but if you aren’t um, like, it’d be appreciated. You don’t have to, but you don’t seem okay. Although if you’re not okay and want to be alone I can totally leave you alone y’know, I hate it when people don’t understand that, but also if something is wrong you can tell me, they say it’s bad to bottle things up and–”
You feel a fond smile slowly creeping up to your lips and can’t help but snort. “You talk a lot,” more than you remember.
As you turn to look at Robin you can immediately see the change in demeanor. She’s still in her band uniform, which makes her look a bit ridiculous, but you gotta admit she makes it work all the same. “Oh, it’s you,” the way her tone changes slices through your heart like a knife, but fuck if you don’t deserve it. She’s annoyed, you can tell, arms crossed, dismissive look; you think she’s about to leave until she gets a good look at your face and her eyes seem to zero in on your nose, eyebrows furrowed.
“Is that blood? Are you okay? What happened?” she leaned forward, as if to move towards you, but thought better of it and stayed in her place, although the look of concern remained.
“Yeah, just a nosebleed, don’t worry. Probably from all the spinning around,” an awkward laugh escaped you and you rubbed your neck, wondering how you’d get out of this situation.
Robin wrung her hands together, conflicted, as if she wanted to question you more, but refrained herself from it. “Sure, just… be careful,”
Placing her hands in her pockets, she turned around to leave but before you could stop your stupid mouth, the words had already escaped you. “You still care?”
That stopped her in her tracks and when your eyes connected again you could see a thousand emotions crossing them at lightning speed. Confusion, surprise, hurt, disbelief, before finally settling in anger. Fuck, that was a mistake.
“Believe it or not, I wasn’t the one who willingly stopped hanging out with you,” she said sarcastically.
“It’s–it’s not like that. I–”
“Yeah, well, you never bothered to explain anyway, did you? Just, ditched the loser and got a fresh new batch of cool friends,”
“Robin, I–”
“Hey, Y/N!” Patrick McKinney interrupted your conversation, jogging down the hall to where you were, smiling at having found you. As he went to put his arm around your shoulders, he finally seemed to catch on to the palpable tesion in the air, and looked between you and Robin confused.
Shit, you forgot. To prevent people from getting suspicious, you accepted a date with Patrick, one of the jocks from the basketball team. Morally, you know what you did was wrong, but out of the bunch, Patrick seemed sweet, and you know that he wasn’t as pushy as some of the others. He was the perfect candidate, and he liked you, you just, didn’t quite like him, as more than a friend at least.
“I’ve looking for you everywhere, you ready to go?” he sounded unsure, words trailing off and eyes drifting from Robin to you.
You stood there troubled, not knowing what to do. In truth, you wanted to explain the situation to Robin but really, what was there to explain? You weren’t about to say ‘Hey, Robin! So glad to see you. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding, but I just had the hugest crush on you, y’know. Been in love since forever and couldn’t stand having to be with you without being able to kiss you or without imploding every single time you got close to me, and I would rather die than have to be there for when you got a boyfriend and came to talk to me about how much you loved him and how cute he was. But I’m cool now so everything’s okay, let’s be friends again! wanna have a sleepover?’.
As you pondered on what to do, Robin decided for you and sighed irritated. “Have fun with your lil’ boyfriend,” she muttered as she left, head downcast.
“You know her?” he questioned.
“Just– just an old friend. Let’s go,” ´Patrick looked hesitant, curious to know more, but he knew you, and the fact that you even gave him a chance at all was too big of an opportunity to fuck it up by being nosy, so he just smiled, trying to diffuse the tension by making idle chatter with you about the game.
Not that you really listened though, watching Robin leave from over your shoulder as you exited the school, headed to the party, and on your way out you could’ve sworn that you heard a clock ticking.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Interlude I | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Interlude II
Robin’s route: Part 9 | Part 10
Eddie’s route: Part 9 | Part 10
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