#habin alastor
writingwhimsey · 3 months
How Does A Good Girl Go To Hell? Ch. 2
Chapter 2
My eyes opened to a red ceiling above me and a soft bed beneath me. Slowly I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I then looked around, taking in the room. Deep reds were everywhere…and surprisingly hearts. 
“What…where…” I mumbled to myself. It was then that I recalled the events that happened before passing out.
“That’s right…I…I ended up in Hell.” I muttered to myself. “But this…this room is so nice…”
I looked to the right of the bed and noticed a small yellow duck on the nightstand. It was dressed up to look like the little mermaid and there was a card next to it that said, “Welcome to The Hazbin Hotel, Ariel! We are happy to have you here!”
“What in the world? How…how can this be hell?” I asked as I picked up the little toy.
That was when I noticed my hands. My skin…was gray. I had always been a bit on the pale side… but gray?! I kicked the covers aside and walked towards mirror I saw hanging on the wall. I took a deep breath before looking at my reflection. My skin was gray all over…my hair…it was once red…now it was white. But that wasn’t the most surprising of my traits…but my eyes.
My eyes were…completely different. I looked like some Halloween monster with these eyes. The whites of my eyes were now black and the iris was yellow with a still black pupil. I blinked a few times as if I could clear my vision, but it wasn’t changing. “I just…this doesn’t seem real…”
Upon opening my mouth, I saw that my teeth were sharp and pointy. “What…”
It was then that I remembered the spider guy who had saved me earlier. Angel had been his name. I wondered if he was somewhere nearby. I took a deep breath and headed towards the door, opening it up and stepping out into a long hallway.
“This place must be huge.” I muttered to myself as I started to wander around. “Hopefully I can find my way around here.”
Meanwhile downstairs…
“What do you think, Vaggie?” Charlie asked, an excited smile on her face as she finished hanging up a banner that read “Welcome Ariel!” 
Nifty was vigorously cleaning the room, while Husk was getting drinks ready. Charlie had already hung up balloons and streamers. Vaggie was smiling at Charlie, but thinking of a way to help out. She had only been gone for a short while and somehow Charlie had put all of this together.
“It looks great, Babe.” Vaggie began, “And i know you wanna welcome Ariel and that you’re excited, but…well I mean Angel did say she passed out after learning she was in Hell. Maybe we should just…tone it down a little?”
“I thought about that, but then well…wouldn’t it be good for her if she can see that it’s not so bad here?” Charlie replied. “I thought maybe if she sees that at least here at the hotel is super nice and welcoming, Hell wouldn’t seem so scary…besides she’s a fresh soul. Maybe she’ll be a little more eager for redemption.”
“I know you have good intentions.” Vaggie replied. “And I admire how positive you are and how much you want to help her. Seriously your big kind caring heart is one of the things I love most about you. I just think maybe we should get to know Ariel first before we do such a big party. Too much at once might not work for her.”
Charlie sighed. “I know…you’re right…maybe we can just leave the banner?”
Before Vaggie could respond, Lucifer was coming into the room carrying a large gift basket. It was filled to the brim with an assortment of items one might find useful to have in Hell…and a large duck. “What do you think of the welcome basket I made, Charlie? Do you think this will go well with all of the decorations I put up?”
“Wait, YOU put up all of the decorations?” Vaggie asked.
“Of course!” Lucifer answered, smiling brightly. “I mean, I want to help make my little girl’s dream come true. So I want to make this hotel the best place in all of Hell!”
I know exactly where Charlie gets it from. Vaggie thought, thinking of just how alike the father and daughter were. “I see.”
“It looks great, Dad!” Charlie exclaimed. She was then looking at Vaggie. “Can we please keep the banner and the gift basket? Aren’t they nice touches?”
“What? Why would we get rid of any of it?” Lucifer asked.
Vaggie repressed a sigh. She loved Charlie and her eternal optimism…she found it charming and endearing. And she honestly had to admit…it was sweet seeing Lucifer and Charlie bonding like this. “I just thought you know, it all might be a little much at once.”
“Oh…I…I see.” Lucifer said, taking on the look of a sad puppy.
“She might have a point, Dad.” Charlie said, also looking like a sad puppy.
Oh no…now I have two of them. Vaggie thought as she looked at their dejected faces. “Ugh… okay maybe we can keep a few of the decorations and the gift basket…”
“Yay!” Charlie and Lucifer said in unison.
“Hey what in the world are you guys doing?” Angel asked as he came into the room.
“Just trying to put together a warm welcome for our newest resident.” Charlie answered, smiling brightly.
Angel looked over at Vaggie. “You didn’t try to get them to tone it down a little?”
“I tried…but…just look at them…” Vaggie replied, gesturing to how excited the father and daughter looked.
“I see your point.” Angel replied. 
“I just want her to not feel so bad about being here, that’s all.” Charlie said. “Let her see that she has a nice place here.”
Just then they could hear the sound of the elevator dinging and the doors opening. They all watched as Ariel hesitantly stepped off the elevator. Her eyes went wide as she looked around. “What in the world…”
Charlie was instantly buzzing over to her and taking both of her hands in hers. “Hi, Ariel, I’m Charlie and I just wanted to make sure you felt a nice warm welcome here to our hotel!” She was so tall, she towered over Ariel.
“Sweetie, back up just a bit.” Vaggie said, coming over and placing a hand on Charlie’s shoulder.
“Oh, right, right.” Charlie said.
Ariel was looking around the room and her eyes locked on Angel. “You brought me here?”
Angel nodded as he came over. “Yeah, I promise you, you’re safe here.” He said. “Little Miss Sunshine here just loves to help people.” He said, cautiously lifting a hand to pat her on the head. 
Ariel nodded. “So…where exactly is here? And who are all of you?”
Charlie was smiling excitedly at her once again. “Right, so I am Charlie. The owner of the Hotel. This is Vaggie, my partner. You’ve already met Angeldust, one of our residents. That’s Husk over there. He’s our bartender. This Nifty, our maid. Alastor is around here somewhere. And then this is my dad, Lucifer.”
Lucifer was then coming over to greet Ariel. He awkwardly held out his hand. “Hello and welcome, Ariel.” He greeted her with a smile.
Ariel’s eyes went wide as she stared at Lucifer’s hand, unable to bring herself to say a word.
Lucifer stood there a moment before letting out an awkward cough as he brought both of his hands up to fix his lapels. “Anyway, we are glad you’re at the hotel.” He said, doing his best to fight off a dejected look and keep up a cool front.
“Haha, looks like your reputation precedes you.” Came the sarcastic voice of Alastor as he suddenly appeared beside Lucifer.
Lucifer glared at the radio demon. “Listen here, you…”
“Dad, Alastor…can you guys not do this right now?” Charlie asked, keeping a smile on her face as she glanced sideways at Ariel who was looking stunned.
“Come on, I think you need a drink.” Husk said to Ariel as he and Angel moved to either side of her and gently guided her to the bar. “What do you like?”
“I…I’m not really a drinker.” Ariel replied.
“We’ll start you off with something easy then.” Husk said, putting together the lowest alcohol content drink he could.
“I don’t know…” Ariel said as she looked at the drink. “When I said I’m not much of a drinker, what I meant was I’ve never drank…drunkeness was a big no no and…”
“Sweetie, you’re already dead and in hell.” Angel replied, patting her on the back. “Drinking won’t kill ya here and ya can’t be condemned twice.”
Ariel looked at the drink, clearly thinking back to her human life.
“We won’t make you drink.” Husk said. “But it might help your nerves a little.”
Ariel nodded. “Alright…” She was then taking a sip and coughing instantly. “Ugh…that burns…”
Angel and Husk both blinked. “That was the weakest drink I’ve ever made.”
“I told you…I’m not a drinker.” Ariel replied, but she took another sip of the drink anyways. Maybe it would help and if she drank more…maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
“So, you remember how you died?” Husk asked Ariel.
“Do you really think that’s a good question to ask?” Charlie asked, looking at Husk.
It was then that Ariel bolted upright, her eyes wide. “I…I was in a car accident…I was in my friend’s car…OH MY GOD! Here I am wallowing in self pity about being in Hell…when I don’t know what happened to my friend! I don’t…I don’t know if she’s okay….or if she’s here…or in Heaven…”
“What was your friend’s name?” Lucifer asked, breaking from his glaring contest with Alastor to look at the new resident. “I can find out if she’s alive for you.”
Ariel looked to the king of Hell…the devil himself. She was trying to gauge whether she could trust him or not. Her whole life she’d been told the devil was a liar and master of deception. “Uhm…Anna Green.” She finally answered.
Lucifer nodded and then waved his hands, golden magic flowing and creating a bubble that floated between his hands. Soon an image of her best friend popped up. She was lying in a hospital bed and definitely looked banged up, but she was breathing and her eyes were open. Her husband and daughter were in the room with her, holding her hand.
“Oh, she’s…she’s alive and with her family…I’m so glad.” Ariel said, letting out a sigh of relief.
Lucifer held the magic for a few more moments before letting it disappear. He gave her a smile. “There anyone else you want to check up on?”
Ariel shook her head. “Not…not right now….uhm thank you.”
“Sure.” Lucifer replied, as looked at the young woman. All he had ever wanted was to help mankind…and he was glad that he had been able to help her even if only for a moment.
“Are you feeling a little bit better now?” Charlie asked, coming up to the other side of Ariel and placing a hand on her shoulder.
“I…some relief…but I still…I still don’t know why I’m here.” Ariel replied, picking up the drink Husk had made her and taking another sip. “I mean…I thought…I thought I was doing everything right…”
“Well, we’ll get you into Heaven.” Charlie declared.
“Huh?” Ariel asked.
“That’s what this hotel is for.” Charlie declared, smiling brightly. She was then taking in a deep breath as if she were about to start singing.
“Babe, wait…” Vaggie said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Maybe wait just a second…” But there was no stopping Charlie now.
Charlie was pulling Ariel up to her feet and starting to do a little dance as she sang a welcoming song explaining the mission of the hotel. “Welcome to my ho-tel! You’ll forget you’re in Hell!...”
“She never stops does she?” Angel asked looking at Vaggie.
Vaggie shook her head, though she was watching Charlie with a fond smile. “No, but it’s one of the things I love about her.”
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doorknobinmyayuss · 2 months
Alastor: *learns about lucifers duck collection*
Alastor: ha! what a freak.
Lucifer: 🥺🐥
Lucifer: *learns about alastors furby collection*
Lucifer: What in gods green ass is that!? It’s hideous!!
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fraugwinska · 17 days
Hey! Me again!
Could I get an Alastor x Female reader where she tells him she's pregnant, he's so stunned he thinks it a joke until she shows him the positive on the test and it shocks him to the core but after the initial shock he's overjoyed.
My dear jezebel <3 Thank you for being so patient! I took a few liberties from the ask, I really hope you don't mind! After a lot of rewrites and edits - I'm finally happy to share it with you! Thank you for the ask, my dearest! TW:Sickness&death-Light smut-Minors DNI-5.2k words
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Autumn had always been your favorite season.
The most colorful of the four; from your bed you could always see various shades of red, orange, green and yellow, all mixed together to create a vibrant, warm impressionistic painting. Just looking at the bright shades outside had always made you smile.
There was also this peaceful ambiance around autumn that you could feel but not quite understand. Something so profound and yet ephemeral in a way.
"Should I close the window before I go?", Alice asked you, a sad smile on her face. Your favorite hospice nurse had spent her last shift before her holiday almost exclusively with you - somehow you both knew there wasn't much time left. The sickness that ate away at your body was unforgiving - you knew it was simply a matter of days now, and even that was generous. Alice must've sensed it, too.
"No, no.", you replied with a warm smile. "Leave it open. The night nurse can close it later."
Alice nodded, said her goodbyes and gave you a kiss on the head before exiting the room, carefully closing the heavy wooden door with a thud of painful finality. Breathing had become painful lately, but despite the sting you inhaled deeply, just to burn the smell of bristle leafs and warm wood into your memory. Right next to the memory of him.
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Summoning him hadn't been easy, especially since you were bedridden and almost constantly monitored. Not only did you have to take special care of choosing the right night to be left unsupervised - you had to bribe Alice and make her believe it was her own idea to give you a few hours to be on your own, which you claimed to need desperately. The internet had been your biggest friend in the weeks before, preparing - you had used the time you had at your disposal to research on shady websites and occult forums who to summon, how to do the ritual and, in case he said no, which bargain to offer. And you chose Alastor.
It was the name that spoke to you the most - Unusual. Mature. Vintage. Mysterious. Powerful and yet gentle, in it's own way. 'Mans defender'. 'Avenger'. The more you read about him on dubious servers and obscure wiki's, the more you were sure it should be him. Still able to use your hands back then, in the chosen night you managed to follow all of the instructions perfectly, even while bound to your bed. When the living shadow appeared out of nowhere, twisting and contorting into the shape of a tall, handsome, dapper dressed demon, the tiny handheld radio you had in your hands slid from your weakened grip and your heart skipped a beat. As he stepped nearer, the perceived humanity of his appearance disappeared before your eyes - long, black fingers ending in red talons, small antlers sitting in between fluffy crimson-colored ears, razor-sharp teeth and blood-red irises shining with curiosity. He stopped just a foot away in front of your bed. As he began to talk, to introduce himself - as though being summoned by gravely sick human women were the norm - you stopped him with a raise of your hand, the action draining your already weakened body and mind.
"I know who you are. Alastor, the Radio Demon."
"My reputation precedes me, then!", he chimed, his voice pointed, melodic and so enchantingly and contradictorily full of life. His whole posture, his devious smile and the way his eyes glinted in the dim moonlight made it very clear that he was a dangerous creature, and yet, you felt strangely at ease.
"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this summoning, my dear?"
You swallowed hard, knowing full well that if you wanted him to accept your deal, you needed to choose your words carefully.
"I... I am dying."
Alastor's grin twitched, but he said nothing, only tilted his head and waited for you to continue, hands folded behind his back.
"I've been sick my whole life, I...", you felt the need to explain, so that your offer wouldn't sound so... well, pitiful.
"Ever since I was born, I have been bound first to my crib, then to a bed, the hospital and now this hospice. I have never been allowed or even able to go to school, or make friends, or just... do things that children ought to do. Even though my life was always going to be short lived."
You could feel tears forming in your eyes, but blinked them away - you didn't want to cry in front of him, you felt pathetic as you were already. "I missed out on every milestone, every first experience a girl should have. First trip to a park, first day at school, first friend, first kiss, first... everything. And I'll miss out on so many more. I just want to have one normal thing, one 'first' before I die. One memory of a real and happy experience. Of something good."
"And what, pray tell, would that be?", he asked, a brow raised, his smile growing wider. He could probably hear the beating of your heart as you took a deep breath. This was it. Now or never.
"I want to lose my virginity."
The silence following your calmly stated confession was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. It took a while for Alastor to say something.
"Oh my, you really don't mince words, do you, darling?"
You shook your head.
"I have no time to waste. Every second counts."
"Believe me, little one, I'm quite... flattered that you'd go through the trouble of a summoning ritual for this... let's call it: venture. But... why me? Aren't there any men up here you would rather be with?"
"Have you looked at me?", you laughed bitterly. "I'm a sick, dying 20-something in a hospice bed. No man would ever so much as touch me. If I'd even get to meet anyone, since I can't get out of this bed anymore without a nurse. I have nothing to offer a partner anymore. No beauty, no future, not even money. I have only my soul. Please."
The last word came out as a whisper. Alastor's eyes glowed red in the growing darkness, his grin ever-present. He seemed to consider it for a moment, the sound of humming static the only sound in the room and you feared he might reject you.
"If I were to agree, would you truly be willing to pay the price for it? Your soul, darling, is a very precious thing. Do you know the implications of it's loss?"
You nodded.
"Yes. You can have it. It's not worth anything anyway."
Alastor stepped forward, his eyes locked with yours. He didn't sit down on the bed, instead he stood right beside you, bending over until his face was just inches from yours, the back of his hand lightly brushing your fringe out of your face. You could feel the heat radiating off his body, the scent of blood and something earthy, like wet soil or moss. He smelled like a forest in autumn.
"It is worth quite a bit, actually. More than you can imagine, I'd wager.", his voice was quiet, almost unfiltered and utterly beautiful. "But I can see you are dead set on it - Pardon the wordplay."
His sharp claw pressed into your skin, eliciting a gasp. He followed the curve of your cheek to your chin, lifting it to better access the side of your neck, just under your jaw. Your skin broke out in goosebumps because for the first time in your life, you felt a touch that was not clinical, not meant to treat you or wastefully bide you more time. This touch was gentle and purposeful. Sensual, maybe. A soft sigh escaped you against your will.
Alastor let out a hum that was not entirely unhappy, before bringing his face dangerously close to yours. You could feel the ends of his fluffy hair tickling your face, the tip of his nose lightly brushing against your skin.
"A happy memory, you say. One satisfying experience in return for your soul. I am certainly not usually known for my kindness, dear.", he muttered against the skin of your cheek, before turning towards your lips. So close. Your heart was beating as loud and as fast as it could, making you dizzy. "But I think we have ourselves a deal."
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The golden hour has passed, turning bright orange light into fading blue to black. And the air was turning colder. The memory of that night was the only thing you thought about as you slowly felt death approaching.
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The way his lips felt against your mouth, his tongue and the sweet taste he left on your lips that still lingered whenever you ran yours across them, recalling the sensation just once more. He had been gentle, patient, always asking and never assuming or forceful. He made sure you were comfortable before exploring you, careful in the places he touched, mindful in tasting you, praising you for the sounds you made. He allowed you to do your share of exploring, too, and although he wasn't human you found his body still wonderfully, beautifully male, no matter his thin, soft taupe fur and his many, shimmering scars. The memory of the moment when he had finally filled you, tender and slow, was as much sweet pain as it was blissful pleasure, and you found solace in his warmth and the steady, rhythmic pace of him moving inside you as you spilled his name, over and over again until he spent himself inside you, bodies deeply connected. It was hard for you to believe that all of it had been actually true, and not just one big fever dream your dying mind had cooked up to send you off gently when Alice woke you from your sleep later that night, wondering aloud why you didn't turn off the little, handheld radio on the floor that was still playing soft jazz music.
But the little, red and blue marks on your collarbones and the one red-and-black strand of hair you had found on your pillow were telltale signs that everything had been indeed real, and you made sure every detail was etched into your heart, into your body and into your skin. It was, and would remain forever, the happiest moment of your entire life.
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'I hope my soul is worth enough...' you thought as the coldness finally embraced you, tears running freely down your cheeks now, but the smile on your face was wide and warm, and the last thing you heard before falling into your final sleep was the gentle hum of a breeze that brought in the smell of earth and rain and leaves.
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Alastor had no need for sleep. He usually didn't spend his nights sitting in his favorite chair, motionless, listening to music. He was far too busy, too full of life and plans and energy to sit around and just wait for morning. And yet, there he was, sitting and brooding for the last month, every night, his ears tuned in on the low, static-y noise coming from the old-fashioned radio he was holding. A radio eerily similar to hers.
'How did it come to this?', he wondered for the thousandth time, like a broken record. 'Why did I do it?'
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He couldn't fathom the reason for his actions that night, why he had given in to the strange, frivolous request of the frail young woman. Why he had agreed to take her virginity, of all things, in exchange for her soul. Granted, she wasn't the first to offer him that, not by far. But usually, the soul was the last thing a sinner offered, after a great many things of lesser value had been already offered and declined in return. It was, in essence, the most desperate measure, taken only by those who had nothing else to lose.
And yet, she had promised him her soul in the very beginning, treating it not as a valuable bargaining chip, but as an expendable object. A thing without use or worth. He didn't know what had intrigued him so much that night. She had been sickly and fragile, her skin almost translucent in the pale light, and yet there was a spark in her eye. Determination, maybe. Her voice had been strong, if quiet, and her smile, although sad, was still familiarly bright. The way she spoke and her body language had made it clear that she had been not as much afraid of him, despite her frail and vulnerable position, as she had been anxious about his response. She was clearly clever and resolute, despite her lack of personal experience. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to follow through the summoning ritual.
"I have nothing to offer a partner anymore. No beauty, no future, no money. O only have my soul. Please."
He couldn't remember a single instance where someone had begged him with the simple word please and he gave into it. And yet, he had accepted her plea - The whole of her soul, in exchange for a meager, single moment of ridiculous passion. The mere thought had repulsed him before: Body on body, blunt thumps of fleshes, debauched obscenities... it was something that had never held his interest. He felt like it was something unrefined and animalistic, something he had always regarded as unnecessary and obsolete. Until then.
Her body had responded so eagerly, so sensitive, so ready to his touches. It had been clear she hadn't lied about her virginity, and yet her eagerness, her fearlessness had surprised him. Acting solely based on instinct and the morals he was brought up with, no real experience of his own himself, he had tried to be as careful and gentle as he could, and somehow, her inexperience had made it... easier. She was not expecting anything in terms of skill, and thus he had to guide her through the process, allowing him to set the pace and giving him ample time to react to her reactions. Sweet gasps, subtle tremors, faint flushes - all of which had told him how she had felt, what had been pleasurable and what had been uncomfortable. He had been able to take his time and make sure she enjoyed herself. It had been fascinating and even... pleasurable for him, too.
Despite the obvious pain, she had kept her eyes open, watching his face intently as they connected. He had felt the warmth and the tension around him, and her little, breathy gasps had been such pleasant sounds that when she had finally found her release, it had triggered his own, foreign as it had been. She had sighed his name in pure bliss, and in that moment he had felt as powerful and as satisfied as the night he had gained his title as Radio Demon.
And when the deed had been done, the girl had smiled so serenely, he was sure he had rarely ever seen anything that could rival her in beauty.
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Alastor shifted uncomfortably at that thought, trying to will away the memory and the sensation that the mere thought of her smile invoked.
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It had taken a few minutes, but eventually he had collected himself and put his clothes back on. Her eyes had followed him, the spark back in them and even brighter than before, her smile not faltering even when her tired lids had drooped down, slowly lulling her to sleep. Alastor had stood there, in the small, plain hospice room, watching her for a while, a strange feeling in his chest. The deal hadn't been solidified by a handshake, her soul not yet firmly bound to him and the contract void if not officially sealed, but he couldn't bring himself to wake her. Something had stopped him.
The memory of her face, pale and beautiful, smiling so peacefully even in her slumber, made the corners of his lips twitch. She would've made a magnificent addition to his collection of souls. And yet, and yet... He had decided then and there that her soul would find its way to him, eventually. But not through the proposed deal. So, he had left, the exchange unfulfilled, the pact broken, turning on the small radio she had let slip onto the floor just as he heard her caretaker returning to check on her.
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'Oh, how the mighty have fallen.', he mused bitterly, a small laugh escaping his lips.
Charlie's voice was a mix of concern and curiosity, muffled by the thick, wooden door of his room. She sounded worried, probably wondering why he had excused himself from the hotel's interactions more and more for the past weeks. He was about to ignore her, not in the mood to talk to anyone, especially not her, persistent thing that she was, but when her soft knock followed her call, his smile widened tightly and his eyes flashed red.
"Charlie, dear, I'm afraid I'm not available at the moment.", he called out, his tone a bit sharper than usual.
"Sorry, but...", the princess sounded hesitant, and he could hear her shuffle awkwardly outside. "It's just... There is someone in the lobby, wanting to speak to you. It seems... important."
He got up from his chair with an annoyed sigh and switched off the radio, straightened his clothes and smoothed out his hair and bow tie with one swipe. Whatever business matter was brought forward, Alastor didn't feel like discussing it. The smile he wore was razor sharp and dark, a result of his annoyance and brooding mood, and yet he couldn't bring himself to feign his cheery personality just quite yet. Maybe this mystery visitor would be a suitable punching bag to let off some of that steam.
When Alastor finally opened the door and walked down to the lobby next to a flustered looking Charlie, his breath hitched involuntarily and he froze mid-stride. Charlie stumbled at the sudden lack of motion next to her, the deafening static sound and the chime-like tuning of a radio startling her so much she flinched away from him.
"H-Hey Al!?", she called in shock, "Are you okay?"
He didn't move, didn't even react - his attention was solely focused on the figure standing at the front-desk, who, just a moment ago, had talked to Husker before turning around upon hearing him.
Hell kept her skin white and almost translucent in it's spite, but granted her soft, shimmering silvery fur in it's mercy. Her frame wasn't thin and frail anymore, she looked plush and healthy, soft curves where there had been nothing more than skin and bone before. Keeping almost all of her human features intact, the small, round ears protruding from her hair, the pink-tipped nose and the long and slender tail were definitely characteristics of a dormouse, their ends almost silver and soft-looking. Her eyes were of the same gentle color that he remembered, and when her lips spread into a sad, tender smile his breath was stolen away completely.
It was the same smile. The very one he hadn't been able to purge from his mind, and most likely never would.
The sound of her voice, quiet and melodic as it had been weeks before, felt like an invisible touch that pulled the air out of him. Not enough to suffocate him, but he was still reeling none the less.
"So you finally succumbed, it seems..."
His usual bravado was absent, his voice lacked it's sharp, jovial tone, sounding more like he was actually talking. Charlie could do little more but watch with widened eyes, seemingly unable to fathom the scene right in front of her.
"What are you talking about, Alastor? How do you know...", the princess spoke carefully and uncertain, her eyes wandering from one demon to another, but she was quickly interrupted, not by him, but by...
"It's a long story better told another time, Miss Charlie.", she said with a genuine smile on her face, still not able to take her eyes off Alastor. She took a few tentative steps towards him, careful, but certain in her movement, a confidence about her that hadn't been there before. Her head tilted in an enigmatic way and she spoke again, this time solely directed at him.
"I'm truly sorry to impose. But I was hoping we could talk... privately."
Alastor nodded mutely, not able to think clearly, before taking a deep breath and straightening his back to tower over her once again. Husk seemed to notice his shift in composure, raising a brow when he passed him by on his way back behind the bar, noticing the strangely satisfied looking smile on Alastor's face that was as unnerving and frightening as always, but with a different tint that even Husk must've trouble placing guessing by the suspicious look that fell over the cat's face.
"Of course, my dear, my office will suffice. If you'll excuse us, Charlotte? We'll be only a short while."
He didn't wait for her response but took his guest by her arm and guided her past an astonished Husk and clearly confused Charlie, leading the girl down the hall and to his office, the air between them thick with something undefinable, and neither of them dared to speak until the heavy mahogany door fell shut, effectively cutting off all outside interference.
Her cheeks were flushed when she stepped closer towards him. The tips of his claws brushed against her fringe, following the curve of her soft ear, across the back of her delicate neck to pluck a strand of her hair, pulling it towards him and running the silky fiber between two fingers and over the pad of his thumb, bringing it to his lips with a deep, pleased inhale.
She looked up at him, her smile shy but hopeful.
"You remember me.", she said with a chuckle, her voice a bit higher, her ears twitching and her tail swaying behind her, showing her emotions all too easily. Alastor nodded, not letting go of her hair just yet.
"How could I not, dear. It's not common for me to leave a contract unsettled, you know."
"I had a feeling that might've been the case, since it took me so long to find you.", she said quietly. "So, my soul..."
"... is still yours, yes."
She wasn't looking at him, directly. Her gaze went over his suit, to his hands and cane, then back to the floor.
"Why?", she asked, a hint of confusion and hurt in her voice, her silken hair slipping from his fingers.
"Why didn't you claim it? You had every right, after all. I offered, you agreed and..."
Alastor didn't speak, couldn't speak. The answer was right on the tip of his tongue, and yet he wasn't sure if he wanted to share it. It felt... strange, and foreign, and not quite comfortable. But it was undeniably true, now - with her in front of him - clearer than any time in the last weeks in his chair, each night, in front of the fireplace.
He wanted her. Not just her soul. Her. So, he settled on silence and a half-truth, instead.
"It wasn't the right time, dear."
Her face turned to him, her eyes searching his. He felt exposed, like her eyes were piercing him.
"And now...?"
"That remains to be seen. Why are you here?", he countered, stepping back to put a more comfortable distance between them.
"I came to see you, because..." She swallowed hard, and Alastor watched her throat, the soft swell of her breasts under her modest blouse, the slight rise of her belly. "When I arrived in hell, I felt... weird. I thought it was because of all the changes, this new body and... generally being here. But it didn't go away, this.... feeling. I made friends with a lovely imp couple, they took me in after I fell. The wife, Millie, took me to a doctor because she got worried when I couldn't stop throwing up..."
Her face grew hot, a flush spreading across her cheeks, her ears folding back against her head.
"Alastor, I'm pregnant."
A loud bang rang through the hallway as Alastor dropped his cane and a deafening feedback noise filled the room. For the first time in what must have been decades, his face betrayed him completely, the smile ripping at the sewn edges as it dropped violently. He felt dizzy and his head was spinning.
"Impossible.", he breathed, the word almost getting stuck in his throat. The very notion was ridiculous, unheard of - clearly that must be a crude joke. Alastor started to laugh, though sounding not as amused and booming as he would've hoped, but more hysterical than anything else.
She stayed silent, looking at him with sad, but serious and almost pleading eyes as the truthfulness of her confession began to sink in and his laughter slowly died. He took a tentative step forward, a million questions running through his head, the sheer amount overwhelming his usually so precise mind.
"So, a month ago, it...", he stopped, feeling the corners of his mouth pull wider.
"...yes. The doctor told me there are only a handful similar cases like this known since hell was created... The circumstances are 'too specific' and it normally takes a vast amount of intimate interactions' between a hellbound sinner and a living, fertile human he said... Seems like you knocked me up with one round, buster." She wrung her hands, her smile forced and unsure. "Listen, Alastor... I know it sounds impossible. I mean, I couldn't believe it at first when he told me so I understand you can't, too... but I don't expect anything, I really don't. I just... I wanted to see you again, and-and you deserve to know, and..."
"Darling, hush.", Alastor interrupted, a sense of clarity taking hold of his chaotic mind. He had never felt a desire for a family, not in his lifetime nor in his death. Partners were liabilities and a distraction, relationships nuisances if they strayed beyond the borders of business or at the very most friendly aquaintances. He had no need for things like these in the past, looking down on people desperate to seek out partners, claiming to be lonely when in truth they were just weak or simply starving for a touch of the 'opposite sex' to make up for their own inadequacy.
Now, faced with the reality of fatherhood in a matter of minutes and the prospect of his life being bound to another - one who, undoubtedly, bore his child, no less - Alastor would be lying if he had claimed a part of him didn't absolutely reel at the prospect. A responsibility greater than his own had just fallen into his lap - a vulnerability he never asked for and certainly didn't expect.
A part of him would come into the world, no matter whether it would look human, or demonic like him, or whatever strange combination of them both: This child would be proof of him. Him, not anyone else. There would be a person dependent on him for guidance and protection, a legacy he would be allowed to leave, a lineage that could one day claim that he, Alastor, had been the founding cause. His legacy. His blood and his seed had created another being against all rules and logic, an offspring, maybe a girl, maybe it would resemble him, or her, or even... his mother.
Despite the incredulity and the sheer panic the revelation brought, the longer he looked at the tiny dormouse in front of him, the more he realized how similar her traits were to his own mother's. Soft, but determined. Sad, but brave. Young but aged.
No, this hadn't been just some fleeting fling - Alastor had to believe in fate, given what she told him. There had been a reason why he didn't seal the deal that night. Why he had agreed to her request so easily. The more Alastor thought about the potential of a shared offspring, along with a loyal partner on his side, about the what-ifs and could-bes, the more appealing and pleasant the future appeared. She was carrying a being he created, one that had his essence – All the more stronger his grin widened, stretching so far it caused his cheeks to ache, but his blooming glee knew no bounds. He saw, to his own surprise, not a weakness or vulnerability.
But his greatest achievement.
With a laugh, this time sincere and booming and loud instead of hysterical, he picked her up on her waist, knocking the air out of her in a gasp, and swung her around several times.
"O-oh! Oh my goodness!", she stuttered, eyes wide and brows furrowed. "Alastor, calm down!"
"Oh, no no no, I simply can't! Dear, do you have any idea what a marvel you have wrought!?", he exclaimed in delight, setting her back down and bringing both hands up to her cheeks. "We've created a magnificent abomination!"
Her head shook as she chuckled, still nervous but with an edge of relief in her voice. "That's certainly one way of saying it. But... are... are you saying that... you are okay with it? That you..."
"What, dear?", he cooed, her big eyes shining hopefully as her ears twitched curiously. His chest swelled with affection, and he gently squeezed her cheeks between his hands.
"Does a daddy on your side scare you, darling?"
The title invoked a peculiar reaction, and he made a mental note to use it again soon enough, as her cheeks flushed in a dusty rose. Alastor felt an unfamiliar and somehow primal pleasure at the sight of it, a surge of happiness in his chest, the warmth of it nearly too much. He pulled her face against his, smothering her with a kiss. He wasn't familiar with such embraces, but she felt like she was specifically molded to fit perfectly into him, her ears flicking with every beat of her racing heart.
There were tears welling in her beautiful eyes, and as he kissed her cheeks and brushed them away with his thumbs. Oh yes, Alastor was filled with a new kind of giddy excitement.
"Come on, dear, let's not waste time to spread the good news!", he exclaimed, unable to reign his euphoric mood, and before she could comment on his actions, he reached out and lifted her over his shoulder in one fluid movement, ignoring her startled squawk. The look of utter bewilderment on her face almost made him break out into more laughter, but he was already out the door, ready to take his child's mother, who was, without a doubt in his mind, bound to him forever with a force much stronger than any deal he could've made, downstairs to tell the news to his fellow friends, who would have no choice but to learn what a truly dangerous deal looked like.
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vixien11 · 2 months
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This is my roman empire
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geekgirles · 3 months
I once read years ago a critique about how it says a lot about Christianity that there can be fallen angels but there is no such thing as ascended demons, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about how that is literally the whole concept behind Hazbin Hotel ever since.
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victoriousvic · 9 days
Zestial x Carmilla Carmine💚💜
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im-kino853 · 3 months
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My frist time drawing them 🤯
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prince-liest · 3 months
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I come bearing gifts. :)
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b5ttyb1tch · 3 months
Hazbin Memes I made Because I was Bored
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saturoslurper69 · 4 months
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though its easy to overlook, alastor very much is an emotional lil guy
for one, i know the dad rivalry makes great material and ideas for fans to play with, its fun! but i really feel like thats not what was happening here.
i think, alastor didnt trust lucifer the second he was mentioned. Lucifer seems to keep himself disconnected from the population of hell, as we know when alastor comments "nice to finally put a face to the name!"
being the king of hell, youd expect yknow, the bad dog. the worst of the worst. the one all overlords and deadly sins answer to. with that job description its easy to assume lucifer wouldnt have been the sweetheart he is. in fact, before the show was picked up by A24, lucifer was meant to be a bit of an asshole, but the idea must have been scrapped, or at the very least toned down to pursue a better story.
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not to mention lucifer taking a shot at alastor's ego? many times? it had al vulnerable. a questionable father figure and a reminder of his insignificance, two personal triggers to him hit in a combo move. it makes sense he was acting a little out of it in their musical, the man is very composed and confident in himself at default.
Alastor had to have a good degree of emotional stress going on to be laughing chaotically with lucifer like that before cussing him out. after all, the man rarely ever swears, hearing it even sounds a little out of character.
we also know alastor looks highly upon his mother, shes mentioned seldomly, but enough times on official tweets and QnAs/livestreams, but there is deafening silence on sharing anything about his father.
i remember vivienne giving nods to a tweet comparing alastor to bambi, perhaps a tragedy with his mother happened, and he developed a sense of personal responsibility to look after women (like charlie, and even the sheep girl from his official comic) he feels would need a friend. Perhaps there was a time he wasnt there for someone who needed him, or was unable to protect them..?
mimzy on the other hand, her case is slightly different. shes a sweet girl, bubbly and cheerful. but she still behaves as youd expect from the more distasteful citizens of hell. but for the longest time, mimzy very well knew alastor was someone she could run too for protection. shed always go to him when she was in trouble, and hed protect her. much like any parent would. not to mention the stern talking to he gave her during the aftermath (since she just harmed something hes in incredible denial of caring about) and the way she threw a lil fit then stormed off was the most father/daughter you could get.
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even with the way mimzy was poking his chest, he gently grabbed her hand and pushed it away. compare what mimzy did to how he treated husk and vox, i feel he lets women get by with a lot of shit hed kill over if it came from a man
with this in mind, i dont think there was a competition on who could be charlie's dad, i feel it was alastor testing a man whod already put him in a vulnerable state to see if he was worthy enough of even having charlie as a daughter
after all he looks much less pissed off seeing lucifer prove himself that he loves his family, a very welcome turn of events.
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mitrevi-ofc · 4 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
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thecluelessdoctor · 3 months
Ok I've had this on my brain for a while but remember in episode 2, when Valentino is loosing his shit over angel moving out of the studio, and vox almost excitedly says "angel quit?" And why would vox say that? He probably knows well that Valentino owns angel's soul. So how would angel be able to quit??Endless Valentino doesn't have as big of a leash of him than what we think. Has Angel been able to quit and leave this whole time, but Valentino forced him to think he couldn't? It's possible.Idk little thoughts.
It's like 11 pm at the time of writing so yeah.
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iliketoeatplastic · 4 months
i just wached the ep 8
holly shit in not good (adam looked like his va kinda ) LILITH HOLY SHIT . WHAT THE FICK IS HOLDING ALStor back
THErewas fat nuggets
cherri x pent
PENT and RAzzal (? i think razzal )
pent conforem to be a snake and have 2 dicks
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supersonictalan · 3 months
Incorrect Hazbin Hotel quote:
Husk: Boathouse, huh? Lost my virginity in a boathouse…
Alastor: It doesn’t count if you were by yourself, Husker
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patamon0001 · 16 days
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Hannibal x Hazbin Hotel
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doodledumping-ground · 3 months
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Late night at the Hotel
(I took Alastor's shadow design from the pilot, because I really like its colours and deranged smile)
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