#had an idea for a cardinal copia and his ghouls fic
Whump Prompt #1083
Your non-human caretakers protectively take the sick/injured human to their lair to help them. However, their limited knowledge on humans means that they are accidentally doing more harm than good... how long until they finally cave and take them to a hospital/healer/other humans for help?
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her-satanic-wiles · 8 months
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October 26th
Masturbation, Phantom x Cardinal Reader
Masterlist ⛧ The Cardinal Masterlist
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: Masturbation; mutual masturbation; caught masturbating; sub!Phantom (because I just can’t help myself, boy needs putting in his place); panty sniffing; degradation kink; squirting; finger sucking; cum eating; praise kink;
Taglist: @sodoswitchimage @enchantedbunny @bitchywitchygardener @thew0man @sodomiser @the-did-i-ask @copias-sewer-rat @gehrmansbignaturals @deetz-ghuleh @onlyhereforghost @zombiesnips-blog
This is a continuation of the previous Phantom fic because I actually think about that daily… this is my Roman Empire right now… Also, I listened to THE DEATH OF PEACE OF MIND by Bad Omens on repeat when I wrote this so… do with that information what you will…
🔞 MDNI 🔞
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Your day had been absolutely wonderful. You had the best night’s sleep, which bled into the most delicious breakfast, followed by a slow work day where you were able to catch up on all of your work and even start a new book all before lunchtime. And lunch was delectable, too. The kitchen had put on an array of delicious foods at the buffet this time, with bruschetta topped with fresh tomatoes, basil, and olive oil; arancini balls (of which you devoured several); fettuccine Alfredo amongst many others. It was very rare that Satan had blessed you with the most perfect of days, but you were thankful nonetheless. And even somewhat excited to get home, put your feet up and relax.
Your Ghoul, Phantom, had a separate schedule that he had to attend to today, which was, perhaps, the only negative part of such a perfect day. But, he was still in training after all, despite how much work you put his way as his Cardinal.
You took your heels off at the door as you entered your chambers, sighing in relief at the way your feet were now able to flatten out and stretch. You poured yourself a glass of water and stood in the kitchen, contemplating your next move when you heard it.
There was a faint grunting coming from your bedroom, behind a closed door that you know you left open when you left your place that morning. You could recognise those whimpers if you were blindfolded and threatened that your life would end. Phantom was in your room, and he wasn’t behaving as he should be. Quietly, you moved to your bedroom and slowly opened the door, making absolute sure that he wouldn’t notice you were there.
You opened the door the whole way, but his eyes were so tightly shut he had no idea you were there. He lay, sprawled out on your bed, completely naked including his mask, each item of clothing thrown carelessly around your room in his desperation to get his hand on his cock. One of his hands was wrapped around his beautiful length, stroking it perfectly and just the way he liked, slick with his spit and focussing on the sensitive, pink head. His bottom lip was trapped between his teeth in a feeble effort to stay as quiet as he could so he wouldn’t alert you to his presence just in case you came home earlier than expected, but it didn’t stop his pathetic whimpers from spilling out in between the short, sharp inhales. In his other hand was a pair of your panties, the exact pair you took off the night before when he was with you, deep inside you, whimpering as he was now. Those panties were damn near attached to his nose, he refused to move the gusset the entire time he was stroking his cock.
You were wondering what he was thinking about - the first time you both had sex, perhaps? When you took him in your office, stood on his cock and made him submit to you until he bent out of shape and broke at your very whim? Or maybe he was thinking about the night before, how you let him take you from behind and pretend that he was in charge… though that didn’t last long. Poor baby had no idea how to dom though he tried. It all came to naught when he was on the verge of cumming and begging for permission to do so, whining in your ear as all doms do, of course. Though, you’d be lying if you said it didn’t turn you on to hear that immediate switch from “strong man” to “needy, subby bitch”.
His hips bucked the harder he pumped, and his moans became louder and louder. You even heard little whimpers of, “Cardinal!” as he played with himself - no doubt imagining whatever fantasy he’d concocted since the two of you played with each other regularly. You could feel arousal pooling in your cunt, wetness flooding your core with each lewd sound of his cock as he jerked it rougher and rougher until you decided to act and alert him to your presence with a clearing of the throat.
The look of fear and panic on his face almost had you drooling. He sat up immediately, launching himself off the pillows and throwing your panties across the room. His hand did what it could to cover his cock from you, but it was too late. The damage had already been done and he knew he was in for it now.
“Little slut couldn’t wait for his Cardinal to come home and take care of him, hm? Had to use my panties to get himself off.”
“Cardinal! I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry, Cardinal! Please forgive me.”
You propped yourself up on the dresser. “Okay.”
Your nonchalance and unbothered demeanour was uncharacteristic to say the least, and it unnerved Phantom more than he could possibly say. At this point, you would be finding a way to punish him, making him suffer for his disobedience. He walked into your room, stole your used panties, and was touching himself on your bed - all of which without your permission. “O-okay?”
He hated this. “That’s it?”
“You wanted more?”
“Well, I expected-”
“Oh right, yes. You wanted to finish didn’t you?”
“Go ahead. Lie back, little prince. Finish yourself off.”
“A-are you sure?”
“Of course. Tell me, what were you thinking about?”
He was now on his knees at the foot of the bed, about a metre away from you. His hand, tentatively, wrapped around his aching cock, still very much suspicious of you but desperate to touch himself. He’d be lying if he didn’t find this hot, though - the idea of him stroking himself while you watched him; his beautiful Cardinal whose eyes were fixated on the way his hand stroked over himself.
“Tell me, little prince,” you repeated, eyes trained exactly where he wanted them, “what were you thinking about?”
“Y-you, Cardinal. I was thinking about you.”
“When you tied me up… t-took what you wanted. How your pussy felt good around me.”
You lifted your legs and hooked the heels of your feet onto the edge of the dresser. You lifted your robes up and revealed your panty-clad cunt, the fabric soaked from watching your little plaything touch himself. You moved the gusset to the side, and allowed him the privilege of looking at your slicked folds. “This pussy?” You asked.
“Oh fuck.” He began stroking himself harder. “Cardinal.”
He reached forward to touch you, not that he’d be able to reach at that distance anyway, but it didn’t matter. He wanted to, and that was enough for you. You kicked your leg forward, swiping his hand away from you with your foot. “Ah, ah! Bad boys don’t get to touch.”
There it was. There was his punishment. The one thing he wanted the most right now, the thing he could see plainly right in front of him, but couldn’t have. You were playing a dangerous game - dangling the steak in front of the lion and expecting it not to bite. But then, lions weren’t the strongest in the Pride; Phantom was toothless and he knew it.
You didn’t miss how much faster his hand moved over his cock as you exposed yourself to him; the way his mind moved a million miles a minute as it comprehended just what you were doing to him. His heart rate spiked when he saw your hand move lower…
A gasp escaped your lips as your fingers made contact with your clit, your head tipping backwards and mouth falling open with each stroke. Your eyes closed at the feeling as the rest of your face contorted in a peaceful bliss at the relief you were finally giving yourself. Touching yourself instead of him touching you was almost just as much torturous - except your sadistic side was singing at the suffering you were bringing him. Sweet, kind, funny, intelligent, naughty Phantom, kneeling at the foot of your bed, completely naked, foaming at the mouth at the sight of your core and tormented by the fact he can’t touch it, lick it just the way you liked.
You chuckled at the sight of his pathetic, dumb little face, fixated on the movements of your hand, matching his stroking with yours. The way his mouth hung open in concentration and his pupils had blown out, removing any colour from his irises. He needed you so fucking badly, his whimpers and moans just confirmed what you already knew.
“Your hand feel good, Phantom?” You taunted.
“No. I want your cunt, Cardinal. Your cunt would be better. Please.”
“It would be better. So tight, and warm, and wet.” You dipped your fingers inside. “Oh yeah, so fuckin’ tight.”
You tapped up, hitting your g-spot with each movement and causing genuine moans to fall out of your mouth. His hips bucked at the sound of your fingers sploshing through your wetness, the same wetness he could practically taste on his tongue. All the times he’d been buried between your thighs with your pussy hanging off his tongue.
“I’m sorry, Cardinal.” He confessed, words slurring with the lack of concentration. His focus on your fingers turned his brain to mush. “I’m sorry. Please. Please let me touch you. I’ll be a good boy, I promise.”
“You always - fuck - promise to be a good boy.” You pulled your fingers out and spread your wetness around your clit, furiously rubbing at the button. “You t-tell me you’ll be a good boy then go and - shit - go and do shit like this.”
“Cardinal, please!”
“No. You - fuck I’m close! You’re gonna watch me cum on my fingers. You get to watch me pl-please myself. If you’re good I might let you - oh fuck, I’m cumming!”
You came hard, your juices spurting out of your as you did and pooling on the dresser, sploshing on the floor dramatically and dripping off the wood when the stream had finally stopped. The sheer power of your orgasm knocked the wind out of you, forcing your free hand to grip onto the dresser in an effort to ground yourself. And you watched through blurred vision as Phantom fucked into his hand desperately, tongue escaping from behind his lips as if he could catch the droplets and drink them down.
When he saw that you were coming down, he piped up again, his voice breaking the silence. “Cardinal, please. I’ve been so good for you. I wanna cum, please let me cum. Please, Cardinal.”
“Little prince wants to cum, hm?” You pushed yourself off the dresser, your fingers still covered in your cum. Those fingers you moved towards him, holding them out so his mouth could finally reach them, but pulling away just as his lips were about to wrap around them.
You laughed cruelly and cupped his chin, trapping it between your index finger and thumb, forcing him to look at your face rather than the cum dripping off your digits. “Pathetic little whore, desperate for my leftovers. You want to taste me, hm? Beg for it. Make me believe you want to.”
“I want your cum in my mouth,” he said, words rushed and desperate, “I want to taste you. I want to lick up your cum, please let me. Please let me clean your fingers. I’d lick it off the fucking floor if you’d let me. Please.”
“Oh, now there’s an idea. Not today, little prince. But… you think that was good enough?”
Tears began forming in his eyes. “Cardinal, please!”
“Good boy.” You moved your fingers to his mouth. “Take your reward.”
His free hand gripped onto your wrist to stop you from moving away as he sucked your fingers into his mouth. His eyes rolled back at the taste of you, eyelids fluttering as though he had just tasted the most delicious food ever created. His tongue moved erratically around your fingers, making damn sure every available drop was gathered on it and swallowed down his waiting throat. The whimpers that came out of his throat were gaining in volume and intensity, a verbal cue to let you know he was ready to cum but waiting for your permission.
“Cum, little prince. Cum for me.”
He was always good at cumming on command, thanking you with muffled gratefulness as his lips were still around your fingers, sucking hard on the skin as his cum began pouring from his tip, gathering on the skirt of your robes. He let his teeth slip, biting down on your fingers accidentally but not hard enough to be painful. The hand that was on your wrist tightened in his pleasure, and his fingernails dug in for purchase. He was lightheaded, swaying with the force of his orgasm, so much so you had to steady him with your other hand.
“You’re okay,” you told him, genuine kindness shining through in an attempt to comfort him, “I got you, baby. You’re safe. I got you. So fucking good for me.” You leaned forward and kissed his forehead. “Good boy.”
He regained his mental ability to, well, exist and looked up at you with wide, puppy eyes. You bent down and kissed his lips, pulling him upwards for a passionate connection to help soothe the ache you created. “Always so fucking good for me, aren’t you?” You praised in between kisses. “You take what I give you so well.”
“All for you, Cardinal.”
“I’m just as much yours as you are mine, and don’t ever forget that.”
He nodded. You could feel the panic coming off him when you pulled back. “Cardinal?”
“It’s okay, my love.” You began stripping your soiled robes off and removing every item of clothing until you were just as bare as him. “Lie back and get comfortable. I’m coming.”
You climbed onto the bed once you were ready and scooped him up, pulling him to rest his head on your breasts and holding him as he needed you. He clutched onto you tightly, falling slowly into a deep sleep.
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Kinktober: Previous Day ⛧ Next Day
The Cardinal:
Masterlist ⛧ The Cardinal Masterlist
Previous Part ⛧ Next Part
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ghostchems · 4 months
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infernal | nsfw | parts: one/two/three/four | ao3 link
papa emeritus iii x fem reader Terzo is serving a death sentence. It isn’t like he had much of a choice. He remembers the game night clearly. The typical arguments and accusations of cheating had subsided and it was a rare moment of fun and relaxation with his brothers. The next thing he remembers is waking up on a gurney and gasping for air. They told him his brothers were dead. They told him they had removed his head for a photoshoot and then reattached it again. They gave him a choice: die now or take their money and never speak to them again.
the devil’s damsel | nsfw: non-con | parts: one/two/three/four | ao3 link
papa emeritus ii x fem reader after one mistake, you end up in the belly of the beast
cemetery stroll | nsfw | parts: one/two | ao3 link
papa emeritus ii x fem reader a creature interrupts your evening walk through the abbey cemetery.
bad idea right? | nsfw | parts: one/two | ao3 link
raphael x fem tav your companions have made their stance on making a deal with a devil clear but as the stakes of your quest grow you aren't so certain
*the titles link to the tumblr post. ao3 links included for all! for fics with multiple parts, i linked the last part bc i am lazy :) there are no tumblr links for burn with me because its an ~ao3 exclusive~ (i stopped consistently posting the chapters on tumblr the longer it went dhdjsjsj)
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papa emeritus iii
cirice | nsfw | ao3 link
you are searching for inspiration at the site of a local urban legend but something beckons to you
kazoo comfort | sfw | ao3 link
you take a break from your daily duties to clear your head when you run into a cozy-looking retired papa
the rose | sfw | ao3 link
terzo reminisces about simpler times
upiór | nsfw | ao3 link
upiór (n.) - a person cursed before death, a person who died suddenly, or someone whose corpse was desecrated
the wedding guest | nsfw | ao3 link
you have just gotten over a break-up and attend a wedding of a friend alone. a man with face paint distracts you from the festivities
the cardinal’s cure | nsfw | ao3 link
cardinal terzo notices you seem a bit stressed and he has perfect solution
gloves | nsfw | ao3 link
you are the resident glove maker at the abbey and cardinal terzo comes to you with a curious request.
you drive me (crazy) | nsfw | ao3 link
the prompt: Now that Terzo has retired he has to take driving lessons because Imperator won't let any of the ghouls drive him around anymore. Reader is hired to teach him but what happens when love (or just sex) gets in the way of his lessons?
a man after midnight | nsfw | ao3 link
the prompt: looking at the mirror but the reflection isn't. looking. at. you.
the phantom touch | nsfw | ao3 link
when copia is gone, the phantom comes out to play.
the dressing room | nsfw | ao3 link
the last show of the popestar tour has concluded with Papa being dragged off stage. your task is to keep him occupied in his dressing room
smoke break | sfw | ao3 link
you find solace and a private place to smoke when you are caught by the new papa.
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cardinal copia
burn with me | nsfw | ao3 link
It’s been a long time since Copia has been able to play with his food.
restroom detour | nsfw | ao3 link
you're out with your friends at the new local hot spot: the pinnacle lounge. a trip to find the bathroom has you stumbling into something not for your eyes.
road rage | nsfw | ao3 link
as copia's assistant, you've found a nonconventional way to keep your boss calm.
oops | nsfw | ao3 link
copia makes a mistake while summoning a new ghoul.
upiór | nsfw | ao3 link
upiór (n.) - a person cursed before death, a person who died suddenly, or someone whose corpse was desecrated.
devotion | nsfw | ao3 link
the cardinal™️ doesn’t feel that you’ve been a good little sinner lately.
boys suck | nsfw | ao3 link
dracopia with the prompts: that gut feeling something is following you & having blood smeared all over you
the cream in cardinal copia's coffee | nsfw | ao3 link
you are blessed with the task of making the new cardinal his coffee each morning and on your first day, you forget the evaporated milk.
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papa emeritus iv
the sads | sfw | ao3 link
you've fallen behind on your classes at the ministry because of an episode of the sads.
somethin’ spooky | nsfw | ao3 link
you've secured an invite to an exclusive party at a satanic church only to end up being underwhelmed by the lack of "spooky".
have some sympathy and some taste | nsfw | ao3 link
you become charmed by a spooky live performance at a bar you wandered into.
wrong place, right time | nsfw | ao3 link
you work at a local concert venue, specializing in requests from the music acts. one request and one warning slips your mind.
on leather wings | nsfw | ao3 link
copia surprises you with a spooky weekend getaway, culminating in some winged bedroom time
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papa emeritus ii
la bella luna | nsfw | ao3 link
after a disappointing evening, you run into a mysterious man on the street.
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mary goore
baptized in blood | nsfw | ao3 link
you will never forget the day Mary Goore rolled into town.
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thief | nsfw| ao3 link
desperate for shimmer, you steal some from the last drop and make your escape
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ghulehunknown · 7 months
And He Sees Nothing Wrong With That
Terzo x F Reader
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“You know you need to be punished for being too seducente”
Flashback Friday! Bringing back one of my first ever fics from AO3 and posting it here
Summary: Jealousy plagues Terzo’s mind after an unproductive and frustrating clergy meeting, and he sets out to prove you are his.
CW/Tags: sexual innuendo and humor, dry humping, oral sex (F receiving), public oral sex, vaginal fingering, light dom/sub, light degradation, light possessive behavior, spanking, established relationship, porn with plot
Word Count: 2.5K
On Saturday you headed into the chapel for a large meeting with Papa and several members of the clergy. You would finally be discussing the details of the next ritual installments.
During the first meeting of the day, Copia and one of the bishops kept staring at you and whispering to each other. Copia stole quick glances in your direction over and over. You quickly straightened the veil of your habit, feeling self conscious. Maybe they weren’t talking about you? You weren’t wearing anything revealing that day, your veil wasn’t out of place…So what could it be? You never had much interaction with the Cardinal before. You didn’t intend to return the looks but you couldn’t help your eyes darting back and forth through the pews to make sure if he was actually looking or not.
Terzo noticed this right away, and looked between you two while he was at the pulpit speaking. He paused momentarily, as he caught Copia’s eyes, then resumed speaking. “Ah sì, the fucking tour…” he trailed off, flipping through pages. “It’s going to be called the…” he traced his fingers along the paper and tapped it once he found the words. “Ah dio mio who wrote this shit?!”
You saw Copia frown a little and cross his arms. Slightly disgruntled, Terzo continued. “It’s the fucking Popestar Tour.” He gestured to himself, almost sarcastically showing off his full Papal regalia, and giving a little curtsy.
“I’m sorry, the Fucking Popestar Tour - are we fucking the audience now?” one of the other cardinals called out, garnering a few snickers from the clergy.
“What?” said Terzo.
Omega crumpled up his papers into a ball from the back pew and threw it at that cardinal’s head, nailing his target perfectly. The cardinal turned around to the ghoul, making foul gestures with his hands and cursing Satan’s name at him.
“Actually that’s a good idea!” piped up Copia for the first time in an hour, leaning forward in the front pew. That smart fucker, you thought. Pretend to sing praises of your Papa in front of the whole clergy while tearing him apart. He continued to glance towards you. You instinctively looked in his direction, now trying to warn him off from going any further, but he continued. “Papa Emeritus, we can barely afford these garments,” he said gesturing to Terzo’s robes. “Accounting is stretched thin, so we really should be thinking of ways to generate profit.”
Terzo shot a dark look in Copia’s direction, quickly shutting the Cardinal up. “Sì sì, like we have the time to line them up outside in the parking lot,” Terzo mused sarcastically. “You know,” he quipped, pointing his finger at Copia, boasting, “the shows have gotten bigger since I became Papa.” He glanced back at you and then to the audience.
“That’s perfect!” exclaimed one of the bishops. “Take a ride on the Pope - we’ll add it to the meet and greet experience!” (“Cazzo, that’s not what I meant,” said Terzo, though it fell on deaf ears.) The bishop clasped his hands together. “Hey, get HR on this immediately. Tack on an extra fifty euros to the regular meet and greet,” he murmured to the sister sitting next to him, who began scribbling on her clipboard. The rest of the audience murmured in agreement.
“Fifty…?” you could see Terzo mouth the words incredulously.
“Yes but how do we implement the fucking?” the sister asked. “Imperator will want to know the details.”
“Do we provide the condoms or does the audience?” someone else asked.
“Who said we’re using condoms?” shouted Rain, who sat in the back pews with the other ghouls. The younger ghouls whispered excitedly to each other and laughed boisterously. Alpha and Omega each took a turn to smack the younger ghouls on the back of the head, nearly knocking their masks off.
“We should definitely provide them,” said Copia. “You can’t trust any of these motherfuckers nowadays.”
“Who’s in charge of branding?” asked one of the cardinals. “They’ll be able to come up with something clever to put on the wrappers.”
“Cum Together!” said the sister, wagging her pen in the air, and continued writing furiously on her clipboard. Several clergy members nodded in agreement.
“Sì, just make it one big orgy,” added Copia, smiling sneakily, looking at you again. He chuckled. “You know, one time I went to an orgy - ”
“You shut up,” Terzo said, pointing a finger at Copia. Copia looked back at him offended but immediately snapped his mouth shut.
“Yes but HR will want to know the details - we need waivers a-and STD screenings - ” chimed in the sister, worriedly counting on her fingers before Terzo cut her off.
“No, no one is fucking me!” Terzo shouted. The room fell silent and he paused for a moment. “Not that cheaply anyway,” he added dryly, looking back through his notes to get back to the topic at hand. He scoffed and muttered under his breath, “Not since college…incredible.” He rolled his eyes and continued.
He finally calmed the audience down and finished speaking, then dismissed the clergy in a hurry to reconvene in fifteen minutes.
Copia leaned across the aisle to your pew before he left. “It was a good idea, no?” He shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the back pews to strike up conversation with the others.
Feeling annoyed, you turned back to him and started to say something but thought better of yourself and turned to face Terzo. Your eyes met his, and you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Oh shit, you thought, knowing just how this looked to him. You gathered your belongings and headed to the altar to start setting up the communion for mass later in the evening.
Terzo remained where he stood, gripping the sides of the pulpit as the clergy milled out of the front doors, tapping his fingers on the sleek mahogany. You could hear the gold nails on his leather black gloves click rhythmically against the wood. You gazed along his profile; he wore a frown and raised an eyebrow, looking straight ahead.
Once most of the clergy left, he walked over to the altar where you stood. “Come here, Sorella!” You tried to look busy to avoid the intensity of his gaze. His papal face paint looked even more menacing in the light of the chandelier, the light only picking up the white paint and his white eye. He seemed taller when he wore his mitre and full papal robes.
He grabbed the large silver Grucifix next to you and clutched your hair, forcing you face down and bending you over the altar. “We talked about this, Sorella. You understand the consequences, sì?”
You yelped. “Papa wait - ”
“Silence,” he commanded, pushing up your skirt and paddling you square on the ass with the metal cross. You let out a small moan. Fuck, why did that feel good? Your skin stung, mostly from the cold of the metal, as he wasn’t intending to mark you - only making a metaphorical point of who you belonged to.
“Yes, Papa,” you said, resigning while feeling your heart beat with excitement.
He tore down your panties to your ankles, spat into his hand, and shoved two clawed, gloved fingers into your pussy, unrelentingly moving them in and out. You moaned louder this time.
The two cardinals who were still in the back of the hall murmured and quickly shuffled out the front door.
“Sei mia,” he whispered menacingly quiet in your ear. He groped your left breast as he dry humped your thigh from behind, his golden nails still gripping you inside. “You know you need to be punished for being too seducente, si?”
You whined, the pain from his slap still stinging and his gold nails prodding your soft interior flesh. “Yes Papa I was so stupid,” you choked out, clinging to the cold marble altar for support. You could feel his rock hard erection prod into your thigh through his robes. He lifted up your leg to go deeper inside your cunt, now raw from his claws pounding into you feverishly.
He sighed contentedly. “You’re so tight, Sorella. I can feel you getting wetter with every touch, these gloves are sliding in so easily now. Cazzo!” he exclaimed, rubbing his clothed erection on your thigh in fervent passion. “You’re going to be moaning when the next session begins - just like my goddess should. Sei così futto bellissima. You are mine, and I am yours. I want the whole fucking clergy to see you’re mine, and show that idiota Copia his place. He thinks I’m some joke? I’ll show him.” He grabbed your jaw with his free hand. “You hear me?”
You nodded in his hand. “Terzo, my beloved, there’s nothing going on there! Please, believe me - ”
He pulled your hair back so you could see into his eyes. “I know bella mia, he’s just a prick. And he’s been making eyes at you. And how could he not - sei la più bella qui.” He relinquished the grasp on your hair, your hairline aching from his tight grip, and he swung your head back down to the marble. He continued fingering you from behind, pinning you down with his other arm to keep you from moving wildly by his frenzied, almost desperate touch. He kept looking towards the door. “Where’s your phone?” he asked.
You whined, barely able to utter another word.
“Your phone, your phone, principessa!” he urged.
You wanted to ask where his was but could only manage a few guttural moans and pointed to the floor, where your phone flew out of your habit moments earlier.
He bent down and picked it up to look at the lock screen, never breaking his rhythmic thrusts with his hand. He grunted and mumbled, “He knows better than to text you when I’m right here.” You leaned over to see 12:53 - seven more minutes until the next meeting was supposed to reconvene. “We can figure out how to kill time,” he said, finally easing up on you, now slowly entering you with just his index finger. “That’ll teach that stupido uomo ossessionato dai ratti not to covet what does not belong to him. Voglio assaporarti.”
Fuck, he really was going to one-up Copia.
He flipped you over so your back laid against the cool marble. He hovered over you and stared deep into your eyes as he slipped his gloved fingers out of you and into his mouth, moaning, tasting you. “Deliziosa,” he said. He slid two fingers back inside your dripping wet pussy, rolling his thumb over your clit. You grinded your hips against his hand, clutching the edge of the altar, hoping to hurry up your encounter before anyone else came back in. Small, wet sounds echoed along the stone walls.
You both glanced back at your phone - 12:55. The Cardinal was usually annoyingly early.
“Who makes you feel good?” he asked loudly.
“You do, Papa!” you screamed.
“Who do you belong to?” he demanded.
“You, Papa!”
“You would never leave me, not for him?” This last question sounded wounded, not a command. He broke your gaze briefly, looking at the floor, his long eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks. He quickly flicked his eyes back to yours.
Why would he ask these questions? “Never my love,” you whispered, whimpering at his touch. Your clit quivered under his thumb, and your wet cunt contracted around his digits.
“Good girl.” He spread your legs apart, and ravished you with his tongue, flicking wildly around your clit and motioning a come-hither inside you with his index finger. You grabbed the sides of the altar in euphoria. Your body convulsed around him, your thighs wrapping around his neck. You lost control as your body tensed and released, Terzo moving expertly in rhythm with your hips, and you cried out in ecstasy, your ardent moans for your lover echoing through the chapel walls. Your arousal came flooding out of you, and Terzo latched his lips around your labia and sucked deeply, drinking you.
He gulped and chuckled, as he continued to finger you while he looked up. You followed his gaze to the front of the chapel, where Copia and several cardinals and bishops stood, mouths agape at the sight before them.
You quickly shoved him off you and pulled down your habit to cover yourself, but it was too late as they likely walked in just as you were wailing like an animal for your Papa.
“Are you quite finished?” one of the bishops asked, annoyed.
Copia was red in the face and glanced away as Terzo stared at him. He brought his arousal soaked fingers to his mouth again, exaggeratedly sucking them clean. “Oh sì, ho concluso il mio lavoro,” he said, answering the bishop but grinning at Copia, his face paint smeared around his mouth and chin.
You blushed, embarrassed; yet you tried to hide a grin yourself, because that was one of the most thrilling experiences of your life. You slid off the altar and stood beside Terzo, trying to conceal putting your underwear back on by standing behind his vestments. You held onto his shoulder for support, your legs shaking like mad.
Copia slowly made his way up the steps, papers and Unholy Book in hand, eyeing the altar where you just laid. You had left behind a small pool of your arousal - and probably some of Terzo’s saliva as well. “I see,” he muttered, a disgusted look on his face as he tried to find a clean surface to place his things. The remaining cardinals and bishops took their seats, eyeing Terzo with trepidation. It looked like everyone - Copia especially - had several words to say, but their place was beneath Papa.
Terzo grabbed you by the shoulders to whisk you away, and you both broke out into laughter as you made your way to the pews. As it was the Cardinal’s turn to lead this meeting, Terzo happily took his place in the second row pew, propping up his feet up on the back of the first row and leaning back contentedly with his hands behind his head. He proudly wore his smudged paint and the scent of you like a badge of honor. You took your place beside him, still stifling laughter.
Copia flipped through his Unholy Book, trying not to look at the two of you entwined in an embrace. Terzo kissed you on the temple, looking at Copia. “Cardinal, I know it must be hard for you to imagine such a passionate embrace, seeing as you’ve never pleased a woman…but this is how it’s done.”
Copia slammed his book shut and started to speak but suddenly fell silent. “Sister Imperator,” Copia said, bowing his head slightly in respect.
Imperator came entering the chapel and took her place a few rows behind you, on the opposite side of the aisle - almost as if to keep a close watch on you.
Terzo sank down into the pew, pulling up his robes to cover his face, as if that would make him invisible. You looked behind your shoulder, and caught a glimpse of her stern face.
What trouble would you be in now?
Italian to English Translations
- dio mio (my god)
- Cazzo (fuck)
- Sei mia (you’re mine)
- seducente (seductive)
- Sorella (Sister/Nun)
- Sei così futto bellissima (You are so fucking beautiful)
- Idiota (idiot)
- bella mia (my beauty)
- sei la più bella qui (you’re the prettiest here)
- principessa (princess)
- stupido uomo ossessionato dai ratti (stupid rat-obsessed man)
- Voglio assaporarti (I want to savor you)
- Deliziosa (delicious)
- Ho concluso il mio lavoro (I’ve finished my job)
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aetherii-ignes · 2 years
Strawberries and sins
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Prompt: Reader fulfills her duties as a Sister of Sin, by preparing cupcakes for Copia’s birthday; Dewdrop, the Fire ghoul, is hungry. Hungry for something sweet.
Pairing: Fire ghoul x Fem!Reader
CW: public, hair pulling, oral sex, MINORS DNI
Words: 3k
A.N.: This is my first ever ghost fic, so I hope it doesn't suck as much as it probably does. A massive thank you to my friend Elizabeth for beta-reading.
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“Do you need help?”
I shook my head, glaring at the ghoul standing next to me, already with a finger dipped in the heavy cream I meticulously prepared.
“Are you sure, angel?” the Fire ghoul asked, staring at me through his silver mask. “You seem pretty… overworked.”
He was right, but I wasn’t going to let him close to my cupcakes. I knew that if I had given up on his annoying questions, he would’ve stolen at least half of the cupcakes. I wanted him to eat one, but the rest were for the Cardinal - or Sister Imperator would’ve had my head on the same platter as the one I was serving my desserts on. I didn’t want to risk it, it was my time to impress her with my cooking skills.
“You’re covered in flour,” the ghoul tempted me again, taking the tip of his finger between his sinful lips. “I can help you out, if you ask me.”
Shaking my head once again, I pushed his hand away from the bowl. “I don’t need your help, you cheeky ghoul. I know what you’re trying to do.”
His eyes lit up at my sentence, shining under the lights of the kitchen. “Oh, do you?”
“You’re not going to steal these cupcakes.” I pointed to the oven, knowing that my desserts looked amazing and probably tasted even better. “They’re for Copia.”
The Fire ghoul took a step closer to me, crossing his arms to his chest. “So? He’s not going to cry if he eats twenty-nine cupcakes instead of thirty.”
“He probably won’t, but Sister Imperator asked for thirty. I’m not going to take any chances,” I replied, bumping my shoulder against his. “I’m serious, Dew. Please, don’t steal anything. I will make more for you and the others tomorrow.”
His right hand slid over my shoulder, his dark claws brushing over my skin in a caress. “We have a deal, angel.”
I leaned my head over his shoulder, staring at the oven where my cupcakes were slowly baking. They were vanilla flavoured, Copia’s favourite, and I hoped they turned out the way I wanted them to - and prayed for them too. The Cardinal’s birthday was probably the most important party of the year for the Clergy.
Last year I was in charge of the desserts, again, but the Fire ghoul made sure to steal every single chocolate cake I prepared. I was still new, I had no idea who I was dealing with and Dew thought it would’ve been funny to give me a little taste of his mischievousness. Luckily, he was kind enough to tell Sister Imperator that it was his fault if nobody at the Clergy had a slice of cake - which was the reason why she gave me another chance.
After all, the Fire ghoul wasn’t as cruel as he wanted everyone to think he was.
Not with me, at least.
“Why do you want to steal my cupcakes?”
The Fire ghoul took off his mask, placing it on the table in front of us. “Because I’m hungry.”
“Can’t you just open the fridge and eat the leftovers from this morning?” I asked, perplexed by his answer. “I’m sure there are still some pieces of chicken left, if Mountain didn’t eat them.”
He shook his head, sliding his arm around my shoulders. “I was craving something sweet.”
“What about the cookies I made yesterday?”
The Fire ghoul ignored my words and pulled away from me, walking closer to the kitchen door. I didn’t notice he locked it until I heard the doorknob click. When he turned to me, his eyes were glowing and suddenly the temperature in the room increased. I felt a drop of sweat run down my back, not knowing if it was from the heat of the oven or from the Fire ghoul’s piercing gaze. He stared at me, almost as if he wanted to eat me whole. He was hungry so he came to the kitchen. He saw me, locked the door. And now?
“I guess I can eat something else that’d taste just as sweet.”
Blushing at his words, I looked away from him.
I understood what he wanted and even though it wasn’t the first time we blew the steam together, it definitely was the first time he cornered in a place like that. Usually he would seduce me in his room, clinging to my shoulders and biting my neck while whispering to me what he thought about the previous night.
“Dew… We can’t.”
“Are you scared, angel?” he asked, placing his hands on my hips. “The door’s locked. No one is going to get in here.”
I cradled his face in my palms. “Have you forgotten that we live with other ghouls? They can get in with a twist of their hand and break the doorknob.”
“You wouldn’t mind one of them joining us, stop complaining,” he half-joked, making my nose twitch. “Seriously, we’re alone on this side of the Clergy. I made sure of it before coming in here.”
I tilted my head and raised my brows. “Before? Were you planning on seducing me while I was baking?”
“I tried to seduce you by sucking my own fingers, but you weren’t interested,” the Fire ghoul mumbled, pointing to the bowl of heavy cream. “You were too busy killing me with your eyes to realise what I was doing.”
Tugging on my apron with his fingers, Dew pulled me even closer to his body so that the tip of his nose was touching mine. He was right, I didn’t notice what he was trying to do because of my nerves - but that didn’t mean I found him unattractive.
“Your fingers shouldn’t be in your mouth, though,” I said.
The Fire ghoul brought his right hand over my cheek, brushing his thumb over my lips. “Right, they should be in here.”
I opened my lips for him, feeling a warmth spreading within my belly when his index pressed down on my tongue. I didn’t break eye-contact, watching the ghoul smile when my lips closed around his digit.
A satisfied hum left his mouth. “Good girl.”
It had always been difficult to stay focused on a task when the Fire ghoul was around me. His presence was always a distraction to me and he made sure to own that power, to use it against me so that I’d be wrapped around his finger.
“I am still hungry, though.”
Pulling his thumb out of my lips, he brushed it down my chin. “Hungry for what?” Something leathery wrapped around my calf, running up to the edge of my skirt. Dew’s tail gripped my thigh but didn’t dare to go further.
“I can just show you, how about that?”
When the Fire ghoul dropped down on his knees right in front of me, I gasped. It wasn’t an unusual sight for me, Dew loved going down on me probably more than fucking me - if we couldn’t have a quickie in the bathroom before a show, he would make sure to worship me and leave bruises on my inner thighs to quench his thirst. However, there was something slightly depraved in having him with his face between my thighs while being in a common-space. Other Sisters were going to be there by the end of the evening, and even more tomorrow morning. Knowing and remembering what we did right there, just because he was hungry, made my insides tingle.
The Siblings wouldn’t smell my scent all around the room, but the other ghouls would - and that thought made my head spin. As wrong as it was, I loved knowing they could feel I belonged to one of them.
That I belonged to Dewdrop.
“You look so pretty like this.” I mumbled, blushing when his hands sneaked underneath the skirt of my cloak. “My pretty ghoul.”
His tail wiggled behind him, before sliding over my right leg again. “I’m going to look even prettier with my tongue buried inside your pussy.”
The way he said it so casually made me chuckle, but the Fire ghoul knew it was true. I always found him rather attractive while being so focused on me, on my taste, on making me feel so good to the point my eyes would roll in the back of my head. “Please. Do it.”
The Fire ghoul hiked my skirt up to my hips and I held it back for him so that I was still able to see him. His fingers hooked the hems of my panties and dragged them down to the floor, before his tongue immediately dived in. I had to look away and bite my lips so hard I almost felt a drop of blood slide down, terrified that too much noises could catch someone’s attention outside. The warmth of his tongue felt too good against me, the growl that left his lips felt even better - and I knew I wasn’t going to last that long.
Dew brought his hands on my thighs, spreading them apart. “You taste so sweet.”
My fingers immediately entangled with his hair as I turned my head to the side, trying to find a way not to scream too loud. It was difficult to be quiet when his lips closed around my clit, sucking on it harshly - his forked tongue was too perfect. He knew it, that’s why he kept teasing my clit. The more he made me squirm, the more he loved it.
“Please, you’re…Gonna make me come.”
His fingers dipped into the soft skin of my thighs, leaving bruises that he was definitely going to kiss later. The wet sound of his tongue pressing into me made my head spin as I tightened my grip on his hair, earning another growl from the ghoul on his knees. He loved having his hair pulled and I knew I wasn’t doing it right, but the pleasure was too high within me. I wasn’t focused, I couldn’t focus at all even though I could hear the faint sound of his tail tapping against the hard cold floor. But it didn’t matter.
“I could do this for fucking hours,” the Fire ghoul mumbled, bringing his right hand where I needed him the most. “All mine.”
Even in moments like those, Dewdrop had to make sure I remembered who I belonged to. It was intoxicating to know how easily he could control my body and every single one of my reactions with his touch, his words, his tail, anything he did.
“Yours, yours,” I chanted.
Pushing his index finger inside of me, Dew didn’t waste any time and curled it deep. His digit pressed right against the soft indentation inside of me and the sensation threw me for a loop, forcing my lips to whisper his name over and over.
“Ah, does that feel good? Am I making you feel good, angel?”
He knew how difficult it was for me to speak in such conditions, but he taunted me nonetheless. He loved witnessing the power he had over me, how his tongue would tie mine into silence. The whimpers slipping from my lips echoed in the kitchen and I hoped no one could hear me, otherwise it was going to be a big problem. His tongue felt too good between my legs, collecting my juices as they dripped all over Dew’s chin.
“You’re so wet for me, angel,” the Fire ghoul whispered, pulling away from my core with his lips glistening. “I bet you’d feel perfect around my cock.”
I whined at his words, twisting his hair. “Later.”
Dewdrop closed his eyes and allowed me to push his face between my thighs again, feeling his tongue slip through my folds and into me. He growled when I tightened my grip on his hair, feeling myself slip closer and closer to that delicious edge I was riding because of him.
His tail ran up to my thigh again, following the path of my juices down my skin.
My whole body tensed and I knew the Fire ghoul could feel it, because his tongue focused on my clit and his fingers started to tease my entrance. As soon as his index finger prodded at my hole, I felt completely empty - and in desperate need to be filled. I needed Dewdrop inside of me, I needed to feel his cock stretch me out so perfect.
“So tight, so warm.”
My moans reached his ears and they encouraged him to tease me even more, to give me one of the things I was craving the most - his tail. The leather tip prodded my entrance as the Fire ghoul pulled his fingers out, still sucking my clit with his lips.
“Fuck! Yes, please.”
Despite my thoughts being a mess of begs and pants, Dewdrop understood how good he was making me feel. My muscles tensed around his tail and my orgasm felt close, ready to break through my body and let me reach that state of euphoria I so desperately sought.
“Come for me, angel,” the demon ordered, bringing both hands on my thighs. “I want you to come all over my tongue. Make a mess all over my face.”
If it wasn’t for his voice turning me on more than it should have, I would’ve blamed his tail as it reached that spot within me. My insides started to burn with desire as a shock of adrenaline ran through me, forcing me to whisper his name. My whole body shuddered as Dew didn’t stop his ministrations, sucking my clit between his lips. He wanted me to get desperate, to get loud, to make everyone inside the Clergy well aware of what was going down in the kitchen - because he was a fucking menace, and I loved him dearly for it.
Shaking and trembling, I came down from my high.
“You did so well for me, angel,” the demon whispered, leaving a trail of kisses down my right inner thigh. “But next time you need to be louder.”
I smirked, knowing that I was going to get in so much trouble for even thinking that answer.
“Or maybe… you need to do better.”
Before the Fire ghoul could register my words, a faint laugh came from the other side of the kitchen and I froze in my spot. Suddenly, my heart dropped inside my ribcage as the handle of the door turned to reveal the ghoul hiding right behind.
The Fire ghoul immediately stood up from the floor, tucking his trousers and making sure he was covering my half-naked body with his own.
“Here at your service,” he immediately replied, playfully bowing down to Dew. “I was looking for something to drink, but found myself in a sticky situation.”
My cheeks heated at the thought of him listening to my moans, to my ghoul bringing the immense pleasure he promised me he would. However, I was more concerned about the fact that Aether didn’t ask us to join - usually he loved playing with us, watching our dynamics and mocking Dewdrop for becoming more dominant with me.
“Next time you plan on surprising your girlfriend with some oral, make sure to call me as well. It would’ve been nice to watch her,” Aether mumbled, walking inside the kitchen as if it wasn’t a big deal. “And by the way, Sister…I’ve missed your moans.”
Hiding my face against the Fire ghoul’s chest, I grew quiet. I didn’t know what to say - or better, I didn’t want to say anything. I was still slightly out of it, my mind clouded by the delicious pleasure I was put through by the skilled tongue of my lover.
Dewdrop closed his arms around my shoulders, his warmth helping me to come out of my blissful state quicker than usual.
“And here I thought we could be more adventurous…Everyone wants you.”
I nipped at the skin of his throat, smiling. “And yet, I always run back to you.”
My words seemed to have had the effect I was hoping for. “Because you’re mine, angel.”
Of course I was, I wouldn’t have changed it for the world.
Nuzzling against his chest, I stared at the oven right behind us as the timer ticked. The faint smell of strawberry came into place as soon as I remembered what happened before Dew joined me. There was flour everywhere and I was positive I had a lot of it all over my face and down my skirt, but it didn’t matter. Luckily, the cupcakes weren’t burning and nobody stole them. But they could have been stolen!
Dewdrop loved to distract me while the rest of the ghouls caused mischief all over the Clergy.
“Do I deserve a cupcake for what I just did to you?”
Raising my brows, I pulled away from his chest. “Did you just ask me to give you a cupcake in exchange for an orgasm?”
The ghoul shrugged. “I think it’s a fair deal.”
Playfully I shoved him away from me and walked to the kitchen window. The smell of strawberries, mixed with the vanilla flavour, was almost dizzying - and so were the words of Dewdrop echoing in my head.
“I can give you even more, if you’d just ask.”
By more, he obviously meant his cock - and despite me being desperate for the ghoul, I couldn’t be distracted. Not again, not when the cupcakes were in the oven. One slight distraction would’ve led them to burn - and the Cardinal to be upset over not having a well-deserved dessert for his birthday.
“Go to your room, horny ghoul.” I mumbled, pointing to the door of the kitchen. “You and your forked tongue are dangerous.”
His tail wiggled behind his back. “You love me.”
“More than I can explain.”
Dewdrop walked out of the room and I could hear Aether running up to him, probably plotting against another attempt at stealing my cupcakes.
I wasn’t surprised to find them gone by the morning.
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profanepurity · 1 year
“Date Night” & Ghoul Doodles
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So this started out as just a super self indulgent TerzOmega blurb to try and get some happy chemicals flowing in my brain... and then it became over 1600 words lol. 
So here’s a little fic I’m calling “Date Night” 😈 I’m throwing these super old ghoul sketches here too just for a little extra 👹
CW: This fic is within my Praeteritum AU! I really like the idea of TerzOmega when Terzo is still a Cardinal and Omega is one of Papa Secondo’s ghouls (Infestissumam era masks 👀) There is also blood, death, and some suggestive content, but it never gets into explicit sex. I only did one pass through this, so there’s probably spelling mistakes in here too lol
Enjoy 🖤
There were very few things that Omega would not do for Terzo.
He still remembers, of course, when Terzo’s oldest brother, Papa Emeritus Primo, summoned him and Alpha as part of his coronation. Omega was an infernal beast, his age hailing in comparison to any human’s. While the powerful fire ghoul was definitely worthy of praise, Alpha was not the true spectacle of the ritual. A quintessence ghoul is, and has always been in the church’s history, a sacred element out of all the ghoulish creatures that lurked in the pits. A new quintessence ghoul had not entered the ministry in nearly a century. Nihil’s own having been passed down from his father, and his father’s father , and his father’s father’s father, and his father’s father’s-
Primo’s ritual was not only flawless, but exceptionally fruitful. However, Omega’s initiation into the church was not his most fond memory. Despite his service under Primo being comparatively miniscule to the span of his life so far, he had grown a deep respect for the old man. Even his current service under the second, Papa Emeritus Secondo, he has grown to appreciate. But it was the moment the ghoul was introduced to Cardinal Emeritus Terzo, His Dark Excellency’s youngest brother, that will perhaps forever be scorched into his mind like a brand glowing white from the fires of hell itself. The adorned high clergymen stood defore the demon, hands folded neatly behind him, and met his gaze directly. A direct challenge towards Omega. Those mismatched eyes that Omega can sometimes feel staring at him even when Terzo is out of his line of sight, were undeniably hungry. 
To no surprise, that tension snapped not long after. Lust was not something Omega nor Terzo strained themselves from indulging in. What the ghoul was surprised by, was that hunger in the Cardinal’s eyes revealing itself to be more than carnal. One night, Omega found himself seated in Terzo’s office at some unholy hour, while Cardinal Emeritus sat across from him.
Terzo enjoys talking, that is simply common knowledge. So you can image how the devilish creature was some what stunned by small, fragil human holding one of his claws in his hands in a comfortable silence. His thumb traced over scars and lines in Omega’s palm, felt the way his muscles flexed as he so gently moved his hand as if he could somehow hurt the ghoul, and dared to lightly press his thumb against the sharp ends of his nails that could tear through his flesh with ease.
Terzo looked up at Omega with a foolish amount of trust. He was still holding that large claw that usually was wrapped around his throat, gripping his hips brusingly, or fisting his black hair mercilessly. One of his Papa’s two little shadows, as him and Cardinal Copia have been commonly referred to as, was completely unaware of how he captivated the infernal creature so tremendously. Or perhaps he was aware, as Terzo loved allowing himself to be perceived as more innocent than he truly was.
Maybe that is why Omega is drawn to him so. Something wicked constantly boiled under both of their skins, threatening to burst through and engulf them both.
“Want to go see a movie with me?” Terzo’s lips curled up in that handsome curve, looking up at Omega past his lashes.
An ancient demonic creature, capable of mentally breaking the man infront of him with but a few words, leaving him a broken, hallow shell; a screaming, tormented, pitiful husk begging to be put out of his misery, just asked him out on a date. The Quintessence Ghouls were made exquisitely by Lucifer himself. He gifted them with the ability to torture man flawlessly, with divine perfection in their sheer brutality upon man’s mind and soul- shatting it completely. Omega simply blinked slowly at the question.
Again, there are very few things that Omega would not do for Terzo.
The ghoul had excused himself the next day, politely informing Papa Secondo that he was being summoned by some of the high members of the church to attend a meeting involving worhsip of the Old One, as having ghouls present always improved the connection. Thankfully Papa seemed to approve and dismissed him with no inquires, too deep within his studies. A small infant was tucked into his lap as he sat at his desk. He could only finding time to hold his new born daughter during moments like this at his desk.
Omega bowed to his excellency and his heir gratefully. Only an hour later was he fully glamoured and driving Terzo’s own car, with Cardinal Emeritus, still sharply dressed as always, sitting in the passenger seat. Omega supposed he should take advantage of moments like this. It would not be long before Terzo would inevitably become Papa, and his face would be far too known for them to go out without at least several fan interruptions. At least for now they could enjoy whatever cheesy horror movie Terzo had bought them tickets for in peace.
Perhaps that was the true realization that should be considered here. Peace is never going to be something that is permanent in their lives. Omega is, and always will be, a creature of Hell.
Looking back on it, Terzo really couldn’t be upset. He never really was, even as he watched Omega lunge and grab the man with barely glamoured claws. Even as he gazed upon blood and flesh tearing from the man’s throat, he never grew disgusted, he only watched his beloved’s teeth sink into the man’s jugular unnervingly fast. The inhuman snarl that errupted from somewhere in the demon’s chest had made his blood run cold… and all his blood rush down.
Maybe Terzo just hadn’t fully processed that he was watching Omega maul someone. Only a few minutes ago they had parked out on the street and bought a hand full of hours from the parking meter, before beginning the walk through the alley way that would lead then towards the entrance of the theatre. Terzo’s decision to take that route was just a convenient short cut. It had been a while sine Omega had been in public with Secondo’s next tour still being a ways off. Terzo had figured the less open route would give the ghoul as little exposure as possible, and avoid a potential incident like this.
The man had been most likely drugged out of his mind, approaching them out of the shadows of the alley with an uneven saunter and mumbling incoherent noises that only vaguely sounded like words. Admittedly, Terzo hadn’t seen the sharpened object in the man’s hand immediately, and was shocked by the sight in a brief moment of vulnerability. Terzo would have been capable of regaining control and handling the situation by his own means, but his reaction time was nothing compared to Omega.
It was an instinctual reaction in self defense. In his mind, Terzo helplessly attempted not to read it as Omega protecting him. He desperately rationalized it, letting it ring as a harsh reminder that Omega was not human. That this behavior was simply a part of his nature.
No, the demon that not three days ago Terzo had caught holding the bundle that was his new born niece so gently within his great arms while Sister Diana focused on an urgent task, looking at the baby with a strikingly soft gaze behind that black mask, could not have just stepped in front of Terzo to guard him. He wasn’t ready to believe that.
Satan below, the way Omega’s eyes blazed as black smoke puffed from him with every exhale. The way his claws threatened to reveal themselves as his fingers noticeably blackened, twitchiing and flexing as they trembled from adrenaline.
But when Omega looked back at him, blood streaking across his mouth, he must have noticed the look of astonishment on his face. Terzo almost missed the way Omega’s ears would move back like a cat when he was stressed, since he couldn’t see it now with the glamour. The Cardinal could still somehow see the ghoul doing it. He didn’t know what made him want to drop to his knees more, the primal, horrific rage he had just witnessed, or the way Omega’s eyes expanded like two black orbs in his head and tail accidentally slipped from his glamour to nervously swat behind him.
“Shit- I-”
Terzo had grabbed the front of his shirt and practically dragged Omega down into a kiss. He was only successful in doing so because of how it stunned the demon. The metallic flavor of blood mixed with that sweet taste that Cardinal Emeritus could only place on a ghoul’s tongue was intoxicating. Terzo’s hands moved through Omega’s hair, slid down his broad chest, down his waist, kissing him with a feverish haste, as they reached his belt loops and-
Terzo only broke for air after he was sure his own mouth was streaked with the blood. Another low growl rumbled quietly from Omega at the sight of Terzo taking a few steps away from him. Now Omega was panting for an entirely different reason. Tiny fangs flashing behind the crimson smirk he infuriating gifted Omega.
“Grazie, mio diavolo. Let’s go, I don’t want to miss the movie.”
Fucking hell. It was all Omega could do not to slam him against the wall of the alley way when Terzo batted those pretty lashes at him, like he hadn’t just been about to grab his-
Another growl reverberated through him as his tail thumped on the ground hard once, twice, and then disappeared after the third. His full glamour returning.
“..... Fine. I want a fucking icee- a blue one.” he grumbles.
“Of course, amore. Oh- and remember to wipe that blood off before we go in.”
For some reason, no one questioned the concerning red stains on their sleeves while they were ordering that icee.
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𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐬
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 18+ only (MINORS DNI or I'll shart on your mother). Reader is AFAB, uses they/them pronouns, and uses trans tape. Unprotected PiV and anal (use protection guys!!!). Oral trans!reader receiving. Anal fingering. Threesome. Copia low-key being a bit of a sub. Praise and pet names. Some cuddling at the end. The terms clit, cunt, and pussy are used bc those are what I'm comfortable using for myself as a trans person, so if these make you uncomfortable or dysphoric please don't read.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 3623 words.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 I promised you I had something in the works for y'all! This takes place after Bloody Mary and before Copia becomes a part of the relationship officially. I had a lot of fun writing this from majority Copia's POV and felt that this was the best fic to do from his perspective rather than TR's or Swiss', so hopefully I've not written him too OOC hahaha. I don't think I've used gendered terms or anything for reader, but if I've missed anything please let me know! Barely spell-checked because it's gone 2am and I am tired.
If you were to ask Copia after his morning sermon what he thought he’d be doing that evening, he would never have guessed that he’d be sitting on Swiss’ bed and watching the ghoul’s fingers slide in and out of you. His guess wouldn’t have been anywhere close to that, not that he was complaining.
When you and Swiss had swung by his office at lunchtime, his head buried in book pages and paperwork, he felt a slight lurch in his stomach. Ever since the two of you started dating, the former cardinal had started to feel an unnecessary, unprovoked sadness regarding both of you. It was a feeling he hadn’t experienced all that much, only knowing what it was from the times he had looked upon Terzo with similar sentiments. Similar, but not the same. Back then he’d been jealous of his almost-brother for being Papa and having all the attention that role garnered him, no longer having the time for him that he used to. Now the feeling was a strange kind of jealousy. One he wasn’t accustomed to. He only ever felt it when he thought of the two of you together and so he boiled it down to him simply being envious of you both for having a romantic relationship when he didn’t have someone to call his.
Swiss cleared his throat before he spoke. “Papa, we were wondering if we could bother you. Just for a moment.”
Copia nodded, gesturing for you and the multi-ghoul to enter and close the door behind you. “Something troubles you both?”
“Not exactly. Just an idea we wanted to propose to you for if you have free time tonight. Or any night. Doesn’t have to be tonight. Well, unless you want it to be tonight,” you told him, staring down at your hands as you played with the hem of your shirt, or rather a shirt that you’d taken from the underground dens.
“Perhaps you had both better take a seat then,” he said, gesturing to the chairs in front of his desk. He waited until you were both seated and offered a reassuring smile. “Whatever is said in this office stays between us, so please speak your minds.”
After a momentary pause, Swiss finally broke the silence.
“Papa, what are your thoughts on threesomes?”
Both you and Copia began choking and spluttering, the latter feeling his face heat up beneath his papal paint.
“Beg pardon?” His eyes were wide and trained on the smug ghoul.
“I said,” Swiss purred as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on the desk, “what are your thoughts on threesomes? I know ghouls tend to enjoy sharing and getting up to all sorts of mischief with each other, but I was wondering how you felt about that kind of thing?”
Copia cleared his throat, trying to compose himself as he shuffled some papers. “Ah, well… I’m not… against them? They look fun. If you’re planning on inviting another ghoul into the bedroom, I would advise that you bring this up with them rather than with me.”
“I think you and I both know that we have someone else in mind. Someone sitting right in front of us trying to look busy so that he doesn’t have to look us in the eye, hm?”
Copia slammed the papers on the desk with an indignant huff. “I am not avoiding looking you in the eye! What a silly notion.” Unfortunately, the moment he met Swiss’ eyes he proved the multi-ghoul’s point and quickly went back to looking down at his desk, making him laugh. The sound sent a flutter through Copia’s chest, which made him blush even harder. Thank Lucifer for his role as Papa requiring him to wear face paint, otherwise this would have been more embarrassing for him.
Your voice thankfully provided a good enough distraction from his embarrassment. “Papa, we’ve both talked this over a lot. To be blunt, I think it wouldn’t be as hot if one of the other ghouls joined us. You’re attentive towards all the siblings of sin and the ghouls. I trust you completely, and so does Swiss. If you’re not comfortable then we can leave, and we won’t speak of it again.”
He looked up at you and your reassuring expression, smiling. “Yes, I suppose you’re right. Very well. I am free tonight, so tonight it is. Whose room will I need to come to?”
Swiss casually threw an arm over your shoulders with a smug grin. “Mine, eight o’clock. Knock three times before you enter so we know it’s you and not one of the other ghouls trying to get in on the action.”
With that, the two of you left Copia’s office as you spoke to one another in hushed tones as the former cardinal tried to psych himself up for that night while also not overthinking it. It didn’t need to be a big deal and you would both understand if he changed his mind partway through. Neither you nor Swiss were the type to hold it over him and make fun of him if he couldn’t go through with it.
And so, when the time came, Copia made his way to Swiss’ room and knocked just as he was told to before he allowed himself in. That had led to what was happening now, Swiss naked and you devoid of any clothing or coverings aside from your trans tape with your legs spread over the multi-ghoul’s lap, your back against his chest as he sat against the headboard and pumped two of his fingers in and out of you. Copia himself was sat in front of you both, still fully dressed, and watching eagerly. His hardened dick pressed painfully against his trousers as Swiss continued to thrust his digits in and out of you, pressing kisses to the side of your neck.
“Don’t they look pretty like this, Papa?” the ghoul asked, the two men making eye contact. “They take my fingers so well. So well behaved for us.”
The moan you let out at his praise had Copia palming himself, desperate to relieve the pressure but not daring to do anything more until he was told to. His eyes met yours as you bucked your hips, Swiss cooing at you mockingly.
“Aw, does my little sweet pea need more? My fingers not enough for you? You know what you need to do if you want more. Use your words for us.”
The papa felt his erection twitch at the way your lover spoke to you and his hips jerked slightly into his hand, something that didn’t go unnoticed by you. You smirked at him before turning your head to whisper something into the multi-ghoul’s ear, making him grin and press a kiss to your temple.
“Papa, why don’t you come a little closer?” the ghoul purred, beckoning him closer with the hand that wasn’t currently pleasuring you. “We can’t have all of the fun without you now, can we?”
Obediently, Copia crawled up the bed until he was close enough to be able to kiss one of you if that’s what you wanted. Still, he didn’t touch either of you, acutely aware that he wasn’t the one in charge here. He would wait for you or Swiss to tell him what he could and couldn’t do, eager to please and be good for you both.
Much to your dismay, the multi-ghoul removed his fingers from your slick heat and held them up to the former cardinal’s lips, pressing lightly against them. Copia automatically opened his mouth and sucked them in, licking and whimpering at the taste of you. It was more intoxicating than he thought it would be, making him desperate to bend down and lap you up himself. Swiss must have sensed his desire, pulling his hand away from the other man’s mouth to push the back of his head downwards.
“Go ahead. Make them cum on your tongue for me like a good boy.”
As soon as the order was given, Copia lay down in a more comfortable position and began to kiss his way up your thighs, teeth grazing against your skin. He bit down a couple of times, sucking at your skin until he was sure bruises would form sometimes over the next day or so. If this were to be the only time he got to join you both, he was going to make sure neither of you would forget about it anytime soon. His fingers dug into the backs of your thighs as he moved your legs so that they were over his shoulders and gazed up at you with his mismatched eyes.
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Swiss hissed out, looking down at the man between your legs.
Copia didn’t waste another moment and licked a stripe up your slit, groaning at your taste and how wet you were. His eyes fluttered closed as he slowly began to lap at your cunt, drawing as much of your arousal into his mouth as he could. Swiss carded his fingers through the other man’s hair, stroking his head encouragingly. The papa’s tongue flicked briefly against your clit, and he smiled in satisfaction at the gasp you let out before he returned to your entrance, leisurely pushing his tongue in and out of you. Despite knowing that this could be the only time he got to go down you, he decided then and there that this was the by far his favourite taste in the world. He wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it once tonight was over and done with, but he could deal with those thoughts when that time came.
Without thinking, Copia moved one of his hands so that his thumb was lazily rubbing your clit in circular motions. The small gush against his tongue encouraged him to keep doing it, committing the way you whined and rocked against his face to his memory. Perhaps, in another life, he would get to do this with you every night. Make you a whimpering, writhing mess beneath him.
His movements faltered only for a moment when the thought struck him, and he quickly banished it from his mind. He could deal with his fantasies another time, the here and now was where his focus needed to be.
“Please go faster, Papa. I think I’m gonna cum,” you pleaded, your hands pushing Swiss’ out of the way so you could grip onto the former cardinal’s peppered hair.
Copia sped up his movements, licking and lapping at your dripping, spit-slick pussy as his thumb continued to rub your clit. He ground his hips against the mattress, humming at the friction. The sound of your moans getting louder and higher in pitch spurred him on until he finally felt you climax, holding him against you in a vice like grip as your legs tightened around his head and your hips jolted. When he felt you start to go limp, he patted your thigh and sat up with a grin. He felt your fluids start to go sticky against his chin, but he didn’t care to wipe them away as he watched your blissed out face.
Swiss pressed a soft kiss to your lips and moved you off his lap so that you were laying down on the mattress then turned his attention to Copia.
“Such a good boy, making them cum for me. Mind if I get a taste?”
The former cardinal nodded breathlessly and stuck his tongue out, grunting lightly when the multi-ghoul pulled him into a kiss. They licked into each other’s mouths, Copia’s cock aching and twitching with the knowledge that you were watching them. He tried to follow Swiss’ lips when he pulled away, the ghoul’s chuckle making him shudder.
“Take off your clothes and then get on all fours. Gonna give you the best fucking orgasm of your life,” he ordered, his thumb teasingly brushing against Copia’s bottom lip.
The former cardinal frantically pulled at his clothes, not caring to fold them up or make note of where he was throwing them. He quickly made his way back onto the bed and got in position just as he’d been told to, heart pounding with anticipation and adrenalin. He ignored the way your smile aimed at him made him feel warmth flood his chest, deciding it was just the excitement and afterglow of making you cum.
Swiss popped open the bottle of lube he retrieved from his bedside drawer, glancing over at the other man. “Are you comfortable with me prepping you, or would you rather do it yourself?”
“You can do it. I trust you. Besides, I think our tesoro would like for us to put on a show, si?”
The ghoul purred at that and squeezed a generous amount of lube onto his fingers, rubbing it in between the digits to warm it up before he knelt on the bed behind Copia. His other hand caressed the curve of the other man’s behind, making him bite his lip as he gazed over his shoulder. Swiss made eye contact with him and waited for him to nod before gently pressing a lube-coated finger to his hole.
Copia dropped his head when the tip of the multi-ghoul’s finger pushed in carefully. Swiss pushed it in to the first knuckle and stopped to allow him to adjust. “That okay, baby?”
The former cardinal nodded, moaning when he received a strike on his ass cheek in response.
“Use your words. I need you to communicate with me.”
“Yes, that’s good. You can keep going,” Copia said, his voice cracking. He was too caught up in his lust to care.
Swiss hummed as he inserted his finger further, crooking it slightly. “Such a good boy, doing what you’re told for me. I bet nobody else gets to see you like this, do they? No-one gets to see you being so obedient and desperate to please.”
Copia tossed his head back, lips parted and eyes closed. Once the multi-ghoul’s finger was in all the way, he began to slowly thrust it in and out before adding a second finger. The addition had the man beneath him mewling and rocking back against him, his mind hazy with pleasure as he tried to get Swiss’ fingers exactly where he needed them. He folded his arms and rested his head on them, his torso touching the bed and changing the angle of the multi-ghoul’s fingers. Copia cried out when they finally brushed against his prostate, eyes flying open and his gaze meeting yours. He watched as your fingers slid between your folds, touching yourself at the sight of Swiss stretching him open.
“Think you can handle another one, sweetheart?” the ghoul cooed, pressing a kiss to Copia’s lower back.
The papa nodded, then remembered the other man’s words from before. “Please add another one. Feels so good…”
Swiss chuckled but did as he was requested. Unbeknownst to Copia, he used his free hand to motion you closer. The former cardinal watched you sit up and shuffle closer to him, humming happily as you brushed your fingers through his hair. You and Swiss exchanged a look while he was occupied, deciding wordlessly what you were going to do.
Satisfied that he was prepped enough, Swiss slowly withdrew his fingers from Copia’s behind and grabbed the bottle of lube once more. He tapped the man’s hip and pulled him so that he was sat up. The papa licked his lips as you moved to straddle him, taking hold of his dripping cock and rubbing the tip through your folds. He whimpered, staring down to watch as you toyed with him.
“Okay, I’m gonna push in real slow, so tell me to stop if it hurts or you need a moment to adjust,” Swiss told him, kissing his shoulder as he lined himself up to Copia’s entrance.
Despite being prepared, Copia still hissed at the sensation of Swiss’ thick girth entering him. The ghoul stopped for a moment once his head was in and caressed his back while you peppered the former cardinal’s face with kisses.
“You’re doing so well,” you praised him. “You’re a very good boy, and good boys get rewarded. Don’t they, honey?”
Swiss pressed his chest up against Copia’s as he slid in a little more. “That’s right. You get to have your way with both of us, Papa. We’re gonna make you feel so fucking good. I promise.”
As soon as he said that the papa felt you begin to sink down onto his cock. He gasped and his eyes rolled into the back of his head as you fully sheathed him, still slick from before. You clenched around him, and he groaned. His arms instinctually wrapped around you to pull you completely flush against him. Swiss eased himself in more until he couldn’t fit anymore of himself in and the three of you panted as you all adjusted to the feeling of being full. Copia shook a little, not used to being penetrated while also penetrating someone else.
Your lips ghosted over his forehead before you made him look into your eyes. “Hey, still with us? Is this okay?”
He nodded. “I’m not used to… you know…”
You smiled soothingly and cupped his face. “I know, baby boy. We’ve got you. You let us know when you’re ready for us to move. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
Your words brought tears to his eyes, and he wiped them away harshly. Your thumbs caressed his under eyes, smudging his already messy eye makeup. He waited for a moment more before signalling for you and Swiss to start moving again. The ghoul slowly thrusted in and out of him, gripping his sides for leverage, while you rose yourself up before slamming back down again, making Copia sob. The three of you kept up your rhythm, moving in tandem as hands wandered over one another’s bodies in sweat-slicked strokes.
After a minute or so, Swiss picked up the pace a little and thrusted up into Copia a little harder, aiming for his prostate once again. Meanwhile, you bounced in his lap and clenched around him, fingers brushing over one of his nipples and giving it a teasing pinch. The former cardinal growled and buried his face in your neck as he started to move his hips, biting and sucking your flesh. He felt you squeeze him when his teeth sank in, and it encouraged him to move you so that you were laying on the mattress beneath him and Swiss. He pushed your thighs as far apart as he could get them without hurting you and started to rub your clit as he thrusted into you, desperately chasing down the climax he could feel approaching.
Swiss’ thighs slapped against the backs of Copia’s as he started to get rougher, heat pooling in his abdomen as he thrusted into the other man as deeply as he could.
“So. Fucking. Tight. Fuck,” he panted, grunting out his words and punctuating each of them with a thrust. He pushed Copia down a little more and smirked when the man beneath him cried out in pleasure.
“Fuck, right there, tesoro. Just like that.” Copia felt himself starting to drool, hazy with pleasure and drunk on the feeling of being filled and sheathed simultaneously. His hips began to stutter and lose rhythm as the feeling continued to build. He was silently grateful when you moved his hand away to touch yourself, gripping the sheets so tightly his knuckles turned white.
Copia was the first to fall over the edge and yelled out a litany of praise in Italian as his cock kicked inside you, spilling inside you as Swiss continued to hit his prostate. You came not long after, squeezing and milking him as he panted and buried his face in your neck to hide the tears spilling from your eyes. The multi-ghoul came after a few more thrusts, pulling out and painting Copia’s lower back with his seed.
The three of you lay on the bed together, boneless and trying to catch your breath. The former cardinal rolled off you and onto his back and the two of you cuddled into each side of him, you kissing his collarbone while Swiss tangled his fingers into the curly hairs on his chest. The moment seemed to stretch on for eternity until you came down form your highs. You got up momentarily to use the bathroom and retrieve a warm, wet flannel to clean up, leaving the two men alone together.
Copia sighed and sat up, making Swiss frown.
“Where are you going? Is something wrong?” the ghoul asked, concerned.
“Ah, no, nothing like that. I just figured that… now we are done you would want me to leave you both alone for the night.”
The multi-ghoul snorted and pulled him back down, cuddling up to him and wrapping his tail around Copia’s thigh. “We could after sex in this house, thank you. You’re not going anywhere.”
The papa chuckled and wrapped an arm around him to bring him closer. “Of course. How silly of me, ah?”
“Very silly,” you replied, flannel and bowl of warm water in hand. “Now come on, you both need to get cleaned up before we decide to fall asleep. Crusty, dried cum is disgusting and a pain to clean off in the morning.”
Once Copia and Swiss were clean, the three of you snuggled under the covers. Swiss spooned Copia while you tangled your legs with the former cardinal and tucked your head beneath his. Soon after, exhaustion took over and all three of you fell asleep in one another’s arms.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! This has been on my brain for a few damn days here, Okai so the idea is what if one night the reader is walking around the ministry alone at night bc they have things to do before going to Copia and sleeping but a feral ghoul or something comes along and attacks the reader, either Copia or one of his ghouls sees it happening and goes batshit trying to protect the reader and because everyone’s being so loud and yk violent it wakes up half the ministry and they’re just stood there in shock at how Copia is ripping this ghoul a new one for trying to hurt maybe even murder the love of his life because they’ve never seen him angry before
Hey I am here once again to apologize to an anon for taking forever to get to their ask/request.
Here's a longer snippet for you Ghestie. Hope you enjoy Copia seeing RED, with of course a nice Prime Mover twist.
The Fires of Indignation
Also available here on A03
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NSFW below the cut related to intensely frightening and violent scenes.
Commission are still open! See pinned post for carrd info!
I am working diligently on my Valentine's Day letters as well as my two Valentine's Day fic winners so stay tuned for those too!!!
"Damn." You whispered to yourself, careful to not wake your Papa. It was the second night that week you had forgotten your notes in his office before heading back up to the Papal suites. You smiled as you looked over to Copia, sleeping soundly in bed, having passed out long before you'd find yourself able to crawl inbetween the sheets beside him. It would be an even longer night if you couldn't finish studying for your upcoming rites.
Prime Mover—that's what they called you now or at least would within a week's time. It was the highest and grandest position a mere sister of sin could ever hope to obtain. The right to conceive and carry a Papa's child, an ancient tradition within the Emeritus bloodline and, with the revelation that your once Cardinal was really an Emeritus heir coming to light, it had now become your duty to fulfill. One you intended to do with honor and prestige.
Well I'm off to a good start, you thought to yourself, realizing that you had been fumbling through your preparations and struggling immensely in your studies. It was bad enough that you had to be there physically for the Prime Mover ritual, a nerve wracking thought for sure. Placed on display like some prized glit for the congregation to scrutinize and examine. You also were expected to flawlessly perform many rites as part of your ceremony, all of which relied on you memorizing those damn notes.
You carefully stood up from the desk, the floor creaking as your weight shifted off the aging floorboards. The old Abbey made so many sounds at night. It was hard to keep track of just which spots would shout, as opposed to whisper, away your position. You crept through the bedroom and into the parlor, before letting yourself out the door.
With your small lantern in hand, you made your way down the dark corridor that led to the main stairway and down to the main hall. You swayed the small light back and forth, catching glimpses of portraits as you passed. Papas, long dead, painted as regal and enigmatic along with their Prime Movers and brood. You were wondering to yourself if one day Copia and your portrait would hang on these walls beside them.
You stumbled a bit as you reached the last step. "Ah!” quickly placing your hand over your mouth. It was so dark this time of night in the Abbey, with only the shining from the moon through the stained glass windows to illuminate your path. You were honestly surprised more siblings didn't end up taking a crash down the stairs.
You made your way to your destination, which was still next to the front office on the main floor. It would still be a few more weeks after his appointment as Papa, before Copia would take over the office previously held by Terzo. Copia didn't mind however, preferring the smaller space. "More intimate" he called it, with his old bookshelves, tattered wallpaper, and paintings of the plague. So many memories in that office that made you smile and even a few that set your cheeks aflame.
You were going to miss the days when he was just Secretary of the Treasury. Things were simpler then, and while he was always busy handling the domestic and international financial concerns of the Abbey, his responsibility only seemed to double once he became Papa.
You shook off your anxiety once more, quickly running to grab your notebook that was laid out on his desk. When you reached for it, you noticed a small note slip off the top and drift to the floor. You bent down to pick it up, carefully unfolding it before recognizing the meticulous handwriting in front of you. It was from Copia.
I knew you would forget this and I apologize for not bringing it up for you, but I thought it would be cuter if I let you think I'd slept through it all. Want to come up and I'll quiz you? For everything you get right, I will take something off. Oh and cara…I'm only in my robe.
"Oh Cope." You whispered, your heart fluttering in your chest as you held the note against it. This sweet eccentric man knew you better than you knew yourself. You would only be too happy to help him usher in the next generation of Papas. Maybe you'd get started tonight?
You swiftly grabbed the notebook and a few other notes just in case, and bounded back down the hall towards the stairs. It wasn't until you reached them—you noticed. The marble floor, giving away the sound of footfalls behind you. The small hairs stood up on the back of your neck, and somehow you knew this was not Copia.
You stopped, pretending to tighten up your robe, when you felt the breath steadily against your neck. "Please no–", you shuttered as you felt a ghoul's claws dig deep into the flesh of your shoulder. The ghoul spinning you around to face him. His eyes black as the night and piercing, but not as sharp as the teeth he bore at you. It was Alpha, one of Terzo's old ghouls. The one you'd all been led to believe was bashed back to Hell after he had attempted an assassination on the former Papa.
A lovers quarrel, reaching new heights when Terzo’s affections fell on Omega instead. Alpha was furious and incited a few of the other ghouls against him, almost killing Terzo, Secondo, and Primo during one of their evening Uno tournaments. It was all thanks to Copia that they were found and that the poison they’d be injected with, just happened to be one from a known Abbey stash.
"So pretty…" Alpha growled. The ghouls tongue licking up the side of your cheek. "What a beautiful, beautiful Prime Mover our former Cardinal has procured himself. Tsk tsk…that's just too bad huh?"
"Please Alpha. We had nothing to do with your banishing. Please just let me go." You implored him. The fear made your heart pound hard inside your chest as you struggled to think of a way to escape him.
"No…I'll deal with him and your precious Papa soon enough, but first I'm gonna make sure I end their hopes of ever continuing the bloodline…" he hissed. The tears came pouring hard and fast from your eyes. Your vision blurred as you squeezed them shut to block what was left of the sight of him.
Suddenly you could hear the ghoul taking a deep inhale. Huffing and puffing before he spoke again. "Seems I was almost too late." Alpha's words, hitting you like bullets to the chest—you were already pregnant. Your eyes widened, now fearing for not only your own life, but also for that of your child.
The raging ghoul lifted you into the air up by your throat. Crushing your windpipe within his grasp as he slammed the back of your head into the stone wall. The trouble with your vision, now intensified by your immense pain, and the feeling of warm blood trickling down the back of your neck. "Ah!" You screamed, unable to control your cries.
The next thing you knew, Alpha had been torn off you. His body flung to the ground as if he weighed less than a feather. Copia, your beloved Papa, pummeling him in the face over and over after as Alpha tried hard to stand. You slid down the wall, a streak of blood in your wake. Your head, pounding away as you noticed the squabble between them which was loud and violent, began awakening everyone from their beds.
As they arrived one by one, the whole of the Abbey watched in horror as Copia jumped on top of the ghoul. The sisters surrounded you, helping you to rest against them as they tended to your wounds. They blocked your vision, grateful you were that you didn’t have to watch. With each hit, Alpha's dark blood stained Copia’s knuckles and spattered against the walls and floor. “Guess you’re not as weak as you look Pa-Pa.” Alpha groaned.
“Come cazzo ti permetti! Lei porta mio figlio e tu l'hai aggredita! And for what? Your wounded pride at the loss of your lover? One you also tried to kill. You're pathetic!” Copia howled, his vision tinted red with rage. A fury building inside him that would rival Satan himself.
“Boss, stop! You’ll kill him!” Aether begged as he, Swiss, and Dew tried desperately, in vain, to pull their Papa off. Copia may have been a smaller man compared to them, but faced with the loss of his lover and child he had grown in strength tenfold. There was nothing anyone could do to stop it, Alpha smirked, continuing to spit up blood as Copia cracked yet another hit off his lower jaw. You started to get your bearings as your fellow sisters helped you back up. Praying to Lucifer for this to be over, you hand resting protectively on your belly.
You watched as the mob of siblings and ghouls crowded around the spectacle before you. “Copia please no!” Said a voice suddenly shouting loudly from behind you. You turned carefully, your head still throbbing and your vision still blurred, but you could tell Terzo had come on the scene. Both him and Omega, running past you as they could—pleading for Copia’s attention.
“No he deserves to die!” Copia said, the tone of rage in his voice turned to tears. This was nothing like him, the violence, the hate—Alpha had driven him to it and all because of his love for you.
“He’s not worth it fratello.” Terzo sneered, his disgusted gaze falling over the bloodied ghoul. “I told you Alpha that what happened between us was nothing. Omega and I—”
“Puh–” Alpha spit the blood out that had been pooling in his mouth, hitting Terzo’s crisp white spats. “All you Emeritus are just alike…willing to use us all up and then throw us back into the pit when we are no longer useful. All for the sake of your undeserved lovers and some unborn child.”
“So you say…is it true Omega…is she?” Terzo asked, the look of shock covering his face. Omega went to you, looking you over and taking in your scent.
“It is.” he replied, both Copia and Terzo shooting each other a cautious smile. Copia looked at you, such love and fear in his eyes. He could have lost you had he waited even just a moment longer.
“Will she be alright?” Copia asked as the sisters from the infirmary assessed you. You were pale and had lost a lot of blood from your wounds.
“She will need to come with us for stitches but she and the baby should be alright.” Sister Agnes assured him. Copia and Terzo nodded, you still having not said a word. You noticed that Omega and Aether had taken hold of Alpha in the stairway. Lifting up the limp and bludgeoned ghoul to carry him away. A rush of relief over you realizing that it was over and that Copia hasn't had to finish what Alpha started.
“We will send him back to Hell if they’ll have them, you go be with your Prime Mover fratello.” Terzo insisted, Copia flicking the blood from his hands and nodding as he approached you.
“Amore, I’m so sorry. I should have never left your notebook in the office…if I hadn’t then maybe—” he began, his words halted when you grabbed his hand and placed it on your belly.
“Copia, it wasn’t your fault. We are going to be fine.” you insisted, sending him a smile before the sisters tending to your wounds made you wince in pain. Copia, looking worried until your smile returned once more.
“You will be more than fine amore, you and our child will thrive and that ghoul is damn lucky that Terzo still cares for him or I would have killed him myself." He growled, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. He picked you up and carried you to the infirmary, holding you close to him as he walked.
“I love you Copia.” you whispered against him, so happy to know it was all over. Copia sniffled back his own tears. He too was happy he hadn’t killed Alpha, but so hurt by the thought of losing you he realized he absolutely could have. He took in a deep breath, setting you down on the bed in the infirmary, and looking deeply into your eyes.
“I love you. And I promise you…no one will ever harm you or our child ever again. Never again.”
Glit- a female pig who has not had a litter.
Come cazzo ti permetti! Lei porta mio figlio e tu l'hai aggredita!- How fucking dare you! She carries my child and you assault her!
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theratboyking · 1 year
Softly Into The Night
Chapter Two: Hide Us In Shadows
Author's Note:
So this is over Eight thousand words and took way longer than I thought it would take, but I think I actually have a basic idea of where this is going. I think I'll have the next chapter ready sometime next week. I'd love to hear what you guys think. I hope you guys enjoy :)
Pairing: Cardinal Copia/Reader/Papa Emeritus iii (this will also have eventual Copia/Terzo but that won't be for a while) (This is also a slow burn so it's gonna be a while until we even get here)
Word Count: 8.0k
Summary: Demons are real, angels exist, and my father is the Prince of Darkness. A dream I can’t seem to wake up from. And two mysterious strangers that seem to have a connection to me. What could possibly go wrong?
Chapter Summary: I know what my being here means. I know what Lucifer told me and to an extent, I know what’s expected of me. I knew I was in a way being hunted for reasons I am not really sure I understand quite yet. But hearing Nova’s words. The walls I have been trying to keep up since yesterday were crumbling right before my eyes.
Warnings: 18+ (this is going to get be a wild ride folks,) Slow burn, Idiots in love, kinda soulmates? poorly translated Italian (I am sorry to all the Italians out there) fluff, angst, this is a ghost fic so you know religious trauma, some chapters will like get kinda deep in the religious philosophy but maybe not depending on the direction this goes, eventual smut (Chapter will be labeled)
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The winding halls of the Abbey seemed endless, the dark architecture intimidating to look at. Our footsteps echoed as Sister Imperator led the way down the hallway - I was trying desperately to not fall behind. She walked at a breakneck speed for someone at her age… It was honestly impressive. 
The silence between us was suffocating. She had not spoken to me since we left the hospital wing other than, “Follow me.” I didn’t know if she was trying to be respectful or just really didn’t like me. After yesterday I don’t think she’s ever going to “Like me.” 
I sigh, my mind drifting back to yesterday. It was almost impossible not to think about everything that happened in general. With everything that’s happened, I’m surprised my thoughts aren’t running rampant. No, my mind kept drifting back to them…
 I barely knew them but they had taken up most of my thoughts since this morning, hell maybe even most of last night. After everything, it was hard for them not to. In a weird way, they were the only reason I was not having an absolute breakdown. Everything had changed over the course of a night but oddly I wasn’t as scared as I probably should be. 
 After Terzo was able to get the wing cleared and the shattered glass had been cleaned up - The three of us spent most of the day going well into the night talking. They took turns telling me just about everything they could about this world I was now a key player in. To my absolute shock and somewhat horror, I had somehow managed to end up somewhere deep in rural Europe in one of the oldest Abbeys of the satanic church. It's a sort of haven for many of the followers of their church. Legend has it that apparently Satanas himself blessed the church to protect his followers from the witch trials.
   There was a whole underground world that I had no idea existed and I had been thrown into the middle of it. Just about anything that I thought was nothing more than bedtime stories or old wise tales to tell children had turned out to be real. Vampires, demons, ghosts, and just about anything you can think of were more than just myths and legends.  The church itself used ghouls to ensure the safety of what Terzo called “Lucifer’s favorite bunch of sinners.”
The church itself was also one of the oldest to worship the satanic religion. There was a lot of history here that Copia was more than willing to tell me all about. The church went back hundreds of years and had seen a great deal. Terzo even came from a very long line of leaders of sorts for the church, he was especially the antipope of Satanism. Copia explained that he was a high-ranking cardinal within the church himself. It was well into the night when Trezo mentioned that the church had a sort of band to promote the teachings of the church and to get people to join and he just so happened to be the frontman of the band - Something he was rather proud of. This was arguably one of the most pleasant yet strangest things I had heard all night. 
I really couldn’t tell you when it happened but with them, it didn’t feel like time was passing. It felt almost like we’d done it a million times before. At some point, our conversation turned from them explaining this world's wonders to me, to us telling stories to each other. I couldn’t help but open up about myself. I found myself telling about moving around a lot as a kid, how I didn’t have my license till I was in my 20s, and about how I always carry rosemary in my pocket because my mom always did it. 
They would interject from time to time. Trezo talked about how he had two older brothers. He talked about his band and about his ghoul. Copia talked about the rats that he keeps in his room and how each has their name (and he was not shy in telling me each and everyone's name.) Somehow he managed to become a treasurer for the church despite claiming how horrible he was at math. There never really was a moment of silence that night. They were easy to talk to. By the end of the night, it felt like we were old friends merely catching up after not seeing each other for a long time. 
  Arguably being the highlight of the evening was Trezo's confession to carrying a kazoo in his pocket, he said it was because he loved pissing his older brothers off - And he was more than pleased to prove it, giving an in-pronto performance in the wing. I couldn’t help the smile that formed on my face. It almost got him kicked out by Sister Beth. She was ready to kill Trezo by the end of the night. It took a lot of convincing from Copia to let them stay
They stayed with me even after I fell asleep only leaving early this morning - Saying something about how they had to lead mass this morning. Terzo mentioned something about how Primo had to leave for Italy to take care of some church business. Before leaving Terzo had sent for some ghouls to have a room prepared for me. I’m shocked that Sister Beth even allowed me to leave the clinic. But after much convincing from myself and the boys, I was finally able to leave the hospital wing. It probably helped that she seemed to be in a rush to get everything for her departure for Italy as well. She had given Terzo quite the earful to behave while she was gone. 
Despite the mess, I had found myself in, they brought me a sense of security and comfort I had never felt before. Terzo and Copia told me I was safe here and I couldn’t help but believe them. 
That leads me to where I am now - I couldn't help but wish they were able to stay with me… Walking down a random hallway in a church from a religion I didn’t know existed, let alone that I was a key player in a lot of it… In a country, I have never been in before… With Sister Imperator … Alone… 
I shuddered at the mere thought. Maybe I wasn’t as ready for this as I thought I was. I was honestly starting to get scared that she was gonna kill me. There were fewer doors the further we went but it wasn’t darker down here. The windows were huge letting in streams of light it was oddly cozy in a way. We continued for a few more minutes before she abruptly stopped in front of one of the doors.
  It looked like the door would swallow me whole - It looked like it was something out of a painting. It was a stark contrast to anything I have ever seen before. It was made from a dark work with accents of gold from the metalwork. It was intricate in its design, the gold swirled around the wood, begging to be open. I just didn’t know what would be on the other side and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to find out. I don’t think Terzo would do anything to hurt me; Copia wouldn’t either. Sister on the other hand I wasn’t too sure.
As if sensing my hesitation, Sister scoffed, throwing the door open. Entering the room as if she owned the place. I mean did she? I wasn’t sure what her job was, conversations with her didn't seem to go further than a few words before she would quickly go silent again.
“This is where you will be staying.” Ever one for politeness wasn't she? 
I hesitated before following her into the room. My breath gets caught in my throat. 
This is not at all like what I was expecting, I really don't know what I was expecting, but this was not it. The room was open and rather spacious. There was a little kitchen area before it led into what looked to be a sitting room. There was a small table next to the window. The chairs flipped upside down and rested on top of the table. A decent size couch was pushed against the back wall and a stack of books lay on the side table - A folded note rested on top, Secondo wasn’t joking. My eyes drifted around the room before landing on another door.
  “There are some boxes of clothes in the bedroom that Papa was very generous to have delivered here.” Sarcasm was clear in her voice as she gestures to the door I was staring at.
My cheeks heated up at the mention of Terzo. I could feel her eyes roll as she began to walk away, “I will leave you to get yourself situated.” 
She stopped a moment before she completely left the room, “Oh I almost forgot. One of the ghouls will be by later to drop off that runt that was also left in our care.” She shot me a cold smile “Hope to see you at dinner my lady.” with that she left, leaving me alone in the large space.
  I stand there for a second taking everything in. It’s still hard to believe that this was happening, this feels like something out of a novel. Things like this just don’t happen. Yet here I am. Angels were real, demons existed, and my father is a king of hell. I still feel like I’m going to wake up at any moment in my run-down apartment and I’ll go about my day like normal. No matter how hard I tried I wasn’t waking up. Taking a deep breath to ground myself, I start my journey to the bedroom. 
I gasped at the sight. I had never seen anything this regal in all my life, it felt like I was staying in a castle. The bed was enormous, placed front and center on the back wall. The bedpost practically went to the ceiling and had a dark curtain wrapping around it. Several boxes of varying sizes laid on the bed. I ventured further into the room, taking everything in. The fireplace was not far from the door, made of dark marble, and had a fire already lit inside of it. Towards the back of the room by the bed two large doors lead onto a balcony, the afternoon sun flowing in from the door. 
Throwing myself onto the bed, I couldn’t help the squeal as I got swallowed up by the fluffy blanket on the bed. Never in my life had I ever felt something so soft. I turn my head remembering the boxes Terzo had sent.
I prop myself up noticing a letter laying on top of one of the boxes, curiously picking it up. The paper was thick and smooth to the touch. It was accented in black a wax seal binding the letter shut. Cautiously I tear it open, the rushed cursive thick on the page immediately grabbing my attention.  
Mia signora, I hope all clothes are to your liking, it would be a shame to only have you in the sisters’ dresses during your stay with us. I took the liberty of having the place stocked for you. I hope you enjoy your time with us, bella. If you need anything at all or just someone to talk to, I’m just down the hall. 
I reread the note a few times over. Did he go through all this trouble just for me? My face burned and the flutter in my stomach grew to a swarm. I felt like a high schooler all over again.
I set the note down on the bedside table, beginning to tear into the boxes. I was at a loss for words. Various fabrics one after the other; black, red, purple, and white all mixed in the piles. There were more clothes here than I have ever had the privilege of knowing. It was more than what I knew what to do with.
 I fall back into the bed, the canopy almost made it look like there were stars above me. I look back to the note Terzo left. This wasn’t even all of it. Laughing in disbelief clenching the note close to my chest. A strange sense of home overcame me letting my eyes drift close. This wasn’t exactly what I expected when Lucifer told me about this place. 
The silence was a welcome from the chaos that was yesterday. I was exhausted. I could feel myself starting to drift off. It was short-lived; however, the sound of tapping echoed around the room breaking through the quiet. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a small black figure on the balcony. A raven had landed on the door handle. He only stopped when he saw I was looking toward him. He lets out a cry almost like a command. 
Springing up from the bed I throw open the doors stepping out onto the balcony. The cold air instantly hit my face and any hope I had of sleeping left me with the warmth of the room. My visitor who had made his way railing looked at me almost like he was expecting something.
  “Hello, little guy.” I reach out to see if I could pet him. He responded by putting his head into my hand. 
“Where did you come from?” 
He only looked at me as if I should know. Cawing a few times - looking at me expectingly. I chuckled at the strange creature, “I don't suppose you have a name, do you?” He looked up at me, nestling himself further into my hand.   
“How does Jasper sound?” He responded with a loud caw in my direction jumping around on the railing. “Jasper it is.” Letting out a little laugh at his enthusiasm. 
He seemed content enough, his gaze turning towards the courtyard my room seemed to overlook. The day was quiet, save for the birds without a care in the world. Jasper had made himself comfortable on the ledge looking out onto the landscape with me.  
The wind rustled the trees. The different shades of yellow, gold, and red shine bright against the sun. I could see a few of the members of the church walking between the buildings. There were a lot more people here than I thought there would be. The sound of the church bells rings out as the siblings rush to where they need to go.  Out of the corner of my eye, the bright colors of flowers stood out. A garden was nestled between the edge of the grounds near the forest. A greenhouse rested in the middle, I could barely make out the blurs that were people tending to the gardens. It was surprising to see something like that here, but it oddly fits. 
Never in my life had I seen anything like this.  Most places mom and I stayed were the farthest thing from comfort. We made do with the little bit of money we had and it showed in some of the places we had ended up at. Hell, even my last apartment wasn't this nice. I felt like a princess whisked off to some far-off land. In a way, I guess that's what happened. The cold breeze bites at my face. I close my eyes taking it all in. I never knew I could feel this at peace anywhere, even if it was for just a moment. 
I didn't even hear the sound of the door opening before a voice broke through the silence. “Your highness?”
  “Jesus Christ!” I scream. Gripping the railing to steady myself, leaving dents in the metal. Jasper, the traitor gave a loud cry before he flew away not wanting to stick around to see who had intruded on us.  
“Not quite.” the shorter of the two interjected. There was something off about his voice. It was deep and something was captivating about it. It was enticing to hear but it didn’t sound entirely human either.
  Jumping around to face who had entered my room. They didn’t look like any of the other members of the church I had met so far. One was taller than the other. Both of them were dressed in all black but what stood out about them was the silver mask that adorn their faces. A set of horns rested on top of their heads and each had a tail that swayed with each gust of wind. They looked almost human if it wasn’t for the fact that they almost looked like they were made of smoke. A dark mist surrounded them, flickers of dark blue flashing through it. They were unsettling and didn't look like they were breathing. I didn’t fear them though, I was more annoyed than anything else. After everything that happened, I could really use some peace and quiet right now.
  “Dose no one from hell know how to fucking knock!” Taking a deep breath trying to steady my breathing. 
“We did.” The taller of the two finally spoke up. His voice was deeper than the other and it was a hell of a lot more menacing.  He had his hands crossed over his chest. He seemed amused by my outburst. “I’m Omega. I’m one of Papa’s ghouls.” he bowed slightly clearing his throat - looking to the other ghoul he was with.
“Shit. sorry.”  He scrambles to bow, unsure of what else to do. Omega seemed to be getting a kick out of torturing the other ghoul.  
“This pipsqueak is Nova. He was the ghoul who came in with you, something about how Lucifer entrusted him with your safety.” He put the last part in quotations. “Papa sent me to check in on you, make sure you were settling in alright.” He jabbed his thumb in the direction of Nova, “figured I could kill two birds with one stone and introduce you two.” 
Nova didn't seem to have any outward reaction but the aura around him flared, red making its way onto the previous black. It was gone just as quickly as it was there as he looked at me, bowing slightly “Your majesty it’s my honor to serve you.” 
“Ok…” My eyes dart between the two. I could feel my face heating up with each passing moment. “Please just (Y/N) is fine. No need for any of the formalities, it makes me feel weird.” I whispered the last part. 
The mask gave away little to what they were thinking or feeling. Omega chuckled, grabbing onto Nova's shoulder - shaking him slightly. “I told you, you have nothing to worry about.”
Omega radiated an air of mischief. It practically took up the aura around him. He said he was Terzo's ghoul right? I mean it makes sense that he was. I could practically imagine the mischief they would get into. 
Nova on the other hand was the complete opposite. Unlike Omega, Nova looked like he had never been out of hell a day of his life.   He seemed nervous - like he wasn’t here out of his own free will but rather because he was told he had to be. He was rigid and stoic. Nothing about him looked natural, I don’t even think he was breathing.  
“Not to sound rude but what exactly do you two want?”
Nova became even more rigid if that was possible. His eyes? Falling to the floor, “Well you see your majesty...”
“(Y/N)... I’ve been tasked to watch over you. Your safety is my top priority.” He snaps to attention, his masked face coming to meet my confused stare. 
“Well as great as that sounds, I’m going to have to pass on that.”
  “Your highness, I ask that you reconsider. It’s not safe for you to be alone, we don’t know who knows about you…”
“It’s (Y/N) and no I don’t think I will.” My arms came to cross over my chest. 
We were starting to get under each other skin. It was obvious in the way his body started to get taller and his tail looked more like an agitated cat. There was no way I was going to let up though. After everything I need to process it all - And they were not the pair I particularly wanted to do that with. The idea of having a demonic being present for that didn't sound very appealing. They were the very thing I was trying to run from, at least for just a little bit longer
.  Omega looked like he was having the time of his life - He looked like he couldn’t take anything seriously even if he wanted to. His tail snapped from side to side sporadically - He was practically buzzing. Bright flashes of yellow fly out of him the longer he watched the scene unfold before him. 
 “What’s the worst that could happen? I just need the afternoon. Besides don’t you have other ghoul business or whatever it is you do? I’ll be just fine.” I try to reason with Nova.  
“Don’t you realize the gravity of the situation here?” 
I cut him off, my temper flaring slightly. “The point of me being here was so that I would be safe. I don’t partially feel comfortable being watched 24/7 by a demon, ghoul, whatever you are.”
  A flash of red goes through the aura around him, his stoic appearance crumbling down, “Do you have any idea what is out there looking for you? The lesser creatures that would kill you for just a fraction of the power you possess. The angles whose entire mission is to kill you before you can even think. Your father entrusted me to keep you safe and I don't particularly want to face the wrath of Lucifer.” 
 Silence fell in the room, I really didn’t know how to respond. I really could run from the situation anymore. Nova’s words replay in my head - My thoughts starting to run wild. Was I even safe here if what Nova was saying was true? I don’t think Terzo and Copia would lie to me though. But still, Nova’s words hung heavy in the air. Did I rush into this? Was I even given much of a choice? I was given a choice of life and death and a whole world I was integral in without even knowing it. There was still so much I didn’t understand and I can’t run for that anymore. I was living with a target in my back. I was starting to lose it, the overwhelming burning in my body was becoming too much. It was like both of them could sense it. Puffing up like a cat. 
Omega broke the silence, cutting through the tension of the room. “In case you’re wondering I’m just here to make sure you make it to dinner.” 
 Nova and I both turn our attention to him. “What?”
The overwhelming need to be alone was suffocating. Clapping my hand together, trying hard to not show my fear or how exhausted I really was. Taking a deep, shaky breath I exclaim, “Well, as lovely as it is to have you both here… There’s a lot I have to do. Lots of boxes to put away.” Chuckling nervously - looking anywhere that was not them. Clearing my throat. They look at me showing no sign that they were ready to leave.
  “I’m sure you have other things to attend to…” still nothing “I’m going to take a shower and then put these away, sooooo…” I begin to escort them out of the room. “I think it’s time you guys leave.” 
I start to push them out, desperate to get out of the conversation. Omega was in a state of shock, I don’t think he had ever been thrown out of a room before. Nova refused to move his feet, I was the only force getting him out of the room. 
“Your majesty… I…” 
“It’s ok, I’ll be fine for now. Come back tomorrow!” 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay to show you the way to the dining hall?” Omega rushed out. The door comes closer into view.  
“NO! No, it’s ok. Really it is. It was nice meeting you two,  Nova I will see you in the morning. Have a goodnight.”
  I shut the door. Sliding down the door, a long drawn-out breath left me. In a way, I know what my being here means. I know what Lucifer told me and to an extent, I know what’s expected of me. I knew I was in a way being hunted for reasons I am not really sure I understand quite yet. But hearing Nova’s words. The walls I have been trying to keep up since yesterday were crumbling right before my eyes.  
I sat like that for way longer than I care to admit.       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The sun was beginning to set by the time I finally dragged myself out of the room. It took me way longer than it should have to leave the shower. Terzo wasn’t lying when he said everything was fully stalked. It was well needed and hell After everything that’s happened to me in the past week. It took everything in me not to just throw all the boxes to the floor and crawl into bed and sleep another week. 
 As pleasant as that sounded right now -  The need to eat outweighed my wanting to hide from my problems. At least for one more night. My mind was still in unrest. The full gravity of the situation had finally hit me like a ton of bricks. I was here and I was safe at the moment but the main question right now was ‘what comes next?’ 
I have no idea what exactly it is I am capable of, especially after the incident in the Hospital Wing yesterday. It was hard to not think about it. Not even mentioning the fact that just about everything I thought I knew about the world was built on top of secrets. I have no idea what was out there or even the lengths that they would go through to get to me. Was Nova right? Was I really safe anywhere? Everything I thought I knew was flipped over on its head.
  While some of the burning questions I had in my childhood had been answered, I was left with more questions than I had answered. Mom and Lucifer had said that I had been going under the radar for years and even then I still attracted the occult to me. But now I’m flying with no filter was Sister right? Was I just a beacon for anything that wish to see me dead? Who’s to say I can even stay here for long before someone or something finds me?  
  The headache I’d been nursing since that faithful night showed no sign of leaving and exhaustion was starting to creep in. My thoughts showed no sign of slowing. I look around the halls trying to find anything that even looked remotely familiar.  At this point the sun had almost completely set, the only light source in the hallway being from the sheer endless amount of candles this place had and the moonlight that was shining through the windows. Despite how beautiful the architecture was - This place was creepy when you had no idea where it is you were going. 
 It had to have been close to an hour by now and I was hopelessly lost in the depths of the Satanic Church; who knows what was being stored here. I was half tempted to just say fuck it and turn around. The luxurious bed was screaming my name. I could just get breakfast in the morning. Maybe Omega or someone could show me how the hell to get around here.  
 Just as I was about to abandon my quest and turn around - The corridor began to get brighter. Actual light fixtures were installed down here. Toward the end, I could make out a doorway getting brighter and brighter the closer I got - The sound of footsteps getting louder the closer I got. Someone else had to be down here with me. Let’s just hope they’re also not lost. 
Picking up speed, I cry out, “Hey! Wait! Can you help me!” 
The light was almost blinding by the time I came crashing into the large hallway. The air was knocked out of me as I ran face-first into whoever or whatever was down here with me. I close my eyes bracing for the hard floor as I stumbled backward.
It never came. 
Hesitantly opening my eyes slightly, I could see a gloved hand holding my arm in a vice grip. It was the only thing keeping me from crashing to the ground. 
“Mia cara, are you alright ?”  The owner of the voice I was becoming all too familiar with was filled with confusion and a hint of worry, questioned. A wave of relief passed over me.
  “Ooh cardinal, funny running into you here.” I chuckled awkwardly, looking anywhere that wasn’t his eyes.
  “What are you doing down here, cara?” 
He hadn’t let go of my arm. I finally land on his face. My face was burning at this point. His mismatched eyes were looking down at me. Even now they still held the warmth from the night before. His body was pressed up against mine preventing me from falling to the floor - the warmth was a welcome comfort. If I wasn’t dealing with the embarrassment of literally running into one of the few people who were welcoming - I wouldn’t want him to let go.  
   “I got lost trying to find the dining hall or at least the kitchen at this point.” I managed to squawk out. My face burns hotter and hotter with each passing second.
As if being knocked from a trance himself, he was quick to get me to my feet letting go of my arm. I shutter slightly from the warmth that quickly left my body just as quickly as he did.  Now he was the one looking anywhere but at me.
 “I’m sorry to tell you this but dinner ended about quite a while ago. As for the kitchen, sister keeps that under close inspection, too many ghouls and siblings wandering in for a midnight snack if you catch my drift.”  He laughed at his own joke trying to make light of the situation. “I thought Terzo sent Omega to show you the grounds?”
 “About that…” rubbing the back of my head, not really sure how to explain myself. I wasn’t really sure where to start if I was being honest or if I really wanted to get into it right now.
“I had a couple of things I wanted to do beforehand. He wasn’t able to the whole time.” the floor here was becoming my friend, I was looking at it like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I wasn’t convincing but I didn’t want to burden him with everything currently going through my head.
He didn’t seem fully convinced but decided not to press further, “ Do you need some help getting back?” 
I’m not sure why it surprised me, both he and Terzo had been nothing but welcoming since I got here. “Ooh it’s fine don't worry about it, I can just go back the way I came. I’m sure you have someone waiting for you or something else to attend to.” 
“Nonsense, bella. Not many people are waiting for me on any given day except for Terzo. I’m sure the il dolore nel mio culo will understand.” 
“I don’t want to cause you any problems, more so than what I already have.” 
“You are no trouble at all cara. I’d be more than happy to escort you back. Maybe find you something to eat?” His face was starting to match mine his cheeks were starting to be dusted in a rose color. 
“No, it’s ok seriously. I’ll be fine, I can just go back the way I came. I can just get something in the morning to eat.” I try my best to be convincing, but my stomach had other plans. At the mention of food, my stomach let out a guttural growl. Fuck maybe I was more hungry than I thought. 
“When was the last time you ate something, cara?”
  “Yesterday… When Sister Beth brought us soup” I sheepishly explained. 
“Did sister not give you something to eat this morning?” 
“Sister Beth tried to but she was so busy and I honestly wasn’t all that hungry anyways… there’s just been a lot on my mind today and I didn’t want to be a bother so…” the words die in my throat. Copia’s gaze was only filled with more worry and I couldn’t help but feel a little guilty, I didn’t want to worry him anymore.
  He looked away slightly like he was thinking about something. Finally, he looked back at me determination making it to his face, whatever it was he was not going to take no for an answer. He cleared his throat and nervously began to ask, “Well… if you’d like I could make you something back at my place… there’s a little kitchen in there and I’m sure I have something that I could make you… Unless of course you just want to go to sleep… but you probably should go to sleep on an empty stomach, it’s not particularly healthy. Especially after everything that you’ve just been through…”
“Cardinal…” the smallest of smiles beginning to form, there was something about him that made him endearing to listen to. He genuinely just wanted to help. 
“But then again, you're not entirely human so are you even hungry?” He continued. 
“If you are interested I do make a mean Rigatoni, even Terzo agrees, and he’s as picky as they come…” He kept rambling. 
“Copia!”  He finally stopped, his gaze finally snapping to meet mine. His body goes stiff as he twiddles his thumbs.
  The smile never left my face, “I would like that. If it really is no trouble.” 
He looked like he was signing out in relief,  “Of course, bella. It’s no trouble at all.” stepped to the side gesturing for me to start walking. 
“Why thank you.” I chuckle before I move, Copia following close behind.We fell into a comfortable silence. The halls remained empty, if I didn’t know any better I would think this place was abandoned.  I couldn’t help but take in the abbey. With Copia it’s not as intimidating, it was beautiful. The halls don't seem to go endlessly to God knows where when there is someone who knows where they’re going.
My eyes drift over to Copia. Heat rushed to my face as I took him in. I suppose this was the first time I had really taken him in. I never noticed how much taller he was compared to me. His face angled in just the right places.  He was handsome, he had to have known it. His hair was pushed back and out of his face a few pieces falling into his face - he looked like he was tired, but it was something he wore well. He looked like he had a lot of late nights but there he didn’t look like he was tired. I was in no way discreet as I mapped out his face. His lips were the last thing I landed on. They were plump and looked a little chapped from the cold. I just wanted to reach up and kiss him.
Wait, what? No. No… I shouldn’t be thinking that. We just met. He and Terzo had been nothing but kind to me and I couldn't fuck that up. I hadn’t even realized that I was staring until he turned his head slightly in my direction. Snapping my head back in front of me the blush across my cheeks only deepened. 
“Do a lot of people live here? I don’t think I’ve seen anyone since yesterday…” I finally broke the silence. Mentally slapping myself for the question, hoping he didn’t notice me staring. Little did I know that he was also staring at me, having a similar dilemma. 
He looked deep in thought for a moment “Not as many as there used to be. Some still do but they’re probably all back in their dorms for the night… The ministry is open to anyone who wishes but they are free to come and go as they please…” he pauses for a moment before continuing, “Besides, not many wander down these halls except for me, not many siblings are dying to be working down here with me. I was honestly surprised to see you down here. ”
“What can I say, I have a knack for getting horribly lost, I’m just glad it was you I ran into.”  
He laughs slightly, “I can see that. I’m more than happy to have the company, especially if it’s una bella ragazza come te.”
“You’re too kind, cardinal…” 
“I only speak the truth, cara.”
I hope he didn’t notice my cheeks burning from his comment. If he did he once again didn’t say anything. The faintest of smiles on his face as he looked over at me. 
“I hope you are settling in well here.”  Copia continued. 
“For the most part. I don't think I have ever had that big of a bed in my whole life.” The  end turned into an awkward laugh  “This all doesn't seem real if I’m being honest with you.” 
“I can imagine.” He paused, his head turning in my direction. “This must be a lot for. I was lucky enough to be raised in this world, I couldn’t imagine what might be going through your head right now… If there is anything I can do to help you adjust, just ask topolino. ”
I don’t know what possessed me, but I was feeling bold. “A friend would be nice.”
I giggled as he fumbled over his steps, his cheeks turning a bright red as he tried to regain his footing. His eyes were wide as he turned to look at me. A silent question passed between us. I could only smile in response, slightly nodding my head. 
“Okie dokie, mia cara.”
A moment of silence passed between us. His eyes stared into mine, a fire erupting in my stomach. It felt like it would set me ablaze but I couldn’t bring myself to look away.
“Thank you for staying with me.” I wasn’t sure if he could even hear me. 
“No need to thank me cara, I can just imagine how overwhelming this all must be for you.” He cocked his head to the side. His lips upturned into the slightest smile - his eyes holding nothing but warmth in them.  
“I hope you might be able to call this place home.” He seemed to hesitate for a brief moment, like he had something else to say but didn’t. I wasn't going to push him. We fell back into silence, simply content in the other presence.
At this point, the sun had completely set. The candles that lined the halls cast shadows across the wall. The painting that was in the main hallway seemed to become less common the further we went. The walls seemed just a bit more familiar. It wasn’t long before we made it to what I assumed was his room. 
“Home sweet home.” He opened the door to reveal his room. I’m not sure what I was expecting as I walked into the room. His room was similar to mine. There were candles all over the place. A small TV sat in the corner facing the couch. A few potted plants lined the counter in the kitchen. Some were half dead, but it looked like he was trying his best. 
The sound of squicking caught my attention. In the corner of the room - closer to what I’m guessing is his bedroom - stood a decent size cage. Inside were close to a dozen rats, all varying in different color and size. 
“Ooh, my god.” I squealed, making a beeline for the cage. 
They all get close to the edge of the cage - Curious to see the newcomer. Upon closer inspection, quite a few of the rats were missing something. A few were missing legs, one was missing an eye. Despite their circumstances, they all looked more than happy to be there. 
“These must be the rats you were talking about, right?” I laughed, turning my head so I could see Copia. 
He stood by the door looking slightly flushed. He looked like he was in a daze.  My question just barely snapped him out of it. 
“What? Ooh sí, sí! They’re the ones I couldn’t realise back into the Abbey when they healed.” 
He makes his way over to me. Bending down to the same level as the rats.  They only got more excited now that he was there. His body heat radiates off of him, it took everything in me to not move closer to him. He goes to open the cage, picking up the one that was missing an eye. Petting his head slightly before Copia brought him closer to me. Looking like a proud parent showing off his kids. 
“This little guy is Rizzo.”
The little guy stands on his hind legs looking at Copia. He seemed hesitant to even come near me.  Sniffing my hand before walking into my outstretched hand.   
“Hey there, Rizzo. Aren’t you just the sweetest?” Bring him closer to my face. He sniffs up my face deciding that I was not a threat, squeaking out his approval. He looks back at Copia and back at me - Curling himself into my hand.
“He likes you, bella.���
   Handing him back to Copia, “I have a way with animals as surprising as it sounds.” 
“I don't think it's that surprising.” his voice still soft. The look he was giving me was making my stomach do flips. The feeling from the hallway came back with a vengeance. “I think they have a way of judging people for who they are.” 
Our eyes meet, and a sort of understanding passes through us. Neither of us really sure if we should look away or if we even wanted to. I’m not sure which of us started to close the gap. The space between us was getting smaller and smaller. My eyes flutter close waiting to feel his lips on mine. 
“Copia. Figlio di puttana!” The voice was muffled soon followed by the sound of the door flying open interrupting the moment. 
We jump from each other. Trying to get as much space from the other as we could, looking anywhere else but the other.
  “First you miss dinner, then you miss our meeting, and now no one can find il nostro bellissimo ospite and where have you been…” The slightly panicked voice of Terzo rounds the corner stopping when he noticed us standing there.  “Ooh… am I interrupting something?” The signature smirk I was growing fond of made its way to his face. 
“No, not at all…”
 “Sai sempre quando scegliere il tuo tempismo…” 
 Our words overlap each other. The blush on our faces did little to hide what just happen. 
“Sí… whatever you say...”  Terzo throws himself onto the couch. His eyes shifted from Copia to me, a more genuine smile making its way to his face.
  “I missed you both at dinner.” He starts, his voice soft. He sounded like he was sure if he should be saying it or not. “My apologies if Omega misbehaved. I instructed him to be on his best behavior.” 
“No, it's seriously my fault. I was the one who was running behind and then I got lost trying to find the dining hall. If it wasn’t for Copia here I would probably still be aimlessly wandering the halls.” 
“Forgive me I would have shown you the way myself, but duty calls.” 
“It’s seriously all good. Besides I’m getting food out of it. I count that as a win.” 
At the mention of food, Copia seemed to be reminded of what he was going to do, to begin with. Muttering out a quick pardon he makes his way to the little kitchen.
  Not sure what else to do I take a seat on the couch as far from Terzo as I could. I didn’t want him to see how flustered I was. I was also trying to not dig myself further into the hole I was all but falling into. 
“I don’t bite, bella. Unless you ask nicely.” He winked. The bastard was enjoying how flustered I was. 
“Be nice.” Copia's voice left little room for argument. He pointed the spoon in his hand at Terzo who lifted his hands in mock surrender
I relaxed moving closer to him. Terzo had his arm thrown back on the couch. It felt like last night again. It didn’t feel forced instead it felt like this was a normal occurrence. 
“So how was your first official day out and about,  bella?”
“Eventful to say the least. I’m pretty sure Sister Imperator is plotting my death as we speak.” I try to make light of everything. 
“Don’t pay her much mind, tesoro. As scary as she can be, she’s practically harmless these days.”
  “I should also thank you for the room… and the clothes… and I guess for actually letting me stay here.”
“No need to thank me bella. It’s not every day we have such an esteemed guest here, let alone one as bellissima as you.”  He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
By now I should just be used to what they’re doing to me, my ears still being from both of their constant compliments. 
“Well still… I should thank you both. You’ve been nothing but kind since I got here… you’ve honestly made this a lot easier than I thought it would be…” The room felt like it had gone completely silent. I refused to look anywhere else than the tv in front of me. I kept my hands in my lap trying not to show how nervous I was.
  I could feel him stiffen slightly before relaxing. Taking my hand in his, I jumped, meeting his gaze. His eyes were just as hypnotic as Copia’s, I could find myself staring into them all night. He had a soft smile on his face. This was the most relaxed I think I’ve ever seen either of them since I got here. As selfish as it sounded I wanted to stay like this for as long as I could. The way that they looked at me made me feel like they were casting a spell on me. 
“I would have it no other way, tesoro.” 
My head came to rest on Terzo's shoulder. It was getting increasingly harder to ignore how tired I was. His arm hesitantly came to pull me closer to his side. The warmth of his body did little to help - Neither did the steady beating of his heart. I could feel my eyes becoming heavy. Their banter continued and as crazy as it sounds a part of me felt like this was what I was always missing. This was the most relaxed I had been in such a long time. My breathing started to slow and I could fight it off anymore. Finally, I let sleep take me.
  Translations: mia signora- My lady bella- beautiful mia cara- My dear Cara- Dear il dolore nel mio culo- the pain in my ass Una bella ragazza come te- A beautiful girl like you Topolino- Little mouse Sí- yes Figlio di puttana- You son of a bitch il nostro bellissimo ospite - our beautiful guest  sai sempre quando scegliere il tuo tempismo- You alwasy know when to pick your time Tesoro- treasure Bellissima- Beautiful
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Now that requests are closed and I've been able to (sorta) get everything together, I've decided to compile a little list of what to expect from me in the near future in terms of content I will be putting out. If you're interested in seeing, go ahead and keep reading below!
I currently have 25 requests in my tumblr inbox and 3 requests on AO3. These are obviously my first priority and I will try to get through them as fast as I can
I would like to actually get Aether's sketch more refined and properly done, since this was more of just a very rough idea on where and how I had wanted his horns
Along with that, I would like to do rough ideas for the rest of the ghouls. These ideas mainly focus on their horn styles and more "demonic" appearances to them (such as skin/eye color) and clothing type
There is an idea I've had ever since I posted the fic, and that's drawing the "picture" Sodo sends the reader from my "Off on Tour" request (where he takes the reader's clothing with him). This will most likely be his own little rough sketch since this will also focus on his appearance
I would like to work on fleshing out the personalities (my take) for the ghouls. Some ghouls I actually associate with certain people in my own life and how they act. These people are the main source of my inspiration when writing for the characters, and sometimes I'll try to mix in just a little bit of the original ghoul's "true" personality
Planned Fics (red titles intended to be 18+):
"And they were roommates" part 2. I've had this idea ever since I finished the fic and, since I got a lot of positive feedback on it, I decided it would be appropriate to "continue" it it's literally just going to be smut and I don't want to hear a damn thing about it
"If you go out into the woods today" - During a full moon, the reader has to outrun Sodo or face the consequences
"Therapy costs $200 but a drop of your blood is free and easy." - Doubting that ghouls actually exist, the reader accidentally summons Aether. It's not long before they develop feelings for the large ghoul
"You were a Papa. You had everything you could've wanted. You don't know what it's like to feel like you're nothing." - While in a bad headspace, Primo indulges the reader about his past and talks about stepping down for Secondo
"A second chance for a first impression" - Mary Goore has never exactly been "subtle" in anything he did. So why not make a second first impression by climbing through your window with an old copy of dracula for you two to watch?
"Healing touch" - During a particularly bad panic attack, Copia comforts the reader and tries to get them feeling normal again
"Expert fingers" - Secondo shows the reader just how much she means to him
"On the down-low" - during a movie with everyone, Secondo has to keep his cool while the reader decides to play with him under the blanket
"His good girl" - Aether's shows the reader just how amazing the rewards can be if she's good for him
"My good luck symbol" - After being scared by a rogue cricket in their room, Mountain explains to the reader how they're seen as a symbol of good luck
"The Cardinal's helper" - Unable to summon his own ghouls, Copia looks to the reader for help. All is well until the ghouls start becoming aggressive towards Copia when he develops feelings for the reader
"Where I belong" - Rain sitting out during a thunderstorm and the reader decides to join him
"On your own" - The reader accompanies Aether, Sodo and a Sister on a little shopping trip, only to be left on your own with Aether
"A little push" - When a Sister is tasked to go out with Aether, she talks to Papa and has you go in her place so you can spend more time with the large ghoul
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strange-ghoul · 1 year
Okay, I’m gonna start world building on main here again. Specifically for Dead Dove Copia.
Dead Dove Copia is a AU where Copia has both the antichrist within him and an “guardian” angel attached to his soul. It screws with him in the worst way possible, sending him down a spiral of madness and tragedy.
Anyways HC time:
Copia and Terzo were very close before Copia went through the ritual to become Cardinal.
Copia is ex catholic, and still has a “guardian” angel connected to his soul after all those years being devout.
Copia is the antichrist. When he goes through the process to become cardinal, this “awakens”, along with his “guardian” angel trying to “save” him after detecting the antichrist within him, which greatly fucks with his sense of reality and mental stability.
Imperator basically groomed Copia into a monster when he after he became Cardinal. She’d constantly mock him and demean him about his features and his life, making him anxious and self conscious. At least, she thought that was what she was doing.
In reality, Copia had lost his mind long ago after the ritual to become cardinal. This only solidified his very little connection to reality, especially after he realized they were going to use him as the lead singer for Ghost.
Copia had the Papas killed in a fit of jealousy when he realized they were coming on tour with him. Then he dragged around their bodies to mock Imperator.
Imperator didn’t know who killed the Papa’s until her own investigation with her sisters of sin proved that Terzo’s own ghouls did it. When she found out, she was horrified at the monster she created. She had wanted Copia to become strong through “tough love”, but it’s evident that’s not what happened.
Copia had torn apart and defiled the former Papa’s corpses to send a message to Imperator: “This could be you.”
Imperator becomes deeply concerned not only for herself but Papa Nihil.
Copia deeply regrets killing Papa’s, but refuses to accept that’s what happened. Because of the antichrist and angel within, he can’t seem to face his issues when he’s awake. Instead, he hallucinates and gets stuck in nightmares about the papas, specifically Terzo.
He misses Terzo deeply, and visits his corpse often. He goes as far as sewing together the body again after his rage incident with imperator in an attempt to “fix” him.
Nobody but Sister Imperator knows of this Copia however. Copia continues to play the naive, innocent and awkward version of Papa he’s always played. All the siblings assume he’s the same as he always was, especially Papa Nihil. Imperator won’t leave those 2 alone in fear of Copia doing something.
Mr. Saltarian had no idea of Copia’s streak of madness, and assumes he’s as stupid as he behaves. Though Imperator has tried to bring it up to him, she just gets too nervous and bails out last second every time.
Please send asks or something about this if you’re interested at all in the lore lol. I’m going to be writing fics for it ofc, I already have one called “Accusations” which you can find in the “My fanfics” tag if you’re interested.
Till I make more HC posts, toodles~
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 3 years
Important Blog Update - New Lore Overhaul and Rules Update
There will be some major changes in my personal lore and how I write for the blog with Chapter 9. I want to kinda highlight what will be updated for future fic and requests. 
Imperator pretty much has been confirmed to be Copia’s mom with her slip of the tongue. I personally never wrote for this theory, and my writing did reflect this. But considering this is now canon I am doing a haul over to make sure my work fits! I want to write as canonly close as possible, and am making the necessary adjustments.  So for now I WILL be writing Copia as Imperator’s secret son. Along with a few other changes.
With this new chapter for me this no doubt  means Copia is also Papa Nihil’s son. Honestly, I can’t really see the lore playing out any other way than for Nihil to be the father. Especially reflecting on the Kiss the Go-Goat chapter and how the Nihil Imperator relationship has been emphasized in the series. I don’t feel the need to really wait to see this officially being played out in Ghost canon, so I’m making the decision now to incorporate this into my writing.
This means I will no longer be accepting any requests for Copia shipped with the Papas.
 I don’t think I’ve ever gotten many to begin with, but I will be working to get the blog corrected and updated. I know I have at least one poly reader x copia x papa iii floating around and that will be deleted. I will also be editing any of my previous disclaimers that Copia isn’t part of the bloodline to fit the news. If you guys see any posts that I’ve missed (it can be SUPER hard to navigate all of my posts) please let me know so I can act accordingly! 
And because this means reworking some of my previous lore, I have some new base head canons to go off of! 
So here is the following:
~Copia, since Chapter 9, has had plastic surgery. Not really a HC, just confirmed lore I will acknowledge if prompted. 
~Copia was born with the Emeritus eye, but he has no idea who his parents are. He thinks his was just an orphan raised by the Clergy and chosen by Lucifer. If it turns out he DID know, I’ll rewrite and update accordingly. For now he just THINKS the bloodline is outdated and fated to die out, and Imperator is his surrogate mother figure. 
~Copia is the youngest of the bloodline, and they are all still half brothers. Imperator is only mother to Copia, the other three Emeritus boys all have their own mom. 
~Nihil died not knowing Copia was his youngest son. I know I write as if Nihil is still alive, but in most modern pieces I will acknowledge his passing. In past pieces, I’ll still write him thinking Copia is some usurper. 
~A few of the ghouls KNOW, but it’s a secret Sister Imperator has forced them to keep. The ghouls who know for sure in my works will be Special, Air, and Omega. 
~Papa I knew immediately from a young age, and that is why he was the only one of the brothers to be ok with Copia taking over. And it is also why Papa took Copia as one of his Protegees, despite Nihil not liking the cardinal. 
~Papa II and Papa III aren’t sure, but they’ve had their separate suspicions. They don’t care either way so long as Copia didn’t step on their toes too much. 
I’ll be happy to answer any questions about it, moving forward!
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sayucaillou · 6 years
Little Ghost fic!
Hey! ~ Here’s the little fic I said I would upload. At first I wanted to do Something angsty, but it turned out more… Cute and fluffy I guess? (I’m a b**ch for fluffy stuff ‘^' ) Might do the angsty one later… (By the way there might be some mistakes, English is not my first language so… Sorry if you find any!)
Anyway, let me know what you think about it!
You felt his hand on your shoulder. While you were cleaning the library, the cardinal sneaked in the room and took you by surprise.
“Don’t move, young one.”
His voice was very soft, as was his touch. You were not afraid, you trusted him and knew him for long enough to know he was only teasing. You let him caress your shoulder, pulling the sleeve of your clothes enough to reveal a bit of skin. He gently put his chin on your skin and watched as you put the last book in your hands on its shelf. You sighed in relief as it was your last chore of the day, then Copia straightened and held his hand to you. You took it and noticed he was not wearing his usual gloves, but a messy bandage. He noticed your worried look and tried to distract you from it.
“Oh, don’t worry about that. You know, the daggers for the rituals are sharp, and quite… slippery.”
However, you took his hand and looked at it meticulously.
“It’s not about the injury itself… You tried to do the bandage yourself?”
“Is that so obvious?”
Without letting go of his hand, you made him sit in one of the library chair and sat in front of him with a first-aid kit that you always kept under the desk. You gently removed his bandage and looked at the wound, then you looked at him in the eyes.
“Looks more like a burn than a cut…”
“Well… Maybe I just… Tried to cook and-“
“Hush. I don’t want any shitty excuse. I don’t care how it happened, just let me do this…”
During your years in the church you learnt more than enough to not ask touchy questions. You knew he didn’t burn his hand while cooking, but you didn’t want to know if it was because of a ghoul, because of a candle, if it was really an accident... You slightly shook your head to get those ideas out of your head as you applied some balm on the burn to calm his pain. He grimaced a bit but didn’t complain. As soon as you finished, he put his hand under the table and nodded, slightly embarrassed.
“Thank you… I’m sorry that you had to do this again, I should be able to take care of these things…”
You smiled at him. At this moment, you couldn’t help but find him ridiculously adorable. He noticed your smile and chuckled nervously.
“Eh, sorry for the rambling.”
“Don’t worry, I’m fine with it. If you need to talk to someone I’ll gladly listen.”
He held his injured hand with the other and smiled.
“Yes, thanks for your support. Well, I should go back to work…”
“Indeed, you must have a lot to do. I’ll see you later!”
He got up from his chair and silently thanked you one last time before leaving the room. You smiled as you put the first-aid kit back into its place before going back to your duties.
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My brain caught an idea and didn’t want to let it go, and therefore, a short little fic. Directly inspired by the headcanons of @opuseponymustard
When the headache had appeared earlier that day, Copia had just assumed it was from overwork. Stress headaches weren’t exactly an uncommon occurrence with how he threw himself into his duties for the church, and at first, that’s what it appeared to be. One more instance of an irritating ache behind his temples, this time as a punishment for his late night in the library.
Now, however, he wasn’t so sure.
Each step he took down the stone hallway sent another stab of pain into his left eye socket, his vision swimming as the pain radiated outwards with his heartbeat. Soon it became hard to see even the stained glass windows that lined the hall and he staggered, just barely catching his weight on the wall. This was progressing far too quickly. Alarmingly so.
The papers he had been carrying fluttered to the floor, forgotten, Copia groping his way along the wall while the pain continued to burn like molten glass in his eye. He didn’t know how long he stood there, sagged against the wall and just barely moving forward, but eventually he felt clawed hands grabbing his arms, lifting him up. There was soft chittering as he was guided forward, carried along until he felt himself set down onto a bed. He only partially noticed when his biretta fell off. Or when blankets were thrown over him, clothes still on and before he had any chance to change. But he didn’t have time to ponder the strange ministrations of the ghouls, or why there were even helping him in the first place. Copia’s thoughts were elsewhere, captive to a burning fever dream that rose in his mind’s eye and consumed him in whole.
Papa Emeritus III tapped his fingers on the table, his chin propped up on his other hand as he watched the door to the room. Earlier that week, when Copia hadn’t appeared to attend on Papa Nihil, he’d wondered if the Cardial had finally ended up dead from overwork. As much fun as he was to mess around with that man really needed to learn how to take a break. A few people had even made bets on what happened to him, but soon enough a ghoul had shown them where he actually was - simply sick in his bed from overwork, rather than dead. A tragic waste of money for the losers.
(He should have bet even more money on his survival, honestly).
Now, apparently recovered, Copia had asked to speak with Nihil and other top church members about his recent sickness. To grovel for forgiveness for his absence? Papa III hoped not. That would be a new low even for Copia.
Finally a knock came and Papa III straitened up, his brother, Papa Nihil, Sister Imperator, and other officials also turning their attention to the door. With a creak of wood and shuffling of feet Cardinal Copia entered the room, dressed in his black cassock and bat winged biretta, eyes cast to the floor. That was odd. Copia didn’t usually look away when he was about to kiss up to someone.
“Your Dark Excellencies,” Copia said, giving a short bow. “Forgive my recent absence. There have been some recent... developments.”
Sister Imperator raised an eyebrow, hands resting on the edge of her podium. “Developments? And what, precisely, would those be Cardinal? Elaborate.”
The Cardinal raised his eyes. The right gray-green. The left, a pure white iris.
Several soft gasps were heard, along with the sudden scraping of a chair as Papa II rose to his feet. Papa III blinked in surprise, mouth hanging open. Well. It seemed like he wasn’t the only one with a flair for the dramatic.
“Those of my most recent affliction, Sister Imperator.”
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omoghouls · 6 years
Hello, I'm the anon that sent you a couple of Copia ideas. I just wanted to tell you that I write fic and I saw that you were having a hard time lately, so if you want I could write you a fic (and gift it to you on ao3). Just tell me what characters (Ghost only sorry) and a scene/headcanon and I'll write you something. Much love ❤️ (And it's no trouble. I like writing but I have 0 ideas.)
Aaa oh goodness, your ideas you had sent in were simply amazing omg ♡ Aah it's a case of a stalker, so it's just a bit stressful (but, it's being resolved so its okay💖)
But oh goodness 'o' Well I would absolutely love to read your writing omfg🙆🏻‍♂️ But gosh, if it's not a trouble would be cool to request something ghoul related? Maybe Rain ghoul being a bit shy about his new humanly needs, even more so with the Cardinal? (asdfk- that's really vague but whatever you're comfortable writing, I'm just hella curious about your fics 🙆🏻‍♂️💕💕) 
Also I hope you find like 5$ or see a really neat bird today ;u; ♡♡♡
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Hi Mamma Ren! Do you have any reccs for some favorite Copia stories? I love your stories and have read them all! I know you’d have some good ones to recommend 🧡
Thank you so much Anon!!!
I am flattered that you read everything and so happy you liked them. And I apologize I wanted to make sure that I got all my links correct for you... But I have several favorites linked below for you that are Copia centeric from some of my fav people. I will also mention a short bit each one so you can get the idea lol. So here. We. Go!
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Nocturnal Me by @honeyynymphh
Dracopia x Reader
When I tell you that this is one of my favorite Copia one off stories mmmm... I love it so much! It's about the reader going into a club called the Haze, that is a frequented spot of vampires, after a long night and happens to run into Papa while she's there...smuttiness ensues.
If You Had Life Eternal by @cardinal-copia-popia
Dracopia x OC Lizzy
Beautifully written longer fic about Dracopia who lived through the Black Plague where he suffered greatly. Now he's in present time and still haunted by his past. Danger lurks close as he begins to fall in love with a woman who looks suspiciously like someone he once knew.
Nothing Ever Lasts Forever by @honeyynymphh
Copia x Reader
The story is very captivating one off where the reader is the former lover and fiancée of Terzo, whom after his death is forced into a arranged marriage with Copia. The sheer raw emotion you feel for her as well as the intense lustiness will do it for you every time.
Life, Eternal by @the-cardinale
Copia x Terzo x OC Ana
A new ongoing work but with a lot of promise featuring a relationship that is polyamorous between Copia, Terzo, and the reader which begins after she is left a home in the Italian countryside upon her parents demise. So much is still shrouded in mystery so far but I'm excited to see where it goes.
What I Need to Believe by @cardinal-copia-popia
Copia x OC Stella
Another amazing longer fic where Copia and the OC fall in love despite all the ups and downs thrown in their way. Such a sweet and romantic story. So if you're in the mood for fluff with some good smut mixed in this is perfect.
You're Body is a Temple by @inf3stissumam
Mormon Copia x Sister of Sin
This one is a great one about a sweet innocent Mormon Copia being seduced by a Sister of Sin. I love his guilt and yet need for her... The blasphemy kink is perfect with this one.
Full Moon by @gasolineghuleh
Copia x Reader
Copia and the reader try to escape the ghouls in heat but Copia has plans of his own when they "happen upon" an old building. This was one of the first breeding fics I ever read that I absolutely adored and it's one of my favorites to this day.
Anyways those are just a few I wanted to share cuz they're ones that I have gone back to read often. I hope that you enjoy! Also please as always make sure to read tags as some things are not for everybody.
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