#haha guess this is our last chance to run away together…
jimmypesto · 6 months
obsessed with ships where two people weave in and out of each other’s lives but there’s always love there and some things will always be unspoken but felt sooo deeply. when the dynamic is too dysfunctional for love to salvage!!!
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orion-r34l1ty · 4 months
Risk (3/4)
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Summary: Omega and Hemlock are stranded in the middle of the Weyland jungle, and there’s only one way out. Work together. As Hunter and the rest of the Batch try to work through Omega’s loss, Omega discovers something truly, truly terrifying.
Word Count: 1861
Notes: haha guess what it’s not the last part!!! Maybe pt 4 will be the end maybe not I don’t really know!! Enjoy!! Also let me know in a reblog/reply if you would like to be on the tag list for pt 4!
Tag List: @twinsunstars @luzfeather
Part 1 Part 2
This was strange.
Omega was sitting in the middle of the Weyland Jungle, having survived a fall from the top of a mountain, next to Royce Hemlock. He was tending to his wounds, using a small medkit he kept on his person at all times. Of course he did. He was a doctor. An evil scientist, but a doctor nonetheless. He was applying bandages around the spot where Omega had shot him earlier. He finished and sighed, wincing as he turned his head towards Omega.
“…are you certain you don’t want me to take care of your leg?”
“Yes.” Omega replied firmly. Her left leg hurt badly, more so than everything else at least. But she didn’t want to give any kind of trust to Hemlock.
“It would be wise to let me do so. You appear to have landed on it. It is most likely broken—“
“Shut up.” Omega snapped. She didn’t feel like talking with him right now. Or ever, for that matter. Right now, she needed to figure out a way to get out of the jungle. Make it back to the mountain. There may still be a ship there for her to steal. Hemlock said a ship left shortly before she woke up, and that it was most likely her brothers. She didn’t trust him, but also wondered what reason he would have to lie. He probably wanted to live, too. Probably.
Omega sighed and moved some hair out of her face. She didn’t know what she was going to do. She couldn’t go anywhere at the moment, at least not without Hemlock. She grumbled and spoke to him.
“…do you have anything in that kit that could take these cuffs off?” She asked. Hemlock turned to her, his expression easing up a bit.
“No, I don’t. Even if I did, what makes you think I’d take them off? You’d run off and leave me to die.”
“I’d have a better chance of surviving. Both of us would.” She said, disdain in her voice. She didn’t want to work with him. She hated the very idea of it.
“Maybe so. But, at the moment, we must combine our efforts if we are to survive. This jungle is dangerous.” Hemlock said, overacting his surroundings. He was clearly worried about whatever was out there. Omega remembered her first escape from Tantiss, and the giant creature that had nearly attacked her and Crosshair. They were only able to get away because the Lurca hounds fended it off.
Omega didn’t like this. She didn’t like this at all. But…Hemlock, for once, was right. They couldn’t make it out of here alive in this state. Unless they worked together. Omega sighed and turned to look at Hemlock again.
“Do you…have any suggestions?” She was clearly unhappy to be asking him. But he had no reason to hurt her, at the moment.
“We need to cover ground. If we get back to the mountain, we can access my communicator and call for help.”
“You can call for help. I’m getting a ship and leaving.” Omega said. Hemlock grumbled and rubbed his temples.
“Your friends will have destroyed the rest of the ships. Or taken them all. Governor Tarkin is already on his way here, anyways. If we get to the mountain, we can wait for him there.” Hemlock said. He sighed and looked at Omega.
“You really think I’m going to let that happen? Let you take me back there when Imperials will be swarming the place? There’s bound to be another ship there, they can’t have taken them all.” She reasoned. There had to be a ship there. She was really hoping a ship was there. Otherwise…she didn’t know how she was going to get out.
“Fine,” Hemlock said firmly. “We can talk about that later. Right now, we need to get moving. If we wait any longer, it will be night before we get there, and then this place will be far more dangerous.” He moved to stand, then stopped. That strange look of concern was back on his face. “Can you walk?”
“Why do you care?” Omega gruffly asked. She pushed herself up and winced in pain as she felt her leg light up in agony. She nearly fell back down, but Hemlock caught her. She pushed away from him and stood on her own, putting most of her weight on her right leg.
“Because I don’t want you dying.” He replied plainly.
“Why? Because you don’t want to carry around my corpse?” Omega retorted. Hemlock rolled his eyes and sighed.
“It should be obvious enough by now, Omega. Use your senses.”
“Hmph. You think the Empire will let you continue with your work after this? You’re to blame for this destruction.”
“Your friends are to blame. I am indispensable. The Emperor will do anything to make sure his project is complete. As long as both of us are alive, I will be the most important man in the Empire. Besides the Emperor, of course.” Hemlock said. He stood up tall and looked towards the direction the mountain was in. “Let’s get moving.”
Hunter sat on the deck of his little hut on Pabu. He was looking out as the midday sun made the water shine. He sighed and leaned back on the bench. It had only been one rotation. One rotation since Tantiss. One rotation since the catwalk. One rotation since…Omega. Losing Omega. It hurt just to think about it. Wrecker had woken up just a few hours ago. Hunter hadn’t told him yet, but Wrecker was beginning to suspect something. It wasn’t that Hunter didn’t want him to know. He just couldn’t bring himself to say it. That would be admitting it, accepting it, knowing it. That she was gone. Gone. Dead. Hunter held his head in his hands, breathing deeply. She was gone.
Omega and Hemlock were making good time. They were nearly to the Lurca hound kennels, where they deemed the easiest access point was. Hemlock had explained the power was cut, so the ray shields shouldn’t be up. They could get in from there. Omega limped next to Hemlock as they walked through the thick jungle. Hemlock glanced over at her.
“…are you sure that—“
“Yes. Stop asking.” Omega quickly replied. She did not want his help. She wanted her brothers. She wanted to go home.
They walked a little further to a familiar clearing. Omega recognized it as the place where she and Crosshair had ended up on their first escape. She saw the tunnel where they had exited from as she and Hemlock approached it. Hemlock took the hand cuffed together with Omega and removed a panel from the outside structure. He fiddled with the wires for a moment, and the tunnel opened. He turned to her, his expression steely as ever.
“Omega. For once in your life, I’d like you to comply with my requests. We are going to head inside. We are going to head to my office. We are going to contact the Empire for help if Governor Tarkin has not already arrived. If there are ships left here, you are not going to take them. If you do escape, remember that I know how to find you. I know where you and your friends hide, and I will find you.” He spoke calmly, yet coldly. His eyes narrowed at Omega as she stood in silence. She nodded. She wasn’t going to do as he said, obviously, but she needed to get inside. And right now, the only way to do that was with him. The second she was separated from him, she would make her run for it. There had to be a ship. There had to be.
Hemlock and Omega entered the tunnel, crouching through the small space. Hemlock had been right, the ray shields were deactivated. They made it through with little to no problems. Though, Omega noticed several more concerned looks at her leg. It was still hurting badly. But she could make it out. She knew she could.
Hunter was standing outside of Shep’s house. Wrecker, Crosshair, Echo, and Shep were inside. He’d just told Wrecker what happened. Sort of. Either way, he wasn’t taking it well. Hunter had begun to speak, trying to get the words out, when he was interrupted. Crosshair had interjected before Hunter could say what happened, and he didn’t put what happened lightly.
“She’s dead.” He blurted out. “She’s dead and gone.” His voice broke as he spoke. Wrecker was silent for a moment, then began trying to deny it through tears. Hunter stood there silent as Wrecker practically begged for it to not be true. Crosshair was yelling at him, sobbing as well. Hunter had then left the house, standing outside where he was now. He could still hear Crosshair. Echo and Shep were trying to calm things down. Hunter stood outside, trying desperately to hold back tears. He had to be strong now. He had to keep the squad together. That was his job. That had always been his job. And he’d failed.
He had failed.
Omega and Hemlock walked through the deserted halls of Tantiss, now littered with the bodies of Stormtroopers and Clones alike. The two came to Hemlock’s office, which was dark and desolate. The doors whirred closed behind them and Hemlock locked them. The lights in the room were dim. There wasn’t much in the room. A small desk and chair, a raised table for examination, and a strange capsule on the wall to the right of the entrance. Omega couldn’t see what was in it.
Hemlock dragged Omega to the desk where he pulled out a small tool. He picked at the binders with it for a moment, and then they came loose.
“The door is locked. The vents are bolted to the wall. Do not try to escape, or you will face the consequences.” Hemlock said, not even looking at her. He placed the binders down on the desk and walked around to his chair. He sat down and booted up his communications device. Omega observed the room. It really was a sad little place. She walked over to the capsule on the wall. A small console was on the side of it. Omega checked to make sure Hemlock wasn’t looking at her. He was laser-focused on the comm. She turned back to the console and pressed the buttons to open it. The capsule front hissed air out, as it opened. Hemlock looked up as he noticed the noise. Omega waited for him to get up and scold her, drag her off, do something. He just softly smirked and turned back to the device. Something was wrong. Omega walked to the front of the capsule as it fully opened. Red lights lit up what was in it. Or rather who. Omega’s eyes widened in horror as she stared at the person inside, hooked up to wires and tubes. A heart monitor was attached to him, making that soft beeping noise that indicated a heartbeat. That indicated life. Omega felt a tear roll down her cheek as Tech slowly stirred and woke up.
Part 4
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genmui-to-infinity · 11 months
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[GenMui week day 5: After the war]
Dear Nemi,
How are you? I hope that wherever you are right now, you are the happiest you could ever be. I'm sorry that we didn't have more time to spend together but I'm glad that even life was cruel, it gave us one last chance to be together before death took me.
But I won't talk about that today. Nemi, I have news for you.
Uhm, guess what, I got married today. Surprising, right? Hehe. What if I told you that I married the former Mist Hashira? Oh, I could totally hear you screaming bloody murder right now but it's true.
If somebody would tell me years ago that I will end up falling in love with the kid Hashira, and a boy at that, I would rather believe that the boar-masked weirdo is a genius. But I guess trivial things don't matter here anymore. Mui, I mean Muichiro, (that's what he wanted me to call him, okay?) had been there for me since day one. I thought that he would disappear forever but then fate threw him right back at me.
And then one day, he told me, "Genya, did you know that you could wish for anything here?" I wished that you and Mother were here with us Nemi, but Mui said, "In due time." and I guess he was right, so together, we wished for the next best thing, a home in a paradise we could call our own. A world we would also share with Mui's family. We thought of a big home, an abundance of trees and the sea and the sky.
It is beautiful and forever, Nemi.
Oh, you're curious how Mui and I fell in love with each other? *That is a story for another time.
But hmm, let's just say there were denials, tons of sibling teasing, an angry twin brother (shocking) and the realization that we were meant to be together. To become something more.
Life didn't give us the chance so death did.
Nemi, I am now married and Mui is right here in my arms as we watch the endless blue sea before us. Everyday he tells me how much he loves me and I make him the damn happiest ever. Children? We couldn't on our own but our siblings and his older twin brother are difficult enough for us to handle. Haha.
And from this moment on, everyday, I will wake up to my lovely husband, the golden sunrise will bathe his gentle sleeping face, the birds will sing us their morning songs and the trees will keep rustling in the wind to remind me of you. Then we, me, Mui my love, our siblings, Mui's family, would all run to the sea to greet the waves.
Dear Nemi, the memory of living in a rough neighborhood in a household filled with rage and abuse is long gone. As of speaking to you right now, we are all lazing together, laughing together. My rough, ugly scarred hand entwined with Mui's calloused battleworn one and he couldn't be more beautiful under the afternoon sun.
'I love you.' He says to me, I whisper it back to him.
Nemi, my dear brother, we are finally free.
"What do you mean, you want me there too, you jackass! And marrying Tokitou, really, Genya?!"
Few heads turn to the three men settled on a bench outside of a Dango shop. Rather, two men were busy grazing on snacks and one is peacefully dozing off on a separate bench beside them. Until an ear-splitting yell made everyone in the vicinity jump in surprise.
Giyuu Tomioka tries to shake the white-haired man awake and when he couldn't, Tengen Uzui opted to kick the poor wooden seat he was lying on. "Oi, Shinazugawa, are you sleep talking? Hahaha!"
Sanemi groans and slowly sits up, fingers rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. "More like a fucking nightmare. My brother got hitched to Tokitou." Uzui starts laughing hysterically and in confusion, bites his tea cup then attempts to drink his dango.
"Are you okay?" Giyuu asks in a low voice, only audible to Sanemi. Although he had formed a friendship with Giyuu and Uzui, it was only the former who knew about the dreams he had of Genya.
The dream he just had, were different from all others. Because somehow, it felt real. It felt as if it was Genya's soul talking to him.
Genya, living in some paradise with the people he love...Genya, living the life that Sanemi had dreamed for him, even if his partner was Tokitou, even if his children were their siblings....
Relief rushes within him. A lump forms in his throat and his light purple eyes start glimmering against the high noon sun..
"Tomioka, come help me pay at the register, I don't know how to money.." Maybe they have underestimated Uzui's way of understanding things. He and Giyuu wordlessly get up.
The moment they were gone, tears start cascading down the former Hashira's scarred face. Sanemi savors the feeling.
And only heard by the Wind, he joyfully sobs, "Congratulations, you morons."
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 year
Evening all :) This is the second to last ep of s2. Unreal. I LOVE this episode. For so many reasons. I think its underrated which tends to be some of my fav moments and eps with them. Love this one for couple reasons. One of them being we’re re-tapping into why Tim is the best T.O. for Lucy. Little more look into Tim’s growing feelings for her. Also their continual growth as friends and their deepening bond. I love them so much. Like I said already this ep is underrated and one of my favs and you’ll see why. Let’s get started on this goodie.
2x19 The Q Word
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We start off with Lucy's alarm going off for her shift. She turns it off saying how she doesn’t want to work today. (Me either girl...) We see she has a special guest with her. Heh. It's Emmett. Dude still fine as hell. Guess she finally took him up on his offer. Damn girl proud of you cashing that card in haha Way to come back into the dating world.
He tells her to be few minutes late continues on to say ‘Bradford's chill’ LMFAO Not even a little and definitely not with training Lucy. You'll experience that soon enough and see how wrong you are sir. Lucy tells him she’s in the final stretch of her training. Just 30 more days and she’ll be free. (Like you really wanna be free of Tim…we'll let you believe that though.) She is excited to be free of the mind games, Tim tests and being chewed out in public. I can’t blame her there even though it molded her into who she is now as a cop.
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Emmett jumps on the chance about making her late after her probation. Lucy has to basically say down boy LOL It’s honestly really nice to see how happy she is. Like I said in the last ep with Tim. With not being Lucy level happy. In this case not Tim level happy or comfortable but nice to see none the less. She clearly has allowed herself to not let Caleb drag her down as much anymore. That's a massive victory for her. Should be noted and appreciated.
Can truly appreciate the relationships they had prior and what they had to give to them before they’re together. Lucy NEEDED someone like this post-Caleb. Needed a sweet goober. I am thankful for the role Emmett played in that. Helping her start to move past Caleb and the damage he inflicted. Her commitment issues showing themselves hard when she asks him to play it cool if they run into each other. To keep them on the DL. Also I don’t blame her she’s in the home stretch of this. Wants to do a final focused push to complete her training as well.
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We get to roll call. Grey announces today is the rookies one year mark in the program. He tells them congratulations on not washing out. Tim can’t help himself and poke the bear. Saying ‘We’ll see’ that shit eating grin of his and heart eyes I can not. How proud he is of her projecting off him.
Excuse me sir you’re doing a work flirt right in front of everyone. Look at the way he’s looking at her when he says it. A blind person could read his intentions. Her reaction is perfection. Like she can’t believe he’s doing their banter unabashedly in front of roll call… for all to see LOL Our marriage scene of the episode please enjoy.
Grey says this is the start of their 30 day push. To remind them they’re not there just yet. That they shouldn’t be celebrating until they cross the finish line. Pretty much a foreshadowing for Lucy in this ep. All of them but mainly Lucy and the SL her and Tim have in this one.
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Immediately following roll call we join them in their shop. Lucy mentions it’s weird they haven’t had any calls yet. Tim puts on his T.O. hat and barks ‘Crime doesn’t have a schedule boot.’ Lucy just smiles his T.O. company line having no effect on her. Tim notices it right away and asks ‘What she’s so happy about?’ Lucy plays it off says nothing. Can’t she just smile? Tim doesn’t let it go. (Wonder who he learned that from?)
Tells her she’s been doing it a lot lately is all...Lucy bites back she didn’t know being happy was an impediment to being a good cop. Tim remarks he’s just surprised she hasn’t talked his ear off about whatever it is. Tim Bradford speak for he actually wants her to. Whether he likes it or not he’s come to enjoy her sharing things with him. When she doesn't he gets antsy like in this scene. Questions what's going on with her.
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Tim acts like he can’t stand how chatty she is. When really he can’t handle it when she isn’t sharing stuff with him. Doesn’t want to feel left out in her life. Especially since she "granted" him re-access to it in 2x17. (He always had it she just had to remind of that fact) Lucy doesn’t budge on any info. So Tim starts taking shots in the dark. Asking random questions. 'Did she rescue a kitten?' 'Adopt a star?' LMFAO Timothy what? Haha god I love this man.
Lucy tells him what early s1 Tim would’ve been thrilled to hear. That her personal life is none of his business. He smiles and says there’s hope for her yet. Ok Tim I’m sure that’s EXACTLY what you want. Smh. My god these two. Do they even realize how much flirting just went down in that interaction? The banter, the looks, the cute little smiles. Look at them in those last two gifs above. As transparent as glass. These idiots I love them so much.
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If you needed to see their chemistry in one glorious shot. This is it. What a beautiful shot of these two. How the sun shines mostly on her is lovely nod to them as characters. They're checking in with one another silently as they hear a ‘shots fired’ call come over the radio. Processing the severity of the call together. The lighting is beautiful, the looks glorious, that silent communication ever present. I adore it.
They can hear how amped up the rookie on the radio is. Tim attaches them to the pursuit. Harper and Nolan attach themselves as well. Jackson hears his friends panicked voice. Tells Angela they we’re in the academy together. He the follows suit of the other two. Such an intense drive to where Chris and his T.O. are in pursuit.
Sadly Chris disobeys his T.O. to stay in cover while backup arrives. This kid has something to prove and leaves cover. His T.O. shouting at him to stay back. Unfortunately he’s shot instantly in the chest multiple times by their assailant. The guy takes off leaving Harper/Nolan to chase him as they arrive on scene. Tim and Lucy show up after all the chaos has ensued. Tim pulls Martinez Chris’s T.O. to the side. Says he’s going to need to talk to him since he was a witness to the shooting. Jackson decides to ride with Chris easing Martinez to go talk with Tim.
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Tim then does what he does best. Deescalates the situation. This man is trying to justify himself to Tim. Tells him how he taught Chris better than that. That he’s made mistakes before but not like this. Tim is incredible in this moment. This scene shows us how good Tim is at his job. How important he knows training rookies is to T.O.’s Why Martinez is panicking like he is. Feels like he failed this kid and is spiraling.
Tim uses that common bond to get through to an emotionally heightened officer. He's coming off his rookie being shot. He's not seeing straight and blaming himself. So Tim calms him down using logic and listening to get the statement from him. The empathy and understanding that follow are a skill that was sharpened by a certain rookie of his. (So damn proud) He's trying to relay to him this wasn’t his fault. He doesn't need to defend himself to him.
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I love how he relates to Martinez in this moment. All the while he is looking at Lucy. His words carrying extra weight to them. Almost like he's telling himself this as well as his fellow T.O.. This is hitting closer to home for him than he'd like. His look says so very much to anyone who is watching closely. Eric crushing it per usual saying so much with so little. The depth of how much he cares for her at this point. The man was gone for her long before they got together. (He just hasn’t been clued in yet about that fact.)
The way his eyes dart over to her while he’s comforting Martinez. What happened to this man is Tim’s greatest fear on the job. Not preparing Lucy enough and she gets hurt as a result. If he could only realize how much he’s already impacted her. She would not have survived 2x11 if not for his training of her. 'The Cop Eyes' he instilled in her to drop that ring for him.
She had the grit and determination all her own to survive no doubt. That 'No quit' paired with his training is why she made it. If you wanted to see Tim’s PTSD in action it’s this next portion. That deep fear of losing her the way he almost did back in 2x11. This next entire scene is screaming that PTSD from that. This moment a stark reminder for him that he could lose her just as quickly on the job due to a mistake. That it would be his fault. Again.
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Some may think Tim is too harsh here. He’s being a dick etc. That’s not what I see here at all. I see a man in emotional panic. A spiral really. Talking to Martinez shook him more than he’s leading on. Watching his biggest fear happen to someone else is triggering his PTSD more than he'd like. We all know even with Lucy’s forgiving him how he’s still haunted by her almost death. Tim is still learning how channel his emotions. Lucy has opened a floodgate of having them and he hasn’t learned to control them just yet.
I can relate so very much. When you’ve repressed feelings for so long, then allow them to the surface they can be overwhelming. The anxiety of drowning in those emotions comes out in one of two ways. Anger or a complete shut down. For Tim anger is an old friend of his. He can’t seem to tamp down how this situation is making him feel.
Nor does he know how to deal with why it is. So he sees a small mistake she makes and lashes out. His current anxiety is manifesting into anger right now. His fear taking a life of it's own. Losing it on her over something he wouldn't necessarily been happy about but not to this current level of anger.
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He is panicking because after the final 30 days elapses he won’t be by her side to protect her anymore. Its a harsh reality he isn't handling too well right now. Rios being shot bringing that into sharp focus. That this could happen to her without him there to guide her. So naturally he’s going to be hard on her especially in this moment. His way of controlling it and his emotions. He just watched a rookie get fatally shot and carted off to hospital due to a small error in judgement.
All those emotions and all that panic are coming through in spades in this moment. Tim isn’t handling his emotions about potentially losing her well. It more than shows in this scene. If he was trying to hold his emotional cards close to his chest about Lucy in this scene he failed miserably. It comes out when he asks her if she wants to end up like Rios? Showing his hand so much in this scene emotionally.
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Now Emmett making the mistake of trying to intervene bites him in the ass badly. It’s bad for a couple reasons. The road to hell is paved with good intentions as they say. Reason one it was a terrible idea. Don’t get between Tim and his person. Emmett caught an emotionally exposed Tim and ran into an actual buzz saw doing this. Today was the WRONG day to interfere with him. Not gonna lie I do love Tim going all alpha on him. Saying she’s HIS boot. Destroying Emmett completely asking if 'He's got it? Before walking away.
Second reason it was not his best idea. Lucy. I adore her telling Emmett she didn’t need him to save her. Damn right you don’t. She is capable of defending herself especially with Tim. That's one of her super powers really. It was more embarrassing for Lucy he tried to step in to "protect" her. Not only that but mess with her work dynamic with Tim. She asked him to be cool at work and he wasn’t. Lucy makes sure he knows that before she takes off herself. She isn't a damsel in distress and lets him know. Leaving Emmett stunned.
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Nolan and Harper get a finger print ID off the ditched car they pursued. They’re gearing up to break into Serj Derain's. Tim knows Lucy is shaken up for multiple reasons. Her friend Chris being shot, Him chewing her out and her mini fight with Emmett. He is always thinking of her first even when he doesn’t even realize he’s doing so. It's second nature at this point. He does this by resetting her mentally before they walk in the door of this man's house.
Saying how they already lost one cop today. She’s not going to be another. He refuses to lose Lucy by her potentially losing focus in this moment. This man just knows her like the back of his hand. It always floors me. Knows innately she needs these words of focus. That her mind is elsewhere and he needs it shifted back to the task at hand. The continuous proof of why he was the perfect T.O. for her. Tim reading her emotional state and directing her emotions. This is his version of taking care of her. By telling Lucy exactly what she needs to hear before they start this.
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Her look of understanding after he dispenses his words of wisdom to her is perfection. Complete understanding of what he's saying and doing for her in this moment. ❤️ Everything this man does for her has her best interests at heart and ultimately to protect her. (Just like she does for him) It’s a beautiful thing to watch honestly. The two way support these two have for one another. This is an underrated moment for them. I wanted to expound on it. It shows that bond they have.
That even though they’re closer than they used to be with how she can sass him from time to time when it comes down to it that instant respect she has for Tim and his guidance. It is evident in this scene. His wisdom is guiding her right now emotionally and she knows it. That when he is serious like this she takes notice and listens immediately. She would follow him into hell if he asked her to.
They get inside with no issues. He isn’t home and the house is cleared. They’re searching his home office. Lucy asks Tim what they’re looking for? He tells her anything that can tell them where he is. It’s then Tim runs across some disturbing info. Confidential Police files on the Derian’s. Makes sense why nothing has stuck to them now. Someone’s been leaking info to the Armenian mob. A dirty cop in their midst…
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We rejoin them in their shop. Lucy asks if they can talk about earlier? So much has happened today he’s not sure what she means. Lucy says about Emmett. Tim is immediately defensive. Tells her nothing to say about it. He tried to tell him how to do his job. On today of all days. Tim says he doesn’t care if he’s her BF. Lucy instantly cuts him off and corrects him. Says he’s not. (ahhh Lucy your commitment issues are showing again my dear) Tells Tim he’s a little dead to her right now anyway. I’m sure in the back of Tim’s mind that gives him a little peace.
Then comes one of the best parts of the episode for them. In not so many words this scene is Tim revealing something. Showing Lucy he cares about her in the most Tim way possible. He voices in a much kinder way his fears from earlier in the ep. That yes she’s only 30 days from the finish line. What scares him is when she crosses it he won’t be there to keep her from washing out anymore. 'Or worse...' The way she looks at him when he says this *heart clutch* Tim Bradford speak for I don’t want to lose you.
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He solidifies it by reinforcing yeah he’s going to be tough on her. That is a straight fact. Then rolls a compliment into it as well. (How far we’ve come. *wipes tear*) Tells Lucy he’s only doing that because he KNOWS she can handle it. No one one knows her better than he does. No one will ever look out for her best interests better than he will. Or will prepare her the way he can. He only has 30 days left with her. Tim is going to make her as sharp as possible. So he can let her go when the time comes. Only way he will have peace of mind is if he does it this way.
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Lucy’s reactions says it all. Beaming a little as she explains how sweet it is. She knows how he struggles with his emotions. That he tends to show them through actions rather than words. The fact that he told her this means so much. Tim in a roundabout way, told her he cares so much for her he’s afraid losing her after they're no longer riding together. That he can't protect her anymore after that. So he’s going to do everything in his power to safeguard her from this jobs worst moments and possibilities like today.
She makes sure he knows how 'oddly sweet' she finds his words. Tim is trying to bite back a smile above. That sunshine of hers seeping in just a little bit more. Trying to be a grump and be like 'That's not what I meant' when that's exactly what he meant. Revealing more cracks in that emotional wall of his. God I love it so Much.
Lucy continues on and says he’s not the one she’s mad at right now. That’s she’s used to Tim. Then he does something S1 Tim would be appalled at. Gives her advice on her personal life. Doing it not to please her or get her to stop talking. But because he genuinely cares about her. Giving me all the feels in this one. My shipper heart may implode.
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Tells her Emmett is a fireman. So naturally they’re idiots LOL He makes Lucy smile in a way only he can. Tim forges on saying they mean well and Emmett is a 'not bad fireman'. Tells her not to write him off just yet. That he meant well by it. Look at our boy. I’m legit beaming with pride as I write this. How far this man has come in 2 seasons hell just this season alone. Leaps and bounds all due to the the sunshine human to his right.
Lucy being herself can’t help but rib him about this. That the reason he’s giving her this advice is cause they’re friends. Honestly yeah. At this point they are. S1 finale was the start of the friends foundation but they weren't there yet. It was the beginning of that deeper bond of theirs and we’re nearing the end of s2. All that foundation has now been laid. The fruits of it are they are friends now.
Best part of this section Is he doesn’t even deny it really. He scoffs a little af first (denial isn’t just a river in Egypt Tim) but concedes at the end. The light in his eyes and the crooked smile. You know this man is happy to be considered her friend. Her confidant. Once again Eric saying so god damn much with so little. I’ll never be over how good he is with that. Like ever. Could go on for miles and miles but I won’t do that to you all haha That wraps up their scenes together in this one. SO much good content thought. Oh my lord.
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Sadly Chris passes away and Jackson is distraught. Lucy being there for Jackson is so sweet. Taking care of her business with Emmett but putting him first. I love their friendship. I do admire he came over to apologize and say he was wrong. Saying she’s the strongest woman he knows. That the last thing she needs is a protector. Well you as her protector yes. sorry Emmett lol That role is not meant to be yours. She has her fierce protector already. Tim is that but her emotional protector first and foremost. I mean he would smash a dude's face in for her LOL but she doesn't need that. That's it for this one. Such a good episode for them I can not.
Side notes-Non Chenford
Longer than normal cause the entire episode is so good. The Chenford would’ve been enough but the ep being so good on top of it I’m happy.
Angela seeing Smitty’s cam footage LOL he’s such an idiot and we all love him haha sadly how she finds out Erin Cole is a dirty cop though. Or one of them…
The whole SL with Chris, Derians and Armstrong it’s so solid and stressful to watch baha his SL was shocking when I watched it the first time. Watching this squeaky clean cop fall from grace and become a dirty cop. Tragic af but compelling as hell.
Rewatching it through the eyes of knowing you can see how much he was giving away in his scenes. So sad the ending for Cole. Debt erasure is a huge motivator for most it’s truly so sad.
Watching John and Grace continue to fall apart sucks. I truly liked them more so than him and Bailey TBH. Their chemistry was evident.
Harper thanking John for all his help in getting her kid back. That she wouldn’t be here if not for him. The impact he had. Such growth for her. Since day one she has marched toward growth and where she is now. I adore her arc and how far she has come in this moment. Such an overall amazing episode. Hell of an ep before the finale.
Thank you all for the continued support through likes/comment and reblogs. Means more than I can ever say. Our next ep is the finale. Woo. I’ll see you all then :)
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torakan · 5 months
another part in one day?? crazy me. it’s as short as the precious one, but since we’re done with putting our comic into words, i hope next parts are gonna be longer ^^
That was one of the weirdest weeks in my whole life. Not only I’ve seen a little person… a little person, can you imagine?! In my apartment! I was so shocked holly molly… not only I’ve seen something strange like that, but I also scared them away so easily and after that I’ve been feeling like poop this whole time. Seriously, why does every little thing start to cry or runs away in fear when I approach? It’s been haunting me ever since I became an adult and now, when life has finally given me a chance to make up for this, showing a creature I couldn’t even imagine to exist, I had to screw up. I did my best not to disturb it, to be even more quiet than usual and to seem friendly if it wanted to approach me, but it all seemed useless, the things I left for them remained untouched. I checked that place almost every day, hoping to see at least something that could serve as a hint that they would want to make contact, but it was in vain. I’m ashamed to admit, but I even cried over it once, and I really hope they didn’t see me in that state. It’s just that that day a whole bunch of unfortunate things came together, and I somewhat couldn’t stand it anymore and... yeah, let’s not think about it, shell we? Haha.
So, after a week of looking for any signs, I decided to stop to not scare that creature again if they were still there and not to destroy myself with how desperately I wanted it to reach out. However, right when I promised that to myself my eyes, this time accidentally, landed on that little corner and imagine how surprised I was to find out that something has finally changed! I quickly took the bottle cap out of there and, taking a closer look, saw that there was another little note among other things. On it there was written a text: “I m fine dont wory. Please dont tell other beans about me. And dont bother. Rules.”
Well, at least now I knew for sure that this was an intelligent creature that spoke the same language as me and it satisfied my curiosity a little bit. It was so nice to finally receive an answer, I felt so relieved after reading this, you can’t even imagine. I was quite worried about them not to get in trouble because of me or to be safe… Though those few mistakes that they made in the writing I thought were so cute, it even made me chuckle.
But the last word “Rules”… Was it their name? Or were there any rules that didn’t allow them to interact with humans? I mean, why would it be forbidden in the first place? Probably, the experience of those creatures’ previous generations interacting with humans wasn’t that great. I bet it was even unpleasant to say the least, knowing how cruel most people are, that’s no wonder. But just in case it IS their name, which I should consider being a possibility, I’ll include it in reply. With that I simply wrote: “Okay, Rules” and left it with the piece of chocolate in the same place. If they didn’t want me to trouble them, I must try my best not to. That would be the least I could do, but at the same time… I’ll never be able to forget the fact that they are my neighbour, so I guess it’s only natural from now on for me to be extra careful around the house.
At with that another week has passed…
as always, comments and suggestions are appreciated ^^
tags: @gtzel @smallsday
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blackbat05 · 3 years
You’re the best to me
Dad Shangqi x Mom Reader
A/N: Well! This idea came out pretty quickly! I guess some of these experiences are what I experienced with my dad and I thought hey, why not spread some joy into these fics? It may be a bit different from what I originally planned but I really hope that you guys like it!🙇🏽‍♀️ <University Blues> is kinda like a prequel to this?
Genre: PG 13
Warnings: Rude parents, subtle racism in between the lines (please everyone, in this difficult time, we could treat one another nicely) and if you consider Shangqi absolutely adoring his little Princess a warning and just being a supportive Sports Dad in general than suree haha👍🏽
The arena was filled with noise as the Xu family stepped in. Little Xu Xiayi was clearly nervous as she gripped her father’s hand tightly. It was natural of course, because she would be competing in her first competition.
Shangqi bends down, adjusting his daughter’s taekwondo uniform. ‘How we feeling?’ Placing his hand against her heart he gasps dramatically for god measure, ‘Wow there’s a train in there!’ It did work for a few seconds as he manages to elicit a tiny smile.
‘You nervous?’
‘A little,’ Xiayi fiddles with her belt. How he wished he could take away the nerves for his baby girl. But if there was one thing he learnt from his own father, once you’re on the stage, you have to learn how to handle the nerves. Still he was aware that his girl was only 7 years old and was just starting out in competitive martial arts.
‘Baobei, look at me.’ He sees her brown eyes that she had inherited from him. ‘Whatever the result may be, as long as you gave it your all, me and your mama will be very proud of you.’
You bend down, huddling together with your two favorite people. ‘Baba is right, whatever the outcome, we know you tried your very best!’ In an effort to make Xiayi less nervous, you squeeze your baby in a big bear hug. Just then her number is called with another girl who was at least half a head taller.
‘Go Xiayi!’ You cheered, giving her a good luck kiss while Shangqi fist bumps her small hands. As she walks away, you notice Shangqi smiling to himself.
‘What’s in there mister?’ You teased. ‘Sad to see your little treasure finally being free?’
Your husband rolls his eyes as he slings his arm across your shoulder, trying to find seats among the other parents in the stands. ‘You wish. As long as I’m alive, Xiayi will never be free from me. I’m just happy to see Xiayi being such a strong girl. I was able to do something for her that I couldn’t do for my sister.’
You knew about the siblings’ rough childhood. ‘I’m sure Xialing would be proud of her niece. She told me she really wanted to come but something held her up back in Macau. She sends her best.’
The two of you manage to find pretty decent seats near where Xiayi was competing. And it looks like both the girl’s parents came too. Let’s just say you didn’t like the haughty looks on their faces. Still, you and Shangqi remained civil.
The match was more intense than you expected. And you felt yourself glowing with pride seeing how Xiayi matched up against the girl. As the two of you settled into your seats, more curious parents came by to see who was this unknown wonder kid. A mom with two other kids in tow tells you that Xiayi’s opponent is the number two seed in the draw.
But you knew Shangqi and you couldn’t agree with him more - matches were meant to have upsets. Seeding was just another thing of the past.
Throughout the match, both girls couldn’t break away. Until now. Xiayi manages to get a well-aimed kick at her head, helping her to break away from the tied score.
Time-out. The two went to the benches below the stands, taking much needed sips of water. Shangqi motions for me to stay put as the other girl’s parents rush to her. Xiayi needs to stay focused.
Just then, the girl’s father makes a comment to his daughter that causes your blood to rise in temperature. ‘Hurt her if you have to. Make sure that Chinese girl doesn’t stand a chance.’
Your head whips to Shangqi. He’s heard it too and boy, you have never seen him that pissed off before. But he won’t blow up now. For Xiayi, he must stay cool. He still tells her one thing before she gets back on the map.
‘Stay cool. Do what you’ve been doing.’
You could not bear the intensity that was unfolding in front of your eyes. For god sake this was just a children’s match! Shutting your eyes, you lean into your husband, praying for the best. You prayed that your little baby would show those arrogant assholes that they were wrong. That they should not have messed with the daughter of a martial arts master.
‘Babe, you don’t want to miss this.’ Shangqi nudges you, giving you the confidence you needed to see it through.
And Xiayi’s done it. She’s managed to do a roundhouse kick to the girl’s chest plate, taking home the win.
‘XU XIAYI!!!’ You grabbed Shangqi, jumping up and down in joy. Your girl had just caused a major upset in her very first tournament.
If you were ecstatic, Shangqi was over the freaking moon. He flew down the steps of the stands, letting Xiayi run into his arms before lifting her up and attacking her in kisses.
‘Hey! Hahaha! Baba stop! It tickles!’ You smile fondly at the wonderful sight in front of you. Suddenly, all these fears that Shangqi had of not being a good father, becoming like his dad who was filled with nothing but hatred just went out of the window at this very moment.
A loud crash is heard behind the father-daughter duo. Xiayi’s opponent throws her bag down in anger, storming ahead of her mother who is left to pick up her forgotten bag as the father walks beside to appease his own daughter. He sees the three of you celebrating and decides to continue to make the parade of uncalled comments. Shangqi tells you to take Xiayi away first.
‘She got lucky you know? No small sized Asian brat can beat our champ.’ Shangqi wonders, he wouldn’t exactly seek his father for advice but what would he do? He decides to walk forward, extending a hand. The other man is puzzled that Shangqi didn’t flip out completely but eventually takes his hand.
Shangqi sees the two of you from the corner of his eyes. No one insults his family and gets away with it. No one will undermine his daughter’s efforts because she’s different from others. With that in mind, he attacks every pressure point that he was taught, refusing to let the other hand go. Obviously the man couldn’t do anything as his daughter was watching this standoff, ‘Daddy what are you doing! Let’s go!’
‘Hold on a second hon-’ He leans forward, possibly to beg Shangqi to release his hand before it gets severed due to blood loss. But Shangqi beats him to it, ‘If I ever hear you say anything like that three feet within my daughter and wife you son of a bitch, your hands won’t be the one in pain.’
The man nods meekly, on the verge of crying out loud. Once Shangqi lets him go, the obnoxious family got out of the arena faster than you could say ‘Cheese’.
‘Baba! That was so cool! You’ve got to teach me that so that I can teach the boys in my school a lesson not to pick on me and Jenny!’ Xiayi runs into him, wrapping her small arms around his waist. He turns to you for answers only for you to mouth, she knew.
Although Xiayi was just a kid, but she was very perceptive. For now, Shangqi doesn’t want that incident interrupting his kid’s moment of glory. So he settles with a, ‘Sure baobei, baba will teach you one day.’ He bobs her crinkled nose.
You decide to interrupt. ‘Now I usually don’t allow this, but who wants boba?’
At this moment, you wondering if you were raising one or two children. ‘Last one out of here is a dumpling!’ Shangqi pretends to sprint ahead with Xiayi running after her father, leaving you behind.
How blessed were you, when this man popped into your life. All because you ran into him on a basketball court years ago?
With Xiayi now, there will definitely be ups and downs, but you felt that as long Shangqi was there with you, nothing felt too much.
A/N: Omg I have no idea how this turned out from the idea in my head HAHA😬 I hope it’s alright! Not an expert in taekwondo or martial arts in general so I tried to rack some basic information that is buried deep in my brain. As always, like and comment if you wish and thank you for reading!❤️
Special shout-out to @wint3r-h3art @crazycookiecrumbles @ntlmundy for encouraging me to write this piece that I had in my brain within such a short span of time! I thought that maybe you would like to read it the moment it comes out🙆🏽‍♀️
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darylsgirl · 4 years
I was claimed by Daryl Fucking Dixon NSFW 18+ Daryl Dixon & Reader
Your sick of waiting for Daryl to make a move or even speak to you and decide to dress up to do your chores hoping you’ll catch his eye.
You manage more than that He gets jealous when other men/ and one woman ;) show an interest and he admits he’s wanted you all this time an roughly claims you.
*Heyyy to anyone who reads this! If anyone reads this Haha, This is my first ever attempt at fan fic and it kind of got away from me and is a lot more intense than i thought it would be! If there’s anything you don’t like about this please feel free to tell me! I’d love to improve for my next one :) Hope y’all are having a great day wherever you are :)*
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How long had it been? Since the end of it all? 
Since all those carefree nights we used to stay up drink, party & Fuck. 
Months? Years? 
It felt like all time stood still when He found me. 
I was alone, Terrified & hiding in an abandoned liquor store when I heard them, I Snuck to the window and saw the biggest herd of walkers I had ever seen. I made sure all the bottle’s i had scavenged were wrapped up in my clothes to dampen the noise and waited for a break in the herd so I could make a run for it to my bike just across the road. After what felt like hours there it was my chance i put my hand on the door handle but before I was even able to twitch the handle,  I felt a hand clamp over my mouth and drag me backwards away from my chance of escape. 
“Fuck you think your doin girl, Tryna get yourself eaten!” I stared up at the man before me with his hand still over my mouth. His angry eyes met mine and I stopped fighting gazing up into those piercing blue eyes. That was the last thing I saw before the pistol came down on my temple. 
I woke with a bag over my head and my wrists bound, I was in a car and I could hear the engine stopping and the brakes kicking in ‘Shit’ . I thought I had no time to think of a way out of this. Two doors slammed shut and I could hear two men arguing.
“Answer me, Fuck did you hit her for Merle. She’s only a girl she couldn’t av ‘urt us, She looked me in ma eyes. There was no fight just fear” 
“Bitch had it comin Daryl, Tryna kill hersel and take us with her” 
“Did’n even no we were there, Or are you that shit of a hunter yous unable to sneak up on people naw, Stop being an asshole and get the fuck outta ma way” 
The car boot opened and someone lifted me out by putting a hand under my knees and one under my head cradling me, he held me tightly with my head in his chest. I inhaled and could smell his manly scent, It was intoxicating, He held me for a moment more before he set on my feet; next the bag was ripped off my face. Instinctively I winced waiting to see if the light would blind me but all was still dark around and i could see we were in a forest.  The man with the mesmerising eyes gripped my arm and started walking me into the woods. 
A logical person would feel fear at this point but there was something about those eyes, I just trusted him.
“Got a lil way’s to go, ya ok walkin? Or you need me to carry you rest of the ways?” His southern drawl mixed with those blue eyes made my knees go weak. I stumbled slightly then stood again and kept one foot in front of the other. I nodded to the man that I was ok and kept going. 
Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the edge of a camp, A few people rushed forward “Shit what happened to her?” “Has she been bit?” “Why is her head covered in blood?” “Where did you find her?”
Daryl rolled his eyes and replied “Merle, No she aint, Merle again annnd liquor store.” He said the last answer with a smirk. 
I scowled at the pair and dropped my mouth open to throw a few choice words their way when I was stopped by Merle grabbing me and spinning me round to face him, He moved some hair out of my face, fingers lingering near my mouth and said.
“Girl looks mighty fine to me, Pretty face not messed up, not one bit! And I do love me a pretty face sweetheart” he winked at me moving his hand from my mouth to my throat he pulled me close to him wrapping his other arm around my back to pull our pelvises close together so I could feel his growing erection against my stomach. “How about it honey” He said winking again  
I drew my head back with the intention of smashing his nose, When we were tackled to the floor Merle was pulled away from me and i rolled onto my back and back on to my feet, I looked back at the two brothers and saw Daryl’s hand smashing into his brothers face whilst he was shouting “I’ll mess up your face you asshole” 
Daryl was dragged off Merle by two men, Merle got to his feet and laughed “It’s allllll good baby bro, I’ll forget about this, this time. I know how feral you get when you see a pussy you wanna claim.”
Daryl locked eyes with me as Merle said this then spat at the ground at Merle’s Feet He picked up his crossbow off the ground and stormed off towards the woods shouting “Man forget ya, I had enough of your shit for one night” over his shoulder. 
That was months ago now, That night the group took me in and took care of me and I took care of them. We moved from the original camp to the CDC then a farm and now we are in a prison in Georgia. The prison has been good to us so far, there was that run in with a crazy guy who called himself the governor and we lost a few of our family. But we persevered and built this place into a home and soon started bringing in new people to help run our home and join our family. 
In the time i had been with this group i had noticed there were a lot of frustrated people here, Especially the men, I can’t get through a day without some proposition or another. I also can’t say that I didn't enjoy the attention, It had been awhile since I had felt another's hands on my body and I craved it, I craved it more than air at times and the person I craved it the most from had decided to pretend I didn't exist. But that didn’t stop me from going to bed each night with my wandering hands and relieving my aching pussy with the thoughts of his hands exploring my body and that voice groaning in my ear. Hit the spot every time. 
There had been a few men that had caught my attention but after a few conversations and meet ups with each they all started to pretend i didn’t exist the same as he had. I didn’t even get so much as a kiss from any of the fuckers and when i decided to confront them and ask why they refused to tell me and walked away. 
It had hit summer here and i had hit my breaking point, I’d had enough of being passed over and wasn’t going to take this shit anymore, I was going to make them all regret not taking me up on the opportunity when it was there for the taking.
I woke early for my shift in the fields the next morning, Still thoroughly determined to set my plan in motion I grabbed my knife and a set of clothes and set to work. I cut most of the legs off my jeans and the sleeves from my Tartan shirt. I pulled the jean shorts on and folded the legs over so they became tighter and pushed my already perky ass up. I then pulled my shirt on forgoing the usual under shirt and tied the two sides closed in a knot above my belly button so my slim waist was on display. I buttoned one button above the knot so that not too much of my bra was showing; Turning it from slutty to sexy. I pulled on my best brown cowboy boots. Combed my hair out. I was very lucky to have thick wavy hair that rarely required me doing anything with it. I just let it dry and brush, I grabbed Maggie’s make up bag and applied a small amount of make up just to accentuate my natural features.Smiling at myself in the mirror this was perfect, Let's see that southern shit ignore me now. Or any of the others for the matter. 
I sauntered out of my cell into the main block and walked the long way through the middle of everyone taking extra care to have a bounce in my step to make my boobs bounce nicely and swayed my hips more to make my ass jiggle as I walked. I greeted everyone in the same way i usually would with cheery “Good Morning’s” Instantly i felt eyes roaming my body and not just the male’s which made me grin I was happy either way. A few let out low whistles and I winked in return. This felt great. I want to feel this way every day, my pussy had soaked my panties by the time I had made it out of the block and into the yard I was panting with need. 
I took a few minutes to calm my breathing before continuing out towards the field, I glanced at the guard tower to make sure he was here today keeping watch, When i saw his leather vest and his longish wavy hair my breath quickened again, Shit it was going to be hard to get through today without a little relief, It took everything i had not to rush up the guard tower and beg him for it, Instead i continued over to the field, waiting until i was in his vision before looking up smiling and waving. Sure enough there he was binoculars in his hand staring down at me. I grinned again, wiggled my fingers at him and sauntered away from the tower. 
Luck was with me today and I was set to work on the potatoes which were planted in a perfect view of the guard house. I made sure to always face the tower when just sitting working so he had the frontal view and when I needed to bend up or down I turned my back to him so he got a great view of my ass. Everything I did that day I made sure to find some way to make it sexier. More than a few men came to bring me water or talk to me that day i gave each of them a big grin, Laughed and put my hand on their arms and send them on their way enough to make them feel there could be a chance, I felt Fucking powerful. 
At the end of the day i saw Maggie making her way over to me with a backpack over her shoulder, “Y/N I gots you a gift” she said in a sing song voice “from Merle of all people” she laughed and pulled out two big bottles of Merle’s special moonshine “I guess someone saw your production today sugar” She giggled a bit more handed you a bottle and settled down on the grass next to you. 
Ever since Merle and me brought Y/N back to the group with us she’s been a literal pain in my pants, I'm surprised my cock was even capable of a hard on at this point as it feels like it hasn't gone down in months. So far i have managed to stay away from her as i wasn’ gonna let no bitch get the better of me and i wasn’ going to let fuckin Merle be right. 
My mind wandered back to her again when i started my shift in the guard tower that morning, I considered going into the office to rub one out but decided i'd be on the balcony waiting, I always made sure i got the shifts in this tower when she was being put in the fields, Watching her sweating down there in the heat was good enough to get me off later in the night when i was alone in the office. I lived out of this tower now as I liked it better alone even now with Merle being back in the prison, I didn’ need his shit talking around me at all hours. Not when I had my own entertainment. 
There she was right on time to interrupt me from my thoughts, Holy shit what was she fucking wearing. I grabbed my binoculars to get a closer look, When i found her again with them she was almost fucking naked by the looks of it! In tiny shorts and an even smaller top, From this vantage point i had the best view straight in her bra, I kept my eyes on her all day fuck the perimeter it’ll be fine and i’m sure some weak ass will scream and let me know. 
I watched her all day as she wiggled her hips and wiped the sweat from her chest, Turns out i wasn’t the only one watching even guys I've fuckin told before to stay away come flocking, What don’t the asshole’s understand about “i’m always fuckin watchin” by her quitting time it wasn’t just my dick that was rock hard and throbbin but also the vein in my temple that tells me i’m about to snap.
Balling my fists up i wait for her to start walking back but Maggie fuckin Greene starts walking towards her, Fuck sake. I send the next watch away and tell them ill radio to come back. I wasn’t allowing no fucker to have this view. I watched as Maggie sat down in the grass with Y/N and pulled out two large bottles. I grabbed the binoculars again. Fuckin Merle! That’s his shine if i ever saw it. Making a mental note to smack that bastard later for this. Now everyone had gone back inside it was deadly silent out here which meant their voices were carrying more than they knew and i could hear every word. I settled back down and watched the girls for a while biding my time. 
You both look at each other with a glint in your eyes, Pop the tops off your bottles and start downing it. Maggie comes up for air first. Dropping my bottle and swallowing the harsh liquid i Cheer in celebration and yell a little too loud “that Merle may be an asshole but he sure makes some good hooch” 
“Sooooo ya had any bites today?” Maggie grins winking at you. “Yeah but not the one i want, He’s so fucking frustrating. I think I've noticed him watching me more today than he has the entire time i’ve known him” I sigh. 
“You know he's got a huge thing for you or he wouldn’t be acting like this”  Maggie Giggled. “But then who in this friggin place doesn’t especially after today! You even made my breath hitch never mind poor Glenn who had to get a shower!” “Ugh maggie he’s your guy why the hell is he looking at me!” I grimaced. She put her hand on my thigh and winked at me again “He’s got my permission, don't worry it spices things up a little” I didn’t move her hand just enjoyed the feeling of her fingers running up and down the inside of my thigh.
We both downed more of Merle’s hooch giggling and the conversation turned to a debate on the size of Daryl's dick. I lick my lips promising to tell her if I ever get my hands on it. The conversation is turning more and more heated as her hand is getting closer and closer to my throbbing core. She’s getting that close now I’m sure she can probably feel the heat coming from it.  As we are getting close to the bottom of our bottles and really starting to feel the effect Maggie still with one hand on my thigh leans close to my face and whispers “He’s stayed up there watching past his shift. Let's give him something to see hmm?” As she’s finishing the end of her sentence I bridge the gap between us and meet her lips with mine. I bring my hand up to her hair and pull her closer into me, deepening the kiss Moaning into her lips. 
When the girls first started chatting i wanted to find out who they could be talkin about and punch the prick out till i heard my name and if my ears weren't already prickling up they definitely were now, He heard Y/N promise Maggie that if she sees ma dick she will tell her how big. He bites his lip and decides he’ll help her keep that promise. 
He picks his binoculars back up and notices Maggie's hand running up and down Y/N’s thigh. If there were two people he thought he wouldn’t have to warn away, it would have been Glenn and Maggie and they pick a night that he’s mad as hell to change his mind about that? 
He brings one hand to his aching dick giving it a few tugs through his pants to relieve some of the pressure and brings his eyes back to them just as he sees the girls lean into each other, Shit! Shit! He doesn’t know whether to run down there and interrupt finally or let them continue. Y/N pushes Maggie to lay her fully down and straddles her hips, I grabbed my radio and called for the replacement as i couldn’t take much more.
While i waited for the lazy shit to get here i watched Y/N & Maggie get even more heated and their hands exploring each other the moaning reaching me in the tower, I look to my right and see Glenn watching from behind one of the buildings hands and lower half suspiciously hidden.
Ah hell no fuck this tower! Daryl reaches over the side and grabs the pipe work swings himself over and uses it to get down quickly. As he hits the bottom his replacement is strolling over he grabs him by the scruff of his shirt blocking his view into the field. “Put ya lazy ass in that office and don’t fuckin leave till i come back and tell ya, ya can leave. Ya fuckin hear me?” I growl at him. The kid runs into the office in the tower. I spin around pretending not to see Glenn hiding there, I ran across the field towards the girls and as i reached them i let my shadow fall over them. 
From where i am lay on top of Maggie i watch as Daryl slides down the side of the watch tower and charges over to us, I smile against Maggie's lips when he gets closer i moan feeling her hand snake its way into my bra, Were both panting loudly and moaning when his shadow falls over us. 
He clears his throat next thinking we hadn’t noticed him there. Maggie moves her mouth to my neck and I let out another moan but this time I raise my eyes to his and lick my bottom lip not breaking eye contact. 
“Come with me...NAW” Daryl growls and grabs my arms and pulls me off and up. Maggie looks at him and pouts “oh boo Daryl always gotta ruin our fun” I wave to Maggie giggling as he starts to drag me across the field. 
“What the fuck Daryl” I try to push him off my arm but his hands are unyielding. “Shut the fuck up ill deal with ya in a minute” He growls and pushes me up against the wall of a building stares longingly into my eyes then darts his arm out and smashes someone’s head into the wall. “Didn’t think id have to fuckin warn ya Glenn, Thought it was pretty fuckin obvious. Don't let me catch ya ass again” he grabs my arm again and drags me across the court yard until we reach a secluded spot, He slams my back up another wall and presses his body up against mine keeping me pinned between him and the wall. 
“What you think you’ve been doing girl, Flaunting your shit all day for any man to beat his meat too?” 
I squirm under his gaze, Shit i think i actually pissed him off, Definitely not the emotion i was going for!
“You think i’m gonna sit by and let tha happen?” 
I find my voice, “What do you mean, You won’t let something happen. You’re not the boss of me!” you say glaring back at him, If he wants to play the pissed off game he won’t be playin it alone.
“Ya know exactly what i mean! I’ll show you who the fuckin boss Y/N” He said, pressing his hips harder into mine. I try to suppress my moan. His eye’s darken even more hearing me moan for him now. 
“Who do you think told those pricks to back the fuck away from you, They wouldn’t of just left you alone on their own naw, they needed some rough persuasion Y/N” 
I glare at him again and he pushes his hips back into mine again.”Ya gonna learn yet? Every time you glare at me, ill smash my dick into that dirty clit o urs” He explains with a wink. 
Not knowing how to respond to that You ask “You’re the reason no man looks at me anymore? What fucking business is it of yours”
“Hell fuckin yeah i am” He says with a smirk “No one will dare ya touch you if I've claimed ya, So i did” “Naw I’ve claimed you, I’ve made it very clear if anyone touches you they’ll lose a fuckin arm” He growled
“For fuck sake Daryl! You can’t just put claims on a girl you don’t even give a fuck about” I said with a snarl.
“I give a fuck, Just didn’ want ya to know i gave a fuck, I enjoyed watchin ya squirm... but ya forced ma hand and naw... Well naw i aint gonna be gentle bout it”
You close your eyes tight, If he hadn’t of “claimed” me i would be in heaven now but learning that he’s behind your dry well makes you so mad. 
“This what you were trying to get huh?” “I would of thought twice before you pulled this shit, I aint no gentle man” she breathed into her ear. His gravelly voice driving me crazy. 
I look him in the eyes and shove him hard, running back to the cell block. I took a breather when i got through the door and realised he hadn’t followed me. As i was walking past the showers a hand darted out and pulled me inside. 
“Woah what the fuck” I gasped as I felt a hand move over my ass and pull me against him, Jees i need to wear this outfit more often. 
I was pulled into the light and saw it was Zach who had pulled me in with him, Zach was one of the ones who daryl must of scared away. 
“Hey baby, Missed me?” he breathed at me. “How could i miss you zach i never got a chance to know you, You let that asshole scare you away” I said hurt 
“Gimmie another chance Y/N, ill show you a good time, This could be our secret. We could have some real fun and piss that hillbilly asshole off” He squeezes me tighter to him. 
“Gerrof Zach if your too pussy to pursue someone when warned of by a man I’ve only ever spoken to once then you’re not a guy i want any fucking part of”
“Awww c’mon you don’t mean that” he grips the back of my head and pushes his lips to mine i tried to fight him off be but he had too tight of a grip. 
A low growl came from the doorway “I believe she said to get ya bitch ass hands off her” Zach jumped back like someone had shocked him when he heard the voice. Daryl walked forward and put his arm round my shoulder “an i believe i told ya to not even look at her again bitch” His voice gets louder “Tell me asshole what did i say i was gonna do to ya?” 
H waited a moment staring at Zack “Hmm to fuckin scared to answer?” he walks forward and punches him rapidly in the face Zack goes sprawling across the shower floor. Daryl stands over him and threatens “it’ll be worse next time if you don listen to me and come near ma girl again”
Daryl turns and heads back to you and wraps his arm around your shoulders again “Bet Ya glad i claimed you now” I nod slightly. I squirm out of his arms and run back to my cell, my hooch high still buzzing in my mind. Thank god without this how could i be this brave? I smile when I get to my cell wondering how long it will take him to catch me. 
I  barely had time to catch my breath before i felt him, He made no noise whatsoever like a hunter closing in on his prey.Whenever he was near me it felt like my entire body was electrified and tuned only to him. 
I spun around and my breath hitched in my throat at the sight of that venomous glare, He just stood and glared with his eye’s roaming every inch of you, You could feel every hair on your body standing to attention for him. 
In the blink of an eye he was back in front of you again pinning you back against the wall with his hand tangled in your hair, pulling your head to the side exposing your neck. 
He looks over your body panting his eyes still liquid stone, Ever glaring. I could feel the heat coming off him in waves as he studied me. His pushed his mouth next to my ear, “When i’m finished with ya, ya legs will be useless and everyone in this damn place gon know my name. An i promise you aint gon forget who’s ya are” He paused for a second staring into my eyes, “Naw take this shit off before i rip it off ya” He said pulling roughly at my shirt.
With Shaking hands i reach up and untie my shirt and push it off my shoulders, Watching his eyes grow darker as he watched. My shirt fell to the floor he grabbed the centre of my bra “All of it” He growled. I undid my bra and threw that into the corner. He looked down at my shorts seeming impatient gripped both sides and ripped them down. He came back up to me gripped my arms and pushed me further up the wall off the floor and quickly puts his legs in between mine and rests my body on them. 
He reaches forcing my head to the side again and brings his mouth down to my neck kissing and biting furiously his other hand gripping my breast roughly, Earning a loud moan from me. I reached for his shirt desperate to run my hands on him, Before my hands met their mark he had gripped my wrists pinning them above my head. 
“Ya don’t move, Touch or make a fuckin sound unless i say so, Ya hear?” I nodded eyes growing wide at his words. He let my feet touch the ground again and tore my underwear off, He bunched them up in his hand “Mmm look how wet these pantie’s are for me girl” “Open your mouth, Naw” I obediently complied letting him stuff them into my mouth, Dying to moan under his stare. 
He stepped back and let his vest fall over his shoulders and hit the floor, He then took his shirt off and used it to bind my hands together. He stood back admiring his handiwork, I Squirmed under his lustful gaze feeling myself getting wetter by the second. I watched him slowly bring his hands to his belt unfastening it then his button and zip, His pants hit the ground and he kicked them to the side. My breath went wild when I saw him in all his glory i love a man who doesn’t wear any underwear.
He lunged forward again pulling my legs over his and wrapping leg around his hips pressing his huge dick at my entrance. It was so long and thick: my mouth started salivating instantly imagining wrapping my mouth around it. 
He pulled my underwear from my mouth and growled into my ear “Scream my fucking name” as he plunged his entire length into me, The breath was forced from my lungs “shitt, Daryl!”
“Did i fuckin stutter, I said scream it” he growled again biting my neck pulling out almost of the way and plunging deep into me again. Damn did i scream this time my eyes rolling back into my head enjoying the sensation. 
“Tha’s better now ride it bitch” 
I felt raw already from his huge length and girth filling me like i’d never been filled before. Pulling my arms around his neck to steady myself i used him to pull myself back up and then down slowly trying to adjust to his size. 
His mouth met mine in a rough eager kiss, capturing my tongue with his. He pulled his mouth back to my neck and whispered “Ya don know how long i’ve been waiting for this, Tell me how much you love my dick Y/N”
“Ahh” i cried out “so much baby so much” My eyes rolling into the back of my head still rolling my hips onto him. “Naw, Tell me who you belong to” “You” I moaned “You i belong to you daryl” I panted out. 
“Louder! I want everyone in the fuckin place to know your mine” 
“Oh god, Daryl, I’m yours! Only yours” I screamed 
“Better” He smirked. He moved my arms from around his neck and released my hand’s from his shirt. He walked backwards with me still perched on him, His legs hit the end of the bed and he sunk down taking me with him. 
“Now show me how much you love this dick”
I positioned myself better over him and sunk down to the hilt slowly savouring every glorious inch of him. My eyes shot open again moaning when my clit hit his pubic bone and i started grinding harder and faster now. 
I could feel his hand’s everywhere, God i can’t believe how long i had been longing for this moment, I cried out again. He leant up on his elbows and pulled one of my nipples into his mouth nibbling, and running his nails down the inside of my thighs. The combination was pure ecstasy. I could already feel the pressure in my mound building painfully begging to be released. 
He removed his mouth from me earning a sad moan from me desperate to feel his mouth on me, He looked back at my eye’s amusement on his face. He ran both hands up to my chest again gripping almost painfully. “And these, Who do they belong to Y/N?” “You baby, All yours” i breathed shakily. I was so close when he growled again “Say my fuckin name” My wall’s started constricting against him. “Ahh god, Daryll ....fuck Daryl” His eyes shone at my words. He was even more spurned on now. He flipped us over, throwing me into the bed and pulled my hips into the air ramming harder and deeper than before. 
“Cum for me baby” He whispered in his incredible gravelly voice.
Those four words was all I needed to push me over the edge. Crying his name out again i felt the damn of pressure welled up in me from the moment I saw him burst open. I rode out my high as hard as i could against him, I collapsed to the bed and felt him slow down, My brain fuzzy from my incredible high. I tried pushing myself up on my elbows and my eyes caught another’s at the door. 
I looked down and back up rubbing my eyes, “Shit Darryl stop!” I reached for the sheets to pull them over me. There were at least 6 men gazing in, Daryl continued unperturbed. You tried putting your hand behind you trying to push at his stomach to get his attention. He captured your arm and it around your back and pulled you up against him. 
“You think I didn't know, Now tell me again who you belong to” “Daryl please!” I said trying to cover my chest. He grabbed the sheet and flung it away. 
Rick spoke up from the back Your cheeks flushed horrified they had all seen you in the throws. “I think Daryl told you to do something, He doesn’t like to be kept waiting” He said with a gleam in his eyes. You gazed around the men seeing Rick, Zack, Merle, Glenn & i wasn’t sure who else grinning enjoying the show. I was suddenly unashamed as i felt the pressure build back up dangerously high.
Daryl seeing my eyes wander over the group wrapped my hair around his wrist and pushed my head back into the bed, Ramming harder and faster than i’d ever felt before making me scream again. “Say it” he shouted at me “Ahh shit im daryl’s, You claimed me baby” He replied “And no one else is going to make you feel this good again are they?” 
“God no, Only you, Ahh so good!”
“Ya heard her '' He said addressing the men “She’s mine. Naw you can all fuck off back to your pits and keep your fucken hand’s to your selves asshole’s” You heard Merle hoot “wooowee you get it baby brother” You stomach turned grateful daryl had told them to leave, before his body pushed another orgasm out of you. 
They all turned and left as Daryl biting my ear lobe moaned into me “Now cum again for me baby” He suddenly dove his hand under me and onto my clit. 
I instantly caved again screaming into the bed. 
Feeling my second orgasm pushed him to the brink again and he jackhammered into me. Hard. Chasing his high. I pushed back furiously desperate to feel him. I moaned “Cum in me Daryl please i need to feel you” 
I felt him explode moaning my name and grinding deep into me riding it fully out” 
He collapsed on top of me breathless. We lay like that for a few minutes when I felt him going hard in me again. He pulled out and lay back on the bed pulling me into his chest his heart still pounding in his chest.
“God girl, If i’d of known you were that good a fuck, I’d of taken you that first fucking night” A relaxed grin on his face. 
He turned and took my face in his hands kissing me softly and murmured into my lips “I hope you don’t think i'm done with you yet” He winked “I aint had a girl like you in a loooong time i aint even close to done with ya” 
He rolled back onto me pulling my lip with his teeth. “Ready?” I nodded desperate to feel him again. 
God knows how many hours & Orgasms later he fell off me pulling me close into his chest again. I passed out instantly, Thoroughly exhausted. He chuckled into my hair and followed me into blissful sleep. 
When we woke the next morning his arms still tight around me, Smiling in his sleep. 
I looked over happy wishing i could stay here forever but there was work to be done. 
I slowly picked his arm up and tried to wiggle out from under it, Before i'd gotten half way those glorious muscles had flexed and pulled me straight back into him. “Morning beautiful. Hope you don’t think your going anywhere. We’ve got so much time to make up for.” He nuzzled his face into yours sweetly. You could feel him growing hard against your hip. “Don’t worry i’m feeling responsible. I’ll make it quick!” 
He fucked me again for another hour until we were both sweaty, shaky wrecks. 
I groaned and rolled to the edge of the bed and sat up trying to stand up and instantly felt my legs buckle beneath me. He was up and caught me before i came crashing down. He laughed. “Don’t say i didn’t warn you” You laughed with him. “God, I love that sound” He said, staring into my eyes and planting a sweet kiss onto my lips. He stood and started grabbing his clothes from around the room and dressing. 
“Take your time getting up, I’m back in the guard tower again today, Don’t forget what i taught you last night” He said with a wink and ducked down to kiss me. He moved to the doorway and moved the curtain turning back at me. “Oh and babe I wanna see that outfit again today, Now i know it’s all for me” He winked again and left. 
I fell back on the bed with a huge grin on my face. Holy shit I can't wait for tonight! 
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Snitches give you stitches.
Summary: You’re a Qudditch player who had eyes for a certain magical zoologist and he has an eye for the best (you.) (hurt/comfort if you squint) 
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Male Reader
Key: (Y/N)- your name
Word Count: 1574
A/N: it’s been a while haha. sorry about that, i’ve been preparing to move out and go to uni. so it’s been a bit hard to concentrate on writing. enjoy though!
Newt cheered from the crowd as you flew across his vision, he wasn’t for sports or being outside or cheering really, but seeing you flash a smile and a wink at him made his heart stop. He’d been watching you practice since he could remember, patching you up on more than one occasion, this time was apparently no exception as you stared longingly at him, you lost control of your broom just able to pull up to crash head first and now tangled in a big banner. “(Y/N)! Are you okay?” Newt honest to Merlin ran out onto the field, ducking players as they landed to check on you. You groaned trying to untangle yourself from the banner, not quite succeeding as Newt pulled the last bit off your head. His face inches from yours, checking you for injuries, but all you could think about was the heat in your cheeks as he touched you gently. “I’m fine.” You blurted out, standing up quickly and walking fast to get away from him. You could feel his frown in the back of your head as you limped to the benches, keeping your head plastered to the ground.
Newt sighed, but smiled. You looked fine, but your face fell as Newt watched you get lectured about safety. Your sheepish smile as you charmed the trouble right off of you. He thought it was an amazing skill. The way you handled people, you had said it was more of a curse than a blessing which he couldn’t understand. Newt waved at you from the stands, however you just kept your eyes glued on the real players wishing you were soaring with them, but you could guess why you couldn’t as you saw some people rehanging the banner and throwing away the broom you had somehow broken. Just like that practice was over.
The crowd went wild and so did you and Newt as you sat together, cheering your team on. The first game of the season, your blood was pumping as hard as the other people around you who were definitely more intense than you. Sporting the colours of your team, screaming their chants. You wondered if it might not be better to take Newt down to one of the team boxes, it was much too loud out here for him to be comfortable. “Newt?” You tried to grab his attention, but it was far too loud. So instead you grabbed his shoulder making him turn to you at full speed, the blush quickly settling on his cheeks when he realised it was you. “What?” He shouted loudly at you. “Follow me!” “What?!” He rolled his eyes at the crowd, earning a few dirty looks. “FOLLOW ME!” At Newt the crowd suddenly decided to be quiet at that moment. “Okay” Newt smiled, his whole body freezing when you took his hand to lead him to a quiet box. The atmosphere changed as they entered, your ears ringing slightly.
“This is nice” Newt smiled, sitting clearly more comfortably on one of the seats, his shoulders just slightly pulled back in relief. “Another exciting goal hit by the home team. The chaser once again showed just how little of a chance the competition of winning. Come on lads! Come on!” They watched the game in mostly silence, your hand trying so hard to inch closer and closer to Newt’s, but as you almost reached out a pinkie, the crowd quieted in anticipation before the announcer shouted into the microphone. “The snitch has been spotted!” You could see him jump up and down in his chair from here even. Newt squinted his eyes, trying to find it, but failing, you put a hand on his shoulder (successfully) pointing out the little gold speck on the field. You both felt the heat around the areas you touched. Newt cleared his throat out as you yawned, pulling away with a small frown.
“A few moments, folks, that’s all it takes for a win. The teams are down to the hair, none have enough points to qualify, who will be left behind?” The announcer blared through the box as they now sat 2 seats away from each other. “Oh no, folks, our star chaser has lost control, the strong gust of wind has added a disadvantage to our seekers as well.” You watched in horror as the chaser caught a particularly strong wind causing him to spin out of control and crash against the grass, clutching his leg, but the crowd went insane, you both looked up to see your team had caught the snitch.
“You need me to w-what?” You stuttered as you watched your teammate getting patched out, benched for a few days to heal.
“Play. You saw what just happened. We need you out there, rookie.” Your coach’s brows glued together, his face red and sweaty like he had played with them. You gulped.
“Did you hear that?!” He did a little jump excitedly, you just groaned, looking down at your feet. He frowned, unsure of why you wouldn’t be happy. “Hey… You’re... a g-great player” He tried to compliment you more specifically, but he didn’t know how. Newt put a hand awkwardly on your shoulder, patting it. You shrugged it off. “What’s wrong? You haven’t been well all week.” He frowned, looking at your face up and down for any signs of way. A sad glint in his eyes as you sighed. “I’m not good enough.” You muttered. “What?” He asked, you guessed he didn’t hear you. “I’m not good enough!” You shouted back, making Newt step back away. “What? How? You’re the best!” He exclaimed confidently, you laughed a little too grimly. “I’m not. Not by a lot.” “No. You are. I know that, I wish you did.” He frowned harder than you thought. “Don’t act like you don’t pity my washout. Don’t act like you love me at all. Not like me.” You shouted back, he gasped, taking another step away. You shut your hand over your mouth.
Newt darted his wide eyes around your face, betrayal and hurt painted it across it as he turned his back on you. You had the largest pit in your stomach as a quidditch uniform was thrown into your arms along with a team broom. Your heart was beating in your ears as you exited into the field. You saw Newt leave in the corner of your eye, to sit in the stands. How were you supposed to do this? All of your insecurities were obvious as you mindlessly played with the hem of your shirt, fidgeting in every way possible. Strapping and unstrapping your gloves, switching broom hands, all the works. Newt was looking more and more concerned as he watched you step on your broom.
Your teammates made quick work of their warmups, looking as concerned as Newt as you continued to dissociate. You had given up all hope of your quidditch dreams when you got bumped to the reserves, you never actually thought you’d play again. Not like this. You had managed to pull a few stretches and
You stared up as the seeker’s sped past almost through off your balance, luckily the beaters on each side of you bumped you into a straight course as you somehow managed to score another goal. The other team’s keeper looked pissed.
“Keep formation!” One of them shouted at you. Breathe in and out, you thought, inhaling deeply as you dove to catch. You heard the crowd cheering, catching a glimpse of Newt who was cheering just as furiously, which made you smile. You got the signal from your seeker and realised it was time to spread out for space. It was the checkmate now. You changed formation, baiting the other team to follow your movements allowing your seeker the space she needed to get the snitch she had spotted. You scored 2 more goals in formation, confidentially dodging the other team and before you had time to notice, your seeker whizzed past catching the snitch right under your nose. Winning the game. You let out a laugh as you slowed down, diving for the field.
You landed aggressively, surrounding your seeker, the team hugging each other. You had qualified, even with you on the team, you were going to the world’s. You heard someone call your name from behind, it was Newt running towards you at full speed. “You were amazing!” He shouted as he came to a stop almost tripping into you, a small blush across his cheeks from running. You laughed “You can say it” You smiled sheepishly as he let out a full belly laugh like you hadn’t heard before. “I told you so.” He grabbed you for a tight hug, pulling away, you stopped to look at him.
He was out of breath on account of running half the field to hug you, a wide smile painted on his face and the stadium light reflected off his pale skin, only exaggerating the heat on his face. He looked pretty. “You’re amazing.” You huffed out, pulling him in for a kiss, he stiffened at first, a little confused and angry. He had wanted to kiss you first, but he relaxed into it pushing against you, his hand reaching for your neck in fear of fainting against your flattery.  
“Whatever.’ Newt said breathlessly, grabbing your hand shyly as you pulled him to the team to celebrate.
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Pairing: The Bad Batch x Reader (Polyam)
Summary: It’s been a year or so since you left the Batch (caught up with the series timeline, some SPOILERS) Warning: Mentions of death, shooting, yelling, angst, fluff, mentions of slavery, minor TBB SPOILERS
Word Count: 2048
A/N: D-5 is supposed to be a rendition of D-O, which i know isn’t really canon haha
pt xii, pt xiv
You rushed through the forest quickly, speaking into your com device.
“I’m making my way to you! Be ready!” You instructed.
“Give me a sec.”
“You have 3 feet to be ready, I’m nearly there!”
You burst through the foliage of the forest and grabbed the blaster from your teammate’s waist before shooting the enemies chasing you. You huffed and glared back at them.
“You told me you were good at this!”
“Look, I don’t do short distances!” He tried to explain.
“You’re a damn sniper, snipers do any distance with a clear shot!” You turned to the ship to another teammate, “Everyone on board?”
“Locked and loaded. This might be our last batch for a while…”
“I know.” You sighed, “Get on, we’re leaving.”
“When the Empire said they were gonna make things better, I expected Caetum to be up and running smoothly.”
“The Empire is all the same as the others who tried to keep ‘order’.” You muttered while taking off your helmet, “Let’s just get out of here.”
“This really was your home planet?” A teammate queried.
You nodded, holding onto something as the ship took off. Once you were steady in open space, you moved to the storage part of the ship where there were multiple people huddled together.
“Is everyone alright?” You hung a small lantern to illuminate their faces more.
“Thank you…” An elderly woman said and you smiled, holding her hands in yours as you crouched down.
“I wish I could’ve saved more…”
“You have done so much for us… your name already lingers…”
“The Great Lodestar.” A man spoke up, “I heard from one of the troopers that other planets were talking about you…”
“I… have freed others, but it’s still not enough.”
“It takes time.” The woman assured, “Go and rest.”
You took a moment before leaving the storage room and making your way towards the cockpit.
“We’ve set a course for the Ocsalev System. Ready when you are, Lodestar.”
You nodded, “Make the jump.”
Hunter jumped slightly from a dream in one of the chairs in front of the computers. It was always a constant dream about you… his cyare. He was sure the other boys had such dreams too. It took nearly a month for Wrecker to stop screaming your name in his sleep…
“Hunter? You okay?” Omega’s voice caught his attention as she made her way towards him from the gunner’s mount.
He nodded with a gentle smile before sitting straight up. She furrowed her brows for a moment before humming and opening the cockpit door, which urged Hunter to enter also.
“We’re almost at the coordinates Cid gave us. Odd, she never sets us up on missions where we need help from other mercenaries.” Tech remarked.
“We’re not mercenaries.” Hunter muttered but Omega giggled.
“I think you have to face it, Hunter, we are.”
He sighed before sitting in his seat as Wrecker walked in.
“We almost there yet?”
“Just approaching, it’s best you sit. No need for another head injury.” Echo joked.
“We don’t have to worry about no inhibitor chip anymore!”
“But we do have to worry about how much bacta and ice packs we use on you.” Tech rolled his eyes while easing the ship into the planet’s atmosphere, “Gentlemen, and madam, welcome to the Ocsalev System.”
They landed the Havoc Marauder at a simple docking bay before making their way into the city.
“Stay close, kid.” Hunter ordered as he led the group through the busy streets.
It was fairly crowded with people going in and out of buildings or rushing through the streets. Omega admired the commotion and looked around, but the boys made sure to urge her through the crowds. To her, this city was very different from Ord Mantell, having a lack of technology and more of a natural kick to it. Houses were built around trees and into the side of the mountain, which made Omega want to explore more.
“The device says to go in here to find this so-called ‘Kapu’.”
The batch nodded before making their way into the small shop, seeing it crowded with many different weapons and droid parts. There was an alien at the head of the shop, which boggled Omega.
“What is he? He has so many arms.”
“A besalisk…” Echo explained quietly, “The female ones have up to eight arms.”
They approached the counter as the besalisk worked on a small device, using its multiple arms to hold parts and tools. Hunter cleared his throat.
“We’re looking for Kapu. We were sent by Cid.”
The besalisk nodded while looking up at them, “Clones? Huh, never thought Cid would give clones a chance!” He laughed, “Yeah, I’m Kapu. Come with me and we’ll meet the person who’ll be joining you on your mission.” He urged them with his multiple arms while walking through the back door of the shop. There was a small transport waiting with an Ewok driver. The ewok started yelling in its native language toward Kapu.
“I told you they’d get here when they get here! And here they are! Now come on! Let’s go!” Kapu got into the passenger's seat while the Batch piled up in the back, “Better hold on to something, he’s blind in one eye.”
The batch looked at each other nervously before the transport speeded off out of the city. They arrived at the base of the mountain and followed Kapu towards the small house built into it.
“She just came back from a mission, so let’s hope she’s in a good mood.” He knocked on the door, “I’m coming in, kid!”
He swung the door open, hitting a small droid.
“Aw gee, D-5, what were you doing there?!” Kapu groaned, picking the droid up.
The batch looked around the small house. It was hardly full with anything but basic living necessities. Omega immediately noticed the armor sitting on the table, admiring the visor of the helmet. She picked it up and looked at it closely.
“Wow, this helmet is really similar to yours, Echo! But it has some modifications similar to Tech’s, like the mouth guard, and a sniper’s glass like Crosshairs.”
Kapu placed the droid down and called out again, “Girl, where are you?!”
“I’m here, hold on!” You groaned, “I literally just got back, can’t I have some time?”
“No, boys from Cid are here.”
“Cid? Since when did you start taking jobs from Cid again?”
“Just get out here!” Kapu scolded, sitting down to look at D-5.
You walked through the back door and looked at him, “Did you break my droid again?!”
“He was in the way. These are Cid’s boys.”
You looked up and your breath caught in your throat from the sight in front of you. Hunter was there with Echo and Tech behind him, who were as shocked as you. Wrecker was busy looking at the helmet with Omega, but then Echo hit the side of his head.
“Ow! I thought you said you didn’t want any more head inj-” Wrecker got up and looked at you.
“Kapu, take the kid out back, she’ll help you fix D-5…”
Omega looked to Hunter, who nodded. She followed Kapu out and you closed the door gently behind them before turning back to the batch. You then moved closer to where Hunter was still standing with his brothers.
“I… I know this looks bad…” You stuttered, tears coming to your eyes, “I-I couldn’t let you-”
Hunter had engulfed you into a tight hug and sighed into your shoulder. You were rendered speechless, but returned the hug once you processed what was happening.
“Oh, cyare…” He whispered, pulling away slightly and placing his forehead against yours, “My love…”
After he let you go, Echo hugged you tight. Then Tech. Finally, Wrecker… who kneeled down in front of you and hugged you while digging his face into your stomach.
“We thought we lost you, ad’ika.”
“I’m so sorry…” You whispered, “I should’ve left something to explain, but I didn’t want the Kaminoans to do anything to any of you…”
“It was about the inhibitor chips… wasn’t it?” Echo asked.
You looked at him for a moment before nodding, “Yes…”
“Omega told us about them.” Hunter explained as you all settled down to talk, “Order 66… that’s what they were put in for…”
“To betray the Republic.”
“No. To kill the Jedi.” Echo explained.
“The Jedi?”
“Palpatine said the Jedi betrayed the Republic… tried to assassinate him.”
You shook your head, “No. No-”
“Rex explained it to us a bit further.”
“Rex? Rex is alright?”
“Yeah… we still had the chips in because they didn’t work for us during Order 66.”
“But Rex said we needed to take them out. They were still dangerous. We learned that through Wrecker and his multiple head injuries.” Tech stated.
You took a moment before looking back to them, “Cross… on Caetum, I heard the troopers talking about their new clone commander: Crosshair…”
“Yeah, his chip was working for him, then the Kaminoans improved it’s signal and now he’s with the Empire.”
“Wait, did you say Caetum?” Wrecker asked, “You went to stop the Separatists?”
You sighed, “I needed some time to get some credits and settle… but the Empire got there before I did and nothing really improved. I just got back from one of my last missions there, liberating people so they aren’t enslaved again… But there’s still so many that need help.”
“You’ve been busy, then?” Echo smiled which caused you to smile.
“I guess… but the last mission was a mess and I can’t go back anymore. The Empire is… more controlling than the Republic. They almost caught us last time.”
“‘Us’? You have a new team?”
“No, just some other mercenaries in it for money. Nothing exclusive.”
They all nodded and Wrecker spoke up, “Then maybe you could come back with us! Be a Batcher again!”
“Let’s not get too rash, Wrecker. We still need to get this job done.”
You nodded, “We’ll talk more after. Let’s go see what we’re in for.”
Wrecker cheered and you all walked out of the house. You saw Omega and Kapu sitting against your speeder while D-5 was rolling around.
“We fixed him up.” Kapu smiled.
“Thanks, his balance module was a bit out of place, maybe that was why he got hit by the door.”
“The kid did most of the work, actually.”
You nodded and looked at her, “Omega, right?”
“Yep. And… you’re ‘cyare’ according to Hunter.”
You laughed, “To him, Wrecker, Tech, and Echo… but you can call me Lodestar.”
“Good, ‘cause that would have been weird if I had to start calling you ‘darling’ or something like that.”
You shrugged, “I wouldn’t mind.”
You both laughed before turning to Kapu with the boys as he explained the job.
You fastened the last bit of your armor before picking up your helmet and heading back to your speeder. Omega was sitting in the back while helping Tech with something. Kapu lent two speeder bikes for Wrecker and Hunter to use so you all wouldn’t be packed in the speeder. You walked over to Hunter as he flipped his knife and grinned as he looked you over in slight shock.
“Weird seeing me in armor, huh?”
He smirked, “I think it’s about time, Lodestar.”
You shoved him playfully before he caught you and wrapped an arm around your waist.
“I’m surprised you all have warmed up to seeing me again. I was actually expecting to be yelled at by you or Echo.”
“We’ve been through a lot recently, yelling won’t make anything better...”
“If Crosshair were here, we’d go at it for sure.”
He nodded with a small hum, which made you cup his face, “Omega told me you had to leave him behind on Kamino… It’s okay, we’ll get him back.”
He nodded, leaning in to give you a kiss, but Kapu called.
“You better get going! Almost sundown!”
You turned to acknowledge him before turning back to Hunter, “We’ll have some time after the mission… I promise.”
You got into the speeder as Wrecker and Hunter started up their bikes.
“See you in the morning!” Kapu called, urging D-5 inside.
You put your helmet on before driving off.
Taglist: @darkangel4121 @lightning-wolffe @alucas528 @rintheemolion @shadowfoxey @butch-medusae @gabile18
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Winning the Championship Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 夺冠之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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[ Released on 28 September 2021 ]
The vibrations of my phone rouse me from the tediously long document. After looking at the caller, I answer it hurriedly.
MC: Gavin? Has your mission ended?
Gavin (on the phone): Soon. I’ll be back before the weekend. I should be able to make it in time for that café event you mentioned.
I suddenly recall how I had mentioned this event to Gavin before he left for the mission last month, but...
MC: Sob sob. I can’t go this weekend. I’m producing a new show, so I’ve been busier lately.
Gavin (on the phone): Is it a difficult show?
MC: A little bit... Come to think of it, Gavin, what type of sports shows appeal to you?
Gavin (on the phone): ...appeal to me? Competitive sports with commentators.
Just as I’m hesitating on whether to tell him about the problems I’m facing, someone on the other end of the line seems to be calling for him.
MC: Go and do your thing. I’m not facing any issues.
Gavin (on the phone): Okay. Contact me anytime if needed.
Right after hanging up, Minor knocks on the door and comes in.
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Minor: Boss, I’ve made the arrangements for the collaborative filming of “Life’s Limits” with the City Sports and Culture Bureau. As per your request, I’ve selected a group of amateur racing hobbyists. The name list and materials have been sent to your e-mail.
MC: You’ve worked hard.
Minor: Boss, why don’t you take a break? Your dark circles have appeared.
MC: The company competing with us for this project is Light Media, and it’s much more experienced in producing sports shows as compared to us. We can’t let our guard down.
After more than half a month of research, I locked in my decision regarding the filming site - Hurricane Club.
This club is very well-known amongst motorcycle enthusiasts, and often organises competitions for amateurs.
This weekend, the club will be conducting a three-day training, and participants will be guided by professional coaches. There will even be a friendly race at the end.
The competition has a very novel format - it’s a three-person relay.
I intend to search for three photogenic motorists to form a small team. By following their daily experiences throughout the entire process, including their training sessions and the race, I’d produce a story about the team.
Minor: Boss, according to your request, isn’t the best choice Bro Gavin?
MC: That’s true...
During the initial planning stage, the first person I thought of was actually Gavin.
However, he doesn’t like appearing on shows, and was only willing to appear in previous shows because of me.
Moreover, he’s been away for a mission which lasted close to a month, and should get a proper rest over the weekend.
MC: In short, he... doesn’t quite fit the standard. You can leave work for now.
After sending Minor away, I re-focus on the thick stack of materials in front of me.
Before the peak hour on Friday, I head towards Hurricane Club in a rental car. While doing pre-filming checks, I answer the phone.
Minor: Boss, the three people we agreed on have set out. I’ve also found a suitable substitute. After careful selection, he’s definitely a top quality choice. I can guarantee that nothing will go wrong! You’ll get to see him once you reach the club! Boss, thanks for your hard work!
Before I have a chance to probe further, the dial tone sounds in the next second.
MC: This fellow is once again acting first before reporting afterwards... there shouldn’t be a problem, right?
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Upon reaching the club, I meet up with the three team members we had contacted earlier.
Based on background research conducted by the company, they are generally outstanding, and are very enthusiastic when it comes to racing.
One of them is a young participant called Kelly, who obtained an amateur championship title in the past.
I quickly introduce the details of the shoot to them.
MC: Bro Liu, Xiao Yu, Kelly, thank you all for participating in this shoot. Afterwards, the club will be allocating you to your coaches for guidance. Even though this team was put together at short notice, I hope everyone can have faith in each other, and motivate each other. We also prepared a substitute team member...
??: Sorry I’m late.
A familiar voice drifts from behind me, and I immediately turn around.
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Sunlight falls on every step Gavin takes towards me. The pair of eyes looking at me are bright and clear.
Gavin: I’m the substitute team member, Gavin. I’ve kept you waiting, Producer.
After the club assigns the coaches and enters the test run phase, I finally digest the “unexpected surprise” of Gavin’s sudden appearance.
I initially think of finding a chance to talk to him privately, but the coaches who arrive one after another leave me with no choice but to retract the gaze which keeps straying towards that figure.
I shake my head, forcing myself to focus on my current task. By the time all the filming angles are checked, most of the morning has already gone by.
Scanning my surroundings, I don’t see Gavin anywhere.
MC: ...where is he?
Walking along the racetrack and towards the vending machine, I decide to get a bottle of coffee to fill myself up before looking for Gavin.
Perhaps because I didn’t have breakfast, I suddenly feel dizzy after taking a few sips.
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By the time I regain my senses, I’m carried over to a long bench by a familiar force. Meeting Gavin’s evidently frantic gaze, I quickly tug the corners of my lips upwards into a smile.
MC: Gavin, I was just about to look for you. Turns out you were here.
He doesn’t speak. Lifting his hand, he wipes away the thin sheen of sweat on my forehead lightly. Then, a breeze envelops me gently, warm and comforting.
He takes the coffee in my hand smoothly, then retrieves soya milk and a sandwich from the bag in his hand.
Gavin: Eat your breakfast.
MC: ...okay, I’ll listen to Sir Gavin.
I munch on the sandwich obediently, occasionally blinking at Gavin to convey a message which says, “I feel much better, so there’s no need to worry”.
Gavin’s slightly furrowed brows finally arch subconsciously.
Gavin: I heard from Minor that you’ve been working overnight to prepare for this show.
MC: Haha, don’t listen to his nonsense. It isn’t that exaggerated...
Gavin: I also heard that I didn’t fit the standard. What standard did you set?
MC: ...
I clench my fists in secret, condemning Minor from the bottom of my heart for his “heinous act” of betraying me.
MC: I can explain! You don’t like appearing on camera, and your identity in STF is a pretty sensitive topic...
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Gavin: Mm, you’re right.
Gavin deliberately elongates his words, as though he doesn’t plan to let the matter go just like this.
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Gavin: So what’s your standard?
MC: ...we hope for the motorists to have a certain level of professional competence, to be sufficiently photogenic, and most importantly, to have an enthusiastic heart. But I really didn’t mean to say that you didn’t fit this standard!
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Gavin is finally unable to suppress the upward turn of his lips.
Gavin: Once you’re done today, sleep early tonight.
The training proceeds methodically, and filming goes very smoothly.
The roar of motors drift from the club’s racetrack, and motorcycles of every hue speed freely along the racetrack.
In the camera lens, two blue and white motorcycles seem to be speeding at the same pace, as though they’d break through the finish line at the same time.
Kelly: Have you ever participated in professional racing?
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Gavin: Nope.
Kelly: The way you cornered the motorcycle a few times - you can’t do that with ease without a few years of experience. How did you do it?
Gavin: I just drive often.
Kelly: Let’s find a chance to ride together some time.
Kelly pats him on the shoulder before continuing the training. Gavin walks over to me, twisting open a bottle of water before taking a sip.
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Gavin: Is filming going well?
MC: There’s too much footage from the training sessions. I might consider adding a special segment for interviews.
While speaking, I’m struck with an idea.
MC: Mr Gavin, why don’t you have a pre-interview with me to test out the effects?
I lift a bottle of water towards Gavin. 
MC: What made you like motorcycles?
Gavin: I don’t have a precise answer. By the time I realised it, I already liked them.
MC: In that case, are there any motorcycle-related experiences which left a deep impression on you?
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Gavin is silent for a moment. He seems to think of something, then chuckles softly.
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Gavin: The time it overturned.
MC: Overturned? When did that happen? You can tell me in secret - this will definitely not be disclosed to the public.
Gavin looks at me, and he speaks in a volume only the both of us can hear -
Gavin: [whispers] The time when I rode on a snowmobile with the girl I like.
The snow field in my memories is cold, but the breath at my ear causes the temperature of my ear to rise.
[Note] This is a reference to Snow Mountain Date
MC: [blushing] Cough, that was...
All of a sudden, a clamour from the racetrack interrupts my words. The both of us stand up, only to discover that a motorcycle has overturned on the track.
Many people are standing at the side, and some call out for the medical staff.
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Gavin: That seems to be Old Liu. Let’s go over to have a look.
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Doctor: There are soft tissue injuries to your wrist and leg. Recuperate properly over this duration, and don’t engage in any intense activities.
Bro Liu: What about the competition tomorrow...
MC: Bro Liu, just recuperate. The doctor said that once your injuries are healed, you can still ride motorcycles in the future.
Bro Liu glances at Gavin.
Bro Liu: I guess I must admit that I’m getting old. It’s time to hand the baton to the young.
After contacting Minor and telling him about what happened, Gavin and I leave the hospital.
MC: Bro Liu worked so hard over the past two days. He must have really wanted to participate in tomorrow’s competition...
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Gavin: In that case, we’ll work hard together with his effort. This is when the substitute steps in.
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It’s the night before the competition, and I’m looking through the contents of the edited shoot over the past two days in my room.
After cutting the cornering training, I modify it into a slow-motion feature, then insert a few casual interactions between the team members as embellishments.
But no matter how I edit it, the clip is unable to convey the feelings I hoped it would.
I grab my hair in frustration, unwilling to accept my defeat. I locate the original video, watching it from the start.
The sound of the doorbell interrupts my slightly muddy train of thoughts. Opening the door, I see Gavin standing outside.
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Gavin: I saw that the lights were still on in your room, so I came over to take a look. Why aren’t you sleeping?
MC: Gavin...
Hearing the gloominess in my tone, he takes my hand and pulls me over to sit down on the sofa.
Gavin: Filming didn’t go well?
Placing the notebook laptop between us, I play the recording.
MC: For this shoot, I wanted to edit it into a small unscripted story to showcase the competitiveness and fun of being a racer. As of now, the story aspect is going smoothly, and the interactions between people are interesting too. But I think it’s missing something which can grab one’s attention immediately...
Gavin looks at the screen and ponders for a moment. Then, he suddenly asks me a question.
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Gavin: Want to go for a stroll? It’s too stuffy in the room. Getting some fresh air might give you new inspiration.
Likely to conserve energy for the competition tomorrow, everyone has returned to rest very early, and the racetrack is completely empty.
Gavin leaps onto the bleachers, then reaches out to me.
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Gavin: Let’s go for a spin.
He takes my hand, guiding me onto the vehicle. Then, he puts on a helmet for me, teaching me how to grab the throttle and brakes.
MC: Gavin, are you sure this is okay?
Gavin: You can’t go onto the road, but we’re still within the venue. After filming for days, don’t you want to experience it yourself?
MC: I want to!
Gavin sits behind me, two arms securing me steadily in his arms.
Along with the familiar sound of the engine, the motorcycle moves. The speed is incredibly steady, and is just right for enjoying the pleasant evening breeze.
MC: Gavin, can we go a little faster?
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Gavin: We can. Sit tight.
A loud roar drifts to my ears, and the motorcycle flies forward like an arrow leaving a bow.
Very soon, the most difficult part of the racetrack appears, comprising of consecutive bends. During the training sessions, many motorists faced many trials at this area.
Gavin grips my hand, loosening the throttle, causing the the motorcycle to slow down.
MC: There’s no need to step on the brakes?
Gavin: No need. Engine braking is enough to reduce the speed.
While speaking, the motorcycle tilts at an unbelievable angle at a turn. Gavin controls the direction with composure, air currents at the side keeping the motorcycle steady.
The motorcycle dangerously yet steadily completes the curved track, returning onto a straight track and picking up speed once again.
Gavin: MC, can you see where the cameras are? That’s the goal. On the racetrack, that’s the only thing in a racer’s eyes.
The sound of wind at my ears seems to quieten down. The moment we charge past the finishing line, I suddenly have a feeling that a full stop has been drawn on the racetrack.
Even after the motorcycle makes its gradual halt, I’m unable to return to my senses.
Seeming to understand my silence, Gavin doesn’t speak. He simply pushes the motorcycle that I'm on patiently, walking slowly.
MC: Gavin, I know what this story is missing. Stirring the emotions of viewers requires the most important thing which can make them seethe with excitement -
Gavin: Winning the championship.
MC: That’s right. All the effort from before is meant for the final sprint towards the goal. Winning the championship is the core of a competitive spirit, and is also what the show’s theme of “limit” is seeking after. But... Gavin, do you think we have a chance at winning the championship tomorrow?
Gavin: Yes. But while we’re improving, others are improving as well. Everyone on the racetrack will be aiming towards victory. The people you selected are very outstanding. Believe in them, and believe in yourself.
MC: Mm, everyone has already worked very hard. When it comes to winning, it’s good enough if they try their best.
Gavin parks the motorcycle properly, then carries me down from it.
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Gavin: Go back and have a good sleep. You don’t have to worry too much about the competition tomorrow.
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It’s finally time for the competition. Seeing the filled audience seats, I feel incredibly nervous.
Kelly: I didn't expect to see so many people.
MC: It’s a Sunday, and the club decided to open the venue to the public as publicity.
I take a deep breath to calm my emotions.
MC: Let’s enjoy the fun of racing to our heart’s content! Shall we do a pre-competition ceremony?
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While speaking, I stretch out my hand. Gavin cooperates, placing his palm over the back of my hand. He gives it a gentle pinch, and it feels as though an endless stream of strength is being transmitted.
It’s a sense of security belonging only to Gavin.
MC: Safety first, the competition second. Everyone, all the best!
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All the motorists have taken their places at the starting line. Based on prior suggestions by the club, I’ve arranged Kelly to take on the first battle, and Gavin will be the finale.
With the green light signalling the start of the competition, twenty motorcycles which have been waiting for action seem to sprint forward at the same time.
The sound of motor engines causes everyone’s adrenaline to spike, and the crowd becomes immersed in the competition.
I’m positioned closest to the audience seats. This is the first time I’m viewing a competition from such a close distance. Even though it’s an amateur competition, it’s sufficiently astounding.
Xiao Yu makes a few minor mistakes at the bends, causing the team to lag behind temporarily.
Carefully observing the changes on the racetrack, I don’t feel overly anxious.
Because it’d be Gavin’s turn next. With him around, I always feel exceptionally at ease.
I look at Gavin as he waits at the handover area with a helmet over his head. He seems to sense my gaze, and turns around to see my thumbs up.
In the next second, his motorcycle charges into the racetrack.
The blue and white motorcycle courses past the bends nimbly in almost “L” shape movements.
As compared to my experience last night, I can see Gavin’s cornering techniques even more clearly from the audience seats.
Although the camera is unable to capture his expression, it isn’t difficult to imagine his focused and bright eyes from underneath the helmet.
When the competition enters its final round, Gavin has already reached the second place, and there’s hardly any difference between him and the first competitor.
The audience’s emotions are stirred by this intense competition, and the sound of cheers surge forward like a tide.
I find myself being influenced as well, staring fixedly at that sprinting figure.
After the upcoming bend, the goal will not be far.
Unexpectedly, a motorcycle behind suddenly accelerates towards the bend, using its full strength to make a last effort.
However, the motorcycle tilts too much. It’s clear that the centre of gravity was not controlled properly, sending the motorist collapsing onto the track.
At this point, Gavin’s motorcycle is already over half of the bend. He controls the dip of the motorcycle, barely avoiding the fallen vehicle.
Because of this incident, some distance is pulled between himself and the motorist in first place.
On the straight road, Gavin’s motorcycle suddenly accelerates, keeping pace with the motorist in front.
In this moment, time seems to slow down. I hold my breath, feeling as though my spirit has become one with that sprinting figure.
The rustling of leaves, the flapping wings of birds, the yelling of the audience, the checkered flag waving mid-air... all of them gather into one voice-
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Announcer: The first place goes to No. 07!
On the big screen, Gavin’s name is listed impressively at the top.
At the final moment, he attained first place with a 0.06 second difference, winning the championship.
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Gavin did it!
The motorcycle comes to a gradual halt. Gavin removes his helmet, droplets of sweat reflecting bright rays of light beneath the sunlight.
The smile on his face is sparkling and dazzling, bringing with it the confidence belonging to a victor.
Such a result is both unexpected yet within my expectations.
Gavin turns around, looking squarely in my direction.
He shakes his head casually, which has gotten messy from his helmet, and says two words.
Gavin: We won.
The employees push the motorcycles back to the venue. Gavin heads over to the referee’s seat, lowers his head and says a few things before walking to me.
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The gold medal in his hand dangles slightly, reflecting a dazzling light.
Cheers from the surroundings grow brighter as he draws closer. Separated by the bleachers, he stretches out his hand towards me -
He leans over the bleachers slightly. As he draws closer, I can detect the scent belonging only to Gavin.
Gavin hangs the medal around my neck, announcing our victory.
Gavin: The champion title - we’ve got it.
My mouth opens, but I have no idea what to say. My body reacts faster than my brain. I stretch out both arms, hugging him with all the strength in my body.
Scorching warmth and the dampness of sweat from the competition linger on him.
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Gavin returns the embrace. It’s as though this hug is enough for us to understand each other’s sentiments.
Gavin: I think I heard you cheering me on.
MC: I did it so softly, but you could hear it?
Gavin: Mm, the wind told me. Everything you say - I can hear them.
MC: There’s still one thing the wind hasn’t had the time to tell you. I’ll say it myself right now.
Turning my face to the side, I bring it close to his ear.
MC: Gavin, you’ll always be the only champion in my heart.
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🏍 Call and Moments: here
🏍 Art based on this date: here
🏍 Support the café by dropping by the tip jar!
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Death By Bagel
NCT Culinary Student!Mark Lee x Fashion Design Student!Reader Summary: Mark makes a cake cause he's realized he can't lose you to some f-boy. Word Count: 3k+ Warnings: Fluff, childhood au, college au, slowish burn, slight cursing, reallllly fluffy, some broksi-dude action, typos sksksksks, etc.
R E Q U E S T my friend: mark lee, slow burn, friends to lovers
A/N: I wrote a fic that already had like 1k+ word then I LOST IT (i think i deleted it) thus this. It took me 10 years to write this msmsmkskskks. PLEASE TUMBLR IS MESSING WITH ME AND MIXED UP THE ORDER OF SOME OF THE DIALOGUE
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“As a doctor, I don’t think you should be doing that,” Mark says, not even bothering to look at his patient seated rudely on the floor. Oop, he’s lying down now.
Mark huffs and looks up from the clay block he was molding on his tray, “YOU’RE SO UNPROFESSIONAL!”
Mark’s mother nearly spits out her coffee upon hearing the words of his five-year-old son. Her husband snorts, “He got that from you.”
The woman throws a look at the man and was supposed to give a snarky retort, up until the sound of the doorbell ringing. She grins from ear-to-ear and dashes to get the door.
When she comes back to the living room, she’s accompanies by another woman and a tiny version of her.
“Markie! Say hello to your Auntie!” Mark’s mom calls.
Mark from the carpeted floor looks up and blinks, examining the stranger-woman and its human-ling. Mark turns to his father who was sat on the couch and receives a nod of approval almost. Mark purses his lips and waves at the woman.
The woman waves back and then crouches down to the little girl, “Baby, say hello to Mark.”
Unwilling, she shakes her head.
“Aw come on, baby. Don’t be shy. Mark over there is a really sweet boy. I knew him when he was in his mommy’s tummy, just like Mark’s mom knew you when you were in mine. You’re the same age so you’ll get along just fine.”
With the unnecessary explanation that gave no justification to the scene whatsoever out of the way, the girl was fooled into peeping up, “Hi, Mark.”
“Hello,” Mark says, not particularly interested, as his patient was still in the midst of dying in his office. He turned to his stuffed toy called Mr. Lion and attempted to stand him up once more.
At this point, the girl makes her way to Mark.
“We’ll be back in two hours, honey. Keep an eye on the children,” Mrs. Lee tells his husband who had been occupied with TV the entire time.
“Yeah. I got this,” he smiles to his wife then goes back to watching.
The bumble bee clad figure sat down to Mark in blue and watched him play.
Mark ignored her for a few seconds, needing to assert all efforts on standing that dumb toy up. Once successful, Mark turns to her, “Do you play doctors?”
Mark was then met with the same lack on enthusiasm. She hums, “I like playing baker doctor.”
All at once, Mark gasps, “ME TOO!”
It was unbeknownst to the children it was oddly specific and the chance of this happening was pretty slim.
And in a blink of an eye, excited giggles erupt in the room, as if they had been having so much fun before this scene. It was here and there the two would become best friends to the very end.
... so I guess it means the reckoning is upon us.
“MARK LEE I SWEAR TO THE FU--” “WHAT! WHAT!?” Mark laughs.
"YOU ATE MY BAGEL! AGAIN!" I growl in a loud whisper, throwing the wrapper at him and his flat head before he could think to dodge it while he annoyingly laughs.
"I asked if I could have it though!" he says, fully knowing his sins.
I glared at him and say lowly, "I thought you were referring to my notes, bread for brains."
Mark snorts loud enough for our teacher to wake up from his nap. Once the class notices, we all pretend to be doing something productive and Mark plays it off with a cough.
"Mr. Lee." Mr. Kim says sternly, clicking his tongue, blinking his eyes rapidly.
Mark finishes coughing and turns to our seated professor, "Yes sir."
"Don't go to school if you're sick and going to cause a racket with your coughing."
Mark nods firmly and Mr. Kim closes his eyes again, mumbling, "page 65 is due tomorrow."
The entire class grumbles. Mark beside me scoffs and makes a face, "Yeah, yeah, Doyoung."
I turn to him and elbow his side.
"Whatever," Mark shakes his head, "professor bunny-teeth won't hear me."
Once class ended, we both get our things and head out for lunch. We walk to our canteen, fussing over assignments, deciding we should do it together later in our mutually free period.
I groan and narow your eyes at him as we have an argument over how he hasn't finished the essay for English, "That's not the point."
"Yo Mark!" a voice calls from afar. Mark and I turn, looking for the voice, and I spot the dimpled senior, Jung Jaehyun, in a table with the rest of his squad.
I nudge Mark and point at the pale guy seated by the corner.
Mark throws him a smile and waves. I follow closely behind him as he walks over to the table. "We're going to sit with them?" I say in some sort of gasp.
"Yeah." Mark replies simply, not bothering to turn to me, "they're cool."
I knit my brows at that and nod, "Yeah I know. But I'm not cute today."
Mark stops in his tracks and throws me a confused look, "what?"
"I didn't put any make-up on today, also I'm pretty sure there's a visible stain somewhere on my jacket, I just don't remember where."
Mark scrunches his face up again, even more confused. "What? How do you... forget a stai-- that's not the point. Why do you wanna look cute today?" He scoffs and continues lowly, "hardly as if you ever look cute."
I let out an annoyed groan and punch Mark's shoulder. "Like when you panicked when Seulgi came over and asked for notes."
Mark openes his mouth, "That is so not the same! Jaehyun's a fuck bo-"
"Just shut up already," I snap and shove him forward so he'd continue walking. "Let's not keep him waiting," I add and mumble, "also I know. Dong Sicheng however is very cute."
Mark chuckles, "he's dated every girl on the dance team."
"Okay, maybe not that cute."
"Ya, Mark," Jaehyun grins and greets the said person with a high-five and chest bump. He turns to me and speaks my name with a smile. I smile back politely and wave.
I'm about to sit next to Sicheng, but Mark shoves me and so I end up sitting on the other side of the bench table with Jaehyun. I turn to Jaehyun with a small, non-awkward smile and shoot Mark a glare. He seems unbothered though.
"So, you up for a round later?" Jaehyun asks Mark.
Mark talks over me, "you know it, dude."
Jaehyun flashes his dimple smile all the stupid girls fall for. I'm only half falling for it cause I'm only half stupid. He raises his brows, "you bought the dough, right?"
This makes me knit my brows.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I really did this time," Mark mumbles quickly. "It's my turn anyway."
Jaehyun gives an off look, "that's literally what you said last time bro."
"Yo, no for real. It's in my bag, if you wanna check."
Jaehyun shakes his head when Mark begins to scramble for it, "no, Lee, it's good. We wouldn't want you friend to get dirty."
Is it just me or do you feel slimey all of a sudden?
Jaehyun then gives me a somewhat, somehow sincere smile, "so. I hear you're in fashion design."
I give a soft chuckle, "yeah. That's me."
"I could tell from a mile away. Mark looks horrible next to your getup."
I look down at my sweater and ripped jeans. Mark exclaims in protest, "shut the hell up, Jae."
I give a soft smile at Jaehyun, "don't know where that comes from but thanks I guess."
Jaehyun chuckles, "I'm kidding," he eyes Mark, "I saw your Fashion Design pin on your bag when you sat down."
"Oooohhhh, haha, okay, that makes sense."
"Ya, Jeff," Sicheng calls for Jaehyun, "it's almost time."
Jaehyun turns to his friend and nods. He turns back to me and Mark, "well, it's nice to meet you. Mark won't put a sock in it even if I beg. See you around, fashionista."
He stands and slaps Mark's back, "see ya later, broski."
"Yeah, bruh," Mark replies.
Once it's just Mark and I, I snap at him and blurt out in a whisper yell, "YOU'RE ON BROSKI LEVEL WITH JUNG JAEHYUN?!"
Mark gives me a weird face, "bruh, I think he calls the principal broski, for real."
I smack Mark, making him whine, "you know what I'm talking about, Mark! And what, are you doing drugs?!?"
He shakes his head in confusion, "Wait, what!? Who the hell told you that?"
"Uhhhhh you were talking about dough and showing up later. Sounds like you owe him money for drugs, Mark."
"??? In what universe did we even mention drugs?? Does this," he slaps his face, "look like a face of a drug addict to you?"
"A gullible idiot maybe."
Mark's jaw drops, "oh wow, okay. I'm done with this conversation." He proceeds to stand attempt to walk away. I scoff, "not on my watch bitch."
Like the true idiot that he is, Mark begins to legit run away from me, like a criminal who stole my cookies. It's embarrassing that he, a man much taller than I, could not even outrun me. I suppose I should be grateful, but this just fortifies my thoughts of him being an idiot even more.
But okay... I wasn't actually expecting this... like... Mark and Jaehyun... like... actually baking bread after school with dough Mark premade at home. Also, uh, Jaehyun looks super cute in an apron that I'm having a mental breakdown. And what's new, so does Mark.
"I can't believe you thought I was a drug dealer," Jaehyun says in a soft pout as he rolls out dough on the marble counter of his friggin large kitchen in his friggin large house. Like dang, I knew he was rich, but he's like Rich™ Rich. Rich with a golden diamond encrusted Rolex watch rich that's in a glass display rich-- wtf.
Mark wheezes in his telltale high pitched laugh as he opens a pack of unsweetened chocolate pellets, "she thought dough was some sort of metaphor or something."
"Cute," they say at the same time. Mark turns to Jaehyun in slight surprise and Jaehyun turns to me. I roll my eyes, though I feel my neck burn. I avert my attention to the scene I was sketching on my pad, Jaehyun and Mark baking croissants. I clear my throat, "I'm just making use of the single braincell between us, cause if he doesn't die falling down the stairs, he's gonna pull some idiotic stuff like baking with Jung Jaehyun."
Oddly, it's Mark that reacts to that with a, "hey!"
Jaehyun rubs his chin on his shoulder, "I also can't believe you think so little of me.'
I break a sweat but decide to answer honestly, "... ... ... You have a reputation."
"Of being a fuck boy?"
Mark loudly transfers the chocolates into a metal bowl, making the two of us snap at him. Mark makes a face, "oh gosh, sorry."
Jaehyun sighs, "well. I admit I get around, but that's only because I get dumped every time."
I raise a brow.
Jaehyun purses his lips, "nah, let's not make this weird. The croissants will be flat."
"Dude," Mark turns to him, "that's literally only because you messed up the recipe."
Jaehyun grits his teeth, "no. It's because Kun's a little teacher's pet and sabotaged me so he could get the best grade."
"No, but like Kun is really nice, he helped me with the fold techinique."
Jaehyun scoffs, "He stole me vanilla extract, Mark. Who does that?!"
"No, listen, he's cool, like, for real--"
"No, you listen, he's a little shit and--"
The two begin to bicker like a married couple, and I begin to draw inspiration form the scene to design some random sketches of wedding dresses.
I look back to the two and still can't get over the fact that I learned Jaehyun was a culinary arts major with my best friend, and that I was currently in the Jung's boojie home because I thought Mark was buying drugs from him. Not what I was expecting at all my day to go like, but I'm not mad this is how it went.
"No, no, no, no," Jaehyun says. He turns to me and points, "let's just get an outside opinion. Babe, what's your favorite color?"
"BABE?!" Mark barks.
I take a moment to reply. I blink slowly, "uhh... pink?"
Jaehyun bites his lower lip and claps his flour covered hands, "Right. Pink croissants it is."
Mark shoots him a glare and turns to me, back to Jaehyun, "she has a name."
Jaehyun nods, "yeah, and she wants pink croissants."
Mark makes a face and Jaehyun examines it, chuckling under his breath. "Wah, you two are something, huh."
No one really responds.
We began to always eat lunch with Jaehyun and his friends. It's funny cause I realized Jaehyun, although I still firmly believed he was out to get nasty with every other girl he sees, he was actually just like Mark. A total loser with a love for cooking.
"Hey," Mark says with a snippy tone.
I give him a look and suddenly receive a paper bag to my face. Mark sits on his chair next to me, as per usual. I smell the thing before I realize what it is. It's a freshly baked bagel. I perk up and smile, "Aw, you baked me a bagel?"
Mark raises his upper lip, "no. Jaehyun did."
I knit my brows, "what? Why?"
Mark narrows his brows, "do you, like, like him?"
I give him a look. I take a bite of the bagel, making Mark look at me in disbelief. I answer, "You do know I only hang with him cause you do, right?"
"Then why'd you eat the bagel then?"
"Uh, a number of reasons. 1) it's a bagel, 2) free food, 3) I'm starving, 4) it smells amazingggg."
Mark does a face, "fair. I've been meaning to ask how he does his seasoning for a while now too." He releases a breath, "and anyway, I'm pretty sure he made a bagel cause I told him you liked them. Never talking about you to him anymore though."
I look at him, "why do you talk about me so much to him anyway?"
"Uh because you're amazing," Mark says instinctively.
I feel my heart skip at that. I coo and place my hands on my chest, "wait that's really sweet."
Mark looks at me. His face begin to shift, "too bad it's a lie- haha."
I give him a look and rebut, "jerk."
As quickly as I found out about Jaehyun being Mark's friend, that's about as quickly as I found out he didn't like hanging out with him anymore. It's kind of a shame I never got to go back to his boojie house.
There was this one encounter I had with Jaehyun though... which was a little weird, not gonna lie.
He was waiting for me outside my Tailoring class, smiling and waving when he saw me. I Reluctantly reciprocated and walked over to him.
He releases a breath, "I've been waiting for about 20 minutes for you. I didn't know when your class would end."
I raise my brows, "you could have asked?"
"Well I would need your number for that, and that would have ruined the surprise," he pulled out a brown paper bag, reminiscing the same one Mark chucked at my face.
"I made you two this time," he smiles.
I take a moment to reply, "you don't have to make me bagels, Jaehyun."
He grabs my hand, "yeah, but I want something out of ya," he places the bagels in my hand. He proceeds to lead us off and we begin to walk down the hall.
Truth be told, it's a little scary that his ulterior motive is up in the air. Jaehyun places his hands in his pockets, "I like your dress, by the way."
I smile, "thanks. I made it."
He smiles and nods, "right. That makes sense as to why it suits you well."
I can't help but blush at that, and simultaneously feel conscious when I realize a bunch of girls in my course are looking at me and Jaehyun as we strut down the hall.
"So, what did you want, Jaehyun?"
"Well, I clearly wanted to ask you out."
Jaehyun smiles and give a soft laugh, "is it so ground breaking?"
"... Uh..."
He sniggers, "hey, you can say no. I mean I hope you don't but you can." Jaehyun leans in and raises his hands, "I won't like it, but a man should take rejection from a lady well."
I turn to him as he straightens up. I turn to the bagels he made me and bring it back to him. He laughs, "no, I made them for you really. It's not poisoned, in fact it's made with love."
I visibly react to that, which makes Jaehyun wheeze. I can't help but laugh back, "that was hella tacky."
"Worth a shot though," he says. "Good luck with Mark."
I look at him with silence and he chuckles, "ya, you can't fool me."
I'm about to retort but then Jaehyun gets called by one of the frats dudes I identify as Johnny Seo. Jaehyun does a curtsy and clicks his tongue, "see ya later babez."
"You know, I would have said yes if you didn't do stuff like that."
Jaehyun purses his lips, "no you wouldn't."
I shrug, "worth a shot though."
Jaehyun places a hand on his chest, dramatically calling, "Uh, rejection hurts, man."
Yeah, I never went to Jaehyun's boojie house ever again.
Silver lining though was Mark's dorm smelled equally as nice because of all the food he cooks, although it came with a whiff of axe body spray from his roommate, Lucas. It's cool though, he was almost never around for me to smell it in its whole intensity.
"Aite," Mark calls from his side of the dorm. I perk up from the two seater dining table they had and turn to Mark who was covering the cake he was making for his finals.
"Don't, like, peek, okay. I want you to see the cake all at once and give me your honest reaction to it. Please, like, all my lives kinda depend on it."
"How many lives do you have?"
"9, I'm pretty sure."
I stand from my seat, "not you faking your life as a cat, but get it I guess."
Mark raises a hand at me as I walk over, "can you not, I'm high-key panicking right now."
"Over what? You literally made a box of donuts for your midterms and it looked better than Misty Mreme! I'm sure your cake is hot."
"It was in the minifridge for a day. I mean it barely fit cause of all of Lucas' mountain dew."
I groan, "just show me it, Mark Lee!"
Mark whined and dashes over to me, grabbing my shoulders, "okay, but like, don't be mean about it. I swear, I might cry."
I give a sound and fake cough, "it's ugly."
Mark doesn't respond to that particular jab, "I'm serioussss. Please be kind, okay?"
I look at Mark's nervous face and give a soft pout, "Markie, please, not that I think it would be ugly, but I promise you don't have to be nervous about my reaction."
He isn't soothed by that, but he does release a sigh, "okay. So for context, Mr. Moon wanted the cake to be one or two tiers, but I went with one, cause there aint no way I'm going to the other side of the campus to freeze a two tiered cake. Then, the theme was something from your childhood, so, I, uh, thought this was fitting. The exam is 60 percent decoration, 40 percent taste by the way."
Mark gives me a hesitant look, but steps way for me to see it. I then see a heart shaped, medium sized cake in my favorite pastel pink color. By the top there's a little boy on the floor playing with a toy oven set and little girl in a bumble bee dress, holding a stethoscope. At the bottom of the cake, there were jelly letters spelling out, "I like you."
I cup my cheeks at the sight of it and feel my eyes start to well at the sentiment.
Wait... was this really happening?
Mark heaves in and out, "okay, so like when Jaehyun began to like hit on you, that sucked pretty hard because he's known for getting girls and I thought maybe he'd get you too and I got panicky. Anyway, I....... have liked you since we were kids... And... I know you probably don't feel the same way but I have to try, you know.... Yolo."
My feel my tears retract from what I hear. I rub my eyes. I turn to Mark and find his nervous face. "Did you just say yolo in your confession, Mark?"
He looks like he's about to throw up.
I can't help but chuckle and pout, "dude..."
I prolong the moment. Mark gets even more nervous as he repeats softly, "dude..."
"We could have dated in grade school all this time."
It takes a moment to register in his head.
Like, a really long moment.
I sigh, "Mark! I like you too, dummy."
He freezes and blinks. His face begins to burn. He breaks into a soft smile, "nice."
I break into a laugh.
"... Uh... So... Can I like... Kiss you?"
I snort and feel my own cheeks begin to burn, "I think you should refrigerate your cake first."
Mark snaps out of this trance, "oh shoot, you-" I give him a quick peck on the lips.
He is dumbfounded.
I feel butterflies go wild in my stomach.
"I'll wait over there for when you've fixed that."
Mark watches as I walk away, "yooo.... That's not fair though."
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mellow-em · 3 years
Bittersweet Temptations
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[special dts: @bluewingedangel @siennamariia <3]
Your neighbors, Nathan and Elena, have been friends with your parents for years. Whether it’d be family gatherings or vacations, they were around; they were family. But when you return home from your final years of college, what will happen when you find that it isn't just them living in the house next door anymore?
I wanted to say something.
I knew based on the long expressions plastered across their faces, that they were waiting impatiently for me to say something too.
But I physically couldn’t.
A knot cemented itself at the back of my throat, suffocating me as I tried to swallow. I could feel my mouth suffer through a drought as I did so.
All I could do was look at the three of them, internally wallowing in embarrassment with a load of questions making my head spin.
How could Nate and Elena keep something like that from me? What were they thinking? No. What was I thinking?
Suddenly, the voices of people scattered amongst the yard became too loud. Though, the stares directed towards me were louder.
“Y/n can you say something?”
Without even thinking, I felt my body turn away from them, and I carried myself away.
“Y/n?” I could hear Elena calling after me.
“I’ll just be a minute” I finally croaked back to her, relieved that I could finally get a word out.
I rushed past the deck towards the side of the house.
I knew in the back of my mind that I was being ridiculous. It wasn’t something to run away from; knowing they probably felt just as awkward telling me.
But I had to get away from Sam.
I couldn’t bear standing there while his smug grin could be seen in the corner of my eye.
It was driving me crazy.
Why does he insist on making this hard on me?
I continued to let my feet travel, not even worried about where I would end up. It felt good to step away from the chaos that my parents organized, for a while anyway.
But I soon found myself at the dead end of the street, in front of the wooded patches that lined the edges of the pavement; sectioning off the neighborhood from the forest.
Without any hesitation, I stepped past the barricading trees, and onto the trail that led to a place of sanctuary.
A small body of water sat on the indented ground, with blooming ferns and bushes fencing it. Farther away from the pond, large rocks collected together, forming makeshift seats to take in the atmosphere.
It looked like it belonged in a cheesy disney movie, or a landscape renaissance painting.
I found this place with Nate when I was little, and since then I would escape here when things become too much to handle.
I sat myself down on one of the largest slabs of rock, almost seeing the memories with Nate passing around me in the form of faded visuals; they were almost ghost-like.
I took myself into these moments one by one; succumbing to the laughter, the playfulness, the smiles, the thrill.
Even though I love my parents more than anything, the bundles of memories Nate and I shared, showed me a glimpse of adventure that my parents couldn’t give me.
The overwhelming feeling of contentment pushed a smile onto my face.
But in an instant, it all faded.
That one moment with him feasted on my conscious mind like a ravenous vulture. It made my stomach churn in the worst possible way.
I sunk my head into my hands, huffing in frustration.
That is, until I heard a few raucous cracks of leaves and sticks not too far from me.
I fix my posture while whipping my head towards the direction of the noise, only to be met with guilty eyes.
Nathan stood there, leaning his upper body on the stiff trunk of a tree.
Perfect timing, Nate..
My lips flatlined as I scratched at the corner of my forehead, “Hey.”
He steps closer, leisurely but surely.
“Hey,” he gestures to the vacant space next to me, “can I?”
Placing both of his hands on his thighs, he plops down next to me, slightly grunting. We sat there in silence; but it wasn’t peaceful, it was impatient.
The both of us were longing to say something to one another, but neither of us preferred confrontation in the slightest. So we sat there, staring at the grove.
“It’s been a while since we’ve been here.”
I look over to him, noticing the tinge of nostalgia sketched upon his features.
“uh yeah.. yeah it really has,” I release a breath, reverting my eyes back to the pond, “almost 5 years.”
It was two days before I left for college. Screaming echoed throughout the house, and reverberated through my head, overwhelming my senses.
My parents chalked it up to being stressed over ‘my big move,’ which I can believe. But the words said that day pushed its way through me. I finally had enough of the nonsense and hollered back at them.
Big mistake. ‘you’re an absolute failure’ They said, ‘you’re never gonna go far.’
Long story short, I ran out of the house, and into the forest. I sat on this same rock, with tears planting glistening streams down my face.
Nate apparently heard the commotion, which wasn’t too surprising, and he made his way to me.
He didn’t even say a word before wrapping his arms around me; embracing me with a comforting warmth that slowly eased me back to normal.
‘Sic Parvis Magna,’ He said.
I was more than confused with those few words, until he began to speak once more.
‘Greatness from small beginnings. Now this isn’t exactly small, you know, with you leaving me here to go to college and all. But it is a new beginning- your new beginning. Don’t let anyone stop you from moving forward.’
That was the last day I saw this beautiful spot of ours, and the last time I really had a solid conversation with Nate; it made the final memory bittersweet at best.
“It really hasn’t changed a bit though.”
“Probably because change is dining elsewhere,”I tried to whisper under my breath, but unfortunately, he heard me loud and clear.
I look up at him in the corner of my eye, noticing his presence fall into a sea of guilt again.
He runs his hand through his surprisingly neatened hair, letting out a sigh that releases all of his proper posture.
“Look, y/n, I wanted to tell you. I really did. But it’s just-”
“Nate all I gotta ask is why? Why would you keep something that major from me?”
I had my body fully turned to face him now, while he still remained there; slouched with his head bowed to his fidgety hands.
I could tell he was stalling, swallowing his responses with force.
“Nate. Just tell me. Please.”
His eyes closed as he exhaled, “It’s a very long story.”
“I’ve got plenty of time.”
“Not exactly.” Roars of laughter within the distance cause both of us to look at the trail leading out of the woods, “we’ve still got a party going on, which happens to be for you, if I may add-”
“Seriously Nate, you think I care?” I was growing fretful, mentally pleading for him to just give up on excuses.
His hands raised in defense, “Fine, fine, okay..”
It didn’t even occur to us how long we’d been out here until the streams of sunlight disappeared from the ruptures in between the trees. The day was just replaced with the beginning of nightfall.
“So you’re telling me that Sam, your brother...who was presumed dead for 15 years, dragged you out across the globe to find Henry Avery’s treasure in 3 months because a drug lord was gonna kill him if you didn’t?”
Nate stifled a low chuckle, nodding along.
“So I take it you found it and gave the son of a bitch his cut? Well, since he’s alive and all-”
“Hey, language missy.” He attempted a scolding tone, but I could see through his thin facade.
I rolled my eyes, shoving him playfully,“Haha very funny. Now answer the question mister.”
“Well, it turns out the son of a bitch was Sam. He uh- lied about the whole thing.”
My eyes widened, “Wait what? So the drug lord- the sole purpose of the treasure hunt..”
“Yep it was all bullshit.”
I averted my wide-eyed gaze from him to the pond that was now lit with the blaring lights of fireflies,“Wow. I’m surprised no one got the chance to kick him in the face.. or balls.”
“Yeah Rafe- he pretty much took care of that one..”
The both of us laughed, causing a few birds to flutter away from the branches closest to us.
I missed this.
“Figured I’d find you two here.”
As our fit died down, we glanced over to a beaming Elena emerging from the trail with her arms crossed over her chest.
“I told your parents that you were comin’ over with us. I assumed you wanted some space from all the chaos.”
I showed my relief in the form of a warm simper, up until the realization punched me in the face.
Sam is gonna be there.
My body tensed, becoming a stiff statue in place. The lack of saliva in my mouth was back, and I felt my breath hitch silently.
I guessed the two of them noticed my change in demeanor.
“Are you okay y/n? You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Elena’s tone was gentle, as her grin faltered slightly.
“No no it’s fine it’s just- it’s nothing don’t worry,”I abruptly stood up, scratching at my forehead again, “lets go, back.”
“You sure?,” I felt Nate’s arm fall over my shoulders, giving me a faint squeeze as the three of us trudged down the path.
I needed to take my mind off of Sam, hopefully I can avoid him.
“Yeah..” my voice trailed off, “as long as I get to play a certain game that I happened to have the highest score of.” walking confidently with my head held high, I could still see Nate rolling his eyes.
“Actually, Elena has since claimed that title for herself.” Nate said frankly.
A dramatic gasp escapes my lips,“Elena, are you kidding me!”
“Hey, don’t get mad at the pregnant lady here,” she looks back at Nate and I as we continue to walk down the trail, “how about this: you two compete to try and beat my high score.”
Nate looks down at me with the same contemplative look I give him.
“And what’s the catch, hun?” Nate asks.
“Loser gets pushed or thrown into the pool.”
Well well well, Elena’s finally getting in on our shenanigans.
I smirked, “This is gonna be light work.”
“Oh really now? I just know you’re secretly afraid that I’m gonna win.”
“Sure, Nate. I’m not gonna lose, you’re all bark and no bite.”
It was his turn to let out a theatrical breath,“How dare you accuse me of such a thing?”
While Nate and I went on with our child like banter, Elena laughed hysterically at our foolishness,“You two are absolutely ridiculous.”
Nate glances back at me, only this time his fist patiently waited in front of me for a fist bump, “you ready to get destroyed?”
I scoff, hitting my fist on his, “You’re on.”
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mo2k · 3 years
Imagine…you meeting the pillars for the first time💕. (pt.9)
No.9 : Tokitou Muichiro
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Pairing : Muichiro x <fem> reader
Warnings : None, just fluffed <3
Note- Hello lovelies!I hope ya’ll like this,Mui-kun is just so cute! >///<
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Synopsis : Ok,this can go 2 ways…
1.If you’re a pillar…
>This is the first day of your work as a pillar,Oyakata-sama had held a meeting with all the other pillars to introduce you.But there was one pillar that has caught your attention the most…and that is ‘Tokitou Muichiro’ or the mist pillar.Something…something in him make you want to know him more or…perhaps…even befriend him…
2.If you’re a normal demon slayer/citizen/medic and etc.
>You two would be strangers. (At first!,At first!Just you wait…👀) Maybe you’ve walked past him once or twice,but you never get the chance to talk to him-but the same feeling (from above-if you’re a pillar) was still there…
Now,let’s get to the story-whatever you are!
You’re strolling around an open field near the demon slayer headquarters,trying to relax yourself from all the stresses you’ve got from works…
Your mind was blanked as you stared at the sky absent-mindedly while dragging your legs boringly…that was until you had caught something at the corner of your eyes.You quickly shot your head towards that direction you think you saw something and-oh…look what you found💓…
It was the mist pillar…lying under the tree to hide from the hot sun that can burn deep into your skin if you stay out for too long.He’s also-staring at the sky absent-mindedly,exactly what you’ve just done earlier.
You blinked at him,curious to why would the mist pillar would be here.You tilted you head to the side slightly,trying hard-to figure out why would he be here…if he didn’t cut you off your thoughts first…
Muichiro : “…What are you doing?” He speak,not that loud but just enough for you to hear.But-well,he didn’t even take a glance at you when he speak…making you even more curious about him…
But then…that’s when you realized…oh boy…he’d just caught you staring…you were too distracted to noticed what you’ve done…
(Y/n) : “Oh!I-uh…um…” You stammered over your own words,an uneasy feeling sat in your stomach.You are-no doubt,super embarrassed since you’ve just stared,at the stranger-who you haven’t even speak a word with…You starting to look away-trying to find some good excuses that maybe-could help you out of this situation…
Muichiro : He closed his eyes and then sighed, “Stop.I don’t mind it…you can go.But just…don’t stared at the strangers with no permissions,ok?”. His tone was not cold nor arrogant-just a normal tone.But dang-his words sometimes…could be as sharp as a knife…
Whatever-this just make you even more embarrassed that your cheeks staring to get hot.You bit your lip before apologize him, “I understand…and I’m so sorry…” You bowed slightly.He just nodded and raised his hand to wave as a gesture for you to go away already.But will you really?Hm…I don’t know? (😂)
You blinked several times at his gesture-he will just let you like this?So easily?Really?Can that be called as a little rude? (But girl-I think you forgot that you two were still strangers =<=)
Well-you just stand there for a moment.Trying to muster up your confidence-and without a word…you slowly walk towards him…He didn’t move,didn’t even open his eyes to see what was coming…but you knew that he can sense something’s coming…
At last,when you are here-standing in front of him…and peering intently in to his face…that’s when he finally open his eyes…
Muichiro : “What?” This time his tone got a bit annoyed,but his face still wore that emotionless expression…
(Y/n) : You took a deep breath-before asking, “What are you doing?”.
There was a stunned silence between you two for a moment….It was a stupid question and you know that…but you still couldn’t help yourself as you peered into his blue orbs in anticipation,trying to guess what he was thinking at the moment…He still shows no emotion but you can tell from his slightly widen eyes that he was surprised and taken aback by your question…
Muichiro : “What?” He raised his eyebrow. “What are you doing?” You ask again, “Why do you want to know?” He question back-narrowing his eyes threateningly…but you thought it was cute… (lol🤣)
(Y/n) : “Just wondering…” You chuckled a bit,didn’t even realized that your lips have curled up into a small smile. “Just go way” he clicked his tongue. And you rolled your eyes playfully,you crouched down to his level- “Can I joined you then?Whatever you’re doing” . “You won’t listen anything,will you?” He growled. “I don’t know~” you winked down at him,a mischievous smile plastering your face.
Muichiro : He sighed again, “Do whatever you pleased…” He said finally,turn his body to his side-facing away from you. “Yay!” You cheered,and you swore you can hear him snickered to himself.
(Y/n) : “Did you just snicker?Oh man~I don’t know you can do that~” you teased him as you let yourself plopped down to the fresh green grass. “No” he answered,and you giggled.
You’re now fully lay down on the grass,looking at the blue sky dotted with clusters of clouds.You grinned widely before pointing your index finger at one bunch of fluffy clouds that look like mash mellow. “Can you see that Muichiro-kun?” He turned to lying on his back again,and take a look of the clouds…and then at you…
“It looks like a dragon,don’t you think?” You shifted you gaze to him too,just in time to see that he was also looking at you…You blinked at him, “What’s wrong?” You asked after a moment,a little nervous. “How do you know my name?” His eyes are a bit wide,and you’ve just relaized that you’ve been holding your breath…but after you hear his question…you started laughing…
(Y/n) : “Ah-hahahaha!How do I know your name!?Well,it’s just so obvious-hahaha!You’re the mist pillar remember?” You have to cover your mouth with your hand to calm yourself down-bit it’s just so funny!You can’t help it…
Muichiro : He just lay there,still dumbfounded and confused….how can someone remember his name even when they haven’t even talk?Now he’s confused,really confused,he can never remember something for more than 5 minutes…so,how did you just know his name exactly???
“I…don’t…um…quite understand what you’re talking about…” It take a while for him to open his mouth to talk again…and you just laugh even harder…
Oh~He start to get angry~ “Hey!Stop laughing!What’s so funny!?” He raised his voice, “I-haha!oops-I-I’m sorry-haha!I-just can’t help it-hahaha!” You managed to choke your words out-but that doesn’t make him feel any better.
Muichiro : “Whatever!I don’t care about you anymore!” He huffed,too embarrassed and angry to speak…When you’re starting to calm down, “Ok,ok,I’m sorry!” You told him,but still smiling-he was so adorable looking like this. OwO
He made a ‘tch’ sound and turn his head away-and you rolled your eyes, “Fine!Alright,I’m sorry-Really Sorry.It’s my fault-please forgive me!How about this?Let’s go eat some food or sweets,my treat!What do you think?”
He quickly turned to you,his hands finding yours fast.He gripped your hands together tightly around his while saying “Really!?” excitedly. He has shifted closer to you,too close! 0///0 Your nose almost touched-Ahhhhhhh-.And you slowly nodded,blushing hard,his face immediately lit up (like an adorable child🥺)-this was the first time you got to see him grinned widely,his face tinted a bit pink from excitement. “Oh,ok!You’re forgiven!” He hugged you tightly-and you froze…
(Y/n) : You feel hot spark through your body,the feeling of him hugging you-his warmth that radiate from his small frame,his breathing on your neck,and his cute face that just mushed to your shoulder-Arhhhhhhh,this is too much,TOO MUCH!Muichiro-kun!Get away!Get away!Quick!Our dear (y/n) is almost fainted!Fscbnkfsxzcht-!!!! @////@
Then he realized that he might have just hud you a bit too tight-he loosen his arms,while look up to you worriedly… “Did I hurt you?” He ask quietly…. (Such an adorable child-ahhhhhhhh /////)
(Y/n) : You quickly shook your head- “Oh no no!You didn’t hurt me at all!” You hug him again-trying to hide your red embarrassed face…He hugged you back,relieved.
“Now,okay…what do you see in those clouds?” You pulled away from the hug,pointed to one group of clouds again-trying to change the subject,he quickly look to that direction- “Where?” Then he see a bunch of clouds,cling together in a shape like cat… “I see cats…” he said, “Really?I think I see (something of your choice)…’Cause-Oh!What about those!?” You said cheerily,smile a little to yourself…
What you didn’t know was…he take a look at you again-this time chuckle a bit and smile back,thinking of how beautiful and pretty you look when you smile…Then he paused… ‘Wait…what am I thinking?’ He started to blush…. “Hey…um…what’s your name by the way?” He asks shyly…
(Y/n) : You turn your head to look at him,before blinked and pointed to yourself- “Me?” You question for confirmation…and he nodded “Yes,you…What’s your name?”
You smile, “(l/n) (y/n),nice to meet you tokitou-san” You pull your hand out, “So am I…” he answered,also smile back.
“Tell me about yourself more”,he said. “Huh?But it’s quite long,you sure you wanna listen?” You said back. “I’m sure…” he respond. “Well then,fine!…But only on one condition…”. “What is it then?” He demanded. You grinned playfully, “You must tell yours too!”. He snorted, “Only that?”. “Yes!” You persist. “Alright,alright…I’ll tell you everything-if I can remember them or they aren’t nothing too personal…” He trailed off… “Then how about we talked about clouds too!?Like you tell me what you see and I’ll also mine!Sounds fun!” You suggest. “Sure,why not?” He shrugged, “Ah ha!” You laughed,and he bit back his smile…
Anyway-you guys just talked on and on and on (getting to know each other more and many more things else-ooh~✨) until you both starting to get hungry so you guys go to the town to find something to eat (Your treat as promised lmao😂).You have so much fun together and so does he too!You two end up,running around like children while also hold each other’s hand tightly…
You two don’t want this day to end…but alas,everything must come to an end…The sun was starting to disappear,the once blue sky has turned into a pink-red.It’s time for you to say goodbye… “Hey,Muichiro-kun…” You called out, “Hm?” was all he answered… “Looks like it’s time for me to go…” you replied…And his face fell almost immediately… “Already?” He ask,gripping your hands tighter-he was,um…actually pouting as if he doesn’t want you to go…He looks like he wanted to cry,omg- 0///0
You looked at him sadly… “Yes…but don’t worry,I can come to play with you tomorrow!” You tried to light up the mood, “Really?” He asked excitedly. “Of course!” You laughed, “Then…I’ll see you tomorrow,at the same spot we meet today,ok?” He quickly nodded.You let go of his hand-while saying “Goodbye then!See ya!” You told him before you turned your heels and starting to run back to your home-“Wait” he cried from behind,and you twisted your neck to look at him.
“Goodbye to you too (y-y/n)!” He stuttered,and you both gasped at the same time.He covered his mouth with one of his hand,stunned,shocked or surprised he doesn’t know-but all he know was…He can remember your name after all this time that has passed… “M-Muichiro-kun…” you started slowly… “You did it!You finally did it!You can remember my name!I always know you can!” You cheered excitedly while laughing joyfully, “Yes!Ah haha!I can do it!” He began to laugh too,and after some moments and you two can finally calm yourself…You waved your hand, “Goodnight to you then” you state finally… “Goodnight too…” he waved back….
You two shared one last grinned at each other,before you turned and go onto your way again…Leaving him looking down while a happy smile plastering on his face… ‘I’ll always remember you (y/n)…’ Was his last thought as he also took off back to his estate…
To Muichiro,this is something very special…He used to feel a bit lonely before…But now he doesn’t anymore,‘cause he’s got you right by his side anywhere and anytime he needs you or you needs him… In other words… “He’s not alone anymore”….
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Ahhhhh,we’ve finally come to the last part of “Imagine…you meeting the pillars for the first time💕!” The next one’s “Imagine…you meeting the kamaboko squad for the first time!” as my dear @yui-san0 has requested!♥️I love you so much my dear,pls take care of yourself love!🥺💖💞
Lastly,I wanted to say “Thank You So Much!” out loud for everyone here.I know that I did bad in the last part but I’ll try to get better I promise!❣️I love you guys so so much,pls have a great day/night,take care and don’t overwork yourself!🥰💖💝
The arts are not mine!Credits to the artist!🌟❣️
-With love,BamBam🦢🌙
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atinymonster · 3 years
connected pinkies
ateez 9th member.
jiyu and jiyong catch up after a while, but little did she know it would spark a huge storm.
can you guess what happens next? D;
➴ taglist: @banhmi07, @jiyeons-closet, @jaeminpeachy, @mochibabycakes, @euphoriamingi
➴ masterlist
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"Is that him?” 
At the manager’s question, Jiyu followed his gaze to see a familiar, slender male wearing a black bucket hat and a mask waiting in front of the cafe. Her eyes lit up before nodding enthusiastically. 
Chuckling at her restlessness to meet him, the manager unlocked the car door. “Remember, be careful out there!” he quickly reminded.
Ever since ATEEZ’s popularity started to grow, he’s been aware of the many fans that won’t hesitate to approach or crowd them in public. He’s seen it happen to Jiyu once, and it wasn’t a pretty sight.
“I will, thank you for driving me!” she smiled before closing the car door. 
Looking left and right to make sure she wasn’t about to be run over by a car, she dashed across the street towards the man. “Jiyong!”
At the sound of his name, the man looked up from his phone and a huge smile broke out onto his face underneath the mask. Opening his arms, he grunted at the impact when Jiyu crashed into his embrace and hugged him back.
“If it isn’t my lovely little sister,” he smiled, taking off her bucket hat and ruffling her hair. “Look we match today,” he teased, gesturing to their matching bucket hats and masks. 
It’s been a while since the last time Jiyu and Jiyong met, considering how busy the both of them had been. If one had a break from their schedules, the other would be busy, making it difficult for them to meet since the new year started. 
“Have you been watching our Kingdom performances?” Jiyu eagerly asked after they settled in a corner booth of the cafe. 
“Of course! I keep up with all of your schedules, you know,” he proudly puffed his chest. “I didn’t know my little sister was so talented, I thought my bones were going to break after watching you dance each time. And I was the one that felt out of breath, too.”
“What, did you cheer for us too hard that you ran out of breath?” she snorted, sipping on the strawberry latte the waiter had brought over a few minutes prior. “You’re really getting old, if that’s the case.”
“I’m only five years older than you, and one year older than Seonghwa and Hongjoong,” he rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help but scoff at his sister’s playfulness. He had to admit, he missed it. 
“You know, I send your performance videos to năinai and yéyé.”
Jiyu tensed at the mention of her grandparents back in Guangzhou. Ever since she left to become a trainee, she hasn’t contacted them since, too afraid to hear what they had to say. She’s always carried around the guilt of taking their son away from the world, hence she thought minimizing her contact with them would be better for both parties.
“What do they say?”  she quietly mumbled, twisting the straw around her drink. Whether it be demeaning comments, she decided to accept them.
Contrary to what she was expecting to hear, Jiyong slid his phone across the table towards her. “Here, you can read them yourself.”
Jiyong wouldn’t have her read hurtful comments, she knew that and she trusted him. But it still sent a wave of nervousness when she hesitantly picked up his phone and started scrolling through the messages.
The latest videos Jiyong had sent them were her fancams of both performances from round three of Kingdom. Taking a deep breath, she scrolled down to see her grandparents’ response, bracing herself in case she read something unpleasant.
But there were no demeaning responses. Only responses praising her talents and cheering her on.
[năinai] Little Jiyu is all grown up now
[yéyé] Gosh, look at her energy! It makes my own bones hurt just watching!
[năinai] I wish she’d call us, but I suppose we made it a little awkward for her...
[năinai] Jiyong dear, if you get the chance to, let her know that she’s free to call us anytime
[yéyé] Just keep the time zone in mind, though ;)
[jiyong] Haha! Will do!
She didn’t know how to react upon reading their heartwarming messages. They were, quite honestly, really unexpected for her, and the impact hit harder since it was around the time of her parents’ death anniversary.
“See? They don’t blame you one bit,” Jiyong reassured, reaching over the the table to pat her head. “You can save their numbers onto your phone if you want.”
Silently nodding, she took out her phone and began inputing their numbers, all while feeling a small lump in her throat, realizing that all these years, she had been avoiding them for no apparent reason.
They still loved her, but she was too scared for herself that she didn’t consider how they felt.
“Thanks,” she mumbled, handing him his phone back. “I guess I needed that wake up call.”
Jiyong chuckled before throwing her a knowing smirk. “Just be glad I didn’t send them your dating articles with Sunwoo.”
A small gasp left her lips at the realization. “Ah–”
That’s right. She never told Jiyong about her relationship.
Jiyong had to find out about his sister’s new love life through Dispatch articles, rather than his own sister telling him herself.
Avoiding his smug look, she resorted to looking out the window. His angelic smile looked far from innocent, looking more menacing if anything.
Knowing she was in for a barrage of questions, she made herself comfortable in the booth. “Alright, have at it, but keep it down so we don’t get caught.”
Jiyong wasted no time, leaning forwards on the table with curious eyes before firing off questions at rapid speed.
“How did you meet him?”
“We had a Weekly Idol shoot together back in 2019.”
“Who made the first move?”
“I guess he did...?”
“How long have you two been actually dating?”
“Since our Inception comeback.”
“And why didn’t it cross your mind to tell me?”
Jiyu was at a loss for an answer. “...That’s a good question.”
Jiyong’s face morphed into one of a kicked puppy. “Hey! That’s just mean, how do you forget to tell your own brother?!”
“It slipped my mind since I got so busy with the comeback, and I thought I told you but I guess I didn’t in reality,” she sheepishly answered, scratching the back of her neck.
Leaning back into his seat, he dejectedly crossed his arms like a child throwing a tantrum. “Fine, I guess I’ll forgive you,” he pouted his lips.
“You love me too much,” she sang, giving him her best aegyo performance, but only bursted into laughter when he started cringing.
He faked a gag. “Never do that again for the sake of you and I.”
“I know, that felt terrible,” she couldn’t help but agree.
“Jokes aside, I hope he makes you happy. And if he makes you cry, let me know, you hear?” Jiyong said, his brotherly protectiveness seeping into his tone.
Jiyu nodded with a hearty chuckle. “Yes, yes, I will.”
“But how’s modeling? I swear you got skinnier the last time I saw you,” she frowned upon seeing how baggy and loose his clothes seemed on him. “Are you eating?”
“Funny how you’re the one breaking your back for these performances and you’re worrying about me,” he joked, hoping to ease her worry. “But I’ve been eating my meals, don’t worry. I just went on a diet—”
“What diet? You’re already skin and bones as it is,” she pointed out. She knew being a model was difficult, but she never realized just how much effort it takes for a model to take care of themselves.
And when it comes to ESteem, a branch under SM Entertainment, she knew how strict things were.
“I’ll be okay, Ji, don’t worry!” he smiled, “I should be asking you about your eating and sleeping habits.”
“Seonghwa makes sure I eat at least two meals a day and that I’m in bed as soon as possible, I think I’m more inclined to worry about you.”
An airy and defeated huff sounded from the man. He knew she was right, she had eight people to look after her, while he was out at castings all day and lived by himself. It was a relieving thought—his sister was well-taken care of when he wasn’t around.
“Fair enough,” he said, raising his hands in mock surrender, “But seriously, I’m okay. I won’t work myself to exhaustion.”
“Promise?” she stuck her pinky out, a worried pout on her lips.
Jiyong intertwined his pinky with her’s, mumbling his promise with a soft smile.
Too engrossed in their bonding time, little did they know someone had spotted them from across the street while he was on his way to buy drinks for his members as punishment for losing a game of rock-paper-scissors.
And his face and heart fell when he saw the familiar white bracelet on the girl’s wrist, but her pinky was connected with another man’s while she adoringly smiled at him, the man mirroring her expression.
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nocturnalazura · 3 years
Imagine Us in Heaven
Kaminari Denki x Gn Reader Afterlife Collab
Wc: 2.2K
Warning: Mentions of Death (nothing explicit), some minor cursing.
This is part of @httptamaki and @myrulia Afterlife Collab! This was such a sweet idea and I'm so happy I got to be apart of it! I hope you enjoy my soft little story! Check out the rest of the participants works Here
“I’m telling you like 50 years from now we’re gonna be all old and have grandkids that come visit us and then we’ll be in heaven together for eternity!” Yells Kaminari.
“What makes you think I want to spend an eternity with you? Or that we’ll both get into heaven?” You giggle at him.
“We’re amazing, we'll get in. And! Because you’ve been madly in love with me since we were 18 duh!”
“Oh my god that's rich coming from the guy that’s short circuited the first time I talked to him our first year at UA.”
“It’s been ten years, stop bringing that up already!” He shouts before grabbing and tickling you.
“Aww haha but you were so cute, Denki stop it!” You squeal and laugh as you try to wiggle out of his arms. “Please! I’ll stop br-bring it up!”
“Tell me you love me and want to spend an eternity with me!”
“Fine! I love you and I wanna spend an eternity with you!” You laugh finally getting a chance to catch your breath as his hands fall from your sides to spin you around and pull you close.
Smiling at you with bright happy golden eyes he leans down and presses a long soft kiss to your lips swaying slowly with you in his arms. Pulling away from his kiss you rest your head against his shoulder breathing in the warm scent of his cologne while his warmth wraps you up in nothing but safety.
They always say that your life flashes before your eyes when you die, but for Kaminari it was one moment. One memory of the two of you, surrounded by nothing but happiness as you danced and laughed around the living room of the apartment you once shared. It’s one of the last happy memories he created with you before you were ripped away from him just days later. The last time he thought about the little velvet box hidden in his game room that he couldn’t wait to give you without tears pricking his eyes. It’s the memory that kept him going for five years after you didn’t make it out of that building. And now it’s the last memory he thinks of as his heart stops beating, as everything around him fades to black, and the screams of his friends and civilians finally fall silent.
A bright white light erupts around him jolting him awake, all the pain, dirt, smoke and blood suddenly gone. Sitting up he finds himself in a small patch of grass warmed by sunlight. Looking down he takes note that he’s no longer wearing his hero costume but instead he’s dressed in simple jeans and a t- shirt. Standing up he looks around only to find himself in what looks like a small park that feels like it should be familiar but he can’t quite place it in his memories.
After a search of his pockets comes up empty for his phone or wallet he cautiously begins walking aimlessly through the little park. It’s warm and bright here, everything is so calm and quiet. The colors around him are perfect and vivid, seemingly untouched as he wanders around. A perfect cool breeze swirls around him providing a nice contrast to the warmth of the sun that beats down on him. It’s a little unnerving here for some reason that he really can’t pinpoint. It feels like he’s missing something. As he keeps going a little swing set comes into view with the soft silhouette of someone sitting there kicking lightly at the dirt below them. His pace quickens slightly as he sees them relieved to see someone else until he stops in his tracks when he catches a glimpse of their face as the person spins around twisting the chains of the swing only to lift their feet and spin around laughing freely. Before he knows it he’s running the rest of the way towards the swings tripping over himself before he can reach them and landing rather ungracefully in the grass as the edge of the dirt area.
“You know I always thought the first time I’d see you here it would be a little more graceful?” You laugh getting up and walking over to crouch down in front of him. Reaching out, you softly cup his cheeks and lift his head to look at his face. “I also always kind of hoped I wouldn’t see you for a really long time.”
“Y/n, you’re, you’re here?” He says trying to gather his thoughts as hot tears start to burn his eyes.
“Of course I’m here, you do know where you are right?”
“I-i died saving that lady and her baby right?”
“Yeah, you got them out of the way just in time, and I didn’t get out of the building in time when it collapsed.” You confirm as he pushes himself up to sit in front of you a few stray tears slowly slide down his face.
“So this is it, this i-is the afterlife or heaven I um guess, right?” He struggles to get out as he scrubs at his eyes trying to stop the tears.
Kaminari stares at you with wide eyes clearly still trying to figure out if you’re truly in front of him. Giving him a large smile you plop down pulling your knees to your chest and resting your head there. Tentatively he reaches a hand out letting his fingers softly trace along your jaw, the soft slope of your nose and finally your plump lower lip. Smoothing the pad of his thumb over your soft cheek he lets out a choked little laugh as tears finally fall freely from his golden eyes.
“I I can touch you.” he says through tears and laughter.
“Yeah you can touch me. I’m real, I’m here with you.”
��I missed you, god I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too Denki.”
Before you know it he’s tackling you into the soft grass, arms crushing you into his body. All over again the scent of all too familiar cologne and body heat swallows you whole. You let out a strangled laugh as you feel tears slowly trail down your face as your hands grab at the back of his shirt pressing him into your further. Kaminari’s body shakes against yours as his tears dampen the shoulder of your shirt. The feeling of you pressed against him opens the flood gate of feelings he’s held in for years since you left.
This is comfort in a way neither of you have felt in so long. You scratch lightly at his letting him take his time soaking up your own warmth and smell. Clearly overwhelmed with finally being able to touch you again, you allow him to skim his hands over your body feeling soft warm skin he never thought he’d feel again. Finally he simply relaxes against you situating himself so he doesn’t put too much weight on you.
“You hardly dated after I died. I wouldn’t have minded you know, I wanted you to be happy.” You whisper into his hair.
“It didn’t feel right. I um I was gonna ask you to marry me.” He murmurs into your neck. “The ring is still in the game room actually. I couldn’t get rid of it.”
“I would have said yes.”
“Yeah?” He says pushing up on his forearms to look down at you. Cupping his cheek softly you give a soft little smile and nod. “I should have asked you sooner. I was always too nervous.”
“Did you think I’d say no to you?”
“No. I just I don’t know shut up.” He whines. “It’s scary asking the person you love to spend the rest of their life with you.”
“Well I mean I did kind of spend the rest of my life with you.” You point out with a grin.
“Five years. I missed you for five years and that’s what you say to me after I tell you I wanted to marry you?”
“I’m sorry.” You whisper not meeting his eyes. Then you hear it, it starts out slow and builds into your favorite noise. Laughter, but not just any laughter, Kaminari’s laughter that’s filled with nothing but happiness. “ You? You’re laughing?”
“You’re such an idiot sometimes. I missed your shitty sense of humor.”
You can’t help but also laugh with him, his laughter has always been infectious to you. The happy sound bubbles out of the two you filling the air around you easily. As your laughter dies down he pauses to look at you taking the soft dusting of pink that rests on your cheeks from laughing. Letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding he leans down kissing you for the first time in years.
His lips are warm and soft as they slot against your own, pouring all his feelings from the past few years into one singular kiss. It’s like nothing has changed honestly, your arms immediately wrap around his neck while your fingers toy with his hair. Kaminari sighs against your lips, completely entranced by the way you move against him. The kiss eventually turns into the two of you simply smiling like idiots against one another.
After what seems like hours he pulls away from you and finally stands up and holds out a hand for you. Reaching a hand up to grasp his hand, you let him pull you up into his arms.
“I know it’s kind of selfish but I’m really glad you’re here.” You say smiling up at him sheepishly.
“Yeah? And why is that?”
“I’ve been waiting to spend that eternity together, dummy.” The smile that takes over his face is worth every amount of pain you had ever felt in your past life. It’s bright and makes your heart fill and tighten up with how much you missed the sight of his truest smile.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He questions tilting his head like a confused dog.
“I’m just happy to be with you again.” You laugh, wiggling your way out of his arms to start walking. Immediately he moves to catch up with you and lace your fingers together. He lets you pull him around wandering aimlessly through a small town where other people seem to wander as well going about their new lives as if nothing has changed. Finally you come up to a building which you eagerly open pulling him behind you as you race up a flight of stairs. You suddenly stop causing him to slam into slightly, pushing you against a simple door, letting go of his hand. You spin around, back against the door and smile up at him widely. “You ready?”
“For what?” He questions matching your smile.
“For our eternity.” You giggle, pushing up the door to show him what seems to be the same apartment you two shared years ago. Stepping out of the way, you allow him to move past you and explore the small apartment before you finally step in yourself and stand in the middle of the little living room and wait for him. You hear him rummaging around in what you assume is his game room; you sit down on the couch letting him do his thing. Finally he walks back in looking shocked.
“Holy shit, it’s exactly the same.”
“Yep! It looks a little different now that you’re here with me. Some things like the place we live can change a little depending on what we really want. So now that you’re here it’s changed just a little.”
“So we kind of just go on living our lives then?”
“Sort of yeah, we’re free to do whatever we want really. We can eat, wander around, make friends and have fun, there’s ways to get little jobs and stuff if you’re interested. There’s limits to what we can do obviously but other than that it’s pretty nice.”
Nodding slightly he looks around before finally pulling a small velvet box from his back pocket. He fidgets around with it for a few seconds before looking down at you. He gives you a small shy smile when he finds you already looking up at him with wide eyes. Licking his lips he slowly kneels down in front of you, opening the box to show a simple little ring with a small yellow stone in the center.
“It’s um a little late I guess, fuck this is gonna sound really cheesy and stupid.” He says, shaking his head. “But um will you spend eternity with me or whatever this is?”
“Of course!” You shout, throwing yourself into him. Thankfully he easily catches you as you two topple over. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask that!” Laughing happily he pulls you into a sweet kiss as he sits up to put the ring on your finger.
“So guess you really do wanna spend an eternity with me then.” Kaminari says later that evening as the two of you sway around your home.
“I’ll start bringing up the first year thing again.”
“Ok! Jeez sorry won’t bring it up again.”
Rolling your eyes you give him a quick kiss before resting your head on his shoulder while he kisses the top of your head sighing happily.
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
Donut Date | Luther Hargreeves x Male Reader
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Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Pairing: Luther Hargreeves x Male Reader Summary: Luther starts questioning his sexuality.
A/N: Another co write with @inhumanshadows​! Again you should thank them for getting me to write more! haha.
Luther finished handing over the last of the criminals over to the authorities. "Here. Get em out of here." This was one of his solo missions so his siblings weren't with him.  With everything finished up, he began making his way back to the academy. However on his way home he spotted a bar and against everything thought, he decided he needed a drink after this particular night. Entering the bar, it was rather busy for what time of the night it was. There was a free seat at the bar and he took it while ordering himself a drink.
“This seat taken” Luther turns to the voice and sees you there, hand gesturing to an empty seat next to him.
“Uh no please sit.”
You smile and nod. “Hey Max? Two beers.”
Luther gives you a brief smile and nod himself. 
When Max hand's you the beer, you hand one to Luther. "Here. Seems like you might need another one."
Luther was going to say how he already had a drink but noticed then that he had drunk it all and only an empty bottle remained. He grabbed the new beer with another smile before lifting in a cheer. "Thanks." He started chugging it down at that.
“So... What’s your name thirsty?” You ask, sipping at your beer.
“Oh um. I’m Luther.”
“Hmm. Hi luther. The names Y/N.”
"Nice to meet you." Luther was keeping his eyes away from you. Honestly he never was one for friends or anything like that, just look how it's like with his own family. He took another swig, making the bottle get even more empty.
"You're not a people person are you?" You said, looking at Luther's face. "It's alright. Not everyone is." You take another sip of your beer before asking him another question. "So what's got you troubled? I can see that look on your face. It looks like you're contemplating all of your life choices right now, hence why you're here to drown out your problems."
“Oh. I guess so... I’ve just had a long day. And some family trouble.”
You make a sound of understanding.
“Family... enough said there my friend. Family is all kinds of crazy.”
Luther laughs. “Yeah I guess you’re right. What about you? Why are you drowning your problems away?”
“My boyfriend dumped me for my best friend... well ex best friend...”
Luther wasn't really sure how to respond to that. "Oh...I'm, sorry?"
You laughed at how he looked. "You...don't really know how to talk to people do you?"
Luther couldn't help the little smirk that showed up on his face. "That obvious huh?"
You lifted up your hands and pinched your fingers together. "Just a little bit. But that's okay, I love flustered guys."
Luther feels his face heat up, not used to what’s happening.
“I’m sorry.” You quickly say, seeing how uncomfortable he is. “Here I am being all flirty and you might not even be into guys.”
Luther blushes even more. "It's alright. No..m'not really into....I don't know." He wasn't sure what he was saying. His whole life he hadn't been into guys, he was barely into girls. He had no time to really have a relationship...but here he was feeling something. Every time he looked at your smile he couldn't help but smile himself. "Maybe I am."
You got quiet and blushed yourself. "Well then any guy would be lucky to get a chance to be with you."
Before Luther could say anything his phone went off. He fishes it out of his pocket and sighs heavily at a text from Pongo.
“I’m sorry Y/N... I-“
You place a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay. You gotta go? You gotta go. Tell ya what.” You stop and write something down on a napkin. “Call me and maybe we can grab another drink or something.”
Luther gently grabbed the napkin, his hand slightly brushing yours. "U-ugh, Y-yeah. I'd like that." He smiled again and pulled out some money to pay for his drinks. You stopped him before. "I got this one. You get next time." 
Luther leaves the bar, slipping the napkin into his pocket with a smile. 
“Well that was a good moment on an otherwise sucky day.” He says to himself.
That was a week ago. Luther hadn't stopped thinking of you since then. The napkin was on his dresser and countless time's he had typed in the number but never actually called you. Honestly, he was scared. He wasn't sure what the feelings for you were but he wanted to find out, he like how you made him feel. Typing in the number, he finally called you.
Luther hesitated but finally got the courage. "(Y/N)? It's Luther."
“Oh hey handsome! I was wondering if I’d ever hear from ya. How are you?”
“Oh I’m good. To be honest I’d been try to call you for a while. But just couldn’t get past the nerves...”
“I understand. But hey better late than never.”
“Y/N? Are you free tonight. Or maybe right now? I was wondering if you maybe wanted to grab some donuts or something?”
Luther just stared at his phone screen in silence. He was confused. 
He just technically asked you out on a date... for donuts but still.
Oh god! Is it s date?? Does he know it’s a date??
Thoughts like this continued to run through his head until there was a knock at his door.
The door opened and Diego poked his head in. "Hey have you seen my knife? I set it down and I haven't been able to- whoah. You look like you've been to hell...well more than normal."
Luther wasn't sure what to say. He wasn't sure what he was feeling for you and what he actually was. "I-I'm fine." He voice cracked a bit, betraying him to his brother. Diego couldn't help but laugh at his voice crack. "Whaaat the hell was that? I've never heard that before." He fully entered into the room. "Come on. What's wrong?"
“Um... I uh... met someone last week. And now I’m meeting them for donuts soon.” Luther informs.
“Okay... What’s so weird about that that makes you look like shit?” Diego asks sitting on the bed.
“Well... I really like... him.”
Diego nodded his head in understanding. "Ah. I understand now." Diego sat besides him. "I know we've had our problems and still do but...don't overthink this. Your hearts telling you one thing but your head is making you too afraid to act. Just go for it." For once, Diego actually gave him good advice.
Luther nodded his head and stood up. "Thanks. Now I have to go I have to meet him at Griddy's like now." Luther grabbed his coat and left the room. Diego smirked and called out after him. "I want to meet him!" He then began looking around. "Now...where's my knife?"
Luther made his way to Griddy's and entered. In one of the booths you were looking over a menu. Taking a breath he calmly walked over to you. "Hey (Y/N). Good to see you."
You smiled and as you saw him. "Luther! It's good to see you too, come have a seat. I'm just looking to see what I want."
Luther nods and takes a seat next to you, also looking at the menu.
You guys order a half dozen of whatever Agnes recommends, too many choices to make on your own. And who better to ask than the woman making them.
“I’m glad you called. I know I said that earlier but I really am happy you called.” You say, biting into a classic strawberry frosted.
Luther bites into his own. "Yeah, me too." For a while the two of you just eat in silence but eventually he speaks again. "Sorry. I've never been on a date before. I'm not really sure how to go about it."
"Wait this is a date?" You stare at him in shock.
Luther's eyes widen. "Oh! I just thought...I'm sorry I should have-"
You laugh and  reach over holding his arm. "Hey, I'm just fucking with you. I know it's a date and you're doing fine. First dates are always awkward."
Luther lets out a sigh.
"You okay? I know that was a bit of a dick move."
Luther gives you a warm smile. "It's fine. I think I needed that. I was kinda overthinking things... had to have my little brother convince me to 'nut up and do it' as he'd probably put it. He wants to meet you by the way."
You laugh at the story, "Well if things go good here and I do meet him, remind me to thank him."
After finishing up, Luther paid for the donuts this time. "It's only fair. you got the drinks last time."
The two of you walked close together down the sidewalk. "I'm not ready to finish yet honestly. I'm liking my time with you." You said to the man. Looking at him he seemed to be thinking of something, something that was keeping his head distracted. "Hey." No answer. "Earth to Luther hello!?" That got his attention. "What's going on?"
He didn't hesitate. "Be my boyfriend." It was rushed but you could tell he meant it. "Be my boyfriend. Please." He seemed so nervous, but so sure at the same time. 
You smiled and wrapped your arm around his. "I thought you'd never ask." Sure it was quick, but sometimes you just have to take chances.
The two of you walk leaning against the other, no particular location in mind. You walk around a nearby park until it gets too cold. 
"We can head to my house?" Luther says. 
"Sounds good... I can meet your brother, whom I have to thank for my new boyfriend."
Luther smiled but ultimately groaned. "He's never going to let me forget it either."
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