#haikus for a better world^
moreclaypigeons · 1 year
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rizzlegukgak · 8 months
i got myself so worked up over that poem post because i made the mistake of looking into the notes
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haiku-every-day · 2 years
Make the world better, /
that is what I aim to do, /
small act by small act. /
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crepezinhos · 8 days
3sum w/ kazuha and wanderer where kazuha has to constantly scold wanderer for degrading you😭
Fortune’s Fool
(REQUEST #2: Kazuha + Wanderer Smut)
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POV: The request ☝️
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— Somnophilia does NOT happen even if it might look like it.
— Reader uses SHE/HER pronouns.
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As a wanderer from Fontaine, you’ve made many friends and acquaintances throughout your life. In one of your many trips to Inazuma, you met this very talented wanderer and poet called Kaedehara Kazuha who gave you plenty inspiration and the vibe that you needed in your life. In one of your few trips to Sumeru, you met this other wanderer who called himself Wanderer for some reason and was very complex. He was rude, cold, sometimes mean and very proud of himself, but that didn’t make you unable to develop a friendship with him. After all, in Tevyat, one of the few global-wide traditions is that wanderers don’t attack other wanderers. After all, all wanderers aren’t common and all of them want the same thing, peace and pleasure. So, to make the tradition even better and realer, when there’s an encounter of wanderers, it’s common that they’ll celebrate it and use the opportunity to talk about their recent experiences around the world.
And that’s exactly what you’re doing right now in an isolated bar in Liyue. You had the great luck of spotting the one and only, Kaedehara Kazuha, meditating in a tall, yellow tree, a man popular around Tevyat for being the only human who managed to hold the Musou no Hitotachi alone.
“It was all thanks to my old friend’s vision. Otherwise, I don’t believe I would’ve done it.” He said, taking another sip of his wine.
“Still, that is one great story, Kazuha! It must’ve been a great source of inspiration to your Haikus.” You implied, genuinely impressed at his deed.
“Incredibly, it was not. The only thing I wrote related to that moment was about the fact that the second vision I had with me awakened although its owner has ceased years ago. I don’t want to sound weird but it felt like… his spirit did it. Like it has been watching me ever since my arrival…” Kazuha shared his thoughts, making you take a sip of your wine this time.
“No, no, I totally understand, I also believe that some souls have the strength to live even after the death of their body.” You reassured Kazuha.
But unfortunately, the conversation was cut off due to your attention being dragged by the sound of the bar’s doorbell, signing someone had entered the bar.
The first thing you noticed when you were turning around was the person’s very long hat. Then you realized the person’s short, dark purple hair and the white and blue pattern of their clothes.
It was the nameless Inazuman wanderer you met in Sumeru.
“Hey! Big hat guy!” You called him out, instantly dragging his eyes to you. “Come here!” You said, tapping in the chair right next to you.
He stared at you back for some seconds but didn’t reply, walking to the bar’s counter afterward like you weren’t there.
“Who is he?” Kazuha asked, taking a sip of his wine in a slight suspicion and making you pay attention to him again.
“He’s a wanderer from Inazuma.” You explained.
“Inazuma? That’s weird, he gives me chills even tho I’ve never seen him in my life.” Kazuha said, getting a little more suspicious.
“Yeah, because he lives in Sumeru! Don’t worry, Kazuha, he isn’t dangerous!” You defended Wanderer, turning to him again afterwards. “Hey, c’mon big hat guy!” You screamed but he ignored you again, not even staring at you this time.
“I believe he had a rough day, Y/N, let him go.” He suggested, tapping your resting hand in the table to bring your attention back to him again.
“Well then… where were we?” You asked, finally giving up and fully tuning your body back to Kazuha.
“We were talking about souls and spi—”
Your whole body flinched at hearing a sudden bang in the table coming right from your right side, almost making you jump off your seat unlike Kazuha who didn’t get scared at all. You immediately looked to your right and you met Wanderer and a fat wine cup in his hands.
“Why so scared?” He asked, sitting down at the chair you were previously tapping and staring at your scared face with a mocking smirk.
“To be fair, things get extra emotional for people when they’re drinking.” Kazuha answered for you, scolding Wanderer.
After all, even if Kazuha was also drinking, he had the vision of the bar’s entrance, which means that he witnessed Wanderer’s approach and that he could’ve warned you of it.
Your soul finally came back to your body.
“Yeah, that was super unnecessary!” You screamed.
“Don’t worry, it won’t happen again, I don’t want to drink a lot tonight.” He said, taking a sip of his drink.
“Me neither.” Kazuha said, taking a sip of his wine.
“I guess me neither too…” You said, still a little angry at Wanderer.
“And then he stared at it for like 10 seconds… hic, and still couldn’t realize Ms. Hina was a parody of himself!” Kazuha finished the story, making you both burst in laugh like hyenas, punching the table with your empty cups and fists.
You two were cackling like that for the unfunniest or most random things you could think of. Your belly was hurting so much from the excessive laughs that you decided to rest your head in the table, trying to curl your body and ease your pain. But then your nose begun to hurt from the friction of it against the table, so you turned your head to your right and noticed Wanderer caressing his forehead aggressively, like he was stressed at something.
“What’s wrong, hic, Hat Guy?” You asked, getting up again just to lay your head in his shoulder.
“I don’t feel so good…” He explained, ignoring your nosy head.
“Are you gonna to throw up?” Kazuha asked, also taking it in funny way like you.
“Maybe, if she keeps moving me around.” He said, trying to push you away from his shoulder without moving too much of his own body.
“Oh, c’mon, don’t be so negative..!” You said, throwing yourself again just to hug his two shoulders very tight.
“H-Hey!” He screamed, trying to get you off him in way more panic than before.
“Hey, Wanderer guy, you said you were a puppet, didn’t you?” Kazuha asked, ignoring the situation you were putting him in.
“Yes, I am!” He screamed again.
“Do you have a dick?” He asked, making you and Kazuha cackle like hyenas again.
“W-What?! Why the heck do you wanna know if I have one or not?!” He asked, absolutely mad at the both of you for laughing at such an intimate question.
“I’m just curious… what about drugs? Can you smoke weed as much as wish to?” He asked again, making you and him just giggle more.
Wanderer didn’t even bother answering and fought you off for some seconds, but out of nowhere, he stopped it all and begun staring at a wall, absolutely paralyzed in realization.
“Y/N, get off.” He demanded.
“I don’t really feel like getting—” You tried joking one more time.
“Y/N, I’m gonna throw up and I will not stop myself if I do it on you. ” He confessed, making you instantly weaken your grip in him.
“Are you o—” You tried asking but as soon as Wanderer felt his shoulders become free, he immediately jumped off his chair and ran towards the hall with the “Bathrooms” sign as fast as light. You decided to follow right afterwards even if you weren’t allowed to go into the man’s bathroom.
“Hey, guys, don’t leave me here!” Kazuha screamed, not getting up from his chair.
When you got inside the bathroom, you stopped to look for where he went and met his two feet standing in the farthest stall of bathroom. As soon as you noticed that, you ran towards his direction again and banged the stall’s door sometimes, trying to get in.
“Wanderer?! Are you ok in there?!” You asked, trying your best to hear him through the door but no sound was emitted rather than him breathing.
“I-I don’t know… I don’t know whether it wants to come out or not…” He answered with a whiny voice.
“I mean… you’re a puppet, I wouldn’t expect my body to react like a human’s if I was a puppet.” Kazuha showed up behind you out of nowhere, which made you jump in fear again and let go of the stall’s door.
“K-Kazuha?! Oh my god, don’t do that again!” You screamed at Kazuha angrily, looking back to meet him acting as calm as ever, unlike the situation.
But in that moment of distraction, the door opened, and there was Wanderer standing very embarrassed.
“I’m fine.” He said, pulling his hat down to cover his face.
“Oh, thank goodness..!” You said very cutely like you hadn’t just screamed at Kazuha and threw yourself at him again.
“H-Hey, don’t throw yourself at me, I’m still a little nauseous!” He complained, trying to push you away but suddenly, you felt Kazuha’s hands lay on your shoulders not so nicely.
“Party in the stall!” Kazuha screamed, pushing the both of you inside the stall, making you and Wanderer barely fall in the toilet if he hadn’t put his hands on the walls.
And meanwhile you and Wanderer got up, you heard a click from the door. As soon as you were finally standing up, you looked behind and noticed that Kazuha had locked the door with a silly smile in his cute face.
All that you remembered was Wanderer and Kazuha switching places because he wanted to get out, but both of you pulled him back in. Than you forgot what happened between Kazuha locking the door and the current moment, which made you just more and more confused, because you wanted to know how did you allow yourself to be sandwiched by both of them, making out with you. But it didn’t really matter anymore, they were too good for you to not pay attention in them. Kazuha was behind you now, kissing and sucking your neck as his hands slipped through your shirt and bra, squeezing your breasts gently. And Wanderer was in front of you now, smashing both your heads and lips together with one of his hands squeezing your hair, while his other hands slipped through your underwear and masturbated your clit using two of his cold fingers.
Your brain was barely functioning but you wouldn’t deny that what you were doing with those boys gave you a tremendous amount of pleasure. Two men willing to sacrifice the privacy and art of sex just because they couldn’t wait to fuck you.
Happens that your mouth was the best spot for you to breathe, which was currently being taken by Wanderer’s tongue. He was smirking, loving the power he had over you compared to Kazuha, playing with your clit in ways that made you flinch and screech in agony.
“A-Ah~! Wanderer, wai—!” You screamed when Wanderer suddenly inserted the same two fingers inside you with no kind of warning at all.
But Wanderer ignored you and instantly pulled your mouth back to his. The amount of shock and pleasure from it made your back arch, making it harder and harder for both men to adjust their positions.
“Fucking stand up, I’m not gonna hold you if you fall.” He demanded, stopping the kiss for a quick moment unlike his fingers.
“Hey… let’s be fair to Y/N and us… we’re standing up on a tight place..!” Kazuha scolded with a very gentle voice thanks to amount of alcohol he drunk.
Wanderer leaned up and stepped backwards a few times, letting his hands off you go as started to analyze the situation while licking off his soggy fingers.
“Hummm…” He thought for some seconds while Kazuha still played with your body. “Kazuha, hold her and sit down.” He demanded.
You couldn’t even tell if Kazuha understood how or why but he still obeyed. So he moved both his hands to your shoulders and sat down at the toilet, pulling you down too to sit on top of his lap.
“W-What are you going to do..?” You asked to Wanderer, using some of the energy you managed to regain in that small break.
“Sex!” Kazuha answered for Wanderer very happily, with a cutesy, smiley face.
Yeah, he had no remaining consciousness at all.
But your eyes were more focused on Wanderer slowly undoing his pants with a growing smirk in his face.
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Surprised at seeing a puppet with a dick?” He asked mockingly, stepping the closest he could to you, your mouths centimeters away from each other.
“So you do have a dick…” Kazuha commented.
“Shut up.” He demanded with an angry voice, looking at Kazuha in distraction before looking back at you with that mean smirk. “Come on, I know you want this… you just gotta say it! I know your brain is still working unlike his…” He provoked.
“Hey, I do have a brain..! Here~.” Kazuha defende himself, pulling you closer to him as he used his knees to spread your legs apart.
Wanderer’s grin widened as he admired the awkward position you were in, sitting on top of a man’s lap with your legs spread by his legs… and Wanderer knew that Kazuha would definitely use his hands during it.
“May I, Y/N?” He whispered in your ear very teasingly, making you throw your head aside in embarrassment.
And finally, you nodded weakly, allowing him to finally push all of him inside you. You were about to scream in shock, but Kazuha was quick to identify it and silenced your mouth using one of his hands.
“Shhhh… we don’t want no one to hear us, do we?” Kazuha whispered in your ear and Wanderer finally begun moving in and out of you after also having his moment of pleasure from entering inside you.
Your brain was only functioning to receive the pleasure that Wanderer gave you, even if he was barely starting, and grip on Kazuha’s arm covering your mouth for dear life. Alcohol really messes with the human mind… maybe you shouldn’t have drunk that much alcohol… or maybe you should’ve. Kazuha’s hands immediately begun roaming around your chest as soon as he saw you relax, trying his best to make you feel even more pleasure. He basically just copied what he was previously doing, but better, even if it was only with a single hand, pinching your nipples and touching spots he knew were sensitive and sucking your neck with his mouth passionately.
It was absolute ecstasy.
Wanderer wasn’t going fast yet, he was more focused on finding the perfect spot and angle to thrust you before driving you insane, but that was going to be very complicated in that place. So his hands were absolutely crushing your hips to keep you in that same rough spot at all costs. It was definitely going to mark them if he kept holding you like that for the rest of I.
“Fucking useless slut…” He let out his stress as he realized he wasn’t managing to perfect his thrusts the way he wanted to.
“Hey… let’s not make this even harder for her… she’s doing the best she could for a woman having sex with two men in a bathroom stall.” Kazuha scolded, stopping his massage in your neck for a brief moment.
“Correction, she’s being relentlessly bred like a dog and she loves it.” Wanderer mocked again, staring right at your teary eyes.
“A beautiful one…” Kazuha tried to make it sound like a compliment, kissing your cheek from behind cutely.
“You know that you and your little praises are not making her feel better than I, right? I can feel her pussy clenching when I degraded her~...” He teased, making you throw your head aside in embarrassment of being stared right on the eye by him while he fucked you with hunger.
But Kazuha only saw that as an opportunity to launch his head further in your neck.
“Well… I don’t think she’d show me her neck like this if I was so insignificant.” He mocked Wanderer, who just stared at him very violently.
In that moment of slight relaxation, you used one of your arms to reach Kazuha’s head and caress it to keep him stimulating you, making Wanderer’s ego slightly hurt.
But before you could have a minute of strength and consciousness, you suddenly felt Kazuha’s hand in your boob slkde all the way down to your belly, than your underwear, than your clit, scissoring it according to Wanderer’s thrusts. Or at least trying to…
You felt your entire body flinch and melt in Kazuha’s lap as every single part of your body that could possibly make you feel pleasure was being toyed. You couldn’t tell who was giving you more pleasure and that just made you get more and more lost in it meanwhile they got more and more competitive for dominance. Kazuha was absolutely making you agonize and flinch with his tortuous, little, teasing touches, and Wanderer was absolutely numbing your mind, trying his best to make sure that he was the main one there. He was the reason why Kazuha had to cover your mouth in the first place but you still clearly hear each slap of Wanderer’s skin against your hips and the puffy, soggy sounds coming out of your pussy.
“Fucking Christ… can you fucking take your dick off my way?!” Wanderer screamed at Kazuha, stopping his thrusts inside you for a moment and making Kazuha stop sucking your neck like a meal too.
You had noticed it ever since you sat on his lap but Kazuha was growing harder and harder with every second. His pants and your weight got in the way for most of the process but now you and Wanderer could clearly see and feel his tip beginning to rub and cover your pussy, which was what made Wanderer angry and stop.
“It’s not my fault I’m not the lucky one…” He defended himself with an embarrassed face.
Finally, you had a moment to breathe and process all the information while they discussed.
“I’m not gonna let you finish her off now that I already got inside her.” He assured, putting his hands on your hips again to make sure Kazuha wasn’t going to do anything to you.
“Well then, what will we do?” He asked, making Wanderer instantly create an idea.
You could see his eyelids popping up like the lightbulb on his brain has just been lit.
But Wanderer took advantage of your distraction and pulled you off Kazuha’s lap for a quick moment just to spin you around and push you back to him. The impact of it made your head fall very close to his clothed erection.
“Make the bitch suck you.” Wanderer ordered, gently squeezing your ass in anticipation.
“Hey, she’s not a bitch…” Kazuha scolded with his gentle voice, caressing your head gently.
“Of course she is! She’s such a horny and cock-hungry whore that’s she’s willing to take two at the same time… am I wrong, Y/N?” He mocked, leaning closer to you just to grip on your chin and force eye contact with you.
“I believe we are also sacrificing the sake of privacy and art of sex due to a snowballed lust, aren’t we? We are also pussy-hungry whores with sadistic kinks according to your logic, but I’d rather call this the peak of humanity.” Kazuha scolded artistically.
Even tho it was pretty much a huge turn-off to you and Wanderer…
“Can you just… shut the fuck up and let me fuck her?” He asked, still trying to understand what Kazuha said.
“Alright, whore… I promise it will be quick, Y/N.” Kazuha whispered in your ear, caressing your cheeks with a thumb and forcing eye contact as he undid his pants with his other hand.
And Wanderer finally begun thrusting you. Now that he had full control of your hips with no sort of intervention from Kazuha, he was absolutely destroying your few, remaining dignity.
Completely numbed and hypnotized by the Wanderer’s vicious thrusts, you shoved your warm, breathy mouth inside Kazuha’s cock with his hands’ assistance, sacrificing your best canal to breathe.
“Oh God…” Kazuha groaned, gently laying a hand on top of your head.
He was absolutely relaxed in his seat, letting you suck in your tortuous rhythm. The hand he laid on your head did nothing but caress it. He was so gentle he even praised you even if sometimes you couldn’t even find the strength to keep your head going up and down in his dick.
“You have no idea how good this is…” Kazuha complimented, looking at Wanderer.
“You’re just drunk, she’s barely moving her head… Plus, don’t compare a mouth to a fucking pussy, it’s definitely way better in here.” He mocked between slight hisses.
“No, no… she’s warming my cock passionately and I love it.” He defended you again, hugging your head with better strength to assure you.
“Well then… you’re losing the fun.” He finished, and you suddenly felt a hard slap hit one of your buttocks, making you arch your back and separate your mouth to Kazuha’s cock in shock of it.
Kazuha held your face in place, worried about how you felt, but all you did was moan like crazy to Wanderer’s domination in you.
“See? She loves it! Who would’ve guessed that the Great Swordswoman from Fontaine was a hidden masochist?!” Wanderer mocked, squeezing and caressing the same ass cheek he slapped.
“You should not mock people for a kink you’d rather have than not have in sex… after all, not many women like sadistic guys.” Kazuha scolded again, leaning closer to your head to whisper something in your ear. “Don’t listen to him, Y/N… you’re doing amazing… but I really need you to suck me…” He asked, gently pushing your head back to his cock after you nodded in allowance.
As long as Wanderer’s unstoppable sadistic streak was turning you on more and more, Kazuha’s praises contrasting Wanderer’s degradations was absolute music to your ears. You could feel yourself getting tighter and tighter, closer and closer to climax whenever anything related to you came out their mouths, creating a paradox of having your dignity destroyed and recovered over and over again.
“I’m going to take her to a hotel and take care of her, go home.” You could hear Wanderer’s voice speaking above of you.
You don’t know where you are, nor what time it is, but you could feel your body being held by something in the air.
“Can I take her or come with you? I really want to spend more time with her…” You heard Kazuha’s voice slightly echoing in your ears, but you couldn’t see him.
He still sounded drunk. He actually sounded even more drunk.
“Fuck no, you can barely stand up and I don’t want another man sleeping on my bed! Especially one that I don’t know!” Wanderer screamed.
Did you really pass out?
“I mean… you’ve seen my dick and I’ve seen yours too! There isn’t anything to hide anymore!” He said, as excited as a kid.
Kazuha was really another man when he was drunk, wasn’t he?
“Of course there is! And, it’s her decision rather she wants to see us again or not. We literally just fucked her brains out in a bathroom stall, I would never want to see us again if I was her.”
And maybe he’s right.
“Oh-ho? Now you’re being protective of her? You’re the reason why she’s asleep in the first place!” Kazuha mocked.
Is he? You still have a slight fragment of the memory of the orgasm Wanderer brought you to have… right before your eyes closed and your head bonked in Kazuha’s lap.
“Shut up!” He demanded, pulling his hat down to cover his face but that just helped you to see him better, his cheeks were going pink.
After all, he was carrying you in his arms.
“Go, take her home. I’ll clean up the mess we made.” Kazuha said to Wanderer, and he finally started started walking with you in his arms.
What the fuck did just happen?
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yenonnoff · 13 days
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ೃ⁀➷ from beginning to end | (day)
synopsis: peaceful days on the alcor with kazuha and his lovely significant other.
content: established relationship, fluff, comfort, kazuha just loves the reader; wanderer's part is a parallel version to this <3
note: this was completely written and dedicated to @kqbukimono (may)!!! it's a crime to subject kazuha to any pain. this is for all the times when ure genuinely rly nice and funny ᐢᗜᐢ hope u enjoy!!
the wanderer's love (wanderer) | from beginning to end
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to kazuha, loving you was like a breath of fresh air. it was a walk through pretty gardens of cecilias and scenic views. your touch, your gaze, your presence—everything about you made things idyllic, and kazuha loved you dearly. 
he was stuck in a cycle of stagnation before you joined the crux. it was the same routine everyday: relax on the ship, have writer’s block, deal with beidou and the crew’s shenanigans, and so on. you were the gentle breeze that moved things along, at least with you this routine was bearable. 
kazuha was a man of placidity, he was also a man with a zeal for adventure and stories… he was also hopelessly in love with you—the combination of everything he treasured and more. 
mornings on the ship were mostly peaceful: kazuha could be found right by your side, always sharing meals together while he told you stories and haikus (you had reignited his motivation to write). 
afternoons were even better when beidou would anchor the ship and head into town. sometimes you stayed together; other times, you went separate ways, coming back with a million things to tell one another. he’d listen softly as you spoke, humming in response or making a comment that was often accompanied with blissful laughter. 
he could never get tired of this: conversing about nonsense that effortlessly filled him with love and admiration. he was comfortable with you, drunk on the way you understood one another. you consumed his writing and his thoughts. everything kazuha wrote overflowed with compassion, each word painting a precious memory. 
however, he found it difficult to write about you specifically. no amount of metaphors or similes, pretty diction or imagery could ever fully depict your grace and splendor. he’d struggle and feel dissatisfied. still, kazuha tries again everyday, realizing new things just by spending time with you. 
nights on the alcor consisted of inane celebrations and drinking contests. asinine rambling would fill the ship as platters of food scattered across the deck. there was no escaping beidou and her crew’s drunken mischief so the two of you would often sit side by side and enjoy a drink. you’d only excuse yourself when the night breeze got too chilly and your lover’s warmth could no longer blanket you. 
nights always ended with a kiss and the whistling of ocean waves. the two of you would slumber until a new day started, this time more unexpected and spontaneous than the last. that was just how life was with you, and kazuha wouldn’t trade it for any treasure on teyvat. 
he slept soundly every night knowing you were by his side; he slept knowing he was the luckiest man ever.
when the sun rises again, kazuha will wake with gratitude and affection coating his heart. the two of you will have all the time in the world to go on adventures and converse about trivial matters. he’ll have all the time to say, “i love you,” over and over again.
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kakushino · 8 months
Haiku connoisseur
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Iguro Obanai x GN!Reader
Sleepy and drunk Obanai mutters everything that comes to his mind under his breath, no matter the place or audience.
Tags: alcohol consumption, fluff, established relationship Word count: 0,8k
AN: Written to cheer one of my dearest friends (read: wives) up. The haiku are written by Kate Miller-Wilson and JS Parker (found on pinterest).
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It wasn’t often that Obanai got drunk. The occasion called for it however, as Giyuu had just gotten married. The celebrations went long into the night, the flashy God of Festivals making sure everyone had their cups filled and smiles stretched wide on their faces. 
However, it now left you supporting most of Obanai’s weight as he stumbled along, Kaburamaru wound around your neck instead of his. He kept mumbling nonsense under his breath, steps unsteady, until you heard a few words that made sense.
“-ptured water… Y’hold me.. in y’cupp’d hands…”
“Hm? What are you saying?” you stopped in the middle of the road, trying to listen closely.
“I said- hic - I said,” he said a little louder, his usual raspy voice softer from his intoxication. “I said… Like captured wa- water… Y’hold me in y’cupped hands…” Obanai sighed, his hand gripping onto your yukata tighter. “I flow on y’palm…”
It took a few seconds to realize he had just created a haiku on the spot. A small smile spread across your lips. “Nai… Can you repeat that?” You wanted to remember it and write it down at home. It was too precious a moment not to.
Obanai mumbled a few grumpy curses about not listening to him and repeated it once again:
Like captured water,
You hold me in your cupped hands
I flow on your palm.
Not many knew your love had a softer heart, one meant to awe people, instead of being forced to harden and kill demons. He deserved better, so much better. He deserved to not be ashamed of the art he created to brighten your bleak world.
You wished you could tattoo each of his poems behind your eyelids, so you could forever hold them close. “That’s sweet, Nai,” you told him quietly and started walking again, dragging his form along. At least he wasn’t heavy, you couldn’t imagine dragging Kyojuro, or Gyomei, home.
“I- ‘m not sweet,” he grumbled, and then went on a mumbling rant about everything and anything, slurring his words heavily until his own brain got confused, and he fell silent. You were nearly at his estate when he started to whisper more gibberish.
Once you reached the building, you sat him down on the engawa, making him waver in his seat without your support. You took off his sandals, your own, and helped him stand up on the wooden floor, gripping his hand. 
Obanai refused to take a step further, staring at your joined hands, and intertwined your fingers. “I wan’ f’r all time…” he dragged your hands to his bandaged lips and whispered on against them, a kiss bestowed upon your knuckles, “t’ fill the spaces between… y’r fingers with mine- hic -” 
You were torn between bursting out in laughter and hiding your face, overwhelmed with feelings. Gods, he was completely smitten, wasn’t he? Then again… so were you. “You can always hold my hand - whenever you want to, dearest,” you told him with a smile as blood rushed to your face. Kaburamaru tightened around your neck slightly, seeking the warmth of your skin.
He glared at you, “Good.” The sight combined with his flushed face was too adorable. You wished you could paint it just then.
You smothered your chuckles and started to guide him into your shared bedroom. He would need to handle bathing in the morning by himself, for tiredness made you drag your feet as you struggled to steer your partner out of his yukata and into bed once inside you stumbled inside your room.
“I… ‘ve loved y’soooo long, y’ve… b’come the lyrics to m’ favorite song.” Obanai swayed on his feet as his yukata fell, leaving him only in his fundoshi. “D’you hear me?” he asked with a petulant frown.
“Yes, I heard you,” you grinned, helping him lie down onto the futon before you started to undress yourself. “I love you too.”
“You better…” He blinked a few times, trying to focus on your figure in the dark. The sound of rustling fabric was all that guided his imagination of what you were doing. You walked away from him a few steps and murmured something under your breath, making him realize you were taking care of Kaburamaru. Oh, he could kiss you right now. You were so good to them both he could hardly believe it. 
And if all it took was him telling you haiku to make you happy, he would wax poetics until his voice gave out.
When you laid in his arms at last, snuggling against his warmth just like Kaburamaru did every day, he recited the last poem he had on his mind that day.
You shatter my sleep
All milk-need and petal lips.
You smile, and I melt.
His dreams were as sweet as your scent was.
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dividers made by the amazing @benkeibear
idea from @glitchtricks94
Network: @enchantedforest-network
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asolareclipses · 2 days
(Previous Part)
“Gods this heat is killing me.”
Will looked back at Jason who was drenched in sweat from the summer sun. “Maybe we should take a quick break.”
“I don’t get how you’re not melting right now,” Jason said as he practically collapsed on the ground.
Will shrugged, “Maybe it’s an Apollo thing. Sun resistance or whatever.”
Jason squinted as he looked up at Will, “Huh.”
Will turned to face the quiet road beside them his face turning somber, “We’re never going to make it there at this pace.”
Jason sighed as he ducked his head in a pointless action to avoid the sun. “I mean we’re halfway there right?”
With a groan of frustration Will turned to Jason, “If only we didn’t breakdown in the middle of nowhere.”
Jason opened his mouth the speak but was interrupted by a loud car horn.
Will watched as a small rusted truck slowly rolled to a stop next to them, the window squeaking as it slid down.
“You boys need a ride?” An old man spoke with a southern twang.
Simultaneously, Will and Jason looked at each other, both with clear skepticism. This had ‘Trap’ written all over it, however they had no other choice.
“Sure,” Will replied with a halfhearted smile, motioning for Jason to follow him.
In no time they were riding smoothly, somewhat, down the empty road in the worn down truck. The inside was no better than the outside either as the seats were clearly old with some tears and stains. Each floorboard was caked with dirt along with scattered pieces of trash or machine parts.
Will scanned each inch of the truck but, apart from its lack of cleanliness, it was perfectly normal. No evil tortue tools or suspicious mythical items. It was exactly what you’d expect from some random southern man. The man himself wasn’t strange either, no third eye or sharp teeth, rather something about him felt oddly familiar.
“So you two off on some adventure?” The man joked as he glanced in the rear view mirror at Jason with a sudden look of melancholy.
“Um we were just,” Will paused trying to come up with something. “On our way to visit our grandparents in Maine.”
Jason glanced skeptically at Will, to which Will read as, ‘In what world are we siblings?’
“Well isn’t that nice,” The man smiled, “Good thing I ran across you two because i’m headed the same way.”
Will thought that ‘coincidence’ should’ve made him nervous but for some reason he felt as if he weren’t in any type of danger.
“How’d you two get stranded?” The man continued the conversation in a relaxed manner.
“The-I mean my car broke down,” Will winced at his own stuttering.
The man shook his head, “Those are some tough roads from manhattan huh?”
Will froze, turning to the man. “I never said where we came from.”
The man’s eyes widened for a split second, “Lucky guess huh?”
Will just stared back, inching closer to the door as if to make a sudden escape.
The man sighed with a frown, “Perhaps i’m not the actor I believed I was. My skills seem to be getting quite rusty.” The southern accent disappeared as he spoke in an eerily familiar tone. “Dressed as an old man. Oh how convincing I am. Yet still I get caught.”
Wills eyes widened as he realized the drivers real identity, “Dad?!”
Jason almost got whiplash as he heard what Will said. ‘Dad?’ In no world was this old man Apollo, still there he was, Haikus and all.
“I’m conflicted on whether I should be disappointed in my disguise skills or happy that my child is so quick-witted.” The once old man, now Apollo spoke with a grin.
“Why are you-How are you here?” Will seemed just as shocked as Jason felt.
“I can be anywhere I want of course, and where is better than here?” Apollo words sounded similar to that of riddles. “A good father can give his son a ride once in a while right?”
“Won’t you get in trouble for interfering with, you know, demigod stuff?” Will asked.
“What ‘demigod’ stuff?” Apollo asked his voice pitching a bit higher. “This is just a regular ride with no ulterior motive. At least that’s what i’m going to tell Zeus if he finds out.” He glanced back in the mirror again but as his eyes met Jason’s he quickly looked away with a small frown.
Jason couldn’t help but to remember the last time he’d seen Apollo. He could still feel the coldness of the water, how it felt as he realized his life was about to end.
“So is this your car?” Will’s voice snapped Jason out of his thoughts and back to the current moment.
Apollo shrugged, “Any car can be my car.”
Will raised an eyebrow as his father.
“Okay, I may have borrowed it. But it’s not like anyone will miss this thing, I’ll just replace it with a new one. It’s not like I could’ve used the sun chariot, that would be far too obvious.”
“Right..” Will said, biting back a smile.
“Consider this a favor,” Apollo said his voice suddenly somber. “I know I owe you two far more than just this.” His eyes glanced back at Jason again for only a second.
Will frowned but quickly changed the subject upon sensing the tension, “Do you know what’s going on, if Nico is okay?”
Apollo frowned, “Oh how I wish I could tell you.” His fingers tightened around the wheel, “There is not much I know, just the darkness you all have been so aware of. I can’t predict this outcome and even if I could there would be no speaking it. But you are strong, you are light. Remember that Will.”
Jason could see Will’s face scrunching in confusion but he didn’t say anything, instead he leaned against the window to his side with a distant look in his eyes.
Apollo began to drone on about what he’d been recently doing before he switched over to asking Will as many ‘fatherly’ questions as he possibly could. Jason almost felt left out, he knew his father would never speak to him like that. His father hadn’t even bothered to say anything to him since he came back. Perhaps that was for the best, maybe him acknowledging Jasons existence would mean his end. Or worse, Leo could face consequences too. Jason’s thoughts continued to consume him until he realized that they were slowing down.
Apollo looked at the two passengers hesitantly as the truck rolled to a stop, “This is as far as I can go.”
Will smiled, his eyes without any joy. “Thank you Dad.”
“Anytime Will, I wish I could-” Apollo stopped himself. “Be safe, and bring back Nico.”
“I will,” Will nodded stopping out of the truck.
As Jason turned to exit Apollo suddenly spoke, “Jason.” He paused, “For all that happened, I..I truly am sorry.”
Jason froze for a moment tightly gripping the door handle, he turned to Apollo with a strained smile and shook his head. “Don’t apologize, it was just fate.” He spoke before quickly pushing the door open and stepping out.
Apollo frowned as if he wanted to say something more but decided not to. With a smile and wave he drove off, “Remember who you are Will!” He called out as his voice faded into the wind.
The two of them stood there until the truck was just a spot on the horizon before turning to the rusted sign that read, “Westover Hall 1 Mile Ahead.”
“Well,” Jason turned to Will his voice void of enthusiasm, “We’re here.”
Will bit his lip as he stared at the large school in the distance, “Let’s hope we’re not too late.”
Part Nine?
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aetheternity · 1 year
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Synopsis: You're sick, thankfully the 6reeze boys are there to care for you.
CW: Just sweet fluff. Reader calls Wanderer, Kuni.
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☆ Now now, just because you're sick doesn't mean you have to eat stuff you hate.
☆ He'll literally make you any food / drink you want. Unless you're throwing up. Then he'll stick to giving you water to flush your system out.
☆ He does any and everything you want no matter how ridiculous it may seem. Pillow needs fluffing? He's your guy. Extra blanket needed? He's got two pick the one you like better. You want a bath? He'll run it for you.
☆ He lets Paimon read one of the stories he wrote. Just to help you fall asleep easier.
☆ "And then our hero turns to his trusty, reliable, amazing companion and says-"
☆ "Paimon, stop padding out the story. The whole point of this was to relax Name, this isn't for entertainment purposes."
☆ "Paimon has to make the story more interesting or else even Paimon will fall asleep reading it!"
☆ You can't help but giggle at Aether's sullen expression.
☆ He makes sure to take your temperature every hour and yes it does feel a bit excessive but he wants to make sure you're actually making a recovery. Humor him would ya?
☆ "What's it say? What's it say? Is the cold breaking?" Paimon questions
☆ "Maybe we need more blankets and soup."
☆ "Doctor Paimon is on it!"
☆ Don't worry even if they argue quite a bit or the entire time. You're definitely going to make a speedy recovery with Doctor Aether and Doctor Paimon tending to you.
☆ He was already off for the week as it was so now here he was at your door with a big smile and some treats for the two of you to share.
☆ He starts boiling a pot of water so you can soak in the steam almost immediately.
☆ "So, what do you think got you so under the weather?"
☆ "I have no idea.. honestly I just woke up yesterday sick as a dog."
☆ "Well, these kinds of things don't just magically happen even though it can feel like it. Trace your steps back to before the illness."
☆ Another one that isn't worried enough about getting sick himself. Though he's human so he's the one that should.
☆ You're already burrito wrapped in a huge thick blanket but somehow you're still shivering so he slides into place behind you wrapping you tightly in his arms until your body slowly relaxes.
☆ "You're not worried enough about catching my germs."
☆ "Well, I know if I happened to fall victim to a dreaded cold, you'd be my savior as a sort of debt for me being yours." He chuckles
☆ And of course when he inevitably does catch what you had he has the prettiest nurse to care to him. Or at least that's how he describes it.
☆ He's so oddly happy to take care of you while your sick. Like yeah he'd far prefer if you were in good health and spirits but he likes any scenario where he can tend to your physical, mental or emotional state.
☆ Lets you rest your head in his lap while he strokes the top of your head. You can apologize as much as you want for all of the snot and spit you accidentally drip onto his clothes during this time but he couldn't care less.
☆ "Your worry is valid, however if I'm going to be here with you until you recover I have plenty of time to wash my clothes.
☆ "Are you going to leave as soon as I get better?"
☆ His laugh is airy, "I have nowhere in particular that I need to be. If you're willing to have me I can stay for at least a few weeks."
☆ He reads every single haiku he's written to you to take your mind off the pain and when he runs out of those he starts telling you stories of his journey.
☆ "One day a young boy was stood along a stream, his head hung staring down at the water below. At long glance a troubled soul trying to discover some sort of mystery in the endless current of water. But at face value. A long rope and a boy long gone from this world."
☆ "How is that supposed to make me feel better?" You grumble clutching the pillow in your arms tightly
☆ "It's simply a distraction. For a moment your pain was disrupted by my story and it ceased to exist. While the story itself may or may not be true. Similarly when I began that story you believed I was telling it with the purest intent. That I was doing it to aid in your sleep. All is not as it seems, the story teaches."
☆ "I don't like that story."
☆ Even if his stories aren't the most sensitive he does still keep your space extremely clean and even tidies the rest of your house up as you sleep.
☆ You'll sometimes wake up alone but you always know Kazuha will be back if you call out to him. That's how he'd always been as it was.
☆ You're more than a little curious as to how he found out you'd fallen ill in the first place. He dodges the question.
☆ "Come now, aren't you just happy to have your favorite archon tending to you regardless?"
☆ "You could just tell me ya know. I'm not exactly in a judgmental mood."
☆ Stops you every single time you try to get up.
☆ "And just where is my patient going?" He places both hands on his hips.
☆ "I need my medicine, Venti."
☆ "That's what I'm here for. Your personal caretaker is at your service." He gestures for you to lay back down and refuses to leave until you're fully beneath the blankets.
☆ "Halt!"
☆ "Halt??" You nearly snort
☆ "Where are you going now?"
☆ "I have to pee, Venti!"
☆ His cheeks bloom a tiny pink, "Oh, ahem carry on then.." He chuckles
☆ He literally never leaves your house. Taking advantage of the fact that he's a God and can't fall ill as often as possible. Just crawling in beside you in your bed.
☆ "Even if you can't get sick, do you really want me sneezing and coughing in your face?"
☆ "Don't worry, I'm far away enough that if you wake up in a coughing frenzy it won't even touch me."
☆ He was in fact not far away enough.
☆ You find yourself getting more and more accustomed to rising and falling asleep to the sound of his voice. His songs so sweet, they end up helping you sleep deeper than you ever had before.
☆ "So, what kind of payment am I looking at? You know to thank my favorite archon for clearing his busy schedule just to tend to one of his mere disciples."
☆ "Aw don't put it like that. I would've done it for free. We are friends after all."
☆ "Did I hear would've?"
☆ "Well since you mentioned it there's only one thing I want. Let's get a drink together. You know when you're fully recovered."
☆ "Sure. It's a date."
☆ Everything he makes you is disgustingly bitter and he forces you to drink every single drop too. (We don't waste food here).
☆ "If you wanted a babysitter you should've called someone else. I'm just here to make sure you don't die."
☆ Surprisingly well meaning in everything he does. Gets you an extra blanket when you ask and even stays while you sleep. Clearing up your mess of tissues and washing all your dishes.
☆ He makes himself feel better after being so helpful all day though: "You look worse every time I come back over here." His grin shitty.
☆ "Funny, cause I've noticed you look better when I'm bleary eyed."
☆ You're not sure what you're expecting after that but his snarky huff as he leaves the room doesn't give you much confidence that he isn't planning to suffocate you with a pillow next time you doze off.
☆ "You know, you're gonna make someone a really cute house wife someday." You remark as he grabs your nth bowl of finished soup for the day.
☆ "Shut it." He grunts though before he can fully swivel around you see a dust of pink graze his cheeks.
☆ You wake up at one point to a cute plushie in your arms. The stiching so neat and the fabric of its hair and clothes so soft. As you turn it over more and more you start to notice the similarities between it and your dear caretaker.
☆"Why are you staring at him so hard?"
☆ You gasp, "Wait, he's yours?! You made a doll that looks like you??"
☆ "Don't act so shocked, I have things I care about like everyone else."
☆ "He's so cute!" You snuggle tiny Wanderer closer feeling infinitely better just being able to touch something so precious to someone you cared about so deeply. "But why give him to me?"
☆ "Because, when you get better and tell this story again. No one's ever going to believe you about the doll."
☆ You stare at him blankly, eyes growing wider. That dark smirk forming on his face as he stared back in pure amusement. "KUNI, YOU JERK!"
☆ He can't even begin to understand why you can't do anything for yourself.
☆ "Mortals can be so weak." He grunts when you explained your sickness.
☆ All you'd asked of him was if he could pick up your medication from Bubu Pharmacy on his way back from his daily patrol.
☆ He'd done it, easy but he still didn't leave immediately. For the next three days he'd leave you during his normal patrol hours then return at different times everyday.
☆ "How long do Mortals normally stay ill?" He questioned
☆ "Depends on the mortal, some can catch a cold and be bed ridden for a couple weeks. Age factors in too."
☆ He'd grown quiet after that. You're not completely sure he understands.
☆ Grossly overestimates how weak you are. Maybe you're into that tho.
☆ You're eating soup? He takes the spoon away and blows on the food then feeds it to you. You're trying to get up to go to the bathroom? He rushes over to open the door then trots back to grab your arm and keep you steady.
☆ The first time you went into a coughing fit he stared at you wide eyed, hair raised and on edge for several minutes before you'd willed him into coming close again.
☆ The first time he'd laid his head on the bedspread beside you you'd shooed him off. "I don't want you to catch any of my germs, Xiao Xiao."
☆ He shakes his head, "You need not project concern onto me. I can't contract an illness from you."
☆ Overall it feels almost too comforting having Xiao around like this. It was the most you'd seen of him in some time. Maybe you'd have to get sick more often.
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fuzzystudios · 2 years
yk when I started reading toa I was kinda disappointed at the lack of power that apollo / lester had, bc pjo and hoo had their main characters be basically op, and this is literally a (former) god. apollo in tho made me cringe and reading his perspective was like looking at pills in an orange prescription bottle. but he was the whiny teenager that felt like an out-of-depth teenager more than the actually lived for years-in-teen-numbers, because they were more heroes and soldiers than teens, like they were supposed to be. he is simultaneously whiny child and responsible adult.
the moment I really latched onto him was when he basically dropped everything and tried to dive into the forest to go save his kids. bro wasn’t actually a selfish idiot like he kept making himself look like. bro was an emotionally constipated loving loser (affectionate) and loveable. he would risk the wrath of styx to save these kids. positively skrunkly
oh and his power! look guys the former protagonists always had some power to back them up, some good strength. this guy? first not demigod protagonist and he goes from straight up zero to launching a guy to the clouds with his bare hands. and tfw he uses his voiceTM. BEGONE SNAKE! and he acts so pathetic lol and if you look through whatever sunglasses he’s wearing and you look at the things from 3rd person pov dude what is he doing. he just flew off a road driving a car, and puts himself in front of the gremlin child to face one of those creepy zombie things that scream FOOD!!. bro straight up stabbed himself. bro sings the most heart wrenching song that even giant ants that don’t even understand what he’s saying get the point to the extent that they go catatonic with depression.
and holy cheez-its what kind of pain tolerance does this guy have?? dude??? you fell from the literal sky above the Empire State Building which like literal greek heaven (ouch) straight into a dumpster and then gets beat into unconsciousness by a pair of thugs under Nero like??? and with broken ribs, injured nose, hurt shoulder, etc. he walks up the stairs, runs through the woods insane. dude is literally insane. he gets flayed alive, forgets his other half, trapped in place by molten chains all at once and still trying trying to walk wth like this guy’s pain tolerance is beyond ouranos. idk how he does it I can’t even tolerate a hot summer day.
bro gives advice to a lost gremlin child who betrayed him anyway, helps her defeat her abuser the way he never could. and he grew, like everyone around him, to something better, something hopeful. “you’ve changed” heck yeah!! we love to see it
and humor?? like random mentions of things no one else in pjo would give you like playing the zither at 2am, godly toilet seat, ares roundhouse kick, waking up in Argentina. I love that they’re so offhand but they’re so funny and random
the haiku. they’re hilarious, works of art.
the characters. Chiron. Chiara. Damien. Austin. Kayla. Cecil. will. nico. Rachel. Lavinia. emmie. Josephine. heck even Commodus. lityerses. Abelard. Diana. frank. Jason. piper. the trogs. lu. reyna omg. meg. aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA I love them so much! just how they fit in with his own journey of self and how they grow with him, like a garden, like an orchestra building its crescendo together, in unity. little things like reading frank’s admiration of apollo first in hoo, and now we get apollo’s side of it, and he’s so cute. Reyna’s whole journey of “finding the one who will heal her heart”. (gods I loved that thank you rick.) and will’s “dad!” and making apollo literally weep and meg: “the beast is dead. I killed it.” and taps her head and I'm just so proud of them.
“YOU ARE NO GOD!” he isn’t the same god who fell to earth in the winter. he likely won’t be ever the same ever again. ‘cause he’s gonna work to being better. he’s saving the world, but he’s also having a journey of his own self, rediscovering himself, building onto himself like everyone else, they’re all gonna be a better version of themselves.
k one problem: not enough content. I am starved for content. please feed pet. ty
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slayingfiction · 2 years
What would your advice for just-starting-out young authors be?
I love new writers! I’ve never known a better way to escape my reality and live a thousand different lives.
I started writing when I was young, maybe 12 or 13 years old. I am now 25, and very much consider myself to be a child, but still, in my 10+ years of personal writing and classes, here are some of the best tips I can give anyone who is new to writing, regardless of age.
Read. Read. Read. Then read some more. The easiest and fastest way to learn how to write is by reading and studying how other people have written their stories. Study their balance of dialogue vs description vs action. Study the words they use and what they’re choosing to describe. Study the scenes that make you feel something, or pull you to the story even more, and dissect it until you understand how to do it.
Daydream. At night, in the morning, before and after school, during school, during work. When people are trying to talk to you, just daydream. Image worlds with populated moons. Imagine worlds with multiple human-like species all living in the same area. Image a boy who goes home and cries to his adoptive vampire parents, and girls who practices knife throwing every night to prepare for the apocalypse that no one sees coming. Dream of everything and anything because that’s how you keep and improve your creativity. Eventually you may even write something with it.
Write for yourself. Always start by writing what you enjoy, and love your characters and your stories. Everything about your first draft should be because you love the story, not what other people like. You will never please everyone, so start with yourself, and build a community with the ones who love your story as much as you do.
Do it on your own timeline. If you want to write a book in a month, edit the next and publish right after, do it. If you want to write the first five chapters of 8 books without finishing, do it. If, like me, you want to write your first novel at 18 years old, and 7 years later still not feel ready to publish, that’s ok! You are not falling behind anyone else, you are exactly where you should be on your own path.
Practice. Your writing will improve with practice, that’s how it works, it’s how it always works. No way to skip right to publishing a first draft and becoming famous for it. Practice and just keep writing, you will improve.
Challenge yourself. While you may love fantasy or romance, or maybe all your story ideas are too big for only one book and they all end up being series’, you need to try new things. Write a mystery short story. Write poetry on how you feel. Write one page on how you could survive a zombie apocalypse as long as you have your coffee in the morning, it doesn’t matter, just try new things. Trying new things is how I wrote this haiku: Take a deep inhale, Breathe fresh air into my lungs, I savorfreedom. Is it the greatest haiku ever? No, but it makes me happy, and reminds me that I can write, good or bad, and still be proud of myself.
Keep all your projects. Good or bad. Look back on them years later and think, yeah that was terrible, at least I’m better now. Or maybe think, this wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. It’s a progressive journey. You can take your time. DONT EVER SHAME YOUR YOUNGER SELF FOR THEIR WORK. THEY TRIED THEIR HARDEST AND WROTE AS BEST THEY COULD. WE ARE PROUD OF OURSELVES, NOT EMBARRASSED OR SHAMED. Whether the work is from years ago or days go. Be kind to yourself, no one else owes you that.
Compare. Compare to popular novels, compare to your friends stories or to people online. Compare and see if your character are developed enough, or if your story makes sense, or if it’s relatable. When comparing however, keep in mind that your written style will be different than all others writers. Your first novel will not be the same as an author’s 10th book that just went viral on TikTok. It takes practice and time. Compare for style, technique, structure and plot. Not for popularity, worth, importance, and don’t feel down thinking that someone writing at a higher grade level makes them better, it doesn’t.
Share your work. If you are embarrassed, use a pen name. That’s perfectly fine. Put your work out there and get feedback. Having one person saying your story is (negative criticism here) is going to happen, don’t freak out. It doesn’t mean your story is flawed and should be tossed. If most people are saying that, then maybe it’s time to revisit the story and plot. Getting feedback from people reading your story is important, you want to ask specific questions so you don’t get generic answers. Get real reviews from real people, the mean voice in your head doesn’t get a say.
Learn the difference between perfect and done. I know, I know. Perfectionists around the world just scoffed and thought ‘I would if I could’. Here’s the thing, it’ll never be perfect. A word won’t be right, you can’t find the right way to convey an emotion, your choice of vocabulary isn’t up to your standards, I get it. You want your work to be absolute perfection so that everyone loves it and no one can say a bad thing about it, but it doesn’t work that way. Instead make it to ‘complete’, then nitpick some details, then it’s done. Done is good, it’s where you want to be.
Self-publishing? Pay for a professional editor and a graphic designer. It makes a difference, I promise.
There’s lots of others, but I would say as a writer-starter-pack, these should get you started, then you will learn lessons all on your own, or find them as you’re writing later on. Truly, just have fun, and the rest will come with time.
Happy Writing!
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anti-spop · 27 days
@they-call-me-haiku asked: [hyperlink] this post is so funny because 1. they say “even tv tropes” as if tv tropes is the jesus of all media or something. tv tropes just lists out various tropes found in a movie or tv show, that’s it. 2. op completely ignores the fact that catra still gaslights adora and slaps her when she goes into a panic attack. so even in a “perfect world” where shadow weaver treats catra nicely and loves her, catra is STILL abusive towards adora. doesn’t that defeat the entire point of her character? if shadow weaver wasn’t abusive towards catra in this reality, where did she get her abusive tendencies from? i know that she already had bits of her memory and knew that adora was trying to get out of the portal reality, but if they really wanted to show a contrast between abused catra and catra who grew up with a mother who loved her, they could have shown catra being more gentle with adora, maybe coming clean about what happened and trying to convince adora that the portal reality is better, instead of being like “you’re crazy and you’re just imagining things”. in what world is that catra being supportive of adora? c//a stans continue to ignore canon so they can keep shipping their abusive trashfire of a ship. (not to mention, this entire conflict shows that shadow weaver was indeed catra’s and adora’s adoptive mother but we’re the crazy ones when we point that out)
First, I hope you don't mind answering your ask this way, I couldn't fit it into one screenshot. Second, the post won't show up to me, for some reason. Idk if OP blocked me and/or if I blocked them... When I open the link it just says it doesn't exist. But I guess I can imagine the nature of the post judging by your observations.
You brought up a crucial point: "(...) catra still gaslights adora and slaps her when she goes into a panic attack. so even in a “perfect world” where shadow weaver treats catra nicely and loves her, catra is STILL abusive towards adora. doesn’t that defeat the entire point of her character?" So yeah, it's odd that despite everything, Catra is not any more gentle towards Adora in the Portal reality. If she were, I'd understand C//A stans arguing that Catra and Adora didn't have a hostile relationship before they turned enemies, or if Shadow Weaver loved them healthily. But the s3 finale shows us otherwise. Even with Shadow Weaver's affection, Catra is still cruel towards Adora.
And the thing is, she didn't have to be, if the show always intended for Catra and Adora to get together and/or for Catra to be redeemed. But she just goes way too far, so her redemption feels unnatural and cheap.
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falled-over · 3 months
i only connect with contemporary poets, the old ones dont talk like i do so i cant see what it is they want to say and when they do say something i can hear i get scared and want to scamper back to the contemporaries, i want to hear someone speak whos seen a submarine squashed to bits and boat stuck in a canal and a car shot into space and knows all about the terrible man that did it and the other terrible man who shot himself into space while all his little minions writhed about on the earths surface below him and maybe they've watched that film about cars and sex no not that one the french one that i like better and maybe they've read that haiku by Masaoka Shiki about how the trains smoke curls around the leaves and can agree with everyone that it was interesting how mundane and modern that was and isnt that lovely and isn't it funny how analogue that seems now, how much closer to nature, when it was so brand new at the time and there are so many things to think about now that i have only had time to list all the ways there are to get around the world without touching any of it and i haven't even had time to mentioned planes and how they tend to crash and burn and someone who wrote a poem all the way back then is too far away in time to get to me now but still they want to talk to me and they've gotten all the way here without stepping foot onto any of that and there's no vehicle that can travel that far without catastrophic failure. i've listed them all.
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an unhinged (and unofficial) dissertation on the pjo fandom
so i don't usually post anything that isn't my-works-related, but i had a...mildly heated discussion with a fellow film student tonight about the pjo show and it's got me thinking. bear with me, we'll be here awhile.
as we all know, the first season of pjo has ended. i've stayed relatively OFF tumblr and other social media during this time, but i know there are a lot of OG fans who are (in their words) "massively disappointed" in the show. most of the complaints i've heard have been during in person conversations though, so this post is mostly going to be referencing real complaints i've heard.
i've been a part of this fandom since i was thirteen. that's nearly eight fucking years of my life that i've devoted to the pjo universe. i have written and consumed YEARS' worth of fanfiction, i have read and reread every book so many times i can quote them forwards and backwards, and i went to the bookstore every single year on the new books' release dates to pick up my copies in-person. this fandom, these characters and this world have brought so much joy to my life, and i don't think i could ever fully articulate that in words. when i think of this series, i genuinely feel nothing but happiness.
but a few years ago—around the time i started college—i started distancing myself from the fandom for one glaring reason. this fandom can be such an...angry place? like, genuinely, i don't know how far it goes back—maybe all the way to the release of HoA, honestly—but i wasn't here pre-HoA, so all i know is that i very much remember how much people hated ToA when it came out.
here i was, having the TIME of my life with apollo and his silly little haikus, and people are going to war over how the series' writing quality has gone to shit and how everything was better before, blah, blah, blah. IN SPITE of everything that series gave us—discussion of the repercussions of child abuse and ptsd, representation of lgbtqa+ characters, and deep psychological messages that really teach young readers, i think, how to better understand themselves and their emotions and deal with them in healthy ways. and it just wasn't fun to be in a fandom where, as soon as you go "hey, did you read the new book?" they scoff and roll their eyes and only want to talk about how terrible it is. (i also missed all the discourse on the sun and the star when it came out—PHENOMENAL read, btw—but i've read some things that lead me to believe that it wasn't well received either, in spite of how lovely it was.)
so...it's dramatic to say i "left" the fandom, but i certainly withdrew from it. deleted my pjo ao3 and tumblr, started over with a different fandom. but the love has always been there, and the show starting really helped spark it fully back to life.
but now, the same thing is happening again, i'm noticing. remember back in the day, when we only had the shitty fucking movies, and we were like "man, ANYTHING would be better than this garbage. literally just give us actors who are the right age and we'll be happy." well, now we have PHENOMENAL kid actors who genuinely are having a good time playing our beloved characters, and instead of supporting them, we're STILL complaining about them not being "portrayed correctly"?
i've talked to so many people who complain that percy is "too smart," which is kind of a bullshit insult to percy's canon character. in the books (at least the first five) we're seeing things ONLY from percy's pov. he's a kid who's struggled with learning disabilities and been told he's an idiot all his life by everyone except his mom—but as others have pointed out way more eloquently than i could, percy is a very intelligent and powerful individual while maintaining his goofy fun personality, which is WHY so many people love him so much. he's complex, and i think they managed to capture that really well in the show even amidst all the changes.
don't get me started on the fucking racism towards leah sava jeffries—i'm honest to gods ashamed that there are racists who call themselves pjo fans. she is so talented, and everything we ever could have hoped for in an on-screen annabeth. ALL of the kids are—there's literally no argument to be had there.
and then, if people aren't complaining about the casting, it's the series' writing. or there's too much exposition. rick is changing too many things. the directors don't know what they're doing. it's not a TRUE book adaptation. (someone said that to me, and i genuinely laughed because i thought they were joking. when the MOVIES exist, they wanted to make that comment about the show.)
are there some things i would change about the show, given the opportunity? god, yes. the set design for the underworld was horrendous. (in my opinion, of course.) but here's the thing. i have spent eight years of my life waiting for this show to happen, and in that time, i've learned a lot about how much goes into successfully producing such a complex series. how much money and time is spent, and how many people have to be on board to make it happen. it's genuinely kind of miraculous that we're even getting this show at all, considering all the ways it could have failed before it even made it out of pre-production.
and i think we, as fans, sometimes forget that we aren't owed this. we don't own the percy jackson franchise. it makes me so sick and tired when authors or artists in any capacity feel like they have to cater their works to the masses, because they know they'll get thrown into the fucking fire if they don't. rick and becky riordan didn't have to got to the trouble of producing this show for us. they chose to—everyone involved chose to—because they wanted to make something fun and enjoyable not only for the fans, but everyone who chose to be a part of it.
do you know how insane it is that, when you read pretty much any interview of pjo bts, everyone talks about how fun the production was? i've been on film sets. they can be ABSOLUTELY miserable when they're not done right. but eight months into production, the kids were still laughing and having a good time, everyone's still giving 100%, they're excited, it's fun. walker was willing to go into a diving tank for a full fucking day in order to get one scene—i know i would never have that kind of dedication, and i bet 99% of you wouldn't either.
i know this has gotten really long-winded, but i've said all of that to say that...i'm kind of tired of fans trying to bring down the show, and more than that, trying to bring down each other for having a good time. as i've said before (many times, i'm sure), i waited eight years for this, and i have had SUCH a fun time watching it. assuming we get a season 2 renewal, there are going to be even more new fans coming in than we've already gotten from season 1, and i want this fandom to be a fun and positive place for them. for all of us. we don't have to miserable and angry all time. we can critique the show, sure—it's not perfect, and it was never going to be—but we have to remember that television is an art form, and that art is subjective even when it involves our favorite characters. and we can accept that and still have a good time, because it's just more fun to have fun, you know?
this fandom has always had so much potential to be the BIGGEST, most supportive and kind and loving fandom. with how much representation this series has, with how much content we've been given, with the SHEER massive number of us...i've always thought we could be a really, really great community. maybe it's impossible to hope that we could be the best fandom on earth, but if nothing else...could we all try to just be a little bit kinder? genuinely, as cheesy as it may sound...it's just nicer when we're nice to each other. and when there's so many real things in the world to be mad about...i would much rather this be a place where we can come to at the end of a long day and just...feel at home. personally, i just think that would be really, really nice.
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cvlutos · 1 year
“To You”
| Repost: 03.06.2022 | 0.5K | PG |
Riddle Rosehearts X GN!Reader
| Characters 18+ | Fluff | Poems | Confessions | Etc | Proceed with Caution, Dearest.
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My Dearest Rose,
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:”
The beginning of a poem that we learned in my English studies class, by the poet Shakespeare. I am familiar with his genius, yet I do fully not understand the purpose of poems or any literature that forms from creativity. My mother believes that they’re useless, irrelevant, for those who have not the knowledge to form more important works. Who lacks the ability to write articles, journals, facts over feelings? And I, for the longest, agreed with her. What do fictional stories, poems, haikus, and what purpose do they serve? They’re not like math, nor science. They’re fake, turn those away from a better and more important career and future.
“Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:”
Yet, when you feel something so strong. Something that takes the air from your lungs, that leaves your mind jumbled and confused. That has you second guessing every thought and feeling. That feels you with something that rivals the sun. Something that articles, journals, and facts over feelings can’t explain. Until you read a poem--
“Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his golden complexion dimm’d;”
That explains everything. That understands the shaking of my limbs when I am around you. That explains the cause of my beating heart, that seems to squeeze and constrict upon seeing you. Every nerve feels a lit, as if I was within the burning fireplace, and not gazing upon it with a cup of tea. As if every book, every word, spells out every letter of your name, everything that I could possibly love.
“And every fair and fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d;”
They are life. They explain the human mind, the feelings, emotions, wants and desires, the haves and have-nots. They make this burning love understandable. As if I am losing my mind, going mad from wanting you and not having you. (As ill-intentioned as that sounds, I mean that in not a harmful nor forceful way.)
“But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;”
As if stand lost within an ever-changing rose maze, as if my world seems to be within constant rotation, you make the world still, your hands even if nonexistent pull me—guide me towards the exit. You plant my feet to the solid ground, yet my mind seems alive with daydreams.
“Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:”
With hope. Words that explain my longing, my frustrations, my desire to be perfect within your eyes, my everything—it forms poems. Elegantly written stories that no matter how long I deny it, it shall not leave me. It cannot leave me. For as long as you exist, you bring life to me.
“So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited
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june-again · 11 months
KAZUHA: # enchanted.
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word count. 0.8k. genre. meet-cute!
song request by @milkstore: enchanted — taylor swift.
warnings. mentions of alcohol/drunkenness. (girl help why is beidou always drunk in my fics.)
✧ written for my event, tuned to the world’s sounds. submissions are still open! write a genshin fic based off of a song and it will be added to a masterpost after july 31!  ✧
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That night, Kazuha Kaedehara saved your life.
Festivals had never been your thing. Sitting on the edge of the gathering by the rail of the dock, you sipped a drink and nodded along to a storyteller who had unfortunately gained a portion of your otherwise unoccupied attention. The harbour was sparkling from the light of the lanterns floating over the water. You tried to enjoy them, but your mind continued to drift to how dull the occasion was. You were alone at Lantern Rite, again, and waiting for it to end, again.
Neither you nor anyone else at the celebration was prepared for the assault of multiple groups of treasure hoarders. 
Chaos broke out, people scrambling to escape and bandits preventing them from doing so. Only so many from the crowd had weapons to draw to fend off the attack. In the distance a group of sailors seemed to have nothing but their fists at the ready. A woman with a greatsword who you knew to be the Captain of the Crux was using her vision to destroy any treasure hoarders that dared to attack near her.
You, still by the rail of the dock, were quickly cornered. “Drop all your valuables at my feet!” the bandit shouted at you.
Before you had a chance to respond, a glowing silhouette intervened, striking the treasure hoarder with a blast of wind. Your drink was blown out of your hand and your hair out of its place. The figure caught your drink and handed it to you, perfectly unspilt, and smiled at you.
“Are you alright?”
Your jaw dropped. The stranger had long light hair pulled back into a ponytail with red streaks, flowing clothes of an Inazuman samurai, and the kindest eyes you had ever seen.
“Thanks, I’m… alright,” you said, looking at the drink that had been returned to your hand. “My drink…”
“Wouldn’t want it to spill, right?” He smiled. “Seems to be the only thing keeping you company over here.”
You tilted your head, a chuckle in your voice. “Well, yeah, now that you’ve beat up that treasure hoarder.”
The two of you glanced at the bandit, who was face down on the dock, groaning. Beyond him, it looked like the rest of the treasure hoarders had run off or been dealt with. The crew of the Crux sure knew how to hold their own.
“I can keep you better company, if it would please you,” the stranger told you. “My name is Kaedehara Kazuha. I am a wandering samurai from Inazuma, currently with the Crux Fleet.”
You told him your name. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He gave you a valiant bow.
“The pleasure is mine. O knight in shining armour,” you said, offering him a smile.
“Knight! I hope you do not know me firstly by my skills in combat. Here, I shall tell you a Haiku I was thinking of before the attack, and you may remember me by it.”
The poem Kazuha told begged your gaze to latch upon the lanterns above the Harbour. You found that you were seeing the golden lights differently now… as “flickering soul lights” dancing over the sea, “called by mourning wind.” It was sentimental but powerful. The occasion seemed to soak up meaning just by way of the words he uttered. Your heart was racing and your fingers were trembling with a strange elation; it was like a resurrection of your own soul.
You shared with him a smile that you hoped would communicate these feelings.
“Yo, Kazuha! Who’s caught your attention over there!” a female voice shouted, drowning out your shining thoughts.
He simply waved at Captain Beidou and turned back to you. But now you saw that the two of you were being approached by the Captain, whose greatsword was slung over her shoulder and whose steps were a bit blundered by her intoxication. You had nothing against the Captain but were feeling dread all the same.
You would have to force a smile for Captain Beidou, and return to your lonely misery. But you were not prepared to do so. You did not want to leave this spirited state that Kaedehara Kazuha had brought you to. 
“I’m sorry,” you told him, “I’ve got to go.” You opened your mouth to say something else, but caught sight of the approaching Captain in the corner of your eye. Without another word, you hurried off.
You did not hear how Captain Beidou asked Kazuha who you were. Nor did you see how brightly he smiled, watching you leave. You did not hear him say, “A bewitching soul,” nor Beidou reply, “Whatever that means, you little flirt.”
You were instead focused on the words still resting on your tongue, longing to be spoken: “It was enchanting to meet you.”
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please reblog if you enjoyed.
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Rescue Bots as Ducktales 2017
Kade: I’ve done nothing with my life! I’m a failure!
Dani: Aww, that never bothered you before.
Cody: Great party, can’t wait to tell my therapist about it when i’m older, BYEEEEEEEEE
Frankie: To the Naos! That’s greek for temple.
Cody: Okay, stop assuming i know things. Like, base line, assume i know nothing. 
Graham: Are you saying Kade would rather eat us than hot dogs?
Kade: I do hate hot dogs...
Cody: We’re.. okay?
Dani: Oh my gosh, no magic can kill me I’M THE CHOSEN ONE!
Graham: Please, not everything is a dark family secret!
Charlie: KIds, i’ve got a dark family secret.
Heatwave: Cody’s crashed so many times, i’m convined he may be immortal!
Cody: Do you know how many evil robots i have faced?! HAHAHAHAHA too many....
Chase, playing detective: Look what the Cat dragged in.
Dani: ... You asked me to come here???
Kade: Dad won’t even let me touch the toaster!
Dani: His life is like a Haiku!
Kade: Yeah, it’s fake garbage that structurally makes no sense, He’s obviously lying!
Graham: You know who my best friend is?
Kade: Me!
Graham: Sleep.
Kade: (offended gasp)
Dani: Sure, i’m not the best at cooking, or age appropriate stories, or child endangerment,  BUT NOBODY’S PERFECT!
Cody: Talking animals wearing clothes!
Kade: Oh no, did we die? are we in cody heaven?
Cody: He tried to kidnap me, so i trapped him in an improvised ball pit snare trap.
Frankie: Alright!
Dani: Make our markes on the world!
Kade: Not have to answer to anyone!
Cody: Be horribly alone.
Graham: I’m still not counting out a Methane Gas Leak.
Cody: You... realize there’s a difference between quitting and dying, right?
Dani: Not to me.
Kade: Heatwave, who’s side are you on?!
Heatwave: Oh, neither, this is just way more entertaining to me than that movie.
Woodrow: Just because it’s a myth dosen’t mean it’s not true!
Graham: Well, actutally....
Woodrow: That’s what they want you to think!
Charlie: Who is “they”?
Woodrow: Exactly...
Charlie: ... what?
Graham: Are we supposed to examine every rock in this tunnel?! ... actually, that sounds pretty fun- WAIT THAT’S NOT THE POINT
Dani: If i’m gonna be sacrifed, i wanna do it right!
Heatwave: Most kids wouldn’t get this excited over impending doom. Kade usually just cries.
Doctor Morocco: STOP LAUGHING! I’ve wasted an entire reel of film, and you’re not even in frame!
Frankie: Do you think i put glitter on my top secret notebooks just because it’s pretty?
Cody: (sheepishly nods with glitter covered hands)
Frankie: Well, sure, it’s a perk, but-
Charlie: I’ll be in my office if you need me. please don’t need me.
Graham: oooooooh, do i spy some Shale?
Dani: how is that better than subway monsters?
Kade: I’ll try to listen to you next time, and not, y’know, pull a kade.
Heatwave: Seriously, that’s a thing now?
Kade: It’s all about branding.
Blades: It’s a cautionary tale on Mole Monsters! And everyone could use a lesson on chainsaw saftey!
Cody: This appears in like all of my dreams. i’m cradeling a moon made of my own tears???? who knows what that’s about.
Frankie: ... i have some theories.
Chase: I’m afraid that dosen’t belong to you, Evan and Miles!
Miles: I’m afraid i don’t care!
Frankie: Then i shall keep your secret, for i believe in science. but i also belive... IN LOOOOVVVEE!!!
Charlie: Where’s kade?
Dani: Sleeping.
Graham: Who’s kade?
Dani: (slowly looks over at graham)
(charlie runs off)
Dani: ... WHO’S KADE?!
Graham: Do you need me to get a briefcase?! ‘Cause i can go get one, and become the vice president of being Chill! ‘Cause i’m chill!!! I’m straight chilling!!! LIKE A VILLAIN, EVEN!!!! (manic laughter)
Kade: Oh no graham’s broken...
Woodrow: I guess you could say i’m well versed in the custodial sciences, hehe...
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